Learning Through Media Development Model Application Assure: Darnawati, Jamiludin, Mursidin, Nani Yuniar

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IOSR Journal of Humanities And Social Science (IOSR-JHSS)

Volume 21, Issue 11, Ver. 3 (November. 2016) PP 20-25

e-ISSN: 2279-0837, p-ISSN: 2279-0845.

Learning Through Media Development Model Application


Darnawati1, Jamiludin2, Mursidin3, Nani Yuniar4

Faculty of Teaching and Education Science, University of Halu Oleo, Southeast Sulawesi, Indonesia
Faculty of Teaching and Education Science, University of Halu Oleo, Southeast Sulawesi, Indonesia
Faculty of Public Health, University of Halu Oleo, Southeast Sulawesi, Indonesia

Abstract: Background. The lesson of history is extensive so to understand it well, it takes skill and ability of
teachers / lecturers and learners. Studying the history of not only theoretical but also need models, approaches,
methods, and strategies to understand. Not surprisingly, the result of studying the history of learners also tend to
be less than satisfactory. Development of instructional media through ASSURE models are expected to help
learners overcome learning problems.. Methods. This research includes a research and development. Informants
are required consists of two groups: Media expert informants and expert learning materials as well as the
learners as the top user generated learning products. Results. Creating design subject matter helped by subject
teachers are concerned, the following phases: 1) A literature study; 2) Develop syllabus and RPP (Setting
standards and basic competencies, formulate indicators, Determining the subject matter, formulate learning
scenarios and Determine assessment); and 3) Selection methods, instructional media and learning materials.
Conclusion. Overall design of materials, syllabus and lesson plans are developed learning materials History
Class XI at high school students. Teaching materials designed together researchers with the subject teachers and
subsequently evaluated by two experts in accordance with their competence
Keywords Development, instructional media history, the model ASSURE

To improve the quality of national education, various measures had been taken by the government such,
is the development and refinement of the curriculum, improving the evaluation system, procurement of books
and tools of learning, the development of learning materials, improvement of educational facilities, improving
the competence of teachers, as well as improving the quality of the head school. These efforts have not shown
the expected results. The quality of education is influenced by several factors, such as teachers, students, school
administrators, the environment (parents, communities, schools), quality of teaching, and curriculum. Current
conditions indicate that the teaching of history in schools is less attractive to learners. The lesson of history is
considered as a lesson that is not interesting because the material as if only "rote". There is a presumption of
learners even history lessons bring no benefits for his studies of the past is no longer valid. The lesson of history
is not considered significant positive impact for the progress of nation and state of Indonesia, especially in these
subjects did not test them nationally. Another obstacle, is the skills of teachers in the learning process is not
supported work experience and level of education or their competence. Besides this, the government policy is
increasingly narrowed portion hours of school history. Not surprisingly, the result of studying the history of
learners also tend to be less than satisfactory. Educational activities should be followed by the evaluation, which
aims to assess whether a program implemented in accordance with the appropriate planning and achieving
results that diharapan or there are still obstacles in the implementation process.
The lesson of history is one of the lessons taught to provide knowledge and understanding to students
about national and international culture found in Indonesia and in foreign territory. The lesson of history is
extensive so to understand it well, needed skills and abilities by teachers / lecturers and learners. Studying the
history of not only theoretical but also need models, approaches, methods, and strategies to understand. The use
of media as a learning resource for students will add diversity and enrich other learning resources in the
classroom. Learners become not just sit in class and learn as usual. Many variations that teachers can do when
using media in the learning process, which can help students overcome the boredom of learning in the
classroom. Thus, the use of technology can help to improve the interaction between teachers and learners, and
make the learning process centered on the learner (student centered). In other words, the use of media in the
learning process can help learners gain useful lessons. Teachers as instructional media developers need to know
the differences in their approaches to learning in order to select appropriate learning strategies. Learning
strategy should be selected to motivate learners, facilitate the learning process, serving individual differences,

DOI: 10.9790/0837-2111032025 www.iosrjournals.org 20 | Page

Learning Through Media Development Model Application Assure

encourages interaction between teachers, learners and the learning environment, and facilitate contextual
learning so as to form a complete human beings.

This study uses a model of research and development (research and development) oriented products [1].
The products developed are in the form of instructional media history at the National High School Class XI
through the application of ASSURE models.Development of instructional design refers to the model ASSURE
are: a) Analysis of the characteristics of learners include: literature, and studies; b) field (general characteristics,
specific competencies that have been owned previously, and learning styles of learners); c) Establish learning
objectives based on the syllabus; d) The selection of methods, media, and teaching materials to be used; e)
Utilizing teaching materials (but before using, media, and teaching materials be tested); f) Involving learners in
learning activities) and revision (implementation).Informant Expert is a group of experts who are competent in
their field experts Media and Learning Materials experts to determine the quality of learning products are
developed, teachers and students as the result of learning products are developed.
Instruments used in the development of instructional media is a list of research questions, which will
provide responses from informants, the media expert, expert learning materials, and teachers and students as a
user (user).Data collected in the form of suggestions and comments made by informants, compiled and
abstracted to improve learning products developed. then converted into figures using a score, to be given by
category in each aspect studied. It is a framework for whether or not a product that was developed for use as a
medium or facility of learners.
The research focuses on the development of media in the subject of History Class XI (IPS program and
IPA). Stages The research was conducted by designing the course materials helped by the subject teachers
concerned. Event design instructional materials are subject History of grade XI, the following phases: 1) A
literature study; 2) Develop syllabus and RPP (Setting standards and basic competencies, formulate indicators,
Determining the subject matter, formulate learning scenarios and Determine assessment); and 3) Selection
methods, instructional media and learning materials.
After completion of the design of learning materials, then be evaluated by experts in accordance with their
competence. Various stages of design teaching materials (create a syllabus and lesson plan (RPP) as well as a
selection method. The implementation plan of learning (RPP) are the basis or reference for the preparation of
lesson plan (RPP) other subjects taught in class XI in the program IPS and IPA, Model lesson plan (RPP)
created in this study, can be seen in the following presentation.

Learning Implementation Plan (RPP)

School : SMA 8 Kendari
Program : Social Sciences
Subjects : History
Class / Semester : XI/1
Competency standards : Analyzing the Future ride Indonesian people in countries
Basic competencies : Analyzing the Influence of Religion and Culture Development
of Hindu-Buddhist for the Community in various regions in
Indicator : Describing the birth and development of religion and Hindu-
Buddhist culture in India
Time Allocation : 3x45 minutes
A. Learning objectives
Learners are able to : Describing the birth and development of religion and Hindu-
Buddhist culture in India
National Character Values : Religious, honest, tolerance, discipline, hard work,
independence, democracy, curiosity, responsibility.
B. Learning materials :
Birth and development of religion and Hindu-Buddhist culture
C. Learning methods :
ICT model approach and life skills, the provision of duty

Tatap Muka Structured Mandiri

DOI: 10.9790/0837-2111032025 www.iosrjournals.org 21 | Page

Learning Through Media Development Model Application Assure

Looking at the library and A clear description of the Students can describe the
internet articles about birth process of development of birth and development of
and development of religion Hindu-Buddha during the reign religion and Hindu-
and Hindu-Buddhist culture of King Ashoka of the Mauryan Buddhist culture in India.
in India dynasty from various sources.

1. Activities Introduction
a. Teachers' perceptions of learning opens by asking the question "In the regions where the
majority Hindus in Indonesia?".
b. Teachers express purpose of learning.
2. Core activities
In this exploration activity, the teacher:
a. Questions and answers: based on the findings of the internet learners and learners
commissioned analytical essay about the development process of the Hindu Buddha
during the reign of King Ashoka of the Mauryan dynasty from various sources.
b. instilled values: Religious, honesty, tolerance, discipline, hard work, independent,
democratic, curiosity and responsibility.
In the elaboration of activities, teacher: Assignment to find articles on the internet about the
birth and development of religion and Hindu-Buddhist culture in India. (Values are
inculcated: Religious, honesty, tolerance, discipline, hard work, independent, democratic,
curiosity, responsibility.
In the confirmation activities, Students:
a. Summing about things unknown (embedded value: Honest, discipline, hard work,
independence, curiosity.);
b. Explaining about the things that are unknown. (Values are inculcated: appreciate the
achievement, responsibility).
3. Closing Activities
a. all members to reflect on material that has been discussed. (Values are inculcated:
Religious, Religious, honesty, tolerance, discipline, hard work, independent, democratic,
curiosity, responsibility.
b. Drawing conclusions material. (Values are inculcated: Religious, honesty, tolerance,
discipline, hard work, independent, democratic, curiosity, responsibility.
E. Learning Resources
a. Curriculum SBC and devices
b. Special guidelines SBC High School Syllabus Development XI
c. book sources IPS XI High School History
d. Power point
e. Relevant supporting books
f. Internet
F. Assesment
Portfolio shaped analytical description of the process of development of Hindu-Buddha during
the reign of King Ashoka of the Mauryan dynasty from various sources.

Format Penilaian Portofolio

Value Value
Indicator qualitati Quantitat Description
ve ive
Introduction Pinpointing the content of essay/research
reports, conclusions and summary. For maps,
schematics, and painting, preparing the
contents Correspondence between the title to the
Cover content and materials. Describes the results
of essay / research reports, conclusions and
summary appropriately. Elaborate maps and
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Learning Through Media Development Model Application Assure

schemes proposed in accordance with the

theme. Painted in accordance with the states
of matter that has been determined.
Cover Provide conclusions essay / research
Structures/logic Provide conclusions essay / research
originality Essay / research, conclusions, summaries,
essay maps, schematics, and painting is the result
of its own
Presentation, The language used in accordance EYD and
language and communicative

Assessment criteria :
Indicator criteria Value Value
qualitative Quantitative
80-100 satisfy 4
70-79 Good 3
60-69 Enough 2
45-59 less 1

Head School/Yayasan, Subject teachers,

Name Name
NIP. NIP. ..

Associations in the field of communication technology and education: educational association for
communicational and tehnology (AECT, 1984), defines that the media are any measures to distribute or convey
information. There are several theories of learning that underlie the use of technology in learning the theory of
behaviorism, kognitifisme and constructivism. Learning strategies used by the teacher should be poured in a
model or design of learning to be more focused and systematic. Learning is defined as the process of creating an
environment that enables the process of learning. So the main lesson learned is how pesera learners. In learning
activities, a lady teacher looking at students as human beings who have the intellectual potential, so that the
teacher's role is not only to provide information only, but should guide students to be more active. Through such
learning, learners are expected to get the changes that are beneficial to him as a result of learning.
Learning as a series of events or activities that are delivered in a structured and well-planned use of one
or several media [2]. ASSURE Model is a model of instructional design that is both practical and easy
diimplimentasikan in designing learning activities that are individualized and classical. The ability of teachers to
use teaching model ASSURE can be done gradually or in the form of learning cycle to provide insight to the
students so that the model can be meaningfully applied. There are six steps in model development ASSURE are:
Analyze learner; State objectives; Select instructional methods, media and materials; Utilize media and
materials; Require learner participation; Evaluate and revise. By applying the model ASSURE in understanding
and analyzing the characteristics of learners are expected to define the approaches, methods, media and teaching
materials to be used, so as to create learning activities that are effective, efficient and attractive. ASSURE
Model is an acronym for: Analyze Learners, State objectives, methods Select media and materials, Utilize media
and materials, Require learner participation, Evaluate and review. In addition, aspects of the environment
created by rearranging the elements and information technology development in the field of education to be
important in learning activities that can change the behavior of students [3].
Media or material is software (software) which contains a message or educational information is usually
presented using the equipment [4]. Understanding media are substantially the human, material or events that
establish the conditions that make students able to acquire the knowledge, skills, or attitudes. This suggests that
teachers, textbooks, and the school environment is a medium of learning for learners to acquire what is
undeserved dibangku school, ie the knowledge, skills and attitudes or behavior [3]. "Art" is a skill (skill)
acquired by experience, study, observation. Thus, technology is the science which deals with the skills acquired
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Learning Through Media Development Model Application Assure

by experience, study, and observas [5]. Learning media is anything that is used to distribute messages and can
stimulate the mind, feelings, concerns, and willingness learners so as to encourage the process of learning a
deliberate, aimed and controlled [6].
The existence of electronic communication, raising the importance of the presence of the teacher. changes
in the function and role of teachers is associated with an attempt to solve one of the problems of education,
namely: 1) classroom teachers freed from many routine activities; 2) equip teachers with the techniques of high
quality skills; 3) the development of the presentation in the classroom more providing services to individuals as
possible in every subject; and 4) develop learning selected based on the ability of individual learners [7]. Thus,
the expected role of teachers in education can improve the quality of education, making use of various media
and learning model will help teachers in the implementation process of learning. development of instructional
media is based on three models, namely: procedural models, conceptual models and theoretical models.
Procedural model is a model that is descriptive, which outlines the steps that must be followed to produce the
product. The conceptual model is a model which analytical components that provide the products that will be
developed and the linkages between components, and the theoretical model is a model that shows the
relationship between the change of events [8].
Based on the things pointed out above, the development of media pembelajaranberbantuan computer
developed following the procedural model of ASSURE, where the steps to be followed descriptive consisting of
6 steps: analysis of student characteristics, goal setting, selection of media and materials, use of materials,
participation of students to active learning, evaluation and revision. The conceptual model of the development of
computer-aided media have followed the behavioral learning theory proposed by Gagne, namely: learning that a
man can be set and modified to develop certain forms of behavior on someone, or increasing the capacity and
change his behavior. Instructional media developed based on "Programmed Instruction" which mengacuh on
cognitive learning theory, behaviorism, constructivism and humanist [9].
Learning media is very useful as a tool or an intermediary to obtain a more optimal result for learners, be
it knowledge, skills and attitudes. Therefore, considering the media is very useful in the learning process,
especially for teachers and learners, the teachers should be able to use them to design better.
Interpret the term learning as an activity or activities that focus on the conditions and interests of learners
[6]. the learning process is a means and a way how a generation of learning, or in other words how a learning
tool that is effectively used [10]. learning means membelajarkan effort learners [11]. Thus, the learning strategy
is very important to understand by the teacher. This means understanding how and art teachers to use all the
learning resources in an effort membelajarkan learners. learning, namely: a) the learning event occurs when the
subject students to actively interact with a learning environment that is governed by teachers, b) an effective
learning process requires strategies and methods or technologies appropriate education, c) learning program was
designed and implemented as a system , d) the process and product of learning needed attention balanced in the
implementation of the learning process, and f) the establishment of professional competence requires a
functional integration of theory and practice as well as the materials and delivery methodology [12].
Heinich, Molenda, Russell, and Smaldino outlines six steps that a "blue print" of the model ASSURE, the
analysis kerakteristik students set learning goals, Select Methods, Media, and Materials, use of media and
materials, to enable the involvement of students, as well as the evaluation and revision. ASSURE model study is
any guide the planning steps to select and utilize the media. Utilization ASSURE learning model needs to be
done step by step (systematic) and comprehensive (holistic) in order to deliver optimized results, namely the
creation of a successful learning [13].
Learning history is not just an inspiring source of knowledge but also as a mirror to reach live in the
future. history comes from the Arabic "syajaratun" readable "history" which means the trees [14]. While
Frederick and Soeroto is said that history is pedigree, origin or descent, events and events that truly happened in
the past [15]. History of great importance especially for Indonesia's diverse backgrounds with diverse cultures.
In the curriculum SBC, IPS is one of the subjects given in elementary and secondary education. The lesson of
history compiled systematically and comprehensively in the learning process for students to go on the
understanding, maturity and success in life in society.

Overall design of materials, syllabus and lesson plans are developed learning materials History Class XI
at high school students. Teaching materials designed together researchers with the subject teachers and
subsequently evaluated by two experts in accordance with their competence. Given the extent of the subject
matter very broad history, it is important that the media developed learning can be implemented efficiently.

We would like to extent our thanks to all respondents the coastal areas, Southeast Sulawesi, Indonesia, for
allowing conducting some observational survey and interview.

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walter, Lou Carey. 2005. The Systematic Design of Intruction. Boston: Includes Bibliographical
[2] Pribadi, Benny A. 2009. Model Design of Learning Systems.Jakarta:Dian Rakyat. [4] Sadiman, Arief.
1990. Media Education.Jakarta:RajaGrafindo Persada.[5] Arsyad, Azhar. 2010. Instructional Media.
Jakarta: Rajawali.[6] Miarso, Yusuf, Hadi. 2004. Sowing Seeds Technology Education. Jakarta:
Kencana Prenada Media Group.
[3] Vaughan, Tay. 2009. Multimedia: Making it Work, edition 6 Translation: Theresia Ari Prabawati &
Agnes, H.T. Yogyakarta: ANDI.
[4] Smith, Mark K. 2010. Theories of Learning and Teaching. Yogyakarta: Mirza Media Library.
[5] Darsono, Max. 2002. Teaching and Learning. Semarang: Semarang Teachers' Training College.
[6] Sanjaya, Wina. 2009. Planning and Design of Learning Systems. Jakarta: Kencana Prenada Media.
[7] Smaldino, E Sharon. 2011. Instructional Technology and Media For Learning: Instructional Technology
and Media for Learning. Translators: Arif Rahman. Jakarta: Kencana.
[8] Syamsuddin, Helius, and Ismaun. 1996. Introduction to history. Jakarta: Department of Education
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