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The purpose of this book is to provide the beginning JSP (Java Server
Pages) an introduction to the topic and some more indepth understand
over and above that gained from reading the specification.

With the release of the JSP 1.0 public review, JSP has moved from re-
quiring a solid grounding in HTML, and Java Servlets to also requiring
knowledge of XML. Although we do assume a certain amount of
knowledge about XML and HTML, we do cover the Servlet interface as
it of particular importance to JSP - as all Java Server Pages are compiled
into Servlets before running.

There are many topics covered in this book, we range from a JSP history
introduction, comparing the technology with ASP, a basic introduction
to JSP pages, use of beans, and we further look into using databases as
well as the n-tier technology of EJB and CORBA.

This book effort is an outgrowth of the JSP FAQ which is currently lo-
cated at http://www.esperanto.org.nz/jsp/jspfaq.html.

A note about nomenclature - rather than have a section which repeats

much of what is in the JSP 1.0 specification, when we introduce JSP no-
tation of any kind, we will have it appear in a light grey box:

This is some text about the <jsp:useBean> tag.
XML Equivalent: <jsp:useBean> etc

Furthermore, there are a few symbols indicating certain things:

This symbol indicates that this is an action you should do. It appears
when an example starts, or when you need to do something to ensure
that something happens properly further on

When you see this symbol, it is a key point. Take special note.

Introduction to JSP - Introduction

Where did it come from?

[I only know the history since 0.92, anyone else?]

The basic idea of a JSP is that of mixing Java code into an HTML (or
XML) file, which is then converted into a Java Servlet to allow the cre-
ation of dynamic content (i.e. non static HTML pages). With Java Serv-
lets, the focus was on Java code, which could then output HTML as
required. This for many people was tedious and frustrating as minor
changes to the HTML would lead to the whole compile, test, unload
running servlet, reload new servlet situation. It also meant that you
could not feasibly use an HTML Editor of any form to actually develop
your servlets.

The concepts for JSP were introduced in the initial development of

Jeeves, the Java Web Server. The idea was to reverse the process, in-
stead of focusing on Java code with embedded HTML, the focus was
changed to HTML with embedded Java code. The HTML page could
then be developed by graphics designers as necessary and then the Java
developer could take over and make the page actually work as required.
The tedious process of unloading and reloading servlets was taken over
by the JSP aware server which would detect changes in the JSP and
cause a recompliation of the JSP into a servlet and unload/reload itself.

This idea wasn’t new - the Microsoft camp had come across the idea and
enshrouded it into Active Server Pages (ASP) which Microsoft first in-
troduced in IIS 3.0. ASP performed terribly in 3.0, but with the release
of IIS 4.0, ASP became the central focus for the development of dynam-
ic content on the server side in the Microsoft world, and most “Micro-
soft shops” focus on ASP development as it ties quite well into the
Microsoft COM model.

Other dynamic content models

Other models for deploying dynamic content abound for the Internet -
the strongest contender in times past being CGI. But there are others of
note, CGI/Perl, PHP, Cold Fusion, JHTML, and of course, ASP.

Active Server Pages

JSP is the same basic concept as ASP - there are similarities:

Chapter 1 - JSP in Perspective - Introduction to JSP

• ASP uses ActiveX objects to provide external functionality
and access to business objects. JSP uses JavaBeans. 3
• ASP focuses on MTS as its Transaction Server for making its
solution scalable (but see http://www.esperanto.org.nz/espe-
ranto.asp?inc=techtalk/MTSvsDCE.html). The focus of JSP is
on EJB.
• ASP and JSP are essentially interpreted languages. ASP gets
converted into pcode and JSP gets converted into Java Byte
• ASP allows the creation of functions for seperating code, JSP
uses Inner Classes or Declarations.

and there are differences:

• ASP uses Visual Basic Scripting or Java Script. JSP focussed

on Java (but allows others)
• ASP is a “product” (which Chillisoft has copied for other plat-
forms), JSP is an almost specification.

For many, it comes down to a question of personal preference. ASP has

had the lead and many, many sites run ASP pages as it is a built in fea-
ture of Microsoft’s Internet Information Server.

Many people further examine JSP for a number of reasons

• the Java language is more powerful than Visual Basic Script-

ing/JavaScript for server side work,
• Java is the chosen development language for server side
development (and perhaps client side development)
• JSP allows the “scripting” language and the language for the
development of the business logic (beans) to be the same but
still interact with business logic embedded in other languages
via CORBA (if necessary).
• CORBA and/or EJB play a large part in an organisation’s
technology architecture
• An organisation focuses on Unix, AS400 or mainframe archi-
tectures and there is greater support on those platforms for the
JSP model. ASP doesn’t have the support of ActiveX on non-
Windows platforms.
• Greater choice in the vendors - there were 11 vendors who
offered JSP implementations at the time of writing.


CGI has one major disadvantage in relation to other environments avail-

able (including ASP and JSP) - performance and maintenance of state.

Introduction to JSP - Chapter 1 - JSP in Perspective

Both ASP and JSP (and many of the other products available for per-
4 forming similar functionality) hook directly into the web server
(through DLLs or being dynamically linked in some other manner), and
thus there is no need to go through the time consuming, resource inten-
sive process of writing the request to a file or pipe, running a program
and reading back the output. CGI web applications also tend to suffer
from a lack of cohesiveness in their structure more than the other tech-
nologies as there is no focus with CGI technologies for tools that man-
age a group of pages as an “application”.

The other problem of CGI is that of state management. With the JSP/
Servlet host running all of the time, the host can store state easily and
make sure that it is provided to the JSP page in an easy, effective man-
ner. With CGI applications, if libraries are not already written or other-
wise available, they have to be written to manage all of the state
management mechanisms.

The future of JSP

The future of JSP is not entirely clearly mapped out. As of the time of
writing, we are working with the JSP 1.0 Public Draft. This has intro-
duced a number of things (particularly XML syntax and buffered output
to help with redirection) and removed other items (particularly exten-
sion tags for HTML which has a number of developers wanting to stick
with the 0.92 specification). There is an indication in the Public Draft
that XML will become required in the 1.1 specification, and that JSP
will be tied more heavily into the Enterprise Java architecture (J2EE -
Java 2 Enterprise Edition) that Sun is working on. At present, there is
no integration with any of the Enterprise features

Chapter 1 - JSP in Perspective - Introduction to JSP

Getting the reference implementation going

The reference implementation of JSP 1.0 is a good place to start. The

reference implementation implements the basic web server capability
that was in 0.92, which just provides you with a very simple web server
running on a port of your choosing (defaulting to 8080).

Getting the reference implementation

The reference implementation exists at http://java.sun.com/products/

jsp. It has a Windows and a UNIX version - I assume a Windows audi-
ence here. Once downloaded, unzip the file to wherever you want to run
it from - I installed it on my E: drive, so it created a directory called
E\JSP1.0 - I then renamed this to JSP to avoid having to type in the 1.0
when I cd’d into the directory.

To run it, you need to run the STARTSERVER.BAT batch file - but this
assumes that you have the 1.2 JDK installed. If you don’t have it, then
go and get it. Make sure that the java.exe program is on your path.

There is a problem with the STARTSERVER.BAT file. It won’t actu-

ally be able to compile your JSPs until you tell it where the location of
your tools.jar file is (it is in the lib directory of your JDK 1.2 installa-
tion). You need to alter the STARTSERVER.BAT file to ensure that it
adds it to the class path before running.

I use JBuilder 3, so my tools.jar file was located in

SERVER.BAT file look as follows:

@echo off
rem $Id: startup.bat,v 1.10 1999/04/22 23:48:27 akv
Exp $
rem Startup batch file for servlet runner.
rem This batch file written and tested under
Windows NT
rem Improvements to this file are welcome
if "%CLASSPATH%" == "" goto noclasspath
rem else

Introduction to JSP - Chapter 2 - QuickStart to JSP

6 goto next
goto next
rem echo Using classpath: %CLASSPATH%
java -Djsp.keepgenerated=false
com.sun.web.shell.Startup %1 %2 %3 %4 %5 %6 %7 %8
rem clean up classpath after

The other thing that you have to be careful about when running this
batch file under Windows 95 is to increase the space available for envi-
ronment variables. There are instructions in the README.TXT that ca-
ter for this problem.

Running the server

You should be able to start the server from Explorer without having to
drop to a DOS prompt. If you are having trouble getting it going then it
is best to drop to the DOS prompt and edit the STARTSERVER.BAT
file and comment out the line that says @ECHO OFF - this will let you
see what is going on. By default, the server will start on port 8080, look-
ing something like:

JSDK WebServer Version 2.1

Loaded configuration from file:E:\jsp/default.cfg
endpoint created: :8080

when it is running.

You can now go to your browser and type http://localhost:8080 to bring

up the index.html page (that exists in jsp/webpages/index.html).

Configuring the server

There are a number of parameters that you can change in the configura-
tion file. The file is called DEFAULT.CFG and should look like this:

# $Id: default.cfg,v 1.9 1999/04/23 22:31:51 gonzo

Exp $
# Default configuration file for Project Tomcat

Chapter 2 - QuickStart to JSP - Introduction to JSP

# All sections of the server’s namespace are
defined in terms of
# a ’webapp’. There are two attributes that define
a webapp, 1)
# a mapping of where the webapp is placed into the
namespace of
# the server and 2) the base of the webapp. The base
can be composed
# of a simple string as shown below which indicates
a file
# relative to the current working directory (the
directory in which
# the server was started) or can be a full URL.
# server.app.wombat.mapping=/wombat
# server.app.wombat.base=http://wombat.eng/apps/

There are a few key configurable areas here:

• server.port=8080 - this specifies what port that the server will

run on. With port on 8080, it means that your server will
require a http://localhost:8080 to get to it. If you don’t have
any other web servers running, you can change this down to
80 which is the default for web servers, allowing you to use
http://localhost to connect. If you find at any stage that the
server doesn’t want to run on port 8080, or you wish to run
two web servers (each on different ports) you can change this
value or run the server with the -p PORT# flag.


for example will start the server at port 80, overriding the
information in the default.cfg file.
• server.docbase=webpages - this line specifies which direc-
tory (off the directory that you are running the server from)
that the web pages are located. In this case, all of the web
pages that come with the server for the examples and so forth
are in the /jsp/webpages directory.
• server.workdir=work - this specifies the directory that the
JSP engine will use to compile the JSP page from a JSP to a
servlet. It also specifies the directory for storage of the classes
which are compiled from the servlet code. Be careful this
directory path does not contain values that would not be valid
Java identifiers, as JSP servers often use their path as part of
the package name. Do not, for example, make a directory

Introduction to JSP - Chapter 2 - QuickStart to JSP

called 1.
8 • The next two items, server.webapp.examples.mapping=/
examples and server.webapp.examples.docbase=examples
are designed to create an alias path for the web server. It
means that when the web server sees a request for /examples,
go to the examples directory instead. For example, there is a
file called /examples/jsp/cal/cal1.jsp - this request won’t go to
/jsp/webpages/examples/jsp/cal/cal1.jsp, it will go to /jsp/
examples/jsp/cal/cal1.jsp - as the /examples is mapped to the
examples directory. You can and should do this for your own
work as well.

1. We will add in two lines:


2. Unfortunately, that isn’t all you need to do. We have created a

“webapp” called esperanto, but we need to configure the
Servlet engine to let it know what to do with the JSP extension
tag. The examples directory does this with four files that exist
under the Web-Inf directory. So we need to copy this directory
(except for the JSP and SERVLETS directories) to the /jsp/
esperanto directory. You should then end up with a sub direc-
tory called Web-Inf with four files in it: mappings.properties,
mime.properties, servlets.properties and webapp.properties.

Finally, there is one more configuration option that configures the JSP
engine rather than the web server and that is a command line flag:


This option tells JSP to not keep the servlet source that was generated.
It is worthwhile to make this true as we want to actually see what is be-
ing generated by the servlet. So change the STARTSERVER.BAT file

java -Djsp.keepgenerated=true
com.sun.web.shell.Startup %1 %2 %3 %4 %5 %6 %7 %8

Examining the examples

Chapter 2 - QuickStart to JSP - Introduction to JSP

Your first JSP pages
There are two key aspects of HTML that make JSP (and any dynamic
page generation mechanism) work:

• Inputs given when an HTML page is requested. This is given

in the name=value[&name=value[...]] notation. For example:


This will cause the JSP page to be loaded with two parameters
- searchName being equal to “bob” and wantWorksFor being
“true”. This is a feature primarily of HTML Forms which we
won’t cover here (see Appendix A) as it is covered in much
better detail in many books and other resources. We assume in
this text that you have a basic grasp of HTML Forms.
• Cookies - cookies are the ability for a web server to store
some information on a clients machine, which gets presented
back to the web server again. We cover the creation of your
own cookies later on (??? where?), but take it as given that the
Java Servlet engine uses Cookies to keep track of who is who
so that we can provide “state” on the server side.

Example 1 - Whats the time?

This example is going to tell us what the current time is. It is a very sim-
ple example that does not make use of any input from the client and in-
troduces one JSP tag.

1. Under the /jsp/esperanto directory create a directory called

2. In the example1 directory create a new file called jsp1.jsp -
the easiest way to do this is right click on the directory, choose
New, then Text Document. It gives you the option to rename
it, so change it to jsp1.jsp and accept the fact that you are
changing the extension.

Introduction to JSP - Chapter 2 - QuickStart to JSP

3. Enter the following code (we explain the tags in a little while):
<H1>Time JSP</H1>
java.util.Date dt = new java.util.Date(
System.currentTimeMillis() );


4. Save it and load up your browser. Assuming your server is

running on port 8080, type http://localhost:8080/esperanto/
5. You should get back a page that looks similar to:

Example1 - Examining the Servlet generated

From the code shown below, we can see a number of things:

• The package name includes the full directory path of the loca-
tion of the JSP. Remember the warning above about using
directories that are not valid Java identifiers.
• The Servlet only imports what it needs to import - by specify-
ing the full path to the Date class we got around importing
java.util.Date (or java.util.*). We will show you how you can
import packages later in the book.
• The JSP page compiler generated a servlet descended from
HttpJspBase. This is a special class which takes over the proc-
essRequest/doGet/doPost mechanism used in Servlets and
calls a single method - _jspService to process the request.
• There are a number of variables created (session, application,
config, etc) that we won’t discuss. One we will is the out
object. The out object is created for the express purpose of
sending data back down the wire to the client browser. It is a
special form of a PrintWriter (similar in use to System.out)
which actually talks to a buffered output buffer - rather than
directly to the output stream. We will talk about the signifi-

Chapter 2 - QuickStart to JSP - Introduction to JSP

cance of that when we talk about redirection & forwarding.
package E_0003a.jsp.esperanto.example1;

import javax.servlet.*;
import javax.servlet.http.*;
import java.io.PrintWriter;
import java.io.IOException;
import com.sun.jsp.runtime.*;
import java.beans.*;
import com.sun.jsp.JspException;

public class jsp1_jsp_1 extends HttpJspBase {

public void _jspService(HttpServletRequest

request, HttpServletResponse response)
throws IOException, ServletException {

HttpSession session = null;

ServletContext application;
ServletConfig config;
JspWriter out = null;
String _value = null;
try {
application =
config = getServletConfig();
session = request.getSession(true);
out = new
JspWriter(response.getWriter(), 8192);
out.write("<H1>Time JSP</H1>\r\n");
java.util.Date dt = new java.util.Date(
System.currentTimeMillis() );
} catch (Throwable t) {
throw new JspException("Unknown
exception: "+t);
} finally {

/jsp/work/????esperanto/jsp1_jsp.java - generated file

• Perhaps one last key thing to note is that the servlet will throw
a new JspException if something goes wrong. We will cover

Introduction to JSP - Chapter 2 - QuickStart to JSP

this more in Error Pages for Exception Handling
Now it is time to explain a little of what we did. Notice that there are no
tags inside the JSP file to indicate that it is a JSP file, that is all done with
the Servlet engine recognising that the .jsp suffix is to be processed by
the JSP engine (it is specified in the servlets.properties file in Web-Inf
- the line is jsp.code=com.sun.jsp.runtime.JspServlet).

We did use a couple of tags though, so lets explain what those are:

JSP allows you to embed arbitrary blocks of Java code inside your
JSP files. These blocks of Java code get added directly into the servlet
code that is to be generated. This means that you can get compile time
errors as well as runtime errors in your JSP page.

The scriptlet tags start with <% after which any valid Java code can
appear. The code can be multi line, and it ends with %>

These tags must start and end in the same file - you cannot issue an
include (see later) which may open a scriptlet and then close back in
your main code.
XML Equivalent: <jsp:scriptlet> Java Code </jsp:scriptlet>

JSP Expressions are a quick mechanism to avoid having to write the
full code for out.println. The <%= is a replacement for the out.println
statement and it is directly converted into that.
XML Equivalent: <jsp:expr> Java Code </jsp:expr>

Given that we now know the syntax for XML, we can give the equiva-

<?xml version="1.0" ?>

<H1>Time JSP</H1>
java.util.Date dt = new java.util.Date(
System.currentTimeMillis() );


Chapter 2 - QuickStart to JSP - Introduction to JSP

lent XML form of the same JSP file. As you can see, it is significantly
more wordy. 13
Why XML?

XML has been introduced into the JSP 1.0 specification (it wasn’t in
earlier versions) because Sun want to provide a standard mechanism for
tag extensibility and for page developers to be able to use the ever wid-
ening range of XML tools. It is envisioned that JSP will eventually be
able to be done with a smart, JSP aware software tool. Unfortunately,
the JSP 1.0 public draft does not come with a DTD (Document Type
Definition) which makes it difficult to code for by hand.

JSP 1.0 does specifically cater for non-XML tags primarily because JSP
is still at an early stage in its acceptance by the developer community.
Most pages require hand coding, and the use of XML tags with their
cumberson CDATA mechanisms for inserting program code mean that
it is important for the specification to enable those not using XML edi-

That said, the current JSP tags tend to confuse such editors (for exam-
ple, they change <% into &lt;%) so you have to use non-graphical edi-
tors for JSP, like vi, emacs, HomeSite or Notepad.

Example 2 - Adding two numbers

The following example will enable you to add two numbers together. It
uses HTML forms

An introduction to useBean

Typical use of useBean - forcing a login

Introduction to JSP - Chapter 2 - QuickStart to JSP

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