Canons of Professional Ethichs
Canons of Professional Ethichs
Canons of Professional Ethichs
It is unprofessional to
represent conflicting interests,
except by express consent of
all concerned given after a full
disclosure of the facts. Within
the meaning of this canon, a
lawyer represents conflicting
interests when, in behalf of
one client, it is his duty to
contend for that which duty to
another client requires him to
oppose. chanrobles virtual la w library
In fixing fees, it should not be
forgotten that the profession
is a branch of the
administration of justice and
not a mere money-getting
trade. chanrobles virtual law library
It is unprofessional and
dishonorable to deal other
than candidly with the facts in
taking the statements of
witnesses, in drawing
affidavits and other
documents, and in the
presentation of causes. chanrobles virtual law library
In the formation of
partnerships for the practice of
law no person should be
admitted or held out as
practitioner or member who is
not a member of the legal
profession duly authorized to
practice, and amenable to
professional discipline. In the
selection and use of a firm
name, no false, misleading,
assumed or trade name should
be used. The continued use of
the name of a deceased or
former partner, when
permissible by local custom, is
not unethical, but care should
be taken that no imposition or
deception is practiced through
this use. When a member of
the firm, on becoming a judge,
is precluded from practicing
law, his name should not be
continued in the firm name. chanrobles virtual la w library
38. Compensation,
commissions and rebates
A lawyer should accept no
compensation, commissions,
rebates or other advantages
from others without the
knowledge and consent of his
client after full disclosure. chanrobles virtual la w library
39. Witness
A lawyer may properly
interview any witness or
prospective witness for the
opposing side in any civil or
criminal action without the
consent of opposing counsel or
party. In doing so, however,
he should scrupulously avoid
any suggestion calculated to
induce the witness to suppress
or deviate from the truth, or in
any degree to affect his free
and untrammeled conduct
when appearing at the trial or
on the witness stand. chan chanrobles virtual law library
41. Discovery of imposition
and deception chan robles
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When a lawyer discovers that
some fraud or deception has
been practiced, which was
unjustly imposed upon the
court or party, he should
endeavor to rectify it; at first
by advising his client, and
should endeavor to rectify it;
at first by advising his client,
and if his client refuses to
forego the advantage thus
unjustly gained, he should
promptly inform the injured
person or his counsel, so that
they may take appropriate
steps.chanrobles virtual la w library
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