FSM Build Great Models 2 PDF

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Most of what you need to begin modeling will fit nicely on a TV tray or a small desktop and you may

y have some of it in your household already, like

the coat hanger that serves as a paint stand for this 1/25 scale AMT/Ertl 1949 Mercury. Clockwise from the car: white glue (for clear parts); super glue
accelerator, super glue, and (dont forget!) super glue debonder; sprue clippers; sanding sticks; small and large paintbrushes; hobby knife; assorted
sandpaper in various grades; tweezers for tiny parts; a tube of styrene cement; and putty to fill seams.


Gather your tools:

It doesnt take much to get started
thats up to you. But heres some advice:
elcome to the world of scale Other than a well-ventilated room with a
Keep the first one easy. Many kits are
modeling: This is the second of stationary flat surface, you dont need much
labeled with skill level or degree of diffi-
four articles introducing you to a to build a basic model kit; you can see the
culty indicated on the box. Or, you can read
great hobby. essentials in the picture above.
FineScale Modeler magazine Workbench
In Part 1, we explained a little of the Speaking of ventilation, whether you are
Reviews, which almost always conclude
hobbys history and the evolution of con- sanding plastic or spraying paint, an
with a recommendation of the appropriate
stant scale. In this installment, well show OSHA-approved respirator mask is recom-
expertise required to build that model.
you basic tools that will get you started on mended. Remember this rule: If you can
your first model. In other words, take a few practice cuts smell it, youre breathing it.
before swinging away. There is absolutely
Choose your model, and take it easy nothing wrong with a simple model well Next time: Fundamental techniques for
By now you probably have a good idea of built. building better models.
what you would like to build. Of course, Basic tools and supplies

1 Gather your tools: It doesnt take much to get started

3 tips for immediate improvement
Properly used tools and techniques can improve your modeling right away. These three
tips go a long way toward cleaner construction:

Most expert modelers prefer an airbrush, but

you can get good paint finishes with spray-can
paint. No matter how you paint, wear a
respirator mask to protect against irritating and/
or toxic fumes.

1. Use clippers to cut (not twist) parts from the sprue (parts tree). Using the side clippers, cut as
close as you can to the part. Be careful: Only cut excess plastic, not molded detail or locating pins. Supplies checklist
White glue Filler putty
Super glue Paint set
Super glue Masking tape
accelerator Thinner
Super glue Scissors
debonder Decal tweezers
Sanding sticks Toothpicks
Sprue cutter Clothespins
Budget brushes Rubber bands
Hobby knife Spray paint
Tweezers Respirator mask
2. Sand away mold lines (left over from the injection-molding process) and any other Model cement
irregularities on the part before gluing it.

Sprue? Mold lines?

Capillary action?
Dont let the lingo get you down; you
can always look it up in our modeling
glossary at www.FineScale.com/How

3. Tube glue has its uses, but liquid styrene cement is much neater and more efficient. Apply it
sparingly with a fine brush: Join two pieces, load the brush with a minimal amount of cement,
and merely touch the join. Capillary action will pull the cement out of the brush and into the
join, where it will melt and fuse the plastic mating surfaces. Unlike the old-fashioned tube glue,
no blobs, no strings and it makes a strong bond between plastic pieces. Better yet, if you
realize you have glued the wrong two things together, often you can apply a little more liquid
cement and part the pieces.

Well talk a lot more about basic techniques in Part 3.

2014 Kalmbach Publishing Co.
2 Gather your tools: It doesnt take much to get started This material may not be reproduced
in any form without permission from
the publisher. www.FineScale.com

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