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Rocket System

Ignition System in Solid Rockets

Type of Igniters

There are generally two types:

Pyrotechnic igniters and
pyrogen igniters.
In industrial practice, pyrotechnic igniters are defined as
igniters using solid explosives or energetic propellant-like
chemical formulations (usually small pellets of propellant
which give a large burning surface and a short burning time)
as the heat-producing material.
Pyrotechnic igniter consists of a hollow, polyethylene, thin walled
tube (can be a plastic drinking straw) filled as shown with a charge
of Ignition Powder.
The igniter is sealed at both ends with polyethylene "hot glue". The
nichrome (nickel-chromium, high resistance) wire serves as the
heating filament, and is soldered to the ends of the copper wire leads
using "stainless steel" solder. Nichrome wire is inexpensive.
Alternatively, a strand (or two) of coarse "steel wool" may be used
in place of nichrome wire.
An easy and secure way to attach the nichrome wire to the electical
lead wires is as illustrated below:
The Ignition Powder charge used was a "Black Powder"
mixture that was comprised of a mixture of 75%
potassium nitrate, 15 % charcoal, and 10% sulphur.
For added safety during storage, the bared ends of the
wire leads are shunted, (twisted together) to eliminate
the possibility of inadvertent current flow through the
The electrical power source for the firing system consists
of four 1.25 V nicad batteries.
Gunpowder, also called black powder, is a mixture of
sulfur, charcoal, and potassium nitrate. It burns rapidly,
producing volumes of hot solids and gases which can be
used as a propellant in firearms and as a pyrotechnic
composition in fireworks. The term gunpowder also
refers broadly to any propellant powder. Modern firearms do
not use the traditional gunpowder (black powder) described here,
but instead use smokeless powder.
Smokeless powder is the name given to a
number of propellants used in firearms and
artillery which produce negligible smoke when
fired, unlike the older gunpowder (black powder)
which they replaced.
The basis of the term smokeless is that the
combustion products are mainly gaseous,
compared to around 55% solid products (mostly
potassium carbonate, potassium sulfate, and
potassium sulfide) for black powder.
Despite its name smokeless powder is actually
not completely smoke-free and does not take the
form of a true powder (see granular material).
Smokeless powder
Black powder

Black powder is a granular mixture of

a nitrate, typically potassium nitrate
(KNO3), which supplies oxygen for the
charcoal, which provides carbon and
other fuel for the reaction, simplified as
carbon (C);
sulfur (G), which, while also a fuel,
lowers the temperature of ignition and
increases the speed of combustion.

Potassium nitrate is the most important ingredient in terms of both

bulk and function because the combustion process releases oxygen
from the potassium nitrate, promoting the rapid burning of the other
ingredients. To reduce the likelihood of accidental ignition by
static electricity, the granules of modern black powder are
typically coated with graphite, which prevents the build-up of
electrostatic charge.
a) 3 gram igniter
Important note:
Use of an igniter containing a much
greater charge of Black Powder
may result in an initial pressure
"spike". b) 7 gram igniter

This over pressurization of the

rocket motor during startup may
result in motor failure characterized
by shearing of the safety bolts
retaining the rocket motor head. c) 15 gram igniter
The effect of igniter size on the
motor chamber pressure curve can
be significant for "small" rocket
This is illustrated in Figure 2 for a
particular BEM (Ballistic Evaluation
Motor). Figure 2 - Effect of igniter size on
motor pressure-time trace and
burn time.
Ignition Powder:
In certain solid rocket or missiles the Ignition
Powder use is a modified Black Powder mixture,
and consists of 80% Potassium Nitrate and 20%
Charcoal, by weight.

Sulphur is not added to this mixture. The

function of sulphur in conventional Black Powder
is to allow the powder to ignite more readily by a
spark. This is great for flintlock guns, but for
safety reasons, it is not such a good feature for
rocket motor igniters, nor is it necessary.
Preparation of Ignition Powder
The charcoal must be "natural wood" variety (not briquettes). The
charcoal may be broken into smaller pieces by wrapping within a sheet
of cotton, then striking with a hammer.
These pieces may then be pulverized (reduced to fine particles) by use
of an electric coffee grinder.
The potassium nitrate is also ground to a fine powder using a coffee
grinder. The two constituents are then weighed out to 80/20
(KN/Charcoal) proportions, then blended thoroughly together.
After blending (mix together to produce a desired flavour) , the powder is
placed in a plastic bowl, and enough water is added to form a fluid
The paste is well mixed by hand, then spread out onto a sheet of
parchment paper, and allowed to dry completely.
A mortar and pestle is then used to break the resulting clumps into
coarse granular form. A flour sifter is then used to sift the granules to the
required particle size.
Chamber Pressure due to Igniter Combustion
The combustion of the igniter charge serves two important

1. To generate a heat flux in the form of hot, dense gases

which rapidly ignite the propellant grain on all exposed
(non-inhibited or bonded) surfaces. Convective heat
transfer resulting from the gases flowing at high
velocity over the grain surface toward the
nozzle exit aids the ignition process.

2. To pressurize the chamber to a level such that the burn

rate of the propellant is sufficient to maintain this pressure.
Logically, this pressure level should be the design pressure
of the motor.
The pressure that is generated by combustion of the igniter
charge may be determined by the following equation: (Ref.
NASA SP-8051 Solid Rocket Motor Igniters)

If the Black Powder is not commercially made, rather prepared as
described earlier, the impetus (driving force or impulse) will
probably be far less, say, between 50-75% of this value.
Pyrogen Ignition
Pyrogen igniter is basically a small rocket motor
that is used to ignite a large rocket motor.
The pyrogen is not designed to produce thrust. All use
one or more nozzle orifices, both sonic and supersonic
types, and most use conventional rocket motor grain
formulation and design technology.
A pyrotechnic igniter, as described above, works very well for
starting smaller sized rocket motors. However, for larger motors (i.e.
K-class & larger), a pyrogen ignition system provide superior motor
A pyrogen is essentially a small rocket motor mounted at the
bulkhead. Nearly instantaneous ignition of the motor grain is
assured by the high velocity, particle-laden flame that eminates from
the pyrogen.
The typical pyrogen used for the rocket motor is shown in Figure 3.
The grain used for this particular pyrogen is cast KN-Sucrose
propellant, chosen for its ease of ignition and rapid burn rate. The
pyrogen grain is ignited by a black powder charge, initially
contained within the pyrogen canister by a burst diaphragm. This
charge additionally aids pressurization of the motor.
An easy to make pyrotechnic igniter can be made in a manner
similar to the igniter shown in Figure 1, except that instead of
utilizing a nichrome wire filament, a "Xmas-tree" mini-bulb can
be used in its place. This particular light bulb has the
advantage of very small size, which conveniently fits within a
soda straw, and requires only a small electrical current to fire
the charge. A 9V battery, for example, works well.
To make this igniter (shown in Figure 4), the plastic base of the mini-
bulb is first removed and discarded. This exposes the two copper
wire leads, which are then scraped clean of oxide, and soldered to
the electrical lead wires. The other ends of the lead wires should
then be stripped, and shunted (twisted together) for safety. The
glass bulb is then carefully broken open. The tip is first snapped off,
which relieves the vacuum within. A pair of wire strippers (or other
appropriate tool) can then be used to break off the remaining
tapered portion of the glass bulb, leaving the straight portion largely
Care must be taken to prevent damage to the filament or to break the
lower portion of the bulb. Initially wrapping the bulb with tape helps to
avoid this sort of damage. An ohmmeter should subsequently be
used to ensure the filament has remained intact (the measured
resistance should only be a few ohms). Don't connect a battery
across the leads -- the filament may burn up as it is now exposed to
atmospheric oxygen. The mini-bulb is then placed within a 2 inch (5
cm) length of polyethlyene soda straw, and the end nearest the leads
sealed with hot-melt polyethylene glue. Ignition powder
(approximately 1 gram) is then carefully loaded, and tamped every
so often to eliminate voids. The final step in preparation of the igniter
is to tamp in a small ball of glass wool (fibre glass), and seal the end
with hot-melt glue.
Deflagration to detonation transition (DDT)

Deflagration to detonation transition (DDT) refers to a phenomenon in ignitable

mixtures of a flammable gas and air (or oxygen) when a sudden transition takes
place from a deflagration type of combustion to a detonation type of combustion. The
effects of a detonation are usually devastating.
A deflagration is characterized by a subsonic flame propagation velocity,
typically far below 100 m/s, and relatively modest overpressures, say below 0.5
bar. The main mechanism of combustion propagation is of a flame front that moves
forward through the gas mixture - in technical terms the reaction zone (chemical
combustion) progresses through the medium by processes of diffusion of heat and
mass. In its most benign form, a deflagration may simply be a flash fire. In contrast, a
detonation is characterized by supersonic flame propagation velocities,
perhaps up to 2000 m/s, and substantial overpressures, up to 20 bars. The main
mechanism of combustion propagation is of a powerful pressure wave that
compresses the unburnt gas ahead of the wave to a temperature above the
autoignition temperature. In technical terms, the reaction zone (chemical combustion)
is a self-driven shock wave where the reaction zone and the shock are coincident,
and the chemical reaction is initiated by the compressive heating caused by the
shock wave.
Under certain conditions, mainly in terms of geometrical conditions such as partial
confinement and many obstacles in the flame path that cause turbulent flame eddy
currents, a subsonic flame may accelerate to supersonic speed, transitioning from
deflagration to detonation. The exact mechanism is not fully understood, and while
existing theories are able to explain and model both deflagrations and detonations,
there is no theory at present which can predict the transition phenomenon.

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