The Dyslexic Reader 2008 - Issue 48

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Dys•lex´•ic Read´•er
VOL. 48 Davis Dyslexia Association International ISSUE 2 • 2008

Charlotte Foster Named Outstanding

Woman of the Year in Education!
n March of this year New education.” Congratulations, Charlotte!
Jersey Governor Corzine named Charlotte became a licensed Davis
Charlotte Foster Outstanding Facilitator in 1995 and is currently a
Woman of the Year in Education Davis Supervisor-Specialist in
for Somerset County. In his letter Bernardsville, New Jersey. She founded
informing her of the honor he stated, Multivariant Learning Systems (MLS)
“New Jersey needs women like you, in 1987 to offer Davis Dyslexia
dedicated to the cause of education. As Correction services and training
you blaze the trail toward true equality workshops for those working with
for our future generations, your diligent learning-disabled and low-performing
efforts help to create dynamic programs youth and adults. In collaboration with
and a strategy for growth where students the Reading Edge, MLS won the
can anticipate success. Because of your contract to design and deliver a
faithful dedication to your duties and learning-to-learn program for the U.S.
your fair-minded approach to finding Department of Education. Charlotte
solutions to conflict, I commend your holds a bachelor’s degree from Wells
efforts as you continue to move forward College and has trained with leading
in your ongoing commitment to experts in the field of accelerated
(Cont’d on p. 4)

IN THIS ISSUE Outstanding Pennyslvania

News & Feature Articles
Charlotte Foster Named Outstanding
Teen Focuses on Dyslexia
Woman of the Year in Education . . . . .1
By Marcia Maust, Facilitator in Berlin,
Outstanding Teen Focuses on Dyslexia . . .1 Pennsylvania, and Haylee Baer, Miss
A New Sense of Direction . . . . . . . . . . . .3 Frostburg Dance Outstanding Teen
Lastest Recommendations from Lazy
Readers’ Book Club . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .6 Haylee Baer was selected Miss
Famous Dyslexics Remember . . . . . . . . . .9 Frostburg Dance Outstanding Teen on
Down with Fractions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .10 April 5 from a field of six contestants.
A Mom Remembers . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .11 Fifteen-year-old Haylee chose “The
Six Years Later: A Mom Looks Back . . . .12 Gift of Dyslexia” as her platform.
Don’t Wait . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .13 When asked why she chose this issue,
What Do They Have in Common? . . . . . .14 she replied that she has a personal
Mini-Book Review . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .16 interest in dyslexia because of the
The Soul of Golf Teaching . . . . . . . . . . . .19 frustration she has witnessed in her
Back to Study with Davis in Iceland . . . .21 younger brother, Hunter.
Zameen Wins Film Award in India . . . . .22
Haylee told the interview judges
Regular Features that even though everyone at school
In the Mail . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .2 had given up on her brother, she never Maust, of Laurel Highlands Dyslexia
Q&A . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .17-18 stopped believing in him. Hunter began Correction Center in Berlin,
New Davis Licensees . . . . . . . . . . . . .24-25 using the Davis techniques eight years Pennsylvania. Hunter was supported in
Davis Workshops . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 26-28 ago under the guidance of Davis his post program follow-up work by
Dyslexia Correction Facilitator, Marcia his parents and Haylee. Hunter is now
(Cont’d on p. 5)

In the Mail:
“rich and famous.” College for that semester!
Thank you! I love reading my Dyslexic Reader
A majority of and hearing about all the wonderful
A Dream Come True! students and teachers success stories. You are the most
Dear Dyslexic Reader, at Berklee are remarkable people, who give us all
Ten years ago, February 1997, Melissa dyslexic and have hope of the future. My daughter has
was a 7-year-old second grader who allergies. Melissa her future, just the way she wanted it.
learned to read with Symbol Mastery. found the perfect I thank you from my husband, from
Previous to this she had informed us home for herself, where everyone me, and from Melissa.
that she was going to grow up to be a thinks a million miles a minute, where Sincerely,
“rich and famous” musician and that everyone is driven towards their goals, Jill Domosh, Derry, New Hampshire
she was going to attend Berklee College and where trying to stay healthy is
of Music in Boston, Massachusetts. a priority–“the gift of dyslexia” at Ten Years Later ...
Thanks to Ron, Charlotte, Lexi, Brian its best. Dear Dyslexic Reader,
and everyone else associated with the Melissa started at Berklee in the More than ten years have passed since
Reading Research Council, Melissa is fall of 2007, finishing the semester my son, Himanshu, did the basic
attending Berklee, has been paid to with a 3.86 GPA. This has earned her program for dyslexia correction. My
sing, and has the chance to become a place on the Dean’s List at Berklee brother, Sanjay Odak, who lives in
Copyright 2002 Randy Glasbergen.
Illinois, enrolled him on my behalf.
The basic course took place in Raleigh,
North Carolina in June of 1997. You all
were very helpful and considerate. The
facilitator was very helpful to my son.
From that point on progress was
slow but steady. Himanshu completed
10th grade with an average of 63%.
Then, the examination board granted
him 30 extra minutes to complete his
written papers. But today, he has
reached the 6th and final semester
and is about to receive a Diploma in
Computer Engineering. As parents, we
are proud of what he has achieved at
20 years of age. He has even learned
to ride a motorbike.
I’d like to thank you all for all
that you have done personally, and
(Cont’d on p. 11)

The Dyslexic Reader is published quarterly by Davis Dyslexia Association International (DDAI), 1601 Bayshore Hwy.,
Suite 260, Burlingame, CA 94010 USA. Tel. +1 (650) 692-7141.
OUR GOALS are to increase worldwide awareness about the positive aspects of dyslexia and related learning styles;
and to present methods for improving literacy, education and academic success. We believe that all people’s abilities
and talents should be recognized and valued, and that learning problems can be corrected. EDITORIAL BOARD:
Laura Zink de Diaz, Alice Davis & Abigail Marshall. DESIGN: Gideon Kramer. SUBSCRIPTIONS: one year $25 in US,
add $5 in Canada; add $10 elsewhere. BACK ISSUES: send $8.00 to DDAI. SUBMISSIONS & LETTERS:
We welcome letters, comments and articles. Mail to DDAI at the above address. VIA FAX: +1 (650) 692-7075
VIA E-MAIL: [email protected] INTERNET:

The opinions and views expressed in articles and letters are not necessarily those of DDAI. Davis™, Dyslexia Correction®, Davis Symbol Mastery®, Davis
Orientation Counseling®, and Davis Learning Strategies® are trademarks of Ronald D. Davis. Copyright © 2006 by DDAI, unless otherwise noted.
All rights reserved.

A New
hen I asked, at about eight a group of seniors who have the
years of age, my mother said wonderful capacity to look past the
to me (I hear her words as stammers and stuttering and listen

Sense of
though spoken just now) “Roger, instead to the feelings. Though I some-
remember to always do your how have no sense of rhythm or beat

very best.” I had always and must memorize things like tempo
believed that Mom meant and flow, I write poetry and love it.
that I should give everything Here, let me close with one, and thank
my best effort; however, lately I Ron again for his great book. 
have seen her words in a new way. I
believe she was saying, “Do your best By Roger Fallow Times
in spite of your handicap.” Fortunately Honzik
for me, I misunderstood her words and By Roger Honzik
thus I have given reading and writing What unsung words still linger round
my very best effort, all with pitifully What notes are left to play
few positive results. As morning breezes yawn and stir
Years and years of knowing I was was taunted! It might be possible to And shuffle leaves that stray
less than the rest, yet ever putting my read. One day it might be possible for Sweet words are few
best foot forward, here I stand. It has me to stand before a mirror, and read And fewer are my dreams
been a long and mostly painful struggle this note with some even flow. Of what laid begging at my door
to read as well as a third or fourth I bought The Gift of Dyslexia and Not long ago it seems
grader and as yet I have not cleared have read it once. I will go back and
that hurdle. My writing has come a read it again a few more times to be Yet still I ponder this and that
long way because of something that sure I understand the words. Then I will And sift for things of rhyme
That they might help me understand
see about solving my deficiencies. This
“All these years of trying This barren bit of time
should make for a very interesting year.
to become smart enough to I just need to thank Ron Davis for I’ll not bow to emptiness
read! I’m not stupid, as I his book and let him know that even Nor cry as though in pain
was taunted! It might be from just a first reading he has given For life and words are given me
possible to read.” me a better sense of direction than I And rhymes will come again
ever thought I would have. For now I’ll sort those scrubby words
happened early on. Dad would always Before closing, I’d like to say And gather some to use
shush me because I was so slow to sort that my personal approach to self And fashion them as bits of joy
my thoughts and put them into “verbal improvement over the past seven or Or at least some simple muse
order.” Because of his impatience I eight years has been to write. I joined
taught myself a game that went like

While Amidst the Wandering Men . . .

this: “If I am ever allowed to speak I
will answer (or add to the conversation)
By William Edwards
with these words and I will say them
THIS way.” With that I would recite,
inwardly, my words. This preplanning William’s Davis Facilitator, Carol Nelson,
has allowed me to become perhaps an sent us a poem he wrote in 2007 after his
average writer and I dearly love to write. Davis Program. William is 11 years old.
While amidst the wandering men
Write? Um . . . yes, why am I
I hear the dogs a-howlin.'
I stop, and sit, and wonder why
About a month ago I flipped on the
The dogs are still a-growlin.'
TV and listened to the last 10 minutes
Waiting for the yawning cock
of a program dedicated to children and
To sing itself a tune
their capacity to learn in school as well
Of morning's glee to sing with thee,
as hindrances to learning. Someone
The singing abolished the moon.
contributed to the discussion by
For the day you waste away–
describing some of the problems
That is of your own demise.
dyslexics face while trying to survive
And, while the sun breaks down the day,
the school experience. Within minutes William Edwards, during
his Davis Program.
You see yourself in the skies.
my eyes clouded with tears. All these
years of trying to become smart
enough to read! I’m not stupid, as I

Charlotte Foster–Woman of the Year (cont’d from p. 1) and Sonny, a Golden Retriever. She
jokes that her hobby is keeping up
learning and communications. serves on the Bernardsville Planning with the shedding at her house!
She is a member of Board. A very busy woman! Since their When Charlotte accepted her
Bernardsville’s Historic Preservation two sons are now grown, Charlotte and award she made a stirring speech,
Advisory Committee, is a her husband, Bill, are “empty-nesters,” which she has graciously allowed us
Bernardsville Council Member and except for their pets – a cat, Merlin, to reprint below.

Acceptance Speech my children was to have a challenge.

I am happy to report that the challenge
By Charlotte Foster, Outstanding was temporary. However, when out in public
Woman of the Year in Education with this child during this temporary period,
Somerset County, New Jersey the stares of curiosity came. I could feel them
intensely. In those moments I knew that I
had, perhaps, a little of the fortitude and
Honored guests, elected officials grace that I had seen in those other
and Commissioners —THANK YOU. mothers. In those moments, I felt as
This award is a wonderful if I had joined a special sisterhood.
honor. I admit I am a little stunned Membership in this special
to be receiving it for I have the sisterhood of outstanding women is
joy and privilege of knowing several past recipients, predicated on the sharing and support that women
one of whom I count as a dear friend. These past are known to give one another, particularly in
recipients are amazing women. It is quite a heady times of intense stress. Close friends, and even
moment for me to now be counted among them. sometimes only acquaintances, have entrusted
I have many people to thank for this award; me with great confidences detailing incredible
you have my word that I will thank all of them challenges and ultimate resolution and
profoundly and appropriately. Tonight, I do want accomplishment. I know of many untold stories
to make a few public “thank you’s:” of extraordinary perseverance, resilience, and
The Somerset County Commission on the even forgiveness for egregious transgressions
Status of Women. Thank you for this honor and experienced by some whom I know. I was and
award. Mayor Lee Honecker, my Bernardsville am honored to know these stories. These women
mayor. Thank you, Lee. My husband, Bill, who has whom I know, with their silent stories of amazing
encouraged, supported and – yes– even tolerated challenge, achievement and triumph form this
my endeavors and some of my capers. Thank you, sisterhood.
Bill. My son, Chris, who, perhaps unbeknownst to As I accept this award this evening, I hope
him, gave me my mission that has brought me to that I am humble enough in light of these untold
this point. Thank you, Chris. stories of outstanding women. Tonight I am
To make a point about outstanding women, I compelled to turn the tables and use this
would like to share a very personal moment. As a opportunity to honor all the women who lead
young mother doing my thing in the supermarket, outstanding lives with quiet dignity, grace, courage,
there were times when I would see mothers who strength and accomplishment. To all outstanding
had children who were very obviously challenged. women– to all of you – I know with certainty the
These mothers and their special children were awards – the accolades – you all deserve.
subjected to the inevitable stares of curiosity. On I leave you with the wisdom of the childhood
these occasions, I always felt such awe by what playgrounds. To all the women here this evening, and
I perceived as these mothers’ ability to move outstanding women everywhere, I say quite simply,
beyond the stares with such fortitude and grace as I accept this award, “It takes one to know one.”
and with obvious love for and devotion to their My sincerest congratulations to the other the
special children. I also wondered if I could have honorees of the evening. I am thrilled to be a part
met the challenge and possible discomfort of the of this amazing group of women.
curious stares. A time was to come when one of Thank you all so very much. 

Outstanding Teen . . . (cont’d from p. 1)

an avid reader and was recently named her mentor. Haylee will be competing
Regional Champion of the Northern for the State title on June 20 in
Youth Mat Club for wrestling. Hagerstown, Maryland. Good luck
Among Haylee’s duties as Miss Haylee!
Frostburg Dance Outstanding Teen will As part of the selection process,
be that of promoting and communicating Haylee submitted a statement to the
her platform. She plans to visit public judges of the Miss Frostburg Dance
schools and help them recognize Outstanding Teen contest. Below is
dyslexia as a gift rather than as a the essay that persuaded the judges
learning disability and to introduce to select her.
them to methods they can use to help
Haylee’s brother, Hunter, and the
children with dyslexia unlock their work he did with his Davis Facilitator,
gift. Marcia has graciously agreed to be Marcia Maust, inspired her project.

By Haylee Baer

Dyslexia As A Gift carefully and then at each punctuation have

them stop and explain the images they
see, they can actually comprehend a whole
It is crucial that public school systems treat dyslexia as a book rather than pages and pages of jumbled up words.
gift. Dyslexia has a set stereotype as a learning disability, Also, when they are learning how to write they
but it can be more of a teaching disability than anything. will sometimes squeeze the pencil so hard that they will
Some of our great role models were known as “dummies” accidentally tear a hole in the paper. They do this because
all through school, such as, Albert Einstein, Thomas they feel like they have control over the pencil and their
Edison, General George Patton, Whoopi thoughts. This is called “killing the bird.”
Goldberg, Walt Disney, Leonardo da If you tell them they are “killing the bird”
Vinci, Winston Churchill and many more. they will try to relax their hand.
The most popular way dyslexia can Lastly, clay is the number one way
be accommodated without medication is dyslexic kids benefit from the learning material.
the Davis Dyslexia Correction Program. Clay work is what helps them master all of their
This program is the only correction skills because they are working hands on.
program that gets to the root cause of Ronald Davis says, “When one teaches
dyslexia: disorientation resulting from “‘Dyslexia is not a to disability, students develop weaknesses;
confusion with symbols. All others complexity; it is a when one teaches to ability, they develop
only address the symptoms of dyslexia. compound of simple strengths.”
Ronald Davis is the founder of this factors which can be Since there is no specific test for
program. He was labeled “retarded” dealt with step by step,’ dyslexia it usually goes undiagnosed or
and was functionally illiterate until says Ron Davis.” is often diagnosed with a different label,
age 38. He established this program such as ADD, ADHD, visual-spatial
in 1982 and it is 97% effective. “Dyslexia is not a learner, language-based learning disability, reading
complexity; it is a compound of simple factors which disability, auditory processing disorder, visual processing
can be dealt with step by step,” says Ron Davis. disorder, etc. Also, since it is developmental and all kids
Dyslexics are visual, multidimensional thinkers experience different symptoms it is hard to tell whether or
who are intuitive, highly creative and excel at hands-on- not a child has dyslexia. There is also not a set standard
learning. They are generally average or above average in of symptoms a child has to display to have dyslexia,
intelligence, but exhibit a gap between potential and actual which makes it even harder to diagnose.
achievement. All dyslexics are picture thinkers. When The essential gift of dyslexia is mastery. The
they see words like “the,” “a,” or “I,” they can’t create a dyslexic will be able to master and comprehend skills
mental picture so they become confused by these words, faster than the average person. My marketing plan is to
called trigger words. There are over 200 trigger words. get an after school program put into elementary schools
Also, when dyslexic children try to read they stumble for both parents and students and eventually convince the
over the words because their brain pulses are moving board of education to develop a special program just for
outrageously fast and they cannot control them. But dyslexic children. 
when you make them slow down and read each sentence

Davis Dyslexia
Recent Recommendations From
The Lazy Readers’ Book Club
The Davis Dyslexia By Laura Zink de Diaz and Danny Brassell
Correction program is
now available from more Because I subscribe to The Lazy Readers’
than 450 Facilitators Book Club, each month I receive an email
around the world.
For updates, call:
from its founder, Danny Brassell, with a list
(888) 805-7216 [Toll free] of books he recommends for reluctant readers
or (650) 692-7141 or visit and those who just plain don’t have time for reading. (He knows we’re not lazy, just busy
or in need of encouragement!) Since we
 Argentina haven’t published Danny’s more recent
Silvana Ines Rossi recommendations, here’s a sampling, with
Buenos Aires
+54 (114) 865 3898
Danny’s comments on each.
You can read lots more recommendations
Brenda Baird
at the Lazy Readers’ website,
Brisbane There you’ll find
+61 (07) 3299 3994 the list of Danny’s picks, updated monthly, as
Sally Beulke
well as archives of past selections by month,
+61 (03) 572 51752 reading level, and page count.
Anne Cupitt If you purchase books at
Scarness, Queensland
+61 (074) 128-2470
through links at the Lazy Readers’ website,
Aurora and Boris Touch the Sky
Mary Davie
Bookends ( will receive a
Caringbah NSW donation. Bookends is a nonprofit organization by Jeffrey A. Mazurowski
+61 (02) 9524 3837 devoted to increasing children’s access to books, Children - 22 pages
Jan Gorman
Eastwood / Sydney
as well as community service awareness. Publisher: My World Press
+61 (02) 9804 1184 Danny’s recommendations are always ISBN-10: 0966215311
Bets Gregory organized into categories: AD, for adults; YA, ISBN-13: 978-0966215311
Gordon NSW
+61 (4) 1401 3490
for young adults; CH, for children’s books.
“A sweet little book that my children
Gail Hallinan
He always lists a page count and some brief
enjoy. In the land of Oris, Aurora and
DLS Workshop comments, as below. Danny usually posts
her brother Boris fly like birds, slide
Naremburn /Sydney
about 10 recommendations per month, three
down moonbeams and explore all parts
+61 (02) 9405 2800 or four per category. At the website, you can
of the sky–and that’s why the Northern
Barbara Hoi sign up to receive recommendations by email,
Mosman / Sydney just as I do! 
Lights are known as the Aurora Borealis.”
+61 (02) 9968 1093
Eileen McCarthy
Manly / Sydney
+61 (02) 9977 2061 It’s All About Me – Personality
Marianne Mullally Quizzes For You And Your Friends
Crows Nest, Sydney
+61 (02) 9436 3766
by Karen Phillips
Jayne Pivac Young adults - 70 pages
Mordialloc / Melbourne
+61 (342) 030 54 05
Publisher: Klutz
John Reilly
ISBN-10: 1570542252
Berala / Sydney ISBN-13: 978-1570542251
+61 (02) 9649 4299
Heidi Rose “I honestly have no idea how I have over-
Pennington /Adelaide
+61 (08) 8240 1834
looked putting this book on a prior edition
of the Lazy Readers’ Book Club, as this was
Joanne Zietsch
Curtin ACT my favorite book of 2006. If you are a
+61 (0) 2 6282 1225 teacher, you HAVE to buy this book. It’s
 Austria applicable for all ages, but teenagers love it
Annette Dietrich the most. It is filled with funny personality
+43 (01) 888 90 25
quizzes that delight students. Parents and
Gabriele Doetsch
teens: BUY THIS BOOK. Great fun! I’d
Leutasch/Innsbruck also like to plug the publisher, Klutz, which
+43 (5) 214 64 57 publishes a lot of high-quality books.”

 Austria (cont’d)
Jacinta Fennessy
Cloudy with a Chance
of Meatballs Wien +43 (01) 774 98 22
by Judi Barrett Ina Barbara Hallermann
Riezlern +43 5517 20012
Marika Kaufmann
Children - 32 pages
Publisher: Aladdin Lochau
ISBN-10: 0689707495 +43 (05574) 446 98
ISBN-13: 978-0689707490  Bahrain
Sameera Sadiq Al Baharna
“One of the most popular read alouds +973 555 201
in any classroom or bedroom, Barrett’s  Belgium
Thera Brugghe
delightful tale of the town of
ChewandSwallow is sure to interest +32 (051) 24 63 40
young children in a place where food Ann Devloo-Delva
literally falls from the sky. This should Veurne +32 (058) 31 63 52
Inge Lanneau
be in every home library.”
+32 (050) 33 29 92
Peggy Poppe
+32 (474) 50 23 32
Adventures of the Sky Kids Viki Vandevenne
by Keven J. Christopherson +32 (0473) 30 41 51
Children - 58 pages  Brazil
Publisher: PublishAmerica Ana Lima
Rio De Janeiro
+55 (021) 2295-1505
ISBN-10: 1413765149
ISBN-13: 978-1413765144
Daniela Boneva
“Subtitled Lost Treasure of Kolob
Canyon, this is a really easy chapter +35 (988) 531 95 06
book that boys seem especially drawn to,
as it deals with camping, lost treasures Wayne Aadelstone-Hassel
and Indians. This reminded me of the North Vancouver
+1 (604) 988-7680
simple books I read when I was a cub
Jean-Pierre Arbour
scout growing up. Why aren’t there more Ottawa, Ontario
books like this nowadays? I guess I am +1 (613) 792-4068
starting to sound like a reminiscent +1 (866) 792-4067 (Toll-Free)
Raylene Barnhill
Fredericton, New Brunswick
+1 (506) 458-0494
Darlene Brown
Smithers/Prince Rupert
+1 (250) 847-3463
The Alphabet From A to Y Paddy Carson
With Bonus Letter Z Edmonton/Alberta
+1 (780) 489-6225
Dyslexia Resources Canada
by Steve Martin & Roz Chast
Children - 64 pages Shelley Cotton
Sharon Roberts
Waterloo, Ontario
Publisher: Flying Dolphin Press
ISBN-10: 0385516622 +1 (519) 746-8422
ISBN-13: 978-0385516624 +1 (800) 981-6433 (Toll-Free)
Sandy Farrell
Hudson, Quebec
+1 (450) 458-4777
“In this delightful alphabet book with
Renée Figlarz
illustrations offered by one of my
favorite New Yorker cartoonists, Roz Montreal, Quebec
Chast, Martin creates zany tongue +1 (514) 815-7827
Sher Goerzen
Maple Ridge/Vancouver
twisters to entice young readers to learn
each letter of the alphabet. Terrific fun +1 (604) 290-5063
Gerry Grant
that prompts kids to beg for repeated
read alouds.” Supervisor-Specialist
Workshop Presenter
+1 (519) 498-2424

 Canada (cont’d)
Corinne Graumans
Rowing to the Rescue
Medicine Hat, Alberta The Story of Ida Lewis
+1 (403) 528-9848 by Doris Licameli
Sue Hall
West Vancouver
Young Adult - 77 pages
+1 (604) 921-1084 Publisher:
D’vorah Hoffman
ISBN-10: 1847286682
+1 (416) 398-6779 ISBN-13: 978-1847286680
Sue Jutson
Vancouver, B.C.
“There are several things I like about this
+1 (604) 732-1516 little book. First of all, my mother is a
Mary Ann Kettlewell lighthouse fanatic, and I can see how this
London, Ontario
+1 (519) 652-0252
book would be great for any parent or
Carol Livermore
teacher to read with children before or
Ottawa, Ontario after a lighthouse visit. More importantly,
+1 (800) 394-1535 [Toll Free] I love books that feature teenage-girl
Julie Locke
Truro, Nova Scotia
protagonists who rock, and 15-year-old
+1 (902) 895-9015 Ida Lewis is such a character (and she is a
Yuko Kimura McCulloch, Ph.D. real-life heroine who lived in 19th century
Vancouver, B.C.
+1 (604) 222-2258
Rhode Island). A delightful quick read.”
Helen McGilivray
+1 (905) 464-4798
Susan Nikolic-Vicentic
Froggy's First Kiss
+1 (905) 953-0033 by Jonathan London
Maureen O’Sullivan Children - 32 pages
Newmarket, Ontario
+1 (905) 853-3363
Publisher: Puffin (Reprint edition,
Tina Panaritis 1999)
Montreal, Quebec ISBN-10: 0140565701
+ 1 (514) 690-9164
Sharon Permack
ISBN-13: 978-0140565706
Thornhill, Ontario
+1 (905) 882-9292 “I have discovered that my best test
Rocky Point Academy audience includes my own two
Stacey Borger-Smith
Lawrence Smith, Jr.
children, and they love this cute little
Calgary +1 (403) 685-0067 book that would make a perfect read
+1 (866) 685-0067 (Toll-Free) aloud for Valentine’s Day. Froggy has
Kendra Rodych
a crush on Frogilina, but his heart is
+1 (306) 979-7323 reserved for someone else who gives
Catherine Smith him kisses.”
+1 (905) 844-4144
1-888-569-1113 toll-free
Edwina Stone
Whitehorse, Yukon Snoozers: 7 Short Bedtime
+1 (867) 393-4489
Bernice Taylor
Stories for Lively Little Kids
Riverview, NB by Sandra Boynton
+1 (506) 871-5674 Children - 18 pages
Tracy Trudell
Wallacetown, Ontario
Publisher: Little Simon
+1 (519) 762-2001 ISBN-10: 0689817746
Kim J. Willson-Rymer ISBN-13: 978-0689817748
Mississauga, Ontario
+1 (905) 825-3153
Cheryl Wood
“Maybe it is because I am a father of two
Huntsville, Ontario young children, but I think Sandra Boynton
+1 (705) 783-2763 is just about one of my favorite authors
 China in the world. Her books are always
Yvonne Wong Ho Hing
Hong Kong
wonderfully illustrated and filled with
+852-7323-7702 funny rhymes and mischief. I’d recommend
Livia Wong any books Boynton writes (my children
Hong Kong especially love Dinos to Go).”

Famous Dyslexics Remember Laura Zink de Díaz
Bogotá +57 (1) 704-4399
 Costa Rica
Maria Elena Guth Blanco
Albert Einstein in his John Chambers is CEO of
own words: “I worked Cisco Systems. In 2004, he San Jose
most of the time in the said his biggest regret was +506 296-4078
physical laboratory, that he hadn’t shared his Marcela Rodriguez
+506 442-8090
fascinated by the direct dyslexia earlier. One day
contact with experience. in the mid-1990s, Cisco
The hitch in this was, of Systems held a “bring your Alexis Mouzouris
course, the fact that one child to work” day. A little Limassol
+357 25 382 090
had to cram all this stuff
girl started to ask Chambers
Ana Magdalena Espin
into one’s mind for the exams, whether a question, but she had trouble; the more
one liked it or not. This coercion had such she tried the harder it was, until she burst Vargas
a deterring effect [on me] that, after I had into tears and said, “I have a learning Ambato
passed the final examination, I found the disability.” Chambers’ perfect answer: +593 (2) 854 281
Nora Cristina Garza Díaz
consideration of any scientific problems “So do I – take your time.” That night the
distasteful for an entire year. It is nothing parents emailed their thanks, and others +593 (3) 282 5998
short of a miracle that the modern encouraged him to share his experiences, Carmensol Herdoíza
methods of instruction have not yet which he did. According to “How Cisco’s Ambato
+593 (3) 284 9344
entirely strangled the holy curiosity of CEO Works the Crowd” (Business Week,
Cristina Mariela Lara
inquiry; for this delicate little plant, aside Oct. 22, 2006) Chambers’ dyslexia caused
from stimulation, stands mainly in need him considerable pain growing up. But it Ambato
of freedom; without this it goes to wreck also gave him an amazing work ethic. + 593 (2) 854 281
Inés Gimena Paredes Ríos
and ruin without fail. It is a very grave When making speeches, he focuses on the
mistake to think that the enjoyment of big picture, avoiding details that would +593 (2) 854 281
seeing and searching can be promoted by bore listeners. He memorizes speeches and
means of coercion and a sense of duty. To prepares more carefully than most. As a Elisabeth Helenelund
the contrary, I believe it would be possible result he sounds in control of the facts, Borga +358 400 79 54 97
to rob even a healthy beast of prey of its possessed of conviction and vision. These  France
Christine Bleus
Saint Jean de Gonville/
voraciousness, if it were possible, with the days Chambers communicates with his
aid of a whip, to force it to devour 64,000 employees via video-blogs posted Genève +33 450 56 40 48
continuously, even when not hungry.” on the company’s intranet. Chambers likes Corinne Couelle
vlogging because it “allows me to share Lyon +33 (04) 78 88 65 52
Jennifer Delrieu
From "Autobiographical Notes," in Albert
Voisins le Bretonneux/Paris
Einstein: Philosopher-Scientist, Paul Schilpp, what’s on my mind in a very candid way,
+33 (01) 30 44 19 91
ed. (1951), pp.17-19 © 1951 by the Library of and then gain immediate feedback.” Then
Living Philosophers, Inc. too, he’d rather vlog than write! Françoise Magarian
+33 (0474) 72 43 13
Robert Benton, movies. My father would come home at Carol Nelson
+33 (0) 1 49 09 12 33
director and screenwriter, night and say not, ‘Have you done your
Odile Puget
grew up in Waxahachie, homework?’ but rather, ‘Let’s go to the
Texas in the 1930s and movies.’ Movies could hold my attention. Segny/Geneve
1940s. “I was dyslexic I could follow them.” Benton began his +33 (0) 450 418 267
before anybody knew career as an art director at Esquire Guilaine Batoz Saint-Martin
La Bastidonne/Marseille
+33 (0490) 08 98 56
what dyslexia was. I was Magazine. When he lost that job, he

called slow,” said Benton decided to write a movie, but since he was
Theresia Adler
in a 2003 interview with a poor speller, he asked his friend, David
director/writer, Nora Ephron. “It’s an awful Newman, to collaborate. Bannewitz
feeling to think of yourself as slow; it’s Together they wrote +49 (0351) 40 34 224
horrible.” Benton wrote the Academy the screenplay for Ellen Ebert
+49 (03601) 813-660
Award-winning screenplays for the Bonnie and Clyde
Cornelia Garbe
movies Places in the Heart (1984) (1967). That screenplay
and Kramer vs. Kramer (1979). He was nominated for an Berlin +49 (030) 61 65 91 25
says movies saved him from isolation Academy Award. Benton Astrid Grosse-Mönch
+49 (04161) 702 90 70
during childhood. “I learned strategies has been nominated for film
Anna-Maria Gunselmann
to cope with it, and I learned patience. awards nine times, and has
But my education was an education by won seven times!  Hirschaid
+49 (954) 341 70 00

(cont’d) Down with
Das Legasthenie Institut
Ioannis Tzivanakis
Specialist Trainer
Workshop Presenter By Laura Zink de Díaz
DDA-DACH Director Davis Facilitator in Bogotá, Colombia
Wilfried Bähr
Hamburg Some years ago, Dr. Dennis DeTurck made
+49 (040) 25 17 86 23
the following statement during a series of
Christine Heinrich
Schwäb Gmünd 60-second lectures at the University of
+49 (0717) 118 29 74 Pennsylvania: “Down with Fractions!” Dr.
Sonja Heinrich
DeTurck is an award-winning mathematician,
DDA-DACH Director and today he’s the Dean of Arts
Garbsen/Hannover and Sciences at Penn.
+49 (040) 25 17 86 23
Kirsten Hohage
In January 2008 USA
Nürnberg Today recalled that event Some people think Dr.
+49 (0911) 54 85 234 and quoted DeTurck as DeTurck’s ideas about
Ingrid Huth fractions are crazy.
saying, “Fractions have
+49 (0179) 896 8007 had their day, being
Mechtild Hylla useful for by-hand my vision go all blurry,
Kassel so I’m probably biased.
+49 (0561) 602 78 20
calculation, but in this
But I do recall heaving a
Christine Jacob
digital age, they’re as
Lörrach obsolete as Roman numerals.” great sigh of relief late in my
+49 (07621) 134 60 Wow! Roman numerals are finally elementary school career when we finally
Rita Jarrar stopped focussing so much on fractions and
obsolete? I’m delighted to hear it!
+49 (089) 821 20 30 Dr. Deturck isn’t exactly excited about moved on to decimals. I could “do fractions”
Inge Koch-Gassmann how much emphasis schools place on long back then, but they drove me to distraction.
+49 (07631) 23 29
division either. Actually, he doesn’t advocate Even today, for me, decimals are nearly
Angelika Kohn
doing entirely away with fractions. He just always significantly easier to work with.
Steinheim-Kleinbottwar thinks they’re complex enough that they should (Consider the source: I never dared take
+49 (07148) 66 08 be taught considerably later in the curriculum calculus!)
Marianne Kranzer
–say, after calculus–and advocates teaching What do YOU think? Perhaps this
+49 (07725) 72 26 decimals first. He’s publishing a book, due ancient rhyme strikes a chord with you…
Anneliese Kunz-Danhauser out later this year, in which he discusses
Multiplication is vexation
+49 (08031) 632 29
fractions, long division, calculating square Division is just as bad
Sabine La Due
roots, multiplying long numbers by hand and The rule of three doth puzzle me
Stuttgart various other issues relating to the teaching
+49 711 47 91 000
And fractions drive me mad!
of mathematics.
Gundula Patzlaff –Anonymous
Many who read the USA Today article
+49 (0711) 23 64 86 0 have posted comments on the internet about (16th Century or earlier)
Margit Pleger Dr. Deturck’s ideas. Some think his ideas You can read the USA Today article
+49 (02335) 84 87 60
about fractions are crazy. Others think he (“Professor: Fractions Should be Scrapped,”
Colette Reimann
may well have a point. I’m not only not a by Maureen Milford) at
Landshut math expert, a field of numbers can make news/education/2008-01-23fractions_N.htm. 
+49 (0871) 770 994
Ursula Rittler
+49 (0711) 47 18 50 Imagination failed them
Phoebe Schafschetzy
+49 (040) 392 589 “This ‘telephone’ “The wireless music
Margarethe Schlauch- has too many box has no imaginable
shortcomings to commercial value.
+49 (0689) 844 10 40 be seriously considered as a Who would pay for
Gabriela Scholter means of communication. a message sent to
Supervisor-Specialist The device is inherently of nobody in particular?”
“640K ought to be
+49 (0711) 578 28 33
no value to us.” —David Sarnoff’s associates, in enough for anybody.”
Beate Tiletzek —Western Union internal response to his urgings to invest —Bill Gates, CEO of
+49 (08638) 88 17 89
memo, 1876 in the radio in the 1920s Microsoft Corp., 1981

A Mom Remembers… (cont’d)
Andrea Toloczyki
Submitted by Raylene Barnhill, Davis Facilitator Havixbeck / Münster
in Fredericton NB, Canada. +49 (02507) 57 04 84
Ulrike von Kutzleben-Hausen
Dear Raylene: Deisslingen
+49 (07420) 33 46
Dr. Angelika Weidemann
As I reflect back on the year 2007, I just
wanted to let you know how much the Davis Ulm +49 (0731) 931 46 46
program has changed our life. Gabriele Wirtz
+49 (0711) 55 17 18
Two years ago our family was in despair.
Homework was a
“I felt for the constant struggle and I Evagelia Apostolopoulou-
first time that would experience stress Trevor, rightfully proud to have completed Armaos
his Davis Dyslexia Correction Program. Patras +30 (261) 062 21 22
I wasn’t crazy at the end of my work
Zoe Deliakidou
and finally day knowing that I had and a professional second. Knowing that you Thessaloniki
that someone +30 2310 434510
or +30 6934 662438
to face homework after knew what I was going through was very
believed me.” supper. I can only comforting. I felt for the first time that I Irma Vierstra-Vourvachakis
imagine how Trevor felt wasn’t crazy and finally someone believed me. Rethymnon / Crete
+30 283105 8201
or 69766 40292
coming home everyday to face me as well as Now a year later and I can’t believe
more work that he didn’t understand. how our family life has changed. Homework
I can still remember the words I used is no longer a nightmare but more importantly, Áslaug Ásgeirsdóttir
Trevor feels good about himself and his stress Mosfellsbaer
+354 861-2537
and never knew how untrue those sentiments
Sigrún Jónina Baldursdóttir
were. I often said, “try harder,” “you do so level has decreased significantly.
know that word,” “you knew it yesterday” and He is no longer on a modified program Snaefellsbae
my favourite, “stop being so stubborn.” Not and is making A’s. He actually joined a drama +354 586 8180
Gudrún Benediktsdóttir
only was Trevor hearing this from his mother group this year. He
“My message to
but also at school. I’m not saying his teachers uses his tools +354 545 0103 or
anyone thinking everyday and is +354 822 0910
were mean, they were just misinformed (as was
about the Davis Gudbjörg Emilsdóttir
DLS Mentor
I) about how his learning disability affected comfortable telling
program would
his processing skills. We were all trying to do his teacher when he Kópavogur
be, “It is worth needs a break to get +354 554 3452
Hólmfridur Gudmundsdóttir
our best with what we knew at that time.
the journey.”
The turning point in our lives was his alignment. He Gardabae
November 2006 when I saw a small ad in the can tell me when his alignment is off which +354 895-0252
Sigurborg Svala
Daily Gleaner. Ronnie and I had decided to is fantastic!
find a tutor for Trevor, even though I felt it My message to anyone thinking about Mosfellsbaer
wouldn’t really help. I will always remember the Davis program would be, “It is worth the +354 867 1928
Stefanía Halldórsdóttir Wade
sitting at my dining room table reading the journey.” A journey it is as we work on Davis
paper and discovering your ad. I was hoping tools daily. You have to commit to the journey +354 564 2890
this was the sign I was praying for. but it is worth it. Not just academically, but Ingibjörg Ingolfsdóttir
+354 899-2747
I immediately went to your website and more importantly for your child’s self esteem
Sigrún Jensdóttir
completed the 37 Common Traits of Dyslexia. and your family’s well being.
Trevor exhibited most of the traits. After Thank you for bringing the Davis Mosfellsbaer
+354 897 4437
Program to Fredericton and for being you! 
Valgerdur Jónsdóttir
meeting you and reading The Gift of Dyslexia,
I knew my prayers had been answered. DLS Presenter-Mentor
–Susan (mother of 9-year-old Trevor)
+354 863 2005
I appreciated that you were a mom first
Sturla Kristjansson
In The Mail (continued from p. 2) DLS Presenter-Mentor
through your book and program. Back Thanks a lot, from the bottom of my +354 845 6956
then, we had a tough time educating heart for helping me help my son Himanshu. Jon Einar Haraldsson
Akureyri +354 867 1875
Himanshu’s teachers and classmates. But Today, he also helps his father with his
today, everyone in India knows more about computer hardware business. Ásta Olafsdóttir
dyslexia. One of our very famous actors, has May God bless you all always for doing Vopnafjordur
+354 473-1164
Erla Olgeirsdóttir
recently made a very good film about an such good work.
eight-year-old boy who is dyslexic.* It shows Yours affectionately, Akranes +354 694 3339
what the boy and his parents went through –Sujata Bhatia, Mumbai, India Hugrún Svavarsdóttir
+354 698-6465
until he met a new art teacher who recognized * Editor’s Note: See “Taare Zameen Par Wins Film
his problem and helped the child. Awards in India”on page 22.

 Iceland (cont’d)
Thorbjörg Sigurdardóttir
Six Years Later: A Mom’s Look Back
Reykjavík Submitted by Janet Confer
+354 698 7213
Margret Thorarinsdottir
Davis Facilitator in Rancho Santa Margarita, CA
+354-486-1188 Was it one of the the most
 India challenging things I have ever
Carol Ann Rodrigues done? Yes. Was it difficult and
+91 (22) 2667 3649 or
draining at times? Yes. Was it
+91 (22) 2665 0174 worth it? Absolutely! The Davis
 Ireland Program is absolutely brilliant
Anne Marie Beggs in its approach and I can say
Old Portmarnock/Dublin
+353 (86) 239-1545 first-hand, it works.
Paula Horan
I found myself the very proud mother of a
+353 44 934 1613 little boy who was having a difficult time in
Sister Antoinette Keelan
school. He was never bad enough to warrant
+353 (01) 884 4996 the attention of the school, but never thrived
Aideen Tierney enough to work independently or live up to
expectations. I noticed early on, long before
Luba Alibash
I could get anyone to admit to me that I was
Ramat Hasharon/Tel Aviv not crazy, that there was something not quite got before. It was as if I could see his brain
+972 (09) 772-9888 or
(052) 272-9532
right and that my son was struggling when working. The distant lost look in his eyes was
Mira Ashoosh he should not have been. I worked with him gone and he got it! He knew things I hadn’t
Kiron constantly, yet things didn’t improve. It wasn’t even worked on with him. It was as if all the
+972 (03) 635-0973
Goldie Gilad
until a very brave third grade teacher risked information of his entire lifetime was now at
Kfar Saba/Tel Aviv all to tell me that it appeared that my son was his disposal. The successes were all what
+972 (09) 765 1185 having “processing difficulties.” Of course, most people would consider “little” but they
Eliana Harpaz
Ma’Ale Adumim
“processing difficulties” is the buzz word of were huge to us. After a while, I noticed that
+972 (02) 590-2110 the decade and what my the “little” successes
or 054-441-0789 “After a while, I noticed that
Judith Schwarcz
son really had was combined with other
DDA-Israel Director dyslexia. Thank the ‘little’ successes combined “little” successes and
Supervisor-Specialist with other ‘little’ successes
Pearl Zarsky
goodness that one of we got “huge” progress.
Ra’anana/Tel Aviv my son’s most obvious and we had ‘huge’ progress.” Just like a snowball.
+972 (09) 772 9888 difficulties was reversal Of course, to be
 Italy of the letters “b” and “d.” That was what completely fair and forthright to parents
Elisa De Felice
ultimately led me to the Davis Dyslexia interested in the process, I must admit that
+39 (06) 507 3570 Association. After a Google search on dyslexia, every day was not the picture of perfection.
Piera Angiola Maglioli
Occhieppo Inferiore / Biella
I came across the Davis site and found the list Some days were extremely successful, some
+39 (015) 259 3080 of “37 Common Characteristics of Dyslexia.” were almost hysterically funny–especially
Alessandro Taiocchi My son possessed over 30 of them. There when we’d do picture-at-punctuation and I’d
Settimo Milanese
+39 (333) 443 7368
was never a doubt from that point forward see exactly what he pictured. And some of his
Silvia Walter that I had found what I was looking for. clay models were very humorous. Then some
Bagno a Ripoli Florence
+39 (055) 621 0541
My son spent a week with his very days were drudgery. When combining the
Rafaella Zingerle
talented, caring, and forever helpful facilitator program with regular school homework,
Corvara In Badia at the end of April 2002. We spent about 16 some days were completely overwhelming.
+39 (0471) 836 959
months on the follow-up work and I am still There were times when I didn’t think we
Christel Flowers
very proud to say that we did it ALL, every would make it and others when I couldn’t
Langata/Nairobi trigger word, reading exercise, Koosh ball, wait to see what was in store for us next.
+ 254 (20) 72 271 4578
Manisha Shah
math, spelling, you name it. In addition to the follow up work and
Nairobi From my perspective, the Davis program homework from school (and dealing with
+ 254 (0) 722 492 217 can be the biggest high. There were times when teachers), it was also my job to be
Diana Smit-Jurgens
things clicked and I would feel so excited! I cheerleader, motivator, and sometimes
+254 733 895 603 remember one day driving in the car when manipulator. It takes a little practice to find
Kimberly Swallow my son calculated time past the hour for the what works to motivate a child. For the most
+ 254 (20) 712 0472 first time or when he would pop out with an part, I found that routine and consistency
understanding of something I knew he never were very important. In our house, the Davis
program came first and everything else absolutely loved that. It was our deal that if  Lebanon
second. We did our follow-up work before he did the regular Koosh ball exercise, we’d Samar Riad Saab
school homework, before play and before play dodge Koosh ball after. I would throw +961 3 700 206
friends. Sometimes I would use that to my the Koosh balls at him and he had to duck,  Malaysia
advantage by soliciting his agreement dodge and dive out of the way. Hilary Craig
Kuala Lumpur
+60 (36) 201 55 95
to do follow-up after playing. Of course all of these things
took time and energy, and
Silvia B. Arana García
sometimes I felt that I just didn’t
“The Davis program have them to give. But we stuck Mexico, D.F.
is absolutely brilliant with it. Some weeks were better +52 (55) 5540-7205
in its approach and I Cathy Calderón de la Barca
México D.F.
than others, but no matter what
Advanced Workshop
can say first-hand, happened, we never stopped. We took
it works.” Presenter
+52 (55) 5540-7205
the occasional day off, but overall, Davis
Hilda Fabiola Herrera Cantu
follow-up became an obsession. There
I gave him some control over the are those moments when I look back and Culiacan, Sinaloa
situation and he was willing to live wonder how we got through. Fortunately, +52 81 6677 15 01 19
María Silvia Flores Salinas
Supervisor –Specialist
up to his end of the bargain. I often the good vastly outweighed the bad and
used fun things to help motivate my son. For ultimately the progress and success Garza García Monterrey NL
example, I would say, “we’re going to the outweighed any difficulties I experienced +52 (81) 8378 4846
Laura Lammoglia
Tampico, Tamaulipas
beach, but before we go, you need to do your as support person for my son.
trigger word for today.” It took me years to truly appreciate the +52 (833) 213 4126
Our biggest battle was to get my son to “gift” of dyslexia. Now that dyslexia is not Alejandra Garcia Medina
sit down and commit. Once he did, he did interfering, it is helping my son be the +52 (55) 1085 5608l
great. Sometimes he would drive me crazy wonderful, extremely creative and talented Maria Lourdes Gutiérrez
Mexico D.F.
+52 (555) 593 18 22
spending a half an hour or more making a person that he was always meant to be.
Lucero Palafox de Martin
clay model. Sometimes I sat with him, other True, there were moments when it didn’t
times I left the room and let him surprise me seem like a gift, but fortunately time gives Veracruz
with his brilliance. We always tried to keep it you perspective. Perspective and the Davis +52 (229) 935 1302
Ana Elena Payro Ogarrio
Corregidora, Queretaro
fun and varied. Sometimes I made a clay program tools are all you need. The Davis
model too and we would compare what we program is brilliant and it changed my child’s +52 442 228 1264
came up with. One other very motivating life. I highly recommend it. Just be patient Lydia Gloria Vargas
Garza García Monterrey NL
thing for my son was dodge Koosh ball. He with yourself and never, never give up.  +52 (81) 8338 2226
Liesbeth Berg-Schagen
Don’t Wait! has struggled since the age of five and all +31 (030) 604-9601
Ineke Blom
By an anonymous Mom
the teachers denied dyslexia (blaming it on
her known dyspraxia), but if I had known +31 (020) 436-1484
Please don’t wait years for an official earlier what I know now, I would have Lot Blom
diagnosis of dyslexia – that was our made sure that the school did not Utrecht +31 (030) 271 0005
Lieneke Charpentier
mistake. force her to read aloud and then
My daughter is eight and has shout at her errors. My daughter +31 (030) 60 41 539
gone through so much suffering Hester Cnossen
Veghel +31 (495) 641 920
has reached the point where she
Monique Commandeur
as a result of her school’s poor tells me she believes she is
understanding of her needs worthless. This book puts the Sterksel +31 (06) 13 94 97 54
and challenges. She finally Ratnavali de Croock
Oudorp (Aalkmaar)
worth back into her with
got a diagnosis two weeks ago positives rather than the school’s +31 (072) 511 6881
placing her reading age at five negatives. It has helped in Alexandra De Goede
+31 (023) 524 3263
years. She cannot do phonics or just one week! And do try the
put words together. She hates Perceptual Ability Assessment Mine de Ranitz
reading and tells me it’s like described in the book. When we Driebergen
+31 (0343) 521 348
Christien De Smit
being locked in a dungeon. did it I found my daughter’s
I read The Gift of Dyslexia in ability to “see the cake” uncanny. Sluis +31 (0117) 461 963
the last week or so. It was like reading But to her it was the most natural thing Leonardus D’Hoore
an insight into my daughter. It is so in the world. Sluis +31 (0117) 56 29 40
Marijke Eelkman Rooda-Bos
positive and has really helped us. She Please do not wait for diagnosis.  Gouda +31 (0182) 517-316

 Netherlands (cont’d)
Jolien Fokkens
What Do They Have in Common?
Beilen +31 (0593) 540 141 By René Engelbrecht
Ina Gaus
+31 (023) 538-3927 There is hope for people with It is this way of thinking that caused
Jan Gubbels dyslexia, writes South African Einstein problems at school, but also made
+31 (043) 36 39 999 educator, René Engelbrecht. Here him a brilliant mathematician.
Sue Hillier-Smith she tells the story of dyslexic twins Because he is dyslexic himself, Davis
Breukelen says, frustration caused him to sit down one
+31 (0346) 265 059
from Somerset West who last year
day to try and figure out why he struggled so
Judith Holzapfel
passed matric (grade 12) with merit
Deventer in spite of possessing the reading with reading and writing, while at the same
+31 (0570) 619 553 time he was a qualified mechanical engineer
ability of eight-year-olds.
Mia Jenniskens and amateur sculptor. In this way he started
+31 (040) 245 9458
What do May and Katie de Clercq from creating an idea to overcome his dyslexia.
Trudy Joling Somerset West, the twins about whom Die In 1981, Davis started developing a
Laren Burger reported on 22 January, have in
+31 (035) 531 00 66
programme for children and adults with
Marie Koopman
common with Pablo Picasso? dyslexia with the collaboration of Dr. Fatima
Bilthoven The most obvious answer would be their Ali, Ph.D, educational psychologist. Then, in
+31 (030) 228 4014 artistic skills. But then there’s also something April 1982 they opened the Davis Dyslexia
Carry Kuling
else – their dyslexia. They Correction Center in
+31 (0235) 287 782 share this with Albert California offering their
Edith Kweekel-Göldi Einstein, Leonardo da services to the general
Soest +31 (035) 601 0611 Vinci, Walt Disney, Tom
Imelda Lamaker
public – with wonderful
Hilversum Cruise, Keira Knightley, results.
+31 (035) 621 7309 Sir Richard Branson, and Now dyslexia does
Irma Lammers
Boxtel +31 (411) 68 56 83
Agatha Christie, to not mean a struggle of
Yvie Leenaars-de Rooÿ
mention but a few famous months or even years.
Bavel +31 (0161) 433 449 people who reached fame Davis’ book, The Gift of
ZeiZei Lerninstitut and fortune in life. Dyslexia, was published
Drs. Siegerdina Mandema
Specialist Trainer
Dyslexia does not in 1994 and in 1995 Davis
Advanced Workshop indicate a lack of talent Dyslexia Association
DDA-Nederland Director
or intelligence. Only an International (DDAI) was
Robin Temple inability to read. Yet in the launched with the purpose
Specialist Trainer
Workshop Presenter
world of today we depend of providing information
Maria Hoop on the written word to a “I started searching on the about the Davis methods,
+31 (0475) 302 203 large extent. internet … and in this way setting standards for the
Sjan Melsen came upon the website of
Although various Davis programme and
+31 (026) 442 69 98 methods are applied to Ronald Davis—and training of facilitators. His
Cinda Musters help with dyslexia, they discovered hope!” next book, The Gift of
+31 (20) 330-78 08
simply do not all work for Learning, adding methods
Bert Neele
everyone. I experienced this as a remedial for attention-deficit disorder, mathematics
Melick teacher. Eventually I started searching on the and handwriting, was published in 2003.
+31 (61) 259 8802 internet to try to find out whether somewhere Davis’ approach does not include
Marianne Oosterbaan
Zeist +31 (030) 691 7309
in the world there was perhaps something that instruction based on phonics, does not make
Fleur van de Polder-Paton
worked, and in this way I came upon the use of drill work, does not depend on physical
Schiedam website of Ronald Davis – and discovered hope! apparatus such as books in large print, nor
+31 (010) 471 58 67
Davis’ viewpoint immediately attracted does it rely on medication.
Petra Pouw-Legêne
DLS Nederlands Director
my attention. He regards dyslexia as an innate He does use the individual’s imagination,
Beek +31 (046) 437 4907 gift that becomes a burden in the two- the fact that the human brain is reprogrammable,
Karin Rietberg dimensional world of the written word. This multi-sensory techniques and creativity.
Holten +31 (548) 364 286 gift goes hand in hand with imagination and Davis regards it as important that
Jacqueline van Rijswijck
Venray +31 (0478) 58 73 98
creativity, with problem solving by looking individuals with dyslexia gain control of their
Lydia Rogowski Wijnberg
at the bigger picture, rather than an analytical own learning processes. According to Davis
Helmond +31 (0492) 513 169 step-by-step process. According to him dyslexic people are different, in the sense that
Hanneke Schoemaker dyslexic individuals mainly think in pictures they see things from different perspectives.
+31 (0317) 412 437 and not in words. Such as the De Clercq This characteristic stands them in good stead
twins who think in “shapes.” in the world of concrete images, but lets them

 Netherlands (cont’d)
down when they have to interpret things that Dyslexia and The Gift of Learning. I only had
are two dimensional, such as the written to state clearly that I was merely researching
Ilse Schreuder
word. Then they “disorient.” the methods and not the overall techniques Aalzum/Dokkum
What makes his approach so different that trained facilitators use. +31 (051) 922-0315
Silvia Jolanda Sikkema
is that he helps individuals establish an In 2004 I did research for my master’s
orientation point they can use to focus. This, degree in psychology at Stellenbosch +31 (0512) 538 815
and his completely different approach to University (South Africa) on the influence of Suzan Sintemaartensdijk
+31 (25) 131-26 62
reading, is the crux of his work. the Davis methods on the reading ability and
Romina Toroz
Furthermore a very important factor is psychological functioning of learners. The
that the Davis programme helps to mend results were scientifically significant and also Utrecht +31 (61) 280-1821
people’s self-esteem and self-confidence. indicated a success rate above 80%. This was Karima P.A. Turkatte
+31 (020) 696 4379
I discovered this programme in 1999 after only 14 hours of instruction. [A normal
and immediately ordered Davis’ book The Davis Dyslexia Correction Programme Marieke Uiterwijk
Gift of Dyslexia in which his methods are consists of 30 hours of instruction.] Leiden +31 (071) 576 2533
Mieke van Delden
Leek +31 (059) 4514985
described in detail. Although I was not sure Last year I met Dr. Linda Silverman on
Agnes van den
whether this programme was scientifically the internet. She is Director of the Institute
justifiable or whether I’d be able to perform for the Study of Advanced Development as Homberg-Jacobs
America Limburg
+31 (077) 464 23 22
it, it fascinated me. I studied it in depth. well as the Gifted Development Center in
Annette van der Baan
Through Abigail Marshall, Davis’ webmaster, Denver, Colorado, and has the same viewpoint
I gained consent to use the Davis techniques as Davis, and supports his work. Amsterdam
+31 (020) 420-5501
[for purposes of research only] with my Her work mainly deals with gifted
Hetty van der Well
learners even though I was not a qualified Oss +31 (041) 263 6403
Davis facilitator. Annemarie van Hof
My trial test was a grade 4 learner with Utrecht +31 (030) 65 86 700
Juchke van Roozendaal
Oss +31 (0412) 690 312
dyslexia. Her remedial teacher had told her
Willem Van Ulsen
parents after a year’s remedial lessons that she
could do no more for the child and that she Groningen
+31 (050) 542 3941
would most probably fail grade 3. She was
Tienke Veenstra-Sierhsma
transferred, however, and at the beginning of
grade 4 her parents came to ask for my help. +31 (0522) 254 453
I told them about the Davis method, that Lia Vermeulen
Huizen +31 (062) 3671530
Christien Vos
I had not tried it out myself, but that I would
treat their daughter free of charge if they Tolbert +31 (0594) 511 607
allowed me to test the method on her. By this Lucie Wauben-Cruts
time they were so desperate that they told me Elsloo +31 (046) 437 0329
Christa Wiersma
Onna (bij Steenwijk)
to continue. In quite a short while there was
significant improvement. +31 (0521) 523 303
Within a few weeks this girl could read Gerda Witte-Kuijs
“My idea was to prove that Heerhugowaard
+31 (072) 571 3163
better and understand what she was reading.
Her self-confidence improved as well. And to the Davis methods can help
top it all, she earned an average of 70% at the individuals with dyslexia, and  New Zealand
that it should be acknowledged Kirsteen Britten
end of the year.
Worldwide Davis Facilitators have had as an acceptable additional or +64 (3) 348 1665
Vivienne Carson
great success with the course, but up until a few alternative method.”
+64 (09) 520-3270
years ago there had been no clinical evidence
Catherine Churton
that it works, and for that reason some children, and she created the concept of the
professionals did not accept it. Because I Visual-Spatial Learner. DDA-Pacific Director
saw how well learners performed after being Like Davis, she believes that under-
introduced to the Davis programme, I decided achievers often are gifted learners whose +64 (021) 448 862
that I would put it to a scientific test myself. minds simply function differently. She Jennifer Churton
My idea was to prove that the Davis Auckland
+64 (09) 360 494
noticed that these children are often artistically
Ann Cook
methods can help individuals with dyslexia, gifted – dancers, actors, musicians, creative
and that it should be acknowledged as an writers. Among them there are also mathe- Warkworth/Auckland
acceptable additional or alternative method. maticians, scientists, computer experts and +64 (0) 9 422 0042
Martine Falconer
The Davis Dyslexia Association gave entrepreneurs. They seek and find patterns in
me permission to do research based on the life and are most excited when they discover +64 (03) 383-1988
information I gained from The Gift of something new. Some are very empathetic

 New Zealand (cont’d) Silverman, L. K. (2002). Upside-down

“a very important factor is that
Konstanca Friedrich-Palzer Brilliance. The Visual-Spatial Learner.
the Davis programme helps to
+64 (03) 527 8060
Denver, Colorado: DeLeon Publishing.
mend people’s self-esteem and
Tina Guy self-confidence.” About the Author
Nelson +64 (03) 547 4958 René Engelbrecht taught languages for over 20
Wendy Haddon and emotional with a particular spiritual years when she decided to follow a
Mosgiel +64 (03) 489-8572 course that would allow her to
Rochelle Harden
Wanganui In her book Upside-down Brilliance she work with students with
+64 (027) 306-6743 discusses various techniques to help these special educational needs. She
Margot Hewitt
established her own clinic in l999
Kaiapoi +64 (03) 312-0496
“visual-spatial” individuals on their way to help learners who could not
Alma Holden
through the world of reading and writing. read or write. She discovered that
Alexandra Although these methods are not generally
+64 (027) 485-6798
the techniques she used did not
well known in South Africa, parents could
Bronwyn Jeffs
really have any impact on many of her clients.
help their children by means of the two books This ultimately lead to her decision to do a study
+64 (03) 344-2526 by Ronald Davis, The Gift of Dyslexia and of Davis Dyslexia Correction as part of her
Glenys Knopp The Gift of Learning. His web address is Master’s degree program, finding that it produces
Darfield +64 (03) 317-9072 extremely significant results. She now treats indi-
Raewyn Matheson
DLS Mentor I also highly recommend Upside-down viduals with emotional, physical, and performance
problems. She also offers a program in study
Brilliance. And there are quite a few e-books
+64 (027) 411-8350 methods for those with no learning difficulties, but
Sally Ann McCue
available on the websites of Silverman and who wish to learn to structure their work, perform
Nelson +64 (03) 545-1779 her co-worker, Allie Golon, at research, and prepare for tests and examinations.
Tania McGrath and
Visit her website at: http://english.reneengel-
+64 (03) 322 41 73
Shelley McMeeken References You can also contact her at:
Dunedin +64 3 456 5058 [email protected].
Colleen Morton
Davis, R.D. (1997). The Gift of Dyslexia. This article was first published in Afrikaans
Gore +64 (03) 208 6308 New York: The Berkley Publishing Group. in the daily newspaper, Die Burger, on Jan. 26,
Kerrie Palma
Rodney +64 (09) 425 5941
Davis, R.D. (2003). The Gift of Learning. 2008. The author later translated it into English.
Jocelyn Print
New York: The Berkley Publishing Group.
Kaikoura +64 (03) 319 6711
Alison Syme
Darfield +64 (03) 318-8480
Lorna Timms
+64 (03) 363 9358
Margot Young Too Much of a Bad Thing?
+64 (0) 9 638 3627
When I was a teacher I never gave homework.
 Philippines My logic: if I’d spent my instructional time
Imelda Casuga
well, there should be no need for it. Celebrated
Baguio City education researcher and author, Alfie Kohn
+63 (744) 42 29 01
suggests that no homework should be the
Agnieszka Osinska
“default” setting in schools. Although the
Warsaw belief in the value of homework is profoundly
+48 (22) 658-2237 persistent and widespread, Kohn argues that it
 Portugal destroys curiosity – essential to meaningful
Ana Catarina Gil de
Almeida learning – stresses out parents and kids alike,
Lisboa +35 (121) 781-6090 and eats up time that could be spent on other,
Maria Teresa Henriques
Lisboa +351 (21) 847-3515
more beneficial activities. His review of the
research should silence homework proponents.
Sofia Vassalo Santos
Lisboa+35 (191) 911-2565 He found that there is NONE that supports The Homework Myth:
Cristina Rocha Vieira that belief that homework helps students Why Our Kids Get Too
+35 (123) 943-7732
develop good work habits or self discipline, Much of a Bad Thing
or that it improves learning or test scores.
 Republic of Singapore His final sentence says it all: “If homework
By Alfie Kohn
Phaik Sue Chin
Publisher: Da Capo Press, 2007
Singapore +65 6773 4070
persists because of a myth, we owe it to our
Paperback, 243 pages
Constance Chua
kids—to all kids—to insist on a policy that’s
Singapore +65 6873 3873 based on what’s true and what makes sense” ISBN-10: 0738211117
(p.198). Go, Alfie! 

 South Africa
Sharon Gerkin
+27 (82) 82 85 180
Silvia María Sabatés
+34 (091) 636 31 44
Tinka Altwegg-Scheffmacher
By Abigail Marshall St. Gallen
+41 (071) 222 07 79
Autism: a kind of “super dyslexia?” Monika Amrein
Zurich +41 (01) 341 8264
Q: I have been reading The Gift of Dyslexia Regula Bacchetta-
Horw /Luzern
by Ronald D. Davis. In the book, he says
that autism is a kind of “super dyslexia” as well as information about the developing +41 (041) 340 2136
caused by severe disorientation brought about Priska Baumgartner
Davis program.
+41 (056) 426 28 88
by auditory stimuli, and that he, himself, was With regard to your question about
Renate Blum-Muller
autistic as a child. Does this mean that the research into the program’s effectiveness with
Davis program would be helpful in correcting Full-Reuenthal
+41 (56) 246-18 66
autistic children, as noted above, the Davis
autism? If so, do you have any information
Michelle Bonardi
Dyslexia Correction program is not intended
Castel S. Pietro, Ticino
on how these programs could be done with to directly address the symptoms of autism.
autistic children? Has any research been The new Davis Autism Approach is under +41 (091) 630 23 41
done on the program’s effectiveness with Vicki Brignoli
active development. For that reason we do Lumino
autistic children? Is it recommended for not expect formalized research for some +41 (091) 829 05 36
regular autism, autism spectrum disorders time. Currently the program is being piloted Carole Dubosson
+41 (027) 452 62 02
(such as Asperger’s syndrome), or both? and developed through collaboration among
A: The program described in The Gift of the developers and the individuals being Brigitta Dünki
+ 41 (079) 318-8300
Dyslexia is geared specifically to addressing trained in the approach. We have had very
Ursula Fischbacher
reading problems. The programs described impressive results with individual children,
in The Gift of Learning are for addressing but at this time such anecdotal evidence is Orpund
attention, math and handwriting difficulties. only preliminary, not formalized “research.” +41 (032) 355 23 26
Mieke Friederichs
These programs are very effective for The Davis Autism Approach would
individuals who are on the autistic spectrum be appropriate for any individual along +41 (061) 712 42 06
but high functioning. Auditory Orientation the autistic spectrum who has sufficient Heidi Gander-Belz
procedures which are part of what Davis communication skills to work with a DLS Presenter-Mentor
Facilitators provide as part of a Davis Facilitator. Again, the Davis Dyslexia +41 (01) 948 1410
Program are a key element for working with Correction program might be appropriate Elisabeth Gerber
autistic individuals. But there is no claim for a high-functioning individual with mild Mettmenstetten
+41 (044) 767 10 54
that these programs can “correct autism.” autism or Asperger’s Syndrome seeking a
Katharina Grenacher
As to your question about information program to address reading, attention and Bern +41 (031) 382 00 29
on how these programs could be done with academic difficulties. Elisabeth Gut
autistic children, we do have a program Grut +41 (044) 932 3242
Global Developmentally Delayed
under development called the Davis Autism Ursula Hirzel Egler
Q: I have two children diagnosed as Global Stäfa +41 (01) 926 2895
Approach. This new program addresses
Developmentally Delayed. They have both Christa Jaeger
identity development and the social issues
+41 (061) 641 4667
commonly associated with autism. It has received additional help through the public
Consuelo Lang
been used effectively with a small number of school system. One of my kids can read with
a little comprehension (math is a huge issue), Lumino
+41 (091) 829 05 36
children, and the developers of the program
yet my other child, who’s in sixth grade, reads
Claudia Lendi
are now beginning to train interested Davis
St. Gallen
Facilitators in this new approach. at first grade level. Since I know my children’s
You will be able to get information abilities very well, I took the on-line test at +41 (071) 288 41 85
the website, but am unsure about the results. Beatrice Leutert
Stein am Rhein
about the program as it develops at this web
+41 (052) 232 03 83
site at This website Is it possible that my kids are dyslexic?
is under development and does not yet have A: The term “Global Developmentally Erika Meier-Schmid
Delayed” is usually used when the child has Bonstetten
+41 (01) 700 10 38
content uploaded, but it does have a form
across-the-board delays that go beyond
Verena Luisa Moser
that you can use to subscribe to the Davis
Autism e-newsletter if you wish to receive academic problems, such as learning to read Riken +41 (076) 346 93 34
occasional news about autism-related topics or do math. Usually this is apparent in many

 Switzerland/CH (cont’d)
Maya Muraro
Stäfa +41 (079) 704 03 07
Christine Noiset
Renens/Lausanne from
+41 (021) 634 35 10 or
(079) 332 2775
Véronique Pfeiffer
Zürich +41 (01) 342 22 61
Notables ...
Hilary Rhodes
+41 (024) 495 38 20
Regine Roth-Gloor
+41 (061) 851 2685
Doris Rubli-Huber
St. Gallen
+41 (071) 245 56 90
Benita Ruckli
Sigigen +41 (041) 495 04 09
or (079) 719 31 18
Lotti Salivisberg
Basel +41 (061) 263 33 44
ways beyond their problems in school. “Forever is composed of nows.”
Sonja Sartor
Unfortunately, children are sometimes
–Emily Dickinson (1830–1886)
misdiagnosed or mislabeled. I suggest you
+41 (052) 242 4015 American poet
Marianne Schutz
have more comprehensive testing done by a
Zofinger professional if you are unsure about the
+41 (62) 752 8281 standing of your children. Learning to read is
Andreas Villain
Zürich +41 (076) 371 84 32
not directly correlated with intelligence. It is
Catherine Warner possible for children with severe intellectual
Geneva impairment to learn the skill and read at a
+41 (022) 321 70 42
Margit Zahnd
rudimentary level, just as it is possible for
Gerolfingen an extremely bright child to struggle with
+41 (079) 256 86 65 or reading, even into adulthood.
(032) 396 19 20
 United Arab Emirates
It is important to keep in mind that
Linda Rademan
various programs and methods geared to
Dubai +9714 348 1687 “dyslexic” children might also be effective “Remember, no one can
 United Kingdom for children with different types of make you feel inferior
Nicky Bennett-Baggs impairments. Sometimes the label is not without your consent.”
Gt. Gaddesden, Herts
+44 (01442) 252 517
as important as understanding your child’s –Eleanor Roosevelt (1884–1962)
Sue Bullen
learning style. First Lady of the United States
Ayrshire, Scotland The online assessment on our website at
+44 (01292) 591 797 is meant only to give
Sarah Dixon
East Horsley, Surrey
a very rough idea of the child’s learning
+44 (01483) 283 088 style. However, for purposes of getting a
Susan Duguid sense of where your own children stand, it
+44 (0) 8000 272657
might be important to look at areas of
Dyslexia Correction Centre
strength as well as weakness. Whatever the
Georgina Dunlop diagnosis, your children will learn best if
Jane E.M. Heywood
DLS Mentor & Presenter
teaching is geared to their strengths.
Ascot, Berkshire The methods that we use with dyslexic
+44 (01344) 622 115 children can also often help children with
Christine East
Kingsbridge, Devon
other learning barriers. However, our
+44 (0) 8000 272657 one-week program is geared to children
Hilary Farmer with normal or above-normal intelligence.
Oxford, Oxon “Don’t walk in front of me,
+44 (01865) 326 464 If a child has more serious impairments or
I may not follow. Don’t walk
Nichola Farnum MA disabilities, then parents or tutors can apply
behind me, I may not lead. Walk
London +44 (0) 8000 272657 the methods we use but work more slowly,
Jacqueline Ann Flisher beside me and be my friend.”
Hungerford Berks
over an extended time frame.
+44 (0) 8000 272657 For ages 5-7, the “Young Learner Kit –Albert Camus (1913–1960)
Maureen Florido for Home Use” (see page 23), would be the French existentialist author
Harleston, Norfolk and philosopher
+44 (0) 8000 272657
appropriate option to try for a parent of
a child who truly has global delays. 

 United Kingdom (cont’d)

The Soul of Golf Teaching Carol Forster
By Donald Kehoe Gloucester
+44 (0) 8000 272657
What makes a great golf teaching Achsa Griffiths
Sandwich, Kent
professional? Many say it‘s learning +44 (01304) 611 650
from the best that helps to achieve Axel Gudmundsson
that goal. +44 (020) 8341-7703
Let’s take a peek at the early career of Tessa Halliwell
Barrow upon Soar, Leics
29-year-old teaching professional Shane +44 (01509) 412 695
LeBaron, who is well on his way Karen Hautz
to drawing national attention for London
+44 (0207) 228-2947
his communication abilities in
Annemette Hoegh-Banks
teaching students at Belfair Berkhamsted, Herts
Golf Club in Bluffton, +44 1442 872185
Catherine Hooper
South Carolina, as well
as from as far away as +44 (01209) 717 754
Indiana and California. Phyllida Howlett
Shane has taken a career Haverfordwest,
Shane LeBaron and Butch Harmon, Number Pembrokeshire
path that already has led 1 ranked teaching pro at Rio Secco Golf +44 (01437) 766 806
him to study under three of Angela James
Reading, Berkshire
Club in Las Vegas.
+44 (0118) 947 6545
the top 10 teaching professionals as rated by
while recalling how standardized tests
Liz Jolly
Golf Digest. And he has worked with and for
Fareham, Hants
Krista Dunton, ranked among the top 100 seemed to jump around on paper when he
female teachers. was in school. +44 (01329) 235 420
“I never forget something I hear . .. Lisa Klooss
But before we look at Shane now, we
+44 (0208) 960 9406
want to go back to when he was in the fourth songs, advice, quotes, it doesn’t matter. I
Sara Kramer
grade, not doing well in school and frequently learn differently, and this helps me to help
accused of behavioral problems by some other people learn the way they need to.” London +44 (0) 8000 272657
Shane also has the ability to recall and Marilyn Lane
teachers. Redhill +44 (0173) 776-9049
Isabel Martin
repeat words and even facial expressions
“in fourth grade, not doing after witnessing them. Crowborough East Sussex
Three years ago, Shane broke his left +44 (0) 8000 272657
well and frequently accused of
Stuart Parsons
behavior problems… Shane arm and tore a tendon on an 8-iron fairway
had dyslexia.” hit while playing golf at Berkeley Hall with Cheshire
Tom McKnight, a Belfair member and player +44 (07754) 534 740
Fionna Pilgrim
At that point, the school he attended in on the Championship Tour. He feared his Keighley, West Yorkshire
Lincoln, Nebraska, discovered Shane had golf career might be over at the level he once +44 (0) 8000 272657
dyslexia, a disability that thwarted his ability played, but the injury gave Shane time to Maxine Piper
Carterton, Oxon
to learn to read or interpret words, letters and restructure his future in golf and his teaching +44 (01993) 840 291
Elenica Nina Pitoska
other symbols.
Today a lot more is known about A New Approach London +44 (0) 8000 272657
dyslexia than 20 years ago. But many of Like lots of young golf professionals, Shane Rebecca Ross
Lamberhurst, Kent
+44 (0) 8000 272657
those diagnosed with the disorder still broke into the field doing “grunt work” for a
Pauline Royle
struggle hard, taking special courses. Shane PGA pro he cannot say enough good things
attended a Sylvan center three days a week about. That man is his step-dad, Dale Hardy, Poulton-le-Fylde, Lancs
from fourth grade through high school. a PGA professional in Lincoln (no relation to +44 (0) 8000 272657
And Shane did struggle–as have pro teaching pro Jim Hardy). Ian Richardson
Blaisdon Longhope, Glos
golfer J.B. Holmes, actor Tom Cruise, and After a stellar high school career and a +44 (0) 8000 272657
Rosemary Savinson
even Albert Einstein. All dyslexic, and all year at a small college in Fayetteville, North
ultimately successful. Carolina, Shane went to work performing a London +44 (0208) 316-1973
But, there is a side benefit to dyslexia. series of local-club duties in the Kansas City Janice Scholes
Liversedge, West Yorkshire
+44 (0) 8000 272657
Shane developed an unusual memory that area, a rite of passage many golf assistants
Nigel Sharp
has enabled him to progress as a teacher. go through.
“I may have a hard time with books and Before joining Belfair last year, Shane Isle of Wight
computers, but I learn through experiencing spent five years working at Moss Creek +44 (0) 8000 272657
and through my ears,” Shane said recently where Heidi Wright, that club’s respected pro

 United Kingdom (cont’d)

for 13 years, took him from the cart barn to
“I never forget something that I
Judith Shaw
the golf class.
hear ... songs, advice, quotes, it
Supervisor-Specialist “She sat me down one day and asked
St. Leonards on
doesn’t matter. I learn differently,
Sea/Hastings, East Sussex
about my future in golf,” Shane recalls. “She
and this helps me to help others
+44 (01424) 447 077 is always helping young assistants, and she
learn the way they need to learn.”
Elizabeth Shepherd
still helps me. Heidi said the best way for me
Crowborough, East Sussex to learn is by watching others. ‘Go to Sea
+44 (0189) 266-1052 observe him and his staff for four days while
Pines and watch Rick Barry. Go to Belfair
Lynne Smith I took notes and asked questions,” Shane
Brighton, East Sussex
and watch Krista Dunton,’ she said. Both are
+44 (01273) 723 920 ranked among the top 100 teachers. said. “Butch is not obsessed with the golf
Anna Stephens “I followed Heidi’s lead, but really made swing. If the ball is moving toward the target
Rothley, Leics you are doing something right.”
+44 (0116) 230-3283
progress while I was injured. Rick gave me a
book, The Plane Truth by Jim Hardy, who is Shane plans to return next year. He
Drs. Renée van der Vloodt observed that Harmon works with all types.
Supervisor-Specialist ranked No. 7 as a teacher by Golf Digest.”
Reigate, Surrey Shane may have struggled with the book, And of course, the golf world knows how
+44 (01737) 240 116 much Harmon helped Tiger Woods when he
but when he obtained a DVD Hardy did for the
Frank Walker appeared on the scene.
Greasby Wirral/Liverpool
PGA, he watched it 100 times and decided to
+44 (0151) 678 14 99 attend a Hardy seminar in Scottsdale, Arizona, “Ask a room full of people to raise
Evelyn White on his own. He can repeat word-for-word the their hands if they have a back, neck or arm
Walton-on-Thames, Surrey problem. You’ll get all kinds of responses.
+44 (01932) 230 624
audio on the DVD, and supplement that with
visual expressions. They can’t all swing like Tiger Woods. But
The Learning People a communicator can teach them to swing
Margarita Whitehead “By then the cast was off my arm,
DDA Director but I had to find a new swing,” he the easiest, most simple way for them.
Richard Whitehead And that is what gets results.”
DDA Director said. “I was attracted immediately
DLS Presenter-Mentor by Hardy saying and showing there Shane says he also is absorbing
Fundamentals Presenter knowledge working for Jim Irvin at
Canterbury, Kent
is not just one way to swing a golf
+44 (01227) 738 972 club. I had done it one way for Belfair’s Learning Center. Irvin, who
Rachel Williamson years with relative success, but trained under Jim Flick and Jack
Hassocks, West Sussex Nicklaus, is nudging close to that
+44 (0) 8000 272657
Hardy demonstrated that there
top 100 category himself.
 United States
was more than one way to crack
that egg.” He went back the Shane and his wife, Ashley,
Alabama also from Lincoln, enjoy the
Lisa Spratt
following year and continued
Huntsville to observe and learn. Lowcountry, particularly
+1 (256) 426-4066 “All players are different,” Belfair, where he said people
Arizona have been “insanely” good to him ...“even
Dr. Edith Fritz
says Shane, “Mr. Hardy taught me to under-
Phoenix stand that there are different ways to teach treating me like somebody’s son.”
+1 (602) 274-7738 for different people ... whether swinging with “Best of all, these learning experiences
Nancy Kress have opened my eyes to myself,” Shane said.
arms or body... inside or outside.”
+1 (480) 544-5031 From there Shane went to see Chuck “I feel it and see it in an audio and
John F. Mertz, Jr. Cook out of Austin, Texas. Cook is ranked visual sense; communication is the soul of
Tucson teaching, and your students will tell you
+1 (877) 219-0613 (Toll Free)
everything you need to know about them.” 
No. 6 by the Digest. “I observed Chuck and
+1 (520) 219-0613 watched him work with the late Payne
Arkansas Stewart’s son, Aaron, and began to
Rebecca Landes
About the Author
Mulberry / Fort Smith
understand that there is a line in the sand This article is reprinted with permission from the
+1 (479) 997-1996 that distinguishes top instructors,” Shane author, Donald Kehoe. It originally appeared in
California said. “The main difference is they are great The Island Packet, a daily publication serving the
Reading Research Council
Dyslexia Correction Center
communicators. No one says ‘It’s just like Hilton Head Island area of South Carolina. Don
Dr. Fatima Ali, Founder this.’ They seem to be able to take the positive Kehoe began his career as a journalist at 16,
Ray Davis
Ronald D. Davis, Founder
aspects of an individual’s swing and figure working as a copy boy at the now defunct, Long
Burlingame/San Francisco out the one or two issues that are causing Island Daily Press. He worked for Newsday on
+1 (800) 729-8990 (Toll Free) Long Island, New York and did freelance work for
+1 (650) 692-8990
four or five problems.”
Newsday, The New York Times and many other
Janet Confer Communicating is Key
Rancho Santa Margarita
newspapers, before entering public relations.
+1 (949) 589-6394
Shane then began e-mailing and calling Las For 20 years he also ran the Nassau Off-Track
Anette Fuller
Vegas–not to reserve a room for a gambling Betting Corporation, which provided horse
Walnut Creek trip, but to hook up with Butch Harmon, No. wagering on Long Island. Now ten years into
+1 (925) 639-7846 1 ranked teaching pro, at Rio Secco Golf Club. retirement, he occasionally writes articles on
“Mr. Harmon welcomed me and let me subjects of interest.

 United States/
California (cont’d)
Richard A. Harmel
Marina Del Rey/Los Angeles
+1 (310) 823-8900
David Hirst
+1 (951) 653-9251 or
(909) 241-6079
Angela Dean Educators
Nicole Melton
“Back to Study” with Karen Thorworth-Pongs
Diamond Bar
+1 (909) 861-5251
Davis in Iceland Cheryl Rodrigues
Sunnyvale / San Jose
by Hólmfridur Gudmundsdóttir +1 (408) 983-0968
David Carlos Rosen
San Rafael
Davis Facilitator in Gardabae, Iceland
+1 (415) 479-1700
Dwight Underhill
Before becoming a Davis Facilitator I was a
project manager for an education company, El Cerrito/Berkeley
Mimir-simenntun, specializing in courses for +1 (510) 559-7869
Dee Weldon White
Lexie White Strain
adults with limited schooling. We applied for
and received a grant from the Ministry of Menlo Park
Social Affairs to organize a course for people +1 (650) 388-6808
Annie Garcia
with reading difficulties.
At the time, I knew very little about Wheat Ridge / Denver
Davis. I had attended a talk by Axel +1 (303) 423-3397
Crystal Punch
DLS Mentor
Gudmundsson that February, and I’d also
spoken to Nora Kornblueh who knew about Centennial/Denver
+1 (303) 850-0581
Kristi Thompson
the method. It sounded very exciting and
promising. A group graduates from Back to Study in DLS Presenter-Mentor
After I began my Davis training, I got Iceland. Walsh +1 (719) 324-9256
Terry DeMeo
permission to offer correction programs as a
part of the course we were offering. Initially This was in 2004. By October 2007
five of us, Nora Kornblueh, Gudrún thirteen groups had taken the course. By now, +1 (305) 567-0611
over 150 people have completed the course, Random (Randee)
Benediktsdóttir, Sigrún Jensdóttir, Hugrún
Lutz/Tampa/St. Petersburg
Svavarsdóttir and I folded our Davis skills and we have a waiting list.
into the course. Since we hadn’t finished our The course is called Back to Study, and +1 (813) 956-0502
the main component is the Davis Dyslexia Tina Kirby
training, the participants in our course were
+1 (850) 218-5956
not charged for the program. All of them Correction Program. In the beginning, before
Rita Von Bon
said they were ready to try anything because they start the correction program, participants
work on their self-esteem. After they have all Navarre
+1 (850) 934-1389
nothing had worked so far. Later on Ingibjörg
finished the program, they meet to study
Ingolfsdóttir, Sigurborg Svala Gudmundsdóttir,
Áslaug K. Ásgeirsdóttir and Kolbeinn grammar, spelling, writing and computer Bonny Beuret
skills. When all of this is done, the participants Supervisor-Specialist
Advanced Workshop
Sigurjónsson joined the team.
meet one-on-one with a social worker where
they assess what they have achieved, discuss Savannah
their future goals and brainstorm how to reach +1 (912) 239 9339
Lesa Hall
them. Many of the participants go further: to Pooler/Savannah
school or specific courses of study, since by +1 (912) 330-8577
Martha Payne
then Back to Study has armed them with
courage and the knowledge that they can learn. +1 (404) 886-2720
We always hold a celebration at the end Scott Timm
+1 (866) 255-9028 (Toll-Free)
of each course, so that teachers and students
alike can take delight in the results achieved. No
words can describe what we feel when we see Vickie Kozuki-Ah You
Ewa Beach/Honolulu
+1 (808) 664-9608
students stand proud, and give a speech about
their success. It never fails: nearly everyone
in the room fights to hold back the tears. Carma Sutherland
+1 (208) 356-3944
Participants and facilitators enjoy Symbol Hulda Olafsdottir, the manager of
Mastery. Mimir-simenntun, attends each graduation of

Illinois and he asked her how it was that she was

Kim Ainis
attending the graduation. So she told him
+1 (312) 360-0805 about her sons, and to her surprise Ron
Susan Smarjesse congratulated her! Hulda says that this was
+1 (217) 522-6650
the first time in her life someone had
suggested there was anything positive about
Jodi R. Baugh dyslexia. Afterwards she realized that the
Cloverdale/Indianapolis school system had never even considered the
+1 (765) 526-2121
Myrna Burkholder
possibility that her sons had valuable abilities.
Goshen/South Bend When we first began to offer Back to
+1 (574) 533-7455 Study, the grant from the Ministry of Social
Carol K. Williams
Affairs paid for the course. Later, unions
+1 (651) 324-9156
An obviously delighted and newly offered participants some financial support.
energized graduate of Back to Study
Iowa Today, after representatives of the Ministry of
Mary Kay Frasier
receives her certificate of completion.
Des Moines
Education attended our graduation ceremonies
+1 (515) 270-0280 the Back to Study groups. She has three sons, and saw the success of the program, the
two of them dyslexic. At each graduation Ministry pays nearly all costs. The word is
Rochelle Abner ceremony she speaks about the time she met spreading. We have taken the course to three
+1 (859) 595-7870
Ron Davis at Haskolabio. Hulda asked him different locations around the country and I
to autograph her copy of The Gift of Dyslexia am sure we will take it to even more. 
Karen LoGiudice
+1 (978) 337-7753 Taare Zameen Par
Carolyn Tyler
+1 (508) 994-4577
Wins Film Awards
Michigan in India
Nicki Cates
Saint Clair Shores/Detroit
+1 (586) 801-0772 By Laura Zink de Diaz
Sandra McPhall
Grandville/Grand Rapids Critics are raving about Taare Zameen Par
+1 (616) 534-1385 (“Stars On Earth”), the Hindi feature film
Dean Schalow
by Aamir Khan focusing on the academic
+1 (800) 794-3060 (Toll-Free) struggles of a young dyslexic boy. The film
Michele Wellman recently swept the Filmfare Awards in Mumbai,
Mt. Pleasant/Lansing
+1 (989) 772-3084 India, winning awards for Best Film, Best
Minnesota Director, Best Story, Best Lyricist, and a Best The film was conceived and developed
Cyndi Deneson Male Performance award for its 11-year-old by a husband-and-wife team, Amole Gupte
Workshop Presenter star, Darsheel Safary. (writer and creative director) and Deepa
Edina/Minneapolis In the film, eight-year-old Ishaan Bhatia (concept, research, and editing). Their
+1 (888) 890-5380 (Toll-Free)
+1 (952) 820-4673
Awasthi has a rich and vivid imagination, but goal was to understand why some children
Bernadette Peterson
poor motor skills, and fails every exam he cannot conform to the educational system.
Maple Grove takes. Neither his teachers nor his classmates Dyslexia was not their original inspiration for
+1 (763) 229-4550 help him, but instead subject him to constant the film. They were intrigued by the childhood
Alice J. Pratt
public humiliation. At home with his of Japanese filmmaker Akira Kurosawa–
+1 (904) 389-9251 successful and demanding parents, Ishaan is himself a poor student in school. They
Missouri an embarrassment and disappointment and is planned to explore the story of a child who
Cathy Cook
continually compared to his more successful did not fit into the mainstream at school, and
+1 (573) 819-6010 brother. Eventually the parents become so how the attention of a caring teacher can
or 886-8917 transform the life of a student. As they
frustrated with Ishaan that they send him to
Gretchen FitzGerald
Kansas City
a boarding school to be disciplined. learned more about dyslexia, they decided
+1 (816) 806-8611 Life at the boarding school is even to focus on the condition, and society’s
Montana worse, and Ishaan suffers unbearable fear widespread misunderstanding of the potential
Kimberly Bezanson
Missoula and depression until a new art teacher genius of dyslexic children.
+1 (406) 541-3076 arrives, Ram Shankar Nikumbh, who realizes The film was released in December,
or 677-4014 2007 in India and soon became the fifth top
Elsie Johnson
that the boy is very artistic. And having
Manhatten grown up dyslexic himself, Nikumbh realizes grossing movie of 2007 in that country. No,
+1 (406) 257-8556 what is at the bottom of Ishaan’s difficulties, sorry, I won’t tell you how it ends. You’ll
and takes on the task of tutoring the boy. have to find that out for yourself! Enjoy! 

Shawn Carlson
Young Learner Kit Lincoln
+1 (402) 420-1025
Elaine Thoendel
for Home-Use Chambers
+1 (402) 482-5709
Barbara Clark
Gardnerville/Carson City
Based on the Davis Dyslexia +1 (775) 265-1188
New Hampshire
Glenna Giveans
Correction methods, this Kit
enables parents of children, ages Lebanon
+ 1 (603) 863-7877
5-7, to home-teach and help young
Michele Siegmann
learners to: Mason/Manchester/Boston
+1 (603) 878-6006
• focus attention
New Jersey
Lynn Chigounis
• control energy levels
• improve eye-hand coordination Montclair
+1 (973) 746-5037
Charlotte Foster
• learn the alphabet
• learn basic punctuation Supervisor-Specialist
+1 (908) 766-5399
• develop and strengthen pre-reading
and basic reading skills
New York
• prevent the potential of a learning Lisa Anderson
problem Seneca Falls
+1 (315)568-3166
• improve sight word recognition and or (800) 234-6922
comprehension The Kit includes: Ann Hassig
+1 (315) 287-0531
• establish life-long “how-to-learn” skills. • Instruction Manual
• Sturdy nylon briefcase Hadar Hellman
Forest Hills
The Davis Methods
for Young Learners • Reusable modeling clay (2 lbs.) +1 (212) 781-3689
• Clay cutter Wendy Ritchie
+1 (585) 233-4364
Davis Focusing Strategies provide • Webster’s Children’s Dictionary
North Carolina
children with the self-directed ability to (hardcover)
Gerri W. Cox
DLS Presenter-Mentor
be physically and mentally focused on the • Punctuation Marks & Styles Booklet
learning task at hand. • Two Koosh Balls Shallotte/Wilmington
+1 (910) 754-9559
Ruth Mills
Davis Symbol Mastery enables children to • Letter Recognition Cards
• Laminated Alphabet Strip Pineville/Charlotte
+1 (704) 541-1733
master the alphabet letters, punctuation
Jean Moser
marks and basic sight words with a simple, • Stop Signs for Reading Chart
easy and fun alternative to pencil-paper Winston-Salem
+1 (336) 830-2390
activities and drill.
Lorraine Charbonneau
Davis Reading Exercises improve
accuracy with word recognition and +1 (513) 850-1895
Lisa Thatcher
Mount Vernon/Columbus
+1 (740) 397-7060
The Kit is priced at $119.95 Oklahoma
Ashley Grice
(Shipping and Handling will be added)
To purchase a kit, use our secure on-line +1 (918) 779-7351
Rhonda Lacy
Clinton +1 (580) 323-7323
ordering at: Oregon
Rhonda Erstrom
or call our toll-free number: Vale
1-888-999-3324 +1 (541) 881-7817
The Young Learner Kit Kathy Pozzi
Note: For older children (ages 8 and up), we Ontario
+1 (541) 881 6497
Melissa Slominski
recommend the Davis Symbol Mastery Kit.
Tigard / Portland
+1 (503) 957-2998

Pennsylvania Newly Licensed Davis Facilitators

Maude Le Roux
Glen Mills
+1 (484) 840-1529 Congratulations to all the newest members of our growing
Marcia Maust
international community of Davis Program Providers!
+1 (814) 267-5765
Rhode Island Elaine Thoendel “I taught Joanne Zietsch “I am a
Linda M. Daniels in public and private schools teacher trained in the primary,
+1 (401) 301-7604
and home schooled our seven high and tertiary sectors, with
South Carolina
sons. A friend told us about over 30 years of experience,
Angela Keifer Davis Dyslexia Correction when mainly in the area of learning
+1 (864) 420-1627
my youngest son struggled with assistance/special education. In
South Dakota
reading and ADHD. We found 2005, while working in the
Kim Carson a wonderful Davis Facilitator United Kingdom, I met a 21
DLS Presenter-Mentor in Brookings, South Dakota and my son did a year-old woman with such severe dyslexia that it
Brookings/Sioux Falls
+1 (605) 692-1785
program with her. Finally, here was an answer! was impossible to meet her needs within the
Carina Little
Now I want to offer the Davis Dyslexia context of an adult literacy classroom. Frustrated
Watertown Correction Program in our area. I’m looking by my inability to help her, I searched the internet
+1 (605) 886-8415 forward to working with children and adults. It is for inspiration and found The Gift of Dyslexia and
Lillian “Lee” Miles
Sioux Falls
so exciting to be able to help clients realize their The Gift of Learning. In the two years it took to
+1 (605) 274-2294 gift!” Thoendel Learning Center, 109 S. Victoria complete my training in the UK, I transformed
Tennessee Street P.O.B. 7 Chambers, NE 68725. United from a teacher, into a facilitator–a world of
Jackie Black
States. [email protected] +1 (402) 482-5709; difference. I located the young woman who was
1-866-218-1614 (Toll-Free) +1 (402) 626-7905. the catalyst for my initial quest, and she became
Texas my final case study client. Her transformation was
Kellie Antrim-Brown
Maureen O’Sullivan “When I saw what the
amazing! My husband and I have now returned to
Ft. Worth Davis Program was able to do for my 9-year-old
+1 (877) 230-2622 (Toll Free)
our home in Canberra, Australia and I look forward
+1 (817) 989-0783
son, taking him from a struggling reader to a
to the challenge of introducing Davis to my
Janalee Beals
happy, independent child, I knew I had to study
hometown, as well as to spreading the word
Bedford/Dallas/Ft. Worth
the Davis Dyslexia Correction Program. I look
+1 (877) 439-7539 (Toll Free)
within our Australian Capital Territory Education
forward to facilitating many children and adults
or +1 (817) 354-2896 who struggle just as our son did, helping them
Dept.” Act on Dyslexia, 1 Mair Place, Curtin
Success Learning Center ACT, Australia. [email protected]
Rhonda Clemons
unlock the great potential each one of them holds
+61 (02) 6282 1225.
DLS Presenter-Mentor inside!” Learning Ability, 451 Botsford Street,
Colleen Millslagle
DLS Presenter-Mentor
Ste. 4A, Newmarket, Ontario, Canada. Carma Sutherland “I look
Tyler/Dallas [email protected] +1 (905) 853-3363; forward to joining other Davis
+1 (866) 531-2446 (Toll Free) Fax: +1 (905) 830-9345. Facilitators in helping people
+1 (903) 531-2446 realize their potential with the
Shari Chu Stuart Parsons is a qualified counselor and
Helotes /San Antonio
Davis tools. I recently retired
+1 (210) 414-0116
social worker with over 10 years of experience
after over 30 years teaching in
Jodie Harber
working with adults and children. 27 Bradwell
higher education, so this will be
Cedar Park/Austin Road, Lowton St. Lukes, NR Warrington,
+1 (512) 918-9247
a new and exciting career for
Cheshire, United Kingdom WA32PB.
Lori Johnson
me. Standing Ovations for Learning will be the
[email protected] +44 (07754) 534 740.
Boerne/San Antonio first center in Idaho to offer the Davis Dyslexia
+1 (210) 843-8161 Kathy Pozzi “My personal Correction Program.” Standing Ovations for
Leslie McLean
journey with dyslexia began with Learning, 56 Professional Plaza, Rexburg, ID
+1 (806) 331-4099 or the schooling of my youngest son. 83440 USA. [email protected],
+1 (877) 331-4099 (Toll Free) After years and many struggles
Amanda Meyer we discovered the Davis +1 (208) 313-6907; +1 (208) 356-3944;
Burleson/Ft. Worth
+1 (817) 426-4442
Dyslexia Correction Program. I Fax: +1(208) 356-3944.
Dorothy Owen
was so impressed with it, I felt
Susan Smarjesse “I was a
Supervisor-Specialist that there should be more facilitators, so more
retired public school teacher
+1 (817) 919-6200
families can have this wonderful opportunity. I
with 32 years of experience,
Paula Roberts
am excited to become part of a program that is so
working at a phonics-based
Tyler positive and life changing. I plan to spread the
+1 (903) 570-3427
dyslexia center when my client
“word” about Davis, so that other families won’t
Casey Linwick-Rouzer brought me The Gift of Dyslexia
Sugar Land/Houston
have to struggle, not knowing what to do.”
+1 (832) 724-0492 Learning Perceptions, P.O. Box 1015, Ontario, OR by Ronald Davis. He said,
Laura Warren 97914, USA. [email protected], ‘Read this! I’ve been a dyslexic
Lubbock for 50 years and I know what I need. This is what
+1 (806) 790-7292
+1 (541) 881-6497; +1 (541) 473-3373. I should be doing. This will correct me!’ He was

right. The Davis Dyslexia Correction Program we grow into Davis Facilitators. Your profession-
explains every symptom and its simplicity is pure alism, encouragement and kind words during my Donna Kouri
genius. I grow with each client and can’t wait to journey were valued. May the journey continue. Montpelier/Richmond
+1 (804) 883-8867
Angela Odom
see what wonders the next one will bring. When Dyslexia Untangled. Waimea Highway, RD 6,
my first case study told his mother, ‘She’s the only Gore , 9776 New Zealand. +64 (03) 208 6308, DLS Presenter-Mentor
one who understands me,’ I knew I had found a [email protected]. Midlothian/Richmond
+1 (804) 833-8858
Jamie Worley
new home, a place to make my contribution. As a
Maude Le Roux is an
Facilitator I will offer this program at my office in Yorktown/Williamsburg
+1 (757) 867-1164
Occupational Therapist who
downtown Springfield or travel where I’m needed.
owns and directs a private Washington
Aleta Clark
I am determined to change the now-popular
practice in Glen Mills,
phrase to No One Left Behind and give it real Auburn/Tacoma
+1 (253) 854-9377
Pennsylvania. She is excited
meaning.” Reading Solutions of Central Illinois,
about adding this very needed Carol Hern
DLS Presenter-Mentor
920 S. Spring Street Ste. 2200, Springfield, IL
program to her practice and is
62704, United States. [email protected], Spokane
Mary Ethel Kellogg
looking forward to seeing more
children and adults prosper DLS Presenter-Mentor
+1 (217) 789-Read (7323); +1 (217) 744-3905;
and grow! A Total Approach, 9 La Crue Avenue,
Fax: +1 (217) 522-6650. Rebecca Luera
Fall City/Seattle
Suite 103, Glen Mills, PA 19342 USA.
Colleen Morton “Life among the challenges [email protected] +1 (800) 818-9056 (Toll-Free)
of dyslexia prompted us to have our nine year-old +1 (484) 840-1529; Fax: +1 (484) 840-1560. +1 (425) 222-4163
Nancy Sitton
son experience a Davis Program. Afterwards, the
WOW factor left me with no doubts that I wanted IN MEMORIAM +1 (360) 651-1241
to begin the journey for myself. The program Ron Renie Royce Smith
Spokane & Everett
+1-800-371-6028 (Toll-Free)
Davis has developed continues to excite me and Carla Cynthia Niessen
I simply cannot wait to pass on to others this It was early Sunday morning, +1 (509) 443-1737
knowledge. I feel very honored and privileged to Ruth Ann Youngberg
January 20, 2008, that our
+1 (360) 752-5723
be a part of this international family and know dear friend peacefully slipped
that I will continue to grow with the wisdom my from her slumbering body to West Virginia
clients will give me. I am forever grateful to those Gale Long
embrace the stars. (Carla was
+1 (888) 517-7830 (Toll Free)
who have supported, encouraged and believed in a Davis Facilitator from 1999
me: My extended family, The Matavra Licensing +1 (304) 965-7400
to 2005.)
Trust, and my colleagues, Lorna Timms and
New Hope Learning
Centers, Inc.
Catherine Churton. Catherine, you are the reason
Darlene Bishop
Margaret Hayes
Davis Training Programs +1 (888) 890-5380 (Toll Free)
+1 (262) 255-3900
Anne Mataczynski
+1 (715) 551-7144
The Davis Facilitator Training Davis Learning Strategies Mentors
Program requires approximately 400 and Workshop Presenters are  Uruguay
hours of course work. experienced teachers and trainers with Marcela Piffaretti
The Davis Specialist Training 2-3 years of specialized training and +598 (02) 600-6326

Program requires extensive experience experience mentoring classroom
teachers of children 5- 9 years of age.
providing Davis programs and an This Directory is current as of
additional 260 hours of training. For information about training and a April 1, 2008. It is subject to
change. Between newsletter
Specialists and Facilitators are subject to full directory of Davis providers, go to: issues, new Facilitators are
annual re-licensing based upon case added, and occasionally, some
become inactive. However, the
review and adherence to the DDAI or call +1 (650) 692-7141 or Davis Providers list at
Standards of Practice.
is always up to date.
+1-888-805-7216 toll-free in the USA.

Basic Workshop for

Primary Teachers
Teachers, would you like to… “In the forefront of what I liked
• Improve the reading skills of all the children in your most was how easily the Davis
class regardless of their learning style? strategies fit into many areas
• Manage your classroom more effectively? of Kindergarten curriculum. It
• Prevent the onset of learning disabilities? relieved me of a paper-pencil
• Use research-based methods that are flexible and easily approach and gave me a hands-on,
fit into and enhance any existing curriculum? kinesthetic approach. It helped
develop the little finger muscles
This two-day workshop provides Primary Teachers (K-3) to move on to coordinate
with unique and innovative strategies for improving paper-pencil activities. Creating
reading instruction and classroom management, and equips the alphabet over time also
young learners with proven life long skills in “how to learn.” accomplished the development
Instruction includes: of ownership, responsibility, and
• Theory and Reasoning for each Strategy. a sense a pride in all the children. I believe all
• Video demonstrations of each Strategy and classroom Kindergarten children would benefit from Davis
Learning Strategies.”
implementation suggestions.
• Supervised experiential practice on each Strategy. –LB, Kindergarten Teacher, Mission San Jose
Elementary School, Fremont, California
• Q&A and discussion about each Strategy.
Materials include:
• Detailed Manual with suggested year-long guides, black-line
masters, and numerous tips for each implementing each
Strategy in various curriculum activities.
• Videotape or DVD demonstrating each classroom Strategy.
• Teacher Kit: alphabet strip, letter recognition cards, clay,
cutter, dictionary and two Koosh® balls. (Classroom
materials sold separately)


Date Location Telephone
United States
June 3 - 4 Amarillo, TX 1-806-790-7292
June 9 - 10 Lubbock, TX 1-806-790-7292
June 9 - 10 Denver, CO 1-719-324-9256
July 24 - 25 San Diego, CA 1-866-531-2446
Aug. 5 - 6 Brookings, SD 1-605-692-1785
Aug. 7 - 8 Denver, CO 1-719-324-9256
Aug. 14 - 15 Eugene, OR 1-866-531-2446
Workshop hours: 9am-4pm with one hour lunch break. Sept. 25 - 26 Springfield, MA 1-866-531-2446
Oct. 2 - 3 Tyler, TX 1-866-531-2446
Cost: $595 per person (US only) Oct. 6 - 7 Richmond, VA 1-804-833-8858
Academic Units or CEUs (US and Canada only) Nov. 6 - 7 Tyler, TX 1-866-531-2446
Two Quarter Units are available through California State Nederland
University. Cost is $54 per unit, plus $35 administrative fee. Sept. 5 - 6 Stroinkweg +31 (046) 4374907
Sept. 19 - 20 Stroinkweg +31 (046) 4374907
A written assignment, which can be completed before and
Oct. 10 - 11 Stroinkweg +31 (046) 4374907
during the workshop, is required.
Would you like to bring a DLS Aug 7 - 8 Zurich +41 (061) 273 81 85
workshop to your school/area? Nov 8 - 9 Zurich +41 (061) 273 81 85
Call 1-888-805-7216, and ask for Paula McCarthy. For more details, visit

Come Learn and

Dyslexia Correction
Fundamentals of Davis Dyslexia Correction®
Workshop based on the best-selling book
The Gift of Dyslexia by Ronald D. Davis
Background and Development of the Davis Dyslexia Orientation Review Procedure
Correction® Procedures (a method for checking orientation skills)
• Research and discovery. The “gifts” of dyslexia. Anatomy • Demonstration & Practice Session
and developmental stages of a learning disability. Davis Symbol Mastery® (the key to correcting dyslexia)
Overview of the steps for dyslexia correction. • What is Symbol Mastery? Why clay?
Davis Perceptual Ability Assessment Mastering Basic Language Symbols
(a screening for dyslexic learning styles) • Demonstrations and Group Exercises
• Demonstration and Practice Session Reading Improvement Exercises
Symptoms Profile Interview (used to assess symptoms, • Spell-Reading. Sweep-Sweep-Spell. Picture-at-
strengths and weaknesses; set goals; establish motivation) Punctuation
• Demonstration and Practice Session
Davis Orientation Counseling Procedures (methods to Fine-Tuning Procedure (checking and adjusting
control, monitor and turn off perceptual distortions) orientation using balance)
• What is Orientation? Demonstration & Practice Session Symbol Mastery Exercises for Words
Release Procedure (method to alleviate stress, headaches) • Demonstrations
Alignment (an alternative to Orientation Counseling) • Group Exercises
• What is Alignment? How is it used? Group Demonstration • Practice Sessions
Dial-Setting Procedure (a method for controlling energy Implementing the Davis Procedures
To register for US workshops call 1-888-805-7216 (toll-free)


2-5 October: Hamburg 17-20 May: Addington, Kent
Presenter: Ioannis Tzivanikis Presenter: Richard Whitehead
Language: German/French Language: English
Email: [email protected] Email: [email protected]
Tel: +49 (040) 25 17 86 22 Tel: +44 (0) 1227 732 288


24-27 September: Guadalajara 14-17 July: Burlingame, CA
Presenter: Cathy Calderón Presenter: Gerry Grant
Language: Spanish Language: English
Email: [email protected] Email: [email protected]
Tel: +52 (81) 8335-9435 Tel: 1-888-805-7216 toll-free

NEDERLAND 8-11 October: Dallas, TX

Presenter: Gerry Grant
3-6 September: Amersfoort Language: English
Presenter: Ioannis Tzivanikis/Robin Temple Email: [email protected]
Language: English/Dutch Tel: 1-888-805-7216 toll-free
Email: [email protected]
Tel: +31 (0475) 301 277

For updated workshop schedules visit:

The ~
Dys•lex´•ic Read´•er PRESORTED
1601 Old Bayshore Highway, Suite 260 U.S. POSTAGE
Burlingame, CA 94010 PAID

Fundamentals of Davis Dyslexia Correction Workshop

Based on the best-selling book
The Gift of Dyslexia by Ronald D. Davis 2008 International Schedule
This 4-day workshop is an introduction to the basic theories, 17 - 20 May Addington, Kent UK
principles and application of all the procedures described in
14 - 17 July Burlingame, CA USA
The Gift of Dyslexia. Training is done with a combination of
lectures, demonstrations, group practice, and question and 3 - 6 Sept. Amersfoort Nederland
answer sessions. Attendance is limited to ensure the highest 24 - 27 Sept. Guadalajara Mexico
quality of training.
2 - 5 Oct. Hamburg Germany
Who should attend:
8 - 11 Oct. Dallas, TX USA
Everyone involved in helping dyslexic individuals over the
age of eight. U.S. Course Schedule
Participants will learn: • 8:30 - 9:00 Registration (first day)
• How the Davis procedures were developed. • 9:00 - 5:00 Daily (lunch break 12:00-1:30)
• How to assess for the “gift of dyslexia.” U.S. Fees and Discounts
• How to help dyslexics eliminate mistakes and focus attention. • $1175 per person
• The Davis Symbol Mastery tools for mastering reading. • $1125 for DDAI members or groups of two or more
• How to incorporate and use proven methods for improving • $1075 if paid in full 60 days in advance
reading, spelling, and motor coordination into a teaching, • Advance registration and $200 deposit required
home school, tutoring, or therapeutic setting. • Includes manual, one-year DDAI membership,
verification of attendance, and Symbol Mastery Kit
See page 27 for more workshop details. • Academic units and CEUs available

For a detailed brochure on enrollment, prices, group rates, discounts, location, and further information, contact the DDA in your country.
DDA-Pacific DDA-DACH DDA- Latin America DDA-UK
PO BOX 46023 Deutschland-Austria- Calzada del Valle #400 Local 8 Davis Learning Foundation
Herne Bay Switzerland Colonia del Valle PO Box 972
Auckland, New Zealand Wandsbecker Chausee 132 Garza García, Monterrey Canterbury
Phone: +64 (09) 815-8626 D-22089 Hamburg Nuevo León Kent CT1 9DN
Fax: +64 (09) 815-8627 GERMANY MÉXICO, CP 66220 Tel: +44 (0)1227 732 288
E-mail: [email protected] Tel: 49 (040) 25 17 86 22 Tel: 52 (81) 8335-9435 Fax: +44 (0)1227 731 756
Fax: 49 (040) 25 17 86 24 Email: [email protected] E-mail: [email protected]
20 Ha’shahafim St. E-mail: [email protected] DDA-Nederland DDAI-Int’l, Canada & USA
Ra’anana 43724 ISRAEL SWITZERLAND Kerkweg 38a 1601 Bayshore Highway, Ste 260
Tel: 972 (0523) 693 384 Tel: 41 (061) 273 81 85 6105 CG Maria Hoop, NEDERLAND Burlingame, CA 94010
or (0)9 774 7979 E-MAIL: [email protected] Tel: 31 (0475) 302 203 Tel: 1-888-805-7216
Fax: 972 (09) 772-9889 Fax: 31 (0475) 301 381 Fax: 1 (650) 692-7075
E-mail: [email protected] E-mail: [email protected] E-mail: [email protected]

Enrollment limited ❖ Classes fill Early ❖ Call 1-888-805-7216 or 650-692-7141

For updated workshop schedules visit
For a full description of the Davis Facilitator Certification Program, ask forContinued on page 22
our booklet.

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