Applicability of Li-Fi Technology For Industrial

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International Journal of Electronics and Electrical Engineering Vol. 5, No.

1, February 2017

Applicability of Li-Fi Technology for Industrial

Automation Systems
Mehmet Fatih Isik and Busra Yartasi
Electric and Electronic Engineering Department, Hitit University, Corum, Turkey
Email: {mehmetfatih, busrayartasi}

Mustafa Resit Haboglu

Mechanical Engineering Department, Hitit University, Corum, Turkey
Email: [email protected]

AbstractLight Fidelity (Li-Fi) is a new technology for radiofrequency spectrum is 10,000 times shorter than the
wireless communication. In this article, Li-Fi technology will visible light spectrum as shown in Fig. 1 [5], [7].
be analyzed in details. Its applications, challenges and
limitations will be mentioned. Li-Fi will be compared with
Wireless Fidelity (Wi-Fi). In industrial automation systems,
production process should be fast and safely. Unlike Wi-Fi,
high-speed internet connection is provided using Li-Fi
technology. Therefore, applicability of industrial
automation systems of Li-Fi technology will be examined.

Index TermsLight Fidelity (Li-Fi), Wireless Fidelity (Wi-

Fi), industrial automation system, visible light
communication Figure 1. The electromagnetic spectrum [5]

Infrared rays can be used only low power due to eye

I. INTRODUCTION safety regulation. Gama rays and ultraviolet light can be
Wireless communication system has become an dangerous for human body. However, visible rays are
indispensable part of everyday lives with the help of the safe for human body. Therefore, visible light is used for
technological devices (e.g. smartphones, tablets). NCR Li-Fi technology.
corporation/AT&T invented Wireless Fidelity (Wi-Fi) in Although Wi-Fi uses modems, Li-Fi uses transceiver-
1991 [1]. Wi-Fi technology, which enables to exchange fitted LED lamps that can transmit and receive
data between two or more devices, utilizes radio waves to information. Li-Fi can transmit more data in a very short
send data without using wires or cables [1]. Thus, the amount of time than Wi- Fi seeing as a higher aggregate
Internet access can easily be provided in both private and data rate is possible.
public places. Radio signals, router and antenna are
fundamental elements in wireless communications. II. THE OPERATION PRINCIPLE OF LI-FI
Antennas and routers transmit data using radio waves and In data transmission, Li-Fi utilizes light waves instead
Wi-Fi receivers collect that signals [2]. Nowadays, four of radio waves so visible light spectrum is used Li-Fi
different types of Wi-Fi access technologies, which are technology. As mentioned previously, visible light
Wi-Fi-802.11 a/b/g/n, are used in local area [3]. spectrum is 10,000 times larger than radio spectrum.
The amount of data that send through wireless network Therefore, Li-Fi technology offers unlimited capacity in
usage rises 10-fold within four years according to wireless network system [8]. Although the transmission
estimation [4]. However, Radio Frequency (RF) speed of fluorescents light source is 10Mb/s, LED (light
bandwidth is narrow and limited to allocate. In near emitter diode) light transmission speed is 500Mb/s.
future, a potential spectrum crisis is expected according Therefore, LED light source is preferred in Li-Fi systems
to The US Federal Communication Commission due to [9]. Essentially, Li-Fi is a Visible Light Communication
limited RF spectrum range [5]. system (VLC) that uses high brightness white LED lights
A variety of wireless solutions have been to transmit data without wires. In other words, not only
recommended to provide more data traffic [6]. In 2011, Li-Fi transfers data wirelessly but it also receives data
Harald Haas announced a new wireless technology that is wirelessly [7], [9].
called Light Fidelity (Li-Fi) [7]. Although Wi-Fi uses In principle, LED lamps can be turn on and off very
radio waves, Li-Fi uses visible light spectrum. The quickly and this situation cannot be realized in human eye.
If light is on state, a digital 1 is transmitted. If light is off
Manuscript received February 16, 2016; revised June 2, 2016 state, a digital 0 is transmitted. LED can be switched on

2017 Int. J. Electron. Electr. Eng. 21

doi: 10.18178/ijeee.5.1.21-25
International Journal of Electronics and Electrical Engineering Vol. 5, No. 1, February 2017

and off within nanoseconds, which gives good possibility Li-Fi can provide cheaper and high speed Internet in
for transmitting data [9]. A photo detector, which is p-i-n airplane using every light source [7], [12]. In addition, Li-
photodiode or avalanche photodiode, receives transmitted Fi can be used for location specific information services
data from the light source and decodes the data [5], [9]. which are navigation and advertising. Stores use LED
Parallel data transmission can be produced using LED lights to brighten their showcases. At the same time, they
arrays so data transmission speed is increased. can advertise their products using Li-Fi technology [12].
The operation principle of Li-Fi is similar with TV Museums and art galleries use specific light to illuminate
remote system. These two systems are shown in Fig. 2 exhibits. Li-Fi technology can be used to get further
[10]. information about the object using that specific light.
RF that cannot use in intrinsically safe environments
such as petrochemical plants and mine generate antenna
sparks but Li- Fi can be used due to safer than
radiofrequency communication [12]. Petrochemical
plants need fast interconnected data systems to
monitoring core temperature and grid integrity. Li-Fi
technology provides cheap and fast internet connection to
data transmission [7], [12].
Figure 2. The operation principle of Li-Fi and TV remote control
Strong signals are absorbed in water so Wi-Fi fails in
system [10] (*bits per second) underwater communication. However, light can pass
through water so Li-Fi can be used in underwater
Intensity modulation and direct detection is used to communication [12].
encode data because LED light generates incoherent light, In outdoor environment, between two radios base
which is oscillating different directions. Therefore, data station distance is about 200-250 meters. In current
communication cannot use the signal phase as used in communication system, radio base station should be
laser diodes [5]. positioned in every 250 meters. However, streetlights can
A block diagram of the Li-Fi system is shown in Fig. 3. be utilized as free access point for high speed Internet
Power supply produces constant power for lamp driver. along the street using Li-Fi technology [7]. Thus, street
Lamp driver connect to the internet connection. Switch lights provide fast and cheap internet connection along
and LED lamp is connected lamp driver with fibre optics the street. Another application is vehicle-to-vehicle or
cables. LED lamp acts as a communication source. vehicle-to-roadside communication using Li-Fi
Microchip, which is located in LED lamp, converts the technology [7] [11]. Traffic lights, street lights and car
data into light. High-speed data is transmitted using light lights are LED-based. Cars not only can communicate
beam from LED lamp to photo detector. Receiver detects each other but also can communicate traffic light using
changing in intensity of the light beam and converts the Li-Fi technology as shown in Fig. 4. Roadside
data into electrical signal [9]. These converted data are infrastructures, location, direction of travel and each
transmitted to the technological devices [8], [9]. vehicles speed can be exchanged using Li-Fi [7], [12].
Thus, traffic can be managed and accidents can be

Figure 3. A block diagram of Li-Fi system [9]

Li-Fi has a variety of applications due to providing fast

speed Internet access and using visible light. Wi-Fi uses Figure 4. Vehicle-to-Vehicle communication [13]
radio waves for communication. However, Wi-Fi
connection cannot permit in some places (hospitals, Li-Fi technology is used different usage models. Li-Fi
airplanes, etc.) because of radiation concerns and consortium defined Giga-speed technologies for different
interfering with other radio signals [7]. Unlike Wi-Fi, usage purpose. Giga Docks, Giga-Shower, Giga-Beam,
signals of monitoring equipment cannot be blocked using Giga- MIMO and Giga-Spot models are different type of
visible light. Thus, Li-Fi can be used in hospitals to Giga-speed technologies [14]. These models address
access Internet and control the medical equipment. various user scenarios for wireless indoor-like and indoor
Additionally, it may be used for robotic surgery in near data transfer. Giga-Docks models including wireless
future [11]. charging for technological devices, which are

2017 Int. J. Electron. Electr. Eng. 22

International Journal of Electronics and Electrical Engineering Vol. 5, No. 1, February 2017

smartphones, notebooks or tablets, with speed up 10Gb/s secure and private environment. Radio frequencies
[14]. Unidirectional data services are provided using penetrate human body and can cause cell mutation but
Giga-Shower. This model enables several channels to light are not harmful for human body. Unlike Wi-Fi, Li-
multiple users gigabit-class communication speed [14]. Fi offers safe and green communication environment [7].
Giga-Beam models are used a point-to-point data link for Another issue is speed of Internet that is around 11
applications or portable-to-portable data exchanges. That Mb/s for Wi-Fi connection is 1Gb/s for Li-Fi connection.
means, full HDTV movie can be transferred one device to It can be clearly seen that Li-Fi is a high-speed wireless
another device within seconds. Giga-MIMO is an optical technology [15]. Data transmission rate of different LEDs
wireless multi-channel hot-spot solution which offers is shown in Fig. 6. Different type of LED light source can
bidirectional gigabit-class communication in room [14]. affect data transmission rate as shown in below graph.
Giga- Spot is an optical single-channel hot-spot solution. 100Gb/s transmission rate are achieved in laboratory
environment using laser LEDs [16].
Current wireless technology, which is called Wi-Fi,
has various problems. These problems can be divided into
three main groups that are capacity, efficiency and
security [8]. Radiofrequency spectrum is narrow so Wi-Fi
technology offers limited bandwidth. In addition, 3G and
4G technologies run out of this limited radio spectrum
[15]. However, visible light spectrum is 10,000 times
wider than radiofrequency spectrum so Li-Fi technology
offers unlimited capacity for communication systems.
According to Haas, Li-Fi technology is ready for IoT and
5G [15]. Figure 6. Different LED light transmission rates [16]
On the one hand, Wi-Fi technology uses base station or
cellular radio masts to transmit data using radio waves. Wi-Fi Internet connection area is around 100 meters.
1.4 million base stations consume remarkable energy However, Li-Fi Internet connection area is based on LED
especially to cooling stations. The efficiency of these lights. That means Internet connection area can be
stations is only at about 5% [15]. On the other hand, Li-Fi widening using LED lamps as shown in Fig. 7. This
uses light waves to transmit data using LEDs. LEDs characteristic feature is a great advantage for places that
consume less energy as compared base stations. It can be need large Internet access area (e.g. factories, industrial
seen clearly, wireless communication can be cheaper and places).
more efficient using Li-Fi technology.
Energy efficiency graph is shown in Fig. 5. In this
graph, Li-Fi and Wi-Fi technology is compared. Energy
efficiency of Wi-Fi network declines rapidly while users
increasing. However, the energy efficiency of Li-Fi
network remains constant along a large number of users.
The green curve represents the ratio between Li-Fi and
Wi-Fi. As can be seen in this graph, Li-Fi is more energy
efficient network technology than Wi-Fi.

Figure 7. Widening Li-Fi internet connection using LEDs

All these differences are shown in below Table I.


Figure 5. Energy efficiency of wireless technologies [15]

Radio waves can pass through walls and any objects in

environment so private networks can be used by someone
else [7]. This situation increases security problem in Wi-
Fi communication. Light cannot pass through any objects
and walls so private network cannot be used someone
else for any negative purpose. Therefore, Li-Fi provides

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International Journal of Electronics and Electrical Engineering Vol. 5, No. 1, February 2017

Li-Fi has limitation and challenges despite all these compared with Li-Fi in a factory environment that
advantages. Light cannot pass through walls and solid includes lots of moving obstacles. Therefore, Wi-Fi
objects. On the one hand, this situation provides more systems are more useful than Li-Fi for industrial areas.
secure communication environment. On the other hand, However, when considering a factory, Wi- Fi connection
solid objects on light pathways can affect data receivers are positioned in specific locations. The internet
transmission. Researchers try to solve line-of-sight connection is delivered to the robotic arms via Ethernet
problems for Li-Fi technology. In these days, they work cables. When Wi-Fi systems are replaced with Li-Fi, still
on hybrid model. Hybrid model will include both Wi-Fi receivers are positioned in specific locations and nothing
and Li-Fi technology. The working principle of hybrid can interrupt light. Therefore, internet connection can be
system will be simple. When Li-Fi connection is provided without any interruption to the robotic arms or
interrupted for some reasons, Wi-Fi connection will be any other devices. Thus, line-of-sight problem are solved.
activated. Therefore, Internet connection will continue In addition, it can be clearly seen that production process
without any interruption. However, hybrid model has not will be faster with using Li-Fi, which is provided high-
been implemented yet. speed data transmission rate. This system model is shown
Sunlight, natural light and electric light are different in Fig. 8.
light sources. These different light sources can affect data
transmission speed. In Li-Fi technology, receiver and
light source should be placed a perfect position to reach
high-speed transmission rate [7]. Li-Fi has a high
installation cost because it is a new technology.


In industrial manufacturing process, it is extremely
important that process should be completed fast and
safely besides product quality. Therefore, the
communications between units are developing day by day
in nowadays- industrial automation systems. These
Figure 8. Li-Fi connection system in a factory
developments that mostly depending on usage of protocol
are shown data transmission rate and security.
In industrial applications, while monitoring and control
are being done in real time benefiting various network
topologies. The efficiency of network is an important In this article, the new wireless communication
factor while this topology is chosen. However, it will be technology, which is called Li-Fi, was examined in
useful to take into consideration; the using network details. Li-Fi internet connection area can be extendable
topology is used to recognize devices besides data using LEDs, which is located sequentially. In other words,
transmission speed may vary depending on the distance internet connection can be provided for large areas
between units. Under these criteria, many industrial without disconnection.
automation companies are trying to provide with different In industrial automation systems, safe and high-speed
communication protocols. It offers significant advantages internet connection is an important two factors for
in terms of both cost and speed if data transmission is production process. Considering the fact that a Li-Fi
done wirelessly. Wireless monitoring and control systems connection is limited with the area of LED lights, the
are provided a major contribution to the development of outside reach to the network is not possible. That leads to
the SCADA systems. Wireless communication systems, a very secure connection. Thus, the Li-Fi technology
especially applications are made with web-based or brings safety connection. This fact might lead to more
smartphones, has been used successfully. As compared application fields for future work. For example, the Li-Fi
with Wi-Fi, Li-Fi technologies should be preferred can be used in military networking systems. The control
because of having high-speed data transmission rate and of military devices through Li-Fi may be investigated in
more secure in wireless communication systems. future studies. Additionally, the finance departments of
In current wireless communication system have a companies or banks may use Li-Fi in order to obtain more
security gap because radio waves can pass through the secure networks.
walls. Security gap is a big disadvantage for industrial In addition, all of these, if hybrid model is
automation systems that are working in higher-up implemented for real life, this model will be more
security level. Light waves cannot pass through the walls. suitable for industrial automation systems to include Li-Fi
Therefore, these industrial automation systems are and Wi-Fi systems advantages.
protected using Li-Fi technology.
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