Terrestrial Digital Video Broadcasting (DVB-T) Coverage Planning For Adama Station

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Terrestrial Digital Video Broadcasting (DVB-T)

Coverage Planning for Adama Station

A Proposal submitted in partial fulfillment of the requirements for the

Degree of Masters in Communication Engineering


Tafari Lemma

Prof. Dr. Ing. Achim Ibenthal

January, 2017

Adama, Ethiopia
First and foremost let me grateful to almighty God for his blessings in my life. I would like to
express my sincere appreciation and gratitude to Prof. Dr. Ing Achim Ibenthal for being my
advisor and for his valuable guidance, help and encouragement during the process of this thesis.
His continuous interest was a constant source of motivation for me throughout the work.

In this thesis, coverage planning of Terrestrial Digital Video Broadcasting (DVB-T) is carried
out for Adama station. In coverage planning, propagation models are used to predict the path loss
at a certain distance from the transmitter site.

In coverage planning, the important parameters are the transmitter output power, locations of
transmitters for maximum coverage, and antenna height. Most of these parameters are
determined based on the propagation models used. The coverage prediction map is produced by
the Radio Mobile software using the propagation model and topology data. Simulation is made
with accurate and up to date input data (antenna height, location, gain, transmit power) for the
TV stations transmitter. Further, the results of field measurements are compared against the
simulation model results

Table of Contents
Abstract ........................................................................................................................................................ III
Acronyms .................................................................................................................................................... VII
1. INTRODUCTION ................................................................................................................................ 1
1.1 BACKGROUND .......................................................................................................................... 1
1.1.1 Parameter of DVB-T ............................................................................................................. 1
1.2 STATEMENT OF THE PROBLEM ............................................................................................ 2
1.3 OBJECTIVES ............................................................................................................................... 2
1.3.1 General Objectives ................................................................................................................ 2
1.3.2 Specific Objectives ............................................................................................................... 3
1.4 SCOPE AND LIMITATION ........................................................................................................ 3
1.4.1 Scope ..................................................................................................................................... 3
1.4.2 Limitation .............................................................................................................................. 3
2. LITERATURE REVIEW ..................................................................................................................... 3
3. METHODOLOGY ............................................................................................................................... 4
4. SCHEDULES AND BUDGET ............................................................................................................. 6
4.1 SCHEDULES ............................................................................................................................... 6
4.2 BUDGET ...................................................................................................................................... 6

List of tables

Table 1 Schedules .6

Table 2 Budget break down description.6

List of Figure

Figure 1 5


DVB Digital Video Broadcasting

DVB-T Terrestrial Digital Video Broadcasting

DTT Digital Terrestrial Television

TV Television

COFDM Coded Orthogonal Frequency Division Multiplexing

QPSK Quadrature Phase Shift Keying

QAM Quadradure amplitude modulation

FEC Forward Error Correction

MHz Mega Hertz

UHF Ultra High Frequency

VHF Very High Frequency

Digital Video Broadcasting for Terrestrial (DVB-T) is the European digital TV standard,
developed by the DVB Project that specifies the framing structure, channel coding and
modulation for digital terrestrial television (DTT) broadcasting. A DVB-T system use the Coded
Orthogonal Frequency Division multiplexing (COFDM) modulation in order to have a robust
signal that has the ability to deal with very severe channel conditions.

Coverage planning is an integral part of the general TV broadcasting planning in particular. As

a service is often intended to a certain specific area, it should cover that area in economically
efficient manner with good quality of service. Many parameters like heights of the transmitter
and receiver antennas, output power and location of transmitters are important as coverage is
determined by these factors. Coverage planning involves determining these parameters for
efficient and good quality of service in a specific area. Generally, adjusting the below parameters
each operator can find a balance between minimum required field strength for adequate

1.1.1 Parameter of DVB-T

In order that the DVB-T network is able to meet the requirements of the operator, it is possible to
vary a number of the characteristics:
a. Three modulation options (QPSK, 16QAM, 64QAM): There is a balance between the
amount rate at which data can be transmitted and the signal to noise ratio that can be
tolerated. The lower order modulation formats like QPSK not as bandwidth efficient as
64QAM, but they can be received at lower signal-to-noise ratios.
b. Five different FEC (forward error correction) rates: Any radio system transmitting data will
suffer errors. In order to correct these errors various forms of error correction are used. The
rate at which this is done affects the rate at which the data can be transmitted. The higher the
level of error correction that is applied, the greater the level of supporting error correction
data that needs to be transmitted. In turn this reduces the data rate of the transmission.
Accordingly it is necessary to match the forward error correction level to the requirements of

the broadcast network. The error correction uses convolution coding and Reed Solomon with
code rates of 1/2, 2/3, 3/4, 5/6, and 7/8 dependent upon the requirements.
c. 2k or 8k carriers: According to the transmission requirements the number of carriers within
the OFDM signal can be varied. When fewer carriers are used, each carrier must carry a
higher bandwidth for the same overall multiplex data rate. This has an impact on the
resilience to reflections and the spacing between transmitters in a single frequency network.
Although the systems are labeled 2k and 8k the actual numbers of carriers used are 1705
carriers for the 2k service and 6817 carriers for the 8k service.


In Ethiopia Terrestrials Analog TV providers such as Ethiopia Broadcasting Corporation and
Oromia TV have been setting services for the many years. With this at hand, the Terrestrial
analogy TV coverage area in the country is far from perfect. Specifically, Oromia TV
organization invested millions of dollars to install different transmitter station at different places.
But the organization did not meet the required service coverage and availability. For example, in
Ilu Abba Bor zone Oromia TV organization has Gore transmitter station to cover Gore and Matu
area. However, in Matu town Oromia TV service coverage is not good due to the bad
configuration of Gore transmitter station. This mainly related to the planning problem of the
coverage area. In addition the organization wants to digitalization of already existing analog TV
in country for coming one or two years. So to provide quality of service of DVB-T coverage
planning should be properly done for organization (Oromia TV).

Before implementing the system, it is important to consider the coverage area of transmitter to
get a reliable service. In this research the coverage area provided by DVB-T of Adama Station
will be planned which may be assist countries to shift smoothly from analogue to Digital
Terrestrial Television Broadcasting.

1.3.1 General Objectives
The overall objective of this thesis is to carry out DVB-T coverage planning for Adama

1.3.2 Specific Objectives
Specifically, the thesis intends to accomplish the followings

Understanding the procedures in carrying out coverage planning for DVB-T.

Choosing the best empirical propagation models for DVB-T. This step also involves
identifying the various input and output parameters required for the planning.
Implementing the propagation models using Radio Mobile software and topology data
and carrying out coverage planning.
The results of field measurements are compared against the simulation model results.
Analyzing and discussing results


1.4.1 Scope
The coverage planning will be based on simulation of the proposed techniques using Radio
mobile software tools and field measurement may be taken to verify the simulation. For this
thesis, the DVB- T coverage planning for Adama station will be studied.

1.4.2 Limitation
The thesis is done based on a simulation which needs topology data. Topology data which
enables a propagation analysis is unavailable application. As a result, due to the unavailability of
Topology data of Ethiopia, the topology data used for DVB-T coverage planning is used from
Google Earth. This data can be downloaded from the Earthexplorer site.

Digital broadcast systems have increasingly been deployed for various services such as Digital
Video Broadcasting (DVB-T). Classical digital broadcast systems were designed with fixed
modulation techniques, which had to guarantee reliable communication even with very hostile
channel environment [1].
The performance of DVB-T services in the High Altitude Platforms Station system is
influenced by the type of modulation used and the influence of channel estimation. The use of
channel estimation DVB-T services greatly affect increase in coverage that can be achieved [2].
Digital terrestrial television broadcasting transmitting sites operate in both VHF band III and

UHF bands IV and V on a 7 MHz raster and predominately operate with the following
transmission parameters: 8k carrier mode, 64- QAM, 2/3 or 3/4 FEC. Digital terrestrial television
services commenced in major metropolitan regions and have been progressively deployed in
regional and some remote areas [3].
The research problem being addressed is if the coverage of the digital signal will have the
same range as analog broadcasting signal in the Metropolitan Region of Curitiba, in the state of
Paran, Brazil [4]. In order to take full advantage of DVB-T services and characteristics field
trials are required to provide coverage prediction maps for DVB-T services [5]. In [6] the authors
presented a matlab Simulink model for the most evolving digital video broadcasting system
DVB-T including both the transmitter and the receiver. The developed model is verified by
intensive testing of the building blocks and the integrated system. Simulink models are
characterized by graphical user interface with easy understanding and altering the model to cope
with the evolution of the standards.

Besides the researches on DVB-T coverage planning, the existing terrestrial broadcasting
systems in the Ethiopia, specifically Oromia TV, did not meet the required service availability
and coverage. For this thesis DVB-T coverage planning for Adama station will be fully
considered and coverage planning will be carried out using Radio mobile software tool and
topology data for coverage planning simulation. Topology data can be downloaded from the
Earthexplorer site.

The methods to be employed to achieve the objectives of the research are:
Literature review: includes reading books, articles, simulation tools and other resources related
to the topic.

Simulation: involves coverage prediction using radio mobile software and Topology data.

Analysis and Interpretation of the results: the results obtained from the simulation results
analyzed and compared based on performance analysis.


Preliminary study about


Review related works

Study of coverage planning tools

Data collection

Work on DVB-T coverage


Is the simulation
result and field
measurement ok?




Figure 1- methodology and process

January February March April May
No Main Phase 30,2017 15,2017 15,2017 15,2017 30,2017

1 Proposal Revision

2 simulation

3 Analysis & Interpretation

4 Finalizing and submission

Table 1 Schedules


Material cost
Items description Unit Quantity Unit Cost ( Birr) Total Costs
Printing paper Packet 4 110 440
Rewritable CDs No 5 32 160
Hard Disk No 1 1TB 2200
Pens No 5 8 40
Note Book Packet Half paket 1440 720
sub-total 3560

Table 2 Budget break down descrition

[1] Ms. Pallavi Dhok, M. A. A Review on Digital Video Broadcasting Terrestrial (DVB-T)
Based, International Journal of Engineering and Techniques - Volume 1 ,Issue 2 ,
Mar - Apr 2015
[2] S. Wahyuni and Iskandar, Performance Study of Channel Estimation for DVB-T Services
in High Altitude Platforms Station Communication, IEEE, 2015.
[3] Digital Terrestrial Television Broadcasting in Australia,A presentation to ITU
International Symposium on the Digital Switchover. Australia, (2015).
[4] Vasco, C.L., Rehme, J. F, Martins, R. A, Agostinho, E., de Almeida Prado Pohl,
Transmission and Reception Tests of Digital Terrestrial TV in the Metropolitan Region of
Curitiba, in the state of Paran, Brazil," Set International Journal of Broadcast Engineering,
volume 1, Article 2, February, 2015.
[5] Aristotelis Bizopoulos, Covega Prediction and Validation for DVB- T, Thessaloniki,
[6] Mahmoud Elsharief and Mohamed Abouelatta ,Implementing a Standard DVB-T System
using MATLAB Simulink, International Journal of Computer Applications ,Volume 98
No.5, July 2014

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