Radiology 101 The Basics & Fundamentals of Imaging - 4E (PDF) (UnitedVRG)
Radiology 101 The Basics & Fundamentals of Imaging - 4E (PDF) (UnitedVRG)
Radiology 101 The Basics & Fundamentals of Imaging - 4E (PDF) (UnitedVRG)
Low back pain Radiography MRI CT
Strong evidence shows that routine back imaging does not improve patient outcomes, exposes
patients to unnecessary harms, and increases costs.
Diagnostic imaging studies should only be performed in patients who have severe or progressive
neurologic deficits or with features suggesting a serious or specific underlying condition.
Advanced imaging with MRI or CT should be reserved for patients with a suspected serious under-
lying condition or neurologic deficits or who are candidates for invasive interventions.
To be effective, efforts to reduce imaging overuse should be multifactorial and address clinician
behaviors, patient expectations and education, and financial incentives.
Radiologists can help reduce imaging overuse by accurately reporting and providing consultative
expertise regarding the prevalence and potential clinical significance (or insignificance) of imaging
972271078, USA; h Department of Radiology, Harborview Medical Center, University of Washington, 325
Ninth Avenue, Box 359728, Seattle, WA 98104, USA; i Department of Neurological Surgery, Harborview Medical
Center, University of Washington, 325 Ninth Avenue, Box 359728, Seattle, WA 98104, USA; j Department of
Health Services, Harborview Medical Center, University of Washington, 325 Ninth Avenue, Box 359728, Seattle,
WA 98104, USA
* Corresponding author. Department of Medicine, Oregon Health & Science University, 3181 Southwest Sam
Jackson Park Road, Portland, OR 97239.
E-mail address: [email protected]
Low back pain is extremely common, ranking as imaging has long been noted as a problem,14
the second most common symptomatic reason yet the use of imaging (particularly advanced
for office visits in the United States.1,2 About imaging) continues to increase rapidly.15 This
one-third of adults in the United States report article reviews costs associated with spinal imag-
back pain during the past 3 months,1 and nearly ing, current imaging practice patterns and trends,
three-quarters of adults report at least one epi- evidence on benefits and harms associated with
sode of low back pain during their lifetime.3 spinal imaging, factors that promote or are permis-
Low back pain is also very costly. In 1998, total sive of imaging overuse, and potential strategies
health care expenditures for individuals with back for improving imaging practices.
pain in the United States were estimated at $90
billion,4 and costs have since risen. The inflation- COSTS
adjusted increase (in 2005 U.S. dollars) in average Direct Costs
total health expenditures for people with back and
neck problems was 65% ($4795 per year in 1997 Direct costs of imaging include costs of equipment
to $6096 per year in 2005).5 Low back pain also and facilities, radiologic department staff, pro-
results in high indirect costs from disability, lost fessional fees for interpreting the test, and other
time from work, and decreased productivity while overhead. Because direct costs are often difficult
at work,6 and is the most common cause for to measure, reimbursement rates or charges are
activity limitations in younger adults. In the United often used as surrogate measures. Although esti-
States, 14% of workers lose at least 1 day of work mates vary substantially depending on geographic
each year because of low back pain.7 location, insurance status, and other factors, reim-
Lumbar spine imaging (plain radiography, CT, bursement rates and charges for lumbar spine CT
and MRI) is often performed in patients with low generally run 5 to 10 times higher than lumbosacral
back pain. Although clinical practice guidelines spine plain radiography, and MRI 10 to 15 times
recommend imaging only in the presence of higher (Table 1). Despite its relatively lower cost,
progressive neurologic deficits or signs or symp- lumbosacral spine radiography is a major contrib-
toms suggesting a serious or specific underlying utor to costs because of its frequent use. In 2004,
condition (the so-called red flags of low back an estimated 66 million lumbar radiographs were
pain),8 imaging is often performed in the absence performed in the United States.16
of a clear clinical indication for it.9 This fact is con-
Downstream Costs
cerning, because routine imaging does not seem
to improve clinical outcomes, exposes patients In addition to direct costs, imaging can also lead to
to unnecessary harms, and contributes to the downstream cascade effects, referring to the sub-
rising costs associated with low back pain.1012 sequent tests, referrals, and interventions per-
Eliminating unnecessary tests would help rein in formed as a result of imaging.17 In some cases,
costs associated with low back pain while main- the end result can be an invasive and expen-
taining high-quality care.13 Overuse of low back sive operation or other procedure of limited or
Table 1
Costs of spine imaging and fusion surgery
Intervention Cost
Lumbar spine radiography (two or three views) $54
Lumbar spine CT scana $344 (without contrast)
$426 (with contrast)
Lumbar spine MRIa $645 (without contrast)
$794 (with contrast)
Fusion surgeryb Without bone morphogenetic proteins: median,
$57,393 (interquartile range, $39,660$83,608)
With bone morphogenetic proteins: median,
$74,254 (interquartile range, $54,737$102,663)
Medicare reimbursement for San Francisco area, in 2011 dollars, calculated at
Total charge for hospitalization, excluding professional fees, based on 2006 Nationwide Inpatient Sample data.
Data from Cahill KS, Chi JH, Day A, et al. Prevalence, complications, and hospital charges associated with use of bone-
morphogenetic proteins in spinal fusion procedures. JAMA 2009;302(1):5866.
Appropriate Use of Lumbar Imaging 571
questionable benefit. In 2006, according to the they would obtain imaging for uncomplicated low
Nationwide Inpatient Sample, the median total back pain.30
cost for fusion surgery without bone morphoge- Why are practice variations a cause for con-
netic proteins was nearly $60,000, excluding pro- cern? If they occur in otherwise similar populations
fessional fees.18 Although the increased number and settings, variations may indicate inequalities
of unnecessary operations that occur from un- in resource use or areas in which care is hap-
needed imaging tests is difficult to estimate, data hazard or arbitrary.33 In addition, research on
show that rates of spine MRIs increased sharply regional variations in the United States suggests
at the same time as back surgeries.11,19 Similarly, that high-use areas are generally not associated
over about a 10-year period starting in the mid- with better clinical outcomes but contribute signif-
90s, rates of interventional procedures such as icantly to overall health care costs.34,35 This finding
epidural steroid and facet joint injections more often signifies inefficiencies in medical care, which
than tripled,20 a pattern that roughly parallels can be caused by clinical uncertainty or a failure to
trends in increased use of MRI tests. implement evidence-based practice.
Increased use of surgery and interventional
procedures would not necessarily be a problem if Imaging Rates
the procedures resulted in important clinical bene- A study based on a national database of private
fits. However, even though rates of surgery are two insurance claims (covering 8 million beneficiaries)
to five times higher in the United States than in found that more than 40% of patients with acute
other developed countries,21 no evidence shows low back pain underwent imaging.36 The median
that patients with low back pain fare better in the time to imaging was the same day as the index
United States than in other countries, and random- diagnosis. Data indicate that imaging rates con-
ized trials suggest that surgery and interventional tinue to increase, despite efforts to curb overuse.
procedures are associated with limited or unclear An Australian study showed that imaging rates
benefit in patients with nonradicular low back for new low back pain problems in patients seen
pain.2224 In the case of spinal fusion, the wide- in general practice increased slightly despite the
spread use of expensive add-ons, such as in- publication of guidelines recommending against
strumentation and bone-morphogenetic proteins, routine imaging.37
have further increased costs, despite little evi-
dence of improved patient outcomes, and in Routine Imaging
some cases emerging evidence of harms.18,2527
In fact, despite spending more on low back pain In one survey, approximately 40% of family prac-
and performing more invasive procedures, clinical tice and 13% of internal medicine physicians re-
progress is difficult to discern. In adults with back ported ordering routine diagnostic imaging for
or neck problems in the United States, self- acute low back pain.31 Another survey of physi-
reported measures of mental health, physical fun- cians found that in the absence of any worrisome
ctioning, work or school limitations, and social features, approximately one-quarter would order
limitations were all similar or poorer in 2005 com- a lumbosacral spine radiograph for acute low
pared with 1997.5 Some data suggest the situation back pain without sciatica, and about two-thirds
may be getting even worse. In North Carolina, the for low back pain with sciatica.38 Data on actual
proportion of adults reporting chronic low back imaging practices are consistent with the survey
pain that impaired activity more than doubled results. One study found that among 35,000 Medi-
between 1992 and 2006, from 3.9% to 10.2%.28 care beneficiaries with acute low back pain and no
diagnostic code indicating a serious underlying
condition, nearly 30% underwent imaging (lumbar
IMAGING PRACTICES radiography or advanced imaging) within 28 days.9
Practice Variations
Advanced Imaging
Clinicians vary substantially in how frequently they
obtain low back pain imaging. One study found Use of advanced spinal imaging is increasing
that Medicare beneficiaries living in high-use rapidly. Among Medicare part B beneficiaries,
geographic areas in the United States were more the number of lumbar MRI scans performed in-
than five times more likely to undergo lumbar spine creased approximately fourfold between 1994
MRI and CT than if they lived in low-use areas.11 and 2005 (Fig. 1).15 Similarly, in a large health
In addition, wide variations in diagnostic testing care organization, the rate of MRIs tripled between
rates have been observed between, and within, 1997 and 2006.39 In North Carolina, more than
medical specialties.2932 One survey found inter- one-third of patients with chronic low back pain
nists almost evenly divided regarding whether underwent lumbar spine MRI or CT within the
572 Chou et al
Table 2
Results from meta-analysis of randomized controlled trials of routine imaging versus usual care
without routine imaging
that routine imaging was associated with higher Studies also show that of the small proportion of
satisfaction.10 Three of the trials restricted en- patients with a serious or specific underlying con-
rollment to patients older than 50 or 55 years, dition, almost everyone will have an identifiable
and most of the trials enrolled at least some risk factor. In a retrospective study of 963 patients
patients with radiculopathy. The conclusions of with acute low back pain, all 8 with tumors or frac-
the meta-analysis did not seem affected by tures had clinical risk factors.54 A prospective
whether radiography or advanced imaging (MRI study found no cases of cancer in 1170 patients
or CT) was evaluated. younger than 50 years with acute low back pain
and no history of cancer, weight loss, other sign
of systemic illness, or failure to improve.55 Simi-
larly, four trials (n 5 399) that enrolled patients
A prerequisite to evaluating the cost-effectiveness without risk factors and obtained imaging in all
of a clinical service is to understand its clinical participants or recorded diagnoses through at
effectiveness.13 In this case, for patients with no least 6 months of clinical follow-up found that no
red flags, routine imaging is no more effective serious conditions were missed.10
than usual care without routine imaging. Perform-
ing imaging is also more expensive. Services that
are more costly than the alternative, yet offer no Weak Correlation Between Imaging Findings
clear clinical advantages (or do more harm than and Symptoms
good), cannot be cost-effective, because they Another reason that routine imaging is not benefi-
will always be associated with higher (or negative) cial is that most lumbar imaging findings are
cost-effectiveness ratios (in this case, the incre- common in people without low back pain. In fact,
mental cost of routine imaging compared with no these imaging findings are only weakly associated
routine imaging divided by the incremental clinical with back symptoms. A systematic review reported
benefit of routine imaging compared with no odds ratios that ranged from 1.2 to 3.3 for the asso-
routine imaging).13,48 ciation between low back pain and disc degenera-
tion on plain radiography, and no association with
WHY DOESNT ROUTINE IMAGING LEAD spondylosis or spondylolisthesis (Fig. 2).56
Favorable Natural History
In most patients with acute back pain, with or
without radiculopathy, substantial improvement in
pain and function occurs in the first 4 weeks, regard-
less of whether and how patients are treated.49,50
Routine imaging is unlikely to improve on this
already favorable prognosis. Thus, the natural
history of low back pain helps explain why routine
imaging does not result in better clinical outcomes.
those who were blinded to the results.74 In another symptoms. In addition, patients may equate a
trial, patients with subacute or chronic back pain decision to not obtain imaging or provide a precise
who underwent routine radiography reported diagnosis with low-quality or suboptimal care, or
more pain and worse overall health status after 3 interpret the decision to not perform imaging as
months and were more likely to seek follow-up implying that their pain is not legitimate or im-
care than those who did not undergo radiog- portant.78 In patients with chronic back pain, the
raphy.75 Knowledge of clinically irrelevant imaging desire for diagnostic tests is a frequent reason
findings might hinder recovery by causing patients for repeat office visits.80
to worry more, focus excessively on minor back Patient preferences about diagnostic testing
symptoms, or avoid exercise and other recom- seem to be communicated to physicians, who
mended activities because of fears that they could frequently accede to patient desires or requests
cause more structural damage, a pattern of for imaging.47 In one study, an increased likelihood
maladaptive coping referred to as fear avoid- of obtaining low back pain imaging was strongly
ance.76 These behaviors are associated with the associated with how intensely patients believed
development of chronic low back pain,77 can be imaging was necessary.81 A survey of physicians
difficult to change, and may be insidious, affecting in the United States showed that over one-third
patients even when they are not consciously would order a lumbar MRI for uncomplicated
aware of them. These potential harms emphasize acute low back pain if a patient insisted on it,
the need for imaging professionals to choose even after explaining that it was unnecessary.82
descriptive language with care, and to recognize Imaging decisions may themselves affect patient
their obligation to educate referring physicians expectations, because those who undergo imaging
and patients regarding the insignificance of age- for one episode of low back pain may come to
related imaging findings. expect it for future episodes. One trial showed
that patients randomized to routine imaging
Downstream Harms became more likely to believe it was necessary
compared with those randomized to an educa-
Association between imaging and surgery tional intervention without routine imaging, despite
Despite all of the uncertainties related to the inter- no beneficial effects on clinical outcomes.83
pretation of imaging tests, patients and clinicians
frequently view findings on imaging as targets for
surgery or other procedures.78 In fact, the associ- Financial Incentives
ation between rates of advanced spine imaging Financial incentives can influence imaging deci-
and rates of spine surgery is strong.19 One study sions. For example, performance incentives may
showed that variation in rates of spine MRI use be linked to markers of patient satisfaction. At the
accounted for 22% of the variability in overall spine same time, performing more imaging tends to
surgery rates in Medicare beneficiaries, or more be associated with higher patient satisfaction.
than double the variability accounted for by differ- Randomized trials show that patients express
ences in patient characteristics.11 In one study, more satisfaction with their care when they un-
patients randomized to rapid MRI had twice the dergo routine lumbar imaging compared with
number of lumbar operations as those receiving no routine imaging,75 and when they undergo
plain radiographs, although small numbers made advanced imaging instead of radiography,58 even
the difference only marginally statistically signifi- when their clinical outcomes are no better. A study
cant.58 Another study found that for work-related of Medicare beneficiaries found earlier use of
acute low back pain, MRI within the first month imaging and more advanced imaging when clini-
was associated with a more than eightfold in- cian incentives were based on patient satisfaction.9
crease in risk for surgery and more than a fivefold Therefore, financial incentives based on patient
increase in subsequent total medical costs satisfaction can encourage overuse of imaging.
compared with propensity-matched controls who From a health systems perspective, financial
did not undergo early MRI.12 incentives may exist for using imaging units. A
top-of-the-line MRI unit can cost $2 million or
more to purchase, and approximately $800,000
a year to operate.84,85 At the same time, advanced
imaging offers a high profit margin. Relative to
Patient Expectations
actual costs, Medicare provides far greater reim-
One reason that current practice is not con- bursement for MRI (reimbursement-to-cost ratio,
sistent with the evidence is patient expectations.79 2.3) than for conventional radiography (reimburse-
Patients want a specific diagnosis to explain their ment-to-cost ratio, 0.9).86
Appropriate Use of Lumbar Imaging 577
Age older than 70 years symptoms, or risk factors for cauda equina syn-
Focal neurologic deficit with progressive or drome or vertebral infection. Although these con-
disabling symptoms ditions are rare, the prevalence of suggestive
Duration longer than 6 weeks. findings or risk factors for them is low,94 and timely
diagnosis and treatment may prevent serious
Subsequently, the ACP published more detailed sequelae related to compression of the spinal
guidance on use of lumbar imaging (Table 4).93 cord (which typically ends at the L1 or L2 level)
All of the guidelines are consistent in recommend- or cauda equina. Clinical findings for cauda equina
ing immediate imaging in patients with signs, syndrome or vertebral infection include new
Table 4
Suggestions for imaging in patients with acute low back pain
Reproduced from Chou R, Qaseem A, Owens DK, et al. Diagnostic imaging for low back pain: advice for high-value health
care from the American College of Physicians. Ann Intern Med 2011;154:1819; with permission.
Appropriate Use of Lumbar Imaging 579
urinary retention, saddle anesthesia, fecal inconti- values.54,95 For example, one study of 1172
nence, or fever (especially in patients with risk consecutive patients with acute back pain pre-
factors for bacteremia). Urinary retention is the senting to primary care found that approximately
most common finding for cauda equina syndrome. one-quarter were older than 55 years, ap-
Without urinary retention, the likelihood of cauda proximately one-quarter had morning back stiff-
equina syndrome is on the order of 1 in 10,000.51 ness, and approximately one-third had pain that
Imaging is also recommended for patients with improved with exercise.95 All of these are consid-
severe or progressive neurologic deficits, defined ered risk factors for cancer or inflammatory back
as objective motor weakness at a single level, or pain, but no cases of cancer and only two inflam-
deficits at multiple spinal levels. matory conditions were identified in this cohort.
In patients with findings or risk factors for other A more efficient strategy proposed by the ACP is
specific conditions, such as cancer (age >50 to perform imaging based on the estimated preva-
years, failure to improve after 1 month, weight lence of the condition before risk factor assess-
loss), vertebral compression fracture (older age, ment (the pretest probability) and how strongly
history of or risk factors for osteoporosis, signifi- the risk factors predict the condition (Table 5).93
cant trauma), ankylosing spondylitis (morning stiff- For instance, the prevalence of cancer in a primary
ness, improvement with exercise, younger age, care population is approximately 0.7%.55 A pre-
chronic symptoms), herniated disc (radiculopathy, vious history of cancer (not including nonmelano-
positive straight leg raise), or symptomatic spinal ma skin cancer) is the strongest risk factor for
stenosis (older age, leg pain, pseudoclaudication), spinal tumor (positive likelihood ratio, 15).55 Unex-
optimal diagnostic strategies are less clear. The plained weight loss, failure to improve after 1
traditional recommendation has been to act on month, and age older than 50 years are weaker
all risk factors by obtaining imaging. However, risk factors (positive likelihood ratio, 2.73.0).
the low frequency of these conditions and the Based on these likelihood ratios, the probability
low specificity of most risk factors would result in of cancer if a history of prior cancer is present
high imaging rates with low positive predictive would increase to approximately 9%, or high
Table 5
Using likelihood ratios to update estimated probabilities of spinal tumor in patients with low back pain
Converting probability to odds: probability x/y 5 odds x/(y x).
Converting odds to probability: odds x/y 5 probability x/(x 1 y).
580 Chou et al
enough to warrant immediate imaging (a strong clinical suspicion persists despite initial negative
clinical suspicion for cancer would give a similar tests. For persistent radicular symptoms or spinal
result).94 In patients with any one of the other three stenosis without severe neurologic compromise,
risk factors, the posttest probability only increases advanced imaging should be performed after at
marginally, to 1% to 2%.55 Deferring imaging least a 1-month trial of therapy if patients are inter-
would be reasonable in most cases, unless symp- ested in and candidates for surgery or an epidural
toms fail to improve after several weeks.54,96 For steroid injection.8
patients without signs of neurologic compromise
but with minor risk factors for vertebral compres- Repeat Imaging
sion fracture, ankylosing spondylitis, herniated
disc, or spinal stenosis, a trial of therapy before Repeat back imaging is common. In one study of
imaging is also warranted according to the ACP patients with low back pain in North Carolina
criteria, because delaying imaging in these cir- who had received an MRI or CT of the back,
cumstances is unlikely to result in missed thera- more than half reported a second advanced imag-
peutic opportunities. For herniated disc or spinal ing test within the previous year.40 Although
stenosis, none of the trials showing benefits of evidence on the effects of repeat imaging on
surgery have enrolled patients with fewer than 6 patient outcomes is not available, prospective
to 12 weeks of symptoms, and no serious neuro- studies of repeat imaging indicate that new MRI
logic complications were seen among patients findings are uncommon.60,63 Rather, typical find-
not randomized to immediate surgery.97100 ings are progression of already identified degener-
Diagnostic rules based on the evaluation of ative changes and, in some cases, improvement
multiple risk factors could help better inform and regression over time. Therefore, periodically
imaging decisions but require further develop- performing repeat imaging on a routine basis is
ment. For vertebral compression fracture, one extremely unlikely to be an effective or informative
study evaluated a diagnostic rule based on four approach. Rather, repeat imaging should only be
risk factors (female sex, age >70 years, significant performed for new or changed clinical features,
trauma, or prolonged use of corticosteroids).94 It such as acute or progressive neurologic symp-
found a likelihood ratio of 1.8 (95% CI, 1.12.0) if toms or recent trauma.
one of four risk factors was present, and 15
(95% CI, 7.225) if two or more were present. Patient Education
However, these rules require more external
Patient expectations regarding back imaging are
validation before they can be recommended for
frequently discordant with the evidence.79 How-
general use.
ever, most patients do not want tests that are
unnecessary, costly, or potentially harmful. The
Choice of Imaging Procedure
ACP guidelines recommend education to help
The ACR appropriateness criteria recommend bring patient expectations more in line with the
lumbar plain radiography for the initial evaluation evidence.93 Explaining that risk factor assessment
of low back pain in patients with recent trauma or is sensitive for identifying worrisome conditions
history of osteoporosis, and in persons aged 70 such as cancer or infection, acute low back pain
years or older,92 which is consistent with ACP is highly likely to improve in the first 4 weeks,
recommendations93 on imaging. Both societies and imaging can be performed later if symptoms
recommend lumbar spine and pelvis plain radiog- fail to improve may help reassure some patients
raphy for evaluation of suspected ankylosing spon- that they have been appropriately assessed and
dylitis.92,93 Both also recommend that advanced that the problem is not being simply dismissed.
imaging be reserved for situations in which findings In fact, effective education may be less burden-
are more likely to influence clinical decision making, some than often assumed. One randomized trial
as in patients with major trauma or severe neuro- found that a brief educational intervention re-
logic compromise (objective or progressive motor garding back imaging took less than 5 minutes
weakness, deficits at multiple levels, or suspected and resulted in similar patient satisfaction with
cauda equina syndrome) and in those with risk overall care (and similar clinical outcomes) com-
factors for vertebral infection.93 When cancer is pared with routinely performing lumbar spine plain
not strongly suspected and in the absence of radiography.83 Supplementing face-to-face infor-
neurologic signs, obtaining initial imaging with mation with patient handouts, self-care education
lumbar radiography plus an erythrocyte sedimen- books,101 online materials,93 or other methods
tation rate is a reasonable approach,96 although could be an efficient strategy to reinforce or
advanced imaging may be appropriate when high expand on key educational points.
Appropriate Use of Lumbar Imaging 581
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