Control Systems Lab

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To show how to measure strains and compare the results with theory.

The Bending System includes a solid, rectangular cantilever beam. The beam is
confined tightly at both ends. The cantilever beam is set up with strain gages (two on each sides)
to measure the bending stress developed.

Strain gauges are electrical sensors that assess strains. A metal conducting wire is charged with
stress, its cross-section changes and the resistance changes which is observed by the electrical
current as it passes through it.

The electrical output signal is then directed to Wheat stone bridge. Wheat stone bridge consists
of four resistances (R1, R2, R3 and R4) connected end to end. The Voltage (output) varies along
with strain and can be calculated by


First of all, we will use a 240V alternating current to the strain gauge and then we are going to
turn on the switch. Then we are going to connect the strain connection to the output of the
bending system. Now we are going to connect the bending strain gauges to the strain display as a
full bridge. Now we set the gauge at 0 as initial reading. Then we carefully slide the hanger on
the beam up to the required positon and then we are going to add weight to the hanger. Then we
are going to let equipment to stabilize for around a minute then we are going to observe the
voltage on the signal display and consider it as initial voltage (the maximum load we applied was
0.5kg). Now we are going to compare the theoretical and experimental values. If the gain we on
the amplifier is not 1000 then we are going to use 0 and adjust the knob again to 0.

Gauge Factor : 2.12 Active arms(N) :

Gain of amplifier = 1000 Youngs Modulus = 187.5 GPa
S. z Initial Fina b d F M I Y
N (m V (V) lV (mm (m (N (N.m (mm (m (t (ex
O m) (V) ) m) ) m) ) m) h) p)

To show how to connect and use shear and torque strain gauges to measure strain in an
object that twists. And to show how to compare displayed strains with theory of torsion

The Torsion system is solid, circular cross section torsion beam. The beam is placed
between two supporting ends in which one end is fixed and the other end is movable passing
through bearings. Weights are added to movable side in order to measure torsion produced in the
body. Torque is applied in case of torsional system in which the force is applied in arod with the
certain torque arm.

Torque is the tendency of a force to rotate an object about an axis, fulcrum, or pivot. An engine
produces power by providing a rotating shaft which can exert a given amount of torque on a load
at a given rpm. The amount of torque the engine can exert usually varies with rpm.

First of all we will use a 240V alternating current to the strain gauge and then we are going to
turn on the switch. Then we are going to connect the strain connection to the output of the torsion
system. Now we are going to connect the torsion strain gauges to the strain display as a full
bridge. Now we set the gauge at 0 as initial reading. Then we carefully add a small weight to the
hanger and we are going to measure the initial value. And measure the initial voltage then we are
going to add weight(Maximum of 2.0kg) and then we going to measure the voltage. Now we are
going to compare the theoretical and experimental values. And if the gain of the amplifier is not
1000 then we are going to use 0 and set the knob again to 0.Formula:

Gain of Amplifier = Output / Input = V at Voltmeter signal / V at bridge signal


Gauge Factor: 2.09 Active arms(N) :

Gain of amplifier = 1000 Shear Modulus = 80 GPa
Torque arm = 100 mm
S. Initia Final d F T J (th
N l V V (V) (mm (N) ( (mm4 (N/mm2 ) (exp
O (V) ) ) ) ) =/2 )



To show how to connect and use shear and torque strain gauges to measure strains in two
To show how to compare displayed tensile strains in two dimensions with theory and
prove Poissons ratio.

The Tension system has a tensile test specimen. A clamp is being bolted along with the
specimen in whom weights are added to in order to measure the strain. Tensile stress is
the stress applied to a material to stretch the material. The resulting change in length is
referred to as tensile strain and it has positive value sign. Compressive stress is the stress
applied to a material to compress the material. The resulting change in length is referred
to as compressive strain and it has negative value sign.


First of all, we going to use a 220V Alternating Current supply and switch on the
strain gauge display unit. Next, we are going to connect the connection cable to the output of the
tensile system and then we are going to connect the sockets with T-1 and T-2 to form the opposite
half bridge. And we are going to fit dummy plugs to the other two sockets. The gauges we are
going to use are only going to measure the strain in the direction of the force. Now we are going
to attach a hanger to the specimen and then take the initial value of the voltage. Now we are
going to set the gauge at 0 for its initial reading (Maximum load applied is 12kg). Now we are
going to record the values and compare the theoretical ones with those of experimental values.
Now if the gain is not 1000 then we are going to use the zero and set the knob again at zero.


Gauge Factor: 1.9 Active arms(N):

Gain of amplifier Young Modulus =
= 1000 78.5 GPa
S. Initial Final F
N V (V) V (V) (N) (N/mm

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