Empirical Study Data
Empirical Study Data
Empirical Study Data
Table 2 The collected data associated with raw materials in the manufacturer.
Raw demjkt (0.95) demjkt (0.05) msh tjk sts tjk nsu t hoctjk shctjk aprjkt apd tjk lbr jkt hoe tjk per jkt mpr jkt
Period (t) jk
material (j) (103 kg) (103 kg) (103 kg) (m3) ($) ($) (%) (%) (%) (10-2 gr) (%) (kg)
PS 84.688 84.688 26.0 320 3 210 665 8 90 88 30.8 1.8 1000
SS 97.805 97.805 36.4 210 3 228 730 6 95 92 40.9 2 1250
PS 84.688 84.688 31.2 320 3 210 690 8 90 88 30.8 1.8 850
SS 97.805 97.805 33.1 210 3 210 745 6 95 92 40.9 2 1050
Table 4. Required space for holding a unit of raw material
Raw material (j) sph j (m3)
PS 0.00125
SS 0.001
Table 6. The collected data associated with raw materials in the manufacturer.
Period (t) pcakt (103 kg) cuxkt ($) labkt
1 61,575 27,653 38
2 45,250 21,580 26
At the beginning of the time horizon, there are no shortage and inventory, i.e. ILP 0jk ILPjk0 0 ; j , k .
In addition, los1 0.48 , var1 0.48 , 1.7 , 1 and act 2100 .