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Some of the key takeaways from the document are word order in different types of sentences such as affirmative sentences, subordinate clauses and questions. It also discusses the position of time expressions.

Some examples of word order in affirmative sentences given in the document are 'I like you', 'I speak English' and 'they will sing a song'.

Some examples of questions in present perfect progressive given are 'Has she been talking on the phone?', 'Has his brother been cooking dinner?' and 'Have Jane and Mary been playing badminton?'

subject verb(s) object

I speak English

I can speak English

Word Order in Affirmative Sentences 1

Arrange the words to make affirmative sentences.

I like you.
1. like / I / you

2. French / I / speak

3. hates / pigeons / he

4. they / song / a / sing

5. sell / flowers / we

6. you / see / me / can

7. buy / milk / he / wants to

8. feed / you / my / cat / can

9. sister / has / my / got / a dog

10. must / the book / read / you

subject verb(s9 indirect object direct object place time

I will tell you the story at school tomorrow.

Word Order in affirmative Sentences 2

Arrange the words to make affirmative sentences. Place time expressions at the end of the

I w ill go home
1. go / now / home / will / I

2. give / the present / tomorrow / we / him / will

3. her / met / last night / at / we / the station

4. was / last week / he / in hospital

5. in Greece / spend / I / will / next year / my holiday

6. must / at five o'clock / leave / we / the house

7. the library / take / I / the book / will / today / to

8. my mum / breakfast / in the morning / made

9. tonight / want / to the cinema / to go / we

10. wrote / last week / they / at school / a test

Exercise on Past Perfect Simple

subject verbs indirect object direct object place time

I had not told you the story at school last week.

Negative Sentences in Past Perfect Simple

Write the verbs in Past Perfect Simple. Use the negative form.

1. In the shopping centre, I met a friend who I (see / not) for ages.

2. The thief could walk right into the house because you (lock / not) the door.

3. We lost the match because we (practise / not) the days before.

4. At school, Jim quickly copied the homework that he (do / not) .

5. We ate at a restaurant last night because I (buy / not) anything for dinner.

6. When we came back, it was cold in the house because Alice (close / not) the

7. All day long, Phil was angry with me just because I (greet / not) him first.

8. When I met Jane at eleven oclock, she (have / not) breakfast yet.

9. I couldnt go to the cinema with my friends last night because I (finish / not) my
homework yet.
10. Fred answered my question although I (ask / not) him.

Word Order in Subordinate Clauses

conjunction subject verb(s) indirect object direct object place time

I will tell you the story at school tomorrow ...

because I don't have time now.

Subordinate Clauses

Complete the sentences with the words in brackets. Place time expressions at the end of the

she goes to th
1. She is in great form because (every week / goes / she / to the gym) .

2. I think (likes / Susan / you) .

3. I can't talk to you because (time / do not have / I / now) .

4. We are glad that (at home / did not leave / we / our umbrella .

5. I will miss him when (to Chicago / moves / he) .

6. They don't know where (have left / the key / they) .

7. Ring me if (have / you / a problem) .

8. I'd like to know why (her holiday / does not spend / she / in France .

9. They told him that (wanted to play / they / tennis) .

10. He was reading the paper while (she / in the garden / was working)

Position of Time Expressions

(e.g.: recently, now, then, yesterday)
Adverbs of time are usually put at the end of the sentence.

subject verb(s) indirect object direct object time

I will tell you the story tomorrow.

If you don't want to put emphasis on the time, you can also put the adverb of time at the
beginning of the sentence.

time subject verb(s) indirect object direct object

Tomorrow I will tell you the story.

Note that some time expressions are adverbs of frequency (always, never, usually
usw.). These are usually put before the main verb (except for 'be' as a main verb).

subject auxiliary/be adverb main verb object, place or time

I often go swimming in the evenings.

He doesn't always play tennis.

We are usually here in summer.

I have never been abroad.

Decide where to place the time expressions. (The sentences are similar to allow you to
concentrate on the time expressions.)

1. We went to the cinema yesterday.

We went yesterday to the cinema.
Both sentences are correct.

2. We often go to the cinema.

We go often to the cinema.
Both sentences are correct.
3. Next Tuesday I will go to the cinema.
I will go to the cinema next Tuesday.
Both sentences are correct.

4. They never go to the cinema.

They go to the cinema never.
Both sentences are correct.

5. She goes every Sunday to the cinema.

She goes to the cinema every Sunday.
Both sentences are correct.

6. I seldom am at the cinema.

I am seldom at the cinema.
Both sentences are correct.

7. I don't go to the cinema every week.

I don't go every week to the cinema.
Both sentences are correct.

8. Francis does not always go to the cinema.

Francis does not go to the cinema always.
Both sentences are correct.

9. Do frequently you go to the cinema?

Do you frequently go to the cinema?
Both sentences are correct.

10. My friends didn't go to the cinema on Friday.

On Friday my friends didn't go to the cinema.
Both sentences are correct.

Adverb of Manner
(e.g.: slowly, carefully, awfully)
These adverbs are put behind the direct object (or behind the verb if there's no direct

subject verb(s) direct object adverb

He drove the car carefully.

He drove carefully.

Rewrite the sentences and put the adverbs in correctly.

She speaks sl
1. She speaks. (slowly)

2. They sang. (wonderfully)

3. He treated her. (respectfully)

4. John speaks English. (well)

5. The dog barks. (loudly)

6. My sister plays the piano. (awfully)

7. She met him. (secretly)

8. The children laughed. (happily)

9. She hurt her leg. (badly)

10. They sneaked out of the house (quietly).

Adverbs of Place
(e.g.: here, there, behind, above)
Like adverbs of manner, these adverbs are put behind the direct object or the verb.

subject verb(s) direct object adverb

I didn't see him here.

He stayed behind.

Make sentences and put the adverbs (in italic print) in correctly (behind the verb or object).

The cinema is
1. is / over there / the cinema -

2. inside / go / let's -
3. the kitchen / downstairs / is -

4. playing / the kids / are / outside -

5. she / not / been / here / has -

6. the bathroom / is / upstairs -

7. were / everywhere / we / for / looking / you -

8. we / anywhere / you / find / couldn't -

9. ? / there / a post office / nearby / is -

10. must / we / walk / back home -

Adverbs of Time
(e.g.: recently, now, then, yesterday)

Adverbs of time are usually put at the end of the sentence.

subject verb(s) indirect object direct object time

I will tell you the story tomorrow.

If you don't want to put emphasis on the time, you can also put the adverb of time at the
beginning of the sentence.

time subject verb(s) indirect object direct object

Tomorrow I will tell you the story.

Arrange the words to make sentences. Place time expressions at the end of the sentence.

I haven't seen
1. haven't / recently / seen / I / him -

2. I'll / you / see / soon -

3. afterwards / met / at the pub / him / we -

4. help / immediately / I / need -

5. was / arrogant / he / then / very -

6. ? / now / are / where / you -

7. ? / to go / where / you / do / want / today -

8. ? / do / yesterday / did / you / what -

9. as soon as possible / you / him / the truth / tell / should -

10. hasn't won / lately / my team -

Adverbs of Frequency
(e.g.: always, never, seldom, usually)

Adverbs of frequency are put directly before the main verb. If 'be' is the main verb and there is
no auxiliary verb, adverbs of frequency are put behind 'be'. Is there an auxiliary verb, however,
adverbs of frequency are put before 'be'.

subject auxiliary/be adverb main verb object, place or time

I often go swimming in the evenings.

He doesn't always play tennis.

We are usually here in summer.

I have never been abroad.

Rewrite the sentences and put the adverbs in correctly.

I have often be
1. I have been to London. (often)

2. Have you been to Boston? (ever)

3. He plays golf on Sundays. (sometimes)

4. The weather is bad in November. (always)

5. It rains in California. (never)

6. We have fish for dinner. (seldom)

7. She will see him. (rarely)

8. Peter doesn't get up before seven. (usually)

9. They do not play tennis on Sundays. (always)

10. Mary watches TV. (hardly / ever)

Word Order in Questions

In questions, the word order subject-verbs-object is the same as in affirmative sentences. The
only thing thats different is that you usually have to put the auxiliary verb (or the main verb
be) before the subject. Interrogatives are put at the beginning of the sentences:

auxiliary other indirect direct

interrogative subject place time
verb verb(s) object object

What would you like to tell me

Did you have a party in your yesterday?


When were you here?

Arrange the words to make questions.

Do you have a dog?

1. do / a dog / you / have

2. you / coffee / do / like

3. speak/ she / English / does

4. he / can / dance -

5. play / at / you / the weekends / do / tennis

6. go / last night / out / you / did

7. the train / when / leave / does

8. him / she / did / the truth / tell / why

9. on / they / holiday / are
10. she / Australia / from / is

Questions in Present Perfect Progressive

Write questions in present perfect progressive.

1. she / on the phone / talk --------------------------------------------

2. his brother / dinner / cook --------------------------------------------------
3. Jane and Mary / badminton / play ---------------------------------------------
4. Sue / in the gym / exercise ------------------------------------------------
5. Robert / the room / paint -----------------------------------------------
6. they / trees / plant -----------------------------------------------------------
7. Henry / in the garage / work -----------------------------------------------------------
8. they / in the lake / swim -----------------------------------------------------------------
9. how long / Boris / English / learn ----------------------------------------------------------
10. how long / you / for me / wait ---------------------------------------------------------------

Exercise on questions with interrogative in Simple Past

Ask for the bold part of the sentence.

1. She pushed her bike.

2. She carried a bag.
3. We waited in the park.
4. The policeman arrested the thief.
5. We ate fish.
6. She watched the match last night.
7. She asked her friend because she did not know what to do.
8. I opened the door.
9. The teacher checked our homework.
10. Cindy had a dog.

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