Journal of Chemical Information and Modeling Volume 38 Issue 3 1998 (Doi 10.1021/ci970429i) Lewell, X.Q. Judd, D.B. Watson, S.P. Hann, M.M. - RECAP-Retrosynthetic Combinatorial Analysis Procedur

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J. Chem. Inf. Comput. Sci.

1998, 38, 511-522 511

RECAPsRetrosynthetic Combinatorial Analysis Procedure: A Powerful New Technique

for Identifying Privileged Molecular Fragments with Useful Applications in
Combinatorial Chemistry

Xiao Qing Lewell,* Duncan B. Judd, Stephen P. Watson, and Michael M. Hann
Glaxo Wellcome Research and Development, Medicines Research Centre, Gunnels Wood Road,
Stevenage, Hertfordshire SG1 2NY UK

Received August 15, 1997

The use of combinatorial chemistry for the generation of new lead molecules is now a well established
strategy in the drug discovery process. Central to the use of combinatorial chemistry is the design and
availability of high quality building blocks which are likely to afford hits from the libraries that they generate.
Herein we describe RECAP (Retrosynthetic Combinatorial Analysis Procedure), a new computational
technique designed to address this building block issue. RECAP electronically fragments molecules based
on chemical knowledge. When applied to databases of biologically active molecules this allows the
identification of building block fragments rich in biologically recognized elements and privileged motifs
and structures. This allows the design of building blocks and the synthesis of libraries rich in biological
motifs. Application of RECAP to the Derwent World Drug Index (WDI) and the molecular fragments/
building blocks that this generates are discussed. We also describe a WDI fragment knowledge base which
we have built which stores the drug motifs and mention its potential application in structure based drug
design programs.

INTRODUCTION Pharmacophore modeling techniques3 have been developed

where, for a given set of ligands, the importance of
The pharmaceutical industry has seen a major change in hydrophobic, hydrophilic, and charged functional groups and
the way in which lead molecules are identified. An effective their geometric relationships on biological activity can be
combination of automation, high throughput screening, and deduced. The deduced model usually loses any substructural
combinatorial chemistry now allows the screening of libraries information associated with the ligand structures since they
of vast numbers of compounds against prospective biological rely on a set of pharmacophoric points rather than atom
targets to identify new lead molecules. The design of connectivities. Alternatively, if the structure of a protein
combinatorial libraries falls into two broad classes: (i) those
and its mechanism of interaction is known, then the
which are designed to express maximum diversity for
complementary interacting functional groups can be identi-
essentially random screening against a broad spectrum of
fied and incorporated into the ligand design.4 Another, and
targets and (ii) those that are biased toward specific targets
perhaps more ad hoc, approach is to identify substructural
or classes of target.1 In designing diversity based libraries
motifs in a set of active ligand structures. The structures
diversity selection algorithms are usually employed.2 These
can be scanned by eye, if the number of ligands is modest,
algorithms either select in building block space or product
or in the case of larger numbers grouped into clusters by
space where a large number of descriptors can be computed
cluster analysis techniques and common fragments identified.
for the prospective molecules. However in designing librar-
The problem with this approach is that the interaction motifs
ies biased for certain targets, the approach is usually
can be biased by an investigators opinion, and if the set of
undertaken where structural motifs suitable for the target are
structures is particularly diverse, then common substructures
identified and incorporated into the libraries, typically,
through the building blocks. The screening of diversity based embedded in the diverse set may not be recognized.
libraries is based on the theoretical assumption that the More systematic procedures for identifying fragments or
greater the diversity of a collection of molecules the greater substructures are exemplified by the work of Klopman,5
the chance of certain molecules hitting some biological where he devised an algorithm to break down a structure in
targets. In a target biased library, the incorporation of a systematic fashion to obtain fragments containing between
appropriate structural motifs should enhance the probability 3 and 12 atoms. Indeed substructures obtained were then
of identifying molecules active against that specific target. related to biological activities to identify biophores which
Several techniques have been developed to identify he concluded were mainly around 8-10 atoms. Muskal6
structural motifs/fragments common to molecules which also developed the Theraprints concept where drug mol-
interact with specific biological targets or target classes. ecules were broken into energetically stable fragments, and
these Theraprints were then used for reagent selection and
* To whom all correspondence should be addressed. E-mail: structure-activity recognition. Related in concept is Fujitas
[email protected] Fax: +44(0)1438 764918. EMIL7 program. He developed a computer-aided system
S0095-2338(97)00429-0 CCC: $15.00 1998 American Chemical Society
Published on Web 04/11/1998
512 J. Chem. Inf. Comput. Sci., Vol. 38, No. 3, 1998 LEWELL ET AL.

to allow bioisosteric structural transformation where, given

a biologically active molecule, structural bioisosteric groups
can be searched in a database of agrochemical agents.
Other published work relating to fragmentation involves
retrosynthetic analysis and synthesis planning programs such
as LHASA,8 CAESA,9 EROS,10 and the toxicity prediction
program DEREK.11 All these systems rely on some form
of knowledge base where fragments are built either by
manually extracting experts knowledge or by theoretically
computing bond energies.
In a previous paper,12 we described a method for identify-
ing drug-like building blocks based on substructural similarity
to a drug collection such as the Derwent World Drug Index Figure 1. Flow chart of RECAP.
(WDI).13 This approach was based on selecting a diverse
set of potential building blocks and computing the structural
similarity of each selected building block to the WDI
molecules. The building blocks that showed greatest simi-
larity to a substructural part of a WDI molecule were then
selected for library synthesis. However, as discussed in the
paper, there is an inherent drawback to this method. Because
the substructural match is based on the match of fingerprints
of atom paths in a molecule, the atom path or substructure
identified may be embedded in a larger molecular framework.
For example, phenylethylamine and naphthylethylamine both
contain the phenylethylamine substructure. Using the previ-
ous substructural similarity approach, the two molecules will
both be selected even though it may only be desired to find
the phenyl analogue. This may result in the potential
mismatch of true substructures. Also a prerequisite of the
previous approach is the prior knowledge of building block Figure 2. Eleven default bond cleavage types.
structures in order to compute the substructural similarities
to drug molecules. These building blocks are usually rules described below each structure is then subject to the
selected from the available chemicals, and therefore there is RECAP procedure to cleave exhaustively into fragments.
no design element to the process. These rules are applied such that effectively all susceptible
In contrast to our previous approach, we herein describe bonds are cleaved in a single pass. Therefore no intermediate
a new technique for identifying common motifs/fragments structures appear in the final list of fragments. All fragments
in biologically active molecules, based on fragmenting obtained are collected for subsequent analysis. The analysis
molecules around bonds which are formed by common includes the frequency of occurrence of each fragment which
chemical reactions. Motifs/fragments obtained by this gives an indication of how often a fragment occurs in the
technique are always true substructures, and thus the problem original active structures and cluster analysis which groups
associated with our previous method is avoided. Because similar fragments into a cluster to enable easy identification
we have fragmented molecules into fragments, we can of fragment patterns. Fragments thus identified can be
identify those fragments that are likely to be responsible for incorporated as library building blocks for a new design.
biological activities. We can therefore design building blocks Cleavage Rules. We have chosen 11 chemical bond types
containing these biological fragments and not restricted by at which to cleave a molecule. These bond types are derived
what is available by chemical suppliers. In the process of from common chemical reactions. The purpose is therefore
fragmentation, we have retained the knowledge of the to identify fragments which can be synthesized easily from
chemical environments of the fragments by assigning them known chemistries. Each molecule is cleaved into fragments
isotopic labels to represent the classes of bonds in the if it contains any of the 11 bond types defined in Figure 2.
prefragmented molecules. The fragments can thus be If the terminal fragment to be cleaved contains only small
recombined using known chemistries if desired. The dif- functional groups (hydrogen, methyl, ethyl, propyl, and
ference between our approach and the numerous approaches butyl), the fragment is left uncleaved. Thus in Figure 3 the
discussed above is that we fragment at 11 predefined bond methoxy group in fragment (4) and (5) is left intact. The
types all of which are amenable to combinatorial chemistry. reason for this is, first, to avoid generating uninteresting
The resulting fragments are therefore suitable building blocks small fragments such as methyl in the analysis and, second,
for combinatorial library synthesis. with these smaller functional groups attached to the larger
fragments such as those shown in Figure 3, more drug-
like features are retained compared to the barer fragments
where these small functionalities are cleaved off.
Concept of RECAP. The RECAP procedure (Figure 1) In contrast to Klopmans work, we made the conscious
starts by collecting a set of structures with activity at a decision to cleave only acyclic bonds so that ring motifs
common target or target class. Using the set of fragmentation are left intact. This way ring motifs are easily identified

Figure 4. Numbers of fragments obtained after RECAP of WDI

Figure 3. A cleavage example of how Cisapride (top) is cleaved
into fragments (bottom). (Isotopic labels in the fragments denote frequency of occurrence of these fragments ranges between
the chemical environment of the connecting atoms. Isotopic types ca. 1500 times for dimethylamino fragment (C[3N]C)15 to
are defined in Figure 2.) many fragments which occur only once. The decline of
fragment frequency is very rapid. For visual inspection, we
and can be related to a chemists perception of ring structures. have plotted the logarithmic scale of the frequency distribu-
It should be emphasized that the program also allows the tion in Figure 5.
user to define alternative chemical bond types to be cleaved. One interesting observation is that as the number of
These alternative bond types could be single or multiple structures increases in a database, the number of unique
retrosynthetic cleavages suited to any intended specific fragments obtained saturates toward approximately 2/3 of
library or ring bonds where libraries to be synthesized form the database size (given the 11 bond type definitions we have
these ring bonds in situ. used for cleavage). This can be seen from Table 1, where
The algorithm is written in C and makes use of the we have fragmented different proportions of the WDI
DAYLIGHT toolkit.14 DAYLIGHT SMARTS notation is database, two corporate databases GLAX and WELREG, and
used for bond type definitions, and SMILES strings are the commercial database SPRESI.16
required for input of molecules.15 Since ring bonds are not cleaved, the number of fragments
A Cleavage Example. An example of a typical cleavage obtained per molecule is proportional to the number of bonds
is given in Figure 3. The atoms at the cleavage point in the cleaved (no. of fragments ) no. of bonds cleaved + 1).
fragments are given numeric or isotopic labels to denote However, since each molecule is unique in its bond
the atom environments they are derived from (Figure 2). Thus composition, there is little correlation between the size of
1C represents an amide carbon and 3N an amine nitrogen, the original structure and the number of fragments generated
Figure 3. per structure. This can be seen from Figure 6, where
The advantage of retaining knowledge about the chemical Spearmans17 rank correlation coefficient (r) is 0.5 between
environments of the fragments is to aid synthesis planning. the number of fragments generated and the molecular weight
Thus only the appropriate fragments are incorporated into of the original structure before cleavage.
the design of monomers to react with appropriate chemistries. The molecular weight distributions for structures which
The number of attachment points per fragment may also have been fragmented and for fragments generated are shown
influence the design process. Thus a fragment can be in Figure 7. [N.B. 0-connection fragments, i.e., intact
considered for a terminal monomer if it has one connection structures are excluded. Thus from the 30K fragments
point (1-connection fragments) or as a core template if it including 0-connection fragments obtained on cleaving WDI
has more than one connection point (>)2-connection structures, this resulted in approximately 20 000 fragments,
fragments). For example, on RECAP of molecule (1) in see Figure 4. These 20K fragments are used for further
Figure 3 fragments (2) and (5) could be considered as studies, and any subsequent discussions in the text refer to
monomers whereas (3) and (4) as core templates. this set.] There is a considerable shift of the distribution
peak toward lower molecular weight for fragments compared
to prefragmented structures. The significance of this will
be discussed in the following section on applications to
We now illustrate the RECAP technique with some combinatorial chemistries.
application examples. We will discuss some results on Some examples of 1- through 6-connection fragments are
fragmenting the Derwent World Drug Index and illustrate shown in Figure 8.
the process of identifying building blocks for library design.
Gross Observations on Fragmenting World Drug APPLICATIONS OF RECAP
Index. The 1995 version of the World Drug Index13 under
DAYLIGHT Chemical Information Systems (WDI954)14 Drug Motif Extraction on World Drug Index. An
contains approximately 50K documented molecules of example application of RECAP is to identify molecular
pharmaceutical interest. We have selected all molecules with fragments which are likely to be associated with specific
reported biological activities. The resulting set of 35K biological activities. In the set of 35K WDI structures
molecules was then fragmented using the RECAP procedure. discussed in the previous section, certain biological activity
Figure 4 shows the numbers of fragments obtained. The keywords are associated with each structure. The WDI
514 J. Chem. Inf. Comput. Sci., Vol. 38, No. 3, 1998 LEWELL ET AL.

Figure 5. Frequency distribution of WDI fragments.

Table 1. Number of Unique Fragments Obtained on Fragmenting
activity labels are either single or multiple activity keywords Different Sized Databases
as shown by the examples below:
no. of no. of unique ratio (fragment/
database structures fragments structures)
WDI 3750 4905 1.31
WDI 7500 8745 1.17
WDI 11250 12362 1.10
WDI 15000 15674 1.04
WDI 18750 18753 1.00
WDI 22500 21836 0.97
WDI 26250 24813 0.95
WDI 30000 27677 0.92
We have taken the approach to duplicate the structures WDI 33750 30507 0.90
with multiple activities such that a structure is duplicated WDI 35809 30678 0.86
and associated with only one activity: WELREG 121753 78146 0.64
GLAX 312298 201205 0.64
SPRESI 1808369 1191798 0.66

For example, if we take the 4th, 9th, and 20th fragments

in Figure 9, they have top occurring therapeutic classes as
SYMPATHOLYTICS-BETA fragment is quite generic,
whereas the ANTIBIOTICS fragment is very specific, and
the LEUKOTRIENE-ANTAGONISTS fragment is some-
where in between as reflected by the numbers and natures
of different therapeutic classes for each fragment, Figure 10.
This way we can fragment molecules, and for each It is also interesting to note that several top occurring
fragment obtained, its occurrence for a single biological therapeutic keywords for the SYMPATHOLYTICS-
activity type can be counted. BETA fragment are related, and most of the classes for
Figure 9 shows some examples of the one-connection LEUKOTRIENE-ANTAGONISTS fragment are mainly
fragments generated and the top occurring therapeutic class antiinflammatory in nature [See notes in Figure 10.].
for each fragment. The first number denotes the total number The advantage of the RECAP analysis is that it can identify
of occurrence of the fragment within the WDI molecules, common fragments within a therapeutic class that would be
whereas the second number denotes the number of occur- difficult to find with conventional structural based clustering
rence of the fragment within the labeled therapeutic class. methods, e.g., when the common fragment occurs in a diverse
Clearly the total number of occurrences of the fragment and set of structures having different molecular connectivities.
its occurrence within a therapeutic class together give an To illustrate this point, there are 344 LEUKOTRIENE-
indication of whether a fragment is specific for that class or ANTAGONISTS in the WDI database which are of a variety
whether it is generic, i.e., occurs in many unrelated thera- of structural types. Using the conventional Ward18 clustering
peutic classes. method based on the distance matrix derived from the

Figure 6. Number of fragments generated per structure versus MW of structure.

other clusters also contain the remaining 2-oxomethylene

quinolines analogues [Supporting Information is available
for clusters of 344 leukotriene antagonists.] For the 49
structures containing 2-oxomethylene quinoline, there are
enough structural variations that the importance of the
methylene quinoline motif in leukotriene antagonists may
not be obvious, Figure 11. However, using our RECAP
analysis, we have immediately identified among the WDI
structures that 2-oxomethylene quinoline is a potential
leukotriene motif since it occurs 47 times in this class
compared to a total occurrence of 55 times in all of the WDI
structures. In fact, the 2-quinolylmethyloxy phenyl motif
as an essential structural fragment for a large proportion of
the leukotriene synthesis inhibitors has been discussed in the
past.19 Our finding using the RECAP data mining tool
clearly supports the conclusion derived from the traditional
medicinal chemistry analysis on leukotriene structures.
It is worth contrasting RECAP with Stigmata20 as a
technique for finding substructural motifs. Stigmata is
designed to find structural commonalities in a diverse dataset
based on the concept of a modal fingerprint. In Stigmata,
structures are not cleaved, and common structural paths are
identified by matching overlapping fingerprints. Without
prior knowledge about the quinoline motif, it is difficult to
identify it in the diverse set of 344 leukotriene antagonists
without having to go through a trial and error process of
setting thresholds.20 However the advantage of having
adjustable threshold ratio within Stigmata is to identify
different subsets of common substructures, although the
substructures identified may not form readily retrosynthe-
sizable building blocks. RECAP, on the other hand, cleaves
the structures into fragments based on retrosynthetic chem-
Figure 7. Molecular weight distributions of WDI structures and istry. The fragments generated are therefore limited by the
fragments. retrosynthetic bond type definitions. However the advantage
Daylight fingerprint of molecules, 344 molecules can be is that once fragments are identified to be prerequisites for
grouped into several clusters. Although one of the clusters activity, they can be readily transformed into chemical
contains 45 of the 49 2-oxomethylene quinoline analogues, building blocks for synthetic programs. Methods such as
it also contains 25 nonquinoline structures. In addition, two RECAP, Stigmata, and conventional structure based cluster-
516 J. Chem. Inf. Comput. Sci., Vol. 38, No. 3, 1998 LEWELL ET AL.

Figure 8. Examples of 1- through 6-connection fragments. Isotopic labels denote atom environment (see text). Numbers in a header box
denote the number of occurrences within the WDI collection.

ing methods should be viewed as complementary methods types: those that have preformed core templates, in which
for identifying drug motifs and may be used to such monomers are reacted with the templates to form products,
effect. and those in which the cores are formed in situ by reacting
The above examples illustrate how RECAP can be used monomers together to give final products. In either case,
to identify specific or generic drug motifs or substructures. the qualities of the monomers and cores are important for
For each of the fragments generated from WDI, we can the successful outcome of screening the libraries. We have
identify those that are frequently occurring in particular used RECAP as an approach to identify target oriented
therapeutic classes and therefore may be termed as drug monomers and core templates.
motifs. These motifs are clearly useful in designing target Again we can illustrate this with the WDI results. Figure
biased libraries. 1 shows the process from fragmentation of structures to
Library Design using RECAP Fragments. An impor- building block design based on the motifs identified.
tant application of RECAP is to identify potential building In the process of fragmentation, fragments with molecular
blocks (monomers and core templates) for library synthesis. weights that are appropriate for monomers are ideally desired.
Combinatorial chemical libraries consist principally of two Figure 7 shows the peak distribution position of molecular

Figure 9. Examples of some WDI fragments with their top therapeutic classes. The first number in a header box denotes the total occurrence
of the fragment within WDI collection, whereas the second denotes the occurrence within the labeled therapeutic class.
518 J. Chem. Inf. Comput. Sci., Vol. 38, No. 3, 1998 LEWELL ET AL.

chemist which is amenable to chemistry. The monomer

motif is then translated into the appropriate monomer. Thus
in the case of the indole fragments derived from amide bond
formation, Figure 12, they are transformed into amines which
are able to undergo, for example, reductive amination.
Obviously some protective group strategy of reactive func-
tional groups may be required if the desired monomers
contain any competing reactive functionalities. Once the
potential monomer is identified, its availability is searched
for using databases of available molecules. If it is not
available, the potential monomer can be substituted by the
most similar available monomer (Figure 13) or, if desirable,
can be synthesized. In this way, the library designed will
incorporate known target motifs and therefore is expected
to have higher success rates in generating leads.
It is worth contrasting the way we identify library building
blocks in RECAP with the work published by Bemis and
Murcko.22 In their paper, they have analyzed drug molecules
according to their shapes. With the aid of cluster analysis,
they have arrived at some common molecular frameworks
(ring templates with attachment positions to attach substit-
uents and chain length of up to nine atoms long) to represent
majority of the shapes for drug molecules. Their work gives
an indication of molecular skeletons for designing drug
molecules. However because the structural information is
condensed to molecular framework, the atomic composition
of the framework is lost, making design more difficult. In
contrast, RECAP keeps all atomic information for the
building blocks identified. It is therefore easier to use known
chemistries that produced these drug molecules to recombine
the specific building blocks identified into new molecules.
Database Building of WDI Fragment Knowledge Base.
Since we have fragmented the WDI structures and obtained
information relating to fragment occurrence within thera-
peutic classes, this information would be very valuable for
researchers to interrogate. We have built a DAYLIGHT
THOR database which holds data items shown in Table 2
for each of the 20K fragments obtained. Normal search
Figure 10. Three examples of WDI fragments with their occur- capabilities within a DAYLIGHT database are available. For
rences in therapeutic classes. Note that not all classes are inde- example, structure/substructure and similarity searches on
pendent of each other, i.e., ANTIINFLAMMATORIES may co- fragments, keyword searches to identify fragments associated
occur with LEUKOTRIENE-ANTAGONISTS as activity label
for some WDI molecules (see text). with specific biological classes, and numeric searches to
obtain frequency of occurrence of fragments within biological
weight for WDI structures (MW ) 450) and for fragments classes can be easily carried out. The number of connection
(MW ) 150). Since a typical library is usually made from points of fragments is also stored to enable easy identification
two or three building blocks including core and monomers, of potential core or monomer fragments for library designs.
when two or three fragments are joined together to form a Figure 14 shows a snapshot of the WDI fragment knowledge
library product, the expected molecular weight distribution base we have built.
for the library would be centered around MW ) 300-450,
the desired molecular weight profile for many drug-like CONCLUSIONS
molecules. The RECAP technique which we have developed is a
To identify fragments that can be considered as potential powerful tool for identifying biologically privileged structural
monomers, fragments are grouped into clusters according motifs and fragments for use in the synthesis of combinatorial
to their structural similarity. We have used the Jarvis-Patrick libraries. The RECAP technique cleaves molecules at bonds
algorithm21 under DAYLIGHT. amenable to combinatorial chemistry. The fragments and
Figure 12 shows an example of a cluster of indole- motifs can therefore be readily used as building blocks to
containing 1-connection fragments. A monomer motif is prepare combinatorial libraries rich in biologically privileged
defined as either a frequently occurring fragment or a substructural motifs. We believe that the RECAP technique
representative fragment of a cluster where the individual will prove particularly powerful in the design and synthesis
cluster members occur less frequently on their own. This of libraries focused on specific biological targets. It should
representative fragment could simply be that selected by a be emphasized that the RECAP technique can only identify

Figure 11. Quinoline-containing leukotriene antagonists.

520 J. Chem. Inf. Comput. Sci., Vol. 38, No. 3, 1998 LEWELL ET AL.

Figure 12. A cluster of indole-containing fragments. Isotopic label 1 denotes the nitrogen came from an amide environment. Header
box numbers denote occurrence in the WDI collection
Table 2. WDI Fragment Knowledge Base Data Types
data type meaning
SMILES represents the chemical structure of a fragment
FREQ represents total number of occurrences of the
fragment within the subset of WDI having
biological activity keywords
CLASS represents the biological activity class the
fragment is associated with
Figure 13. Transforming target fragment to a target monomer and CLASS FREQ represents the number of occurrences of the
search for most close monomers. fragment within a biological class
CLASS ORDER represents the orders in which the fragment most
frequently occurrs in different biological classes
fragments from molecules made in the past and may be CONNECTION represents the number of connection points within
biased by the number of active analogues in a database. a fragment in the original uncleaved structure
However through different recombination of these structural
fragments using combinatorial library technology, it is hoped
that new and potentially novel molecules will be produced Other applications of the RECAP technique include data
which will yield higher success rate in lead generation and mining of commercial databases and commercial supplies
optimization programs compared to the random approach. to identify constituent building blocks.

Figure 14. WDI Fragment Knowledge Base.

RECAP Analysis of the WDI database and other collec- ACKNOWLEDGMENT

tions of drug-like molecules would also provide important
We thank all our computational chemistry colleagues who
drug-like fragments for structure based ligand design pro-
contributed to the discussions, in particular, Drs. D. Butina,
grams such as SPROUT23 where a fragment knowledge J. Bradshaw, R. Carr, D. Green, and A. Leach for their help
database is required. Since the fragments have connection and input, Mr. Tony Chan for database building, Dr. Y.
points and chemistries associated with them, the de novo Mohamed for statistical analysis, and our chemistry col-
ligands generated will be more amenable to chemistry and leagues who have taken forward the ideas in their chemical
akin to drug-like molecules. library syntheses. We also thank Prof. Peter Johnson and
522 J. Chem. Inf. Comput. Sci., Vol. 38, No. 3, 1998 LEWELL ET AL.

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