Mcbul 6100 DTD 15dec16

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WASHINGTON DC 20350-3000

Canc: JAN 2018

MCBUL 6100
C 466
15 DEC 2016


From: Commandant of the Marine Corps

To: Distribution List


Ref: (a) DoD Instruction 1308.3 DoD Physical Fitness and Body Fat Program
Procedures, November 5, 2002
(b) MCO 6100.13 W/CH 2
(c) SECNAVINST 6120.3 W/CH 1
(d) SECNAV M-5210.1
(e) 5 U.S.C 552a
(f) SECNAVINST 5211.5E

Encl: (1) Procedural Guidance for the Execution of the Marine Corps Physical
Fitness Test and Combat Fitness Test

1. Situation. To provide policy and procedural guidance for implementation

of new standards for the Marine Corps Physical Fitness Test (PFT) and Combat
Fitness Test (CFT), per the references.

2. Mission. This Bulletin establishes procedures and standards for the

effective execution of the PFT and CFT. Commanders will ensure all Marines
comply with the requirements and standards contained in this Bulletin.
Policy and procedural guidance is contained in enclosure (1).

3. Execution

a. Commanders Intent and Concept of Operations

(1) Commanders Intent. Every Marine must be physically fit,

regardless of age, grade, gender, or duty assignment, as per reference (a).
The Marine Corps Physical Fitness Plan (MCPFP) per reference (b) emphasizes
the requirement for all Marines to adopt a healthy lifestyle and a lifelong
commitment to fitness. This combination has a direct and positive impact on
job performance and combat readiness. The PFT and CFT, combined with
military occupational specific physical standards (MSPS) are means to assess
general and occupational fitness of Marines in accordance with references (a)
and (b). All items and guidance not included in this Bulletin, such as the
Marine Corps Physical Fitness Program, remain in effect per reference (b).

(2) Concept of Operations

(a) Commanders shall conduct periodic physical and combat fitness

evaluations in accordance with reference (a) and the instructions contained
in the enclosure.

DISTRIBUTION STATEMENT A: Approved for public release; distribution is

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b. Subordinate Element Missions

(1) Deputy Commandant for Manpower & Reserve Affairs (DC M&RA)

(a) Ensure promotion, retention, assignment, and reporting

policies are consistent with the policies established in this Bulletin.

(b) Provide a capable system to report and record individual

Physical Fitness Test (PFT) and Combat Fitness Test (CFT) performance data in
order to facilitate analysis and modification, as required.

(2) Commanding General, Training & Education Command (TECOM)

(a) Serve as program sponsor and provide subject matter experts

in order to ensure the currency and relevance of the PFT and CFT.

(b) Manage and monitor the PFT and CFT through development,
implementation, and interpretation of standards, policies, and procedures
consistent with the requirements contained in references (a) and (b).

(3) Director, Safety Division

(a) Provide an annual assessment of PFT and CFT related injuries

(Class A-C) to CG, TECOM (C 466) no later than 28 February for the period 1
January through 31 December in order to analyze and make appropriate
adjustments to the PFT and CFT, as required.

(b) Serve as a repository for PFT and CFT related injuries (Class
A-C) via Web Enabled Safety System (WESS).

(4) Inspector General of the Marine Corps (IG)

(a) Review implementation, execution, and management of the PFT

and CFT during command inspections.

(b) Provide an annual assessment of PFT and CFT execution via IG

inspection results to the Commandant of the Marine Corps no later 31 January
for the period 1 January through 31 December.

5. Administration and Logistics

a. Submit all recommendations concerning this Bulletin to CG, TECOM via

Marine Air Ground Task Force Training and Education Standards Division.

b. Records Management. Records created as a result of this Bulletin

shall be managed according to National Archives and Records Administration
(NARA) approved dispositions per reference (d) to ensure proper maintenance,
use, accessibility and preservation, regardless of format or medium.

c. Privacy Act. Any misuse or unauthorized disclosure of personally

identifiable information (PII) may result in both civil and criminal
penalties. The Department of the Navy (DON) recognizes that the privacy of
an individual is a personal and fundamental right that shall be respected and
protected. The DON's need to collect, use, maintain, or disseminate PII
about individuals for purposes of discharging its statutory responsibilities
will be balanced against the individuals' right to be protected against
unwarranted invasion of privacy. All collection, use, maintenance, or

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dissemination of PII will be in accordance with the Privacy Act of 1974, as

amended (reference (e)) and implemented per reference (f).

d. Forms Management. Navy Forms Online (NFOL) is the official online

resource for Marine Corps forms. Marine Corps forms identified in this
Bulletin may be retrieved from:

e. PFT and CFT Videos. Instructional videos on PFT and CFT

administration can be found at:

6. Command and Signal

a. Command. This Bulletin is applicable to the Marine Corps Total


b. Signal. This Bulletin is effective the date signed.

Deputy Commandant for
Combat Development and Integration


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15 DEC 2016



Chapter 1 PHYSICAL FITNESS TEST...........................1-1

1. Purpose.........................................1-1
2. Requirement.....................................1-1
3. Sequence........................................1-2
4. Procedures......................................1-2
5. Events..........................................1-3
6. Performance.....................................1-8
7. Classification..................................1-8
8. Score...........................................1-8
9. Altitude Considerations.........................1-8

Figure 1-1 Main Menu Page for Concept 2 Monitor..........1-7

Figure 1-2 Select Workout Page for Concept 2 Monitor.....1-7
Figure 1-3 Standard List Page for Concept 2 Monitor......1-7
Figure 1-4 5000m Test Page for Concept 2 Monitor.........1-7
Table 1-1 PFT Classification Scores.......................1-8
Table 1-2 PFT Pull-up/Push-up Hybrid Test Scoring Tables..1-9
Table 1-3 PFT Abdominal Crunches Scoring Tables...........1-11
Table 1-4 PFT 3 Mile Run Scoring Tables...................1-13
Table 1-5 PFT 3 Mile Run Altitude Compensation Tables.....1-16
Table 1-6 5 Kilometer Row Scoring Tables..................1-18
Table 1-7 5 Kilometer Row Scoring Tables at Altitude......1-21

Chapter 2 COMBAT FITNESS TEST.............................2-1

1. Purpose.........................................2-1
2. Requirement.....................................2-1
3. Sequence........................................2-2
4. Procedures......................................2-2
5. Events..........................................2-3
6. Performance.....................................2-9
7. Classification..................................2-10
8. Score...........................................2-10
9. Altitude Considerations.........................2-10

Figure 2-1 Maneuver Under Fire Layout......................2-6

Figure 2-2 Maneuver Under Fire Lane Marking................2-7
Table 2-1 CFT Minimum Performance Requirements............2-10
Table 2-2 CFT Classifications Table.......................2-10
Table 2-3 Movement to Contact Scoring Tables..............2-11
Table 2-4 Ammo Can Lift Scoring Tables....................2-15
Table 2-5 Maneuver Under Fire Scoring Tables..............2-18
Table 2-6 Movement to Contact at Altitude Scoring Tables..2-24
Table 2-7 Maneuver Under Fire at Altitude Scoring Tables..2-28

i Enclosure (1)
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Chapter 1

Physical Fitness Test

1. Purpose. The PFT is a collective measure of general fitness Marine

Corps-wide. The PFT was specifically designed to test the strength and
stamina of the upper body, midsection, and lower body, as well as efficiency
of the cardiovascular and respiratory systems.

2. Requirement

a. Active Component. The PFT is a scored, calendar year annual

requirement for all active duty Marines, regardless of age, gender, grade, or
duty assignment. It is required to be conducted in between 1 January and 30
June of each year.

b. Reserve Component. The PFT is a scored, calendar year annual

requirement for all Selected Marine Corps Reserve (SMCR) and Individual
Mobilization Augmentee (IMA) Marines, regardless of age, gender, grade, or
duty assignment. PFT scores will remain valid for two years for promotional
purposes should operational constraints prevent annual testing. It is
required to be conducted between 1 January and 30 June of each year.

c. Activated Reservists. Activated Reserve Marines, to include Active

Reserve (AR), mobilized or those performing Active Duty Operational Support
(ADOS) will comply with the active component annual PFT requirement.
Exceptions and waivers will be administered in accordance with this Bulletin.

d. End of Active Service (EAS)/Retirement. Marines are required to

complete a PFT during the annual period preceding their EAS or retirement
date, unless otherwise directed. The terminal leave date will not be
utilized to determine PFT requirements.

e. EAS/Retirement Final Physical Examination. Completion of the

required final physical examination, regardless of when completed, does not
exempt a Marine from performing a PFT. A Marine, who elects to complete
their final physical examination 7-12 months prior to EAS or retirement, is
still required to perform the annual PFT for that period. This policy is
also applicable to the reserve component annual requirement. For example, a
Marine who completes their final physical examination in March, but does not
EAS or retire until October, is still required to perform the semi-annual PFT
for the January-June timeframe.

f. Post-Light/Limited Duty

(1) Marines who did not take a PFT/partial PFT (PPFT) for the annual
requirement due to physical/medical reasons, will be administered a PFT no
less than 30 days and no more than 90 days after return to full duty.
Commanders/officers in charge (OIC) should be attentive that Marines
returning to full duty status following an extended limited duty period will
require a progressive training routine in returning to pre-injury/disease
fitness levels. If the grace period crosses over into the next semi-annual
period, the Marine must take the test that was missed. While not medically
qualified (NMED) will be utilized to categorize the test during the period
for which the Marine was unable to take a PFT, the make-up test must be
passed or adverse administration actions will result as in a PFT failure in
normal circumstances. If the Marine Corps Training Information Management

1-1 Enclosure (1)

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System (MCTIMS) will not allow score entry, a local record of PFT score will
be kept by the command for inspection purposes.

(2) Pregnant and Postpartum Marines. Marines who are confirmed

pregnant by a health care professional are exempt from taking the PFT. After
delivery, Marines will participate in an exercise program, as soon as
medically authorized, to prepare for the PFT. No earlier than six months
after being returned to full duty by the health care provider (HCP), the
Marine has to be prepared to take the PFT. Additional time may be
recommended by HCP and granted, if necessary, due to unique medical

3. Sequence. The PFT consists of three events. Marines will choose to

perform either dead-hang pull-ups or push-ups, abdominal crunches, and a
three mile run. Marines aged 46 years of age and older have the option of
rowing five kilometers (5km) as an alternative event for the three mile run.
The sequence of PFT events is at the discretion of the unit commanding
officer/OIC. However, all PFT events will be conducted in a single session,
not to exceed two hours in duration. Transition between events should afford
Marines adequate time to recover, stretch, hydrate, and prepare for the next
event. The command will not impose restrictions on the performance of any
event other than those specifically stated in this Bulletin. For example, a
command will not mandate that Marines must use the overhand grip when
executing pull-ups.

4. Procedures

a. Safety. Risk Management (RM) will be utilized in order to ensure PFT

participants are not exposed to unnecessary risk. Commanders/OICs will
ensure personnel have a current Periodic Health Assessment (PHA) prior to
participating in command PFP activities to include physical fitness testing
and combat fitness testing in accordance with reference (c).

b. Supervision. The force fitness instructor (FFI) or command physical

training representative (CPTR) will monitor the PFT and maintain the NAVMC
11622, PFT/CFT Performance Worksheet. Marines will be kept advised of
their progress as they are performing each event by the FFI or CPTR.
Commanders/OICs are responsible for the proper administration of the PFT.

c. Monitor Certification. Monitor certification must be completed via

MarineNet through the TSD0PCFT01, PFT/CFT Monitor Certification, course
before Marines are certified as monitors. Both FFIs and CPTRs must
complete this certification course to be able to serve as monitors.

d. Uniform. The only authorized uniform for the PFT is the Marine Corps
approved green-on-green T-shirt, shorts, socks, and running shoes. The
green-on-green sweat suit or running suit with watch cap and gloves may be
worn, as required. However, the running suit is not to be used in
conjunction with the sweat suit in any combination.

e. Equipment. A timepiece (digital or stopwatch) that accurately

measures time to the second is required for push-ups, abdominal crunch, and
three mile run. A Concept 2 brand ergometer is required for Marines age 46
years and older that select the 5km rowing event as an alternative aerobic

1-2 Enclosure (1)

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f. Performance. PFT monitors are responsible for completing the NAVMC

11622. Monitors will ensure PFT performance data is calculated in accordance
with Tables 1-3 through 1-7 of this Bulletin. Only a command approved,
FFI/CPTR monitored PFT/PPFT satisfies the annual requirement. Only a command
approved, FFI/CPTR monitored PFT/PPFT will be recorded as an entry in MCTFS,
Marine On Line (MOL), or as an item 8b of Section A entry on NAVMC 10835,
USMC Fitness Report. Marines are allowed to take multiple PFT/PPFTs in an
attempt to improve their score. However, a failure in any of the PFT/PPFTs
taken during the testing period will render a fitness report adverse, have
proficiency mark implications, and result in other administrative
consequences. Other PFTs/PPFTs taken during the testing period, even if
passed, do not replace the PFT/PPFT that was failed. PFTs/PPFTs taken in
conjunction with the Remedial Conditioning Program (RCP) do not satisfy
annual requirements and will not be used for MCTFS/Performance Evaluation
reporting purposes.

5. Events

a. Hybrid Push-up/ Pull-up test

(1) This event gives Marines the option to do either push-ups or

pull-ups. All Marines should be encouraged to do pull-ups as this is a
better field test of dynamic upper body strength. Additionally, maximum
points on the hybrid push-up/pull-up test can only be earned by doing pull-

(2) Prior to the hybrid pull-up/push-up test Marines will indicate to

the FFI or CPTR if they will attempt push-ups or pull-ups.

(3) Marines must score at least the minimum points on the event
selected to pass this test. If unable to meet at least the minimum points,
this constitutes a failure of this event and of the PFT.

(4) Only push-ups or pull-ups will be conducted on this test. Push-

up and pull-up scores cannot be combined for a total score on this event.

b. Pull-up

(1) This is not a timed event and can be conducted either indoors or

(2) Diameter of the bar may range between 1 and 1 3/4 inches. The
use of athletic tape on the bar is authorized.

(3) The bar must be high enough to allow the tallest Marines legs to
hang straight without touching the ground, when arms are fully extended.

(4) Sweatshirts/running suit top or long sleeve shirt must be removed

during the conduct of the pull-up event in order to observe the lockout of
the elbows with each repetition.

(5) The preparatory command is Ready and the execute command is


(6) Assistance to the bar with a step up, being lifted up, or jumping
up is authorized. Assistance up to the bar will not be used as momentum into
the first pull-up.

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(7) The bar must be grasped with both palms facing either forward or
to the rear.

(8) The correct starting position begins when arms are fully extended
beneath the bar, feet are free from touching the ground or any bar mounting
assist, and the body is motionless.

(9) Legs may be positioned in a straight or bent position, but knees

may not be raised above the waist.

(10) One repetition consists of raising the body with the arms until
the chin is above the bar and then lowering the body until the arms are fully
extended; repeat as many repetitions as possible. At no time during the
execution of this event can a Marine rest the chin on the bar.

(11) The intent is to execute a vertical dead hang pull-up. A

certain amount of inherent body movement will occur as the pull-up is
executed. However, the intent is to avoid a pendulum-like motion that
enhances the ability to execute the pull-up. Whipping, kicking, or kipping
of the body or legs, or any leg movement used to assist in the vertical
progression of the pull-up is not authorized. If observed, the repetition
does not count for score.

(12) A repetition will be counted when a correct and complete pull-up

is performed.

(13) The goal of this event is for Marines to execute as many correct
and complete pull-ups before dropping off the bar.

c. Push-ups

(1) This is a two minute timed event and can be conducted either
indoors or outdoors.

(2) Sweatshirts will be removed during the conduct of the push-up

event to observe full extension of the arms and upper arms (above the elbow)
parallel to the deck.

(3) The preparatory command is Ready and the execute command is


(4) On the command Ready the Marine will assume the front-leaning
rest position by placing the hands in a comfortable position on the deck.
The feet may be together or 12 inches apart (measured between the feet) but
may not be crossed. When viewed from the side, the body should form a
generally straight line from the shoulders to the ankles.

(5) On the command Begin, begin the push-up by bending the elbows
and lowering the entire body as a single unit until the upper arms are at
least parallel to the deck. Then, return to the starting position by raising
the entire body until the arms are fully extended.

(6) The body must remain rigid in a generally straight line and move
as a unit while performing each repetition.

(7) At the end of each repetition, the scorer will state the number
of repetitions completed correctly. If the Marine fails to keep the body

1-4 Enclosure (1)

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generally straight, to lower the whole body until the upper arms are at least
parallel to the deck, or to extend the arms completely, that repetition will
not count, and the scorer will repeat the number of the last correctly
performed repetition.

(8) If the Marine fails to perform the first 10 push-ups correctly,

the scorer will tell the Marine to go to the knees and will explain the
deficiencies. The Marine will then be sent to the end of the line to be

(9) After the first 10 push-ups have been performed and counted, no
restarts are allowed. The test will continue, and any incorrectly performed
push-ups will not be counted.

(10) An altered, front-leaning rest position is the only authorized

rest position. That is, the Marine may sag in the middle or flex the back.
When flexing the back, the knees may be bent, but not to such an extent that
the Marine is supporting most of the body weight with the legs. If this
occurs, the Marines performance will be terminated. The Marine must return
to, and pause in the correct starting position before continuing.

(11) If the Marine rests on the ground or raises either hand or foot
from the ground, the performance will be terminated. The Marine may
reposition the hands and/or feet during the event as long as they remain in
contact with the deck at all times.

d. Abdominal Crunch

(1) This is a timed event with a two minute time limit and can be
conducted either indoors or outdoors.

(2) The preparatory command is Ready and the execute command is


(3) On a flat surface, Marines will lie flat on their back with
shoulder blades touching the deck, knees bent, and both feet flat on the

(4) Arms will be folded across the chest or rib cage with no gap
between the arms and chest/rib cage. The hands must be clasped on the upper
arm between the elbow and shoulder. Both arms must remain in constant
contact with chest/rib cage throughout the exercise. A single repetition
consists of raising the upper body from the starting position with shoulder
blades touching the deck until both forearms or elbows simultaneously touch
the thighs, and then return to the starting position with the shoulder blades
touching the deck.

(5) The buttocks will remain in constant contact with the deck
throughout the event. No arching of the lower back or lifting of the
buttocks is permitted.

(6) An assistant may be used to hold a Marine's legs or feet, at or

below the knees in whatever manner that is most comfortable for the Marine.
Kneeling or sitting on the Marines feet is permitted.

1-5 Enclosure (1)

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(7) A repetition will be counted when a correct and complete

abdominal crunch is performed. The FFIs or CPTRs will ensure proper
repetition counting is conducted.

(8) The goal of this event is for Marines to execute as many correct
and complete crunches within the two minute time limit.

e. Three Mile Run

(1) This is a timed event and can be conducted either indoors or

outdoors. Running this event on a treadmill is not authorized.
(2) The run course will be three miles exactly (no variation
authorized) and must be measured for accuracy and set over reasonably level

(3) The preparatory command is Ready and the execute command is


(4) The course should be an out and back or a wide loop course.
The run course should not include numerous sharp turns that would force a
participant to slow down excessively to remain on the course. A
determination as to whether the track is a yard or meter track must be made
and the track measured to ensure accurate distance prior to conducting the
PFT. Run courses should not require a Marine to do more than 12 laps to
cover three miles, (e.g., a course should not be shorter than 440-yards per

(5) The goal of this event is for Marines to complete the measured
course as quickly as possible.

f. Rowing

(1) Marines 46 years of age and older have the option to select
rowing as an alternative aerobic event to the three mile run. This event
must be taken on a Concept 2 (C2) brand rowing ergometer with a Performance
Monitor 3 (PM3) or later performance monitor. No other ergometers are

(2) The event is a timed 5km row conducted in the following manner:

(a) The Marine rowing will take a seated position on the rower
ready to begin.

(b) From the main menu of the performance monitor the FFI/CPTR
will press the "Select Workout" button (Figure 1-1).

(c) The FFI/CPTR will press the "Standard List" button and then
select "5000m" (Figure 1-2) which will bring the screen to the 5000m event
page. The FFI/CPTR will then select 5000m (Figure 1-3). A 5km event will
not be completed on any other screen.

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Figure 1-1.--Main Menu Page. Figure 1-2.--Select Workout Page.

Press Select Workout Press Standard List

Figure 1-3.--Standard List Page. Figure 1-4.--5000m Test Page.

Press 5,000m 5,000m Start Screen

(c) The event begins when the FII/CPTR gives the command Begin.
Time starts automatically on the rowing monitor display when the Marine
starts rowing. The rowing distance display counts down from 5000m to 0.
The test ends when the Marine reaches zero meters, or stops rowing for a
period long enough that the monitor turns off. The rowing time will be
rounded up or down to the nearest whole second (e.g., 22 minutes, 8.6 seconds
will be recorded as 22 minutes, 9 seconds. 22 mins, 8.5 seconds will be
recorded as 22 minutes, 8 seconds).

(3) The 5km event takes place at the level or damper setting on the
flywheel selected by the Marine. Once the Marine begins event by pulling on
the handle, he or she should remain in constant and continuous motion until
the 5km test is complete. If the Marine stops his or her motion rowing

1-7 Enclosure (1)

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during the event for such duration that the screen turns off, the event is

6. Performance. The minimum performance requirement for Marines to pass the

PFT is to achieve a third class score, by age group. Marines must complete
the minimum performance requirements in each event and achieve an overall
combined score of 120 points to achieve a passing score.

7. Classification. Failure to meet the minimum requirement in any one event

constitutes a failure of the test regardless of the total number of points
earned. Table 1-1 shows the classification scores required, for all age
groups. Marines should be encouraged to continually strive to perform their
best and not merely accept minimum performance.

Table 1-1.--PFT Classification Scores.

1st 235 to 300
2d 200 to 234
3d 120 to 199

8. Score. The official Marine Corps PFT calculator is found at (MOL): The 17-20 year old age group
will be used to score all recruits on PFT performance, regardless of age.
Age groups specific to an individual's age will be used to score officer
candidates, Basic and Warrant Officer Course students, and Midshipmen from
the Naval Academy and Naval Reserve Officer Training Corps on PFT
performance. Tables 1-2 through 1-7 will be used for scoring PFT events.

9. Altitude Considerations. Units administering the PFT at altitudes of

4,500 feet or more above sea level will utilize Table 1-5 for adjusted run
times or Table 1-7 for adjusted rowing times. Commanders are directed to
provide Marines a 30-day acclimatization period prior to conducting a PFT at
altitude. Marines scheduled to report to commands at altitude in June or
December will complete their PFTs prior to detaching.

1-8 Enclosure (1)

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Table 1-2.--Pull-up/Push-up Hybrid Test Scoring Tables.

Male Pull-Ups Female Pull-Ups

17-20 21-25 26-30 31-35 36-40 41-45 46-50 51+ 17-20 21-25 26-30 31-35 36-40 41-45 46-50 51+
Max 20 23 23 23 21 20 19 18 Max 7 9 10 9 8 6 4 3
Min 4 5 5 5 5 5 4 3 Min 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1
Min Pts 40 40 40 40 40 40 40 40 Min Pts 60 60 60 60 60 60 60 60
Male Pull-Ups Female Pull-Ups
Reps 17-20 21-25 26-30 31-35 36-40 41-45 46-50 51+ Reps 17-20 21-25 26-30 31-35 36-40 41-45 46-50 51+
23 100 100 100 10 100
22 97 97 97 9 100 96 100
21 93 93 93 100 8 95 91 95 100
20 100 90 90 90 96 100 7 100 90 87 90 94
19 96 87 87 87 93 96 100 6 93 85 82 85 89 100
18 93 83 83 83 89 92 96 100 5 87 80 78 80 83 92
17 89 80 80 80 85 88 92 96 4 80 75 73 75 77 84 100
16 85 77 77 77 81 84 88 92 3 73 70 69 70 71 76 87 100
15 81 73 73 73 78 80 84 88 2 67 65 64 65 66 68 73 80
14 78 70 70 70 74 76 80 84 1 60 60 60 60 60 60 60 60
13 74 67 67 67 70 72 76 80
12 70 63 63 63 66 68 72 76
11 66 60 60 60 63 64 68 72
10 63 57 57 57 59 60 64 68
9 59 53 53 53 55 56 60 64
8 55 50 50 50 51 52 56 60
7 51 47 47 47 48 48 52 56
6 48 43 43 43 44 44 48 52
5 44 40 40 40 40 40 44 48
4 40 40 44
3 40

Male Push-Ups Female Push-Ups

17-20 21-25 26-30 31-35 36-40 41-45 46-50 51+ 17-20 21-25 26-30 31-35 36-40 41-45 46-50 51+
Max 82 87 84 80 76 72 68 64 Max 42 48 50 46 43 41 40 38
Min 42 40 39 36 34 30 25 20 Min 19 18 18 16 14 12 11 10
Min Pts 40 40 40 40 40 40 40 40 Min Pts 40 40 40 40 40 40 40 40
Max Pts 70 70 70 70 70 70 70 70 Max Pts 70 70 70 70 70 70 70 70
Male Push-Ups Female Push-Ups
Reps 17-20 21-25 26-30 31-35 36-40 41-45 46-50 51+ Reps 17-20 21-25 26-30 31-35 36-40 41-45 46-50 51+
87 70 50 70
86 69 49 69
85 69 48 70 68
84 68 70 47 69 67
83 67 69 46 68 66 70
82 70 67 69 45 67 65 69
81 69 66 68 44 66 64 68
80 69 66 67 70 43 65 63 67 70
79 68 65 67 69 42 70 64 63 66 69
78 67 64 66 69 41 69 63 62 65 68 70
77 66 64 65 68 40 67 62 61 64 67 69 70
76 66 63 65 67 70 39 66 61 60 63 66 68 69
75 65 62 64 67 69 38 65 60 59 62 65 67 68 70
74 64 62 63 66 69 37 63 59 58 61 64 66 67 69
73 63 61 63 65 68 36 62 58 57 60 63 65 66 68
72 63 60 62 65 67 70 35 61 57 56 59 62 64 65 67
71 62 60 61 64 66 69 34 60 56 55 58 61 63 64 66
70 61 59 61 63 66 69 33 58 55 54 57 60 62 63 65
69 60 59 60 63 65 68 32 57 54 53 56 59 61 62 64
68 60 58 59 62 64 67 70 31 56 53 52 55 58 60 61 63
67 59 57 59 61 64 66 69 30 54 52 51 54 57 59 60 61

1-9 Enclosure (1)

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Table 1-2.--Pull-up/Push-up Hybrid Test Scoring Tables (cont.)

Male Push-Ups Female Push-Ups

17-20 21-25 26-30 31-35 36-40 41-45 46-50 51+ 17-20 21-25 26-30 31-35 36-40 41-45 46-50 51+
Max 82 87 84 80 76 72 68 64 Max 42 48 50 46 43 41 40 38
Min 42 40 39 36 34 30 25 20 Min 19 18 18 16 14 12 11 10
Min Pts 40 40 40 40 40 40 40 40 Min Pts 40 40 40 40 40 40 40 40
Max Pts 70 70 70 70 70 70 70 70 Max Pts 70 70 70 70 70 70 70 70
66 58 57 58 60 63 66 69 29 53 51 50 53 56 58 59 60
65 57 56 57 60 62 65 68 28 52 50 49 52 54 57 58 59
64 57 55 57 59 61 64 67 70 27 50 49 48 51 53 56 57 58
63 56 55 56 58 61 64 67 69 26 49 48 48 50 52 54 56 57
62 55 54 55 58 60 63 66 69 25 48 47 47 49 51 53 54 56
61 54 53 55 57 59 62 65 68 24 47 46 46 48 50 52 53 55
60 54 53 54 56 59 61 64 67 23 45 45 45 47 49 51 52 54
59 53 52 53 56 58 61 64 67 22 44 44 44 46 48 50 51 53
58 52 51 53 55 57 60 63 66 21 43 43 43 45 47 49 50 52
57 51 51 52 54 56 59 62 65 20 41 42 42 44 46 48 49 51
56 51 50 51 54 56 59 62 65 19 40 41 41 43 45 47 48 50
55 50 50 51 53 55 58 61 64 18 40 40 42 44 46 47 49
54 49 49 50 52 54 57 60 63 17 41 43 45 46 48
53 48 48 49 52 54 56 60 63 16 40 42 44 45 46
52 48 48 49 51 53 56 59 62 15 41 43 44 45
51 47 47 48 50 52 55 58 61 14 40 42 43 44
50 46 46 47 50 51 54 57 60 13 41 42 43
49 45 46 47 49 51 54 57 60 12 40 41 42
48 45 45 46 48 50 53 56 59 11 40 41
47 44 44 45 48 49 52 55 58 10 40
46 43 44 45 47 49 51 55 58
45 42 43 44 46 48 51 54 57
44 42 43 43 45 47 50 53 56
43 41 42 43 45 46 49 53 56
42 40 41 42 44 46 49 52 55
41 41 41 43 45 48 51 54
40 40 41 43 44 47 50 54
39 40 42 44 46 50 53
38 41 43 46 49 52
37 41 42 45 48 52
36 40 41 44 48 51
35 41 44 47 50
34 40 43 46 50
33 42 46 49
32 41 45 48
31 41 44 48
30 40 43 47
29 43 46
28 42 45
27 41 45
26 41 44
25 40 43
24 43
23 42
22 41
21 41
20 40

1-10 Enclosure (1)

MCBul 6100
15 DEC 2016

Table 1-3.--PFT Abdominal Crunches Scoring Tables.

Male Crunches Female Crunches

17-20 21-25 26-30 31-35 36-40 41-45 46-50 51+ 17-20 21-25 26-30 31-35 36-40 41-45 46-50 51+
Max 105 110 115 115 110 105 100 100 Max 100 105 110 105 105 100 100 100
Min 70 70 70 70 70 65 50 40 Min 50 55 60 60 60 55 50 40
Min Pts 40 40 40 40 40 40 40 40 Min Pts 40 40 40 40 40 40 40 40
Male Crunches Female Crunches
Reps 17-20 21-25 26-30 31-35 36-40 41-45 46-50 51+ Reps 17-20 21-25 26-30 31-35 36-40 41-45 46-50 51+
115 100 100 110 100
114 99 99 109 99
113 97 97 108 98
112 96 96 107 96
111 95 95 106 95
110 100 93 93 100 105 100 94 100 100
109 99 92 92 99 104 99 93 99 99
108 97 91 91 97 103 98 92 97 97
107 96 89 89 96 102 96 90 96 96
106 94 88 88 94 101 95 89 95 95
105 100 93 87 87 93 100 100 100 94 88 93 93 100 100 100
104 98 91 85 85 91 99 99 99 93 87 92 92 99 99 99
103 97 90 84 84 90 97 98 98 92 86 91 91 97 98 98
102 95 88 83 83 88 96 97 96 90 84 89 89 96 96 97
101 93 87 81 81 87 94 96 95 89 83 88 88 95 95 96
100 91 85 80 80 85 93 100 100 95 94 88 82 87 87 93 94 95
99 90 84 79 79 84 91 99 99 94 93 87 81 85 85 92 93 94
98 88 82 77 77 82 90 98 98 93 92 86 80 84 84 91 92 93
97 86 81 76 76 81 88 96 97 92 90 84 78 83 83 89 90 92
96 85 79 75 75 79 87 95 96 91 89 83 77 81 81 88 89 91
95 83 78 73 73 78 85 94 95 90 88 82 76 80 80 87 88 90
94 81 76 72 72 76 84 93 94 89 87 81 75 79 79 85 87 89
93 79 75 71 71 75 82 92 93 88 86 80 74 77 77 84 86 88
92 78 73 69 69 73 81 90 92 87 84 78 72 76 76 83 84 87
91 76 72 68 68 72 79 89 91 86 83 77 71 75 75 81 83 86
90 74 70 67 67 70 78 88 90 85 82 76 70 73 73 80 82 85
89 73 69 65 65 69 76 87 89 84 81 75 69 72 72 79 81 84
88 71 67 64 64 67 75 86 88 83 80 74 68 71 71 77 80 83
87 69 66 63 63 66 73 84 87 82 78 72 66 69 69 76 78 82
86 67 64 61 61 64 72 83 86 81 77 71 65 68 68 75 77 81
85 66 63 60 60 63 70 82 85 80 76 70 64 67 67 73 76 80
84 64 61 59 59 61 69 81 84 79 75 69 63 65 65 72 75 79
83 62 60 57 57 60 67 80 83 78 74 68 62 64 64 71 74 78
82 61 58 56 56 58 66 78 82 77 72 66 60 63 63 69 72 77
81 59 57 55 55 57 64 77 81 76 71 65 59 61 61 68 71 76
80 57 55 53 53 55 63 76 80 75 70 64 58 60 60 67 70 75

1-11 Enclosure (1)

MCBul 6100
15 DEC 2016

Table 1-3.--PFT Abdominal Crunches Scoring Tables (cont.)

Male Crunches Female Crunches

17-20 21-25 26-30 31-35 36-40 41-45 46-50 51+ 17-20 21-25 26-30 31-35 36-40 41-45 46-50 51+
Max 105 110 115 115 110 105 100 100 Max 100 105 110 105 105 100 100 100
Min 70 70 70 70 70 65 50 40 Min 50 55 60 60 60 55 50 40
Min Pts 40 40 40 40 40 40 40 40 Min Pts 40 40 40 40 40 40 40 40
79 55 54 52 52 54 61 75 79 74 69 63 57 59 59 65 69 74
78 54 52 51 51 52 60 74 78 73 68 62 56 57 57 64 68 73
77 52 51 49 49 51 58 72 77 72 66 60 54 56 56 63 66 72
76 50 49 48 48 49 57 71 76 71 65 59 53 55 55 61 65 71
75 49 48 47 47 48 55 70 75 70 64 58 52 53 53 60 64 70
74 47 46 45 45 46 54 69 74 69 63 57 51 52 52 59 63 69
73 45 45 44 44 45 52 68 73 68 62 56 50 51 51 57 62 68
72 43 43 43 43 43 51 66 72 67 60 54 48 49 49 56 60 67
71 42 42 41 41 42 49 65 71 66 59 53 47 48 48 55 59 66
70 40 40 40 40 40 48 64 70 65 58 52 46 47 47 53 58 65
69 46 63 69 64 57 51 45 45 45 52 57 64
68 45 62 68 63 56 50 44 44 44 51 56 63
67 43 60 67 62 54 48 42 43 43 49 54 62
66 42 59 66 61 53 47 41 41 41 48 53 61
65 40 58 65 60 52 46 40 40 40 47 52 60
64 57 64 59 51 45 45 51 59
63 56 63 58 50 44 44 50 58
62 54 62 57 48 42 43 48 57
61 53 61 56 47 41 41 47 56
60 52 60 55 46 40 40 46 55
59 51 59 54 45 45 54
58 50 58 53 44 44 53
57 48 57 52 42 42 52
56 47 56 51 41 41 51
55 46 55 50 40 40 50
54 45 54 49 49
53 44 53 48 48
52 42 52 47 47
51 41 51 46 46
50 40 50 45 45
49 49 44 44
48 48 43 43
47 47 42 42
46 46 41 41
45 45 40 40
44 44
43 43
42 42
41 41
40 40

1-12 Enclosure (1)

MCBul 6100
15 DEC 2016

Table 1-4.--PFT 3 Mile Run Scoring Tables.

Male 3 Mile Run Female 3 Mile Run

17-20 21-25 26-30 31-35 36-40 41-45 46-50 51+ 17-20 21-25 26-30 31-35 36-40 41-45 46-50 51+
Max 18:00 18:00 18:00 18:00 18:00 18:30 19:00 19:30 Max 21:00 21:00 21:00 21:00 21:00 21:30 22:00 22:30
Min 27:40 27:40 28:00 28:20 28:40 29:20 30:00 33:00 Min 30:50 30:50 31:10 31:30 31:50 32:30 33:30 36:00
Min Pts 40 40 40 40 40 40 40 40 Min Pts 40 40 40 40 40 40 40 40
Male 3 Mile Run Female 3 Mile Run
Time 17-20 21-25 26-30 31-35 36-40 41-45 46-50 51+ Time 17-20 21-25 26-30 31-35 36-40 41-45 46-50 51+
18:00 100 100 100 100 100 21:00 100 100 100 100 100
18:10 99 99 99 99 99 21:10 99 99 99 99 99
18:20 98 98 98 98 98 21:20 98 98 98 98 98
18:30 97 97 97 97 97 100 21:30 97 97 97 97 97 100
18:40 96 96 96 96 96 99 21:40 96 96 96 96 96 99
18:50 95 95 95 95 95 98 21:50 95 95 95 95 95 98
19:00 94 94 94 94 94 97 100 22:00 94 94 94 94 94 97 100
19:10 93 93 93 93 93 96 99 22:10 93 93 93 93 94 96 99
19:20 92 92 92 92 93 95 98 22:20 92 92 92 92 93 95 98
19:30 91 91 91 91 92 94 97 100 22:30 91 91 91 91 92 95 97 100
19:40 90 90 90 90 91 94 96 99 22:40 90 90 90 90 91 94 97 99
19:50 89 89 89 89 90 93 95 99 22:50 89 89 89 90 90 93 96 99
20:00 88 88 88 88 89 92 95 98 23:00 88 88 88 89 89 92 95 98
20:10 87 87 87 87 88 91 94 97 23:10 87 87 87 88 88 91 94 97
20:20 86 86 86 86 87 90 93 96 23:20 86 86 86 87 87 90 93 96
20:30 84 84 85 85 86 89 92 96 23:30 85 85 85 86 86 89 92 96
20:40 83 83 84 85 85 88 91 95 23:40 84 84 84 85 85 88 91 95
20:50 82 82 83 84 84 87 90 94 23:50 83 83 83 84 84 87 90 94
21:00 81 81 82 83 83 86 89 93 24:00 82 82 82 83 83 86 90 93
21:10 80 80 81 82 82 85 88 93 24:10 81 81 81 82 82 85 89 93
21:20 79 79 80 81 81 84 87 92 24:20 80 80 80 81 82 85 88 92
21:30 78 78 79 80 80 83 86 91 24:30 79 79 79 80 81 84 87 91
21:40 77 77 78 79 79 82 85 90 24:40 78 78 78 79 80 83 86 90
21:50 76 76 77 78 78 82 85 90 24:50 77 77 77 78 79 82 85 90
22:00 75 75 76 77 78 81 84 89 25:00 76 76 76 77 78 81 84 89
22:10 74 74 75 76 77 80 83 88 25:10 75 75 75 76 77 80 83 88
22:20 73 73 74 75 76 79 82 87 25:20 74 74 74 75 76 79 83 87
22:30 72 72 73 74 75 78 81 87 25:30 73 73 73 74 75 78 82 87
22:40 71 71 72 73 74 77 80 86 25:40 72 72 72 73 74 77 81 86
22:50 70 70 71 72 73 76 79 85 25:50 71 71 71 72 73 76 80 85
23:00 69 69 70 71 72 75 78 84 26:00 69 69 70 71 72 75 79 84
23:10 68 68 69 70 71 74 77 84 26:10 68 68 70 70 71 75 78 84
23:20 67 67 68 69 70 73 76 83 26:20 67 67 69 70 70 74 77 83
23:30 66 66 67 68 69 72 75 82 26:30 66 66 68 69 70 73 77 82
23:40 65 65 66 67 68 71 75 81 26:40 65 65 67 68 69 72 76 81
23:50 64 64 65 66 67 70 74 81 26:50 64 64 66 67 68 71 75 81
24:00 63 63 64 65 66 70 73 80 27:00 63 63 65 66 67 70 74 80
24:10 62 62 63 64 65 69 72 79 27:10 62 62 64 65 66 69 73 79
24:20 61 61 62 63 64 68 71 79 27:20 61 61 63 64 65 68 72 79
24:30 60 60 61 62 63 67 70 78 27:30 60 60 62 63 64 67 71 78
24:40 59 59 60 61 63 66 69 77 27:40 59 59 61 62 63 66 70 77
24:50 58 58 59 60 62 65 68 76 27:50 58 58 60 61 62 65 70 76
25:00 57 57 58 59 61 64 67 76 28:00 57 57 59 60 61 65 69 76

1-13 Enclosure (1)

MCBul 6100
15 DEC 2016

Table 1-4.--PFT 3 Mile Run Scoring Tables (cont.)

Male 3 Mile Run Female 3 Mile Run

17-20 21-25 26-30 31-35 36-40 41-45 46-50 51+ 17-20 21-25 26-30 31-35 36-40 41-45 46-50 51+
Max 18:00 18:00 18:00 18:00 18:00 18:30 19:00 19:30 Max 21:00 21:00 21:00 21:00 21:00 21:30 22:00 22:30
Min 27:40 27:40 28:00 28:20 28:40 29:20 30:00 33:00 Min 30:50 30:50 31:10 31:30 31:50 32:30 33:30 36:00
Min Pts 40 40 40 40 40 40 40 40 Min Pts 40 40 40 40 40 40 40 40
25:10 56 56 57 58 60 63 66 75 28:10 56 56 58 59 60 64 68 75
25:20 54 54 56 57 59 62 65 74 28:20 55 55 57 58 59 63 67 74
25:30 53 53 55 56 58 61 65 73 28:30 54 54 56 57 58 62 66 73
25:40 52 52 54 55 57 60 64 73 28:40 53 53 55 56 58 61 65 73
25:50 51 51 53 55 56 59 63 72 28:50 52 52 54 55 57 60 64 72
26:00 50 50 52 54 55 58 62 71 29:00 51 51 53 54 56 59 63 71
26:10 49 49 51 53 54 58 61 70 29:10 50 50 52 53 55 58 63 70
26:20 48 48 50 52 53 57 60 70 29:20 49 49 51 52 54 57 62 70
26:30 47 47 49 51 52 56 59 69 29:30 48 48 50 51 53 56 61 69
26:40 46 46 48 50 51 55 58 68 29:40 47 47 49 50 52 55 60 68
26:50 45 45 47 49 50 54 57 67 29:50 46 46 48 50 51 55 59 67
27:00 44 44 46 48 49 53 56 67 30:00 45 45 47 49 50 54 58 67
27:10 43 43 45 47 48 52 55 66 30:10 44 44 46 48 49 53 57 66
27:20 42 42 44 46 48 51 55 65 30:20 43 43 45 47 48 52 57 65
27:30 41 41 43 45 47 50 54 64 30:30 42 42 44 46 47 51 56 64
27:40 40 40 42 44 46 49 53 64 30:40 41 41 43 45 46 50 55 64
27:50 41 43 45 48 52 63 30:50 40 40 42 44 46 49 54 63
28:00 40 42 44 47 51 62 31:00 41 43 45 48 53 62
28:10 41 43 46 50 61 31:10 40 42 44 47 52 61
28:20 40 42 46 49 61 31:20 41 43 46 51 61
28:30 41 45 48 60 31:30 40 42 45 50 60
28:40 40 44 47 59 31:40 41 45 50 59
28:50 43 46 59 31:50 40 44 49 59
29:00 42 45 58 32:00 43 48 58
29:10 41 45 57 32:10 42 47 57
29:20 40 44 56 32:20 41 46 56
29:30 43 56 32:30 40 45 56
29:40 42 55 32:40 44 55
29:50 41 54 32:50 43 54
30:00 40 53 33:00 43 53

1-14 Enclosure (1)

MCBul 6100
15 DEC 2016

Table 1-4.--PFT 3 Mile Run Scoring Tables (cont.)

Male 3 Mile Run Female 3 Mile Run

17-20 21-25 26-30 31-35 36-40 41-45 46-50 51+ 17-20 21-25 26-30 31-35 36-40 41-45 46-50 51+
Max 18:00 18:00 18:00 18:00 18:00 18:30 19:00 19:30 Max 21:00 21:00 21:00 21:00 21:00 21:30 22:00 22:30
Min 27:40 27:40 28:00 28:20 28:40 29:20 30:00 33:00 Min 30:50 30:50 31:10 31:30 31:50 32:30 33:30 36:00
Min Pts 40 40 40 40 40 40 40 40 Min Pts 40 40 40 40 40 40 40 40
30:10 53 33:10 42 53
30:20 52 33:20 41 52
30:30 51 33:30 40 51
30:40 50 33:40 50
30:50 50 33:50 50
31:00 49 34:00 49
31:10 48 34:10 48
31:20 47 34:20 47
31:30 47 34:30 47
31:40 46 34:40 46
31:50 45 34:50 45
32:00 44 35:00 44
32:10 44 35:10 44
32:20 43 35:20 43
32:30 42 35:30 42
32:40 41 35:40 41
32:50 41 35:50 41
33:00 40 36:00 40

1-15 Enclosure (1)

MCBul 6100
15 DEC 2016

Table 1-5.--PFT 3 Mile Run Altitude Compensation Tables

(at or above 4,500 feet mean sea level)

Male 3 Mile Run (Altitude) Female 3 Mile Run (Altitude)

17-20 21-25 26-30 31-35 36-40 41-45 46-50 51+ 17-20 21-25 26-30 31-35 36-40 41-45 46-50 51+
Max 19:30 19:30 19:30 19:30 19:30 20:00 20:30 21:00 Max 22:30 22:30 22:30 22:30 22:30 23:00 23:30 24:00
Min 29:10 29:10 29:30 29:50 30:10 30:50 31:30 34:30 Min 32:20 32:20 32:40 33:00 33:20 34:00 35:00 37:30
Min Pts 40 40 40 40 40 40 40 40 Min Pts 40 40 40 40 40 40 40 40
Male 3 Mile Run (Altitude) Female 3 Mile Run (Altitude)
Time 17-20 21-25 26-30 31-35 36-40 41-45 46-50 51+ 17-20 21-25 26-30 31-35 36-40 41-45 46-50 51+
19:30 100 100 100 100 100 22:30 100 100 100 100 100
19:40 99 99 99 99 99 22:40 99 99 99 99 99
19:50 98 98 98 98 98 22:50 98 98 98 98 98
20:00 97 97 97 97 97 100 23:00 97 97 97 97 97 100
20:10 96 96 96 96 96 99 23:10 96 96 96 96 96 99
20:20 95 95 95 95 95 98 23:20 95 95 95 95 95 98
20:30 94 94 94 94 94 97 100 23:30 94 94 94 94 94 97 100
20:40 93 93 93 93 93 96 99 23:40 93 93 93 93 94 96 99
20:50 92 92 92 92 93 95 98 23:50 92 92 92 92 93 95 98
21:00 91 91 91 91 92 94 97 100 24:00 91 91 91 91 92 95 97 100
21:10 90 90 90 90 91 94 96 99 24:10 90 90 90 90 91 94 97 99
21:20 89 89 89 89 90 93 95 99 24:20 89 89 89 90 90 93 96 99
21:30 88 88 88 88 89 92 95 98 24:30 88 88 88 89 89 92 95 98
21:40 87 87 87 87 88 91 94 97 24:40 87 87 87 88 88 91 94 97
21:50 86 86 86 86 87 90 93 96 24:50 86 86 86 87 87 90 93 96
22:00 84 84 85 85 86 89 92 96 25:00 85 85 85 86 86 89 92 96
22:10 83 83 84 85 85 88 91 95 25:10 84 84 84 85 85 88 91 95
22:20 82 82 83 84 84 87 90 94 25:20 83 83 83 84 84 87 90 94
22:30 81 81 82 83 83 86 89 93 25:30 82 82 82 83 83 86 90 93
22:40 80 80 81 82 82 85 88 93 25:40 81 81 81 82 82 85 89 93
22:50 79 79 80 81 81 84 87 92 25:50 80 80 80 81 82 85 88 92
23:00 78 78 79 80 80 83 86 91 26:00 79 79 79 80 81 84 87 91
23:10 77 77 78 79 79 82 85 90 26:10 78 78 78 79 80 83 86 90
23:20 76 76 77 78 78 82 85 90 26:20 77 77 77 78 79 82 85 90
23:30 75 75 76 77 78 81 84 89 26:30 76 76 76 77 78 81 84 89
23:40 74 74 75 76 77 80 83 88 26:40 75 75 75 76 77 80 83 88
23:50 73 73 74 75 76 79 82 87 26:50 74 74 74 75 76 79 83 87
24:00 72 72 73 74 75 78 81 87 27:00 73 73 73 74 75 78 82 87
24:10 71 71 72 73 74 77 80 86 27:10 72 72 72 73 74 77 81 86
24:20 70 70 71 72 73 76 79 85 27:20 71 71 71 72 73 76 80 85
24:30 69 69 70 71 72 75 78 84 27:30 69 69 70 71 72 75 79 84
24:40 68 68 69 70 71 74 77 84 27:40 68 68 70 70 71 75 78 84
24:50 67 67 68 69 70 73 76 83 27:50 67 67 69 70 70 74 77 83
25:00 66 66 67 68 69 72 75 82 28:00 66 66 68 69 70 73 77 82
25:10 65 65 66 67 68 71 75 81 28:10 65 65 67 68 69 72 76 81
25:20 64 64 65 66 67 70 74 81 28:20 64 64 66 67 68 71 75 81
25:30 63 63 64 65 66 70 73 80 28:30 63 63 65 66 67 70 74 80
25:40 62 62 63 64 65 69 72 79 28:40 62 62 64 65 66 69 73 79
25:50 61 61 62 63 64 68 71 79 28:50 61 61 63 64 65 68 72 79
26:00 60 60 61 62 63 67 70 78 29:00 60 60 62 63 64 67 71 78
26:10 59 59 60 61 63 66 69 77 29:10 59 59 61 62 63 66 70 77
26:20 58 58 59 60 62 65 68 76 29:20 58 58 60 61 62 65 70 76
26:30 57 57 58 59 61 64 67 76 29:30 57 57 59 60 61 65 69 76

1-16 Enclosure (1)

MCBul 6100
15 DEC 2016

Table 1-5.--PFT 3 Mile Run Altitude Compensation Tables

(at or above 4,500 feet mean sea level) (cont.)

Male 3 Mile Run (Altitude) Female 3 Mile Run (Altitude)

17-20 21-25 26-30 31-35 36-40 41-45 46-50 51+ 17-20 21-25 26-30 31-35 36-40 41-45 46-50 51+
Max 19:30 19:30 19:30 19:30 19:30 20:00 20:30 21:00 Max 22:30 22:30 22:30 22:30 22:30 23:00 23:30 24:00
Min 29:10 29:10 29:30 29:50 30:10 30:50 31:30 34:30 Min 32:20 32:20 32:40 33:00 33:20 34:00 35:00 37:30
Min Pts 40 40 40 40 40 40 40 40 Min Pts 40 40 40 40 40 40 40 40
26:40 56 56 57 58 60 63 66 75 29:40 56 56 58 59 60 64 68 75
26:50 54 54 56 57 59 62 65 74 29:50 55 55 57 58 59 63 67 74
27:00 53 53 55 56 58 61 65 73 30:00 54 54 56 57 58 62 66 73
27:10 52 52 54 55 57 60 64 73 30:10 53 53 55 56 58 61 65 73
27:20 51 51 53 55 56 59 63 72 30:20 52 52 54 55 57 60 64 72
27:30 50 50 52 54 55 58 62 71 30:30 51 51 53 54 56 59 63 71
27:40 49 49 51 53 54 58 61 70 30:40 50 50 52 53 55 58 63 70
27:50 48 48 50 52 53 57 60 70 30:50 49 49 51 52 54 57 62 70
28:00 47 47 49 51 52 56 59 69 31:00 48 48 50 51 53 56 61 69
28:10 46 46 48 50 51 55 58 68 31:10 47 47 49 50 52 55 60 68
28:20 45 45 47 49 50 54 57 67 31:20 46 46 48 50 51 55 59 67
28:30 44 44 46 48 49 53 56 67 31:30 45 45 47 49 50 54 58 67
28:40 43 43 45 47 48 52 55 66 31:40 44 44 46 48 49 53 57 66
28:50 42 42 44 46 48 51 55 65 31:50 43 43 45 47 48 52 57 65
29:00 41 41 43 45 47 50 54 64 32:00 42 42 44 46 47 51 56 64
29:10 40 40 42 44 46 49 53 64 32:10 41 41 43 45 46 50 55 64
29:20 41 43 45 48 52 63 32:20 40 40 42 44 46 49 54 63
29:30 40 42 44 47 51 62 32:30 41 43 45 48 53 62
29:40 41 43 46 50 61 32:40 40 42 44 47 52 61
29:50 40 42 46 49 61 32:50 41 43 46 51 61
30:00 41 45 48 60 33:00 40 42 45 50 60
30:10 40 44 47 59 33:10 41 45 50 59
30:20 43 46 59 33:20 40 44 49 59
30:30 42 45 58 33:30 43 48 58
30:40 41 45 57 33:40 42 47 57
30:50 40 44 56 33:50 41 46 56
31:00 43 56 34:00 40 45 56
31:10 42 55 34:10 44 55
31:20 41 54 34:20 43 54
31:30 40 53 34:30 43 53
31:40 53 34:40 42 53
31:50 52 34:50 41 52
32:00 51 35:00 40 51
32:10 50 35:10 50
32:20 50 35:20 50
32:30 49 35:30 49
32:40 48 35:40 48
32:50 47 35:50 47
33:00 47 36:00 47
33:10 46 36:10 46
33:20 45 36:20 45
33:30 44 36:30 44
33:40 44 36:40 44
33:50 43 36:50 43
34:00 42 37:00 42
34:10 41 37:10 41
34:20 41 37:20 41
34:30 40 37:30 40

1-17 Enclosure (1)

MCBul 6100
15 DEC 2016

Table 1-6.--5 Kilometer Row Scoring Tables.

Male Rowing Female Rowing

46-50 51+ 46-50 51+
Max 20:40 21:10 Max 23:30 24:00
Min 25:40 27:50 Min 28:30 30:40
Min Pts 40 40 Min Pts 40 40
Male Female
Time 46-50 51+ Time 46-50 51+
20:40 100 23:30 100
20:45 99 23:35 99
20:50 98 23:40 98
20:55 97 23:45 97
21:00 96 23:50 96
21:05 95 23:55 95
21:10 94 100 24:00 94 100
21:15 93 99 24:05 93 99
21:20 92 99 24:10 92 99
21:25 91 98 24:15 91 98
21:30 90 97 24:20 90 97
21:35 89 96 24:25 89 96
21:40 88 96 24:30 88 96
21:45 87 95 24:35 87 95
21:50 86 94 24:40 86 94
21:55 85 93 24:45 85 93
22:00 84 93 24:50 84 93
22:05 83 92 24:55 83 92
22:10 82 91 25:00 82 91
22:15 81 90 25:05 81 90
22:20 80 90 25:10 80 90
22:25 79 89 25:15 79 89
22:30 78 88 25:20 78 88
22:35 77 87 25:25 77 87
22:40 76 87 25:30 76 87
22:45 75 86 25:35 75 86
22:50 74 85 25:40 74 85
22:55 73 84 25:45 73 84
23:00 72 84 25:50 72 84
23:05 71 83 25:55 71 83

1-18 Enclosure (1)

MCBul 6100
15 DEC 2016

Table 1-6.--5 Kilometer Row Scoring Tables (cont.)

Male Rowing Female Rowing

46-50 51+ 46-50 51+
Max 20:40 21:10 Max 23:30 24:00
Min 25:40 27:50 Min 28:30 30:40
Min Pts 40 40 Min Pts 40 40
23:10 70 82 26:00 70 82
23:15 69 81 26:05 69 81
23:20 68 81 26:10 68 81
23:25 67 80 26:15 67 80
23:30 66 79 26:20 66 79
23:35 65 78 26:25 65 78
23:40 64 78 26:30 64 78
23:45 63 77 26:35 63 77
23:50 62 76 26:40 62 76
23:55 61 75 26:45 61 75
24:00 60 75 26:50 60 75
24:05 59 74 26:55 59 74
24:10 58 73 27:00 58 73
24:15 57 72 27:05 57 72
24:20 56 72 27:10 56 72
24:25 55 71 27:15 55 71
24:30 54 70 27:20 54 70
24:35 53 69 27:25 53 69
24:40 52 69 27:30 52 69
24:45 51 68 27:35 51 68
24:50 50 67 27:40 50 67
24:55 49 66 27:45 49 66
25:00 48 66 27:50 48 66
25:05 47 65 27:55 47 65
25:10 46 64 28:00 46 64
25:15 45 63 28:05 45 63
25:20 44 63 28:10 44 63
25:25 43 62 28:15 43 62
25:30 42 61 28:20 42 61
25:35 41 60 28:25 41 60
25:40 40 60 28:30 40 60

1-19 Enclosure (1)

MCBul 6100
15 DEC 2016

Table 1-6.--5 Kilometer Row Scoring Tables(cont.)

Male Rowing Female Rowing

46-50 51+ 46-50 51+
Max 20:40 21:10 Max 23:30 24:00
Min 25:40 27:50 Min 28:30 30:40
Min Pts 40 40 Min Pts 40 40
25:45 59 28:35 59
25:50 58 28:40 58
25:55 57 28:45 57
26:00 57 28:50 57
26:05 56 28:55 56
26:10 55 29:00 55
26:15 54 29:05 54
26:20 54 29:10 54
26:25 53 29:15 53
26:30 52 29:20 52
26:35 51 29:25 51
26:40 51 29:30 51
26:45 50 29:35 50
26:50 49 29:40 49
26:55 48 29:45 48
27:00 48 29:50 48
27:05 47 29:55 47
27:10 46 30:00 46
27:15 45 30:05 45
27:20 45 30:10 45
27:25 44 30:15 44
27:30 43 30:20 43
27:35 42 30:25 42
27:40 42 30:30 42
27:45 41 30:35 41
27:50 40 30:40 40

1-20 Enclosure (1)

MCBul 6100
15 DEC 2016

Table 1-7.--5 Kilometer Row at Altitude Scoring Tables.

Male Rowing Female Rowing

46-50 51+ 46-50 51+
Max 21:20 21:50 Max 24:10 24:40
Min 26:20 28:30 Min 29:10 31:20
Min Pts 40 40 Min Pts 40 40
Male Female
Time 46-50 51+ Time 46-50 51+
21:20 100 24:10 100
21:25 99 24:15 99
21:30 98 24:20 98
21:35 97 24:25 97
21:40 96 24:30 96
21:45 95 24:35 95
21:50 94 100 24:40 94 100
21:55 93 99 24:45 93 99
22:00 92 99 24:50 92 99
22:05 91 98 24:55 91 98
22:10 90 97 25:00 90 97
22:15 89 96 25:05 89 96
22:20 88 96 25:10 88 96
22:25 87 95 25:15 87 95
22:30 86 94 25:20 86 94
22:35 85 93 25:25 85 93
22:40 84 93 25:30 84 93
22:45 83 92 25:35 83 92
22:50 82 91 25:40 82 91
22:55 81 90 25:45 81 90
23:00 80 90 25:50 80 90
23:05 79 89 25:55 79 89
23:10 78 88 26:00 78 88
23:15 77 87 26:05 77 87
23:20 76 87 26:10 76 87
23:25 75 86 26:15 75 86
23:30 74 85 26:20 74 85
23:35 73 84 26:25 73 84
23:40 72 84 26:30 72 84
23:45 71 83 26:35 71 83

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Table 1-7.--5 Kilometer Row at Altitude Scoring Tables (cont.)

Male Rowing Female Rowing

46-50 51+ 46-50 51+
Max 21:20 21:50 Max 24:10 24:40
Min 26:20 28:30 Min 29:10 31:20
Min Pts 40 40 Min Pts 40 40
23:50 70 82 26:40 70 82
23:55 69 81 26:45 69 81
24:00 68 81 26:50 68 81
24:05 67 80 26:55 67 80
24:10 66 79 27:00 66 79
24:15 65 78 27:05 65 78
24:20 64 78 27:10 64 78
24:25 63 77 27:15 63 77
24:30 62 76 27:20 62 76
24:35 61 75 27:25 61 75
24:40 60 75 27:30 60 75
24:45 59 74 27:35 59 74
24:50 58 73 27:40 58 73
24:55 57 72 27:45 57 72
25:00 56 72 27:50 56 72
25:05 55 71 27:55 55 71
25:10 54 70 28:00 54 70
25:15 53 69 28:05 53 69
25:20 52 69 28:10 52 69
25:25 51 68 28:15 51 68
25:30 50 67 28:20 50 67
25:35 49 66 28:25 49 66
25:40 48 66 28:30 48 66
25:45 47 65 28:35 47 65
25:50 46 64 28:40 46 64
25:55 45 63 28:45 45 63
26:00 44 63 28:50 44 63
26:05 43 62 28:55 43 62
26:10 42 61 29:00 42 61
26:15 41 60 29:05 41 60
26:20 40 60 29:10 40 60

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Table 1-7.--5 Kilometer Row at Altitude Scoring Tables (cont.)

Male Rowing Female Rowing

46-50 51+ 46-50 51+
Max 21:20 21:50 Max 24:10 24:40
Min 26:20 28:30 Min 29:10 31:20
Min Pts 40 40 Min Pts 40 40
26:25 59 29:15 59
26:30 58 29:20 58
26:35 57 29:25 57
26:40 57 29:30 57
26:45 56 29:35 56
26:50 55 29:40 55
26:55 54 29:45 54
27:00 54 29:50 54
27:05 53 29:55 53
27:10 52 30:00 52
27:15 51 30:05 51
27:20 51 30:10 51
27:25 50 30:15 50
27:30 49 30:20 49
27:35 48 30:25 48
27:40 48 30:30 48
27:45 47 30:35 47
27:50 46 30:40 46
27:55 45 30:45 45
28:00 45 30:50 45
28:05 44 30:55 44
28:10 43 31:00 43
28:15 42 31:05 42
28:20 42 31:10 42
28:25 41 31:15 41
28:30 40 31:20 40

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Chapter 2

Combat Fitness Test

1. Purpose. The purpose of the CFT is to assess a Marines physical

capacity in a broad spectrum of combat related tasks. The CFT was
specifically designed to evaluate strength, stamina, agility, and
coordination as well as overall anaerobic capacity. The CFT is a complement
to the PFT and measures the functional elements of combat fitness through
execution of a series of events that represent every Marines combat
experience, emphasizing our ethos of every Marine is a rifleman.

2. Requirement

a. Active Component. The CFT is a scored, calendar year annual

requirement for all active duty Marines, regardless of age, gender, grade, or
duty assignment. It is required to be conducted in between 1 July and 31
December of each year.

b. Reserve Component. The CFT is a scored, calendar year annual

requirement for all SMCR/IMA Marines, regardless of age, gender, grade, or
duty assignment. CFT accomplishment will remain valid for two years for
promotional purposes should operational constraints prevent annual testing.
It is required to be conducted in between 1 July and 31 December of each

c. Activated Reservists. Activated reserve Marines, to include AR,

mobilized or those performing ADOS will comply with the active component CFT
requirement. Exceptions and waivers will be administered in accordance with
this Bulletin.

d. End of Active Service (EAS)/Retirement. Marines are required to

complete a CFT during the annual period preceding their EAS or retirement
date, unless otherwise directed. The terminal leave date will not be
utilized to determine CFT requirements.

e. EAS/Retirement Final Physical Examination. Completion of the

required final physical examination, regardless of when completed, does not
exempt a Marine from performing a CFT. A Marine, who elects to complete
their final physical examination 7-12 months prior to EAS or retirement, is
still required to perform the annual CFT for that period. This policy is
also applicable to the reserve component annual requirement.

f. Post-Light/Limited Duty

(1) Marines who did not take a CFT/PCFT for the annual requirement
due to physical/medical reasons, will be administered a CFT no less than 30
days and no more than 90 days after return to full duty. Commanders/OICs
should be attentive that Marines returning to full duty status following an
extended limited duty period will require a progressive training routine in
returning to pre-injury/disease fitness levels. If the grace period crosses
over into the next semi-annual period, the Marine must take the test that was
missed. While NMED will be utilized to categorize the test during the period
for which the Marine was unable to take a CFT, the make-up test must be
passed or adverse administration actions will result as in a CFT failure in
normal circumstances. If MCTIMS will not allow score entry, a local record
of CFT score will be kept by the command for inspection purposes.

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(2) Pregnant and Postpartum Marines. Marines who are confirmed

pregnant by a health care professional are exempt from taking the CFT. After
delivery, Marines will participate in an exercise program, as soon as
medically authorized, to prepare for the CFT. No earlier than six months
after being returned to full duty by the HCP, the Marine has to be prepared
to take the PFT. Additional time may be recommended by HCP and granted, if
necessary, due to unique medical circumstances.

3. Sequence. The CFT consists of three events: Movement to Contact (MTC),

Ammunition Lift (AL) and Maneuver Under Fire (MANUF). No deviation from the
above sequence is authorized. All CFT events will be conducted in a single
session, not to exceed two hours in duration. Transition between events
should afford Marines adequate time to recover, stretch, hydrate and prepare
for the next event. Rest between events will be no less than five minutes.

4. Procedures

a. Safety. RM will be utilized in order to ensure CFT participants are

not exposed to unnecessary risk. Commanders/OICs will ensure personnel have
a current periodic health assessment (PHA) prior to participating in command
PFP activities to include physical fitness testing and combat fitness testing
in accordance with reference (c).

b. Supervision. The FFI or command physical training representative

CPTR will monitor the PFT and maintain the PFT/CFT Performance Worksheet.
Marines will be kept advised of their progress as they are performing each
event by the FFI or CPTR. Commanders/OICs are responsible for the proper
administration of the PFT.

c. Monitor Certification. Monitor certification must be completed via

MarineNet through the TSD0PCFT01 certification course before Marines are
certified as monitors. Both FFIs and CPTRs must complete this
certification course to be able to serve as monitors.

d. Supervision. The FFI or CPTR will monitor the CFT and maintain the
PFT/CFT Performance Worksheet. The FFI or CPTR will ensure proper techniques
are employed during the AL and MANUF and will call out each repetition for
the AL and time-passed (in intervals) for all events. The FFI or CPTR will
be posted at the start/finish point of the MTC course and provide Marines
their split time and finishing time for the MTC. Prior to the start of the
MTC, the FFI will place monitors at various locations to encourage
participants and ensure they remain on the course. During the MTC, the FFI
or CPTR will position the fastest runners towards the front and ensure
participants are not placed too closely together to allow for a safe start.
Because of the relative proximity and speed of runners throughout the MTC,
the FFI or CPTR will ensure the finish area remains clear.

e. Uniform. The only authorized uniform for the CFT is the Marine
pattern (MARPAT) utility uniform and boots. Watch cap, kneepads/elbow pads
and gloves may be worn, as required. For the AL event, Marines will wear a
green short-sleeve t-shirt so that lock out of the elbows can be observed.
The blouse will be worn for the MANUF event. Commanders may authorize
Marines to remove blouses for the running of the MTC event.

f. Equipment. The following equipment is required to conduct the CFT:

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(1) A timepiece (digital or stopwatch) that accurately measures time

to the second.

(2) Calibrated scale.

(3) Engineer tape, chalk or other fielding lining material.

(4) 100 foot measuring tape.

(5) Dummy grenade(s).

(6) M2A1 5.56mm ammunition cans weighing 30 pounds. Contents of can

should not move excessively when lifted. Grip tape will be applied to the
sides of the can to improve grip. Ammunition cans used expressly for the CFT
should be appropriately marked in order to avoid confusion.

(7) Cones, pylons, utility flags, sand bags or other visible markers
in order to mark the MANUF course.

g. Performance. CFT monitors are responsible for completing NAVMC

11622. Monitors will ensure CFT performance data is calculated in accordance
with Tables 2-3 through 2-7 of this Bulletin. Only a command approved,
FFI/CPTR monitored CFT/PCFT satisfies the annual requirement. Only a command
approved, FFI/CPTR monitored CFT/PCFT will be recorded as an entry in MCTFS,
MOL, or as an item 8b of Section A entry on NAVMC 10835, USMC Fitness
Report. Marines are allowed to take multiple CFT/PCFTs in an attempt to
improve their score. However, a failure in any of the CFT/PCFTs taken
during the testing period will render a fitness report adverse, have
proficiency mark implications, and result in other administrative
consequences. Other CFTs/PCFTs taken during the testing period, even if
passed, do not replace the CFT/PCFT that was failed. CFTs/PCFTs taken in
conjunction with the Remedial Conditioning Program (RCP) do not satisfy
annual requirements and will not be used for MCTFS/Performance Evaluation
reporting purposes.

5. Events

a. Movement to Contact (MTC)

(1) This is a timed event that can be conducted either indoors or


(2) The preparatory command is Ready and the execute command is


(3) The run course will be 880 yards and must be measured for
accuracy and set over reasonably level ground. Prior to the conduct of this
event, the FFI or CPTR will ensure the running surface is free from hazards
or debris that can cause injury to MTC participants.

(4) This event can be conducted on a track or measured surface and

should not include numerous sharp turns that would force a participant to
slow down excessively to remain on the course. A wide turnaround point will
be implemented to prevent Marines from having to stop and turnaround, causing
a loss in time on the event.

(5) Running this event on a treadmill is not authorized.

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(6) The goal of this event is for Marines to complete the measured
course as quickly as possible.

b. Ammunition Lift (AL)

(1) This is a timed event with a two minute time limit. This event
can be conducted either indoors or outdoors.

(2) The preparatory command is Ready and the execute command is


(3) The AL is a repetitive lift of a 30-pound ammunition can from

shoulder height to overhead.

(4) Prior to the start of the AL, Marines will be paired up by weight
(within 10 pounds) and by approximate height in order to facilitate efficient
transition to the MANUF.

(5) The partner counting repetitions will be located to the side

(approx. 90 degree angle) of the Marine performing the AL in order to observe
elbow lockout and prevent injury should the participant drop or return the
ammunition can to the deck.

(6) When Marines are conducting the AL within close proximity,

participants will conduct the event facing away from each other.

(7) Starting position for the AL is to hold the ammunition can

sideways at shoulder height with both hands, handle facing away from the
participant. The proper lifting technique is head up, chest elevated and
lumbar curve maintained. Feet will remain shoulder-width apart or staggered
in a basic-warrior stance position.

(8) The ammunition can must be lifted to a point overhead where the
elbows are momentarily locked out. The ammunition can does not have to be
lifted directly overhead. Once lock out is achieved, the ammunition can will
be lowered to a point where the top of the can is at or below chin level.
Once the ammo can is returned to this level, this counts as one repetition.
To reach this level Marines may have to widen the distance between elbows.

(9) The top of the ammunition can when held in the starting position
(handle facing away from the body) is to remain parallel to the deck
throughout the entire movement. This will ensure the ammo lift is an
overhead lifting motion than an angled pressing motion, and to ensure safety.

(10) A repetition will be counted when a correct and complete

overhead lift is performed. The FFIs or CPTRs will ensure proper
repetition counting is conducted.

(11) Marines are encouraged to use their legs to generate upward

momentum of the ammunition can, especially when fatigued. There is no
penalty if Marines choose not to use their legs. Alteration of stance during
the AL is permissible.

(12) Marines are authorized to rest during the AL. The ammunition
can may be held in the starting position or placed on the deck. If placed on
the deck, the ammunition can will be lowered in a controlled movement and not

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thrown or dropped. Once lowered to the deck, no assistance can be provided

when returning the ammunition can to the starting position. Proper technique
will be utilized when returning to the starting position.

(13) The FFI or CPTR will monitor the event ensuring elbows are
locked out and the ammunition can is lowered to a point at or just below the

(14) The goal of this event is to complete as many correct and

complete repetitions as possible in the 2-minute time limit.

c. Maneuver Under Fire (MANUF)

(1) The MANUF is a timed event to be conducted outdoors or an indoor

turf field at least 100 yards in length in accordance with Figure 2-1. The
MANUF course should be constructed on a smooth and level grass surface,
preferably a football or soccer field. Prior to the conduct of this event,
the FFI/CPTR will ensure the running surface is free from hazards or debris
that can cause injury to participants.

(2) The MANUF is a 300 yard shuttle run that includes a variety of
combat-related tasks, to include crawls, buddy drags/carries, ammunition re-
supply, grenade throw, and agility running. See Figures 2-1 and 2-2 for
MANUF layout.

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Grenade target 100

Observer (Can grade two
Casualty in yds
target areas at once.
seated position Field monitor supports.)
w/ back towards
start line Leg 2 Leg 4

Grenade Ammo
Throw Carry
Diagonal Firemans
Run Carry

Modified 50
Field Monitor (follows
(15 yds)
Marine through
course beginning at
High 25 yd line on Leg 1)
(10 yds)
Carry 25

Leg 1 Leg 3
Start Finish

Figure 2-1.--Maneuver Under Fire Layout.

(Diagram not to scale -- All events occur within same lane)

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Lane Marking
(Lane shown is left most lane)
25 yd 50 yd 75 yd
1 Yd 1 Yd 2
5 5 .5
Y Y d
d d s
7 Yds
s s 2.5 Yds

1 Yd 1 Yd 1 Yd 5 Yds 1 Yd 5 Yds

10 Yds 5 Yds 20 Yds

30 lb Ammo Cans
Dummy grenade (Blue Body, empty)
Small cone, pylon, red/yellow utility flag, small sandbag or other visible marker
Figure 2-2.--Maneuver Under Fire Lane Marking.

(3) The number of monitors required is dependent upon the amount of

lanes necessary to facilitate maximum throughput of a single running.

(4) The FFI or CPTR is the primary MANUF monitor. Each lane will
have one field monitor positioned at the 25 yard line. One grenade pit
observer will verify 2 lanes. The rank requirement for MANUF monitors is NCO
or above. Grenade pit observers can be any rank. Monitors may rotate as
necessary and are authorized to participate in the CFT. Mass starts for the
MANUF is not necessary and individual field monitors can start Marines in
their individual lanes upon approval of the FFI or CPTR.

For example, if eight MANUF lanes are established, thirteen

monitors/observers are required: One primary MANUF monitor, eight field
monitors and four grenade pit observers.

(5) Prior to execution, the primary monitor will partner Marines by

weight (within 10 pounds) and approximate height (within six inches) and
assign a lane.

(6) Prior to execution, the primary monitor will ensure partnered

pairs are assigned lanes based upon MTC times (from fastest to slowest).
Marines with the fastest MTC times will execute the MANUF first in order to
ensure a uniform pace that facilitates overall supervision and safety of
participants. The Marine from the partnered pair not executing the MANUF
first will serve as the simulated casualty (SC).

(7) Prior to execution, the primary monitor will direct designated

SCs to proceed to the 75 yard line; sit up facing away with legs straight;
one yard inboard from the right lateral limit of the assigned lane.

(8) Prior to execution, a dummy grenade will be placed on the deck in

the center of each lane at the 75 yard line.

(9) Prior to execution, the primary monitor will ensure MANUF

participants confirm their lane and SC location.

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(10) Marines will start the MANUF while lying in the prone; chest on
the ground; one yard inboard from the right lateral limit of the designated
lane; on line with the SC located at the 75 yard line. Staggering placement
of the legs is permitted.

(11) The preparatory command is Ready and the execute command is

Go. On the command Go Marines will rise and sprint to the 25 yard line.

(12) Upon reaching the 25 yard line, Marines will decelerate and
execute a forward facing clockwise turn (J hook) around the marker placed
one yard inboard from the right lateral limit of the lane. Once the forward
facing turn has been executed, Marines will assume a high crawl position.

(13) With their chest on or behind the 25 yard line following the J
hook, Marines will drop and execute a high crawl for 10 yards. The high
crawl is characterized by the Marine maintaining contact with the ground with
elbows, knees and torso.

(14) After high crawling 10 yards to the 35 yard line, Marines will
then execute a modified high crawl for 15 yards to the 50 yard line. The
modified high crawl is characterized by the Marine maintaining six (6) points
of contact (hands, knees, and feet) with the ground.

(15) After reaching the 50 yard line, Marines will rise and negotiate
a network of cones (utility flags/other markers) for 25 yards until reaching
the 75 yard line. The SC will be seated at the 75 yard line with legs
straight and forearms clasped together.

(16) Upon reaching the SC from the rear, Marines will prepare to
conduct a casualty drag by reaching underneath and through the arms of the SC
and obtaining a solid grasp on both forearms. Marines will then lift and
drag the SC 10 yards through the first two cones at the 65 yard line.
Marines will utilize proper lifting techniques by keeping the head up, chest
elevated and the natural curve of the lumbar spine maintained. Field
monitors may verbally guide Marines dragging the SC through the nearest two

(17) The SC must keep knees straight and toes off the deck when being
dragged. The SC may not assist the Marine being tested while being dragged.

(18) Once the feet of the SC have passed the second cone, the field
monitor will direct Casualty Stand. Once the SC is standing, Marines will
lift the SC into the Firemans Carry position. Marines will utilize proper
lifting techniques by keeping the head up, chest elevated and buttocks down.
The Marine will ensure the SC is placed high on the shoulders. The SC will
place the palm of one hand in the small of the back of the Marine doing the
carry for support. Marines will then transport the SC 65 yards straight back
to the start line without negotiating the remainder of the cone network.
Stopping to rest and/or readjust is permitted.

(19) Once the SC is passed through the start line, Marines will place
the SC safely on the deck and lift two ammunition cans weighing 30 pounds
each. Marines will utilize proper lifting techniques by keeping the head up,
chest elevated and buttocks down. The Marine will transport the two 30 pound
ammunition cans back to the 75 yard line, negotiating the cone network while
en route.

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(20) Upon reaching the 75 yard line, Marines will place the
ammunition cans next to the dummy grenade while utilizing a good lowering
technique by bending at the knees.

(21) Marines will pick up the dummy grenade from the deck and engage
the grenade target from the standing position. After the grenade is thrown,
Marines will immediately drop to the deck and execute five push-ups. The
quality of the push-ups will be graded in accordance with push-up/pull-up
hybrid test standards. The grenade pit observer will signal to the field
monitor both verbally and via hand signal whether the grenade throw was a hit
or miss.

(22) To be counted as a hit, grenade throws must land directly in the

grenade pit or strike the line marking the area. If the grenade lands in the
grenade pit area, but rolls out, the throw is considered a hit. The field
monitor will report the results of the grenade throw to the Marine after
completion of the MANUF. Five seconds will be deducted from the overall
MANUF time for hits and five seconds will be added to the overall MANUF time
for misses.

(23) After conducting five properly executed push-ups, Marines will

pick up the ammunition cans, utilizing proper lifting techniques by keeping
the head up, chest elevated and buttocks down. After negotiating the cone
network, Marines will transport the ammunition cans back to the start line.
The primary monitor will ensure a five yard buffer zone is maintained between
the start/finish line and any personnel/equipment.

(24) The primary monitor will sound off as event time elapses. The
field monitor will provide grenade throw results. Marines will provide MANUF
times and grenade throw results at the conclusion of the event. Scores will
be calculated as follows:

For example, a Marine with an overall MANUF time of 2:42 and had a hit on
the grenade throw portion would report 2:42 with a hit. The Marine
recording will mark the overall time for this Marine as 2:37.

(25) The goal of this event is for Marines to complete the measured
course as quickly as possible.

6. Performance. The minimum performance requirements for Marines to pass

the CFT are contained in Table 2-1. Marines must meet or exceed the minimum
performance requirements for each event.

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Table 2-1.--CFT Minimum Performance Requirements.


17-20 21-25 26-30 31-35 36-40 41-45 46-50 51+
MTC 3:45 3:45 3:48 3:51 3:58 4:11 4:28 5:07
AL 62 67 67 67 67 66 65 16
MANUF 3:17 3:18 3:22 3:30 3:42 3:59 4:14 6:09
17-20 21-25 26-30 31-35 36-40 41-45 46-50 51+
MTC 4:36 4:41 4:45 4:46 4:55 4:58 5:26 5:52
AL 30 30 30 30 30 28 26 6
MANUF 4:53 4:34 4:40 4:44 4:56 5:01 5:06 6:33

7. Classification. The elements that comprise the CFT are the same for all
Marines, regardless of gender or age. Marines must achieve the minimum
performance requirement for all three events to successfully pass the CFT.
Failure to meet the minimum requirement in any one event constitutes a
failure of the entire test.

Table 2-2.--CFT Classifications.

1st 235 to 300
2d 200 to 234
3d 120 to 199

8. Score. The CFT is a scored event. The 17-20 year old age group will be
used to score all recruits on CFT performance, regardless of age. Age groups
specific to an individual's age will be used to score officer candidates,
Basic and Warrant Officer Course students, and Midshipmen from the Naval
Academy and Naval Reserve Officer Training Corps on CFT performance.
Calculating a cumulative score for a completed CFT can be derived from Tables
2-3 through 2-7.

9. Altitude Considerations. Units located at altitudes of 4,500 feet or

more above sea level will provide Marines a 30-day acclimatization period
prior to conducting a CFT. Marines scheduled to report to commands at
altitude in June or December will complete their CFTs prior to detaching.
Calculating a cumulative score for a completed CFT at altitude can be derived
from Tables 2-6 (MTC) and 2-7 (MANUF). There is no altitude compensation for
the Ammo lift.

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Table 2-3.--Movement to Contact Scoring Tables.

Male MTC Female MTC

Male 17-20 21-25 26-30 31-35 36-40 41-45 46-50 51+ Female 17-20 21-25 26-30 31-35 36-40 41-45 46-50 51+
Max 2:40 2:38 2:39 2:42 2:45 2:52 3:01 3:05 Max 3:19 3:13 3:10 3:12 3:18 3:25 3:39 3:55
Min 3:45 3:45 3:48 3:51 3:58 4:11 4:28 5:07 Min 4:36 4:41 4:45 4:46 4:55 4:58 5:26 5:52
Min Pts 40 40 40 40 40 40 40 40 Min Pts 40 40 40 40 40 40 40 40
2:38 100 3:10 100
2:39 99 100 3:11 99
2:40 100 98 99 3:12 99 100
2:41 99 97 98 3:13 100 98 99
2:42 98 96 97 100 3:14 99 97 99
2:43 97 96 97 99 3:15 99 97 98
2:44 96 95 96 98 3:16 98 96 97
2:45 95 94 95 97 100 3:17 97 96 97
2:46 94 93 94 97 99 3:18 97 95 96 100
2:47 94 92 93 96 98 3:19 100 96 94 96 99
2:48 93 91 92 95 98 3:20 99 95 94 95 99
2:49 92 90 91 94 97 3:21 98 95 93 94 98
2:50 91 89 90 93 96 3:22 98 94 92 94 98
2:51 90 88 90 92 95 3:23 97 93 92 93 97
2:52 89 87 89 91 94 100 3:24 96 93 91 92 96
2:53 88 87 88 90 93 99 3:25 95 92 91 92 96 100
2:54 87 86 87 90 93 98 3:26 95 91 90 91 95 99
2:55 86 85 86 89 92 98 3:27 94 90 89 90 94 99
2:56 85 84 85 88 91 97 3:28 93 90 89 90 94 98
2:57 84 83 84 87 90 96 3:29 92 89 88 89 93 97
2:58 83 82 83 86 89 95 3:30 91 88 87 89 93 97
2:59 82 81 83 85 88 95 3:31 91 88 87 88 92 96
3:00 82 80 82 84 88 94 3:32 90 87 86 87 91 95
3:01 81 79 81 83 87 93 100 3:33 89 86 85 87 91 95
3:02 80 79 80 83 86 92 99 3:34 88 86 85 86 90 94
3:03 79 78 79 82 85 92 99 3:35 88 85 84 85 89 94
3:04 78 77 78 81 84 91 98 3:36 87 84 84 85 89 93
3:05 77 76 77 80 84 90 97 100 3:37 86 84 83 84 88 92
3:06 76 75 77 79 83 89 97 99 3:38 85 83 82 83 88 92
3:07 75 74 76 78 82 89 96 99 3:39 84 82 82 83 87 91 100
3:08 74 73 75 77 81 88 95 98 3:40 84 82 81 82 86 90 99
3:09 73 72 74 77 80 87 94 98 3:41 83 81 80 81 86 90 99
3:10 72 71 73 76 79 86 94 97 3:42 82 80 80 81 85 89 98
3:11 71 70 72 75 79 86 93 97 3:43 81 80 79 80 85 88 98
3:12 70 70 71 74 78 85 92 96 3:44 81 79 79 80 84 88 97
3:13 70 69 70 73 77 84 92 96 3:45 80 78 78 79 83 87 97
3:14 69 68 70 72 76 83 91 95 3:46 79 78 77 78 83 86 96
3:15 68 67 69 71 75 83 90 95 3:47 78 77 77 78 82 86 96
3:16 67 66 68 70 75 82 90 94 3:48 77 76 76 77 81 85 95
3:17 66 65 67 70 74 81 89 94 3:49 77 75 75 76 81 85 94
3:18 65 64 66 69 73 80 88 93 3:50 76 75 75 76 80 84 94
3:19 64 63 65 68 72 79 88 93 3:51 75 74 74 75 80 83 93
3:20 63 62 64 67 71 79 87 92 3:52 74 73 73 74 79 83 93
3:21 62 61 63 66 70 78 86 92 3:53 74 73 73 74 78 82 92
3:22 61 61 63 65 70 77 86 91 3:54 73 72 72 73 78 81 92

2-11 Enclosure (1)

MCBul 6100
15 DEC 2016

Table 2-3.--Movement to Contact Scoring Tables (cont.)

Male MTC Female MTC

Male 17-20 21-25 26-30 31-35 36-40 41-45 46-50 51+ Female 17-20 21-25 26-30 31-35 36-40 41-45 46-50 51+
Max 2:40 2:38 2:39 2:42 2:45 2:52 3:01 3:05 Max 3:19 3:13 3:10 3:12 3:18 3:25 3:39 3:55
Min 3:45 3:45 3:48 3:51 3:58 4:11 4:28 5:07 Min 4:36 4:41 4:45 4:46 4:55 4:58 5:26 5:52
Min Pts 40 40 40 40 40 40 40 40 Min Pts 40 40 40 40 40 40 40 40
3:23 60 60 62 64 69 76 85 91 3:55 72 71 72 73 77 81 91 100
3:24 59 59 61 63 68 76 84 90 3:56 71 71 71 72 76 80 90 99
3:25 58 58 60 63 67 75 83 90 3:57 70 70 70 71 76 79 90 99
3:26 58 57 59 62 66 74 83 89 3:58 70 69 70 71 75 79 89 98
3:27 57 56 58 61 65 73 82 89 3:59 69 69 69 70 75 78 89 98
3:28 56 55 57 60 65 73 81 88 4:00 68 68 68 69 74 77 88 97
3:29 55 54 57 59 64 72 81 88 4:01 67 67 68 69 73 77 88 97
3:30 54 53 56 58 63 71 80 87 4:02 66 67 67 68 73 76 87 96
3:31 53 53 55 57 62 70 79 87 4:03 66 66 67 67 72 75 87 96
3:32 52 52 54 57 61 70 79 86 4:04 65 65 66 67 72 75 86 95
3:33 51 51 53 56 61 69 78 86 4:05 64 65 65 66 71 74 85 95
3:34 50 50 52 55 60 68 77 85 4:06 63 64 65 66 70 74 85 94
3:35 49 49 51 54 59 67 77 85 4:07 63 63 64 65 70 73 84 94
3:36 48 48 50 53 58 67 76 85 4:08 62 63 63 64 69 72 84 93
3:37 47 47 50 52 57 66 75 84 4:09 61 62 63 64 68 72 83 93
3:38 46 46 49 51 56 65 74 84 4:10 60 61 62 63 68 71 83 92
3:39 46 45 48 50 56 64 74 83 4:11 59 60 61 62 67 70 82 92
3:40 45 44 47 50 55 64 73 83 4:12 59 60 61 62 67 70 81 91
3:41 44 44 46 49 54 63 72 82 4:13 58 59 60 61 66 69 81 91
3:42 43 43 45 48 53 62 72 82 4:14 57 58 60 60 65 68 80 90
3:43 42 42 44 47 52 61 71 81 4:15 56 58 59 60 65 68 80 90
3:44 41 41 43 46 52 61 70 81 4:16 56 57 58 59 64 67 79 89
3:45 40 40 43 45 51 60 70 80 4:17 55 56 58 59 64 66 79 89
3:46 42 44 50 59 69 80 4:18 54 56 57 58 63 66 78 88
3:47 41 43 49 58 68 79 4:19 53 55 56 57 62 65 78 88
3:48 40 43 48 57 68 79 4:20 52 54 56 57 62 65 77 87
3:49 42 47 57 67 78 4:21 52 54 55 56 61 64 76 87
3:50 41 47 56 66 78 4:22 51 53 55 55 60 63 76 86
3:51 40 46 55 66 77 4:23 50 52 54 55 60 63 75 86
3:52 45 54 65 77 4:24 49 52 53 54 59 62 75 85
3:53 44 54 64 76 4:25 49 51 53 53 59 61 74 85
3:54 43 53 63 76 4:26 48 50 52 53 58 61 74 84
3:55 42 52 63 75 4:27 47 50 51 52 57 60 73 84
3:56 42 51 62 75 4:28 46 49 51 51 57 59 73 83
3:57 41 51 61 74 4:29 45 48 50 51 56 59 72 83
3:58 40 50 61 74 4:30 45 48 49 50 55 58 71 82
3:59 49 60 73 4:31 44 47 49 50 55 57 71 82
4:00 48 59 73 4:32 43 46 48 49 54 57 70 81
4:01 48 59 72 4:33 42 45 48 48 54 56 70 81
4:02 47 58 72 4:34 42 45 47 48 53 55 69 80
4:03 46 57 71 4:35 41 44 46 47 52 55 69 79
4:04 45 57 71 4:36 40 43 46 46 52 54 68 79
4:05 45 56 70 4:37 43 45 46 51 54 67 78
4:06 44 55 70 4:38 42 44 45 51 53 67 78
4:07 43 54 70 4:39 41 44 44 50 52 66 77
4:08 42 54 69 4:40 41 43 44 49 52 66 77
4:09 42 53 69 4:41 40 43 43 49 51 65 76
4:10 41 52 68 4:42 42 43 48 50 65 76
4:11 40 52 68 4:43 41 42 47 50 64 75
4:12 51 67 4:44 41 41 47 49 64 75

2-12 Enclosure (1)

MCBul 6100
15 DEC 2016

Table 2-3.--Movement to Contact Scoring Tables (cont.)

Male MTC Female MTC

Male 17-20 21-25 26-30 31-35 36-40 41-45 46-50 51+ Female 17-20 21-25 26-30 31-35 36-40 41-45 46-50 51+
Max 2:40 2:38 2:39 2:42 2:45 2:52 3:01 3:05 Max 3:19 3:13 3:10 3:12 3:18 3:25 3:39 3:55
Min 3:45 3:45 3:48 3:51 3:58 4:11 4:28 5:07 Min 4:36 4:41 4:45 4:46 4:55 4:58 5:26 5:52
Min Pts 40 40 40 40 40 40 40 40 Min Pts 40 40 40 40 40 40 40 40
4:13 50 67 4:45 40 41 46 48 63 74
4:14 50 66 4:46 40 46 48 62 74
4:15 49 66 4:47 45 47 62 73
4:16 48 65 4:48 44 46 61 73
4:17 48 65 4:49 44 46 61 72
4:18 47 64 4:50 43 45 60 72
4:19 46 64 4:51 42 45 60 71
4:20 46 63 4:52 42 44 59 71
4:21 45 63 4:53 41 43 59 70
4:22 44 62 4:54 41 43 58 70
4:23 43 62 4:55 40 42 57 69
4:24 43 61 4:56 41 57 69
4:25 42 61 4:57 41 56 68
4:26 41 60 4:58 40 56 68
4:27 41 60 4:59 55 67
4:28 40 59 5:00 55 67
4:29 59 5:01 54 66
4:30 58 5:02 53 66
4:31 58 5:03 53 65
4:32 57 5:04 52 65
4:33 57 5:05 52 64
4:34 56 5:06 51 64
4:35 56 5:07 51 63
4:36 55 5:08 50 63
4:37 55 5:09 50 62
4:38 55 5:10 49 62
4:39 54 5:11 48 61
4:40 54 5:12 48 61
4:41 53 5:13 47 60
4:42 53 5:14 47 59
4:43 52 5:15 46 59
4:44 52 5:16 46 58
4:45 51 5:17 45 58
4:46 51 5:18 44 57
4:47 50 5:19 44 57
4:48 50 5:20 43 56
4:49 49 5:21 43 56
4:50 49 5:22 42 55
4:51 48 5:23 42 55
4:52 48 5:24 41 54
4:53 47 5:25 41 54
4:54 47 5:26 40 53
4:55 46 5:27 53
4:56 46 5:28 52
4:57 45 5:29 52
4:58 45 5:30 51
4:59 44 5:31 51
5:00 44 5:32 50
5:01 43 5:33 50

2-13 Enclosure (1)

MCBul 6100
15 DEC 2016

Table 2-3.--Movement to Contact Scoring Tables (cont.)

Male MTC Female MTC

Male 17-20 21-25 26-30 31-35 36-40 41-45 46-50 51+ Female 17-20 21-25 26-30 31-35 36-40 41-45 46-50 51+
Max 2:40 2:38 2:39 2:42 2:45 2:52 3:01 3:05 Max 3:19 3:13 3:10 3:12 3:18 3:25 3:39 3:55
Min 3:45 3:45 3:48 3:51 3:58 4:11 4:28 5:07 Min 4:36 4:41 4:45 4:46 4:55 4:58 5:26 5:52
Min Pts 40 40 40 40 40 40 40 40 Min Pts 40 40 40 40 40 40 40 40
5:02 43 5:34 49
5:03 42 5:35 49
5:04 42 5:36 48
5:05 41 5:37 48
5:06 41 5:38 47
5:07 40 5:39 47
5:40 46
5:41 46
5:42 45
5:43 45
5:44 44
5:45 44
5:46 43
5:47 43
5:48 42
5:49 42
5:50 41
5:51 41
5:52 40

2-14 Enclosure (1)

MCBul 6100
15 DEC 2016

Table 2-4.--Ammo Can Lift Scoring Tables.

Male ACL Female ACL

Male 17-20 21-25 26-30 31-35 36-40 41-45 46-50 51+ Female 17-20 21-25 26-30 31-35 36-40 41-45 46-50 51+
Max 106 115 116 120 110 106 100 95 Max 66 74 75 72 70 62 53 44
Min 62 67 67 67 67 66 65 16 Min 30 30 30 30 30 28 26 6
Min Pts 40 40 40 40 40 40 40 40 Min Pts 40 40 40 40 40 40 40 40
120 100 75 100
119 99 74 100 99
118 98 73 99 97
117 97 72 97 96 100
116 100 95 71 96 95 99
115 100 99 94 70 95 93 97 100
114 99 98 93 69 93 92 96 99
113 98 96 92 68 92 91 94 97
112 96 95 91 67 90 89 93 96
111 95 94 90 66 100 89 88 91 94
110 94 93 89 100 65 98 88 87 90 93
109 93 91 88 99 64 97 86 85 89 91
108 91 90 86 97 63 95 85 84 87 90
107 90 89 85 96 62 93 84 83 86 88 100
106 100 89 88 84 94 100 61 92 82 81 84 87 98
105 99 88 87 83 93 99 60 90 81 80 83 85 96
104 97 86 85 82 92 97 59 88 80 79 81 84 95
103 96 85 84 81 90 96 58 87 78 77 80 82 93
102 95 84 83 80 89 94 57 85 77 76 79 81 91
101 93 83 82 78 87 93 56 83 75 75 77 79 89
100 92 81 80 77 86 91 100 55 82 74 73 76 78 88
99 90 80 79 76 85 90 98 54 80 73 72 74 76 86
98 89 79 78 75 83 88 97 53 78 71 71 73 75 84 100
97 88 78 77 74 82 87 95 52 77 70 69 71 73 82 98
96 86 76 76 73 80 85 93 51 75 69 68 70 72 81 96
95 85 75 74 72 79 84 91 100 50 73 67 67 69 70 79 93
94 84 74 73 71 78 82 90 99 49 72 66 65 67 69 77 91
93 82 73 72 69 76 81 88 98 48 70 65 64 66 67 75 89
92 81 71 71 68 75 79 86 98 47 68 63 63 64 66 74 87
91 80 70 69 67 73 78 85 97 46 67 62 61 63 64 72 84
90 78 69 68 66 72 76 83 96 45 65 60 60 61 63 70 82
89 77 68 67 65 71 75 81 95 44 63 59 59 60 61 68 80 100
88 75 66 66 64 69 73 79 95 43 62 58 57 59 60 66 78 98
87 74 65 64 63 68 72 78 94 42 60 56 56 57 58 65 76 97
86 73 64 63 62 67 70 76 93 41 58 55 55 56 57 63 73 95
85 71 63 62 60 65 69 74 92 40 57 54 53 54 55 61 71 94
84 70 61 61 59 64 67 73 92 39 55 52 52 53 54 59 69 92
83 69 60 60 58 62 66 71 91 38 53 51 51 51 52 58 67 91
82 67 59 58 57 61 64 69 90 37 52 50 49 50 51 56 64 89
81 66 58 57 56 60 63 67 89 36 50 48 48 49 49 54 62 87
80 65 56 56 55 58 61 66 89 35 48 47 47 47 48 52 60 86
79 63 55 55 54 57 60 64 88 34 47 45 45 46 46 51 58 84
78 62 54 53 52 55 58 62 87 33 45 44 44 44 45 49 56 83
77 60 53 52 51 54 57 61 86 32 43 43 43 43 43 47 53 81

2-15 Enclosure (1)

MCBul 6100
15 DEC 2016

Table 2-4.--Ammo Can Lift Scoring Tables (cont.)

Male ACL Female ACL

Male 17-20 21-25 26-30 31-35 36-40 41-45 46-50 51+ Female 17-20 21-25 26-30 31-35 36-40 41-45 46-50 51+
Max 106 115 116 120 110 106 100 95 Max 66 74 75 72 70 62 53 44
Min 62 67 67 67 67 66 65 16 Min 30 30 30 30 30 28 26 6
Min Pts 40 40 40 40 40 40 40 40 Min Pts 40 40 40 40 40 40 40 40
76 59 51 51 50 53 55 59 86 31 42 41 41 41 42 45 51 79
75 58 50 50 49 51 54 57 85 30 40 40 40 40 40 44 49 78
74 56 49 49 48 50 52 55 84 29 42 47 76
73 55 48 47 47 48 51 54 83 28 40 44 75
72 54 46 46 46 47 49 52 83 27 42 73
71 52 45 45 45 46 48 50 82 26 40 72
70 51 44 44 43 44 46 49 81 25 70
69 50 43 42 42 43 45 47 80 24 68
68 48 41 41 41 41 43 45 79 23 67
67 47 40 40 40 40 42 43 79 22 65
66 45 40 42 78 21 64
65 44 40 77 20 62
64 43 76 19 61
63 41 76 18 59
62 40 75 17 57
61 74 16 56
60 73 15 54
59 73 14 53
58 72 13 51
57 71 12 49
56 70 11 48
55 70 10 46
54 69 9 45
53 68 8 43
52 67 7 42
51 67 6 40
50 66
49 65
48 64
47 64
46 63
45 62
44 61
43 61
42 60
41 59
40 58
39 57
38 57
37 56
36 55
35 54
34 54

2-16 Enclosure (1)

MCBul 6100
15 DEC 2016

Table 2-4.--Ammo Can Lift Scoring Tables (cont.)

Male ACL
Male 17-20 21-25 26-30 31-35 36-40 41-45 46-50 51+
Max 106 115 116 120 110 106 100 95
Min 62 67 67 67 67 66 65 16
Min Pts 40 40 40 40 40 40 40 40
33 53
32 52
31 51
30 51
29 50
28 49
27 48
26 48
25 47
24 46
23 45
22 45
21 44
20 43
19 42
18 42
17 41
16 40

2-17 Enclosure (1)

MCBul 6100
15 DEC 2016

Table 2-5.--Maneuver Under Fire Scoring Tables.


Male 17-20 21-25 26-30 31-35 36-40 41-45 46-50 51+ Female 17-20 21-25 26-30 31-35 36-40 41-45 46-50 51+
Max 2:07 2:04 2:05 2:10 2:16 2:23 2:40 2:52 Max 2:55 2:45 2:42 2:49 2:53 2:57 3:35 3:44
Min 3:17 3:18 3:22 3:30 3:42 3:59 4:14 6:09 Min 4:53 4:34 4:40 4:44 4:56 5:01 5:06 6:33
Min Pts 40 40 40 40 40 40 40 40 Min Pts 40 40 40 40 40 40 40 40
17-20 21-25 26-30 31-35 36-40 41-45 46-50 51+ 17-20 21-25 26-30 31-35 36-40 41-45 46-50 51+
2:04 100 2:42 100
2:05 99 100 2:43 99
2:06 98 99 2:44 99
2:07 100 98 98 2:45 100 98
2:08 99 97 98 2:46 99 98
2:09 98 96 97 2:47 99 97
2:10 97 95 96 100 2:48 98 97
2:11 97 94 95 99 2:49 98 96 100
2:12 96 94 95 99 2:50 97 96 99
2:13 95 93 94 98 2:51 97 95 99
2:14 94 92 93 97 2:52 96 95 98
2:15 93 91 92 96 2:53 96 94 98 100
2:16 92 90 91 96 100 2:54 95 94 97 100
2:17 91 89 91 95 99 2:55 100 94 93 97 99
2:18 91 89 90 94 99 2:56 99 94 93 96 99
2:19 90 88 89 93 98 2:57 99 93 92 96 98 100
2:20 89 87 88 93 97 2:58 98 93 92 95 98 100
2:21 88 86 88 92 97 2:59 98 92 91 95 97 99
2:22 87 85 87 91 96 3:00 97 92 91 94 97 99
2:23 86 85 86 90 95 100 3:01 97 91 90 94 96 98
2:24 85 84 85 90 94 99 3:02 96 91 90 93 96 98
2:25 85 83 84 89 94 99 3:03 96 90 89 93 95 97
2:26 84 82 84 88 93 98 3:04 95 90 89 92 95 97
2:27 83 81 83 87 92 98 3:05 95 89 88 92 94 96
2:28 82 81 82 87 92 97 3:06 94 88 88 91 94 96
2:29 81 80 81 86 91 96 3:07 94 88 87 91 93 95
2:30 80 79 81 85 90 96 3:08 93 87 87 90 93 95
2:31 79 78 80 84 90 95 3:09 93 87 86 90 92 94
2:32 79 77 79 84 89 94 3:10 92 86 86 89 92 94
2:33 78 76 78 83 88 94 3:11 92 86 85 89 91 93
2:34 77 76 77 82 87 93 3:12 91 85 85 88 91 93
2:35 76 75 77 81 87 93 3:13 91 85 84 87 90 92
2:36 75 74 76 81 86 92 3:14 90 84 84 87 90 92
2:37 74 73 75 80 85 91 3:15 90 83 83 86 89 91
2:38 73 72 74 79 85 91 3:16 89 83 83 86 89 91
2:39 73 72 74 78 84 90 3:17 89 82 82 85 88 90
2:40 72 71 73 78 83 89 100 3:18 88 82 82 85 88 90
2:41 71 70 72 77 83 89 99 3:19 88 81 81 84 87 89
2:42 70 69 71 76 82 88 99 3:20 87 81 81 84 87 89
2:43 69 68 70 75 81 88 98 3:21 87 80 80 83 86 88
2:44 68 68 70 75 80 87 97 3:22 86 80 80 83 86 88
2:45 67 67 69 74 80 86 97 3:23 86 79 79 82 85 87
2:46 67 66 68 73 79 86 96 3:24 85 79 79 82 85 87
2:47 66 65 67 72 78 85 96 3:25 85 78 78 81 84 86

2-18 Enclosure (1)

MCBul 6100
15 DEC 2016

Table 2-5.--Maneuver Under Fire Scoring Tables (cont.)


Male 17-20 21-25 26-30 31-35 36-40 41-45 46-50 51+ Female 17-20 21-25 26-30 31-35 36-40 41-45 46-50 51+
Max 2:07 2:04 2:05 2:10 2:16 2:23 2:40 2:52 Max 2:55 2:45 2:42 2:49 2:53 2:57 3:35 3:44
Min 3:17 3:18 3:22 3:30 3:42 3:59 4:14 6:09 Min 4:53 4:34 4:40 4:44 4:56 5:01 5:06 6:33
Min Pts 40 40 40 40 40 40 40 40 Min Pts 40 40 40 40 40 40 40 40
2:48 65 64 66 72 78 84 95 3:26 84 77 78 81 84 86
2:49 64 64 66 71 77 84 94 3:27 84 77 77 80 83 85
2:50 63 63 65 70 76 83 94 3:28 83 76 77 80 83 85
2:51 62 62 64 69 76 83 93 3:29 83 76 76 79 82 85
2:52 61 61 63 69 75 82 92 100 3:30 82 75 76 79 82 84
2:53 61 60 63 68 74 81 92 99 3:31 82 75 75 78 81 84
2:54 60 59 62 67 73 81 91 99 3:32 81 74 75 78 81 83
2:55 59 59 61 66 73 80 90 99 3:33 81 74 74 77 80 83
2:56 58 58 60 66 72 79 90 98 3:34 80 73 74 77 80 82
2:57 57 57 59 65 71 79 89 98 3:35 80 72 73 76 80 82 100
2:58 56 56 59 64 71 78 89 98 3:36 79 72 73 75 79 81 99
2:59 55 55 58 63 70 78 88 98 3:37 79 71 72 75 79 81 99
3:00 55 55 57 63 69 77 87 97 3:38 78 71 72 74 78 80 98
3:01 54 54 56 62 69 76 87 97 3:39 78 70 71 74 78 80 97
3:02 53 53 56 61 68 76 86 97 3:40 77 70 71 73 77 79 97
3:03 52 52 55 60 67 75 85 96 3:41 77 69 70 73 77 79 96
3:04 51 51 54 60 67 74 85 96 3:42 76 69 69 72 76 78 95
3:05 50 51 53 59 66 74 84 96 3:43 76 68 69 72 76 78 95
3:06 49 50 52 58 65 73 83 95 3:44 75 68 68 71 75 77 94 100
3:07 49 49 52 57 64 73 83 95 3:45 75 67 68 71 75 77 93 99
3:08 48 48 51 57 64 72 82 95 3:46 74 66 67 70 74 76 93 99
3:09 47 47 50 56 63 71 81 95 3:47 74 66 67 70 74 76 92 99
3:10 46 46 49 55 62 71 81 94 3:48 73 65 66 69 73 75 91 98
3:11 45 46 49 54 62 70 80 94 3:49 73 65 66 69 73 75 91 98
3:12 44 45 48 54 61 69 80 94 3:50 72 64 65 68 72 74 90 98
3:13 43 44 47 53 60 69 79 93 3:51 72 64 65 68 72 74 89 97
3:14 43 43 46 52 60 68 78 93 3:52 71 63 64 67 71 73 89 97
3:15 42 42 45 51 59 68 78 93 3:53 71 63 64 67 71 73 88 96
3:16 41 42 45 51 58 67 77 92 3:54 70 62 63 66 70 72 87 96
3:17 40 41 44 50 57 66 76 92 3:55 69 61 63 66 70 72 87 96
3:18 40 43 49 57 66 76 92 3:56 69 61 62 65 69 71 86 95
3:19 42 48 56 65 75 92 3:57 68 60 62 65 69 71 85 95
3:20 42 48 55 64 74 91 3:58 68 60 61 64 68 70 85 95
3:21 41 47 55 64 74 91 3:59 67 59 61 63 68 70 84 94
3:22 40 46 54 63 73 91 4:00 67 59 60 63 67 70 84 94
3:23 45 53 63 73 90 4:01 66 58 60 62 67 69 83 94
3:24 45 53 62 72 90 4:02 66 58 59 62 66 69 82 93
3:25 44 52 61 71 90 4:03 65 57 59 61 66 68 82 93
3:26 43 51 61 71 89 4:04 65 57 58 61 65 68 81 93
3:27 42 50 60 70 89 4:05 64 56 58 60 65 67 80 92
3:28 42 50 59 69 89 4:06 64 55 57 60 64 67 80 92
3:29 41 49 59 69 89 4:07 63 55 57 59 64 66 79 92
3:30 40 48 58 68 88 4:08 63 54 56 59 63 66 78 91
3:31 48 58 67 88 4:09 62 54 56 58 63 65 78 91
3:32 47 57 67 88 4:10 62 53 55 58 62 65 77 91
3:33 46 56 66 87 4:11 61 53 55 57 62 64 76 90

2-19 Enclosure (1)

MCBul 6100
15 DEC 2016

Table 2-5.--Maneuver Under Fire Scoring Tables (cont.)


Male 17-20 21-25 26-30 31-35 36-40 41-45 46-50 51+ Female 17-20 21-25 26-30 31-35 36-40 41-45 46-50 51+
Max 2:07 2:04 2:05 2:10 2:16 2:23 2:40 2:52 Max 2:55 2:45 2:42 2:49 2:53 2:57 3:35 3:44
Min 3:17 3:18 3:22 3:30 3:42 3:59 4:14 6:09 Min 4:53 4:34 4:40 4:44 4:56 5:01 5:06 6:33
Min Pts 40 40 40 40 40 40 40 40 Min Pts 40 40 40 40 40 40 40 40
3:34 46 56 66 87 4:12 61 52 54 57 61 64 76 90
3:35 45 55 65 87 4:13 60 52 54 56 61 63 75 89
3:36 44 54 64 86 4:14 60 51 53 56 60 63 74 89
3:37 43 54 64 86 4:15 59 50 53 55 60 62 74 89
3:38 43 53 63 86 4:16 59 50 52 55 60 62 73 88
3:39 42 53 62 86 4:17 58 49 52 54 59 61 72 88
3:40 41 52 62 85 4:18 58 49 51 54 59 61 72 88
3:41 41 51 61 85 4:19 57 48 51 53 58 60 71 87
3:42 40 51 60 85 4:20 57 48 50 53 58 60 70 87
3:43 50 60 84 4:21 56 47 50 52 57 59 70 87
3:44 49 59 84 4:22 56 47 49 51 57 59 69 86
3:45 49 59 84 4:23 55 46 49 51 56 58 68 86
3:46 48 58 83 4:24 55 46 48 50 56 58 68 86
3:47 48 57 83 4:25 54 45 48 50 55 57 67 85
3:48 47 57 83 4:26 54 44 47 49 55 57 66 85
3:49 46 56 83 4:27 53 44 47 49 54 56 66 85
3:50 46 55 82 4:28 53 43 46 48 54 56 65 84
3:51 45 55 82 4:29 52 43 46 48 53 55 64 84
3:52 44 54 82 4:30 52 42 45 47 53 55 64 84
3:53 44 53 81 4:31 51 42 45 47 52 55 63 83
3:54 43 53 81 4:32 51 41 44 46 52 54 62 83
3:55 43 52 81 4:33 50 41 44 46 51 54 62 82
3:56 42 51 80 4:34 50 40 43 45 51 53 61 82
3:57 41 51 80 4:35 49 43 45 50 53 60 82
3:58 41 50 80 4:36 49 42 44 50 52 60 81
3:59 40 50 79 4:37 48 42 44 49 52 59 81
4:00 49 79 4:38 48 41 43 49 51 58 81
4:01 48 79 4:39 47 41 43 48 51 58 80
4:02 48 79 4:40 47 40 42 48 50 57 80
4:03 47 78 4:41 46 42 47 50 56 80
4:04 46 78 4:42 46 41 47 49 56 79
4:05 46 78 4:43 45 41 46 49 55 79
4:06 45 77 4:44 45 40 46 48 55 79
4:07 44 77 4:45 44 45 48 54 78
4:08 44 77 4:46 44 45 47 53 78
4:09 43 76 4:47 43 44 47 53 78
4:10 43 76 4:48 43 44 46 52 77
4:11 42 76 4:49 42 43 46 51 77
4:12 41 76 4:50 42 43 45 51 76
4:13 41 75 4:51 41 42 45 50 76
4:14 40 75 4:52 41 42 44 49 76
4:15 75 4:53 40 41 44 49 75
4:16 74 4:54 41 43 48 75
4:17 74 4:55 40 43 47 75
4:18 74 4:56 40 42 47 74
4:19 73 4:57 42 46 74

2-20 Enclosure (1)

MCBul 6100
15 DEC 2016

Table 2-5.--Maneuver Under Fire Scoring Tables (cont.)


Male 17-20 21-25 26-30 31-35 36-40 41-45 46-50 51+ Female 17-20 21-25 26-30 31-35 36-40 41-45 46-50 51+
Max 2:07 2:04 2:05 2:10 2:16 2:23 2:40 2:52 Max 2:55 2:45 2:42 2:49 2:53 2:57 3:35 3:44
Min 3:17 3:18 3:22 3:30 3:42 3:59 4:14 6:09 Min 4:53 4:34 4:40 4:44 4:56 5:01 5:06 6:33
Min Pts 40 40 40 40 40 40 40 40 Min Pts 40 40 40 40 40 40 40 40
4:20 73 4:58 41 45 74
4:21 73 4:59 41 45 73
4:22 73 5:00 40 44 73
4:23 72 5:01 40 43 73
4:24 72 5:02 43 72
4:25 72 5:03 42 72
4:26 71 5:04 41 72
4:27 71 5:05 41 71
4:28 71 5:06 40 71
4:29 70 5:07 71
4:30 70 5:08 70
4:31 70 5:09 70
4:32 70 5:10 69
4:33 69 5:11 69
4:34 69 5:12 69
4:35 69 5:13 68
4:36 68 5:14 68
4:37 68 5:15 68
4:38 68 5:16 67
4:39 67 5:17 67
4:40 67 5:18 67
4:41 67 5:19 66
4:42 67 5:20 66
4:43 66 5:21 66
4:44 66 5:22 65
4:45 66 5:23 65
4:46 65 5:24 65
4:47 65 5:25 64
4:48 65 5:26 64
4:49 64 5:27 64
4:50 64 5:28 63
4:51 64 5:29 63
4:52 64 5:30 62
4:53 63 5:31 62
4:54 63 5:32 62
4:55 63 5:33 61
4:56 62 5:34 61
4:57 62 5:35 61
4:58 62 5:36 60
4:59 61 5:37 60
5:00 61 5:38 60
5:01 61 5:39 59
5:02 61 5:40 59
5:03 60 5:41 59
5:04 60 5:42 58
5:05 60 5:43 58
5:06 59 5:44 58

2-21 Enclosure (1)

MCBul 6100
15 DEC 2016

Table 2-5.--Maneuver Under Fire Scoring Tables (cont.)


Male 17-20 21-25 26-30 31-35 36-40 41-45 46-50 51+ Female 17-20 21-25 26-30 31-35 36-40 41-45 46-50 51+
Max 2:07 2:04 2:05 2:10 2:16 2:23 2:40 2:52 Max 2:55 2:45 2:42 2:49 2:53 2:57 3:35 3:44
Min 3:17 3:18 3:22 3:30 3:42 3:59 4:14 6:09 Min 4:53 4:34 4:40 4:44 4:56 5:01 5:06 6:33
Min Pts 40 40 40 40 40 40 40 40 Min Pts 40 40 40 40 40 40 40 40
5:07 59 5:45 57
5:08 59 5:46 57
5:09 58 5:47 56
5:10 58 5:48 56
5:11 58 5:49 56
5:12 57 5:50 55
5:13 57 5:51 55
5:14 57 5:52 55
5:15 57 5:53 54
5:16 56 5:54 54
5:17 56 5:55 54
5:18 56 5:56 53
5:19 55 5:57 53
5:20 55 5:58 53
5:21 55 5:59 52
5:22 54 6:00 52
5:23 54 6:01 52
5:24 54 6:02 51
5:25 54 6:03 51
5:26 53 6:04 51
5:27 53 6:05 50
5:28 53 6:06 50
5:29 52 6:07 49
5:30 52 6:08 49
5:31 52 6:09 49
5:32 51 6:10 48
5:33 51 6:11 48
5:34 51 6:12 48
5:35 51 6:13 47
5:36 50 6:14 47
5:37 50 6:15 47
5:38 50 6:16 46
5:39 49 6:17 46
5:40 49 6:18 46
5:41 49 6:19 45
5:42 48 6:20 45
5:43 48 6:21 45
5:44 48 6:22 44
5:45 48 6:23 44
5:46 47 6:24 44
5:47 47 6:25 43
5:48 47 6:26 43
5:49 46 6:27 42
5:50 46 6:28 42
5:51 46 6:29 42
5:52 45 6:30 41

2-22 Enclosure (1)

MCBul 6100
15 DEC 2016

Table 2-5.--Maneuver Under Fire Scoring Tables (cont.)


Male 17-20 21-25 26-30 31-35 36-40 41-45 46-50 51+ Female 17-20 21-25 26-30 31-35 36-40 41-45 46-50 51+
Max 2:07 2:04 2:05 2:10 2:16 2:23 2:40 2:52 Max 2:55 2:45 2:42 2:49 2:53 2:57 3:35 3:44
Min 3:17 3:18 3:22 3:30 3:42 3:59 4:14 6:09 Min 4:53 4:34 4:40 4:44 4:56 5:01 5:06 6:33
Min Pts 40 40 40 40 40 40 40 40 Min Pts 40 40 40 40 40 40 40 40
5:53 45 6:31 41
5:54 45 6:32 41
5:55 45 6:33 40
5:56 44 6:34
5:57 44 6:35
5:58 44 6:36
5:59 43 6:37
6:00 43 6:38
6:01 43 6:39
6:02 42 6:40
6:03 42 6:41
6:04 42 6:42
6:05 42 6:43
6:06 41 6:44
6:07 41 6:45
6:08 41 6:46
6:09 40 6:47
6:10 6:48

2-23 Enclosure (1)

MCBul 6100
15 DEC 2016

Table 2-6.--Movement to Contact at Altitude Scoring Tables

(at or above 4,500 feet mean sea level).

Male MTC Female MTC

Male 17-20 21-25 26-30 31-35 36-40 41-45 46-50 51+ Female 17-20 21-25 26-30 31-35 36-40 41-45 46-50 51+
Max 2:46 2:44 2:45 2:48 2:51 2:58 3:07 3:11 Max 3:25 3:19 3:16 3:18 3:24 3:31 3:45 4:01
Min 3:51 3:51 3:54 3:57 4:04 4:17 4:34 5:11 Min 4:42 4:47 4:51 4:52 5:01 5:04 5:32 5:58
Min Pts 40 40 40 40 40 40 40 40 Min Pts 40 40 40 40 40 40 40 40
Male MTC Female MTC
17-20 21-25 26-30 31-35 36-40 41-45 46-50 51+ 17-20 21-25 26-30 31-35 36-40 41-45 46-50 51+
2:38 3:10
2:39 3:11
2:40 3:12
2:41 3:13
2:42 3:14
2:43 3:15
2:44 100 3:16 100
2:45 99 100 3:17 99
2:46 100 98 99 3:18 99 100
2:47 99 97 98 3:19 100 98 99
2:48 98 96 97 100 3:20 99 97 99
2:49 97 96 97 99 3:21 99 97 98
2:50 96 95 96 98 3:22 98 96 97
2:51 95 94 95 97 100 3:23 97 96 97
2:52 94 93 94 97 99 3:24 97 95 96 100
2:53 94 92 93 96 98 3:25 100 96 94 96 99
2:54 93 91 92 95 98 3:26 99 95 94 95 99
2:55 92 90 91 94 97 3:27 98 95 93 94 98
2:56 91 89 90 93 96 3:28 98 94 92 94 98
2:57 90 88 90 92 95 3:29 97 93 92 93 97
2:58 89 87 89 91 94 100 3:30 96 93 91 92 96
2:59 88 87 88 90 93 99 3:31 95 92 91 92 96 100
3:00 87 86 87 90 93 98 3:32 95 91 90 91 95 99
3:01 86 85 86 89 92 98 3:33 94 90 89 90 94 99
3:02 85 84 85 88 91 97 3:34 93 90 89 90 94 98
3:03 84 83 84 87 90 96 3:35 92 89 88 89 93 97
3:04 83 82 83 86 89 95 3:36 91 88 87 89 93 97
3:05 82 81 83 85 88 95 3:37 91 88 87 88 92 96
3:06 82 80 82 84 88 94 3:38 90 87 86 87 91 95
3:07 81 79 81 83 87 93 100 3:39 89 86 85 87 91 95
3:08 80 79 80 83 86 92 99 3:40 88 86 85 86 90 94
3:09 79 78 79 82 85 92 99 3:41 88 85 84 85 89 94
3:10 78 77 78 81 84 91 98 3:42 87 84 84 85 89 93
3:11 77 76 77 80 84 90 97 100 3:43 86 84 83 84 88 92
3:12 76 75 77 79 83 89 97 99 3:44 85 83 82 83 88 92
3:13 75 74 76 78 82 89 96 99 3:45 84 82 82 83 87 91 100
3:14 74 73 75 77 81 88 95 98 3:46 84 82 81 82 86 90 99
3:15 73 72 74 77 80 87 94 98 3:47 83 81 80 81 86 90 99
3:16 72 71 73 76 79 86 94 97 3:48 82 80 80 81 85 89 98
3:17 71 70 72 75 79 86 93 97 3:49 81 80 79 80 85 88 98
3:18 70 70 71 74 78 85 92 96 3:50 81 79 79 80 84 88 97
3:19 70 69 70 73 77 84 92 96 3:51 80 78 78 79 83 87 97
3:20 69 68 70 72 76 83 91 95 3:52 79 78 77 78 83 86 96
3:21 68 67 69 71 75 83 90 95 3:53 78 77 77 78 82 86 96
3:22 67 66 68 70 75 82 90 94 3:54 77 76 76 77 81 85 95
3:23 66 65 67 70 74 81 89 94 3:55 77 75 75 76 81 85 94

2-24 Enclosure (1)

MCBul 6100
15 DEC 2016

Table 2-6.--Movement to Contact at Altitude Scoring Tables

(at or above 4,500 feet mean sea level) (cont.)

Male MTC Female MTC

Male 17-20 21-25 26-30 31-35 36-40 41-45 46-50 51+ Female 17-20 21-25 26-30 31-35 36-40 41-45 46-50 51+
Max 2:46 2:44 2:45 2:48 2:51 2:58 3:07 3:11 Max 3:25 3:19 3:16 3:18 3:24 3:31 3:45 4:01
Min 3:51 3:51 3:54 3:57 4:04 4:17 4:34 5:11 Min 4:42 4:47 4:51 4:52 5:01 5:04 5:32 5:58
Min Pts 40 40 40 40 40 40 40 40 Min Pts 40 40 40 40 40 40 40 40
3:24 65 64 66 69 73 80 88 93 3:56 76 75 75 76 80 84 94
3:25 64 63 65 68 72 79 88 93 3:57 75 74 74 75 80 83 93
3:26 63 62 64 67 71 79 87 92 3:58 74 73 73 74 79 83 93
3:27 62 61 63 66 70 78 86 92 3:59 74 73 73 74 78 82 92
3:28 61 61 63 65 70 77 86 91 4:00 73 72 72 73 78 81 92
3:29 60 60 62 64 69 76 85 91 4:01 72 71 72 73 77 81 91 100
3:30 59 59 61 63 68 76 84 90 4:02 71 71 71 72 76 80 90 99
3:31 58 58 60 63 67 75 83 90 4:03 70 70 70 71 76 79 90 99
3:32 58 57 59 62 66 74 83 89 4:04 70 69 70 71 75 79 89 98
3:33 57 56 58 61 65 73 82 89 4:05 69 69 69 70 75 78 89 98
3:34 56 55 57 60 65 73 81 88 4:06 68 68 68 69 74 77 88 97
3:35 55 54 57 59 64 72 81 88 4:07 67 67 68 69 73 77 88 97
3:36 54 53 56 58 63 71 80 87 4:08 66 67 67 68 73 76 87 96
3:37 53 53 55 57 62 70 79 87 4:09 66 66 67 67 72 75 87 96
3:38 52 52 54 57 61 70 79 86 4:10 65 65 66 67 72 75 86 95
3:39 51 51 53 56 61 69 78 86 4:11 64 65 65 66 71 74 85 95
3:40 50 50 52 55 60 68 77 85 4:12 63 64 65 66 70 74 85 94
3:41 49 49 51 54 59 67 77 85 4:13 63 63 64 65 70 73 84 94
3:42 48 48 50 53 58 67 76 84 4:14 62 63 63 64 69 72 84 93
3:43 47 47 50 52 57 66 75 84 4:15 61 62 63 64 68 72 83 93
3:44 46 46 49 51 56 65 74 83 4:16 60 61 62 63 68 71 83 92
3:45 46 45 48 50 56 64 74 83 4:17 59 60 61 62 67 70 82 92
3:46 45 44 47 50 55 64 73 82 4:18 59 60 61 62 67 70 81 91
3:47 44 44 46 49 54 63 72 82 4:19 58 59 60 61 66 69 81 91
3:48 43 43 45 48 53 62 72 81 4:20 57 58 60 60 65 68 80 90
3:49 42 42 44 47 52 61 71 81 4:21 56 58 59 60 65 68 80 90
3:50 41 41 43 46 52 61 70 80 4:22 56 57 58 59 64 67 79 89
3:51 40 40 43 45 51 60 70 80 4:23 55 56 58 59 64 66 79 89
3:52 42 44 50 59 69 79 4:24 54 56 57 58 63 66 78 88
3:53 41 43 49 58 68 79 4:25 53 55 56 57 62 65 78 88
3:54 40 43 48 57 68 78 4:26 52 54 56 57 62 65 77 87
3:55 42 47 57 67 78 4:27 52 54 55 56 61 64 76 87
3:56 41 47 56 66 77 4:28 51 53 55 55 60 63 76 86
3:57 40 46 55 66 77 4:29 50 52 54 55 60 63 75 86
3:58 45 54 65 76 4:30 49 52 53 54 59 62 75 85
3:59 44 54 64 76 4:31 49 51 53 53 59 61 74 85
4:00 43 53 63 75 4:32 48 50 52 53 58 61 74 84
4:01 42 52 63 75 4:33 47 50 51 52 57 60 73 84
4:02 42 51 62 74 4:34 46 49 51 51 57 59 73 83
4:03 41 51 61 74 4:35 45 48 50 51 56 59 72 83
4:04 40 50 61 73 4:36 45 48 49 50 55 58 71 82
4:05 49 60 73 4:37 44 47 49 50 55 57 71 82
4:06 48 59 72 4:38 43 46 48 49 54 57 70 81
4:07 48 59 72 4:39 42 45 48 48 54 56 70 81
4:08 47 58 71 4:40 42 45 47 48 53 55 69 80
4:09 46 57 71 4:41 41 44 46 47 52 55 69 79
4:10 45 57 70 4:42 40 43 46 46 52 54 68 79
4:11 45 56 70 4:43 43 45 46 51 54 67 78

2-25 Enclosure (1)

MCBul 6100
15 DEC 2016

Table 2-6.--Movement to Contact at Altitude Scoring Tables

(at or above 4,500 feet mean sea level) (cont.)

Male MTC Female MTC

Male 17-20 21-25 26-30 31-35 36-40 41-45 46-50 51+ Female 17-20 21-25 26-30 31-35 36-40 41-45 46-50 51+
Max 2:46 2:44 2:45 2:48 2:51 2:58 3:07 3:11 Max 3:25 3:19 3:16 3:18 3:24 3:31 3:45 4:01
Min 3:51 3:51 3:54 3:57 4:04 4:17 4:34 5:11 Min 4:42 4:47 4:51 4:52 5:01 5:04 5:32 5:58
Min Pts 40 40 40 40 40 40 40 40 Min Pts 40 40 40 40 40 40 40 40
4:12 44 55 70 4:44 42 44 45 51 53 67 78
4:13 43 54 69 4:45 41 44 44 50 52 66 77
4:14 42 54 69 4:46 41 43 44 49 52 66 77
4:15 42 53 68 4:47 40 43 43 49 51 65 76
4:16 41 52 68 4:48 42 43 48 50 65 76
4:17 40 52 67 4:49 41 42 47 50 64 75
4:18 51 67 4:50 41 41 47 49 64 75
4:19 50 66 4:51 40 41 46 48 63 74
4:20 50 66 4:52 40 46 48 62 74
4:21 49 65 4:53 45 47 62 73
4:22 48 65 4:54 44 46 61 73
4:23 48 64 4:55 44 46 61 72
4:24 47 64 4:56 43 45 60 72
4:25 46 63 4:57 42 45 60 71
4:26 46 63 4:58 42 44 59 71
4:27 45 62 4:59 41 43 59 70
4:28 44 62 5:00 41 43 58 70
4:29 43 61 5:01 40 42 57 69
4:30 43 61 5:02 41 57 69
4:31 42 60 5:03 41 56 68
4:32 41 60 5:04 40 56 68
4:33 41 59 5:05 55 67
4:34 40 59 5:06 55 67
4:35 58 5:07 54 66
4:36 58 5:08 53 66
4:37 57 5:09 53 65
4:38 57 5:10 52 65
4:39 56 5:11 52 64
4:40 56 5:12 51 64
4:41 55 5:13 51 63
4:42 55 5:14 50 63
4:43 54 5:15 50 62
4:44 54 5:16 49 62
4:45 53 5:17 48 61
4:46 53 5:18 48 61
4:47 52 5:19 47 60
4:48 52 5:20 47 59
4:49 51 5:21 46 59
4:50 51 5:22 46 58
4:51 50 5:23 45 58
4:52 50 5:24 44 57
4:53 49 5:25 44 57
4:54 49 5:26 43 56
4:55 48 5:27 43 56
4:56 48 5:28 42 55
4:57 47 5:29 42 55
4:58 47 5:30 41 54

2-26 Enclosure (1)

MCBul 6100
15 DEC 2016

Table 2-6.--Movement to Contact at Altitude Scoring Tables

(at or above 4,500 feet mean sea level) (cont.)

Male MTC Female MTC

Male 17-20 21-25 26-30 31-35 36-40 41-45 46-50 51+ Female 17-20 21-25 26-30 31-35 36-40 41-45 46-50 51+
Max 2:46 2:44 2:45 2:48 2:51 2:58 3:07 3:11 Max 3:25 3:19 3:16 3:18 3:24 3:31 3:45 4:01
Min 3:51 3:51 3:54 3:57 4:04 4:17 4:34 5:11 Min 4:42 4:47 4:51 4:52 5:01 5:04 5:32 5:58
Min Pts 40 40 40 40 40 40 40 40 Min Pts 40 40 40 40 40 40 40 40
4:59 46 5:31 41 54
5:00 46 5:32 40 53
5:01 45 5:33 53
5:02 45 5:34 52
5:03 44 5:35 52
5:04 44 5:36 51
5:05 43 5:37 51
5:06 43 5:38 50
5:07 42 5:39 50
5:08 42 5:40 49
5:09 41 5:41 49
5:10 41 5:42 48
5:11 40 5:43 48
5:12 5:44 47
5:13 5:45 47
5:14 5:46 46
5:15 5:47 46
5:16 5:48 45
5:17 5:49 45
5:18 5:50 44
5:19 5:51 44
5:52 43
5:53 43
5:54 42
5:55 42
5:56 41
5:57 41
5:58 40

2-27 Enclosure (1)

MCBul 6100
15 DEC 2016

Table 2-7.--Maneuver Under Fire (at or above 4,500 feet mean sea level).
Male 17-20 21-25 26-30 31-35 36-40 41-45 46-50 51+ Female 17-20 21-25 26-30 31-35 36-40 41-45 46-50 51+
Max 2:15 2:12 2:13 2:18 2:24 2:31 2:48 3:00 Max 3:03 2:53 2:50 2:57 3:01 3:05 3:43 3:52
Min 3:25 3:26 3:30 3:38 3:50 4:07 4:22 6:17 Min 5:01 4:42 4:48 4:52 5:04 5:09 5:14 6:41
Min Pts 40 40 40 40 40 40 40 40 Min Pts 40 40 40 40 40 40 40 40
17-20 21-25 26-30 31-35 36-40 41-45 46-50 51+ 17-20 21-25 26-30 31-35 36-40 41-45 46-50 51+
2:04 2:42
2:05 2:43
2:06 2:44
2:07 2:45
2:08 2:46
2:09 2:47
2:10 2:48
2:11 2:49
2:12 100 2:50 100
2:13 99 100 2:51 99
2:14 98 99 2:52 99
2:15 100 98 98 2:53 100 98
2:16 99 97 98 2:54 99 98
2:17 98 96 97 2:55 99 97
2:18 97 95 96 100 2:56 98 97
2:19 97 94 95 99 2:57 98 96 100
2:20 96 94 95 99 2:58 97 96 99
2:21 95 93 94 98 2:59 97 95 99
2:22 94 92 93 97 3:00 96 95 98
2:23 93 91 92 96 3:01 96 94 98 100
2:24 92 90 91 96 100 3:02 95 94 97 100
2:25 91 89 91 95 99 3:03 100 94 93 97 99
2:26 91 89 90 94 99 3:04 99 94 93 96 99
2:27 90 88 89 93 98 3:05 99 93 92 96 98 100
2:28 89 87 88 93 97 3:06 98 93 92 95 98 100
2:29 88 86 88 92 97 3:07 98 92 91 95 97 99
2:30 87 85 87 91 96 3:08 97 92 91 94 97 99
2:31 86 85 86 90 95 100 3:09 97 91 90 94 96 98
2:32 85 84 85 90 94 99 3:10 96 91 90 93 96 98
2:33 85 83 84 89 94 99 3:11 96 90 89 93 95 97
2:34 84 82 84 88 93 98 3:12 95 90 89 92 95 97
2:35 83 81 83 87 92 98 3:13 95 89 88 92 94 96
2:36 82 81 82 87 92 97 3:14 94 88 88 91 94 96
2:37 81 80 81 86 91 96 3:15 94 88 87 91 93 95
2:38 80 79 81 85 90 96 3:16 93 87 87 90 93 95
2:39 79 78 80 84 90 95 3:17 93 87 86 90 92 94
2:40 79 77 79 84 89 94 3:18 92 86 86 89 92 94
2:41 78 76 78 83 88 94 3:19 92 86 85 89 91 93
2:42 77 76 77 82 87 93 3:20 91 85 85 88 91 93
2:43 76 75 77 81 87 93 3:21 91 85 84 87 90 92
2:44 75 74 76 81 86 92 3:22 90 84 84 87 90 92
2:45 74 73 75 80 85 91 3:23 90 83 83 86 89 91
2:46 73 72 74 79 85 91 3:24 89 83 83 86 89 91
2:47 73 72 74 78 84 90 3:25 89 82 82 85 88 90
2:48 72 71 73 78 83 89 100 3:26 88 82 82 85 88 90
2:49 71 70 72 77 83 89 99 3:27 88 81 81 84 87 89
2:50 70 69 71 76 82 88 99 3:28 87 81 81 84 87 89
2:51 69 68 70 75 81 88 98 3:29 87 80 80 83 86 88

2-28 Enclosure (1)

MCBul 6100
15 DEC 2016

Table 2-7.--Maneuver Under Fire (at or above 4,500 feet mean sea level)


Male 17-20 21-25 26-30 31-35 36-40 41-45 46-50 51+ Female 17-20 21-25 26-30 31-35 36-40 41-45 46-50 51+
Max 2:15 2:12 2:13 2:18 2:24 2:31 2:48 3:00 Max 3:03 2:53 2:50 2:57 3:01 3:05 3:43 3:52
Min 3:25 3:26 3:30 3:38 3:50 4:07 4:22 6:17 Min 5:01 4:42 4:48 4:52 5:04 5:09 5:14 6:41
Min Pts 40 40 40 40 40 40 40 40 Min Pts 40 40 40 40 40 40 40 40
2:52 68 68 70 75 80 87 97 3:30 86 80 80 83 86 88
2:53 67 67 69 74 80 86 97 3:31 86 79 79 82 85 87
2:54 67 66 68 73 79 86 96 3:32 85 79 79 82 85 87
2:55 66 65 67 72 78 85 96 3:33 85 78 78 81 84 86
2:56 65 64 66 72 78 84 95 3:34 84 77 78 81 84 86
2:57 64 64 66 71 77 84 94 3:35 84 77 77 80 83 85
2:58 63 63 65 70 76 83 94 3:36 83 76 77 80 83 85
2:59 62 62 64 69 76 83 93 3:37 83 76 76 79 82 85
3:00 61 61 63 69 75 82 92 100 3:38 82 75 76 79 82 84
3:01 61 60 63 68 74 81 92 99 3:39 82 75 75 78 81 84
3:02 60 59 62 67 73 81 91 99 3:40 81 74 75 78 81 83
3:03 59 59 61 66 73 80 90 99 3:41 81 74 74 77 80 83
3:04 58 58 60 66 72 79 90 98 3:42 80 73 74 77 80 82
3:05 57 57 59 65 71 79 89 98 3:43 80 72 73 76 80 82 100
3:06 56 56 59 64 71 78 89 98 3:44 79 72 73 75 79 81 99
3:07 55 55 58 63 70 78 88 98 3:45 79 71 72 75 79 81 99
3:08 55 55 57 63 69 77 87 97 3:46 78 71 72 74 78 80 98
3:09 54 54 56 62 69 76 87 97 3:47 78 70 71 74 78 80 97
3:10 53 53 56 61 68 76 86 97 3:48 77 70 71 73 77 79 97
3:11 52 52 55 60 67 75 85 96 3:49 77 69 70 73 77 79 96
3:12 51 51 54 60 67 74 85 96 3:50 76 69 69 72 76 78 95
3:13 50 51 53 59 66 74 84 96 3:51 76 68 69 72 76 78 95
3:14 49 50 52 58 65 73 83 95 3:52 75 68 68 71 75 77 94 100
3:15 49 49 52 57 64 73 83 95 3:53 75 67 68 71 75 77 93 99
3:16 48 48 51 57 64 72 82 95 3:54 74 66 67 70 74 76 93 99
3:17 47 47 50 56 63 71 81 95 3:55 74 66 67 70 74 76 92 99
3:18 46 46 49 55 62 71 81 94 3:56 73 65 66 69 73 75 91 98
3:19 45 46 49 54 62 70 80 94 3:57 73 65 66 69 73 75 91 98
3:20 44 45 48 54 61 69 80 94 3:58 72 64 65 68 72 74 90 98
3:21 43 44 47 53 60 69 79 93 3:59 72 64 65 68 72 74 89 97
3:22 43 43 46 52 60 68 78 93 4:00 71 63 64 67 71 73 89 97
3:23 42 42 45 51 59 68 78 93 4:01 71 63 64 67 71 73 88 96
3:24 41 42 45 51 58 67 77 92 4:02 70 62 63 66 70 72 87 96
3:25 40 41 44 50 57 66 76 92 4:03 69 61 63 66 70 72 87 96
3:26 40 43 49 57 66 76 92 4:04 69 61 62 65 69 71 86 95
3:27 42 48 56 65 75 92 4:05 68 60 62 65 69 71 85 95
3:28 42 48 55 64 74 91 4:06 68 60 61 64 68 70 85 95
3:29 41 47 55 64 74 91 4:07 67 59 61 63 68 70 84 94
3:30 40 46 54 63 73 91 4:08 67 59 60 63 67 70 84 94
3:31 45 53 63 73 90 4:09 66 58 60 62 67 69 83 94
3:32 45 53 62 72 90 4:10 66 58 59 62 66 69 82 93
3:33 44 52 61 71 90 4:11 65 57 59 61 66 68 82 93
3:34 43 51 61 71 89 4:12 65 57 58 61 65 68 81 93
3:35 42 50 60 70 89 4:13 64 56 58 60 65 67 80 92
3:36 42 50 59 69 89 4:14 64 55 57 60 64 67 80 92
3:37 41 49 59 69 89 4:15 63 55 57 59 64 66 79 92
3:38 40 48 58 68 88 4:16 63 54 56 59 63 66 78 91
3:39 48 58 67 88 4:17 62 54 56 58 63 65 78 91

2-29 Enclosure (1)

MCBul 6100
15 DEC 2016

Table 2-7.--Maneuver Under Fire (at or above 4,500 feet mean sea level)
Male 17-20 21-25 26-30 31-35 36-40 41-45 46-50 51+ Female 17-20 21-25 26-30 31-35 36-40 41-45 46-50 51+
Max 2:15 2:12 2:13 2:18 2:24 2:31 2:48 3:00 Max 3:03 2:53 2:50 2:57 3:01 3:05 3:43 3:52
Min 3:25 3:26 3:30 3:38 3:50 4:07 4:22 6:17 Min 5:01 4:42 4:48 4:52 5:04 5:09 5:14 6:41
Min Pts 40 40 40 40 40 40 40 40 Min Pts 40 40 40 40 40 40 40 40
3:40 47 57 67 88 4:18 62 53 55 58 62 65 77 91
3:41 46 56 66 87 4:19 61 53 55 57 62 64 76 90
3:42 46 56 66 87 4:20 61 52 54 57 61 64 76 90
3:43 45 55 65 87 4:21 60 52 54 56 61 63 75 89
3:44 44 54 64 86 4:22 60 51 53 56 60 63 74 89
3:45 43 54 64 86 4:23 59 50 53 55 60 62 74 89
3:46 43 53 63 86 4:24 59 50 52 55 60 62 73 88
3:47 42 53 62 86 4:25 58 49 52 54 59 61 72 88
3:48 41 52 62 85 4:26 58 49 51 54 59 61 72 88
3:49 41 51 61 85 4:27 57 48 51 53 58 60 71 87
3:50 40 51 60 85 4:28 57 48 50 53 58 60 70 87
3:51 50 60 84 4:29 56 47 50 52 57 59 70 87
3:52 49 59 84 4:30 56 47 49 51 57 59 69 86
3:53 49 59 84 4:31 55 46 49 51 56 58 68 86
3:54 48 58 83 4:32 55 46 48 50 56 58 68 86
3:55 48 57 83 4:33 54 45 48 50 55 57 67 85
3:56 47 57 83 4:34 54 44 47 49 55 57 66 85
3:57 46 56 83 4:35 53 44 47 49 54 56 66 85
3:58 46 55 82 4:36 53 43 46 48 54 56 65 84
3:59 45 55 82 4:37 52 43 46 48 53 55 64 84
4:00 44 54 82 4:38 52 42 45 47 53 55 64 84
4:01 44 53 81 4:39 51 42 45 47 52 55 63 83
4:02 43 53 81 4:40 51 41 44 46 52 54 62 83
4:03 43 52 81 4:41 50 41 44 46 51 54 62 82
4:04 42 51 80 4:42 50 40 43 45 51 53 61 82
4:05 41 51 80 4:43 49 43 45 50 53 60 82
4:06 41 50 80 4:44 49 42 44 50 52 60 81
4:07 40 50 79 4:45 48 42 44 49 52 59 81
4:08 49 79 4:46 48 41 43 49 51 58 81
4:09 48 79 4:47 47 41 43 48 51 58 80
4:10 48 79 4:48 47 40 42 48 50 57 80
4:11 47 78 4:49 46 42 47 50 56 80
4:12 46 78 4:50 46 41 47 49 56 79
4:13 46 78 4:51 45 41 46 49 55 79
4:14 45 77 4:52 45 40 46 48 55 79
4:15 44 77 4:53 44 45 48 54 78
4:16 44 77 4:54 44 45 47 53 78
4:17 43 76 4:55 43 44 47 53 78
4:18 43 76 4:56 43 44 46 52 77
4:19 42 76 4:57 42 43 46 51 77
4:20 41 76 4:58 42 43 45 51 76
4:21 41 75 4:59 41 42 45 50 76
4:22 40 75 5:00 41 42 44 49 76
4:23 75 5:01 40 41 44 49 75
4:24 74 5:02 41 43 48 75
4:25 74 5:03 40 43 47 75
4:26 74 5:04 40 42 47 74
4:27 73 5:05 42 46 74

2-30 Enclosure (1)

MCBul 6100
15 DEC 2016

Table 2-7.--Maneuver Under Fire (at or above 4,500 feet mean sea level)
Male 17-20 21-25 26-30 31-35 36-40 41-45 46-50 51+ Female 17-20 21-25 26-30 31-35 36-40 41-45 46-50 51+
Max 2:15 2:12 2:13 2:18 2:24 2:31 2:48 3:00 Max 3:03 2:53 2:50 2:57 3:01 3:05 3:43 3:52
Min 3:25 3:26 3:30 3:38 3:50 4:07 4:22 6:17 Min 5:01 4:42 4:48 4:52 5:04 5:09 5:14 6:41
Min Pts 40 40 40 40 40 40 40 40 Min Pts 40 40 40 40 40 40 40 40
4:28 73 5:06 41 45 74
4:29 73 5:07 41 45 73
4:30 73 5:08 40 44 73
4:31 72 5:09 40 43 73
4:32 72 5:10 43 72
4:33 72 5:11 42 72
4:34 71 5:12 41 72
4:35 71 5:13 41 71
4:36 71 5:14 40 71
4:37 70 5:15 71
4:38 70 5:16 70
4:39 70 5:17 70
4:40 70 5:18 69
4:41 69 5:19 69
4:42 69 5:20 69
4:43 69 5:21 68
4:44 68 5:22 68
4:45 68 5:23 68
4:46 68 5:24 67
4:47 67 5:25 67
4:48 67 5:26 67
4:49 67 5:27 66
4:50 67 5:28 66
4:51 66 5:29 66
4:52 66 5:30 65
4:53 66 5:31 65
4:54 65 5:32 65
4:55 65 5:33 64
4:56 65 5:34 64
4:57 64 5:35 64
4:58 64 5:36 63
4:59 64 5:37 63
5:00 64 5:38 62
5:01 63 5:39 62
5:02 63 5:40 62
5:03 63 5:41 61
5:04 62 5:42 61
5:05 62 5:43 61
5:06 62 5:44 60
5:07 61 5:45 60
5:08 61 5:46 60
5:09 61 5:47 59
5:10 61 5:48 59
5:11 60 5:49 59
5:12 60 5:50 58
5:13 60 5:51 58
5:14 59 5:52 58
5:15 59 5:53 57

2-31 Enclosure (1)

MCBul 6100
15 DEC 2016

Table 2-7.--Maneuver Under Fire (at or above 4,500 feet mean sea level)
Male 17-20 21-25 26-30 31-35 36-40 41-45 46-50 51+ Female 17-20 21-25 26-30 31-35 36-40 41-45 46-50 51+
Max 2:15 2:12 2:13 2:18 2:24 2:31 2:48 3:00 Max 3:03 2:53 2:50 2:57 3:01 3:05 3:43 3:52
Min 3:25 3:26 3:30 3:38 3:50 4:07 4:22 6:17 Min 5:01 4:42 4:48 4:52 5:04 5:09 5:14 6:41
Min Pts 40 40 40 40 40 40 40 40 Min Pts 40 40 40 40 40 40 40 40
5:16 59 5:54 57
5:17 58 5:55 56
5:18 58 5:56 56
5:19 58 5:57 56
5:20 57 5:58 55
5:21 57 5:59 55
5:22 57 6:00 55
5:23 57 6:01 54
5:24 56 6:02 54
5:25 56 6:03 54
5:26 56 6:04 53
5:27 55 6:05 53
5:28 55 6:06 53
5:29 55 6:07 52
5:30 54 6:08 52
5:31 54 6:09 52
5:32 54 6:10 51
5:33 54 6:11 51
5:34 53 6:12 51
5:35 53 6:13 50
5:36 53 6:14 50
5:37 52 6:15 49
5:38 52 6:16 49
5:39 52 6:17 49
5:40 51 6:18 48
5:41 51 6:19 48
5:42 51 6:20 48
5:43 51 6:21 47
5:44 50 6:22 47
5:45 50 6:23 47
5:46 50 6:24 46
5:47 49 6:25 46
5:48 49 6:26 46
5:49 49 6:27 45
5:50 48 6:28 45
5:51 48 6:29 45
5:52 48 6:30 44
5:53 48 6:31 44
5:54 47 6:32 44
5:55 47 6:33 43
5:56 47 6:34 43
5:57 46 6:35 42
5:58 46 6:36 42
5:59 46 6:37 42
6:00 45 6:38 41
6:01 45 6:39 41
6:02 45 6:40 41
6:03 45 6:41 40

2-32 Enclosure (1)

MCBul 6100
15 DEC 2016

Table 2-7.--Maneuver Under Fire (at or above 4,500 feet mean sea level)

Male 17-20 21-25 26-30 31-35 36-40 41-45 46-50 51+
Max 2:15 2:12 2:13 2:18 2:24 2:31 2:48 3:00
Min 3:25 3:26 3:30 3:38 3:50 4:07 4:22 6:17
Min Pts 40 40 40 40 40 40 40 40
6:03 45
6:04 44
6:05 44
6:06 44
6:07 43
6:08 43
6:09 43
6:10 42
6:11 42
6:12 42
6:13 42
6:14 41
6:15 41
6:16 41
6:17 40

2-33 Enclosure (1)

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