Federal Ombudsman Compiled

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Victim of Organized Crime

Government Corruption and


Frank Gallagher
34 Riverglen Drive
Keswick, On
Steve Sullivan L4P 2P8
[email protected] September 20 2007 [email protected]

I am a victim of organized crime.

The Government has used their authority granted by the Constitution Act, 1982 to collect taxes to
organize a conspiracy against the people on the pretext of structuring a legal system conducive to and
consistent with the Act, which includes the Canadian Charter of Rights and Freedoms.
For more than two years now I have been providing the evidence to a preponderance of government
personnel of the Obstruction of Justice by Rick Hennessey, Regional Manager of the Ontario Rental
Housing Tribunal, Dave Grech, Coordinator of Investigations and Enforcement Unit of the Ministry of
Municipal Affairs and Housing and the Minister Hon. John Gerretsen.

My former tenant Don Wilson, President, Director, CEO etal of a company called Bio Safe Natural
Technologies Inc. of which I am a major investor filed a false and misleading information with the
ORHT which is an offence under s.206 (2) of the Tenant Protection Act, 1997 and committed the
criminal act of fraud regarding two documents at an ORHT hearing.

The ORHT and the Investigations and Enforcement Unit are required by law to deal with these matters
but have blatantly refused.

Not only did the ORHT refuse to deal with it but they tampered with the recording of the first day of the
hearing June 30 2005.
The second day of the hearing July 28 2005, the judicator Nancy Fahlgren announced at the beginning of
the day where my case was to be heard first that the hearing would not be recorded.
I then faxed the information to the Investigations and Enforcement Unit requesting they respond in
writing but each day I faxed them they would phone refusing to commence proceedings.
I remained persistent and near a month later Dave Grech wrote to me why they would not be
commencing or causing to commence proceedings against Don Wilson my former tenant.

His reasoning was absurd, absolutely incoherent to the evidence.

I wrote him again and again and then decided to drive downtown to his office from Keswick to give him
my latest letter and provide him all the evidence again including a copy of the recording of the June 30
2006 hearing where Don Wilson can be clearly heard denying he had ever seen or signed two agreements
dated April 13 2005 and May 6 2005.
He had signed them with a identical signatures but different than he has used on all other documents he
has signed for me and that which he used on the dispute he filed with the ORHT
These two 4 page agreements dealt with matters regarding the application I filed to evict him and other
matters regarding other money he owed me and matters to do with the shares of stock of his company
which I and friends of mine purchased having a value of over $100,000.
Obviously he signed these agreements with a phony signature for the purpose of denying having ever
seen or signed. I introduced Dave Kirby to the judicator who attested to the fact he signed the four pages
of the may 13 2005 agreement as a witness after Don Wilson and I both signed them.
Don Wilson committed the criminal act of fraud right there in front of the judicator of the ORHT
I reiterate that I have provided various personnel of the government a prodigious amount of evidence in
support of that which I allege but they have refused to deal with the issues.

I provided them all a 73 page copy of a letter I sent to the editor of the Toronto Sun dated October 8 2006
which contains copies of all the pertinent evidence with commentary.

Over the period of the two years of my trek to justice I accumulated evidence that irrefutably proves the
Ontario Government is corrupt and have conspired against the individuals of society indifferent to their
Charter rights.

I have provided the evidence to the Ontario Ombudsman whose staff is incompetent and incoherent to
the evidence, if they have bothered to read it.

I have provided them all copies of the 15 Lawyer Files which identify and detail some of the government
personnel who have refused to deal with the issues including the Attorney General Michael Bryant.

The evidence shows that the Ontario government have put a modus operandi in place inconsistent with
the Constitution with no regard to the individual’s Charter rights.

It also clearly shows the government has created a two tier system in which the majority of Canadians
finance but can not access the legal system because it is prohibitively costly and the system is fixed.

I doubt you office has the authority to deal with anymore than any other for it is hardly likely the powers
that be are going to give any one the authority to disrupt the good thing they have got going.

You know your authority is limited as is the Ontario Ombudsman but do you have integrity which the
Ontario Ombudsman does not?

I will go through the motions anyway requesting you deal with the issues to best of your authority and I
offer this which I copied from the Law Society of Upper Canada’s rules of professional conduct.

(103) Interpretation
(f) rules of professional conduct cannot address every situation, and a lawyer should observe the rules in the spirit
as well as in the letter.

Perhaps your authority is greater than you think considering maybe they cannot address every situation
and should observe the rules in the spirit as well as in the letter with due regard to s. 52 (1) of the Charter

52. (1) The Constitution of Canada is the supreme law of Canada, and any law that is inconsistent
with the provisions of the Constitution is, to the extent of the inconsistency, of no force or effect.

I have attached Part 1 the letter to the Toronto Sun dated October 8 2006 and Part 2 will follow.

If you intend to look into this with integrity it is imperative that you are coherent to the fact that Dave
Grech declined to commence or cause to commence proceedings against my former tenant for absurd
and coherent reason and still refused after I made every effort to inform him of his errors.

The Toronto Sun letter contains the evidence he was provided and responded to. He was also provided a
copy of the Tribunal recording where Don Wilson denies ever seeing or signing the agreements and Dave
Kirby attests to the fact that he did.

The following 3 pages is a copy of Dave Grech’s one and only response to the issues at the ORHT dated
September 6 2005 and my commentary is blocked in green. 2
This is the document that was so pathetically absurd that caused the investigation which instigated True
Democratic Reform leading to the demise of the two tiered system and quite possibly me….. FG

Comments in green blocks
added September 1 2007

I provided the Tribunal

irrefutable evidence that
Don Wilson’s dispute dated
June 10 2005 which he filed
with the ORHT was false
and misleading.
I provided this evidence to
Dave Grech.
(See file “Dave Grech
compiled correspondence”
dated September 1 2007

I filed a copy of a 4 page

agreement dated May 6
2005 with my application
dated June 6 2005 to evict
Don Wilson.

Dave Grech is clearly confused as he states above “In matters pertaining to false and misleading information
allegation, a fraudulent document must be filed with the Ontario Rental Housing Tribunal by the alleged
offender ( in this case, your tenant).”
Don Wilson my former tenant did sign and file with the ORHT his dispute dated June 10 2005 with his
proper signature and Nancy Fahlgren the judicator of the ORHT had a copy of it on her desk June 30 2005 the
first day of the Tribunal hearing.
It clearly states on the dispute application which Don Wilson signed and faxed to the ORHT on June 10 2005
1. That he must file his dispute in writing with the ORHT within 5 calendar days after being given the Notice
of Hearing which he did.
Further down under the same section 1. it states if he does not file a written dispute, the Tribunal may issue a
default order and the hearing will not be held.
If Don had not filed the dispute why would he have appeared at the hearing?
Why would I file a dispute for Don against my application to evict him?
That would have to be absurd to do such a thing, however Dave Grech appears to have interpreted it that way
and goes on to state that I have alleged that my tenant had denied seeing or signing an agreement which I
submitted during the hearing. The tenant denying that he ever saw the document does not make it false
information. It may however be perjury. It is my understanding that an oath must be sworn to make it
perjury. The fact is I did indeed submit copies of 2 agreements dated May 6 2005( which I had also
attached to my application to evict him) and April 13 2005 which the witness to it attested Don signed. 3
How would a person go about proving that a verbal agreement did
not exist? Would one set out to prove God does not exist?
I provided documents to prove every statement of his dispute was a
fabrication and Don did not provide any evidence to support
anything he stated in his dispute.

I proved he signed the April 13 2005 agreement which he denied

having ever seen or signed and the first name on the phony

signature is clearly Don’s with a huge D.

My mother witnessed the May 6 2005 agreement and is available to
attest to that if you get the court case going before the next ten
years. She is near 85 now.
I have made many attempts to make Dave Grech coherent to the facts which I had provided him, including
driving down to his office with all the evidence including a copy of the recording of the Tribunal hearing
which I left with Roal Pascual because Dave was not available to meet with me.

This evidence (except the copy of the recording) is available in the BLACK BOOK dated September 1
2006, the letter to the Toronto Sun dated October 8 2006 and the 15 Lawyer Files which I have provided
Dave Grech, Coordinator, Investigations and Minister Hon. John Gerretsen both of the Ministry of
Municipal Affairs and Housing, Rick Hennessey, Regional Manager of the ORHT, York Regional Police,
Chief Armand P. Labarge and Deputy Chief Bruce Herridge, Michael Thomson of the RCMP, the
Ombudsman, Julia Munro MPP, Peter Van Loan MP, Premier Dalton McGuinty, Attorney General
Michael Bryant, the Civil Commission on Police Services and most members of the Legislature and
Cabinet and many other government personnel who have refused to deal with the issues.

Some have responded in writing and I have attached some of their responses.

It is absolutely absurd that these people condone such criminal actions in a court financed by the people to
administer justice to and for the people of Ontario. ( Obviously they are covering something up)

Dave Grech’s response was completely incoherent to the facts and he ignored every effort I made to make
him aware of this.
A person in his position can not possibly be as inept to analyze the evidence so incompetently as he did and
the fact it took him near a month to respond gives me cause to wonder what is going on with such a clear
case irrefutably documented to the fact Don Wilson is a fraud and guilty as I allege.

Don informed me that he was once a cop and his son who lives in Orangeville is a cop.

When you put all this together with the fact the ORHT tampered with the evidence something reeks.
I took all the evidence to Randy Craig Detective Sergeant of the OPP Anti-Rackets to investigate the
government corruption and conspiracy which the evidence indicates but he declined to investigate.

I provided the evidence to approximately 100 senators but they declined to respond.

The OPP Commissioner Julian Fantino also refused to deal with the matter.
The Ministry of Community Safety and Correctional Services responded but they do not have the authority
to deal with the issues.

I provided the evidence to the Prime Minister but he declined.

I haven’t heard from the Lieutenant Governor and many others I wrote.

Vic Toesw former Minister of the DOJ, now the President of the Treasury Board of Canada Secretariat
forwarded my e-mail to the new Commission of Conflict and Interest and Ethics upon my request which
was formed under Stephen Harper’s enactment of the Federal Accountability Act which I now wait on with
no positive expectations for the whole system is corrupt and always has been.

It is a two tiered system which sucks the life out of the majority to feed the avarice minority

It’s always been that way but democracy and the Constitution promises more in the Charter but they are
reluctant to do what is right.

My evidence irrefutably proves the personnel of the establishment are in Conflict with the Peoples Interests
having demonstrated they don’t give a damn about the individual’s rights unless they stand together which
is an improbable challenge.

Members of the Law Society of Upper Canada are a special interest group who don’t give a damn about
the individual’s Charter rights as their only concern is with the person who can afford to buy their integrity.

This I have detailed in a document “Honor Among Thieves” and a letter to the Liberation Party and many
other writings..

These people have the authority to do many, many things except help the Canadian people of the bottom
tier of the purported to be one tier government.

We the people have financed them to organize on our behalf but have organized against us and they won’t
be stopped until we individual’s stand together and explain how naughty they have been.

They’ve got some serious splainin to do and some serious spankin is required if we are ever to live together
fairly in compliance with the Constitution where we all individually are equal under and before the law as
provided and demanded by the Charter.

Once the whole cover up which began at the ORHT is made public the establishment will acquiesce into
the people’s government of a one tiered system in compliance with the provisions of the Charter.

There comes a time when all good people must come to the aid of the party

Put it to the people and they will revere you. Don’t and they will put it to you.

What kind of fools would have us believe it’s the laws that made them do it?
I’m thinking selfish, arrogant fools
From: Ombudsman for Victims of Crime - Ombudsman des victimes d'actes criminel
[mailto:[email protected]]
Sent: Thursday, September 27, 2007 4:30 PM
To: [email protected]
Subject: RE: Victim due to government corruption and conspiracy

The Office of the Federal Ombudsman for Victims of Crime has reviewed your E-mails sent September 20,
2007, and attached documents.

The mandate of the Office of the Federal Ombudsman for Victims of Crime is limited to issues affecting
victims of crime exclusively within federal responsibility. Secondly, our office is unable to review any
complaints or matters relating to occurrences prior to the establishment of our office in March 2007.

We understand that the issues you raise are of a serious nature, however as your complaint falls under
Provincial Jurisdiction and occurred prior to March 2007, we are unable to assist you in these matters.

Office of the Federal Ombudsman for Victims of Crime

P.O. Box 55037

240 Sparks Street
Ottawa, ON K1P 1A1


From: Frank Gallagher [mailto:[email protected]]

Sent: 2007-Sep-20 10:53 PM
To: Ombudsman for Victims of Crime - Ombudsman des victimes d'actes criminel
Subject: Victim due to government corruption and conspiracy

September 20, 2007

Steve Sullivan
Federal Ombudsman
[email protected]

I am quite aware of your limitations regarding government corruption and conspiracy for they would hardly authorize you
to bring them to justice and just as likely would they hardly appoint you if you weren’t on side with them. (Sorry, but I have
been at this for 2 years with justice just as elusive)

However I request you review the attachments “Federal Ombudsman…….” and Sun Editor (Part 1). The rest of the 73
page letter to follow as Part 2 to get the gist of the corruption.

It is imperative that you study these documents until you are coherent to the fact that Dave Grech, Coordinator of
Investigations and Enforcement Unit of the Ministry of Municipal Affairs and Housing has refused to perform his duty in
accordance with the Tenant Protection Act, 1997 or conducive and consistent with the Constitution Act, 1982 in particular
with due respect to the individual’s guaranteed Charter rights.

To this endeavor I will also forward you a copy of “Dave Grech compiled correspondence September 1 2007 “ and Lawyer
Files #s 1-3
I have a prodigious amount of evidence in support of all that I allege including the remainder of 15 Lawyer Files which I
will send next week.

I can not over emphasize the importance of your attentiveness to the studying of these preliminary documents until you
are confident that Dave Grech was negligent of his duties by refusing to commence proceedings against Don Wilson my
former tenant.

Thank you in advance

Frank Gallagher


This eventually links to the DOJ as did the RCMP pension fund scandal which the powers that be stopped an inquiry flat
in its tracks as it was obviously hot on their trail.
The York Regional Police, the OPP Anti-Rackets and the RCMP are into this up to their necks, which inevitably leads to
the powers that be who appoint the upper echelon.

It is prudent to mention that one senator is reviewing my concerns and another has forwarded it on to the Task Force on
Governance and Cultural Change in the RCMP.

Obviously this all puts somewhat of a challenge on your integrity.

I am dedicated to getting this to a public inquiry one way or another and should that occur I recommend you keep your
records in order.

Given that you all are authorized positions under the Constitution Act, 1982 and are required by law to be consistent with
it I recommend that you do what is right conducive and consistent with it.

You are purportedly independent of the government presumably acting on behalf of all the people but I also presume you
are a lawyer and a member of The Law Society of Upper Canada who has stated or implied in their correspondence to me
on a completely separate issue that their members only concern it to advance their clients interests with no concern about
the guaranteed Charter rights of the individual.

That kind of explains a lot since the whole legal system is operated by lawyers who act in conflict of interest of the people
of Canada who finance them.

I would like to remind you who your client is. The people who actually pay your way.

There is two ways of looking at this depending on where your loyalty is.

Perhaps you will have to argue that out.

Perhaps you can wait like I must to see how you respond to the issues.

May I suggest that “They won’t let me do what is right” is not particularly a good response however you could expand on
that if an inquiry makes it to the public.

“To see what is right and not do it, is want of courage, or of principle”

It’s easy for Confucius to say.


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