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International Journal of Gynecology & Obstetrics 119S2 (2012) S97S99

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International Journal of Gynecology and Obstetrics

j o u r n a l h o m e p a g e : w w w. e l s ev i e r. c o m / l o c a t e / i j g o


Cancer of the vagina

Neville F. Hacker a , Patricia J. Eifel b , Jacobus van der Velden c
a Gynecologic Oncology Cancer Centre, Royal Hospital for Women, Randwick, Australia
b Department of Radiation Oncology, M.D. Anderson Cancer Center, Houston, TX, USA
c Department of Gynecology, Academic Medical Center, Amsterdam, The Netherlands

1. Staging 1.1.4. Histopathologic types

Squamous cell carcinoma is the most common type of cancer
A description of the staging classication for primary vaginal
occurring in the vagina. Infrequently an adenocarcinoma may
carcinoma is detailed in Table 1.
Table 1
Cancer of the vagina. 1.1.5. Histopathologic grades (G)
FIGO Stage Description GX: Grade cannot be assessed.
I The carcinoma is limited to the vaginal wall G1: Well differentiated.
G2: Moderately differentiated.
II The carcinoma has involved the sub-vaginal tissue but has not G3: Poorly or undifferentiated.
extended to the pelvic wall

III The carcinoma has extended to the pelvic wall 2. Introduction

IV The carcinoma has extended beyond the true pelvis or has Carcinoma of the vagina constitutes only about 2% of malignant
involved the mucosa of the bladder or rectum; bullous edema neoplasms of the female genital tract [1]. The vagina, however,
as such does not permit a case to be allotted to Stage IV can be a common site of metastatic gynecological cancer, by either
IVA Tumor invades bladder and/or rectal mucosa and/or direct direct extension of cervical or vulvar tumors, or through lymphatic
extension beyond the true pelvis or vascular deposits, as seen in endometrial cancer and gestational
IVB Spread to distant organs trophoblastic disease, respectively. Metastatic or direct extension
of non-gynecologic tumors to the vagina can also occur from the
urinary bladder, urethra, periurethral glands, rectum, and rarely the
1.1. Anatomy breast, lung, or other sites.
Up to 30% of patients with primary vaginal carcinoma have
1.1.1. Primary site
The vagina extends from the vulva upward to the uterine cervix. a history of in situ or invasive cervical cancer treated at least
Cases should be classied as carcinoma of the vagina when the 5 years earlier [24]. (It is arbitrarily assumed that an invasive
primary site of the growth is in the vagina. Tumors present in the squamous cell carcinoma occurring in the vagina more than 5 years
vagina as secondary growths from either genital or extra-genital after an invasive squamous cell carcinoma of the cervix is a new
sites should be excluded. A growth that has extended to the portio primary cancer.) Some vaginal cancers are preceded by vaginal
of the cervix and reached the area of the external os should always intraepithelial neoplasia (VAIN), although the true malignant
be allotted to carcinoma of the cervix. A growth limited to the potential of VAIN is not known [5,6]. Prior pelvic radiation has also
urethra should be classied as carcinoma of the urethra. A tumor been considered a possible cause of vaginal cancer [7,8].
involving the vulva should be classied as carcinoma of the vulva. Most vaginal cancers occur in postmenopausal or elderly
There should be histologic verication of the disease. women [1]. When occurring in younger patients, the disease seems
to be etiologically related to cervical neoplasia, and thus human
1.1.2. Nodal stations papillomavirus (HPV) dependent [9]. Histologically, approximately
The upper two-thirds of the vagina is drained by lymphatics 90% of primary vaginal cancers are squamous cell lesions.
to the pelvic nodes, with the lymphatics paralleling the course
of the uterine artery and the vaginal artery to the obturator, 3. Screening
hypogastric (internal iliac), and external iliac nodes. The distal third
of the vagina drains to the inguinal-femoral nodes. Some lesions, Routine screening for vaginal cancer following hysterectomy for
particularly those involving the posterior vaginal wall, may drain benign disease is not recommended because these women are
via pararectal lymphatic channels to presacral nodes. at extremely low risk of developing vaginal cancer. Women with
a history of cervical intraepithelial or invasive neoplasia are at
1.1.3. Metastatic sites increased risk, but regular cytologic screening gives a low yield. The
The most common sites of distant spread include the lungs, liver, incorporation of newer testing modalities, including HPV testing,
and bony skeleton. The rules for staging are similar to those for may allow the screening interval to be increased, and cost-effective
carcinoma of the cervix. screening, in this group of patients [10].

0020-7292/$ see front matter 2012 International Federation of Gynecology and Obstetrics. Published by Elsevier Ireland Ltd. All rights reserved.
S98 N.F. Hacker et al. / International Journal of Gynecology & Obstetrics 119S2 (2012) S97S99

4. Vaginal intraepithelial neoplasia (VAIN) 2. In young patients who require radiation therapy: Pretreatment
laparotomy or laparoscopy may allow ovarian transposition, or
For patients with an abnormal pap smear and no gross abnormality,
in selected cases, surgical staging and resection of any bulky
vaginal colposcopy and use of Lugols iodine to stain the vagina are
positive lymph nodes.
necessary. Biopsy of colposcopically abnormal areas is necessary,
3. In patients with Stage IVA disease, particularly if a rectovaginal
usually under anesthesia. Excisional biopsy is useful for lesions
or vesicovaginal stula is present: Primary pelvic exenteration
involving the vaginal vault, where occult carcinoma may be found
may be a suitable treatment option for selected patients,
in up to 28% of patients with VAIN [11].
either combined with pelvic lymphadenectomy or preoperative
Treatment of VAIN must be individualized. Numerous treatments,
radiation [2]. Bilateral groin dissection should be considered in
ranging from local surgical excision or ablation through to
such patients if the lower third of the vagina is involved.
intracavitary radiotherapy, have been used. Selection of the
4. In patients with a central recurrence after radiation therapy:
appropriate treatment is usually based on a careful study of
Surgery will usually necessitate some type of pelvic exenteration
several factors, including the general medical condition of the
in such patients. Level of Evidence C
patient, the histology of the lesion, the location and extent of the
disease, as well as the experience and expertise of the treating
5.1.2. Radiation therapy
medical team. The proximity of the urethra, bladder, and rectum
Radiation therapy is the treatment of choice for most patients
to the vaginal epithelium is an important factor to be considered.
with vaginal cancer, and usually requires careful integration of
Damage or injury to these structures can occur with possible
teletherapy and intracavitary or interstitial brachytherapy. External
stula formation, particularly when the patient has had prior pelvic beam and brachytherapy techniques may vary widely, depending
radiation therapy. on the precise location of the tumor and its relationship to critical
Laser vaporization with a carbon dioxide laser is an effective structures.
treatment for VAIN [12]. This technique generally requires local or Although some authors have advocated treatment with brachy-
general anesthesia. therapy alone for small Stage I (or even Stage II) cancers [18
The use of topical 5-uorouracil (5-FU) is a relatively simple 21], a combination of external beam irradiation and brachytherapy
ambulatory treatment, which does not require anesthesia or probably reduces the risk of localregional recurrence in such cases.
complicated equipment [13]. This approach may be especially For larger lesions, treatment is started with approximately 4550 Gy
valuable for patients with widespread or multifocal disease, which external radiation to reduce the primary tumor volume and to treat
would require an extensive surgical procedure. Side effects are the pelvic nodes. This is then supplemented with brachytherapy
usually minimal, as long as it is not used more than twice a week. or external beam boosts to gross disease in the primary site and
Imiquimod 5% cream might represent an alternative method of involved lymph nodes.
management in young, HPV-positive women with multifocal high- There is evidence for improved local control when the dose to the
grade lesions (VAIN 2/3) [14]. primary tumor exceeds 70 Gy [19,21]. This is most easily achieved
Excisional procedures, either with electrosurgical loops or a using brachytherapy if the entire tumor volume can be treated
scalpel excision, have also been used to treat VAIN. Surgical excision to the necessary dose without exceeding normal tissue tolerance.
is particularly appropriate for vault lesions [15]. Total vaginectomy Although brachytherapy is preferred whenever possible, highly
and split-thickness skin grafting may be occasionally necessary to conformal external beam boosts may achieve more homogeneous
treat extensive lesions that involve virtually the entire length of coverage of tumor in selected patients who have massive tumors, or
the vaginal tube and where other conservative methods have been intimate association of tumor with critical structures, for example
unsuccessful. Level of Evidence C the rectovaginal septum.
If the distal one-third of the vagina is involved, the groin nodes
5. Invasive carcinoma should be treated or dissected. Level of Evidence C
There is limited reported experience with chemoradiation for
Most patients present with painless vaginal bleeding and discharge, vaginal cancer [2022]. However, extrapolating from the favorable
and denitive diagnosis can usually be made by biopsy of a gross results reported for cervical cancers, the concurrent use of cisplatin-
lesion detected on speculum examination. This can often be done in based chemoradiation may be appropriate, particularly in locally
the ofce, but may be facilitated by examination under anesthesia. advanced cases. Level of Evidence D

5.1. Treatment 5.2. Prognosis

Whenever possible, patients should be referred to tertiary referral Although the reported overall 5-year survival for vaginal cancer is
units because of the rarity of these lesions and the limited only about 52% [1], recent reports have indicated 5-year survival
experience of most practitioners with the specialized techniques rates comparable to cervical cancer [1820]. A study of 193 patients
used to treat these cancers effectively. All treatment must be from the M.D. Anderson Cancer Center in Houston reported 5-year
individualized, and will vary depending on the stage of disease and disease-specic survival rates of 85% for 50 patients with Stage I
the site of vaginal involvement. For most patients, it is important disease, 78% for 97 patients with Stage II, and 58% for 46 patients
to try to maintain a functional vagina. with Stages IIIIVA [22].

5.1.1. Surgery 6. Special situation

Surgery has a limited role because of the close proximity of
6.1. Adenocarcinoma
the bladder and rectum, but may be useful in the following
situations [1,16,17]: Approximately 10% of primary vaginal carcinomas are adenocar-
1. In patients with Stage I disease involving the upper posterior cinomas, and they may arise in areas of vaginal adenosis in
vagina: If the uterus is still in situ, radical hysterectomy, upper diethylstilbestrol (DES) exposed patients, in Wolfan rest elements,
vaginectomy to achieve clearance of at least 1 cm, and pelvic periurethral glands, or foci of endometriosis. DES-related clear cell
lymphadenectomy may be performed. If hysterectomy has been carcinomas of the vagina occurred mainly in young women, but as
performed previously, radical upper vaginectomy and pelvic the DES-exposed cohort is now over 50 years of age, DES-related
lymphadenectomy may be appropriate. tumors are now rare. In a series of 26 patients with non-DES-related
N.F. Hacker et al. / International Journal of Gynecology & Obstetrics 119S2 (2012) S97S99 S99

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