Integrating The Iot With Cloud: International Journal of Emerging Trends & Technology in Computer Science (Ijettcs)

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International Journal of Emerging Trends & Technology in Computer Science (IJETTCS)

Web Site: Email: [email protected]

Volume 6, Issue 2, March - April 2017 ISSN 2278-6856

Integrating the IoT with Cloud

D Arun Kumar Reddy1, N Venkata Vinod Kumar2 and G Sailaja3
Annamacharya Institute of Technology & Sciences, Tirupathi
Computer Science and Engineering
Annamacharya Institute of Technology & Sciences, Tirupathi
Computer Science and Engineering
SV Engineering College for Women, Tirupathi
Computer Science and Engineering

Abstract: Integrating Internet of things with cloud

computing is gaining popularity in the recent trends. The
needs of sensor nodes deployed in the IoT environment
are fulfilled by the cloud service providers. This paper
focused on integration of cloud platform with IoT to fulfil
the data requirements of IoT and research issues related
to them.
Keywords: Cloud, IoT, gateway, QoS, Sensor nodes.

IoT is the term first used by kevin in 1988 [1]. The IoT is
defined as the connection made with an object either it is a Figure.1 Layered Architecture of IoT
living thing or non-living thing. For instance, a tree,
dustbin, smartphone, anything can be a part of the IoT. The This paper focused on integration of cloud platform with
communication between the objects is carried by using the IoT to fulfil the data requirements of IoT. We focused on
Radio frequency identification tags (RFID). IoT contains discussing the issues of cloud IoT integration and proposed
not only the things but also smart objects. These objects a framework for communication between the cloud and
have the ability to compute the tasks and communicate IoT which is not there previously.
with the internet and humans.
The IoT is organized with three layers such as The rest of the paper is organized as follows. Section 2
perception layer, network layer and application layer [2-4]. deals with the layered architecture of IoT. Section 3
In the past decade, the advancement in the field of Internet explains about the scenario of integrating IoT with cloud
of things (IoT) grown rapidly. Productive research is still services and finally conclusion is drawn in Section 4.
in progress to improve the next generation internet. There
is a need of integration of IoT with cloud due to the 2. Layered architecture of IoT
production of Zetta bytes of data from the IoT devices. In
the future, the devices connected to internet will be more In figure 1, the layered architecture of IoT is presented.
than the people connected to the internet. The architecture Perception layer, network layer and application layers are
of IoT is given in Figure 1. the three general layers considered in the architecture of
Cloud computing is the new era in the recent years. IoT, but in recent studies, additional two layers are defined
Cloud computing is a paradigm where it can provide any such as middleware layer and business layer.
thing as a service. The major services provided by the Perception layer: This layer act as the sensing layer for
cloud are infrastructure as a service, software as a service the IoT, the data gathered from the environment is carried
and platform as a service. through this layer. The sensor devices such as RFID tags,
Cloud computing offers the services with pay-as-you- environment monitoring sensors, health monitoring sensors
use policy and the users have the flexibility to use any and many more are deployed in this layer. The main
service by renting them [19]. Cloud is the extending functionality of this layer is to sense and gather the data.
platform of parallel and distributed computing [5-7]. The Network layer: This layer gathers the data from
large industries can utilize cloud services without any perception layer and sends the data to the internet. This
installations of high computing devices. layer is a combination of both network layer and transport
layer and it includes only the gateway which is connected
between the internet and the perception layer.
Volume 6, Issue 2, March April 2017 Page 121
International Journal of Emerging Trends & Technology in Computer Science (IJETTCS)
Web Site: Email: [email protected]
Volume 6, Issue 2, March - April 2017 ISSN 2278-6856
Application layer: This layer receives the data from the resources to the IoT without knowing the exact utilization
network layer and provides the data to the application. The [15].
applications might be a health care environment, smart
homes, smart city and other [8].
Middleware layer: this layer lies in between network
layer and application layer. This layer gathers the
information from the network layer and stores or process
the information. This layer has the capability to take the
decisions automatically whether to forward the information
to the application layer or process the information [9].
Business layer: this layer is solely concerned with the
business people who make revenue from the application.

3. Integration of IoT with cloud services Figure 2: Communication between IoT and cloud

According to the study made in [10], the connected Energy Efficiency: The sensor nodes deployed in the IoT
devices to the internet are going to reach the number of 24 environment must connected to the cloud and it requires lot
billion and this leads to the vast data production as well. of data communication and it ultimately leads to the high
Therefore, storage space is needed to honour this data. energy consumption. Allsensor devices are composed of
Cloud computing provides the data storage and data sensing unit, processing unit, transmission unit and power
processing for the IoT. These services are provided at supply unit. Most of the sensor nodes are operated with
rental basis and IoT are integrated with small sensor nodes limited power supply. Therefore, efficient mechanism is
which are limited in their capacity and storage space. needed for efficient utilization of energy for the sensor
Therefore, cloud computing provides all the needs of IoT. nodes. Some researchers made contributions to preserve
Figure 2 shows the communication architecture of IoT and the energy by introducing sleep mode the sensors [16-17].
cloud. Service discovery: In the Cloud IoT, the cloud manager
takes part of discovering new services to the users. The
major issue in the IoT is any node can join in the network
Research issues in integration of IoT and Cloud or leave the network at any time. Therefore, continuous
monitoring is required on the sensor nodes. In larger IoT
The integration of IoT with cloud is not a simple issue; the
networks, an IoT manager is also needed to manage the
IoT does not allow all the things to integrate and all the
resources to avail from the cloud. There are some issues Privacy and Security: In both IoT and cloud, privacy and
which have to be addressed before the integration. The security is the major research issue. In IoT, the data
communication between the IoT and cloud are considered
produced by the sensor nodes might be confidential and it
as the major constraint for the integration. Some of the requires some security mechanisms to preserve the data
issues are discussed below.
QoS Provisioning: In IoT, the data size produced by the
sensor nodes is more, it leads to the unpredictability and
quality of service becomes major issue. The sensor nodes 4. Conclusion
produce data at any time and some time it might be an
important data. Therefore, cloud should provide This paper presented the architecture for integration of IoT
prioritization to the data [11]. Quality of service is with cloud services and the research issues which need to
measured in terms of packet loss ratio, bandwidth, jitter be addressed at the time of integration.
and delay [12].
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