RMC 130-2016

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130-2016 issued on December 8, 2016

clarifies the tax treatment and appropriate Withholding Taxes on income payments by departments
and agencies of the government, including Government-Owned and/or -Controlled Corporations
and Government Financial Institutions to individuals engaged under a Job Order or Contract of
Service arrangement.
For professionals who are paid for the services they render, they are subject to a
withholding tax rate of 10% or 15%, whichever is applicable, on their gross professional fee per
Section 2.57.2(A) of RR No. 2-98, as amended.
Per said Section, there shall be withheld a creditable Income Tax at the rate of Fifteen
Percent (15%), if the gross income for the current year exceeds P 720,000; and Ten Percent (10%),
if otherwise; for each class of payee from the following items of income payments to persons
residing in the Philippines:
(A) Professional fees, talent fees, etc., for services rendered by individuals on the gross
professional, promotional and talent fees or any other form of remuneration for the
services of the following individuals:
i. Those individually engaged in the practice of professions or callings: lawyers;
certified public accountants; doctors of medicine; architects; civil, electrical,
chemical, mechanical, structural, industrial, mining, sanitary, metallurgical and
geodetic engineers; marine surveyors; doctors of veterinary science; dentist;
professional appraisers; connoisseurs of tobacco; actuaries; and interior
decorators; designers and all other profession requiring government licensure
examinations and/or regulated by the Professional Regulations Commission,
Supreme Court, etc.;
ii. Professional entertainers, such as, but not limited to, actors and actresses, singers,
lyricist, composers and emcees;
iii. Professional athletes, including basketball players, pelotaris and jockeys;
iv. All directors and producers involved in movies, stage, radio, television and
musical productions;
v. Insurance agents and insurance adjusters;
vi. Management and technical consultants;
vii. Bookkeeping agents and agencies;
viii. Other recipient of talent fees;
ix. Fees of directors who are not employees of the company paying such fees, whose
duties are confined to attendance at and participation in the meetings of the board
of directors.
The amount subject to the said Withholding Tax shall include not only fees, but also per
diems, allowances and any other form of income payments not subject to Withholding Tax on
Income payments to individuals who are not professionals under a Contract for Service or
Job Order basis shall not be subject to creditable Withholding Tax rates provided by Section 2.57.2
of RR No. 2-98, as amended. However, such income payments shall be reported as income subject
to Income Tax under Section 24 of the Tax Code of 1997, as amended, in relation to Section 51 of
the same Tax Code.
The performance of services by the Job Order personnel is not under an employer-
employee relationship. Hence, it is a sale or performance of service, which is subject to Value-
Added Tax (VAT). However, Section 109(1)(W) of the Tax Code exempts from VAT the annual
gross receipts of the subject personnel if the same do not exceed One Million Nine Hundred
Nineteen Thousand Five Hundred Pesos (P1,919,500.00). Provided, every three (3) years
thereafter, the amount shall be adjusted to its present value using the Consumer Price Index, as
published by the National Statistics Office (NSO). Provided, further, that such adjustment shall be
published through Revenue Regulations to be issued not later than March 31 of each year.
For purposes of the threshold of P1,919,500.00, the husband and the wife shall be
considered separate taxpayers. However, the aggregation rule for each taxpayer shall apply. For
instance, if a professional, aside from the practice of his profession, also derives revenue from
other lines of business which are otherwise subject to VAT, the same shall be combined for
purposes of determining whether the threshold has been exceeded. Thus, the VAT-exempt sales
shall not be included in determining the threshold.
Any person whose sales or receipts are exempt from the payment of VAT under Section
109 (1)(W) of the Tax Code, and who is not a VAT-registered person shall pay tax equivalent to
Three Percent (3%) of his gross quarterly sales or receipts.
Sale or lease of goods or properties or the performance of services of non-VAT-registered
persons, other than the transactions mentioned in paragraphs (A) to (U) of Sec. 109(1) of the Tax
Code, the gross annual sales and/or receipts of which does not exceed the amount of P 1,919,500.00
is subject to Percentage Tax. Provided, that every three (3) years thereafter, the amount herein
stated shall be adjusted to its present value using the Consumer Price Index, as published by the
NSO. Provided, further, that such adjustment shall be published through Revenue Regulations to
be issued not later than March 31 of each year.
Bureaus, offices and instrumentalities of the government, including Government-Owned-
or-Controlled Corporations as well as their subsidiaries, provinces, cities and municipalities
making any money payment to private individuals, corporations, partnerships and/or associations
are required to deduct and withhold Percentage Taxes at the rate of 3% due from the payees on
account of such money payments.

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