(Merrill Y. Van Wagoner) Spoken Arabic Saudi (Bookos - Org) Text

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Merrill Y. Van Wagoner

Arnold Satterthwait
Frank Rice

Spoken Language Services, Inc.

Spoken Language Services, Inc. 1977

ISBN 0-87950-410-2
L.C.No. 76-17389

Spoken Language Services, Inc.

P.O. Box 783
Ithaca, New York 14850
Introduction 7
Key to Pronunciation \\

Unit 1 Greetings and General Phrases 13

Personal Pronouns 17
Pronoun Endings -ak and -iy 17
Greetings lg
Requests and Favors 18

Unit 2 On the Job and Asking Directions 24

Masculine, Feminine and Plural Nouns ... 28
Stems and Subject Markers a- and 28
Commands 29
Pronoun Endings -ah -ha -hum and -niy ... 30
Variants of il-: ish- is- and zt- 30

Unit 3 An Interview 35
Stress 40
The Dual Ending -ayn 41
Variant of Feminine Nouns 41
Noun Phrases 42
The Remaining Subject Markers 42

Unit 4 In the Dining Hall 47

The Negatives maa and muw 51
Verb Phrases 51
Summary of Verb Forms dealing with Present or
Future 52
Adjectives 53

Unit 5 A New Employee 57

Commands and the Present-Future Verb Forms . 61
Verb Stems ending in -iy or -a 61
Pronoun Endings -na -kum and -ich 62
Pronoun Endings Summary 63
Variants of il-: iv- iz- id- and is- 64
4 Contents

Unit 6 In the Market 68
The Word haadha in Phrases 72
More About Noun Phrases 72
Negative Commands 73
Verb Forms dealing with the Past and the Subject

Marker ~t 73

Unit 7 Truck Breakdown and Car Trouble 78

Pronoun Endings after Words ending in -a -iy and -uw 83
Subject Markers -at and -uw with Past Verb Forms . 84
Verb Forms with Feminine Nouns 84
Verb Phrases Containing Past Verb Forms. . . 85

Unit 8 Laying a Pipe I 88

Past Stems 91
Past Subject Markers -turn -tiy -na 91

Subject Markers after Past Stems ending in -a . 92

Summary of Past Verb Forms 93
Noun-Adjective Phrases 94

Unit 9 Laying a Pipe II . ,


Stems and Stem Classes 101

Class I 101

Class II 103
Class III 104
Class IV 105

Class V 105

Unit 10 The Garage Ill

The Form -/- before Pronoun Endings . . . . 115

Pronoun Endings after Verb Forms ending in -a 115

Variants of iU\ in- ir- it- and ith- 116
Plural Endings -iyn and -aat 116

Unit 11 A New Houseboy 119

The Arabic Verb 122
Contents 5

Position of haadha in Phrases 122

Other Plurals of Nouns and Adjectives. ... 123
Telling Time 124

Unit 12 Seeing Dhahran 127

Verb Phrases with different Subject Markers. . 131
Pronoun Endings after {
ala 131
Arabic Roots 131

Numbers, Fractions, Number Adjectives 135

English- Arabic Vocabulary 141

Using Arabic in Training Saudi Employees .... 155
Fire Extinguisher Model Training Conversation *

This course was originally prepared by the linguists of Aramco's Train-

ing Department for use at the Foreign Service Training Center which was
first located at Riverhead, Long Island, and later moved to Sidon in Lebanon.
At this Center employees are given an introductory working knowledge of
the spoken Arabic of eastern Saudi Arabia. It has also been used extensively

for regular Arabic instruction in Dhahran, Ras Tanura, Abqaiq, and Hofuf
as well as for general informal self study. The course has been subjected
to the test of use, revised and improved over a period of several years. It is

being made generally available in this edition with Aramco's permission.

Although the text has for the most part been used in classroom instruc-

tion, it can also be used effectively for purposes of self study. The entire

content of the course has been recorded and is available as a set of five

cassettes. The text is keyed to the cassettes. Blank spaces are left on the
recordings for the learner to repeat what he has just heard. Thus the

possibility of speaking practice is provided even when native speakers of

Arabic are not at hand for this purpose.
The course consists of a key to pronunciation, twelve units, a list of
numbers, a list of verbs, and an English-Arabic vocabulary. Each of the
twelve units is divided into the following sections:
Basic Sentences recorded
Review recorded
Grammar Analysis
A ra b i c - En g1i sh Vo c a b u 1 a ry

Each page of the Basic Sentences is divided into two parallel columns.
Arabic words, phrases, and sentences are on the right side of each page
and their English equivalents are on the left. The Arabic represents

condensed conversations. A full sentence occurs first. This is followed by

the words and phrases which go to make it up. The parts of the sentence

or "breakdowns" are given to assist vocabulary building and to show how

the sentence fits together.
8 Introduction

The Arabic words and sentences in this book are written with letters
which are familiar to us. This spelling indicates the way Arabs say things.
It will help you to remember the words as they sound. This is not the way
the Arabs write their own language. Although the letters of our sound-
writing system are familiar to us, some of them represent sounds which
are new and strange to us. You will have to study the Key to Pronunciation
and listen carefully to the Basic Sentences in order to gain the ability to
associate sounds with their corresponding letters.

In the Grammar Analysis you will find comments on some of the

words and sentences you have already learned. The analysis is designed to
point out the basic patterns which recur in the language. First read the
examples in each section. Then read the comments that follow.

The Conversations are a set of cues or stage directions which provide

situations that can be acted out within the range of vocabulary that has
been acquired up to that point in the course. You should be sure that by

constant practice, speaking aloud, you can act out these situations. Since
they are arranged for the most part as dialogues it is more effective if two
people cooperate in acting them out and exchanging roles.

On the cassettes of the Basic Sentences you will hear first the English
equivalent of the Arabic utterance to follow, then the Arabic. This makes
it possible to concentrate on speaking practice without reference to the text.

Full Arabic sentences are given first, then the breakdowns, then the com-
plete sentences again. After each Arabic utterance there is always a blank
time-space sufficiently long for the listener to repeat the Arabic utterance
at the tempo set by the Arabic speaker of the records. The Reviews are
recordings of the full sentences in Arabic without English cues, and with
time allowed for repetition. The Numbers give a list of numbers, fractions
and the number-adjectives, again with time allowed for repetition.

The records should be used in the following manner. Listen to the

English and the Arabic. Then repeat the Arabic in the space for repetition.
Imitate the Arabic as exactly as you possibly can. Go through each unit
this way. Listen, repeat, mimic. When you have gone over the Basic
Sentences at least eight or ten times, read the Grammar Analysis of that
unit. Then go through the corresponding Review Record the same number
Introduction 9

of times. Finally, learn the numbers for the unit you are working on.
Over-learning at this stage is very important and the more completely
automatic responses you acquire, the easier and more rapid will your future
progress be. Don't wait to finish this text before you start using the
language in conversations. Try out your Arabic every chance you get. And
if your opportunities to talk Arabic aren't frequent enough to give you
good practice, you will have to go out of your way to make new opportunities.
Key to Pronunciation
C* 11 Arabic English Equivalent
Symbol Nearest English bound
a a in any, at, watt, about; janamt I understood
varying with different bass enough
words but always very short tanat underneath
jamb side

aa aa in bazaar haadha this


aaw ou in loud
i i
maaw copper
aay at in aisle maay water
aw ou in lout aw or

ay ay in say kayf how

b b in back baalak watch out
Cfl ch in check chazma pick

d m doll dagiyga minute
dh th m then haadha this

D jL*in
. 1 1
thus, but with tense
, * ,

aounn I think
tongue muscles

/ y in fin fiy in

g g m g guwlliy tell me
gh gargling sound coming Irom shughul work
the back ol the mouth
h h m hit nina here
H hoarse with tense throat uariyga nre
i i m kit jiddan very
iy i in machine triyd you want
j j in jet jiyb bring
k A; in kit kullish very
kh scraping sound coming from khudh take
the back of the mouth
I / in leap laa no
L / in loop, but with tense
tongue muscles ahha God
12 Key to Pronunciation

m m in man maa not

n n in nut na {
am yes
ow ow in blow shlown how
r trilled with tongue tip ruwu go
s s in seen suwg market
s s in sod, but with tense yisiyr he will be
tongue muscles
sh sh in sheen shuwf look
t t in tick tilmas you touch
T a t with tense tongue Tayyib good
th th in thin thalaatha three
u u in put bukra tomorrow
uw oo in boot shuwf look
w w in wet wayn where
y y in yet yisawwiy he does
z Z in zest zqyn good
catch in the throat before, is^alniy ask me
between, or after vowelsr raHys boss
masaa) evening
hoarse a with tense {
arabiy Arabic
throat muscles na {
am yes

Note: six of the Arabic consonants (ch 9 dh, gh, kh }

sh, and th) are
sented by two letters in this writing system.

Greetings and General Phrases

Cassette 1

Peace upon you. salaam {


And upon you peace. wa- alaykum is-salaam


Welcome, or Glad to see you. ahlan wa-sahlan.

How are you ? kayf naalak?

how kayf
condition uaal
your condition naalak
Praise God (I'm fine). al-uamdu lil-laah.

How are you? inta kayf naalak?

you (said to a man) inta

I'm fine. ana layyib.

I ana
fine or good or O. K. rayyib

How are you? intiy kayf naalich?

you (said to a woman) intiy

How are you-all ? intuw kayf uaalkum ?

you-all intuw

We are fine. iuna nayyibiyn,

we inna or ninna
fine or good or O. K. rayyibiyn

Please have a chair. tfawoal istariyn.

please (said to a man) tfawoal

please (said to a woman) tfaDvaliy

please (said to a group) tfaDDaluw

rest (said to a man) stariyn

rest (said to a woman) stariyniy

rest (said to a group) stariynuw

I thank you. (said to a man) ashkurak.

I thank you. (said to a woman) ashkurich.

I thank you-all. ashkurkum.

14 Greetings and General Phrases

You're welcome. mamnuwn. or ahlan wa-sahlan.

How are you? shlown sannatak?

how shlown
your health sannatak
I'm fine. sannatiy kullish rayyiba.

my health sannatiy

very kullish or waajid or jiddan

fine or good or O. K. Tayyiba

I'm well. ana zoyn.

good or well Zoyn

I'm not well. ana muw zayn.
not muw
We're not well, iuna muw zoyniyn.
good or well zayniyn

I'm not feeling well. sannatiy muw zoyna.

good or well Zoyna

I'm sorry. ana aasif.

May God give you health. a\A,a ya {


What do you say ? aysh tguwl?

what ay$h

you say tguwl

Repeat the word, please. {

uwd il-kalima, min JoDlak.
repeat (
word kalima

the word il-kalima

please min fanlak

Speak slowly, please, tkallam shway shway, min faulak.
speak (said to a man) tkallam

speak (said to a woman) tkallamiy

speak (said to a group) tkallamuw

slowly or carefully shway shway
Greetings and General Phrases 15

Did you understand? inta fahamt?

you or I understood fahamt
Yes, I understood. na am, ana fahamt.

yes na {
am or ay na {
am or ay

No, I didn't understand, laa, maa fahamt.

no laa

not maa
What's your name, please? aysh ismak, min fan I ah ?
name isim

your name ismak

My name is Sulayman. ismiy sulaymaan.

my name ismiy

I'm pleased to meet you. My ahlan wa-sahlan. ismiy jaan.

name is John.
I'm pleased to meet you ah lan wa-sahlan

I'm an American. ana amriykaaniy.

I'm pleased to meet you, John. ahlan wa-sahlan bi-jaan.

Who is this? minhuw haadha?

who is minhuw
this haadha
This is my friend. haadha sadiygiy.
friend sadiyg

my friend sadiygiy

His name is Hasan. ismah Hasan.

his name ismah

He's an Arab. huwwa {


he huwwa
Who is this? minhiy haadhiy?

who is minhiy

this haadhiy

This is my wife, haadhiy zowjatiy

wife Zowja
16 Greetings and General Phrases

my wife Zowjatiy
Her name is Selma. ismaka salma.
her name ismaha
She's an American. hiyya amriykaaniyya*

she hiyya

American amriykaaniyya
Who are these people? minhum haadhowl?
who are minhum
these haadhowl
These are company employees. haadhowl {
ummaal ish-sharika.

employees or workers {
company sharika

the ish-sharika

company employees {
ummaal ish-sharika

They are Arabs. hum {


they hum
Arabs {

Excuse me. (said to a man) saaminniy.

Excuse me. (said to a woman) saammyniy.
Excuse me. (said to a group) saamnuwniy.
I have to go to work. laazim aruwn ashtaghiL
necessary or must laazim
I go aruwH
I work ashtaghil

You are excused. masmuwu.

Good-bye. fiy amaan il-laah. or
ma (
a s-salaama.

I'll see you tomorrow. ashuwfak bukra.

I see ashuwf
I see you ashuwfak
tomorrow bukra

If God wills, or I hope so. inshaaiA.a.

Unit I Grammar Analysis 17

Grammar Analysis

Personal Pronouns

ana I

iuna we

inta you (said to a man)

intiy you (said to a woman)
intuw you-all (said to a group)

huwwa he
hiyya she
hum they

The eight words above are personal pronouns. This is the complete

set. Note that Arabic has three words for you.

Pronoun Endings -ak and -iy

sauna- t~ak health (of) you your health

ism-ak name (of) you your name

ashkur-ak I thank-you
ashuwf-ak I see-you

All the words above end in -ak. In Arabic the ending -ak means you
or ( f )y u your.
sauna-t-iy health (of) me my health
ism-iy name (of) me my name
sadiyg-iy friend (of) me my friend
The ending -iy means (of)me = my.

Endings like -ak and -iy are pronoun endings.

18 Unit I Grammar Analysis


salaam {
alajkum. Peace upon you.

wa- alaykum is-salaam.

And upon you peace.

aklan wa-saklan. Welcome, or Glad to see you.

The usual greeting in Saudi Arabia is salaam {

alaykum. You say this to
anyone, whether you know him personally or not. You always answer
this greeting with wa- alaykum is-salaam.
The person who is approach-
ing, or who is entering a room, always speaks first, even if he interrupts
a conversation.

The greeting ahlan wa-sahlan is very often equivalent to English hello.

A good time to use it is when you shake hands with a man.

Requests and Favors

min faulak please

tfauval please

The phrase min faolak is when you are making a request. For
example, you say min faulak when you ask someone for a cigarette.

The word tfavDal is used in granting a request, or in bestowing a favor.

For example, you say tfauual when you offer a person a cigarette.

The word is often about equivalent to English here it is or do have one.

In response to a knock on a door tfaDDal means come in.


These are outlines of conversations to be acted out in Arabic. Take

turns in pairs, one taking the A role and one the B role. The two
persons who are talking should stand up and act out their parts.
Each person should in turn act out the two roles. Appoint someone
in the group to prompt you if you are not sure of what comes next
in your part. Act out each conversation several times.
Conversations 19

A is sitting at his desk. B knocks at the door.

A asks B to come in. tfaDT>al.

B enters and greets A. salaam {


A rises and returns the greeting. wa- aiaykum is-salaam.


A shakes B's hand and asks how B is.

B says he's fine and asks how A is.

A says he's fine.

A and B continue to talk.

A asks B to have a chair.

B thanks him and sits down.
A says B is welcome, and sits down too.

A asks about B's health.

B says (a) he's fine, (b) he's not feeling well.

A replies appropriately.

A and B, who are strangers, meet and exchange greetings.

A asks B's name.

B tells A his name.
A says he is glad to meet B, and they shake hands.
A now tells B his name.
B says he is glad to meet A.

A wants to break off his conversation with B.

A asks B to excuse him, telling B he has to work.

B excuses A and says good-bye.

A says good-bye in return, and says he will see B tomorrow.

B says he hopes so.

A and B meet C, a friend of A.

A greets G.

G returns the greeting, and asks how A and B are.


A answers that they are fine, and asks how C is.

G says he is fine.

C asks A who B is.

A says that B is his friend, and tells C B's name.

C turns to B and says he is glad to meet him.
C tells B his name.
B says he is glad to meet G, and they shake hands.
C asks A and B to excuse him, he has to go to work.
A and B excuse him and they exchange good-byes.
New vocabulary items appearing for the first time in each unit are
given at the end of that unit. If you look for a word in the vocabulary
and don't find it, you know that it first appeared in some previous
unit. The Colloquial Vocabulary contains all the words in this book.

aasif sorry haadha this

ahlan wa-sahlan welcome or you haadhiy this

are welcome or haadhowl these
glad to see you
hiyya she
or I'm pleased
to meet you hum they

OLLa ya {
aafiyk May God give huwwa he
you good health
amriykaaniy American
uaal condition
amriykaaniyya American
ana I
naalak your condition
(said to a man)
aruwn I go
naalich your condition
ashkurak I thank you (said to a woman)
(said to a man)
uaalkum your condition
ashkurich I thank you (said
(said to a group)
to a woman)
Hasan Hasan (a man's
ashkurkum I thank you (said
to a group)
mnna we
ashtaghil I work
ashuwf I see
ay or ay na (
am yes inna we
aysh what il-uamdu Praise God

bukra tomorrow il-kalima the word

inshaaiA^a If God wills' or

fahamt you or I under- I hope so

stood inta you (said to a
amaan U4aah good-bye man)
/ y )

22 Vocabulary

intiy you (said to a wo- o tit*/ Lxt- y ttts fvm^f

CAL use XliC
r> /'coir!
man) to a worn an^l

intuw you (said to a s&amHuwniv pxciisp

UOU ttip
1JL\_, f^aiH
Io Ctlvi

group) to a PTOllD^

isim name s&l&oim L/ ex. \^ v_-

ismah his name salma oelma (a worn-

ismaha her name d-ii b ndnic
si&riyH rest (said to a
ismak your name
man 1

ismiy my name
stariymy rest (said to a
is-salaam the peace
ish-sharika the company
stariyuuw rest (said to a
jiddan very
sulaymaan S u 1 ay man (a
man's name)
kalima word
kqyf how
kullish very
mdiygiy my friend
laa no
laazim necessary or must
sauuatiy my health
or have to saanatak your health

maa not sharika company

mamnuwn you're welcome shlown how
masmuwH you're excused shway shway slowly or care-
ma {
a s-salaama good-bye fully

min fanlak please

minhuw who is tfaDT>al please (said to a
minhiy who is
minhum who are tfaDDaliy Dlease ( said to a
muw not
tfaDDaluw please (said to a
na {
am yes group)
tguwl you say
saammniy excuse me (said tkallam speak (said to a
to a man) man)
Vocabulary 23

tkallamiy speak (said to a zayn good or well

woman) zayna good or well
ikallamuw speak (said to a Zoyniyn good or well
zowja wife
zowjatiy my wife
Tayyib fine or good or
O.K. {
alaykum upon you
Tayyib a fine or good or
arab Arabs
arabiy Arab
rayyibiyn fine or good or
ummaal employees or
ummaal company em-
wa- and
ish-sharika ployees
waajid very (
uwd repeat
On the Job and Asking Directions

Do you want a cigarette? triyd sigaara?

you want
cigarette sigaara

No thanks, I don't smoke. laa, ashkurak, maa adakhkhin.

I smoke adakhkhin

I don't smoke maa adakhkhin

My matches are all gone. kabriytiy khallas.

matches kabriyt

my matches
are gone khallas

Do you have any matches?

indak kabriyt?

with you Hndak

Yes, I have. na am, Hndiy.


with me Hndiy

No, I haven't. laa, maa Hndiy.

What is the name of this ? aysh isim haadha?

the name of this isim haadha

This is called a key. haadha ismah miftaau.

its name ismah

key miftaau

This is called a hammer. haadhiy ismaha marraga.

itsname ismaha

hammer marraga

These are called tools. haadhowl ismahum saamaan.

their name ismahum

tools saamaan

What do you want? aysh triyd?

you want triyd

On The Job and Asking Directions 25

I want the hammer. ariyd il-maTraga.

I want ariyd

the hammer il-maTraga

Please go get the hammer, min faolak, ruwn jiyb il-maTraga.

go (said to a man) ruwu
go (said to a woman) ruwuiy
go (said to a group) ruwiiuw
bring (said to a man) jiyb

bring (said to a woman) jiybiy

bring (said to a group) jiybuw

There isn't any hammer here, maa fiyh marraga hina.

there is fiyh

there is not maa fiyh

here hina

Where is the hammer? wayn il-maTraga?

where wayn
I don't know. maa adriy.

I know adriy

Maybe it's under the car. yimkin taut is-sayyaara.

maybe yimkin

under tauat

car sayyaara

the car is-sayyaara

under the car taut is-sayyaara

Fine, here's the hammer. Tayyib, khudh il-maTraga.

take (said to a man) khudh

take (said to a woman) khudhiy

take (said to a group) khudhuw

Wait a minute, please. hbir dagiyga, min jaDlak.

wait isbir

minute dagiyga

Time's up. intaha l-wagt.

it has ended intaha

time wagt
the time il-wagt

26 On The Job and Asking Directions

Come on, let's go. yaiA^o,) khallna nruwn.

come on
let us khallna

we go nruwn

Cassette 1

Stand back from the car. wakhkhir min is-sayyaara.

stand back wakhkhir
from min
Watch out for the car. baalak min is-sayyaara.
watch out baalak

Be careful. intabih.

Run away, or Run for your life. ishrid.

Look up. shuwf fowgak.

look (said to a man) shuwf
look (said to a woman) shuwfiy
look (said to a group) shuwfuw
up or on or over fowg
above you fowgak
Look in front of you. shuwf giddaamak.
ahead or in front of giddaam
in front of you giddaamak
Look behind you. shuwf waraak.
behind or in back of wara
behind you waraak
This way. kidha.

Not this way. muw kidha.

That's enough. bass.

This is poisonous. haadha yisumm.

This is explosive. haadha yithuwr.
This is inflammable. haadha yishibb.
Kerosene. gaaz-

Gas. (natural)
Gasoline. banziyn.
On The Job and Asking Directions 27

Fire. uariyga.

Get the fire extinguisher. jiyb iT-Tqffaqya.

fire extinguisher Taffaaya
the fire extinguisher vv-Taffaaya.

This is very dangerous. haadha jiddan kharir.

dangerous kharir

Keep away. owgaf baHyd.

stop or stand owgaf
far or at a distance baHyd
Stop, don't touch the wire. owgaf] laa tilmas il-waayir.
you touch tilmas

don't touch laa tilmas.

Tell me, where's the market? guwlliy, voayn is-suwg?

tell guwl
tell to me guwlliy
market suwg
the market is-suwg
Here. hina. or hniy. *

There, or Over there. hinaak.

On your right, {
ala yamiynak.

on (
right side yamiyn
your right yamiynak
On your left. {
ala yisaarak.

left side yisaar

your left yisaarak
Straight ahead of you. giddaamak.
Go straight ahead. imsh giddaamak.
go or walk (said to a man) imsh
go or walk (said to a woman I imshiy
go or walk (said to a group) imshuw
Please show me. min favlak, warrniy.
All right, I'll show you. Tayyib, awarriyk.

* Not on record.

28 Unit 2 Grammar Analysis

Grammar Analysis

Masculine, Feminine, and Plural Nouns

haadha mdiygiy. This is my friend.

haadha miftaan. This is a key.

The word haadha means this.

haadhiy zowjatiy. This is my wife.

haadhiy marraga. This is a hammer.

The word haadhiy also means this.

Words like miftaan and zowjatiy are nouns. Those with which you use
haadha are masculine nouns and those with which you use haadhiy are
feminine nouns.

haadhowl ummaal ish-sharika.

These are company employees.
haadhowl saamaan. These are tools.

The word haadhowl means these. The nouns with which you use haadhowl

are plural nouns.

Most words in Arabic are either masculine, feminine, or plural. These

terms are merely grammatical labels and do not indicate or intend a

biological classification.

From now on we shall use abbreviations for the following terms.

masculine (m)
feminine (
plural (pi)

Stems and Subject Markers a- and t-

a-riyd I want
a-ruwn I go
a-dakhkhin I smoke
Words like the above are verb forms. These verb forms all begin
Unit 2 Grammar Analysis 29

with a- and mean / do something. This a- is a subject marker ;

it shows who is doing the action,

t-riyd you want

t-ruwn you go
t-dakhkhin you smoke
These verb forms all begin with t- and mean you do something. This
t- is also a subject marker.

The part of the verb form minus the subject marker is the stem. For
example, the stems of the verb forms above are -riyd -ruwn and
-dakhkhin. The stem gives the meaning of the action.

ruwn Go. (said to a man)
shuwf Look, (said to a man)

These verb forms tell someone to do something. They are commands.

tuwu-uw Go. (said to a group)
shuwf-uw Look, (said to a group)

These commands end in the subject marker -uw. Such commands tell

a group of people to do something.

ruwu-iy Go. (said to a woman)
shuwf-iy Look, (said to a woman)
These commands end in the subject marker -iy. They tell a woman to
do something.

Here are some more examples of commands.

jiyb Bring.

khudh Take.
30 Unit 2 Grammar Analysis

Pronoun Endings -ah -ha -hum and -niy

fowg-ah above-him
a-shuwf-ah I-see-him

ism-ah name (of) him his name

sadiyg-ah friend (of) him his friend

The pronoun ending -ah means him or ( of) him = his.

fowg-ha above-her
a-shuwf-ha I-see-her

isma-ha name (of) her her name

sadiyg-ha friend(of)her her friend

The pronoun ending -ha means her or (of) her = her (possessive).

fowg-hum above-them
a-shuwf-hum I-see-them

isma-hum name (of) them their name

sadiyg~hum friend (of) them their friend

The pronoun ending -hum means them or (of) them = their.

fowg-iy above-me
ism-iy name (of) me my name
The pronoun ending -iy means me or ( of)me = my.
saamm-niy excuse-me

The pronoun ending meaning me after verb forms is always -niy.

Pronoun endings may follow most words. Their frequent occurrence

is one of the striking features of Arabic.

Variants of U- : ish- is- and ir-

il-kalima the word

il-marraga the hammer
il-wagt the time

These words all have a form il- which means the.

Conversations 31

ish-sharika the company

is-sayyaara the car
iT-Tajfaaya the fire extinguisher

Each of the words above has a variant of il-. The variant isk- is added
to any noun beginning with sk ; the variant is- is added to any noun
beginning with s ; the variant ir- is added to any noun beginning
with t.


A meets his friend B. They exchange greetings.

A asks if B wants a cigarette.

B says, yes, thanks.

A offers him a cigarette. tfawal

B takes one with thanks.
B says his matches are all gone.

B asks if A has a match.

A says, yes, he has and offers one to B. tfar>Dal

A is working with his helper B.

A asks B to go get the hammer, please.

B asks where the hammer is.

A says maybe it's under the car.

B finds it and gives it to A.

A is working near an open drum of gasoline when B comes up.

A and B exchange greetings and names.

B points to the drum of gasoline and asks what it is.

A tells B that it is gasoline.

B asks what gasoline is.

A tells B that it is very dangerous and explosive.

A asks if B understands.
B says he does.
32 Conversations

A is watching his helper B. B reaches out to touch a live wire.

A says 'Stop, don't touch the wire.'

A says the wire is very dangerous.

A asks if B understands.
B says he does.

A tells B to stand at a distance.

Getting directions.

A greets B as B walks past.

A asks B to wait a minute, please.

A asks B where the market is.

B gives A directions (a) to the right, (b) to the left, (c) straight

A says he does not understand and asks B to speak slowly.

B repeats slowly and asks if A understands.

A says that he doesn't understand.

A asks B to show him.

B says he will.

A the boss, sees B using a hammer incorrectly.

A says 'Stop, not this way.'

B asks A to show him.

A says all right he will.

A shows B how to use the hammer and says, 'Look, this way.'

A asks if B understands.
B says he does.

A tells B to show him.

B uses the hammer correctly now and A says fine.
Practically all feminine nouns (and very few masculine nouns) end in

-a. Feminine nouns which do not end in -a are marked (f), and
masculine nouns ending in -a are marked (m).

adakhkhin I smoke imsh go or walk (said

adriy I know to a man)

tlUutlt VfC
1 tryi\t
T'll show von imshiy go or walk (said

to a woman)
baalak watch out imshuw go or walk (said

banziyn gasoline to a group)

bass that's enough intabih be careful
ba iyd{
far or at a distance intaha it has ended

their name
dapiyga minute
isbir wait

there is
is and run away or run

maa there is not for your life


fowp up or on or above
jiyb get or bring (said
fowsak above you
to a man)
jiybiy get or bring (said
gaaz kerosene
crpt<: (natural^
to a woman)
jiybuw get or bring (said
giddaam in iront oi
to a group)
giddaamak in front of you
or straight ahead kabriyt matches
of you kidha this way
guwl tell
khallas is gone
guwlliy tell me
khallna let's

hina here kharir dangerous

hinaak there or over there khudh take (said to a
hniy here man)
khudhiy take (said to a
nariyga fire woman)
34 Vocabulary

khudhuw take (said to a tilmas you touch

group) triyd you want

maa fiyh there is not extinguisher

Taffaaya fire

mavraga hammer
miftaan key waayir wire
min from wag* time
wara behind or in back
nruwu we go

owgaf stop or stand waraak behind you

warrniy show me
ruwH cm ( cairl tn a man] wakhkhir stand back
rummy go (said to a wo- ze;^n where
ruwhuw go (said to a
yaiA^a come on
yamiyn right side

saamaan tools yamiynak your right

sayyaara car or truck yimkin maybe
cigarette yisaar left side

suwg market yisaarak your left

yisumm is poisonous
shuwf see or look (said
yishibb is inflammable
to a man)
yithuwr is explosive
shuwjiy see or look (said
to a woman)
<a/<z on
shuwfuw see or look (said
to a group) (
in<M with you or you

tauat under (f^j with me or I have

An Interview

Good morning. sabaau iUkhayr.

What is your name, please? aysh ismak, min favlak?
My name is Mohammed. ismiy mnammad.
Where are you from? wayn bilaadak?
place bilaad

your place bilaadak

I'm from Hasa. bilaadiy l-uasa.

my place bilaadiy

Hasa province il-nasa

From what place in Hasa? min ay bilaad jH-uasa?

which or what ay
from what place min ay bilaad
in fiy
Hasa province il-nasa

in Hasa Jil-nasa

I'm from Dhahran. isim bilaadiy B-vahraan,

Dhahran iD-nahraan
Where do you work? wayn tishtaghil?

you work tishtaghil

I work in Ras Tanura. ashtaghil fiy raas tannuwra.

I work ashtaghil

Ras Tanura raas tannuwra

engineer muhandis
gangpusher tindayl

clerk kaatib

driller najfaar

welder lavmaam

What's your job? aysh shughlak?

job shughul
your job shughlak
36 An Interview

shughliy (
I'm a workman,
my job
workman or employee

What do you do? aysh tsawwiy?

you do tsawwiy
nshiyl khashab.
We pick up lumber.
up nshiyl
we pick
lumber khashab

We carry lumber. nwaddiy khashab.

we carry nwaddiy
We bring brick. njiyb

we bring
brick Taabuwg

Do you unload trucks? tnazziluw min is-sayyaaraat?

you unload tnazzil

you-all unload tnazziluw

the cars or the trucks
from the trucks min is-sayyaaraat

Yes, we unload the lumber na am, ninazzil il-khashab


from the trucks. min is-sayyaaraat.

we unload ninazzil

we unload the lumber ninazzil il-khashab

Do you load anything tuammiluw shay

Jis-sayyaaraat ?
on the trucks?
you load tnammil

you-all load tnammiluw

thing or something shay

into the trucks

We don't load, we just unload. maa nuammil, bass ninazzil-

Are you happy about your job? mabsuwr min shughlak?

happy mabsuwr

I'm not happy about my job. ana muw mabsuwr min shughliy.

I don't like my work. maa auibb shughliy.

I like ambb
An interview 37

I would like to work for the ambb in ashtaghil fiy sharikat

oil company. iz-zayt.

I would like anibb

that in

I would like to work anibb in ashtaghil

the oil iz-zayt

the oil company sharikat iz-zoyt

The Arabian American Oil sharikat iz-zoyt il~ { arabiyya

Company. l-amriykiyya.

Do you know how to read? ta { rif tigra?

you know ta rif {

you read tigra

Yes, I know how to read. na am, aSrij agra,


I know a rif

I read agra

Do you know how to write? ta rif tiktib?


you write tiktib

Yes, I know how to write. na am, a rif aktib.

{ {

I write aktib

Write your name in Arabic. iktib ismak bil- { arabiy.

write iktib

in Arabic bil- { arabiy

What's your age? kam {

how much or how many kam
age {
your age {
I'm thirty years old. {
umriy thalaathiyn sana.

my age l

thirty thalaathiyn

year sana

What is your father's name? aysh isim abuwk?

father abuw
your father abuwk
38 An Interview

My father's name is Saad. abuwiy ismah sa ad. l

my father abuwiy

What does your father do? abuwk aysh yisawwiy?

he does yisawwiy

He works in the custom-house, yishtaghil Jil-gumrig.

he works yishtaghil

the custom-house il-gumrig

in the custom-house Jil-gumrig

Do you have any brothers? inta Hndak ikhwaan?

brother akhuw
brothers khwaan

How many brothers do you have ? kam akhuw Hndak?

how many brothers kam akhuw
I have three brothers. Hndiy thalaatha khwaan.

What do they do? aysh yisawwuw ?

he does yisawwiy

they do yisawwuw
They work in the government. yishtaghiluw Jil-uukuwrna.

they work yishtaghiluw

the government il-Hukuwma

in the government fil-nukuwma

Tell me, are you married? guwlliy, inta mitzawwij?

tell to me guwlliy

married mitzawwij

Do you have any children? Hndak Hyaal?

children Hyaal

I have two boys and a girl. Hndiy waladayn wa-bint.

boy walad

two boys waladayn

girl bint
An Interview 39

Cassette 2A
I know that you are a good man. adriy innak insaan rayyib.

that in

that you innak

I know that you adriy innak

man insaan

Please come tomorrow. min favlak taSaal bukra.

come ta { aal

tomorrow bukra

What time shall I come? is-saa a

kam ajiy?

the hour is-saa d {

what time is it is-saa a (

I come ajiy

Come at eight A. M. ta aal is-saa

{ {
a thimaan sabaanan.

in the morning sabaauan

Don't be late. laa tWakhkhar.

you are late titfakhkhar

40 Unit 3 Grammar Analysis

Grammar Analysis

You will have noticed that some syllables are louder than their neigh-
bors; that is, they are stressed or accented. For example in English we
have: inVENtor, INventory ;
CONtent, conTENted. There is a simple
general rule for telling the location of stress in Arabic. Counting
backward from the end of the word, the stressed syllable will be the

one with aw, ay, aa y iy y ow, or uw (the long vowels)

plus a conso-

nant, or the one with a short vowel plus two consonants. If neither
combination occurs, the stress is on the first syllable.

Examples of long vowel plus consonant

walaDATN two boys
saLAAM peace
waRAAK behind you
aSHUWFak I see you
biLAADak your place
uuKUWMa government
gidDAAMak in front of you

Examples of short vowel plus two consonants

faHAMt I understand
niNAZzil we unload
TIKtib your write
BUKra tomorrow
muHANdis engineer
nWADdiy we carry
tWAKHkhar you are late

Examples where neither combination occurs

KAlima word
JVA aml

HIna here
ISim name
Unit 3 Grammar Analysis 41

The Dual Ending -ayn

walad boy
walad-ayn two boys

bint girl

bint-ayn two girls

miftaan key
miftaan-ayn two keys

The ending -ayn meaning two may be added to nouns.

Variant of Feminine Nouns

zowja wife

zowja-t-ayn two wives

zowja-t-iy my wife

sayyaara car
sayyaara-t-ayn two cars

sayyaara-t-iy my car

Feminine nouns that end in -a have a variant that ends in -t. For

example, the variants of zowja and sayyaara are zowja-t and sayyaara-t.
The ending -ayn and the pronoun endings follow this variant. Here
are further examples.

sauna health

samia-t-iy health(of)me my health

sanna-t-ak health (of) you your health

sauua-t-ah health (of) him his health

saima-t-ha health (of) her her health

sanna-t-hum health (of) them their health

42 Unit 3 Grammar Analysis

Noun Phrases
isim abuwk the name of your father or
your father's name

Nouns may be used in a phrase with a following noun, as in the

example above. This type of phrase is a noun phrase. If we call

the first noun A and the second noun B, the Arabic phrase AB
means, for example, the A of B or B's A. The English equivalents
above show these possibilities. Here are some more examples.

isim bilaadiy the name of my place

ummaal ish-sharika the employees of the company
or company employees

sharikat iz-zoyt the oilcompany

sayyaarat ish-sharika the company car
saHHat abuwk your father's health

Feminine nouns ending in -a have the variant that ends in -t when

they are not last in the noun phrase.

The Remaining Subject Markers

n-shiyl we pick up
n-waddiy we carry
n-jiyb we bring
n-nammil we load
The subject marker n- means we do something.

t-nazzil-uw you-all unload

t-uammil-uw you-all load

These verb forms begin with t- and end with -uw. The subject marker
t~ -uw means you-all do something.

t-nazzil-iy y u (0 unload
t-uammil-iy you(f) load

These verb forms begin with t- and end with -iy t The subject marker
t- -iy means you(() do something.
Unit 3 Grammar Analysis 43

yi-shtaghil he works
yi-sawwiy he does

The subject marker yi- means he does something.

yi-shtaghil-uw they work

yi-saww-uw they do

These verb forms begin with yi- and end with -uw. The subject

marker yi- -uw means they do something.

is-sayyaara t-shtaghil. The car works.

zowja-tiy maa t-dakhkhin. My wife doesn't smoke.

The subject marker t- means she does something. Verb forms meaning
:he does something, sound the same as verb forms meaning you(m)
do something.

The words sayyaara and zowja-tiy are feminine nouns. All verbs

referring to feminine nouns are in the she form. The term 'feminine'

15 used in this text does not indicate a biological classification.

From now on try to combine old conversations with new ones. For
example, most of the conversations in this unit can follow most of

:he conversations in Unit 1. This way you can make your conver-

sations as long as you wish.

A and B meet and exchange greetings and names. A asks :

Where B comes from.

Where B works.
What B's job is.

If B likes his job.

44 Conversations

They continue to talk. A asks :

The name of B's father.

Where B's father works.
If B has any brothers.
If B is married.

If B has any children.

A is interviewing B.
A asks if B likes his work.
B says no he'd like to work for the company.
A asks B if he knows how to read.

B says he does.

A asks B if he knows how to write.

B says he does.

A gives B a sheet of paper and asks him to write

his name in Arabic.

A asks how old B is.

A concludes the interview with B.

A says he knows B is a good man.

B thanks him.
A says he wants a gangpusher.
A tells B to come tomorrow.
B asks what time shall he come.
A tells him to come at eight A. M.
B says fine he'll come tomorrow.
A tells him not to be late.

A excuses himself and they exchange good-byes.

A and B are talking about John, a mutual friend. A asks B

How John is.

Where John works.

What his job is.

If John likes his job.

How John's brothers are.

Where they work.
From now on verb forms dealing with present or future are listed in

the he form. The subject marker yi- is disregarded in the alphabetical

arrangement. For example, yigra he reads is listed under the letter g.

abuw father kaatib clerk

abuwiy my father kam how much or

abuwk your father how many

akhuw brother yiKiw I1C WIILCIj

ay which or what
khashab lumber
bi- in or with
knwaan brothers
bilaad (f) place
bint (f) girl lauuaam welder

B in
mabsuwr happy
JH-Hukuwma in the govern- Mohammed
muammad (a
ment man's name)
mitzawwij married
yigra he reads
tnuhandis engineer
gumrig custom-house

ymazzu he unloads
uaffaar driller

ymammil he loads Ras Tanura

rads tannuwra
yimbb he likes

uukuwma government saa a { hour

sana year
iD-T>ahraan (f) Dhahran
yisawwiy he does
ikhwaan brothers
sayyaaraat trucks or cars
il-uasa Hasa
sa ad K
Saad (a man's
in that
\nnak that you
insaan man
sabaan il-khayr good morning
w he comes mbaanan in the morning
yijiyb he brings or A. M.
46 Vocabulary

sharikat the oil company thalaatha three

iz-zqyt (f) thalaathiyn thirty
sharikat iz-zayt The Arabian thimaan (f) eight
il- {
arabiyya American Oil
l-amriykiyya(f) Company yiwaddiy he carries
shay thing walad boy
yishiyl he picks up
zayt oil
yishtaghil he works
shughul job or work
aamil workman or em-
ta { aal come
Hyaal children
tindayl gang-pusher
yitfakhkhar he will be late ya K
rif he knows

raabuwg bricks umur age

In the Dining Hall

Please come here, Mustafa. min faolak (

ta aal, yaa musrafa.
Good, at your service. Tayyib, amrak,

I'm very hungry. ana jiddan jow aan. (

hungry jow aan


I want to eat. ariyd aakil.

I eat aakil

What do you want to eat? aysh triyd taakil?

you eat taakil

I want soup, vegetables, ariyd shuruba wa-khuma

and meat. wa-lauam.
soup shuruba

vegetables khuDra

meat lauam
Do you want the meat well done? triyd il-lanam mistawiy jiddan?

done mistawiy

well done mistawiy jiddan

Or do you want it rare? willa triydah mistawiy shway?

or willa

you want it triydah

rare mistawiy shway

I want it medium. ariydah mitwassiT.

medium mitwassir

What do you want to drink? aysh triyd tishrab?

you drink tishrab

There is tea, milk and coffee. jiyh chaay wa-naliyb uw-gahwa.

there is Jiyh

tea chaay

milk ualiyb

coffee gahwa
I want coffee. ariyd gahwa.
48 In The Dining Hall

I want the coffee after a while, ariyd il-gahwa baSad ishway.

after a while ba ad ishway


al-uayn ruwn jiyb il-akil, minfaDlak.

Now go get the food, please,
now al-nayn
the food

Would you like to order something ? tirlub shay?

you order
ashkurak, ana ralabt.
No, thank you, Tve ordered. laa,

ordered ralabt

This is not my order. haadha muw ratably.

my order

I didn't order fish. ana maa ralabt samak.


This spoon is dirty, haadhiy l-mil aga waskha.


the spoon il-mil {


dirty waskha

tfanval, haadhiy l-mil aga namyfa.


If you please, this spoon is clean,

clean naDiyfa

want bread and butter, ariyd khubz uw-zibd.


bread khubz

butter zibd

And I want a glass of water wa-ariyd kaas maay

without ice. biduwn thalj.

glass kaas

water maay

a glass of water kaas maay

without biduwn

I want meat without vegetables. ariyd lanam biduwn khuma.

In The Dining Hall 49

I want also salt and pepper, ariyd baSad miln uw-jilfil.

also or too baSad

salt miln

pepper Jim
Oh, I forgot, I didn't bring (them). aa y nasayt, maa jibt.

I forgot nasayt

I brought jibt

I've finished. I've eaten. ana khalast. akalL

I finished khalast.

I ate akalt

Do you have any oranges? fiyh Hndakum burtugaal?

I'm sorry, the oranges are ma {
a l-asafy il-burtugaal

all gone. kkallas.

with regret maSa l-asaf

Please bring me a piece of min favlak, jiybliy wuslat

pie with cheese. baay ma {

a jubun,

bring to me jiybliy

a piece wusla

a piece of pie wuslat baay

with ma (

cheese jubun

Please bring me a cup of coffee, min fanlak, jiybliy kuwb gahwa.

cup kuwb
a cup of coffee kuwb gahwa

With or without cream? b-naliyb willa biduwn Haliyb?

With or without sugar? b-sikkar willa biduwn sikkar?

This coffee is cold. haadhiy Ugahwa baarda.

this coffee haadhiy l-gahwa

cold baarda

Please go get me hot coffee, min faDlak ruwn jiybliy gahwa aaarra.
hot uaarra
50 In The Dining Hall

Do you want something else? triyd shay aakhar?

thing shay

other aakhar
No thanks, I don't want laa, ashkurak, maa ariyd

anything else. shay aakhar,

anything else shay aakhar

I'm very well satisfied. ana shab aan bil-marra.


satisfied shab aan{

very bil-marra
Unit 4 Grammar Analysis 51

Grammar Analysis

The Negatives maa and muw

ana maa fahamt. I didn't understand.

maa adriy. I don't know.

maa ambb shughliy. I don't like my job.

ana maa ralabt samak. I didn't order fish.

All the sentences above contain the word maa. The word maa means
not and comes immediately before verb forms.

maa fiyh marraga hina. There isn't any hammer here.

maa Hndiy sigaara. I don't have a cigarette.

The word maa is also used before fiyh and Hnd.

ana muw zayn. I'm not well.

ana muw mabsuwr. I'm not happy.

haadha muw ralabiy. This is not my order.

The word muw also means not.

The word maa is used before verb forms, Hnd and fiyh.

The word muw is used elsewhere.

Verb Phrases

aruwn ashtaghil. I am going to work.

Some verbs may be used in a phrase with a following verb as in the

example above. This type of phrase is a verb phrase.

In the phrase above both verb forms have the subject marker a-. The
literal translation is / go I work. Here are some more examples.

ta rif tigra?
{ Do you know how to read?

a r if agra.
i Iknow how to read.
aysh triyd tishrab? What do you want to drink?
ariyd ashrab kuwb gahwa. I want to drink a cup of coffee.
52 Unit 4 Grammar Analysis

Summary of Verb Forms dealing with Present or Future

Here is the complete set of subject markers :

he wants yiriyd yi-STEM he

they want yiriyduw yi-STEM-uw they

she wants triyd t-STEM she

you (m) want triyd t-STEM you(m)

you -all want triyduw t-STEM-uw you-all

you (f ) want triydiy t-STEM-iy you(f)

I want ariyd a-STEM I

we want nriyd n-STEM we

In the present and future, every verb form begins with a subject marker.

she writes tiktib ti- she

you(m) write tiktib ti- you(m)

you-all write tiktibuw ti- -uw you-all

you(f) write tiktibiy ti- -iy you(f)

we write niktib ni- we

These verb forms can mean action either in the present or in the future,
for example:

ashtaghil al-nayn. I am working now.

ashtaghil bukra. I'll work tomorrow.

The subject markers show who is doing the action. For this reason

it not necessary to use the personal pronouns with the verb forms.

Whenever the personal pronouns are used, they are used for emphasis
or contrast, for example:

ana ashtaghil bukra. I'll work tomorrow (not you

or somebody else).
Unit 4 Grammar Analysis 53


haadha akil zayn. This is good food.

haadhiy gahwa zayna. This is good coffee.

haadha maay uaarr. This is hot water.

haadhiy gahwa aaarra, This is hot coffee.

haadha kaas namyf This is a clean glass.

haadhiy mil aga namyfa.

This is a clean spoon.

Words like zayn and zayna are adjectives, zayn is masculine and is

used with masculine nouns, zayna is feminine and is used with feminine
nouns. Adjectives follow the nouns they describe.

zayn good (m)

zayna good (f)

uaarr hot (m)

uaarra hot (f)

namyf clean (m)

namyfa clean (f)

Feminine adjectives, like practically all feminine nouns, end in -a.

54 Conversations


A is in the Dining Hall. The waiter comes up.

The waiter asks what A wants.

A says he's very hungry. He orders (a) soup, vegetables and

meat, (b) soup, vegetables and fish, (c) meat without


The waiter asks how A would like the meat.

A says he wants his meat (a) rare, (b) medium, (c) well done.

The waiter asks if A wants anything else.

A says he doesn't, and thanks the waiter.

A now wants something else.

A calls to the waiter.

A asks for bread and butter.

A asks for a glass of ice water too.

A complains about things.

A has the wrong order. He didn't order (a) fish, (b) meat
(c) soup.
The spoon is dirty.

There is no salt and pepper.

The coffee is cold.

The waiter says he's sorry.

A is ready for dessert.

He orders (a) oranges, (b) pie, (c) pie with cheese.

The waiter asks if A would like something to drink.

A orders (a) coffee, (b) tea, (c) milk.

A wants the coffee (a) now, (b) after a while.

A wants the coffee (a) with cream, (b) without cream,

(c) with sugar, (d) without sugar.
aa oh maay water
yaakil he eats maSa with
aakhar other ma {
a l-asaf with regret or

7 ft
1 ate I'm sorry
1 'T
tood milu salt
mil aga {
al-nayn now
mistawiy done
amrak at your service
mistawiy jiddan well done
mistawiy shway rare
baarid cold
mitwassir medium
baay pie
musTafa Mustafa (a
ba ad (
also or too man's name)
ba ad {

L/C* Li/LL i/^J 1 V iJJ KAJf after a while namyf clean

nasayt I forgot
biduwn without
bil-marra very samak fish
huttupftfil oranges sikkar suerar
chaay tea cn nn (/J/rn
jflLtu tltlrl
cq fi cfipn

shay aakhar something else

fiifii pepper
or anything else

gahwa coffee yishrab he drinks

shuruba soup
naarr hot
mil k Talab order
ralabt I ordered
jibt I brought
yirlub he orders
brine*" to me
thalj ice
jow aan
jubun cheese wasikh dirty

i 11 willa or
kaas glass or tumbler
wusla piece
kuwb cup
yaa hey or oh (used
khalast I finished before a person's
khubz bread name when
khuDra vegetables speaking to him)

lanam meat butter

A New Employee

Good afternoon. masaa) il-khayr.

And to you a good afternoon. masaa) in-nuwr.

You are the new employee? inta l- ( aamil il~jadiyd?

the worker il~ { aamil

new jadiyd

the new employee il- { aamil il- jadiyd

What's your number? ham nimratak?

number* nimra

your number nimratak

My number is twenty thousand. nimratiy Hshriyn alf.

my number nimratiy

twenty thousand Hshriyn alf

How long have you worked for ham lak tishtaghil jish-sharika ?

the company?
for you lak

in the company Jish-sharika

Just two years, sintayn bass.

year sana

two years sintayn

Have you come to work for us? jiyt tishtaghil Hndana?

you came or I came jiyt

you came to work jiyt tishtaghil

for us Hndana

Yes, I have come to work na am, jiyt ashtaghil Hndakum.


for you.

I came to work jiyt ashtaghil

for you -all Hndakum

* Not on record.
A New Employee 57

You are going to work in my raayin tishtaghil fiy daayratiy.

department daayra

my department daayratiy

going raaym
you are going to work raayin tishtaghil
I'm the boss of this department, ana raHys haadhiy d-daayra.
boss raHys

the department id-daayra

this department haadhiy d-daayra

I want you to work for me as ariydak tishtaghil Hndiy msaaHd.

an assistant.

I want you ariydak

I want you to work for me ariydak tishtaghil Hndiy

assistant msaa id

Did you hear? samaH?

I am going to explain your job ana raayin afahhimak shughlak.

to you.

I explain afahhim
I am going to explain raayin afahhim

I am going to explain to you raayin afahhimak

Your job is an important job. shughlak shughul muhimm,

important muhimm
Do you see these boxes? tshuwf haadhowl is-sanaadiyg ?
you see tshuwf
the box is-sanduwg

the boxes is-sanaadiyg

these boxes haadhowl is-sanaadiyg

Your job is to pick them up. inta shughlak tshiylhum.

you pick up tshiyl

you pick them up tshiylhum

58 A New Employee

And .putthem beside the wall, wa-tnuTThum jamb il-jidaar.

you put them tnurrhum

side jamb
the wall il-jidaar

beside the wall jamb il-jidaar

No, they are very heavy. laa, hum thgaal, bil-marra.

heavy (m) thagiyl

heavy (pi) thgaal

I can only pick up one at maa agdar ashiyl ilia waanid.

a time.
I can agdar
I can pick up agdar ashiyl

but or except ilia

O. K., pick up one at a time. rayyib, shiyl bil-waanid.

one at a time bil-waanid

It's all the same to me. maa {


And another thing. uw-shay thaaniy.

thing shay

second or other thaaniy

Do you see this sign? tshuwf haadhiy l-

the sign il~ { alaama
this sign haadhiy l- {
Leave it on top. khallha {
ala fowg.
leave khall

leave it khallha

on top {
ala fowg
Why? laysh ?

For the inspector to read, <ala shaan il-mufattish yigra.

so that
ala shaan

the inspector il-mufattish

he reads yigra

Cassette 2B
He inspects every day. huwwa yifattish kull yowm.
he inspects yifattish

day yowm
every day kull yowm
A New Employee 59

laa tiglub is-sanaadiyg.

Don't turn the boxes over.
you turn over tiglub

Why? laysh ?

uatta laa tkassir jiyhum.

So that you won't smash illiy

what is in them,

so that uatta

you smash tkassir

so that you won't smash uatta laa tkassir

that which is in them illiy jiyhum

One question. svDaal waauid.

question su aal

How many hours do we work kam saa a nishtaghil fil-yowm?


per day?
how many hours kam saa a {

we work nishtaghil

per day fil-yowm

Just one shift. zaam waauid bass,

shift zaam
That is, eight hours. ya {
niy thimaan saaSaat.

it means ya {

eight hours thimaan saa aat {

Don't you have any overtime? maa fiyh overtime Hndakum?

there isn't any overtime maa fiyh overtime

Sometimes there will be overtime. ba {

ax> il-awgaat yisiyr overtime.

some ba {

sometimes ba an il-awgaat

it gets to be or becomes yisiyr

This job is good for me. haadha sh-shughul zayn liy.

the work ish-shughul

for me liy

There is no doubt. maa fiyh shakk.

doubt shakk

If there is any question about idha fiyh su aal ] {

an ish-shughul,

the work, come ask me. ta aal

is ) alniy.
60 A New Employee

if idha

if there is a question idha fiyh su aal ]


about the work

an ish-shughul

ask is ] al

ask me is ] alniy

come ask me ta aal

is ] alriiy

But I don't know how to speak laakin maa a {

rif atkallam ingliyziy*

but laakin

I know a rif

I speak English atkallam ingliyziy

That's all right, I'll help you. maa yikhaalif, asaaHdak.

I help* asaaHd

I help you* asaaHdak

Not on record.

Unit 5 Grammar Analysis 61

Grammar Analysis

Commands and the Present-Future Verb Forms

tshiyl you pick up or you'll pick up
shiyl pick up
tuuTT you put or you'll put

HttTT put

tnazzil you unload or you'll unload

nazzil unload

If the stem of the verb form begins with a single consonant, the command
said to a man is the same as the stem.

tiktib you write or you'll write

iktib write

thbir you wait or you'll wait

is 4 ir wait
together, you
If the stem of the verb form begins with two consonants
add i- to the stem to make the command.

twarriy you show or you'll show

warr show
tkhalliy you leave or you'll leave

khall leave

timshiy you walk or you'll walk

imsh walk

If the stem of the verb form ends in -t> you drop the 4y in the command

Verb Stems ending in -i> or -a

yisawwiy he does
yisawwuw they do

yigra he reads
yigruw they read

or -a you drop the -iy or -a

Whenever the stem of a verb ends in -i>

before a subject marker beginning with a vowel.

62 Unit 5 Grammar Analysis

Such subject markers are:

yi- -uw they

t- -uw you-all
t- -ly you(l)

some more examples.

yisawwiy he does yigra he reads
yisawwuw they do yigruw they read
tsawwiy she does tigra she reads

tsawwiy you(m) do tigra you(m) read

tsawwuw you-all do tigruw you-all read
tsawwiy you(f) do tigriy you(f) read

asawwiy I do agra I read

nsawwiy we do nigra we read

Pronoun Endings -na, -hum and -ick

Hnda-na with-us
yishuwf-na he-sees-us

sadiyg-na friend (of) us our friend

Talab-na order (of) us our order

The pronoun ending -na means us or (of ) us = our

Hnda-kum with you-all
yishuwf-kum he sees you-all

sadiyg-kum friend (of) you-all your(pl) friend

ralab-kum order(of)you-all your (pi) order
The pronoun ending -hum means you-all or (of ) you-all =y our.
Hnd-ich with you(f)
yishuwf-ich he sees you(f)

ism-ich your(f) name

Talab-ich your(f) order

The pronoun ending -ich means you(f) or (of)youy^our({).

Unit 5 Grammar Analysis 63

Pronoun Endings Summary

above me fowp-iy -iy me

my friend = friend (of) me sadiyg-iy (of) me my

he wants you yiriyd-ak -ah you(m)

your(m) friend = friend(of )you mdiyg-ak (of) you (m) =your

he wants you yiriyd-ich -ich you(f)

your(f) friend = friend(of)you mdiyg-ich (of) you (f) =your

he wants him yiriyd-ah -ah him

his friend = friend (of) him mdiyg-ah (of) him = his

he wants her yiriyd-ha -ha her

her friend = friend (of) her sadiyg-ha her

he wants us yiriyd-na -na us

our friend = friend (of) us mdiyg-na (of) us = our

he wants you-all yiriyd-kum -hum you-all

your friend = friend (of) you-all sadiyg-kum (of) you-all = your

he wants them yiriyd-kum -hum tnem

their friend = friend (of) them sadiyg-hum (of) them their

excuse me saamm-niy -niy me

show me warr-niy

ask me is ) al-niy

he wants me yiriyd-niy

The pronoun ending meaning me after verb forms is always -niy.

Pronoun endings may follow most words. Their frequency is one of the
striking features of Arabic.
64 Conversations

Variants of il- : ir>-, iz-> id- and is-.

iu-Bahraan the Dhahran

i-0y* the oil

id-daayra the department

is-sanaadiyg the boxes

These words show the variants of il- before nouns beginning with d, z,

d and s.

A is sitting in his office. B knocks and comes in. They exchange greetings

and names.

A asks if B is the new employee.

B says he is.

A says he is head of the department, and they shake hands.

A asks B's number.
B tells him.
A asks how long B has worked for the company.
B says (a) two years, (b) one year only.

A and B continue to talk.

A says B will work as his assistant.

A tells B he will explain the job.
A says it is a new job.

A asks B to come with him, he'll show B the job.

B thanks A and asks A to show him.

A and B are back in the office.

A says that B's job is important.

A asks if B wants the job.
B says he has one question.

B asks A about the working hours.

A tells him.
Conversations 65

B asks if there is any overtime.

A says (a) there is sometimes, (b) there isn't.

A tells B to come to him with any question about the work.

A and B say good-bye.

A is instructing B on the job.

A asks B to go get the truck.

B returns and A shows him a pile of boxes.

A tells B to pick up the boxes and put them in the truck.

B says they are very heavy.

A tells B to pick them up one at a time.

A is watching B at work moving boxes. A interrupts.

A tells B to be careful.

A tells B not to turn the boxes over.

B asks why.
A explains why.
A shows B a sign on a box.
A tells B to leave the sign on top.

B asks why.
A explains about the inspector.
A says that the inspector inspects every day.
alf thousand lak for you

awgaat times laysh why

liy for me

Oll-Wdutlld nm
Oil pV,
a L a
CI t tX 1L J.
1 mP
11i V_ maa yikhaalif that's all right or
it doesn't make
daayra department any difference

maa {
alaysh it's all the same
yifahhim ne explains
to me
yifattish he inspects
masaa) il-khayr good afternoon
fil-yowm per day
masaa) in-nuwr and to you a
yigdar he can or he is good afternoon
able msaa {
id assistant
hp turns over
mufattish inspector

so that muhimm important

JIHMTT he puts number


idha if going
ilia but or except boss
illiy what or that
which saaSaai hours

English yisaa id {
he helps
samaH vou heard
jdaiya ne w
sintayn two years
jamb side or beside
su aal
] question
jidaar wall
yis al] he asks
jiyt you came or
I came sanduwg box
yikassir he smashes sanaadiyg boxes

hull all or every yhiyr it gets to be or

hull yowm every day

shakk doubt
yikhalliy he leaves
khall leave or let yitkallam he speaks

laakin but thaaniy second or other

Vocabulary 67

heavy {
<da shaan for or so that

thgaal (pi) heavy {

alaama sign

(an about or con-

waauid one cerning
Hndana for us
Hndakum for you-all

a<zm shift (
ijAn>n twenty
j<z m);
it means
ala fowg on top
In the Market

Good morning. sabaau il-khayr.

And to you a good morning. sabaau n-nuwr.

How's business? kayf il-bay {
uw sh-shira?

the selling il-bay {

the buying ish-shira

You know a lot of Arabic. inta ta rif arabiy kathiyr.

{ {

a lot or much kathiyr

Where did you learn ? wayn t

your learned or I learned t

I learned Arabic in America. ana t

allamt arabiyfiy amriyka.

America amriyka

In the company school. fiy madrasat ish-sharika.

school madrasa
the company school madrasat ish-sharika
Where was the school? wayn kaanat il-madrasa ?
it was kaanat

The school was in Riverhead. il-madrasa kaanat fiy Riverhead.

Riverhead is a place near Riverhead manall gariyb min

New York. New York.
place mauall
near to gariyb min

Who taught you ? min aliamak?


who min
he taught (
all am
he taught you {
Rashid taught me. {
allamniy raashid'
he taught me {

I know him. ana aSrifah.

When did you come from America ? matajiyt min amriyka?

when mata
In the Market 69

I came to the Kingdom a month ago. anajiyt il-mamlaka gabul shahar.

the kingdom il-mamlaka

Kingdom of Saudi Arabia il-mamlaka l-

$-sa {

before gabul

month shahar

a month ago gabul shahar

What have you got to sell? aysh Hndak tbiy ? {

you sell tbiy

I have everything. Hndiy kull shay.

all or every kull

What kind of gahfiyas do aysh shakil il-ganaqfiy illiy

you have? Hndak?

kind or sort shakil

gahfiya (a kind of cap) gaufiyya

the gahfiyas il-gauaafiy

what kind of gahfiyas aysh shakil il-gauaqfiy

which you have illiy Hndak

I have three kinds. Hndiy thalaatha ashkaal.

kinds ashkaal

Good. shakil Tayyib.

Medium. shakil mitwassiT.

Inexpensive. shakil rakhiys.

How much is this gahfiya? haadhiy l-gaufiyya bi-kam?

this gahfiya haadhiy l-gaufiyya

how much bi-kam

It is fifteen riyals. haadhiy b-khamsta sh riyaal. {

Is there a war on? ayyaam uarb alayna? {

days ayyaam
days of war ayyaam Harb
upon us {
70 In the Market

It's very expensive. haadhiy ghaaliya jiddan.

expensive ghaaliya

I want a cheaper one. ariyd arkhas.

cheaper arkhas
I think this is cheap. ana aftakir haadhiy rakhiysa.
I think aftakir

this is cheap haadhiy rakhiysa

What's your bottom price ? aakhir il-kalaam kam ?

last or end aakhir
the quotation il-kalaam

I'll take this for seven. ana aakhudh haadhiy bi-sab {


I take aaxudh
for seven bi-sab a {

NOj I never change my price. laa, maa abaddil kalaamiy abadan,

I change abaddil
never abadan
One price. kalaam waanid.
All right, I don't want the rayyib, maa ariyd il-gaufiyya.
How much are the sandals ? in-na aal bi-kam?

the sandals in-na aal{

They are twenty riyals. haadhiy bi-Hshriyn riyaal.

Everything is expensive at your place. inta kull shay ghaaliy Hndak.

expensive ghaaliy

You'd better give up. ausanlak barril.

better ansan
better for you ausanlak
open or give up barril

Don't sell or buy. laa tbiy {

wa-laa tishtariy.

don't sell laa tbiy 1

don't buy laa tishtariy

I won't throw my money to the winds. ana maa armiy fluwsiy fil-hawa.
I throw armiy
my money fluwsiy
the wind il-hawa
into the wind fil-hawa

In the Market 71

Take the money. khudh il-fluws,

money il-fluws

me the gahfiya for twelve. a Tniy l-ganfiyya bi-thna sh.


give me a {

bi-thna sh {

for twelve
taa, abadan.
No, never.
Take your gahfiya. khudh gaufiyyatak.

go to that shop. aruwn ila dhaak id-dukkaan.



the shop id-dukkaan

that shop dhaak id-dukkaan

to that shop ila dhaak id-dukkaan

It's up to you.
ala kayfak.

Come back Come back !

ta {
aaL ta {

I'm going to sell you the gahfiya. ana raaym abiy ak il-ganfiyya. {

I sell abiy (

I sell you abiy ak {

I'm going to sell you raaym abiy ak(

For how much ? bi-kam ?

For fourteen riyals. bi-arba ta sh riyaaL ( {

Do you agree? gab alt?

I don't have any change. maa Hndiy sarf.

change sarf

I'll give you change. ana a Tiyk {


I give a Tiy {

I give you a Tiyk (

Here it is. khudh.

72 Unit 6 Grammar Analysis

Grammar Analysis

The Word haadha in Phrases

haadha sh-shughul zayn. This job is good.

When haadha is used in a phrase with a noun, the noun is preceded by

its variant of il-. The words haadhiy, haadhowl, dhaak, and dhiyk behave in
the same way. Here are some further examples.

haadhiy l-mil aga namyfa.

This spoon is clean.

haadhiy l-gahwa naarra. This coffee is hot.

ana ra)iys haadhiy d-daayra. I'm the boss of this department.

tshuwf haadhiy l-
alaama? Do you see this sign?

tshuwf haadhowl is-sanaadiyg ? Do you see these boxes?

aruwn ila dhaak id-dnkkaan. I'll go to that shop.

dhiyk is-sayyaara zayna. That car is good.

More About Noun Phrases

sharikat iz-zoyt the oil company
raHys id-daayra the boss of the department

raHys daayratiy the boss of my department

sannat sadiygiy my friend's health

In making noun phrases in Arabic there are three points to keep in mind.

(1) Femine nouns ending in -a have the variant that ends in -t when
they are not last in the noun phrase.

(2) The form il- or one of its variants occurs only before the last word
in the noun phrase.

(3) The pronoun endings occur only after the last word in the noun

madrasat sharikat iz-zoyt the oil company's school

shughul raHys id-daayra the department head's work

A noun phrase may stand as the second member of a larger noun phrase.

Unit 6 Grammar Analysis 73

Negative Commands
laa tilmas il-waayir. Don't touch the wire.
laa tifiakhkkar. Don't be late.

laa tishtariy. Don't buy.

These sentences all contain the word laa followed by the you(m) form of
the verb. These sentences are negative commands; they tell someone
not to do something. Here are the plural and feminine forms.

laa tilmasuw Uwaayir. Don't touch (pi) the wire.

laa tiOakhkharuw. Don't be late(pl).

laa tishtaruw. Don't buy (pi).

laa tilmasiy l-waayir. Don't touch (f) the wire.

laa tWakhkhariy. Don't be late(f).

laa tishtariy. Don't buy(f).

Verb Forms dealing with the Past and the Subject Marker -t

faham-t you or I understood

ralab-t ordered
nasay-t forgot

jib-t brought
allam-t learned
jiy-t came
These verb forms all end in -t and mean / or you did something.
This -t is a subject marker. It shows who did the action.

The part of the verb minus the subject marker is the stem. It gives the

meaning of the action.

The past stem is generally different from the present stem. For example
you order ti-rlub -rlub

you ordered ralab-t Talab-

you bring t-jiyb -jiyb

you brought jib-t jib-

you forget ti-nsa -nsa

you forgot nasay-t nasay-

74 Conversations

A, an Arab, is talking to B, an American.

A says that B speaks Arabic well.

B thanks him.
A asks when B came to Arabia.

B tells him.
A asks where B works.
B says he works in (a) Ras Tanura, (b) Dhahran.
A asks B what his job is.

B says he is (a) an engineer, (b) a driller, (c) a gangpusher.

A excuses himself to go to work.

A and B say good-bye.

A is in the market. He walks up to B, a shopkeeper. A and B exchange


A asks B how business is.

B says business is good.

B asks what A would like.

A asks what kind of gahfiyas B has.

B shows A three kinds.

A picks out one and asks the price.

B tells him.
A says it is very expensive.
B says he thinks it is cheap.
A asks to see a cheaper one.

A has settled on a gahfiya he likes.

A asks B's bottom price.

B tells him.
A offers B less.

B says no he has only one price, he never changes his price.

A says all right he doesn't want the gahfiya.

B says that's up to A.
A says he is going to another shop and walks out.
B calls A back.

A asks what B wants.

B says he's going to sell A the gahfiya.

A asks for how much.

B quotes a price.
A says all right he'll take the gahfiya.

B asks if A would like anything else.

A says, no, thank you.

A looks in his pocket for change.

A says he has no change.

B says he'll make change.
A gives B the money and receives the change.

A takes the gahfiyah and leaves.

They say good-bye to one another.

aakhir last or end hawa wind
yaakhudh he takes
sriClf U Wdl
abadan never
aman better ila to
ansanlak better for you il-mamlaka 1 he Kingdom of
amriyka America l- (
arabiyya Saudi Arabia
s-sa uwdiyya

arba ta sh { {
arkhas cheaper
kaanat it was or she was
ashkaal kinds
kalaam quotation
ayyaam days
kathiyr a lot or much
bay (
the selling kull shay everything
yioaaail he changes
khamsta sh {
yibaTTil he opens or
he gives up yaakhud he takes
khudh take or here it is
bi-kam how much
yibiy {
he sells
madrasa school

dukkaan shop tnadrasat the comnanv

ish-sharika school
*f n ft si Is*
manall place
Uiiiyi\,\i in at
m&mlaka kingdom
fluws (f) money it- fit CI III id fx (I ine Kingdom, i.e*
Saudi Arabia
yiftakir he thinks
m/itn VV 11CII

pabalt vou agreed or

1 IlLll W n
\ai ll\J

I agreed
gabul before na aal
gabul shahar a month ago
raashid Rashid (a man's
ganfiyya gahfiya (a kind
of cap)
rakhiys inexpensive or
ganaafiy gahfiyas
gariyb min near to
riyaal riyal

ghaaliy expensive yirmiy he throws

Vocabulary 77

otlUCLCLri. LfL-iLUWf ill iu. y (J u d IrfLlLLL oil twplvp


erood morning
sarf change wa-laa and not or and
shahar month
shakil kind
ala kayfak it's up to you
ashkaal kinds
alayna upon us
allam he taught
shir a the buying
he gives
yishtariy he buys

allamt you learned or I

Truck Brea own

I just came from Ras Tanura. ana tawwiy jiyt min raas tannuwia.
I just tawwiy
I just came tawwiy jiyt
And on the way I found an uw-jh-Tariyg laagayt sayyaara
overturned car. magluwba.
the road ir-Tariyg

on the way jh-rariyg

I met or I found laagayt

overturned magluwba
There was one man in it, by Jiyha rajjaal b~ruwjiah.

in it fiyha

man rajjaal

by himself b-ruwHah
He looked like an American. shiyfatah amriykaaniy.

appearance shiyfa

his appearance shiyfatah

He was sitting on the ground. huwwa jaalis {

ala 1-arD.

sitting jaalis

the ground il-aru

Cassette 3A
He saw me and stopped me. huwwa shaafniy uw-waggafniy

he saw shaaf
he saw me shaafniy

he stopped waggaf
he stopped me waggafniy

And he said to me,

Go to the uw-gaalliy ruwn il-garaaj.


he said gaal

he said to me gaalliy
Truck Breakdown 79

Tell Ahmed.' khabbir aumad.

There was a load with him in kaan ma [
aah nimil

the truck,
it was kaan

w ithT ma {

with him ma {

load nimil

He had taken the things out of it. shaal il-aghraaD minha,

he picked up shaal

the things il-aghraao

from it

And he had put them on the ground. wa-naTTkum fowg il-arD.

he did put
he put them naTThum

Why didn't you bring him with you? laysh maajibtah wiyyaak?

you brought jibt

you brought him jibtah

with voiyya

with you wiyyaak

He wanted to stay there, huwwa uabb inyijlis hinaak.

he liked or he wanted uabb

he sits yijlis

he wanted to sit uabb inyijlis

In what place is he? huwwa fiy ay mauall?

The place out there, the other il-manall hinaak wara l-gariyf.

side of Qatif.

behind wara

Qatif il-gaTiyf

I just hope the man didn't get hurt, (

asa r-rajjaal maa t
awwar bass.

be hoped asa

it is to

the man ir~rajjaal

he got hurt t
just bass
80 Truck Breakdown

We have to go repair his car. laazim nruwn mallin sayyaaratah.

have to laazim

we have to go laazim nruwn

we repair nsallin

we have to go to repair laazim nruwn nsallin

his car sayyaaratah

Take the tool kit with you. khudh m.a aak Hddat

take khudh
with you ma aak

take with you khudh ma aak


tools Hdda
the repairing it-tasliyn

the tools of the repairing Hddat it-tasliyn

O.K., I'll go get it. Tayyib, ana aruwn ajiybha.

I go to get aruwn ajiyb

I go to get it aruwn ajiyb ha

Please come back quickly. ta aal bi-sur ( a }

min favlak.
with speed bi-sur { a.

Fine, 1*11 be with you right away. rayyib, ana ajiyk uaalan.

I come ajiy

I come to you ajiyk

right away naalan

Car Trouble

ana l-uaynjiyt rain is-sayyaara.

I just now came from the car.

What happened to you? aysh mar Hndak?

it happened saar

to you Hndak
ana hunt raayin ila raas tannuwra.
I was going to Ras Tanura.
was going hunt raayin

I was driving the car. hunt asuwg is-sayyaara.

I was hunt

I drive asuwg

I was driving hunt asuwg

And the car got a flat tire. wis-sayyaara bancharat.

it got a flat tire bancharat

And it got stuck in the sand. uw-gharrazat fir-ramal.

it got stuck gharrazat

the sand ir~ramal

in the sand fir-ramal

And I came to inform you. uw-jiyt akhabbirak.

I inform akhabbir

I inform you akhabbirak

I hope you didn't get hurt.

asa maa t

you got hurt or I got hurt t


No, Praise God, I didn't get hurt. laa, al-namdu lil-laah, maa t

What's wrong with the car? is-sayyaara aysh fiyha?

in it fiyha

what is wrong with it aysh fiyha

The car has a flat tire. is-sayyaara mbanchira.

it has a flat tire mbanchira

I unloaded the boxes from it. ana nazzalt is-sanaadiyg minha.

I unloaded nazzalt

the boxes is-%anaadiyg

82 Car Trouble

I picked them up and put them shilt-hum wa-narrayt-hum {

ala 1-arD.

on the ground.
I picked up shilt

I picked them up shilt-hum

I did put HdTTayt

I put them noTTayt-kum

I changed the tire. baddalt it-iaayir,

I changed baddalt

the tire it-taayir

Then I saw the carburetor was ba dayn shift il-karbraytar kharbaan.


out of order.
then or afterwards ba dayn

I saw shift

out of order kharbaan

All right, didn't you repair it? Tayyib, maa sallautah?
you repaired sallant

you repaired it sallantah

I didn't know what to do. maa {

araft aysh asawwiy.

I knew {

what I do aysh asawwiy

I loaded the boxes into the car. nammalt is-sanaadiyg fis-sayyaara.

I loaded YLammalt
And I came to tell you. uw-jiyt akhabbirak.
Unit 7 Grammar Analysis 83

Grammar Analysis

Pronoun Endings after Words ending in -a, -iy and -uw

wara behind

waraa-k behind-you (m)

waraa-y behind-me
waraa-h behind-him

Some words ending in -a have a variant that ends in -aa before pronoun

endings. The word wara is an example. Note the variants of the pronoun
endings: -k instead of -ok; -y instead of -iy ; -h instead of -ah. Here are

more examples.

wiyyaa-k with-you
wiyyaa-na with-us

ma {
aa-h with -him

ma {
aa-ha with-her

maSaa-y with-me

will also find the variants of the pronoun endings after words ending
in -iy and -uw. For example:

awarriy I show
awarriy-k I show-you

ajiy I come
ajiy-k I come (to) you

abuw father

abuw-k father (of) you = your father

84 Unit 7 Grammar Analysis

Subject Markers -at and -uw with Past Verb Forms

kaan he was
shaaf he saw
uabb he wanted
allam he taught
The examples above are some more past verb forms. They all mean he
did something.

kaan-at she was

shaqf-at she saw
nabb-at she wanted
allam-at she taught

The subject marker -at means she did something.

kaan-uw they were

shaqf-uw they saw
nabb-uw they wanted
allam-uw they taught

The subject marker -uw means they did something.

The subject markers -at and -uw are added to the verb form that means
he did something.

Past verb forms refer to any action completed in the past. For example:

shaal il~aghraaD minha. He took the things from it.

or He has taken the things from it.
or He had taken the things from it.

Verb Forms with Feminine Nouns

is-sayyaara bancharat. The car got a flat tire.
is-sayyaara gharrazat. The car got stuck.
wayn kaanat il-madrasa ? Where was the school ?
The words sayyaara and madrasa are feminine nouns. All verbs referring

to feminine nouns are in the she form.

Unit 7 Grammar Analysis 85

Verb Phrases Containing Past Verb Forms

jiyt tishtaghil Hndana? Have you come to work for us?

In the verb phrase above the first verb form is a past form, and the

second verb form is a present form. The literal translation is you came

you work for us? Here are some more examples of similar verb phrases.

jiyt ashtaghil Hndakum. I have come to work for you.

jiyt akhabbirak. I came to inform you.

hint asuwg is-sayyaara. I was driving the car.


A finds B standing on the road beside a truck. They exchange greetings.

A asks B what's wrong with the truck.

and got stuck in the sand.
B says the truck got a puncture

A asks B if he got hurt.

B says, no, praise God.

B says that the carburetor is out of order.

A asks why B didn't fix it.

B says he didn't know what to do.

A says he will help B.

A asks B to go get the tool kit.

A can't fix the carburetor. He is leaving to report to the police.

A offers B a cigarette.
B asks A if he has any water.
A gives B a drink.

B tells A to go quickly.
A says he will.

They exchange good-byes as A drives off.

86 Conversations

A is reporting a breakdown in the desert to B, a policeman.

B asks the man's name.

B asks if the man was hurt.
B asks where the man is from and where he works.
B asks what's wrong with the car.

B asks where the car is.

B asks why A didn't bring the man with him.

B asks A if he wants a cup of coffee.
A says that he's sorry but he has to go to work.

They exchange good-byes.

A is standing outside the garage. B comes up.

They exchange greetings.

B says he just came from the car.

A asks what happened to him.

B says he was driving the car and the car got a flat.

A asks if B changed the tire.

B says he did.

A asks B why he didn't bring the car with him.

B says the car got stuck in the sand.
) )

aghraau things ma aak {
with you
aumad Ahmed (t\. man'? mbanchir has a flat tire,
name) punctured
am (f ground
rajjaal man
baddalt I changed ramal sand
oancaarat it got a flat tire

JU, LLtlyiL tfipn

ClU^li nr
Uf ifYpr-
yisuwg he drives
saar it happened or
bi-sur a (
quickly or with it became or
speed it got to be
b-ruwnak by himself sallaut you repaired
gaal he said ykalliu he repairs
gaalliy he said to me
shaaf he saw
garaaj garage
shaal he picked up
gharrazat it got stuck shift I saw
uaalan risrht away shilt I picked up
uabb he wanted shiyfa appearance
nammalt I loaded
taayir tire
HflTT he did put
tadiyn the repairing
l ciia put
tawwiy I just
zj irm 1
till nil k\J<X\X
awwar he got hurt
il-ganiyf (f Qatif t
awwart you got hurt or
I got hurt
jaalis sitting

yijlis he sits rariyg road or way

kaan he was uw- and

karbraytar carburetor
waggaf he stopped
hunt I was
wiyya with
yikhabbir he tells or he wiyyaak with you
kharbaan out of order
araft I knew
asa it is to be hoped
laagayt I met or I found {
idda tools

magluwb overturned Hddat tool-kit or the

maSaah with him it-tadiyu{t) repair-tools
Laying a Pipe I

Where is Abdulla today ? wayn abdu\A,a l-yowm?


Abdulla (a man's name) {


I think Abdulla is sick. aounn abduULa mariyD.


I think ODunn

sick mariyD

What's wrong with him ? aysh fiyh?

in him fiyh

His stomach hurts him. barrnak yuwja ah, {

stomach baTan

his stomach barnah

it hurts yuwjaS

it hurts him yuwja ah {

Maybe he's not coming to v/ork yimkin il-yowm maayijiy l-

maybe yimkin

he comes yijiy

the work il-

he's not coming to work maayijiy l-

He'll be absent today. yisiyr ghaayib il-yowm.

he will be yhiyr

absent ghaayib

We'll have to go take him to laazim nruwn nwaddiyh

the hospital, il-mustashfa.

we take nwaddiy
we take him nwaddiyh
the hospital il-mustashfa

we take him to the hospital nwaddiyh il-mustashfa

we have to go laazim nruwn

It's up to you. {
ala kayfak.

Come here, Mohammed. ta {

aal,yaa mnammad.
We have a lot of work today. il-yowm Hndana shughul kathiyr.
Laying a Pipe 1 89

We want to dig a ditch, nriyd ninfir uufra.

we dig ninfir

ditch nufra

For what? uagg aysh ?

for nagg

For a water pipe. nagg bayb maay.

nriyd-ha thalaatha agdaam ghuzur.
We want it three feet in depth.
we want it

thalaatha agdaam ghuzur
three feet in depth
two and a half feet wa-nriyd-ha gadamayn uw-nus$ HrD.
And we want it

in width.
two feet
width HrD

Take this stake.

khudh il-
uwd haadha.

the stake il-

your hand. imsikah fiy yadak.
Hold it in

hold imsik

hold it

hand yad
in your hand fiy yadak

I'll tie this string to the stake. arbuT il-

uwd bil-khayT haadha,

I tie
the string
with this string
bil-khayT haadha

the string to it? tirbuTah bil-khayT?

You'll tie

And then? uw-ba dayn?


show you. idha tisbir, awarriyk.

If you wait, I'll


you wait thbir

90 Laying a Pipe I

Put the stake here. hutt il- { uwd hina.

put the stake hwtt il- { uwd

Take the sledge hammer. khudh il-maTraga l-kabiyra.
big kabiyra
the big hammer il-maTraga l-kabiyra
And drive in the stake. uw-digg il-hiwd.
drive in digg
Shall I hit it hard ? adiggah bil-guwwa ?
I pound it adiggah
with the strength bil-guwwa
No, hit it lightly. laa, diggah shway.
Now I have driven the stake in. al-nayn daggayt il~
I pounded daggayt
Stretch the string to the house. midd il-khayr ila l-bayt.

stretch midd
the house il-bayt

Why did we stretch it? haadha laysh maddaynaah?

we stretched maddayna
we stretched it maddaynaah
So that we will dig the ditch {
ala shaan ninfir il-uufra siyda.


so that (
ala shaan

we dig the ditch ninfir il-uufra

straight siyda

Cassette 3B
You take a shovel and I'll take a khudh inta shaywal wa-ana shaywal.

shovel shaywal
I've got the shovel. akhadht ish-shaywal.

I took akhadht

What do we do now? al-nayn aysh nisawwiy?

Now we'll dig the ditch. al-nayn niufir il-nufra.

Unit 8 Grammar Analysis 91

Grammar Analysis

Past Stems

kaan he was
kaan-uw they were
kaan-at she was

kun-t you were or I was

The subject markers -uw and -at are added to the stem kaan.

The subject marker -t is added to the stem kun-. This verb has two past

stems, kaan and kun-. Here is another example.

h<2TT he put
nan-uw they put
nan-at she put

Kanay-t you or I put

The two stems are hott and nan ay-.

nazzal he unloaded
nazzal-uw they unloaded

nazzal-at she unloaded

nazzol-i y ou or I unloaded

This verb has only one past stem, nazzal.

One stem (the he form) is used

Many verbs have two stems for the past.
The other stem is used with the
with the subject markers -uw and -at.

subject marker -t.

Past Subject Markers -tuw, -tip and -na

naTTay-tuw s-sanaadiyg. You-all did put the boxes down.

nazzal-tuw l-bayb. You-all lowered the pipe.

shil-tuw 1-aghraaD. You-all picked up the things.

The subject marker -tuw means you-all did something.

92 Unit 8 Grammar Analysis

faham-tiy l-kalima? Did you(f) understand the word?

jib-tip l-akil? Did you(f) bring the food?

The subject marker -tiy means you(i) did something.

madday-na l-khayr. We stretched the string.

raban-na l-bayb. We connected the pipe.
shil-na l-aghraau. We picked up the things.
The subject marker -na means we did something.
The subject markers -tow, -tiy and -na are added to the I-you stem of the

Subject Markers after Past Stems ending in -a

sawwa he did
saww-uw they did
s avow -at she did

Whenever the stem of a verb ends in -a, you drop the -a before a subject

marker beginning with a vowel. Such past tense subject markers are:

-uw they
-at she

Here are some further examples.

warra he showed
warr-uw they showed
warr-at she showed

shtara he bought
shtar-uw they bought
shtar-at she bought

Unit 8 Grammar Analysis 93

Summary of Past Verb Forms

Here is the complete set of subject markers for the past:

he lowered nazzol he

they lowered nazzaluw -uw they

she lowered nazzdat -at she

you(m) lowered nazzalt -t you(m)

you-all lowered nazzdltuw -tuw you-all

you(f) lowered nazzaltiy -try you(f)

I lowered nazzalt -t I

we lowered nazzalna -na we

All the past subject markers follow the stem.

stem kaan kaan he was

kaanuw they were
kaanat she was

stem kun- kunt you(m) were

kuntuw you-all were

kuntiy you(f) were

kunt I was
kunna we were

Many verbs in the past have two stems. The he form is one stem; to it

you add the subject markers -uw and -at. All the other subject markers

are added to the other stem.

The past of Arabic has various English equivalents, for example

uaTThumfowg il-arn. He put them on the ground.
or He has put them on the ground.
or He had put them on the ground.
94 Conversations

Noun-Adjective Phrases

khudh marraga kabiyra. Take a big hammer.

khudh il-marraga l-kabiyra. Take the big hammer.

Whenever the noun in a noun-adjective phrase has il- before it, the
adjective also has f/- before it. Here are some more examples.

inta l-
aamil il-jadiyd? Are you the new employee?
khudh il-mil {
aga n-namyfa. Take the clean spoon.
ariyd il-ganfiyya r-rakhiysa. I want the inexpensive gahfiya.


A and his assistant B are on a job site.

A says they have a lot of work today.

B asks what the work is.

A says they want to dig a ditch.

B asks what the ditch is for.

A says the ditch is for a water pipe.

A asks B to bring two stakes, the string, and the sledge hammer.
B asks where they are.

A tells B they are in the truck.

A and B are laying out a ditch.

A asks B to hold the stake.

A says he is going to tie the string to the stake.

B asks why.
A tells B to wait a minute, he'll show him.
A tells B where to put the stake.
A asks B to drive in the stake.
A asks B to stretch the string to the house.
B asks why they stretched the string.
A says that is so they'll dig the ditch straight.
Conversations 95

A and B are ready to start digging.

A asks B to call the whole gang.

A asks where Abdulla is.

B says he thinks Abdulla is sick.

A asks what's wrong with Abdulla.

B says Abdulla has a stomach ache.
B says Abdulla will be absent.

A says he's sorry.

B asks what they shall do now.

A says they will now dig the ditch.

B says, all right, he'll get the tools from the truck.

A sees that B is not looking well.

A asks what is wrong with B.

B says his stomach hurts him.

B says he wants to go to the hospital.

A says he's sorry.

A gives B a chit and tells him to go to the hospital.

They exchange good-byes.

A is showing his assistant B where to pound in a stake.

A tells B to get a sledge hammer.

A gives B a stake.

B asks A where he should drive the stake in.

A tells B to drive it in beside the pipe.

B asks A to show him.

B starts pounding the stake in hard.

A asks B to stop.

A tells B to be careful, not to hit it hard.

B asks why.
A says maybe the stake will break.

A tells B to hit it easily.

B says O.K. he has pounded in the stake.


w ** <-* 1 1 V feet khayr striner

akhadht I took
maddayna we stretched
bcLTOLTi sitnm^
V i 1 1 CX rli1
ij I.V 1 maddaynaah we stretched it

bayb pipe mariyD sick

bayt house yimidd he stretches
bil-guwwa hard or with the yimsik he holds
strength mustashfa(m) hospital

daggayt I have driven in nuss half

yidigg he drives in
yirbuT he ties
ymunn he thinks
siyda straight
gadam IOOt
griuuyio absent
ghuzur depth yuwja {
it hurts

H ^ for yad (f hand

he digs
abduLha Abdulla (a man's
uufra ditch
amal work
Htd width
kabiyr big tuwd stake
Laying a Pipe II

What have you got there ? shinhuw Hndak?

what shinhuw

I've got a big stone, Hndiy nasaa kabiyra.

a stone nasaa

big kabiyra

Use the pick, maybe it will break, ista { mil il-chazma, yimkin tinkasir.

use ista { mil

use the pick ista {

mil il-chazma

it gets broken tinkasir

maybe it will break yimkin tinkasir

Beat on it and break it. rigg fowg-ha w-kassirha.

on it fowg-ha
smash kassir

smash it kassirha

O.K., the stone's broken. zayn, nkasarat il-uasaa.

it has got broken nkasarat

Put the dirt to one side. it-traab Hurrah {

ala sowb.

the dirt it-traab

put it uurrah
side sowb

to one side
ala sowb

After we lay the pipe, we'll fill in baSad maa rhutt il-bayb, nidfin

the ditch, il-nufra.

after ba ad{
after we lay the pipe ba ad{
maa nuurr il-bayb

we fill in nidfin

Now measure the ditch. al-Hayn giys il-Kufra.

measure giys

What's the depth? il-ghuzur kam ?

98 Laying a Pipe II

The depth is three feet. il-ghuzur thalaatha agdaam.

And what's the width ? wil- {

irT> kam?
Just right. tamaam kullish.

perfect tamaam
Exactly? bm-uabT ?
It's a little over here. hina galiyl zaayid.

little or not much galiyl

increasing zaayid

Call the whole gang. naad kull il-jimaa a. {

call naad
the group il-jimaa a {

We want to pick up the pipe. nriyd nshiyl il-bayb.

And we want to lay it in the ditch, uw-nriyd nuuTTah fil-Yiufra.

we want to lay it nriyd nuuTTah

in the ditch fil-nufra

Lower the pipe carefully. nazziluw l-bayb shway shway.

lower (said to a group) nazziluw
Watch out for your fingers. intabihuw li-asaabi kum. {

watch out (said to a group) intabihuw

finger i$ba {

fingers amabi {

your fingers a$aabi {

for your fingers li-asaabi {
All right, let go of the pipe. rayyib, hidduw l-bayb.

let go (said to a group) hidduw

Now we will fill in the ditch. al-nayn nidfin il-nufra.

Don't put any stones in. laa tnuTTuw nasa.

you-all put tHUTTUW.
If you put the stones in, the stones idha naTTaytuw l-na$a il-uaa 7

will smash the pipe. yikassir il-bayb.

you all did put Harraytuw

if you put the stones in idha naTTaytuw l-nasa
Laying a Pipe il 99

it smashes yikassir

the stones will smash the pipe il-Hasa yikassir il-bayb

We didn't connect the pipe. maa rabarna l-bayb.

we connected rabaTna

Why didn't you tell me? laysh maa giltliy ?

you told gilt

you told to me giltliy

I forgot. ana nasayt.

We won't dig out all of the pipe. maa niufir il-bayb kullah.

all of it kullah

all of the pipe il-bayb kullah

We'll connect it before the boss comes. nirbmah gabulyijiy r-raHys.

before gabul

he comes yijiy

the boss ir-raHys

That's a hard thing. haadha shay sa {


difficult sa ab {

Give me the wrench. a Tniy l-miftaan.


give me a Tniy

the wrench il-miftaau.

Tighten it good and tight. tayyitah bil-guwwa.

tighten tayyit

tighten it tayyitah

O.K., I've finished. rayyib, ana khalast.

We want to clean all the tools. nriyd ninaDDif is-saamaan kullah.

we clean ninaomf
we want to clean nriyd ninanmf
all the tools is-saamaan kullah

Bring the hose and turn on the water. jiyb il-howz uw-fukk il-maay.

open or turn on fukk

O.K., wash the things, Tayyib, ghassil il-aghraar>.

wash ghassil

the things il-aghraaD

100 Laying a Pipe II

Please bring that rag. min faDlak, jiyb dhaak il-khalag.

rag khalag

that rag dhaak il-khalag

Let's wipe off the tools, khall ninashshif is-saamaan.

let khall

we wipe off ninashshif

Wipe them off and put them in nashshifhum wa-uuTThum

the box. fis-sanduwg.

wipe them off nashshifhum

Now the car is coming. al-nayn is-sayyaara jaayya.

coming jaayya

Maybe it's the boss. yimkin ir-raHys.

By Allah, I don't know. wa~LLa, maa adriy.

by Allah wa\A.a

Close the box and lock it. sukk is-sanduwg uw-gujlah.

close sukk

lock igful

lock it guflah

O.K., the job is done. rayyib) ish-shughul khalas.

Unit 9 Grammar Analysis 101

Grammar Analysis

Stems and Stem Classes

Present Post

he form he form I-jm fa""

yhlub valab Talab-t

order I

yibaddil baddal baddal-t

change II
nabb nabbay-t
like HI yi bb
dara daray-t
know IV yidriy

pickup V yishiyl shad shil-t

stems. However, you

The present stem generally different from the past
the consonants
of any given verb, some of
will notice that in the stems
are the same and occur in the
same order. The vowels, on the other
places. For example:
are often different or in different
yiktib katab katab-t
yigbil gabal gabal-t
examples above, resemble the stems
The stems of some verbs, as seen in the
vowels and consonants. On the basis
of other verbs in their patterning of
of these resemblances we can arrange verbs into stem classes.
The he form of the present is the base form
used m
are five such classes.
the form entered in the English-Arabic
determining the stem class. It is

vocabulary at the end of the book.

Class I

the he form with a short vowel

Class I verbs of two syllables ending in

plus consonant. Note that they

have been arranged in three groups

according to the last vowel of the he form.

Present Past

he form he form I-JOU form

command form
yaakil *akal *akal-t
eat kil

yidfin dafan dafan-t

fill in id/in

yigbil gabal gabal-t

agree igbil

nafar nafar-t
dig infir ymfir

102 Unit 9 Grammar Analysis

sit ijlis yijlis jalas jalas-t

sweep iknis yiknis kanas kanas~t

write iktib yiktib '

katab katab-t

hold imsik yimsik masak masak-t

go down inzil yinzil nazal nazal-t

send * at *arsal~t
irsil yirsil sal

Wd.lt isbir yisuiT saoar sauar-i

I LIU aWay i crtyi si

yiSilTlu, C ri Sir St Sf A si V SI si i
crn out in/if l
VI hfiYI 1
Jrlixllsl IJ
flUUf til hh/iY/ii-t

IfTiAW ya nj ( sty sjf


take khudh yaakhudh *akhadh *akhadh-t

enter idkhul yidkhul dakhal dakhal-t

lock igful yigful gafal-t

turn over iglub yiglub galab galab-t

tie irbuT yirbur rabar rabaT-t

tin n nlr i chJcuY
IJfl/XUf VI shJciiY th/lK/lY
J/ ILLtXLLf c/? nlcnY-t
OltClfiiCif 1/

yi i iiiiu Tni nh
I tlUXU Tnl nh-t
L- ri si //TO Jrh si 1 siO i
finish yiKflLUS

CI Udb si
V ni iy
UUf l)/7 1 rtlJT
yci UUf (/7 hflY ( nh/iY-t

understand yijham faham faham-t

be able yigdar gadar gadar-

touch ilmas yilmas lamas lamas-t

ride irkab y irkab rakab rakab-t

go back irja {
yirja (
raja {
raja {

hear isma {
yisma {
sama {
sama [

ask is ] al yis al]

sa)al sa)al-t

drink ishrab yishrab sharab sharab-t

stop owgaf yuwgaf wagqf wagaf-t

hurt yuwja (
waja {
waja (

arrive yuwsal wasal wasal-

* Note: a few verbs show a- before all forms of the past.

11 1

Unit 9 Grammar Analysis 103

Class II

more syllables ending in the he form with

Class II: verbs of three of

short vowel plus consonant.

Present Pasl

he form he form I-you form

command form

baddil yibaddil baddal baddal-

bannid yibannid bannad bannad-t
barTil yibarril baTTal baTial-t
chayyik yichayyik chayyak chayyak-t
dawwir yidawwir dawwar dawwar-t
look for
dakhkhin yidakhkhin dakhkhan dakhkhan-t
explain fahhim yifahhim fahham fahham-t

empty farrigh yifarrigh farragh farragh-

fattish yifattish fattash fattash-t


gharriz yigharriz gharraz gharraz-t

get stuck
yighassil ghassal ghassal-t
wash ghassil

load nammil yinammil VLammal uammal-t

yikassir kassar kassar-
smash kassir

clean naDDif yinanmf naX)T>af naDV>af-t

wipe off nashshif yinashshif nashshqf nashshaf-t

lower nazzil yinazzil nazzd nazzal-t

sallin yhallm saltan sallan-t


yitayyit tayyat tayyat-t

tighten tayyit
r .

make stop waggif yiwaggif waggqf waggqf-t

* 1 1 1 7
wakhkhir yiwakhkhir wakhkhar waknknar-t
stand back
khabbir yikhabbir khabbar khabbar-t
allim yi allim
{ {
allam {
saamin yisaamm saamau saaman-t
saaHd yisaaHd saa ad {
saa ad-t {


tkallam yitkallam tkallam tkallam-t

Vakkad yWakkad ]
akkad Vakkad-t
check up t

Vakhkhar yWakhkhar Wakhkhar t

will be late
yit allam {
allam t
learn t
allam t

104 Unit 9 Grammar Analysis

get injured pawwar yivawwar vawwar pawwar-

be broken yinkasir nkasar nkasar-t

be filled yintaris ntaras

think ftakir yiftakir ftakar ftakar-t

be careful ntabih yintabih ntabah ntabah-t

work shtaghil yishtaghil shtaghal shtaghal-t

use staSmil yistaSmil sta {

mal sta mal-t

get a puncture yibanchir banchar banchar-t

back up raywis yiraywis raywas raywas-t

Notice that verbs of Glasses I and II show the same stem in the past for

the he form and the I-you form, which is the same as saying that these verbs

have only one past stem. Verbs of the other classes have two difFerent
past stems.

Class III

Class III: verbs with present stem ending in a double consonant.

Present Past

command form he form he form I-you form

pound digg yidigg dagg daggay-t

let go hidd yihidd hadd hadday-t

like nibb yiuibb Habb uabbay-t

stretch midd yimidd madd madday-t

catch fire yishibb shabb

beat tigg yirigg ragg raggay-t

think Dunn yivunn vann vannay-t

open fukk yifukk fakk fakkay-t

put HWTT yinurr HaTT narnay-t
poison summ yisumm samm sammay-t
pour subb yisubb sabb sabbay-t

close sukk ykukk sakk sakkay-t

Unit 9 Grammar Analysis 105

Class IV
ending in or -a.
Glass IV: verbs with present stem

Present Past

he form he form I-you form

command form
yigawwiy gawwa gawway-t
strengthen gaww
yikhalliy khalla khallay-t
let khall

saww yisawwiy sawwa Suwuuciy-o

7f 1/7/7/7 viwaddiv
wadda wadday-t
yiwuTTiy watta warray-t
show warr

yilaagiy laaga laagay-t

meet laag
yinaadiy naada naaday-t
call naad

yintahiy ntaha ntahay-t

be ended intah
yishtariy shtara shtaray-t
buy ishtar

yidxiy dara daray-t

*ta*aal yijiy jaa *jiy-t

yimshiy masha mashay-t

walk imsh
yirmiy rama ramay-t
throw irm
yaSniy a na {
a nay-t

ya riy
ara {
a T{ {


yigra gara garay-t

yilga laga lagay-t
find ilg

yinsa nasa nasay-t

forget ins

* This verb is irregular.

Class V
present stem ending in a long vowel
(-aa, -iy,
Class V: verbs with
-uw) plus consonant.


he form he form I-you form

command form
( yibiy { baa {

sell biy
gaas gis-t
measure giys yigiys
106 Unit 9 Grammar Analysis

kJx n ct
1HK jtyu yijtyu 7/7/7
jULLU h 17 h-t

V v 111 hp
t/77 vl vi shivl $hil-t
Jllrfitr If

i nprpn <ip 71 Vn VI 71 Vn 7/7/7/1 7irl-t

say guwl yiguwl gaal gil-t

will be kuwn yikuwn kaan kun-t

g ruwu yiruwn raan rin-t

Hri vp OMU/C (77/7(7 CJ U-t

c nt y jut
see SuUWJ j
yisfiuwj shaaf SfllJ-t

repeat {
uwd yi (
uwd {
aad Hd-t

explode yithuwr thaar

need yintaaj ntaaj utij-t

rest stariyn yistariyu staraan staran


A and B are digging a ditch.

A tells B to take a shovel.

A says he'll use the pick.

B asks A where to put the dirt.

A tells B to put it to one side.

A asks what B has there.

B says he has a big stone.

A tells B to pick it up.

B says he can't.

A tells B to use the pick.

A tells B to hit the stone hard, maybe it will break.

B says the stone is broken.


A and B have finished the ditch.

A asks B to measure the ditch.

A asks B what the depth is.
B says it is three feet.

A asks B what the width is.

B says it is exactly two and a half feet.

The ditch is ready for the pipe.

A calls all the men.

A tells them to lower the pipe carefully.

B asks if they should now fill the ditch.

They haven't connected the pipe.

A says, no, wait a minute.
B says he will go get the wrench.

A tells B the job is finished.

A asks B to bring all the tools.

A tells B to clean them off.

A asks B to get the hose and turn on the water.

B says O.K., he'll wash the tools.

A tells B to get the rag and wipe them off.

A tells B to put them in the box.

A gives B the key.

A tells B to lock the box.

A tells B time is up.

B says come on, let's go.

men them about the day's work.

A calls his together to tell

A tells them they have a lot of work today.

B asks A what the job is.

says that they are going to load trucks with

B asks where they are going to take the dirt.
A says they will unload it behind the garage.
A asks B where Abdulla is today.
108 Conversations

B says Abdulla will be absent today.

A asks what is wrong with Abdulla.
B says Abdulla (a) is sick (b) his stomach hurts him.
A asks if Abdulla will come tomorrow.
B says he doesn't know.
A says (J.rL., they 11 nave to go to work.

The boss A LClld ilia gang UUM1CI J_> LI1CI C lis a. 1UI Ui WUIa LUU.dy.

B asks what the work is.

A says he'll show B.

A tells B to call the gang.

A tells the gang they are going to take a tire out of the truck.

A tells them they'll put the tire on the ground.

B asks where they are to put the tire.

A says beside the house.

A tells the gang to unload the tire carefully.

A tells them to watch out for their fingers.

A tells them to let go of the tire.

A tells them it was a good job.

the following forms of each
verb: the he form of the
From now on we list
present, the he form and the I-you
form of the past. The past forms
are also listed.
actually occur in the basic sentences

hba { finger
asaabi { fingers
a%aabi { fingers

ba ad
maa after (with verbs)
jaay coming
bm-Dabr exactly
jimaa a [ gang or group
chazma pick

fill in Ml il-jimaa a {
the whole gang
yidfin (dafan,
khalag rag
yifukk {fakk, turn on or open
khalas is done

galiyl little or not much li-


yigful {gafal, lock

yinaadiy (naada, call
gilt you told or you
yinaDvif clean
giltliy you told me or
you said to me
yinashshif wipe off
yigiys (gaas, gist) measure
guflah lock it nashshaft)

yiguwl (gaal, say or tell yinkasir break or get

gilt) (nkasar, broken
yighassil (ghassal, wash
nkasarat it is broken or it
has got broken
yihidd (hadd, let go
yirbuT (rabar, connect
howz hose
rabaTna we connected
nasaa stone

nasa stones yistaSmil use

(sta mal,{

yinuTT (hat, put

sta malt)

1 10 Vocabulary

sa ab{
difficult traab dirt

sowb side
yirigg (ragg, beat
yisukk (sakk, close

by Allah
shinhuw what
zaayid increasing or over
tamaam perfect

yitayyit (tayyat, tighten {

ala sowb to one side

The Garage

What sort of work have you got aysh Hndak min ish-shughul il-yowm

today ?
what sort of work aysh min ish-shughul

We have lots of work. Hndana shughul kathiyr.

from the shop, ruwn uw-naad saalin min il-chabra.

Go and call Salih

call naad

Salih (a man's name) saalin

from the shop min il-chabra

All right, Salih is here. rayyib, saalin jaa.

he came jaa

You will take the truck from the taakhudh is-sayyaara min il-garaaj.

you take taakhudh

from the garage min il-garaaj

You'll take it over to the gasoline twaddiyha manall il-banziyn.

you take twaddiy

you take it

the place of the gasoline manall il-banziyn

Put some gasoline in it, and check it. subb fiyha banziyn uw-chayyik-ha.

pour subb

into it fiyha

check chayyik

check it

Turn off the engine. bannid il-makiyna.

close bannid

the engine il-makiyna

Turn it off before you pour in bannid-ha gabul tsubb banziyn.


close it

before gabul
I E2 The Garage

Why? lay sh ?

It's dangerous. Maybe there will kharrar. yimkin tsiyr uariyga.

be a fire.

it will be tsiyr

All right, the tank's filled up. Tayyib, ntaras it-taankiy.

it has been filled ntaras
the tank it-taankiy

It needs oil. tintaaj zayt.

it needs tintaaj

The oil is a little low. iz-zayt naagis ishway.

low or short naagis
Please put some in. min faulaky ziydah.
increase it ziydah
Now you will drive the truck. al-uayn inta tsuwg is-sayyaara.
you drive tsuwg
And Salih will ride on top. uw-saalm yirkab fowg.
he rides yirkab
And you will go to the storehouse. wa-truwH ila storehouse.
And you will stop beside the wa-tuwgafjamb id-dachcha,
you stop towgaf
the platform id-dachcha
We've reached the storehouse. wasalna storehouse.
we arrived wasalna
Do you see these barrels ? tshuwf haadhowl il-baraamiyl?
barrel barmiyl
these barrels haadhowl il-baraamiyl
You can't pickthem up. maa tigdar tshiylhum,
you can pick up tigdar tshiyl

you can pick them up tigdar tshiylhum

Have Salih help you. khall saaliuyisaaHdak.

make or have khall
he helps yisaaSid
he helps you yisaaHdak
The Garage 1 13

Lower them into the truck nazziluwhum jis-sayyaara shwayshway.


lower (said to a group) nazziluw

lower them nazziluwhum

Salih, come help me. yaa saalin, ta aal saaHdniy.


help me saaHdniy

All right, we've loaded them into rayyib, uammalnaahum fis-sayyaara.

the truck.
we loaded uammalna
we loaded them nammalnaahum
Where do we go now? wayn nruwu al-nayn?

Now you go to the powerhouse. al-nayn truwHuw ila powerhouse.

you-all go truwuuw

Cassette 4A
We've reached the powerhouse. wasalna powerhouse.

Where shall I leave the truck? wayn akhalliy s-sayyaara?

I leave akhalliy

Stop when I tell you. owgaf layn aguwlak.

until layn

I tell aguwl

I tell to you aguwllak

Back up the truck. ray wis bis-sayyaara.

back up raywis

Lower the barrels onto the nazziluw l-baraamiyl ala d-dachcha.


on the platform {
ala d-dachcha

Put one on top of the other. huttuw waauidfowg ith-thaaniy t

put (said to a group) KUTTUW

the other ith-thaaniy

We have lowered them onto the nazzalnaahum ala d-dachcha.


we lowered nazzalna

we lowerd them nazzolnaahum

1 14 The Garage

And we have put one on top of wa-ncmayna waamd fowg

the other. ith-thaaniy.

Now you'll go back in the truck. al-nayn, minfavlak, tirja {



you return tirja {

And bring Sulayman back with uw-jiyb sulaymaan ma {


I'll go back in the truck. arja fis-sayyaara.

And I'll bring Sulayman back w-ajiyb sulaymaan ma {


with me.
with me ma [

If he's not in the shop, look around idha kaan muw fil-chabra, dawwirah.

for him.

if idha

in the shop fil-chabra

if he's not in the shop idha kaan muw fil-chabra

look around for dawwir
look around for him dawwirah
We have reached the garage. wasalna l-garaaj.

O.K., did you load the barrels? rayyib, uammaltuw l-baraamiyl?

you all loaded nammaltuw
We loaded everything. uammalna kull shay.

we loaded uammalna
Everything's finished. kull ishay khalaas.
Unit 10 Grammar Analysis 115

Grammar Analysis

The Form -L before Pronoun Endings

guwlliy, wayn is-suwg? Tell me, where is the market?

jiybliy kuwb gahwa. Bring me a cup of coffee.

laysh maa giltliy? Why didn't you tell me?

aguwllak. I'll tell you.

The verb forms in the sentences above have an before the pronoun

ending. The form 4iy means to me or for me. The form -lak means to

you. This same may come before the other pronoun endings, as in the

following examples.

yijiybliy he brings to me
yijiyblak to you(m)
yijiyblich to you(f)

yijiyblak to him
yijiyblaha to her

yijiyblina to us

yijiyblikum to you-all

yijiyblihum to them

Sometimes these forms are independent words. For example:

haadha sh-shughul zayn liy. This job is good for me.

kam lak tishtaghil hina? How long have you worked here?

Pronoun Endings after Verb Forms ending in -a

maddayna we stretched

maddaynaah we stretched it

nammalna we loaded
Hammalnaahum we loaded them

nazzalna we lowered
nazzdlnaahum we lowered them

Verb forms ending in -a have a variant that ends in -aa when they are

116 Unit 10 Grammar Analysis

followed by pronoun endings. Note the form of the pronoun ending -k

instead of -ah meaning you, and that of -h instead of -ah meaning him or
it. Here are some more examples. See also page 83.

shifnaak. We saw you.

rabarnaan. We connected it.

T LT/T\)V}flflhfl
ILyfLU/U/l tt*
Wp nut itfT") down

yigraahum* He reads them.

laa tinsaaniy. Don't forget me.
maa ansaak. I won't forget you.

garaahum. He read them.

nasaah. He forgot him.
jaak. He came to you.
jibnaalah fluws. We brought money to him.
garaalina. He read to us.
sawwaaliy talafown He made a telephone call to me.

Variants of il-: in- ir- it- and ith-

in-na aal
the sandals

ir-rajjaal the man

it-traab the dirt

ith-thaaniy the other

These words show the variants of il- before nouns beginning with n, r, t

and th.

Plural Endings -iyn and -aat

singular plural

good Tayyib Tayybiyn

good zoyn zqyniyn

car sayyaara sayyaaraat

hour saa a
saa aat

The endings -iyn and -aat are added to some nouns and adjectives to form
the plural.
Conversations I 17

A and B are checking the truck before a run to Ras Tanura.
A tells B to put in some gasoline and check it.

B gets out leaving the motor running.

A tells him to turn off the engine.

B asks why.
A explains why.
A asks if the car needs oil.

B looks and says the oil is a little low.

A tells B to put some in.

B says the water is a little low too.

A tells B to put some in.

The truck is stopped beside a platform. A is directing B.

A shows B some barrels.

A tells B to put the barrels on the truck.
A says they are very heavy, B can't pick them up.
A tells B to have Salih help him.
B asks where Salih is.

A tells B to go call Salih from the shop.

Salih joins B. A is speaking to the two of them.

A tells them to lift the barrels and lower them carefully into the truck.

B says, all right, they've loaded the barrels.

B asks where they shall drive the truck.

A tells B to drive the truck to the storehouse.

A says that Salih will ride on top.

A is directing B to back a truck up to a platform.

B asks A where he should leave the truck.

A says he will show him.

A tells B to back the truck up slowly.
A tells B to the left a little.

A tells B to stop, that's good.

A tells B to unload the barrels onto the platform.

B says everything is finished.
yibannid (bannad, turn off or close ma {
aay with me

barmiyl barrel naagis low

baraamiyl barrels yinazzil (nazzal, lower

chabra work-shop nazzalna we lowered

yichayyik check nazzdnaahum we lowered them
(chayyak, yintaris {ntaras, get filled up
chayyakt) ntarast)

ntaras it has been filled

dachcha platform up
or it's filled
yidawwir look around for
(dawwar, yiraywis back up
dawwart) [ray was,
yiYLamm.il load
yirja {
(raja { , go back or return
yirkab (rahab, ride
uammalna we loaded
uammalnaahum we loaded them
yintaaj need saalin Salih (a man's
(ntaaj, ntijt) name)
yisubb (&abb> pour
yijiy U aa ?jiyt) come sabbayt)

yaakhudh take taankiy tank

(akhadh y

akhadhi) stop
yuwgaf (wagaf
khalaa% finished wagaft)

yuwsal (wasal, arrive or reach

layn until or till wasalt)

makiyna engine or yiziyd (zaad, increase

machine zidt)

ma (
a with

A New Houseboy

The strength! il-guwwa.

May God give you strength aiAud yigawwiyk.

My boss sent me here to work. raHysiy arsalniy Una ashtaghil.

he sent arsal

he sent me arsalniy

Where did you come from ? min waynjiyt?

I came from Qatif. jiyt min il-gariyf.

I came yesterday. jiyt ams.

You will work as a house boy. tishtaghil house boy.

Where did you work before this ? inta wayn shtaghalt min avowal?
you worked shtaghalt

first avowal

from first min awwal

I haven't worked before, maa shtaghalt min gabul.

before min gabul

This is the first time I've worked, haadhiy awwal marra shtaghalt.

time marra

the first time awwal marra

You are just new. tawwak jadiyd.
you just tawwak
Gome into this room, please. ta { aalfiy haadhiy l-nijra, minfaulak.

the room il-nijra

I want you to make the bed. any dak thallin il-fraash.

you make tisalliu

I want you to make ariydak tisallin

the bed il-fraash

Look, I'll show you. shuwf, ana awarriyk.

120 A New Houseboy

Now I know. al-nayn a {


All right, show me. Tayyib, warrniy.

I want how you make

to see it. ariyd ashuwf kayf tsalliuah.

you make it tsallinah

You will sweep the floor with the tiknis il-am bil-makhamma.

you sweep tiknis

the floor il-aru

the broom il-makhamma

with the broom bil-makhamma

And you will clean the furniture wa-tnanvif is-saamaan bi-khalag

with a clean cloth. namyf.

the furniture is-saamaan

rag khalag

with a clean rag bi-khalag namyf

Then you will put the dirt in the ba dayn tmiTT il-wasakh fis-salla.

the dirt il-wasakh

the basket is-salla

You willempty the basket every day. tfarrigh is-salla kullyowm.

you empty tfarrigh

You will take clean water in the taakhudh maay namyffil-baaldiy.

the bucket il-baaldiy

And you will take this mop. wa-taakhudh il-manshifa haadhiy.

the mop il-manshifa

And you will go into the bathroom. wa-truwn ila l-iiammaam.

the bathroom il-Hammaam

You willmop the floor. tnashshif il-arm

you mop tnashshif

And you will wash the glasses wa-tghassil il-kaasaat wil-akwaab .

and cups.
the glasses il-kaasaat

the cup il-kuwb

the cups il-akwaab

A New Houseboy 121

And you will put them away. wa-tnuTThum fiy manallhum.

in their place fiy manallhum
See this closet. shuwf haadha l-kabat.

There are towels and sheets in it. fiyh fuwar uw-sharaashif.

towel fuwra
towels fuwaT
sheet sharshaf
sheets sharaashif

You will change the towels every tbaddil il-fuwar kullyowm.

I'll change them every day? abaddilhum kullyowm?
You will check up on the soap. tit
akkad min is-saabuwn.
you check up tiVakkad
the soap i&saabuwn
And you will put soap in the wa-tnuTT saabuwn fil-iiammaam.
You will find the laundry placed z7-laundry tilgaah hina mawiuw'V.

you find tilga

you find it tilgaah

placed mauTuwr
Every week you will take it to the kull sbuw twaddiyh
ila /-laundry.
week sbuw (

you take it twaddiyh

There they will give you the clean hinaak ya {
Tuwk il-aghraau
things, in-namyfa.
they give ya Tuw

they give you ya ruwk


the clean things il-aghraau in-namyfa

You will bring them and put them tjiybhum wa-tuuTrhum fil-kabat.
in the closet.

Now I understand everything. al-uayn fahamt kull shay.


122 Unit II Grammar Analysis

Grammar Analysis

The Arabic Verb

jiyb bring (m)
jiybuw bring (pi)

jiybiy bring (f

Present or Future Past

yijiyb he brings jaab he brought

yijiybuw they bring jaabuw they brought

tjiyb she brings jaab at she brought

tjiyb you(m)bring jibt you(m)brought

tjiybuw you-all bring jibtuw you-all brought

tjiybiy you(f)bring jibtiy you(f)brought

ajiyb I bring jibt I brought

njiyb we bring jibna we brought

The verb Arabic consists of at most nineteen forms. All nineteen forms

of the verb yijiyb are shown above. The nineteen forms are divided into
three groups.

1. The Commands are used to tell people to do something.

2. The Present-Future indicates action in the present or future, and

is also used with laa to tell people not to do something.

3. The Past indicates action in the past.

Position of haadha in Phrases

khudh il^uwd haadha. Take this stake.

taakhudh il-manshifa haadhiy. You will take this mop.

The words haadha and haadhiy may follow the noun in a phrase.

These words may also precede the noun. For example:

shuwf haadha l-kabat. See this closet.

ta aalfiy haadhiy l-mjra.

{ Come into this room.
Unit I I Grammar Analysis 123

Other Plurals of Nouns and Adjectives

Singular^ Plural

time wagt awgaat

cup kuwb akwaab

sort shakil ashkaal

foot gadam agdaam

one third thilth athlaath

one fifth khums akhmaas

worker {
aamil (

finger isba { asaabi {

sheet sharshaf sharaashif

box sanduwg sanaadiyg

barrel barmiyl baraamiyl

gahfiya gasfiyya gauaajiy

minute dagiyga dagaayig

Arab {
arabiy {

brother akhuw khwaan

heavy thagiyl thgaal

simple rules for making

For most nouns and adjectives you cannot setup
the plural. The examples above show you
some frequent patterns.

The singular noun is often different from the plural. However

one feature

links them together; the same consonants

occur in the same order. In the

following examples the consonants held in

common are in capital


time WaGT aWGaaT

sort SHaKiL aSHKaaL
foot GaDaM aGDaaM
sheet SHaRSHaF SHaRaaSHiF
boy WaLaD aWLaaD
minute DaGiTGa DaGaaYiG
124 Unit II Grammar Analysis

Telling Time
is-saa a [
kam? What time is it?

is-saa a {
waanda. It's one o'clock.
is-saa a thintayn.
It's two o'clock.

is-saa a thalaatha.
It's three o'clock.

is-saa a {
khamsa ilia dagiyga. It's one minute to five.

is~saa a {
khamsa w-dagiyga. It's one minute past five.

The time before the hour is expressed by ilia meaning except, and the
time after the hour is expressed by wa- meaning and.

is-saa a thimaanya w-nuss.

It's half past eight.

is-saa a{
tis { a ilia rubu {
. It's a quarter to nine.

is-saa a tis { a
w~rubu {
. It's a quarter past nine.

is-saa a sitta ilia thilth.

It's twenty minutes to six.

is-saa a sitta w-thilth.

It's twenty minutes past six.

The Arabs use nuss and rubu to express the half and quarter hours.
use thilth meaning a third to express twenty minutes before or after the

is-saa ( a sab a {
w-mda {
sh dagiyga. It's eleven minutes after seven.

is-saa { a sitta w-dagiygatayn. It's two minutes after six.

is~saa { a sitta w-khamsa dagaayig. It's five minutes after six.

Other times are expressed by the number of minutes, dagaayig is the plural

of dagiyga. See page 137 for further explanation on counting.

A is taking a shower,

A calls the houseboy, B.

B asks what A wants.
A asks where the towel is.

B says he forgot. He didn't put it in the bathroom.

A asks B to go get the towel.
A tells B there also isn't any soap.
B says he'll bring the soap too.
A thanks B.
Conversations 125

A new employee A is asking the houseboy B about various things around

the dormitory.

A asks B where the towels are.

B tells him they are in the closet.
A thanks B.
B asks A if he wants a towel.
A says he does, this towel is dirty.

B says he'll get a clean towel.

A asks when B changes the towels.
B says he changes them every day.

A asks the houseboy B where to put the laundry.

B tells him.
A asks when B takes it to the laundry.

B says every week.

A asks where he'll find the clean things.
B says he'll put them in the closet,

A new employee A meets his houseboy B.

They exchange greetings and names.

A asks the name of B's father.
A asks where B is from.
B answers and asks where A is from.
B asks A when he came to Arabia.

A asks B where he worked before.

A asks B how long he has been working for the company.
B asks A how long he has been working for the company.
A asks B other questions about his father, brothers, and children.
B asks A similar questions.

B asks A to excuse him and says he has to go to work.

A asks B what he is going to do.

B says he's going to get a mop and bucket of water.
B says he's going into the bathroom and mop the floor.

A asks then what.

B says he's going to wash the glasses and cups and put them away.
A says O.K. he'll see him later.

They exchange good-byes.

ufiWuuO LLIUJ nut or Dlaced

a\A,a yigawwiyk May God give manshifa mop

you strength marra time
ams yesterday makhamma broom
arsal he sent YYllYl
mill fIlQ)7S)n]
tiixj uu tit Kpfore
avowal marra the first time min vabul before

baaldiv bucket yvrsii yarsaty scnu.

yifarrigh empty
(farragh, salla basket
farraght) sbuw {
tr aasfi uea
fuwTa towel saabuwn soap

sharshaf sheet

sharaashif sheets
guwwa strength
yisfiiugfiii \ktc\y\z

nammaam bathroom (shtaghal.

uijra room

kaasaat classes (drinking) tawwak you just

closet yWakkad check up

yiknis (kanas, sweep

kuwb cup wasakh dirt

yilga (laga, find ya {

riy {
aTa> give

lagayt) {
Seeing Dhahran

Have you ever seen a machine inta gar shift machine shop min
shop before ? gabul?

ever gar

have you ever seen inta gar shift

before min gabul

No, by Allah, I haven't. laa wavLa^ maa shiftah.

by Allah waixa

What's the machine shop for ? z7-machine shop nagg shinhuw ?

for nagg
for what uagg shinhuw

For making things, nagg taswiyat il-aghraaD.

making taswiya

the making of the things taswiyat il-aghraan

Now I would like to go to wuddiy aruwn al-nayn ila

the club-house, club house.

my desire wuddiy

I would like to go wuddiy aruwn

Come on, we'll go across by ta { aal, na bur min haadha


this road, t-t ariyg.

we go across na bur

by this road min haadha T-rariyg

Do you see that house which tshuwf dhaak il-bayt illiy fiy

is half-way down the street? wusr ish-shaari ? {

that house dhaak il-bayt

which illiy

middle WUST
the street ish-shaari {

which is half way down illiy fiy wust ish-shaari

the street*

* Should read: in the middle of the street.

128 Seeing Dhahran

That is the club house. dhaak huwwa /-club house.

Let's go inside and look. khallna nidkhul daakhil nshuwf.

we enter nidkhul

inside daakhil

This is the movie theater haadha mauall is-sinama,

and this is the bar. wa-haadha mauall ish-sharaab.

the movies is-sinama

the movie theater mauall is-sinama

the bar mauall ish-sharaab

Lets go outside. khallna nikhrij barra.

we go out nikhrij

outside bana
I'll show you the swimming awarriyk birkat is-sibaaua^

pool and the dance hall, uw-mauall ir-rags.

pool birka

the swimming pool birkat is-sibaaua

the dancing ir-rags

the dance hall mauall ir-rag$>

I'd like to go down to the Saudi ana auibb anzil wiyyaak

camp with you. ila kamb is-sa {

I go down anzil

I would like to go down auibb anzil

All right, if you want to. twakkal alalia, {

This is the mosque. haadha l-masjid.

Do you know what the mosque ta rif il-masjid

uagg shinhuw?
is for?

The mosque is for prayer. il-masjid uagg is-salaa.

the prayer is-salaa

What else do you want to see ? ba ad aysh triyd tshuwf?


I want you to show me where ariydak twarriyniy mauall

the oil is. iz-zayt.

you show me twarriyniy

I want you to show me ariydak twarriyniy

the place of the oil mauall iz-zayt

Seeing Dhahran

The oil is over there in the wells, iz-zayt hinaak Jil-aabaar,

under the ground, taut il-arD.

well biyr

wells aabaar

Do you see this fence? tshuwf haadha sh-shabk?

It is around the stabilizer. huwwa muawwiT stabilizer.

Why did they put a fence laysh uaTTuw {

alqyh shabk?

around it?

they did put UdTTUW

they put around it HaTTuw (

Because this place is dangerous. li-an haadha l-manall kharir.

They don't want anyone to go maa yiriyduw auadyidkhul fiyh.


anyone anad
he goes inside yidkhul fiyh

That's sensible. haadha sh-shay ma guwL {

Cassette 4B
Where do the company wayn mwauDafiyn ish-sharika

employees live ? saakniyn ?

employee mwaDDaf
employees mwaDBafiyn
living saakniyn

There are dormitories in the fiyh laynaat fiy kamb

Saudi camp, is-sa ( uwdiy.

dormitory layn

dormitories laynaat

And there are a few barastis. uw-fiyh galiyl barastiyyaat.

few galiyl

barasti (palm-leaf hut) barastiy

barastis barastiyyaat

a few barastis galiyl barastiyyaat

130 Seeing Dhahran

There are tents, too. fiyh khiyaam ba ad.


tent khayma

tents khiyaam

The time is up. il-wagt intaha.

And I wish you success in the w-arjuwlak in-najaau fil-mustagbal.

the future.
I hope for you arjuwlak

the success in-najaan

in the future fil-mustagbal

Good-bye. fiy amaan il-laah.

Unit 12 Grammar Analysis 131

Grammar Analysis

Verb Phrases with different Subject Markers

ariydak tsalliu il-fraash. I want you to make the bed.

In the verb phrase above, the two verb forms have different subject
markers. In addition the first verb form has the pronoun ending -ak
meaning you. The literal translation is / want you you make the bed. Here
are some more similar verb phrases.

ariydak tishtaghil Hndiy. I want you to work for me.

ariydak twarriyniy. I want you to show me.
triydniy asaaSidak? Do you want me to help you?
triyd t
allimna nigra ? Do you want to teach us to read ?
ashuwfkum tishtaghiluw . I see you-all working.

Pronoun Endings after [


salaam alaykum. {
Peace upon you.
ayyaam narb alayna ? (
Is there a war on ?
laysh uaiTuw {
alayh shabk ? Why did they put a fence around it ?
The word {
ala has a variant {
alay- before pronoun endings.

The forms with the pronoun endings follow.

ala on
alayy on me
alayk on you(m)
alaych on you(f)
alayh on him
alayha on her
alayna on us
alaykum on you-all
alayhum on them

Arabic Roots
Words in Arabic having the same consonants in the same order are often
related to one another in meaning. The consonants held in common are
132 Unit 12 Grammar Analysis

called roots. The root consonants are often three in number. The sta-

bility of the root consonants is one of the striking features of Arabic.

You have noticed this in the verbs and in the discussion of the plurals of
nouns and adjectives. Following are some roots and some of the words
based on them.

Root < ml {
amal work
aamil worker
^ummaal workers
yi$ta mil {
he uses

Root < lm {
allam he taught
allamt I learned
alaama sign

Root eh
sh o 1 shuphul work
o you work
o I worked
r r
Root h i r uujra aitcn

yinfir he digs
uaffaar driller

Root klm kalima word

tkallam speak!
kalaam quotation

Root kh m s khamsa five

khums a fifth

akhmaas fifths

il-khaamis the fifth

A is showing B around Dhahran.

A asks if B has seen the club house.

B says he hasn't and asks where it is.

A points out a building in the middle of the street.

A says that is the club house.

B says let's go inside and look.

Conversations 133

A points out various things around the club house.

The movie theater.

The bar.
The swimming pool.
The dance hall.

A and B are leaving the club house.

A points out the stabilizer.

B asks why there is a fence around it.

A says because the place is dangerous.

B says that's a good idea.

B suggests they go into the stabilizer area and look around.

A says they don't want anyone to go inside.

A and B continue to walk along.

A asks if B would like to see anything else.

B says he'd like to go to the Saudi camp.

A says, good, come along.

B asks where the company employees live.

A says they live in dormitories. There are also a few barastis and


B says he'd like to see the market and the mosque.

A shows him.
aabaar wells mauall is-sinama the movie theater
anad anyone manall ish-sharaab the bar

arjuwlak I wish you or masjid mosque

I hope for you ma guwl {

muawwiT around
barastiy barasti mustagbal future
barastiyyaat b?.rastis employee
bana outside
mwaDDafiyn employees
birka pool
birkat is-sibaaaa swimming pool najaan success

biyr well yinzil (nazal, go down

aabaar wells nazalt)

daakhil inside rags a dance

yidkhul {dakhal, enter

saakin living
saakniyn living (pi)

galiyl few sa uwdiy {

gar ever sinama movies

uaTTuw they did put %alaa prayer

kamb camp shaari (


kamb is-sa {
uwdiy Saudi camp shabk fence

khayma tent taswiya a making

khiyaam tents twakkal alahLa (
all right, if you
yikhrij (kharaj, go out want to

wudd desire

layn dormitory WUST middle

laynaat dormitories
alayh on it
li-an because
ya (
bur (
abar, go across
maiiall ir-rags the dance-hall {
Unit I Numbers

Numbers from one to twenty

waamid one iuda sh {


ithnayn two iihna sh {


thalaatha three thalaat ta^sh thirteen

arba a {
four arbaS ta sh {

khamsa five khams ta sh{


sitta six sitt iaSsh sixteen

sab a {
seven sabi (
ta { sh seventeen

thimaanya eight thimaan ta sh


a nine tis
ta sh (
ashra ten Hshriyn twenty

Unit 2 Numbers

Numbers from twenty to twenty-five.

Hshriyn twenty
waanid uw- {
ishriyn one and twenty
ithnayn uw-Hshriyn two and twenty
thalaatha w-Hshriyn three and twenty
arba a w-Hshriyn
{ four and twenty
khamsa w-Hshriyn five and twenty

The numbers from waanid through tis { a precede Hshriyn.

are always joined by wa- meaning and. wa- has

Two or more numbers
two variants: uw- and w-. wa- and uw- may occur before any word.

w- occurs after words ending in -a.

136 Numbers

Unit 3 Numbers

Numbers from ten to one hundred by tens and beyond one hundred.

ashra ten tisHyn ninety

Hshriyn twenty miya one hundred

thalaathiyn thirty miya w-waamd one hundred and one
arbaHyn forty miya w-ithnayn one hundred and two
khamsiyn fifty miya w-thalaatha one hundred and three
sittiyn sixty miya w-arba a {
one hundred and four
sabHyn seventy miya w-khamsa one hundred and five

thimaaniyn eighty miya w-sitta one hundred and six

In numbers over one hundred, the hundreds precede the ones and tens.

Unit 4 Numbers

Numbers from one hundred to one thousand by hundreds.

miya one hundred

miyatayn two hundred
thalaath miya three hundred
arba miya{
four hundred

khams miya five hundred

sitt miya six hundred
sabi { miya seven hundred
thimaan miya eight hundred
tisi { miya nine hundred

alf one thousand

Numbers (37

Unit 5 Numbers

Not recorded
Counting things from one to twelve.

sanduwg one box

sanduwgayn two boxes
thalaatha sanaadiyg three boxes

arba a mnaadiyg
four boxes

khamsa sanaadiyg five boxes

sitta mnaadiyg six boxes

sab a sanaadiyg
seven boxes

thimaanya sanaadiyg eight boxes

a sanaadiyg nine boxes
ashra sanaadiyg ten boxes

mda (
sh sanduwg eleven boxes

ithna sh {
sanduwg twelve boxes

In counting anything in Arabic there are three points to keep in mind.

1. There are three noun forms : the singular, the dual, and the
counting plural.

2. The counting plural is the form used immediately following the

numbers thalaatha through {

3. The singular is the noun used everywhere else.

kam akhuw ? how many brothers ?

kam saaSa? how many hours?

The word kam meaning how many is followed by a singular noun.

138 Numbers

Unit 6 Numbers

Numbers from one thousand to twelve thousand by thousands.

alf one thousand

alfayn two thousand
thalaath taalaaf three thousand

arbaS taalaaf four thousand

khams taalaaf five thousand

sitt taalaaf six thousand
sabi {
taalaaf seven thousand
thimaan taalaaf eight thousand

taalaaf nine thousand
ashra taalaaf ten thousand

inda sh alf [
eleven thousand

ithnaSsh alf twelve thousand

Unit 7 Numbers

Not recorded
Counting things from one hundred to one hundred and twelve.

miyat sanduwg one hundred boxes

In counting, miya has a variant miyat which is used immediately before

the noun.
miya w-sanduwg one hundred and one boxes

miya w-sanduwgayn one hundred and two boxes

miya w-thalaatha sanaadiyg one hundred and three boxes

miya w-arba a sanaadiyg

one hundred and four boxes

miya w J ashra sanaadiyg one hundred and ten boxes

miya w-mda {
sh sanduwg one hundred and eleven boxes

miya w-ithna sh sanduwg [

one hundred and twelve boxes

Two or more numbers are always joined by wa- or a variant of wa-.

The counting plural is used immediately following the numbers thalaatha

through ashra no matter what word comes before these numbers.
Numbers 139

Unit 8 Numbers

Not recorded
Large numbers.

three thousand and six hundred

thalaath taalaaf uw-sitt-miya w-sitta
and six and sixt>r 3 > 666 )
w-sittiyn (

Numbers occur in series in the following order: thousands,

ones, tens. Two or more numbers are always joined by wa- or a variant
of wa-. Here are some more examples.

alf uw-miyatayn uw-sitta

one thousand and two hundred
and six (1,206)

alfayn uw-miya w-sittiyn two thousand and one hundred

and sixty (2,160)

khamsa w-sittiyn alf uw-thalaath miya five and sixty thousand and three

w-khamsa w- {
ishriyn hundred and five and twenty
two hundred and five and sixty
miyatayn uw-khamsa w-sittiyn alf
thousand (265,000)

Unit 9 Numbers

Fractions. Plurals of fractions.

nuss one half ansaaf halves

thilth one third thilthayn two thirds

rubu {
one fourth thalaath tarbaa {
three fourths

khums one fifth thalaath takhmaas three fifths

one sixth khams tasdaas five sixths


one seventh khams tasbaa {

five sevenths

one eighth khams tathmaan five eights

one ninth khams tatsaa {
five ninths
ushur one tenth sabi {
ta shaar
seven tenths
140 Numbers

Unit 10 Numbers

Number adjectives from the first to the tenth

il-awwal the first

ith-tkaaniy the second

ith~thaalith the third
ir-raabi {
the fourth
il-khaamis the fifth

is-saadis the sixth

is-saabi {
the seventh
ith-thaamin the eighth
it-taasi {
the ninth
aashir the tenth

English Arabic Vocabulary

Verb forms are marked with a Roman numeral indicating their class

membership. Those who have not mastered the principles of deriving the
different forms according to the class of a verb, will find the full
forms of

any verb in the Grammar Analysis of Unit 9. Noun plurals likely to occur

in ordinary conversation are given after the singular.

Abdulla {
abdu\A,a by Allah wau^a

able, be or can yigdar I also or too ba ad {

about or concerning {
an A. M. sabaauan

above fowg America amriyka

acquainted with, be ya {
rif I American amriykaaniy

across, go or come ya (
bur I American (f amriykaaniyya

after ba ad (
and wa- or uw- or w-

after (followed by another thaaniy

a verb) ba ad{
maa anyone anad

after a while ba ad shway

anything else shay aakhar

afternoon, good masaa) il-khayr appearance shiyfa

and to you a good Arab {

arabiy, {

afternoon masaa) in-nuwr Arabic {


age {
umur The Arabian sharikat iz-zayt

ago gabul American Oil il- { arabiyya

a month ago gabul shahar Company l-amriykiyya

agree yigbal I around mnawwiT

ahead giddaam put around ymuTT {
ala III

Ahmed aumad look around for yidawwir II

all hull arrive yuwsal I

all right Tayyib or zayn ask yis al I ]

all right, if you want to twakkal 'alalia

assistant msaa id {

that's all right maa yikhaalif at a distance baHyd

all the same to me maa {

alaysh at your service amrak

Allah or God au^a a while, after ba ad shway

142 English-Arabic Vocabulary

back up yiraywis II big kabiyr

go back yirja {
I boss raHys

in back of wara box sanduwg, sanaadiyg

in back of you . waraak boy walad y awlaad
bar manall ish-sharaab bread khubz
barasti barastiy> barastiyyaat break or smash yikassir II

barrel barmiyl, baraamiyl bricks Taabuwg

basket salla bring yijiyb V
bathroom nammaam bring me jiybliy

be yikuwn V broken or out

be or become yisiyr V of order kharbaan
beat ymgg III gets broken yinkasir II

because li-an broom makhamma

become yisiyr V brother akhuw, khwaan
bed fraash bucket baaldiy

before gabul business il-bay {

uw sh-shira

before or avowal or but laakin

before this min gabul butter Zibd

behind wara buy yishtariy IV
behind you waraak buying shira

beside jamb by Allah or

i_ i
by God
j ,


better or best ausan

beyond wara by himseli 0-ruwnaa

call yinaadiy IV careful, be yintabih II

this is called haadha ismah carefully shway shway

camp kamb change (money) sarf
Saudi camp kamb is-sa {
uwdiy change yibaddil II

can or be able yigdar I cheap rakhiys

car sayyaara sayyaaraat

cheaper arkhas

carry yiwaddiy IV check yichayyik II

carburetor kar bray tar check up on yiOakkad min II

English-Arabic Vocabulary 143

come on yOLLCL
cheese jubun
come outside yikhrij
children Hyaal
coming jaay, Jaayya(t)
cigarette sigaara
company sharika
citv bilaad(f)

clean namyf company

employees {
ummaal ish-sharika
clean yinavmf II

clerk kaatib the company

school madrasat ish-sharika
close yisukk III

or yibannid II the oil company sharikat iz-zoyt

concerning {
closet kabat

gahwa condition uaal

connect yirbu'T I
cold baarid
country bilaad(f)
come yijiy IV
cross ya {
bur I
come ta { aal

cup kuwb, akwaab

come down yinzil I
custom-house gumrig
come inside yidkhul I

manall ir-rags at a distance baHyd

dance hall
rags ditch nufra
dangerous kharir do yisawwiyl IV

done mistawiy
daughter bint

yowm, ayyaam well done mistawiy jiddan

kullyowm is done khalas (khalast)
every day
daayra dormitory layn, laynaat
ghuzur doubt shakk
desire wudd down tanat

Dhahran iu-Dahraan go or come

difficult sa ab
{ down yinzil I

yinfir I drill yiufir I

dirt or earth traab driller uqffaar

refuse wasakh drink yishrab I

dirt or

dirty wasikh drive in or

pound yidigg III
distant or
144 English-Arabic Vocabulary

eat yaakil I enough bass

else, anything or enter yidkhul I
something shav aakhar V_ V

what else ba ad aysh

every kull
employee mwaunaf, mwaDDafiyn every day kull yowm
or everything kull shav

worker (
aamil, l
ummaal exactly bw-Dabr
empty yifarrigh II excuse yisaamm II
end aakhir excused masmuzxm
is ended yintahiy IV expensive ghaaliy
engine makiyna explain yifahhim II
engineer muhandis explodes or
English ingliyziy is explosive yithuwr V

far baHyd get a flat tire yibanchir II

father abuw have a flat tire mbanchir
your father abuwk floor aru
fence shabk food akil

few palivl foot padatn apdaarn

fill in vi dfin I for or to /z- or l-

is filled ud vintaris II for me or to me Jiv

find vilpa IV for von or to von lak

find or meet vilaapiv IV for or for the
fine Tavvib or Dumose of VLapp

finish vikhlus I for

J. J. hi- or A-
finished khalaas for five riyals bi-khamsa riyaal
finger for us or with us hnd/mn.

fire for or so that ^ala shaan

fire extinguisher Taffaaya forget yinsa IV
first awwal friend sadiyg
the first time awwal marra from min
fish samak front, in giddaam
flat tire or furniture saamaan
puncture banchar future mustagbal

English-Arabic Vocabulary I4S

go lnsicic vidlchul T
gahnya gaufiyya, ganaqfiy
go outside vifrhni
yifi/irij T

gang jimaa a K

vihidd III
gangpusher tindayl

garage garaaj going

De gone mlch
y in, f initio TT
fillip ax
gas, natural gazz
1 *
/7T T /7
gasoline banziyn VjrOa

\juu wina ?W sKfWJ T /2

ill LOf
gasoline station manall il-banziyn

get or bring yijiyo V iviay \jruugivc

get to be yisiyr V you health CLiA-iQ, yu uuf iyt\>

TT "

get broken yinkasir 11

iviay Lroa give

get a flat tire yibanchir II you c+T'^n 0"f"rl

sirciigiii m t a vipdwwivk

awwar II good Tfiwih or tclvti

get hurt yit {

yigfidrrxz anscin
get stuck -LA

a ti n Ligiit
get or take yaakhudh I yuuu
cr r\i \ f\ a-iiLi (Til t~

bint OT Willi oUlCllgLii hil-Puwwd


ya (
Tiy IV rcr\r\f\
dl tCl lll-HJli masad) il-khayr
give me dnu iu yuu a
1 11 give you gUUU. axlCi ilUUll m/iK/ifi) in-nuwT

give up yibaTiil II good morning <Z/7h/7/7U ll-khflVT

otlUClCin. 11 niiirl&yi

glad to see you

glad to vJtJU. HUJi iiing ^nhnn^K in-nuwT

meet you ahlan wa-sahlan gooa-uyc r7if /rm/J/ltl

j iy Uiftuufi'
1 1 iLiitit>
tfi 1/7/7/1

glass, drinking kaas, kaasaat or ma (

fl s-salaama

g yiruwn V got, you have Hndak

go or walk yimshiy I government mtkuwma

go across ya (
bur I ground am
go back jzV/V* ( I group jimaa a {

go down jrn^i/
146 English-Arabic Vocabulary

half nuss hello ahlan wa-sahlan

half way down help yisaa lid II

or in the helper msaaHd

middle of fiy wust here or at this

hammer marraga place hina or hniy

hand yad here is or take khudh

happen to yisiyr Hnd V hey or I say yaa

happy mabsuwT hit or pound yidigg III

hard or with hold or grasp yimsik I

strength bil-guwwa hope so, I or if

hard or difficult sa ab {
God wills inshaaiA^a

Hasa il-nasa I hope for you or

Hasan uasan I wish you arjuwlak

have or possess Hnd it is to be hoped {


you have Hndak hose howz

I haven't maa Hndiy hospital mustashfa (m)

have or make hot Haarr

or let yikhalliy IV hour saa {

a, saa aat

have to or house bayt

necessary laazim how kayf or shlown

he huwwa how much or

health how many kam
May God give how much (of prices) bi-kam

you health aiA,a ya aqfiyk {

hungry jow aan {

hear yisma {
I hurt, ache, pain yuwja {

heavy thagiyl, thgaal(p\) get hurt yit {

awwar II

I ana if God wills inshaaiA^a

I hope so or important muhimm

if God wills inshaauLa in or inside fiy
ice thalj in the fil-

if idha in or with bi-

English-Arabic Vocabulary 147

in Arabic bil J arabiy inform yikhabbir II

in the morning sabaauan inside daakhil

in back of war a go or come inside yidkhul I

in front of giddaam inspect yifatlish II

increase yiziyd V inspector mufattish

increasing Zaayid it huwwa or hiyya

inexpensive rakhiys it's all the same to me maa alaysh {

inflammable, be yishibb III it's up to you {

ala kayfak

job shughul just right tamaam kullish

just or only bass I just tawwiy

just now al-nayn you just tawwak

keep away yuwgqf baHyd I The Kingdom of il-mamlaka

keep away! owgqf baHyd Saudi Arabia l-


kerosene gaaz s-sa uwdiyya {

key miftaau know or be

kind shakil, ashkaal acquainted with
kingdom mamlaka know how
or ya {
rif I

The Kingdom il-mamlaka know (a factj yidriy I

large kabiyr lightly

last aakhir or carefully shway

late (be late) yWakhkhar II like yimbb III

lay yinuTT III I would like wuddiy or auibb

learn yit allam II

like this kidha

leave or little or not

let stay yikhalliy IV much galiyl

left side yisaar a little shway

let or make yikhalliy IV a little over galiyl zaayid

let go living saakin,saakiniyn

or release yihidd III load yinammil II

148 English-Arabic Vocabulary

load nimil look around for yidawwir II

lock yigful I low or deficient naagis

lock it guflah lower yinazzil II

look yishuwf V lumber khashab

he looks like or
Tiis appearance
is shiyftah

machine makiyna middle WUST

make yisawwiy IV milk naliyb

making taswiya minute dagiyga, dagaayig

make (a bed) yhallin II Mohammed mnammad

make or let money flaws (f)

or have yikhalliy IV month shahar

man rajjaal or insaan mop up yinashshif II

many, how ham mop or towel manshifa

market suwg morning, in the sabaauan

married mitzawwij good morning sabaan il-khayr

matches and to you a

or match kabriyt good morning sabaau in-nuwr

May God give mosque masjid

you health aLLa ya aafiyk

movies sinama

May God give movie theater manall is-sinama

you strength aLLa yigawwiyk much kathiyr

maybe how much ham

or perhaps yimkin how much
mean yaSniy IV (of prices) bi-kam

measure yigiys V not much galiyl

meat lanam must

medium mitwassiT or necessary laazim

meet yilaagiy IV Mustafa musrafa


English-Arabic Vocabulary

name isim new jadiyd
near to gariyb min no laa

necessary laazim now or just now al-nayn

need ymtaaj V not muw or maa
never abadan number nimra

o'clock is-saa a l
one waamd
eight o'clock is-saa ( a thimaan one at a time bil-waauid

oh aa open yifukk III or

oil zqyt yibarril II

the oil company sharikat iz-zoyt or willa

O.K. zayn oranges burtugaal

on or on top of fowg order yhlub I

order ralab out of order kharbaan

other aakhar or out, go or come yikhrij I

thaaniy outside bana

the other side over or above fowg
of or beyond wara overturned magluwb

peace salaam pipe bayb

peace upon you salaam alaykum{

place manall
and upon you wa- alaykum
place or
peace is-salaam country bilaad (f

pepper fufii place or put yinuTT III

per day fil-yowm placed or put maHTuwT
perfect tamaam platform dachcha

perhaps yimkin please (granting

pick ax chazma a request) tfawal
pick up yishiyl V please (seeking
pie baay a favor) minfoDlak
piece wusla
) )

150 English-Arabic Vocabulary

pleased to province bilaad (f

meet you ahlan wa-sahlan puncture banchar

poison or be get a puncture yibanchir II

poisonous yisumm III have a puncture mbanchir

pool birka put or pour yisubb III

pound or hit yidigg III put or placed mavmuwT

pour yisubb III put or place jmwTT III

Praise God il-uamdu lil-laah put around yimnrr {

ala III

prayer salaa put away yinuTT fiy

price kalaam manall III

final price aakhir il-kalaam put in, increase yiziyd V

Qatif il-gariyf (f question su)aal

quarter rubuS quickly bi-sur a or {


question yis al I
] quotation kalaam

rag khalag return

rare mistawiy shway or go back yirja {

Ras Tanura raas tannuwra reverse yiraywis II

Rashid raashid ride yirkab I

reach or right yamiyn

arrive at yuwsal I right away Yiaalan

read yigra IV that's all right maayikhaalif

regret asaf riyal or riyals riyaal

release yihidd III road rariyg

repair ykallin room uijra

repairing tasliyn run away or run

repeat yi uwd
V for your life yishrid I

rest yistariyn V
English-Arabic Vocabulary 151

Saad (a man's I'll show you awarriyk

n 7\ pm
liftll-LV-j t
soSad sick mariyiy

Oc li1 1 J. id lllcXll a side jamb or sowb

nninc i
saaliH to one side {
ala sowb

sail the other side

TCLTfial of or beyond wara

sanuais fill Hill sifn {

ca + o
1 t~i /"I r\Y fi
Of 1U11
l 1
sit yijlis I

O U U. 1
sitting jaalis

Oa.UUl Cd-IIlU lenmh i C- c/7^7/?p)//jl' sledtre hammer marraga kabiyra

say yigUUUL V slowlv shway shway

scnooi tvi/i/lY/i
IftUUf CldUc/t smash yihassir II

111L- L-U1I1 U<AI1 y smoke (a

scnooi mn/^Yn^ni isnfhflYIKfl

IrOlt Of lilt tilXiA,
fflUsLLf U/OLLl cigarette etc.] yidakhkhin II

sec V? \h.7J7)f V so that {
ala shaan or watta

self soap saabuwn

Dy mmseii Kl YltTDYVXnn
U~f ULurLllit some ba (

Sell yiuiy v someone awad

Selling something
VilJLV- Vll-Lllw
L| shay

OClIIlct J L&vfl LLt- something else shay aakhar

V?T??I I sometimes ba {
aT> il-awgaat

-> /7
( {jiiyei/
PUUUl son walad

service, at your lift If tin.

enrrv aasif

she T'm
i enrrv
in ovji i
ma^a l-asaf or aasif

sheet ofillf ollllj j jflUf LllljK'tJ sort shakily ashkaal

O W LI shuruba
snut ZClUTiL

shop dukkaan speak yitkallam II

workshop chabra speed sur a {

short spoon mil aga {

or deficient naagis stake {

shovel shaywal stand yuwgqf I
show yiwarriy IV stand back yiwakhkhir III

show me Hurray* stomach bar an

152 English-Arabic Vocabulary

stone, rock nasaa stretch yimidd III

stones uasa string khayr

stop yuwgaj I stuck, get yigharriz II

stop or make stop yiwaggifll success najaan

straight siyda sugar sikkar

street shaari {
Sulayman sulaymaan

strength guwwa sweep yiknis I

May God give aiA,a yigawwiyk swimming sibaana

you strength swimming pool birkat is-sibaaua

take yaakhudh I the other side of wara

take khudh then or later ba dayn


take or carry yiwaddiy IV there or in

take out of yishiyl min V that place hinaak

tank taankiy there is fiyh

tea chaay there isn't maafiyh

teach yi allim II
these haadhowl

tell or say yiguwl V they hum

tell me guwlliy thing shay

tell or inform yikhabbir II things aghraaD

tent khayma, khiyaam think yiftakir II

thank yishkur I or ytDunn III

I thank you ashkurak this haadha, haadhiy (f)

that dhaak these haadhowl

that in this way kidha

that you innak throw yirmiy IV

that I inniy tie yirbuT I

that which illiy tighten yitayyit II

that is till or until layn

or it means ya {
niy time or hour saa {
a, saa aat {

that's all right maayikhaalif what time is it is-saa a (

so that {
ala shaan or natta time (an
the il- interval) wagt awgaat

English-Arabic Vocabulary 153

time (occurrence) marra top of, on fowg

the first time avowal marra touch yilmas I

one at a time bil-waanid don't touch laa tilmas

tire taayir towel fuwTa, fuwaT

to ila town bilaad (f

today il-yowm truck sayyaara, sayyaaraat

tomorrow bukra turn on

too or also baSad or open yifukk III

tools saamaan or Hdda turn over yiglub I

tool-kit Hddat it-tasliyn turned over magluwb

under tanat up fowg
understand yifham I up to you {
ala kayfak

unload from yinazzil min II upon fowg or {


until layn use yista mil II


vegetables khuora very kullish or waajid
or jiddan or bil-


wait yhbir I water maay
wait a minute isbir dagiyga way, this

walk yimshiy IV or like this kidha

wall jidaar we inna or ninna

want or wish yiriyd V welcome

want or like yimbb III or hello ahlan wa-sahlan

war narb you are mamnuwn or

was kaan (kun-t) V welcome ahlan wa-sahlan

wash yighassil II welder lanuaam

watch out yintabih II well biyr, aabaar

watch out baalak well or healthy Tayyib or zayn


154 English-Arabic Vocabulary

well done mistawiy jiddan will be yisiyr V

what aysh or shinhuw if God wills inshaauLa

what else ba ad aysh

wind hawa
what sort of aysh min wipe off yinashshif II

work ish- shughul wire waayir

what or which ay wish you, I arjuwlak

what (of with or in

numbers) or company with ma {

a or wiyya

how much ham with me ma (

aay or wiyyaay

what or that with you ma aak {

or wiyyaak

which illiy with him ma aah [

or wiyyaah

when mata with or by

where wayn means of bi-

which ay without biduwn

which word kalima

or that which illiy work yishta&hil II

while, after a ba ad shway

work shughul or (
who min worker
who is minhuw, minhiy (f or workman l
aamil y
who are minhum workshop chabra

whole kull wrench miftaan

why laysh write yiktib I

width Hm wrong
wife Zowja what's wrong
will be yikuwn V with you aysh fiyk

year sana yesterday ams
two years sintayn you inta, intiy(),

yes na {
am or ay intuw(p\)

or ay na (
Using Arabic in Training Saudi Employees

This model conversation shows you steps to follow in training your

Saudi employees to do new work. This model uses a hand-pump fire

extinguisher because it is simple to operate. The model shows steps which

are the same for any job of training you do.
First: plan to teach one thing at a time. Plan to teach surface actions
before you teach inner actions of your equipment.
Second : find out what your Saudi employee knows already. Exchange
names. Learn what the Arabic name is, then teach him the English name.
Find out if he knows what the equipment is for. Find out if he knows how
to operate (or assemble, or maintain) the equipment. If he says yes, have
him show you. If he says no, teach him.

Third: teach him. Teach each step in order: first..., second..., third...,
and so on. Match your actions with your words. Don't make any motions
which don't fit exactly what you are saying. Your men will learn as much
from what they see you do as from what they hear you say. Keep
content simple: no words or actions which are not necessary at this time.
Fourth check up by having him demonstrate
: to you, with each step
in order.

Fifth: make a final check-up by having him teach another Saudi the
way you taught him, while you supervise.
Sixth: make it clear why you are teaching this work to the Saudi. Is
he going to operate (or assemble, or maintain) the equipment ?
Training is repeated teaching. No one learns from one time only.
Men aren't cameras. They need more than a single exposure. You will
have to teach again and again until your men know. When they know,
then you've trained them.
Fire Extinguisher

Model Training Conversatio

name taSrif aysh isim haadha?
Do you know what's the

of this ?
Yes, this is a fire extinguisher. na am, haadhiy raffaqya.

No, I don't know. laa y maa a {


In English it's called a fil-ingliyziy ismaha

fire extinguisher.
fire extinguisher.

This is to extinguish fire. haadhiy <ala shaan thaffiy l-nariyga. or

haadiy ala shaan tarfiyat


ala shaan

it(she) extinguishes tiraffiy

fire viariyga

extinguishing tarfiya

the extinguishing of the fire tavfiyat il-nariyga

Do you know how you

use it ? ta {
arifkayf tista

tista { mil
you use
tista ( milha
you use it

Yes, I know. na am, {


(Then) please show me how minfaulak, warrniy kayf

you use it. tista l milha.

No, I don't. laa, maa a l


(Then) look, I'll show you. shuwf, ana awarriyk.

The way to use it is... Tariygat il-isti

maal hiyya...

way rariyga

Tariygat il~isti { maal

the way of use
she or it hiyya

awwalan, owgaf tagriyban ashra


First, stand about ten feet away

from the fire, agdaam baHyd min il-uariyga.


stand owgaf
Fire Extinguisher 157

about tagriyban

feet agdaam
away from baHyd min
Second, you have to leave it thaanyan, laazim tkhalliyha

straight up and down, mustagiyma (or siyda) .

second thaanyan

you put it or you leave it tkhalliyha

erect mustagiyma
straight siyda

Third, put your foot on the stand, thaalithan, hwtt rijlak l

ala d-da sa.

third thaalithan

put nuTT
your foot rijlak

the stand id-da sa (

So that the fire extinguisher {

ala shaan iT-raffaaya maa titnarrak.

won't move,
it (she) moves titnarrak

Fourth, hold the hose in your raabi an, imsik il-howzfiy


left hand, yadak il-yisaar.

fourth raabi an {

hold imsik

your hand yadak

your left hand yadak il-yisaar

Fifth, aim the hose at the base khaamisan, sawwib il-howz

of the fire, ila gaa {

at il-nariyga.

fifth khaamisan

aim sawwib
base gaa a (

Sixth, pump with your right saadisan, inrib bump bi-yadak

hand, il-yamiyn.

sixth saadisan
pump vorib bump
with bi-

your right hand yadak il-yamiyn

158 Fire Extinguisher

When the fire stops, don't pump lamma l-nariyga tikhlas, laa timib

any more, bump ziyaada.

when lamma
it (she) stops or it (she) ends tikhlas

don't pump laa tiwib bump

more Ziyaada

When it is empty, inform lamma tikhla, khabbir markaz il-narigya

the fire-station so they'll fill it. viatta yitrusuwha.

it (she) gets empty tikhla

station markaz
fire-station markaz il-uariyga
so uatta

they fill yitrusuw

they fill it yitrusuwha

Now show me how to use al-nayn warrniy kayf tista mil {

the fire extinguisher. ir-Taffaaya.

O.K., I'll show you how. rayyib, awarriyk kayf.

Now teach Jassim how to use it. al-nayn allim jaasim kayfyista milha.
{ {

teach {

he uses it yista milha {

O.K., I'll show him. layyib, ana awarriyh.

I show him awarriyh

Do you know where you always (

ta rif wayn daayman tilgaaha?
find it?

always daayman
you find it tilgaaha

There is one or more fiyh waauda aw akthar

in every building. fiy kull binaaya.

one (f) waauda

building binaaya

Remember, for safety the fire tdhakkar, lis-salaama laazim tkuwn

extinguisher must always be full. ir-rqfaaya daayman matruwsa.

remember tdhakkar

for li-
Fire Extinguisher

for (the) safety lis-salaama

it (she) is tkuwn
it (she) must be laazim tkuwn

full or filled matruwsa

I want you to inspect it every any dak tfattish-ha hull sabaau.

you inspect tfattish

you inspect it tfattish-ha

morning sabaaH
You are the one who is responsible inta l-wamyd illiy mas uwl

for keeping it in working order. {

an mfoaha saalina lil- {

one or only one wamyd

who illiy

responsible mas uwl )

for or concerning {

keeping hz/d

keeping her or it mfoaha

good or fit saalma
for (the) work lil~

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