Breathe: Thy Kingdom Come

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12 Hours of Prayer 21st May

31st May, noon to midnight Hosted by the Clements cell

The focus of the prayer initiative is to pray for the Holy Spirit to
equip us to share our faith with others and to pray for people to Morning Worship 10.30 am Welcome to our service,
come to know the living Jesus. We have booked St Paul's Persecution and Growth especially if you are visiting or
Roundshaw to provide a place for prayer over 12 hours. here for the first time today.
Breathe 6.30 pm
Do to pledge to pray for an hour or more and book online on the If you have a young family, do
Springfield website or use the sign up sheet in the foyer
St Pauls Roundshaw
~~~~~ feel free to use the mat and
28th May toys at the back of the main
Morning Worship 10.30 am hall. We hope you will join us
Thy Kingdom Come Spirit and Wisdom for tea and coffee after the
As part of the Archbishop of

Canterbury's 10 days of prayer
initiative, we have booked tickets
for a Pentecost celebration at
Guildford Cathedral on Sunday 4th
June. There will be charismatic
worship and an opportunity to hear
from Pete Grieg, who has been on the
senior leadership team at HTB church in London and is a writer,
church-planter and founder of the 24-7 movement. Tonight, 6.30pm at St Pauls, Roundshaw
Do contact Sarah Miller to reserve your place. breathe is our evening service where we create space to
experience a Spirit-filled time of worship, teaching and ministry.
Curate: It is a time where we can dwell in the presence of God and listen
Revd Jane Petrie [email protected] 07488 599 786 to His word to us.
(Day off Saturday, study day Friday) Do take this opportunity to be re-filled and refreshed by the Holy
Children & Families Minister:
Sue Bosley [email protected] 020 8773 4787 Spirit and empowered in your walk of faith in Jesus
Church Office [email protected] 020 8647 3410 Everyone is welcome.
Safeguarding [email protected]
DIARY Pray for our church family Prayer Ministry
Feast in the Field -
Today @ 10.00 am
9th July training
Pre service prayers
Book the day and invite your New Wine are holding a prayer
Today @ 10.30 am ministry training session on
friends, relations & neighbours
Morning Worship 1st July in Tunbridge Wells.
to come and join us for a
21st May @ 6.30 pm wonderful day out. It will be led by a team from St
Breathe @ St Pauls ~~~~~
Marys, London and costs 5
We need volunteers to help per person.
22nd May @ 11.00 am the day run smoothly. Do let Please see Sarah Miller or
Caf Connect the welcome desk know if you Jean Grima for more details
can help with setting up,
25th May @ 9.45 am
Tiptoes @ Crusader Hall
taking a turn with serving Flat to rent
cream teas, are a first aider or
30th May @ 10.30 am can help on the ticket desk. Mission Partners Chris &
Caring Cupcakes
Veronica have their 2
More invitations are available Bedroom Flat available to rent
Abbeyfield at the welcome desk today.
Please pray for from 1 July 2017. Ideally
31st May from noon looking for a Christian family/
Ian Fowkes-Smith and his
12 hours of prayer
family following the death
Naturally person or a close trusted
St Pauls, Roundshaw
of Ians mother Supernatural friend. Quiet, modern
2nd June @ 7.00 pm apartment complex
Our cell leaders as they Is a new Christian festival at opposite Beddington Park,
The MiX @ the Phoenix meet on Monday, for the Stafford Showground Wallington. Private allocated
MiX connect @ the Phoenix Spiritual refreshment and running from 22nd - 27th July. parking. 10mins walk
4th June after service equipping in their role as It is aimed at anyone who to Hackbridge rail station.
Lunch @ Woodcote leaders wants to move in the ministry Contact details from the
& power of the Holy Spirit and church office
4th June @ 6.30 pm is an event for the whole
Thy Kingdom Come For prayer chain requests, church. The focus will be on
Guildford Cathedral please contact : spending time in Gods Drivers needed
Jean Silvester 8647 5100 presence. On Tuesday mornings, some
10th June @ 4.00 pm
Footsteps @ High View For more information, please members of Rock Cell need a
speak to Jenny Noble or lift to their meeting. If you may
Matthew Tomson. be able to help, please contact
She will pass on any pastoral Our group booking name is Melanie Jeffery or Jean
matters as appropriate Springfield Silvester for more details

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