International Nurses Day 2017 Posters

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#IND2017 - 12 MAY

Many stories Many voices

Get to the table and be a 

player, or someone who
doesnt understand nursing
will do that for you. 
Dr Loretta Ford, Co-founder of the first nurse practitioner program

International Nurses Day is celebrated internationally every May 12. This year we are inviting nurses around the world to share their
stories and show how their work is focused on the Sustainable Development Goals. To follow the conversations use: #VoiceToLead
and #IND2017. For more information please visit:
#IND2017 - 12 MAY

Many stories Many voices

People want, need and 

are seeking not simply 
health care, but humanised
health care
Dr Frances Hughes, CEO, ICN

International Nurses Day is celebrated internationally every May 12. This year we are inviting nurses around the world to share their
stories and show how their work is focused on the Sustainable Development Goals. To follow the conversations use: #VoiceToLead
and #IND2017. For more information please visit:
#IND2017 - 12 MAY

Many stories Many voices

I venture to contend that 

the work of nursing is 
one of humanity all the
world over 
Ethel Bedford Fenwick, Founder of ICN

International Nurses Day is celebrated internationally every May 12. This year we are inviting nurses around the world to share their
stories and show how their work is focused on the Sustainable Development Goals. To follow the conversations use: #VoiceToLead
and #IND2017. For more information please visit:
#IND2017 - 12 MAY

Many stories Many voices

The wealth of our nations depends

on the health of our populations,
and the health of our populations
depends on nursing.
Dr Judith Shamian, President, ICN

International Nurses Day is celebrated internationally every May 12. This year we are inviting nurses around the world to share their
stories and show how their work is focused on the Sustainable Development Goals. To follow the conversations use: #VoiceToLead
and #IND2017. For more information please visit:

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