Microwave Huawei

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Pengantar :

# this course is developed to meet the requirement of huawei optical network

RTN microwave pproducts
# this course informs engineers of the basics on digital microwave
communications,which will pave the way for learning the RTN series microwave
products later

Panduan Belajar ;
#Microwave communication is developed on the basis of the electromagnetic
field theory .
therefore ,before learning this course ,you are supposed to have mastered the
following knowledge :
* Network communications technology basics
* electromagnetic field basic theory

Tujuan :
after this course , you will be able to explain ;
1. Concept and characteristics of digital microwave communications
2. Functions and principles of each component of digital microwave equipment
3. Common networking modes and application scenarios of digital microwave
4. Propagation principles of digital microwave communication and various types
of fading
5. Anti fading technologies
6. Procedure and key points in designing microwave transmission link

Konten ;
1. Digital Microwave Communication overview
2. Digital Microwave Communication equipment
3. Digital Microwave Networking and Application
4. Microwave propagation and anti fading technologies
5. Designing Microwave Transmission Links
@setelah gambar 2

Definisi Microwave :
1. Microwave is a kind of electromagnetic wave. in a broad sense ,the microwave
frequency range is from 300 MHz to 300 GHz . But In microwave communication ,
the frequency range is generally from 3 GHz to 30 GHz .
2. According to the characteristics of microwave propagation, microwave can be
considered as plane wave .
3. The plane wave has no electric field and magnetic field longitudinal
components along the propagation direction . The electric field and magnetic
field components are vertical to the propagation direction . therefore , it is called
transverse electromagnetic wave and TEM wave for short .

page 10 Concept of digital microwave communication :

Digital microwave communication is a way of transmitting digital information in
atmosphere through microwave or radio frequency (RF) .
1. Microwave communication refers to the communication that use microwave as
carrier .
2. Digital microwave communication refers to the microwave communication that
adopts the digital modulation .
3. The baseband signal is modulated to intermediate frequency (IF) first . Then
the intermediate frequency is converted into the microwave frequency .
4. the baseband signal can also be modulated directly to microwave frequency ,
but only phase shift keying (PSK) modulation method is applicable .
5. the electromagnetic field theory is the basis on which the microwave
communication theory is developed .

@gambar 4,5,6
page 14 digital microwave communication modulation (1) :
Digital baseband signal is the unmodulated digital signal . The baseband signal
cannot be directly transmitted over microwave radio channels and must be
converted into carrier signal for microwave transmission
@gambar 7

page 15 Digital Microwave Communication modulation (2) :

The following formula indicates a digital baseband signal being converted into a
digital frequency band signal .
@gambar 8

1. ASK : Amplitude Shift Keying . Using the digital baseband signal to change the
carrier amplitude (A). wc and phi remain unchanged
2. FSK : Frequency Shift Keying . Use the digital baseband signal to change the
carrier frequency (wc). A and phi remain unchanged.
3. PSK : Phase Shift Keying . use the digital baseband signal to change the carrier
phase (phi). Wc and A remain unchanged
4. QAM : Quadrature Amplitude Modulation. Use the digital baseband signal to
change the carrier phase(phi) and Amplitude (A) . Wc remains unchanged
@gambar 9

page 17 Microwave frame structure :

RFCOH is multiplexed into the SM-1 data and a block multiframd is formed. Each
multiframe has six rows and each row has 3564 bits. one multiframe is
composed of two basic frames . Each basic frame has 1776 bits . The remaining
12 bits are used for frame alignment
@gambar 10

Questions :
1. What is microwave ?
2. What is digital microwave communication ?
3. What are the frequently used digital microwave frequency bands ?
4. What concepts are involved in microwave frequency setting?
5. What are the frequently used modulation schemes ? Which are the most
frequently used modulation schemes ?

@gambar 11,12,13,14

page 24 Split Mount Microwave Equipment :

Unit Functions
1. Antenna - Focuses the RF signals transmitted by ODUs and increases the
signal gain
2. ODU - RF processing , conversion of IF/RF signals .
3. IF cable - transmitting of IF signal , management signal and power supply of
4. IDU - performs access .dispatch ,multiplex/demultiplex, and
modulation/demodulation for services .
@gambar 15
page Microwave Antenna (1) ;
Antennas are used to send and receive microwave signals. Parabolic antennas is
common type of microwave antennas. Microwave antenna diameters includes :
0,3m . 0,6m . 1,2m . 1,8m . 2m . 2,4m . 3m . 3,2m etc.
@gambar 16
@gambar 17
page 29 antenna adjustment 2 :
1. During antenna adjustment ,change the direction vertically or horizontally.
Meanwhile,use a multimeter to test the RSSI at the receiving end . Usually,the
voltage wave will be displayed as shown in the lower right corner. the peak point
of the voltage wave indicates the main lobe position in the vertical or horizontal
direction . Large-scope adjustment is unnecessary . Performs fine adjustment on
the antenna to the peak voltage point .
2. When antennas are poorly aligned,a small voltage may be detected in one
direction . In this case,perform coarse adjustment on the antennas as both
ends,so that the antennas are roughly aligned.
3. The antennas at both ends that are well aligned face a little bit upward.
though 1-2 dB is lost,reflection interference will be avoided .
@gambar 19
page 30 antenna adjustment 3 :
4. During antenna adjustment ,the two wrong adjustment cases are show here .
One antenna is aligned to another antenna through the side lobe . As a result,the
RSSI cannot meet the requirements.
@gambar 20
page 31 Split Mount Microwave equipment-Antenna (1) :
*Antena Gain
Definition - ratio of the input power of an isotropic antenna. Pio to the input
power of a parabolic antenna Pi when the electric field at a point is the same for
the isotropic antenna and the parabolic antenna.
Calculating formula of antenna gain : G= Pio/Pi = (phi x D/lamda)kuadrat x

* Half power angle

Usually ,the given antenna specifications contain the gain in the largest radiation
(main lobe) direction, denoted by dBi . The half-power point , or the -3 dB point is
the point which is deviated from the central line of the main lobe and where the
power is decreased by half . The angle between the two half-power points is
called the half-power angle .
Calculating formula of half-power angle :
@gambar 21 rumus

page 32 Split-Mount Microwave Equipment-Antenna (2)

1. Cross polarization discrimination
Suppression ratio of the antenna receiving hateropolarizing waves , usually
,larger than 30 dB.
XdB=10 lg Po/Px
Po : Receiving power of normal polarized wave
Px : Receiving power of abnormal polarized wave
2. Antenna protection ratio
Attenuation degree of the receiving capability in a direction of an antenna
compared with that in the main lobe direction . An antenna protection ratio of
180(derajat) is called front-to-back ratio .
@gambar 22
Page 34 Split-Mount Microwave Equipment-ODU(2)
1. Specification of transmitter
a. Working Frequency band
Generally,trunk radios use 6,7,and 8 GHz frequency bands , 11,13 GHz and
higher frequency bands are used in the access layer (e.g. BTS access)
b. Output power
the power at the output port of a transmitter. Generally ,the output power is 15
to 30 dBm.
c. Local frequency stability
If the working frequency of transmitter is unstable ,the demodulated effectived
signal ratio will be decreased and the bit error ratio will be increased . The value
of the local frequency stability is 3 to 10 ppm.
d. Transmit Frequency Spectrum Frame
The frequency spectrum of the transmitted signal must meet specified
requirements, to avoid occupying too much bandwidth and thus causing too
much unterference to adjacent channels. The limitations to frequency spectrum
is called transmit frequency spectrum frame .

page 36 Split-Mount Microwave Equipment-ODU

2. Specifications of receiver
a. Working frequency band
Receiver work together with transmitters . The receiving frequency on the local
station is the transmitting frequency of the same channel on the opposite
b. Local frequency stability
The same as that of transmittters : 3 to 10 ppm
c. Noise Figure
The noise figure of digital microwave receivers is 2,5 dB to 5 dB.
d. Passband
To effectively suppress interference and achieve the best transmission
quality,the passband and amplitude frequency characteristics should be properly
chosen. The receiver passband characteristics depend on the IF filter .
e. Selectivity
Ability of receiver of suppresing the various interference outside the passband ,
especially the interference from adjacent channels ,image interference and the
interference between transmitted and received signals
f. Automatic Gain Control (AGC) range
Automatic control of receiver gain . With this function ,input RF signals change
within a certain range and the IF signal level remains unchanges.
@gambar 23
Keterangan gambar :
* ODU specifications are related to radio frequencies. As one ODU cannot cover
an entire frequency band,usually,a frequency band will be divided into several
subband and each subband corresponds to one ODU.
* Different T/R spacing corresponds to different ODUs.
* Primary and non-primary stations have different ODUs .
@gambar 24,25,26

page 42 Digital Microwave Networking and Application (content 3)

@gambar 27
@gambar 28 Types od digital microwave stations
Ket gambar 28: Digital microwave stations are classified into pivotal stations,
add/drop relay stations,relay stations and terminal stations .
@gambar 29
page 46 Active Relay Station
a. Radio Frequency relay station
An active ,bi-directional radio repeater system without frequency shift . The RF
relay station directly amplifies the signal over radio frequency .
b.Regenerator relay station
A high-frequency repeater of high performance . The regenerator relay station is
used to extend the transmission distance of microwave communication systems,
or to deflect the transmission direction of the signal to avoid obstructions and
ensure the signal quality is not degraded. After complete regeneration and
amplification ,the received signal is forwarded.
@gambar 30

page 48 plane reflector passive relay station

- plane reflector passive relay station : A metal board which has smooth surface ,
proper effective area, proper angle and distance with the two communication
points. it is also a passive relay microwave station .
@gambar 31,32,33,34

page 52 Microwave propagation and anti-fading technologies (content 4)

4.1 Factors Affecting Electric Wave Propagation
4.2 Various Fading in Microwave Propagation
4.3 Anti-fading Technologies for Digital Microwave

Key Parameters in Microwave Propagation (1)

1. Fresnel Zone and Fresnel Zone Radius
Fresnel Zone : The sum of the distance from P to T and the distance from P to R
complies with the formula, TP+PR-TR= n x lamda/2 (n=1,2,3,...) . The elliptical
region encircled by the trail of P is called the fresnel zone .

Fresnel Zone radius : The vertical distance from P to the TR line in the fresnel
zone . the first fresnel zone radius is represented by F1 (n=1).
@gambar 35
@gambar 36 fresnel zone radius formula

*The first Fresnel Zone is the region where the microwave transmission energy is
the most concentrated . The obstruction in the Fresnel zone should be as little as
possible . With the increase of the Fresnel Zone serial numbers , the field
strength of the receiving point reduces as per arithmetic series .
@gambar 37

*Along the microwave propagation trail , the obstruction from buildings, trees,
and mountain peaks is sometimes inevitable . If the height of the obstacle enters
the first Fresnel zone,additional loss might be caused . As a result , the received
level is decreased and the transmission quality is affected . Clearance is used to
avoid the case described previously .
* the vertical distance from the obstacle to AB line segment is called the
clearance of the obstacle on the trail . For convenience , the vertical distance hc
from the obstacle to the ground surface is used to represent the clearance . In
practice ,the error is not big because the line segment AB is approximately
parallel to the ground surface . If the first Fresnel zone radius of the obstacle is
F1,then hc/F1 is the relative clearance .

4.1 Factors Affecting Electric Wave Propagation Terrain

*The reflected wave from the ground surface is the major factor that affects the
received level.
@gambar 38

* Smooth ground or water surface can reflect the part of the signal energy
transmitted by the antenna to the receiving antenna and cause interference to
the main wave (direct wave) . The vector sum of the reflected wave and main
wave increases or decreases the composite wave. As a result , the transmission
becomes unstable. Therefore,when doing microwave link design,avoid reflected
waves as much as possible. If reflection is inevitable , make use of the terrain
ups and downs to block the reflected waves.
* Different reflection conditions of different terrains have different effects on
electric wave propagation. Terrains are classified into the following four types :
- Type A : mountains (or cities with dense buildings)
- Type B : hills (gently wavy ground surface)
-Type C : plain
-Type D : large area water surface
* The reflection coefficient of mountains is the smallest , and thus the mountain
terrain is most suitable for microwave transmission. The hill terrain is less
suitable. When designing circuits, try to avoid smooth plane such as water
surface .

Factors Affecting Electric Wave Propagation-Atmosphere

a. Troposphere indicades the low altitude atmosphere within 10 km from the
ground. Microwave antennas will not be higher than troposphere , so the electric
wave propagation in aerosphere can be narrowed down to that in troposphere .
Main effects of troposphere on electric wave propagation are listed below :
- Absorption caused by gas resonance . This type of absorption can affect the
microwave at 12 GHz or higher .
- Absorption and scattering caused by rain,fog,and snow . This type of absorption
can affect the microwave at 10 GHz or higher .
- Refraction,absorption,reflection and scattering caused by inhomogeneity of
atmmosphere . Refraction is the most significant impact to the microwave
propagation .

4.2 Various Fading in microwave propagation

Fading in Microwave Propagation
Fading : Random variation of the received level . The variation is irregular and
the reasons for this are various.
@gambar 39
Free space transmission loss
@gambar 40
Absorption Fading
* Molecules of all substances are composed of charged particles . These particles
have their own electromagnetic resonant frequencies of these substances are
close to their resonance frequencies ,resonance absorption occurs to the
microwave .
* Statistic shows that absorption to the microwave frequency lower than 12 GHz
is smaller than 0,1 dB/km. Compared with free space loss, the absorption loss
can be ignored
@gambar 41

Rain Fading
* For frequencies lower than 10 GHz, rain loss can be ignored . Only a few db
may be added to a relay section.
* For frequencies higher than 10GHz , repeater spacing is mainly affected by rain
loss. For example , for the 13 GHz frequency or higher , 100 mm/h rainfall causes
a loss of 5 dB/km. Hence, for the 13 GHz and 15 GHz frequencies , the maximum
relay distance is about 10 km. For the 20 GHz frequency and higher , the relay
distance is limited in few kilometres due to rain loss.
* High frequency bands can be used for user-level transmission . The higher the
frequency band is, the more severe the rain fading .

K-Type Fading (1)

# Atmosphere refraction
- As a result of atmosphere refraction, the microwave propagation trail is bent .
It is considered that the electromagnetic wave is propagated along a straight line
above the earth with an equivalent earth radius of Re, Re= KR ( R : actual earth
radius ).
_ The average measured K value is about 4/3 . However , the K value of a
specific section is related to the meteorological phenomena of the section . The
K value may change within a comparatively large range . This can affect line-of-
sight propagation .
@gambar 42
# Microwave propagation
@gambar 43

#Equivalent earth radius

* In temperate zones, the refraction when the K value is 4/3 is regarded as the
standard refraction , where the atmosphere is the standard atmosphere and Re
which is 4R/3 is the standard equivalent earth radius .
@gambar 44

#Multipath Fading
* Multipath fading : Due to multipath propagation of refracted waves, reflected
waves , and scattered waves, multiple electric waves are received at the
receiving end . The composition of these electric waves will result in severe
interference fading .
* Reasons for multipath fading : reflections due to non-uniform atmosphere ,
water surface and smooth ground surface .
* Down fading : fading where the composite wave level is lower than the free
space received level . Up Fading : fading where the composite wave level is
higher than the free space received level.
_ Non-uniform atmosphere
_ Water surface
_ Smooth ground surface
@ gambar 45

page 68 multipath fading 2 :

* multipath fading is a type of interference fading caused by multipath
transmission . Multipath fading is caused by mutual interference between the
direct wave and reflected wave ( or diffracted wave on some conditions ) with
different phases .
* multipath fading grows more severe when the wave passes water surface or
smooth ground surface . Therefore , when designing the route , try to avoid
smooth water and ground surface . When these terrains are inevitable , use the
high and low antenna technologies to bring the reflection point closer to one end
so as to reduce the impact of the reflected wave , or use the high and low
antennas and space diversity technologies or the antennas that are against
reflected waves to overcome multipath fading .
* multipath fading-frequency selective fading
@gambar 46
* multipath fading - flat fading
@gambar 47
#Duct TYpe fading

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