La Corte v. Bva 286 Scra 24

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Lacorte vs. Court of Appeals

G.R. No. 124574. February 2, 1998.


LACORTE and JOSE ICACA, respondents.

Sales; Equitable Mortgages; A contract is presumed to be an equitable

mortgage when the vendor remains in possession as lessee or otherwise, or
when upon or after the expiration of the right to repurchase another
instrument extending the period of redemption or granting a new period is
executed.A contract is presumed to be an equitable mortgage when the
vendor remains in possession as lessee or otherwise, or when upon or after
the expiration of the right to repurchase another instrument extending the
period of redemption or granting a new period is executed. In the case at
bar, it is not disputed that petitioners mother, Maria Lacorte, and two of her
children, herein petitioners Rosario and Jerosalina, remained in possession
of the property despite the existence of the Agreement hereinbefore quoted,
and they continue to do so up to the present time. No less than respondent
Adela Lacorte admitted these facts in her testimony.
Same; Same; Reconveyance; Words and Phrases; Reconvey,
Dened; A contract of reconveyance presupposes the existence of a prior
agreement wherein a party to whom property was conveyed undertakes to
reconvey the same to the other party under certain terms and conditions.
More importantly, the document executed between Adela Lacorte and Jose
Icaca is entitled Deed of Reconveyance wherein the latter bound himself
to transfer, deliver and reconvey the parcel of land described therein. The
term reconvey means to convey back or to former place; to transfer back
to former owner, as an estate, and reconveyance being a transfer of realty
back to the original or former grantor. A contract of reconveyance,
therefore, presupposes the existence of a prior agreement wherein a party to
whom property was conveyed undertakes to reconvey the same to the other
party under certain terms and conditions.



VOL. 286, FEBRUARY 2, 1998 25

Lacorte vs. Court of Appeals

Same; Same; Same; A contract of reconveyance is but a necessary

consequence of the exercise of a partys right to repurchase the property
subject of a contract of sale with a right of repurchase or of an equitable
mortgage.Such agreements may be in the nature of a contract of sale with
a right of repurchase or an equitable mortgage. In ne, a contract of
reconveyance is but a necessary consequence of the exercise of a partys
right to repurchase the property subject of a contract of sale with a right of
repurchase or of an equitable mortgage. This particular attribute of the Deed
of Reconveyance executed by respondent Icaca gives further weight to our
nding that the Agreement of October 17, 1983 is indeed a contract of
equitable mortgage.
Contracts; If mistake, fraud, inequitable conduct or accident prevented
a meeting of the minds of the parties, the proper remedy is not reformation
of the instrument but annulment of the contract.Article 1359 of the Civil
Code provides that when, there having been a meeting of the minds of the
parties to a contract, their true intention is not expressed in the instrument
purporting to embody the agreement by reason of mistake, fraud,
inequitable conduct or accident, one of the parties may ask for the
reformation of the instrument to the end that such true intention may be
expressed. If such mistake, fraud, inequitable conduct, or accident has
prevented a meeting of the minds of the parties, the proper remedy is not
reformation of the instrument but annulment of the contract.

PETITION for review on certiorari of a decision of the Court of


The facts are stated in the opinion of the Court.

Public Attorneys Ofce for petitioners.
Fidencio S. Raz for private respondents.


In this appeal by certiorari, petitioners seek the reversal of the

judgment promulgated by public respondent Court of Appeals on
August 9, 1995 which dismissed the basic com-


1 CA-G.R. CV No. 36650, Former Eighth Division, with Justice Bernardo LL.
Salas as ponente, and Justices Jaime M. Lantin and Alicia Austria-Martinez



Lacorte vs. Court of Appeals

plaint for rescission and/or annulment of document led by the

former against herein private respondents. What is noteworthy and
distressing is the fact that the parties are siblings, the subject matter
is a comparatively small parcel of land, the case had to be instituted
by and eventually brought to this 2Court with the assistance of
agencies of the Department of Justice, and it is now on its tenth year
of litigation.
Petitioners and private respondent Peregrino Lacorte are the heirs
of Maria Inocencio Lacorte who was the original owner of a parcel
of land located at Sta. Cruz, Lezo, Aklan with an area of 14,556
square meters, more or less. The subject property was foreclosed by
the Rural Bank of Malinao, Aklan, Inc. which, after consolidating its
ownership thereover, subsequently sold the same to herein private
respondent Jose Icaca.
On October 17, 1983, respondent Jose Icaca and petitioner Simon
Lacorte, in behalf of the heirs of Maria Lacorte, entered into an
Agreement whereby the former was authorized to purchase the
subject property from the bank provided that the heirs of Maria
Lacorte shall be given the right to repurchase the same in the amount
of P33,090.00 within a period of one year from that date. The one-
year redemption period was later extended to March, 1987 pursuant
to another Agreement dated October 16, 1984. Both agreements
were signed by petitioner Simon Lacorte for himself and in
representation of the heirs of Maria Lacorte. On November 4, 1984,
respondent Peregrino Lacortes wife, Adela, paid to respondent
Icaca the amount of P26,000.00 as deposit for the repurchase of the
It appears, however, that without the knowledge and consent of
herein petitioners, and before the expiration of the grace period,
private respondents Peregrino Lacorte and his wife were able to
purchase the land in their names by virtue


2 The complaint was led by the Citizens Legal Assistance Ofce and petitioners
are now represented in this Court by the Public Attorneys Ofce, both of the
Department of Justice.


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Lacorte vs. Court of Appeals

of a Deed of Reconveyance executed by respondent Icaca dated

February 3, 1987.
That prompted herein petitioners to commence this action on
December 9, 1988 for annulment of the contract on the ground that
the same was entered into in evident bad faith and in violation of the
previous agreements between the parties, thereby resulting in
prejudice to the property rights of herein petitioners. In their
Answer, respondents Peregrino and Adela Lacorte denied that there
was an agreement to sell the property collectively to the heirs of
Maria Lacorte, and argued that since the land was legally sold by the
bank to respondent Icaca, then the sale thereof by the latter to the
former is likewise valid.
Respondent Jose Icaca led a separate Answer wherein he
alleged, inter alia, that:

2. x x x (W)hile it is true that he sold the property to the spouses Peregrino

Lacorte and Adela Lacorte, he did so (i)n the honest belief and
understanding that the spouses bought the same for the common good of all
pursuant to the understanding/agreement he had with the said spouses and
the plaintiffs and that he will allow them to buy back the property
collectively from him x x x. (T)he said spouses assured him that they were
buying the property not for themselves alone but for the benet as well of
the plaintiffs and this was also the understanding of the herein answering
defendant when he signed the Deed of Reconveyance x x x. (H)ad he known
it otherwise and were it not for the assurance of the spouses Peregrino and
Adela Lacorte to the effect that the purchase of the property is for the
collective use of all of them x x x the herein defendant would not have sold
the property to them x x x. (T)he undersigned hav(e) no objection to the
rescission and/or annulment of the Deed of Reconveyance x x x because in
truth and in fact his intention was really to reconvey the questioned property
to the plaintiffs and his co-defendants x x x.

In a decision dated November 29, 1991, the trial court ordered (a)
the rescission of the deed of reconveyance executed


3 Original Record, 12-13.



Lacorte vs. Court of Appeals

in favor of respondent spouses Peregrino and Adela Lacorte, as well

as the tax declarations issued in their names, and (b) Jose Icaca to
sell the land in question to all the petitioners herein and private
respondent spouses. In so ruling, it declared that by reason of the
aforesaid agreements, marked as Exhibits B and C, respectively,
executed between respondent Jose Icaca and petitioner Simon
Lacorte who acted in representation of the heirs of Maria Lacorte,
which actually constitute a promise to buy and sell, there was bad
faith on the part of respondent spouses in purchasing the land solely
in their favor.
It also noted that the deed of reconveyance was executed within
the period granted under Exhibits B and C for the heirs to
collectively repurchase the land from Icaca. Moreover, it observed
that if respondent spouses were truly buying the land in good faith
for themselves and not for the other heirs, it was not necessary for
respondent Adela Lacorte to ask petitioners to look for P7,090.00
which represents the balance and was apparently to be used as part
of the purchase price. Finally, it concluded that petitioners had a
cause of action against respondents by reason of the promise to buy
and sell executed between the Lacortes and Icaca, which is
reciprocally demandable pursuant to Article 1479 of the Civil Code.
In reversing the court a quo and ordering the dismissal of the
complaint, respondent Court of Appeals ruled that petitioners have
no cause of action against private respondents since the former were
not parties either to the Deed of Reconveyance sought to be annulled
or to the Deed of Absolute Sale executed between the bank and Jose
Icaca. It applied the general rule under Article 1397 of the Civil
Code to the effect that an action for annulment of contract may be
instituted only by those who are principally or subsidiarily obliged
While it recognized the exception that one who is not principally
or subsidiarily bound may ask for annulment if his


4 Ibid., 133-139; per Judge Marietta J. Homena-Valencia.


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Lacorte vs. Court of Appeals

rights are prejudiced by one of the contracting parties, respondent

court nonetheless merely held that prejudice on the part of the
plaintiffs has not been established. If at all they are now asking for
the annulment of the Deed of Reconveyance, it is probably because
they are supposedly heirs of Maria. It has not been proven either to
what extent the Deed of Reconveyance should be nullied,5 even on
the assumption that plaintiffs rights have been prejudiced.
Hence this petition, wherein the primary issue posed for
resolution is whether or not herein petitioners are entitled to bring an
action for annulment and/or rescission of the Deed of Reconveyance
entered into by respondent spouses Peregrino and Adela Lacorte
with Jose Icaca.
On this score, it becomes inevitable to initially determine the
nature of the agreements entered into by petitioners with Icaca
which are the bases of petitioners claim to the property. Because of
its importance, the Agreement dated October 17, 1983 is hereunder
quoted verbatim and in full:


17 October 1983
This is to certify that I, JOSE I. ICACA, of legal age, married, a
resident of Ramos Street, Lezo, Aklan, after an agreement has
been made to the heirs of Maria Lacorte, represented by her son
Simon Lacorte, also of legal age, likewise a resident of Lezo,
Aklan, do hereby agreed the following conditions:
That with the consent of the said Simon Lacorte and his co-
heirs, I have been authorized directly to purchase their
foreclosed land which was mortgaged to the Rural Bank of
Malinao, Aklan;
That we further agreed that within the period of one year
beginning this date October 17, 1983, I am giving them the
chance and privilege to recover and repurchase the said land in
the purchase (illegible) of TWENTY ONE THOUSAND FIVE


5 Rollo, CA-G.R. CV No. 36650, 87.



Lacorte vs. Court of Appeals


(P12,090.00) PESOS of their recent mortgage debt amounting
in total of THIRTY THREE THOUSAND (P33,090.00)
PESOS (sic).
IN WITNESS HEREOF I have hereunto set my signature
this 17th day of October 1983 at Lezo, Aklan, Philippines.



A contract is presumed to be an equitable mortgage when the vendor

remains in possession as lessee or otherwise, or when upon or after
the expiration of the right to repurchase another instrument
extending7 the period of redemption or granting a new period is
executed. In the case at bar, it is not disputed that petitioners
mother, Maria Lacorte, and two of her children, herein petitioners
Rosario and Jerosalina, remained in possession of the property
despite the existence of the Agreement hereinbefore quoted, and
they continue to do so up to the present time. No less than
respondent Adela Lacorte admitted these facts in her testimony.
Further, prior to the expiration of that Agreement of October 17,
1983, another one was entered into between the same parties
extending the period of redemption up to and until March, 1987.
Thus, in the second Agreement dated October 16, 1984, it was
stipulated that:

Although the period granted to the heirs of Maria Lacorte to buy back the
land from me is due to expire tomorrow in accordance with the agreement
dated October 17, 1983, I, Jose I. Icaca, do


6 Exhibit B; Folder of Exhibits, 2. The total amount in words and gures should properly be
7 Article 1602, Civil Code.
8 TSN, February 5, 1991, 5.


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Lacorte vs. Court of Appeals

hereby give extra period to recover and repurchase the property from me
until March 1987.

That the contract is an equitable mortgage is likewise evident from

the words used in the Agreement itself, that is, that the heirs of
Maria Lacorte shall pay as part of the purchase price the amount of
recent mortgage debt. Apparently, the parties decided to put in
writing an earlier mortgage made by Maria Lacorte in favor of Jose
Icaca. The existence of such mortgage even provides a logical
explanation for the course of action taken by Simon Lacorte in
making special arrangements with Icaca so that the latter could buy
the foreclosed property from the bank.
More importantly, the document executed between Adela Lacorte
and Jose Icaca is entitled Deed of Reconveyance wherein the latter
bound himself to transfer, deliver and reconvey the parcel of land
described therein. The term reconvey means to convey back or to
former place; to transfer back to former owner, as an estate, and
reconveyance being a transfer of realty back to the original or
former grantor. A contract of reconveyance, therefore, presupposes
the existence of a prior agreement wherein a party to whom property
was conveyed undertakes to reconvey the same to the other party
under certain terms and conditions.
Such agreements may be in the nature of a contract of sale with a
right of repurchase or an equitable mortgage. In ne, a contract of
reconveyance is but a necessary consequence of the exercise of a
partys right to repurchase the property subject of a contract of sale
with a right of repurchase or of an equitable mortgage. This
particular attribute of the Deed of Reconveyance executed by
respondent Icaca gives further weight to our nding that the
Agreement of October 17, 1983 is indeed a contract of equitable


9 Exhibit C; Folder of Exhibits, 3.

10 TSN, April 17, 1991, 3, 15.
11 Words and Phrases, Vol. 36A, 35.



Lacorte vs. Court of Appeals

Considering that Simon Lacorte executed the Agreement with Jose

Icaca for and in behalf of all the heirs of Maria Lacorte, it stands to
reason that any payment made by one or some of the heirs will
logically and denitely have to likewise inure to the benet of all the
heirs. This notwithstanding, respondent spouses insist that they are
the exclusive owners of the subject property because they were the
ones who paid for it and that it was never intended that they will buy
it for and in behalf of the other heirs. They further deny any
knowledge of and participation in the Agreement dated October 17,
The argument is, unfortunately, specious. The records abound
with facts and circumstances which reveal otherwise, as we shall
demonstrate seriatim.
1. The initial payment of P26,000.00 was made on November
4, 1984, immediately after the Agreement of October 16,
1984 extending the redemption period was executed. The
balance of P7,090.00 was paid only in February, 1987 when
the Deed of Reconveyance was executed, which was well
within the extended period granted to herein petitioners. If
respondent spouses really knew nothing about the previous
agreements with Icaca, it is an incredible accident that the
dates of payment of the purchase price coincided quite
closely with the periods stipulated by the parties. And, if
ever there was any other agreement entered into exclusively
between respondent spouses and Jose Icaca, the records are
completely bereft thereof and respondent spouses
conveniently failed to give any explanation therefor.
Indeed, it is highly improbable that, sine stipulatio, Icaca
would still have accepted payment of the balance despite
the lapse of a long period of time, contrary to the ordinary
and normal course of things.
2. Respondent Adela Lacorte claimed that she informed herein
petitioners about the sum of P26,000.00 she had paid to
Jose Icaca. According to her, she did that on purpose
because she wanted petitioners to help her raise the amount


VOL. 286, FEBRUARY 2, 1998 33

Lacorte vs. Court of Appeals

necessary to pay the balance of the purchase price. If what
she alleges is true, then it is perplexing why she would still
ask for money from petitioners and thereby involve them in
the contract with Icaca although that was supposed to be for
respondent spouses exclusively.
3. Adela Lacorte likewise admitted that her mother-in-law and
two of herein petitioners remain and continue to be in
possession of the property even after the sale thereof to
Icaca. The only plausible and explicative reason for this is
that petitioners were merely enforcing the rights vested in
them under those aforementioned agreements with Icaca.
4. Also, by her own admission, Adela Lacorte knew that
petitioners were very interested in redeeming the property
from Icaca. On the witness stand, she stated that when she
met with Icaca to negotiate for the repurchase of the
property, she was accompanied by both her husband and
petitioner Rosario Lacorte. It will be recalled that Rosario
Lacorte is one of the petitioners who has been continuously
occupying the subject land from the time it was still owned
by Maria Lacorte up to the present. Logically, it is Rosario
Lacorte who, among the heirs, is most interested in
regaining ownership of the property. Thus, Adela Lacorte
cannot make it appear that Rosarios presence in that
meeting was inconsequential; on the contrary, Adelas close
contact with petitioners during the negotiations is clear
proof that she was privy to the agreements between
petitioners and Icaca.
5. Petitioner Simon Lacorte testied that they were the ones
who negotiated with the bank for the reduction of the
redemption price from P45,000.00 to P21,000.00. After the
bank had agreed to their proposal, Simon Lacorte
immediately consulted with Icaca, to whom the land had
also been mortgaged for P12,500.00, on the possibility of
the latter paying the redemption price while petitioners still
did not have the money to buy back their property. Icaca
acceded and,


12 TSN, February 5, 1991, 5, 8; July 31, 1990, 12, 18.

13 TSN, February 5, 1991, 7.



Lacorte vs. Court of Appeals

consequently, an agreement was executed between the parties.
Simon Lacorte further explained that his brothers and sisters
agreed to make arrangements with the bank, except respondent
Peregrino who merely said that it was up to them. Apparently,
respondent spouses were inceptually not interested in redeeming the
property and refused to cooperate with petitioners for that
purpose. They took interest and cooperated only after the
redemption price was considerably reduced by the bank through the
joint efforts of herein petitioners. These facts sufciently prove that
respondent spouses were fully aware of the dealings and
arrangements made by petitioners with the bank and Icaca for the
redemption of the property, otherwise they could not have known
about the particulars thereof.
All told, we are not persuaded by respondent spouses pretension
that they were oblivious of the existing agreements between
petitioners and Icaca when they paid for the land in question.
Besides, it would be downright unfair for petitioners not to gain
anything after all their efforts and the trouble that they had gone
through precisely to preserve and retain ownership of the property
within the family.
One more thing. The case records irresistibly reveal that the real
intention of Icaca was to reconvey the land to all the heirs of Maria
Lacorte. This fact is supported by both the documentary evidence on
record and the uncontroverted testimony of Icaca himself, to wit:

Q: You said, you sold the property in question to the defendant

herein Peregrino and Adela Lacorte before the document was
executed, did they approach you telling or (sic) intend to
acquire the property?
A: Only Simon.


14 TSN, May 24, 1990, 4-7.

15 Ibid., id., 4.
16 TSN, February 5, 1991, 3.
17 TSN, May 29, 1990, 10.


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Lacorte vs. Court of Appeals

Q: How about Peregrino and Adela, did they not go to you?

A: No, they did not.
Q: Can you please tell the Honorable Court, how come did you sold
(sic) the property to Peregrino and Adela Lacorte?
A: Actually, I dont intend to sell the property because I pity them
and because what we agreed with Simon and because they are
brothers, I was thinking that they have an agreement already that
whoever of them can afford to buy the property, I will sell it to
Q: When you said that you have no intention of selling the property
to the defendants Peregrino and Adela Lacorte, could you please
tell this Honorable Court to whom do you intend to sell the
A: My agreement with Simon is, whoever of the brothers and
sisters can afford to buy the property, I will sell it to them. That
is our agreement.
Q: When you said them, to whom do you refer?
A: To any brothers and sisters of the children of Maria Lacorte.
On cross-examination, Icaca claried and emphasized that 19
he sold
the property not to just one person but to the whole family. Thus:

Q: The Court is asking you, if you understood selling it to spouses

Adela and Peregrino Lacorte not the children of Maria Lacorte
who are Simon, Rosario, Severino, Jerosalina and Cirila.
A: I did not know that that is their intention your Honor. Only I
understood that I was selling the property to the brothers and
Q: Why when Adela Lacorte made you sign this document, awhat
did she tell you?


18 TSN, April 17, 1991, 9-12.

19 Ibid., id., 16.



Lacorte vs. Court of Appeals

A: That Adela Lacorte told me your Honor that she will tell them
that they had already acquired the property.
Q: You did not nd it strange after reading this document that you
are selling it, the property to Adela and Peregrino Lacorte,
instead of Peregrino Lacorte and his brothers and sisters who are
the children of his mother?
A: I did not understand that that document is only for the spouses
because I thought that its for the brothers and sisters as per
agreed (sic) that whoever is capable of buying back the property,
would buy it for everybody.

Such intention of Icaca is more in accord with the basic

characteristic of a contract of reconveyance which, as earlier stated,
involves a transfer of realty back to its original owner. Petitioners
mother, Maria Lacorte, is admittedly the original owner of the
subject lot; Adela Lacorte does not claim otherwise. This only goes
to show that the reconveyance was really intended for all the heirs of
Maria Lacorte. Besides, it was Adela Lacorte who prepared the
Deed of Reconveyance, hence, any ambiguity therein must be
resolved against her and in favor of Jose Icaca who merely signed it.
In the mind of this Court, what probably motivated respondent
spouses to appropriate the property for themselves is because
petitioners could not raise the money needed to pay Jose Icaca. This
hypothesis nds substance in the testimony of Adela Lacorte which
is very revealing:
Q: It did not occur to your mind (sic) to again tell the plaintiffs to
accompany you because you are already paying Mr. Icaca the
amount of P26,000.00?
A: It enter(ed) my mind but because they have no money to add to
that P26,000.00, I got mad and I decided to go alone.

In order to judge the intention of the contracting parties, their

contemporaneous and subsequent acts shall be princi-


20 Ibid., id., 19-20.

21 TSN, February 5, 1991, 8.


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Lacorte vs. Court of Appeals

pally considered. In light of the foregoing disquisition, the
inevitable conclusion is that it was really the intention of the parties
that the subject parcel of land shall be reconveyed to all the heirs of
Maria Lacorte, hence the payment made by Adela Lacorte should be
deemed to inure to the benet of all the aforementioned heirs.
Consequently, herein petitioners necessarily stand to be prejudiced
by the Deed of Reconveyance executed solely in favor of Adela
Lacorte since they should have been included as parties thereto.
Article 1359 of the Civil Code provides that when, there having
been a meeting of the minds of the parties to a contract, their true
intention is not expressed in the instrument purporting to embody
the agreement by reason of mistake, fraud, inequitable conduct or
accident, one of the parties may ask for the reformation of the
instrument to the end that such true intention may be expressed. If
such mistake, fraud, inequitable conduct, or accident has prevented a
meeting of the minds of the parties, the proper remedy is not
reformation of the instrument but annulment of the contract.
There is no doubt that petitioners are entitled to bring an action to
annul the contract because they stand to be prejudiced by the
enforcement of the Deed of Reconveyance. As to whether or not
they also have the right to ask for reformation of the instrument, we
hold in the afrmative. This is because petitioners should really have
been made parties to the Deed of Reconveyance were it not for the
fact that Adela Lacorte had fraudulently excluded their names
therefrom. From the start of the negotiations with the bank and, later,
with Jose Icaca, petitioners have actively participated. They
remained in possession of the land, gathered fruits therefrom, and
never for a moment relinquished their rights thereover.
Adela Lacorte explicitly recognized such right when she sought
the help of petitioners in raising money to pay for the land. It was
clear that, from the very start, petitioners were already recognized as
actual parties to the prospective recon-


22 Article 1371, Civil Code.



Lacorte vs. Court of Appeals

veyance. What deluded Jose Icaca, and prevented him from

doubting the veracity of the Deed of Reconveyance brought to him
by Adela Lacorte for signature, was the latters misrepresentation
that she was purportedly acting for and in behalf of all the heirs of
Maria Lacorte.
Since petitioners should in truth and in fact be parties to the Deed
of Reconveyance, they are entitled to the reformation of the contract
in order to reect the true intention of the parties. In fact, Jose Icaca,
who is the real injured party in this case because of the fraud
committed on him, has acquiesced to the cancellation of the
contract. There is nothing to prevent the reformation of the
instrument as has in effect been granted by the court a quo by way
of an additional or alternative relief.
We accordingly declare that what is necessary is only a
reformation of the Deed of Reconveyance by reecting therein the
names of herein petitioners as additional parties thereto, since there
has been a meeting of the minds on the object and the consideration.
Herein petitioners need merely contribute pro rata to the payments
and expenses as may have heretofore been made or shall hereafter be
involved in implementing the relief sought by and granted to them,
the details of which shall be determined by the trial court.
WHEREFORE, the judgment appealed from is hereby
REVERSED and SET ASIDE, and the judgment of the Regional
Trial Court, Branch 1, of Kalibo, Aklan, is hereby REINSTATED,
subject to the modications regarding the implementation thereof by
the court a quo on the basis of the rationale therefor as herein

Melo, Puno, Mendoza and Martinez, JJ., concur.

23 Article 1362. If one party was mistaken and the other acted fraudulently or
inequitably to disclose their real agreement, said instrument may be reformed.


VOL. 286, FEBRUARY 2, 1998 39

Lacorte vs. Court of Appeals

Appealed judgment reversed and set aside; Judgment of Aklan RTC

reinstated subject to modications.

Notes.The mere fact that the price in a pacto de retro sale is

not the true value of the property does not justify the conclusion that
the contract is one of equitable mortgage. (Ignacio vs. Court of
Appeals, 246 SCRA 242 [1995])
For a presumption of an equitable mortgage to arise, one must
rst satisfy two requisites, namely: that the parties entered into a
contract denominated as a contract of sale and that their intention
was to secure an existing debt by way of mortgage. The existence of
any of the circumstances in Art. 1602 of the Civil Code, not a
concurrence nor an overwhelming number of such circumstances,
sufces to give rise to the presumption that the contract is an
equitable mortgage. (Lustan vs. Court of Appeals, 266 SCRA 663
The fact that although the tax declarations for the property have
been transferred to the name of the vendee and that he has been
continuously paying the realty taxes thereon the said vendee has
made no move to oust the heirs of the vendor from their possession
is a circumstance that clearly falls within the ambit of Article 1602
as a badge of an equitable mortgage. (Dapiton vs. Court of Appeals,
273 SCRA 96 [1997])
Necessitous men are not, truly speaking, free men, but to answer
a present emergency, will submit to any terms that the crafty may
impose upon them. (Lao vs. Court of Appeals, 275 SCRA 237



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