Annual Report 2001

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2001 Annual Report

August 2002

Dear Friends:

The mission of the Aspen Institute is to leverage the power of leaders to improve the human condition.
We work with leaders not because they are more important than other human beings they are not
but because the human condition depends so profoundly on how well they perform their roles and
responsibilities.We believe that with power comes responsibility, to make wise decisions and envision a
better world.This is why leaders come to the Aspen Institute. And, given the political, economic, and
social challenges facing the world today, our work has never been more important.

In 2001, the Institutes seminar and policy programs focused on such topics as Leadership and
Character, The Challenges of Global Capitalism, In Search of the Public Interest in the New Media
Environment, "Transforming the American High School, and From Values to Advocacy: U.S.
Engagement in an Interdependent World. The events of September 11 moved us to create new initia-
tives, most visually demonstrated by the Great Collisions program, Islam and the West, excerpts from
which have been nationally broadcast on PBS.

Despite the volatility of 2001, I am pleased to report that the Institutes financial position remains
strong. And we remain committed to securing the long-term financial health of the organization, to
enable us to continue creating innovative programs in response to rapidly changing times.

We are grateful to our supporters people who believe in enlightened, morally responsible leadership
and are committed to strengthening the work and expanding the impact of the Aspen Institute.


Elmer W. Johnson
The Aspen Institute
Consolidated Balance Sheet
December 31, 2001
(with comparative totals for 2000)

Assets 2001 2000*

Current Assets
Cash $ 3,441,555 $ 13,162,608
Promises to give 7,346,038 5,684,415
Receivables, net 1,353,267 1,476,756
Inventory 56,613 47,164
Deferred taxes 437,500 -
Prepaid expenses 267,472 197,715
Total current assets 12,902,445 20,568,658
Investments 31,426,575 24,019,437
Promises to Give 1,443,696 4,446,285
Deposits 143,197 137,954
Property and Equipment, net 33,627,568 34,925,664
Investments Held in Trust 2,564,733 2,849,342
Deferred Taxes 43,500 484,000
$ 82,151,714 $ 87,431,340

Liabilities and Net Assets

Current Liabilities
Lines of credit $ 724,782 $ 924,782
Accounts payable and accrued expenses 2,359,554 3,979,605
Customer deposits 1,131,610 913,942
Current portion of notes payable 175,000 175,000
Current portion of capital lease obligations 17,201 14,355
Deferred revenue 9,948 333,656
Total current liabilities 4,418,095 6,341,340
Long-Term Liabilities
Notes payable 364,173 439,173
Funds held in trust 2,564,733 2,849,342
Capital lease obligations 9,204 26,405
2,938,110 3,314,920
Total liabilities 7,356,205 9,656,260
Net Assets:
Undesignated - 253,540
Board designated 44,000,520 44,448,782
44,000,520 44,702,322
Temporarily restricted 21,709,189 23,999,658
Permanently restricted 9,085,800 9,073,100
74,795,509 77,775,080
$ 82,151,714 $ 87,431,340
* As restated
The Aspen Institute
Consolidated Statement of Activities by Program
Year Ended December 31, 2001

Unrestricted Henry
Operating Policy Five Year Crown
Budget Programs Fund Program
Project Grants 11,500 13,773,816 0 0
Seminar Fees 1,937,355 357,067 1,554 19,480
Conference Fees 5,597,916 34,820 0 0
Contributions 2,305,750 1,839,458 2,474,000 0
Net Investment Income 64,892 675,790 0 13,168
Real/Unreal Gain(Loss) on Investments (46,245) (39,818) 0 0
Rental Revenue 421,559 21,716 0 0
Overhead Revenue 1,782,605 0 0 0
Miscellaneous Revenue 175,101 467,863 19,000 0
Equity in Subsidiary (3,558)
Endowment Spending Revenue 580,635 17,408 0 450,000
Total Revenue 12,827,510 17,148,121 2,494,554 482,648

Seminars 2,030,307 0 246,267 1,825
Campus Activities 5,050,565 0 208,144
Policy Program 0 17,319,639 0
Other Restricted Programs 20,930 0 886,228 462,132
Depreciation Expense 0 0 0
Overhead Expense 850 1,670,108 0 52,895
Fund Raising & Development 961,259 0 202,478
General Business & Administration 4,903,710 0 778,635
Total Expenses 12,967,620 18,989,747 2,321,752 515,026

NET RESULTS (140,110) (1,841,627) 172,802 (32,378)

NET ASSETS AT BEGINNING OF YEAR 5,697 20,542,698 2,483,701 268,355

NET ASSETS AT END OF YEAR (134,413) 18,701,072 2,656,503 235,976

Restricted Plant Net Aspen Total Total
Programs Fund Endowments Meadows 2001 2000

0 0 0 0 13,785,316 18,507,488
217,895 0 0 0 2,533,350 2,826,51
0 0 0 4,209,226 9,841,963 10,898,757
704,602 (513,907) 548,287 0 7,358,189 15,965,612
2,167 18 210,102 0 966,138 1,637,880
116,019 318,370 (328,856) 0 19,469 364,603
30,744 0 0 (350,000) 124,019 86,101
0 0 0 0 1,782,605 1,386,980
0 64 0 81,848 743,876 815,403
3,558 0 0
89,570 0 (1,137,613) 0 0 0
1,160,995 (195,455) (708,080) 3,944,632 37,154,925 52,489,335

0 0 2,278,399 2,016,350
0 0 2,692,065 7,950,774 10,596,183
0 0 0 17,319,639 18,919,021
(1,412) 87,827 0 1,455,705 882,718
0 1,248,733 0 0 1,248,733 1,776,465
58,752 0 0 1,782,605 1,386,980
0 0 0 1,163,737 1,927,484
0 0 0 1,252,567 6,934,912 4,944,913
59,165 1,248,733 87,827 3,944,632 40,134,503 42,450,114

1,101,830 (1,444,188) (795,907) 0 (2,979,577) 10,039,221

1,209,209 31,902,006 21,363,415 0 77,775,080 67,735,859

2,311,039 30,457,818 20,567,508 0 74,795,503 77,775,080

The Aspen Institute Subsidiary
Consolidated Statement of Activities
Year Ended December 31, 2001
(with comparative totals for 2000)

Temporarily Permanently Total Total

Unrestricted Restricted Restricted 2001 2000
Revenue and Support:
Project grants $167,221 $14,217,355 $ - $ 14,384,576 $ 18,507,488
Conference fees 9,807,144 34,820 - 9,841,964 10,898,757
Contributions 4,982,699 2,338,792 12,700 7,334,191 15,965,612
Seminar fees 1,799,044 581,377 - 2,380,421 2,826,511
Investment income (loss) (15,890) 607,163 - 591,273 2,001,283
Gain on sale of assets 319,107 - - 319,107 1,200
Rental income 102,304 21,716 - 124,020 86,101
Other 262,592 34,954 - 297,546 815,403
Net assets released
from restrictions 20,126,646 (20,126,646) - - -
Total revenue and support 37,550,867 (2,290,469) 12,700 35,273,098 51,102,355

Program services
Policy programs 20,329,065 - - 20,329,065 18,919,021
Campus activities 8,284,953 - - 8,284,953 10,596,183
Seminars 2,402,537 - - 2,402,537 2,016,350
Other restricted programs 716,072 - - 716,072 882,718
International activities 7,217 - - 7,217 25,751
Supporting services
General and administrative 5,533,971 - - 5,533,971 6,695,627
Fundraising and development 978,854 - - 978,854 1,927,484
Total expenses 38,252,669 - - 38,252,669 41,063,134

Change in net assets (701,802) (2,290,469) 12,700 (2,979,571) 10,039,221

Net Assets:
Beginning, as previously reported 47,380,294 27,970,454 2,073,100 77,423,848 67,384,627
Prior period adjustment 351,232 - - 351,232 351,232
Reclass, restrictions (3,029,204) (3,970,796) 7,000,000 - -
Beginning, as restated 44,702,322 23,999,658 9,073,100 77,775,080 67,735,859
Ending $44,000,520 $21,709,189 $9,085,800 $74,795,509 $77,775,080
Society of Fellows
Chairmans Society Perry and Abbe Lane Leff
Merv Adelson* Mr. and Mrs. Gerald Greenwald* Mary Ralph Lowe
Mr. and Mrs. Paul F. Anderson* Mr. and Mrs. Edward Hudson* Nancy and Jeffrey Marcus
Mercedes Bass* Mr. and Mrs.Yotaro Kobayashi* Mr. and Mrs.Willem Mesdag
Mr. and Mrs. James Calaway* Laura and Gary Lauder Tricia Nichols
The Honorable and Mrs. Henry Catto* Holly and John Madigan Mr. and Mrs. John C. Oxley
Mr. and Mrs. Lester Crown* Clare Munana* and John McCartney Cheryl and Norman Perlmutter
Mr. and Mrs. F. Peter Cundill* Mr. and Mrs. George Munroe* Mr. and Mrs. Richard G. Powell
Mr. and Mrs. James L. Ferguson** The Honorable and Mrs.Thomas R. Pickering* Kelli and Allen Questrom
Mr. and Mrs. Jack D. Furst* Mr. and Mrs. Roy Roberts* Ellen and Ed Randall
The Honorable and Mrs. Joseph Gildenhorn* Linda and Jay Sandrich The Honorable Ann W. Richards*
Barbara Goldsmith Mr. and Mrs. Frederick Whittemore* Nancy and Miles Rubin
Dr. and Mrs. Sidney Harman* Mr. and Mrs. Michael Wilson* Mr. and Mrs.William T. Solomon
Nina Rodale Houghton* Selim K. Zilkha Aziz D. Syriani
Mr. and Mrs. Elmer Johnson* Shelly and Peter Thigpen
Mr. and Mrs. David H. Koch* Aspen Leaf Society Mr. and Mrs. Alexander Trowbridge*
Mr. and Mrs. Leonard A. Lauder* Mr. and Mrs. Michael Bezos Dr. and Mrs.Terry Turkat
Mr. and Mrs. Gerald M. Levin* Kay and Matthew Bucksbaum Mr. and Mrs. Charles Wyly, Jr.
The Honorable and Mrs. Frederic V. Malek* Mary L. Cornille and John F. Cogan, Jr.
Mr. and Mrs. John P. Mascotte* Mr. and Mrs. J. Lester Crain Lifetime Fellows
Mr. and Mrs.William E. Mayer* Connie and Tom Duckworth Dr. Mortimer Adler
The Honorable Ann McLaughlin Korologos* Gail and Richard Elden Mr. and Mrs. Robert O. Anderson
and Tom Korologos The Honorable and Mrs. Melvyn J. Estrin Mr. Berl Bernhard*
The Honorable and Mrs. Phillip Merrill* Samia and A. Huda Farouki Mr. and Mrs. Alvin I. Brown
Mr. and Mrs. Stewart Resnick* Mr. and Mrs. Randall J. Fein Mr. and Mrs.Theodore A. Burtis
Mr. and Mrs. Jerry E. Finger The Honorable and Mrs. Henry E. Catto*
President's Society Jessica and John Fullerton Mr. and Mrs. L. M. Cook**
Melva Bucksbaum and Raymond Learsy Gretchen and William Gorog Mr. Ian M. Cumming
The Honorable and Mrs. Henry E. Catto* Mr. and Mrs. Patrick W. Gross* Mr. and Mrs. James L. Ferguson**
Linda Chowdry* Lou and Bill Guthrie Dr. and Mrs. Sidney Harman*
Claudia and Bill Coleman Mr. and Mrs.William Hamm III Joan W. and Irving B. Harris
Andrea Cunningham* and Rand Sigfried Joan W. and Irving B. Harris Nina Rodale Houghton*
Alain Degraeve Shirley and Barnett C. Helzberg, Jr. Mrs. Page Lee Hufty
Mr. and Mrs.William H. Donaldson* Diana Jacobs Kalman and C.A. Kalman Mr. and Mrs.Viktor Kozeny
Jane and Michael Eisner Bicky and George Kellner Mr. and Mrs. Leonard A. Lauder*
Mr. and Mrs. David Gergen* Jeffrey L. Kenner and Julie Kenner Case Mr. and Mrs. Christopher Makins
Frances and Paul Martinson David Chazen Cyrus F. Freidheim, Jr.
Mr. and Mrs. George P. Mitchell Betty and Nick Coates Golda and Sheldon Friedstein
Mr. and Mrs. Robert Mosbacher** Mr. and Mrs.Thomas Congdon Judith McGregor and Richard Gallun
Mrs. John M. Musser Bunni and Paul Copaken Gideon I. Gartner
Mr. and Mrs.William A. Nitze* Dale Coudert Charles C. Gates, Jr.
Arthur M. Pappas Robert W. Crawford, Jr. Norman H. Gershman
Mr. and Mrs. Gregor G. Peterson Patrick Curry Gary Gerst
Nina Rosenwald Ann and Ronald Dalby Betty S. Gerstley
Mr. and Mrs.Thomas W. Smith Roy E. Davidson Sandra Lee Glosser
Frederick B.Whittemore*
Marian Lyeth Davis Richard E. Gold
Mary H. Dayton Ana and Michael Goldberg
Roxanne J. Decyk and Lewis Watts Diane and Richard Goldstein
John W. Adams
Kitty and William J. Devers Susanne H. Goldstein
Carolyn and Mark Ain
Diane and Richard A. DeWall Ann and James Goodman
Rebecca T. Ayres
Mr. and Mrs. David Dibner Christine and Sheldon Gordon
Marilyn and George Baker
Ms. Lucy S. Dikeou Harriet and Richard D. Gottlieb
Rita G. Bass
Frances Dittmer Barbi Benton and George Gradow
Carol Batchelder
Marcia and John Donnell Leonard Green
Michael J. Batza, Jr.
Georgiana d. Ducas Arthur N. Greenberg
Dr. George S. Bayoud
Charles Duncan Ronald K. Greenberg
Harry J. Benton
Terry and Wally W. Durham Diane Troderman and Harold Grinspoon
Walter C. Bentson
Marcy and J. Leo Edelstein Mrs. Paul W. Guenzel
Barbara and Bruce Berger
Charles B. Edison Lulie and Gordon Gund
Meta and Ronald Berger
John Ellerman Stephen Gunther
Mr. and Mrs. Luciano Berti
Gail and Alfred Engelberg Leo S. Guthman
Rita and Irwin Blitt
Mr. and Mrs. Alan S. Englander Julia and Edward Hansen
Mark A. Bradley
Ruthe and Heinz Eppler Gordon A. Hardy
Stuart M. Brafman
Judith Estrin and Bill Carrico Donna and Robert Harper
James E. Bramsen
Shannon Fairbanks Rob Harvey
Eli Broad
Anne Farish Mr. and Mrs. James R. Hedges
Markell Brooks
Suzanne Farver Dr. Cynthia M. Heelan
Vicki Brooks
The Honorable Dianne Feinstein Mr. and Mrs.Warner Heineman
Donna L. Brown
Rosemary Feick Mr. and Mrs. Morton Heller
Margaret and John D. Burns
Anne and Alan Feld Don Henley
Cathy and Herbert Buscher
Mary Jo and Richard Fenton Juliane Heyman
Ruth and Martin Carver
Mr. and Mrs.Thomas K. Figge Mr. and Mrs. Gerald D. Hines
Mr. and Mrs. Richard P. Case
Debbie and Marty Flug Mr. and Mrs. Irvine O. Hockaday, Jr. **
Mrs. Eugene B. Casey
Merrill Ford and Robert Taylor, III Ruth and David Hoff
Merle C. Chambers and Hugh A. Grant
Charlotte Moss and Barry Friedberg Alberta Davis Hogg
Phyllis S. Hojel Patty L. and Robert P. Mack Arthur Rock
Susan H. Horsey Mr. and Mrs. Robert H. Malott** Mr. and Mrs. Charles Rolles
Tori Dauphinot and Ken Hubbard Mr. and Mrs. Austin Marquis Anita and Gary Rosenau
Dr. and Mrs. Richard M. Hunt Robert H. Matt Edwin M. Roth
Fern Hurst Linda McCausland Warren J. Rubin
Robert J. Hurst Bonnie and Tom McCloskey Phoebe Massey Ryerson
Carolyne T. Hyde Barbara and William H. McElnea Susan de Saint Phalle
Mary Ann Hyde J. Alec Merriam Gail Sachon
Sandy and Charles Israel Jackie Merrill and Jay Hughes Arlene and Chester Salomon
Jeanne Jaffee Ellie and Robert M. Meyers Lois and Thomas C. Sando
Mr. and Mrs. John I. Jellinek Julienne Michel Vicki and Roger W. Sant
Dr. Jane J. Jenkins Caroline and John Moore Yasuhiko Sata
Mr. and Mrs. Michael Johnston Virginia and Darrell C. Morrow Simi and Omar Sawaf
Peter R. Kann* Peter W. Mullin Danner and Arno Schefler
Geraldine Karetsky and William D. Mayer Rebecca and Mike Murray Lloyd Schermer**
Marjorie C. Kastman James A. Nathan Barbara and Gene Schmitt
Mr. and Mrs. Gerald Katcher Judith E. Neisser Mr. and Mrs. Paul C. Schorr, III
Alex Kaufman Jeannette T. Nichols Carole and Gordon Segal
Sylvia and Dick Kaufman Beth and William T. ODonnell Elizabeth Shapkin
Donald G. Kempf, Jr. Darelyn Olsen Barbara and Robert P. Shook
Robert D. Kennedy Olara A. Otunnu* Lois Siegel
Liz and David Kruidenier Linda Pace and Laurence Miller Vicki and Ronald Simms
Mrs. Ishik A. Kubali-Camoglu Lynda Palevsky Sandra and Charles Simon
Lawrence Ladin Maria Pappas Alan Sirkin
David H. Langstaff Dr. and Mrs. Emanuel Papper Aggie Skirball
Madeleine and Karl G. Larson Mickey L. Parsons Beth K. Smith
Mr. and Mrs. Garland Lasater Mary and James R. Patton Victoria L. Smith
Lowell H. Lebermann, Jr. Susan and Paul Penn William D. Smithburg
Mr. and Mrs. Robert LeBuhn Betty and Arthur Pfister Judith Zee Steinberg and Paul Hoenmans
Jean and Henry A. Lee Edwin L. Phelps Paul Stoffel
Pamela Levy and Rick Crandall Mr. and Mrs. Aaron Podhurst Fleur and Curt Strand
John S. Lillard Arnold Porath Barry S. and Evelyn M. Strauch
Jerry D. Lindauer Mrs. Charles H. Price, II Laura and Craig D. Sutherland
Barbara Linhart Shirley and Fred Pryor Michael Taets
Robert E. Lorton Kelley and Mark Purnell Mr. and Mrs.William R.Tobey, Jr.
Jean and Jim Lowrey Mr. and Mrs. Gerald Rafshoon Sally and James Toffey
Mr. and Mrs. Sheldon B. Lubar Mr. and Mrs. David Ratcliff Mr. and Mrs. J. Frank Travis
Pam and Tom Luce Nancy and George Records Linda and Chris Valentine
Lee R. Lyon Louise Walker Resor William A.Van Orsdel
Dennis H.Vaughn M. Richard Wyman
Margaret and Phil Verleger Dr. and Mrs. David M.Yocum, III
Fran and Dick Walsh Alice Young*
Carolyn Walton Karl Zeisler
Elaine and Everett Warner Harriet and Jerome Zimmerman
Mr. and Mrs. J. Fred Weintz, Jr. Mortimer B. Zuckerman
Betty J.Weiss Mrs.Victor Zurcher
John C.Whitehead
Kay and Kenneth R.Whiting Donor recognition as of December 31, 2001
Ginny L.Williams * Trustee
Jacqueline Wogan ** Trustee Emeritus
Edith and George B.Wombwell

Individual Donors
Michael B. Adams Sheila Birnbaum Andrew Carroll
Elsie V. Aidinoff Lawrence C. and Susan McD. Blount Clayton C. Carter
Daniel Alpert Melvin Blumenthal Dr. and Mrs. Robert S. Carter
Joseph A. Amato F. Albert and Mickey Boersma Professor and Mrs. Stephen L. Carter*
Ellen Anderman Ann B. Bossert William Cathers
M. Diane Anderson Helen B. Box Jill Chozen
Terry Watson Anderson Kyle K. Boyd Phyllis Cook
Frances A. Ashley Titus A.M. Brenninkmeijer Isabella G. Coolidge
James W. Atkinson Sally Breul Mr. and Ms.William R. Cottle
Mr.William R. Ayres Evelyn and Claude Brice Mr. and Mrs. Robert J. Craig
Mr. and Mrs. Paul Bancroft III Paula M. Brill Toby Ann Cronin
Suzanne Barnes Mary C. Brister Mr. and Mrs. James S. Crown
Mr. and Mrs. Raymond Barre* Mr. and Mrs.William Broeder Gary T. Crum
Mr. and Mrs. Harry W. Barrick Ruth Brown Mr. and Mrs. Robert D'Alessio
Molly Beattie Vivian W. Brown Mark Davis
Mr. and Mrs. Samuel Bell, Jr. Mr. and Mrs. James Bulkley Mr. and Mrs.William L. Davis*
Mr. and Mrs. Stuart Bernstein James W. Carrico Elizabeth K. Dawkins
John DiBiaggio Richard L. Grubman and Princeton N. Lyman
Mr. and Mrs. Alfred J. Dietsch* Caroline Mortimer Terry L. Macaluso
Charles B. Doleac Robert L. Hall Elizabeth K. MacGlashan
Edward Dominik Jan Hamilton Carolyn and Scott MacGlashan
Martin P. Dowling Ruth L. Harper Herbert Mack
Mr. and Mrs. Rodman L. Drake Ronald Harris Marsha Madigan
David Drinkwater Michael Higgins Carol and Ed Maier
Mr. and Mrs. Richard Dubin Peter S. Hirshberg Linda and Paul Makosky
James Dubin Colonel and Mrs. Robert A. Holden, (Ret.) Marie and James Malaro
Dr. and Mrs. John C. Dumler Barbara and Kevin Hoover Mary E. Manning
Theodore R. Eck Heidi Houston Kai and Jay Marchant
Mary Allen L. Engle Mr. and Mrs. John M. Hughes Mr. and Mrs. Stephen J. Marcus
Mr. and Mrs. Charles E. Ennis Elizabeth C. Hunt Erna Martino
Mr. and Mrs. Floyd R. Evans, Jr. Mr. and Mrs. Norman J. Hunter Balbir S. Mathur
Charlotte Farr Mr. and Mrs.Thomas Ingerson Mr. and Mrs. Homer W. Maynard
Sandra Feldman* Rusty and John Jaggers Davy H. McCall
Jerry Fels Thomas A. James Bonnie and Tom McCloskey
Mr. and Mrs. Aaron Fink Deborah E. Jennings Mr. and Mrs. David T. McLaughlin*
Dr. John E. Fish, Jr. Harold Jensen Amy Margerum and Charles M. McLean
Peter S. Fiske Mr. and Mrs. Alexander G. Jones Elizabeth H. McMillan
Leon Fleisher Mr. and Mrs. John J. Jubin Robert S. McNamara*
Colonel and Mrs. James B. Foster, (Ret.) Robert Kearns Joseph B. McNeely
Mr. and Mrs. Elvis Fraser Michael Keefe Sara E. Melendez
Owen O. Freeman Mr. and Mrs. Melvin L. Kelly Patricia S. Mercer
Mr. and Mrs. Mark M. Freestate Donald R. Kendall Edward L. Merrigan
Bruce R. Fretz Kathryn L. Kershow Dr. and Mrs. Martin Meyerson*
Mr. and Mrs. Marc Friedberg Freia and Warren Kershow Bill Milburn
Mrs. James R. Friel, Sr. Mr. and Mrs. Ajay Khanna George L. Miles Jr.
William Fulkerson Mr. and Mrs.Thomas R. Knowlton Jean C. Miller
Mary J. Garth Mr. and Mrs.W. Mark Kram Mr. and Mrs.William A. Montgomery
Margaret L. Gault Karen Kribs Richard M. Morrow
Margaret Roe Gillespie Sheila S. Lanahan Ali A. Mufuruki
Mr. and Mrs. David Gitlitz Elaine Landis Mrs. John Musser
Sylvia Glickman Robert B. Latousek Pascal A. Nazareth
H. Lee Godfrey Mr. and Mrs. Earl M. Latterman Edythe L. Nelson
Cheryl and Steve Goldenberg A. Ray Lavender Patricia Nettleship
Zelma P. Gossard Mr. and Mrs. Pascal N. Levensohn Constance B. Newman*
Jeff Greenstein Lynne and Dan Levinson Mr. and Mrs.William A. Nitze*
Mr. and Mrs. Kent Greenawalt* David L. Levison Mr. and Mrs. Barry J. Noonan
Mr. and Mrs. Patrick W. Gross* Paul M. and Mary A. Long Mr. and Mrs. Randy Nuckolls
Margaret D. Orem
Olara A. Otunnu*
Mr. and Mrs. Oncken Owens, Jr.
Carol Parks
Frances M. Parry
Mr. and Mrs. John D. Parsons
Mr. and Mrs. Charles E. Peck
Dr. and Mrs. Michael E. Pelczar
Jordan Perlmutter
Mr. and Mrs. J. O. Pippin, Jr.
Ms. Erika C. Poethig and Mr. Ray Sendejas
Mr. and Mrs. Henry C. Poole
William H. Pope
Lord and Lady Powell*
William Pratt
John R. Provine
Patricia A. Quick
Mr. and Mrs. Frank Ramondo, Jr.
G. R. Sheetz Dr. and Mrs. John S.Toll
Mr. and Mrs.Thomas L. Reynolds
Charles Shenk Mr. and Mrs. Stanley A.Twardy
Dr. and Mrs. Harry C. Rhodes
James A. Shirk Dennis Vaughn
Cindy,Tom and Heather Rhodes
Gary R. Silverman and Suzy Silverman Donald M.Vickeny
Colonel and Mrs. Edward M. Rider
Roz R. Roberts Joan and Virgil Simon Enzo Viscusi
Mary A. and Sylvester V. Roberts David E. Skaggs Paul A.Volcker*
Aviva Robinson Mr. and Mrs. Robert Skare Christopher Walling
Rosalia Rodriguez-Garcia Joyce E. Skoog Mr. and Mrs. Donald R.Walls
Peggy R. Rogers Mr. and Mrs. Albert H. Small* Dr. and Mrs.Tom Waltz
Henry A. Rosenberg Pamela Smart Margaret K. and Derek J.Weatherley
Mr. and Mrs. Marvin Rosenberg Mr. and Mrs. A. A. Sommer, Jr. Mr. and Mrs. Arnold R.Weber*
Robert A. Rosenfeld Jane G. Sparks Douglas Weiser
Arthur Rosenstein Mrs. Richard A. Springs, Jr. Mr. and Mrs. Clifton R.Wharton, Jr.**
Ella M.H. Rowe Mr. and Mrs. Andrew L. Stern* Mr. and Mrs. Charles E.Wheeler
Senator and Mrs.Warren B. Rudman* Mr. and Mrs. Benjamin Stewart Helaine White
Mr. and Mrs.William R. Russell, Jr. Mr. and Mrs. Donald J. Stone Mr. and Mrs.Walter E.Woodford, Jr.
D. D. Ryerse Mr. and Mrs. Robert D. Stuart, Jr. Dr. and Mrs.William H.Wroten, Jr.
Linda and Jay Sandrich Mr. and Mrs. James E. Sylvanus Paul and Mary Yovovich
Vincent and Elaine Santucci Mr. and Mrs.William E. Sylvester Howard B. Zack
Donald E. Saunders Mr. and Mrs. Phillips Talbot** Mr. and Mrs. Carl Zillig
The Honorable and Mrs. John W. Sause, Jr. Daniel J.Taylor
Steven M. Schatz
Jonathan M.Thomas Donor recognition as of December 31, 2001
Dr. and Mrs. D.William Schlott
James E.Thompson, Jr. * Trustee
Dr. and Mrs. Richard J. Schoeb
Joel I.Tirschwell ** Trustee Emeritus
Mr. and Mrs. Robert J. Schuerholz
John W.Titus Deceased
Martin E. Segal
Corporate and
Organization Support
Abbott Laboratories British Petroleum CSC Holdings, Inc.
ABC News California Community Foundation Cumming Foundation
Accenture LLP Carnegie Corporation of New York William L. Davis Family Foundation
Aetna Foundation, Inc. Caserve Foundation Dayton Foundation Depository, Inc.
Afro American Newspapers Catenas, Inc Department of the Army
Alabama Power Company Champion Industries, Inc. DeWitt Wallace-Reader's Digest Fund
ALH Holding Company Charles Stewart Mott Foundation Dibner Fund
Allfirst Chase Manhattan Banking Corporation Dow Jones Foundation
ALSTOM Power, Inc. Chazen Capital Partners The Dun & Bradstreet Corporation
American Express Company Chris Craft Industries Eastman Kodak Charitable Trust
American Federation of Teachers Chubb Corporation Endowment Fund of the Allied Jewish
American Petroleum Institute Cimarron Foundation Federation
Ann and Gordon Getty Foundation Cinergy Services, Inc. Enron Corporation
Annie E. Casey Foundation Cingular Wireless EPRI
AOL Time Warner, Inc. Citibank N.A. Equitable Resources, Inc.
Aramco Services Company Citigroup Ernest Bogen Charitable Common Fund
Arete Corporation City of Aspen Ewing Marion Kauffman Foundation
Artemis Ventures, Inc. The Clarke Family Trust Fannie Mae Foundation
Asia Foundation Cleary, Gottlieb, Steen & Hamilton Ferrantino Charitable Foundation, Inc.
Aspen Education Foundation The College Board Fidelity Investments Charitable Gift Fund
Aspen School District No. 1 Colorado Mountain College Ford Foundation
The Aspen Store Comcast Foundation The Franklin Mint Foundation for the Arts
Aspen Valley Community Foundation Communities Foundation of Texas, Inc. Friel Foundation, Inc.
AT&T Community Foundation of North Texas Fuji Xerox Co., Ltd.
Automatic Data Processing, Inc. Compton Foundation, Inc. General Motors Corporation
Bank for International Settlements Conoco, Inc. Gill Operating Foundation
Beckman Family Foundation Consumers Energy Gillette Company
Beem Corporation Cook County Treasurer Globe Capital Partners
Bernard & Barbara Grenell Foundation Cornerstone Research, Inc. Goldman, Sachs & Co.
The Boeing Company Corporation for Enterprise Development Good Neighbor Foundation, Inc.
Booz Allen & Hamilton The Corrigan Foundation II Gordon and Mary Cain Foundation
The Boyd Foundation Cox Enterprises, Inc. GPU Service, Inc.
Bristol-Myers Squibb Company Credit Suisse First Boston Corporation Greater Kansas City Community
Green Foundation Larry L. Aldrich Foundation, Inc. Pajwell Foundation
Gruntal & Co., L.L.C. Latousek Foundation Pendergast Group, Inc.
Hallmark Corporate Foundation Laurence D. Belfer Family Foundation Pew Charitable Trusts
The Harris Foundation Le Jeune Investment, Inc. Pfizer, Inc.
Hatco Corporation Lee Enterprises Phar-Mor, Inc.
Hazen Polsky Foundation, Inc. Lee Foundation Philip Morris
Heidrick and Struggles, Inc. Legg Mason Wood Walker, Inc. The Elmer F. Pierson Foundation
Henderson Foundation Logan Trucking, Inc. Pitkin County
Henry and Gladys Crown Loral Space & Communications Pitney Bowes, Inc.
Charitable Trust Fund Henry Luce Foundation PKVerleger LLC
William and Flora Hewlett Foundation The John D. and Catherine T. MacArthur Ploughshares Fund
Hitachi Foundation Foundation Potomac Electric Power Company
HMB Investments Management Employment, L.L.C. PowerQuest Corporation
Host Marriott Markle Foundation Private Power
Institute for International Monetary Affairs McKinsey & Company, Inc. Prudential Foundation
Institute of International Education Merck & Co., Inc. Qwest Communications International, Inc.
International Monetary Fund Merlin Foundation The Queenstown Company
J.Willard and Alice S. Marriott Foundation The Merrill Foundation, Inc. RealNames Corporation
J.P. Morgan Chase Foundation Merrill Lynch & Co. Inc Ripplewood Holdings, LLC
James Kent Associates Merrill Lynch Europe Limited Roaring Fork Education Foundation
Jean C.Tempel Foundation Milton H. Dresner Charitable Foundation Rockefeller Brothers Fund
Jewish Communal Fund Mitchell Energy & Development Rockefeller Foundation
Jewish Community Endowment Fund Moore Automotive Group Rodel Charitable Foundation
Jewish Community Foundation Motorola Foundation Roe Jasen Charitable Lead Trust
Jewish Community Foundation of Greater Nasher Company Ruhrgas A. G.
Kansas City National Fish and Wildlife Foundation Salve Regina University
Jewish Federation of Metropolitan Chicago National Water Resources Association The San Diego Foundation
Jewish Federation of St. Louis NBC SBC Communications, Inc.
Jones, Day, Reavis & Pogue Network Solutions, Inc. Scheuer Associates Foundation, Inc.
Kellogg's Corporate Citizenship New Schools Venture Fund The Schiff Foundation
Fundmatching Gift Program New York Community Trust Schwab Fund for Charitable Giving
William R. Kenan, Jr. Fund New York State United Teachers Search Institute
Kenner Foundation, Inc New York University Sempra Energy
Kinder Morgan Foundation Nokia, Inc. Service Employees International Union
Kirkland & Ellis Norman and Rosita Winston Foundation Sesame Workshop
KN Energy Nortel Networks Shirlee Lee Preissman Family Trust
John S. and James L. Knight Foundation Northern Star Foundation Simms Foundation
The Kresge Foundation The Northern Trust Company Small Business Administration
Kresser Foundation Office Manager, Inc. Solomon, Zauderer, Ellenhorn,
Kronos Incorporated The David and Lucille Packard Foundation Frischer & Sharp
State of Maryland Verizon Communications, Inc. Weil Brothers Cotton, Inc.
The Summit Foundation Verner, Liipfert, Bernhard, Weil, Gotshal & Manges
Talbot Family Trust McPherson & Hand Wolfensohn Family Foundation
The Thrift Shop Viacom International, Inc. Women's Edge
TIAA-CREF VISA International Worldcom International Limited
TKB International, Inc. Vulcan Materials Company Wyeth
Town of Snowmass Village W. Ford Schumann Foundation
Donor recognition as of December 31, 2001
Tulsa World W.K. Kellogg Foundation
U. S. Department of Interior * Trustee
Wallace Global Fund
National Business Center ** Trustee Emeritus
Walt Disney Company
Urban Design Group Inc Warburg, Pincus,Ventures, Inc. Deceased
U.S. Department of Commerce

Inkind Gifts
Melva Bucksbaum and Mr. and Mrs. J. Alec Merriam
Raymond Learsy PowerQuest Corporation
Mr. and Mrs. Paul Copaken and the Mr. and Mrs. Stewart Resnick*
Copaken Family Foundation Solomon, Zauderer, Ellenhorn,
Susanne Goldstein Frischer & Sharp
The Honorable and Mrs.William Gorog Mrs. Gloria Scharlin and the
Mr. and Mrs. Ronald Greenberg Scharlin Family Foundation
Mr. and Mrs. James R. Hedges Dr. and Mrs.Teviah Turkat
Nina Rodale Houghton*
Neil Jacobstein and Rona Z. Silkiss, MD Donor recognition as of December 31, 2001
Kirkland & Ellis * Trustee
David H. Langstaff ** Trustee Emeritus
Mr. and Mrs. John P. Mascotte* Deceased
Mr. and Mrs. Austin Marquis

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