The Somatosensory System - Deciphering The Brain's Own Body Image

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The passage discusses neuroplasticity and how the brain changes and adapts in response to injury or experience.

The book is about deciphering the brain's representation of the body through the somatosensory system.

Some methods discussed in the book include neural ensemble recordings, behavioral analysis in neuroscience, neural prostheses, and computational neuroscience.


Deciphering the Brains Own Body Image

2002 by CRC Press LLC

Series Editors
Sidney A. Simon, Ph.D.
Miguel A.L. Nicolelis, M.D., Ph.D.

Published Titles
Apoptosis in Neurobiology
Yusuf A. Hannun, M.D., Professor/Biomedical Research and Department Chairman/
Biochemistry and Molecular Biology, Medical University of South Carolina
Rose-Mary Boustany, M.D., tenured Associate Professor/Pediatrics and Neurobiology,
Duke University Medical Center
Methods for Neural Ensemble Recordings
Miguel A.L. Nicolelis, M.D., Ph.D., Professor/Department of Neurobiology,
Duke University Medical Center
Methods of Behavioral Analysis in Neuroscience
Jerry J. Buccafusco, Ph.D., Professor/Pharmacology and Toxicology,
Professor/Psychiatry and Health Behavior, Medical College of Georgia
Neural Prostheses for Restoration of Sensory and Motor Function
John K. Chapin, Ph.D., MCP and Hahnemann School of Medicine
Karen A. Moxon, Ph.D., Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering,
Drexel University
Computational Neuroscience: Realistic Modeling for Experimentalists
Eric DeSchutter, M.D., Ph.D., Department of Medicine, University of Antwerp
Methods in Pain Research
Lawrence Kruger, Ph.D., Professor Emeritus/Neurobiology, UCLA School of Medicine
Motor Neurobiology of the Spinal Cord
Timothy C. Cope, Ph.D., Department of Physiology, Emory University School of Medicine
Nicotinic Receptors in the Nervous System
Edward Levin, Ph.D., Associate Professor/Department of Pharmacology and Molecular
Cancer Biology and Department of Psychiatry and Behavioral Sciences,
Duke University School of Medicine
Methods in Genomic Neuroscience
Helmin R. Chin, Ph.D., NIMH, NIH Genetics Research
Steven O. Moldin, Ph.D, NIMH, NIH Genetics Research
Methods in Chemosensory Research
Sidney A. Simon, Ph.D., Professor/Department of Neurobiology,
Duke University Medical Center
Miguel A.L. Nicolelis, M.D., Ph.D., Professor/Department of Neurobiology,
Duke University Medical Center

2002 by CRC Press LLC

Deciphering the Brains Own Body Image
Edited by Randall J. Nelson, Ph.D.
Professor of Anatomy and Neurobiology
University of Tennessee Health Science Center
Memphis, Tennessee

Boca Raton London New York Washington, D.C.
2002 by CRC Press LLC
Library of Congress Cataloging-in-Publication Data

The somatosensory system : deciphering the brain's own body image /

[edited by] Randall J. Nelson.
p. ; cm. -- (Methods and new frontiers in neuroscience)
Includes bibliographical references and index.
ISBN 0-8493-2336-3 (alk. paper)
1. Somesthesia. 2. Body schema.
[DNLM: 1. Somatosensory Cortex--physiology. 2. Body Image. 3.
Models, Neurological. 4. Perception. WL 307 S693 2001] I. Nelson,
Randall J. II. Methods & new frontiers in neuroscience series
QP448 .S65 2001
612.8'8--dc21 2001003827

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2002 by CRC Press LLC

Methods & New Frontiers in
Sidney A. Simon, Ph.D.
Miguel A.L. Nicolelis, M.D., Ph.D.
Series Editors
Our goal in creating the Methods & New Frontiers in Neuroscience series is to
present the insights of experts on emerging experimental techniques and theoretical
concepts that are, or will be, at the vanguard of neuroscience. Books in the series
cover topics ranging from methods to investigate apoptosis, to modern techniques
for neural ensemble recordings in behaving animals. The series also covers new
and exciting multidisciplinary areas of brain research, such as computational neu-
roscience and neuroengineering, and describes breakthroughs in classical fields like
behavioral neuroscience. We want these books to be the books every neuroscientist
will use in order to get acquainted with new methodologies in brain research. These
books can be given to graduate students and postdoctoral fellows when they are
looking for guidance to start a new line of research.
Each book is edited by an expert and consists of chapters written by the leaders
in a particular field. Books are richly illustrated and contain comprehensive bibli-
ographies. Chapters provide substantial background material relevant to the partic-
ular subject. Hence, they are not only methods books, but they also contain detailed
tricks of the trade and information as to where these methods can be safely applied.
In addition, they include information about where to buy equipment and about web
sites helpful in solving both practical and theoretical problems
We hope that as the volumes become available, the effort put in by us, by the
publisher, by the book editors, and by individual authors will contribute to the further
development of brain research. The extent that we achieve this goal will be deter-
mined by the utility of these books.

2002 by CRC Press LLC

Randall J. Nelson, Ph.D.
The somatosensory system is unique among the sensory systems in that it must
convey information to the central nervous system (CNS) about both external and
internal sensory environments. Objects coming in contact with skin surfaces (extero-
ceptive inputs) must be represented accurately in time and space so that appropriate
behaviors can be planned and executed to either maintain that contact, as in tactile
exploration, or disengage from that contact, as in avoidance. Moreover, the CNS
must also maintain spatial and temporal representations of the bodys own compo-
nents, such as muscle tension and joint angle (proprioceptive inputs). Finally, to
operate efficiently, it has been suggested that the CNS maintains internal represen-
tations of expected sensory feedback from movements and anticipated results of the
actions toward which the movements themselves are directed. It is thought that all
of these representations of inputs, intentions, and actions are continually updated
and that the CNS has the ability to multiplex, that is, select the information
channel(s) at any given time that are most relevant for current behaviors.
Over the last several years, considerable effort has been directed toward dem-
onstrating the location and characteristics of these representations, decoding the
signals of neurons or ensembles of neurons within these areas, and relating the time-
variant signatures of CNS activity to the actual behaviors being produced. In addi-
tion, advances in the understanding of the use of haptic information during behavior
have paralleled those described above. Thus, recent technological and conceptual
advances in the field have allowed great strides to be made in the description and
understanding of how the CNS manages information about its own body image.
This knowledge, apart from its obvious scientific merit, is quickly leading to clinical
applications in the fields of neurorehabilitation after peripheral nerve injury and
during recovery from stroke.
The purpose of this volume has been to gather, in one place, information about
new avenues of pursuit in understanding how the brain deals with its own body
image. The information compiled was intended to be of interest to a broad spectrum
of the scientific and medical communities, including those interested in sensory
processing, sensorimotor integration, ergometry, robotics, rehabilitative medicine,
neurology, and neurosurgery, as well as the neuroscience community in general.
This volume begins by considering the organization of the central representa-
tion(s) of the somatosensory periphery, what might be considered to be the body
image. We begin with a chapter by Jon Kaas and his colleagues. They lead us
through the diverse ways in which the sensory periphery is represented in the brain.
In doing so, they emphasize both the similarities and differences across several
species and provide us with a series of general tenets about somatosensory organi-

2002 by CRC Press LLC

zation. Next, Harold Burton focuses on the homologies, revealed by imaging tech-
niques, between the body representations in humans and monkeys. The strength of
this approach can be readily appreciated when one thinks about being able to confirm
observations in the former by direct neural recordings in the latter.
To understand what is being represented centrally, we must have some knowl-
edge of the periphery and its contributions to the body image. Here, at the sensory
interface with the external environment, events are not merely being transduced.
Ken Johnson and Takashi Yoshioka do a masterful job of elucidating the multiple
parallel channels by which information is directed centrally and of reminding us
that a certain amount of filtering can and does occur at this very first stage of
somatosensory processing. Susan Lederman and Roberta Klatzky usher us into the
realm of perceptual psychology in their chapter. Here, they deal with manual explo-
ration of the sensory environment and how subjects manipulate that environment
when contact with it is indirect. Their concentration on behavioral responses in
different application domains reminds us that the somatosensory system is ultimately
used for guidance, as well as sensation.
But what happens to guidance and sensation under unusual environmental con-
ditions? What is the effect of orientation on the body image? James Lackner and
Paul DiZio examine the exteroceptive and interoceptive contributions to orientation
and localization. They also discuss self-calibration under conditions such as micro-
and macro-gravity. Adaptive changes necessary to achieve appropriate reaching
movements can be made with the help of input from other sensory systems. Arthur
Prochazka and Sergiy Yakovenko then provide a framework for our understanding
by examining the multiple levels of adaptive control that can modify locomotor
patterns to achieve stability in the face of changes in terrain, initial conditions, and
biomechanical parameters. They also consider predictive control in relation to behav-
ioral goals.
Predictive control, by its nature, involves both learning of what is predictable
and attention to current conditions to determine if things have suddenly become
unpredictable. The next two chapters deal with higher-order concepts and their
influence on sensory responsiveness. Mathew Diamond and his colleagues tackle
the problem of sensory learning and explore whether the somatotopic organization
of the cortical body image is the framework on which perceptual learning and
memory are embellished. Here they argue that sensory maps can shape learning and
sensory experience can reshape maps (see the chapter by Sherre Florence). Steven
Hsiao and Francisco Vega-Bermudez focus their spotlight on attention and its ability
to modify somatosensation under certain behavioral conditions. They remind us
scientifically of things we know empirically. For example, we ignore most sensory
inputs because attention focuses our mental efforts on sensations that are important
to what we are doing now or what we expect to happen soon.
If we wish to study sensory inputs that are important for what we are doing now
or for what we expect to happen in the near future, what tools do we use? Esther
Gardner and her co-workers describe a new way of combining real-time video images
with neural recording to correlate brain activity with somatosensory inputs linked
to behavior. Through this approach, we can sample the rich banquet of signals that
gives rise to perceptions that ultimately shape actions. But how do we determine

2002 by CRC Press LLC

how good the central representations of peripheral sensory signals are? Mikhail
Lebedev, Yu Liu, and I examine ways of determining and demonstrating the fidelity
with which peripheral somatosensory signals are represented centrally. We also show
several behavioral conditions in which that fidelity changes on a trial-by-trial basis.
To predict how the somatosensory system deals with peripherally driven changes
in its body image, models of the system are needed. These help to explain what we
know about the system and predict what we dont know, so that we can test the
predictions experimentally. Paul Cisek briefly describes the history of several models
of movement guidance and presents, in more detail, one which is consistent with
many of the phenomena associated with proprioceptively guided motor behavior. In
a sense, it unifies many thoughts while leaving the door open for further modification
as new data become available. Miguel Nicolelis and colleagues take a critical look
at strictly feedforward models of somatosensation and perception and suggest,
instead, that recent data support the concept of multiple ascending and descending
systems that are linked as a distributed network for tactile processing. Closely linked
with this concept are the influences of predictions and expectations, both of which
sculpt central representations of the sensory periphery in time and space.
It is that central sculpting that is considered in detail by Sherre Florence. In
her chapter, the spatial and temporal characteristics of body image remodeling are
described with an emphasis on possible mechanisms and outcomes. From this work,
it is clear that our understanding of how and why the central representations of the
body reorganize may lead ultimately to new and more efficient strategies for reha-
bilitation following peripheral or central interruption of sensory inputs to process-
ing areas. To complete the consideration of the functional implications of the brains
ability to reorganize its own body image, we turn full circle to the final chapter,
once again by Jon Kaas. In it, we are reminded that training procedures improve
perceptual and motor skills and that reorganization may be the underlying cause of
the ameliorating properties of behavioral therapies.
No single volume can do justice to the rich experimental and conceptual heritage
of work on the somatosensory system and its relationship to the brains own body
image. Herein, however, are chapters dealing with some of the current thoughts that
have driven consideration of the link between the external somatosensory environ-
ment and the central representations thereof. I am privileged that each chapter has
been overseen by not only a respected member of the field, but also by a friend. I
wish to especially thank Miguel Nicolelis for initially encouraging me to take on
this project and Barbara Norwitz, Life Sciences Publisher, and CRC Press for
patiently dealing with the trials and tribulations experienced by me as a novice editor.
Finally, I wish to thank my wife Heide and my children, Beverly and Christopher,
for understanding when I brought the big red notebook home.

2002 by CRC Press LLC

Randall J. Nelson received his undergraduate training in psychology at Duke
University with William C. Hall, receiving a B.S. from that institution in 1975. He
did his graduate training in anatomy at Vanderbilt University with Jon H. Kaas and
received a Ph.D. in 1980. Dr. Nelson did postdoctoral training with Michael M.
Merzenich in the Department of Otolaryngology at the University of California at
San Francisco. He subsequently worked at the National Institute of Mental Health
under the direction first of Edward V. Evarts in the Laboratory of Neurophysiology
and then under the direction of Mortimer Mishkin in the Laboratory of Neuropsy-
chology. Dr. Nelson joined the faculty at the University of Tennessee, Health Science
Center, in Memphis in 1984. He is currently Professor of Anatomy and Neurobiol-

2002 by CRC Press LLC

K. Srinivasa Babu, Ph.D
Department of Physiology
and Neuroscience
New York University School
of Medicine
New York, New York

Harold Burton, Ph.D.

Department of Anatomy
and Neurobiology
Washington University School
of Medicine
St. Louis, Missouri

Maria Chu
Department of Physiology
and Neuroscience
New York University School
of Medicine
New York, New York

Paul E. Cisek, Ph.D.

Department of Physiology
University of Montreal
Montreal, Quebec, Canada

Daniel J. Debowy
Department of Physiology
and Neuroscience
New York University School
of Medicine
New York, New York

Mathew E. Diamond, Ph.D.

Cognitive Neuroscience Sector
International School for Advanced Studies
Trieste, Italy

2002 by CRC Press LLC

Paul DiZio, Ph.D.
Ashton Graybiel Spatial
Orientation Laboratory
Brandeis Universtiy
Waltham, Massachusetts

Erika Fanselow
Department of Neurobiology
Duke University Medical Center
Durham, North Carolina

Sherre L. Florence, Ph.D.

Department of Psychology
Vanderbilt University
Nashville, Tennessee

Esther P. Gardner, Ph.D.

Department of Physiology
and Neuroscience
New York University School
of Medicine
New York, New York

Justin A. Harris, Ph.D.

Cognitive Neuroscience Sector
International School for Advanced Studies
Trieste, Italy

Craig Henriquez, Ph.D.

Department of Biomedical Engineering
Duke University Medical Center
Durham, North Carolina

Steven S. Hsiao, Ph.D.

Krieger Mind/Brain Institute
Department of Neuroscience
The Johns Hopkins University
Baltimore, Maryland

Edward H. Hu
Department of Physiology
and Neuroscience
New York University School
of Medicine
New York, New York

2002 by CRC Press LLC

Neeraj Jain, Ph.D.
Department of Psychology
Vanderbilt University
Nashville, Tennessee

Kenneth O. Johnson, Ph.D.

Krieger Mind/Brain Institute
Department of Neuroscience
The Johns Hopkins University
Baltimore, Maryland

Jon H. Kaas, Ph.D.

Department of Psychology
Vanderbilt University
Nashville, Tennessee

Roberta L. Klatzky, Ph.D.

Department of Psychology
Carnegie Mellon University
Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania

James R. Lackner, Ph.D.

Ashton Graybiel Spatial
Orientation Laboratory
Brandeis Universtiy
Waltham, Massachusetts

Mikhail A. Lebedev, Ph.D.

Laboratory of Systems Neuroscience
National Institutes of Mental Health
National Institutes of Health
Bethesda, Maryland

Susan J. Lederman, Ph.D.

Department of Psychology
Queens University
Kingston, Ontario

Yu Liu, M.D., Ph.D.

Department of Anatomy
and Neurobiology
University of Tennessee, Memphis
Memphis, Tennessee

2002 by CRC Press LLC

Michelle Natiello
Department of Physiology
and Neuroscience
New York University School
of Medicine
New York, New York

Randall J. Nelson, Ph.D.

Department of Anatomy
and Neurobiology
University of Tennessee, Memphis
Memphis, Tennessee

Miguel A. L. Nicolelis, M.D., Ph.D.

Department of Neurobiology
Duke University Medical Center
Durham, North Carolina

Rasmus S. Petersen, Ph.D.

Cognitive Neuroscience Sector
International School for Advanced Studies
Trieste, Italy

Arthur Prochazka, Ph.D.

Centre for Neuroscience
University of Alberta
Edmonton, Alberta, Canada

Hui-Xin Qi, Ph.D.

Department of Psychology
Vanderbilt University
Nashville, Tennessee

Shari Reitzen
Department of Physiology
and Neuroscience
New York University School
of Medicine
New York, New York

Jill Sakai
Department of Physiology
and Neuroscience
New York University School
of Medicine
New York, New York

2002 by CRC Press LLC

Francisco Vega-Bermudez, M.D., Ph.D.
Krieger Mind/Brain Institute
Department of Neuroscience
The Johns Hopkins University
Baltimore, Maryland

Sergiy Yakovenko
Centre for Neuroscience
University of Alberta
Edmonton, Alberta

Takashi Yoshioka, Ph.D.

Krieger Mind/Brain Institute
Department of Neuroscience
The Johns Hopkins University
Baltimore, Maryland

2002 by CRC Press LLC

Table of Contents
Chapter 1
The Organization of the Somatosensory System in Primates
Jon H. Kaas, Neeraj Jain, and Hui-Xin Qi

Chapter 2
Cerebral Cortical Regions Devoted to the Somatosensory System:
Results from Brain Imaging Studies in Humans
Harold Burton

Chapter 3
Neural Mechanisms of Tactile Form and Texture Perception
Kenneth O. Johnson and Takashi Yoshioka

Chapter 4
Feeling Surfaces and Objects Remotely
Susan J. Lederman and Roberta L. Klatzky

Chapter 5
Somatosensory and Proprioceptive Contributions to Body Orientation,
Sensory Localization, and Self-Calibration
James R. Lackner and Paul DiZio

Chapter 6
Locomotor Control: From Spring-like Reactions of Muscles
to Neural Prediction
Arthur Prochazka and Sergiy Yakovenko

Chapter 7
Sensory Learning and the Brains Body Map
Mathew E. Diamond, Justin A. Harris,
and Rasmus S. Petersen

Chapter 8
Attention in the Somatosensory System
Steven S. Hsiao and Francisco Vega-Bermudez

2002 by CRC Press LLC

Chapter 9
New Applications of Digital Video Technology for Neurophysiological
Studies of Hand Function
Daniel J. Debowy, K. Srinivasa Babu, Edward H. Hu, Michelle Natiello,
Shari Reitzen, Maria Chu, Jill Sakai, and Esther P. Gardner

Chapter 10
Deciphering the Code Dynamic Modulation of Neural Activity
During Tactile Behavior
Randall J. Nelson, Mikhail A. Lebedev, and Yu Liu

Chapter 11
A Computational Perspective on Proprioception and
Movement Guidance in Parietal Cortex
Paul E. Cisek

Chapter 12
A Critique of the Pure Feedforward Model of Touch
Miguel A. L. Nicolelis, Erika Fanselow, and Craig Henriquez

Chapter 13
The Changeful Mind: Plasticity in the Somatosensory System
Sherre L. Florence

Chapter 14
Functional Implications of Plasticity and Reorganizations in the
Somatosensory and Motor Systems of Developing and Adult Primates
Jon H. Kaas

2002 by CRC Press LLC

The Organization of the
1 Somatosensory System in
Jon H. Kaas, Neeraj Jain, and Hui-Xin Qi


1.1 Introduction
1.2 The Basic Somatosensory System
1.3 The Somatosensory System in Prosimian Primates
1.4 The Simian Elaboration
1.5 Somatosensory Cortex in Chimpanzees and Humans
1.6 Conclusions

An understanding of how the somatosensory system processes and uses sensory
information depends in large part on knowing how the system is organized. One
might think that our understanding of the system would have been complete some-
time ago, but actually our knowledge is far from complete, and considerable research
is yet needed. There are several reasons for our incomplete understanding. Most
importantly, evolution has created considerable variability in the organization of the
mammalian somatosensory system. Part of the variability stems from adaptations
that lead to the use of different parts of the body to gather important sensory
information. Many mammals use the whiskers on the face, nose, and mouth for
exploring the environment, but this is a bit risky for primates, which have emphasized
binocular vision with forward directed eyes and a short snout. Explorations with the
face risk damage to the eyes, and reaching and feeling with the hand became a
suitable substitute. Some New World monkeys also use their highly sensitive pre-
hensile tail. But primates have adapted in other ways as well, and have evolved into
one of the most varied orders in terms of brain size and organization. Prosimian
primates occupy a range of environmental niches, but have only moderate brain
expansion. New World monkeys vary from small marmosets which have brains that
are yet large relative to body size, to spider and capuchin monkeys with large brains
that at least superficially resemble those of Old World macaque monkeys. Old World

2002 CRC Press LLC

monkeys are less varied, and they have impressively large, complex brains. Chim-
panzees have even larger brains, similar in size to those of our early hominoid
ancestors, while our greatly expanded brains have allowed us to populate and dom-
inate the planet. While basic aspects of somatosensory processing are likely to be
similar, it seems unlikely that these greatly varied primate brains would all process
somatosensory information in exactly the same way. Thus, we should try to deter-
mine how somatosensory systems of primates differ and what the common features
are. In particular, do primates with larger, more complex brains have more extensive
and more complex processing? Also, since the extant somatosensory systems evolved
through gradual modifications of an ancestral system, what features have been
commonly retained as parts of the basic framework? Here we begin to address these
questions. We start by considering the basic features of the mammalian somatosen-
sory system. To do this, we need to determine what features are commonly found
in the somatosensory systems of non-primate mammals.


The basic somatosensory system includes afferents from the peripheral receptors
that terminate in the spinal cord or brain stem, a relay of second-order neurons from
these structures to the thalamus, projections from the thalamus to different areas of
neocortex, and a number of interconnected cortical somatosensory areas that project
to motor cortex, other cortical areas, and subcortical structures. Afferents include
those from several types of mechanoreceptors in the skin, muscle-spindle and joint
receptors that signal movement and position, and afferents mediating temperature
and pain. Here, our concern is with the parts of the system that are involved in tactile
discriminations. Thus, we concentrate on the parts of the somatosensory system
devoted to the inputs from mechanoreceptors in the skin for tactile information and
to the muscle-spindle and joint receptors for information about position and move-
ment, since tactile discriminations involve active exploration of surfaces and objects.
Afferents from the mechanoreceptors in the skin and muscle spindles terminate
in a somatotopic pattern (for review, including humans and other primates, see
Florence et al., 1989; Coq et al., 2000) in the dorsal column-trigeminal complex in
the lower brain stem. Some of the muscle-spindle afferent terminations are segre-
gated in separate subnuclei (the external cuneate nucleus for the forelimb). There
is evidence from cats (Dykes et al., 1982) that the rapidly adapting (RA) and slowly
adapting (SA) classes of afferents terminate in separate clusters of cells in the dorsal
column nuclei. Glaborous skin has two types of slowly adapting afferents (SAI and
SAII) associated with Merkel cell and Ruffini endings, respectively, and two types
of rapidly adapting afferents (RAI and RAII), associated with Meissner corpuscles
and Pacinian corpuscles, respectively. Hairy skin also has hair follicle receptors.
The mechanoreceptor and other afferents related to pain and temperature sensi-
bilities also terminate in the dorsal horn of the spinal cord and the brain stem
equivalent, where second-order neurons cross to form the ascending spinothalamic
tract. The ascending spinothalamic information is clearly important, but after a
thalamic relay, its role in the traditional areas of somatosensory cortex seems to be
one of modulation rather than activation. After sectioning of the afferents in the

2002 CRC Press LLC

dorsal columns of rats, the deprived areas of at least S1 are totally and persistently
deactivated (Jain et al., 1995). Similarly, in monkeys, dorsal column section (Jain
et al., 1997) abolishes all evoked activity in all four areas of the anterior parietal
cortex (areas 3b or S1, 3a, 1, and 2). We conclude that only the dorsal column-
medial lemniscus system is capable of independently activating primary and most-
likely secondary areas of somatosensory cortex. While other afferents may have an
important modulating role, and they are certainly critical in mediating pain and
temperature sensations, dorsal column afferents are capable of mediating tactile
discriminations by themselves.
The second-order neurons in the dorsal column-trigeminal complex cross and
ascend to the contralateral ventroposterior nucleus (VP) in the thalamus. The RA
and SA response classes are preserved in this relay, and these two types constitute
the major inputs to VP, where they activate separate groups of neurons in cats (Dykes,
1982), monkeys (Dykes et al., 1981), and perhaps other mammals. Relay of the
muscle-spindle, and possibly other, afferents terminate rostrodorsally just outside
VP (Wiener et al., 1987) in a part of the thalamus that Dykes (1983) has distinguished
as the ventroposterior oralis nucleus (VPO) while others included it in the posterior
(PO) complex (see Gould et al., 1989). The thalamic nucleus for muscle spindles in
primates has been called the ventroposterior superior nucleus (VPS). Possibly VPO,
PO or part of it, and VPS are homologous nuclei.
In all investigated mammals, VP projects to the somatosensory koniocortex or
primary somatosensory cortex (S1). Evidence from cats (e.g., Macchi et al., 1959)
and a number of other species (see Garraghty et al., 1991) suggests that in the typical
non-primate pattern some neurons in VP also project to the second somatosensory
area, S2, and to a more recently described adjacent area, the parietal ventral area,
PV (Krubitzer and Kaas, 1987). Some of the same neurons that project to S1 also
project to S2 (see Spreafico et al., 1981). This means that S1 and S2 can be inde-
pendently activated from the thalamus and that S2 does not depend on its inputs
from S1 for activation. The capacity of S1 and S2 for parallel processing of VP
outputs has been demonstrated in opossums (Coleman et al., 1999), rabbits (Murray
et al., 1992), cats (Burton and Robinson, 1987), and tree shrews (Garraghty et al.,
1991) by recording evoked responses in S2 after deactivating S1. In addition to VP,
a medial posterior nucleus, Pom, also projects to both S1 and S2 (see Krubitzer and
Kaas, 1987 for review).
The somatosensory cortex of many, and perhaps most, non-primate mammals
appears to consist of five areas that are at least predominantly somatosensory in
function. These areas are S1, S2, PV, and the cortical strips along the rostral and
caudal borders of S1 (Figure 1.1). In opossums, we called these strips the caudal
and rostral somatosensory areas, SC and SR (Beck et al., 1996). They have also
been called the rostral (R) and posterior medial (PM) fields (Slutsky et al., 2000).
In cats (Dykes, 1983; Felleman et al., 1983a), raccoons (Feldman and Johnson, 1988)
and the flying fox (Krubitzer and Calford, 1992), a fruit bat, the rostral field has
been called area 3a, because it resembles area 3a of primates in position, architecture,
connections, and responsiveness to the stimulation of deep tissues (muscle-spindle
receptors). In rats and squirrels, the rostrally bordering (and intruding into S1) area
is known as dysgranular cortex (Chapin and Lin, 1984; Gould et al., 1989). The

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FIGURE 1.1 Five somatosensory areas have been proposed for the North American opossum
(Didelphis marsupialis): a primary somatosensory area (S1), a secondary area (S2), a parietal
ventral area (PV), and caudal (SC) and rostral (SR) somatosensory areas bordering S1. For
reference, primary (V1) and secondary (V2) visual areas and auditory cortex (Aud.) are shown.
The olfactory bulb (OB) is on the left. Based on Beck et al., 1996. In some opossums, such
as Monodelphis domestica, PV may not be apparent (Huffman et al., 1999; Catania et al.,
2000; Frost et al., 2000).

caudal area of the flying fox has been referred to as area 1/2 (Krubitzer and Calford,
1992) as it is in the same relative position as area 1 of primates and appears to be
responsive to both cutaneous and deep receptors as area 2 of primates.
In all investigated mammals, S1 systematically represents the mechanoreceptors
of the skin of the opposite side of the body (see Kaas, 1983). The body parts are
usually represented from tail to tongue in a mediolateral sequence. The representa-
tions of different body parts often have a morphological counterpart in the cortex
that can be visualized using appropriate histochemical techniques. These isomorphs
of the body are best known for S1 of rats and mice, where an orderly arrangement
of oval-like aggregates of neurons, one for each whisker on the side of the face,
have long been described as the cortical barrels (Woolsey and Van Der Loos, 1970).
Metabolic markers, cytochrome oxidase (CO), and succinic dehydrogenase have
been used to reveal more of the isomorph including discrete cellular clusters for
other whiskers and for the digits and pads of the forepaws and hindpaws (Dawson

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FIGURE 1.2 An example of isomorphs of body parts in primary somatosensory cortex S1.
The star nose mole has 11 sensory rays on each half of its nose (A). These rays are represented
in order in S1 and S2 of the contralateral cerebral hemisphere. In brain sections cut parallel
to the cortical surface and processed for cytochrome oxidase (CO), the representation of each
ray in S1 can be seen as a CO-dark stripe separated from neighbors by narrow CO-light septa,
Numbered 111 in B corresponding to rays 111 in A. A second array of CO-dark stripes
can be seen in S2 below S1 (unnumbered in A). The stripes are drawn in C. A and B are
based on Catania and Kaas, 1995.

and Killackey, 1987; Li et al., 1990; Pearson et al., 1996). An isomorphic array of
cortical bands, one for each of the 11 rays of the contralateral half of the nose, is
especially prominent for the star-nosed mole (Figure 1.2; Catania and Kaas, 1995,
1996). Such isomorphs help identify S1, demonstrate existence of a single systematic
representation in S1, and distinguish S1 from other representations. The star-nosed
mole is unusual in that two other cortical representations, S2 and possibly PV, also
have isomorphs of the rays of the nose. In addition, S2 also has a very prominent
isomorph of the forepaw, while a comparable isomorph of the forepaw does not
exist in S1 (Catania, 2000). This suggests a more pronounced or specialized role
for S2 for forepaw afferents than for S1 in moles.
In a wide range of mammals, S1 projects directly to S2, PV, SR, and SC (see
Beck et al., 1996). Thus, all of these areas are involved in further processing of
information from S1, as well as processing inputs from the thalamus. S2 and PV
receive VP inputs, while SR and SC receive most of their thalamic inputs from

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neurons just outside of VP (Pom and adjacent parts of the VP shell). Some of this
thalamic relay may be of muscle-spindle information (see Gould et al., 1989), as it
appears to be for area 3a of cats (see Felleman et al., 1983a). S2 has been described
in a large range of mammalian species (see Nelson et al., 1979; Sur et al., 1981 for
review) and it seems to be a universal or nearly universal (see Krubitzer et al., 1995)
subdivision of the somatosensory cortex. S2 borders S1 laterally, with face repre-
sentations adjoining. Other body parts are represented more distantly from the S1/S2
border, and the forepaw and hindpaw are represented along the rostral border of S2.
Because of uncertainties about the organization of S2, some early investigators may
have failed to distinguish S2 from the rostrally adjoining parietal ventral area, PV,
and confounded observations from two areas. PV was first distinguished as a mirror
image representation of S2 along the rostral border of S2 in squirrels (Krubitzer
et al., 1986), and the area has now been identified in a range of mammalian species
(see Beck et al., 1996). Both S2 and PV respond throughout to cutaneous stimuli.
Both appear to be higher level processors of information from S1, but PV also
receives feed forward projections from S2. Thus, PV is characterized by a conver-
gence of thalamic VP and cortical S1 and S2 inputs. Projections from PV include
an even more ventral and rostral cortical region that we have called parietal rostral,
PR (Krubitzer et al., 1986). Thus, another area may be part of the basic array of
somatosensory areas in mammals. PR may provide the major inputs to peripheral
cortex, the relay to the hippocampus as way of creating somatosensory memories
(Mishkin, 1979). S2 and PV also provide substantial inputs to primary motor cortex,
M1 (Krubitzer et al., 1986).


Prosimian primates are varied in appearance and lifestyle (Wolfheim, 1983; Fleagle,
1999). They include lemurs, lorises, and galagos. Tarsiers have also been classified
with prosimians, but form a distinctly separate line of primate evolution, one of a
specialized, visual, nocturnal predator. Of the prosimians, the somatosensory system
has been significantly studied only in galagos. There have been limited studies of
S1 organization in other prosimians (Krishnamurti et al., 1976; Carlson and Fitz-
patrick, 1982; Fitzpatrick et al., 1982), and thus we know that this S1 has the typical
mammalian organization. There have been no experimental studies on the soma-
tosensory system of tarsiers, now considered an endangered primate. Thus, we are
uncertain about the generality of conclusions about galagos to other tarsiers and pros-
imians, but all prosimians appear to have only a moderate level of neocortical expansion.
From this, we would not expect large, complex, cortical somatosensory systems.
The somatosensory system of galagos seems very similar to the basic, general-
ized somatosensory system of other mammals, but not nearly as expanded or spe-
cialized as in other primates. Yet, the dorsal column relay nuclei in the brain stem
seem somatotopically organized, much as in simian primates (Coq et al., 2000), and
distinct simian-like ventroposterior (VP), ventroposterior inferior (VPI), and ventro-
posterior superior (VPS) nuclei are apparent in the thalamus (Kaas, 1982; Wu et al.,

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FIGURE 1.3 Somatosensory cortex of prosimian galagos. Five areas have been defined
including S1 (area 3b), a rostral bordering area (R) or area 3a, a caudal bordering area (C),
which may correspond to area 1, a secondary somatosensory area, S2, and the parietal ventral
area, PV. Part of the temporal lobe has been cut away to show S2 and PV, which are located
on the upper bank of the lateral sulcus. The primary (V1) and secondary (V2) visual areas
are shown as reference. Connection patterns of S2 and PV suggest that several additional
somatosensory areas exist in parietal cortex of galagos.

1996). Somatosensory cortex includes a primary area, S1, rostral and caudal bor-
dering areas, R and C, and S2 and PV (Figure 1.3; Sur et al., 1980; Wu et al., 1995,
1996, 1997). In galagos, S1 occupies a strip of koniocortex that is similar to area
3b of monkeys, but not as well differentiated. The representation of the body surface
in S1 resembles that of area 3b of monkeys, and thalamic inputs are from SA and
RA neurons of the ventroposterior nucleus. All these observations indicate that this
single S1 representation is area 3b, and not a configuration of fields or area l as
proposed by some investigators. The rostral area, R, is almost certainly homologous
with area 3a of other primates. The rostral area of galagos appears to be activated
by muscle spindles, and it does have a motor component as does area 3a of monkeys.
In addition, the rostral area receives thalamic input from the ventroposterior superior
nucleus (VPS) just dorsal to VP. The caudal area is in the same relative position as
area l, and it has some of the architectonic features of area l. In addition, it receives
projections from area 3b, as does area 1. Nevertheless, the caudal area is not as
highly responsive to cutaneous stimuli as area 1 in most monkeys. In anesthetized
galagos, neurons are either unresponsive to cutaneous stimuli or require intense
stimulation, much as the caudal area does in some non-primates (e.g., Slutsky et al.,

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2000). Because this more intense stimulation would activate both cutaneous and
deep receptors, muscle spindles may contribute to the activation of the caudal area,
but this is uncertain.
Areas S2 and PV form additional representations of the body surface, as they
do in other mammals. As in non-primate mammals, S2 receives major thalamic
inputs from VP (Wu et al., 1996) and S2 remains responsive to cutaneous stimulation
after S1 lesions (Garraghty et al., 1991). Thus, S2 of galagos is activated in parallel
with S1 by the VP neurons. However, S1 projects to both S2 and PV, and S2 and
PV both project to primary motor cortex conforming to the generalized mammalian
pattern. Injections of neuronal tracers in S2 also label regions rostroventral to PV
and caudal to the caudal area C, suggesting the locations of additional somatosen-
sory areas. Posterior parietal cortex is limited in extent compared to simian primates,
and its organization is largely unknown. Overall, somatosensory cortex in prosimians
seems only moderately changed from the basic nonprimate pattern.


The somatosensory system is more complex in monkeys than in prosimian primates
at the cortical level and perhaps at the thalamic level (Kaas and Pons, 1988; Kaas,
1993). At the level of the thalamus, we distinguish a ventroposterior nucleus (VP),
a ventroposterior inferior nucleus (VPI), and a ventroposterior superior nucleus
(VPS) as the main relay nuclei of the somatosensory information (Figure 1.4; Dykes
et al., 1981; Nelson et al., 1981; Kaas et al., 1984; Cusick et al., 1985; Krubitzer
and Kaas, 1992). The VP as defined by us occupies most of the traditional ventro-
posterior nucleus of primates. VP stands out in Nissl preparations as a structure

FIGURE 1.4 (next pg.) The somatosensory system of monkeys. The diagram shows how
afferents enter the spinal cord to rise in the dorsal column nuclei in the lower brain stem (not
to scale), or activate second order neurons in the spinal cord that contribute to the ascending
spinothalamic system. Slowly adapting and rapidly adapting mechanoreceptor inputs to grac-
ile, cuneate, and trigeminal nuclei (N) are relayed to the ventroposterior nucleus (VP) of the
thalamus. VP has two large subnuclei; a medial subnucleus (VPM) represents the face while
a lateral subnucleus (VPL) represents the rest of the body. VPL contains hand and foot
subnuclei, as well as a lateralmost tail subnucleus (not shown). Muscle-spindle receptor inputs
to the dorsal column nuclei are relayed to the ventroposterior superior nucleus (VPS), while
spinothalamic terminals relay to the ventroposterior inferior nucleus (VPI). VPI includes septa
that extend dorsally into VP. A more caudal region of the somatosensory thalamus contains
a nucleus specific for spinothalamic inputs responsive to pain and temperature (not shown).
This nucleus has been called the ventral medial posterior nucleus (VMpo). VP projects densely
to area 3b, less strongly to area 1, and sparsely to area 2 of anterior parietal cortex. VPS
projects to area 3a and area 2. VPI projects widely to many somatosensory areas, but most
densely to areas S2 and PV. Connections and recordings suggest the existence of two additional
areas, the parietal rostral area, PR, and ventral somatosensory area, VS. Posterior parietal
cortex, traditionally subdivided into areas 5 and 7, is complexly subdivided into areas with
somatosensory, motor, and visual functions. In primates with a central sulcus, some or most
of area 3b is in the central sulcus (CS).

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packed with densely stained neurons. These neurons are highly active metabolically
and thus VP is also apparent as the nucleus with the most expression of cytochrome
oxidase (CO) in the somatosensory thalamus. The medial subnucleus, ventroposte-
rior medial (VPM), representing the face, is separated from the lateral portions,
ventroposterior lateral (VPL), representing the rest of the body, by a cell-sparse fiber
septum, the arcuate lamina and many early investigators considered them as separate
nuclei. A second, less obvious band separates the VPL into a more medial subnu-
cleus, representing the hand, from a more lateral subnucleus representing the foot,

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and a third more lateral fiber band, separating the foot from the tail representation,
is sometimes apparent. Such fiber bands separating face, hand, foot, and tail repre-
sentations are also sometimes seen in non-primate mammals (Welker, 1973). Rep-
resentations of the trunk and proximal limbs cap the hand and foot subnuclei dorsally.
Within VP, separate clusters of neurons are activated by either SA or RA inputs
via the dorsal column-medial lemniscus pathway. The exact arrangement of these
clusters is not known, but globally VP forms a systematic representation of the
contralateral body surface with some additional representation of the ipsilateral oral
cavity (see Bombardiei et al., 1975; Rausell and Jones, 1991a). However, the pres-
ence of separate clusters of cells for SA and RA inputs indicates that two maps of
the body are interdigitated in VP.
Just dorsal to VP, we distinguish a small ventroposterior superior nucleus, VPS.
The neurons in this nucleus express less cytochrome oxidase, and it has less darkly
Nissl-stained cells that appear less densely packed. These differences are especially
obvious in prosimian galagos and the smaller New World monkeys, but they are less
apparent in Nissl preparations of the larger thalamus of macaque monkeys where
neurons in general are less densely packed. Perhaps for this reason, the territory of
VPS was included in VP in early studies, and the dorsal part of VP was thought to
be activated by deep receptors. Now, the evidence for VPS as a separate nucleus is
more compelling. Besides the architectonic distinctions, which are obvious in CO
and other preparations, the VPS contains a separate representation of the body, and
the inputs are largely from muscle-spindle receptors, rather than mechanoreceptors
of the skin. The inputs to VPS are from the brain-stem nuclei, devoted to muscle-
spindle receptors, such as the external cuneate nucleus. Also, VPS projects in a
distinctly different pattern than VP to the cortex (see below).
Just ventral to VP, a ventroposterior inferior nucleus (VPI) has long been rec-
ognized in primates, but often not in other mammals (see Krubitzer and Kaas, 1987).
VPI is thin dorsoventrally, and has small, lightly stained cells in Nissl preparations.
The nucleus expresses little CO. VPI receives spinothalamic inputs and projects
widely to the somatosensory cortex, especially areas S2 and PV (Krubitzer and Kaas,
1992). VPI appears to form a crude map of the contralateral body in parallel with
the map in VP, and neurons are responsive to both cutaneous and noxious stimuli
(Apkarian and Shi, 1994). The projections of VPI are to superficial, rather than
middle, cortical layers (Rausell and Jones, 1991b), and transection of afferents in
the dorsal columns of the spinal cord, leaving the spinothalamic inputs intact,
deactivates neurons throughout areas 3a, 3b, 1, and 2 of the somatosensory cortex
(Jain et al., 1997, 1998, 2001a). Thus, the thalamic relay of spinothalamic informa-
tion to anterior parietal cortex does not seem to be capable of independently acti-
vating cortical neurons, and VPI appears to have a role in modulating, rather than
evoking, cortical activity. However, spinothalamic terminations are also found in a
recently defined nucleus, the posterior ventral medial nucleus (VMpo), which may
be specific for pain and temperature sensibilities; VMpo projects to anterior cortex
in the lateral sulcus (Craig et al., 1994). Thus, the spinothalamic terminations in VPI
probably have functional roles other than mediating the sensations of pain and

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FIGURE 1.5 The representation of the contralateral body surface in area 3b of an owl monkey.
This New World monkey has only a shallow central dimple rather than a central fissure, and
thus most of area 3b is exposed on the dorsolateral surface of the parietal cortex. A large
sector of area 3b represents the face and oral cavity, including both the contralateral and
ipsilateral tongue and teeth. This part of the representation curves rostrally to form a rostro-
lateral extension of parietal cortex. A mediolateral strip of area 3b represents the body from
tail to digits of the hand. Areas 3a and 1 form additional representations of the body along
the rostral and caudal borders of area 3b, and area 2 forms a fourth representation just caudal
to area 1. Portions of parietal cortex contain several functional subdivisions of somatosensory
cortex, but they have not been well defined. Lateral somatosensory cortex in the lateral sulcus
includes the secondary somatosensory area, S2, the parietal ventral area, PV, and the rostral
parietal area, PR (all not shown). Primary motor cortex, M1, or area 4, receives inputs from
several somatosensory areas, as does the supplementary motor area, SMA. See Merzenich
et al., 1978; Jain et al., 1997, and Jain et al., 2001b for the representation in area 3b. Areas
are shown on a dorsolateral view of the brain. The encircled portions of the tongue and upper
face representations curve around on the orbital surface and the upper bank of lateral sulcus,

The anterior parietal cortex of monkeys contains four strip-like areas that extend
mediolaterally (Figure 1.5). All four areas were originally thought to be within a
single cortical representation, S1 (Marshall et al., 1937). But, it is now clear that
each of these architectonic fields contains a separate representation of the body and
is a distinct area of the somatosensory cortex (for early evidence, see Merzenich
et al., 1978; Kaas et al., 1979). In addition, only the representation in area 3b is the
homologue of the single representation that is commonly described as S1 in other

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Owl Monkey 3b

D3 Palm

Chin+ Upper
Lower Face
Upper Lip

FIGURE 1.6 Isomorphs of body parts in area 3b of monkeys. By cutting somatosensory

cortex into sections parallel to the surface of the brain and processing for myelin, area 3b can
be recognized as a myelin-dense field (A). In addition, it is apparent that the field is subdivided
by narrow myelin-light septa, creating a sequence of myelin-dense ovals. Recordings with
microelectrode indicate that these ovals correspond to the representations of body parts. In
A, the ovals for a owl monkey correspond to digits 15 of the hand, the palm, upper face,
upper lip, and chin plus lower lip. The hand-face septum and interdigital septa (arrow heads)
are marked. These territories are drawn in B for comparison with A. See Jain et al. (1998,
2001b) for details.

mammals (Kaas, 1983). This conclusion is supported by a multitude of observations,

including basic similarities of the organization of representations in 3b and S1, their
koniocellular nature, similar patterns of intracortical (Jones et al., 1978; Pons and
Kaas, 1985; Krubitzer and Kaas, 1990; Huffman and Krubitzer, 2001) and callosal
(Killackey et al., 1983) connections, and the dominant projection of VP to 3b and
S1 (Jones, 1975). In addition, as for S1, only area 3b responds well to cutaneous
stimuli under typical recording conditions in all primates. In the anterior parietal
cortex of galagos, only area 3b responds well to cutaneous stimuli (see above). Even
in marmoset monkeys, only area 3b consistently responds well to cutaneous stimuli
(Carlson et al., 1986; Krubitzer and Kaas, 1990). Thus, there is only one represen-
tation that is S1-like in these primates, which is located in area 3b. As expected for
S1, the receptive fields of neurons in area 3b are smaller than for any other soma-
tosensory area.
As with other primary sensory areas, only area 3b is densely myelinated and
only area 3b expresses a high level of cytochrome oxidase. In such preparations in
New World monkeys, area 3b stands out as a narrow mediolateral strip of cortex
that curves rostrally near the lateral fissure to extend far into the frontal lobe (Jain
et al., 2001b). Furthermore, if cortex is cut parallel to the brain surface, and the
sections processed for myelin or CO, area 3b can be seen to be composed of
isomorphs of the parts of the contralateral body surface, with narrow septa separating
the representations of various body parts (Figure 1.6), much as in the barrel field of

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mice and rats or the nose field of star-nosed moles. In the hand region of area 3b,
separate myelin-dense ovals exist for each digit of the hand, and other ovals represent
the pads of the palm (Jain et al., 1998). A major septum, the hand-face septum,
separates the hand representation from the face representation. In the more lateral
face region, a caudorostral row of three myelin-dense ovals corresponds in turn to
the upper face, upper lip, and lower lip plus chin. A sequence of four more rostral
ovals successively represents the contralateral teeth, contralateral tongue, ipsilateral
teeth, and ipsilateral tongue. These isomorphic ovals make it possible to precisely
determine parts of the representation from architecture alone. This can be very
meaningful in studies of plasticity where such ovals might become responsive to
different parts of the body (see Jain et al., 1998; Kaas and Florence, 2000) and in
studies of neuronal connections (Fang et al., 2000). The presence of such isomorphic
ovals is harder to detect in the cortex of larger brains with disrupting fissures. Yet,
we have seen myelin-poor septa separating the representations of digits in area 3b
of macaque monkeys (Jain et al., 1998), and such septa may be detectable in area
3b of humans.
Although modular or columnar organization is probably a common feature of
cortical areas, in the somatosensory cortex of primates, modularity, in terms of
segregated classes of cells, has only been demonstrated in area 3b. In the hand
representation of area 3b of monkeys, separate patches of neurons receive either SA
or RA thalamic inputs (Sur et al., 1981; 1984). These inputs may be segregated in
other parts of area 3b as well.
Area 3a forms a strip of cortex just rostral to area 3b. Area 3a receives muscle-
spindle receptor information (Phillips et al., 1971; Schwarz et al., 1973; Wiesendan-
ger and Miles, 1982) from VPS in the thalamus (Cusick et al., 1985) and cutaneous
receptor information from area 3b (i.e., Krubitzer and Kaas, 1990). A head and neck
portion of area 3a also receives vestibular information from the thalamus (Akbarian
et al., 1992). In microelectrode recording experiments in anesthetized monkeys, area
3a neurons are generally activated by lightly tapping body parts and other moderate
levels of stimulation that would activate deep as well as cutaneous receptors (see
Huffman and Krubitzer, 2001). Under light anesthesia, neurons responsive to light
tactile stimulation are sometimes seen as well. Area 3a represents deep receptors in
a somatotopic pattern that parallels that of cutaneous receptors in area 3b (Huffman
and Krubitzer, 2001). The receptive fields in area 3a are large and can span multiple
digits in the hand area.
Area 1 forms a second representation of the body surface in a strip of cortex
just caudal to area 3b (Merzenick et al., 1978; Kaas et al., 1979; Nelson et al., 1980;
Sur et al., 1982; Felleman et al., 1983b). Area l receives cutaneous information
directly from VP and area 3b. Possibly as many as 20% of the relay neurons in VP
project to both area 3b and area 1 (Lin et al., 1979; Cusick et al., 1985). Yet, the
projections to area 1 from area 3b terminate in layer 4, while those from VP terminate
largely above layer 4 (Jones et al., 1975), suggesting that the 3b inputs have an
activating role and the VP inputs have a modulatory role. In support of this conclu-
sion, lesions of area 3b abolish evoked responses in area 1 of squirrel monkeys and
owl monkeys (Garraghty et al., 1990b). Area 1 contains a systematic map of cuta-
neous receptors that is essentially a mirror reversal of the map in area 3b (Merzenich

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et al., 1978; Nelson et al., 1980). Receptive fields for neurons in area 1 are quite
small, although they tend to be larger than in area 3b.
Area 2 forms another strip-like representation of the body just caudal to area 1.
While the caudal border of area 2 has been variously defined, correlations of archi-
tecture with microelectrode maps have provided a good estimate of the location of
this border (see Pons et al., 1985; Lewis et al., 1999). Area 2 receives sparse cuta-
neous inputs from area 3b, dense cutaneous inputs from area 1 (Pons and Kaas,
1986), and muscle-spindle receptor inputs (Schwarz et al., 1973) from VPS in the
thalamus (Pons and Kaas, 1985). Possibly as many as 40% of the VPS neurons that
project to area 3a also project to area 2 (Cusick et al., 1985).
Neurons in area 2 generally respond to light touch (Pons et al., 1985), but they
are also responsive to manipulations of the muscles and body that would activate
deep receptors. Under conditions of deep anesthesia, area 2 neurons may respond
poorly or not at all to somatosensory stimuli, or only to more intense stimuli that
would activate deep receptors (Merzenich et al., 1978). The receptive fields for
neurons in area 2 vary in size, but the receptive fields are larger than for neurons in
area 3b or area 1. In the hand region of area 2, neurons with multidigit receptive
fields predominate, unlike in areas 3b or 1. Area 2 has been characterized as having
a systematic map of the body that is a mirror reversal of the one in area 1, but this
is an oversimplification. Reversals of somatotopic organization do occur from area
1 to area 2, but area 2 also has more than one representation of digits of the hand
and perhaps other body parts in at least macaque monkeys (Pons et al., 1985). The
significance of this more complex somatotopic organization is not clear. Area 2 is
interconnected with area 3a and more caudal somatosensory cortex, areas 5 and 7
(Pons and Kaas, 1985). The organization of this more caudal somatosensory cortex
is not yet well understood.
In summary, area 3b in monkeys is clearly the homologue of S1 as defined in
most mammals (Kaas, 1983). Area 3b activates area 1, which in turn activates area
2. Thus, these three areas are largely serial steps in a processing hierarchy, although
area 2 directly receives important proprioceptive information from VPS. Area 3a is
part of the group, but, significant area 3a outputs are directed to primary and premotor
areas of motor cortex (Huerta and Pons, 1990; Darian-Smith et al., 1993; Huffman
and Krubitzer, 2001). All four areas of anterior parietal cortex project to areas PV
and S2 in the lateral sulcus (Krubitzer and Kaas, 1990; Qi et al., 2000).
Monkeys have at least three representations of the body surface in lateral parietal
cortex of the lateral sulcus, areas S2, PV, and VS. S2 and PV either immediately
border the lateral part of 3b or are separated from 3b by a narrow strip of area 1.
This issue has been difficult to resolve with microelectrode mapping experiments,
since lateral 3b represents the face and the immediately adjoining more lateral cortex
also represents the face. This adjoining cortex could be parts of the face represen-
tations in S2 and PV, or include part of an area 1 face representation, as well as S2
and PV representations. More distant from the area 3b border and further into the
lateral sulcus, S2 and PV represent the limbs and trunk, body parts that would not
be represented in adjacent areas 1 or 3b. Thus, this more distant cortex is clearly
not area 1. S2 and PV can be distinguished from each other because they form mirror
image reversals of each other in somatotopic organization (Krubitzer and Kaas, 1990;

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Krubitzer et al., 1995; Disbrow et al., 2000; Coq et al., 1999; Qi et al., 2000). The
two areas adjoin along representations of the hand and face, while representations
of the trunk and hindlimb are distant from each other.
In monkeys, S2 and PV differ from galagos and non-primate mammals in that
they depend on inputs from the areas of anterior parietal cortex for activation (Pons
et al., 1987; Garraghty et al., 1990a; Burton et al., 1990; however, see Zhang et al.,
1996). Lesions of these areas, or possibly just areas 3a and 3b, abolish evoked activity
in S2 and PV. This may be because the large relay neurons in the ventroposterior
nucleus project in parallel to both S1 (area 3b) and to S2 and PV in most mammals
but do not to project to S2 and PV in monkeys. Instead, S2 and PV receive their
major thalamic inputs from VPI (Krubitzer and Kaas, 1992), and this input appears
to modulate, rather than activate, S2 and PV neurons. The receptive fields in both
areas S2 and PV are quite large and often extend over large parts of the body,
although occasionally small receptive fields that are restricted to a single digit of
the hand have been noted. Although S2 neurons typically have large receptive fields,
information about stimulus location may be retained in population code (Nicolelis
et al., 1998).
The ventral somatosensory area, VS, is a proposed subdivision of the soma-
tosensory cortex that lies deeper to S2 in the lateral sulcus. In New World monkeys,
much of VS is in the fundus of the sulcus and on the lower bank of the sulcus
adjacent to the auditory cortex (Cusick et al., 1989; Krubitzer et al., 1995; Qi et al.,
2000). Some of the neurons in VS respond to auditory stimuli, but the majority of
neurons respond to light tactile stimulation on the contralateral side of the body.
The receptive fields in area VS are comparable in size to those in area S2. Overall,
VS appears to form a crude mirror reversal of S2, with foot and hand representations
bordering S2, and face and trunk representations more distant from their shared
border. The connections of VS are not well understood, but S2 and PV have major
interconnections (Krubitzer and Kaas, 1990; Qi et al., 2000). S2 and PV also project
to a parietal rostral (PR) area just rostral to PV (Krubitzer and Kaas, 1990). Little
is known about PR in terms of responsiveness to tactile stimuli and other connections,
but it seems likely to be a higher order somatosensory area, possibly relaying to
entorhinal cortex and then to the hippocampus (Mishkin, 1979; Friedman et al.,
1986) as part of the corticolimbic pathway for touch.
The posterior parietal region of monkeys contains a complex of areas that appear
to use somatosensory and visual information for encoding early stages of motor
control (Andersen et al., 1990, 1997). The extent of the region varies greatly across
simian species, with some New World monkeys having relatively little posterior
parietal cortex. Unfortunately, little is known about species differences, and even in
the most studied macaque monkeys, only parts of posterior parietal cortex are well
understood. Traditionally, posterior parietal cortex has been divided into areas 5 and
7 of Brodmann (1909), and these regions have been further divided into 5a, 5b, 7a,
and 7b, as well as even more subdivisions, but these designations have no precise
significance. Often more recently proposed subdivisions are based on physiological
and anatomical distinctions (see Lewis and Van Essen, 2000), and they are more
likely to constitute functionally valid subdivisions of cortex. Most notably, medial
(MIP), lateral (LIP), and ventral (VIP) areas of the intraparietal sulcus of macaques

2002 CRC Press LLC

have been delimited as distinct visuomotor areas that utilize eye position, proprio-
ceptive, vestibular, and visual information to help guide eye, hand, and body move-
ments. More anterior regions of posterior parietal cortex appear to be more directly
involved in somatosensory processing, but even neurons in area 5 combine visual
and somatosensory signals (Graziano et al., 2000). Comparative studies of posterior
parietal cortex organization are clearly needed.


Chimpanzees are our closest relatives, so we would expect major similarities in our
somatosensory system. Nevertheless, chimpanzees have much smaller brains, so we
might expect some differences. In general, larger brains have larger cortical areas,
but they also have more cortical areas (Kaas, 2000). Humans clearly have larger
subdivisions of anterior parietal cortex, but too little is known about the rest of the
somatosensory systems in hominoid primates to determine if there are any differ-
ences in the number of areas. However, we do know from architectonic studies that
both chimps and humans have four strip-like somatosensory areas in anterior parietal
cortex similar to monkeys. As in monkeys, areas 3a, 3b, 1, and 2 have been identified
by differences in cellular structure as well as by a number of related histological
and histochemical criteria (Brodmann, 1909; Zilles et al., 1995; White et al., 1997;
Qi et al., 1997, 1998; Geyer et al., 1997; Eskenasy and Clarke, 2000). Area 3b is
relatively easy to delimit, but the proposed borders of areas 1 and 2 vary somewhat
in different reports. A careful comparison, using several types of histochemical
preparations of material from monkeys, chimps, and humans (Qi et al., 1998) may
provide the most accurate placements of borders. Since microelectrode maps and
connection patterns have been used only in monkeys to establish the significance of
proposed borders, criteria validated from anatomical and physiological studies on
macaque monkeys most usefully define areas in chimps and humans.
As in monkeys (e.g., Marshall et al., 1937), the anterior parietal cortex of humans
was thought to contain a single representation, S1, in early investigations that used
surface electrodes to produce electrically evoked sensations or record slow waves
elicited by taps to the body (e.g., Penfield and Boldrey, 1937; Penfield and Rasmus-
sen, 1950; Woolsey et al., 1979). Because of the inaccessibility of most of areas 3a
and 3b in the central sulcus, and most of area 2 in the postcentral sulcus, most of
the results from human cortex have been from area 1. These recordings revealed a
general mediolateral representation of body parts from foot to tongue, but not the
multiple representations of anterior parietal cortex. More recently, the mediolateral
somatotopy of anterior parietal cortex has been further revealed by magnetoenceph-
alography (Nakamura et al., 1998), largely confirming these earlier conclusions.
Recent studies have also revealed several new details about the somatotopic
organization of anterior parietal cortex of humans. Early studies of sensations evoked
by electrical stimulation of the brain with surface electrodes suggested that the
genitals are represented on the medial wall of the cerebral hemisphere, just ventral
to the toes in the anterior parietal cortex (3b and 1). A more recent study using

2002 CRC Press LLC

electrical stimulation of the dorsal nerve of the penis and recordings of evoked
potentials with surface electrodes placed the representation of the penis more later-
ally with hip and upper leg (Bradley et al., 1998). This seems to be different from
monkeys where the posterior leg, genitals, and tail appear to be located in the medial
wall, just ventral to the foot in areas 3b and 1 (Nelson et al., 1980). However, in a
recent, yet unpublished, reinvestigation in macaques, we found the genitals to be
represented just lateral to the foot and leg in area 3b. The use of electrical stimulation
of the nerve in humans resulted in an overestimation of the proportional size of the
representation of the penis compared to other body structures (Bradley et al., 1998).
Most importantly, the greater detail of recent results based on functional mag-
netic resonance imaging (fMRI) has provided good evidence for separate body
surface representations in areas 3b and 1, as well as evidence for areas 3a and 2 as
distinct fields. Thus, separate representations of the fingers have been demonstrated
in areas 3b and 1, and fingers have been shown to be represented from D5 to D1 in
a mediolateral sequence (Gelnar et al., 1998; Kurth et al., 2000). The hand portion
of area 3b appears to correspond to a bulge in the central sulcus (Sastre-Janer et al.,
1998). Evidence has also been obtained for a third representation of fingers in area
2 (Lin et al., 1996; Kurth et al., 1998, 2000; Moore et al., 2000). There is also
evidence from cortical responses to electrical stimulation of muscle afferents (Gan-
devia et al., 1984), electrical stimulation of mixed cutaneous and deep nerves
(Kaukoranta et al., 1986), and passive flexion of fingers (Mima et al., 1996, 1997)
for muscle spindle receptor inputs to area 3a and area 2. Thus, the basic organization
of anterior parietal cortex in humans appears to consist of four strip-like body
representations as in monkeys.
Recent studies have started to demonstrate other areas of somatosensory cortex
in humans as well. Disbrow et al. (2000) used fMRI to investigate the somatotopic
organization of cortex in the lateral sulcus of humans, while using the same methods
for gathering comparable data from monkeys. As for monkeys, they found evidence
for two somatotopically organized fields in the cortex of the upper bank of the lateral
sulcus, the second somatosensory area, S2, and the parietal ventral area, PV. In both
fields, the face, hand, and foot were represented in order from near the lip of the
sulcus to the depths of the sulcus (also see Burton et al., 1993; Maldjian et al., 1999
for S2 organization). The two representations form mirror images of one another,
joining along the hand, foot, and face representations, with the shoulder and hip
separated. Both areas represented the contralateral body surface; however, S2 also
responds to the stimulation of the ipsilateral hand. The study also revealed adjoining
regions of evoked activity, including a caudal region that may correspond to part of
area 7b and the rostral parietal area, PR, of monkeys. Nearby portions of insular
cortex appear to be involved in the processing of tactual memories (Bonda et al., 1996a).
Of course, we expect regions of posterior parietal cortex of humans to be involved
in somatosensory functions as well (see Kaas, 1990); however, the organization of
this cortex is not well understood. Patients with posterior parietal lobe injury tend
to neglect visual and tactile stimuli presented contralaterally (see Moscovitch and
Behrmann, 1994). Functions may include coding postures of the body. Blood flow
increases in the superior parietal cortex and intraparietal sulcus of humans when
they perform tasks requiring mental rotations of the hand (Bonda et al., 1995,1996b;

2002 CRC Press LLC

also see Seitz et al., 1997). As in monkeys (see Andersen et al., 1990; Lewis and
Van Essen, 2000), posterior parietal cortex of humans is likely to contain a number
of specialized areas with different patterns of connections and functional roles.


1. At the cortical level, the basic somatosensory system of mammals includes

a primary field (S1) that is bordered rostrally and caudally by band-like
somatosensory areas. This S1 is homologous to the area 3b representation
of primates, the rostral area appears to correspond to area 3a, while the
relationship of the caudal strip to areas 1 and 2 is uncertain. Somatosen-
sory cortex also includes S2 and, in most mammals, PV. Usually S2 is
independently activated by direct projections from VP of the thalamus.
2. Primates have clearly differentiated VP, VPI, and VPS nuclei in the
somatosensory thalamus. Prosimian galagos have somatosensory areas 3a
and 3b and a caudal somatosensory strip that may be area 1 or a combi-
nation of areas 1 and 2. S2 appears to be independently activated by direct
VP projections as in many other mammals. Posterior parietal cortex of
galagos is not as expansive as in simian primates. Thus, in general,
somatosensory cortex in prosimian primates has not greatly changed from
the basic mammalian plan.
3. Most monkeys have clearly defined areas 3a, 3b, 1, and 2, each with its
own representation of body receptors. Area 2 appears to be more devel-
oped in Old World monkeys than in a number of New World monkeys.
Processing is highly serial from area 3b to area 1 to area 2, while area 3a
relates more to the motor cortex. Areas S2 and PV appear to depend on
inputs from anterior parietal cortex for activation, and thus processing has
become more serial in monkeys. Posterior parietal cortex has become
more elaborate, where a number of visuomotor and somatosensory areas
have been defined.
4. Chimpanzees and humans clearly have the four areas of anterior parietal
cortex and both areas S2 and PV have been defined in humans. Posterior
parietal cortex is expanded, and fMRI studies are starting to delimit
functionally distinct regions.

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2002 CRC Press LLC

Cerebral Cortical Regions
2 Devoted to the
Somatosensory System:
Results from Brain Imaging
Studies in Humans
Harold Burton


2.1 Introduction
2.2 Primary Somatosensory Cortex (SI)
2.2.1 Defining the Boundaries of SI Cytoarchitecture Evidence for Medial to Lateral Somatotopy SI Finger Representation Separate Anterior and Posterior Maps
2.3 Secondary Somatosensory Cortex (SII)
2.3.1 Identification of SII Gross Anatomy of the Parietal Operculum Cytoarchitecture Brain Imaging Evidence on SII Organization Temporal Order of Processing
through SII One or Two Somatotopic Maps in SII
2.3.2 A Role for SII: Sensorimotor Effects
in Somatosensory Areas
2.4 Other Somatosensory Areas in Frontal and Parietal Cortex
2.4.1 Somatosensory Activation of Insula and Frontal Operculum
2.4.2 Posterior Parietal Cortex Homologous Regions in Monkeys and Humans Identification of Active Foci
2.5 Brain Regions Active during Tactile Discrimination Tasks
2.6 Tactile Attention

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2.6.1 A Cortical Network Attention Effects in SI Attention Effects in SII Attention Effects in Posterior Parietal Cortex Attention Effects in Frontal Cortex
2.6.2 Mechanisms for Tactile Attention Revealed in Brain Imaging Response Amplification Enlarged Pools of Active Neurons Suppression of Non-essential Cortical Areas
2.6.3 Tactile Attention and Intention to Move
2.7 Plasticity in SI Maps
2.7.1 Evidence from Animals Shows that SI Maps Can Change
2.7.2 Evidence from Humans Shows that SI Maps Can Change Effects Following Injuries Effects Following Training and Experience Effects Manifested to Task
Specific Parameters Effects Manifested through Co-Active
2.7.3 Changes in Active Foci
2.8 Summary

Studies in monkeys indicate that somatosensory processing of innocuous tactile
stimuli occurs within an interconnected cortical network, which mostly resides in
the parietal cortex. The major regions include multiple subdivisions of the primary
somatosensory area (SI) in the postcentral gyrus, the secondary somatosensory area
(SII) in the parietal operculum, additional lateral cortical areas buried within the
Sylvian fissure, portions of the supramarginal gyrus, and granular prefrontal cortex.
This review focuses on homologous somatosensory representations in the cortex
of humans that are revealed with non-invasive recording and neuroimaging methods.
Critical to the validation of these observations is confirming characteristic features
known from direct neural recordings, especially in monkeys. Brain imaging studies
like positron emission tomography (PET) and functional magnetic resonance imag-
ing (fMRI) are especially appropriate in exposing the many cortical foci that
respond during a single somatosensory stimulation paradigm. Non-invasive tech-
niques have the great advantage of allowing replicate studies in conscious normal
or patient populations performing a variety of tasks affecting tactile discrimination,
sensorimotor integration, attention, and object recognition.
A discussion of different brain imaging techniques is beyond the scope of this
review. However, some comments about underlying characteristics of these images

2002 CRC Press LLC

are useful in evaluating the findings on somatosensory areas. PET and fMRI images
are a consequence of local blood flow changes, which accompany immediate and
focal neuronal activity. These images have low signal-to-noise ratios, are delayed
in seconds from the millisecond intervals of neural activity by the slowness of
hemodynamic responses, and are spatially constrained to the vascular distribution.
However limited is the spatial resolution of PET or fMRI, the localization of activated
areas is direct.
Magnetoencephalography (MEG) records evoked neural responses much like
electroencephalography and, therefore, contribute explicit information about timing
of neural activity. Signals have high reliability as they are based on averages of
multiple, synchronized trials. Localizing the source of recorded electromagnetic
fields requires inverse modeling to locate and orient the source and magnitude of
responsible primary currents.128 Although there are infinite solutions to the inverse
problem, most recorded field patterns are dipolar, which suggests that source local-
izations can be confined to a single equivalent current dipole (ECD). Explicitly restrict-
ing the results to MR anatomical or functional foci in single subjects improves source
localization models of these ECDs. However, modeled source localizations are always
problematic, especially for long latency responses, in the presence of multiple, over-
lapping generators, and where stronger signals possibly mask weaker responses.128


2.2.1 DEFINING THE BOUNDARIES OF SI Cytoarchitecture

In most descriptions, the SI portion of anterior parietal cortex encompasses four

anterior to posterior subregions labeled, respectively, Brodmann areas 3a, 3b, 1, and
2.17,58 Recent studies from autopsy data emphasize variable correlation among people
between the location of cytoarchitectonic subareas and gross anatomical fea-
tures.84,209,230,231,243 Despite this caveat to interrelating brain imaging foci based on
cross-subject averages, humans and monkeys show remarkably homologous subre-
gions. Thus, using broad operational definitions that are applicable to humans and
old-world monkeys, the following gross anatomical zones likely coincide with one
cytoarchitectonic area: fundus of the central sulcus for 3a, nearly two-thirds of the
posterior wall of the central sulcus for 3b, crown of the central sulcus and anterior
half of the postcentral gyrus for 1, and posterior half of the postcentral gyrus and,
possibly, the anterior wall of the postcentral sulcus for 2.84,131 This cross-species
homology is important to understanding SI in humans because findings from mon-
keys reveal not one but four relatively complete somatotopic maps whose boundaries
correlate closely with the approximate borders of one of the four cytoarchitectonic
subregions.57,73,106,107,115,152,178,189 An important focus in describing brain imaging stud-
ies is the extent that these data confirm the four correlated functional/anatomical
subdivisions included within SI.

2002 CRC Press LLC Evidence for Medial to Lateral Somatotopy

Initial vetting of many brain imaging techniques derives from detecting somatosen-
sory-driven activations attributable to anterior parietal cortex, and especially when
results confirm medial to lateral sequences of activated foci from stimulating a small
number of contralateral body regions (Table 2.1). For example, PET (reviewed in
Reference 28) and fMRI (e.g., Reference 210) studies report a medial to lateral
somatotopy for widely separate body representations (e.g., foot, hand, and face).
Several studies describe activation of only a single peri-Rolandic site contralateral
to stimulating the hand with high amplitude vibratory stimuli.26,40,71,213 These obser-
vations thus corroborate earlier reports of a single distorted contralateral represen-
tation spanning the postcentral gyrus and having an approximate medial to lateral
topography with respect to successive segmental sacral to cervical to trigeminal
levels of the body.181,233 Several studies also note ipsilateral activations even in the
hand region of SI.28,90,130,138
Current imaging results must be tempered by recent findings of only 55%
concordance between the centers of activated regions using fMRI and direct record-
ings in the same brains of anesthetized monkeys.55 Thus, discrepancies from expected
SI map features may only be a consequence of inherent technical limitations.199
Further limiting possible findings is the crude spatial resolution of most imaging
studies and the limited number of body representations studied. SI Finger Representation

Despite limitations, brain imaging studies of the SI finger representation examine a

number of features, such as overlapping representations from adjacent fingers, spatial
extent of different finger representations, and the multiplicity of representations.
Penfields classic work illustrates a single hand representation with the thumb occu-
pying a larger extent than that for any other finger, with all of the latter having nearly
equal territories.181 Later studies indicate larger representations for the thumb and
index fingers in humans233,236 and monkeys.119,152,172
Studies based on MEG or somatosensory evoked potential (SEP)
measurements8,221,239 indicate single and unique centers of mass for each finger.
Electrically stimulating the proximal interphalangeal joint of each finger activated
spatially separable magnetic or electrical field patterns for the initial 20 to 30 msec
latency peak potentials. Source localizations, calculated from the equivalent current
dipole (ECD) distributions, place non-overlapping foci for fingers 5 to 1, respec-
tively, to a medial to lateral extent of parietal cortex in several studies.8,10,221,239 All
recordings reflect responses in or near the central sulcus. One study demonstrates
distortions in the SI map by showing a ranking from largest to smallest for, respec-
tively, thumb to finger 5 in the anterior to posterior lengths of ECD distributions.221
In measurements from published figures, the average tangential distance between
digits 5 and 1 is 18 mm in 4 subjects8 and 23 mm between electric dipoles in 3
subjects. 221 This suggests approximately 3 to 4 mm sagittal width per digit, if each
finger is assumed to have an equal representation. These data, however, do not show
whether overlap exists at the boundaries between digit zones.

2002 CRC Press LLC

SI Mapping Studies
Stimulation Sites Type of Stimulus Imaging Method Authors

Fingers 1, 2, and 5 (thumb largest response) Electrical MEG Reference 220

Hand Large amplitude vibrator (130Hz) PET Reference 213
Median nerve Electrical MEG Reference 92
Toes, hand, and lips Large amplitude vibrator (130Hz) PET Reference 71
Ulnar nerve, digit 5 to digit 1, median nerve Electrical MEG, SEP References 8 and 9
Ulnar nerve, digit 5 to digit 1, median nerve Electrical SEP Reference 221
Fingers, hand, arm, and face Electrical MEG Reference 239
Palm Manual stroking fMRI (1.5T) Reference 89
Toes, fingertips, and tongue Manual scrubbing fMRI (1.5T) Reference 210
Fingertips 5 to 2 Manual rubbing (~1 Hz) fMRI (1.5T) Reference 138
Fingertips 2 and 3 Controlled roughness PET Reference 28
Tongue, lips, fingers, arm, trunk, leg, and foot Tactile MEG Reference 170
Fingers 1, 2, or 5 Vibration fMRI (1.5T) Reference 83
Left arm in a proximal-to-distal or distal-to-proximal direction Air puffs fMRI (1.5T) Reference 214
Face, fingers, and toes Air puffs fMRI (1.5T) Reference 98
Fingers 2 to 3 and 4 to 5 Brushing fMRI (1.5T) References 90 and 268
Fingertips 5 to 1 Piezoceramic stimulator (15 and 30 Hz) fMRI (4T) Reference 144
Distal-proximal direction over the volar surface of the right index finger and palm Vibration (200 Hz) MEG Reference 96
Palm and finger Manual punctate (~3Hz) fMRI (3T) Reference 164
Fingers 5 to 1 Electrical fMRI (1.5T) Reference 131
Fingertips 5 and 2 Piezoceramic stimulator (30 to 80 Hz) fMRI (3T) Reference 72

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Some PET28 and fMRI32,72,130,138,144,164 studies reveal at least two finger foci
occupying anterior and posterior portions of the postcentral gyrus. In a PET study,
tactile stimulation of two fingertips activates contralateral foci extending into the
posterior bank of the central sulcus, without reaching the fundus, and a second

2002 CRC Press LLC

posterior focus covering all of the posterior postcentral gyrus and adjoining anterior
bank of the postcentral sulcus.28 Stimuli in this study were passively applied hori-
zontal gratings that produced a roughness sensation. An earlier MEG study similarly
illustrates one dipole source projected to the central sulcus and another to more
posterior postcentral gyral cortex.68 FMRI studies show more directly a single ante-
rior focus within the central sulcus (Figure 2.1, aSI, and Reference 32). A completely
separate posterior focus occupies the posterior half of the postcentral gyrus and
anterior wall of the postcentral sulcus (Figure 2.1, pSI, and Reference 32). Compli-
cating the identification of this posterior SI region is the presence of a nearby zone
of increased activity on the posterior bank of the postcentral sulcus and adjoining
superior aspect of the supramarginal gyrus (Figure 2.1, sSG). These distinctions of
multiple foci in the brain imaging data when stimulating fingertips (see below and
Figure 2.2) partially suggest the representation noted in monkeys: a rostrally pointing
fingertip region within the posterior bank of the central sulcus and confined to area
3b, a second representation pointing posterior on the surface of the postcentral gyrus
within area 1. The latter is possibly conjoined with a third site, which again has the
distal finger pointing anterior, in area 2 (e.g., References 135, 146, 152, 172, 183,
185, and 238).
Overlap between foci for adjacent digits occurs in all of SI, but in monkeys the
least occurs in anterior SI most likely associated with area 3b (Figure 2.2A). The
question of overlap in humans remains unsettled because different studies report
varying degrees of overlap from anterior to posterior across the postcentral gyrus.
Comparisons of the peak source amplitudes for SI equivalent dipoles recorded to
single compared to paired, simultaneous digit stimulation show greater overlap in
the responses from adjacent digits 1 and 2 vs. 2 and 5.10 In a fMRI study relying
on electrical stimulation of single fingers, activations from adjacent digits overlap
41% in anterior foci centered in the central sulcus, 49% in the anterior half of the

FIGURE 2.1 (previous pg.)(See Color Figure 2.1 in color insert.) Z-score maps (P<.05) of MR
signals in single subjects cued to attend to vibrotactile stimuli applied to fingertip 2 on the
right hand with an MR compatible, computer-controlled vibrator. Results obtained using a
general linear model, an assumed hemodynamic response, and a Boynton model.15 Data shown
in A are from trials when the subject selectively attended to changes in vibration frequency
to detect whether the first or second sequentially presented stimulus was a higher frequency.
Data shown in B are from another subject attending during different trials either selectively
to frequency or to the duration of paired vibratory stimuli, or who divided attention between
both frequency and duration features (see Reference 215). MR signals were collected and
analyzed per trial (TR 3.68 seconds, 3.75mm voxel size, ~16 seconds per trial). A. Functional
MR data superimposed on a three-dimensional, partially inflated view of left hemisphere for
one subject. B. Slices at three orientations illustrate the location of MR signals in anterior
and posterior portions of SI in another subject. Pink lines on each slice show registration of
slices at orthogonal orientations. Coordinate values are referenced to the Talairach atlas.222
Anatomical abbreviations (shown in red): CS, central sulcus; LS, lateral sulcus; PoCS, post-
central sulcus; SFS, superior frontal sulcus; functional abbreviations (shown in yellow): aSI,
anterior primary somatosensory area; pSI, posterior primary somatosensory area; SII, second-
ary somatosensory area; preMC, premotor cortex; iSG, inferior supramarginal region; sSG,
superior supramarginal region.

2002 CRC Press LLC

FIGURE 2.2 (See Color Figure 2.2 in color insert.) Activation sites in the left postcentral
gyrus after electrical stimulation of single fingers (Digits 1 to 5) on the right hand. Results
obtained from a correlation analysis in one subject. A. Distribution of activated pixels observed
across a superior (top row) to inferior (bottom row) series of horizontal slices. Each column
of magnified images shows the distribution of active foci noted from stimulating one of the
digits. Symbols: +, o, and # demarcate, respectively, foci attributed to Brodmann areas 3b, 1,
and 2. BA 3b occupies the posterior bank of the central sulcus (aSI in Figure 2.1) and BA 1
and 2 are, respectively, on the exposed postcentral gyral crown and adjoining anterior bank
of the postcentral sulcus (combined as pSI in Figure 2.1). The column labeled BA 3b shows
the outlines of foci activated at the same horizontal level (row of images to the right) from
each of the digits. The colors for these outlines match the corresponding digit labels and foci
shown in B. B. Expanded surface view of the postcentral gyrus presents distribution of active
foci for each digit in one subject. [A is modified from Figure 1 and B from Figure 2 in
Reference 131. With permission of Lippincott Williams & Wilkins,]

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FIGURE 2.3 (See Color Figure 2.3 in color insert.) Group averaged Statistical Parameter
Maps show maximum activated focus for each finger on a superior to inferior series of axial
slices. Numbers are Z-axis coordinates in reference to Talairach atlas.222 Stimulation of
individual fingers obtained using piezoelectric vibration. [Modified from Reference 144.]

postcentral gyrus, and 68% in the vicinity of the postcentral sulcus. The anterior SI
region also shows almost no overlap for foci from non-adjacent digits (see color
coded insets in Figure 2.2A, Reference 131), while more posterior regions still
exhibit overlaps of more than 25%.131 Multiple digit representations occur within a
single horizontal plane, but with clear medial to lateral separations in presumptive
area 3b (Figure 2.2A). In addition, representations for different digits are separable
in the superior to inferior axis (Figures 2.2 and 2.3). Another fMRI study reports
considerable overlap between foci for fingers 2-3 vs. 4-5,90 but a larger representation
for fingers 23. This study, however, does not distinguish different anteroposterior
sectors of the postcentral gyrus, and vein inflow effects contaminate the images. Yet
another study describes nearly complete overlap in anterior foci from non-adjacent
digits 2 and 5 and almost no overlap in more posterior postcentral regions.72 Each
fingertip was stimulated with individually mounted piezoelectric vibrators. Even
group averaged images, obtained with higher field strength magnets and piezoelectric
vibrators, show (Figure 2.3) distinct foci separated by >3 mm in the transverse axis
for each vibrated fingertip. 144 However, three-dimensional reconstructions
(Figure 2.2B, Reference 131) show some overlap between adjacent digits in anterior
SI. The activated foci for even non-adjacent digits overlap in posterior SI
(Figure 2.2B). Despite differences in imaging techniques, the fMRI studies agree
with earlier MEG data in noting a 1218 mm tangential length to the finger
region.131,144 These studies also confirm earlier observations of larger regions devoted
to the thumb and index finger. Collectively, current brain imaging data provides a
partial confirmation of maps obtained in monkeys. However, as techniques improve,
this discrepancy will likely disappear.

2002 CRC Press LLC Separate Anterior and Posterior Maps

Closely spaced mapping surveys in monkeys show a subsidiary anterior to posterior

organization of two mirror representations for proximal parts of the fingers between
the anterior and posterior distal tip regions, respectively, in areas 3b and
1.152,153,172,183,185 Currently, no human study confirms this standard observation in
monkeys of separate and sequential anterior to posterior foci from stimulating
successive phalanges and palm.96 However, one fMRI study, which utilized a novel
technique of periodic, phase shifted, air puff stimulation of 5 sites from wrist to
shoulder, describes a 10 mm strip of cortex within the central sulcus that sequentially
responds to stimulation of proximal to distal surfaces on the ventral forearm.214
Unlike prior investigations that considered a statistic based on MR signal magnitude,
this study examined the mean phase of the fMRI signal as a function of cortical
distance. Future applications of such phase analyses might demonstrate more precise
maps in the rest of SI, and thereby show greater correspondence between SI in
humans and monkeys.
Extensive evidence indicates differing sensitivity to varying modes of soma-
tosensory stimulation from anterior to posterior aspects of SI.57,73,106,107,115,152,178,189
Predominant responses in each map follow activation of different somatosensory
receptors: muscle spindles in 3a, low threshold cutaneous receptors in 3b and 1, and
both cutaneous and kinesthetic/proprioceptive receptors in 2. Although fMRI
appears potentially capable of revealing three separate foci across the postcentral
gyrus (Figure 2.2A), which presumptively represent activity in the Brodmann areas
3b, 1, and 2, only two brain imaging studies marginally support modality-based
In a PET study involving passive stimulation with tactile gratings, we describe
two distinct but completely overlapping foci activated by two stimulation modes. In
one mode, horizontal gratings directly rub against the skin surface of two fingertips;
in a second mode, stimulation by the same surfaces is indirect and through a
plectrum, which is attached to the finger and touches the gratings. However, skin
mode stimulation correlates with significantly higher (F (8,1) = 4.63, P = .04) blood
flows in anterior SI.28 This result concurs with likely greater stimulation of cutaneous
receptors in the skin mode experiment, and therefore activation of likely area 3b in
anterior SI.
An fMRI study164 contrasts the distribution of SI responses to manually applied
punctate tactile stimulation of the palm and fingers vs. flexion/extension movements
of the fingers and palm. The first stimulation mode principally activates cutaneous
receptors. The second, active mode engages a broad array of proprioceptive and skin
stretch receptors together with activation of hand and distal arm muscles. By recon-
structing the results from individual subjects, and flattening the cortical surface
through the central sulcus, these investigators present distinct activation patterns
across several SI subdivisions for the two tasks. Of greatest interest is the absence
of activity across the fundus of the central sulcus, in presumed area 3a, during the
tactile task (Figure 2.4B). Averaged data further shows distinct peaks in the gross
anatomical zones marking areas 3b, 1, and 2 (Figure 2.4C). Responses stretch across
all of the central sulcus during the kinesthetic/motor task (Figure 2.4B and 2.4C).

2002 CRC Press LLC

FIGURE 2.4 (See Color Figure 2.4 in color insert.) Distribution of MR signals across the
central sulcus, hand area during tactile stimulation or a kinesthetic/motor protocol. Results
are averaged maps from five subjects. A. Left: Three-dimensional reconstruction of the cortex.
Middle: An inflated reconstruction of the same brain in which dark gray shows sulci and light
gray illustrates gyri. Region enclosed in black box is over the hand area, which is shown
enlarged on the right and below in B and C. Green arrow points to the fundal region of the
central sulcus in all images. B. Distribution of activity from tactile stimulation (on left) or
kinesthetic/motor protocol (on the right) from each of five subjects (red lines with yellow fill,
t-test analysis) is projected onto the flattened reconstruction from one subject after transform-
ing all distributions to a canonical representation. Solid black lines demarcate the presumed
cytoarchitectonic Brodmann area borders, which are based on sulcal/gyral gross anatomy. C.
Across subject average distribution of activity for the two tasks: tactile on the left and
kinesthetic/motor on the right. [Modified from Figure 4 in Reference 164.]

2002 CRC Press LLC

By subtraction between the tasks, activity in the fundal region of the central sulcus
is likely due to responsive muscle spindles during the hand/finger movement task.
Currently, no brain imaging study utilizes a precisely controlled, passively
administered tactile or proprioceptive stimulation that activates selectively differ-
ent subclasses of peripheral somatosensory receptors. The absence of such proto-
cols limits prospects of assessing functional distinctions across the subdivisions
of SI.


Initial evidence of a secondary somatosensory area (SII) in humans comes from 8
out of 350 patients who experienced somatic sensations, illusions of movements, or
paresthesia in different body parts following electrical stimulation of surface cortex
lateral to the face representation in SI, and near the posterior horizontal ramus of
the Sylvian fissure.179,181 Similar effects are reported from directly stimulating the
exposed surface of the upper bank of the Sylvian fissure after temporal lobectomy180
or through intracortical electrodes.76 In addition, recordings from the upper bank of
the Sylvian fissure (parietal operculum) of monkeys234,235,237 and near the Sylvian
fissure in a few patients141,236 reveal somatosensory evoked responses additional to
those in SI. In bold extrapolations from sparse data, Penfield and Woolsey indepen-
dently summarize their findings as a single somatotopic representation in the parietal
operculum, which consists of an upside-down body image with the head directed
anterior and the distal fingers and toes pointing superficially toward the superior lip
of the Sylvian fissure. However, the recording evidence for this SII map in humans
remains fragmented and mixed results exist for the stimulation effects.226 Gross Anatomy of the Parietal Operculum

A precise anatomical localization of SII within the inferior parietal lobule must
consider the sulcal arrangement surrounding the parietal operculum. On average,
the anterior and posterior borders of the parietal operculum are, respectively, the
central sulcus and posterior ascending ramus of the Sylvian fissure.218 An imaginary
lateral extension of the postcentral sulcus points to the middle of the parietal oper-
culum, which is relatively co-extensive with the horizontal ramus of the Sylvian
fissure (Figure 2.5). This horizontal segment, from inspection of 67 brains, is found
in 99% and 70%, respectively, of left and right hemispheres.232 It is twice as long
on the left. Men with a consistent right hand preference show bilateral greater length
horizontal rami; however, an asymmetry always exists, which is longer on the left.232
An inferior portion of the supramarginal gyrus lies immediately posterior and super-
ficial to the parietal operculum in most brains.218 This gross anatomical location of
the parietal operculum coincides with the position of SII in summary illustrations
by Penfield179,181 and occupies that portion of the parietal operculum included within
area 40, by Brodmann17 or area PF, of subsequent analyses (e.g., Reference 59).

2002 CRC Press LLC

FIGURE 2.5 Sulcal pattern surrounding SII. A. Selective sulci of the lateral parietal cortex.
Anatomical abbreviations: CS, central sulcus; LS, lateral sulcus; IPS, intraparietal sulcus;
Par, posterior ascending ramus of the Sylvian fissure; Phr, posterior horizontal ramus of
the Sylvian fissure; PoCS, postcentral sulcus; 39, 40 Brodmanns cytoarchitectonic areas.
B. MR anatomical sagittal image illustrates the most common sulcal pattern surrounding
the parietal operculum. Curved arrow marks CS, short left arrow points to PoCS, and right
short arrow indicates Par. [A is modified from Figure 1 and B from Figure 2 in Reference

2002 CRC Press LLC Cytoarchitecture

The cytoarchitecture in the parietal operculum consists of a prominent granule cell

layer IV and small to medium sized pyramidal cells in supra- and infra-granular layers.
A similar pattern prevails over all of the parietal operculum and adjoining anterior two-
thirds of inferior aspects of the supramarginal gyrus in humans59 and in the parietal
operculum and inferior parietal lobule in animals.21,191 Even a transitional area located
close to the posterior ascending ramus of the Sylvian fissure, labeled PFG, still manifests
a distinct layer IV.59 This cytoarchitecture characterizes many paleocortical derivative,
sensory dedicated cortical regions.59,211 The connections to this lateral and inferior
parietal cortex in monkeys are especially concerned with information from the soma-
tosensory system.20,27,74,75,114,116 Not too surprisingly, therefore, somatosensory stimula-
tion evokes responses within and near the parietal operculum.21 Brain Imaging Evidence on SII Organization

Most studies of the parietal operculum with MEG, PET, or fMRI show bilateral
distributions of increased regional activity (Table 2.2). All report larger responses
contralateral to the stimulated site; however, the coordinates for responses from both
sides are identical. FMRI findings of reduced or absent ipsilateral SII responses in
patients with partial transections of the corpus callosum confirm anatomical studies
in monkeys that ipsilateral responses in SII (and posterior portions of SI) are con-
ducted by fibers crossing through the posterior third of the corpus callosum.63 Studies
in monkeys show these connections arising from SI and SII in the opposite hemi-
sphere.43,112,127,147,148 The average and standard deviation of stereotactic atlas
coordinates222 from eight studies (Table 2.2) are/ 49.3, 4.8, 21 7.3, 17.4
1.9 for the center of mass or peak activation. The small standard deviations for these
averages are notable because the data include PET and fMRI images reconstructed
to atlas space with different techniques. They demonstrate considerable consistency
in the discovered centers of contralateral and ipsilateral responses during several
types of somatosensory stimulation to different body regions. However, this spatial
uniformity presents a problem to hypothesizing a somatotopic map with distinct
zones for different body representations (see below). Temporal Order of Processing through SII
The first brain imaging demonstration of bilateral somatosensory responses on the
upper bank of the Sylvian fissure in humans comes from MEG recordings.91,92 These,
and several subsequent recordings, note long latency (~100ms), mostly positive
somatosensory-evoked fields (SEF)69,70,93-95,101,139,150 or SEPs.2 Shorter latency SEPs
are reported with intracortical electrodes implanted in the upper bank of (60ms
negative cited in Reference 76) or surface cortex next to the Sylvian fissure (20 ms
cited in Reference 141) in patients. Some MEG studies121,128 emphasize short latency
(20 to 26 msec), negative responses followed by additional, larger amplitude, mostly
positive responses at the longer times noted by others.
Explanations for differences in reported response latencies require some com-
ments on modeling dipole source localizations from the upper bank of the Sylvian

2002 CRC Press LLC

SII Mapping Studies
Stimulation Sites Type of Stimulus Imaging Active Regions Coordinates (X, Y, Z) Authors

Median nerve Electrical MEG PO References 91 and 92

Distal fingers 1 and 3 Electrical MEG PO Reference 94
Hand Large amplitude vibrator (130Hz) PET PO, Ri References 207 and 213
Lower lip, wrist, and ankle Electrical MEG PO Reference 95
Toes, hand, and lips Large amplitude vibrator (130Hz) PET PO, post. insula 44, 6.2, 18.2 Reference 26
Vibration PET PO, post. insula 42, 21, 15 Reference 40
Hands, fingers Roughness, length discriminations PET PO 55, 16, 17 Reference 133
Median nerves Electrical, manual touch, movements MEG PO Reference 101
Fingertips 5 to 2 Manual rubbing (~1 Hz) fMRI (1.5T) PO Reference 138
Electrical MEG PO Reference 159
Reference 150
Fingertips 2 and 3 Roughness discriminations PET PO 45, 23, 20 Reference 28
Fingers 1, 2, or 5 Vibration fMRI PO, insula Reference 83
Face, fingers, and foot Vibration (8 Hz) and air puff fMRI PO, Ri Reference 98
Left radial nerve Electrical, isometrics MEG PO Reference 69
Fingertips 2 and 3 Tactile gratings PET PO, insula, Ri 52, 22, 20 Reference 30
Finger 3 Passive/active movement PET PO Reference 161
Median nerve Electrical SEP PO, insula Reference 76
Left thumb pad Piezoceramic stimulator (15 and 30 Hz) fMRI PO 55.5, 21, 17.5 Reference 145
Tibial nerve, fingers 1 and Electrical MEG PO Reference 143
3, upper and lower lips
Median nerve Electrical MEG PO Reference 121
Right median nerve MEG, fMRI AO, PO Reference 128
Palm, fingers Moving brush PET PO 50, 34, 16.5 Reference 13
Foot, trunk, hand, face, and Manual touching fMRI PO/PV, other 50.8, 24.4, 14.7 Reference 54

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fissure. This discussion, in turn, will suggest the possibility of multiple sources for
the parietal opercular responses. The first issue is determining the orientation of the
dipole. In MEG measurements, dipolar sources are modeled as arising within the
depths of the fissure, and with a tangential orientation to the cortical surface and
perpendicular to the axis of the Sylvian fissure.91,92 In contrast, the polarity reversals
for recorded intracortical SEPs are in the direction of the implanted electrodes, which
suggests a radially oriented dipolar source, perpendicular to the cortical surface.76
The underlying current source responsible for recorded SEPs and SEFs is synchro-
nized responses from pyramidal cells in an area of cortex. The dipole orientation
from these cells is theoretically perpendicular to the cortical surface. In a sulcus
with a single infolding from the surface, these current sources would align tangential
to the surface and be observed best by MEG, hence the success of this technique in
detecting SII.92 However, reports of different first response latencies from cortex
deep within the Sylvian fissure may result from the anatomical complexity in this
region, which is not completely accounted for in prior modeling of the source
localization in MEG studies. Thus, models of deep dipolar sources, which are
projected indirectly from surface recordings, fail to account for neuronal activity
arising from potentially overlapping sources.76 The inner and outer folds of the upper
bank of that portion of the Sylvian fissure overlying the insula113 probably have
separate current sources oriented radially to their respective folds of cortex, and thus
parallel to normal cortical functional columns. The current distributions from such
closely spaced signals are likely inseparable using MEG,121 or as noted in one study,
might lead to unstable source localizations for equivalent current dipoles (ECDs) at
70120 msec latencies at different anteroposterior positions.128 Techniques that
model multiple dipole sources using location constraints from subject-specific ana-
tomical or functional MR images might be more sensitive to the actual neuronal
source of the ECDs and, like direct intracortical SEPs,76 are less subject to confounds
of anatomical complexities. Studies using these methods report short and long
latency SEFs in SII.121,128 These data suggest the possibility of two adjacent cortical
areas in the parietal operculum, with one responsible for short, and the other long,
latency responses (see below and Reference 121).
Knowledge of the timing of parietal opercular responses relative to SI influences
interpretations of processing sequences through somatosensory cortex. Thus, sequen-
tial timing of responses noted in MEG studies supports the hypothesis that processing
proceeds serially from short latency responses in SI to later activity in SII.70 Evidence
supporting long latency SEPs and SEFs in SII is also consistent with the demon-
stration in macaque monkeys that SII fails to respond after destroying SI.184,186
However, the time difference between SI and SII noted in earlier MEG studies is
~40 msec. This is incongruous with the ~12 15 msec response latencies recorded
from single SII neurons in monkeys to tactile stimuli.25 Findings of short latency
SII SEFs that equal or, in some subjects, precede activity in SI121 are more compatible
with evidence of parallel processing of somatosensory information in several ani-
mals.23,82,224,241 The notion of parallel processing through private thalamic inputs also
more suitably explains several additional observations: (1) preservation of responses
in some SII cells with hand cutaneous receptive fields in monkeys that have lost the
cutaneous SI finger/hand representations in areas 3b and 1;24 (2) retention of tactile

2002 CRC Press LLC

discrimination capabilities in infant34 monkeys with near total SI lesions; and (3)
persistence of ipsilateral SII responses in some patients with ischemic strokes that
reduce or eliminate all contralateral SI and SII SEFs.70 One explanation that accom-
modates both sets of findings is the existence of two SII areas. One SII might be
responsible for long latency MEG recorded responses and is part of a serial pro-
cessing network. A second, short latency component of SII processes somatosensory
events nearly simultaneously with SI. (The evidence for two SII areas is discussed
further below.) One or Two Somatotopic Maps in SII
Only two brain imaging studies claim any evidence of a somatotopic map in SII.
Most studies report complete overlap of activations evoked from stimulating different
parts of the body. For example, ECD source localizations are coextensive for
responses to electrically stimulating nerves from the hand (median) or foot (pero-
neal).91,92,95 Similarly, distributions of responses in PET images26 are indistinguish-
able to stimulating the hand or foot with large amplitude vibrations, or in fMRI
images to applying air puffs to the face, fingers, or toes,98 or lower amplitude
vibrations to individual fingers 1, 2, or 5.83 One MEG study,143 though reporting no
significant differences in group data for ECD locations from stimulating face, fingers
and leg, shows ECD locations from stimulated fingers between anterior-lateral face
and posterior-medial leg sites in a map from a single individual. One fMRI study54
presents images, also from selected individual data, that might be construed as an
anterior to posterior topography (Figure 2.6A1-3). These fMRI-determined maps
illustrate a large, central domain for the hand representation, which also overlaps
much of the activated foci for the foot or face (Figure 2.6A1-3).
At best, these brain imaging-determined maps of SII are preliminary because
they do not present even the coarsest level of organization, such as separating the
finger zone from those of the hand and arm. They especially lack information about
the distal/proximal axis for the fingers and toes. Earlier views179 claim that the zones
for distal fingers and toes reside closer to the superior lip of the Sylvian fissure.
Results from single neuron recordings in monkeys illustrate a map, such as those
suggested for humans, with face to lower limb organized, respectively, from anterior-
lateral to posterior-medial.200 Later experiments, however, suggest the existence of
two mirror image body maps with one representation anterior and oriented upside-
down; the other, more posterior map, has an upright body orientation.27,129 The
junction between the two maps occupies the middle of the parietal operculum and
falls along the finger and foot representations, which precludes earlier suggestions
of any superficial orientation to the distal finger representation. The two subareas
are labeled SII anterior (parietal ventral area in the terminology of Reference 129)
and SII posterior. A major question is whether current brain imaging delimitations
of SII in humans correctly defines it as a single functional entity.
A large paired finger/hand region dominates in the proposed dual maps in
monkeys. A single, possibly similarly coupled foot region lies immediately juxta-
posed to the posterior, inferior margin of the distal forelimb region. Single neuron
recordings in both limb regions find neurons with multi-digit receptive fields, and
few neurons with receptive fields on a single finger.22,129,200 Earlier SEP studies in

2002 CRC Press LLC


monkeys illustrate large receptive fields that include face and hand, multi-finger,
hand and arm, or all of the foot, leg, and sacral/lumbar trunk.237 Potential comparable
receptive fields in humans would likely generate extensive spread of activity in fMRI
or PET images when stimulating any finger, part of the hand, or lower leg, which
might then eclipse separate representations from more selected body regions. An

2002 CRC Press LLC

important identifying characteristic for two maps, however, is disjoint representa-
tions for proximal body regions that surround each fused distal limb region. One
fMRI study shows activation of regions to stimulating the upper arm (Figure 2.6B1
and 2.6C1) or hip (Figure 2.6B2 and 2.6C2) that possibly surround foot and hand
foci, but in only two subjects.54 More extensive and accurate three-dimensional
reconstructions are needed of images from several subjects stimulated identically in
multiple body regions, before claiming these data confirm the presence of two maps
in the parietal operculum of humans.



Activity in SII increases more than in SI during motor tasks with a tightly coupled
sensory component that is topographically close to the body location of the contracting
muscles.101,139 For example, responses from the parietal operculum increase during trials
with combined electrical stimulation of one median nerve and synchronized voluntary
finger flexion movements only in the same hand.101 Comparable topographical tuning
effects occur in the absence of overt movements when isometric voluntary contractions
of thenar or deltoid muscles in the same limb accompany electrical stimulation of the
median nerve.69,139 SII responses decrease when median nerve stimulation is combined
with voluntary contractions of masseter or anterior tibial muscles, which are remote
from the receptive territory of the stimulated nerve.139 Additional examples of related
findings come from PET data showing increases in regional cerebral blood flows (rCBF)
in SI and SII during passive movements, but even greater rCBF changes, especially in
contralateral SII, during active vs. passive movement of finger 3.161 Similarly, bilateral
MR signals in SII, but not SI, are greater when subjects must execute multiple manip-
ulations in identifying, non-nameable objects vs. fewer movements when recognizing
simpler shapes, such as a smooth sphere.11,12
These motor related modulations of SII activity possibly indicate mechanisms
for enhancing sensory information from a limb as a guide to behavior involving that
limb. A particular example of this behavior would be active manipulation of an
object for purposes of identification. We previously hypothesized that SII provides

FIGURE 2.6 (previous pg.)(See Color Figure 2.6 in color insert.) Distribution of activated foci
in the parietal operculum from tactile stimulation of a variety of body regions in individual
subjects. Results obtained using a cross-correlation analysis. A1-3. Axial slices from three
subjects depict foci from stimulating the foot, hand, and face. Outline drawings to the right
of the MR images summarize the distribution of activity for each stimulated body region.
These cases illustrate a medial to lateral organization for, respectively, the foot to face. In
addition, the foot region occupies a more posterior position in two subjects. B1, C1. The
location of activated foci from stimulating the upper arm-shoulder with respect to the hand in
two subjects. In one subject (AO), the representation for the more proximal body region possibly
surrounds that for the foci activated from the more distal hand. B2, C2. The location of activated
foci from stimulating the upper leg-thigh with respect to the foot in two subjects. In both subjects,
the representation for the more proximal body region appears to surround that for the foci activated
from the more distal foot. [A is modified from Figure 7, and B, C are modified from Figure 8 in
Reference 54. 2000 Wiley-Liss, Inc. Reproduced with permission of John Wiley & Sons, Inc.]

2002 CRC Press LLC

a conduit for information from cutaneous receptors to motor cortex given its con-
siderable anatomical connections to ventral premotor frontal areas in monkeys.21,149
Thus, during active manipulating, as in successive, targeted finger movements during
haptic exploration, enhanced sensory messages processed in SII are available to
direct and control integrated sequential touching.11,12
A potential confound in these sensorimotor studies is that the results might also
reflect directing attention or vigilance to the stimulated part of the body as subjects
contract particular muscles or move in selected ways. Discussed below is the effect
of attention on increasing activity in SII and other somatosensory areas. Although
the influence of attention cannot be ignored, subjects in the MEG studies had prior
training with the electrical stimulation and some engaged in distracting tasks, such
as reading.69 The absence of responses from normally activated attention foci in
medial cortex in most subjects69,101,139 further limits the likelihood that attention was
the sole basis of the observed modulations.


Several studies report somatosensory foci located at least 1 cm anterior to the parietal
operculum.26,40,54,76,98,111,128,207,213 These foci involve the superior and posterior parts
of the insula and frontal operculum.54,76,87,98,111 Even with the crudity of spatial
resolution available in brain images, the location of these anterior foci clearly differ
from responses attributable to posterior parietal operculum, SII.26,40,54,98,128 SEFs in
four out of five subjects trail, by 4 to 30 msec, those from the parietal operculum.128
The coordinates for the centers of mass for these anterior foci have considerable
variance irrespective of whether the same or different body sites are stimulated,
which means somatotopic maps are improbable. An especially interesting observa-
tion is that activity in the insula also includes the nearby claustrum; and that this
combined insula/claustrum focus might serve in the cross-modal transfer of shape
information obtained through tactile or visual processing.87


Finding somatosensory activated responses in the insula is entirely concordant with
evidence in monkeys that this region connects with components of the cortical and
thalamic somatosensory network6,20,75,156,167,168 and responds to tactile stimuli, often
to stimulation applied anywhere on the body.201,212 The delayed timing of SEF
responses recorded in this region also follows speculations that the somatosensory
responses in the insula are part of a sequential processing cascade involving SII and
corticolimbic pathways.75,162,169 However, further study is needed to confirm the
ancillary suggestion that these connections also are part of a network for remem-
bering and learning new tactile discriminations.
Possible explanations for activity on the frontal operculum are confounded,
however, by the known diversity in this region,35,49,113,191,222 which includes language
areas (e.g., Reference 77), premotor and primary motor regions for the head, and

2002 CRC Press LLC

lateral extensions of SI face areas (e.g., References 113 and 146). Currently, no brain
imaging or single neuron recording data incorporates a somatosensory stimula-
tion/behavioral paradigm that controls for the possible diversity of motor, cognitive,
or sensory responses, and that consistently activates the insula or frontal operculum.

2.4.2 POSTERIOR PARIETAL CORTEX Homologous Regions in Monkeys and Humans
Brain imaging evidence of additional activations related to somatosensory stimuli
is present within posterior aspects of the postcentral sulcus, adjacent anterior portions
of the superior parietal lobule, and superior aspects of the supramarginal gyrus
(Figure 2.1, sSG). Interpreting the basis of these responses in posterior parietal cortex
is difficult for two reasons. First, there is extreme variability in the gross anatomy
of the cortex around the postcentral sulcus. Second, the expansion of the cortex
associated with the postcentral sulcus creates a very different pattern from that in
macaque brains because it displaces the intraparietal sulcus posterior into occipital
cortex. The intraparietal sulcus in monkeys has greater continuity, extends to the
posterior border of SI, and bisects posterior parietal cortex into superior and inferior
lobules. These gross anatomical species distinctions make comparisons with results
from monkeys ambiguous. Further, the Brodmann cytoarchitectonic definition of
this region in primates adds uncertainty.11 In monkeys, Brodmann assigned area 5
to all of the superior parietal lobule component and area 7 to inferior parietal cortex
lateral to the intraparietal sulcus.11 In humans, both areas 5 and 7 are assigned to
the more medial cortex. In human atlases, Damasio reproduces Brodmann; however,
the boundaries illustrated on various sections in the Talairach atlas denote a much
broader definition of area 7 that includes superior and inferior parietal lobules.49,222
A somewhat more consistent scheme by von Economo58 labeled as PE, the posterior
aspects of the postcentral sulcus and anterior portions of the superior parietal lobule.
He subdivided the inferior parietal lobule (supramarginal gyrus) into areas PF and
PG. Brodmann included all of the latter region in his area 40. Subsequent analyses
suggest that the lateral-inferior portion of the supramarginal gyrus (Figure 2.1, iSG?)
incorporates a subcomponent of cytoarchitectonic area PF59 or area 7b.
It is doubtful that foci tied to somatosensory stimuli in superior and inferior
parietal lobules are part of one functional entity. Functional heterogeneity is espe-
cially likely if the portion of the human inferior parietal lobule is homologous to
cortex in monkeys that stretches from the fundus of the monkey intraparietal sulcus
to the Sylvian fissure. This region of cortex in monkeys is now multiply subdivided
according to unique anatomy and connections,136,137 and with each part devoted to
various aspects of visual-spatial functions.5,42 Area 7b (PF), for example, has known
connections with somatosensory, visual, and ventral premotor areas (e.g., References
4, 27, 149, 171, and 217), and responds to somatosensory and/or visual stimulation
applied to relatively large, often inconclusively defined, receptive fields.41,103,202 It is
therefore possible that brain imaging evidence of activity in comparable cortex will
reflect body spatial factors operating during active manipulation of objects, process-
ing the three-dimensional properties of touched objects in tactile discrimination tasks
and tactile attention (see below).

2002 CRC Press LLC Identification of Active Foci

Different imaging studies report a varying extent of somatosensory-related activity

throughout posterior parietal cortex. For example, Hodge and colleagues note activity
from the fundus of the Sylvian fissure, lying posterior to the insula, and extending
up to the posterior bank of the postcentral sulcus. They call this their retroinsu-
lar/parietal region.98 Several investigations involving subjects engaged in tactile
discrimination tasks describe activations that mostly occupy the posterior bank of
the postcentral sulcus and adjacent surface cortex that lies lateral to, and overlaps
the anterior tip of the intraparietal sulcus.14,30,50,87,175,208 Similar coordinates and
published axial scans identify a focus in the postcentral sulcus in an fMRI study
including somatosensory exploration of complex objects.11 This study labeled the
active focus as an anterior intraparietal region. In Figure 2.1, the general location of
these foci possibly includes the site labeled sSG. Roland and colleagues suggest that
the role of this region is haptic processing of shapes,87 which is consistent with
results from other studies concerning active manipulation of objects.11,50 However,
this idea does not account for findings of corresponding activation patterns when
non-shape tactile stimulation is applied passively.30,32 A more general notion is that
this higher level somatosensory region becomes active whenever somatosensory
information must be attended and processed for object recognitions.
Activations in lateral/inferior supramarginal gyrus are posterior and superficial
to the parietal operculum, and in probable parietal association cortex.30,54,98 This
region, labeled iSG in Figure 2.1, is adjacent to the posterior ascending ramus of
the Sylvian fissure and is possibly related to area 7b.59 The activity within this area
has a separate focus from that in SII and is best noted when subjects receive discrete
vibrotactile stimulation to a single fingertip, especially in the context of a challenging
tactile discrimination task (Figure 2.1). A similar location and distinction from SII
is identified in a re-evaluation of the stroke in a patient with tactile agnosia (see


A notion of dedicated foci for different somatosensory features gains some support
from prior claims that patients with lesions affecting the parietal operculum are
unable to discriminate surface features, such as texture, while those with lesions of
the postcentral gyrus, postcentral sulcus, and adjoining supramarginal gyrus cannot
distinguish object shapes or sizes.206 Implied is that SII is important for detecting
roughness while posterior portions of SI and the nearby somatosensory association
regions in the supramarginal gyrus are needed for detecting spatial features of
objects. Lesion-behavioral studies in monkeys concur only partially. In agreement
is the finding that lesions in monkeys involving posterior parts of the postcentral
gyrus and adjoining medial bank of the intraparietal sulcus raise the threshold for
distinguishing spatial features like object size and shape.33 Interpreting backwards
from recent studies, these lesions probably included the monkey equivalent of area
2 in posterior SI and parts of parietal somatosensory association cortex.135 These

2002 CRC Press LLC

cortical areas contain neurons especially responsive to the shape and curvature of
touched objects.105,107 These posterior parietal cortex neurons also respond selectively
to hand positions, which possibly reflect selected responses to proprioceptive informa-
tion from holding the fingers and hand around three-dimensional objects.81 In disagree-
ment with the thesis presented by Roland,206 however, is that lesions in monkeys that
affect anterior parts of SI, presumably confined to area 3b, disrupt detection thresholds
for all types of tactile features including object sizes and shapes. In further contradis-
tinction of the human clinical data which suggests a restricted role for SII in roughness
detections,206 lesions in monkeys that targeted area 1 in the middle of the postcentral
gyrus affect mostly roughness detections,33 and lesions of the parietal operculum in
monkeys globally disrupts tactile discriminations for roughness, size, and shape.34,79,169
Results from several PET studies are consistent with conclusions from clinical
studies in showing separate foci for selective processing of surface (e.g., roughness)
as opposed to spatial (e.g., object length, curvature, or shape) features of touched
objects.14,133,175,208 In one study, subjects actively touched two successive plastic
cylinders that differed in surface roughness or cylinder height. During different scans,
subjects determined whether the second object was rougher or longer. In the control
task, subjects executed similar movements through empty space while maintaining
a pincher position with the same fingers. Differential activations spread across
overlapping portions of anterior parietal cortex during both discrimination tasks
contrasted to control. This coincides with the monkey results in which lesions to
anterior SI33 alter a common focus for processing surface and spatial features.
However, in the PET images more extensive activity appears further posterior during
the length task, which indicates possible distinctive processing of spatial features
within the depths of the postcentral sulcus and adjoining supramarginal gyrus.
Significant activations also appear posterior to posterior SI when comparing images
based on discriminating differences in the curvature of objects passively placed in
the hand14 or differences in shapes vs. length or shapes vs. roughness of actively
touched objects.208 The same active touching paradigm results in greater activity in
the parietal operculum during roughness discriminations.133,208
Fundamental to evaluating these results is recognizing that subjects use different
exploratory procedures when distinguishing surface vs. spatial features of
objects.134,196 For example, one of the PET studies that reports task-specific foci,
also notes that in the length discrimination task, relatively more time was spent
exploring and defining the top edge, before the fingers were moved down the length
of the stimulus (page 141 in Reference 175). Even without directly comparing
sensory/perceptual distinctions between the length and roughness tasks, subjects
positioned their fingers differently and attended to dissimilar physical properties of
the cylinders. Thus, differences in haptic components of the two tasks confound
acceptance of separate foci for the somatosensory properties of roughness and object
length. Other PET studies that used passively applied tactile stimuli report fewer
differences in the activation of SI and SII. One study reports no evidence of differ-
ences in activated SI and SII foci during roughness and length discrimination tasks
when stimulation is always applied passively and identically.30 Similarly, in another
study, both the area 1 portion of SI and the parietal operculum respond during a
discrimination task involving detection of differences in the velocity of a rotating
brush across the volar surfaces of fingers 2 to 4.13
2002 CRC Press LLC
Undisputed is the observation that discriminating spatial features of touched
objects leads to activity in a likely superior somatosensory parietal association region
(Figure 2.1, sSG), which occupies the posterior wall of the postcentral sulcus and
adjoining supramarginal gyrus.14,208 This sSG region is posterior to area 2 and is,
therefore, outside any traditional definitions of SI. In an fMRI study, an apparently
similar region shows significant activity when subjects must recognize familiar three-
dimensional objects through touch.50 In one patient, an isolated infarct in more lateral
aspects of possibly similar somatosensory association cortex in inferior supramar-
ginal gyrus (Figure 2.1, iSG) produces true tactile agnosia, without affecting simple
detections of touch.197,198 Previously, this ventrolateral infarct was mistakenly
described as an SII lesion,37 which led to proposing SII as an area uniquely associated
with tactile object recognition. This claim is incompatible with findings in MEG
studies of ischemic stroke patients with reduced tactile abilities and dysfunctional
SEFs in both SI and SII.70 Collectively, these observations imply that somatosensory
association areas within the supramarginal gyrus are specific for shape processing.198
An alternative view is needed, however, because of the finding that presumably the
same regions respond when subjects perform a vibrotactile discrimination task
(Figure 2.1A). Thus, these parietal somatosensory regions potentially have a more
general function for many kinds of tactile recognition processes. In all circumstances,
responses appear where the recognition process necessitates comparing an internal
representation (short or long-term memory?) of tactile properties to ones currently
experienced. Thus, the supramarginal gyrus, somatosensory association region is
possibly needed for comparing tactile properties of sequentially processed objects.


In tactile and other forms of attention, targeted stimuli are processed selectively
despite concurrent distracting stimuli competing for neural resources. Target stimuli
may have specific attributes, such as spatial location on the body surface. Attention
entails advantageous processing of targeted stimuli. As noted below, one underlying
mechanism appears to be enhanced activity in somatosensory cortical areas during
attention directed behavior. Absence of such heightened responses, possibly because
strokes destroy the source for these enhancements in patients, often expresses as an
inability to attend to stimulation presented simultaneously in different locations. A
consequence for patients with tactile attention deficits is failure to acknowledge
tactile stimulation in contralateral space (contra-lesion) when these occur simulta-
neously with stimulation in ipsilateral space (ipsi-lesion). Such symptoms mainly
accompany right hemisphere infarcts in posterior parietal or pre-motor/pre-central
regions.225 These patients do not suffer sensory impairments as they usually detect
isolated touch on contra-lesion parts of the body. Severely affected patients will
ignore all somatosensory information arising from the contra-lesion half of the body
irrespective of whether tactile stimulation simultaneously occurs on the ipsi-lesion
side.1,36,48,51,157,166 Some of the critical regions are not just sensory areas, are also activated
during visual attention tasks, and may be involved in various motor behaviors. These

2002 CRC Press LLC

regions possibly furnish internal representations of space that are the same spatial
referents also needed when moving parts of the body to selected targets.32,38 Attention Effects in SI

Attention tasks alter activity in SI and SII. However, results from different studies
show varying magnitudes of changes in these two regions (see below). The disparities
largely rest on the question of attention effects in SI. Most neurophysiology studies
in monkeys report fewer cells influenced by attention in SI.31,100,102 A corresponding
distinction exists for the visual system for which only some recent studies confirm
attention effects in V1.78,104,190,203,223 Underlying studies of visual attention is the
hypothesis that processing through the attention network is hierarchical with the
least attention-related activity in primary sensory cortex.78,104,190,203,223 A similar con-
ception of a hierarchical somatosensory attention network may be applicable.29-32
Numerous brain imaging studies show attention related modulation of SI. For exam-
ple, tasks requiring discriminating differences between touched objects demand
attention and nearly always evoke increases relative to no stimulation/rest conditions
in regional cerebral blood flows in peri-Rolandic cortex that is contralateral to the
stimulated hand.204 Several studies report blood flow increases more confined to just
the contralateral postcentral gyrus during trials when subjects attend to vibratory
stimuli compared to performing alternative visual tasks in the presence of the same
tactile stimulation.158,176 Relative increases in rCBF also occur bilaterally in SI when
subjects selectively attend to different tactile stimulus attributes as compared to trials
with the same stimuli, but a distracting counting task.30 Blood flow changes also
arise in the ipsilateral SI in the vicinity of the postcentral sulcus, but more promi-
nently when ipsilateral is the right hemisphere. In fMRI studies, MR signal intensity
increases on trials cued to detecting touches of the big toe compared to trials with
attention to a visual display,111 or the spatial extent of activations increases when
contrasting responses during trials with a tactile vs. a distracting counting task.88
Thus, activity in SI increases for attended tactile information. Unfortunately, there
are currently no distinctions regarding attention effects in anterior vs. posterior parts
of SI. Attention Effects in SII

Brain imaging studies also document a role for SII in tactile attention. Examples
from MEG recordings include greater magnitude SEF responses at 55 to 130 ms
from SII when using an oddball paradigm that requires vigilance to detect variations
in different stimulus attributes: spatial location,94,151 stimulus intensity,160 or both
location and intensity.99 Neither short (~20 ms) nor long (>35 ms) latency responses
from SI show enhancements in the same tasks.99 In contrast, several PET studies
report rCBF increases in SI, but greater shifts in SII. This includes finding rCBF
increases when subjects selectively attend to the roughness or length attributes of
gratings passively rubbed against the skin30 or when attending to roughness or the
length of manipulated objects.133 The distinctions regarding relative modulation in
SI compared to SII also entails significantly larger spatial extent of MR signal

2002 CRC Press LLC

distributions in SII (p<0.01) compared to a non-significant increase in SI when
attending to tactile stimulation.88 In further contradistinction with the MEG results,
one fMRI study shows nearly equivalent increases in mean MR signal intensities in
SI and SII when comparing responses during attention to tactile vs. visual stimuli.111
Collectively, these studies show enhanced responses in SI and SII irrespective of the
attended attribute (e.g., location, intensity, roughness, or object length). Attention Effects in Posterior Parietal Cortex

Posterior parietal cortex displays substantial increases in rCBF in a variety of

attention tasks involving tactile stimuli.30,110,176,205 Confusing, however, is the variable
definition of the affected region. Early studies indicate widespread activations that
include portions of superior and inferior parietal lobules.176,205 Subsequent descrip-
tions primarily identify more focal activity. In a PET study involving passive stim-
ulation with horizontal surface gratings, stimulation of digits two and three on the
right hand, and selective cuing the attributes of surface roughness or length, we
report an active focus in the depth and posterior wall of the postcentral sulcus.30 The
same region shows increases in MR signals during attention trials involving vibro-
tactile stimulation of a single fingertip (Figure 2.1, sSG). These fMRI images show
activity associated with the posterior wall of the postcentral sulcus and extension of
the region with increased MR signals to the superior portion of the supramarginal
gyrus, just anterior and lateral to the intraparietal sulcus. Current results do not
satisfactorily allow for the identification of two separate foci in this region: one
within the postcentral sulcus and another on the exposed supramarginal gyrus. From
published coordinates, a comparable superior supramarginal site is likely when
contrasting attention to vibrotactile stimuli in an earlier PET study.110 The critical
somatosensory superior supramarginal region is anterior to much of the intraparietal
sulcus and lateral to sites active during visual spatial attention tasks.45-47,173 In ref-
erence to the Brodmann area designations in the Tailarach atlas,222 the more anterior
location appears to occupy cytoarchitectonic area 7, while the more posterior and
inferior extensions of active cortex fall within a superior portion of area 40. This
contrasts with visual attention foci within parietal-occipital/angular gyrus locations,
some of which are within BA 39. However, one prior study identifies a focal increase
in blood flow that just misses a .05 significance threshold in the superior part of the
angular gyrus when contrasting attention or no attention to a vibrotactile stimulus.110 Attention Effects in Frontal Cortex

Two sites within frontal cortex routinely show activity changes during a variety
of tasks including those involving attention. One is in area 6 of premotor cortex
and mostly occupies the depths of medial precentral sulcus (Figure 2.1, preMC).
A second is in the anterior cingulate cortex. Both regions show increased rCBF
when subjects attend to selected attributes of tactile30 or visual44-46 stimuli. Motor
tasks engage corresponding parts of premotor cortex, which as noted below, has
prompted suggestions about common mechanisms between attention and intention
to move.

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IN BRAIN IMAGING Response Amplification

Models of attention often incorporate the notion of amplified neural responses for
selected, relevant stimuli, which improves probable preferential detection of desired
target events.52,187,188 In single neuron recording experiments, the most common
expression of gain is enhanced firing rates to task relevant stimuli (reviewed in
Reference 32). A potential expression of this process in brain imaging findings is
the many examples of magnified responses in somatosensory cortical areas, and
especially in SII, whenever attention focuses on some body part. Such amplifications
might reflect a priming mechanism for any input applied to the receptive field of a
neuron29,99 or, more generally, to the collective responses of neurons representing an
attended body region.80 Enlarged Pools of Active Neurons

Attention is also reported to increase synchronous firing patterns across populations

of SII neurons in monkeys.219 A potential effect of such synchronicity is expanding
the pool of active neurons through improved synaptic efficacy that is a consequence
of temporal summation. Thus, there would be further propagation of neural signals
about stimulation at an attended location. This notion is consistent with reported
increases in spatial extent of activated regions in brain imaging experiments.88 The
postulate is that attention amplifies signals through recruiting responses from more
neurons. Attention thereby effects an expanded employment of the cortical network
engaged by stimulation of a restricted part of the sensory surface. In the digit
representation of SI, synchronization of responses might presumably enlarge the
activated zones for the attended finger, and might potentially blur any underlying
somatotopic organization. Just this effect is discussed in an MEG study in which
the dipole distance between digits 1 and 5 increases when attention shifts to inter-
vening, temporarily deafferented digits 2 to 4.18 The precise source localization for
a particular digit also changes depending on whether attention is directed to another
digit on the same or opposite hand.174 The problem of consistent somatotopic maps
in most brain imaging studies might, therefore, be due to only minimal control of
attentional variables and an absence of challenging and balanced somatosensory
discrimination tasks when stimulating different fingertips. Suppression of Non-essential Cortical Areas

Somewhat unique to brain imaging studies is the revelation of potential global shifts
in relative activity depending on the focus of attention. For example, attending to
tasks that involve non-tactile modalities downwardly modulates blood flows in
SI.65,97,124,142 A similar decrease in blood flow arises in the somatosensory cortical
foci for one body representation whenever attention is directed to a distant, different
part of the body.56 Evidence from fMRI studies in the visual system also shows that

2002 CRC Press LLC

attention directed to one stimulus counteracts competitive suppressions from multiple
visual stimuli in nearby visual space.123 These observations suggest that signals
processed through an area of cortex utilized during attention are enhanced relative
to depressed activity in non-essential regions, whether these are in other sensory
cortical areas or the topographical representations for non-attended receptive fields.
These suppressions might abet minimization of irrelevant information.


The purpose of attention is in providing competitive capture of some extra-personal
event in preparation and execution for some action.3 This action might be to or
projected from the spatial position of the detected event. In the visual system, for
example, the location of an attended visual stimulus might coincide with preparing
and executing eye movements to the same or a derivative location. In the somatosen-
sory system, attention to stimulation of some body part might precede some intended
movement with or to the coordinate location of that body part. Underlying both
attention and intention to action is a mechanism dependent on cortical areas with
corresponding responsibilities for coordinate space.32,38,45,46 Brain imaging studies
have uniquely contributed to this idea. First, there is evidence that similar cortical
regions respond during attention or movement tasks. Second, there is evidence that
related (possibly overlapping?) regions react during visual or tactile tasks that involve
attention or movement.32,38,45,46 This correspondence between visual and tactile coor-
dinate space is reflected in recordings from single parietal cortex neurons that code
hand/arm movements to selected visual and body centered spatial coordinates.5,7
An example of the likely similarity of foci active during attention and purposeful
movements in the somatosensory system are parietal and frontal cortical areas affected
during attention and tactile recognition tasks that involve object manipulation. Thus,
MR signals increase near the postcentral sulcus and adjoining supramarginal gyrus
or SII when subjects haptically explore an object.11,12 Corresponding foci of rCBF
increases are identified during attention to passively applied tactile stimuli to the
fingers.30,32 These regions are lateral to those associated with visually guided arm
movements, described as activating cortex within the medial bank of the intraparietal
sulcus.125 Foci of rCBF increases in frontal pre-motor areas, especially within the
depths of the pre-central sulcus and close to the posterior tip of the superior frontal
sulcus (Figure 2.1, preMC), are present when subjects perform selective tactile atten-
tion tasks.30 Nearby is evidence of MR signal increases during object manipula-
tions.11,12,32 Comparable analyses in the visual system show overlapping foci of MR
signals in and near the intraparietal sulcus, and in frontal cortex, within the precentral
sulcus and nearby middle frontal gyrus during covert visual spatial attention and overt
eye movements.38,45-47,182 Thus, tactile and visual attention activate corresponding
parietal-frontal networks. The specific foci are not identical for these two modalities.
In parietal cortex, those involved with visual processes are more extensive, reside
further posterior within the intraparietal sulcus, and extend into occipital cortex. In
frontal cortex, separations are less clear, although eye-movement regions are likely
lateral to hand movement foci within the precentral sulcus. The relatively minimal
extent of these discrepancies, however, further supports the notion that both spatial

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attention and motor intention requisition similar kinds of spatial coordinate systems
to the external world.32,38 The accumulated findings support the idea of similar parieto-
premotor networks for tactile attention and tactile object recognition through haptic



Related to difficulties in demonstrating detailed somatotopic maps in humans are

possible effects due to the mechanisms responsible for cortical reorganization in
adults after injuries (see reviews in References 53, 64, 120, 154, 155, and 193) or
use and experience-dependent manipulations.39,53,64,122,177,194,195,227,238 Of greatest sig-
nificance are demonstrations that maps may be dynamic since reorganization can
be immediate following local anesthesia64 or temporally timed synchronization of
peripheral inputs.39,53 The expression of changes at any level will result in altered
cortical somatotopy, whether the mechanisms responsible for short-term changes
in maps are from alterations in synaptic weights in intrinsic cortical, subcortical,
or combined circuits. Changes in maps, receptive fields, response latencies, and
degrees of correlated activity all stem from likely alterations in the balance between
excitatory and inhibitory network elements possibly operating through Hebbian
mechanisms.53,64,154,193 Thus, contrary to the precise boundaries for restricted body
regions reported in studies with anesthetized animals, functional representations
may be more general, rather than entirely dedicated to specific parts of the body.
The brain imaging data discussed below is especially relevant in showing that
cortical representations may expand or contract depending on behavioral circum-



Several brain imaging studies support the notion of a reorganized SI in adult subjects
following peripheral or central injuries, sustained somatosensory stimulation through
training, habituation to repetitive, simultaneous stimulation, or local anesthesia pro-
tocols. Much of this literature relies on observations from EEG or MEG recordings
that are projected to be from the postcentral gyrus. However supportive these
results are for findings of plasticity in animals, the data is sometimes contradictory
and possibly open to alternative explanations. Brain imaging data by itself also
cannot identify the locus responsible for observed changes. Instances of immediate,
behaviorally mediated changes are likely due to unmasking existing subthreshold
cortical connections through mechanisms, such as disinhibition.117 However,
patients with long-term amputations may show reorganizations based on more
extensive anatomic changes, such as the axonal sprouting that has been observed
in animals.67,108,118 Changes in the connections between neighboring somatotopic
representations in brainstem structures may be especially important (reviewed in
Reference 165).
2002 CRC Press LLC Effects Following Injuries

Amputees often report abnormal, unpleasant perceptual experiences of phantom limb

sensations. These phantom sensations frequently arise from stimulation of skin areas
whose cortical representations are immediately adjacent to the deafferented region.
One hypothesis offered to explain phantom sensations is a remapping of SI where
activity in cortical regions, with intact peripheral input, expands and takes over
processing within the deafferented regions. These might best be described as soma-
totopic reorganizations.165 For example, following amputations of the hand/arm,
sequential stimulation of different facial regions elicits an orderly progression of
sensations across the phantom (reviewed in Reference 193). Magnetic source imag-
ing shows that these perceptual changes also correlate with extension of dipole
source localizations to include the face and cortical region for the deafferented limb
upon stimulating the face.61,62,66,240 Direct evidence of augmented activity from neigh-
boring cortex is presented in a PET study with two patients that experienced a
supernumerary limb upon stimulating the dorsal or ventral trunk.126 In this study,
significant rCBF in SI expanded ventrally more than 20 mm into the deafferented
hand/arm region from the normally evoked rCBF in the trunk region.126 Similar
effects are seen in patients with amputations restricted to a single finger. In those
cases involving amputations of digit two, the dipole source locations from stimulat-
ing neighboring digits one and three invade the deafferented region within less than
10 days following surgery.228,229 Referred phantom sensations also occur in spinal
injury patients. In these cases, trigger zones that evoke phantoms may not necessarily
be represented in adjacent sites in the SI map. A recent fMRI study describes
displaced activation foci separated by more than 1.6 cm when such patients receive
stimulation in trigger zones on the arm that also elicit the referred sensations to parts
of the trunk represented below the segmental level of the spinal infarct.165 An exciting
aspect of these results is direct confirmation of earlier ideas that perceptual experi-
ences are tied to dedicated parts of the SI map even when activating disparate parts
of the map from one stimulation site. This study also proposes a more general
hypothesis that SI map representations after longer-term injuries include the possi-
bility of somatotopic reorganizations in subcortical structures.165 Effects Following Training and Experience

Numerous studies provide examples of a reorganized SI following use and training

experience. These findings indicate that plasticity can develop from an existing
network without hypothesizing effects induced from injuries. One early MEG study
describes the changes following surgical separation of webbed fingers in two
patients.163 The SI hand area changed from a disorganized region before surgical
separation of the fingers to a more normal map with distinct source localizations
for each digit. A further example of dramatic dependence of the SI organization on
training experience was first reported in MEG images from string players.60 In
individuals who learned to play as children, the right SI area devoted to the left
fingering digits, 2 to 5, appears larger than in control subjects. The left SI hand area
in the musicians had a normal spatial extent. A similar instance of an enlarged

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representation occurs in experienced readers of Braille, who read several hours a
day.177 Braille readers show a larger distribution of low threshold transcranial mag-
netic stimulation sites over the motor representation for the reading hand. An exper-
imental confirmation of similar reorganized cortex from long-term experience
shows multi-month long persistence of enlarged MR signal distribution in primary
motor cortex for the fingers used in a practiced movement sequence.122 These
results suggest that prolonged training leads to an alteration in the proportion of
cortex dedicated to processing information from the restricted part of the body
engaged in the task. Effects Manifested to Task Specific Parameters
Various factors appear responsible for such behaviorally induced changes in soma-
tosensory maps. However, explanations for contrasting results in different studies
are confusing because of the diversity of training, stimulation, and testing paradigms.
Unpredicted from prior studies showing increases, one MEG study reports that the
current dipole strengths decrease to stimulating skin surfaces following 3 to 4 weeks
of practicing a same/different tactile discrimination task.216 Contrary to the view of
yet greater cortex for a practiced usage, one explanation for this reduction after
intensive experience might be the efficient use of fewer neurons to perform a well-
learned task.216 An alternative, technical basis for these anomalous results is that
plasticity effects are explicit to a task, and therefore not expressed when using
different somatosensory stimuli during training and post-test, imaging trials, despite
touching the same skin surfaces.140
In a study showing greater responses, subjects practice for three days and are
tested with the same 21Hz vibration against the same digit surface when evaluating
for changes in SEPs.140 In this study, the test stimulus is always applied to digit 3.
In two different training sessions, stimulation is simultaneous on digits 2, 3, and 4
or just on digits 2 and 4. Post-training testing shows smaller responses to stimulating
the non-trained digit and greater responses when training involved all three digits.
The results suggest that simultaneous stimulation serves to expand the cortical
territory devoted to the trained areas of skin. Hence, the decreases in responses to
testing digit 3 are due to shrinkage of its territory when training involved digits 2
and 4.
The demonstrated effects on map organization in SI may be even more dynamic
in especially depending on behavioral context during testing. For example, after 4
weeks of training to discriminate the orientation of tactile stimuli applied synchro-
nously to digits 1 and 5, the Euclidian distance between the source locations for
these two digits expands nearly five-fold during recordings obtained while subjects
actually perform the discrimination task, but the distance between the very same
digits shrinks during passive stimulation when no attention is needed.16 These
results differ from findings in animals109,194 in showing changes in SI representa-
tions only during task-relevant trials. Furthermore, similar shifts occur immedi-
ately in humans, without extensive training, merely by altering the focus of
attention (see above References 18, 19, and 174). These latter findings imply that
training engages similar mechanisms responsible for directing attention to the
conditions of a task.

2002 CRC Press LLC Effects Manifested through Co-Active Stimulation
The immediacy of these attention effects on map organization suggests that demon-
strations of plasticity might depend on the flux of activity within existing networks.
One possibility is the distribution of synchronized responses across adjacent cortex,
because simultaneous stimulation is one factor present in all cited studies where
training modified representations. Synchronized responses occur within cortical
representations for attended stimulation (see above Reference 219). Thus, any pro-
cedures that lead to potential synchronized activity, without attention or behavioral
training, might alter map representations, and even tactile discrimination perfor-
mance.86 Examples of transformed maps, without a specific behavioral task, occur
in animals53,85 and humans242 from sustained passive and co-active stimulation of
receptive fields. In the animal study, a fused and enlarged representation follows co-
active stimulation of adjacent receptive areas. In the human study, shrinkage of
Euclidian distance between the source localizations for the median and ulnar nerves
follows 40 minutes of co-active, tactile stimulation of the fingertips for digits 1, 2,
4, and 5. An explanation consistent with both results is the expansion of the cortical
territory for the co-activated digits 1, 2, 4, and 5 into the representations for the
unstimulated digit 3. Hence, in the study with humans, when subsequently stimu-
lating the original nerves, whose representation includes all five digits, there is an
apparent shrinkage in the modeling of the source localizations because the expanded
activity now collapses into the previously unstimulated representation, which results
in dipole distributions that lie closer together.


The simple explanation that instances of enlarged dipole distributions reflect
increases in the cortical zones devoted to overused somatosensory inputs requires
some scrutiny. In animals, direct recordings from area 3b of SI illustrate map
changes. MEG and EEG studies present indirect evidence collected from remote
electrodes, and through inverse modeling, map characteristics are projected back to
the underlying cortex. In these experiments, could the map changes expressed in the
dipole data reflect shifts in dominant activity to different cortical areas? This concern
may be unnecessary as most studies report no changes in dipole orientations after
experimental manipulations. A change in dipole orientation would be expected if
an active focus occupies a new location. However, we describe a shift in the site of
maximal blood flow changes from anterior SI (3b?) to posterior SI upon repeated
trials (just four runs) of the same stimulus.28 The distance between peaks was under
10 mm and focal increases in blood flow still occur across multiple parts of SI. The
change is in the location of maximum blood flow changes, which could appear as
an enlarged SI representation in a dipole map, but without a change in dipole
orientation. Other examples exist of even greater shifts in active foci following
training (e.g., Reference 192). Many MEG and EEG studies demonstrating short-
term manipulations of SI organization ignore the effects implied by these PET data
and make no distinctions regarding plasticity effects in different parts of SI or other

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somatosensory regions. Direct evidence of expanded cortical activity is needed like
that reported in patients with limb amputations126 or spinal injury.165

Brain imaging techniques offer a unique global overview of brain activity. Many
experiments involving the somatosensory system have focused principally on the
organization of the body representation in SI. Currently, the SI maps examined from
brain images are relatively crude replicas of the more detailed representations studied
previously with more direct recordings in animals. The explanations for differences
between these two sets of observations are not yet fully known. Obvious are technical
considerations related to spatial and temporal resolution. But functional distinctions
not previously evident in the more focused animal studies may alter ideas about the
likely rigidity of map organization. Recent studies in humans have uncovered
remarkable dynamics in SI organization by manipulating tactile attention or through
demonstrating alterations after training or injuries. Both attention and training effects
may be based on manipulating synchronicity of inputs. These findings point toward
a conception of SI maps as a neural resource within which the total pool of engaged
neurons changes to meet behaviorally meaningful demands. In actuality, there may
be no single SI map as originally conceived and refined by neurophysiology studies
through much of the 20th Century. Missing still from most brain imaging data on
SI is consistent evidence reflecting its four cytoarchitectonic subdivisions known
for nearly 100 years. It will be difficult to extend theoretical predictions about the
role of SI in tactile perceptions without such information.
Brain imaging has also provided substantial evidence that multiple cortical areas
contribute to somatosensory perceptions. These have included the parietal operculum,
posterior parietal cortex, frontal operculum, insula, and possibly portions of precentral
frontal cortex. There are still other activated regions not discussed that include cingulate
cortex and medial premotor regions. Intriguing has been converging data about over-
lapping functional domains for attention and intention for movements within some of
these same regions. Although enticing, much of this literature is still preliminary and
merely identifies the existence of several regions. It has yet to clarify specific roles for
any region. Brain imaging studies, when coupled with well-designed behavioral proto-
cols, will be particularly apt in helping define the spatial and temporal sequences of
activation. This data will be needed in forming new hypotheses. One example already
accessible is the relative interdependence between SI and SII or between anterior and
posterior parts of the postcentral gyrus in tactile discrimination tasks.

I thank the authors of several papers who generously sent me copies of their figures.
My colleague, Dr. Robert Sinclair, provided especially valuable edits and comments.
Work on this review was supported by funds from the National Institutes of Health,

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Neural Mechanisms
3 of Tactile Form and Texture
Kenneth O. Johnson and Takashi Yoshioka


3.1 Overview
3.2 Peripheral Neural Mechanisms
3.2.1 Mechanoreception
3.2.2 Form and Texture Perception Form Perception Spatial Acuity Pattern Recognition Studies with the Optacon Curvature Perception Texture Perception Roughness Softness Texture Perception with a Probe
3.3 Cortical Mechanisms
3.3.1 Function of Area 3b
3.3.2 Receptive Fields in Area 3b
3.3.3 Delayed Inhibition
3.3.4 Functional Implications
3.4 Conclusion

Information about the external world is analyzed and subdivided into separate pro-
cessing streams in each of the sensory systems. That division begins at the very first
stage of sensory processing within the somatosensory system: nociceptors, thermore-
ceptors, proprioceptors, and cutaneous mechanoreceptors transduce different stimulus
properties and channel their information into separate, parallel streams. The same
principle applies to the four cutaneous mechanoreceptors that are responsible for tactile

2002 CRC Press LLC

perception. Evidence from three decades of psychophysical and neurophysiological
research shows that each mechanoreceptive system (the mechanoreceptors of a single
type and the pathways that convey their information to perception) serves a distinctly
different function and that, taken together, these functions account for tactile per-
ception (reviewed in Reference 1). In this chapter, we review briefly the functions
of the mechanoreceptors, but we concentrate on the peripheral and cortical neural
mechanisms of functions served by the slowly adapting type 1 (SA1) afferents (i.e.,
form and texture perception).


The four cutaneous mechanoreceptive afferent neuron types innervating the glabrous
skin comprise SA1 afferents, which end in Merkel cells; rapidly adapting (RA)
afferents, which end in Meissner corpuscles; Pacinian (PC) afferents, which end in
Pacinian corpuscles; and slowly adapting type 2 (SA2) afferents, which are thought
to end in Ruffini endings. Two of the four, the RA and PC afferents, respond only
to skin motion; they are classed as rapidly adapting because they respond only
transiently to sudden, steady indentation. The other two, the slowly adapting SA1
and SA2 afferents are classed as slowly adapting because they respond to sustained
skin deformation with a sustained discharge that declines slowly, but they (particu-
larly SA1 afferents) are much more sensitive to skin movement than to static
deformation. The neural response properties of these cutaneous afferents have been
studied extensively in both human and nonhuman primates and, except for the SA2
afferents, which are not found in nonhuman primates, there are no interspecies
differences. We use the terms SA1, SA2, RA, and PC systems throughout this
chapter.2 By SA1 system, for example, we mean the SA1 receptors (the Merkel-
neurite complex), the SA1 afferent nerve fiber population, and all the central neuronal
pathways that convey the SA1 signal to memory and perception. We do not mean
to imply that there is no central convergence between these systems or that the
systems do not overlap.
SA1 afferent fibers branch repeatedly before they lose their myelin and end in
the basal layer of the epidermis where specialized (Merkel) epidermal cells enfold
the unmyelinated endings.3 Although there are synapse-like junctions between the
Merkel cells and the axon terminals, the transduction of local tissue deformation
appears to arise as the result of the activation of mechanosensitive ion channels in
the bare nerve endings.4,5 SA1 afferents innervate the skin of the fingerpad densely
and have small receptive fields. Consequently, they transmit high resolution spatial
neural images of stimuli contacting the fingerpad. A striking response property is
surround suppression,6 which gives SA1 afferents response properties like those
attributed to surround inhibition in the central nervous system. In the central nervous
system, inhibition surrounding an excitatory center makes neurons sensitive to local
curvature and, depending on the balance between excitation and inhibition, insen-
sitive to a uniform stimulus field. Surround suppression in the responses of tactile
peripheral afferents confers similar response properties but instead of being based

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on synaptic mechanisms it is based entirely on mechanoreceptor sensitivity to a
specific component of tissue strain near the nerve ending (strain energy density or
a closely related component of strain7,8). As a consequence, SA1 afferents respond
strongly to points, edges, and curvature and these responses are suppressed by the
presence of stimuli in the surrounding skin. Also, because of this surround suppres-
sion, SA1 afferents are minimally responsive to uniform skin indentation. Therefore,
local spatial features such as edges, and curves are represented strongly in the neural
image conveyed by the peripheral SA1 population response (illustrated in
Figure 3.3). Combined psychophysical and neurophysiological experiments,
reviewed below, show that the SA1 system is responsible for form and texture
RA afferent fibers also branch repeatedly as they near the epidermis, ending in
3080 Meissners corpuscles.1 Meissners corpuscles occur in dermal pockets
between the sweat-duct and adhesive ridges,9,10 which puts them as close to the
surface of the epidermis as possible within the dermis.11 This may account, in part,
for the RAs greater sensitivity to minute skin deformation compared with SA1
afferents, whose receptors are on the tips of the deepest epidermal ridges. RA
afferents innervate the skin of the fingerpad more densely than do the SA1 afferents.
Based on the available studies of innervation density,12-14 Johnson et al.1 have con-
cluded that innervation densities in humans and monkeys are not significantly dif-
ferent and that the best estimates at the fingertip are 100 SA1 and 150 RA affer-
ents/cm2. Although RA afferents have a greater potential for transmitting spatial
information because of their greater innervation density, they resolve spatial detail
poorly. Their receptive field sizes depend strongly on stimulus intensity and are
much larger than SA1 receptive fields at indentation levels that occur in ordinary
tactile experience.15 The striking feature of RA responses is their sensitivity to minute
skin motion. The effective operating range for RAs is about 4400 m indentation;
the comparable SA1 range is about 151500 m or more.15,16-18 The SA1 and RA
response properties are complementary. The RA and SA1 systems are, in some ways,
like the scotopic and photopic systems in vision. The RA system, like the scotopic
system, has greater sensitivity but poorer spatial resolution and limited dynamic
range. The SA1 system, like the photopic system, is less sensitive but has higher
spatial resolution and operates over a wider dynamic range. The neural response
properties of RA afferents make them ideally suited for motion perception. In fact,
combined psychophysical and neurophysiological studies show that the RA system
is responsible for the perception of events that produce low-frequency, low-amplitude
skin motion. That includes the detection of microscopic surface features, the detec-
tion of low frequency vibration, and the detection of slip, which is critical for grip
control (reviewed in Reference 1).
PC afferent fibers end in single Pacinian corpuscles, which occur in the dermis
or the deeper tissues. Bell, Bolanowski and Holmes19 have provided an extensive
review of the history, structure, and electrophysiological properties of this receptor.
The PCs most striking property is its extreme sensitivity, which derives from
mechanosensitive ion channels in the afferents unmyelinated ending. The most
sensitive Pacinian corpuscles respond with action potentials to vibratory amplitudes
as small as 3 nm applied directly to the corpuscle20 and 10 nm applied to the skin.21

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Pacinian corpuscles comprise multiple layers of fluid-filled sacs; these sacs act as
a cascade of high-pass filters that shield the unmyelinated ending from the large,
low frequency deformations that accompany most manual tasks.22,23 If it was not for
this intense filtering, the transducer, which is two orders of magnitude more sensitive
than any of the other mechanoreceptive transducers, would be overwhelmed by most
cutaneous stimuli. Because of their extreme sensitivity, receptive field boundaries
are difficult to define. The most sensitive PCs have receptive fields that encompass
an entire hand or even an entire arm; a less sensitive PC may have a receptive field
restricted to a single phalanx. There are about 2500 Pacinian corpuscles in the human
hand and they are about twice as numerous in the fingers as in the palm (about 350
per finger and 800 in the palm; reviewed in Reference 21). Because of the small
number of PC afferents and their very large receptive fields, the PC population
transmits little, if any useful information about the spatial properties of a stimulus.
Instead, it transmits information communicated by vibrations in objects, probes, or
tools held in the hand (reviewed in Reference 1).
SA2 afferents are distinguished from SA1 afferents by four properties: (1) their
receptive field areas are about five times larger and their receptive field borders are
not clearly demarcated;24 (2) they are about six times less sensitive to cutaneous
indentation;25,26 (3) they are 24 times more sensitive to skin stretch;27 and (4) their
interspike intervals are more uniform.27,28 SA2 afferents are thought to end in Ruffini
complexes,3 although the association of afferents with these response properties with
a specific receptor is not as secure as with the other three cutaneous mechanorecep-
tors. Both SA1 and SA2 afferents respond to forces orthogonal and parallel to the
skin surface, but between them the SA1 afferents are biased toward responsiveness
to orthogonal forces and SA2 afferents to parallel forces.29 The minimal SA2
responses to raised dot patterns (e.g., Braille patterns in Figure 3.4) and to curved
surfaces30 suggest that they play no role in form perception.31 Based on their
responses to curved surfaces, Goodwin et al. conclude that SA2 responses are
unlikely to signal information to the brain about the local shape of an object (page
2887 in Reference 30). Because of their sensitivity to skin stretch, SA2s are well
suited to signal lateral forces such as active forces pulling on an object held in the
hand. A more interesting possibility is that they send a neural image of skin stretch
that plays a significant, or possibly even the dominant, role in our perception of
hand conformation (reviewed in Reference 1) and of the direction of motion of an
object moving across the skin.32


Form and texture perception have in common only that both depend on surface
structure. Form perception is perception of the specific geometric structure of a
surface or object; texture perception corresponds to the subjective feel of a surface
and it depends on its distributed, statistical properties. Form perception has many
dimensions; texture perception has only two or possibly three dimensions (see
below). Form perception can be studied with objective methods (i.e., the subjects
responses can be classified as right or wrong); texture perception cannot. If a subject

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Afferent Types and Their Functions
Adaptation Temporal
Afferent to Steady Spatial Sensitivity
Type Receptor Deformation RF Size Resolution (Hz) Function

SA1 Merkel Slow Small 0.5 mm 0100 Form, texture

RA Meissner Rapid Small 35 mm 2100 Motion perception,
grip control
PC Pacinian Rapid Large 2 cm 101000 Transmitted vibration,
tool use
SA2 Ruffini Slow Large 1 cm 020 Lateral force, hand shape,
motion direction

is asked whether the dot or ridge spacing of one surface is greater than another the
response is a judgment about the surface and it provides a clue to the subjects
capacity for form perception (e.g., Reference 33 and 34); if the same subject is asked
whether the second surface feels rougher (or softer) than the first, the response is a
description of his or her experience and it provides a clue to the subjects perception
of texture. Form Perception

The ability to discriminate object or surface features and the capacity for pattern
recognition at the fingertip are the same whether the object is contacted by active
touch or is applied to the passive hand.35 Form perception is affected only marginally
by whether the object is stationary or moving relative to the skin; it is unaffected
by scanning speed up to 40 mm/s; it is unaffected by contact force, at least over the
range from 0.21 N; and it is affected only marginally by the heights (relief) of
spatial features over a wide range of heights.36-39
Three psychophysical studies of the limit of tactile spatial acuity are illustrated
in Figure 3.1. In all three studies, the element width that resulted in performance
midway between chance and perfect discrimination was between 0.9 and 1.0 mm,
which is close to the theoretical limit set by the density of SA1 and RA primary
afferents at the fingertip.40 Acuity declines progressively from the index to the fifth
finger41 and it declines progressively with age.42-44 Whether these differences in
acuity are due to differences in innervation density is not known. Spatial acuity at
the fingertip is the same in man and monkey.45 Spatial acuity at the lip and tongue
is significantly better than at the fingertip.46-48 Spatial Acuity
Tactile spatial resolution of about 1 mm requires an innervation density of (at least)
about one afferent per square mm and it requires that individual afferents resolve
the spatial details at least as well as human subjects. Neither the PC nor the SA2
system comes close on either score.13,49 Note that the human performance illustrated

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FIGURE 3.1 Human performance in gap detection (open circles), grating orientation dis-
crimination (filled squares), and letter recognition (open squares) tasks. The abscissa repre-
sents the fundamental element width for each task, which was gap size for the gap detection
task, bar width (half the grating period) for the grating orientation discrimination task, and
the average bar and gap width within letters (approximately one fifth the letter height) for
the letter recognition task. Threshold is defined as the element size producing performance
midway between chance (50% correct for the gap and grating tasks, 1/26 for letter recognition)
and perfect performance. Adapted from Johnson, K.O. and Phillips, J.R., J. Neurophysiol. 46,
11771191, 1981, with permission.

in Figure 3.1 begins to rise above chance at element sizes around 0.5 mm, which
means that either the SA1 or RA system must begin to resolve spatial detail at
0.5 mm or less. Evidence that only the SA1 afferents account for the spatial reso-
lution illustrated in Figure 3.1 comes from neurophysiological experiments in which
SA1 and RA afferents were studied with the same periodic gratings used in the
psychophysical experiments. SA1 responses to a periodic grating convey information
about spatial structure when the groove and ridge widths are 0.5 mm wide (e.g., see
Figure 3.2). When the grooves and ridges are 1 mm wide, SA1s provide a robust
neural image of the stimulus. In contrast, RAs require grooves that are at least 3 mm
wide before their responses begin to distinguish a grating from a flat surface; most
RAs fail even to register grooves 3 mm wide.7 The RA response illustrated in
Figure 3.2 was the most sensitive to spatial detail of all the RAs studied. Kops and
Gardner50 obtained nearly identical results with an Optacon, a dense array of vibro-
tactile probes designed as a reading aid for the blind.51 PC afferents were unable to
resolve grooves that were 5 mm wide (Figure 3.2).

2002 CRC Press LLC Pattern Recognition
The relationship between SA1 response properties and pattern recognition behavior
in a letter recognition experiment is illustrated in Figure 3.3. In the study illustrated
in Figure 3.3, Vega-Bermudez et al.35 showed that there was no detectable difference
in human performance between active and passive touch and that the confusion
matrix shown in Figure 3.3 is characteristic of human letter recognition performance
across a wide range of stimulus conditions. Recognition behavior is highly pattern
specific; recognition accuracy differs significantly between letters (ranging from
15% for the letter N to 98% for the letter I) and more than 50% of the confusions
are confined to 7% of all possible confusion pairs (22 out of 325 possible confusion
pairs), which are enclosed in boxes in Figure 3.3. The confusions in all but 5 of
those 22 pairs are highly asymmetric (p < 0.001). Analysis of the hit rates and false
positive rates suggests that this recognition behavior bears no relationship to cogni-
tive bias. The frequency of occurrence of letters in English bears no relationship to
the rates of correct responses, false positives, or total responses. Further, if the
recognition behavior illustrated in Figure 3.3 was related to cognitive biases, the hit
rates and false positive rates should be related but they are not.35
The responses of SA1 afferents to the same letters scanned across their receptive
fields (Figure 3.3) seem to explain the recognition behavior. For example, B is rarely
identified as B; instead, it is called D more often than it is called B. Conversely, D
is virtually never called B (Figure 3.3 top). The reason for this response bias can be
explained by the SA1 surround suppression mechanism discussed earlier, which
suppresses the response to the central, horizontal bar of the B: the neural represen-
tation of the B does, in fact, resemble a D more than it does a B (see Figure 3.3).
For another example, C is often called G or Q, but G and Q are almost never called
C. An explanation is that many of the features that discriminate the letters are missing
in the neural representations, so a lack of the features that distinguish a G or Q from
a C in the representation of the C is not a strong reason to not respond G or Q.
Conversely, the strong representation of the distinctive features of the G and Q make
confusion with a C unlikely. The performance illustrated in Figure 3.3 is for naive
subjects in their first testing session. Performance improves steadily on repeated test-
ing.35 One explanation for this improvement is that subjects learn the idiosyncracies of
the neural representations (e.g., when a subject recognizes the distinctive feature of the
G in the neural representation he or she is less likely to mistake a C for a G).
The responses of typical human cutaneous afferents to Braille symbols (top row)
scanned over their receptive fields are illustrated in Figure 3.4. The human SA1,
RA, and PC responses to these raised-dot patterns are indistinguishable from the
responses of monkey SA1, RA, and PC afferents to similar patterns.36 SA1 afferents
provide a sharp, isomorphic representation of the Braille patterns, RA afferents
provide a less sharply defined isomorphic representation, and PCs and SA2s provide
no useful spatial information. Studies with the Optacon
Psychophysical and neurophysiological studies with the Optacon provide a unique
window on tactile perception in the absence of activity in the SA1 system. Neu-
rophysiological studies show that the Optacon activates the RA and PC systems

2002 CRC Press LLC


well, that it fails to activate the SA1 system, and that the PC system cannot account
for spatial pattern recognition performance with the Optacon;52,53 therefore, the many
psychophysical studies employing the Optacon54 are studies of the sensory capacity
provided by the RA system. The human ability to resolve spatial patterns with the

2002 CRC Press LLC

Optacon is exactly that which would be predicted based on the RA responses
illustrated in Figure 3.2. For example, humans cannot discriminate the orientation
of an Optacon grating pattern until the grooves in the grating exceed 5 mm width.50
This implies that the SA1 system is solely responsible for the limits of resolution
illustrated in Figure 3.1. Curvature Perception
Combined psychophysical and neurophysiological studies of curvature perception
provide evidence of the neural mechanisms of form perception not based on the
limits of spatial acuity.55-58 These studies by Goodwin, Wheat, and their colleagues
show that estimates of curvature are unaffected by changes in contact area and force
and, conversely, estimates of force are unaffected by changes in curvature. This latter
finding is particularly surprising considering that SA1 firing rates are strongly
affected by curvature.58,59,60 These psychophysical observations (that curvature per-
ception is unaffected by changes in contact area or force) suggest that the spatial
profile of neural activity in one or more of the afferent populations is used for the
perception of curvature and that a different neural code (e.g., total discharge rate)
is used for the perception of force. Only the SA1 population response provides a
veridical representation of curvature that can account for the psychophysical obser-
vations.58,61 The SA1 population responses to a wide range of curvatures are shown
in Figure 3.5. RAs respond poorly to such stimuli and provide no signal that might
account for the ability of humans to discriminate curvature.58,62,63 Texture Perception

Our knowledge of texture perception and its neural mechanisms has changed dra-
matically in the last decade. A major step is the demonstration that texture perception
involves two strong dimensions, roughness and softness, and a weaker third dimen-
sion described as something like stickiness. Multidimensional scaling studies have
shown that texture perception includes softhard and smoothrough as independent
perceptual dimensions, surface hardness and roughness can occur in almost any
combination, and that they account for most or all of texture perception.64,65 A third,

FIGURE 3.2 (previous pg.)Responses of SA1, RA, and PC afferents to a grating pressed into
the skin. The grating is shown in cross section beneath each response profile. The bars are
0.5 mm wide; the grooves are deeper than illustrated (2.0 mm deep) and are 0.5, 0.5, 0.75,
1.0, 1.5, 2.0, 3.0, and 5.0 mm wide. The responses displayed in each profile were obtained
by indenting the skin to a depth of 1 mm, holding the indentation for 1 second, raising the
grating, and then moving it laterally by 0.2 mm before the next indentation. The horizontal
dimension of the response profile represents the location of the center of the receptive field
relative to the grating; for example, the left peak in the SA1 response profile (approximately
95 imp/s) occurred when the center of the SA1 receptive field was directly beneath the left
edge of the grating. The RA illustrated here was the most sensitive to the spatial structure of
the grating of all RAs studied. Some RAs barely registered the presence of the 5 mm gap
even though they responded vigorously at all grating positions. Adapted from Phillips, J.R.
and Johnson, K.O., J. Neurophysiol. 46, 11921203, 1981, with permission.

2002 CRC Press LLC

FIGURE 3.3 Confusion matrix of responses obtained from humans in a letter recognition
task (top) and responses of a monkey SA1 afferent to the same letter stimuli (A-Z), which
approximate the neural images of letter stimuli conveyed to the brain (bottom). The confusion
matrix is derived from the pooled results of 64 subjects who performed either the active or
passive letter identification task. The letters were raised 0.5 mm above the background and
were 6 mm high. Matrix entries represent the frequencies of all possible responses to each
letter (e.g., the letter A was called N on 8% of presentations). The numbers in the bottom
row represent column sums. The numbers in the right-most column represent the number of
presentations of each letter. Boxes around entries represent letter pairs whose mean confusion
rates exceed 8%. For example, the mean confusion rate for B and G is 8% because G is called
B on 11% of trials and B is called G on 5% of trails. The neural image (bottom) was derived
from action potentials recorded from a single SA1 afferent fiber in a monkey. The stimuli
consisted of the same embossed letters as in the letter recognition task scanned repeatedly
from right to left across the receptive field of the neuron (equivalent to finger motion from
left to right). Each black tick in the raster represents the occurrence of an action potential
(see legend of Figure 3.4 for details). Adapted from Vega-Bermudez, F., Johnson, K.O., and
Hsiao, S.S., J. Neurophysiol. 65, 531546, 1991, with permission.

2002 CRC Press LLC

FIGURE 3.4 Responses of human SA1, RA, SA2, and PC afferent fibers to Braille symbols
corresponding to the letters AR. The Braille symbols were scanned (60 mm/s) repeatedly
from right to left over the afferent fibers receptive fields (equivalent to finger motion from
left to right). Each black tick in the impulse rasters represents the occurrence of an action
potential. Each row of the raster represents the response to a single scan. After each scan,
the Braille pattern was shifted 0.2 mm at right angles to the scanning direction. The receptive
fields were all on the distal fingerpads. Adapted from Phillips, J.R., Johansson, R.S., and
Johnson, K.O., Exp. Brain Res. 81, 589592, 1990, with permission.

FIGURE 3.5 SA1 population response to indentation with spheres of varying curvature. The
left plot shows the mean responses of SA1 afferents as a function of proximaldistal distance
from the center of indentation. Data is shown for seven curved surfaces with radii ranging
from 1.44 mm (curvature = 694 m-1) to a flat surface (curvature = 0 m-1). The right plot shows
population response profiles in proximaldistal slices at varying distances from the center of
indentation. From Goodwin, A.W., Browning, A.S., and Wheat, H.E., J. Neurosci. 15,
798810, 1995, with permission.

2002 CRC Press LLC

weak dimension (stickyslippery) improves the multidimensional scaling fit in some
subjects. The discussion here is restricted to the neural mechanisms of the subjective
sense of roughness and softness. Roughness
The subjective sense of roughness has been studied extensively.65-75 These studies
show that roughness perception is unidimensional (the test of unidimensionality
being the ability to assign numbers on a unidimensional continuum and to make
greater-than and less-than judgments); that it depends on element height, diameter,
shape, compliance, and density; and that the relationship between roughness and the
different element parameters is complex and nonlinear. Lederman and her colleagues
showed that scanning velocity, contact force, and friction between the finger and a
surface have minor or no effects on roughness magnitude judgments.68,69,76
A series of studies (reviewed in Reference 1) has examined neural codes based
on mean impulse rates, temporal measures of firing, and spatial measures of firing
in each of the afferent systems as possible bases for the subjective sense of roughness.
These studies were based explicitly on the idea of falsification.77 The test of each
neural coding hypothesis was consistency and it was implemented by plotting sub-
jects mean roughness judgments against each putative neural measure. A putative
neural coding measure was rejected only when there was no consistent (one-to-one)
relationship between the two. Those studies showed that only spatial variation in
SA1 firing rates accounts for roughness perception over a wide range of stimuli and
stimulus conditions.71-73,75 All other measures failed the consistency test in one or
more studies. Specifically, spatial variation was computed as the mean absolute
difference in firing rates between SA1 afferents with receptive field centers separated
by 23 mm. The correlation between subjects roughness judgments and this measure
was 0.97 or greater in all studies (Figure 3.6).
A clue to the actual neural mechanism is provided by recent studies, reviewed
below, that show that neurons in area 3b of primary somatosensory cortex (S1) have
receptive fields composed of spatially separated regions of excitation and inhibition
and that they compute spatial variation in the afferent discharge as hypothesized in

FIGURE 3.6 (next pg.) Perceived roughness and spatial variation in SA1 firing rates in four
studies with different textured surfaces. The left ordinate, filled circles, and solid lines in each
graph represents the mean reported roughness for each surface (first normalized to a grand
mean of 1.0 for each subject). The right ordinate, open circles, and dashed lines represent a
measure of spatial variation in SA1 firing rates. The same measure of spatial variation was
used for all four studies. The surface pattern used in each study is illustrated below the data
to which it applies. The top row (A) shows results from Connor et al.,71 who used 18 raised
dot patterns with different dot spacings and diameters. The middle row (B) shows results
from Blake et al.,73 who used 18 raised dot patterns with different dot heights and diameters.
The two left graphs in the bottom row (C) show results from Connor and Johnson,72 who
varied pattern geometry to distinguish temporal and spatial neural coding mechanisms. The
right graph shows data from Yoshioka et al.,75 who used fine gratings with spatial periods
ranging from 0.1 to 2.0 mm. The lines connect stimulus patterns with constant spatial periods.
From Yoshioka, T., Dorsch, A.K., Hsiao, S.S., and Johnson, K.O. J. Neuroscience, in press,
2001, with permission.

2002 CRC Press LLC


the studies described above. The mean firing rate of a population of such neurons
with excitatory and inhibitory receptive fields separated by 23 mm would corre-
spond closely to a subjects roughness judgments.75 Such a mechanism has several
advantages. Like roughness perception, it is unidimensional and it is affected only
secondarily by factors such as scanning velocity and contact force.78 Whether or not
neurons in area 3b are responsible for the computations that underlie roughness

2002 CRC Press LLC

perception requires hypothesis testing of the kind done in the studies described
above. Nonetheless, a strong hypothesis has to be that roughness perception is based
on the mean firing rate of a population of area 3b neurons that compute spatial
variation in the SA1 population response.
A recent psychophysical study79 sheds some light on the cortical mechanisms
underlying roughness perception. If roughness is computed by neurons with recep-
tive fields that span multiple digits (e.g., in S2 cortex) then roughness judgments
should be affected by the spatial properties of surfaces contacting multiple fingers
but they are not. Subjects either scanned a single sandpaper with one finger or
scanned two adjacent sandpapers with adjacent fingers and were asked to base their
subjective response on a single finger. The result was that the roughness judgments
were completely unaffected by the roughness of the surface contacting the adjacent,
unattended finger.79 This suggests that if roughness is based on the mean impulse
rate of a set of neurons that compute spatial variation in the SA1 population response
then that rate is affected only by the surface contacting a single finger (i.e., the
receptive field is restricted to a single finger). Softness
The nature of the texture dimension, softhard, can be appreciated by pressing the
keys of a computer keyboard and then other, softer objects. Perceived softness does
not depend on the relationship between force and object displacement, the fact that
the space bar gives way easily does not make it soft. A soft object conforms to the
finger or hand as it is manipulated, but conformation is not sufficient; the keyboard
keys that are molded to conform to the skin of a fingertip feel as hard as flat keys.
The essence of softness is progressive conformation to the contours of the fingers
and hand in proportion to contact force. The degree of softness is signaled by the
rate of growth of contact area with contact force and by the uniformity of pressure
across the contact area. Conversely, the essence of hardness is invariance of object
form with changes in contact force. Resistance to deformation signals the hardness
of an object or surface.
The neural mechanisms of the subjective sense of softness have not been studied
systematically. Except for a study by Harper and Stevens,80 most psychophysical
studies have focused on the objective ability to discriminate compliance. Harper and
Stevens showed that subjective softness judgments were related to the compliance
of their test objects by a power function (exponent 0.8) and that hardness and softness
judgments were reciprocally related. The most extensive study of the ability of
humans to discriminate compliance is by Srinivasan and LaMotte,81 who used cuta-
neous anesthesia and various modes of stimulus contact to show that cutaneous
information alone is sufficient to discriminate the compliance of objects with deform-
able surfaces. Subjects discriminate softness when an object is applied to the passive,
immobile finger as accurately as when they actively palpate the object. Moreover,
they showed that this ability is unaffected when the velocity and force of application
are randomized.
There are no combined psychophysical and neurophysiological experiments that
systematically address the neural mechanisms of hardness perception, but the likely
mechanism can be inferred from what we know about the response properties of

2002 CRC Press LLC

each of the afferent types. As in roughness perception, the possible coding mecha-
nisms are intensive, temporal, or spatial codes in one or more of the cutaneous
afferent populations. Intensive codes are unlikely because random changes in veloc-
ity and force, which do not affect discrimination performance, have strong effects
on afferent impulse rates.82 Purely temporal codes seem unlikely because perceived
softness (or hardness) is based on perceived changes in object form with changing
contact force. Consequently, the system responsible for the perception of object form
(i.e., the SA1 system) seems to be responsible for hardness/softness perception.
Therefore, it is likely that the SA1 system is responsible for tactile perception in
both of the principal dimensions of texture (smoothrough and softhard) as well
as for the perception of form. Texture Perception with a Probe

When we use a tool or probe, we perceive distant events almost as if our fingers
were present at the working surfaces of the tool or probe. An early demonstration
of this was by Katz,83 who showed that we can discriminate the texture of a surface
as well with a probe as with a finger applied directly to the surface. He showed
further that this capacity is lost when vibrations in the probe are damped. A recent
study21 has shown that when subjects grasp a probe, some subjects can detect
transmitted vibrations with amplitudes less than 10 nm (the mean is 30 nm,
Figure 3.7). Only the PC system can account for this capacity.
The hypothesis that the PC system is responsible for the perception of vibrations
transmitted through an object held in the hand supposes that Pacinian receptors
detect the transmitted vibration and that the PC population transmits a neural rep-
resentation of the vibratory signal sufficient to account for this perceptual capacity.
Work on the human ability to detect and discriminate complex vibratory stimuli
supports this idea by showing that we are sensitive to the temporal structure of high
frequency stimuli that only activate PC afferents.84-86 For example, humans can
discriminate the frequency with which a 250-Hz carrier stimulus is modulated for
modulation frequencies as high as 60 Hz.86 In contrast, Bensmaa and Hollins87 have
shown that the discrimination of complex waveforms composed of high frequencies
is poor and they have suggested that RA afferents play a significant role in temporal


The clear segregation of function between the SA1, RA, SA2, and PC systems
and the widely accepted idea that these afferent systems remain segregated in the
central nervous system suggests a distinct segregation of function within the central
pathways. However, considering how distinctly separate the functions of the four
afferent systems are, it is surprising how little concrete evidence there is of
functional segregation paralleling the functions of the four afferent systems. One
of the few definite claims that can be made is that area 3b is critical for form
perception. In the remainder of this chapter, we review the mechanisms of form
processing in area 3b.

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FIGURE 3.7 Vibratory detection for subjects grasping a 35 mm diameter rod lightly. A shaker
embedded within the rod induced sinusoidal vibrations parallel to the axis of the rod. The
rod motion was monitored by a sensitive, three-dimensional accelerometer. The ordinate
represents the mean threshold (half the peak-to-peak excursion). Adapted from Brisben, A.J.,
Hsiao, S.S., and Johnson, K.O., J. Neurophysiol. 81, 15481558, 1999, with permission.


The psychophysical studies reviewed earlier show that the limit of spatial acuity
(about 1 mm) lies at the theoretical limit imposed by the peripheral innervation
density. That implies central mechanisms specialized for the preservation of spatial
information in the face of growing receptive field size within the central pathways.
Neurophysiological studies have shown that area 3b has smaller receptive fields88-90
and a higher proportion of cells responding to static skin indentation88,91 than other
cortical areas, but those observations are not especially indicative of a role in spatial
information processing. The smaller receptive fields in area 3b are almost certainly
a consequence of the fact that area 3b lies at an earlier stage of processing within
pathways leading to distributed representations of spatial form.92,93 A continued
response to sustained, steady indentation implies input from slowly adapting affer-
ents but the converse is not true, a transient response may result from lack of slowly
adapting input or, just as likely, delayed inhibition that shuts off the response to a
sustained input.91,94-97 Ablation studies shed little light on the function of area 3b.
Removal of area 3b produces profound behavioral deficits in all somatosensory tasks

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tested, while removal of other S1 areas appears to produce more specific deficits in
the tactile discrimination of textures (area 1) and three-dimensional forms (area 2).98
A clue that area 3b is specialized for processing spatial information comes from the
relative expansions of the representations of the digits in areas 3b and 1. The cortical
magnification factors in areas 3b and 1 are approximately equal over most of the
postcentral gyrus except in the finger region, where the magnification in area 3b
climbs to approximately five times that in area 1 (at the representation of the
Another clue comes from the response properties of neurons in area 3b. Almost
all area 3b neurons appear to have homogeneous, excitatory receptive fields when
probed with punctate stimuli.89,99 The literature on area 3b is striking for the small
number of neurons with apparent inhibitory subfields and for the small number of
neurons with even mildly complex response properties like direction, orientation, or
velocity selectivity when probed manually.99-104 Hyvrinen and Poranen,105 for exam-
ple, reported that only 4 of 122 neurons in area 3b of the alert monkey had mildly
complex response properties; no neurons in their study were orientation or direc-
tionally selective. These observations match our own experience when exploring
receptive fields in area 3b manually. However, when neurons with receptive fields
on the fingerpads are stimulated with scanned, complex spatial stimuli almost all
yield responses that are more complex than can be accounted for by simple, exci-
tatory receptive fields and it is evident that the neurons are responding to specific
features of the stimuli.92,93,106,107 Responses of two SA neurons in area 3b are illus-
trated in Figure 3.8. The neuron illustrated in the top two rows of Figure 3.8 is
clearly responding to the orientations of letter segments. The neuron illustrated in
the bottom two rows has a complex response that is not easily interpreted; for
example, the overall response to the letter is suppressed by the horizontal bars within
the B, E, and F, but not the H. Thus, the neuronal responses in area 3b suggest
specialization for form processing rather than, for example, motion processing.


A recent series of quantitative studies with controlled, scanned stimuli has con-
firmed that there is little or no directional selectivity in area 3b and that area 3b
neuronal discharge rates are affected only mildly by changes in stimulus velocity
across the skin.78,97,108 But they also show that all neurons in area 3b are selectively
responsive to particular spatial patterns of stimulation, that they are sensitive to
the orientation of these patterns, and that this selectivity is shaped as much by
inhibition as excitation. The reason that previous studies have generally failed to
identify this inhibition is that it is manifested only as a reduction of the response
to a stimulus in the excitatory part of the receptive field. Ninety-five percent of
area 3b neuronal receptive fields have three components: (1) a single, central
excitatory region of short duration (10 ms at most), (2) one or more inhibitory
regions that are adjacent to and synchronous with the excitation, and (3) a larger
inhibitory region that overlaps the excitation partially or totally and is delayed
with respect to the first two components (by 30 ms on average). The remaining
5% have two or more regions of excitation.

2002 CRC Press LLC

FIGURE 3.8 S1 cortical neuronal responses to letters, 8 mm high, scanned at 50 mm/sec.
Both neurons were recorded from area 3b and were classed as SA, i.e., each responded to
sustained skin indentation with a sustained discharge. The bottom set of rasters in each panel
illustrates the neurons response with the stimulus superimposed to show how the neurons
activity related to the spatial features of the stimulus. From Johnson, K.O., Hsiao, S.S., and
Twombly, I.A., in The Cognitive Neurosciences, M. S. Gazzaniga, Ed., pp. 235268, The MIT
Press, Cambridge, MA, 1995, with permission.

The receptive fields of 247 area 3b neurons mapped with scanned, random-dot
stimuli are illustrated in Figure 3.9, which shows that nearly all receptive fields are
characterized by a single central region of excitation with inhibition on one, two, or
three sides. Surround inhibition occurred rarely. The inhibitory area was, on average,
about 30% larger than the excitatory area (means were 18 and 14 mm2) and, like
the excitatory area, varied greatly (from 1 to 47 mm2). The inhibitory mass (absolute
value of inhibition integrated over the entire inhibitory field) like the excitatory mass
(comparable definition), varied by 50 to 1 between neurons (125 to 6830 mass units;
mean 1620 mass units). There was no evidence of clustering into distinct receptive

2002 CRC Press LLC

field types. The distributions of excitatory and inhibitory areas and masses were all
Gaussian in logarithmic coordinates (i.e., lognormal); the excitatory and inhibitory
masses were more closely correlated (r = 0.56) than were the areas (r = 0.26).
Receptive fields mapped in this way predict neuronal responses to stimulus features
such as orientation accurately.97


Area 3b neurons have two striking response properties that are not evident in
Figure 3.9. The first is that the spatiotemporal structure of their neuronal responses
and the spatial structures of their receptive fields are virtually unaffected by the
velocity with which a stimulus moves across the skin or, conversely, how rapidly a
finger is scanned over a surface for velocities up to at least 80 mm/sec;78 that is, the
spatial structure of raster plots like the ones illustrated in Figure 3.8 are unaffected
by changes in scanning velocity. Increasing scanning velocity causes a marked
increase in the intensities of the excitatory and inhibitory subfields without affecting
their geometries. This results in increased firing rates without any loss of the response
selectivity conferred by the receptive field geometry. The mechanism of this
increased responsiveness with increased velocity lies in an interaction between the
excitation and the delayed inhibition.78
The delayed inhibition confers a second property, which is that the receptive
field geometry depends strongly on scanning direction.97 A typical example from a
study in which eight scanning directions were used is shown in Figure 3.10. The
receptive field at the left of each group of three receptive field diagrams is the
receptive field obtained directly from the neurons responses to random-dot stimuli
scanned in one of the eight directions. By inspecting each receptive field in
Figure 3.10, it can be seen that, regardless of scanning direction, there is a fixed
region of inhibition distal to and left of the excitation. It can also be seen that there
is a region of inhibition displaced in the scanning direction (opposite to the finger
motion) from the region of excitation. To visualize this more clearly, each neurons
response to scanning in multiple directions was fitted with a three-component recep-
tive field model comprising a Gaussian excitatory region and two Gaussian inhibitory
regions, one to simulate the region of fixed, synchronous inhibition and one to
simulate the region of delayed inhibition. This model is illustrated by the simulated
receptive field in the central panel in each group of three panels and by the corre-
sponding diagram in the right panel. The degree to which the model description
accounts for the observed receptive fields can be seen by comparing the model
receptive field in the central panel and the actual receptive field in the left panel.
This comparison shows that the three-component model explains the effect of scan-
ning direction on receptive field shape well. The correlation between the model and
observed receptive fields averaged 0.81 in 62 neurons studied with four or more
scanning directions. Neurons with lower correlations all had a third, fixed region of
inhibition not accounted for by the three-component model (i.e., they would have
been described by the three components enumerated above if the model had allowed
for more than one region of fixed inhibition).

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The wide range of receptive field geometries and the wide range of responses to
complex, scanned stimuli found in area 3b shows that the initial, isomorphic neural
representation of spatial form that prevails in the periphery gives way to an altered
form of representation in which neuronal responses represent the presence of specific

2002 CRC Press LLC

features. The more complex responses observed in S2 cortex93 suggest that area 3b
is an intermediate step in a series of transformations leading to a more complex
form of representation.92,93,108
The fixed inhibitory components of each neurons receptive field interact with
the central excitation to act as a spatial filter, conferring selectivity for particular
spatial features or patterns independent of scanning direction and velocity. For
example, when the fixed inhibition lies on two adjacent sides, the neuron is more
responsive to corners that protrude into the excitatory subfield without activating
the inhibitory subregions. When the fixed inhibitory subfield occupies a single
location on one side of the excitatory subfield, both tend to be elongated and to lie
parallel to one another; as a result, the neuron is more responsive to edges oriented
orthogonal to the displacement between the two.97,108
The delayed inhibitory component serves three functions. First, it confers sen-
sitivity to stimulus gradients in the scanning direction, whatever that direction. The
delayed inhibition suppresses the response to uniform surfaces and thereby empha-
sizes the effects of spatial or temporal novelty. When scanning the finger over a
surface, elevated features trigger the excitation and fixed inhibition first and then
the lagged inhibition 30 ms later. Second, when the delayed inhibition is centered
on the excitation, it produces a progressive increase in discharge rate with increasing
scanning velocity. The acquisition of tactile spatial information by scanning ones
finger over a surface compensates for the very limited field of view provided by a
single fingerpad. It is clearly an advantage to be able to scan ones fingers over an
object or a surface rapidly without loss of information. Psychophysical experiments
show that there is no loss of performance in pattern recognition as scanning rate
increases to 40 mm/s and then only a small loss as the rate is increased to 80 mm/s.35
Without a compensatory mechanism, rapid scanning has a substantial cost. As
scanning velocity increases, each stimulus element spends less time within the
receptive field (reduced dwell time) and the element is represented by fewer action

FIGURE 3.9 (opposite) Receptive fields in area 3b of the alert monkey. Each panel illustrates
an example of a receptive field type, the total number of receptive fields of that type, and
their percentage of the total receptive field sample (n = 247, all on distal fingerpads). The
gray scale represents the grid of excitation and inhibition (25 25 bins = 10 10 mm) that
best described the neurons response to a random stimulus pattern. Dark regions represent
excitatory regions; lighter regions represent inhibitory regions. The uniform background gray
level represents the region where stimuli had no effect. The types are shown in decreasing
order of frequency: A. A single inhibitory region located on the trailing (distal) side of the
excitatory region (left). B. A region of inhibition located on one of the three nontrailing sides
of the excitatory region. C. Two regions of inhibition on opposite sides of the excitatory
region. D. Inhibition on three sides of the excitatory region. E. Inhibition on two contiguous
sides of the excitatory region. F. A complete inhibitory surround. G. An excitatory region
only. H. Receptive field dominated by inhibition. I. Receptive fields not easily assigned to
one of the preceding categories. This categorization is meant only to show the range and
relative frequency of these receptive field types. In fact, the receptive fields formed a contin-
uum spanning these shapes. From DiCarlo, J.J., Johnson, K.O., and Hsiao, S.S., J. Neurosci.
18, 26262645, 1998, with permission.

2002 CRC Press LLC

FIGURE 3.10 Receptive fields from a single area 3b neuron determined in eight scanning
directions. The three squares in each group display the receptive field estimated from the raw
data (on the left), the receptive field predicted by the three-component model (middle), and
the positions of the model Gaussian components (on the right). The ellipses in the right square
in each group are iso-amplitude contours at 1.5 SD. The scanning direction is shown above
each group. Each receptive field is plotted as if it were viewed through the dorsum of the
finger with the finger pointed toward the top of the figure; the effect of relative motion between
the finger and the stimulus pattern on the receptive field can be visualized by placing a
fingerpad in the center of the figure and sliding it along the arrow labeled finger motion
toward the receptive field of interest. Note how the locations of the models excitatory (solid
ellipse) and fixed inhibitory components (dashed ellipse) are unaffected by scanning direction
and, similarly, how the lagged inhibitory component (dotted ellipse) trails the lag center by
a fixed distance in each direction (the lag distance is the same in all directions because the
scanning velocity was constant, 40 mm/s). The arrow in each right-hand square shows the
displacement of the lagged inhibitory component due to scanning. The degree to which the
model accounts for receptive field structure in each direction can be seen by comparing the
left and middle panels in each group. From DiCarlo, J.J. and Johnson, K.O., J. Neurosci. 20,
495510, 2000, with permission.

potentials. The delayed inhibition provides a compensatory mechanism that increases

firing rate with increasing scanning velocity. As velocity increases, the delayed

2002 CRC Press LLC

inhibition lags progressively to expose more excitation. Consequently, the excitatory
and inhibitory components of the receptive field grow rapidly in intensity with no
effect on receptive field geometry. The result is a representation of spatial form that
is invariant with scanning velocity and is more intense than it would be without this
mechanism.78 Third, and least significant in area 3b, selectivity for motion direction
results when the center of the delayed inhibition is displaced from the center of exci-
tation.96,97,109,110 Motion in the direction of the displacement exposes progressively more
excitation, which produces a progressively greater discharge rate. Motion in the opposite
direction shifts the delayed inhibition over the center of excitation, thereby reducing
the discharge rate. The center of the delayed inhibition in area 3b is, with few exceptions,
close to the center of excitation, which explains why so few neurons in area 3b exhibit
directional selectivity. When the center of the delayed inhibition is displaced from the
center of excitation, it predicts the neurons directional selectivity accurately.97

In this chapter, we have reviewed the peripheral and cortical neural mechanisms of
tactile form and texture perception. Three decades of combined psychophysical and
neurophysiological experiments suggest a sharp division of function among the four
cutaneous afferent systems that innervate the human hand. The SA1 system provides
a high-quality neural image of the spatial structure of objects and surfaces that
contact the skin and this is the basis of form and texture perception. The RA system
provides a neural image of motion signals from the whole hand. From this, the brain
extracts information that is critical for grip control and also information about the
motion of objects contacting the skin. The PC system provides a neural image of
vibrations transmitted to the hand from objects contacting the hand or, more fre-
quently, objects grasped in the hand. The SA2 system provides a neural image of
skin stretch over the whole hand. The evidence is less secure but the most likely
hypothesis is that the brain extracts information about hand conformation and the
direction of motion of objects moving across the skin. S1 cortex transforms this
information to an altered form of representation that is, as yet, not well understood.
The available evidence suggests that area 3b is specialized for processing spatial
information. Evidence of that is its magnification of body parts with high spatial
resolution compared with area 1 and its neurons response properties, which appear
to be specialized for processing spatial information.

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Feeling Surfaces and
4 Objects Remotely
Susan J. Lederman and Roberta L. Klatzky


4.1 Introduction
4.2 Research Background and Methodologies:
Perceiving with the Bare Finger
4.2.1 Roughness Perception Psychophysics Neurophysiology
4.2.2 Common-Object Identification
4.3 Perceiving Surface Textures via Remote Touch
4.3.1 Effects of Surface Geometry: Interelement Spacing
4.3.2 Effects of Geometric Characteristics of the Probe:
Probe-Tip Diameter
4.3.3 Effects of the Manual Exploration Process Relative Speed of Motion Mode of Touch Force
4.4 Identifying Common Objects Haptically via Remote Touch
4.5 Remote Touch in Medicine

Experimental psychology offers a perspective on the workings of the somatosensory
system that is complementary to various wet-lab approaches considered by most
chapters in this book. The latter address the neural mechanisms and neural repre-
sentations that underlie how the somatosensory system processes information about
the external world and about our bodies. Such approaches examine the relationship
between the environment (external, internal) and the underlying neural responses.
Experimental psychologists study how the intact organism processes those same
environmental events in terms of the behavioral responses of the whole organism.
Ultimately, our joint goal is to understand how organisms sense, perceive, think,
represent, and act on the environment.

2002 CRC Press LLC

Much of our previous work has concerned the nature of temporally constrained
and unconstrained manual exploration of multi-property objects, and its contribution
to the haptic processing and representation of objects and surfaces. Further details
of this research program may be obtained in References 1 and 2. In those experi-
ments, observers interacted with the objects and surfaces directly with their bare
In this chapter, we focus on how people process those same external objects and
events when they obtain somatosensory inputs by means of an intermediate tool
held in the hand, e.g., a stylus or pointer. As living systems frequently use tools to
explore, perceive, and act upon their environments, it is therefore important to know
more about how, and how well, people perform when the contact is indirect. What
somatosensory information is available, and how is it used to form internal repre-
sentations? How may this information be used in different application domains?


In this chapter, we consider two somatosensory tasks that have previously received
considerable attention to date: the perception of surface texture and the identification
of common objects.


Studies investigating the perception of surface texture with the bare finger have
previously focused on roughness, one of the most prominent attributes of surfaces.
Most research has adopted one of two complementary methodologies. Behavioral
psychophysical procedures have been used to determine the nature of the functions
relating various physical parameters of both the surface geometry and the manual
exploration process to perceived roughness magnitude. Single-unit recording tech-
niques have been used to determine the underlying neural code, primarily of periph-
eral tactile units to date. This work has been described in detail in References 3 and 4. Psychophysics

Lederman5 showed that the primary surface-geometry determinant of the perceived

roughness of gratings was the spacing between the inner edges of the elements
(interelement spacing). This held as well for abrasive surfaces6 and raised two-
dimensional (2-D) dot surfaces.4 Perceived roughness magnitude tended to rise
steeply and monotonically as a function of interelement spacing (but see Reference
7). Other factors investigated ridge width, spatial period, and interelement spac-
ing/ridge width ratio influenced the roughness percept only modestly, if at all.5,8
With respect to the exploratory process, increasing finger force increased per-
ceived roughness;9 however, this effect was relatively less substantial than that of
interelement spacing. Finally, speed of relative motion between skin and surface
produced only a relatively small effect, compared to the effect of groove width (e.g.,
Reference 8).

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Taylor and Lederman10 subsequently developed a quasi-static model of perceived
roughness. They performed a mechanical analysis of the changes in the proximal
signals resulting from skin deformation, as affected by variation in the two most
significant parameters for roughness perception, i.e., interelement spacing and finger
force. The model most successfully predicted changes in perceived roughness mag-
nitude as a function of the mean deviation of the skin from its initial resting position,
summed over the total area of skin contact. Taylor and Lederman described their
representation of roughness as intensive, since the most likely skin-deformation
parameter varied along a single intensive dimension. At the time this was proposed,
technological constraints prevented the investigators from evaluating the contribution
of possible spatial features of the skin deformation.
A number of studies have suggested that although vibratory information is
available during relative motion between the bare skin and a textured surface, the
vibrotactile inputs are not typically used to judge roughness (see References 5, 8,
11, 12, and 13). However, more recently, Hollins, Bensmaia, and Risner14 and Hollins
and Risner15 have offered a duplex model of human roughness perception, in which
vibration-based signals are used for judging fine textures (with element sizes below
about 100 microns), but not for more coarse surfaces (e.g., those used by either
Lederman or Johnson, and their colleagues). Neurophysiology

Johnson and Connor7,16,17 have argued for a spatial-intensive neural code for
representing the neural events that underlie the perception of roughness magnitude.
Their work suggests a spatial code at the peripheral level in terms of the relative
activity across spatially distributed Slowly Adapting Type I (SAI) mechanoreceptors.
This spatial code is maintained in SI cortex (areas 3b and 1), using the neural
differences in activity of adjacent SAI units separated by about 1 mm. The neural
difference operations must be performed by cortical neurons whose receptive fields
possess neighboring excitatory and inhibitory areas. The researchers further suggest
that the spatially distributed neural differences are passed on to neurons in area SII,
which integrate the information received from areas 3b and 1 into a single intensive
Most recently, Dorsch, Yoshioka, Hsiao, and Johnson18 have provided additional
evidence that suggests that roughness perception below the limit of cutaneous spatial
resolution (i.e., for gratings with interelement spacings as low as .1 mm) is also
mediated by spatial variation in the SAI population response. These data converge
nicely with the psychophysical findings reported by Hollins and Risner.15


Behavioral experiments have also been conducted in the study of the haptic identi-
fication of common objects. The haptic system uses sensory inputs from mechan-
oreceptors in the skin, as well as from those embedded in muscles, tendons, and

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In 1985, Klatzky, Lederman, and Metzger19 noted that touch alone can be quite
successful in identifying common objects. Participants typically achieved near-per-
fect accuracy within just a couple of seconds.
Subsequent research by Lederman and Klatzky20 suggested that the key to such
excellent performance lay in the consistent selection and execution of stereotypical
patterns of hand movements (exploratory procedures). Each exploratory procedure
was shown to be optimally associated with the extraction of one or more specific
object properties.
For example, to obtain the most precise information about qualities pertaining
to surface texture, the perceiver would execute a Lateral Motion exploratory
procedure, which involved quick, repetitive, back-and-forth shearing motions across
a surface. To obtain fine details about object compliance, the perceiver would apply
a Pressure exploratory procedure, a force normal to the surface or a torque about
some axis of the object. Participants executed a Static Contact procedure static
contact between skin and object surface to extract the thermal properties, and
Unsupported Holding lifting an object away from a supporting surface to
obtain information about weight. These four exploratory procedures contribute infor-
mation about the material properties of objects both quickly and accurately. In
contrast, participants were relatively inefficient when extracting geometric informa-
tion (e.g., shape, size). Both Contour Following (i.e., edge following) and Enclo-
sure (i.e., grasp) exploratory procedures were used to extract information about
shape and size; however, the resulting information was relatively coarse and partic-
ularly slow for Contour Following.
The performance characteristics that we originally documented with respect to
manual exploratory procedures have led us to highlight an important distinction
between how the haptic system processes material as opposed to geometric infor-
mation. We propose that the skill with which people are able to identify three-
dimensional (3-D) common objects haptically may be explained, in part, because
multiple properties (especially material cues) are available for processing. In addi-
tion, people are able to access the coarse 3-D geometric information that further
differentiates objects relatively quickly.
Additional research on haptic object identification21 supports our proposal. In
this experiment, the primary sources of information about common object identity
were reduced to residual geometric properties. That is, the objects had no highly
compliant parts; they were fixed in place, with all moving parts glued to make them
rigid; and finally, the fingertips were gloved. Performance varied with the manner
of exploration: a) with unrestrained 5-finger manual search, accuracy was still quite
high, compared to Klatzky et al.,19 i.e., about 94% accuracy and 15s response latency;
b) when the subjects five fingers were splinted to prevent finger flexion, accuracy
remained about the same, but response latency increased to about 24s; c) when
subjects were only allowed to explore with a single splinted finger, accuracy dropped
to about 75% and response latencies were also considerably slower about 45s.
When the subjects used their bare fingers, performance in the corresponding condi-
tions was as follows: a) for unrestrained 5-finger exploration, about 94% accuracy
and 10s response latency; b) for the 5-splinted finger condition, about 92% accuracy

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and 16s response latency; c) with a single splinted finger, performance was about
87% and response latencies were about 22s. We concluded that the absence of
material properties impaired identification performance, particularly when only a
single, splinted finger was used.
In addition, our research22,23 has shown that because of the relative accessibility
of material as opposed to geometric information to haptic processing, people
tended to weight material information very strongly in their representations of multi-
property objects when they used touch alone. In the Klatzky et al. experiment,
subjects were asked to sort multi-property objects into piles according to their judged
similarity. Every object varied along each of four property dimensions: texture
and compliance (both material), and shape and size (both geometric). The objects
were equally differentiable, regardless of the dimension(s) used to judge similarity.
Thus, choosing to sort primarily by material properties when touch was used alone
presumably occurred because haptically derived inputs about the material properties
can be processed more efficiently (speed, accuracy) than can the geometric proper-
ties. Conversely, when vision was also permitted, people tended to weight their
object representations more strongly in terms of geometric information. Presumably,
subjects now emphasized geometric properties in their object representations because
they have learned over a lifetime that such information can be extracted considerably
more efficiently by the visual system than can any kind of information geometric
or material via haptic exploration.


People typically produce spatial-intensive representations of the magnitude of per-
ceived roughness when using the bare finger.10,17 However, they can still use vibra-
tion-based cues to evaluate surface roughness remotely with a tool, such as a stylus,
grasped in the hand.11 Recently, we have begun a comprehensive investigation into
the remote haptic sensing of surface textures.
Once again our psychophysical questions have been dictated by our search for
primary determinants of roughness perception via remote touch. As with Ledermans
earlier work with the bare finger, our current investigation has focused on the
contributions of both a) the geometric features of the textured surfaces, and b) the
manner in which the surfaces are explored (e.g., relative speed, force, and mode of
touch active or passive). In addition, we must now consider a third set of physical
parameters, which pertain to c) the geometric characteristics of the intermediate tool
(e.g., probe diameter).


In our initial study, Klatzky and Lederman4 asked subjects to estimate roughness
magnitude (Experiment 1) and to perform a roughness-comparison task (Experiment
2), each with three types of end effectors. The textured stimuli used in the experi-
ments consisted of raised 2-D dot matrices, which varied in interelement spacing

2002 CRC Press LLC

from .5 to 3.5 mm. For a given matrix, each element was spatially jittered within a
circularly defined area, both radially and angularly, so as to maintain the mean
interelement spacing within each plate constant, while creating a random appear-
ance to the dot patterns. Of the many possible geometric parameters that could be
varied, we selected interelement spacing, inasmuch as this variable had reliably
proved to be the single most critical determinant of perceived roughness with bare-
finger contact. The end effectors consisted of the bare finger, and two rigid stick
probes that varied in the size of the contact area. For various reasons, the tips in this
initial study were not identical in shape. In this first study, we wished to determine
the extent to which people are able to differentiate the roughness of textured surfaces,
which varied in interelement spacing, via direct (bare finger) or remote touch
With respect to this issue, we obtained several informative results in the mag-
nitude-estimation task used in Experiment 1 (Figure 4.1). First, the psychophysical
roughness function (magnitude of perceived roughness as a function of interelement
spacing on log scales) for direct touch was excellently fit by a linear equation within
the range of interelement spacings over which subjects were comfortable judging
surface roughness: perceived roughness increased in magnitude as a function of
increasing interelement spacing. In contrast, the corresponding functions for the two
probe end effectors were better described by quadratic equations: perceived rough-
ness initially rose to a peak, then subsequently declined, as a function of increasing
interelement spacing. Overall, the surfaces varying in interelement spacing were
differentiated better with the bare finger than with the probes. Despite this difference,
subjects were clearly able to perform the task via remote touch.
In Experiment 2, subjects were required to choose the rougher of two textured
surfaces. The proportion correct is shown in Figure 4.2 for each end effector as a
function of discrimination difficulty, which was measured as the number of
0.125-mm steps between the stimuli with respect to interelement spacing. Each
subject took part in one bare-finger and one probe condition. Overall, accuracy was
highest with the bare finger and lowest with the small probe (particularly for the
narrow interelement spacings).
In summary, our initial probe study confirmed that the haptic system is indeed
capable of judging surface roughness remotely via a rigid probe; however, perfor-
mance with the intermediate tool was not quite as good as with the bare finger when
relatively fine discriminations were required. This conclusion was further confirmed
by parallel experiments using a rigid sheath to cover the entire volar portion of the
fingertip in place of the stick probes (for a magnitude-estimation task: [Reference
4, Expt. 3]; also [Reference 24, Expt. 2]; for a roughness-comparison task: [Refer-
ence 4, Expt. 4]). Clearly, interelement spacing had a strong effect on judgments of
surface roughness across the range of values over which subjects indicated they were
comfortable estimating roughness magnitude. In addition, we noted that for the
relatively wide contact areas (i.e., bare finger, sheath), the shape of the psychophys-
ical roughness function (roughness magnitude as a function of interelement spacing,
log scales) was well fit by a linear (as opposed to a quadratic) equation.

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FIGURE 4.1 Perceived roughness magnitude (geometric means of the magnitude estimates)
as a function of interelement spacing of the stimulus on log scales, for the three end effectors
(Experiment 1). Quadratic functions fit to the loglog data were as follows. Small probe, y =
1.79 * x2 + 0.84 * x + 0.82; large probe, y = 0.70 * x2 + 0.98 * x + 0.63; finger, y = 0.93
* x2 + 1.26 * x + 0.58. The r value in all cases was .99. Reprinted from Reference 4, with
permission from Perception & Psychophysics.


Results of the Klatzky and Lederman study4 were also used to consider the contri-
bution to perceived roughness of probe-tip diameter, a geometric attribute of the
probe that we expected would prove highly salient. We are just beginning to evaluate
the effects of probe diameter and other physical parameters by fitting second-order
polynomials to the empirical data. Typically, a second-order polynomial function is
expressed as follows:

y = ax2 + bx + c (4.1)

where a is the coefficient for the quadratic term, b is the coefficient for the linear
component, and c is a constant that raises or lowers the function. Alternatively, it is
possible to express the same function as follows:

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FIGURE 4.2 Roughness-comparison accuracy (proportion correct) as a function of number
of 0.125-mm steps between the stimuli with respect to interelement spacing (Experiment 2).
Different groups of subjects explored with a large or a small probe or with the bare finger.
The legend subscript refers to the size of the probe used in the group. Reprinted from Reference
4, with permission from Perception & Psychophysics.

y = a(x x0)2 + h (4.2)

where a now represents the curvature of the quadratic component (i.e., the sharpness
with which the function peaks); x0 is the location of the peak along the x-axis, and
h is the height of the peak on the y-axis. In terms of the coefficients from Equation 1,
x0 is equal to b/2a and h is equal to c (b2/4a).
Using Equation 2, it is now possible to evaluate the effects of candidate physical
variables on perceived roughness more systematically in terms of the curvature of
the quadratic component (a), peak position on the x axis (x0), and peak height on
the y-axis (h), which are all meaningful features. We plan to present a comprehensive
analysis of the three quadratic parameters with respect to the results of our probe
experiments in a future paper. Here, we will report only the most consistent findings.
To date, we have noted a consistent effect of probe-tip diameter on perceived

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FIGURE 4.3 Perceived roughness magnitude (geometric means of the magnitude estimates)
as a function of interelement spacing (log scales) for 1-, 2-, and 3-mm probe diameters.
Quadratic functions are fit to the data for each probe-diameter condition. Reprinted from
Reference 25, with permission from Proceedings of ASME International Mechanical Engi-
neering Congress: Dynamic Systems and Control Division.

roughness: the peak of the quadratic function shifted toward the wider end of the
interelement-spacing continuum as probe diameter increased. Presumably, this
occurred as the probe switched from riding along the tops of the raised elements to
penetrating the interelement spaces. A wider probe tip would penetrate only the
wider spacings, leading to an increasingly smooth percept as the probe rode along
the base substrate. Another result of the displacement of the peak along the x-axis
was a concomitant reversal in the roughness estimates that occurred toward the
higher end of the spacing continuum. More specifically, surfaces with interelement
spacings below the peak value were perceived to be rougher with the small probe
than with the large probe; the order was reversed for interelement spacings beyond
the peak value such surfaces felt rougher with the large probe than with the small
probe. The reversal in roughness may have been due to the greater mechanical impact
that occurred when the narrower probe penetrated the interelement spaces, subse-
quently catching on the leading edge of the raised elements.
A subsequent study by Lederman, Klatzky, Hamilton, and Grindley [Reference
25, Expt. 2] has recently confirmed our earlier results, this time using identical
spherical shapes for the probe tip and diameters of 1, 2, and 3 mm.

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It is important to consider the consequences of varying the manner in which surfaces
are explored to determine the extent to which subjects demonstrate roughness con-
stancy. We wished to determine whether, and if so, the extent to which people are
capable of adjusting their estimates of roughness to compensate for changes in the
proximal stimulation (cutaneous and/or kinesthetic) that results from alterations in
the manner in which the surfaces are touched. Accordingly, Lederman, Klatzky, and
our colleagues also explored the effect of three potentially important parameters of
the manual exploration process that had previously been considered with respect to
direct touch (bare finger). Relative Speed of Motion

Lederman, Klatzky, Hamilton, and Ramsay3 examined the consequences for rough-
ness perception of changing the relative speed of motion between the textured
surfaces and the stick probe used to explore them. Both active and passive modes
of touch were employed. Active touch required that the subject move the probe over
a stationary surface, whereas passive touch required that an external agent move the
surface under a stationary probe.
In one experiment, speed was altered by a factor of 10: 20.5 (slow), 73.2
(medium), and 207.3 (fast) mm/s. Like the probe studies just mentioned, the
psychophysical function for each speed was best fit by a quadratic (as opposed to
a linear) equation: perceived roughness initially increased with increases in inter-
element spacing, then progressively decreased with further increases in interelement
spacing. Using Equation 2 to convert to the alternate form of the second-order
polynomial, we determined that the peak, x0, of the quadratic function shifted
progressively further toward the wide end of the interelement-spacing continuum
with increasing speed. An associated reversal in perceived roughness magnitude was
also observed: roughness magnitude diminished with increasing speed for the nar-
rower interelement spacings (i.e., over the monotonically increasing portion of the
function); beyond the peak value, the effect of increasing speed was reversed (i.e.,
perceived roughness increased with decreasing speed for the progressively wider
interelement spacings). Increasing speed influenced perceived roughness in ways
that were similar to those due to our increasing probe size. The results are shown
in Figure 4.4. A second experiment that used only a four-fold change in speed
produced similar results in terms of the maximum speed effects obtained.*
We attribute not only the quadratic shape of the function, but also the peak shifts
and the reversals in roughness magnitude due to speed and probe size to mechanical
changes in the proximal vibratory signal: for the relatively narrow spacings, each
probe will ride along the tops of the raised elements. At some spacing, the probe
will begin to penetrate the gap between the raised elements, ride along the smooth
base, and catch on the leading edges of the raised elements encountered in its

* Reconsideration of the mathematical validity of the doubling ratio, a statistic originally devised to
compare the relative magnitude of various factors to that of interelement spacing, led us to conclude
subsequently that the range of speeds in fact had no effect on perceived roughness estimates.

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FIGURE 4.4 Perceived roughness magnitude (geometric means of the magnitude estimates)
as a function of interelement spacing presented for low, medium and high relative speed of
motion. The data are plotted on log scales. The results for active and passive modes of touch
are plotted separately in panels a and b, respectively. The probe-tip diameter was 3 mm.
Reprinted from Reference 3, with permission from Haptics-e.

movement path. The value of the interelement spacing at which this change occurs
will likely be determined by both speed of motion and probe size as well by
element height, which we are currently investigating. Mode of Touch

In the experiment above, subjects used either active or passive modes of touch to
explore the textured surfaces. The maximum effect of speed on perceived roughness
was statistically significant for both modes of touch (see Figure 4.4). These results
indicate that subjects failed to show complete roughness constancy; that is, they did
not alter their roughness estimates to fully compensate for the effects of changing
speed on the proximal cutaneous and kinesthetic inputs. However, the maximum
effect of speed was greater for passive than for active touch. This result suggests
greater compensation in the active condition, as expected because of the additional
kinesthetic cues to velocity. Force

Lederman et al. [Reference 25, Expt. 1] also examined the effects of varying the
force applied to the surface while exploring it with a probe. A passive-touch mode
was selected, as this provided better control over the constant speed. Once again,
subjects provided numeric estimates of the roughness magnitude of a set of raised-
dot surfaces. All functions were well fit by quadratic equations. As shown earlier
with the bare finger, increasing the applied force increased subjects estimates of

2002 CRC Press LLC

FIGURE 4.5 Perceived roughness magnitude (geometric means of the magnitude estimates)
as a function of interelement spacing for 0.29, 0.58, and 0.87 N forces. The data are plotted
on log scales, and quadratic equations have been fit to each function. The probe-tip diameter
was nominally 3 mm. Reprinted from Reference 25, with permission from Proceedings of ASME
International Mechanical Engineering Congress: Dynamic Systems and Control Division.

the perceived roughness magnitude across all interelement spacings. Furthermore,

h, the height of the peak, was shifted upward with increasing force. The results are
shown in Figure 4.5.


Recall the study by Klatzky et al.,21 in which subjects identified common objects
using different tactual fields of view (1, 5 fingers) and different conditions of finger
flexion (unconstrained, splinted). With the consequences of such constraints in mind,
Lederman and Klatzky [Reference 26, Expt. 3] performed an experiment in which
subjects haptically identified the same set of common objects, this time remotely,
using the same small and large probes from the study by Klatzky and Lederman
[Reference 4, Expts. 1 and 2]. Using a probe may be viewed much like using the
single, splinted finger in the 1993 study.

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Mean Accuracy and Response Time
(max = 120 s) for the Two Probe Conditions
Small Probe Large Probe

Mean accuracy (%) 41.8 38.9

Mean response time (s) 85.6 85.2

Blindfolded subjects explored objects with either the small or large probe,
choosing to hold it much as they would a pencil. Each subject was fitted with a
fabric knit glove. A total of 2 cm was cut away from each fingertip, thereby restricting
contact information to the skin areas in contact with the probe. Objects were placed
before the observer in a prototypical orientation. The mean accuracy and mean
response times from initial contact to naming are shown in Table 4.1 for the small
and large probes.
The observed performance values are considerably poorer than corresponding
levels in the Klatzky et al. study (cf. bare index finger: mean accuracy = 84%, mean
response time = 22.8 s; gloved index finger: mean accuracy = 74% and mean
response time = 45.2 s). T-tests indicated that the differences between the two probes
did not even approach significance. Relatively poor performance scores with a rigid
sheath, relative to unconstrained exploration with multiple bare fingers, were also
obtained in this study of object identification via intermediary links. A more com-
prehensive paper that presents details of the complete set of experiments is now
under preparation.


The results of our ongoing research program on remote touch also have potentially
significant implications for the practice of medicine in the future.
Physical contact offers powerful evidence that an object exists. Only haptics
reliably and unambiguously convey information about the forces and vibrations
arising from direct mechanical contact between the perceiver/actor and objects in
the environment. We describe such immediate contact between skin and surface as
non-remote. Because contact sensing offers one of the most primitive and powerful
confirmations of object reality, it constitutes the very essence of physical presence.
We propose that touch can provide the missing physical presence for remote
communication by enhancing telepresence via haptic interfaces for teleoperation
and virtual-environment systems. A haptic interface measures forces applied to a
remote environment; it may also display those forces in the form of directional force
feedback, distributed spatial patterns of local forces, and vibrotactile information to
the hand of a human operator as s/he explores, perceives, and manipulates that
remote environment.

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First, let us consider the potential use of haptic interfaces in medical applications
for teleoperation. In such cases, the remote environment is real. Touch is one of
the most important cues for a physician; in fact, surgery is often conducted more
by touch than by vision.27 And yet, currently, owing to the length and rigidity of
their tools, surgeons who perform minimally invasive surgery (MIS) are denied a
sense of touch during the operation. Researchers (see e.g., References 28, 29, and
30) have developed a variety of MIS tools, which have force sensors (contact and
array) attached to the distal ends of the surgical tools. The forces sensed remotely
by a tool positioned within the body cavity are in turn displayed in real time to
the surgeons hands while they grasp the instruments. The goal of such teleoperator
systems is to permit the surgeon to feel as if s/he is touching the tissues directly.
Haptic interfaces may also ultimately be used by general practitioners and spe-
cialists to examine patients at considerably greater distances, using remote palpa-
tion for purposes of diagnosis. Ultimately, haptic interfaces will likely be combined
with other sensory interfaces (e.g., visual, auditory) into a multimodal interface,
in order to render the sensory information about the distant environment as rich
as possible.
A haptic interface can also be used as part of a virtual environment system,
where the environments are simulated rather than real. For example, virtual training
systems may be used to help teach novice surgeons how to perform complex oper-
ations. Trainees would don 3-D goggles that deliver high precision graphics displays,
while manipulating virtual organs via surgical tools, attached to haptic interfaces
that provide appropriate force feedback to the hands.
As biological scientists, we have argued that in order to build highly efficient
haptic interfaces, it is necessary that designers match the design characteristics of
the hardware and software systems to the capabilities and limitations of the human
operator. The results of our research speak directly to this issue in a number of ways,
several of which we outline here.
Probes represent one of the simplest forms of teleoperator and virtual-environ-
ment systems that can operate on a remote environment. Indeed, most haptic inter-
faces that are currently available (commercially or in research labs) involve such
single-point contact. Therefore, the results of our fundamental research on perceiving
surfaces and objects via a probe are highly relevant to the design of haptic interfaces.
We will close this chapter with a consideration of some of the implications of this
When discussing remote texture perception via a probe (above), we alluded to
supporting research by Lederman and Klatzky.24 It is appropriate now to describe
this study in further detail. Observers were required to perform a battery of cutaneous
and haptic tasks, both sensory and perceptual. During half of the trials, observers
wore a rigid sheath on the volar surface of the same finger; the sheath was held in
place by a surgical glove, into which the sheathed finger was inserted. The sheath
served to remove the spatially distributed forces normally available. During the
remaining trials, observers used the bare finger, again covered by a surgical glove,
to equate for friction. Performance was markedly impaired on the following tasks:
2-point touch threshold, point localization thresholds, perception of the orientation

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of a bar impressed on the fingertip, and detection via palpation of simulated 3-D
lumps (of various sizes) embedded in simulated tissue. These results led us to argue
strongly for multiple (array), as opposed to single-element, force sensors and stim-
ulators in the next generation of haptic interfaces. In contrast, we found that perfor-
mance was only moderately impaired for texture perception tasks, and not at all for
detecting vibration. The latter set of findings suggested that our observers could
and did use information about texture in the form of temporal vibration-based
cues, as opposed to the spatial-intensive cues normally used when contact between
skin and surface is direct.
These encouraging results with texture perception through a rigid sheath led us
to our ongoing research program dealing with texture perception via a probe. Under-
lying this program is the hypothesis that the vibrations produced when surfaces are
explored with a stylus, rather than the bare finger, are sufficient to produce a rich
representation of a textured world. One component involves conducting a compre-
hensive set of human psychophysical experiments to determine a small number of
critical parameters that describe how vibration, induced by the interaction between
surface and rigid stylus, and passed to the skin, leads to an internal representation
of surface roughness (see e.g., Section 4.3). We are also currently assessing the
consequences of adding redundant visual and/or auditory texture information. The
second component involves modeling the transfer from surface to percept, by devel-
oping a theoretically rigorous model of vibratory texture perception, which describes
the functional linkage between mechanical interactions and human textural percepts.
The last component involves using the vibration-based model to create virtual tex-
tures by imposing vibratory forces on a stylus linked to a haptic interface. It also
includes a formal evaluation of the virtual textures using a set of scientific, behavioral
experiments; to date, this element has been noticeably missing from the design of
haptic interfaces.
The studies pertaining to haptic object identification via a probe26 or single bare
finger21 also speak to design issues with respect to haptic interfaces, inasmuch as
they highlight potential constraints in the use of current systems. Recall that when
restricted to exploration via a single probe or bare finger, performance was impov-
erished both in terms of speed and accuracy. Therefore, a haptic interface limited
to a single end effector is likely to restrict the amount of information that will be
available concerning the geometric features of many remote environments. Thus,
we suggest systematically investigating whether tasks that require such information
may be assisted by the simultaneous use of multiple haptic interfaces, to provide a
wider field of view and to afford stable grasping.
In summary, in this chapter we have presented the results of a research program
on the haptic perception of surfaces and objects via a probe. The use of behavioral,
psychophysical methods has allowed us the opportunity to address fundamental
research questions concerning how people process and represent surface and object
properties remotely via an intermediate tool, as opposed to with the bare finger.
In addition, we have explored the ramifications of these results for designing haptic
interfaces for teleoperator and virtual environment systems in several medical

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Preparation of this chapter was supported by the Natural Sciences and Engineering
Research Council of Canada.

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8. Lederman, S.J. Tactual roughness perception: Spatial and temporal determinants,
Canadian Journal of Psychology, 37, 498, 1983.
9. Lederman, S.J. and Taylor, M.M., Fingertip force, surface geometry, and the percep-
tion of roughness by active touch, Perception and Psychophysics, 12(5), 401, 1972.
10. Taylor, M.M. and Lederman, S.J., Tactile roughness of grooved surfaces: A model
and the effect of friction, Perception and Psychophysics, 17(1), 23, 1975.
11. Katz, D., The World of Touch, L. Krueger, Trans., Hillsdale, NJ: Erlbaum, 1989
(original work published 1925).
12. Johnson, K.O. and Lamb, G.D., Neural mechanisms of spatial tactile discrimination:
Neural patterns evoked by braille-like dot patterns in the monkey, Journal of Physi-
ology, 310, 117, 1981.
13. Lederman, S.J., Loomis, J.M., and Williams, D., The role of vibration in the tactual
perception of roughness, Perception and Psychophysics, 32(2), 109, 1982.
14. Hollins, M., Bensmaia, S.J., and Risner, S.R., The duplex theory of tactile texture
perception, Proceedings of the Fourteenth Annual Meeting of the International Society
for Psychophysics, 115, 1998.
15. Hollins, M. and Risner, S.R., Evidence for the duplex theory of tactile texture per-
ception, Perception and Psychophysics, 62(4), 695, 2000.
16. Connor, C.E. and Johnson, K.O., Neural coding of tactile texture: Comparison of
spatial and temporal mechanisms for roughness perception, Journal of Neuroscience,
12, 3414, 1992.

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17. Johnson, K.O. and Hsiao, S.S., Evaluation of the relative roles of slowly and rapidly
adapting afferent fibers in roughness perception, Canadian Journal of Physiology
and Pharmacology, 72, 488, 1994.
18. Dorsch, A.K., Yoshioka, T., Hsiao, S.S., and Johnson, K.O., Peripheral neural mech-
anisms underlying roughness perception of fine stimulus patterns, Society for Neu-
roscience Abstracts, 26, 2000.
19. Klatzky, R.L., Lederman, S.J., and Metzger, V., Identifying objects by touch: An
expert system, Perception and Psychophysics, 37(4), 299, 1985.
20. Lederman, S.J. and Klatzky, R.L., Hand movements: A window into haptic object
recognition, Cognitive Psychology, 19(3), 342, 1987.
21. Klatzky, R.L., Loomis, J.M., Lederman, S.J., Wake, H., and Fujita, N., Haptic iden-
tification of objects and their depictions, Perception and Psychophysics, 54(2), 170,
22. Klatzky, R., Lederman, S.J., and Reed, C., Theres more to touch than meets the eye:
The salience of object attributes for haptics with and without vision, Journal of
Experimental Psychology: General, 116(4), 356, 1987.
23. Lederman, S., Summers, C., and Klatzky, R., Cognitive salience of haptic object
properties: Role of modality-encoding bias, Perception, 25(8), 983, 1996.
24. Lederman, S.J. and Klatzky, R.L., Sensing and displaying spatially distributed fin-
gertip forces in haptic interfaces for teleoperator and virtual environment systems,
Presence: Teleoperators and Virtual Environments, 8(1), 86, 1999.
25. Lederman, S.J., Klatzky, R.L., Hamilton, C.L., and Grindley, M., Perceiving surfaces
roughness through a probe: Effects of applied force and probe diameter, Proceedings
of the ASME International Mechanical Engineering Congress: Dynamic Systems and
Control Division (Haptic Interfaces for Virtual Environments and Teleoperator Sys-
tems, 2000.
26. Lederman, S.J. and Klatzky, R.L., Feeling through a probe, Proceedings of the ASME
International Mechanical Engineering Congress: Dynamic Systems and Control Divi-
sion (Haptic Interfaces for Virtual Environments and Teleoperator Systems), DSC-
Vol. 64, 127, 1998.
27. Laine, L., Is virtual medicine becoming, literally, a reality?, Medical and Diagnostic
Industry, 40, 1997.
28. Fischer, H., Neisius, B., and Trapp, R., Tactile feedback for endoscopic surgery. In:
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114, 1995.
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Virtual Reality, 50, 265, 1998.
30. Howe, R.H., Peine, W.J., Kontarinis, D.A., and Son, J.S., Remote palpation technol-
ogy, IEEE Engineering in Medicine and Biology, 14(3), 318, 1995.

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Somatosensory and
5 Proprioceptive
Contributions to Body
Orientation, Sensory
Localization, and
James R. Lackner and Paul DiZio


5.1 Contact Forces and Body Orientation

5.2 Orientation in Weightless and High Force Conditions
5.3 Top-Down Cognitive Influences on Orientation
5.4 Proprioceptive and Somatosensory Influences on Visual and
Auditory Localization
5.5 Somatosensory and Proprioceptive Contributions to Self-Calibration
5.6 Somatosensory Contributions to Arm Movement Control
5.7 Haptic Contributions to Postural Control
5.8 Summary

We take contact of our body with the ground for granted. Except for brief moments
during running or jumping, or falling from a tree or ladder, those of us who are not
skydivers are rarely without physical contact between our body and the support
surface of the earth. The acceleration of earth gravity pulls us downward and the
reaction force provided by the surface of the earth or the floors of structures arrests
our downward motion and provides a physical base on which stance and locomotion
can be carried out. What a scale measures as weight is actually the contact force it
provides in supporting the body against the pull of gravity. In the absence of an
effective gravitational pull on the body, walking and running would not be possible

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unless one were stepping in place on a treadmill while being mechanically pulled
toward its surface by elastic tethers. Locomotion on the moon, for example, is greatly
constrained by the acceleration of moon gravity which is only one-sixth of that on
earth. This has consequences for both walking and running. Walking is basically
pendular in character and is limited by gravitational force. The maximum possible
frequency of walking is proportional to the square root of the gravitational force.
Running depends on being able to apply a backwards force with the foot without
the foot slipping. The maximum backward thrust that can be exerted without the
foot slipping is limited by the coefficient of friction and the normal force provided
by gravity. The latter will be only one-sixth on the moon of what is on the earth.1,2
Animals and people are bilaterally symmetric and their center of mass lies in
or close to the median plane of their body. This symmetry considerably simplifies
control of balance and locomotion. The upright body will not fall over during quiet
stance so long as the center of mass is maintained above the support area defined
by the feet (see Figure 5.1).3 In this situation, the patterning of shear and normal
forces on the soles of the two feet and their time history, when interpreted in relation
to command signals to the legs and feet, provides information about the direction
of body sway and the relative position of the center of mass of the body (see Note
1). Individuals who lose vestibular function as adults initially have great difficulties
with balance and locomotion. During their recovery period, they learn to use the
tactile cues on the soles of their feet to control their balance. This becomes easier
with continued practice; however, they continue to experience difficulties when they
walk on uneven or compliant surfaces under conditions of reduced illumination.4


An important feature of the contact forces that in a given situation support the body
against gravity is that they also indicate the direction of down. That is, they provide
information about the bodys orientation to gravity and the location of the body
center of mass with respect to the body surfaces in contact with the ground. The
otolith organs of the vestibular system also provide signals that relate to the direction
of gravity; however, these signals relate to head orientation and, unlike the soma-
tosensory contact cues, do not convey information about the relative position of the
center-of-mass. Individuals lacking vestibular function still have a firm sense of the
direction of down owing to the contact support forces on their body. The importance
of contact cues for orientation can be seen in labyrinthectomized and blinded dogfish
swimming in an aquarium. When the creature bumps into a wall, it reorients its
body to that surface and swims horizontally.5 That surface is taken as the direction
of down because the creatures nervous system is interpreting the contact as hitting
This is an important observation because aquatic creatures rarely make contact
with the shoreline. Contact is more likely to occur with submerged objects or the
ocean or lake bottom. The vestibular system appeared phylogenetically in aquatic
animals for which contact cues on the body surface dependent on body orientation
in relation to gravity would be absent. In later, land-dwelling creatures with an

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FIGURE 5.1 Left, top: During quiet stance with pendular sway, the vertical projection
(dashed line) of the the body center of mass (COM) and the center of foot pressure (COP)
remain within the area of foot contact on the ground. Left, bottom: The COP (solid trace)
and COM (dashed trace) fluctuations coincide. Right, top: Leg, ankle, and foot muscle
activation can accomplish a restorative acceleration of the COM by displacing COP in the
opposite direction, momentarily outside the base of support if necessary. Right, bottom: The
shaded area indicates where muscle activation occurs. Information about body position and
motion can be extracted from pressure on the feet interpreted in relation to postural commands.

independently articulated head and neck, the vestibular system could still be used
as a primary source of information about head orientation and, coupled with head-
on-trunk information, be used to determine body orientation to gravity. Touch and
pressure cues on the body surface, however, provide additional information directly
representing the direction of down and the location of the body center of mass
relative to the parts of the body supporting it against the downward acceleration of
gravity. These body contact cues are very important in the control of balance and
locomotion. Patients with dorsal column lesions or degeneration (e.g., tabes dorsalis,
Friedrichs ataxia) are unstable and adopt a broad-based shuffling gait. Diabetic
patients with peripheral neuropathies show similar impairments of function.

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The importance of surface contact stimuli is easy to underestimate because we rarely
are exposed to situations where they are absent. The weightless phases of parabolic
flight maneuvers represent one such condition. When an aircraft is flown in a
parabolic trajectory, periods of high and low force levels alternate (Figure 5.2A).
The latter, free-fall conditions represent a state of nearly complete weightlessness.
In this situation, the aircraft and its occupants are all being freely accelerated
downward by the gravitational attraction of the earth. This means that the aircraft
does not support the inhabitants bodies against the action of gravity. Consequently,
it is possible to free float unrestrained and without contact with any surfaces what-
soever (see Figure 5.2B). If an individual free-floating in this fashion closes his or
her eyes, then he or she may lose all sense of spatial anchoring to the surroundings
and retain awareness only of ongoing body configuration, e.g., whether the legs are
flexed. The person does not feel in any orientation relative to the aircraft a firm
sense of spatial orientation and location is gone, albeit cognitive awareness of the
spatial layout of the aircraft and body location in relation to it is retained.6,7 Opening
the eyes immediately restores a sense of spatial anchoring to the surroundings. The
importance of contact cues for orientation is further highlighted when test subjects
are free floating with their eyes closed and pressure is applied to the tops of their
heads. They will again feel oriented; however, they may feel upside down resting
on their heads (Figure 5.2C). The contact cues restore a sense of orientation and are
interpreted as the direction of down just as they are on earth.
Exposure to unusual patterns of body motion also reveals the importance of
contact support forces for perceived body orientation. Figure 5.3A illustrates an
apparatus, the ZARR or z-axis recumbent rotator, that rotates individuals about their
long body axis in barbecue spit fashion although the mode of attachment to the
device, straps and a foam-lined contoured body mold, is more humane. When
subjects are rotated in this device at a constant velocity, the activity of the angular
acceleration-sensitive semicircular canals of their inner ear will decay to baseline
levels in less than a minute after completion of the acceleration phase. The otolith
organs of the inner ear are activated by linear acceleration and are being continually
reoriented in relation to the direction of gravity and thus differentially stimulated
throughout the rotation period. If the subjects eyes are open, visual information
about how body orientation is continuously changing relative to the test chamber
will also be available, complementing the otolith cues signaling a continuous 360
rotation about the long axis of the body. In this circumstance at rotation rates below
about 10 rpm, subjects feel continuous rotation about their body axis; at higher
velocities of rotation, they feel continuous rotation, but also feel displaced in front
of the rotation axis.8,9
Startling changes occur when subjects close their eyes when rotating at velocities
above 10 rpm. They no longer feel rotation about the long axis of their body but instead
experience vertical plane orbital motion while maintaining either a face-up or face-
down direction. The diameter of the apparent orbit can be many feet. Interestingly, most

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FIGURE 5.2 A. Schematic illustration of a parabolic flight maneuver (above) and a typical
trace of the gravitoinertial force level (below). Each parabola contains approximately 20 s of
steady 0 g and 1.8 g. B. In the free-fall phase of parabolic flight, the aircraft and passengers
are accelerating toward earth at the same rate so it is possible to float. Lack of contact leads
to loss of orientation relative to the aircraft if the eyes are closed. C. A sense of orientation
is restored and subjects feel upside down if pressure is applied to their head (arrow) while
they are free floating, eyes closed.

individuals experience face-up or face-down orbital motion.* The direction of expe-

rienced orbital motion is opposite the direction of actual body rotation. In addition,
for the face-up and face-down experienced orientations there is a 180 phase shift
in relation to actual body position for the two experienced orientations. Figure 5.3B
shows the relationship between experienced orbital motion and the actual rotary
position. For the face-up orbital motion, the person feels at the top of the orbit when
actually face down; in the left quadrant, when turning onto the left side; at the
bottom, when physically face-up, and in the right quadrant, when actually right-side
down. By contrast, for face-up motion, the subject is physically face up when at the
top of the orbital path. Most subjects can shift their apparent orientation between
face-up and face-down by straining in the apparatus and applying pressure to the
front or back of their head. Pressure cues can also affect the apparent diameter of the
orbital motion. By increasing the actual pressure on the front of their head as they rotate,
subjects can make their apparent orbits increase in diameter by several feet.
Putting pressure on the soles of their feet or the top of the head can cause changes
in apparent orientation in relation to the test chamber. Foot pressure makes the

* Occasionally, a subject will feel as if he/she is undergoing orbital motion in a horizontal plane while
always face-up or face-down.

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FIGURE 5.3 A. A subject restrained in the Z-axis recumbent rotation apparatus. B. During
actual counterclockwise rotation in the apparatus, subjects experience clockwise orbital rota-
tion (broken arrows) with a constant heading, face-up is illustrated. The actual and perceived
patterns are both consistent with the rotation of contact cues around the body (solid arrows).
C. Increasing plantar pressure by straining against the restraints makes subjects feel upright,
pivoting in a cone about their feet while maintaining a constant heading.

subjects feel upright while describing their orbital path (see Figure 5.3C), and pres-
sure on the top of the head makes them feel upside down. Thus, the overall pattern
of touch and pressure cues impinging on the body dramatically influences experi-
enced orientation. The transition from horizontal to vertical orbital motion is not
experienced as a physical rotation from horizontal to vertical, but rather as a gradual
feeling of being less and less in one orientation and then progressively more com-
pelling in the new orientation, until it is completely vivid. The absence of a sense
of spatial displacement from horizontal to vertical is likely related to the absence
of the semicircular canal and otolith activity that would accompany such a change.
A similar fading-out, fading-in of experienced orientation occurs in the orientation
illusions experienced in parabolic flight described above.
The ZARR studies emphasize the importance of touch and pressure cues for
orientation and indicate that dynamic patterns of somatosensory stimulation can
supplement and even supplant vestibular contributions to perceived orientation. This
is especially obvious in parabolic flight experiments involving the ZARR where
background force level varies between 0 and 1.8 g. When blindfolded subjects ride

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in the ZARR at 30 rpm during straight and level flight, they experience the patterns
illustrated in Figure 5.3 with comparable orbital diameters. However, as the aircraft
pulls gs and increases the subjects effective weight, the forces exerted on the
subjects body by the apparatus increase and the diameter of the apparent orbit
rapidly becomes larger and larger. It peaks and remains constant as the g force levels
off at its peak and can seem as much as 20 feet in diameter. As the g force begins
to decline, the orbit diameter shrinks more and more until in weightlessness no
orbital motion whatsoever is experienced. Even though the subject is rotating at 30
rpm, no motion is experienced whatsoever; the subject feels totally stationary.6 In
this circumstance, at constant velocity rotation, there is no differential touch and
pressure stimulation of the body surface because the subject is weightless. If the
subject is allowed unrestricted vision during rotation, then in the high force periods
he or she will experience continuous body rotation while simultaneously undergoing
orbital motion in the opposite direction. The orbit diameter is more than 50% smaller
when the eyes are open. In 0 g, some subjects experience constant velocity rotation
about their long body axis, while others feel completely stationary and perceive the
aircraft to be rotating about them.
The importance of tactile cues for orientation can be demonstrated under normal
terrestrial conditions as well. If the soles of a blindfolded seated subjects feet are
brushed by a smooth rotating surface while the feet are prevented from moving by
a yoke, illusory self-rotation will be elicited (see Figure 5.4). The subject, within
1020 seconds, will perceive the rotating platform under his feet as stationary and
experience his body as rotating in the direction opposite that of the platform.
Simultaneously, the subjects eyes will exhibit a nystagmoid pattern of eye move-
ments with slow phase direction compensatory for the direction of apparent body
displacement and with velocity scaled to that of experienced velocity.10 Even though
subjects know the platform can rotate under their feet, they still come to perceive it
to be stationary and themselves as turning.


Contact cues from the feet can also override vestibular signals to orientation. It has
been known for hundreds of years that if a seated person is passively rotated in the
dark at constant velocity, then he or she will soon come to feel stationary. The
adequate stimulus for the semicircular canals is angular acceleration and canal
afferent discharge returns to resting levels during constant velocity turning, thus the
canals cannot discriminate rest from constant velocity. If an individual is rapidly
decelerated to rest from constant velocity rotation, body rotation in the opposite
direction will be perceived. This occurs because during the rapid deceleration the
cupula in each horizontal semicircular canal becomes deviated in the direction
opposite that during initial acceleration to constant velocity. During constant velocity
rotation, the canals gradually re-equilibrate and during deceleration, opposite direc-
tion rotation is sensed. Importantly, if immediately post-rotation the subject lowers
his feet from the footrest of the chair to the floor of the experimental chamber, then
there will be a truncation or a reversal of the post-rotation motion aftereffect. The
subject may perceive his direction of motion reverse so that it is in the same direction

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FIGURE 5.4 Illusory leftward self-rotation (dashed arrow) and compensatory eye movements
(left beating nystagmus) are elicited when the floor moves rightward (solid arrows) under
the soles of the yoked feet of the stationary, blindfolded observer. The observer perceives the
moving surface to be stationary under his feet.

as per-rotation. Lifting and lowering the feet will cause the aftereffect to alternately
change direction and to dissipate faster than the usual 2030 seconds. With stops
from higher velocities of rotation, the duration of the aftereffect is increased. It is
important to note that when the subjects feet remain on the footrest of the rotating
chair, he experiences his feet as stationary in relation to the footrest and himself and
the entire chair as turning. On lowering his feet to touch the floor, he experiences
it to be stationary and his body and the chair to be turning in relation to it. This
pattern means that contact of the feet with different reference frames chair vs.
floor greatly influences the apparent motion of the body. Such an influence points
to top-down cognitive effects on orientation rather than a bottom-up integration
of sensory signals.
Similar top-down influences can be demonstrated for hand and arm movement
control. When a subject, in darkness, is accelerated in a rotating chair nystagmus is
elicited. The nystagmus has a slow phase that is opposite the direction of rotation.
If a target light is attached to a boom on the chair and fixed relative to the observer,
during angular acceleration, the target will be seen to change its position relative to
the subject. The subject will see it displace in the direction of acceleration. After
reaching a peak subject-relative displacement, the target will still seem to be moving
relative to the observer but no longer increasing its subject-relative displacement.

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Simultaneously, the observer will perceive rotation of self and target together relative
to the unseen experimental chamber. This phenomenon is known as the oculogyral
If the subject is allowed to maintain hand contact with the target light, then when
the chair is accelerated, the apparent displacement and motion of the target relative
to the subject will be suppressed.12 If the target light is extinguished and the subject
maintains hand contact with the target light mount and attempts to fixate it, the
vestibular nystagmus normally evoked by chair acceleration will be greatly attenu-
ated.12 In both the target light and the darkness conditions, suppression is contingent
on the subjects hand making physical contact with the target or target holder. Having
the hand spatially even a few millimeters away has no suppressing effect. These
results demonstrate that somatosensory plus proprioceptive information about target
location influences visual localization and oculomotor control, and can suppress
visual mislocalizations induced by vestibular stimulation.
Hand contact can also suppress other forms of illusory visual motion. The
autokinetic effect the apparent visual motion of a stationary target light in an
otherwise dark room has been one of the classic illusions studied by psychologists
and physiologists. This illusion was found to be greatly suppressed in magnitude
and total time of occurrence if the subject grasped the target light holder with his
or her index finger next to the light.13 In addition, the amplitude of involuntary losses
of fixation of the target light was diminished as well. These results point to a
proprioceptive and somatosensory contribution to stabilization of visual direction
and oculomotor control. A subsequent study using a scleral search coil technique to
evaluate the quantitative reduction of fixation instability provided by holding vs. not
holding the target light failed to show any differences.14 It turns out, however, that
having a contact lens in the eye or having a piece of surgical tape against the lower
eyelid provides somatosensory cues about eye position that are as effective as holding
the target light in suppressing autokinesis.15 Together these observations emphasize
the importance of somatosensory and proprioceptive cues distributed across the
body in influencing sensory localization and oculomotor control and the broad
range of cues the body can use to enhance accuracy.


Proprioception and somatosensory cues can also be used to create errors in sensory
localization. When the hand is in contact with a target light in an otherwise dark
room, if apparent motion of the arm is induced by muscle vibration, then apparent
visual motion of the physically stationary target will be perceived. The subject will
see the target change its apparent position even though recordings of eye position
will indicate that stable fixation is maintained.16 Subjects often report that it feels
as if their eyes are moving in their orbits, tracking the visual targets motion.
Vibration of an arm muscle activates its muscle-spindle receptors, eliciting a reflexive
contraction. It has been known since the classic observations of Matthews and his
colleagues,17 that if the motion of a limb moving under the action of a tonic vibration

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FIGURE 5.5 Perceptual remapping of visual angle elicited by vibratory myesthetic illusions.
Left: Small target lights (filled circles) are attached to the index fingers of both arms, which
are immobilized (restraints not shown, for clarity). Vibrators are positioned over both biceps
brachii muscles, and the subject stably fixates one of the targets in the otherwise dark room.
Middle: Activation of the vibrators entrains spindle afferent activity, artificially signaling
biceps elongation and eliciting illusory extension of both unseen forearms (arrows). The
perceived distance between the two lights increases during the felt arm displacement. Right:
Cutaneous contact is denied by attaching the target lights to the immobile restraint (not shown)
1 mm away from the fingers, increasing dramatically the vibration-induced felt displacements
of the fingers and abolishing the illusory visual separation of the targets.

reflex is resisted, apparent motion of that limb will be experienced in the direction
that would be associated with lengthening of the vibrated muscle. Thus, biceps
brachii activation leads to apparent forearm extension and triceps brachii activation
to apparent flexion. The arm movement illusion has two components: a spatial
displacement and a velocity one. The limb will seem to move physically to a new
spatial location and then to still be moving but no longer displacing. The induced
motion of a visual target attached to the hand of the vibrated arm has the same
features and shows a peaking of apparent spatial displacement while still being
perceived to be in continuous motion.
If a target light is attached to the index finger of each hand and the fingers are
separated by a few centimeters, as illustrated in Figure 5.5, then when illusory
extension of both arms is induced by vibration of both bicep muscles, the targets
will be seen to increase in separation. Bilateral triceps vibration induces apparent
flexion of the two arms and the targets will be seen to move closer together. This
visual direction remapping occurs for both monocular and binocular viewing and
eye position recordings indicate that steady fixation is maintained.18 The illusory
visual effect is eliminated if the fingers are not in direct contact with the targets.
These results demonstrate that proprioceptive-tactile information about visual target
location can influence the apparent direction of gaze, visual direction, and the
apparent physical separation of two targets (the latter, without affecting apparent
distance, which means that there must be a central remapping of retinal local signs).
These findings indicate that somatosensory and proprioceptive information provides,
through hand contact, a mechanism for calibrating the direction of gaze and visual
spatial localization.

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FIGURE 5.6 Illusions experienced in darkness during biceps brachii vibration with a speaker
emitting noise bursts attached to the hand. Left: The forearm and the sound source are actually
immobilized (restraint not shown for clarity) in a sagittal plane but are experienced as moving
down; apparent movement of the sound is consistent with the physical pattern of non-changing
auditory arrival time and intensity cues at the ears. Right: The forearm and speaker are actually
restrained in a horizontal plane but are experienced as moving rightward relative to the head
which feels stationary, a pattern inconsistent with non-changing binaural cues.

Auditory localization can be similarly remapped.19 Figure 5.6 shows a subject

seated with an auditory speaker emitting noise bursts attached to his hand. Two arm
orientations are illustrated a horizontal and a vertical one. When the biceps brachii
is vibrated, illusory extension of the forearm will be experienced horizontally in one
case and vertically in the other. Simultaneously, the sound source will be heard to
change in position in keeping with the hands apparent displacement, reaching a
peak displacement while still seeming to be moving. The illusions can be 20 or 30
degrees or more, in magnitude. Vertical movement of a sound source in the subjects
sagittal plane is consistent with non-changing arrival time and intensity cues at the
ears. However, lateral physical movement of a sound source would necessarily
change these cues. Since the head is movable, one might expect if lateral displace-
ment of the hand and auditory target was experienced that a change in head orien-
tation would also be experienced. For example, in the dark with a single target light
attached to the hand, a change in eye position with respect to the head is experienced
during illusory motion of the target. But this does not happen with the sound source.
A remapping of auditory localization cues occurs instead, analogous with the two
visual targets case, in which the retinal loci associated with particular visual direc-
tions are remapped.

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The remappings of arm position, eye position, and auditory and visual localization,
associated with muscle vibration, are transient. After the vibration is terminated or
contact of the hand with the target is broken, the original localizations are re-
achieved. Nevertheless, the influence of hand position on sensory and postural
localization provides a mechanism by which calibration of auditory and visual maps
may be achieved normally. It is clear from recent physiological work that the cortical
maps devoted to vision, somatosensation, and audition are highly plastic and subject
to reorganization.20,21,22,23,24 The mobility of the hand and the possibility of gaining
veridical information about the external environment and objects within it by explo-
ration with the hand underscore its flexible use as a tool for self-recalibration.
The hand can also be used for calibration of the body schema. This concept
refers to the knowledge the CNS has of the dimensions and spatial characteristics
of the body that allows an individual to touch accurately without visual guidance
different parts of the body and that allows appropriate guidance of the body relative
to the surroundings. The Pinocchio illusion illustrates how the hand may be
involved. Figure 5.7 shows an individual, with eyes closed, grasping his nose while
the biceps brachii of his arm is vibrated to create an illusion of arm extension. The
subject perceives his nose to grow longer and longer in keeping with the apparent
position of his hand which seems to move farther and farther from his face. With
appropriate positioning of the hands on the body, broad-ranging perceptual remap-
pings of body configuration, body dimensions, and body orientation can be gener-
ated.25 Figure 5.8 shows an individual with arms akimbo. Bilateral vibration of the
biceps brachii leads to apparent expansion of the waist as the hands seem to move
farther apart. With bilateral triceps vibration, the pattern most often experienced by
subjects is the waist diminishing in size. Although these effects are transient and
the correct body size is experienced with cessation of vibration, they nevertheless
demonstrate how veridical mappings could be generated and refreshed by hand
contact under conditions of accurate hand movement control. In other words, these
studies provide a fast-forward view of how the normal calibration process may be


The use of the hand in calibration of the body schema raises the issue of how the
calibration of the arm itself is achieved. The hand and arm change size during
development and arm length affects the physical amplitude of hand displacement
through space. For example, if the arm grows an additional 10 cm in length, then a
1 change in joint angle at the shoulder will produce a larger linear displacement
of the hand than prior to the growth change. Normally, when the hand is moved
over a stationary surface, that surface is perceived to be stationary. This means that
the changing tactile input at the fingers is attributed to the motion of the hand. Katz26
recognized the significance of this fact in his classic studies of touch. Gibson27 later

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FIGURE 5.7 The Pinocchio illusion. Left: The person being tested holds his nose in a pincer
grip while a vibrator is positioned over the biceps brachii muscle of his right arm. Right:
When the vibrator is turned on, illusory extension of the forearm is felt and the spatially fixed
point of contact is also experienced as moving, resulting in apparent extension of the nose

FIGURE 5.8 Perceptual remapping of body dimensions in the vicinity of contact with an
appendage in which a vibratory myesthetic illusion is induced. In the test situation, the subject
holds his arms akimbo in darkness (center) during bilateral biceps (left) or triceps (right)
brachii muscle vibration. Biceps vibration elicits illusory forearm extension and body expan-
sion at the point of hand contact. Triceps vibration induces illusory forearm flexion and
pinching of the waist.

measured the threshold for detecting the motion of a surface moving under the
fingertips. He found that the stationary, restrained fingertips resting on a surface
could detect motion of 1 mm/s or even less. He also had subjects move their hands
back and forth laterally with their fingertips contacting a yardstick that also could
be in motion. He found that the direction and approximate speed of yardstick motion
could be detected although he did not provide details about the frequencies, veloc-
ities, and amplitudes of arm and yardstick movements studied. The apparatus illus-

2002 CRC Press LLC

FIGURE 5.9 Apparatus for manipulating the coupling between voluntary movements and
tactile slip cues. In the situation illustrated, the surface on which the finger tips are dragging
moves rightward an equal amount to the hand movement thereby eliminating slip cues.
Exposure to novel couplings of slip and voluntary movement (without vision) causes imme-
diate alterations in detection of surface motion and estimation of voluntary arm movement
magnitude. Longer term exposure leads to adaptive remappings.

trated in Figure 5.9 permits related questions to be asked. It couples motion of the
contact surface with motion of the hand in the same or opposite direction by a
fraction thereof. Consequently, the tactile feedback associated with voluntary move-
ments of the hand over a surface can be systematically remapped. This allows
measurement of the detection thresholds for identifying motion of the surface during
conjoint hand movements.
Subjects are better able to detect surface motion when it is in the same direction
as arm motion. The displacement detection threshold is about 7% for with dis-
placement of the surface but 40% for against displacements. Thus, subjects are
much more able to detect displacements of the contact surface during voluntary
motion of the hand when the surface moves so as to reduce the magnitude of slip
displacement across the fingertips. Surface displacement against the direction of
hand motion is considerably more difficult to detect reliably. An interesting addi-
tional feature is that subjects also tend to overestimate the magnitude of their arm
movements in experimental conditions involving counter-displacements of the con-
tact surface and to underestimate them when the surface moves in the same direction
as their arm movements. This pattern suggests that the slip cues at the fingertips as
the hand sweeps over a surface contribute to the appreciation of the magnitude of
the arm movement.
A contribution of tactile input at the fingertip to the appreciation of arm position
is consistent with recent observations demonstrating that when pointing movements
are made to targets on a surface, the pattern of shear force stimulation of the fingertip
provides a spatial coding of hand position with respect to the body.1 The region of
the fingertip stimulated also indicates far vs. near and left vs. right. The shear reaction
force vectors generated on the fingertip during the first 30 msec after impact are

2002 CRC Press LLC

oriented to a locus near the shoulder of the reaching arm and code the spatial position
of the hand with respect to the body. Thus, when the finger touches the surface, the
pattern of contact cues on the fingertip literally specifies where the finger is in
relation to the body. They code hand location in an egocentric reference frame. The
shear forces abate within 100 msec of the finger contacting the surface after which
only a small normal force remains as the arm is actively supported with the finger
in contact with the surface.
The importance of the finger impact forces for calibration of reaching movements
is emphasized by two additional experimental paradigms. When a head-mounted
visual display is used to present virtual targets, a subject can point to them but even
if his or her finger is in spatial register with the virtual target there will be no
somatosensory feedback related to the target position because there is no physical
contact. The head-mounted display obstructs sight of the hand so visual feedback
about hand position is also absent. In this circumstance, if the subject reaches
repeatedly to the virtual target, a remarkable thing will happen. The subjects reach-
ing movements to the target will become more and more inaccurate, showing greater
and greater dispersion.28 Importantly, if a solid surface is placed at the spatial plane
of the virtual targets so they coincide with its surface, then, even after one single
contact with the surface, subsequent reaches will be much more accurate. If the
surface is removed, movement accuracy again will rapidly degrade. This pattern
means that absence of contact at the end of movements coupled with absence of
sight of the hand leads to degradation of limb position sense. Contact is necessary
to preserve calibration; proprioceptive information alone is not adequate.
The importance of terminal contact cues for calibration is also apparent in
experiments involving Coriolis perturbations of reaching movements.29 If a reaching
movement is made in a room rotating at constant velocity, an inertial force known
as a Coriolis force will be generated on the arm. Its magnitude is proportional to
the velocity of room rotation and the velocity of the moving arm relative to the
room; consequently, it is only present during a reaching movement itself. The
transient Coriolis force deflects the path of the arm in the direction opposite rotation
of the room. When the room is turning at 60/s, subjects will miss visual targets by
many centimeters (see Figure 5.10 on left).
Subjects rapidly adapt to the Coriolis perturbations when allowed visual feed-
back of their movements. Adaptation takes less than 10 reaches, when repeated
reaches are made to a single target. If subjects point to the location of a visual target
that is extinguished at the onset of their reach (in the otherwise dark rotating room),
they still are able to adapt within 1015 reaches, if their hand makes contact with
the surface in which the target is embedded. Terminal contact allows them to adapt
fully to the Coriolis perturbations even though the surface provides no textural cues
to the targets location (see Figure 5.10 on right, top). By contrast, if subjects point
in the air just above the location of the just-extinguished visual target, they do not
regain accurate movement endpoints and will continue to show endpoint deviations
in the direction of the Coriolis forces generated by their movements (see Figure 5.10
on right, bottom). The absence of terminal contact cues prevents the sensorimotor
control mechanism from registering or detecting the discrepancy between desired

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FIGURE 5.10 Role of fingertip contact in adaptation of reaching movements to Coriolis force
perturbations in a rotating room. Left: Forward reaching movements (varm) during counter-
clockwise rotation (wsrr) generate rightward Coriolis forces on the arm (FCor). Right, top:
When reaches end on a smooth surface encasing the target, they are initially deviated by
Coriolis forces but return to baseline endpoint and curvature patterns within 40 movements.
The initial post-rotation reaches show mirror image deviations to the initial per-rotation
reaches. Right, bottom: Reaches ending in the air above the target per-rotation show no
adaptation to Coriolis deviations of their endpoint but return to normal curvature. Post-rotation,
there is little endpoint deviation but curvature is mirror image to initial per-rotation reaches.

hand position and actual hand position. Thus, full endpoint adaptation cannot be
In this experimental situation, the adaptation takes place automatically if
terminal contact is allowed. With repeated reaches, the subject becomes progres-
sively more accurate without awareness of what he or she is doing. Moreover, after
adaptation is complete subjects no longer perceive the presence of the Coriolis forces
generated by their reaching movements. Their movements seem completely natural
and normal, and the Coriolis forces, although still generated during movements,
seem absent. Space does not permit pursuit of this important fact and its implications
for perception of the forces encountered during self-generated movements but this
issue is discussed further elsewhere by Lackner and DiZio.1
These studies demonstrate the importance of somatosensory cues from the hand
in the calibration and maintenance of limb position sense and in the adaptive
recalibration of arm movement control. A final series of studies will be described
to illustrate the contribution of haptic cues from the hand to balance.


Standing subjects greatly stabilize their balance if they touch a stationary surface
with the index finger of their outstretched arm. Subjects are at least as stable in the
dark with finger contact as they are with full sight of their surroundings without
finger contact.30,31 If they are allowed both vision and touch, they are most stable of

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FIGURE 5.11 Left: Experimental setup used to investigate the influence of light touch of
the finger on posture. Right, top: Without finger contact in darkness, there is substantial sway
of the center of pressure (COP). Right, bottom: Fingertip contact at <1 N attenuates sway.
(1 N 100 g.) Surreptitiously, oscillating the touch surface entrains posture (not shown).

all. Touch stabilizes posture even though the levels of applied force at the fingertip
are far below those adequate to provide mechanical stabilization. Nearly all subjects
spontaneously adopt about a 40 g level of applied force at their fingertip. This value
is interesting because it corresponds to the region of maximum dynamic sensitivity
of the somatosensory receptors in the fingertip as measured by Westling and Johans-
son.32 Variations about this level give the greatest modulation of somatosensory
afferent activity. Analyses of the relationship among the force changes at the fin-
gertip, EMG activity in the leg muscles controlling sway, and the displacement of
the body center-of-pressure reveal that the fingertip is not being used as a passive
probe to detect sway, but rather is being actively controlled. Changes in the leg EMG
signals follow changes at the fingertip by about 150 msec, and changes in body
position occur another 150 msec later (see Figure 5.11).33
Individuals without labyrinthine function cannot stand more than a few seconds
in the dark without falling if they are in a heel-to-toe stance. Nevertheless, if allowed
fingertip contact, they can balance as stably as normal subjects who are standing
without finger touch but with sight of their surroundings.34 This observation dem-
onstrates the great functional significance for spatial orientation of haptic inputs and
the possibility of substituting them for vestibular input in some circumstances. Touch
cues can also override proprioceptive misinformation about body orientation. If the
leg muscles of standing subjects are vibrated to elicit a reflexive contraction through
a tonic vibration reflex, they will be greatly destabilized and may fall over. However,
light touch of the index finger completely overrides the destabilizing influence of
leg muscle vibration.35 In fact, subjects are more stable during leg muscle vibration
in the dark if they are allowed touch than they are in the absence of vibration without

2002 CRC Press LLC

touch. These observations have obvious significance for the rehabilitation of patients
with labyrinthine deficits or with peripheral neuropathies.
Touch of the hand can also be used to entrain posture. If unbeknownst to the
subject, the surface is oscillated laterally, then over a wide range of frequencies the
subject will become entrained and sway at the frequency of the surface.36 The subject
will perceive the oscillating surface to be stationary and be unaware of his own sway
being entrained. By minimizing his own motion relative to the finger contact surface,
the subject actually increases his sway relative to the ground. If subjects are told
that in some trials the contact surface will be oscillated and that in others it will be
stationary and are subsequently exposed to intermixed trials, then in virtually all
trials, subjects will perceive the finger contact surface as not being spatially station-
ary even when it is. Nevertheless, the subjects will still exhibit some postural
entrainment to the contact surface when it is in motion. These observations empha-
size that cognitive knowledge about the spatial context, e.g., the contact surface may
be in motion, has a great influence on how the cues at the hand are interpreted and
attributed in terms of self-motion and contact surface motion.
The force levels and finger contact areas that are adequate to enhance postural
stability are surprisingly small. Studies demonstrating this have made use of von
Frey filaments that bend at different buckling force levels and a rigid steel filament.37
The filaments were mounted vertically so that subjects could touch their ends with
their index fingers. Von Frey filaments of different diameters have different com-
pressional bending strengths. When a filament bends, it exerts a constant force on
the fingertip so long as the fingertip does not move laterally in relation to it. If the
finger moves laterally, the force generated by the filament on the finger will be
considerably less.38 Finger contact with a steel rigid filament 1 mm in diameter was
fully as effective in attenuating sway as contact with a flat surface. With the von
Frey hairs force levels as small as 7 grams significantly stabilized sway relative to
conditions in which subjects held out their fingertip and imagined contact with a
stable surface. In these experiments, the subjects standing with arm outstretched and
index finger contacting a flexible von Frey filament could control and modulate the
force at their finger more precisely than is possible in fine force resolution studies.
In these latter studies, subjects are seated with their forearm supported and the
minimal change in force that they can exert against an object is measured.39 Thus,
subjects may actually be able to perform with finer fingertip force resolution in a
context that mobilizes their entire body.

Mechanical contact on the body surface is an omnipresent feature of terrestrial life.
We have shown here that such contact provides spatial information about the orien-
tation of the body with respect to the environment. During reaching movements, the
pattern of forces generated on the reaching hand when it contacts a surface provides
a spatial mapping of hand location relative to the body. This spatial coding of terminal
hand position is also extremely important for allowing adaptive changes in motor
control to be implemented. In fact, in the absence of vision and contact cues, reaching
accuracy rapidly degrades. Contact of the hand with the body itself provides a means

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by which the central nervous system representations of the body surface and its
dimensions can be calibrated and updated over time. Hand contact with external
auditory and visual objects localizes them spatially relative to the body, allowing
directional calibration of vision and audition. The direction of gaze can be similarly
calibrated. Light hand contact with stationary environmental objects greatly enhances
the stability of stance. Finally, the control of the hands and feet themselves can be
updated through physical interaction with objects in the external environment.

1. Lackner, J. R. and DiZio, P. Aspects of body self-calibration. Trends Cog. Sci., 4,
279, 2000.
2. Alexander, R. M. Locomotion of Animals. Blackwell, Oxford, 1982.
3. Winter, D. A. Biomechanics and Motor Control of Human Movement, 2nd Ed. John
Wiley & Sons, New York, 1990.
4. Bigby, J. V. Some problems of postural sway. In Ciba Foundation Symposium on
Myotactic Kinethetic and Vestibular Mechanism, A. V. S. de Reuck and J. Knight,
Eds., Churchill, London, 1967.
5. Maxwell, S. S. Labyrinth and Equilibrium. Lippencott, Philadelphia, 1923.
6. Lackner, J. R. and Graybiel, A. Parabolic flight: Loss of sense of orientation. Science,
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7. Lackner, J. R. and Graybiel, A. Perceived orientation in free fall depends on visual,
postural, and architectural factors. Aviat, Space Environ. Med., 54, 47, 1983.
8. Lackner, J. R. and Graybiel, A. Postural illusions experienced during Z-axis recum-
bent rotation and their dependence on somatosensory stimulation of the body surface.
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9. Lackner, J. R. and Graybiel A. Some influences of touch and pressure cues on human
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10. Lackner, J. R. and DiZio, P. Some efferent and somatosensory influences on body
orientation and oculomotor control. In Sensory Experience, Adaptation, and Percep-
tion, L. Spillman and B. R. Wooten, Eds., Erlbaum Associates, Clifton, NJ, 281, 1984.
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which may be observed following stimulation of the semicircular canals. J. Aviat.
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12. Evanoff, J. N. and Lackner, J. R. Some proprioceptive influences on the spatial dis-
placement component of the oculogyral illusion. Perception and Psychophysics, 43,
526, 1988.
13. Lackner, J. R. and Zabkar, J. Proprioceptive information about target location sup-
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control and appreciation of eye and limb position. Exp. Brain Res., 36, 275, 1979.
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afferents to kinaesthesia shown by vibration induced illusions of movement and by
the effects of paralysing joint afferents. Brain, 95, 705, 1972.

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18. DiZio, P., Lackner, J. R., and Lathan, C. E. The role of brachial muscle-spindle signals
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24. Kaas, J. H. The reorganization of somatosensory and motor cortex after peripheral
nerve or spinal cord injury in primates. Prog. in Brain Res., 128, 173, 2000.
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28. DiZio, P. and Lackner, J. R. Proprioceptive adaptation and aftereffects. In Handbook
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29. Lackner, J. R. and DiZio, P. Rapid adaptation to Coriolis force perturbations of arm
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2002 CRC Press LLC

Locomotor Control: From
6 Spring-like Reactions of
to Neural Prediction
Arthur Prochazka and Sergiy Yakovenko

6.1 Introduction
6.2 Cells vs. Systems
6.2.1 Historical Development
6.3 The Effect on Locomotion of the Loss of Sensation
6.4 Receptors Involved in the Control of Locomotion
6.4.1 Mechanoreceptors
6.4.2 Vision, Vestibular Input, and Hearing
6.5 Structure and Response Properties of Proprioceptors
6.5.1 Muscle Spindles: Structure
6.5.2 Passive Response Properties of Spindle Afferents
6.5.3 Fusimotor Action
6.5.4 Spindle Models
6.5.5 Tendon Organs: Structure and Response Properties
6.5.6 Tendon Organ Models
6.5.7 Mechanoreceptors in Joints, Ligaments, and Skin
6.5.8 Overview of Proprioceptive Firing during Locomotion
6.6 Simple Locomotor Reflexes
6.6.1 The Stretch Reflex
6.6.2 Flexion and Extension Responses, Reflex Stepping, and
Reflex Walking
6.7 Central Pattern Generators and Sensory Feedback
6.7.1 Cyclical Motor Patterns Generated without Sensory Input
6.7.2 Interaction between CPGs and Sensory Feedback
6.7.3 Human Locomotion
6.7.4 Robots
6.7.5 Virtual Animals
6.7.6 IfThen Rules Governing Phase Switching and the Selection
of Hazard Responses

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6.8 Prediction and Adaptation
6.9 Summary Points
6.10 Appendix
6.10.1 Stretch Reflex Model

Dr. P.R. Burgess organized a Society for Neuroscience symposium in 1992 to discuss
his contention that You can only control what you sense. The question is, what is
being controlled in locomotion and which of the many sensory inputs to the CNS
are the main players? There are numerous ways of answering this, each implying a
different level of control and different neural systems. For example, at one level,
that which is controlled is support and movement of the body with respect to uneven
terrain. The control problem at this level is to cope with support surfaces of variable
orientation, consistency, stability, friction, and compliance. At another level, that
which is controlled is movement of the body with respect to a moving target (e.g.,
as in the hunting of prey). At this level, the problem is to anticipate future positions
of the target and to control and adapt ones own trajectory accordingly, taking into
account obstacles and hazards in the way.


Stuart et al. (2001) recently pointed out that sensorimotor control has been studied
either inside-out from cellular and molecular mechanisms within small neuronal
networks (the cellular level) or outside-in from complex behaviors to reflexes (the
systems level). Although these two approaches often remain far apart, more and
more laboratories are tackling specific problems from each end (Rossignol 1996;
Jordan 1998; Kiehn and Kjaerulff 1998; ODonovan et al. 1998; Grillner et al. 2001).


The outside-in approach started centuries ago, when it was suggested that complex
behaviors including locomotion comprised chains or assemblies of simple behaviors
or reflexes (Descartes 1664; Mettrie 1745; Spencer 1855; Sechenov 1863). These
ideas gained credibility with early experimental work that showed that after removal
of the cerebrum in birds, frogs, and quadruped mammals, the brainstem and spinal
cord could still generate complex movements such as righting reflexes and locomo-
tion (Flourens 1823; Goltz 1869; Freusberg 1874; Goltz 1892; Brown 1911).
The inside-out approach gained momentum with the neuroanatomical studies of
Ramon y Cajal (Cajal 1894) and the technical breakthrough of electronic recordings
of single-neuron activity (Adrian and Zotterman 1926). Within years the glass
microelectrode had allowed intracellular potentials to be measured and the scene
was set for the detailed study of the ionic mechanisms of the action potential, the
synaptic actions of sensory axons on motoneurons and interneurons (Eccles et al.

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1957a; Eccles et al. 1957b), the role of neurotransmitters in simple reflex behavior
(Eccles et al. 1954; Jankowska et al. 1967; Jankowska et al. 2000) and the neuronal
analysis of reflexes elicited in anesthetized or mid-collicular decerebrated animals
(Chen and Poppele 1978; Terzuolo et al. 1982). In the 1970s, patch-clamping and
molecular techniques allowed the functioning of membrane channels and their asso-
ciated intracellular mechanisms to be studied in detail (Neher and Sakmann 1976).
In the 1960s, it was shown by the Moscow group of Shik, Orlovsky, and their
colleagues that locomotion in decerebrate and spinal animals provided an excellent
basis for electrophysiological studies at both cellular and systems levels (Shik et al.
1969). This in-between approach has provided much useful insight and, combined
with pharmacological and molecular techniques, has begun to allow the first com-
prehensive analyses of locomotor control ranging from ions to behavior (Grillner
et al. 2000).
To return to the main theme of this chapter, deafferentation studies, modelling,
and lessons that have been learned from designing walking robots all show that it
is important to have sensory information throughout the step cycle about the terrain
and obstacles ahead; ground reaction forces, and displacements; internal forces and
displacements; and relative velocities of the body segments. Numerous reviews have
been written in the last few years on one or more of these topics (Pearson 1995;
Horak and MacPherson 1996; Prochazka 1996b; Rossignol 1996; Bschges and
Manira 1998; Marder and Pearson 1998; Pearson et al. 1998; Duysens et al. 2000).
We will focus mainly on control mediated by mechanoreceptors, but key aspects of
the visual control of locomotion will be included toward the end of the chapter.


It has long been assumed that ones sense of movement derives from internal sensory
signals generated in the moving tissues. Bell (1834) discussed muscle sense in
detail both in relation to movement control and as a conscious sensation. He spoke
of the pleasure of muscle sense during vigorous exercise. In a particularly striking
passage, he described a woman afflicted with the loss of muscle sense, who could
not hold her child safely without constant conscious effort. Since then, literally
hundreds of deafferentation studies in animals and humans have underscored this
dramatic loss of motor control in the absence of input from muscle receptors. One
of us recently reviewed the deafferentation literature (Prochazka 1996b) and sum-
marized the main points as follows:

1. The basic ability to produce voluntary force and move limbs is preserved
after deafferentation. However, movements are generally uncoordinated
and inaccurate, especially when visual guidance is absent.
2. Coordination of the different segments of the primate hand in precision
tasks is particularly impaired. The accuracy of spatial orientation, frac-
tionated movements, and anticipatory pre-shaping of the hand is reduced,
and writing may be severely affected.

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3. Gait is possible after deafferentation, but again it tends to be irregular and
uncoordinated. This holds true in vertebrates and invertebrates alike. In
humans who have lost limb proprioception, gait is severely impaired and
requires conscious attention. If neck proprioception is also lost, gait
becomes virtually impossible.
4. Control of tasks involving simultaneous changes in several variables,
coordination of several limb segments, or adaptation to changes in the
external environment is impaired. Thus fastening buttons or holding a cup
is difficult and sometimes impossible without visual guidance.

Regarding locomotion in particular, the effects of deafferentation have not always

been clear-cut, because under certain restricted circumstances the nerve or muscle
activation patterns or the locomotor movements themselves can appear to be rea-
sonably normal (Grillner and Zangger 1975). For example, though deafferented
animals and human subjects with somatosensory loss have great difficulty in walking
at first, in time they can learn to use residual sensory cues from the limbs and trunk
and other sensory inputs such as vision to control their locomotion quite successfully.
Hulliger has identified some of the pitfalls in interpreting deafferentation studies in
a recent review (Allum and Honegger 1998). He concludes that complete deaffer-
entation of the limbs and trunk results in a massive deficit in the coordination of
locomotor movements, though some of the deficits may be overcome through adap-
tation and intensive training.


Sherrington (1906) elaborated on muscle sense, and defined proprioceptors as recep-
tors mediating the conscious sensation of the bodys own movements. He assumed
proprioception to be mediated by receptors in muscles, joints, and ligaments (Sher-
rington 1906; Sherrington 1947). From the 1930s to the 1960s, physiologists (but
not clinicians) came to believe that muscle receptor activity and therefore proprio-
ception did not involve conscious sensation, but this view had to be reversed again
when it was shown that tendon vibration, which fairly selectively excites muscle
spindles, produced clear illusions of movement (Goodwin et al. 1972).
Skin receptors were originally assumed to respond mainly to external forces
impinging on the body and so were classified by Sherrington as exteroceptors, along
with visual, auditory, and olfactory receptors. However, skin receptors also respond
to the stretching of skin that occurs during most limb movements and under these
circumstances they contribute to kinaesthesia (Moberg 1983; Collins and Prochazka
1996), so this would seem to qualify skin receptors as proprioceptors too. By the
same token, it is now clear that muscle receptors can respond very sensitively to
stimuli applied to the body. The classification of mechanoreceptors as propriocep-
tors or exteroceptors has thus become rather confusing and of dubious usefulness.

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In 1926, the first electrical recordings from single sensory axons were obtained
(Adrian and Zotterman 1926) and for the next 50 or more years, the response
properties of different types of sensory mechanoreceptors have been studied in great
detail in many species. In mammals, muscle spindle and tendon organ endings have
been characterized and modelled mathematically. Various types of skin receptor have
been identified and their responses to skin indentation of different amplitudes and
frequencies have been elucidated in detail (Birder and Perl 1994).


The other senses that have a profound influence on the control of locomotion are
vision, vestibular input, and, to a lesser extent, hearing. Though locomotion can be
generated by all animals in the absence of vision, in most cases if the terrain is
unpredictable, or if there are obstacles in the way, the control of locomotion is
degraded. As we shall see, vision is crucial for the higher levels of locomotor control,
in which the external context of locomotion must be taken into account in the
predictive and adaptive aspects of control (Schubert et al. 1999). Sensory input from
the vestibular apparatus also has a powerful effect on the control of posture, balance,
and locomotion (Horak and MacPherson 1996; Zelenin et al. 2000). The contribution
of hearing to locomotor control has rarely been studied and is assumed to be of
lesser importance. However, under certain circumstances, auditory input produces
rapid orienting responses and can affect postural adjustments (Valls-Sole et al. 1999).


There are several reviews in the literature on the morphology and response properties
of mechanoreceptors that signal locomotor movements (vertebrates: Granit 1970;
Matthews 1972; Hulliger 1984; Prochazka 1989; Johansson et al. 1991; Jami 1992;
Prochazka 1996b; Prochazka and Gorassini 1998a; Prochazka 1999; invertebrates:
Bassler 1983; French 1988; Burrows 1992; Bassler and Buschges 1998). In the
following, we will concentrate mainly on mammalian proprioceptors, muscle spin-
dles, and tendon organs.


There are 25,00030,000 muscle spindles in the human body, including about 4000
in each arm and 7000 in each leg (Voss 1971; Hulliger 1984). The average number
of spindles in a mammalian muscle is roughly 38*(cube root of mass in grams)
(Banks and Stacey 1988; Prochazka 1996b). Thus a 64 g muscle contains about 152
spindles. On average, a single limb muscle in the cat contains 50 to 200 spindles,
each ranging from 2 mm to 6 mm in length (Voss 1971; Boyd and Gladden 1985).
A muscle spindle consists of a dozen or so intrafusal muscle fibers (Latin fusus =
spindle) attached at each end to the surrounding extrafusal muscle fiber, with a
central region innervated by sensory endings encased in a capsule (Boyd and Gladden
1985). The spindle lengthens and shortens along with the extrafusal muscle fibers

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to which it is attached. The typical spindle in cats, monkeys, and humans contains
three types of intrafusal muscle fiber: a dynamic bag1 (DB1 or b1), a static bag2
(SB2 or b2), and 211 chain (c) fibers. These intrafusal fibers receive motor input
from 1012 fusimotor axons and sometimes from a -skeletofusimotor axon, which
also innervates neighboring extrafusal muscle fibers (Emonet-Denand et al. 1975;
Hulliger 1984; Banks 1994). The central encapsulated region of the spindle contains
1 primary and up to 5 secondary sensory endings spiraled around the non-contractile
portions of the intrafusal fibers (Boyd and Gladden 1985). The primary endings are
those of group Ia afferents (conduction velocity 72120 m/s in cats) and the sec-
ondary endings are those of group II afferents (2072 m/s) (Matthews 1972).


Spindle primary and secondary endings respond to muscle length variations similarly
in cats, monkeys, and humans (for detailed comparisons and a discussion of scaling
for different muscle lengths see Prochazka 1981; Prochazka and Hulliger 1983). In
the absence of fusimotor action, group Ia and II afferents respond to muscle length
changes dynamically, Ia afferents being more sensitive to muscle velocity and accel-
eration (e.g., they respond to ramp stretches with larger jumps in firing rate and they
show more phase advance in response to sinusoidal inputs). There is a continuum
from the smallest diameter group II afferents with low velocity sensitivity, to the
largest diameter Ia afferents with high velocity- and acceleration-sensitivity. Group
Ia and II afferents both have non-linear aspects of response: e.g., stretch sensitivity
that depends on amplitude and offset, after-effects of muscle and fusimotor contrac-
tion and non-linear velocity scaling (Hulliger 1984; Prochazka 1996b).


The b1 fiber and its associated Ia sensory spirals are selectively activated by dynamic
fusimotor (d) or d skeletofusimotor axons (Boyd and Gladden 1985; Boyd et al.
1985; Banks 1994). The b2 and chain fibers are activated by static fusimotor or
skeletofusimotor (s or s) axons and rarely by d or d axons (Banks et al. 1998).
Up to 30% of hindlimb spindles lack b1 fibers and their group Ia afferents are then
called b2c afferents (Boyd and Gladden 1985; Taylor et al. 1992; Taylor et al. 1998;
Taylor et al. 1999).
The main fusimotor actions can be summarized as follows. When muscle length
changes are small (< 0.5% rest length), pure d action, mediated by b1 fibers, increases
the background firing rate (bias), decreases the stretch-sensitivity (gain) and reduces
the phase advance of group Ia afferents (Emonet-Denand et al. 1977). For larger-
amplitude length changes, d action increases group Ia stretch-sensitivity up to
five-fold (Boyd et al. 1985) and either increases or decreases Ia phase advance slightly
(Hulliger et al. 1977; Chen and Poppele 1978). Type b2c Ia afferents do not exhibit
dynamic fusimotor effects, the b1 intrafusal fibers being absent. s action strongly
increases the bias of both group Ia and II sensory endings and reduces group Ia stretch
sensitivity (gain) by 50% or more for all amplitudes of length change (Cussons et al.
1977; Chen and Poppele 1978). Paradoxically, weak s action can increase Ia gain
(Hulliger et al. 1985). In either case, phase is little changed. Of the 6 to 9 s axons

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acting on a group II ending, each produces some bias, most attenuate its sensitivity to
small stretches (< 1% rest length) but one or two of the s axons substantially increase
group II sensitivity to stretches, presumably by activating b2 intrafusal fibers (Jami
and Petit 1978). The sensitizing action of these s fibers on group II endings is similar
to the action of d fibers on Ia endings. The terms dynamic and static fusimotor action
are in fact misleading, in that both types alter mainly the gain and offset rather than
the dynamics of group Ia and II responses to stretch (Prochazka 1996b).


Mathematical models of spindle response characteristics were originally developed
from results obtained in acute experiments (Matthews and Stein 1969; Poppele and
Bowman 1970; Poppele and Kennedy 1974; Chen and Poppele 1978; Poppele 1981).
These models have recently been tested and compared in ensembles of group Ia and
II afferent activity recorded in freely moving cats (Prochazka and Gorassini 1998a;
Prochazka and Gorassini 1998b). Because all of the Ia models have a velocity-
sensitive term and this tends to dominate the response to the relatively fast changes
in muscle length that occur in locomotion, most of the models were reasonably
successful in predicting the group Ia responses from the muscle length and EMG
activity profiles, as exemplified in the ensemble firing profile of hamstrings Ia
afferents shown in Figure 6.1. In this example, the small EMG term was added to
provide a small amount of alpha-linked biasing of the Ia firing rate, to represent
alpha-gamma linkage. In both the group Ia and II models, fusimotor action is
usually represented as a single gain parameter though a more comprehensive model
has been developed that incorporates some of the non-linear features of fusimotor
action (Schaafsma et al. 1991; Otten et al. 1995). Modelling has provided some
crucial insights into locomotor control in recent years and the mathematical models
of spindle and tendon organ responses have played an important role in this.


Tendon organs are encapsulated structures 0.21 mm long, usually located at mus-
culotendinous junctions (Barker 1974). Generally speaking, there are about 80%
as many tendon organs in a typical limb muscle as spindles. Their sensory endings,
which become group Ib afferent axons, are entwined among the tendinous strands
of 10-20 motor units, a given motor unit affecting 16 tendon organs (Proske 1981;
Jami 1992). The sensory endings are compressed when the tendon is put under
tensile stress. When non-contracting muscles are stretched, the force transmitted by
the tendon is low except at the extreme end of the physiological range. Because
many tendon organs only fire significantly at such extremes, it was initially posited
that they were overload protectors. It was then found that their sensitivity to force
changes produced by activating selected motor units was much higher than to force
changes produced by passive stretch of the whole muscle (Houk and Henneman,
1967). This led to the idea that they were more sensitive to active force than to
passive force. However when their force-sensitivity was compared in active contrac-
tions and passive stretching of the whole muscle, no significant difference was found
(Stuart et al. 1970, Stephens et al. 1975).

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FIGURE 6.1 Ensemble firing profile of 9 hamstrings spindle primary (group Ia) afferents
recorded during overground locomotion in normal cats. Top: muscle length, middle: elec-
tromyogram (EMG), bottom: firing rate profile with superimposed predicted rate derived
from the length and EMG signals. Reprinted from Prochazka, A., Prog. Brain Res., 1999.
pp. 133142, with permission from Elsevier Science.


Because it is impossible to monitor the net force produced by the particular group
of motor units sampled by a tendon organ, it is difficult to determine precise
input/output characteristics for the receptor. Nonetheless, frequency analyses have
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been performed by applying feedback-controlled force signals to the whole muscle
(Houk and Simon 1967; Anderson 1974; Stephens et al. 1975). These showed that
tendon organs had transfer functions comparable to those of spindle group II endings
(Alnaes 1967). Like group II afferents, tendon organ group Ib afferents fire fairly
regularly, except at very low levels of active force, when unfused twitch contractions
of newly recruited motor units may cause bursts of group Ib firing (Jami et al. 1985).
Various types of non-linearity in tendon organ transduction have been described.
For example, a given Ib ending may be unloaded by contractions of muscle fibers
not inserting into the receptor capsule (Houk and Henneman 1967; Stuart et al.
1972). As group Ib afferents sample from a restricted subset of motor units, they do
not necessarily signal whole muscle force linearly (Jami et al. 1985). The transfer
function models describing the relationship between whole muscle force and Ib
firing rate (Houk and Simon 1967; Anderson 1974) have recently been tested on
firing profiles of small ensembles of Ib afferents recorded during locomotion in
normal cats. The EMG activity from the receptor-bearing muscles was used in lieu
of muscle force. In spite of this substitution, and in spite of concomitant length
changes which would have modulated force somewhat due to inherent force-length
properties of the muscles, the tendon organ firing rate profiles were surprisingly
well predicted (Figure 6.2).


Mechanoreceptors in joint capsules, joint ligaments, and skin are strategically placed
to provide proprioceptive feedback, but proving this role has been difficult. Until
the late 1960s, joint receptors were assumed to signal joint position over the full
range of motion (Boyd and Roberts 1953). However, it was then reported that most
joint receptors in the cat knee and wrist only fired at the extremes of the range
(Burgess and Clark 1969; Tracey 1979). Subsequently, several groups reported full-
range signaling (Godwin-Austen 1969; Zalkind 1971; Carli et al. 1979; Ferrell 1980;
Lund and Matthews 1981) though some of the full-range afferents in the cat knee
joint may have been either muscle spindle or tendon organ afferents (McIntyre et al.
1978). Loading of the joint capsule by muscle contraction sensitizes joint receptors,
in some cases enough to confer mid-range responsiveness on them (Grigg and
Greenspan 1977).
On balance, it seems that joint capsular and ligamentous afferents are capable
of signaling limb position and movement at the extremes of motion and in some
joints over the full range of motion. Single-unit discharges are detectable in record-
ings from whole joint nerves (Ferrell 1980), so the total number of joint receptors
signaling mid-range movement is probably low compared to the number of muscle
and skin receptors responding to the same movement. Joint afferents have conduction
velocities mainly in the group II range (Burgess and Clark 1969) and their segmental
reflex connections with -motoneurons are less direct than those of muscle spindles
(Johansson et al. 1991; Jankowska 1992). It has been suggested that they have a
special role in reflexly inhibiting motoneurons of muscles near joints that are dam-
aged (Iles et al. 1990).
Cutaneous receptors overlying joints and muscle respond phasically as well as
tonically to movement (Edin and Abbs 1991; Edin 1992; Edin and Johansson 1995;
2002 CRC Press LLC
FIGURE 6.2 Ensemble firing profile of 4 triceps surae tendon organ (group Ib) afferents
recorded during overground locomotion in normal cats. A. Top: muscle length, second panel:
electromyogram (EMG), third panel: ensemble Ib firing rate profile with superimposed
predicted rate derived from the EMG signal, B: muscle force as predicted from the firing rate,
C: mean force in soleus obtained in separate experiments in another laboratory (Herzog et al.
1993). Reprinted from Prochazka, A., Prog. Brain Res., 1999. pp. 133142, with permission
from Elsevier Science.

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FIGURE 6.3 Firing rate profile of a slowly adapting type III cutaneous receptor located at
D in the left panel recorded in a human subject with microneurography (letters A, B, and
C refer to other afferents recorded in this subject). The afferent responded to knee joint
displacement. The third trace on the right superimposes the instantaneous firing rate (bold)
and the predicted rate derived from the joint angular velocity and joint angle signals in the
two top traces. The bottom trace shows the raw action potentials of this unit. Reproduced
with permission from Edin, B.B., J. Physiol., 531, 289, 2001.

Edin 2001) and it has been argued that they probably contribute to the sense of
position and motion of the extremities. There are massive numbers of skin receptors
in the limbs. For example, it has been estimated that there are about 17,000 skin
mechanoreceptors with myelinated afferent fibers on the surface of the human hand
(Johansson and Vallbo 1979), compared to about 4000 muscle spindles, 2500 tendon
organs, and a few hundred mid-range joint receptors in the whole arm (Voss 1971;
Hulliger 1984). Type I skin receptors and hair follicle receptors are responsive to
rapidly varying skin stimuli. Slowly adapting type II and III receptors respond
sensitively to stretching of the skin and continue to signal maintained stretch (Horch
et al. 1977). In two recent studies, it was shown that stretching of the skin overlying
finger joints produced illusions of movement of the fingers, reinforcing the idea of
a proprioceptive role for skin receptors (Edin and Johansson 1995; Collins and
Prochazka 1996). Figure 6.3 shows the firing rate of a slowly adapting type III
cutaneous receptor located at D in the left panel recorded in a human subject with
microneurography. The afferent clearly provided information about knee joint dis-
placement and velocity. Its firing profile was extremely well fitted with a first order
transfer function similar to that used in the simpler models of group Ia transduction.


Figure 6.4 summarizes the current knowledge regarding the firing rate profiles of
ensembles of group Ia, Ib, and II muscle afferents during medium-speed stepping
in cats. The data was quantified or estimated from numerous single-unit recordings
obtained with microwire electrodes implanted in dorsal root ganglia of free-to-move

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cats (Prochazka et al. 1976; Loeb and Duysens 1979; Loeb 1981; Loeb 1984;
Prochazka and Gorassini 1998a). If we assume a mean firing rate per receptor of
about 75 impulses/s during locomotion (Figure 6.4), at any given moment the net
input to the spinal cord from the 10,000 or so muscle afferents in each leg is between
0.5 and 1 million impulses/sec. Figure 6.4 also shows that the firing rates of muscle
afferents are deeply modulated during stepping, and so in principle this would
provide highly detailed information to the CNS for locomotor control.


The neurophysiological significance of the age-old observation that decapitated
animals can display coordinated locomotion had been recognized and documented
by the mid-18th Century (Mettrie 1745). Clearly, the neuronal machinery in the
spinal cord was capable of controlling quite complex activities without descending
input from the brain. The notion that all movements were simply chains of reflexes
developed a century later (Spencer 1855). In the late 19th and early 20th centuries,
the elementary movements involved in locomotion began to be studied in detail,
particularly in spinalized or decerebrated dogs and cats (Freusberg 1874; Sherrington
1910; Brown 1911). Sherringtons (1910) study was a tour de force of careful
experimentation and highly detailed description and remains a definitive reference
work to this day. In it, he described the biomechanical actions of most of the muscles
of the cat hindlimb, how these muscles were activated or fell silent in flexion and
extension reflexes, and how they participated in what he termed reflex stepping
(now referred to as air stepping) in spinal cats and reflex walking, i.e., weight-
bearing gait, in decerebrate cats.


The stretch reflex differs in decerebrate and intact animals and since Sherringtons
time it has come to be realized that several CNS mechanisms may contribute
components of different latency to the stretch reflex response. At the segmental
level, muscle spindle Ia afferents activated by muscle lengthening monosynaptically
excite homonymous alpha motoneurons which in turn cause the muscle to resist the
stretch. In static postures, Ib input generally results in homonymous inhibition, but
recently it has been shown that this switches to longer-latency homonymous exci-
tation during locomotion (Conway et al. 1987), at least in cat extensor muscles (the
evidence for Ib homonymous excitation in human locomotion is a matter of contro-
versy: see below). Group II input from muscle spindles has also been implicated in
long-latency components of stretch reflexes (Matthews 1991; Sinkjaer et al. 2000;
Grey et al. 2001). Ia homonymous excitation represents negative displacement feed-
back, which augments the intrinsic stiffness of active muscles in the face of length
perturbations. Ib homonymous feedback, on the other hand, represents positive force
feedback. Positive feedback is synonymous with instability and oscillation in engi-
neering systems, but when muscles are the actuators, their non-linear length-tension
properties turn out to stabilize the positive feedback loop (Prochazka et al. 1997a;
Prochazka et al. 1997b).

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FIGURE 6.4 Summary figure showing firing rate profiles of ensembles of group Ia, Ib, and
II muscle afferents during medium-speed stepping in normal cats. The data were compiled
from numerous single-unit recordings obtained with implanted dorsal root electrodes. Repro-
duced with permission from Prochazka A. and Gorassini, M., J. Physiol. 507, 293, 1998.

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Segmental stretch reflexes and their electrically-elicited counterparts, H-reflexes,
have been studied intensively for many years, partly because they are modulated in
interesting ways, but mainly because it is technically relatively easy to elicit and
measure them. Studies of this type have been reviewed many times in recent years
(Dietz 1996; Prochazka 1996b; Brooke et al. 1997; Dietz 1998; Duysens et al. 2000;
Schneider et al. 2000). Human H-reflexes are smaller during locomotion than during
static postures and they show phase-dependent fluctuations (Garrett et al. 1981;
Garrett and Luckwill 1983; Garrett et al. 1984; Capaday and Stein 1986). It is often
assumed that H-reflexes represent transmission in the short-latency pathway from
Ia afferents to homonymous motoneurons, though an oligosynaptic contribution
cannot be ruled out (Burke 1983). There is evidence that the faster the locomotion
and the more difficult the terrain, the greater the suppression of H-reflexes (Capaday
and Stein 1987; Llewellyn et al. 1990). It is vigorously debated whether this mod-
ulation is centrally generated (Schneider et al. 2000) or due to reafferent signals
(Misiaszek et al. 1998). Stretch reflexes elicited during locomotion by rapidly
stretching individual muscles (Akazawa et al. 1982; Hiebert et al. 1996) or imposing
sudden rotations about joints (Orlovsky and Shik 1965; Sinkjaer 1997; Gritsenko
et al. 2001) also show phase-dependent modulations, but these are less predictable
than H-reflex modulations (Sinkjaer 1997; Christensen et al. 2001). This is not too
surprising, as stretch reflexes comprise not only the Ia-mediated short latency
responses but also longer-latency responses involving group II reflexes, group Ib
reflexes, and higher-level processing in the CNS (Sinkjaer et al. 1999).
Before one delves too deeply into the mechanisms and modulation of stretch
reflexes, however, one should ask how important they are in the control of locomotion
and movement anyway. Would an animal be simply unable to support its weight if
it had no stretch reflexes? The answer is no, on both experimental and theoretical
grounds. Provided that the alpha motoneurons of load-bearing muscles are activated
from some source in the nervous system, the muscles develop an intrinsic stiffness
that resists stretching and that can in fact be represented as displacement feedback
(Partridge 1966). This is easily seen in the stretch reflex model of Appendix Figure 1,
whereby in the inner feedback loops muscle stretch results in reactive forces due to
the force-length and force-velocity properties of muscle. Muscle afferent feedback
mediated by Ia and Ib pathways in the outer loops of the model provides a source
of input to alpha motoneurons but it is not the only source. There are many descend-
ing and propriospinal pathways that also activate motoneurons, represented by just
one input in the model of Appendix Figure 1.
Analysis of responses to loading with this model showed that simple stretch
reflexes mediated by spindle Ia afferents for example can at most triple the prevailing
muscle stiffness without causing instability (Prochazka et al. 1997a). This is illus-
trated in Figure 6.5, where Ia gains of 1 and 2 (negative feedback) educed the muscle
stretch caused by applied force by factors of about 2 and 3, respectively; the loop
became unstable when the gain in the Ia-mediated pathway was set to 3. Though there
are several simplifying assumptions in models of this type, their predictions have been
shown to be fairly accurate in hybrid experiments in which actual muscles were stretched
and reflexly activated by electrical stimulation modulated by a signal obtained by
filtering the displacement signal with a spindle Ia transfer function (Bennett et al. 1994).

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FIGURE 6.5 Responses of stretch reflex model (Appendix Figure 1, page 170) to ramps
of force, with 7 different combinations of Ia gain (GIa) and Ib gain (GIb), as indicated. The
slope of the displacement curve marked GIa = 0 corresponds to the intrinsic stiffness of the
active muscle alone. As negative feedback Ia gain increases, the stiffness also increases, but
for GIa = 3, the loop goes unstable at the point indicated by the arrow on the right. The addition
of positive Ib feedback to negative Ia feedback greatly increases the stiffness of the system.

Figure 6.5 also illustrates another aspect of proprioceptive reflexes that was quite
unexpected from a control theoretical point of view, and that has only recently been
understood analytically: positive force feedback. To the surprise of many in the field,
it was discovered in 1987 that signals from Ib afferents, which normally inhibit
homonymous and synergistic alpha motoneurons (MNs) in the absence of locomo-
tion, switched to exciting these motoneurons during fictive locomotion in the acute
spinal cat (Conway et al. 1987). This has been confirmed in the cat by several other
groups since (Pearson and Collins 1993; Guertin et al. 1995; Angel et al. 1996),
though the evidence for this switch in humans is equivocal (Dietz 1998; Stephens
and Yang 1999; Capaday 2000; Misiaszek et al. 2000; Pang and Yang 2000). MN
excitation causes muscles to generate more force, further increasing Ib firing, which
in turn would produce yet more excitation, i.e., positive feedback. Would this not
result in an explosive increase to maximal force? The surprising answer is that
because the force response of muscles to increments in activation declines as the
muscle gets shorter, an equilibrium length is reached at which the force-related
excitation does not cause further muscle shortening. Thus in Figure 6.5, for three
different levels of positive force-feedback gain, the muscle resisted stretching with
a much higher stiffness than could be achieved with spindle Ia feedback. Not only

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is this scheme remarkably stable, but as the large increase in stiffness in this example
shows, positive force feedback is potentially more effective in load compensation
than spindle-mediated feedback. Evolution was evidently not constrained by con-
ventional control systems theory! Since the publication of the analytical work in
1997, positive force feedback has been implemented in a cockroach robot with
muscle-like actuators, and has been found to be effective and useful in load com-
pensation (Nelson and Quinn 1999).
Thus stretch reflexes should be seen as adding a controlled level of stiffness to
the underlying intrinsic muscle stiffness. Mammals, including humans, with large-
fiber sensory loss and absent tendon jerks, though severely incapacitated and unco-
ordinated, can regain full weight-support and can walk if supported laterally. It has
been confirmed in such experiments that there has been no recovery in sensory input
(Allum et al. 1998). This shows that the intrinsic stiffness of muscles activated
through non-reflexive pathways can generate enough force to bear the weight of the
body and propel it forward. We will support this position with further modelling
If stretch reflexes are not the primary mechanism of load compensation in
locomotion, does this mean that sensory input from the limbs only plays a minor
role in locomotor control? Again, we will argue that in general the answer is no:
sensory input does play a vital role, but through mechanisms other than the stretch



As mentioned above, the neural basis of flexion and extension reflexes was first
studied in spinal and decerebrate dogs and cats in the late 19th Century. These
reflexes were elicited by aversive stimuli applied to the skin or cutaneous nerves of
the ipsilateral or contralateral limb. The movement synergies thus evoked were
similar, though not identical, to those in the flexion and extension phases of loco-
motion. Reflex stepping was studied in decapitated dogs by Freusberg (Freusberg
1874) and then in decerebrate and spinal cats by Sherrington and Brown (Sherrington
1910; Brown 1911). An hour or so after spinalization, locomotor movements could
be triggered by lifting the animal and dropping one hindlimb from a semi-flexed
starting position. An important observation of both Sherrington and Brown was that
position and loading of the limbs were crucial in triggering and maintaining reflex
stepping. If the downward motion of the hindlimb was again stopped in semi-flexion,
stepping movements ceased in this limb, as well as in the other, free limb. These
results have been verified in numerous experiments since (Rossignol 1996; Orlovsky
et al. 1999).
Reflex stepping could also be elicited by kneading, squeezing, or continuous
electrical stimulation of the skin of the tail, perineum, back, neck, or pinna. It could
also be elicited by continuous electrical stimulation applied to the transected spinal
cord at cervical level. Sherrington struggled to explain how these remote, continuous
stimuli applied to exteroceptive sensory receptors interacted with phasic sensory
signals from the limb, which he argued were mainly proprioceptive, to produce
cyclical movement. He suggested a scheme whereby the remote stimuli evoked a
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primary reflex (causing either extension or flexion, depending on the site of
stimulation), which evoked proprioceptive stimuli in the moving limb. These elicited
a secondary reflex, which alternated with or interrupted the primary reflex to
produce cyclical activity. One flaw in this argument was preliminary evidence that
deafferentation did not necessarily abolish the rhythm. Sherrington wondered
whether the central rebound effect described a few years earlier by Magnus and von
Uexkuell (Umkehr) could be contributing. A year later, Sherrington presented a
paper to the Royal Society by his student Graham Brown (Brown 1911), confirming
the deafferentation results in decerebrated and spinalized cats. After a low thoracic
transection, the deafferented lumbosacral spinal cord could still generate rhythmical
movements in an isolated pair of hindlimb muscles in the absence of descending
input or sensory input from either hind limb. Graham Brown dubbed the underlying
mechanism the intrinsic factor, a term that has now been superceded by the more
specific term Central Pattern Generator (CPG) (Grillner and Zangger 1975).



Literally hundreds of studies in which sensory input has been reduced or abolished
by deafferentation have since demonstrated beyond doubt that isolated neuronal
networks in the CNS can generate the basic rhythmical motor patterns involved not
only in walking but also in the activities of breathing, chewing, swimming, flying,
scratching, paw-shaking, and autonomic functions such as micturition and sexual
reflexes (Grillner 1975; Prochazka 1996b; Kiehn et al. 1998; Orlovsky et al. 1999).
There has been much discussion about the ability of CPGs, in the absence of
sensory input, to generate complex coordinated patterns of muscle activity such as
those required for overground locomotion. After deafferentation in the cat, many
subtle features of normal activation sequences can still be seen (e.g., the small burst
of activity in knee flexor muscles at the end of the swing phase in cat locomotion
[Grillner and Zangger 1975]). However, the locomotor rhythm is generally more
labile (Grillner and Zangger 1975; Wetzel et al. 1976; Goldberger and Murray 1980;
Grillner and Zangger 1984; Giuliani and Smith 1987; Koshland and Smith 1989)
and above all, there is an inability to compensate for the changes in loading or terrain
(Allum et al. 1998).
This latter defect is more serious than it may sound. If information on joint
angles, body posture, loading, and displacement of the extremities are all unavailable
to the central controller, the amplitude and timing of the cyclical motor output can
only be set to some default level and cannot be matched to the varying requirements.
To quote Brown (1911):

A purely central mechanism of progression ungraded by proprioceptive stimuli would

clearly be inefficient in determining the passage of an animal through an uneven
environment. Across a plain of perfect evenness the central mechanism of itself might

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drive an animal with precision. Or it might be efficient for instance in the case of
an elephant charging over ground of moderate unevenness. But it alone would make
impossible the fine stalking of a cat over rough ground. In such a case each step
may be somewhat different to all others, and each must be graded to its conditions
if the whole progression of the animal is to be efficient. The hind limb which at one
time is somewhat more extended in its posture as it is in contact with the ground,
in another step may be more flexed. But the forward thrust it gives as its contribution
to the passage of the animal must be of a comparatively uniform degree in each
consecutive step. It may only be so if it is graded by the posture of the limb when
in contact with the ground, and by the duration of its contact with the ground. This
grading can only be brought about by peripheral stimuli. Of these we must regard
the proprioceptive stimuli from the muscles themselves as the most important, and
the part which they play is essentially the regulative not the causative.

The loss of proprioceptive input in humans is more devastating than in quadru-

peds: without vision and/or external supports, people with large-fiber sensory loss
find it difficult to take more than a step or two without stumbling and falling, even
on a flat floor (Lajoie et al. 1996). Though evidence has been adduced for the
existence of a locomotor CPG in the human lumbosacral spinal cord in people with
spinal cord injury, the types of rhythmical movement observed were weak and
inadequate for weight-bearing locomotion (Calancie et al. 1994; Dimitrijevic et al.
1998) and because the legs were suspended and sensory input was intact, it is possible
that they could have resulted from reciprocating stretch reflexes. In a recent study
in normal subjects, steady vibration of the legs resulted in cyclical air stepping
(Gurfinkel et al. 1998). It was suggested that the steady sensory input activated the
central structures responsible for stepping generation. However, vibration of pha-
sically contracting muscles is known to produce phasic firing of muscle spindles
(Matthews and Watson 1981; Prochazka and Trend 1988), so the development of
pendular reflexive motion in the suspended legs cannot be ruled out here either.
In certain cases, it has been claimed that accurate, goal-directed movements in
a normal animal can only be attributed to central programming, because the moment-
to-moment participation of sensory input can be ruled out. For example, in cock-
roaches, it has been shown that sensory feedback in fast walking is too delayed to
have a reflex effect within a given cycle, the duration of which is 40 ms or less (Zill
1985; Delcomyn 1991a; Delcomyn 1991b). In the most rapid ballistic movements
in humans, sensory feedback is also too slow to modify the movements once they
are underway (Desmedt and Godaux 1979).
Does this mean that in very rapid movements sensory input is unimportant? If
a very rapid movement is considered in isolation it is true that the sensory input
related to that movement may come too late to contribute to its control. But that
movement, like all others, was preceded by sensory input that provided the CNS
with information on the overall biomechanical state of the limbs and the rest of the
body in the immediately preceding period. In locusts, it has been shown that sensory
input influences the wing-beat cycle following the one in which it was elicited (Wolf
and Pearson 1988). Similarly, it has been suggested that in the example of cockroach
locomotion given above, the sensory input from one step cycle provides postural
information for the control of ensuing step cycles (Prochazka 1985). This could

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either be viewed as delayed feedback or as prediction, depending on the way the
signals are handled. We would argue that in the generation of ballistic movements
that accurately reach their target, the CNS has taken into account the biomechanical
initial conditions and the relative position of the target, which is only possible with
prior sensory input. The only movements that might be controlled entirely open-
loop (without any significant involvement of sensory input) would be escape behav-
iors in which the animal propels itself forward as rapidly as possible without regard
for stability or the likelihood of a fall.


In the mid-1960s, it was found that cats, decerebrated rostral to the superior colli-
culus, were more likely to walk than those with a mid-collicular decerebration,
particularly with steady electrical stimulation of a region that has since become
known as the midbrain locomotor region (MLR) (Shik et al. 1966; Shik et al. 1969).
This allowed the spinal mechanisms of locomotion to be studied with microelec-
trodes, pharmacological interventions, and lesioning experiments. Some of the early
observations of Sherrington, Brown, and their predecessors on the effect of limb
position on locomotor-like reactions were soon confirmed and extended to stable
treadmill locomotion. In one such experiment, both hindlimbs were de-efferented,
leaving sensory input to the spinal cord intact (Orlovsky and Feldman 1972). MLR-
evoked locomotor rhythms recorded electrically in S1 ventral root filaments were
then found to be entrained by cyclical imposed movements of one of the limbs. The
rhythm could be halted by moving the limb into extreme flexion or extension. After
partial deafferentation, the rhythm could also be halted by arresting locomotor
movements of one of the limbs in mid-cycle, just as Sherrington had described. In
a more sophisticated version of this experiment a few years later, it was found that
the hindlimbs of chronic spinal kittens walking on a split-belt treadmill could adapt
their cadence to each belt separately, i.e., the sensory input to each limb was
entraining that limb individually (Forssberg et al. 1980).
Entrainment and override of the locomotor rhythm by sensory input from a limb
has been confirmed and studied in detail in dozens of experiments since the early
1970s in the high decerebrate MLR cat, chronic spinal cats, and acute spinal cats
treated with clonidine (rev: Rossignol 1996). By the mid-1980s, two separate sensory
variables had been identified as being capable of entraining or overriding the loco-
motor rhythm: hip position (Andersson and Grillner 1983; Kriellaars et al. 1994)
and extensor force (Duysens and Pearson 1980). In a recent review of these findings,
it was realized that the same two variables had been implicated in triggering the
switch from stance to swing in species as widely separated as cats, crayfish, and
locusts (Prochazka 1996b). In simple terms, the sensory rule that seemed to prevail
in all these animals could be stated as follows: IF the leg has become very extended
and extensor force has become very low, THEN initiate swing. This same rule had
been quite independently discovered in the technological control of above-knee
prostheses as well as in the control of functional electrical stimulation in human gait.
It is clear from all of the above that the basic locomotor pattern can be generated
by the CNS without sensory input, but sensory input can promote, delay, or even

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block the switching between stance and swing phases and thereby completely deter-
mine step cycle frequency. The question of the relative importance that should be
placed on central vs. sensory control has been quite bothersome to neurophysiolo-
gists over the years, some taking the view that sensory input is only important when
the CPG-generated pattern fails to produce the required movements (the centralist
view), while others suggest that the CPG rhythm is a default pattern that is only
manifested when sensory input is withdrawn (the peripheralist view).
The paradox can be partly understood by considering the family of electronic
circuits called multivibrators (also known as flip-flops). These consist of a pair of
switchable elements such as transistors, interconnected such that when one is active,
it suppresses the other by applying an off signal to its gate. In a free-running
(astable) flip-flop, the off signal discharges through a capacitor from the moment
it is applied. Consequently, halfway through the cycle, the suppressed partner is
released, turns on, and becomes the oppressor for the next half-cycle. The
frequency can be modulated by controlling the rate of discharge or decay of the
off signals by varying passive circuit components or by applying external inputs
to the gates. These can override the oscillation completely and hold the circuit in
one or the other half-cycle indefinitely. Thus, although the core circuit can generate
a default rhythm, the additional circuit components promote, delay, or block phase
switching and are therefore integral parts of the system as a whole. The flip-flop
analogy was recognized in the late 1970s (Miller and Scott 1977) and forms the
basis of some CPG models to this day (Orlovsky et al. 1999).
The usual compromise position between centralists and peripheralists is that the
CPG generates the basic locomotor pattern, but this is sculpted or fine-tuned
by sensory input. However, given the fact that sensory input can entrain and halt the
rhythm, and given the extreme disability in human bipedal gait caused by even partial
deafferentation (Lajoie et al. 1996), sculpting and fine-tuning seem to understate
the case.


A puzzle remains about the role of local reflexes mediated by muscle receptors in
human locomotion. As already mentioned, large-fiber deafferentation (which can
eliminate input from muscle spindle primary and tendon organ afferents from the
legs and trunk) can have a devastating effect on human locomotion (Lajoie et al.
1996). Yet, when these receptors are excited by test mechanical stimuli applied to
muscles during gait, the effects are disappointingly small. For example, bursts of
powerful vibration of the lower leg muscles, which most likely entrain the firing of
many spindle group Ia spindle afferents and probably numerous group Ib afferents
too, have virtually no effect on the trajectory of locomotor movements (Ivanenko
et al. 2000a; Ivanenko et al. 2000b). Interestingly, tonic vibration of the upper leg
muscles or the subjects neck did have a generalized effect on body tilt and speed
of locomotion.
Short-latency EMG responses can certainly be elicited during gait by electrical
stimulation of the large afferents (Garrett et al. 1984; Capaday and Stein 1986), by
tapping on tendons (Llewellyn et al. 1987) or by applying rapid joint rotations via

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pneumatic orthoses (Sinkjaer et al. 1996). But the muscle stretches have to be faster
than those occurring in unimpeded locomotion for the EMG responses to be signif-
icantly larger than the prevailing levels. Ischaemic block of large afferents had very
little effect on short-latency soleus EMG unloading responses elicited by the pneu-
matic orthosis, though longer-latency responses persisted (Sinkjaer et al. 2000). This
led to the suggestion that presynaptic inhibition effectively eliminates any significant
contribution of Ia signals to homonymous muscle activation during normal locomo-
tion, and it is only in very rapid perturbations that Ia-mediated activation of MNs
breaks through. A significant contribution to EMG activation (up to 50%) was
claimed for the longer-latency pathways, though these reactions were delayed
enough and of long enough duration to involve more complex central processing
rather than simple segmental reflexes.

6.7.4 ROBOTS
Recently there have been two interesting developments in technology that may
provide insight into these issues. The first is the design of walking robots. Some of
the most advanced work in this area is of a corporate nature (e.g., the humanoid
robots developed by the Honda company), and the information available on the
control strategies used tends to be sketchy. Nonetheless, it is quite clear that the
most versatile robots, including the extraordinary Honda Asimo P4, rely heavily on
sensory input to generate locomotion over uneven terrain. The robot designers
carefully reviewed the essential aspects of biological locomotor control in insects,
quadruped mammals, and humans and then implemented the most promising aspects
in their machines. The instructive thing here is to consider which control strategies
turned out to be effective. Two hexapod robots, a stick insect and a cockroach,
developed in Cleveland, provide useful information in this regard (Espenschied et al.
1996; Nelson and Quinn 1999). In both cases, the robots have six two- or three-
segment limbs. Each joint has a passive spring for compliance, an actuator, and a
position sensor. The actuator is under proportional position feedback control of
variable gain, providing a controllable stiffness that adds to the passive inherent
spring stiffness. The stiffness properties of each joint therefore mimic the intrinsic
properties of biological muscles under stretch reflex control. Locomotion is achieved
by a mixture of processes local to joints and legs, and two governing (global)
algorithms. The local processes include the active stiffness control just mentioned,
as well as IfThen control rules based on end-point position for stance-swing and
swing-stance transitions, and special rules for adaptive responses to tripping (stumble
reaction) and foot-in-hole (Gorassini et al. 1994). Figure 6.6 shows the reactions
of a leg of the hexapod robot in three situations, perturbed stance, placing reaction,
and foot-in-hole. For comparison, we have included a panel showing the searching
movements of a locust in which the leading limb enters a hole (at 2), searches, and
is eventually placed (at 3) (from a movie kindly provided by K. G. Pearson).
Regarding the two global algorithms, one adjusts leg trajectories to distribute
force equally among weight-bearing legs, and to match leg lengths according to
the terrain (i.e., to keep the body horizontal in the face of slopes and other unevenness
of ground support). Interestingly, leg length (the distance from the end of the paw

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FIGURE 6.6 Kinematics of leg movement in a hexapod robot (A, B, and C) and a locust
(D). A. perturbed stance: imposed movement of the foot from 1 to 2 evokes a corrective
reaction with placement at 3. B. tripping reaction: foot contacts obstacle at 2, is lifted and
placed beyond the obstacle at 3. C. foot-in-hole: foot enters hole, which triggers searching
movements at 2 and eventually a placing reaction at 3. D. locust foot-in-hole. Stick figures
traced from frames of a movie. Leading limb enters a hole at 2, searches, and is eventually
placed at 3. A, B, and C reproduced with permission from Espenschied et al., Robotics and
Autonomous Systems, 18, 59, 1996.

to the hip joint) has recently been identified as an emergent variable that accounts
best for the firing behavior of dorsal spinocerebellar tract neurons in the cat, even
when individual joints are constrained (Bosco and Poppele 2001). These authors
suggest that the spinocerebellar system may be viewed as the end-point of processing
of proprioceptive sensory information in the spinal cord. The other global algorithm
quoted encourages stance legs to lift into their swing phases in a coordinated
manner, swing forward, and transition to stance (Quinn and Ritzmann 1998).
Like the hexapod robots, the Honda robot also utilizes local active and passive
joint compliances, IF-THEN phase transitions, special adaptive reactions similar to
the ones just described and a novel global strategy of setting a moving target of
ground reaction force as the command for forward or backward locomotion. The
actual ground reaction force is continually computed from the sensor signals. The
difference between this vector and the target vector is referred to as the falling
moment. This falling moment is minimized by reflexes to the joint actuators,
which are presumably synergistically coupled.
Notice that in neither of the above robots is it easy to extract the notion of an
autonomous CPG from the various global algorithms. Rather, the central controllers
respond to external requirements by issuing general commands to move in particular
directions (e.g., by proposing a virtual trajectory for the ground reaction force),
selecting sensory rule bases appropriate to the task and context, and evaluating perfor-
mance for predictive adjustments. Hazard rules are also computed (e.g., the Honda
robot resists lateral imposed forces by stiffness control, but when sway exceeds the
imbalance point, it yields and takes a step in the direction of the imposed force).

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The other useful advance in technology is the development of powerful biomechan-
ical modelling tools suitable for personal computers. These programs allow one to
design quite complex models of virtual animals with limbs, joints, and muscles
whose intrinsic properties can be approximated to those of real animals. Muscle
activation profiles based on EMG patterns recorded during locomotion can be used
to activate the muscles. The ensuing locomotor performance, which is displayed as
a slow-motion movie as the computations proceed, provides similar types of insight
to the mechanical robots above, but because changes can be made easily and tested
quickly, many different sensorimotor rules and parametric variations can be explored.
Figure 6.7 shows a biomechanical locomotor model we have been working on
for some time. The model is based on the cat hindquarters but it is intentionally not
an accurate replica. Many muscles are absent. The origins and insertions of the
muscles that are represented do not correspond exactly to those in real cats. The
model uses a Hill-based forcevelocity relationship and monotonic passive and active
force-length curves (Figure 6.7B), as our recent results indicated that the static
isometric force-length curve with its descending limb is invalid in continuous move-
ments (Gillard et al. 2000). Short-range stiffness properties are neglected. The pur-
pose of the model is to test some general hypotheses, not to provide a definitive
analysis of gait in any given species.
Once we had fine-tuned the EMG activation patterns of its various actuators
(Figure 6.7C), which were based on EMG profiles of cat locomotion (Prochazka
et al. 1989), the model produced stable locomotion on a flat surface indefinitely, in
spite of being deafferented (Figure 6.8A). Each step was slightly different from
the last, which showed that the intrinsic stiffnesses of the muscles provided enough
flexibility to make continuous adjustments to compensate for small variations in
body speed, height, and the relative positions of the limb segments. The deafferented
virtual cat could also adapt to modest uphill slopes (Figure 6.8A). As mentioned
above, intrinsic muscle stiffness is equivalent to a length feedback system which
resists deviations from some set equilibrium length. Thus, locomotion in a deaffer-
ented animal is not entirely open-loop.
The stability of the deafferented model was unexpected, because we were aware
of the difficulty Gerritsen at al. (Gerritsen et al. 1998) had experienced in generating
more than three or four steps in a similar model of bipedal human locomotion,
though other groups have been able to overcome this by optimizing the EMG patterns
with inverse dynamics or neural network learning techniques (Taga et al. 1991; Taga
1995a; Taga 1995b; Yamazaki et al. 1996; Taga 1998; Neptune et al. 2001; Ogihara
and Yamazaki 2001). Of course, the cart that supports the front of our virtual cat
greatly simplifies the problem of maintaining a stable upright posture. It is also a
simplification of quadrupedal gait, which requires forelimbhindlimb coupling for
stability. It is very interesting that Gerritsen and Nagano (1999) recently obtained a
far more stable performance when they incorporated some sensory feedback into
their bipedal model.
The deafferented virtual cat immediately gets into trouble when the read-out
rate of its EMG patterns is increased or decreased, producing a higher or lower gait

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FIGURE 6.7 Biomechanical locomotor model based loosely on the cat hindlimb. A. Muscle
groups are represented by actuators HF (hip flexors), HE (hip extensors), KF (knee flexors),
KE (knee extensors), AF (ankle flexors), and AE (ankle extensors). B. Hill-based forceveloc-
ity relationship and passive and active force-length curves used in each actuator. C. Step-
cycle activation profiles of the actuators.

velocity (Figure 6.8B). It does not help just to add stretch reflexes, because these
merely augment the muscle intrinsic stiffnesses without affecting step cycle phase-
switching. On the other hand, IfThen rules are useful in coping with variations of
this type. In Figure 6.8B, the IfThen rules governing the transitions from stance to
swing and back (see below) allowed the model to adapt to the increased EMG read-
out rate and hence increased velocity, though it did not fare so well with the lowered
read-out rate.

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FIGURE 6.8 Kinematic analysis of behavior of the model of Figure 6.7 in different situa-
tions. A. locomotion of the model without feedback rules. The intrinsic stiffnesses of the
muscles sufficed to compensate for kinematic and kinetic variations in locomotion over flat
surface and up a small slope. B. Gait velocity increased (top) or decreased (bottom) by ~20%.
Locomotion failed in the deafferented case, but improved with IfThen rules (triggering of
stance-swing transitions marked with upward triangles; note that the contralateral leg was
phase-locked to ipsilateral leg, so it did not fire its rules except in one case of a swing-to-
stance transition marked by downward triangle). C. Obstacle impeded forward swing of one
leg. The deafferented model (left) failed to compensate and dragged its foot over obstacle,
causing a subsequent fall. Inclusion of a tripping rule (triggered at *) resulted in good
reactive compensation with ensuing stable steps.

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For the challenging situation of an obstacle impeding the forward swing of one
leg, these simple rules were not enough to prevent a fall either. In this case, a separate
hazard rule was needed, which was invoked when the front of the foot contacted
the obstacle (see tripping reaction rule below). This initiated an EMG sequence
similar to that previously recorded in the tripping reaction of normal cats (Wand
et al. 1980). The result was a response that looked very true to life (Figure 6.8C).


The control of forces in muscles within the flexion or extension phases of locomotion
is a smoothly graded process involving continuous proportional feedback, whereas
the switching between these phases is usually discontinuous and abrupt. Control
systems that switch between well-defined states are known as finite-state systems
and switching is triggered when certain sensory conditions are met (e.g., IF swing
AND hip angle small (flexed) AND extensor force low THEN terminate flexion,
initiate extension) (Tomovic and McGhee 1966; Tomovic et al. 1990). Note that
small and low are imprecise terms. This is intentional: the nervous system most
likely uses sensory inputs in a probabilistic way rather than setting precise threshold
values and requiring each threshold to be met before firing the rule.
A control systems analogy for probabilistic finite-state control is fuzzy logic,
in which sensory variables are accorded weighting (membership) functions, the
sum of the weighted sensory signals determining the motor outcomes. IfThen rules
are crafted to suit specific behavioral states. More than one rule may be active in
a behavior or a part of a behavior (e.g., in the stance phase of gait, the stance-swing
rule and the foot-in-hole rule are both active: see below). The system constantly
monitors the firing strength of the rules and retires behaviors and/or recruits new
behaviors according to predetermined thresholds of the firing strengths. A higher
level arbitration mechanism may decide which behaviors are appropriate for the
current global state (Prochazka 1996a).
In such systems, each input effectively votes for a range of possible motor
outcomes according to the currently active IfThen rules, the sum of the votes
determining what actually happens (Chen et al. 1997; Jacobs 1997; Davoodi and
Andrews 1999; Jonic et al. 1999). Bssler has suggested a similar process in the
control of locomotion in stick insects and used the term the Parliamentary Principle
as a metaphor for the voting mechanism (Bssler 1993). Fuzzy logic has also been
discussed in relation to the changes that occur in forward, sideways, and backward
treadmill walking in infants (Pang and Yang 2000).
On the understanding that IfThen rules may be used in this probabilistic way,
let us now consider some of the rules that might underlie phase switching in
biological locomotor control.

Stance phase (forward step)

Rule 1 (stance-swing transition): IF stance AND extensor force low AND
hip angle large (extended) AND contralateral limb supported, THEN switch
to swing.

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Rule 2 (foot-in-hole reaction): IF mid-stance (hip angle medium) AND no
ground contact AND contralateral limb supported, THEN switch to placing

Swing phase (forward step)

Rule 1 (swing-stance transition): IF swing AND hip angle small AND knee
angle large (knee extended) THEN switch to stance.
Rule 2 (tripping reaction): IF swing AND skin stimulus to front of foot
THEN switch to placing reaction; IF stance AND skin stimulus to front of
foot THEN prolong stance.

Stance phase (backward step)

Rule 1 (stance-swing transition): IF backward gait AND extensor force low
AND hip flexed AND contralateral limb supported THEN initiate backward

Swing phase (backward step)

Rule 2 (swing-stance transition): IF backward gait AND hip angle large
THEN initiate stance.
The following rule describes the way the Honda robot invokes the hopping
reaction of Magnus (Magnus 1924) when it is pushed in the face:
Static Postural Rule 1 (hopping reaction): IF falling moment is small AND
gravity vector is within support surface, activate extensors; IF falling moment
is large AND gravity vector is outside support surface, take a step back.
Notes to the rules:
a. The above list of rules describes sensorimotor interactions that occur in
locomotion in many animals and that are explicitly programmed in robots,
prostheses, and bio-mimetic models. Identifying the neural control sys-
tems responsible is no trivial matter, just as it remains no trivial matter
to identify Browns intrinsic factor (the locomotor CPG) after 100 years
of research.
b. Not only is the list far from complete, but the variables chosen are not
necessarily the only ones that would work, nor the ones that might be
used in biological systems. For example, a possible alternative to hip is
extended is leg length is long (Bosco and Poppele 2000; Bosco et al.
2000; Bosco and Poppele 2001). Likewise, the variables in the postural
rule must clearly be derived from several sets of sensors in different parts
of the body.
c. As gait speed increases, it is important to phase-advance the switching
back and forth between stance and swing to compensate for the delays
due to inertia and muscle properties. Rather than invoke more rules using
angular velocities, if we assume that muscle-spindle signals are used in
place of joint angles, their velocity dependence would automatically pro-
vide this phase advance.

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It goes without saying that when animals move they take into account global infor-
mation on body posture, the environment and the context of the task from visual,
auditory, and mechanosensory inputs. The greater the motor requirements to main-
tain stability (e.g., bipedal vs. quadrupedal gait), the more crucial are these predictive
inputs. The controlling processes are clearly extremely complex, but a start has been
made in recording the kinematic and neural correlates of predictive and adaptive
responses (e.g., Drew et al. 1996; McFadyen et al. 1999; Rho et al. 1999). Some
basic concepts regarding prediction and adaptation have been proposed over the

1. Einstellung (set). Animals prepare themselves in advance either to

initiate movements or to react to impending perturbations (James 1890;
Ach 1905; Watt 1905; Gibson 1941). Mental set, orienting, postural set,
Bereitschaft (readiness), reflex set, and fusimotor set are just some exam-
ples (review: Prochazka 1989).
2. Degrees of Freedom. The control of multi-segmented limbs is simplified
when the number of degrees of freedom is reduced, either by co-contract-
ing antagonist muscles, or by coordinating the activation of synergists
(Bernstein 1967).
3. Efference copy Internal models. In the 1950s, it was posited that the
cerebral cortex generates a copy of motor commands from which re-
afferent signals are subtracted (von Holst and Mittelstaedt 1950; von Holst
1954). Corrections would only be required if there were differences
between the predicted and actual sensory inputs. The same idea was
developed independently to overcome delays in industrial control pro-
cesses (Smith 1959) and it has been rephrased and refined many times
since, the most recent example being Internal Models (Blakemore et al.
1998; Bhushan and Shadmehr 1999; Vetter and Wolpert 2000; Wolpert
and Ghahramani 2000).
4. Fixed action patterns Motor Programs Preprogrammed move-
ments Movement Primitives. Spencer proposed that reflexes were the
atoms of the psyche, the psyche was an assemblage of reflexes, and
instincts were reflex assemblies consolidated by repetition and trans-
mitted in an hereditary manner (Spencer 1855). The idea of stored motor
programs or subroutines has been reiterated many times since (review:
Prochazka et al. 2000). The spinal central pattern generator is essentially
an example of this idea. The tripping reaction may be another example.

The cerebellum is thought to be key in nearly all the above operations, in

particular generating motor programs, modulating reflex gains, and scaling the size
of movement sequences (Bloedel and Bracha 1995; Bloedel and Bracha 1998;
Mummel et al. 1998; Serrien and Wiesendanger 1999). The recent conclusions of

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Bosco and Poppele on the signaling of derived variables by spinocerebellar tract
neurons is therefore of great interest (Bosco and Poppele 2000; Bosco et al. 2000;
Bosco and Poppele 2001). It has also been suggested that motor cortical activity
may be viewed as a summing junction for feedforward signals providing visuospatial
information about the environment and feedback signals providing information on
the state of the interneuronal pattern generating networks in the spinal cord (Drew
et al. 1996). In human locomotion, subjects plan foot placement one or two steps
ahead and avoid obstacles by anticipatory high-stepping (Patla and Vickers 1997;
Patla et al. 1999). It is interesting that the reaction of many animals to unpredictable
terrain is simply to high-step a gait modification that can be elicited by injecting
a droplet of Lidocaine into the interpositus nucleus of the cerebellum (Gorassini
et al. 1993).
One of the important conclusions drawn from the modelling work presented
above is that the locomotor CPG, even when aided by segmental reflexes and the
simplest of the IfThen rules, has a very limited ability to respond to variations in
speed, slope, and uneven terrain. The detection of hazard states and the advance
scaling of step cycles to deal with them is clearly a vital predictive and adaptive
mechanism (Drew 1991).


a. The spinal cord of many vertebrates, possibly including humans, can
autonomously generate detailed patterns of muscle activity which form
the substrate of locomotion.
b. Deafferentation studies and modelling show that these patterns alone
would be of little use in the real world. They are continuously modulated,
switched, and overridden by control mechanisms that take into account
many sensory inputs.
c. If-Then rules can be identified, which describe some of the simpler phase-
switching operations as well as some of the higher-level responses to
d. Predictive and adaptive control, operating though supraspinal centers, are
indispensable for locomotion in daily life.

Appendix Figure 1 shows a Matlab Simulink model originally developed to test the
effect of excitatory Ib input to homonymous and heteronymous muscles (positive
force feedback). In this slightly modified version, we have added a feedback pathway
and product element marked by the A and B, to take into account the fact that
transmission from group Ia afferents to MNs scales with the number of MNs
recruited. The digital version of this model can be downloaded from the authors
website, or obtained upon request.

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APPENDIX FIGURE 1 Matlab Simulink model of stretch reflex used to generate Figure 6.5.
Adapted from Prochazka et al. 1997a. In this slightly modified version of the original model,
the feedback pathway and product element marked A and B were added, to take into
account the scaling of transmission from group Ia afferents to MNs with the number of MNs
recruited. Reprinted with permission from Prochazka et al., J. Neurophysiol., 77, 3237, 1997.

We thank Dr. Vivian Mushahwar for help with the graphics, Dr. K.G. Pearson for
providing us with the locust film, and Mr. Allen Denington for digitizing parts of
this film. This work was supported by the Canadian Institutes for Health Research
and the Alberta Heritage Foundation for Medical Research.

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Sensory Learning and
7 the Brains Body Map
Mathew E. Diamond, Justin A. Harris,
and Rasmus S. Petersen


7.1 Introduction
7.2 Candidate Models for the Distribution of Learning-Related
7.3 Involvement of Sensory Cortex in Perception and Memory
7.4 Tactile Learning in a Topographic Framework
7.5 Evidence from Learning with the Whiskers
7.6 Evidence from Learning with the Fingers
7.7 Topographic Learning: Shared Principles across Species and
across Modalities
7.8 Conclusions

One of the many ambitious goals set in our era of neuroscience is to understand
the brain modifications that underlie learning first, to identify the relevant neu-
ronal circuits and second, to describe the cellular changes occurring within those
circuits. For nearly three decades1 long-term potentiation and long-term depression
have been investigated, and synaptic plasticity of this sort is now believed to
constitute the cellular change underlying most types of learning.2 But progress in
the first of the two issues has been slower: we still know relatively little about the
locus of brain modifications during learning of even the simplest tasks. Exceptions
do exist: the cerebellar cortex and interpositus nucleus clearly form a locus of
plasticity during certain precisely-timed conditioned reflexes3 and the amygdala, a
critical locus during certain types of emotional conditioning.4 Yet, consider how
little is known about what parts of the brain are involved when a monkey learns to
remember visual stimuli across a delay. Lesion experiments point to an important
role of the hippocampus,5 but even the claim of the hippocampal locus can be called
into question.6 Thus, while the hippocampus is the most systematically studied

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mammalian brain area when it comes to synaptic modification mechanisms, it
remains difficult to pin down its involvement in any well-defined learning task.
Here, we will not address the problem of what learning consists of at the cellular
level. Our purpose is another one, namely to consider where the neuronal modifi-
cations that underlie learning are stored and accessed in cerebral cortex. Our focus
is on sensory learning, the improvement in sensory-perceptual ability that occurs
with training in a specific task. Since the question How are learning-related mod-
ifications distributed? is poorly posed, we need to make the problem much more
precise to have any hope of arriving at a concrete conclusion. To this end, we have
focused on tactile learning, and have expressed the question in a more specific way:
Does the somatotopic organization that characterizes sensory cortex constitute a
structural framework for perceptual learning and memory?


For almost a century, the presence of maps in mammalian sensory cortices has
been recognized. The first clear demonstration was Inouyes mapping of human
visual cortex from lesion-induced scotoma in 1909 (cited in Reference 7). Regarding
the tactile modality, it was known long ago that both the primary and secondary
somatosensory cortical regions (SI and SII) possess a map-like organization.8 With
the exception of a few notable discontinuities (e.g., the adjacency of the hand and
face representations), neighboring peripheral receptors project to neighboring cor-
tical sites, so that the spatial position of neuronal activity holds essential information
about the nature of the event that is being represented.9 Single-electrode physiolog-
ical work through the 1980s revealed the exquisite organization of primate soma-
tosensory cortex distinct representations of the single pads of individual fingers
were found in SI.10 Recent fMRI work has shown distinct digit representations in
human SI.11 In SII, a less somatotopically precise map has been delineated.12
Still, the fact that these areas contain somatosensory maps does not prove that
their map-like properties have a role in sensory-perceptual learning. Two alternative
positions can be argued. First, SI and SII may truly be sites of somatotopic activity
patterns, but these areas might serve only as pre-cognitive processing and distri-
bution centers. In primates, the major intracortical sensory processing streams orig-
inating in SI and SII include a ventrally directed pathway passing through insular
and entorhinal cortex before reaching the hippocampus13 and a caudally directed
pathway projecting to posterior parietal cortex before reaching prefrontal cortex.14
It is conceivable that the conscious recognition of the features or identity of objects
might be carried out exclusively by higher-order cortical regions based on sensory
information received from SI and SII. In that case, learning might also be restricted
to the same higher-order regions.15
Second, even if sensory cortical areas participate in sensory perception, the
somatotopic map might be irrelevant. Topographic boundaries, which appear to be
precise when the immobile human subject or anesthetized animal receives passive
stimulation, might not be respected by activity patterns during natural usage of the

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sensory system. According to this argument, even if sensory cortex participates in
learning and remembering, it does so through a widely distributed representation,
overriding topographic boundaries. This view finds proponents among neurophysi-
These two models will be critically examined in the next two sections. Our view
is that critical evidence contradicts both models. Contrary to the first model, primary
sensory cortex does appear to contribute to the cognitive experience of perception
and even to sensory memory (the recall of previously perceived events). And,
contrary to the second model, when sensory cortex participates in cognitive experi-
ences, it appears that the map within which activity patterns reside is critical in the
storage of the experience.


Recent studies indicate that meaningful sensations can be elicited by direct stimu-
lation of primary sensory cortex. Romo and colleagues17,18 trained monkeys to
discriminate between two vibrations at different frequencies applied to the
fingertips the monkeys task was to judge whether the frequency of the second
vibration was higher or lower than that of the first vibration. Typically, the monkeys
continued to make this discrimination with no loss in accuracy even if the first or
the second tactile stimulus was substituted with direct electrical stimulation of
neuronal populations in area 3b of SI (Figure 7.1). In other words, directly stimu-
lating SI with electrical pulses at a given frequency produced a sensation that the
monkeys treated as being identical to the real vibratory stimulus of the corresponding
frequency. The meaning of this fascinating experiment is not yet certain. Does
electrical stimulation simply succeed in activating the cortical targets of SI, which
generate a perceptual correlate from the information relayed to them by SI neurons?
Or is neuronal discharge in area 3b, by itself, the necessary and sufficient brain
activation underlying perception, directly corresponding to sensation of the external
event? More work is needed to distinguish between these possibilities; nonetheless,
the data point to the idea that primary sensory cortical activity participates directly
in the circuit whose activity underlies the percept.
With regard to sensory memory, there are reports suggesting that the circuitry
activated during sensory recall overlaps that activated during sensory perception,
and one of the specific sites of overlap is primary sensory cortex. The most important
evidence comes from functional magnetic resonance imaging (fMRI) and positron
emission tomography (PET) studies in subjects performing mental imagery in the
absence of external sensory input. Although the number of studies is much greater
for the visual modality (e.g., References 19 and 20), examples in the tactile realm
do exist. For example, in an fMRI experiment, imagining the act of finger tapping
led to activation of the same zone of SI cortex that had been originally engaged
during actual finger tapping: memory of the tactile experience appeared to re-engage
the same neurons involved in the initial experience.21It is intriguing that not only
memory, but also expectation, of a tactile event activates SI cortex. A study using

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FIGURE 7.1 Interpretation of the recent work by Romo and colleagues.17,18 In monkeys
trained to estimate vibrations at different frequencies applied to the fingertips (left drawing),
the vibratory stimulus evokes periodic firing among neurons in the topographically matched
site of primary somatosensory cortex, as indicated by the regular peristimulus time histogram.
Direct electrical stimulation of the same cortical site with the appropriate frequency parameters
(right drawing) produces a percept that the monkey is able to evaluate as if it were a vibratory

fMRI reported that subjects who knew they were about to receive a tickle-inducing
stimulus showed increased activity in the same cortical regions, including SI and
SII, that showed activation during actual tickling.22


Having briefly argued that somatosensory cortex is a key component of the total
neuronal ensemble that gives rise to the online experience, recall, and expectation
of tactile events, we turn to the second issue: what is the role of somatosensory
cortical topography in perceptual learning? One way of investigating the role of
cortical topography is to require subjects to learn a task using a restricted set of
sensory receptors. Later, they are tested on the same task, but are required to use a
different set of receptors in the same sensory system. If the learning process is widely
distributed, showing no respect for topographic boundaries, or if the learned infor-
mation resides in higher areas, whose organization does not conserve the topo-
graphic arrangement of the sensory apparatus, then subjects will be able to transfer
learning immediately to a second set of sensory receptors, regardless of the relative
positions of the trained and tested sensory receptors. In contrast, if the learning
process preferentially involves one part of the cortical topographic field, then learn-
ing transfer will be incomplete: subjects will require some retraining time before
accomplishing the task using the second set of sensory receptors (Figure 7.2). This
strategy has been applied to examine the distribution of learning in the visual

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FIGURE 7.2 Schematic diagram illustrating two alternative models for the cortical distribu-
tion of sensory learning. On the left, an orderly array of sensory receptors projects to an
orderly array of cortical processing zones, which correspond to storage sites for learned
information. On the right, the cortical processing and storage zones are widely distributed,
highly overlapping, and do not conserve topographic order. Experiments that probe the patterns
of learning transfer to nearby sensory receptors after training with one restricted site can
discriminate between these models.

modality23-25 and we have used the same strategy to uncover the distribution of
learning in the tactile modality.26-29 Our experiments, reviewed below, show that
when animals or human subjects learn a tactile discrimination task, the neural
modifications associated with the learning are distributed according to the spatial
arrangement of the cortical map.


The rat whisker sensory system is well suited to the inquiry because individual
whiskers on the snout, arranged in rows and arcs, project to contralateral cortical
barrel-columns in a precise topographic manner.30 Are all the barrel-columns of
the cortical map bound together as a functional unit during learning or can different
areas participate independently in sensory learning? Rats deprived of all but one
whisker were trained in the gap-crossing task:31 they learned to use their remaining
intact whisker to locate a goal platform and to cross the intervening gap to reach
a food reward. Training was carried out under red light, preventing the albino rats
from using visual information. They learned to feel the opposite platform across
gaps of up to 16 cm. Once a rat had learned to gap-cross reliably, the trained
whisker was clipped and a prosthetic one attached to the stub of an untrained
whisker, or to the stub of the previously trained whisker.

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FIGURE 7.3 (See Color Figure 7.3 in color insert.) Topographically distributed response
maps for four whiskers of the rats snout (C1-4) as revealed with large 10 10 microelectrode
arrays inserted in somatosensory cortex. The four stimulus sites are shown on the drawing of
the rat. To the right, the recording site is shown relative to the barrel field of the left hemisphere.
The boxed area indicates the boundaries of the electrode array. At the bottom, spatial distri-
butions of the four whiskers representations are illustrated in relation to the barrel arrange-
ment (right side). The center of each activated zone, where spike counts were highest, is given
by the warmest color.

With the prosthetic whisker in place, they were immediately tested. The main
result was that rats gap-crossed without delay only if the prosthetic whisker was re-
attached to the stub of the previously trained whisker. For any other whisker trans-
position, a period of relearning was required: indeed, the number of trials necessary
to reacquire the task increased systematically as a function of the distance along
rows and arcs between the trained and the prosthetic whisker. Rats showed no benefit
from their previous training if the prosthetic whisker was attached two or more
positions away from the site of the original whisker.
Learning with a single whisker might seem to be a special case, but additional
experiments demonstrated that the topographic learning rule was the same for multi-
whisker learning. When rats were trained with a set of four adjacent whiskers, the
learned ability quickly transferred to any of the whiskers immediately surrounding
the trained ones, but transferred less readily to non-adjacent whiskers. Moreover,
the topographic rule held up across the midline: rats could rapidly transfer learning
to whiskers symmetrically opposite the trained whiskers (e.g., left C3 to right C3),
but required additional training before successfully transferring to non-symmetric
opposite whiskers. The corpus callosum, which connects homotopic sites in the left
and right barrel field cortex,32 could be the neural substrate for this transfer.
From large-scale electrophysiological recordings using 100-microelectrode
arrays implanted in cortex (Figure 7.3), we found that the extent to which learning
transferred across whisker positions was perfectly correlated with the degree of

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overlap between the representations of those whiskers in primary somatosensory
barrel cortex.
Based on the behavioral evidence, it is difficult to hold that the cortical network
that participated in learning and remembering the tactile task was uniformly or
globally distributed; in that case, the rats would have utilized the prosthetic whisker
to gap-cross without delay, even if it were attached far from its original site. Instead,
the observed pattern points to a memory trace governed by the precise topography
of sensory cortex. The neurophysiological evidence confirms the feasibility and
simplicity of this explanation.


It is natural to wonder whether the topography rule discovered in rats would hold
up for tactile learning in primates, particularly in humans. Interestingly, the literature
does not fully support the view that tactile learning is topographically distributed;
some studies have argued that subjects can transfer a learned tactile task immediately
to any skin surface, regardless of its location relative to the trained site.33-36 Because
previous studies utilized extended training periods (weeks or months) during which
topographic specificity could have been lost, we decided to examine the transfer of
tactile discriminative abilities acquired during single training sessions. In each exper-
iment, subjects were trained to use one fingertip (T) to discriminate between two
stimuli. Experiment 1 required identification of vibration frequency (on average,
about 260 training trials to threshold performance), Experiment 2, punctate pressure
(about 220 training trials), and Experiment 3, surface roughness (about 120 training
trials). Immediately after reaching criterion with the trained fingertip, subjects were
tested with the same fingertip, its first and second neighbors on the same hand (I1
and I2, respectively), as well as the three corresponding fingers on the contralateral
hand (C, C1, and C2).
As expected, for all stimulus types, participants showed retention of learning
with the trained fingertip. However, the transfer beyond the trained fingertip varied
according the stimulus type (Figure 7.4). For vibration, learning did not transfer to
other fingertips. For both the pressure and roughness stimuli, there was limited transfer,
dictated by topographic distance: subjects performed well with the first neighbor of the
trained finger and with the finger symmetrically opposite the trained one.
The objection might be raised that subjects did not learn tactile information
they simply learned to focus their attention on the trained finger. Perhaps, to the
extent that there was some spatial spread in the attention spotlight, subjects retained
enough of the attention effect to show a benefit for untrained fingers during testing.
The transfer of learning observed in Experiments 2 and 3 to a location that would
hardly be expected to share the attention spotlight that is, to the fingertip con-
tralateral to the trained one is inconsistent with the attention hypothesis. We
carried out an additional test to show that what was learned was tactile information.
In this final experiment, subjects were tested using the same pair of surfaces as in
Experiment 3. The subjects had been trained, however, with a pair of surfaces
different from those used during testing. If the training effect were due to spatial
attention, subjects would have performed best with the trained fingertip even if the

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FIGURE 7.4 Topography of tactile learning in humans. Subjects were trained to use one
fingertip to carry out a discrimination of vibration frequency (left panel), pressure (center
panel), or roughness (right panel). After completion of training, they were tested with the
trained fingertip (same) and its first (+1) and second (+2) neighbors, as well as the
corresponding fingertips on the opposite hand. The graphs show the performance during
testing, and reveal topographic orderliness in the transfer of learning for each type of stimulus.
Original data is reported in Reference 29.

test surfaces were unfamiliar. They did not: there was no advantage for the trained
fingertip. This indicates that the tasks involved topographically distributed memory
for specific information.
If we accept the topographic learning rule, then the finding that the precise
pattern of the learning distribution depended upon the features of the acquired
information (Figure 7.4) should not be surprising. Since sensory neocortex is par-
celled into multiple areas, each specialized to process specific types of stimuli,37 the
spatial distribution of stored information should reflect the somatotopy present in
the cortical area that processes and stores that type of stimulus. Although a detailed
review is beyond the limits of this chapter, a survey of the literature gives a straight-
forward indication as to which cortical areas might be the critical substrates for the
experiments described above. Area 3b, containing neurons with rapidly adapting
response properties, single-digit receptive fields, and no callosal connectivity, is the
best candidate for vibration frequency learning.17,18,38-45 For roughness and punctate
pressure learning, the functional organization of area 43 (also known as SII) appears
to be well suited.46-53 For example, the dense callosal connectivity of SII is likely to
be the substrate for the transfer of roughness and punctate pressure learning to the
opposite, symmetric fingertip.

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We are not aware of tests for frequency-specific learning in the auditory modality.
However, transfer of visual learning has been studied extensively. Several studies
have reported that human participants trained to recognize a visual stimulus (e.g., a
bar with a specific orientation) at a specific retinotopic position were unable to
identify that stimulus when presented at a different location.24,25,54-57 Based upon the
distribution of the learning effects with a sharp spatial gradient related to the receptor
surface, primary visual cortex was taken to be the neural substrate for the learning of
difficult visual discriminations. However, as task difficulty decreased, transfer of learn-
ing increased, suggesting that higher-order cortical areas (possessing less strictly
topographical maps of the periphery) participate in the learning of easier tasks.23
In contrast, several studies have failed to detect a topography for tactile learning
in humans: when subjects learned to use one finger to discriminate between two
stimuli, their ability readily transferred to other fingers.34-36 These findings were
interpreted as showing complete transfer of perceptual learning, suggesting that
a fundamental difference exists between visual and tactile learning. However, most
of these studies only examined transfer over a limited spatial extent (e.g., transfer
between neighboring fingers or the corresponding fingers on each hand). Our study
shows that, when a greater range of sites is tested, a topographic distribution of
tactile learning is revealed. This conclusion also resolves the apparent discrepancy
between visual and tactile learning in humans. Moreover, the existence of the
principle of topographic learning in species as distinct as humans and rats implies
that the storage of sensory information within the framework of a body map is a
fundamental and successful strategy adopted by the mammalian cortex.

Behavioral and physiological studies suggest that the internal, map-like organization
of sensory cortical areas shapes the way sensory information is learned. When we
assert that information is stored within a topographic framework, we must clarify
the sort of information to which we are referring. In most situations, a large part of
what is learned is the behavioral strategy (consider, for example, the controversy
as to whether the Morris water maze best measures behavioral strategy learning as
opposed to spatial map learning58). An animal placed in an apparatus to make specific
sensory discriminations must first solve problems concerning the overall context of
the situation. One would hardly expect the learning of behavioral strategy to be
localized to a few cortical columns or even to a few cortical processing regions.
Indeed, Lashley is famous for showing (inadvertently) that learning of behavioral
strategy is poorly localized in the brain.59An additional complicating factor is that,
during regimes of sensory training extending across weeks or months, the distribution
of learning may change. The idea of a subcorticalization of motor procedures
during long periods of practice is common, and similar redistributions may occur
in sensory learning.

2002 CRC Press LLC

Therefore, an attempt to uncover possible topographic components of learning
can only be successful if the investigator separates the learning of behavioral strategy
from the learning of a specific sensory task. We did so by allowing the subject (rat
or human), upon testing, to persevere with the same behavioral strategy used during
previous training, but now with the requirement of gathering sensory information
with an untrained part of the sensory apparatus. This approach uncovered the fact
that sensory information processed by a naive part of the sensory system could
not be used immediately to solve the task.
If vague concepts such as widely distributed or parallel sensory processing
are ever to be properly defined, the new definition will have to take into account
the empirical observation that, under certain experimental conditions, what was
learned with one fingertip can be of essentially no benefit to the performance with
the adjacent fingertip. As an alternative to the idea of globally distributed processing,
we propose a model for sensory learning that emphasizes modularity. (1) The features
of the sensory information determine which cortical area is involved in information
processing and storage (thus, vibration frequency and surface texture would be
explicitly represented in different cortical regions). (2) Task difficulty also influences
the site of cortical modification. Easier discriminations do not entail modifications
in lower-order cortical areas, but may entail the learning of a behavioral strategy
(also see Reference 23). (3) For sensory learning tasks that involve topograpically
organized areas, a critical component of the relevant sensory information is stored
within a restricted region of the sensory map by the same neuronal circuits that
process the sensory signal during training. (4) If subjects are subsequently tested
with untrained parts of the sensory system, then performance on the task will be
proportional to the extent to which the topographic region activated by the new
sensory signal overlaps the region where the sensory information has been stored.
In this model, the brains body maps indeed play a fundamental role in sensory

Supported by the Telethon Foundation, the J.S. McDonnell Foundation, the European
Community, the Ministero dellUniversit e della Ricerca Scientifica e Tecnologica
(MURST), Consiglio Nazionale delle Ricerche, and the Regione Friuli Venezia

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2002 CRC Press LLC

Attention in the
8 Somatosensory System
Steven S. Hsiao and Francisco Vega-Bermudez


8.1 Introduction
8.2 Psychophysical Studies of Tactile Attention
8.2.1 Ascending or BottomUp Mechanisms of Attention
8.2.2 Descending Mechanisms of Attention
8.2.3 Focus of Attention
8.3 Neurophysiological Studies of Tactile Attention
8.3.1 Anatomy
8.3.2 Effects of Attention on Neuronal Responses Sub-Cortical Areas SI Cortex Memory in SI SII Cortex Prefrontal Cortex
8.3.3 Mechanisms of Attention
8.4 Attention and Imaging in Humans
8.5 Neglect Syndrome in Humans
8.6 Summary and Conclusions

In this chapter, we review the psychophysical and neurophysiological basis of tactile
selective attention. As in other sensory systems, attention plays a major role in the
way that sensory inputs are processed and perceived. The importance of attention
in touch can easily be demonstrated by switching ones focus of attention to different
locations on the body. For example, if you switch your focus of attention to your
foot, you immediately become conscious of sensations arising from receptors in
your foot that were non-existent a moment earlier. This simple observation demon-
strates the power of selective attention and emphasizes two important aspects of
sensory processing. First, it shows that we have a limited information processing

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capacity and that, under normal circumstances, we ignore most of the sensory inputs
that impinge on our bodies. Second, it shows that attention is under cognitive control
and, like a lens, focuses our mental efforts onto specific sensory inputs at selected
body locations.
Defining attention has been difficult. While each of us has our own subjective
sense of what attention is, scarcely anyone is able to express exactly what is meant
by the term attention. The difficulty lies in the fact that attention is a property of
our internal mental states and, as such, it is a property that is unique to the mind;
and, nobody has a definition of what constitutes the mind. However, if one assumes
that the mind and brain are the same then one definition of attention is that it is a
neural mechanism that allows observers to direct their mental efforts onto specific
objects or events. In this definition, the specific objects and events can be practically
anything, including external stimuli such as visual scenes, sounds, or locations on
the body surface, or internal mental states such as stored memories.
There have been numerous studies that have attempted to characterize attention.
In these studies, differences in human sensory performance and their underlying
neural processes are monitored while selective attention is switched between differ-
ent sensory modalities, different locations on the body, and different aspects of the
sensory stimulus. These studies show that attention is rapidly engaged and withdrawn
from particular stimuli, and when engaged, stimuli that are under the attentional
focus are perceived more rapidly and accurately.
There are two main approaches that have been used to characterize attention in
the somatosensory system. Psychophysical studies on humans demonstrate that the
amount of attention needed to process different kinds of tactile stimuli differ and
that some tactile stimuli are processed pre-attentively. These stimuli are processed
by bottomup, or ascending, mechanisms that are thought to require minimal
attentional resources. Bottomup processing mechanisms are important because they
capture and draw our attention to stimuli such as a pinprick on the skin that require
immediate attention. There is also a selective component of attention that allows us
to focus or concentrate our efforts onto a specific stimulus at a specific location on
the body. These topdown, or descending, mechanisms provide us with the ability
to selectively filter out and suppress irrelevant information and enhance the central
representations of sensory stimuli that are immediately relevant. Some of the issues
that are important here are to determine the capacity of selective attention, the degree
that attention can be focused to particular body sites and modalities, and the effect
that selective attention has on information processing.
The second approach to understanding attention is to study the effects directly
on the responses of neurons in the nervous system. There are two ways that this is
done. In the first, animals are trained to perform specific behavioral tasks that require
them to switch their focus of attention (or cognitive efforts) between different stimuli
presented within or between sensory systems. The assumption is then made that
changes in neural activity that occur with changes in the animal behavior is a
reflection of the attentional effort required to perform the task. In most of these
animal studies, animals are trained in tactile tasks that require them to switch their
focus of attention back and forth between a tactile task at a specific location on the

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body and a control task that diverts the animals focus of attention to either a different
body site, or to an auditory or visual stimulus. This paradigm controls for differences
in arousal since the animals are continuously performing a behavioral task. The
other way that is now commonly used to study attention is to perform imaging
studies directly on human subjects. In this approach, humans are asked to perform
a variety of tactile tasks and the effects of attention are assessed by examining the
change in activation of different cortical regions. This method has the advantage of
allowing one to simultaneously study many areas of the nervous system involved in
attention. However, the approach is limited because it only provides information
about which anatomical locations are affected by attention.
Here, we describe psychophysical studies on humans, neurophysiological studies
of monkeys, and imaging studies of humans performing various selective attention


There have been several psychophysical studies in which humans performed tactile
search tasks. These studies are based on a paradigm originally developed by Treis-
man,41 who demonstrated in subjects performing visual search tasks that the ability
to perceive certain types of target stimuli is unaffected by the number of background
distractors. She hypothesized that these stimuli stand out because they contain
features that are processed pre-attentively and, as such, require limited attentional
resources. In tactile search studies, performance is measured by the response time
required to locate a target stimulus presented to one of the finger pads as a function
of the number of distractors placed on the finger pads of both hands. When these
reaction time functions are relatively flat, the stimulus is considered to pop out.
Using this paradigm, Lederman and Klatzky30 found that material properties, such
as rough-smooth, hard-soft, cool-warm, and surface discontinuities, such as vertical
or horizontal bars vs. a flat surface or a hole vs. no-hole, tended to pop out (reaction
time slopes RT < 30 ms per digit). In contrast, surface features related to the relative
two and three dimensional spatial position of objects on the finger pads or to the
orientation of stimuli, such as a horizontal vs. vertical bars, did not. The range of
RT slopes varied greatly, with roughness having a slope of about 3.728 to 9
msec/digit28,30 and stimuli that tested the relative position of different shapes having
reaction time slopes close to 440 msec/digit (see Figure 8.1). Surfaces composed of
three-dimensional (3D) contours such as curved vs. flat had intermediate reaction
times. Similarly, recent studies showed that selective attention is only minimally
required to detect changes in vibration amplitude43,49 or texture.43 These results
suggest that some surface features, such as texture or vibration, are processed pre-
attentively, whereas more complex features that require information about the spatial
positions between stimulus features on different fingers are not.

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FIGURE 8.1 Reaction times in humans performing tactile search tasks. In one study, subjects
were presented with a rough target stimulus on one digit and smooth distracting stimuli on
the other digits. In the other study, the target stimulus was a raised dot positioned on the right
side of the finger pad. The distractor stimuli were dots on the left side of the pads. The
abscissa is the number of finger pads being stimulated. The ordinate is the reaction time to
detect the target stimulus. The slope of the roughness task was about 3.7 msec/digit, indicating
that the sensation of roughness pops out from the distractor stimuli. The slope of the relative
position task was about 450 msec/digit, indicating that the subjects needed to perform a serial
search to locate the target stimulus. Adapted from Reference 28.


Our sensory systems are being constantly stimulated by sights, sounds, and a wide
range of tactile stimuli. It is only through selective attention mechanisms that we
filter out irrelevant information and prevent sensory overload. Studies that directed
attention between sensory modalities suggest that attention has a limited capacity
for processing information presented simultaneously to different modalities. In one
series of studies, Chapman and her colleagues41,52 had subjects perform cross-modal
tactile visual tasks. In these studies, reaction times were measured while subjects
directed their focus of attention toward or away from a stimulus or directed their
attention to both the tactile and visual stimuli (divided attention task). In the first
study,41 subjects were required to detect the onset of a 40 Hz vibration on their hands
or the onset of a light. In the second study,52 subjects were required to detect a
change in surface texture on the tip of one digit or the change in intensity of a light.
In both studies, they found that subjects had the shortest reaction times when cued
correctly (440 msec), intermediate reaction times (490 msec) when given the neutral

2002 CRC Press LLC

cue (divided attention task) and longest reaction times when cued incorrectly (575
msec). In addition, the reaction times increased as the tasks were made more difficult.
Driver and Spence14 also found that there are extensive interactions between modal-
ities and that a salient event (either relevant or irrelevant) in one modality at the
correct location improves performance in detecting events in another modality. For
example, tactile stimulation of the left hand with a set of vibrators led to faster
discrimination of the location of visual stimuli in the left but not the right visual
field. The improvement was based on external body coordinate systems; when the
hands were crossed so that the right hand was then in the left visual field, improve-
ment occurred with the right rather than the left hand. These studies, together with
Chapmans studies,41,52 suggest that the sensory modalities do not function indepen-
dent of each other and that there are limited attentional resources for processing
information across sensory systems.
There are now at least three different studies suggesting that the ability to attend
to multiple stimuli attention is greater when subjects are asked to attend to multiple
somatosensory stimuli at different body locations than when attending to multiple
stimuli presented to different sensory modalities. In all three studies, tactile stimuli
are presented simultaneously to different locations on the body surface and subjects
are asked to perform directed or divided attention tasks. In two of the studies, subjects
were presented with salient stimuli that consisted of vibrations to the thenar eminence
of the right hand, left fingertip, and the forearms or taps to the right and left index
fingers.40,44 In the other study, Craig9 directed subjects to attend to stimuli on either
hand or to divide their attention to patterned stimuli presented on both hands. All
three studies found that there is essentially no difference in performance when
attention is directed or divided between stimuli presented to different locations on
opposite sides of the body, suggesting that there are large attentional resources when
attention is confined to the somatosensory system. The results from the Craig study
are of particular interest since they did not investigate simply whether subjects could
detect stimuli but also tested the ability of subjects to identify vibrotactile patterns
presented to different fingers. In his study, spatially patterned vibrotactile stimuli
were presented to pairs of fingers using two Optacons, which consists of 624 array
of vibrating pins used as a reading aid for the blind. Subjects were then asked to
identify vibrotactile patterns that were presented with different stimulus onset asyn-
chonies to the different digits. The study reported that subjects performance was
about 90 to 98% in identifying patterns when attention is directed to a single digit
and that there was a small reduction in performance when the patterns were presented
to two digits bilaterally (see Figure 8.2). This is essentially the same result reported
by Shiffrin and Posner. Contrary to expectations, Craig also found that there was a
large decline in performance when the patterns were presented ipsilaterally to the
subjects index and middle fingers and that the decline in performance disappears
when the onset asynchrony is greater than about 200400 msec (see Figure 8.2).
One explanation for these results is that the capacity of attention may be unlimited44
when stimuli are presented to locations on the body surface that are widely separated
from each other (i.e., the two hands) but stimulus interference occurs when stimuli
are placed close to each other in space (same hand) and time (within 400 msec).

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FIGURE 8.2 Directed vs. divided attention. In this experiment, subjects were presented with
Optacon-generated patterns of lines on adjacent digits on the same hand (index and middle)
or to the index finger on one hand and middle finger on the opposite hand. In the directed
attention studies, subjects were cued to attend to a single digit and the two letters were
presented simultaneously to the fingers. In the divided attention task, the subjects were
presented with the two letters and 500 msec later they were asked to report the letter that was
presented on one of the digits chosen at random. There is a small decrement in performance
in the directed attention task when the two are presented to the ipsilateral hand, suggesting
that the patterns presented to the same hand interfere with each other. This decrement in
performance increases for stimulus onset asynchronies up to 400 msec (abscissa), suggesting
that the interference disappears when two patterns are presented separately at sufficiently long
intervals. Adapted from Craig, J.C., Psychophys, 38, 496511, 1985. With permission.


There are now several studies that confirm the subjective impression that attention
functions like a cognitive spotlight that can be focused and moved to selected
body locations. In one recent study, Lakatos and Shepard29 showed that the time it
takes to shift ones focus of attention is dependent on the distance between the cued
site and the test location. In their study, subjects were asked to attend to a specific
location on the body. Then, two seconds later, a second location was announced
and, simultaneously, the subjects received air puffs at four of eight different body
locations. Subjects were required to respond as rapidly as possible if an air puff
occurred at the second-announced body location. The study found that reaction times
increased as the distance between the two sites increased and that the critical distance
is not related to the somatotopic distance between body locations but to the straight
line distance in external space between the two test sites. Driver and Grossenbacher13
obtained similar results when they presented vibrotactile stimuli on the hands, which
were placed either together or spread apart at different distances. Interestingly, they
also showed that the reaction times decreased when subjects oriented their heads
toward the relevant hand, independent of whether the subjects were looking at the

2002 CRC Press LLC

hand or were blindfolded. These studies indicate that attention is based on an extra-
personal coordinate system that is affected by proprioceptive inputs (e.g., changes
in head orientation), and is not organized somatotopically. In this coordinate system,
attention shifts between body parts like a spot of light moving directly between body
Studies that attempt to characterize the spotlight of attention indicate that the
focus of attention has an aperture size that is modality dependent. As discussed
earlier, Craig9 had subjects attend to patterns presented to fingers on the same and
opposite hands and found that the patterns were more easily perceived when pre-
sented to fingers of the opposite hand than when presented to adjacent fingers on
the same hand. He also found that the ability to integrate patterns on the two hands
was unaffected by the spatial separation between hands. The results from this study
suggest that the hand is under a single focus of attention, and that stimuli presented
to digits of the same hand interfere with one another. In a similar study, Evans et al.16
had subjects report the direction of movement of a pattern presented on one fingertip
while another moving (non-target) pattern was presented to an adjacent finger pad
on the same or opposite hand. When the target and non-target patterns were presented
on the same hand, they found that the accuracy was higher and reaction times were
faster when the two patterns moved in the same direction and that performance
declined when the non-target stimulus moved in the opposite direction. This was
true even though subjects were told to ignore stimuli on the non-target finger. In
contrast, the non-target stimulus had no effects on performance when presented to
a finger on the opposite hand.
Although these studies strongly suggest that the entire hand is under a single
attentional focus, a recent study in our laboratory suggests otherwise. In those
studies,11 we presented sandpapers of varying grit numbers to individual fingers and
to pairs of fingers on the same and opposite hands. We found that when a single
finger is used, there is a monotonic decrease in roughness magnitude judgments as
grit number increased, confirming previous roughness studies that used sandpapers,
and that roughness magnitude estimates were identical across fingers on the two
hands. When pairs of fingers were used, subjects scanned different grit sandpapers
with the two fingers and were asked to report their roughness judgments on the
target finger from only the target finger. We found that roughness judgments on the
target finger were unaffected by sandpapers presented to non-target fingers on either
hand and that the roughness estimates obtained were identical to the estimates
obtained during the single finger task. These results suggest that, at least for rough-
ness stimuli, the minimum aperture size is the finger pad and not the entire hand as
reported by Craig.9 One explanation for this inconsistency is that the degree that
attention can be focused may differ for different tactile modalities. Thus, roughness
perception, which is encoded by the SA1 afferent system, may have a smaller focus
of attention than vibration, which is encoded by the RA and PC afferent systems.27
This hypothesis is supported by psychophysical studies showing that there is little
integration of spatial information across finger pads in subjects performing two-
dimensional pattern identification tasks of large patterns that extend across multiple

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In this section, we briefly review the ascending and central pathways of the somatosen-
sory system. We will later show that neurons at practically all stages within the system,
starting at the level of the brain stem nuclei, have responses that are affected by the
animals focus of attention; with neurons at higher levels of the central nervous system
showing greater effects than neurons closer to the peripheral inputs.
Afferent fibers entering the spinal cord separate into two parallel paths (for a
review of the afferent fibers, see Reference 27 for a review. One pathway, called the
dorsal-column-medial leminiscal pathway, contains axons from large and medium
diameter fibers that synapse on neurons in the ipsilateral dorsal column nuclei
(DCN). Afferent fibers in this pathway carry information to the central nervous
system about mechanoreceptive and proprioceptive events at the periphery. The other
main pathway is called the spinothalamic tract (STT). This pathway receives fibers
originating from neurons in the contralateral dorsal horn and conveys information
mainly from the small myelinated and unmyelinated afferents that enter the spinal
cord. It is responsible primarily for conveying information about pain and temper-
ature to the central nervous system. Fibers from the second order neurons in the
DCN and Dorsal horn project to neurons in the ventroposterior lateral nucleus of
the thalamus (VPL), where information is further segregated into nuclei that respond
to deep and cutaneous tissues. Neurons in VPL send their projections in two direc-
tions, a large projection to primary somatosensory cortex (SI) and a smaller projec-
tion to secondary somatosensory cortex (SII).23
SI cortex is composed of four separate areas: 3a, 3b, 1, and 2. These areas
receive specific projections from neurons in VPL and from neurons in other areas
of SI cortex. Neurons in areas 3a and 2 respond to inputs from deep tissues and
neurons in areas 3b and 1 respond to cutaneous mechanoreceptive inputs. It can be
inferred from the anatomical connectivity that areas 3b and 1 are important for
mechanoreceptive functions, such as form and texture perception, and neurons in
areas 3a and 2 are important for functions that require information from deep tissues,
such as joint angle and stereognosis (area 2).
Neurons in SI cortex project in two main directions. One projection is toward
neurons in areas 5, 7b, and Ri. This pathway is concerned primarily with processing
information about where our limbs are in space and how our hands are positioned
when grasping objects. The other projection is toward SII. SII cortex is a large
cortical region located in the upper bank of the lateral sulcus and is composed of
two or more somatosensory areas. The pathway toward SII is thought to be responsible
for processing information about tactile form and texture perception. While neurons
in SI tend to have small receptive fields that are within one (3b) or a few digits (1,
2), neurons in SII cortex have a wide range of receptive field sizes and shapes,
ranging from single digit receptive fields to bilateral receptive fields that cover all
or part of both hands. SII cortex is heavily interconnected with many cortical areas.

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Among those connections that are of consequence in relation to attention are pro-
jections to areas in the frontal cortex, insula, and a weak projection to the anterior
cingulate, which also receives inputs from frontal cortical areas.


Neurons at all levels of processing appear to be affected by the animals attentional

state. In one study, Hayes et al.21 trained monkeys to perform thermal and light
discrimination tasks. They found that wide dynamic range and nociceptive neurons
in the dorsal horn showed a greater response to behaviorally relevant thermal stimuli
than equivalent irrelevant thermal stimuli. Similar results were reported by Bushnell
et al.6 and Duncan et al.15 who trained animals to detect either a change in noxious
or innocuous thermal stimuli, or to detect the onset of a light. In the psychophysical
study, they reported that the reaction times (in both man and monkey) needed to
detect the stimuli were shortest when the subjects were correctly cued and that the
effects were greater for noxious than for warm stimuli.7 In the neurophysiological
study, they reported that about 45% of the neurons in the medullary dorsal horn had
task-related responses.6
Although initial reports by Poranen and Hyvarinen39 suggested that neurons in
VPL are not affected by the animals focus of attention, two other studies report
that attention has small effects. Tremblay et al.48 trained animals to perform an air
puff detection task and a light discrimination task. They found that 2 of 23 neurons
in VPM showed clear attention modulated responses. Recently, Morrow and Casey34
reported that 6 of 18 neurons that they studied in VPL showed attention-modulated
responses. In their study, animals were trained to detect the cessation of an air puff
or mechanical taps with a Von Frey hair on the skin. These studies suggest that
attention does not play a large role at the sub-cortical level and that the spotlight
of tactile attention most likely does not originate from neurons in VP. Whether or
not other areas of thalamus, such as the reticular formation,10 are involved in tactile
attention is not known. SI Cortex

Initial studies suggested that attention had minimal effects on the response properties
of neurons in SI cortex.18 A later study by Hyvarinen et al.25 suggested that attention
had a small effect. They trained animals to perform both a vibration detection task
and to sit passively while the same stimuli were presented to the hand. They found
that about 8% of the neurons in area 3b and about 22% of the neurons in area 1
were affected by the animals focus of attention. More recently, two studies have
shown that attention has much greater effects on neurons in SI cortex.
Hsiao et al.24 trained animals to perform a tactile letter discrimination task and
a visual light detection task. During the recording sessions, the animals focus of
attention was switched back and forth every 5 to 10 minutes between the two tasks
while the same tactile stimulus was scanned across the distal pads of the animals
hand. The effects of attention were assessed by comparing a neurons responses to

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FIGURE 8.3 Effects of attention on SI and SII neurons. Raster plots showing the responses
of five neurons from SI (B) and SII cortex (A, CE). Each raster represents the response of
the neuron while the animals focus of attention was switched back and forth between
performing a tactile letter discrimination task and a visual task. Periods where the animal was
performing the tactile task are marked by a vertical line on the right side of each raster. The
top three rasters represent the responses to a stimulus that contained the letters A, L, and O
and the bottom two rasters represent the responses to the letters X, P, and H. The stimuli were
mounted on a rotating drum that scanned the letters repeatedly across the receptive field
(letters moved from right to left). In the top three rasters, the target letter (*) was the letter
L and in the bottom two rasters the target letter was the letter X. Each black tick represents
the occurrence of an action potential. Adapted from Reference 24.

the embossed letters for the two tasks. They reported that about 50% of the neurons
in areas 3b and 1 of SI cortex had increased firing rates when the animal performed
the tactile task; this study differed from the first two studies in that it required the
animal to perform a visual distracting task as the control. Having the animal perform
this task served two functions. One was to control for arousal effects since the animal
received rewards at about the same rate during both tasks. The other was to draw
the animals focus of attention away from the tactile task, which may explain why
these authors found greater effects in SI cortex.
An example of the response of a typical SA neuron in area 3b is shown in
Figure 8.3B. In this figure, the letters above the raster plots represent the letters of
the alphabet that were scanned across the animals finger and the target letter.
Although attention affected fewer neurons and had smaller effects on neurons in SI
than SII cortex, there was a clear enhancement of the neural responses when the
animal performed the tactile task relative to when it performed the visual task. The
enhanced responses were not only observed on the target letters but also on non-
reward letters that did not directly follow a target letter (e.g., see the response to the
letter O and the second letter A following the second target letter L in Figure 8.3A).
Attentional effects were not observed during two types of periods. One was time-

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FIGURE 8.4 Effects of attention on target and non-target letters. Response of two neurons
from SI (B) and SII (A) cortex to target letters and letters following target letters. The ordinate
shows the mean rates evoked by the letters. The abscissa represents the circumferential
distance in mm from the start of the pattern (see Figure 8.3). Letters scanned from right to
left at 15 mm/sec across the receptive field. Thick lines show responses during hits (animal
correctly identified the letters), thin lines represent the response during the visual task, and
dashed lines represent the response during missed trials. The arrows along the abscissa
represent the mean location of the animals response. Adapted from Reference 24.

out periods that were triggered by false-positive responses. The other was reward
periods, which corresponded to non-target letters following target letters in which
the animal correctly identified the letter. The most likely explanation for the lack of
attention effects on these letters is that the animal learned that certain letters were
behaviorally irrelevant (e.g., two target letters never appeared in succession on the
The effects of attention on the mean impulse rates evoked by a target letter and
the following letter, while the animal was performing the tactile and visual tasks is
shown in Figure 8.4. Figure 8.4A shows a response that was typical of neurons in
SI and SII. Neurons in these areas showed a vigorous response to non-target letters
(e.g., letter P) following misses and minimal responses to these same letters following
hits. Figure 8.4B does not show the responses during tactile misses since the animal
had too few misses during these trials.
This study demonstrates several aspects concerning the effects of attention on
neurons in SI cortex. Besides showing that the neural response of a large fraction
of neurons in SI are affected by attention, it demonstrates that attention has large
effects on the responses of neurons and that these effects cannot be explained by
simple changes in neuronal gain. For example, the response to the target letter L
(Figure 8.4B) became weaker when the same animal performed the tactile task and
almost non-existent when the same letter passed over the receptive field and the
animal was performing the visual task. This suggests that attention modifies not
only the sensitivity of the neuron but also the spatiotemporal form of the response.
Second, this study demonstrates that attention is turned on and off quickly. In
Figure 8.4, the small arrows represent the mean time that the animal turned the
response switch. These responses suggest that the effects of attention on the neural
responses are engaged and disengaged within 100 msec, which indicates that the

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effects of attention may be dynamically changing throughout the recording period.
A third finding from this study was that neurons in SI only showed enhanced
responses during the tactile task; however, more recent studies described below have
shown that neurons in SI have both enhanced and suppressed responses.
Recently, Burton and Sinclair4 reported results from neurons in SI cortex in
animals trained to detect a change in vibratory amplitude. In agreement with the
findings by Hsiao et al.,24 they reported that about 50% of the neurons in SI are
affected by the animals focus of attention when switching between two modalities.
In their study, the animals focus of attention was directed to either one location
from mirror image sites on both hands or to an auditory tone. They found that in
trials where the animal was cued to respond to the contralateral hand, some neurons
in SI showed enhanced responses while others showed suppressed responses. Memory in SI

There is evidence that neurons in SI may play a role in the memory of tactile stimuli.
Zhou et al.50,51 trained animals to perform either a tactile-tactile matching task or a
cross-modal visual-tactile matching task. In these studies, animals were given either
a tactile cue (e.g., reach out and touch a bar containing horizontal bars) or a visual
cue (e.g., display with horizontal bars). Following a short delay, the animal was
trained to touch a bar that either contained a matching (horizontal bars) or non-
matching (vertical bars) stimulus. They found that, during the delay period between
the stimuli, many neurons in all four areas of SI cortex showed elevated rate changes.
While these rate changes could be attributed to attentional effects, they are also
indicative of neurons that may play a role in the short-term memory of tactile stimuli. SII Cortex

There have been several attention studies in SII cortex and all of them have shown
that selective attention has profound effects on the responses of neurons. In the initial
studies, Poranen and Hyvarinen39 trained animals to detect the cessation of a vibra-
tion and reported that, while attention had minimal effects on the responses of
neurons in SI, all of the neurons in SII were greatly affected. Similarly, Hsiao et al.,24
recording from animals performing the same task described earlier, reported that
more than 80% of the neurons in SII were affected by attention and that the attention
to the tactile stimulus caused both increases (58%) and decreases (22%) in the firing
rates of SII neurons. In general, the effect of attention on the responses of neurons
was similar in form but greater in magnitude to what was seen in SI cortex. Examples
of four neurons in SII are shown in Figure 8.3. The neurons shown in Figures 8.3A
8.3D, and 8.3E showed enhanced responses during the tactile tasks while the neuron
shown in Figure 8.3C showed suppressed responses. Figure 8.4A shows that the
spatial structure of the responses to the target letter X during hits and misses is
not a simple multiplicative gain from the response recorded while the animal per-
formed the visual task. These results suggest that attention alters the responses in
more complex ways than by simply changing the neural gain of the signal.

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FIGURE 8.5 Effects of attention on orientation tuning curves. Response of a neuron in SII
to oriented bars while performing a tactile and visual task. During the tactile task, the bar
indented the skin at one of eight randomly chosen orientations (S1) for 500 msec. After a 1
second delay, the bar indented the skin for an additional 500 msec at either the same orientation
or at the orthogonal orientation (S2). The animals task was to pull a switch with its foot if
the orientations of the two bars were the same or to push the switch if the orientations were
different. Raster plots on the left show the responses sorted according to bar orientation and
task. The curves to the right show the mean impulse rates as a function of orientation. (Hsiao,
unpublished data.)

Recently, Hsiao and his colleagues found that about 30% of the neurons in SII
cortex show orientation-tuned responses and that the tuning is greatly affected by
attention.17 In their studies, they trained animals to perform a visual task and a match-
to-sample tactile orientation discrimination task. In the tactile task, the animal was
presented with a small bar at one of eight orientations on the distal finger pad for
500 msec. Then, one second later, the animal was presented with the bar at either
the same orientation or at the orthogonal orientation. The animals task was to push
a switch with its foot if the orientations of the two bars were the same and to pull
the switch if the orientation of the two bars differed. In the visual task, the animal
pulled the switch with its foot when a white square dimmed on a video screen.
Figure 8.5 shows an example of how attention affects the tuning properties of neurons
in SII cortex. In this example, the neuron shows minimal orientation tuning during
the visual task but shows strong tuning during the tactile task. This figure also shows
that neurons in SII exhibit attention modulated responses during the delay period
suggesting that SII may also play a role in tactile memory. For this neuron, the delay
period response shows the same tuning characteristics as the stimulus-driven
In another study of attention in SII cortex, Burton et al.5 studied animals per-
forming a vibration detection task similar to the one described earlier. They found
that 45% of the neurons in SII cortex were affected by the animals focus of attention.

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Single neurons showed both enhanced and suppressed responses with the responses
being generally suppressed during the early phases of a trial and enhanced during
the late phases of a trial. These findings suggest that attention may improve the
signal-to-noise ratio of neurons in SII cortex. Prefrontal Cortex

Recently, Romo et al.42 have shown that neurons in the prefrontal cortex are affected
by the animals focus of attention. In their study, they trained the animals to perform
a vibrotactile match-to-sample task in which the animals were presented with two
sequential vibrations to the finger pads. The animal was required to press a key
indicating whether the second vibration was at a higher or lower frequency than the
first. They found that neurons showed a continuous discharge during the delay period
(up to 6 seconds) and that 65% of the neurons had discharge rates during the delay
period that varied as a monotonic function of the frequency of the base stimulus.
These results suggest that neurons in prefrontal cortex play a role in tactile working


While all studies of attention that we reviewed demonstrated that neurons either
increase or decrease their firing rates with attention, a recent study has shown that
attention also modulates the temporal firing characteristics of neurons. Steinmetz
et al. (2000) recorded, using a multiple electrode array, from three animals trained
to perform three different tactile tasks and a visual task. During the experiments,
the animals focus of attention was switched back and forth every few minutes
between the tactile and visual tasks. They found that a large fraction of the neuron
pairs in SII cortex fired synchronously and, more importantly, found that the degree
of synchronous firing changed with the animals focus of attention (Figure 8.6).
They reported that, on average, about 17% of the neuron pairs showed changes in
synchrony, when the animals focus of attention was switched from the visual task
to the tactile task. About 80% of these neuron pairs showed increases in synchrony
while the remaining 20% showed decreases in synchrony. In addition, they found
that the percentage of neurons that showed changes in synchrony differed between
the three animals; about 35% of the neuron pairs from the animal that performed
the most difficult task showed changes, whereas only 9% of the neuron pairs were
affected in the animal that performed the easiest task.
These results indicate that increasing the degree of synchrony between neurons
may be a mechanism that underlies selective attention. Increasing the degree of
synchronous firing between pairs or populations of neurons produces larger excita-
tory post-synaptic potentials in target neurons and is, therefore, more effective at
driving target neurons. This results in the message contained in the population of
neurons that are firing more synchronously to be selected for further processing at
higher stages and the message contained in neurons firing asynchronously to be

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FIGURE 8.6 (See Color Figure 8.6 in color insert.) Effects of attention on synchrony.
Response of a typical neuron pair (red and green) in monkey cortical area SII. The response
rasters are triggered at the onsets of 50 tactile stimulus periods while the monkey performs
the tactile letter discrimination task and the visual dim detection task. Each row in the top
two rasters represents one stimulus period, 2.5 s long, corresponding to the presentation of
one letter. Red and green dots represent the action potentials of the two neurons. Peristimulus
time histograms are shown below each raster plot with corresponding colors. Synchronous
events, defined as spikes from each neuron within 2.5 ms of each other, are represented as
blue diamonds. This figure shows that the number of synchronous events is much higher
when attention is directed towards the tactile stimuli. The number of coincident events is
shown in the bottom figure blue curve tactile task, red curve visual task, violet
curve coincidences expected by chance. Adapted from Steinmetz, P.N., Roy, A., Fitzgerald,
P.J., Hsiao, S.S., Johnson, K.O., and Niebur, E., Nature, 404: 187190, 2000. With permission.
Recently, there have been a number of studies that have used imaging techniques
to determine what areas of the human brain are affected by tactile selective attention.
Below, we briefly review the results from several of those studies.
In agreement with the neurophysiology studies discussed earlier, imaging studies
on SI cortex suggest that attention plays a small but significant role in tactile
perception. The effects have been shown using four different imaging techniques
(PET, fMRI, magnetic source imaging (MEG), and somatosensory evoked potentials
[SSEP]) and a variety of tactile stimuli that include simple touch, vibration, electrical
stimuli, and roughness patterns.2,3,12,20,26,32,37,38 The basic finding from all of these
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studies is that there are modest changes (increases or decreases) in the neural images
when subjects are required to perform a task that requires them to attend to the
specific stimuli. The changes in the strength of the neural image are attributed to
changes in blood flow and thereby to the corresponding neural activity related to
selective attention for PET and fMRI, and to changes in the magnetic and electrical
fields related to attention in the MEG and SSEP studies. These results, however, are
not universal since three other imaging studies found little or no modulation of
activity in SI cortex with attention.19,22,23 There are several reasons why these studies
may not have found attention modulated responses. One is that two of these studies
did not have the subjects perform an active control task (e.g., attend to a distracting
visual task), but instead compared the responses to periods when the subjects sat
quietly.22,23 Another possibility is that the degree of modulation in SI is small and
the results may not have been large enough to be significant.
Although most studies show an increase in blood flow in SI with attention (see
Reference 3 as an example), others show that there may be a decrease. A PET study
by Drevets et al.12 reported that the changes in activation of SI were due to decreases
in blood flow outside the attended location. For example, attending to the toe resulted
in a decrease in blood flow in the area represented by the hand and face. Based on
their results, they hypothesized that one of the mechanisms of attention is to suppress
background activity.
The effects of attention on SII cortex are greater and much more pronounced
than on SI cortex3,19 agreeing with the large changes in responses that are observed
in neurophysiological studies in attending animals. Specifically, the imaging studies
show that the effects of attention on SII are more consistent irrespective of the tactile
tasks or the method that was used to measure brain activity.1,3,12,1820,22,26,32,33 These
studies also show that the attentional effects of SII are bilateral with the strength of
the signals being larger in the hemisphere contralateral to the stimulus.3,22,33 In
addition, the magnitude of the effects in SII were independent of whether attention
was divided between hands or was directed toward a single hand.26
Several other cortical areas have also been shown to be affected by tactile
attention. These areas include the superior parietal area, anterior cingulate, and
frontal and insular cortex. In particular, the frontal cortex and superior parietal area,
corresponding to areas 5 and/or 7, have been shown in several studies to be affected
by attention in humans performing touch detection, roughness discrimination, vibra-
tory detection, and 3-D shape discrimination tasks.1,3,32,38 In addition, Burton et al.3
reported that the cingulate is activated when subjects are asked to perform difficult
roughness discrimination tasks. Finally, bilateral activation of the insula has been
shown in two different studies.3,36 Surprisingly, these studies also show that the
strength of activation in the insula is lower than for both SI and SII cortex, which
suggests that neurons in the insula may not be driven well during selective attention


Studies in patients with unilateral lesions of left and, particularly, right parietal cortex
suffer from an attentional disorder in which they neglect or deny the existence of

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the body part that is contralateral to the injured hemisphere.36 The deficits can be
severe, with patients refusing to move their limbs in the contralateral space. Patients
with a mild form of hemi-neglect tend to have normal sensory functions that allow
them to localize and perceive tactile stimuli on the affected side. However, if they
are touched simultaneously on both sides of the body, they are unable to localize or
perceive the stimuli on the side contralateral to the lesion. This effect, which is
called tactile extinction, is attributed to subjects being unable to disengage attention
from the ipsilateral side of the body and to re-engage attention on the competing or
contralateral tactile stimulus.35 The mechanisms of the parietal cortex in redirecting
attention in the tactile system may be similar to the mechanisms used by parietal
cortical neurons in redirecting visual attention.45
Tactile extinction appears to be based on an extrapersonal frame of reference
rather than on somatotopic organization. Patients tend to neglect stimuli on the side
of space contralateral to the injured hemisphere.35 However, the area of neglect
changes depending on where attention is being focused. For example, subjects with
right hemisphere injury will neglect tactile stimuli on the left arm. However, if
attention is focused on the right arm, they neglect the left part of the right arm,
independent of whether the palm is facing up or facing down.35 Patients with severe
hemi-neglect tend to ignore all somatosensory information from the opposite side
of the body.


There is now strong evidence that selective attention is an emergent property of the
mind. Neurophysiological studies in monkeys and imaging studies in humans show
that the effects of attention can be observed at all levels of processing in the central
nervous system, and that the percentage of neurons activated by attention becomes
higher and the effects become stronger as one moves more centrally. The studies
show that attention has minimal effects on neurons in the brain stem and thalamus,
modest effects on neurons in SI cortex, and very large effects on neurons in SII
cortex. In SII cortex, more than 80% of the neurons are affected by selective attention.
Psychophysical studies have characterized attention effectively. These studies
have demonstrated several important findings. First, they confirm our intuition that
our sensory systems have a limited capacity for processing information. Second,
they reveal that material properties of surfaces and vibration tend to be processed
pre-attentively. Third, they show that selective attention functions like a spotlight
that is under cognitive control. This attentional spotlight can be directed at will to
a specific location on the body and can be focused down to a minimum size; stimuli
that are within the focus are enhanced and stimuli outside the focus are ignored.
Whether attention can be further focused down to specific stimulus attributes (i.e.,
attend to the roughness and not the vibration within the spotlight) remains to be seen.
While the mechanisms of attention are not understood, there are clues to suggest
that directing attention is controlled by neurons in the posterior parietal cortex and
that the focusing of attention is accomplished by changing the degree of synchronous
firing between neurons. The evidence for the posterior parietal cortex being impor-
tant for attentional control comes from studies on patients with damaged cortex, as

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these patients are unable to direct their attention to specific tactile (or visual) stimuli
in the space contralateral to their lesion. The evidence for synchronous firing being
the neural correlate of selective attention is that changing synchrony has two potential
effects. One is to make those neurons that are firing in synchrony stand out from
the background neural noise. The second is that synchrony increases the size of the
EPSP in downstream neurons and therefore enhances the message conveyed by those
neurons at higher structures in the brain.

We would like to thank Dr. Dianne Pawluk for her insightful comments and John
Lane and Sapna Prasad for technical assistance. Supported by NIH R01-NS34086
and Robert Wood Johnson Foundation, grant number: 037218.

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2002 CRC Press LLC

New Applications of
9 Digital Video Technology
for Neurophysiological
Studies of Hand Function
Daniel J. Debowy, K. Srinivasa Babu,
Edward H. Hu, Michelle Natiello, Shari Reitzen,
Maria Chu, Jill Sakai, and Esther P. Gardner


9.1 Introduction
9.2 What Studies Can Digital Video Enable?
9.3 How Is Digital Video Implemented?
9.4 How Are the Neurophysiological Data Analyzed?
9.4.1 Spike Separation
9.4.2 Burst Analysis
9.4.3 Spike Rasters and PSTHs
9.4.4 Statistical Analyses of Firing Rates
9.4.5 Receptive Field Mapping
9.5 How Are Hand Behaviors Quantified Using Digital Video?
9.6 What Instrumentation Is Recommended?
9.6.1 Video Equipment
9.6.2 Computer Hardware and Software
9.7 What Can We Learn from Imaging Actions of the Hand?
9.8 Useful Websites (listed alphabetically)

The brains own body image is normally expressed in both a cognitive and pragmatic
manner. By projecting the indentation patterns impressed upon the skin onto external
objects that touch its surface, the tactile sense in the hand serves a cognitive function.
Information derived from tactile receptors about an objects intrinsic properties its

2002 CRC Press LLC

size, shape, and surface texture is used to identify and classify it. However, the
hand is not merely a sensor; it is also a skillful motor device that can manipulate
objects to achieve a desired goal. A functional body image is essential for planning
and executing movements, especially the skilled actions of the hand that distinguish
primates from lower species. Cutaneous receptors in both glabrous and hairy skin
provide information about the kinematics and posture of the hand, as well as the
grip and load forces used during prehension and object manipulation (Edin and
Abbs, 1991; Edin and Johansson, 1995; Hulliger et al., 1979; Johansson, 1996;
Westling and Johansson, 1987). In order to understand coordinated skilled move-
ments of the hand, we need to examine the central representation and dynamics of
the pragmatic functions monitored by the tactile system.
Tactile information processing, like that of vision, includes a prominent spatial
component. Whether we acquire information by active touch, or by passive stimu-
lation, it is important that we define where and how the skin is stimulated. The
spatial dimension is of particular significance during skilled actions of the hand, as
sensory feedback from the skin is used to guide hand behavior. Visualization of the
hand dynamics would therefore provide essential information for interpreting the
neurophysiological correlates of manipulative actions.
Studies in our laboratory have focused in recent years on hand behavior during
prehension. In the course of these investigations, we developed various tools using
digital video to correlate the hand kinematics with activity of neurons in parietal
cortex. Digital multimedia technology has not only revolutionized telecommunica-
tions, but has proven to be a useful tool in neuroscience. Digital imaging of motor
activity has been linked with neuronal spike trains to analyze neural correlates of
both trained and spontaneous behaviors in experimental animals (Debowy et al.,
2001; Fenton and Muller, 1996; Gardner et al., 1999; Ro et al., 1998, 2000). In this
chapter, we describe how digital video (DV) can be used to visualize the actions of
the hand during acquisition and manipulation of objects. We also explain how the video
images are linked to the simultaneously acquired spike trains of cortical neurons and
how the neurophysiological responses and kinematic actions are quantified.


In earlier reports, we showed that video camcorders could be used to capture hand
kinematics: the actions of the hand when monkeys performed a trained prehension
task (Debowy et al., 2001; Gardner et al., 1999; Ro et al., 1998, 2000). Consumer-
grade video recorders that incorporated zoom lenses, autofocus, and automatic
exposure controls were easily adapted for use in ordinary laboratory lighting con-
ditions and yielded good quality color images (Figure 9.1). Remote control of cam-
corder record and zoom functions enabled us to place the cameras at a convenient
distance from both the animal subject and electrophysiological recording equipment,
so that they did not interfere with the normal progress of experiments. These cameras
proved particularly useful for close-up examination of the hand by several investi-
gators during recording sessions, allowing groups to observe live action in real-time
on a large-screen color-monitor while recording single-unit activity from cortical

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FIGURE 9.1 (See Color Figure 9.1 in color insert.) Digitized Hi-8 images of the hand
kinematics during grasp of various objects. These pictures were cropped from full-frame
views captured at the peak of bursts flagged in Figure 9.3; time code (left) and time in clip
(right) are indicated below each image. Note that in D, the neuron failed to respond because
the animal did not properly grasp the rectangular knob, and instead lifted it with the fingers

neurons. In this manner, we could accurately map receptive fields and qualitatively
assess whether the neuron under study responded to the behavioral task.
In addition, and most important for these studies, the camcorder also recorded
the spike trains of cortical neurons on its audio channels, providing a simple method
for linking neurophysiological and behavioral data. The video images and simulta-
neously recorded spike trains were stored together on videocassettes for subsequent
analysis. Although we could play back these videotapes at a later time, simply
viewing tapes of the animal and listening to the spike trains (or displaying them on
an oscilloscope) yielded little beyond the same qualitative information that could be
gleaned during the experiment itself. In order to make direct frame-by-frame quan-
titative correlations between video images of behavior and spike data, we digitized
both sets of recordings.
Digital editing software was used to download these files to a computer and to
examine details of the hand kinematics in digitized images displayed on a computer
monitor. The hand behavior could be viewed in real time, at high speed, or by
selected individual frames. Forward and backward bracketing of sequential frames
was particularly useful for visualizing how the hand or the stimulus changed position
over time. As each image was labeled during the initial data acquisition with time

2002 CRC Press LLC

code specifying the hour, minute, second, and frame number at 30 frames per second
(fps), the editing software displayed precise time markers accurate to the 33.3 ms
frame interval. An event log of relevant time codes enabled us to identify the onset
and duration of specific behaviors whose neural correlates could be analyzed using
the software tools described below.
The spike train recorded on the audio channels was digitized together with the
video images, providing a set of high-resolution electrophysiological records
matched to the video images. These signals are synchronized because each 33.3 ms
segment of the audio waveform is labeled with the same time code as the concurrent
video image. The action potential waveform is preserved because the spike records
are sampled at 32 or 48 kHz with 12- or 16-bit accuracy, respectively. Spikes fired
by individual neurons can therefore be distinguished with standard electrophysio-
logical techniques based on the action potential amplitude and duration (Ro et al.,
1998); the digitized audio signal can substitute for an analog-to-digital (A/D) con-
verter when capturing unit data. The editing software also displays the spike train
audio signal as a strip chart in a separate window that can be advanced and viewed
independently. By matching the time codes of the video and audio signals, qualitative
observations can be made about the relevance of specific behaviors, or stimulation
paradigms to neuronal firing patterns.
Quantification of firing rates enabled two-way analyses of neurophysiological
data. We used the spike train as an index to the images, examining the animals
behavior during periods of high or low firing to see what features were shared (burst
analysis). Conversely, images of specific behaviors served as alignment points to
construct rasters and peristimulus time histograms (PSTHs) to assess strength and
reproducibility of firing patterns evoked by these actions. Finally, features of the
hand kinematics were abstracted, from the digitized images, and superimposed,
providing a time series of the behaviors that accompanied individual spike trains.


Two major advances in hardware have made the creation of DV movies literally a
matter of plug-and-play: consumer-grade DV format camcorders and FireWire
(IEEE 1394) digital interfaces to computers. Our original implementation of digital
video required a dedicated compressiondecompression board (codec) installed in
the computer to both capture and view digital movies (Ro et al., 1998). Newer DV
format camcorders digitize and compress the video images as they are acquired.
This has multiple advantages. First, the DV standard compresses video with lower
loss and degradation than older hardwaresoftware schemes. DV also improves
efficiency of data analysis because any computer equipped with QuickTime could
be used for acquisition or analysis of DV files.
The DV format was developed by the international High Definition (HD) Digital
VCR consortium to improve video image quality (Bovik, 2000). It achieves excellent
image fidelity because the luminance (Y) is sampled at 13.5 MHz, and the color
difference signals (R-Y, B-Y), at 3.375 MHz each; the 4:1:1 sample rate is compa-
rable to the Betacam SP standard used for broadcast television (see e.g., Figure 9.2).
The video image is further compressed 5:1 to 3.1 MB with a type of intraframe

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MPEG-2 sampling that digitizes only the 720 480 pixels of active video, i.e.,
those pixels that change between frames. Image compression reduces both file size
and data storage rates.
DV camcorders also include two or four digital audio tracks that we use to record
spike trains or other electrophysiological data such as EMG or EEG. The typical
high-end DV camcorder offers two-channel sampling at 48 kHz with 16-bit resolu-
tion, and some allow four-channel data acquisition at 12-bit, 32 kHz/channel rates.
These fast sampling rates allow continuous, high-fidelity recording of the digitized
neural data trace, permitting the use of sophisticated clustering or template matching
algorithms for spike separation offline. As the bandwidth of electrophysiological
recordings is small compared to the video signal, there is no cost of storing the
actual raw spike records. Some DV camcorders have built-in level controls for
adjusting the input gain; others require an external adapter (see hardware description,
Section 9.6.1).
A final advantage of the DV hardware is loss-less data transfer from the source
camcorder to the computer. DV supports direct digital input and output of both video
and audio signals using a single FireWire (IEEE 1394 standard) cable. DV images
and audio files are recorded on Mini-DV cassettes that store 60 minutes of data.
Although these files can also be transferred directly to the computer as they are
recorded and saved to disk, we prefer offline downloads to the computer to control
file sizes. The FireWire connection allows the host computer monitor to display the
video recordings on a large screen during the experiment, even if the data are not
immediately stored by its hard disk.
Firewire provides two-way data transfers of both audio and video, allowing the
host computer to control operation of the camcorder playback functions, or those
of any DV cassette player (such as the Sony DV Video Walkman) with an i.LINK
(1394) connector. Device control is implemented with digital editing software such
as Premiere (Adobe Systems, Inc.) or Final Cut Pro (Apple Computer). These
applications include plug-ins for reading the DV format and for FireWire control of
the recorder. Data transfer is implemented by entering the time code of the beginning
and end frames of the DV file (in- and out-frames) and then initiating capture.
Selected frames are displayed as capture progresses, providing visual feedback to
the user. Batch capture of multiple clips from the same source DV cassette automates
and speeds up the file transfer protocols.
We found that long sequences of interesting data were best broken up into smaller
clips for ease of analysis of the spike train files. Even with compression, 2.5 minutes
of DV data yields movie files over 550 MB. It is best to screen the original DV
movies on a video monitor before movie capture in order to designate the time code
of in- and out-frames for the clip to be analyzed. The complete sequence can be
recreated after the spike data are analyzed using the editing software, or selected
portions of data from several clips can be linked to illustrate particular response
features. Similarly, spike trains from multiple clips can be pooled with the analysis
instruments described below.
Detailed records of the time code of specific events logged during the experiment
facilitate selection of sequences containing relevant information for off-line capture.
Good record keeping is particularly important if multiple cameras are used simul-

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taneously to provide different views of the subject. One can allow the cameras to
roll continuously as electrodes are repositioned to record what might be unexpected,
but interesting, behaviors as the session proceeds.


The digitized spike trains or other electrophysiological signals can be analyzed using
standard techniques after conversion from QuickTime to the appropriate format used
by the analysis software. In our implementation, we take advantage of the fact that
neurophysiological data analysis programs such as Superscope II (GW Instruments,
Inc.) and Igor Pro (WaveMetrics, Inc.) are able to read AIFF (Audio Interchange

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FIGURE 9.2 (previous pg.)(See Color Figure 9.2 in color insert.) Burst analysis is used for
objective evaluation of behaviors recorded with digital video. A. Spike train (top trace) and
instantaneous firing rate (bottom, blue-and-white filled graph) during 2 s of continuous
recording excerpted from a 2.5 minute duration video clip. White threshold trace: Burst
threshold set 1 SD above the mean rate for the entire 2.5 min clip. Green burst trace: mean
firing rate during the period of suprathreshold firing; bursts were offset by 48 spikes/s to aid
visualization of the raw data. Yellow task stage trace: Upward deflections indicate the start
of stages 14 (approach, contact, grasp, and lift); downward deflections mark the onset of
stages 58 (hold, lower, relax, and release). Red knob trace: downward pulses span the
contact through relax stages when the hand interacts with the object; the amplitude is pro-
portional to the objects distance from the medial edge of the shape box. B-D. Video frames
captured by three DV camcorders at the start of the burst, and at the moment of peak firing;
images were cropped to highlight actions of the hand. Data from the three recorders were
synchronized by matching the firing rates recorded on their audio channels. Spike trains in
A were processed from recordings by the side camera. B and D show images captured with
Sony DCR-TRV900 camcorders; images in C were cropped from a wider angle view recorded
with the Canon XL1 instrument. Note the improved clarity and detail in all six panels
compared to the Hi-8 images in Figure 9.1.

File Format) files. We therefore make a duplicate copy of the QuickTime audio
track(s) using the File Export command in the editing software, selecting audio only
and AIFF format.* Our protocols use Superscope II, as its built-in functions auto-
matically implement many of the desired analyses. AIFF files from each clip are
imported into a Superscope instrument and subdivided into one-minute fragments,
which are analyzed independently to facilitate interactive spike separation. This
improves processing efficiency when setting spike thresholds or cluster boundaries,
as a single channel sampled at 32 kHz yields nearly 4 MB of data per minute. The
entire data trace is reconstructed afterwards by linking sequential data fragments.


The first step in these protocols is spike detection in the continuous 32 kHz audio
signal. Algorithms used for spike recognition are detailed in Ro et al. (1998). Briefly,
positive and negative going thresholds are applied to the electrophysiological data
trace, and it is scanned using the Pulse Analysis function in Superscope. An inter-
active clustering method segregates spikes of individual neurons from each other,
and from noise transients, based on the action potential peak-to-peak amplitude and
rise time. Spike time stamps for each isolated cell are represented in a continuous
wave as 1V, 200 s pulses occurring at the corresponding time in the data sample;
separate pulse waves are synthesized for each spike detected. This standardization
of the real data facilitates quantitative analyses in which the time base is linked to
a behavioral event, such as a stimulus, rather than to real time in the recording
session. It also reduces the file size, in our case by a factor of 4.

* Adobe Premiere (v. 5) only supports AIFF file export in Mac OS; Final Cut Pro (v. 2) supports both
Mac OS and Windows for audio file export.

2002 CRC Press LLC

A list of spike time stamps is also exported to a Superscope journal and saved
as a text file, which can be opened in spreadsheets such as Excel. This list is used
to display continuous spike records from the clip (top traces in Figures 9.2A and
9.3), and to compute instantaneous firing rates from the reciprocal interspike interval.
The latter, or the binned frequency plots compiled by burst analysis, can be matched
to a duplicate copy of the spike train acquired online by standard A/D converters.
This permits temporal linkage of the behavioral responses captured in video images
to sensor data from stimulators, the manipulandum, EMG recordings, or spike trains
from multiple electrode arrays.


Objective data analysis is facilitated using a technique we call burst analysis (Babu
et al., 2000; Debowy et al., 2000). Burst analysis provides an objective method for
correlating firing patterns with activity as it relies upon the behavior of the cell under
analysis as an alignment metric rather than subjective standardization of the animals
behavior. It is implemented by parsing the entire spike train of a clip into 100 ms
bins to calculate instantaneous firing rates. The algorithm uses the Superscope Time
Histogram function [TimeHisto (d1, threshold, bins)], where d1 specifies the name
assigned to the standardized pulse wave depicting the spike time stamps, threshold
is a value between 0 and 1V for detecting spike pulses, and bins specifies the
computed number of bins to be returned (the total duration of the pulse wave divided
by the desired bin width). The TimeHisto function returns a wave containing the
total threshold crossings per bin, which are then converted to instantaneous firing
rates by dividing each value by the bin width measured in seconds.
Blue-and-white graphs in Figures 9.2A and 9.3 display the measured instanta-
neous firing rates as a function of time in the clip. Bursts of high activity in these
graphs are detected using the Pulse Analysis function in Superscope (Debowy et al.
2000). Mean firing rates for the entire 23 minute clip, and the standard deviation,
are computed from the binned firing rate values and serve as thresholds (white trace,
Figure 9.2A) for computerized scans of the firing rate graph. The total spike count
during each burst is stored together with markers designating its onset, peak, and
end times; spike counts per burst are converted to mean firing rates by dividing them
by the burst duration. The green trace in Figures 9.2A and 9.3 designates the burst
amplitude and time course when the threshold was set 1 SD above the mean rate,
and provides a simplified representation of firing patterns superimposed on the
average firing rate graphs.
Spike bursts 1 or 2 SD above the mean are selected for further analysis of the
video records. Time markers designating the onset, peak, and end times of the burst
are translated into video time code to capture the matching digitized images of the
animals behavior. In the example shown in Figure 9.2, the burst onset coincided
with hand contact with the left rectangular knob when the animal performed a
prehension task; activity was maximum 267 ms (8 frames) later when the object
was fully grasped and lift was initiated. Views from the three different cameras were
synchronized by recording responses from the same microelectrode on all three sets
of audio channels, and aligning the bursts in the spike trains. Once the time codes

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FIGURE 9.3 (See Color Figure 9.3 in color insert.) Burst analysis for the first minute of
clip 6 from a neuron recorded in area 5 of PPC; same format as Figure 9.2A. Firing rates
in the burst trace were offset by 120 spikes/s to aid visualization of the raw data. Symbols
below the abscissa refer to the matching images in Figure 9.1 captured at the peak of these
bursts. Bursts are correlated with grasping movements when the fingers flexed. A-D. Prehen-
sion of the right rectangular knob; note the difference in grip styles used in A-C, which evoked
vigorous responses, and in D when no burst was detected. E-G. Prehension of the small round
knob. H. Withdrawal of the hand from the box evoked a weak burst. J-M. Spontaneous grasp
of a structural block on the chair during rest intervals evoked smaller amplitude, shorter
duration bursts than grasp of the knobs tested in the task.

of continuous recordings were synchronized, analyses performed for one set of clips
could be matched to views obtained from the other cameras.
The usefulness of the burst analysis technique for comparing responses to dif-
ferent behaviors is illustrated in Figure 9.3. These continuous records show the first
minute of recording from another clip derived from our studies of prehension
behaviors in monkeys. In order to study prehension in a reproducible manner, we
trained the animals to perform a task in which objects are grasped and manipulated
in response to visual cues. The objects tested were rectangular, round, and cylindrical
knobs that protruded from a box placed directly before the animal (shape box,
Figures 9.1 and 9.2). The animal was reinforced for grasping a visually-cued knob,
and lifting it vertically, 58 mm, until an upper stop was contacted; the knob had to
be returned to the lowest position before the next trial was initiated. We divided the
task into 8 stages 1: Approach. 2: Contact. 3: Grasp. 4: Lift. 5: Hold. 6: Lower.
7: Relax. 8: Release. Stages 13 occurred during object acquisition; stages 4 and 5,
during manipulation; and stages 68, upon relaxation and release of grasp. Start
times of the 8 task stages were determined by visual inspection of the digitized

2002 CRC Press LLC

movies; the frame time code for each stage was stored in a spreadsheet and converted
to real time in the clip. The onset of stages 14 is represented in Figures 9.2A and
9.3 by upward deflections of the yellow trace; downward deflections mark the start
of stages 58.
Statistical parsing of the spike train in Figure 9.3 identified consistent patterns
of hand action, which are shown in Figure 9.1. This neuron appeared to sense the
application of grasp by the hand to a variety of objects. The largest bursts occurred
when the animal grasped one of the knobs while performing the prehension task (A,
B, C, E, F, and G in Figures 9.1 and 9.3). In each case, the animal enclosed the test
object tightly between the fingers and palm; note the similarity of hand posture used
to grasp each object. The superimposed graphic representations of the task stages
(yellow trace) and knob location (red trace) indicate that peak activity on these trials
occurred during the grasp and/or lift stages. Firing rates were higher if the knob was
approached from another location than if it was regrasped. In addition, we noted
trials in which no significant change in activity occurred (e.g., Figure 9.3D). Visual
inspection of the corresponding video images showed that the animal had in fact
satisfied the task requirement to lift the specified object, but instead of grasping it,
had deflected the knob upward from below, pushing it with extended fingertips
(Figure 9.1D).
A set of narrower bursts characterized periods when the animal spontaneously
grasped a structural block on the chair assembly while resting between trials (J, K,
L, and M), or scratched its body. These behaviors were characterized by active
flexion of the fingers. In contrast, the cell fired weakly or was silent during the hold
stage of the task, when the hand remained immobile while maintaining grip force
(first downward deflection in the yellow trace), or when the animal sat quietly with
the hand at rest while looking around the laboratory (interval 4659 s).


Another way to evaluate neuronal firing patterns is to select a particular behavior,
or set of behaviors, and use it to align the spike trains from repeated trials in order
to construct spike rasters and PSTHs. We supplement the voltage transients normally
used as trigger signals for such analyses with temporal markers created in software
from the time code of behaviors logged during visual inspection of the video images.
For example, when analyzing responses recorded during the prehension task, we
used the time code at the initial hand contact with the object, or the stabilization of
grasp, to set markers on the spike trace bracketing a 2 or 4 s interval. Time stamps
of firing during this period were measured as detailed in Ro et al., (1998) to construct
raster displays; responses were also binned for statistical analyses and PSTHs.
Figure 9.4 illustrates an example of a raster from the prehension task compiled
from the spike trains shown in Figure 9.3 (Trials 19), plus the subsequent 15
responses recorded later in the same clip. Here, we display activity during a 4 s
interval bracketing hand contact with the knobs; the colored markers indicate the
timing of the task stages. As noted in the burst analysis, the firing rate of the cell
increased abruptly as approach began (golden trace), regardless of the knob tested.
Activity peaked following contact, as the grasp was secured (magenta) and lift started

2002 CRC Press LLC

FIGURE 9.4 (See Color Figure 9.4 in color insert.) Rasters and PSTHs aligned to contact
for an area 5 neuron. Trials 19 occurred during the first minute of the clip, and are shown
in Figures 9.1 and 9.3; the remainder occurred in the subsequent 1.5 min. Spikes have been
color-coded by the knob tested (see key); responses were similar for the four knobs tested.
Color-coded lines spanning the raster mark the onset times of the task stages on each trial;
the unlabelled magenta and dark blue lines indicate the grasp and lift stages, respectively.
The PSTH averaged responses from all of these trials (binwidth = 10 ms); colored vertical
bars mark the mean onset times of the task stages relative to contact in this clip.

(dark blue). Firing dropped precipitously at the onset of holding (light blue), and
did not resume until after grasp was released (cyan). Significant activity was
observed immediately upon release only when it was followed by approach toward
another object.
Although this neuron responded to tactile stimulation of the hand, the onset of
activity 250 ms before contact suggests a role in motor planning of grasping. A
further increase in firing rates during grasping indicates that tactile cues relevant to
task performance were enhanced during active acquisition of objects, while irrelevant
stimuli may be suppressed by hand movements (gating studies reviewed in Chapman
et al., 1996). The sensory responses of cortical neurons illustrated in Figure 9.4 may
match expected and actual sensations to guide subsequent hand actions.

2002 CRC Press LLC

Raster displays provide a higher resolution view of the spike train than that
obtained by burst analysis, because the data are spread out over a longer period.
However, they shed little light on the activity in the intertrial interval. In addition,
because the time base is fixed in duration, one often sees responses to the preceding
or subsequent trials at the margins of the displays (previous and next markers,
respectively, in Figure 9.4). Thus, there are tradeoffs between the two methods of
data presentation that should be balanced by examining firing patterns with both


The original raster-PSTH instrument described in our earlier report (Ro et al., 1998)
was modified to provide binned representations of individual trials, using the Super-
scope Append function. PSTH bins between the task stage markers were summed
on each trial and divided by the stage duration to permit statistical analyses of average
firing rates per task stage. Repeated-measures multivariate ANOVA protocols were
applied to these rates and to behavioral data as described in Debowy et al., (2001),
allowing us to subdivide the population of neurons studied in primary somatosensory
(SI) and posterior parietal cortex (PPC) into functional classes. Prehension task-
facilitated neurons (65%) showed statistically significant increases in average firing
rates compared to baseline during object acquisition and manipulation (Gardner
et al., 1999); task-inhibited cells (35%) showed significant reductions in firing during
the contact through lift stages (Ro et al., 2000). These populations were further
subdivided by statistical analysis into groups whose spike trains were tuned to single
task stages, spanned two successive stages, or were multiaction.
We analyzed response profiles of mean firing rate in the hand area of SI and
PPC to determine the period(s) of peak firing during the prehension task (Debowy
et al., 2001). The application of grip force on objects was found to be a more effective
stimulus for these cortical neurons than its maintenance or release. Four times as
many neurons fired at peak rates during acquisition stages (approach, contact, grasp)
than upon relaxation of grasp, and their firing rates were higher. Hand positioning
at contact excited the largest number of cells, but grasping evoked the highest firing
rates in the population. The grasp stage also coincided with maximal inhibition of
task inhibited cells. Holding evoked the lowest mean rates and had the fewest tuned
Neurons in anterior SI, posterior SI, and PPC differed in the emphasis placed
upon particular behaviors. These findings were manifest by the proportion of cells
firing at peak rates during specific task stages, as well as by the total fraction of the
population exhibiting significant excitation or inhibition coincident with these behav-
iors. The data support models in which PPC plans hand movements during prehen-
sion, rather than guiding their execution. PPC responses during the task preceded
those in SI, peaking at or before hand contact with objects. PPC had the highest
proportions firing at peak rates during approach, as the hand was preshaped for
grasp, and the most facilitated responses. PPC firing rates were significantly
depressed when the hand interacted directly with objects during grasping and manip-
ulation; only 10% fired at peak rates during grasping while inhibition rose to 43%.

2002 CRC Press LLC

PPC firing patterns therefore appear predictive of hand behavior rather than reactive
to tactile stimulation.
Sensory monitoring of handobject interactions occurred primarily in SI, where
cells responded to specific hand behaviors. Anterior SI neurons were most sensitive
to hand positioning upon objects, while posterior SI neurons signaled application of
grip force. 60% of neurons recorded in anterior SI increased firing rates significantly
over baseline at contact; 38% fired at peak rates, and 10% were inhibited. The release
of grasp evoked peak firing in only 5% of these neurons. Application of grip force
by the hand was monitored most closely in posterior SI, as 80% of these neurons
were facilitated or inhibited during grasping, and 31% fired at peak rates. Inhibitory
responses were more prevalent in posterior than in anterior areas, providing a quiet
background for detection of slippage when the object was held or transported. Our
data suggests that SI neurons signal the onset and completion of specific actions
and may enable error correction through feedback loops to primary motor areas.
Anatomical connections from SI to PPC may supply information necessary to update
grasp programs that seem to be formulated in PPC.


These techniques for analyzing neural correlates of trained behaviors can also be
used to study natural hand movements that are difficult to instrument, such as
grooming or feeding behaviors (Babu et al., 2000). They are also suitable for map-
ping receptive fields with hand-held probes. One of the problems encountered, when
probes such as swabs or brushes are applied to the hand, is defining the exact skin
positions touched, and quantifying the evoked neural responses. Here is an applica-
tion where DV analyses are particularly helpful. Figure 9.5A shows a 6-sec segment
of the spike train recorded as the receptive field of a cortical neuron was mapped;
the nine images were cropped to show only the animals hand and the actions of the
investigator while probing the hand. Stroking the palm began at 40.7 s, just prior to
image C, and was repeated three times, ending at 43.6 s. Peak responses occurred
when the interdigital pad below digit 5 was contacted (D, E). Localized stroking (F,
G) and taps (I, J) on this palm pad evoked strong activity. Removing the swab from
the hand silenced the cell (H, and blank intervals between bursts I, J, and subsequent
ones). This neuron therefore responded preferentially to stroking or tapping the most
medial interdigital palm pad, and weakly to touch along the ulnar margin.


Images of the hand in Figures 9.1, 9.2, and 9.5 were obtained by exporting individual
video frames from the editing software, saving them as 720 480 pixel TIFF files,
and cropping them to highlight the most relevant information. The hand kinematics
can also be abstracted from such images and quantified by placing the images in
separate layers of an Adobe Illustrator project, and tracing outlines of the hand, arm,
test objects on the shape box, or other features of interest. Stacking a series of such
images in separate layers allowed us to animate the drawings, showing the dynamics

2002 CRC Press LLC

FIGURE 9.5 (See Color Figure 9.5 in color insert.) Mapping receptive fields on the palm
with a cotton swab for a neuron recorded in anterior SI cortex. A. Burst analysis of firing
patterns during a 6 s interval; mean firing rates during bursts are offset by 100 spikes/s. B-J.
Cropped images of the hand coincident with the markers on the abscissa in A. The strongest
responses occurred to touch applied to the interdigital pad below digit 5. DV images captured
with Sony DCR-TRV900 camcorder.

2002 CRC Press LLC

FIGURE 9.6 Layering of successive tracings illustrates how an animal acquired a raisin from
the top of the shape box. Note the preshaping of the fingers in B just prior to contact. Time
code indicates that 66 ms elapsed between A and B, and B and C, and 133 ms between C and D.

of movement of different parts of the hand as the action progressed. In the example
shown in Figure 9.6, the animal picked up a raisin from the top of the shape box.
The preshaping of the fingertips for precision grip is clearly visualized, and the grip

2002 CRC Press LLC


aperture can be measured. Forearm movements were stabilized as the fingers scooped
up the food morsel and enclosed it in a fist; finger movements were clearly resolved
at 30 fps because they are relatively slow compared to reaches to distant targets.

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The kinematics of the prehension task during a typical trial are shown in
Figure 9.7. In this example, the hand released the right rectangular knob just before
image 1, and moved medially toward the left rectangular knob. The wrist was
pronated midway during the reach (image 2), and then supinated to clear the space
between objects, as the target was acquired (image 3). After contact, the hand was
slid forward along the knobs vertical surface until the hidden edge closest to the
palm reached the base of the fingers, when grasp was tightened (image 4), and lift
began (image 5). In parallel with the hand movement, the animal shifted its gaze
(dashed line) from the monitor indicating the cue location (image 1), toward the
object to be grasped in image 2, and maintained gaze at the grasp site until the hand
was placed there (image 3). The animals gaze was lifted back toward the monitor
for feedback, as the knob was rotated and lift began (image 5).
As these objects are rigid bodies, we can project their outline through the fingers,
and estimate where they might rest in the hand. The drawings in Figure 9.7 indicate
that the hand was positioned for grasp to avoid pressing the edge of the object into
the soft tissue of the palm. Hand movement ceased when the inner edge was placed
at the metacarpal-phalangeal (MCP) joint.
Another of the animals studied used a different grasp strategy for performing
the task, but achieved the same goals. That monkey used an overhand grasp, placing
the hand on the top surface of the knob, and pushed it upward with the heel of the
hand (see e.g., Figure 9.1 in Gardner et al., 1999). A similar kinematic analysis
revealed that the animal used different tactics when grasping rectangular and round
objects. During approach toward the rectangular knob, the animal positioned the
hand above the knob, with the proximal phalanges aligned to the flat upper surface.
She then lowered the hand so that contact was made on the finger shafts, with the
inner edge falling into the groove formed by the MCP joints, and the outer one at
the proximal interphalangeal (PIP) joints. Grip between the digit tips and proximal
palm pads was tightened with little lateral or sliding motion. In this manner, neither
edge contacted the fleshy parts of the hand. When approaching the large round knob,
the animal aimed the center of the palm toward the forward, curved surface. Upon
contact, the hand was slid upward to the top surface while the grip between the
thumb and digit tips was secured. The forward sliding movement was combined
with the upward pressure from the wrist to lift the object.

FIGURE 9.7 (previous pg.)Kinematics of the prehension task traced from a series of sequential
video frames. A. Approach trajectory. Drawings of three frames spaced 66 ms apart outline
the hand posture during movements between the right and left rectangular knobs. The dashed
lines project the center of gaze, which moved from the computer monitor that provided location
cues (image 1) to the selected grasp site (image 2); gaze was maintained at the grasp site
until the hand was placed there (image 3). B. Grasp and manipulation. After contact, the
hand was slid forward along the knob surface as grasp was initiated, until the inner edge
reached the base of the fingers (image 4). Gaze was lifted back toward the screen as grasp
was tightened, and the object lifted by the hand (image 5). The hand posture in these drawings
is nearly identical to that shown in Figure 9.2 from another session, demonstrating the
stereotyped behavior adapted by each animal when it performed the task.

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FIGURE 9.8 Oval markers of the wrist position on successive frames illustrate the hand
trajectory during acquisition of a raisin at the lateral edge of the shape box (precision grasp,
left panel), and during reaches between knobs 4 and 1 during the prehension task (power
grasp, right panel). The greatest distance moved between frames occurred midway between
the start and end points. Dark and light colored ovals indicate the first and second trials of
each type.

Motion trajectories can also be constructed from the images. For example, in
Figure 9.8, we drew oval-shaped markers at the wrist in a series of aligned frames,
and then placed all of the markers in one layer. This allowed us to visualize the
entire path of hand movement between knobs 4 and 1 (right panel), and from knob
2 to a raisin placed near the right edge of the shape box (left panel); two trials are
illustrated for each movement. As in previous kinematic studies using expensive
infrared (IRED) monitoring systems (Jeannerod, 1984; Jeannerod et al., 1995; Roy
et al., 2000), these reach-to-grasp movements were executed in a smooth trajectory
in which the peak velocity of the wrist occurred midway between start and end
locations. Furthermore, although the 30 fps sample rate of DV is an order of
magnitude slower than that of IRED systems, this was sufficient to outline the reach
path. The DV frame rate is adequate for measuring manipulatory movements of the
fingers, especially when the proper view angle is selected (Figures 9.2, 9.6, and 9.7).


9.6.1 Video Equipment
The applications described in this chapter require only consumer DV equipment
with external audio input jacks, remote controlled operation, and time code. Two
such camcorders are the moderately priced Sony DCR-TRV900, which we use to
provide frontal and overhead views of the hand (Figures 9.2B and 9.2D), and the
high-end Canon XL1 we position for wide-angle lateral views of the animals upper
body and head (Figure 9.2C). Both of these 3-CCD cameras yield excellent picture
quality, but are optimized for different features. The Sony model is compact, and

2002 CRC Press LLC

small enough to be held in one hand. This is advantageous, particularly for over
head views when light weight is desirable. In addition, the swing-out, swivel-
mounted 3.5 color LCD screen is useful for remote viewing when framing the
image and adjusting zoom depth. The Canon is a more robust instrument, and should
be positioned on a heavy-duty tripod. It has interchangeable lenses, which makes it
particularly well suited for microscopic applications.
Some camcorders feature progressive scan CCDs, in which horizontal lines are
scanned sequentially, rather than with the interlaced mode typical of standard video,
in which half-frames containing the odd or even lines are scanned alternately in the
two fields comprising a video frame. Progressive scan yields sharper still images,
but because the picture is refreshed 30 times per second, the video appears jumpy.
In interlaced mode, a new image is constructed at twice the frame rate (60 fields per
second for NTSC video); it is preferable for analyses of movement. The Sony camcorder
allows the user to select either interlaced or progressive scan recording modes.
Audio is the major advantage of the Canon XL1 recorder. It has four independent
audio channels, each equipped with shielded RCA input jacks and independent level
control knobs; the camcorder can operate in 16-bit 48 kHz mode for 2-channel
recording, or 12-bit 32 kHz for 2- or 4-channel operation. The latter is particularly
useful for multiple electrode applications, or for simultaneous direct recording of
signals from tactile stimulators or from EMG amplifiers. The major disadvantage
of the Sony DV camcorder is crosstalk between audio channels through the stereo
minijack audio input connector, making this unit inappropriate for multiple electrode
or other applications where two channels must be recorded with minimal crosstalk.
However, it provides excellent fidelity for single electrode recordings, particularly
when used in combination with an external adapter providing gain control and
shielded inputs (Beachtek DXA-4S dual XLR adapter).

9.6.2 Computer Hardware and Software

All data processing in our laboratory is done on Macintosh G3 or G4 computers,

from the initial digital video file acquisition, through data analysis, to preparation
of figures for publication. Macs are particularly well suited for all types of multi-
media applications, especially video products using QuickTime. Many of the com-
mercial software applications described in this chapter have been adapted for Win-
dows platforms, but we have no direct experience using that hardware for this
purpose. QuickTime comes installed on all new Macintosh computers, and most
have built-in FireWire ports for direct connection to DV camcorders. QuickTime
can also be downloaded for free from the Apple website.
As DV entails very large data files acquired in real time, a G3/300 or faster
computer is required, along with at least 128 MB of RAM memory, a 16 GB A/V
(audio/video rated) hard drive, and a removable storage device, such as a 2-GB Jaz
drive, for archiving video files. An external Ultra Wide A/V hard disk drive, dedi-
cated to storage of video and audio, is recommended for avoiding fragmentation
when combining small clips into a larger data file. DV camcorders are connected
to the computers FireWire port, using a 4-pin to 6-pin IEEE 1394 cable.

2002 CRC Press LLC

Two major classes of software are required for these protocols: digital editing
software and data analysis software that can read AIFF files. Both Adobe Premiere
and Apples Final Cut Pro are easy to use, excellent editing programs. They are
necessary for downloading the video and audio files into the computer, for viewing
the movies in real time or frame-by-frame, for logging time codes, for converting
the electrophysiological data in the audio signal to AIFF files for quantitative anal-
ysis, and for exporting single frame images of the behavior. They can also be used
to make movies that link together different behaviors or different neurons, for special
effects, titles, and fancy transitions between clips.
Superscope II and Igor Pro are useful neurophysiological packages for data
acquisition, analysis, and display. All of our custom written software was created
using Superscope II, which is available only for Macintosh computers. It should be
possible to create similar data analysis software using Igor Pro, using the algorithms
described here and in our earlier publications (Debowy et al., 2001; Ro et al., 1998).
Both of these programs make extensive use of spreadsheets, using text files to transfer
data in and out of the analysis programs, and for further processing. Statistical
analyses are performed with Statview (SAS Institute, Inc.). We typically use Delta-
Graph 4.0 (SPSS, Inc.) for displaying rasters, histograms, and other graphic data,
and assemble multiple data panels with Canvas (Deneba Systems, Inc.).
Two software products from Adobe Systems, Inc. are used for image processing:
Photoshop for processing TIFF images exported from the video files, and Illustrator
for tracing the hand kinematics from the single frame images. Multiple image figures
are assembled for publication using QuarkXPress.


The hardware and software tools described in this chapter have allowed us to study
hand behaviors that are not directly instrumented. Although other modes have
allowed investigators to analyze grasping behaviors in both humans and monkeys,
they either did not visualize the kinematics of prehension (Johansson, 1996; Muir
and Lemon, 1983; Picard and Smith, 1992; Sakata et al., 1995; Salimi et al., 1999;
Wannier et al., 1991; Westling and Johansson, 1987), or else did not correlate the
behaviors with the simultaneously occurring electrophysiological processes (Jean-
nerod et al., 1995; Roy et al., 2000). The DV recording methodology eliminates the
problem of synchronization of action with neuronal signals characteristic of the
IRED system, because the images and spike recordings are digitized together, and
therefore share a common time base.
The 30 fps image capture rate appears to be sufficient for analysis of the neural
correlates of hand actions, as demonstrated in our published work (Debowy et al.,
2001; Gardner et al., 1999; Ro et al., 1998, 2000). Video images of hand behaviors
allowed us to categorize the relative timing of firing patterns of neurons studied with
a prehension task. Our analyses suggest that somatosensory areas of parietal cortex
do not function in a simple hierarchical fashion. Instead, because PPC neurons were
found to fire before hand contact with the test objects, this region appears to

2002 CRC Press LLC

anticipate and plan grasping behaviors rather than elaborate features detected at
earlier stages of cortical processing. On average, neurons in SI fired after PPC,
providing feedback to the motor programs planned there or elsewhere.
The possibility of quantifying the hand posture from several different viewing
angles will also provide useful information about coordinated actions of the hand,
that supplement data from force transducers and other sensors. Kinematic analyses
of the sort described in Section 9.4 will be particularly useful for determination of
whether cortical neurons differentiate the geometric shape of round and rectangular
objects, or simply encode the behavioral strategies used to grasp them.
DV technology opens up the possibility of quantitative analyses of spontaneous
hand behaviors that are not trained and overlearned. The natural hand kinematics of
grooming and feeding behaviors can be dissected into simpler components with
these techniques, and their neurophysiological correlates measured. Many of the
hand behaviors studied with other techniques have been practiced to the extent that
they have become robotic, and perhaps unphysiological. It is therefore important to
be able to compare the trained behaviors to those used by animals for purposes they
consider useful, and whose kinematics are self-generated and self-paced. DV imag-
ing is sufficiently flexible to permit both types of analyses with a standardized,
relatively simple set of tools.
The DV methodology described in this chapter has potential for wider applica-
bility than simple correlation of spike trains with hand movements. Any type of
behavioral activity that can be imaged through the camcorders viewfinder could, in
principle, be analyzed with these methods. Obvious experimental uses include stud-
ies of locomotor behavior, pathfinding in mazes, or tactile exploratory movements
(Lederman et al., 1988). Possible clinical applications include studies of motor
disorders or stereognostic tests of cognitive function in which recordings of EMG
or EEG would replace the spike trains described in this report. The brains own body
image would thus be complemented by objective measurements of the bodys actual


Apple Computer: Follow links to QuickTime,
FireWire, and Digital Video for further technical information.
Bruxton Instruments: Macintosh data acquisition
and analysis software with links to both Superscope II and Igor Pro. Nice
monographs on data acquisition for neurophysiological recording.
GW Instruments: Information about Superscope
II software used for data analysis in our application. User manuals and a
demonstration package are available for download at this site.
WaveMetrics, Inc.: Information about Igor
Pro software, another structured programming language that can read
AIFF files, and be used for analysis of DV data. It is available in both
Macintosh and Windows versions.

2002 CRC Press LLC

Major funding for this investigation has been provided by Research Grant
R01-NS11862 from the National Institute of Neurological Disorders and Stroke.
Additional support has been supplied by the MDPhD Program (Daniel J. Debowy,
Edward H. Hu) and Honors Program for medical students (Shari Reitzen) at New
York University School of Medicine, and by fellowships to summer interns (Maria
Chu and Jill Sakai) sponsored by the Sackler Institute of Graduate Biomedical
Studies of New York University. We thank Dr. Daniel Gardner for many helpful
comments and criticisms of earlier versions of this chapter.

Babu, K. S., Debowy, D. J., Ghosh, S., Hu, E. H., Harris, A., Natiello, M., and Gardner, E. P.,
Spike burst analysis: a tool for analysing natural prehension behaviors recorded with
digital video. Soc. Neurosci. Abstr. 26, 2202, 2000.
Bovik, A., Ed. Handbook of Image and Video Processing. San Diego, CA: Academic Press,
Chapman, C. E., Tremblay, F., and Ageranioti-Blanger, S. A., Role of primary somatosensory
cortex in active and passive touch. In: Wing, A. M., Haggard, P., and Flanagan, J.R.,
Eds. Hand and Brain. Academic Press, San Diego, CA, pp. 329, 1996.
Debowy, D. J., Babu, K. S., Hu, E. H., Ghosh, S., Harris, A., Natiello, M., and Gardner, E. P.,
Spike burst analysis: a tool for analysing trained prehension behaviors recorded with
digital video. Soc. Neurosci. Abstr. 26, 2202, 2000.
Debowy, D., Ghosh, S., Ro, J. Y., and Gardner E. P., Comparison of neuronal firing rates in
somatosensory and posterior parietal cortex during prehension. Exp. Brain Res. 137,
269, 2001.
Edin, B. B. and Abbs, J. H., Finger movement responses of cutaneous mechanoreceptors in
the dorsal skin of the human hand. J. Neurophysiol., 65, 657, 1991.
Edin, B. B. and Johansson, R. S., Skin strain patterns provide kinaesthetic information to the
human central nervous system. J. Physiol. Lond., 487, 243, 1995.
Fenton, A. A. and Muller, R. U., Using digital video techniques to identify correlations
between behavior and the activity of single neurons. J. Neurosci. Meth.,70, 211, 1996.
Gardner, E. P., Ro, J. Y., Debowy, D., and Ghosh, S., Facilitation of neuronal activity in
somatosensory and posterior parietal cortex during prehension. Exp. Brain Res., 127,
329, 1999.
Hulliger, M., Nordh, E., Thelin, A. E., and Vallbo, .B., The responses of afferent fibers from
the glabrous skin of the hand during voluntary finger movements in man. J. Physiol.
Lond., 291, 233, 1979.
Jeannerod, M., The timing of natural prehension movements. J. Mot. Behav., 16, 235, 1984.
Jeannerod, M., Arbib, M. A., Rizzolatti, G., and Sakata, H., Grasping objects: the cortical
mechanisms of visuomotor transformation. TINS, 18, 314, 1995.
Johansson, R. S., Sensory control of dexterous manipulation in humans. In: Wing, A. M.,
Haggard, P., and Flanagan, J. R., Eds., Hand and Brain. Academic Press, San Diego,
CA, pp. 381, 1996.
Lederman, S. J., Browse, R. A., and Klatzky, R. L., Haptic processing of spatially distributed
information. Percept. Psychophys., 44, 222, 1988.

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Muir, R. B. and Lemon, R. N., Corticospinal neurons with a special role in precision grip.
Brain Res., 261, 312, 1983.
Picard, N. and Smith, A. M., Primary motor cortical activity related to the weight and texture
of grasped objects in the monkey. J. Neurophysiol., 68, 1867, 1992.
Ro, J. Y., Debowy, D., Ghosh, S., and Gardner, E. P., Depression of neuronal firing rates in
somatosensory and posterior parietal cortex during object acquisition in a prehension
task. Exp. Brain Res., 135, 1, 2000.
Ro, J. Y., Debowy, D., Lu, S., Ghosh, S., and Gardner, E. P., Digital video: a tool for correlating
neuronal firing patterns with hand motor behavior. J. Neurosci. Meth., 82, 215, 1998.
Roy, A. C., Paulignan, Y., Farne, A., Jouffrais, C., and Boussaoud, D., Hand kinematics during
reaching and grasping in the macaque monkey. Behav. Brain Res., 117, 75, 2000.
Sakata, H., Taira, M., Murata, A., and Mine, S., Neural mechanisms of visual guidance of
hand action in the parietal cortex of the monkey. Cereb. Cortex, 5, 429, 1995.
Salimi, I., Brochier, T., and Smith, A. M., Neuronal activity in somatosensory cortex of
monkeys using a precision grip. I. Receptive fields and discharge patterns. J. Neuro-
physiol., 81, 825, 1999.
Wannier, T. M. H., Maier, M. A., and Hepp-Reymond, M. C., Contrasting properties of mon-
key somatosensory and motor cortex neurons activating during the control of force
in precision grip. J. Neurophysiol., 65, 572, 1991.
Westling, G. and Johansson, R. S., Responses in glabrous skin mechanoreceptors during
precision grip in humans. Exp. Brain Res., 66, 128, 1987.

2002 CRC Press LLC

Deciphering the Code
10 Dynamic Modulation of
Neural Activity During
Tactile Behavior
Randall J. Nelson, Mikhail A. Lebedev, and Yu Liu


10.1 Introduction
10.2 Ways of Representing the Code
10.2.1 Recent Considerations of the Temporal Aspects of Input
10.2.2 Spike Train Quantification
10.2.3 Average Firing Rate after Initial Responses
10.2.4 Percentage Entrainment of the Response to the Stimulus
10.2.5 Synchronicity of the Response with the Stimulus
10.2.6 Phase and Mean Phase of the Response
10.2.7 Interspike Intervals, Joint Interval Plots,
and Autocorrelograms
10.3 What the Code Can Reveal
10.3.1 Changes in Sensory Responsiveness
10.3.2 Sensory Responsiveness Changes with Changes
in Expectation
10.3.3 Sensory Responsiveness during Guided Movements
10.4 Summary

Sir Charles Sherrington, in the Hughlings Jackson Lecture given on January 29,
1931, paid homage to his predecessor by stating a number of comments that are no
less attractive today. He suggested that Jackson would have been pleased with the
thought that The nervous system is indeed both a form and a series of events. These

2002 CRC Press LLC

have to be confronted together even for inquiry which concerns itself with function
as its chief aim.* He goes on to suggest that Jackson appreciated the inextricable
link between sensation, perception, intention and behavior. Hughlings Jackson, in
his writings, turns back and forth between muscular co-ordination and mental expe-
rience, as if for him, they were but aspects of a single theme. It may be that to
decipher how nerve manages muscle is to decipher how nerve manages itself.**
Thus, for many years, deciphering the signals from afferents and directed toward
effectors has proven to be both a challenge and a problem for those seeking to
understand the working nervous system as the nervous system is working.
One way to approach the challenges and problems inherent in studying the
somatosensory system is to consider what might be called tactile fidelity. Fidelity
in tactile sensation is not unlike that in music, and the mode of operation of peripheral
tactile sensors very closely resembles the operation of a violinist described in a
citation from Chris Dobrian. In playing a single brief note, a violinist combines
bow angle, bow speed, bow pressure, bow placement, bow attack, finger placement,
finger movement, finger pressure, in addition to whatever totally involuntary mus-
cular movements may be caused by nervousness, coffee consumption, humidity,
unknown electrical discharges in the brain, etc. and all of these factors are
changing from millisecond to millisecond.***
The purpose of this chapter is to outline some of the approaches that have been
taken as experimenters attempt to decipher the fidelity of the representation of tactile
information by the cerebral cortex. By nature, this chapter cannot review all the
methods for quantifying the central representations of peripheral inputs. We will
focus on the representation by the primary somatosensory cortex of the temporal
properties of peripheral inputs. Temporal signals play an essential role in the repre-
sentation of dynamic external events, such as vibration.1 Moreover, because external
objects are typically scanned by actively moving skin surfaces along them, their
static characteristics, such as texture and shape, are temporally encoded by neuronal
discharges, as well (e.g., Reference 2). Several examples, both historical and con-
temporary, will be discussed. These will serve as illustrations of what can be gleaned
from certain types of experiments and what has yet to be defined.
As late as the mid-1950s, there was still relative disagreement about the ana-
tomical parcellation of the cytoarchitectural fields that comprise the cortical recipient
zones for inputs from peripheral body parts (see Reference 3). Significant progress
has been made in defining and characterizing the spatial representations of extero-
ceptive and proprioceptive inputs to the cortex.4 As well, the responses of single
cortical neurons or groups of neurons to controlled peripheral inputs are being
defined and analyzed in increasing detail. For a number of important questions being
posed, it has been, and continues to be, important to ask how well the signals
transduced in the periphery are represented centrally. Said in another way, is fidelity
of peripheral inputs maintained and under what conditions does it vary as a function
of the behavioral state of the animal? To address these questions, we turn to studies

* C.S. Sherrington, Quantitative management of contraction in low-level co-ordination. Brain 54: p. 1.

** Ibid., p. 27.
*** Chris Dobrian, Music and Language (1992;

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of the sense of flutter-vibration, since the stimuli that result in activation of this
sense have easily quantifiable temporal signatures. Seminal work several decades
ago established how mechanoreceptive afferents respond to sinusoidal skin stimu-
lation superimposed on indentations.5 Following step indentation, most afferents
respond with brief, sometimes high-frequency bursts of impulses. After these initial
bursts, there are at least three different response patterns, depending on the type of
afferent fibers being examined. Afferents from slowly adapting mechanoreceptors
discharge throughout indentation, albeit at rates lower than the initial burst, whereas
those from rapidly adapting mechanoreceptors do not (see Reference 6 for review).
The rapidly adapting afferents, and their cortical counterparts, the quickly adapting
and pacinian-receptive cortical units, are of most interest for this discussion since
they can be entrained to fire at the frequency of periphery stimuli.7 Quickly adapting
units respond best to lower frequency sinusoids (1060Hz) while pacinian units
encode stimuli of higher frequencies (60400Hz). Quickly adapting units are rather
abundant whereas units with pacinian-like properties make up less than 10% of the
sampled neurons in virtually all studies. If the goals of an experiment are to test the
fidelity with which peripheral stimuli are represented within the cortex, to determine
if there are regional differences in responsiveness, and/or to determine if changes
in behavioral conditions cause changes in responsiveness, then the cortical responses
to time-varying stimuli serve as a way to probe the system. In short, given that the
experimentally produced peripheral stimuli have a temporal pattern, the degree to
which cortical neurons preserve that pattern can be measured and the conditions that
result in a breakdown of faithful stimulus representation can be addressed.


Before examining the responses of cortical neurons for changes in representational
fidelity, it is important to have some idea of what constitutes fidelity in afferent fiber
activity patterns and how these patterns change with stimulus frequency and inten-
sity. Returning to the work of Talbot, Mountcastle, and colleagues, two points should
be noted. First, afferent fibers responding to flutter/vibration are sensitive to stimulus
amplitude.5 Below a certain stimulus strength, fibers do not respond with an impulse
for every cycle of the stimulus. Rather, they may skip beats, resulting in intervals
between the impulses at multiples of the stimulus period. These intervals can be
detected as peaks in interval histograms. At high amplitudes, fibers may respond
with multiple impulses per stimulus cycle, resulting in interval histograms with one
or more peaks at intervals shorter than the stimulus period. Often, a peak in the
interval histogram will be present, under these conditions, at an interval correspond-
ing to one-half of the stimulus period. This effect reflects the tendency for the
afferents to discharge at opposite phases of the stimulus cycle corresponding to
stimulus velocity peaks. Between high and low stimulus amplitudes exists a range
of stimulus amplitude for which fibers, if being stimulated at appropriate frequencies,
are capable of issuing, on average, one impulse per stimulus cycle. Second, as the
stimulus frequency diverges from the frequency to which the afferent unit responds
most sensitively, the increase in amplitude necessary to shift the impulse pattern
from less than one, to the one impulse per cycle pattern increases. The same is true

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for the decrease in amplitude needed to shift from a more than one pattern to a one-
for-one pattern. The range of amplitudes over which one impulse is elicited per
stimulus cycle narrows. Thus, afferents are tuned, both to frequency and, in a sense, to
the amplitude of peripheral stimuli. At least for rapidly adapting afferents, it has been
shown recently that impulse entrainment remains stable within and across trials.8 This
is true even in the face of increases in response intensity and the fact that the capacity
to discriminate peripheral stimuli can and often does increase with time.



Considerable effort by others also has been devoted to understanding firing patterns
of neurons within the sensorimotor cortices and relating the time-variant patterns of
CNS activity to the actual pattern of the stimuli being delivered and the behaviors
being produced (some recent studies include References 919). Mechanoreceptive
afferents respond relatively consistently over time.8,20 Experience-dependent
response plasticity in sensorimotor cortical neurons, however, may be continually
modulated by mechanisms that probably involve changes in the threshold that allow
calcium entry, are NMDA receptor dependent, and are GABA regulated.21-23 A recent
report has suggested that experience-dependent cortical plasticity may result from
at least two mechanisms.24 The first appears to be a change in the excitatory con-
nectivity of cortical elements; the second may be a release from inhibition by cortical
interneurons. The structure of spike trains that represent peripheral stimulus features
may degrade as the information ascends in the CNS. By the time that it reaches the
cortex, the fidelity with which the temporal pattern of activity is synchronized with
peripheral events may have diminished.2 The activity patterns of single cortical
neurons may not exhibit as faithful a representation of stimuli as ensembles of
neurons. Single neuron changes in firing rate may not convey as much information
about stimulus characteristics as populations of neurons, either by singular or cor-
related activity (see References 2527).


There have been several metrics designed to permit the quantification of spike train
entrainment. Each has strengths and weaknesses. As examinations of neural data
collected during experiments occurs, further refinements in data analysis techniques
also occur. To evaluate some of these, we have constructed an artificial dataset, with
known characteristics. The rationale for doing this has been that certain effects can
be seen during visual inspection of data. The goal has been, and continues to be, to
develop some objective means of expressing the goodness-of-fit between peripheral
inputs and central representations thereof. Given this, it should be possible to exam-
ine changes in representational fidelity as a function of experimentally manipulated
environmental conditions. In many experiments, these variables are behavioral-
context linked.
Figure 10.1 shows a portion of the aforementioned dataset. Above is the depic-
tion of a peripheral input, in the form of a sine wave, which we can imagine being

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FIGURE 10.1 The model stimulus (Panel A) and model responses (Panels BE) shown
in raster plots. Raster plot (Panels BE) are constructed such that each dot represents an action
potential and each row represents an experimental trial. The data mimic what might be seen
if a cortical neuron was unaffected (B) by a peripheral stimulus, or if that neuron responded
to light (C), moderate (D), or intense (E) stimuli. Tight vertical distributions of dots indicate
spikes that occur in each trial at the same time relative to the stimulus. The width of these
distributions is indicative of the degree of entrainment of the response to the stimulus.

delivered to a location on the skin at time zero. Arrayed below are four possible
responses, shown in the form of rasters, which differ in the extent to which they
represent entrainment to the stimulus. From above, the first represents several trials
in which, although stimulation evoked an increase in firing rate, this response was
not visibly affected by stimulus periodicity. The second shows what might happen
if a neuron received a light stimulus, and consequently was lightly entrained to it.
With moderately intense peripheral stimulation, visible neural entrainment would
be expected in certain neurons. However, if the stimulus is intense, as previously
observed, neurons may fire more than one spike per stimulus cycle and therefore
exhibit a second, relatively consistent vertical band in raster displays.
The datasets used to construct the panels were derived based on the following
assumptions. First, there is a fixed probability of spike occurrence in a given stimulus
cycle, equivalent to mean firing rate. Second, each spike is phase-locked to the
stimulus with a certain precision. Accordingly, a spike was assigned to every 3 out
of 4 stimulus cycles. The timing of each spike relative to the start of the stimulus cycle

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was set to have a uniform distribution within a time window of a fixed width and
position within the cycle. The widths of these time windows for the unaffected, light,
moderate, and intense stimuli were 1, 1/6th, 1/18th, and 1/36th of the period, respectively.
It should be noted that, although for the unaffected pattern, the distribution of spikes
was uniform for the whole stimulus cycle, even this pattern contained information about
the stimulus periodicity because one-fourth of the stimulus cycles was devoid of spikes.
For the intense stimulus, independent of the presence of the first impulse, a second
impulse was generated three-fourths of the time within the time window of the same
width, but its position was advanced by one-quarter cycle. These data can be used, then,
to evaluate relative strengths and weaknesses of data analysis methods for quantifying
stimulus-related responses and qualitatively assessing response types.


One conventional way to quantify the response of cortex neurons to peripheral stimuli
is to calculate average firing rate during a time interval following stimulus onset.
We have reported elsewhere28 that some SI neurons exhibit very similar firing rates
for structurally different spike patterns. Our simulated data for the first three cases
(Figure 10.1) was also characterized by the same firing rate for different temporal
patterns of spikes. Figure 10.2 shows post-stimulus time histograms (PETHs) con-
structed from the data represented in Figure 10.1. It can be seen that firing rate
calculated for the time window 0150 ms relative to stimulus onset does not provide
a clear indication of certain features readily detectable by visual inspection. Despite
the differences in apparent entrainment appreciated upon visual inspection of the
rasters (Figure 10.1) or PETHs (Figure 10.2), the upper three panels have no signif-
icant difference in MFR. Certainly, one could argue that the lower panel is both
qualitatively and quantitatively different from the upper three. However, the goal is
to detect and demonstrate subtle changes in fidelity with which peripheral stimuli
are represented. As such, it would be essentially impossible to compare what might
be significant changes in temporal entrainment in three of the four panels solely
using MFR as the metric. A representative example of actual somatosensory cortical
neural activity in an awake, behaving monkey during vibratory-triggered wrist move-
ments is shown in Figure 10.4A. It is clear from visual inspection of this plot that
the major effect of vibration is in the temporal structure of spikes, not in MFR. The
presence of vibratory-entrained activity can be also seen in panel 4B, in which spike
occurrences are represented using a raster display. Thus, MFR may indicate general
changes in responsiveness under some experimental conditions, but no information
about the temporal structure of the neuronal signal may be gleaned from this type
of analysis.



Another approach to describing the fidelity of the central representation of peripheral

inputs with temporal patterns is to construct a metric that evaluates spike occurrences
in light of expectations derived from the characteristics of the stimulus itself. One

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FIGURE 10.2 Histograms constructed from the data presented in Figure 10.1. Note that
although changes in the apparent degree of entrainment can be appreciated by visual inspec-
tion, the mean firing rate (MFR) in the upper three panels remains about the same. Only when
the response becomes saturated (lower panel) is there an appreciable change in firing rate.

of the great benefits of using flutter vibration as a peripheral stimulus is that it and
neuronal activity associated with it can be described as a function of stimulus phase.
Provided that stimulus phase is consistent as a function of presentation time, then
spike occurrences translate directly to the phase of the stimulus at that time. If then,
the response latency (i.e., the conduction time from periphery to the central location)
remains relatively constant, shifts in phase plots may indicate changes in represen-
tational fidelity that accompany changes in the sensory environment. Figure 10.3
shows the phase plots that were derived from the datasets previously described above.
Several measures can be calculated using phase plots.
Two decades ago, Ferrington and Rowe29 used an entrainment index they called
Percentage Entrainment (PE) to quantitatively describe the distribution of spike
occurrences relative to the phase angle of the sinusoidal stimuli delivered to the
sensory periphery. PE is calculated by plotting the distribution of spike occurrences
as a function of stimulus phase, binning the results in some reasonable way. By
then, calculating the number of spikes in each half-cycle and comparing that ratio
with the total, the PE, which ranges between 0.5 and 1.0 can be expressed.
Figure 10.3 illustrates what happens if the 40 trials from the sample datasets are
plotted in this manner. It is easy to see that PE correlates fairly well with increases

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FIGURE 10.3 Phase plots of the data from Figure 10.1 where each bin of the histogram
represents spikes occurring in a 10 phase bin with respect to the frequency of the stimulus.
The percentage entrainment (PE) is for the half-cycle with containing the most spikes is
indicated in each panel. The technique for the construction of these plots is in the text.

in entrainment. It is difficult to determine from the PE values if this rather simple

approach really describes the spike train characteristics that one can appreciate from
visual inspection. There is really rather little change in the numerical values of PE
for panels B, C, and D. However, visual inspect of Figure 10.1 would lead one to
expect greater differences in the measures since the spike trains are clearly different.
In addition, PE is rather insensitive at describing multimodality in the phase distri-
butions of spike occurrences. While PE can serve as a rough indicator of entrainment
since it is assumed that perfect entrainment would be characterized by all the spikes
occurring in one half-cycle, many subtle characteristics of the response are observed.
For example, it is not hard to imagine that shifts in spike times of several millisec-
onds, correlated with shifts in the mean phase of the cycle distribution of tens of
degrees might not result in any change in PE at all. Such shifts could occur if cortical
neurons recipient of peripheral responses fired at shorter latencies indicating
increased sensitivity or decreased suppression of their activity. In addition, PE alone
makes it difficult to describe the degree of variance of spike occurrences distributed
around the mean phase in the cycle distribution histogram. Thus, if trial-by-trial
variations occur, they would tend not to influence PE greatly. A plot showing the
phase relationship of a monkey somatosensory cortical neuron to a vibratory stimulus
that triggered self-paced ballistic movements of the hand at the wrist joint is shown
in Figure 10.4E. The relatively narrow distribution of the histogram is a good indi-
cator of the tight temporal coupling between the stimulus and the response to it.
At this point, a central assumption should be discussed. That assumption is that in
the primary somatosensory cortex there is a subpopulation of neurons that represents
characteristics of peripheral stimuli by temporal patterns of neuronal discharges, e.g.,

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FIGURE 10.4 The responses of an area 1 cortical neuron to 57 Hz vibratory stimuli that
trigger wrist flexions. A. A histogram of the neurons response to 160 stimulus presentations.
B. A raster display of spike occurrences as described in Figure 10.1. Open squares indicate
the onset of wrist flexion movements. C. Sequential interspike intervals (ISIs) plotted with
respect to vibration onset which was the animals cue to move. For a given spike occurrence
plotted on the abscissa, the values on the ordinate correspond to all subsequent spikes
occurring within 60 ms of that spike. D. A joint interval scatterplot where the first and second
ISIs are plotted on the abscissa and ordinate, respectively, for spikes occurring in the first
125 ms after the onset of the vibratory stimulus. Clusters on the diagonal indicate spiking at
times equal to multiples of the period of the stimulus. E. A phase plot for spikes occurring
in the epoch mentioned above. Bins are 10. F. The values for the phase plot show in E,
replotted in polar coordinates and showing the length of the mean vector (r) calculated from
the equation included in the text. The length of the rays representing phase bins have been
scaled so that the largest reaches the outer diameter of the polar plot; the mean vector length
is plotted in the radial scale.

vibratory entrainment, rather than merely by firing rates. Following this line of
reasoning, changes in the degree of variability in spike occurrences may indicate
changes in fidelity for that subpopulation. Shifts in the distribution of spikes without
significant changes in variability may indicate changes in threshold for response,
assuming that neurons spike once per stimulus cycle. These shifts could be associated

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with stimulus intensity, as well as in central processes. The former might cause
peripheral receptors to activate at a different time whereas the latter might result
from the release or application of centrally generated inhibition. We will not dispute
that other cortical neurons may actually impart their information by changes in firing


A few years ago, we began experimenting with ways of expressing how well neuronal
activity patterns were entrained with peripheral stimuli, and whether changes in the
fidelity of the cortical representation of vibratory stimuli varied as a function of
cortical location, receptive field type, and behavioral requirements.28 The reasons
for doing this will be discussed below. Turning to the ways this was done, we took
advantage of the fact that if sinusoidal stimuli were presented at known times, we
could measure each post-stimulus spike occurrence relative to the stimulus phase at
that time. This required that a continuous representation of the data be constructed
so that temporally adjacent points maintained their adjacency in the representation
despite the incrementing of the number of cycles since stimulus onset. Luckily, this
problem had been previously solved for data describing directional biases through
the use of circular statistics.31,32 As we discussed earlier, because vibratory stimuli
are harmonic, a unit vector representing the stimulus phase can be thought of as
rotating with a constant angular velocity around the center of a circular diagram.
Spike occurrences can be represented as vectors depicting instantaneous phase of
the stimulus at the time of a spike. To calculate time-varying representations of the
mean phase angles, we used a sliding time window with the width equal to one to
four stimulus periods (depending on the stimulus frequency) and calculated the mean
and standard deviation of the response phase within this window. From the standard
deviation, we derived a parameter we called Synchronicity by determining the
difference between the floating angular standard deviation and that deviation
expected from a uniform (completely random) distribution over the vibratory cycle,
divided by the latter. This yielded a parameter which ranged between zero (uniform
distribution) and one (constant phase relationship). Details of the derivation of this
metric and its application to data from cortical recordings can be found in the
previously mentioned article.28 The benefit of this way of measuring fidelity of
stimulus representation in the cortex is that it is, by nature, time varying. Thus,
changes in fidelity as a function of different phases of a single behavioral task, or
across similar epochs of different tasks could be compared relatively objectively. It
was found that some, but not all, cortical neurons that represented vibratory stimuli
did so rather well during approximately 100 ms following the onset of a vibratory
cue signaling that a wrist movement could begin. However, just prior to the onset
of movement, but generally before the onset of activity in muscles that will generate
the upcoming movement, the fidelity with which somatosensory cortical neurons
represented vibratory stimuli degenerated. Interestingly, this was at about the same
time that tactile discrimination threshold in humans increases and the ability to sense
peripheral stimulation degrades.33,34

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Many of the measures needed to provide an accurate description of the phase
relationship of spikes occurrences relative to periodic peripheral stimuli can be
derived from circular statistics31,32 and visualized in phase plots constructed in polar
coordinate systems. This type of representation of the occurrence of spike on a phase
plane probably stems initially from a study in the late 1960s, which quantified the
phase relationship of spikes associated with auditory stimuli.35 Briefly, if each spike
during a period of interest is thought of as a unit length vector at a phase angle
between 0 and 360 then the distribution of a spike train can be represented by the
distribution of a number of these vectors in the circle of a polar plot. Given that this
is done, then the mean vector of the distribution can be calculated where its angle
is the mean phase of the distribution and its vector strength, in the form of its vector
length from 0 to 1, is a direct representation of the degree to which the spikes are
phase-locked with the stimulus. The general formula of the aforementioned
authors31,32 can be used to calculate the mean vector of the spike occurrences:

r = (1/n) [( sin (2 ti))2 + ( cos (2 ti))2]1/2

where r is the mean vector length, is the frequency of vibration, ti represents the
time of spike occurrences, and n is the number of spikes. The value of r ranges from
0.0 to 1.0, where 0.0 corresponds to the uniform cycle distribution, and 1.0 corre-
sponds to discharges at a constant phase relative to the stimulus cycle. It is this
phase-locking or entrainment that we said earlier was an indication of the fidelity
of the central representation of peripheral sensory events. In addition to the mean
vector length, the angular deviation, the polar version of the standard deviation, can
be calculated and several determinations can be made from that. One of the most
important calculations that then must be done is to determine if the phase distribution
of neuronal discharges is non-uniform (i.e., perhaps indicating vibratory entrain-
ment), by using Rayleigh Test (Reference 31; pp. 54-55). In this test, a z-score is
calculated according to the formula:

z = nr2

where r is the mean vector length and n is the number of elements in the parent
distribution. The values of z greater than 4.6 were taken as satisfying the criterion
of statistical significance, which corresponded to < = 0.01. Another is to re-
represent the vector distribution, by doubling the phase angle, if the initial distribu-
tion appears bimodal.31 This is sometimes necessary if a spike train contains spikes
centered around both a phase and its antiphase. The resultant mean vector angle
would tend to misrepresent the actual distribution since it would be at approximate
right angles to both arms of the distribution and the mean vector length would be
uncharacteristically short (see below). Data from an area 1 somatosensory cortical
neuron, plotted in polar coordinates, is displayed in Figure 10.4F. The length of the
mean vector, 0.88, indicates that the neuron is tightly coupled to the sinusoidal
stimulus presented to its peripheral receptive field.

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We sought ways to represent the fidelity with which neuronal discharges are
entrained to the vibratory stimulus as a function of behavioral time. In our initial
approach, with time relative to some important event represented on the abscissa,
the phase of each spike relative to a sinusoidal stimulus was plotted on the ordinate
(i.e., Reference 28; Figure 10.2E and 10.2F). One benefit of this sort of plot is that
the relationship of response to the periodic stimulus can be easily visualized. Another
is that if individual entries are replotted relative to some other behaviorally significant
time, the same values of response phase can be used, although shifted in time. A
difficulty with this sort of plotting procedure is that the values of the phase repre-
sented on the ordinate are discontinuous. This is because phase distributions that
span the boundaries between the end of one cycle and the start of another may
appear on opposite ends of the plot although they are actually continuous if the
phase plane is represented from 180 to 180 rather than from 0 to 360. To cope
with this problem, we selected individually for each illustrated neuron whether to
use the range 180 to 180 or 0 to 360. The mean phase was also plotted for the
selected range. Continuous shifts in the mean phase as the function of response
phase indicated that responses to the stimuli started to occur earlier or later. These
shifts are related to the changes in the responsiveness of neurons to the periodic
inputs. Plots of mean phase also convey visually the information about the width of
cycle distribution, and the plots of synchronicity quantify it.



The previously mentioned expression of Synchronicity served as a simple means of

visualizing entrainment and the consistency of spike occurrences as a function of
stimulus phase. However, it quantified only the distribution of discharges over the
vibratory cycle, and left other spike-train features out. Additional information can
be obtained from examining interspike intervals (ISIs). If, as previously done for
response phase, the interspike intervals are plotted as a function of behavioral time,
a time-dependent representation of the spike train periodicity can be constructed.
This form of visualization has several benefits. As with the phase plots described
above, shifting trial centering points so that they align with behaviorally significant
events does little to degrade the image one sees. If the spike train contains ISIs of
about the same duration, these will be viewed as a horizontal cluster of dots. The
width of the cluster, then, is an indication of the consistency of the ISIs around a
central tendency. If the stimulus eliciting the spikes is itself periodic, as are flutter
and/or vibratory stimuli, then values on the ordinate can also be scaled in stimulus
cycles. Another benefit of this form of data representation is that it does not neces-
sarily make assumptions about the presence of periodicities at a given frequency in
the spike trains. Moreover, it can reveal intrinsic periodicities present in spike trains
even without an external periodic input. For example, plotting ISIs of a neuron that
is intrinsically rhythmic or is driven by a secure driver at a frequency not previously
known will result in a horizontal band of dots representing those ISIs. Thus, this
form of data representation can allow for a crude but sometimes adequate assessment
of the spike trains frequency spectrum.

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Some basic variants of ISI plots can provide additional information about the
temporal characteristics of spike trains. Joint interval scattergrams26-40 provide a
means of analyzing the serial dependencies of the ISIs. Simply, in these plots for a
given spike occurrence (n), the plotted point represents the ISI between it and the
next spike (n+1) on the abscissa. The ISI involving spike n+1 and spike n+2 forms
the value of the ordinate. Clusters of dots at regular intervals on both axes are often
seen.40 Those equidistant along both axes represent ISIs that have occurred at the
primary frequency component of the spike train. Clusters represented asymmetrically
along the axes represent either multiple spikes per cycle or missing spikes (instances
where a beat has been missed). Diagonal lines indicate regions of unentrained spikes
(see Reference 40 for discussion). By this method, unentrained spike trains or those
without intrinsic rhythmicity are represented without clusters and with dense groups
of points near either axis.
Another way to visualize the consistency of spike occurrences is to construct
expectation density (ED) histograms that illustrate the autocorrelation func-
tion.1,7,39,41-43 Conventionally, an interval is chosen over which all spike occurrences
from a reference point are compiled into a histogram with binwidths that may or
may not have any relationship to the expected periodicity of the spikes. For example,
one may choose to plot the time of occurrence of all spikes for several hundred
milliseconds after the occurrence of each spike or after the occurrence of some other
event (see Reference 39 for our implementation). If the ISIs are relatively consistent,
the ED histogram will contain multiple peaks at intervals that thus give an indication
of the firing pattern. The difference in the heights of the peaks in the ED histogram
as a function of time gives an indication of this consistency as well. Variations in
ISIs are correlated with progressively decreasing heights of peaks further from the
point of reference. If the ISIs are quite consistent, the heights of the peaks will be
approximately the same. Renewal density (RD) histograms can be used to determine
the serial dependency in spike trains. One may think of a renewal process as if there
is a clock whose countdown time is fixed and that is constantly reset by the occur-
rence of a spike. If the ISIs are shuffled or randomized, thus destroying their serial
order, nonrenewal processes will have quite different ED and RD histograms. If, on
the other hand, the occurrence of spikes takes on the properties of a renewal process,
there may be little difference in the ED and RD histograms. This comparison can
be very important since it has been argued that, in the case of externally driven
activity, a peak in the RD histogram is smaller than the corresponding peak in the
ED histogram.1,7 However, neurons that are entrained to peripheral stimuli, that are
themselves periodic, often exhibit little difference when ISIs are shuffled to construct
RD histograms.39 Histogram plots of ED and RD have a disadvantage since they
represent large intervals and thus do not give much information about instantaneous
changes in firing pattern consistency.
Returning to basic ISI plots, if, instead of simply plotting the first ISI on the
ordinate for any given point on the abscissa, one plots all ISIs subsequent to a given
point, for the extent of the range of the axis, a sort of running autocorrelogram is
constructed. When these plots are examined closely, neuronal activity across several
trials is compressed into a single representation. Rhythmic or entrained activity is
represented as a series of horizontal bands. The width of these gives an indication

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of the degree of entrainment; the narrower the band, the better the entrainment. The
consistency of the entrainment, in part, is indicated by the number of horizontal
bands apparent in the plot. The number of bands is dependent on the extent of the
axis and the frequency to which the spike train is entrained. This form of data
representation, however, does little to convey the strength of the entrainment other
than by the width of the bands. Figure 10.4C presents an example of this type of
plot for the cortical neuron that has been used to illustrate the other types of data
representation. A sinusoid which set the manipulandum in motion at time zero caused
periodic spike occurrences in virtually all trials, as seen in Figure 10.4B. The mul-
tiple horizontal bands result from the security with which the stimulus drives the
neural activity. Despite the continuing presence of the stimulus, the periodic response
pattern is disrupted at about 325500 ms after stimulus onset. This is about the time
at which the monkey initiated a hand movement in response to the stimulus. The
disruption in the temporal properties of the response pattern was probably due to
receptive field surface shear as the movement began. Despite this, remnants of the
temporal pattern are still visible in Panel C until about 500650 ms post-stimulus.
At this point, on average, the stimulus was turned off.
One way to achieve a representation of entrainment strength is to bin the data
and encode the count in each bin using either gray or color scales. When this is
done the resultant plot, in essence, retains those features of a running autocorrelo-
gram described above, but also adds some information about the relative strength
of the correlation between the driving stimulus and the spike trains associated with
it. As such, these plots contribute additional information over and above the tradi-
tional expectation density histograms. To our knowledge, we are the only ones to
have employed joint expectation density histograms of a spike train plotted against
themselves to show preservation of rhythmic activity but alteration of intrinsic
frequency during the course of a behavioral trial.44 Extrapolating from this, it is not
hard to imagine shuffling the ISIs as in a renewal density histogram (RD; References
1,7, and 4142) to determine if the rhythmicity observed in the ED is preserved in
the RD. If so, the driving force is probably intrinsic or extremely secure and extrinsic.
If the periodicity breaks down with shuffling, the driving force is most likely from
an extrinsic source (see Reference 39 for conceptual review).


Given that there are many ways of describing sensory responsiveness and quantifying
the fidelity with which neuronal responses represent actual stimuli, the question
becomes, what questions can be answered using the techniques outlined above? Our
laboratorys long-term goal has been to gain a clearer understanding of how soma-
tosensory information is processed dynamically during purposeful hand movements.
It is important to understand when and under what behavioral circumstances the
responsiveness of primate sensorimotor cortical neurons to peripheral inputs is
altered. By understanding how, where, and when somatosensory responsiveness is
modified during behavior, sensory processing will not only be better understood;
deficits in processing can be more readily assessed and localized.

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The somatosensory system must convey information to the central nervous
system (CNS) about both external and internal sensory environments. Objects com-
ing in contact with skin surfaces or causing deflection in limbs (exteroceptive inputs)
must be represented accurately in time and space so that appropriate behaviors can
be planned and executed. These behaviors may either maintain that contact, as in
tactile exploration, or disengage from that contact, as in avoidance. Moreover, the
CNS must also maintain spatially and temporally accurate representations of inputs
from the bodys own effectors, such as those encoding muscle tension and joint
angle (proprioceptive inputs). Finally, to operate efficiently, the CNS probably main-
tains internal representations of expected sensory feedback from movements and
anticipated results of the actions toward which the movements themselves are
directed.45-51 It is thought that central representations of inputs, intentions, and actions
are continually updated and that the need for updating is closely linked to behavioral
outcome, especially during goal-directed movements.51-52


Before we examine behavior-dependent modulation of responsiveness, however, we
need to ask a more straightforward question. That is, how do responses vary as a
function of changes in the frequency of vibratory stimuli? There are several possi-
bilities. Previous work (e.g., see Reference 7) would suggest that when less than
optimal stimuli are delivered to a cortical neurons peripheral receptive field, that
neuron responds either poorly or not all. The tuning curves for afferent fibers and
for cortical neurons that are the recipients of the ultimate projections of those fibers,
illustrate that thresholds for activation of cortical neurons are higher when stimulus
frequency is either higher or lower than that for which the neuron is tuned. These
observations, done under rather static conditions, do not address what happens when
the peripheral input is pertinent to some subsequent behavior. Over the past decade,
we have conducted a number of experiments in which simple hand movements about
the wrist joint were triggered by vibratory stimuli delivered to the monkeys palm,
by way of a smooth aluminum plate. In different blocks of trials, we, at times, vary
the frequency of the vibratory stimulus used to trigger the movements that the
monkeys had previously been taught to make. Each monkey held a steady wrist
position by pressing downward on the plate because the handle, if not actively held
in a neutral position, had a tendency to elevate.
Figure 10.5 shows the results for one area 1 somatosensory cortical neuron,
recorded while a monkey made several wrist flexions. The illustration consists of
three columns, marked with the frequency of the vibratory go-cue that was delivered
at time zero. These stimuli remained on until well after the monkey began the
appropriate movement (open squares). In the first column, the apparent entrainment
of the cortical neurons firing to the frequency of the peripheral stimulus can be
seen in the post-stimulus time histogram (Panel A), the raster plot (Panel B), and
in the ISI plot (Panel C). In Panel D, the spike occurrences for the first 125 ms of
the reaction time interval are plotted in polar coordinates relative to the phase of the
stimulus at that time. In the column representing the 27 Hz stimulus trials, a slight
bimodality in the phase distribution can be seen (Panel D). When the phase angles

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FIGURE 10.5 Histograms (A), rasters (B), ISI scattergrams (C) and, in D and E, polar plots
of phase relationships of the spikes occurring in the first -125 ms after the onset of 27 Hz
(left column), 57 Hz (middle column), and 127 Hz (right column) stimuli that triggered wrist
flexions. Unlike Figure 10.4, scattergrams in C show only the single ISI for a spike occurring
at the position on the abscissa and the next spike. Horizontal bands at twice the stimulus
period, therefore, would indicate a skipped cycle. In D, the polar plots are of actual phase
relationships. In E, the phase angles have been doubled because of the apparent bimodality
of some of the phase distributions. See text and references for conditions under which this
manipulation of data the representation is appropriate. Arrows in both D and E indicate the
length of the mean vector (r). The rays representing the binned phases of spike occurrences
are normalized as described in Figure 10.4.

are doubled and replotted (Panel E), the length of the mean vector (r) improves
somewhat. That is, the value is greater on a scale from 0 to 1. The center column,
that for the 57 Hz trials, illustrates both the strengths and the weaknesses of each
of these ways of visualizing and quantifying the data. It is clear from the histogram
that the post-stimulus firing rate is lower than that for the 27 Hz trials. It is also
evident that there are gaps in which there is little or no spiking. These occur
immediately after stimulus onset and just prior to movement onset (open squares).

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Thus, this neuron may have had its activity suppressed from background levels
(while the monkey held a neutral position and awaited the vibratory go-cue). Notably,
during the two brief phasic episodes of firing that occur between cue- and movement-
onset, the neurons activity is loosely entrained to the stimulus, as seen in the ISI
plot (Panel C, center column). By examining this plot, it is also possible to see that
the activity of this neuron becomes entrained at about the same time as wrist
movements begin. The polar plots in Panels D and E must be interpreted with some
caution. While the value representing the length of the mean vector in Panel D of
this column is indeed greater than for the length of the mean vector represented in
the left column, the number of spikes contributing to the calculation of this value
was much smaller. Although both plots show distributions that are statistically
different from a uniform distribution, there is no doubt that this neuron is better
entrained to the lower of these stimulus frequencies. In the right column, the firing
rate immediately after the onset of the 127 Hz go-cue is noticeably suppressed.
There appears to be a brief return to the background firing rate at about 100 ms
after stimulus onset. The activity of this neuron then appears to have been suppressed
until the onset of wrist movements. After movements were begun, the activity does
not appear to have been entrained to this highest of the three frequencies.
From observations like these, we could make several conclusions. First, soma-
tosensory cortical neurons that are vibratory-responsive are not always entrained to
periodic stimuli presented in their peripheral receptive fields. This certainly is to be
expected, especially if the amplitude of the stimulus remains constant but its fre-
quency is varied. The stimulus may have been at a frequency for which the neurons
were not tuned. Second, neurons that are entrained to the frequency of a behaviorally
important vibratory stimulus do not necessarily maintain background firing rates if
the stimulus frequency is not optimal; their activity can be suppressed. Finally, no
single method, at least of those illustrated, is sufficient to fully describe the stimulus-
related activity of neurons of the type shown in Figure 10.5. However, several
methods, taken together, can give a rather complete description of a neurons behav-
ior as the animal is behaving.
The somatosensory system is distinctive in that peripheral discharges occur not
only as the result of interaction with external objects being sensed but also during
any movement of the part of the body sensing them. Hence, the central nervous
system must be able to distinguish peripheral signals carrying information from
external objects from signals that are by-products of movements. It has been sug-
gested that the central nervous system anticipates peripheral inputs in advance of
movements, and generates so-called efference copy that is then compared with the
peripheral discharge.53 According to this theory, modulation should occur at about
the time of movement initiation, interact with redundant or competitive signals, vary
with the properties of the sensory inputs, and lead to some sensations being sup-
pressed, while others are facilitated. However, we still know very little about how
and which behaviors modify the responsiveness of single units or groups of sen-
sorimotor cortical neurons that process inputs during hand movements. It has become
increasingly clear that central responses to peripheral stimuli may be context-depen-
dent and that the CNS has the ability to multiplex, that is, select the information
channel(s) at any given time that are most relevant for current behaviors. In humans,

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gating of somatosensory-evoked potentials before the onset of muscle activity (mea-
sured by electromyography, EMG) is thought to result from cortically generated
premotor events and is not due to corticofugal influences.54-58 This gating may
represent corollary discharge59 or efference copy60-61 by which motor centers inform
the sensory cortices that subsequent movements are centrally generated.62-66 It has
been suggested that the cutaneous input may be inhibited [before and] during
movement to facilitate transmission of information from other receptors more impor-
tant for the control of movement67 (such as those from joint afferents and muscle
receptors). This modulation has been interpreted as [resulting in] an improvement
in signal to noise ratio33 and may also be important in reducing both cutaneous and
deep inputs that might interfere with motor control.67-71 The representation of motor
commands in sensorimotor cortex has been reviewed recently.53 It has been difficult
to prove when and where motor commands modify sensory responses and move-
ment-related neuronal activity. To better understand the behavior-dependent modu-
lation of responsiveness, we have examined this modulation during a couple of
common behaviors that have given us insights into sensory processing in general.



First, we altered reward schedules to determine if sensory responses and movement-

related single-unit activity of sensorimotor cortical neurons changes as a function
of the outcome of the previous behavioral trial. We hypothesized that the activity
of sensorimotor cortical neurons would be modulated with changes in reward pre-
dictability and Knowledge of Result (KR). We thought that sensory responses would
be better related to vibratory stimuli and movement-related activity would be more
tightly coupled to movement kinematics immediately following unsuccessful behav-
ioral outcomes.
Three monkeys made vibration-cued or visually-cued ballistic wrist flexion and
extension movements (Figure 10.6). They received rewards on average 75% of the
correctly performed trials. Fruit juice rewards were withheld pseudo-randomly and
for incorrect behavioral responses (movements in the non-cued direction). A total
of 147/356 sensorimotor cortical neurons (Figures 10.6B and 10.6C) from two
monkeys were analyzed in detail because these neurons showed vibratory go-cue-
related activity changes and had been held long enough to record at least 25 trials
for each movement direction. Data were separated into five types, based on if a trial
1) followed a rewarded trial, 2) was unrewarded, 3) followed an experimentally
withheld reward, 4) contained a movement error, or 5) followed an unrewarded trial
due to a movement error.
Several neuronal activity measures were calculated and compared. Trial-depen-
dent differences in mean firing rates as a function of trial type were calculated while
the monkeys waited for go-cues (BKG), during the initial response to vibration
(RAMFR) and following the initial vibratory (SAMFR) by conventional means
(Figure 10.6D). Data were represented as histograms and rasters depicting single-
trial spike occurrences with corresponding wrist position traces for comparison
(Figure 10.6E and 10.6F). In some instances, scatterplots of interspike intervals

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FIGURE 10.6 A. Schematic of the Withheld Reward Task. Each animal held a steady position
for a random time, detected the go-cue, and then made ballistic wrist flexions or extensions.
Requested movement directions and the probability of reward were variable. B and C.
Dorsolateral views of the recorded regions in two monkeys (N and E). Filled circles indicate
surface location of penetrations containing cue-related neurons. ARC = Arcuate, CS = Central,
and IP = Intraparietal Sulci. D. Population histograms of area 1 neurons depicting four types
of cue responses. Epochs for measuring firing rates are shown. E and F. Top: Histograms
showing mean firing rates (bin width 5 ms). Rasters in which each dot represents a spike and
each row represents a single trial. Dark marks indicate movement onset. Bottom: Single and
average wrist position traces. G and H. Interspike intervals (ISI) constructed by plotting all
the ISIs for 80 ms following a spike in behavioral time. Rhythmic firing appears as clusters.
MOS = movement onset. I. Polar phase plot of spike occurrences in H. Rays represent 10
bins. Arrow indicates length of mean vector, indicating the degree of entrainment ranging
from 0 to 1.

(ISIs) as a function of time before or after behaviorally significant events were

examined for periodicities indicative of vibratory-stimulus entrainment
(Figures 10.6G and 10.6H). For neurons with vibratory go-cue-related activity
increases, mean vector lengths resulting from polar plots of spike occurrences were
calculated as a function of the stimulus phase at which theses spikes occurred
(Figure 10.6I).

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First, the types of single-unit responses in sensorimotor cortex to vibrotactile
stimuli that served as go-cues for ballistic movement of the stimulated hand were
characterized. Four distinctly different types were found. Three types were charac-
terized by activity increases that were either continuous (C neurons), adapted quickly
(Q neurons), or were entrained to the frequency of the vibratory stimulus (V neurons;
see Figure 10.6D). The fourth type had their activity suppressed (S neurons) from
BKG levels at short latencies after stimulus onset. The distributions of 147 neurons
as a function of response type and cortical location (area 4 motor cortex, areas 3a,
3b, 1, 2/5, and posterior to the intraparietal sulcus parietal cortex [P]) can be found
in Table 1 of Reference 72.
The behavioral patterns of each animal were analyzed to determine if the onsets
of cue-related activity changes and reaction times (RTs) and movement times (MTs)
differed as a function of receptive field (RF) type, cortical location, response class,
movement direction, and reward history. Onsets varied as a function of the former
two, but not the latter three characteristics. When rewards were withheld experimen-
tally, but not because of a behavioral error, RTs and MTs decreased. RTs were shorter
than baseline in trials immediately after withheld rewards, independent of movement
direction. For flexion movements, RTs were also shorter than baseline immediately
following trials in which the animal failed to receive a reward because of movement
in the wrong direction. In addition, also for flexion movements, RTs were longer in
those trials where directional failures occurred. MTs immediately following direc-
tional failures were not different than baseline, regardless of movement direction. MTs
immediately following trials in which reward for correct performance were withheld
were significantly shorter than baseline, independent of movement direction.
After examining changes in behavior, firing rates and stimulus-entrainment were
analyzed to determine if they varied with reward history. After experimentally
withheld rewards, but not after behavioral errors, activity increased significantly in
areas 3a, 3b, and 1 during the instructed delay period (IDP; after instructions but
before go-cues). The initial activity bursts (QAMFR) in area 1 and the parietal cortex
increased. The degree of entrainment of neurons in area 3a, as determined by the
mean vector length, decreased significantly just before movements and, during
movements, the same was true for both areas 3a and 3b.
Finally, the data from neurons with similar response characteristics from a single
cortical area (area 1) were combined. This population analysis revealed additional
characteristics of neurons belonging to relatively homogeneous response classes that
were not obvious when records from single units were examined individually. The
population of neurons that fired continuously in response to vibratory go-cues (C
neurons) showed what seemed to be entrainment to the vibratory stimulus during,
and in the trial after, directional mistakes (Figure 10.7, upper row, panels 3 and 4
from left). The population of neurons whose cue-related bursts of activity quickly
returned to background rates (Q neurons) showed some entrainment to the vibratory
stimulus frequency during the initiation and execution of movements. The population
of neurons with suppressed activity in response to vibratory go-cues (S neurons)
appeared to fire somewhat periodically at about 3040 Hz before the vibration onset.
The vibratory-entrained neurons (V neurons) shown increased burstiness at stim-
ulus onset in instances where the animal made a directional mistake and in trials

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immediately after those mistakes (Figure 10.7, bottom row, panels 3 and 4 from
left). These properties just described were not as clearly visible in records of single
units as they were for the populations of area 1 neurons.
The results of this population analysis lead to several suggestions. The under-
lying assumption is that, by grouping neurons from a single cortical area that have
similar response patterns, information can be obtained about how these neurons
might work together during behavior. When viewing displays of these compiled
spike patterns, certain temporal characteristics emerge. Continuously spiking (C)
neurons seem to become weakly entrained to peripheral stimuli during and imme-
diately after mistakes made by the monkeys. As is seen clearly in some single records
(Figures 10.6G and 10.6H) neurons that adapt quickly to peripheral stimuli also may
be weakly entrained, but in this case, after movements have begun. The neurons
whose firing rates are suppressed at stimulus onset appear to fire rhythmically, while
the animals hold against a light load and await vibratory go-cue onset. It seems
unlikely that these neurons are the same type as the one illustrated in Figure 10.5;
however, multiple vibratory frequencies were not tested in this study. Thus, without
further experimentation, their relationship to neurons entrained to low frequency
vibration but suppressed by higher frequencies remains unclear. The neurons that
were clearly entrained to the vibratory go-cues (V) were somewhat more responsive
to the onset of the stimulus before directional mistakes and in the trials immediately
following them. Entrainment following the initial burst, however, did not seem
qualitatively different as a function of whether or not previous trials were rewarded
or mistakes had been made. Taken together, these findings suggest that sensory
responsiveness can and does change on a trial-by-trial basis and that these changes
can be visualized either for single or composite records by some of the techniques
described above.


A second set of experiments was done to determine if sensory responses of sen-
sorimotor cortical neurons are best related to stimuli when movements are guided
by vibratory stimuli and if selective enhancement of cortical activity is specific to
cells representing the peripheral stimulus location. As noted before, previous studies
in our laboratory have lead to the suggestions that central inputs may modulate
sensorimotor cortical responses to peripheral stimuli, but that these responses them-
selves in sensorimotor cortical areas may be gated when the peripheral inputs specify
wrist movement endpoints.
Monkeys were trained to make wrist extensions and flexions after holding steady
positions for 0.52.0 seconds (Figure 10.8A). They held against a load opposing
flexion movements. Vibration (Vb) to the monkeys palm, appearance of visual (Vs)
targets, or both Vb and Vs combined served as go-cues for identical movements in
corresponding paradigms (VIB-only, VIS-only, and COM). Movement end points
were specified by increases in vibration to the monkeys palm, superimposition of
the wrist movement cursor with visual targets, or both. Trials were run in same-cue
blocks where movement direction was alternated every tenth correctly executed trial.
Wrist movement was pseudorandomly chosen to be 5 or 10 flexions or extension

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FIGURE 10.7 (See color Figure 10.7 in color insert.) Population response patterns of four types of area 1 cue-related neurons as a function of
trial type and behavioral time. Scatterplots constructed by binning all ISIs (5 ms 1 ms) and normalizing by spikes/trial to give probability of spike
occurrences in a bin. Probability indicated by attributed color. Tick marks to the right indicate time corresponding to the period of the 57 Hz vibratory
stimulus. Response types as in Figure 10.6. Nomenclature for trial types as in text.
in the VIS-only, and COM paradigms. To date, we have examined the data for only
10 movement amplitudes from one monkey. All correct movements were rewarded
in these self-paced tasks. The animal was not penalized for variations in RTs, MTs,
or intertrial intervals. Complete records (all three paradigms) were obtained for
403/691 task-related neurons; 156 were located in pre-central and 247 in post-central
cortical areas. As shown in Figure 10.8B, reconstruction of the electrode penetrations
indicated that the recordings in the post-central cortex were mainly in areas 3a, 3b, and 1.
The general behavior of the monkey was quantified by examining records from
the post-central cortical neurons. RTs, during the VIS-only task, were greater than
those for VIB-only and COM for both wrist extension and flexion movements (p <
0.01). MTs for wrist flexion were longer than that of wrist extension. However, there
is no significant difference for MTs across the three paradigms as a function of
Analyses were conducted for 74/247 (~30%) post-central cue-related neurons
using analytical procedures developed in the previously described study. These
neurons have been grouped, by visual inspection, into C (n = 25), Q (n = 17), S (n =
16), and V (n = 16) neurons, based on their responses to vibratory stimuli.
Figure 10.8C shows the responses of a V neuron which exhibited no cue-related
discharges in VIS-only trials, but was entrained to the vibratory stimulus in both
VIB-only and COM-cue paradigms. These paradigms will subsequently be men-
tioned collectively as the vibratory paradigms (or trials). Activity onsets, BKG,
QAMFR, SAMFR were measured. Mean vector length was calculated for all neurons
with cue-related firing rate increases during the vibratory paradigms.
The animal behaved similarly during the vibratory paradigms, but there were
some notable differences in response patterns. During post-central neuron recording,
RTs for the vibratory trials averaged 275 11 ms and were significantly shorter than
those for VIS-only trials (297 15; p<.0001; repeated measures ANOVA). BKG was
not different across the three paradigms. Comparing the firing rates across the
vibratory paradigms yielded no statistically significant differences in QAMFR and
SAMFR, although firing rates during these two epochs, as well as during BKG,
tended to be higher in VIB-only trials. However, across these paradigms, there were
significant differences in mean vector length for the V neurons but not for C and Q
neurons. V neurons were better entrained to the premovement part of the 57 Hz
vibratory cue in the COM-cue trials (mean 0.393 .24) than in the VIB-only trials
(mean 0.275 .17; p<.0001; repeated measures ANOVA). Quantifying the entrain-
ment during movement to the targets was somewhat difficult because the frequency
of the vibration is time-variant (by experimental design) and the MTs, while rela-
tively uniform, vary by times equal to several periods of the final 127 Hz vibratory
stimulus. These variations can be seen in the population plots presented in
Figure 10.9.
From this figure, several initial observations, later confirmed statistically, were
noted. It appeared that in the vibratory paradigms, both C and Q neurons encoded
the vibratory stimuli to some extent. While the general probability of spike occur-
rence in any given bin was higher in the the VIB-only paradigm for these classes
of neurons, the spread of the distribution was also wider, suggesting that entrainment
may not be as good as in the COM-cue paradigm. It appeared that V neurons may

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FIGURE 10.8 (See Color Figure 10.8 in color insert.) A. Schematic of the Guidance Task
with the three variations tested. Animals held a steady position for a random time, detected
the target, and then made wrist flexion or extension movements and held at the target zone.
Targets in the visual-only trials (VIS-only) were LEDs signaling the position to which the
animal moved. Approach to the target in the vibratory-only trial (VIB-only) was signaled by
increasing the vibratory frequency as the animal neared the target and decreasing frequency
if he moved away from it. At the target, the vibratory frequency abruptly increased by 30 Hz.
The third condition combined both visual and vibratory targets (COM-cue). All correct trials
were rewarded. B. Dorsolateral view of the cortical surface of the most extensively studied
monkey showing the locations of penetrations in the pre- and post-central cortices. Anterior
(left); Medial (up). ARSP = Arcuate Spur; IPS = Intraparietal Sulcus; CS = Central Sulcus;
SU = Superior Parietal Dimple. Open circles depict locations of electrolytic lesions. Arrows
show postmortem pin marks placed relative to recording chamber coordinates. C. (below). A
vibration-responsive neuron from primary somatosensory (SI) cortex with an RF on the third
digit. The cycle distribution of the vibratory response became more bimodal in vibration-only
trials and the mean vector length (r) was shorter. Increased bimodality or cycle distribution
broadening occurred for most SI vibration-responsive neurons.

be more poorly entrained to vibratory stimuli prior to movement but better entrained
during movement and once the target was achieved and the new position held. This
suggestion is based on the intensity of the spike occurrences at multiple periods of
the final (127 Hz) stimulus frequency at times (~400900 ms) when the monkeys
held the handle still at the new position. In several cases, activity patterns immedi-

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FIGURE 10.9 (See Color Figure 10.9 in color insert.) Response patterns of four populations
of postcentral cortical cue-related neurons as a function of trial type and behavioral time.
Scatterplots as described in Figure 10.7. Response types as in Figure 10.6. Initial vibratory
cue frequency was 57 Hz, but increased linearly as animals moved the handle toward a target
10 from center. When the target was reached, the final stimulation frequency was 127 Hz.
Thus, periods shown at the right of each scatterplot are for that frequency. Entrainment is
evident in V neurons; weaker entrainment appears present in Q and C neurons.

ately after go-cue onset were qualitatively different when changes in vibratory
frequency specified target location. In these instances, cessations in activity were
seen that did not occur in either VIS-only or COM trials.
Appropriate quantification methods of the entrainment during and after move-
ments are still being developed. Conceptually, the latter seems easier to accomplish
since the records could be aligned in a time corresponding to the beginning of a
vibratory cycle in which the end of the movement occurs. Thus, the records would
maintain their temporal association with the 127 Hz stimulus, independent of movement

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FIGURE 10.10 (See Color Figure 10.10 in color insert.) Scatterplot of the lower left panel
of Figure 10.9 with data centered on wrist movement onset. When the target was reached,
the final stimulation frequency was 127 Hz. Periods shown at the right of the scatterplot are
for that frequency, which was presented while the animal held the handle 10 from the neutral
position. Entrainment of this population of neurons is clearly seen for both the vibratory
stimulus present before the animal moved and once he attained the target zone.

time. To initially see if this might be the case, data can be plotted using one of the
methods described above. Figure 10.10 shows the re-plotting of one of the population
scattergrams from Figure 10.9, only this time with the data centered on the onset of
wrist movement. In this case, it is the lower left panel which depicts the ISIs for the
area 1 V neurons. Although mean vector analyses have not been conducted as yet for
these data, several things are clear. First, these neurons initially show entrainment to
the 57 Hz vibratory stimulus that acted as the go-cue to trigger the movements. Second,
during the movement (from movement onset to arrival at target), there is apparently a
smooth transition in the ISIs from the initial to the new (127 Hz) vibratory frequency
that reflects the experimental design. Finally, once the target, and hence the new handle
position is attained, these neurons appear to be entrained to the high frequency and not
suppressed by it as was the neuron whose records are illustrated in Figure 10.5. The
distribution of ISIs, once the target is reached, is quite narrow, suggesting that these
neurons closely follow the frequency of the vibration of the handle at the target zone.
These observations suggest that when movement endpoints are specified by
somatosensory cues alone, initial increases in firing rates may be accompanied by
degradations in the fidelity of responses. Prior to movement, ongoing responses to
vibration are suppressed for some types of neurons. Some neurons are more poorly
entrained by vibratory stimuli in trials without explicit visual targeting cues. It
appears from population plots that this entrainment may improve significantly once
movements, guided by vibration alone, begin. If so, it would be consistent with the
idea that suppression of activity (or correlated firing) occurs before instances of
highest activity/movement coupling to improve signal-to-noise ratios. Certainly,
more studies are needed to examine suppression and facilitation of responses to

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peripheral and central inputs as a function of their behavioral relevance. In addition,
the derivation of subsequent analyses can be guided by illustrations of the data that
depict the time-variant changes in response patterns during behavior. These methods
of data illustration can be used to directly compare response patterns which, for behav-
ioral trials, vary in duration, with respect to behaviorally significant events.

This chapter began by asking how one might go about determining the fidelity with
which peripheral stimuli are represented by sensorimotor cortical neurons. To start
to answer this question, the responses to vibratory stimuli were considered because
these stimuli, by nature, have a temporal signature. Neurons that spike with relatively
consistent ISIs corresponding to the frequency of known peripheral stimuli are well
documented.7 What historically has been difficult to do is to find the means of
quantifying the fidelity of signal representation in the responses of neurons to those
signals. Several ways of doing so have been presented here. Perhaps none is sufficient
alone. Taken together, however, these analytical tools provide a means of suggesting
answers to several questions about how cortical representations work when animals
are working.
As stated earlier, what is presented here is by no means an exhaustive review
of all the ways in which data may be represented to address the question of response
fidelity. That was not the intent. The intent was to describe some forms of illustrating
pertinent data in forms that are readily tractable to those not necessarily in the sub-
discipline and measurements that can accompany these forms of data representation.
Some changes in sensory responsiveness are far from subtle. For those, differences
in mean firing rates may be sufficient to test the hypotheses under consideration.
Certainly, stimulus intensity is well correlated with firing rates over much of the
dynamic range of sensorimotor cortical neurons. Stimulus location in this system is
represented in a number of topographic, though distorted, representations of the
sensory periphery.4 However, some influences on sensation of peripheral events and
on behaviors that may accompany these sensations are subtle, such as attention,
intention to move, expectation of goal attainment, and Knowledge of Result (KR).
It is therefore reasonable to think that firing pattern changes associated with the
alterations just mentioned may themselves be subtle. These changes may be in the finer
aspects that represent fidelity and not necessarily as mean firing rate changes. Some of
the data analyses and data representations discussed above are useful in deciphering
the code that the periphery sends the central nervous system as the brain deals with the
sensory environment and its own body image.

The original work described herein and the formulation of this manuscript was
funded by research grant R01-NS36860 from the National Institute of Neurological
Disorders and Stroke to Randall J. Nelson. We thank John M. Denton for his
assistance in drafts of the manuscript.

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A Computational
11 Perspective on
Proprioception and
Movement Guidance
in Parietal Cortex
Paul E. Cisek


11.1 Functional and Descriptive Models of Cortical Movement Control

11.2 Overview of the FAVITE model
11.3 Representations of Current Position and Intended Direction
in Parietal Cortex
11.4 Shifting Targets and the FAVITE Model
11.4.1 Difference Vector Computation Using a Forward Model
11.4.2 Separate Control for Visual vs. Proprioceptive Guidance
11.4.3 Distinguishing between the Two Explanations
11.5 Conclusions


Computational models can offer much to our attempts to understand biological motor
control. Even a nave model can at least act as a mnemonic device, helping to
organize ones knowledge of a body of data. Of course, most models aspire to much
more. One would expect that a good model not only provides a coherent and unifying
explanation of data, but also generates testable hypotheses, which can influence
future experimental work. Ultimately, what is most desirable is a complementary
relationship between models and experiments, where each serves to refine the other.
For early neurophysiological work on the cortical control of movement, a highly
influential model was the transcortical servo (Phillips, 1969). The transcortical servo
hypothesis, inspired by cybernetic theories of control systems (Wiener, 1958), proposed

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that the well-known feedback organization of spinal reflexes was repeated again at
the cortical level. Support for this notion came from analyses of reflex latencies,
where short reflex components (12 ms, in monkeys) were considered spinally-
mediated, while longer reflexes (3040 ms) were considered to involve a feedback
loop through cortical regions, a feedback loop which can exhibit a high degree of
context-dependent plasticity (Evarts, 1973). Neurophysiological recordings showed
that, consistent with the notion of a transcortical servo, many pyramidal tract neurons
(PTNs) preferentially respond to opposite directions of active and passive movements
(Conrad, Meyer-Lohmann, Matsunami, & Brooks, 1975; Evarts & Fromm, 1981)
and are potentiated by perturbations opposing a voluntary movement (Evarts & Tanji,
1974). The transcortical servo hypothesis seemed to fulfill the highest expectations
for a model it explained and unified data, and made predictions that were often
experimentally confirmed.
When researchers began investigating more complex multi-joint arm reaching
movements in the early 1980s, the theoretical emphasis shifted somewhat. It was
observed that many cells in the motor regions of the cerebral cortex were broadly
tuned to the direction of a movement. This was first reported for cells in the primary
motor cortex (Georgopoulos, Kalaska, Caminiti, & Massey, 1982) and later for
parietal (Kalaska, Caminiti, & Georgopoulos, 1983) and premotor (Caminiti,
Johnson, Galli, Ferraina, & Burnod, 1991) cells as well. Moreover, new analyses
were able to reconstruct the direction of a movement from the firing pattern of a
population of cells (Georgopoulos, Caminiti, Kalaska, & Massey, 1983), even during
curved movements (Schwartz, 1993). The central interest of these new studies shifted
away from questions of the control circuitry toward questions of the variables
represented by the cortical cells and the sensorimotor coordinate transformations
that compute these representations. Many recent experiments exemplify this attitude
by focusing upon the issue of how the activity of particular neural populations
covaries with some relevant sensory or motor variables, such as target position,
intended direction, movement extent, movement speed, direction of load, etc. (Ashe
& Georgopoulos, 1994; Fu, Suarez, & Ebner, 1993; Georgopoulos, Ashe, Smyrnis,
& Taira, 1992; Georgopoulos, Caminiti, & Kalaska, 1984; Georgopoulos, Kalaska,
Caminiti, & Massey, 1982; Georgopoulos, Kettner, & Schwartz, 1988; Kalaska,
Caminiti, & Georgopoulos, 1983; Kalaska, Cohen, Hyde, & Prudhomme, 1989;
Kalaska, Cohen, Prudhomme, & Hyde, 1990; Kettner, Schwartz, & Georgopoulos,
1988; Lacquaniti, Guigon, Bianchi, Ferraina, & Caminiti, 1995; Messier & Kalaska,
2000; Moran & Schwartz, 1999; Schwartz, 1993; Scott & Kalaska, 1997; Sergio &
Kalaska, 1998). In parallel, experimental procedures often do not address issues
such as whether a cell is a PTN or not, but instead emphasize sophisticated multi-
variate regressions of its activity.
One may say that while the classic transcortical servo was a model of the functional
circuitry involved in generating movement, many recent models are an account of how
internal activities describe relevant variables. It may be useful to consider this shift in
the broader context of 20th Century brain science. During the 1940s and 1950s, control
theory and cybernetics emphasized feedback (Ashby, 1956; Wiener, 1958), which later
came to influence theories of behavior (Ashby, 1965; Powers, 1973) and functional
interpretations of motor systems (Phillips, 1969). At that time, circuit models were in

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vogue. However, by the mid-1960s, the cognitive revolution focused the attention
of theorists onto the representational abilities of the brain, toward questions of how
the brain builds internal representations of the external world (Marr, 1982), and how
it generates representations of movement plans (Miller, Galanter, & Pribram, 1960).
With this shift of attention, models eventually became more descriptive, addressing
questions of how internal brain states correlate with sensory or motor variables. Over
time, this new attitude came to influence motor control theory and experimental design,
emphasizing representations over circuit models.
Of course, both functional and descriptive models are useful, but both are also
subject to certain pitfalls. Functional circuit models tend to be very simplified.
Cortical anatomy is much more complex than the simple circles and lines diagrams
in which distinct elements perform distinct functions. In the real cortex, functionality
is smeared, with individual cells belonging, in different degrees, to various commin-
gled populations (Johnson, Ferraina, Bianchi, & Caminiti, 1996; Wise, Boussaoud,
Johnson, & Caminiti, 1997) and even appearing to change their relation to motor
output over the course of learning (Gandolfo, Li, Benda, Schioppa, & Bizzi, 2000;
Wise, Moody, Blomstrom, & Mitz, 1998). Descriptive models are better suited to
capture these trends.* On the other hand, a purely descriptive model often only
restates the data and does not propose a mechanistic explanation of how the cells
actually work together to produce movement. Descriptive models are also vulnerable
to relating cortical activity to the wrong variables. Unless one has a functional circuit
in mind a priori, one is left with little else but attempts to infer functional roles by
correlating activity to only the measured kinematic or kinetic output variables, none
of which may actually be of interest to cells embedded within a network controlling
nonlinear muscles and joints (Fetz, 1992).
Several years ago, Dan Bullock, Steve Grossberg, and I attempted to make some
sense of cortical data using the approach of functional modeling. To do so, we devel-
oped a mathematical model of the neural circuit involving cortical areas 4 and 5, basal
ganglia, and spinal cord, controlling a single agonist-antagonist joint (Bullock, Cisek,
& Grossberg, 1998; Cisek, Grossberg, & Bullock, 1998). This model, illustrated in
Figure 11.1, proposes to explain how neurophysiologicallyidentified cell types,
each with characteristic temporal patterns, work together to implement voluntary
movements with observed psychophysical features. Here, I will refer to this model
as FAVITE, or Feedback-Assisted Vector-Integration-to-Endpoint, because it is
founded upon the Vector-Integration-to-Endpoint scheme of Bullock and Gross-
berg (1988) and expanded to include various sources of peripheral feedback.
In my admittedly biased opinion, the FAVITE model is a good starting point for
interpreting neural data from a functional perspective. Like the transcortical servo
hypothesis, the model frames neurophysiological data in a pragmatic context, in
which neural responses can be understood as contributing to specific aspects of a
mechanism for movement control. For example, phasic bursts in area 4 during
reaction time (Kalaska, Cohen, Hyde, & Prudhomme, 1989) are interpreted as
generating the force pulse needed to overcome the resting inertia of the arm. In

* However, a model being developed by Burnod and colleagues (1999) illustrates that functional models
can also capture these trends while providing some pragmatic rationale for them.

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contrast, phasic activities of posterior area 5 cells (Crammond & Kalaska, 1989;
Kalaska, Cohen, Prudhomme, & Hyde, 1990) are interpreted as a Difference
Vector, used to guide the limb in the direction of a target. Thus, although these two
signals may look similar, they perform very different functional roles in the context
of the model. The FAVITE model is a set of such hypotheses expressed through a
mathematical formalism, which enables simulation of various movement scenarios,
including voluntary and passive movements, exertion of forces against obstacles,
deafferented operation, movement in various perturbing force-fields, and proprio-
ceptive illusions induced by muscle tendon vibration.
In this chapter, I re-examine some of the basic assumptions of the FAVITE model
in light of some recent work on movement control, particularly studies of the parietal
cortex. This includes work which supports the core features of the model and
confirms its predictions, as well as studies which force some modifications. I describe
some of these necessary modifications and propose further testable predictions.


I will not burden the reader with the mathematical equations available in Bullock
et al. (1998) and Cisek et al. (1998). I will instead sketch out the general ideas of
the model with rather broad strokes. In essence, the FAVITE model is a circuit which
generates a kinematic movement command online through internal feedback and
superimposes dynamics compensation upon it (see Figure 11.1). Unlike many tra-
ditional control schemes from robotics, no desired trajectory is prepared and
optimized before movement begins. Instead, only a desired target is specified and
then the arm moved toward it by gradually reducing a Difference Vector (DV),
computed as the difference between the current and desired limb positions (what
may be called a motor error). In this sense, FAVITE operates like a kinematic
transcortical servo, except that the reduction of the DV can be voluntarily controlled
and its speed independently gated. During DV reduction, a descending positional
command controlling the resting length of muscles is shifted from an initial to a
final position. However, unlike equilibrium point models (Bizzi, Accornero, Chap-
ple, & Hogan, 1984; Bizzi, Hogan, Mussa-Ivaldi, & Giszter, 1992; Feldman, 1974;
Feldman, 1986), the descending command is not purely positional, but also combines
dynamics compensation for inertial and static forces.
The model, in essence, consists of seven hypotheses regarding the organization
of movement control. These are:

1. A representation of current limb position (called the Perceived Position

Vector, or PPV) exists in anterior area 5 and is computed on the basis of
efference copy from area 4 and feedback from primary muscle spindles
routed through area 2.
2. A voluntary arm movement involves the reduction of a Difference Vector
(DV), which is computed in posterior area 5 as the difference between
the PPV and a Target Position Vector (TPV), which represents the target
position. The DV may be activated, or primed, before the movement is

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FIGURE 11.1 The FAVITE model. Thick lines highlight the kinematic feedback control
aspects of the model, with thin lines representing additional compensatory circuitry. GO
scaleable gating signal; DVV Desired Velocity Vector; OPV Outflow Position Vector;
OFPV Outflow Force + Position Vector; SFV Static Force Vector; IFV Inertial Force
Vector; PPV Perceived Position Vector; DV Difference Vector; TPV Target Position
Vector; CBM-cerebellum d gamma-dynamic motoneuron; s gamma-static motorneu-
ron; alpha motoneuron; Ia type-Ia afferent fiber; II type-II afferent fiber; c.s.
central sulcus; i.p.s. intraparietal sulcus. The symbol + represents excitation, - represents
inhibition, represents multiplicative gating, and + represents integration over time. (From
Bullock, D., Cisek, P., and Grossberg, S., Cerebral Cortex, 8, 48, 1998. With permission.)

3. The DV projects to a Desired Velocity Vector (DVV) in area 4 phasic

movement-time cells,* where it is scaled by a GO signal arriving from
the basal ganglia. The GO signal controls the onset time and the speed
of movement. The DVV serves as a velocity command which controls
changes in the descending positional command from area 4 (see hypoth-
esis 4 below) and also projects to spinal gamma-dynamic motor neurons.
4. In area 4, an Outflow Position Vector (OPV) projects a positional com-
mand to alpha- and gamma-static motor neurons. The OPV also serves
at the source of the efference copy signal to the PPV (see hypothesis 1
above). During voluntary movement, the OPV gradually integrates the
DVV command over time, shifting the hand toward the target. As the
hand approaches the target, the DV in area 5 and the DVV in area 4 are
both reduced to baseline, at which point the OPV integration ends and
movement ceases.

* The classification of area 4 cells used here is based on Kalaska et al. (1989).

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5. The descending command to alpha motor neurons is augmented by an
Outflow Force + Position Vector (OFPV) in area 4 phasic-tonic cells,
which superimposes static and dynamic load compensation upon the shift-
ing OPV command. Two kinds of compensation signals are described in
Bullock et al. (1998): a transient Inertial Force Vector (IFV), which pro-
vides force pulses for launching and braking the limb and a sustained
Static Force Vector (SFV), which compensates for gravity and other static
loads. Although in the mathematical implementation of the FAVITE
model, these signals were generated via peripheral feedback (for the sake
of mathematical simplicity), we actually prefer to conceive of them as
being supplied by a forward dynamics model, possibly implemented in
the cerebellum (Bullock & Grossberg, 1991; Ito, 1984; Kawato & Gomi,
1992; Miall & Wolpert, 1996; Vilis & Hore, 1980).
6. A reciprocal connection from the area 5 PPV to the area 4 OPV enables
the descending command to track any movements imposed by external
forces and keeps muscle spindles loaded and in their range of optimal
7. In different movement contexts, the strength of some of the circuit con-
nections may be varied to modify the operating characteristics of the
system. For example, during fast movements, peripheral sensitivity can
be reduced to shift the system from a feedback controller toward a feed-
forward controller.

The first six of these hypotheses are described in detail by Bullock et al. (1998),
where evidence for them is reviewed. The seventh hypothesis is discussed by Cisek
et al. (1998) in the context of various proprioceptive illusions induced by muscle
tendon vibration, as well as movements in the presence of elastic loads and Coriolis
forces. In this chapter, I will focus primarily on the first two hypotheses, those
concerned with the computations proposed to occur in the posterior parietal cortex.
Below, I attempt to bring together diverse sources of experimental data on the
functional role of the parietal cortex. Perhaps some of this data is being inappropri-
ately forced into my particular perspective. The parietal cortex is a complex brain
region, with many functional roles. Its study is made difficult by a lack of consensus
on what regions in the human are homologous with those in the monkey, and even
by a lack of a consistent nomenclature for specific recording sites. Therefore, the
following discussion should merely be taken as well-intentioned speculation.


Several lines of evidence led us to propose that the representation of current limb
position (PPV) exists in anterior area 5 and the difference vector (DV) in posterior
area 5. Activity in parietal area 5 has long been considered to reflect postural
information (Sakata, Takaoka, Kawarasaki, & Shibutani, 1973) and the sustained
activity of area 5 cells shows a clear relationship to the position of the hand in space
(Georgopoulos, Caminiti, & Kalaska, 1984; Lacquaniti, Guigon, Bianchi, Ferraina,

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& Caminiti, 1995). For some cells, this relationship is linear (Georgopoulos, Cam-
initi, & Kalaska, 1984). Thus, it is often suggested that a representation of current
body posture exists in parietal cortex and possibly involves area 5.
However, it has long been acknowledged that the parietal cortex is not simply
a sensory region as originally conceived (Mountcastle, Lynch, Georgopoulos, Sakata,
& Acuna, 1975). During voluntary movements, many area 5 cells respond before
the onset of movement (Burbaud, Doegle, Gross, & Bioulac, 1991) and this response
has been shown to be central in origin (Bioulac & Lamarre, 1979; Burbaud, Gross,
& Bioulac, 1985). Several recent neurophysiological studies suggest that activity in
the parietal cortex is strongly related to the intended movement (Bracewell, Mazzoni,
Barash, & Andersen, 1996; Mazzoni, Bracewell, Barash, & Andersen, 1996; Snyder,
Batista, & Andersen, 1997; Snyder, Batista, & Andersen, 2000). Neglect studies
show that the parietal lobe plays a role in some aspects of motor preparation (Driver
& Mattingley, 1998; Husain, Mattingley, Rorden, Kennard, & Driver, 2000). The
dorsal visual stream, originally conceived as specialized for spatial vision (Unger-
leider & Mishkin, 1982), is being reconsidered as a system for visuomotor guidance
(Goodale & Milner, 1992; Milner & Goodale, 1995). All of these results are con-
sistent with the proposal that early movement planning occurs in the parietal lobes,
and some of this may involve the construction of representations functionally equiv-
alent to the PPV and DV of the FAVITE model.
While the activity of many cells in area 5 reflects position, the movement-time
activity of many variational neurons reflects the difference between the final and
initial positions, like a DV (Lacquaniti, Guigon, Bianchi, Ferraina, & Caminiti,
1995). Further supporting the hypothesis of a DV, many cells in area 5 predict the
intended movement direction during an instructed-delay period (Crammond &
Kalaska, 1989), even after a monkey is instructed to make no movement at all
(Kalaska & Crammond, 1995). Furthermore, as a population, area 5 cells are insen-
sitive to external loads (Kalaska, Cohen, Prudhomme, & Hyde, 1990; Kalaska &
Hyde, 1985), just as one would expect of kinematic position (PPV) and intended
direction (DV) representations.
On both anatomical and physiological grounds, several authors have suggested
that area 5 should be divided into anterior and posterior sub-regions (Burbaud,
Doegle, Gross, & Bioulac, 1991; Johnson, Ferraina, Bianchi, & Caminiti, 1996).
Anterior area 5 projects to the more caudal pre-central areas, while posterior area 5
cells project to more rostral regions such as rostral area 4 and area 6 (Johnson,
Ferraina, Bianchi, & Caminiti, 1996; Johnson, Ferraina, & Caminiti, 1993; Jones,
Coulter, & Hendry, 1978; Strick & Kim, 1978; Zarzecki, Strick, & Asanuma, 1978).
The basic anatomical organization is a nested loop structure, in which cells on
opposite sides of the central sulcus have similar response properties and are recip-
rocally connected (Johnson, Ferraina, Bianchi, & Caminiti, 1996; Pandya &
Kuypers, 1969). The cells closer to the central sulcus (area 4 and anterior area 5)
tend to be more tonic and more related to limb position, while cells further out from
the central sulcus (rostral area 4 and posterior area 5) tend to be more phasic and
related to direction (Johnson, Ferraina, Bianchi, & Caminiti, 1996). Thus, we pro-
posed that the PPV resides among tonic, position-related cells in anterior area 5,
which are reciprocally connected (perhaps polysynaptically) with tonic cells in area
4 (OPV). We also proposed that the DV resides among phasic, direction-related,
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primable cells in posterior area 5, which are connected with phasic movement-time
cells in area 4 (DVV) (see Figure 11.1).
These proposals predict that during voluntary movements, posterior area 5 cells
should become active first (because the DV is the first to receive the new target
information), followed by area 4 cells (which implement the shift of the descending
command toward the target), followed by anterior area 5 cells (which reflect the
changing position of the limb). This order of events has been observed by Burbaud
et al. (1991). Total deafferentation of the forelimb does not eliminate early changes
in area 5 occurring before movement onset (possibly related to DV computation),
but suppresses late neural changes in area 5 (Bioulac & Lamarre, 1979).
If a movement is obstructed, the activities of both PPV and DV populations
should maintain a nearly constant level of activity, while the obstruction keeps the
limb stationary. This was demonstrated by Evarts and Fromm (1981) in a paradigm
in which a voluntary pronation or supination movement was transiently obstructed.
As predicted for the DV, post-central cell activity remained constant during the
obstruction, and decayed to baseline when the movement was released. That is, at
all times, it signaled the remaining distance between the current hand position and
an intended target. (It should be noted, however, that the example cell from Figure 8
of Evarts and Fromm [1981] was found in the region between areas 2 and 5, and it
is not known whether similar cells exist in the more posterior part of area 5, where
we would expect to find a DV representation).
In summary, there is good evidence in support of PPV and DV representations
in parietal area 5. Recent studies are, for the most part, consistent with this proposal
and do not force a reformulation of the core themes of the FAVITE model. However,
we should never expect a model to be impervious to conflicting data for too long
that would be unrealistic. Below, I describe data which already reveals important
modifications which must be made to the model. I particularly emphasize a recent
study by Desmurget et al. (1999) involving transcranial magnetic stimulation.


Desmurget et al. (1999) suggested that the posterior parietal cortex is involved in
representing current limb position (PPV) and the difference between that and the
target position (DV). Their conclusion was based on the use of Transcranial Magnetic
Stimulation (TMS) to disrupt a subjects ability to update their control of a reaching
movement to a target that unpredictably jumps during the movement. It was shown
that without TMS stimulation, subjects could reliably and smoothly update their
hand trajectory so as to reach a target which jumped. This suggests the operation
of an online feedback system, similar to the one in the FAVITE model. However,
with stimulation over the medial intraparietal sulcus, subjects did not update their
trajectories and instead reached to the original location of the target. This led
Desmurget et al. to propose that the posterior parietal cortex functions as a neural
comparator to compute the current motor error and allow updating of the muscle
activation pattern (Desmurget, Epstein, Turner, Prablanc, Alexander, & Grafton,
1999, p. 565). This is equivalent to the hypothesis of a DV which continuously
represents the remaining distance and direction to the target, and is used to shift the
descending pre-central command to the muscles, such that the hand is brought toward
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the target (Bullock, Cisek, & Grossberg, 1998). Furthermore, Desmurget et al. also
propose that the posterior parietal cortex can evaluate the current location of the
hand by integrating proprioceptive signals from the somatosensory areas and efferent
copy signals from the motor regions (Desmurget, Epstein, Turner, Prablanc, Alex-
ander, & Grafton, 1999, p. 565). This is equivalent to our suggestion of a PPV
computed from muscle-spindle signals routed through area 2 and efference copy
from area 4 (Bullock, Cisek, & Grossberg, 1998).
However, in addition to providing more indirect evidence for PPV-like and DV-
like computations in posterior parietal cortex, the Desmurget et al. study also points
out that there must be more to the story. In their study, subjects did manage to reach
toward the targets even when TMS was applied to their parietal cortex.* They did
not adjust for target jumps and were quite inaccurate, but the trajectories of their
movements were still oriented in the right general direction and did not suddenly
halt, reverse, or fly off at random angles. If the DV of a FAVITE circuit were suddenly
suppressed or injected with random values, the effect on the trajectory would be
devastating. Can the model be reconciled with these observations?
I believe that there are two possible ways of explaining the data of Desmurget
et al. in the context of the FAVITE model. I describe both of these explanations
below and propose some experiments which can distinguish between them.


One way of explaining the Desmurget et al. results involves the concept of an internal
forward model (Miall & Wolpert, 1996). It has often been suggested that well-
practiced movements are guided primarily by predictive internal estimates (a forward
model) of the state of effectors, and rely less on online feedback (Bhushan &
Shadmehr, 1999; Flanagan & Wing, 1997; Miall & Wolpert, 1996; Wolpert, Ghahr-
amani, & Jordan, 1995). While a reaching movement may initially be slowly guided
through feedback control, over time the proprioceptive signals can be anticipated
and internally generated in advance, turning the system into a feed-forward control-
ler. This is the simplest way in which a control system can avoid the instabilities
associated with long conduction delays, and there is strong evidence that such a
strategy is used by the nervous system (reviewed in Kalaska, Scott, Cisek, & Sergio,
1997). Forward models are often proposed as useful for dealing with the dynamics
of movement, and the cerebellum is often implicated as their substrate (Bullock &
Grossberg, 1991; Ito, 1984; Kawato & Gomi, 1992; Miall & Wolpert, 1996; Vilis
& Hore, 1980). In the FAVITE model, we proposed that the launching and braking
pulses evident in area 4 phasictonic cells are provided by a cerebellar forward
model (Bullock, Cisek, & Grossberg, 1998, p. 52). In addition to that, a forward
model may also be useful for providing a DV for the modulation of the pre-central
descending command, as described below.

* This very important observation led Iacoboni (1999) to conclude that reaching movements are fully
planned before movement onset. However, I believe that this takes the data too far. I question that
conclusion below, and present several alternative hypotheses which are consistent with available data.

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FIGURE 11.2 The kinematic sub-circuit of the FAVITE model, augmented with a forward
model for predicting the DV profile. Lines with arrowheads indicate excitatory connections.
Lines ending in circles indicate inhibitory connections.

In the original implementation of the FAVITE model (Bullock, Cisek, & Gross-
berg, 1998), the only source of directional information for the precentral DVV was
the area 5 DV, generated online using the area 5 PPV. However, suppose that a
second source of directional information comes from a forward model, which has
learned to anticipate the temporal profile of the DV for some reasonably familiar
movement context (Figure 11.2). During performance, the input to the pre-central
DVV may come solely from the forward model, and the parietal DV computation
may only be used when sudden unexpected perturbations (such as a change in target
location) disrupt the course of movement.
Suppose that the transcranial magnetic stimulation used by Desmurget et al.
(1999) disrupted the PPV and DV computations occurring in the parietal cortex.
This means that the forward model has become the only source for guiding move-
ment, and all perturbations, including changes in target location, are ignored. The
accuracy of movement is compromised, but the hand does at least hit the right
ballpark. In other words, one can hypothesize that in addition to an online DV in
area 5, there are other sources of directional information available to update the pre-
central descending command, including perhaps a forward model of the kinematics.
A number of recent studies support the hypothesis that the posterior parietal
cortex is primarily involved in the online guidance of movements using currently
available (and attended) sensory information. During tasks requiring the recalibration
of sensorimotor transformations, whether adapting to displacing prisms (Clower,
Hoffman, Votaw, Faber, Woods, & Alexander, 1996) or to a rotated reference frame
(Ghilardi, Ghez, Dhawan, et al., 2000), positron emission tomography reveals activ-
ity changes in the posterior parietal cortex. Lacquaniti et al. (1997) found increased
activation in the inferior parietal lobule in an immediate-pointing task, as compared
with a task in which pointing movements were made to a previously memorized
location. Consistent with these results, the accuracy of memory-guided saccades is

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disrupted by parietal TMS only when the stimulation occurs during the presentation
of the target and not when it occurs later during the delay (Brandt, Ploner, Meyer,
Leistner, & Villringer, 1998), as if the parietal cortex is primarily used to convert
currently available sensory information into a form useful for movement. A similar
conclusion was reached by Goodale et al. (1994), who found that a patient with
damage in her ventral visual stream was able to scale her grip size to the size of a
target object in real time, but not when a delay was imposed between vision of the
object and onset of the reach. That is, her intact parietal cortex could only use
currently available information for scaling the grip. Rushworth et al. (1997b) found
that a lesion of area 5, area 7b, and medial intraparietal area (MIP) did not strongly
affect well-practiced reaches with the same start and end position (which could be
memorized), but severely impaired reaches made from different starting positions
(which had to be planned each time de novo). All of these results implicate the
posterior parietal cortex in online guidance of movements by current sensory infor-
mation, and suggest that if a forward model is used to control well-practiced move-
ments in a feed-forward manner, then it must reside elsewhere in the brain.


However, still another possibility exists. Suppose that there are separate sub-regions
of the parietal cortex responsible for guiding movement based on visual information
vs. movement based on proprioceptive information. Such regional specialization has
been demonstrated in a lesion study by Rushworth, Nixon, and Passingham (1997a).
These investigators removed areas 5, 7b, and MIP in three monkeys previously
trained to reach for visually presented targets and to reach in the dark for targets
defined by arm position. While the lesion did not disrupt reaching in the light, it
caused a marked inaccuracy when reaching in the dark. Conversely, lesions of areas
7a, 7ab, and LIP (lateral intraparietal area) in three other monkeys disrupted visually-
guided reaching, but not proprioceptively guided reaching in the dark. This led
Rushworth et al. (1997a) to conclude that areas 5/7b/MIP are involved in proprio-
ceptively guided reaching, while areas 7a/7ab/LIP are involved in visually guided
reaching. In terms of the FAVITE model, this translates to separating the TPV, PPV,
and DV of Figure 11.1. into two parallel sub-circuits, each operating in a different
coordinate system, as shown in Figure 11.3.
In Figure 11.3b, the top row of PPV, DV, and TPV populations operate in an
extrinsic coordinate system based on the visual input (indicated by an e suffix),
while the bottom row of PPV, DV, and TPV populations operate in an intrinsic
arm-based coordinate system (indicated by an i suffix) defined by efference copy
and proprioceptive feedback. The upper row might therefore involve the 7a/7ab/LIP
region of Rushworth et al. (1997a), while the lower row may involve area 5/7b/MIP.
Learned coordinate transformations link corresponding representations across the
two levels. The DIRECT model of Bullock et al. (1993) discusses PPV and DV
computations in different reference frames and how transformations between them
can be learned during development. The circuit described here shares many central
elements with that model, the only difference being the addition of the computation
of a DV in intrinsic coordinates based on PPVi and TPVi elements.
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FIGURE 11.3 Unlumping of the PPV, DV, and TPV stages of the FAVITE model into separate
populations operating in different coordinates. (a) Original model, without reference to coor-
dinate systems. (b) Unlumped model. The top row of populations operate in extrinsic spatial
coordinates defined by visual input and the bottom row in intrinsic arm coordinates defined
by efference copy and proprioceptive feedback. Thick arrows indicate learned coordinate

The extrinsic PPV (PPVe) can be computed in one of two ways: either using
visual feedback of the hand, if that is available, or otherwise through a transformation
of the PPV in intrinsic coordinates (PPVi). The DV in intrinsic coordinates (DVi)
can also be computed in one of two ways: either through a transformation of the
extrinsic DV (DVe), if available, or otherwise by subtracting the PPVi from a motor
TPVi. In each case, the computation based on visual information takes precedence
over the computation using proprioceptive intrinsic coordinate signals.
Visual presentation of a target activates the TPVe population and visual feedback
of the position of the hand activates the PPVe. With these two sources of input, the
DVe can be computed in extrinsic spatial coordinates and transformed into a DVi
in intrinsic arm coordinates, which is then used to update the pre-central descending
command. Note that the DVi is computed based on the available DVe, and not by
subtracting the PPVi from the TPVi. Thus, during reaching movements to visual
targets with full visual feedback of the arm, the PPVi and TPVi populations are not
strongly involved, since the PPVe and TPVe are available. Assuming that the trans-
formation from DVe to DVi is accurate (as it should be after years of practice), such
conditions allow very accurate movement.
When vision of the arm is prevented, the PPVi comes into play. The PPVi is
computed based on efference copy and spindle feedback (as in the original FAVITE
model), and transformed into the PPVe through another well-practiced and accurate
coordinate transformation. Thus, the difference vector is again computed in spatial
coordinates (DVe) and then transformed into intrinsic arm coordinates (DVi). The
reaching movement is less accurate under these conditions, because it relies on an
imperfect estimate of the position computed using efference copy and proprioceptive
Under other conditions, the target may not be defined through the visual modality
at all. Suppose instead that a somatosensory target is presented to the system, as in
the case of scratching an itch. In this case, the TPVi is defined but the TPVe is not, and
so the difference vector computation cannot occur in extrinsic spatial coordinates.

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FIGURE 11.4 Hypothetical explanation of the Desmurget et al. (1999) results. Gray boxes
and arrows are not involved in movement guidance. (a) Movements made without visual
feedback and without TMS involve the computation of the extrinsic DVe using PPVe and
TPVe. (b) Movements made with TMS involve the computation of the DVi directly using
PPVi and TPVi in intrinsic arm coordinates.

Instead, it occurs directly in intrinsic coordinates (DVi) using the available TPVi
and the somatosensory PPVi. In other words, all the activity during proprioceptively
guided movement is confined to the bottom row of the Figure 11.3b circuit.
In summary, the circuit of Figure 11.3b allows very flexible use of various
sources of information regarding current arm position and target location to allow
reaching movements under many different conditions. I introduce it here because it
also provides a functional context for interpreting the results of Desmurget et al., as
discussed below.
In the Desmurget et al. (1999) experiment, there are essentially four cases: 1)
movements to stationary targets without TMS; 2) jumping targets without TMS; 3)
stationary targets with TMS; and 4) jumping targets with TMS. In all of these cases,
the target itself is presented visually, but there is no visual feedback of the moving
hand. Figure 11.4a illustrates what happens in the first two cases. Because the target
is presented visually, it activates the TPVe population. However, since the hand is
out of view, the only position information comes from efference copy and peripheral
feedback, activating the PPVi population. Thanks to a learned transformation, the
PPVi is converted into a PPVe, which then allows the computation of a DVe in
extrinsic spatial coordinates. This is then coverted into a DVi, which controls the
movement. During movement, the DVe is continuously recomputed based on the
current PPVe and TPVe, and thus automatically corrects for target jumps. However,
because the computation of the PPVi is not perfectly accurate, the movement tra-
jectories exhibit some endpoint inaccuracies.
Consider now what happens in the cases with transcranial magnetic stimulation
(Figure 11.4b). When the target is first visually presented at the beginning of a trial,
it activates TPVe, which in turn generates TPVi activity through a learned coordinate

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transformation.* The initial DVe is computed in spatial coordinates based on the
TPVe and PPVe generated from the PPVi, as above, and the movement begins.
Shortly after movement onset, however, stimulation is applied over parietal cortex.
Suppose that the stimulation disrupts the operation of only the spatial
representations i.e., disrupting the upper row of Figure 11.4b (such a localized
effect is plausible given the results of Rushworth et al. (1997a) mentioned above,
who produced just such an effect through localized lesions). That means that the
PPVe, DVe, and TPVe representations are no longer available, and therefore the
movement can now only be guided by the representations in arm coordinates.
Because the TPVe was transformed into a TPVi before the stimulation started, a
target position in intrinsic arm coordinates still exists. Together with the continuously
computed PPVi, the TPVi is used to compute the DVi directly since the DVe is no
longer available. This means that the arm will still be brought into the vicinity of
the target, with some additional inaccuracies due to imperfections of the TPVi
representation. However, because all sources of visual information have now been
blocked, target jumps no longer affect the movement trajectory.
The intact Figure 11.3b circuit also explains some results on the automatic
adjustments found when a target shifts during a reaching movement. Pisella et al.
(2000) showed that normal subjects often could not help automatically adjusting
their movement trajectory to a target jump even if explicitly instructed not to do so.
It appeared that an on-line feedback mechanism automatically recomputed the cur-
rent direction between the hand the target, and the subjects could not always inhibit
this process voluntarily. A patient with a bilateral posterior parietal lesion did not
show corrective movements when instructed not to correct, and showed only the
slowest and deliberate corrections when instructed to correct. Thus, Pisella et al.
concluded that an automatic pilot for guiding reaching movements on-line exists
in the posterior parietal cortex.
In the context of the Figure 11.3b circuit, this is equivalent to the continuous
updating of the DVe population using visual information on the target location
(TPVe), thus automatically adjusting the movement direction. For the parietal patient,
this automatic updating of the extrinsic spatial DV is not available, and so movement
guidance has to use other sources of directional information. However, for this same
reason the parietal patient will not exhibit the automatic adjustments in movement
trajectories seen for the control subjects.
Wolpert, Goodbody, and Husain (1998) describe a patient (P.J.) with a superior
parietal lesion who is unable to maintain an internal estimate of the current position
of her hand without visual feedback. As soon as she loses sight of her hand, she
quickly perceives it to drift and even loses track of it altogether. P.J. is able to
maintain a constant grip force with visual feedback of her performance, but without
such feedback her grip force begins to decay within seconds. She is also more
inaccurate during deliberately slowed movements than during self-paced movements.

* In a system with redundant degrees of freedom, this transformation is non-trivial. Because each extrinsic
target position (TPVe) can be mapped onto many intrinsic target arm configurations (TPVi), the mapping
is ill-posed. To address this difficulty, one might propose that the system simply has one preferred arm
configuration for every extrinsic position.

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From the perspective of the Figure 11.3b circuit, P.J.s deficits may be explained
if one postulates that her lesion impairs the computation and maintenance of the
PPVi representation. Thus, her deficit is not evident when she is provided with
continuous visual feedback that directly activates the spatial PPVe representation
and allows her to estimate her arms position. However, without feedback, her
impaired PPVi will slowly corrupt the PPVe, leading to errors. This causes her to
both misreport her current hand position and to decrease grip force, as all difference
vector computations are compromised. During well-practiced self-paced movements,
she can rely upon predictive forward models to guide the computation of the DVe,
but slow movements without visual feedback are disrupted by online PPVi input
which is compromised.


Above, I described two possible explanations for the results of the Desmurget et al.
(1999) study in the context of the FAVITE model. I will call the first hypothesis the
forward model explanation and the second hypothesis the proprioceptive feedback
explanation. Since both candidate explanations are consistent with available data (at
least to my knowledge), it is necessary to consider ways in which they could be
experimentally distinguished.
One method is to introduce a physical perturbation into voluntary reaching
movements. Suppose that a subject performs point-to-point reaching movements,
without visual feedback of the hand, to stationary targets. During some of the
movements, TMS is applied to the parietal cortex. As in the Desmurget et al. study,
we expect that subjects will be able to complete the reach, albeit with low accuracy,
even with TMS. Suppose, however, that during the movement, the subjects arm is
perturbed in some way perhaps using a temporary (~500 ms) obstruction, an off-
axis load (Krakauer, Ghilardi, & Ghez, 1999), or a robotic manipulandum (Scott,
1999; Shadmehr & Mussa-Ivaldi, 1994). Because the arm is not visible, the only
source of information on the perturbation comes from proprioceptive feedback. The
question now is: does the subject compensate for the perturbation?
Under the assumptions of the forward model explanation, the TMS knocks out
a parietal system for online control; and, therefore, one would predict that the subject
will not compensate for the perturbation. Of course, spinal reflexes and biomechan-
ical properties of muscles and joints will provide some low-level compensation, but
not with the same properties as the entire intact system. That is, it should be possible
to find specific differences between the compensatory actions in the non-TMS vs.
TMS movements, especially with respect to the long-latency components, which
presumably involve cortical control.
In contrast, under the assumptions of the proprioceptive feedback explanation,
parietal TMS only knocks out visually guided online control, but spares the propri-
oceptively guided circuit. Therefore, one would predict that the subject will com-
pensate as before. That is, there should be no differences in either the short- or long-
latency components of the response to the perturbation between the non-TMS and
TMS movements.

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Note, however, that it is possible that both explanations are partly correct. The
online system may indeed be separated into visually and proprioceptively guided
sub-systems, but there may also exist a forward model. Therefore, an absence of
compensation would not preclude the existence of a proprioceptive sub-circuit;
however, it would confirm the existence of a forward model. Likewise, the presence
of compensation would not preclude a forward model, but would confirm a propri-
oceptive subcircuit.
Another way to test the hypothesized circuit in Figure 11.3b is through an
experiment in which visual feedback and proprioceptive feedback are dissociated.
Suppose that a subject performs point-to-point reaching movements using a planar
manipulandum, moving below an opaque surface, upon which their hand location
is projected as a spot of light. During most movements, the spot of light veridically
indicates hand location. During some of the movements, an unpredictable physical
perturbation is applied to the manipulandum and the subject encouraged to compen-
sate. During half of the perturbed trials, visual feedback of the hand location correctly
reflects the direction of the perturbation. During the other half of perturbed trials,
however, the visual feedback indicates the opposite direction of perturbation. For
example, during movements away from the body, the actual perturbation physically
deflects the limb toward the right, but the visual feedback displays a deflection
toward the left. How does the subject compensate? In particular, what is the direction
of the long-latency components of the subjects response?
According to the Figure 11.3b circuit, the compensation of a normal subject
should be appropriate for the visual feedback of the perturbation. That is, the arm
will actually deflect further off the correct path so as to bring the visible spot of
light toward the target. The reason for this would be that the target for movement
is defined in extrinsic visual space (TPVe), and the control is dominated by the
visually-guided subcircuit in the top row of Figure 11.3b, where the representation
of current end-effector position (PPVe) is determined through vision.
However, what would happen if transcranial magnetic stimulation were now
applied to the posterior parietal cortex around the time of the perturbation? Suppose
that, as proposed by the above proprioceptive feedback explanation of the Desmurget
et al. (1999) data, the TMS disrupts only the visual portion of the Figure 11.3b
circuit. In that case, control would now be dominated by the proprioceptively guided
subcircuit in the bottom row of Figure 11.3b, dependent on a proprioceptively
determined estimate of current limb position (PPVi). The resulting compensation
would now be appropriate for the veridical direction of the physical perturbation,
and the subject would correctly reach the target even while their visual feedback
would indicate that they went in the wrong direction. In other words, one would
find opposite directions of compensation for an identical physical perturbation during
TMS and non-TMS trials.
The above proposals are, of course, very skeletal, and a great many details would
need to be worked out to run such experiments. However, even these brief proposals
illustrate some of the issues which arise when a functional model provides some
context to experimental data.
In any case, the above considerations illustrate that it is somewhat premature of
Iacoboni (1999) to conclude on the basis of the Desmurget et al. study that reaching

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movements are fully planned before movement onset. The computation of a motor
command may occur during the execution of movement, even if that computation
is not guided by visual feedback, but by proprioceptive feedback or by a forward
model. A novel visually guided movement may be guided online, using parietal
cortex even if a well-practiced movement can be poorly executed without visual
guidance and with disrupted parietal activity. Of course, these suggestions are quite
general and do not depend upon the particulars of the FAVITE model.

As stated in the introduction, the usefulness of a functional model is that it provides
a pragmatic context for interpreting data. It leads one beyond questions of how
cellular activities co-vary with various movement-related information and toward
questions of how that information is actually used in a mechanism for guiding
movement. There are two reasons why this is important. First, the statement that
some variable affects some pattern of activity is merely an observation and not an
hypothesis. Testing that observation only confirms whether it is accurate, but does
not leave us with an explanation. Second, by considering the pragmatic concerns
facing a system such as the cortical circuits for movement control, one is led toward
those issues which motivated the evolution of that system. Motor control is not about
describing actions but about performing actions, and accuracy of a description does
not always go hand in hand with accuracy of a movement. For example, a veridical
representation of the current position of the limb is not always the most useful
element for a successful control scheme. In the FAVITE model, the gain of peripheral
feedback is deliberately reduced during fast movements in order to avoid the insta-
bilities inherent in a feedback system with conduction delays (Cisek, Grossberg, &
Bullock, 1998). This results in a system that does not represent position accurately,
but performs better than a system which makes veridical position sense a priority.
There are other examples. The Difference Vector is fundamentally a variable
useful for directing movement and determining its completion. In essence, all that
a good DV has to do is point in the right direction and shut off when the hand
reaches the target. The precise representation of distance is of lesser importance, as
long as other (possibly pre-central) mechanisms take care of shaping the speed
profile. This means that the DV can combine other sources of information without
disrupting movement performance, as discussed in the example below.
Consider what happens when several possible targets for a movement are avail-
able. Based on data from the oculomotor system (Glimcher & Sparks, 1992; Platt
& Glimcher, 1997) and the arm movement system (Cisek & Kalaska, 1999), one
can speculate that the brain can begin to prepare several potential directional signals
simultaneously before selecting one to guide overt execution. Kinematic trajectories
of movements made in the presence of distractors support this proposal (Tipper,
Howard, & Houghton, 1998; Tipper, Lortie, & Baylis, 1992). If that is the case, then
how does the brain decide between different actions? One candidate mechanism is
a competition between representations of different movement directions in the pos-
terior parietal cortex. Suppose that different potential movements are represented in
parietal cortex as different DVs, each of which represents direction but not distance.

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If each of these DVs is scaled by various influences such as salience (Colby &
Goldberg, 1999), probability (Platt & Glimcher, 1999), or reward size (Platt &
Glimcher, 1999) then the competition may simply be determined by which DV
has the highest level of activity. If so, then the activity of posterior parietal cells will
not faithfully represent any particular movement-related variable at all, but will
instead reflect a combination of many variables. In other words, parietal activity
will not simply reflect attention (Colby & Goldberg, 1999) or intention (Snyder,
Batista, & Andersen, 2000), but a particular functionally valuable mixture of sensory
variables (i.e., salience), decision variables (i.e., payoff), and motor variables (i.e.,
intended direction).
Of course, functional models risk many pitfalls. First, every phenomenon has
many possible explanations, and even when diverse data is viewed from a unified
perspective there is always room for alternatives. The plausibility of one functional
model does not preclude the plausibility of another, and neither does the absence of
an alternative give support to any existing model. Second and more important,
functional models are inevitably very simplified. Some data is always neglected,
and deciding what to leave out and what to make central to model development is
very precarious. The FAVITE model, for example, is fundamentally based upon a
psychophysically inspired ancestor (Bullock & Grossberg, 1988) with particular
emphasis placed upon cortical neurophysiology of areas 4 and 5 and studies of
human proprioception. Perhaps lesion studies or functional imaging data would have
been a better place to start. That cannot be known until other approaches are taken,
models specified, predictions made, and experiments performed to distinguish alter-
natives. Hopefully, such a process will eventually converge toward some promising

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A Critique of the Pure
12 Feedforward Model
of Touch
Miguel A. L. Nicolelis, Erika Fanselow,
and Craig Henriquez


12.1 Introduction
12.2 The Feedforward Model of Touch
12.3 The Potential Role of Corticothalamic Feedback Projections
in Tactile Information Processing
12.4 Sensory Gating of Neural Responses during Active
Tactile Exploration
12.5 The Computational Argument in Favor of a Recurrent View
of Touch
12.6 Conclusions

For the past five decades, neurophysiological theories aimed at accounting for the
exquisite tactile perceptual capabilities of mammals have been dominated by the view
that the somatosensory system, the network of subcortical and cortical neurons special-
ized in processing somatic information, relies primarily on feedforward (FF) computa-
tions to generate a broad spectrum of sensations (e.g., fine touch, thermo sensation,
pain, etc.).29 Although there are many nuances and variations of this general
model,29,57,78,79,121 for the sake of simplicity, throughout this chapter, we will refer to this
view as the feedforward model of touch. It is important to emphasize at the outset that
the central assumptions made by the proponents of this classical model of touch are
almost identical to those used in an equivalent feedforward model of vision. Conse-
quently, some of the arguments presented here have also appeared in recent studies that
propose interactive models of vision (for a discussion in vision see Reference 20).
The wide acceptance of the FF model of touch can be hardly overstated. One
needs only to inspect the somatosensory chapters of recent medical textbooks to

2002 CRC Press LLC

confirm the popularity of this view. Indeed, if one compares recent reviews on the
somatosensory chapters57,121 with those published a couple of decades ago,29 one
may conclude that either the model has proved to be very accurate or no viable and
credible alternative has been proposed. In reality, both of these conclusions would
be misleading. Since its first introduction in the mid-1950s,78 considerable anatom-
ical, physiological, and behavioral evidence has been put forward to challenge a
pure feedforward view of touch. Accordingly, more than ever, the potential contri-
bution of some of the main building blocks of an FF model of touch, concepts such
as the classic receptive field, feature detectors, independent labeled lines, cortical
columns, and topographic maps, have been the subject of considerable debate.42,75,102
For instance, the discovery, almost two decades ago, that peripheral sensory deaf-
ferentations, alterations in tactile experience, or learning can lead to considerable
plastic reorganization at both cortical and subcortical levels of the adult somatosen-
sory system demonstrated that both receptive fields and somatotopic maps are
adaptive and dynamic entities.60,75
In this chapter, our goal is to present some of the recent evidence indicating
that, despite its fundamental contributions for the field of somatosensory research,
a strict FF view of touch has ceased to be consistent with the available experimental
data. The main message of this chapter, therefore, is that there are many reasons to
argue that an alternative neurophysiological model of tactile perception is sorely
needed. In our view, this new model ought to incorporate the fact that rather than
being a strict feedforward network, the somatosensory system is a vastly recurrent
neural network. At all processing levels of this system, neuronal ensembles receive
the convergence of multiple parallel ascending projections from the periphery
(Figure 12.1), as well as multiple descending feedback pathways, originated in

FIGURE 12.1 (next pg.) (See Color Figure 12.1 in color insert.) Schematic diagram of the
rat trigeminal somatosensory system. Whiskers on the rats snout are labeled according to the
row and column in which they are located. Whisker columns are labeled from 1 to 5, caudal
to rostral, while whisker rows are labeled A to E, dorsal to ventral. Peripheral nerve fibers
innervating single whisker follicles have their cell bodies located in the trigeminal ganglion
(Vg). Here, only the projections from Vg neurons to two main subdivisions of the trigeminal
brainstem complex, the principal trigeminal nucleus (PrV) and the spinal trigeminal nucleus
(SpV), are illustrated. Proponents of the feedforward model of touch usually divide these
projections into rapidly adapting (RA) and slowly adapting (SA) fibers, according to their
physiological responses to tactile stimuli (see text). Each of these categories contains further
subdivisions, which are not described here. Neurons located in these two brainstem nuclei
give rise to parallel excitatory projections to the ventroposterior medial nucleus (VPM) of
the thalamus. Neurons in VPM give rise to projections to layer IV of the primary somatosen-
sory cortex (SI). A collateral of these thalamocortical projections reach the reticular nucleus
(RT), whose neurons provide the main source of GABAergic inhibition to the VPM. Descend-
ing excitatory corticothalamic projections, originating in layer VI of the SI cortex, reach the
VPM and the reticular nucleus of the thalamus (RTn). The assumed topographic arrangement
of these projections in the VPM and the RT are illustrated in the scheme. Feedback corticofugal
projections originated in layer V of the SI cortex also reach the trigeminal brainstem complex,
targeting primarily the SpV subdivision.

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multiple cortical areas.58 The main computational advantage of this architectural
arrangement, we believe, is that instead of having to synthesize a new tactile view
of the world every time new raw tactile information is sampled, as predicted by a
pure FF model, the brain can use previously learned experiences to generate an
internal model of the world.82 This internal model could then be used to generate
expectations and predictions, every time an exploratory tactile behavior is planned.
Through its vast network of corticocortical connections and its massive corticofugal
pathways, the central nervous system could disseminate the expectations and pre-
dictions of its touch model of the world across multiple cortical and subcortical
areas. The interaction between these expectations and the raw tactile information
provided by feedforward pathways may define the computations needed to contin-
uously update this internal model, as well as to allow animals to accurately perceive
the nature of any given tactile stimulus. Thus, we believe that another main mandate
for a new theory of touch is to portray a much more interactive notion of tactile
perception, a portrayal that exhorts the unequivocal inseparability of the somatosen-
sory and the motor systems, which together serve as the true neuronal substrate for
the emergence of the vast repertoire of tactile sensations.
A new theory of touch must also incorporate the fact that learning is the driving
force of ones ability to continuously perceive old and novel tactile stimuli. Without
the accumulation of past experiences through learning, the brain cannot define or
refine its internal tactile model of the world throughout life. A distinction between
the classical FF view of touch and the alternative model that we propose here is
that, while learning can occur in the former, experience-induced learning plays an
active role in perception in the latter.
Finally, in our recurrent and adaptive view of touch, there is no need for an
explicit readout structure, a decoder, or a binding mechanism. The dynamic behavior
and the learning rules applied by the system account for all these functions. In other
words, we propose that through its distributed and dynamic interactions, the soma-
tosensory system can use the result of previous tactile experience to interpret new
tactile input conveyed by the feedforward somatosensory pathways, and create a
unified perceptual experience through an interactive process. This solution is
achieved by the entire system, with no single structure playing the sole role of the
decoder. If one accepts this notion, and the assumption that neuronal ensembles, at
different locations of the system, are capable of processing multiple features of the
incoming tactile signals, it becomes clear that there is no binding problem to be
solved in this model out of touch. Simply put, there is no need to bind something
that has not been broken to start with.
As one would expect, the search for an alternative model of touch is a work in
progress. We are the first to recognize that the alternative view presented here will
need more time and experimental data to mature into a more definitive theory.
However, we are convinced that there is considerable experimental evidence today
to mount a vigorous challenge to the classic model of touch. Our objective, therefore,
is to initiate the discussion that eventually will lead to the formulation of a new
theory of touch. Here, our arguments in favor of a new model focus on two well-
established properties of the somatosensory system, one anatomical and one phys-
iological, that cannot be reconciled by a feedforward account of somatesthesia. In

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addition, we incorporate into our arguments computational principles derived from
research on artificial neural networks, which suggest that recurrent somatosensory
networks are more effective than feedforward models in learning and classifying
new tactile experiences. These arguments have been advanced by computational
neuroscientists who have argued convincingly against a pure feedforward model of
perception for many years.45,47,48,80-82 The common theme of these new models is
that perception results from an interactive process, which involves the dynamic
interplay of both bottomup and topdown systems. This process requires a neuronal
system endowed with a lifelong ability to learn and use past experiences to define
expectations and predictions that can be tested during the process of interpreting a
novel tactile encounter.
Our anatomical argument against the classic model of touch is the presence of
dense and widespread cortical feedback (CFB) projections, which target all cortical
and subcortical relays of the somatosensory system. In every sensory system, in all
mammalian species that have been surveyed, CFB projections are denser than FF
pathways that convey information from the periphery to the neocortex. Although,
in this chapter, we focus our arguments primarily on the potential role of corticofugal
projections that target subcortical somatosensory structures, such as the brainstem
and thalamic nuclei, it is important to emphasize that a more realistic model of touch
has to take into account the fact that somatosensory, as well as motor, and association
cortical areas also give rise to corticocortical feedback projections.
Recent neurophysiological data obtained in the somatosensory, visual, and audi-
tory systems clearly indicate that corticocortical, corticothalamic, and corticobulbar
feedback projections can alter the sensory responses of cortical and subcortical
neurons (for a review see Reference 40) that receive FF afferents from the periphery.
These corticothalamic projections are invariably organized in a topographic manner,
and tend to reach broader territories than their FF counterparts. Consequently, their
modulatory effects can include much larger brain territories.
Research on artificial neural networks has suggested that the presence of wide-
spread CFB projections could endow sensory systems with the capability of employ-
ing the results of previous experiences to process new incoming sensory informa-
tion.47 This would be accomplished through dynamic interactions between CFB and
FF projections that reciprocally connect populations of cortical and thalamic neu-
rons. In this scenario, descending corticofugal projections allow the implementation
of more robust learning algorithms47 than those that can be implemented in a multi-
layer FF neural network.65 Yet, to date, corticofugal projections have never found a
position of relevance in the classic theory of touch. This omission is particularly
surprising when one realizes that most theories of pain perception, a particular type
of somatic sensation, propose a central role for topdown influences, which are
mediated by descending projections. These descending projections, which originate
at many levels of the neuroaxis, are known to modulate the processing and trans-
mission of nociceptive information at all intermediary relays of the spinothalamic
pathway, the subdivision of the somatosensory system that is specialized in signaling
the presence, location, and nature of noxious stimuli.35 It is our contention that rather
than constituting an exception, the role played by descending projections in pain
perception depicts a ubiquitous computational principle of sensory information pro-

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cessing in the mammalian brain. We believe that this principle is likely to be a
general property of all mammalian sensory systems.
The physiological argument against a pure FF model of touch is based on an
extensive list of experiments that have demonstrated that the tactile responses of
cortical and subcortical neurons vary significantly with the behavioral state of the
animal. Thus, as animals engage in active tactile exploration, one can observe a
remarkable modulation of the tactile responses of neurons distributed across all
subcortical and cortical relays of the somatosensory system.13 Behaviorally, this
modulation of tactile responses is paralleled by changes in tactile discrimination
thresholds, which modify the ability of subjects to respond to tactile input during
an exploratory behavior.11 This phenomenon, which has been observed in rodents,
primates and human subjects, is usually referred to as sensory gating. Although the
particular circuit mechanisms involved in sensory gating remain issues of debate,
considerable evidence supports the hypothesis that this phenomenon is mediated
centrally, and as such, it illustrates how topdown influences may play as funda-
mental a role in touch perception as feedforward processing. Indeed, on a closer
examination, our anatomical (the presence of cortical feedback projections) and
physiological (the existence of behaviorally dependent modulation of tactile
responses) arguments against the pure FF model of touch are closely related. As it
is described below, indirect experimental evidence has implicated CFB projections
as the potential anatomical substrate for the occurrence of sensory gating at both
cortical and subcortical levels of the somatosensory system.
Before describing arguments in more detail it seems appropriate to present a
brief summary of the classic feedforward theory of touch. Due to space limitations,
it is impossible to list and discuss all arguments in favor of this view. In fact, one
should take the following description as a very broad and succinct account of a
model that has been built by the contributions of many investigators. Again, we also
would like to emphasize that this model has served as a powerful intellectual
framework for the study of the somatosensory system.


Like its counterpart model of vision, the feedforward model of touch has its origins
in research conducted during a period that led to fundamental discoveries in sensory
physiology.78,79 At the time of the models conception, sensory physiology was swept
by a revolutionary experimental paradigm: the single neuron recording. By taking
advantage of the ability to record extracellular activity of a single neuron, in both
anesthetized and awake animals, sensory neurophysiologists began to build what
continues to be the most accepted theory of how the mammalian somatosensory
system operates. What follows is a brief account of this model. For a more thorough
account, see the review by Dykes.29 As expected, the main assumptions of this model
clearly reflect the main neurophysiological approach used at the time the model was
first conceived. Thus, in most accounts of the FF model of touch, the functional unit
of computation is the single neuron, which is invariably described as a feature
extractor, i.e., an element that is narrowly tuned to respond to a single feature (or a
restricted set of features) of a tactile stimulus.

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The central argument of the FF model of touch revolves around the well-known
fact that the somatosensory system contains parallel, feedforward pathways that
connect peripheral tactile receptors located throughout the body to the neocortex.
These pathways carry information generated from a broad range of peripheral recep-
tors, which are responsible for transducing different types of energies (mechanical,
thermal, and chemical) that impact the body surface or are generated within the
body (by proprioreceptors) into trains of action potentials. According to the FF
model of touch, the role of these specialized peripheral receptors is to decompose
complex tactile stimuli into their primary features. This feature decomposition is
carried out by the differential tuning properties of a large variety of specialized
mechanical, thermal, nociceptive, polimodal, and deep receptors (also known as
proprioceptors) that send their outputs to the CNS through parallel ascending soma-
tosensory pathways. Following a series of synapses in highly segregated subregions
of the spinal cord, brainstem, and thalamus, these parallel streams of information
terminate in the primary somatosensory cortex.62
The most extreme version of the FF model purports that each group of nerve
fibers carrying the output of a particular class of somatosensory receptors defines
an independent, feedforward labeled-line that faithfully conveys specific tactile
information all the way to the neocortex.29,122 Thus, in addition to the well-accepted
segregation between the dorsal-column/medial lemniscal system, which is special-
ized in conveying information from low threshold mechanoreceptors and proprio-
ceptors, and the spinothalamic tract, which carries information from high-threshold
mechanoreceptors, thermoreceptors, and nociceptors, some authors have proposed
the existence of independent and parallel ascending streams that originate from
different populations of rapidly or slowly adapting mechanoreceptors and terminate
in the primary somatosensory cortex.29
Support for the view that these highly specialized parallel streams of tactile
information underscore the existence of a strict labeled-line coding scheme comes
from a variety of experimental observations. Implicit to this model is the assump-
tion that local circuits within the intermediary relays of the somatosensory path-
ways, (the spinal cord, and several nuclei in the brainstem and thalamus) contribute
little to the processing of ascending neuronal signals generated in the cutaneous
periphery. According to this view, the main function of all subcortical relays of
the somatosensory system is to faithfully transmit information sampled in the
bodys periphery to the neocortex, where all computations required for the emer-
gence of a perceptual experience should take place. Thus, for the supporters of
the FF model of touch, the observation of rapidly adapting (RA) or slowly adapting
(SA) neuronal responses in the brainstem, thalamus, or even in the primary soma-
tosensory cortex, is taken as direct evidence for the existence of segregated feed-
forward RA and SA pathways. Following this observation, the adaptation proper-
ties of central neurons should indicate whether they belong to either RA or SA
pathways, which have their origins in the RA and SA fibers that innervate low-
threshold mechanoreceptors in the animals skin. Indeed, strict anatomical and
physiological segregation schemes for RA and SA neurons have been proposed
to exist in layer IV of area 3b of the primary somatosensory cortex of at least one
primate species.118

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The second important experimental observation commonly used to support the
perceptual relevance of an FF model of touch is the finding that microstimulation
of individual peripheral nerve fibers that innervate some classes of mechanoreceptors
in humans can elicit distinct tactile perceptual experiences, which are often referred
to as elementary sensations.122 These well-localized tactile sensations are experi-
enced by subjects once the electrical stimulation of a given peripheral fiber reaches
a critical threshold level. Electrical stimulation of single Meissner and Pacini units
(i.e., fibers that innervate rapidly adapting mechanoreceptors) typically elicit a sen-
sation of vibration, whereas similar stimulation of Merkel units (innervating a slowly
adapting mechanoreceptor) can produce a sensation of sustained touch or pressure.
Parametrical increase in the electrical stimulus intensity is often followed by the
report of additional tactile sensations by the subject, since more and more tactile
fibers are recruited by a stronger stimulus.56 Indeed, further increase in stimulus
intensity can lead to paresthesias and even pain, likely because of recruitment of
nociceptive fibers.
Additional experimental evidence clearly highlights the limits to which one can
employ the findings described in the previous paragraph to support a strict FF view
of the somatosensory system. First, no study to date has demonstrated the existence
of a natural tactile stimulus capable of selectively activating either RA or SA
mechanoreceptors. Instead, what is observed in reality is that both classes of mech-
anoreceptors tend to respond to commonly used tactile stimuli, particularly when
there is relative motion between the manipulandum and the skin surface. Second,
the assumption that local circuits, at each relay station of the somatosensory, are
incapable of altering incoming afferent signals is clearly not supported by the
experimental evidence. To disprove this rather simplistic assumption, one needs only
to point out that reduction in local inhibitory feedback, such as obtained by local
infusion of GABA antagonists, leads to significant physiological changes in cortical
and subcortical somatosensory neurons,66 which include changes in firing properties,
such as response adaptation, and enlargement of neuronal receptive fields. In fact,
local changes in the inhibitory tone or even in afferent-driven inhibition are believed
to in part account for immediate receptive field reorganization that can be induced
in the brainstem, thalamus, and cortex following a peripheral deafferentation.33 Thus,
one can argue that the interplay of multiple local and extrinsic afferents that converge
on brainstem, thalamic, and cortical neurons, as well as the peculiar intrinsic bio-
physical properties of these somatosensory neurons, are likely to influence the firing
adaptation properties of these cells. We conclude that the presence of RA (phasic)
and SA (tonic) tactile responses across the somatosensory pathway cannot be used
as the sole criterion to infer that there are segregated feedforward labeled lines
originating from each of the categories of mechanoreceptors. Phasic (RA) tactile
responses are much more commonly encountered in central relays of the somatosen-
sory system (ranging from 60 to 95% of the neurons) than in peripheral somatosen-
sory fibers (62 to 71% of the single first order fibers).29 Moreover, RA neurons are
also more often identified than SA neurons in the central nervous system.29 Since
the disparity in the frequency of RA and SA neurons along the somatosensory system
is usually higher than that observed in peripheral nerves, one can argue that local
circuit interactions, such as the ones provided by local inhibitory feedback, may

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play a role in converting some of the original SA afferent signals into RA neuronal
The nature of ascending somatosensory responses may also be altered by other
modulatory pathways, such as the noradrenergic, serotoninergic, and cholinergic
afferents that converge at each relay station of the somatosensory system. It is also
likely that cortical feedback projections (see below) could contribute for the trans-
formation of SA into RA responses in subcortical structures simply by modulating
the inhibitory tonus provided by local interneurons.
As mentioned above, the elegant results from the microneurography studies in
humans have often been used as the most decisive evidence in favor of the labeled-
line coding scheme of touch. However, though they may look compelling at first
glance, there are several caveats that diminish their relevance as evidence in favor
of a pure feedforward theory of touch. First of all, it is not surprising that stimulation
of somatosensory fibers leads to some type of tactile sensation. The key question is
whether the elementary sensations reported in these studies bear any resemblance
to the actual percepts experienced by subjects engaged in active tactile discrimination
tasks. Thus, the first concern one may have in interpreting the evidence generated
in these experiments is the validity of using such an artificial stimulus (electrical
microstimulation of single fibers) to categorize the perceptual capabilities of human
subjects. It is safe to say that the human somatosensory system did not evolve to
experience a single fiber stimulus and, as a consequence, the perceptual experiences
elicited by such an uncommon stimulus should be far from the norm. The experi-
mental evidence actually supports this prediction.121 At a critical level of microstim-
ulation that presumptively activates only one tactile fiber, subjects report feeling a
well localized tactile sensation, which resembles the original receptive field of the
stimulated fiber. However, the same subjects often report that during this single-
fiber stimulation they experience an odd, almost exotic mechanical sensation, which
seems very unusual to them.121 Indeed, these subjects cannot relate this sensation to
any real mechanical stimulus that they normally experience in real life.121 Subjective
accounts like these support the observation that no natural tactile stimulus known
to somatosensory physiologists is capable of selectively activating just a subpopu-
lation of cutaneous mechanoreceptors, let alone a single somatosensory fiber. This
is an important issue, particularly if one realizes that only a fraction of the single
fibers that are stimulated electrically can elicit very distinct perceptual experiences.121
Indeed, stimulation of a considerable number of Ruffini units and even a subpopu-
lation of Meissner, Merkel, and Pacini units produces no elementary tactile sensa-
tions whatsoever. Although the relevance of these negative results have been down-
played over the years, one only needs to examine them under a different framework
to find support for the view that normal tactile perception emerges not by the
transmission along a labeled line but rather through the integration across multiple
ascending, as well as descending pathways. The fact that the elementary sensations
produced by microstimulation of individual mechanoreceptor fibers are rather simple
and unusual clearly distinguishes them from the type of complex, but familiar, types
of tactile perceptual experiences that subjects experience when faced with real life
tactile stimuli.

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Another important point that is often neglected is the fact that the elementary
sensations reported in the microstimulation studies result from a passive delivery of
the tactile stimulus. Although this is not an issue for most proponents of the FF
model of touch, those who defend a more interactive model of tactile perception
would emphasize the integral role active movement contributes to the emergence of
tactile percepts. Ethological evidence supports the notion that natural tactile percep-
tion emerges as the result of active exploration, which normally requires the engage-
ment of the cutaneous periphery in manipulative behaviors that allow animals to
actively scan the attributes of tangible objects. Although animals can perceive stimuli
passively delivered to tactile organs, it is known that tactile discrimination occurs
through the use of stereotyped behaviors, such as hand movements in primates and
whisking in rodents. Since movement is known to modulate the activity of soma-
tosensory neurons at all levels of the neuroaxis (see below), one would predict that
engagement in an active tactile discrimination task would likely change the nature
of the elementary sensations produced by microstimulation of single afferent fibers.
In summary, even though one cannot deny the fact that electrical stimulation of
individual somatosensory fibers elicits a conscious experience that can be described
as an elementary tactile sensation, the role of these sensations in generating normal
tactile percepts is far from clear. Certainly, viewed under the prism that we favor,
the occurrence of the production of elementary tactile sensations by microstimulation
of single peripheral tactile fibers sheds little light on whether labeled lines really
play the dominant role in normal tactile perception that the proponents of the FF
model of touch have postulated.
On their way to the neocortex, somatosensory pathways make synapses in a
series of subcortical nuclei in the spinal cord, brainstem, and thalamus.62 In each of
these intermediary relays, as well as in the somatosensory cortex, one can readily
identify a topographic representation of the animals body surface. An important
feature of these maps is that they are somewhat distorted, since more neuronal tissue
is used to represent body regions with high densities of low-threshold mechanore-
ceptors (such as the hand in humans and non-human primates, and the whiskers in
rodents). In each species, the distortion of these somatotopic representations also
reflects the fact that body regions with high densities of mechanoreceptors invariably
constitute the most important tactile organ used by animals for active tactile dis-
crimination (e.g., hands and peri-oral regions in primates, whiskers in rodents, etc.).
Although one cannot deny the conspicuous presence of topographic maps of the
body surface in every mammalian species, the precise role of topography in tactile
perception is still open for debate.102 Indeed, the formulation of the main tenants of
the FF theory of touch precedes the discovery, two decades later, that these maps
are highly dynamic structures that can undergo considerable plastic reorganization
throughout life.59 The plastic potential of both cortical and subcortical representa-
tions in the adult somatosensory system, which was not predicted by the FF model
of touch, can no longer be ignored by any model of touch. This omission is partic-
ularly egregious if one takes into account new experimental evidence suggesting
that plastic reorganization of cortical and thalamic maps, following limb amputation
in humans, may account for the occurrence of a vivid tactile illusion known as
phantom limb sensation.103 In its most perverse and paradoxical form, this phantom

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limb sensation can be accompanied by excruciating chronic pain in a part of the
body that no longer exists.63 While information about location of a tactile stimulus
could be coded and read out by stacks of topographic maps, it is important to
emphasize that the lack of a precise somatotopic representation does not preclude
information about stimulus location being extracted from populations of neurons
located in a cortical area. For example, recent multi-electrode recordings in primates
have revealed that information about stimulus location can be readily extracted, on
a single-trial basis, from ensembles of neurons located in the secondary somatosen-
sory cortex (SII) and area 2 of the parietal cortex, two regions in which one observes
much less well-defined topographic maps than in the primary somatosensory (SI)
cortex.92 Interestingly, due to a degree of overlap in the timing of SI, SII, and area
2 tactile responses, stimulus location could be derived almost simultaneously in all
three cortical areas. In other words, the location of a tactile stimulus can be resolved
by populations of somatosensory neurons, which define highly distributed represen-
We believe that in the process of defining a new theory of touch, the potential
physiological role of somatotopic maps in general, as well as other modular neuronal
structures, such as the barrels, barreloids, and barrelets that are observed throughout
the trigeminal system of rodents, will have to be revisited. We tend to favor the
notion that topographic maps primarily reflect the result of the self-organizing
process that is responsible for wiring up the somatosensory system during early
stages of development. Thus, although somatotopic representations may impose
important constraints on the type of dynamic interactions and encoding schemes
that can be implemented at certain levels of the somatosensory system, they do not
necessarily preclude the existence of other representation schemes, even at the level
of the thalamus and primary SI cortex. Recent experimental evidence suggests that
the temporal domain of tactile neuronal responses, synchronous firing, and correlated
neuronal activity could also play a role in tactile information processing38,85 that is
independent of the topographic relationships.


The FF model of touch completely ignores the fact that, like all other mammalian
sensory systems, the somatosensory system also contains massive corticocortical
and corticofugal feedback projections. For instance, in primates, feedforward soma-
tosensory pathways terminate in four distinct somatosensory areas located in the
anterior parietal cortex (areas 3a, 3b, 1, and 2). These areas are connected through
feedforward corticocortical projections. Projections from the anterior parietal cortex
also reach motor cortical areas in the frontal lobe, the secondary somatosensory
cortex, and the somatosensory and multi-modal cortical areas of the posterior parietal
cortex.61 What is often ignored in any model of touch is that cortical neurons located
in frontal motor areas and in the posterior somatosensory areas give rise to massive
corticocortical feedback projections that target somatosensory fields in the anterior

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parietal cortex. Anterior parietal areas are also reciprocally connected through feedfor-
ward and feedback projections. In addition, corticofugal projections which originate in
the infragranular layers of the primary and higher order somatosensory cortical areas
project to all intermediary subcortical relays (i.e., spinal cord, brainstem, and tha-
lamic nuclei) of the somatosensory system.61 Indeed, once the full domain of these
feedback projections is considered, the somatosensory system can only be defined
as a highly recurrent network, in which multiple feedback projections are intertwined
with several parallel feedforward pathways.
The importance of these corticofugal projections to any neurophysiological
model of touch can be illustrated by a brief description of the anatomical organization
and the physiological effects mediated by these pathways. Recently, the anatomical
organization of corticothalamic projections has been investigated in great detail in
rodents. As in every other mammalian species,1,4,27,110 feedback projections from
several somatosensory (e.g., SI, SII, PV, etc.) cortical areas 7,19 converge on neurons
located in primary and secondary thalamic nuclei (e.g., VPM, POM, and ZI) of the
trigeminal system of rodents. Studies in mice51,53 and rats7,26 have shown that these
corticothalamic projections terminate primarily in the distal dendrites of these tha-
lamic neurons.100 In the case of the ventral posterior medial (VPM) nucleus, the
primary thalamic relay of the trigeminal system, these corticothalamic projections
are organized in a topographic manner7,27,51,130 (see Figure 12.1). In this arrangement,
corticothalamic projections originating from layer VI neurons, which are located
under a particular cortical barrel127 (e.g., barrel D1 in layer IV), terminate on thalamic
neurons located across the thalamic barreloids 123 that define the representation of
a whisker arc or column (e.g., barreloids A1, B1, C1, D1, and E1) in the VPM (see
Figure 12.1). Corticothalamic projections from layer VI also reach the reticular
nucleus (RT) of the thalamus,98,100 the main source of GABAergic inhibition in the
rat VPM.99 These cortical-RT projections are also organized in a topographic arrange-
ment, which seem to be orthogonal to that observed in the VPM nucleus.51,52 Thus,
axons from layer VI neurons located under a given cortical barrel (e.g., C1) target
neurons located across the representation of a whisker row (e.g., C1, C2, C3, and
C4) in the RT nucleus.51,52 Neurons located in secondary somatosensory thalamic
nuclei, such as the posterior medial nucleus (POM), also receive corticothalamic
terminals,51,53 albeit these are primarily derived from pyramidal neurons located in
layer V of the somatosensory cortex. The morphology of corticothalamic terminals
also varies according to whether they terminate in the primary (e.g., VPM) or
secondary thalamic relay (e.g., POM).52,53
Physiological studies have shown that corticothalamic projections are primarily
excitatory and likely employ glutamate as their main neurotransmitter.119,120 The
glutamate released from these corticothalamic terminals acts on NMDA, AMPA,
and metabotropic receptors located in the distal dendrites of thalamic neurons.73,105,120
Activation of NMDA, AMPA, and metabotropic receptors by in vitro stimulation of
corticothalamic axons produces long-lasting, slow-rising EPSPs in the thala-
mus.106,119 Based on some of these findings, corticothalamic-mediated activation of
metabotropic receptors has been suggested to produce the modulation of neuronal
firing in the VPM nucleus.106,119 For instance, it is conceivable that the slowly rising
depolarization produced by activation of corticothalamic projections could allow

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thalamic neurons to reach firing threshold in the presence of subthreshold synaptic
input. In addition, corticothalamic afferents could also contribute to the slow activation
of a low-threshold calcium conductance that underlies the production of bursts of
action potentials by thalamic neurons.110
Despite a wealth of anatomical, pharmacological, and in vitro physiological
information, the role played by corticothalamic projections in tactile information
processing has remained elusive. For instance, penicillin-induced epileptic discharge
in the cat somatosensory cortex96 and cortical spreading depression in the rat cortex2
were found to induce a depression of sensory evoked responses in the thalamus. In
another series of experiments, carried out in both anesthetized and awake prepara-
tions, Yuan et al.128,129 reported that lidocaine-induced inactivation of SI cortex
resulted in reduced thalamic responses to electrocutaneous stimulation without any
effect on the spontaneous activity, stimulus threshold, response latency, and receptive
fields of the same thalamic neurons. Other studies, however, have reported a facil-
itatory influence of SI cortex on evoked thalamic discharges3,4 using cortical spread-
ing depression125 or electrical stimulation.5
It is likely that part of the confusion in the literature arises because corticotha-
lamic pathways can mediate both a monosynaptic excitatory and a dysynaptic inhib-
itory (via RT nucleus) postsynaptic potential in the thalamus. Thus, depending on
how the cortex is stimulated or blocked, a variety of facilitatory and inhibitory
response effects could be induced in the thalamus. Thus, by microstimulation of
small territories of the SI cortex, Shin and Chapin115 described a range of thalamic
effects, in addition to an overall suppressive influence of thalamic sensory responses,
that depended upon the topographic location of neurons in the ventral posterior
nucleus of the thalamus.
In our hands, pharmacological block of SI cortical activity by focal infusion of
the GABAA agonist muscimol, and consequent silencing of pools of cortical neurons
that give rise to corticofugal projections to the thalamus and brainstem, produced a
series of physiological effects in the rat VPM.66 First, we observed that blocking
cortical activity altered both the short- and long-latency components of the tactile
responses of VPM neurons. The end result of these modifications was the demon-
stration that corticofugal projections contribute to the definition of the complex
spatiotemporal structure66 of the RFs of VPM neurons. These results were obtained
by using traditional single-whisker stimuli. When more complex tactile stimuli were
used in our experiments, we observed that the ability of VPM neurons to integrate
complex tactile stimuli (e.g., multi-whisker deflections) in a non-linear way was
also significantly reduced by a pharmacological block of cortical activity. Both supra-
and sub-linear summation of multi-whisker stimuli 41 was reduced in these experi-
ments.39 Overall, these findings not only support the hypothesis that corticothalamic
projections may mediate both facilitatory and suppressing effects on thalamic neu-
rons, but they also suggest that the action of these corticofugal projections may also
depend on the type of tactile stimulus provided to the somatosensory system. As we
will see below, there is indirect evidence that the physiological contribution of these
descending pathways to tactile information processing may also depend on the
behavioral state of the animal.

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Further evidence for the functional relevance of corticofugal projections in the
rat somatosensory system was obtained in studies carried out in our laboratory to
evaluate the contribution of corticofugal projections to the ability of subcortical
neurons to express unmasking of novel tactile responses following a peripheral
deafferentation.66 This reorganization process, which we dubbed immediate or acute
plasticity, is known to trigger a system-wide reorganization of the somatotopic maps
located at cortical, thalamic, and brainstem levels.33 The most conspicuous effect of
this immediate reorganization is the shifting of receptive fields of individual neurons
away from the deafferented region due to the unmasking of neuronal tactile responses
that were not present before the peripheral block. Interestingly, such unmasking
tends to occur almost simultaneously in the brainstem, thalamus, and cortex.33 In a
recent series of experiments, we observed that blocking of neuronal activity in the
infragranular layers of the SI cortex, a procedure that silences the projecting neurons
that give rise to corticobulbar and corticothalamic feedback projections, reduces by
almost 50% the number of VPM thalamic neurons that exhibit unmasking of tactile
responses following a partial and reversible peripheral deafferentation.66 Although
plastic reorganization in the VPM nucleus is still observed after cortical inactivation,
its spatial extent is reduced significantly. These findings have been confirmed and
extended further by the recent demonstration that the immediate, but not the late
phase of plastic reorganization in the ventral posterior lateral nucleus (the thalamic
relay for somatosensory fibers from the rest of the body), are reduced or eliminated
by removal of corticofugal projections.97
Hebbian-based rules of synaptic plasticity have been proposed to account for
the occurrence of adult sensory plasticity in a feedforward model of touch.76 Despite
this addition, a strict feedforward view is clearly at odds with the evidence impli-
cating cortical feedback projections in the early stages of thalamic plasticity. Thus,
the available empirical evidence seems to indicate that any attempt to apply a pure
FF model of the somatosensory system to account for the phenomenon of adult
plasticity will be short lived.
Further support for the functional relevance of descending corticofugal projec-
tions comes from the observation that these projections have been demonstrated to
affect the physiological properties of several other subcortical relays of the soma-
tosensory system. For instance, block of neuronal activity in the SI cortex has been
reported to eliminate most of the tactile responses of neurons located in the POM
nucleus of the thalamus.28 In addition, corticobulbar projections have also been
shown to influence the physiological properties of neurons located in the brainstem
nuclei that relay ascending somatosensory information to the thalamus.55 For
instance, removal of corticofugal projections in rats increases the responsiveness of
neurons in spinal trigeminal brainstem complex to whisker stimuli.55
Overall, the results reviewed above make a compelling case for the need to
incorporate recurrent corticofugal projections as an integral part of a comprehensive
and realistic model of touch. Indeed, the recurrent nature of the somatosensory
system strengthens our hypothesis that the mammalian somatosensory system relies
on highly distributed neuronal interactions, which emerge from the dynamic inter-
play of multiple ascending and descending pathways, to represent tactile informa-

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tion.85-88,90,92-94 Although the concept of distributed processing is not new, and many
investigators have proposed schemes based on population coding,25,30,31,37,49,81,109 this
distributed encoding scheme has recently attracted the attention of neuroscientists
because of the successful application of artificial neural networks in pattern recog-
nition problems.6,44,46 In a distributed coding scheme, divergent neural connections
ensure that specific units of information are not held in single or small groups of
neurons, but instead are widely distributed, or encoded, by large neural ensembles
located at multiple cortical and subcortical levels of the system.49 Consequently,
each neuron contributes in some way to processing of most of the information
handled by the network. In line with this hypothesis, a series of studies in our lab,
as well as other labs,42,64,71,77,85,89,92,101 has begun to re-examine traditional views of
information encoding by the somatosensory system. Anatomical evidence in favor
of a distributed model includes the fact that ascending feedforward (FF) somatosen-
sory pathways that carry information from the periphery to the SI cortex exhibit
different degrees of divergence,18,19,54,68-70,99,104,124 which contribute to the large multi-
whisker RFs observed in the VPM and SI.42,86 Thus, the effects of even small but
incremental changes at each processing level of the pathway (e.g., from brainstem
to thalamus) would tend to multiply through successive relays and could be markedly
amplified by the time they reached the cortex. In addition, wide-field sensory inputs,
such as high-threshold mechanical and noxious stimuli, which are transmitted
through paralemniscal pathways, could also converge on cortical neurons. These
effects could be further amplified by corticocortical connections within the SI and
between the SI and other cortical areas.12,32,91 In this context, the existence of massive
divergent corticofugal feedback projections to all subcortical somatosensory relay
nuclei provide almost unlimited opportunity for increasing the ultimate radius of
influence from a single sensory event.80 In this model, single neurons would not
function as single feature detectors to serve as the functional unit of the system.
Instead, neurons would work as part of ensembles that are capable of representing
and processing multiple tactile attributes of a given complex stimulus simultaneously.
Massive corticofugal projections, that reach somatosensory relay structures
located in the thalamus, brainstem, and the spinal cord, could offer the anatomical
substrate for massive neural ensembles dedicated for tactile information processing.
Such structures could be formed by somatosensory, motor, limbic, and association
cortical areas, and would influence the activity of neurons located in subcortical
centers, even before mechanoreceptors in the skin are activated by a tactile stimulus.
According to this view, corticofugal feedback projections could incorporate subcor-
tical nuclei into the computational processes required for the emergence of tactile
percepts. Although rarely discussed in the literature, reciprocal loops between cor-
tical and thalamic nuclei could also mediate a different type of corticocortical
communication, in which thalamic networks could be employed to transform con-
vergent signals from one or more cortical areas and then disseminate the result of
this transformation to vast cortical territories. Such an interactive view of the soma-
tosensory system would predict that topdown influences would be capable of
modulating the activity of subcortical neurons during different behavioral states. But
is there evidence for the existence of such topdown influences in the somatosensory
system? In the next section, we describe a well-known phenomenon that may provide

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the key for unraveling the primordial physiological role played by corticofugal
feedback on tactile perception and, hence, serve as the basis for mounting a formi-
dable challenge to the FF model of touch.


Our second fundamental argument against the feedforward model of touch is
entrenched in the repeated demonstration that tactile neuronal responses are sub-
stantially affected by the motor activity that underlies the behaviors employed by
different species to explore their surrounding environment.16,17,34,83 A large body of
studies, carried out in many species, indicates that, during these different exploratory
behaviors, the magnitude and latencies of tactile responses, as well as the manner
in which the brain responds to complex tactile stimuli, can change considerably.
Thus, in rats, reductions in responses to tactile stimuli during motor activity have
been observed in SI,13,15,114 the ventral posterior lateral thalamus (VPL),113,114 and
the dorsal column nuclei (DCN).112 Similarly, in cats, medial lemniscus sensory
responses elicited by stimulation of the radial nerve are reduced in magnitude during
limb movement.24,43 Primates also show modulations in SI17,83,84 prior to and during
motor movement. Alterations in sensory responses during movement have also been
observed in human evoked potential studies.21,23,67
These observations imply that the nervous system is capable of dynamically
altering how cortical and subcortical neurons respond to a tactile stimulus, depending
on the behavioral context in which such a stimulus is presented to the animal. The
crux of this argument, therefore, lies in the hypothesis that the emergence of the
broad spectrum of natural tactile sensations experienced by mammals results from
a much more intimate association between the somatosensory and motor systems
than postulated before by previous neurophysiololgical theories of touch.
But what is the significance of endowing the somatosensory system with the
capability of altering the type of tactile information that can reach the cortex during
motor activity? First, the alterations in response magnitude may allow tactile and
proprioceptive information pertinent to execution or completion of the movement
to be selectively enhanced. Thus, during the execution of a planned motor act,
reciprocal interactions between the motor and the somatosensory cortices would
ensure that certain types of input are gated in while others are gated out. This may
be necessary in order to allow the movement to occur as planned, without interfer-
ence from extraneous sensory feedback. In support of this idea, Chapin and
Woodward14 showed that tactile responses, across the cortical and subcortical relays
of the somatosensory system, can be inhibited or enhanced at different epochs of
the step cycle in locomoting rats. According to these authors, irrelevant tactile
responses, such as those caused by the movement itself, would be selectively gated
out at certain times during the movement, while sensory information that would
describe certain movement epochs (e.g., footfall) would be enhanced.

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There is strong evidence in the literature supporting the hypothesis that this
selective modulation of tactile responses is mediated by descending efferent activity
from the motor cortex or other central motor nuclei. The most relevant experimental
finding supporting the occurrence of centrally mediated gating of tactile information
is the observation that sensory responses across the somatosensory pathway can be
reduced as much as 100 ms prior to the initiation of a given movement. These
findings, which have been obtained in both monkeys17,84 and cats,24,43 strongly sug-
gest that reductions in tactile responses in the cortical and subcortical relays of the
somatosensory system do not result from alterations in tactile or proprioceptive
feedback generated by the movement itself. Instead, they may be related to the
central motor command that is generated hundreds of milliseconds prior to the
movement onset. Further support for this view comes from the observation that
microstimulation of the motor cortex can reduce tactile neuronal responses through-
out the somatosensory system. For example, Shin and Chapin showed that stimula-
tion of the forepaw region in the MI cortex, prior to electrical stimulation to the
forepaw, led to a 43% suppression of tactile responses in the thalamus114 and 8%
reduction in the dorsal column nuclei.112
Another set of experiments has demonstrated that the amount of tactile response
modulation varies across the different intermediary relays of the ascending soma-
tosensory pathways. For instance, in rats, SI and VPL tactile responses to forepaw
stimulation have been shown to decrease 71% and 31%, respectively, when the
stimuli are delivered during the animals locomotion.13,114 These findings illustrate
the general observation that the magnitude and frequency of somatosensory gating
effect tends to increase as one ascends through the somatosensory system. As such,
this observation further supports the hypothesis that modulatory signals derive from
central neural networks responsible for generating the motor command.
Despite robust evidence favoring the existence of a central mechanism for
modulating tactile neuronal responses, in some cases one can also demonstrate that
feedforward mechanisms contribute to the alteration of cortical and subcortical tactile
responses during the execution of exploratory behavior. For example, Schmidt
et al.108 have shown that when anesthesia was applied to one or more sensory nerves
of the hand, inhibition of tactile stimulation that normally occurred when subjects
moved the finger being stimulated was reduced (i.e., there was less gating of the
response) by up to 70%. This led to the conclusion that a significant portion of the
gating effect, but not all, was caused by afferent sensory stimulation generated in
the periphery by the movement itself. Support for the existence of peripheral mech-
anisms of gating has also been provided by Chapman et al.,17 who reported that
tactile responses in SI to stimulation of the medial lemniscus or the thalamus were
not reduced prior to movement, but only during the execution of the movement.
These authors reported that somatosensory gating occurring at the level of the dorsal
column nuclei (DCN) was caused by central modulation, since it occurred prior to
the movement. However, in their hands, any additional gating at higher levels of the
somatosensory system was caused by motor-induced peripheral afferent activity.
Another series of experiments partially supported this view by showing that while
passive movements do not cause tactile gating in the DCN, they can induce a certain
degree of gating in the thalamus (VPLc) and SI.17 Thus, even though there is

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substantial evidence for centrally mediated modulation of tactile responses, one
cannot discard the possibility that proprioceptive and tactile afferent signals, gener-
ated during the execution of movements, contribute to the gating of tactile responses
observed at higher levels of the somatosensory system.
It is important to emphasize that noradrenergic, serotoninergic, and cholinergic
projections, which originate in different locations of the brainstem and diencephalon,
and target all intermediary relays of the somatosensory system, could also contribute
to the central modulation of tactile neuronal responses during different behavioral
states,72,126 as they do in other sensory systems.74 Over the last three decades, one
of the most elegant examples of multi-disciplinary research in neuroscience has
indicated that some of these modulatory systems play a fundamental role in the
control of the ascending flow of nociceptive information from the periphery that is
used for the perception of pain.35 The demonstration that physiological or pharma-
cological activation of these descending modulatory projections can block the
ascending flow of nociceptive information through the spinothalamic system and
produce maintained analgesia has revolutionized our understanding of pain percep-
tion. Since pain belongs to the spectrum of tactile sensation that all mammals
experience, these observations offer more experimental support for our contention
that topdown influences cannot be ignored by any theory aimed at describing the
neurophysiological basis of tactile perception.
In line with this hypothesis, recent studies in the trigeminal system of awake,
freely moving rats have corroborated and extended our conviction that topdown
influences, such as those mediating the phenomenon of somatosensory gating,
play a crucial role in the emergence of tactile perception. In these experiments,
simultaneous, multi-site chronic recordings were employed to monitor the activity
of large populations of single cortical, thalamic, and brainstem somatosensory neu-
rons, while rats moved freely in a behavioral box. Initially, these experiments allowed
us to investigate how the expression of different behaviors (e.g., awake immobility,
active whisking, and moving without whisker movements) could influence the phys-
iological properties of populations of cortical and subcortical neurons in freely
behaving animals.34 Subsequently, the same experimental paradigm was used to
measure how similar tactile stimuli are processed under different behavioral condi-
tions across the rat somatosensory system.
The first important result, which argued against a simple FF view of the soma-
tosensory system, was the observation that complex and dynamic corticothalamic
interactions tend to precede any active tactile discrimination in freely behaving rats.
We observed that as awake rats assume an immobile posture (i.e., standing on the
forepaws without producing any whisker or other major body movements), most of
the neurons in the SI cortex and VPM thalamus start producing rhythmic bursts of
action potentials, which are translated into 712Hz rhythmic oscillations.34,85 In the
vast majority of the analyzed events, these 712Hz rhythmic oscillations initiate in
the whisker area of the rat SI cortex (the barrel fields) (Figure 12.2). After a few
tens of milliseconds, these oscillations appear in the VPM nucleus and later on they
can be observed in the spinal nucleus (but not in the principal) of the trigeminal
brainstem complex (Figures 12.2 and 12.3). Importantly, these oscillations were

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FIGURE 12.2 Simultaneous field-potential recordings in VPM and SI reveal that 712 Hz
oscillations tend to appear first in the SI cortex and only later are evident in the somatosensory

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FIGURE 12.3 During whisker twitching movements, activity in SI and SpV phase leads activity
in VPM. Recordings were made from microelectrodes chronically implanted in SpV, VPM, and
SI in awake rats. This figure depicts cross-correlograms (CCs) for neurons in these three areas,
during 712Hz whisker twitching movements, which were accompanied by -oscillations. The
CCs are centered on the VPM neuron depicted by the arrow, and the numbers above the CCs
show the number of milliseconds by which a given SpV or SI neuron phase led the VPM reference
neuron. It can be seen that activity in SI and SpV phase led activity in VPM.

2002 CRC Press LLC

never detected in the rat trigeminal ganglion, suggesting that they are generated
centrally. Further analysis revealed that these 712Hz thalamocortical oscillations
usually precede, by hundreds of milliseconds, the initiation of small amplitude
rhythmic facial whisker twitching (WT) movements in the same frequency range.85
We also observed that the initiation of WT movements modulated these oscillations.85
Thus, soon after the onset of WT movements, rats invariably started to produce
slower (46 Hz) rhythmic whisker protractions, which had much larger amplitudes
than the WT movements. Previous behavioral studies have indicated that rats use
these large rhythmic whisker movements to discriminate the tactile attributes of
objects.8 In fact, whisking is present in most rodents and is considered the most
important exploratory behavior of rats. In our experiments, we also documented that
as soon as the animal started to produce these slower and larger whisker movements,
the 712 Hz thalamocortical oscillations disappeared.85
Altogether, these observations were very reminiscent of a similar phenomenon
originally described by Gastaut in human scalp EEG recordings carried out in the
1950s.36 Since its original discovery, both EEG and magnetoencephalographic
(MEG) recordings have been used to demonstrate the occurrence of widespread
10Hz oscillations, originating in the hand representation of the primary somatosen-
sory cortex of the vast majority of healthy human subjects and non-human primates.95
In the EEG literature, these oscillations were named motor () rhythm, since its
main characteristic is to appear during awake immobility and disappear as soon as
the subject starts any hand movement, the most important tactile exploratory behavior
of primates. The existence of these similarities led us to postulate that the 712HZ
oscillations that precede, and are modulated by, whisker movements in rats are
equivalent to the rhythm of primates.
The functional role of oscillations in primates and rodents is still not clear.
Although MEG recordings have clearly indicated that this preparatory rhythm is
present in most normal human subjects, no clear consensus has been reached regard-
ing the potential functional role played by these oscillations. Because rats use
rhythmic whisker movements as their main tactile exploratory behavior, the presence
of the rhythm in this species led us to propose that these thalamocortical oscilla-
tions could prepare the somatosensory system for the imminent onset of a cycle of
tactile exploration. According to this hypothesis, during the occurrence of 712 Hz
oscillations, tactile information would continue to flow from the VPM to the soma-
tosensory cortex. However, because during these oscillations, a significant percent-
age of VPM neurons are producing bursts, it is conceivable that these neurons would
have difficulty in faithfully transmitting complex spatiotemporal patterns of tactile
information, which are likely to be generated when rats use their whiskers to actively
explore an object. Instead, we proposed85 that these 712Hz oscillations could be
used to enhance or even maximize the ability of the somatosensory system to detect
the presence of tactile stimuli, either during awake immobility or during the pro-
duction whisker twitching movements. In other words, these 712Hz oscillations
could represent an expectation signal, a template which would be produced by the
rat somatosensory system in anticipation of whisking. In our view, this expectation
signal could be generated as part of central motor program and be disseminated to
most of the somatosensory system through corticofugal projections.

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In our model of the rat somatosensory system, once the presence of a tactile
stimulus is detected by an immobile rat (or during WT movements), the animal
initiates the production of larger amplitude and slower (46Hz) rhythmic whisker
protractions, which are used for a more detailed tactile exploration of objects. As
the animals behavior changes, so does the physiological setting of the thalamocor-
tical loop. During the execution of these rhythmic large amplitude whisker move-
ments, thalamocortical oscillations vanish and VPM neurons switch to a tonic firing
mode. In this physiological state, VPM neurons have higher spontaneous firing rates
and can faithfully represent and transmit complex spatiotemporal patterns of tactile
inputs to the SI cortex. It is important to emphasize, however, that during this active
tactile exploration, corticothalamic projections can still mediate important interactive
computations at the level of the thalamus. Thus, in our interactive view of the
somatosensory system, the thalamus is not considered as a simple passive relay.
Instead, through its reciprocal interactions with different cortical areas, the soma-
tosensory thalamus, which includes the tactile portion of the reticular nucleus, could
participate in a variety of computations, such as non-linear summation of tactile
stimuli,41,111 signal segmentation through ressonant interactions, template matching,
and error generation. Similar to the recurrent models of Grossberg47 and Mumford,82
the somatosensory thalamus could function as the site where incoming afferent tactile
information is compared with cortically stored templates that resume the previous
tactile experience of the animal. As feedforward and feedback projections may be
required for the definition of the complex spatiotemporal structure of receptive fields
in the rat VPM,66 ensembles of these neurons could participate in template-matching
operations and other computations on afferent tactile signals.
In order to test some of these assumptions, another series of experiments was
carried out in our laboratory. In these experiments, multi-site chronic recordings
were carried out while a nerve cuff electrode was used to provide consistent stim-
ulation to the infraorbital (IO) nerve, the nerve that carries tactile information from
the vibrissae to the central nervous system, as rats switched between a series of
behavioral states.34 In the first series of experiments, individual electrical stimuli,
which produced neuronal responses that mimic those obtained by mechanical stim-
ulation of multiple facial whiskers, were delivered to the IO nerve while rats were
immobile, or when they produced the two different types of whisker movements
described above. The cortical (SI) and thalamic (VPM) sensory responses elicited
by the electrical stimuli were then compared. As predicted by previous studies, the
magnitudes of the neural responses in SI and VPM neurons were substantially
reduced during the production of rhythmic whisker movements. Interestingly, this
reduction was not observed when the same animals engaged in behaviors that did
not include the whisker movements (e.g., movement of the head or body). These
findings corroborate work in cats24 and in humans,107,108 in which decreases in sensory
responsiveness were most robust when the sensory stimulus was applied to the part
of the body engaged in a tactile exploration, as compared to adjacent digits or
contralateral limbs. Thus, as previously suggested by many authors, the phenomenon
of somatosensory gating appears to be fairly topographically specific, since it occurs
only during motor activity used for active tactile exploration, rather than following
any action involved in increasing the general arousal level of the animal.

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FIGURE 12.4 Activity levels in VPM and SI following peripheral stimulation differ depend-
ing on the behavioral state of an animal. Individual electrical pulses were presented to the
infraorbital nerve in awake, freely moving rats and responses to this stimulation were recorded
from chronically implanted microwires in VPM and SI. When the animal was in a state of
quiet immobility, the initial excitatory response was followed by a period of suppressed firing,
during which activity went below pre-stimulus baseline levels (dotted line). This period of
suppressed firing was followed by a late excitatory component at approximately 125 post-
stimulus. In contrast, during exploratory whisking behavior, the period of suppressed firing
was substantially shorter in VPM and non-existent in SI, and there was no late excitatory
component in either area. Error bars represent SEM. The initial excitatory peaks have been
clipped in order to show the other components of the traces more clearly.

In addition to these findings, previous studies have shown that the presence of
one stimulus can alter the ability of cortical and subcortical neurons to respond to
a subsequent stimulus for a period of time.116,117 Evidence from our experiments and
other studies9,10 suggests that the ability of one tactile response to modulate the
magnitude of a subsequent one is substantially decreased during motor activity
(Figure 12.5). For example, when two tactile stimuli were presented with an inter-
stimulus interval of 2575 ms in the absence of any whisker movements (i.e., awake
immobility), the response to the second stimulus was significantly reduced
(Figure 12.5). However, during periods in which the same rats produced whisker
movements, the response of VPM and SI neurons to the second stimulus was not
statistically different in magnitude from the first at any inter-stimulus interval tested
(Figure 12.5). Further examination of these results indicated that these effects par-
alleled a change in the amount of post-excitatory inhibition that follows the first IO
stimulus in different behavior states (immobility vs. whisker movements). Thus, in
the absence of any movement of the whiskers, we observed the occurrence of a long
period of reduced firing, following the presentation of the first tactile stimulus.50,116,117
However, this period is substantially shorter (in VPM) or non-existent (in SI) during
the presence of exploratory whisker movements (Figure 12.4), suggesting that motor
activity-related changes in post-stimulus inhibition could account for the differential
responses to paired stimuli we observed in different behavioral conditions.

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Overall, the results of these experiments suggest that during different behavioral
states, different types of thalamocortical transmission may occur (in this case, awake
immobility vs. whisking) and that these different modes of transmission may serve
different perceptual purposes. Thus, differences in cortical and subcortical tactile
response characteristics, from periods of whisker immobility to periods of whisker
movements, suggest that the somatosensory system can shift from a state of high

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sensitivity for detecting individual punctate stimuli (i.e., during immobility and
thalamic bursting), to a state in which the system can process with high fidelity the
complex incoming tactile afferent information that are generated by the active tactile
exploratory behavior employed by the animal to probe its surrounding environment.
Although there is no definitive proof that corticofugal projections play a funda-
mental role in either the recruitment of VPM neurons into 712 Hz oscillations
during awake immobility, or in the switching of VPM neurons from bursting to tonic
firing mode, several indirect observations can be used to build a strong case in favor
of this hypothesis. First, in the vast majority of our recordings, 712 Hz oscillations
clearly initiate in the SI cortex and only later appear in the VPM thalamus. Likewise,
in all other species in which similar oscillations have been reported, they were found
to originate at the cortical level. The hypothesis that corticofugal projections provide
the anatomical substrate for recruiting the thalamus into a massive wave of synchro-
nous activity is also supported by the observation that removal of corticothalamic
projections significantly reduces or completely abolishes the synchronization of
neuronal firing across the thalamus.22
The potential contribution of corticothalamic projections to the switching in
firing mode of thalamic neurons is also supported by several indirect observations.
Since corticothalamic axons terminate in the distal dendrites of VPM neurons, and
can exert their direct excitatory effects through metabotropic receptors, they could
provide the type of slow depolarization synaptic events that are required for activating
the low-threshold calcium conductance that endows thalamic neurons with the ability
to fire in bursts. De-inactivation of this calcium conductance, which requires hyper-
polarization of VPM neurons, could also be achieved by corticothalamic projections
acting through the reticular nucleus, which provides GABAergic innervation to
thalamic relay neurons.
Though many more experiments are required to fully demonstrate the compu-
tations carried out by the interplay of corticofugal and ascending somatosensory
pathways, the central assumption of our argument remains valid. The type of
dynamic thalamocortical interactions described above cannot be explained by a
simple feedforward description of the somatosensory system. As seen above, changes
in behavioral state significantly alter the responses to tactile stimuli across cortical
and subcortical levels of the somatosensory system. These studies have demonstrated
that neuronal response properties can be altered on the order of seconds, as animals
switch from one behavioral state to the next. The possibility of altering the manner
in which somatosensory neurons respond to the same tactile stimuli under different
circumstances confers a high degree of adaptability to the animals, since it may
allow them to filter information in different ways, as required by the situation with
which they are involved. This rapid, behavior-dependent adaptation may also provide
the somatosensory system with more flexibility for detection of a wider range of
stimuli, or allow preferential detection of certain types of stimulation under different

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FIGURE 12.5 (previous pg.)Responses to peripheral stimulation differ depending on the behav-
ioral state of an animal. Recordings were made from multiple chronically implanted micro-
wires in awake, freely moving rats. Stimulation was provided to a nerve cuff electrode
implanted around the infraorbital nerve. Stimuli were presented in pairs with interstimulus
intervals (isi) ranging from 25200ms. This figure demonstrates two effects we observed by
looking at the responses to these stimuli during two different behaviors, quiet immobility and
exploratory whisking. First, during whisking, responses to the first stimulus in the pairs were
smaller than those during the quiet state. This indicates that during the whisking state there
is an overall gating of responses to ascending stimuli. The second effect was that when animals
were in a state of quiet immobility, responses to the second stimulus in a pair were suppressed
if the isi was 2575 ms. In contrast, during active, exploratory whisking behavior, the responses
were not significantly suppressed for any isi, compared to the response to the first stimulus
in the pair. Error bars represent SEM.


Perhaps the most important computational advantage gained by having a recurrent
model of touch is the demonstration that learning can be much more effective and
general in these networks than in classical feedforward network architectures. An
interesting discussion of this issue has been presented by Grossberg in a recent
review article.47 By comparing two types of artificial networks (feedforward self-
organizing and recurrent networks), Grossberg notes that classical feedforward self-
organizing feature maps that make use of lateral inhibition are capable of stable
learning. Such stability, however, is not observed when the environmental inputs
become numerous and involve a large number of categories to be classified. Indeed,
Grossberg has demonstrated that for arbitrary environments with multiple inputs,
feedforward networks tend to forget previously learned patterns. In contrast, the
inclusion of feedback connections acts to provide the necessary reinforcement, such
that learning remains robust even as the environment is modified. Recurrent network
models, such as those based on Grossbergs Adaptive Resonance Theory (ART,
Figure 12.6),47 accomplish this by reinforcing selected input patterns through
topdown pathways. Here, the neurons in the top layer create a firing pattern
consistent with an expectation of the sensory input. In the absence of bottomup
input, such output can act to sensitize or prime the input layer by either bringing
cells closer to threshold or by suppressing cells whose activity is not expected. In
the presence of bottomup input, the output from the top layers serves to test or
match the output from the bottomup neurons through feedback and amplification
of the desired features of the input. Through feedback, learning is enhanced by
minimizing the possibility that spurious inputs, inconsistent with expectations, are
left unfiltered and therefore capable of destabilizing previously learned patterns and
behaviors. In addition, adaptive algorithms can be implemented, as in ART, to allow
the modification of stored expectations or the creation of new ones when significant
mismatches are encountered during the comparison of the ascending raw input and
the existing descending expectation templates. Thus, the occurrence of mismatches
can trigger the creation of a new template or stimulus class. Indeed, the ability to

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generalize as well as create new classifications is a hallmark of models derived from
ART and pattern theory. These two types of models differ, however, in the way they
represent and store the templates that guide the definition of the descending expec-
tation signal (for a review see Reference 82).

FIGURE 12.6 (Left Panel) A prototypical ART model circuit adapted from Grossberg.47 A
short-term memory (STM) activation pattern evoked across feature detectors in level F1 by
ascending input is transmitted to level F2 where a compressed STM of the ascending patterns
is created. Learned expectations are matched through topdown pathways against bottomup
input evoked patterns in F1; the difference in this matching, relative to the vigilance param-
eter, , is used to initiate a search for a more appropriate or novel recognition code. (Right
Panel) Grossbergs ART model provides a theoretic framework that fits well our view of the
functioning of the trigeminal, somatosensory system. The appropriateness of this comparison
extends beyond the superficial similarities illustrated in the figure between the ART models
input layer, non-specific inhibitory gain control, F2, and F1, layers and the trigeminal systems
input, reticular nucleus, thalamus, and cortex. In addition to these structural similarities, it is
the dynamic interplay between ascending spatiotemporal input patterns and descending expec-
tations, captured in both systems to generate adaptive memories that is complementary and

Another important computational limitation of a FF model of touch is that if

one accepts that perception of a complex tactile stimulus is achieved only through
hierarchical feedforward computations carried out by parallel labeled lines, one
would have to postulate the existence of a readout mechanism that could bind the
different primary attributes of the stimulus (shape, texture, temperature, texture,

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softness, velocity, direction, etc.) into a single percept. Although the binding problem
has been the topic of intense debate in the visual system, this issue is perhaps more
critical in a feedforward model of touch. That is because in addition to having to
fuse a variety of primary stimulus attributes (e.g., location, intensity, orientation,
direction, shape, etc.) that are similar to those integrated by the visual system, the
somatosensory system also needs to take into account whether such an stimulus is
harmful or not. By contributing to the definition of the sensation of pain, the
spinothalamic system and its relay structures, which are specialized in conveying
information about noxious stimuli, as well as temperature, to the brain, provide yet
another level of complexity for the definition of a unified tactile percept. As any of
us can attest, the presence of pain can considerably alter a tactile experience. To this
date, no solution has been proposed and despite the arguments provided by those
who believe that convergence of feedforward projections may suffice to bind indi-
vidual features into a single percept, there is no experimental evidence that this is
the case. Indeed, all evidence available so far goes against the existence of a single
readout structure in the visual or in any other sensory system.
In our recurrent model of touch, individual neurons encode information about
multiple features of a stimulus, instead of being responsible for representing the
presence of a select feature. In addition, highly distributed and recurrent neuronal
interactions underlie the identification of a perceptual category. Under these assump-
tions, the binding problem ceases to be a major issue. In fact, one could argue that
in a true distributed and recurrent model of touch, one in which information about
a sensory stimulus is not fragmented into separate labeled lines and that neurons do
not work as strict feature detectors, there is no binding problem.

Although the classic feedforward model of touch has provided a fundamental blue-
print for the development of somatosensory research in the last five decades, a variety
of experimental findings and theoretical arguments demonstrate that this model no
longer offers a useful account on how tactile perception may emerge in the mam-
malian brain. Instead, anatomical, physiological, and computational arguments favor
the hypothesis that tactile perception emerge through interactive and recurrent inter-
actions between the multiple cortical and subcortical levels that define the mamma-
lian somatosensory system. Central to this recurrent model of touch is the experi-
mental demonstration that the massive corticofugal projections, that originate in the
neocortex and reach most of the subcortical structures that form the somatosensory
system, may play as relevant a role in tactile information processing as the parallel
feedforward pathways of this system. In addition, we propose that a recurrent model
of touch has to acknowledge unequivocal inseparability of the somatosensory and
motor systems, which together serve as the true neuronal substrate of tactile percep-
tion. Finally, a recurrent model of touch offers a more biologically relevant account
of the computations required for learning to occur throughout life.

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This chapter describes research supported by grants from DARPA-ONR
(N00014-98-1-0676), NSF IBN-99-80043, and NIH DE-11121-01 to M.A.L.N.

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The Changeful Mind:
13 Plasticity in the
Somatosensory System
Sherre L. Florence


13.1 Introduction
13.2 Topographic Hierarchy
13.2.1 Dominant Inputs
13.2.2 Latent Inputs
13.2.3 Other Inputs
13.3 Stages of Plasticity
13.3.1 Changes that Appear Rapidly
13.3.2 Changes that Develop Over an Intermediate Time Course
13.3.3 Changes that Require a Long Time Course
13.4 Mechanisms of Plasticity
13.4.1 Adjustments in Synaptic Efficacy
13.4.2 Sprouting
13.4.3 Integration across Multiple Levels of the Pathway
13.5 Conclusions

Over the past decade, the literature on plasticity has grown and there now are diverse
and manifold descriptions of somatosensory plasticity. In some studies, plastic
changes are invoked by modifications in behavior, through training or alterations in
the environment. However, in the vast majority of cases, evidence for plasticity
comes from deafferentation studies, where peripheral sensory afferents are either
silenced or eliminated. Both experimental paradigms produce shifts in the balance
of activity from the peripheral sensory inputs, and a common assay is to measure
changes in sensory maps, or the map substrates. At first pass, the breadth and
diversity of the descriptions may seem overwhelming, but after consideration of the
data, what emerges is a sense that some basic features of reorganization are common
across experimental paradigms, levels of the system, and species.

2002 CRC Press LLC

The most reliable feature of somatosensory plasticity is that reorganization nearly
always involves shifts of representation among near neighbors in the somatotopic
map. This is by no means a new idea,1,2 but as additional experimental data emerge,
it is becoming apparent that neighbor relationships are not as simple as they seem.
Specifically, near neighbors in the sensory representation do not all have equal access
to the deprived territory. This is particularly apparent from deafferentation studies
where patterns of sensory deprivation are graded from mild to severe. The data
suggest that there is a hierarchy within the central maps that dictate which inputs
are preferred. Moreover, there seems to be alternative possibilities depending on the
pattern of denervation.
Another basic feature of plasticity in somatosensory systems is that the full
potential for reorganization emerges over an extended time course. Rapidly induced
changes are apparent immediately after sensory deprivation, but characteristically
involve only limited extents of the sensory representation. Somewhat more extensive
modifications appear gradually over the subsequent weeks after the sensory manip-
ulation. Much later, further remodeling may occur, and these long-term changes can
span large magnitudes of the sensory representation.
The mechanisms that subserve the remodeling constitute a third common char-
acteristic of plasticity in the somatosensory system. Different mechanisms typically
are associated with the various time courses of reorganization: rapid changes medi-
ated by synaptic unmasking, more slowly developing changes attributed to NMDA
receptor mechanisms, and late-emerging changes produced by new growth. Addi-
tionally, since the plasticity mechanisms act at multiple levels of the pathway, there
is potential for modulation of somatosensory information at each of the stations.
In the present chapter, the evidence for these common features of plasticity in
the somatosensory system will be reviewed. Literature on the effects of peripheral
denervation will be emphasized, since in the majority of studies, plasticity in soma-
tosensory system is induced by removal or silencing of sensory inputs. However,
presumably the same principles apply to plasticity induced by behavioral training
or after sensory enrichment. Also, since much of the plasticity research has been
concentrated on cortex, the discussion will be devoted predominantly to effects of
deafferentation at the cortical level. Finally, work on primates will be emphasized.
It should be stressed that the patterns of reorganization that emerge in any given
situation may reflect the history of the individual or features of emphasis unique to
certain species. Thus, outcomes across individuals and species may differ, despite
similarities in the basic processes that underlie the plasticity.


A hallmark of somatosensory cortical plasticity is that topography dictates patterns
of reorganization, with near neighbors in the sensory map prominently involved in
the remodeling after peripheral deprivation. The most common type of reorganization
is a reactivation of the region deprived of its dominant inputs by other intact inputs
that are physically adjacent to the deprived representation. However, this is not, by
any means, the rule. The source of the reactivating inputs can vary with different
types of injury. Moreover, there appears to be a relatively rigid pecking order that

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governs which inputs are favored in the competition for the deprived space. The
process by which inputs reactivate sensory representations after peripheral denerva-
tion is rather like the ifthen clause used in computer programming. If any of the
dominant inputs to a region are spared by the deafferentation procedure, they have
preferential access to the deprived zone. If all dominant inputs are completely
eliminated, then alternative inputs dominate the reactivation. Even among the alter-
natives, there seems to be a hierarchy so that some alternates are preferred over
others. The evidence for such a pecking order is discussed below.


For the most part, experimental protocols for sensory denervation completely elim-
inate the dominant inputs to a sensory representation. For example, nerve transection
produces a robust and verifiable deprivation to a readily delineated region of the
sensory epithelium, particularly in the core region of the deprived zone away from
borders where the peripheral innervation from other sensory nerves may partially
overlap the territory of the transected nerve.3 Amputation is an even better example
of an easily demarcated sensory denervation.4 However, in other cases, it can be
difficult to completely eliminate all sensory inputs to the targeted portion of the
sensory map. This is particularly troublesome in studies that involve transection of
the spinal tracts. The optimal strategy dictates that the spinal gray is left intact as
much as possible, and thus sensory fibers that course near the gray matter often
escape transection. However, these unwanted outcomes from studies of the effects
of spinal cord injury have proven to be informative for questions regarding the
hierarchy of deprivation-induced takeovers.
The data suggest compellingly that if even a few dominant sensory inputs are
spared, their influence is amplified and the skin surface that they innervate takes
over the full extent of the deprived territory. Jain et al.5 carefully documented cortical
reactivation mediated by remaining inputs. In monkeys that had cervical dorsal
column transection, tracers were injected into the skin near the peripheral nerve
endings of forelimb sensory nerves to label the central sensory terminations. In
normal monkeys, this technique yields patterns of labeling that reflect the precise
topography of inputs from the skin of the forelimb.6-8 In monkeys with spinal cord
transection, the tracer should be unable to cross the transection site in the dorsal
column, and no terminal labeling should be apparent in the dorsal column nuclei,
if the transection is complete. Another outcome would be expected if some of the
sensory afferents that ascend in the dorsal columns are spared. Axons labeled by
the subcutaneous injections would be observed crossing the lesion site in the dorsal
spinal cord, and some labeling in the spared afferent terminals would be expected
in the dorsal column nuclei. Both indices of spared sensory afferents were described
by Jain et al.5 in monkeys that had incomplete dorsal column transection.
Using electrophysiological recording techniques, Jain and colleagues5 also
mapped the region of primary somatosensory cortex (area 3b) affected by the dorsal
column transection. The forelimb representation of primary somatosensory cortex
of normal monkeys has been well characterized.9-11 As shown schematically in
Figure 13.1, digit 1 is represented lateral-most and the other digits are represented

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FIGURE 13.1 Schematic showing patterns of topographic organization of somatosensory
cortical area 3b of owl monkeys after dorsal column transection. A. Normal somatotopy of
the hand representation, with the orderly sequential map of the digits situated between the
face representation (lateral) and the more proximal aspects of the forelimb (medial). The
small islands of representation of the dorsal skin of the hand, that typically are situated medial
and lateral to the digits, are not shown. B. Complete dorsal column section at cervical levels
deprives the hand representation of all activating inputs. However, if the lesion is incomplete
so that some sensory afferents are spared, neurons in area 3b that receive activation from
spared inputs continue to respond robustly to sensory stimulation. In this example, a few
inputs from digits 4 and 5 were spared. Over the course of weeks, the influence of the spared
inputs expands. In a monkey studied 5 weeks after partial dorsal column transection (C),
neurons throughout the full extent of the hand representation responded to spared inputs
predominantly from digits 4 and 5. Adapted from Reference 5. The changes in cortical map
organization have been overlaid on a summary drawing of the structural isomorph of the hand
(Jain et al.24) so that the extent of change can be evaluated in the context of the normal hand
representation. P, posterior; L, lateral.

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sequentially more medially. Each of the glabrous digit representations occupies a
large block of cortical tissue that has a precise internal organization. For example,
the proximal skin of each digit is represented caudally, and a distal-ward progression
across the skin of the digit is represented by an anterior progression through area
3b. The palm of the hand is represented caudal to the digits. Since these features of
organization are highly consistent in normal monkeys, changes after sensory pertur-
bations can be readily interpreted. In the study by Jain et al.5 if dorsal column
afferents had been spared by the spinal manipulation, as evidenced by labeled axons
traversing the lesion, as well as terminal labeling in the brain stem, the portions of
the map in hand cortex that corresponded to the preserved inputs contained neurons
that still responded briskly to sensory stimulation after the lesion. Typically, the
spared inputs stemmed from the medial hand (digits 4 and 5 and adjacent palm), so
only the medial portion of the hand representation contained responsive neurons
initially after the injury (Figure 13.1B). However, by about 5 weeks after onset of
the deprivation, the medial hand representation had expanded and occupied the full
extent of deprived cortex (Figure 13.1C). Thus, the functional efficacy of the spared
inputs was enormously magnified. The explanation for this type of reactivation is
not fully understood; however, it may involve the unmasking or potentiation of
previously silent connections. Moreover, although the expansion is observed in
cortex, it need not arise there. It could occur at any level in the relay.
Indeed, Darian-Smith and Brown12 recently have shown data to suggest that
potentiation of spared peripheral afferents may contribute to cortical reorganization.
The dorsal rootlets containing sensory afferents from the digits in monkeys were
mapped, and those containing input from digits 1 and 2 were lesioned. Immediately
afterward, the complete deactivation of the sensory representations of digits 1 and
2 in somatosensory cortex was verified. Yet, 27 months later, electrophysiological
recordings in somatosensory cortex revealed nearly normal somatotopic representa-
tions of the presumably deafferented digits. Responses to stimulation of digits 1 and
2 also had emerged in the dorsal rootlets immediately adjacent to those that had
been lesioned, even though no response to those digits was originally detected in
the preserved rootlets. No doubt, these peripheral afferents were present prior to the
injury, but went undetected. Perhaps, they were weak or originally responsive to
non-tactile modalities. However, during the ensuing months after elimination of the
dominant inputs from digits 1 and 2, activation of the residual afferents by tactile
stimulation was potentiated and they developed sufficient capacity to dominate the
deprived sensory representation. Importantly, changes at peripheral levels of the
somatosensory pathway that may involve relatively small numbers of afferents can
render changes that appear to be robust at higher-order stations.
Even if all dominant inputs are deactivated, but return by virtue of nerve regen-
eration after injury, they eventually reclaim their original territory in the sensory
maps. This may seem like a logical outcome, given that most of the original con-
nections in the denervated territories likely remain after the injury. However, during
the period that intervenes from the deafferenting injury to reinnervation by the
regenerating nerve, the alternative inputs become functionally pre-eminent, and
would seem to have a competitive advantage over inputs that were deprived by the

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injury. Nonetheless, the alternative inputs are unsuccessful at maintaining the newly
acquired territory when the original inputs are reestablished. This sequence has been
best characterized in monkeys that had transection13-15 or crush16 of the median nerve
which innervates the palmar surface of the thumbward half of the hand. During the
interval after the injury but before the nerve reinnervates the skin of the hand, the
deprived territory in somatosensory cortex is not silent. Instead, studies of reorga-
nization after median nerve cut demonstrate that deprived neurons are taken over
by inputs from the dorsal (hairy) surface of the thumbward half of the hand.1,2,17-21
The period of regeneration can take several months so the newly expressed, dorsal
hand inputs have ample time to establish strong connections with their targets. Even
still, if the median nerve is allowed to regenerate, neurons in the median nerve
territory become non-responsive to dorsal hand stimulation and instead reacquire
receptive fields on the median nerve hand.13-16 Thus, there appears to be an inherent
preference for the original sensory inputs, even if they undergo protracted periods
of functional deprivation.


If all dominant inputs are removed, other previously silent, or latent, inputs come
to activate some of the deprived neurons in somatosensory cortex. In general, the
source of the latent inputs is a near neighbor in the sensory map. For example, in
macaque monkeys, if a portion of a digit is amputated, denervated neurons in area
3b take on new receptive fields on the portion of the digit left intact (Figure 13.2B,
see also Reference 22). If the entire digit is amputated, most of the deprived neurons
in area 3b are reactivated by inputs from the adjacent digits.4,23,24 If all the digits are
lost, the neurons in the deprived zone are reactivated by inputs from the palm
(Figure 13.2C, see also Reference 25). If the entire hand is amputated, the deprived

FIGURE 13.2 (next pg.) Schematic showing patterns of topographic organization in area
3b of macaque monkeys after amputation of part or all of the forelimb. A. The topographic
organization of the hand representation in area 3b typical of normal macaque monkeys.10,11
Large numerals 15 refer to the representations of digits 15, and thin lines indicate borders
between representations. B. The representation of the hand in a monkey that lost the middle
and distal phalanges of digit 2. The top panel shows the approximate extent of the denervated
region in area 3b (black fill). The bottom panel is a schematic rendering of the pattern of
reorganization that emerged. Arrows indicate that adjacent representations expanded into the
deprived zone. Adapted from Manger et al.22 C. After amputation of all the digits on one
hand for treatment of injury, the region of area 3b where the digits are normally represented
is taken over by a large representation of the palm of the hand. Conventions are the same as
described for B. Adapted from Florence et al.25 D. After amputation at the level of the wrist,
the region where the hand would be represented in nornal monkeys is taken over by repre-
sentations of the wrist. Conventions are the same as described for B. Adapted from Florence
and Kaas.26 E. After amputation at the mid-humeral level of the arm, the deprived region is
taken over by an expanded representation of the stump of the arm medially and the face
laterally. Conventions are the same as described for B. Adapted from Reference 25. C, caudal;
D, dorsum of the hand (dors.); F, face; FA, forearm; M, medial; P, palm; p2, proximal phalange
of digit 2.

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FIGURE 13.3 Schematic illustrating the potential for and limitations on receptive field reor-
ganization based on divergent afferent inputs. To the far left is a cartoon of the glabrous hand
showing the region on the distal phalange of D2 that is magnified in the panels to the right.
Sensory stimuli applied to this skin region (illustrated by series of small circles within the
shaded skin region) activate central neurons in a manner that produces partially overlapping
receptive fields (shown as larger circles to the top). Because of the divergence of the inputs,
stimulation to the skin site indicated by a plus (+) produces excitatory potentials (indicated
by a + sign in the receptive fields) over a larger extent than would be predicted if there was
a simple one-to-one relationship between skin and the central targets. Thus even if sensory
inputs are deafferented, indicated by large X in the panel to the right, central neurons with
alternate sources of excitatory inputs will not be functionally silenced. However, if the
denervation eliminates all sensory inputs, as for the central neuron in the panel on the right,
the neuron will be deactivated permanently or until new inputs are formed.

cortical representation is reactivated by inputs predominantly from the wrist and

forearm (Figure 13.2D, see also Reference 26). In this series of examples, the
pecking order for reactivation in area 3b is dictated by the extent of the denervation,
so that as progressively more and more inputs are removed, the next nearest neighbor
in the map provides the major source of new activation.
A common explanation for the dominance of near neighbors as alternate influ-
ences on deprived neurons in area 3b is that the thalamocortical afferent terminals
are divergent so there is topographic overlap between adjacent sensory representa-
tions (Figure 13.3, see also References 27 and 28). Under normal circumstances,
the overlapping inputs are not apparent, and only one sensory representation is
dominant. However, if the dominant source of activation is deprived, the latent inputs
gain strength and become the new governing influence, presumably through disin-
hibition of the latent inputs (see below).
Some of the topographic hierarchies that emerge in cortex after peripheral
denervation cannot be accounted for simply by topographic overlap among the
thalamocortical afferents. In squirrel monkeys, if all of the glabrous surface of the
hand is deactivated, through transection of both the median and ulnar nerves, the
dorsal hand representation takes over the large zone of affected neurons in area 3b
(Figure 13.4; see also Reference 17). The dominance by dorsal hand inputs is
surprising because the dorsal hand has a minor presence in normal hand maps in
primates. For example, less than 10% of the map in normal squirrel monkeys is
devoted to the representation of the dorsal hand.29 Thus, a takeover of the full extent
of the hand representation by inputs from the dorsal hand would constitute a manifold
enlargement in the dorsal hand representation. If such an expansion was subserved

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FIGURE 13.4 Patterns of topographic organization in somatosensory cortical area 3b after
transection of nerves to the hand in owl or squirrel monkeys. A. The normal somatotopy of
the hand representation. The representations of the hairy, dorsal skin of the digits and hand
typically lie lateral and medial to the digit representations as shown. B. After transection of
both the median and ulnar nerves to denervate the glabrous representations of the digits and
palm, the full extent of the deprived zone is reactivated by remaining inputs from the hairy
skin. Adapted from Reference 17. C. After transection of the median and radial nerves to
eliminate both the glabrous and dorsal inputs from the lateral hand, the deprived cortical zone
is only partially reactivated and a large non-responsive region (black) persists (from Reference
57). The changes in cortical map organization have been overlaid on a summary drawing of the
structural isomorph of the hand (see Reference 24) so that the extent of change can be evaluated
in the context of the normal hand representation. M, medial; R, rostral.

by divergent thalamocortical afferents, it would require that afferents relaying infor-

mation about the dorsal hand project to all neurons in the hand representation. Since
there are considerably fewer neurons in the dorsal hand representation of VP com-
pared to those that relay information from the glabrous hand, each afferent carrying
dorsal hand information would need to span large distances in area 3b to cover the
full extent of the hand representation. However, no evidence of such expansive
afferents have been found at the single axon level,30,31 except for one report of a
zone of terminal labeling in somatosensory cortex of a macaque monkey that spanned

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89 mm mediolaterally across the face representation after a bulk injection in VPM.28
Since bulk injections can label projections from multiple neurons, the widespread
label does not support the contention that individual arbors have such massive
divergence. Moreover, no other studies have obtained similar results.30-32
The alternative and more plausible explanation for the dramatic enlargement of
the dorsal hand representation after denervation of glabrous hand is that reactivation
takes place at earlier stations in the afferent relay. Xu and Wall33,34 have found that
neurons in the glabrous hand representation of the cuneate nucleus acquire new
receptive fields on the dorsal skin immediately after median nerve transection. The
rapid reactivation likely results from the near-neighbor arrangement of afferent
terminals from the skin of the hand in the cuneate nucleus; inputs from the dorsal
hand are directly adjacent to those from the corresponding part of the glabrous
hand.7,8 Afferents from glabrous D1 terminate adjacent to, and perhaps partially
overlap afferents from, dorsal D1 in the cuneate nucleus of monkeys. Thus, because
of the convergence of inputs from the two surfaces of the hand, cuneate neurons
probably have the potential to be driven by either dorsal or glabrous inputs. Pre-
sumably, the glabrous inputs dominate normally; however, when the glabrous inputs
are placed at a competitive disadvantage, such as occurs after median nerve transec-
tion, the afferents from the dorsal hand become potent enough to activate the target
neurons. This shift in functional efficacy of the dorsal hand inputs would yield a
new pattern of representation in the cuneate nucleus, consisting of a dorsal hand
takeover of the entire hand representation. The relay neurons would transfer the new
pattern of representation to VP, and after local adjustments that may occur in VP,
the dorsally dominant hand map would be relayed to area 3b.


Other types of reorganization are not readily explained by existing connections, at
any level of the pathway. The most dramatic example is that the face representation
takes over hand cortex when all inputs from the forelimb are denervated. Such large-
scale expansion was first shown by Pons and colleagues.35 Somatosensory cortex
was mapped in macaque monkeys that had long-standing loss of all sensory inputs
from the upper extremity as a result of dorsal rhizotomy at the cervical level.
Throughout the large extent of cortex where the forelimb representation normally
is situated, neurons had acquired new receptive fields. The vast majority of receptive
fields were on the chin of the face. Thus, the reorganized map consisted of a greatly
expanded representation of the chin. More evidence of the capacity of face inputs
to reactivate hand cortex came from studies in monkeys that suffered injuries to the
forelimb that ultimately resulted in surgical amputation of some portion of the
limb.25,26 The level of the amputations varied considerably from animal to animal,
so that in some monkeys the amputation occurred distally, below the elbow, and in
others, nearly the entire arm had to be removed. If only the hand was amputated,
much of the deprived cortex was taken over by wrist and forearm inputs
(Figure 13.2D); however, there may have been some expansion of the face at the
lateral border of the deprived zone. At the other extreme, if most of the arm was

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amputated, much of the denervated zone was reoccupied by an expanded represen-
tation of the face (Figure 13.2E). A similar takeover of forelimb cortex by the face
also has been reported in monkeys that had dorsal column transection.5
What is the mechanism for face expansion? Such large-scale takeover by face
inputs cannot be accounted for simply by divergent thalamocortical afferents. In the
macaque monkeys that had dorsal rhizotomy, the face representation expanded to
take over a mediolateral extent in cortex of 11 millimeters or more.35 The largest
thalamocortical afferent arborization observed in area 3b of a macaque monkey
spanned a total extent of about 2.5 mm, and most others were much smaller.31 Thus,
the extents of thalamocortical afferents are too limited to accommodate changes that
occupy many millimeters of cortical territory. Similarly, there is no explanation for
the massive takeover of hand cortex by face inputs, based on existing subcortical
connections. The sensory inputs from the face terminate in the trigeminal nucleus,
which is lateral to the cuneate nucleus, and there is no overlap among face and hand
inputs normally.36 Since there is no evidence of a normally existing, structural
framework that could allow for the widespread activation of hand cortex by face
stimulation, the alternative explanation had to be considered, that new connections
formed somewhere in the pathway so that face inputs had access to neurons normally
activated by the hand.
To explain the takeover of forelimb neurons by the face representation, the
potential for sprouting of primary sensory afferents from the face into the deprived
hand representation of the cuneate nucleus was considered.36 As will be discussed
in more detail in a subsequent section, sprouting has been described at multiple
levels of the pathway in monkeys after peripheral sensory manipulations. In monkeys
that had either forelimb amputation or dorsal column section, bilateral injections
into the face to reveal the primary sensory afferent projection patterns produced
label contralateral to the limb denervation that was restricted to the trigeminal
nucleus. This is the normal projection target for face inputs. However, the labeled
face projection extended into the cuneate nucleus on the side ipsilateral to the
denervation, and labeled areas that normally only receive inputs from the hand.6-8
The expanded projection to the cuneate nucleus was sparse, but might have had
enough functional potency to activate the deprived neurons in the cuneate nucleus.
If the new connections were effective, the representation of the face would expand
to take over the deprived zone in the cuneate nucleus. Although no studies yet have
evaluated the electrophysiological effects of limb denervation at the level of the
dorsal column nuclei in monkeys, the data from recent studies of VP of monkeys
with long-standing forelimb denervation support that claim that the redistributed
peripheral afferents have physiological impact. In VP of monkeys that had arm
amputation37 and in monkeys with dorsal rhizotomy,38 the face representation
extended beyond the cell-free septa that normally separates the face and hand
subnuclei into the deprived hand representation. Presumably, the expanded projection
from the trigeminal nucleus to the cuneate nucleus generated a functional map of
the face that was relayed to the hand subnucleus of VP. In turn, the new map in VP
would be relayed to somatosensory cortex, and the consequence would be wide-
spread reactivation of hand cortex by face inputs.

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Another question that is considerably more difficult to address is why inputs
from the face are favored in the deprived hand representation of the primary soma-
tosensory relay over other inputs? The gracile nucleus, which receives primary
sensory afferents from the lower trunk and hindlimb is just medial to the cuneate
nucleus, and just as closely adjacent to the cuneate nucleus as the trigeminal nucleus.
In fact, the gracile and cuneate are separated by a less distinctive border than the
cuneate and trigeminal nuclei. Thus, sprouting of gracile neurons into the deprived
cuneate nucleus would seem to be equally as likely as sprouting of face neurons.
Because there is no functional evidence of hindlimb expansion, the possibility of
new growth from the gracile nucleus into the cuneate nucleus has not been explored
in monkeys. If such sprouting occurs, the inputs presumably have no physiological
impact. Indeed, in rats that had forelimb amputation early in life, hindlimb inputs
sprout into the cuneate nucleus, but their impact is largely suppressed by GABA-
mediated inhibition in S1.39,40 At present, the explanation for the apparent preference
for face inputs as new sources of activation after forelimb deafferentation in the
relay to area 3b remains a mystery.
There is less extensive information about hierarchies among sensory represen-
tations at other levels of the pathway in monkeys, but the limited data suggest that
the propensity for takeover by the face representation after forelimb deafferentation
is not shared by some higher order cortical areas. Pons and colleagues41 mapped the
second somatosensory cortical area, SII, in macaque monkeys that had a lesion
throughout the forelimb representation of cortical SI. Six to eight weeks after the
lesion, neurons in the deprived forelimb representation responded to stimulation of
the foot and lower leg, not the face. In SII of macaques, the foot and leg represen-
tation is adjacent to the forelimb on the anterolateral side, so it is not entirely
surprising that the foot inputs reactivated the deprived zone. However, other adjacent
representations did not expand similarly. For example, the face and head represen-
tations are medially adjacent to the forelimb in SII, yet there appeared to be only
minimal enlargement of the head representation. This suggests that hindlimb inputs
may be the preferred alternate in hand cortex of SII.


In the preceding section, the patterns of reorganization that were described repre-
sented endpoints of a progressive process that occurs over a time course of months
and, in some cases, years. The endpoints are achieved by a succession of changes
that evolve after deafferentation. For example, some new features of organization
usually are apparent immediately, and additional changes emerge during the subse-
quent weeks and months. The importance of the temporal distinctions for the dif-
ferent stages of plasticity is that they would not be expected if all plasticity was
explained by one plasticity mechanism, or by modulation of changes that appear
rapidly. Instead, the distinctive temporal signature of each stage indicates that each
is subserved by a different cellular process, or mechanism. As a cautionary note,
however, at any given point in the plasticity sequence, the observed pattern of
reorganization no doubt represents an integration of changes produced by multiple
plasticity mechanisms. Thus, the plasticity process may be more akin to a progressive

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evolution of changes that emerge over an extended time-continuum rather than discern-
ible epochs during which changes occur separated by periods of little plasticity.


The emergence of new cortical receptive fields after the suppression or removal of
the dominant excitatory inputs can be observed instantaneously after a peripheral
manipulation. The most elegant demonstrations of this immediate reactivation
require that neuronal recordings be maintained at the same site during an inactivation
experiment to rule out interpretation errors that could result from small differences
in electrode placement before and after the denervation. In the first study of this
kind, Calford and Tweedale42,43 implanted electrodes in primary somatosensory
cortex of flying foxes. In initial experiments to test the reproducibility of the
implanted electrodes in normal animals, little change in receptive field location was
observed over the course of 34 weeks. However, when a digit on the forelimb was
amputated, new receptive fields on nearby, intact parts of the forelimb became
apparent immediately after the procedure at some recording sites. Critically, these
new fields appeared only at sites where the initial receptive field was restricted to
the amputated digit. At sites where the dominant activating inputs remained intact,
no changes were observed. The rapid emergence of new receptive fields in primary
somatosensory cortex of monkeys was described subsequently by Calford and
Tweedale using this same strategy.23 They also showed that if the dominant sensory
inputs are deactivated transiently, by subcutaneous lidocaine injections, the original
receptive field re-emerged when the anesthetic effects of the lidocaine dwindled and
displaced the field that appeared during deactivation.
Another approach to detect rapidly emerging changes in receptive fields after
sensory deactivation involves high-resolution mapping. First, in the intact animal,
the cortical representation of the sensory surface is mapped. Then, the dominant
excitatory inputs to a delimited portion of the mapped zone are deactivated, usually
by nerve transection or digit amputation. Promptly thereafter, a second map is made
of the sensory representation, usually with electrodes placed in approximately the
same locations as before the deactivation. Because of possible errors in electrode
placement, it cannot be certain that the same neurons are studied before and after
the denervation. Thus, the procedure is not as compelling as the same-site recordings
described above. However, the advantage of the mapping procedure is that it can
provide insight about the topographic distributions of the acute alterations. The
results from the mapping studies indicate that neurons that immediately acquire new
receptive fields after sensory deactivations characteristically are positioned at the
edge of the deactivated zone, near adjacent sensory representations where activating
inputs remain intact (Figure 13.3; see also References 2, 34, and 44). Neurons that
are distant from functionally intact inputs typically are not reactivated within a short
time frame (Figure 13.3).
Subcortical relays in the lemniscal pathway also have potential for dynamic
adjustments in receptive field size and location. The strategy of maintaining record-
ings at the same site to evaluate effects of deactivation on receptive field organization
has been applied in non-primates at multiple levels of the somatosensory pathway,

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including the ventroposterior nucleus45-48 and the dorsal column nuclei of the brain
stem.48-53 At all levels, neurons deprived of their dominant sensory activation can
acquire new receptive fields on nearby intact sensory surfaces just as described for
cortex, although it is not certain what contribution each of the subcortical relays
make to the immediately observed changes found in cortex (see below for more
There are a few important exceptions to the well-established notion that latent
inputs are expressed rapidly after sensory denervation. The most recent comes from
a study of the effects of peripheral cold blockade on cuneate neurons in cats by
Zhang and Rowe.54 No evidence of new receptive fields was obtained during the
period of cold-induced deafferentation. At present there is no explanation for the
results, which seem to be in conflict with nearly all other reports. However, limited
changes may have been overlooked. For example, if the blockade eliminated both
dominant and latent inputs to the majority of the neurons being studied, then only
those at the perimetry of the cold blockade, where silent inputs were spared, would
acquire new receptive fields immediately. Alternatively, perhaps the time course of
the blockade was too short. Tests for new receptive fields began 5 minutes after the
cold blockade was established and were continued for no longer than 30 minutes;
however, some studies have reported that acute changes only begin to emerge 1530
minutes after deactivation.46,53 Northgrave and Rasmusson55 also found no new
receptive fields in the cuneate nucleus of raccoons when stimulation was applied to
non-deprived skin adjacent to the denervated zone, called off-focus stimulation.
The emphasis in this paper was on inhibitory interactions in the cuneate nucleus,
and it appears that only high-threshold stimuli (squeezes) were applied to off-focus
sites. Perhaps the activation produced by the high-threshold stimuli suppressed any
weak excitatory influences that may have resided in off-focus tactile inputs.


In the large majority of studies on the functional effects of sensory denervation in
the somatosensory system, the emphasis is on changes that appear a few days after
deactivation or within the subsequent weeks and months. The deprivation must be
maintained throughout the period of observation, via some manipulation that sepa-
rates the peripheral inputs from the ascending relays or by making a lesion in a
portion of the sensory representation at an early station in the somatosensory path-
way. These types of experiments have been performed in a wide range of species
using diverse deafferentation strategies. The pattern of reorganization that appears
and the time required for the changes to emerge can vary considerably, depending
on the manipulation used to invoke the plasticity and the size of the deprived
representation centrally. However, two general statements hold true for nearly all
the results. First, the extent of reactivation increases with time after sensory dener-
vation. Thus, there is more extensive reactivation apparent a few weeks after the
deprivation than is observed immediately, and still more reactivation is present
months later (Figure 13.5). Second, there are spatial limits to the extent of reactiva-
tion that can be mediated by intermediate mechanisms. These conclusions recur in

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FIGURE 13.5 Plots showing the changes with time in the size of intact sensory representation
that dominates deprived cortex after median nerve transection in a monkey (top) and after
sciatic nerve transection in rats (bottom). In the case of the monkey, the size of the dorsal
skin representation for the lateral half of the hand was measured from Figure 7 of Reference
2. Evidence for the change in size of the saphenous nerve representation after sciatic nerve
cut in rats is from Figure 2 of Reference 67. In both species, the representations double in
size from the control values immediately after deafferentation. The representations slowly
increase further in size over the course of the following weeks and months, until all or nearly
all the denervated neurons are reactivated.

virtually all cases where somatosensory deactivation has been followed over
extended time frames.
In primates, much of the information on time course of reactivation comes from
studies of the effects of median nerve transection, to denervate the lateral half of
the palmar hand. The emergence of new receptive fields on the dorsal surface of the
hand may require many weeks before the full extent of potential change is expressed
(Figure 13.5). Initially, neurons only along the borders of the deactivated zone are
responsive to cutaneous stimulation of adjacent intact parts of the hand.2,18,34,44

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Gradually over time, the zone of reactivation extends further and further into the
core of the denervated representation and ultimately encompasses most or all of the
once-deprived representation.1,2,20,21,56
Another feature of reorganization that evolves over time after the nerve transec-
tion is the topographic precision within the reactivated zone. As originally reported
by Merzenichs group,2 the new receptive fields that occupy deprived cortex are
large initially, but gradually decrease in size. Churchill and colleagues21 have pro-
posed that this receptive field refinement is attributable to a consolidation process
whereby the most useful synaptic inputs are extracted through a use-dependent
process of selection from all available excitatory inputs. In their study, monkeys that
were sacrificed 24.5 months after median nerve transection were compared with
others sacrificed more than 11 months after the same manipulation. The deprived
zone was reactivated at the earliest time points, but topography was crude. At the
later time point, topographic consolidation had occurred and receptive fields were
refined and progressed in a more orderly manner. There were few details about the
time course of the consolidation, since many months had ensued between the two
time points studied; however, work from the Dykes group in cats that had forelimb
denervation suggests that topographic refinements occur gradually over time (see
Evidence that there can be spatial limits to the cortical reorganization, even after
weeks and months, comes from deafferentation strategies where both the palmar
and dorsal surfaces of the hand are denervated so that both the dominant and latent
inputs to the central representation are silenced. One such manipulation involves
transection of combinations of the nerves to the hand. The median and radial nerves
relay sensory information from both the glabrous and hairy surfaces of the lateral
half of the hand, and the ulnar and radial nerves relay information from the medial
half of the hand. After transection of either combination of nerves, a large region
of the affected cortex remained silent for up to 11 months, the longest time point
examined (see Reference 57; see also Figure 13.4). There may have been some
enlargement of the remaining hand representation along the border of the deprived
zone, but not enough to provide new sources of activation to the full extent of the
deprived region in the cortical map. Even in early postnatal monkeys, after transec-
tion of combined nerves to the hand followed by long recovery, small regions of
area 3b remain unresponsive to tactile stimulation.58 The persistence of silent cortex
over intermediate time courses suggested that the spatial extent of the deprived cortex
was greater than could be reactivated by the available plasticity mechanisms.
Further evidence that the potential for reactivation is spatially limited within a
few weeks or months after sensory deprivation comes from studies where one or
more digits on the hand are amputated. Digit amputations produce patterns of
deprivation centrally much like transection of nerves to the dorsal and palmar
surfaces of the hand, in that both the dominant and latent inputs are removed. If
only one digit is amputated in monkeys, the extent of the cortical representation that
would be affected is only about a millimeter in width. When the electrophysiological
recording experiments were performed weeks or months later, the deprived zone
was completely reactivated by inputs from the amputated stump or from the adjacent
digits.4,22,24 In contrast, if two or more adjacent digits are amputated, the denervated

2002 CRC Press LLC

zone would involve a cortical extent of 2 millimeters or more, some of which remain
silent for months following the injury.4 With much longer survival times (e.g., years),
no evidence of the deactivated cortical neurons remain,24 even if all the digits are
amputated.25 These reactivations likely reflect different mechanisms than those that
subserve plasticity over an intermediate time frame, and will be discussed in the
subsequent section.
The most extensive denervations of the forelimb representation have been pro-
duced by cervical dorsal rhizotomy35 and by dorsal column transection,5 which
eliminates all or most of the sensory inputs from the forelimb. The only compre-
hensive evaluation of the time course of reactivation in cortex after large-scale
deactivation was done by Jain et al.5 and the outcome reinforces the notion that there
are spatial limits to the extent of cortex that can be reactivated over an intermediate
time frame. If all sensory inputs from the forearm are removed, neurons in area 3b
remain unresponsive to tactile stimulation for many months.5,59 Presumably, there
are limited expansions of the intact sensory representations along the border of the
deprived zone, yet the large central portion of the affected region is rendered unre-
sponsive. Very slowly developing changes eventually bring about extensive reacti-
vation of deprived cortex, but as for above, these data will be discussed in the
subsequent section.
Only a small number of studies have looked carefully at the temporal sequence
of reactivation in non-primates, but the data that have emerged from these few are
consistent with the scenario proposed for primates. Kelehan and Doetsch60 examined
the effects of digit amputation on the somatosensory cortex of raccoons at 1 hour,
1 week, 2 weeks, 4 weeks, and 36 weeks after the injury. In raccoons, the digit
representations in somatosensory cortex are greatly magnified, much as in primates,
so that the progressive reactivation of the extensive zone of cortex deprived by the
amputation was readily apparent. However, because of the vast extent of the deprived
zone produced by the amputation, some non-responsive neurons persisted even at
the longest survival time. The explanation for this is the same as for monkeys. The
latent inputs from adjacent sensory representations do not span the full extent of a
digit representation, so that the central core zone has no alternative source of
activation after digit amputation. This conclusion is consistent with the findings of
Rasmusson and colleagues.61,62 Dykes and colleagues63 studied somatosensory cortex
in cats that had transection of multiple nerves in the forelimb to remove all sensory
innervation to the forepaw (see also Reference 64). Reactivation appeared initially
near the border between the deprived forelimb and the adjacent trunk representation
and over time progressed further and further into the denervated cortex. Receptive
fields at the leading edge of the reactivated cortex were large and poorly defined,
and other abnormal physiological properties were apparent. However, over time,
some of the most abnormal features were suppressed, much like the consolidation
described by Churchill et al.21 Even up to a year after deafferentation of the forelimb,
some neurons in somatosensory cortex of cats remained non-responsive to tactile
The time course for reactivation of somatosensory cortex has also been studied
in rats after elimination of inputs from the sciatic nerve, which innervates a large
portion of the hindlimb.65-67 An important contribution of these studies is that they

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demonstrated the rates at which the changes occur. After sciatic nerve deafferenta-
tion, neurons in the deprived zone of cortex near the border of the intact saphenous
nerve territory acquire new receptive fields on saphenous nerve skin, so that the
saphaneous nerve representation expands. Quantitative evaluations of the size of the
saphenous representation with time after sciatic denervation indicate that the repre-
sentation expands to more than double its normal size within days of the injury
(Figure 13.5; see also Reference 67). Subsequently, the saphenous nerve field again
doubles in size; however, the expansion is much slower than that observed within
the first few days after injury, spanning up to 8 months (Figure 13.5).
There are a few exceptions to the conclusion that new patterns of sensory
representation emerge with time after peripheral denervation. In an early influential
study by McMahon and Wall,68 no evidence of receptive field reorganization was
found in the dorsal column/trigeminal complex after transection of nerves to the
hindfoot in adult rats. Originally, it was presumed that the outcome demonstrated
the implastic nature of the dorsal column nuclei under conditions where the sensory
neurons remain. However, given the more recent evidence for plasticity under even
less disruptive conditions (i.e., temporary anesthetic block49), it is likely that small
changes in receptive field organization were overlooked. This same explanation
might account for the absence of new receptive fields in the trigeminal brain stem
after infraorbital nerve section.69 Another apparent exception comes from rats in
which the dorsal columns were cut at thoracic levels.70 Much of the deafferented
hindlimb portion of S1 remained unresponsive to tactile stimulation, even after
months of recovery.70 Similar results were obtained in adult cats when the dorsal
columns and all other ascending afferents from the hindlimb were sectioned by
spinal cord transection at lower thoracic levels.71 The emphasis in these studies was
the possibility of a functional takeover of the hindlimb representation by forelimb
inputs, and although a forelimb expansion was not observed there was no compelling
evidence for a complete absence of reorganization. Indeed, as described by McKinley
and Smith,71 some reactivation of the deprived hindlimb neurons by trunk inputs
was detected. Presumably, this occurred along the border of the deprived zone via
mechanisms common to most reports of plasticity.


Initially, few studies looked at the long-term (many months to years) consequences
of sensory denervation. In cases where the deafferentation spared latent inputs, the
process of reorganization was complete in a matter of months.2,17,20 In cases of more
extensive denervations, whatever changes had appeared within two or so months
after the initial deafferentation were thought to be all that the mature brain allowed.4,57
No systematic inquiries challenged this presumption until Pons et al.35 found evi-
dence of cortical reactivation over distances of more than 11 mm in monkeys that
had lived for 12 years or more after dorsal rhizotomy of spinal segments C2T4.
The procedure had eliminated all sensory input from the arm; nonetheless, neurons
throughout the arm representation in somatosensory cortex had become responsive
to sensory stimulation of other intact sensory surfaces. The vast majority of neurons
responded to stimulation of the face.

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The specific pattern of change was reminiscent of clinical reports of phantom
sensations in humans with amputation of the hand or some portion of the upper
limb. Characteristically, these individuals have the sensation that the missing limb
is still present,72 and some patients feel touch on the digits of their missing arm,
when touched on the side of the face ipsilateral to the amputation.73,74 This suggested
that, much as described by Pons et al.35 in monkeys with limb deafferentation, the
deprived hand representation in cortex of human amputees might be activated by
stimulating the face. This supposition has now been confirmed using non-invasive
magnetic source imaging methods. After loss of the forelimb in humans, the region
of cortex activated by the face expands to occupy much of the forelimb region.75-81
Reactivation of large extents of forelimb cortex also was detected in monkeys
that had hand or forearm amputation.25,26 Additional evidence for large-scale reac-
tivations in somatosensory cortex have been reported after dorsal column section in
monkeys.5 In some cases, the deprived cortical representation becomes reactivated
by an expanded representation of the face, but in some cases where arm inputs are
left intact, such as after hand amputation, most of reorganization involved inputs
from the remaining stump of the arm.26 Nonetheless, the major point of the expan-
sions that have been observed after long time courses is not the source of the new
activation, but that the spatial extent of the reorganization is much more massive
that previously thought possible.
The common explanation for the large-scale reactivation is that it reflects pro-
cesses that evolve slowly over time. In owl monkeys that had dorsal column section,
Jain and colleagues5 found that full reactivation of hand cortex appeared by 8 months
after the deactivation. The macaque monkeys that were studied after hand
amputation25,26 and those that had dorsal rhizotomy35 had survived for years after
the denervation. Thus, there was no information about the time required for the full
extent of the reactivations to emerge. However, complete reorganization may take
longer in higher-order primates than those reported for owl monkeys by Jain et al.5
The cortical representation of the hand in macaque monkeys is several orders of
magnitude larger than in owl monkeys; thus, the progression of reactivation may be
considerably more lengthy.
There has been recent argument that the reactivation may not be a protracted
process. The emergence of phantom limb sensations can be quite rapid. The regions
of skin that evoked phantom limb sensations when stimulated, called trigger zones,
were apparent within 24 hours after amputation in one individual and expanded over
the course of the next 8 weeks.82 Such rapid emergence of phantom sensations would
not be expected if the neurological mechanism for the sensations was a slowly
developing process. The trigger zones that were apparent most rapidly after the
injury involved the skin of the stump, the upper arm in the case of the one individual
studied.82 Since the upper arm is represented immediately adjacent to neurons that
relay information from the forearm in the cuneate nucleus, and separated from hand
neurons in the cuneate neurons by less than 200 microns (e.g., Reference 7), the
earliest phantoms may result from new patterns of activation that involve only limited
reactivations. Of course, the relationship between the perception of phantom limbs
and the structural/functional changes observed in primary somatosensory pathway
is unknown, and, thus, these arguments are purely speculative, at present.

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In non-primates, most of the studies of the effects of limb deafferentation are
directed toward understanding developmental mechanisms of plasticity.40,64,71,83-85
Fewer have examined the organization of somatosensory cortex after adult deaffer-
entation and the data are not as clear-cut as in primates. In rodents, adult forelimb
amputation renders much of S1 non-responsive for up to 16 weeks (the longest time
point included).85 Yet, sprouting of hindlimb inputs into denervated cuneate nucleus
has been reported within 2 weeks after forelimb denervation through cervical dorsal
rhizotomy in adult rats.86 Perhaps the new inputs to cuneate require longer time
courses to activate target neurons and initiate new patterns of activation in the
ascending pathway, or perhaps GABA mechanisms suppress the new inputs, much
as reported by Lane et al.84 in rats that had early neonatal forelimb amputation. Up
to a year after forelimb denervation in cats, neurons at only about half the recording
sites had acquired new receptive fields,63 but longer time courses were not examined.
Finally, in one raccoon that had a forelimb amputation, reactivation of the full extent
of the massive forelimb cortex was reported.87 The injury had occurred at some
unknown time prior to capture, but appeared to have been a long-standing injury.
Thus, the mechanism of reactivation in this animal may have been akin to that
described above for primates.



As originally suggested by Wall88 the rapid emergence of new receptive fields
probably reflects the unmasking of normally suppressed excitatory inputs. Presum-
ably, the latent inputs were suppressed by the activity of the dominant inputs, but
become functionally viable when the suppression was released. The premise to this
notion is that the full complement of sensory inputs that converge on individual
neurons is not expressed under normal conditions (Figure 13.6); there is more diver-
gence and convergence of thalamocortical inputs than is expressed normally in the
functional maps of somatosensory cortex of primates.27,28 The dominant inputs
presumably are those that were reinforced through correlated patterns of sensory-
driven activity.89 However, the process is highly dynamic and the dominance of those
inputs reflects on-line adjustments in the relative strengths of diverse excitatory and
inhibitory inputs (for review, see Reference 90). The latent inputs that are not
expressed are often referred to as a subthreshold fringe. The rapid expression of
the inputs in this fringe region is attributed to a reduction of the excitatory drive of
inhibitory cortical neurons, called afferent-driven inhibition.91 When antagonists
of the inhibitory neurotransmitter, GABA, are administered intracortically to elim-
inate inhibitory influences, somatosensory receptive fields become markedly larger
than when inhibition was intact. The rapid acquisition of new receptive fields after
peripheral sensory denervation seems to occur simultaneously at multiple levels of
the pathway34,48 and it is assumed that the changes at each level are mediated by
local activity-dependent modulation of GABAergic inhibitory processes.48

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FIGURE 13.6 Schematic illustration showing the role of afferent-driven inhibition in shaping
receptive field organization in the somatosensory system. The cartoon to the left shows the
normal condition where receptive fields are dictated by the balance between competing intact
sensory afferent inputs. Afferents from different sensory sources can terminate on the same
neurons in a somatosensory relay station; however, the presence of both inputs may not be
expressed. As shown in the enlarged drawing on the left (top), the dominant input to the
neuron on the left (black fill) comes from axon 1. The input from axon 2 to that same neuron
is inhibited by an afferent collateral from axon 1. Conversely, axon 2 dominates the neuron
on the right (gray fill) and the influence of axon 1 is suppressed. However, if axon 2 is silenced
(panel on right), the inhibition onto the collateral from axon 1 is removed (right,top), and the
neuron that originally responded to stimulation of axon 2 acquires a new receptive field that
reflects the input from axon 1 (black fill).

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The second phase in cortical plasticity that develops over the course of days
and weeks subsequent to sensory deprivation leads to somewhat more extensive
map reorganization, as well as what appears to be the consolidation of the topo-
graphic order within reorganized cortex.21 The substrate for this more slowly
developing plasticity probably involves Hebbian-type mechanisms for synaptic
strengthening of previously existing, latent inputs.92 The inputs presumably are
part of the subthreshold fringe, but may comprise a wider fringe than can be
expressed rapidly following reduction of afferent-driven inhibition. Although it is
often not stated explicitly, the assumption is that because the scale of the reorga-
nization that emerges days and weeks after denervation is more extensive that that
which appears rapidly, the connections that subserve the second wave of reorga-
nization were too weak to be expressed immediately after deafferentation, even
with decreased levels of inhibition. Over the course of time, these latent connec-
tions are potentiated and slowly gain functional potency. This process presumably
involves the NMDA receptor complex (for review, see Reference 93), since NMDA
receptor blockade during the recovery period eliminated denervation-induced plas-
ticity in somatosensory cortex.94 There are a host of other modulators of synaptic
strength that also may contribute to the final outcome after sensory denervation95
but consideration of all potential mechanisms for modulation is outside the scope
of the present chapter.
Although most of the changes that have been described in the rapid and inter-
mediate stages of reorganization after sensory denervation have been ascribed to
existing connections, there may be local changes in anatomy within the intermediate
time frame. Even with limited structural modifications, existing connections appear
to be sufficient for reactivations that span a linear extent of only about 1.5 mm in
cortex. This distance limit was first proposed by Merzenich et al.4 and is now well
established. Thus, in monkeys, if the denervation produces a zone of deactivation
that spans more than 3 millimeters of cortical space (i.e., more than 1.5 mm from
alternate intact inputs medial and lateral to the deprived zone), neurons in the central
core of the deprived representation presumably are outside the reach of alternative
cortical inputs and will remain deactivated, at least for months after the injury.4,5,57
There are exceptions, naturally, such as the widespread reactivation of the glabrous
hand representation by hairy hand inputs in monkeys (see earlier discussion); but,
for the most part, topographic overlap among existing connections in the primate
somatosensory system appears to be limited.
Rausell and colleagues28 argue this conclusion and suggest that a small per-
centage of projections from VP to area 3b in normal monkeys span large domains
of cortex and could account for the widespread plastic changes observed after
peripheral injury. However, if such widespread afferents exist, presumably they
would be expressed within a few weeks or months after sensory denervations that
remove dominant inputs. Yet, as discussed earlier, data from deafferentation studies
show that extensive denervations render portions of somatosensory cortex silent
for many months (see above). Thus, there is little experimental support for the
tenet that plasticity mechanisms that involve only existing connections can account
for large-scale reactivations.

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There had been a long-held view that axon growth, often called sprouting, only
occurred in the developing brain. In the mature brain, sprouting was necessarily
limited to preserve the stability of brain function, or so it was thought. Over the last
decade, however, evidence has accumulated that sprouting can occur in the adult
somatosensory system and recent reviews have documented the findings in detail
(for reviews, see References 96 and 97).
One process that can initiate new growth is injury. For example, damage to
peripheral sensory nerves apparently triggers the upregulation of genes that normally
are associated with developmental growth (i.e., GAP-43) in the injured dorsal root
ganglion cells. The growth factors are transferred to the injured peripheral axons,
to facilitate repair; however, growth factors also are transported to the central ter-
minals of the injured neurons and result in the growth of new connections in the
This is not the only means by which sprouting is induced. Neurons apparently
can sprout new processes without being prompted to grow by injury. In monkeys
that had limb amputation, subcutaneous injections of anatomical tracers were made
into the arm proximal to the amputation to label their input patterns in the cuneate
nucleus.26 Matched injections were made into the opposite, intact arm for compar-
ison. Inputs from the arm normally terminate dorsal to those from the hand; however,
in the amputee monkeys the labeled sensory afferents from the arm occupied the
hand and digit portions of the nucleus, presumably by growing into the deprived
region.26 Importantly, this change in pattern of connections involved uninjured affer-
ent inputs. The sprouting of trigeminal inputs from the face in the cuneate nucleus
after hand amputation or dorsal column section,36 described in an earlier section, is
another example of sprouting of connections that are not directly injured by deaf-
ferentation. Sprouting of new connections from uninjured neurons also occurs at the
cortical level in the somatosensory system. In monkeys that had limb amputation,
horizontal connections in the reorganized cortical zone are more extensive than
normal.25 Neurons in the deprived cortical zones extend outside their normal territory
and project to nearby non-deprived cortex. Conversely, neurons in non-deprived
cortical zones sprout into the deprived region of cortex.
What might be the impetus for the formation of new connections by intact, non-
injured neurons after peripheral deactivation? The widespread loss of sensory acti-
vation could have far-reaching effects on neurons in the somatosensory pathway.
Vacant synaptic sites on the post-synaptic neurons may release molecular signals to
signal synaptic availability, such as signal could stimulate nearby axons to grow,
particularly if other local factors favored axon growth. The production of growth
inhibitors that normally suppress neurite growth (see Reference 100 for review),
may be down-regulated or blocked after injury, so that the growth of new connections
is no longer prevented. This is all largely speculation since the molecular require-
ments for new growth in the central nervous system are still being unraveled.101 How-
ever, considerable research effort is being directed toward this issue, and eventually we
may be in a position to foster growth where clinical outcomes can be improved.

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The functional impact of new activating inputs to denervated regions of the brain
may be substantial, and this is why evidence for sprouting has been heralded with
considerable interest. New inputs to deprived neurons in the cuneate nucleus would
provide an alternate source of activation for deprived cuneate neurons. In turn, the
new pattern of activation in the brainstem would be relayed to the ventroposterior
nucleus in the thalamus, and subsequently to somatosensory cortex where new
cortical growth likely contributed further to the reorganization. Moreover, at each
level of the relay there would be potential for integration of the new patterns of
organization and consolidation with other sensory inputs. For a number of years,
there was no empirical evidence to support this assumption; however, as discussed
below, recent data suggest that plasticity mechanisms at all levels of the somatosen-
sory pathway contribute to the final outcome.


It has only been in the last few years that investigators are systematically evaluating
the impact of plastic changes across multiple levels of the somatosensory pathway.
One impetus for such evaluations in the primate literature was to determine whether
the new patterns of connections that form in the cuneate nucleus after limb dener-
vation could provide activation for the new sensory maps that evolve in cortex. If
the new inputs to the deprived cuneate neurons are functionally potent, their impact
should be evident at the next level in the processing sequence, in VPL. In turn, if
the information in VPL is relayed faithfully to cortex, the functional properties of
neurons at both levels should be comparable.
Experiments to explore these relationships were performed in monkeys that had
long-standing amputation of the forelimb.37 In the region of VPL, where the hand
would normally activate neurons, new receptive fields were apparent, either on the
stump of the arm, the face, or both. Presumably, the excitatory relay from the cuneate
nucleus was the source of the new activation for the deprived thalamic neurons, and
in turn, the explanation for the altered efferent patterns from the cuneate nucleus
was that new connections from the stump and face had formed and acquired phys-
iological impact.
New patterns of organization in the somatosensory thalamus after forelimb injury
have been observed in other primate studies. In monkeys that had cervical dorsal
rhizotomy, despite considerable shrinkage and cell loss in the portion of VPL related
to the forelimb,102 the deprived zone had become reactivated by inputs from the face
and trunk.38 Also in monkeys that had transection of multiple nerves to the hand,
neurons throughout the deprived portion of VPL were reactivated by alternative
inputs.103 In humans being treated for pain after limb amputation, recordings in the
thalamus revealed neurons in the deprived portion of ventroposterior nucleus that
were activated by stimulation of the limb stump.104,105 In fact, a variety of deaffer-
entating injuries in humans produce reorganization in the somatosensory thala-
mus.106-108 Taken together, the results support the argument that sensory reactivations
after peripheral sensory deprivation are initiated subcortically.

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A question that follows from the reports of subcortical reorganization is the
extent to which changes at lower levels are reflected in cortex. To make inferences
about the contribution of the subcortical inputs to the patterns of functional reorga-
nization in cortex, the ideal approach is to compare the functional properties of
neurons at multiple levels in the same animal after a sensory manipulation. In the
few studies where such restricted comparisons across levels of the system were made
in monkeys, the general representational features of the reorganized zones subcor-
tically and in cortex were similar.17,34,37,103 This indicates that the changes observed
in cortex reflect at least some of the aspects of reorganization that were initiated
subcortically. Data from subcortical and cortical comparisons in non-primates have
been interpreted similarly.48,49,109,110
Not all aspects of the response properties observed subcortically were exhibited in
cortex, however. For example, in monkeys that had limb amputation, there were more
split receptive fields involving both the face and the stump and larger stump-only fields
in VPL compared to area 3b.37 Similarly, in monkeys that had transection of the median
and ulnar nerves, receptive fields in the reorganized portion of the cuneate nucleus were
significantly larger than those in the corresponding portion of area 3b.34 Even in normal
monkeys, these differences exist.29 These findings suggest that cortical mechanisms of
plasticity filter the information relayed from thalamus, and perhaps repress the infor-
mation that is functionally irrelevant. A similar interpretation explains differences in
the response properties in the brain stem and in cortex of rats that had forelimb ampu-
tation early in life. Lane and colleagues39 found that only 5% of the neurons in reorga-
nized cortex had the unusual characteristic of responsive zones on both the forelimb
stump and the hindlimb, whereas 41% of the receptive fields in the cuneate nucleus
demonstrated this unusual response property. They went on to show that the decrease
in the number of abnormal receptive fields is mediated by intracortical inhibition.40
When GABA antagonists were administered to cortex, while recording in the forelimb
cortical representation of the rats that had early forelimb amputation, many more cortical
receptive fields that included the hindlimb appeared. Taken together, the data indicate
that subcortical mechanisms of plasticity can provide for new sources of sensory acti-
vation after peripheral denervation; however, the final pattern of representation that
emerges in somatosensory cortex results from the subcortical contributions as well as
intracortical processes of synaptic selection.

In the somatosensory system, some principles of reorganization are common to
nearly all descriptions of plasticity after peripheral sensory deprivation. The recur-
rence of these same principles, despite different manipulations used to induce reor-
ganization and differences in outcomes, suggests that the system adapts to peripheral
modulations using a only few simple strategies.
Three common principles are discussed in the present chapter based on evidence
from studies in the primate somatosensory system. The principles are summarized

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1. The source of new sensory inputs that reactivate neurons in a denervated
cortical map can vary with different types of injury. If dominant inputs
are spared, they have preferential access to the deprived zone. If all
dominant inputs are eliminated, then near neighbors in the sensory rep-
resentation provide a new source of activating inputs. However, neighbor-
ing representations do not all have equal potency in the reactivation.
Dorsal hand inputs dominate deprived hand cortex, even if only a portion
of the glabrous inputs are removed. Face inputs reactivate forelimb cortex,
at least at early cortical levels, even though the representation of the trunk
and hindlimb have a similar near-neighbor relationship with the forelimb
representation as the face.
2. The evolution of the somatosensory plasticity process encompasses
months and, in some cases, years. Some changes emerge immediately
after sensory deafferentation, but these are limited in magnitude. Addi-
tional, more extensive changes appear during the subsequent weeks and
months. The most dramatic reactivations do not appear until many months,
or perhaps years, after a peripheral denervation.
3. Multiple mechanisms account for the full spectrum of changes produced
by peripheral sensory deactivation. The disinhibition of existing, func-
tionally viable inputs probably accounts for immediate reactivations after
sensory denervation. More slowly developing changes are attributed to
the potentiation of weak connections, predominantly through NMDA-
receptor mediated mechanisms. After very long-standing sensory depri-
vation, the growth of new connections may occur and initiate reactivations
that can involve dramatically large extents. Finally, mechanisms of plas-
ticity can affect multiple levels of the somatosensory pathway, so that the
final outcomes likely reflect a compendium of network-wide adjustments
as well as local-circuit modifications.

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Functional Implications of
14 Plasticity and
Reorganizations in the
Somatosensory and Motor
Systems of Developing and
Adult Primates
Jon H. Kaas


14.1 Introduction
14.2 The Problem of Detecting Brain Plasticity
14.3 Reorganization after Deafferentations
14.4 Motor Cortex Reorganizations
14.5 Reorganizations of Somatosensory Cortex Following Changes
in Sensory Stimulation and Experience
14.6 Mechanisms of Neural Plasticity
14.7 The Perceptual and Motor Consequences of Plasticity

The developing and mature nervous system must solve two major problems. The
brain must be able to function properly, or at least well, and it must be able to
change. We will see that these two problems are aspects of the same task. I am
reminded of a 1931 painting by Salvador Dali called The Persistence of Memory.
In the painting, the faces of clocks had become rather fluid, and they hung loosely
and folded over tree branches. The plastic clocks reminded me that we do retain our
memories over long periods of time, but the memories change and gradually become
distorted. While we clearly do have brain mechanisms for storing information, or

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for maintaining functions, there is a struggle for stability that is only partially
achieved. Better stability may be possible, but perhaps not in systems that are also
designed to change and to acquire new memories, and new functions. Our brains
must be capable of processing information, retrieving information, and controlling
behavior in a predictable and reliable manner, and this would seem to depend on
morphologically and functionally stable machinery, the circuits of the brain. And
yet, the circuits cannot be completely stable if we are going to acquire new skills
and abilities, and adjust to sensory loss and other impairments. We also realize, as
memories fade and distort, that brain circuits change even when you do not try to
change them or want them to change. It may be true that once you learn to ride a
bike, you can always ride a bike; however, it is not true that skills and abilities can
be maintained at a high level without practice. The professional athlete or musician
fully realizes how much effort is needed just to maintain abilities. These talented
individuals practice to fine-tune the neural circuits used in their professions. Expe-
rience both changes and maintains.
Practical procedures for using experience and training to achieve and maintain
abilities, and recover from impairments need not depend on any knowledge of the
brain, its circuits, and how they are altered. Effective procedures have been and are
being empirically derived. Nevertheless, altering or maintaining brain circuits is
what training, practice, and therapy is about, and in principle procedures could be
improved if we understand the brain, and how it is modified. We need to learn how
to modify brain circuits most effectively when we want change, and to maintain
brain circuits when we do not.
In this chapter, we consider evidence that many brain circuits, perhaps all, can
be modified by experience, even in adult humans and animals, although less pow-
erfully in adults than in some stages of development. We also review some of the
mechanisms of rewiring brain circuits, so that ways of using these mechanisms can
be considered. This review concentrates on the somatosensory and the motor sys-
tems, where research has lead to much progress over the last 20 years. Related
reviews include Buonomano and Merzenich (1998), Chino (1997), Dykes (1997),
Ebner et al. (1997), Kaas (1996), Kaas et al. (1997), Nicolelis (1997), and Nudo
et al. (1997). The focus is on brain plasticity that may be important in recoveries
from sensory loss, brain injury, and errors in development, as well as in gaining new
sensorimotor skills and perceptual abilities. Important neural aspects of learning and
memory are reviewed elsewhere (Cohen and Eichenbaum, 1993; Eichenbaum, 1997;
Squire and Zola, 1997; Tulving and Morkowitsch, 1997; Salmon and Butters, 1995).


Important modifications in brain circuits can be quite difficult to detect. Small
changes in synaptic strength, when distributed across many synapses and neurons,
can be difficult to measure and quantify. Thus, plasticity is often demonstrated under
rather unnatural conditions with the assumption that similar but less obvious changes
occur under more natural conditions. One form of synaptic plasticity, long-term

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potentiation or LTP, for example, is typically studied in living slices of brain tissue
rather than in the intact brain, so that electrodes can be properly placed and variables
better manipulated and controlled. Electrical stimulation of axons replaces activity
induced by natural stimuli in these experiments. The tissue itself, the hippocampus,
is picked for study, not only because of its critical role in the early stages of learning,
but because it has a highly laminar type of tissue organization that permits such
electrical stimulation. Such studies have been more difficult in the neocortex, where
neurons also demonstrate LTP.
In a similar manner, we have chosen the large, orderly representation of the hand
in primary somatosensory cortex (S1) of monkeys for many of our studies of cortical
plasticity. The hand is represented in S1 or area 3b (using the numerical scheme of
Brodmann, 1909), so that separate territories exist for each digit and pad of the palm.
The digit territories proceed from digits 15 in a lateromedial sequence in area 3b,
and each digit is represented from tip to base in a rostrocaudal sequence. The pads
of the palm are arranged in order in cortex caudal to the digits. In properly prepared
sections of the cortex through this representation cut parallel to the surface of the
brain, the orderly arrangement of the representations of the digits and pads can even
be seen (Jain et al., 1998). The neural fibers associated with each digit in cortex
form an elongated oval, separated from each other by a narrow fiber-poor septum.
This morphological map is laid down during early brain development, and it does
not change in adulthood.
Given this orderly map of the hand (and other body parts) in the cortex, we can
ask the following question: Does it change as a result of sensory experience or
deprivation? The organization of the normal map can be determined in great detail
by recording receptive fields for neurons at many places in the map (hundreds of
places) with penetrating microelectrodes, and using this information to reconstruct
the map. All of the neurons recorded in the territory of digit 3, for example, will
have receptive fields centered on digit 3, and even have most or all of each receptive
field on digit 3. After any manipulation that might alter the organization of the map,
microlectrode recordings can be used to characterize the potentially altered map,
and the results can be compared with previously obtained maps from normal or
inexperienced monkeys, a map from the same monkey before the manipulation, and
even the unchanged morphological map from the manipulated monkey. Prolonged,
intense stimulation of digit 3, for example, might enlarge the territory of digit 3 at
the expense of other digits (see Jenkins et al., 1990), so that neurons over a larger
than normal extent of cortex would have receptive fields centered on digit 3, and
this might be detected by comparing the sizes of territories for digit 3 in normal and
stimulated monkeys. Other changes such as reductions or increases in receptive field
sizes might also be considered, but most studies have been concerned with detecting
changes in territory. Given the ability that we now have to non-invasively image
evoked activity patterns in the human brain, large changes in cortical territories can
even be demonstrated in humans. For example, there is evidence from functional
brain imaging studies that the cortical representations of the digits of the hand used
in playing string instruments are larger in skilled musicians than in non-players
(Elbert et al., 1995).

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Of course, there are other representations in the brain besides S1 that can be
studied. Somatosensory afferents enter the spinal cord and lower brainstem to ter-
minate on an elongated sheet of neurons in the dorsal horn of the spinal cord and
its extension into the brainstem. These neurons form an elongated map of tactile
and other inputs. Branches of afferents also ascend in the dorsal fiber columns of
the spinal cord or travel in the trigeminal nerve of the face to terminate in the dorsal-
column-trigeminal nucleus complex in the brainstem, where a second map of skin
receptors occurs. Neurons in the complex then project to the opposite side of the
brainstem where they ascend to the ventroposterior nucleus on the opposite side of
the upper brainstem forming a third representation of skin receptors. These subcor-
tical representations of the body were studied long ago for alterations due to nerve
damage, with plastic changes and somatotopic reorganizations often being reported
(see Snow and Wilson, 1991 for review). However, the results were not always very
convincing, since the small brainstem structures were difficult to map accurately,
and reported changes were often of proportions that were close to the error of
measurement. Because more obvious results can be obtained in the larger, more
accessible cortical maps, recent investigators have concentrated on cortex. In addi-
tion, cortex reflects changes relayed from brainstem structures, and cortex may be
more plastic than brainstem structures.
Another possibility in studies of plasticity is to evaluate other cortical maps for
changes. Area 3b is the homolog in monkeys and humans of S1 in rats and cats
(Kaas, 1983), but there are other cortical representations. Just rostral to the area 3b
representation of tactile receptors, area 3a represents muscle-spindle receptors. In
addition, strip-like areas 1 and 2, just caudal to area 3b, represent tactile receptors
(area 1) or a mixture of tactile and muscle-spindle receptors (area 2). These fields
project to other representations, including the second somatosensory area, S2, and
the parietal ventral somatosensory area, PV (see Kaas, 1993 for review). Some of
these representations, such as areas 3a and 1, and S2, have been included in studies
of plasticity, but they have neurons with larger, and often less easily defined receptive
fields (e.g., 3a, 2). These representations may also be smaller in size (e.g., S2, PV).
Thus, convincing data on plasticity and reorganization are more difficult to obtain,
and so the number of studies on these areas has been limited. Investigators have also
considered auditory, visual, and motor systems, with the most easily explored pri-
mary representation more commonly considered. Some of these studies, especially
those on motor cortex, are reviewed here.


Partial deafferentations commonly occur in humans as a result of minor cuts and
accidents. Almost everyone has sustained an injury that cut a peripheral nerve, often
leaving part of a skin surface numb or insensitive to light touch. More profound
deafferentations follow amputations of a digit or limb, and spinal cord injuries that
damage ascending afferents in the spinal cord. In the auditory system, individuals
lose high-frequency hearing as they age due to a loss of sensory hair cells of the
inner ear. This loss can occur earlier in life with exposure to loud, enduring sounds.
Parts of the retina also degenerate as certain clinical conditions interfere with retinal

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blood circulation. Thus, partial losses of afferents are common, and we should know
what happens to a sensory system when some of the inputs are lost.
Since the partial loss of sensory afferents can produce dramatic alterations in
the organizations of sensory representations (see below), such partial deafferenta-
tions usefully demonstrate the potential for brain plasticity, especially in adults where
the capacity for such plasticity has been doubted. In addition, reliable methods for
producing extensive and easily measured brain plasticity provide an opportunity for
discovering how plasticity is mediated. Some or many of the mechanisms of plas-
ticity that are evoked after deafferentations may play a role in other types of brain
Since afferents from the skin, eye, or ear project to sensory nuclei or structures
in the brainstem in an orderly almost point-to-point fashion, and this pattern of input
is relayed onward to other structures in the system, partial deafferentations deprive
parts of representations in every part of the system of their normal sources of
activation. If the deafferentation is limited, or the receptive fields for neurons are
large, as in higher-order cortical areas, the differentiation may remove only part of
the normal sources of activation, and the deprived neurons might only have smaller,
reduced receptive fields. Such a change does not reflect any plasticity, only the
activity of the preserved inputs. Instead, plasticity is demonstrated by the appearance
of inputs that were not apparent before. In most experiments, this means that the
neurons acquire receptive fields in new locations on the receptor sheet, although the
emergence of new receptive field properties could be considered as evidence for
plasticity as well.
With deafferentations, cortical neurons commonly acquire new receptive fields.
Early evidence for this came from our studies of the reorganization of area 3b of
somatosensory cortex (S1) of monkeys after section of the median nerve to the
thumb half of the glaborous hand (Merzenich et al., 1983). The median nerve at the
level of the wrist is a sensory nerve with no motor component. Thus, this procedure
deprives about half of the hand representation in cortex of activating inputs without
eliminating motor control. When neurons in deprived somatosensory cortex are
studied with microelectrodes some weeks after the nerve section, the neurons
respond to remaining inputs on the dorsal hairy surface of the hand, which is
innervated by the intact radial nerve. The change in receptive field locations from
the front to the back of the hand is dramatic and obvious. Clearly, neurons do acquire
new receptive fields, and the system is plastic, even in the mature brain. These early
findings have been confirmed repeatedly in subsequent studies (e.g., Wall et al.,
1993; Garraghty et al., 1994), so the results are not in doubt. In addition, similar
reorganizations have been observed in area 3b of monkeys (Merzenich et al., 1984;
Jain et al., 1998) and S1 of other mammals (see Zarzecki et al., 1993) after the loss
of a digit. If digit 3 is lost, for example, cortical neurons that formerly had receptive
fields on digit 3 come to have receptive fields on digits 2 or 4, or the adjoining pads
of the palm.
Such reorganizations of sensory representations after a limited loss of sensory
inputs also occur in the auditory and visual systems. After a partial hearing loss that
is restricted to a limited frequency range, cortical neurons that formerly responded to
tones in the damaged part of the cochlea came to respond to new tones that were lower

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or higher than those in the missing range (Rajan et al., 1993; Schwaber et al., 1993;
Robertson and Irvine, 1989). After a restricted retinal lesion in cats or monkeys, deprived
portions of primary visual cortex came to be activated by surrounding intact portions
of the retina (Kaas et al., 1990; Gilbert and Wiesel, 1992; Darian-Smith and Gilbert,
1995; Chino et al., 1992; Heinen and Skavenski, 1991; Schmid et al., 1996).
Extremely extensive reorganizations have been found in somatosensory cortex
of monkeys after major but long-standing deafferentations. The loss of a forelimb,
the afferents from a complete arm, or the afferents relayed from the arm and lower
body by damage in the spinal cord all extensively deprive much of the body surface
representation in area 3b of monkeys. While the lateral-most portion of area 3b that
represents the face and mouth retains its normal source of activation, the more medial
deprived parts of area 3b slowly become responsive to the face, and any preserved
area inputs from the stump (Florence and Kaas, 1995; Pons et al., 1991; Jain et al.,
1997). Comparable changes appear to occur in humans with amputations or spinal
cord injury (see Flor et al., 1998). Because the extensive reorganizations take months
to emerge (Jain et al., 1997), it seems likely that they depend on the growth of new
connections (see below).
Finally, deafferentations have been shown to produce rather extensive reorgani-
zations in the ventroposterior nucleus of the somatosensory thalamus of monkeys
(Garraghty and Kaas, 1991; Jones and Pons, 1998; Florence et al., 2000) and humans
(Davis et al., 1997). Limited recoveries have also been reported in the cuneate
nucleus of the brainstem (Xu and Wall, 1997). However, only very limited recoveries
have been reported in the visual thalamus after retinal lesions (Eysel, 1982; Darian-
Smith and Gilbert, 1995). Reorganization in the auditory thalamus has not yet been
adequately studied.


Motor cortex includes primary motor cortex (M1) and several additional premotor
fields. Each field represents body movements and muscles in a systematic pattern,
as can be demonstrated by stimulating many cortical sites electrically with micro-
electrodes. Sites in medial M1 evoke leg, foot, and toe movements, followed laterally
by cortex devoted to trunk and then forearm, hand, and digit movements. The most
lateral parts of M1 represent face, tongue, and mouth movements. The large forelimb
portion of M1 in monkeys and humans is devoted to digit, wrist, arm, and shoulder
movements, but mainly digit movements.
Reorganizations of M1 have been studied recently in monkeys that suffered
extensive accidental forelimb damage such that amputation was required for thera-
peutic reasons. There are few such monkeys, but some of these few have been studied
years after the amputations for possible alterations in the organization of motor
cortex. After a long-standing loss of a forelimb in monkeys, electrical stimulations
with microelectrodes of the portion of M1 that normally produces movement of the
hand and forelimb, evoked movements of the stump of the limb and the shoulder
instead (Schieber and Deuel, 1997; Wu and Kaas, 1999; Qi et al., 2000). Similar
alterations in the organization of M1 have been reported after motor nerve damage
in rats (Sanes et al., 1988; Donoghue et al., 1990), and in M1 of humans after loss

2002 CRC Press LLC

of an arm (e.g., Cohen et al., 1991). Thus, cortical sites normally devoted to the
missing limb or body part come to evoke new movements.
Motor cortex also has a sensory map that at least roughly matches the motor
map. Loss of a limb also deprives motor cortex of a major source of sensory
activation, but the consequences of this differentiation on the sensory map in motor
cortex have not yet been studied. Presumably, the sensory map, which depends in
part on inputs from somatosensory areas that are altered in organization by ampu-
tations, is likewise reorganized in M1.


Reorganizations of sensory representation also occur as a result of periods of changed
sensory activity. Of course, sensory deafferentations are one way of changing activity
in a sensory area, and these major changes in neural activity produce the large
reorganization of sensory maps that are the easiest to detect. The sizes of alterations
produced by other procedures should be proportional to the magnitude and duration
of the sensory change, and this appears to be at least roughly the case. In practice,
one of the easiest ways to produce a marked change in the activity of a sensory
nerve or sensory area of cortex is by electrical stimulation, which is a powerful
mode of stimulation. Electrical stimulation over a period of hours of a forelimb digit
in rats increases the size of the cortical representation of that digit in S1 (Li et al.,
1996), and electrical stimulation of neurons in area 3b of monkeys (Recanzone et al.,
1992) or S1 of rats (Dinse et al., 1993) increases the cortical territory where neurons
have the same receptive fields as the stimulated neurons. Increases in natural stim-
ulation of sensory receptors and afferents result in a similar, although sometimes
less dramatic, outcome. As a mother rat nurses her young, the cortical representation
of the chest and belly skin increases in S1 (Xerri et al., 1994). An advantage of
using nursing to stimulate the ventral fur of rats is that no training was necessary.
However, Jenkins et al. (1990) trained monkeys to maintain contact with the finger-
tips on a rotating disk for moderate periods of time over many sessions, and found
this sensory experience enlarged the representations of the fingertips in area 3b of
somatosensory cortex. Changes in the detailed somatotopic organization and the
proportion of cortex devoted to digits have also been reported after monkeys were
trained to discriminate between various types of vibratory stimuli on the hand, and
given many hours of this experience (Recanzone et al., 1992; Wang et al., 1995).
Even the motor map in primary motor cortex was altered by extensive overtraining
on a hand-grasp task in monkeys (Byl et al., 1996). Such alterations in the detailed
organizations of sensory representations may follow most changes in sensory expe-
rience, especially those that involve training and improved performance on a task.
However, the alterations often may be so limited in extent that they are difficult to
detect by microelectrode mapping procedures.

2002 CRC Press LLC

Changes in neural circuits and cortical maps probably occur in two different ways.
Most commonly, previously existing connections change in effectiveness by increas-
ing the strengths of some synaptic connections and decreasing the effectiveness of
others. In addition, new connections grow, even in the mature nervous system.
Probably most reorganizations of sensory and motor maps involve both types of
mechanisms. Synapses are always in the process of being lost and created, and
induced changes in neural activity can cause axons to sprout or retract locally and
produce more or less synaptic contacts, more or less synaptic spines on dendrites,
and larger or smaller dendritic arbors. While the evidence for such changes in the
microanatomy of brain circuits is limited (see Greenough et al., 1985; Fischer et al.,
1998; Jones et al., 1996; Shepherd, 1996), local growth of axons and dendrites, and
an overall increase or loss of synapses, is difficult to demonstrate without difficult,
detailed, quantitative studies. More extensive new growth is easier to document;
however, its occurrence is less common and largely under conditions of extreme
In many studies of neural plasticity, immediate changes of local somatotopy and
receptive fields are often reported after nerve injury. These immediate consequences
of injury have been termed the unmasking of silent synapses (Wall, 1977) or
disinhibition (Calford and Tweedale, 1988). As the new responses represent a new
balance of excitation and inhibition in a dynamic system as a reflection of the
functions of existing circuits, one might question calling such rebalancing as plas-
ticity. The new receptive fields are more like the part of an iceberg that had been
under the surface and not seen. The loss of some afferents allows the underwater
part of the receptive field to be seen.
Rapid changes in receptive fields also occur with increases and decreases in
attention and motivation. States of attention and motivation are correlated with the
activities of widely projecting neuromodulatory systems. When these modulatory
inputs are added to the activity evoked by sensory inputs, neurons become more or
less responsive to the sensory inputs. These neuromodulatory systems are important
in neural plasticity (see below), but their immediate modulatory effects on ongoing
neural responses are also part of the normal range of responsiveness of a system,
and probably should not be considered as neural plasticity.
However, experience and sensory stimulation do lead to persisting changes in
synaptic strengths that clearly qualify as a basis for neural circuit plasticity. Periods
of strong stimulation of afferents can result in a persisting increase in synaptic
strength, called long-term potentiation (Brown et al., 1988), so that subsequent
stimulations are more effective. The induction of LTP depends on the depolarization
of the postsynaptic neuron, and the release of a voltage-dependent block of the
NMDA glutamate receptors so that calcium ions can enter the postsynaptic cell,
mediating further changes and possibly the release of nitric oxide as a retrograde
messenger that modifies the presynaptic cell (Brenman and Bvedt, 1997). Thus,
structural modifications take place that potentiate and maintain the synaptic effec-
tiveness between neurons. Such activity-induced alterations in synaptic strength are
sometimes known as Hebbian plasticity (see Rauschecker, 1991) after the neuro-

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psychologist, Donald Hebb (1949) who proposed learning is based on changes in
synaptic strengths. The negative counterpart of LTP is long-term depression (LTD),
a long-lasting decrease in the strengths of synapses after weak or discorrelated modes
of stimulation (Kerr and Abraham, 1996). Thus, neural circuits are altered by activity-
related mechanisms that either increase or decrease synaptic strengths. Such alterations
are thought to be important, not only in learning, but also in most types of plasticity in
cortical representations (Bronomano and Merzenich, 1998).
Neuromodulation is important in creating plasticity because the added excite-
ment induced by the modulatory system can raise activity levels over the threshold
needed for Hebbian plasticity. Because neuromodulatory systems increase the oppor-
tunity for modifying neural circuits, they have been considered permissive systems
(Dykes, 1997).
Altering activity levels in neural systems also induces plasticity by up-regulating
or down-regulating gene expression in neurons. For example, maintained low levels
of neural activity cause neurons that make GABA as an inhibitory neurotransmitter
to make less GABA, and neurons that respond to GABA via GABA receptors to
make fewer GABA receptors (see Arckens et al., 1998 for review). Conversely,
neurons, which maintain high levels of activity, make more GABA and more GABA
receptors. The result is a tendency to increase or decrease neural activity toward a
middle level, and thereby render some previously weak and ineffective synapses as
fully effective, or some previously effective synapses as below threshold. This
mechanism of altering neural circuits is one of probably a number of rather unse-
lective activity-based ways of balancing systems.
Under conditions of extreme sensory deprivation, it may be only possible to
restore activity levels by inducing the formation of new, active connections to replace
the inactive connections. New growth in the central nervous system is normally
restricted by growth-inhibiting factors released by glial cells (Schwab and Bartholdi,
1996). This potentially protective factor suggests that extensive new growth in the
mature brain could often be detrimental. However, neural tissue that is deprived of
major sources of activation may respond by releasing factors that promote growth
in nearby neurons or reduce the growth-inhibiting factors. Whatever the molecular
signals, there is much evidence of the sprouting of uninjured axons into inactive or
deprived territories in the central nervous system. Most notably, there is evidence
for the growth of horizontal connections in regions of somatosensory (Florence et al.,
1998) and visual cortex (Darian-Smith and Gilbert, 1994) that have been deactivated
after the loss of inputs from an arm or part of the retina. In addition, afferents from
the skin may grow from terminations in their normal brainstem targets to nearby
additional groups of neurons that have been deprived of afferents by injury (Florence
and Kaas, 1995; Jain et al., 1999). Such new growth might be sparse, but it can serve
as an activating framework that is reinforced by other cellular mechanisms for
promoting neural activity levels. The major brain reactivations that occur after limb
amputations and spinal cord damage appear to depend, in part, on the growth of
new connections. Quite possibly, deactivations of cortex that occur as a result of
local lesions and restricted strokes are compensated by new growth from active areas
into deactivated areas of cortex. It even seems likely that some types of experience
promote the addition of a few new neurons in the mature brain (Gould et al., 1999).

2002 CRC Press LLC

There are three likely consequences of brain plasticity for perception and motor
performance. First, the plasticity may result in modifications in neuronal circuits
that allow them to perform or perform better on some desired or new task. In general,
as one practices a motor or perceptual skill, performance increases. In conjunction
with this improvement in performance, a number of studies have demonstrated that
sensory or motor representations, in cortex, and the response properties of neurons
in these representations, are altered in ways that could help mediate the improvement
in performance. Typically, more neurons become devoted to processing the relevant
sensory information and to controlling the appropriate muscle movement. In addi-
tion, neurons may change their response characteristics so that they respond more
selectively to relevant stimuli. Neurons related to a task may also become more
correlated in their discharge activity. All of these changes are what one would expect
in a neural system as it is altered to better perform a task. Such changes are also
those that emerge in self-organizing models of neural networks that learn. However,
it is important to remember that the evidence is based on the correlation of neural
and behavioral changes, and it would be useful to get more direct and compelling
evidence. Yet, it is reasonable and logical to propose that practice changes sensory
and motor representations, and that these changes mediate alterations in perfor-
mance. The great tennis player got that way by reorganizing the brain through
It is also reasonable to propose that neurons are involved in a zero sum game.
That is, as neurons rewire into new circuits they lose connections and influence in
old circuits. Each neuron probably participates in a number of local circuits, but
training in one task probably alters circuits so they function less well in other tasks
and circuits. This is rarely bad, since the practiced ability is the one desired, and
deteriorations in the unpracticed, unused abilities are unnoticed. While we can learn
a number of closely related skills, top performers generally do not attempt to do so.
An outstanding tennis player, for example, would not practice racquetball. It seems
probable that such a misguided effort would devote neurons to racquetball that would
have been useful in tennis.
It follows from this reasoning that some rewiring of sensory and motor circuits
occurs as one goes about daily tasks. This is why even the most skilled performers
need continuous practice. They repair the damage done to the circuits produced by
other non-relevant experience. Presumably, the damage is greatest when neurons in
the trained circuits are used in other incompatible ways. After learning one list of
words by rote, it is best to avoid experience with another list. Sleeping or performing
quite different tasks would do the least harm. Thus, practice and experience allow
us to modify brain circuits in functionally adaptive ways, and bring brain circuits
back to acceptable levels of performance after they deteriorate.
A second important consequence of brain plasticity is to compensate for brain
injury and sensory loss. Neurons that have been deactivated by injury to brain
pathways cannot possibly be of any use unless they are incorporated into new neural

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circuits. We have seen that deactivated neurons typically acquire responsiveness to
sensory stimuli, indicating that they have been included in new circuits. Many of
these new circuits are likely to be useful, and help compensate for the loss. Of
course, training and experiences might be necessary to reform the new circuits in
ways that they can be most useful. After restricted lesions of motor cortex, for
example, so that circuits involved with moving the fingers are lost, training on finger
movement skills helps reform motor cortex so that more neurons are devoted to
controlling finger movements (Nudo et al., 1996). In certain neurological disorders
where sensory or motor neurons are gradually and progressively lost over time,
training and modifying existing circuits can greatly postpone the time where an
acceptable level of performance is no longer possible. Impairments that are produced
by stable brain lesions often can be followed by remarkable recoveries.
A third possible consequence of brain plasticity is apparent in many instances
of major reorganizations of sensory and motor systems. In humans with an amputated
arm, for example, inputs from the face or stump of the arm may activate cortex
formerly devoted to the hand. Yet, these new neuronal circuits for the face or upper
arm are not incorporated into circuits mediating face or upper arm perceptions.
Instead, they can continue to function as parts of circuits devoted to the hand that
are now inappropriately activated by face and arm inputs. The new circuits are a
strange and maladaptive blend, with inputs and outputs that are functionally so
misaligned that no useful compromise can occur. Activating the reorganized cortex
leads to misperceptions and error, rather than compensation. Of course, some of the
neurons in the reorganized system may be capable of usefully participating in new
functions, but clearly many are not. Massive reorganizations seem to exceed the
capacity of the system to usefully adjust.
Some misperceptions may be only distracting or even unnoticed. The sensation
that a missing limb is still there is not usually a problem, and the blind spot produced
by a restricted lesion of the retina is filled in by information from neurons around
the lesion so that a hole in the visual scene is not seen. Yet, it might be more useful
to be aware of what is missing, and a phantom limb can be painful. This pain, since
it does not have a peripheral cause, can be quite difficult to treat.
What does all this mean in a practical sense? First, we should recognize that
there are many effective training procedures for improving perceptual and motor
skills, as well as behavioral therapies for assisting recoveries from brain injury and
developmental disorders. However, these effective procedures have largely been
empirically derived. Procedures are modified, and those that produce the best results
are retained. Now, as we develop a theoretical understanding of brain plasticity and
how it relates to desired and useful behavioral changes, we can design theoretically
powerful approaches that would maximize the wanted changes in brain circuits,
possibly using approaches that combine behavioral methods with more direct inter-
ventions in brain function. In addition, we can use the same information to reduce
or eliminate unwanted and undesirable plasticity. Thus, we may be able to more
effectively treat or prevent the local motor coordination problems or focal dystonias,
such as writers cramp that affect writers and skilled musicians as they over-
perform and over-practice a task, possibly leading to maladaptive rewiring of sensory

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and motor systems. Likewise, we may be able to prevent brain changes that lead to
phantom pain and tinnitus, a ringing in the ears and the hearing of sounds that are
not there. Research on the plasticity of the mature, as well as the developing, brain
should have some very practical consequences.

This paper was prepared while the author was a Fellow at the Center for Advanced
Study in the Behavioral Sciences. I am grateful for the financial support provided
by The John D. and Catherine T. MacArthur Foundation, and research support by
NIH Grant NS16446.

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