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Toward the Discovery of Vaccine Adjuvants: Coupling In

Silico Screening and In Vitro Analysis of Antagonist

Binding to Human and Mouse CCR4 Receptors
Matthew N. Davies1b, Jagadeesh Bayry1,2, Elma Z. Tchilian3, Janakiraman Vani2, Melkote S. Shaila4,
Emily K. Forbes5, Simon J. Draper5, Peter C. L. Beverley3, David F. Tough1a, Darren R. Flower1*
1 The Jenner Institute, University of Oxford, Newbury, Berkshire, United Kingdom, 2 Institut National de la Sante et de la Recherche Medicale Unite 872, Centre de
Recherche des Cordeliers, Universite Pierre et Marie Curie - Unite Mixte de Recherche en Sante 872/Universite Paris Descartes - Unite Mixte de Recherche en Sante 872,
Paris, France, 3 The Peter Medawar Building for Pathogen Research, University of Oxford, Oxford, Oxfordshire, United Kingdom, 4 Department of Microbiology and Cell
Biology, Indian Institute of Science, Bangalore, India, 5 The Jenner Institute, University of Oxford, Oxford, Oxfordshire, United Kingdom

Background: Adjuvants enhance or modify an immune response that is made to an antigen. An antagonist of the
chemokine CCR4 receptor can display adjuvant-like properties by diminishing the ability of CD4+CD25+ regulatory T cells
(Tregs) to down-regulate immune responses.

Methodology: Here, we have used protein modelling to create a plausible chemokine receptor model with the aim of using
virtual screening to identify potential small molecule chemokine antagonists. A combination of homology modelling and
molecular docking was used to create a model of the CCR4 receptor in order to investigate potential lead compounds that
display antagonistic properties. Three-dimensional structure-based virtual screening of the CCR4 receptor identified 116 small
molecules that were calculated to have a high affinity for the receptor; these were tested experimentally for CCR4 antagonism.
Fifteen of these small molecules were shown to inhibit specifically CCR4-mediated cell migration, including that of CCR4+ Tregs.

Significance: Our CCR4 antagonists act as adjuvants augmenting human T cell proliferation in an in vitro immune response
model and compound SP50 increases T cell and antibody responses in vivo when combined with vaccine antigens of
Mycobacterium tuberculosis and Plasmodium yoelii in mice.

Citation: Davies MN, Bayry J, Tchilian EZ, Vani J, Shaila MS, et al. (2009) Toward the Discovery of Vaccine Adjuvants: Coupling In Silico Screening and In Vitro
Analysis of Antagonist Binding to Human and Mouse CCR4 Receptors. PLoS ONE 4(11): e8084. doi:10.1371/journal.pone.0008084
Editor: David Joseph Diemert, Sabin Vaccine Institute, United States of America
Received August 5, 2009; Accepted November 2, 2009; Published November 30, 2009
Copyright: 2009 Davies et al. This is an open-access article distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution License, which permits
unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original author and source are credited.
Funding: This work was core funded by the Edward Jenner Institute for Vaccine Research. The Edward Jenner Institute for Vaccine Research thanks its erstwhile
sponsors: the Medical Research Council, the Biotechnology and Biological Sciences Research Council, the Department of Health, and GlaxoSmithKline. PCLB and
DRF received salary support from Senior Jenner Fellowships, and are both Jenner Institute Investigators. DRF drew additional support from the Wellcome Trust
Grant WT079287MA. The funders had no role in study design, data collection and analysis, decision to publish, or preparation of the manuscript.
Competing Interests: Although one author, Dr. David F. Tough, is now employed by GlaxoSmithKline, GlaxoSmithKline was not in any way involved in the
study design, data collection and analysis, decision to publish, or preparation of the manuscript. We confirm that this does not alter our adherence to all the PLoS
ONE policies on sharing data and materials.
* E-mail: [email protected]
a Current address: Immuno-Inflammation Centre of Excellence in Drug Discovery, GlaxoSmithKline, Stevenage, Hertfordshire, United Kingdom
b Current address: Institute of Psychiatry, Kings College London, London, United Kingdom

Introduction (PRRs) present on cells of the innate immune system, which is the
primary bulwark against invading pathogens. PRRs have been
Adjuvants are substances added to vaccines to enhance or found to recognize pathogen associated molecular patterns
modify the concomitant immune response and induce protection. (PAMPs), which are molecules present in pathogens such as
Virtually all current human subunit vaccines incorporate adju- bacterial lippolysaccharides or viral DNA or RNA that differ from
vants in addition to pathogen-derived antigenic molecules. The mammalian molecules and are thus seen as foreign [1]. Apart from
use of adjuvants has two main benefits. First, the increased having an immediate function as the first line of defense, the innate
immune response provides better and longer lasting protection immune system also triggers adaptive cellular and humoral
against the pathogen and second, the use of an adjuvant allows the immune responses. These provide immunological memory so that
dose and dosing regime of the antigen(s) to be decreased and the response is greater when the antigen or pathogen is re-
modulated, reducing the cost and logistical complexity of encountered. Development of robust protective immunological
administering vaccines. The principal adjuvants licensed for memory is the central aim of vaccination. In the era of modern
human use are alum salts and oil-in-water emulsions. vaccinology, adjuvants should have well-defined molecular targets,
Adjuvants work via many mechanisms and take many forms. interacting with specific receptors on cells that have capacity to
Many adjuvants act by stimulating pattern recognition receptors modulate the course, quality and intensity of the immune

PLoS ONE | 1 November 2009 | Volume 4 | Issue 11 | e8084

Finding Adjuvants In Silico

response. For receptors that exacerbate or initiate the immune Chemokine receptors are viable targets for adjuvant discovery.
response, such as Toll-like receptors, we need to find adjuvants CCR4, which serves as the receptor for two chemokines (CCL17
with agonistic properties. Alternatively, for inhibitory or regulatory and CCL22) [6], is of particular interest because it is expressed by
receptors, then we need antagonists able to abrogate the regulatory T cells (Tregs), a subset of T cells which normally
suppressive effect of cellular populations with inhibitory or functions in the downregulation of immune responses [79]. While
regulatory characteristics. elucidating all the diverse mechanisms by which Tregs inhibit
Receptor-targeted small molecule adjuvants (SMA) are among immune responses remains a subject of active investigation, a
the most under-explored types of immunomodulatory adjuvants. principal means in which they function is through interaction with
Examples include: imidazoquinolines (Imiquimod and Resiqui- antigen-presenting dendritic cells (DC) [1013].
mod), which target Toll-like receptors (TLRs), specifically TLR-7 Tregs maintain DC in an immature state, in which they are
and-8, and were developed as nucleoside analogues for anti-viral poor stimulators of T cell responses. Since CCR4-mediated
or anti-tumour therapy; Bestatin (a tumour adjuvant acting as an migration in response to DC-secreted chemokines is crucially
inhibitor of aminopeptidase N [CD13]); Levamisole and Bupiv- involved in DC-T cell interactions [9,1416], CCR4 antagonism
acaine (both DNA vaccine adjuvants). Other examples of non- could enhance immune responses by interfering with the
macromolecular adjuvants include monophosphoryl-lipid A, inhibitory function of Tregs. In addition, CCR4 antagonists may
muramyl dipeptide, QS21, PLG, Seppic ISA-51 and CpG possess the ability to alter the type of immune response generated,
oligonucleotides. Optimised CpG oligonucleotides, which target based on the differential expression of CCR4 on T cell effector
TLR-9, are now entering late phase trials as adjuvants for the subsets. In particular, CCR4 is expressed on Th2-type CD4+ T
poorly immunogenic Hepatitis B vaccine. cells which have been linked to allergic inflammatory diseases such
Hitherto, the search for novel adjuvants has by no means been a as asthma, atopic dermatitis and allergic rhinitis, but is not
systematic process. The number of potential targets is large and expressed by Th1 T cells that typically are involved in cell-
the variety of adjuvantsmacromolecules, natural products, small mediated protection against infection. In keeping with a role for
molecules, and combinations thereofhas precluded such a CCR4 on Th2 cells, anti-CCL17 and anti-CCL22 antibodies have
strategy. Focusing on SMAs targeting chemokine receptors, we both been observed to have efficacy in murine asthma models.
propose the use of virtual screening as a means of greatly Given that Th1 and Th2 responses are mutually antagonistic,
accelerating the process of adjuvant discovery in either an CCR4 antagonists may act as adjuvants that direct the immune
academic or a commercial setting. response towards a Th1-type response.
Three-dimensional virtual screening, whereby a large number Chemokines and other large peptide ligands bind the extracel-
of small molecules are docked into the three-dimensional model of lular loop scaffold, a combination of the extracellular loops and N
a protein receptor, is an important tool in the field of drug terminus of the receptor, and thus only partially penetrate the
discovery and optimisation. The identification of potential lead transmembrane core [17]. Small molecule agonists and antago-
compounds from databases of small molecules significantly nists of the molecule do not interact with the extracellular loops
reduces the time spent on experimental screening and is therefore but instead occupy a cavity within the transmembrane region of
now an integral part of drug design. There is particular interest in the receptor that corresponds to a typical ligand-binding site.
developing drugs which are agonists or antagonists of G-protein Many commercially successful compounds act as GPCR ligands
coupled receptors (GPCR), a superfamily of transmembrane and display several commonalities: the biphenyl tetrazole moiety
proteins responsible for the transduction of a variety of is, for example, a common motif. However, the lack of sequence
extracellular signals into an intracellular response [2,3]. homology between GPCR subgroups means that no generalisa-
Chemokine receptors are a family of GPCRs that transduce tions can be assumed.
signals from chemokines, leukocyte chemoattractant peptides Several CCR4 small molecule antagonists have previously been
secreted by several different cell types both constitutively and in developed, primarily with the aim of reducing T cell migration to
response to inflammatory stimuli [4,5]. Chemokines can be sites of inflammation. These antagonists have primarily been
divided into 4 families based on the arrangement of highly developed based upon heterocylic rings. Allen et al. [18] produced a
conserved cysteine residues in the amino terminus of the protein. series of thiazolidinone derivatives that all take the form of three
The largest families are the CC and CXC families; the former components extending from a central ring, a general structure or
contains a characteristic motif of two adjacent cysteine residues pseudo-pharmacophore similar to many previously identified
within the protein sequence while in the latter they are separated chemokine receptor antagonists (see Figure 1a). The components
by a single amino acid. Chemokines and their receptors play a take the form of a left side tethered amide, a right side amide and a
pivotal role in numerous biological processes, including immune central aromatic ring. Optimisation of these three components
homeostasis, inflammation, angiogenesis, hematopoiesis, brain generated a series of inhibitors with a potency range of 100
and heart development. 200 nM. Despite showing a good affinity for the CCR4 receptor,

Figure 1. Structure of the thiazoline (a) and lactam (b) derivatives.


PLoS ONE | 2 November 2009 | Volume 4 | Issue 11 | e8084

Finding Adjuvants In Silico

the thiazolidinones showed poor in vivo absorption. Subsequently,

the thiazolidinone core was replaced by a lactam (see Figure 1b)
[19]. The replacement of a sulphur atom by a carbon removed from
the compounds a potential centre for oxidative metabolism.
Although the lactams were more efficiently absorbed and possessed
enhanced chemotaxic antagonism, they also had reduced potency.
Separately, a series of closely related quinazoline, quinoline and
isoquinoline derivatives (see Figure 2) were identified which were
also CCR4 receptor antagonists. The compounds inhibited
binding of radiolabelled CCL22 and CCL17 to CCR4 receptors
on the surface of CEM cells and also inhibited in vitro migration of
the cells in response to CCL17. Structural modification was
undertaken to separate CCR4 antagonism from the cytotoxicity of
the compounds by varying the central aromatic core and terminal
aromatic moiety. Subsequent optimisation trials significantly
reduced cytotoxicity while retaining antagonism.
Previously, structure-based virtual screening using homology
models of GPCRs has demonstrated its validity [20] by Figure 3. The crystal structure of bovine rhodopsin.
constructing 3D models of three GPCR proteins (the Dopamine doi:10.1371/journal.pone.0008084.g003
D3, Muscarinic M1 and Vasopressin V1a receptors) and testing
their ability to identify molecules with agonistic and antagonistic A comparison of these two structures shows that the transmembrane
properties. Further work on 5-HT agonists demonstrated that the region is conserved but that there is a significant difference in the
most efficient method of library design for a GPCR screening extracellular and intracellular regions [25,26]. The initial parts of this
utilizes a combination of a ligand-based similarity search and study - model building and virtual screening - were conducted before
structure-based screening to identify molecules with binding the b2 adrenergic receptor became available; thus bovine rhodopsin
properties [21]. Amongst other studies, a virtual screening was used as the template for CCR4.
protocol based on a GPCR model was used to identify Homology modeling is a four-step process by which homologues
Cannabinoid bioactive antagonists [22]. are first identified and then form the structural template, the target
Here, we use a combination of fuzzy ligand similarity, homology sequence is aligned to the template, a model is built with this sequence
modelling of the CCR4 chemokine receptor, and structure-based and optimised, and, finally, the model is evaluated [27]. The structure
virtual screening to identify affine small molecule ligands of of CCR4, as is the case for all GPCRs, comprises seven a-helices in a
CCR4. Experimental validation in vitro confirms that these flattened two-layer structure joined by three intracellular and three
molecules have antagonistic properties and are capable of extracellular loops. The transmembrane region of the molecule is
inhibiting the activity of Tregs. Further, in vivo validation is composed of seven highly conserved segments of 2030 consecutive
consistent with these molecules acting as adjuvants. residues with a high degree of hydrophobicity. The transmembrane
sequences were predicted using a transmembrane prediction
Homology Modelling
In the absence of an experimentally determined structure for the Table 1. The predicted transmembrane (TM), intracellular
CCR4 chemokine receptor, it was necessary to create a homology loop (IL) and extracellular loop (EL) regions of the human
model from related proteins with determined structures. The first CCR4 protein.
high resolution structure of a GPCR, bovine rhodopsin, was
published in 2000 by Palczewski et al. (see Figure 3ab) [23].
N terminus mnptdiadttldesiysnyylyesipkpctkegi
Although there was strong evidence that all GPCRs had the same
overall structure, this was not confirmed until the publication of a TM1 kafgelflpplyslvfvfgllgnsvvvlvlfky
second GPCR structure, b2 adrenergic receptor (see Discussion) [24]. IL1 Klrs
TM2 mtdvyllnlaisdllfvfslpfwgyyaadq
EL2 Wfg
TM3 lglckmiswmylvgfysgiffvmlmsidrylaiv
IL2 havfslrart
TM4 ltygvitslatwsvavfaslpgfl
EL2 fstcyternhtycktkyslnsttw
TM5 kvlssleinilglviplgimlfcysmiirt
IL3 lqhcknekknk
TM6 avkmifavvvlflgfwtpynivlfletlve
IL3 levlqdctferyldyaiq
TM7 atetlafvhcclnpiiyfflgekfr
C terminus kyilqlfktcrglfvlcqycgllqiysa
Figure 2. Structure of the quinazoline, quinoline and isoquin- dtpsssytqstmdhdlhdal
oline derivatives where either X or Y or both equal N.
doi:10.1371/journal.pone.0008084.g002 doi:10.1371/journal.pone.0008084.t001

PLoS ONE | 3 November 2009 | Volume 4 | Issue 11 | e8084

Finding Adjuvants In Silico

algorithm (see Table 1) and docked together using the bovine receptors, GOLD was directed to dock each ligand within the
rhodopsin structure as a scaffold. cavity by specifying that the docking must occur within 4 A of at
Hydrophobic profiles, derived from GPCR multiple sequence least one the specified residues. Versus the human receptor, the
alignments, were used to assign helical transmembrane regions. highest ranked molecule had a high Goldscore value of 71.03. For
The extracellular and intracellular loops as well as the termini of logistic reasons, the top 116 were selected based on the Goldscore
the molecule were harder to model due to the low homology versus human CCR4. The lowest ranked compound had a
between CCR4 and bovine rhodopsin in this region, as well as the Goldscore of 54.69. The 116 molecules were tested in vitro for
limitations of loop modelling methods. Extended loop conforma- CCR4 receptor antagonism. For these compounds, scores versus
tions have highly variable conformations and are particularly mouse CCR4 were decreased by 10; overall, mouse and human
difficult to model. The termini and loops were therefore added in Goldscores had a correlation coefficient of 0.49 (data not shown).
an extended conformation. Homology models of both the human Fifteen of the small molecules were shown to inhibit significantly
and mouse CCR4 structures were generated. Completed CCR4 in vitro CCR4-mediated migration at low concentrations, mediat-
structures were then inserted into optimised lipid bilayers [28,29] ing 50% inhibition of migration at low nanomolar level or below
and bad contacts between the protein and lipid were eliminated. (see Table 2). The docked structures were minimized again in
The protein-ligand complexes were fully solvated and an energy order to improve their orientation within the groove. The small
minimisation simulation was used to optimise the protein molecules did not have standard parameters so they were
structures (see Figure 4ab). calculated using the program antechamber [32]. The residues that
contact each of the small molecules are shown in Table 3.
Virtual Screening
At its most general, a pharmacophore summarizes structural In Vitro Validation
information common to ligands exhibiting a particular activity. Upon receiving maturation and activation associated signaling,
Based upon previously determined antagonists for chemokines, we DC secrete CCL22 and CCL17, the ligands for CCR4 [33]. The
devised a set of screens that mimicked the behaviour of a low-level binding of these ligands to CCR4 helps to guide Tregs towards
pharmacophore: it specified that molecules should have molecular DC, mediates contact between these two cell types and thus
weight .500, contain at least two 5- or 6- membered aromatic inhibits activation of DC and the DC-mediated T cell response. If
rings, and at least one nitrogen atom. The CHEMBRIDGE, CCR4+ Tregs fail to effectively compete with naive T cells for
TIMTEC and SPECS databases were scanned using this access to DC because CCL22 and CCL17-binding to CCR4 is
pharmacophore and 13,000 compounds were thus selected for blocked, this should result in firm contact between T-DC and
evaluation by docking. The ligands were evaluated using the increased activation and differentiation of vaccine antigen-specific
GOLD docking program [30] using the Goldscore fitness function. effector T cells. As reported elsewhere [34], 15 of the 116 top
Previously, residues within the transmembrane region that are ranked molecules from virtual screening specifically inhibited
involved in the binding region of human CCR4 have been CCL22-mediated chemotaxis of a CCR4+ human Caucasian
identified by mutational analysis; they include: Leu 42 and Tyr 46
acute T lymphoblastoid leukaemia cell line CCRF-CEM, yet had
(TM1), Trp 45 (TM2), Ile 113, Tyr 117 and Phe 121 (TM3), Ser
no effect on migration mediated through CXCR4, which is also
203 and Ile 206 (TM5), Tyr 258, Asn 259 and Leu 262 (TM6) and
Glu 290 (TM7). The residues implicated in the receptor-ligand
binding identified a cavity within the transmembrane region of the Table 2. Inhibition data from 16 small molecules selected by
CCR4 receptor corresponding to a typical ligand-binding site [31]. virtual screening. Antagonists shown to inhibit Treg migration
The cavity forms the shape of a distended teardrop with a size and shown in bold.
relative disposition defined by relative positions of the seven
transmembrane helices.
Two protein models were generated using homology modeling: Concentrations required
to inhibit 50% of CCRF-
human CCR4 and mouse CCR4. Manual docking of known
CEM cell migration in the
chemokine ligands was consistent with a common mode of Compound MW chemotaxis assay (M)
antagonist binding for both receptors. For both human and mouse
CB4 534.1135 1.80610209
CB16 506.3258 2.49610211
CB20 599.8731 5.11610210
CB28 548.6657 3.13610210
SP20 501.3615 1.14610211
SP27 598.0112 2.75610210
SP30 525.4454 5.90610211
SP32 561.4423 3.33610211
SP35 536.4247 3.55610212
SP40 571.4658 7.90610212
SP45 628.8046 5.14610212
SP46 565.9365 2.34610212
SP48 617.5108 1.76610211

Figure 4. The CCR4 homology model inserted into a LMP and SP50 531.4835 9.78610211
fully solvated. The water atoms (red) form a box around the protein TT3 636.441 8.59610212
and DPP atoms (blue).
doi:10.1371/journal.pone.0008084.g004 doi:10.1371/journal.pone.0008084.t002

PLoS ONE | 4 November 2009 | Volume 4 | Issue 11 | e8084

Finding Adjuvants In Silico

Table 3. Contact residues for the eight selected small molecules. All residues contain are within 4 A of a ligand atom. Residues in
bold are common to all six ligands.

Residue Transmembrane TT3 SP50 SP46 SP40 SP45 CB28

Leu 92 TM2
Tyr 117 TM3 X X X X
Phe 121 TM3 X X X X X
Tyr 122 TM3 X X X
Phe 126 TM3 X
Phe 167 TM4 X
Leu 201 TM5 X
Ser 202 TM5 X
Ser 203 TM5 X
Leu 204 TM5 X
Glu 205 TM5 X X X
Ile 206 TM5 X X X X X X
Asn 207 TM5 X
Leu 209 TM5 X X
Gly 210 TM5 X
Trp 255 TM6 X X X X
Pro 257 TM6 X X X X X
Tyr 258 TM6 X X X X X X
Asn 259 TM6 X X
Ile 260 TM6 X
Val 261 TM6 X X X X
Leu 262 TM6 X X X X X X
Phe 263 TM6 X
Thr 266 TM6 X
Ala 285 EL3 X X
Ile 286 EL3 X X X
Gln 287 EL3 X X X X X
Ala 288 TM7 X
Thr 289 TM7 X
Glu 290 TM7 X X X X X X
Thr 291 TM7 X
Ala 293 TM7 X X
Phe 294 TM7 X X X X
Val 295 TM7 X X X X


expressed on CCRF-CEM cells, demonstrating their selectivity for molecules that inhibit Treg migration should possess adjuvant
CCR4. Importantly, 6 molecules (SP45, SP50, CB28, TT3, SP46, activity.
SP40) were shown directly to block CCR4-mediated migration of
human Tregs in response to CCL17 and CCL22. The structures In Vivo Validation
of these 6 small molecules are shown in Figure 5. All 6 antagonists Prior to testing the adjuvant activity of CCR4 antagonists in vivo,
inhibited significantly CCL22-mediated Treg migration and up to we first studied the ability of antagonists to inhibit the CCL22-
49.8% inhibition was observed when Tregs from six individual mediated migration of the murine CCR4+ T cell hybridoma B9.1.
donors were examined, whereas none of the 6 compounds affected These migratory assays were undertaken using a similar protocol
cell viability (Figure 6). In addition, all of the molecules inhibited to that used for human cells. Four of the 15 compounds (CB20,
Treg migration in response to another CCR4 ligand, CCL17 (up SP46, SP50 and TT3) were found to inhibit the migration of B9.1
to 57.2% inhibition of migration) as well as CCL22- and CCL17- cells up to 55%. We then examined the influence of one of these
mediated migration of human Th2 cells. The CCR4 antagonists compounds (SP50) on the immune response to vaccination in
enhanced significantly DC-mediated human T cell proliferation in mice. The impact of CCR4 antagonists on the cellular immune
an in vitro model of immune response when Tregs were present in response was investigated using a CMV vector expressing
the CD4+ T cell pool, consistent with the hypothesis that Rv1818c (CMV1818c) or Rv3812 (CMV3812) proteins from

PLoS ONE | 5 November 2009 | Volume 4 | Issue 11 | e8084

Finding Adjuvants In Silico

Figure 5. The conventional 2D representation of the six selected ligands showing inhibitory properties for CCR4-mediated

Mycobacterium tuberculosis [35]. Simultaneous administration of SP50 response (Figure 7a). Interestingly, no significant changes were
with CMV1818c or CMV3812 enhanced significantly the observed in the percentage of Tregs in the spleen of mice injected
Rv1818c and Rv3812-specific CD4+ T cell proliferative immune with antagonist alone (3.754% CD4+FoxP3+ T cells in SP50

Figure 6. Assessment of CCRF-CEM cell viability by propidium iodide (PI) and annexin V labeling following treatment with CCR4
antagonists. Propidium iodide (PI) labels cells lacking intact plasma membranes and hence at an advanced stage of cell death. Annexin V labels cells
at early and late stages of apoptosis. Plots show representative data for cells cultured in medium alone or in medium to which solvent (DMSO) or
antagonist has been added. Numbers indicate percentage of cells in each quadrant.

PLoS ONE | 6 November 2009 | Volume 4 | Issue 11 | e8084

Finding Adjuvants In Silico

SP46 and TT3 increase cellular immune responses to mycobac-

terial antigens as previously reported suggesting that these
antagonists selectively potentiate cellular immunity [34].

Kornbluth and Stone have recently hailed a new golden age of
vaccine discovery focusing on the exploitation of adjuvants as
immunomodulators able to enhance immunogencity of subunit
and peptide-based vaccines [38]. They group adjuvants into
stimulatory and suppressive immunomodulators. Immunostimula-
tory adjuvants include Toll receptor agonists; agonists of CD40
and other members of the TNF receptor superfamily such as
OX40L, 4-1BBL, CD30L, LIGHT, CD27L/CD70, and GITRL;
and agonists of the Nod-like Receptor system. Adjuvants that
function by modulating immunosuppressive arms of the immune
system include neutralizing antibodies to anti-inflammatory
cytokines or antagonists to molecules such as CTLA-4 that
provide negative signaling to innate immune cells. Our molecules
also fall into this second category.
Compared to biogenic macromolecules or synthetically intracta-
ble natural products, small molecule adjuvants have many potential
advantages. As small drug-like molecules, it may be possible to tailor
their properties precisely, using the standard pharmaceutical toolkit
- structure- and ligand-based virtual screening, parallel synthesis,
and medicinal chemistry - properly to explore their specificity and
properties. It should also be possible to develop an understanding of
how to manipulate rationally the structure of these compounds so as
to generate molecules with improved in vivo characteristics. While a
drug with a once-a-lifetime or once-a-year dosing does not require
all the properties that might be expected in a modern drug, altering
them to be as close as possible to optimum pharmacokinetic
properties would be advantageous.
Figure 7. CCR4 antagonists enhance cellular and humoral Here we have used virtual screening to identify CCR4
responses in mice. (a) Effect of SP50 on T cell priming to
antagonists which act as adjuvants for both cellular and humoral
Mycobacterium tuberculosis protein antigens Rv1818c or Rv3812.
Splenocytes (0.56106) from mice immunised with the indicated immune responses. Effective three-dimensional virtual screening is
proteins+SP50 or DMSO were cultured in vitro in the presence of 5 mg/ reliant upon an accurate model of the receptor. There are very few
ml of either Rv1818c or Rv3812 recombinant proteins for 5 days. Cells experimentally-determined high-resolution structures of membrane
from three mice per group were tested individually in quadruplicate proteins available in the Protein DataBank due to difficulties in their
wells. Antigen-specific T cell proliferation was measured by thymidine over-expression, purification and crystallization [39]. Where the
incorporation assay and data are presented as stimulation index (SI, mean
cpm of the antigen stimulated wells/mean cpm of control wells).
similarity between sequences is less than 30%, it can be extremely
Significant differences are indicated by asterisks * p,0.05. The results are difficult to align sequences in a certain and unambiguous way; this
from one experiment. (b) IgG serum antibody responses against MSP-119 region of similarity is often described as the twilight zone. The
measured by ELISA 14 days post vaccination with Ad-MSP-142 plus the lower the sequence similarity between the target and template
indicated compounds or DMSO control. Three mice per group were protein, the more difficult it becomes to undertake a successful
tested individually. Columns represent the mean6SD. Significant alignment between them. Despite the low sequence homology
differences are indicated by asterisks * p,0.05. Similar results were
obtained in two independent experiments. (22.7%) between bovine rhodopsin and the chemokine receptors, it
doi:10.1371/journal.pone.0008084.g007 was possible to identify the transmembrane regions within the
chemokine sequence and build them up as idealised a-helices. This
injected mice versus 44.5% CD4+FoxP3+ T cells in control is because all GPCRs share a common pattern of hydrophobicity
groups), thus confirming that CCR4 antagonists per se do not and similarity of structure even when there is sequence divergence;
modify the population of Tregs. thus a reasonable model of the transmembrane region of the
The potential for CCR4 antagonists to enhance antibody chemokine receptor can be generated. The validity of using
responses was examined using Human Adenovirus 5 encoding the homology modelling to generate GPCR structures is supported by
42 kD region of the merozoite surface protein-1 (Ad-MSP-142) comparison with the b2-adrenergic receptor. It is very similar in
from Plasmodium yoelii. Ad-MSP-142 induces a strong antibody terms of the relative orientation of the seven transmembrane helices,
response after two weeks to the 19 kD fragment of MSP-1 (MSP- suggesting a degree of universal conformity for the transmembrane
119), which is thought to mediate protective immunity [36,37]. region of GPCRs. The conformation of the second extracellular
Notably, despite the considerable intrinsic immunogenicity of this loop, which often constitutes the top of the ligand binding site, is,
vaccine, the titre of MSP-119-specific IgG was significantly however, quite different in the two structures.
increased by co-injection of SP50 (Figure 7b). Although the three Attempts to develop small molecules antagonists for chemokines
other compounds tested had no effect, we did not carry out have focused on the CCR5 and CXCR4 receptors because an
thorough dose response experiments nor did we investigate the antagonist might have therapeutic potential in the inhibition of
timing of adjuvant relative to antigen administration. However HIV-1 virus uptake [3]. Docking studies using the antagonist

PLoS ONE | 7 November 2009 | Volume 4 | Issue 11 | e8084

Finding Adjuvants In Silico

TAK-779 [40] and a model of the related CCR5 receptor

identified a region of the binding pocket that may act as a
conserved binding point for chemokine antagonists sharing an
ammonium group [41]. The benzyl-pyron-ammonium-group of
TAK-779 interacts with transmembrane helices 1, 2 and 7.
Selectivity of TAK-779 was analysed using site-directed mutagen-
esis and is in agreement with observed structure-activity
relationships. The binding is dependent on the ammonium groups
being in close contact with the conserved CCR5 residue Glu 283
(Glu 290 in CCR4). The introduction of a single point mutation
into a functionally active receptor can lead to a decrease in binding
affinity, indicating the residue is vital to the ligand-receptor
interaction. It is likely that high affinity receptor-ligand binding is
partly dependent on strong interactions with a few key residues.
There are also non-conserved residues within transmembrane
regions TM3, TM5 and TM6 that can impair receptor selectivity.
Previous attempts to model the ligand interactions of the CCR5
ligand identified the same cavity within the chemokine structure
but showed the binding of the ligand to be primarily dependent on
interaction with the TM1, TM2, TM3 and TM7 helices. The
docked structure of CB20 in the human CCR4 receptor homology
model is shown in Figure 8ab. The docked models indicate that
the ligands maintain key interactions with the TM7 but not the
TM1 and TM2 helices. Residues Ile 206, Tyr 258 and Glu 290 (on
the TM5, TM6 and TM7 helices respectively) seem to be
fundamental to the interaction, in particular, Glu 290; this
interacts with positively charged moieties on the bound ligand.
The other end of the molecule is predominantly hydrophobic and
interacts with Ile 206. The molecules are all linear and stretch
across the length of the groove to interact with both the TM5 and
TM7 helices. There is also a slight interaction with extracellular
loop III (285287). It is possible that a less linear molecule, such as
TAK-799 that binds the CCR5 receptor, would not position itself
directly across the groove. It is also possible that the parameters
defined by antechamber do not allow our small molecules sufficient
flexibility to optimize their position within the cavity [32]. The
human CCR4 model was subsequently modified to produce a
mouse CCR4 receptor model. There is strong homology between
the two structures and the extended tear drop structure of the
active site is maintained.
When tested in vivo with vaccines in mice, enhanced immuno-
genicity was observed with the CCR4 antagonist SP50 acting as an
adjuvant for both cellular and humoral immune responses. The
lack of effects on the humoral response of the three other
compounds tested (CB20, SP46 and TT3) might be because an
inappropriate dose or time of administration was used, although
SP46 and TT3 increase cellular immune responses to mycobac-
terial antigens when used in combination with Modified Vaccinia
Ankara expressing Ag85A from M. tuberculosis (MVA85A) [34].
Sp50 has previously been demonstrated to potentiate the humoral
response to another antigen, recombinant hepatitis B surface
antigen (HBsAg) [34], which is a poorly immunogenic antigen
often requiring several immunizations to generate protective
antibody titers in humans. Strikingly in the present experiments,
in addition to its effect on weakly immunogenic HBsAg, SP50
potentiates cellular and humoral responses to Mycobacterial
antigens and a malaria antigen administered in viral vectors that
have strong inherent adjuvanticity. We suggest that this augmen-
tation may be because these viral vectors mediate adjuvant effects
by ligating pattern recognition receptors while SP50 interferes with
regulatory cell function.
If CCR4+ Tregs fail to compete effectively with naive T cells for
access to DC because CCL22 and CCL17-binding to CCR4 is Figure 8. CB20 ligand docked into the CCR4 homology model.
blocked then this should result in the reduced influence of Tregs doi:10.1371/journal.pone.0008084.g008

PLoS ONE | 8 November 2009 | Volume 4 | Issue 11 | e8084

Finding Adjuvants In Silico

on both DC and T cell populations and as a consequence an molecular weight .500 which contravenes Lipinskis rule-of-five
increased antigen-specific cellular and humoral response. In fact, regarding the maximum size of a potential drug candidate [50].
several experimental models have demonstrated that inhibition of Further work will target reducing the molecular weight of the
Treg function results in markedly superior immune responses to molecules, as well as maximizing their antagonistic properties.
foreign and tumour antigens, virus infection and vaccines [4244]. Three-dimensional virtual screening is now known to be an
However, these experiments were typically performed by using effective and economical way of identifying potential lead
therapeutic monoclonal antibodies either to deplete Tregs or to compounds with desired activity [51]. In this study, about 14%
block CD25, an IL-2 receptor a-chain expressed by Tregs. of the small molecules identified by virtual screening were shown
We believe that CCR4 antagonists may have advantages over to have a degree of antagonism, remarkable considering the
these methods of blocking Treg functions. First, antibody- receptor structure was not an experimental structure but a
mediated inhibition of Treg function might result in severe homology model built from a related structure with a low degree
adverse effects, since Tregs are required for maintenance of of sequence homology. The inclusion of an explicitly rendered
immune tolerance. For example, injection of anti-CD25 antibodies lipid bilayer into the energy minimisation simulation may have
alone or in combination with anti-CTLA-4 antibodies into normal helped in optimising the quality of the structure. The identified
animals is known to induce localized autoimmune disease [45,46]. antagonists have been shown to be both potent and specific for the
Second, as compared to small molecules, therapeutic IgG desired target receptor.
monoclonal antibodies have a longer half-life (about 3 weeks in Our results re-emphasize the power of virtual screening, by
humans). Indeed, we did not observe any significant changes in the systematising the discovery of small molecule adjuvants through
Treg population in the spleen of mice injected with antagonist targeting receptors implicated in the innate immune response or in
alone, thus confirming that CCR4 antagonists do not delete the regulating the adaptive immune response. Using virtual screening,
Treg population. Therefore we suggest that it is likely that CCR4 we have identified CCR4 antagonists acting as adjuvants for both
antagonists perform their adjuvant-like function by transiently cellular and humoral immune responses. When our molecules
inhibiting Treg migration. In addition, our in vitro experiments were tested in vivo with vaccines in mice, enhanced immunoge-
support the proposition that CCR4 antagonists could function nicity was observed with SP50. The enhancing effects observed in
similarly in humans. Thus, in a transwell system, exposure of T these experiments are particularly striking given that the vaccine
cells to CCR4 antagonists enhanced their proliferation in response vectors employed are known to be intrinsically immunogenic
to mature DC. This model may mimic the early events of an [35,37]. Within vaccinology - as it is within drug design and
immune response, where inhibition of Treg recruitment to DC discoverystructure-based virtual screening is an approach of
would lead to an increased antigen-specific T cell response. unprecedented power and scope; only wide deployment is needed
Aluminum adjuvants are the only adjuvants licensed for human for virtual screening to realize its full potential.
vaccines in the USA. The immune responses elicited by aluminum
adjuvants are not likely to confer protection against diseases such as Methods
malaria, tuberculosis, and cancer for which Th1 and MHC class I
restricted cytotoxic T lymphocyte (CTL) responses are essential for Model Building
protection [47]. Therefore, adjuvants that can target specific The transmembrane sequences of human CCR4 protein were
receptors and elicit protective Th1 and CTL immune responses are docked together using the bovine rhodopsin structure as a scaffold.
desirable. Thus, several novel adjuvants, including molecules that Attwood developed diagnostic fingerprint for rhodopsin-like
target TLRs and NLRs which potently activate antigen presenting GPCRs based on common patterns of conservation in the seven
cells and Th1 type immune responses are under consideration transmembrane regions [52]. WHATIF was used to generate the
[48,49]. Our in vivo results in experimental models demonstrate that helical transmembrane sections of human CCR4 [53]. The
small molecule antagonists to CCR4 enhance both cellular and orientation of the helices is calculated with respect to a lipid
humoral immune responses to vaccine antigens. Thus, in the future environment so that hydrophobic faces are orientated into the
they can be considered for use with novel vaccine candidates either membrane phase and hydrophilic faces point into the lumen of the
alone or in synergistic combination with other adjuvants. protein. The translational and rotational orientation of each helix
In trying to identify novel agonists and antagonists for a in the transmembrane bundle is critical to the nature and
receptor, computational chemistry allows a large number of conformation of the binding site. Hydrophobic areas of the
compounds to be screened rapidly. This can act as a filtering transmembrane bundle will be orientated such that their peak
system allowing molecules that have been calculated to have hydrophobicity lies centrally within the lipid plane. This position
affinity for the receptor to be targeted. Virtual screening explores corresponds to the so-called lipid midpoint plane (LMP). A model
the chemical diversity of potential ligands and structural of mouse CCR4 was constructed using the optimised human
constraints imposed by the receptor. GPCR agonists and CCR4 structure as a template.
antagonists tend to be larger molecules than commonly favoured
in drug design. Helices 3, 5, 6 and 7 are responsible for the Energy Minimisation
majority of the side chain interactions with the bound ligand. It is Hydrogen atoms were added to the human CCR4 structure and
likely that the CCR4-ligand interactions depend on strong the system was fully solvated using water molecules in the TIP3
interactions in a few key residues, such as Ile 206, Tyr 258 and model [54] by the AMBER program leapi [32]. This created a
Glu 290, as well as weaker ones with the other residues in the solvent box with dimensions of approximately 40 A by 50 A by
CCR4 cavity. Site-directed mutations could be used to establish 120 A and approximately 110,000 atoms (See Figure 4ab). All
those residues which are responsible for interacting with particular atoms in the simulation were explicitly represented. Two known
functional groups, facilitating an augmented understanding of conserved disulphide bonds between Cy29Cys276 and Cys110
ligand-receptor structure-activity relationships (SAR). Site directed Cys187 were built into the structure [55]. The energy of the solvated
mutations in the TM 5, 6 and 7 regions would be useful in further molecular complex was minimised using the general AMBER force
determining the nature of the receptor-ligand interaction and help field with a steepest descent method that was continued for 50,000
towards optimising CCR4 antagonists. All of the ligands have a time steps (one time stepone femtosecond) or until the RMSD had

PLoS ONE | 9 November 2009 | Volume 4 | Issue 11 | e8084

Finding Adjuvants In Silico

fallen below 0.01 A between successive time steps. In the first stage untouched CD4+ T cells were isolated by negative selection.
of minimisation, the transmembrane region and lipid region were Second, CD45RO+ T cells were depleted using CD45RO beads.
frozen in order to allow the loops to order themselves using the The remaining CD4+ CD45RA+ T cells were added to 24-well
transmembrane scaffold. In the second stage, simulated annealing tissue culture plates that were pre-coated with 10 mg/ml anti-CD3
was carried out on the minimized structure. At this stage, all atoms and anti-CD28 mAbs (R&D systems Europe). Cells were cultured in
in the systems were allowed free movement. The system was RPMI 1640/10% FCS in the presence of 10 mg/ml neutralizing
annealed by raising the temperature of the system from 0 K to anti-IL-12 and IFN-c mAbs, 10 ng/ml rhIL-2 and 20 ng/ml rhIL-
500 K over a period of 40,000 time steps and maintaining that 4 (all from R&D systems). After 3 days, 0.5 ml of 4 ng/ml IL-2 was
temperature for a further 30,000 time steps. The system was then added to the cultures. At day 6, cells were harvested, washed and the
cooled to 0.2 K over a period of 230,000 time steps before being stimulation cycle repeated. The cells were analyzed for Th2
rested at 1 K for a further 300,000 time steps. The CPU of each differentiation and CCR4 expression before use in experiments.
individual simulation was approximately 500 hours on a 6-
processor R12000 SGI Origin 2000. All minimisation and In Vitro Assay to Measure Antagonist Activity of
annealing steps were performed using the sander program [32]. Molecules
The process was repeated for the mouse CCR4 model. The docked Chemotaxis assay was performed by measuring the ability of
small molecules were run under the same conditions and time molecules to inhibit cellular migration through a 5 mm pore
period as the initial energy minimization. Antechamber was used to polycarbonate filter in 24-well transwell chambers (Costar, Cam-
generate parameters for the small molecules. bridge, MA). Chemokines (R&D systems) were placed in lower
chambers in a 600 ml volume and cells were placed in upper chambers
Virtual Screening in a 100 ml volume. After 2 h incubation at 37uC, cells in the lower
A database containing structures from a variety of compound chamber were recovered and counted using a FACSCalibur (Becton
suppliers was constructed within UNITY [56] and screened for Dickinson, Mountain View, CA) [34]. Preliminary chemokine
potentially reactive and undesirable molecules [57]. The resulting titration experiments established optimal doses for chemotaxis: (1)
database contained ,450 K molecules. This was pre-screened for CCRF-CEM cells, 6 nM CCL22 and 3 nM CCL17 or CXCL12;
using a simple pseudo-pharmacophore derived from properties of (2) for Tregs and Th2 cells, 1.2 nM CCL22 or CCL17. To measure
known Chemokine antagonists: compounds must have a MW.500 the concentrations required to inhibit 50% of cell migration in the
and contain two or more 5 or 6 membered aromatic rings and one chemotaxis assay, graded doses of antagonists were added to a
or more nitrogen atoms. Thirteen thousand compounds were thus constant concentration of CCL22. To assess CCR4 antagonism,
selected, and their 3D structure built using CORINA [58], which candidate antagonist compounds (10 nM) were mixed directly with
were tested for interaction with the two modelled CCR4 structures chemokines as indicated. Percent inhibition of chemotaxis by CCR4
using the GOLD docking program and the Goldscore fitness antagonists was calculated in relation to controls treated with solvent
function. The ligands were docked within a predicted cavity in the (DMSO) alone as follows: ([no. cells migrated in the presence of
transmembrane region of human and mouse CCR4. DMSOno. cells migrated in the presence of antagonist]/no. cells
migrated in the presence of DMSO)6100.
Cell Lines
The human Caucasian acute T lymphoblastoid leukaemia cell line Animals and Immunizations
CCRF-CEM (European cell culture collection) and murine T cell The construction, design and preparation of pFLAG CMV4
hybridoma B9.1, specific for the immunodominant peptide mammalian expression vectors (Sigma-Aldrich) expressing M. tubercu-
HEL103117 [59], were cultured in RPMI 1640 with 10% fetal losis Rv1818c (CMV1818c) and Rv3812 (CMV3812) has been
calf serum. Both cell lines express CCR4 and migrate in response to described previously [35]. SP50 was dissolved in DMSO and mixed
CCR4 ligands. with each vaccine to give a final concentration of 1 mM compound in
10% DMSO. 68 week old Balb-c mice were immunized intramus-
Generation of Dendritic Cells cularly in the hind leg with 25 ml vaccine/SP50 mix containing 50 mg
Peripheral blood mononuclear cells (PBMC) were isolated from CMV1818c or CMV3812 DNA three times at weekly intervals. A
buffy coats, purchased from the North London Blood Transfusion fourth booster dose of 25 mg of purified recombinant proteins
Centre, by Ficoll-Hypaque density gradient centrifugation. Ethical (Rv1818c and Rv3812) expressed in E.coli [35] was given subcutane-
approval for use of this material was obtained from the Compton ously with SP50. The experiments were performed as per the rules of
Human Subjects Committee. Monocytes were purified by positive the Indian Institute of Science (Bangalore, India).
selection using CD14 beads (Miltenyi Biotech, Surrey, UK). For Human adenovirus type 5 (AdHu5) expressing the 42 kDa
generation of DC, monocytes were cultured for 6 days in the presence region of merozoite surface protein-1 (Ad-MSP-142) from P. yoelii
of RPMI 1640 supplemented with 10% FCS, 50 U/ml penicillin, was also used [37]. The adjuvant compounds were dissolved in
50 mg/ml streptomycin, recombinant human (rh) IL-4 (500 IU/106 DMSO and were mixed with each vaccine to give a final
cells) (R&D Systems Europe, Abingdon, UK) and rhGM-CSF concentration of 1 mM compound in 10% DMSO. 68 week old
(1000 IU/106 cells) (Immuno Tools, Friesoythe, Germany). female BALB/c mice were immunized once intramuscularly in the
hind leg with 25 ml of vaccine/compound mix containing 561010
Isolation of Human CD4+CD25+ Regulatory T Cells vp of Ad-MSP-142 per mouse. They were bled 14 days later.
CD4+CD25+ Tregs were isolated PBMC using a kit from Experiments with Ad-Msp-142 were approved by the animal
Miltenyi Biotech. The purity of isolated regulatory T cells was over ethical committee of Oxford University and fully complied with
95% as assessed by flow cytometry. the relevant Home Office guidelines.

Generation of Th2 Cells T Cell Proliferation Assay

Nave CD4+ CD45RA+ T cells were purified from PBMC in a 2- Splenocytes were harvested from mice immunized with
step process using magnetic beads (Miltenyi Biotech). First, mycobacterial antigens (Rv1818c and Rv3812) 72 hrs post last

PLoS ONE | 10 November 2009 | Volume 4 | Issue 11 | e8084

Finding Adjuvants In Silico

booster. 0.56106 splenocytes were cultured in presence of 5 mg/ml recombinant GST-MSP-119 or GST control followed by alkaline
of either Rv1818c or Rv3812 recombinant proteins for 5 days. phosphatase-conjugated anti-mouse whole IgG (Sigma) [60].
Three mice per group were tested individually. The T cellular Endpoint titres were taken as the x-axis intercept of the dilution
proliferative response was measured by thymidine incorporation curve at an absorbance value 3 x standard deviations greater than
assay following a 16 h pulse with 1 mCi of [3H]thymidine. the OD405 for nave mouse serum (typical cut off OD405 for
Radioactive incorporation was measured by standard liquid positive sera = 0.15).
scintillation counting and results expressed as counts per minute
(cpm, mean6SD of triplicate values). The data are presented as Author Contributions
stimulation index (SI, Mean cpm of the antigen stimulated wells/
Mean cpm of control. Conceived and designed the experiments: MND JB EZT PCLB DT DRF.
Performed the experiments: MND JB EZT JV MSS EKF SJD PCLB DT
ELISA DRF. Contributed reagents/materials/analysis tools: SJD. Wrote the
Serum was collected two weeks after Ad-MSP-142 vaccination paper: MND JB EZT SJD PCLB DT DRF.
and analysed by indirect ELISA as previously described using

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PLoS ONE | 12 November 2009 | Volume 4 | Issue 11 | e8084

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