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For Questions and comments go to this page If TSH is high (consistent w hashi) look at US if no suspicious measure TPO

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endocrinology-notes-syrian-student.html If TSH NL >> FNA
Thyroid incidentaloma (TSH cant low with hyperT4) >> if TSH is high >>
hashi >> measure TPO and give T4
ENDOCRINOLOGY If TSH NL >> look at US if >10mm or suspicious >> FNA
-Hypopituitarism (GH>FSH,LH>TSH>ACTH) -Screening for CAH >> urinary 17-keto and blood DHEA and confirm Dx by
-GHRH+Arginine as S&S as Insulin 17-oh progesterone
-PRL inhibits LHRH -DHEA will be low in adrenal adenoma and high in adrenal carcinoma
-TCAs, SSRI, narcotics >> high PRL -MEDSTUDY says best initial test for cushing syn. Is 24h urine cortisol and if
-chronic hyperFSH >> hypogonadism positive confirm TRUE cushing by Dexa supp. Test and then measure ACTH
-Pegvisoment= GH receptors blocker and if high (disease) do dexa 2mg to diff. ectopic (lung or CARCINOID)
-if high IGF and GH and Sx >> go ahead to MRI (wo GH suppression test) from disease, if ACTH is low then do adrenal CT
-Menengitis >> cDi -polyglandular autoimmune syn. I = candidiasis + adrenal/pituitary
-OCP in microadenoma is OK but not with Macroadenoma insufficiency + hashi + ovarian failure
-Bromocreptin + preg. >> stop em unless mass effect -polyglandular autoimmune syn II = Addison hasi ovarian DM
-Thyroid storm >> 1-PTU 2-Iodine 3-BB 4-Dexa -hypercalcemia in Addison
-hypoT4 >> most important supportive >> rewaarming (temp. is a good -if u c hyperkalemia and suspect hypoALD >> start with ACTH stimulation
prognosticator of outcoming ) Test to evaluate adrenal insufficiency first !
-subacute thyroiditis >> hyperT4 only for 6 weeks -after that >> ALD/REN >> saline suppression test >> CT/MRI
-lymphocytic thyroididts >> NL ESR -adrenal incidentaloma are Tx on;y when functioning or >6cm (4-6 gray) or
-congenital SNHL + defect in organification of iodine= pendereds syn. is growing on 6Mo CT .
-MEN IIa = pheo + Medullary + PTH -any incidentaloma needs RAD + Fx tests
-MEN IIb = Pheo + Medullary + neuroma -1 amenorrhea >16 wo menses or >14 wo 2 characteristics
-Increased density of thyroid >> Medullary (psammoma oe calcification > -PCOS >> high andro and estro >> high LH >> high andro and estro
papillary carcinoma) -2 amenorrhea >> progesterone trial >> if bleeding >> measure FSH, LH,
-steroid for hypercalcemia caused by malignancies PRL, TSH (failure, PCOS, PRLoma, hypoT4)
-if ptn is aSx and Ca<11.5 and have high PTH >> Biphosphonate wo SURG -PCOS can cause 1 amenorrhea
-Cinacalcet in ptn w 2PTH + hemodialysis -PCOs wo hirsutism no preg. >> progesterone
-hypocalcemia causes cataract -PCOs w hirsutism no preg. >> OCP
-low ca low ph = Vit.D deficiency -PCOs w hirsutism and preg. >> clomiphen
-DM >> widening of glomerular membrane and mesangial thickening -Any time u c vetiligo think of Polyglandular autoimmune disease
-2 CAD + DM >> CABG -testicular mass + high hCG >> germ cell tumor (if hCG neg. Leydig)
-Most common mononeuropathy in DM >> Median -PCOs causes high Testosterone and NL DHEA
-diabetic neuropathy >> best Tx: Gabapentine, Pregabaline -premenopausal with hirsutism and amenorrhea > RO adrenal or ovarian
-KAPLAN says Honeymoon period no TX (caused by epinephrine blocking Tumor
insulin release) -FSH > high androgen-binding globulin to keep testo high intratubular
-ETOH blocks Glugoneogenesis -Sewer = XY + streak testicles + NL vagina and uterus + NO ovaries
-depression >> abn. Dexa suppression test (1mg) -Gynecomastia at puberty is NL (also assoc. with hyperT4)
-cushong >> dexa+ >> urine cortisol+ >> dexa- >> ACTH- >> CT adrenal -if RF >> start screening for DM at 30 if no RF 45
-if high ACTH and (-) MRI and (-) CT chest >> petrosal sinus sampling -insulin secretagogues = SU and Ginides
-in cohn there is no edema -if 2 AM and 7 AM are both high >> Dawn
-in 2nd hyperALD there is no diastolic HTN or hypernatremia -if 2 AM is NL and 7 AM is high >> Insulin Waining
-Bartter = lasex tumor, hypercalcinuria -if 2 AM is low and 7 AM is hig >> somogy
-Gitelman = Thiazide, hypocalcinurai -if 2 AM is high and 7 AM is very high >> Dawn + waining
-Pheo asspc. W neurofibromatosis and Von-hipple-lindau -Repaglinide, Nateglinide = K+ ATPase inhibitor dependent on glucose >
-in familial Pheo >> high dopamine wo HTN high K in the cell and depolarization causes insulin to be secreted (SU
-Pheo >> NS >> plasma metanephrine if catechole amine tests are inhibits K+ too)
equivocal then CLONIDINE suppression test -Pramlinitide inhibits glucagone and delay gastric emptying
-Kallmans syn. = anosmia + hypogonadic hypogonadism -Incretin (exenatide) inhibits glucagone and increases insulin and delay
-incidentaloma less than 5 mm requires no further evaluation but if 5-9 gastric emptying and increases satiety
mm then measure only PRL + MRI biannually , if more than 10mm -2010: HbA1c 6.5-7.5% >> monoTx, HbA1c 7.5-9% Dual, HbA1c >9% + Sx >>
measure all hormones (if high IGF-1 >> TSS) insulin (if no Sx triple) and in all cases reassess after 2-3 Months
-if mild pituitary apoplexy >> corticosteroid is all that is needed -clear cut to Dx DM HbA1c > 6.5 (5.7-6.5 is preDM)
-Di + no polydepsia = adepsic hypernatremia = damage to osmoreceptors -if CREA > 2.5 dont give ACEi
-RAIU = %, Scinti=Image -Repaglinide can be give in CRF
-block T4 to T3= PTU, steroid, AMIO, BB -pain in diabetic neuropathy: the only drugs approved are Duloxetine and
-diff. graves & PP thyroiditis in nursing mother >> TSI Pregabaline
-gynecomastia + high T4 + TPO(-) + TSI(-) + low testosterone + high est. + -Statins are category X during pregnancy
hCG(+) = testicular cancer -at 24-28w 75oGTT if less than 140 = NL more >> FPG if more than 126 DM
-to diff. 2/3 causes of thyroid d. >> MRI (NOT stimulation test) and if 95-126 do 100 oGTT (FPG<95, 1h<140, 2h<160, 3h<180) if 2 abn.
-empiric Ab to myxedema coma & thyroid storm GDM if only one GInt.
-Reidel >> Dx:Bx, Tx:prednisone -proinsulin is high in insulinoma but NL in autoimmune
-Euthyroid sick syn. = T4 is converted to rT3 so 1st u will c high rT3 low T3 -2nd G SU cant be easily detected in urine, follow ur suspicions !!
-palpable nodules >> TSH & US -Band Keratopathy is a sign of long-standing HYPERcalcemia
If TSH is low >> Scan >> if single hot ur done radiate, MNG look at US if -higher calcium to turn off PTH is seen in Lithium and familial
suspicious do FNA if not ur done radiate, is cold FNA hypocalcinuric hypercalcemia
-osteoclast activation factor in MM causese hypercalcemia
-MM or CA + hypercalcemia >> use Pamidronate (Zolendronic acid causes -VLDL from liver(more CH less TG) Fx is to provide TG to the tissue by
osteonecrosis of the JAW) LPL(apo-CII) and converted to IDL(1/2 back to liver by apoB-100 and apo-E,
-osteomalacia causes bone pain and proximal muscle weakness the other looses TG and all apoproteins except B-100 and named LDL
-if ptn on SU and doesnt control glu >> no benefit of Repaglinide -LDL is only (CH. + apoB-100)
-DKA has hypothermia if NL temp. think infection -VLDL apo-B100+apoCII+apoE (also IDL)
-osteopenia = early osteoporosis (more than -2 BMD + no Fractures) -CM apoB-48+apoCII+apoE
-chronic steroid >> DEXA + Ca + Vit.D + Biphosphonate -IDL apoB-100+apoE
-screen with dexa for osteoporosis in ptn less than 65 with risk factors: -LDL to liver LDL receptors
smoking, 1st relative fracture, ETOH, Fx as adult, RA, steroid, low BMI -Familial hypercholesterolemia has less LDL receptors
-WORLD: hyperT4 HTN is SYSTOLIC -LDL is upregulated by STATINS and less bile absorption (RESINES)
-most helpful in confirming Dx of Acromegaly (GOLD STANDARED) is GH -LP(a) is LDL + disulfide with apo(a) and have prothrombotic effect and is
after glucose load an independent risk factor for CAD (the ONLY Rx that can lower it is
-ADRENAL Insufficiency + calcification in them = TB NIACIN)
-DM + nephropathy + azotemia >> most important to control BP strictly -the smaller the LDLs, the higher the risk of CHD (less affinity to receptors)
-Orphan Annie nuclei = papillary CA -HDL has apo-A1, apo-A2, apo-C
-WORLD said that hashitoxicosis has INCREASED RAIU !!!!?????? -apo-A1 in HDL esterify CH. And will be coverted to IDL or LDL and
-most common cause of thyroid nodule is colloid nodule and the 2 nd is removed by the liver
follicular adenoma -ABCA1 moves CH from inside the cell to the surface
-in type II Vit.D dependent rickets (receptors of D are mutated) --1+4=5 have isolated TG, 2a iso CH and 2b, 3 have both TG+CH
-giving radioactive iodine to ptn w hyperT4 who is not on PTU/BB causes I > TG(CM) > LPL or CII defect
exacerbation IV > TG(VLDL) > LPL, CII, VLDL+B overproduction
-most important cause of DM foot ulcer is neuropathy V > TG(CM+VLDL) > LPL, CII, VLDL+B overproduction
-Ab to TSH receptors causes hypoT4 w small thyroid IIa > CH(LDL) > decreased LDL receptors
-MEN IIa the cause of high serum PTH is parathyroid hyperplasia rather IIb > TG+CH(LDL+VLDL)
than thyroid adenoma. III > TG+CH(IDL) > apo-E abn.
-ptn with Sx of overt hypoT4 w NL Na & K levels and he asks whats the -TENDON XANTHOMA >> LDL >> IIa
cause of adrenal insufficiency >> pituitary (coz no ALD deficiency that -ERUPTIVE XANTHOMA >> TG >> I, IV, V
would be preent w abn na/k ) -PALMAR XANTHOMA >> LDL + TG = III pathognomonic!
-Argue with wife and impotence + obese man >> WORLD psychogenic !! -YELLOW PALMAR CREASE >> IDL
-Hodjken and hypercalcemia = calctriol overproduction -NO XANTHOMA IN IIb
-met ca + high Ca = cytokines -CHD equivalent: DM, PVD, Sx carotid disease, AAA
-10% of Graves who get I131 get worsening eye (prevented by steroid -only MONOunsaturated will lower LDL and rise HDL
before and after I) -omega-3 decreases only VLDL (TG)
-penile Fractuer >> venogenic impotence -Fibrate may increases LDL (activates LPL which convert VLDL to IDL/LDL)
-Pelvic Fracture >> neurogenic impotence -Cholestyramine increases TG
-Rickets >> defective mineralization of bone & cartilage -familial hyperCH >> LDL sky high more than 250 !!
-routine WBC in PTU is not cost-effective -familial combined hyperlipidemia (commonest) >> LDL 190-230
-WORLD said hypoCa in 2nd hyperpara -Tangier = ABCA1 mutation >> no HDL >> hepatosplenomegaly and
-Biphosphonate in immobilized ptn to prevent osteopenia and hyperCa neuropathy and CHD
-MEN IIa screening test is DNA which replaced calcitonin -priority of TX: LDL then TG then HDL
-Addison if sever > steroid before ACTH stimulation if chronic stable ACTH -fibrates increases cholelithiasis
before steroid -Isolated TG is NOT assoc. w CHD
-Give sildenafil with 4h interval from alfa-blockers
-Dont treat aSx paget
-main substrates for gluconeogenesis= lactate , AA(alanine), 3-ph WORLD
Glycerol(adipose) ,alanine is converted into pyruvate then to glucose 1st Block 6-14-15-17-35-44
-Dawn caused by GH elevation at 7 AM while Somogi caused by epi/norepi 38/44=86.36%
and glucagone 2nd Block 7-20(WoW!!HARD)-21(good)-39-
-Hyperlipidemia, unexplained hypoNA, elevated muscle enzymes are 42/44=95.45% Yoppi
indications for TFT 3rd Block 2-4-7-
-3BHSD causes high DHEA and decreased mineralocorticosteroids & 9/12=75%
-WORLD said bicarb in DKA if ph<7.1 or sever hyperK or hco3<5!! 89/100=89%
-mineralization of periosteom is seen in hypervitaminosis A
-remodeling >> paget, fibrous instead of bone = fibrous dysplasia
-reduced renal Fx or calciuria >400mg or young<50yrs are indication for
SURG in aSx ptn with hyperpara
-suspect Di and serum OSMO 295 and urin 160 after water deprivation test
serum 300 urine 186 and after DDAVP urine 400 = cDi (not psycho even if
serum osmo is NL)
-most common values in euthyroid sick syn. Is low T3 and NL T4& TSH
(often named low T3 syn.)
-Chylomicrons forms inintestines and include apoB-48 (unique to CM) and
apoC-II (activates LPL in muscles and fat tissues CM>> CM remnant) which
is recognized by liver by apoE
-CM(intestine) >> tissues(LPL apoC-II) >> liver(apo-E)
-all lipoproteins synthised by liver have apoB-100

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