Encyclopaedia Heraldica Vol. 4 - Berry, William, 1774-1851 PDF

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Some years have now elapsed since the completion of the Encyclopedia Heraldica,
which contained, as the Author professed it should, the subject matter of all the

principal works upon Heraldry then extant, such as Edmondson, GiviMim, and
Nesbitt, and the more ancient authors, who had written upon the Science generally,
but condensed into a more concise form, and blended with his own elaborate

collections in alphabetical arrangement, as a book of ready reference, embracing the

whole Science of Heraldry, and matters connected with it : but, although this

extensive collection contained, (in the Dictionary of Arms, only with the Armorial

Bearings of the Peers and Baronets,) about sixty thousand Coats of Arms ;
yet the
Crests being generally omitted, at least very few of them, comparatively speaking,

having been given with the Arms in Edmondson and Givillim, the Author of the

Encyclopedia Heraldica was induced, after the completion of that Work, to collect
a great number of the Crests omitted, as well as many ancient Bearings from

Manuscript Collections in the Library of the British Museum, and also the new Coats
which were yearly emanating from the College of Arms upon the acquisition of wealth,
or the grant of new honours and dignities which, altogether, were sufficient to furnish

materials for an additional volume, and could not be otherwise than useful. The

following Addenda has therefore been arranged in the same manner, in every respect,
to correspond with the preceding volumes of the Encyclopedia Heraldica, referring to
that Work where the information is additional, and correcting such parts of it as may

have been erroneously given ;

and some thousands of ancient and modern Arms have
been added to the former collection, in the whole amounting to nearly a hundred thou-

sand Arms and Crests, with the Armorial Bearings of the Peers and Baronets to the

present time.




Alphabetical Arrangement of additional matter, with Ancient and New Bearings not in the former
Dictionary of Arms.


The Armorial Bearings of Peers, created and restored since the completion of the Encyclopaedia


The Arms of the New Baronets, created since that period, with additions and corrections where


The Arms of Subscribers, and others, engraved in the Plates at the end of this Volume, alphabeti-

cally arranged, though not so in the Plates.


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gardant, gu. Crest, a rose, per pale, or and head, couped, ppr. (Another crest, two dag-
az. barbed, counter-changed. gers, saltierwise, ppr.)
Abdehall, or, a (esse and three mullets in chief Abercromby, or Abercrombie. [Birkcnbog
gu. and Banff, N. B.] The same Arms as the first
Abden, ar. three fleurs-de-lis sa. Crest, a swan's of that name in the first
Dictionary. Crest,
head and neck betw. two wings az. on a mount an oak-tree, fructed, all ppr.
Abdy, [Mailing, Kent,] az. two chev. betw. three Abercromby [Fitternier, N. B.] ar. a chev. engr.

trefoils, slipped, sa. gu. betw. three boars' heads, erased, az. Crest,
Abeck, or Habeck, erm. two bars vert. Crest, a cross crosslet, fitchee, gu.
out of a mural coronet, an arm from the elbow, Aberdeen, gu. three towers, triple towered,
vested az. cuff ar. holding in the band ppr. a within a double tressure, flory, counter-flory, ar.
mullet gu. Aberdeen, [Cairnbuly, N. B.] gu. a chev. ar. betw.
A'Becket. See Beckett. three estoiles or. Crest, a dexter hand holding
Abeline, ar. on a cross sa. five eagles, displayed, up an annulet ppr.
of the field. Crest, a sword in pale, entiled Aberdour, ar. three swords,
paleways, in fesse,
with a savage's head, all ppr. ppr. surmounted by a bend gu. within a bordure
Abeline, Abyleyne, Abelyn, or Aylin, ar. three az. Crest, an anchor, cabled, and a sword,
chess-rooks sa. saltierwise, all
Abelyn, on a cross sa. an eagle, displayed,
ar. Aberuwell, Crest, a greyhound ar. courant
with two beads or. Crest, on a globe, an eagle, towards a tree vert.
with wings expanded and inverted gu. Aberkedour. Arms, see first Dictionary.
Abeleyn, or Ableine, ar. three fleurs-de-lis sa. Crest, a sword, in pale, ppr.
Crest, a peacock ppr. Aberhurder, [Murray shire,] gu. three boars'
Abelyn, gu. on a cross, patonce, ar. five escallops heads, erased, or, muzzled sa.
az. ABERNEATHY.ar. a lion, rampant, gu. surmounted
Abelyn, [Cornwall,] ar. three chess-rooks sa. by a ribbon sa. Crest, a ship under sail
A bell, [Kent.] The same Arms as the second ppr.
of this name in the first Dictionary. Crest, a Abemethy, [Lord Saltoun,] or a lion, rampant,
boar's bead, erect, sa. couped, and armed gu. surmounted by a ribbon sa. Crest, a
or. parrot feeding on a bunch of cherries.
Abell, [Cork, Irelaud.] The same. Abemethy [Auchinloich, N.B. Lyon Reg.] The

Abell, vert, fretty, ar. over all a fesse or. same arms within a bordure, ....
Abell, [Derbyshire,] ar. on a saltier, engr. az. nine Abemethy, [Scotland,] Arms, see first Dictionary.
fleurs-de-lis of the field. Crest, a parrot feeding on a bunch of cher-
Abell, vert, fretty, ar. a fesse gu. ries ppr. originally an eagle preparing to fly.
Able, ar. a fesse purp. betw. three boars' heads, Abernie, or Abernon, az. a chev. or.
couped, gu. Crest, a dexter arm embowed in Aberton. Crest on a human heart gu. an eagle's
armour, holding in the band a sword, all ppr. head, erased, ppr.
wreathed round the arm ar. and gu. Abery, gu. six escallops ar. three, two, and one.
Abelon, or Abilon, ar. three fleurs-de-lis sa. Abett. The same as Abbot, of Lincolnshire,
Crest, a mitre ppr. stringed gu. see first
Abenbrouch, [Holland,] gu. a pair of trousers Abew, [Cornwall,] erm. on a cross gu. five be-
(or linen breeches) ar. zants.
Abenhall, or Ablehall, [Gloucestershire.] Abford, gu. fretty erm.
Crest, two branches of laurel rising from the Abfyn, ar. a fesse betw. three boars' heads
wreath, cbevronways, vert. sa.

Abeny, gu. a fesse engr. ar. in chief, three mart- Abiden, [Cornwall,] ar. three fleurs-de-lis sa.
lets or. Crest, a hand and arm, vested gu. cuff Abilem, sa. an escarbuncle or. Crest, a man's
or, holding in the band ppr. a mill-rind of the head in profile ppr.
last. Abileyn, or, on a cross sa. five eagles displayed
Aber, or, a fesse, embattled, az. Crest, a demi ar.
talbot ar. ducally gorged gu. Abilon. See Abelon.
Aberbuthnot. See Arbuthnot. Abingdon, ar. a cross patonce betw. five mart-
Abercorne, ar. a chev. sa. betw. three mullets lets sa.

gu. Abinc/ton, [Gloucestershire.] The same as Abing-

Abercorne, or Abacorne, [Scotland,] Crest, a boar's ton, of Hyndlippe.
Abington, [Henlip or Hyudlippe, Worcestershire,] Accles, or, four pales az.
Crest, a bull, rampant, chained, ppr. Accles, or, three pales az.
Abiro, [Cornwall,] erm. on a cross gu. five be- Accorne, [Scotland,] or, an inescocheon gu. in
zants. chief three acorns vert. Crest, an oak tree
Abis. See Abbis. ppr.
Able. Crest, an arm in armour, embowed, hold- Acelam, [Moreby, Yorkshire,] Crest, a demi
ing' a sword, all
ppr. rampant, holding a maunch ar.
A BLAND, ar. on a bend
three pheons or.
sa. AcERAC, [France,] az. ten bezants.
Ablehall, [Gloucestershire,] or, a chief gu. Acester, [Gloucestershire] ar. a chev. az. in
Ablehall, [Kent,] gu. a fesse or. chief a label of three points gu.
Ableine. SeeABELJNE. Acford. Crest, a horse's head sa. bridled or.
Abney, gu. a fesse engr. ar. over all a bend az. Acgutllum, gu. three fleurs-de-lis ar. Crest, a
Aboat. See Abbot. dexter hand holding a holly-branch ppr.
Abrahams, lozengy, or and gu. on a chief sa. A CHAM, ar. a maunch within an orle of cinque-
the sun in splendour or. Crest, a cap of main- foils gu. Crest, a demi lion ar. holding a maunch
tenance, therein a plume of ostrich feathers, gu.
ppr. Achamber, [Suggerton,] az. a key in pale, ward
Abram. Arms, the same as Abraham in first upwards, between two mullets of six points or.
Dictionary. Crest, the sun rising from a cloud, Achany, [Sorbie, N. B.] Arms, the same as
ail ppr. the firstof the name in the first Dictionary.
Abreall, [Herefordshire,] Crest, a hedge- Crest, out of a crescent a cross crosslet, fit-
hog ppr. chee, sa.
Abrew, or Abroe, [Cornwall,] erm. on a cross Achaver, gu. a bend betw. three martlets ar.

gu. five annulets or. Achefeld, per chev. ar. and sa. in chief three
Abrey, bendy of six erm. and gu. Crest, a leopards' faces or, a lable of as many points
chevalier at full speed, holding a broken spear, gu.
ppr. Acheley, [London and Salop,] Crest, an eagle's
Abris, gu. a chev. betw. three rowels ar. head gu. winged or,holding in the beak a branch
Abriscourt, [Oxfordshire,] Arms, the same of lilies ar. leaved vert.
as the of that name in the first Dictionary.
Acheley. To name in the Dic-
the second of that
Crest, a hare close among grass ppr. tionary add Crest, a griflin's head, erased, ppr.
Abriscourt, [Oxfordshire,] erm. three bars hu- Acher, [Kent,] erm. on a chief, embattled, az.
raettee gu. three lions, rampant, or. Crest, a bull's head,
Abrol, [Worcestershire.] Crest, a lion's head, erased, gu.
from the mouth flames of fire ppr. Acheson, an eagle, displayed, with two heads,

AfiSALEM, or Absolum, [Flanders,] ar. three sa. armed on a chief vert, two mullets
fleurs-de-lis gu. a French quarter of the last. gold. Crest, a cock gu. standing on a trumpet
Crest, a fleur-de-lis or. ppr.
Absimon, az. a chev. ar. a label of three points Acheson, ar. an eagle, displayed, with two heads,
of the second. sa. on a chief vert, three mullets of the field.
Abtoft. The same as Abtost. Crest, a sand-glass ppr.
Abtot, [Worcester,] per pale or and ar. three Achey. See Ache,
in the first Dictionary.
roundles counterchanged. Achilles. Crest, a savage's head, affrontee, du-
Abtot, per pale or and gu. three roundles coun- cally crowned ppr.
terchanged. Crest, a boar, couchant, ar. col- Achingham, az. fretty ar. a bordure engr. or.
lared, muzzled, and langued, or. Achison, or, an eagle, displayed, with two heads,
A burton, or, a fesse gu. betw. three mullets sa. sa.on a chief vert, a cross-staff betw. two spur-
Abwe, erm. on a cross gu. five bezants. rowels or. Crest, an astrolabe ppr.
Abys, erm. on a cross gu. five annulets or. Achmain. See Airman.
Acard, vair, ar. and gu. in chief a label of three Achmuty, [Fifeshire,] ar. a broken spear, bend-
points of the first. ways, betw. two mullets az.
Acbeche, or, two bars az. Achym. To first of that name in the first
Acbeck, Acbiche, or H ackbeck, or, two bars Dictionary add Crest, a crescent or.
vert. Crest, a cross pattee erm. Achym, or Acklame, ar. a maunch within an orle
Acberch, [Lincolnshire,] or, two bars vert. of eight cinquefoils gu. Crest, a lion, sejant,
Acbetts, az. three fish, two and one, in pale, ar. gardant, or, collared and chained sa.
Ackelom, ar. an inescocheon betw. eight tor- Acton, quarterly, ar. and gu. in chief, an annulet,
teauxes in orle gu. Crest, a Sagittarius shoot- counterchanged, on a bend p.z. three crosses,
ing a bow, all ppr. pattee, fitchee, or.
Ackers, or Akers, sa. a bend betw. three Acton, [London,] quarterly, per fesse, indented,
acorns or. Crest, a doric column or. or and az. over all, on a bend
gu. three cross
Ackers, ar. on a bend sa. three acorns, slipped, or. crosslets, fitchee, of the first, in chief, an annu-
Crest, on a mount vert, a dove rising ar. in the let, counterchanged.
beak a slip of acorns ppr. ('Another crest, a Acton, [London,] quarterly, per fesse, indented,
dove ppr. in the beak an olive branch vert.) ar. and gu. on a bend of the second, three
Acklam, Acketam, or Aclome. Arms as patlee, fitchee, or, on a chief of the second, an
Yorkshire, in first Dictionary. Crest, a demi annulet betw. two pallets of the first.
lion, rampant, ar. holdinga maunch gu. (Another Acton, barry of six az. and or, on a canton gu. a
crest, a cinquefoil vert.) cross, pattee, ar.
AckruVd, ocAkeroyd, per saltier, or and az. Acton, gu. three piles wavy ar.
on a saltier, betw. four fleurs-de-lis, an annulet, Acton, gyronny of eight or and gu.
allcounterchanged. Crest, a dog, sleeping, ppr. Acworth. See Ackworth.
Ack WORTH, [Suffolk,] Crest, a griffin's head, Acute, ar. on a fesse sa. three escallops of the
erased, ppr. field.
Acleham. Arms, the same as Acklam above. Adair, hands <ju.
in the arms described in first

Crest, a demi lion, rampant, holding betw. Dictionary.

the paws an escocheon gu. Adam, [Walden, Essex, 1(514.] Crest, a talbot,
Acles, or, three pales sa. passant, az. bezantee, collared and ringed ar.
Acock, ar. a fesse betw. three fleurs-de-lis gu. Adam, [Lancashire,] ar. on a cross gu. five mul-
Crest, out of a mural coronet, a demi swan, lets or.

ppr. Adam, [Lincolnshire,] sa. two bars ar. in chief

Acotts, or Acottes.
Crest, a lion, rampant, three plates.
gu. supporting a standard az. charged with a Adam, [Culross,N.B.] ar. a
mulletpierced az.betw.
saltier ar. three cross crosslets, fitchee, gu.- Crest, a cross
A'Court, [Heytesbury-House, Wilts,] per fesse crosslet, fitchee, gu. surmounted of a sword, in
or and paly of six erminois and az. in chief, an saltier, ppr.

eagle, displayed, sa. charged on the body with Adam, ar. a mullet
pierced betw. three cross cross-
two chev. ar. Crest, an eagle, displayed, sa. lets, fitchee, Crest, a cross crosslet gu.
charged with two chev. or, beaked and legged surmounted by a sword, in saltier, ppr. pomel
gu. holding in the beak a lily, slipped, ppr. and hilt or. (Borne by Lieutenant- General Sir
A'Court, per fesse az. and paly of six az. and ar. Frederick Adam, K.C.B. 1832.)
in chief an eagle, displayed, of the last. Crest, Adam, az. a ray of the sun issuing out of the
a lion's head, regardant, gu. dexter corner, bendways, ppr.
Acoustant, or, a fesse az. Crest, a scepter Adam, [Leicester,] sa. three fleurs-de-lis ar.
and pilgrim's in saltier, or.
start', Adam, ar. a fesse betw. six mullets gu.
Acquell, paly of six ar. and az. on a chief of Adam, [Devonshire,] or, on a bend az. three tre-
the second a lion, passant, or. foils, slipped, of the field.
Acre, [Westmoreland,] gu. three lozenges or, Adam, [Ireland,] or, on a bend az. three trefoils,
two and one, in chief, asescallops ar.
many slipped, ar.
Acre, or Acres, [Westmoreland,] az. on a cross Adam, [.Surrey,] az. the sun in splendour or.
ar. five escallops gu. Adam, per bend, sinister, or and sa. a lion, ram-
Acre, az. on a cross or, five escallops- gu. pant, counterchanged.
Acre, [Westmoreland.] Crest, a triangular har- Adams, gu. a chev. betw. three leopard's faces
row ppr. ar.

Acres, [Westmoreland,] az. on a cross ar. five Adams, ar. a chief, dancettee, sa.
escallops gu. Adams, [Devonshire,] Crest, out of a ducal co-
Acres, [Northumberland.] Crest, an eagle, dis- ronet, a demi lion, aflrontee,.. ..

played, ppr. charged on the breast with a pellet. Adams, [Urompton, Kent, decended from the De-
Acton, [Worcestershire,] gu. a bordure, engr. vonshire family,] or, a lion, rampant, betw. eight
erm. cross crosslets, fitchee, sa. all within a bordure,
Acton, [Worcestershire,] gu. a fesse ar. within a engr. az.
bordure, engr. sa. Adams, [Middlesex,] ar. a fesse betw. four martlets
gu. three and one. Crest, eagle, I'olaut, Addington, per pale erm. and ermines, on a
regardant. chev. betw. three fleurs-de-lis, all counterchanged,
Adams, per pale ar. and gu. a chev. betw. three fourlozenges ar. and Crest, a cat, passant.ppr.

gad bees, all counterchanged. Crest, an arm, Addis, or Ades, a chev. humettee, betw.

coiiped at the shoulder, and embowed, vested three crosses, formee, gu. Crest, out of a tower
gu. holding in the hand ppr. a flag sa. thereon ppr. a demi lion az.
a bee. Addis, az. a chev. betw.
[Whiteford, Devon,]
Adams, [Holland,] vert, a pale ar. betw. two three crosses, pattee, or.
griffins, segreant, or, tails betw. the hind legs, Addison, [Ofierton, Durham, and Ovington,
and reflexed over the back. Crest, a griffin's Northumberland,] sa. a chev. ar. betw. three
head between two wings or. spread eagles or.
Adams, ar. achev. betw. three bulls' heads, couped, Addison, erm. a galley with oars, in action, sa.
gu. flags gu. over all, on a bend of the last, three
Adams. The same arms as the thirteenth of the annulets or, on a chief az. as many leopards'
name in the first Dictionary. Crest, a martlet faces ar. Crest, an unicorn's head, erased
sa. [Borne by Dr. Adams, of Russell-square, transpierced by an arrow, in bend, sinister.
London, 1832.] Addlington, [Devonshire and Lincolnshire.]
Adams, quarterly, first and fourth ar. on a cross The same Arms as Adlington in the first Dic-
gu. five estoiles second and third sa. a martlet
; tionary. Crest, a goat's head, erased, ppr.
ar. Crest, a martlet ar. Addockes, ar. on a cross sa. five fleurs-de-lis or.
Adamson, [Scotland,] ar. a mullet az. pierced of Addreston, Adderstone, or Aderstone.
the betw. three cross crosslets, fitchee,
field, Crest, a martlet sa.
gu. Crest, as Adam
of Culross. Addurston, or Adderton, gu. three falcons
Adamson, ar. a rose, betw. three cross crosslets ar. belled, beaked, and legged or. Crest, a swan's
gu. Crest, as Adamson of Westmoreland. head and wings ar. beaked gu. gorged with a
Adamson, [Newcastle-upon-Tyne,] ar. three cross ducal coronet or.
crosslets, fitchee, gu. Crest, a cross crosslet Adeane, ar. a chev. betw. three griffins' heads,
gu. erased, sa. Crest, a griffins' head ppr.
Adamson. The same arms. Crest, a lion, passant, Adeane, sa. on a chev. betw. three griffins' heads,
holding in the dexter paw a cross crosslet, fit- erased, or, as many mullets of the field. Crest,
chee, gu. a griffin's head, couped betw. two
or, collared sa.
Adamson, .... on a mount vert, in base, a lion, wings, erect, of the first.
[Borne by John-Hen-
passant, under a tree Crest, a lion, pas- ry Adeane, Esq. 31. P. for Cambridgeshire,
sant, .... 1831.]
Adcock, per fesse or and gu. two lions, passant, Adeley, or, three ravens, in pale, sa.
counter-passant, counterchanged. Crest, ademi Adelley, [Somersetshire,] see Adley, in the

peacock, wings expanded and elevated, ppr. first

Adcock, or Addcock, az. on a saltier ar. nine pel- Adelin, ar. three chess-rooks sa.
lets. Crest, a fox's head ar. Adelmari.e, alias Cesar,
gu. three roses ar.
Addair, [Scotland,] per bend ar. and az. a on a chief of the second, as many roses of the
crescent, counterchanged. first. Crest, on the sea, a dolphin, embowed,
Addeley, or Addelley, gu. on a chev. or, all ppr.
three crosses, bottonee, sa. Adelston, or Adeston, ar. a fesse sa. betw.
Adderbury, [Sussex,] Crest, an embattled tower three pellets. Crest, an escocheon ar. charged
PP r - with a cinquefoil gu.
Adderham, gu. three fish, two and one, in pale, Adem, ar. on a bend az. three trefoils or.
ar. on a chief or, many leopards' faces gu.
as Aden, ar. a fesse, betw. four martlets gu.
Adderley', [Bishop's Stortford, Herts.] The Adeni, or, crusilly, a lion, rampant, sa.
same Arms as Adderley of Staffordshire in Adenstun, Adingstoun, or Adinston.
the first Dictionary. Crest, a dexter hand, holding a cross, pattee,
Adderley, [Staffordshire.] Crest, a rose gu. fitchee
Adderley, [Staffordshire,] ar. on a bend gu. betw. Aderley. [Kent.] The same as Adderley,
two lions' heads, erased, sa. three crosses, pattee, of Weddington, Warwickshire, in the first Dic-
of the field. tionary.
Adderley, [Cotton, Staffordshire.] The same as Adersey, or Aldersey, [Cheshire,] az. three
Adderley of Weddington, Warwickshire. annulets or.
Aderson, lozengy az. and ar. a chief or. Crest, of the last alion, passant, or, armed and langued
a cup or, issuing therefrom three branches of az. Crest, on a mount vert an erm. ppr.
laurel vert. Aernest, ar. three holly-leaves, conjoined in
Aderston, [Lancashire.] The same as Ad- the fesse point, vert.
DERSTON in the Dictionary. Aeth, sa. a griffin, passant, or. Crest, a demi
Aderton, [Lancashire.] Crest, a hand holding holding a battle-axe gu.
griffin or,
a citniter ppr. Afferby, [Lincolnshire,] ar. a saltier, engr. sa.
Adgare, [Wedderlie, Scotland,] sa. a lion, ram- Affleck, [Dalham-Hall, Sussex,] ar. three bars
pant, ar. sa. Crest, an ear of rye ppr.
Aogkr, az. on a fesse ar. three water-bougets sa. Agall, gu. a fesse, cottised, or, surmounted by
Crest, a swan, with wings, endorsed, and re- two sabres, addorsed, saltierwise, az. hilts and
gardant, ar. murally crowned go. resting his foot pomels of the second. Crest, on a chapeau gu.
on an escallop-shell or. turned up erm. a bull, statant, sa.
Adichlogh, gu. fretty or. Agar, erm. on a chief az. three lions, rampant,
Adie, or Aedie, [Scotland,] ar. a mullet, pierced, or. Crest, a demi lion, rampant, or.
az. betw. three cross crosslets, fitchee, gu. az. a lion, Crest, as last.
Agar, rampant, or.
Crest, a cross crosslet, fitchee, gu. surmounted Agar, a lion, rampant, ar. in chief a crescent
of a sword, in saltier. of the last. Crest, a demi lion, rampant, ar.
Adinston, [of that Ilk, Scotland.] The same Agar, [Ireland and Cranham-Hall, Essex,] az. a
Arms as Adenstoun. in the first Dictionary. lion, rampant, or.
Adkins, erm. in chief two lions, rampant, az. Agarde, [Ireland,] ar. a chev. betw. three boars'
Crest, a lion, rampant, gu. supporting a flag- heads, couped and lying fessewise, gu.
staff, with ropes, ppr. the flag ar. thereon a Agas, [Wymondham. Norfolk.] Crest, a Moor's
cross of the first. head sa. wreathed about the temples ar. and
Adlam, or, three mullets az. on abordure of the gu.
last as many bezants, in chief, or. Crest, a Agassiz, az. three savages' heads, in profile,
hand gu. holding a hawk-lure or. ar.
Adlin, gu. nine martlets or. Crest, a chevalier, Agathe, az. a fesse erm. cottised, betw. three
on horseback, brandishing a sword, at full speed, bucks' heads, erased, in chief, or.
all ppr. Agerd, ar. a chev. gu. betw. three boars' heads,
Adney, [Brimley, Dorsetshire,] az. a fesse, couped, Crest, a bugle-horn, stringed, gu.

dancettee, betw. three cherubs' heads ar. Agg, or ar. a saltier sa. in each flank a
Crest, an eagle's head, holding in the beak an Moor's head of the second. Crest, a Moor's
acorn, slipped, and leaved vert. head, couped, sa. wreathed ar. and az.
Adoley, [Essex,] .... a chev. betw. three Aggs, or Agall, gu. a fesse, cottised, or, sur-
estoiles .... mounted by two sabres, addorsed, in saltier, az.
Adomer, masculy, or and gu. hilts and pomels gold. Crest, on a chapeau gu.
A DON, or, a boat az. turned up erm. a bull, statant, sa.
Adott, per chev. gu. and paly of six vert and Aglmer, ar. a cross sa. betw. four Cornish
az. in chief two squirrels, respecting each other, choughs ppr.
cracking nuts, or. Agnew, ar. a chev. betw. three cinquefoils gu.
Adryan, barry, nebulee, ar. and sa. a chief, Crest, the sun, shining on the stump of a
cbequy, or and az. tree, ppr.
Adshead, oi- Adshade, vert, three harrows ar.
Agnew, or Agneu, [Locknaw, N.B.] ar. a chev.
Crest, an antelope, passant, ar. betw. two cinquefoils, in chief, gu. and a sal-
Adwood, gu. a lion, salient, gardaut, tail forked, tier, couped, in base, az. Crest, a demi eagle,
ar. regardant, ppr.
Ady, or Adry, to the second in the first Dic- Agnew, or Agneu, [Lochryan.] The same Arms,
tionary add
Crest, a leopard's face or, jessant, within a bordure gu. Crest, a demi eagle, re-
a fleur-de-lis gu. gardant, holding, in the dexter claw, a sword
Adyer, [Darham, Kent.] Crest, herub's ppr.
head ppr. Agnin, [France,] or, fretty gu.
Adyn, [Dorchester,] ar. on a saltier gu five Agout, [France,] ar. a wolf, salient, az.
lions, salient, or. Crest, a lion's head Ag REV ELL, [Chesley.] Crest, a bezant.
ppr. Agrull. Crest, a lion's face, gardant, betw.
Aermine, erm. saltier, engr. gu. on a c hief two wings ppr.
Aquillon. Crest, a pelican, vulning herself, AiNSLiE, [Great Torrington, Lincolnshire,] or,
ppr. a cross, flory, sa. Crest, a dexter hand and
Aquillum, or Agullum, gu. on a canton ar. arm, grasping a cimiter, all ppr.
a cross, flory, az. Ainslie, [Blackhill, Scotland,] ar. a cross, flory,
Agullum, gu. a fleur-de-lis or. gu. within a bordure az. Crest, a pelican's
Ac worth, ar. a fesse, betw. three torteauxes. head, erased, ppr.
Crest, a torteaux. Ainsworth. See Aynsworth.
Ahem, Crest, a vine ppr.
[Ireland.] Aiphant, gu. three crescents ar.
Aher, [Ireland,] or, three hearts gu. each within Air, ar. a chev. betw. three quatrefoils sa.
an annulet az. Crest, a sand-glass sa. winged Crest, the stump of an oak tree, sprouting out
gu. new branches, ppr.
Ahlen, and az. a stock or trunk of Aird, sa. on a chev. betw. three wolves' heads,
per fesse ar.
a tree, couped and eradicated in bend, or. erased, ar. a falcon's head, couped of the first.
Ahrends, ar. five stalks of rye, growing out of Crest, a cock ppr.
ground, in base, vert. Crest, an eagle ppr. Airay, paly of six gu. and ar. in chief a mullet
Aickin, barry of six ar. and az. on a chief of or.
the last a cinquefoil betw. two bezants. Aire, az. three water-bubbles ppr.
Aigles, [Northumberland.] Crest, a hunting- Airey, gu. on a chev. ar. three cinquefoils ol
horn ppr. the first. Crest, a cinquefoil gu.
Aiken, or Aicken, gu. a cross crosslet, can- Airy, sa. a fesse or.
toned with four bezants. Crest, a fountain, Airth, [Scotland.] Crest, a cock, crowing,
throwing up water, ppr. ppr.
Aikenhead, [Northumberland.] See Aken- Aisincourt, ar. an eagle, displayed, with two
HEAD. heads, gu. Crest, a demi eagle, displayed,
Aikenhead, [Scotland.] Crest, a demi savage, with two heads.
holding in his right hand three laurel-sprigs, Aiskell, Aiskill, or Askill, erm. a chief,
fructed, ppr. embattled, gu. Crest, in the sea, an anchor, in
Aikenhead, ar. an acorn, betw. three oak-leaves pale, ppr.
vert. Crest, an oak-tree, fructed, ppr. Aitkin, [Edinburgh,] ar. on a chev. az. betw.

Aile, or Ayles. Crest, a dexter arm, em- two cocks chief and a buckle in base gu.
bowed, fist
clenched, ppr. three anchors of the field. Crest, a cross cross-
Aileward, sa. a chev. betw. three garbs or. let, fitchee, gu.
Aileward, [Ireland,] az. a fleur-de-lis betw. a Aitcheson, [Gosfoord, N
B.] ar. an eagle, dis-
mullet of six points, and crescent in chief, and played, with two heads, on a chief vert, two
a crescent and mullet in base, or. spur-rowels or. Crest, see first Dictionary.
Ailleworth, ar. a fesse, engr. betw. six bil- Aitcheson, [Glengowrne.] The same, within a
lets gu. bordure az. charged with three cinquefoils and
Ailward, [Wicklow, Ireland,] az. a fleur-de- as many mullets or.
lisbetw. two estoiles of eight points in chief, Aiton, [Usher of the Black Rod, temp. Chas. II.]
and two increscents in base, or. Crest, out of The same arms as the first of the name in the
a ducal coronet or, a dexter arm, embowed, first Dictionary, with the addition of a baton sa.
vested , holding in the hand ppr. an an-
. . . .
ensigned on the top with a lion of England.
chor .... Akays, Akers, or Akyris, ar. on bend sa.
Ailworth, ar. on a fesse, engr. cottised, betw. three acorns or, husked vert. Crest, a griffin's
six billets,all gu. three females' heads, couped head gu.
at shoulders, ppr. hair dishevelled or.
the Ak aster, ar. on a chev. sa. three acorns or.
Crest, out of rays or, a cubit arm, erect, vested (Another, the chev. az.) Crest, a demi griffin
gu. holding in the hand a human scull ppr. or.
Aime, or Aine, az. a ship, in full sail, or, in Akelam, or Akehot, [Shropshire,] gu. the
sea ppr. Crest, a pillar, barry of four gu. field replenished with cinquefoils or, and a
and or, winged ppr. maunch ar.

Ainge, [London,] az. a chev. erm. betw. three Ake.litz. Crest, the top of a halbert ppr.
crosses, pattee, ar. Crest, a cross, formee, Akell, [Ireland,] az. three birds ar.
fitchee, or, betw. two wings az. Akellone, Akeloull, or Akelont, [Glou-
Aine. See Aime. cestershire,] ar. on a bend, cottised, gu. three
Ainlie, or Ainsley, or, a cross, patonce, gu. mullets or.
Akellewet, or Akelut, [Shropshire,] ar. on Albon, vert on a bend ar. a cross, pattee, fitchee,
a beud, betw. two coltices, dancettee, gu. gu.
three mullets or. Alborough, [Somersetshire,] sa. two swords
Akelyot, gu. a fesse, dancettee, ar. betw. in saltier ar. hilts and pomels or, betw. four
three battle-axes or. fleurs-de-lis of the last, within a bordure erm.
Akeney, az. across, betw. four lions, rampant, Crest, a fox ar. collared and lined or.
vert. Alborough, gu. a fesse betw. three plain crosses
Akenhead, [Northumberland, 1685,] per fesse ar.
or and az. three acorns, erect, in base, gu. in Aldburgii, ar. a fesse betw. three cross cross-
chief, a woodman, with a club over his dexter lets, fitchee, az.
shoulder, and wreathed round the middle, all Albrecht, or Albreght, gu. a fleur-de-lis or.
ppr. Crest, a dexter hand ppr, holding a fleur-de-
Akenside, sa. a chev. betw. three darts, points lis or.

upwards, shafts broken, ar. Crest, an arrow Alby, paly of six or and sa.
ppr. Albyn, or, on a cross sa. five eagles, displayed,
Aket, orAKKTT, [Ireland,] az. three hake-fish, ar. Crest, a lion's gamb, couped, sa. holding
haurient, ar. a spear or, at the top a flag gu.
Alaby, gu. three crescents within a bordure, Alche, or, two chev. sa.
engr. erm. Alcoton, gu. three chev. wavy, or, on a chief
Alamby, ar. a chev. within a bordure, engr. sa. ar. a lion, passant, az.

Alan, [Earl of Richmond,] erm. Aldaine, az. a pile or.

Alan by, ar. a chev. engr. sa. within a bordure Aldam. To the third of that name in the first
az. Dictionary, add Crest, out of a ducal coronet
Alain, quarterly, gu. and az. a lion, rampant, a plume of five ostrich feathers, ....
ar. Aldam, or Aldham, [Shimpling, Norfolk.]
Alain, [Essex,] sa. a cross, patonce, or. See Aldham.
Aland, [Ireland,] az. a bend, engr. ar. cottised Aldaune, [Kent,] per bend or and az. three
or. Crest, a leopard, passant, or. bendlets, wavy, counterchanged.
A late. Crest, an unicorn's head ar. collared Alday, gu. a chev. erm. betw. three griffins, se-
sa. greant, of the second, the two in chief respect-
AlatoN, or Alacton, ar. two bars, three pel- ing each other.
lets,and bordure, engr. sa. Aldborough, or Aldeburgh, [Aldborough,
ALBAM, [Cornwall,] erm. on a cross gu. five Yorkshire,] az. a fesse ar. betw. three cross
bezants. Crest, an urchin ppr. crosslets or. Crest, an ibex, passant, or.
Alban, erm. a crescent in the fesse point gu. Alde, [Kent] Crest, a pellet.
Crest, a lion's head, erased, pierced in the Aldem, gu. three crescents erm. within a bor-
breast with an arrow. dure, ar.
Alban i, [Cornwall,] erm. on a cross gu. five Alderford, ar. a saltier, between four lozenges,
bezants. ar.

Albany, erm. on a fesse, betw. three cinquefoils Alenhf.rleys, or Alenhertry, gu. a bend,
gu. a greyhound, passant, of the field. embattled on the top and engr. undermost,
Alberough, or Alborough, gu. (another within a bordure, az.
sa.) a fesse, betw. three cross crosslets ar. Alderne, vert, a lion, rampant, or, crowned gu.
Albert. Crest, a demi savage, wreathed about Aldersey, erm. abend, vair, cottised gu.
the middle with leaves, and over his shoulder a Alderson, ar. three chev. az. on each a cinque-
sledge hammer, all ppr. foil of the Crest, a pillar ppr.
Alberton. Crest, a pennon, flowing to the si- Alderton, [Ipswich,] vert, on a bend ar. three
nister, bendways, gu. staff sa. tasselled or. crescents sa. in sinister chief point a mullet of
Albertls, [Poland.] Crest, the hull of a ship, the second. Crest, a crescent ar.
having only a mainmast and top, without any Alderstoun, [of Alderstoun, Scotland,] ar. a
tackling, or. cross, engr. betw. four cross crosslets, fitchee,
Alberti, [Italy,] az. four chains of gold, each gu.
proceeding from the corner of the escocheon, Alderwickle, sa. a pale, betw. six cross
and joining in the nombril point to an annulet. crosslets or.
Albney, gu. a lion, rampant, or. Alderwickle, or Aldeivincken. To the first of the
AlboN. Crest, a bull's head, afliontee name in the first Dictionary, add Crest, a wi-
vern, wings endorsed, ducally crowned, vomit- second of the name in the first Dictionary.
ting fire. Crest, a hand holding a quill. (Another crest,
Aldine, gu. a saltier ar. a bear, sejant, ppr.)
ALDINSTON, [Aldington, Scotland,] ar. a lion, Alexander, az. on a mount vert, a falcon, with
rampant, betw. three escallops, sa. wings expanded, holding an estoile ar.

ALDJO, ar. three human hearts, conjoined at the Aleyn, a chev. betw. three leopard's heads gu.
a buck's head, cabossed, Aleyn, az. a buck's head, cabossed, ar. attired or.
points, g"u.;in base,
of the second, within a bordure az. Aleyn, sa. a cross, potent, or, fretty ar.
Altljou, [Scotland,] ar. three hearts gu.
their points Aley, [Gussage, St. Andrew, Dorsetshire,] or,
meeting in the centre, in base, a bird gu. in a talbot's head, erased, sa. on a chief, embattled
like a blackbird. of the last, three plates. Crest, a stag's head,
Aldmkn, ar. three bars, humettee, gu. betw. couped, per pale, ar. and or, gorged with a
four martlets, in pale, sa. fesse, embattled, counter-embattled, sa. thereon
Aldome, [Kent,] az. a pile or. three escallops of the first.
Aldked, gu. a chev. betw. three griffins' heads, Alfew, or Alfwyn, ar. a fesse betw. three
erased, or. (Another, the chev. engr.) boars' heads, couped, sa. armed or.

Aldred. Crest, an arm from the elbow, in armour, Alfeyn, gu. a fret erm.
holding in the hand ppr. a cross crosslet, fitchee, Alfiere, [italy,] ar. an eagle,
displayed, sa.
in pale, .... Alfnard, [Ipswich, Suffolk,] ar. a hind's head,
Aldrige, vert, on a fesse or, betw. three garbs couped, az. collared or, betw. two hazel boughs
of the second, a crown enclosed by a mound, vert, fructed gold.
and a bird az. two leaves in saltier in the crown Alforton, az. two chev. or.
of the first. Crest, a phoenix in flames ppr. Alfray, ar. on a chev. sa. a fleur-de-lis of the
Aldrington. Crest, a dexter hand holding a field.

hawk's lure ppr. Algar, or Alger. Crest, a greyhound's head

Aldworth, cross crusilly, fitchee, az. a
ar. a sa. charged with four bezants.
chev. gu. betw. three boars' heads, couped, of Algernowne, Algernons, or Algernon es.
the second. Crest, a torteaux. The same as Algernon.
Aleby, ar. a chev. betw. three roe bucks sa. Algist, gu. a saltier or. Crest, two arms from
ALEMENT.gu. on abend ar. betw six fleurs-de-lis the shoulder in saltier, vested gu. cuff or, each
or,a rose of the field. holding in the hand ppr. a cimiter ar. hilt and
Alen, sa. three lozenges or. pomel gold.
Alenby, ar. a chev. engr. within a bordure az. Algloval, az. a leopard, passant, gardant, ar.

Alencanthorpe, ar. a fesse betw. three escal- Crest, a goat, passant, ar.
lops gu. Algoe, or Algeo, ar. two pallets gu. on a chief
Alencon, [France,] az. a fesse or, in chief a of the last as many mullets of the first. Crest,
ar. Crest, a greyhound ar. a bear, sejant, supporting a baton ....
ALESTON,az.aninescocbeonar. Crest,a lion, pas- Algraye, [Spain,] quarterly, first and fourth ar.
sant, regardant, gu. ducally gorged and chained or. a moor's head, couped, sa. second and third gu.
Alestry, [Derbyshire,] ar. a chief gu. on a the bust of a king, crowned, or.
bend az. three escocheons of the field, on each Alie, or Ally, az. a pale erm. Crest a dexter
a chief of the second. hand holding up a sun, ppr. all

Alexander, per pale, ar. and sa. a chev. betw. Alinge, [France,] gu. a cross or.
a fleur-de-lis in chief, and a crescent in base, Alington, sa. a bend, engr. betw. eight billets
all counterchanged, a bordure, per pale, gu. or. Crest, a talbot, passant, ppr.
and or. Crest, an elephant ppr. Alington, sa. a bend betw. eight (others ten)
Alexander, [Cheshunt, Hertfordshire.] The same billets ar.

Arms as the fifth of that name in the first Dic- Alington, [Devon, Bottisham, Cambridgeshire.]
The same Arms as Allinglon of Horseheath,
Alexander, ar. a lion, rampant, gu. holding in the Cambridgeshire, see first Dictionary.
paws a battle-axe ppr. Crest, a cock ppr. Aljoy. Crest, a stump of a tree shooting forth a
Alexander, [Achnull, Scotland.] The same Arms new branch ppr.
as the first of the name in the first Dictionary. Alke, or, three bars az.
Crest, a hand sustaining a pair of balances of Alkewe, Askue, or Ayskew, ar. a fesse betw.

equal scales ppr.

three asses, passant, sa. Crest, a man's head,
Alexander, [Boghall.] The same Arras as the affrontee, couped at the shoulders ppr.
Allan, [Newbottle House, Blackwell Grange, the eleventh of the name in the first Dictionary.
Durham, descended from the Allans of Barns- Crest, a demi greyhound sa. collared or, hold-
ley and Brockhouse, Staffordshire,] sa. a cross ing betw. the paws a crescent, gold.
potent, quarter pierced or, charged with four Allen, [Norfolk,] ar. on a chev. betw. three sea-
guttees de sang, in chief, two lions' heads, erased, cobs ppr. membered and beaked or, as many
of the second, all within a bordure, engr. ermi- mullets of the field.
nois. Crest, a demi lion, rampant, ar. ducally Allen, [Ireland,] ar. a chev. gu. betw. three
crowned gu. grasping in the dexter paw a cross ogresses, each charged with a talbot, passant, or,
potent or, and supporting with the sinister a collared of the second, on a chief az. a lion,
rudder gu. passant, ar. betw. two crescents erm.- Crest, a
Allan, [Elgin, Scotland,] .... a pelican, with demi heraldic tiger, couped, quarterly, or and
young in a nest, or. Crest, a demi lion, ram- gu. holding in the paws a rose-branch vert,
pant, ppr. holding a rudder gu. flowered gu.
Allane, [Corstarphine, near Edinbro',] Allenby, per chev. sa. and or, six gemewes,
a chev. betw. two mascles in chief, and a trefoil, two, two, and two, ar.

slipped, in base .... Allenshierles,o/- Alencherles, gu. abend,

Allanson, erm. on a fesse vert, three spread embattled, counter-embattled, ar.
eagles .... Crest, a demi eagle, with wiugs Allenson, sa. a fesse erm. betw. three talbots,
expanded, .... passant, or, over a sinister bcndlet Crest,
. . .

A l lard, ar. three bars gu. on a canton az. a leo- a talbot's head or, collared and ringed az. betw.
pard's face or. two wings, expanded, of the last.
Allaton, or Alatton, gu. three chev. vair, Allenson, erm. on a fesse vert, three eagles, dis-
on a chief ar. a lion, passant, of the first. played, sa.
Allaway, three boar's heads, couped, in
sa. Allerton. Crest, a lion's head, collared ....
bend, ar. Crest, an anchor, thereon a dove, Allesley, az. fretty and chief ar.
with an olive branch, all ppr. Allestowe, or Hallestowe, paly of six, ar.
Allcott, ar. on a bend sa. betw. two ogresses, and sa. on a chev. gu. a cross crosslet or.
a lion of the field. Crest, a hand holding the but end of a broken
Alleet, az. a fesse embattled, in chief three spear.
unicorns' heads ar. maned or. Allestry. Crest, a demi lion az. brandishing
Alleigh, or Alley, [Buckinghamshire,] az. a a cimiter ar. hilt or.
pale, engr.betw. two lions, rampant, ar.
or, Allet, [London,] ar. on a pale, betw. two
armed gu. [Borne by William Alleigh, Pre- ogresses, a demi lion, passant, gu.
bendary of St. Paul's, elected Bishop of Exeter Alley, [Rafe, Alderman and Sheriff of London,
20lh May, 1560, ob. April, 1570.] 1453,] az. a pale erm. Crest, a cockatrice az.
Allemschorles, gu. a bend, embattled, coun- combed and wattled ar. guttee d'or.
ter-embattled, ar. Alley, [Ireland,] or, a cross gu. on a chief of the
Allen, [Banning, Borden, and Maidstone, Keut.] last, three mullets of the first. Crest, out of a
The same as the first of this name in the first ducal coronet or, a mullet gu. betw. two laurel
Dictionary. branches ppr.
Allen, vert, three swords, barwise, in pale, points Alleyn, or Allen, az. a fesse, dancettee,
to the dexter, ppr. poinels and hilts or. Crest, erm, betw. three bird's heads, erased, or.
a sword, erect, as in the Arms. Alliborne. Crest, a bull's head, affrontee,
Allen. Arms, the same as of London, Derby, and ppr.
Staffordshire, in first Dictionary. (Another Allieson, or Allison, per cross, ar. and gu.
crest, out of a ducal coronet, a lion's head,. . . . ) a cross, betw. four cinquefoils counter-changed.
Allen, [Bindley, Cheshire, a patent by Richard Crest, a demi savage, wielding a cimiter
St. George, Norroy, 1613,] per bend sinister PP r -

or and sa. six martlets, counterchanged. Crest, Allingbridge, gu. a cross, engr. or. Crest, a
a martlet rising or, winged sa. collared gu. castle, tripletowered, ppr. on the sinister tower
Allen, [Ireland, Palmerston, co. Dublin,] ar. a a flag, displayed, ar. charged with a cross sa.
chev.gu. betw. three ogresses, each charged with Allingham, or, three lozenge buckles az.
a talbot, passant, of the field, on a chief az. Crest, a church, environed with trees, ppr.
a lion, passant, of the first. Allington, sa. a fesse, engr. betw. fourteen
Allen, [Sir John, Mercer, and Lord Mayor of billets ar.

London, 1526 and 1536] The same Arms as Allinson, az. an inescocheon ar.
ALLISON, ar. a fessegu.betw. three blackbirds, with- Almot, [Suffolk,] ar. three escallops, in bend, cot-

in a bordure of the second. Crest, apeacock ppr. tised, sa. in the sinister chief point a cinquefoil

Allison, ar. an inescocheou gu. Crest, a pheasant, gu.

Alney, on a
holding in the dexter foot a key, and in the Buckinghamshire,] ar.
[of Iver,
beak an ear of barley, all
ppr. cross .... five fleurs-de-lis, in the first quarter

Allison, sa. a fesse, engr. betw. three (albots, pas- a lion, rampant.
sant, ar. Crest, an eagle's head, erased, ppr. Alnwick, or Almewake, second of the name
Allison, sa. a fesse, engr. betw. three talbots, pas- in the first Dictionary, for cross crosslets of the

sant, ar. surmounted by a bend sinister .... first,read of the second. Crest, on a chapeau
Allott, [Lancashire and Lincolnshire.] Crest, gu. turned up erm. a cock ppr.
an arm, couped at the shoulder, embowed, ppr. Aloigny, [France,] gu. three fleurs-de-lis ar.
vested gu. resting the elbow on the wreath, hold- Alors, gu. a chev. betw. three rowels ar.
ing a sword, entiled with a leopard's head .... Alphew, [Bore-place, Kent and Surrey.] Arms,
Allott, [Sir John, Mayor of London, 1591.] see first Dictionary.
Crest, a unicorn's head, erased, ar. gorged with Alphord, gu. six pears, three, two, and one, and
a bar, gemelle, sa. horned and mailed or. in chief a bar or.

Allsager, ar. a fesse, betw. three boar's heads, Alplie, ... six martlets, three, two, and one, or.

couped, gu. Crest, a boar's head, as in the Alpraham, [Alphraham, Cheshire.] The same
Arms. [Borne by Capt. Allsager, of the East- Arms as Alp RAM an in the first Dictionary.
India Company's Service, Balham-hill, Surrey, Alrede, gu. a chev. engr. betw. three griffins'
1828.] heads, erased, ar. Crest, a crescent az. above
Allwine, [London,] ar. a fesse, nebulee, az. the horns a griffin's head, erased, quarterly, ar.
betw. three lions, rampant, sa. and gu.
Allwright, or Alwright, gu. a bend or, and Alscoines, az. ten stars or.
three sinister beudlets ar. the centre one sur- Alshonier, [Scotland,] gu. a chev. or, in base
a crescent ar.
mounting the bend. Crest, on a chapeau gu.
turned up erm. a greyhound, statant, ppr. Alsope, [Derbyshire.] Crest, a dove, with an
Allye, [Tewkesbury, Gloucestershire,] az. a lion, olive branch, all
rampant, ar. Crest, a leopard's head or, betw. Alstanton. Crest, out of a mural coronet or,
two wings sa. an arm in armour, embowed, holding a dagger,

Allye, [Dorsetshire,] or, a lion's head, erased, sa. all

on a chief, embattled of the second, three plates. Alsworthy, or, a chev. sa. betw. three trefoils,

Crest, a stag's head, erased, per pale, ar. and slipped, in chief, vert, and a mullet, in base,
or, attired of the first 201'ged with a collar, em- gu.
battled counter-enibaUied, gu. thereon three Alt, [Loughborough, Leicestershire,] quarterly,
escallops or. gu. and ar. with an orle of annulets and crosses,
Almand, per pale, indented, ar. and gu. Crest, pattee, alternately counterchanged.
a stag, trippant, ppr. Altham, [Lancashire.] The same as the second
Almayne. Crest, on a ducal coronet or, a of the name in the first Dictionary.
ciuquefuil gu. Altham, [Markhall, in Layton, Essex, and Oxey,
Almayne, an eagle, displayed, sa.
ar. Hertfordshire, descended from James Altham,
Almears, or Almeers, ar. a long cross gu. on Sheriff of London, 1558.] The same Arms and
three grieces or steps, the upper one az. the Crest, see first
second as the cross, and the undermost sa. Altiian, or Althaun, gu. a fesse ar. Crest,
Crest, a long cross, recrossed, on three steps, ar. a demi archer, shooting a bow ppr. clothed vert,
Almer, or Almore. Crest, a palmer's staff, cap sa.

gu. on a fesse ar. a Roman

erect, or. Althoun, A. Crest,
Almere, az. a lion, passant, or. a dexter hand, appaumee, ppr.
Almert, gu. a cross vert. Alvares, chequy, ar. and gu. Crest, a demi
Almiger, az. two bars or, betw. three helmets lion, rampant, ppr. holding in the dexter paw a
ar. Crest, on a ducal coronet ppr. a tiger, mascle az.

sejant, gu. Alvesbury, az. a cross ar.

Almond. Crest, three cinquefoils az. stalked Allvey, or Allvy, sa. a boar, passant, or.
and leaved vert. Crest, a plough ppr.
Almot. Arms, see
first Dictionary. (Another, Alured, or Fitz-Alured, [Ireland,] ar. four

lozenges, instead of mascles.) bars gu.

c 2
Alway, [Hertfordshire.] The same arms as holding in the mouth a rose, slipped, gu. leaved
Alwaye, of Bedfordshire, in first Distionary. vert.
Alwell, [Gloucestershire,] ar. a pile sa. over Ames, on a bend, cottised, sa. three roses of the
a chev. counterchanged.
all field. Crest, a rose, slipped, ppr.
Alye, [Gloucestershire,] az. a liou, rampant, ar. Amiiurst, [East and West Farleigh, Kent.]
Crest, a lion's head, cabossed, betw. two wings Arms and Crest as in the first Dictionary.
sa. Amias, gu. three pales sa.
Amane, per pale ar. and sa. a chev. ermines Amidas. Crest, a branch of oak ppr. fructed or.
and erm. betw. six martlets, counterchanged. A mi el, gu. six escallops, three and three.
Amant, or, a fret sa. on a chief of the last three Crest, a bugle-horn, unstrung, sa.
bezants. Amitesly, [Gloucestershire.] Crest, a bezant,
Amarke, paly of six, or and az. on a chief gu. charged with a pale, indented, gu.
six cross crosslets of the first. Amler, az. a fesse betw. three crescents ar.
Amarle, gu. a cross, pattee, vair. Amock, erm. a chev. couped gu. Crest, a man's
Amary, [Essex.] Crest, a cat's head and neck, head, in profile, ppr. vested gu. wreathed
couped and affrontee, holding in the mouth a round the head ar. and sa.
rat sa. Amond, or St. Amond, [Scotland,] or, fretty
Amberfield, [Norfolk,] ar. on a chief, indented, sa. on a chief of the last three bezants. Crest,
gu. three plates, in base a torteaux. three cinquefoils az. stalked and leaved vert.
Amberfeikl, [Norfolk,] per fesse, indented, ar. Amond, or Amand, [Lincolnshire,] ar. a lion,
and az. three annulets, counterchanged. rampant, purp. crowned or.
Ambers, gu. a chev. betw. three rowels or. Amondeville, [Nottinghamshire,] az. a fret or.
Ambersam, ar. on a chev. az. betw. three hoars' Amos, or Ames, potent counterpotent gu. and
heads, couped, sa. langued or, five cinquefoils ar. a chev. or. Crest, a square collegiate cap
of the last. Crest, a demi eagle, displayed, or. sa.
Ambesace. Crest, out of a ducal coronet or, a Amphlet, ar. on a chev. betw. three lozenges
man's head in profile ppr. az. cinquefoil of the field.
a Crest, a camel
Ambler, or Anbler, sa. on a fesse or, betw. ppr. bridled gu.
three pheons ar. a lion, passant, gardant, gu. Amsden, or Amsdon, ar. a chev. betw. three
Crest, two dexter hands conjoined, and sus- sinister wings gu.
taining a regal crown ppr. Amtre, or, a cross gu.
Ambler, [Kirkteu, Lincolnshire,] sa. a cross, and Amuaule, or Amerley, gu. a cross, pattee,
in the first quarter a leopard's face, ar.- Crest, vair.
a demi leopard, holding a chaplet of laurel Amundeville, [Nottinghamshire,] .... three
ppr. chev
Amborow. Crest, a bear's head, erased, sa. Amy, [Cornwall,] gu. on a pile ar. three bears'
muzzled or. heads, couped, sa. muzzled or.
Ambridge, gu. two lions, rampant, in pale, ar. Ami/. Second in the first Dictionary. ("Another,
Crest, a cross crosslet, fitchee, in pale, gu. the field or.)
surmounted by two swords in saltier, ppr. Amy, ar. a fesse az. in chief a demi lion, issuant,
Amcotts, [Kittlethorpe-park, Lincolnshire.] The gu. Crest, a dexter arm, embowed, vested
same as Amecotes, of Astrop, see first Dic- az. holding in the hand ppr. a lion's gamb,

tionary. erased, gu.

Amedas. The same as Amidas. Amyard, [Langleybury, Herts.] Arms and
Amenton, gu. across, patonce, ar. Crest, an Crest, see first
antelope's head ppr. Amy as, [Depham, Norfolk,] erm. on a bend sa.
Amerex, or Ameuice, paly wavy of six, or three acorns, slipped, ar. Crest a stag's head,
and sa. Crest, a torteaux charged with a erased, or, gorged with a wreath, tied behind
talbot's head ar. erased or. in a bow, ar. and sa.
Am ERIE, per pale, dancettee, gu. and ar. Amyas, [Depham,
Norfolk.] The same as
Crest, a dexter hand ppr. holding a fleur-de- Amyas, of Norfolk, in the first Dictionary.
lis, in pale, or. [Granted by Cook, Clarencieux, 13th Elizabeth,
Amery, [Robert, Sheriff of Chester, 1555,] 1576.]
barry nebulee of six erm. and gu. on a fesse Amy at, [Southampton,] or, on a chief, embat-
az. a mullet, pierced, or, betw. two roses ar. tled, sa. three mullets of the field. Crest, a
Crest, a wolf's head and neck, couped, erm. ram, passant, ar.
Anbemont, erm. on a pile az. three fleur-de-lis head, erased, ar.
charged on the neck with a
or. link (or fetter-lock) sa.)
Anbett. The same as Ambett. Anderson, [Edinburgh,] az. on a saltier ar. a fleur-
Anbie, gu. on a bend or, three martlets sa. de-lis or, betw. two mullets of the second in
Anborou and Anbury. See Amborou. chief, and a crescent in base.
Anby, Andby, or Andelby, gu. a fesse, betw. Anderton, sa. three crescents ar.
two chev. or. Andesley, [Buckinghamshire,] paly of six, ar.
Anby, gu. a fesse ar. betw. three chev. or. Crest, and az. a baton, in bend, gu.
a dexter hand ar. two lion's
ppr, holding a cross, pattee, tit- Andesley, paws, erased, in saltier,
chee, in pale, gu. sa. (Another, gu.)
Anceli,, or Auncell, erm. on a fesse gu. three Andesley. To the first of this name in the first
cross crosslets or. Crest, a stag's head, aflfron- Dictionary add Crest, a sword, in bend, ppr.
tee, ducal ly gorged .... surmounted by a cross-crosslet sa.
Ancher, ar. ten billets sa. a chief az. Andlaw. Crest, an eagle's head sa.
Anchileck, [Scotland,] ar. three closets sa. Andrade, gu. three griffins' heads, erased, ar.
Anchitel, [Dorsetshire,] or, a saltier, raguly, Crest, a wolf's head or.
vert. Andrea, or St. Andrew, gu. seven mascles,
Andbrough, or Andborow, az. a fesse ar. three, three, and one, conjoined, or, in chief a
betw. three crosses, bottonee, or. label of three points ar. Crest, a cincjuefoil
Andby, or Andelby, [Devonshire.] Crest, on ar.
the stump of a tree a crane, statant,
ppr. Andre, o>-Andree, ar. two mullets, in chief,
Andegarvia, gu. a chief ar. over all an escar- az. and a galley, with oars in action, in base,
buncle of eight rays or. Crest, an escarbuncle sa. Crest, a millrind az.
sa. Andrew, [Devon,] per pale, gu. and az. two
Andelbaby, ar. on a fesse sa. betw. six fleurs- staves, saltierwise, crossed at the top, and a
de-lis gu. two lion's gauibs, in saltier, entiled reaping-hook interposed between them, ar.
with a ducal coronet or. [Borne by Thomas Andrew, Esq. twice Mayor
Andeley, or, on a chief sa. three crescents ar. of Exeter, temp. Henry VIII.]
Crest, a dolphin, haurient, devouring a fish, Andrewes, [Bisbrooke* Rutlandshire.] Arms
ppr. and Crest, see first Dictionary, [Confirmed tn
An deri e, ar. a star or. Anthony Andrewes, of Bisbrooke, or Bisbrake,
Anderson, gu. three trees, eradicated, ar. by Sir William Dethick, Garter, 28th Octo-
Anderson, az. three martlets, within a bordure, ber, 25th Elizabeth.]
engr. ar. Andrews, [Suffolk,] ar. on a bend, engr. cottised,
Anderson, [Fermoy, Cork, 1S12,] quarterly, or sa. betw. two lions,
rampant, gu. three mullets
and ar. a saltier, engr. per saltier, gu. and sa. of the first. Crest, a dove ppr. holding in the
betw. a mullet, pierced, in chief, two boars' beak an olive-branch vert.
heads, erased, respecting each other in fesse. Andrews, [Shaw, Berks,] gu. a saltier ar. sur-
and a trefoil, slipped, in base, vert. Crest, a mounted by another az. charged on the centre
tree ppr. surmounted of a saltier, humettee, with a bezant. Crest, out of an eastern crown
sa. or, a blackmoor's head, couped, in the ear a
Anderson, [Mill-Hill, Middlesex, Lord Mayor of drop or.

Loudon, 1798,] az. on a saltier erm. a sword Andrezel, [France,] sa. three chev. bruized,
and key, saltierwise, environed with a laurel- Cor rompu,) or.
wreath, betw. three mullets, and a crescent, in Andros. Crest, on a tower, a lion, rampant, sa.
base, ar. Crest, three ostrich-feathers, encircled Androway, az. a lion, rampant, regardant, or,
with a chain, or, on the centre feather a cres- betw. eight roses ar.
cent .... Androwes, ar. on a cross sa. five bezants.
Anderson, [Alnwick and Newcastle, Northumber- AndroWEY', ar. a lion, rampant, betw. eight
land,] vert, three bucks, lodged, ar. attired or. cinquefoils, az.
Crest, a stag, lodged amidst rushes and Andru, .... on a bend, engr. cottised, sa.
pierced through the neck with an arrow or, three mullets ar.
headed ar. Andy, [Devon,] ar. on a bend, cottised, az.
Anderson, [Bradley, Durham,] gu. three oak- three roses or.
trees ar. Crest, an oak-tree ar. ( Another crest, Anelche, per pale or and ar. a talbot, passant,
on a chapeau gu. turned up erm. a griffin's gu. Crest, an eagle, with wings expanded, ppr,
ANEYS, az. two battle-axes, endorsed, or. Anlaby, or Hanlaby, ar. a fesse, betw. six
Crest, a sword, in bend, ppr. fleurs-de-lis sa. Crest, on a mount, an oak-
Angame, gu. a fesse, indented, or. tree ppr.
Angas, or Angrs, az. a lion, rampant, gu. Anleby, ar. a chev. betw. three roe-bucks sa.
Crest, an ostrich's head, erased, ar. holding in Anleby, or Anselby, [Eaton, Yorkshire.] Crest,
the beak a horse-shoe ppr. an arrow, in pale, entiled with a ducal coronet,
Angelldon, az. a unicorn, rampant, or. or.
Angellis, or Angles. Crest, a lion's gamb, An let, [Yorkshire.] Crest, on a rock a fire-
couped, holding a cross, pattee, fitchee, or. beacon ppr.
Angennes, [France,] sa. a saltier ar. Anley, vert, three escallops ar. Crest, a dexter
Angenoust, [France,] az. two swords, in sal- arm, on the hand a glove, holding a hawk's
tier, ppr. pomelled or. lure, ppr.
Anger, oj-Angier, [Kent.] Crest, a martlet, Ann, gu. three bucks' heads, erased, ar.
flying over a castle, ruined in-the sinister tower, Anna, De, [Farringdon,] ar. a saltier gu. on a
ppr. chief of the second three bezants. Crest, a
Angerstein, paly of eight az. and or, a sal- bezant.
tier Crest, a lion's head, erased, gu. in
ar. Annabell. Crest, a stag, at gaze, ppr.
the mouth a quatrefoil vert. Annan D, [Aucterallan, Scotland,] ar. a chief
Angerstein, az. on a mount vert, in base a square and cantoned with two mascles in the
saltier gu.
stone ppr. in the dexter chief, the sun, in splen- collar, and base points, az. and two ermine-spots
dour, or. Cresl, a stork, holding in the dexter in the flanks sa.
claw a stone, betw. two elephant's trunks, all Annand, [Annandale, Scotland,] ar. (another, or)

ppr. [Borne by the late J. J. Angerstein, Esq. a saltier and chief gu. Crest, a rose, stalked
of Pall- Mall and Greenivich, KeittJ] and leaved ppr.
Angerton, ar. on a fesse sa. three lozenges of Anncey, quarterly, per fesse, wavy, or and gu.
the field. a bend counterchanged. Crest, on a mural co-
Angoise, gu. a rose or. ronet or, a stag, sejant, ppr.
Angolisme, or Angolismo, or, billettee az. a Anne, gu. three bucks, couped, ar.
lion, rampant, of the second. Anneles. Crest, a mermaid ppr.
Angollisme, az. semee of lucies or, a label of three Annelsiiie. Crest, a bezant, charged with a
points charged with as many crescents or. pale, indented, gu.
Angor, [Kent,] erm. on a chief az. three lions, Annering, ar. a chev. engr. gu. betw. three
rampant, or. mullets sa.
Anguilla, gu. three bezants, in pale, or. Annering, gu. on a chev. az. three bezants.
Crest, a bezant, charged with a talbot's head, Anners, [Cheshire-,] see Anmers in the first

erased, sa. Dictionary.

Anguish, az. a cinquefoil ar. Annes, or Annis, gu. a mullet ar. and chief or.
ANGUS, erm. a chief sa. Crest, a quadrangular Crest, a mascle or.
cas'e ppr. Annesley, paly of six ar. and az. over all a
Angus [Scotland,] ar. a lion, passant, gardant, bend, engr. gu.
gu. i owned with an antique crown or. Crest, Annesley, [Buckinghamshire,] paly of six or and
a lion crowned, as in the Arms. az. over all a bend gu.
Angwin, ar. two bars gu. on a chief vert, three Anngell, [Kent,] or, four fusils, in fesse, az.over
plates. Crest, three roses ar. on a branch, all a bend gu. Crest, out of a ducal coronet
leaved and stalked vert. or, a demi pegasus ar.
Anhelet per saltier az. and gu. three annulets Anngeley, pattee ar. and az. a bend gu.
or, two and one. Crest, a gem ring or, Annikale, erm. a lion,rampant, betw. four
stoned gu. fleurs-de-lis or.
An is lie, vert, a cross, flory, .... Crest, a Annkell, erm. on a fesse gu. three cross cross-
dexter naked arm, embowed, holding in the lets or.
hand a ci miter. Annois, ar. three bendlets az.
Anke, or Ankey. Crest, a bull's head, erased, Annot, or Annat, erm. two bars gu.
in chief

gu. three hearts of the last. Crest, a boar, passaut,

Ankyrsley, or, two bars gu. betw. three mart- sa. transpierced with an arrow ppr.
lets, in
pale, sa. Crest, a hunting-horn, sans Anns, gu. on a bend, cottised, or, three popinjays
strings, vert, veralled ar. vert.
Annuall, ar. a fesse betw. tliree annulets gu. Antony, or Anton ie, [Suffolk,] ar. a leopard,
Anois, [France,] bendy often and az. ar. betw. two flaunches, sa. Crest, a goat's head, gu.
Anringe, ar. a cross gu. within a bordure sa. Antrobus. [To the one in the first Dictionary, of
ANSAM, erm. on a canton sa. a fleur-de-lis or. London, add granted Sept. 1G04.]
Anscell, or Anstrell, [Barford, Bedford- Antrobus, [Eaton - hall, Congleton, Cheshire,]
shire,] gu. on a saltier or, betw. four bezants, lozengy or and az. on a pale gu. three estoiles
as many mascles of the field. Crest, a denii of the first. Crest, see first Dictionary.
lion az. ducallygorged and lined or. Antron, or De Antrenon, ar. a chev. betw.

Ansdell, gu. a bend, fusilly, or. Crest, a demi three garbs sa.
lion, ppr. ducally gorged and chained or. Antweisel, or Antisell, gu. three mullets ar.
Anselby, [Yorkshire.] See Anleby in the Crest, an eagle, with wings expanded and in-
first verted, ppr.
Anseline, or, a fesse betw. two chev. gu. Antwii.ley, barry of eight ar. and gu. in chief
ANSELL, [Ickleford, Hertfordshire,] gu. a saltier a lion, passant, gardant, sa.
ar. betw. four bezants. Anvalbles, or, two bars, engr. gu.
Ansell, ar. on a fesse gu. three cross crosslets or. Anvenell, ar. a fesse betw. six annulets gu.
Ansert, or, a bend, gobony, az. and gu. Crest, Anvenell, a fesse betw. six martlets gu.
a demi lion, crowned with an imperial crown, An vers, [Cheshire.] Crest, a branch, bearing
wielding a sword, wavy, ppr. three roses ppr.
A.NSLY, [Dolphington, N.B.] or, a cross, flory, Anvers, gu. a chev. or, betw. three bezants.
gu. Anvory. Crest, a dexter hand, holding a holly-
Anstayill, gu. fretty ar. a canton az. Crest, a branch ppr.
castle, triple towered, a demi lion issuing from Anavyl, [Perkin, Merionethshire.] Crest, an
the top .... astrolabe ppr.
Anstead, Ansted, or Antished, per fesse, An ybolde, [Ireland,] erm. a lion, rampant, betw.
or and az. a fesse, nebulee, gu. Crest, a cross, four fleurs-de-lis or.
formee, or, charged with five torteanxes. Anyboll, erm. a lion, rampant, betw. four fleurs-
Anstelbotii, barrv of six ar. and gu. in chief de-lis or.
three martlets of the last. Anyell, gu. three fusils or.
Anstell, [Cornwall.] Crest, a cross, formee, Aoluite, az. a lion, rampant, ar. in chief a label
ar. guttee-de-poix. of five points gu. Crest, on a chapeau gu.
Anstie, vert, a pale, betw. two griffins, segreant, turned up erm. a lion, statant, tail extended
ar. Crest, a leopard's face ppr. jessant-de-lis ppr. collared gu.
gu -
Aorscott, [Norton, Cornwall,] per chev. ar.
Anstruther, [Flie-house, Fifeshire, and Car- and erm. in chief three stag's heads, cabossed,
michael-house and Westran, Lanarkshire,] ar. or.
three piles, issuing out of the chief, sa. Crest, Apalby, ar. on a bend sa. three bezants.
two arms in armour, embowed, ppr. garnished Ap-Bradrwen, [Wales,] i\. three snakes,
or, holding in the gauntlets a battle-axe of the braced, ar.
first. Ap-Bran, [Wales,] ar. a chev. sa. betw. three
Anstruther, [Balcaskie, Fifeshire,] three piles,
ar. crows, each holding in the beak an ermine-spot
issuing out of the chief, sa. within a bordure gu. of the last.
Crest, as above. Ap-Cargant, [Wales,] gu. three chev. ar.
Anstis, [Cornwall,] ar. a cross, raguly, gu. betw. Apcell, [Limerick,] ar. three bars gu. a canton
four birds az. legged of the second. Crest, out erm. Crest, a fleur-de-lis or, betw. two wings,
of a ducal coronet or, five ostrich feathers ar. expanded, ar.

Anstis, or Anstice. Arms, the same. Crest, a Ap-Cradoe, [Wales,] ar. three saddles, with
dexter arm, vested per pale, embattled, .... stirrups, sa.
holding in the hand a griffin's head, erased, . . .
Ap-Cynan, [Wales,] gu. three lions, passant,
Anston, ar. a chev. betw. three fleur-de-lis sa. in pale, ar.
Ansty, [Cornwall,] or, a saltier, engr. gu. betw. Apden, ar. a cross gu. in the first quarter a mullet
four mullets sa. sa.

Antingham, [Norfolk,] sa. a bend, engr. ar. cot- Ap-Dulfyn, gu. a bend betw. three spears'
tised or. heads, ar.

Antingham, [Norfolk,] sa. on a bend ar. in chief Ap-Dvnawal, [Wales,] sa. a spear's head, betw.
an ogress, charged with a star of six points or. three scaling-ladders, sinister beudways, ar. on
a chief gu. a tower triple towered of the se- Apilston, gu. a pelican in her piety ppr, nest
cond. ar.

Apeele. Crest, a fleur-de-lis betw. two wings, Apinerickle, paly of .... or and az. on a fesse
ar. gu. three mullets ar.
Apellev, [Leicestershire,] ar. sis martlets, three, Ap-Ivor, [Wales,] vert, five eagles, displayed, in
two, and one, or. saltier or.

Ap-Elnarch, [Wales,] vert, a chev. eugr. betw. Ap-Jarthyr, [Wales,] vert, a stag, salient, ar.
three wolves' heads, erased, ar. attired or.
Apelton, az. three leaves, vert. Ap-Jorwurth, [Wales,] az. on a fesse ar. betw.
Ap-Elydor, [Wales,] ar. on a cross sa. five three lions, rampants, or, as many crosses, pat-
crescents or. tee, fitchee, sa.
Ap-Elystan, [Wales,] ar. three boars' heads, Ap-Kynan, or Apkeune, [Wales,] gu. three
couped, sa. incensed or. lions, passant, ar.
Apesley, [Surrey and Sussex,] ar. three bars Ap-Kyndelic, [Wales,] gu. a chev. betw. three
gu. a canton erm. Crest, a fleur-de-lis or, lions,rampant, vert.
betw. two wings ar. Ap-Kynreg, erm. a lion, passant, gardant, tail
Ap-Eynions, ar. three lions, passant, gardant, coward, gu.
pale, gu. Crest, a sheaf of arrows ppr. Ap-Ky walhon, [Wales,] erm. a lion, rampant,
banded gu. sa.

Ap-Galwyn, [Wales,] sa. a chev. betw. three Aplebaster, erm. a cross-bow in pale, fur-
fleurs-de-lis ar. nished sa. charged with a bolt ar.
Ap-Gargan, [Wales,] gu. three chev. ar. Appleby, ar. on a bend sa. three pine-apples or.
Apgressy, quarterly, ar. and az. four lions, ram- Apleton, ar. a bear, rampant, sa. ducallv
pant, regardant, counterchanged. crowned or.
Ap-Griffitii, ar. on a fesse az. three boars' Applewaite, ar. a fesse, engr. betw. three
heads, couped, or, in chief, a lion, passant, roundles Crest, a dexter arm, embowed,

gu. in armour, holding in the hand ppr. a branch

Ap- Griffith, or, a lion,
rampant, gu. vert.

Ap-Grijfitft, sa. the tops of three broken spears, Ap-Madoe, sa. a chev. betw. three lucies ar.
erect or, pointed ar. betw. as many crescents of Ap-Marcheist, [Wales,] az. a fesse or, betw.
the second. Crest, out of a cloud, a dexter three horses' heads, erased, ar.
and sinister arm, shooting an arrow from a bow. Ap-Mendith, [Leicestershire,] az. a lion, ram-
Ap-Gronyn, [Wales,] ar. a chev. betw. three pant, or.
pheons sa. their points to the centre of the Ap-Meredith, [Wales,] ar. a lion, rampant, sa.
shield. Apowell. The same as Ap-Howell.
Ap-Growy, [Wales,] az. three boars, passant, Appaday, ar. on a cross gu. five mullets or.
ar. armed, and unguled, or.
bristled, Apparunt, sa. a chev. betw. three talbots, pas-
Ap-Gwellthan, [Wales,] per cross gu. and sant, erm.
ar. four lions, missant, gardant, counterchang- Appgwinim, [Wales,] or, a lion, rampant, gu.
ed. armed az.
Ap-Gweryown, [Wales,] az. a lion, rampant, Applebv, or Applebee, [Leicestershire,] az.
or. six martlets or, three, two, and one. Crest, an
Ap-Gwyddno, [Wales,] or, a griffin, segreaut, apple or, stalked and leaved vert.
incensed gu.
vert, Appleby, [Larington, Yorkshire,] ar. on sea ppr.
Ap-Gwrgant, [Wales,] gu. three chev. ar. a ship in full sail sa.
Ap-Hendor, [Wales,] ar. on a chev. gu. three Appledore, gu. a fesse, nebulee, ar.
fleurs-de-lis or. Appleford, ar. a cincpiefoil gu. and chief vert.
Ap-Henry, [Wales,] gu. five plates betw. two Crest, a demi savage, in the dexter hand a
flaunches ar. on each a trefoil of the first. sword, and in the sinister a constable's baton,
Aphery, sa. five bezants, in saltier, or. Crest, ensigned with a regal crown ppr.
a trefoil, slipped, vert. Ap-Plethin, [Wales,] or, a lion, rampant, az.
Aphuyt, [Wales,] paly of six or and gu. incensed gu.
Apierworth, sa. a lion, rampaut, betw. three Appleyard. Arms, same as of East Carlton,
lozenges ar. Norfolk, in the first Dictionary. Crest, a demi
Apifer, or, an escarbuncle sa. Crest, a band dragon vert, holding in the dexter claw a sword
holding a spiked club ppr. erect, ppr.
Appryand, boar ar. betw. ten trefoils
az. a A R buckle, [Scotland,] gu. on a fesse az. betw.
slipped of the second. three garbs or, as many mullets ar. Crest, a
Appulton. See with Apelton. ram ppr.
Ap-Raen, sa. a ehev. betw. three lures ar. Arbuthnet, [Fiddes, Scotland,] az. a crescent,
stringed, or. betw. three stars within an orle of eight cinque-
Aprebert, sa. a chev. betw. three mullets ar. foils ar.

Apreece, [Washingley, Huntingdonshire, and Arbuthnot, az. a chev. betw. three crosses, pattee,
Honington, Lincolnshire,] sa. three spears' or.- Crest, a cross, pattee, or.
heads ar. guttee de sang. Crest, a spear head, Arbuthnot, az. a crescent, betw. three mullets
as in the arms. ar.
Apresby, sa. a cross and chief, ar. Arbuthnot, az. a crescent, betw.
Ap-Rhys Goch, [Wales,] ar. on a bend sa. thr^e stars, ar. within a bordure, indented
three lions' faces of the field. and quartered of the second and first. Crest,
Aprice, [Wilton,] sa. a cross, formee, ar. a dove, within an adder, disposed orleways
Apriwallon, erm. a lion, rampant, or. ppr.
Apsey, vair, a chev. ar. Crest, a dove, with Arbuthnot, az. a crescent, betw. three mullets ar.
an olive-branch in its beak, volant, over water, Arbuthnot, [Lord Provost of Edinburgh, 1822,]
ppr. az. a crescent betw. three mullets ar. within
Ap-Tangno, [Wales,] sa. a chev. betw. three a bordure or, charged with as many boars'
fleurs-de-lis ar. heads ....
Ap-Tegan, [Wales,] or, a griffin, segreant, sa. Arc [the famous Joan of,] az. a sword, erect, ar.
incensed gu. entiled with a crown of the last, betw. two
Ap-Tewdor, [Wales,] gu. a lion, rampant, fleurs-de-lis or.
within a bordure, indented or. Arc, [France,] az. a bow or, charged with three
Ap-Thomas,per pale, wavy, az. and ar. arrows ar. feathered gold, one in fesse and two
Apton, ar. a
chev. betw. four martlets sa. in saltier, and pointing to the dexter side of the
Ap-Torwerth, [Wales,] gu. a lion, passant, escocheon.
gardant, ar. Arcaster, [Gloucestershire.] Crest, ou a be-
Ap-Traherne, [Wales,] ar, a chev. betw. three zant an escarbuncle sa.
boars' heads, couped, sa. Archard, az. three broad arrows or.
Apulia, az. three mitres or. [Borne by Simon de Archarde, or, two fusils in bend sa.

Apulia, consecrated Bishop of Exeter 1st Oct. Archbald, [Ireland,] gu. a chev. betw. three
1214, ob. 1223 or 1224.] brogues or.
Apucenrick, paly of six, or and az. ou a fesse Arch bold, [Ireland,] ar. seme de lis and a
gu. three mullets ar. lion,rampant, sa.
Apulton, vert, a fesse, eugr. ar. betw. three Archbold, ar. seme of fleur-de-lis, a lion, passant,
plates. sa.

Apulton, ar. a bear, saliant, sa. Archerd, [Yorkshire,] or, five lozenges in bend
Apultresend, or, on a fesse gu. three lozen- sa.

ges, vair. Arch da ll, [Ireland,] ar. a pale, pointed, in

Apultresend, or, on a fesse gu. three mascles of base gu. betw. two cinquefoils of the second.
the field. Crest, a cross, pattee, erm.
Apurley, erm. three pine-apples, slipped, vert. Archdeacon, [Suffolk,] ar. three chev. wavy,
Ap-Vaughan, [Wales,] gu. a bend, betw. three sa.

spears' heads ar. Archdeacon, erm. entrayled sa.

Ap-Yrien, [Mayngwynedd,] ar. a cross, engr. Archdeacon, [Devon,] ar. three chev. sa. Crest,
sa.betw. four Cornish choughs ppr, on a chief, a dexter arm, embowed, in armour, holding in
az. a boar's head, couped of the first. the hand a sword ppr.
Arabin, or, three vine-leaves, vert. Crest, the Archdone, ar. a chev. sa.
sun rising from behind a mountain ppr. Archer, [Kilkeny, Ireland,] ar. three pheons,
Arande, [Spain,] ar. a bordure or, entoyre of points upwards, sa.
rests (or clarions) az. Archer, gu. a chev. betw. three greyhounds,
Aras, erm. a chev. sa. courant, or.
Aras, ar. a saltier az. Arches, sa. three fleurs-de-lis ar.
Akay, gu. three birds ar. beaked, or. Arches, gu. three arches or, the two in chief sin-
Ahbouin, sa. a lion, rampant, ar.
gle, the one in base double.
Arches, gu. three arches ar. masoned, sa. Areas, erm. a chev. gu.
Archever, [Scotland.] Crest, two arms, em- Arel, [France,] quarterly, ar. and az. Crest,
bowed, and drawing an arrow in a bow, ppr. a boar's head between two ostrich feathers
Arcus, per fesse or and ar. a fesse gu. betw. a ppr.
lion, rampant, ppr. in chief, and a fir-tree, in Areskine, [Scotland,] ar. on a pale sa. a cross,
base, on a mount, also ppr. pattee, of the first
fitchee, Crest, a demi-
Ardale, .... three bull's heads, couped griflin holding in the dexter claw a sword ppr.
Ardan, or Ardin, per pale az. and gu. a lion, Arfea, gu. three towers, triple towered, ar.
rampant, or. Arfece. Crest, a scaling ladder az.
Ardbarow, or Ardboro, ar. three chev. engr. Argahast, or, a bull gu. Crest, a doric column
betw. as many escallops gu. ppr.
Arden, per pale az. and gu. a lion, rampant, Argall, per fesse or and az. three lions' heads,
counterchanged. erased, and counterchanged.
Arden, sa. five lions, rampant, or, crowned gu. Argamf, az. on a chev three martlets sa.
Arden, [Kent.] The same as Ardernk, of Argentayne, gu. three covered cups or.
Warwickshire. Argentin E, [Cambridgeshire,] gu. three covered
Arden, or, crusuly and a lion, rampant, sa. cups ar.

Ardene, paly of eight or and az. on a chief gu. Argentree, [France,] ar. across, pattee, az.
three lozenges of the first. Crest, an eagle's head, erased, gu.
Ardenus, gu. a chief or, within a bordure, erm. Argies, [France,] or, an orleof eight martlets sa.
Arderley, ar. on a bend gu. betw. two lions' Arglas, ar. a buck, trippant, gu.
heads, erased, sa. three cross crosslets or. Argles, sa. three lions, rampant, or.
Arderne, or, a fesse az. Argnall, .... a lion, rampant, regardant, ar.
Arderne, sa. a fesse gu. Arguill, per fesse, or and vert, a pale counter-
Arderne, ar. a fesse gu. betw. three roses or. changed.
Arderne, [Wiltshire,] erm. a fesse, cheeky, or Arguilla, gu. three bezants, in pale or. -Crest,
and az. on a bezant, a talbot's head, sa.
Arderne, or Ardren, vert, a lion, saliant, or, Argum. Crest, a hand erect issuing from a cloud,
crowned and armed gu. holding a book open, all ppr.
Arderne, [Lancashire,] gu. three cross crosslets, Ariel, or Ariell, or, a Cornish chough ppr.
and a chief, or. within an orle of eight fleurs-de-lis az. Crest,
Arderne, [Shropshire,] gu. eight cross crosslets, an anchor cabled, and sword, in saltier, ppr.
and a chief, or. Aries, [Ireland,] vert, three rams' heads, ca-
Arderne, erm. on a fesse gu. three cinquefoils or. bossed, ar. attired or. Crest, a satyr holding
Arderne, gu. three cross crosslets, fitchee, and a in the dexter hand a sword, and in the sinister
chief, indented, or. a partizan, all ppr.
Ardesley, ar. a fesse, fusilly, gu. iu chief three Aria [France,] or, three cinquefoils gu.
heads, couped, sa. Ark ell, or Arkle, gu. a fesse, embattled,
Ardeyne, .... semee of cross crosslets, and a counterembattled, ar. Crest, a griffin, sejant,
ar. holding in the dexter claw a
lion, rampant, sa. garland of
Ardfrowe, ar. a chev. engr. betw. three escal- laurel, vert.

lops gu. Arkvbus. Crest, a lion's head, erased, ar.

Ardine, [Ireland,] per pale az. and gu. a lion, Arlandfs, [Frauce,] az. a crescent, reversed,
rampant, or. or, over all an estoile ar.

Ardington, [Berkshire,] az. two lions, passant, Arling, gu. a fesse, vair, in chief, a unicorn,
ar. courant, or, betw. two mullets of the last, all
Ardis, [Yorkshire.] The same arms as Ardis, within a bordure engr. gold.
of Sharington, Bucks, in first Dictionary. Arlote, or Arlott, gu. a leopard, passant,
Ardis, ar. on a bend az. a mullet sa. Crest, a gardant, or spotted sa. Crest, on a chapeau
demi-lion gu. in the sinister paw a rose or, leaved gu. turned up erm. a leopard, passant, gardant,
vert. with three blades of rushes on each side, all

Ardis, ar.a bend betw. six martlets sa. ppr.

Ardon, [Essex,] ar. a chev. sa. betw. three stars Armale, ar. guttee de sang, three bars, hu-
gu. mettee, az.
Ardotjste, [Essex,] ar. a chev. sa. betw. three Armand, [France,] az. a chev. betw. three roses,
stars gu. ar.
Armayne, ar. three cloves sa. Arnkford, az. three bars ar. within a bordure
Armen, erm. a saltier engr. gu. on a chief of the erm.
second, a lion, passant, or. Arnell, or Arnied, [Scotland,] ar. two eels,
Armerbery, two arms issuing from the sides
sa. haurient, confronted, vert, betw. two estoiles
of the escocheon bent at the elbow and erect in gu. Crest, an eel, naiant, vert.
chev. the hands conjoined ar. betw. three cross Arnes, [Cornwall,] vert, five martlets, ar. three
crosslets, fitchee, or. two, and one.
AltMES, or, on a bend az. three bands clenched Ames, erm. a chev. sa.
and conped at the wrist of the first. Arnet, a chev. sa. betw. two mullets, in

Artnes, [France,] gu. two swords, in pale, points chief, and a crescent in base gu. Crest, a cres-
downwards ar. in chief, and betw. the hilts a cent or.
rose, all within a bordure of the last. Arnett, or Arnott, gyronny of eight sa. and
Armesbury, [Essex.] Crest, two hands issuing or, on a chief ar. a galley, the sails furled,
from clouds ppr. sable, flags, gu. Crest, on a tower ppr. a flag,
Armeway, [Lincoln,] quarterly, az. and ar. a displayed, az.
saltier engr. counterchanged. Arnold, gu. a chev. ermines, betw. three pheons
Armigkr, [Suffolk,] az. two bars betw. three or. Crest, a demi tiger ar. pellettee, betw. his
helmets or. Crest, on a ducal coronet or, an feet a fire-ball sa.
antelope, sejant, gu. horned gold. Arnold, [Kent.] The same as Arnold of Cromer,
Armistead, ar. a chev.
gu. betw. three points see first
of spears az. tasseled in the middle or. Crest, Arnold, [Buckinghamshire,] ar. three escallops
a dexter arm embowed in armour ppr. holding sa.
the butt end of a broken spear or. Arnold, [Gloucestershire,] Crest, a demi tiger ar.
Armo, quarterly, or and gu. in the first and pellettee.
fourth, a lozenge of the second. Crest, three Arnold, [Gloucestershire.] gu. on a chev. erm.
passion nails ppr. one in pale, and two in sal- three pheons sa.
tier. Arnold, gu. a chev. erm. betw. three pheons or.
Armony, gu. a bend ar. betw. six bezants. Crest, a demi tiger, regardant, sa. bezantee,
Crest, a stag gu. holding betw. his fore-paws a pheon or.
Armony, az. a bend erm. between six bezants. Arnot, [of that Ilk, Co. Fife,] ar. a chev. sa.
Crest, the same as above. betw. three mullets gu.
Armony, gu. a bend erm. betw. six bezants. Arnut, [Scotland,] ar. a chev. sa. betw. two mul-
Armour, [Scotland,] ar. on a chev. az. betw. lets in chief and a fret, couped, in base gu. in
three arms in armour, fesseways, and embowed the interstices, four quartre-foils of the last, and
ppr. as many mullets of the field. charged with as many hearts of the first. Crest,
Arm.SDRESSEK, gu. a man in armour ppr. holding a crescent gu.
in the dexter hand a pole-axe. Arod, [France,] or, a fesse az.
Armstem, ar. a fret gu. on a chief az. a lion, Arondell, [Cornwall,] sa. six martlets, in pile,
passant, or. Crest, on a chapeau gu. turned ar.

up erm. a demi lion, rampant, az. Arondell, sa. six escallops, in pile, ar.

Armstrong, [Corby, Lincolnshire,] gu. three Arpajon, [France,] gu. a harp stringed or.
dexter arms in armour, in pale ar. garnished Arpin, sa. a cross ar. Crest, an arm in armour,
or. holding a holly branch, all
Armyn, [Yorkshire.] The same asARMiNE of Arquinvilliars, [France,] erm. papillone sa.

Osgodby and Ketton, Lincolnshire. Arras, ar. on a cross az. five fleurs-de-lis within
Armyne, ar. three crows sa. a bordure engr. of the second. Crest, in a
Armyne, az. a lion, rampant, ar. crowned or. tower gu. embattled or, a lion's head of the last.
Armyne, three trefoils, slipped sa.
ar. Arrat, [Scotland,] az. three crosses, pattee,
Armytage, gu. a lion's head, erased, betw. three fitchee, or, two and one, and three mullets ar.
crosses, bottonee, ar. one and two, in the centre a crescent of the
Arnais, [France,] ar. a cross sa. last. Crest, a dexter hand holding a dagger,
Arnal, [France,] or, a walnut tree ppr. on a in pale, ppr.
chief az. three estoils of the field. Arrepon, cheeky or and az. on a fesse ar. three
Arnald, or Arnauld, az. a chev. betw. three martlets sa.
palm branches or. Crest, a demi cat, Arressell, gu. a saltier engr. or, betw. four
ppr. bezants.
Arris, ar. on a saltier az. five fleurs-de-lis or. and resting on the elbow ppr. holding a cross
Arrot, [Arrot, Scotland,] az. three crosses, crosslet, fitchee, in pale, sa.

fitchee, or, and three

two and one, Arton, or, on a chev. sa. five fleurs-de-lis ar.
mullets ar. one and two. Crest, as Arrat. Crest, a candlestick or.
Arrowood. Crest, a savage with a club in his Artrod, ar. on a fesse sa. three mascles or.
dexter hand, resting on the wreath, ppr. Artus, sa. an eagle, close, or. Crest, an eagle's
Arrowsmyth, head holding in the beak a quill ppr.
[Hunting-field -Hall, Suffolk,]
Crest, seven arrows, ppr. entiled with a ducal Arundell, purp. two (launches, the dexter per
coronet, or. fesse, cheeky, or and az. and gu. on the last, a
Arscot, [Devon,] Crest, a demi man in a turkish lion,rampant, of the second, the sinister flaunch
habit, affrontee, in his dexter hand a cimeter, per fesse gu. and cheeky or and az. in chief, on
held over his head, the sinister resting on a the flaunch, a lion, rampant, or.

tiger's head issuing out of the wreath. Arundell, bendy of eight gu. and ar.
Arsdale, [Slenhow,] az. a chev. erm. betw. Arundell, [Cornwall,] sa. six swallows ar. three,
three .... two, and one. [Borne by John Arundell, Dean
Arsick, quarterly, gu. and or, on a bordure sa. of Exeter, appointed 18/A September, 1496,
eight bulls' heads, couped, ar. Crest, a talbot, Bishop of Lichfield and Coventry, translated
sejant, ppr. resting the dexter paw upon a shield to the See of Exeter 29th June, 1502, obiit 15th
gu. March, 1504.]
Arsingcourt, [Germany,] ar. an eagle, dis- Arundell, [John, Sheriff of Devon, 3d Hen. V.]
played, with two heads, gu. The same.
Arsnick, ar. a chief indented sa. Arweil, [Scotland,] ar. two serpents, nowed
Arsycke, or, a chief indented sa. Crest, the and linked together, in pale, betw. two stars
same as Arsick. gu. Crest, a cubit arm, holdinga helmet, all
Artas, sa. three fleurs-de-lis or. Arwennack, ar. three mascles gu.
Arter, gu. a chev. betw. three martlets ar. Arwood, gu. three conies, courant, az.

Artesi, az. three fleurs-de-lis or, a label of as Asadam, ar. on a cross gu. five mullets of the

many points gu. charged with three castles ar. field. Crest, a rook, feeding, sa.
Arther, erm. a cross sa.. Crest, a mullet of Ascham, [London,] gu. on a fesse or, three
six points gu. dolphins, naiant, embowed, ar.

Arthiee, [Scotland,] ar. a fesse, cheeky, or and Aschaw, ar. a mole-hill, in base, sa.

gu. betw. two mullets gold, in chief, and an eel, Ascheby, ar. a lion, rampant, sa. billette.e, or.
naiant, in base, az. in the middle chief point a Ascon. Crest, a mascle ar.
ducal coronet of the second. Ascon, gu. a lion, rampant, or, a bend vert.
Arthington, [Yorkshire,] ar. a fesse betw. three Ascon e, az. a bend, cottised, ar. betw. six cross
escallops sa crosslets or.
Arthory, sa. on a chief ar. three chess rooks of Ascoum, or, on a chief az. a lion, rampant, gu.
the first. Ascry, [London,] barry, uude of six ar. and az.
Arthur, az. a cross, moline, betw. three eastern on a chief gu. three bezants.
crowns or. Crest, two laurel branches, in orle, Ascum, ar. a chev. betw. three fleurs-de-lis sa.
ppr. Crest, a fleur-de-lis sa.
Arthur, az. a chev. betw. three clarions (or rests) Asea, or, two bars gu. on each a shrimp, naiant,
or. Crest, a sinister arm embowed in armour ar.

or, holding in the hand ppr. a clarion gold. Aseky, a fesse az. over all a saltier gu.

[Granted Feb. 1646, by Sir Edivard Bysshe, Asf.ll, a lion, rampant, gu. on his shoulder

Garter, to John Arthur, Esq. of Donneih in a cinquefoil of the first, a label of three points
Co ]
of the second.
Arthurus, cheeky or and az. a bordure gu. Asgile, or Asgill, Crest a sphinx, with wings
Arthy, [formerly M'Arthy, Ireland,] or, a lion, endorsed, ar. crined or.

rampant, gu. Crest, out of a ducal coronet or, Asgill, or Asgile, [Northumberland, London and
a moose deer's head attired ppr. [Borne by the Fowley, Hants,] per fesse ar. and az. a pale,
Rev. N. H. Arthy, 1832.] counterchanged, three lions' heads, erased, two
Artington, or Artinginton, ar. on a fesse and one, gu. and three fleurs-de-lis, one and
gu. three escallops of the field. two ,or. Crest, on a mural coronet or, a sphynx,
Artked, ar. on a fesse sa. three lozenges or. couchant, gar d ant, body brown, face and breasts
Crest, a dexter arm from the shoulder, couped, ppr. winged or.
Asgill, [Bart.] Arras as first Dictionary. Crest, Ashets, or, three pales sa.
a sphynx, couchant, gardant, ar. crined or. Asiifikld, [Lancashire,] sa. a fesse betw. three
Ash, or, three bars az. Crest, an old man's head, fleurs-de-lis within a bordure all ar.
side faced, ppr. wreathed and stringed or and Ashjield, [Cheshire and Suffolk,] gu. a cross engr.
in the first
az. quarter, a fleur-de-lis ar.
Ash, or, a fesse az. over all a saltier gu. Crest, Asheordby, [Staunton, Fitzwarren, Wilts,] per
on a rock, a goose, with wings endorsed, ppr. fesse or and ar. a saltier, engr. sa. charged with
Ash, [Dublin,] ar. three chev. sa. five mullets of the field. Crest, an ass's head,
Ash hue, az. a chev. or, betw. three eagles, dis- erased, or, gorged with a collar sa. thereon three
placed, with two heads ar. mullets gold.
Ashberton. Crest, on a chapeau gu. turned up Ash ill, per pale, ar. and sa. three leopards'
erra. a communion cup or. heads, in pale, counterchanged.
Ash bone, erm. on a cross gu. three bezants. As.iLA, az. three chev. or.
Ashborne, [Ireland,] ar. on a bend gu. three Ashlackton, ar. five fusils, in fesse, gu.
escallops of the field. Ashley, [Cheshire.] The same as the second
Ashborne, [Worcestershire.] Crest, a lion's gamb, Ashley of Devon.
holding a flag ar. charged with an eagle, dis- Ashlin, or, three double scaling landders sa
played, sa. Crest, a fir-tree ppr.
Ashborne, [Ireland.] Crest, a tower, triple Ashmork, or, three lions' heads, erased, sa.
towered, ppr. Ashmore, [Ireland,] sa. three lions' heads, erased,
Ashburnham. [Sussex and Suffolk.] Crest, out or. Crest, a demi eagle, displayed, with two
of a ducal coronet ar. an ash-tree, fructed, ppr. heads, or, each regally crowned or.
Ash bury, [Gloucestershire,] gu. a fesse betw. Asho, or Ashe, or, a fesse az. over all a saltier
six martlets ar. Crest, a martlet ar. holding in gu.
the beak a sprig of ash ppr. Ashorp, ar. a chev. betw. three martlets sa.
Ashconer, [Scotland,] per pale ar. and sa. a Ashow, ar. on a chev. betw. three martlets vert,
chev. counterchauged. as many crosses, formee, fitchee, of the first.
Ashdoun, the same as Ashdaun. Ashton, [Lancashire,] ar. a mule, passant, gu.
Ash eld en. To the first of this name in the holding in his mouth a sprig of broom vert.
Dictionary, add Crest, a lion's gamb, erased, Ashton, [Lancashire,] ar. a bay-horse, statant, ppr.
gu. holding up the hilt of a broken sword ppr. in his mouth a sprig vert. (Ex. Coll. Arms.)
To the second of the name add Crest, a lion, Ashton, gu. a chev. betw. two roses in chief,
rampant, supporting an arrow, in pale, point and a cinqueioil in base, ar. Crest, a demi
downwards. lion, rampant, or, holding a rose, slipped, ppr.
Ashen dy, or, a lion, rampant, gu. collared of Ashton, [Kent,] ar. two bars sa. a bend gu.
the field. Ashton, [Mersey Bank, Cheshire,] ar. a chev.
Ashenhurst, [Beardhall, Derby,] or, a cock- betw. three mascles gu.
atrice, the nowed with a serpent's head, sa.
tail Ashurst, [Lancashire.] Crest, a fox's head ppr.
comb and wattles gu. in the beak, a trefoil vert. Ashwick, sa. a chev. engr. betw. three cross
Crest, a cockatrice, as in the Arms. crosslets ar.
Ashent, ar. a chev. betw. three crescents gu. a Ashwood, gu. a bend ar. in chief, a griffin's head
bordure erm. of the last. Crest, on a chapeau gu. turned up
Asher, gu. a cross eugr. in the first
quarter a erm. the sun in splendour all ppr.
fleur-de-lis or. Ashworth, sa. three arrows, erect, two and one
Asherborne, ar. on a fesse betw. three crescents ar. Crest, on a mount vert, an ash-tree ppr.
gu. as mullets of the field.
many [Borne by the late Lieutenant-General Sir
Ashkrburne, ar. a fesse betw. three crescents Charles Ashworth, K.C.B., K.T.S., fyc. obiit

gu. 1832.]
Asherburne, or Ashburner, [Cockermouth, Cum- Aske, [Chowbent, Lancashire.] Crest, the same
berland.] ar. on a fesse betw. three crescents as Aske of Aske, Yorkshire.
gu. as many mullets or. Crest, an ash-tree ppr. Aske, [Yorkshire,] quarterly, gu. and az. four
Asherte, gu. a cross engr. or, in the first quarter mascles ar.
a fleur-de-lis ar. Aske, az. five fusils, in fesse, ar.
Ash ETON, [Great Lever and Whalley, Lan- Aske, or, three closets az.
cashire.] Crest, a boar's head, couped, ar. Aske, ar. two chev. sa.
armed, langued, and bristled, gu. AsKEAM. Crest, a dolphin az.
Asketine, Arms and Crest, see first Dictionary. Astley, [Warwick,] az. a cinquefoil pierced ar.
Richard Asketine, alias Astin, of
to Astley, [Staffordshire,] ar. a lion, passant, gu.
West Peckham, Kent, bi/ Sir William Dethick, armed and langued or.

Garter, 1th October, 1572.] Aston, [Wiltshire,] az. a bend ar.

Askew, [London.] Crest, an ass's head ppr. Aston, [Cheshire and Staffordshire,] az. a fesse
three lozenges, sa.
gorged with three bars or, betw. two wiugs or in chief,

and az. Aston, [Wiltshire,] az. a bend, cottised, ar. betw.

ASKEY, erm. three escocheons gu. six cross crosslets or.

Asklakby, or Askaby, az. a fesse betw. three Aston, [Gloucestershire and Devonshire,] az. a
martlets ar. cinquefoil, pierced, erm.
Askwith, [Yorkshire.] Crest, a mascle gu. Aston, or, a chief az. over all a lion, rampant, gu.
Ask y ton, [Lancashire.] The same as Ashton Aston. The same within a bordure, gobony, ar.
of Crofton. and sa. charged with escallops, couuterchanged.
Aslaby, [Burdon, Richmond, Yorkshire.] az. a Aston, [Norfolk.] The same as Aston, of North-
fesse betw. three martlets ar. a label of three ampton.
points. Astone, or Aston NE, ar. abend, cottised, or,
ASLAKBY. Crest, a sun-dial, on a pedestal, ppr. betw. six cross crosslets of the second.
Aslake, o-Aselake, [Suffolk.] The same as Astrie, [Henbury.] The same as Astry, of
Aslack, of Norfolk. Woodend, Bedfordshire.
Aslake, gu. a chev. erm. betw. three Catherine Astry, [Woodend, Bedfordshire.] Crest, a
wheels ar. stag's head, erased, gu. attired or.
Aslie, or Asseley, ar. a lion, rampant, gu. Astun, Astum, or Astume, ar. a chev. betw.
AsloUM, [Scotland,] gu. a bend, sinister, ar. three fleurs-de-lis sa.
betw. two spur-rowels or. Crest, a spur ppr. Astyn, ar. on a chev. betw. three lions' paws,
Asmant, gu. two bars, dancettee, ar. erased, sa. as many bezants.
As.munt, gu. two bars, dancettee, or. AswiiLL, or Ashwell, per pale ar. and sa.
Aspall, [Kent.] The same as Aspall of Suffolk. three leopards' heads in pale, couuterchanged.
As pole, az. three chev. or. Crest, on a chapeau gu. turned up, erm. a
Aspole, ar. a saltier gu. betw. four ermine spots a wheat-sheaf ppr.
chief gu. Crest, a leopard's head, couped, erm. Atchison, [Scotland,] ar. an eagle, displayed,
Aspremont, [France,] gu. a cross ar. with two heads, sa. on a chief vert two spur-
Asscotti. Crest, a spread eagle ppr. imperially rowels or. Crest, a cock ppr.
crowned or. Atcliff, [Atcliff,] az. three quatrefoils, slipped
Asskley, see Aslie. ar. Crest, a lion, passant, or, holding in the
Asseliers, [Brabant,] sa. a beud, lozengy (or dexter paw a cimeter ar. hilt and pomel or.
lozenges) in bend ar. Atfste. Crest, a Cornish chough ppr.
Asselyn, ar. a chev. betw. three lozenges gu. Atfield. Crest, an arm, embowed, holding an
each charged with a cross crosslet sa. arrow in fesse ppr.
Assent. Crest, out of a ducal coronet a horse's Atflow, ar. a chev. betw. three owls az.
head ar. bridled gu. At-Gare, az. three lions, rampant, ar. on a
AsSUNATS, gu. two bars, dancettee, or. chief gu. a demi lion, rampant, issuant, or.

Astable, quarterly, vair and gu. a bordure or. At-Hacii, or Atte-Heath, [Robert, Sheriff
ASTARACK. [France,] quarterly, or and gu. of Devon, 25th Edw. Ill] gu. two demi lions,
Astbury, [Cheshire,] gu. a fesse ar. betw. three passant, gardant, or.
martlets of the second. Athel, [Northamptonshire,] ar. a chev. sa.guttee
Asteli, gu. a lion, rampant, gardant, ar. betw. d'or.

eight cross crosslets or.

At hell. Crest, a dog, sleeping, ppr;
Astell, [Clay, Norfolk,] gu. a lion, passant, Atliell, [Scotland.] Crest, a castle ar. masoned
gardant, ar. betw. six cross crosslets, fitchee, or. sa.

ASTERLEY, ASTERLY, or ESTERLEY, sa. a Atherton, [Howlent, Lancashire,] gu. three

bend betw. three estoiles or. Crest, an estoile sea-mews, (or falcons) ar. beaked and legged
betw. two wings ppr. or. Crest, a swan, or as other authorities, a
Astlake, [Norfolk,] sa. a chev, erm. betw. three demi swan.
Catherine wheels ar. Atiifson, [Scotland,] ar. an eagle, displayed,
Asi'LE, [Staffordshire.] Crest, a sea-horse ppr. with two heads, sa.
ducallv gorged or. Atiiill, ar. on a chev. sa. three crescents or.
Athol, [Scotland,] paly of six, or and sa. [Borne by Robert Anthony Atkinson, formerly
Crest, an arm, embowed in armour, brandishing Purvis of Newcastle upon Tyne, who, by Royal
a cimiter ppr. license, 2()th June, 1828, took the. name and
A Thorpe. See Supplement to first Dictionary. arms of Atkinson only.}
Add to Crest, supporting- with the dexter claw Atkinson, [Hertfordshire.] The same Arms as
a shield of the Arms. Atkinson, of Somersetshire, see first Dictio-
ATHULL, ar. three cups az. (like cups of acorns.) nary.
At/iull, ar.two bars, engr. az. Atkinson, gu. an eagle, displayed, with two heads,
Athve, or Attye, chequy .... and .. .. , on ar. on a chief of the second three mullets of the
a chev three estoiles Crest, a lion, first.

passant Atkinstan, erm. a fesse betw. three martlets sa.

Athyll, sa. on a chev. betw. three garbs or, an Atkyns, ar. across formee az. flory or, betw. four
amulet Crest, as Athol. mullets of the Crest, an arm em-
Atkins, [Berkhamsted and Cheshunt, Herts, bowed in armour
ppr. holding in the gauntlet a
Clapham, Surrey, and London, Bedwell Park cross, formee, fitchee az. flory or.
and Hadham, Herts.] See Sir Richard in the Atley, [Sussex.] Crest, two lions' heads, ador-
first see, ppr.
Atkins, [London,] ar. a cross, betw. four mullets, Atley. To the second of the name in the first
pierced, sa. Crest, an eagle ppr. beaked and Dictionary add Crest, on an escocheon ar. a
legged gu. preying on a wivern vert. pheon az.
Atkins, [Clapham, Surrey, 10(50, per Wm. Cam- At-Lezze, [Lezze-Court, Kent,] gu. a cross
den, Clarenceux,] az. three bars ar. in chief, as crosslet erm.
many bezants. Atlow, ar. a chev. betw. three cinquefoils az.
Atkins, on a cross, cottised, flory sa. betw.
ar. Atlowe, [Atlowe, Derbyshire,] per pale, dan-
four mullets, pierced az. five mullets or. cettee, ar. and sa. a chev. counterchanged.

Atkinson, [Scotland,] gu. an eagle, displayed, Aton, [Baron Vesci,] ar. a cross az.
with two heads, ar. on a chief or, a rose of the Alon, barry of six or and az. on a Canton gu. a
first, betw. two martlets sa. Crest, a cock cross, pattee, ar.
ppr. Atoste, ar. a chev. betw. three crosses, pattee,
Atkinson, [Newcastle.] The same Arms and gu.
Crest as Atkinson, of London. Atsea, or, two bars, wavy, gu. betw. three
Atkinson, [Cambridgeshire.] The same Arms shrimps of the second.
and Crest as those granted in 1G24. Attcliffe, [Lincoln,] ar. a chev. betw. three
Atkinson, [Newcastle,] erm. on a fesse gu. a quatrefoils az.
lion, passant, or, betw. three pheons az. Atte-Church, [1431,] quarterly ar. and sa.
Crest, a pheon az. Attelese, ar. a cross crosslet, engr. gu.
Atkinson, [Newcastle,] ar. an eagle, displayed, Atteleys, gu. a cross crosslet erm.
with two heads, sa. on a chief or, a rose, betw. Attemore, erm. a bend sa.
two martlets gu. Attendola, [Italy,] az. a lion, rampant, or,
Atkinson, [Mayor of Norwich, 1702.] ar. an supporting a body heart of the last.
eagle, displayed, sa. on a chief az. a cinque- Atterbury, [Atterbury, Northamptonshire,]
foil, betw. two martlets or. or,three pales sa. a chief vair. Crest, a bird
Atkinson, per saltire gu. and az. an eagle, dis- ar.beaked and legged gu.
played, erm. on a chief engr. or, a pheon sa. Atton, [Westmoreland,] gu. a cross fonny ar.
betw. two estoiles gu. Crest, a lion, passant, Attowne, ar. on a chev. sa. three cross cross-
per pale gu. and az. collared and chained or, lets of the first.

the collar charged with an estoile sa. resting his Atwei.e, [Devonshire,] ar. a pile and chev. sa.

fore-paw on a pheon or. both voided in the chev. point.

Atkinson, gu. on a bend, cottised, or, three close At well, [Devonshire,] erm. a pale engr. gu. over
helmets of the field. all a chev. ar. within a bordure, engr. sa.

Atkinson. Arms same as those of Somersetshire Atwilt., erm. a pile gu. a chev. az. and bordure,
in first Dictionary. Crest, a lion's head, erased, engr. ar. another, the bordure or.
ppr. Atwood, [Gloucestershire.] Crest, a demi lady
Atkinson, erm. on a fesse, cottised gu. betw. three holding a balance and scales ppr.
pheons az. a lion, passant, or, betw. two roses Atwood, [Suffolk,] gu. the field replenished with
.... Crest, a pheon, betw. two wings acorns or, a lion, rampant, ar.
A U I) A U N
A I wood, sa. the field replenished with acorns or, crosslets or. Crest, an escallop or, betw. two
and a lion, rampant, ar. wings az.
A I wood, ar. a wolf, saliant, sa. collared or, within Audeley, [Ireland,] gu. a fret ar.
a bord are of the last. Audeley, [Essex,] or, on a fesse sa. three mart-
\ rwVLL, sa. a pile ar. over all a chev. counter- lets ar.

changed. Audley, gu. a fret of six ar.

Atwyne, or, on a bend sa. three goats, passant, Aud/ey, [Norfolk,] gu. a fret or, within a bordure
ar. armed of the first. ar.
Aubemarle. To the first of the name add Audley, [Suffolk,] gu. a fret or. [Staffordshire.]
Crest, an ear of wheat bladed, and a palm Audley, [Gloucestershire,] gu. a fret or, a label
branch, saltierwise, ppr. of five points az.
Aubemarle, gu. a cross, patonce, vair. Audley, [Pavgrave, Norfolk,] gu. a fret ar.
Aubemarle, [Dorsetshire,] gu. three mascles, in
Audley, [Boston, descended from a natural son of
bend, erm. betw. six cross crosslets or. Lord Audley, quarterly, first and fourth erm. a

Aubemount, erm. on a pile az. three fleurs-de- chev. gu. second and third gu. a fret or, for
lis or.
Audley, all within a bordure, gobonated ar. and
Aubeyne, gu. five lozenges ar. in chief, three az.
escallops or. Auden, [Dorset and Salop,] ar. on a cross gu.
Aubigney, [Devonshire,] gu. five lozenges ar. five lions, saliant, or.
in chief, three martlets of the last. Audencules, or, a fesse sa.
Aubicjney, sa. three helmets ar. two and one. Audrin, ar. on a cross gu. five lions, rampant,
Aubigney, [Devonshire,] gu. a fesse, lozengy ar. or.
in chief, three martlets or. Audry, [Wilts,] ar. on a bend, cottised, az.
Aubley, or Aubly, gu. a fesse betw. two chev. three cinquefoils of the field. Crest, a stag,
or. Crest, a dexter hand ppr. holding a cross, tripping ppr.
pattee, fitchee, in pale gu. Auford, [Suffolk,] ar. on a saltier az. a leopard's
Aubrey, [Lantrithyd-Park, Glamorgan, and head, betw. four lozenges or.
Dorton House, Bucks.] Arms and Crest, the Auforus, quarterly, first and fourth, vaire, or and
same as Aubrey, of .Brecon. See first Dic- g\i. second and third gu. a mullet erm. Crest,
tionary. a mullet or.
Aubrey, [London,] az. bezantee, three bucks, cou- Augaine, gu. a fesse, dancettee, betw. fourteen
rant, or. crosses, bottonee, or.
Aubyne, [Cornwall,] ar. on across
or Aubin, Augell, or, a fesse, fusilly, az. overall a bend
(Another, the field or.)
sa. five plates. gu.
An CHER, [Ottringden, or Otterden, Kent,] the Aula by, ar. a fesse, betw. six fleurs-de-lis sa.
same as AuCHER, of Bourne. Al'LD, [Scotland,] gu. a bar engr. ar. betw. three
Auchincloss, [Scotland,] paly of six ar. and gu. suns or, in the collar point a demi naiant. . . .

a chief az. from the fesse of the second. Crest, the sun
Auchmounty, [of that Ilk, N.B. ancient coat,] rising ppr.
gu. three mullets, pierced, or, modern coat, as Auld, erm. on a chief gu. two griffins respecting
AUCHMOUTY, in the first Dictionary. each other ppr. wings in saltier.
AUCHMOUTY, [Scotland,] ar. a tilting spear, in Aumarle, per fesse az, and gu. three crescents
bend, betw. two spur-rowels az. Crest, an ar. Crest, an arrow, in pale, ppr.
arm, embowed, in armour, holding in the hand a Aumarry, or Aumary, [Oxfordshire,] barry
spear, broken, in bend. ppr. point upwards uncle of six ar. and gu. a bend sa.
az. AlJMESLEY, paly of six ar. and az. a bend,
Auchmuty, [Carrickglass, near Longford, Ire- lozengy, or and gu.
laud,] the upper part of a broken lance,
ar. Aumont, [France,] ar. a chev. betw. seven
betw. two mullets of six points, pierced, az. martlets gu. four in chief, and three in base.
Crest, an arm in armour, embowed, ppr. hold- Auncell, [Win. Sheriff of Devon, 26 Edw.
ing in the hand the lower part of the spear ppr. III.] or, a fesse sa. in chief, two demi lions,
Auchterlon Y, az. a lion, rampant, ar. Crest, in base, three lozenges gu.
a bon's head, erased, sa. collared or. Aundy, o>- Awndy, [Devonshire,] ar. on abend,
Auchlerlony, az. a lion, rampant, within a bor- cottised, az. three roses or.
dure ar charged with ten buckles gu. Aungate, per bend, embattled gu. and erm.
Audborough, az. a fesse ar. betw. three cross Crest, on a torteaux, an estoile or.
Aunger, [Esses,] erm. a griffin, segreant,
or. Auvergne, [France,] or, a gonfannon gu. fringed
Aungier, erm. a griffin, segreant, az. vert.
Aungvite, gu. a cinquefoil or. Auvers, gu. a chev. betw. three stars or.
Aungv, gyronny of twelve ar. and sa. six cross Avagour, or Avaugour, [France,] ar. a chief
crosslets, on the second, or. gu. Crest, a parrot's head, betw. two wings
Aunjgham, per chev. sa. and ar. two cups co- ppr.
vered, in chief, or. Avardice, Alyrdas, or Allardire, [Abre-
AuNSAM, per chev. ar. and az. three fleurs-de- ches, in Kincardine,) ar. a fesse, wavy, gu.
lis, counterchanged. betw. three bears' heads, erased, sa.
Aunser, gu. three talbots' heads .... Avell, [Aldinflete, Yorkshire,] or, two bars,
Aunsley, ar. a fesse gu. betw. three Cornish betw. six fleurs-de-lis sa.
choughs ppr. Avenant, [Norfolk,] sa. on a saltier or, twelve
Auplesburv, [Staffordshire,] sa. a fesse, em- lozenges of the field, betw. four fleurs-de-lis of
battled, between three roses or. the second.
Aureus, gu. three ciuquefoils ar. Crest, ademi Avene, gu. a chev. ar.
youth ppr. vested ar. coat az. buttoned or. Avenel, [Cambridge.] Crest, out of a baron's
Aurkvall, or, two bars, and an escocheon gu. coronet, a hand holding a cimeter ppr.
Auriol, [London and Brussels.] Crest, an eagle Avenell, [Suffolk.] The same as Avenell of Glou-
rising, the dexter wing erect, the sinister close. cestershire. See first Dictionary.
Ausell, gu. three pales vair, a canton of the Avenell, ar. fretty sa. a canton gu.
first. Avenell, gu. six annulets, three, two, and one, or.
Auste, sa. three garbs or. Crest, a garb ppr. Avenet, or Avenett, az. on a fesse, betw. six
Austell, [Cornwall,] gu. a saltier, engr. ar. annulets gu. three annulets of the field. Crest,
betw. four bezants. on a torteaux, a lion's head, erased, or.
Austen, az. a fesse, between three escallops ar. Avenon, or Avenoy. Arms, see first Dictionary.
Austen, [Derhams, Middlesex,] az. on a chev. or, Crest, an eagle's head, erased, ppr. holding in
three ciuquefoils vert, betw. as many doves of the beak a branch or sprig of laurel vert,
the second. betw. two wings, expanded, az. pinioned gu.
Austen, [London, exemplified by Sir William [Confirmed to Alexander Avenon, of Cornwall,
Dethick, Garter, 1603,] ar. on a fesse, betw. and Alderman of London, by Sir Wm. Dethick,
two chev. sa. three bezants, each charged with Garter, Kith January, }) Elizabeth.']
a cross crosslet of the second. Crest, a grey- The Crest ofAvenon, according to some, is a hawk's
head, couped, vert, beaked gu. gorged with a bar,
bound's head, couped, ar. collared sa. thereon
gemelle, or, betw. two wings, expanded, each per pale,
three bezants, each charged with a cross cross- the dexter az. and gu. the sinister gu. and az.
let of the second. Averanne, gu. four mascles, in bend, cottised.ar.

Austen, [Surrey, granted by 'William Camden, Averenges, quarterly, ar. and gu. a bordure
Ciareiiceux, May 1611,] ar. on a fesse, betw. sa.
two chev. sa. three long crosses or. Crest, a Avering, or, five chev. az.
long cross or, betw. two wings, expanded, sa. Avering, or Averinges. Crest, a raven sa.
Auston, or Austin, [Scotland,] gu. six mul- Avering, ar. a cross and bordure engr. sa.
lets ar. three, two, and one, within a bordure Avery, or Averry, [Gloucestershire and Staf-
or. Crest, an arm, embowed, vested vert, cuff fordshire,] gu. three chev. ar.
or, couped, and resting on the elbow, holding sa. a chev. or, betw. three bezants.
in thehand ppr. a cross crosslet, fitchee, gu. Avesnes, bendy of six gu. and ar.
Austrey, [Sir Rafe, Fishmonger, and Lord AviLLERS, [Suffolk,] ar. three inescocheons gu.
Mayor of London, 1494.] The same Arms two and one.
and Crest as Austrey, of Sommerton. Avingham, per chev. sa. and ar. two cups, co-
Austry, or, a cross engr. betw. four annulets vered, in chief, or.
gu- Avison, az. three wheat-sheaves or. Crest, a
Austy, [Cambridgeshire,] or, a cross, voided, dexter hand vested . . cuff. .
holding an
, . . . . ,

betw. four martlets gu. anchor ....

Auternel, [Sussex, j az. five lozenges ar. a Avvborn, az. a pillar (or column) erect, betw.
baton gu. two angels, with wings, elevated or. Crest, an
Auvergaerque, az. billettee, a lion, rampant, unicorn, passant, or, duoally gorged and
or. Crest, on a chapeau az. turned up erm. a chained, sa.
lion, rampant, gardant, or. Awbrey. See Aubrey.
Awbry, gu. a fesse engr. ar. sea aylets sa. five bezants, within a bordure'
Awdello, [Cambridgeshire,] or, on a fesse az. gobonated, ar. and az.
betw. three conies sa. as many martlets ar.
Aylmer, [Norfolk,] ar. on a cross, betw. four sea
Awdelye, [Norfolk,] erm. on a fesse az. three aylets ppr. five bezants.
martlets ar.
Aylmer, [Tamvngton, Suffolk,] ar. on a cross
Awdly, or Audly, or Awdlev, [Swaffham, engr. betw. four sea aylets sa. five bezants.
Norfolk,] gu. a fret erm. Aylrath, sa. a chev. betw. three garbs or.
Awell, ar. a chev.
engr. az. betw. three parrots, A y N SW ortii .
Crest, two battle axes, in saltier, ppr.
vert, beaked and legged gu. Aype, [Waltons, Devon,] gu. on a bend, betw.
Aw en, [Devonshire,] ar. fretty az. three lions, six cross crosslets, forniee, fitchee, ar. three
passant, in pale sa. mullets sa.
Awford, [Suffolk,] ar. on a saltier az Ayres, ar. on a fesse, wavy, sa. three mullets,
Awillers, [Suffolk,] ar. three escocheons gu. pierced, or.
a leopard's head betw. four lozenges or.
Ayrton, quarterly, gu. and or, in the first and
Awing, quarterly, vert and gu. over all a lion, fourth, an escallop ar.
rampant, ar. Crest, on a quatrefuil, per cross Ayshcomb, [Liford, Berks,] or, a lion, rampant,
gu. and vert, a lion's head on a wreath ar. gu. armed and langued az. tail forked, a chief
Awmack, or Allmack. Crest, a tower ppr. of the third.
Awmeule, az. two bars on a bordure ar. eight Aysingcourt, ar. an eagle, displayed, with two
torteauxes. heads, gu. Crest, an eagle's head, betw. two
Awnijy, [Devonshire.] See Aundy. wings ppr.
Awnser, ar. three talbots' heads, erased, gu.
Awood, ar. an oak tree vert, fructed or, on a
chief az. three trefoils slipped of the third.
Awsam, or Awnsah, [Middlesex,] ar. on a
canton sa. a fleur-de-lis or. B
Awsthwaite, [Awsthwaite, Cumberland,] gu.
two bars az. in chief, three mullets of six points,
pierced, or. Baad, or Bad, [Scotland,] quarterly; first and
Awsye, [Cambridgeshire,] or, a cross voided, fourth, az. a galley ar.second and third or, a
betw. four mullets gu. crescent sa. Crest, a dexter hand ppr. holding
Awtree, az. three lozenges ar. a label of five a trident az.
points or. Baai.un, three bars, indented, gu.

Axgriffitii, quarterly, gu. and or. four leo- Babalake, on a chev. betw. three cross cross-

pards' faces counterchanged. lets, fitchee, az. five bezants.

Ay burg, ar. two bars vert. Babb, or Babe, barry of six ar. and sa. on a
Ayden, [Haydeu Castle, Northumberland,] or, canton of the last a leopard's face or. Crest, a
on a fesse az. three garbs ppr. dexter hand, erect, pointing with two fingers to
Ayest, per pale or and gu. three roundles, the sun, or.
counterchanged. Babbington, see Babington.
Aygle, sa. three lions, passant,
gardant, in pale Babe, [Dorchester.] The same Arms and Crest
ar. Crest, a bugle horn ar. as Babb.
Ayluerton, or, two bars betw. three ogresses, Babe, [Ireland,] az. three crescents or.
within a bordure, engr. sa. Babeham, or Babehaw,
[London.] Crest, a
Aylepii, [Breteins, in Essex.] sa. a lion, rampant, denii man ppr. wreathed about the temples and
or, collared gu. betw. three crosses, pattee, of tied in a knot gu. and holding in his dexter hand
the second. Crest, a denri lion, rampant, or, a wing guttee d'or.
collared gu. Babelake, ar. on a chev. betw. three cross

Aylesbury, [one of the Masters of the Re- crosslets, fitchee, sa. five bezants.
quests, created a baronet 19th April, 1627.] az. Babepull, az. a chev. betw. thirteen cross cross-
a cross ar. lets or.

Aylesbury, [Warwickshire.] The same. Baber. To the one of Somersetshire in the first
Ayleward, [Norfolk.] Crest, betw. the horns Dictionary add [this Crest teas granted, in
of a crescent or, a cross, pattee, gu. January 1574, to Edward Baber or Babar,
Aylmer, [Sir Laurence, a Draper, Lord Mayor Esq. of Begilbery, Somersetshire.]
of London, 1508,] ar. on a cross, betw. four Babetote, erm. on a chief or, three bendlets sa.
Babington, ar. three stags' heads, cabossed, ppr. Bacot, [Cambridgeshire.] Arms as in the first
Crest, out of a ducal coronet or, a demi eagle, Dictionary.
displayed, ppr. Bacton, sa. three bars, gemelles, ar. on a canton

Babington, ar. on a chev. sa. betw. three ogresses, of the second, a crescent of the first.
as many roses of the field. Bacy, gu. a chev. ar. betw. three bezants.
Babington, [Dorsetshire,] gu. three plates. Bacy, [Bedfordshire,] sa. a chev. betw. three
Babthorp, sa. five plates betw. two chev. and roundles .... on a chief or, a demi woodman,
five lozenges ar. with a baton, betw. two cinquefoils gu.
Babthorp, ar. fretty gu. on a canton, barry of eight Bacye, [Bedfordshire.] The same as the first

gu. and or, a cross, pattee, gold. Bacey, in the first

Babthorp, gu. fretty ar. on a canton, barry of six Bad. See Baad.
gu. and az. an orle of martlets of the first. Baoby, [London, 1386.] Crest, a sphynx, pas-
Bablhorpe, sa. a chev. betw. three crescents or. sant, gardant, wings endorsed ppr.
Bapthorpe, barry of six erm. and gu. three cre- Baclby, [London.] The same as Badby, Suffolk,
scents sa. in the first
Babtot, [Byfold, Herefordshire,] erm. on a chief Badcock, [Essex and Kensington, Middlesex.]
az. three talbots' heads, couped, ar. Crest, a stag, lodged and gardant, betw. two
Babwell, or Babewell, [Middlesex.] Crest, branches of laurel, in orle ppr.
a gate or. Badcock, [Devonshire.] The same Arms. Crest,
Baby, [Worcestershire,] ar. on a fesse betw. three a demi cock gu.
martlets gu. as many plates. Crest, a griffin, Badcock. Arms as in the first
Dictionary. Crest,
sejant, erm. winged or. a talbot, statant, ar.
Bache, [Stanton,] or, a lion, rampant, regardant, Baddeley, or Badley, erminois, a bend sa.
within a bordure sa. bezantee. Badder. Crest, on the stump of a tree, couped,
Bachecot, or, on a bend engr. gu. three spread and eradicated, fesseways, a lion, sejant, ....
eagles of the first. Badderley, chief an eastern coronet gu.
ar. in
Bacheler. Arms and Crest, see first Dictionary. betw. two chaplets of laurel, fructed, ppr. in
[Cojijirmed by Camden, Clarenceux, February the fesse point, two cross crosslets, fitchee, sa.
to Daniel Bacheler, on a mount in base vert, a Mameluke on horse-
16'0(j, Esq. of Ashton
Clinton, co. Berks.~\ back, horse sa. trappings gu. garnished or, the
Back as. The same as Backhouse. rider habited in a vest az. sleeves turned up
Backhouse, [Sunderland, Durham.] The same above the elbow ar. white trousers, turban gu.
asBackhouse of Cumberland. turned up ar. brandishing his cimiter over his
Back k, ar. three
i (lames gu. Crest, a sword and head all ppr. Crest, a demi Turk (or Mameluke,)
crosslet, fitchee, in saltier, ppr. as in the Arms, sustaining with his left hand an
Backomb, ar. a chev. betw. three bats gu. escocheon vert, charged with a sun or, the right
Backpack, [Rutlandshire,] gu. two bars ar. three hand brandishing his cimiter ppr. [Borne bij
horse shoes in chief or. Captain Badderley, Comjianion of the Bath,
Backpace, [Rutlandshire,] gu. two bars and in 1827.]
chief, three horse-shoes. Badeley, [Chelmsford, Essex.] The same Arms
Back 'WITH, sa. on a fesse betw. three billets in and Crest as Badeley in the Appendix.
chief, and onebase, ar. each charged with a
in Badelismere, [Yorkshire.] Crest, a lion's gamb,
mullet az. three fleurs-de-lis of the first. erased, sa. holding a laurel branch vert.
Bacon, [Weston Turvile, Buckinghamshire.] The Badelismere, [Kent.] The same Arms.
same Arms as the fourth Bacon of Norfolk in Badelsmerk, or Badelismere, [Yorkshire,]
the first
Dictionary. erm. a fesse betw. two bars, gemelles, gu.
Bacon, [Drinkston, Suffolk, and Hertfordshire,] Baden, ar. on a bend, double cottised, sa. three
gu. on a chief ar. two mullets pierced sa. Crest, eagles, displayed, or.
a boar, passant, erm. Badenock, [Scotland,] or, three lions' heads,
Bacon, [Hertfordshire.] The same Arms as erased, gu.
Bacon of Gillingham, Norfolk, see first Dic- Badesbury, az. fretty ar. a fesse, cottised, gu.

tionary. Badger, or, a badger, passant, sa. Crest, a

Bacon, [Hampshire,] gu. a cross engr. erm. on a badger ppr.
chief .... two mullets .... Badham. Crest, an eagle, displayed, with two
Bacon, [Norfolk.] Thirteenth of the name, read heads .... charged on the breast with a saltier
Baconlhorpe, Norfolk.

Badicote, vert, on a bend ar. cottised or, three played, ar. Crest, on a ducal coronet or, a
heads ppr.
tigers' leopard, sejant, gardant.
Badifforde, az. on a bend, cottised, ar. three Baginhall, oj-Bagnall, [Staffordshire,] barry
eagles, displayed, gu. of six or and ermines, a lion, passant, az.
Badisford, az. three eagles, displayed, ar. betvv. Baginhold, or Baginhall, sa. on an ines-
two bendlets of the second. cocheon erm. a lion's head, erased, vert, within
Badislewe, or Badelismere, ar. a fesse an orle of eight martlets or.
betw. two bars, gemelles, gu. Crest, a lion's Bagnall, erm. two bars, overall a lion, rampant,
gamb, erased, sa. holding a laurel branch vert. vert.
Badland, ar. three spindles in fesse, threaded Bagne, or Bague. Crest, on a chapeau gu.
or. turned up erm. a pelican, vulning herself, ppr.
Badlesmere, [Badlesmere, Kent.] The same Bagnelly, or, three lozenges sa.
as the first of that name in the first Dictionary. Bagnoll, erm. an iuescocheou sa. thereon a
Badley, ar. a saltier engr. gu. betw. four birds leopard's face ar.
sa. Bagott, or, on a cross gu. five escallops ar.

Badley, [Norfolk,] sa. a chev. erm. betw. three Bagolt, ar. a fesse betw. three martlets sa.
swans ar. beaked and legged or. Bagshote, erm. on a bend gu. three eagles,
Badrick, sa. a fillet, a chev. reversed and liu- displayed, ar. Crest, an acorn slipped and
mettee, ar. leaved ppr.
Badsiie, [London,] per chev. ar. and sa. three Bagshott, erm. on a bend gu. three eagles,
castles, counterchanged. displayed, or.
Badstone, ar. on a quarter gu. a rose or. Baguley, or, three lozenges az.
Baeshe, per chev. ar. and sa. three towers triple Baguley, or, three mascles az.
towered, counterchanged. [Borne by Edward Bagway, ar. two orles gu.
Baeslie, general Surveyor of Victuals for the Bagwell, [Ireland,] paly of six ar. and az. on
Royal Navy, temp. Eliz.] a chief gu. (another az.) a lion, passant, or.
Baett, or Batt. Crest, a denii lion, or, guttee Crest, out of a mural coronet ar. a demi bull,
de sang. salient,sa. [Borne by the Right Honourable
Bafyn, sa. an inescouheon erm. William Bagwell, 1824, and John Bagwell,
Bag ed, ar. two chev. az. 1831.]
Bagehote. The same as Badger. Bahon, az. a bend, cottised, or.

Bageley, or, three lozenges az. Crest, on the Baide, gu. three wings or.
top of a spear, issuing out of the wreath, a Baiggendes, or, on a pile sa. three estoiles of
wivern, sans legs, tail nowed ppr. the field.
Bag en den, or, on a pale sa. three stars of the Baiker, [Scotland,] ar. on a saltier engr. sa. five
field. escallops of the first, on a chief of the second,
Bag en holt, per saltier, or and erm. a lion. a lion, passant, of the field.
rampant, az. Crest, a horse, courant, bridled Bailey, [Mayor of Loudon, 1524,] .... a fesse
ppr. vair, in chief a roundle, charged with an anchor
Bager, gu. a goat, passant, ar. betw. two estoiles .... in base, three martlets
Bayer. See Badger.
Baget, ar. a chev. gu. betw. three martlets sa. Bailey, ar. a saltier engr. betw. twelve billets sa.
BAGETT, ar. a chev. betw. three mullets sa. Crest, a demi lion .... holding a billet as in
Bagge, [Plymouth, Devon ] Crest, a cinquefoil the Arms.
az. betw two wings, endorsed, the dexter gu. Bailey, erm. three bars, wavy, sa. Crest, a demi
sinister ar. lady, holding in her dexter hand a tower, in her
Bagge, [Lancashire,] az. a griffin, segreant, erm. sinister, a laurel branch vert.
betw. three trefoils, slipped and couped, vert. Bailey, az. nine estoiles, three, three, two, and
Crest, a demi griffin, as in the Arms. [Granted one, ar. within a bordure or, charged with ten
by Sir Edward Bysshe, Garter King of Arms, cheverouels, humettee, reversed, vert. Crest,
July, 1656.] a mountain cat, salient, ppr.
Baggington, or Bagginton, or, a pile az. Baillie, [Inshaughy, Ireland,] az. nine stars,
BaggS, lozengy gu. and
on a chief of the
ar. three, three, two, and one, within a bordure,
second, three cinquei'oils of the first. Crest, a wavy, or. Crest, a star of eight points issuing
rose charged with a thistle ppr. from a cloud.
Bagiiott, erm. on a bend sa. three eagles, dis- Baillie, [Polkemmef, Linlithgowshire,] az. nine
B A 1 13 A K
two, anil one, within a
estoiles or, three, three, BAiRD,[Yardleybury, Herts, and Fernton, Perth,
bordure, counter nebulee, ar. and sa. Crest, and Newbyth, East Lothian,] gu. in chief,
out of a cloud ppr. a star of eight points or. within an increscent, an estoile of eight points,
ar. in base, a boar, passant, or, on a canton
Bailliolfe, or, an orle purp.
Baillout, gu. a saltier vair. erm. a sword, erect, ppr. pomel and hilt gold.
Baili.y, az. a chev. and chief erm. First Crest, a Mameluke mounted on horseback,
Bailott, gu. an inescocheon, voided holding in the dexter hand a cimeter, all ppr.
Bailzie, [Scotland,] .... nine stars or, three, Second Crest, a boar's head, erased, or.
three, two, and one. Baird, [Auchmadden, Scotland,] gu. a boar, pas-
Bailzie, [Jerswood, Scotland,] sa. the sun in splen- sant, or. Crest, a griffin's head, erased, ppr.
dour betw. nine stars ar. three, two, three, and Bairnsfeather, or Barnesfather, [Scot-
one. land,] gu. three chev. ar. each charged with as
Bain, az. a wolf's head, erased, or, within a many mullets sa. Crest, a boar's head, couped,
bordure ar. Crest, a dexter arm, in armour, or.

embowed, ppr. garnished or, grasping a dagger Bairstow, erm. on a fesse betw. two cottises sa.
also ppr. [Conji rined, 1784.] three crescents ar. Crest, out of a crescent, a
Bain, [Scotland,] az. a wolf's head, erased, ar. demi eagle, displayed, ....
Crest, as above. Bake, erm. a fesse, betw. three escallops vert.
Bain, or Baine, or, three crosses, moline, sa. Crest, a demi man, in complete armour, wield-
Crest, a lion, rampant, gu. betw. two wings or. ing a sword, ppr.
Bain, [Berwick,] az. a wheat sheaf betw. three Bakeman, sa. a break or, betw. two martlets, and
thistles or, all within a bordure of the last. a bread-basket ar.
Crest, a hand, holding a scroll of paper, ppr. Bakepace, az. a fesse, vaire, or and gu. betw.
Bain bridge, az. three battle-axes or, handles ar. thirteen cross crosslets of the second.
Crest, an arm from the shoulder issuing from Bakepuce, [Rutlandshire,] gu. two bars ar. in
the sea, holding an anchor, all ppr. chief, three horse-shoes or.
Bainbridge, az. two battle-axes, within a bordure Bakepull, az. a chev. betw. ten cross crosslets or.
engr. or. Bakepure. See Bakepuce.
Bainbridge, az. two battle-axes, in pale, ar. on a Baker, [Hamond, Shropshire,] gu. a fesse,
chief or, as many mullets gu. pierced of the chequy, or and .... betw. six anuulets of the
field. secoud.
Bainbridge, [Durham,] sa. two battle-axes, in Baker, [Burds Giffcrd, Essex,] erm. on a fesse,
pale, ar. on a chief or, two mullets gu. pierced engr. sa. three fleurs-de-lis or. [Confirmed by
of the third. Cook, Clarenceux, 1574.]
Bainbridge, or Baynbridge, [Wheatley and Snoter- Baker, erm. on a fesse, engr. sa. betw. three
ton, Durham,] ar. on a chev. betw. three Cornish horses' heads, erased, az. as many fleurs-de-lis
choughs sa. beaked and legged gu. as many or. Crest, a wolf's head, erased, or, ducallv
stags' heads, cabossed, of the field. gorged az. in the mouth a gem-ring of the first,
Baine, [Cheshire,] az. a fesse, crenellee, (or gem ar.

embattled) or, betw. three martlets ar. Baker, [Nicholshayne and Loventor, Devonshire.]
Baine, Bayne, or Bain, [Scotland,] sa. two leg- Arms the same as the last Baker, of London,
bones, in cross, ar. in the first
Dictionary. Crest, a dexter arm,
Bainek, sa. chev. or. embowed, vested, az. cuff ar. holding in the
Baines, [Peteonly, Scotland,] az. a wolf's head, hand ppr. an arrow of the last.
erased, or, in chief, a crescent ar. Crest, a Baker, ar. on a fesse, betw. three trefoils, slipped
dexter hand, holding a dagger, ppr. az. as many swans' heads, erased, of the field.
Bainfield, paly of ten or and gu. Crest, a swan's head and neck, erased ar.
Bainfrons, paly of six or and gu. collared gu. holding in the beak a trefoil, slipped.
Bainton, erm. a bend, fusilly, gu. [Granted by Edward Bijsshe, Esq. Garter King
Baion, or, on a bend gu. three lions, rampant, of Arms, to Baker, of London, Draper.]
. . . .

of the field. Baker, [Aldesworth, Nottinghamshire,] erm. on

Baions, gu. two bars ar. in chief, three escallops a chief, vert, two boars' heads, couped, or.
of the last. Baker, [Kegelberym, Somerset.] Arms as Baker,
Baiouse, or, three lions, rampant, purp. of Weils. Crest, on a mount, vert, a cock
Baiouse, or, three lions, rampant, purp. a label wings, elevated, or, combed, beaked, and
of three membered, gu.
points gu.
Baker, [Sussex aud Kent,] granted May, 1615. bowed, in armour, the hand grasping a flint
See Dictionary of Arms.
first stone, all ppr.)
Baker. Arms as Baker, of Chester. See first Baker, [Salisbury.] The same.
Dictionary. Crest, out of a ducal coronet or, Baker, [Cambridge and Theberton, Suffolk.] The
a cubit arm, erect, in armour, holding' in the same as Baker of Lincoln. See first Diction-
gauntlet a tilting spear without bur or vamplate, ary.
also gold. [Borne by, and the Crest (/raided, Baker, [Dines Gilford, Essex, 1574,] erm. on a
15th November, 1582, to Captain Christopher fesse, engr. sa. three fleurs-de-lis or. Crest,
Baker, of Deptford, Kent, keeper of the an ostrich's head and neck, erased, or, holding
Queen's storehouse.] in the beak a horse-shoe ar.

Baker, az. on a chev. or, betw. three swans' heads Bakering, chequy ar. and gu. a bend sa.
and necks, erased, ar. ducally gorged of the Bakerton, or Backerton, ar. on a chev. sa.
second, as cinquefoils sa.
many Crest, an arm, three pheons of the first.

embowed, in armour, the hand, ppr. grasping Bakerwill, [Gloucestershire,] ar. on a chev.
a swan's head and neck, as in the Arms. gu. betw. three harts, as many cross crosslets or.
Baker, [Sissinghurst and Cranbrook, Kent, Re- Bakes ly, ar. three crosses, bottouee, sa.
corder of London, Attorney General, and Chan- Bakewell, [Middlesex,] paly of six ar. and
cellor of the Exchequer.] Arms and Crest, see az. on a chief gu. a lion, passant, or.
the eleventh of the name in the first Dictio- Bakie. The same as Backie.
nary. Bakpus, ar. two bars gu. on a chief of the se-
Baker, [Battle, Sussex, Withyam and Groom- cond, three colts, in full course, or.
bridge, Kent.] Arms and Crest, as Baker, of Bakysle, ar. three crosses, bottonee, fitchee, sa.
Mayfield, in the first Dictionary. Balas, or, two chev. gu. on a canton ar. three
Baker, [Elemore Hall, Durham.] ar. on a saltier, binds of the second.
engr. az. five escallops, of the first, on a chief, Balbirny, [Scotland,] vert, a fesse, chequy, ar.
of the second, a lion, passant, of the field. and az. betw. three cuirasses of the second,
Crest, a lion, rampant, .... on a chief of the same as many buckles of the
Baker, ar. on a fesse betw. three trefoils az. as third.

many swans' necks, erased, of the last, beaked Baldeston, [Scotland.] Crest, out of a cloud,
sa. a dexter hand, fessewise, ppr. holding a cross,
Baker, gu. on a cross pattee cr, five annulets pattee, fitchee, az.
sa. Baldew, per pale or and az. a saltier, counter-
Baker, [London,] ar. on a saltier, engr. az. five changed.
escallops of the field, on a chief of the second, Baldington, ar. on a chev. betw. three mullets
a lion, passant, of the first. sa. as many roses of the field.
Baker, [Ferington, Norfulk,] or, on a fesse, undee, Baldrie, Baldrey, or Baldry, [London,]
az. betw. three escallops sa. as many birds ar. sa. on a chev. engr. or, betw. three demi grif-
Baker, [London,] ar. a saltier, engr. sa. on a fins, erased, erm. as many martlets gu. (ano-
chief of the last, six escallops of the field. ther, the griffins ar.) Crest, a trefoil, slipped,
Baker, az. a chev. or, betw. three swans' heads vert.
and necks, erased, ar. Crest, out of a ducal Baldry, sa. on a chev. or, betw. three demi
coronet an arm, embowed, in armour, the
or, griffins erm. the two in chief respecting each
hand grasping a swan's head and neck, erased, other, as many martlets gu.
ppr. Baldry, [London,] sa. on a chev. or. betw. three
Baker, [Upper Dunstable House, Surrey,] ar. a demi griffins, segreant, erm. as many martlets
saltier sa. charged with five escallops,
erminois, gu.
on a chief az. a lion, passant, of the third, Baldry, [Sir Thomas, Lord Mayor of London,]
armed and langtied gu. Crest, a derai lion, for griffins or, read griffins erm. Crest, a gilly-
rampant, per fesse, indented, erminois and flower ppr. stalked and leaved vert, issuant
ermines, supporting in the paws an escallop ar. therefrom a demi female ppr. hair or, round the
thereon an ermine-spot sa. temples a chaplet of roses gu. vested, paly, in-
Baker, [Modbury, Devonshire.] The same as dented, or and sa.
Baker, of Nicholshayne. Baldwin, [Hertfordshire,] .... three ostrich
Baker, [Whitburn, Durham.] The same as Baker feathers, and a canton
sa. Crest, a squirrel,
of Mayfield. See first Dictionary. (Another sejant, holding a nut or.
Crest, out of a mural coronet sa. an arm, em- Baldwin, [Beaconsfield, Bucks, and the Inner
Temple, London.] Arms, see first Dictionary. BALLE, a lion, passant, sa.

Crest, a squirrel, sejant, or, holding in the Ballknden. Crest, a hart's head, couped, ppr.
fore-paws a branch as in the Arms. attired or, betw. the attires a cross crosslet,
Baldwyn, bendy of six ar. and gu. a chief or. fitchee, of the last.
Baldwyn, gu. three cinquefoils or. Ballenden, gu. a goat's head, couped, or.
Balfour, [Denmiln, Fifeshire.] Arms, the Balliawle, sa. a chev. or, betw. three swords,
same as the seventh of the name in the first erect, ar.
Dictionary. Crest, a crescent or. Balliol, [Essex,] gu. an orle erm.
Balfour, [Scotland,] ar. on a chev. engr. sa. an Balliol, [Staffordshire,] ar. an orle gu.
otter's head, erased, of the field, in base, a Balliol, gu. a lion, rampant, ar. crowned or,
saltier, couped, az. Crest, a hand erect, couped within an orle of the second.
below the wrist, holding a branch of laurel, all Ballord. The same as Ballard.
ppr. Balm, or Balme, paly of six or and gu. a bend
Balfour, [Lord of Burleigh.] Crest, a lady stand- sa. Crest, a Spanish hat bearing three ostrich
ing on a rock, holding in her dexter hand an feathers.
otter's head, and in her sinister a swan's head Balmano, [Scotland,] ar. a cross, counter-em-
and neck ppr. battled, sa.
Baliol, sa. a chev. or, betw. three swords, erect, Balthorp, sa. five plates betw. two chev. ar. in
ar. pomelled and hiked of the second. chief three nuiscles of the second.
Baliol, gu. an orle ar. Crest, an increscent and Baltior, sa. fretty or.
decrescent ar. Balull, sa. a chev. or, betw. three swords, erect,
Baliol, erm. an inescocheon gu. ar. pomels and hilts gold.
Ball, to the first of the name in the first Dic- Balun, barry of six, dancettee, ar. and gu.
tionary add [Confirmed to Robert Ball, of Bam, erm. on a chief, indented, sa. a trefoil betw.
Scotto, in Norfolk, son of Ralph Ball, of Hor- two annulets ar.

sham, in Suffolk, descended out of Derbyshire, Bam, [London,] erm. on a chief, indented, sa.
by Cook, Clarenceux, \llh August, 157(i.] three cross crosslets ar.
Ball, [Blofield, Norfolk,] erm. a lion, rampant, Bam, or Bamo, erm. on a chief, indented, sa. an
sa. armed and langued gu. betw. two torteauxes, orle betw. two trefoils of the field.
in chief, and a hand-grenade, exploding, in base, Bambrough, [Howson, Essex.] The same Arms
ppr. Crest, out of a naval crown, a cubit arm, as Bambrough of Rendlesham.
erect, in naval uniform, grasping a hand grenade, Bam field, [Cornwall and Devonshire.] Crest,
fired in four places, ppr. a lion, statant, gardant, holding in the dexter
Ball, a chev. betw. three fleurs-de-lis on a paw an anchor, the flukes resting on the wreath.
chief, .... three lozenges Bamfield. To the first of the name of Devon, in
Ball, [Cheshire.] The same as Ball, of Lan- the first Dictionary add Crest, a lion's head,
cashire. See first
Dictionary. erased, ducally crowned ....
Ball, [Derbyshire.] The same as Ball, of Scotto, Bamfield. The first of the name in the first Dic-
Norfolk. See first Dictionary. tionary was granted by Camden, Clarenceux.
Ball, sa. a chev. betw. three spears' heads ar. Bamford, ar. a fesse, engr. gu. Crest, a stag's
points embrued. [M. I. to Sir Thomas Ball, head, cabossed, per pale, .... and .... guttee,
in St. Mildred's Church, Bread-Street, Lon- .... [These Arms confirmed, and the Crest
don, HiSb\] granted by John Borough, Norroy, 28th May,
Ballantin, Bannertyne, w-Bannertine, 1625, to John Bamford of Puly-Hill, York-
gu. a buck's head, couped at the neck, and shire.]
afi'rontee, or, betw. the attires a crescent ar. Ba.mme. Crest, out of a ducal coronet, a griffin's
Ballard, [Horton, near Canterbury, Kent, and head, holding in the beak a key ppr.
Wadhurst, Sussex,] sa. a griffin, segreant, erm. Bamont, ar. a chief, indented, sa.
Crest, a demi griffin erm. Banaster. See Ban ester.
Ballard, [Lincoln.] The same. Banaunt. The same as Banant in the first

Ballard. Arms and Crest, see first Dictionary, Dictionary.

[ Confirmed
to John Ballard, of Mucdean Ch urch , Banbury, or Bandbiiry, [Oxfordshire.] Crest,
Herefordshire, by Sir Gilbert Delhick, Garter a falcon, regardant, holding in the dexter claw
King of Arms, 1st January, 1557. a chaplet of laurel ppr.
Ballard, az. a griffin, segreant, or. Crest, a demi Bancancell, sa. a cross, pattee, throughout the
griffin sa. field, ar.
BANCKE, [Lincolnshire,] sa. a mullet betw. two Bannatyne, ar. a chev betw. four mullets <ru.
bars ar. Banne, erm. on a chief, indented, sa. two moor-
Banckes, [Yorkshire,] sa. a cross ar. betw. four cocks ar.
fleurs-de-lis or. Bannerman, [Elsick, Scotland, ancient,] ar. on
Ban cr AST, on a chev. engr. betw. three
or, a fesse, betw. three boars' heads, couped, gu. a
crosses, pattee, fitchee, sa. two lions, rampant, mascle or.
combatant, and regardant, ar. Banners, [Scotland,] per fesse ar. and sa. a
Band, [London,] ar. on a chev. sa. three bezants. chev. counterchanged, in base, a cinquefoil of
Bandbury, ar. a cross, patonce, betw. lour the first.
mullets gu. Bannister, gu. three chev. ar. Crest, an arm
Bande, [Essex,] gu. three eagles' claws or. in armour, couped, fesseways, holding a cimeter,
Bandenell, [Netherbury,] gu. a fesse ar. in in pale, ar. enfiied with a boar's head, couped,
chief, an eagle, displayed, and three escallops, ppr.
in base of the second. Crest, a griffin, statant, Bannister, vert, a maunch sa.
ppr. Bannta, ar. on a chief, indented, sa. a pale
Baneham, [Boxley, Kent,] gu. a chev. betw. betw. two bezants.
three bulls' heads, cabossed, ar. horned or. Banold, sa. on a fesse or, three pales gu.
Ban eh a Mi', or, a lion, rampant, sa. ducally Banson, .... a chev. betw. three goats' heads,
crowned gu. erased, . . . .
Crest, a goat's head, erased, . . .

Banent, rampant, sa. tail forked, over

or, a lion, Bant, [Cornwall,] ar. a chev. betw. three ermine-
all a bend, gobonated
spots sa.
Banent, sa. a lion, rampant, or. Bany, [Norfolk,] ar. a chev. betw. three bears'
Baneser, ar. a lion, passant, double queued, gu. heads, sa. muzzled or.
Ban ester, ar. a cross of four fusils sa. Banynge, [Lee, Devonshire,] paly of six, engr.
Banester, on a cross, patonce, sa. a mullet.
ar. . . . ar. and sa. on a bend az. three cocks' heads,

Crest, a lobster or. erased, of the first.

Banet, gu. a bordure sa. bezantee. Bao, [Bedfordshire,] gu. a chev. betw. three
Banewelles, [Ireland,] az. a saltier, engr. mullets ar. (Another, the mullets of six points,
betw. four plates. pierced, ar.)
Banger, a chev. betw. three leopards' faces
or, Bai'E, barry, nebulee, of six or and gu. a label
gu. on a chief sa. as many plates, each charged of five points.
with an ermine-spot. Crest, a greyhound's Bape. The same as Baps in the first Dictionary.
head, erased, per fesse, gu. and or. Ba pthorpe, sa. a chev. or, betw. three crescents
Banister, ar. two buckets, suspended by an erm.
annulet, saltierwise, sa. betw. three fleurs-de-lis BAR AM, ar. on a fesse gu. betw. three bears'
gu. Crest, a torteaux. passant, .... muzzled .... a fleur-de-lis betw.
Banister, or Banester, [Lancashire,] ar. a cross two mullets ....
crosslet, fitchee, and chief or. Baram, [Norfolk,] per chev. ar. and az. in chief
Banke, sa. on a cross betw. four fleurs-de-lis ar. three stars of the in point a dagger or.
five pellets. Barant, [Norfolk,] ar. a chev. gu. within a
Banke, or, a chev. gu. betw. three falcons' heads, bordure engr. sa. (Another of Norfolk charges
erased, sa. the bordure with eight bezants.)
Banke, gu. two lion's paws, couped, or, cheveron- Barantine, ar. a lion, rampant, sa.
ways, holding a crescent, reversed, ar. Barantine, [Buckinghamshire.] The same Arms
Banke, or Bankes, [Yorkshire and London.] In- as the of the name in the first Dictionary.

stead of as the second in the first Dictionary, as Ba ratty, erm. three cinquefoils az. Crest, an
the third. eagle, regardant, with wings expanded, and
Bankes, [London,] sa. a cross ar. betw. four holding in the dexter claw a sword ppr.
fleurs-de-lis or. Bar be, gu. three bars, gobony, ar. and sa.
BANKS,[Revesby Abbey, Lincolnshire.] The same Barbe, St. See St. Bar be.
as Banke of Yorkshire and London. Barber, gu. three mullets ar. within a bordure
Banks, [Lees, Yorkshire,] sa. on a cross, three erm.
pellets, in fesse; in the first and fourth quarters, Barber, or Barbery, [Suffolk,] or, on two chev.
a fleur-de-lis, in the second and third an eagle's gu. three fleurs-de-lis of the field.
head, erased, of the second. Crest, betw. two Barber, az. two chev. betw. three fleurs-de-lis ar.
fleurs-de-lis ar. an eagle's head, erased, sa. betw. the chev. a cinquefoil of the last.
Barber, [Scotland,] ar. a fesse gu. betw. three Crest, a demi young man ppr. holding over
stags' heads, erased, az. Crest, a dexter hand, his shoulder a broken axe.
holding a cross crosslet, fitchee, gu. Bardin, vert, three dolphins, arondee, haurient,
Barber, gu. a chev. erm. betw. three round ar.
buckles or. Bardole, [Harpenden, Herts.] az. a chev. betw.
Barber, [Aberbury, Oxfordshire.] The same three cinquefoils or.
Arms as the fourth of the name in the first Dic- Bardolfe, or Bardolph, az. three cinquefoils or.
tionary. Crest, out of a ducal coronet, per Crest, out of a ducal coronet or, a dragron's
pale, gu. and ar. a bull's head, per pale, coun- head of the last betw. two wings, expanded,
terchanged. gu.
BARBKRIE, or Bareerrie, or, three eagles' Bardolfe, sa. a chev. erm. betw. three crosses,
heads, erased, az. pattee, fitchee, ar.
BARBLETOR, ar Barbelton, lozengy or and Bardolph, [Devonshire,] gu. an eagle, ayrant,
az. or.
Bar uon, [London,] ar. on a fesse, engr. gu. Bardolph, per fesse, indented, sa. and gu. three
three leopards' heads or. Crest, a leopard's cinquefoils or.
head ar. spotted sa. Bardonbnciik, [Daufine,] ar. alattice (or fretty)
Barbor, [London,] or, two chev. and in chief gu. nailed or.
three fleurs-de-lis gu. Bardwele, gu. three bars, gemellee, or, a can-
Barby, [Ireland.] See with Barbey. ton ar.
Barcas, [Newcastle,] az. a chev. betw. three Barebt, gu. on a saltier or, five swans sa.
crescents Crest, an arm from the shoulder,
or. Barendes, gu. two bars or, on a chief ar. as

holding a roll of bark, ppr. many bucks' heads, cabossed, of the second.
Barclay, [Colerny, Fifeshire,] az. a chev. or, Barentine, [Oxfordshire,] sa. three eagles,
betw. three crosses, pattee, ar. displayed, ar. armed gu. Crest, an eagle, dis-
Barclay. To the second of the name in the Dic- played, ar. betw. the attires and scalp of a stag
tionary add
Crest, a demi griffin, regardant, or.
az. supporting a flag thereon a cres- Barentine, [Buckinghamshire,] sa. six eagles,
cent .... displayed, ar.
Barclay, [Ivy Cottage, Middlesex,] az. a chev. Baret, gu. on a chief, indented, ar. three escal-
betw. three crosses, pattee, or. Crest, a sword, lops of the first.
in pale, and pomel or.
ar. hilt Baret, gu. a chief, dancettee, ar. within a bordure
Barclay, az. a chev.
[Balmakenan, Scotland,] az.
engr. betw. three crosses, pattee, ar. all within Baret, [Dorsetshire,] sa. a chev. betw. three
abordure, indented, of the last. Crest, a cross, hawks' heads, erased, or.
pattee, .... Baret, or, on a chief, indented, ar. three escallops
Barclay, [Colairnie, 1457,] az. a chev. betw. sa.
three crosses, pattee, ar. Baret, erm. on a fesse gu. three lions, rampant,
Barclay, [Touch.] The same, within a bordure, ar.

chequy, ar. and az. Baret I,ar. on a cross gu. five ducks of the first.

Barclay, [Johnstone, Scot Lyon Reg.] az. a chev. Barett, az. a fesse, dancettee, or, in chief three
betw. three crosses, pattee, ar. all within a mullets, pierced, ar.
bordure, indented, of the last. Crest, the sun, Bareu, or Barew, or, a saltier, couped, az.
issuing out of a cloud, ppr. attached to each end a roundle gu. Crest, a
Barclay, [Kippo,] az. a chev. ar, betw. two crosses, holly-branch vert.
pattee, in chief, and a mullet in base or. Barfoot, [Essex and Midlington-place, Hants.]
Barclay, [Mathers,] az. a chev. and in chief three ar. a chev. gu. betw. three pellets .... Crest,
crosses, pattee, ar. a stag, statant, .... ducally gorged.
Barclay, [Torey,] az. a chev. or, betw. two crosses, Barfoot, or Barford. Arms the same. Crest,
pattee, in chief, and a lozenge in base, voided, out of a ducal coronet an arm from the elbow,
ar. in armour, holding a sword in bend sinister, all

Barclay, gu. three crosses, pattee, ar.

PP r -

Barcy, gu. a fesse ar. in chief two mullets or. Barggindus, or, on a pde betw. six estones sa.
Bardfieed, ar. on a bend az. three fleurs-de-lis asmany estoiles of the field.
or, within a bordure erm. Barghile, [Ireland,] paly of six ar. and sa. on
B a ruin, [Dublin,] gu. three dolphins, naiant, ar. a bend gu. three escallops of the first.
Bargrave, [Bridge and Bifrons, Kent, ancestor embowed, vested .... each holding an ostrich
of Robert Tournay Bargrave.] Arms and Crest feather.
see first Dictionary. Barkham, [Sir Edward, Lord Mayor of Lon-
Barham, [Canterbury, Kent.] The same Arms don, 1621.] Crest, an arm couped at the shoul-
as Barham of Staines, Middlesex. See first Dic- der in a maunch, embowed, and resting the
tionary. elbow on the wreath ....
Bariff. The same as Barriff of Northampton- Barkin, ar. a sword gu. pointing to the sinister
shire. See first Dictionary. base, betw. two cottises, indented, sa.
Baring, [Larkbeer Deons, and Stratton Park, Bark ley, [Scotland,] az. a chev. or, betw.
Hants.] az. a fesse or, in chief a bear's head three crosses, pattee, ar. within a bordure,
ppr. muzzled and ringed gold. Crest, a mullet, checjuy of the second and first.
erminois, betw. two wings ar. Barkley, gu. a chev. betw. three cross crosslets
Baring, [Norfolk.] The same. ar.
Barging dens, or, a pile betw six stars sa. Barkley, [Dcwsbery, Yorkshire, 1592,] or, three
Barington, ar. a lion, rampant, sa. holding in garbs sa. Crest, on a chapeau gu. turned up
his dexter paw a fleurs-de-lis or. erm. a garb ar. banded or.
Barington, or, a chief gu. over all a bend az. Barkworse, chequy gu. and ar. bend az. three
Barkdery, gu. a chev. ar. betw. three cross lions,rampant, of the second.
crosslets or. Barlande, gu. a chev. betw. three boars' heads,
Barkis. Crest, an arm from the shoulder, hold- erased, ar. muzzled sa. Crest, a lion, ram-
ing a spade, ppr. all pant, gu. supporting a garb ppr.
Barkelev, gu. a chev. betw. ten roses ar. Barlaugh, [Lancashire,] sa. an eagle, dis-
Barkely, [Devonshire,] ar. a trivet sa. played, with two heads standing on a ragged
Barkeman, [London, 1611.] Crest, two arms, staff ar.
embowed, armour or, holding in the hands
in Barlay, [Woodsum, Yorkshire,] gu. on a chev.
ppr. a bundle of arrows ar. tied with a string ar. three crosses, bottonee, sa. betw. as many
gu. eagles, displayed, of the second.
Barkenhead, gu. three ducal coronets or, on Barle, barry, nebulee, of six sa. and erm.
a chief ar. as many laurel leaves vert. Barlew, [Lancashire,] sa. an eagle, displayed,
Barker, [Inner Temple, London, and Bylleson, ar. armed or, standing on a ragged staff of the

Suffolk.] The same Arms and Crest as Bar- second.

ker, of Kent, &c. in the first Dictionary. Barlky, [Derbyshire.] The same as the first of
Barker, [Yorkshire,] ar. three bears' heads, erased, the name in the first Dictionary.
gu, muzzled or. Barley, [Hertfordshire,] ar. on a chev. sa. two
Barker, [Bromley Hall, Middlesex,] barry of ten lions, combatant, of the field, betw. three
ar. and sa. a bend gu. crosses, pattee, of the second.
Barker, [Chigwell, Essex,] per chev. engr. or Barley, or Barlye, [Essex and Bibbesworth Hall,
and sa. a lion, rampant, counterchanged. Kimpton, Hertfordshire,] barry, wavy, of six
Crest, a demi blackamore ppr. holding in the erm. and sa.
dexter hand an arrow or, headed and flighted Barley, [Derbyshire.] The same as the seventh
ar. on the sinister arm a shield or, showing the of the name in the first Dictionary.
inner side over the dexter shoulder, and tied
; Barley, [Cambridgeshire,] barry, wavy, of six erm.
under the sinister arm, a scarf gu. and sa.
Barker, [Shropshire.] Arms the same as Barker, Barley, [Essex,] erm. three hounds, passant, sa.
of Billesdon, Suffolk, in the first Dictionary. Barley, [Derbyshire,] barry, nebulee, of six ar. and
Crest, a hawk, with wings elevated, ar. beaked sa. a chief, per pale, erm. and gu.
and winged or. [Granted to John Barker, of Barley, [Denfield, Derbyshire.] The same as the
Haughmond, in Salop, Esq. by Wm. Harvey, third of the name in the first Dictionary.
Clarenceux, 22d April, 1562.] Barliff. The same as Barriff, of Northamp-
Barkerolles, az. a chev. betw. three crescents tonshire, in the first Dictionary.
or. Barlingham, [Essex,] ar. on a cross gu. five
Barkeston, ar. a fesse sa. cottised gu. betw. fleurs-de-lis or.
three fleurs-de-lis az. Barloe, [Essex,] barry, wavy, of six erm. and
Barkesworth, [Suffolk.] To
of the the first sa.
name in the Dictionary add Crest, out of a Barlott, [Sussex,] quarterly, indented, or and
ducal coronet, two arms, dexter and sinister, gu. four crescents counterchanged.
Barlow, [Calcutta, East Indies,] ar. on a cliev. Barne. To the fourth of the name in the first
engr. g"ii.
betw. three cross crosslets, fitchee, Dictionary add Crest, out of a ducal coronet
az. two lions, counter passant, supporting or, on a mount vert, a stag ppr.
an eastern crown or.- -Crest, out of an eas- Barneby, per pale, nebulee, ar. and vert, three
tern crown or, a demi lion, rampant, ar. sup- boars' heads, couped, sa. armed or.

porting- in the paws a cross crosslet as in the Barneis, az. three greyhounds, courant, in pale,
Arms. ar. collared or.
Barmbrougii, ar. a pheon sa. on a chief of the Barneis, or Earners, quarterly, or and vert.
second, a lion, passant, of the field. Barn eke, erm. a fesse gu.
BvRMEBY, [Barmby, Yorkshire,] ar. a lion, ram- Barn BR, per pale ar. and az. a bar counter-
pant, sa. escallopee of the field. changed.
Bar.movnt, ar. two che\. and bordure or. Burner, per pale ar. and az. eight bars counter-
Barnaby, [Yorkshire,] .... three lions, ram- changed.
pant, gardant, betw. as many escallops sa. Barnes, az. a pheon ar. betw. three leopards'
Bar>abe, [Worcestershire.] Crest, a lion, faces or. Crest, ademi savage wreathed about
couchant, sa. the head and middle, holding a club, in pale,
Barnack. To the first of the name in the first ali
Dictionary add Crest, a bear's head, sa. muz- Bwnes, [Sopham, Cambridge,] ar. two bars em-
zled or, betw. two wings of the last. battled, counter-embattled, sa. in chief three
Barnake, or Barnack, erm. on a bend gu. ogresses.
a ciuquefoil (another three) or. Barnes, [Bedburn, Durham.] See BARNES of
Barman, sa. a cross, betw. four crescents ar. Durham in the first Dictionary.
Barnard, [Cave Castle, South Cave, York- Barnes, [Darlington and Bedburn-Park, Durham,]
shire.] The same Arms as Sir John, Lord per pale or and vert, on a fesse sa. three estoiles
Mayor of London, 1738.- Crest, a demi bear, of six points of the first, a crescent for diffe-
rampant, muzzled or.
sa. rence.
Barnard, [Suffolk and Somersetshire.] The same Barnes, [Lancashire,] vert, on a fesse ar. three
arms as Barnard, of Cambridgeshire. See first estoiles or.
Dictionary. Barnes, az. a bend ar. charged with a bear, pas-
Barnard, [Hampshire,] sa. a bull's head or, betw. sant, about to devour a naked child, betw. two
two greyhounds, endorsed, ar. estoiles ar. on a chief of the last three roses gu.
Barnard, az. a (esse betw. three dolphins, and radiated with rays of the sun, ppr. [Granted
bordure, ar.
by Sir Gilbert Dethick, Garter King of Arms,
Barnard, harry of six az. and ar. in chief two 23/ April, V3th Elizabeth, to Dr.
mullets of the last. Barnes, Bishop of Carlisle, translated to the
Barnard, or Barnards, [Yorkshire,] per fesse See of Durham, i577, ob. 24th August, 1587,
ar. and or, three humets, in pale, gu. at. 56.]
Barnard. To the fourteenth of the name in the Note. The Bishop, in 1580, had the old bearing, viz.
" az. three estoiles or," confirmed to
Dictionary add
first [Confirmed by William vert, on a fesse
Camden, Clarenceux, 16. . to Ahell Barnard, ,

of Hirton, Oxfordshire, descended from the Barnes, [Cambridgeshire.] The same as the four-

Barnards, of Enderbye, in Yorkshire.] teenth of the name in the first Dictionary.

or and vert.
Barnarder, per pale ar. and or, three palets, Barnes, [London,] quarterly,
couped, gu. Barnet, or Banet, per fesse, indented, gu.
Barnardes, az. on a fesse three dolphins,
ar. and vert, three swans, close, ar. beaked or.
Barnetby, of
haurient, sa. all within a bordure, engr. of the [Barton, Lincolnshire,] barry
second. eight or and az. per pale, counterchanged.
Barnardes, az. a fesse ar. within a bordure, engr. Barnewall, [Ireland,] erm. a bordure, engr.
or. gU Crest, a plume of five ostrich feathers or,

Barnardiston, [Suffolk,] as the first of the gu. az. vert, and ar. thereon a falcon, with wings,
name in the first Dictionary. disclosed, of the last.
Barnardiston, [Northill, Bedfordshire.] The Barnewell, [Ireland.] To the first of the
same. name of Ireland in the first Dictionary add
Barnardiston, az. a fesse, dancettee, ar. Crest, an arm from the elbow vested .... hold-
Barnby, per pale, wavy, ar. and vert, three boars' ing a martlet .... belw. two branches of laurel
heads, couuterchanged. in orle ....
Barney, [Wichingham, Norfolk,] quarterly, az. pomels or, betw. four fleurs-de-lis of the last.

and gu. a cross, engr. erm. Crest, a squirrel, sejant, gu. charged with a
Barney, [Norfolk,] per pale az. and gu. a cross, chev. or, and cracking a nut ppr.
engr. erm. Barough. The same Arms, the fleur-de-lis ar.
Barneys, quarterly, or and vert. Crest, a lion, passant, az. resting his dexter paw
Barnham. To the first of the name in the first on a ball or.
Dictionary add Crest, a crescent gu. betw. two Barr, [France,] az. a sinister bend ar. betw.
branches of laurel in orle ppr. four stars of the last.

Barnham, [Hampshire, Norfolk, and London.] Barr, or, a fesse, indented, erm. betw. three
The same Arms as Barnham of Kent see first :
pomegranates, leaved ppr. Crest, an arm couped
Dictionary. at the shoulder, vested gu. resting the elbow
Barns, [Glasgow,] ar. a tassel az. betw. three on the wreath, the hand towards the sinister
arrows, points downwards, gu. Crest, a garb holding a bow ppr.
or. BARR ABE, [Barrabe, Lincolnshire.] The same
Barnston, sa. a fesse, daucettee, erm. betw. as Baraby, see first Dictionary.
six cross crosslets or. Barram, [Kent,] or, three bears, passant, sa.
Barnston, az. a fesse, dancettee, erm. betw. six muzzled gu. See Barham.
cross crosslets, fitchee, or. Barrantine, sa. six eagles, displayed, ar.
Barnstun, az. a fesse, dancettee, ar. Barre, [Kent,] ar. a chev. betw. three bears'
Barnwell, [Ireland.] The same as the sixth heads, couped, sa. muzzled or.
of the name in the first Dictionary. Barre a cross crosslet .... on a chief, ensr.
Baron, [Cornwall,] sa. three talbots' heads, gu. three bears' heads sa. muzzled gu.
erased, in fesse ar. Crest, a talbot's head, Barreli,, [Bouutrell, Herefordshire, 1586,] erm.
couped or. on a chief az. three talbots' heads, couped, ar.
Baron, sa. three martlets (in the honor point) eared gu. (N.B. the Barrell of Hereford-
betw. five estoiles two, two, and one, within
ar. shire in the first Dictionary is altogether wrong.)
a bordure, engr. of the last. Crest, a boar, Barrell, [Isleworth, Middlesex,] erm. in the dex-
passant, az. ter chief point a talbot's head, couped, ....
Baron, [Preston, Scotland.] The same Arms as BARRELLE, sa. a chev. ar. betw. three hawks'
the second of the name in the first Dictionary. heads, erased, or.
Crest, a demi eagle, displayed, sa. Barrelli, [Milan,] bendy sinister of seven gu.
Baron, or Barron, [Scotland,] ar. a chev. betw. and az. on a fesse ar. three fleurs-de-lis of the
three martlets sa. Crest, on a mount vert a second.
pyramid ppr. Barrenkton, [Leicestershire,] ar. a lion, ram-
Baron, .... a martlet betw. three estoiles. \_M. I. pant, double queued, sa.
to Arthur Baron, in Allhallows Church, Bread- Barret, [Sheriff of London, 1380,] gu. on a
Street, London, obiit 1702.] chief, indented, ar. three escallops sa.
Baron, gu. a chev. ar. fretty az. betw. three garbs Barret, or Barral, ar. three square buckles gu.
or. and bend az.

Baron, [Skirnby,] or, a cross crosslet purp. on a Barret, [Essex,] barry of six ar. and gu. per
chief of the second a lion, passant, of the first. pale, counter-changed.
Baron, [Kinderton, Cheshire,] az. two bars ar. Barret, [Essex,] paly of six ar. and gu.
Baron. To the first of the name of London in Barrett, [Essex,] paly of six ar. and gu. a fesse,
the first Dictionary add Crest, out of clouds couuterchanged.
ppr. issuing rays or, a cubit arm in armour, erect, Barrett. The same Arms as Barrett of Here-
and holding in the gauntlet, all gold, a broken fordshire in the first Dictionary. Crest, a wi-
sword ar. [Confirmed by William Camden, vern or, collared and lined az. [Confirmed,
Clarenceux, to Richard Baron of London, de- and this Crest granted to William Barrett, of
scended from Saffron Walden, Essex.] Devizes, Wiltshire, 20th November, 19th
Baron by, sa. a chev. betw. three boars' heads, Elizabeth.]
Barrett, sa. on a chev. betw. three bears, sfatant,
couped, ar.
Baronby, or Barrouyhby, az. a chev. betw. three ar. muzzled or, as many pine-apples leaved and
bears' heads, erased, (another couped,) ar. slipped ppr. Crest, a griffin, segreant, regar-
Barons, [London,] quarterly, az. and gu. a cross dant, wings displayed, per fesse, sa. and or,
betw. four cross crosslets or. charged on the shoulder with a pine-apple of
Barough, sa. two swords in saltier ar. hilts and the last.
Barrett, [Norfolk.] The same Arms as the second Barthouls, or, a lion, rampant, double queued,
in the first Dictionary. gu.
Barrie, [Scotland.] Crest, a demi otter sa. Barthram, [Scotland,] ar. two snails in their
Barries, or Barry, [Buckinghamshire,] az. shells,bendways, in fesse, ppr. betw. a cres-
two passant, or, armed gu.
lions, cent, and a mullet, in chief, and a crescent, in
Barrington, [Hertfordshire,] as Barrington base, gu.
of Essex, see first Dictionary. Bartew, [Lord Willougbby, Crosby, Lincoln-
Barrington, ar. a lion, rampant, sa. seniee of shire,] ar. three battering rams, in pale,
fleurs-de-lis or, ducal ly crowned gold. az.

Barrington, [Brodwall, Cheshire,] sa. three grey- Bartleme, or, a chev. per chev. engr. ar. and
hounds, courant, ar. collared gu. within a bor- gu. betw. three lions, rampant, sa.
dure of the second. Bartley, ar. three bars gu. Crest, a lion, pas-
Barrokes, ar. afesse betw. three chess-rooks sa. sant, tail extended ppr.
Barrokes, erra. a chief, quarterly, or and gu. in Bartley, [Scotland,] per pale, first az. an inesco-
the first quarter a cbess-rook sa. cheon sa. bordered ar. second ar. a cross flory
Barron, [West Dereham, Norfolk,] gu. a chev. dimidiated.
chequy, ar. and sa. betw. three garbs.... Bartley, gu. a chev. betw. ten crosses, formee,
Crest, a garb .... ar. a label of three
points or.
Barron, gu. a chev. ar. betw. three garbs or. Bartley, gu. a chev. betw. three roses ar.
Crest, an eagle, regardant, with wings expanded, Barton, ar. a chev. betw. three boars' head>
holding in its dexter claw a sword. sa.

Barron, ar. a chev. betw. three body hearts sa. Barton, or, a fesse gu. betw. three stags' heads,
Barrow, [Winthorpe, Norfolk.] Crest, a deer's cabossed
head, couped, ar. Barton, ar. a chief erm. on a cautou gu. an owl
Barrow, ar. three torteauxes, each charged with of the field.
a fleur-de-lis of the field, on a chief az. a hatchet Barton, [Buckinghamshire,] erm. on a cautou gu.
betw. two pheons or. Crest, a demi boar, ram- a martlet or.
pant, or, charged with three billets betw. two Barton, [Lancashire,] az. a fesse or, betw. three
cottises in bend sa. bucks' heads, cabossed, ar.
Barrowman, [Scotland,] ar. on a chev. gu. Barton, erm. ou a fesse sa. three annulets or.
betw. three martlets sa. a crescent of the field. Crest, a dragon's head, couped and crowned,
Crest, a demi huntsman ppr. firing a or.

gun. Barton, ar. a rose gu. betw. three boars' heads

Barru, [Dorsetshire,] sa. a chev. betw. three ppr. Crest, a boar's head ppr.
hawks' heads, erased, or. Barton, erm. on a fesse gu. three annulets, in
Barry, [Ireland,] ar. three bars, gemelles, gu. the middle one a cross, pattee, or. Crest, a
Crest, out of a castle ar. a wolf's head sa. wolf's bead, erased, or.
Barry, [Winscot, Devonshire,] as the eighth of Barton, erm. on a canton gu. a martlet or.
the name in the first Dictionary. Barton, ar. three boars' heads, couped at the
Barry, [Evensham, Oxfordshire,] per pale az. neck, gu. langued or.
and gu. two lions, rampant, or. Barton, gu. three house-snails or.
Barsale, .... a fesse, dancettee, betw. six Barton, gu. a fesse, indented, ar.
escallops .... BartoNIE, [Ireland,] erm. a fesse gu.
Barsane, [Edinburgh,] ar. in the sea, in base, Bartram, [Scotland,] gu. on an inescocheon,
ppr. an anchor az. betw. two mullets, in fesse, betw. an orle of eight crosses, pattee, ar. a
of the last. Crest, a raven, rising, ppr. thistle-head ppr. Crest, out of an antique crown
Barsham, [Norfolk,] or, three pales sa. or, a ram's bead ar.
Barstow, [Naburn Hall, Yorkshire,] erm. on Bartram, or, an orle az. a label of three points
a fesse sa. three crescents or. Crest, a horse's of the second.
head, couped, ar. Bartram, [Northumberland,] gu. an inescocheon,
Bartan, Bartane, or Bartain, [Scotland,] voided, ar. within an orle of cross crosslets
gu. three snails ar. shells or. Crest, a tent az. or.

flag gu. Bartram, or, a lion, passant, vert.

Bartelot, [Sussex,] quarterly, indented ar. and Bartram, [Cheshire,] or, an orle az.
gu. four crescents, counterchanged. Bartro.yi, [Cumberland,] or, an inescocheon
Bartey, ar. three battering rams az. az.
J3ARTUS, or BRATUS, [Scotland,] sa a fesse, Baskinthorpe, ar. a chev. gu. a chief, in-
betw. three piles issuing from the chief, meet- dented, sa.
in"' in points, and a crescent, in base, all ar. Bass, sa. a bordure ar. Crest, out of a ducal
BARWARD, gu. three lions, rampant, or coronet two wings, expanded, ppr.
Barwayes, [Ireland,] gu. a fesse, betw. three Bassaver, per bend or and ar. a lion, rampant,
fish ar. on a chief gu. a cross, pattee, fitchee, betw.
Bar well, barry of ten ar. and sa. a griffin,
two mullets of the second.
segreant, az.- Crest, a demi wolf, salient, Basset, ar. three bars, wavy, gu. Crest, an
erm. unicorn's head ar. charged with two bars, dan-
Barwell. To the first of the name in the first cettee, gu.
Dictionary add Crest, a demi lady holding in Basset, erm. on a chief, indented, gu. three es-
her dexter hand a chaplet of laurel ppr. callops or.
Barwick. To the one of Essex in the first Dic- Basset, [Oxford,] erm. on a canton gu. a mul-
tionary add [These Arms confirmed, and the let or. (Another of Cornwall, the mullet ar.)
Crest granted, to Thomas Barwick, of Briglit- Basset, ar. on a fesse gu. three cross crosslets
lingslon, in Essex, Esq. by Robert Cook, Cla- or.

renceux, Glh May, 1592.] Basset, [Northumberland,] or, three piles gu.
Barwis, [Iselelkirk, Cumberland.] Crest, a hand on a canton ar. a griffin sa.
issuing from the wreath, in bead, cutting an Basset, [Middlesex.] The same ;
the canton
ostrich feather with a cimeter, in saltier. erm.
Bands, ar. a bend az. cottised gu. Bassett, ar. three mullets gu. on a chief of
Barwyke, az. a cross, engr. voided, of the first. the second as many escallops or.
Bary, or Barre, [Buckinghamshire,] az. two Bassett, or, three piles gu. on a canton sa. a lion,
lions,passant, gardant, or. rampant, ar.

BARYNTON, az. a lion, rampant, double queued, Bassett, or, three piles gu. on a canton ar. a lion,
sa. charged with five fleurs-de-lis or. rampant, sa.
Basceilly, ar. five fusils, in fesse, gu. in chief, Bassett, [Brad well, Suffolk,] quarterly, gu. and
three greyhounds' heads, erased, of the last. or, on a bend of the last a cinquefoil betw.
Crest, a torteaux, charged with a pale, indented, two birds az. Crest, a Sagittarius gu. human
or. part or, bow gold.
BASHETT, a lion, rampant, gu. within a bor-
or, Bassing, az. a cross, engr. or, surmounted by
dure sa. bezantee. a bend gu.
Bashett, barry of six az. and ar. on a chief of Bussing, a fesse, betw. two bars, gemelle, gu.
the second three cross crosslets of the first. Bassingburne, [Hatfield, Woodhall, Hertford-
Basiiinges, az. a plain cross, voided, or, a shire,] gyronny of eight or and az.
baton, in bend, of the second. Bassinges. To the first of the name in the first
Basile, ar. a crescent sa. Dictionary add Crest, three roses gu. stalked
Basill, [Colchester, Essex,] ar. three annulets and leaved vert, issuing from the wreath.
sa. Bass net, az. a chev. between three helmets,
Basin, sa. an escocheon erm. close or.
Basing, or, five eagles, displayed, sa. armed gu. Bastard, [Westwick and Lynn, Norfolk.] The
a canton erm. same as Bastard of Arlington.
Basin ge,s, az. a cross moline or, over all a Bastard, [Cornwall,] ar. three bucks' heads
bend gu. ppr.
Basire, or Basier. Crest, land holding a Basted, ar. two bars az. in chiel three annu-
buckle or. lets gu.
Basker, or, on a cross engr. sa. twenty-one Baster, or Basker, or, on a cross gu. five
bezants. bezants.
Baskernill, or Baskirnell, ar.achev. betw. Baston, ar. three holly-leaves sa.
three pellets. Basynges, [Egmanton, Nottinghamshire,] az.
Basker vile, [Combe, Herefordshire,] ar. on a a cross moline, voided, or.
chev. gu. betw. three hurts, as many mullets of Bat, or Batt, [Berkshire and Yorkshire,] sa.
the field. a fesse, engr. ar. betw. three dexter hands,
BASKETT, [Develish, Dorsetshire, and the Isle couped at the wrist, or.
of Wight, Hampshire.] The same as Basket, Bataile, [Essex,] or, a griffin, segreant, sa.
of Dorsetshire, in the first Dictionary. within a bordure, engr. of the last.
Batchworth, gu. a cbev. ar. within a bordure, Batley, Battley, or Batteley, ar. a pale
engr. sa. vert, in chief, two crescents of the second, in
Bate, ar.on a fesse gu. betw. three cinquefoils base, another of the first. Crest, a castle,
of the second as many fleurs-de-lis erm. Crest, double towered, weeds growing round the sinis-
a bull's head, couped, erm. attired or. ter tower ppr.
Bate, [Norfolk,] sa. on a fesse ar. betw. three Batman, [Norfolk, founder of Clare Hall, Cam-
dexter hands, couped, apaumee in bend or, five bridge,] sa. a crescent erm. within a bordure,
mullets ar?f\ engr. ar.
Bate, [Yorkshire,] see firstDictionary add [These : Batshull, [Devonshire,] az. a cross crosslet,
Arms confirmed, and the Crest granted, to saltierwise, betw. four owls ar.
Leonard Bate, Luxset, Yorkshire, by Sir Win. Batt, gu. on a cbev. betw. three estoiles or, as
Flower, Norroy, 8th February, J5G5.] many lozenges of the field.
Bale, [Lincolnshire,] ar on a fesse, betw. three Batten, az. three battle-axes ar. Crest, a hand,
cinquefoils gu. as many fleurs-de-lis erm. couped, in fesse, charged with an eye.
Bat ell, [Essex,] gu. a griffin, segreant, or. Battersley, az. a saltier paly of ten erm. and
BATKMAN, [Hartington Hall, Derby,] or, three or, betw. two rams, in pale, of the second, and
crescents, within the horns of each an estoile gu. two cross crosslets, fitchee, in fesse, ar. Crest,
a canton az. Crest, a crescent and estoile out of flames ppr. a dragon's head and neck, per
as in the arms, betw. two eagles' wings, dis- pale, or and az. betw. two wings erm.
played, or. Battin, [Devonshire,] ar. a cbev. betw. three
Bat eman, [Oxford,] ar. on a bend sa. three plates battle axes ....
within a bordure, gu. Battoma, az. on a bend ar. cottised or, three
Bat emait, [Flixton, Suffolk,] sa. three crescents torteauxes betw. six lions, rampant, of the
erm. within a bordure, engr. or. third.
Bateman, az. six lions, couchant, ar. Battwellyn, [Norfolk, J ar. three crescents
Bateman, [Norfolk,] sa. a crescent erm. betw. gu.
the horns a cross or, within a bordure, engr. Batty, sa, a fesse betw. three dexter hands ar.
ar. Batvill, purp. a griffin, segreant, or.
Bateman, [Norfolk,] sa. a crescent, within a bor- Baty, [Yorkshire.] Arms and Crest, see first

dure, engr. ar. Dictionary.

Baterd, or Batterd. The same as Batered Baud, [North Cray,] .... three chev. in chief a
in the first Dictionary. label of as many points.
Batery, [Marlingford,] .... a cbev. betw. three Baud, De, gu. three keys, erect, or.
bears' heads, couped, sa. muzzled or. Baude, or. a lion, rampant, gu. charged with
Bates, [Yorkshire,] sa. fesse, betw. three dex- three chev. ar.
ter hands, apaumee, ar. Crest, a demi lion, ram- Bauderstone,Bauderston,Balderstone,
pant, holding in the dexter paw a thistle, and or Baulderstone, [Scotland,] ar. a cross
in the sinister a fleur-de-lis ppr. betw. two cross crosslets, fitchee, in chief sa.
Bates. To the first of the name in the first Dic- Crest, a dexter hand, issuing, fesseways, from
tionary add Crest, a lion's head, erased, gu. a cloud ppr. holding a cross, pattee, fitchee,
BateSON, Park, Down, Ireland,] ar.
[Belvoir az.
three bats' wings sa. on a chief gu. a lion, pas- Baugh, [Twining, Gloucestershire, and Alden
sant, or. Crest, a bat's wing as in the Arms. Court, Salop, 1623.] Arms and Crest, see
Bath. To the second of the name in the first first
Dictionary add Crest, a wolf's bead sa. hold- Baughton, gu. three cross crosslets, fitchee,
ing in the mouth a rose, slipped, ppr. and a chief or.
Bathgate, az. three suns in splendour or. Baum, erm. on a chief, indented, sa. three (another
Crest, a bee, volant, ppr. two) cross crosslets ar. Crest, out of a ducal
BaTHURST, [Richmond, Yorkshire; Finchcocks, coronet or, a griffin's head, holding in the beak
Canterbury; and Staplehurst, Kent.] Arms and a key, ppr.
Crest as the first of the name in the first Dic- Baumer, or Baumor, ar. an oak-tree vert.
tionary. Baumfield. See Bamfield.
Batifford, ar. two crescents gu. a canton sa. Baunbury, [Bunbury,] ar. a cross, potent, betw.
charged with a crescent or. four mullets, pierced, gu.
Batiscroft, [Bexwell, Norfolk,] per fesse or Baune, [Kent,] erm, on a chief, indented, ar.
and ar. a lion, rampant, sa. three trefoils, slipped, sa.
Baunfeld, \ert, (another az.) on a bend or, Baxter. To the fifth of the name in the first
three mullets, pierced, gu. Dictionary add Crest, a pelican ar. vulning
BAUNFIELD, [Somersetshire and Devonshire,] herself gu.
paly of six ar. and az. on a bend gu. three mul- Baxter, gu. on a bend ar. three eagles, displayed,
lets or. vert.

Baunfield, vert, on a bend gu. three mullets or. Baxter, [Norfolk,] gu. a dragon, passant, or, on
Baunvile, az. two bendlets or. a chief ar. three spears' heads az.
Bavent, [Norfolk.] The same as the second of Baxter, ar. on a pale sa. three body hearts or,
the name in the first Dictionary. within a bordure of the second.
Bavent, [Norfolk.] Crest, a sheaf of six arrows, Bayard, az. a chev. betw. three escallops or.
saltierwise, sa. feathered ar. headed or, banded Baybeford, ar. a bear, salient, sa. muzzled,

together gu. collared, and chained or.

BAWDE, [Somerby, Lincolnshire and Lancashire,] Bayeaux, [Lincolnshire,] paly of six or and gu.
gu. three chev. ar. on a chief of the last three escallops of the
Bawden, az. a chev. betw. three griffins' heads, first.

couped, or, each transfixed with a dagger ppr. Bay EN, gu. a lion, rampant, az. surmounted by
pouiel and hilt gold. a crozier or. Crest, a poplar-tree vert.
Bawdewyn, or Bawden, ar. a bend, lozengy, Bayes, paly of six or and az. on a chief gu.
or, betw. six lions, rampant, sa. Crest, a three escallops or.
sceptre, in pale, or. Bayfield, [Bayfield,] sa. three bars, wavy, erm.
Bawdington, [Gloucestershire,] ar. on a fesse Bayfrand, see Beyfrand.
gu. three plates, each charged with a lion, ram- Bayhouse, gu. three palets or, on a chief of the
pant, .... betw. as many birds, volant, az. second as many escallops of the first.
Bawdrip, gu. two lions, passant, gardant, in Bayle, az. a sword ar. betw. three Catharine
fesse, sa. in chief a cross crosslet, fitchee, betw. wheels or.
two escallops, in point, an escallop betw. two Bayleek, gu. an orle ar.
cross crosslets, fitchee, and two (launches ar. Bayles, gu. a fesse ar. betw. two mullets, in
Bawdrip, or Bawrip, gu. on a fesse ar. two lions, chief, and as many martlets, in base, of the

passant, az. over all a pale, per saltier, ar. and second.
sa. in the dexter chief two escallops, in the Bayleur, gu. a saltier vair.
sinister base a cross crosslet, fitchee, of the Bayley, gu. erm. betw. three
a chev. engr.
second, in the sinister chief two cross crosslets, martlets ar.
in the dexter base one Bayley, or Bayly, [Isle of Wight, Hampshire,]
escallop of the last.
Bawdwen, or, across, patonce, gu. betw. four the same as the fourth of the name in the first
lozenges vert. Dictionary.
Bawdwin, sa. a bend betw. six billets ar. Bayley, [Sir William, Lord Mayor of London.]
BAWLE, ar. a lion, passant, gardant, sa. betw. Arms and Crest as the third of the name in the
nine cross crosslets gu. Crest, a dexter arm, first
ernbowed, vested gu. cull' or, holding in the Bayley, [Salop,] az. a lion, passant, gardant, or.
hand ppr. a laurel branch vert. Crest, a lion, passant, gardant, or.
BAWN i;t, [Sussex,] ar. on a pale sa. three bezants Bay life, [Clement's Inn, London,] or, on a
within a boidure of the second. pale az. three demi lions, rampant, erased,
Bawnfeld, [Devonshire,] vert, on a bend gu. ar. Crest, a demi lion, rampant, erased, ar.
three mullets, pierced, ar. holding in the paws a branch of laurel vert.
Baword, ar. on a bend, cottised, sa. three eagles, Bay lis, [New Mills, Gloucestershire, granted
displayed, or. 1755,] erm. on a chev. az. betw. three
Bawyn, gu. eight martlets in orle or. bay-trees, eradicated and fructed, in chief, ppr.
BAXTARDE, [Norfolk,] ar. on a bend betw. two in base a lamb ar.
resting his dexter foot on a
sa. three boars' heads, couped, or.
fleurs-de-lis roll of scarlet cloth. Crest, out of an eastern
Crest, an elephant's head, erased, per chev. coronet or, charged on the rim with an auricula
or and sa. tusked of the first, eared of the flower, a bay-tree, fructed, all ppr.
second. Bayly, [Yorkshire,] ar. three torteauxes, two
Baxted, [Essex,] quarterly, ar. and gu. on a and one.
bend az. five eagles, displayed, or. Baynard, or Banyard, [Norfolk.] The same
BAXTER, [Scotland,] ar. a bat, displayed, sa. as Baynard of Blagdon, Somerset. See first

Crest, an escarbuncle sa. Dictionary.

Baynard, [Lockham, Wilts,] sa. a fesse betw. couped, ar. in chief two mullets or. Crest, two
two chev. or. swords in saltier, points downwards, ppr.
Baynbrigge, [Snotterton, Durham,] ar. on a Beake, [Norfolk,] gu. a cross flory or, betw.
cbev. sa. betw. three Cornish choughs ppr. as three horses' heads, erased, ar. Crest, a
many stags' beads, cabossed, of the field. Crest, dragon's head, erased, gu. collared vair.
a stag's bead, erased, ar. attired or. Bealbringer, ar. betw. two chev. sa. as many
Bayne, [Cheshire,] az. on a chev. embattled, or, talbots, passant, counterpassaut, of the last,
betw. three martlets ar. as many roses gu. within a bordure, engr. gu.
Bavnes, sa. a cross, bottonee, ar. Beale, [Walton, Buckinghamshire,] sa. on a
Baynes, [Harefield Place, Middlesex,] sa. a chev. betw. three griffins' heads, erased, or, as
shin-bone in fesse, surmounted of another in many estoiles of the first.
pale, ar. on a canton of the last a vulture ppr. Beale, [Maidstone, and Farningham-Court, Kent,
Crest, a cubit arm, vested az. cuff erminois, and London,] sa. on a chev. or, betw. three grif-
holding in the hand ppr. a jaw-bone ar. fins'heads, erased, ar. as many estoiles gu.
Baynfoild, [Devonshire,] The same as Bayn- Crest, as Beale of London.
field in the first Dictionary. Beale, [Bredgar and Biddenden, Kent,] the
Baynham, or Baynam, [Clorewell, Gloucester- same Arms. Crest, a unicorn's head, erased, or.
shire,] gu. a chev. or, betw. three bulls' heads, Bealelew, [Yorkshire.] The same as Bealew,
cabossed, ar. armed gold. in the first Dictionary.

Baynham, gu. a chev. ar. betw. three bulls' heads, Bealing, ar. a cross betw. four cross crosslets,
cabossed, or. Crest, a wolf, statant, sa. eared fitchee,
gu. charged with estoiles or. Beall. Crest, a demi wolf, rampant, holding
Bayning, [Norton, Essex.] The same as a spear-head, tasselled, in pale, ppr.
Bayninge of London : see first
Dictionary. Beamond, az. semee de lis or, a lion, rampant,
Baynton-Rolt, [Sacombe-Park, Herts, and of the second, overall a bend gobonated, ar.
Spy-Park, Wilts,] az. a bend, lozengy, ar. and gu. (another erm. and gu.)
Crest, a griffin's head, erased, sa. beaked or. Beamond, [Yorkshire,] barry of six erm. and gu.
Baynton, lozengy ar. and sa. Beamond, [Devonshire,] barry of six ar. and az.
Bayons, or Bayos.Crest, a horse at full Beamont, vair, three bars gu.
speed, holding in the mouth a spear-head ppr. Beamont, or Beaumont, [London,] gu. a lion,
Bayons, [Lincolnshire,] gu. two bars, in chief rampant, betw. twelve crescents ar. Crest, a
three escallops ar. bull's head, quarterly, ar. and gu.
Bayouse, barry of six ar. and sa. Bean, az. a cross ar. betw. four lions, rampant,
Bayouse, [Lincolnshire,] gu. two bars and three or. Crest, a demi lion, rampant, or, holding
escallops ar. betw. his paws a plain cross ar.
Bayouse, [Essex,] three lions purp.
ar. Beanbrass, barry of twelve or and az.
Bayousse, [Huntingdon,] see Bayhouse. Beane. Crest, a lion, rampant, holding betw.
Bays, gu. two lions, passant, gardant, in pale, or, the a
paws plumb-rule, sa.
Baysshaw, gu. three arrows ar. the points down- Beanfrens, barry of six or and gu.
wards. Beard, [North Kells, Lincolnshire.] Crest, a
Baytman, ar. on a bend sa. three plates within lion's gamb, couped, or, holding a horse's fore-
a bordure gu. leg, erased above the knee, sa.
Bay us, ar. three lions, rampant, purp. Beard, [Gloucestershire,] az. three bars, wavy,
Bayzeley, or Bazley, az. three fleurs-de-lis betw. three cocks ar. Crest, a scorpion ppr.
ar. Crest, a hand holding a chapeau betw. two Beardmore, .... four lozenges in fesse, . . . . ,

branches of laurel in orle. betw. three cocks ppr. Crest, a wolf, erect,
Bazett, gu. a lamb ar. on a canton of the last standing on the dexter hind-leg.
three piles sa. Beare, [Binley,] ar. a pelican sa.
Bazilie, per pale, indented, sa. and ar. afesse, Beare de-la, az. a bend or, cottised ar. betw.

wavy, counterchanged. Crest, a crow sa. six of the second.

martlets Crest, out of a
Bazin, [London,] ar. an escocheon erm. ducal coronet or, a plume of six ostrich-fea-
Beach, [Bedfordshire and Kent,] vaire ar. and thers , per pale, ar. and az.
gu. on a canton or, a buck's head, cabossed, sa. Bearman, [Glendie, Scotland,] sa. a cross
Crest, out of a ducal coronet or, adenii lion ar. engr. betw. four crescents ar.
Beachton, [Cheshire,] az. three spades or. Beasley. Crest, a demi leopard, holding in the
Beagham, [Ireland,] vert, three griffins' heads, dexter paw a sprig of laurel.
Beat, or Beate, .. .. on a chev,
, .... betw. Beaumont, [Suffolk, London, and Rochester,
three griffins' heads, erased, ,
as many Kent.] Arms as the first of the name in the
mullets, .... first
Beath, gu. a dexter hand, fessewise, hold- Beauple, gu. a bend vair, cottised or.
ing a rapier erect, on the point a boar's head Beaupres, vaire or and vert, a lion, rampant,
ppr. Crest, a dragon's head, couped, ppr. of the first, a baton gu.
Beath ell, ar. three boars' heads, couped, gu. Beaurain, az. a cross, ancree, or. Crest, a
within a bordure, engr. sa. Two Crests first, on ;
lion's head, erased, ar. pellettee.
a ducal coronet, a boar's head, couped, ; Beauvais, ar. on a cross sa. five escallops or.
second, an eagle, betw. two wings, displayed, Beauvill, az. a chief or.
az. on the neck an estoile or. Beaux, gu. a star of sixteen points ar.
Beatie, [Scotland,] ar. a pale sa. over all a Beavan, az. a dove ar. beaked and legged gu.
sword az. hilt and pomel or, betw. two keys, betw. three gem-rings or. Crest, on a mount
wards outwards, of the third in fesse, betw. vert a dove hovering, in the beak a gem-ring.
two mascles, in chief, gu. and another, in base, See Bevan.
of the fourth. Crest, a crescent, betw. the horns Beaver, ar. a chev. betw. three cinquefoils gu.
a star or. Beavis, [Devonshire,] az. three close helmets
Beaton, or Beton, .. .. ,
a fesse betw. three ar. garnished or. Crest, a pheon ar.
mascles Beaw, az. a lion, rampant, or. Crest, a dexter
Bkaty, [Scotland,] gu. three spear-heads ar. hand holding a cutlass, all ppr.
Beaubras, barry of fourteen az. and or. See Beaw, ar. masoned sa. on a chief az. a lion,
Beanbras. issuing, or.
Beaubulk, the same as Bean bulk. Beawchamp, gu. a bend vair.
Beauburgh, ar. a fesse, dancettee, sa. Beawford, [Warwickshire,] ar. on a bend sa.
Beauchaiup, [Somersetshire,] vair, a label of three cinquefoils of the field.
three points or. Bebb, az. on a fesse, embattled, or, betw. three
Beauchamp, [Bedfordshire,] quarterly, or and gu. crescents ar. two cross crosslets gu. Crest, a uni-
a baton, in bend, of the last. corn's head, erased, .. maned and attired.. ..

BEAUCHASTLE.orBEANCHASTiLL.sa. a fesse ar. Beberbor, [Cornwall.] The same as Beber-

Beaucler, [Suffolk,] or, a lion, rampant, gu. bort. See first Dictionary.
collared ar. Becham, [Yorkshire,] gu. a fesse or.
Beaucomb, ar. a fesse sa. betw. three parasol- Bechampe, ar. on a bend gu. three annulets
tops gu. or.

Beaucray, or Beancray, ar. three lions' heads, Beche, gu. three lions, rampant, ar. billettee sa.
couped, sa. Bechey, [London,] vaire ar. and gu. on a can-
Beauf, ar. a chev. sa. betw. three crosses, pattee, ton or, a buck's head, cabossed, sa.
gu. Bechton, az. three spade irons or.
Beaufer, or Beauford, per pale ar. and az. Becicombe, [Hill Wotton, Warwickshire,] az.
on a bend gu. three lions, passant, or. an eagle, displayed, or.
Beaufey. Crest, a demi griffin, holding betw. Beck, [Norfolk,] gu. a cross, resarcelly, ar.
his paws a close helmet. Beck, [London,] (Created a Baronet, 1714,)
Beaufitz, or Beaufiz, ar. a fesse betw. three quarterly; first, or, a blackbird ppr.; second and
lozenges az. third sa. a mullet or fourth az. a dolphin or.

Beaufitz, or Beaufis, quarterly, indented, ar. and az. Crest, a raven ppr. betw. two wings, expanded,
Beauffo, ar. a cross formee, flory, sa. a label of or.
three points. Beck, or Ebeclc, ar. a fesse gu. betw. three barru-
Beaufleet, per pale or and gu. three bends sa. lets, wavy, of the last.
Beau fret, helmets ar.
az. three Beck, per saltier ar. and gu. a lion, rampant,
Beaufrie, az. three helmets, with barred fronts, ar. gardant, ppr. on a chief, wavy, az. a wool-pack
Beaument, az. a lion, rampant, within an orle of the first betw. two bezants. Crest, a griffin,
of eight fleurs-de-lis or. passant, per pale, gu.andar. collared or, winged
BeAUMES, az. six bean-sheafs or. erminois, resting his dexter claw on a wool-pack
Beaumeys, or Beymeys, ar. on a cross az. five ar.

garbs or. Beck, [Carnarvonshire,] gu. on a cross, sarcelly,

Beaumond, az. a fesse betw. three leopards' ar. five mullets sa. Crest, on a mount vert, a
heads or. pelican, vulning herself gu.
Becker, [London,] ar. a chev. az. betw. two as the second of thename in the first Dictionary.
trefoils, slipped, in chief, vert, and a cbaplet in Crest, an eagle's head or, charged with two
base ppr. bends vert, betw. two wings, one ar. the other
Becker, [descended out of Holland,] ar. a chev. sa. beaked gu.
az. in chief two trefoils, and in base a cbaplet Beckwith, .... a chev. charged with three roses
ppr. gu. Crest, a dove, in the beak three ears of
BECKERING, chequy or and gu. a bend sa. wheat, all ppr.
Beckerton, ar. on a chev. sa. three broad arrow- Beckwith, [Durham.] Arms as Beckwith of Aid-
heads of the field. borough, Yorkshire. Crest, a stag's head,
Becket, [Norfolk,] ar. on a chief gu. three couped, ppr.
cinquefoils of the first. Beckivith, ar. a chev. betw. three hinds' heads,
Becket, ar. three Cornish choughs erased, gu.
[Thomas a,]
ppr. [Consecrated Archbishop of Canterbury, Becnech, [Upper Padly, Derbyshire,] ar. three
27th May, 1162, ob. 28th December, 1170.] horse barnacles or.
Beckett, [Leeds, Yorkshire; and Somerby- Beconsall, sa. a cross, pattee, ar. in the sinister
Park, Lincolnshire.] The same Arms and Crest chief an escallop ....
as Beckett in the Appendix. Beconsall, [Beconsall, Lancashire.] The same as
Beckett, ar. on a chief gu. three roses of the the first of the name in the first Dictionary.
field. Beconsaw. The same as Beconsall of Beconsall,
Beckham, chequy ar. and sa. a fesse erm. Lancashire. See first Dictionary.
Beckham, [Norfolk,] az. three bucks' heads, Beconthorpe, az. three peacocks' heads, erased,
cabossed, or. or.

Beckingham, ar. two bars, gemelles, gu. on a Becquet, [London,] ar. a cross, pattee, fitchee,
canton of the second a rose of the first. betw. three martlets gu.
Beckingham, ar. a chev. betw. three bucks' heads, Becton, az. three spade-irons or. Crest, a demi
cabossed, gu. attired or. heraldic tiger, ducally gorged and chained,

Beckingham, [Cornwall,] ar. a fesse, humettee, holding betw. the paws a mullet of six points.
betw. three escallops sa. Bedell, or Bf.dtjll, [Writtel, Essex.] The
Beckingham, ar. two bars, gemelles, gu. on a can- same Arms as Bedell of Bumford, see first Dic-
ton of the second a cinquefoil of the first. tionary. Crest, a stag's head, couped, gu. the
Beckingham. To the first of the name in the first dexter per pale, or and az. the sinister

Dictionary add [T/iese Arms confirmed, and az. and or, betw the horns a .. .. flower, slipped
the Crest granted to Thomas Beckingham, of and reversed, vert.
Tolshnnt, and Stephen Beckingham, of Tolshnnt Bedew ell, per saltier, lozengy, or, gu. and
-Darci/, Essex, by Richard Lee, Clarenceux, erm.
12lh'May, 1596.] Bedewell. To the one of this name in the Dic-
Beckingham, or Bekingham, [Hoveton St. James, tionary add Crest, on a rock a fort in flames,

Norfolk.] The same as Beckingham of Hoo; ppr.

see first Dictionary. The embattled counter- Bedford, [Bishop Middleham,] ar. three bears'
embattled. paws sa.
and a bend
Beckingham, or, a cbev. betw. three bucks' heads, az. sa.
Bedford, [Durham,] per pale
cabossed, gu. or.

Beckings, vaire ar. and gu. a bend sa. Bedford, [Henloc, Bedfordshire.] (Another crest,
Beckington, ar. on a fesse az. a mitre or, betw. a lion's head, erased, sa. collared ar.)
three bucks' heads, cabossed, gu. in chief, and Bedicke, az. a chev. or, betw. three demi lions
as many pheons in base sa. of the last.
Beckley, or Bickley, [Devon.] Crest, betw. Bedlow, [London,] per chev. sa. and erm. in
two wings or, a cross, pattee, gu. chief two greyhounds, combattant, ar. on a bor-
Beckmore, ar. on a bend sa. three pheons or, dure az. eight fleurs-de-lis or

pointing to the dexter chief. Bedo. Crest, a boar's head, couped and erect,
Becknock, ar. a chev. betw. three lions' gambs, gu.
erased, sa. Bedolfe, or Bedell, [Bedolph's Hall, Essex,
Beckwell, or Bekewell, paly of six ar. and and of Staffordshire,] ar. a fesse,rompee, betw.
gu. on a chief of the second a lion, passant,
three cross crosslets, fitchee, sa. Crest, an
gardant, of the first. arm, embowed, habited az. holding in the hand
Beckwith, or Beckwc-rth, [Yorkshire.] Arms ppr. a sword ar. hilt and pomel or, piercing the
side of a squirrel, sejant, regardant, or, the ar. three torteauxes. Crest, a cross crosslet,
side guttee de sang. fitchee, betw. two branches of palm in orle ppr.
Bedonier, ar. a godfannon gu. Begad, [Norfolk,] or, on a cross gu. five escal-
Bedsted, [Devonshire,] sa. three lozenges, in lops ar.
fesse, ar. betw. as many bucks' heads or. Begevile, [Norfolk,] sa. a chev. within an orle
Bed well, [Devonshire,] per saltier and per pale of martlets ar.

gu. erra. and or. Beggar. Crest, a pelican's head and neck,
Bedyll, per fesse sa. and
pale counter-
or, a erased, vulning herself.
changed, three mullets, pierced, of the last. Begrill, Begnill, or Begvill, sa. an ines-
Bee, [Basingstoke, Hants.] The same Arms as cocheon within an orle of eight martlets or.
the first of the name in the first Dictionary. Behald, [Thorpe, Northamptonshire,] per chev.
Crest, a dragon's head or, transpierced by an gu. and ar. billettee, counterchanged. Crest, a
arrow gu. headed and flighted ar. talbot's head, couped, gu. billettee ar. [Granted
Beecher, [Weston, Hertfordshire.] The same by Sir John Borough.]
Arms as Becker of Kent and Bedfordshire, Behrens, [London,] .... a tree, growing out
see first Dictionary. of a mount, in base, .... on the sinister side
Beechey, or Beechy, vert, a chev. betw. three a bear, rampant, and resting against the tree.
trefoils, slipped, ar. Crest, a hurt. Crest, a demi bear ....
Beechton, az. three shovels ar. Beighton, [Werkswerth,] sa. on a bend ar. a
Beeckman, [Flanders and London,] gu. a griffin, greyhound, courant, of the first betw. two stags'
segreant, or, holding betw. the paws an esquire's heads, cabossed, of the second. Crest, a grey-
helmet az. hound erm. collared or, and issuing out of a
Beecroft, [Bishops Wearmouth, Durham,] mural coronet of the second.
quarterly vert and ar. in the second and third Beikly, [Devonshire,] ar. on a chev. sa. two
quarter an annulet gu. Crest, two arms, dex- lions,rampant, combattant, ar.
ter and sinister, in armour, ppr. holding betw. B piston, vert, a lion, rampant, ar.
the fingers an annulet gu. Beiston, vert, a lion, rampant, or, crowned gu.
Beegnel, or Begnye, sa. an iuescocheon within within an orle of fleurs-de-lis of the second.
an orle of eight martlets or. Crest, a human heart gu. within a fetlock sa.
Beekenshall, [Lancashire,] ar. a chev. and a Beith, or Bieth, [Scotland,] ar. a dexter hand,
half sa. betw. three chaplets of roses gu. couped, lying fesseways, holding a sword, in
Beekenshall, [Lancashire,] sa. a cross, pattee, ar. pale, az. on the point thereof a dragon's head,
in the sinister chief point an escallop of the couped, vert. Crest, a dragon's head, couped,
second. Crest, an arm, erect, ppr. couped below vert.
the elbow and holding a garland of roses gu. Beivill, ar. a chev. gu. over all a bend az.
Beekering, masculy or and gu. Bekard, ar. a saltier gu. betw. four eagles, dis-
Beele, [Devonshire,] az. three griffins' heads, played, vert.
erased, ar. Bekard, [Cambridgeshire,] ar. a saltier gu. betw.

Beer, [Dartford, Kent.] The same as Beare four eagles, displayed, az.
of Kent, see first Dictionary. Beke. See with Beake in the first Dictionary.
Beerecourte, erm. a saltier, engr. sa. Beke, or Bee, [Bolingbroke and Eresby, Lincoln-
Bees, [Ireland,] az. on a fesse, wavy, betw. shire,] gu. a cross moline ar.
three wolves' heads, erased, ar. as many cinque- Bejcer, [Eye, Kettleby, Kirkby, Leicestershire,]
foils az. per pale gu. and sa. a lion, rampant, ar.
Beeston, [Beeston, Cheshire,] ar. a bend betw. Bekett, or, on a chev. betw. three lions' heads,
three bees sa. erased, gu. a fleur-de-lis of the field.
Beeston, [Lancashire.] The same as the fifth of Bekett, sa. a fesse, betw. three boars' heads,
the name in the first Dictionary. couped, or, semee of cross crosslets, fitchee, of
Beetley, [Attleburgh,] ar. a chev. embattled the second. Crest, on a wreath or and vert,
betw. three griffins' heads, erased, sa. garnished with laurel leaves ppr. a falcon, ris-
Beevor, [Hethell, Norfolk,] per pale or and ar. ing, ar. legged and beaked gu. ducally gorged
on a chief sa. three lions, rampant, of the second. or.
Crest, a beaver, passant, ppr. Bekewell, ar. a fesse sa. betw. three
Befnechys, vert, a saltier, engr. betw. four displayed, of the field.
cross crosslets, fitchee, ar. Bekewell, ar. on a chief sa. three boars' heads
Beg, or Begg, lozengy or and az. on a chev. or, erased gu.
Bekewell. See Beckwell. ar.stringed or, an eagle, displayed, betw. two
Beksewell, [Norfolk,] ar. six annulets sa. with- rampant, gu.
in a bordure,
engr. gu. Belhouse, ar. three lions, rampant, gu. within a
Belasyse, [Newborough, Yorkshire,] ar. a bordure, engr. sa.
chev. gu. betw. three fleurs-de-lis az. Crest, Belhouse, or, a fret, diapree, az.
a stag's head, erased, ppr. attired or, in the Belhus, or, on a bend gu. five lozenges vair.
mouth an acorn of the first, leaved vert. Brliard, or Beliald, [Thorpe, Northampton-
Belasyse, [Belasyse, Ucknowle, and Benly, Dur- shire.] Crest, a lion's head, couped, gu. bil-

ham.] The same Arms. Crest, a lion, couchant, lettee ar.

gardanf, az. Belingay, ar. a rose gu. within an orle of six

Belcher, [Guillesbrough, Northamptonshire,] cross crosslets, fitchee, of the last.

per chev. embattled az and or, in chief two Beliore, or Belior, vaire ar. and sa.
martlets gold. Crest, the same as the first of Belistone, [Cheshire,] or, on a bend gu. three
the name in the first Dictionary. crosses moline ar.
Belches, [Invermay,] quarterly, and fourth,
first Belke, [Copesham, Sole,] gu. a chev. betw.
gu. on a chev a rose betw. two lions, three leopards' faces ar.
passant, combattant, of the field, in base a Belke, per chev. embattled or and gu. three
heart-shaped buckle or second or, three pales
; cinquefoils counterchanged.
gu. a chief vair; third az. a cross, pattee, betw. Belkemore, gu. a bend ar.
three mullets ar. within a double tressure, flory, Belknap, [Kent.] The same as Belknappe
counterflory, of the last. Crest, a horse's head, in the firstDictionary.
couped, ar. bridled gu. Belknap. Crest, an heraldic tiger, statant, vert,
Bele, az. a chev. gu. betw. three spears' heads ducally collared and lined or.
sa. the dexter and sinister inclining to the middle Bell, [in Hartlepool Church, Durham,] gu. four
chief point. bars ar. in chief a martlet.
Bele. See Beal in the first Dictionary. Bell, [Newcastle upon Tyne,] gu. a fesse erm.
Beler, per pale gu. and sa. a lion, rampant, ar. betw. three church-bells ar. 'Crest, a hawk,
ducally crowned or. close, ppr. beaked and belled or.
Beler, [Mentrey,] gu. a lion, rampant, or. Bell, [Provosthaugh, Scotland,] az. a fesse betw.
Belesby, sa. a cross or. three church-bells or. Crest, a roe, feeding, ppr.
Belesby, [Iruham, Lincolnshire,] sa. a saltier or. Bell, [Hocknold, Norfolk,] az. three annulets in
Belesses, ar. a chev. betw. three fleurs-de-lis fesse or, betw. as many bulls' heads, erased, ar.
g- armed of the second. Crest, a bull's head,
Belett, a eagle, displayed, or, on
sa. a chief erased, sa. charged with six annulets, one, two,
gu. three bezants. and three or, armed gold.
Beleyley, ar. a, bull, passant, sa. Bell, [Castleaere, Norfolk.] The same as Bell,
Bel eyre, vaire sa. and or. the Lord Chief Baron. See first Dictionary.
BELFiELD,[Stodham, orStudhain, Herts.] Arms Bell, [York City,] az. a fesse erm. cottised or,
Belfield of Hertford.
and Crest, see betw. three martlets of the last.

Belfour, Belfore, and Balfour, ar. achev. Bell, [Sunderland, Durham.] As the twelfth of
betw. three otters' heads, erased, gu. Crest, a the name in the first Dictionary.
hautboy, in pale, ppr. Bell, [Jamaica,] az. a fesse, engr. betw. three
Belfrage, or Belfarge, [Scotland,] ar. a bells or. Crest, a stag's head, erased, gu. at-
cross moline az. betw. four bezants. Crest, out tired or.
of a ducal coronet or, a hawk, belled, ppr. Bell, [Newcastle.] The same Arms as Sir Ro-
Belgray, [Leicester.] The same as the second bert, Lord Chief Baron. Crest, a hawk, close,
Belgrave, of Leicestershire, in the first Dic- ppr. beaked and belled or.

tionary. Bell, [Scotland.] Arms, see first

Belhouse, az. on a chev. or, betw. three bells Another, the Crest, a demi lion, rampant, ppr.
ar. an eagle, displayed, betw. two lions, ram- Another, the Crest, an arm in armour, grasp-
pant, gu. all within a bordure erm. Crest, a ing a cimeter, all ppr.
squirrel, sejant, per pale ar. and az. tail or, Bell, [Leith,] az. a fesse, chequy, ar. and sa.
the fore feet against an oak- branch, acorned or, betw. three bells, in chief, or, and a serpent,
leaved vert. bent as a crescent, in base, of the second.
Belhouse, ar. a saltier gu. lozengy of the first. Crest, a dexter hand, with the two small fingers
Belhouse, az. on a chev. betw. three church-bells close, ppr.
Bell, gu. a fesse ertn. betw. three church-bells Belliiow, sa. fretty or, a mullet of the last.
ar. Crest, a falcon, close, ppr. Belli, az. a peacock in pride or.

Bellairs, [Stanford and Uffiugton, Lincoln- Bellingham, [Ireland King of Arms,] ar. on
shire and Northamptonshire,] erm. a lion, ram- a saltier, engr. sa. betw. four roses gu. five
pant, gu. on a chief, engr. sa, a leopard's face bezants.
betw. two cross crosslets, fitchee, or. Crest, Bellingham., [Eglescliff, Durham,] or, a bugle-horn
out of a mural crown or, a demi lion, rampant, sa. stringed gu.

gu. Iangued az. holding in the paws a cross Bellingham, [Castle Bellingham, Ireland.] Arms
crosslet, fitchee, az. as Bellingham of Sussex. Crest, a buck's
Bellairs, [of the above family,] ar. a cross gu. on head, couped, or.
a chief az. an eagle, displayed, betw. two Bellingham, [Westmoreland, Owstone, Northum-
cross crosslets, fitchee, or. berland, Lymster, Arundel, and New timber,
Bellam, Ballam, or Bellome, sa. on a fesse Sussex.] The same Arms. Crest, a demi stag,
betw. three estoiles ar. as many pellets. Crest, salient, ar. attired or, betw. two rose-brauches,
out of a ducal coronet or, a cock's head, betw. each bearing a rose, ppr.
two wings gu. combed and wattled or. Bellingham, [Lincolnshire and Yorkshire.] Crest,
Bellamy, [Harrow-on-the-Hill, Middlesex,] a buck's head, couped, ar. on a branch, twisted,
vert, on a bend, cottised, or, three crescents or and az. leaved vert.
gu. Bellingham, [Sussex,] barry of six ar. and gu.
Bf.lasis, [Morton, Durham,] ar. a chev. gu. on a canton of the last a lion, passant, of the
betw. three fleurs-de-lis az. Crest, a stag's first.

head, erased, ppr. attired or. Bellingham, [Crockhall, Durham.] The same.
Bellasis, [Scotland.] Crest, on a mount vert, [Confirmed bg Floiver, Norroy, 1575.]
a palm tree ppr. Bellis, erm. a chief az. Crest, a hand, in
Bellasis, [Yorkshire.] Crest, a lion, couchant, gauntlet, hofding a holly-branch ppr.
gardant, az. Bellismo, az. a lion, rampant, within a bordure,
Bellay, [Huntingdonshire,] ar. three fillets, a .or. Crest, out of water the top of a spear,
chief, indented, sa. erect, sustaining a dolphin.
Bellchamber, or Bellschamber, sa. three Bellomont de, gu. a ciuquefoil erm. Crest,
hawks' bells or. a cross moliue, lozengy, pierced, gu.
Bellendon, gu. a hart's head, couped, attired Bellot, or Bellet, [Moreton, Cheshire, des-
with ten tynes, betw. three cross crosslets, fit- cended from Gay ton, in Norfolk,] ar. on a bend
chee, or, within a double tressure of the last. sa. three cinquefoils of the field. Crest, an
Bellenx, vair, two chev. gu. arm, couped at the elbow and erect, in armour,
Bellerby, or, a saltier betw. four eagles, dis- ppr. holding in the gauntlet a baton or, tipped
played, gu. sa.
Bellers, [Nottinghamshire.] The same as the Bellot, [Devonshire,] ar. on a bend sa. three
second of the name in the first Dictionary. buckles of the field.
Bellers, [Nottinghamshire.] The same, the crown Bellow, erm. on a chev. gu. three escallops
az. or.

Bellesby, [Lincolnshire,] after lozenges read Bellow, [Lincolnshire,] The same as Bellow of
couped pale ways. Lancashire.
Bellesey, o/-Belesey, sa. a saltier or, over Bellow, or Bellew, [Ireland,] sa. a fret or.
all a label gu. Bellwell, paly of ten ar. and az. on a chief
Bellesset, ar. a cbev. betw. three fleurs-de-lis gu. a lion, passant, gardant, of the first.
gu. Bellwell, paly of eight ar. and az. on a chief gu.
Bellew. See with Belew in the first Dic- a lion, passant, or.
tionary : to the last add Crest, a bear, passant, Belmarsh, [Devon,] gu. ten mascles ar. four,
sa. three, two, and one.
Bellew, [Ireland,] az. a fret or. Belmour. Crest, a griffin's head.
Bellew, [Ireland.] The same as the first Belew B els am, sa. three crescents ar.
iu the first Dictionary. Belside, barry of eight ar. and sa. a canton of
Bellew, gu. two lions, passant, gardant, or, a label the first.
of five points az. Belson. To the first of the name in the first
Belliiouse. See with Belhouse in the first Dictionary add Crest, a hand, holding a key,
Dictionary. in bend sinister.
Belstead, Belstede, or Belstide, barry betw. four demi lions, rampant, couped, gu. a
of eight ar. and sa. a canton, per pale, or and bezant. Crest, a demi lion, rampant, couped,
sa. gu. holding betw. the paws a bezant.
Belsted, [Norfolk.] Crest, a seax az. hilt Benevile, ar. three ogresses, in bend, sa.
or. Benfitz, ar. a fesse betw. three lozenges az.
Belsted, or Belstead, barry of six ar. and sa. a Benge, or, three mullets az. on a canton, gu. a
canton, per cross, or and ar. dagger, in pale, ar. hilt of the first. Crest, an
Belston, or, on a bend gu. three mill inks ar. eagle, displayed, ppr.
Belt, [Bossall, Yorkshire,] gu. on a chev. ar. Benhale, or Benhall, [Cheshire,] gu. a cross,
betw. three bezants, a cross, pattee, fitchee, sarcelly, ar. over all a bend sa.
betw. two mullets, pierced, az. [Borne by Sir Benhan, or Bengham, erm. a fesse, dancettee,
Robert Belt, Lord Mayor of York, 1628 and sa. Crest, a chart ppr.
1640, ob. 4th Sej)t. 1656. Benicleere, or, a lion, rampant, gardant, gu.
Beltoft, [Lincolnshire.]Crest, out of a ducal Beni field, az. three lions, passant, or.
coronet a hand holding a sword, all ppr.
or, Benion, or Bynion, [Aldingborne, Sussex,]
Beltoft. To the last but one in the first Dic- vair, on a chief or, three mullets sa.
tionaryadd Crest, a cock sa. beaked, combed, Benisted, [Benington, Herts,] ar. three bars,
and wattled gu. gemelle, gu.
Beltoft, ar. a chief az. Benjamen, or, on a saltier, quarter pierced, sa.
B elton, ar. on a bend sa. three hawks' bells or. five annulets counterchanged. Crest, on a
Beltost, or, a chief az. chapeau gu. turned up erm. a flame of fire, all

Belvaco, az. three helmets ar. ppr.

Belyale, ar. ten billets sa. four, three, two, Ben ley. To the first in the first Dictionary,
and one. Crest, two arms in armour, embowed, add Crest, a sand-glass gu.
holding a heart, inflamed, ppr. Bennall, gu. a cross, sarcelly, and bend ar.
Belvin, [Devon,] az. a cross, floretty, ar. betw. Bennall, sa. a bend betw. two cottises, wavy,
four mullets, pierced, or. Crest, a cross, flo- ar.

retty, fitchee, or, behind a cock gu. [C'o- Benndew, [Wales,] ar. a chev. betw. three boars'
firmed by William Camden, Clarenceux, 7th heads, couped, sa.
April, 1607.1 Bennet, [Devon and Shropshire.] Crest, a tal-
Belyre, vaire or and gu. bot's head, erased, per pale, dancettee, sa.
Bembow, [London,].... two bows, endorsed, and ar. eared gu. collared or.
betw. two sheaves of arrows, in fesse .... Bennet, [Beachampton and Calverton, Bucking-
Bencler, ar. a lion, rampant, double queued, hamshire,] gu. a bezant betw. three demi lions,
gu. collared or. Crest, a stag's head, cabossed, rampant, couped ....
betw. the attires a bugle-horn, strung Bennett, alias Pile. Crest, on a wilk-shell or, a
Bendbow. As Beneow. bird sa. beaked and legged gu.
Bendeley, ar. on a bend az. three annulets or. Bennett, [Ireland,] sa. a chev. erm. betw. three
Bendesley, per pale or and gu. a chev. betw. ears of wheat, stalked and leaved ar. headed
three escallops, couuterchanged. or.
Ben dicke, or Bendish, or, on a chev. sa. Bennette, sa. betw. three garbs or, two shepherds'
three escallops ar. crooks, in saltier, of the second.
Bendisher, ar. three bucks' heads, cabossed, Benneys, or Bennoys, az. three oat-sheaves
sa. or.

BendloWes, [Essex,] quarterly, indented, gu. Bennie, Benzie, Binnie, or Benny, [Scot-
and or, on a bend of the second, two turtles az. land,] ar. a bend betw. a cinquefoil, in chief,

Bendy, sa. a cross betw. four lions or. gu. and a sword, in pale, az.
bladed or. Crest,
Beneffh, or Bennette, sa. betw. three garbs a horse's head .... bridled ....
or, two shepherds' crooks, in saltier, of the se- Benning, [Willesdon,Middlesex,] or, a chev.
cond. betw. three goats' heads, erased, sa.
Benerston, az. billettee or, a cross nioline ar. BenniNGHAM, [Ireland,] ar. a chev. betw. three
Benet, [Sutton, Cheshire,] ar. two bars gu. garbs sa. Crest, a horse at full speed, with
within a bordure, engr. sa. the point of a broken spear in his mouth.
Benet, ar. a chief, indented, sa. Bennison, ar. a willow-tree vert.
Benet-Ap-Howell, ar. a lion, rampant, .... Benny, ar. a chev. betw. three goats' heads,
Benett, [Fareham, Hampshire,] ar. on across erased, sa.
Benolt. Crest, a stag, courant, or. Benyngton. See with Benington in the first
Ben pole, gu. a bend vair, betw. two escallops Dictionary. To the first of the name add
ar. Crest, a lion's head, erased, ar. semee of tor-
Benpole, gu. a bend vair, cottised ar. teauxesgu. ducally crowned or.
Bense, gu. tbree bars, gemelles, or. (Another, Benyngton, sa. a chev. betw. three lions' heads,
tbe bars ar.) Crest, a sea lion, holding a cross erased, ar.

patonce. Benyon, [Suffolk and Sussex,] vair ar. and sa.

Bensled, [Kent,] gu. a goat, salient, ar. on a chief or, three mullets of the second.
Benslet, per pale or and gu. a bend sa. Crest, on a mount vert, a griffin, sejant, ar.
Bensley, [Mores de Bonn,] sa. on a fesse erm. [Confirmed by patent to George Benyon, of
betw. three mullets of the last a bomb-shell of Alingboone, in Suffolk, by Robert Cooke, Cla-
the first. Crest, a dexter hand, holding up a renceux, 17th August, 1G82.]
plume of ostrich-feathers. Benyon, [Salop.] The same, with a canton az.
Benson. To the first of the name in the first Benyon, [Ashe and Whitchurch, Shropshire, and
Dictionary add Crest, the sun surmounted by London.] The same Arms. Crest, on a mount
a rainbow, each end issuing out of clouds, all vert.agrifri!), sejant, wings displayed, ar. collared
ppr. vaire or and gu.
Benson, or, on a bend, cottised three cinque- Beoas, semee of cross crosslets or, a lion,
foils, Crest, a boar's head, erased,
slipped, .... rampant, of the last, charged with a fleur-de-lis
ppr. muzzled and collared or. gu.
Benson. To the third of the name in the first Beofice, az. three helmets ar.
Dictionary add Crest, a talbot's head, erased, Beram, or, three bears, in pale, sa.
ar. ducally crowned or. Beranger, [France,] gyronny of eight or and
Benson, [Lincolnshire,] gu. on a chev. or, three gu. Crest, on a mount vert, a tree ppr.
cross crosslets sa. Berblock, [London,] four staves, raguly,
Bensted. To the last of the name in the first meeting in gu. a bordure az. charged
Dictionary add Crest, a sea-lion, holding a with eight bezants. Crest, a gauntlet, lying
cross patonce .... fesseways, ppr. lined gu. holding a broken tilt-
Bensted, or Bettshed, sa. three lozenges, in fesse, ing spear, in pale, or.
betw. as many bucks' heads, cabossed, ar. at- Bercham. The same as Berchem.
tired or. Bercham, [Lancashire,] az. a chev. betw. three
Bent, gu. a fret or. boars' heads, couped, or.
Benteala, ar. three bends sa. Berdmore, or Beardmore, per fesse, ar. and
Benteley, ar. on a bend az. three annulets or. gu. on the first a chev. sa. on the second another
Benten, ar. three saltiers, engr. sa. or. Crest, on a mitre sa. semee of crosses,
Bentham, ar. a bend betw. two cinquefoils sa. pattee, ar. a chev. of the last.
Bentjck, ar. within an orle a chev. sa. Crest, Berdsey, ar. two bars and a canton gu.
a chevalier, standing beside a horse, and holding Ber dwell, ar. three bars, gemelle, gu. a can-
the bridle, ppr. ton erm.
Bentley, [Horsley, Derbyshire,] or, three bends Berdtoell, -[Norfolk,] gu. a climant, ar.
and a cross crosslet sa. horned or.

Benusis, ar. a chev. betw. three spread-eagles Bere, ar. a bear,

rampant, sa. a canton ar.
gu. Bere, per pale sa. and ar. three bears, passant, in
Benvoys, [Huntingdonshire,] az. three oat- pale, counterchanged, muzzled gu.
sheaves or. Bereford, [Ireland,] az. a chev. betw. three
Benwell, per saltier or and vert, four roun- boars' heads, erased, ar.
dles, counterchanged, within a bordure, engr. Bereford, ar.
crusilly, fitchee, and three fleurs-de-
erm. within a bordure, engr. gu.
lis sa.

Deny, [Cumberland,] az. a cross betw. four Bereford, or Berreford, [Norfolk,] paly of six
lions, rampant, or. or and gu. a chief erm. Crest, a greyhound,
Beny, ar. a chev. betw. three goats' heads, erased, passant
sa. Bereford, three fleurs-de-lis, betw. nine cross

Beny, [Devonshire,] ar. a chev. betw. three crows crosslets, fitchee, sa.
Bereford, ar. three fleurs-de-lis betw. seven cross
Benycleer, or, a lion, rampant, gu. tail forchee, crosslets, fitchee, sa. within a bordure, engr.
collared ar. gu.
Bereford, ar. a cbev. gu. betw. three ogresses. Berin, [Nottinghamshire,] ar. a cross sa. within
Bereford, [Derbyshire,] Arms the same as Bere- a bordure, indented, gu.
ford, of Rutlandshire. Crest, a dragon's head, Berindaine, or Beryndeyn. The same as
erased pierced through the neck with a Berin don in the first Dictionary.
broken spear, fesseways, and holding the Beringe, [Norfolk,] chequy ar. and gu.
upper part in the mouth. Beringer. See with Berenger, in the first
Bereford ar. a ehev. gu. betw. three pellets. Dictionary.
Bereham, ar. three bears sa. muzzled or. Beringer, [Hampshire,] ar. a cross vert, and
Ber eland, [Kent,] Arms as in the first Dic- baton gu.
tionary, the beads unmuzzled. Beringes, lozengy or and gu.
Berkley, az. a chev. betw. three leopards' Beringham, [Worcestershire.] Crest, a cross
heads or. moline az.
Berendon, ar. three roses sa. Beringham. To the fourth of the name in the first
Berendon, sa. on a bend ar. three cinquefoils of
Dictionary add Crest, an arm in armour, em-
the first. bowed, holding a spiked-club ppr.
Bereng, or, a cross az. over all a bend gu. Beringham, or Bermingham, [Norfolk,] ar. on a
Berengham, az. a bend, engr. or, a label gu. bend gu. cottised az. three escallops or.
Bereseth, ar. three bears' beads, erased, sa. Beringham, gu. three bears ar.
muzzled gu. Beringham, per pale, indented, ar. and az. two
Beresford, [Newton-Grange, Derbyshire; pheons counterchanged.
Squirres-Westerham, Kent and Asbburnham, ;
Beringham, per pale, indented, sa. and ar.
Sussex;] ar. three fleurs-de-lis betw. as many Berings, or Beringes, lozengy gu. aud or.
cross crosslets, fitchee, sa. within a bordure gu. Berings, fusilly or and gu.
Crest, as the first of the name in the first Dic- Berington, [Moresbarrow, Brereton and Ches-
tionary. ter, Bradwall and Altrincham, Cheshire.]
Beresford, [Norfolk,] as the first of the name in Arms and Crest, see Berington in the Ap-
the first Dictionary. pendix.
Beresford, [Newton-Grange, Derbyshire.] The Berkae, [Germany,] or, a cross, raguly, sa
same as Beresford of Bently, in the first Dic- Berkedon, gu. a bend, fusilly, ar.
tionary. Berkeley, alias Fitz-Harding, ar. a fesse,
Beresford, [Bagnall, Waterford,] ar. semee of betw. three martlets, sa.
cross crosslets, fitchee, three fleurs-de-lis sa. Berkenhead. Crest, out of a ducal coronet,
within a bordure, wavy, ermines. -Crest, out of a hand holding a sheaf of arrows, points down-
a mural crown or, a dragon's head per fesse, wards, all ppr.
wavy, az. and gu. the lower part of the neck Berkenhead, [Master of the Requests to King
transpierced by a broken tilting-spear, and in
Charles II.] Arms as first
the mouth the remaining part point upwards, or. Berkerolls, az. a chev. or, betw. three cres-

Beresford, [Derbyshire,] sa. three bears, salient, cents ar.

or. Berkham, [Norfolk, ]chequyorandsa .a fesseerm.
Beresham, gu. on a bend ar. three crosses, Berkingham, [Kent,] or, a cbev. betw. three
formee, sa. bucks' faces,
Berew, purp. a chev. ar. betw. three garbs or, Berlealeune, [Yorkshire,] sa a fret or.
banded az. Berminean, per pale or and gu.
Berewood, or, a bear's head, couped, gu. Bermingham, per pale, indented, or and gu.
'muzzled ar. a label of three points az.
Berew yke, ar. a bear's head, erased, sa. muz- Bermyngham, az. abend, engr. or, over alia
zled or. label of five points gu.
Berford, [Ireland, jar. a chev. betw. three bears' Bernack, or Barnake, [Leicester,] ar. a fesse
heads, erased, sa. muzzled of the field. betw. three barnacles sa.
Berge, az. a fesse, counter compony, gu. and ar. Bernal, vair, three chev. or, on a canton gu.
Berger, az. an eagle, displayed, or, debruised a tower of the first. Crest, a demi lion, ram-
by a fesse ar. charged with three ermine-spots
pant, per fesse gu. and vair, holding a torch or,
sa. Crest, a lion's paw, erased, sa. holding a enflained ppr. [Borne by Ralph Bernal, Esq.
dagger ppr. 31. P. of Park- Crescent, Portland-Place, 1830.]
Beridge, ar. a saltier, engr. betw. four escallops, Bernard, [Norfolk,] ... . two greyhounds, re-
(another escocheons,) sa. gardant, collared gu.
Bernard, [Nettleham, Lincolnshire, and Nether- Berreton. Crest, out of a ducal coronet or'
Winchenden, Bucks.] The same as Bernerd a bear's head and neck ppr. muzzled ....
of Cambridgeshire, and Norfolk. See first Dic- Berridge, ar. a saltier, engr. betw. four escal-
tionary, withBarnard. lops sa. Crest, out of a ducal coronet or, a
Bernardeston, or Barnerdiston, [Ked- wolf's head sa.
dington, Suffolk], See Barnardiston. B ERR IE, [Westerbogie, Scotland.] vert, a cross
Bernbro, [Worcestershire.] The same as Bern- crosslet ar. Crest, a demi lion gu. holding in
bray, see first Dictionary. the dexter paw a cross crosslet, fitchee, az.
Bernel, or Birnall. Crest, a greyhound's Berringham, a millrind in bend, betw. two

head, betw. two roses, stalked and leaved.. .. martlets, ar. Crest, a cross moline az.
Bern ELL, az. a bend or, betw. three bezants. Berrington, [Streatley, Berkshire,] sa. three
Bern EN, ar. a lion, rampant, within a bordure, greyhounds, courant, in pale, ar. collared gu.
engr. sa. Berry, [Lidd, Kent,] quarterly, erm. and az.
Berner, or, three crescents az. in the second and third quarters a falcon, rising,
Bernesley, or Barnsley, [Bernsley-Hall, or.

Worcestershire; temp. Edw. III. 1588.] The Berry, [Catton, Norfolk,] erm. on a fesse, engr.
same Arms and Crest as Barnesly of Staf- az. three fleurs-de-lis or, in chief two branches
fordshire, see first
Dictionary. of palm, in saltier, vert; in base a sphinx, cou-
Bernevilles, a cross moline gu.
ar. chant, ppr. Crest, betw. two wings, elevated,
Berney, [Parkhall, Redham, Norfolk.] Arms, erm. an eagle's head, couped at the neck, and
as the first of the name in the first Dictionary. gorged with an eastern crown or, in the beak a
Crest, a plume of ostrich-feathers per pale palm-branch vert.
and gu. Bersater, ar. three hoars' heads, erased, gu.
Berney, [Kirkbedoe, Norfolk,] per pale az. and Bertie, [Nether-Hall, Denham, Essex.] ar.
gu. a cross, engr. erm. Crest, a plume of os- three battering-rams, barways, in pale, ppr.
trich-feathers per pale az. and gu. (Another headed and garnished az. within a bordure of
Crest, a sheaf of reeds or.) the last. Crest, a man's head, affrontee, couped
Bernham, sa. three lions, rampant, ar. at the shoulders, ppr. ducally crowned or,
Bernholm, [Glendie, Scotland,] ar. a fesse az. charged on the neck with a bendlet, sinis- wavy,
betw. a mullet and two cross crosslets, fitchee, ter, gobony, ar. and az.
in chief, and a crescent, in base, gu. Bertram. To the last of the name in the first

Bernicham, [Ireland,] per pale, indented, or Dictionary add Crest, a bull's head, erased,
and gu. within a bordure vert, charged with .... ducally gorged ....
eight plates. Bertram, gu. an orle betw. eleven cross crosslets
Berniere, ar. on a bend gu. three crescents of or.
the field in chief a mullet or. Bertram, ar. semee of cross crosslets, and a bor-
Berningham, [Ireland,] bendy of ten gu. and dure gu.
or. Bertrand, az. a stag, tripping, or, a chief ar.
Bernington, or Beryngton, per pale ar. and Crest, a hand holding a pistol ppr.
sa. a cross, engr. counterchanged. Bertwhistle. Crest, a dolphin, naiant, ppr.
Bernston, gu. a cross, sarcelly, or. Berty. The same as Bertie in the first Dic-
Bern well, erm. a bordure, engr. gu. tionary.
Berom, masculy ar. and sa. Berum, or, three bird-bolts gu. nooked and
Berome, [Cumberland,] lozengy ar. and sa. pointed gold, a label gu.
Berome, a cross, lozengy, ar. and sa.
or, Berun, [Lincolnshire,] ar. three bends, en-
Beron, [Lancashire.] The same as Beron, of hanced, gu.
Lincolnshire, see first Dictionary. Bervoys, a bend az. cottised gu.

Beron, [Cleton, Lancashire,] quarterly, first and Berwick, [Lancashire.] Arms the same as
fourth, ar. a bend, in chief two cottises gu.; se- Berwick of Kent, in the first Dictionary.
cond and third, ar. on a bend az. three annulets Crest, two ears of wheat, in saltier, ppr.
or in chief a cross crosslet, fitchee, of the se-
; Berwick, gu. six bezants on a chief az. a lion,
cond. passant, or.
Berondon, [Sir Walter, Northumberland, temp. Berwoughdon, or Berwaugden, ar. six
Edw. I.] ar. three roses sa. cinquefoils, three, two, and one, sa.
Berondon, [Staffordshire.] The same as the first Besaunter, ar. three boars' heads, erased,
Beronden in the first Dictionary. sa.
Besby, gu. on a bend ar. three fleurs-de-lis rows, two in saltier and one in pale, ppr
az. Crest, a griffin's head, erased, in pale.
Bkseley, [Lancashire and Yorkshire,] ar. three Best, [London, descended out of Flanders,] ar.
torteauxes and a chief gu, Crest, an arm in on a fesse az. betw. three dragons' heads, erased,
armour, embowed, and couped at the shoulder, gu. as many fleurs-de-lis or. Crest, out of a
resting on the elbow, holding a club, all mural coronet or, a fleur-de-lis per pale or and
ppr. az. betw. two laurel branches in orle vert.
Beseley, [\ orkshire.] The same Arms. Crest, [Granted 9th July, 1617.]
a castle, triple-towered, ar. on the centre Best. To Arms and Crest second in the first
tower a standard floating to the sinister sa. Dictionary add [Confirmed to John Best,
charged with a saltier of the first. Haberdasher, of London, descended from the
Beseley, ar. three torteauxes, two and one. Crest, Bests of Hartoo Court, in Kent, by Sir Gil-
out of a mural coronet two branches of palm, bert Delhick, Garter King of Arms.~\
in saltier, surmounted by a spear in pale, Bestane, ar. a saltier az.
ppr. Bestele, quarterly, or and sa. a baton, in bend,
Besenten, ar. a crescent betw. three saltiers, gu.
humettee, and engr. sa. Bestney, [Cheshire and London.] The same
Besik, gu. three plates. asBESTNEY of Hertfordshire. See first Dic-
Besiler, erm. three annulets gu. tionary.
Besilk.es, erm. three torteauxes. Beston, [Beston, Yorkshire,] sa. a bend betw.
Besills, or Besiles, [Worcestershire,] Crest, six cross crosslets, fitchee, or.
a hand issuing out of a wreath, and holding a Beston, ar. a bend gu. betw. six fleurs-de-lis
bunch of grapes, ppr. vert.
Besin, quarterly, engr. or and gu. in the first Beston, sa. on a bend ar. betw. six cross cross-
quarter a
lion, passant, ar. lets or, three eagles, displayed, gu. Crest, a
Besinge, or, three clarions (or rests) ar. demi talbot holding in the mouth an arrow.
Besook Crest, on a mural coronet or, a beaver, Beston, gu. on a bend ar. three crosses, forrnee,
passant, ppr. sa.
Bess, az. ten billets ar. four, three, two, and one, Beston, sa. semee of cross crosslets or, on a
within a bordure gu. bend gu. three eagles, displayed, of the se-
Besseel, or Besyle, [Bedfordshire,] gu. a cond.
chev. betw. three plates.
ar. Beston, vert, a lion, rampant, ar. crowned gu.
BESSELLES, erm. three torteauxes. ('Another, crowned or.)
Besset, [NVorcestershire,] az. three bezants. Bestow, ar. a bend betw. three gad-flies, volant,
Bessington, az. a cinquefoil ar. sa. Crest, a crescent ar.
Best, [Kent,] sa. a cinquefoil pierced and in Bestwild and Bestwolde, per saltier gu. and
chief two cross crosslets, fitchee, or. Crest, erm.
a demi ostrich ar. issuing out of a mural crown, Besville, per fesse, indented, gu.
and holding in the beak a cross crosslet, fitchee, and quarter a lion, passant, gar-
or, in the first
or. [Granted, lSlh December, 1742, to Maic- dant, of the second. Crest, a dragon's head,
distly Best, of Boxley, Kent, Esq. (son of erased, gu.
Thomas Best, of Chatham, in the same county, J Beswicke, alias Berwick, [Wisteston, Che-
Sheriff of Kent, 1730. Borne by his descend- shire, and Spilmanden, Kent.] The same Arms
ant, James Best, of Park-House, in the same and Crest as Beswycke, in the first Dic-
county, 1832.] tionary.
Best, [Bibrook and Allington Castle, Kent, 1619,] Beswick, [Lancashire.] The same.
sa. a cinquefoil betw. eight cross crosslets, fit- Beswill, quarterly, indented, gu. and ar. in the
chee, ar. Crest, out of a ducal coronet or, first quarter a lion, passant, or.

an ostrich's head betw. two wings ar. Betagh, [Ireland,] ar. on a pale vert, three
Best, [South Daltou, near Beverley, Yorkshire,] plates, on each an ermine spot sa. Crest, two
gu. a saracen's head, couped at the neck, ppr. anchors in saltier.

oavally crowned or, betw. eight lions' gainbs, in Betame, gu. a saltier betw. four fleurs-de-lis or.
pairs, chevronways, paws inwards, of the last. Betanes, [Betanes, Shropshire,] ar. two pales
Crest, a cubit arm, vested, .... cuff .. .. ,
sa. each charged with three cross crosslets, fit-

holding in the hand a falchion ppr. chee, or.

Best, ar. a chev. gu. betw. three sheaves of ar- B etcher, [Howbery, Bedfordshire.] vaire ar.
and gu. on a canton or, a stag's head, cabossed, in Hanibleden, Hants also of Brokenhurst,

sa. Crest, a demi lion, erased, ar. round tbe Hants,] Arms and Crest, see first Dictionary.
body a ducal coronet or. Bettie, [Exiland, Devonshire,] gu. a saltier
Beteley, gu. a fesse ar. betw. three plates. betw. four fleurs-de-lis or.
Betenham, [Kent,] ar. a saltier betw. four Bettie, [Scotland,] az. an eagle, displayed, ar.
bears' heads, erased, sa. debruised by a fesse, sa. charged with two mul-
Betenson, Crest, a lion's head, erased, lets of the second.
sa. collared ar. Bettie, or Betty, erm. three hearts gu. Crest, a
Betenson, [Devon,] ar. a fesse gu. in chief a lion, goat's head, erased, and collared ppr.
passant, within a bordure, engr. erm. Crest, Betton, gu. a pile ar. in the dexter chief a cres-
a griffin's head, couped, ppr. cent or.
Beterle, or, a fesse gu. in chief three tor- Bettrich, [Barrow,] ar. three torteaux, each
teauxes. charged with a fleur-de-lis of the field, on a
Betereux, ar. three toads, erect, sa. chief az. a crescent betw. two pheons or.
Beth ell, az. on a chev. ar. betw. two eagles, Bettonson, [Wimbledon, Surrey,] the same as
displayed, in chief, gu. a cross patonce of the Bettenson, of Sevenoaks, Kent.
third betw. two escallops of the field. Bettshel), sa. three lozenges, in fesse, betw.
Bethouse, or, a saltier gu. bezantee. as many bucks' heads, cabossed, ar. attired
Bethum, or, three fleurs-de-lis az. or.

Bethum, ar. a chief, indented, az. over all a bend Bettsworth the same Arms and Crest as

gu. Bettesworth, in the

Dictionary. first

Bethune, [Longbermiston, Scot, new Reg.,] (Another Crest, out of a tower ar. a demi
quarterly first and fourth, az. a fesse chequy
; lion, rampant, per fesse, or and ar. ducally
ar. and gu. betw. three mascles or; second and crowned az. holding in the paws a battle-axe or,
third, ar. on a chev. sa. a seiche's head, erased, headed ar.)
of the first, all within a bordure, indented, or. Betty, ar. a chev. sa. betw. three oak-leaves ppr.
Bethune, [Nether Tarvit,] quarterly ; first and Bettyson, or, on a bend gu. three crosses
fourth, az. on a fesse betw. three lozenges or, a moline ar.

betune-leaf, slipped, vert second aud third,

Betum De, barry of six ar. and gu. a chief or.
ar. on a chev. sa. an otter's head, erased, of the Crest, an elephant, passant, ppr.
first. Betun, [Earl of Albermarle,] bendy of six ar.
Bethwater, az. three salmons, naiant, in aud gu. a chief or.
pale, or. Betun es, or Betuns, ar. three pales sa. on
Betkeyn, ar. a demi lion, couped, gu. each as many cross crossiets, fitchee, or.
Betscorne, the same as the first Belshorne, Beucray, ar. three lions' heads, couped, sa.
in the first Dictionary. Beufo, erm. on bend az. three cinquefoils or.
Betside, sa. three lozenges, in fesse, ar. betw. Crest, a beech-tree and saw through it ppr.
as many bucks' heads, cabossed, or. Beugo, quarterly, first and fourth, per fesse ar.
Betsome, [Orendon, Buckinghamshire, and and gu. out of a royal crown or, a dexter arm
Adwell, Oxfordshire,] erm. a chev. betw. three surmounted by a scroll of the first, thereon the
boars, passant, sa. Crest, out of a ducal word Nantz, sa. in the hand a flaming heart of
coronet an elephant's head, the second; in chief a celestial crown surmounted
Betson, [Kilne, N.B.] gu. a chev. betw. three by a gloria, all ppr. second and third,az.onarock,

Crest, a bee, volant, in pale, in base, a castle, triple-towered, ar. masoned sa.
spear-heads ar.
on the centre tower a flag gu. in chief a royal crown
Betson, [Glassermount,] gu. on a chev. betw. or, environed with clouds of the second. Crest,
three spear-heads ar. a mullet of the field. an arm in armour, embowed, wielding a cime-
Bettenham, [Shurland, in the parish of Pluckly, ter, turned to the dexter, all ppr.

Kent,] Arms and Crest the same as Beten- Beuly, [Beuly-Hally,] ar. a sinister hand,
ham, of Kent: see first Dictionary. couped, ppr.
Bettenson, [Sevenoaks, Kent,] ar. a fesse gu. Beurley, or Beverley, or, a chev. gu. betw.
in chief a passant, gardant, sa. all within
lion, three torteauxes.
a bordure, engr. erm. Crest, a lion's head sa. Beurley, ar. a chev. betw. three birds' heads,
collared ar. erased, sa.

Bettesworth, [Fyning, Millaud, Culmer, and Bb.URY, or Bewyr, sa. a chev. betw. three
Chithurst, Sussex ; Petersfield and Chiddon, greyhounds' heads, erased, ar.
Beuyll, or Bevill, erni. a bull gu. armed ar. Bewike, per bend or and gu. billettee ar. three
Beuzevill, ar. a fesse sa. betw. three cinque- boars' heads sa.
foils vert. Crest, a lion's head, ppr. semee de Bewley, [Kirton, Lincolnshire,] or, three bars
plates. sa.

Bevan, ar. a bull, passant, gu. Crest, a grif- Bewmond, [Collorton, Leicestershire,] az. a lion,
fin, passant, or. rampant, within an orle of fleurs-de-lis or.
Be\ eille, ar. ou a mount vert, a bull, passant, Crest, on a chapeau az. turned up erm. a lion.
gu. attired or. statant, or.
Bevenott, or Beyerett, quarterly, ar. and Bewney, ar. a fesse az. betw. three escocheons
az. a cross, counterchauged. vert.
BevercoT, quarterly, ar. and az. a cross, counter- Bewpell, gu. a bend vair, cottised ar.
changed, a label of three points gu. Bewris, Bewrys, erm. on a chev. sa. two
Bevereche, per pale, gu. and vert, a lion, lions, passant, combatant. Crest, a lion's head
rampant, ar. ar. charged with two chev. sa. and ducally
Bev bridge. To the one of the name in the first crowned or.

Dictionary add [Confirmed to Robert Beve- Bewshin, paly, wavy, of six ar. and sa. on a
ridge, of Chichester, descended
out of Kent, by chief of the second three crescents of the first.
Richard Lee, Clarenceux, 30th May, 1595.] Crest, out of a ducal coronet or, a lion's
Beverley, [Ireland.] The same Arms as the gamb, holding a palm-branch, ppr.
name in the first Dictionary. Beyard, erm. a chev. gu. betw. three eagles,
Beverley, or. a chev. betw. three roundles gu. displayed, of the second. Crest, on a tower
Be VERS, [Hogsdon,] ar. a chev. betw. three ar. windows and port sa. a lion, rampant, gu.

cinquefoils gu. Crest, a demi wivern vert, Beyerley, or Byerley, or, a cross crosslef
armed gu. gu.
Bevers, [Hogsdon.] erm. a rose gu. barbed and Beyfeard, sa. six martlets or, three, two, and
seeded ppr. one.
Beversets, ar. three bears' heads sa. muzzled Beyfilde, [Sir Robert, Lord Mayor of London,]
gu. sa. five bezants, in saltier, a chief or. Crest,
Beversham, gu. a fer-de-moline, pierced, betw. an old man's head and shoulders, affrontee, ppr.
two martlets, in fesse, ar. on the head a chapeau gu. turned up erm.
Bevile, [Suffolk,] quarterly or and gu. Crest, Beyfrand, or Bayfrand, sa. six martlets ar.
a dove, volant, holding in the beak an olive- three, two, and one.
branch, all
ppr. Beykle, ar. a chev. engr. betw.
Bevill, [Cornwall.] Crest, a griffin,
passant, three martlets Crest, a cross, pattee, gu.

or, collared sa. betw. two wings, displayed, or.

Bevill, gu. a chev. or, betw. three bezants. Beynard, or, a fesse betw. three chev. sa.
Bevin, az a cross moline or. Beynha, sa. three mallets ar.
Bewclere, or Beaucleere, ar. a lion, ram- Beynon, [Wales,] gu. a lion, rampant, ar. armed
pant, double queued, gu. and langued az.
Beweham, or Bewcham. Crest, a hand issuing Beyssety, ar. three torteauxes, two and one, a
from the wreath and pruning a vine ppr. chief gu.
Bewes, ar. a lion, rampant,.... ducally gorged Bezeley, [Yorkshire.] See Beseley,
or, in chief three martlets .... Crest, on a Bezome, lozengy (another fusilly), ar. and sa.
chapeau a Pegasus, with a branch in the mouth, Bibbesworth, [Southhouse, Great Waltham,
PP r -
Essex,] az. three eagles, displayed, or.
Bewet, [Yorkshire,] ar. three rein-deers'
heads, Bibes, Biblesworth, or Bybeles. The
cabossed, sa. Crest, on a chapeau gu. turned same as Bibelles in the first
up erm. a leopard ar. ducally gorged or. Bichet, [Rye, Sussex, 1589,] sa. a fesse, dau-
Bewpord, gu. a chief ar. cettee, betw. three eagles, displayed, or.
Bewik, gu. bezantee, on a chief or, a lion, pas- Crest, an heraldic tiger, sejant, vert, ducally
sant, sa. gorged or.

Bewicke, [Close House, Northumberland,] ar. Bickerdike, [Salop,] or, on a saltier gu. betw.
a fesse of five lozenges gu. each charged with a four eagles, displayed, vert, a cinquefoil of the
mullet of the first, betw. three bears' heads, first. Crest, a demi eagle, displayed, vert.
erased, sa. muzzled or. Crest, a goat's head, Bickerstaffe, [Chelsham, Surrey.] The same
erased, ar. gorged with a mural coronet gu. as Bickerstaffe of Kent and Lancashire.
Bickerton, [Upwood, Biech, ar. on a bend gu. three bucks' heads,
Huntingdonshire,] sa.
on a cliev. or, three pheons of the field, on a cabossed, or, a label of five points az.
canton of augmentation gu. a mullet and incre- Biech, [Berkshire.] The same, without the label.
scent, fesseways, within a bordure, embattled, BiELRY. Crest, a hawk, close, ppr.
or. Crest, a '.exter arm embowed and in ar- Biest, gu. three sheaves of arrows or, banded
mour, holding a dagger, all ppr. and as an az.

augmentation, suspended from the arm an esco- Biest, [Acham, Salop,] gu. three bundles of arrows,
cheon gu. charged as the canton. three in each, two in saltier, and one in pale,
Bickerton, [Cheshire.] The same as Bickerton ar. headed or, bound together of the second.
of Essex see first Dictionary.
Crest, a dexter arm, embowed, vested sa.
BiCKLAND, gu. two lions, rampant, ar. on a holding in the hand ppr. a bow, bent in bend,
quarter sa. a fret or. or.

Bicklev, [Attleborough, Norfolk.] Crest, a Bigbery, [Essex,] az. an eagle, displayed, or.
hind's head ppr. collared ar. a hand, holding a leg in armour,
Bickley, [Devonshire,] ar. a chev. engr. betw. couped above the knee and spurred ppr.
three crows sa. Bigeware, or, a fesse gu. betw. six lozenges az.
Bicknall, or Bicknell, erm. on a chief Bigg, ar. on a fesse betw. three martlets sa. as
gu. a cherub's head ppr. Crest, an angel in a many annulets or. Crest, an arm embowed,
praying posture, betw. two branches of laurel vested .. .. , couped at the shoulder and hold-
in orle ppr. ing a serpent, the tail twisted round the arm.
Bicknell, [London,] ar. two bars gu. over all Bigg, [Iping, Sussex, and Arnwood, Hants,]
a lion, rampant, of the first. Crest, a dragon's erm. on a fesse, engr. betw. three martlets sa.
head, collared, .... as many annulets or. Crest, an eagle's head,
Bicknor. Crest, a pheon erm. couped, and ducally crowned betw. two wings,
Bicknor, [Kent.] The same as Bickenor in the elevated, ....
Dictionary. Bigg. To the last of the name in the first Dic-
Bickwitu, ar. a chev. betw three horses' heads, tionary add Crest, out of a mural coronet,
couped, gu. seven Lochaber axes ppr.
Bickyvorth, vair, a chief erm. Biggar, ar. a bend, counter-embattled, az. betw.
Bidall, or Bydall, ar. a cross and in chief two mullets gu.- Crest, a pelican's head, couped,
two annulets sa. ppr.
BlDDELL, BlDULE, or BlDDELLE, [Stafford- Bigger, [Edinburgh,] ar. a bend embattled,
shire,] ar. three double brackets sa. Crest, a counter-embattled, az. betw. two mullets gu.
demi heraldic tiger, rampant, gu. ducally gorged or. Crest, as Biggar : see first Dictionary.
Biddulph, [Ledbury and Burghill, Hereford- BlGOD, or, on a cross gu. five escallops ar.
shire.] The same Arms as Biddulph of West- Bigot, [Earl of Norfolk,] or, on a cross gu. five
combe. First Crest, a wolf, sejant, ar. charged escallops ar.
on the shoulder with a trefoil, slipped, vert. Bigwaies, vair, a chief gu.
Second Crest, a wolf, sejant, regardant, ar. BlKESBURY, ar a fesse, cottised, sa.
vulned shoulder ppr.
in the Bilesby, [Bylesby, Lincolnshire.] Crest, a leo-
Biddulph, [Clove Court and Brockley, Somerset] pard's head and neck, erased, ar.
The same Arms. -Crest, a wolf, sejant, ar. Bileston, ar. on a bend sa. three martlets of the
BlDLAKE, [Bidlake, Somersetshire.] Crest, a field.

cock, ppr. holding in the beak a trefoil vert. Bilkston, ar. on a bend sa. three mullets of the
Bidlake. See first Dictionary. For birds read first.

pigeons. Bill, or Byle, az. three griffins' heads, erased,

Bidon, gu. a quarter erm. thereon a lion, ram- ar.

pant, az. Bill, [Ashwell, Hertfordshire,] or, a fret sa. within

Biilon, cbequy ar. and gu. on a fesse az. three a bordure, engr. az. on a canton ar. five mart-
round buckles or. lets, in saltier, of the second.
Bidulph, [Bidulph, Staffordshire.] (Another Billers, Leicestershire.]
[Burstall, Arms as
Crest, a wolf, salient, ar.) in the first
Dictionary. Crest, out of a ducal
BlDWELL, or Bydew ell, [Devonshire] The coronet or, an eagle's head, erased, sa.
same Arms as the first in the first Dictionary. Billers, [Lord Mayor of London, 1734.] Crest,
Crest, a hand, couped, in fesse, holding a hurl- a snail in its shell ppr.
ing stone. Billesdon, [Sir Nicholas, Mayor,] az. three
bendlets or, in the sinister chief, a griffin's head, a dexter arm embowed, wielding a sword
erased, of the last. Crest, a demi man in ar- ppr.
mour, holding in the dexter hand a battle-axe, Bindon, [Ireland,] paly of eight or and gu.
ppr. Crest, on a mount vert, a bull, passant, ar.
Billeston, az. two bendlets
or, in the sinister Bing, [Kent.] Crest, a demi pegasus, regardant,
chief a griffin's head, erased, of the second. winged or, holding a flag, in pale, gu.
Billes worth, az. three eagles, displayed, or. Bing, or Byng, [Cambridgeshire,] az. a cross
Crest, a squirrel, sejant, cracking a nut ppr. betw. four lions, rampant, or.
collared or. Binge. See first
Dictionary. Before Kent read
Billing, ar. on a cross betw. four crosses, Wrotham.
bottonee, fitchee, gu. an annulet or. Bingham, or Byngham, or, on a fesse gu.
Billing, [Deding, Oxfordshire.] Crest, an arm, three plates.
couped at the shoulder, resting the elbow on the Bingham, or Byngham, or on a fesse, cottised,
wreath, and holding a spear, in pale gu. three plates.
Billing, or Billinge, or, on a bend, sa. three Bingham, [Lincolnshire,] or, on a fesse gu. three
bucks' heads, erased Crest a buck, water- bougels ar.
tripping, ppr. Bingley. To the one of Nottingham in the
Billingdon, ar. on a saltier, engr. az. five first Dictionary, add, [Confirmed to Richard
fleurs-de-lis or.
Bingley, of Blieth, in Nottinghamshire, by
Billinges, or Billings, [Bedfordshire,] gu. a Richard St. George, Norroy, V&th December,
cross betw. four cross crosslets, fitchee, ar. 1G05.]
Billingham, ar. two bars gu. on a canton Binks, [Durham,] or, a saltier gu. on a chief
of the second, a lion, passant, of the field. az. three lions' heads, erased, ar. Crest, a
Billingham, ar. three ducal crowns or, insides sa. lions' head, erased, betw. two
wings or.
BilUngham, ar. on a saltier, engr. az. five fleurs- Binning, [Wallifoord, Scotland,] ar. on a bend,
de-lis or. Crest, a lion, rampant, double engr. sa. a waggon or, within a bordure of the
queued, ar. second. Crest, a demi horse, furnished for a
Billingham, or Bgrlangham, ar. on a cross, engr. waggon, ppr.
gu. five fleurs-de-lis or. Binns, or, a blackmoor's head, couped, sa.
Billinghurst, [Sussex,] vert, on a fesse ar. Crest, a mortar, mounted, ppr.
betw. two woodbills, saltierwise, in chief, and Binns, [Leeds,] az. a falcon, volant, or.
one erect, in base, of the last, a human heart betw. Binstoun, [Scotland,] .... a lion, salient,
two roses gu. barbed vert, seeded or. Crest, within a bordure, engrr
issuant from a human heart gu. a branch of Bintworth, gu. five lions, rampant, in cross, or.
roses ppr. Biraston, az. a fesse, dancettee, erm. betw.
Billinghurst, [Newport, the Isle of Wight.]
in six crosses, formee, fitchee, ar.
Crest, an eagle, displayed, or, holding in the Birbeck, in the first Dictionary, the field should
beak a cross crosslet, fitchee, ar. be ar.
Bilney, [Norfolk.] Crest, a demi griffin ar. Birchells, or Birchills, ar. on a chev. betw.
holding betw. the paws a buckle sa. three cross crosslets sa. as many fleurs-de-lis of
Bilson, [Hants,] A.rms and Crest, see first Dic- the first.
tionary. [Confirmed by Sir Gilbert Dethick, Birchenstey, alias Bisty, or Birsty, [Bir-
Garter King of Anns, to Arnold Bilson, 10th chenstey, in Lewes, Sussex; and Hever, Kent,]
October, 1582.] gu. a fesse, embattled, erm. betw. three dexter
Bilston, [London,] az. two bendlets .... a gauntlets or.
griffin's head, erased, Birchett, sa. a fesse, dancettee, betw. three
Bilton, paly of four or and gu. a bend sa. eagles, displayed, or. Crest, an heraldic tiger,
Bincester, gu. a chief, crenellee, ar. sejant, vert, ducally gorged or. [Granted to
Binckes, Bincks, or Binks, or, a crescent Joseph Birchett, of Rye, Sussex, 1588.]
az. within an orle of eight martlets gu. Crest, Birchills, ar. on a chev. betw. three cross
a column, winged, gu. crosslets, fitchee, az. as many fleurs-de-lis of
Bind, or Byne, [\\ akehurst, and Bowdell, in the field.
ar. on two bars Birchkill, sa. three garbs and a bordure ar.
Washington, Sussex,] gu. six
martlets or. Crest, a bull's head, couped, az. Bircut, [Scotland,] gu. a chev. engr. betw. three
horned or. cinquefoils ar.
Bindley. Crest, out of a mural coronet .... Bird, [Mattox, Hertfordshire,] ar. a cross pa-
tonce betw. four martlets gu. on a canton az. a crosier, as in the Arms. [Granted bu the Em-
crescent, .... Crest, a martlet, with wings peror Charles V. 27th November, 1546.]
expanded, gu. Bischoff, [Basle, in Switzerland,] ar. on a pile
Bird, or Byrde, a chev. embattled, counter-
sa. az. a crosier, erect, or.
Crest, a crosier, erect,
embattled, ar. Crest, as Bird, of Derbyshire, or, betw. two wings of an imperial eagle, the
in first
Dictionary- [These Arms confirmed, and dexter ar. the sinister sa. These Arms and
the Crest granted, to Thomas Byrde, of Over- Crest are now borne by the descendants of the
locklow, by St. George, Norroy.] above families, living in London, and Leeds.
Bird, [Lincolnshire,] or, on a chev. engr. gu. Yorkshire. [Granted by the Empieror Eudolph,
betw. three lions, rampant, sa. as many fleurs- of Prague, 5th May, 1581.]
de-lis of the first. Bis ei D, gyronny of eight sa. and erm.
Birdbeck, a fesse, componee, or and sa.
az. Biseley, quarterly, or and sa.
betw. three lions'
heads, erased, gu. Bishbery, or Bishbury, ar. two bars, cottised,
Rirgheixt on, ar. three boars' heads, couped, sa.
betw. six cross crosslets gu. Bishop. To the second of the name in the first

Birhoonston, ar. three bears' heads, couped, Dictionary add [Granted by Sir William Se-
betw. six cross crosslets, fitchee, gu. gar, Garter King of Arms, to William Bishop,
Birkes, sa. three garbs or, on a chief ar. as of Hohoay, in the county of Dorset, and Wil-
many torteauxes. Crest, an ear of wheat and liam Bishop, of London, his eldest son and
palm-branch, in saltier, ppr. heir, (descended from Tillington, in Glouces-
Birket, [Cheshire,] Arms as the second of the tershire, and Worcestershire^ 10th August,
name in the first Dictionary. Crest, a goat's 1627.]
head ar. erased gu. tufted and horned or. Bishop, [Norfolk,] ar. on a bend az. cottised gu.
Birkhedd, sa. three garbs or within a bordure three bezants.
ar. Bishop, [Yarmouth, Norfolk.] The same Arms
Birle, or Berke, [Crepings, Sussex.] The as Bishop, of Parham, Sussex.
same as Birle of Essex: see first Dic- Bishop, erm. on a bend, engr. betw. two cottises
tionary. vert, as many bezants.
Birley, ar. a fesse, engr. betw. three trefoils, Bishopdon, [Warwickshire,] az. three bends
slipped, gu. or,a canton erm.
Birn, or Brin, [Ireland,] ar. guttee de sang, a Bishopsdon, or, four bendlets az. a canton erm.
lion, passant, gardant, gu. Crest, a dexter Bishopston. Crest, an arm issuing from a
hand, couped, gu. cloud, in fesse, and holdiug a terrestrial globe,

Birnard, ar. on a bend az. three escallops of all ppr.

the field. BishoptoN, [Warwickshire,] ar. four bends and
Birngham, a bend, lozengy, or.
az. a canton erm.
Birngham, or, on a fesse gu. three water bougets Bishton, ar. abend'sa. betw. six bees, volant,
ar. ppr. Crest, out of a tower an arm, em-

Birningham, [Ireland.] per pale or and az. bowed, in armour, grasping a sword by the
three pheons counterchanged. blade, ppr.
Birrel, o"Birrell, ar. three torteauxes within Bisill, quarterly, or and sa. a baton gu.

a bordure vert, a chief errn. Crest, an arm in Biskell, ar. two lions, rampant, gu. on a can-
armour, embowed, wielding a cimeter, all ppr. ton sa. a fret gu.
BlRTE, [Devonshire.] Crest, a dexter arm, em- Biss, [Durham,] sa. three escallops, in pale, ar.
bowed, lying fe^seways, issuing out of a cloud Crest, on a mount vert, two serpents, inter-
on the sinister, and holding a garland of laurel, laced and erect, or, respecting each other ppr.
ppr. Bissart, or Bisset, [Scotland, aucient,] az. a
Birton, paly of six or and gu. on a
bend sa. bend ar.

three water bougets ar. (another plates.) Bissart, or Bisset, [Scotland, modern,] gu. on a
Birlon, see with Burton in the first Dictionary. cross ar. five escallops az.
Bischoff, [Basle, in Switzerland,] az. a crosier, Bisse, [Codicote, Hertfordshire.] The same as

erect, or. Crest, a demi lion, rampant, or. Bisse, of Somersetshire, see first Dictionary.
az. a bend ar.
[Granted by the Emperor Maximilian, 6th July, BlSSETT, [Darlington, Durham,]
1501.] within a bordure, engr. gu.
on a pile, Bisseyd, or BiSSEiDE, gyronny of eight sa. and
Bischoff, [Basle, in Switzerland,] ar.
reversed, sa. a crosier, erect, or. Crest, a erm.
Bissiode, gyronny of ten sa. and erm. vested gu. holding a broken sword the
Bissixton, bendy of .... az. and or, a canton last.
erm. Blackborne, [Lancashire,] gu. a lion, rampant,
Bissland, Bilsland, or Bullsland, [Ren- double queued ar. crowned or.
frewshire,] ar. on a bend az. betw. three bulls' Blackborne, or Blackburn, [Lancashire,] ar. a
heads, fesseways, couped, sa. as many mascles fesse, nebulee, betw. three mullets, pierced,
of the field. Crest, a bull's head, .... sa. (Another, not pierced.)
BlSTLEY, a chev. engr. sa. betw. three Cor-
ar. Blackborne, [Yorkshire.] The same as the fourth
nish choughs ppr. of the name in the first Dictionary.
Biston, [Lancashire,] as Biston, in the first Blackburn, gu. a lion, rampant, chequy, erm.
Dictionary. and sa. ducally crowned or. Crest, an arm,
Bitteneck, or Bitterer, gu. three bitterns couped at the shoulder, resting the elbow on the
ar. two and one. wreath, and holding a bomb-shell, fired, ppr.
Biiterley, [Cowdrey, Sussex.] Crest, out of Blackden, [Surrey,] erm. three lions, rampant,
a ducal coronet or, a hand, vested . . .
. , gu. within a bordure, engr. sa. (Another, the
a sun ppr. lions ducally crowned or.) Crest, a lion. . . .

Bitton, erm. a fesse gu. Black e, [Suffolk and Essex.] Arms, see first
Bix, [Linsted, near Bapchild, Kent,] vair. Dictionary, with Black. Crest, a hand,
Crest, a demi heraldic tiger, rampant, or, col- couped, and lying fessewa\s, ppr.
lared vair. Blackendon, az. three trefoils, slipped, ar. on
Bixton, ar. on abend sa. three covered cups of a chief, indented, gu. two annulets or.
the first. Blackenhall, per bend or and az. an eagle,
Blachford, [Dorchester, and Chichester, Sus- displayed, counterchanged.
sex,] barry, wavy, of six or and gu. on a chief Black ensop, [Northumberland,] ar. a fesse
az. three pheous ar. Crest, a demi swan, betw. three garbs sa.

springing, ar. guttee sa. Blacker, [BuckinghamandOld Sarum.] Crest,

Blachford, [London and Dorsetshire, 1(359.] Crest, two lions' heads, erased, collared and en-
a demi swan, with wings elevated, ar. guttee dorsed ....
sa. Blacker, [Wiltshire,] or, a chev. erminois, betw.
Black, [Scotland.] To the third of the name three blackamores' heads, couped, ppr. wreathed
add Crest, a demi lion, rampant, ppr. about the temples gu. and sa.
Black, erm. a pile, indented, sa. bezantee betw. Blacket, [Woodcroft, Durham.] The same Arms
two lions' gambs, erased, in chief and base, gu. and Crest as Blacket, of Newcastle. See
over all a bend vert. Crest, an arm, embowed, first
Dictionary. [Confirmed by Sir William
the upper part lying fesseways, purfled at the Flower, Norroy, 1575.]
shoulder .... holding in the hand ppr. a branch Blacket, or, on a chev. betw. three mullets sa. an
of palm vert. eagle, displayed, of the field.
Blackadar, [Blackadar, Scotland, and Ber- Blackhall. To the second in the first Dic-
wickshire.] Arms, as in the first Dictionary. tionary add Crest, a gem-ring or, stoned vert.
Crest, an adder, in pale, sa. holding in the Black ie, [Edinburgh,] ar. on a fesse, betw. two
mouth a rose gu. leaved and stalked vert. lions'heads in chief, and a rose in base gu. three
Blackader, [Fallahall,] gu. on a chev. ar. three crescents of the field. Crest, a tiger, sejant,
roses of the field. ppr.
Black all, [Devon.] Arms, see with Black- Blackingham, [Suffolk,] az. two bars betw.
ball, in the first Dictionary. Crest, a tiger's seven cross crosslets or.
head, erased, ar. issuing out of rays or. [Grant- Blacklock, [Scotland,] ar. three square pad-
ed 28</i July, 1599.] locks sa.
Blackamore, [Cheshire,] or, on a fesse, betw. Blackman, erm. three lions, rampant, ar. within
three blackamores' heads, erased, sa. three a bordure or, semee of crescents az. Crest, a
crescents ar. [Granted by Richard St. George, demi griffin, semee of crescents, and collared
Blackbare, per chev and.... in chief Blackmonster, or Blanchminstkr, ar. a
two cinquefoils erm. a bar, in point, sa. fret gu.
Blackborne, or Blakeborne, [Yorkshire.] Blackney, [Norfolk.] Crest, a harpy ppr.
Arms, see first
Dictionary. Crest, out of a cloud, Blacknys. The same as Blackingham.
issuing ra_\s, an arm, erect from the elbow, Blackshame, gu. on a bend erm, betw. three
plates, as manytrefoils, slipped, vert. Crest, an a fesse sa.a mullet, betw. two crescents of the
acorn or, stalked and leaved vert. first, in base, a rose gn. Crest, a sword, in
Blackstone, [Gibside, Durham.] Crest, a pale, az. hilt and pomel or.
cock, statant, gii. Blair, [Ayrshire,] ar. on a bend az. a star betw.
Blacks tone, [Blackstone, Durham.] The same two crescents of the field, in base, an arrow
Arms. bendways, ppr. feathered and headed ar.
Blackwall, [Derbyshire.] The same as Blair, [Dunskey, Wigtownshire,] ar. on a chev.
Blackwkll, of Ampney-Park. See first betw. three bugle-horns vert, garnished and
Dictionary. stringed gu. a bezant. Crest, a stag, lodged,
Blackwall, [Derbyshire,] per bend ar. and az. an ppr.
eagle, displayed, counterchanged. Blair, [of that Ilk, in the shire of Ayr,] ar. on a
Blackwkll, [Bushey, Hertfordshire.] The saltier sa. nine lozenges or.
same Arms as the second of the name in the Blair, [Blair, Ayrshire.] Arms the same as the
first Dictionary. Crest, as the third of the third in the first
Dictionary. Crest, a stag,
name. lodged, ppr.
Blackicell, [London,] paly of six ar. and az. on a Blake, [Twisel-House, Durham,] ar. a chev.
chief gu. a lion, passant, regardant or. betw. three garbs sa. on a canton az. a fret or.
Blackwill, ar. three trefoils, slipped, sa. on a Crest, a martlet ar. charged on the breast with
chief of the last a lion, rampant, of the second. a fret gu.
Crest, a demi lion, rampant, holding in the Blake, [Essex,] ar. a pale sa. over all, on a bend
paws an anchor ppr. gu. three martlets or. Crest, a dragon's head,
Blackwood, [Ireland,] ar. a saltier sa. on a erased, ar. pellettee.
chief of the last three lozenges of the first. Blake, [Easton, Northamptonshire.] The same
Crest, the sun in splendour ppr. Arms as Blake of Wiltshire; see first
Blackwood, ar. a saltier sa. on a chief of the last Blakeborne, ar. a fesse, nebulee, betw. three
three holly-leaves of the first. Crest, the sun mullets, sa.
rising from clouds ppr. (Another Crest, a hand Blakeford. See Blackford.
holding a couteau sword ppr.) Blakeney. Arms, the same as Blackney of
Bladen, [Glastonbury, Somersetshire.] Crest, Norfolk, Crest, an arm, erect, couped at the
a greyhound's head, erased, ppr. elbow, vested gu. cuff ar. holding in the hand a
Bladericke, or, a lion, rampant, sa. collared sword ppr. hilt and pomel or.

gu. chained gold. Crest, a lion's head, erased, Blakenhall, Blacknoll, or Blacknell.
stuck through the mouth with a sword, in fesse, Arms, as Blacknell, of Warwickshire.
all ppr. Crest, a hand ppr. issuing out of a cloud az.
Bladlow, per chev. ar. and sa. in chief two fesseways, holding a plume of six feathers, two,
greyhounds, respecting each other, of the first, two, and two, ar. and gu. counterchanged.
within a bordure az. charged with eight fleurs- Blakensop, [Northumberland.] The same as
de-lis or. Blenkinsop, of Newcastle.
Blaaloiv, per chev. sa. and ar. two greyhounds, Blakeston, [Seaton, Durham,] ar. two bars
counterchanged. gu. in chief three cocks of the last, within a
Bla dwell. See first Dictionary: before Suf- bordure, engr. az. a crescent for difference.
folk, read Thurlow. Blakeston, [Great Chelten, Durham,] ar. two
Blagden. Arms as Blagden, of Devonshire, bars gu. in chief three cocks of the last. Crest,
in the first Dictionary. Crest, on a tilting- a cock or, collared, combed, and wattled,
spear a lion, passant, ppr. ducally crowned Blakey, [Blakey, Lancashire, 1589,] gu. a chev.
or. vair, betw. three cross crosslets, fitchee, or.
Blage, [Norfolk,] erm. a pile, invecked, sa. be- Crest, a dragon's head, couped, vert, ducally
zantee, a bendlet vert, betw. two lions' gambs, gorged or.
erased, gu. Blakiston, [London and Bona Vista, Lyming-
Blagrove. Crest, a palm-tree, fructed, ppr. ton, Hants.] Arms as Blackstone, of Gib-
Blague, [Suffolk,] ar. two bends, engr. gu. side ; see first
Dictionary. -Crest, a cock gu.
Blaid, [North Wales,] az. a wolf ar. Blakwell. The same as Blackwell.
Blaikie, or Blackie, [Scotland,] ar. on a Blamhill, erm. three torteauxes.
fesse az. three crescents or, in chief two lions' Blamire, [Thackwood, Cumberland, SherifTfor
heads, erased, ppr. the county, 1828,] ar. a lion and bordure gu.
Blain, Blaine, or Blean, [Scotland,] ar. on Crest, a tiger, sejant, gu.
Blamsciiill, ar. a fesse, wavy, az. in chief three Blarne, vair, a crescent gu.
piles gu. Blasy, paly of six ar. and az. a canton gu.
Blanchard, [Wiltshire, and Somersetshire.] Blathwayt, on a chief vert, three crescents

Crest, on the point of a sword, in pale, a of the field. Crest, an eagle, volant, ppr.
mullet BLAUM ESTER, gu. a lion, salient, or, within an
BLANCHES, [Bledlow, Buckinghamshire,] per orle of the second a label of three points,
fesse and erm. three demi lions, nated, az. and vert. Crest, a demi savage,
couped holding a club over his shoulder, all ppr.
Blanch-Waynes, gu. a cinquefoil, pierced, Blauncester, or Blaunster, gu. billcttee,
erm. Crest, a leopard's head, gardant, erased, and a lion, rampant, or, a label, gobony, az.
or. and vert.
Blanchminster, [Cornwall,] ar. three beudlets Blaverhasset. See Bleverhasset in the
sa. over all a chev. erm. first Dictionary.
Blanckiiardon. Crest, a falcon's claw, erased, Blaw, [Castlehill, Scotland,] ar. a saltier az. on
and conjoined to a plume of five ostrich feathers, a chief gu. three escocheons or. Crest, a hand
ppr. in gauntlet, holding a sword, in
pale, ppr.
Bland, or, three standing pots gu. Blaiv, az. a saltier ar. on a chief or, three cushions
Bland, [Yorkshire and London.] Crest, out of gu.
a ducal coronet or, a leopard's head and neck, Blaykeston, [Blaykeston, Thornton Hall, and
ppr. Sadbury, Durham.] Arms the same as Black-
Blandford, [Dorsetshire,] barry of six or and stone, of Gibside, within a bordure, engr. az.
gu. on a chief of the last three plates. Crest, a Crest, a cock or, crested and wattled gu.
dexter hand holding a pistol ppr. Blayne, [Berkshire.] Crest, a greyhound's head
Blane, [Blauefield, Ayrshire; and Culverlands, ar. collared az.
Berkshire,] ar. on a fesse sa. betw. an anchor, Blayds, [Oulton House, near Leeds, Yorkshire,]
erect, in chief, entwined with a serpent ppr. az. a fesseerm. in base, a sword, erect, ppr. on a
aud a rose gu. in base, a crescent betw. two chief ar. a pale gu. betw. two leopards' faces of
mullets of the field. Crest, a sword, erect, the third, the pale charged with a garb of the
ppr. fourth. Crest, a demi leopard, collared and
Blane, or Blain, [Scotland,] ar. on a fesse gu. a chained or, holding in the dexter paw a sword,
mullet betw. two crescents of the first, in base erect, ppr.
a rose of the second. Crest, as above. Bleckett, ar. a fesse, wavy, betw. six cross
Blanearn, [Scotland,] az. on a chev. ar. a crosslets gu.
buckle of the first, betw. two mullets gu. in Bleddyn, [Wales.] Crest, a boar, passant, sa.
base a heron, devouring a salmon, of the bristled ar.
second. Bledery, [Wales,] ar. three bulls' heads sa.
Blaney, [Herefordshire,] sa. three nags' heads, Blpdlow, [London,] per chev. az. and purp. in
erased, ar. Crest, a nag's head, couped, ar. chief two lions, rampant, combatant, sa. in base
maned and tufted sa. bridled gu. three crosses, pattee, two and one, of the first,
Blaney, [Montgomeryshire,] per pale or and gu. all within a bordure az. charged with eight
two lions, endorsed, counterchanged. fleurs-de-lis or. Crest, in the sea, an anchor, ppr.
Blaney, [London,] sa. a trefoil or, betw. three Blemill, or Blomill, [France,] ar. two lo-
horses' heads, erased, ar. Crest, a horse's head, zenges in fesse az. a label of four (another five)
couped, ar. in complete armour ppr. bridled points gu.
az. Blenchfield, [Ireland,] per pale, indented, gu.
Blank. Arms and Crest, see first
Dictionary. and erm.
[Confirmed to Thomas Blank, Alderman of Blencko, [Sussex.] Arms, see first Dictionary
London, by Sir Gilbert Dethick, Garter King with Blencow. Crest, two damask roses, slipped
of Arms, 10/A October, 16th Elizabeth] and budded, ppr.
Blank, ar. on a fesse az. three hawks' bells or. Blenkesop, gu. three garbs, within a bordure,
Blankinsop, [Cumberland,] gu. six bezants engr. or.
within a bordure, engr. ar. Blenkinsop, [Birtley, Durham,] per pale ar.
Blanson, gyrouny of four gu. and az. three and a fesse betw. three garbs, all counter-
annulets or, on a chief of the last a fret vert. changed.
Blanson, gyronny of four az. and gu. three annu- Blenkinsop, [Newcastle and Northumberland,] ar.
lets or, on a chief ar. a fret sa. a fesse betw. three garbs sa.
Blenshell, or Blinshall, [Aberdeen,] az. Bliss. Crest, an arm from the elbow, holding
on a mullet git. betw. two martlets sa.
tes.se ar. a a bundle of four arrows, points downwards, ....
in base, a chev. of the second ; on a chief ar. Blith. See Blythe.
two holly-leaves vert, betw. as many mullets of Blithe, [Derbyshire.] The same as Blithe, of
the third. Crest, a holly-leaf vert. London, 1575; see first Dictionary. [Confirmed
Bleson, az. three greyhounds' heads, erased, ar. by Sir William Seyar, Garter.]
collared and ringed or. Blithe, [Derbyshire.] To the tenth of the name
Blethin, [Wales,] sa. a chev. betw. three spears' in the first
Dictionary add [Granted to Wil-
heads ar. embrued ppr. liam Blithe, of Norton, in Derbyshire, bi/ Wil-
Blevet, [Norfolk] vert, a chev. betw. three liam Flower, Norroy, llth December, 1506.]
eagles, displayed, or. Blithe, [Rotherham, Yorkshire.] The same.
Blewet, [Devonshire.] The same as the twelfth Blithe, [Lincolnshire,] or, a lion, rampant, betw.
of the name in the first
Dictionary. three descents az.
Blewet, [Gloucestershire,] or, a chev. betw. five Blithe. To the first of the name in the first Dic-
eagles, displayed, vert. tionary add [These Arms confirmed and the
Blewet, [Lincolnshire,] or, a fesse sa. in chief Crest granted to Geoi ye Blithe, of Lincoln's Inn,
three lozenges gu. descended out of Derbysldre, by Robert Cook,
BLiiWF.TS, or, an eagle, displayed, with two Clarenceux, 19/A April, 1575.]
heads gu. Blithe, or Blythe, [Lincolnshire, 1590,] or, a chev.
Bleys, sa. a falcon, close, ar. membered or. betw. three lions, rampant, gardant, sa. Crest,
Bliant, ar. on a cross gu. five escallops or. on a tower, embattled, a lion, passant, ar.
Blick, or Blicke, erminois, on a fesse sa. three Blithe, or Blyth, [Strawson, alias Strawkton,
leopards' faces ar. Crest, a hawk's lure az. Lincolnshire.] The same Arms and Crest as the
ringed or. second Blithe, of London, in the first Dictionary.
Blicke, az. ou a chev. ar. betw. two lions, ram- Blithfield, per pale, indented, ar. and sa.
pant, combatant, in chief, and an eagle, with Blithjield, gvronny of eight ar. and gu.
wings depressed, in base, or, a garb vert, betw. Blizard, or Blizzard, ar. a chev. sa. in chief
two cross crosslets gu. Crest, out of a coronet, three crosses moline az. Crest, a lady's arm,
composed of five fleurs-de-lis, two lions' heads, erect, and round the wrist a bracelet.
addorsed, ppr. Bloadle, ar. a chev. gu. betw. three mullets
BLIETH, [Lincolnshire,] sa. a chief, indented, or. sa.

Crest, a stag, statant, or, collared and lines Blobhall, or, on a chief, indented, gu. two
rtflexed over the back ar. gauntlets of the first. Crest, two lions' gambs,
Bligh, az. a griflin, segreant, or, betw. three in saltier, erased, ar. supporting two truncheons
crescents ar. Crest, a griffin's head, erased, gu. [Granted by William Camden, Claren-
or. ceux, to William Blobhall, of Meudeham, Suf-
Blighe. The same Arms. Crest, a dexter arm folk, 27lh May, 1614.]
.... couped at the elbow, holding a battle- Blogase, [Scotland,] ar. a lion, rampant, sa.
axe .... within a bordure az.
Blir E, az. on a chev. ar. betw. two garbs, in chief, Block horn E, ar. a bend, gobony, sa. and or,
or, and a wolf, salient, in base, of the second, over all a cross gu.
an eagle, displayed, sa. betw. two cross cross- Blodenham, [Ireland,] or, a lion, rampant, gu.
lets gu. Crest, on a ducal coronet or, an eagle, within a bordure, compony, ar. and az.
rising, ppr. holding in the beak a cross crosslet, Blodlowe, ar. a chev. sa. betw. three griffins'
fitchee, sa. heads, erased, gu. Crest, a lion, rampant, sa.
Blimhill, era. four mascles in fesse gu. charged on the neck with three bezants, in bend,
Blinchkield, per fesse, indented, gu. and sinister.
erm. Blodwell, [Thorlew, Suffolk,] per pale ar. and
BLINCKARNE. To the one in the first Dictionary gu. a lion, rampant, sa.
add [These Arms and Crest (/ranted to Thomas Bloet. See Blewet.
Blinckarne, of Chiselhurst, Kent, son of George Blois, or Bloys, [Grundisburgh Hall and Cock-
Blinckarne, of Holbech, Lincolnshire, by Sir field Hall, Suffolk.] Arms, see Blays in the
Edward Walker, Garter, 1663.] first Dictionary. Crest, a gauntlet ppr.
Bunco, or Blinckow, gu. a canton ar. Blois, De, gu. three pallets vaire or aud gu. on
Blioberis, ar. three bendlets gu. betw. eight a chief ar. an eagle, displayed. Crest, a lion,
crescents sa. one, three, three, and one. rampant, gardant, gu.
Blomberg, [Somersetshire,] quarterly; first, ar. Crest, a dexter hand, fesseways, couped, gu.
demi spread eagle, per a cross crosslet, fitchee, in pale, sa.
a pale, issuing from the holding
sinister . . .second, ar. on a fesse sa. a billet,
. ; Bloose-Lynch, [Ireland,] az. a chev. betw.
fesseways, voided, betw of the same, all three trefoils, slipped, or. Crest, a wolf, pas-
counterchanged; third as the second, fourth as sant, crowned ar.
the first, the demi eagle issuing from the dex- Blorogayle, ar. three bugle-horns sa. stringed
ter. or.
Blomf.fi eld, ar. a chev. gu. betw. three trefoils Bloss, [Ipswich, Suffolk.] Crest, a demi angei,
vert.Crest, two wings, extended, ppr. holding in the dexter hand a griffin's head,
Blomfield, orBLooMFiELD, az. a lion, passant, erased, ....
gardant, ar. Crest, as above. Blossett, paly of six or and az. a chief gu.
Blomfield, [Attleborougb, Norfolk,] sa. on a Blossom E. To the second of the name add
chev. ar. a branch of laurel betw. two bomb- Crest, out of a ducal coronet or, a hand holding
shells, fired, ppr. on a canton or, a spear's head a swan's head and neck, erased, ....
az. embrued gu. Crest, out of a mural crown Blossome. To the last of the name in the first
ar. a demi heraldic
tiger az. armed and tufted Dictionary add Crest, a ram, passant, ppr.
or, collared of the first, holding a broken sword Blott, az. a fesse ar.
ppr. Blound, lozengy or and sa.
Blomfield, [Soutbwark, Surrey,] az. a lion, pas- Bloundeville. The same as Blundeyille.
sant, gardant, in chief an escallop or. Blount. To the one of London and Glouces-
Blomfield, quarterly, per fesse, indented, ar. ter in the first Dictionary add [Confirmed to
and az. a bend gu. [Borne by Dr. C. J. Blom- William Blount, descended from Mangerfield, in
field, Lord Bishop of Loudon, 1832.] Gloucestershire, by Robert Cooke, Clarenceux ,

Blommart, gu. three piles sinister, bendways, 16th November, 1572.]

ar. Crest, an arm, couped and embowed, rest- Blount, or Blunt, [Essex,] quarterly, ar. and gu.
ing the elbow on the wreath, holding a sword in three eagles, displayed, two and one, and over
pale, enfiled with a savage's head, couped, all a betid sa.
ppr. Blount, [Soddington, Worcestershire, and Mawly,
Blomney, [Ireland,] sa. a chev. betw. three Salop,] barry, nebulee, of six or and sa. Crest,
leopards' faces ppr. an armed foot in the sun ppr.
Blon. The same as Bloen in the first Dic- Blount, gu. on a fesse betw. six martlets ar. a
tionary. crescent az. Crest, in a crescent az. two
Blond, Le, ar. three towers gu.
[Ireland,] swans' heads and necks, reversed, ar. the one
Crest, on achapeaugu. turned up erm. a game- over the other, each holding in the beak an an-
cock ppr. nulet gu.
Blondell, per pale ar. and sa. Blount, [Warwick and Earl of Devonshire,] barry,
Blondesden, or Blondeston, ar. a saltier wavy, of eight or and sa. (some say barry, ne-
gu. fretty or, betw. four escallops of the se- bulee.)
cond. Blowfield, az a chev. ar. surmounted by ano-
Blondeston, [Blondeston, Suffolk,] ar. six ther or, betw. three trefoils, slipped, of the
cross crosslets, fitchee, sa. a chief vair. second.
Blondy, lozengy or and sa. Bloxham, or Bloxam, ar. a saltier vert.

Blonfyld, or, three torteauxes and a canton Crest, a shuttle az.

erm. Bloyan, Blovhaw, or Bloywe. The same
Blonveill, ar. four fusils, in fesse, gu. as the second Bloyne, in the first Diction-
Blood, [Ireland,] quarterly, ar. and az. on each ary.
a quatrefoil, counterchanged. Crest, a talbot's Bloye, sa. a falcon ar. belled or. Crest, a
head collared or.
sa. mullet gu. betw. two branches of palm, in orle,
Blood, or, three bucks, lodged, ppr. Crest, a vert.
buck's head, erased, ppr. attired or, holding in Bloyew, sa. a chev. engr. ar.

the mouth an arrow gold. Blovhaw, ar. a saltier gu. betw. four tor-
Blond, a fesse betw. six martlets .... teauxes.
Crest, a demi figure of Neptune, holding in Bloyn, [Cornwall.] The same as the second
the dexter hand a trident, all ppr. Bloyne in the first Dictionary.

Bloodworth, ar. three bars sa. in chief as Bluet, [Harlixton,] ar. a fesse sa. in chief,
many torteauxes, all within a bordure erm. three lozenges gu.
Blufield, per fesse gu. and sa. a fesse, in- shoulder, and a star on the hip, holding betw.
dented on the under part, ar. Crest, a demi the paws five arrows, four in saltier and one in
greyhound, wounded on the breast with an ar- fesse, upon the top.
row ppr. Boatfield, ar. a lion, rampant, gu. debruised
Blumworth, or, two bends gu. in chief, three by a saltier sa. Crest, five arrows sa. enfiled
torteauxes. with a ducal coronet or.

Blundell, gu. a chev. betw. three unicorns' Bobson, or Bobsone, [Essex,] or, a fesse,
heads, erased, ar. gobony, gu. and sa. betw. two chev. of the
Blundell, paly of six ar. and gu. last.

Blundell, [Ireland,] gu. three pales ar. Bocerf.UX, chequy or and gu. a .. .. vair.

Blundell, [Cardington, Bedfordshire,] .... nine Bogie, gu. a chev. or betw. three plates.
billets, on a canton .... a bird. Bock, gyronny of sixteen gu. and or, an orle
Blunden, [Castle Blunden, Kilkenny,] ar. a counterchanged. Crest, a hawk's leg and wing
lion, passant, gardant, gu. conjoined, belled and jessed, all ppr.
Blunden, [Ireland,] ar. a lion, passant, sa. in the Bocket, ar. a cross gu. surmounted by two bars
dexter paw a trefoil, slipped, vert. Crest, on az. Crest, a horse's head, in profile, betw. two
the point of a spear a dolphin, naiant, ppr. wings, endorsed,
Blunder, per pale erm. and sa. a chev. engr. Booking, or Boking, [Ashbokingham, Suffolk.]
counterchanged. The same as the fifth of the name in the first
Blundeston, [Lincolnshire,] ar. six cross cross- Dictionary.
lets, fitchee, sa. a chief vair. Backing, [Bucknam-Castle, Suffolk.] Arms, see
Blundevile, or Blundeville, [Norfolk,] first
Dictionary. Crest, ajnan's head and neck,
quarterly, or and az. a baton, in bend, gu. couped at the shoulders, ar.
Blundeville, quarterly, per fesse, indented, Booking, [Suffolk,] ar. a fesse, uudee, betw.
or and az. (another ar. and az.) a bend gu. three crosses, bottonee, fitchee, gu.
Blunson, per saltier az. and gu. four annulets Booking. To the third of the name in the first
in cross or. Dictionary add Crest, on a chapeau gu. turned
Blunstone, or Bl.UNDESTONE, [Suffolk.] up erm. a leopard, passant, ppr.
Crest, the sun rising ppr. Booking E, [Suffolk,] ar. a fesse, nebulee, betw.
Blunt, az. on a chev. erm. betw. three estoiles three cross crosslets, gu.
ar. as many lozenges gu. Crest, a horse's head, Bockinger, ar. a bend betw. six crosses, flurt,

couped, ppr. bridled ar. on the head a plume of gu.

ostrich-feathers of the last. Bockingham, [Suffolk.] Crest, on a chapeau
Blunt, [London; Clery, Hampshire; and Croy- gu. turned up erm. a lion, statant, gardant, ....
don, Surrey,] barry, nebulee, of six or and sa. collared and ducally crowned (another,
Crest, the sun in glory, charged on the cen- the lion in the arms salient.)
tre with an eye issuing tears, all ppr. Bockley, vert, three chev. ar. on a canton az. a
Blunt. See Blount. saltier of the second. Crest, the sun shining on
Blythe, [Lincolnshire,] or, a lion, rampant, per a demi eagle with two heads, in flames, ppr,
fesse az. and gu. betw. three crescents of the Bock monster, ar. a lion, rampant, sa. within
second. an orle of fleurs-de-lis of the second. (Another,
Blythe. See Blithe. the field flory.)
Blythman, [Essex,] vert, on a fesse, betw. Bockwill, or Beckwell, ar. on a chief sa.
three lions, rampant, ar. as many fleurs-de-lis three boars' heads, erased, or.
gu. Boddie, [Essex,] see first Dictionary. [These
Boag. See Bog. Arms confirmed, and the Crest granted, (as also
Boak, or, a pale gu. in chief, two frets, in base, the augmentation on the canton,) to John Bod-
another, counterchanged. Crest, a beacon, die,by Robert Cook, C/arenceux, 16/ A February,
fired ppr. 1589.]
Boardman, ar. a chev. vert, within a bordure Boddington, sa. on a chev. erm. a demi lion,

gu. Crest, a lion, sejant, collared and lined rampant, gu.

or. Bode, [Bay ley and Koch ford, Essex.] Arms
Boas, [Cornwall,] ar. on a chev. engr. gu. five and Crest as in first Dictionary.
bezants, betw. an anchor, in base, and two Bodell. Crest, a dexter arm, embowed,
birds, in chief, with wings, erect, or. Crest, a vested .... stabbing, with a sword, a squirrel,
demi lion, charged with three bezants on the sejant, regardant, ppr.
Bod ELL EV, ar. a cinquefoil gu. betw. two bars Bodyham, ar. a fesse, dancettee, sa. each point
sa.thereon three square buckles of the first. charged with a bezant.
Bodelsgate on a bend three Boe, ar. a stag, trippant, ppr. armed
gu. on a
mullets chief of the last three birds of the first.
Bodenham, or Bodinham, [Hereford.] See Boevey, [Flaxley- Abbey, Gloucestershire,] ermi-
Dictionary. [Confirmed to Roger Boden- nois, on a fesse az. betw. three herons ppr. a
ham, of Herefordshire, by Sir Gilbert Dethick, saltier betw. two cross crosslets, fitchee, or, on
Garter King of Arms, \9th February, a chief erm. a bend gu. charged with three
1579.] guttes d'or betw. two martlets sa. Crest, on a
Bodenham, [Biddenden, Kent.] The same as mount vert, a heron ppr. gorged with a collar
Bodenham, of Hereford. or, holding in the dexter claw a saltier of the
Bodenham. (Another Crest, out of a ducal coro- last.
net or, a wing- sa.) Bog, Bogg, or Boag, [Scotland.] Crest, a
Bodenfielu, ar. a lion, rampant, sa. within an sand-glass ppr.
orle of eight crosses, pattee, of the second. Bog, or Bogg, [Lincolnshire.] The same Arms
Crest, an eagle's head, erased, betw. two wings as the third of the name in the first Dictionary.
ar. ducally crowned or. Boge. The same as the first Bogg in the first
Boding ton. Crest, a lion's gamb, grasping a Dictionary.
cimeter ppr. Boggis, or Boggs, per chev. gu. and ar. three
Bodkin. Crest, a pillar sa. crescents, counterchanged. Crest, the sail of
Bod leigh, sa. a goat, rampant, ar. armed or. a ship ppr.
Bodlin, [Devonshire,] or, a saltier betw. four Bogie, or Boggie, az. on a chev. or, betw.
martlets gu. three fleurs-de-lis ar. as many mullets gu.
Bodrigan, three bends gu.
ar. Crest, a dexter Crest, a pascal lamb ppr.
hand, erect, tied round the wrist with a ribbon. Bogley, az. a saltier, voided, or, betw. four
Bodrington, ar. three bends gu. spears' heads ar. Crest, on three grieces gu.
Bodrugan, [Cornwall,] ar. three bends gu. a cross sa.
Bodulgate, gu. two lions, passant, gardant, Bogue, ar. a chev. gu. in chief three cinquefoils
ar. az. and in base a boar's head, couped and erect,
Bodulgate, az. two lions, passant, or. of the last.

Bodwell, gyrouny of eight, first, sa. a chev. Boham, az. three garbs or.
betw. three fleurs-de-lis ar. ; second, az. a chev. Bohan. The same Arms as Bohun of Lincoln,
betw. three spears' heads ar. third, gu. three ;
see first
helmets ar. vizors or; fourth, three roses ar. Boh u me, [Hertfordshire.] The same as Bohun,
seeded or fifth, gu. a chev. betw. three lions,
Earl of Hereford.
rampant, ar. ; sixth, gu. a lion's head, erased, Bohun, [Earl of Hereford,] az. a bend ar. cot-
gardant, ppr. ; seventh gu. a chev. ar. betw. tised or, betw. six lions, rampant, gold.
three savages' heads, couped, ppr.; eighth, .... Bohun, [Earl of Northampton.] The same, the
a chev. ar. betw. three stags' heads, cabossed, bend charged with three mullets gu.
or. Bohun, az. a bend ar. cottised or.
BodWIDA, sa. a chev. betw. three fleurs-de-lis Boig. See Bog.
ar. Crest, a dexter arm, in armour, embowed, Boileau, gu. three garbs ar. Crest, a heart,
ppr. holding a fleur-de-lis or. inflamed, ppr.
Body, [Hampshire, 1589.] See Boddie. Boiley, quarterly, per fesse, indented, az.andar.
Body, [Worcestershire,] ar. on a fesse az. three Boiline, gu. three saltiers ar.
pelicans, vulning themselves,
or. Boillarde, az. a saltier, engr. or.
Bodyam, gyronny of eight, gu. and sa. three Bois, ar. two bars and a canton gu. Crest, a
demi men, couped below thenavel, ar. wreathed stag's head ar. attired gu.
betw the attires a
about the temples, within two bordures or, mound or.
charged with eight crosses, pattee, fitchee, Boisseau, gu. three lions, rampant, ar.
sa. Bokebond, sa. three eagles, displayed, or, two

Bodyam, or Bodyham, ar. on a fesse, dancettee, and one.

sa. six bezants. Bok eland, sa. on a chev. ar. three mullets,

pierced, of the first, on a canton or,

Bodyham, on a bend, indented,
ar. az. a beud- a lion,
let or. Crest, a pegasus at speed, wings en- passant, gardant, gu. Crest, an eagle's head,
dorsed, and ducally gorged. couped, gu. wings chequy or and vert.
Bokeland, ar. an eagle, displayed, regardant, sa. Boliialgh. The same as the first Bolhalth
armed or. Crest, a lion, rampant, holding hetw. in the first Dictionary.
his paws a pair of scales ppr. Bolhalth. To the second of the name in the
Bokeland, gu. two lions, rampant, ar. a canton firstDictionary add Crest, from the top of a
or, fretty sa.
tower an arm, embowed, holding a spear in
Bokenham, [Norfolk.] The same Arms as the fesse.
third of the name
in the first Dictionary. Crest, Boline, three bars, indented, gu.
three mullets two and one. Bolingbroke, az. a fesse ar.
Bokkring, chequy, ar. and gu. a bend az. Bolingbrohe, sa. a chev. betw. three
pillars or, a
Boket, or, ((mother ar.) three piles gu. within a label of three points ar.
bordure az. Bolington, sa. a chev. betw. three crescents
Bokewell, see first Dictionary, the field ar. or.
Boking. See Booking. Bolland, [Clapham, Surrey,] gu. on a fesse
Bokingham, [Suffolk.] The same as Boking- erm. betw. three bezants, as many pegs sa.
ham; see with Bokenham in the first Dictiona- Crest, an eagle's head, erased, ppr. gorged
ry. with a collar erm. and holding in the beak a peg
Bokingham, or, a lion, rampant, gu. on a bend sa.
az. three bezants. (Another of Norfolk, the Bolle, [Osberton, Nottinghamshire, descended
field ar.) from Suffolk,] az. three boars' heads, in dishes,

Bokingham, gu. a cross, bottonee, or. ar. Crest, a stag's head, erased, sa. attired and
Bokorton. The same as Bokelton in the first eared or, charged with a fesse of the last, and

Dictionary. a pale, conjoined thereto on the under part, ar.

Bokvlton, barry of ten gu. and or. betw. two plates.
Boland, [Devonshire,] az. three bird-bolts or. Bolle, alias Bolles. See Bowles.
Crest, out of a ducal coronet, or, an arm from Bollen, ar. a chev. gu. betw. three bulls' heads,
the elbow, holding a bunch of three arrows, in couped, sa. Crest, a talbot gu. collared and
bend, sinister, .... leashed or.
Boldbroke, ar. a fesse, wavy, betw. three hel- Boller, ar. a chev. gu. betw. three bulls' heads,
mets. cabossed, sa.
Bolder, [Tornham, St. Martin's, Suffolk,] per Bolles, [London,] az. three boars' heads ar. in
pale or and az. a saltier counterchanged. as many bowles or, two and one.
Boldero, or Boluehuwe, az. on a chev. betw. Bo L let is, gu. a bend, fusilly, or.
three lions' heads, erased, ar. as many martlets Bolley, or, fretty sa. on a chief of the second
gu. Crest, a roundle vert. three plates.
Bolderoe, [Suffolk,] per pale ar. and az. a sal- Bollingbroke. To the second of the name in
tier, counterchanged, on a chief or, three the first
Dictionary, add Crest, a hat az.
griffins'heads, erased, of the second, langued turned up ar. three ostrich-feathers
gu. Crest, a lion's gamb, erased, or, armed Bollings. Crest, a martlet ar.
gu. holding a saltier az. Bollourd, [London.] The same asBoLLEYNE,
BOLDISGATE, or BoLDSGATE, gll. two lioilS, Bolleyn in the first Dictionary.
see with
passant, ar. crowned or. Bollowrd, sa. a harvest-fly, volant, in pale, or.
Boldsworth, erm. on a chev. gu. three escal- Bolls, [Suffolk,]a chev. gu. betw. three

lops ar. boars' heads sa. on a chief.... a lion's head,

Boldwell, [Suffolk,] per pale ar. and gu. a erased, betw. two lozenges or.
lion, rampant, sa. Bolon, [Devonshire,] az. three bird-bolts or,
Boleche, Bo loch, or Boleigh, ar. on a chev. two and one.
sa. betw. three torteauxes as many bezants. Bolourd, or Bollourd, sa. a
butterfly, volant,
Bolerouse, [Devonshire,] chequy or and gu. ar. Crest, out of a ducal coronet or, a demi
on a chev. az. three horse-shoes ar. eagle gu.
Boleyn, ar. a lion, passant, regardant, gu. betw. Bolron, [Cheshire.] Crest, an eagle, displayed,
three bulls' heads, couped, sa. sa.
Bolger, [St. Austin's, near Arklow, Ireland,] Bolron. To the first of the name in the first Dic-
gu. an oak-tree, eradicated, ppr. crossing the tionary, add
Crest, an arm, couped at the
stem near the root a greyhound, courant, ar. shoulder, resting the elbow on the wreath, and
Crest, an escallop, reversed, or. holding a sword, in pale, enfiled with a savage's
Bolger, [Wexford and Kilkenny.] The same. head.
Bolron, ar. a bend, lozengy, betw. six hammers gu. bezantee, holding in the beak an ear of
with claws sa. Crest, a dove, volant, sa. wheat or.
Bolron, ar. abend, betw. six lozenges and tbree Bond, [Dorsetshire,] sa. a fesse or.

pick-axes sa. Bond, [Hampshire,] ar. two bends and a cross,

Bolstrode, ar. a fesse, dancettee, sa. betw. bottonee, sa.
three pellets. See Bulstrode, in the first Bond, ar. a chev. betw. three bezants.
Dictionary. Bond, [Ireland,] ar. a chev. gu. betw. three an-
Boltby, or Boltebv, [Northumberland,] ar. nulets or. Crest, a lion, sejant, ar.
on a fesse sa. three garbs or. Bond, ar. on a chev. pean, three bezants,
Bolter. To the second of the name in the first Bond, [Dorsetshire, per Bysshe, Garter,] quarterly,
Dictionary, add Crest, a lion's head, erased, first and fourth sa. a fesse or, second and third
sa. imperially crowned or. ar. on a chev. sa. three bezants.
Boiler, [Devonshire,] erm. on a chev. purp. three Bond, [Ireland.] Arms, the same as the third
bird-bolts ar. Bonde in the first
Dictionary. Crest, an os-
Bolthorpe, ar. on a chev. sa. five fleurs-de-lis trich's head betw. two branches of palm in
of the field. Crest, a demi heraldic tiger, ram- orle,
pant, or, ducally gorged ar. Bond, [Chester, Essex, and Devonshire.] Anns
Bolton, [Yorkshire,] ar. on a chev. gu. three as Bond, of Peck ham, Surrey. Crest, out of
lions, passant, of the field. a ducal coronet, a cubit arm in armour or,
Bolton, [Yorkshire,] ar. on a bend gu. three holding in the hand a broken sword, all ppr.
leopards' faces of the first. Bondbury, [Cheshire,] ar. ou a bend sa. three
Bolton, ar. a chev. betw. three leopards, passant, rooks of the first.

gu- Bonde. To the last of the name in the first Dic-

Bolton. See first Dictionary: before Norfolk, tionary add Crest, an old man's head in pro-
read Burston. file
ppr. hair sa.
Bolumbill, erm. tbree mascles, in bend, gu. Bondlar, ar. a Cornish chough ppr.
Boluron, sa. on a chief ar. a cross patonce of Bondon, quarterly, sa. and or, in the first quarter,
the first. lion, passant, ar.
Bolytent, or, a saltier, engr. sa. (Another Bone, or Boun. Crest, a sword and key in
adds a label of three points gu.) saltier ppr.
Bome, ar. on a bend az. three fleurs-de-lis Bonefait, [Sheperetb, Cambridgeshire, and
or. Suffolk,] ar on a bend gu. three Catherine
Bom ford, [Ireland,] az. on a fesse erm. three wheels or.
cross crosslets, fitchee, gu. Crest, an eagle, BONEFIELD, BONFELD, BONEFELD, BONNE-
displayed, holding in the dexter claw a dagger. FELD, az. a chev. betw. tbree pears or.
BoMULL, [Devonshire,] sa. six mullets ar. Boneham, or Bonham.
Arms, see with Bon-
Bomyilers, or Bonvylers, ar. a bend betw. ham in the first Dictionary.Crest, a pheon in
eight billets sa. pale, point downwards, therein part of a broken
Bon, ar. a chev. betw. three bugle-horns, stringed shaft, ppr.
sa. Bonekill, [Scotland,] ar. a chev. vert betw.
Bon Le, ar. a chev. betw. three quatrefoils, slipped, three martlets gu. within a bordure of the last.
gu. Crest, out of a ducal coronet or, a plume Crest, a demi man in armour, brandishing a
of ostrich-feathers ar. sword, all ppr.
BoHAR, [Kimmerghame, Scotland,] ar. a saltier Boner, erm. a chief, indented, gu.
az. on a chief sa. three escallops of the first. Bonesby, sa. a fesse, vair, betw. three water
Crest, a sword, in pale, ppr. bougets, or.
Bonavile, or Bonyill, [Devonshire,] or, a Bon est, [London and Hertfordshire,] vert, two
bend sa. bars, gemelle, betw. three roses ar. Crest, a
Bon brut, ar. a saltier purp. talbot's head, couped, ar.
Bon brute, purp. a saltier ar. Bonfoy. Arms and
Crest, see first Dictionary.
Bon bury, ar. on a bend sa. three chess-rooks of To the Crest add, the arm enfiled with a chap-
the field. letof Cyprus, ppr. [Granted by Sir Edivard
Bond, [Wardend, Warwickshire,] on a chev. ar. Bysshe, Garter King of Arms, 1657.]
sa. betw. three hurts, as many estoiles or, on a Bonham, [Wiltshire.] Crest, the stump of a
chief gu. three cin(|uefoils of the field. Crest, tree, lying fesseways, sprouting out fresh
a demi cock az. wings elevated and endorsed branches, ensigned with a fleur-de-lis.
Bonham, [Essex and London,] gu. a chev. griffin, segreant, gu. legged and beaked
wavy betw. three crosses, pattee, fitchee,
ar. Bon vile, [Ireland, j per pale ar. and or.
Bonham, gu. a chev. wavy betw. three crosses, Bonvill, [Irelaud,] sa. six mullets ar. pierced
formee, ar. gu.
Bonham, [Suffolk,] gu. a chev. engr. betw. three Bonvill, or, on a bend sa. six mullets pierced
crosses, pattee, fitchee in the foot ar. ar.

Bonham, [Suffolk.] The same Arras as Bonham, Bonyl, [Suffolk,] quarterly or and sa.
of Petersfield, Hants; see first Dictionary. Bonysted, [Essex,] az. a fesse or.
Boniface. Crest, a talbot, passant, sa. Boo dam, [Lincolnshire,] per pale sa. and erm.
Boniman, ar. a bonicerbus's head, couped, an eagle, displayed, or. Crest, an estoile of
ppr. eight rays or.
Boningham, sa. a chev. or betw. three fleurs-de- Booclam, [Lincolnshire,] per pale gu. and erm.
lis ar. an eagle, displayed, or.
Bonitham. The same as Bonytham, see first Boodle, or, five piles, three issuing from the
Dictionary. chief, and two from the base az. Crest, a
Bonlausant, ar. on an escocheon gu. within horse's head and neck, transpierced by a spear,
an orle of martlets of the last, a crescent of the in bend, ppr.
first. Bookey, gu. on a bend ar. three martlets sa.
Bonn, az. a bend ar. cottised or, betw. six lions, within a bordure of the second. Crest, a dove,
rampant, of the last. See Bohun. volant, ar. holding in the beak a sprig of laurel,
Bonn, gu. a crescent erm. within an orle of mart- vert.
lets or. Bookinge, ar.on a bend gu. three mullets or.
Bonnam, or Bonham, [Hampshire,] gu. a chev. Boold, ar. on a quarter gu. a cross, patonce,
wavy, betw. three crosses, formee, fitchee, or.
ar. Boolde, or Bould, ar. two chev. gu. on a
Bonne. The same as the first Bone in the first canton of the second a cross crosslet of the
Dictionary. first.

Bonnett, a lion, rampant, gu. within a bor-

or, Boole, or Boyle, [Balburny,] az. three stags'
dure sa. Crest, an arm in armour, in fesse, horns ar.
holding a cross crosslet, fitchee, az. Boon, or Boone, az. on a bend ar. cottised or,
Bonnevall, [France,] ar. on a fesse az. three betw. two lions, rampant, of the second, three
escallops or. escallops gu. Crest, a hand holding a sheaf of
Bonney, ar. five escallops in cross az. Crest, a arrows, points downwards, ppr.
square padlock, ppr. Boonfoy, az. on a cross ar. a man's heart gu.
Bonnington, [Bennington, Kent,] vert, three Bourne, [Battle, Sussex,] or, three squirrels,
conies ar sejant, ppr. a cuief gu. in the dexter corner
Bonnullurs, [France,] sa. a bend betw. six a cross, pattee, of the field. Crest, a stag's
billets ar. head gu. guttee and attired ar.
Bonnyman. Arms as Bonyman of Scotland, Boors, erm. three bendlets gu. Crest, an eel
see first
Dictionary. Crest, a spur betw. two naiant, az.
wings ppr. Booth, [Dunham Massy, Cheshire,] az. three
Bon shaw, ar. three rose-leaves, slipped, vert. boars' heads, erect and erased, sa. langued gu.
Crest, a dexter hand, issuing from a cloud Crest, a lion, passant, ar.
fesseways, holding a sword in pale, on the point Booth, [Old Durham.] The same Arms as Booth,
a chaplet of laurel, all ppr. of Derbyshire, with an annulet for difference.
Bontefort, erm. a saltier engr. gu. Booth, [Silksworth, Durham.] The same, without
Bonteine, [Milldovan,] ar. a bend engr. gu. the annulet.
betw. three bunting birds, ppr. Crest, an ar- Booth, [Salford Lane,] sa. three boars' heads,
millary sphere ppr. erect and erased or, a crescent for difference.
Bonten. Crest, a griffin, segreant, holding in Crest, two laurel branches, vert, orleways,
the fore-paw a sword in pale thereon a lion, passant, ar.
Bonton, or, a lion, rampant, double queued az. Booth, [Norfolk,] az. three boars' heads, couped,
Crest, an arm from the elbow holding a ar. each holding in its mouth a cross crosslet,
millrind. fitchee, or.
Bontreaux, or Bontreux, [Cornwall,] ar. a Booth by, [Marchanton, Staffordshire, London,
and Friday Hall, Essex.] The same as Booth- Borhum, ar. a fesse, betw. six martlets gu.
by, of Derbyshire. See first Dictionary. Borking, [Suffolk,] ar. a fesse, nebulee, betw.
Bootle, sa. three mural crowns ar. Crest, a six cross crosslets gu. Another, the cross cross-
leopard, couchant, or, spotted gu. lets fitchee.

Bootry, [Bury St. Edmunds, Suffolk,] az. on Borlacey, [Cheshire,] the same as Borlace.
a chev. betw. three cross crosslets, fitchee, or, See first
as many boars' heads, couped, gu. Borle, per pale, indented, or'and sa.
Boraster, [Worcester and Hertford,] see Borlton, per fesse, indented, sa. and ar six
Boraston, in the first Dictionary. [Granted to fleurs-de-lis counterchanged.
Philip Boraston, or Bureslon, January, 160b'.] Bornan, gu. a chev. or, betw. three lions'heads,
Boraston, [Lincolnshire.] The same Arms as erased, ar.
Boraston, of Worcestershire. Borne, or Bourn, [Worcestershire,] ar. a
Borcetre, ar. three lions' heads, erased, sa. chev. betw. three lions, rampant, gu. a chief
Crest, a cornet ppr. erm.
Borded, az. on two bars, or, six mullets gu. Bornebie, ar. two bars gu. in chief a lion,
BoRDELEYS, BoRDELEY, BORDELEIS, Or passant, of the second.
Bordeloys, [Cambridgeshire,] erm. on a chief Boron. Crest, a dragon's head betw. two dra-
gu. a lion, passant, or, (another gardant, ano- gons' wings sa. collared or.
ther regardant.] Crest, an Indian goat salient, Borough, per chev. ar. and erm. two chev. sa.
in the mouth a bunch of trefoil betw. three chaplets gu.
Bordell, ar. on a fesse az. three mullets or. Borouijh, [Baseldon Park, Berkshire,] or, in base
BoRDETT, [Leicestershire,] az. on two bends a dolphin, naiant in waves of the sea, ppr.
ar. three martlets gu. two and one. Crest, three plates, surmounted by a plume of
Boreham, or Borham, ar. three boars' heads, five ostrich feathers, ar.

couped, sa. Crest, on a mural coronet ppr. a Borough, [Northam, Devon.] See first Dic-
serpent, nowed, vert. tionary. [Granted 27th January, 158(5.]
Borehed, sa. a boar's head, couped at the neck, Borowe, ar. a chev. erm. fimbriated sa. betw.
ar. armed and langued or. three chaplets of flowers gu.
Borehont, [Hants.] Crest, on a mural coro- Borowe, or Boroiv, az fretty and semee-de-lis or.
net ppr. a serpent, nowed, vert. BORRADAILE, BoRRODAILE, or BoRADAlLE,
Borelands, [Edinburgh,] barry of six ar. and or, three water bougets, in pale, sa. betw. two
gu. over all a boar, rampant, az. Crest, a roundles gu. a chief vert. Crest, out of a
broken lance ppr. tower a demi greyhound, holding betw. the
Boreley, or Borseley, [Wilts] Crest, a paws a branch of laurel ppr.
rock, in the cliff a Cornish chough ppr. Borrett, [Dowbiggin in Sadberge, Yorkshire,]
Borell, or BuRRELL, [Hereford, and Broome ar. three boars' heads sa. Crest, a lion, pas-
Park, Northumberland.] Arms, see BoRELL sant, ....
with BuRRELL, in the first Dictionary. Crest, Borris, [Essex,] erm. on a chief, indented, sa.
a naked arm, embowed, ppr. charged with three two lions, rampant, or.

pellets, in the hand a buuch of leaves, vert, Borriworth, ar. a saltier sa. a label gu.
fructed, or. Borrohegh, purp. a lion, rampant, tail forked,

Boreman, [Devonshire,] erm. on a bend, cot- ar.

three boars' beads or.
tised, sa. Borrough, [Weckham Brook, Suffolk,] or, two
Borenger, or, a cross vert, over all a bend gu. chev. betw. three chaplets vert. Crest, a grif-
Boreston, or Borreston, quarterly, ar. and fin's head, couped, ar. charged with two chev.

sa. on a bend, cottised, gu. three crosses, pat- vert.

tee, fitchee, or. Crest, a parrot, vert, breasted BoRROWES, [Ireland,] or, on a cross gu. five
gu - mullets on a canton of the second a lion,

Borge, [Essex.] The same as Borge, of Suf- passant, of the field. Crest, a lion, sejant, ar.
folk. See first
Dictionary. ducally crowned or.

Borghuon, ar. three cinquefoils sa. within a Borrowhall, [Ireland,] paly of six ar. and sa.
bordure, engr. of the last. on a bend gu. three escallops or.

Borgillon, quarterly, or and gu. a bend sa. Borrowman, [Scotland,] ar. a chev. betw.
in the second and third quarters six annulets ar. three martlets gu. within a bordure of the last.
Borhont, or Borham. Crest, on a mural Crest, a demi man, in armour, brandishing a
coronet ppr. a serpent, nowed, vert. sword, all ppr.
Bors, barry of six or and sa. an inescocheon, Bosevile, ar. five
lozenges, in fesse, gu. in chief
gyronny of eight, erm. and sa. three rams' heads, erased, .... Crest, a ram,
BoRSELLE, ar. a fesse az. Crest, over the stump passant, .... behind it an oak-tree.
of an oak-tree an eagle, volant, ppr. Bosshe, Bosh, Boshe, Boshey, or Bisshe,
Borsey. The same as Bors. erm. on a chief, embattled, gu. three leopards'
Borston, az. two besoms, in saltier, or. Crest, heads, or.
a dagger, in pale, ppr. pomelled or. Bossu, [Earl of Leicester,] gu. a cinquefoil
Bortereacx, chequy or and gu. on a chev. az. erm.
three horse-shoes ar. Boston, ar. three bats' wings sa.

Borthwick, [Borthwick, Scotland.] Arms, as Bostradepons, [Scotland,] gu. a cross sa.

the fourth of the name in the first Dictionary. counter-compony ar. and of the second, betw.
Crest, a savage's head, couped, ppr. four lions, rampant, or. Crest, an estoile of
Borthwick, [Cruxton, Scotland.] The same eight points, radiated, or.
Arms. Crest, an eagle, displayed, sa. on the Bosuilly, ar. five fusils, in fesse, gu. in chief
breast a sallier ar. three greyhounds' heads, erased, sa.
Borthwick, [Hartside, Scotland.] The same Bosum, [Devonshire,] az. three bird-bolts ar.

Arms, with a crescent sa. surmounted of ano- headed or.

ther, or, in the centre. Crest, a hart's head, Bosum, [Windley, Norfolk,] ar. three boars'
erased, gu. attired or, devouring a serpent. heads, couped, az. Crest, a talbot's head,
Borthwick, [Mayshiels, Scotland.] Arms, as the erased, ar. eared and ducally crowned or.
last of the name in the first Dictionary. Crest, Bosum, [Lincolnshire,] ar. three bird-bolts, iu pale,
an eagle, rising, ppr. gu.
Borthwick, [Muirhouse, Scotland,] ar. three Bosvile, [Ireland,] ar. five fusils, in fesse, gu.
cinquefoils sa. in the centre a crescent of the last, in chief three bears' heads, erased, sa. muz-
surmounted by another of the first. Crest, a peli- zled or. Crest, a bull, statant, the hinder part
can with wings, expanded, or, valuing herself ppr. behind a clump of oak-trees ppr.
Borthwick, Arms and Crest
[Stow, Scotland.] Bosville, [Erdesley and Doncaster, Yorkshire,
name in the first Dictionary.
as the fifth of the and Bradborne, Kent.] The same arms as Bos-
Bortus, or Brati'S, [Scotland,] sa. a bend, vill of Staffordshire, in the first Dictionary.
betw. three piles, issuing from the chief, and a Bosweli,, [Norfolk,] ar. five fusils, in fesse,
crescent, in base, all ar. betw. three bears' heads, erased, gu. muzzled
BoRUN, three bird bolts gu. fea-
[Norfolk,] ar. or.
thered and headed or, two and one. Bosweli, [Chuert, Yorkshire,] ar. five fusils, in
Bosanquet, [Monmouthshire, Lincoln's Inn, fesse, gu. in chief three martlets sa.
London, Hertfordshire, and Northumberland.] Bosweli, [Auchinleck, Ayrshire.] Arms, the same
Arms and Crest as in the first Dictionary. as the seventh of the name in the first Dic-
Bosavern three escallops, in pale, belw. tionary. Crest, a falcon ppr. hooded gu. belled
six birds, respecting each other or.

Bosdon, ar. a fesse sa. betw. three fish-hooks of Bosweli, [Balmuto, Scotland.] The same Arms.
the second. Crest, a hand, holding a cimeter, ppr.
Boseley, ar. on a fesse, betw. three cinquefoils Bosweli, [Glassmount, Scotland, descended from
sa. as many fleurs-de-lis or. the above,] ar. on a fesse, invecked, sa. three
Bosenyle, ar. a fesse, engr. gu. in chief, three cinquefoils of the field; quartering, Aber-
mullets sa. NETHY.
Bosistow, or Bosustowe, az. three escallops, Bosweli, [Dorven, Scotland.] The same, all within
vair. a burdure, indented, gu.
Bosne, gu. a cinquefoil erm. Crest, a cock- Bos worth. To the first of the name iu the first
atrice, displayed, .... Dictionary add. Crest, a lily, slipped and
Boss, [Ryton-Grove, Durham,] gu. a cinquefoil leaved, ppr.
erm. Crest, out of a naval coronet ppr. a cubit Botatort, [Norfolk.] Crest, out of a mural
arm holding a billet coronet, six spears in saltier ppr.
Bossam, Bossum, or Bosum, [Cornwall.] See Boteler, [Lancashire.] Crest, a covered cup,
Bosom E, in the first Dictionary. or.

Bossard, [Ireland.] The same as Bossard, in Boteler, [Fendrayton, Cambridge, 1575.] ar.
the first Dictionary. three covered cups, iu bend, betw. two cot-
Bossawsack, .... a saltier engr tises, engr. sa. Crest, the head and neck of a
cockatrice vert, ducally gorged, beaked, combed, Bothallgh, sa. a chev. ar. and canton erm.

and wattled, or, betw. two dragons' wings, ex- Bothe, cockatrice or, combed gu.
sa. a

panded, ar. Bothe, ar. three horse shoes within an orle of six
Boteler, [Watton and Hatfield, Woodhall and cross crosslets, fitchee, sa.
Brantfield, Hertfordshire,] gu. a fesse, counter- Bothe, ar. three horse-shoes, in fesse, betw. six
cross crosslets, fitchee, sa.
compony, ar. and sa. betw. six cross crosslets
of the "second. Crest, as in the first Dic- Bothe, cockatrice ar.
sa. a

tionary. Bothe, [Lancashire,] ar. three boars' heads sa.

two and one.
Note. These are the proper Arms of Boteler, of Wat-
of Arms, Bothe, barry of six az. and ar. over all a bend,
ton, Woodhall, though in the books of the College
the Arms of John Lord Boteler, of Brantfield, are entered,
gobouy, or and gu.
counter componee, ar. and sa. betw. six Both well,
gu. fesse,
of the second."
[Lord, Holyrood-House,] az. on
crosses, pattee, fitchee, at the foot, a chev. betw. three trefoils, slipped, or, a
Boteler, [Pulrebach and Norbury, Salop.] The crescent gu. Crest, a naked boy, pulling down
same Arms and Crest. the top of a green pine-tree, ppr.
Boteler, [Sir William, Lord Mayor of London,] Bothwell, [Glencorse, Scotland.] The same.
ar. on a fesse, compony, az. and purp. betw. six Bolhwell, [Foord.] The same, without the
cross crosslets, sa. three annulets or. Crest, a crescent.
boar's head and neck, couped, per pale, gu. and Botingham, or Bottingham, ar. three bends
az. tusked or. gu.
Boteler, three boars, passant, in pale, betw.
ar. Botlerer, [Westmoreland,] gu. a fesse, counter
as many crosses, formee, gu. compony, ar. and sa. betw. fourteen cross cross-
Boteler, ar. a fesse betw. three escallops sa. lets, or.

Boteler, ar. on a bend gu. three chev.

[Essex,] Botreaux, [Cockermouth, Cumberland.] Crest,
erm. a dove standing on a hill
Boteler, [Gloucestershire,] gu. a fesse, counter Botreaux, ar. a griffin, segreant, az. Crest, a
ar. and sa. betw. six cross, formee, man holding a flail, the handle ar. the other
fitchee, of the second. part or, his legs ar. coat gu. cap ppr.
Boteler, or Boteller, [Kek eland, Cheshire.] The Botrell, [Salop,] cheqny or, and gu. on a
same as Boteler, of London. See first Dic- chev. of the second, three fleurs-de-lis of the
Boteler," [Lancashire,] gu. a bend or, betw. three Botrell, or Bolkell, chequy or and gu. on a chev.
sa. az. three horse-shoes of the first.
Boteller, ermines a chev. betw. three covered Botreux, [Cornwall.] Crest, two branches of
or. laurel, in saltier ppr.
Boteller, ar. three covered cups in bend sa. Botreux, or Botercaulx, [Devon.] Crest, a dove
cottised gu. standing on a hill ppr.
BoTEREAUX. See first Dictionary :
before Corn- Botrikan, ar. three bends gu.
wall read Boscastle. Botringam, a bendlet gu.

Boterell, gu. eight bezants, two, three,

two Bott, [Staffordshire.] Crest, on a glove a falcon
and one, a canton ar. ppr.
Botereux, ar. a griflin, segreant, gu. beaked Bottell, ar. a fesse betw. three escallops sa.

and membered az. Crest, an escallop az.

Botereux, paly, wavy, of six or and gu. Bottell, gu. a chev. betw. three combs ar.
Boterker, a fesse, betw. three escallops sa.
ar. Bottell, or, a tower, triple towered, az.
Boteravike. To the second of the name add Bottelles, [Northumberland,] az. in chief three
Crest, a hawk, holding in the dexter claw an annulets or, an inescocheon ar. within a bordure
ear of wheat, ppr. or.
Botterells, [chequy or and gu. on a chev. az.
Bote^hed, sa. three lozenges, in fesse, ar. betw.
as many bucks' heads, cabossed, or. Crest, a three horse-shoes ar.

stag's head ar. Bottescourt, or, three bendlets az. a canton ar.
Botetort, see Botatort, in the first Dic- Bottlesham, gu. three bird-bolts ar. Crest,
an escallop betw. two wings.
Botevillam, or Botv ELLA1N E, [Northumber- Bottom LEY, erm. a bordure, chequy, or and sa.
The same as Botvellaine, in the Crest, out of a tower a demi lion, rampant,
first Dictionary. ppr.
Bottom, a pale, wavy, sa.
ar. tonee, fitchee, sa. on a chief gu. a goat in full
course of the field.
Botton, or Bottons, ar. a bend, engr. sa. a label
BoUHAM, az. on a bend, cottised, ar. betw. six
Botton, [Yorkshire,] ar. on a bend gu. three leo- lions, rampant, or, a lozenge charged with
three lions, passant,
pards' heads of the field.

Bottonley, guttee de larmes, a bend

sa. ar. Bouie, [Scotland,] or, a saltier and cross gu.
Crest, a hawk standing on a fish ppr. Boulby, or Bowlby, sa. three hinds' heads,
Bottourt, ar.a saltier, engr. sa. erased, ar. Crest, two branches of thorn, in

[Essex,] chequy or and gu. a chev.

Bottrell, orle, ppr.
ar. Bould, [Cheshire,] ar. a griffin, segreant, sa.
Bottrells, or Botrell, [Salop,] chequy or armed gu.
and gu. on a chev. az. three fleurs-de-lis of the Bould, [Lancashire,] ar. a chev. over all a bend
first. gu. on a canton of the last a cross, pattee, or.
ar. a sa.
Boucher, engr. gu. betw. four water
ar. a cross, Bould, [Lancashire,] griffin, segreant,
sa. an old man's head, side
Crest, within a bordure gu.
faced, ppr. couped at the shoulders, habited Boulde, [Boulde, Lancashire,] ar. a griffin, pas-
vert, collared or, on his head a ducal coronet sant, sa. Crest, out of a ducal coronet or, a
a long cap hanging forward head sa. beaked gu. betw. two wings
gold, out of which griffin's

gu. tasselled or. gold.

N.B. These Arms and Crest are borne by William Bouldeston, [Devonshire,] ar. a cross az. betw.
four cross crosslets, fitchee, of the last.
Boucher, Esq. of Thornhill House, Shaftesbury, Dor-
setshire, 1832, the Arms and Crest described in the first Bouldsworth, or Bouldesworth, [Che-
Dictionary being erroneous. See Plate of Arms in Sup- erm. on a chev. gu. three escallops ar.
Bouler, sa. a maunch or.

Boucher, [London, and Poulstou, Worcestershire,] Boulesworth, erm. on a chev. gu. three es-
sa. a chev. erm. betw. three leopards, statant,
callops or.
or. Crest, on a mount vert, a greyhound, Bouling, sa. an inescocheon erm. in an orle of
sejant, ar. ducally gorged and lined or, at the martlets ar. Crest, a garb or.
end a ring sa. Boulkely, ar.on a fesse gu. three mullets of
Boueton, ar. a chev. betw. three fleurs-de-lis sa. the field, in chief two boars' heads, couped,
Bough ey, [Cotton, Staffordshire.] an Crest, sa.

angel, in a praying posture, betw. two branches Boull, az. on a bend or, three chess-rooks
of laurel, in orle, ppr. gu.
Bougheyn, sa. three garbs or, two and one. Boult, see Bolt.
Boughton, [Cawston, Warwickshire,] ar. three Boultbee, or Boultbie, az. a chev. betw.
crescents sa. three sarbs or. Crest, out of a ducal coronet
Boughton, [Lawford, Warwickshire, Rouse Lench, or, a demi boar ppr.
Worcestershire, Downtou-Hall, Salop, and Boulton, Crab, [Ipsley, Warwickshire] The
Corney-House, Chiswick, Middlesex,] ar. on a same as Boulton of Gibbon Grove, Surrey, in
chev. betw. three crosslets, bottonee, fitchee, the first Dictionary with Bolton.
sa. as many stags' heads, cabossed, or, on a Boulton, sa. a falcon ppr. belled ar. armed gu. on
chief gu. a goat, passant, of the field. [Granted a canton or, a sea-crab of the third.
by Hen. VIII. Bound, and
az. three daggers, paleways, ar. hilts

Boughton, [Lawford, or Lawsou, Warwickshire,] pomels or. Crest, on the top of a tower a
ar. three crescents sa. demi lion, rampant, ppr.
Boughton, [Warwickshire,] or, three crescents Boune three crescents ... .

sa. Bounn, or Boun, ar. on an inescocheon gu. a

Boughton, [Parva Lawford, Warwickshire,] ar. crescent of the first within an orle of martlets
on a chev. three bucks' heads, cabossed, or.
sa. of the second. Crest, a sword and key, in sal-
Boucjhton, [Kent,] gu. a fesse, dancettee, betw. tier, ppr.
three goats' heads, erased, ar. attired or. Bounton, [Scotland.] As Bounten in the first
Boughton, [Yorkshire,] ar. on a bend sa. three Dictionary.
martlets or. Bourch, [Ireland,] gu. a chev. ar. in chief a
Boughton. To the ninth of the name in the first lion, passant, or. Crest, a demi lion, passant,
Dictionary add, of Woolwich. gu. holding in the dexter paw a fleur-de-lis or.
Boughton, ar. a chev. betw. three crosses, bot- Bourchier, [Brantfield, Hertfordshire.] The
same Arms and Crest as the third of the name a lion's head, erased, ar. Crest, out of a ducal
in the first Dictionary. coronet or, an eagle's head ppr.
Bourchier, [Kent,] ar. a cross, engr. gu. betw. Boustead, vert, on a cross betw. four cinque-
four water bougets sa. within a bordure, gobo- foils ar. a rose of the field. Crest, on a lion's
uated, or and gu. (Another with seven bezants head, erased, ppr. a chapeau gu. turned up
on the bordure.) erm.
BouRDEN. Crest, a buncli of grapes, fructed, ppr. Boutevillayne, or Boutevillain, or, three
BoURDETT, [Cambridgeshire,] az. two bends or. crescents gu.
Boure, or Bowert, sa. a cross, sarcelly, ar. Bouteville, barry of ten or and sa.
Boure, a cross, pattee, or; (another ar.)
sa. Bouteflower, vert, a chev. in chief three
Boure, ar. on an inescocheou within an orle of fleurs-de-lis ....
martlets gu. a crescent of the first. Eouth, [Barton, Cheshire.] See Boulh in the
Bourgat, or Bourgate,
[Suffolk,] paly of six first
ar. and sa. three pales sa.)
(another ar. Bouton, or, a lion, rampant, tail, forked, az.
Bourgeois, gu. a bend or, and chief ar. See Boughton.
Bourgh, ar. on a fesse sa. three bezants. Bouvier, or, abend, vaire, or and purp. betw.
Bourgh. See Burgh in the first Dictionary. two cottises gu. Crest, an eagle, with wings
Bourghe, [Earl of Ulster,] or, a cross gu. expanded, ppr.
Bourgonge. See with Burgonge in the first Bouze. The same as Boicz.
Dictionary. Bovile, [Bedingham and Letheringham, Suffolk.]
Bourke, or, a cross gu. in the dexter chief Arms, see first
Dictionary. Crest, a demi friar,
quarter a lion, rampant, sa.
in the sinister chief holding in the hand a crucifix, ppr.
quarter a sinister hand, couped at the wrist, of Bovyll, quarterly ar. and sa. Crest, a bull,
the last. Crest, a tabby cat, sejant, ppr. col- passant, quarterly, sa. and or.
lared and chained or. Bowden, Bowdan, or Bodon, [Marburg,
Bourken, ar. on a fesse .... betw. three boars' Cheshire.] Crest, a bezant, charged with a
heads, couped, in pale, sa. a cross through- lion's head, erased, gu. collared,

out .... Bowden, or Bowdan, [Lincolnshire.] The same

Bourlacey, ar. on a bend sa. two arms, issuing Arms as the second of the name in the first
out of clouds and rending a horse-shoe, ar. Dictionary.
Crest, on a mount vert, a wolf, statant, regar- Bowdler, ar. two Cornish choughs, in pale,
dant, ar. wounded in the shoulder by an arrow, ppr. Crest, dexter arm, embowed, ppr.
and holding the upper part in the mouth. grasping an arrow of the last.
Bourley, ar. a lion, rampant, sa. over all a fesse, BowdoN, quarterly gu. and or, in the first quar-
ter a lion, passant, of the second.
chequy, or and az.
Bourne-Sturges. See Sturges-Bourne. Bowdon. To the first of the name, with Bowden
Bourne, [Sharested, in Doddington, Kent,] ar. in the first Dictionary. Crest, on a chapeau gu.
on a bend az. three lions, rampant, gardant, or. turned up erm. a fox, sejant, ppr.
Bourne, [Oxfordshire.] The same as Bourne of Bowe, ar. on a bend az. three wolves' heads ar.
Somersetshire in the first Dictionary. the first, holding in the mouth a bird.
Bourne. To the one of Wells in the first Dic- Bowegh, az. three fleurs-de-lis erm.
tionary add [These Arms confirmed, and the Bowen, [Oxfordshire,] Arms and Crest, the
Crest (/ranted by Sir William Dethick, Garter, same as the first of the name in the first Dic-
1591, to Richard Bourne, of Wells, Soinerset- tionary.
shire, sometime of London."] Bowen. To the one of London in the first Dic-
Bourne, [Gilbert, Bishop
of Bath and Wells, ob. tionary, add Crest, on a mount vert, out of
1560, brother of the above Richard.] The same. a pallisado coronet ar. an eagle, regardant, with
Bournell, [Ireland,] three piles, humettee,
sa. wings endorsed and extended ppr. holding
and in chief as many crescents ar. in the dexter claw a fleur-de-lis or.

Bournett, or, three bars gu. Bower, sa. three demi lions, passant, in bend,
Boursor, ar. a cross, engr. gu. betw. four water betw. two bendlets ar. [Borne by Ambrose
bougets sa. Bower, of Betsworth-Castle, Surrey, created
Bourtynet, [Tournay,] gu. an inescocheon a Baronet, 7th July, 1627.]
betw. three martlets ar. (another or.) Boiver, [Oxenfield, Durham,] .... a naked leg
Bourwash, [Ireland,] gu. a lion, rampant, or. standing, embowed at the knee and couped at
Bousfield, gu. three chev. fretted or, in chief the thigh, transpierced by a spear above the
knee, the shaft broken and hanging down, .... ing in the dexter paw a dagger ppr. Another
on a canton a tower triple towered, on Crest, three barley stalks, leaved, ppr.
each, three towers BoWKER, ar. a bendlet betw. two eagles, dis-
Bower, [Oxenfield, Durham,] gu. a human leg, played, az.
coupecl at the thigh, or, vulned and transfixed Bowland, [London,] sa. two (launches ar. three
by a spear broken
cheveronways, the point eagles displayed, counterchanged, betw. four
downwards to the sinister, ppr. on a canton az. bezants.
surmounted by the dexter half of the spear, Bowland, sa. an eagle, displayed, ar. betw. four
the arch of a bridge, embattled, of the third, . . bezants, each charged with a cross crosslet,
thereon a castle, triple-towered, of the second. fitchee, of the
first, betw, two (launches of the
Crest, a human leg, couped at the thigh, ppr. second each charged with an eagle, displayed,

charged above the knee with a plate, and dis- of the field. Crest, two demi ducks, with
tilling therefrom drops of blood ppr. wings displayed, and respecting each other, the
Borver, [Scotland.] Crest, a dexter and sinister dexter ar. the sinister sa. beaked or.
arm, discharging an arrow from a bow, all ppr. Bowland. To the first of the name in the first

Bower, [Wells, Somersetshire,] gu. on a saltier Dictionary add [These Arms confirmed, and
or, five trefoils, slipped, vert. the Crest (/ranted, to Richard Bowland, of
Bowerbank, ar. two roundles gu. betw. three London, Esq. by Robert Cook, Clarenceux,
mullets, in fesse, az. Crest, a demi savage ppr. 27th February, 1573.]
wreathed about the head and middle with leaves, BoWLBY, [Durham,] az. three martlets ar.
vert. Bowld, [Lancashire,] ar. a griffin's head, erased,
Bowert, or Boure, sa. a cross, sarcelly, ar. sa.

Bowes, ar. fretty of six az. on a canton gu. a Bowle, ar. a chev. betw. three bitterns' heads,
lion's head, erased, or. Crest, a lion's head, erased, sa.
erased, or, gorged with a chaplet of laurel, Bowles, or Boulles, [Wallington, Herts,] ar.
vert. on a chev. betw. three boars' heads, couped, sa.
Bowes, erm. three long bows, stringed, sa. on a as many escallops or, all within a bordure sa.
chief, or, a swan, holding in the beak a gem bezantee. Crest, out of a ducal coronet az. a
ring, betw. two leopards ar. Crest, a demi leo- boar's head, couped, lying fesseways, sa. betw.
pard, rampant, gardant, gu. holding a bundle two wings, expanded, gu. billettee, or.
of arrows, feathered, ar. headed or, banded Bowles, [Herefordshire.] The same as the above,
vert. the bordure without the bezants.
Bowes, [Streatlam, Durham.] Arms as the Bow let, [Suffolk,] ar. on a bend engr. sa. three
firstof the name in the first Dictionary. Crest, fleurs-de-lis of the field.
eight arrows in saltier, and one in pale, or, fea- Bowleton, [Norfolk,] erm. a saltier gu.
thered and headed ar. tied together in the Bowling an inescocheou erm. within an
middle with a siring az. orle of eight martlets
Bowes, [Biddick, Durham.] The same. Bow maker, [Scotland,] ar. a mullet or, within
Bowes, [Thornton, and Cocken, Durham, and a bordure az. charged with eight cinquefoils of
Newcastle-upon-Tyne. Visitation, 1666,] erm. the first.
three long bows, bent paleways, in fesse, Bowman, [Scotland,] ar. a savage ppr. discharg-
gu. in chief three torteauxes. Crest, eight ing an arrow from a bow, or, stringed gu. Crest,
arrows, interlaced, in saltier, the points ar. a demi blackamore, discharging an arrow from a
barbed or, bound together with a ribbon gu. bow, all ppr.
tasselled of the second. Boicman, ar. two bows gu. stringed or, fretted in
Bowett, [Rippengale, Lincolnshire, and Hors- saltier.

ford, Norfolk.] The same Arms and Crest, as Bown, az. on a cross or, a rose gu. stalked and
Bowet, in the first Dictionary. leaved vert.
Crest, a hand holding an es-
Bowett, [Archbishop of York, and Treasurer of cocheon, charged with a rose.
England, ob. 1423 ] The same Arms. Bown, or, a cross az.
Bow fort, or, a saltier, engr. sa. Bown AS, az. a bend, cottised, or. Crest, out
Bowghton, or Boughton, [Warwickshire,] of a ducal coronet a sceptre, environed with
ar. on a chev. betw. three crosses, pomelle, sa. two serpents betw. as many wings ppr.
as many bucks' heads or, on a chief gu. a goat, Bowne, az. a bend betw. three cross crosslets,

passant, of the field. fitchee, or.

Bowie. Crest, a demi lion, rampant, az. hold- Bowne, or Bowyn. Crest, on the top of a tower,
an eagle, with wings endorsed, holding in the Bowze, or Bouze, ar. on an escocheon, within
beak an acorn, slipped and leaved, vert. an orle of martlets gu. a crescent or.
BownES. Crest, an oak-tree ppr. therefrom, Box, [London,] az. a lion, passant, chequy ar.
pendent, an escocheon gu. and gu. betw. three griffins' heads, erased,
Bowood, .... three bulls, passant or.

Bowreman, [Brooke, in the Isle

of Wight,] jBo.r, az. a lion, passant, ar. guttee gu. betw.
erm. on a bend, cottised, sa. three boars' heads, three griffins' heads, erased, or. Crest, a demi
couped, or. Crest, a bull's head, erased, or, griffin or, winged az. the first feather gold,
horns twisted or and sa. [Borne by the Rev. holding betw. the claws a fire-ball of the first,
Thomas Bowreman, Rector of Brooke, 1832.] flamed gu.
Bow res, erm. on a chief, indented, sa. two Box, gu. a buck's head, cabossed, or.
lions, passant, in pale, or. Box, [Sussex ] The same as the last but one of
Bow ring. Crest, a parrot vert, feeding on a that name
in the first Dictionary.
bunch of berries ppr. Box, a bend betw six lions, rampant, gu.
Bows, [London,] erm. three bows, bent in fesse, Box ell, or Boxall, gu. a chev. erm. Crest,
gu. stringed sa. on a chief az. a swan ppr. an eagle's head, erased, in fesse, holding a fea-
betw. two leopards' heads or. ther, in pale, ppr.
BowSCER. See first Dictionary :
before Glou- Boxhull, or, a lion, rampant, az. tail forked,
cestershire, read of Stoti. fretty, ar.
Bowtell, [Barham Hall, Suffolk,] .... on a Boxhull, or Boxmell, [Sussex.] Crest, two an-
fesse .... betw. two Cornish choughs .... chors, in saltier, az.
three escallops. Boxle, or, two bars, inverted on the upper and
Bowth, or Bouth, sa. a cockatrice ar. engr. on the lower ....
Bowtheby, [Lincolnshire,] ar. on a chev. sa. Boxsted. To the third of the name in the first
a lion's paw, erased, in bend, or. Dictionary add Crest, a hand issuing from the
Bowton, sa. three crescents or. wreath, holding a thistle ppr.
Bowyer. Arms, asBoWYER, of Camberwell, Box worth, [Cambridgeshire,] or, a lion, ram-
Surrey, the cottises gu. Crest, as Bowyer, pant, gu. collared ar.
of Knipersley. [Confirmed to Ralph Bowyer, Boyard, ar. a lion, rampant, betw. three cross
of Lincolnshire, Esq. descended from William crosslets, fitchee, gu. on a canton az. a garb
Bowyer, of Knipersley, in the county of Staf- or. Crest, on a mount vert, out of a tower a
ford, by Sir William Dethick, Garter King demi dragon, with wings elevated and endorsed
of Arms, 9th April, 1576.] or.

Bowyer, az. on a saltier ar. five trefoils, slipped, Boyce, or Boyse, ar. on a bend sa. three
vert. cinquefoils or. Crest, a star of six points or,
Bowyer, .... a chev. floretty on the upper side, within a crescent ar.
betw. three goats' heads, erased, .... Crest, Boyd, [Danson, Kent.] The same Arms and
an arm couped at the shoulder, embowed and Crest as the first Bo yde, in the first Diction-
erect, habited .... holding in the hand a ser- ary.
pent near the head, and entwined round the Boydell, [Cheshire.] Crest, a stag, statant,
arm, ppr. transfixed in the side by an arrow, in bend si-
Bowyer, [London.] The same Arms as Bowyer, nister.
of Lincoln, 1570. Crest, out of a castle gu. Boydell, ar. a cross pattee or.
a demi griffin, segreant, or. Boyer, on a chev. betw. three lions' heads,

Boicyer, per pale, embattled gu. and az. three erased, or, as many towers of the field, ou a
long bows, in bend, their ends pointing towards chief, barry, wavy, of six sa. and ar. an anchor
the sinister chief and dexter base, or, betw. two betw. two frets of the second. Crest, a lady's
bomb- shells of the last, enfiamed, ppr. Crest, arm from the elbow, erect, ppr. having on a
an arm embowed, habited gu. cuff or, en- bracelet sa.
vironed below the elbow with an eastern coronet Boyer, az. on a saltier or, three trefoils, slipped,
of the last, the hand grasping a dagger, all ppr. vert.

Bowyer, ar. a lion, rampant, betw. three crosses, Boyer, or, a bend vair, cottised sa.

bottouee, gu. Boyes, [Scotland.] Crest, a dog, sejant, ppr.

Bowyn, or, a cross az. Boyland, orBoYLLAND, [Norfolk,] az. a sal-
Bowz, ar. a crescent, within an orle of martlets, tier or.

gu. Boylande, [Norfolk,] erm. a saltier, engr. gu.

Boyland, [Suffolk,] az. on a bend a Boys, [Hawkhurst, Kent,] per chief gu. and or,
bendlet gu. over all a lion, rampant, ar. a griffin, segreant, sa.
Boyle, [Kelburn,] or, tbree bucks' borns gu. Boys, [Ireland,] gu. a tree, the root eradicated,
I^oyle, [Rutlandshire,] ar. three saltiers gu. or.

Boyley. To the second of the name in the first Boys, [Kent.] The
fifteenth of the name in the

Dictionary add Crest, out of a ducal coronet first Crest, a demi dog, gobonated
sa. and or,
or, a lion's head, erased, gu. holding an oak-branch, leaved and
BOYMEN, BONHAM, Of BOYNAM, Crest, fructed gold.
the trunk of a tree, lying fesseways, sprout- Boys, [Lincolnshire,] ar. two bars and a canton
ing out two branches, betw. which a fleur-de- gu. Crest, a stag's bead, couped, ar. attired
lis ... . gu. betw. the attires a mound and cross or.
Boynam, or, on a cross sa. five bulls' heads, ca- Boyse, [Fredville, Kent, 1589,] or, a griffin,
bossed, ar. segreant, sa. within a bordure gu. Crest, a
Boynell, or Boyville, gu. four bends ar. demi lion, affroutee, resting bis fore-paws on the
Crest, a boy pulling a branch from a tree ppr. wreath ar.

Boynell, quarterly, or and sa. Boysilles, or BoYSSlLLES, ar. a fesse, betw.

Boynem, ar. on a cross sa. five bulls' heads of three mullets sa.
the field. BOYSSILE, Or BOYSILE. The same asBoYSiLL
Boynelye, [Rutlandshire,] ar. three saltiers gu. in the first
Boynill, Boynele, orBoYNELL, [Rutland.] Boyton, [Suffolk,] az. six escallops ar. three,
See Boynell. two, and one.
Boynton, [Bramston, Yorkshire.] Crest, a Boyton, quarterly, first and fourth, ar. a boars'
goat, passant, sa. guttee d'eau, bearded, horn- head, couped, sa. second and third or, fretty gu.
ed, and hoofed or. Boyton, or Boy tonne, [Gloucestershire,] az. an
Boynton. To the fifth of the name in the first escallop or. Crest, a crow, wings expanded
Dictionary add Crest, on a cinquefoil gu. a ppr. transfixed with an arrow.
talbot's head, erased, sa. guttee d'or. (Another Boytong, az. three dolphins, embowed, two
Crest, a goat, passant, sa. attired or, ducally haurient, the other naiant, ....
gorged ar.) Boy v ell, [Suffolk,] quarterly, or and sa. on a
Boynton, [Sudbury, Suffolk.] The same as the fifth bend gu. three escallops ar.
of the name
the first Dictionary.
in Boyvill, bendy of nine ar. and gu.
Boynton, or, on a fesse betw. three crescents gu. Boyvill, or Bovill, [Ireland,] gu. a chev. betw.
a lion, passant, ar. Crest, a goat, passant, three unicorns' heads, erased, ar. horned or.
sa. guttee ar. horned or. Bozy kll. Crest, a talbot's head sa. in the mouth
Boynyle. The same as the first Boynell. a stag's horn or.
Boypted, [Essex.] The same as Boypsted, Brabant. To the second of the name in the
in the first Dictionary. first
Dictionary add Crest, a rose gu. slipped
Boypted, [Essex,] cbequy ar. and gu. ou a bend and leaved vert, and lance, headed or, in saltier.
sa. four bezants. Brabazon, or Brabson, [Ireland.] The same
Boys, [Kent,] per fesse az. and sa. a cross as Brabazon, of Leicestershire.
formee, and acorn or. Brabazon, or Brabzon, [Whitaker, Warwick-
Boys, sa. a Catharine-wheel, and three guttees ar. shire.]
The same.
Boys, [Worcestershire,] or, a griffin az. within a Brabeck, gu. abend, fusilly, or, a label of five
bordure gu. points ar.
Boys, [Bonnington, in Goodneston, Kent, and of Brabent, per pale erm. and az. a fesse, wavv,
Sussex,] or, a griffin, segreant, sa. within a gu. Crest, a pheon ar. the point guttee de
bordure gu. Crest, a demi lion, rampant, ar. sang, the shaft broken near the point or.
ducally crowned or. Bracays, or Brakes, chequy or and az. on a
Boys, [Hythe and Mersham, Boys Hall, in Wills- fesse gu. three lions, rampant, ar. Crest, a
borough and of the Moat, of Uflington, in
; leopard, rampant, gardant, ppr.
Goodneston, Kent.] The same Arms. Crest, Brace, .... a chev. erm. betw. three owls ....
on a chapeau gu. turned up erm. a demi lion, Crest, within two laurel branches, in orle, a
rampant, gardant, ar. lion's face ppr. ducally crowned or.
ar. on a bend gu. three martlets
Boys, [Beneuden, Each, and Margate, Kent] Bracester,
The same Arms. Crest, on a chapeau as above, or.Crest, on a cloud, a mullet of six points.
a demi lion, rampant, ar. ducally crowned or. Bracey, or Brassy. To the first of the name
in the Dictionary add
first Crest, an unicorn, first Dictionary add Crest, an arm from the
sejant, resting his dexter paw against an oak- eldow, erect, holding two branches of palm in
tree ppr. orle ppr.
Brachin, gu. a fesse, chequy, or and az. betw. Bradfoot, Bradfute, or Braidfoot, ar.

three lozenges of the second. three hunting horns sa. strung gu. garnished or.
Bracken, gu. fretty ar. semee of plates. Crest, Crest, a demi griffin or, armed gu.
a Catharine wheel or. Bradford, ar. three wolves' heads, erased, and
Brackenbury, [Sellaby, Durham, and Lin- as many bugle horns sa.

colnshire,] ar. three chev. interlaced, in base, sa. Bradford, az. on a beud ar. three martlets sa.

Crest, a lion, couchant, sa. under a tree Bradie,[Scotland,] ar. a chev. gu.
vert. Bradlaw, erm. a fesse gu. betw. three buckles
Brackenbitri/, ar. three chev. interlaced az. vert.
Crest, a savage's head, couped, ppr. Bradley. To the sixth of the name in the first
Bracton, or Brackton, az. three mullets or, Dictionary add Crest, a boar sa. bristled and
a chief, indented, ar. hoofed or, gorged with a chaplet of flowers
Bradborn, three bars az. on a chief gu. as
ar. vert.

many crosses, bottonee, fitchee, or. Bradley, [Lincolnshire,] or, a chev. gu. betw.
Bradburn. See first Dictionary, with Brad- three crosses, formee, fitchee, sa.
" Bradburn"
borne, after read Derbyshire. Bradley, or Braidley, ar. a chev. betw. three
Brad bridge, [Sussex and Devonshire.] The crosses, pattee, fitchee, sa.
same as the first of the name in the first Dic- Bradley, [Wansted, Essex, and West Mailing,
tionary. Kent,] sa. a fesse, engr. ar. in chief, a mullet
Bradbury, [Pichenbam, Norfolk.] The same betw. two crosses, formee, fitchee, all within a
as Bradbury of Suffolk and Essex. See bordure, also engr. of the last. Crest, a dexter
Dictionary. arm, embowed, in armour, holding in the hand
Bradbury. Crest, a demi heron ar. fretty gu. a battle-axe, all ppr. [Borne by Andrew Haives
holding in the beak a slip vert, bearing two roses Dyne, Esq. of Gore Court, who by Royal Sign
of the first. Manual, dated August, 1800, took the surname
Bradby, ar. a saltier betw. four rnillrinds sa. of Bradley, ob. Dec. 1820.]
Crest, a serpent half erect, and nowed, hold- Bradley, [Sussex.] The same as the ninth of
ing in the mouth a garland of laurel ppr. the name in the first Dictionary.
on a fesse az. betw. three buckles
Bradby, ar. a saltier, engr. betw. four martlets Bradley, or,
sa. (Another, the saltier gu.) gu. a bird ar. wings expanded.
Braddelor, or, a fesse gu. betw. three annu- Bradling, sa. on a pale ar. three mascles, two
lets vert. and one, of the field. Crest, an arm in armour,
Braddeller, or Bradeler, or, a fesse gu. couped at the shoulder and embowed, resting
betw. three wheels vert. the elbow on the wreath and holding in the hand
Braddene, [Rutlandshire.] The same as the ppr. a sword.
D'Bradden, of Northumberland. See first Bradsey, or Bradsay. Crest, a demi grey-
Dictionary. hound .... collared
Braddy. See Brady. Bradshaw, [Darcey Leven, Lancashire,] ar.
Braddyle, [Cornished Priory, Cumberland, two bends sa. Crest, on a mount a stag, ducally
1810.] The same Bradhull, Lancashire.
as gorged, standing under a vine, all ppr.
Braddyll, gu. on a chief ar. two swords, in Bradshaw, [John, Windsor Herald.] Arms see
saltier, az. Crest, an anchor, in pale, surmounted first Dictionary. Crest, two keys, in pale, wards
the sinister
by a fleur-de-lis .... upwards and endorsed, the dexter or,
Brade a chev. betw. three garbs ar. enfiledwith a ducal coronet of the first.
Crest, a bee-hive with bees volant, ppr. Bradshaiv. Seventh of the name in the first Dic-
of the Haw.
Bradelley, or, a fesse gu. betw. three round tionary before Lancashire, read
buckles, garnished and tongued, vert. Bradshaye, ar. two bends sa. on the under one
Bradene, [Rutlandshire.] The same as the a mullet or.
first Bradden
in the first Dictionary. Bradston, [Lincolnshire.] The same Arms as
Bradeston e, ar. a cross gu. and a canton or. Bradston, of Gloucestershire.
Bradeston, or, two bars gu. a bend az. Bradston, [Winterborne, Gloucestershire.] See
Bradeston, ar. a chev. betw. three boars' heads sa. first Dictionary. The coronet in the Crest should
Bradfield. To the first one of Norfolk in the be ar.
Bradstreet, [Stracumnie, Kildare,] ar. a grey- lion'shead, erased, or. Crest, a roundle az.
hound, passant, gu. on a chief sa. three escal- thereon a talbot's head, erased, or.
lops or. Brainch, or Branch, ar. a chev. betw three
Bradstreet, [Ireland,] gyronny of six gu. and mullets az.
or, on each a crescent, counterchanged. Crest, Brains, per pale or and az. four bars counter-
an unicorn's head betw. two branches of laurel changed.
in orle. Brainson, gyronny of twelve ar. and az.
Bradwarden, harry of six ermines, ar. and erm. Braithwayte. To the one in the first Dic-
Bradwarden. Crest, a demi otter .... tionary add [These Arms and Crest granted
Bradwardin, harry of six ermine and erminois. to Thomas Brailhicayte, of
Warcop, West-
[Borne by Thomas Bradwardin, Archbishop of moreland, son of Robert Braithwayte, of Amel-
Canterbury, ob. 26th August, 1349.] fid in the same County, br/ Edmund Knight,
Bradwaruine, ar. two lions, passant, coward, Norroy, 22d November, 1591,]
in pale, az. Brak, or, a cinquefoil sa.
Bradwardyn, barry of six ar. and az. Brakelley, chequy ar. and gu. on a bend az.
Bradwardyn, barry of six sa. and erm. guttee de three billets or.
larmes. Brakeey, or Brakly, chequy gu. and erm.
Bradway, [Potslip, Gloucestershire,] ar. achev. on a bend az. three lozenges or.
betw. three bunches of grapes ppr. Crest, on Brakenbury. To the last of the name of Dur-
a crown ppr. a greyhound, sejant. ham in the first Dictionary add of Salabe.
Bradwell, gu. a goat, rampant, ar. attired or. Brakey, sa. two bars, vaire, ar. and vert.
Bradwell, sa. a chev. betw. three mullets or. Brakholk, ar. a chev. betw. three bears sa.
Brady, [Ireland,] sa. in the dexter chief point Braksdai.l, ar. a chev. or, betw. three sheaves
a sun, and in the sinister base a hand, pointing of arrows ppr. feathered and banded gu. Crest,
thereto, ppr. Crest, a cherub. a sheaf of arrows as in the Arms.
Brady, or Braddy, [Fenditton, Cambridgeshire,] Brakyn, [Cambridgeshire.] Crest, a demi fish,
az. two bars or, in chief three lions, erect, az. charged with three bezants, in bend,
of the second. on a mount, vert, a
Crest, betw. two cottises or.
griffin, beaked sa. supporting with
sejant, or, Brakyn, gu. a fesse, compony, ar. and az. betw.
the dexter claw an escocheon ar. three lozenges or, on each a mullet sa. Crest,
Brage, [Cruckhorne, Somersetshire.] Arms and a whale's head, erect, ar. charged with a bend,
Crest as the first of the name in the first Dic- cottised, or, betw. two cinquefoils of the last,
tionary. stalked and leaved vert.
Bra ham, [Buckinghamshire.] Crest, a cubit arm, Bra lsai e, ar. two bars, on a canton gu. a inaunch
erect, vested bendy wavy of four az. and gu. of the field.
holding in the hand ppr. a fish ar. Bram, or Brame, or, an orle sa.
Braham, per fesse az. and or, a cross moline Braman, gu. on a fesse or, three pellets.
counterchanged. Crest, as above. Brambdeline, or Bramdelins, [Northum-
Braham, per pale ar. and sa. a cross, patonce, berland,] gu. a cross, pattee, and escallop ar.
connterchanged. Brambley, ar. three bramblings ppr. a chief
Braibridge, [Lockington, Leicestershire,] ar.
a chev. embattled betw. three battle axes sa. Bramborow, or Bramborough, [Suffolk,] sa.
Braid, az. a lion's head, erased, ar. Crest, a on a fesse or, betw. three darts' heads, points
demi lion,
rampant, gu. downwards, ar. as many fleurs-de-lis gu.
Braidwood, ar. on a chev.
gu. three cross Brameltot, per pale gu. and sa. a lion, ram-
crosslets of the field, in base an oak-tree grow- pant, ar. betw. nine cross crosslets or, four,
ing out of a mount vert. Crest, an oak tree two, two, and one.
ppr. Brametot. The same as Brametost in the first

Braie, quarterly, ar. and az. on a bend gu. three Dictionary.

fleurs-de-lis or. Bramfell. Crest, out of a ducal coronet or,
Braimor, [Edrone, Scotland,] or, a fesse erm. an arm embowed, wielding a cimeter.
betw. three dragons' heads, erased, .... Crest, Bramfield, [Sull'olk,] or, on a fret gu. an an-
an arm embowed in armour, throwing a pheon, nulet az. within a bordure, engr. of the last,
hafted. charged with eight bezants.
Brain, ar. three piles, two
issuing from the chief Bramley, [Staffordshire,]' quarterly gu. and or.
and one from the base, vert, on a canton sa a Brampton, [Norfolk,] gu. a saltier betw. four
cross crosslets ar. Crest, a lion, rampant, gar- Brandling, [Spitton, Northumberland,] gu. a
dant, or. cross,boltonee, ar. in the dexter chief point an
Brampton, [London,] or, on a fesse sa. three escallop or.
plates. Crest, on a tun or, a bird holding in Brandon. To the first of the name of Suffolk
the beak a branch of . . . ppr. . in the first
Dictionary add Crest, a lion's head,
Brampton, [Westwick, Norfolk,] gu. on a fesse erased, or, guttee sa. ducally crowned, per
ar. an annulet of the first, in chief three fesse, ar. and gu.
Brampton, gu. a lion, rampant, ar. guttee sa. Brandon, barry of ten ar. and gu. a lion, rampant,
Brampton, or, a fesse sa. betw. three plates. double queued or. Crest, a lion's head, erased,
Bramshcot, or Bramshott, ar. a fesse gu. on ar. charged with two bars gu.
a canton of the second a crescent or. Brandreth, .... on a chev. per pale sa. and or,
BRAMSON, or Branson. Crest, an arm from three escallops counterchanged. Crest, an
the elbow, holding a scorpion, erect, ppr. escallop or.
BRAMSPACH, barry of six ar. and sa. a canton of Brandt. Crest, a stag rising out of a bush
the second. ppr.
Bramspath, ar. three bars sa. Br an is, [Scotland,] ar. three dock-leaves vert.
Bramston, quarterly, gu. and vert, a dove, Brankerey, or Brankelroy. The same as
volant, betw. two round buckles or Brankfrey ; see first Dictionary.
Bramton, az. three square buckles or, the Bran ling, or, a chev. betw. three escallops gu.
tongues, in fesse, pointing to the sinister. Branson. Crest, an arm from the elbow, erect,
Beamwell, ar. three pelicans' heads, erased, holding a scorpion ppr.
az. vulning the neck gu. Crest, out of a ducal Branspath, [Westmoreland,] ar. two bars sa.
coronet or, two lions' gambs, in saltier, ppr. on a canton gu. a saltier of the field.
Beanbulk, or Branke, ar. on a fesse sa. three Branston, quarterly, gu. and vert, in the fesse
bezants. point, a bird with wings espanded ar. betw.
Branch, [Cumberland,] erm. a fret gu. three buckles or.
Branche, ar. a lion, rampant, gu. armed az. Brant, gu. a fesse, indented, ar. a chief or.
over all on a bend sa. three cinquefoils of the Crest, a lion, passant, or.
field Crest, out of a ducal coronet or, a cock's Branthwait. Arms and Crest, see with
head az. combed gu. holding in the beak a branch Brainthwayt in the first Dictionary.
vert. 2\st July, 1582, to Richard Branthwait, Esq.
Branche, [Norfolk.] The same of
as the fifth of Lincoln's Inn, London.]
the name in the first Dictionary. Crest, out of Brantingham. Crest, an oak-tree ppr.
a ducal coronet or, and on a wreath, a cock's Branton, sa. a cross ar. betw. four mullets or,
head az. combed and waltled gold. within a bordure gu.
BranchesleY, az. a cross, potent, engr. or. Branton, gu. a lion, rampant, with two tails or.
Brand, [Hyde, in Ingatestone, Essex, Cran- Brantree, [Braintree, Essex,] ar. on a cross,
brook, Kent, and Stepney, Middlesex] The engr. sa. five estoiles or.
same Arms and Crest as Brand, of Gray's Inn; Brant wart, or, two bars, engr. sa.
see first Dictionary. Brasbring, [Lancashire,] vair, a fesse gu.
Brand, [Hertfordshire,] gu. two swords, in saltier, Brasbrug, or, a cross az.
ar. hilts and pomels or. Brash, [Scotland,] gu. on a chief ar. three eagle's
Brand, [Suffolk,] vert, a griffin, passant, and heads, erased, sa. Crest, a hand, erect, issuing
chief or. Crest, a demi griffin or, supporting from a cloud and holding an anchor, in pale,
with the claws a battle-axe gu. headed ar. ppr.
[Granted by William Camden, Clarenceux, Brasier, [Londonderry,] quarterly, per fesse,
10th March, 1610.] indented, or and sa. four cinquefoils counter-
Brand, [Brand, Bromhall, Cheshire,] sa. a lion, changed. Crest, a demi lion, rampant, per
rampant, or, tail forchee. pale, or and sa.[Granted 24th May, 16G5.]
Brandelis, gu. three swords, barways, hilts to Brasier, or Brazier, gu. a bend or, betw. three
the sinister or. annulets ar. Crest, a dove, holding in its beak
Bran den. The same as the last Brandon in the an olive-branch, all ppr.
Dictionary. Brasley, [Kent,] ar. a chev. betw. three swans'
Brandeston, or, two bars gu. surmounted by a necks, erased, sa.
bend az. Crest, a dexter hand, couped, lying Brassey, vert, on a fesse or, betw. three mul-
fesseways gu. lets, pierced, in chief, and one in base, two of
the same all counterchanged. Crest, a hand Bray, [Ireland,] az. on a fesse or, betw. three
throwing a dart, ppr. boars' heads, erased, ar. as many covered cupsgu.
Brassey, [Roxford, Hertfordshire,] quarterly, per Braybeck, [Norfolk,] gu. six lozenges, in bend,
fesse, indented, sa. and ar. in the first quarter a label of five points ar.
a shoveler ar. beaked and legged gu. Crest, a Braybek. To the first of the name in the first
shoveler as in the Arms. Dictionary add
Another, with a label of five
Brassy, gu. a fesse or, in chief two mullets ar. points az.
(Another, ar.)
Brasy, or Brassey, quarterly, per fesse, in- Braybeefe, gu. a bend, engr. or, a label ar.
dented, sa. and ar. in the first quarter a bird of Braybeffe, .... a fesse betw. three fleurs-de-
the second, beaked and legged gu. lis

Brasy, per pale ar. and sa. a chief, dancettee, Braybrore. To the first of the name in the
counterchanged, in the dexter quarter, a bird first
Dictionary add [Granted to James Bray-
Crest, a bird as in the Arms.

ar. legged gu. broke, of the County of Suffolk, 20th March,

Bratebridge, ar. a fesse
gu. betw. two bars, 1504.]
gemelles, wavy, sa. Braybrook, gu. seven mascles ar. three, three,
Bratfield, ar. a saltier, flory, az. betw four and one.
bears, passant, sa. Bray'croft, ar. a lion, rampant, betw. eight
Bratrkns, [Scotland,] a fesse betw. three
sa. cross crosslets az.
piles in chief, and a crescent in base, .... Brayer, or Brayor, az. a chev. ar. betw. three
Bratt, [Staffordshire] Crest, two greyhounds' fleurs-de-lis or.
heads, erased, endorsed, and collared ppr. Braykeck, six lozenges, in bend, or,
Brattle, or, a boar, passant, gu. Crest, a label of three points
battle-axe betw. a laurel and myrtle branch, in Braylesford, or Braylford, [Derbyshire,]
saltier, all ppr. or, a cinquefoil sa. Crest, out of a ducal coro-
Bratton, [Wiltshire,] ar. a fesse betw. three net or, a stag's head, affrontee, ppr.
mullets sa. Bray lford, ar. two bars, on a canton sa. a

Braufis, gu. a saltier betw. four cross crosslets, cinquefoil of the first.
fitchee, ar.
Braylford, ar. two bars, on a canton sa. a chess-
Braugham, ar. a cock gu. rook of the field.
Braun, ar. three fusils, pointed, or in point, tri- Braynton. Crest, a griffin's head, erased, ppr.
angular, gu. Braysfield, ar. three fleurs-de-lis betw. nine
Braunch, gu. a leopard's head or, jessant, a cross crosslets sa.
fleur-de-lis ar. Crest, out of a ducal coronet Braytoft, or Braytost, [Lincolnshire.] The
a demi lion, rampaut, pierced in the breast by same as the last Braytoft in the first
an arrow. Braytoft, ar. the field replenished with crosses,
Braunche, per pale ar. and sa. a leopard's head bottonee. and a lion, rampant, az.
or, jessant, a fleur-de-lis counterchanged. Braytost, ar. a lion, rampant, betw. eight
Braundeston, ar. two bars gu. over all a bend cross crosslets az.
az. Braytost, ar. a lion, rampaut, az. armed and
Braung, [Cheshire,] ar. an eagle, displayed, langued gu.
sa. Breach, az. an inescocheon ar. within an orle of
Braunspath, ar. three bars sa. on a canton gu. eight cross crosslets, fitchee, or. Crest, an
a saltier of the field. escarbuncle gu.
Braunston, gu. a cross, pomettee, voided, or. Breaker, ar. a fesse gu. betw. six estoiles sa.
Braupree, [Norfolk,] ar. on a bend az. a . . . . Breamond, ar. a lion, rampant, az.
and six cross crosslets or. Brean, [Yorkshire,] per.... gu. and sa. on a
Brawghton, gu. a cross, engr. ar. chev. engr. ar. three escallops az.
Brawmse, gu. two bars ar. in chief three escal- Breant, [temp. Hen. III.] Crest, a demi griffin,
lops of the last. regardant, holding a flag charged with a saltier.
Brawn E, ar. two bars sa. on a canton gu. a sal- Breanus, de Clare, or, three chev. gu.
tier of the field. Brearey, or Breary', ar. a cross, potent, gu.
Bray, [Northumberland.] The same as the first in each aperture a torteaux. Crest, the bust of
of the name in the first Dictionary. a nun, couped at the shoulders, affrontee, veiled
Bray, ar. a chev. betw. three ogresses, within a ppr.
bordure, engr. or. Breawse, az. semee of cross crosslets or, a lion,
Bray, or, three bars, vert. rampant, crowned with an antique crown of the
second. Crest a human heart gu. transfixed Brendesley, [Brendesley, Nottinghamshire,]
with a sword, in bend sinister, ppr per pale or and sa. a chev. betw. three escallops,
Brechall, gu. a cross, engr and ten cross counterchanged. [Granted by Flower, Nor-
crosslets, fitchee, ar. roij.'}
Brechall, gu. a cross, eng and two cross cross- Brene, ar. a chev. betw. three dexter hands sa.

lets, fitchee, ar. pointing to the dexter point.

Breche. Crest, out of a cup ar. three roses, Br en ley, erm. on a bend gu. three chev. or.
stalked and leaved, ppr. Brennam, [Ireland,] erm. a pile gu. Crest, a
Brecknock, or Brecknoy. Crest, an arm wheel gu.
from the elbow, erect, issuing from clouds aud Brennan, [Roman Catholic Bishop of Water-
holding an anchor, in pale, ppr. ford and Lismore, 167(J ; Archbishop of Cashel
Brecknock, or Brecknor, [Wiltshire.] The same in 1685] .... two lions ....
respecting each
as the first Brecknock in the first Dictionary. other, and holding between their paws a garb . .
B R E D A L L, ar. two bars, gemelle, bend ways, sa. three in chief, two swords, saltierways, ....
mullets gu on a canton of the last a portcullis or. Brens, vaire erm. and gu. three boars az.
Bredfoot, [Gleusherop,] ar. a chev. erm. betw. Brent, [Kent.] The same as the last of the
three cross crosslets, fitchee, vert. name in the first Dictionary.
Bredsall, [Derbyshire,] paly of six or and gu. Brentchesley, az. a cross, pattee, engr. or.
Bree, gu. a pile erm. betw. two dexter hands, Brentisley, [Nottinghamshire,] ar. on a bend,
apaumee, couped, ar. Crest, a hand, couped, engr. sa. three lions, rampant, of the first.
lying fesseways. Brenton, [Bart. 1812,] gu. a lion, rampant,
Breed, or Bride, [Leicestershire,] gu. a fesse, betw. three martlets ar. on a canton or, the stem
dauncettee, betw. ten bezants. of a ship of the line ppr. Crest, out of a naval
Breck, per fesse gu. and ar. on a chev. betw. crown or, the rim or circle inscribed with the
three roses of eight leaves, all counterchanged, word Spartan, a swan ar. guttee de sang.
a fleur-de-lis or. Crest, a demi lion ppr. Brenton. To the second of the name in the first

Brees, or Breeze, az. a wolf, rampant, ar. Dictionary add Crest, a demi savage, af-
Crest, a stag, standing at gaze, or. frontee, handcuffed, ppr.
Breeton, az. three spade-irons or. Crest, a Breon, or, three chev. sa.
naked arm, embowed, ppr. holding a chaplet of Breorse, erm. a lion, rampant, gu. tail forked.
laurel vert. Br EOS, De, barry of six vaire, ar. and gu.
Breevile, De, gu. abend ar. surmounted by a Crest, an eagle, rising, regardant, ppr.
bend vert. Crest, a hand, holding a sheaf of Brereghly, ar. a cross, bottonee, gu.
arrows, ppr. Brerehough, ar. a cross, patonce, gu. betw.
Br eg ham, ar. a saltier, engr. vert. four ogresses.
Breckenock, ar. three bears' gambs, erased, sa. Brerlegh, ar. a cross, bottonee, gu.
Brelsford, or, a cinquefoil sa. Brescy, ar. a bend, engr. az. fimbriated or.
Brelty, [Leicestershire,] gu.afesse,
dancettee, Bresier. Crest, out of a crown vallery a lion's
ar.betw. twelve lozenges or. head ....
Bremandstone, [Dorsetshire,] ar. seven lozen- Bresingham. Crest, on a chapeau gu. turned
ges sa. three, three, and one. up erm. a demi lion, rampant, gardant, or.
Brember. To the first of the name in the first Bresley, quarterly, per fesse, indented, gu.
Dictionary add Crest, two arms in armour, aud ar. in the first quarter a shoveler of the
embowed, holding a battle-axe, all ppr. second.
Brember, or Bromber, ar. two bars sa. an annulet, Bresse, [Hampshire,] az. a saltier and chief
and canton az. or.
Bremham, or Breham, sa. a cross, betw. four Bressy, or Brescy, [Wistanston, Cheshire.]
crescents ar. The same as the first of the name in the first
Bremie, ar. a fesse, dancettee, betw. three leo- Dictionary.
pards' faces sa. Brest, gu. three bundles of arrows, three in
Bremnkr, erm. a chev. betw. three dexter each, ar. feathered and banded or. Crest, an
hands sa. Crest, a cock's head, erased. arm ppr. vested sa. holding in the hand a bow
Brenam, [Ireland.] Crest, out of a mural coro- ar.

net, a demi eagle, displayed. Breston, or, two talbots, passant, gu.
Brenbery, on a fesse gu. a rose betw. two
ar. Brestow, erm. on a fesse, betw. two cottises sa.
cross crosslets, fitchee, of the field. three crescents or.
B R E B R 1

Bretargh, [Bretargh, Lancashire.] Crest a as Brewer, of London and Somerset, without

lion's gamb .... holding an ostrich-feather. the mullet.
Bretby, chequy ar. and az. Brewer. To the first one of this name, of De-
Bretell, ar. on a bend sa. three escallops or. vonshire, in the first Dictionary, add of Tore.
Breteville, De, gu. a bend ar. surmounted by Brewer. To the one of Kent, in the first Dic-
a fesse or. Crest, a staff, raguly, in pale, tionary add, of Boxley. [Confirmed by Robert
surmounted by an eagle, displayed, gu. Cooke, Clarenceux, 1590.]
Bretlis, per chev. ar. and az. three rattles, Brewes, De Gower, az. a lion, salient, gu.
counlerchanged. within an orle of cross crosslets of the second.
Breton, [Northamptonshire,] ar. a fesse, coun- Brewes, ar. ten mascles, in cross, gu.
terembattled, gu. in chief three boars' heads, Brewes, [Huntingdonshire.] The same as Bruce,
couped, sa. of Clackmannan, in the first
Breton, ar. a fesse, dancettee, gu. betw. three Brewes, or Brews, [Waynham, Suffolk,] ar. the
boars' heads, couped, sa. field replenished with cross crosslets, and a lion,

Breton, [Winching ham, Norfolk.] Crest, the rampant, gu. ducally crowned or.
same as the former Breton, of Norfolk. Brewferll, [Scotland,] a fesse
Breton, [Lincolnshire,] az. a bend, betw. six mul- betw. a boar's head, couped, and a martlet, in
lets of as many points, or. chief .... and a hunting horn, in base ....
Breton, or Bretton, [Essex,] az. two chev. ar. Brewis, gu. a saltier ar. a chief, indented, point
Breton, [Norfolk.] The same as the fifteenth of in point of the first and second.
the name in the first Dictionary. Brewis, az. crusily, a lion, rampant, crowned or.

Breton, [Essex.] The same as the twenty-sixth Brewsarp, or Brewsad. The same as
of the name in the first
Dictionary. Brewsward.
Bretrook, ar. three swords, meeting in base, az Brewserk, [Suffolk,] ar. semee de cross cross-
hilts, in chief, vert. Crest, a horse, saddled and lets, and a lion, rampant, queue forchee, gu.
bridled, at full speed, ppr. crowned or.

Bretsmore, or Bretzmore, gu. a chev. betw. Brewster, [Hartingfordbury,

Herts.] Arms,
three swans' heads, erased, sa. (Another cranes' as the first of the name
first in the
heads.) Crest, a lion's head, erased, ....
Brett, [Whitslant, Somersetshire, and Mallet, Brewster, [Suffolk,] sa. a chev. erm. betw. three
Devonshire.] Arms, as the thirteenth of the estoiles or.
name in the first Dictionary. Crest, on a cha- Brey, ar. on a chief gu. a lion, passant, gar-
peau gu. turned up ar. a lion, statant, of the dant, or. Crest, a hill
first, tail extended. Brey don, [Blackhouse,] or, a chev. gu. betw.
Brett, or Bret, gu. in chief, a lion, rampant, re- three martlets sa.
gardant, or. Breyley, ar. a cross gu.
Brett, gu. a bend, betw. six mullets or. Breyley, az. the field replenished with cross cross-
Brf.TTEN, quarterly, or and gu. a bordure az. lets, and a lion, rampant, ar.
Brettle. Crest, a griffin's head, erased, ppr. Breyton. The same as Breyley.
Bretton, [Lincolnshire] The same as the Breze, gu. three mullets or.
seventeenth of the name in the first Dictionary. Briand, or Briant, or, a pale gu. Crest,
Bretton, gu. a pile ar. out of a mural coronet a bundle of seven ar-
BREUSE, az. crusily, and a lion, rampant, or, rows, banded.
charged on the shoulder with a fleur-de-lis gu. Bribeck, ar. a fesse, counter
compony, or and
Brew, az. three pheous ar. Crest, a park-gate sa. betw. three lions' heads, erased, gu.

gu. BRICAS, or Brycus, sa three garbs or, on a

Brewase, or Brewaste, or, three chev. gu. chief of the last, a talbot's head, erased, betw.
within a bordure, engr. az. two billets gu.
Brewdnell, a bend, cottised, gu. betw. six
ar. Brice, fretty gu. within a bordure sa.
cross crosslets, fitchee, sa. Crest, from an old Brice, gu. a cross, betw. four frets ar. within a
castle in ruins, a martlet, rising, sa. bordure sa. charged with eight cinquel'oils of the
Brew EN, ar. an eagle, displayed, sa. second.
Brewer, or, in chief, two mullets, and in base, Brice, [ Dymington, Somersetshire.] Arms and
a crescent, surmounted of another mullet of six Crest, as Brice, of Somerset, in the first Dic-
points, gu. tionary. [Granted 1573 ]

Brewer, [Bermondsey and Norfolk.] The same Brichan, or Brochan, [Wales,] sa. a fesse

or, betw. two swords points in chief and base as the sixth of the name in the first Diction-
ar. hilted of the second. ary.
Briche, [Bricb, Chesbire,] ar. a cliev. betw. Bridges, [Middle Temple, London.] The same.
tbree mullets sa. Bridges, [Barton Seagrave, Northamptonshire.]
BRICHEN, [Scotland,] ar. tbree piles meeting The same.
in point gu. within a bordure az. Crest, an Bridges, per chev. gu. and az. on a chev. ar. a
arm, fesseways, issuing out of a cloud, and leopard's face betw. tbree fleurs-de-lis sa. betw.
grasping a club ppr. two sail of the line, in chief or, and in base,
Brickendkn, per chcv. ar. and gu. three roses, the sea ppr. an embattled bridge of one arch
in perspective, thereon a tower and broken wall
couuterchanged, on a chief, indented, of the
second, as many crescents of the first. Crest, a ar. a flag at the top. Crest, on a circular
demi wivern vert. bridge of three arches, in perspective, ar. a leo-
Brick en den, [Senior Fellow of Worcester pard, regardant, holding in the dexter paw a
College, Oxford.] The same, the chief, in- key sa.

dented, az. Bridges, [Suffolk,] gu. two garbs of rye, in pale

Bricket, [Lincolnshire.] The same as Brick et, ar. betw. as many flaunches erm.
of Cheshire. Bridges, or Brygges, [Yorkshire,] ar. three esco-
Brickhed, or Bkickhead, [Cheshire,] sa. cheons gu. on each a bend vair. betw. two
three garbs, within a bordure, or. (Another cinquefoils or, within a bordure, eugr. az. be-
ar.) zantee.
Brick hurst, [Lincolnshire,] sa. on a fesse or, Bridgham, ar. a saltier, engr. az.
betw. three lions, rampant, sa. as many cres- Bridgman, [Ridley, Cheshire.] The same as
cents ar. Crest, out of a mural coronet, an Bridgman, of Castle Bromwich.
heraldic tiger's head and neck ar. Bridgman, [Forest of Dean, Gloucestershire,]
Brickwood, ar. a pale, chequy, az. and or. sa. ten bezants, on a chief ar. a lion, passant,
Crest, a demi savage, affrontee, ppr. wreathed of the field.

about the head and middle with leaves vert, Bridgmore, gu. a wall extended, in fesse,
holding in the dexter hand a slip of oak of the arched, enarched, on the top a tower, em-
last. battled, with a round roof, betw. two other tur-
Bride, ar. a fesse, betw. tbree martlets sa. on rets of the same.
a canton gu. a cross pattee of the field. Crest, Bridgstock. Crest, a raven sa. holding in the
two eagles' beads, erased and endorsed, ppr. dexter paw an escallop.
Bridell,, ar. three mullets gu. betw. two bend- Bridleshall, [Lincolnshire,] ar. two bars,
lets sa. on a canton of the second a portcullis voided, az. in chief three mullets gu.
or. [M. I. to Captain John Bridell, in the Bridleshate, ar. two bars az. in chief three
Church of St. Dunstan in the West, London.'] mullets gu.
Brideham, ar. an eagle, displayed, gu. mem- Bridvill, quarterly, ar. and gu. in the first

bered sa. quarter a falcon's head, couped, of the last.

Bridelshall., Briddeleshala, or Bride- (Another, erased.)
SHA W, [Lancashire] The same as Brideles- Brien, [Ireland,] sa. three fleurs-de-lis or.
halle, in the first Dictionary. Crest, betw. the horns of a crescent or, a cross,
Bridemanston, ar. six lozenges sa. pattee, gu.
Bridgeman, [Ridley, Cheshire,] sa. ten plates, Brienne, az. semee de fleur-de-lis, and a lion,
on a chief ar. a lion, passant, of the field. rampant, or.

Bridgeman, [Salop.] The same as the last of the Briernly, Arms and Crest, see
name in the first first Dictionary, the fleur-de-lis should be gu.
Bridgenhurst, on a chev. gu. betw. three
ar. and for [Granted 1G25, read Granted March
lozenges sa. as many martlets or. AQth, 1615, to James Brierly, of London, des-
Bridger, [Warmingburst, Ashurst, and Combe, cended out of Lancashire.']
Sussex.] The same Arms as Bridger, of Briett, ar. a chev. sa. betw. three roses gu. on
Eastree Court, Kent. See first Dictionary. a chief of the last a rose of the first.
Bridges, [Edinburgh,] ar. on a cross sa. a leo- Brig. Crest, an arm in armour, embowed, and
pard's face of the first, on a canton or, a lion, holding a dagger, ppr.
rampant, gu. Crest, a demi lion, rampant, Brigenshaw, or, a fesse, embattled, counter-
embattled, ermines, betw. two lions, passant, az.
Bridges, [Limerick, Ireland.] The same Arms Briger, [Gloucestershire.] Crest, a dragon's

head, transfixed with the top of a spear, in bend, Brig v ill, gu. six billets ar. on each an ermine
sinister. spot sa. three, two, and one.
BRIGERAKE. The same as Brigrake, in the Brill, ar. a chev. sa. betw. three buckles gu.
Dictionary. Brimer, [Scotland,] or, a fesse, engr. erm.
Brigg, [Norfolk,] gu. two bars, gemelles, or, a betw. three dragons' heads, erased, gu.
canton sa. Brimpton, [Brimpton, Berks,] gu. five escallops
Brigges, Bridges, or Brydges, [Norfolk,] two, two, and one.

gu. three bars, gemelles, or, a canton sa. Brinckhurst, Bronckhurst, or Brinck-
Briggs a ducal coronet betw. three harst, [Great Marlow, Buckinghamshire,] ar.
roundles. \M. I. to George Briggs, in St. a lion, rampant, gu.
Helens Church, Bishopsgate, 1603.] Brindale, gu. a griffin, segreant, ar.
Brigham, [Canon End, Oxfordshire.] The same B rind ley. The same Arms. Crest, a wivern,
as the second Brigham, of Yorkshire, in the holding mouth a hand, ppr.
in the
Dictionary. Brine. Crest, two swords, in saltier, ppr. sur-
Brigham, [Cumberland,] ar. a fleur-de-lis, (ano- mounted by a cross crosslet, fitchee, gu.
ther three,) within an orle of martlets, sa. Bringfield, az. three pears or.
Brigham, [Cumberland,] ar. three fleurs-de-lis, Brinhill, [Ireland,] ar. a tree vert.
within an orle of martlets, sa. Brinkhurst, [of the Moor, Great Marlow,
Brigham, [Yorkshire,] ar. a fesse, betw. three Buckinghamshire.] Arms and Crest, see first

trefoils, slipped, sa. Dictionary.

Brigham, [Yorkshire,] to the fourth of the name Brinley, erm. on a bend gu. three chev. or.
in the first Dictionary add Crest, a boar's Brinleg, gu. a griffin, salient, or.
head, couped bendways, sa. Brins, gu. a lion, passant, gardant, erm. Crest,
Brighlen, gu. a chief, indented, ar. as Stonehouse.
Brighouse, [College, Lincolnshire, descended Brins, gu. in chief, a lion, rampaut, gu. and
from Yorkshire.] Arms and Crest, see first erm.
Dictionary. Brinsdon, sa. six lozenges, in bend, ar. betw.

Bringley, gu. a chief, indented, ar. three escallops or.

Bringley, ar. a chief, indented, gu. Brinton, sa. six lozenges, in bend, ar.
Bright, [Brockford, Suffolk.] The same Arms Brion, sa. a lion, rampant, and chief, or.
as Bright, of Bury St. Edmunds. Brisae, gu. three swords in pile hilts, meeting
Bright, [Ireland,] per pale az. and or, a bend, in the centre, ar. Crest, an arm, embowed,
betw. two mullets, all counterchanged. Crest, ppr. vested gu. holding a covered cup or.
a hand, erect, ppr. vested sa. issuing from a Brisbon, or Brisbone. Crest, on a chapeau
cloud shedding forth rays, and holding a moor's gu. turned up erm. a lion, rampant, supporting
head of the first. an arrow, point downwards.
Bright. Crest, a demi lion, rampant, holding a Briscoe, [Ireland,] ar. a fesse sa. betw. two
a battle-axe, all ppr. greyhounds, courant, of the second. Crest, a
Brightley, [Devonshire,] ar. a chief, indented, Saracen's head, affrontee, couped, ppr.
gu. Briscoe, [Aldenham, and Elstree, Hertfordshire.]
Brightman. Anns and Crest, see first Dic- The same Arms and Crest as Briskoo, of Crof-
tionary. [Confirmed to William Brightman, ton : see first
alias Britzman, of Paris-garden, son of John Brise, a chev. betw. three escallops
sa. ar. within
Brightman, of Stebbing, in Essex, by Sir Wil- a bordure engr. or.
liam Dethick.'] Brisenworth. The same as Briseworth.
Brightrixton, ar.three boars' heads, couped, Brisket, per pale ar. and vert, on a chief az.
two and one, eight cross crosslets, fitchee, three crosses, formee, or.
sa. Brissingham, ar. two bends engr. gu. betw.
Brightwalton, sa. on a bend ar. three cross three mullets sa.
crosslets of the first, in chief, a mullet, pierced, Bristed, az. a fesse, engr. betw. three cross
of the second. crosslets ar.
Brigid, [Ireland,] vert, on a cross ar. nine es- Bristmere, gu. a chev. betw. three swans'
toiles sa. Crest, out of a cloud ppr. an estoile necks, erased, ar.
of eight rays. Bristow, [Great Lumley, Durham,] .,., a
Brignac, gu. a saltier ar. Crest, a rein-deer's fesse betw. three cross crosslets ....
head, cabossed, ppr. Bristow, [Hertfordshire.] Arms and Crest, see
Dictionary. [Confirmed to Nicholas liris- Buckinghamshire,and Thedingworth, Leices-
tow, of Ayot St. Lawrence, Hertfordshire, Esq. tershire.] Arms
and Crest, as Brocas,
by Christopher Barker, Garter, '3rd October, Lord Mayor of London, 1730 see first Dic- :

1544.] tionary.
Brit LB Y. To the second of the name in the first Brochall, gu. a cross engr. betw. ten cross

Dictionary add- Crest, on a chapeau gu. turned crosslets, fitchee, ar.

up erm. a denii lion, rampant, holding betw. the Brockas, or Brokas, [Hampshire.] Crest, a
paws a mullet. lion, sejant, holding in the dexter paw a cross,
Briton, Britain, or Britton, paly of six pattee, fitchee, and resting the sinister on a
or and gu. a bend sa. guttee d'eau. Crest, out pyramid.
of a naval coronet a demi mermaid, holding in Brocket, [West Leyton, Suffolk, Wingaledoe,
her dexter hand a purse, and in her sinister a Essex.] The same as Brocket, of Brocket-
comb, ppr. Hall see first Dictionary.

Britsman, orBRiTZMAN, see Brightman. Brockhall, gu. a cross, per fesse, or. and ar.
Britte, ar. a chev. compony az. and or. Brockhill, [Aldington, Kent.] The same as
Britten, per pale az. and or,a chev. ar. in the of the name in the first Dictionary.

chief two roundles, and in base a crescent Brockhold, [Lancashire,] ar. a chev. betw.
counterchanged. Crest, an ear of wheat and three brocks, passant, sa.
palm branch, in saltier, ppr. Brockholes, erm. a chev. betw. three boars'
Britton, quarterly, per fesse, indented, ar. and heads sa. Crest, a fret ar.
sa. in the first
quarter a mullet of the last. Brockhull, [Brockull, in Saltwood, Kent,]
Britton, ar. a cross crosslet az. gu. a cross, engr. betw. twelve cross crosslets,
Bro, gu. on a chev. ar. three cinquefoils of the fitchee, ar.
field. Brockhurst, [London,] sa. a lion, rampant,
Broad, a pale sa. three lozenges in fesse,
ar. gardant, or, ducally crowned of the last.
counterchanged. Crest, a demi savage holding Brockman, [Newington, Kent.] Arms and
in the dexter hand three arrows, and pointing Crest, see first [Borne by James
with the sinister to an imperial crown. Drake-Brockman, of Beechborouyh, Kent, Esq.
Broad, gu. a chev. or, betw. three leopards' faces whose father, Ralph Drake, clerk of Beech-
ar. ducally crowned of the second. Crest, on borouyh, took the surname and arms of
a chapeau gu. turned up erm. a leopard's face, Brockman by act of Parliament in 1768.]
as in the Arms. [Granted by Sir Edward Note. The ancient crest of Brockman was a savage,
Bysshe, Garter, to Henry Broad, of Chisicick, holding in the dexter hand a club, and by the sinister a
Middlesex, Esq. son of Arthur Broad, of stag by the sinister horn, couraut, wreathed about the
neck and tied behind in a bow, ppr.
Coldwell, in Yorkshire, 12th March, 1654.]
Broadbelt, .... three bendlets, wavy, or. Brocksby, or Brockesbry, ar. two bars, ne-
Crest, an eagle, displayed,.... bulee, sa. on a canton gu. a mullet, pierced,
Broadhead, [Leeds, Yorkshire,] gu. on a bend or. Crest, a boar's head, couped, gu. bristled,
ar.three cinquefoils of the field, over all a fesse, or.

enhanced, or. Crest, on a chapeau gu. turned Brockton, [Henley, Shropshire,] ar. two bars
up erm. a garb ppr. gu. on the first a martlet of the field, on a can-
Broadhurst, gu. a fesse ar. surmounted by a ton of the second, a plai.i cross of the first.
chev. az. Crest, a mermaid holding in her Brockwell, sa. three estoiles ar.
dexter hand a dagger ppr. Brocton, [Salop.] Crest, a hand, holding a
Broadley, [London,] ar. on a chev. gu. betw. ducal coronet, capped and tasselled, betw. two
two eagles' beads, erased, in chief of the last, branches of laurel in orle, ppr.
and an anchor in base az. three bezants, all Broderip, Brodrepp, or Brodribb, gu.
within a bordure of the third. Crest, a stag's three swans close ar. Crest, in a cap or, three
head, erased, ppr. roses gu. slipped and leaved vert.
Broadnax. See Brodnax. Broders, per pale gu. and sa. on a fesse or,
Broadstone, ar. on a canton gu. a rose of the three lozenges ermines betw. as many griffins'
field. Crest, in a cloud a crescent, all betw. heads, erased, ar. guttee az. beaked or.
two palm branches .... Brodfield, az. a cross, chequy, or and az.
Broc. See with Brock. betw. four mullets of the second.
B roc as, sa. a lion, rampant, regardant, or. Brodhurst, [Staffordshire,] az. eight staves,
Brocas, [Beaurepayre, Hampshire, Hocton-Hall, frettv and ragulv, or.
M 2
Brodnax, [Hythe, Burmarsh, and Godmersham, Brokley, [London,] lozengy, or and gu. a chief
Kent.] Arms and
Crest, see first Dictionary. ar.

Brodnf.i.l, erm. on a chev. gu. an escallop or, Broksby, Brokesby, or Brooksby, [Suffolk,]
betw. two others ar. barry, nebulee, of six ar. and sa. a canton erm.
Brodocksiiaw, sa. three lozenges, in fesse, betw. Bromber, [London,] ar. three annulets, on a
as many stags' heads, cabossed, ar. Crest, a canton az. a mullet of the first.
stag's head ar. Bromby, [Yorkshire,] quarterly, per fesse, in-
Brodoke, [Suffolk,] or, a bend engr. erm. betw. dented, gu. and or. Crest, out of a ducal
three crescents sa. coronet or, a demi lion, rampant, ar. supporting
Brodspere. The same as Broadspere. with the paws a standard sa. flag gu. charged
Broese, barry of six vair and gu. Crest, a with a lion, passant, gardant, of the first.
crane, holding in the foot a stone, ppr. Bromcall, az. a lion, rampant, tail forchee,
Brogden, gu. fretty ar. a chief or. Crest, out or.
of a ducal coronet or, a rose, slipped and leaved Brome, erm. a chief, indented, gu. thereon a
vert. bar, gemelle, or.
Brogg, [Scotland,] sa. two bars ar. betw. five Brome, erm. a chief, per chief, indented, gu. and
towers, two in chief, and three in base, or. or.

Crest, a dexter hand, holding a sword ppr. Brome, quarterly, ar. and sa. four leopards' faces
Brogges, [Kent,] ar. a fesse, chequy, or and counterchanged.
az. in chief three cross crosslets, fitchee, gu. Brome, ar. an eagle, displayed, sa.
Brograve, [Warwickshire, Kelseys, in Beck- Brome, [London, West Mailing, Kent, and Bishops
enham, Kent, Mapenham, Northamptonshire.] Stortford, Herts, descended from William de
The same Arms and Crest as Brograve of Brome, Standard Bearer to King Edward III.]
Hamels. See first Dictionary. The same Arms and Crest as the last Broome
Brograve, [Buntingford, Herts.] The same. but one (see with Brome) in the first Dictionary.
Brograve, [Worstead, Norfolk,] ar. three lions, Brome, or Broome, [Suffolk.] The same as the
passant, guardant, gu. Crest, an eagle, dis- fourth of the name in the first Dictionary.

played, erm. ducally crowned, beaked, and Brome, [Ladeslay, Clayton, Warwick,] sa. on a
membered or. chev. ar. three trees vert.
Brograve, Burgrave, or Boronghgrave. The Bromeall. Crest, a demi lion, rampant, double
same Arms and Crest as Brograve, in the first
queued, ppr.
Dictionary. Bromell, sa. a lion, rampant, or. Crest, a
Brohier, or Broheir, barry of six ar. and gu. demi eagle, displayed, with two heads, each
a chief or. Crest, in a crescent an arrow in ducally crowned
pale Bromeswy. The same as Bromesivike in the
Broigk, or Bragge, [Scotland,] a fesse
sa. first
voided ar. betw. two castles, in chief, of the Bromewere, [Norfolk,] ar. on a cross, engr.
second, and three crescents, in base, or. Crest, gu. betw. four escallops sa. five bezants.
a dexter hand holding a crescent, all ppr. Bromewich, [Gloucestershire, Herefordshire,
Broke, [Cheshire,] or, a cross, engr. gu. and Hertfordshire.] See with Bromwich in the
Broke, [Cheshire.] The same as the ninth Brook first Dictionary.
in the first Dictionary. Bromfield, [Staffordshire and Wales.] See
Broke, ar. on a fesse, dancettee, sa. three be- first Dictionary. The Crest should be on a
zants. mount vert.
Brokesby, [Leicestershire,] sa. two bars wavy, Bromfield, [Cheshire,] sa. on a chev. ar. three
on a canton gu. a mullet or. broom sprigs vert, on a canton of the second
Brokhull, gu. a cross, engr. ar. betw. twelve a spear head gu. Crest, the same as Broovi-
cross crosslets, fitchee, or. field, of Kent; see first Dictionary.
Broking, [Exeter, Devonshire,] ar. a fesse, Bromfield To the one of Lincolnshire in the first

wavy, betw. six cross crosslets, gu. Dictionary add of Bullingborough.

Brokkas, [Scotland,] ar. a lion, rampant, sa. Bromflet, or Bronslet, [Lancashire.] Crest,
within a bordure, az. on a chapeau sa. turned up ar. a wivern vert,
Broklesby, or Brokelsby, [Lincolnshire, ducally crowned or.
granted bg Cook, Clarenceux ,~\ gu. three plovers Bromflete. To the second of the name in the
or; on a chief, indented, of the last, as many first Dictionary add Crest, in a ducal coronet
cross crosslets of the field. Crest, a brock, ppr. or, a wolf's head gu.
BROMHEAD, [Tliurlby-Hall, Lincolnshire,] az. played, .... five annulets. [M. I. to Hum-
on a bend ar. betw. two leopards' faces or, a phrey Brook, M.D. in the church of St. Andrew
mural crown gu. betw. as many fleurs-de-lis sa. Undershaft, London.]
Crest, out of a mural crown gu. a unicorn's head Brook, [Naston or Norton, Suffolk.] The same
ar. horned and crined or, iu the mouth a rose of Arms as Brooke, of Mere, Cheshire; see first
the first, slipped and leaved ppr. Dictionary.
Bromisse, [Gloucestershire,] or, a lion, rampant, Brook, Brooke, or Broke, [Callis,] ar. on a cross,
betw cross crosslets sa. engr. quarterly, gu. and az. five bezants betw.
Bromle, sa. three church bells gu. four spears' heads sa.
Bromle, sa. two rakes, in pale, ar. Brooke. In the sixteenth of the name in the first
Bromley, [Staffordshire.] The same Arms as Dictionary the Crest should be also gardant.
the eighth of the name in the first Dictionary. [Granted by Camden, Clurenceux.~\
Bromley, [Salop,] quarterly, per fesse, indented, Brooke, [Chester and Byrn, Beaumaris, Angle-
or and gu. Crest, a lion's gamb, erect, ar. sea,] or, a cross, engr. per pale, gu. and sa.
Bromley, [Barkesford, Cheshire,] quarterly, per Crest, a man in armour, in the dexter hand a
fesse, indented, gu. and or, within a bordure, spear, and on the sinister arm a shield, all ppr.
gobony, ar. and az. Brooke. The same Arms as the tenth of the name
Bromley, [Ware, Westmill, Hertfordshire, and iu the first
Dictionary. Crest, a crane or.

London.] Arms and Crest as Bromley, of [Granted to

Brooke, of Maydley, Shrop-
. . . .

Budington, Cheshire; see first Dictionary. shire, by Robert Cooke, Clarenceux, 1587.]
Brommell. See with Bromehall, in the first Brooke, [Warwickshire.] The same as Brooke of
Dictionary. Shropshire; see first
Brompton, gu. two lions, passant, or, a baton Brooke de Capel, [Great Oakley, Northampton-
sa. shire,] or, on a fesse az. three escallops of the
Bromsall, [Beeston, Bedfordshire,] az. a lion, field. Crest, a demi sea-horse ar. finned and
rampant, double queued, or. Crest, a talbot, maned or.

passant, .... collared and lined Brooker, [Inner Temple, London,] barry cfsix
Bromton, [Norfolk,] gu. a lion, rampant, erm. or and sa. an orle of martlets gold. Crest, a tal-
Bromton, or Brompton, [Suffolk.] The same. bot, passant, gu. resting the dexter paw on a
Bromwich, gu. a chev. betw. three castles, ar. cbaplet vert.
Bronckhurst, or Bronckhorst, [Berks.] Brooker, [Sussex, and Canterbury, Kent,] gu. on
The same as Brinckkurst. a chev. ar. three talbots, passant, sa.
Brond, [Norfolk.] The same as Brond, of Suf- Brookesby, or Brooksby, [Suffolk.] The
folk; see first
Dictionary. same as Brokesby of Melton; see with Brookes-
Brond, [Norfolk,] gu. a cat-a-mountain ar. spotted by in the first
sa. betw. three annulets of the last, on a chief Brookhurst, sa. a lion, rampant, gardant, or.

or, two cinquefoils, pierced, of the third, on a Brooking, sa. onafesseor, betw. three crescents
pale ar. a mitre gold. ar. a cinquefoil gu. Crest, a sword, in pale, en-
Brone, erm. a chief, indented, gu. filed with a savage's head, couped, ppr.

Bronghill, paly of six ar. and sa. on a bend Brookman, ar. four fleurs-de-lis iu saltier, their
gu. three escallops or. heads outwards, gu. Crest, a crane, holding
Bronghope, ar. on a chev. az. three fleurs-de- in the dexter claw a stone.
lis or. Brooks, [Scotland,] sa. three escallops or.
Bronscall, az. a lion, rampant, or. Crest, a beaver, passant, ppr.
Bronsgombe, or Branscombe, or, on a chev. Brooksby, or Brookesby, [Leicestershire.]
sa. betw. two keys, paleways, in chief, and a barry nebulee of six ar. and sa. on a canton gu.
sword in base, of the second, three cinquefoils a mullet or.
of the first. Crest, a lion, regardant, ducally Brooksby, barry wavy of six ar. and sa. a
gorged and chained .... canton gu.
Bronscombe, or, on a chev. sa. three roses betw. Broome, [Ashford, Kent, and Broome, Salop,]
two keys in chief, and a dagger in base, ar. the same Arms and Crest as Broome in the
Bronsope, [Buckinghamshire,] ar. a chev. az. first Dictionary. See with Brome.
betw. three fleurs-de-lis or. Broomhead. Crest, a cockatrice, displayed, gu.
Brook, [Suffolk,] per bend sa. and ar. two eagles, Broon, az. a cross ar. fretty gu. Crest, a branch
of holly, and a cross crosslet, fitchee, in saltier
displayed, couuterchanged. . .

Brook, .... on a chev. betw. three eagles, dis- Broon E, per fesse, indented, gu. and erm.
Bross, three trees vert.
ar. Brouncker, [Ireland.] Crest, an arm, em-
Broster, [Cheshire,] sa. three antelopes' heads, bowed and in armour, holding in the gauntlet a
couped, or. Crest, a dexter hand, ppr. vested, sword, all ppr.
ar. six pellets in pale, three and three;
barry of five, ar. and gu. holding a palru-branch Brouncker,
vert. on a chief, embattled, sa. a lozenge of the first,
B rot by, cheeky ar. and az. charged with a cross, pattee, of the second.
Brothall, ar. three boars, passant, barwise, sa. Bround, gu. a bend erm. on a chief ar. three
Broth e, or Brethie, [Scotland,] ar. a chev. torteauxes.
betw. three mullets az. Broun ker, barry of six ar. and gu. fifteen fleurs-
Brotherton. Crest, a hand, holding a club, in de-lis, three, three, three, three, two, and one, all

pale. counterchanged. Crest, a lion's gamb, erased,

Brough, [Lincolnshire.] Crest, a lion, sejant, ppr. holding a bezant.
collared and lined or. Broun lee, gyronny of twelve gu. and or, in the
Brough, [Scotland,] ar. a fesse, betw. three fleurs- centre a cinquefoil sa. Crest, a demi peacock
de-lis, or. Crest, a buffalo's head sa. ppr.
Brough, ar. on a fesse, dancettee, sa. three bezants. Brow, [Cheshire.] The same as the first of the
Brough, [Baron, of Lincolnshire,] az. three fleurs- name in the first
de-lis erni. Browell, [Herefordshire,] ar. across, bottonee,
Brougham, [Brougham Hall, Westmoreland,] fitchee, sa.
gu. a chev. betw. three fishes, haurient, ar. -
Browick, ar. three hawks' lures sa. two and one.
Crest, an arm in armour, embowed, holding in Brown, [Blackburn, Berwickshire.] The same
the hand a fish, all ppr. Arms and Crest as the first Brown of Scotland
or Broucham,
Brougham, Brougham, Brouham, in the first Dictionary.

[Wales,] ar. Crest, out of a ducal

a cock gu. Broivn, [Colston, Scotland.] The same as the
coronet, gu. a dexter hand brandishing a sword, second, of Scotland, in the first Dictionary.
ppr. Brown, [Balquharn, Scotland.] The same Arms
Broughope, [Berkshire,] .... on a chev. az. as Browne, of Westminster.
three fleur-de-lis ar. Brown, gu. a griffin, segreant, or; a chief, indented,
Broughton, [Devonshire,] sa. a buck's head, erm.
cabossed, ar. guttee .... Brown, or Were, per chev. gu. and sa. three
Broughton, gu. a chev. betw. three bears, passant, hinds or. Crest, on a lure, a falcon, rising,
or. ppr.
ar. a cock gu. beaked and membered, Brown, gu. three boars' heads, erased, or, two and
or. one. Crest, a boar's head as in the Arms, in
Broughton, [Broughton, Oxfordshire,] ar. a cross, the mouth a battle axe ppr.
engr. az. Broivn, or Brun, [Teruan, Cornwall.] The same
Broughton [Bedfordshire.] Arms as Broughton as the second Browne of Ireland in the first
of Essex, see first Dictionary. Crest, a mullet Dictionary.
gu. Brown ,lperfesse. . and or, a pale, and three lions'
. .

Broughton, sa. a guttee de poix.

buck's head ar.
gambs, erased, counterchanged, on a chief, in-
Broughton, [Seaton, Rutlandshire.] The same dented, erm. two trefoils, slipped, vert. Crest,
Arms as Broughton of Staffordshire, see first on a wreath, an eastern crown or, therefrom a
a flag flowing to the
Dictionary. spear, erect, ppr. bearing
Broughton, three brocks or badgers, passant,
ar. sinister, ar.charged with a leopard's face of the
sa. Crest, a badger, as in the Arms. second. [Granted to General Sir Thomas
Broughton, [Denston, Suffolk.] The same Arms Brown, K.C.B. and Colonel of the 1st Regiment
as Broughton of Essex ; see first Dictionary. of Bengal Light Cavalry.]
Broughton, [Thornhuugh, Northamptonshire.]
The Browne, [Walcot, Northamptonshire.] Crest, a
same as Broughton of Essex see first Dic- ; heron ppr. ducally gorged or.
tionary. Browne, [Sunning, Berkshire.] The same as

Broughton, [Broughton, Cheshire,] sa. a chev. Browne, of Cowdrey, Sussex.

betw. three owls ar. Browne, [Nether-Legh, Cheshire] ar. two bend-
Arms, see first Dic- lets betw. as many mullets sa.
Broughton, [Staffordshire.]
tionary. Crest, a squirrel, sejant, gu. Browne, [Sueston, Derbyshire.] Arms, see thirty-
Broughton, ar. a cock gu. fifth of the name in the first Dictionary. Crest, a
Brouker, ar. a fesse gu. betw. six estoiles sa. griffin's head, erased, vert, eared, beaked, and
collared or, charged on the ueck with a trefoil Browne, [Essex,] az. a cross, sarcelly, or.
crm. Browne, [Devonshire.] The same as the eighty-
Browne, [Bishop Auckland, Durham.] Arms, the sixth of the name in the first Dictionary.
same as the last but one in the first Dictionary. Broivne. To the first one of the name of Devon-
Crest, a sword, in pale, embowed, ppr. shire in the first Dictionary add of Brout-
Browne, [Totteridge, Herts.] The same Arms as hurst.
Browne, of Croft, Lincolnshire. Crest, a Browne. To the first of the name of Derbyshire,
dragon's head ar. guttee de poix, betw. two in the first Dictionary add of Salebston.
wings, expanded, sa. guttee de larmes. Broivne, [Rutlandshire.] The same Arms as
" Lan-
Browne. To the first one of the name, of Broivne, of Leiston, Suffolk, in the first Dic-
cashire," in the first Dictionary, add of Browne tionary.
Hall. Browne, [Attleborough, Devonshire,] ar. on a
Browne, [Kent,] sa. three lions, passant, in bend, chev. sa. three spears' heads of the field, betw.
betw. two cottises engr. ar. in chief a grifiin's as many sinister hands, couped, of the second.
head, erased, of the last. Brown ell, [Derby, 1G82.] Crest, out of a
Browne, [Essex.] The same as the third one of ducal coronet or, a triple plume of ostrich-fea-
the name, of Devonshire, in the first Dictionary. thers, five, four, and three, ....
" Not-
Browne. To the second of the name, of Brownhill, [Scotland.] Crest, the sun rising
in the first Dictionary, add of Newark. from behind a mountain ppr.
Browne, [Marshall, Derbyshire,] ar. on a chev. Browning, barry, wavy, of six or and az.
gu. three roses of the first. Crest, a sinister arm, from the elbow, issuing
Browne, [Wislor or Winslow, Leicestershire,] from a cloud on the dexter, holding the hand
Crest, a boar's head, erased, sa. pierced through above a serpent's head, erect from the middle,
the neck with a broken spear or, headed ar. and looking towards the sinister, all ppr.
Browne, [London,] sa. a lion, rampant, ar. a Broivning, gu. two bends, wavy, the one ar. the
beud, gobony, gu. and ar. within a bordure of second or.
the third. Crest, a bee-hive, beset with bees, Brownlow, or Brownelow, [Inner Temple,
diversly volant, ppr. London.] The same Arms and Crest as
Browne, [Newark, Nottinghamshire.] Crest, a Brownlow in the first Dictionary, the field
cock pheasant az. combed and beaked gu. gorged ar.

with a plain collar or. Brownrig, or Brownrigg, ar. a lion, ram-

Browne, [Essex,] gu. a chev. betw. three lions' pant, sa. guttee d'or, betw. three crescents of
gambs, erect and erased, ar. on a chief of the the second. Crest, a lion, rampant, holding in
last, an eagle, displayed, sa. all within a bordure the dexter paw a fleur-de-lis ppr.
of the second. Brownse, or Brownsse, [Gloucestershire,]
Browne, ar. a chev. sa. fratty or, betw. three or, a lion, rampant, betw. ten cross crosslets
roses, quarterly, az. and purp. slipped vert. sa.

Browne, [Stanford, Tolethorpe, and Gretford, Browton, sa. guttee, and a buck's head ar.
Lincolnshire,] sa. three mallets ar. Crest, a Broivlon, or Broughlon, [Devonshire.] See
stork's head, couped, and the neck, nowed, gu. Broughlon in the first Dictionary.
betw. two wings, displayed, ar. Broxholm. Arms and Crest, see first Diction-
Browne, [Spexall, Suffolk,] ar. on a bend sa. ary. [Confirmed John Broxholme, of Lin-
three eagles, displayed, of the field. coln, son of John Broxholme, of Oresby, in the
Browne, [Norwich,] sa. three herons ar. two and same county, by Sir Gilbert Dethick, Garter
one, a trefoil, slipped, .... Crest, on a wreath, King of Arms, 23d January, 1580.]
a ducal coronet ar. thereon a heron ppr. holding Broyn, sa. a saltier, betw. four leopards' heads

up the dexter leg. or. Crest, two lions' paws sa. holding up a
Browne, ar. three bars sa. on a canton or, a grif- shield ar.
fin's head, erased, of the second. \_M. I. to Broyn E, [Kent,] az. across, sarcelly, or.
Lambeth Church, an eagle, displayed, sa.
Sir Huqh Browne, Knt. in Broyne, ar.

Surrey, nb. 1G14] Bruant, erm. two bars gu.

Browne, [Sutton St. Clere, Somersetshire,] sa. a Bruce, [Gleneley and Taplow-Lodge, Bucks,]
chev. per pale ar. and or, betw. three griffins' or, a saltier gu. on a chief a canton, per pale
heads, erased, of the second. sa. and ar.

Browne, [London,] gu. a cbev. betw. three escal- Bruchesley, gu. three crosses, engr. or.
Bruckshaw, or Bruckshow, ar. a chev.
lops or, within a bordure, eugr. gu.
betw. three crosses, moline, gu. Crest, a sea- three crosses, potent, or. Crest, out of a ducal
chart ppr. coronet or, a demi lion, rampant, az.
Brudenall, or Brudenell, ar. a chev. betw. Brute, or, a lion, passant, gardant, chequy
three steel caps sa. Crest, a battle-axe, in or and gu. in chief three crosses, bottonee, of
pale, surmounted by a branch of laurel and a the last.
branch of rue, in saltier, ppr. Brunton, or, three eagles, displayed, gu.
Brudenell, [Northamptonshire.] The same Crest, a beacon, with flames of fire, ppr.
as the third of the name in the first Dictionary. Brunton, gu. six escallops or, three, two, and one.
Brudges, [Kent,] ar. a fesse, chequy, or and Brus, or, a saltier gu. a chief of the second, in
gu. in chief, three crosses, bottonee, of the the dexter point a mullet ar.
last. Brus, or, a fesse and chief gu.
Bruen, [Exeter, Devonshire,] ar. on a fesse .... Brus, az. a lion,
rampant, or.
three bezants, betw. two bears, passant, sa. Brus, [Buckinghamshire,] az. semee of cross
Bruer, [Tore, Devonshire,] gu. two bars, wavy, crosslets, and a lion, rampant, or.
or. Crest, a mermaid ppr. Brus, [Skelton, Durham,] ar. a lion, rampant, az.
Bruers, or, a lion, rampant, and canton gu. Brus, [Annandale,] or, a saltier and chief gu.
Bruerton, ar. two bars sa. Brusell, or. a lion, rampant, az. over all a
Bruges, [Berkshire.] The same as Bruges, bendlet gu.
of Sudley-Castle, Gloucestershire. See first Brush, sa. fesse betw. three leaves ar.
Dictionary. Brusly, erm. on a bend sa. two chev. ar.
Bruget, ten mascles, three, three,
az. three, Bruton, [Norfolk,] az. a lion, rampant, ar.
and one, a canton gu. charged with
or, a lion, crowned or.
passant, gorged, of the second. Crest, out of Bruton, or Brutijn, [Exeter.] Arms, see first
a ducal coronet or, a swan's head and neck, Dictionary. Crest, on a mount a hind, lodged
betw. two wings, ar. under a hawthorn tree, all ppr. [The Arms con-
Bruin, or Bruen, ar. an eagle, displayed, sa. firmed and the Crest (/ranted to William Bruton,
armed gu. Crest, a man ar. with a crutch in of the city of Exeter, by Sir John Borough,
the dexter hand or, and a basket on his back of Garter King of Arms, February, 1639.]
the last, on a staff of the second. Bruyer, or Bruyeres, or, a lion, rampant, sa.
Brumkerd, erm. three lozenge-buckles, tongues tail forked. Crest, a bear's paw, erased, ppr.
in fesse, az. Crest, a mermaid, with comb Bruyin, [Essex and Surrey,] az. a cross, sar-
and glass, all ppr. celly (or moline), or. Crest, a goat, passant,
Brumptom. See Brympton. ar. attired or.
Brumsted. Arms and Crest, see first Dic- Bruyin, az. a lion, rampant, ar. billettee gu.
tionary, for two crosses, formee, fitchee, read Bruyne, quarterly gu. and az. in chief two
three crosses, formee, fitchee. [Granted 1G6(3, suns or.
by Sir Edward Walker, Garter King of Arms, Bruyne, [Jernam, Surrey,] az. a cross, moline, or.
to Thomas Brutnsted, of Clement's Inn, Mid- Bruzeard, a chev. betw. three roundles, az.
dlesex, Esq.] within a bordure of the last, charged with as
Brun, [Athelhampton, Dorsetshire,] az. a cross, many fleur-de-lis or. Crest, a cat, sejeant,
resarcellee, or. sa.
Brune, [Dorsetshire, Hampshire, and Kent,] Br yam, [Ireland,] ar. a chev. betw. three boars
az. a cross or. passant, sa.
Brune, ar. six hurts, three, two, and one, a chief Bryan. To the first of the name in the first
or. Dictionary, add Crest, on a chapeau gu. turned
Bruneck, ar. two lions, passant, gardant, sa. up erm. a bugle-horn or, tipped and garnished
Brunet, or, a lion, rampant, gu. within a bor- sa. sans strings.
dure, embattled, sa. Crest, a cockatrice, dis- Bryan, quarterly, or and az. on a bend gu. three
played, gu. handcuffs of the first.
Brunfold, ar. a lion, passant, gu. Bryan, ar. three piles vert, within a bordure az.
Brunsfield, [Scotland,] or, five pine-apples, in Bri/an, ar. three piles, wavy, vert, within a bor-
cross, gu. -Crest, a demi chevalier, brandishing dure az. bezantee.
a sword, all
ppr. Bryan, [Earl Fitz Alan,] barry, of eight, or and
Brusired, sa. three antelopes' heads, couped, gu.
ar. armed or.
Bryan, or, a pile, wavy, betw. two piles, in point,
Bruskett, per pale ar. and vert, on a chief, az. vert, within a bordure az. bezantee.
Bryan, [Kibworth, Leicestershire, and Battle, Brymston, ar. on a fesse
sa. three mullets or, a

Sussex,] the same as Bryan, of Wrotham, label of as points of the last.

Kent. Bryne, [Ireland,] ar. three dexter hands, couped,
Brvanson, gyronny of eight az. and ar. apaumee az. Crest, a mermaid, with mirror
Bryant, az. on a cross or, a cinquefoil, betw. and comb, ppr.
four lozenges, gu. Crest, a flag az. charged Brynton, gu. a lion, rampant, double queued, ar.
with a saltier ar. Bryon, [Stafford,] bendy of six ar. and gu. See
Bryant, gu. three piles, meeting in point, ar. on Bryan.
a chief erminois a pheasant ppr. Crest, on an Bryon, [Lincolnshire,] quarterly gu. and az. four
amulet or, a squirrel, sejant, cracking a nut, stars or.

ppr. Bryonson. SeeBryatison, in the first Dictionary.

Bryce, [Bowton, Scotland,] gu. a saltier, betw. Brysbon, ar. on a chev. sa. three martlets or.
two mullets in chief and in base, or, and another Bryse, gu. a chev. betw. three swans, close, ar.
in each flank ar. on a chief of the second a lion, Bryse, [Ireland,] per pale, ar. and gu. a fret
passant, gardant, of the first. Crest, out of a counterchanged, over all a plain cross of the
cloud, in the sinister a dexter hand, holding a first within a bordure or.

pair of scales, all ppr. Bryson, gu. a saltier betw. two spur-rowels in
Bryce, lozengy gu. and ar. a cross of the last chief, and as many mullets in base, ar.
Crest, a griffin's head, erased, or. Bryson. Crest, a hand, holding a horn, ppr.
Bryce, lozengy gu. and ar. a cross of the last, all Bryson. Arms as in the first Dictionary. Crest,
within a bordure az. charged with eight cinque- a ship, under sail, ppr.
foils of the second. Brytt, sa. a fesse ar. betw. three escallops or.
Bryce, [Ireland,] gu. fretty and a cross ar. within Brytte, [Ireland,] ar. a fesse sa.
a bordure sa. charged with eight cinquefoils, Brytten, [Winching, Norfolk.] See Breton
pierced, of the second. in the first
Bryceson, gu. a saltier betw. four mullets of Bubb. Crest, on a mount, vert, a unicorn,
eight points, pierced, or. sejant, ar. crined and armed gold, reposing the
Bryden, [Lenelhouse, Berwickshire,] ar. three dexter foot on a shield, per pale, or and erm.
hawk's heads, erased, ppr. within a bordure BuBBLEWARD, ar. two bubbles, and a third
engr charged with eight bezants. Crest, rising out of water, in base, ppr
a hawk's head, erased, ppr. charged with three Bubsted, az. a fesse betw. two chev. or.
bezants, two and one. Bucey, or, three water bougets az.
Bryen, or Brian, ar. three piles, wavy, vert, Bucham, [Wernham, Sussex,] sa. a chev. or
within a bordure, az. bezantee. Two Crests, first betw. three lions' gambs, erased, ar.
a beacon, fired, or; second, an heraldic tiger, BuCHAN, [Cairnbulfy, Scotland,] ar. a garb betw.
courant, ar. bezantee. three lions' heads, erased, sa. within a bordure
Bryerton, [Malpas, Cheshire,] ar. two bars sa. az. Crest, a demi lion, rampant, holding betw.
Bryes, [Ireland,] lozengy ar. and gu. a cross and the paws a laurel-branch ppr.
bordure of the last, on the bordure eight cinque- Buchan, [Kelly, Scotland,] ar. betw. three lions'
foils of the first; another, of Ireland, the cross heads, erased, gu. a garb or. Crest, the sun,
ar. rising on a sun-flower, headed or, stalked and
Brvgge, or Briggs, [Norfolk,] gu. three bars, leaved vert.
gemelles, or a canton sa. Buchanan, [Ardoch,] or, a lion, rampant, sa. in
Bryggs, ar. three bars and a canton gu. the dexter paw a dagger, ppr. within a double
Brykes. Crest, a wolf's head, erased, wounded tressure, flory, counter-flory, and bordure, in-
by an arrow, ppr. vecked, gu. Crest, two hands, grasping a two-
Brykett, ar. a fesse engr. betw. three lions' handed sword, ppr.
heads, erased, gu. Buche. To the last of the name in the first
Bryllen, [Scotland,] .... a saltier or, betw. a Dictionary, add Crest, out of a ducal coro-
mullet of six points, pierced, in chief, and net or, a demi boar sa. pierced in the neck with
another, in base, of the second and a mullet
an arrow, all
in each flank ar. Bucher. To the one " of Middlesex," in the
Brympton, or Brumpton, or, a chev. vert first Dictionary, add, of Bow.
betw. three griffins, passant, gu. armed of the Buchnol, gu. a crescent betw. three mullets or.
second. Crest, out of a ducal coronet or, a Buck, [Lincolnshire,] barry, bendy, or and az. a
lion's gamb, ppr. charged with a bezant. canton erm. Crest, a portcullis az. chained or.
Buck, [Berkshire and Southampton.] Arms and tionary. [Confirmed to William Buckmaster,
Crest as Bucke, of Kent: see first Dictionary, of Peterborough, Northamptonshire, by Sir
the first of the name. Gilbert Delhick, Garter King of Arms, May 8,
Bucke, [Cambridge.] Arms, see first Dictionary. 1578.
Crest should be thus on a mount, vert, a buck, Buckminster, [Peterborough, Northampton-
statant, erm. against a bay-tree ppr. [Granted shire. Crest, as granted with the Arms, a demi
to . . Bucke, one of the esquire beadles to the
. . lion, rampant, double queued, sa. holding in the
University of Cambridge, by Sir John Borough, paws a battle-axe or, headed ar.
Garter King of Arms.~\ Buckminster, [Lincolnshire and Devonshire.] The
Buckelky, or Bulkley, [Hampshire and Ire- same Arms as Buckminster, of Peterborough.
land,] sa. a cbev. betw. three bulls' heads ar. Bucknall, [Griraston, Hertfordsliirc, descended
Buckell, sa. a chev. betw. three bucks, pas- from Sir William Bucknall, Alderman of Lon-
sant, ar. don, knighted 1670,] or, two chev. gu. betw.
Buckeniiam, or Buckingham, [Suffolk,] ar. a three bucks' heads, cabossed, sa. attired or.
fret az. Crest, a buck's head, cabossed, sa. attired or.
Buckeridge. Arms as in the first Dictionary. Bucknam, [Exeter, Devonshire,] per chev. az.
[Granted, by Camden, Clarenceux, to George and gu. three bucks, trippant, ar.
Buckeridge, Bishop of Rochester, afterwards Bucknell, [Crowcombe, Somersetshire.] The
Bishop of Ely, ob. 23d May, 1631 .] same Arms and Crest as Bruknall, in the
Bucket. Crest, a lily and holly-branch, in first Dictionary.

saltier, ppr. Bucknell, or Bucknel, sa. on a canton or, a mullet

Bucket, sa. a saltier ar. of the first. Crest, a dexter hand, issuing from
Buckett, ar.achev.betw.threeleopards'faces, gu. a cloud fesseways, holding a ball, ppr.
Buckland, [Somersetshire,] gu three lions, ram- Bucknell, [Creke, Northamptonshire.] Arms, as
pant, ar. on a canton of the last a fret of the first. Bucknall, in the first Dictionary.
Buckland, [Langley, Buckinghamshire,] ar. three Buckner, sa. three fleurs-de-lis or. Crest, a
lions rampant, a canton gu. fretty or. Crest, fleur-de-lis gu. with an adder entwined round it,
on a mount vert, a stag, lodged, ppr. and issuing from the centre leaf, ppr.
Buckland. To the first of the name, of " So- Buckner, gu. a clasped book, opened, or, betw.
mersetshire," add of Skipton." The bars in three bucks' heads, erased, erm. [Borne by the
these Arms are also wavy. late John Buckner, LL.D. Bishop of Chichester,
Buckland, gu. two lions, rampant, ar. on a canton (son of Richard Buckner, Esq. Alderman of
sa. a fret or. ChichesterJ bom 1734, elected 1797, ob. 1824.
Buckland, ar. a fesse sa. fretty or, betw. three See M.S. Coll. Arms Grants, vol. xxiii. p. 80.]
lions, passant, of the second. Bucknol, gu a crescent betw. three mullets or.
Buckle, [Westmoreland Borough, in Banstead, Bucknole, gu. a crescent betw. two mullets or.
Surrey, and llogate, Sussex.] The same as Buckton, ar. three bars gemelles, and a canton sa.
Buckle, Lord Mayor of Londou, 15i)3. See first Buckton, [Yorkshire.] Crest, a goat's bead, erased,
Dictionary. [Borne by Matthew Buckle, Esq. ppr.
of Norton House, Chichester, Sussex, 1828.] Buckton, [Billingsholuie, Holderness, \ orkshire.]
Crest as Buckle of Northamptonshire. The same as the last of the name in the first Dic-
Buckle. To the one of " Warwickshire," in the tionary ; the goat, per fesse, indented, ar. and sa.
" of
first Dictionary, add Coventry." Buckwortii, [London and Godney, Lincoln-
Buckley, orBwKLEY, [Beaumaris, Anglesea.] shire.] The same Arms as Buckworth, of West
The same as Buckley, of Cheshire. Sheen, Surrey. See first
Buckley, [Broxton, Cheshire,] sa. three bulls' Bucy, or, three hurts.
beads, cabossed, ar. Budall, [Hampshire,] ar. a cross moline gu.
Buckley. Crest, a deroi griffin, rising, ppr. Budd, vair, on a chev. gu. three fleurs-de-lis or.
Buckley, [Bedfordshire.] The same as Buckley Crest, a dragon's head and neck transfixed with
of Kent, in the first Dictionary. a spear-head ....
Buckley, sa. three bulls' heads, cabossed, ar. Budd, [Ireland,] erm. on a chev. gu. three fleurs-
within a bordure, engr. or, charged with ten de-lis ar. Crest, an heraldic tiger, passant, gu.
torteauxes. Crest, a bull's head, cabossed, Budd. Crest, out of a mural coronet, a demi
ar. attired or. [Granted 4th December, lion, rampant, holding a fleur-de-lis
7 Eliz. to
Henry Buckley, of Barlings Abbey. ] Budds, or, six mascles az. Crest, a ram, pas-
BucKMASTER. Arms and Crest, see first Die- sant, ar.
Budgen, per pale vert and ar. a chev. crm. in Bulbeck, [Kingston.] Crest, a bull, statant, vert,
chief three crescents, all counterchanged. armed, maned, hoofed, and tufted, or.
Crest, a lion's paw, sa. holding; a spear, tasselled, Bulcock, az. on a canton ar. a lion, passant,
in bend sinister. gardant, gu. Crest, a lion's head gu. within a
Budokksvdk, [Devonshire,] sa. three lozenges, chain, in orle, issuing, or.
conjoined, in ("esse, ar. in chief two bulls' heads, Bulbrooke, [Drinkstone, Suffolk,] ar. a fesse,
cabossed, of the second. Crest, a stag's head, wavy, betw. three helmets sa.

couped and affrontee, ar. Bulkaleel. Crest, out of a ducal coronet or,
Budworth, sa. three
garbs or. Crest, a sinister a bull's head ar. armed gold.
arm, couped, ppr. vested az. holding towards Bulkeley, [Eyton, or Ayton, and Alstanton,
the sinister a bent bow of the first. Cheshire.] The same as Buckley, of Cheshire :

Buers, [Acton, Suffolk,] era. on a chief, in- see first Dictionary.

dented, sa. three lions, rampant, queues for- Bulkler, [Eaton, Cheshire, and Burgate, Hamp-
chee, or. shire,] sa. a chev. betw. three hulls' heads,
Buerton, ar. a chev. betw. three bucks' heads, cabossed, ar.
cabossed, gu. Bull, [Wilts.] The same Arms and Crest as
Buey, sa. a chev. betw. three annulets ar. the second Bull, of London, in the first Dic-
Buffry, [Thorpe, Norfolk,] az. on a chev. betw. tionary. '

three cross crosslets or, as many boars' heads. . . Bull, [Sussex,] sa. five fusils, in fesse, ar.
Bugg, [Nottinghamshire.] The same as Bugg of Bull, [Northumberland,] sa. a bull, regardant, ar.
Northamptonshire. Bull, sa. a chev. betw. chamber pieces or.
Bugg, [Barsham, Suffolk,].. .. three wool-packs, Crest, on a ducal coronet or, an owl, ar. hold-
within a bordure, engr Crest, the same ing in the dexter claw a . . .

as Bugg, of Harlow, Essex: see first Dictionary. Bull, [London,] az. three bezants, in fesse, betw.
Bcgges, ar. three water
bougets sa. within a as many bulls' heads, couped, ar.
bordure, engr. of the last. Bullayn, ar a chev. gu. betw. three bulls'
Buggin, or Buggens, or, an eagle, displayed, heads, couped, sa.
sa. Crest, a Doric column, ar. entwined with Bullen, [Norfolk.] The same as the second
laurel vert. Bullen (see with Bolleyne), in the first
Bugod, ar. two bends, engr. gu. betw. three mul- Dictionary.
lets sa. Bullen. Crest, a bull's head, erased, sa. armed or.
Bugton, gu. a pile, in point, ar. Buller, [Trinant Park, Cornwall,] sa. on a cross
Buick, [Scotland,] gu. a bend, chequy, ar. and ar. pierced of the field, four eagles, displayed,
az. betw. a buck's head, erased, in chief, and a of the first ; in the first quarter an arm, em-
cross, couped and pierced, or, in base. bowed, and issuing out of a ducal coronet, or,
Buirch, ar. on a fesse, dancettee, sa. three grasping in the hand a trident. Two Crests ;
bezants. first, an eagle, on a rock, supporting a banner;
BuiSHALL, sa. three lozenges ar. a chief of the second, a Saracen's head ppr.
last. Buller, ar. three Saracen's heads sa. wreathed about
BuiSLl, or Builli, [Devonshire,] sa. an ines- the temples of the first and second, jewels az.
cocheon, within an orle of cinquefoiles, ar. Bulley, gu. three mascles or. Crest, a heart,
Bukeland, gu. a demi lion, rampant, couped, in flames, ppr.
ar. Bulling, sa. an inescocheon, within an orle of
Bukell, ar. two lions, rampant, gu. a quarter sa. martlets, ar.
charged with a fret or. Bullingbroke, [Lincolnshire,] sa. a chev. hetw.
BUKESHALL, BUKEISHALL, or BUKESHALL, three pillars, or, a label of as many points, ar.
[Sussex,] or, a lion, rampant, az. fretty ar. Bullingham. The same Arms as in the first
Buketon, or Buckton, [Yorkshire.] Crest, a Dictionary. [Borne by Nicholas Bullingham,
demi shark, swallowing a negro, ppr. Bishop of Lincoln, t?-anslated to the See of
Bukeyl, or Bukeleel, or, a lion, rampant, az. Worcester, 1570, ob. April 18, 1576.
fretty ar. Bullmore, ar. three canary birds gu.
Bukhill, gu. a chev. betw. three buckles or. Bullo, or Bulow, paly of six sa. and or, per
Crest, a talbot's head ar. fesse, counterchanged. Crest, an arm, em-
Buklegh, ar. on a pale gu. a mascle buckle or. bowed, the hand clenched, ppr.
Bulbeck, orBuLLBECK, [Essex.] The same Bullock. To the ninth of the name in the first
as the second of the name in the first Dictionary. Dictionary, add [Confirmed to Edward Bullock,
n 2
of Loftes, in Much Tolham, Co. Essex, Bunhill. Crest, a bear's paw, erased, sa.
Esq. son of John Bullock, of Wybrotigh, by holding a rose, slipped and leaved, ppr.
William Camden, Clarenceux, 9th Febrtiary, Bunkell, Bunell, or Bunikell, [Scotland,]
1602. ar. on a bend sa. three buckles or.

Bullock, [Berkshire.] The same as the eighth of Bunn, ar. on three grieces sa. gu. and az. a cross
the name in the first Dictionary. calvary of the third, in chief two crescents gu.
Bulman. To the first of the name in the first Crest, an ostrich's head ar. collared gu. betw.
Dictionary, add Crest, out of a ducal coronet two palm-branches vert.
or, a bull's head ppr. Bunnell, gu. three increscents ar. Crest, on
Bulman, [Northumberland,] sa. three bars, wavy, a ducal coronet a Cornish chough, rising, ppr.
ar. on a chief or, an annulet betw. two bulls' Bunny, [Ryton, Durham.] Arms, see first Dic-
heads, cabossed, sa. through each of their nos- tionary. Crest, a goat's head, erased, sa.
trils an annulet of the last. Crest, on a mount charged with a mullet ....
vert a bull, passant, ar. the dexter foot on a Bunsam, or Bozom, az. three bird-bolts of as
rouudle az. many points or.
Bulman, [London and Sussex,] sa. two bars, wavy, Bunting, quarterly or and gu. three birds coun-
ar. inchief a bull, passant, or. terchanged. Crest, a hand, issuing from a
Bulmar on a fessebetw. threeescallops. . .. cloud, erect, holding two branches of laurel, in
a mullet Crest, a demi lion, rampant, orle, ppr.
.... holding betw. the paws an escallop .... Buntinge. See first Dictionary; before Nor-
Bulmer, gu. a lion, rampant, or, billette sa. folk, read Snelsham.
Buhner [Lord, of Branspath, Durham.] The Bun ton. Crest, on a ducal coronet or, a talbot,
same as Bulmer of Essex and York. passant .... collared aud lined ....
Bulmer, [Tursdale, Durham.] The same. Burard, a lion, passant, betw. three estoiles ar.
Bulsham. See Belsham. Crest, on a ducal coronet, an estoile of eight
Bulstrode. To the first of the name, of points, ppr.
Buckinghamshire," in the first Dictionary, add Burbage, ar. a chev. engr. vert, guttee, or, betw.
" of three boars' heads sa.
Begley, Bulstrode."
Bult, gyronny of eight az. and or, a cinquefoil Burbage, sa. on a chev. engr. betw. three boars'
gu. -Crest, an arm in armour, couped and heads, couped, fesseways, ar. as many .... sa.
embowed, resting the elbow on the wreath, Crest, a boar's head, erased, ar. betw. two
slashed and tied at the shoulder, gu. holding a laurel-branches vert.
club of the first. Burbage, [Middlesex,] ar. a chev. engr. vert,
Bultell, Bulteel, [Somersetshire,] az.
or guttee, gu. betw. three boars' heads sa.
three bulls' heads, couped, ar. Crest, a bull's Burbidge, az. a boar, passant, or. Crest, betw.
head gu. betw. two wings, expanded, or. the attires of a stag, attached to the scalp, or, a
Bulworth. Crest, a stag's head, erased, ppr. boar's head, erect aud erased, sa.
Bumsted, az. a bar betw. two chev. or. Burbridge, erm. a boar, passant, sa. Crest,
Bumsted, [Suffolk.] Arms, see first Dictionary. out of a ducal coronet, az. two arms, embowed,
Crest, out of a cloud a dexter hand, erect, vested, gu. gloved or, in each an ostrich feather
pointing to a star, all ppr.
Bumsted, [Suffolk,] or, on a bend betw. two Burcetre, ar. three lions' heads, erased, sa.
crosses, p;ittee, fitchee, gu. three mullets, Crest, a comet ppr.
pierced, ar. Burchall, or Burchell, ar. three mullets, in

BuMY, ar. a chev. betw. three roe-bucks' heads chief, gu. Crest, out of a ducal coronet, two
sa. hands, dexter and sinister, saltierwise, each
Bunce, [London, Otterden, Kemsing Linsted, brandishing a cimeter, edges outwards, all ppr.
and Boughton Malherb, Kent.] Arms and Burchell. Crest, a lion, rampant, az. support-
Crest, see first Dictionary. (Another, the ing an apple-tree ppr.
Crest, the boar or, spear gu. headed ar.) Burchett, chequy gu. and ar. Crest, a winged
[Granted to James Bunce, of Otterden, by spur ppr.
Robert Cook, Clarenceux, 1589.] Burckhead, sa. three garbs or, within a bordure
Bundrish, per pale or and az. a fesse ar. ar. Crest, a goat, rampant, ar. holding betw.
Bungey, [Durham,] ar. a lion, passant, betw. the fore-paws a garb of the last, armed or.
three bezants. Crest, as in the first Dic- Burcum, or, a cross, pierced, betw. four fleurs-
tionary. de-lis
Burden. To the of the name in the first
first with the Arms,) a camel's head, erased, ppr
Dictionary, add Crest, a heart transfixed with bezantee.
a sword, in bend sinister, ppr. Buryes. Sixth of the name should be thus ar. a :

Burden, or Burdon, [Ireland.] The same Arms fesse, chequy, or and sa. in chief three crosses,
as Burden, of Lincolnshire see first Dictionary.
; flory, fitchee, of the last. Crest, on a mural
BURDENBROKB, tower, betw. three martlets,
ar. a coronet, chequy, or and sa. a buckle az. gar-
az. Crest, a hoar's head, erased, gu. nished or, the tongue, erect, in pale. [Granted
Burdenbroke. Crest, an otter's head, erased, by Sir William Seyar, Garter Kiny of Arms to
close, sa. John Buryes, of Grandon, Co. Lincoln, (de-
Burdenell, erm. a chev. gu. betw. three caps scended out of Kent), January, 1633.]
of maintenance az. Burgess, or, on a fesse gu. five fusils ar. in
Burult, [Osgodby, Yorkshire, formerly Pritch- chief three mascles az. in base a fret of the
ard, by royal sign manual, dated 31si Ju/i/, second, within a bordure of the fourth, charged
1761.] The same Arms and CrPst as Burdet, with eight bezants. [Borne Dr. Thomas by
of Burthwail, in the first Dictionary. Burcjess, Prebendary of Durham, elected Bishop
Burdett, [Dunmore, Carlow, Ireland,] az. two of St. David's, 1803.]
bars or, a crescent for difference. Crest, a Burgess, chequy ar. and gu. on a chief or, three
lion's head, erased, sa. cross crosslets sa.
Burdett, [Ireland,] az. two bars or, on the first Burgg, quarterly az. and or, a bend gu.
two martlets sa. Burgh, [Earl of' Ulster,] gu. a cross or.
Burdett, [London.] Arms as the ninth of the Buryh, az. a chev. erm. betw. three chaplets vert.
name in the first
Dictionary. Crest, an ante- Burgh, [Yorkshire.] The same as Buryh, of
lope's head, erased, .... horned, collared, and Gainsborough see first Dictionary.

lined, or. Buryh, ar. an eagle, displayed, with two heads,

Burdon, [Nottinghamshire.] The same as Bur- beaked and legged gu.
den, of Notts, in the first Dictionary.
Burgh, [Richmondshire.] The same as Buryh,
Burdon, [Stockton-on-Tees, and Castle Eden, of Staffordshire : see first
Durham,] three pilgrims' staves or, the field
az. Buryh, quarterly, ar. and or, a bend gu.
crusily of the second. Crest, a lion, rampant, Buryh, [Waltam, Lincolnshire,] ar. on a saltier

standing on the sinister leg, supporting him- sa. five swans ppr. in chief a mullet
self by a pilgrim's staff, or. Burghdon, ar. three cinquefoils, within a bordure,
Burdon, az. two horns, endorsed, or, betw. four engr. sa.
cross crosslets, fitchee, ar. Burghdon, [Lancashire,] ar. three cinquefoils sa.
Blre, or, a bend az. betw. six annulets gu. Burgheppr, or Burghoppr, [Staffordshire.]
Crest, an eagle ppr. As in the first
Bureau, az. a chev. potent, counter-potent, or Burgin, per fesse, indented, or and gu. three
and gu. betw. three ewers, with handles, of the escallops couuterchanged. Crest, a sword and
second. key, in saltier, ....
Ruret, or, a lion, rampant, vert. Burghley, ar. a lion, rampant, sa. crowned or.
Birew.vsh, [Kent,] gu. a lion, rampant, double over all a fesse, chequy, or and az.
queued, or, over all a bend az. Burghwash, or Burgwash. The same as
BUREY, vert, a cross crosslet or. Burghersh.
Burford, or, three fleurs-de-lis az. Burghwell, ar. on a bend
gu. three martlets
Bur ford, or, three fleurs-de-lis sa. or, within abordure of the second.
Burford, quarterly, gu and az. a cross or, in chief BURGILON, quai'terly, or and gu. a bend sa. in
two cross crosslets, fitchee, ar. the second and third quarters an annulet ar.
Burg, gu. six mascles vair. Crest, a falcon Burgiloner, quarterly, or and gu. on a bend
standing on a serpent, nowed, ppr. sa. two annulets of the first.
Burgaine, or Burgoyne, [Roxsall, Warwick- Burgilton, [Norfolk.] The same as Buryilon ;

shire.] The same as the last Burgoyne in the in the place of the annulets two plates.
first Dictionary. Burgis, ar. a fesse, lozengy, or and az. betw.
Burgase, or Burgas. Crest, two pigeons, three mascles of the last, within a bordure az.
billing, ppr. bezantee. Crest, a camel's head ppr.
Burgath, paly of six sa. aud ar. Burgoigne, or Burgoyne, [Bedfordshire.]
BuRGE.gu.a cross or. Crest, an olive-branch ppr. The same as Buryoiyne, of Cambridgeshire :

B urges, [Westport, Dorsetshire.] Crest, (granted see first Dictionary 7

Burgoine, [Wroxall, Warwickshire,] gu. a chev. Burlmet, [France,] gu. an inescocheon betw.
betw. three talbots, passant, or, on a chief, em- three martlets ar.
many martlets gu.
battled, ar. as Burlton. Crest, two arms, dexter and sinister,
Burgom, or Burgoyne, [Oxfordshire.] Crest, vested .... holding a cross crosslet fitchee ....
on a ducal coronet or, a lion, passant, gu. Burlz. Arms, see first Dictionary. Before
Burgon, [Suffolk,] paly of six ar. and sa. 1597, read granted."
Burgon, or Burgoine, [Longstanton, Hertford- Burman, paly of six ar. and sa. a chief, wavy,
shire.] The same Arms as the first Burgoigne, az. Crest, a demi peacock az.
in the first Dictionary. Crest, an heraldic tiger, Burmaster. Crest, a cross, pattee, az. within
sejant, ar. tufted and maned sa. six mullets, in orle, or.
Borgoyne, [Sutton Park, Bedfordshire,] gu. Burmey. Crest, a dexter hand ppr. holding an
a chev. or betw. three talbots ar. on a chief, cre- anchor, erect, or, environed with clouds ar.
nellee, of the last, as many martlets az. Crest, Burminghill, sa. three gad-bees, volant, ar.
a talbot, sejant, ar. Burn, ar. on a bend sa. three buckles or.
Burgoyne, az. a chev. betw. three estoiles or, on Burn, [Caldock, Perthshire,] or, a crescent betw.
a chief, embattled, ar. as many fleurs-de-lis of two spur-rowels in chief, and a hunting-horn in
the first. base, sa. Crest, two daggers, in saltier, ppr.
Burgulion, or Burgullion, [Norfolk.] The Burn, gu. three bezants. Crest, a heart gu.
same as the first of the name in the first Dic- Burn, or Burne, [Ireland,] sa. three bezants.
tionary. Crest, a hurt.
Burgullion, [Norfolk,] quarterly or and gu. Burn, [Lisbon, originally from Stirling,] or, two
on the a baton, in bend, sa.
first spur-rowels in chief, and a hunting-horn in base,
Burhall, paly of ten ar. and sa. a bend gu. sa. Crest, a hand ppr. holding a cross crosslet,
Burhall, [Ireland,] paly of six or and az. a fesse fitchee, az.
gu. Burn, [Scotland.] The same Arms. Crest, a
Burhall, paly of ten ar. a bend gu.
and sa. dexter hand holding a horn ppr.
Burhell, or, three pales az. a fesse gu. Burn, ar. on a bend gu. three buckles or, betw.
BuRHOPE, ar. on a fesse az. three fleurs-de-lis a bugle-horn in
base, stringed, sa. and two
or. mullets, in chief, of the second.
Burie, quarterly, first and fourth, erm. a bend gu. Burnam, [Lincolnshire.] The same as the last
second and third az. a falcon volant, belled, or. but one of the name in the first Dictionary, with
Buris, quarterly, gu. and erm. Burnham.
Buris, ar. on a bend az. three leopards' heads Burnam, [Lincolnshire,] or, a maunch vert.
or. Burnam, [St. Albans, Hertfordshire, per Haley
Burkett, az. a chev. betw. three garbs ar. Clarenceux, 19 Henry VIII.] ar. on a chev.
Crest, a garb or. engr. gu. three mullets, of six points, or, betw.
Burkitt, gu. three mullets or. Crest, a dexter three pelicans' heads ppr. beaked or; in chief a
arm, embowed, brandishing a club, ppr. starling, betw. two paunceys, ppr.
BURLACE, [Ireland,] erm. a bend az. Burn by, [Northamptonshire.] The same as
BuRLAND, erm. on a chief, embattled, gu. three Burnaby, of Watford see first Dictionary.

cinquefoils ar. Crest, a demi savage, brandish- Burnby. To the first of the name in the first
ing a cimeter, ppr. Dictionary (see with Burnaby), add Crest, on
Burlay, [Burlay, Norfolk,] ar. a chev. sa. betw. a mount a stag, rising from under a tree, ppr.
three roses gu. Burnby, [Northamptonshire.] The same Arms as
Burleigh, [Hampshire,] vert, three boars' heads, the first
Barnaby in the first Dictionary.

couped, ar. Burneby, [Lincolnshire,] ar. two bars, and a lion,

Burleigh, paly of six ar. and gu. on a chief, paly, passant, in chief, gu.
six crescents, all counterchanged. Crest, a Burnell (De), ar. a lion, rampant, double
stag's head, erased, gu. queued, az. guttee, and crowned or.
Burley, [Bromscroft Castle.] The same as the Burnell, [Norfolk,] ar. a lion, rampant, sa. within
sixth of the name in the first Dictionary. a bordure engr. gu.
Burlinson, [Bishop Wearmouth, Durham,] per Burnell, or, a lion, rampant, sa. within a bordure,
fesse, vert, and per pale vair and sa. in chief a gu. bezantee.
lion, rampant, the sinister (on the sa.) base
or, in Burnell, [London, confirmed by Robert Cooke,
three roses ar. Crest, a demi lion, holding Clarenceux], see first Dictionary. (Another,
betw. the paws a rose ar. barbed vert. the Crest on a chapeau gu. turned up erm.
Burnell, [Ireland,] ar. a liou, passant, sa. on a youngest son of William Burrard, of Wal
bend gu. three escallops or. hampton, Li/mington, Hants.]
Burnet, [Barnis, Scotland.] The same Arms as BuRRE, ar. an inescocheon gu.
the eighth of the name in the first Dictionary. Burrel, or, a saltier gu. on a chief az. a crescent
Crest, a hand, with a knife, pruning a vine, ar. betw. two spur-rowels of the first.

ppr. Burrell, [Dowsby, Lincolnshire,] ar. a saltier

Burnet, [Newton Morrell, Yorkshire,] ar. three gu. betw. four leaves vert; on a chief, sa. a lion's
holly-leaves, in chief, vert, in base a hunting- head, erased, betw. two battle-axes or.
horn sa. stringed gu. Burrell, [London, Dowsby, Lincolnshire, and Ry-
Burnett, [Ireland,] gu. three bezants. Crest, a ball, Rutlandshire, Spalding, Lincolnshire, and

pascal lamb, regardant, ar. holding a standard of Theobalds, Hertfordshire,] ar. a saltier gu.
St. Patrick, ppr. betw. four leaves vert, on a chief sa. a lion's
or bead, erased, betw. two battle-axes or.

[Suffolk,] gu. a saltier engr. betw. four cinque- Burrell, [Valentine-House, Essex, West Grin-
toils ar. stead-Park, and Knep-Castle, Sussex.] The
Burnevile, gu. a saltier, engr. or, betw. four cin- same as Burrell, of Beckenham, Kent.
quefoils ar. Burris, [Norfolk,] erm. on a chief, indented,
Burnford, [Devonshire,] ar. a chev. betw. three forming two piles, sa. as many lions, rampant, or.
woodcocks sa. Burroughs, [Castle Bagshaw, Cavan,] gu. the
Blrnisch, sa. three pewterers' burnishers, erect, stump of a laurel-tree, eradicated, ppr. on a
in fesse ar. chief or, an eastern crown of the field, betw.
BURN MAN, [Devonshire,] erm. on a bend, cot- two annulets, az. Crest, on an eastern crown
tised, sa. three boars' heads, couped, ar. Crest, or, a lion, passant, gu.
a bull's head, erased, or, horns, gobony, or and Burrow, [Port Glasgow,] az. a fesse, indented,
sa. ar. betw. three bezants. Crest, a lion, passant,
Burns, [Scotland,] or, a fesse betw. three mullets, gardant, ar.
of six points, pierced, and a hunting-horn, Burrow, az. three fleurs-de-lis erm.
strung, in base, sa. Crest, from clouds two Burrs, or, in chief two boars' heads, erased, sa.

hands, conjoined, in fesse, and holding a branch demi antelope, collared, ....
Crest, a
of laurel vert. Bursh, [Devonshire and Cornwall,] sa. a fesse
Burns, [Norfolk and Acton, Suffolk,] erm. on a betw. three leaves ar.
chief, indented, sa. two lions rampant, or. Burslam, or Burslem, az. on a chief ar. three
Burnsdall, per saltier or and ar. four eagles, bendlets gu. Crest, a pestle and mortar
displayed, sa. [Confirmed by Camden, Claren- ppr.
ceux, King of Arms, to William Barnsdall, Bursted, gu. on a fesse or, betw. six annulets
M.D. 25th June, 1604.] ar.three mullets, pierced, of the field.
Burnside, [Whitlaw, Scotland,] sa. a chev. or, Bursted, [Devonshire.] The same as Bursted, in
betw. three boars' heads, couped, ar. and lying the first Dictionary.
fessewavs. Crest, a crescent ar. Burston, [Burston, Kent,] quarterly, ar. and
Burnwell, [Ireland,] or, a chev. erm. betw. sa. on a bend gu. three lions' heads, erased, of
three oak-leaves vert. the first.

Burowashe, gu. a lion, rampant, or, tail Burstwik, or Burstwick, gu. a cross, bot-
forchee. tonee, or.

Burr, or, a cross, aiquise, voided, az. Crest, a Burt, or Byrte, [Fordingbridge, Hampshire,
head ppr. collared or.
lion's Candlemarsh, Dorsetshire, Wiltshire, and Somer-
BuRRA RD, [Hampshire,] az. a lion, passant, betw. setshire, and Boley-Hill,llochester,Kent.] Arms,
two estoiles in chief, and a cross crosslet, fitchee, the same as the second of the name in the first
in base, ar. on a chief, or, two lions, rampant, Dictionary. Crest, out of a ducal coronet or,
supporting a sinister hand, couped, gu. Crest, a dexter arm, in armour, ppr. holding in the
on a wreath a naval crown or, therefrom issuant band a cross crosslet, fitchee, gu. [Borne by
a cubit arm, erect, ppr. charged with a cross, Thomas Charles Burt, of Linton, Co. Kent, Esq.
pattee, gu. the hand grasping a trident, in bend and his brother, Henry William Champneys,
sinister, points downwards, gold.
[Granted, of Oslenhanger, in the same county, and Rector
3\st October, 1815, to the Rev. George Bur- of Badsworth, Co. York, who took the surname
rard, Chaplain in ordinary to the King, and of Champneys by royal sig?i manual, 10th No-
Rector of Yarmouth in the Isle of Wight, vember, 1778.] See Champneys.
Burton, [Kensley, Yorkshire,] sa. three owls BUSBY, [Addington,] or, three arrows sa. headed
ar. two and one. and barbed on a chief of the second as many

Burton. To the third one of the name, of " York- mullets of the field. Crest, a stag's head ar.
" erased gu. pierced through the neck with an
shire," in the first Dictionary, add of Kensley."
Burton, ["Ireland,] ar. on a chev. indented, sa. arrow, as in the Arms.
three escallops of the field. Busby, gu. on a bend ar. betw. six bezants, three
Burton, [Stafford-upon-Treut,] barry wavy ar. and fleurs-de-lis az.
az. on a chief, gu. a peacock, displayed, betw. Busby, vair, a chief gu. guttee d'eau. Crest, a
two fleurs-de-lis or. buck's head, erased, ppr.
Burton, [London,] ar. on a chev. engr. betw. Busche, or Bush, ar. out of a mount, in base, a
three boars' beads, erased, sa. a bezant. Crest, forest of trees vert. Crest, the trunk of a tree
a boar's head, erased, or, holdingin the mouth a shooting out new branches ppr. pendent there-
branch of laurel vert. from an escocheon ar.
Burton, [Broome, Suffolk,] sa. three bars, ge*- Buschebury, ar. on a fesse, cottised, sa. three

melles, ar. a canton of the last. escallops of the field.

Burton, [Tolethorpe and Braunston, Rutland- Buset, ar. a bend az.
shire.] Arms and Crest as in the first Dic- Busiiam, [Baroby, Lincolnshire,] ar. three bird-
tionary. bolts gu. headed and feathered or.

Burton, [Eastbourne and Broadwater, Sussex.] Bushbury, ar. a fesse, cottised, sa. in chief
The same Arms as Burton, of Essex see : three escallops of the second.
first Dictionary. Bushby, [Cumberland,] vair, on a fesse gu. five
Burton, [Inglethorpe.] Arms and Crest, see first cloves ar. Crest, a crow, picking, ppr.
Dictionary. [Confirmed to Nicholas Burton, of Bushe, [Norfolk,] ar. on a chev. az. three
Inglethorpe, Co. Derby, by Sir Gilbert Dethick, crescents of the field.
Garter King of Arms, 6lh March, 24 Eliz.] Bushell, [Warwickshire,] sa. a chev. betw.
Burtt, or Burt, ar. three bars az. Crest, a three water bougets ar. Crest, an arm, from
demi leopard, gardant, supporting an anchor, the elbow, in armour, holding a coltrap.
ppr. Bushman. Crest, a sinister arm,_ embowed,
Burugill, [Yorkshire,] az. a chev. ar. betw. vested .... holding a roll of paper.
three martlets or. Bushnell. Crest, on a ducal coronet a wivern
Burun, az. three bends, sinister, gu. sans feet.
Burwasch. Crest, the helm of a ship ppr. Bushy, or Bushey, ar. three bars sa. Crest, a
Burwell, [Ireland.] The same Arms as Bur- boar's head, erased, sa.
ivell, of Woodbridge see first Dictionary.
: Buske, ar. a saltier, betw. four antique crowns,
Burwell, .... a saltier betw. four lions' heads, sa. Crest, out of a ducal coronet or, a fish's
erased, .... Crest, a Saracen's head, couped head az.
at the shoulders, ppr. Buskin, [Gore-Court, in Otham and Leose,
Burwood, gu. a lion, rampant, tail forked, or. Kent.] Arms, as the first of the name in the
Crest, a boar's head ppr. firstDictionary. Crest, on a ducal coronet or,
Bury, [Worlingham, Suffolk,] erm. on a bend, a falcon, rising, ar. belled of the first.
eugr. yu. three fleurs-de-lis or. Bussard, az. three covered cups ar.
Bur YE, [Heme, Bedfordshire, confirmed by BtJSSE, [Lincolnshire,] ar. three bars sa.
" Lincoln-
Harvey ,Clarenceux ,]sa. a chev. engr. or, betw. Bussey', see first Dictionary. Before
read "
three plates, each charged with a cross, pattee, shire," Hagham."
gu- Bussham, [Lincolnshire,] ar. a fesse, cottised, sa.
in chief three escallops
Buryne, paly of six or. and gu. on a chief sa. of the second.
three lozenges of the first. Busshey, [Lincolnshire,] or, a cross, throughout,
Buuys, quarterly gu. and erm. betw. four eagles, displayed, sa.
Bun/s, or BuRlS, ar. on a bend. az. three Busswe, or Bussa, [Leicestershire,] gu. a
leopards' heads, eaased, or. ciuqnefoil erm.
Busbridge, [Haremare, Echingham, Essex, Bust, sa. a cross, moline, cantoned, with four
Kent,] erm. six roses gu. three, two, and one. lions, rampant, ar.

Crest, an arm, erect, in mail, holding in the BuSTE. The same as the last Buste in the first
hand, ppr. a cutlass. Dictionary.
Busbury, or Bushborne, ar. on a fesse, cot- Bustard, [Devonshire,] gu. on a fesse, betw. six
tised, sa. three escallops of the first. annulets ar. three mullets sa.
Bussiiey, [Lincolnshire,] or, a cross throughout, esquires ; base, or, an inescocheon, barry of six
between four eagles, displayed, sa. gu. and erm,
BUSSWE, or Bussu, [Leicestershire,] gu. a Butter, barry of ten vert and ar. a chev. gu.
cinqucfoil erm. Crest, a camel's head, couped, ppr.
Bustard, [Sussex,] ar.on a fesse gu. betw. three Butters, [Scotland,] or, a cross, potent, gu.
ogresses, as many mullets or, within a bordure, betw. four human hearts ppr. Crest, two naked
engr. sa. arms issuing from the wreath, shooting an arrow
Bustard, [Oxfordshire,] ar. on a fesse gu. betw. from a bow ppr.
three ogresses, as many bustards or, within a Butterworth. To the second of the name in
bordure, engr. sa. the first Dictionary add Crest, a sphere resting
Busv argus, or Bosvargus, ar. on a fesse az. on a cloud ppr.
three bezants, betw. two chev. gu. Crest, a Butterworth, [Scotland.] Crest, a hand issuing
Cornish chough ppr. from a cloud, in fesse, pointing to a serpent,
Buswell, [Chipston, Northamptonshire,] ar. nowed, and head erect, ppr.
five fusils, in fesse, between three boars' heads, Buttertoft, erm. a saltier, engr. sa.
erased, gu. muzzled or. Crest, out of a wood Buttery, [Marston, Northamptonshire.] The
vert, a bull, passant, ar. same as Buttry, see with Buttery, in the
Butcher, or, passant, gu. betw. three
a lion, first Dictionary.
estoiles of the last. Crest, a lion, passant, gu. Buttes, [Boston, Lincolnshire,] sa. a cross or,
holding in the dexter paw a crescent ar. betw. four plates.
Buther, [Staplehurst,] sa. a chev. erm. betw. Buttevant, or Bonifant, ar. on a bend gu.
three terriers ar. three Catharine wheels or.
Butler, [Kirton, Bedfordshire,] gu. a fesse, Button, [Buckland, Lymington, Hampshire.]
chequy, and sa. betw. six cross crosslets or.
ar. The same as Button, of Aulton, Wiltshire.
Crest, out of a mural coronet gu. a boar's See first Dictionary.
head and neck, couped, ar. Buttry, [Bury St. Edmunds, Suffolk]. Arms,
Butler, [Handley, Derbyshire, 1G06,] for seven as in the first
cross crosslets read nine. Butts, [Norfolk.] To the first of the name in

Butler, \ [Kent,] Jor two talbots' heads read three the first Dictionary add after a saltier of the
talbots' heads. third -Crest, a horse's head.
Butler, [Garryhundon and Ballentemple, Carlow,] Butts, [Shouldham, Thorpe, Norfolk, and Brom-
or, a chief, indented, az. Crest, out of a ducal ley, Kent,] az. on a chev. betw.
three estoiles
coronet, a plume of five ostrich-feathers, there- or, as many lozenges gu.
from a falcon, rising, ar. Buxsted, quarterly ar. and gu. on a bend sa.
Butler, Fishburn, and Bishop
[Bedfordshire, three eagles, displayed, or.
Aukland, Durham, Kirland Lane, and New- Buxsted, [Essex,] quarterly or aud gu. on a beud
castle-upon-Tyne, Old Acres, Durham,] az. a sa. three eagles, displayed, or.
chev. between three covered cups or. Crest, Buxton, [Shadwell, Norfolk.] Arms, as the
a horse, passant, ar. pellettee, bridled sa. second of the name in the first Dictionary.
Note. In Dugdale's Visitation of Northumberland, 166G,
Crest, a buck's head, couped, gu. attired or
the Butlers of Old Acres have the chev. charged with
three crescents gu. Buxton, [Great Coggeshall, Essex.] The same
Butler, [Badingbam, Suffolk,] az three covered Arms.
cups or. Buxton, [Norfolk,] ar. a chev. az. within a bor-
Butnor, ar. on a chev. betw. three lions' heads, dure, engr. gu.
erased, gu. crowned or, as many be- Bwkley. See Buckley.
zants. Byard, erm. three lions, rampant, ....
on a bend az. three griffins' heads,
ar. Bydale, or, a cross sa. in the first quarter an
erased, of the field.
annulet of the last.

Butorlin, [Norfolk,] ar. three crescents gu. Byde. Arms and Crest as Byde, in the first

Buts, ar. a bend az. Dictionary. [Sheriff of London, lfJ47.]

Butt, .... two torteauxes, in chief, and a mul- Byde, [Lincoln's Inn, Middlesex.] The same.
let, in base, gu. a chief, nebulee, az. Crest, Bydelisdon, or Bydesdon, az. four cos's
a lion holdingin the dexter paw a broken or.
Bydewell, or Bidwell, gyronny of four or
Buttellf.r, sa. two bars or, on a and gu. as many roundles, each charged with
chief of the first as many plates, betw. two a martlet, all counterchanged. Crest, a hand
couped at the wrist, in fesse, holding a curling Bythesea. Crest, out of a mural coronet or,
stone. masoned sa. a griffin's head ppr. ducally gorged
Byeling, per cross or and az. Crest, an angel, or.

pointing upwards, ppr. Byrtwysell, [Huncott Hall, Lancashire,] sa.

Byerley, [Hardwick and Midridge Grange, a chev. betw. three weasels ar. Crest, a burt
Durham, Peckall, and Hornby, Yorkshire.] or turbo t, ppr.
{Granted by William Harvey,
The same Arms and Crest as in the first Dic- Clarenceux.]
tionary. Bywater, erm. a pale sa. Crest, out of a ducal
Byfield, [London.] Crest, a cross crosslet, fit- coronet or, a hand in armour, holding acimeter
chee, sa. betw. two palm branches vert. ppr.
Bykenor, or Buknor. Crest, an antelope's
head gu. armed ar.
Byleyley. The same as Billesley, in the
Byllinges, gu. a cross ar. betw. four cross
crosslets of the second.
Bylney, [Norfolk,] add Crest, outof a tower a
demi griffin sa.
Bylnv, or Bilney, [Norfolk,] ar. an eagle, Cabell. To the first of the name in the first
displayed, vert, beaked and membered gu. Dictionary add Crest, a square padlock or.
within a bordure, gobony, ar. and az. Caber, or Cabire. The same as Caber, in
Byncks, ar. three bars, humettee, sa. the first
Bynulos, [Haylstone, Westmoreland, Ryse and Cabybott, Norfolk,] az. a chev.
Lewes, Sussex,] quarterly, per fesse, indented betw. three
crosses ar. Crest, a greyhound,
or and gu. on a bend az. a cinquefoil betw. two courant, az. collared and ringed or.
martlets or. Cabourne, sa. two. chev. or, betw. three lo-
Byne, sa. six mullets, three and three, or, in zenges ar. each charged with a cross of the
base a crescent ar. Crest, a hind, regardant, field.

or, collared gu. resting the fuot upon a ball Cabyns, quarterly, ar. and sa. on a bend gu.
sa. three mullets of the first.
Byng. See BlNG, [Cambridgeshire.] Cachell, ar. three bars sa. and as many mart-
Byngham. See Bingham. lets gu.
Byngham, ar.bend, cottised, or, betw. six
a Caddell, (Asloinne,) ar. a stag's head, couped
crosses, pattee, of the second. Crest, a hand and attired with ten tynes, gu.
ppr. vested sa holding three branches of cinque- Caduelley, [Ireland,] ar. fretty gu.
foils gu. leaved vert. Caddey. See with Cadye, in the first Dic-
Byngham, or, on a fesse gu. three water bougets tionary.
ar. within a bordure of the second. Caddon. Crest, an arm in armour, embowed,
Byngware, or, a fesse gu. betw. six lozenges holding an arrow, in pale, surmounted by a bow.
az. (Another mascles.) string, in fesse, the cord crossing, in saltier,
Byntone, ar. an eagle, displayed, sa. on a chief over the arrow.
vert, three roses of the field. Caddy', ar. three piles meeting, in point, gu. on
Byntworth, gu. five mascles in cross or. a chief of the last as many garbs or. Crest,
or, three and a cross crosslet vert.
Byntxvorth, gu. five lions, rampant,
two. Cade, [Rurnford, Essex.] The same as the first
Byrchet, [Rye, Sussex, and Goodhurst, Kent.] of the name in the first Dictionary.
Crest, an heraldic tiger, sejant, vert, ducally Cadell, or Caddell, ar. a stag's head, couped,
or. in chief, gu. in base three oval buckles az.
Byrdall, .... a chev. betw. two escallops, in tongues in fesse, within a (bordure of the se-
chief, and a lion, in base Crest, a stag's cond. Crest, a stag's head ppr.
head, erased, ppr. Cadenet, az. a winged bull, rampant, or.
Byrmyncham, per pale, indented, ar. and sa. Cader, [Scotland,] az. a stag's head, erased,
Crest, a cap, per pale, indented, ar. and sa. ar. on a chief of the last a buckle betw. two
betw. two wings, expanded, or. mullets of the first.
Bystley. Crest, a cross, pattee, gu. betw. two Cader, [Scotland.] or, a stag's head, cabossed,

wings or. sa. betw. the horns a mullet of the last.

Cadecott, [East Whiteway, Dorsetshire.] Crest, Caines, or Kaynes, [Tarent Kaynston,] az. a
a demi ape ppr. bend, wavy, cottised, ar.
Cadicoll. Crest, a dexter hand, per fesse, gu. Caird, erm. a demi lion, couped, az. collared
and ar. holding' a battle-axe ppr. or. Crest, a demi lion, rampant, ....
Cadman. Crest, a stork's head, regally crowned, Caird, ar. a lion, rampant, az. in chief three tor-
ppr. teauxes. Crest, a demi friar, in the hand a
Cadocus, sa. fifteen bezants, five, four, three, staff, in pale,
two, and one. Cairleon. Crest, a cross moline, lozenge-pierced,
Cadogan, gu. a lion, rampant, regardant, or. erm.
Crest, out of a ducal coronet or, a dragon's Cairne, [Scotland,] gu. a pelican in her nest ar.
head vert. Crest, a hand, holding a fish, ppr.
Cadul, ar. across, engr. vert. Cairnes, [Monauham, Ireland,] ar. three mart-
Cadurcis, or Chaworth, barry of ten ar. lets gu. within a bordure or.
and gu. an orle of eight martlets sa. Crest, a Cairnie, [Scotland,] ar. a rock issuing from the
head, erased, gu. in the beak a trefoil,
base sa. in chief two martlets gu. Crest, on a
slipped, vert, gorged with a ducal coronet or. cinquefoil vert, a martlet sa.
Cadwoodley, [Devonshire,] az. a pair of wings, Cairns, [Pilmor, Scotland.] The same as the

displayed, ar. on a fesse gu. three bezants. second of the name in the first Dictionary.
Crest, an antelope, passant, per pale, gu. and Cairns, gu. an anchor betw. three martlets or.
or, armed of the last. Crest, a palm-tree ppr.
Cadzeay, ar. a chev. sa. betw. three roses gu. Cairns, ar. three martlets az. on a chief gu. an
Caeler, gu. three roses ar. two and one, on a acorn betw. two mullets or. Crest, a bell az.
chief of the last as many roses counter- CaIUS, or, semee of flowers (i.e. gentles), in the
changed. middle chief point a sengreen resting upon the
CiESAR, [Great Gransden, Huntingdonshire, heads of two serpents, in pale, their tails fretted,
Hide Hall, in Saudon, and Much Hadham, all and resting upon a square marble stone,
Hertfordshire, descended out of Italy.] Arms, vert. Crest, a dove ar. holding in the beak a
see first Dictionary. Crest, the sea vert, there- gentle-flower, stalked vert. [Borne by Dr.
on a dolphin, embowed, ppr. John Caius, founder of Caius College, Cam-
Cage, [Peckenham, Suffolk,] per pale az. and bridge.]
gu. over all a saltier or. Crest, see first Dic- Cakenthorpe, a chev. betw. three mullets az.

tionary. [Borne by Colonel William Cage, of Cakes, ar. on a bend

sa. three cinquefoils or.

MiUjate, Sheriff of Kent, 1695, M.P. for Cakin [Kent,] gu. a griffin, segreant, ar.
Rochester, 1710 and 1713.] Calamount. Crest, an antelope's head, erased,
Cahank, or O'Cahane, [Ireland,] gu. three erm.
fish,haurient, ar. Crest, an arm, embowed, Calayvk, ar. on a chev. betw. three leopards'
holding a sword ppr. heads sa. as many annulets of the field.

Cahill, gvronny of six ar. and vert, as many Calbroke, ar. a lion, rampant, gu. surmounted
fleurs-de-lis, counterchanged. Crest, a lion's by a fesse or, thereon three crosses, pattee,
ganib, holding a cimeter, ppr. fitchee, sa.
Cahill, or Cahil, [Ireland,] gyronny of six or Caldebeck, [Suffolk,] ar. on a chev betw. three
and az. as many ciuquefoils counterchanged. crows sa. as many roses of the field. (Another,
Crest, a demi bull, rampant, sa. gorged with a cinquefoils.)
chaplet vert. Caldenell, [Staffordshire,] ar. on a fesse,
Cahun, or Cahn, [Scotland,] ar. a cross sa. dancettee, az. three fishes' heads or.
in the dexter chief point a lion, rampant, gu. Calder, [Southwick, Hants,] or, a buck's head,
Crest, a stag's head, erased .... Crest, a swan, swimming in a loch, ppr.
Caidzoth, ar. a chev. betw. three roses gu. Calder, [Scotland.] Crest, a swan ppr. ducally
Cailes, sa. a chev. betw. three towers or, from crowned or.
each issuing a demi lion, rampant Calder, [Muirtoun, Scotland,] or, a buck's head,
Cailis, sa. a chev. ar. betw. three towers or, cabossed, sa. attired gu. Crest, a swan, swim-
from each issuing a demi lion, rampant, of the ming in a loch, bordered with flags, all ppr.
second. Calder, [Aslonne, Scotland.] See first Dictionary :

Caine, or Cain, sa. a phoenix ar. Crest, a demi for every horn sa. read each horn gu
antelope, per fesse, az. and ar. collared and Calderwood, [Dalkeith, Scotland.] The same
armed or. as the one of Scotland in the first Dictionary.
Calderwood, [Pittedy, Scotland,] ar. a palm-tree, Dictionary add Crest, out of a ducal coronet
growing out of a mount in base, ppr. surmounted a cockatrice's head betw. two wings.
by a saltier gu. on a chief az. three mullets of Callore, per pale, indented, or and gu. a bull,
the first. passant, counterchanged. Crest, on a ducal
Calderwood, or, a saltier az. on a chief of the last coronet a sheaf of arrows and a serpent en-
three stars of the first. Crest, a bee-bive, with twining them, ppr.
bees volant, ppr. Callow, ar. on a chev. betw. three leopards'

Calderwood, [Scotland.] Crest, a dove ppr. hold- heads sa. as many annulets of the field. Crest,
ing in the beak a palm-branch vert. on a ducal coronet or, a peacock ppr.
Caldewell, ar. on a fesse, dancettee, sa. Callow, or, a boar's head, erased, sa. in base a
three conger-eels' heads, erased and erect, of cinquefoil gu.
the first. Cally, or Cailly, quarterly, ar. and sa. on a
Caldham, [Caldham, Kent,] gu. a fesse or, bend gu. three mullets or.
betw. three martlets ar. Calm yn acre, ar. a fesse sa. betw
three boars'
Caldron, chev. betw. three martlets sa. on
ar. a heads, erased, two and one, and six cross cross-
a chief of the last as many cross crosslets or. lets, fitchee, or, three, two, and one.
Crest, a dexter hand holding a palm-branch, Calogrenant, gu. a serpent, paleways, wavy,
slipped, ppr. or.

Caldwall, [Inglis, Scotland,] az. across, pattee, Calshill. Crest, a dexter wing, erect, or.
fitchee, ar. within an orle of eight estoiles or. CALSTON. To the second of the name in the
Caldwall, [Caldwall, Derbyshire,] gu. three first
Dictionary add Crest, the moon, in her
crosses, formee, fitchee, or. compliment, ppr.
Caldwell, ar. on a fesse, dancettee, az. betw. Calston, [Wiltshire, temp. Henry VII.] ar. two
three lozenges, longways, gu. as many conger- bars, gemellus, and in chief as many lions,
eels' heads, erased, or. Crest, a cock's head, rampant, gu. Crest, out of a ducal coronet or,
winged sa. combed and wattled gu. holding in an arm in armour, holding a sword ar. hilt and
the beak a cross, pattee, fitchee, or. pome! of the first.
Calpe, or, three calves, passant, gu. two and Caltecote, ar. a fesse embattled, counter-em-
one. battled, betw. three birds gu.
Calibut, az. achev. betw. three crosses, couped, Caltes, [Lincolnshire,] ar. three roses, in fesse,
or. Crest, a stag's head, couped, az. gu. betw. six cross crosslets sa.
Call, [Whiteford, Cornwall,] gu. three trumpets, C alt est. The same as Caltofts.
barways, ar. Crest, a demi lion, rampant, .... Calth, ar. three roses gu. betw. six cross cross-
holding in the paws a trumpet as in the Arms. lets, fitchee, one, three, and two, of the last.
Callagan, Callaghan, or O'Callagan, Caltiiorp, chequy or and az. a fesse erm. in
[Ireland,] ar. a wolf issuing from a wood ppr. chief a label of three points gu.
Crest, a naked arm, embowed, holding in Caltoft, ar. three ciuquefoils az.
the hand a sword, with a snake entwined round Caltofte, ar. crusilly, three ciuquefoils az.
the blade, the head towards the hand, all Caltofts, [Norfolk.] The same as the first of
ppr. the name in the first Dictionary
Callander, or Callender, sa. three mullets Calton, [Catsworth, Huntingdonshire,] az.alion,
in chief or. Crest, two elephants' proboscises, rampant, regardant, ar. crowned or. Crest, a
endorsed, per fesse, gu. and or. talbot, passant, ar. collared and lined or.
Callander, [Westertouu, Stirlingshire,] az. a bend Calton, [London, and Milton, Berks,] sa. a sal-
chequy or and gu. betw. six billets of the second. tier, engr. betw. four cross crosslets or. f Ano-
Crest, out of an eastern crown or, a cubit ther, the cross crosslets fitchee.)
arm ppr. holding a billet as in the Arms. Sup- Calvadore, vert, a lion, rampant, betw. three
porters, lions, rampant, gu. armed and
two fleurs de-Iis or. Crest, a demi lion, rampant,
langued [Created a Baronet, 1798.]
az. gu. holding a fleur-de-lis or.
Callarde, [Devonshire,] gyronny of six. sa. Calveley, ar. a fesse betw. three calves, pas-
and ar. on the second three moors' heads, couped, sant, sa
of the first.
Calveley, [Cheshire,] ar. a fesse gu.
Callendar, [Mayners.] The same as the first
Calveley, [Leicestershire.] The same as Calveley,
of the name in the first Dictionary. of Calveley, Cheshire, in the first Dictionary.
Callie, ar. on a bend gu. three roses or. Calverby, [Devonshire.] The same Arms as
Callis. To the first of the name in the first the first
Calveley in the first Dictionary.
Calverley, sa. an inescocheon within an orle Camayle, az. three lozenges or, two and one.
of martlets Crest, a tlemi naked woman
ar. Cambell, [London,] sa. on a fesse, betw. three

ppr. hair dishevelled or, holding' above the head, griffins' heads, erased, or, as many ogresses.
with both hands, a garland of laurel vert. Camber, or Cumber, or, a fesse, dancettee,
Calverley, [Littleburn, Durham.] sa. an inesco- gu. betw. three estoiles sa.
cheon betw. nine owls, in orle, ar. [Visitation, Camberton, sa. three helmets ar. two and one.
1615] Camblyn, [London,] sa. a chev. betw. three
Calverley, [Wallington, Northumberland.] The mullets erm.
same. Crest, an owl ar. Camborne, see first Dictionary. [Confirmed to
Calvert, [Lord Baltimore, descended out of William Camborne, alias Pay liter, of Deverell,
Flanders,] ancient Arms, or, three martlets sa. co.Cornwall, by Sir William Dethick, Garter.~\
Calvert, [Bart.] paly of six erminois and sa. a Cambridge, Cambrige, or Cambrigg. To
bend, engr. counterchanged. Crest, out of a the last of the name in the first Dictionary, add
mural coronet or, two forked pennons flowing Crest, a lion, passant, gardant, ppr.
one gold, the other pean, stavesgu.
to the dexter, Cambrige, per pale, sa. and barry of six, ar. and
Calvert, [Andover, Hampshire, Little Hadham, sa.
and Nine Ashes, in the Parish of Hunsdon, Camden, ar. a fesse gu. betw. three torteauxes.

Herts, descended out of Lancashire, afterwards Crest, a cross, pattee, per pale, sa. and erm.
of Furneux Pelham.] The same Arms and betw. two wings, expanded, counterchanged.
Crest as the second of the name in the first Dic- Camel, [Burey-Pomeroy, Devonshire.] Crest,
tionary. a camel's head ppr.
Calvert, [Ockley Court, Surrey, and London, de- Camell, gu. three lozenges ar.
scended from the above.] The same. Camel/, [Dorsetshire,] ar. three camels, passant, sa.
Calvert, [Albury Hall.] The same. Camell, [Somersetshire.] The same.
Calvert, paly of six, erminois and pean, a bend, Cameron, [Bart. Tassifere and Callart, Argyll
engr. counterchanged. Crest, out of a mural and Arthurston, Angus,] gu. three bars or, o\er
coronet ar. two flag-staffs, erect, az. therefrom two all a bend erm. charged with a sphinx on a pe-

pennons flowing towards the dexter, one ermi- destal, betw. a chelengk (or aigrette) and a
nois, the other pean. Supporters, two leopards, badge of the Ottoman order of the crescent ppr.
gardaut, gorged with a mural crown ar. charged on a chief, embattled, ar. a town, with the word
with three pellets, therefrom a chain reflexed avre thereon. Crests: first, a demi High-
over the back or, on the shoulder a cross, flory, lander of the 92d regiment wading through
of the first. [Granted to Sir Henry Calvert, water, holding in his dexter hand a sword, and
G.C.B. son of Peter Calvert, of Hampton- in his sinister a banner, thereon the No. 92 betw.
Court Palace, 1815.] two laurel branches, all ppr. and above the crest
Calvey, sa. a fesse betw. two chev. ar. the motto, Arriveret e ; second, out of a mural
Calvcy, cr, a fesse betw. two chev. sa. coronet a dexter arm, embowed, in armour,
Calway, [Hampshire.] The same as Caylway holding in the hand a dagger above the crest,

in the first
Dictionary. the motto, Pro
reye el pat via.
CALWODLEY, or Calwoodley, [Devonshire.] Cameron, [Glendessary,] gu. two bars or. Crest,
Crest, an antelope, passant, per pale, gu. and an arm in armour grasping a sword, all ppr.
or, armed of the last. Camery, or, a bend sa. cottised ar. betw. two
Calwood. Crest, a dexter hand ppr. holding boars' heads, couped, of the second.
a branch of palm, vert. Camery, or, a bend cottised, betw. three dragons'
Calworpe, vaire, ar. and gu. heads, erased, sa.
Caly, quarterly, ar. and sa. on a bend gu. three Camesly, or CAMESLEY, chequy, ar. and sa. a
mullets of the first. canton erm.
Calzier, [Calzier, Scotland,] sa. a cross, pattee, Cameys, or, fretty gu. on a chief of the second
fitchee, or. three bezants.
Cam, paly of six ar. and az. Crest, a dove, Cameys, ar. on a chief gu. three bezants.
betw. two branches of laurel, in orle, ppr. Camfield, [Norfolk.] Crest, out of a tower a
Camarie, or, a bend cottised, betw. three dra- demi lady ppr.
gons' heads, erased, sa. Camfield, .... a saltier. . betw. twelve crosses,
. .

Camas, ar. on a chev. engr. gu. three cross cross- pattee Crest, an arm, erect, couped at
lets, couped, of the first. the elbow, habited .... holding in the hand
Camay le, gu. three lozenges, in fesse, ar. three ears of wheat ppr.
Camfield, [Norfolk,] ar. a fret sa. centre for difference. Crest, a man's head,
Camic, sa. three martlets or. Crest, a martlet pierced with a dart ppr.
sa. Campbell, [Gleulyon, Scotland.] The same, in
Camicle, [Staffordshire,] az. three lions, pas- the place of the horn a man's heart, crowned ppr.
sant, ar. Crest, a demi lion, holding up in the dexter
Cammel, ar. a chev. betw. three camels sa. paw a man's head crowned.
Camocke, [Bestard, Cornwall,] ar. afesse, dan- Campbell, [Innellen, Scotland.] The same as
cettee, betw. three eagles, displayed, gu. Campbell, of Auchanwilling, the bordure engr.
Crest, out of a ducal coronet, a demi griffin, Crest, the same.
segreant, or. Campbell, [Lawres, Scotland.] The same Arms
CamoyS. Tothe third of the name in the first as Campbell, of Clothick. Crest, a boar's head,
Dictionary, add Crest, a lion's head, erased, erect and erased, az.
az. in the mouth a trefoil, slipped, vert. Campbell, [Lochnell, Scotland,] quarterly, first and
Camoys, or Camays, [Somersetshire,] or, on a fourth, Campbell; second, ar. a boar's head,
chief gu. three plates. erased, az. armed and langued gu. Crest, a
Camp, [London,] see Dictionary, for 1804 read dexter hand holding a lance, bendways, ppr.
1()04. Crest, a griffin's head, erased, ppr. du- Campbell, [Lochnell,] quarterly, first and fourth,
cally gorged or, holding in the mouth a branch Campbell; second, az. a boar's bead, couped,
of laurel ppr. or, for Gordon; third, Lorn. Crest, a dexter
Campbell, [Carscube, Dumbarton.] The same hand, holding a lance bendways.
Arms and Crest as the third of the name in the Campbell, [Monchaster, Scotland,] quarterly, first
Dictionary. and fourth, Campbell; second, Stewart; third,
Campbell, [Gartsford, Ross.] The same as the Lorn; all within a bordure, invecked, sa.
fifteenth of the name in the first Dictionary. Crest, a boar's head, chequy, or and sa.
Crest, a cubit arm, erect, holding in the hand a Campbell, [Moy, Scotland.] The same as Camp-
cimeter, all
ppr. bell, of Calder, within a bordure, engr. or.
Campbell, [Aberuchill.] The same as the twenty- Crest, a swan ppr. crowned or.
third of the name in the first Dictionary. Campbell, [Shawfield, Scotland.] The same Arms
Campbell, [Ardkinlis.] The same as the seventh as Campbell, of Auchawilling. Crest, a griffin,
of the name in the first Dictionary. segreant, holding betw. the claws a sun.
Campbell, [Auchawilling.] The same as the ninth Campbell, [Shirven, Scotland,] gyronny of eight
of the name in the first Dictionary. or and sa. within a bordure, wavy, az. charged
Campbell, [Auchinbreck,] gyronuy of eight, sa. with as many salmons, naiant, ar. in the centre a
and or, within a bordure, compony, ar. and vert. mullet of the last. Crest, a stag's head ppr.
Crest, a dexter haud, holding- a spear or. Campbell, [Skipness, Scotland.] The same Arms
Campbell, [Ardiutenny.] The same as Campbell, as Campbell, of Ardintenny, the bordure indent-
of Auchawilling. ed. Crest, the same.
Campbell, [Balgairshaw.] The same as the eighth Campbell, [Skevington, Scotland,] gyronny of
of the name in the first Dictionary.
eight or and sa. within a bordure ar. charged
Campbell, [Cesuock.] The same as the last but with as many escallops gu. Crest, an eagle's
two of the name in the first Dictionary. head.
Campbell, [Clothick.] The same as the twenty- Campbell, [Waterhaugh, Scotland,] gyronny of
first of the name in the first
Dictionary. eight, wavy, erm. and gu.
Campbell, [Craignish and Corvorace, Scotland,] Campbell, [Scotland,] gyronny of eight or and sa.
gyronny of eight or and sa. Crest, a boar's within a bordure, respectively couuterchanged
head, erased, ppr. or and pean.
Campbell, [Fairfield.] The same with a canton, Campbell. Crest, a griffin, segreant, ppr. betw.
also gyronny of eight erm. and gu. the paws a sun or.
Campbell, [Gargunuock, Scotland,] gyronny of Campe, sa. a chev. betw. three griffins' heads,
eight erm. and gu. on each of the last a bee, erased, ar.
volant, ar. Crest, a stork ppr. Campe, sa. three griffins ar.
Campbell, [Monzie, Scotland,] quarterly, first and Campe, [London, 1604.] Crest, a griffin's head,
fourth, Campbell; second, Lorn; third, Steicart. erased, ducally gorged, and holding in the
Crest, a boar's head, coupcd, ppr. mouth a branch of laurel, all ppr.
Campbell, [Glenfalach, Scotland.] The same, Camper. Crest, an anchor, betw. two wings,
with a hunting-horn sa. garnished
gu. in the endorsed.
Campion, [Campion-Hall and Colchester, Essex, demi lion holding up a garland of laurel, all
and Hurstperpoint and Lewes, Sussex.] Arms ppr.
and Crest the same as the second of the Cankrien, [Hull,] erm. a saltier az. in chief a
name in the first Dictionary. [Borne by William rose, in base a fleur-de-lis, in each flank a lion,
Campion, Esq. of Danny, Sussex, High Sheriff rampant, endorsed. Crest, a demi lion, ram-
for the County, 1820.] pant, holding betw. the paws a plummet.
Campleshon, ar. a fesse az. fretty or, betw. a Cann, [Fuidge, Devonshire.] The same Arms
lion, passant, in chief, and three cross crosslets, as Cann, of Bristol. See with Can in the first
fitchee, in base, gu. Dictionary. Crest, a leopard, statant, ppr.
Camplin, three arrows ar. barbed and fea-
az. Cann, [Cornwall.] Arms, see first Dictionary.
thered or, on a chief of the last as many blacka- Crest, betw. two wings, conjoined, a cross
moors' heads ppr. crosslet, fitchee, ....
Camys, [Devonshire,] gu. a cross erm. Cann, az. fretty ar. a fesse gu. Crest, as Can,
Canbroak. The same as the first Canbrook in of Compton, Greenfield, Gloucester. See first
the first Dictionary. Dictionary.
Canbroke, or Canbrook, ar. a chev. betw. Cann, [Kent.] The same as the second Cann
three conger-eels' heads, erased, gu. in the firstDictionary
Can by, .... on abend.... three mullets ... . Cannill, az. an eagle, with wings expanded,
Crest, a mound sa. environed with a circle, sinisterways, regardant, to the dexter point, or ;
and ensigned with a cross pattee. (it is more properly blazoned az. a falcon, vo-
Canceline, gu. a fleur-de-lis ar. lant, or, legged gu.)
Cancelor, or Cancellor, barry, lozengy, or Canning. Arms as in the first Dictionary.
and sa. Crest, an arm, couped at the shoulder, Crest, a demi lion, rampant, ar. charged on the
resting on the elbow, supporting a flag, display- body with two trefoils, in pale, sa. and holding
ed, az. thereon a crescent ar. betw. the paws a dart ppr. [Borne by the late
Cander, [Earl of Cornwall,] sa. ten bezants, Right Honourable George Canning, Chancellor
four, three, two, and one. of the Exchequer, ob. 1827.]
CANDlE.gu. abendlet, betw. three fleurs-de-lis or. Cannon, [Scotland,] gu. a two-handed sword,
Canimsh, [Lord Mayor of London, 13G2.] See in bend sinister, betw. two mullets ar. Crest,
Dictionaryafter ;
cups," read ar. out of a crescent ar. a mullet az.
CANDISHE, [Suffolk, Staffordshire,] sa. a chev. Cannynge, ar. three moors' heads, couped, sa.
or, betw. three standing dishes ar. Crest, two dexter hands, in gauntlets con-
Candishe, sa. three cross crosslets, fitchee, or. joined, issuing from two clouds, and holding up
Candler, [Suffolk,] erm. en a fesse, engr. sa. a heart inflamed, all ppr.
three fishes' heads ar. collared gu. Crest, an Cannys, [Devonshire,] gu. a cross erm.
eagle, rising regardant, ppr. Canston, ar. a chev. sa. betw. three griffin's
Candler, [London,] ar. on a bend, voided sa. heads, erased, gu.
three pellets, betw. two others saltierwise. Canteloe, or Cantelow, az. a fesse, betw.
Candlish. Crest, an ostrich's head, collared three leopards' heads, jessant-de-lis, or.
and ringed, Cantelow, [Hertfordshire.] Arras, see first
Candlish, or M' Candlish, sa.three bucks' heads, Dictionary. Crest, a leopard's face gu. jessant-
cabossed, ar. attired or. Crest, a snake, uowed, de-lis or.

ppr. Cantelow, [Ireland.] Arms, see first Dictionary.

Candys. The same as Candish, of Cheshire, in Crest, a demi bull, per pale, or and az.
the first Dictionary. Cantelowe, gu. two bars ar.
Cane, sa. a bend betw. three bezants. Crest, a Canthorpe, ar. a fesse betw. three pouches
human heart gu. charged with a cinquefoil gu.
or. Cantillion, [Ireland,] ar. a lion, rampant,
Cane, [Yorkshire,] az. fretty ar. over all a fesse betw. two arrows, in fesse, ar.- -Crest, an arm,
gu. embowed, holding a dagger, ppr.
Cane, barry of six or and az. on a bend, engr. sa. Cantilion, [Ireland,] az. a lion, rampant, betw.
cottised gu. three escallops of the first. two arrows, paleways, in fesse, ar. Crest, a
Canham. Crest, two palm-branches, in orle, ppr. hand holding an arrow, point downwards.
Canhanser, [Baron Tanhersen, in Germany,] Cantlee, [Shropshire,] gu. a bend ar. betw.
an eagle's leg, erased, in pale, sa.
ar. three fleurs-de-lis or.
Canknier. Crest, out of a mural coronet, a Cantlee, erm. a chev. gu.
Cantloo, [Ireland,] ar. three wolves' heads, Capsal. The same Arms. Crest, a hand holding
couped, sa. two and one. a military sash ppr.
Canton, [Ireland.] Arms, see first Dictionary. Capte, [Hertfordshire,] ar. a chev. gu. betw.
Crest, on a chapeau gu. turned up erm. a three torteauxes.
boar, passant, per pale, ar. and vert. Capun, gu. three capons within a bordure, engr.
Canton, [Kent.] Arms, see first Dictionary. ar.
Crest, on a chapeau gu. turned up erm. a lion's Carant, [Essex,] ar. three hurts, each charged
head, erased, ppr. with two chev. gu.
Cantrell, [Monsall, Lancashire,] ar. a pelican Carbinell. Crest, out of a ducal coronet or,
in her nest, vulning herself, sa. Crest, a tower an arm, in armour, brandishing a cimeter ppr.
ar. port sa. Carbonell [Kent and Suffolk.] The same as
Cantwell, [Ireland,] gu. four mullets ar. a Carbonell, of Norfolk. See first Dictiona-
canton erm. ry.
Cantwell. To the second one of the name of Carbonell, gu. a cross, within a bordure, engr. or.
Ireland in the first Dictionary add Crest, a Crest, a sword, in bend, ppr.
dexter hand ppr. holding up an annulet or. Carbonell, gu. a cross ar. within a bordure, in-
Canvile, or Cawill, [Staffordshire,] az. three dented, or.
lions,passant, ar. Carbonell, per fesse gu. and ar. three roundles
Canvile, az. three lions, rampant, ar. two and erm. Crest, out of a ducal coronet or, a dex-
one. ter arm, embowed, in armour, grasping a cime-
Canudis, Canndois, Canudois, or Can- ter, all
is udis, or, a lion, rampant, gu. queue for- Carbonell, [Buckingham-Hall, Suffolk.] The
chee. same Arms as Carbonell, of Norfolk, in the
Canudray, or Caundray. The same as first Dictionary.
Candrey, in the first Dictionary. Carbourne, sa. two chev. or, betw. three lo-
Can well, [Ireland,] gu. six annulets ar. three zenges ar. each charged with as many martlets
two, and one, a canton erm. sa.
Cany, vair, three bars gu. Carcy, barry of six erm. and gu. Crest, a lion's
Canys, [Devonshire,] gu. a cross erm. paw, erased, sa. holding a letter ppr.
Capel, or Cafell, [London and Essex.] The Card, erm. a demi lion, couped, az. collared
same as Capel, Lord Mayor of London, 1503. or. Crest, a demi lion, rampant.
See first Dictionary. Cardefte, az. a fesse betw. six martlets or.
Capell, gu. a lion, salient, betw. three crosses, Cardeill, or, a cross, formee, gu.
botonee, fitchee, or. Cardelon, ar. a chev. gu. betw. three cross
Capell, [Cornwall,] sa. on a bend, cottised or, crosslets, fitchee, sa.
three ogresses. Cardemen, ar. on a chief sa. a lion, passant,
Capelon, [Stonebam, Hants, 1592.] The same of the field.
as Capelen, in the first Dictionary. Cardemen, paly of six ar. and gu. on a chief az.
Capenhorst, [Cheshire.] The same as the last a lion, passant, gardant, or.
Capenhurst, in the first Dictionary. Garden. See Cardin.
Capes. Crest, a cross flory, fitchee, gu. flowered Cardendew, or Cardemew, ar. on a chief
or. sa. a lion, passant, of the first.

Capes. The same as Capell, of Cornwall. Cardes, ar. on a chev. az. three eagles, dis-
Capie, [Scotland,] ar. on a chev. betw. four played, or.
quatrefoils gu. as many fleurs-de-lis or. Car dew, per fesse or and sa. in base, three
Capon, sa. a chev. betw. three mullets or. bezants. Crest, out of a ducal coronet or, a
Crest, a demi lion, rampant, gu. plume of ostrich-feathers ar.
Capp, sa. three spurs or. Crest, a spur, winged Cardiffe, [Ireland.] Arms, see first Dic-
or. tionary. Crest, a gilliflower, slipped and leav-
Capper, [Cheshire,] ar. three caps sa. banded ed ppr.
or. Cardiffe. To the second of the name in the first
Caps, [Cornwall.] The same as the last of the Dictionary add Crest, on a chapeau gu. turned
name in the first Dictionary. up erm. a martlet sa.
Capsal, or Capsall, a cross sa. ar.
Crest, Cardin, or Carden, ar. on a bend gu. three
a castle, ppr. on the centre
triple-towered, lions' heads, eiv.sed, or. Crest, a wolf, statant,
tower a flag gu. charged with a cross ar. sa. in the mouth an arrow, paleways, ppr.
Cardington, [Norfolk.] The same as the first Cargill, [Scotland,] gu. a chev. betw. three mart-
of thename in the first Dictionary. lets Crest, a demi angel, couped at the
CARDIN1S, [Scotland,] ar. a chev. engr. gu. shoulders, on the head a cross pattee.
Card.mak.er, or CARDEMAKER, [Essex.] The Carilvayes, ar. on a bend gu. five magpies,
same Arms and Crest as the second of the name ppr.
in the first Carington, ar. on a bend sa. six
Dictionary. daggers, in
Cardmaker, per fesse ar. and gu. a pale, coun- saltier, two, two, and two.
terchauged, and three leopards' heads, erased, of Carique, [Barton on the Hill, Gloucestershire,
the second, collared and ringed sa. 1589.] The same Arms as Carrick, of Gloucester-
Cardon, sa. a cross bow, in bend, betw. two shire, in the first Dictionary. Crest, an ostrich
ar. ar. holding in the beak or, a
pheons spear-head of the
CARDONNELL, De, quarterly; first and fourth, ar. first.
a chev. voided, az. betw. three trefoils, slipped, Carkettle, Crest, a griffin's head,
vert j second and third ermines, on a chief or, erased, ppr.
three griffins, segreant, sa. Crest, a dove ppr. Carle, gu. a chev. betw. three ducks, rising,
Cardsham, ar. a saltier sa. ar.

Cardvns, sa. a linstock, with a match, in bend, Carlell, [Barnham, Kent.] The same Arms
betw. two pheons ar. and Crest as Carlill, of Kent. See first Dic-
Care, [London,] gu a chev. ar. betw. two roses, tionary.
in chief, or and a fleur-de-lis, in base, of the Carlell, [Northumberland.] The same as Carlell,
second. Crest, out of a ducal coronet ar. a of Staffordshire, in the first
griffin's head betw. two wings, expanded, of Carleon, sa. a plate, betw. three towers, tri-
the same, charged on the neck with a rose ple-towered, ar.

gu- Carles, ar. on a bend sa. three cinquefoils,

Car ell, three bends ar. in chief a castle
sa. pierced, or.
of the second. Crest, a sword, in pale, sur- Carleston, or, on a chev. vert, three eagles,
mounted by two cross crosslets, fitchee, in sal- displayed, of the field.
tier Carleston, ar. on a chev. vert, three eagles, dis-
Careswell. See with Carswell in the first played, or.
Dictionary. Carleton, [Lord Powis,] or, a lion, rampant,
Carett, ar. on a chief, indented, sa. two roses gu.
(if the field. Carleton, or Carlton, [Carleton-Hall, Cumber-
Carew. To the one of Cornwall and Devon- land, and Guysons in the Parish of Farlev,
shire,in the first
Dictionary add Supporters, Sussex.] Arms as Carlton in the first Dictionary.
on the dexter a lion, rampant, sa. ducally Crest, a dexter arm, embowed, ppr. vested
crowned or, sinister, an antelope gu. attired and to the elbow gu. doubled erm. holding in the
unguled or. hand a javelin ar. [Borne by Dr. Guy Carle-
Carew, [Devonshire,] or, three lions, passant, ton, Dean of Carlisle, elected Bishop of Bristol,
sa. 1671, translated to Chichester 1678, ob. 6lh
Careyset, [Devonshire,] gu. a bend or, betw. July, 1685]
six bezants. Carlife, [London,] or, on a cross, engr. betw.
Carfrea, [Carosa,] az. three bars ar. four roses gu. five martlets of the first. Crest,
Carfrea, [Edinburgh,] az. three bars ar. on the a martlet or, holding in (he beak a sprig of two
upper one two crescents of the first. Crest, a roses gu. leaved and stalked vert.
tower, embattled, ar. CaRLILeS, or, on a chev. betw. three birds sa.
Carfrea, [Glenbog, Scotland,] ar. three bars az. as many estoiles of the field.
Crest, as above. Carlill, Carlyll, or Carlyle [Northum-
Carfrea, [Scotland,] gu. three bars ar. within a berland,] ar. on a chev. sa. betw. three Cornish
bordure, engr. or. Crest, a wivern ppr. choughs ppr. as many estoiles or.
Cariges, or Carynges, ar. on a chev. gu. CaRlinnak, or Carlynack, [Cornwall,] sa.
three sea-pies ppr. semee of cross crosslets on a fesse
Carigs, ar. a bend gu. betw. three sea-pies erm. three boars' heads, erased, of the se-
ppr. cond.
Cargill, [Orchyardtoun, Scotland,] gu. three Carlton, ar. a fesse gu. betw. three bucks, pas-
martlets within a bordure or. Crest, a martlet sant, sa.
ppr. Carly'LE, or, a cross, flory, gu. Crest, a dex-
ter arm, embowed
in armour, or, garnished gu. Carnagie, [Newgate, Scotland.] The same Arms
holding the hand ppr. a baton of the first.
in and Crest as the fourth of the name in the first
[These Arms confirmed, and the Crest granted, Dictionary.
to Christopher Carlyle, of Cumberland, Esq. Carnagie, [Pittarrow, Scotland.] The same as
the first of the name in the first
by William Dethick, Garter, temp. Eliz. II.] Dictionary.
Carlyon, sa. a bezant betw. three towers.... Carnagie, [Northesk,
Scotland.] The same as
masoned Crest, a demi lion, rampant, the sixth of the name
in the first
.... holding betw. the paws a bezant. Carnagie, [Southesk, Scotland.] The same Arms
Carlyon, gu. a cliev. enhanced, ar. Crest, in the and Crest as Carnagie, of Kinnard.
sea a pillar ppr. Carnard, or Carnerd, az. a fesse betw. two
Carmarthen, or Carmarden, chev. or.
Kent, and London,] az. a fesse betw. three C A RN A RTHER, [Corn wall, ]az. three cups, covered,
lions' gambs, erect and erased, or. Crest, a
lion's gamb as in the Arms. Carnegie, [Lour,] or, an eagle, displayed, az.
Carmichael, within a bordure, engr. gu.
[Gibson, Bart. Hyndford, and Crest, a leopard's
Skirling, Scotland,] quarterly first and fourth,
head, erased, ppr.
gu. three keys, fesseways, in pale, or; second, Carnegy, [Lower and Turin,] or, an eagle,
ar. a fesse, wreathed, az. and
gu. within a bor- displayed, az. memberedand beaked gu. Crest,
dure of the last; third, erm. on a fesse sa. three a demi leopard ppr.
crescents ar. Crest, an arm, embowed, hold- Carnegy, [John Allan, London, Patent, 1826,] or,
ing a broken lance ppr. an eagle, displayed, az. armed and membered
Carmichael, [Castle Craig, Scotland,] quarterly; gu. surmounted on the breast by a star of eight
first and fourth, ar. a fesse, wreathed, az. and points, all within a bordure, engr. of the third,
gu. second and third, erm. on a fesse sa. three
; charged with eight bezants. Crest, a demi leo-
crescents ar. pard ppr.
Carmichael, [Crawford, Scotland,] ar. a fesse, Carney. Arms see first Dictionary. Crest, a
wreathed, az. and gu. in base a cinquefoil of the swan's head and neck, erased, holding in the
last. beak an annulet, all
Carmichael, [Maulsley, Scotland,] ar. a fesse of Carney. See Kearney.
five pieces, wreathed, az. and gu. within a bor- ARN1CK, ar. a fesse, dancettee, betw. three
dure of the second, charged with a mullet, in eagles, displayed, gu.
chief, or. Crest, an arm, in armour, holding Carnie, erm. a chev. betw. three hunting horns,
a spear, broken, ppr. and charged with a mullet or. strung sa. Crest, a hand, issuing from a cloud,
Carmichael, [Hyndford, Scotland,] ar. a fesse, fesseways, and pointing to a crosier, in pale,
wreathed, az. and gu. Crest, as above without all
the mullet. Carnie, [Scotland,] ar. a fesse erm. betw. three
Carmichael. The same,
within a bordure erm. martlets sa. Crest, on a rock sa. weeds vert.
Carmichael ar. a fesse, wreathed, az. and gu. betw.
, Carniquet, [Scotland,] gu. a fesse, and in chief
a crescent, in chief, of the second, and a cinque- a mullet of the last. Crest, a swan, with
foil, in base, of the third. wings endorsed, ar. ducally
gorged and chained
Carminan, [Cornwall,] az. a bend and chief or.
or. Carn-Lloyd, [Glamorganshire,] sa. a lion, ram-
Carmynall, or Carmynell, az. a bend or. pant, ar.
Carnabe. The same as Carnaby in the first Carnock, [Scotland,] erm. a pale sa. Crest, a
Dictionary. hand ppr. holding a fleur-de-lis az.
Carnaby. Arms see first Dictionary. Crest, a Carn other, [Cornwall,] az. three cups, covered,
lion's head, couped, sa. charged with a chev. ar.
ar. CARNS, sa. a chev. engr. betw. three eagles, dis-
Carnagie, [Carnagie, Scotland,] or, an eagle, played, ar. a chief or.
displayed, az. Carnsew, sa. a goat, passant, ar. Cresi, a
Carnayie, [Craige, Scotland.] The same as the hound, passant, regardant, ppr.
second of the name in the first Dictionary. Carnseiv, [Cornwall,] sa. a goat, passant, ar.

Carnagie, [Kinnard, Scotland.] Arms the same attired, unguled, and bearded or.
as the third of the name in the first Dictionary. Carnsue, [Scotland,] quarterly; first and fourth,
Crest, a dexter hand holding a thunder-bolt, gu. three martlets ar. ; second and third, az.

winged, or. three cinquefoils ar.

Caunus, sa. a chev. engr. bctw. three eagles, mullets sa. in the dexter chief point a lion, pas-
displayed, ar. on a chief or, a lion, passant, of sant, gardant, or.
the field. Carrell, [Woodward, West Grinstead, and
Carongs, [Somersetshire.] The same as the Maison-sur-Seine, near Paris.] The same Arms
Caronges in the first Dictionary. and Crest as Carrell, of Harting, Sussex: see
Caronte, [Essex,] ar. three hurts, each charged first
with as many chev. gu. Carrell, [Warnham, Sussex.] See first Diction-
Carpenter, [London,] az. two bars or, in chief ary, [add per Robert Cooke, Clarenceux, 1588.]
three cross crosslets of the second. Crest, a Carrett, ar. on a chief, indented, sa. three
stag's head ar. with two wings, endorsed, az. roses of the field.
Carpenter, [Sussex.] The same as Carpenter, Carrett, or, on a chief, indented, sa. three roses
of Cobhain, Surrey: see first Dictionary, ar.

Carpenter, per pale or and az. an eagle, displayed, Carreus, [Scotland,] gu. three martlets ar.
counterchanged. Crest, an arm, in armour, within a bordure or.
erect and embowed, grasping a passion nail. Carrick, erm. on a chev. sa. betw. three roses
Carpenter, [Colford, Gloucestershire, and Wat- gu. stalked and leaved vert, as many escallops
ford, Hertfordshire,] paly of six ar. and gu. on or, an ostrich ppr.
a chev. az. three cross crosslets of the first. Carrick, or, a fesse, dancettee, sa. betw. three
Carpenter, or, on a chief, indented, az. three talbots gu.
leopards' faces of the field. Carrick, [Tooting, Surrey.] The same Arms as
Carpenter, [Lincoln's Inn, Middlesex.] The same Carrick, of Gloucestershire in the first Dic-
Arms as Carpenter, of Somersetshire: see first tionary.
Dictionary. [Per Sir William Segar, Garter.] Carridaus, [Mattefruld,] gu. a chev. betw.
Carpenter, [Chancellor of Oxford, appointed three fleurs-de-lis or.
Bishop of Worcester, 1443,] paly of six az. Carrie, [Ireland,] az. a lion, passant, gardant,
and gu. over all on a chev. three cross crosslets or. Crest, an arm, in armour, embowed, hold-
of the second. ing in the hand ppr. a dart, in bend, point down-
Carr, [Cocken Hougton, and North Biddick, wards.
Durham, and Newcastle upon-Tyne,] ar. on a Carrigs, ar. on a bend gu. three martlets purp.
bend, betw. three Cornish choughs sa. as many Carrill, [Kiugston-upon-Thames, Surrey,] ar.
leopards' heads, erased, of the field. on a bend sa. a rose of the field betw. two grif-
Carr, [Ettall, Northumberland,] gu. on a chev. fins' heads, erased, or, within a bordure, engr.
ar. three mullets or. gu.
Carr, [Bishopwearniouth, Durham,] gu. on a chev. Carrington, ar. on a bend sa. three mascles of
ar. three estoiles sa.
Crest, stag's a head, the first. Crest, out of a ducal coronet ar. an
erased, ppr. unicorn's head sa. maned and horned of the
Carr. To the one of Bristol in the first Diction- first.

ary add, descended out of Cumberland. [C'on- Carrol, or Carroll, erm. a cross crosslet sa.
jirmed by Sir Gilbert Delhick, Garter.] Crest, a bear's head sa. muzzled or, betw.

Carr, [Bristol.] See first Dictionary. (Another two wings of the last.
crest, a stag's head, couped, ar. attired or, Carrol, or Carroll, [Ireland,] or, a cross crosslet
charged with six bends, sinister, gu.) az. Crest, a tent gu.
Carrack, or, a fesse, dancetlee, betw. three Carron, [Scotland,] gu. a chief or. Crest, a
talbots, passant, sa. camel's head, per fesse, ar. and az.
Carrant, [Somersetshire.] Arms, see first Carrow, or, a cross, moline, pierced, ar.
Dictionary. Crest, a bull's head, cabossed, per Carruthers, [Howmains.] The same as the
pale, gu. and ar. armed, counterchanged. first of the name in the first Dictionary.
Carre, [Scotland,] gu. on a chev. ar. three mul- Carry, gu. a chev. betw. three swans, with wings
lets of the first, in the sinister chief a crescent endorsed, ar. Crest, a long cross ar.
of the second. Crest, a stag's head, erased, CARRYK.E, [Le Comtede,] ar. six lions, rampant,
ppr. gu. three, two, and one.
Carre, [Scotland,] gu. on a chev. ar. betw. toree Carsacke, [Devonshire.] See first Dictionary.

lions, passant, gardaut, or, as many mullets Carsain, [Scotland.] Crest, a dexter hand,
az. holding a cimeter, ppr.
Carre, [Viscount Rochester, Baron of Branspath, Carsalke, [Devonshire,] ar. three mullets and
and Earl of Somerset,] gu. on a chev. ar. three as many trefoils, slipped, vert.
p 2
Carse, [Fordelcarse, Scotland.] The same as Dictionary. Crest, a taibot, passant, per pale,
the of the name in the first Dictionary.
first indented, or and vert.
Carselake, [Devonshire.] The same arms as Cart land, [Ireland,] or, on a chief sa. three
the second Carsluke in the first Dictionary. garbs ar.- Crest, a demi eagle, rising, ppr.
Carsewell, [Scotland.] Crest, a lion's head Cartlitch. Crest, two hands wielding a two-
within a fetter-lock. handed sword.
Carsil, gu. a bend ar. betw. three bezants. Cartuther, ar. a fesse betw. three mullets of
Carslake, [Devonshire,] ar. a mullet betw. six points sa.
three trefoils vert, the slips of the trefoils in Cartwright, [Yorkshire,] ar. two chev. betw.
chief, pointing- to the mullet. three lions, rampant, gu. Crest, a demi lion,
Carson, [Scotland,] ar. a chev. gu. betw. three rampant, erminois, ducally crowned gu. [Grant-
crescents or. ed, by patent, to Williiam Cartwright, of
Carstairs, [Kilcorquhar,] az a chev. ar. betw. Neroland, Yorkshire, by St. George, Norroy,
three primroses, slipped, ppr. Crest, a sun 12th August, 1612.]
darting- its rays on a primrose ppr. Cartwright. To the one of Derby in the first
Carstallaw, [Scotland,] ar. on a fesse gu. a Dictionary add, granted 1574.
crescent betw. two mullets or. Cartwright, [Nottinghamshire.] Arms and crest
Carstorphin, or Carstorphine, vert, a see first Dictionary. [Granted to William
greyhound, passant, betw. three hunting-horns Cartwright, of Assington, Nottinghamshire,
ar. stringed gu. Crest, a crane's head, erased, by Cooke, Clarencenx, 5th Queen Elizabeth.]
ar. regally crowned or. Cartyll, or, across, patonce, gu.
Carswall, or Carsw ELL, ar. two bars, cot- Cartyll, [Northumberland.] The same as Cartiles
tised, sa. in the first Dictionary.
Carswell, or Carsewell, [Scotland,] gu. Carvell, [Norfolk,] ar. a fesse betw. three
a fesse or, fretty az. betw. three mullets ar. fleurs-de-lis gu.
Crest, a lion, passant, tail extended, ppr. Carveth, ar. a chev. engr. betw. three talbots,
Carswell, ar. a fesse, voided, sa. passant, sa.
Cart. To the last of the name in the first Dic- Carvill, [Norfolk,] gu. three leopards' faces,
tionary add Crest, a stag's head, holding in the reversed, ar. jessant-de-lis, sa.
mouth a serpent ppr. Carwell. To the first of the name in the first
Carter, az. a taibot, passant, or, betw. three Dictionary add Crest, a leopard's head and
round buckles of the last. Crest, out of mural neck, erased and gardant, ppr.
coronet, chequy, or and az. a demi monkey ppr. Carwitham, [Parstons, Devonshire,] ar. a
Carter, [Hertfordshire,] ar. a chev. vert, betw. fleur-de-lis, gu. within a bordure of the second.
three catherine-wheels sa. Carwytham, [Cornwall.] The same.
Carter, [Charlton-Abbots, Gloucestershire, M.I. Carwitiiian-, [Cornwall.] The same as Car-
in Hitchin -church, Hertfordshire.] The same wythyan in the first Dictionary.
arms as Carter, of St. Cullum.be, Cornwall: Car wood, or Kirk wood, per fesse sa. and ar.
see first Dictionary. in chief a demi savage, holding in the dexter
Carter, [Wincombe, Crundale, Willesborough, hand a sword, and in the sinister an axe ppr. in
Smarden, Canterbury, and Kennington, Kent.] base a mandrake vert.
The same. Cary'. To the second of the name, of London,
Carteret, gu. three clarions or. in the first Dictionary,add Crest, a swan ppr.
Carterick, ar. on a fesse, engr. sa. three roses with wings erect, charged on the breast with a
of the field. rose sa.
Carthaw, sa. three spears, bend ways, or, Cary, vair, three bars gu.

headed ar. Caryer, [Canterbury.] Arms, see first Diction-

Carthew, or, a chev. gu. betw, three falcons ary. Crest, a dove, with wings elevated, ar.
ppr. Crest, a
falcon, rising, gorged with a membered gu. holding in the beak an olive-
ducal coronet and belled ppr. branch ppr. all within a circle of glory or.
Carthew, ar. a fesse gu. between three ducks az. CARYFIT, [Devonshire,] gu. a bend or. betw.
Crest, a falcon, rising, belled ppr. ducally six bezants.
gorged or. Carysset, [Devonshire.] See Caryset in the
Carthorpe, [Westwood, Surrey,] or, a bend first Dictionary.
az. Carygoes, ar. a bend gu. betw. three magpies
Cartiles, [Northumberland.] Arms, see first
Caryhes, ar. on a bend gn. three magpies ppr. Cassie, az. a bend betw. three crows' heads,
CaSAMAJOR. Arms, see first
Dictionary. Crest, erased, ar. Crest, a hind's bead.
a lion, rampant. Cassilby, Cassyll, or Cassill, gu. a lo-
Casaubon, [London,] ,..., a lion,rampant, zenge, flowered at each corner, or.
surmounted by a fesse, charged with Cassill, gu. three fusils, crowned, or.
three mullets .... Cassils, [Scotland.] Crest, an arm, in armour,
Cascer, or Ceaser, [Scotland,] sa. sis crosses embowed, holding a fleur-de-lis.
Casson, ar. three chev. and a canton gu. on
ar. Crest, a dolphin, embowed, increscent-
wise, .... each chev. a mullet of the field. Crest, from a
Case, barry of six ar. and vert, over all a lion, tower a dove, rising, az.
rampant, gu. Crest, on a winged globe a Casstle, ar. two bars .... on a canton .... a
dove, rising, ppr. tower triple-towered. Crest, out of a tower,
Case. The same Arms Crest, a cubit arm, in triple- towered, a griffin, issuant, ....
armour, ppr. holding in the gauntlet, or fingers, Cassy, [Worcestershire.] Arms the same as the
ar. a cimeter of the first, hilt and pomel gold, fourth of the name in the first Dictionary.
from the pomel a riband flowing round the arm Cassy, ar. a chev. betw. three birds' heads, erased,
and tied in a bow gu. and ar. or.

Casey, [Ireland,] or, achev. betw. three falcons' Cassyll, gu. a lozenge flory.
heads, erased, gu. Crest, a hand, issuing from Casteleyut, or, three castles, triple-towered,
a cloud, holding a garb. sa.

Casey, or Cassey, ar. a chev. betw. three falcons' Castelford. See with Castleford, in the

heads, erased, gu. beaked or. Crest, out of a first Dictionary.

ducal coronet or, two branches of laurel, in Castelhill. See with Castlehill in the
orle, vert. first Dictionary.
Cash. Crest, out of a mural coronet a garb, Castelhull. SeewithCASTLEHULLin the first

thereon a bird .... Dictionary.

Cashault, chequy or and gu. a chief era. Castell, [Worcestershire,] gu. two castles or.
CaSHELL, gu. a lion, passant, ar. Crest, a lion, Castell, [Worcestershire,] gu. two bars ar. on a
rampant, supporting a plumb-rule ar. canton of the last a castle of the first.
Cashman. Crest, on a mount vert, a stag, Caster, or Casteler, ar. a fesse, engr. betw.
lodged, regardant, ppr. three catherine-wheels sa.
Caslon. Crest, a spear's head ppr. Caster, gu. a chev. betw. three square buckles or.
Caslyworth, [Cheshire.] Arms, see first Dic- Caster, [Norfolk,] ar. three bars, gemelles, gu.
tionary. Castelhill, az. on a chev. betw. three lozenges
Cass, [Hackney, Middlesex.] Arms, see first or, as many lozenges gu.
Dictionary. Crest, a pair of scales ppr. Castillon, [Benhall-Vallence, Berks.] Anns,
CASSALL, [Cumberland,] az. a castle or. see first Dictionary. Crest, a lion's head,
Cassamajor, sa. a lion, rampant, ar. Crest, erased, gardant, ducally crowned.
a lion, as in the arms. Castle, [London,] az. on a bend ar. three
Cassan, [Ireland,] az. three pair of wings,
en castles sa. Crest, a dexter arm, couped and
leur, or.Crest, on a chapeau gu. turned up embowed fesseways, ppr. vested gu. cuff or,
era. a pair of wings ppr. holding a pennon of the second, charged with a
CASSE, [Scotland,] or, a cross, couped,
betw. bee, volant, of the third, staff of the first.
three muilets, in chief, and a crescent, in base, Castleford, era. on a fesse gu. three castles
Castlemartyn, or, a fesse betw. three towers,
Cassell, or Cassel, lozengy gu. and ar. nine
crescents, in saltier, alternately counterchanged. triple-towered,
Crest, a hawk, regardant, ppr. supporting, Castler. See Casteller in the first Dictio-

with the dexter claw, a garland of laurel vert. nary.

Castleton, az. on
Cassels. Crest, a castle ppr. [St. Edmondsbury, Suffolk,]
Casshe, ar. on a chev. sa. three fountains. a bend or, three adders of the field. Crest, a
Cassidy two chev. on a canton .... a demi dragon, with wings endorsed, vert. [Created
lion, passant Crest, a spear, broken in a Baronet August 9, 1641]
three pieces, two in saltier and one in pale, ppr. Castleworth, gu. on a bend ar. three castles
banded gu. sa.
Castlyn, gu. on a beud ar. three lozenges of Catingham, or Catenham, gu. three bftrs,
the first. dancettee, ar.
Gaston. To the fourth of the name in the first Catisbury, gu. a fesse vair.
Dictionary add Crest, a lion's paw, erased, sa. Catisbye, or Catesbye, [Warwick,] ar. two
holding a cross, pattee, fitchee, in pale, erm. passant, sa. a bordure, engr. gu.
Caston, ar. a fesse, cottised, and in chief two Catiste, az. a chev. betw. three crescents or.
lions, rampant, gu. Catley, or Cattley, gu. six escallops ar.
Castoo, [Norfolk,] sa. an eagle, displayed, Crest, a cubit arm, erect, holding a sealed let-
barry, ar. and gu. ter, ppr.
Casye, [Warwickshire and Middlesex.] See Catley, gu. on a chev. engr. betw. three anchors,
with Cassy in the first Dictionary. with cables, or, two lions, passant, gardant, az.
Casworth, or Cusworth, ar. on a chev. Crest, a demi leopard, holding an anchor.
betw. three wings az. ten bezants. Catlyn, or Catlyne. Arms, see first Dic-
Catcher, [Loudon, Sheriff, 1587.] Arms and tionary. Crest, a lion's head, erased, ar. col-
Crest as in the first Dictionary. lared and stringed or.
Catchmade, [Gloucestershire,] barry of six or Catlyn, per chev. az. and or, three lions, passant,
and sa. gardant, counterchanged, on a chief ar. a rose,
Catelline, sa. a cross, engr. ar. on a bordure betw. two fleurs-de-lis, gu.
of the eight towers of the first.
last, Catmeys, or Catmays, ar. on a chief gu.
Catenham, gu. three bars, dancettee, ar. three plates.
Cater, [Berkshire,] erm. on a pile az. a lion, Catnys, sa. two bars, on a chief or, an eagle,
passant, or. displayed, of the field.

Caterall, [Holderness, Yorkshire,] sa. (ano- Cator, erm. on a pale, gu. a lion, passant,
ther, az.) three mascles ar. gardant. Crest, a lion's head, erased, or, col-
Catesbury, [Herefordshire.] The same as lared with a bar, gemelle, az.
Catesbury, of Leicestershire, see first Dic- Cator, erm. on a pile, engr. gu. a lion, passant,
ar. in base two salmons, haurient, az. Crest,
Catesby, [Warwickshire.] The same Arms as a lion's head, erased, erminois, charged with a
CateSBY, of Winston, Northamptonshire, in bar, gemelle, gu.
the first Dictionary. Catson, or Causton, gu. a chev. betw. three
Catesby, ar. two lions, passant, within a bordure eagles, displayed, ar.
gu. Catsznellage, gu. two lions, passant, gardant,
Catesnelboge. gu. two lions, passant, gardant, or. Crest, the attires of a stag or.
in pale, or. Crest, an anchor sa. Catt, or Cattes, [Kent,] ar. two cats, pas-
Cathcart, [Carleton, Ayrshire,] az. a human sant, gu.
heart or, betw. three cross crosslets, fitchee, Catte, ar. on a bend, dancettee, sa. three fleurs-
each issuing out of a crescent ar. Crest, a de-lis of the field betw. two cottises, az., be-
dexter hand, holding up a human heart, regally zautee.
crowned, all ppr. Cattell, [Scotland,] ar. fretty sa.
Catherall, az. a lion, passant, betw. three Cattes BY, ar. a lion, rampant, gardant, gu-
mascles or. \_Bij William Segar, Garter .] Cattiste, az. a chev. betw. three crescents or.
Catherens, [Cliston, Warwickshire.] Arms, Catton. To the second of the name in the first
see first Dictionary ;
in the Crest, before " or," Dictionary add Crest, a horned owl ar.
read " passant." Catton, sa. a bend, engr. or, betw. three owls ar.
Cathery, sa. two boars' heads, erased in fesse, membered az. (another, membered or.)
ar. Crest, a boar's head, couped, sa. holding Catts, or Cutts, az. three lions, passant, gar-
in the mouth three acorns. dant, erm.
Cathik, [Scotland.] Crest, a stag's head, Catworth, [London,] ar. three piles, meeting
couped, ppr. in point, sa. on a canton or, a fleur-de-lis az.
Cathrall, [Lincolnshire,] az. three fusils ar. Caudecott, sa. on a chev. betw. three trees or,

Cathrall, [Lancashire,] az. three lozenges, or, an eagle, displayed, of the field.
two and one. Caudwell, az. a cross, formee, fitchee, betw.
Cathrall, or Catherall, [Lancashire,] az. three nine estoiles, in orle, or. Crest, a cock's head
mascles or, two and one. and neck, couped, ar. combed and wattled gu.
CathROPE. Arms, see first Dictionary. Crest, holding in the beak a cross, formee, fitchee, or,
on a mount vert, a stag, courant, ppr. betw. two wings, expanded, sa.
Cauell, gu. three sails ar. Cavenell, ar. fretty gu. on a chief, per chief, of
Cauley, [Cowley,] ar. on a chev.
three leo- sa. the first and az. in chief three leopards' heads
pards' heads, jessant, a fleur-de-lis of the first. of the second, and in base as many cross cross-
Crest, from a plume of three ostrich-feathers lets of the first.

issuing from the wreath, an eagle, rising, Caver, or, on a chev. sa. a fleur-de-lis, accom-
ppr. panied by two stags' heads, cabossed, betw.
Caulpield, barry of ten, ar. and gu. on a can- three crosses, en trailed, of the second.
ton of the second a lion, passant, gardant, or. Caverley, [Yorkshire,] sa. an inescocheon,
Crest, a dragon's head, erased, gu. gorged within an orle of eight owls ar.
with a bar, gemelle, ar. Caverley. The same, within an orle of starlings.
CAUDIS. Arms, see first Dictionary. Crest, out Cavys, gu. a cross erm.
of an antique crown or, a lion's head gu. Cavewood. See Garwood in the first Dictio-
Caundis, [Cheshire.] The same Arms. nary.
Cauney, az. three lions, passant, in pale, Caw, [Scotland,] ar. a chev. betw. three cross
ar. crosslets, sa. Crest, a stag's head, holding in
Caunton, [Treland,] ar. on a chief az. a lion, the mouth a serpent, ppr.
rampant, or, (another, the lion passant.) Cawdor. Crest, a sheaf of arrows sa. headed
Caus, or, two crows, in pale, sa. Crest, a and feathered banded gu.
cinquefoil, per pale, az. and ar. Cawdron, a chev. betw. three martlets sa.

CAUSEY, [Hyngham,] ar. a griffin, segreant, sa. on a chief of the last as many cross crosslets or.
Causham, ar. a saltier sa. Cawley, [Chichester, Sussex.] The same as
Causton. The same Arms as Causton, of the second of the name in the first Dictionary.
Causton, Essex. Crest, a wolf's head, erased, Cawley, [London,] ar. a lion, rampant, sa. within
or. a bordure engr. of the last, charged with eight
Causton, ar. on a bend sa. three cross crosslets, mullets, of the first.
filchee, of the first. Cawsse, sa. a chev. or betw. three fleurs-de-lis
Causton, bendy of six ar. and sa. ar.

Cauthen, gu. a chev. erm. betw. three pheons Cay, [Bishopwearmouth, Durham,] ar. a bend
ar. sinister chief an annulet gu. in base a
sa. in
Cauthorp, ar. a fesse, betw. three escallops griffin's head, erased, of the second, holding in
its beak a
gu. key az. Crest, a griffin's head, as in
Cauty, ar. in chief, two lions, rampant, sa. the Arms.
Crest, a Catharine wheel az. Cay, [Charlton-Hall, Northumberland] az. a
Cauvin, [Edinburgh.] Crest, a dexter hand, bend, or, debruised by a label of three points ar.
holding a dagger, point downwards. Crest, a hawk
ppr. round the neck a pennon
C.wall, erm. acalfgu. Crest, a naked figure vert, flotantbehind him, charged with the Arms.
holding a palm-tree ppr. Cay, [Edinburgh.] The same Arms and Crest,
Cavall a horse, passant, .... the pennon charged with a cinquefoil ar.
Cave, [Stanford, Northamptonshire, and Sfretton- Cay, or Kay. See Kay, in the first Dictionary.
Hall, Derbyshire,] az. fretty of eight ar. Crest, Crest, a griffin's head couped at the breast,
a greyhound, courant, sa. on an escroll from the wings endorsed, in the beak a key, all ppr.
mouth the word gardez. Cay, [Yorkshire,] ar. two bends sa.
Cave, ar. fretty az. Cavle, or Cayley, [Norfolk,] chequy or and
Cavknagh, per pale ar. aud gu. a
[Ireland,] gu. a bend erm.
lion, rampant, betw. three crescents, counter- Cayley, [Brompton, Yorkshire,] quarterly,
changed. Crest, two dexter hands issuing from ar. and sa. on a bend gu. three mullets
clouds, and grasping the stump of an oak-tree, of the first. Crest, a lion, rampant, or, charged
sprouting anew, ppr. with a bend gu. thereon three mullets ar. holding
Cavenagh, or Cavanagh, [Ireland,] sa. on a fesse in the paws a battle-axe ppr.
or, a mullet, pierced, betw. two hunting horns of Cayley, [Norfolk,] chequy ar. and sa. a fesse
the field. Crest, a stag lodged betw. two erm.
branches of laurel, vert. Cayliff, az. a chev. betw. three crescents or.

Cavendish, [Grimsted, three piles,

Sussex,] ar. Cayling, gyronny of eight erm. and sa.
wavy, gu. the middle one reversed. Crest, a Caylne, or Calle, [Norfolk,] ar. on a fesse
wolfs head or, collared gu. gu. betw. two chev. of the second three es-
Cavendish, paly, undee of six ar. and gu. callops of the first.
Cayly. To the firstof the name in the first Ceyley. Crest, a demi lion, rampant, wielding
Dictionary add Crest, a mascle vert. a battle-axe, ppr.
Caymesley. The same as Caymesle in the Chabeners, [Yorkshire,] az. three mascles or, a
first Dictionary. chief,indented, gu.
Caythorpe, or, a bend az. Chacumber, [Gloucestershire,] sa. a cross, engr.
Cazenove, sa. two crescents in chief, and a humettee, erm. betw. three birds, volant, or.
cinquefoil in base or. Crest, a sword, in pale, Chad, [Thursford, Norfolk.] Arms and Crest
az. hilt or. as the second of the name in the first Dic-
Ceasar, gu. three roses ar. two and one ; on a tionary.
chief of the second three roses of the first. Chadaworth, or Chadworth, az. a chev.
Ceily, Celey, or Cely. Arms, see first betw. three wolves' heads, erased, or.
Dictionary with Ceely. Crest, an arm in Chadder, ar. three fleurs-de-lis gu. two and one,
armour, holding a pheon, point upwards, all a label of as many points az.
ppr. Chaderton, [Lancashire.] Arms, see first
Celbran, . on a chev. betw. three bugle- Dictionary. Crest, a griffin's head, couped,
horns .... as many fleurs-de-lis .... gu.
Celdon, [Suffolk,] az. a plain cross, or. Chaderton, [Lancashire,] gu. a cross, patonce,
Celly, per pale erm. and az. a chev. lozengy ar. or, within a bordure sa. platee.
and three lions' heads, erased, or.
sa. Chads. Crest, a unicorn's head, couped, betw.
Celsden, az. a fesse betw. three fleurs-de-lis two laurel-branches ppr.
or. Chadwell. Arms, see first Dictionary. Crest,
Celway, ar. two glaziers' snippers, in saltier, out of a ducal coronet or, a dexter hand, hold-
sa.betw. four pears or, within a bordure, engr. ing a swan's head and neck, erased, ppr.
of the second. Chadwick. To the first one of the name in the
Cely. To the second one of the name of first Dictionary add Crest, on a ducal coro-
Essex, in the first Dictionary, see with net or, a martlet ....
Ceely, add Crest, a bundle of quills ppr. Chadworth. [Sir John, Lord Mayor of Lon-
Cell/,[Essex,] gu. a lion, rampant, or, betw.
two don, 1401,] or, on a bend sa. three trefoils,
(launches ar. (Another, the flaunches erm.) slipped, ar.
Cement, gu. three garbs ar. within a bordure sa. Chafe. To the one of Exeter, in the first Dic-
bezantee. tionary, add f Another, a canton ar.)
Cendall, ar. a bend vert. Crest, a sinister Chaffin, [Chetle, Dorsetshire.] Arms, see
arm, embowed in armour
garnished ar. hold-or, firstDictionary. Crest, a talbot, passant, or.
ing in the hand ppr. a rose-tree, eradicated, vert, Chaigneau, [Ireland,] sa. three lions' heads,
bearing three roses gu. erased, or. Crest, a lion's head, erased, gu.
Cendall, ar. a cross vert. Chain, barry of six az. and ar.
CENINO, az. a salamander or, in flames of fire Chaiston, [Scotland,] gu. two halberts, pale-
ppr. Crest, an escallop betw. two palm-branches ways, ..... surmounted by a fesse, chequy,
.... in chief, a mullet.
PPr - ;

Centrey, or Centree, erm. on a fesse az. Chalbot, or Chalbots.

Arms, see first Dic-
three escallops or. Crest, two anchors, in saltier, ppr.
Cerdeste, [Cheshire,] az. a fesse betw. six Chaldecotte, [Quarlestou,] az. three arrows,
martlets or. or.
CtRNE, [Malcomb, Horsey,] per fesse ar. and Chaleners, [Yorkshire.] See with Chcdoner
in the first Dictionary.
gu a lion, rampant, counterchanged, within a
bordure or. Cham AN ey, [Essex,] ar. a chev. betw. three
Cerne, [Dorsetshire,] quarterly, and gu. a ar. eagles, displayed, gu.
lion, rampant, and bordure counterchanged.
Chalie. Crest, in water a swan, with wings
Cesir, ar. on a bend gu. three leopards' heads or. elevated and endorsed, ppr.
Cesir, ar. on a bend gu. three leopards' faces or. Chalkhill, [Kingsbury, Middlesex.] See first
Ceulen, [London,] or, an eagle, displayed, sa. Dictionary. [Granted by Robert Cooke, Cla-
armed gu. ; quartering az. three chev. gu. renceux.~\
Cevelioc, az. six garbs or, three, two, and one. Chalklen. Crest, on a mural coronet a sheaf
Crest, an arm in armour, ppr. bound round of seven arrows, points upwards.
the shoulder with a ribbon tied in a bow, and Challcombe, [Wiltshire, temp. Edw. I.] or,
on a cross vert five mullets ar.
holding a club ....
CHALLENBR, [Bishop of Debra,] az. a chev. Chamber, or Chambers, [Warwickshire,] or, three
betw. two stars of six points, in chief, and a dragons' heads, erased, sa.
cross, in base, ar. Chamber, [Derbyshire.] The same as in the first
Chai.i.enor, [Chiltington and Stantons, Sussex,] Dictionary, with a bordure gu.
az. a chev, betw. three mascles or. Crest, the Chamber, quarterly, or and az. a chev. counter-
same as C/ialoner, hereafter. changed.
Challis, vert, betw. two bars, engr. ar. three Chamberlain, [London, created a Baronet,
bezants. 1828,] gu. within an orle ar. charged with eight
Challoner, [Northumberland,] sa. a chev. mullets az. an armillary sphere or. Crest, an
betw. three cherubims or. Crest, a demi sea- eagle, displayed, ppr. the dexter claw resting
wolf, rampant, or. on an armillary sphere or.
Challoner, [Bedburn, Durham.] The same as Chamberlain, or Chambelain, gu. a lozenge ar.
Chaloner, of Guisborough, Yorkshire. See first within an orle of cinquefoils or.

Dictionary. Chamberlaine, or Chamberlayne, [War-

Challon, or, a bend go. Crest, a mermaid, wickshire.] The same Arms as Chamberlayne,
holding in her dexter hand a mirror, all ppr.
of Sherborne, Oxfordshire. See first Dictiona-
Challows, gu. two bars betw. nine martlets ry-
ar. Chamberlayn, ar. a chev. and an eagle's leg,

Chalmers, [Cults,] a fesse gu. ; in chief, a

ar. erased in the dexter point, sa.
demi lion, issuing, sa. in base, a fleur-de-lis az. Chamberlayn, ar. a chev. betw. three escallops
Crest, a lion's head, erased, sa. or.

Chalmers, [Gaithgarth, Scotland,] quarterly; first Chamberlayn, gu. on a chev. or, betw. three
and fourth, az. a mullet ar. second, or, a fesse,
; escallops of the second a tower sa.
Chamberlen, an inescocheon
chequy, az. and ar. ; third, ar. on a fesse az. [London,] gu.
three mullets of Crest, a demi
the field. betw. eight cinquefoils ar. Crest, a dexter
lion, rampant, holding betw. the paws a fleur- arm, couped and embowed, holding a grenade,
de-lis gu. fired, all
a chev. betw. three cherubims Chamberlen, ar. a chev. betw. three
Chalonce, sa. leopards'
or. faces gu.
Chaloner, [Linfield, Sussex.] Arms, see first Chamberlen, [Woodstock, Oxfordshire,] gu. an
Crest, a inescocheon, within an orle of eight martlets
Dictionary. wolf, statant, regardant,
pierced through the shoulder by a broken
ar. ar.

spear or, the upper part in the mouth, the lower Chamberlen, or Chamberlyn, erm. on a chief,
az. two coronets of lance-staves,
resting on the wreath. indented,
Chalton, [London,] quarterly; first and fourth, or.

az. a lion, rampant, ar. crowned or; second Chamberlayne, [Gloucestershire.] See first
and third, erm. a cross, engr. sa. Dictionary, add First Crest. Granted 1588.
Chalton, [London,] az. a lion, rampant, double They likewise bear a second Crest, viz. a lion's
queued, ar. ducally crowned or. head, erased, or, charged on the neck with
Chalvedon, sa. a bend, wavy, betw. two cot- three trefoils, slipped, two and one, vert.
tises ar. [Borne with the quarterinys of Acherley, Ather-
Cham, ar. on a chev. gu. two chev. endorsed ton, Gatesden, Morlein, Ekeney, St. John,
or. Alkyns, Douyhly, and Hodyes, and the Arms of
Chamarbe, quarterly, ar. and az. a chev. coun- Fairfax on an escocheon of pretence, by Cham-
terchanged. berlaine, Chamberlayne, (late Acherley,) Esq.
Chamber, De la, [Chamber's Court and Rad- of Mauyersbury, Gloucestershire, 1832.]
mill, Sussex.] The same Arms and Crest as Chamberlaine. To the tenth of the name in the
the fifth Chambers in the first Dictionary. first Dictionary add [Confirmed to Sir Thomas
Chamber, [M. I. in Ofley Church, Herts,] ar. Chamberlaine, of London, Knight, by Sir Ed-
three trefoils, slipped, gu. Crest, a bear, pas- ward Walker, Garter, February 15th, 1661,
sant, sa. muzzled and chained or. with a new grant of a Crest, viz. out of a mural
Chamber, [Staffordshire,] ar. a fesse, chequy, or coronet gu. a demi lion, rampant, or, holding
and az. in chief, two lions' heads, erased, in the dexter paw a key ar.]

sa. Chambers, [Chambers, Scotland.] The same as

Chainber, quarterly, ar. and az. a chev. counter- the of the
first name of Scotland in the first
chansred. Dictionary.
Chambers, [Cults, Scotland.] The same Arms. Champaney, [London and Devon,] sa. a chev.
Crest, the head and neck of a lion sa. langued ar. betw. three crosses, humettee, engr. erm.
gu. Champayn, [Suffolk,] ar. three lozenges gu.
Chambers, [Ashantrees, Scotland.] The same Champayue, [Kent,] ar. three bars, nebulee, gu.
Arms, a bordure sa.
within Crest, a hand Champayne, [Devon,] ar. three lozenges gu.
holding a pair of scales ppr. Champdon, ar. a sword, in pale, sa. five trefoils,
Chambers, [Marshes, in the Parish of Selling; | slipped in o-rle, ermines.
Tunstall, and Bradger House, Kent,] sa. a Champe, gu. a cross, pattee, or, on a chief vert
chev. betw. three cinquefoils or. Crest, a bear, a lion, passant, of the second.
passant, collared and chain reflexed over Champernon, [Devon,] gu. a saltier vair.
the back or. Champernon, [Devon,] gu. crucilly or, a saltier
Chambers, [Cumberland.] The same Arms. vair.
Chamblen, gu. a fesse ar. betw. three escallops Champernon. To the second of the name in the
or. first Dictionary, add Crest, a lion's head,
Chambley, or Chambly, gu, three escallops erased, ar. semee of pellets, ducally crowned
or.Crest, above a globe, a ship ppr. or.

Chambleyn, or, on a bend gu. three lozenges Champernowne, gu. a saltier vair betw. twelve
vair. billets or. Crest, out of a ducal coronet or, an
Chamberley, or Chamberlay, [London,] ostrich rising, holding iu the mouth a horse-shoe
sa. a chev. betw. three mullets erm. ppr.
Chamberley, or Chamberlay, or, on a bend gu. Champernoun. Crest, a dexter hand holding a
three lozenges vair. rose-branch ppr.
Chambernon, gu. a saltier vair, betw. twelve Champeyne. The same as Champayne.
crosses, bottonee, or. Champion, a sword in pale, point in chief,

CHAMBUR, ar. a fesse, chequy, orandaz. betw. sa. betw. five trefoils erm. slipped sa.
three lions' heads, erased, sa. a bordure gu. Champion, [Sussex, and Guildford, Surrey,] ar.
charged with escallops ar. three trefoils, slipped, sa.
Chambur, ar. a chev. betw. three cinquefoils gu. Champion, [Woolwich, Kent, and Somersetshire.]
Chambur, [Derbyshire,] ar. a fesse, chequy, or The same Arms as Champion, of Berks and
and az. betw. three lions' heads, erased, sa. a Essex, in the first Dictionary. Crest, au arm
bordure gu. in armour, erect, couped below the elbow, and
Chambure, gu. a chev. betw. three cinquefoils holding in the gauntlet a chaplet of laurel, all
or. ppr.
Cham ley, [Yorkshire,] gu. a chev. sa. betw. Champion. See first Dictionary second of the
three close helmets ar. name, after Berks and, read Stamford.
Chament, or Chavenell, paly of six ar. and Champman, [Kent,] per chev. ar. and gu. a
az. a fesse gu. crescent and two leopards' heads counterchanged.
Chamne, or Chaume, [Norfolk,] or, three chev. Champman, [Kent,] per chev. ar. and gu. a cres-
engr. gu. cent and two griffins' heads counterchanged.
Chamney, [Essex,] ar. a chev. betw. three Champnes, [Yarnescombe,] ar. a lion, rampant,
eagles, displayed, gu. gu. within a bordure, engr. sa.
Chamier, az. on a fesse or, betw. three roses Champney, ar. three trefoils, slipped, sa.
ar. a human
heart gu. Champney, per pale ar. and sa. a lion, rampant,
Chamombe, or Chamonbye, [Wilts,] or, on a gu. within a bordure, engr. counterchanged of
cross vert five mullets ar. the field.
Chamond, or Chaumond, [Cornwall.] Arms, Champney, [Loudon.] Arms, see first Dictionary.
see first Dictionary. Crest, a lion sejant Crest, a leopard's head, erased, gardant, or,
Chamond, or Chamnond, [Cumberland.] The ducally gorged sa.
same as of Cornwall in the first Dictionary. Champney, ar. three bars, wavy, gu. (another,
Chammound, ar. a chev. battelly, betw. three the bars plain.) Crest, a lion's gamb, erased,
ravens' heads, erased, sa. supporting a torteaux.
Chamont, paly of six ar. and az. a fesse gu. Champneys, [Gloucester Herald, 1483-4,] gu.
Chamoun, ar. a chev. crenellee, betw. three two fusils ar.
falcons' heads, erased, sa. Champneys, per pale ar. and sa. a lion, rampant,

Champanays, per pale sa. and ar. a lion, ram- regardant, per pale gu. and or, a bordure, engr.
pant, gu. counterchanged.
Champneys, per pale ar. and sa. a lion, rampant, Channsy, gu. four crosses, patonce, ar. on a
gu. guttee d'or. (Another, within a bordure canton az. a lion, passant, or. Crest, a griffin's
counterchanged.) head, erased, holding in the beak a key.
Champneys, [Somersetshire,] per pale ar. and sa. CHANSEY, gu. three bars chequy ar. and az. on
a lion, rampant, or, within a bordure, engr. a chief or as many martlets of the field.
counterchanged of the field. Chanseull, Chancell, or Chancers, sa.
Champneys, [Goddington in Great Chart, Hall's three eagles, displayed, or.
Place in Bexley, Boxley Abbey, Vintners in Chanston, sa. a cross, flory, betw. twenty billets
Boxley, Stansted in Wrotham, Biddenden and or.

Ostenhanger, all in Kent,] per pale ar. and sa. Chantmarle, ar. a chev. sa. betw. three black-
a lion, rampant, gu. within a bordure counter- birds ppr.
changed. Crest, a demi moor, side-faced, vest- Chantry, sa. guttee de larmes, a lion, rampant,
ed or, cuffs, cape, and ornaments on the shoul- ar. Crest, a lion, rampant, gu. supporting a
ders gu. wreathed about the temples of the last, pillar sa.
holding ill the dexter hand a ring gold, with a Chan we y, guttee az. two bars gu.

sapphire stone set therein. Chape, CuAPPE.orCHAPPES, [Norfolk.] Arms,

Champnon, [Devon,] gu. a saltier vair betw. see first Dictionary. Crest, a dexter hand,
twelve billets. holding in the gauntlet a pheon, point upwards,
Chance, [Birmingham,] gu. on a saltier betw. ppr.
four towers and a sword, erect, in base, .... a Chapell, o/Chappell, [Cambridgeshire,] per
fleur-de-lis . Crest, a demi lion, rampant,
. .. . fesse ar. andchapel gu. betw. four
vert, a
holding with both paws a sword, erect, .... escallops counterchanged.
Chanceler, [Shieldhill, Scotland,] or, a lion, Chaplin, [Seymour, Suffolk.] The same Arms
rampant, sa. armed and langued gu. on a chief as Ckftplin, of London and Stonham, Hants ;

of the last three mullets of the first. Crest, an see first Dictionary.
eagle, displayed, sa. Chaplin, London,] erm. on a
[Inner Temple,
Chanceley, [Yorkshire,] gu. on a chev. sa. chief.. three unicorns' heads, erased, or.
three helmets ar. Chapman, [Kent,] per chev. ar. and gu. a cres-
Chancell, or Chanceus, sa. three eagles, cent in cheveron point, betw. two leopards' faces
displayed, or. in pale, all counterchanged, on a canton or,
Chancer, per pale ar. and az. a bend counter- three trefoils, slipped, per pale gu. and vert, a
changed. bordure gu. charged with eight bezants.
Chancers, gu. three catharine-wheels or. Chapman, [Cambridgeshire.] The same Anns as
Chanceurs, gu. three eagles, displayed, ar. Chapman, of London and Yorkshire, see
Chancey, or Chancy, [Lincolnshire,] ar. a first
Dictionary, adding a canton gu. Crest, a
chev. gu. within a bordure sa. dexter arm, in armour and couped, holding in

Chancombe, [Wilts and Hants,] or, on a cross the hand a lance, all ppr.
vert a mullet ar. Chapman, per chev. ar. and gu. in chief three
Chan dos, [Baron, Hereford,] or, a lion, rampant, leopards of the second, in base, a crescent or.
gu. tail forked. Chapman, per chev. ar. and gu. in chief a
Chandoys, [Cambridgeshire,] or, four estoiles leopard's head of the second, on a canton or,
gu. on a pile of the second two estoiles of the three trefoils, slipped, per pale gu. and az. all
first. within a bordure, gobonated, of the first and
Chan ores, [Cambridgeshire,] or, on a pile gu. last.
six estoiles counterchanged. Chapman, [Bowers, Molash, and Milton, near
Chan [Scotland,] ar. three branches of bay,
i:, Sittingbourne, Kent.] The same Arms and
banded vert, betw. as many crescents gu. Crest as Chapman, of Middlesex. See first
Chanelles, [Suffolk,] gu. a fesse erm. betw. Dictionary.
two chev. or. Chapman, [West Hampnett, Sussex, descended
Chanenet, Chaven, or Chavenot, paly of out of the north,] per chev. gu. and ar. a cres-
six ar. and az. a fesse gu. cent, counterchanged, and canton, erm.
Chan ford, [Ireland,] gu. a bugle-horn betw. Chapman, [London,] per chev. ar. and gu. three
three mullets ar. demi lions, nasaut, in chief, and a crescent,
Chanirew, [Scotland,] or, a fesse chequy ar. counterchanged, in base.
and az. betw. three mullets in chief and a cres- Chapman, [Exiland, Devonshire,] az. a saltier,
cent in base gu. engr. or, in chief a star ar.
Chapman, [London and Hertfordshire.] The Charlton, [LordPowys,]or, a lion, rampant, gu.
same Arras as Chapman, of Cambridgeshire, in Charlton, [Reedsraouth, Northumberland,] ar.
the first Dictionary. a lion, rampant, gu.
Chapon, ar. a baton sa. Charlton, az. on a chev. or, betw. three swans ar.
Chapon, per bend, sinister, ar.and sa. as many cinquefoils gu. within a bordure of the
Chappellen, per saltier or and gu. four water- third. Crest, a swan's head and neck, erased,
ar. beaked gu. round the neck a
bougets, counterchanged. chaplet vert.
Chapple. Crest, on the stump of a tree, coup- [Granted, by patent, to Thomas Charlton, of
ed, a falcon, hooded, ppr. Sandiacre, Derbyshire, by St. George, Norroy,
Chappoyne, per pale, sinister bevile, ar. and 1611.]
sa. Charndon, [Cornwall,] vert, a buck's head,
Chaps, ar. a fesse, dancettee, betw. three cross cabossed, erm.
crosslets, fitchee, gu. Charnell, az. a cross, engr. or, in the first
Chardin, [Inner Temple, London, created a quarter a crescent ar.
Baronet, 28lh May, 1720.] ar. a chev. az. Charnell, [Ireland and Warwick,] az. a cross,
betw. two roses, in chief, gu. and a dove, in engr. or.
base, of the second. CharnellS, [Worcester, Warwick, and Suf-
Chardin, [Benley-Park, Leicestershire.] Arras, folk,] gu. a fesse, betw. two chev. erm.
see first Dictionary. Crest, a lion, rampant, Charnigdon, gu. on a bend sa. cottised or,
or. three swans ar.
Chardlow, [Hempling, Norfolk,] ar. a chev. Charnock, gu. an inescocheon, within an orle of
betw. three cross crosslets, fitchee, az.
s:u. martlets, ar.
Chareldon, az. a chev. or. Charome, [Yorkshire,] gu. a chev. betw. three
Charingworth. Arms, see first Dictionary. escallops ar.
Crest, a naked arm, embowed, holding a CriARPENTiER, az. a bend chequy gu. and or,
cutlass, all ppr. betw. three passant, ar.
unicorns, Crest, a
Charlcott, [Ireland,] ar. two bends, each per dexter hand, holding up a fleur-de-lis, gu.
bend, indented, gu. and az. Charrand, per chev. gu. and az.
Charle, [London, 1G05,] sa. on a pale ar. three Charringtox. Crest, a dexter arm, issuing
Y's gu. Crest, on a plate the letter gu. Y out of a cloud, pointing to a star, all ppr.
Charles, [Devonshire,] barry, nebulee, of Charrome, or Charroune, per chev. gu. and
eight or and sa. az. two lions, combatant, and a fleur-de-lis, in
Charles, erm. on a chief gu. five lozenges, in point, or.
fesse, or. Charron, [Lord of Beamish and Tanfield, Dur-
Charles, [Norfolk,] erm. on a chief gu. five lozen- ham,] sa. three water-bougets ar.
ges, in fesse, charged with as many mullets. Charter, erm. two torteaux ; a chief az.
Charleston, or, on a chev. vert, three eagles, Crest, an ass, passant, ppr.
displayed, of the field. Charteris, quarterly, or and ar. in each quarter
Charleston, or, on a chev. vert, three g;arbs or. a lion, rampant, gu. Crest, a swan ppr.
Charlestons, or Charlstone, [Essex,] ar. Charters, or Chartres, [Hempsfield, Scot-
on a chev. vert, three eagles, displayed, or. land,] ar. a fesse az. Crest, out of a cloud a
Charlesworth, ar. a cock gu. Crest, out of dexter arm, from the shoulder, fesseways, bran-
a ducal coronet a cock's head ppr. dishing a cinieter, ppr.
Charlet, [Hill,] or, a lion, rampant, vert, Charters, Chafer is, or Chartres, erm. a fesse gu.
within a bordure of the last. Crest, a demi cat, rampant, gardant, ppr.
Charlewood, or, a chev. betw. three trefoils, Charters, Charteris, or Chartres, erm. a fesse,
slipped, az. Crest, an arrow, in pale, entiled and in base a crescent gu. Crest, as above.
with a ducal coronet, all ppr. Charters, [Kingfauns, Scotland.] The same
Charley, or Ciiarmi.ey. Arras, see first Arms asthe second of the name in the first
Dictionary. Crest, a griffin, passant, holding in Dictionary. Crest, as above.
the dexter claw a buckle. Charth, sa. on a fesse, engr. betw. three
Charlston, [Essex,] ar. on a cross vert, five fleurs-de-lis ar. as many escallops gu.
eagles, displayed, or, (another, three eagles, Chartney, or Chartnay. Arms, see first

displayed, of the field). Crest, out of a Dictionary. Crest, two arms, in armour, vam-
ducal coronet or, a demi eagle, displayed, sa. braced, wielding a battle-axe, all ppr.
in the leak a heart's ease ppr. Chartres, [Amesfield,] quarterly; first and
fourth, ar. a fesse az. within a double tressure, pierced by an arrow from the back ar. armed
flory, counter-flory, gu.; second and third, or, a or.

lion, rampant, gu. Crest, a dexter hand, hold- Chatting, sa. a fesse or, in chief three mullets,

ing a dagger, in pale, ppr. pierced, of the last. Crest, a human heart gu.
Chartsev, or CHERSEY, ar. a bend betw. three pierced through by a sword, in bend, sinister,
falcons' heads, erased, of the first, beaked or. point downwards ppr.
Crest, as in first
Dictionary. Chattock, .... three fish, haurient,
Chase. To the of the name in the first Dic-
first Crest, a dexter hand, holding a lion's paw,
tionary add Crest, a griffin's head, erased, erased, ppr.
holding in the beak a key. Chavenell, Chavent, Chauent, or Cha-
Chase, [Memberie, Devonshire,] vert, a goat, mont, paly of six ar. and az. a fesse gu.
passant, ar. armed or. Crest, a demi pegasus Chavent, or Chauent, paly of six az. and ar.
a fesse or.
gorged with a chaplet vert.

CHASSEREAU, gu.achev. betw. three lions' heads, Chavernell, gu. three chev. and a bordure or.
erased, or. Crest, a demi chevalier, brandish- Chaucer, [Woodstock, Oxon.] Arms, see first
Crest, two lions' paws ar. and gu.
ing a sword, all ppr. Dictionary.
Chastelayn, [Esses,] az. a fesse or. supporting a shield, per pale, counterchanged.
Chastell, [Berks,] gu. two bars ;
on a quarter Chaucer, per pale ar. and sa. a bend, counter-
ar. a castle sa. changed.
Chastelone, sa. a Hon, passant, regardant, ar. Chaucer, per pale ar. and az. a bend, counter-
crowned or, betw. six cross crosslets of the se- changed.
cond. Chaucer, ar. a chief gu. over all a lion, rampant, ar.
Chastelyan, ar. a fesse, dancettee ;
in chief Chaucer, or Chavser, per pale ar. and gu. a bend,
three fleurs-de-lis sa. counterchanged.
Chastelyne, ar. a fesse, dancettee, the three Chaucer, or Chauser, per fesse ar. and gu. a bend,
chief points flory sa. counterchanged.
Chastelyon, ar. a fesse, dancettee ; in base a ChaulaS, or, a mound sa. banded ar. and en-
fleur-de-lis sa. signed with a cross, pattee, gu.
Chasterleyne, or Le Chasteleyne, or, Chaumbe, quarterly, ar. and az. a chev. couuter-
three castles, triple towered, sa. changed.
Chastion, gu. three lozenges (or fusils), in fesse, Chaumbutt, erm. a fesse, chequy, or and az.
erm. Chaumond, or Chammond, [Cornwall,] ar. a
Chastley, az. a fesse or. chev. betw. three fleurs-de-lis gu.
Chastlion, or Chastyon, gu. three lozenges Chaun, Chenaw, or Ci-iann, ar. on a chev.
(or fusils), in fesse, gu. two chevronels or.
Chastlot, per fesse ar. and az. a castle gu. betw. CriAUNCELLoR, per pale gu. and ar. two bends,
four escallops counterchanged. counterchanged.
Ch AT ER. Crest, a demi lion, double queued, .... Chauncellor, or Channcellour, or, three popinjays

CllATERTON, gu. a cross, potent, crossed (cross vert.

crossletways) or. Crest, a demi griffin, segreant, Chauncer, [Essex,] gu. a lion, passant, and a
gu. beaked and legged or. (Borne by
Dr. Vi il- cross, bottonee, in pale, or.
liam Chaterton, Prebendary of York and West- Chauncey, az. three wolves, passant, in pale,
minster, confirmed Bishop of Chester November, betw. two Haunches or, each charged with an
1579, translated to Lincoln 1595, ob. IDA anchor sa.
April, 1608.] Chauncey. The same as the last Chauncey in the
CHATFIELD,0CHATFYLDE,[Ditchening,0ving, first Dictionary. (Another, the cross patonce.)
and Chichester, Sussex, and Cambridgeshire.] Crest, a dexter hand, striking with a dagger,
The same as in the first Dictionary. all ppr.
an arrow a chev. gu. betw. three annulets
Chatfield. Crest, a demi black, shooting Chaunce:/, ar.

from a bow with a quiver at his back, all ppr. or.

a bor-
Chatte, gu. a key, in bend, ar. Chauncey, [Lincolnshire,] ar. a chev. gu.
Chattersett, az. an inescocheon within an orle dure sa. charged with five bezants.
of martlets or. Chauncey, [Northland,] or, a chev. eugr. gu.
Chatterton, [Castle Mahou, Yorkshire,] or, Chauncey, [Norfolk,] or, three chev. engr. gu.
a lion's head, erased, az. betw. three mullets Chauncey, [Essex,] gu. a cross, bottonee, or, in
Crest, an antelope's head, erased, trans- chief a lion, passant, of the last.
Chaumcy, [Sawbridgeworth and Yardleybury, joined in base, vert, on a chief gu. a crescent
betw. two mullets of the field.
Hertfordshire,] gu. a cross, patonce, ar. on a
chief az. a lion, passant, or. Crest, out of a Chawent. The same as Chauvent.
ducal coronet or, a griffin's head gu. charged Chawent, [Dorsetshire,] paly of six az. and ar.

with a pale az. betw. two wings, displayed, of a fesse gu.

the last, the inward part of the wings gu. Chawmond, ar. a chev. betw. three fleurs-de-lis

Chauncy. The same Arras and Crest. [Borne gu.

by Charles-Snell Chauncy, of Munden Parva, Ciiawny, [London,] or, on a chev. sa. betw.
in co. Herts, Esq. whose father, Charles Sne/l, three birds az. winged gold, beaked and legged
took the name and arms of Chauncy, 29th gu. as many mullets of the field.
April, 1783.] Chawney, [of the North,] or, three chev. engr.
Chaundler, cbequy ar. and gu. on a bend, engr. gu.
sa. three lions, passant, or. Crest, a pelican, Chaworse, barry of eight ar. and gu.
in her piety, sa. nest vert. Chaworth, [Annesley, Nottingham,] barry of
Chaune, [Kent,] sa. three irons, barways, with sixteen and gu. an orle of martlets sa.

five teeth. Crest, a castle ppr. on the battlements a plume

Chauney. Arms, see first Dictionary. Crest, of five ostrich-feathers ar. [Granted December
a savage's arm, embowed, holding a club, ppr. 1, 1780.]
Chaworth, barry of fourteen ar. and gu. an orle
Chatjns, ar. a chev. betw. three annulets gu.
Chaunsoyle, sa. three eagles, displayed, or. of martlets sa. Crest, out of a castle ar. six
Chauraun, ar. out of a mount, in base, a tree, laurel-leaves vert.

growing, vert, thereon a dove, rising, ppr. Chatvorih, barry of ten ar. and sa. three mart-
Chaure, gu. a cross, pattee, ar. in chief a lion, lets of the last.

passant, or. Chaworth, barry of twelve ar and gu. as many

Chaurey, or, on a chev. sa. betw. three birds martlets in orle sa.
az. as many annulets of the field. Crest, a Chaworth, barry of eight ar. and gu. three mart-
cubit arm, in armour,
per pale, sa. and ar. lets sa.

holding in the hand ppr. a covered cup or. Chawrey, gu. three bars chequy ar. and az.

Chaury, or Chanuay, ar. guttee-d'az. two on a chief or, three martlets gu.
bars gu. Chawrey, gnttee az. three bars gu.

Chaures, barry of fourteen ar. and gu. an orle Chawse, gu. five crosses, formee, ar. two, two,
of martlets sa. and one, on a canton az. a lion, passant, or.
Chaurs, barry of ten ar. and gu. an orle of Cheafeld, or Cheftoild, gu. a fesse betw.
martlets sa. six fleurs-de-lis or.
Chatjrtes, Dr, az. two chev. or. Cheap, [Rossie and Mawhill, Scotland.] Arms
Chauster, [Weston.] Crest, two stag's horns ppr. and Crest as in first Dictionary.
Chausler, sa. a cross, flory, the field replenished Chedder, sa. a chev. engr. erm. betw. three
with billets or. escallops ar.
Chausvile, sa. three eagles or. Chedder. Arms, see first Dictionary. Crest, on
Chaute, or Chute, [Sussex,] gu. three swords, a chapeau gu. turned up ar. a lion, passant,

barways, within an orle of mullets, or. gardant, az. ducally crowned or.
Chauvent, or Chawent, [Somerset.] The Cheddington, az. on a chev. betw. three plates
same as the second Chavent in the first Dic- as many cross crosslets sa.

tionary. Cheddworth, az. a chev. betw. three wolves'

Chawcer. To the first of the name in the first heads, erased, cr.

Dictionary add Crest, a demi unicorn ar. Cfiederlegh, on a chev. az. betw. three

armed, maned, and hoofed or. hawks' heads many acorns or.
sa. as

Chawe, or Chawrey, [Kent,] gu. three Chedicke, Chidicke, or Chidioke, [West-

swords, in fesse, ar. betw. ten stars of six bury, Wiltshire.] Arms, see first Dictionary.
points or. Crest, a fleur-de-lis or, enfiled will) a ducal
Chaydock, [Cumberland,] gu. an orle of mart- coronet ar.
lets or, on a canton ar. an escocheon of the Chedington, az. on a chev. betw. three cross
field. crosslets ar. as many bezants.
Cheydocke, [Cumberland,] gu. an orle of mart- Chedley, [Devon,] ar. three lions, rampant, gu.
lets or, a canton ar. Chedwood, quarterly, ar. and gu. four crosses,
Chawder, [Scotland,] ar. three sprigs, con- formee, counterchanged.
Chedworth, [Devonshire.] Arras, see first Cheldeworth, [Devon,] or, a chev. betw. three
Dictionary. Crest, a demi lion, rampant, gar- martlets gu.
dant, az. holding- in the dexter paw a battle- Chelley. To the first of the name in the first
axe ppr. Dictionary add Crest, a leg in armour, couped
Chedworth. To the second of the name in the below the knee and spurred, all ppr.
Dictionary add Crest, a wolf's head sa. Chellory, ar. a bend, wavy, gu. betw. two
collared or. bendlels of the last.
Chedworth, [Devon,] or, on a chev. gu. three Chellory, ar. a bend, nebulee, cottised gu.
martlets ar. Chelrey, [Littlecote, Wiltshire,] az. a lion,
Chedworth, az. a chev. betw. three foxes' heads rampant, or, crowned ar.
or. Chelsum, [Droxford,] sa. a fesse, engr. betw.
Cheecke, [London, 1616,] ar. three crescents three garbs ar. Crest, a greyhound, courant, ar.
gu. Chemell, paly of six ar. and az. on a chief or
Checke, [Burton, Somersetshire, and Suffolk.] three mullets gu.
Arms, see first Dictionary. Crest, a sword, in Chendon, or Chindon, or, a lion, rampant, sa.
pale, ppr. entiled with a cross, pattee, .... crowned ar.
Checke. The same Arms. Crest, on a chapeau Chenduitt, or, a chev. az.
gu. turned up erm. a lion, passant, ppr. Chene, az. three cross crosslets, fitchee, ar.
Checke, [Suffolk,] ar. a fesse vaire or and gu. Chen ell. To the first of the name in the first
betw. three water- bougets az. Crest, out of a Dictionary add Crest, an arm, embowed, ppr.
mural coronet or, a demi mermaid, with comb vested sa. cuff or, holding a covered cup ar.
and mirror, all ppr. Chenew, or Cheynow, ar. a chev. gu. charged
Che eke, [Newport, in the Isle of Wight, and with two cheverons, turned up erm. couchant,
Pergo, Essex.] The same Arms as Cheeke, of dexter and sinister or.
Motstone. See first Dictionary. Chenew, ar. on a chev. gu. two cheveronels or.
Cheesman, or Cheeseman, per. fesse, em- Cheney, [Shurland, in the Isle of Sheppey,
battled, ar. and sa. three mullets, pierced, Kent.] Arms, see with Cheyney, in the first
counterchanged. Crest, a dexter hand, holding Dictionary. Crest, a bull's scalp ar.
up an imperial crown ppr. Cheney, [Bucks,] chequy or and az. a fesse gu.
Cheevely, gu. acock or. fretty erm.
Cheffield, [Rutlandshire.] Arms, see first Chenodon. See Chendon.
Dictionary. Crest, an arm, in armour, couped, Chenodoyl, [Bucks,] az. a chev. or, and label
and resting on the elbow, holding a sword, all of three points gu.
ppr. Cheoke, [Berks and Yorkshire,] ar. three cinque-
Chein, [Esselmouut, Scotland.] Arms, see first foils per pale az. and gu.
Dictionary. Crest, a cross, pattee, fitchee, ar. Cheoshame, [Lancashire,] vert, an escocheon
Chein, or Cheyne, [Scotland,] gu. a bend, betw. ar. charged with a buck's head, caboshed, gu.
six cross crosslets, fitchee, ar. (Another, within Cheppenham, sa. two chev. ar. in chief two
a bordure erm.) Crest, a cross crosslet, fitchee, lions, rampant, of the second.
ar. Chepstow. Arms, see first Dictionary. Crest,
Chein, Cheine, or Chien, az. a cross, flory, or. an arm armour, varnbraced az. studded and
Crest, on a chapeau gu. turned up erm. two garnished or, holding a sword ppr.
lions, rampant, respecting each other and sup- Chepstow, or three scaling-ladders, bendways, gu.
porting a garb, all ppr. throughout the field.
Cheke, ar. a fesse, undee, az. voided or, betw. Chequer, chequy ar. and az.
three water-bougets of (he second. Cherchill, sa. a baton, in bend, gu.
Chelderley, [Cornwall and Cumberland.] See Cherchman, sa. two bars and in chief two pales
Arms the first in
Dictionary. ar.

Chelderley, [Devon.] Arms as second in Dic- Chere. The same as Cheer e, of Westminster.
tionary. Cheretrey. The same as Cheretsey in first

Chkldewopd, or, on a chev. gu. three martlets Dictionary.

ar. Cheriton, m' Chekk, See Arms of Cheriton
Cheldeworth, [Devonshire,] ar. a chev. betw. in first Dictionary.
three martlets gu. Cherke, [Bucks,] ar. on a bend gu. betw. three
Cheldeworth, [Devon,] or, on a chev. gu. three annulets sa. as many swans of the field.
martlets ar. Cherley. Arms see first Dictionary. Crest, a
cross, patonce, betw. two stalks of wheat or, by Robert Chestlin, Alderman of London,
leaved ppr. 1640.]
Chernell, [Warwickshire,] az. across, engr. or. Cheston. See first Dictionary, for Mydethall,
Cherribroad. See Cherrybrond in first Dic- read Mildenhall, and add, [Granted to Thomas
tionary. Cheston, November 1587.]
Cherry, or Cherrie, [Camberwell, Surrey.] Cheswell, gyronny of sixteen gu. and erm.
The same as Cherry in the first Dictionary, the Chetitor. See Cheytor.
chev. charged with a fleur-de-lis .... Cheton, [Granted by Flower, Norroy,~\ per
Cherstemnes, [Essex,] gu. on a fesse or, betw. bend, indented, ;ir. and az. three cinquefoils,
three coneys ar. a crescent az. betw. two mart- counterchanged. Crest, a stag's head, couped,
lets sa. lozengy, ar. and az. the dexter attire of the
Cherwood, or Sherwood. Arms see first first, the sinister of the second.

Dictionary. Crest, a unicorn's head or betw. Chettam, ar. a chev. gu. betw. three double
two laurel-branches vert. cram pets sa.

Cheselden, ar. a chev. betw. three crosses, mo- Chettle, [Suffolk.] Arms, see first Dictionary.
line, engr. gu. Crest, on a rock, a wivern, with wings, en-
Cheseldon, or Chesei.den, ar. a chev. betw. dorsed, ppr.
three crosses, sarcellee, gu. CHETTOKE,[Dickleborough,]az. a bull, passant, or.
CHESEMAN, per chev. embattled, sa. and ar. Chetwode, [Oakley, Staffordshire] Arms, the
three mullets, pierced, counterchanged. same as the third Cketivood in the first Dic-
Cheshall, [Esses,] ar. three bars, nebulee, gu. tionary. Crest, out of a ducal coronet or, a
on a bend sa. three escallops or. demi lion, rampant, gu.
Cheshall, barry undee of six ar. and gu. on a Chetwyn, [Grendon, Staffordshire.] Arms see
bend sa. three escallops or. first Dictionary. Crest, a human heart, pierced
Chesham, or Chehom, [Lancashire,] vert, on an with a passion-nail, in bend sinister, all ppr.
inescocheon ar. a buck's head, caboshed, gu. Chetwyn, az. a chev. betw. three mullets, pierced,
Chesman, [Middlesex.] The same Crest as or.
Cheeseman. Arms, see first Dictionary. Chetwynd, [Brocton, Staffordshire.] The same
Chesney. Crest, a man's head, bearded, ppr. Arms and Crest as Chetwynd, of Ingentre,
wreathed about the temples with laurel vert. Staffordshire. See first Dictionary.
Chess el don, ar. on a chev. gu. three martlets of Cheures, or Chevers. Arms, see first Dic-
the field. tionary. Crest, an arm in armour, embowed,
Chessells, [Scotland,] ar. a lion, rampant, sa. couped at the shoulder, the part above the
betw. three mullets gu. elbow in fesse, hand in pale, holding a close
Chesslyn, [London,] .... on a bend, raguly, helmet ppr.
.... three towers .... Crest, a tower .... Cheureuse. Arms, see first Dictionary. Crest,
Chester, erm. on a chief sa. a griffin, passant, or. an eagle, displayed, or, winged ar.
Chester, az. three garbs or. Chevalier, [Scotland,] az. a unicorn's head,
Chester, [Sir Robert, Sheriff of Herts and Essex, erased, ar. on a chief of the last, three sinister
7th Elizabeth, Royston, and of Barkway, Hert- wings sa. Crest, a chevalier, from the middle
fordshire.] Arms the same as the eleventh of in complete armour, brandishing a cimeter, all

the name in the first Dictionary. Crest, a demi ppr.

griffin, segreant, .... Chevall, [London,] or, three horses' heads,
Chester, [Edward, Sheriff of Herts, 1675.] The couped, sa. bridled ar.
same. Chevall, or Chevell, sa. three horses' heads,
Chester, [Cockenhatch, in the parish of Barkway, couped or, bridled ar.
Herts, M. I. in Barkway-church.] The same. Cheveniston, or Cheviriston, or, on a bend
Chester, [Upley, Essex.] [Granted by Sir John gu. three goats, passant, of the field.
Borough, March, 1639.] See first
Dictionary. Cheverell. To the second of the name in the

Chesthems, [Essex,] gu. on a fesse

or, betw. first Dictionary add Crest, two dexter hands
two conies ar. a crescent az. betw. two martlets conjoined, supporting a sword, in pale, all ppr.
sa. Cheverell, [Dorsetshire,] ar. on a saltier az. five
Chestle, per fesse ar. and az. a castle gu. betw. water-bougets of the first, a chief gu.
four escallops counterchanged. Cheverill, gu. across betw. two lozenges, in
Chestlin, ar. on a bend, embattled, counter- base, or, and as many goats' heads, erased,
embattled, gu. three castles of the field. [Borne in chief, ar. attired of the second.

CHEVEROYLE, CHEVEROLL, or ClIEVERYLL, Chideck, [Dorsetshire,] gu.an inescocheon betw.

three lions, passant, sa.
ar. eight martlets, in orle, ar.
Chevers three lions, rampant Chiderley, or Chidf.rlegh, [Devon,] ar. on
[31. 1, to Capt. Robert Chevers, in a chev. az. betw. three hawks' heads, erased,
sa. as
Church, Middlesex, 1(575.] many acorns or.
Chevill. Crest, an arm, in armour, embowed, Chidley, or Chidlegh, [Devon,] ar. three
holding- a sword, all ppr. lions,rampant, gu.
Chew, [Bedfordshire and London.] See first Chiesly, [Dalray, Scotland.] The same as the
Dictionary, for two griffins' heads, read three second of the name in the first Dictionary.
griffins' heads. Chike. See Cheeke.
Chewers, [Ireland,] gu. a chev. betw. three Chi loot, or, on a pile from the chief gu. three
goats' heads, erased, ar. wheatsheaves ppr. betw. two lions, rampant.
Chew it, or 3 vet, ar. on a cross gu. five .... or. Crest, two wheatsheaves in saltier.
Chewmanden, gu. a chev. vair betw. three es- Chilcott, orChielcote, ar. five mullets, in
callops or. saltier, sa. Crest, out of a ducal coronet or,
Cheymew, gu. a chev. ar. on a chief az. three a mount, thereon a stag, statant, guardant,
leopards' faces or. ppr.
Cheyn. Crest, a dexter hand, holding up an Child, [Yaxley, Hants, and Middlesex.] The
escallop, all ppr. same Arms as Child, of Waustead, Essex.
Cheyndore, az. a chain, pendant, in pale, or, Crest, as Child of Kinlet, Shropshire, see first
over a label gu.
Cheyn dute, or Cheyn dutt, gu. a lion, Child, [Worcestershire.] The same Arms and
coward, ar. semee of acorns, slipped, or. Crest as the second Child, of London, in the
Cheyndute, [Bucks,] az. seven chames or, a first Dictionary.

label gu. Child, [Dorsetshire,] gu. a chev. erm. betw. three

Cheyne, chequy or and az. a fesse gu. fretty of eagles, close, ar. beaked and legged or. Crest,
the Crest, a buck's bead, erased, ppr.
first. a falcon, volant, ar. preying on a serpent en-

Cheyne, az. a fesse, nebulee, betw. three crescents twined round its neck vert.
or. Childe, [Worcestershire,] gu. a chev. erm.
Cheyne, az. a cross, flory, or. betw. three eagles claws ar. Crest, a falcon,
Cheyn ey, chequy cr and
[Buckinghamshire,] volant, ar. standing on a serpent ppr. winding
az. a fesse gu. fretty ar.
(Another fretty erm.) round its neck.
Cheyney, [Shurland, Cralle, and Higham, in Childborn, [London.] See first
Milsted, Kent, and Warblington, Sussex.] [Granted by Haley, Clarenceux, 3 Henry
The same Arms and Crest, as Cheyney, of VIII.]
Woodley, Berkshire, see first Dictionary. Childerley, [Cornwall,] ar. on a chev. betw.
Cheyney, [Cambridgeshire,] barry of six or and three ravens' heads, erased, sa. as many acorns
az. on a bend gu. three cinquelbils ar. or.

Cheyth, sa. on a fesse, engr. betw. three fleurs- Childs. Crest, ou a wheel a wivern, vomiting
de-lis ar. as many escallops gu. fire atboth ends, ppr.
Chicheley, ar. three cinquefoils gu. Childwort, or Childworth, or, on a chev.
Chichester, [Youlston, and Sandford, Devon- gu. three martlets of the field.
shire.] Arms and Crest, see first Dictionary. Chillcott, [Watford, Hertfordshire,] or, on a
Chichley, [Lord Mayor of London, 1411, and pile gu. three garbs of the field ; in base, two
1421. J Arms, see first Dictionary. Crest, a lions, rampant, of the second.
in the mouth a man's leg, couped Chilly', gu. semee of ermine spots, three fleurs-
tiger, holding
at the thigh, maned or, tail reflexed over his de-lis or.
back and passing between his legs. Chilton, ar. a chev. gu.
Chichley, [Cambridgeshire,] or, a chev. betw. three Chilton, [Wye, Kent] See first Dictionary.
cinquefoils, pierced, gu. [Granted to Leonard Chilton, of Cadiz, Octo-
Chickerin, [Norwich,] ar. on a chev. vert, three ber 24, 1576.]
cockerels of the first, membered gu. Chilvers. Crest, within the horns of a cres-
Chickley, or Chickly, or, a chev. betw. cent a sheaf of arrows, points upwards, ppr.
three cinquefoils gu. Crest, a demi pegasus, Chilworth, or Childworth, [Devonshire.]
rampant, sa. enfiled round the waist with a Arms, see first Dictionary. Crest, a boar's
ducal coronet or. head and neck, erased, sa. ducally gorged or.
Chilworth, ar. on a fesse sa. a rose of the field Chisnall, ar. three crosses, bottonee, fitchee,
betw. two bucks' heads, couped, or. within a bordure, gu.
Chimston, or Chymerstone, or, on a bend Chissell, or Chussell, barry, nebulee, of
gu. three water-bougets ar.
six ar. and gu. on a bend sa. three mullets ar.
Chiney, az. three cross crosslets, fitchee, ar. Ch ISSN all, ar. three cross crosslets, fitchee,
Crest, an arm, in armour, embowed, holding within a bordure gu.
in the gauntlet a sabre, all ppr. Chisworth, per pale gu. and ar. a pale, engr.
Ching. Crest, an acorn, slipped and leaved, all erm.
ppr. Chittam, ar. a cross, engr. sa.
Chinkerlin, [Scotland,] gu. a chev. or, betw. Chittock, or Chittocke. Arms, see first
three escallops of the field. Dictionary. Crest, an antelope, trippant, ppr.
Chinn, [Hampton-park, Gloucestershire,] barry Chittock, [Norfolk,] az. a bull, passant, ar.
of six, vair and gu. Crest, on a ducal coronet Chitwin, [London,] gu. a chev. betw. three
or, a greyhound, sejant, ar. estoiles or.
Chum, [Newnham and Moat, Gloucestershire.] Chitwin, [Staffordshire,] az. a chev. betw. three
The same. mullets or.
Chipchase, or Chiphase, ar. a chev. betw. Chitwood, [Oxfordshire,] quarterly, ar. and gu.
three plain crosses gu. Crest, a demi eagle, four crosses, formee, counterchanged.
holding in the dexter claw a laurel-branch, Chitivood, ar. a lion, rampant, sa. Crest, on a
mount vert a crow ppr.
Chipmanden, sa. two lions, rampant, combatant, Chivall, [Hertfordshire,] or, three horses' heads,
betw. as many chev. ar. couped at the neck, sa. Crested and bridled
Chipnam, [Herefordshire,] betw.
gu. a chev. ar.
three dolphins, embowed, ar. Crest, a dexter Chivas, [Aberdeen,] sa. three cats-a-mountaiii
and sinister arm, discharging an arrow from a ar. within a bordure of the last, in chief, a
bow, ppr. crescent betw. two mullets az. Crest, a demi
Chipnam, [Hereford,] az. two lions, passant, or, mountain-cat, salient, ar.
betw. two flaunches erm. Chiver, [Worcestershire,] ar. achev. engr.
Chipnam, [Hereford,] sa. on a chev. betw. three Chiveroll, [Wilts,] ar. three lions, rampant,
dolphins ar. an ermine-spot. sa.

Chippendall, [London.] Arms, see first Dic- Chi vers, ar. three cinquefoils gu. and a gyron,

tionary. Crest, a lion's gamb, erased, holding issuing from the dexter side, in chief, az.
a fleur-de-lis or. Crest, a comet-star, tail towards the sinister,
Chippenham, sa. two chev. and two lions ar. ppr.
Chipper, gu. three escocheons or. Chivley, erm. three lions, rampant, gu.
Chiribrond, or Chirbrond. Arms, see first Chock, [Berkshire,] ar. three
cinquefoils per
Dictionary. Crest, a winged heart ppr. pale az. and gu
Chirnside, [Scotland,] ar. three Moors' heads, Choke, barry, nebulee, of six gu. and ar. a bor-
couped, sa. Crest, a hawk, with wings ex- dure of the last.
panded, ppr. Choke, ar. a fcsse, vairee, or and gu. betw.
Chisalme, [Edinburgh,] gu. a boar's head, three water-hougets az.
couped, or, within a bordure, nebulee, of the Choisuel, [Ireland,] az. a cross betw. twelve
last. Crest, a boar's head, erased, ppr. billets or. Crest, a dexter and sinister hand,
Chisholm, [North Shields, Northumberland,] supporting a two-edged sword, all ppr.
az. a boar's head, erased, ar. Crest, a dexter Chokke, ar. three cinquefoils az.
hand, holding a sword, erect, ppr. on the point Chollet, ar. a cross gu. betw. four keys, pale-
a boar's head, couped, gu. ways, az.
Chisholm, [London,] gu. a boar's head, erased, Cholmeley, [Easton, Lincolnshire.] The same
or, within a bordure, engr. ar. Crest, as Arms as Cholmondley of Whitby, Yorkshire.

above. See first

Chisholme, az. three boars' heads, erased, or. Cholmeley, [Cheshire.] Arms as in the first Dic-
Crest, out of a ducal coronet or, a dragon's tionary, above the helmets a crescent, with a
head and wings, endorsed, ppr. flenr-de-lis betw. the horns erm. The same
Chisholme, [Marchope, Scotland,] . in chief . . . ,
for Cholmondley, of Yorkshire.
a boar's head, erased, and in base two crescents. Cholmeley, gu. a sword, in fesse, barways, ar.
Crest, a boar's head, erased, .... a pomel and hilt or, betw. two helmets, in chief,
of the second, and a garb, in base, of the pierced in the shoulder by an arrow, the upper
third. part held in the mouth, all ppr.
Cholwell, ar. on a bend sa. three arrows or, Church. See first
Dictionary, before Essex,
feathered of the Crest, a leopard's face, az.
first. read Maiden.
Chomeford, [Ireland,] gu. a bugle horn, betw. Churchar, [Slingfield, Sussex, and Guildford,
three mullets ar. Surrey-] Arms, see first Dictionary. Crest
Chooke, ar. three ciuquefoils gu. within a bor- should be thus an heraldic tiger, passant, per

dnre of the last. pale or and ar. maned and tufted sa.
CHOPMAN, [Scotland,] vert, a saltier, engr. in Churchyard, ar. an heraldic tiger, passant,
a boar's head, erased, ar.
chief, .. .. , on a chief az. three mullets of the first.

Chorlott, az. a chev. or betw. three crescents Crest, an arm, in armour, embowed, holding
ar. a baton, thereon suspended a chaplet of laurel
Chothton, or Choughton, [Kent,] or, three ppr.
swords, barways, az. pomels and hilts sa. Chusanz, sa. seven fusils, in bend, ar.
Chough, or Clowes, sa. on a chev. betw. three ChuSSELL, or Chissell, three bars, nebu-
unicorn's heads, erased, ar. as many trefoils, lee, gu. on a bend sa. three mullets ar.
slipped, vert. Crest, a demi lion, rampant, Chute, gu. three swords, barways, ar. the first
sa. collared ar. holding in the paws a halbert, and third pointing towards the dexter, hilts and
in pale, or. pomels or, within an orle of nine mullets and a
Chowne, [Tonbridge and Ploxtall, Kent.] Amis bordure, engr. of the same.
and Crest, see first Dictionary. Chute, [Lord of the Manor of Taunton, Somer-
Chowne, [Frogfurl, in the Parish of Alfriston, setshire, 1268, Apledore, Kent.] The same Arms
Susses.]The same. and Crest as Chute, of the Vine, Hampshire,
Chrighton, [Scotland.] Crest, a dragon's head, see first Dictionary. [Borne, quarterly, with the
vomiting fire,
ppr. Arms of Wiggelt and the Crest of Wiggett,
Chrishope, sa. a fret or, betw. eight crescents by Wiliiam-Lyde Wiggelt- Chute, of the Vine,
ar. Crest, a bear's head, muzzled .... Hampshire, and Pickenham-Hall, Norfolk,
CHRISOP, or KlRSOP, ar. on a chev. sa. five Esq. who assumed the name and arms of Chute:
horseshoes of the field. Crest, an antelope, living 1832.]
passant, ppr. collared and chained or. Chuter. Crest, a dexter hand holding a spur.
Christall, [Aberdeen,] or, a cross calvary Chyn and Chyne, see Cliinn.
upon three grieces gu. betw. two thistles, in Chyner. Arms, see first Dictionary. Crest,
fesse, ppr. Crest, a fir-tree ppr. an antelope's head, erased, erm.
Christan, or, a cross crosslet sa. Crest, a Chynoweth, sa. on a fesse or three griffins'
lion, sejant, holding
gardant, in the dexter heads, erased, gu.
paw a cross, and resting on a pyramid sa. Ciely, [Cornwall.] Crest, a tiger, sejant, ar.
Christian, [Ireland,] gu. a cross crosslet ar. Cinsallagh, [Ireland,] ar. a fesse gu. betw.
Crest, a lion, couchant, gardant, ppr. two garbs, in chief, of the second, and a lion,
Christie, [Bulluchie, Scotland.] The same as passant, in base, sa. Crest, a lion's head, erased,
the last of the name in the first Dictionary. ppr.
Christie, [Craightoun, Scotland.] The same Cissilley, or, a bend betw. three cinquefoils
as the fourth of the name in the first Dic- az.

tionary. Clagstone. Crest, a falcon, rising, ppr.

Christohper, [Norfolk.] Crest, a unicorn's Claill, martlets gu, three, two, and one.
ar. six

head, erased, ar. Claill, or Claye, ar. a chev. engr. betw. three

Christopher, ar. a chev. sa. betw. three pine- trefoils, slipped, sa.
apples vert, in chief a torteaux. Crest, a Claill, ar. three martlets gu.
stag's head, cabossed, ppr. Claiton, ar. a saltier betw. four martlets gu.
Christopher, ar. a chev. sa. betw. three pine- Claiton, ar. a saltier betw. four mullets gu.
apples gu. ClamboYV, [Somerset,] paly of six or and az. on
Christopherson. Crest, a female goat ar. a fesse gu. three mullets ar.
Chrystie, ar. a chev. betw. three wells sa. Clamburgh, paly of six or and az. on a fesse
Crest, a lion's paw, erased, and holding a dag- gu. three mullets ar.
ger, ppr. Clancy, [Clare, Ireland,] ar. two lions, rampant,
Chun. To the first of the name in the first Dic- gardant, in pale, gu. Crest, a hand, in gaunt-
tionary add Crest, a boar, passant, regardant, let, holding a dagger, in pale, on the point a
wolf's head, couped, distilling drops of blood, Clarges, or, three fleurs-de-lis az. within an orle
of roses gu. [Granted to Ann Clarges, wife
Clandinf.N, [Ireland.] Crest, on a demi lion, a of Georr/e Monck, Duke of Albemarle, temp.
mullet of six points. Charles II.]
Clanny, [Bishop Wearmouth, Durham,] ar. two Claringdon, gu. three swans in bend, betw.
lions, passant, gardant, in pale, gu. Crest, the two cottises or.
same as Clancy. Clark, [Bishop Wearmouth, Durham,] ar. on a
Clanton, or, three trefoils gu. slipped vert, bend, engr. gu. three swans ppr. Crest, a
within a bordure .. .. , bezantee. swan ppr. reposing his dexter foot on an ogress.
Clanvell, or Clanult, [Essex,] ar. two Clark, or, a bend, engr. az.
chev. sa. Clarke, [Ireland,] az. a fesse betw. three
Clapcott, [Winterborn-Abbot,] az. on a chev. zants on a chief or, as many escallops gu.

or, betw. three herons as many hurts. Clarke, ar. on a bend az. three cross crosslets or.

Clapcott. The same Arms. Crest, a buck's Crest, a wivern ar.

head, couped sa. armed or. Clarke, [Salford, Warwickshire.] Arms, see first
Clapiiam, ar. on a chev. gu. a wine-broach (or Dictionary- Crest, a hand, couped at the
piercer) of the first. wrist, ppr. holding a sword as in the Arms.
Clapp, vaire gu. and ar. a quarter az. thereon Clarke, [Gresses-Green-House, Cork,] ar. on a
the sun, in splendour, or. Crest, a pike, naiant, bend gu. cottised az. betw. three pellets an
PP r - eastern crown or, betw. two swans of the field.
Clapperton, [Edinburgh,] gu. a cross, moline, Crest, on the stump of a tree, a lark, with
ar. on a chief of the last three pellets. Crest, wings expanded, ppr. in the beak two ears of
a talbot, passant, ar. wheat or.

Clappeson, or, a lion, rampant, sa. betw. three Clarke, [Snailwell, Cambridgeshire, 1698,] or, on
parsley-leaves vert. a bend, engr. az. a mullet ar. Crest, a talbot's
Clare, erm. on a chev. sa. betw. three leopards' head, erased, or.
heads az. as many roses ar. Clarke, [London,] sa. on a bend, engr. az. three
Clare, gu. on a chev. ar. three estoiles sa. lozenges of the first. Crest, a talbot's head or,
Clare, [Warwickshire.] The same as Clare, of gorged with a fesse, engr. az. thereon three
Dabeton, Worcestershire, in the first Diction- lozenges gold.
ary. Clarke. To the tenth of the name in the first

Clare,[Crome Dubiton, Worcestershire; granted Dictionary add Crest, a lark, with wings ex-
by William Harvey, Clarenceax, 1562.] The panded, ppr. holding in the beak an ear of
same Arms as the second of the name in the wheat or.
first Dictionary. Crest, a stag's head, erased, Clarke, [Lincolnshire; granted by William Segar,
ppr. Garter,'] or, three escallops in pale, betw. two
Clare, [Gloucester,] or, three chev. gu. a bordure, Haunches az. guttee d'or.

engr. sa. Clarke, [Berkshire.] See first

Dictionary, for
Clarel, gu. six martlets or. pales, read
plates, and add [These Arms
Clarence, per chev. gu. and az. in chief two confirmed and the Crest granted to Edivard
lions, combatant, or, in base a fleur-de-lis of Clarke, of Aldington, Berkshire, by Dethick,
the last. Garter, 22d October, 1600.]
Clarendon, or, on a bend sa. three ostrich- Clarke, [Kent,] gu. on a fesse, engr. or, betw.
feathers, paleways, ar. three cinquefoils erm. two swans' heads, erased,
Clarendon, gu. on a bend sa. three ostrich-fea- sa. beaked gu. each charged with three ermine
thers ar. the quills or. spots, in fesse, ar. Crest, a leopard, statant,
Claret, az. a rainbow, in fesse, ppr. betw. two gardant, per pale, gu. and erm. collared or.
estoiles in chief and the sun in base or. [Granted by Thomas Hawley, Clarenceux,
Clarge, barry often ar. and az on a canton sa. temp. Henry VIII.]
a ram's head, couped, of the first, with two Clarke, [Werke, Northumberland.] See first Dic-
straight and two bent horns or. Crest, a ram's tionary, after as many roses or, add,
on a
head, couped, as in the Arms. canton gu. a lion, rampant, of the field. Crest,
Clarges, [Aston, Herts, and Bitchfield-hall, a dexter arm embowed, habited erminois, cuff
Lincolnshire.] The same Arms and Crest as ar.holding in the hand ppr. a sword, hilt and
Clarges in the first Dictionary, the ram's head pomel, all or. [Granted to Thomas Clarke, of
couped. Werke, by Dalton, Norroy King of Arms.]
Clarke, [Ireland,] gu. a saltier betw. four horses' Claxton, gu. a fesse betw. three porcupines ar.
heads, couped, or. Claydon, ar. a cross sa. betw. four pellets.

Clarke. Crest, an escallop, quarterly, gu. and Crest, an arm iu armour, brandishing a sword,
erm. all
Clarke. Crest, a demi buck ppr. Claye, or Cley. In the first Dictionary before
Clark esone, [Scotland,] ar. a saltier vert, Derbyshire, read Cryche.
betw. two crescents in the flanks gu. and a cross Clayfield, gu. a pale or, five annulets, in sal-
crosslet, fitchee, in base, sa. tier, counterchanged. Crest, a blackamoor's
Clarkson, [Scotland.] The same Arms as the head, couped, sa.
first Clarkson in the first Dictionary, see with Clayhills, [Scotland.] Arms, see first Dic-
Clarkeson. Crest, an arm in armour, couped tionary. Crest, an arm, holding an imperial
and embowed, holding a couteau sword, all ppr. crown, ppr.
Clarkson, ar. on a bend betw. two trefoils, slip- Clayll, or Claryll, ar. six martlets gu.
ped, sa. three mascles
of the field. Claypolle, erm. two bends az. a chief or.
Clarres, or Clarvaulx. See the latter CLAYSTON, chequy gu. and or, two chev. sa.
name in first Dictionary. Clayston, chequy or and gu. two chev. sa.
Clary, gu. three chev. or, a label
of five points Clayton, [Adlington, Leicestershire.] The same
over all az. Arms as Clayton, of Norfolk see first Diction-

Clason, or CLASSON, [Scotland,] ar. on

a ary. Crest, a dexter arm, embowed, in the
fesse gu. a lion, passant, gardant, or. Crest, a hand a dagger, the point to the dexter, all ppr.
rose- branch ppr. Clayton, [Newcastle,] ar. a cross, engr. sa. betw.
Claston, gu. a fesse betw. three four pellets.
hedge-hogs ar. Clayton, gu. on a bend sa. three roses ar.
Clater. Crest.a dexter hand holding a crescent. Clayton, per pale az. and vert, a lion, rampant,
Claton, or Clatin, ar. a bend sa. betw. three ar.

roses or. Clayton, gu. a fesse, per fesse, indented, sa. and
Claude. Arms, see first Dictionary. Crest, a ar. betw. three owls' heads, erased, of the
demi unicorn, rampant, collared, ppr. third.
Clealand, az. a hare, courant, ppr. round the
Claude, vaire or and az.
Claunde, ar. on a bend gu. three neck a bugle-horn vert. Crest, a sinister gaunt-
lying fesseways, the fingers towards
escallops or. let,

Claunde, [Essex,] ar. on a bend gu. an escallop or. sinister, thereon a falcon, all ppr.
Claus, az. a chief erm. Crest, on the point of Clearges, or, three fleurs-de-lis az. within a
a sword, in pale, a cross, pattee bordure ar. charged with three roses gu.
Clavedon, ar. three escallops gu. Crest, a Clearke, [Yorkshire,] or, a bend, engr. az.
pelican, vulning herself, ppr. Clearmont, [Lincolnshire,] ar. three hurts betw.
Clavel, or Clavell, ar. on a chev. sa. three six cross crosslets, fitchee, gu.
steel caps or. Crest, a human heart, in flames, Cleasby, ar. three bendlets and a canton erm.

ppr. ( Another crest, a stag's head,

couped, Cleather, az. a chev. betw. three swords, points
or, ducally gorged and pierced through
the scalp, downwards, ar. Crest, an arm, in armour,
betw. the" attires, by an arrow ar.) couped at the elbow, holding a dagger, point
Clavering, [Callaly, Northumberland.] The to the sinister.
same Arms Clavering, of Durham, in the
as Cleather, per saltier ar. and sa. three pales, coun-
first Dictionary. Crest, a man's head, affrontee, terchanged. Crest, a sand-glass, winged, ppr.
couped at theshoulders, betw. two wings ppr.
Cleav eland, sa. a hare, salient, ar. collared .. . .

Clavering, quarterly, or and gu.

a label of three Crest, a greyhound's head sa. charged with
vert. three bezants, two and one.
Clavill, [Dorsetshire,] vair, a chief sa. Cleaver, [Nortonzbury, Hertfordshire,] ar. two
Clavill, [Dorsetshire,] ar. on a chev. sa. three bars and a chief sa. on a canton or, a fesse, and
steel caps, turned or. in chief three mascles of the second.
Claxton, gu. on a fesse, betw. three hedge- Cleerl, ar. a lion, rampant, gu. within a bor-
dure oi\ charged with eight cross crosslets sa.
hogs ar. a heart of the first.
Claxton, gu. a chev. engr. ar. betw. three bucks, Crest, a man's head, couped at the shoulders,
ppr. tied round the temples with
a ribbon or.
springing, of the second,
attired or.
Claxton, [Claxton, and Old Park, Durham,] gu. Clederow, sa. a leopard's head or, jessant-de-
a fesse betw. three hedge-hogs, passant, ar. lis ar.
Clederoio, ar. on a chev. betw. three covered cups ppr. vested, gu. and or, cuff counter-
sa. a mullet, pierced, or. changed, holding a palm-branch ppr.
Cledocke, gu. an escocheon, within an orle of Clenche, az. a bend, nebulee, ar. cottised or.
eight martlets, ar.
Clendon. To the first and last of the name in
Cleeve, [London,] ar. on a fesse betw. three the first Dictionary, add Crest, a stag's head
foxes' heads, erased, sa. as many mullets or. ppr. betw. the attires a cross, pattee, ar.
Crest, a fox's head, erased, sa. Clenehond, per chev. engr. sa. and erm.
Cleggorne, or Cleghorn, [Scotland,] quar- Clennell, az. a naked arm, embowed, a
terly,per pale, indented, or and az. in the se- maunch hanging from the shoulder and holding
cond quarter a crescent ar. in the third a mullet in the hand a baton, all ppr.
of the first. Crest, a unicorn's head, couped, Clent, [Worcestershire,] ar. a fesse, wavy,
betw. two wings, expanded, each per pale, in- betw. three gambs, erased and bendways,

dented, the dexter or and az. the sinister az. sa. Crest, two lions' gambs, erect, sa. holding
and or. a chaplet vert, flowered or.
Cleghorn, [Spain, originally of Scotland,] per Clepham, [Carslogie, Scotland,] ar. a lion, ram-
fesse ar. and az. three martlets, couuterchanged. pant, gu. on the head a helmet az. Crest, a
Crest, an arm, in armour, einbowed, throw- dexter hand, holding a helmet, ppr.
ing a dart, ppr. Clepham, quarterly first and fourth, ar. a lion,

Cleghorn. The same Arms. Crest, an arm from rampant, gu. holding up an esquire's helmet
the elbow, erect, holding a balance and scales, az. second and third, ar. a heart gu. regally

equally poised, ppr. crowned ppr. within a bordure az. charged with
Cleghorn, [Scotland,] per pale, indented, sa.
and eight buckles or on a chief of the fourth three

ar. on the last a mullet of the first. Crest, a mullets of the first. Crest, as above.
dexter hand, issuing from a cloud in the sinister, Clepole, [Norborough, Northamptonshire.] See
holding a branch of laurel, all ppr. firstDictionary. The Crest should be ar. in-
Cleivland, [Exeter,] or, on a chev. az. three stead of or. [Granted June 17, 1583.]
bezants betw. as many cross crosslets, fitchee, Clerauls, or, a saltier sa.
gu. Clerauls, sa. a saltier or.
Cleland, [Edinburgh,] az. a hare, salient, gar- Clerawe, [Cheshire,] or, a saltier, engr. gu.
dant, ar. round the neck a huntiug-horn vert, Clere, az. a wolf, rampant, ar.
garnished gu. within a bordure, counter com- Clerk, Bart. [Pennycuick, Scotland, 1679,] or,
pony, of the second and first. Crest, a buck, a fesse, chequy, az. and ar. betw. two cres-
standing at gaze, ppr. cents, in chief, gu. and a boar's head, couped,
Clelang. In the first Dictionary, read Cle- in base, sa. Crest, a demi huntsman, winding
land. a horn ppr. over it this Motto Free for a blast.
Clelland, [Barbadoes,] az. a hare, salient, ar. Supporters, the dexter, a naked savage, wreathed
round the neck a hunting-horn vert, garnished about the middle with oak, in the dexter hand a
gu. within a bordure, wavy, of the second, bow, with quiver and arrows slung over the
charged with three crescents and as many roses shoulders, and the skin of a wild beast hanging
of the first. Crest, a rose gu. barbed and behind the back, all ppr. the sinister, a Druid

stalked vert. priest, with flowing beard, ppr. vested and

Clement. See first Dictionary, before Nor- hooded ar. holding in the sinister hand a branch

folk,read Longham. of oak, acorned, ppr.

Clement, [Kent,] ar. two bars, nebulee, sa. a Clerk, [Liston-Sheills,] or, a fesse, chequy, az.
bend of the second, on a chief gu. three leo- and ar. betw. two crescents, in chief, gu. and
pards' faces or. a boar's head, couped, in base, sa. all within a
Clement, [Mole, Kent,] ..... a bend, nebulee, bordure of the fourth. Crest, as above.
in chief three fleurs-de-lis, within a bordure, Clerk, [Mavis-Bank,] or, a fesse, chequy, az.
also uebulee. and ar. betw. two crescents, in chief, and a
Clement, ar. two bends, nebulee, sa. on a chief boar's head, erased, in base, gu. all within a
gu. three bezants. bordure of the last, charged with eight bezants.
Clement, [Ham, Kent.] The same as the last of Crest, as above.
the name in the first Dictionary, the bordure Clerk, [Norwich,] or, a fesse, chequy, az, and
ar. betw. three crescents, in chief, gu. and a
gobonated or and az.
Clementson, ar. on a chev. az. three wheat- boar's head, couped, sa. betw. two mullets of
sheaves or. Crest, an arm, from the elbow, the fourth, in base, all within a bordure, engr.

of the fifth. Crest, a demi forrester ppr. on two wings, expanded, ar. each charged with
the breast a star ar. four trefoils, slipped, sa. [Granted by William
Clerke, [Bury, Lancashire.] The same Arms De thick, Garter, 31 Elizabeth, 1588.]
as the fifty-sixth Clarkefirst in the
Dictionary. Cleybrooke, [Fulsham, Nash Court, Thanet
Crest, a ram's head, couped, ppr. and Swalelive, Kent.] The same Arms and
Clerke, or, two bars az. on a chief of the last Crest as Claybrock, in the first Dictionary.
three escallops of the first. Crest, in the clouds Cleypool, or Claypoole, or, a chev. az.
a hand ar. holding a branch vert. betw. three torteauxes, within a bordure, engr.
Clerke, or, on a bend, engr. az. a mullet, pierced, vert.
ar. Crest, on a partridge ppr. an eagle's leg Cleyro, gu. a saltier, engr. or.
gu. winged at the thigh or. Cleyrow, [Cheshire,] or, a saltier, engr. gu.
Clerke, [Benington, Chisfield, Walkem, and Clibborn, ar. a chev. voided, betw. three wolves'
BiK'kland-Streete, Hertfordshire,] per chev. az. heads sa. on a chief of the last, three es- . . . . ,

and or, in chief three leopards' heads of the callops, Crest, out of a ducal coronet
second, and in base an eagle, displayed, of the or, a wolf's head, ....
first. Crest, a goat ar. attired or, salient against Cliderowe, [ Cheshire,] or, a saltier, engr.
a tree vert. gu.
Clerkson, [Scotland,] ar. a saltier vert, in chief Cliderowe, gu. on a bend ar. three covered cups
a crescent gu. and in base a cross crosslet, of the first.
fitchee, sa. Cliderowe, sa. three leopard's heads or, jessant-
Clermont. To the first of the name in the first de-lis ar.

Dictionary add Crest, a savage, wreathed Cliderowe, [Goldstanton, in the parish of Ash,
about the head and middle vert, standing on a Kent.] The same Arms as the seventh of the
serpent, all ppr. name in the first Dictionary.
Clermont. To the last of the name in the first Cliffe, [Devonshire and Essex.] Arms, see
Dictionary addCrest, a pole-cat ppr. first
Dictionary. Crest, an archer ppr. coat,
Clerow, or Cleroo, gu. a saltier, engr. or. vert, shooting an arrow from a bow.
Clebowe, [Cheshire,] or, a saltier, engr. gu. Cliffe, [Shropshire.] Arms, see first Dictionary.
Clervaulx, sa. a saltier or. Crest, two lions' gambs, erased, in saltier,
Clesbv, [Yorkshire.] To the first of the name each holding a seax, in pale, ppr.
in the first Dictionary add Crest, a deer, pas- Cliffe, ar. on a fesse, betw. three wolves' heads,
sant, ppr. erased, sa. as many mullets or.
Clesby. The same Arms. Crest, an ensign, Cliffon, ar. three bendlets gu.
ppr. coat gu. holding a banner of the last. Clifforde, or, three eagles, displayed, gu.
Clespesby, [Clespesby,] quarterly, ar. a sa. Clifton, [Kent.] Arms, see first Dictionary.
on a bend gu. three mullets, pierced, of the Crest, an arm lying fesseways, vested az.
first. holding in the hand, ppr. a hawk ar.
Clessend chequy, ..... a bend erm. Clifton, or, a chev. sa. betw. three cinquefoils
Cleton, sa. a saltier, betw. four crosses, formee, gu. a bordure of the last.
ar. Clinch, vert, a lion, rampant, ar. Crest, on a
Cleugh. Crest, an
eagle, displayed, holding hand, couped, in fesse, and gauntleted, an
in the dexter claw a sword, and in the sinister eagle, rising, ppr.
a pistol, Clinksoales, ar. two lances, in saltier, sa.
Cleundon, [Essex,] or, a lion, rampant, az. pennons gu. surmounted by an esquire's helmet
crowned gu. az. Crest, a dexter arm, embowed, in mail,
Cleure, ar. a covered cup, sa. and holding a sword, all ppr.
Clevedon, [Clevedon, Somersetshire,] ar. Clisdon, [Wilts,] ar. three escallops gu.
three escallops gu. Clisdon, or, a lion, rampant, ermines, crowned gu.
Clevedon, or, a lion, rampant, sa. crowned gu. Clisdon, or, a lion, rampant, az. crowned gu.
Clevedon, [Essex,] or, a lion, rampant, crowned, ClistoN, sa. on a bend ar. three mullets,
pierced, gu. an annulet in the
sinister point.
Cleverill, gu. a cross, betw. two fusils, in Cliston, gu. three bends ar.
chief, or, and as many buck's heads, erased, ar. Clipsham, az. two chev. betw. three cinque-
in base, armed of the second. foils or. Crest, a boar's head, couped, sa.
Cley, [Crych and Chappell, Derbyshire.] Arms, Clithero, gu. a saltier or.
see first Dictionary, and for Crest, read thus :
Clitherow, [Bird's Place, in Essenden,
fordshire.] The same Arms and Crest as Cli- Clubb. Crest, a demi unicorn ....
therow, Lord Mayor of London. See first Dic- Clued, or Clud, [Shropshire and Nottingham-
tionary. shire.] Arms, see first Dictionary. Crest, a
Clitron, [Scotland,] gu. in chief three
mul- bull's head, per chev. gu. and erm.
lets ar. in base a boar's head, erased, or. Cludlow. Crest, on a garb, lying fesseways,
Clivedon, ar. three escallops gu. a lion, passant, gardant, ....
Cloake, gn. on a chev. betw. three pair of wheat- Cluer, [London,] ar. a standing cup, covered,
sheaves, saltierways, ar. as many butts. Crest, sa.
out of a plume of ostrich-feathers an eagle, Clugstone, [Wigton,] quarterly; first and
rising, all
ppr. fourth, or, a bend gu. ;
second and third, gu.
Clode, gu. four lozenges, pierced, ar. one, two,
two bears, bendy of six ar. and vert, counter-
and one ; in chief, a label, of three points, of changed. Crest, on a mount vert, a hawk,
the second. Crest, a demi lion holding a rising, ppr.
as in the Arms. Clun, Clune, or Cloun, ar. a chief az.
Clodeshall, sa. two bars ar. betw. six estoiles Crest, a wolf, collared and lined, holding, in
or, three, two, and one. the dexter paw, a trefoil ppr.
Clodham, [Compton, Surrey,] az. a mullet ar. Clun. The same Arms. Crest, a chevalier, in
complete armour, holding, in his dexter hand,
pierced gn.
a battou ppr.
Clodishall, gu. two bars, gemelle, wavy, betw.
nine estoiles, three, three, and three, or. Clun, az. a chief or.
Clodshall, [Saltley, temp. Edw. TIL] per pale, Clunes, [Mildrig, Scotland,] az. a pheon ar.
indented, and half an orle of martlets, on the betw. three stags' horns or. Crest, a demi lion,
dexter side .... rampant, ppr. ducally gorged or.
Cloliver, or, on a chief sa. three piles ar. each Clunes, [Scotland,] az. a fesse betw. three stags'
charged with a bezant. attires, or. Crest, a demi leopard, rampant,
Clone, fusilly gu. and or. Crest, a demi fish, ppr. ducally gorged or.
issuant, az. Cluney, [Scotland,] ar. three hearts in chief gu.
Clopton, ar. ou a bend, betw. two cottises, in- Crest, a tree vert.
dented, or, an ermine spot in the dexter chief Clunfold, ar. two bars, and in chief three
sa. efcocheons, sa.

Clopton, [Sledwiche, Durham,] paly of four or Clunie, [Scotland,] ar. a heart betw. three hearts
and az. over all a lion, rampant, sa. Crest, a gu. Crest, a winged sand-glass ppr.
falcon, standing on a tun, .... Clusines, [Ireland,] ar. a lion, rampant, vert.
Clopton, [Suffolk,] sa. a bend erm. double cot- Clutterbuck, [Lippiat, Gloucestershire.] Arms,
tised or. see first
Dictionary. Crest, "out of a ducal coro-
Closby, gu. a fesse ar. in chief two plates. net or, a hand holding a rose, slipped and
Close. Arms, see first Dictionary. Another leaved, all ppr.
Crest, a boar sa. treading among weeds vert. Clutterbuck, [Eastington, Rodborougb, Bristol,
Cloth all, az. three martlets ar. and Bradley, Gloucestershire; Dunston, Buck-
Clotworthy, [Ireland.] The same Arms as inghamshire Southampton Marazion, Corn-
; ;

wall Blackesware, Hertfordshire; and Islington,

Clotworthy, of Clotworthy, Devonshire, see ;

first Dictionary. Crest, a boar, passant, or. Middlesex.] The same Arms. Crest, a buck,
Clovall, az. three horses' heads, couped, ar. stataut, ar. betw. two laurel branches vert.
bridled gu. Clutton, [Southwark,] ar. a chev. erm. fim-
Cloun. Crest, a wolf, collared and lined, ppr. briated sa. cottised of the last, betw. three annu-

holding, in the dexter paw,

a trefoil vert. lets gu.

Clow, per fesse ar. and sa. three greyhounds' Cluyke, barry of twelve gu. and az. a cock
heads, erased, counterchanged, collared, and or.
Clyderowe. To the last of the name in the
ringed gu.
Clowbery, ar. a bend, engr. betw. two cottises first Dictionary add Crest, a Roman soldier in

.... Crest, a goat's head, erased, ar. attired complete armour, all ppr.
or. Clyff. The same as Cliffe, of Yorkshire.
Clowes, [London,] vert, on a chev. betw. three Clynch. Crest, a camel's head, per fesse or
unicorns' heads, erased, or, as many crescents gu. and az.

Clowting, [Suffolk,] ar. three high clowted Clyncke. Crest, a lion's head, imperially
shoes, the soles upwards sa. crowned, ppr.
COB c o c
Clynde, or, a lion, rampant, sa. armed gu. Cobb, [Cobb's Court, in the Marshes of Romney,
Clynt, [Gloucestershire,] az. on a saltier ar. Chislete, and Reculver, Kent,] ar. a chev.
betw. four garbs or, a decrescent gu. betw. three cocks gu. combed and wattled or.
Clyplesby, first of the name in the first Dic- Crest, out of a ducal coronet or a demi leopard,
tionary, before Norfolk, read of Clyplesby. rampant, ppr. [Borne by Benjamin Cobb, of
Clyton, [Fapon, Scotland,] gu. six ancient New Romney, Kent, and Great Coram-Street,
naval crowns or. London, 1828.]
Clyton, gu. a fesse, per fesse, indented sa. and Cobbe, [Swaron, Hampshire,] gu. a fesse or, in
ar. betw. three owls' heads, erased of the last. chief two swans ar.
Clyve, or Clive, [Stick, Salop,] ar. on a fesse Cobben. See Cobyn, second in the first Dic-
sa. three mullets or. Crest, on a mount vert, tionary.
a griffin, with wings endorsed, ar. ducally Cobbeham. See the tenth of the name of Cob-
gorged gu. ham in first Dictionary.
Clyve, [Fluxley, Cheshire,]
ar. on a fesse betw. Cobbold, sa. a cross pattee throughout ar.
three griffins' heads, erased, sa. as many mullets charged with four torteauxes. Crest, a thun-
or. derbolt ppr.
Clyvedon, or, a lion, rampant, az. crowned Cobeham. See Cobham.
Cobell, [Ballagnoth, Scotland,] gu.
on a chief
Coalzier, [Scotland.] The same as Calzier. ar. two mullets sa. in base a cross crosslet,
CoANE, [Scotland,] sa. a pile engr. issuing from fitchee, or.

the chief or. Crest, a lily ppr. Cobelston, Couilston, or Cobeston. [De-
Coape, gu. on a canton ar. a rose of the field. von.] See Coblslon in first Dictionary.

Crest, a dexter hand holding a sword in pale Cobham, or, three piles, wavy, gu.

ppr. Cobham, [Kent,] gu. on a chev. ar. three lions,

Coapler, or, on a cross sa. betw. four oak- rampant, sa.
Cobham, [Kent,] gu. a cross betw. twelve fleurs-
leaves, slipped, ppr. five mullets ar.
Coates, gu. three boars, passant, ar. Crest, a de-lis ar.
swan's head betw. two wings ar. Cobhill, [Devon,] ar. three fleurs-de-lis gu.

Coates, paly of six gu. and erm. Cobille, per pale, indented, or and ar. a chev.
Coates, quarterly erm. and paly of six or and gu.
gu. Coblins, vert, a griffin, segreant, or.
Coats, [Glasgow, by Patent 17G3,] ar. a stag's Cobley, or Colegii. Arms, the same as the
head, erased, gu. betw. the horns a pheon az. first
Cobkiyh in the first Dictionary. Crest, an
all betw. three birds sa. Crest, an anchor arm, iu armour, couped and embowed, resting
the elbow on the wreath, holding a sceptre, all
Coats, [Ireland.] The same as Coats of York- PP r -

shire and Salop, in the first Dictionary. Cobron, ar. three lucies, haurient, within a bor-

Coats, per pale or and az. two dolphins, erect, dure, engr. sa.
counterchanged on a chief, sa. a covered cup of Cobshill, [Devon,] chequy, ar. and sa. a chief
the first betw. two dove-cotes ar. Crest, an or.

arm, couped below the elbow, erect, vested, Cobster, ar. a cobweb, with a spider in the
paly of six or and az. cuff ar. holding
a covered centre, ppr.
cup, as in the arms. Cobull, or, on a fesse sa. three estoiles ar.
Coats, [Ireland.] Crest, two lions' paws, erased, Coburn, [Scotland.] Crest, a cock ppr.
holding a crescent. CoBYLLE, per pale, indented, or and az. a chev.
Coals. Crest, a swan's head betw. two wings gu.
ar. Cobyn, Cobben, Cobbin, Cobenn, or Co-
Coatsworth, [Newcastle,] ar. three bars gu. blyn. To the second of the name in the first

Cobarne. See Colberne. Dictionary add Crest, on a wheatsheaf, lying

Cobb. See first Dictionary, before Bedfordshire fesseways, a lion, passant, gardant, ....
read Shainbrooke. Cochet. Anns, see first Dictionary. Crest, a
Cobb, [Kent,] ar. a chev. betw. three cocks gu. talbot, passant, sa. spotted ar.
armed, crested, and jelloped or. Coc hey, az. on a fesse betw. three bulls' heads,

Cobb, or Cobbe, [Ireland,] per chev. gu. and sa. erased ar. collared or, five cross crosslets, fitchee,
three martlets or. Crest, a dexter arm, per sa.

fesse, gu. and or, brandishing a sabre ppr. COCHRAN, [Aberdeen, Scotland,] erm. on a
c o c c o c
chief gu. a stag's head, erased or, betw. two Cockes, ar. three cocks gu. combed and wattled
mullets ar. within a bordure of the second. or, on a chief az. as many roses of the field.
Crest, a hand, holding a man's heart, ppr. Crest, an otter, sejant, ppr. supporting with
Cochran, [Karbachlaw, Scotland,] ar. a boar's the dexter foot an escocheon or.
head, erased, and in chief three mullets az. Cockes, per chev. ar. and gu. three cocks' heads,
Crest, as Cochran of Balbarchan. See first erased, counterchanged.
Dictionary. Cocket, or, a chev. betw. three cocks sa. armed
Cochran, [Hertfordshire,] ar. a chev. gu. betw. gu. within a bordure, gobonated, ar. and of the
three boars' heads, erased, az. second.
Cock, [Norwich, Norfolk,] sa. two bends ar. on Cocket, [Hampton, Surrey,] per bend ar. and sa.
a chief or as many cocks gu. [Confirmed by on a bend three fleurs-de-lis within a bordure,
Sir William Segar, Garter. ~\
all counterchanged.
Cock, ar. three bends sa.- Crest, a cockatrice ar. Cockett, [Norfolk and Suffolk,] per bend ar.
beaked, combed, and wattled gu. wings elevated and sa. three fleurs-de-lis in bend counter-
and indorsed, the sinister charged with three changed.
bends sa. [Granted to John Cock, of Little Cockfeld, [Sussex,] ar. a saltier sa. betw. four
Sanbridge, Essex, November 11, 1588.] crescents gu. a label of three points of the last.
Cock, or Cocke, [Newcastle,] az. a plate betw. Cockfield, [Essex.] Arms, see first Diction-
three cocks ar. combed and wattled gu. Crest, ary. Crest, an eagle, perched upon the stump
a cock, as in the Arms. of a tree, with wings endorsed ppr. (Another
Cock, [Jewen, Hertfordshire, Sheriff 16th Eliza- Crest, an eagle, with wings endorsed, preying
beth.] Arms, the same as Cock, of Brox- on a tortoise.)
bourne, in the first Dictionary. Crest, an Cockfield, gu. a fleur-de-lis or.
ostrich or, membered ar. holding in the beak a Cockfield, [Cumberland,] quarterly, or and gu. a
horse-sboe sa. cross, pattee, fitchee, counterchanged.
Cock, sa. a chev. betw. three cocks ar. Cockham, ar. a lion, rampant, chequy, erm. and

Cock, [Norfolk,] quarterly, gu. and ar. in the az.

first a cock or. Cockham, [Derbyshire,] ar. three cocks gu. armed,
Cock, [Cheshire,] ar. a chev. sa. betw. three crested, and jelloped sa.
ogresses, each charged with a peacock's head, Cock IE, [Scotland,] gu. three cocks ar.
erased, ar. CockiNGTON, or, a chev. betw. three cocks gu.
Cockayne, [Ickleford, Hertfordshire,] ar. three membered az.
cocks gu. Crest, a cock's head, erased, gu. Cockinglon, gu. three cocks ar.
Cockburn, [Cockburn, Scotland.] Arms, see Cock ins, per pale ar. and sa. a fesse, nebulee,
firstDictionary. Crest, a cock crowing. counterchanged.
Cocke, ar. a bend wavy sa. betw. three cocks Cockle. Arms, see first Dictionary. Crest, a
gu. a canton, barry wavy of six or and az. gu. collared ar.
talbot, passant,
Crest, a dexter hand, couped, holding a dagger Cock man, three game-cocks gu. crested and

in pale, all ppr. wattled sa. Crest, a demi eagle, displayed, sa.
Cockel, or Cokell, gu. on a chev. ar. three Cock RAM, ar. on a bend sa. betw. two fleurs-de-
lis az. three leopards' heads or. Crest, issuing
ogresses, a chief sa.
Cocker, [Crompton, Lancashire,] ar. five bars out of clouds a cubit arm, holding up an anchor,
sa. overa lion, rampant, or.
all erect, fluke upwards, all ppr.
Cocker, [Croft, Lincolnshire,] add Granted by Cockram, ar. on a bend sa. three leopards' faces
Robert Cooke, Clarenceux. of the field.

Cockerell, [Seizincote, Gloucestershire,] or, Cock R ell. Crest, a leopard's face ppr.
a leopard's face gu. betw. two cocks in pale Cockridge. Crest, acock ppr.
ppr. and as many flauncb.es
sa. Crest, within Cockroff, .... an elephant betw. two mullets
the horns of a crescent az. a tiger's paw ppr. in and a crescent reversed
chief, in base.
crowned or. Crest, a cock ppr.
Cockerell, or Cokerell, ar. on a bend gu. three Cocks, [Worcestershire.] The same Arms as
Cocks of Dumbleton, Gloucestershire. See
leopards' heads or.
Cockerington, or, fretty az. a chief gu.
firstDictionary. Crest, a stag, couchant, re-
Cockes. To the fourth of the name in the first gardant, ppr. [Borne by Philip Cocks, M.A.
Rector of Acton, Middlesex, ob. 17th Septem-
Dictionary add Crest, a hand holding a lion's

paw, erased, ppr. ber, 1772.]

Cocks, a chev. betw. three lious' heads, erased,
sa. Codington, [Leicestershire,] gu. a cross or,
ar. Crest, a stag, lodged, ar. fretty vert.
Cocksey, ar. on a bend sa. betw. two mullets of Codinton. To the first of the name in the first
the second three cinquefoils or, all within a bor- Dictionary add Crest, on a chapeau gu. turned
dure gu. bezantee. Crest, a tiger's head, up erm. an eagle with wings expanded and in-
couped, sa. charged on the neck with a cinque- verted ppr. .

foil betw. two bars or. Codnam, erm. an eagle, displayed, gu. charged
Cocksey, Cookesey, or Cooksey, ar. on a bend az. on the breast with a fleur-de-lis or.
cottised, dancettee, gu. three cinquefoils or. Codrington, [Bridgewater, Somerset,] quar-
Crest, on a garb, lying fesseways, a cock terly; first and fourth, ar. a fesse sa. betw. three
ppr. lions, passant, gu.; second and third, vert, on a
Cocksey, or, three cocks gu. bend ar. three roses gu. seeded or, barbed of
Cocksey, ar. on a bend az. three cinquefoils the first. Crest, out of a ducal coronet or, a
or. dragon's head gu. betw. two dragons' wings,
Cockson, ar. a pheon's head, reversed, with an chequy, or and az.
annulet above it sa. and two streams from the Coe, or Coo, [Norfolk,] ar. three piles, wavy,
point. gu. betw. twelve martlets sa. Crest, an armed
Cockwald, or, on a fesse gu. three lions, pas- arm, embowed, holding a chaplet.
sant, of the field. Coe, [Norfolk,] ar. three piles, wavy, gu. Crest,
Cockworth, [Devonshire.] The same as the two swords, in saltier, ppr. surmounted by a
first of the name in the first Dictionary. cross crosslet, fitchee, sa.
Cockworth, [Cornwall,] ar. a chev. betw. three Cofeld, ^Yorkshire,] or, a fesse gu. in chief
cocks gu. three torteaux.
Codd, [Cornwall.] To the third of the name in Coffield, ar. a saltier sa. Crest, on a cross,
the Dictionary add
first Crest, a square fort flory, fitchee, gu. betw. two wings or, a crescent
with four towers ppr. gold.
Codd, Coad, Coode, or Codde, [Cornwall,] to the Coffin, [Magdelaine Island, Gulf of St. Law-
fifth of the name in the first rence, and Titley-Court, Hereford,] az. semee
Dictionary add
Crest, a hawk's leg, erased, belled ppr. ( Ano- of cross crosslets or, two batons in saltier, encir-
ther Crest, a sea-pie ppr.) cled with laurel-branches gold, betw. two plates.
Codd, or Codde, [Ireland.] Arms, see first Dic- Crest, on the stern of a ship or, a pigeon,
tionary. Crest, a lion's head, erased, holding with wings endorsed, ar. in the beak a sprig of
in the mouth a sinister hand ppr. laurel vert.
Codd. Crest, a physician's quadrangular cap sa. Coffin-Pine, [Portledge, Devonshire,] az. three
tufted or. bezants, the field crucilly or; quartering Pine,
Codd, per pale ar. and
a fesse, embattled, az.
or, Doivne, Kehvay, Ilcombe, Winslade, Birt, Hen-
betw. six pellets. a mount vert a
Crest, on desmore, Appleton, Gould, Penfound, and Pepys.
lion, rampant, ar. pellettee, gorged with a mu- Three Crests; first, a martlet az. charged on
ralcoronet gu. holding betw. his fore-paws an the breast with two bezants; second, a pine-tree
annulet or, and resting his dexter hind foot on a ppr. ; third, a camel's head, erased, or, bridled,
pellet. lined, ringed, and ducally gorged sa.

Coddington, [Gainsborough, Lincolnshire,] paly Coffin. Crest, a long cross sa.

of six ar. and az. on a chief gu. a lion, passant, Coffin, [Somersetshire,] az. three bezants, two and
gardant, or. one, betw. as many cross crosslets or.
Coddington, [Ireland,] az. a cross compony or Coffyn, [Haddon, Derbyshire,] az. four bezants,
and gu. Crest, a dexter hand holding a sword within five cross crosslets or. Crest, a dove az.
ppr/ betw. two cinquefoils ar. stalked and leaved vert.
Code, [Cornwall,] ar. a chev. betw. three cocks Cogan, gu. three pine-apple leaves Cor oak-
sa. membered gu. leaves) ar.
Codeford, or Codford, ar. on a chev. az. Cogan, ar. seven lozenges gu three, three, and one.
betw. three wings gu. five plates. Cogan, gu. three lozenges ar.
Codeford, ar. on a chev. betw. three wings, pale- Coggan, or Cogan, quarterly; first and fourth,
ways, az. five plates. gu. three laurel-leaves ar. in chief an estoile or;
Codenor, barry of six ar. and az. second and third, paly of six or and az. on a
Codey, [Great Ellingham,] ar. three piles eugr. chief of the last a griffin, passant Crest,
sa. on each a cross,
pattee, fitchee, or. a talbot, passant, collared and lined ....
Cogger, gu. on a pale erm. two lions' heads, Cokerfield, ar. a bend betw. two cottises, dan-
erased, sa. Crest, an arm in armour, embowed, cettee, gu.
and holding a club, all
ppr. Cokerham, [Devon,] ar. on a bend sa. three
Coghill, [Randall-Park, Surrey.] The same leopards' faces of the field.
Arms as Coghill, of Coghill, Yorkshire, see first Cokerington, [Cokerington, Lincolnshire.] The
Dictionary. Crest, on a mount vert, a cock, same Arms as Cokerilh.
with wings expanded, or, ducally crowned gu. Cokerith, ar. on a cross sa. a mullet or.
Coghill, [created a Baronet, 1778,] quarterly ; Cokers, ar. a chev. betw. three boys' heads,
first and fourth, ar. a chev. betw. three cocks couped, sa.

gu. second and third, gu. on a chev. ar. three

; Cokesall, sa. a cross betw. four escallops ar.

pellets, a chief, indented, sa. for Coghill; quar- Cokeseged, or Cocksedge, ar. a cross sa.
tering Cramer, per fesse az. and or, in chief Crest, a cock gu. holding in the beak a violet
two fleurs-de-lis of the last, a canton erm. ppr.
Crest, on a mount vert, a cock gu. charged on Cokesworth, [Cornwall,] ar. a chev. betw.
the breast with a bezant. three cocks gu.
Coghlan, or CoGHLEN.^gu. two
lions, passant, Cokfeld, or Kokefield, az. a cross, compony,
combatant, Crest, a fret or.
ar. gu. and ar. Crest, out of a ducal coronet or, a
Cogsall, ar. a cross betw. four escallops sa. lion's gamb ppr.

Cohen, or, a lion, rampant, gu. Crest, a bear's Cokkes, ar. fretty sa. on a fesse of the first, three
head, couped sa. muzzled or. cocks gu.
Coign ers, az. a maunch or. Coksey, [Evesham, Worcestershire,] ar. on a
Coin, a pelican az.
or, Crest, two wings, ex- bend betw. three mullets sa. a cinquefoil or, a

panded, .... bordure gu. bezantee.

Cokaine, [Staffordshire,] ar. three cocks gu. Cokson, [Calais,] per pale ar. and gu. two legs,
Cokayne. See with Cockayne in the first Dic- couped at the thigh, armed, counterchanged,
tionary. spurred or.

Coke, [Devon,] chev. betw. three hawks'

ar. a Cokyll, gu. on a chev. ar. three pellets, a chief
heads, erased, sa. within a bordure of the last. indented of the second.
Coke, [Devon,] ar. a chev. betw. three ravens' Colan, ar. three torches ppr.
heads, erased, sa. within a bordure engr. of the Colanley, ar. across, pattee, gu.
last. Colbend, or Colbrond, gu. a cross ar. betw.
Coke, [Lord Chief-Justice,] per pale az. and gu. four swords, erect, of the second, hilts or.
three eagles, displayed, nr. Colbey, az. a chev. betw. three escallops or.

Coke, [Hants,] ar. a bend, wavy, sa. betw. three- Crest, an arm in armour, embowed, ppr. gar-
cocks gu. on a canton, barry wavy of six, or and nished or, holding in the gauntlet a sword, also
az. a swan ppr. ppr.
Coke, erm. on a bend, cottised, three leopards, Colbie, or Colby, az. a fesse, engr. betw. three
passant, or, in the sinister corner a label of as escallops ar.
many points, over all a crescent ar. Colborne, [William, York Herald.] Arms, see
Coke, [Melburne, Derbyshire,] gu. three crescents first Dictionary. Crest, out of a ducal coronet
and a canton or. Crest, the sun in splendour or. gu. an heraldic antelope's head, erased, ar.
Cokebriar, ar. three cocks gu. attired or.
Cokedayke, erm. three pellets. Colijrand. The same Arms as Colborne or
Cokefind, gu. a fleur-de-lis or. Colbrond in first Dictionary.
Cokeham, ar. a lion, rampant, chequy, or and Colbroke. To the second of the name in the
vert, armed gu. first
Dictionary add Crest, a spear, in pale, ppr.
Cokeham, ar. a lion, rampant, chequy, az. and Colbroke, sa. a lion, rampant, ar. over all, on a
or. fesse or, three crosses, pattee, fitchee, of the
Cokenay, gu. three fusils ar. on each arose of field. Crest, as above.
the field. Colby, [Kensington, Middlesex, Norfolk, and
Coker, [Lincolnshire,] barry of ten, ar. and sa. Suffolk.] Arms, see first Dictionary. Crest,
a lion, rampant, or. an arm in armour, embowed, ppr. garnished or,
Cokeran, [Devonshire,] ar. on a bend sa. tbree holdingin the gauntlet a broken sword ar. hilt

passant, gardant, or.

lions, and pomel gu. the broken end of the sword em-
Cokerey, ar. on a bend gu. three leopards' brued with blood.
heads or.
Colby, az. a chev. or betw. three crescents ar.
Colcleugh. Crest, a lion, passant, gardant, or, first
Dictiouary. Crest, a harpy, with wings
collared gu. holding an anchor sa. expanded, ppr.
Colclough, [London.] Arms, see first Dictio- Colemor, [Ireland.] The same as in the first
nary. Dictionary, the billets lying fesseways.
Coldale, gu. a chev. erm. betw. three rams' Colen, [Dundee, Scotland,] quarterly; first and
heads, cabossed, ar. fourth, .... a cross, pattee, .... ; second and
Coldha.m, [Waverley Abbey, Surrey, and Bud- third, .... a fesse, chequy, ....
dington, near Eastbourne, Sussex.] The same Coleridge, bendy of six gu. and ar. a chief az.
Arms and Crest as Coldham, of Midhurst, see Crest, a griffin's head, ppr. betw. two wings or.
first Dictionary. CoLESHULL, chequy or and sa. a chief ar. guttee
Coldicott, per pa'e or and az. on a chief of the de sang.
lastthree leopards' faces of the first. Crest, a Coless, [Scotland,] az. on a bend or betw. three
dexter hand, ppr. holding up a billet gu. cross crosslets gu. as many mascles of the last.
Coldon, [Coldon, Scotland,] gu. a chev. betw. Coless, [Balmauo, Scotland,] or, on a bend betw.
three stags' heads, couped, (another, erased,) ar. two crosses, pattee, az. three mascles of the
Coldstream, [Scotland.] Crest, a swan, swim- field.

ming in water, wings endorsed ppr. Colet, sa. a chev. betw. three hinds, trippant,
Coldwell, [Wisbeach, in the Isle of Ely, Cam- or. Crest, a hand, holding a battle-axe, ppr.
bridgeshire, M. I. in Welwyn-church, Hertford- Colevile, per fesse ar. and gu. a cross, sarcel-
shire,] per bend, or and vert, a pile charged lee, counterchanged.
with a lion, rampant, betw. two ermine spots or, Coley, ar. a cross, pattee, throughout wavy, sa.
all counterchanged.
Coley, or Collay, sa. three swans' necks, erased,
Cole, or Coole, [Devonshire,] per pale, in- ar. beaked gu.

dented, ar. and gu. a bull, statant, counter- Colfe, [Canterbury, Kent,] or, a fesse betw.
changed, within a bordure sa. bezantee. Crest, three colts, in full speed, sa. Crest, in flames of
an otter's head and neck, couped, ar. betw. two fire ppr. a ram ar. attired or.
[Her. Off. D. 16,
branches of oak vert, acorned or. fol.128, &.]
Cole, [Sheuley, Hertfordshire, 1640.] Arms, see Colfer, [Alsham,] .... a lion, rampant, within
first Dictiouary. Crest, a demi dragon az. a bordure ....
winged or, holding a chaplet vert. Colfowles, az. three wolves' heads, erased, ar.
Cole, [Radwell, Hertfordshire,] ar. a bull, statant, Colfox, ar. on a chief az. three foxes' heads,
gardant gu. within a bordure sa. bezantee. erased, or.
Cole. See first Dictionary ; after Maldon, Essex, Colfox, sa. on a chief ar. three foxes' heads,
readG-ranted by Dethick, Garter, l. >61. erased, gu.
Colebine, ar. a chev. betw. six mullets az. Colfox, sa. six fleurs-de-lis or. Crest, out of a
Colebroke. See with Colbrokem the first Dic- ducal coronet, a demi wolf gu. devouring a
tionary. hand ar.

Colebrook, [Arundel, Sussex, Kent, and Mid- Colgrave, ar. on two bars betw. three pheons,

dlesex.] The same Arms and Crest as Cole- two and one, gu. four crescents or, two on each
brook, of Gatton, Surrey, in the first Dictionary. bar. Crest, a feather, erect, az. betw, two
Coleby, [Hants,] az. a chev. erm. betw. three arrows in saltier, points downwards, or, feathered
eagles, displayed, ar. beaked and legged or. and headed ar. the whole enfiled with a mural
Co lec lough, [Staffordshire,] sa. five spread coronet gu.
eagles, in saltier, ar. Coliborn, ar. three cocks gu.
Coleman, per fesse ar. and sa. a cross, pattee, Colic luth, ar. five eagles, displayed, in cross
betw. four mullets counterchanged. Crest, a sa.
demi greyhound sa. gorged with a collar ar. Colingborne, ar. a cross, patonce, sa.

holding betw. the fore feet a mullet of the first. Colingburne, or Collingborne. See Col-
Coleman. Arms, the same as the first Colman in lingborne.
the first Dictionary. Crest, out of a ducal coro- Colingreg, ar. (another or,) three fleurs-de-lis
net, a greyhound's head ppr. az.
Coleman. Crest, out of a ducal coronet or, a Colings, [Salop,] per fesse sa. and gu. a griffin,
greyhound's head sa. collared and ringed ar. segreant, or.
thereon three mullets of the second. Colira, ar. three reremice, displayed, sa.
Colembert, gu. a bend or. Colladon, [London,] .... three estoiles ....
Colemere. The same Arms as Colemore in the on a chief .... a ram, passant, .... Crest, a ,
dexter arm, from the shoulder, issuing from the pattee, fitchee, gu. on a canton az. a castle ppr.
sea ppr. holding up an anchor, cabled, sa. with a breach in the middle thereof. Crest, on
Collar, [Gloucester,] ar. a saltier, vairee, or a mural coronet or, inscribed on the circle with
and sa. betw. four escallops of the third. the words St. Sebastian, a cross, pattee, fitchee,
Collard, [Tournay,] az. a woman's head, coup- gold, betw. two wings displayed pean.
ed, ar. betw. three fleurs-de-lis or. Colligny, [France,] gu. an eagle, displayed, ar.
Collarde, gyronuy of six or and sa. three black- crowned, beaked, legged, and membered az.
amoors' heads in profile, couped, counterchan- Collin, [Luxillon, Cornwall,] or, a chev. sa.

ged. betw. three Cornish choughs ppr.

Collcell, [Kent,] quarterly, gu. and sa. a lion, Collingborne, [Northumberland.] Arms, see
rampant, betw. three crosses, formee, fitchee, or. first
Dictionary. Crest, on a roundle, quarterly,
Colle, [Newcastle-upon-Tyne,] ar. a fesse engr. or and az. a cross, pattee, counterchanged.
betw. three scorpions, erect, sa. Crest, a dex- Collingborne, or Colingburne, [Devonshire and
ter baud, holding a scorpion, ppr. [Granted 3d Wiltshire.] Arms and Crest, see first Dictio-
Dec. 1G14.] nary. [Granted to William Colingburne, Esq.
Colle, or Coulee, per pale, indented, gu. and ar. of Wiltshire, 12lh March, 13th Edward IT.]
a bull, courant, counterchanged. Collingborne. To the last of the name in the first
Colle, barry of six ar. and sa. on a canton gu. a Dictionary add Crest, a roundle, quarterly, or
rose or. Crest, a lion, rampant, sa. charged on and az. over all a cross, moline, counterchanged.
the shoulder with a fleur-de-lis ar. Collings, vert, a griffin segreant, per fessc, or
Collemor, [Tournay,] gu. three crescents betw. and sa. crowned ar.
eleven billets or. Collington, [Gloucester,] az. on a fesse ar.

Colles, [Somersetshire,] gu. on a chev. betw. betw. three roses or, as

many bugles sa.
three leopards' faces ar. an ermine spot sa. Collingwood, [Chirton and Dissington, North-
Crest, on a mount vert, an eagle, displayed, ar. umberland,] ar. a chev. betw. three bucks' heads
beaked, legged, and ducally gorged or. sa. Crest, a buck's head, erased, sa.
Colles, [Parkbury, Hertfordshire,] gu. a chev. pel- Collingivood, [Daiden and Great Eppleton, Dur-
lettee, and charged with three barrulets .... ham.] The same Arms. Crest, a buck statant
betw. as many lions' heads, erased, or. Crest, in front of a tree, all ppr.
a sea-pie, with wings expanded, guttee, standing Collins, [Ham, Devonshire,] vert, a griffin,
on a dolphin lying on its back .... segreant, or. Crest, a camel's head, erased,
Colless, [Balnamoon, Scotland,] ar. a cross mo- ppr.
line betw. two mascles in chief and a boar's Kent, London, and Sussex,]
Collhis, [Sittingbourn,
head, erased, in base, sa.
gu. on a bend or, three martlets az. all within a
Collet, [Hertford Castle.] The same as the bordure, erm. Crest, a demi griffin or, beaked
first Collet in the first
Dictionary. and legged gn. collared erm.
Collet, sa. on a chev. betw. three does, trippant, Collins, [Hythe, Kent,] vert, a griffin, segreant,
ar. as many crescents of the field. or, mu rally gorged ar.
Colley, or, a lion, rampant, gu. ducally gorged Collins, [Buds in Shipborne, Kent; granted 1570.]
gold. Crest, an arm erect, couped below the Arms and Crest, see first
elbow, holding a spear, in bend, with the banner Collins, [Somersetshire,] gu. on a bend or, three
of St. George. martlets sa. Crest, a demi griffin or, collared
Colley, [Ireland.] Arms, see first Dictionary, ar.
with Collay. Crest, a sinister hand holding a Collins, or Collens, [Barnes-hill, otherwise Col-
bow, all ppr. ienswell, Devonshire.] The same Arms and
Colley, sa. three hawks' heads, erased, ar. within Crest as Collins, of Ottery St. Mary, see first
a bordure or. Crest, an elephant's head and Dictionary.
neck couped, betw. two wings expanded. Collinson, az. three cinquefoils, pierced, gu.

Colley, [Rutlandshire.] The same Arms as Col- Crest, a rose gu. betw. two branches of laurel.
lay, of Hertfordshire, in the first Dictionary. in orle, crossing at the top, vert.
Col li an bone. See in first Dic-
Collingborne Collinson, [Yorkshire,] ar. on a fesse gu. three
tionary. mullets of the field betw. a squirrel in chief and
Collice, [Scotland,] ar. a cross, moline, gu. betw. three battle-axes, in base, gu. headed az.
two mascles, in chief, of the last, and a boar's Collis, [Ireland,] ar. a chev. betw. three lions'
head, erased, in base. heads, erased, gu. Crest, a dexter arm, throw-
Collier, [Bart. Capt. R. N. 1814,] or, a cross, ing an arrow, ppr.
Collis, ar. a chev. gu. barruly platee of the field Colnet, [Hants,] or, on a chev. betw. three pome-
betw. three lions'
heads, erased, sa. Crest, an granates gu. as many hawk-leures of the field.
eagle preying on a fish. Colnette, or, on a chev. gu. betw. three pome-
Collison, [Aiichlomes, Scotland,] ar. on a fesse granates of the last, seeded gold, as many co-
az. betw. three roses in chief" and as many pea- lumbines of the field.
cods, in the base a sword, barwise, of the first, Colney, [Lancashire,] sa. a fesse betw. two
hilt and pomel or. Crest, a falcon's head, chev. ar.

erased, ppr. Colnyll, sa. a lion,rampant, ar. a baton gu.

Collisone, [Scotland,] ar. on a fesse az. betw. Colourne, sa. a chev. ar. voided gu. betw. four
three roses gu. a sword of the first, hilt and mascles of the second.
or. Colpoys, ar. an anchor az. surmounted by a
CoLLOW, [Auchinchain, Scotland; recorded mauncb sa. charged with three crosses, pattee,
1773,] az. a saltier or, in base a hunting-horn of the field. Crest, out of a naval coronet a
ar. stringed of the second, on a chief of the dexter hand apaumee.
third a buckle of the first, betw. two cushions gu. Colquhon, [Scotland.] Arms, see first Dictio-
Crest, a hand, holding a dagger, erect, ppr. nary. Crest, a hart's head, couped gu. attired
Colls. Arms, see first Dictionary. Crest, on a ar.
ducal coronet or, a griflBn sejant, with wings en- Colquhoun, [Garscadden, Scotland,] ar. on a
dorsed ppr. supporting an escocheon ar. saltier engr. sa. a buckle or. Crest, a man's
Collubers, [Yorkshire,] per fesse ar. and gu. hand ppr. holding a buckle.
a cross, sarcellee, counterchauged. Colquhoun, [Glasgow,] ar. a saltier engr. sa. in

Collwall, ar. three chev. sa. charged with five base a crescent gu. Crest, a stag's head,
annulets or. erased, ppr.
Collwell, or, three chev sa. each charged Colquhoun, [Kilmardony, Scotland,] ar. a saltier
with five bezants. engr. sa. a fleur-de-lis for difference. Crest,
Colly, ar. a lion, rampant, the same as the last.
Collymore, [London,] gu. billettee ar. three Colquhoun, [Kennuior, Scotland,] quarterly; first
crescents of the last and fourth, ar. a saltier engr. sa. in chief a rose
Collyn, ar. a chev. betw. three ravens sa. beak- gu.; second and third, gu. a ram, passant, ar. in
ed and legged az. the dexter chief point a mullet of the last.
Collys, gu. on a chief ar. two annulets of the Crest, as the last.

field. Colquhoun, ar. a saltier engr. betw. two cinque -

Collys, [Suffolk,] gu. on a chief indented ar. three foils, in fesse, sa. Crest, an arm from the elbow
annulets of the field. vested gu. cuff indented or, holding a baton of
Collywarp, vaire ar. and gu. the first, viruled of the last.
Colman, [Gornhey, Devonshire,] quarterly, or Colquhotjne, [Bart. Luss, Dumbartonshire,] ar.
and vert, a cross, patonce, betw. four mullets a saltier, engr. sa. Crest, a hart's head, couped
counterchauged. gu. Supporters, two ratch-hounds, collared, sa.
Colman, gu. eight martlets, in orle, or. Colquite, ar. a fesse az. fretty or, betw. three

Colman, [London and Calais,] per fesse ar. and cinquefoils gu.
sa. a cross, pattee, betw. four mullets counter- Colquitt, sa. three chev. ar. on each a pellet, a
changed. canton or. Crest, a hawk, rising, ducally gorged
Colman, per fesse ar. and sa. four mullets coun- and belled ppr.
terchanged. Colrane, gu. two bars or, a chief, indented, of
Colmore, [Durham,] gu. semee of billets and the last.
three crescents or. Colsell, [Kent,] quarterly, gu. and sa. over all
Colmer, [Warwickshire,] gu. three crescents a lion, rampant, betw. three crosses, formee,
and nine billets or. fitchee, or.
Colne. Arms, see first
Dictionary. Crest, a Colsell, chequy sa. and or, a chief ar. guttee de
talbot sejant, per pale, sa. and erm. collared sang.
ar. Colshull, chequy or and az. a chief ar. guttee
Colnet, [Hampshire.] Arms, see first Dictio- de sang. arm in pale.
Crest, an
nary. Crest, a dragon's head, ducally gorged Colshyll, chequy orand sa. a chief ar. guttee gu.
and chained ppr. Colt, [Leominster and Herefordshire.] The
Colnet, or, on a chev. gu. betw. three columbines same Arms and Crest as Colt, of Middlesex
ar. as many
flower-pots of the field. and Carlisle, see first Dictionary.
Colt, [Essex,] ar. a fesso gu. betw. three colts, Colwike, ar. on a bend az. three bezants betw. as

coucliant, sa. many cross crosslets, fitchee, of the second.

Colt, [Hants, East Lothian, and Lanarkshire,] ar. Colwike. Crest, an anchor, in pale, in the sea, en-
a stag's bead, erased, gu. betw. the attires a signed with a dove and olive-branch ppr.
pheon az. Crest, a dexter naked arm, em- Colwike, quarterly; first and fourth, ar. on a bend
bowed, holding in the hand an arrow, in bend az. three bezants; second and third, ar. a cross
sinister, ppr. [Borne by Oliver Colt, Esq. of crosslet, fitchee, az.
Rhounams, near Ramsey, Hants, 1832.] Colwyke, ar. on a bend az. three bezants, in

Colter, or Coulter, [Scotland,] erm. three the sinister chief a cross crosslet, fitchee, of the
bars az. Crest, a harpy ppr. second. Crest, a hand issuing from a cloud, in
Colthurst, [Ireland.] The same Arms as Cot- pale, holding a sealed letter, all ppr.
hurst, 'of Somersetshire, in the first Dictionary. Colyn, [Cornwall,] ar. a chev. sa. betw. three
Crest, on the stump of a tree a crane, perched, Cornish choughs ppr.
ppr. Colyn, ar. a chev. betw. three coots gu.

Colthurst, [Devonshire.] The same Arms. Colynborne. See Collingborne in first Dic-
Colton, [Essex.] Arms, see first Dictionary. tionary.
Crest, a spear's head, in pale, entiled with a Co lyra, ar. three bats' wings sa.
savage's head, couped, ppr. Comb, or Combe, [Scotland,] sa. a chev. betw.
CoLTSMAN, per chev. embattled, or and vert, in three combs ar. Crest, a crane, with a bunch
chief a cross crosslet, fitchee, gu. betw. two of clover in the beak ppr.
seaxes, erect, ppr. hilts and pomels or, in base a Combe, sa. three lions, passant, in pale, or.
colt, courant.ar. Crest, a colt, courant, as in the Combe, ar. on a bend gu. three combs or.
Arms. Combe, [Warwickshire.] The same as Combe, of
Colubers, per fesse ar. and gu. a cross, sarcel- Herefordshire, see first Dictionary.
lee, counter-changed. Combe, [Cludington, Buckinghamshire.] See first
Columball, [Derley, Derbyshire,] sa. (another Dictionary before Hertfordshire, read Hemel-

az.) three doves ar. legged gu. each holding in hempsted.

its beak an olive-branch vert. Crest, a camel's Combe, [Newington, Middlesex.] The same.
head ppr. Comber, [Balcombe, Lewes, Shermanbury, Hors-
Columbell, [Derbyshire,] sa. three doves ar. field, and West Hoathly, Sussex.] The same
Columbers, .... a chev. betw. three columbines. Arms and Crest as Comber in the first Dic-
Coi.veley, [Hampshire,] gu. a fesse betw. three tionary.
plumes ar. Comberford, [Staffordshire,] gu. on a cross,
Colvil, [Cleish, Scotland,] ar. across, moline, sa. engr. or, a rose of the field.
Crest, a hind's head, couped, ar. Comberford, or Cumberford, [Warwickshire.]
Colvil, [Ochiltry, Scotland.] The same Arms as Arms, see first Dictionary. Crest, a crow, with
the first of the name in the first
Dictionary. wings endorsed, ppr.
Crest, a demi stag, holding in the mouth a rose Comberford, [Dangermore, Ireland,] az. a hunt-
ppr. ing-horn betw. three mullets or. Crest, a pea-
Colvire, ar.a cross, patonce, gu. cock, in its pride, ppr.
Colw, ar. on a fesse, betw. two chev. gu. three Comberford, [Ireland,] quarterly, or and gu. four
cinquefoils of the first. mullets counterchanged. Crest, a pestle and
Colwarp, vaire, and gu.
ar. mortar sa.
Colwarth, .... on a chev betw. three Comberford. Crest, a dove, volant, holding in
wings reversed .... five roundles .... the beak an olive-branch, all ppr.
Colw ell, [Northumberland,] ar. three chev. sa. Com br en. See Combrem in first Dictionary.
each charged with five bezants. CoMBREY, [Scotland,] or, on a fesse az. two
Colwell, ar. three lions, passant, sa. bezantee. pheons, pointing outwards, conjoined by an an-
Colwell, ar. three lions, passant, in pale, sa. bezan- nulet ar. in base a crescent gu. Cresl, a sheaf
tee. Crest, a talbot, sejant, ar. spotted gu. and of arrows, points upwards.
sa. collared az. Comeford, [Ireland,] gu. a bugle-horn betw.
CoLWlCK, [Staffordshire,] ar. on abend az. three three mullets ar.
annulets or, in chief a cross crosslet, fitchee, of Cometessf,, ar. three harts' horns sa. barways.
the second. Com in, [Ireland,] gu. three garbs ar.
Colwike, ar. on a bend az. three bezants, in Comin, [Lincolnshire,] ar. three garbs betw. seven
chief a cross crosslet, fitchee, of the second. cross crosslets gu.
CoMMATUS, ar. a chev. gu. betw. three perukes Comy'NS, az. three lozenge-buckles, tongues in
sa. fesse, or. Crest, on a chapeau gu. turned up
Com.merell, [Heilbron, in Suabia,] gu. a dex- erm. a blood-hound, sejant, ppr.
ter arm, embowed, couped below the shoulder Conarton, or Cornarton, [Cornwall.] Arms,
in armour, holding- in the hand ppr. a branch of see first Dictionary. Crest, a talbot's head,
laurel vert. Crest, a dexter arm, embowed in erased, per pale or and gu. collared, counter-
armour, holding in the hand ppr. a laurel-branch changed.
vert. [Borne by John- William Commerell, of Conclife, or Concliffe, sa. three conies ar.

Strood, near Horsham, Sussex, Sherifffor the Conderow, a chev. betw. three hounds sa.

county 1803.] Condi r, ar. three cinquefoils in pale gu. betw.

Commolin, per fesse ar. and gu. three unicorns, two pallets az. ; on a chief vert a lion, passant,
passant, counterchanged. Crest, a fir-tree ppr. of the field. Crest, on a ducal coronet, a lion,
Co molly. See C'onolly. passant, az.
Compigne, or, three cocks sa. Crest, a dexter Condrey, gu. ten billets, four, three, two, and
hand, per fesse ar. and az. holding up a covered one, ....
cup or. Cone, [Scotland,] gu. a fesse, engr. betw. a
Compion, or, a maunch, within a bordure, engr. cinquefoil in chief and a crescent in base ar.
sa. CoNELLISH, [Standerside,] az. betw. two flaun-
Compton, [Cheshire,] ar. a chev. vert. ches erm. as many swans close ar.
Compion, sa. three close helmets, with wreaths Conesby, gu. three conies ar. within a bordure,
and mantles, ar. engr. ar. See Coningsby.
Compion, ar. on a bend sa. three mullets or. Conesby, gu. three conies within a bordure, ar.
Compion, [Somersetshire,] ar. a fesse, nebulee, Conge, az. on a fesse betw. three hawks' heads,
betw. three mascles gu. on a chief sa. a helmet erased, or, collared ar. five crosses, formee,
of the field, betw. two birds' heads, erased, or. fitchee, of the field.
Congherst, az. three snakes ar. two and one.
Compton, gu. three close helmets ar.
Conghurst, az. three congers, haurient
Compton, ar. on a bend sa. three mullets of the
field. Congilton, [Congilton, Scotland.] Arms, see
Compton, Gloucestershire.]
[Hartbury, Arms, firstDictionary. Crest, a bee ppr.
see first Dictionary. Crest, a beacon ppr. Congilton, [Dirletoun, Scotland,] quarterly;

Compton, sa. a lion, passant, gardant, ar. Crest, and fourth, ar. a bend gu. in chief, a label of
as above. three points sa. ; second and third, ar. a fesse
ar. a fesse, nebulee, gu. on a chief of sa. within a bordure engr. gu.
the last three helmets of the first. Congilton, [East Lothian, Scotland,] quarterly ;
first and fourth, or, a bend gu. ; second and
Compion, sa. three cats, passant, gardant, ar. col-
lared and belled or. third, gu. a fesse or, betw. two cottises, corn-

Compion, [Bramblety, Sussex.] The same Arms pony, ar. and az.
and Crest as Compton, of Lyndhurst, Hamp- Cong rill, ar. a chev. betw. three battle-axes sa.
shire, see first Dictionary. Con ASTON E, or, three conies ar.

Co.mrie, [Scotland,] or, on a bend az. an annulet Coningesby', ar. a chev. betw. three conies,
and two pheons conjoined, each pointing to the courant, paleways, sa. Crest, a coney, sejant.
ends of the bend of the field, in chief a quiver Conisbye, [Middlesex,] gu. three conies ar. a
full of arrows ppr. Crest, a demi archer shoot- bordure, engr. sa.

ing an arrow from a bow, all ppr. Conisholme, Lincolnshire,] sa.

Comries, [Scotland,] ar. a bend gu. in chief two three conies' heads, erased, ar.
broad-arrows, sbods conjoined by an annulet, Connack, ar. a fesse, indented, betw. three
Crest, a cross crosslet on three Crest, out of a ducal coronet
paleways, az. spread eagles gu.
or an eagle's bead and wings ppr.
betw. two
Comry, on a bend az. an annulet of the first
or, Conne, [East Walton,] sa. a fesse
betw. two pheons issuing out of the same. bars gemelles or and three conies, passant, ....
Crest, an archer shooting an arrow from a bow, Connell, or Connel, [Ireland,] ar. a chev.
all ppr.
betw. three spurs az. Crest, out of a tower a
Comyn, or Comin, [Durham,] az. a chev. betw. demi segreant, ppr.
three sheaves of cumin or. Crest, two arms, Connell, or Connely, ar. a chev. gu. betw. two
base az. shaft
embowed, ppr. vested erm. holding up a sheaf spurs in chief and a battle-axe in
of cumin or. or. Crest, a bee, erect, ppr.
Conneley, or Conelle. See Conolly in the lion's gamb, erased, holding up the hilt of a
Dictionary. broken sword, all
Connor, vert, a saltier or. Crest, a hand hold- Constantyne, [Chester, London, and Salop.]
ing a hawk's leur. Arms, see first
Dictionary. Crest, a sword, in
Connor, [Ireland,] ar. two boars' heads, erased, bend, sinister, ppr. surmounted by a cross
in and a galley, with her oars in action,
chief, crosslet az. [These Arms confirmed to Richard
in base, sa. Crest, out of a ducal coronet a Constantine, of London, son of Philip Con-
hand ppr. vested sa. holding the sun or. stantine, of Chester, son of William Constan-
Connybeare, ar. a saltier sa. over all a pale tiue, of Whitchurch, Shropshire, by Cooke,
gu. Crest, on a rock a dove, with wings en- Clarenceux, I2lh July, 1575.]
dorsed, all ppr. holding in the beak a cross, Consull, gu. three clarions or.
pattee, fitchee, gu. Conunter. The same as Connter.
Conolly, [Castletown, Ireland,] ar. on a saltier Conway, az. a passant, gardant, paly of
sa. five escallops of the field. Cret, a cubit six ar. and or, betw. three gauntlets of the
arm, erect, in armour, holding in the hand, all second, all within a bordure, engr. of the
ppr. an annulet, ar. (Another, or.) last.

Conolly, Comolly, Conelly, or Connelley, or, on Conway, sa. a chev. or.

a saltier engr. az. five escallops ar. Crest, a Conycliff, or Connocliffe, sa. three conies,
talbot, couchant, ppr. courant, ar.

Conolly, or Connolly. Crest, a lady, supporting Conyer, or, a maunch sa.

in her dexter hand an anchor, and
holding in Con vers, [Sockburne and Wooley, Durham.]
the sinister a Saracen's head ppr. The same as Conyers, of Hornby-castle, in the
Conor, [King's County.] See Connour. first
Conqueror, or Conquerour, [Frierton,] ar. Conyers, [Cotham-Conyers, Durham.] The same.
a garland of laurel vert, betw. three pheons gu. Conyers, [Layton, Durham,] sa. a maunch or.
Crest, the head of a spear ppr. Conyers, [Bagdellhall, Yorkshire.] The same as
Conquest, quarterly, or and sa. a label gu. Conyers, of Copped-hall.
Conquest, [Bedfordshire,] quarterly, ar and sa. a Conyle, ar. a chev. betw. three mullets sa.
label of three points per pale counterchanged. Conyn, ar. crucilly, fitchee, gu. three garbs of
Another, quarterly, sa. and ar. &c. the last.

Conran, ar. three dexter hands gu. Crest, two Conyngham. Crest, a dexter arm, in armour,
doves, billing, ppr. vambraced, brandishing a sword, ppr.
Conran, [Scotland,] gu. three dexter hands, Coo, [Suffolk.] The same as the second Coo, of
apaumee, ppr. Crest, a flame of fire, betw. Norfolk, in the first Dictionary.
two palm-branches, in orle, ppr. Coo, vairee, ar. and gu. over all three piles, meet-
Conran, [Ireland,] az. a chev. betw. three hawks' ing in point of the first, each charged with a
heads, erased, or. Crest, a pillar, entwined bird sa.
with woodbine, ppr. Coo, [Norfolk,] ar. three piles, wavy, in point, gu.
Conran, [Ireland,] vert, a chev. or betw. three betw. twelve martlets sa. two, four, four, and
wolves' heads, erased, ar. two.
Conroy, or Conry, [Ireland,] gu. three bends Coock. Crest, a talbot, sejant, resting his dex-
ar. on a chief or as ter paw on an escocheon or.
many cinquefoils az. Crest,
a lion, rampant, vert, supporting a pennon Cood, [Ireland,] az. a chev. or, betw. five be-
gu. zants, a label of as many points gu.
ConsidiNe, ar. an orle gu.
flory and counter- Coofold, gu. a fleur-de-lis erm.
flory on the exterior edge vert, in the centre a Cook, [Bedfordshire,] quarterly, purp. and ar. in
dagger in pale az. hilt and pomel or. Crest, a the sinister chief a horse-shoe. Crest, an
hand issuing, pulling a thistle, ppr. beak a horse-shoe, ar.
ostrich, holding in the
Constable, [Edinburgh,] quarterly, gu. and Cook, [Northumberland.] The same Arms and
vair, over all a bend, engr. or, within a bor- Crest as Cook, of Wheatley, Yorkshire, see
dure az. charged with eight plates. Crest, a first
greyhound, passant, ar. collared .... Cook, [Pittenweem, Scotland,] gu. on a bend or
Constable, [Flamborough, Yorkshire,] quarterly, two cinquefoils az. in the sinister chief point a
gu. and vair, a batton or. crescent, surmounted of a cross crosslet of the
Con stan tine. Arms the same as the last second. Crest, a sea-cat, issuant.
Constantyne in the first
Dictionary. Crest, a Cook, .... three cinquefoils .... , on a chief. . . .
coo coo
a lion, passant, gardant Crest, a horse's Cookson, gu. a fesse, raguly, betw. three demi
head and neck, couped, .... lions, gardant, ar. crowned or.
Cook, [Trowbridge, Wiltshire,] gu. a fesse, Cookwortuy, see Cockworlhy.
chequy, ar. and az. cottised of the second, Coolann, [Scotland,] or, two bears' heads,
betw. three plates, each charged with a mallet erased, in chief, and a cinquefoil, in base, gu.
of the third. CooLe, per pale, indented, gu. and ar. a bull sa.
Cooke, [London,] paly of six gu. and sa. three /within a bordure of the last, charged with eight
eagles, displayed, ar. Crest, a derni eagle per bezants.
pale gu. and sa. wings displayed, ducally [CooLEY, [Devon,] ar. a bull, passant, gu. a
gorged or. bordure sa. charged with eight bezants.
Cooke, [Harefield, Middlesex.] The same as the Coombes, or Combs, gu. a saltier, engr. voided
last Cooke but one in the lirst Dictionary. ar. Crest, a dexter hand, holding up an es-
Cooke, sa. three bends or. Crest, a cockatrice, cocheon.
with wings expanded. C\ombs, sa. a chev. betw. three martlets or.
Cooke, per saltier or and az. four eagles, display- a martlet as in the Arms.
ed, counterchanged. Cook, or Coope, ar. a chev. betw. three roses
Cooke, [Bexley and Mount Mascal, Kent.] The gu.-r-Crest, a demi eagle, with two heads, dis-
same Arms and Crest as Cooke, of Broadwater, played, gu.
Sussex, see first Dictionary. Cooper, Bart. [Gadesbridge, Herts,] vert, a
Cooke, [Heeue, in West Tarring, Goring, and chev. embattled, or, betw. two pheons, in chief,
West Burton, Sussex,] gu. three crescents ar. points downwards, and in the base two human
a canton erm. thigh bones, in saltier, ar. Crest, out of a
Cooke, [Essex,] sa. a chev. or, betw. three lions' mural crown ar. a spear, erect, ppr. tasselled
heads, erased, erm. gu. surmounted by two palm-branches, in sal-
Cooke, [Longham, Suffolk,] erm. on a chief az. tier, vert. {28th July, 1821.]
a passant, ar.
griffin, Crest, a leopard's (or Cooper, [Bray, Berks.] Arms see first Dictio-
lion's) head, affrontee, erased at the neck, ar. nary. Crest, on a wheat-sheaf a pelican, vuln-
Cooke. Crest a tiger's head, couped, per pale, ing herself, ppr.
gu. and ar. Cooper, [Gloucestershire,] az. a saltier or, on a
Cooke, gu. three crescents or, on a canton of the chief of the last three lions, rampant, ....
last a martlet sa. [M. I. to Edward Cooke, in Crest, on a mural crown a pelican, vulning her-
the church of St. Bartholomew the Great, self, ppr.
London, 1652.] Cooper, [Cobham, Surrey,] sa. a fesse, wavy,
Cooke, ar. three bars sa. in chief as many annulets erm. betw. three lions, rampant, or.
gu. Cooper, [Thurgarton, Notts,] az. on a chev. engr.
Cooker, [Devon.] Arms, see first
Dictionary. ar. betw. three cinquefoils, erminois, two lions,

Crest, a crescent gu, within the horns an combatant, sa.

estoile or. Cooper. Arms as of Winchester, 1584, in the
Cooker, ar. on a bend gu. three leopards' heads or, Dictionary. [Conjirmed to Thomas Cooper,

a martlet sa. Bishop of Lincoln, by Dethick, Garter, in

Cookes, [Norgrave, Worcestershire.] Arms, 1572.]
see first Dictionary. Crest, a hand holding a Cooper, [Walcot, Somersetshire,] or, on a bend
dagger. az. betw. two lions' heads, erased, gu. three
Cook ham, ar. a lion, rampant, lozengy, or and az. unicorns' heads, erased, ar. Crest, on a mount
Cookington, or, a chev. betw. three cocks gu. vert, a unicorn, sejant, ar. maned, horned, and
Cooksev, [Worcester,] sa. a cross, within a bor- unguled or,before two spears, in saltier, of
dure, engr. or. the last. [Created a Baronet, 22d December
Cooksey, [Devon,] ar. on a bend sa. a cinquefoil 1827.]
or, betw. three mullets of the second, within a Coore, gu. on a chief ar. three trefoils, slipped,
bordure gu. vert. Crest, a tower, triple towered.
Cookson, [Cumberland.] Arms, see first Dic- Coore, ar. a saltier sa. on a chief gu. three cinque-
tionary. Crest, a demi lion. foils or. Crest, a curlew ppr.
Cookson, per pale ar. and gu. two legs, couped Coortois, see Courtoys.
above the knee, in armour, counterchanged. >
Coote, ar. a chev. sa. betw. three coots ppr.
Crest, a demi lion, rampant, supporting a staff, Crest, a coot ppr. Supporters, two wolves
raguled. ppr. ducally gorged or. [Borne bi/ Baron Cas-
tle-Coote Roscommon, so created 30th July, [Kent.] Arms, see first Dictionary. Crest, a
1800.] wyvern, wings endorsed, statant, upon a wheel,
Coote, Bart. [Donnybrook, Dublin, 29lh April,
r -

1774, since of Bellamont Forest, Ireland.] Copilthjke, or Coplechjke, [Lincolnshire,] ar. a
The same Arms and Crest. chev. betw. three crosses, bottonee, fi tehee, gu.
Coote, [Lincolnshire,] ar. a chev. betw. three Copinger, [Kent,] bendy of six gu. and or, on
coots sa. a fesse vert, three plates, within a bordure of
Coote, [Essex.] The same ; also, ar. three coots the first. Crest, a ram's head sa.
sa. Copinger, [Suffolk,] bendy of eight or and gu.
Coote, [Lincolnshire,] ar. a fesse, betw. three cor- Crest, a chamois-deer's head sa.
morants, sa. Copland, Coppland, and Cofsal. Arms,
Coote, [Essex,] ar. three martlets, sa. see first of the name in
Dictionary. the first

Cootes, per pale or and az. two dolphins, hau- Crest, a castle, triple-towered, ppr. ensigned
rient, counterchanged, on a chief sa. a covered with a flag gu. charged with a cross ar.
cup of the first betw. two dove-cots ar. Crest, Copland. The same Arms. Crest, in a ducal
a cubit arm, erect, vested, paly of four, ar. and coronet a swan's neck.
az. holding in the hand ppr. a covered cup of Copland, ar. two bars and a canton gu. over all a
the first. bend of the first.
Coottes, ar. a fesse betw. three coots sa. Coplay, ar. three lions' heads, erased, gu.
Copale, or Cople, ar. on a cross, sarcellee, Coplay, ar. on a cross moline sa. five crescents
az. a crescent of the first. of the field.

Cope, [Brewern, Oxon.] The same as in the ar. a cross, sarcellee, sa. a
Coplay, [Yorkshire,]
Dictionary. crescent or.
Cope, ar. on a chev. az. betw. three roses gu. Cople, see Copale.
stalked and leaved vert, as many fleurs-de-lis, Copledicke, az. a bend betw. six covered cups
per fesse, or and ar. ar.

Cope, [Ireland,] ar. on a chev. betw. three roses Copledicke, see Copildyke.
az. as many fleurs-de-lis of the field. Crest, a Copley, [Sussex,] ar. a cross moline sa.
harp gu. Copley, [Suffolk.] Arms, see second in the first
Cope, ar. on a chev. az. betw. three roses gu. Dictionary, the crescent or.
stalked vert, as many fleurs-de-lis or, the tops Copley, Bart. [Sprotborough, Yorkshire, loth
ar. August, 1778,] ar. a cross moline sa. Crest, a
Cope, [Banbury, Oxfordshire, and Bedenham, griffin's head, erased.
Hampshire.] See first Dictionary. Copley, [Sprotborough.] The same Arms. Crest,
Copeigne, gu. on an inescocheon ar. two bars in a ducal coronet or, a double plume of ostrich
az. feathers ar.
Copeland, ar. a cross sa. Copley, ar. three leopards' heads, erased, gu.
Copen, per pale az. and gu. three boars' heads, Copley, [Surrey,] ar. a cross moline sa.

couped, or. Crest, a dexter hand holding up Crest, a griffin, sejant, regardant, ar. [Con-
a pair of compasses. firmed by Dethick, Garter, to Thomas Coplev.
Copenger, [Norfolk.] Arms, see first Dictio- of Gatton, 1568.]
nary. Crest, a falcon's leg belled, and wings, Coppandall, ar. a mullet sa. a chief of tin-

conjoined, ppr. last.

Copenger, or, three bends and a fesse gu. Coppeley. The same as Copley, of Sprot-
Coper, [Derbyshire,] .... on a chev. engr. betw. borough.
three cinquefoils, pierced, erm. two lions, Coppin, [London,] or, a chief vair. [Borne by
rampant, .... Sir George Coppin.]
Coper, [Salop,] ar. three martlets gu. on a chief Coppinger, or Copinger, [Ireland,] or, three
.... as many annulets. bendlets gu. a fesse sa. Crest, a dexter hand
Coper, az. a tortoise, displayed, in his shell, on ppr. vested or, holding a holly-branch vert.
his back, or. Coppinger, ar. four bends gu. on a fesse vert,
Coper. Arms as Cooper, of Warwickshire, in three plates.
the first Dictionary. Crest, a cockatrice's head, Coppinger, [Kent,] or, three bends gu. over all a
erased. fesse az. charged with three bezants, a bordure
Copham, gu. a cross ar. murrey.
Copsall, ar. a cross sa. Corbett, or, five ravens sa. a canton gu.
Copson, or, two keys, wards downwards,
in chief Corbett, or, five ravens sa. a canton gu. and bor-
in base a double-locked padlock az. Crest, dure, engr. of the last.
the stump of a tree, couped at both ends,
lying Corbreake. Arms the same as first in Dic-
fesseways, ppr. shooting- forth a branch, spread- tionary. Crest, a cross crosslet gu.
ing to the dexter and sinister, vert, ensigned Corbreake. Arms the same as fourth in Dic-
with a fleur-de-lis or. tionary. Crest, a dexter hand, holding a roll of
Copuldike. See Copi/dyke. paper, ppr.
Copwood, [Totteridge, Herts,] ar. a pile, issuing Corbreigke, quarterly, indented, gu. and ar. in
from the dexter chief point, sa. fimbriated, the first and fourth quarters three crosses, bot-
engr. gu. betw. two eagles of the last. Crest, tonee, fitchee, or.
an eagle, with wings endorsed, or.
Corbreigke, quarterly, indented, gu. and ar. six-
Copwood, [Herts,] ar. a pile, in bend, sa. fimbria- teen cross crosslets, fitchee, counterchanged.
ted and engr. gu. betw. two eagles, Corbreyke, quarterly, per fesse, indented, gu.
vert. Crest, an eagle, displayed, vert. and ar. four crosses, bottonee, fitchee, counter-
Copwood, ar. a pile, in bend, sa. cottised, dan-
cettee, gu. charged with two eagles, displayed, Corbreyke, see Corbreake.
or. Corbrick, quarterly, indented, gu. and ar.
Copicood, ar. a pile, in bend, az. cottised and Corbridge, quarterly, indented, ar. and gu. four
engr. gu. betw. two eagles, displayed, vert. cross crosslets, fitchee, or.
Copwood, ar. a pile. engr. az. betw. two eagles, Corby, gu. a lion, rampant, gardant, or.
displayed, vert. Corby, ar. a saltier, engr. sa. Crest, on a cha-
Copwood, ar. a pile, engr. in bend, az. an eagle, peau, a dove, wings endorsed, all ppr.
displayed, vert. Corby. The same Arms. Crest, in the sea, ppr.
Cor, [Scotland,] gu a stag, trippant, ar. Crest, a pillar ar.
an increscent and a decrescent, affrontee, or. Corby, ar. a fesse, lozengy, gu. in chief three
Corbally, [Ireland,] ar. three broad arrows, birds sa.
two and one, bendways, sa. Crest, a trout, Corby, ar. five lozenges, in fesse, gu. in chief
naiant, ppr. three martlets sa.
Corbarcyk, quarterly, indented, gu. and ar. a Corbyton, ar. a saltier sa. a pile counterchanged.
cross, formee, fitchee, counterchanged. Crest, a marygold ppr.
Corbe, gu. a lion, rampant, gardant, or. Corbyn, .... a millrind betw. four Coruish
Corbe, gu. a lion, rampant, regardant, or. choughs ppr.
Corben, Corbin, or CoRBYN, [Suffolk and Corbyn, see Corben.
Staffordshire.] See Arms in first Dictionary. Corcey, see Cory.
Cresf, a dexter hand ppr. holding a cross, Cordall, [London.] Arms as third of the name
pattee, fitchee, az. in first
Dictionary. Crest, a cockatrice vert,
Corben, ar. on a chief or, three moor-cocks sa. comb, beak, wattles, and legs or, collared of the
Corben, or, on a chief ar. three crows sa. last.

Corbet, [Lincolnshire,] or, three ravens sa. Cordall, [London,] as in first Dictionary, the
Corbet, per fesse ar. and sa. a fesse gu. betw. six chev. or.
cross crosslets, counterchanged. Cordall, [Middlesex,] per pale ar. and gu. on a
Corbet, [Hardgiay, Scotland,] ar. a raven sa. fesse, dancettee, (another, plain,) all counter-
Corbet, [Towcross, Scotland,] ar. a raven sa. chi.nged, the latter charged with three mullets sa.
betw. three mullets gu. Crest, a raven's head, Cordall, [Middlesex,] paly of four ar. and gu. on
erased, sa. a fesse, double, dancettee, of the first three
Corbet. The same as the fifth of the name in first doves sa.

Dictionary. Crest, an elephant ar. armed or, Cordell. Same as Cordall, of Norfolk.
on his back a tower of the last, trappings sa. Crest, a demi savage, holding in the dexter
Corbet, or, a raven ppr. collared az. hand a cimiter, and in the sinister a constable's
Corbett, or, a raven ppr. Crest, a wolf, sejant, baton, ppr.
collared and lined ppr. Cordes, or, two lions, rampant, endorsed, gu.
Corbett, per fesse sa. and ar. a cross, formee, Cordingley, ar. three mullets az. a chief gu.
flory, counterchanged. Crest, out of a crown, valary, or, an arm em-
Corbett, ar. a raven, within a bordure sa. charged bowed, vested az. holding in the hand an oak-
with eight plates. branch, leaved and acorned, ppr.
Cordoke, erm. three ogresses. dexter hand, fesseways, ppr. holding a cross,
Cordoyle, az. three tilting-spears, bendways, or. pattee, fitchee, az.
Cordray, [Chute, Wilts,] sa. a chev. betw. Cornell, [Warwickshire,] or, three chev. vert.
two mullets in chief and a lion, passant, in base, Cornerd, az. a fesse betw. two chev. or.

ducally crowned or, all within a bordure ar. Cornewall, [Moccas Court, Herefordshire,
CoREN, ar. a millrind, in pale, sa. Bart. l'3lh August, 1764,] quarterly first and ;

Coren, ar. a millrind, in pale, az. betw. two Cornish fourth, ar. a lion, rampant, gu. ducally crowned
choughs ppr. on a chief of the second, a fleur- or, within a bordure engr. sa. bezantee, for
de-lis betw. two denii roses, with rays down- Cornewall ; second and third, vert, a chev.
ward, or. betw. three garbs ar. for Amyand ;
first Crest,
a cornish chough ppr.; a demi
Corerton, [Cornwall,] az. three standing cups second, lion,
or. rampant, gu. ducally crowned or.
Corey, ar. a saltier sa. on a chief az. three Cornewayle, ar. a bend, fusilly, betw. six cross
crosslets sa.
cinquefoils or.
Coreye, [Staffordshire,] az. three covered gob- Corney, [Devonshire,] ar. a chev. engr. betw.
lets or. three bugle-horns sa.
Corfield, erm. on a pale az. a lion, rampant, Corney, sa. a chev. ar.
or. Crest, a hand holding two branches of Cornforth a fesse betw. a lion, passant,
in orle, vert. in chief, and a fleur-de-lis in base ....
Corham, [Barton, Hampshire.] The same as Cornwales, ar. three trefoils sa.
Corliam, of Ottery, see first Dictionary. Cornwall, [Duke,] sa. ten bezants, four,
Corie, [Scotland,] gu. a saltier and chief ar. three, two, and one.
Corie, see Cory. Cornwall, ar. a bend, lozengy, betw. six cross
Coring, [Kenwyn, Cornwall,] ar. a millrind, in crosslets sa.

pale, betw. four martlets sa. Cornwall, ar. on a cross, pattee, sa. five plates.
CORINGHAM, CORYNGHAM, Or CORNINGHAM, Cornwall, [Essex,] erm. on a fesse sa. three
ar. an ogress and chief sa. Crest, a rook ppr. plates.
Coringham, ar. an ogress. Cormuall, [Bonhard, Scotland.] The same Arms
Coriton, or Coryton, ar. a saltier sa. Crest, as of Cornwall and Scotland, in the first Dic-
a lion, rampant, gardant, gu. tionary. Crest, a Cornish chough, hatching in
Coriton, ar. a saltier, engr. sa. the face of a rock, ppr.
Corke, [Cornwall.] Arms, see first
Dictionary. Cornwall, erm. a lion, rampant, gu. within a
Crest, out of a cloud a hand, erect, pointing bordure sa. bezantee. Crest, a lion erect,
to a star, ppr. sitting on his hind legs, ducally crowned or.
Corker, ar. a lion, rampant, in chief two human Cornwall. The same Arms, with the bordure
hearts ppr. engr. Crest, on a chapeau gu. turned up erm.
Corket, Cocket, or Cori.et, [Appulton,] per a lion, statant, ppr.
bend ar. and sa. three fleurs-de-lis, bendways, Cornwall, ar. a lion, rampant, gu. crowned or,
counterchanged. on a baton sa. three mullets ar.
Corlowe, see Collome. Cornwall, or, a pale az. on a chief gu. a martlet
Cormack, [Scotland.] Crest, on a rock ppr. a of the last, within a bordure of the second,
martlet gu. semee of estoiles of the first.
Cormer, [Scotland,] gu. three horses' heads, Cornwall, ar. on a cross, patonce, sa. five be-
couped, ar. zants.
Cormick, [Ireland,] az. three bezants, in pale, Cornwall, erm. on a fesse gu. three naval crowns or.
betw. two pallets ar. a chief or. Crest, a hand, Cornwall, [Salop.] The same as of Essex, in the
couped, in fesse, holding a sword, in pale, on the first
point thereof a garland of laurel, ppr. Cornwall, ar. on a fesse sa. three bezants.
Cornall, or Crownall, erm. on a fesse gu. Cornwall, [Devon,] ar. on a cross sa. five plates.
three cronels or. Cornwall, [Wilts,] ar. on a fesse sa. three
Cornards. See Cortiard. ogresses, fretty, of the first.

Cornay, gu. a chev. or. Cornwall, [Northumberland,] as Cornwall, of

Corne, az. a chev. erm. betw. six annulets, two, Devon.
two, and two, linked together, or. Cornwalle, or Cornwayle, erm. on a fesse
Cornelius, erm. a chev. sa. betw. three tor- sa. three escallops ar.
teaux. Crest, out of a cloud in the sinister, a Cornwalley, ar. three lozenges, in bend, betw.
six cross crosslets, (another bottonee,) fitchee, CoRTENAY, see Courtney.
sa. Cortesy, [Lincoln,] paly of six or and az.
CORNWALLIS, [Ireland,] ar. three Cornish chequy, or and sa.
choughs sa Crest, ou a mount a hind, statant, Cortess, paly of six or and az. a fesse, compony,
sa. and ar.

Cornwayle, ar. on a fesse sa. three bezants. CoRTESSEY, [Lincoln,] paly of six or and az. a
Cornwayles, [Norfolk,] sa. guttee d'eau on fesse, chequy, of the first and second. (Another,
a fesse ar. three Cornish choughs ppr. the fesse, chequy, sa. and or.)
Cornyll. See Cornell in the first Dic- Corteys, erm. on a chev. gu. an incscocheon ar.
tionary. voided.
Cornyll, [Warwickshire,] or, three chev. vert. Corteysse, erm. on a canton gu. an inescocheon
Corona, az. a chev. ar. betw. three crowns or. ar. voided.
Corona, sa. a roundle ar. betw. three earls' coro- Corties, or, two pales az. on a fesse, chequy, or
nets or. and sa. three martlets of the field. [Confirmed
Corp, ar. three stumps of trees, couped, and to Richard Corties, Bishop of Chester, 15G9.]
eradicated vert. Crest, a yew-tree ppr. Cortoyse, or Cortouse,
gu. a chev. vair
CORRIE, [Edinburgh,] gu. a saltier ar. in chief, betw. three heads, couped, ar.
a rose of the second. Crest, a cock ppr. Corvaton, see Conarlon in first Dictionary.
Carrie, or Cory, ar. three chev. interlaced, gu. a Corualles, ar. three crows sa. guttee d'eau.
chief,chequy, of the second and first. Crest, Coruard, az. a fesse betw. two chev. or.
a demi cupid, holding a lighted torch, in pale, CoRUARTON, az. three covered cups or. (Ano-
ppr. ther, the cups ar.)
three chev. vert.
Corror, [Scotland,] ar. a fesse az. betw. two Coruill, or,
mullets of six points pierced, in chief, and a Corunke, ar. three bars gu. iu chief a grey-

hunting horn, in base, sa. stringed of the hound, courant, sa.

second. Corunton, az. three cups or.

Corry, [Earl of Belmore, &c] gu. a saltier ar. in Cory, or Corcey, see Corey in first Dic-
chief a rose of the second. Crest, a cock tionary.
Cory, ar. a saltier sa. on a chief az. three cinque-
Corrye. The same as Corey, of Northumber- foils or.

land, in the first Dictionary. Corzon, gu. on a bend or, betw. three escallops
Corsair, [Scotland,] gu. three horses' heads, sa. ten billets of the first.
couped, ar. Cosance, [Higham Barrow,] or, a bend, engr.
Corsank, [Meiklenox,] ar. on a fesse az. betw. chief a matchlock of the second.
sa. in
three mascles in chief, and as many martlets in Cosard, [Cosard, Hants,] ar. five barrulets and
base tru. a savage's head, erased, affrontee, dis- a canton gu. Crest, a lion's head, erased, gu.
tilling drops of blood, transpierced with two ducally crowned or.
arrows, in saltier, points downward, all ppr. Cosars, ar. a bend, masculy, sa. Crest, a buf-
Crest, an eagle close, crowned with an antique falo's head, erased, ppr.
crown looking to the sun, all ppr. Cosars. Arms as third in first Dictionary. Crest,
Corse, or Crosse, [Scotland,] ar. five cross a demi lion, rampant, issuing from a castle triple-
crosslets, fitchee, in cross, gu. Crest, a cross towered, all
crosslet, fitchee, az. Cosby. Crest, an arm from the elbow in armour,
CoRSER, [Edinburgh,] ar. three horses' heads, holding the two pieces of a broken spear.
couped, sa. bridled of the first. Crest, a pega- Cosen, same as Cosyn, of London and New-
sus ppr. castle, in first Dictionary.
Corser, ar. on a chev. sa. three foxes' heads, CoSHAM an arrow in pale betw. two
erased, gu. flaunches, each charged with a roundle ....
Corson, [Suffolk,] ar. a bend, chequy of the CosiN, erm. a chev. per pale, engr. or and sa.
field and sa. Cosine, az. a lion, rampant, or, guttee-de-sang,
Corstorphine, [King's Barns, Scotland.] Arms crowned of the second.
as in the first CosiNS, ar. a fret az.
Corsy, [Staffordshire,] ar. a saltier sa. on a chief Cosins, see Cosyns, in the Dictionary. first

az. three cinquefoils or. Cossar, or Cosser, a saltier or.

sa.Crest, a
Corte, [Lincolnshire,] ar. a fesse betw. three brown horse, bridled and saddled ppr.
martlets sa. CosSART, ar. a bend betw. two demi lions sa.
Cossens. Crest, a doric pillar gu. Cotrel. Crest, a talbot's head, erased, sa. col-
Cossens. Crest, a demi griffin, holding in both lared and lined ar. the collar charged with three

paws a battle-axe, ppr. torteaux.

Cosson, [London ] The same as Cossen, of Cotrell. Crest, a demi holding in the
Penzance, in first Dictionary. dexter hand a club, round the sinister arm a
Cossyne, [Somersetshire,] gu. two bars, embat- serpent, entwined, ppr.
tled, ar. Cotsford. Crest, out of a ducal coronet a grif-
fin's head ppr.
Costes, gu. two bars vair, in chief as many mul-
lets or. Cotte, or Coote, ar. a chev. betw. three coots
Costinell, [Brand,] ar. two bars, indented, in sa. beaked gu.
chief three trefoils, slipped, sa. Cottell, [Devon and Somerset.] The same as
Costle, or, a fesse betw. two bars, indented, sa. Cotell, with a crescent fur difference.
Costley, sa. across, potent, fitchee, ar. a chief Cotten, az. an eagle, displayed, ar. membered gu.
erm. Crest, a hand, erect, holding a cross Cotter. Crest, two lions' paws sa. supporting
crosslet, fitchee. a pillar ar.
Coston, ar. a saltier vert, on a Colter, ar. a cross, sarcellee, engr. sa.
[Coston, Salop,]
chief gu. a lion, passant, of the field. Cotter all. See Cotterell in the first Diction-
Cosworth, [Cosworth, Cornwall,] ar. on a chev. ary, and as follow.
betw. three falcons' wings az. five bezants. Cotterell, [Gamons, Herefordshire, Bart.;
Cosyn, [Loudon,] erm. a chev. per pale or and also of Farnecombe-House,Worcestershire,
sa. 1805,] quarterly, or and ar. a cross, engr. per
pale sa. and gu. in the second quarter
two es-
Cosyn, [Dorset,] az. a lion, rampant, double-
bodied and crowned, or, guttee-de-sang. callops, and in the third one, also sa. over all a
Cosyngton, or Cosynton, az. three roses or. bend of the last. Crest, an armed arm, em-
Cotell, or, a bend gu. Crest, out of a ducal bowed, ppr. holding by the top an escocheon
coronet or a leopard, sejant, ppr. ar. charged with a talbot's head sa. collared and

Cotell, [Somersetshire.] The same Arms. chained or.

Coterell. See Cotterell in the first Dictionary. Cotterell, Coterell, Cotterall, or Colterill, ar. a
Cotes, [Lincolnshire.] As the first of the name bend, liebulee, sa. Crest, a hand, holding a
in the first Dictionary. glove, ppr.
Cotes, [London.] As in the first Dictionary, with Cotterell. The same as Cotell.
the chief sa. Cotterell, [Ireland,] gu. a chev. betw. three ducal
Cotes, [Buckinghamshire,] ar. fretty az. on a can- crowns ar.

ton sa. a lion, rampant, or. Crest, a cock or, Cotteseord. As of Oxford, 1611, in the first
comb and wattles gu. Dictionary. [Confirmed by Camden, that year,
Cotes, [Elson, Leicestershire.] The same Arms. to John Coltesford, of Launton, in co. Oxon,
Crest, a cock ppr. comb and wattles or. descended from Sir Roger Cottesford.~]
Cotes, gu. a fesse betw. three escallops or. Cottesmore, az. an eagle, displayed, with two
Cotesmore. Arms as Cottesmore in the first heads, ar. on the breast an escocheon gu.
Dictionary, with the leopard's head ar. Crest, an arm, in armour, holding two pieces
Cotgrave, [Cheshire.] Arms as in the first of a broken spear ppr.
Dictionary. Crest, a comet-star, rays towards Cottinoham, or Cottington, sa. two hinds,
the sinister, ppr. counter-trippant, in pale, ar. Crest, on a cha-
Cotgrave, or Cotgrieve. Same Arms and Crest. peau ppr. a greyhound, sejant, ar.

Cotgrave. The same as the last in the first Dic- Cottington, [Gloucestershire and Wiltshire.]
tionary, with the horns or.
Arms as in the first Dictionary. Crest, a stag's
Cotgreve, gu. a fesse, dancettee, erm. betw. head attired or, gorged with a collar az.

three bugle-horns, stringed, or. charged with three roses gold.

Gotham, or Cotton, gu. a chev. betw. three Cottington. See Cottingham above.
crescents ar. Cotton. See the first Dictionary, before Kent
Cother. Crest, a pegasus' head, betw. two read Oxenheath and Hadlow.
wings, ar. Cotton, barry of six ar. and az. in chief three
Cotismore. See Coltismore in the first Dic- round buckles gu.
tionary. Cotton, sa. a chev. betw. three cotton-hanks ar.
Covlowe, or Corlowe, or, a cinquefoil, betw. Crest, a Cornish chough, holding in the beak
three hearts gu. a cotton-hank ppr.
c o u c o u
Cotton, az. a chev. erm. betw. three hanks of an anchor sa. stock gold, the cable entwined
cotton ar. Crest, a falcon ar. helled or, holding round the arm of the third.
in the foot a demi garter sa. buckle of the se- Cou ell, [East Somerton,] az. a lion, rampant,
cond. ar. (Another with a label gu.)
Cotton, ar. three bars sa. over all a cotton-hank Couey. See Cou, before.
or. Couge. See Conge.
Cotton, az. an eagle, displayed, ar. armed or. Cought, or Cowght, gu. a bend erm. betw.
Crest, an eagle as in the Arms. six bezants.
Cotton, [Ridware, Staffordshire.] As the first of Cou lb ye, ar. a cross sa. in pale moline, in fesse,
Staffordshire in the first Dictionary. fnrmee.
Cotton, barry of six ar. and az. three bundles of Coulbi/e, or Colby, az. a chev. engr. betw. three
cotton or. escallops within a bordure, also engr. or.
Cotton, [Cumberland.] The same as of Cam- Coulcheffe. See Coulcheife in the first Dic-
bridgeshire in the first Dictionary. tionary.
Cotton, [Ridware, Staffordshire,] az. an eagle, Couldham, [Norwich,] az. a mullet ar. pierced

displayed, ar. gu.

Cotton, vert, a lion, rampant, regardant, ar. on Couldwell. Crest, a sea-lion, rampant, vert.
his shoulder a mullet gu. Coulf, or, a fesse betw. three horses, courant,
Cotton, [Suffolk.] As in the first Dictionary, the sa.
[Granted to Coulf, of Canterbury, Kent,
chev. charged with a mullet gu. 30lh June, 1615.]
Cotton, [London,] vert, a leopard, rampant, ar. Coulson, [Jesmond, Northumberland,] ar. on
Cottrell. Same Arms and Crest as Cotlerell, a bend gu. three fleurs-de-lis of the field.
of South Repps, Norfolk, in the first Diction- Crest, a pelican ar. in her nest, vulned, and
ary. feeding her young ppr.
Cotts, ar. a cross moline, engr. sa. Coult, [Inveresk.] See Colt, before.
Cot well, or Totwell, ar. a fesse, engr. Coult. See Colt.
betw. three mullets sa. Coult, [Essex.] As Colt of Middlesex and Car-
Colwell, [Northumberland,] ar. three chev. sa. each lisle, in the first Dictionary.

charged with five bezants. Coulthand, [Scotby, Cumberland,] sa. three

Cotwyn, [Norwich,] ar. a fesse sa. betw. three catharine-wheels ar. Crest, a demi lion, ram-
ogresses. pant, gu. [Granted 1784.]
Cotys, erm. on a fesse sa. three escallops or. Coulthurst, sa. two horses, passant, ar.
Cou, or Couey, per pale erm. and sa. a fesse Crest, two hands issuing from clouds, grasping
counterchanged. the stump of a tree.
Couan, [Boness.] The same as Cowan, of Coultman, az. a cross pattee betw. four mullets
Scotland. ar.Crest, three ears of wheat ppr.
Couch, or Couch e, or, two pallets gu. a can- Coulton, gu. three mullets ar. a chief, invecked,
ton sa. Crest, a demi bear, rampant. or. Crest, a lion's paw supporting an esco-
Couch er. See Cowcher. cheon.
Couchman, [Kent] Arms as in the first Dic- Coults, [Montrose.] Arms as in the first Dic-
tionary. tianary. Crest, a demi moor, discharging an
Couchtree. Crest, a hawk's head betw. two arrow from a bow, ppr.
wings. Cou m be. See with Combe in the first Dictiona-
Coucliff. See Concliffe. ry.
Coucy, barry of six vair and gu. Coumby. See Coumbe with Combe, in the first

Couderors, ar. a chev. betw. three talbots, Dictionary.

passant, sa. Counter. Barry of six gu. and or, fifteen
Coudon, [Scotland.] The same as Couden in roundles, counterchanged, three, two, three,
the first Dictionary. two, three, and two.
Coudray, Coudrey, or Coudry,
gu. ten Counter. Barry of six or and gu. the latter be-
billets or, four, three, two, and one.
Crest, a zantee.
lion's paw, erased, az. holding a battle-axe or. Coupe, [Essex,] ar. on a chev. az. betw. three
Coudrey, [Heriott and Wherwell, Hampshire.] roses gu. slipped vert, as many fleurs-de-lis of
The same Arms. Crest, out of a ducal coronet the field, the base of them or.
or a dexter arm, in armour, embowed, ppr. Coupell, ar. on a cross sa. a mullet of six
garnished of the first, holding in the gauntlet points of the field.
c o u C O V
Co UP EN, gu. three pens ar. The same Arms as Courthope, of Wylye, in
Coupenne, gu. six pens ar. three, two, and the first
one. Courtin, [London.] The same Arms and Crest
Couper, [London and Madeley, Salop,] as Co iv- as Courteene in the first
per, of Ratling Court, in the first Dictiona- Courtis, paly of six or and az. a fesse, chequy,
ry. sa. and vert. Crest, a phosnix, in flames,
Couper, az. a saltier or, on a chief of the last, ppr.
two chev. couched, dexter and sinister, vert. CouRTNAY, [Marquess of
Winchester,] quar-
Couper, [Hants and Dorset,] gu. a bend, engr. terly, England and France, withina bordure,
betw. six lions, rampant, or. quarterly, counterchanged, charged with lions
Couper, [London.] Arms, as Couper, of Ratling and fleurs-de-lis or.
Court, in the first
Dictionary. Courtney, [Devon,] or, three torteaux, a label
Couper, [London,] ar. three martlets gu. a chief of three points, each charged with three plates.
of the last. Courtney, [Dorset.] As of Somersetshire, in the
Coupir, az. a bend, engr. betw. six fishes, haU- first
rient, ar. Crest, a cock's head gu. Courtney, [Dorset.] As the last of the name in
Coupland, ar. two bars, a canton, subjoined to first
the upper gu. over all a bend az. Crest, a Courtney, [Somersetshire,] or, a fesse az. betw.
salmon, naiant, ppr. three torteaux.
Coupland, ar. on a cross sa. a mullet of the Courtney, [Ireland,] ar. pellettee, three swords
field. sa Crest, a cherub, wings in saltier, ppr.
Coupland, gu. on a fesse or, three hawthorn- Courtney, [Devon,] or, three torteaux, a label
leaves vert. of three points, each charged with as many be-
Couplay, [Norfolk,] ar. on a cross sa. sarcelly, zants.
five crescents of the field.
Courtney, ar. a bordure of England and France.
Coupledike, gu. a chev. ar. betw. three cross Courtney. As the last iu the first Dictionary,
crosslets, fitchee, or. the label sa.
Courcy, [Baron of Harwood,] vair, two bars Courtoys, or Coortois. Arms as in the first

gu. Dictionary. Crest, a castle triple towered.

Courfoon, [Suffolk,] ar. a bend sa. betw. three (Another crest, a mount vert.)
dragons' heads, erased, gu. Courtyes, sa. three fleurs-de-lis ar.
Courser, ar. on a chev. sa. three horses' heads, Couriys. See Courteis, before.
couped, of the field. Coiise, three hedgehogs, sa.
Court. Crest, a stag's head, erased, ppr. Cousland, [Cousland, Scotland,] ar. two mul-
Court. See Covert in the first Dictionary. lets and a crescent in base sa. ; a chief chequy,
Court, paly of six or and az. on a chief of the of the same tinctures.
first, a demi eagle, displayed, of the second. Cousmaker, az. on a chev. betw. three mul-
Courteis, or Courtys, gu. n ^hev. vair, lets or, as many trefoils vert. Crest, an es-
betw. three bulls' heads, cabosse r ir. Crest, . toile or.
a wolf's head, couped, ar. collaret, aud spiked CouSTON, [Scotland,] vert, a crane ar. a chief
sa. chained or. erm. Crest, a sword and wheatsheaf, in sal-
CouRTENAY, [Dorsetshire,] or, three torteaux, tier, ppr.
a label of five points az. Couton, [Cornwall,] ar. a saltier sa.

Courienay, [Morton.] See first

Dictionary, (he Coutry, [Bekesborne and Reculver, Kent]
number of the torteaux three. See first Dictionary, after a chev. (Another,
Courienay, [Devon,] or, three torteaux, on a a fesse.)
label az. one bezant. Couts, [Scotland,] ar. a stag's head, erased,
Courteney, three torteaux.
or, Crest, a dol- gu. betw. the horns a pheon, point upwards,
phin, embowed, ar. charged with four torteaux, az. in chief, a crescent, all within a bordure,

devouring the top of a ducal cap gu. in a coro- engr. of the second. Crest, a stag's head
net or. erased.
Courteney. The same Arms, with a label of Cove. Arms, the same as the last of the name
three points ar. on each point as many hurts. in the first Dictionary. Crest, a lion's paw,
Cjurther, or Courthur, ar. a fesse az. betw. holding a palm-branch ppr.
three stars sa. Coveley, gu a fesse betw. three helmets ar.
Courthorp, [Teuterden and Sandwich, Kent.] respecting the sinister side.
c o w cox
Coveley, az. a fesse betw. three helmets or. Cowell, on a label of
az. a lion, rampant, ar.
Coyenaugii, ar. a lion, passant, betw. three three gu. nine bezants.
points Crest, on a
crescents, .... chapeau gu. turned up erm. a lion, passant, or,
Coventry. The same as Coventry. gorged with a label of the first.
COVBNTREY, sa. a fesse betw. three garbs ar. Cow EN, ar. three foxes' heads, erased, gu.
Coventrey, [Suffolk,] sa. a fesse or, betw. three Crest, on a winged globe, an eagle, rising,
crescents ar. ppr.
Coverdale, per chev. nebulee gu. and ar. Cowey. See Cow in the first
Crest, a lion, rampant, per fesse or and gu . Cow FOLD, ar. aud a canton gu.
five barrulets
Covert, [Hascombe, Surrey.] The same as of Cowfold, barry of fourteen ar. and gu. a canton
Surrey, in the first Dictionary, the fesse charged of the last.
with an annulet sa. CoWGHT, see Cough t, before.
Covert, or Court, [Somerset,] paly of six or Cowick, [Ireland,] ar. three cocks ppr.
and az. on a chief of the first an eagle, dis- Cowie, [Aberdeen,] ar. a cross, engr. az. betw.
played, sa. (Another, a demi eagle.) Crest, four fleurs-de-lis gu. Crest, a fleur-de-lis az.
the same as Covert, or Court, in the first Dic- Cowie, [Scotland,] ar. a saltier, engr. az. betw.
tionary. four fleurs-de-lis gu. Crest, as the last.
Covert, [Kent,] gu. a fesse era. betw. three Cowke, [Kent,] sa. a chev. chequy or and az.
heads, erased, or. betw. three bezants, on a chief ar. three colum-
Coverton, az. three covered cups or. bines az.
Covey, vair, two bars gu. Cowke, az. two bars ar. on a chief of the second
Coville, per pale, indented, or and ar. a chev. three annulets gu.
Cowling, [Trengoethen, Cornwall.] Arms as
Covington, three pales uz. a chief or,
ar. in first Dictionary. Crest, a lion's head, erased,
charged with as many torteaux. az. on the head a chapeau.
Covill, or Coville, or, on a fesse gu. three Cowlioke, [Ireland,] ar. the upper part of the
cross crosslets ar. Crest, an arm in armour, two spears, in saltier, sa. cronels az.
embowed, ppr. bound round the shoulder with betw. four frets, couped, of the second.
a ribbon tied in a knot gu. holding a club of Cowlson, [Scotland,] sa. a chev. or, betw. three
the first. garbs ar.
Cowan, [Scotland,] ar. a saltier aud chief gu. Cow me. Arms as Cowne m first Dictionary.
on the last a fleur-de-lis or Crest, an escallop Cow PER,
on a chev. engr. ar. betw. three
or. cinquefoils, erminois, two lions, combatant, sa.
Coward. Arms, the same as the second in the Couper, [Slinfold, Sussex.] Arms, as Cowper,
first Dictionary, with the field ar. Crest, the of Ratling-Court, in first Dictionary. Crest, a
greyhound sa. cockatrice's head, couped, per pale gu. and or.
Cowburgh, orCowBROUGH, [Scotland.] Crest, CoWPLAND, gu. on a fesse or, three hawthorn-
a griffin's bead betw. two wings ppr. leaves vert.
Cow by, [Cornwall,] ar. a chev. gu. betw. three Cowpland, gu. on a fesse ar. three hawthorn-
towers sa. leaves vert.
Cowcey, or Cowsey, [Earl of Bedford.] As Cowpland, gu. on a fesse or, three trefoils, slipped,
Coucy, in the first Dictionary. vert.

Cowcey, bendy of six vair and gu. a chief or. Cowse, ar. on a bend, dancettee, sa. cottised az.

Cowcey, Cowcie, or C nvcy. Arms, as the se- bezantee, three fleurs-de-lis ar.
cond Cowcey in the first Dictionary. Crest, Cowsey, or Cowcey, [Earl of Bedford.] As
out of a ducal coronet, an arm in armour, em- Coucy in the first Dictionary.
bowed, holding an anchor, cabled, all ppr. Cowsfield. Crest, out of a ducal coronet a
Cowcy, or Cowcie, paly of six vair and gu. camel's head.
Cowdrey, [Surrey and Wherwall, Hants,] gu. Cowslane, [Scotland,] ar. two mullets, in chief,
fourteen billets, four, three, four, and three, and a crescent, in base, sa. a chief chequy of
or. the second and first.

Cowdrey, [Ewarwell, Surrey,] gu. nine billets, Cox, sa. achev. betw. three bucks' scalps or.
three, three, two, and one, or. Crest, an arm ar. charged with a bend az. hold-
Cow don, [Scotland.] The same as Couden in ing a triple branch of pinks ppr. leaved vert.
the first
Dictionary. C'o.v, [London,] ar. a bend az. in the chief sinis-
Cowe. See Cow, in the first Dictionary. ter a strawberry-leaf of the last.
u 2
Cox, [Monmouth.] The same as Cox, of Chi- Crabtree, ar. a cross, raguly, sa. a chief az.
chester; see first Dictionary. Crest, a hand, erect, holding a dagger, in
Cox an, or Cox EN, az. on a chief ar. three mul- pale, ppr.
lets gu. Crest, a lion, rampant, or, holding in Crakenthorp, or, on a chev. betw. three mul-
the dexter paw a fleur-de-lis az. a crescent of the field.
lets az.

Coxed, [Oxon, 1737,] per chev. ar. and az. a Cracklow, ar. on a fesse az. three garbs or.
chev. per chev. sa. and of the first betw. two Crest, a flame of fire issuant from a crescent
roses, iD chief, gu. seeded and barbed ppr. and ppr.
in base a garb or. Crest, out of an eastern Cracroft, gu. on a bend, indented, ar. three
crown or, a griffin's head vert, langued ppr. martlets sa. Crest, a stork supporting a battle-
Coxeter, [Lechlade, Gloucestershire,] ar. a axe ppr.
chev. betw. three cocks' heads, erased, gu. Cracroft, or Craycroft [Lincolnshire,] per bend

combs and wattles or. vert and gu. on a fesse, dancettee, or, three
Coxhead, az. a cinquefoil ar. a chief lozengy ravens ppr.
ar.and gu. Crest, a lion, passant, paly of six Cradayke, erm. three pellets.
or and gu. Craddock, [Staffordshire,] ar. on a fesse az.
Coxon, [Morpeth, Northumberland,] az. a fesse, three garbs or.
embattled, or, betw. three demi lions, passant, Craddock, see Cradock.
ar. Grade, Crode, or Crede, erm. on a chev.
CoXS, first aud fourth, engr. sa. betw. three estoiles gu. as many
[Lincolnshire,] quarterly ;

gu. a chev. or, betw. three attires of a stag, leopards' heads or. Crest, a demi dragon, sans
affixed to the scalps; second and third, az. a winffs, or, the tail environed round the body.
tower, with two side pieces, ar. within a bor- CRADOCK, [Baron Hoivden, created 1819,] ar.
dure or, charged with eight mullets sa. Crest, on a chev. az. three plates; in chief a lion, pas-
on a mount a stag, lodged, regardant, ppr. sant, gardant, ppr. Crest, an Indian prince,
Coxton. Arms, as second of the name in the upon one knee, holding up a sword ppr. Sup-
first Dictionary. Crest, an anlelope, passant, porters,two storks ppr. wings elevated, in the
beaks an eel, also ppr.
Coxton, ar. on a fesse sa. betw. four crosses, Cradock. Crest, a bear's bead, couped, ar. muz-
bottonee, fitchee, two tuns or. zled gu.
Coy king, gu. three bendlets erm. Cradock, or Craddock, [Wales.] Arms as second
Coyle, [Ireland,] or, three bars az. Crest, a of Wales in the first Dictionary. Crest, a
hind's head, erased, or. horse, passant, sa.

Coyner, or, a maunch sa. Cradock, [Bristol,] ar. on a chev. az. three garbs

Coyners, az. amaunch or. or.

Coyners, az. a maunch or, charged with an annu- Cradock, [Cheshire.] The same.
let sa. Crest, a sinister wing gu. Cradock, [Wales.] As fifth of the name iu the
Coyney, or, on a bend sa. three trefoils, slipped, first Dictionary.
ar. Crafford, [Kent.] As in the first Dictionary.
Coyny, or Coyney. Arms, as in the first Dic- Craford, [Kent,] or, on a chev. sa. three eagles'
tionary. Crest, an oak-branch ppr. heads, erased, ar.
Coytmore, gu. a chev. betw. three stags' heads, Craford, [Northumberland.] As of Canterbury
cabossed, ar. attired or. Crest, a dagger, in in the first Dictionary.

pale, ppr. Crafte, [Hereford,] quarterly; per fesse, in-

Cozens, betw. three plates, each
az. a chev. ar. dented, az. and ar. on the first quarter a lion,
charged with an ermine spot gu. Crest, a liou, passant, gardant, or.
rampant, sa. holding in the dexter paw a battle- Crafton, paly of six gu. and or, a cinquefoil
axe az. handle gu. sa. Crest, a dolphin, haurient, swallowing a
Crab, [Tregerthick, Cornwall,] gu. a chev. or, fish ppr.
betw. three crab-fishes ar. Cragge, ar. on a bend az. betw. three grey-

Crab. The same Arms asthe first in the first hounds, courant, sa. three doves or.
Dictionary. Crest, a shield az. charged with a Craick, [Frazerbury,] per fesse ar. aud sa. a
fleur-de-lis or. ship or, sails of the first. Crest, an anchor ppr.
Crabb, az. a chev. betw. three fleurs-de-lis ar. Craig, (Riccartou, Scotland,] erm. on a fesse
Crest, a lion's gamb, erased, holding a dagger sa. three crescents ar. Crest, a chevalier on
ppr. horseback, his broken spear in bend, all ppr.
Craig, erm. on a fesse, per fesse gu. and az. Crall, [Kent,] ar. six fusils, three and three,
three crescents ar. Crest, as the last. az.

Craig, gu. a fesse erm. betw. three cresceuts ar. Cramborne, or Cramburne. The same as
Crest, a lion's head vert, collared or. Cramborne in the first
Craig, [Ireland,] gu. three bridges of as many Cramer, or, on a chief, indented, az. three
arches, two aud one. Crest, a demi lion gu. fleurs-de-lis of the field a canton erm. Crest,

holding in the dexter paw a mullet or. on a mount, a cock, with wings expanded,
C RA1GDAILLIE, [Aberdeen,] ar. a cross sa. betw. ppr.
three fountains az. barry of the field. Crest, a Cramer, or Crammer, ar. a chev. betw. three
pillar ar.
cranes sa. Crest, a gauntlet ppr.
Craig ENGELT, [Craigengelt,] ar. on a fesse sa. Cramford. See Cremford in the first Dic-
betw. three roses gu. barbed vert, as many es- tionary.
callops of the first. Cramlington, [Newcastle-on-Tyne,] ar. two
Ckaigge, [Orkney,] erm. a boar's head, erased, b.ars, and in chief three annulets az.
gu. Crest, a boar, passant, ar. Crammond, [Scotland,] quarterly; first, ar. a
Craigie, [Glendoick,] per pale az. and sa. on a lion, rampant, gu.; second, or, a dexter hand,
chev. betw. three crescents ar. a cross moline, couped, fesseways, holding a cross crosslet,
pierced of the first. Crest, a cornucopia. fitchee, gu. ; third, per fesse or and vert, in
Craigie, [Dumbarnie, Scotland,] per pale az. and chief a galley of three masts, her oars in ac-
sa. a chev. engr. ar. betw. three crescents or. tion, sa. in base a salmon, naiant, ar. fourth, ;

Cragie, [Kilgraston.] The same Arms. Crest, ar. a tree, eradicated, vert; in surtout, an es-
a pillar ppr. cocheon az. charged with a bend, betw. three
Craigmill, [Craigmill,] az. in chief three garbs pelicans in their nests, ar. Crest, a tower ar.
or, in base a crescent ar. masoned sa.

Crakingthorp, [Northumberland.] See Cra- Cramond, or Crawmond, [Auldbar, Scot-

kenlhorpe in the first Dictionary. land,] az. a bend, or, betw. three pelicans feed-
CRAtGY, [Orkney.] The same Arms as Craig, ing their young ar. (Another, the pelicans on
of Ricarton. Crest, a boar, passant, ar. armed the bend.)
and langued gu. Cramond, ar. a bend gu.
Craik, [Abigland, Scotland,] per fesse ar. and Cramond, ar. three hearts gu.
vert, in chief three roses gu. barbed of the Crampill, gu. a saltier, engr. ar.
second, in base a ship, her sails furled, or, Crampton, ar. a chev. gu. betw. three martlets

flags of the third. Crest, an anchor ppr. sa.

Craik, [Ireland,] sa. on a pale ar. three jays of Crampton, [Ireland,] quarterly, sa. and erm. on
the field. Crest, a goat's head ar. armed gu. the first and fourth a pheon ar. Crest, a Roman
Craik, ar. a fesse l.etw. three jays sa.- Crest, fasces, in pale, ppr.
an eagle's leg, erased at the thigh, ppr. Crampull. See Cramphill in the first Dic-
Craill, [Scotland,] gu. on a bend ar. three tionary.
hearts of the field. Cranber. Arms as the second in the first

Crain, ...., a fesse ...., betw. three cross Dictionary. Crest, out of a ducal coronet, a
crosslets .... hand holding a sheaf of arrows ppr.
Craister, or Craster, [Northumberland,] Cranberry, or Cran eberry, az. on two bars
quarterly, or and gu. in the first quarter a rook ar. six mullets gu.

ppr. Crest, a raven ppr. Cranburye, az. two bars ar. each charged with
Crake. The same Arms as Crake, of Crake, three martlets gu.
Norfolk, in the first Dictionary. Crest, on a Crane, [Wenny, Wales,] gu. a pelican in her
chapeau ppr. a talbot, sejant, or.
piety or, vulned ppr.
Crakenthorpe, betw. three mul-
or, a chev. Crane, gu. on a fesse betw. three crosses, pat-
lets az. each charged with a plate. Crest, three tee, fitchee, or, a crane az. endorsed by two
ears of wheat or. annulets of the last.

Crakenthorpe, [Northumberland, and Newbiggin, Crane, [Chilton, Suffolk,] ar. a fesse, betw. three
Westmoreland.] Arms, as in the first Dic- cross crosslets, fitchee, gu.
Crest, a pillar, ensigned with a heart. Crane, ar. on a fesse, betw. three cross crosslets,
Crakeitthorpe. Arms, as the second in the first fitchee, gu. a crescent or.
Dictionary. Crest, three ears of wheat or. Crane, ar. a fesse betw. three crosses, bottonee,
Crale, ar. three mascles sa. fitchee, gu.
Craneburo. The same as Cranburye, before. Crawc ester, quarterly, or and gu. in the first
Craneburne. See Cranber, before, and in quarter a martlet sa.

the first
Dictionary. Crawe, az. on a chev. betw. ten cinquefoils az.
Cranefeld, az. an eagle, displayed, crowned, or. three mullets gu. Crest, a hawk, wings ex-
Cranefold, [Earl of Middlesex,] ar. on a pale panded, ar charged on the breast with a cinque-
az three fleurs-de-lis of the field. foil sa.

Craneslev. See with Cranisley in the first Crawe, az. on chev. betw. ten
cinquefoils ar.
Dictionary. four, two, one, two, and one, three mullets gu.
Cranesly, [Devon.] See Cransley in the first Crawfield. Crest, a lion, rampant.
Dictionary. Crawford, [Carsburn, Scotland,] gu. a fesse
Cranfield. See Arms in the first Dictionary. erm. betw. three mullets ar. within a bordure
Crest should be, on a ducal coronet or, a fleur- of (he last. Crest, a crescent ar. charged with
de-lis ar. betw. two ostrich-feathers, the dexter a star.
ar. with the top az. the sinister counterchanged. Crawford, [Drongarne,] ar. three stags' heads,
[Granted 1613.] couped, sa.
CraNford, ar. fretty gu. a chief of the first. Crawford, [Drumsey,] ar. a stag's head, erased,
Cranmer. [Kent,] or, on a fesse az. betw. three armed with three tires gu. Crest, as Crau-
pelicans sa. vulning themselves gu. as many furd, of Auchnames, in the first
cinquefoils or. Crawford, ar. a stag's head, erased, with a cross
C'ranmor, or Cranmer, [Notts,] ar. a chev. crosslet betw. the attires gu.
betw. three cranes sa. Crawford, [Jardinhill,] gu. a fesse erm. in base
Cranstoun, [Lord Cranstonn, of Crelin, in two swords, saltierwa\s, ppr. hilts and pomels
Roxburghshire,] gu. three cranes ar. Crest, a or. Crest, a pair of balances on the point of
crane sleeping with its head under the wing, aud a dagger, paleways.
holding up a stone in the dexter foot, all ppr. Crawford, [Monargon.] The same as Craufurd,
Supporters, see under Peerage, in Dictionary of Easter Scatouu, in the first Dictionary.
of Heraldry. Crawford. The same as of Northumberland in the
Crasbye, per chev. ar. and sa. three guttees first
Dictionary. Crest, a griffin's head, erased,
counterchanged. betw. two wings.
Crasse, [Devon,] or, a chev. betw. three mul- Crawforde. Arms as in the first Dictionary.
lets gu. Crest, a dexter hand, holding a lancet, ppr.
Crassy, [Cheshire,] or, two batons, in bend, Crawfuird. The same as Crawfurd, of Ard-
betw. nine escallops gu. millau.
Cr ASTON, [Devon,] per pale, indented, az. and Crawfurd, [Kilburney, Stirlingshire, Bart.]
or, a lion, passant, gardant, counterchanged ;
ar. a buck's head, erased, gu. Crest, a buck's
on a chief ar. a fleur-de-lis betw. two roses gu. head, erased, as in the Arms, betw. the attires
Crause, gu. on a fesse ar. three mullets, pierced a cross, couped, sa.
of the field. Crest, out of a ducal coronet a. Crawfurd, [Ardmillan, alias Bedland,] gu. on a
hand holding a rose, slipped aud leaved ppr. fesse erm. betw. three mullets ar. two crescents,
Craven, az. a fesse, dancettee, erm. betw. six interlaced, of the field. Crest, a falcon, hooded
cross crosslets, fitchee, gu. and belled ppr.
Craven, [London,] or, five fleurs-de-lis, in cross, Crawfurd, [Linlithgow, Scotland.] The same
sa. a chief, undee, az. Arms and Crest as the fifth of the name in the
Crayon, ar. on a fesse, betw. three cross cross- first Dictionary.
lets in chief, and one in base, gu. two cross Crawfurd, [Kilbirny, Renfrewshire, Scotland,]
crosslets of the field. The same Arms as in the first Dictionary.
Craw, [Heugh-Head, Scotland.] The same Crest, an ermine, passant, ppr.
Arms and Crest as the third of the name in the Crawfurd, [London, Scotland.] The same.
Dictionary. Crawfurd, [Passell,] gu. a fesse erm. in base a
Crew, [Anchencraw, Scotland.] The same Arms ship, with three masts, sails furled, ppr. Crest,
and Crest as the first of the name in the first a stag's head ppr. betw. the attires a cross
Dictionary. crosslet, fitchee, gu.
Craw, [Nether Byer, Scotland.] The same Arms Crawle, ar. on a fesse gu. betw. three cranes
within a bordure, counterchanged. az. as many crosses, bottonee, of the field.
Craw, [Last Reston.] The same Arms with the Crawley, ar. a chev. vert betw. three cranes
chev. embattled. az.
Crawley, ar. a chev. vert, betw. three herons az. martlets az. three, three, and three. Crest, a
Crawley, or Crawly, [Essex,] ar. a chev. gu. dexter hand, holding a laurel crown ppr.
betw. three cranes az. Creed, [London,] erm. on a chev. sa. cottised
Crawmond. See also Cramond. gu. betw. three estoiles of the last, as many
Crawshaw, gu. a pale and chief or. Crest, a leopards' heads or. Crest, a dove, with an
greyhound, courant, ar. collared gu. olive-branch ppr.
Crawshay, erm. on a fesse az. three plates. Creevey, ar. fretty sa. in each interstice a cre-
Crest, a greyhound, courant, sa. scent gu. Crest, a griffin, sejant, per pale ar.
Crawshay, ar. on a mount, in base, vert, a plough and sa. winged or.
in fesse ppr. on a chief az. a pale betw. two Crefeyt, sa. on a bend, dancettee, ar. three mul-
lions' heads, erased, or, the pale charged with lets of the field.
the chemical character for Mars sa. Crest, on a Cregerith, sa. an eagle, displayed, ar. mem-
mount vert a mastiff, statant, over a pile of six bered gu.
cannon-balls, one, two, and three, sa. [Borne CrEGOE, az. on a chev. or, betw. three falcons,
by George Crawshay, Esq. of Montagu-street, many plates. Crest, an arm in armour,
volant, as
Russell-square, London, 1833 ] embowed, couped below the wrist, holding in
Crawthorn, [York,] ar. ou a saltier gu. five the hand an arrow,
cross crosslets or. Crehington, erm. (another, ar.) on a bend gu.
Cray, [Marten, Yorkshire] See Creyke in three cinquefoils or.
the first
Dictionary. Creich, [Scotland,] or, two bars sa. betw. si*
Cray, TKent.] Arms as in the first Dictionary, martlets az. three, two, and one.
with a batton instead of the bend. Cr eichton, [Frendraught,] ar. a lion, rampant,
Craycroft, [Lincolnshire,] per bend vert and az. armed and langued gu. a dragon,
gu. on a fesse, dancettee, ar. three martlets sa fire issuant from the mouth, crowned with a
Craycroft, per pale vert and gu. on a bend, in- viscount's coronet.
dented, ar.three crowns sa. Creigfjton, [Earl of Erne, &c] quarterly; first
Craycroft. See Cracroft, Lincolnshire, before. and fourth, ar. a lion, rampant, az.; second and
Crayfett, sa. on a fesse, dancettee, ar. three third, ar. on a chev. az. betw. three sprigs of
birds of the field. laurel vert, as many boars' heads of the first.
Crayford, [Kent.] See first Dictionary, the Crest, a dragon's head vert, fire from the mouth
birds' heads falcons. ppr.
Crayford, [Magna Mongeham, Kent,] or, on a Creke, or, a fesse vairee of the first and gu.
chev. vert, three falcons'
heads, couped, ar. Creke, see Crake.
Crayford, [Northumberland.] See Craford, be- Crekelade, or Crekellbd, see Creykeleyd
fore. in first
Crayne, [Chilton, Suffolk.] See Crane. Crekenham, see Crekingham.
Creare. Crest, a stag, passant, gu. Creketlaid, see Crekellayd in first Dictionary.
Creamer, [Seche,] ar. three wolves' heads, CrekETOPT, lozengy or and sa.

erased, sa. on a chief gu. as many cinquefoils or. EKETOF pe, az. on a cross ar. five escallops gu.

Crean, ar. a chet gu. on a chief az. three CreReTOT, fusilly or and sa. Crest, a stag's
crescents of the field. Crest, a water bouget az. head, erased, or.
Creasy, or, five escallops, in cross, gu. Crest, Crekingham, ar. two bars gu. betw. three tor-
a greyhound's head sa. collared ar. (
teaux a baton sa.
Creath, [Ireland,] ar. three laurel-branches, Crekington, or Cekington, erm. on a bend
vert ; on a chief gu. as many bezants. gu. three cinquefoils or.
Crebott, [Sussex,] or, a fesse, brettessed, gu. Cremoir, [London,] ar. three dragons' heads
Crech. See Crouch. sa.'; on a chief gu. as many cinquefoils, pierced,
Creck, ar. a heron, volant, az. membered or, or.
betw. three escallops gu. Crest, a swan ar. Cremoure, [London,] ar. three wolves' heads,
Crecorne, or, across.... erased, sa. on a chief gu. as many cinquefoils.
Crecye, ar. a lion, rampant, tail forked, az. pierced, or. (Another, griffins' heads.)
Cree, [Scotland,] ar. on a fesse gu. betw. two Crenage. Same as Cranage.
mullets in chief, and a lion, rampant, in base, az. Crencol'RE, or Crentowre, or, a cross,
a griffin's bead, couped, of the field. Crest, an voided, gu.
arm in armour, embowed, wielding a cimiter ppr. Crenker, [Kent.] See Creneker in the first

Creech, [Edinburgh.] or, two bars sa. betw. nine Dictionary


Creon. See Croun in the first Dictionary. Creston, gu. a saltier, engr. ar. Crest, a lion,
Creoume. See Crome. passant, resting his dexter paw on a roundle.
Crepens, [France.] As Crepies, or Crepues, Creston, [Norfolk.] Same Arms.
of France, in (he first
Dictionary. Creston, az. three mullets ar.
Creping, [Lincolnshire.] Arras as in the first Creston, ar. a saltier sa. fretty or.
Dictionary. Crest, a lion, passant, ppr. holding Creswold, [Norwich, 1663,] az. three plates,
in the dexter paw a crescent ar. on each a squirrel, sejant, gu. cracking a nut
Crepinges, chequy or and az. a crescent gu. or.
Crepping. The same as Creping, of Lincoln- Creswyll. See Creswell.
shire, in the first Dictionary. Cretems, or Cretomes, ar. a lion, rampant,
Crepues, [France.] See Crepies in the first sa. over all a fesse, embattled, az. a bordure
Dictionary gu.
Creseley, ar. three chev. sa. Creting, [Kent.] Arms as in the first Dic-
Cresemben, Cresembyen, or Cresenbyen, tionary. Crest, a bear, passant, transpierced
ar. semee of trefoils, slipped, gu. a label of through the neck with an arrow, in bend sinis-
five points gobony ar. and az. ter.

Cresheld, az. three plates, on each a squirrel, Cretinge, [Suffolk.] Arms as in the first Dic-
sejant. tionary. Crest as above.
Cresnor and Cresnall. See Cressenor. Crevequer and Creverquere. Same Arms
Crespine. Arms as in the first
Dictionary. as Crevecure in the first Dictionary Crest, a
Crest, a hydra with seven heads vert. mountain, in flames, ppr.
Cressall, az. on a pile ar. three crescents in Crew, [Durham.] Arms, same as Grew, of
pale ppr. Crest, two lions' paws, erased, sup- Nantwich, &c. in first Dictionary. Crest, a
porting a bezant. ferret, collared and lined.
Cressan, paly of six ar. and sa. a chev. gu. Crewall, ar. a bend sa.
CresSe, gu. a chev. paly of six ar. and or, betw. Crewe, [Lord Crewe,] quarterly first, quar-

three cross crosslets of the last. terly, first and fourth az. second and third ar. a
Cresse, gu. a chev. or, betw. three cross crosslets cross patonce sa. ; second, ar. a cross patonce
ar. sa. ; third, az. a lion, rampant, ar. ; fourth,
Cressell, gu. a fesse betw. three crosses, hu- quarterly,ar. and purp. over all a bend gu.

mettee, engr. or. charged with three mullets ar. Crest, out of a
Cressenor, Cresnor, or Cresnall. Arms ducal coronet or a lion's gamb, erect, ar.
as in the first Dictionary. Crest, a dexter arm, Crewe, \late Harpur, of Caidke- Abbey, Derby,
embowed and couped, holding three stalks of Bart, assumed the surname and Arms of Crewe
wheat. by royal license, 11th April, 1808,] ar. a lion,
Cresset, [Upton-Cresset, Salop.] As in the rampant, within a bordure, engr. sa. Crest as
Dictionary, with the bordure plain.
first last.

Cresseoli, [France,] az. three suns ppr. two Crewell, purp. a chev. betw. three eagles, dis-
and one. played, ar.
Cressingham, ar. three swans in pale sa. beaked Crewenhall, barry wavy of eight sa. and ar.
gu. on a fesse gu. three broad arrows, paleways, or.
Cresson. See Cressen. Crewenhall, sa. on a fesse gu. betw. two bars,
Cressoure, [Suffolk,] ar. on a bend, engr. sa. wavy, ar. three broad arrows, paleways, or,
three cross crosslets, fitchee, or. heads downward.
Cresswell. Crest, a lion, passant, gardant, Crewick, ar. a lion, rampant, gardant, or.
ar. holding in the dexter paw a millrind. Crewker, or Croker, [Devon ] As Crewker
Cresswell, [Ireland.] Crest, a savage's head ppr. last named in the first Dictionary.
wreathed about the temples vert. Crewkey, [Kent,] .... nine crosses or.
Cresswell, ar. on a bend sa. a ram's head, ca- Crey, [Kent.] See Cray, of Kent, in the first
bossed, of the field. Dictionary. (Another, a baton instead of the
Cressy, [Yorkshire.] Arms as in the first Dic- bend.)
tionary, with a label gu. Creyfeyt, sa. on a fesse, dancettee, ar. three
Cressy e, ar. on a bend, cottised, sa. three mullets gu.
crescents or. Crkysett, sa. on a fesse, dancettee, ar. three
Crestnox, [Attleburgh,] ar. on a bend, engr. hire's of the field.
sa. three cross crosslets, fitchee, or. Crichton, [Cairnes, Scotland,] quarterly; first
C R O C It O
and fourth ar. a lion, rampant, az. ; second and pierced through the body with a spear, the
third, gu. three martlets or, for Cairnes. ends in his mouth.
Crichlon, [Dumfries, Scotland,] ar. a lion, ramp- Croad, or Croade, sa. on a chev. betw. three
ant, az. armed and langued gu. Crest, a dra- quarterfoils, ar. as many pellets. Crest, on a
gon vert, spouting out fire ppr. cloud a celestial globe ppr.
Crichton, [Easthill, Scotland.] Arms, as in the Croapes, [Somerset and Dorset,] ar. six mascles,
Dictionary. Crest, as the last. gu. three, two, and one.
Crichton, [Innerneity, Scotland,] erm. a lion, Croasdaile, az. on three chev. or, as many
rampant, az. mullets gu. Crest, a demi man, in armour,
Cricket, or Crickett, vert, a cross, couped holding a sword, ppr.
and pierced, or on a chief ar. three crescents Crocheman, sa. three cinquefoils betw. eight
gu. Crest, a lion, passant, gardant, az. crosses, bottonee, fitchee, ar.
Crickman. Arms, as in the first Dictionary. Crockat, or Crockett, [Scotland,] ar. a chev.
Crest, a stag, lodged, ppr. betw. three mullets sa. Crest, on a rock a
Cridland, [Somerset,] erm. on a chief gu. three soland goose ppr.
roses ar. Crest, two dexter hands, conjoined, Crock ATT, [Scotland,] ar. a chev. az. betw.
issuing from clouds ppr. three mullets of the last, in chief, and in base,
Criell, or Kerriel. Same as Criol, of Al- a crescent gu. Crest, a dog, sleeping, sa.
bury, in the first
Dictionary. spotted ar.

Crioll, or Kerioll, ar. three chev. and a can- Crocker, ar. a chev. engr. sa. betw. three ravens
ton gu. Crest, a mullet environed with clouds ppr. Crest, a cup or.
ppr. Crockhorne, [Cornwall,] ar. on a chev. gu.
Cripiges, chequy or. and az. a crescent gu. betw. three bugle-horns, stringed, sa. as many
Cripping, or Cropping, [Oxon,] chequy or cross crosslets, fitchee, of the field.
and az. three crescents gu. Crockington, ar. on a bend gu. three cinque-
Crippinges. The same as Cripiges, before foils or.

given. Crockford, az. three trefoils, slipped, or.

Crippes, [Kent,] or, on a chev. sa. five horse- Crest, a dexter hand holding a roll of parch-
shoes ar. a label of three points gu. [Borne by ment ppr.
Sir Henry Crippes.] Crode. See Crude.
Cripps. Arms as in the first Dictionary. Crest, Crodedake. See Crodake, in the first Dictio-
an arm, in armour, embowed, holding a cime- nary.
ter, ppr. Croft, [Croft-castle, Herefordshire, Bart.] quar-
Cripps, or [Stanlake,
Crispe, Oxfordshire, terly; indented erm. and gu. in the first quarter,
Queeks, in Thanet,] erm. a fesse, chequy, ar. a lion, passant, gardant, of the second. Crest,
and sa. Crest, a cameleopard ar. pellettee, col- a lion, passant, gardant, per pale gu. and erm.
lared and lined or. supporting, with the dexter paw, an escocheon
Crismas, gu. on a fesse or, three martlets sa. quarterly of the second and first.
Crisp. Arms, as Crispe, first in the first Dic- Croft, [Cowling-hall, York, Bart.] The same
tionary. as the last.
Crispe, [Oxon,] erm. a fesse, counter-compony, Croft, [Croft-castle, Herefordshire.] Arms, as in
ar. and sa. the first Dictionary. Crest, a wyvern vert.
Crispie, gu. on a
mount, in base, a stag, pas- Crofte, az. a fesse, engr. erm. betw. three
sant, ar. in chieftwo mullets or. Crest, a lion, eagles, displayed, or.
passant, gardant, resting his dexter paw on a Croftes. Arms, as the last Crofts in the first

bezant, ppr. Dictionary.

Crispin, or Crispin e, barry and lozengy, Crofton, [Baron Crofton,'] per pale, indented,
counterchanged. ar. and sa. Crest, a hydra, az. and or, a lion, passant, gardant, counter-
with seven heads, vert. changed. Crest, an ear of wheat or.
Crispo, az. three dolphins, naiant, in pale, ar. Crofton, [Mohill-castle, Leitrim, Ireland, Bart.]
Cristmass. See Christmass. per pale, indented, or and az. a lion, rampant,
Critchley, or Critchlow, quarterly, gu. gardant, counterchanged. Crest, seven stalks
and ar. on the second and third a martlet sa. of wheat or.
Crest, a harp vert. Crofton, [Ireland,] per chev. ar and sa. in chief
Cro, [Norfolk,] ar. three piles, undee, gu. four guttees, and in base three of the same
Croachrod. Crest, a wolf, regardant, trans- counterchanged. Crest, a savage's head ppr.
Crofton. Crest, an eagle's head, erased and du- Crokin, [Ireland,] ar. a cross, fusillee, gu.
cally gorged, holding in the beak a pheon, all Croleboys, Crolebors, or Crolybow, ar.

ppr. three bugle-horns, stringed, sa.

Crofts, [Norfolk,] quarterly, per fesse, indent- Crolle. The same as the second Crull, in the
ed, gu. and ar. in the first quarter ; a lion, first
rampant of the second. Crolly, gyronny of ten ar. and sa. Crest, a
Crofts, [Westminster, granted, 1772,] lozengy wolf, passant, sa.
ar. and pean. Crest, a dragon's head vert, Crombie. Crest, a demi lion, rampant, gardant,
charged with three ermine spots. or, holding a fleur-de-lis gu.
Crofts, [Yorkshire,] or, a bugle-horn sa. Crome, Croume, or Coune, lozengy or and
Crofts, [Saxmundham, Suffolk.] Arms as in the gu.
first Dictionary, with the field ar. Cromer, [Norfolk,] gu. three ship-tops ar.
Crofts, [same place,] or, three bulls' heads, coup- Cromer, [Yarmouth, Norfolk.] Arms,
. as the
ed, sa. last but one in the first Dictionary.

Crog, Croge, or Crogg. Arms, as Crogg, or Cromey. See Crome.

Crog, in the first Dictionary. Crest, a cross Cromie, [Ireland,] ar. a pale, bretessed, sa. cot-
moline betw. two ears of wheat, orleways, or. tised, three torteaux, in pale, on each side.
Croge. Arms, as the first in the first Dictionary. Crest, a dexter hand holding a cross crosslet,
Crest, a crescent gu. charged with an estoile fitchee, in pale.
ar. Cromoure, [London,] ar. three tigers' heads,
Crogg E, ar. on a bend az. betw. two greyhounds, erased, sa. on a chief gu. as many cinquefoils
current, sa. three birds or. or.
Croise. See Crause. Crompe, gu. a chev. betw. three cinquefoils ar.
Croises, sa. a cross or. betw. four escallops of Crest, a cat, rampant, sa.
the second. Crompe, [Ireland,] gu. a chev. betw. three quatre-
Croisse, [Ireland,] az. two bends ar. betw. six foils or.

escallops of the second. Crompton, [London,] vert, on a chief, embat-

Croissy, gu. a cross or, in the dexter chief, quar- tled, three pheons of the first.
terly, a lion, rampant, supporting an anchor, Crompton, [Salop.] Arms and Crest as Cromp-
with cable, or. ton. of Staffordshire, in the first Dictionary.
Croke. Arms, as Croke, or Crooke, of Bucks, Crompull, ar. a saltier, engr. gu. fretty or.
in the first
Dictionary. Crest, a celestial and Cromuall, erm. on a fesse gu. three naval
terrestrial globe. crowns or.
Croke. Arms, as Crooke, second in the first Cromuel, [Hinchinbrook.] Crest, an eagle,
Dictionary. displayed, holding in the dexter claw a sword
Crokedake. See Crodake, in the first Dictio- ppr.
nary. Cromwell, [London.] As the eighteenth oi
Crokedayk. Same as Crookedale. the name in the first Dictionary.
Croken, alias Fitz-Rowe, [Ireland,] ar. six Cromwell, [The Lord Oliver.] Arms, as Crom-
roses gu. on a chief of the last a lion, passant, well, of Putney, in the first Dictionary.
of the field. Cromy, az. two bends ar. betw. three leopards'
CrokenN, [Ireland,] ar. a cross, fusillee, gu a heads or, one in the chief point betw. the
bordure az. bends.
Croker, az. a fesse, engr. or, betw. three eagles, Cromy, az. two bars, gemelles, ar. betw. three

displayed, ar. leopards' heads or.

Croker, [Oxon.] Arms, as in the first Dictio- Cromy lton. Same as Cromlinglon, in the first
nary, the mullets pierced. Dictionary.
Croker, ar. a chev. gu. betw. three crowns sa. Cron. Arms, as in the first Dictionary. Crest,
Croker, [St. Agnes, Devon.] Same Arms as of seven arrows, one in pale and six in saltier, or,

Linham, Devon, in the first Dictionary. Crest, barbed gu.

a flower resembling a rose, standing in a flower- Crone, or Clone. Arms, as in the first Dic-
pot, ppr. tionary. Crest, a demi fish, issuing, az.
Croker, [Ireland.] Same as Crokeyn, in the first Cronall, ar. a bend betw. three cronels sa.

Dictionary. Cron well. See Cromwell.

Crokeyer, or Crokeyre, [Ireland,] ar. a Crook, or, eight shields, in orle, sa. Crest, a
cross, sarcellee, pierced gu. dexter hand issuing from a cloud iu the dexter,
stretching towards a serpent, his head erect, Croshould, [Norwich,] az. three plates, on
ppr. each a squirrel, sejant, gu.
Crook, gu. on a bend ar. three shields sa. Crest, Crosier, az. on a chev. betw. three cross cross-
an arm, in armour, embowed, ppr. holding a lets, saltierways, or, as many martlets ppr.
fleur-de-lis or. Crosier. See Crozier.
Crook, e, [Judge,] gu. on a fesse betw. six mart- Croske, sa. three boars' heads, couped, ar. on a
lets ar. a crescent of the field. chief or. as many cinquefoils gu.
Crooks, gu. on a bend or, three shields of the Cross, [Hull,] gu. three crosses, pattee, ar.
field. Crest, an elephant, quarterly, or and Cross, [Ireland,] quarterly, gu. and or, in the first
vert. and fourth a cross potent of the last. Crest,
Crooks, or Crucks, gu. on a bend ar. three shields two hands, couped, and conjoined in fesse,
Crest, a demi leopard ppr.
holding, in pale, a cimeter ppr.
Crookshank, or, a quarter sa. three boars' Cross, ar. five cross crosslets, in saltier, gu.
heads, couped, counterchanged. Crest, a dex- Crest, a griffin, segreant, per fesse gu. and sa.
ter hand, holding an ear of wheat, ppr. winged ar. tipped or.
Crookshank, ar. a trefoil, slipped, vert, betw. Cross, or Crosse, quarterly, gu. and or, in the
three boars' heads, couped, sa. within a bordure, first and fourth quarter, a cross
potent, ar.
engr. of the last. Crest, a demi negro holding Crossby, [Newcastle,] ar. a lion, rampant, sa.
in the dexter hand a cocoa-nut ppr. betw. two dexter hands, couped at the wrist,
Crookshark, [Ireland,] or, three boars' heads, gu. Crest, a dexter and sinister arm, from the
co aped, sa. on a canton ar. a saltier az. Crest, shoulders, couped, saltierways, ppr. vested,
a wyvern, wings endorsed, vomiting fire at both dexter, gu. sinister az. each brandishing a cime-
ends. ter of the first.
Cropley, [London.] Same as Crophy, of Mid- Crosse, az. two bends betw. six escallops ar.
dlesex, in the first Dictionary. Crosse, quarterly, gu. and ar. in the first a cross,
Cropper, az. a cinquefoil ar. betw three ermine pattee, of the second.
spots or. Crest, a triangular arrow ppr. Crosse, or, on a bend sa. betw. two sea-crabs of
Cropping. See Crepping. the second, a cross crosslet of the field.
Croppings, [Oxfordshire,] chequy or and az. a Crosse, ar. on a bend, cottised, sa. a crescent of
crescent gu. the field.
Crosbey, [Home, Scotland,] the stump of an Crosse, [Liverpool,] gu. a cross, formee, ar.
oak-tree, shooting forth new branches. Crosse, sa. on a fesse, betw. three mullets, ar. as
Crosbie, [Lord Branden,~\ ar. a lion, rampant, many crosses, pattee, gu.
sa. in chief two dexter hands, couped and erect, C'/osse, ar. on a bend sa. a cross crosslet or.

gu. Crest, three swords, two in saltier, the Crossele, gu. a fesse betw. three crosses, engr.
points in base, the other in pale, the point up- or.

wards, enveloped with a snake, all ppr. Crossing, [Exeter, Devon,] or, on a chev. az.
Crosbie, [Edinburgh,] gu. a cross or. Crest, as betw. three cross crosslets, fitchee, gu. as many
Crosbey, of Home, as above. bezants.
Crosbie, or Crosby, per chev. ar. and sa. in chief Crosthwaite, [Ireland,] gu. a lion, rampant,
four guttees, and in base three of the same, betw. three crosses, pattee, or. Crest, a fox,
counterchanged. Crest, a quill and sword, in sejant, or.
saltier, ppr. Crosyer, sa. a cross betw. four bees, erect, or.
Crosbie, gu. a cross or, a bordure ar. Crest, a Crothrod, [Cavendish, Suffolk,] or, a saltier,
pascal lamb ppr. banner gu. engr. betw. four lions' heads, erased, sa.
Crosby, [London,] ar. on a chev. or, betw. three Crotty, [Ireland,] gyronny of eight or and vert.
lambs as many roses ppr. Crest, betw. the Crest, a hind, trippaut, gu.
horns of a crescent, per pale ar. and gu. a cross Crotty, gyronny of twelve or and vert. Crest, a
flory [Confirmed, 1821, to Vinus Hodg-
or. hand holding up a scorpion ppr.
kinson Crosby, great nephew of the Lord Mayor Crouall, [Ballignod, Scotland,] gu. on a fesse
of London of that name in 1771.] three martlets sa.

Crosby. See also Crosbie. Crouan. See Croivan, in the first Dictionary.
Crosby, [London.] As the first iu the first Dic- Crouch, or Creoh, erm. on a pale az. three
tionary. crosses, formee, fitchee, or.
Crosei.e, gu a betw. four crosses, engr.
fesse Crouch, [Herts.] Arms and Crest as Crowch in
or. Crest, a stag's head, at gaze, gu. armed ar. the first Dictionary.
Crouch. See Crowch. Crow LAND, quarterly first and fourth, gu. three

Crouchard, barry wavy of six ar. and az on a knives ar. handles or; second and third, az.
bend or, three crosses, pattee, fitcbee, gu. three whips of many strings or.
Crest, a cross or betw. two bucks' horns gu. Crowman, or Crowmer. See Cromer.
Crouchback, [brother of Edward I.] gu. three Crowmer, [Norfolk,] or, a chev. engr. betw.
lions, passant, gardant, in pale, or, a label of three martlets sa.
three points, each charged with as many fleurs- Crown, or Crowne, quarterly, sa. and az. a
de-lis of the second. cross, engr or. Crest, a lion's head, erased, sa.
Crouche, or Crowche, betw. two pallets
ar. ducally crowned ar.

engr. sa. three crosses, pattee, all within a bor- Crownall. Arms as the first in the first Dic-
dure of the last. tionary. Crest, a bull's horns, attached to the
Crouchfield, az. a cross, compony, or and gu. scalp, ppr.
betw. four plates. Crest, on a mount, a palm- Crownall, erm. on a fesse gu. three cross csosslets
tree, ppr. or. Crest, a dexter hand holding a dagger, in
Crouchley. Crest, a leopard's face ppr. downwards, all ppr.
pale, point
Crouchman, ar. two chev. sa. Crownall.See Cornall.
Croudace, [Durham,] gu. a chev. betw. three Crowne. See Crown before.
fleurs-de-lis or.Crest, an angel, standing with Crown er, ar. three ducal crowns az.
arms uplifted on the breast, hands clasped, and Crowpes, [Somerset and Dorset.] See Croopes,
vested, all ppr. of Dorset, in the first
Croughton. Crest, a leopard's head, erased, Crowton. Arms as the first in the first Dic-
affrontee, ducally gorged. tionary. Crest, a stag's head or.
Croune. See C'rome. Crowton, ar. a chev. gu. betw. three martlets sa.
Croupes, ar. six lozenges gu. two. one, two, and Croxton, gu. on a fesse az. betw. three cross
one, over a label of three points az.
all crosslets, fitcbee, sa. two battering rams or.
Crow. Arms as of Bilney, in Norfolk, in the Croycer, o>Croyser, anrfCROYSETT. Same
first Dictionary. /'Another crest, three arrows as Crosyer.
or, flighted ar. one in pale and two in saltier, Croylbovs, ar. three hunting-horns sa. gar-
banded gu. and ar.) nished and laced or.

Crow, or Crowe, [Ireland,] ar. a chev. betw. three Croyse, [Ireland,] az. two bends betw. six es-
cocks gu. Crest, a goat, passant, ar. armed and callops ar.
hoofed sa. Croyskr, [Newbiggin,] az. on a fesse ar. betw.
Crow, gu. a chev. betw. three cocks or. three saltiers or, as many crows sa.

Crowall, erm. a fesse gu. betw. three cross Crozier. Arms as of Stoke-Dabernon in the
crosslets gu. first Dictionary. Crest, a stag's head, cabossed,
Crowan, ar. three wolves, passant, in pale, ar. ppr.
collared or. Cruche, [Devon,] or, three escallops in bend
Crowch, [Alswick, Herts.] Same as in the betw. two bendlets, all betw. six escallops gu.
first Dictionary, with a bordure, engr. sa. Cruchley. See Crutchley.
Crowch, ar. three crosses, formee, in pale. Crucks, [Scotland.] Crest, a demi leopard ppr.
Crowch, ar. three crosses, formee, in pale, betw. Cruckshanks, [Strickathro,] ar. three boars'
two pallets sa. heads, couped, sa. within a bordure engr. gu.
Crowch, or Crouch, ar. a bend, engr. sa Crest, Crest, an armed hand, holding a dagger, in
a sword, in pale, betw. two branches of palm, in pale, on the point thereof a boar's head, all ppr.
orle, ppr. Cruden, az. two bars or, betw. six annulets of
Crowche. See Crouche. the last, three, two and one. Crest, a griffin's
Crowcher, ar. a cross, potent, crossed, sa. head ppr.
Crowelly, or Crownwell, as Crownall, of Crudge, [Cornwall,] ar. on a bend az. betw. two
Cornwall, in the first
Dictionary. greyhounds, passant, sa. three birds or.
Crowgay, Crowgey, or Crowgje, gyronny Cruell, or Crull. Arms as in the first Dic-
of eight, \ert and ar. on a chief of the last an tionary. Crest, a centaur discharging an arrow
eagle, displayed, gu.- -Crest, an arm from the from a bow ppr.
elbow holding a key, ppr. Cruice, or Cruise. Crest, a demi lion, ram-
Crowgey. Crest, a greyhound, current, ar. pant, or.
Crow hall. Crest, on a rock, a crow, ppr. Cruice, [Ireland.] Crest, a greyhound's head,
Croyvke, az. a bend or betw. six fleurs-de-lis ar. erased, or.
Cruikshanks, [London,] ar. a cross crosslet, Crwm, [Lechwedd, Wales,] ar. on a chev. sa.

fitchee, gu. betw. three boars' heads, couped, three angels, in a praying posture, or.
sa. Crest, a hawk's head, erased, ppr. Cryckebkck, ar. a fesse,
compony, or and sa.
Cruikshanks, [Amsterdam,] or, three boars' heads, betw. two lions' heads, erased, in chief, and a
couped, sa. langued and armed az. with a bor- boars' head, couped, gu. in base.
dure gu. Crest, a boar's head, erased, ppr. Cry ell, [Kent,] ar. a chev. bend, and canton
Cruise. See Cruice. gu.
Crijkerne, [Cliildboy, Dorset,] gu. on a chev. Cryoill, or Kyriall, or, two chev. gu. a
betw. three bugle-horns ar. stringed or, as many canton of the last.
cross crosslets, fitchee, of the second. Crysey, ar. a chev. sa. betw. three gu.
Crukes. Crest, on a garb, lying fesseways, an Crystison, ar. a saltier gu. betw. four mullets
eagle, wings indorsed and inverted, feeding,.. sa.

Crule, [Sussex,] ar. six lozeuges, three and Cubie, gu. a boar's head erm. or.
three, az. Cubit, or Cubitt, erm. a lion's head, erased,
Crull. Arms as last iu the first Dictionary. az. Crest, a dexter and sinister hand, issuing
Crest, an arm, in armour, couped at the elbow, from clouds, combatting with cimeters, ppr.
in fesse, holding, in pale, a broken lance ppr. CuBLEZE, [France,] gu. a tower ar. betw. a
the head falling towards the sinister. fleur-de-lis on the dexter and an estoile on the
Crull, vert, on a chev. ar. a ciuquefoil gu. sinister side or, all within a bordure sa. seniee-
Crull. See Cruell. de-lis gold.
Crulle, or Cur le. Arms as Crull, second in Cuckborne. Arms as the first in the first Dic-
the first Dictionary. tionary. Crest, on a chapeau gu. turned up
Crulle, purp. a chev. betw. three eagles ar. erm a fire ppr.
Crumkie, or Crumbe, [Crumbe, Scotland,] Cuckfelu. See the first Dictionary ; and, also,
vert, a cross bottonee ar. on a chief of the last Cokefield.
a lion, passant, gu. Crest, an eagle, displayed, Cue ley'. See Cuclcle, in the first Dictionary.
ppr. Cud, [Ireland,] sa. a chev. or betw. five bezants,
Crumpe, Crump, or Crompe, [Kent.] Arms two and three.
as in the first Dictionary. Crest, a cat, salient, Cudbertson, or Cuthbertson, [Scotland,]
gardant, sa. .... out of a flower-pot gu. three leaves vert,
CRUMPTON, az. three piles issuing from the chief betw. two cinquefoiis, in base, of the se-
ar.on each a pheon of the field. Crest, a fire- cond.
beacon ppr. Cudden. Crest, a wolf, sejant, az.
Crumway, sa. a saltier engr. or. Cudderley, [Derbyshire,] ar. on a chev. sa.

Crianway . sa. a saltier engr. erm. three acorns or.

CRUmw ELL . See Cromwell. Cudderley. As in the first Dictionary, with
Cruse, [Westmeath, Ireland,] az. two bendlets eagles' heads instead of falcons.
betw. six escallops ar. Cudson, az. a lion, rampant, ar.
Cruso, [Loudon, 1097,] .... a cross pattee .... Ci ffe, [Earl of Desart,] ar. on a bend indented
a crescent for difference. Crest, a cross pat- sa. cottised az. three fleurs-de-lis of the field,
tee .... each cottice charged with as many bezants.
Crutch lev. Crest, on a chapeau a lion, pas- Crest, a cubit arm, erect, vested or, charged
sant, gardant, ducally crowned. with two bends undee az. cuff erm. holding in
Crutendon, or Cruttendon. Arms as in the hand ppr. a pole-axe of the first, staff of
the first Dictionary. Crest, a goat's head erm. the second.
ppr. Cuffe, [Somerset,] ar. on a bend, dancettee, sa.
Cruttendon, az. a chev. or, guttee-de-poix, three fleurs-de-lis or.
betw. three mullets of six points, pierced, ar. Cuffold, [Basing, Southampton,] ar. five bars
in chief a crescent of the last. Cresl, an elk's and a canton gu.
head ppr. Cuiler, az. a lion, rampant, ducally crowned
Cruttendon, See Crutendon. or. Crest, a broken spear in pale, the top fall-
Crutwell, ar. two crescents in chief gu. and a ing towards the sinister, ppr.
savage's head, in profile, sa. in base. Crest, a Cuillan. See O'Citil/an.
band, holding a key, ppr. Culane and Culline, [Scotland,] or, two
Crwlle. As the second Crull in the first Dic- boars' heads, erased, in chief, sa. and a cinque-
tionary. foil in base gu.
Culant, [France,] ar. semee of pellets, a sal- Cummings. a dexter hand ppr. vested
tier, engr. gu. az. holding a of paper ar.
Culehech, or Culchech, [Cheshire,] sa. a Cummyng. Crest, a lion, rampant, ppr. armed
griffin, segreant, or. Crest, an ox-yoke in bend and langued gu.
sa. Cumvne. See Corny n.
Culehech, or Culchech. Arras as the first in the Cundall, or Cundell, or, a cross gu. sur-
Dictionary. Crest, two hands issuing from mounted by a bend az. Crest, two ears of
clouds, pulling an anchor from the sea, all ppr. wheat, in saltier, ppr.
Culehetch, or Culcheth. The same. Cuneon, ar. fretty gu. a chief of the field.
Cull, [Essex,] ar. on a bend engr. sa. a bezant, Cunford, ar. two bars sa. in chief three es-
charged with a mullet of the second, a bordure cocheons, sa.
gobony or and gu. Cuningham, [Edingburgh.] ar. a shakefork sa.
Cullen, [Laughs, Scotland,] az. an esquire's betw. two lozenges of the last. Crest, a hand
helmet ar. betw. three boars' heads erm. in chief, holding a lozenge or.
and a cinquefoil, in base, or. Crest, a pelican, Cuninghame, [Durham,] ar. a shakefork sa.
in her nest,
ppr. Crest, the stump of an oak tree, sprouting,
Culliford, [Purbeck, Dorset.] Arms as in ppr.
the first
Dictionary. Crest, two elephants' pro- Cuninghame. Crest, an arm in armour, holding a
boscises, addorsed, ppr. sword, all ppr.
Culline. The same as Culane. Cunliffe, [Liverpool, and Saighton, Cheshire,
Culling, [Great Fransham.] As Cullinge, in and Acton, Denbigh, Bart ] sa. three conies,
the first
Dictionary. current, ar. Crest, a greyhound, sejant, ar.
Cullow, [Scotland,] gu. three mullets ar. two collared sa.
aud one, betw. as many cross crosslets, fitchee, Cunningham, [Corse Hill, Argyle, Bart. Nova
one and two, or. Scotia,] ar. a shakefork sa. within a bordure
Cullowe. Crest, a unicorn's head ar. erm. Crest, a dexter hand, holding a plumb
Cullum, [Hawsted and Hardwick-House, Suf- rule ppr.
folk, Bart.] az. a chev.erm. betw. three peli- Cunningham, [Scotland,] ar. a pale, betw. two
cans or, vulning themselves ppr. Crest, a lion, cottises sa.
sejant, or, holding betw. the paws a column ar. Cunn ingham E, [Aikenbar, Scotland.] ar. a
capital and base gold. shakefork a bordure gu.
sa. within Crest, a
Culme, [Devon,] az. a chev. erm. betw. three unicorn, sejant, grasping with the fore feet an
swans or. oak tree, all ppr.
Culmer, [Devon.] Arms as in the first Dic- Cunninghame, [Auchenharvey, Scotland.] Arms,
tionary. Crest, a leopard, rampant, ppr. as in the first Dictionary. Crest, a hand holding
Culpeper, [Kent.] As Colepeper, in the first a lozenge or.
Dictionary. Cunninghame, [Barns, Scotland.] Arms, as in
Culpeper, [Kent,] or, a bend engr. gu. the first Dictionary, with a star sa. instead of
Cultoft, ar. an escocheon within an orle of the stag's head.
eight cinquefoils sa. Cunninghame, [Auchenyards, Scotland.] The
Culy, [Derbyshire,] ar. a bend engr. sa. betw. same as of Craigends below, with due diffe-
three ogresses. rence.
Culy, [Nottinghamshire.] The same. Cunninghame, [Belton, Scotland.] Arms, as in
Cumberland. Crest, a hunting horn gu. betw. the Dictionary, the shakefork sa.
two wings, ppr. Cunninghame, [Brownhill, Scotland,] ar. a shake-
Cumee, [Bishopton,] ar. a fesse, betw. three fork sa. a rose, in chief gu. surmounted of an
conies sa. anuulet of the field.
Cuming, or Cumming. Arms, as dimming, of Cunninghame, [Cairncurren, Scotland.] The
Petully, in the first Dictionary. Crest, in a same as of Craigends, with due difference.
maunch gu. an arm ppr. Cunninghame, [Capringtoun and Lamburghtcun,
Cummin, [Auchry, Scotland,] az. three garbs or, Scotland.] The same Arms and Crest.
a buckle in the centre for difference. Crest, a Cunninghame, [Carshill, Scotland.] The same
sword and dagger, saltierways, ppr. as Clencairn, with a crescent for difference.
Gumming, [Altyr, in Elgin, Bart.] See first
Cunninghame, [Craigends, Scotland,] quarterly,
Dictionary. first and fourth, ar. a shakefork sa. for Cun-
ninghame, second and third or, a fesse, chequy, Cl'RREN, [Scotland,] ar. three shields, in fesse,
az. and ar. for Slewarl. Crest, a unicorn's sa. Crest, a parrot's head betw. two wings
head, couped, ar. horned and mailed or, gorged ppr.
with a collar, chequy, ar. and az. CURRKY. Arms as Currie, of Fanham-Hall,
Cunninghame, [Drumquhassell, Scotland,] ar. a Herts, as in the first
Dictionary. Crest, a rose
shakefork sa. betw. three roses gu. Crest, the ar. as in the Arms.
trunk of an oak-tree, with a sprig vert. Currour, Arms, as in the
[Logic, Scotland.]
Cunninghame, [Glencairn, Scotland,] ar. a shake- first
fork sa. Crest, a unicorn's head ar. maned and Curry, gu. a saltier ar. in chief arose of the
horned or. last, within a bordure or. Crest, a demi lion
Cunninghame, [Polmais, Scotland.] The same ar.
as of Glencairn. on a bend sa. three roses of the field.
Cunninghame, [Glencarnock, Scotland,] ar. a Curry. Crest, a golden fleece ppr.
shakefork sa. charged with a cinquefoil of the CuitRYER, [London.] Anns as in the first Dic-
field. Crest, a cinquefoil, vert.
Cunninghame, [Stockholn, Scotland,] ar. a shake- Cursan, ar. a bend gu. bezantee.
fork within a bordure, wavy, az. charged
sa. Cursane, barry of six or and az. a fleur-de-lis
with six plates. Crest, a martlet, volant. counterchanged.
Cunstabill, [Dundee,] ..... a saltier Cursonn, ar. on a bend gu. four bezants.
betw. two mullets, in fesse Curtains, ar. afretgu. a chief az.
Cunton, [London.] As Cunion, of Warwick- Curtayne, erra. a cross crosslet, fitchee, gu.
shire, in the first Dictionary. Crest, on a rock, a leopard, sejant, ppr.
Cupis, [Rome,] ar. a goat, salient, az. armed Curteis, [Honiugton, Suffolk,] paly of six or
and unguled or. and az. a fesse, chequy, of the first, and sa.
Cuppagk, ar. a fesse, betw. three garbs gu. Curteis, [Canterbury.] See first Dictionary.
Crest, a dial ar. Curteis, Curtois, or Cur toys, sa. three fleurs-de-
Cuppdeche. As Cupdecle, in the first Diction- lis or. Crest, a demi husbandman, vested az.
ary. holding over his shoulder an ox-yoke ppr.
Cupples, a bend, betw. two scorpions sa.
ar. Curteis, [Pill, Cornwall,] sa. three fleurs-de-lis
Crest, a demi man. in a military habit, holding: ar.
a banner, displayed, az. CURTES, per pale or and vert, three maunches
Curington, on a bend vert, six falchions,
saltierways, of the field, hiked or. CURTESS, CurteISS, and CURTEYS, az. a
CuRLE, [Herts,] vert, a chev. engr. or. Crest, chev. dancettee, betw. three mural coronets or.
a curlew, volant, or. Crest, a demi-busbandman, holding over his
Curie, vert, a chev. betw. three fleurs-de-lis or. shoulder a ploughshare ppr.
Crest, on a mount vert, a hedge-hog, ppr. Curtesse, az. a fesse, dancettee, ar. betw.
Curie. See Crulie and Currel. three ducal crowns or.
Curie, vert, on a chev. or, three cinquefoils Curtf.yn, ar. a chief az.
fretty gu
gu -
Curteys, or Curtes,
a fesse, betw. three
Curie, vert, on a chev. gu. three cinquefoils, horses' heads, couped ar. bridled gu.
pierced, ar. Curteys, [London.] The same Arms, bridles
Curli, ar. a file of four points, in bend sinis- or.
Curteys. See Curtess.
Curll, ar. a chev. engr. vert. Curteys, billettee or, a fesse erm. betw. three
Curly, [Budbrake.] The same as Curli. horses' heads, couped, ar.
Curlyho. See Curlhaw. Curteys, sa. three fleurs-de-lis ar.
Curming, az. on a bend or, in chief a label of Curteys, [London,] gu. a chev. vair, betw. three
three points gu. bulls' heads, cabossed, ar. horned or.
Ctjrr, or Curre, ar. a cross, engr. gu. in the Curtiloo, [Norfolk,] gu. a fesse, in chief.
first and fourth
quarter a heart az. in the second Curtis, [Gatcombe, Hants, Bart.] per fesse,
and third, a rose of the second. wavy, ar. and chief a representation of
sa. in
Currell, ar. on a fesse sa. betw. three choughs the rock of Gibraltar, surrounded by fortifica-
of the last, beaked and legged gu. as many tions, and the sea, ppr. in base three fleurs-de-
estoilesor. Crest, a peacock's head, couped, ppr. lis of the first, on a canton
gu. a sword, erect,
c u s CUT
ppr. pomel and bilt or, entwined with a palm- Cusance, De. See Cussans.
branch, vert. Crest, out of a naval coronet or, Cusanor, sa. seven lozenges, in bend, ar.
an arm, vested, az. cuff ar. supporting a flag- Cusanor, a bend of lozenges ar.

staff, ppr. therefrom a flag, of the second, Cushe, or Cush, ar. on a chev. sa. three foun-
charged with a wolf's head, gold, and a canton, tains, in the dexter chief point a mullet of the
gyronny, of four gu. and az. thereon a cross of second. Crest, a cock sa. comb and wattles
the third, within a bordure of the first. gu.
Curtis, [Cullands Grove, Middlesex, Bart.] paly Cushin, [Higham, Norfolk,] gu. an eagle, dis-
of six or and az. a fesse, chequy, ar. and sa. played, or.
on a canton gu. a dragon's wing, erect, of the Cushney, ar. a chev. engr. sa. betw. three mul-
third, in base a sword ppr. pomel and hilt lets in chief and a crescent
in base, az. ensigned

gold, surmounting a silver key, saltierwise. on the top with a fleur-de-lis of the last. Crest,
Crest, a ram's head, couped, ar. surmounted by an anchor ppr. surmounted by a fleur-de-lis ....
two branches of oak, in saltier, ppr. Cusington, az. three cinquefoils or.
Curtis, sa. three fleurs-de-lis ar. Cussans, or De Cusance. Arms, as in the
CuRTlSS. See Curtess, above. first
Dictionary. Crest, a dexter band, holding
Curtois. See Curteis. up a boar's head, erased and erect, ppr.
Curtoys. See Curteis. Cust, [Earl Brownlow.] Arms as Cust, of
CuRUN, [Yorkshire,] as Curwen, of Sella- Park, Stamford, in the first Dictionary. Crest, a lion's
in first Dictionary. head erm. sa. gorged with a collar, paly wavy of
Curwey. See Curway in the first Dictionary. six, ar. and az.
Curwvn. See Curwen in the first Dictionary. Custance, or, a rustre sa. Crest, a covered cup.
Curzon, [Earl Howe,] quarterly; first and fourth, Custe, [Somersetshire,] ar. on a bend, dancettee,
or, a fesse betw. three wolves' heads, couped, sa. three fleurs-de-lis of the field.
sa. for Howe; second and third, ar. on a bend C US worth. See Casworlh.
sa. three popinjays or, collared gu. for Curzon: Cutber, [Suffolk,] az. on a fesse, cottised, or.betw.
First crest, out of a ducal coronet or, a plume three dragons' heads, erased, gold, a cock betw.
of five ostrich feathers az. for Howe; second two doves, volant, gu.
crest, a popinjay, rising, or, collared gu. for Cutberd, [Colwell,] ar. three chev. sa. bezantee.
Curzon. Cuthbert, [Witton-Castle, Durham.] Same as
Curzon, [Baron Scarsdale,] ar. on abend sa. three Oundle in the first
popinjays or, collared gu. Crest, a popinjay, Cuthbert, or Culhburst, ar. three chev. sa. on
rising, or, collared gu. each five bezants. Crest, on a heart gu. an
Curzon, [Loking, Berks,] vaire or and gu. on a eagle's claw, erased at the thigh.
bend sa. three popinjays of the first. Cuthbert, [Inverness.] Arms, the same as the
Curzon, [Derbyshire.] Arms as in the first Dic- second of the name in the first Dictionary.
tionary. Cuthbert, [Inverness.] The same, with the fesse
Curzon, ar. on a bend sa. betw. three dragons' indented on the upper, and engr. on the under
heads, erased, gu. as many popinjays of the side.
field. Cuthbert, [Ireland,] ar. three chev. betw. as many
Curzon, ar. a bend, compony, or and az. on a roundles sa. Crest, a demi lion az. holding
chief gu. two lions, passant, gardant, in pale, of with both paws a battle-axe ppr.
the second. Cuthbert, or Cutburt. Arms as Cutbert, of Oun-
Cusack. Arms as in the first Dictionary. dle, in the first Dictionary. Crest, on a heart
Crest, a spear, erect, entiled with a savages' gu. an eagle's claw, erased at the thigh.
head, couped, all ppr. Cuthbertson, [Scotland,] or, a fesse gu. betw.
Cusacke, vaire,and sa. Crest, a dexter
ar. an eel, naiant, in chief az. and a lion's head,
hand, with a couteau sword, indented on the erased, in base, gu. Crest, a hand, gauntleted,
back, cutting at a quill, all ppr. throwing a dart.
Cusacke, [Ireland.] As the fourth of the name Cuthkll, or, a bend gu. Crest, on a ducal
in the first Dictionary. coronet or, a leopard, sejant, gorged, ppr.
Cusacke, [Ireland.] As the third of the name in Cutler, [Cornwall,] sa. a bend, cottised, betw.
the first
Dictionary. three fleurs-de-lis or.
Cusake, [Ireland,] per pale, or and az. a fesse, Cutler, [Ipswich, Suffolk,] as Cutler, of Chantry,
counterchanged. Crest, a mermaid ppr. in the first Dictionary.
Cuttkn, or Cutting, [Chichester.] ar. a fret DABIGATT, or DENGAT, per bend, embattled,
of eight pieces gu. on a chief az. an escallop or.
; sa. and ar.

Crest, a deini griffin ar. collared az. holding Dabigni, or, two chev. gu. within a bordure,
betw. the claws an escallop or. engr. of the last.
Cuttes. Crest, an eagle, displayed, ar. beaked Dabitett, or, two lions, passant, regardaut, az.
and membered gu. Dabiton. The same as Dabicotte.
Cutts. See Catts. Dabitot, or, two lions, passant, gardant, gu.
Cuylrr, [St. John's Lodge, Herts, Bart] per Dabmore, a leg, couped at the thigh, sa.

pale, embattled, gu. and az. an arrow, in bend, Da bon E, [Devon and Cheshire,]
ar. a fesse betw.
or, barbed and flighted ar. point upwards. three men's legs, couped at the thigh, sa.
Crest, on a mural crown ppr. a battle-axe, Dabridgecourt, erm. on three bars, humettee,
erect, surmounted by two arrows, in saltier, or, gu. six escallops or, three, two, and one.
flighted ar. points upwards. Dabridgecourt, gu. three bars, humettee, ar.
Cyfer, or Syfer. Arms as in the first Dic- Dabriuscort, barry of six gu. and erm. a
tionary. Crest, a griffin's head ppr. bordure of the second.
Cyllie,[Scotland,] gu. three castles ar. Dabson, [London, Clerk of the Statutes,] ar. a
Cvnddclow, gu. a chev. betw. three lions, ram- fesse, nebulee, gu. betw. six fleurs-de-lis sa.
pant, or. Crest, two lions' gambs, erased, in saltier, paws
Cynlie, [Scythia,] purp. the proboscis of an downwards.
elephant, in pale, couped, flexed, and reflexed, Dabytot, erm. two lions, passant, gardant, az.
or. Dacasta. The same as Da Costa.
Cyvusioc, [Earl of Chester,] .... three garbs Daccomb, [Stapleton, ihe original Arms,] vert, a
griffin, segreant, ar. Crest, two wings, ex-
panded and cunjoined, ....
Dackcombe, [Croft-castle, Dorset.] The same,
with a crescent for difference. Crest, an oak-
tree ppr. fructed or, round the tree a scroll with
D this motto, Virtutis robore robor.
Dackum, or Dackam, gu. three spires ar.
Da Costa, or Dacasta, or, three broken
Daale, gu. a swan ar. beaked and membered of shank-bones, fesseways, in pale, gu. the broken
the field. parts to the exterior. Crest, a rein-deer, pas-
Dabam, erm. three cinquefoils, in pale, pierced sant, ppr.
sa. betw. two flaunches of the last, each charged Dacre, [Cumberland and Westmoreland.] Arms,
with a comb ar. see first Dictionary. Crest, a demi tiger,
Dabelot, erm.; a chief bendy of six or and sa. ducally gorged and chained, ppr. (Another
Dabernon, [Hants and Surrey,] az. a cross or. crest, a bull, statant, with the tail extended, gu.)
Daberon, [Surrey.] Same as Dabernon, of D'Acre, az. on a cross ar. five escallops gu.
Surrey, in the first Dictionary. Crest, an eagle, rising, ppr.
Dab Eton, per (esse; in chief bendy of six or Dacres, [Mathfield or Ma\field, Staffordshire,
and sa. in base erm. and Cheshunt, Hertfordshire, descended out of
Dabetot, [Worcestershire,] erm. a chief bendy
; Westmoreland.] Arms, see first Dictionary,
of six or and sa. Crest, a dove, holding in the but the field, according to Bigland's MS. Pedi-
beak an olive-branch ppr. gree, and thus noted in Clutterbuck's History
Dabetot, or Dabelolt, [Worcestershire,] erm. a ;
of Herts, should be ar.
cbief bendy of six or and az. Dacres, [Essex.] The same Arms as Dacres, of
Dabetto, erm. a bend sa. London, in the first Dictionary. Crest, on a
Dabews, ar. a cross betw. four lozenge-buckles chapeau gu. turned up erm. a wood-pigeon az.
gu. betw. two branches of laurel ppr.
Dabgrenin, or, a chev. engr. betw. three leo- Dacres, gu. three escallops ar. in chief a mullet of
pards' faces sa. the last. Crest, a bull, passant, gu.
Dabgrewin. The same as Dabgreene in the Dacres, gu. a chev. betw. three escallops ar.
Dictionary. Dacres, ar. a chev. gu. betw. three pellets, on
Dabgreyne. The same. each an escallop of the first. Crest, a dove ar.
Dabicotte. The same as Dabcolt in the first charged on the breast with an escallop betw. two
Dictionary. oak-branches vert, fructed of the second.
Dacres, [Hercmonceux, Sussex,] az. three lions, Daisie, Deasie, or Daises, [Scotland,] erm. a pale
rampant, or. vert. Crest, a hawk's head, erased, ppr.
Dacres, [London,] ar. a chev. sa. betw. three tor- Dakecoinibe, [Lincolnshire and Salop.] Arms,
teaux, each charged with an escallop of the field. see the first Dictionary. Crest, a dove or.
Dacres, [Loudon.] The same, with ogresses in- Dak eh am, gu. three church -spires ar. on each a
stead of torteaux. ball and cross or.

Dacus, erm. three halberts, two and one, gu. Dak em, Dak en, or Dak ens, az. a cross betw.
Dad ale, gu. three plates, two and one. four lions, rampant, or.
Dadale, gu. three pales ar. Dakeney, az. a cross ar. betw. four lions or.

Dade, [Shaddingfield and Beccles, Suffolk, and Dak ins, [Yorkshire,] or, on a fesse, engr. betw.
Sittingbome, Kent.] The same as in the first three pelicans, vulning themselves, gu. a lion,
Dictionary. passant, betw. two cinquefoils of the field.
DADLEY.'ar. a chev. or betw. three bucks' horns Crest, a demi heraldic antelope vert, holding in
affixed to the scalp sa. Crest, a naked arm', the paws a heart or.
embowed, holding in the hand two slips of Dalabeu, az. a boar's head, couped, in fesse, or,
columbines ppr. betw. three escallops in chief and six cross cross-
Dael, az. an escocheon ar. thereon a lion, ram- lets in base ar. three, two, and one.

pant, gu. Dalaber, az. crucilly, three boars' heads, couped,

D'Aeth, [Dartford and North Cray, Kent; crea- or, two and one.
ted a Baronet, 1716] See the first Dictionary, Delabynde, or Delalyne, gu. three harts'
and after 1824, add who took the Surname heads, couped, ar.
and Arms of D'Aeth in addition to those of Dalam, erm. three cinquefoils, in pale, sa. betw.
Hughes, by Royal Sign Manual, dated 30th two (launches of the last, on each a bear, passant,
May, 1808. ar.
Dagei, worth, erm. on a chev. gu. three bezants. Dalam, [London ] The same, the flaunches
Dagge. Crest, a lady's arm from the elbow ppr. charged with a hind, passant, ar.
banded sa. bracelet or. Dalbam, erm. three cinquefoils betw. two
Daggett. Arms, see first Dictionary. -Crest, flaunches sa. each charged with a coney of the
an eagle, displayed, gu. charged with a bezant. first.

Daggett, [Ediuburgh.] Crest, a demi talbot sa. Dalbeneto, [Earl of Arundel,] gu. a lion, -ram-^
collared or. or.
Dagget, [Roxby and Pickhall, Yorkshire,] or, on Dalbeney, gu. three bugle-horns ar. stringed or.
a chief az. three crescents of the first. Dalberon, az. a chev. or.
Dagley, paly of six ar. gu. or, sa. ar. and az. ; a Dalbie, or Dalby, or, three bars gu. Crest,
chief erm. Crest, Minerva's head from the a crane, regardant, resting its foot on a stone.
shoulders, affrontee. Dalbote, [Worcestershire,] erm. a chief bendy ;

Dagnall, [York Herald, temp. Henry VII.] of six or and gu.

paly of six or and ar. ;
a chief gu. Dalbury, gu. three bugle-horns, stringed, ar.
Dagnia, [Newcastle and South Shields, Dur- Dalby, ar. three bars, wavy, gu. Crest, a demi
ham,] ar. on a bend, fimbriated, sa. three annu- Hercules, with a lion's skin aud club ppr.
lets of the field. Dalby, [Yorkshire,] gu. a chev. erm. betw. three
Dag worth. To the first of the name in the first buckles or.

Dictionary add Crest, a lion's paw, erased, Dalby, [London.] The same.
holding up the hilt of a broken sword ppr. Dalby, [Cheshire,] ar. two chev. engr. sa. a can-

Dagivorlh, [Suffolk,] erm.

on a chev. gu. three ton of the last.

bezants. Dalcaine, [London.] The same as Dalbam,

Dagworth, [Suffolk,] ar. on a fesse gu. three before given.
bezants. Daldeburgh, or Daldebrigh. See the first

Daile, [Scotland, Patent 1681,] gu. a swau, re- Dictionary, the fleur-de-lis az. (Another coat,
gardant and standing on a mount, in base, vert.
the lion erm.)
Crest, a swan's head and neck, couped, ppr. D'Aldein, ar. a cross betw. four martlets vert.
Daintry. To the first of the name in the first Dale, [London,] sa. on a chev. or, betw. three
Dictionary add Crest, a bull's head, ducally herons, with wings expanded ar. five torteauxes.
Cr est, a heron, as in the Arms.
gorged, ppr.
Daisie, or Deisie, [Scotland,] ar. three daisies JJ*rferTLondonT] See the-fwst Dictionary, after
gu. stalked and leaved vert. Crest, add on a chapeau gu. turned up erm.
Dale, [Northumberland,] gn. a swan, with wings cubit arm, erect, holding a branch of oak fruct-
expanded, Crest, a stork ppr.
ar. ed ppr.
Dale, [Scotland.] Crest, an arm, issuing, bran- Dalling, second of the name in the first Dic-
dishing a cimeter ppr. tionary, after " trefoils" read or, and for
" martlets az."
Dale. To the last of the name in the first Dic- read martlets ar.
tionary, add ("rest, an arm, cmboued, holding Dalling, correct Arms, second in the first Dictio-
a sword, bendways, ppr. nary, by making the charges on the chief ar.
Dale, gu. two lions, passant, in pale, ar. collared Dalling, erm. on a bend sa. three acorns or, slip-
az. ped vert. Crest, a cannon, therefrom a chain
Dale, ar. on a bend gu. three foxes of the field. in form of an arch, and within it a lion's head,

Dale, [Bristol, Somersetshire, and London,] sa. erased, ppr.

on a chev. or, betw. three herons, volant, ar. Dalling, ar. on a chev. sa. betw. three holly-leaves
seven torteauxes. vert, as many bezants; a chief gu. charged with
Dale, ar. on a bend az. three wolves, passant, of an anchor, betw. two martlets of the field.
the field. Crest, a wolf, salient, erm. ducally Dallingried, or Dallingreid. The same
or. as
gorged Dallingridge.
Dales, or Dalles, three ducal crowns gu.
ar. Dallington, az. guttee ar. on a maunch betw.
Crest, a demi lion, rampant, or, collared gu. three leopards' heads or, as many cross crosslets
Dalgely, or, three pelicans' heads, vulning, sa. gu.
Crest, a lion, rampant, gardant, az. Dallison, ar. a pile,
engr. gu.
Dalgleish, [Scotscraig, Scotland.] Arms, see Dal low, quarterly, per fesse, indented, ar. and
the first Dictionary- Crest, a book open ppr. gu. in the first and fourth quarters a rose of the
Dalhurst. Crest, a crescent ar. last.

Dalingho, or Dalingoe, [Suffolk,] vert, Dally, or, two bendlets gu.

semee of' fleurs-de-lis ar. Dalmahoy, [Dalmaboy, Scotland.] Arms, see
Dalingrugge, ar a cross, engr. gu. Crest, a first Dictionary.- Crest, a dexter hand brandish-
demi lion ppr. ing a sword, all
Dalisonne, [Scotland,] vert, a lion, rampant, D'Almaine, an eagle, with two heads, dis-

or, debruised by a fesse sa. charged with a played, sa. over each head a ducal crown or.
crescent ar. betw. two mullets of the second. Crest, on a ducal crown or, a mullet of six
Dall. Crest, a lion, passant, gardant, ducally points of the last.
gorged and regally crowned. Dalman, sa. a fesse erm. betw. three annulets or.
Dall. Crest, a writing-pen and sword, saltier- Dalmari, az. a cbev. erm. betw. three escallops
wise, ppr. ar.

Dallam, [London,] erm. three cinquefoils sa. Dalmer. Crest, on a chapeau gu. turned up
betw. two flaunches of the last, each charged erm. a head erased and ducally crowned.
with a coney ar. Dalrymple, [Nova Scotia Baronet, 1700, New
Dallas, [Petsall, Staffordshire, Bart. 21sl July, Hales, Haddington, Villetta, near Lymington,
1798,] ar. a bend az. betw. three mullets sa. Hants,] or, on a saltier az. betw three water-
Crest, a crescent, per pale and per crescent or bougets in the flanks and base sa. nine lozenges
and gu. of- the first, within a bordure of the second,
Dallas, [Scotland,] erm. on a pale vert five billets charged with four boars' heads, couped, and as
or, two, one, and two. Crest, an open lancet many mullets of the field. Crest, a rock ppr.
ppr. Dalrymple, [High Mark, Wigtown, Bart. '2\st
DALLE, gu. a swan ar. beaked and legged sa. December, 1814,] or, on a saltier az. betw. a
Dallender, [Buckland, Surrey,] erm. two star of eight points in chief gu. and two water-

bars, geinelles, and a chief or. bougets in the flanks sa. nine lozenges of the
Dalleson, gu. five crescents, two, two, and field. Crest, a rock ppr. over it this motto,
" Firm."
one, or, a label of five points throughout and a
canton ar. Dalrymple, [Cranstoun, Scotland.] Arms, the
Dalley, three cross crosslets, fitchee,
same as the of the name in the
first first Dictio-
in pale sa. betw. two pellets ; on a chief gu. a nary. Crest, as above.
fleur-de-lis ar. Crest, a demi angel, issuing, Dalrymple, [Cousland, Scotland.] The same.
holding a griffin's head, erased, ppr. Dalrymple. [North Berwick, Scotland.] The same
Dalling, [Orval, Surrey, Bart. 4th March, 1783,] Arms as the last of the name in the first Dictio-
erm. on a bend or, three acorns ppr. Crest, a nary. Crest, as above.
Dalrymple, [Inglestown, Scotland,] or, a saltier Damarle, Damarley, or Danmarley,
sa. charged with nine lozenges of the first. [Cheshire,] per fesse az. and gu. three cross
Crest, a hart's head, couped, ppr. crosslets, fitchee, ar.
Dalrymple, or, on a saltier az. betw. two water- Damarle, or Danmarle, gu. on a chief az. three

bougets in fesse sa. and a mullet in chief gu. crescents ar.

nine lozenges of the field. Damarley, or Damrell. The same.

Dalrymple. The same Arms as the fourth of the Damarley, sa. on a fesse ar. three escallops of the
name in the first Dictionary. Crest, a rock ppr. field.
" Firm."
over it the motto, [Borne, quarter- Damarley, gu. on a chief az. three cross crosslets,

ly, with the

Arms of Apsley, (viz. ar. three fitchee, ar. two and one.
bars gu. a canton erm.) by John Apsley- Dal- Damarrell, [Devon,] gu. three crescents ar.
rymple, Esq. of Mayfield,
Sussex, l!533.] Dambdesey, per pale or and ar. three hounds
Dalsiel, [London,] a naked man, his arms
sa. gu.
extended, ppr. within a bordure, engr. ar. Damboys. To the second of the name in the
Crest, a demi man, in armour, brandishing a first Dictionary add, of France, and Crest, a
cimeter ppr. rock sa.

Dalton, [Norroy King of Arms,] az. a lion, Dambucarle, Dambucare, or Dambru-

rampant, gardant, ar. Crest, a dragon's head carle, gu. a cross vair.
gu. betw. two dragons' wings or. Dam dale, ar. six Cornish choughs, three, two,
Dalton, [West Aukland, Yorkshire,] sa. three and one, sa.

lozenges ar. on each a saltier gu. Crest, a Dame, per pale ar. and or, three lions' heads,
ram's head, couped, ar. attired or. erased, gu.
Dalton, lozengy.ar. and sa. Crest, a dragon Dame, [London,] ar. a chev. engr. betw. three
vert. hinds, trippant, gu. (Another, the chev. plain.)
Dalton, [Durham,] gu. a saltier, couped, ar. Dameck, o/-Dameke, gu. three cinquefoils or,
Dalton, [Thurnham-Hall, near Lancaster,] az. a within as many annulets of the same.
lion, rampant, ar. in chief three cross crosslets Dameley. As Damerley, the fourth in the first
of the last. Crest, a dragon's head ppr. betw. Dictionary.
two dragons' wings or. Damener, Damenor, or Damner, or, a lion,
Daltoy, [Ireland,] gu. two bars or, each char- rampant, az. over all, on a fesse gu. three mart-
ged with a cross crosslet of the field, in chief lets ar.
three roses ar. seeded of the second, barbed Damer, [Milton- Abbey, Dorsetshire.] See first
vert. Dictionary, add [These Arms confirmed and the
Dalvey, chequy ar. and az. Crest granted, 1592, by Robert Cooke, Claren-
Daly, [Ireland.] Crest, a ferret, collared and ceux, to Giles De Amory, of Cotherington,
lined, ppr. Gloucestershire.]
Dalyn, [Devonshire,] ar. on a chev. sa. betw. Darner, [Earl of Dorchester.] See first Dictio-
three palm-leaves vert, as many bezants. nary.
Daly son. The same as Dalison, of Kent. Damerer, [at the siege of Calais,] barry wavy
Dalzell. Crest, a dagger, in pale, ppr. of six ar. and gu.
Dalziel, [Dalziel, Scotland,] as the first of the Dameret, [Devon,] gu. three crescents or.
name in the first Dictionary. Damerley. To the first of the name in the first

Dalziel, [Cornwath, Scotland.] The same Arms. Dictionary add, Crest, a dexter hand brandish-
Crest, a sword, in pale, ppr. ing a cimeter, all ppr.
Dalziel, [Binns, Scotland.] The same as the Damerley. The same Arms. Crest, a lion's
second of the name in the first Dictionary. head, erased, within a chain in orle.
Crest, a dexter hand brandishing a cimeter. Damersell, [Devon,] gu. three crescents or.
Dalziel, [Edinburgh, Scotland,] sa. a naked man, Damett, [London,] sa. guttee ar. on a canton ;

his arms extended, ppr. within a bordure, engr. erm. an annulet gu.
or. Crest, a sword, in pale, ppr. Damio, quarterly, per pale, indented, ar. and
Dalziell. Crest, a branch of laurel and this- gu. in the first and last quarters a cinquefoil of
tle two hands, couped and con-
issuing from
the last.

joined, one armed, the other

naked. Dam m ant. Arms, see first Dictionary. Crest,
Daman, ar. a tower, flanked by a wall, and two a dexter hand, brandishing a cimeter, ppr.
turrets gu. Dammanl, sa. a turnip, leaved ppr. ; a chief or,
Damant. Crest, two lions' heads, endorsed, ppr. guttee-de-!armes.
Dammarle, gu. ;
on a chief az. three cross cross- Danby, ar. five fusils, in fesse, sa.
lets ar. Danby, [Yafford, Yorkshire.] The same as
Dammarley, gu. three crescents in fesse ar. ;
a Danby, of Laughton, the chief gu.
chief or. Dan caster, gu. a tower triple towered ar.
Damne, per pale ar. and or, three lions' heads, Dancasler, or, on a bend az. three towers ar.
erased, gu. Dancay, ar. on a bend, cottised, az. three
Damner, or, a lion, rampant, az. overall, on a ciuquefols, pierced, ....
fesse gu. three martlets ar. Dancel, ar. a bend gu.
Damo. As in the first Dictionary, with cinque- Dancer, Bart. [Northland, Tipperary, and Mo-
foils instead of quatrefoils. dreeny, near Cloghjordan, Ireland,] ar. three
Damock, per bend sinister or and ar. a lion, talbots' heads, erased, ppr. Crest, an arm, in
rampant, counterchanged. Crest, a gauntlet, armour, embowed, holding a broken lance, the
supporting a spear, sa. upper part hanging down, ppr.
Damon, or Dabinon, [Devon,] ar. a fesse Dancer, or, six cinquefoils gu. Crest, a pheon
betw. three men's legs sa_ with a broken shaft thereon.
D'Amorie, [Gloucestershire.] Crest, out of a Dancey, or, three bars, wavy, gu.
mural coronet or a talbot's head az. eared of Dancy, per pale or and gu. two bars, nebulee,
the first. counterchanged.
Damory, [Ireland,] barry of six ar. and gu. a Dancy, [London,] ar. on a bend vert three roses
bend az. Crest, a demi lion, rampant, gardant, or.
sa. Dandelbey, az. a canton or, bordure gu.
Damory, or Damouy. Arms, Dictionary. see first Dandeleigh, ar. two bars gu. each charged
Crest, a long cross, recrossed and standing with three crosses, bottonee, or.
on three grieces, gu. Dandeljgh, erm. on three bars gu. nine crosses,
Damport, [Damport, Bromhall, Henbury, Cal- bottonee, or.
and Woodford, Cheshire.] The same as
teley, Dandelsey, gu. on a chief az. a crescent ar.
Damport, of Lovington see first Dictionary. ; Danderley, gu. a crescent ar. a chief az.
Damport, [Essex.] As Damport, of Cheshire, Dan d erne, erm. a fesse, chequy, or and az.
in first Dictionary. betw. four pellets, three in chief and one in
Dampres, gu. a chev. per chev. or and ar. betw. base. Crest, out of a ducal coronet or, a demi
three crescents of the last. ostrich, with wings endorsed, ar.
Damsell, [temp. Edward VI.] erm. on a cross, Damsell. The same Arms, the cross betw.
engr. sa. five crescents, betw. the horns of each four towers, triple towered, sa.
a mullet ar. Crest, a demi lion, rampant, or, Danuey, ar. on a bend sa. three birds of the
pellettee. field.

Damvers, gu. a chev. betw. three mullets, Dandre, az. a lion, rampant, gardant, or.
pierced, or. Dandy, [Trewren,] ar. on a bend cottised sa.
DAMURES, gu. a chev. betw. three mullets or. three quatrefoils of the first.
Damy, [London,] ar. on a bend vert three roses Dandy, [Cretingham, Suffolk.] See first Dic-
or. tionary. [Confirmed by Sir Gilbert Dethictc,
Dan, or Dann, or, a chev. chequy gu. and ar. Garter, in January, 2d Elizabeth.]
betw. three trefoils, slipped, vert. Crest, out Dane, [Hertfordshire,] or, a chev. engr. az.
of a mural coronet a demi monkey, rampant, betw. three binds, passant, gu. [Granted bi/
ppr. Harvey, C'larenceux, 1561.]
Dan, gu. on a bend ar. cottised or, three martlets Dane, [Sheriff of London, 1570.] The same
vert. Awns. Crest, a wolf, statant, ar.
Dana, sa. on a bend ar. three chev. vert. Crest, Dan ell, sa. on a bend ar. coitised, indented,
a bull's head, affrontee. or, a cross crosslett, fitchee, gu.
Danarston, [Suffolk,] ar. three halberts gu. Daneport, or Damport,az. three digging
Danbaedge, erm. on three bars, humettee, gu. spades or.
six escallops or. Daneray, or Danray, ar. on a bend cottised
Danbretcourt, erm. two bars, humettee, gu. az. three cinquefoils, pierced, or.
Dan bury, ar. a cross betw. four mullets, pierced, Danes, [London.] As in the first Dictionary,
gu. the bend charged with swans not swords.
Danby, erm. on a chev. gu. three fleurs-de-lis Danett, [London,] sa.
guttee ar. a canton
or. erm.
Danever, or, rampant, az. over all a
a lion, Dansell, or, a bend gu.
f'essegu. charged with three martlets ar. Danser, [London,] per pale ar. and or, three
Danevs, or Danes. Arms, see first Dictionary bars, wavy, gu.
with Daneys. Crest, a quadrangular castle. Dansert, or, an inescocheon az. overall a bend,
Danei/s, [Devon,] sa. three Danish axes, two gobonated, ar. and gu.
and one, ar. Dansey, or, three bars, wavy, gu. Crest, a
Daneys, [Devon,] ar. three Danish axes, two and demi savage, wreathed about the middle, in the

one, gu dexter hand a slip of myrtle, all ppr.

Danford, per bend, crenellee, ar. and sa. (Ano- Dansie, or, three bars, wavy, gu. Crest, a sea-
ther, sa. and ar.) horse ppr.
DANG EN, az. a crescent or, betw. the horns an Danskine, [Scotland,] or, a stag, lying fesse-
estoile ar. ways, a raven feeding on his back, sa.
Dangf.rfield. Crest, a savage's head, wreathed Danson, sa. a chev. or, voided az. betw. three
about the temples with laurel-leaves ppr. garbs of the second. Crest, a garb, quarterly,
Dangle, or, billettee, a lion, rampant, sa. or and gu. banded az.
Dan heck, [London.] Crest, a rose ppr. Danstall, [Kent,] sa. three combs ar.
Daniel, sa. two flaunches, indented, ar. Dant, ar. a chev. betw. three Cornish choughs'
Daniel, [London,] az. a bend betw. three escal- heads, erased, sa. beaked gu. blood dropping
lops ar. Crest, a galley, with oars, in saltier. from their bills ppr. Crest, a chough's head, as
Daniel, [Trelisseck,] per fesse erm. and sa. in in the Arms.
chief two lozenges of the last, in base a talbot, Dantesev, per pale or and ar. a fesse nebulee
passant, Crest, a pelican ppr. encircled
or.- gu.
with two branches of laurel, also ppr. Dantoigne, [Tournay,] or, across chequy ar.
Daniel. Crest, a bull, passant, ppr. and gu. a label of three points az.
Daniel, [Edinburgh,] ar. a pale, fusilly, sa. two Dantre, [Norfolk,] gu. a bend ar. cottised or.

cantons or, on the dexter a lion, rampant, gu. Dantree, gu. on a bend or, three escallops sa.

on the sinister a galley, with sails furled and Dantry, az. four fusils in fesse ar.

oars, in saltier, of the second, flags of the last. Dantsey, az. a wivern or, and a lion, rampant,
Crest, an unicorn's head ar. combatant, ar.

Daniel, [Beswick, Yorkshire.] Arms, see first Danvers, [Dauntsey, Wiltshire,] gu. a chev.
Dictionary. Crest, an unicorn's head, erased, betw. three mullets or. Crest, a cubit arm,
or. erect, vested az. on the clenched hand ppr.
Danielston, [Danielston, Scotland,] ar. a bend a parrot, close, vert.
sa. Danvers, [Cuthorp, Leicester,] ar. on a bend gu.
Daniers, or Daniel, [Bradley,] ar. a pale, three martlets or, winged vert.

fusilly, sa. Crest, an unicorn's head, erased. Danvers, [Culworth, Northamptonshire.] Arms,
Dan is, ar. a chev. sa. betw. three mullets gu. see first Dictionary. Crest, a water wivern or.
pierced or. Danvill, or, a chev. and mullet, in the dexter
Daniston, az. two lions, passaut, gardant, or. point, sa. pierced of the first.
Danit, chequy, or and sa. Danvillen, or Danvillers, ar. three escocheons gu.
Danke, gu. two bars, and in chief three annu- Dany, sa. on a fesse or, three cinquefoils ar.
lets gu. Danye, ar. a bugle-horn, stringed, sa.
Dan ma re, barry, nebulee, of six ar. and gu. Danyell, ar. on abend sa. three escallops of
Crest, a lion's gamb, couped, sa. supporting an the first.

escocheon gu. Danyell, [Suffolk,] ar. four lozenges, in pale,

Danmarle. See Damarle. sa.

Danmer, barry, nebulee, of six ar. and az. Danyell, [Cheshire,] sa. two flaunches, indented,
DANNERE, [Scotland,] or, three boars' heads gu. or.

in the centre an arrow, paleways, of the last. Danyell, az. a bend, betw. six escallops, ar.
Dannett, sa. guttee ar. a canton erm. Danyell, [Lord] ar. on a canton, sa. a lion's paw,
Dannis, [Tadington, Suffolk,] ar. a chev. sa. erased, iu bend, or.
betw. three mullets of six points gu. Danyers. Crest, a parrot ppr.
Dano, quarterly; per pale, indented, or and gu. Danzell, or
Danzelles, [Yorkshire,] gu.
in the first quarter five lozenges of the second. three cinquefoils erm.
Danrey, ar. on a bend az. cottised gu. three Danzelstoun, or Dannestoun, [Danzels-
cinquefoils or. toun,] ar. a bend sa.
D A 11 D A R
Dapiff.R. To the first of the name in the first az. betw. as many garbs sa. Crest, a garb ar.
Dictionary add Crest, an eagle az. charged with an anchor sa.

Dapifer, or Dapijfer, gu. a cross ar. in the first ; Darling, [Cornwall,] ar. three flesh pots sa.

quarter an escarbuncle of eight staves, flory, or, Darling. Crest, a hand, in gauntlet, holding a
within a bordure of the second. pheon erect, point upwards.
Dapifer, gu. two bends ar. a canton erin. Darling, [Scotland.] Crest, a hand holding a
DARBURG, ar. three dolphins, naiant, sa. heart ppr.
Darby, [Ireland.] Crest, a yew tree ppr. Darlington. The same as the second of the

Darby, per chev.. battel ly or and az. four eagles, name in the first Dictionary, with the leopard's
face or.
displayed, counterchanged.
Darby, [Hants.] The same, with five eagles. Darlo, [Earl of Lenox,] az. three fleurs-de-lis
Darcet, ar. a cross sa. in the dexter canton an or, within a bordure gu. charged with eight
eagle, displayed, gu. round buckles gold.
Darcy, sa. an inescocheon ar. betw. six eagles, Darmo, quarterly, indented or and gu.; in the
first and fourth five lozenges, in cross, of the
displayed, or.
Darcey, [Lincolnshire,] or, three roses ar. second.
Darnall, sa. two wolves' heads, erased, ar. on
Darcey, ar. three roses gu. seeded or, within a
bordure, engr. sa. a chief gu. a lion, passant, or.

Darcey, az. three cinquefoils betw. six cross Darnard, erm. on a chev. sa. three annulets ar.
crosslets ar. a bordure gu. Darnell, [Grange, Bishopwearmouth, Durham.]
Darcey, az. a cinquefoil betw. seven cross cross- The same Arms and Crest as Darnell, of Hey-
lets ar. a bordure, engr. gu. lings in the first Dictionary.
D'Arcy, az. semee de cross crosslets and three Darnley. Crest, on a ducal coronet a martlet
cinquefoils ar. Crest, a bull ppr. ppr.
D'Arcy, [Ireland.] Crest, a tilting spear, broken Darntre, gu. a bend ar. betw. two cottises,
in three places, the upper part in pale, the others engr. or.
ppr. banded gu.
in saltier, Darre, gu. a chev. vair, betw. three crescents
Darcy, [Ireland,] az. three roses, in fesse, ar.
barbed or, seeded vert, betw. six crosses, bot- Daroch, [Gouroch, by Patent, 1794,] ar. a three-
ship, under sail, in sea, ppr.
tonee, of the second. masted betw.
three oak-trees, eradicated, and fructed of the
Darcy, [Wilts,] ar. three roses gu. seeded or.
Darcy, [Lord Mavor.] See first Dictionary, the last. Crest, a demi Negro holding in the dex-
letters should be I.O.M.I.S. ter hand a dagger ppr. Supporters, two alliga-
Darcye, three cinquefoils gu.
ar. Crest, a tors ppr.
head, couped, ar. collared sa.
lion's Darrach, [Ireland.] Crest, on the top of a
Dardays. The same as Dardas in the first Dic- spear, issuing,a savage's head, couped, dis-
tionary. tilling blood, ppr.
Dardes, [Ireland,] ar. three escallops sa. over Darrell, [Littlecote and Hungerford, Wilts,
all a pale gu. surmounted of a chev. of the se- aud West-Woodhay, Berks.] The same as the
cond. fifth of the namein the first Dictionary.

Dareby, ar. a canton gu.

two cinquefoils ; Darroch, ar.a chev. betw. three trees vert.
Darell, az. a lion, rampant, or, vulned gu. Crest, a dove holding in the beak an olive
Dares, [Norfolk, Loudon, and lklingham, branch ppr.
Northumberland,] per chev. engr. gu. and enn. DaRTES, [Ireland,] or, three bars, wavy, gu.
in chief a demi lion, rampant, ar. betw. two Dartoye, or Dartoys, [Ireland,] barry, ne-
crescents or. bulee, of six ar. and gu.
Dargie, barry of ten az. and or. Darvall, gu. on a pale or, betw. four bezants,
Dargiers, or Dargies, or, an orle of mullets a lion, rampant, Crest, a lion's head,
of six points gu. gorged with a collar, charged with three be-
Dargies, or, eight stars sa. three, two, two, and zants.
one. Darward, ar. on a chev. sa. three crescents of
Darley, [Surly, Yorkshire.] .. .. a lion, ram- ,
the field.

pant, Crest, on an esquire's helmet out Darwell, ar. three anchors, in pale, sa. betw.
of a mural crown, a lion, rampant, holding a two pallets vert, iu chief, gu. Crest, a lion's
stafT .... head, erased, or, ducally crowned gu.
Darley, or, on a chev. engr. ar. three bars, wavy, DarWEN. Crest, a camel's head, couped, ppr.
I) A U D A V
Dashwood, [Northbrook, Oxfordshire, since of Daundsey, [London,] per pale ar. and gu. two
Kirtlington-Park, near Woodstock, Bart. Wth bars, nebulee, counterchanged, gu. and or, in
May, l(j84.] The same Arms and Crest as chief a crescent.
Dashwood, of Goudhurst, Kent. See first Dic- Daunecourt, or, a chev. sa. in the dexter chief

tionary. a mullet, pierced of the second. Crest, a

Dassett, [Warwickshire.] The same as in the negro's head, couped at the shoulders, habited,
Dictionary, with Cornish choughs in place paly of six erm. and ermines, pendents at the
of the martlets. Crest, a Cornish chough ears or, wreathed about the temples, bats' wings
ppr. to his head sa. expanded on each side.
Dast. Crest, a flame of fire ppr. Daungens, [Wilts,] az. over a crescent or, a
Daston, [Domhleton, Worcestershire.] The star ar.
same Arms and Crest as Dastin in the first Dic- Dauney, ar. a dragon, segreant, sa.
tionary. Daunsey, per pale ar. and or, two bars, nebu-
Daslon, gu. on a bend or, three mullets sa, lee, gu.
Crest, a flame of fire ppr. Daunsey, per pale or and ar. three bars, nebulee,
Daslon. In the Arms of the first of the name in gu.
the first Dictionary for " jiile?' read " pah.*' Dac NT, ar. a chev. betw. three birds' heads,
Dathkles, or, three piles gu. erased, sa.
Datling, ar. six lions, passant, sa. three, two, Daunt, [Oldpen, Gloucestershire,] ar. a chev.
and one. betw. three eagles' heads, erased, sa.

Dation, [Yorkshire,] ar. a cross az. betw. four Daunt. Arms, see the first
Dictionary. Crest,
birds vert, beaked and legged gu. a cockatrice, displayed, ppr.
Daubene, ar. five fusils, in fesse, gu. in chief Daunt, [Ireland.] The same Arms. Crest, on
two martlets respecting each other. the point of a spear issuing a wivern, sans legs,
Daubeney, [Bristol, Somersetshire,] gu. four tail nowed, all ppr.

lozenges conjoined, in fesse, ar. Crest, two Dauntt, e. As Dauntre, or Dauwte, in the
dragons' wings, displayed, ar. first Dictionary.
Daubeny, [Cirencester, Gloucester.] The same. Dauntrey, az. a fesse, chequy, or and az.
Daubuz, erm. a chev. gu. betw. three acorns, Dauntsey, [Sir John,] per pale ar. and or, a
slipped and pendent, ppr. fesse, nebulee, gu. betw. three lions' heads,
Dauce, or, two lions, passant, gardant, in pale, erased, of the last, each devouring the top of a
gu. broken spear, headed of the first. Crest, a
Daudie, [Cornwall.] Crest, a horse, passant, horse's head, couped, az. bezantee, maned and
saddled and bridled, ppr. bridled ar.
Daufernon, [Surrey,] az. a chev. or. Dauntsey, Crest, out of a ducal coronet a dexter
Daulbeny, or Dawbeny. Arms, see first hand holding up a fleur-de-lis.
Dictionary. Crest, an eagle, with wings ex- D'Autry, Autre, Hautre, or Hawtrey,
panded, or. [Bucks,] ar. three lions, passant, in bend betw.
Dauling, [London, 1695,] erm. on a bend sa. two cottises sa.
three acorns or. Dauvell, ar. a pale, lozengy, sa. within a bor-
Dauling, [Kent,] gu. three crescents or. dure of the last.

Daulinge, erm. on a beud .. .. three acorns, ,

Dauvergene. Crest, a horse's head sa. bridled
slipped, ....
Datjmarle, gu. a cross crosslet, fitchee, ar. on Dave, [Lescerwell, Cornwall,] vert, on a bend
a chief az. two of the same. ar. three doves, volant, sa.
Daun, [Ireland,] or, fretty gu. in chief three Davell, to the second of the name of, [York-
mullets sa. shire,] in the first Dictionary, add Crest, a
Dauncey. Arms, see the first Dictionary. dexter hand, apaumee, charged with an eye
Crest, a lion's head, erased, ar. collared gu. ppr.
Daundelegh, ar. two bars gu. thereon seven Davell, to the third of the name of, [Yorkshire,]
cross crosslets or. in the first Dictionary, add Crest, a terrestrial
Daundeleigh, barry of six erm. and gu. six globe ppr.
cross crosslets or. Davell, [Durham and Yorkshire,] gu. a bend
Daundeley, az a canton or, a bordure gu. within a bordure, both engr. or.
Daundley, ar. on three bars gu. six cross cross- Davell, ar. on a fesse betw. three fleurs-de-lis gu.
lets or. two fleurs-de-lis of the first.
1) A V D A V
Dwell, [Bucks,] ar. on three bars sa. six cinque- Davidson, [Curriehill, Scotland.] The same as
foils of the first. the third of the name in the first Dictionary.
Davelyn, or Davelyne, [Toumay, in France,] Davie, [Credy, Devons, Bart. 9th Sept. 1641,]
az. on a saltier ar. five torteaux. ar. a chev. sa. betw. three mullets,
pierced, gu.
Daveney, [Coulton, Norfolk,] ar. a chev. sa. Crest, a pascal lamb ppr.
betw. three nuns' heads, couped at the shoulders, Davie, [Durham.] The same Arms.
ppr. Davie, sa. on a fesse betw. two chev. ar. three
Davenport, on
a chev. betw. three cross
ar. mullets of the last on a canton or, a rose gu.
crosslets, fitchee, sa. a trefoil of the field. Crest, on a chapeau vert, turned up erm. a
az. two spades or. boar ar. armed and crined or,
Davenport, gorged with a
Dayf.nt. Arms, as in the first
Dictionary, with chaplet vert. [Granted 1664.]
the mullets pierced. Da vies, [Pembroke and Carmarthen,] ar. three
Davent, erm. on a bend gu. cottised sa. three bulls' heads and necks, couped, sa. Crest, a
mullets or. bull's head, as in the Arms.
Daventre, Dawntre, or Dawtre, erm. a Davill, or, on a fesse betw. three fleurs-de-lis
fesse, compony, or and az. betw. three escal- gu. as many of the field.
lops ermines. Daville. As the first in the first Dictionary,
Daverx, [Bradford,] gu. a crescent, over the the fleurs-de-lis of the second.
horns a mullet ar. on a chief az. three estoiles Davils, or, a chev. embattled erm. betw. three
or. fleurs-de-lis gu.
Davernon, az. a chev. or. Davindarle, per fesse az. and gu. three cres-
Dayeny, ar. on a bend sa. three anchors of the cents ar.
first. Da vi rle, sa. on a fesse ar. three escallops of the
Dayerkell, sa. on a fesse ar. three escallops of field.
the first. Davis, sa. three annulets ar.
Dayerle, sa. on a fesse ar. three escallops of Davis, ar. a chev. sa. betw. three mullets gu.
the field. pierced or.
Daverport. Arms, see first Dictionary. Davis. Crest, a bull, passant, ar.
Crest, a lion, passant, erm ducally crowned or, Davison, per pale .... and . . . . , a stag, trip-
resting his dexter paw on an escocheon of the pant, or. Crest, out of a mural coronet a
stag's head, afironfee, ppr.
Davers, [Rougham, Suffolk,] ar. on a bend sa. Davison, [Somerset.] Arms, as the second of
three martlets or. Crest, a jay ppr. in the bill name in the first Dictionary.
an anuulet or. (Another Crest, a talbot, pas- Davison, [Blakiston, Thorley-Gore, and Elvet,
sant, ar.) Durham.] The same as Davison, of Newcas-
Davers, [Oxon,] ar. on a bend gu. three martlets tle, iu the first Dictionary. [Granted 3d Jan.
or, winged vert. 1631.]
Davers, gu. a chev. betw. three mullets or. Davison, [Beamish, Durham,] erminois, a fesse,
Davers, [Oxon,] ar. on a bend gu. three birds or, wavy, in chief a rose betw. two cinquefoils, and
membered vert. the same in base, gu. Crest, out of a crown,
Davers, [Devon,] erm. three battle-axes within a vallory, or, a dove, with wings elevated, ar. in
bordure, engr. gu. the beak an ear of wheat or.
Daverey, ar. on a bend az. cottised Davison, [\Yingate,] or, a fesse, wavy, betw.
gu. three
cinquefoils or. three estoiles gu.
Davey, sa. three eagles' heads, erased, or. Daviss, sa. a chev. erm. betw. three cinquefoils
Crest, an ostrich's head betw. two feathers, of the same. Crest, out of a ducal coronet a
holding in the beak a horse-shoe, all ppr. hand hoi '.ing a sword, wavy, in pale, ppr.
David, ar. two bars gu. in chief three cross Davoran. Crest, a hind ppr.
crosslets or. Davy, [Sir Humphrey, Bart.] sa. a chev. ermi-
David, [King,] az. a harp or. nois betw. two annulets, in chief, or, and in
Davidson, [Balgay, near Dundee, Scotland.] base a flame ppr. encompassed by a chain of
The same as the first of the name in the first the first, issuing from a civic wreath gold.
Dictionary. Crest, out of a civic wreath an elephant's head
Davidson, [Cairnbrogie, Scotland.] The same sa. eared or, tusks ar. the proboscis attached by
as the fourth of the name iu the first Dictio- a line to a ducal coronet, round the neck of the
nary. first.
Davy, sa. a fesse betw. three chess-rooks ar. Dawne, or Dawn, ] Arms the same
Davyle, sa. on a fesse ar. three escallops of the as the first of the name
the first Dictionary.
field. Crest, a crane, holding in the beak an olive
Daw, ar. on achev. betw. three cross
pile gu. a branch, all ppr.
crosslets Crest, an eagle, with
of the field. Dawnes, ar. a bugle-horn, sa. stringed gu.
wings expanded, looking at the sun, ppr. Dawney, [Sesay, Yorkshire.] Arms see first
DAWBHNEY, [Earl of Arundell,] gu. a cross, Dictionary. Crest, a demi man, coat ar. face
formee, ar. and az. ppr. wreathed about the temples ar. and sa.
Dawbeney, [Essex,] gu. three lozenges, in fesse, holding in the dexter hand a gem-ring or.
erm. in chief as many mullets or. Dawngate, per bend, battelly, ar. and sa.

Dawbeney [Baron,] gu. four (another five) lozen-

, Dawn ie, az. five fusils, in fesse, or, within a
ges, in fesse, ar. bordure az. bezantee.
Dawbeney, [Norfolk,] az. a cross betw. four lions, Dawnsell. See Dawsell.
rampant, ar. Dawnv, ar. on a bend, cottised, az. three roses
Daavbemarle, gu. a cross, flory, vair. or.

Duwbemarle, gu. a plain cross vair. Dawre, ar. on a betid az. cottised gu. three
Daw'Bin, paly of three and harry of the same gu. cinquefoils or.
and ar. counterchanged in chief two cinquefoils
; Dawsell, or Dawnsell, or, a bend gu.
of the second, in base one of the first. Crest, Dawson, [Aserley, Yorkshire.] The same as
a triton, holding in the dexter hand a trident, fifth of the name in thefirst Dictionary.
ppr. by Richard St. George, Clarenceux, November,
Dawbney, [Cumberland,] ar. a cross betw. four 1605.]
lions, rampant, gu. Dawson, [London,] gu. on a bend or, three mart-
Dawborne, or Daberon,
[Surrey.] The same lets Crest, a talbot, passant, ....
as Dabernon, of Surrey, in the first Dictionary. Dawson, [Newcastle-upon-Tyne,] az on a bend
Dawboron, [temp. Edw. I.] az. a chev. or. or, three martlets gu. Crest, a talbot, passant,
Daweron, [temp. Edw. I.] az. a chev. or. ppr.
Dawes, ar. on a pile gu. a chev. betw three cross Dawson, [Newcastle,] az. on a bend, engr. ar.
crosslets of the field. Crest, a lion's gamb, three daws, (another ravens,) ppr. Crest, a
erased, ar. holding a fleur-de-lis or. daw ppr.
Dawes, [Middlesex, granted 2$lh Feb. 1781,] Dawson, az. on a bend, engr. or, three martlets
sa. on a chev. betw. three mullets or, as many sa. Crest, an arm, embowed, in armour, aud
acorns, slipped and leaved, vert.. Crest, a holding in the hand a snake, twisted round the

dexter arm, embowed, vested gu. cuff ar. arm, all ppr.
holding in the hand ppr. an oak-slip vert, fruct- Dawson, az. on a bend, engr. ar. three martlets
ed or. sa.
Dawes, [London,] ar. on a bend az. cottised gi\. DAWTMARCH. f Another coat as in the first Dic-
betw. six crosses .... three swans of the first. tionary, double cottised.)
Dawes, [Wotton, Gloucestershire,] az. three DawtoigNb:, [Tournay, France,] or, a cross,
doves ar. chequy ar. and gu. a label of three points az.
Dawgf.WERSE, erm. on a fesse gu. three bezants. Da wto n, or Dawnton, ar. three piles sa. on
Dawker, gu. a lion, passant, gardant, betw. on each a rain's head, couped, of the first, at-
two escallops, in pale, ar. and as many flaunt Iks tired or.
of the second, each charged with a lion, ram- Dawy, gu. a chief chequy ar. and sa.
pant, sa. Crest, out of a palisado coronet an DAX. Crest, betw. the horns of a crescent a
arm, embowed, habited .. .. holding a battle- ,
cross pattee.
axe, fesseways, ppr. Dax, sa. a chev. ar. betw. three bees, volant,
Daw lev, [Hants,] gu. a chev. erm. betw. three ppr. Crest, an antelope's head, erased, ppr.
castles, each triple-towered, ar. Crest, in a Day, [Suffolk,] erm. on a chief, indented, az.
mural crown ar. a dragon or, wings gu. two eagles, displayed, ar. Crest, out of a
I)\w UN, gu. a trefoil, slipped, or. ducal coronet a demi eagle displayed.
Daw NAY', ar. on a bend, cottised, gu. three cin-
Day, [Easton, Gloucestershire.] The same Arms,
quefoils or. the eagles or.
Dawnuvi,, ar. on a bend, cottised, az. three Day, [Micklefield Green, Herts.] The same
roses or. Anns as Day, of the Isle of Ely, in the first
Dawndley, az. a canton or, within a bordure su. Dictionary.
Dai/. To the lastof the name in the first Dic- or, a dragon's head, bend ways, betw. two os-
tionary add Crest, out of a ducal coronet or, trich feathers ar.
a demi griffin erm. Deane, [Derbyshire,] sa. a fesse, dancettee, ar.
Day, [Derbyshire.] The same as the first
Day, in chief, three crescents of the last.
of London, in the first
Dictionary. Deane, [London.] (Another coat, as second in

Day, or Dey, [Bishop of Chichester,] quarterly, the Dictionary, with the lion couchant.)
first .

ar. and gu. a cross quarter changed and ad- Deane, [Devon,] ar. a fesse erm. betw. three
joined, betw. four demi roses with rays, all flies
counterchanged, stalked vert. Deane, gu. a lion, couchant, or, on a chief ar.
Daynell, az. on a bend or, three martlets, three crescents of the field.
sa. Deane, [Tothwell, Lincolnshire,] or, a saltier

Daynell, [Yorkshire,] ar. on a pale, undee, sa. erm. fimbriated gu. on a chief of the last, three
betw. six cinquefoils, in pale, gu. two cinque- saltiers of the first.

foils of the field. Di-ANNE, [Ireland,] erm. a chev. az.

Daynellin, [Suffolk,] ar. three escocheons gu. Deans, [Marshfield, Gloucestershire,] gu. three
Daynton, vert, across, sareellee, betw. twelve crosses, moline, ar. a chief, vaire, erm. and
crosses, formee, fitchee, or. sa.
Day r ell, barry of six ar. and sa. on each a Dear, or DeaRE, paly of three, per chev. sa.
cinquefoil counterchanged. and ar. counterchanged, a chev. gu. Crest, a
Dayrell. The same, the cinquefoils in chief. horse at full
speed, saddled and bridled.
Dayvill, gu.alion, rampant, betw. eight fleurs- Dear. Crest, a deer's head, couped, ppr.
de-lis ar. Dearinge, gu. three squirrels' heads, couped,
Dazells, [Kent,] gu. three cinquefoils erm. or.

Deach, erm. three greyhounds, courant, in pale, Dearman, per chev. or and gu. in chief, two
gu. cinquefoils of the second, stalked and leaved
Deacon, [Loudon.] The same Arms as in the vert, in base, a crane ar. holding in the dexter
Dictionary, the chief or. Crest, a horse's foot a stone sa. Crest, out of a ducal coronet
head, erased, or. or, five cinquefoils as in the Arms.
Deacon, [Tetburv, Gloucestershire,] ar. a cross Deas, [Scotland,] erm. a pale vert. Crest, a
gu. pierced of the field. bee, feeding on a daisy, all ppr.
Deaken. Crest, out of a mural coronet gu. a DeaSE, [Ireland,] ar. three chev. interlaced.
leopard's bead or, ducally gorged of the first. Crest, out of a ducal coronet, a demi ostrich
Deakin, [Lincoln's Inn, London.] The same with wings, indorsed, ppr.
Arms as Dakeyn, of Stubbing-Edge, Derby. De Aske, barry of eight az. and or.
De Alsco, [Polonia,] gu. the hull of a ship, Deathick, [Womegey.] The same as Dethich,
having only a mainmast and top, without of Bredsale.
tackling, or. Crest, a ship as in the Arms. Deattmor, a fesse, dancettee, paly of six
Dealbeney. Crest, an ox-yoke, inbend, sa. gu. and betw. three mullets of the last.
Dealtry. Crest, a hand, issuing from a cloud, De Aubney, sa. three helmets ar.
holding a stog by the horns. Deaves. Crest, a lion's paw, erased, gu. hold-
De-Amory. See Darner. ing a dagger or.

Dean, [Dean, Gloucestershire,] ar. two bars and De Baa. See Baa.
a canton, sinister, gu. De Bardis, [Thame, Oxfordshire,] ar. a tiger,
Dean, gu. a lion, couchant, or, on a chief ar. passant, regardant, gazing in a mirror, all ppr.
three crescents of the first. [M. I. to Sir James De Barry, [Gloucestershire,] paly of six ar.
Dean, Knight, in St. Olaves Church, Hart and sa. over all four bars gu.
Street, London, 1G08.] De Basset, ar. two bars az. in chief, three -,

Dean, [Wallingford, Berks, and Mattingley, Isle chaplets gu.

of Wight.] Same Arms as Dean of the latter De Bathe, Bart. [Knightstown, Meath, July
place, in Appendix to the first Dictionary. 7th, 1801,] gu. a cross, betw. four lions, rani-
Crest, a griffin's head, erased, or, beaked gu. pant, ar. Crest, a lion, rampant, ar. support-
collared vert, rimmed and studded gold, betw. ing in the paws a dagger of the first, hilt and
two wings, elevated, of the third. pomel or.

Deane, [Durham,] az. two ostrich feathers, in Debbeig, gu. on a chief ar. three crosses, pattee,
saltier, betw. three dragons' heads, couped, of the field.

bendwavs, ar. Crest, out of a ducal coronet De Bellomont, gu. a cinquefoil ar.
Debenam, sa. a bend betw. two crescents ar. Deckes, az. a lion, rampant, in the first point a
Debenham, [Suffolk,] or, a bend betw. two cross crosslet, fitchee, ar.
crescents sa. Deckles, or Dekes, az. a lion, rampant, betw.
Debirnam, .... a boar's head, couped, .... eight cross crosslets, fitchee, ar.
crowned .... Deckling, [Devon,] ar. a chev. betw. three
De Blondeville, az. three garbs or. See ewer-pots az.
Blundevitl. Deckling, or Dreckling, ar. a chev. betw. three
Debman, or Delaman, [Ireland,] gu. ou a flagons of the first.

bend ar. three Cornish choughs ppr. De Clare, or, three chev. gu. Crest, the stan-
De Boh UN, az. on a bend ar. cottised or, betw. dard of St. George, issuing, ppr.
six lions, rampant, gold, three escallops gu. De Clinton, ar. six cross crosslets, fitchee, sa.
Crest, a wolf, courant, ppr. on a chief az. Uyo mullets or, pierced gu.
Debouche, or Debuche. Arras, see the first Crest, on a mount vert, a stag feeding ppr.
Crest, a cloud ppr.
Dictionary. Decombe, ar. five lozenges in bend betw. two
De Bolton, three bird-bolts, in fesse, gu
ar. cross crosslets, fitchee, sa.
Debram. Crest, a wheel betw. two wings .... De Courcy, [Lord Kingsale,] ar. three eagles,
De Brampton, ar a wivern, passant, az. tail displayed, gu. ducally crowned or. Crest, in a
nowed. ducal coronet or, an eagle, displayed, az.
De Bregvill. Crest, a hand holding a sheaf Supporters, two unicorns az. armed, maned,
of arrows ppr. and hoofed or, gorged with coronets composed
De Breteville, gu. a bend ar. surmounted by of crosses pattee and a fleur-de-lis, thereto a
a fesse or. Crest, a staff, raguly, in pale, sur- chain, all of the last.
mounted by an eagle, displayed, gu. De Courcy, [Stockton, Cornwall.] The same
De Brickhead. The same as Bricket, of Arms and Crest.
Cheshire. De Cowcy, paly of six vair and gu. Crest, a
De Brouse, az. three garbs or, banded gu. horse's head, couped ar. bridled gu.
De Bruges, az. ten mascles or, four, three, two, De Crey, gu. a cross, engr. or.
and one, ou a canton gu. a lion, passant, gar- De Crispigny, [Bart. Champion-Lodge, Cam-
dant, of the second. Crest, a cross Calvary on Surrey, and King's How, near South-
three grieces gu. ampton.] The same Arms and Crest as Cres-
De Bryan, [Ireland,] ar. three piles gu. in base pigny in the first Dictionary.
two fleurs-de-lis az. Crest, a hand ppr. holding De Dale, ar. a fesse gu. in chief three torteauxes.
an escallop or. Dedale, gu. a shoveller ar.
De Burgh, [Marquis Clanricnrde and Baron of Dedam, az. a chev. ar. a canton, engr. or.
Dunkellin,] or, a cross gu.; in the first quarter a De Den, or De Dena, ar. fretty gu. Crest,
lion, rampant, sa. Crest, a tabby cat, sejant, a demi hand, fesseways, couped, holding a
gardant, ppr. gorged with a plain collar and sword in pale, on the point a garland, all
chain or. Supporters, two tabby cats, gardant, Deden, [Essex,] ar. a fesse, dancettee, gu.
ppr. collared and chained as the Crest. Deden, Dedon, or Dedend, [Berks and Northamp-
Deburgh. Crest, a bull's head betw. two wings. tonshire,] gu. two bars and a canton ar.
De Burgh, [Earl of Kent, ob. 1243,] gu. seven Deden, [Leicester,] ar. a lion, rampant, purp.
lozenges vair, three, two, and two. Dederyke, az. six plates, three, two, and one.
De Burgo, [Bart. Castle-Connol, Limerick,] Crest, a demi lion, rampant, issuing, gu.
erminois, a cross gu.; in the first quarter a lion, Dedeyne, or Deden E, ar. a fesse, dancettee,
rampant, sa. Crest, a tabby cat, sejant, gar- gu.
dant, ppr. gorged with a plain collar and chain Dedham, az. a saltier, engr. and a canton, in-
or. dented, or.
Decapella, [Ireland,] ar. a fesse gu. over all a Dedham, az. a chev. and canton, engr. or.
bend of the first. De Dreux, chequy or and az. a canton erm.
De Carteret, ar. three mural crowns gu. Crest, a ram's head, erased, ar. horned or.
Crest, a rein-deer's head, cabossed. De Duras, gu. a lion, rampant, ar.
De Cherneys, .... three martlets, in fesse, Dedwood, [Cheshire,] sa. two bars ar. on a
and in chief a label of as many points. canton of the first, a garb betw. four acorns or.
Decker, [London, 1616.] Arms, see the first Crest, an oak-tree, fructed vert.
Dictionary. Crest, a mountain cat, courant, Dedyne. The same Arms as Dedend, of Hun-
regardant, ppr. tingdon, in the first Dictionary.
Dee. The same as Dee, of Mortlake, in the fust De Fortibus, gu. a cross, patonce, vair.
Dictionary. [Borne by Dr. Francis Dee, Dean De Frene, or, a lion, rampant, gu. within a
of Chichester, elected Bishop of Peterborough, bordure, engr. sa.
Qth April, 1(334, ob. 1038.] Degayne, or Degeyne. See the first Dic-
Dee, [Cheshire.] The same as Dee, of Mortlake, tionary, the number of crosslets ten.
in the first Dictionary. Degges, [Suffolk.] See Digges, in the first

Deeble, az. three deebles ar. Crest, a deeble Dictionary.

ar. Degon, [Gloucester,] az. six plates, three, two,
De Ekeney, az. two lions, passant, gardant, or, and one, on a chief or, a lion, passant, gu.
a label of three points ar. Degon. The same Arms as Degon, of Norfolk,
Deelsume, or, a fleur-de-lis az. on a chief of in the first Dictionary. Crest, on a ducal coro-
the second, an eagle, displayed, of the first. net or, a dolphin, haurient, ppr.
Deem ford, ar. two wings sa. Degon, [Eltham, Kent,] ar. a chev. embattled
Deem, gu. a chev. ar. betw. ten bezants. counter-embattled, erm. betw. three bears' paws,
Deen, or, a fesse sa. erased, gu. within a bordure az.
Deene, [Rutlandshire.] See Deane, of that Degrely, gu. three bars ar.
county, ill the first Dictionary. Degrey. Arms, see the first Dictionary. Crest,
Deene, [Leicestershire.] See Deane, of that a dart and palm-branch, in saltier, ppr.
county, in the first Dictionary. Dehaney. Crest, a demi bear, rampant, muz-
Deene, [Esses,] ar. a fesse, dancettee, gn. zled ....
Deene, gu. a lion, couchant and gardant, or, on a De Harcla, or Harclk, ar. a cross gu. in the
chief ar. three crescents of the field. Crest, a first
quarter a martlet sa. Crest, a fret az.
demi lion, rampant, or, holding in the dexter De Hatfield. Crest, on the stump of a tree,
paw a crescent gu. sprouting out new branches, an eagle, with
Deepham, ar. a fesse gu. betw. three wolves' wings endorsed aud inverted, all ppr.
heads. De Hoese, Hosatus, or Hussey, erm. three
Deerhaugh, [Colston-Hall, in Bedingham, Suf- bars gu.
folk,] sa. three martlets betw. two bendlets ar. De Hoo, three circles of chains sa.

Deering, or Dering, [Petworth, Sussex, and Deighton, a lion,

ar. passant, betw. three
Lvsse, Somersetshire.] The same as Deering, crosses, pattee, gu. Crest, a fountain, throwing
of Surrenden- Deering in the first Dictionary. up water, ppr.
De Eschallers, ar. a fesse betw. three annu- Deincourt, [Yorkshire, temp. Edward I.] erm.
lets gu. a fesse, dancettee, sa.
De Estrivers, [Cumberland,] ar. three bears, Deinston, [Scotland.] Crest, a tree ppr. fruc-
passant, in pale, sa. ted gu.
three pine-apples gu.
DeEuREUX, per pale, indented, ar. and gu. Dekefeild, ar.

Dekerton, a fesse erm. betw. three water-

Crest, arrows
five gu. headed or, feathered ar. gu.
bound by a belt of the first, buckle of the second. bougets of the last.
De Ewes, [Stowhall,] or, a fesse, betw. three Dernovill, gu. six mullets of as many points
quatrefoils gu. or, over all a label of three points, in chief, az.
De Ferrars, horse-shoes sa.
ar. six Crest, on Dekyele, gu. a fesse vair betw. seven billets or.
achapeau gu. turned up erm. an eagle preying De-la-Bere, ar. on a bend cottised az. three
od a child, swaddled, all ppr. escallops or, betw. two martlets sa.
De Ferre, [L538,] gu. three plates, within a Delabourne, [Ireland,] per pale az. and gu.
bordure, chequy, ar. and az. three lions of England.
De Ferrers, ar. six horse-shoes az. Crest, a Delaber, gu. afesse, nebulee, or, within a bor-
pheon az. dure, engr. ar.
De Ferrers, ar. six horse-shoes sa. three, two, Delaber, az. a bend, cottised, betw. six martlets
and oue. or.

Deffe, or Deyff, sa. a chev. erm. betw. three Delaber, gu. afesse, nebulee, or, within a bordure,
leopards' heads ar. engr. ar.
Defoix, ar. two bulls, passant, in pale, each Delaber, ar. a cross chequy or and ar.
having a bell suspended round the neck, armed Delaber, gu. afesse, wavy, within a bordure, engr.
and hoofed or. or.
De Fort, ar. three mullets gu. Delaber, az. three boars' heads, betw. twelve
De Fortibus, [temp. John,] ar. a chief gu. cross crosslets, or.
DEL 1) E L
De-LA-Bigard, or, a chief chequy or and gu. Delalawrd, ar. a chev. betw. three billets gu.
De-la-Brect, gu. [Borne by Enmenius De-la- Delaleigh, Delegey, or Delegh, erm. on
Brect, at the Siege of liar laverock, temp. a chev. sa. three bezants. Crest, out of a cres-
Edward /.] cent or a cross crosslet, fitchee, sa.
De-la-Ciiamber, [Oxon,] erm. on a chief gu. Delaley, [Herts,] ar. a cross chequy of the
a lion, passant, or. field and az.
De-la- Chamber, [Rodmill, Sussex,] ar. a chev. De-LA-Lond, barry of eight az. and ar.
betw. three chamber-pieces sa. tire ppr. sur- Delalune, az. an increscent ar.
mounted of another erm. Crest, an ass's head, Del a lure. The same as Delaluna.
erased, ar. Delalynd, [Surrey,] ar. a fesse betw. three
Delacheer, a quadrangle chequy ar. and az. crescents sa.
De-la-Down E, paly, wavy, of six, ar. and gu. Delalynd, [Surrey and Sussex.] Anns, see first
Delafield, or De-la-Fero, [Ireland,] or, a Dictionary. Crest, in the sea ppr. an anchor
lion, rampant, gu. langued ar. sa.

DELAFORD, az. three lions, rampant, crowned, Delalynd. The same Arms. Crest, an escallop
or. gu. betw. two eagles' wings, expanded, or.
De-la-Forde, ar. a greyhound, springing, per De la line, [Clexstow, Dorset,] gu. three bucks'
pale sa. and ar. heads, couped, ar.
De-la-Fountain. See first Dictionary; after Delamaine. Arms, seethe first Dictionary.
" Granted
bi/ Camden, Clarenceux," add Crest, a man, in a military habit, az. holding a
February, 1619. flag, in bend, gu.
De-la-Foy, sa. a human heart or, over all two Delamaine, ar. three crosses gu.
arms, issuing from the dexter and sinister base, Delamaine or, three plain crosses gu.

in saltier, ar. the sinister surmounting the dex- Delamarch, ar. a bend gu. voided, chequy
ter. or and az.
Delahay, ar. an estoile gu. Crest, a roundle Delaware, [Lannd,] or, three bars, indented,
vert, charged with a lion's head, erased, ar. gu.
collared az. Delamare. To the first of the name in the first
Delahay, ar. a mullet of eight points gu. Dictionary add Crest, an eel, naiant, ppr.
Delahay, sa. a cross, engr. ar. in the centre an Delamare, or Delamayue, ar. (another, or,) three
escocheon gu. crosses gu. Crest, a ship, on the sea, under
Delahay, [Yorkshire.] Arms as tenth of the name sail, ppr.
in the first Dictionary. Delamare, [Suffolk,] or, a fesse, double cotlised,
Delahay, ar. on a fesse gu. betw. nine mullets six az.
martlets sa. Delamare, [Suffolk,] gu. a maunch erm.
Delahay. To the tenth of the name in the first Delamare, [Hants,] gu. a lion, passant, ar. col-
Dictionary add Crest, two lions' gambs, couped, lared az.
sa. supporting an escallop gu. Delamare, [Hants,] gu. two lions, passant, in
De-la-Hern, [Ireland,] gu. three falcons ar. pale, ar. collared sa.
Delahide. or De-la-Hyde, [Brinton, Berks,] Delamere, [Sussex,] or, a fesse, cottised, az.
barry of six ar. and gu. over all a bend sa. Delamere, [Berks,] az. two bars, dancettee, or.
Delahill, ar. two legs, in fesse, couped at the Delamore, [Bedfordshire.] See Delamare, of
thigh gu. Bedfordshire, in the first Dictionary.
De-la-Hyle, ar. two legs, couped at the thigh, Delamore, [Sussex,] or, a fesse betw. two bars,
az. gemelles, az.
Delahynd, gu. three hinds' heads, couped, ar. Delamore, gu. a cross formee in chief an escal- ;

Delaland, or Deland, [Suffolk.] Arms, see lop ar.

first Dictionary. Crest, two dexter hands, con- Delamore, sa. a cross ar.
joined, supporting a human heart, ppr. Delamore, gu. across, pattee, in the first quarter
Delaland. The same Arms. Crest, a leopard's an escallop ar.
bead, issuing from a tower, ppr. Delamer, alias Delamore, [Ireland,] ar. a
Delaland, ar. a fesse, dancettee, betw. three billets fesse gu. fretty of the field, a label of three
gu. points or.
Delaland, a cross, engr. gu.
ar. De-la-Motte, vair, a bend gu. Crest, an os-
De-la-Laund, ar. a fesse, dancettee, betw. three trich's head, holding a horse-shoe, all betw. two
billets gu. feathers ppr.
DELANCEY, or Dblamcy, gu. two bars ar. in De-la-Pype, az. a fesse, betw. thirteen cross
chief three cinquefoils of the last. Crest, a crosslets or.
demi leopard, gaidant, supporting an anclior Delapyne, az. a fret ar. on a chief or three
ppr. torteaux.
Deladene, ar. a chev. engr. sa. betw. three Delarene, Delarendier, Delarener, or
ogresses. Delarenor, [Kent,] ar. three hats sa.
De-la-Hide, [Ireland,] gu. two bars or, over De-la-Reur, ar. three caps (or morions) sa.
all a bend sa. Delareure, az. two bars, nebulee, or.
Delaney, or Delany, gu. on a pale ar. three Delariver, [Ireland,] gu. a saltier betw. four
fishes, naiant, Crest, an antelope, trip- mullets, pierced, ar.
ping, ppr. Delariver, [Berks,] az. two bends, undee, or.
Delaney, .... a chev. betw. two swans in chief Delariver, or De-la-Rever, [Berkshire.] Arms,
and a pair of shears in base Crest, a see first Dictionary. Crest, a shepherd's flute
swan, statant, betw. two wings ppr. or.

Delangle, per fesse or and az. in chief two Delariver, [Yorkshire.] Arms, see first Dictio-
acorns, and in base an estoile counterchanged. nary. Crest, a lion's gamb, holding a broken
Delanore, [Suffolk,] ar. a fesse betw two bars spear, ppr.
gemelles az. Delaroche, gu. three roaches, haurient, ar.
Delany, [Ireland.] Crest, a buffalo's head, two and one.
erased, gu. Delaroue. As Delarenor, or Delarour, in the
Delapance, ar. guttee-de-poix, a lion, ram- first
pant, sa. Delarous, .... three caps sa. Crest, an arm,
Delapanch, [Bucks.] The same. armour, erect, holding a sword, ppr.

Delapella, [Ireland,] ar. a fesse gu. over all a De-LA-Ryvers, az. two bars, daucettee, ar.
bend of the field. De-la-Sale, gu. five lions, rampant, in cross,
Delapinde, [Sussex,] az. fretty ar. on a chief or.

or, three torteauxes. Crest, a lion's gamb, De-la-See, az. two bars, nebulee, or.
erased, ar. holding three pines or, leaved vert. Delaton, ar. a fesse betw. six cross crosslets,
Delapipe. To the last of the name in the first fitcbee, sa.

Dictionary add Crest, three organ-pipes or, De-la-Tour, [Sir Sanchott, K.G.] or, a lion,
enfiled with a garland of laurel vert. rampant, double queued, gu.
Delapipe, [Staffordshire,] az. a fesse erm. betw. De-la-Tour, az a tower, embattled, with a cu-
ten crosses, flory, or. pola, ar. port gu.
Delapitt, [Ireland,] gu. a saltier, engr. or, Delatower, az. a tower, triple-towered, ar.
betw. four roses ar. seeded gold, barbed vert. Delatunde, [Hants.] See Delatune in the first
Delaplaunch. Arms, see first Dictionary. Dictionary.
Crest, a cross, moliue, erm. f Another Crest, a Delavaciie, or De-la-Vach, gu. three lions,
hunting horn, sans strings, sa. garnished or.) rampant, ar. a label of as many points, gobo-
Delapoile, ar. a chev. gu. a bordure sa. be- nated or and az. Crest, a cow's tail ppr.
zantee. Delavache, [Buckinghamshire.] To the third of
Delapoile, ar. a saltier gu. a bordure, engr. sa. the name in the first Dictionary add Crest, an
bezantee. ox-yoke, in pale, sa.

Delapoole, [Middlesex.] Arms, see first Dic- De-la-Vatche, gu. three lions, rampant, ar.

tionary. Crest, on a chapeau gu. turned up crowned or.

erm. a leopard, statant, ppr. Delavale, [Northumberland,] erm. three lo-

Delapoole, or, a saltier gu. a bordure, engr. sa. zenges az.

bezantee. Delavere, [Yorkshire,] ar. a fret sa. a canton

Delapoole, [Suffolk.] The same as Delapole, se- gu.

cond of that name in the first Dictionary. Delaverry, gu. three bugle-horns or, strings
Delapoole, [Cheshire,] per pale or and sa. a sal- ar.

tier, engr. counterchanged. Delavoll, [Delavoll, Cumberland.] See first

Delapoole. To the eighth of the name in the first Dictionary. (Another Crest, out of a ducal
Dictionary add Crest, within an orle of laurel, coronet or, a ram's head erm. attired gold.)
vert, a dolphin, embowed, az. Delavore, or Delavere. To the first of the
Delaport, ar. three bars az. over all a saltier name in the first Dictionary add Crest, a stag,
gu. Crest, a bird, with wings expanded, ppr. salient, ppr.
Delavore, Delavere, or Delaverly, or, a cross gu. or Dell, Secretary to Wm. Laud,
and chief vert. Crest, a catharine-wheel, dis- of Canterbury ]
tilling drops of blood, all gu. Delves. The same Arms as Delves of Cheshire
De-la-Winch. See Winch, in the first Dic- and Kent in the first Dictionary. Crest, a dol-
tionary. phin, naiant, az.
Delaund, [Suffolk,] az. a maunch erm. Delves. The third of the name in the first Dic-
" Cheshire'' read
Delayver, ar. a fret sa. a canton gu. tionary, before Duddington.
De-la-Zouch, gu. a fesse erm. betw. six be- Delves, [Keut.] Arms the same as Delves of
zants. Lancashire and Cheshire in the first Dictionary.
De Lee, per chev. or and gu. hi chief two lions, [Borne by Sir George Delves, who lived at
combatant, sa. Bridger, temp. Elizabeth.}
Deleffeild, vairee ar. and sa. Delves. [Cheshire,] ar. a chev. gu. betw. three
Deleval, sa. a fesse erm. betw. two bezants billets, sa.
in chief and a lion's head, erased, in base, or. Delves, [Cheshire,] ar. a chev. gu. betw. three
Crest, on a chapeau gu. turned up erm. a ewerpots, sa.
lion's head, erased, ppr. and ducally crowned Delwood, ar. an eagle, displayed, with two
or. heads, in bend, vert.
Delgarno, quarterly, ermine and ermines. Deman, or Denam, ar. on a bend sa. three
Crest, a sea-lion, statant, holding in the dexter mullets of the field.
paw a cross moline. Demandervile, quarterly, or and az. Crest,
Delight, erm. on a chev. sa. three bezants. on a mount vert, a stag, couraut, regardant,
Deline. The same Arms as De Ligne in the ppr.
Dictionary. Crest, a rock ppr. De Mantinge, [Suffolk,] ar. two bars az. on a
De Lisle, or, on a fesse betw. two chev. sa. chief gu. a lion, passant, or, collared of the
three roses ar. second. Crest, out of a mural coronet a lion's
Dell, ar. a lion, rampant, sa. debruised by a head ....
saltier gu. Crest, a hand, erect, issuing from Demanure, gu. four lozenges, in bend, ar.
a cloud, and holding a garb .... Demardeston, Denardeston, Deveston,
Dellaber. See with Delabere in the first Dic- or Deneston, [Suffolk.] Arms see first Dic-
tionary. tionary. Crest, a -cross, fitchee, gu. flory
Delabere, [Gloucestershire.] See with De- or.
labere in the first
Dictionary. De-Maria, az. four bendlets, sinister, ar. a
Dellee, or Delee. To the second of the name on a canton gu. a lamb of the second.
pale or,
in the first
Dictionary add Crest, on a moun- Demaunt, or, two bends gu.
tain a dove ppr. De Maschines, az. three garbs or. Crest, a
Dellore, gu. two (launches, indented, ar. a hand holding a cutlass ppr.
b ordure or. Demeford, [Devon,] sa. a ram's head ar. horned
Dellyn E. Arms, see first Dictionary. Crest, or.
on a ducal coronet or, a Cornish chough, ppr. Demelby, or Demilby, [France.] See De-
Delnam, [Suffolk,] sa. (another, az.) a bend milly in the first Dictionary.
betw. two crescents or. Demell, sa. a mullet, with a crescent, ar.
Delovaine, gu. semee of billets and a fesse De-Mewburgh, chequy or and az. a chev.
ar. erm. Crest, a cinquefoil ....
Del Sec, or Dolsey, az. two bars, nebulee, De-Mews, paly of six or and az. on a chief gu.
ar. Crest, a demi woman, naked, her hair di- three crosses, pattee, fitchee, ar.
shevelled and wreathed about the temples with De-Mohun, gu. a dexter arm ppr. habited with
cinquefoils gu. a maunch erm. the hand holding a fleur-de-lis
Delsey. The same. or.
Delsume, [France.] Arms see first Dictionary. De-Montacute, ar. three fusils, conjoined, in
Crest, a pegasus's head ar. betw. two wings, fesse, throughout the field gu.
gu. Crest, a
endorsed, or. griffin's head gu. betw. two wings or.
Delune, [Blackfriars, London,] az. a cross of De-Montgomery, az. a lion, rampant, ar.
lozenges or.
[Assigned 7th March, 1612.] within a bordure or. Crest, a demi savage,
Delves, a chev. checjuy or and az. betw.
holding in the dexter hand a sword, and in the
three billets of the third. Crest, on clouds ppr. sinister a marshals' baton, ppr.
an estoile or. [Granted 1037, to Wm. Delves, De-Montgomorency, Bart. [Upperwood, Kil-
kenny,] or, a cross gu. betw. four alerions az. Dencourt, ar. billettee, a chev. dancettee, sa.
Crest, a peacock in its pride ppr. Dencourl, [Oxon,] gu. billettee, a fesse, dan-
Di:-Montier-Aultier, [Normandy,] ar. a fret cetfee, or.
of eight pieces az. Dencourt, [Yorkshire,] az. billettee, a fesse,
Demorby. See first
Dictionary, the label of five dancettee, or.
poiuts gu. Dene, [Devonshire.] Crest, a dexter hand, hold-
Demorby. The same with mullets instead of spur- ing a cross crosslet, fitchee, ....
rowels. Dene, sa. two bars ar. within a bordure gu.
Demorby. The same, with stars instead of spur- Dene, ar. a fesse, dancettee, in chief, three cres-
rowels, the label of three points gu. cents gu.
De-Morton, erm. a chief, indented, gu. Crest, Dene, gu. three bars ar. on ; a canton of the last,
a griffin, segreant, sa. a bull, passant, sa.
De-Mow bray, gu. a lion, rampant, ar. Crest, Dener, erm. a bend az.
a fox, courant, ppr. Dener, quarterly, gu. and ar. ; in chief, a label,
Df.mpsey, [Ireland,] vert, a lion, rampant, hold- az.

ing a dagger ar. Crest, out of a mural coronet Denesey, gu. across, moline, or.
seven battle-axes, erect, ppr. Deneston, barry of four ar. and az. on a chief
Dempsey, vert, a lion, rampant, or, betw. two gu. a lion, passant, or.
swords, wavy, in fesse, of the last. Crest, a Daneville, two coats, viz. first, or, on a fesse,
sphinx, with wings expanded, ppr. betw. four fleurs-de-lis, two and two, gu. two
Dempster. [Mures, Scotland,] quarterly, first fleurs-de-lis of the field second, ar. three

aud fourth, gu. a sword, in bend, ar. hilt and swans, volant, sa. beaked and legged gu.
pomel or, surmounted by a fesse of the last ; Denew, az. five chev. or.
second and third, ar. a lion, rampant, gu. de- De Newburgh, chequy or and az. a chev. erm.
bruised by a fillet, in fesse, sa. Crest, a demi Crest, a quatrefoil vert.
lion gu. holding in the dexter paw a sword, in Den field, barry of four ar. and sa. on a bend
pale, ppr. gu. three mullets sa.
Dempster, [Pitliver, Scotland.] The same Arms Deney, ar. a chev. sa. pierced of the field.
and Crest. Dengaine, az. a fesse, indented, betw. six es-
Dempster. The same Arms, within a bordure, callops ar. Crest, on a mount a stag, feeding,
per pale, ar. and sa. Crest, a leg-bone and ppr.
palm-branch, in saltier, ppr. Dengate, per bend, battellee, sa. and ar.
Demsey, gu. a lion, rampant, ar. betw. two Dengayne, orENGAYNE, [Brunsted, Norfolk.]
swords, pomels downwards, pointing to the dex- Arms, see first Dictionary. Crest, a tower sa.
ter and sinister chief points, all ppr. with cupola and flag gu.
Demylly, [France,] az. a chev. betw. three Deiujuyne, gu. a fesse, dancettee, betw. nine
martlets or. cross crosslets or, three, two, three, and one.
Demyse, ar. three leopards' heads, jessant-de- Dengaynf.s, az. a fesse, dancettee, betw. three
lis, az. escallops ar.
Den, [Huntingdonshire.] As in the first Dic- Denge, or Denges. See Deng, in first Dic-
tionary, the crosses of the field. tionary.
Den A, ar. fretty vert. Crest, a Negro's head Dengeyne, [Norfolk,] az. a fesse, dancettee,
ppr. banded ar. betw. five escallops ar.
Denacourt, chequy or and az. on a fesse gu. Denham, gu. a fesse, lozengy, ar. Crest, on a
three square buckles ar. ducal coronet or, a fox, statant, betw. the upper
Denam, ar. on a bend sa. three mullets of the part of two spears, erect, behind and in front,
field. all ar.
Denam. See Deman. Denham, Nova Sotia, Bart. [Coltness,] quarterly,
Denamure, [Tournay, ingu. Frauce,] four firstand fourth, or, a fesse chequy ar. and az.
lozenges, in bend, ar. surmounted by a bend gu. charged with a buckle
Denarston, [Suffolk,] ar. two bars az. ; on a of the second second and third, gu. a chev.

chief gu. a lion, passant, gardaut, or. betw. three cranes' heads, erased, ar. Crest, a
Dbnbow, sa. two bows ar. strung sa. endorsed, thistle and sprig of rose-tree, in saltier, all ppr.
betw. two sheaves of arrows ppr.
iu pale, Supporters, two cranes.
Den by, vert, a bend betw. three wheels or. Denham, [Devon,] gu. five lozenges, in fesse,
Crest, an antelope, passant, gu. collared ar. within a bordure erm.
2 a
Denham. To the first of the name in the first Densel, [Devonshire,] sa. a crescent, sur-

Dictionary add [Confirmed to William Den- mounted by a mullet, ar.

ham, of London, by Sir Gilbert Dethick, Denshire, ar. a pale gu.; in chief, a crescent

Garter.] betw. two mullets, and in base a mullet betw.

Denholm, Crest, a stag, lodged, as many crescents, all counterchanged.
Den sill, [Devonshire,] sa. a crescent, and a
Deningham, or Denham, gu. three bezants. mullet in chief ar.

Deningsells, ar. a fesse gu. ; in chief, a mul- Denskine, [Scotland,] az. an eagle pouncing on
let. a hare, courant, or.
Denison. Crest, out of a naval coronet, a demi Denson, [Dcnson, Scotland.] sa. a chev. or
mermaid, holding in the dexter hand a mirror, betw. three boars' heads, erased, ar.
and in the sinister a comb, all ppr. Denstell, [Devon,] sa. a mullet over a cre-
Delalaunde, ar. a fesse, dancettee, betw. three scent ar.
gu. Denston. To the first of the name in the first
Denley, or Deiley, gu. a lion, rampant, gar- Dictionary add Crest, out of a ducal coronet
dant, ar. crowned or. or, a dexter hand holding a sword, the blade
Denman, ar. a fesse betw. three lions' heads, wavy, in pale, ppr.
erased, gu. Crest, a demi gray friar, habited Denston, [Suffolk,] ar. a chev. sa.
ppr. holding in the dexter hand a last. Denston, [Besthrop, Norfolk,] az. lions,

Denmarle, gu. three crescents, in fesse, ar. a passant, gardant, or.

chief az. Densy, gu. a cross moline, pierced, or. Crest,
Denne, ar. two flasks sa. each charged with a on achapeau gu. turned up erm. a stag, passant,
leopard's face or. Crest, a stag, lodged, ar. ppr.
attired or. [M.I. in Watford Church, Herts, Densy, ar. a bugle-horn strung sa.
to Cornelius Denne, of London, Esq.] Dent, [Northumberland,] ar on a bend gu. three
Denne, [Norfolk,] sa. a plume of feathers ar. mascles erm.
betw. four crosses, bottonee, or. Dent, [London,] ar. on a bend sa. three lozenges
Denner, quarterly, gu. and ar. a label az. erm.
Dennes, [Kent,] ar. a fesse, nebulee, gu. betw. Denton, [Cornwall,] ar. two *bars gu. ; in chief,
six fleurs-de-lis sa. three cinquefoils, pierced, sa.
Dennes, or Donnees, erm. three battle-axes gu. Denton, ar. two bars ; in chief as many mullets
Dennestoun, [Dennestoun, Scotland.] The sa.
same as the second of the name in the first Dic- Denton, ar. a chev. betw. two cottises, engr. sa.
Denwoby, ar. on a bend az. three stars or, a
Dennestoun, [Cowgrane, Scotland.] The same label gu.
as the third of the name in the first Dic- Denver. Crest, a lion chained to a tree, all

tionary. ppr.
in chief, three Denyllv, az. a chev. betw. three
Dennett, sa. a fesse, indented, ar. ; [France,]
escallops or. Crest, a demi wolf sa. collared, martlets ar.
indented, ar. Denys, Bart. [Easton-Easton, Northampton,]
Dennistoun, a bend sa.
ar. ;
in chief, an uni- ar.across patonce, betw. four fleurs-de-lis vert;
corn's head, erased, of thelast. Crest, a squirrel, on a chief az. a greyhound, courant, of the field.
sejant, or. Crest, a demi lion erminois, collared gu.
Dennock, [Devon,] ar. on a chief sa. three stars holding betw. the paws a French lily, slipped,
or. ppr.
Denny, [Cheshunt, Herts, ancestor of Baron Denys, [Gloucester,] ar.a leopard devouring three
Denny of Waltham,] sa. a saltier ar. betw. fleurs-de-lis az.
twelve crosses, pattee, fitchee at the foot or. Denys, [Devon,] erm. three halberts gu.
Denny, [Essex.] The same. Denys, [Kent,] ar. a fesse, nebulee, gu. betw. six

Dennyll, [Leicestershire,] gu. a fesse, dan- fleurs-de-lis az.

cettee, or, within a bordure, engr. ar. Denzell, sa. a crescent and a mullet in chief
Denouai, gu. ten billets or, four, three, two, and ar.
one. Crest, betw. two wings, a globe, thereon De-Olive, az. on a chev. betw. three crescents
an eagle with wings expanded. ar. as many olive-branches vert.

Denovan, [Scotland,] gu. on a bend or, three De Oyry, [temp. Conq.] barry of six or and
crescents az. Crest, a stag, tripping, gu. az.
Deonfield. The same as Deanfield. Dericke, [York Herald, 1583,] three
Deoyle, ar. three chev. sa. wafer-bougcts ....
Detden, [Herefordshire.! Arms, see first Dic- Deringford, ar. two wings sa.

tionary. Crest, an anchor or, surmounted by a De Rivers, or De Ryvers, gu. a griffin, se-
fleur-de-lis sa. greant, or. Crest, a tortoise ppr.
Depdeii. The same dexter
Arms. Crest, a Derlby a cross, moline, .... over all a
and sinister hand, wielding a two-handed sword bend chequy ar. and gu.
ppr. Dermer. Crest, a demi savage, wielding a sabre,
Depden, [Norfolk,] ar. a fesse gu. ppr.
Depden, erm. on a chief az. two lions, rampant, or. Dermot, or Dermott, gu. a fesse, dancettee,
Depden, ar. a bend gu. chief three fleurs-de-lis of the last.' Crest,
ar. in

Depden, or, a fesse gu. betw. three leopards' faces a demi lion, holding a spear, in pale, enfiled
of the field. with a bear's head, all ppr.
Depden, [Freshingfield, Norfolk,] ar. a fesse betw. Dermott. Crest, a griffin's head, erased, or.
three leopards' faces gu. Derneys, gu. a fesse ar. in chief three plates.
Depeye, or, ten billets gu. four, three, two, and Dernford. To the second of the name in the
one. Dictionary, add- Crest, a sphinx, passant,

Depham. To the first of the name in the first gardant, with wings endorsed, ppr.
Dictionary, add Crest, a lion, passant, ppr. Dernford, [Devon,] sa. a ram's head, cabossed
Another Crest, a cherub ppr. and armed, or.
Depham, [Wilts and Norfolk,] ar. on a fesse gu. Dernford, gu. a lion, rampant, chequy or and az.
three lions, rampant, or. Dernford, az. three fishes, haurient, or, two and
Depham, ar. on a bend gu. three roses or. Crest, one.
out of a ducal coronet or, a horse's head ar. in Derns, [Cheshire,] gu. a fesse ;
in chief three
armour gold, bridled sa. plates.
Deplacetis, ar. six annulets gu. Crest, a lion's De Romara, gu. seven mascles betw. ten cross
head ppr. collared or. crosslets or. Crest, a stag's head ppr.
De Ponthieu, [London,] quarterly or and gu. Deronfield, barry of four ar. and sa. on a
Crest, a tree, vert. bend gu. three mullets or.

Deprey, [Cornwall,] vert, a lion, rampant, or, Derpatrick, [Ireland.] As the second in the
over all a baton in bend gu. first
Depton, ar. a bend gu. Derward, ar. a fesse betw. three crescents sa.
Depudsey, per saltier or and ar. across, formee, each charged with another of the first.
az. Crest, an eagle's head gu. holding in the Derward, or Durivard, ar. a fesse sa. betw. three
beak an acorn, slipped and leaved vert. crescents gu.
Depyester, [Netherlands,] ar. a linden-tree ppr. Derwell, [Essex.] As the second of the name
De Radware, az. an eagle, displayed, ar. in the first Dictionary.
armed or. Derwell. As the first in the first Dictionary, with
Deram. To the first of the name in the first
only one crescent on chev.
Dictionary add Crest, a pyramid, with a vine Derwentwater, ar. two bars gu. ; on a canton
growing up its side, all ppr. of the last a lozenge or. (Another, the lozenge
Deram. To the second of the name in the first ar.)
Dictionary add Crest, a hand, couped, lying Derwentwater, ar. three bars gu. on a canton of

fesseways, and holding a fleur-de-lis ppr.

- the last a lozenge of the field. (Another, a
Deram, az. three crescents betw. nine cross crosslets rose ar. on the canton.)
ar. (Another, with the cross crosslets fitchee.) Derycott, or, an antelope, passant, gu. ; on a
Deraunt, chev. betw. three delves gu.
ar. a chief of the second, three escallops of the first.
Deraw, ar. a chev. betw. three billets gu. within Desallis. Crest, out of a ducal coronet, a
a bordurn az. Crest, a bundle of quills ar. demi harpy, displayed, ducally crowned.
Derby, [London.] As second of the name in Desbarres, gu. three eagles' heads, erased, ar.
the first Dictionary. Crest, an arm, couped at the shoulder, em-
Derdern. The same as Derbern. bowed, and resting on the elbow, holding a
Dereaimont, Dereunte, or Derewik, ar. a spear, in pale, all ppr.
chev. betw. three billets gu. Desbrisay, .... out of a mount, in base, the
Derham, [Ireland,] az. three stags' heads, ca- stump of a tree shooting forth new leaves, and
bossed, or. thereon a bird perched. Crest, a bell or.
2 a 2
DESCHAMPS, gu. a fesse or betw. six plates. Deton, sa. a chev. betw. three crescents ar. a bor-

Crest, a golden fleece, girt round the middle dure, gobony ar. and gu.
with a collar or. Detton, gu. a chev. ar. betw. three crescents of
Desenlizk, per pale, dancettee, ar. and gu. the second, each charged with another sa. betw.
Crest, a lion, passant, gardant, with tail extend- three martlets az.
ed, gu. DeTuile, ar. three talbots' heads,
couped, gu.
Deseney, ar. three lions, passant, gu. Crest, a talbot's head, affrontee, gu. Sup-
Desland, [Ireland.] Arms, see the first Dic- porters, two savages ppr. wreathed about the
tionary. Crest, two hands, couped and con- loins vert, and holding in their exterior hands a

joined, supporting a heart. club ppr. surmounted by a rose gu.

Deslane, [Ireland.] The same. crowned or.

Desmond, erm. a saltier, engr. gu. Deuchar, [Scotland,] per cross ar. and gu.; in
Desnay, ar. three lions, passant, gu. Crest, on the first and fourth quarters a sword, in, pale,
a chapeau ar. turned up gu. and charged with az. hilt and pomel or; in the second and third,
four fleurs-de-lis or, a lion, passant, of the se- a boar's head, couped, of the fourth. Crest, a
cond. t
boar's head, couped, betw. two alder-branches
Desne. Crest, a leopard's face, breaking with ppr.
its mouth a sword. De Ufford, sa. a cross, engr. or. Crest, a demi
Desney, gu. a lion, rampant, barry of ten ar. eagle, displayed, sa.
and az. Crest, a wivern, sans legs, vert. De Valance, barry often ar. and az. an orle of
De Sore, [temp. Edward I.] erm. a saltier gu. eleven martlets gu.
Despard, gu. on a cross ar. five torteauxes. Devall. To the first of the name in the first
Crest, on a ducal coronet or, a star of twelve Dictionary, add Crest, on a chapeau gu. turn-
rays ar. ed up erm. a greyhound, sejant, ar.
Despard, [Ireland.] Crest, a hand holding a Devall, or Devalle, [Northumberland,] erm. two
broken spear ppr. bars vert.
Despayre, a fesse gu.; a chief bendy of six
ar. Devawure, Denamure, or Devaye, ar a
erm. and of the second. (Another, bendy of chev. sa. betw. three mullets gu. pierced of the
six or and gu.) field.

Destunes, gu. an increscent or. Devarston, ar. three halberts gu.

Desturdes, or Desturdyes, [Wiltshire,] az. Devaynes, ar. a fesse sa. in chief a cross gu.
fretty or. Crest, a lion, rampant, holding in the dexter
Destures, az. fretty or. paw a battle-axe ppr.
De Teye, on a fesse betw. two chev. gu.
or, Dkvaux, [Middlesex,] .... a fleur-de-lis ... . ;

three mullets pierced of the first. on a chief .... two mullets pierced ....
Detiiick, gu. on a bend az. three horse-shoes ar. Devandale. Crest, a long cross az.
Dethick, ar. a fesse, vairee ar. and gu. (ano- Deveer, erm. a bend az.
ther, or and az.) betw. three water-bougets sa. Devell, [Northumberland,] erm. two bars vert.
Dethick, [Newhall, Derbyshire, Warmgay, Nor- Devenill, or Devenhill. The same as
folk, and Garter King of Arms.] The same as Denevill in the first Dictionary.
in the first Dictionary. Devenish, [Sussex.] As in the first
Dethicke, ar. a fesse, vaire or and gu. of one with the saltier ar.
row betw. three water-bougets az. Crest, an Devenish, [Chichester, Sussex,] vert, a saltier,
eagle, regardant, with wings expanded and in- engr. ar. betw. four crosses, formee, fitchee, or.
verted, ppr. Devenish, vert, a saltier, engr. ar.
De Thornton, gu. three mallets ar. Devenish, [Dublin,] az. a chev. betw. three herons
Detling, az. six lions, rampant, ar. three and ar. beaked and legged gu.
three. Devenport. Crest, a savage's head, affrontee,
Detmore, ar. a fesse, indented, gu. the neck enwrapped by a snake, all ppr.
Deton, or Detton. To the third of the name Devenshire, [Buckinghamshire,] ar. a chev.
in the Dictionary, add
first Crest, a goat's betw. three escallops sa.
head, erased, ar. collared gu. Devenshire, [Cornwall.] The same Arms. Crest,
Deton, sa. a chev. betw. three crescents ar. each an eagle ppr.
charged with another of the field. (Another, Deveras, [Cheshire,] gu. a fesse ar. ; in chief
the upper crescents gu.) three plates.
Deton, [Dorsetshire,] erm. a fesse gu. Devere, quarterly gu. and or, in the first quarter
a mullet ar. Crest, the sun shining on a sun- a bend vair. Crest, the attires of a stag affixed
flower ppr. to the scalp or.
DEVERELL. Arms, see first Dictionary. Crest, Dewar, [Alnwick.] Crest, a holy lamb, bear-
the rays of the sun issuing- from behind a cloud ing the cross of St. Andrew, ppr.
PPn Dewar, [Lassodie.] Crest, cock, crowing,
Dkyeres, [Cheshire.] The same as Deveras, of ppr.
Cheshire. De Warren, chequy or and az. Crest, a lion,
Deveres, [Cheshire,] gu. a fesse or; in chief three passant, gardant, az.
bezants. De Watervill, ar. three chev. gu. withiu a
three be-
Dkvereulx, gu. a fesse or; in chief bordure, engr. sa.

zants. Crest, a talbot's bead ar. ducally gorged Dewe, [Kent,] gu. a chev. ar. betw. nine plates,
or. five and four.
DEVERBUX, [Bodenham, near Whitechurch, Dewell, De Welle, or Deyvill. To the
Hertfordshire, sheriflF in 1371 and 1376, an- and second of the name in the first Dictio-

cestor of the Viscount Hereford.] The same nary add Crest, on a mount vert, a horse,
as the first of the name in the first Dictionary. courant, ar. bridled sa.
Devereux, [Earl of Essex,] ar. a fesse gu. in Dewell, ar. two pales gu. each charged with three
chief three torteaux. bezants.
Devereux, or Deverox, [Wexford, Ireland,] ar. Dewell, [Herts.] As in the first Dictionary, the
a fesse gu. betw. three torteauxes, within a lion not gardant.
bordure of the second. Dewell, gu. a lion, rampant, ar. charged on the
DEVERSTON, ar. three battle-axes gu. shoulder with a fleur-de-lis.
Deverston, or Deveston, barry of four ar. and az. ; De Werder, quarterly ; first and fourth sa. a
on a chief gu. a lion, passant, or. horse, enraged, ar. bridled or; second and third
fesse chief ar. a cross, square pierced, gu. [M.I. to Ludolph
Deverus, [Cheshire,] gu. a or; in
three hats of the last. De Warder, St. Olaves church, Hart-street,
Devetts, ...., semee de cross crosslets three London, 1G28.]
boars' heads, erased and lying fessways, .... Dewhurst, [Middlesex.] The same Arms as

Crest, a cubit arm, issuing from a cloud, Dewhurst in the Crest, a

fessways, and holding a sword erect, enfiled wolf's head, erased, erminois, collared az.
with a boar's head, erased. Dewill, gu. a lion, salient, ar.
Deyev, ar. a pale, pointed in base, gu. Crest, Dewins, paly of eight or and gu.
a dexter arm, embowed, fessways, conped, ppr. Dewy, or, a lion, passant, betw. nine
vested sa. holding a cross crosslet, fitchee, gu. billets ....
Devilston, ar. on a fesse sa. three garbs of the Deyvynf.ll, [Oxfordshire,] or, fretty vair.
field. Dexter, ar. two chev. az. a canton gu. Crest,
Deyiock., per and sa.
saltier ar. a tree, pendent therefrom two weights.
Deyioke, per saltier sa. and ar. Crest, a dexter Dey, or, on a chief, indented, az. two mullets of
hand throwing au arrow ppr. the first.

Devihme, ar. a chev. betw. two mullets in chief Deyaper, or Deyre, vert, a lion, rampant, or,
and a crescent in base gu. Crest, an eagle, vo- over a baton, engr. gu.

lant, towards the sinister, ppr. over the Crest,

De> court, erm. a saltier purp. Crest, a sword
" J' in pale, enfiied by a leopard's face.
Devon, arms, see first Dictionary. Crest, a D'Eye, [Eye, Suffolk,] or, on a chief, indented,
horse's head ar. transpierced by a spear sa. az. three mullets of the first.

headed or. Dey fee, gu. a chev. erm. betw. three leopards'
[Dublin,] ar. on a
Devonish, fesse sa. three faces ar.
crescents of the field betw. as many shovellers Dei/jfe. The
same, with a baton, engr
on sea ppr. Deyncourt. To the first of the name in the
Devonshire, ar. three eagles, displayed, gu. first Dictionary add Crest, the standard of St.
Crest, a cross inoline or. George issuing from the wreath ppr
Devonshire, [Cornwall,] ar. a chev. betw. three Deyncourt, [Oxon,] az. a fesse, dancettee,
nineteen billets or.
escallops sa.
Dew. Crest, three spears, one in pale and two Deyngoyne, gu. a fesse, dancettee, betw. ten
in saltier, banded .... cross crosslets or.
De Waetor Wager, per pale .... and Dey pole. See Deypholl in the first Dictionary.
D I C D 1 C
Devi'RE, or Deypree, [Cornwall,] vert, a lion, Dickie, [Scotland.] Crest, on a rock an alder-
rampant, over alla baton gu.
or, tree, flowered ar.
Dew ill, or 6n a fesse betw. four fleurs-de-lis sa. Dicking, [Buddington, Staffordshire,] erm. a
two fleurs-de-lis or. cross flory sa.
Diable, Dibble, or Dible, sa. ;
on a chief ar. Dickins, erm. a cross patonce sa. ; a canton gu.
a lion, passant, gu. Crest, on a chapeau gu. Crest, an arm, in armour, couped, in fesse,
turned up erm. a lion, statant, gardaut, ducally from the elbow in pale, holding an esquire's
gorged, tail extended. helmet, all ppr.
Dias, or, a lion, rampant, regardant, gu. seizing, Dickinson, [Ireland.] Crest, a hand ppr. vest-
with his mouth, the top of a spear, in bend, ed gu. holding an escarbuncle ppr.
sinister, sa. Crest, on a garland of laurel a Dickison, [Winkelstoun, Scotland,] az. a war-
lion, passant, ppr. wolf, passant, and in chief three stars ar.
Dibdin, ar. betw. two bendlets in chief and as Dickman. Crest, an ostrich ar. holding in the
many in base az. a cinquefoil gu. stalked and beak a key az.
leaved vert. Crest, a talbot, passant, ppr. Dickson, Bart. [Hardingham-Hall, Norfolk,
Dibley, or Dible, ar. a lion, passant, gu. ; on a 1802,] az. an anchor, erect, encircled with an
chief az. three escallops or. Crest, a demi Her- oak-wreath vert, betw. three mullets, pierced, or ;

cules, holding over his shoulder a club, ppr. on a chief paly of seven or and gu. a mural
Dicconson, quarterly; first and fourth vert, a coronet ar. Crest, over an arm in, armour, bran-
cross betw. four hinds' heads, erased, or ; second dishing a falchion ppr. a trident and spear, in
and third .... a chev. betw. three cross cross- saltier, or.

lets, Crest, a hind's head, erased, or.

fitchee. Dickson, [Bughtrig, Scotland.] Arms, see first
Dicey, az. a lion and chief or. Crest, a lion, Dictionary. Crest, a dexter hand holding a
sejant, gu. supporting,
betw. his paws, a shield sword, in bend, ppr.
ar. Dickson, [Newbigging and Belchester, Scotland.]
Dichfield, [Essex and Cheshire.] The same The same.
as the first of the name in the first Dictionary. Dickson, [Wester-Binning, Scotland,] az. three
Dick, [Prestonfield, Mid-Lothian, Scot-
Bart. mullets ar. ; on a chief or, as many pellets gu.
land, 1707,] erm. a fesse az. betw. two mullets within a bordure, engr. of the last. Crest, a
in chief, and a hart's head, erased, with ten man's heart ppr. winged ar.
tynes in base, gu. Crest, a ship in distress Dickson, [Ireland.] Crest, out of a tower a
lion's head ppr.
Dickard, or Dickward, sa. three plates, on Dicorn, or Dicons, [Bedfordshire,] or, a chev.
each a cinquefoil gu. gu. fretty of the field, betw. three roses of the
Dick en. Crest, on a plume of five ostrich- second, slipped vert, (another ar.) Crest, a
feathers .... a demi griffin, segreant, .... cock's head az. beaked or, combed and wattled
Dicker, [Rotherfield-Ripard, Oxfordshire; Bo- gu.
diham, Salehurst, and Warbledon, Sussex and ; Dichant, erm. two bars, gemelles, and a chief,
London,] ar. on a chev. gu. betw. three Cornish gu.
choughs ppr. a crescent. Dicome, or Dycome, [Lincolnshire,] gu. a chev.
Dickens, erm. on a cross patonce sa. a leopard's erminois betw. three roses or. Crest, a uni-
head issuing out of a ducal coronet or. Crest, corn's head, erased, quarterly, erm. and gu.
a demi leopard, erect, ppr. crined or, the horn gobony of the last and
Dickins, [Broadwater, Worcestershire, and Che- ar.

rington, Warwickshire.] The same Arms as Dicombs, ar. a chev. sa. fretty or, betw. three
Dickens, in the first Dictionary. Crest, a lion, roses gu. stalked and leaved vert.

sejant, holding a cross (lory or.

sa. Dicoms, or, a chev. sa. fretty of the field, betw.
Dickenson, [Wiltshire,] ar. a bend, engr. az. three roses, purp. slipped vert.
betw. two lions, rampant. Crest, out of a DlCTON, sa. a pile ar. and chev. counterchang-
ducal coronet or, a dexter arm ppr. holding a ed.
fleur-de-lis of the first. Dicton, vert, a bend or.
Dickeson. Crest, a boar's head, couped, hold- Diddier, or Didear, az. a lion, rampant, or,

ing in the mouth four arrows, all ppr. Crest, a demi griffin, with wings expanded,
Dickey, or Dickie, sa. a chev. ar. ; on a chief ppr.
of the last three ciuquefoils gu. Crest, a ferret Die, [Scotland.] See Dee.
Die-Pesler, [Flanders,] ar. an eagle's leg, in violets purp. stalked and leaved vert. Crest,
fesse,couped, a-la-quise sa. armed gu. a bird's head, the neck az. top of the head gu.
Dili;, [Scotland.] The same as Dyer, of Mod- beaked or.
bury, Dikens, or Dickens, bendy of six erm. and gu.
Dierwell, ar. a chev. gu. betw. three fleurs-de- Crest, a lion's head, erased, gu. ducally crowned
lis sa. or.
Dii.st, [Atcham, Shropshire, 1586,] gu. three Dikers, or, three roses, two and one, sa.
bundles of arrows, three in each, two in saltier, Dikes. See Dykes.
and one in pale, ar. headed or, banded of the Dikysoun, [Smithfield, Scotland,] a mul-
second. Crest, a dexter arm, vested sa. hold- let .... , betw inescocheons ....
ing in the hand ppr. a bow ar. Dilaford, az. three lions .. .. , crowned or.
Dietz, or, a lion, rampant, gu. ducally crowned Dilkes, sa. on a bend or, an anchor of the first.
ar. Crest, out of a ducal coronet a pair of Crest, a millriud gu.
stag's horns ppr. Dilles, gu. a chev. betw. three hawks' heads,
Di ewand, sa three annulets ar. each charged erased, or.
with seven torteauxes. Dillitsgton, or, three hawks, belled and lined,
Dieward, sa. three roundles, gyronny of eight ppr. each perched on a staff, couped at one end
ar. and gu. and slipped at the other, ar. Crest, a hawk as
Digby, [St. Gillian's, Herefordshire.] The same in the Arms. [Confirmed to Anthony Diiling-
Arms and Crest as Digby, of Sherborn, in the ton, of Dillinglon, Norfolk, by Sir Gilbert
firstDictionary. Dethick, Garter.]
The same.
D'ujby, [Earl of Bristol.] Dillon, [Proudstou and Skreen, Meatb, Ire-
Digby, [Bathly, Norfolk.] The same. land,] ar. a lion, rampant, betw. three cres-
Digby, [Rutlandshire.] The same. cents, surmounted by as many estoiles gu. over
Digges, or Diggs, [Cornwall.] The same as all, a fesse, az. Crest, out of a marquess's co-
Diggs, of Wiltshire, in the first Dictionary. ronet or, a falcon, with wings expanded, beaked
Diggs, [Suffolk,] ...., fretty, erm. a chief, ; and legged or, betw. the wings an imperial
cbequy ar. and sa. Crest, a lion, statant, sa. eagle sa. [Granted by Francis, Emperor of
Diggs, [Sussex.] The same as Digges, in the Germany, 2'2d August, 1767.]
Dictionary. Dillon, or Dyllon, erm. a fesse gu.
Dighton, [Hertfordshire.] Arms see first Dic- Dilwin, [Hertfordshire,] or, five bendlets, si-

tionary. Crest, a lion's gamb, erased,. or, hold- nister, gu.

ing a cross, formee, fitchee, gu. Diment, gu. a fesse, indented, erm.
Dighton, per pale gu. and ar. an antelope, coun- Dimmock, sa. a fesse, betw. three mullets, ar.

terchauged on a chief, divided as the field,

; Dimmock, or Dimock, ar. ;
on a chief sa. three
or and az. two cross crosslets, fitchee, also coun- estoiles or.
terchanged. Crest, a squirrel, sejant, per pale Dimmock. Crest, a boar's head, couped, betw.
ar. and gu. collared or, cracking a nut of the two laurel branches vert.
last. Dimock, [Willington, Flintshire,] per bend,
Dighton, [Clifford, Gloucestershire,] az. a lion, sinister, erm. and ermines, a lion, rampant,
passant, ar. betw. three plain crosses, fitchee, or.
or. Dimock, [Skrivelsby, Lincolnshire.] The same
Dighton, [Stourton, Lancashire,] per pale gu. Arms as Dimock, of Leicestershire, in the first
and ar. an heraldic antelope, passant, counter- Dictionary. Crest, two asses' ears, erect, the
changed ; on a chief, per pale, or and az. tw-o dexter sa.the sinister ar.
crosses, formee, fitchee, also couuterchanged. Dimond, ar. three mullets gu. Crest, a cross
Crest, a squirrel, sejant, per pale ar. and crosslet, in pale, surmounted by a sword, in
gu. collared or. bend, point downwards.

Dighton, [Stourton, Lancashire,] ar.

pas- a lion, Dimook, [Warwickshire,] az. three boars, pas-
sant, betw. three cross crosslets, fitchee, gu. sant, in pale, ar. on a chief or, a lion, passant
Crest, on a ducal coronet, a martlet, both gu.
ar. Di.mott, [Lancashire,] gu. (another erm.) on a
Dighton, [Lincolnshire,] The same, the field chief or, a lion, passant, sa.
per pale ar. and gu. Dimsdale, [Hoddesdon, Hertford, Theydon-
Dikens, ar. a chev. sa. fretty or, betw. three Gernon, Essex, afterwards of Bishop-Stort-
D I O D 1 T
ford and Epping.] Arms as in the first Dic- Dipford, or Ditford, [London.] Arms, see
tionary, but according to Clutterbuck's History, first
Dictionary. Crest, a lion's head, erased,
noted from a Pedigree in the College of Arms, or, ducally crowned gu.
there should be but two bezants in the fesse. D'Ipre, [Kent,] gyronny of ten or and az. an
Dinant, gu. five lozenges, in fesse, ar. escocheon gu. over all a baton, sinister,
Dinatit, gu. five lozenges, in fesse, erm. ar.
Dincaster. The same as Dinchester, in the Dirbyn, gu. a fesse, engr. and pale erm.
Dictionary. Dirom, [Brechie, Bamffshire, by Parliament,
Dine, [Broomham, Bedfordshire,] Crest, a wi- 17G9,] quarterly ; first, or, a stag's head, erased,
vern, statant, ppr. gu. ; second, erm. three bars gu. ; third, gu. three
Dine, [Oxford,] or, a fesse sa. swords, paleways, in fesse, ar. hilts or, on the
Dineley. Crest, on a ducal coronet or, three point of each a dragon's head, couped close, of
darts, two in saltier and one in pale, with a ser the last; fourth, az. a griffin, segreant, or.
pent entwined round them, ppr. Crest, a stag's head, erased, ppr.
Dines. Crest, a griffin, passant, .... Dirom, [Scotland.] Crest, a stag's head, couped,
Ding, ar. a chev. betw. three eagles, displayed, sa. ppr.
Dingham. To the first of the name in the first Dirton, sa. a pile ar. over all a chev. counter-
Dictionary add Crest, a dexter hand, erect, changed.
pointing with the two fore fingers to the sun in Dirwarne, ar. on a chev. sa. three crescents of
splendour, ppr. the field.

Dingham. To the third of the name in the first Dirwen. To the first of the name in the first

Dictionary add Crest, in a round top or, six Dictionary add Crest, a peacock's head, erased,
spears, in the centre a pennon ar. thereon a ppr.
cross gu. Dis, or Dyss, sa. a chev. betw. three lions'
Dingley. To the first of the name in the first heads, erased, ar. (Another, leopards' faces.)
Dictionary add Crest, a Roman head with a Disgremont, sa. a lion, rampant, or, ducally
helmet, couped at the neck, all ppr. crowned az.

Dinghy, [Chilhara and Feversham, Kent.] The Dishington, [Ardros, Scotland.] The same
same as Dyngley, of Chorlton, Worcestershire, Arms as the second of the name in the first
in the first Dictionary. Dictionary. Crest, an armed man kneeling.
Dingley, [Wolverton, in the Isle of Wight.] The Dishington. To the third of the name in the first
same. Dictionary add Crest, an escallop.
Dinham, gu. four fusils, in fesse, erm. within a Disk ins. on a chapeau gu. turned up
bordure of the last. erm. a lion, couchant.
Din NES, [Scotland,] ar. three battle-axes sa. with- Dispayne, ar. a fesse gu. a chief bendy of six
in a bordure gu. or and gu.
Dinnet, gu. a cross circellee, quarterly, pierced D'Israeli. Crest, a tower, triple tower-
or, five roses, in saltier, of the last. Crest, a ed, ....
bull's head gu. [Granted by Parliament.] DiSMARlS, [Wiltshire,] ar. a chev. quarterly
Dinsey. See Dynsey. az.and gu. betw. three roses of the last.
Dintres. The same as Dynlrey, in the first Disney, ar. on a fesse, embattled and counter-
Dictionary. embattled, gu. three fleurs-de-lis or. Crest, a
DlNWlDDE, per fesse; in chief, a landscape, lion's head, couped, gu. semee-de-lis or, gorged

trees, &c. with an archer shooting with a bow with a mural coronet ar. [Borne by Sir Moore
and arrow at a stag, passant, regardant, all ppr. ; Disney, Knight Commander of the Bath, 1833.]
in base ar. on the dexter side, a castle and flag, Disney, gu. three fleurs-de-lis or.
on the sinister rocks, betw. them the sea, on it DlSTER, gu. a chev. or, betw. three eagles, dis-
a ship with one mast, sailing, ail ppr. Crest, played, erm. Crest, a Sagittarius, regardant,
an eagle, with wings endorsed and inverted, erm. the human part ppr. shooting from a bow
holding in the dexter claw a guinea-pig. or.

Dios, [London,] or, a fesse vair, betw. three Ditciifield, or Ditcher. [Shropshire.] The
quatrel'oils or. Crest, two wolves' heads, erased same as Dichjicld, in the first Dictionary.
and endorsed, or, betw. them a q'uatrefoil gu. Ditton, quarterly ar. and gu. in the second and
Dipden, [Suffolk,] erm. on a chief az. three third quarters a fret or.
lions, rampant, or. Ditton, ar. a bend, lozengy, sa.
Ditward, ar. on a chev. sa. three crescents of Dobbin. Crest, a dexter hand holding a laurel-
the (another or.)
field, branch ppr. fructed gu.
DlYK, [Broniham, Bedfordshire,] gu. a fesse, Dobbins. Arms, see the first Dictionary.
dancettee, or, betw. three escallops era. Crest, a staff, ragnly, surmounted of an eagle,
Crest, a horse's leg betw. two wings, expanded, displayed, ppr.
ar. Dobbs, [Ireland,] per pale sa. and ar. a chev.
Dive, gu. a fesse, dancettee, or, betw. three engr. betw. three unicorns' heads, erased, all
escallops ar. countercharged. Crest, two hands, couped, the
DlVETT, az. three greyhounds, courant, in pale, dexter in armour, and conjoined in fesse, sup-
ar. Crest, a greyhound's head, couped, ar. porting a branch of laurel and thistle, in orle,
Diyyie, [Aberdeen, Scotland,] gu. a fesse, in- ppr.
dented, or, between two escallops in chief, Dobbs, [Yorkshire.] Arms, see the first Dic-
and a mullet in base. Crest, an eagle's head, tionary. Crest, a lion, sejant, affrontee, hold-
couped, ppr. ing in each fore-paw a dagger ppr.
Dixeson, [Belshed, Scotland,] ar. three mullets Dobie, gu. a sword, in pale, ar. hilt or, betw.
gu. two crescents in chief of the second. Crest, a
DiXiN, gu. a fleur-de-lis or; a chief erm. hand holding a scroll of paper, all betw. two
Dixon, [llelden, Kent.] Arms see first Dic- branches of laurel, in orle, ppr.
tionary. Crest, a deini hind sa. bezantee. Dobselev, gu. on a chev. ar. three marllets of
Dixon, [Wymondham, Norfolk.] See first Dic- the first; in chief a star betw. two leopards'
tionary. [Granted by William Harvey, Cla- heads or.

renceux.~\ Dobson, [Lynn, Norfolk.] As in the first Dic-

Dixon, az. a fleur-de-lis or a chief erm.
; tionary.
Dixon, [Beeston, near Leeds, Yorkshire,] sa. a Dobson, [Liverpool, Lancashire,] ar. a fesse, ne-

fleur-de-lis or, and chief erm. Crest, an eagle, bulee, betw. six fleurs-de-lis sa.
displayed, sa. Dobyns, [Lincoln's Inn, Middlesex,] ar. a chev.
Dixon, [Ramshaw, Durham.] See first Dic- betw. three annulets gu. Crest, out of a ducal
tionary. Crest, a cubit arm, vested erminois, coronet or, two lions' gambs, in saltier, ....
cuff ar. hand ppr. holding a roundle of the first. Docker, ar. seven half spears, three, one, and
Dixon. Arms as the second of the name in the three, sa. headed az. Crest, a bridge, with
first Dictionary. (Another Crest, a cubit arm, three arches, ppr.
erect, habited erminois, cuff ar. holding in the Dockwray, or Dockware, [Yorkshire.]
hand ppr. a roundlet erminois.) Arms, see the first Dictionary. Crest, a heart
DlXSON, [London and Kent,] or, on a cross, gu. within a fetterlock az.
befw. four eagles, displayed, sa. a mullet ar. Dod, Dode, Dodds, or Dogge, vert, three dog-
Crest, a demi hind .... fish ar. Crest, two hands conjoined, one in
Dixton, sa. a pale ar. over all a chev. counter- armour grasping another ppr. both couped, sup-
changed. porting a palm-branch and a thistle.

Dixton, [Gloucestershire,] per pale ar. and sa. Dod, or Dodd, [Ireland.] Crest, a horse, statant,
a chev. gu. saddled and bridled ppr.
Dixwell, vert, on a chev. betw. three fleurs- Dod, [Whittlesford, Cambridgeshire,] ar. on a
de-lis or, as many of the field. fesse gu. betw. two bars, wavy, sa. three cres-
Dixy, [Lord Mayor of London, 1586.] The cents or. (Another, the bars nebulee.)
same Arms and Crest as Dixey in the- first Dic- Dodbrook, sa. a heron ar.
Doddingsells, gu. a fesse erm.
Dnulle, sa. on a chev. engr. ar. Dodds, or Doddes, az. a pale, engr. erm. betw.
betw. three plates. two demi lions, rampant, couped, or.
Dobb, or Dobbe. The same as Dobbs, in the Dodds, or Dods, [Scotland,] barry of eight gu.
first Dictionary. and or. Crest, a ferret or.
Dobbie, or Dobie, [Scotland,] ar. a helmet az. Dodge. To the one of Kent in the first Dic-
betw. three cross crosslets, fitchee, gu. Crest, tionary, add [Granted by patent to Peter
an eagle, displayed, ppr. Dodge, by Jaques Hedinyley, Garter, 8th
Dobbie, [Scotland.] The same Arms. Crest, a April, 34 Edward I.]
cross crosslet, fitchee, gu. Dodgin, on a bend gu. three escallops ar.
Dobbin, [Ireland,] az. three harps or. Crest, a Crest, an arm, couped at the shoulder, vested
demi lion or, supporting a long cross gu. or, cuff az. embowed and resting the elbow
2 B
on the wreath, holding- in the hand a sword, en- ppr. collared, and therefrom a bell, pendent,
filedwith a leopard's face, ppr, or.

Dodicote, [London,] ar. a tiger, passant, gu. Dogge, vert, three fish, haurient, or, spotted gu.
horned and tufted or; on a chief of the second, See Dod.
three escallops of the third. Dogget, [Honing-Serbarne, Norfolk.] See the
Dodingsells, or Odingsklls. To the second first Dictionary, after combatant, read or.
of the name in the first Dictionary, add Crest, Dogget, [Sheriff of London.] The same as the
a wolf, passant, gu. last of the name in the first
Dodington, [Dodington, Somerset.] Arms, see Dogherty, or Doherty, [Ireland.] Crest, a
the first
Dictionary. Crest, a lion's gamb ppr. wolf, couraut, erm.
holding a Hag gu. charged with a chev. or. Dogherty, or Doherty, [Treland.] -Crest, a bear,
DoDlTON, az. two bars or; in chief three bezants. regardant, transfixed by an arrow.
Dodmaston, per pale az. and or, three cinque- Dogill, or, a fesse betw. three crescents gu.
foils, pierced, counter/changed. Doginsell, ar. a fesse; in chief a mullet of six
Dodmer, or Dodmore, erm. a chev. wavy, az. points gu.
betw. three moors' heads, couped at, the shoul- Doherty, a chev. engr. betw. three trefoils,

ders, sa. habited, fretty, or; on a chief, chequy slipped, vert. Crest, an arm, embowed in ar-
ar. and gu. a crescent betw. two pellets, each mour, ppr. in the hand a faulchion of the last,
charged with a lion, passant, gardant, of the hilt and pomel or. [Borne by the Right Hon.
fourth. Crest, an arm, per cross gu. and sa. John Doherty, Lord Chief Justice of the Com-
holding in the hand ppr. two arrows vert. mon Pleas, Ireland, 1830.]
Dodo, or, two lions, passant, in pale, az. Dohtig, [Surrey,] .... two bars .... betw. three
Dodridge, [Devonshire.] ar. three pallets, wavy, mullets of six points, pierced, Crest, a"
az. betw. nine cross crosslets gu. dexter arm, vested, per pale embattled, ....,
Dodrugan, ar. a bendlet gu. cuff. . .. and holding up a mullet.

Dodswall, quarterly; first and fourth, or, a Doidge, barry of six or and gu. over all a pale of
fesse, wavy, sa. betw. six pellets; second and the second, guttee, and charged in chief with a
third, or; on a chief sa. three escallops of the plate.
Crest, a lion's head, erased, ppr.
field. Doig. The same Arms as Doeg. Crest, a falcon,
Dodsworth, [Yorkshire.] Arms, see the first with wings expanded and inverted, ppr.
Dictionary. Crest, a cubit arm, erect, in mail, Dokesworth, [Essex,] az. on a cross ar. five
or, holding in the hand ppr. the lower part of a fleurs-de-lis gu.

tilting-spear or, embrued gu. Dolan, az. three crescents, in pale, betw. two
Dodsworth, [Shropshire and Yorkshire.] Arms, pellets; a chief ar.Crest, a decrescent gu.
see the first Dictionary. Crest, a demi lion, Dolben, [Denbigh.] Arms, see the first Dic-
supporting a long cross .... tionary. Crest, a demi bull ar. gorged with a
Dodsworth, [Stranton, Durham, Hanlaby-Grange, collar of laurel vert.
and Watlas, Yorkshire,] ar. a chev. betw. three Dolbin, per chev. embattled ar. and sa. three
bugle-horns, stringed sa. a canton gu. martlets counterchanged.
Dodwell. See Dowdeswell. Doleman. Crest, an elephant's head, erased, sa.
Dodwood, sa. two bars ar. on a canton
sa. a DoLFlNTON, sa. a dolphin, haurient, or.
garb betw. four acorns or. Doling, per fesse ar. and az. a fesse, dancettee,
Doeg, gu. a chev. betw. two cinquefoils in chief, per fesse, dancettee, sa. and of the first- -Crest,
and a sword, paleways, in base, ar. Crest, a a stag's head, erased, ppr.
hand holding a thistle. Doling, per fesse, indented, ar. and sa.
Doeg, [Dunrobiu, Scotland.] The same Arms. Dollabe, or Delabere, az. a bend ar. cottised
Dofford, alias Ufford, sa. a cross, engr. or, or, betw. six martlets of the second. Crest,
a bend ar. out of a crown ppr. a plume of five feathers, per
Dofford, sa.a cross, engr. erm. pale, ar. and az.

Dogate, erm. on a bend sa. three leopards' Doller, ar. a pale, fusilly, gu. within a bordure
heads ar. vert, bezantee.
Doge, [Doge, Scotland,] gu. a chev. ar. betw. Dolliffe, [London,] az. on a chev. or betw.
two roses or and a cross, pattee, of the second. three crescents ar. as many olive-sprigs vert.
Doget, [Kent.] Arms, see the first Dictionary. Crest, on a castle ar. three sprigs vert.
(Another, the talbots' heads, erased, ar.) Dollory, gu. two flaunches, indented, ar. within
Crest, on a chapeau gu. turned up erm. a bull a bordure, gobony, vert and or.
Dolman, [Ireland,] gu. on a bend ar. three birds tion of the glorious successwhich attended the Arms of
his Majesty and his allies,
sa. and, under the blessings of
Divine Providence, effected the deliverance of
Dolman, [Berks,] az. six garbs or, three, two, and
one. Domville, [Templeogue and Stantry House, Dub-
Dolpiianby, [Gateshead, Durham,] .. three . . lin,] az. a lion, rampant, ar. collared gu.

dolphins, embowed, .... Crest, a lion's head, erased, ducally crowned.

Dolphin, [Roffside-Hall, near Hexham, North- /"Created a Baronet 1814.)
umberland,] az. three dolphins, naiant, fesse- Domville, or Domvill, [Lime, Cheshire ] The
ways, in pale, or. Crest, a swan's head and neck same.
betw. two wings ppr. Don, [Spittle, Scotland,] vert, on a fesse betw.
Dolphine, paly bendy or and gu. a canton az. two crescents, in chief, and a fleur-de-lis, in

Crest, a lion, passant, gardant, or, holding in base, ar. three mascles sa. Crest, a dexter
the dexter paw a millrind sa. hand holding a pen ppr.
Dolphingley, vert, three dolphins, naiant, in
Don. To the of the name in the first Dic-

pale, ar. tionary add Crest, out of a ducal coronet or,

Dolphinley, a mount vert, thereon a stag standing- at gaze,
[Hampshire,] vert, three dolphins,
in fesse, or. all
Dolseby, ar. four bars, nebulee, gu. Crest, a Donald, [Conheath,] or, an eagle, displayed,
demi griffin ar. winged or. betw. two cross crosslets, fitchee, in chief, and
Dolseley, gu. a chev. ar. a crescent in base, sa.
charged on the breast
Dolseley, gu. on a chev. or, three martlets of the with a mullet ar. all within a bordure az. Crest,
field; in chief a leopard's head betw. two mul- a garb ppr.
lets of the cecond. Donald, ar. a lion,
rampant, gu. betw. a dexter
Dolston, ar. a chev. engr. betw. three hawks' hand, appaumee, and a cross crosslet, fitchee,
heads, erased, sa. in chief, of the last, and a salmon,
naiant, in
Dolton a lion, rampant betw. five base, az. Crest, out of a cloud a dexter hand,
cross crosslets, two, two, and one. Crest, a fesseways, ppr. holding a cross, pattee, fitchee,
demi rampant,
lion, sa.

Dolynge, per fesse, dancettee, ar. and az. a Donaldson, [London,] ar. an eagle, displayed,
fesse, dancettee, counterchanged. ppr.surmounted by a galley sa. flags gu.; in chief
Domerdal, ar. a cross, moline, gu. two roses of the last. Crest, a dexter hand
Domerye, or Dumorv, [London,] ar. two bars holding a dagger, in pale, ppr.
vert, on the first a crescent or, and in chief Donaldson, [Paris, descended from Scotland,] or,
three martlets gu. a galley sa. flags gu. surmounted by an eagle,
Domington, paly of four ar. and vert; on a chief displayed, with two heads ppr. all within a bor-
gu. a mascle of the first. dure az. charged with eight bezants. Crest,
Arms see first Diction- within two adders disposed
Doi\i\jLE, [Shropshire.] orleways, a cock
ary. Crest, a hand issuing from a cloud, in crowing ppr.
fesse, stretching to a garland of laurel on the Donaldson, [Brechin,] ar. a galley, her oars in
dexter side. gu. within a bordure, wavy, az.
saltier, sa. flags
Domville, [St. Alban's, Herts.] az. a lion, ram- Crest, the rudder of a ship ppr.
pant, ar. supporting a sword, erect, ppr. (the Donaldson, [Hiltount] or, an eagle, displayed,
sword of the City of London) on a chief of ;
with two heads, sa. armed of the first, langued
honourable augmentation of the second, three gu. surmounted by a galley of the second, in
oriental crowns, two and one, the the dexter chief corner a sinister hand,
points alter- couped,
nately radiated, gold, encircled by two branches of the fourth, a mullet for difference.
of olive, also ppr. Crest, out of a mural crown Donaldson, [Kinnardie, Scotland,] ar. an eagle,
gu. a demi lion, rampant, ar. supporting betw. displayed, with two heads sa. surmounted by a
the paws an escocheon az. charged with three galley of the last, flags gu. in the dexter chief
crowns as in the Arms. (Created a Baronet corner a sinister hand, couped, of the second.
\th June, 1813, Lord Mayor of London.) Crest, a hand holding a sword all ppr.
The augmentations were granted by king George IV., Donaldson, or, an eagle, displayed, with two
when Prince Regent, in allusion to the dutiful, respect- heads ppr. beaked and membered gu. surmounted
ful, ard dignified nanner in which, as Lord Mayor of
by a galley sa. flag of the third, in the dexter
London, he entertained His Royal Highness, the Em-
peror of Russia, and the King of Prussia at a banquet
chief point a sinister hand, couped and erect,
in Guildhall, on the 18th
July, 1814, in commemmora- of the second, all within a bordure, engr. az.
2 b 2
Crest, a dexter hand holding a dagger, erect, Donovan, [Ireland.] Crest, across, fleury, fitchee,
botli ppr. hilt and pome I or. [Granted by patent, ar.

1780.] Donston, [Kendall, Westmoreland,] sa. three

Donaldson, or, a galley sa. flags gu. surmounted by combs or.
an eagle, displayed, ppr. in base a dolphin, naiant, Donwike. Arms, see first Dictionary. Crest,
of the last, all within a bordure az. charged a dexter hand holding a tilting
spear, all ppr.
with eight quatrefoils ar. Crest, a garb vert. Donynge, [Chichester, and Rye, Sussex,] bendy
Donaldson, [Scotland.] Crest, a raven sa. stand- sinister of six or and vert, a lion,
rampant, sa.
ing on a rock az. Doobel, [Faurmour, Sussex.] See Dobell.
Donam, gu. a fesse, dancettee; in chief three [Granted 1605.]
fleurs-de-lis ar. Doods, ar. a chev. betw. three bulls' heads, ca-

Donam, sa. a fesse, dancettee ;

and in chief three bossed, sa.
fleurs-de-lis or. Doolan, [Ireland,] gyronny of eight sa. and ar.
Donavan, ar. a dexter arm, in armour, issuing an annulet counterchauged. Crest, ademi lion,
from the sinister, holding a sword, in pale, with rampant, gardant, holding in the dexter paw an
a serpent entwined round it, all ppr. annulet ppr.
Doncaster, [Cheshire.] The same as Doncas- Doolittle, sa. two chev. or.
ter, of Berkshire, in the first Dictionary. Doolman, [Ireland.] Crest, a wolf, passant,
Doncester. The same as the last Doncaster in az.
the first
Dictionary. Doon, [Wales.] Arms, see first Dictionary.
Doncton, ar. three crosses, sarcelly, gu. Crest, six serpents, five erect and one entwined
Don dale, [Devonshire.] The same as the first round them, vert.
of the name
in the first Dictionary. Door, or Dooree, per pale az. and gu. three
Done, Angell,] ar. two bars az. over alia butterflies, volant, or.
griffin, segreant, or. Door, [Cornwall and Devon,] per pale gn. and
Don elan, ar. three ducal crowns gu. Crest, a az. three bees ar. [Granted 1605.]
lion'spaw, erased, holding a sceptre, in pale, ppr. Dopping, or, three piles, in point, sa. in base as
Donemare, ar. a crescent betw. ten billets or, many mullets gu. Crest, a dove, volant, az.
four, three, two, and one. Dopping, [Ireland,] or, three piles gu. in base a
Donham, [Kirkelington, Norfolk,] az. ; on a rose of the last. Crest, a demi eagle, dis-
chief, indented, or, a label of three points gu. played, sa.
Donhed, ar. rampant, gu. ducally crowned
a lion, Doran, [Ireland.] Crest, a bear's head, couped,
or, within a bordure, eugr. and gobonated gu. in fesse, betw. two branches of laurel, in orle,
and az. vert.
Donithorn, [Cornwall,] gu. a chev. or, betw. Dorcet, or, six lions, rampant, sa.
three martlets ar. Crest, a swan, with wings Dorchock, [Yale, Walls,] az. a lion, passant,
endorsed, in a lake, naiant, ppr. gardant, or.
Don KIN, [RipponJ gu. a chev. betw. three Doreland, or Dryland, gu. guttee-de-
cinquefoils, in chief, and a bugle, in base, ar. larmes, a fesse, nebulee, ar.
Crest, in the sea a ship, in distress, ppr. Doret, ar. three barnacles gu. two and one.
Donkin, ar. a cross crosslet sa. a chief gu. Crest, Dorghorllen, az. a lion, passant, gardant,
a leopard, couchant, ppr. or, coward.

Donmard. The same as Donmare. Dorien, or Dorrien, ar. a bendlet in chief,

Donne, .... a wolf, salient, [M.I. in and another in base az. over all a saltier gu.
Old St. Paul's, London.] Crest, a demi savage, holding over the dexter-
Donnellan, or Donnelan, [Ireland,] ar. a shoulder a banner ....
fesse betw. three stags' heads, cabossed, gu. Dorley, ar. three chev. sa.

Crest, a greyhound, sejant, ar. Dorman, az. three leopards' faces ar. Crest, a
Donnelley, or Donelley, [Ireland,] sa. three lion's paw holding a tilting spear.
fleurs-de-lis. Crest, a church and spire ppr. Dormake, [Westmoreland.] The same as
Donnington, or Donington, paly of six ar. Dorm are, of Bucks.
and az. ;
on a chief gu. three bezants. Dorm ere, az. billettee or, on a chief of the last,
DoNMlSON, gu. a
quarterly; first, sinister hand, three martlets sa. Crest, a castle sa. masoned
fesseways, and couped, holding a cross crosslet, ar.

fitchee, ar. second, az. a lion,

; rampant, ar. Dormot, or Doromot, gu. a fesse, dancettee,
third, az. a galley ar. ; fourth, sa. a fish ar. ar. ;
in chief three fleurs-de-lis of the last.
Dorn, [London,] ar. two bars, wavy, gu. on a sails furled, of the last, three mullets of the
chief purp. as many eagles' heads, erased, ppr. field ;
a chief, per pale, of the third and second,
Crest, a stag's head, erased, ppr. charged on the dexter side with a human heart,
Dorn. Crest, two battle-axes, endorsed, in pale, ensigned with a regal crown, and on the sinister
entwined by a serpent, all ppr. with a thistle, leaved and seeded, all ppr.
Dorne, or Thorn e, [Northamptonshire,] ar. a Crest, a human heart, as in the Arms, betw.
l'esse gu. betw. three lions, rampant, sa. two wiugs expanded ar.
Dorn hay, gu. a cross ar. over all a label of five Douglas, [Lord Reston, one of the lords of
points or. Session,] quarterly; first and fourth, the paternal
Dorpatrick, [Ireland,] per pale ar. and gu. a Arms of Douglas; second and third, ar. three
fesse counterchanged. piles gu. in chief two mullets of the field, all

Dorquk, ar. fretty and floretty or.

within a bordure az. charged with eight buckles

Dorque, az. fretty, replenished with fleurs-de-lis or. Crest, a boar, passant, betw. the cleft of a
or. tree, fastened together by a padlock, ppr.
Dorrien, [London,] ar. on a mount, three tre- Douglas, [Bads, Scotland,] ar. a man's heart,
foilsslipped, vert. [M.I. in Berkhamsled, St. with a dart piercing the same, fesseways, gu. on ;

Peter, Herlfordsltire.~] a chief az. three mullets of the first.

Dorrington, [Staffordshire.] The same as Douglas, [Bealfoord, Scotland,] ar. a human
Dodington, of Dodington. heart gu. regally crowned or, betw. three spur-
Dorstell, or, a chev. sa. betw. three towers, rowels az. all within a bordure, nebulee, of the
towered, gu. last.
Dorstell, vaire ar. and sa. over a bendlet gu.
Douglas, [Borg, Scotland,] ar. a lion's head,
Dorville. Crest, a rose, per fesse gu. and erased, gu.; on a chief of the last two cinquefoils
ar. of the first.
Dorulle, [Ireland,] sa. a chev. engr. ar. betw. Douglas, [Bonjedward, Scotland.] The same as
three plates. the second of the name in the first Dictionary,
Dottin, gu. three horses' heads, erased, or. in the collar point a label of three points
Dotlin, pean, two lions, passant, in pale, per Douglas, [Bridgefoord, Scotland,] quarterly;
pale or and ar. Crest, a doe, trippant, ppr. first, lion, rampant, ar. ducally crowned
az. a

charged on the body with three torteaux, in or; second, or, a lion, rampant gu. surmounted
fesse. [Granted 17 th March, 1817, and by a riband sa. third, ar. three piles gu.; and

borne by Samuel Rons Dottin, of English, fourth, or, a fesse, chequy az. and ar. surmounted
Oxfordshire, and Handley, Dorset, and by of a bend gu. charged with three buckles of the
Able-Rons Dottin, of Bugle-Hall, Hamp- first over all on an escocheon ar. a man's heart

shire, and Argyle-Street, London, 1833.] gu. regally crowned or; on a chief az. three stars
Dotton, sa. a cross erm. of the first, all within a bordure, indented, or.
Doubler, [Cheshire,] az. a cross, double-parted, Crest, a dexter hand grasping a sword, erect,
ar. ppr.
Doue, barry of six ar. and az. over all a bend Douglas, [Inchmarle, Scotland.] The same as
gu. charged with three broad arrows of the Douglas, Earl of Morton, within a bordure,
second. counter-compony, or and sa. Crest, a de.xter
Dougal, [Scotland,] ar. a mountain vert. hand appearing out of a bush, holding an oak-
Crest, a bull's head, cabossed, ppr. leaf, ppr.
Doughty, [Worleby, Lincolnshire.] The same Douglas, [Ireland,] ar. a man's heart gu. ; on a
as Doughty, of Boston, in the first Dic- chief az. three stars of the first. Crest, a sala-
tionary. mander in flames ppr.
Douglas, [Cars, Perthshire, Baronet, 1777.] Douglas, [Jendreick, Scotland,] erm. a human
The same Arms as the second of the name in heart gu. regally crowned or ; on a chief az.
the first
Dictionary. Crest, an arm in armour, three stars of the second.
holding in the hand a dagger, all ppr. Douglas, [Kelhead, Scotland,] quarterly; first
Douglas, [Springwood
Park, Roxburghshire, and fourth, the Arms of Douglas second and ;

Bart. 1786.] The same. third a bend betw. six cross crosslets,

Douglas, [Castle Douglas, Kirkcudbright, Bart. fitchee, or, within a bordure, engr. gu. charged
1801,] az. ou a chev. or, betw. two lions, ram- with eight bezants. Crest, a man's heart ppr.
pant and endorsed, ar. baronially crowned bezantee, crowned or, betw. two wings.
gold in chief and in base, a lymphad, with Douglas, [Longuiddry, Scotland,] ar. a lion's
head, erased, gu. on a chief of the last a cres- Dounes, or Dounies, ar. three palets, wavy,
cent betw. two stars of the first. gu. Crest, a wolf's head.
Douglas, [Moffat, Scotland.] The same, without Dounton, ar. three piles sa. on each a ram's
a crescent. head, couped, of the first, armed or.
Douglas, [Mains, Scotland,] ar. a fesse, chequy Dounton, [Sussex,] ar. ; on a chief, indented, sa.

gu. and of the first, betw. two stars, in chief, az. three goats' heads, erased, of the field, armed or.
and a man's heart, in base, ppr. Crest, an oak- Douse, or Dowse, [Hursborne, Hampshire,]
tree ppr. with a lock hanging on one of the or, a chev. chequy ar. and az. betw. three grey-
branches. hounds, courant, sa. collared ar. studded gu.
Douglas, [Mascall, Scotland,] the paternal coat of Crest, an antelope's head, couped, per pale ar.
Douglas within a bordure, engr and or.
Douglas, [Musleburgh, Scotland.] The same as Douthwaite, or, on a fesse gu. two fleurs-de-
the eleventh of the name in the first Dictionary. lis of the first betw. two of the same in chief,

Douglas, [Parkhead, Scotland.] The same as and two in base of the second. Crest, on a
Douglas, of Mascall. rock ppr. a fleur-de-lis, counterchanged, or and
Douglas, [Pingavie, Scotland.] The Arms of gu.
Doualas within a bordure gu. Dovannan, [Ireland.] Crest, an eagle, rising,
Douglas, [Pompherston, Scotland,] erm. on a ;
chief az. three mullets ar. Crest, a dexter hand Do v ant, gu. a fesse, dancettee, three fleurs-de-
supporting a human heart, crowned, all ppr. lis in chief ar.

Douglas, [Sprot, Scotland,] quarterly first and ; Dove, [London and Strabrook, Suffolk.] The
fourth, the paternal coat of Douglas; second same as Dove, of East Bramshoth.
and third, ar. three piles gu. the exterior ones Dove. See first Dictionary, for " Cast Branshoth"
charged with a mullet, in chief, of the field. read " East Bramshoth."
Douglas, [Standingstone, Scotland,] erm. on a ; Dove, [Scotland.] Crest, a pegasus, salient, with
chief gu. two mullets ar. a crescent for dif- wings endorsed and ducally gorged, all ppr.
ference. Dove, [Buckinghamshire,] per pale az. and vert,
Douglas, [Stonepath, Scotland.] The same Arms three doves in cross ar. beaked gu.
as Doug/as, of Cavers, in the first Dictionary, Dow, [Ardonhall, Scotland.] Arms, see first
the crown ar. Dictionary. Crest, a clove ar.
Douglas, [Tilliguhally, Scotland,] quarterly; first Dowbiggin, vaire or and az. a crescent gu.
and fourth, paternal coat of Douglas;
the Crest, a rein-deer's head, cabossed, ppr.
second, Douglas, of Lochleven ; third, ar. Dowcra, [Kirkby, Kendall, Westmoreland, and
three mascles sa. ; on a chief of the last as many Putteridgebury, Herts; and Fulborn, Cam-
lions, passant, gardant, of the first, for Ogs- bridgeshire,] sa. a chev. betw. three plates, each
toun. Crest, a dexter hand, issuing from a charged with a pallet gu. Crest, a lion's head,
cloud, holding a sword, erect, ppr. erased, sa.
Douglas, [Timpyndean, Scotland,] ar. a human Dowo, [Ireland.] Crest, a bird ppr.
heart gu. regally crowned or, in chief a label DoWDALL, [Irelaud,] ar. five birds gu. legged
of as many points of the second ; on a chief, az. sa. three and two.
three mullets of the field. Crest, a plume of Dowda/l, [Ireland.] The same as the second of
ostrich-feathers ppr. the name in the first Dictionary.

Douglas, [Whitriggs, Scotland,] quarterly ; first Z)oiw///,[Ireland,]or,a fesse betw. five mullets gu.
and fourth, the paternal arms of Douglas ; Dowdall, [Ireland,] gu. on a fesse ar. five mart-
second and third, ar. a cross, embattled, counter- lets of the first.

embattled, gu. all within a bordure of the first, Dowdall, [Ireland and London.] Arms, see first
charged with eight holly-leaves vert. Crest, a Dictionary. Crest, out of a ducal coronet a
demi savage, wreathed about the head and mid- boar's head and neck collared or.
dle with leaves, wielding a club, all ppr. Dowdall, [Irelaud,] ar. six martlets gu. Crest,
Douglas, ar. a heart gu. regally crowned ppr. ; on a pascal lamb ppr.
a chief az. two mullets pierced of the first. Dowdall, [Ireland,] ar. five martlets, in saltier, gu.
Crest, an arm, embowed, armour, ppr. in the
in Dowdall. To the second of the name in the Ap-
hand a dagger of the last, and pomel or,
pendix add Crest, a dove, ducally crowned,
Doulgravk, az. a chev. engr. erm. betw. three ppr.
owls ar. Dowdenhey, sa. a bend, cottised, erm.
Dou.mvilk, sa. a lion, rampant, ar. collared gu. DOWDESWELL, DoDWELL, Or DoDESWELL,
[Sevenhampton, Gloucestershire,] ar. on a fesse Downes, [Sussex,] ar. three pales, wavy, sa.
gu. tliree roses of the field. Downewray. The same as Downroy, in the
Dowdeswell, [Hare-street, Essex.] Arms, see first
first Dictionary. Crest, two hands, issuing Down first, gu. on a bend, cottised, ar. three
from clouds, wrenching the trunk of a tree eagles, displayed, vert.
asunder, ppr. Downgaine, [Ireland,] az. six plates, three,
DmvDiNG, az. a fleur-de-lis or. Crest, a catha- two, and one; on a chief or, a demi lion, issuant,
rine-wheel az. gu.
Downs, [Ireland,] ar. five doves, in saltier, gu. Downhall, or, a bend sa. betw. three mullets
Crest, a dove gu. gu.
Dow ell, [Almondsbury, Gloucestershire,] ar. Downham, [Ireland,] .. .. a chev. betw. three

a lion, rampant, and bordure sa. escallops .... Crest, a dexter arm, embowed,
Dowelles, a lion, rampant, sa.
or, ppr. holding a club vert.
Dower, per pale gu. and az. three bees or. Downhalt, [London.] The same as Doivne-
Dower, erm. a oinquefoil, pierced, ermines. hall, in the first
Dictionary. Crest, a cherub
DoWES, or, a bend betw. two lions, rampant, sa. ppr. winged or. on clouds ar.
DOWFEELD, or DoWFlELD, sa. a chev. betw. Downie, [Edinborough,] az. a fesse, engr. betw.
three martlets ar. three boars' heads, couped, or. Crest, a ship
DoWGLAS, [Longshaw, Ayrshire, Scotland,] ar. under sail, with a plough upon the deck, all
a lion's head, erased, gu.; on a chief of the ppr.
last a crescent betw. two mullets or. Doiniie. The same, the boars' heads, erased, or.
DOWGLASS. The same as the second Dowglas Crest, a dagger and cross crosslet, fitchee,
in the first Dictionary, within a bordure gu. in saltier,ppr.
DoWlE, [Scotland.] Crest, a dove, volant, hold- Downie. Crest, a boar's head, erased, or.
ing in the beak an olive-branch, all
ppr. Downing, [Cambridge,] barry of eight ar. and
Dowink, az. a fesse, engr. betw. three boars' vert, a griffin, segreant, or, within a bordure
heads, erased, or Crest, a dexter hand hold- az. charged with eight roses of the first, seeded
ing a dagger ppr. and barbed ppr. [Borne by Sir George Down-
Dowker, ar. a bull's head, erased, gu. Crest, ing, of Gamlingay Cambridgeshire, K.B. fyc.

out of a ducal coronet sa. a plume of five &c]

ostrich-feathers ar. DowNMAN, quarterly, vert and ar. on the first ;

Dowker, a bull's head, erased, sa.

[Ireland,] or, and fourth quarters a fleur-de-lis of the last.
Crest, two dexter hands, couped and con- Crest, a hand, holding a lancet, ppr.
joined, holding a human heart ppr. Downton, [Thistleworth, Middlesex,] ar. on a
Dow LAND. Crest, a tiger, passant, gardant, or. chief, dancettee, sa. three goats' heads, erased,
Dowler. Crest, a hand, erect, pulling a thistle of the field. Crest, on a chapeau az. turned
ppr. up ar. an heraldic tiger, sejant, of the second,
Dowley. Crest, a demi heraldic tiger gu. armed and tufted or.
ducallv gorged or. Dowrish, ar.; two bends, a label, and bordure,
Dowling. The same Arms as Dowling in the all sa.

Dictionary. Crest, out of a ducal coronet Dowson, az. a bend or, surmounted by a fesse
a dexter arm, vested . .
holding a sword,
. . , ar. Crest, a lion, rampant, per fesse or and
wavy gu.
DoWMAN. To second of the name in the
the Dowson, [Southtown, Suffolk,] ar. a fesse vair
first Dictionary add Crest, on a mural coronet betw. three doves ppr. Crest, a dove ppr.
a bundle of seven arrows, banded Dowton, ar! tliree pales sa. each charged with
Down. Crest, an arm, from the elbow, holding an antelope's head, couped, or.
a broken hammer ppr. Dox, or Doxey. Arms, see first Dictionary.
Downe, or, semee of escallops gu. Crest, an Crest, a demi savage, with a quiver of arrows
arm ar. cuffed or, hand ppr. holding a crescent of at his back, and holding in his dexter hand three
the second, flamant, ppr. arrows in pale, the sinister pointing to an im-
Downer, gu. a chev. or. Crest, two hands, perial crown, all ppr.
conjoined, in fesse, winged at the wrist. Doyle, or Doyley,
[Norfolk,] gu. three bucks'
Doivner, gu. a chev. or, betw. three peacocks ar. heads, cabossed, ar. (another, or.) Crest, out
Crest, as above. of a mural coronet ar. an arm, embowed, ppr.
vested sa. cuff' of the first, holding a spear of see first Dictionary. Crest, a demi man, in
the second. short coat and hat, holding in the dexter hand
Doyle, [Dovly,] gu. three bucks' heads, cabossed, an ox-yoke ppr.
or, attired ar. Drakenford, .... three caps, turned up ... .
Doyle, [Ireland,] three bucks' heads, couped,
ar. Crest, an anchor, with cable, ppr.
gu. within a tressure compony or and az. Draner, [Kent,] sa. a fesse betw. three hel-
Crest, a stag's head, couped, gu. ducally gorged mets, with feathers ar.

ppr. Dransfield, [Essex, and Stobbed-W aiding,

Doyley, [Shottisham, Norfolk.] Arms, see first Yorkshire,] paly of six sa. and ar. on a bend
Dictionary. Crest, out of a ducal coronet or, gu. three mullets or. Crest, a sword in pale,
two eagles, with wings endorsed and erect, sa. enfiled with a Turk's head, all ppr.
bezantee. Dransfield, paly of six sa. and ar. on a bend of
D'Oylky, or, two bends az. Crest, out of a the first three mullets or.
ducal coronet or, ac estoile ar. betw. two wings, Draper, [London and
Middlesex,] gu. four
conjoined in leure, gu. bends or, a per fesse, ar. and erm.
Doynf., [Ireland,] per pale and per chev. or and charged, in chief, with three fleurs-de-lis gu.
vert, three roundles, counterchanged. Crest, [Granted February, 1613.]
a holly-tree vert. Draper, [Norfolk and Suffolk,] ar, on a fesse
Doynelmere, ar. four fusils in fesse az. over betw. three annulets gu. a mullet betw. two
all a fesse gu. in chief a label of five points garbs or.
or. Drax, [Woodhall, Yorkshire.] The same as
Doyngell, or Doynell, ar. two pales, dan- the second of the name in the first Dictionary.
cettee, az. Drayceley. The same as Draceley.
Draceley, or Drayceley, [Essex,] ar. achev. Drayner, or Dragoner, [Hopton, Middle-
sa. betw. three drakes' heads, erased,
ppr. sex.] See Dragoner.
Dracketts, paly of six or and gu. a bend erm. Drayton, [Norfolk,] erm. two bars gu.; in chief
Dragoner, or Draynkr, [Hopton, Middle- a passant, gardant, of the second.
sex,] sa. a fesse betw. three helmets ar. barred Drayton, per pale, indented, az. and gu. a lion,
or. Crest, a pheon sa. rampant, or. Crest, an eagle's leg, couped at
Dragunor, or Draner, [Smarden, Kent,] sa. the thigh az. leg or.
a fesse nebulee, engr. betw. three close helmets Drey ton. Fourth of the name in the first Dic-
" "
ar. plumed or.
tionary, before Norfolk," read Drayton."
Drake, [Devon,] ar. a chev.
gu. betw. three Drayton, [Warwickshire,] az. guttee-de-larmes, a
halberts sa. Crest, a dexter arm, embowed, pegasus, salient, ar. Crest, on a roundle,
vested, barry wavy ar. and gu. supporting with issuing rays or, for the sun,) a round hat, rim
the hand ppr. a halbert .... vert, with wings on each side ar.
Drake, [Devonshire,] ar. a chev. betw. three Drayton, [Norfolk,] per pale az. and gu. a lion,
battle-axes sa. rampant, or.
Drake, a wivern gu.
ar. Crest, an eagle, dis- Drayton, [Norfolk,] gu. a chief ar.

played, gu. Drebarrow, sa. two swords in saltier ar. betw.

Drake, [Hardley, Norfolk,] ar. a wivern gu. four fleurs-de-lis or.
winged or. Dreghorn, [Ruehill, Scotland,] gu. on a fesse
Drake, ar. a chev. purp. betw. three battle-axes, ar. betw. two garbs, in chief, or, and an an-
the edges to the sinister side, sa. Crest, an tique plough, in base, of the last, three trefoils
arm, bent, ar. thereon two bendlets, wavy, gu. vert. Crest, a nag, feeding on rye-grass, ppr.
supporting a battle-axe, staff sa. headed of the [Granted, by Patent, 1763.]
first. Drehey, or Drehee, ar. three cinquefoils,
Drake, [Otterton, Axmouth, and Wiscomb, in the pierced, and a canton gu.
parish of Southleigh,Devon ancestors of the; Drell, or Dreul, quarterly, ar. and sa. ;
Drakes of Agmondesham, Buckinghamshire,] the first a crescent gu.
The same Arms as the fourth of the name in the Drenfield, [Yorkshire.] The same as Dran-
first Dictionary. field, of Yorkshire.
Drakeley, ar. a chev. sa. betw. three drakes' Drevell, quarterly, ar. and sa. ;
in the first quar-
heads, erased, az. ter a crescent gu.
Drake low, or race low, [Essex.] Arms, Drever, [Orkney,] or, on a chief az. betw.
D It O D It U
three griffins' heads, erased, gu. as many roses Dronfeild, barry of four ar. and sa. on a bend
ar. barbed vert. Crest, an eagle, rising, re- gu. three mullets of six points or.
gardant, holding in the beak a pomegranate, all Drop, per chev. ar. and sa. three guttees coun-
ppr.[Granted, by Patent, 1809.] terchanged.
Drkw, Crest, a dexter hand, holding Drop, [London,] sa. guttee-de-larmes; on a chief
up chapeau, all ppr. betw. two laurel-branches gu. a lion, passant, gardant, or.
vert. Drought, az. a fesse or; in chief three garbs of
Drew, sa. two swords, in saltier, ar. hilts or, the last. Crest, a stag, gardant, under a tree,
betw. four fleurs-de-lis of the last. ppr.
Drewe, ar. three roses gu. Crest, two arms, Drought, [Ireland,] ar. three knives az. hafted
from the shoulder, couped, in saltier, ppr. vested gu. Crest, a sceptre or.
ar. each holding a cimeter, in pale, of the Drue, gu. a saltier erm.
last. Druitt, [Ireland,] gu. a bar or, surmounted by
Drewe, a chev. sa. cottised gu. betw. three
or, a raguly, ar.
staff, Crest, out of a ducal coro-
moor-cocks of the second. net, a plume of five ostrich feathers, banded
Drewe, [Kensington, Middlesex.] The same
Arms asthe seventh of the name in the first Drumbenog, [Maynerch, Lord of Brecknock,]
Dictionary. Crest, on a mount vert, a stag, sa. a chev. betw. three spears' heads ar. em-

springing, ppr.
brued <m.
Drewel, [Bucks,] quarterly, ar. and sa. over all Drumgoole, ar. on a fesse, indented, gu. betw.
a crescent gu. three eagles, displayed, ppr. as many mascles
Drewell, [Buckinghamshire.] Arms, see the
Dictionary. Crest, a dexter arm, embow- Drummond, [Cargill, Scotland,] ar. three bars,
ed, ppr. vested or, cuff gu. holding a covered wavy, gu. Crest, an eagle volant.
cup of (he second. Drummond, [Concreig and Borlands, Scotland,]
Dribe. The same as Dreyby in the first Dic- per fesse, wavy, or and gu.
tionary. Drummond, [Cromlix, Scotland.] The same as
Driffield. Crest, a boar's bead, erased, ppr. Drummond, of Strathallan, in the first Dic-
Driffield a chev. betw. three lapwings .... tionary.
Drill, quarterly, ar. and sa. in the first quarter Drummond, [Edinburgh,] or, three bars, wavy,
a crescent gu. gu. ; in chief a martlet betw. two crescents of
Drindall, [Ireland,] or, a fesse betw. three the last. Crest, a pheon or.
martlets sa. Drummond, Scotland,] or, two bars,
Dring, ar. a lion, passant, gu. surmounted by a undee, gu. over a naked man, naiant, in

pale az. Crest, on a chapeau, a phoenix in pale, grasping in his dexter hand a sword, and
flames, all
ppr. having his sinister hand and feet in action, all

Drisdale, [Ireland,] erm. a saltier sa. on a chief ppr. Crest, a dexter hand holding a spear, all

az. three estoiles or. Crest, a thistle ppr. within ppr.

a chaplet or. [Granted to the Rev. Hugh Dris- Drummond, [Machary, Scotland.] The same as
dale, D.D. of Oxford, Archdeacon in the Drummond, of Maderty, in the first Dictionary.
Diocese of Ossory, by Richard Corney, Ulster, Drummond, [Monedie, Scotland.] The same
1GN3.] Arms as Drummond, of Colquhalzie, in the first
Driver, per pale gu. and or, a thistle counter- Dictionary. Crest, a dove standing on an an-
changed. Crest, a heart gu. winged or. chor, in pale, ppr.
Driver, [Avening, Gloucestershire,] per pale, in- Drummond, [Melford, Scotland,] quarterly; first

dented, ar. and az. two lions, rampant, coun- and fourth, or, three bars, wavy, gu. ; second
terchanged. and third, or, a lion, rampant, within a double
Driver, or Drever, or, on a chev. az. betw. three tressure, flory, counterflory, gu. all within a bor-
as many roses of dure, gobonated, ar. and az.
griffins' heads, erased, ppr.
the field. Crest, an eagle, regardant, wings Drummond, [Perth, Scotland,] or, three bars,
distended, ppr. holding in the beak a pine-apple, wavv, gu. Crest, on a ducal coronet, a sleuth-
slipped, ppr. hound, standing, ppr. collared and leashed gu.
Droed Tu, [Wales,] ar. a man's leg, couped at Drummond, [Rickarton,] quarterly first and ;

the thigh, sa. fourth, as in the first Dictionary second and ;

Drolle, [Denmark,] ar. the devil in an ugly third, ar. a lion, rampant, az. Crest, a lion,
shape sa. rampant, issuing, az.
2 c
Drummond, [Stobhall, Scotland.] The same as Dubisson, ar. a chev. gu. betw. three cannets
Drummond, of Cargill. sa. Crest, a cannet sa.
Drumson, az. a chev. betw. three flags dis- Du Bisson. The same Arms. Crest, on a
played, ar. chapeau, a cannet sa.
Drury, on a chief vert, three mullets or, on
ar. Du Bois, ar. a canton gu. over all a bend sa.

a canton gu, a bezant pierced by two broad Crest, a falcon, close, ppr. belled or.
arrows, saltierwise, of the third. Due A STL E, [Warwickshire,] gu. two bars ar. on
Drury, [Overston, Northamptonshire,] ar. on a a canton of the last a castle sa.
chief vert, a tail betw. two mullets, pierced, or. Ducat, ar. three serpents, gliding fesseways, in
[Created a Baronet, lGth February, 1738-9.] pale az.
Drury, [Suffolk.] The same. Ducat, or Ducket, [Scotland,] ar. three eels,
Drwyherst, erm. three escallops or. naiant, in
pale az. Crest, two hands issuing
Dry EN, ar. on a bend az. three water-bougets from clouds, conjoined in fesse, therefrom
or. issuing a branch of palm, ppr.
Dryland, [Norfolk.] Arms, see the first Dic- Duched, [Cheshire,] az. three pine-apples or.
tionary. Crest, a demi man in a military habit, Duck, [Haswell on the Hill, Durham,] per
holding a banner, displayed, gu. charged with a fesse gu. and or, three bezants.
[Created a
cross ar. Baronet Vdth March, 1686-7.]
Dryland, gu. guttee-de-larmes, a fesse, uebulee, Duck, [Devonshire,] per fesse ar. and az. three
erm. within a bordure ar. chaplets counterchanged, two and one.
Dryland, [Cowkesdich, Kent.] The same as the Duckenfeeld, ar. a cross, voided, gu.
third of thename in the first Dictionary. Duck en field, sa. a chev. betw. three crescents
Dryland, [Kent] The same as the last of the or. Crest, a demi huntsman, holding over the
name in the first Dictionary. dexter shoulder a ploughshare, all ppr.
Dryle, or, on a fesse betw. three fleurs-de-lis Duckensfield, ar. a cross, wavy, voided, sa.

gu. three of the first. Crest, a tower embattled, thereon a flag,

Drysdale, [Scotland,] ar. a saltier az. betw. displayed, or.
four crosses, moline, gu. a chief of the second. Ducket, ar. a saltier sa.

Crest, a martlet sa. Ducket, sa. the field replenished with martlets or.
Drysdale. The same, the crosses sa. Crest, a Duckett, Bart, [late Jackson, Corsham, Wilts,
crane's head, crowned, ppr. since of Roydon, Essex, and Hartham, Wilts,]
Drysdale, [Scotland,] vert, a fret ar. over all a az. a fesse, erminois, betw. three sheldrakes ppr.
fesse gu. Crest, an anchor and cable ppr. Crest, a sheldrake ppr. charged on the breast
Dryton, ar. on a bend az. three water-bougets with a saltier gu.
or, a crescent of the second. Duckinfield, [Devonshire,] ar. a cross, wavy, sa.
Dryver, per pale, indented, ar. and az. two lions, Duckworth, Bart. [Fenteroou, Cornwall, since
rampant, combatant, counterchanged. Crest, of Buller Wear, near Exeter,] ar. on a chev.
a dexter arm, embowed, in armour, ppr. gar- az. betw. two ducks ppr. in chief, and a naval
nished or, holding in the hand, also ppr. a crown, of the second, in base, a bomb fired
chaplet of laurel vert. betw. two estoiles or, on a chief, wavy, also az.
Drywood, [Shipston, Essex,] or, a lion, pas- the word St. Domingo within a branch of
sant, guardant, sa. betw. three acorns, vert. laurel, entwined with another of oak, gold.
Crest, au oak-branch, fructed, ppr. Crest, a tower, the battlements partly demo-
Drywood, [Dunton, Essex,] or, (another ar.) a lished, from the top flames issuing ppr. on the
lion, passant, guardant, sa. betw. three Cornish sinister side a sea-lion, erect, az. the
choughs ppr. Crest, a greyhound's head, per pressing against the tower.
pale, or and gu. collared az. betw. two wings Duckworth. Crest, a lady holding in her dexter
counterchanged. hand the sun, and in her sinister the moon, ppr.
Duane, [Lincoln's Inn, Middlesex,] erm. a cat, Du Coin, or, a pelican, vulning herself, az.
passant; in chief two crescents sa. Crest, a Crest, three mullets, one and two.
wolf's head, erased, ppr. Duddin, [Scotland,] gu. a chev. betw. three
Duane, [Ireland.] The same. trefoils, slipped, ar.
Duberi.y, or DuberlEY. Arms, as in first Dudgeon, [Leith,] per pale ar. and gu. a chev.
Dictionary. Crest, a cock holding in the betw. a heart, transfixed with a dagger, in bend,
beak a trefoil ppr. in the dexter canton in the sinister a lion's

Dubbesthorpe, az. five bezants in saltier. face discharging water, and in base a crescent,
counterchanged. Crest, a hand, grasping a Duffield, az. three eagles or.
cimeter issuing from a heart, all ppr. Duf/ield, az. a cross, pattee, betw. four fleurs-

Dudgeon. Crest, a holly-branch vert, and cross de-lis or.

crosslet, fitchee, in saltier, az. Duffy, sa. on a pale erm. three crescents gu.

Dudley, ar. a cross,

formee, az. [Borne by Crest, an angel ppr.
William Dudley, Dean of Windsor, appointed Duffy, [Ireland,] gu. on a bend . . . . three cres-
Bishop of Durham, 14fh October, 147(i, ob. cents of the first. Crest, two palm branches
1483.] in orle ppr.

Dudley, [Berkshire,] az. a chev. engr. or. Du Fou, az. a fleur-de-lis or, on the exterior,
Dudley, or, two lions, rampant, az. langu ed gu. florettee, a bird looking towards the sinister.

Dudley, ar. a cross, formee, az. Crest, a pole-cat, passant, ppr.

Dudley, Bart. [Willingham-House, Cambridge- Dufrene. Crest, a tree ppr.
shire, 1813,] sa. on a fesse ar. betw. two lions, Dugan, or Duggan, quarterly, az. and erm.
passant, in chief, and a sinister hand bendways,
on the first and fourth quarters a head,

couped a buck, courant,

at the wrist, in base, or ; erased, or. Crest, a talbot, statant, ppr. col-
gu. Crest, a buck's head, erased, ar. attired lared ar.
sa. the neck transpierced by an arrow, barbed Dug u id. The same as Dwiywid.
and flighted ppr. and gorged with a collar gu. Du Halgeot, az. a
rampant, or.
lion, Crest,
pendent therefrom an escocheon of the second, a Moor's head, couped at the neck, ppr.
charged with a hand, as in the Arms. Duine, [Dublin, descended from Taarty, Aber-
Dudman, ar. a cross, moline, within a bordure, deenshire,] gu. a sword, in pale, ppr. hilt and
engr. az. in the dexter chief quarter a bird, pomel or, betw. two padlocks ar. within a bor-
regardant, of the last. dure of the last. Crest, a dexter hand, issuing,
Due, az. a chief, indented, ar. ppr.
Duebydy, [Ireland,] or, a cross composed of Duke, per chief, indented, ar. and az.
seven lozenges each, per pale, gu. and erm. Duke, [Benhall, Suffolk.] See first
Duer, gu. on a chev. betw. three garbs ar. as For az. a chev. &c. read ar. a chev.

many torteauxes. Crest, a branch of laurel vert. Duke, [Tore,] az. a coney, salient, ar.
Duff, [Earl of Fife &c] quarterly; first and Duke, az. a chev. betw. three martlets ar.
fourth, or, a lion, rampant, gu. for Macduff; Dukenfield, Bart., [Duckingfield Hall, Che-
second and third, vert, a fesse, dancettee, erm. shire, since of Newton Hall, Lancashire, Port-
betw. a hart's head, cabossed, in chief, and two wood, near Stockport; Hurst, near Warrington;
escallops, in base, or, for Duff. Crest, a horse, Bickershaw, near Wigan, and Heyrod, near
courant, ar. vested over all with a mantling gu. Ashton,] ar. a cross, aiguisee, sa. Crest, out
semee of escocheons or, each charged with a of a ducal coronet or, a dexter arm, erect,
lion, rampant of the second, on the horse a man vested gu. cuff ar. holding in the hand ppr. the
in complete armour, sword drawn, all ppr. sun in splendour.
Duff, [Ireland.] The same Arms. Crest, a demi Dukeson, .... a fesse erm. betw. two lions,
lion gu. holding in the dexter paw a broad passant, gardant, [M. I. in St. Clement
sword ppr. hilt and pomel or,over the Crest this Danes, London.]
motto Deus juvat. Duket, [Ireland,] sa. a cross crosslet ar. betw.
Duff, [Craighead, Scotland.] The same Arms as four martlets or.
the first of the name in the first Dictionary. Dulaney. Crest, a winged bull, sejant, resting
Duff, [Keithmore, Scotland.] The same Arms. fore-paw on a book open.

Crest, a buck's head ppr. Dulle, or, two bends az.

Duff, [Scotland,] per fesse, vert and gu. a fesse, Duller, [Duller,] ar. on a bend sa. a lion, pas-
dancettee, ar. betw. a hart's head, cabossed, sant, or.
with a pheon betw. the attires and two escallops Dui.LiN, ar. on a lion, rampant, sa. a bend of
of the last in chief, and in base another pheon the field charged with three estoiles gu.
of the same. Dully, or, two bends gu.
Duff, [Drummure, Scotland,] vert, a fesse, dan- Dumaresque. Crest, out of a mural coronet
cettee, betw. a buck's head, cabossed, in chief, a demi holding a flag

and a mullet, in base, or, for difference. Dumas, az. a fesse betw. three bezants. Crest,
Duff, [Craigstoun, Dipple, Hattoun, Iden, Tul- a lion's gamb, erased, gu.

lock, &c. Scotland.] The same Arms with due Dumbar, [Machremore, Scotland,] gu. a lion,
difference. rampant, or, surmounted of a bend az. charged
2 C 2
with three cushions of the second, all within a Dunbar, [Murray, Scotland.] The same Arms
bordure ar. thereon eight cinqnefoils of the first. as Dunbar, of Westfield, see the
Crest, a lion's head, erased, and crowned with within a bordure ar. charged with eight frazes
an open crown, or. gu. Crest, a wreath of laurel ppr.
Dumbar, [Scotland,] gu. a lion, rampant, within Dun calf, [Otringham, Yorkshire,] ar. a chev.
a bordure ar. charged with eight roses of the gu. betw. three calves sa.
first. Duncan, [Scotland,] gu. on a chev. betw. two
Dumbreck, [Edinburgh,] ar. a wolf, passant, sa. cinquefoils, in chief, ar. and in base a bugle-horn
transfixed with a sword ppr. within a bordure or, three escocheons of the first.

gu. Crest, a dexter hand holding a sword, in Duncanson, [Scotland,] ar. a chev. sa. betw.
pale, on the point a wolf's head, couped, ppr. two sheaves of arrows, in chief, gu. banded of the
Dumerlr, gu. four crescents ar. on a chief az. first, and a bugle-horn, in base, of the second,

two crescents of the second. stringed and garnished or. Crest, a dexter
Dumery, [London,] ar. two bars vert, on the first hand, apaumee, ppr.
a crescent or; in chief three martlets gu. Dunch, [Down Ampney, Gloucestershire,] purp.
Dummo, [Scotland,] ar. a portcullis, chequy, gu. a chev. betw. three towers or.
and az. Duncombe, [Berley-End.] See the first Dic-
Du Molin, [France.] Arms, see the first Dic- tionary \for Bedfordshire rea^Buckinghamsbire,
tionary. Crest, an eagle, with wings endorsed, ancestors of the Duncombs of Broughton.
preying on an infant, swaddled .... Duncombe, [Stocks, in the parish of Aldbury,
Dumy, gu. three garbs or. Hertfordshire.] The same Arms and Crest as
Dun. To the fisst of the name in the first Dic- the first of the name in the first Dictionary.

tionary add Crest, a dexter hand holding a key, DUN DAS, Bart. [Richmond, Surrey, and Llanelly,
ppr. Carmarthen, 1814.] The same Arms as Dun-
Dunbar, [Bart. Boath Nairn, 1814.] The same das, of Duddingstown, Scotland, in the first
Arms as Dunbar, of Westfield, in the first Dic- Dictionary. Crest, a dexter arm, erect, couped
tionary. Crest, a dexter hand erect, apaumee, below the elbow, and holding in the hand ppr. a
ppr. extended towards two earls' coronets tied
mullet az.
together, with the motto Sub Sfie. Dundas, Bart. [Beechwood, Mid-Lothian, 1821,]
Dunbar, [Cumnock, Scotland.] The same. ar.a lion, rampant, gu. within a bordure erm.
Dunbar, [Durn, Scotland.] The same, within a Crest, a lion's face in a bush ppr. above it the
bordure, nebulee and quarterly, az. and gu. motto Assaye.
Crest, two sprigs of laurel, disposed in saltier, Dundas, [Breastmill, Scotland.] Arms, see the
r- firstDictionary. Crest, a lion from the shoul-
Dunbar, [Edinburgh,] gu. a lion, rampant, ar. ders issuing out of an oak-bush vert.
within a bordure, quarterly; first and fourth, of Dundas, [Arniston, Scotland.] Arms as Dmidas,
the second, charged with three roses of the first; of Beechwood. Crest, a lion's head, couped, or.
second and third vert. Crest, a horse's head, Dmulas, [Dundas, Scotland.] The same Arms
bridled, and a dexter hand, fesseways, couped, as Dundas, of Barndary, in the first Dictionary.

holding the same. Crest, a demi lion, gardant, ppr. issuing out
Dunbar, [Entrick, Scotland,] gu. a lion, rampant, of an oak-bush vert, with this motto Essayez.
within a bordure ar. Dundas, [Scotland,] ar. a lion, rampant, and chief

Dunbar, [Hemprigs, Scotland.] The same Arms gu. Crest, a salamander in flames ppr.
as Dunbar, of Westfield, see the first Dic- Dune, sa. an eagle, displayed, with two heads

tionary, within a bordure, vaire, gu. and

or. ar. on the breast an escocheon gu. charged with
Crest, a lion, rampant, holding in the dexter a leopard's head, all within a bordure or.

paw a rose, slipped, gu. leaved and barbed vert. Dune, sa. an eagle, displayed, with two heads ar.
Dunbar, Scotland.]
[Inchbreck, The same as within a bordure or. Crest, a mullet, quarterly,
Dunbar, of Westfield, see the first Dictionary, ar. and sa.

within a bordure gu. charged with eight annulets Dunham, gu. a chief, indented, or.
or. Crest, a hand holding an ear of wheat ppr. Dunhead, ar. a lion, rampant, within a bordure,
Dunbar, [Machremore, Scotland.] The same engr. gu.
Arms and Crest as the fourth of the name in the Dunies. Crest, two palm-branches, disposed in
first Dictionary. orle, vert.

Dunbar, [Mochrum, Scotland,] or, three cushions, Duniguid, [Auchinhuil,] az. three crosses, pattee,
within a double tressure, dory, counterflory, gu. ar.

Duning. The same as Dunning. Dunscalf, ar. a chev. betw. three calves sa.

Duninge, or Dunyng, [Rye, Sussex.] See Du nse, [Dunse, Scotland,] sa. a chev. or betw.
three boars' heads, erased, ar.
Dunyng in the first Dictionary.
Dunk, ar. a lion's head, erased, gu. Crest, a Dunsford, [Tiverton, Devon,] ar. on a piece of
lion'shead, erased, collared or. ground, in base, vert, a bee-hive sa. bees volant
Dunkin, az. on a fesse ar. three garbs gu. about it ppr.
Crest, an arm in armour, couped at the elbow, Dunsford. The same Arms. Crest, out of a
and holding a cross crosslet fitchee.
in ("esse, mural coronet, an eagle's head ppr.
Dunkley, erm. a fesse vert betw. three mullets Dunsford. The same Arms. Crest, out of a
gu. Crest, a falcon's leg, erased at the thigh, mural coronet, a demi lion rampant.
belled and lined ppr. Dunstable. To the first of the name in the

Dunlop, [Dunlop, Scotland.] Arms as the first firstDictionary add Crest, a swan's head ar.
of the name in the first Dictionary. Crest, a betw. two wings sa.
dexter hand holding a sword ppr. Dunstavile, gu. on a canton of the
or, fretty
Dunlop, [Househill, Scotland.] The same, with second a gardant, of the field.
lion, passant,
a mullet for difference. Dunster, [Wilts,] gu. a buck's head, cabossed, ar.
Dun lope, [Scotland,] ar. an eagle, displayed, Dunster, gu. three stags' heads, cabossed, ar.
gu. in chief a lozenge betw. two mullets ....
in Crest, out of the top of a tower issuing from the
base a mount vert. Crest, a dexter hand hold- wreath ar. an arm, embowed, vested gu. cuff ot
the holding a tilting spear
ing a sword ppr. first, sa.

Dunmarle, az. a crescent betw. nine billets or. Dunster, [St. Dunstan's-in-the-East, London,
Dunmure, [Scotland.] Crest, in the sea an an- Hertford.] Arms as in the first Dictionary.
chor ppr. Crest, out of a ducal coronet or, a buck's head
DUNN, az. or, a lozenge betw. two
on a chev. gu. attired or.
keys, lying fesseways, the wards uppermost, sa. Dunston, or Duston. To the second of the
betw. two boars' heads, erased, in chief, and a name in the first Dictionary add Crest, a man's
padlock, in base,ar. Crest, two swords, in sal- head, in profile, ppr.
tier, ppr. downwards, hilts and pomels or,
hilts Dunston, gu. three bucks' heads, cabossed, ar.
the swords banded az. pendent thereto a key sa. Duntze, Bart. [Rockbere-House, D evonsn re ' '

Dunn. Crest, a boar's head, erect and erased, 1774, since of Payford, Devon,] ar. a pascal
within a serpent, orlewise, ppr. lamb, or.
passant,Crest, a mullet betw. two
Dunn, [Scotland.] Crest, on the point of a sword, wings.
in pale, a garland of laurel ppr. Dunversall, sa. a fesse, gobony, or and gu.
Dunn, [Ireland.] Crest, three holly-leaves ppr. betw. five escallops ar.
banded gu. Dunwill, az. a lion, salient, ar. collared gu.

Dunn, [Ireland.] Crest, a lizard, passant, in Dupa, or Duppa. Crest, an acorn, slipped and
front of a tree ppr. leaved, ppr.
Dunn, [Durham,] az. a wolf,
rampant, ar. charged Dupeich. The same as Dupierre in the first

on the shoulder with an ermine spot. Crest, Dictionary.

five snakes erect on their tails, tied together with Duperon, or Dupiers. Crest, on a chapeau
another or. gu. turned up erm. a martlet ppr.
Dunnage, gu. a chev. betw. three trefoils, slip- Dupont, ar. a bend betw. three billets gu.
ped, ar. Crest, a sword, in pale, enfiled with a Crest, a staff ppr. with flag or.
leopard'shead cabossed. Duport, gu. on a chev. or, five roses of the field
betw. three portcullises of the second.
Dunne, gu. on a canton ar. a lion's head, erased,
az. Crest, two lions' paws, supportinga pillar ppr. Duppa. The same Arms as in the first Dic-
Dunnet, [Dunnethead, Scotland,] the sea ppr. tionary. [Borne by Brian Duppa, Bishop of
in base a clett or; on a chief ar. a swart's head Winchester, obiit lu'6'2.]

and cudden, in saltier, of the first. Crest, a Dupre, ar. two pales gu. a quarter or, charged
rock, thereon a fox ppr. with a crescent of the second. Crest, a rose,
Dunning, [Lord Ashburton,] bendy sinister of per fesse, az. and or.

fourteen, or and purp. over all a lion, rampant, Du Quesne. The same as Du Cane, of Brax-
sa. Crest, an antelope's head, couped at the ted-Lodge.
neck, ar. Durand, gu. a lion, rampant, or, in the dexter
Duns, [Duns, Scotland,] sa. a chev. or betw. paw a cutlass ar. hilt of the second. Crest, a
three boars' heads, erased, of the last. yew-tree ppr.
Durand, sa. a fesse, dancettee; in chief three a cross crosslet sa. Crest, as Durant, of Der-
fleurs-de-lis or. byshire, in the first Dictionary.
Durant, [Derbyshire.] As in the first Dic- Durrant, [Ireland.] Arms, see the first Dic-
tionary. (Another, the fleur-de-lis or.) Crest, tionary. Crest, on a ducal coronet or, a pea-
a fleur-de-lis or. cock ppr.
Dura NTS, ar. a chev. engr. sa. betw. three Durrant, per erm. and or, over all a cross

bugle-horns of the last, stringed az. garnished or. crosslet gu. Crest, out of a ducal coronet or, a
Uuraunt, sa. a fesse, dancettee, ar. in chief greyhound's head sa. charged on the neck with
three fleurs-de-lis of the second. a mullet ar. [Borne by J. M. Bosville Durrani,
Durban, az. on a chief ar. a derailion, rampant, Esq. of the Priory, Southover, Sussex, 1831.]
gu. Crest, the sun shining on the stump of a Durvassall, [Warwickshire,] ar. a bend sa.
tree ppr. betw. six cross crosslets gu.
Durbin, [Bristol,] erminois, on a bend gu. three Durward. The same Arms as Durward, of
mullets ar. Crest, a talbot, passant, regardant, Booking. Crest, a demi man ppr. vested gu.
liver-coloured, charged on the shoulder with a holding up a gem-ring.
bezant, supporting with the dexter paw a lance Durward. To the first of the name in the first
or, headed ppr. thereon a banner, displayed, gu. Dictionary add Crest, a dexter hand holding a
charged with a gauntlet ar. cimiter, indented on the back and cutting a pen,
Durbin, erm. on a bend .... three mullets .... all
Crest, issuing from a cloud in the sinister, a Durward, erm. on a chev. az. three crescents or.
dexter arm holding a club, all ppr. DUSAUTOY. Crest, a hand holding a sickle ppr.
Durborn, or Duborun, or, on a fesse sa. Dushead, [Ireland,] barry of six ar. and az.
three bears' heads, erased, ar. muzzled of the Dusseaux, ar. a fesse, flory and counterflory,
first. gu. Crest, a ram's head, erased, ar. armed or.
Durborough, [Cornwall.] Arms, see the first Dutchet, gu. ten birds or, four, three, two, and
Dictionary. Crest, a demi chevalier, holding a one.
sword ppr. Duthie, or Duthill, [Scotland,] ar. a lion,
Durborow, erm. on a fesse sa. a bear's head, rampant, gu. within a bordure az. Crest, a
erased, ar. muzzled or. dexter arm, erect, couped below the wrist, ppr.
Durburgh, sa. three dolphins, haurient, in fesse, holding a sword in pale of the last, hilt and
ar. pomel or.

Durdo, [Gillingham,] per pale ar. and .... on a Dutonge, or, an anchor az.
chev. betw. three ostriches gn. as many cross Dutrv, [London,] az. a golden stirrup betw.
crosslets of the first. three estoiles. [Created a Baronet, 171(3.]
Durdo, ar. a chev. betw. three storks sa. Duvall. Crest, a dexter arm, couped and em-
Duresme, ar. on a cross gu. five fleurs-de-lis or. bowed, holding a hunting-spear ppr.
Dureyne. The same. Duvernet, or Durvernette, az. on a chief
Durham, [Duntarvy, Scotland.] Arms, see the ar. three water-bougets gu. Crest, a stag, pas-
first Dictionary. Crest, a baud pulling a thistle sant, ppr.
ppr. Duxbury, gu. across, voided, ar. Crest, on the
Durham, [Edinburgh.] The same Arms and stump of a tree growing out of a mount vert, a
Crest as Durham, of Largs, see the first Dic- dove, rising, ppr.
tionary. Dwaly, ar. three chev. sa.
Durie, or Dury, az. a chev. betw. three cre- Dwarryhouse, ar. on a fesse gu. betw. three
scents ar. Crest, a dove, regardant, holding in eagles' heads, erased, .... as many roses ....
the beak an olive-branch, all ppr. Crest, a demi lion, wielding a battle-axe.
During, sa. on a pale ar. a crescent of the field. Dyvire, [Ireland.] Crest, a hand holding a
Crest, a hand, in fesse, couped at the wrist in sword, in bend, sinister.
a gauntlet, and holding a dagger, thereon a Dwyre, [Ireland,] gyronny of six erm. and az.
savage's head, couped, affrontee. Crest, two lions' heads, erased and endorsed,
Durno, [Scotland,] paly of six ar. and vert, on ppr.
the first three torteauxes in pale. Crest, a Dwyre. Crest, out of a mural corouet, a lion's
dexter hand brandishing a sword ppr. head, charged with a torteaux.
Durno, [Scotland] The same Arms. Crest, a Dy. The same as Dye.
hand holding a sword, erect, ppr. Dvall, [Wile-End, Middlesex,] ar. a cinquefoil
Durrant, Bart. [Scottowe, Norfolk, 1783,] erm. gu. on a chief of the second three crosses, pat-
I) Y E D Y R
tee, of the field. Crest, a dexter ami, embowed Dyeward, sa. three roundles, gyronny of six,
in armour, ppr. garnished or, holding a banner ar. and gu. two and one.
gu. fringed and charged with a cross, pattee, ar. Dyffe, sa. a fesse betw. three leopards' heads ar.
staft" and tassels of the second. Dyghton, or, a
[Granted 1758.] pile sa.
Dyall, [Berkswell, Warwickshire,] ar. on a chief Dyke, erminois, three cinquefoils sa. Crest, a
gu. three crosses, pattee, fitchee, of the field. cubit arm erect, vested or, fretty gu. cuft'az. in
Crest, an arm in armour holding a banner, the hand ppr. a cinquefoil, slipped, vert. [

charged with a cross pattee, as in the Arms. emplified to Edward Duke-Poore, Esq. 1804,
Dyas, ar. an eagle,
displayed, betw. two pallets College of Arms. ~\

gu. a chief of the last. Crest, out of a ducal Dykes, or Dikes, or, five cinquefoils sa.
coronet, a hand holding a swan's head, erased Dykes, or Dikes, [Yorkshire,] or, three cinque-
at the neck. foils sa. pierced ar.
Dyce, per chev. embattled, or and gu. in base Dykes, [Pepenbury, Kent, Westwick, Yorkshire,
two battle-axes, in saltier, ar. a chief az. parted
; and Franck, Sussex.] The same as Dykes, of
from the field by a fillet, wavy, of the third, a Horsham.
demi lion, rampant, naissant, of the same, hold- Dylderne, ar. a chev. engr. az. betw. three
ing in both paws a trident of the first. Crest, a cocks gu.
demi panther, gardant, enraged, ppr. murally Dylke, or Dilke. The same as Dylke in the

gorged gu. and crowned with an antique crown first

[Confirmed to Richard Dilke,
or, sustaining a banner, per bend, embattled, of Kirkby Malory, in co. Leicester, Esq. by Sir
ar. and az. with a sword, in bend, sinister, Gilbert Delhick, Garter, 10th June, 1574.]
staff" of the last. Dymock, alias Collier, [Staffordshire.] Arms,
Dyce. Crest, an escocheon gu. see the first Dictionary. Crest, a demi negro
Dvcer, [Hackney, Middlesex,] gu. on a chev. ppr. with pearls in the ears ar. holding in the
betw. three eagles, displayed, or, as many tor- hand an acorn-branch, fructed or.
teauxes. Crest, a griffin's head, erased, ar. Dymoke, or sa. two lions, passant, ar.
ducallv gorged or. [Patent by Sir Edward crowned Crest, two asses' ears ppr.

Bysslie, 13 Charles //.] Dymon. See the first Dictionary; after lion read
Dych field. See with Dkhfield in the first or, and add [Granted by Segar, Garter.']
Dictionary. Dymon d, [Tiverton, Devonshire.] Arms, see
Dycomb, ar. a bend, lozengy, betw. two cross the first Dictionary. Crest, a lady's arm from
crosslets, fitchee, sa. the elbow, erect, ppr. entiled with a bracelet.
Dycomf., [Lincolnshire.] See Dicombe. Dyne, [Northumberland.] The same as Dyne,
Dycons, ar. a bend, fusilly, sa. of Northamptonshire, in the first Dictionary.
Dye, [Yorkshire.] Arms, see the first Dictionary. Dyne, or Dine, [Bethersden, Kent, Westfield
Crest, on a ducal coronet or, a swan, with and Lankhurst, Sussex, and of Somersetshire,]
wings endorsed, and ducally gorged ppr. ar. two bars,
gemelles, betw. three escallops gu.
Dye, [London,] gu. a fesse, and in chief three Crest, an heraldic antelope's head, erased, sa.
lions, rampant, or. armed and maned or, langued gu.
Dyer, [Hertfordshire,] per chev. indented, gu. Dyneley, [Feversham, Kent, Branby Melborn
and or, three mullets countercbanged. and Swellington, Yorkshire,] ar. a fesse, and in
Dyer. Crest, an eagle, displayed, az. chief three mullets sa.
Dyer, Bart. [Tottenham, Middlesex, 1678, since Dyneley, ar. a fesse sa. in chief a mullet of six

of Spain's Hall, Essex,] or, a chief, indented, points of the second betw. two pellets.
gu. Crest, out of a ducal coronet or, a goat's Dyngham, gu. three bezants.
bead sa. armed gold. Dynn, [Heydon, Norfolk.] See Dyne.
Dyer, sa. on a fesse, engr. or betw. three bucks Dynsey, or Dinsey, [Norton-Dinsey, Lincoln-
ar. a martlet. Crest, an old man's head, side- shire.] The same as in the first Dictionary.
faced, couped at the shoulders, ppr. hair ar. Dyntees, or Dyntrey, sa. on a bend ar. three
beard sa. cap or, turned up, cbequy, of the first cinquefoils gu.
and az. Dypden, erm. on a chief az. two lions, rampant, or.
Dyerwell, ar. a chev. gu. betw. three fleurs- Dyraunt, az. three fish, naiant, in pale, backs
de-lis az. vert, bellies ar.
Dyett, [Shropshire,] ar. an heraldic tiger, Dyrby, az. a cross, couped, or, within an orle of
statant, sa. maned and
tufted of the field. the last.

Crest, a tiger ar. collared gu. Dyrbyne, gu. a fesse, depressed, by a pale erm.
Dyrton, [Yorkshire,] sa. and ar. a chev. per Ealkyn, ar. a pale betw. two greyhounds,
salient, sa.
Dyrton, sa. a pile ar. over all a chev. counter- Eamer, [Lord Mayor of London, 1801 and 1802,]
changed. az. two passant, in pale, or.
lions, Crest, out
Dyrward, or Dyrwarne, ar. on a chev. sa. of a ducal coronet or, a demi lion, rampant,
three crescents of the first. Crest, a cup or. gardant, ppr. collared gold, holding in the dex-
(Another, the crescents or.) ter paw a dagger of the first.

Dyrwell, ar. a chev. gu. betw. three fleurs-de- Earner. Crest, a hind, tripping, az.
lis az. Eare, quarterly, or and gu. on a ( bend sa. three
Dyrwin, gu. a fesse, engr. ermines, over all a escallops ar.
fesse of the same. Earl, or Erlley. The same Arms as Earl,
Dysert, [Londonderry, Ireland,] ar. a tree growing of Swallowfield, in the first Dictionary. Crest,
out of the base vert on a chief sa. three mascles
on the point of a tilting-spear ppr. headed ar. a
.... Crest, a griffin's head betw. two wings. dolphin, naiant, of the first.
Dyson, ar. a lion, rampant, gu.; in chief two Earl, gu. on a chev. ar. three trefoils sa. betw. as
crescents betw. as many mullets, pierced, sa. in many escallops in chief and a dolphin in base,
base three of the same gu. allwithin a double tressure, engr. of the second,
Dyster, gu. a chev. betw. three eagles, displayed, the outer bordure or. Crest, a nag's head,
with two heads or. erased, sa. maned or.

Dyve, gu. a fesse, dancettee, or, betw. three Earle, [Topsfield, Essex, and Craglethorpe,
escallops erm. Crest, betw. two bats' wings Lincolnshire.] The same Arms as the seventh

gu. a horse's head, reversed, vert. Earle in the first Dictionary. Crest, a nag's
D Y v E R L E, sa. on a fesse ar.t hree escallops of the first. head, erased, sa. maned or.
Dyward, or Dyrward, sa. three roundles, Earle, [Lincolnshire,] gu. a cbev. betw. three
gyronny, ar. and az. shovelers ar.
Dyx. See with Dix in the first Dictionary. Earlsman, [Hants.] Arms, see the first Dic-
Dyxon, or a cross gu. dovetailed at the ends tionary. Crest, a greyhound's head, couped, ar.
betw. four eagles, displayed, sa. Crest, a demi guttee-de-poix, collared az. rimmed and studded
hind sa. bezantee. or.

Earnley, [Sussex.] Arms, see the first Dic-

tionary. Crest, a savage's head from the shoul-
ders affrontee, wreathed about the temples,
E issuing therefrom a plume of three ostrich fea-
Eachard. See Echard. Earles. To the second of the name in the first
Eachard, [Barsham, Suffolk,] erm. on a bend az. Dictionary, after 16(52 add to Dr. John Earles,
three millrinds or. Chaplain to Klnij Charles II.
Eadon, ar. on%a fesse betw. two cinquefoils az. Earnshaw, wheels of
gu. a fesse or betw. three
three garbs of the field. Crest, a mitre, bezan- the last. Crest, a cross, pattee, fitchee, or,
tee, charged with a chev. gu. bordered gu.
Eady, erm. a chev. gu.; in chief two fleurs-de-lis Earnshaw, [Yorkshire,] or, a heron sa. on a ;

vert. Crest, a fleur-de-lis environed by a serpent. chief of the last three annulets of the field.
sa. fretty ar. on each fret a torteaux.
Eagar, [Borne as a quartering by Marshall, of Ard-
Crest, a quill, in pale, ppr. ivic/c, co.Lancaster, 1833.]
Eagles, or, a fesse az. betw. three eagles, dis- Eason, per chev. or and gu. in chief two lions,

played, of the last. -Crest, two lions' paws, in passant, gardant, and in base a boar, passant,
saltier, ppr. all
Eaglesfield. To the first of the name in the East, Bart. [Hall-Place, Berks.] The same as
firstDictionary add Crest, out of a tower a East, of Reading, in the first Dictionary.
demi greyhound, holding in the dexter paw a East, Bart. [Stratford-Place, Middlesex,] sa. on
branch of palm, all ppr. a chev. or betw. three horses' heads, erased, ar.
Eaglesham, [Scotland.] Seethe first Dictionary. two pilgrims' cross staves, chevronways, of the
Eakenpen, barry of eight or and gu.; on a chief field.- Crest, a horse erm. supporting with the
of the second a lion, passant, of the first. dexter fore-leg a cross, as in the Arms.
Eales. Crest, a lion's gamb holding a human Eastcott, sa. three escallops ar.
heart ppr. Eastland, or Estland. Arms, see the first
Dictionary. Crest, an arm in armour, embow- last, hilt and pomel or. [Confirmed to William
ed, ppr. holding' a fleur-de-lis or. and Richard Eaton, or Eton, of Denbighshire,
EaSTMAN, gu. in the dexter chief point an esco- the former Sergeant at Arms to Queen Eliza-
cheon ar. charged with a lion, rampant, sa. beth, by
Sir Gilbert Delhick, Garter, August,
Crest, a swan, collared and lined ppr. 1577.]
Eastmount, [Sherborn,] two bars, ge- Eaton, az. on a bend ar. a lion, passant
melles, betw. six martlets.. .. Crest, a demirampant,
lion, ar. holding betw.
Eastoft, sa. six escallops or, three, two, and his paws a ducal coronet or.
one. Crest, a dagger and pen, in saltier, ppr. Eberstein, gu. three chev. ar. on each five tor-
Easton, [Scotland.] Crest, a demi chevalier, in teauxes. Crest, a peacock's head ppr.
armour, brandishing a sword, all ppr. Eberton, ar. a fesse
gu. betw. three mullets sa.
Eastwich, ar. guttee-de-sang, a fesse gu. Ebhert, sa. a saltier ar. Crest, a salamander,
Eastwood, or Estwood. The same Arms as in flames, ppr.
in the first Crest, on a ducal coro- Ebone, sa. two lions, passant, in pale, or, a label
net, per pale, or and gu. a lion, passant, gar- of three points gu.
dant, also per pale, of the second and first, Ebs worth. Crest, a demi wolf erm. supporting
crowned ppr. a spear, tasselled.
Eastwood, .... a lion, rampant, betw. three Eburton, or, on a fesse gu. three cross crosslets,
estoiles Crest, a boar, passant, ppr. fitchee, ar.
Eate, [Warwickshire,] per fesse .... and ..... Eccles, [Kildonnan, Scotland.] Arms, see the
a pale counterchanged, on each of the first a first Dictionary. Crest, a broken halbert ppr.
martlet .... Eccles, [Shauock, Scotland ] The same, within
Eathe, [Ireland,] gu. a cross ar. fretty az. a bordure gu.
Eaton, [Warwickshire,] gu. a chev. betw. three Eccleshall, [Nottinghamshire and Derby.]
eagles, displayed, ar. The same as in the first Dictionary.

Eaton, az. a chev. betw. three eagles, displayed, Eccleshall, sa. a bend, cottised, or.
with two heads, crowned ar. Echefield, or Ecclesfeild, barry, wavy, of
Eaton, ar. three bars gu. a canton sa. six or and sa.

Eaton, quarterly, erm. and erminois, a lion, ram- Echelston, ar. a lion, rampant, gu. charged on

pant, az. Crest, a demi griffin, segreant, quar- the shoulder with a cinquefoil of the field, over
terly, az. and erminois. all a bendlet az.

Eaton, [Eaton, Denbighshire,] erm. a lion, ram- Echeleston, ar. a lion, passant, gu. on a baton
pant, gu. az. four cinquefoils of the field.
Eaton, [Eaton, Lancashire,] ar. on a bend sa. Echingham, [Sir Robert,] az. a fret ar. within a
three bucks' heads, cabossed, of the field. bordure, indented, or.
Eaton, [Ireland,] gu. ou a fesse, dancettee, ar. Echlin, quarterly; first and fourth, ar. a galley
three crosses, bottonee, of the first. Crest, a ppr. ;
second and third, ar. a fesse, chequy,
in chief a deer at full
beaver, passant, ppr. purp. and of the first;
Eaton, [Chapell-Bar, Nottingham,] or, a fret az. speed, pursued by a dog, all ppr.
Crest, a rein-deer's head, erased, sa. (another, Eckby, .... three lions, passant, in pale; in

ppr.) in the beak an oak-branch vert. chief a label of as many points ....
Eaton, [Shropshire.] The same. Eckersall, [Bury, Lancashire.] The same as
Eaton. To the third of the name in the first Dic- Eccleshall, of Worcestershire.
tionary add Crest, a crow's head, erased, sa. Eckfoord, or Eckford, [Scotland,] ar. from
Eaton, Eaten, or Eton. The same Arms as the sea, vert, a sea-horse, issuing rampant, ppr.
Eaton, of Wilts. Crest, a boar's head, erased, Crest, a griffin, statant, or.
holding in the mouth a sword. Eckingham, [Kent] To the third of the name
Eaton, [Stopford, Cheshire,] gu. a chev. betw. in the first Dictionary add Crest, a church-bell
three eagles, displayed, with two heads ar. ppr.
crowned or. Ecleston, sa. three piles, wavy, ar.
Eaton, [Eaton, Lancashire.] The same as the Ecleston, [Ecleston, Cheshire,]
ar. three piles,
eighth of the name in the first Dictionary. wavy, sa.

Eaton, or Eton, erm. a lion, rampant, az. Crest, Ecleston, sa. a cross, flory, voided, betw. four escal-
ademi dragon, with wings elevated audendorsed, lops ar.
ppr. collared and chain reflexed over the back Ecton, ar. a chev. gu. betw. three torteauxes.
ar. in the dexter claw a sword of the Ecton. To the first of the name in the first Dic-
a dexter baud holding a Edie, three cross
tionary add Crest, [Moneaught, Scotland,] ar.

laurel-branch ppr. crosslets, fitchee, gu. Crest, a cross crosslet

Ecton, barry of eight ar. and gu.; on a canton az. a and skean in saltier.
cross or. Edington, [Glasgow,] az. three moors' heads,

Edasoin, [Scotland,] or, a saltier, engr. sa.; on couped, ar. within a bordure of the last, charged
a chief of the last three mullets of the first. with three fountains ppr. Crest, a stag's head,
Eddington. Crest, a phoenix, in flames, ppr. erased, or.
Eddowes. Crest, a mitre semee of bezants, Ediiujlon, az. two lions, passant, or. Crest, a
and charged with a chev. savage's head, couped, distilling blood ppr.
Eddows, per bend, sinister, erm. and erminois, Edington. To the second of the name in the first
a lion, rampant, or. Crest, a man's head in a Dictionary add the above Crest.
helmet ppr. the beaver open. Edington, or, on a cross, engr. gu. five mullets of
Ede. Crest, a cross moline az. betw. two ears of the field.

wheat, in orle,
ppr. Edington, [Braunston, Leicestershire, temp. Edw.
Edefen, ar. a fesse gu. betw. three fleurs-de-lis IV.] or, two lions, passant, az.
az. Edingtoun, [Garcunnock, Scotland,] az. a chev.
Edelin, [Berkhamsted St. Mary, Herts,] erm. erm. betw. three savages' heads, couped in pro-
a fesse vair. file, bound round the temples with a wreath.

Edelphe, erm. on a bend sa. three cinquefoils ar. Crest, an arm, embowed in armour, enfiled with
Eden, [Maryland, America.] The same Arms a wreath of laurel, and holding a standard erect,
as Eaden, of West-Auckland, in the first Dic- on the flag the sun, over it this motto, Honeste
tionary. audax.
Eden, gu. a chev. ar. betw. three garbs or. Edisbury, alias Wilkinson, [Deptford,] az.

Crest, an ostrich ppr. holding in the beak a a unicorn, passant, regardant, or.
horse-shoe. Ediscalkie, vair; on a chief gu. a leopard ar.
Edenham, or Ednam, [Suffolk,] or, on a bend surmounted of another chief or, charged with
gu. three dolphins ar. an eagle, displayed, sa. crowned of the se-
Edenham, or, on a bend gu. three dolphins, ppr. cond.
Ederby, or En derby, per pale ar. and sa. six Edley, az. a cinquefoil erm.
chev. three on each side, counterchanged. Edlin. Crest, a swan's head, betw. two wings,
Edgar, or Edgaze, [Blowbery, Berkshire,] az. displayed, ar.
five fusils or, each charged with an escallop gu.; Edminston, [Bellewen-Edmiston, Scotland,] or,
on a chief nf the second, a lion's paw, erased, three crescents gu. Crest, a hand, drawing a
betw. two fleurs-de-lis of the third. semi-circle with a compass, ppr.
Edgcombe, [Mount Edgecombe, Devonshire,] Edminston, [Newton, Scotland.] The same, with
for gu. on a bend erminois, read gu. on a bend an annulet, surmounting a mullet of the first

ermines. for difference.

Edge, [Edge, Cheshire.] The same as Edge, of Edmond, or, Crest, a demi lion
a chev. az.
Staffordshire, in the first Dictionary. ppr. supporting a long cross gu.
Edgebury, a/ias Wilkinson, [Deptford,Kent,] Edmondes, ar. a fesse, dancettee; in chief three
az. a unicorn, passant, regardant, or. Crest, martlets gu. within a bordure, engr. sa.
on a mount vert, a bird sa. supporting a penuon Edmondes, or, on a cross, engr. sa. five cinque-
az. and gu. tip ar. thereon a cross of the fourth,
foils of the field.
the staff or. Edmonds, on a cross, engr. sa. five roses of
Edgehill. Crest, a falcon, with wings endorsed the field. Crest, a greyhound, sejant, sa. be-
and inverted, holding with the dexter claw a zantee, collared and chained or.
carved shield thereon a ciuquefoil. Edmonds, [Sir Clement, Clerk of the Council-
Edgell.- -Crest, on a chapeau gu. turned up Office, Granted July, 161.0.] See 11th of the
erm. a dove, with wings endorsed az. embowed name in the first Dictionary.
ar. Edmonds, [Dodington, Oxfordshire.] See first

Edgerton, ar. a lion, rampant, gu. betw. three Dictionary. Another Crest, the griffin's head
pheons sa. erased and resting on a mound ar. the cross
Edgeworth. Crest, a lion's head, erased, ar. or.

(Another, a pelican in her piety, all ppr.) Edmonson, gu. a pale, wavy, erminois, betw.
Edgoir, per chev. ar. and az. five fusils, in fesse, six escallops, two, two, and two, ar. Crest, a
or, each charged with as many escallops gu. demi lion, rampant, erminois, ducally crowned
E 1) W EGG
gu. holding betw. the paws an escallop of the Edwin, [Wales,] gu. three legs, couped at the
[Granted to Thomas Edmonson, of York thigh, embowed, two and one, ar.
City, 1612.] Edwyn, [first King of Northumberland,] az. a
Edmonstone, [Bart. Duntreath, Stirlingshire,] cross, flory, or.
or, three crescents, within a double tressure, Eel, ar. three eels, naiant, sa. Crest, a boar's
flory, counterflory, gu. Crest, out of a ducal head, couped, or.
coronet or, a swan's head and neck ppr. Sup- Eeles, ar. three eels az. Crest, a dexter arm,
porters, two lions, rampant, gu. in armour, fessewise, couped, holding a cutlass,
Edmonton. Crest, a falcon's leg, erased, jessed enfiled with a boar's head, couped, all ppr.
and belled, or. Efnydd, [Ap Gwenllian, North Wales,] gu. a
EDMUND. Crest, on a chapeau gu. turned up lion, rampant, or.
ar. a lion, passant, gardant, az. ducally gorged Egan, az. two pallets ar. overall a saltier or.
or. Crest, a Ions cross gu.
Edmund, ar. a fesse, betw. six martlets sa. Egan, [Ireland.] Crest, a demi eagle, regar-
Edmunds. Crest, two hands in fesse, couped dant, ....
and conjoined, holding a human heart, all ppr. Egaze, [Great Glenham, Suffolk,] per chev. or
Edneseure, [Edneseure, Derbyshire,] a fesse, and az. chief two fleurs-de-lis gu. in base
; in
betw. three horse-shoes, .... five lozenges, fessewise, or, each charged with
Ednor. Arms, see first Dictionary. Crest, a an escallop of the third. Crest, a demi ostrich
head, erased, gu. beaked or.
griffin's bendy of four or and az. beaked gu. holding a
Ednowre, or, on a bend gu. three dolphins ar. horse-shoe ar.
Edolph, [Kent,] erm. on a bend sa. three Egbaston, ar. a lion, rampant, gu. over all a
cinquefoils or. bend of the first, charged with three mullets sa.
Edon. See Eden in the first Dictionary ; ar. a fesse
Egbaston, ar. a lion, rampant, gu. over all a
gu. betw. two chev. az. bendlet sa.

EdRIDGE, gu. two wolves' heads, erased, in Egerley, [Milton, Oxfordshire.] Arms, see
chief, .... and a lion, rampant, in base, ar. firstDictionary. -Crest, a Cornish chough ppr.
in the middle chief point a pheon of the last. ducally gorged or.
Crest, a hawk, standing on a fish, ppr. Egermont, or, a lion, rampant, gu. charged on
Edulph, ar. on a bend az. three cinquefoils or. the shoulder with a fleur-de-lis of the field.
Edwards, [Soffham, Cambridgeshire,] sa. a lion, Egermont, ar. a lion, rampant, az.
rampant, or, a canton of the second. Egermount, ar. an eagle sa. preying on a child
Edwards, [London.] To the thirteenth of the ppr. swaddled gu.
name in the first Dictionary add [Confirmed by Egerton, [Wrinehill, Cheshire.] The same
Sir William Segar, Norroy.~\ Arms as Egerton, of Buckinghamshire, in the
Edwards, or Udward, [Longcroft, Scotland,] az. first Dictionary.
a fesse ar. surmounted of a pillar gu. issuing Egerton, [Dodelstone, Cheshire.] The same as
out of the base, wavy, az. Crest, a torteaux Egerton, of Essex, in the first Dictionary.

ppr. Egerton, [Worsley, Lancashire, Newborough,

Edwards, [City of Bristol,] erm. a chev. per Staffordshire.] The same Arms as Egerton, of
pale or and sa. Crest, an eagle, displayed, az. Egerton, in the first Dictionary.
Edwards, [Arlsey, Bedfordshire,] per bend, sinis- Egerton. The same. [John, created Bishop of
ter, sa. and erm. a lion, rampant, or. Crest, Bangor, 1756, translated to Litchfield, 1768,
an esquire's helmet ar. vizor open, lined gu. and to the See of Durham, 1771, ob. 1787.]
bearing a plume of feathers gu. and or. Egerton, [Dublin.] See first Dictionary. [The
Edwards, [Ireland,] vert, a stag, trippant, or, canton in the Arms, and also the Crest, was an
attired and unguled ar. on a chief of the second
; honourable Augmentation granted, by Nicholas
three falcons ppr. Crest, a lion's head, erased, Narbon, Ulster, to Charles Egerton, \0lh
ermines, betw. two palm-branches ppr. [Granted August, 1574.]
to Richard Ediuards, of Old Court, co. Wick- Egerton, [London,]
sa. on a chev. betw. three

low, Esq. High Sheriff, by Carney, Ulster, pheons ar. as many ogresses.
7th June, 1683, 35th Charles II.] Egerton, gu. on a fesse betw. three stags' heads,
Edwin, a cross betw. four Cornish choughs
ar. couped, ar. as many crescents of the field.
sa. Crest,a lion, sejant, holding betw. the Egg. Crest, out of a ducal coronet or, a pair of
fore paws an escocheon, both per chev. gu. stags' horns ppr.
and or. I
EggbastoN, per pale, indented, or and az.
Egglesfield, or Eaglesfield, ar. three betw. three lions, rampant, ar. Crest, the sun
eagles, displayed, gu. See Eaglesfield. rising out of a cloud ppr.
Eggleton, or Egleton, vert, three savages' Ekeney. To the first of the name in the first

heads, affrontee, erased, ar. Dictionary add Crest, on a chapeau gu. turned
Eginton, quarterly; first and fourth, .... a up erm. a pheon az.
bugle-horn, stringed, ... . a chief, indented, . . ; Ekeney, az. two lions, passant, gardant, or; in
second and third, .. , a crane's head, erased, .. chief a label of three points ar.
Eglamjby, ar. two bars sa. in chief three mart- EK.ER1NGS, gu. two bars ar.; in chief three plates.
lets of the last. Ekington, ar. on a bend az. betw. two cottises
Egleby, [Cumberland,] or, two bars, and in gu. three cinquefoils or. Crest, a sand-glass
chief three martlets sa.
Eglf.field, or, three eagles, displayed, gu. Ekles, ar. two halberts, in saltier, az. within a

Crest, a dexter hand, upaumee, charged with bordure, per bordure, indented, over all, gu. and
an eye ppr. or. Crest, a broken halbert, the top hanging
Eglefield, or Eglefeild, gu. three eagles, displayed, down, az.
or. Eklis, ar. a saltier gu.
Eglenhall, perfesse, indented, gu. and or, three Ekout, gu. three crescents betw. seven cross
mullets, counterchanged. crossiets, fitchee, or.
Eglenham, [Northumberland.] The same as Elam, [Kent.] Arms, see first Dictionary.
the second of the name in the first Dictionary. Crest, betw. the attires of a stag, attached to
Eglesford, [Ambrigge, Cumberland,] or, three the scalp, a boar's head, erased and erect, ppr.
eagles, displayed, gu. Eland, gu. two bars and nine martlets ar. three,
Egleston, ar. a cress sa. ;
in the first quarter a three, and three.
fleur-de-lis of the second. Crest, a talbot's Eland, barry of six ar. and gu. six martlets or,
head, erased, sa. collared ar. three, two, and one.
Egleton, [Winchelsea, Sussex.] The same as Eland, [Eland, Yorkshire.] The same as the
Egleton in the first
Dictionary. first of the name in the first Dictionary.
Egloshoyle, or Egleshoyle. The same as Elane, ar. on a bend gu. three escallops or.
the first
Egleston in the first Dictionary. Eleingmam, ar. a fesse gu. betw. three eagles,
Egmanton. the first of the name in the first
To displayed, sa.
Dictionary add Crest, a baud, holding a cross Elcham. Arms, see first Dictionary. Crest,
pattee, fitchee, both gu. a covered cup or, betw> two wings ppr.
Egmanton, [Egmanton, Nottinghamshire,] or, a Elchfield, ar. two bars, nebulee, sa.
fesse betw. four fleurs-de-lis gu. Elcheham, az. the sun,
in splendour, or.

Egmore, ar. on a chev. gu. betw. three cinque- Elcock. Crest, a stag, salient, ppr.
foils or, as many bezants. Elcocks, gu. a saltier ar. betw. four cocks or.
Egremond. To the first of the name in the first Crest, out of a mural coronet a cock's head gu.
Dictionary add Crest, a lion's head gu. im- holding in the beak an ear of wheat or.
perially crowned or. Elducer, or Elercur, ar. a fret az. over all
Egrenhall, or Egrevale, two (another,
az. a label of three points of the last. Crest a cock
three) bars ar. ;
on a chief of the second a demi sa. combed gu. beaked or.

lion, rampant, issuing, gu. Elder, ar. a fesse, wreathed of five pieces gu.
Egsall, quarterly, ar. and sa. ;
in the second and vert, betw. three mullets of the second.
quarter a fleur-de-lis of the first, a baton in Crest, a demi unicorn, rampant, ar.
bend gu. Elder, [Lord Provost of Edinborough.] The
Egwast, az. three birds, with wings displayed, same Arms, with a base, of the
crescent, in
ar. second. Crest, a dexter hand, holding a palm-
Eidingtoun. an arm, in armour, em-
Crest, branch, ppr.
bowed, enfiled above the elbow with a laurel- Elderbeck, [Essex,] gu. four cbev. erm.
branch, and sustaining a standard, floating Eldershaw, [Scotland,] ar. a fesse, wreathed
towards the dexter, charged with a rising sun. of five pieces gu. and vert in chief two elder-

Eiland, sa. an inescocheou ar. over all a bendlet leaves of the third, and a crescent in base az.
gu. Crest, a demi lion, rampant, gu. ducally
Einsham, az. on a saltier, engr. ar. five mart- gorged or.
lets sa. Elderton, or Ilderton, sa. three water bou-
Eiston, [Scotland,] sa. a boar's head, couped, gets ar. Crest, a fox's head ppr.
Eldred, vert, a cross, formee, fitchee, ar. ; in Elcie. Crest, on a ducal coronet a swan, with
the dexter quarter the Virgin Man with infant wings endorsed and ducally gorged.
ppr. ELHAM, az. seven suns or, three, three, and one.
Eldred, or, a hend, raguly, sa. ; in base a mullet Crest, on a ducal coronet or, a fire beacon
go. Crest, a dexter hand, couped, fesseways, betw. two wings ppr.
reaching to a laurel crown, all ppr. Eliard, az. a chev. ar. betw. three mullets of
Eldred, gu. on a bend ar. betw. three leopards' six points.
heads of the second, as many quatrefoils of the Elicott, lozengy az. and or, within a bordure gu.
field. [Granted to Anne Eldred, of Daxham, Eling, az. three bends betw. six boars' heads,
in Suffolk, by Bijsshe, Garter, 6th December couped, ar. three and three.
1652.] Elingham, per chev. sa. and gu. three herons,
Eldred, [Norfolk, and London.] Arms, see first volant, or.
Dictionary. Crest, an Arabian's head ppr.

Elingham. To the second of the name in the

bearded, and a cap sa. wreathed and tied first
Dictionary add Crest, an eagle's head,
behind ar. [Granted, and the Arms confirmed, couped, ppr.
by William Delhick, Garter, to John Eldred, Elingham,oT Ellingham, [Norfolk.] Thesame Arms.
of London, descended out of Norfolk, 1592.] Elington, ar. two fleurs-de-lis and five cross
Eldres. To first of the name in the first
the crosslets, fitchee, sa. ; on a canton or, a rose gu.
Dictionary add Crest, a camel's head, couped, Eliott, [Irelaud,] ar. a fesse gu.
ppr. ;
and to the second add Crest, a winged Elis, or Elou, sa. three legs, couped at the
globe ppr. thigh, ar.
Eldridge. Crest, out of a ducal coronet or, a Elisford, [Ambridge, Cumberland,] or, three
peacock's tail ppr. eagles, displayed, gu.
Elurington, [Suffolk,] ar. three water-bougets Elken, quarterly, or and gu. a cross vair betw.
sa. four heraldic tigers, rampant, counterchanged,
Eldrington, sa. three water-bougets ar. within a bordure, quarterly, charged with roun-
Eldrys, or Elrys, per chev. az. and ar. a dles and fleurs-de-lis alternately, also counter-
bordure, engr. gu. changed. Crest, a demi heraldic tiger, quar-
Eldyes, per chev. ar. and az. a bordure, engr. terly, erm. and ermines, holding betw. the paws
or. a bezant.
Ele, barry of six az. and ar. Elk esi le, [Yorkshire,] barry, wavy, ar. and sa.
Ele, ar. a lion, rampant, gu. charged on the Elkington. To the third of the name in the
shoulder with a cinquefoil pierced or. first
Dictionary add the Crest of the first.
Ele, barry of eight or aud az. over all a bend gu. Elkington, gu. semee of cross crosslets, fitchee,
Elebeham, az. a nun or. and two flaunches ar.
Eleres, per chev. ar. aud az. a bordure, engr. Elkins. Crest, on a castle, triple-towered, ppr.
or. a flag, displayed, gu.
Elerke, sa. three chess-rooks ar. Ell, ar. a chev. engr. betw. three hawks' heads,
Elerker, ar. fretty az. a chief of the last. erased, sa.
Crest, a cock sa. beaked, combed, and wattled, Ella, sa. a fesse, dancettee, or; in chief three
fleurs-de-lis ar.
Elerton, ar. a chev. betw. three bucks' heads, Ellacott. To the first of the name in the first

couped, sa.
Dictionary add Crest, in a maunch or cuff
Eley, or Elye,
[Yorkshire.] Arms, see first gu. a hand, clenched, ppr.
Dictionary. Crest, an arm, in armour, holding Elland, gu. two bars ar. betw. six martlets of
a hawk's leure, ppr. the last, three, two, and one. Crest, a demi
Elevere, ar. the sails of a windmill, in saltier, lady, holding in her dexter hand a garland of
sa. laurel ppr.
Elford, Bart. [Peckham, Devonshire,] per pale Ellard, sa. on a bend erm. three hearts eu.
ar. and az. a lion, rampant, gu. Crest, a demi Crest, on a mount vert a torteaux,
charged with
lion, rampant, erased, and ducally crowned. a star or.

Elford, [Cornwall,] quarterly first and fourth, Elld, ar. a chev. sa. betw. three
partridges ppr.
per pale, wavy, ar. aud sa. a Hon, rampant, gu. Crest, an eagle, with wings expanded, ppr.
crowned or; second and third, gu. three stirrups Elleis, [Southside, Scotland,] or, three helmets,
ar. Crest, a demi lion, rampant, crowned as with vizors open, ppr. Crest, a hand, in gaunt-
in the Arms. let, grasping an adder, ppr.
Elleber, az. fretty ar. Crest, a lion's paw holding up a cross, pattee,
Ellecar, ar. a
engr.saltier, sa. betw. four fitchee, sa.

cinquefoils gu. Crest, a savage, wreathed about Elliot, [Binksnow, Scotland,] Arms, see the
the head and middle with laurel, and holding first Dictionary. Crest, a man holding a pike
over his shoulder a club ppr. in his hand, in a watching posture.
Ellerdon, [Carmouth,] ar. on a chev. sa. betw. Elliot, [Borthwickbrae, Scotland,] gu. on a bend,
of the
three cross crosslets gu. as many fleurs-de-lis or. engr. or, a baton az. within a bordure
Ellerton, ar. on a chev. sa. three bucks' heads, second, surmounted by another of the third,
cabossed, of the field. charged with four crescents and as many mullets
Elles, or, a cross sa. ar. Crest, a dexter hand erect, holding a
Elks, ar. a fesse, dancettee, az. horseman's lance, bendways, ppr. headed ar.
Elles, gu. a bend ar. betw. six fleurs-de-lis of the last. Elliot, [Leith, Scotland,] ar. on a bend gu. betw.
Ellesbury, az. a cross ar. three fetterlocks az. a shepherd's flute or.
Ellesdon, [Essex,] ar. a chev. sa. betw. three Crest, an anchor and cable, in pale, ppr.
crosses, pattee, gu. Elliot, [Harwood, Scotland,] gu. on a bend or, a
Ellesfield, barry, wavy, of six ar. and sa. baton az. within a bordure of the second, charged
Ellesfield, sa. two bars, wavy, ar. with eight bearded garbs of the third. Crest,
Ellesjield, ar. two bars sa. an oak-tree vert.
Ellesfield, barry, nebulee, of six or and sa. Elliot, [Lavington,] gu. on a bend, engr. or, a
(Another ar. and shepherd's flute of the first, within a bordure,
Elleshacke, [Yorkshire,] gu. three chev. braced, engr. of the second.
in base, ar. ; on a chief
a lion, passant, az.
or, Elliot, [Nova Scotia Bart. Minto, Scotland.]
Elleston. Crest, a demi heraldic tiger, hold- The same Arms as Elliot, of Roxburghshire, in
ing betw. the paws a naval crown. the first Dictionary. Crest, a dexter hand issu-
Ellesworth, ing from a cloud and throwing a dart,
or ElliswoRTH, per pale, in- all ppr.

dented, gu. and ar. four pallets counterchanged. Elliot, [Stobbs, Scotland,] gu. on a bend, engr.
Ellesworth, per pale gu. and ar. two lions counter- or, a baton az. Crest, a dexter arm holding a
changed. Crest, a dexter arm in armour, em- cutlass ppr.
bowed, couped, and holding a club ppr. Elliot, [Woolie, Scotland,] gu. on a bend,
Ellesworth, [Oxfordshire,] per pale, indented, gu. ed, ar. a shepherd's flute az. ; in chief, a lion,
and ar. four lions, rampant, counterchanged. passant, gardant, of the second, regally
Ellesworth, per pale gu. and ar. a pale, engr. or, or. Crest, a ram ppr.
on the dexter side two lions, rampant, ar. on Elliot, [London.] To the tenth of the name in

the sinister as many gold. the first Dictionary add [Granted 12th June,
El ley, barruly, ar. and az. a bend gu. 1594.]
Crest, a demi
Elley, gu. two dolphins, haurient and endorsed, Elliott, az. a fesse or. griffin,
or. Crest, an anchor az. entwined by a ser- rampant, ppr.
pent vert. Ellis, [Kent,] gu. on a cross, engr. erm. a branch
ELLICAR, az. three ears of wheat, slipped, or. of hop, fructed, ppr.; in the first and fourth
in the second and third
Ellicar, az. a saltier, engr. betw. four cross cross- quarters, a crescent or;
lets or. a bezant. Crest, an antelope's head, erased,
Ellicar, ar. a fesse, dancettee, gu. betw. four ppr. charged on the neck
with a bezant, in the
bears' heads, couped, sa. three and one. mouth a branch of hop, fructed, ppr. [Granted,
Ellicombe, [Devonshire,] ar. a chev. engr. sa. 1819, to James Ellis, Esq. of Bur wash, Sussex,
betw. three stags, courant, Crest, a dex- and Banning, near Maidstone, Kent.]
ter arm, embowed, in armour, wielding a sword, Ellis, or, a pale gu.
all ppr. Ellis, [Lincolnshire,] gu. on a fesse ar. betw. three
Ellidge. Crest, a pegasus ppr. crescents or, as many escallops az.
Ellies, sa. on a chev. or, betw. three maidens' Ellis, gu. a lion, rampant, ar.
heads, erased, ar. crined gold, as many cinque- Ellis, sa. on a fesse, embattled, couuter-embattled,
foils, pierced, gu. ar. three leopards' faces gu.
Elliker, gu. three [Swinshead, Lincolnshire.]
The same as
water-bougets or. Ellis,
Ellingham, ar. a fesse gu. betw. three eagles, Ellis, of Wyham, in the first Dictionary.
displayed, sa. Ellis. Crest, a plume of five feathers ar.
Ellington, or, six annulets sa. three, two, and Ellis, [Norfolk.] The same as the thirteenth of
one; on a chief ar. three mullets of the second. the name in the first Dictionary.
Ellis, [St. Julian, Hertfordshire,] .. .. on a (esse Elmore, gu.; on a chief or, a dolphin az. Crest,
.... betw. three cross crosslets, fitchee, as the top of a halbert
many issuing from the wreath.
roundles .... Elmore. Crest, a Cornish chough ppr.
Ellis, [Cornwall.] The same Arms as Ellis, of Elmslje, or, three love-knots sa. Crest, a demi
Warwickshire, in the Crest, a
first wolf issuing ppr. holding a
Dictionary- spear, in pale, tas-
mermaid ppr. in the dexter hand a mirror, in selled ppr.
the sinister a comb. Elnet, ar. a saltier sa.
El/is, [Preston, Lancashire.] The same as Ellis, Elnett, ar. a saltier sa. masoned and pierced of
of Prestwich, in the first Dictionary. the field.

Ellis, [Flintshire] See the first Dictionary. Elow, three legs couped at the thigh ar.

[Granted February, 1587. J Elphinstone, Bart. [Sowerby, Cumberland,]

Ellis. To the second of the name in the first Dic- ar.
guttee-de-sang, on a chev. embattled, sa.
tionary add [Granted to Thomas Ellis, of betw. three boars' heads, erased, gu. two swords
Doncaster in Yorkshire, by Gilbert Dethick,
, ppr. pomels and hilts gold. Crest, out of a
1st February, 3 Edward Vl.~] mural coronet gu. a demi woman, affrontee,
Ellisdon, or Elysden, ar. on a chev. sa. betw. habited, in the dexter hand a sword, erect, ppr.
three crosses gu. a crescent of the field. pomel and hilt or, in the sinister an olive-branch
Ellison, [Hebborn-Hall, Durham.] The same vert.
Arms as Ellison, of Newcastle, in the first Dic- Elrick, [Scotland.] Crest, out of a ducal coro-
tionary. net, a horse's head ppr.
Ellison. Thesame Arms. Crest, a lion, passant, Elrington, [Middlesex.] Arms, see the first
gardant, holding in the dexter paw an anchor. Dictionary. Crest, the Roman fasces, in pale,
Ellison, [Scotland,] per bend gu. and or, a fleur- ppr.
de-lis, in bend, betw. two annulets counter- Elrington, ar. on a fesse, dancettee, betw. five
changed. herons sa. beaked and legged gu. as many be-
Ellison, ar. a chev. gu. betw. three eagles' heads, zants.
erased, sa. Crest, a greyhound sa. Elroke, sa. three chess-rooks ar.
Ellison, gu. a lion, rampant, ar. Elstob, [Elstob, Durham.] Arms, see the first
Elliston. Crest, three mullets az. two and Dictionary. Crest, a demi lion, rampant, hold-
one. ing a mullet ar.
Ellisworth. To the first of the name in the Elstob, [Foxton, Durham.] The same.
firstDictionary add -Crest, a rose gu. betw. the Elston, gu. a saltier betw. four escallops ar.
attires of a stag ppr. Crest, on a chapeau gu. turned up erm. an
Ellman, [Norfolk,] erm. a cross, counter corn- escallop betw. two wings, expanded, ppr.
pony, or and gu. Elswell. Arms, see the first Dictionary.
El low, sa. three legs ar. in pale, two and one. Crest, on a bezant a cross pattee gu.
Ellwick, ar. three bars az. Elswich, [Norfolk.] The same as Elswike in
Ellwood. Arms, see the
first Dictionary. the first Dictionary.
Crest, on a mural coronet, a stag, sejant, ppr. Els worth. Crest, a heart, winged and crowned
Ellyott, [London.] See the first Dictionary, ppr.
with Elliot. [Granted to John Ellyott, or Eltham, [Cornwall,] ar. a bordure az.
Eliot t, of London, Mercer, by William Harvey, Elvedon, ar. a fesse, dancettee, betw. three
Clarenceux, 8lh March, 1555.] bugle-horns sa.
Elm bridge, chequy or and sa. Elvet, gu. six billets erm. Crest, a lion, sejant,
Elmbridge, chequy ar. and sa. over all a bendlet or.

gu. Elvey, gu. five bezants, in saltier, betw. two

Elmedon. The same as Elmeden in the first flaunches ar. each charged with a lion, rampant,
Dictionary. az.
Elm en. Crest, on a ducal coronet or, a wivern El wat, ar. a fesse sa.; in chief two pellets.
Elwell. Crest, a dart in pale, point downwards.
Elmer, [Cheshunt, Hertfordshire,] ar. on a cross El wes, [Stoke-hall, Suffolk.] The same Arms
sa. betw. four Cornish choughs ppr. five roun- as Elwes, of Broxton, in the first
dles .... [Created a Baronet \2th Charles II.]
Elmett, [Holland,] or, afesse, wavy, az. Crest, Elwes, [Askbam, Yorkshire, Roxby, Lincoln-
a horse's head, bridled ppr. shire, and Throcking, Hertfordshire.] The same
Elmetl. The same as Elnett. Arms and Crest.
Elwes, [Godfrey and Sir Jeffery, Aldermen of sa. three eagles, displayed, or, the heads to the
London.] The same. sinister.

Elwood, az. a chev. ar. in chief two mullets or,

Em ley, [Emley, Yorkshire.] The same as Em-
and in base a buck's head, cabossed, of the line, in the first
second. Emly, [Ireland,] sa. a fesse betw. three cross
Elworth, or, a fesse, embattled, sa. masoned of crosslets, fitchee, ar. Crest, a lion's gamb
the first, betw. three chamber-pieces of the holding a battle-axe ppr.
second. Crest, on a mount vert, an ermine, Emlyn, [Wilts,] ar. six bees, volant, sa.

passant, ppr. Emmerson, or, on a bend az. three lions, pas-

Elworth y, az. two bars or; in chief three be- sant, ar.
zants. Crest, a steel cap ppr. Emmett, sa. a fesse erm. betw. three bucks'
Elwyke, ar. three boars, passant, az. heads, cabossed, or. [M. I. to Maurice Emmett,
Elwyn, Elwynn, or Elwin, gu. three scoops, in St.
Margaret's Church, Westminster, 1694.]
paleways, and in base as many crescents ar. Emmett, or Emmolt, [Westminster, and Emmott,
Crest, a demi savage, holding over the dexter Lancashire.] Arms, see the first Dictionary.
shoulder a hammer ppr. Crest, on a chapeau gu. turned up erm. a uni-
Ely, [Essex,] barry often az. and ar. over all a corn's head, erased, ppr.
bend gu. Emmott. The same Arms. Crest, a hind, se-
Ely, [Ireland,] ar. a fesse gu.; in chief three cre- jant, regardant, resting the dexter paw upon a
scents, two and one, of the second. Crest, a bee-hive ppr.
pheon, point upwards, gu. Emosley, or Emesley, vert, an eagle, dis-
El yard, or, three bars az. surmounted by a played, or.
bend gu. Crest, an arm in armour, embowed, Empson, ar. two bends sa. Crest, a lion, sejant,
and holding a cimiter. gardant, or, holding in the dexter paw a long
Elyman, or Ellingham, ar. a fesse gu. betw. cross gu. and resting the sinister upon a
three eagles, displayed, sa. pierced, sa.
Elyngham, ar. a fesse betw. three eagles, dis- Empston, gu. a chev. betw. three pears or.
played, gu. Emson, ar. two bends, engr. sa.
Elyngton, ar. three fleurs-de-lis sa. two and Emsone, ar. a chev. betw. three water-bougets
one, as many cross crosslets, one and two, fitchee, or.
of the last. Ems ley, or Emslje, [Scotland,] vert, an eagle,
Elyw, [Wales,] az. a lion, rampant, ar. displayed, or. Crest, a thistle, leaved, ppr.
Elys, or, on a cross sa. five crescents ar. Emsley, [Scotland,] vert, an eagle, displayed, or,
Embery, sa. a man ar. holding in the dexter hand in the dexter paw a thistle .... and in the sinis-
a club ppr. Crest, a dexter arm, couped and ter an arrow Crest, as above.
embowed, holding a sword, in pale, entiled with Encklin, [Norwich, Norfolk,] per pale gu. and
a Saracen's head in profile, all ppr. az. three bucks, trippant, or.
Emelee, ar. on a bend, cottised, sa. three eagles, Endarb, or Endarby, [Bedfordshire,] ar. three
displayed, or. chev. sa. over all a pale erm.
Emenfield. Arms, see the first Dictionary. Endas, or Eneas. Arms, see the first Dic-
Crest, a hand holding an escocheon or, charged tionary. Crest, a castle triple towered ....
with a martlet ppr. domed gu.
Ementhall, ar. a fesse betw. two chev. az. Enderbie, [Bedfordshire,] ar. three chev. sa.
Emerick, erni. three bars sa. over all a bend erm.
Emerick, barry of six erm. and sa. Enderbv, [Lincolnshire,] ar. a fesse vert betw.
Em e rle, az. two chalices or. two cottises gu.
Eme.rU, or Emerley, az. two covered cups ar. Endesor, ar. a fesse gu. betw. three horse-shoes
Emerson, [Newcastle-upon-Tyne,] az. on a bend sa.
ar. three torteauxes. Crest, a sinister wing. . . .
Endfield, ar. on a canton gu. a mullet or.
thereon a bend .... charged with three bezants. Eneas, bendy of six az. and gu. a lion, salient, or.
Emkrugg, or Emerigge, [Emerigge, Cheshire.] Eneas, ar. on a mullet
or, a star of eight points gu.
The same as Emerugg
in the first Dictionary. a cross, bottonee, or, with a snake entwined
Emeryke, barry of six or and sa. Crest, out of vert, having a woman's face ppr.
a ducal coronet or, a boar's head and neck sa. Eneas, bendy of six az. and gu. a lion, rampant,
collared ar. or.

Emesley, Ernele, or Evell, ar. on abend Eneas. See Endas.

EnebY, paly of six ar. and gu. a bend sa. English, [Ireland,] ar. ;
in chief three escallops

Eneby. See Enby

in the first Dictionary. or.

Enedon, [Cheshire,] az. a fesse, dancettee; in English, az. three covered cups ar. Crest, a
chief three escallops ar. hand holding a covered cup ar.
Enell, vert, an eagle, displayed, ar. English, barry of six ar. and az.
Enellpield. The same as the first
Enfield in Engloffe, gu. three bars, gemelles, or.
the first
Dictionary. Engloss, gu. a fesse chequy or and az. within
Enemed, or Enemead, quarterly, or and gu. a bordure ar.
four lions, rampant, counterchanged. Englowise, ar. a chev. sa. betw. three billets

Enerv, ar. an eagle, displayed, ppr. erm.

Enesfield. The same as Endfield. Engolisme. Crest, a torteaux.
Enfield, [Essex.] Arras, see the Dic- first Engs, gu. a chev. betw. three fleurs-de-lis ar.

tionary. Crest, a hand holding an escocheon Engyne, [Essex,] gu. afesse, dancettee, betw.
or, charged with a martlet ppr. six cross crosslets or.

Enfield, ar. an inescocheon within an orle of mart- Eningham, quarterly, or and gu. a bordure sa.
lets gu. escallopee ar.
Engayne, az. crusilly, afesse, dancettee, or, and Enkesthorp, gu. a cross, engr. erm. in the first
bend gu. quarter an annulet or. See Enkshop.
Engayne. Crest, a tower sa. cupola and flag gu. Ennesey, gu. a fesse, dancettee, erm.
Engayne, az. a cross, pattee, or. EnniS, gu. on a chief ar. a saltier az. Crest, an

Engayne, or, a fesse, dancettee, sa. anchor az. surmounted by a fleur-de-lis.

Engayne, or Engaine, az. a fesse, dancettee, ar. Ennys, [Ireland,] ar. a chev. betw. three thistles,
Engayne, az. a fesse, dancettee, betw. six escal- leaved vert, a chief az. Crest, an ox-yoke in
lops ar. bend.
Engborne, or, three hawks' bells gu. Ennys, [Cornwall.] To the second of the name
Engeham, per pale or and vert, a cross, sarcelly, in the first Dictionary add Crest, a hand hold-
per pale gu. and or. ing a garb ppr.
Engeham, or Engham, [Norfolk,] per pale or and Enoke, [Worcestershire.] Arms, see first Dic-
vert, a cross, sarcellee, or. tionary. Crest, a demi lion, rampant, holding
Engeham, ar. a chev. sa. betw. three hurts; on a in the paws a serpent, nowed, ppr.
chief gu. a lion, passant, gardant, or. Ensey, barry of six vair and gu.
Engheyn, or Enghien, gyronny of twelve ar. Ensinge, sa. three swords, erect, ar. hilts or.
and sa. six cross crosslets in orle or. Ensor, or, a cross, engr. az. a chief gu. Crest,
England. Crest, a cherub with wings ppr. a lion, rampant, per fesse sa. and or, holding a
England, [Ireland,] ar. two bars, wavy, gu. fleur-de-lis gu.
Engleborde, az. six fleurs-de-lis or, within a Entwisell, [Manchester.] Arms, see first Dic-
bordure, indented, ar. tionary. Crest, a heart gu.
Engledue, or, a chev. embattled, betw. nine Entwick. Crest, a dexter hand, couped, fesse-
mullets gu. Crest, a greyhound's bead, erased, ways, pointing with the fore finger and holding
sa. collared ar. a fleur-de-lis.
Englefield, [Wooton-Basset, Arms,
Wilts.] Enward, az. a bend gu. betw. three cross cross-
see first Dictionary. Crest, an arm, couped at lets, fitchee, or.
the elbow, vested, per pale, az. and gu. cuff ar. Enys, or Ennys, [Ennys or Eny, Cornwall.]
in the first
holding in the hand ppr. a branch vert. (Ano- Arms, see Ennijs Dictionary. Crest,
ther Crest, an eagle, displayed, per pale, az. three ostrich-feathers ar.
and gu.) Enzie, [Cornwall,] .... a chev. betw. three
Engleham, or, two bars sa. a pile counter- griffins, segreant, ....
changed. Eove, quarterly, sa. and or.
Engleheart. Crest, an arm, in armour, em- Epinwold, [King of France,] or, a lion, ram-
bowed, holding in the gauntlet a sword, all
pant, sa.
PP r - Epson, ar. two bends, engr. sa.

Eglenton de Hiber, ar. two bars sa. ;

in chief Erasmey, az. afesse betw. two bars, gemelle,
as many martlets of the last. or.

Engleston, [London,] ar. a cross sa. ;

in the Erby, gu. a fesse ar. ;
in chief three plates.
dexter chief a fleur-de-lis gu. Ercall, ar. two bars, gemelle, sa.
Englethorpe, [Norfolk,] ar. a cross, engr. gu. Ercall. Arms, see first Dictionary. Crest, a
2 E
dexter hand ppr. holding- up a mullet of six Eringlond, ar. on a fesse betw. six billets gu.
points or, and charged with a crescent sa. three birds sa.
Erchededekne, ar. three chev. gu. Erington, [Wilts,] ar. two bars and three es-
Erde, erm. three saltiers gu. callops in chief az.
Erden, sa. a cross crosslet and chief ar. Erisenbein, [London,] or, semee of trefoils
Ereby, gu. two lions, passant, ar. a label of gu.
three points of the last. Erisenbyen, vert, twelve trefoils gu. a label
Ereby, ar. a fret sa.; on a quarter gu. a cinquefoil gobony ar. and gu.
or. Erisey, see
[Erisey, Cornwall.] Arms, first

Ereby, [Cheshire,] gu. two lions, passant, ar. a Dictionary. Crest, a cinquefoil erm.
label of three points or.
Erisey, [Cornwall.] The same Arms. Crest, a
Erdeswicke, [Erdeswicke, Cheshire,] ar. three stag, tripping, ppr.
eagles' heads, erased, sa. beaked or. Erkingwold, or, a lion, salient, sa.
Erdeswicke, or, on a bend gu. three eagles, dis- Erkinwold, or, a lion, rampant, sa.
played, ar. Erle, sa. a fesse or, betw. three ducks ar.
Erdie, az. six mascles, conjoined, three and Ereley, [Cheshire,] sa. a fesse ar. in chief three ;

three, or. plates.

Eruington, ar. a fesse betw. three lions' paws, Erlescamp, az. on an iuescocheon or, a chev.
erased, within a bordure gu. gu. and chief erm.
Erdington, az. two lions, passant, regardant, Erley, [Devonshire,] gu. three escallops and
or. bordure, engr. or.
Erdington. To the first of the name in the first Erly, [Cheshire,] gu. a fesse, engr. ar. in chief
Dictionary add Crest, a hand, holding a ball, three plates.
Erly, gu. a fesse and in chief three plates.

Erdington, az. a lion, passant, or. Ermem. The same as Ermeine in the first Dic-
Erdington, ar. a fesse betw. three lions' gambs, tionary.
erased, bendways, within a bordure engr. all Ermin, [Osgotsby, Lincolnshire,] erm. a saltier,
gu- engr. and chief
Erdon, erm. three saltiers sa. Ermin, gu. three roses ar. three, two, and
Erdswick, [Cheshire,] ar. a bend sa. one.
Erdswick, or, on a bend az. three eagles, dis- Ermin, [Yorkshire.] The same as in the first

played, ar. Dictionary.

Erdswick, [Sandon, Staffordshire.] The same Ermin, sa. six roses ar.
as the second of the name in the first Diction- Ermind, or Ermine, [Cornwall.] The same as
ary. Ermine in the first Dictionary.
Eruswik, or, on a bend gu. three eagles, dis- Ermingland, or Ermvland, [Norfolk.]
played, ar. Arms, see first Dictionary. Crest, out of an
Erdswike. The same as Erdesivike. antique crown a demi lion gu.
Erdswike, ar. a boar's head, couped, sa. Ermingland, [Norfolk,] gu. en a fesse or, betw.
Erdye, az. six mascles or, three, two, and six billets ar. three martlets sa.
one. Ermingloo, ar. n fesse betw. six billets gu.
Eredy, [London,] az. six mascles or, three, Ermy, [Cornwall,] or, a chev. betw. three escal-
two, and one. Crest, out of a coronet two lops az.
wings ppr. Ermynes, or Ermynd, [Cornwall,] or, a chev.
Eredye, az. six mascles ar. betw. three escallops az.
Ereeueeke, sa. three chev. ar. Ernele. The same Arms as Ernell'm the first
Eresby, or, three battering-rams az. Crest, on Dictionary. Crest, a candlestick or.
a sinister glove a falcon az. Ernelle, [Kent.] Arms, see first Dictionary.
Erham, [Lincolnshire,] sa. a saltier or. Crest, a chevalier on horse-back wielding a
Erian, or, three piles, wavy, meeting in point, cimeter, all ppr.
gu. all within a bordure az. charged with eight Ernes, [Chester,] ar. on a mount vert, a heron
bezants. ppr.
Eringfield, ar. on a bend sa. three mullets of Ernes, [Cheshire,] ar. a heron, volant, sa.
the first. Ernley, [Chalbury, Dorsetshire.] Arms, see
Eringland, [Norfolk,] ar. a saltier sa. over all, first Dictionary. Crest, an eagle, displayed,
on a fesse gu. three plates.
Ernold, [France.] Arms, see first Dictionary. ESCOURT, ar. on a chief az. three mullets of six
Crest, on a ducal coronet a wivern or. points or.
Ernst, gyronnj of twelve ar, and az. Crest, an Escourl, ar. on a chief, indented, az. three stars
looking- at the sun all ppr.
Ernton, ar. a raven ppr. Escoville, barruly ar. and gu. a lion, rampant,
Erpingham, gu. an inescocbeon ar. within an of the first.

orle of martlets of the second. Crest, a pyra- Escudamore, or Scudamore, gu. three stir-
mid of leaves vert and sa. issuing out of a ducal rups or leathers ar. Crest, on a chapeau gu.
crown or. turned up erm. a peacock in its pride ppr.

Erpingham, [Norfolk.] Arms, see first Diction- Escudamore, or Skidmore, az. three garbs or.
ary. Crest, out of a ducal coronet gu. a plume Escure, [Plants,] ar. a tree, eradicated, vert,
of ostrich-feathers ar. fructed or.
Errall. ar. three bars, gemelle, sa. Escure, or Estewers. The same; fruit gu.
Errell, or, on a fesse betw. three lions' gambs, Esdaile. Crest, a flag sa.
erased, az. as many pheons ar. Eselinge, az. a bend gu. cottised or.
Erskine, ar. on a pale
[Bart. Torry, Fifeshire,]
Es end amor, gu. three garbs or.
sa. three cross crosslets, fitchee, or, within a Esgaston, ar. on a bend, quarterly, gu. and az.
bordure az. charged with ten mullets of the three annulets of the field in the sinister chief

third. Crest, a cubit arm, erect, the hand a cross, pattee, per pale of the third and second.

grasping a sword, all ppr. pomel

and hilt or. Esh, [Devonshire,] ar. two chev. sa.
ERSK.IN, [Earl of Buchan,] ar. a pale sa. Esharton. Arms, see first Dictionary. Crest,
Erskin, [Iunertail, Scotland,] ar. on a pale sa. an a demi lion per chev. or and vert.

imperial crown ppr.

within a double tressure, Eshe, ar. a chev. and cresent sa.
flory, counter-flory, gu.
Esingold. See first of the name in the first
Erth, [Scotland,] or; a chief sa. within a bordure Dictionary. After three read pair of, and add
az. charged with three crescents ar. Crest, a Crest, a chevalier on horseback, brandish-
cock crowing. ing a sword, all ppr.
Erton, ar. a fesse ;
and in chief three lozenges Esingold, ar. on a bend sa. three lions, rampant,
sa. of the field.
Erving, a cross crosslet betw. four mullets
ar. Eskeney, az. two lions, passant, gardant, or, a
Crest, a hand holding a mill-rind ppr. label of three points ar.
Erule, [New Sarum,] ar. on a bend sa. three Eskengreve, erm. arampant, sa.

eagles, displayed,
or. Eskle, [Leicestershire, temp. Edw. III.] ar. a
Eryse, sa. a chev. betw. three griffins or. lion, rampant, gu. charged on the shoulder with

Erysenkyn, see Ersenben. a cinquefoil of the field.

Esby, a bend betw. six estoiles or.

sa. Esling, or, on a fesse sa. a demi lion, rampant,
Escales, gu. six escallops ar. three, two, and gu.
one . Crest, out of a ducal coronet or, three Esling, az. three bends ar. betw. six boars' heads,
ostrich-feathers (another, five escallops) ar. couped, or.

Escales, [temp. Henry III.] gu. three escallops ar. Eslinge, bend, cottised, ar. betw. six boars'
az. a

Escallers, ar. a fesse betw. two chev. sa. heads of the second. (Another, or.)
Eschallers, [Cambridgeshire.] Arms, see first Eslinge, az. three bendlets betw. six boars' heads
Dictionary. Crest, a mermaid with double tail or.

and sinister side ppr. Eslington, ar. two bars and three estoiles in
extending* to the dexter
EschalaSTON, ar. a lion, rampant, gu. depressed chief az.
Esmarton, ar. on a bend sa. three mullets,
by a bend az.
a saltier, engr. az. or.
EschaRDINGTON, ar. pierced,
Esmarton, ar. on a bend, cottised, sa. three mul-
Eschar dington, gu. a saltier ar.
Esche, gu. two demi lions, passant, or. lets, pierced,
Esclator, paly of five ar. and gu. Crest, a Esme, or Esmey. Arms, see first
Crest, a savage wreathed about the head and
gallev with furled
sails sa. flags gu.
middle with leaves, in the dexter hand a club,
Escot\ [Cornwall.] Arms, see first Dictionary.
the top resting on the ground, all ppr.
Crest, a lion, passant, per pale sa. and ar.
Escott, sa. six escallops ar. three, two, and one. Esmerton, ar. on a bend sa. three mullets,
Crest, an ostrich gu. in the beak a horse-shoe pierced, or.
or. Esmien, erm. a saltier, engr. sa.
Esmond, ar. ;
on a chief gu. three mullets of the Eslace, gu. a bend ar. betw. six cross crosslets or.
field. Estakes. Bendy of ten or and gu. a canton
Esmond, [Ireland,] erm. ;
a chief gu. Crest, a of the last.
horned owl sa. Estalers, ar. a fesse gu. betw. three tor-
Esmond, or Estmond, [Norfolk,] ar. on a fesse teauxes.
gu. three mullets of the field. Estanton. Arms, see first
Dictionary. Crest,
Espeake, az. three escocheons gu. two and one; a wivern or.
the first charged with two lions, passant, or; the Estatford. Arms, see first
Dictionary. Crest,
second with three Catharine wheels ar. ; and the a dexter hand holding a sword by the blade, in
third with as many water bougets of the last. bend, hilt upwards, ppr.
Espeke, [Lancashire,] gu. a lion, rampant, ar. Estatford, or, on a chev. betw. three martlets
crowned or, within a bordure, engr. of the gu. as many bezants.
last. Estangrave, [Kent,] az. billettee, and a cross
Espeke. Crest, an ostrich's head betw. two wings ar.
ar. holding in the beak a horse-shoe az. Estanthone, or Stanton, [Leicestershire,]
Especk, gu. three roses ar. vaire ar. and sa. ; a canton gu.
Espinasse, or gu. on a canton ar.
Esspinasse, Estanthore. The same.
a martlet Crest, two hands issuing from
sa. Estbury, [Cheshire.] Bendy, wavy, of six ar.
clouds conjoined, in fesse, supporting a heart, and sa.

inflamed, ppr. Estbury, sa. three bars, nebulee, ar.

sa. a bend
Espinasse, [Kent and Gray's Inn,] vert, on a fesse Estby, [Lincolnshire,] betw. six
gu. three bezants ; in chief a chev. reversed; in stars or.
base a fleur-de-lis betw. two batons, in pale, or; Estcote, sa. six escallops or.
in the middle chief point of the escocheon a Estday, [Kent,] az. a griffin, segreant, ar. ; a
bezant. -Crest, a boar's head, couped, trans- chief of the last. Crest, on a mount vert, a
pierced by a broken spear ppr. hind, lodged, ar.
Esscott. The same as Escol. Este, [Buckinghamshire,] sa. a chev, betw. three
Esse, ar. two chev. sa. on each a mullet or. horses' heads, erased, ar.
Crest, a cock or, beaked gu. Este, az. three fleurs-de-lis or, withina bordure,
Esse, or Ashe, [Devon,] ar. two chev. sa. on each per bordure, dancettee, ar. and gu. Crest, a
a trefoil, slipped, or. Crest, a cockatrice ar. garb or, banded gu.
on the breast a trefoil, slipped, gu. (Confirmed Este, [Flanders,] or, an eagle with two heads,
December 1G13.) displayed, sa. [Borne by William Este, D.D.
Essex, [Berkshire,] az. a chev. erm. cottised, Chancellor of the University of Donay, ob.
engr. betw. three eagles, displayed, ar.
or, Sept. 1613.]
Essex, quarterly, or and gu. a saltier, floretty, Este, [Ireland,] az. a chev. betw. three nags'
counterchanged. heads, erased, ar. [Borne by Dr. Charles
Essex, ar. a chev. chequy erm. and gu. betw. Este, Bishop of Walerford and Lismore, ob.
three cronnels sa. on a chief az. a rose betw. a
; 1745.]
leopard's head and buck's head or. Este, [Cambridgeshire,] .... a chev. betw. three
Essex, az. a chev. erm. fimbriated and engr. betw. nags' heads, erased, ....
three eagles, displayed, or. Crest, an eagle's Esteallors, [Cambridgeshire,] ar. a fesse,
head or, gorged with a ducal coronet, per pale, engr. betw. three annulets gu.
az. and sa. Esteley, Estley, or Esteleigh, [Leices-
Essex, ar. a chev. embattled, erm. betw. three tershire,] ar.a lion, rampant, gu. on the shoul-

eagles, displayed,
or. Crest, a demi eagle or, der a cinquefoil of the first, a label of three
wings vair, in a mural coronet erm. points az. Crest, on a ducal coronet three
Essex, [London.] Fourth of the name in the daggers, in saltier, or.
first Dictionary. [Granted 1590.] Estelfold, sa. a chev. erm. betw. three mai-
Essex, [Canterbury, Lord John, Abbot of St. dens' heads, couped at the shoulders ar. crined
Austins,] ar. a chev. lozengy gu. and erm. or.
betw. three chess-rooks sa. on a chief az. three Estercombe, [Somersetshire.] Arms, see first
antelopes' heads, couped, or. Dictionary. [Confirmed by Sir Gilbert De-
Estabor, [Leicestershire.] See Eschabor. thick, 10th July, '1576.]
Est ace, az. a bend ar. betw. six cross crosslets Estergage, [Sir Ralph,] az. three bars ar.; in
or. chief as many plates.
Esterham, gu. a fesse, betw. three estoiles ar. an eagle, displayed,. [Borneby Adam Eston,
. . .

Esterling, paly of six ar. and az. on a bend gu. Dean of York, loth August, 1398.]
three castles or. Eston, [Berkshire,] sa. three lions, rampant, or.
Esterlis, paly of six ar. and az. Eston, az. abend, cottised, betw. six cross cross-
ESTEURE, or ESTEWRE, ar. an ash-tree vert. lets or.
Estgaston, ar. a cross, pattee, gu. on a bend Eston, az. a bend ar. cottised, betw. six cross
per bend az. and gu. three annulets of the crosslets or.
field. Eston, gu. a lion, rampant, or.
Esthaber, [Leicestershire,] gu. a fesse, betw. Eston, or, a cross, patonce, az. over all on a
three inascles ar. chev. vert, three martlets of the field on a chief ;

Estihold, [Essex,] ar. three quatrefoils gu. of the second a fleur-de-lis or, betw. two be-
Estine, ar. a fesse gu. betw. three lions, rani- zants, each charged with an escallop sa.
pant, sa. Eston, [Southwark, Surrey,] or, on a cross, pa-
Estington, ar. two bars az. in chief, three mul- tonce, az. five martlets of the field on a chief ;

letsof six points of the second. of the second a fleur-de-lis of the first, betw.
Estlee, ar. a lion, rampant, gu. supporting two bezants, on each an escallop. Crest, a
with his paw a rose ar. a label sa. demi griffin or, beaked sa. and membered gu.
Estlefield, sa. a chev. betw. three maidens' holding a branch of eglantine, vert, flower
beads ar.

Estley, ar. a lion, rampant, gu. See Esteley Estonck. See Estoukke.
and Asteley. Estonwey, or Estonwe, ar. a cross, patonce,
Estling. To the third of the name in the first sa.

Dictionary add Crest, a demi talbot gu. hold- Estorlls, erm. on a chief, indented, gu. three
ing in the dexter paw a battle-axe ppr. estoiles ar.
Estmerton, or EsTHERTEN. To the first of Estotes, sa. six escallops or,
the name in the first Dictionary add Crest, Estoteyile, [Suffolk,] per pale ar. and sa. a
two dexter hands, fesseways, couped and con- saltier, engr. erm. the first
pellettee, the second
joined ppr. supporting a cross crosslet, fitchee, platee.
sa. Estoteville, [Dalham, Suffolk,] per pale
Estne, or, a fesse sa. a demi liou gu. ermine and ermines, a saltier counterchanged.
Estner, ar. a cherry-tree ppr. Estouk, sa. a cross, pattee, flory, ar.
Estner, or, a cherry-tree vert, fructed gu. Estouke, [Essex,] sa. a cross, flory, ar.
Estocote, ar. on a cross gu. five martlets
or. Estoukeke, sa. across, pattee throughout, ar.
Estoft, Esteoth, Estonkle, and Estoles, Estoukke, or Estonck, sa. a cross, patonce,
[Lincolnshire,] sa. six escallops or, three, two, ar.
and one. Crest, a lion's gamb, quarterly, gu. Estoukle, sa. six escallops or.
and ar. holding a crescent or. Estourges, az. a chev. betw. three crosslets
ESTOLICK, ESTOLKE, ESTOLCKE, Or ESTOKE, crossed, and fitchee, or, within a bordure, engr.
[Cambridgeshire,] sa. a cross, formee, ar. of the last.
Estokes. Bendy of ten or and az. a canton Estourte, [Shipenmoyne, Gloucestershire.]
gu. erm.; on a chief, indented, gu. three estoiles or.
Estokes, vair ; a chief gu. Crest, out of a mural coronet az. a demi
Estokvill, [Temp. Edw. III.] Barry of ten eagle, with wings elevated, or, beaked gu.
and gu. over all three lions, rampant, sa.
ar. [Granted Nov. 1606.]
Estolke, [Cambridgeshire,] sa. a cross, formee, EsTOUT, Estot, or Estoutle, [Essex,] sa. a
ar. cross, pattee, ar.

Estome, [Cambridgeshire,] sa. a cross, pattee, Estoutville. Barry of sixteen ar. and gu.
ar. charged with five martlets or ; on a chief az. three lions, rampant, of the first.
a fleur-de-lis gold, betw. two plates, each Estowell. The same as Estoutville.
charged with an escallop sa. Estradling, paly of six ar. and az. on a bend
Estomerton, ar. on a bend, cottised, sa. three .... three roses or.
mullets of the first. Estrance. To the second of the name of
Eston, [Bedfordshire,] gu. on a fesse or, betw. Gloucestershire in the first Dictionary add
a greyhound, courant, in chief, and a bird in Crest, a chevalier on horseback at full speed,
base, .... a cinquefoil of the field. holding a broken lance ppr.
Eston, [Herefordshire,] .... on a plain cross .... Estrees De, [France.] Quarterly; first and
fourth ar. fretty sa.; on a chief or, three martlets Ettum, ar. on a fesse gu. three plates.
of the second ; second and third or, a lion, ram- Ettun, ar. a chev. engr. betw. three boars'
pant, crowned, az. [Cardinal and Archbishop sa.

of Cambray, ob. 1718.] Etty. Barry of eight ar. and gu. ; on a canton
ESTUM, or Estun, three covered cups gu.
or, sa. a cross or. Crest, a lion, rampant, guar-
Esture, [Hampshire,] ar. a cherry-tree, fructed dant,
ppr. Etune, ar. a chev. engr. betw. three boars'
Esturle, paly of six ar. and az. heads, couped, sa.
Estwood. See Eashoood. Ety, [Yorkshire.] Arms see first Dictionary.
Etch ingham, [Sussex,] az. a fret ar. within a Crest, a man habited as a huntsman, mowing,
bordure, engr. or. ppr.
Etelum, ar. a fesse gu. in chief three tor-
; Eudo, [Earl of Albemarle,] gu. a cross, patonce,
teauxes. Crest, a talbot's head, ducally crown- vair.
ed or. Euen, [Craigton, Scotland,] ar. a chev. embat-
Ethelaston, or, on a chev. betw. three mart- tled, ensigned with a flag gu. cantoned of
lets gu. as bezants. the field, betw. two mullets in chief, and the
Ethelfield, sa. three bars, wavy, ar. sun, in base, of the third. Crest, a demi lion,
Ethelstan. To the first of the name of Lei- holding a mullet, gu.
cestershire in the first Dictionary add Crest, Euery, quarterly, or and gu. over all a bend
a broken spear. sa.

Ethelston, [London,] or, an eagle, displayed, Euisdail, [Scotland,] gu. three flagons ar.
sa. Eure, quarterly, or and gu. on a bend sa. three
ETHERiNGTON,[Kiugston-upon-Hull, Yorkshire,] cinquefoils ar. Crest, a horse's head ar.
per pale ar. and sa. three lions, rampant, coun- Eure, [Lord Witton, Northumberland.] The same
tercbanged. Crest, a tower decayed on the Arms as Eure, of Bishop's Middleham, in the
sinister side, on a battlement a leopard's face firstDictionary. Crest, a talbot, passant, or.
Eussane, sa. a bend, fusilly, ar. a label of five
Etherington, [Ferriby, Yorkshire.] The same. points ....
Etolne. The same as Etolney. Eustace, erm. a chev. az. betw. three billets gu.
Etolney. Arms, see first Dictionary. Crest, [Borne by Eustace, Dean of Salisbury,
out of a plume of five ostrich-feathers ar. a consecrated Bishop of Ely, 1198, Lord Chan-
griffin's head betw. two wings ppr. cellor, oft.1215.]
Etolus, gu. a fesse ar. in chief three plates.
; Eustace, [Ireland,] or, a saltier gu. Crest, a stag,
Eton, [Ireland,] gu. a bend, cottised, ar. statant, ppr.
Eton, or, on a bend sa. three bulls' heads, couped, Eustace. To the second of the name in the first
or. Dictionary add Crest, a hand holding a close
Eton, [Essex.] The same as the ninth of the helmet ppr.
name in the first Dictionary. Eustachius, or, a cross, engr. gu.
Eton, [Cheshire.] Arms
see the thirteenth of the Euston, or, a cross sa. betw. four cups, covered,
name in the first Dictionary. Crest, a hand gu. Crest, a boar, passant, sa. armed, bristled,
holding a dagger, in pale, thrust through a and hoofed ar.
boar's head, couped, ppr. Evans. The same Arms
as Evans, of Marsh
Eton, ar. a chev. engr. betw. three boars' beads, Gibbon, Buckinghamshire, in the first Dictionary.
couped, az. [Borne by John Evans, consecrated Bishop of
Eton, [Freshby, Cheshire,] sa. on a bend or, Banc/or, 1701, translated to Meath, in Ireland,
three leaves vert. 1715.]
Eton, [Norfolk,] ar. on a fesse gu. three plates. Evans, [Carnarvonshire,] .... a pole-axe betw.
Eton, gu. four bars ar.; on a canton sa. a cross, three fleurs-de-lis .... [Borne by Hugh Evans,
or. Dean of Si. Asaph, ob. 1587.]
Etone, ar. three bars gu.; a canton sa. Evans. The same Arms as Evans, of Llaneur-
Etterick, [Hants,] ar. a lion, rampant, gu.; a gain, in the first Dictionary. [Borne by .. . .

chief of the last. Evans, Recorder of Bury St. Edmunds, Suffolk,

Ettleman, ar. a fesse gu. ; in chief, three tor- 1745.]
teauxes. Evans, ar. two bars and a canton sa. charged with
Etton, [Ireland,] sa. a chev. erm. betw. three a pheon or. [Borne by William Evans, Pre-
leopards' faces ar. bendary of Hereford, 1668.]
Evans, [Denbighshire,] ar. a fesse gu. betw. three Everdon, ar. a fesse az. a label gu. (Another,
boars' heads sa. \M. I. to Thomas Evans in without the label.)
St. Martin's Church, Westminster, 1G12.] Everdon, or Everden, ar. on a fesse sa. betw.
Evans, [Portsea, Southampton.] The same as three cross crosslets of the second, as many
Evans, of Montgomeryshire, in the first Dic- fleurs-de-lis of the first. Crest, on the top of a
tionary. Doric pillar a terrestrial globe ppr.
Evans, az. a fesse betw. three fleurs-de-lis or. Everdon, erm. a chev. betw. three mascles gu.
Crest, a dexter arm embowed, in armour, the Everds, ar. ; on a chief az. a stag's head, couped,
band ppr. holding a cinquefoil, slipped, vert. of the field, collared gu. charged with three be-
Evans, [Somersetshire.] The same Arms as the zants betw. two fleurs-de-lis or.
fifth name in the first Dictionary.
of the Everers, ar. on a bend az. three fleurs-de-lis or.
Eva r by, [Yorkshire,] ar. a saltier, engr. on a ; Everest, a harp gu.
ar. Crest, on the point of
chief sa. two mullets of the field. a sword a mullet ppr.
Evard, or Eward, or, on a bend gu. three cross Everet, Everett, and Everatt, gu. three
crosslets of the field. bears' heads, couped ar. Crest, on a chapeau
Evatt, per pale or and gu. two lions, passant, gu. turned up erm. an arm in armour, couped,
respecting each other, in fesse, counterchanged. resting on the elbow.
Crest, two lions' paws, erased, ppr. holding a Everey, [Derbyshire,] or, four chev. gu.
torteaux. Everfield, [Surrey,] erm. on a bend sa. three
Evaydon, [temp. Henry VI.] ar. a fesse az.; in mullets or.
chief a label gu. Everid, or, four chev. gu.
Evayne, [Essex.] The same as the first of the Everill, az. on a fesse ar. betw. six mullets of
name in the first Dictionary. as many points or, three mullets sa.
E\ eing, or Eveng, ar. a fesse gu. Evering, [Kent,] or, five chev. sa.
Eveleigh. The same Arms as in the first Dic- Everingham, az. a lion, rampant, gu. over all a
tionary. Crest, a stag lodged, gardaut, betw. bend sa.
two branches of laurel in orle ppr. Everingham, quarterly, ar. and sa. a bendlet of
Evell, per fesse sa. and ar. a lion, rampant, the last.
counterchanged. ar. and gu. on a bend of
Everingham, quarterly,
Eveng, ar. a fesse gu. the second, a mullet, pierced, or.
Evens, [Essex,] sa. a chev. betw. three fleurs- Everingham, quarterly, ar. and sa. a bend gu.
de-lis or. Everingham, [Suffolk,] az. a fesse, cottised, ar.
Evens, [Baron of the Exchequer,] sa. a fesse Everit, or Everitt, ar. a fesse betw. three
betw. two fleurs-de-lis or. Crest, on a mount estoiles gu. Crest, a demi lady holding in the
vert, a stork, with wings elevated and endorsed, dexter hand a balance and scales, equally poised,
ppr. ppr.
Everard, a fesse, wavy, betw. three estoiles
ar. Everitt, per chev. ar. and gu. ; in base a chev.
gu. Crest, a Saracen's head, couped at the of the Crest, on a wreath a helmet, vizor

shoulders, in profile, ar. cap sa. turned up with open, plume of three feathers gu. behind the
fur ar. on the top a tassel or, charged with three helmet a spear or, in bend dexter, point down-
bars, wavy, of the third. wards, dropping blood ppr.
Everard, ar. on a chief gu. three .... of the field.
; Everond, ar. ; on a chief sa. three mullets, pierced,
Everard, [Much Waltham, Essex.] Arms, see or.
the first Dictionary. Crest, the bust of a man Everons, [Cheshire,] gu. a fesse ar.; in chief
in profile, couped on the
at the shoulders, ppr. three plates.
head a long cap, barry wavy of eight or and sa. Everoys, ar. a fesse
[Sir William, Cheshire,]
turned up gold. gu.; in chief three torteauxes.
Everard, [Lynn, Norfolk,] gu. on a chev. ar. Evers, [Baron Evers, of Wilton, Durham; ex-
three mullets sa. tinct 1698.] The same Arms as Evers, of
Everard, ar. ;
on a chief gu. three mullets of the Yorkshire, in the first Dictionary.

field. Evers. See the first Dictionary. The one of

Everard, [Leverington, Cambridgeshire,] .... a Lincolnshire bears the fleur-de-lis.
fesse, nebulee, betw. three estoiles .... Evers, [Lincolnshire,] quarterly, ar. and gu. on a
Everd, or, on a bend gu. three cross crosslets, bend sa. three escallops of the first.
fitchee, of the field. Evers, quarterly, or and gu. on a bend of the
Ever den, ar. a fesse az. second three escallops of the first.
Evers, [Ireland,] ar. ou a bend az. three fleurs- swords in saltier of the field. Crest, a hand,
de-lis or. erect, gauntletted, holding a cross crosslet,
Eversden, [Eversden, Cambridgeshire,] .... fitchee, in pale.
on a fesse betw. three cross crosslets .... as Ewart. Arms, see the first Dictionary. Crest,
tleurs-de-lis .... a hand holding a dagger ppr.
Every, Bart. [Egginton-Hall, Derby.] The Ewayas, or Ewias, [Herefordshire,] ar. a fesse
same Arms as Every, of Staffordshire, in the gu. betw. three staves sa.
firstDictionary. Crest, a unicorn's head, coup- Ewbank, [Newcastle.] The same as Ewbanch
ed ppr. in the first Dictionary.

Every, or, three chev. gu. Eivbank, sa. three chev. interlaced in base or; on
a chief of the last as many annulets sa.
Every, or, three chev. gu. a label of as many Crest,
points az. out of a ducal coronet or, a dexter and sinister
Everyngham, ar. a fesse az. a label of as many hand, each holding an ostrich-feather.
points gu. Ewen, erm. a bend, cottised, or. Crest, on a
Eves, [Kent.] Arms, see the first Dictionary. mount vert a stag, statant, ppr.
Crest, three legs in armour, united at the thigh, Ewenes, chequy erm. and ermines.
flexed at the knee, and spurred ppr. Ewens. Arms, see the first Dictionary. [Granted
Evexoon, sa. a lion, rampant, ar. to John Eivens, of Wincanton, in the county of

Evias, sa. a fesse betw. three quatrefoils .... Somerset, by Cooke, Clarenceux, 1578.]
Eviers. The same as Evias, of Kent, in the Ewerhv, ar. a chev. engr. sa.; on a chief of the
first Dictionary. second, two mullets of the first. Crest, an
Evile, sru. semee of cross crosslets and two eagle, displayed, per fesse vert and ar.
bugle-horns, endorsed, or. Ewes, or, three cinquefoils gu. Crest, a quatre-
Evingdon. See Evington. foil vert.

Evingham, quarterly, ar. and sa. on a bend gu. Ewias, ar. a fesse gu. betw. three mullets sa.
three mullets of the first. EwiNG, quarterly, gu. and or, the
quarterly, ar. and sa. on a bend gu. second and third charged with a saltier of the
three mullets or first. Crest, the moon in her complement ppr.
Evingham. See Everingham in the first Dic- Ewing, a greyhound, courant, sa. in base a

tionary. serpent, encircled, with its tail in its mouth ppr. ;

Evington, az. three barsar.; in chief as many on a chief az. the sun in splendour ppr.
Ewington. Crest, a griffin's head, erased, du-
ancient Arms,
Evington, [Caswick, Lincolnshire,] cally gorged.
ar. a fesse az. a file of three points gu. Ewlan, [Cheshire,] ar. a saltier, engr. betw. four
E vinton, az. on a chev. or betw. three pilgrims' hammers sa.
staves .... as many mullets of the first. Ewyn. The same as Ewen in the first Diction-

Evre, quarterly, or and gu. over all, on a bend ary.

three escallops ar.
sa. Crest, a parrot feeding Exeter. To the first of the name in the first

on a branch of cherries ppr. Dictionary add Crest, an eagle's head, erased,

Euresbv, az. two chev. or, on a canton ar. a sa. charged on the neck with three estoiles, in

paschal Iamb gu. banner or. fesse, or.

Evremont, [France,] ar. a quatrefoil, pierced, Exilby, ar. a chev. gu. within a bordure sa.
gu. bezantee.
Eureux, sa. a fesse ar. in chief three plates.
Exleby. The same.
Evrux, ar. a fesse gu. betw. three torteauxes. Exmab, or, a cross vair.
Crest, out of a ducal coronet a talbot's head sa. Exmere, ar. a chev. chequy ar. and gu. betw.

Eustace, az. a bend betw. six cross crosslets, three escallops of the first, within a bordure of
fitchee, ar. three and three. the second, bezantee.
Eustace, or, a cross, engr. gu. Ex mew, ar. a chev. compony of the first and
Ewarby, a saltier, engr. sa. ; on a chief of
ar. gu. betw. three escallops sa. within a bordure of
the second, two mullets of the first. Crest, out the third, charged with leopards' heads and be-
of a ducal coronet or, a female's head, breast zants six of each, interchangeable. Crest, a
gu. face ppr. hair or. dove ar. holding in the beak a text lv or, by a
Eward. See Evard. sprig of laurel.
Ewart, ar. on a fesse az. betw. a dexter hand, Exmies, or, a chev. betw. three escallops sa.

eouped, in chief, and a heart in base, gu. two Exmill, or, across, lozengy gu. and vair.
Exmill, or E.vcumbe, or, a cross, vair. Dictionary. Crest, on a chapeau gu. turned up
Exton, gu. a cross or, betw. twelve cross cross- erm. a fleur-de-lis or.
lets, fitchee, of the second. Crest, the sail of Eyrsof, ar. on a chev three quatrefoils.. ..
a ship ppr. [Borne by Sir Thomas Exton, Ey'Ton, bendy of six or and gu.
LL.D. Master of Trinity Hall, Cambridge, ob, Eyton, [Duddleston, Salop,] ar. a lion, rampant,
1688.] sa.
Exton, [Sir Nicholas, of London,] gu. a saltier
betw. twelve cross crosslets or.
Evchebald, [Yorkshire.] Arms, see first Dic-
Crest, a boar's head in bend, couped,
Eye, or, on a chief az. two mullets ar. Crest,
on a chapeau gu. turned up erm. two wings ppr. Faal, ar. a fesse, chequy gu. and of the first>

Eyer, ar. on a bend sa. three quatrefoils of the betw. two boars' heads, couped, of the second-
field. Crest, a talbot's head ar. spotted gu. Crest, a pair of scales.
collared az. Faber, az. three morions' heads, erased, sa. over
Eyers, ar. on a cbev. sa. three quatrefoils of the all a bendlet
field within a bordure, engr. of the second, be- Faber, Fane, Fanes, or Fanne, gu. a fesse ar.

zantee. betw. three leopards' faces or.

Eyland, [Lincolnshire.] Arms, see first Dic- Fabian, [Essex.] Arms, see first Dictionary.
tionary. Crest, on a chapeau az. turned up or, Crest, a lion's gamb, erect, holding a sceptre,
a martlet gu. in pale, or.

Eyland, ar. on a bend gu. three escallops or. Fabian, [London.] The same Arms. Crest, a
Eyley, ar. on a bend sa. three escallops of the fleur-de-lis gu. betw. two demi spears ppr. each
first. bearing a flag, forked, and flowing to the dexter
Evmis, or, on a fesse gu. three bezants; on a and sinister, of the first.
chief ar. a greyhound, courant, az. collared Fabian, The same Arms. Crest, on a chaplet or,
or. flowered en. a fleur-de-lis of the last, from betw.
Eyn, or Eyne, sa. a chev. betw. three fleurs-de- the flowers two split flags ar. each charged with
lis ar. an ermine spot.
Eyn eg rove, erm. a chief, engr. gu. Fab lye. Arms, see first Dictionary. Crest, a
Eynell, az. a chev. ar. a bend or, on a canton cross crosslet gu. betw. two palm -branches vert.
of the second a holy lamb ppr. Fachall, or Fachan, az. three bends erm.
Eynfold, gu. an escocheon ar. within an orle of Fachell, [Cambridgeshire.] The same as Fa-
martlets or. chell of Berks, in the first Dictionary.
Eyn ford, or Ey'NSFOrth, gu. a fret erm. Facombrige, or Faconberge, ar. two bars,
Crest, a hand holding an ear of wheat or. engr. sa.
Eynns, [Chalbury, Oxfordshire,] or, on a fesse Faconbridge, or Fayvconbridge, ar. three

gu. three bezants; in chief a greyhound, courant, lions, passant, regardant, gu. See Fawcon-
az. collared ar. Crest, an eagle, displayed, gu. bridge.
semee of stoiles ar. Faconbridge, or Fauconberg, or, chequy, paly, gu.
Eynus, [Salop,] ar. on a fesse gu. betw. three on a fesse az. a mitre gold. [Borne by Eustace
demi greyhounds, courant, az. as many bezants. de Fauconberge, Bishop of London and Lord
Ey'PINGham, [Norfolk,] vert, an inescocheon Treasurer, ob. 1228.]
within an orle of martlets, or. Faconbridge. Arms, see first Dictionary. Crest,
Eyre, [Eye, Suffolk,] ar. on a chev. az. three a yew-tree vert.
quatrefoils of the field within a bordure of the Faden, ar. two bends gu. in chief a cock sa.

second, bezant^e. Fadirell, ar. on a fesse gu. three martlets or.

Eyre, ar. on a chev. sa. three quatrefoils within a Fagan, [Ireland,] erm. three covered cups az.
bordure sa. bezantee. Fagan, [Ireland.] To the second of the name
Eyre, [London.] Eirst of the name in the first Dic- in the first Dictionary add Crest, out of a
tionary. Crest, an ibex, sejant, or, horned, ducal coronet a swan's head and neck betw. two
maned, and ducally gorged ar. wings ppr.
Eyre. Seethe first
Dictionary: before Bucking- Faganell, [Norfolk,] quarterly, or and gu. over
hamshire, read Burnham. a bendlet vert.

Eyringham, [Devonshire.] Arms, see the first Fage, ar. three bends sa.; a chief or. Crest, a
cross crosslet surmounted by a sword, in bend, Fairford, az. a chev. betw. three lions' heads,
sinister, point downwards. erased, ar. Crest, on a chapeau atalbot, sejant,
Fagenell, or Fagenill, [Suffolk.] See with PP r -

Fageville in the first Dictionary. Fairford. The same Arms. Crest, out of a
Fagg, [Brensett, Kent, Rye and Glynley, Sus- mural coronet a spear issuing, surmounted by
sex.] The same as in the first Dictionary. two branches of laurel in saltier, all ppr.
Faggar, [Sussex,] sa. a chev. betw. three garbs Fairford, ar. guttee, three lions, passaut, regar-
ar. dant, gu. crowned or.

Fagon, gu. three covered cups or. Fa rg ray,

[Ripon.] Crest, an anchor.
Fahy, [Ireland,] az. a dexter hand, couped, Fairholm, [Craige Hall, Scotland.] Arms, see
fesseways, thrusting a sword paleways, point first Dictionary. Crest, a dove with an olive-
downwards, into a dragon's head, erased, close, branch in its beak ppr.
ar. Crest, adexter arm holding a hunting-spear, Fairholm, [Green Hill,] quarterly; first and fourth,
point downwards. or, an anchor gu.; second and third, ar. a boar's
Fain ford, az. three bars, nebulee, or. head, erased, sa. all within a bordure az. Crest,
Faiott, [France,] gu. a bend and bordure vair. as the last. (Recorded 1757.)
Fair, gu. an anchor or, betw. two mullets, in Fairholm e. Crest, a spur with wings or, and
fesse, ar.
Crest, a wheatsheaf or, entwined leathered gu.
with two snakes vert. Fairmeadow, gu. three trefoils, slipped, or,
Fair, [Scotland,] gu. an anchor or. within a bordure, engr. ar.
Fairbairn, gu. an eagle with wings endorsed or, Fairn, [Nig, Scotland,] gu. a siag, lodged, ar.
a bordure erm. Crest, a griffin, passant, sa. surmounted by a crozier or, betw. the attires
Fairbairn, [Scotland,] ar. on a chev. gu. betw. three mullets of the second. Crest, an open
three martlets sa. as many crescents of the first. book betw. an orle of laurel-branches ppr.
Crest, the sun in splendour or. Fairn IE, [Farlogie, Scotland,] gu. a stag ar.
Fairbeard, The same as in the lodged in|a thicket of
trees vert ; in chief, betw.
first Dictionary. the attires, three stars of the second. Crest, a
Fairborne, [Newark, Nottinghamshire.] Arms, greyhound, courant, ppr.
see first
Dictionary. Crest, an arm in armour, Fairs, or, a fesse az. betw. three anchors of the
couped, fessewajs, holding a sword, erect, en- second.
filed with a Turk's head, affrontee, with a turban, Fairweather, az. a chev. betw. three mullets,
all in chief, ar. and the sun, in base, or. Crest,
Fairbrother, gu. a chev. ar. ; in chief a bezant the sun in splendour or.
betw. two lions' heads, erased, of the second. Faith, or Fathe. Arms, see first Dictionary.
Crest, a cockatrice, displayed, ppr. Crest, a crane perched on the stump of a tree
Fairclough, [Durham.] The same Arms and PP r -

Crest as the first of the name in the first Dic- Faith full. Crest, a key, in pale, ward up-
tionary. wards, surmounted by a crosier and sword in
Fairf.borne. Arms the same as Fairborne. saltier.

Crest, a hand, couped, and vambraced, holding Fakenham, or Feckenham, barry of ten ar.
a sword in pale, on the point thereof a savage's and az. six escocheons sa. Crest, a square
head, affrontee, ppr. padlock az.
Fairfax, [Baron Fairfax, of Cameron,] or, three Fakerey, vair, six escocheons sa. Crest, a

bars.gemelles, gu. surmounted of a lion, rampant, square padlock az.

sa. Crest, a lion, passant, gardant, sa. Support- Fakerlay, chequy ar. and az. on a fesse gu. a
ers, dexter, a lion, gardant, sa.; sinister, a bay barrulet, wavy, sa.
Fakyt, ar. on a saltier, engr. sa. nine roundles
horse. [Creation, lSlh October, 1627.]
Fairfax, three bars, gemelles, gu. a lion, ram-
ar. erm.Crest, a cockatrice's head, erased, sa.
pant, sa. Crest, a goat's head, erased, ar. Falage, .... three water-bougets
charged on the neck with three bars, gemelles, Falch. Crest, three quatrefoils, stalked and
and attired gu. ducally gorged or. leaved on one branch.
Fairfax, ar. three bars gu. over all a lion, rampant, Falcon, ar. three falcons gu. Crest, four arrows,
points upwards, and bow
sa. in saltier ppr.

Fairfield, sa. a chev. ar. ensigned with across, Falcon, gu. a lion, rampant, or, depressed by a
pattee, of the second. Crest, a demi savage, bend erm.
affrontee, handcuffed ppr. Falcon, ar. a falcon gu. within a bordure sa.
Falconer, [Earl of Kintore, Lord Keith of gu. and of the first, betw. three boars' heads>
Inverary and Keith Hall, Lord Falconer of couped, az. Crest, a cornucopia ppr.
Halkertown,] gu. a sceptre and sword, in Falleron, gu. a lion, rampant, or, over all a
saltier; in chief an imperial crown within eight bend erm.
thistles in orle, ppr.allCrest, an aged lady, Fallesby, ar. two chev. gu. Crest, a demi

couped above the knees, vested, and holding in antelope, ar.

her right hand a garland of laurel ppr. Sup- Fa Lesley.
I. To the second of the name in the
porters, two chevaliers, completely armed,
with first Dictionary add Crest, a dexter arm from
pikes in theirexterior hands, all ppr. (Creations, the shoulder extended ppr. holding an anchor
Lord Falkoner, 20th December, 1(547; Earl az. cabled sa.
Kintore and Lord Keith, 26th June, 1G77; Fallesley, or, two chev. gu. in the dexter chief

and by new patent, 22d February, 1G04, to a cinquefoil az.

his issue male. The Earldom of Kintore of Fallon, az. an increscent ar. within an orle of
KJ77 became forfeited in 1715, and restored eight estoiles or. Crest, a hand holding a
in 1778. Residetice, Keith Hall, Aberdeen- millrind.

shire.) Fallowfield, [Cumberland.] Arms, see first

Falconer, [Balmakellie, Scotland,] or, a falcon's Dictionary. Crest, on a chapeau, a lion, guar-
head issuing out of a heart, all ppr. betw. three dant, collared, and crowned with a ducal co-
stars az. ; on a chief gu. as many bezants. Crest, ronet.
a falcon rising ppr. Fallowes, vert, a camel, passant, or.
Falconer, [Scotland,] a falcon's head ppr.
or, Falstofe, quarterly, az. and or, on a bend gu.
issuing out of a man's heart gu. betw. three
three escallops ar. Crest, on oak tree vert.
stars az. Falstoffe. The same.
Falconer, [Hampshire.] The same as the first of Falstoke, or, out of a fountain ar. a demi lion az.
the name in the first Dictionary. Falsyde, [of that Ilk,] gu. a fesse or, betw.
Falconer, [Derbyshire,] ar. three pales gu.; in chief three bezants.
as many pellets. Falu, or Falyn. See Falyn, in the first Dic-
Falconer, [Hampshire,] az. a hawk ar. membered tionary. Another, the same as Fallew, in the
or. first Dictionary.
Falconer, [Bellandro, Scotland,] .... a fesse Falvesley, [Northamptonshire,] or, two chev.
betw. three hawks, in chief, and a leure, in gu.
base, Famwell, ar. a chev. betw. three mullets sa.

Falconer, gu. three demi voles (or leures) or. Crest, a demi eagle with wings expanded sa.

Falconer. To the first of the name in the first Fan A court, sa. a cross, patonce, ar. within a

Dictionary add (exemplified by Sir William bordure, engr. or. Crest, a chevalier in full
Segar, Garter.) armour, wielding a sword ppr.
over a Fanamborge, az. a cinquefoil in an orle of es-
Falcron, gu. a Hon, rampant, ar. all

bend erm. callops or.

Faldo, [Bedenham, Bedfordshire,] quartlerly; Fancourt, [Rutlandshire,] sa. a cross, flory,
first and fourth, az. three fleurs-de-lis or; second ar. a bordure, engr. or.
within Crest, two
and third, or, a doe, couchant, ppr.; in chief staves raguly, banded with olive ppr.
the letters FA L. Fancourt, ar. a cross, patonce, az. within a bor-
Faldo, [Maldon, Bedfordshire.] The same as the dure or.
first of the name in the first Dictionary. Fancourt, sa. a cross, pattee, ar. within a bor-
Faldo, [Bedfordshire,] gu. three buck's heads, dure, engr. or.
three gaunt-
cabossed, ar. attired or. Fane, [Ireland,] az. ; on a chief ar.
Falifunt, .... on a fesse three cross lets of the
field. Crest, a dexter-hand, holding
crosslets a laurel-branch, all ppr.
Falkiner, [Ireland,] az.
a bend or, in chief an Fane, [Earl of Westmoreland,] az. three dexter
estoileof the second. Crest, out of a ducal gauntlets or.
coronet a hand, vested gu. cuff or, holding the Fan el, sa. a chev. betw. three escallops ar.

sun ppr. Fanenses, ar. a bend betw. six billets gu.

Falkner, ar. three hawks' heads, erased, gu. Fanes, ar. a lion, salient, sa.
Crest, ou a tree-stump an escocheon, pendent, Fanes, ar. a lion, rampant, sa.
ppr. Fann, Fanes, Fane, or Faber, gu. a fesse
ar. a fesse, chequy, ar. betw. three leopards' faces or.
Fall, [Dunbar, Scotland,]
2 F 2
FaNNACODRT, az. ten billets or, a quarter erm. Faril, or Farill, sa. three pales or.
Fan N el, ar. a bend gu. within a bordure erm. Fa riley, sa. three bezants.
Fan NELL, ar. a bend gu. within a bordure sa. Faringdon, [London.] The same as the third
bezantee. of the name in the first Dictionary, the lions'

Fanning, az. fretty ar. a chev. gu. Crest, a heads ar.

dexter hand ppr. vested sa. holding a raillrind Faringdon, or Farrinylon, [Warden, Leicester-
az. shire.] See Farrington, in the first Dictionary.
Fansham, per pale, indented, six martlets, two, Faringham, Farnham, or Farneham, [Staf-
two, and two, counterchanged. fordshire.] Arms, see first Dictionary. Crest,
Fanshaw, three out of an earl's coronet or, a moor's head from
[Ireland,] or, a chev. betw.
fleurs-de-lis sa. Crest, a greyhound, sejant, the shoulders ppr.

gu. Farley, [Cambridgeshire, Worcestershire, and

Fanshaw. To the first of the name in the first Herefordshire,] per pale, sa. and or. [Borne
Dictionary add [Confirmed to John Fanshawe, by Samuel Farley, Felloiv of King's College,
of Fanshaw-Gate, in the county of Derby, by Cambridge, oh. 1G51.]
Robert Cook, Clarenceux, 13iA January, 4 Farley. Arms, see first of the name in the first

Eliz.] Dictionary. Crest, an antelope's head, erased,

Fanshaw, [Jenkins and Parslows, Essex.] The pierced through the neck by a short spear ppr.
same. Farlington, gu. three pales vair ; a chief or.
Fanshawe, sa. a chev. betw. three fleurs-de-lis Farlow. Crest, a dragon's head ducally gorged
or. Crest, out of a ducal coronet az. a wivern and chained.
sa. Farmer, [London, Northampton, Salop, and
Fantelroy, [Cornwall.] Arms, see first Dic- Worcestershire.] Arms, see first Dictionary,
Crest, the head of a halbert, issuing tenth of the name.
from the wreath ppr. Farmer, ar. a chev. sa. betw. three Roman lamps
Fantetory, [Dorsetshire.] The same Arms as burning [Borne by Richard Farmer,
Fellow of Emmanuel College,
Fantetory, of Wiltshire, in the first Dictionary. Cambridge,
Faquier, ar. a fesse, betw. three mullets, az. 1773.]
Crest, a hand, issuant, pruning a vine, ppr. Farmer, [Oxon,] ar. a fesse sa. betw. three lions'
Fairbancke, or Fairbank, [London,] sa. a heads, erased, gu.
leopard's head, ar. on a chief .. .. , three tre- Farmer, [Sir Edward, of Cannons, Essex,] sa.
foils, slipped, vert. Crest, out of a ducal coro- a chev. betw. three lamps ar. flaming ppr.
net a demi eagle, displayed, or. Farmer, [Scotland. Crest, a cross, flory, fitchee,
Farbridge, [Ireland,] or; in chief two fleurs- betw. two wings, each charged with a crescent.
de-lis gu. and in base a martlet sa. Crest, a Farmer, ertn. two chev. gu.
parrot gu. Farmer, [Clairvil, Sussex.] Arms, see first Dic-
Far by, [Paul's Cray, Kent.] Arms, see first tionary, third of the name.
Dictionary. Crest, a cinquefoil or. Farmer, ar. on a saltier sa. betw. four lions' heads,
Fardell, [Lincolnshire and Middle Temple, erased, gu. a martlet or, betw. as many bezants ;
London,] on a bend erm. betw. a unicorn's
ar. on a chief of the third, an anchor az. betw. two
head, erased, in chief, and a lion, rampant, pellets.
erminois, in base ; an open book ppr. betw. Farmer, ar. on a saltier az. betw. four lions'

two roses gu. Crest, the same as Fardell, of heads, erased, gu. a martlet or, betw. four
Boston. See the Appendix to the first Dic- bezants on a chief, per pale, or and az.

an anchor, gold, betw. two pallets counter-

Farecourt, or Farcourt, sa. a cross, flory, changed.
ar. within a bordure or. Farmer. To the sixth of the name in the first
Fareway, [Devonshire,] sa. a chev. or, betw. Dictionary add Crest, a cock's head, couped,
three escallops ar. gu. holding in the beak a branch vert.
Farewell, sa. a chev. betw. three escallops Farmer, Bart. [Mount Pleasant, Sussex.] The
ar. same Arms as the third of the name in the first
Farey, gyronny of twelve ar. and az. Crest, a Dictionary. Crest, a leopard, passant, guar-
plough ppr. dant, ppr.
Fargon, ar. three bends, dancettee, gu. Farmer, vaire or and sa. [Borne by William
Farhel, or Farrell, [Berkshire,] erm. three Farmer, of Fulbourne, Cambridgeshire, ob.

bends az. May, 1712.]

Farmer, [Chancery Lane, Middlesex, 1604.] rampant, gu. in chief three fir-trees, eradicated,

The same Arms and Crest as Farmer, of Lei- vert; on a canton ar. a flag az. charged with a
cestershire, in the first Dictionary. saltier of the fourth. Crest, a demi lion, ram-
Farmingham, or Framlingham, [Suffolk.] pant, gu. Supporters, the dexter a highlander
Arms, see first Dictionary. Crest, a sea-lion, in full costume, holding in the exterior hand the

rampant, az. standard of Scotland on the sinister, a moun-


Farmour, ar. on a fesse

betw. three lions'
sa. tain-cat sa.
heads, erased, gu. as many anchors or. Crest, Farquharson, [Haughton, Scotland;] quarterly;
a cock's head, erased, gu. combed and wattled first and fourth, or, a lion,
rampant, gu. armed
or, holding in the beak a branch of flowers ar. and langued az.; second, az. a bezant betw.
leaved vert. three garbs or; third, a fir-tree growing out of
Farnaby, Bart. [Wickham Court, Kent, 21st a mount vert. Crest, the rising sun out of
July, 1726,] quarterly; first and fourth, az. on clouds ppr.
a chev. or, betw. three storks ar. as many roses Farquharson, [Inveroy, Scotland,] quarterly; first
gu. barbed vert, for Farnaby; second and third, and fourth, or, a lion, rampant, gu.; second
ar. three bars, gemelles, gu. on a bend or, a and third, az. three bears' heads, couped, ar.
lion, passant, of the second, for Lloyd. Crest, muzzled gu. within a bordure, wavy, of the se-
a stork ar. cond, all within a bordure gu. charged in chief
Farnaby. To the second of the name of Kent, with a lion, passant, gardant, ar. imperially
in the first Dictionary, add Crest, a stork with crowned or. Crest, the sun rising out of clouds
wings, expanded, ar. tail and pinions of the ppr.
wings sa. legged gu. holding in the beak a snake Farquharson, or, a lion, rampant, and a chief gu.
vert. Crest, a portcullis gu.
Farnam, or Farnham, [Sir Robert,] quarterly, Farr. Crest, a maunch gu. hanging on the point
ar. and az. four crescents counterchanged. of a sword, in pale.
Farne, ar. a lion, passant, sa. betw. three fleurs- FARR ALL, [Balle Vaughan, Ireland.] Arms, see
de-lis gu. firstDictionary. Crest, out of a ducal coronet
Farnefold, or Farnfould, [Steining, Sus- or, a dexter baud, apaumee, gu.
sex, temp. Hen. VII.] The same as in the Farrand, [Mitcham, Surrey, ]ar.; on a chief gu.
Dictionary. two crosses, patonce, vair.
Farnehill, bendy of six erm. and az. Farrand, erm. acaduceus .. .. on a chief az. a

Farnelax, erm. a fesse gu. garb or, betw. two crosses, moline, ar. Crest,
Farnell, or, on a bend gu. three annulets of before a garb a peacock
the field, within a bordure of the second. Farrar, or Farrer, [Gidding, Huntingdon-
Farnell. Crest, a hawk with wings expanded and shire, 1745,] or, on a bend, cottised, sa. three
inverted, ducally gorged and belled ppr. horse-shoes of the field. [Borne by John Far-
Farnother, [London,] gu. on a chev. az. three rar, Proctor and Fellow of Clere Hall, obiit
ducks, in base a shackle-bolt ar. within a bor- 173. . .]

dure, engr. or, pellettee. Farrar, [Hull, Yorkshire,] ar. on a bend, engr.
Farquhar, Gray, [Gilminscroft, Scotland,] sa. horse-shoes of the
three field. Crest, a
quarterly; first and fourth, ar. a lion, rampant, horse-shoe sa. betw. two wings ar.
sa. armed or, betw. three sinister hands, coup- Farrar, or, on a bend, engr. sa. three horse-shoes
ed, gu. ;
second and third, gu. a liou, rampant, ar. [Borne by Robert Farrer or Ferrer, Bishop
ar. ;
in chief, two annulets or, within a bordure of St. David's, ob. 1555.]
of the second. Crest, a sinister hand, apau- Farre, gu. a saltier or, cottised ar. betw. four
mee, gu. fleurs-de-lis of the last.

Farquhar, [Gillmyrs-Croft, Scotland, and Berners Farrel, or Farrell, [Ireland,] per pale ar.
Street, London.] Arms, see first Dictionary, and sa. ; on a canton gu. a harp or. Crest, a
first of the name. Crest, a dexter hand, couped, bear transfixed with a spear, head in bend sinis-

paleways, gu. ter.

Farquhar, [Inverness, formerly of Inverary, Scot- Farrell, [Merrion Square North, Dublin,] vert,
land,] ar. a lion, rampant, sa. armed or, langued a liou, rampant, or. Crest, a dexter hand,
gu. betw. two sinister hands, couped
and apaumee, gu.
apaumee, in chief, of the last, and a crescent, in Farrell, [Ireland,] per pale or and sa. on a canton
base, az. Crest, a lion, rampant. az. a harp of the first. Crest, a hunting spear ar.
Farquharson, [Finzean, Scotland,] or, a lion, Farrell, or Farill, [Warwick,] sa. three pales or.
Farren, [France and Ireland,] gu. a saltier or. FaSTALF, quarterly; or and sa. on a bend gu.
Farrer, or Ferrer, [London,] or, on a bend, three cross crosslets of the first.
cottised, sa. three horse-slioes of the field. Fastolf, quarterly; or and sa. on a bend of
Crest, a dexter arm, embowed, in mail, ar. hold- the last three mullets of the first.
ing- in the hand ppr. a broken sword of the first, Fastolf, quarterly; or and az. on a bend sa. three
hilt and pomel or. escallops ar.
Farrer, [Maiusforth and Bradbury, Durham,] ar. Fathe, or Faith, ar. a saltier, engr. sa. pierced
three horse-shoes sa. erm.
Farrer, [Inner Temple, London,] ar. on a bend Fatherly, gu. a fesse, indented, betw. two
az. three horse-shoes of the field. pelicans' heads and necks, erased, or.
Farringdon, vert, three unicorns, courant, in Fathier, barry of six sa. and ar; in chief, three
pale, ar. bezants. Crest, an angel, with the dexter hand
Farringdon, gu. three cinquefoils ar. upon the breast, the other pointing to heaven.
Farrington, [Bart. Blackheath, Kent, 3d Oct. Fattor, [Higham, Norfolk,] sa. two swans, in
1818,] erm. on achev. gu. betw. three leopards' pale, ar. betw. as many flaunches or.
faces as many bombs or, fired ppr. Crest, a Fauconberg, or, a lion, rampant, az.
dragon, wings elevated, tail nowed, vert, be- Fauconberge, ar. two bars, fusilly, sa.
zantee, gorged with a mural crown ar. and chain Fauconbridge, or Fawconbridge. Arms,
reflexed over the back or, charged on the body see first Dictionary, first of the name. Crest,
with two galtraps, fesseways, of the last. out of a ducal coronet or, a plume of three
Farrington, or Farington, [London,] gu. three ostrich-feathers, banded ppr.
cinquefoils ar. Crest, a wivern vert. Fauconbridge, ar. a lion, rampant, az. depressed
Farrow, ar. on a bend sa. three horse-shoes of by a bend or.
the first. Crest, a lion's paw holding a thistle Fauconer, az. three falcons, close, or.

ppr. Faucourt, or Farecourt, sa. across, patonce,

Farway, [Devonshire,] sa. a chev. betw. three ar. within a bordure or.
escallops ar. Fauell, [Cornwall,] gu. on a bend, wavy, ar.
Farwell. Arms, see the first Dictionary, first three water-bougets sa.
of the name. Crest, two oak-branches, orle- Faugam, ar. three bends, compony, of the first
ways, vert, acorned or. and gu.
Faryle, [Scotland,] .... the holy lamb, regar- Faukeham, ar. a fesse betw. three annulets gu.
dant, surmounting the banner, in pale, Faukenner, [Surrey,] paly of eight ar. and sa.
Faryndon, or, on a fesse gu. betw. three cross all on a bend of the last three cinquefoils
crosslets, fitchee, sa. three lions' heads, erased, or.Crest, a falcon ppr. belled or.
ar. Faulcaly, or, across, engr. gu. a chief ar.
Fasaker, erm. two bars, nebulee, vert. Faulcon, ar. three falcons gu. within a bordure,
Fasakyr, barry, nebulee, of six erm. and vert. engr. sa.
Fasant. Arms, see first Dictionary. Crest, a Faulder, ar. three chaplets vert, roses gu.
Cornish chough with wings expanded ppr. Crest, on a mountain a beacon, enflamed, all
Fasburn, [Suffolk,] gu. four bars and a canton ppr.
ar. Faulkner, or, two bars gu. surmounted by a
Fashin, [Southampton,] or, fretty az. over all a bend sa. a bordure az. Crest, a cross, moline,
bull's head, erased, ar. round the neck a wreath, pierced gu.
twisted, or and gu. betw. four leopards' faces Faulknor, [Sir John, temp. Richard I.] ar.
ar. each upon a crossing of the fret, on every three falcons gu. armed or ; in chief as many
other a bezant. Crest, a cubit arm, erect, vested pellets.
az. guttee ar. cuff of the last, holding in the Faulks. Crest, a boar's head, couped, ppr.
hand ppr. a maize or whirlpool or and az. Faunce, [Rochester, Kent.] As in the first
Faslane, .... a fesse, chequy, .... and Dictionary.
Faslike, ar.a chev. betw. three Catharine wheels Faun ell, ar. a bend gu. within a bordure sa.

sa. platee.
Fassant, gu. on a fesse betw. two chev. all engr. Fauner, erm. two chev. gu.
ar. three roses of the field. Fauze. Crest, a tower ppr.
Fassett, or, a bend betw. two lions' heads, Favagourt, az. fourteen billets or, four, four,
erased, sa. Crest, a dolphin's head, regardant, three, two, and one, a canton erm.
issuing from the wreath, swallowing a negro ppr. Favell, sa. a chev. or, betw. three escallops ar.
Crest, a sword, in pale, supporting a maunch shire,] sa. three falcons ar. beaked and legged
or. Crest, a garb or, banded.
Favell, [Northumberland,] ar. (another or,) a Fawler, [Salop,] az. on a bend, engr. ar. betw.
bend and bordure gu. bezantee. three lions, passant, gardant, or, as many crosses,
Favell, [Stamford and Yorkshire,] sa a chev. pattee, sa.
betw. three escallops ar. Fawnes, [Lemington,] ar. a bugle horn betw.
Favell, [Yorkshire,] sa. a chev. betw. three escal- three crescents sa.
(another ar.) Faivnes. Arms, see first of the name in the first
lops or,
Fay ill, [Fazely Hall, Yorkshire,] sa. a chev. Dictionary. Crest, an apres ar.
betw. three eagles ar. Crest, an esquire's hel- Fawset, [Bellingsby, Lincolnshire.] Arms, see
met ppr.
Dictionary. Crest, a stag's head, erased, ppr.
Favrncourt, sa. a cross, flory, ar. Faux, [Farnley, Yorkshire,] erm. a mascle sa.
Faver, ar. three moors' heads, erased at the neck, Fay, [Ireland,] ar. six roses gu. Crest, a dexter
sa. over all a bendlet gu. arm holding in the gauntlet a dagger, all ppr.
Favesend, [Cheshire,] gu. a chief or. Fayer, [Alderman of London,] per pale or and
Favyle, per fesse erm. and or, over all a cross, az. a chev. betw. three eagles, displayed, coun-
raoline, gu. terchanged on a chief gu. as many lozenges erm.

Fawcett, [Ireland,] ar. on a bend az. three Fayerford, [Suffolk,] barry, nebulee, of six
bucks' heads, cabossed, of the field. Crest, a or and az.
mitre. Fayerley, or Fareley, or, a lion, rampant,
Fawcett, ar. a lion, rampant, sa. over all a bend, gu. debruised by a bend, sinister, sa.
gobonated, ar. and gu. Fayewaye, gu. six billets or, three, two, and
Faivcett, [Craven, Yorkshire,] ar. on a bend az. one ; on a chief vert, a lion, passant, or, armed
three dolphins or. and langued gu. \_M. I. in Preston Church,
Fawcett, [Lambton and Boldon, Durham,] or, a Suffolk.]
lion, rampant, sa. debruised by a bend, gobony, Fayle. Crest, on a chapeau a cock crowing.
gu. and ar. Fayre, [Essex,] gu. a saltier or, cottised ar.
Fawcon, or Falcon, ar. three falcons gu. betw. four fleurs-de-lis of the second.
Crest, four arrows, points downwards, and bow Fayrford, ar. guttee-de-sang, three lions, pas-
in saltier. sant, coward gu. crowned or.
Fawconberge, on a fesse az. a mitre ppr.;
or, Fayrford, ar. guttee de sang, three lions, ram-
a chief paly of six or and gu. [Borne by Eus- pant, (another, passant, in pale,) gu. bezantee,
tace de Fauconberg, Bishop of London and crowned or.
Lord High Treasurer, ob. 1228.] Fayrley, per pale or and sa.
Fawconbridge, or Faconbridge, az. a Fazakerley, [Lancashire,] gu. three men's
cinquefoil, pierced, betw. eight martlets,
in orle, or. heads, couped at the neck, ppr. on each a cap
Fawconbridge, sa. a cinquefoil, pierced, betw. ar. Crest, on a mount vert a swan, close, ar.
eight escallops, in orle, or. Fea. Crest, a man delving with a spade ppr.
Fatvconer, or Fawkoner, paly of six ar. and Fead. Crest, the sun surmounted by a unicorn
az. on a bend gu. three trefoils, slipped, or. rampant.
Crest, a tower sa. masoned or. Feake, [Norwich,] az. in fesse three fleurs-de-lis

Fawell, moline, gu. ; a chief ar.

or, a cross, betw. four mullets ar. three in chief and one in
Fawell, ar. a fesse gu. betw three mullets sa. base.
Fawgcan, or, three bendlets, gobonated, gu. Feake. See the first Dictionary : add Granted
and ar. 1592.
Fawkenner, paly of eight az. and ar. on a bend [Ireland,] or, a lion, rampant,
Fearguson, sa. ;

gu. three trefoils or. in chief a crosslet betw. a mullet of six points
Fawkenor, ar. three falcons gu.; in chief as on the dexter, and a rose on the sinister.
many pellets. Crest, an arm in armour embowed, holding a
Fawkes, erm. three mascles sa. dagger.
Fawknoe, [Herts,] sa. three falcons, close, ar. Fearnland, gu. semee of cross crosslets, a plain

beaked, legged, and belled, or. Crest, a garb cross or.

or, banded gu. Fearne, [Cooke- Marsh and Temple-Belwood,
Fawlconer, [Derby,] ar. three martlets gu. and Lincolnshire.] See Feme in the first Dic-
in chief as many ogresses. tionary.
Fawlconer, [Hants and Cogenhoe, Northampton- Fearon, [Sussex,] gu. a chev. betw. three horse-
shoes or. Crest, in a ducal coronet a falcon's pant, gu. charged on the shoulder with a mullet
head ppr. ar.
Fearon. Crest, within an annulet or, an escut- Felbrige, or, a lion, salient, gu. Crest, a tower,
cheon gu. embattled, thereon a bird rising.
Feasant, az. three pheasants or. Felbryge, or Felbrigg, [Hants and Norfolk,]
Feast, [Edmonton, Middlesex.] Arms, see the or, a lion, rampant, gu. ( Another, salient.)
Dictionary. Crest, a pheon gu. point up- Feld, Fell, or M'Fell, [Scotland,] or, a fesse
wards. sa. betw. an eagle,
displayed, in chief, and a
Featherstanton, sa. a chev. betw. three deer's head, cabossed, in base, gu. Crest, an
ostrich-feathers ar. eagle's head, erased, ppr.
Featherston, [Ireland,] gu. a chev. betw. Felde, az. a fesse or, betw. three eagles, dis-
three ostrich-feathers ar. Crest, a cross crosslet. played, ar. guttee, gu.
Featherston ha ugh, [Stanhope, Durham,] gu. Felde, sa. a chev. betw. three garbs ar.
a chev. betw. three ostrich-feathers ar. Crest, Felde, ar. a chev. vert betw. three pomies.
a falcon ppr. [Visitation, 1615.] Felding, [London,] ar. on a bend az. three
Feat ley, ar. a lion, rampant, betw. three fleurs- lozenges or.
de-lis, az.
Felding, ar. on a fesse az. three lozenges or.
Fecher. Arms, see the first of the name in the Crest, on a branch vert, fructed or, a wood-
Dictionary. Crest, a spur-rowel betw. two pecker ppr.
wings ppr. Feldon, or Felding, [Leicestershire,] ar. on
Fecher, ar. on a fesse betw. six cross crosslets sa. a fesse az. three lozenges or. Crest, a wild
three plates. man.
Fecher, ar. on a fesse betw. six cross crosslets sa. Felgate, [Suffolk,] az. two bars ar. betw. six
three roses or. mullets in pile, three, two, and one, or. Crest,
Fedelow. Arms see the first Dictionary. a griffin, sejant, ar. pierced in the chest by an
Crest, an ermine, statant, ppr. collared and lined arrow or.
first and fourth,
sa. Felix, quarterly ;
gu. a cross or;
Fegay, ar. on a bend betw. six mullets gu. a second and third J az. a mill-rind of the second.
cross, pattee, of the field. Crest, a cev^red cup gu.
Feild, [Provost of King's College, Cambridge,] Fell, [Newcastle.] Arms the same as Fell, of
sa. achev. betw. three garbs ar. London, in the first
Dictionary. Crest, a cathe-
Feild, sa. a chev. betw. three garbs or. [Borne rine-wheel, ensigned on the top with a cross,
by Theophilus Feild, Bishop of Landaff till pattee, fitchee, or.
1627, Bishop of St. David's till 1635, obiit Fell, [Scotland.] The same Arras and
Bishop of Hereford, 1636.] Fellow, [Ireland.] Arms, see the first of the
Feild, [Marden and Stansted Bury, Herts, and name in the first Dictionary. Crest, a lion,
Northeringheld, Derbyshire,] sa. a chev. engr. sejant, gardant, per fesse, gu.
and or, resting the
betw. three garbs or. Crest, a dexter arm dexter paw on an escocheon, per pale, of the
issuing out of clouds, fesseways, ppr. habited first and second.
gu. holding in the hand a sphere or. Fellowes, az. a fesse, nebulee, erm. betw.
Feilde. See Field. three lions' heads, erased, or. Crest, out of a
Fekell, ar. a fesse, dancettee, betw. three mul- cloud a dexter hand holding a club, all ppr.
letsgu. Fellowes, [Lynn, Norfolk,] ar. a pheon az. betw.
Fekell, or Fockell, ar. a fesse betw. three mullets three roses ppr.
gu. Fellowes, [Carshalton, Surrey.] The same Arms
Fekell, [London,] sa. a fesse, indented, betw. as the first of the name in the first
three mullets or. the fesse indented.
Fekell, [London,] ar. a fesse, indented, betw. Fellows, [Devonshire,] az. a fesse, dancettee,
three mullets sa. erm. betw. three lions' heads, erased, or, murally
Felbich, gu. a bend ar. cottised or. crowned ar. Crest, a scaling ladder ppr. hooked
Felbridge, or, a lion, salient, gu. Crest, a at the top.
man s heart, imperially crowned, betw. two Felmingham, [Norfolk,] sa. a chev. erm. betw.
wings, three cups, covered, or.
Felbridge, or, (another, ar.) a lion, salient, sa. Felstead, [Great Yarmouth,] .... two chev.
Felbridge, [Sir Roger,] or, a lion, salient, gu. betw. as many roses and a crescent ....
Felbridge, [Playford, Suffolk,] or, a lion, ram- Felsted, [Cambridgeshire, temp. Edward III.]
.... a cross, on the dexter side a flag, and on the Fenis, az. three lions, rampant, or. Crest, a
sinister two mullets .... bridge of three arches ppr.
Felt, gu. a hack's head, couped at the neck, ar. Fenk ell. To the second of the name in the first
attired or. Crest, on a mural coronet or, a stag, Dictionary add Crest, a mullet sa.
passant, ppr. Fenkell, [Sir John, Alderman of London,] ar. a
FELTER, az. three bendlets within a bordure ar. fesse, indented, betw. three mullets sa. Crest,
charged with eight fleurs-de-lis of the first. a mullet sa.
Crest, a dexter hand ppr. holding up a cup or. Fen ley, ar. six chev. three sa. and three gules.
Feltham, [London.] Arms see the first Dic- FenNE, gu. a cross moline, pierced or.
tionary. Crest, an arm in armour, holding in Fenner, erm. two chev. sa.
the gauntlet a broken spear, the pieces in saltier, Fenner, [Sussex,] vert, on a cross betw. four
ppr. eagles, displayed, ar. a cross, humettee, gu.
Feltham, [Suffolk.] The same as in the first Dic- Crest, an eagle, displayed, ar. beaked and
tionary. membered or.

Felton, gu. two lions, passant, within a double Fenner, [Sir John, 1627,] sa. a lion, rampant, or,
tressure flory, counterflory, ar. a canton of the last.
Felton, [Gloucester,] gu. two lions, passant, in Fenney, gu. a cross, moliue, ar.

pale, ar. Fenning. Crest, a lion,

passant, regardant,
Felton, [Gloucester,] gu. two lions, passant, in ducally gorged and lined.
pale, ar. within a bordure flory, counterflory, of Fen nor, ar. a chev. engr. gu. betw. three marine
the last. wolves sa. Crest, a mermaid, holding in her
Fulton, gu. three lions, rampant, ar. dexter hand a dagger, all ppr.
Felton. Arms, see the third of the name in the Fenroder, gu. on a chev. or, betw. three heads
first Dictionary. Two Crests first, in a ducal
in profile, couped ar. as many crosses, pattee,
coronet, a pair of wings or and ar. second, a
; fitchee, of the first ;
on a chief of the third, three
stag, lodged, gu. ducally gorged and tiued or, eagles' legs, erased at the thigh, sa.
attired vert, at the top of each branch a bezant. Fen roth er, [Alderman of London,] gu. on a
Felton, or, on a bend az. cottised gu. three plates. chev. betw. three tiretts or, as many cranes ppr.
Felton, De, gu. two lions, passant, gardant, ar. Fenrolher, gu. on a chev. ar. three cranes az.
within a double tressure, counterflory, of the Fenrolher, [London ] Arms, see the first Dic-
second. tionary. Crest, a boar's head, couped, betw.
Felton, [Playford, Suffolk.] Arms, see the first two branches, orleways, ppr.
Dictionary. Crest, out of a ducal coronet or, Fenrutter, [Kent and Surrey,] gu. on a chev.
two wind's expanded gu. az. three ducks, in base a shackle-bolt ar. within
Felton, [Suffolk,] gu. two lions, passant, erm. a bordure, engr. or, pellettee.
Fulton, [Cambridgeshire.] The same Arms as Fenti.man, gu. three mascles or. Crest, a
the first of the name in the first Dictionary. Cornish chough rising, ducally gorged, ppr.
[Borne by Nicholas Felton, Prebendary of St. Fenton, [Nottingham and York,] ar. a cross
Paurs, elected Bishop of Bristol, 1617, obiit betw. four fleurs-de-lis sa. Crest, a fleur-de-lis
sa. enfiled with a ducal coronet or.
BishojiofEly, 16-26.]
Feltwell, ar. two lions, passant, sa. Fenton, [Millearn,] gu. a bend engr. betw. two
Fencall, or, a cross, sarcelly, gu.; on a chief crescents ar. Crest, a palm-tree, growing out
ar.three mascles of the second. of a rock, ppr.
Fencourt. Arms, see the first Dictionary. Fenton, [Kelly, Carden, and Ogile, Scotland,]
Crest, a portcullis sa. chains az. ar.three crescents gu.
Fendring, [Norfolk,] az. two chev. and a fesse Fenton, vert, a cross betw. four fleurs-de-lis sa.
ar. Fenton, [Elgin.] Crest, on a ducal coronet a
Feney, or Feny. Arms, seethe first Dictionary. fleur-de-lis.

Crest, out of a heart a dexter hand holding a Fenton, [Ireland,] sa. a cross engr. betw. four
in pale, ppr. fleurs-de-lis ar.
Fenfeld, Hampshire,] sa. a chev.
[Sir Ralph, of Fenton, [Scotland,] gu. a bend engr. betw. two
betw. three garbs banded gu.
ar. spur-rowels ....
Fenglas, [Ireland,] per pale ar. and sa. a fleur- Fenvother, gu. on a chev. betw. three pair of
de-lis counterchanged. shackles or, as many moor-cocks sa. all within a
Feningley, ar. a fesse betw. six aspen-leaves bordure engr. of the second, pellettee.
vert. Fenwick, [Addison, Esq. Bishop-Wearmoutb,
Durham,] per fesse gu. and ar. six martlets Fergant, erm. Crest, a cross crosslet, quar-
counterchanged. Crest, a phoenix in flames or and gu.
ppr. gorged with a mural crown. Fergie, sa. a chev. betw. three trefoils, slipped,
Fenwick, [Robert, Esq. Palleen, near Sunderland, ar.

Durham.] The same Arms, impaling vert, on Fergus, ar. a lion, rampant, gu. Crest, a
a chev. betw. three bucks, tripping, or, as many demi lion ppr. crowned with a mural crown or.

cinquefoils gu. for Robinson. Crest, of the last. Fergushill, ar.an eagle with wings expanded gu.
Fenwick, [of that Ilk, Scotland,] gu. a phoenix ar. Fergson, [Bishop Wearmouth, Durham,] az.
in flames ppr. an arming buckle ar. betw. three boars' heads
Fen wire, per fesse gu. and ar. three martlets or, langued gu. Crest, on a thistle, leaved and
counterchanged. flowered, ppr. a bee or.
Fenwyke, quarterly gu. and or within a bordure Ferguson, [England,] az. a chev. betw. three
counterchanged, over all a chev. vair. boars' heads, couped, or. Crest, on a cres-
Fenys, or Fynes, az. three lions, rampant, or. cent a cock ppr.
Crest, a falcon's head, in the mouth a gem- Ferguson, [London,] az. a buckle ar. betw. three
ring, all or. boars' heads, erased, or, within a bordure,
Fenys, on a bend az. three lions, rampant, or.
ar. charged with four cross crosslets, fitchee, gu.
Feobarne, barry of ten ar. and gu. a canton of Crest, an arm, in armour, grasping a broken
the first. spear, all
Ferarys, vaire or and gu. on a bordure az. eight Ferguson, az. a buckle betw. three boars' heads,
horse-shoes ar. couped, ar. within a bordure, embattled, of the
Ferby, [Paul's Cray, Kent.] Arms, see the second. Crest, a dexter hand issuing from a
first Dictionary. Crest, on a mural coronet or, cloud, grasping a broken spear, in bend, ppr.
a plate betw. two wings sa. Ferguson, [Pitfour, Scotland,] az. a buckle ar.
Ferby, gu. a bend gobouated ar. and az. on each betw. three boars' heads, couped, or, within a
of the last a leopard's face or, betw. two lions' bordure of the second. Crest, a crescent, en-
heads, erased, ar. all within a bordure, gobona- vironed with clouds, ppr.
ted, of the second and third. Feriman, [Worcester,] gu. three horses' heads,
Fercles, [Barton, Cambridgeshire, temp. Hen. couped, ar. bridled within a bordure, engrailed,
III.] .... an eagle, displayed, .... of the second.
Fere, [Staffordshire,] gu. a mill-ink, pierced, ar. Feringdon, gu. (another, az.) three cinquefoils
Fere, az. an anchor or. ar.

Fere, gu. a cross moline or. Feringham, az. a saltier, engr. ar.
Fere, gu. a cross moline ar. over all a bend az. Fer ington, paly of six gu. and vaire, a chief or.
Fere, quarterly gu. and or, four mullets within a Ferington, or, two bars gu. on a chief of the
bordure, all counterchanged. the first a lion, passant, gold.
Fereby, ar. a chev. eugr. betw. three lions' Fermeland, gu. a cross, betw. two cross cross-
heads, erased, sa. lets, or.

Fereby, [Norfolk,] gu. on a bend, gobonated, az. Fermer, gu. three bendlets or, a fesse erm.
and ar. three leopards' heads of the last, betw. Fermer, vert, on a cross betw.
two lions' heads, erased, of the same, within a four eagles, displayed, or, a cross, formee, gu.
bordure, gobonated, ar. and az. Fermer, [Basham, Norfolk,] ar. on a saltier sa.
Fereis, barry of ten or and gu. within a bor- betw. four lion's heads, erased, gu. armed az.
dure az. five bezants on a chief, .. .. , an anchor betw.
Ferell, ar. a leopard's head gu.jessaut-de-lis or. two pales or.

Ferers, gu. seven mascles, conjoined, or, three, Fermok. Arms, see first Dictionary. [C'on-
three, and one, within a bordure ar. firmed by Robert Cooke, Clarenceux, to Alex-
Ferers, az. a fesse ar. over all a bend gu. ander Fermor, of Welches, in Sussex, 10th
Ferers, vaire or, and gu. within a bordure az. November, 1575.]
charged with eight crescents of the first. Fermingham, [London,] gu. a fesse erm. betw.
Ferers, [Morcat,] gu. seven mascles or, a label ar. two weasels ar.
Ferewill, [Worcester,] ar. a cross, lozengy, Fermingham, [Warwickshire,] quarterly, ar. and
gu. and vair. az. four crescents or.
Ferford. Arms, see first Dictionary. Crest, Fermour, erm. a chev. betw. three cinque-
a stag's head, collared, or, in the mouth a foils sa. Crest, two oak-branches, in saltier,
cinquefoil az. stalked and leaved vert. vert.
Fernandez, gu. two battle-axes, endorsed, or, Ferrer, or, three bends sa.
in base a crescent of the last. Ferrers, [Lord, of Grobye.]
Crest, upon a Arms, see first
cloud a celestial sphere, ppr. Dictionary. Crest, a leopard, passant, gar-
Ferne, [Lincolnshire,] per bend, indented, or dant, ducally gorged, ppr.
and gu. (Another, gu. and or.) Ferrers, [Buers, Suffolk,] vaire, or and gu. a
Ferney, [Scotland,] ar. on a mount a stag, bordure az charged with eight horse-shoes ar.
lodged in a grove of trees, vert, in chief a cross nails sa.
crosslet betw. two mullets or. Crest, a cres- Ferrers, or Ferreis, Arms, see first
cent ar. Crest, two bees, volant, saltier-
Fernie, [Scotland,] or, on a mount a stag, wise, ppr.
lodged in a grove of trees ppr. on a chief gu. Ferrers, [Tamworth,] gu. seven mascles, con-
a cinquefoil between two mullets of the field. joined, three, three, and one, or, in chief a
Crest, a greyhound courant. label of three points az.
Fernly, or, on a bend sa. three bucks' heads, Ferrers. To the twenty-ninth of the name in the
cabossed, of the field. first
Dictionary add Crest, a unicorn, passant,
Ferns, [Ireland,] or, a lion, rampant, regar- erm.
dant, gu. Crest, out of a cup az. a nosegay Ferrers, gu. three mascles, conjoined, in fesse,
of roses ppr. or.
Feron, or Ferron, [Scotland,] az. a griffin, Ferrers, gu. six mascles or, a bend az.
rampant, or, a chief of the last. Crest, a Ferrers, lozengy or and az.
cross, pattee, erm. Ferrers, az. a fesse ar. and a bend gu.
Ferounces, gu. a chev. betw. three horse-shoes Ferrers, or, six lions, rampant, sa. two, two, and
ar. two.
Ferquhar, or Farquhar, [Scotland,] quar- Ferrers, vaire or and gu. a bend az.
terly; first, ar. a lion, rampant, az. ; second, Ferrers, [Erasmus, of Bourne, Cambridgeshire,]
az. a sinister hand, apaumee, ar. ; third or, a or, on a bend, cottised, sa. three horse-shoes
galley sa. flags gu. ; fourth, ar. a tree vert ; of the field ; in chief a label of three points.
over the quartering a crescent gu. Crest, a Ferrers, vaire or and gu. in the dexter corner
mullet, issuing from clouds, ppr. a lion, passant, gardant, of the last.
Ferraby, gu. a fesse betw. three goats' heads, Ferrers, ar. six horse-shoes az. Crest, a pheon az.
erased, or. Ferrers, [St. Alban's, Herts.] The same as Fer-
Ferrall, [Ireland,] ar. on a chev. az. three rers, Lord Grobye, in the first Dictionary.
annulets of the first, a chief of the second. Ferrers, [Sir Edward.] The same Arms as Fer-
Crest, a dagger and sword in saltier ppr. rers, Lord of Grobye. Crest, a unicorn, sta-
Ferrant, ar. three escutcheons
gu. on each six tant, erm. armed, maned. and hoofed, or.
bezants. Crest, a demi lion or, seniee of Ferres, az. an inescutcheon, vaire, ar. and gu.
roundles az. Ferrie, [Glasgow,] az. an anchor ar. in chief
Ferrar, [London,] sa. a chev. ar. a canton erm. a mullet of six points, betw. two crescents, or.
Ferrari ls, I)e, gu. seven mascles, conjoined, Crest, an anchor and cable.
or, three, three, and one. a leopard,
Crest, Ferrier, [Charles, Esq. Edinburgh,] or, three
passant, gardant, ducally gorged, ppr. horse-shoes az. within a bordure gu. charged
Ferrars, ar. six horse-shoes sa. Crest, on a with two crescents in chief, and a mullet in
chapeau an eagle preying on a child swaddled, base, ar. Crest, a wheat-sheaf or.
all ppr. Ferrier, [Belleside,] or, on a bend az. three
Ferrars, ar. a fesse gu. in chief three tor- horse-shoes ar. Crest, a horse-shoe, winged,
teauxes. ppr.
Ferrays, three bars, nebulee, gu. within
or, Ferrier, [Kentrackat,] or, three horse-shoes az.
a bordure az. charged with eight horse-shoes ar. within a bordure gu. Crest, a sheaf of wheat
Ferre, gu. across moline ar. over all a bendletaz. or, bound gu.
Ferreby, [Yorkshire.] The same as Fereby, of Ferrier, [Scotland,] or, three horse-shoes sa.
Kent, in the first Dictionary. Crest, a plumb-rule or.
Ferreis, [Derbyshire,] vaire, gu. and or. Ferrier, [Scotland,] or, three horse-shoes sa.
Ferreis, vaire, or and gu. within a bordure az. within a bordure, engr. az.
charged with eight horse-shoes ar. Ferrington, ar. a chev. gu. betw. three leo-
Ferreman, [London,] barry, nebulee, of ten, pards sa. Crest, a tiger, passant, vert, the tail
ar. and az. on a chev. sa. three martlets or. uowed, ducallv gorged or.
2g 2
Ferris, paly of three ar. and az. in chief as Fetherston, or Fetherstone, [Ireland,] gu. a chev-
many piles issuing from the top of the es- or, betw. three ostrich feathers ar. Crest, a
cutcheon, and in base three cinquefoils, all cross crosslet, fitchee, ar. and a sword, in saltier,
counterchanged. Crest, out of a ducal coronet az.
a sinister hand betw. two wings ppr. Fetiplace, ar. two chev.
Ferris, erm. on a bend, cottised, gu. betw. two Fetiplace, ar. five escutcheons az. two, one, and
crosses, moline, az. in chief, and an anchor two, each charged with as many billets, in saltier,
erect, in base, sa. three horse shoes or. Crest, of the field.
on a mount vert, an ostrich ar. charged with a Feton, ar. on a bend az. three garbs or. Crest,
horse-shoe holding in the beak a cross cross-
sa. a chevalier in full armour, wielding a cimeter,
let, fitchee, ar. [Borne by the Rev. Thomas ppr.
Ferris, A. M. of Hawkhurst, Kent, of Thack- Fettiplace, [Swyncombe, Oxfordshire.] The
ham, and of Clothall's, Grinstead, Sussex, same as Fettiplace, of Berks, in the first
1830.] Dictionary.
Fkrrour, [Alderman, of Norwich,] ar. a chev. Fetton, az. a cinquefoil ar.
betw. three bucks, trippant, sa. Fetty, or Fety, [Cheshire, and Norwich, and
Ferrour, [Wisbicb, in the Isle of Ely, Cambridge- King's Lynn, Norfolk,] ar. on a fesse gu. betw.
shire,] ar. a mascle betw. four horse shoes sa. six cross crosslets sa. three escallops or.
[M. I. in Wisbich Church.} Fettyplace, gu. a chev. ar. Crest, a griffin's
Ferrour, [Henry, Recorder of Lynn, ob. 1686.] head, erased, vert, beaked and eared gu.
The same, with a lozenge in place of the mascle. Feyce, barry of eight ar. and az.
Ferry, ar. two lions, rampant, in pale, gu. Feyrey. Crest, a cross crosslet, fitchee, sa.
Crest, a plough ppr. Feyry, [Bedfordshire.] Arms, see first Dic-
Ferscher, [Scotland,] ar. on a fesse az. betw. tionary. Add Crest, a griffin, rampant, wield-
three mullets in chief, and a swan, passant, in ing a sword in his dexter claw.
base, gu. a boar's head, erased, of the first. Ffursdon, [Ffursdon, Devonshire,] ar. a chev.
Fersux, purp. a chev. betw. three garbs ar. az. betw. three fire-balls sa.
flaming at the top
Fert, ar. abend, indented, betw. four mascles gu. ppr.
Ferwley, [Lancashire,] or, on a bend vert, Fiberd, vert, three birds ar. two and one.
three bucks' heads ar. Fichcocke, gu. a chev. erm. betw. three port-
Feryman, or Ferman, [London,] paly, wavy cullises or.
of six, ar. and az. on a chief sa. three martlets Ficher, ar. a fesse gu. a bend sa.
or. Fickling, az. on a saltier ar. five bezants.
Fesant, gu. on a fesse betw. two chev. or, three Fiddes, or Fittes, or, a chev. betw. two
roses of the field. Crest, a demi antelope ppr. mullets and a stag's head, erased, ar. Crest,
collared gu. two hands, issuing from clouds in fesse, grasping
Fesant, per fesse or and az. on a fesse of the first a^cornucopia ppr.
three piles throughout of the second. Crest, a Fiddes. Crest, a cinquefoil erm.
pheasant or. Fiddes, or, a chev. gu. betw. two mullets in chief,
Fesard, or, on a bend sa. three bears' heads ar. and a cross crosslet, fitchee, in base, az.
muzzled or. Fiddes, ar. a chev. gu. betw. three cross crosslets
Fesiant, az. three pheasants or, membered and az.
beaked gu. Fidelike, ar. two wolves' heads, erased, in
Fessys, or Fressis, sa. a fesse betw. three fesse sa.
roses ar. Fide low. Arms, see first Dictionary. Add
Festing, sa. three horned owls ar. Crest, a fire Crest, a dexter hand fesseways, couped, reach-
beacon, enflamed, ppr. ing towards a garland of olive.
Fetherston, or Featherston, [Stanhope, Fidelow, three roses gu. seeded or.

Durham, and Loudon. Created a Bart. 1660.] Fidler. Crest, a dexter hand, holding a palm-
The same Arms as the first of the name in the branch, ppr.
firstDictionary, the chev. charged with a pellet. Field, [Oxon,] sa. a chev. betw. three garbs
Crest, the same. ar. Crest, a dexter arm, issuing from clouds,
Fetherston, or Fetherstonhaugh [Hathery-Cleugh,, holding a javelin, all ppr. habited gu. cuffed az.
Stanhope, Durham, and Hassingbroke-Hall, Field, [Ireland,] sa. a chev. betw. three garbs
Essex.] The same as Fetherston, of Long ar. Crest, a lily and holly-branch in saltier
Wathby, Cumberland, in the first Dictionary. ppr.
Field, [Stroud, Gloucestershire,] or, a fcsse betsv. FiLKlN, [Cheshire,] ar. an orle betw. eight
an eagle, displayed, in chief, and a stag's head, billets sa.

cabossed, in base sa. Filhin, or Filkyn, ar. billettee, on a saltier sa.

Field, or Feilde, [Ardesloe, or Ardestow, York- five roundles erni. Crest, a pair of wings in
shire.] See first Dictionary. [The Arms con- leure ppr.
firmed and the Crest granted to John Feilde, Filkyn, or Fulkyn, ar. an orle sa. within nine
of the above place, by William Harvey, billetsof the last ; therein a crescent of the
Clarenceux, <iih September, 1558.] second.
Fielder, quarterly or and az. on the first and Filldinge, ar. on a fesse az. three lozenges
fourth a cinquefoil ppr. Crest, a lion, rampant, or.

holding- in the dexter paw a fleur-de-lis. Filley, [Devon,] gu. a fesse vair betw. six
Fielding, [Bristol, and of Gloucester,] ar. on crosses, formee, or, three, two, and one.
a (esse az. three lozenges or. Fillingham, [Fillingham, Norfolk.] Arms,
Fielding, [Warwick,] ar. on a fesse az. three see first
Dictionary. Crest, a dexter hand
lozenges or. Three Crests first, on the dexter,
; gauntleted, and holding a pheon, point upwards,
an eagle displayed, in the centre a palm-tree, all ppr.
and on the sinister a blackbird sitting upon an Fillingham, erm. a bend engr. az. Crest, three
oak-slip acorn, all ppr. brooms.
Fields, ar. three chev. sa. a chief gu. Crest, a Filliol, paly of six or and gu. a chief erm.
hand erect, issuing from clouds, grasping a club Fillioll, [Essex,] or, on a fesse betw. two
ppr. chev. gu. three trefoils, slipped, ar.
Fienes. Crest, a wolf sejant, collared and Filloll, or, three chev. gu. over all a fesse of
lined. the last, charged with as many griffins ar.
Fiennes, [Kent.] Arms, see first Dictionary. Fillpot, [Hampshire,] sa. a bend erm.
Crest, two hands conjoined, issuing from Fillpot, sa. a bend erm. in the sinister chief
clouds, supporting a flaming- heart ppr. point a lion, passant, or.
Fiennes, [Oxfordshire.] The same as Fiennes, of Filmer, [Otterden, Kent.] The same as
Kent, in the first Dictionary. Filmer, of East Sutton, in the first Dic-
Fiennes, [Wrentham, Suffolk,] per chev. or and tionary. \Granted to Robert Filmer, of East
vert, three eagles, displayed, ar. Sutton, by Robert Cooke, Clarenceux, \6th
Fife, [Scotland.] Crest, a demi lion, rampant, sa. December, 1570.]
Fiffe, or, a lion, rampant, gu. on a chief az. Filshed. Arms, see first
Dictionary, second
three mullets pierced of the field. of the name. Add Crest, a lion, rampant, re-
Fi fi eld, Lowe, [Camberwell, Surrey, and
alias gardant, winged ppr.
ar. on a bend az. three garbs or.
Deeping, Lincolnshire.] See first Dictionary. Filton,
Fig, ar. three chev. betw. as many pine-slips, Filtweke, or Fleetweek, ar. two lions, pas-
vert. sant, gardant, sa.
Figes, or Figges. Arms, see first Dictionary. FiNBARUN, or Finbarow, ar. on a fesse gu.
Crest, two anchors in saltier az. stocks gu. betw. three bears, passant, sa. muzzled or, as
Figgins, [Wiltshire,] ar. a tree, growing out of many plates, each charged with a mullet az.
a mount vert. Crest, a dexter arm holding a Finch, [Tenterden, Kent,] ar. on a chev. engr.
cross crosslet, fitchee, gu. betw. three griffins, passant, sa. a cinquefoil or.
Fikelton, gu. a chev. betw. three goats' heads, Crest, a griffin, passant, with wings endorsed,
erased, ar. sa. ducally gorged or.
Filbert, or FiLBURT. Arms, see first Dic- Finch, [Kempley, Gloucestershire,] ar. a chev.
tionary. Crest, an arm in armour, holding a betw. three griffins, segreaut, sa.
carved shield. Finch, [Cambridgeshire,] ar. a chev. engr. betw.

Filby, [Norfolk,] gu. an escocheon .... within three griffins, passant, sa.
an orle of martlets or. Finch, [Little Shelford, Cambridgeshire.] The
Filby, [Norfolk,] ar. an escocheon .... within same: the chev. plain.
an orle of martlets gu. Finch, [Petworth, Sussex, and Saldred, Kent.]
Fild, ar. a chev. betw. three roundles, vert. The same as Finch of Sandwich, in the first
Fildred, or, a
water-bouget az. Crest, across Dictionary.
betw. two palm-branches ppr.
crosslet, fitchee, Finch, [Netherfield and the Mole, Kent.] The
Filius, gu. a dragon's head, erased, ar. betw. same Finch of Eastwell, Kent.
eight cross crosslets, or. Fincham, bendy of six ar. and sa.
F 1 N F I S

Finchdon, az. a chev. ar. Finn. Crest, a unicorn, sejant, resting the dexter
paly of six ar. and az. on a chief or, a
Fin che, fore paw upona tree ppr.
lion, passant, gardant, sa. Finn, [Ireland,] ar. a chev. betw. three horned
Fincher, chequy az. and or, on a canton erm. owls sa.

a lion, rampant, gu. Finnan, sa. three mullets, pierced, or. Crest,
Finchingfield, az. abend ar. betw. six leo- a dove with wings expanded az. in the beak an
Crest, a dagger and sword in olive-branch vert.
pards' heads or.
saltier, ppr. Finnie, [Scotland,] quarterly; first and fourth,
Find erne, or Fin darn e,
[Cambridgeshire, gu. a crane without a head ar. ; second and third,
Derbyshire, Staffordshire,] ar. a chev. (another, gu. three skeens, fesseways, ar. hilted, on the
engr., betw. three crosses, formee, fitchee, sa. point of each a boar's head, couped, of the last.
Crest, an ox-yoke or. Crest, a dove holding in the beak a leaf ppr.
Findlater. Crest, an eagle, regardant, ppr. Finn is, ar. a thistle, leaved, vert, flowered gu.
Findlay, [Scotland,] ar. on a chev. az. betw. betw. three mullets az. Crest, a cross crosslet,
three roses gu. two daggers, chevronways, points fitchee, gu.and a sword az. in saltier.
downwards, of the field, hilted or. Crest, a Finsen, gu. on a fesse ar. three trefoils, slipped,

boar, passant, ar. vert. [Granted by Robert Cooke, Clarenceux,

Fines, [Earl of Lincoln.] Arms, see first Dic- to Ann Finsen, wife of .... Nulbroivne of
tionary. Crest, out of a ducal coronet gu. a Barking, Essex.~\
plume of five ostrich-feathers ar. banded chev- FiNU, [of that Ilk, Scotland,] gu. a crane without
ronways, az. a head, and in chief two mullets ar.
Fines, [Lord Say and Sele.] Arms, see first Dic- Finucane. Crest, a vine-branch, leaved, vert.
Crest, a wolf, sejant, ar. collared, in- fructed ppr.
dented, and chained or. Firebrace, [Sir Basil, Bart. 1G9S, Suffolk.]
Finet, ar. on a cross gu. five eagles, displayed, The same as Firebrass, in the first Dictionary.

of the field. Firebrace, [London, and Long Melford, Suffolk,

FlNEUX, per chev. vert and or, three eagles, dis- created a Baronet 1698.] The same Arms and
played, sa. Crest as in the first Dictionary.
Fingboyes, [Ireland,] per pale sa. and ar. three FiRMAGE, see first Dictionary; for Awfield read
fleurs-de-lis, counterchanged. Ashfield, and add [granted A 587.]
Fingboys, [Ireland.] The same as Finglasse, Firth, ar. three lozenge buckles, tongues in

in the first Dictionary. fesse, az. Crest, out of a ducal coronet a

Finglasse, [Ireland.] Arms, see first Dic- broken battle-axe, the head in bend sinister.
tionary. Crest, a demi eagle, displayed, with FiSCHE Crest, out of a cloud a dexter arm,
two heads, per pale, or and sa. gloved, holding by the stalk a terrestrial globe.
Finkell, or Fenkell, sa. a fesse, dancettee, Fischer, ar. on a chief gu. a dolphin, naiant, of
betw. three martlets ar. the field. Crest, a lion, passant, tail extended
Finkell, or Fenkell, ar. a fesse, dancettee, gu. gu.
betw. three mullets, pierced, sa. Fish, [London.] The same as Fishe of Stower-
FlNLASON, [Scotland,] ar. a lion, passant, gu. market in the first Dictionary.
on a chief az. a boar's head, couped, or, betw. Fish, [Lynn, Norfolk,] az. three fish braced in

two spur-rowels of the first. Crest, a stag's triangle ar.

head erased. Fishacre, az. six fishes, haurient, ar. three, two,

Fin lay, [Wallyford,]ar. on a chev. az. betw. three and one. Crest, a dexter hand, fesseways,

quatrefoils ....
two daggers, points to the dex- issuing from a cloud ppr. holding a ball sa.
ter and sinister base of the field, hilts or, within Fishaire, gu. a dolphin, haurient, ar.
a bordure, engr. gu. Crest, a naked arm Fishborne, vair, a chief or.
a cimeter, all ppr. Fishe, or, a fesse gu. on a bend sa. five mullets
FlNLAYSON, [Scotland,] ar. a lion, passant, gu. of the field.

on a chief az. a boar's head, couped, or, betw. Fishead, or, three water bougets az.
two mullets, pierced, of the field. Crest, a Fisher, gu. a dolphin, embowed, or, a chief erm.
stag's head erased, holding in the mouth a serpent. Fisher, ar. on a chev. betw. three lions' heads,
Finley, barry of six sa. and or. Crest, a dexter erased, gu. as many bezauts. [Borne by John
hand holding a sword, ppr. Fisher, Chancellor of Cambridge, Cardinal,
Finn, [of that Ilk, Scotland,] gu. a crane
with- appointed Bishop of Rochester 1504, beheaded
out a head ar. in chief a mullet of the last. 1535.]
Fisher, ar. on a chev. betw. three demi lions, ram- tionary. Crest, a spear, broken in three pieces,
pant, gu. as many escutcheons of the first. two in saltier, and one in pale, ppr. banded gu.
Fisher, gu. a cross, bottonnee, fitchee, or, betw. Fitz-Allen, or Fitz-Allan, [Ireland,] barry
four demi lions, rampant, of the second, as of eight or and gu.
many on a chief paly of four az. and or,
pellets, Fitz-Allen, barry of eight or and gu. Crest, a
a fish, naiant, counterchanged. Crest, a demi sword in pale, betw. two branches of laurel
sea dog per cross ar. and az. disposed orleways, all ppr.
Fisher, ar. on a chev. cottised gu. betw. three Fitz-Allen, or, three boars' heads, couped, vert,
demi lions, rampant, as many bezants. Crest, langued gu. on each two bars of the first.
out of a ducal coronet a demi lion, rampant, Fitz-Alured, ar. three bars gu.
holding betw. the paws a gauntlet. Fitz-Amond. Arms, see first Dictionary. Crest,
Fisher, [Cardinal,] az. a dolphin, in fesse, betw. out of a ducal coronet or, two wings, endorsed,
three ears of wheat or. ppr.
Fisher, [St. Michael, Bedfordshire.] The same Fitz-Ancome, or, billettee, a lion, rampant, az.
as Fisher of Sidhamweek, Wilts, in the first Fitz-Armes, [Huntingdonshire,] ar. three ogres-
Dictionary. ses.
Fisher, [Clerk in Chancery,] ar. a fesse, dancettee, Fitz-Barind, vert, on a chief gu. two martlets
betw. three demi lions, passant, gardaut, sa. or.

ducaliy crowned or. Fitz-Barnard, [Founder of Tavistock Abbey,]

Fisher, az. a fesse, dancettee, betw. three demi vair; on a chief or, two mullets gu.
lions, passant, gardant, or. Fitz-Bernard, vair; on a chief gu. two mullets
Fisher, [Packington, Warwickshire, Bart. 1622.] of six points, pierced, or.
The same Arms as Fisher of Hartwell Park, Fitz-Bernard, vair; on a chief gu. two mullets
in the first Dictionary. or. Crest, a cup or.
Fishide, per fesse sa. and gn. an eagle, dis- Fitz-Chamberlyn, sa. fretty ar.; on a chief of
played, ar. the last three roses gu.
Fishide, Fyfeld, or Fish, erm. on a bend, engr. Fitz-Clarence, quarterly; first and fourth,
az. three cinquefoils or. England; second, Scotland; third, Ireland; an
ar. and gu.
Fisk, [Clopton Hall, Suffolk,] chequy escocheon per pale aud per chev.; first, gu. three
on a pale sa. three mullets or. lions, passant, gardant, in pale, or; second,
Fitch, [Eltham, Kent, Bart.] The same Arms or, semee of hearts gu. a lion, rampant, az.;
as Fitch of Woodham Walter, Essex, in the third, gu. a horse, courant, ar. over all a baton,
Dictionary. sinister, az. Crest, on a chapeau gu. turned
Fitchett, or Fitchet, gu. a lion, rampant, up erm. a lion, statant, gardant, or, collared az.
or, over all a bend erm. Crest, a cubit arm ducaliy crowned gold; supporters, dexter a lion,
holding a dagger ppr. gardaut, or, collared az. ducaliy crowned of the
Fithie, [Scotland,] az. a crane thrust through first sinister, a horse ar. collared az.

with a sword ar. Fits-Ellis, ar. a fesse, dancettee, az.

Fithier, barn of six sa. and ar. ; in chief three Fitz-Ellis. Arms, see first Dictionary. Crest,
bezants. Crest, a martlet, volant, sa. winged an arrow in pale, points upwards, within a cres-
or. cent ar.
FitoN, ar. on a bend gu. three garbs or. Crest, Fitz-Eustace, az. a bend betw. nine cross cross-
a demi black shooting an arrow from a bow ppr. lets or. Crest, on a chapeau ppr. a cockatrice,
Fitton. The same Arms as Fitton of Gaws- sejant, gu.
worth in the first Dictionary. Crest, on a Fitz-Eustace, az. a bend betw. eight cross cross-
chapeau az. turned up erm. a heart's ease (or lets or.

pansy flower) stalked, leaved, and slipped, ppr. Fitz-Garet, [Ireland,] ar. a saltier gu. betw.
[Borne by Dr. Fitton, F.L.S. 1828.] twelve billets sa.

FlTTZ, ar. guttee-de-sang, a cross, engr. gu. Fitz-Geffrey, [Blackborne Hall, Bedford-
Crest, two elephants' probosces, erect. shire.] The same Arms as the of the name

Fitz, [Sir John, temp. Edw. I.] az. a chev. or, in the first Dictionary. Crest, out of a ducal
a label ar. coronet ar. a demi bull or.
Fitz-Acre, [temp. Edw. III.] az. six fleurs-de- Fitz-Geoffry, quarterly, or and gu. a boar
lis or. vair. Crest, a fox, courant, ppr.
Fitz-Allan, Fitz-Alin, Fitz-Flaald, or Fitz-Gerald, [Kerry, Ireland,] ar. guttee-de-
Fitz-Flade, [Salop.] Arms, see first Die- poix, a saltier gu.
F I T F 1 T
Filz-Gerahl, [Maseby, Northamptonshire.] Crest, Fitz-James, az. a dolphin, naiant, ar. betw.
instead of as in the first Dictionary, read a mon- three mullets or, pierced gu. Crest, a dolphin
key, passant, gardant, ppr. collared and chained ar. devouring the
top of an antique cap az.
round the body or, differenced by a crescent or, turned up erm.
thereon another sa, Fitz-Jeffrey, quarterly, or and gu. a bordure
Fitz-Gerard, or Fitz-Gerald, [Lancashire,] vair.
ar. a saltier gu. Fitz-Jeffris, [Bedfordshire,] sa. a bull, sta-
Fitz-Gibbon, [Ireland.] Crest, a boar, passant, tant, or. Crest, out of a ducal coronet a demi
gu. charged with three annulets, in fesse or. bull or.
Fitz-Gilbert, or, three chev. gu. Fitz-John, [Lincolnshire,] sa. two bars ar. and
Fitz-Goodwin, gu. two bars or. in chief three
plates. Crest, on a chapeau, a
Fitz-Hamon, az. a lion, rampant, gardant, or. salamander, in flames, ppr.
Crest, a dexter hand holding a tilting spear Fitz-Kerry, [Ireland,] ar. a lion, rampant, az.
in bend,
ppr. ducally crowned or.
Fitz-Herbert. Crest, a salamander or, in a Fitz-Langley, gu. a fesse betw. three oak-
flame of fire gu. leaves ar.
Fitz-Herbert, [Derbyshire.] The same Arms as Fitz-Le-Hunt, [Suffolk,] vert, a saltier or.
Fitz-Herbert of Staffordshire in the first Dic- Crest, a saltier or.
tionary. Fitz-Lewes, [Norfolk,] sa. a chev. betw. three
Fitz-Harry, [Ireland,] gu. a chief or. fleurs-de-lis ar.
Fitz-Haut, or Fitz-Haute, or, a cross engr. Fitz-Lewis, [Essex.] Arms, see first Dictio-
gu. nary. Crest, a bull statant, per pale, or and
Fitz-Henry, [Lincolnshire,] ar. a cross engr. purp. hoofed and armed sa.
charged with an annulet or. Crest, a wivern, Fitz-Lewis, az. a cross betw. twenty cross cross-
vomiting fire at both ends ppr. lets or.

Fitz-Henry, vair, or and gu. a chief sa. Fitz-Mahewe, [temp. Henry III.] per pale az.
Fitz-Henry, [Ireland,] gu. three lions, rampant, and gu. three lions, rampant, or.
and a chief or. Fitz-Marmaduke. Arms, see first Dictionary,
Fitz-Henry, [Wexford, Ireland.] The same as first, of the name.
Crest, a catharine-wheel ar.
the first of the name in the first Dictionary. Fitz-Marmaduke, [temp. Henry III.] gu. a fesse
Fitz-Henry, seven mascles gu. on a canton
ar. betw. three popinjays ar. over all a baton az.
az. a cup, covered, or. Fitz-Mores, or Fitz-Moores, ar. six moor-
Fitz-Henry, or, on a chief az. three lions, ram- cocks sa.
pant, of the field. Fitz-Marris, [Earl of Kerry, in Ireland,] ar. a
Fitz-How, ar. a fesse betw. three water-bougets saltiergu. and chief erm.
sa. hooped and handled or. Fitz-Neale, ar. three pales gu. on a chief az.
Fitz-Hugh, [Pember-Hall, Cambridge.] The as many martlets or.
same as Fitz-Hugh of Yorkshire in the first Fitz-Neale, erm. on a fesse gu. three bucks' beads,
Dictionary. cabossed, or.

Fitz-Hugh, [Wildon, Bedfordshre.] The same Fitz-Neel, or Fitz-Nele, [Bucks.] Arms, see
as Fitz-Hugh of Bucks in the first Dictionary. Crest, on a chapeau
Dictionary. ppr. a
Fitz-Hugh, [temp. Edward III.] az. a fret or. cinquefoil or.
Fitz-Hugh, [London, and Bitton-Grove, South- Fitz-Nicholas, quarterly, gu. and or, a bendlet
ampton ] The same Arms and Crest as the ar.
first of the name in the first Dictionary. Fitz-Nicholas, erm. a chief, quarterly, or and gu.
by William Fitz-Hugh, of Bannister s Lodge, Fitz-Nicoll, az. a cinquefoil or, within an orle
Southampton, 1833.] of eight escallops of the second. ( Another, ar.)
Fitz-Hugh, az. a chief and three chev. braced, Fitz-Nicholl, [temp. Henry III.] gu. semee
in base, or. of escallops ar. a cinquefoil or. .

FlTZ-HUMFREY, Or FlTZ-HUMPHREY, [Essex.] Fitz-Nowell. The same as Fitz-Neale.

Arms, see first
Dictionary. Crest, a dragon's Fitz-Oliver, [Ireland,] erm. on a chief gu
head vert, in the mouth a sinister hand gu. three birds ar.
Fitz-Humsie, quarterly, ar. and sa. a bordure Fitz-Osbern, gu. a bend ar. surmounted by a
counterchanged. fesse or. Crest, a demi eagle, displayed, with
Fitz-Ives, gu. a bend betw. six lozenges or. two heads, az.
F I T F 1 T
Fitz Osbert, ar. on a chief az. three crosses Fitz-Raymond de Haye, [Earl of Carlisle,]
pattee of the field. Crest, a demi dragon vert. ar. three escutcheous gu.
Fitz-Osbert, [Norfolk,] barry of . . or and gu. . . Fitz-Raynard, or Fitz-Raynold. Arms,
a canton of the last. see first
Dictionary. Crest, two wings, con-
Fitz-Osborne, gu. a bend ar. surmounted by a joined, ppr.
fesse vert. Crest, the head of a spear az. Fitz-Rear, or Fitz-Row, ar. six roses gu.
Fitz-Otes, [Norfolk,] bendy of six, or and az. on a chief of the last a lion, passant, or.
a canton erm. Fitz-Reignold, gu. three lions, rampant, or.
Filz-Oles, [Mendlesham, Suffolk.] The same, Fitz-Renard, or Fitz-Reward, or, two
the canton ar. chev. gu. on a quarter of the last a lion, pas-
Fitz-Othes, or, three bends az. a canton erm. sant, ar.
Fitz-Ourse. Arms, see Dictionary, first
first Fitz-Rice, [Ireland,] per pale sa. and erm. a
of the name. Crest, an anchor and cable sa. fesse counterchanged.
and a sword az. hilt or, in saltier. Fitz-Richard, ar. on a fesse or, betw. six
Fitz-Parens, erm. three mascles, in fesse, gu. cross crosslets, fitchee three roundles az.
Fitz-Patrick, [Ireland,] sa. a chev. ar. on a Fitz-Richard, or Filz-Roand. Arms, see first
chief az. three fleurs-de-lis or Dictionary. Crest, two dolphins, indorsed,
Fitz-Peirs, gu. three chev. compony, ar. and haurient, ppr.
az. Fitz-Richard, or, a cross gu. in the first quarter
Fitz-Peirs. Arms, see first
Dictionary, first of a lion, rampant, sa.
the name. Crest, a bell az. Fitz-Roant, or, a fesse gu. in base a chev. of
Fitz-Pen, alias Phippen, [Cornwall.] Arms, the second ;
on a canton of the last a mullet,
see first Dictionary. Crest, a bee, volant, in pierced, of the first.

pale, or, winged vert. Fitz-Robert, [temp. Conqueror,] or, three bars
Fitz-Pikrs, [temp. Henry HI.] gu. three lions, az. on a chief ar. two mullets gu.
rampant, or. Fitz-Robert, [Baron of Torrington, Devon, temp.
Fitz-Piver, alias Fitz-Percy, [Ireland,] ar. Richard I.] gu. two bars, and in chief a lion,
a lion, rampant, az. crowned or. passant, or.
Fitz-Pomery. Arms, see
Dictionary. first Fitz-Robert, ar. two chev. gu.
Crest, a serpent, entwined round two hunting- Fitz-Roberts, or, fretty az. on a canton gu. a
spears, in pale, ppr. cross patonce ar.
Fitz-Pons, or Frrz-PoYNTZ, barry of eight, Fitz-Roe, [Ireland,] ar. six cross crosslets gu.
gu. and or. See Poyntz. on a chief of the last a lion, passant, of the

Note. It appears, from the roll of tlie siege of Kar- field.

laverock, 1300, that there had been a controversy be- Fitz-Roger. Arms, see first
Dictionary, first
tween Fitz- A lan and Pontz respecting their each of the name. -Crest, an eagle's leg, erased, ar.
bearing barry of eight.
Fitz-Roe/er, quarterly, or and gu. a bend az.
Fitz-Pyers, gu. three lions, rampant, or, within (Another, of the second.)
a bordure, engr. ar. Fitz-Roger, vair, on a chief gu. three estoiles
Fitz-Ralph. Arms, see first Dictionary, third ar.
of the name. Crest, a square padlock az. Fitz-Rogers, az. a chev. betw. three chess-
Fitz-Ralph, [temp. Edward III.] az. a chief, rooks ar.

indented, or. Fitz-Ronard. Arms, see first Dictionary.

Fitz-Ralph, chev. sa. each charged with
ar. three Crest, a dove, standing on a serpent, nowed in
five fleurs-de-lis of the field. a love-knot, ppr.
Fitz-Ralph, gu. a fesse vair. Fitz-Routh, or, a fesse, and in base a chev. gu.
Fitz-Randall, az. a chief, indented, or. on a canton of the last a mullet of the first.
Fitz-Randall, or, a chief, indented, az. FlTz-Row, per fesse, indented and per pale ,

Fitz-Randolfe, az. fretty or, a chief of the and fourth quarters or, second and third az.

last. each charged with a rose of the first.

Fitz-Randolph, [Spemthorne,] az. a chief, Fitz-Row, [Waterford,] ar. six roses gu. three,
indented, or. two, and one.
Fitz-Raufe, or, three chev. gu. on each as Fitz-Simmons, sa. on a fesse betw. three cres-

many fleurs-de-lis ar. Crest, on a mount vert a cents (another, of the field.) Crest, an

hind, statant, ppr. eagle, with wings expanded, looking towards

the sun,
Fitz-Raufe, gu. a fesse vair. all
Fitz-Simon, [Ireland,] erm. on a chief gu. Fitz-Walter. The same Arms as Fitz-Waller
three mullets ar. of Baynard's Castle. Crest, a winged heart
Fitz-Simon, erm. a saltier, engr. az. ppr.
Fitz-Simon, gu. a chev. betw. three crescents ar. Fitz-Walter, gu. on a bend az. three fleurs-de-
Filz-Simon, gu. three roses erm. lis ar.

Fitz-Simon, Barry of four, ar. and sa. three cres- Fitz-Walter, [Ireland,] or, a chief, indented,
cents of the first. az.
Fitz-Simon, [Dublin, Ireland,] sa. two crescents Fitz-Walter, [Cambridgeshire.] The same as
betw. as many barsar. ; in base another crescent Fitz-Walter of Baynard's Castle.
of the last. Fitz-Walter, [Northamptonshire,] ar. two chev.
Fitz-Simond, erm. a fesse, chequy, or and az. gu.
Fitz-Simond, [Irelaud,] sa. a fesse betw. three Fitz-Walter, [Cornwall,] ar. a chev. sa. betw.
crescents ar. three buckets gu.
Fitz-Simond, [Ireland,] sa. a fesse ar. betw. three Fitz-Water. The same Arms as Fitz-Water,
plates. Earl of Hereford. Crest, a lion, rampant, or.
Fitz-Simond, [Ireland,] sa. three crescents, in Fitz-Water, [Norfolk,] or, a fesse, betw. two
chief a label of two poiuts, in fesse a label of chev. gu.
one, the points of each between the horns of Fitz-Water, [Norfolk,] gu. a fesse, betw. two
the crescents, all ar. (another, the labels hu- chev. or.
mettee.) Fitz-Well, erm. on a fesse gu. three bucks'
Fitz-Simon ds, ar. two bars sa. on the upper heads or.
two crescents, on the under, one ar. Fitz-Wight. Arms, see first Dictionary.
Fitz- Simons, [Ireland,] ar. three escocheons Crest, on a chapeau gu. turned up erm. a lion,
gu. Crest, a boar, passant, regardant, pulling passant, gardant, az.
an arrow from his shoulder. Fitz-Wight, az. three griffins, passant, in pale,
Fitz-Stephen, az. three martlets or. ar.

Fitz-Slephen, [Norton, Devonshire.] The same Fitz-Willean, [Ireland,] lozengy, ar and gu.
as the second of the name in the first Dictio- Crest, out of a ducal coronet or, a triple
nary. plume of ostrich feathers ar.
Fitz-Slephen, az. three martlets or. Fitz-William. Arms, see first Dictionary,
Fitz-St evens, [Ireland,] erm. a saltier gu. fourth of the name. Crest, a phoenix az.
within a b ordure, engr. ar. beaked or, in flames gu.
Fitz-Symond. The same Arms as Fitz-Symond, Fitz-William. Arms, see first Dictionary, ninth
of Northamptonshire. Crest, a hand, issuing of the name. Crest, a trefoil stalked, raguly
from a cloud, holding a club ppr. and slipped, ar.
Fitz-Thomas, [Essex.] Arms, see first Dictio- Fitz-William, [temp. Henry III.] masculy,
nary. Crest, a dragon's head, pierced through lozengy, erm. and gu.
the neck with a spear in bend sinister ppr. Fitz-William, [Ireland,] or Fitz- Williams. The
Fitz-Thomas, [Ireland,] erm. a saltier gu. same as the thirteenth of the name in the first
Crest, out of a ducal coronet or, a sceptre, Dictionary.
entwined by a serpent betw. two wings, ex- Fitz-William, az. three bendlets or.

panded, ppr. Fitz-Williams, [Ireland.] The same as the

Fitz-Thomas, lozengy, erm. and gu. seventh Fitz-William, in the first Dic-
Fitz-Thomas, ar. a griffin's head, couped, sa. tionary.
Fitz-Urse, [Devonshire,] or, on a bend sa. Fitz-Williams, [Essex,] lozengy ar. and gu.
three bears' heads, couped, ar. muzzled gold. within a bordure az. charged with six bezants
Crest, out of the top of a tower, issuing from and as many fleurs-de-lis gold, alternately.
the wreath, an arm, in armour, wielding a cime- Fitz-Williams, [Cornwall,] az. three bends or.
ter, all
ppr. Fitz-Williams, erm. two bars gu.
Fitz-Urse, or, a bear, passant, sa. muzzled ar. Fitz-Williams, lozengy ar. and gu. in fesse a
Fitz-Vrian. The same arms as the last of the fleur-de-lis betw. the points of a crescent, both
name in the first Dictionary. Crest, two battle- or.
axes, in saltier, gu. and az. heads or, betw. Fitz-Warrenges, [Ireland,] quarterly, in-
the tops a bird sa. dented, ar. and sa.

Fitz-Wallen, [Essex,] or, two bars and a Fitz-VVithe, or Fitz-Wight, sa. two bends,
canton gu. enr. or.
Fitz-Wythe, gu. two bends or. Flatham, sa. three demi unicorns ar.
Fitz-Ylay, gu. a saltier or, on a chief of the Flattesberg, [Ireland,] ar. a chev. betw. three
last, three mullets of the first. lions, rampant, gu.
FlTZ-ZlHON, ar. three eagles, displayed, vert. Flattesburg, or Flatsbury, [Dublin, Ire-
Crest, a monkey ppr. environed about the land,] ar. a chev. betw. three lozensres ffu.
middle. Crest, on a mural coronet or, a stag, sejant, erm.
Flack e, [Linton, Cambridgeshire,] sa. three Flaunders, ar. a fesse az. in chief three
ancient bottles with a long handle, embowed, mullets gu.
over the neck ar. 1'laye, [Exeter,] erm. on a paleaz. three doves ar.
Flack. ktt, [Derbyshire,] ar. on a fesse betw. Fli CHER, ar. a cross, engr. sa. betw. four pellets,
three bears' heads, erased at the neck, gu. as each charged with an arrow of the field.
many leopard's paws of the field. Flhciiier, [Frauce, Bishop of Nismes, ob.
Flamank, or Flamock. Arms, see first J
710,] ar. on a mount vert, a tree ppr. on a
Dictionary. Crest, a saracen's head ppr. chief gu. three mullets ar.
banded round the temples or. Fleck e, [Surrey,] ar. two bars sa. each charged
Flamdering, az. a fleur-de-lis and id lion, pas- 1 with three escallops of the first.
sant, guardant, in chief, or. Fleete. The same Arms as the first of the name
Flameks, gu. three mascles or. in the first
Dictionary. Crest, a goat, holding
Flam stead, [Leicestershire,] a mauueh in the mouth a trefoil ppr.
within a bordure az. charged witli eight Fleetgrave, or, on a chev. gu. nine fleurs-de-
bezants. lis ar.

Flamsted, [John, Professor of Astronomy,] az. Fleetweek, or Filtweke, ar. two lions, pas-
three barnacles .... on a chief ar. a lion,
sant, gardant, sa.

passant, gu. Fleetwood. The same Arms as Fleetwood, of

Flam vile, [Leicestershire.] Arms, see first London, in the first Dictionary. Crest, a wolf,
Dictionary, second of the name. Crest, two passant, regardant, ar.
battle-axes, endorsed, saltierways, ensigned by Fleetwood, ar. on a chev. az. an escallop of the
a dove, all ppr. first.

Flamyn, ar. a cross betw. four mullets gu. Fleetwood, [Great Missenden, Bucks.] The
Flanagan, [Ireland,] az. the sun in splendour same Arms as in the first
Dictionary, within a
or, betw. an increscent and decrescent, in fesse, bordure, gobonated, ar. aud gu. Crest, a wolf,
ar. Crest, a lion's paw, holding a crescent. stataut, regardant, ar.
Flanders. Arms, see first Dictionary, second Fleetwood. The same Arms as the first of the
of the name. Crest, a harp gu. name [Borne by William
in the first Dictionary.

Flanders, sa. a lion, rampant, or. Fleetwood, Carton of Windsor, elected Bishop
Flanders, gu. three mascles or. of St. Asaph 1708, translated to the see of
Flanders, ar. a fesse, and three mullets in chief Ely 1714, ob. 1723.]
gu - Flegg, [Bray, Berks.] Arms, see first Dic-
Flandringham, az. in chief, a lion, passant, tionary. Crest, two lions' gambs, in saltier, sa.
guardant, or, in base a fleur-de-lis of the last. enfiled with laurel, in orle, vert.
Flank E, three flower-pots ar.
sa. Fleggh, per pale, ar. and or, on a chev. (another,
Flarne, sa. a cinquefoil erm. engr.) per pale sa. and az. a martiet of the
Flashman, per pale or and az. two chev. gu. second.
Crest, out of a ducal coronet, two arms from Fleming, [Scotland,] gu. a chev. betw. three
the elbows, in saltier, each holding a cimeter, lions' heads, erased, within a double tressure,
in pale, ppr. fiory,counterflory, ar.
Flatchbury, [Ireland,] az. three lions, ram- Fleming, [Bishop of Lincoln.] See first Dic-
" on the
pant, or, tionary :
after lozenges gu." add,
Flatchbury, [Ireland,] ar. a chev. betw. three second bar a mitre or.
lions, rampant, gu. Fleming, [Yorkshire,] ar. three bars az. in chief ;

Flatesburg, ar. a chev. embattled betw. three as many pairs of wings gu.
lions, rampant, gu. Flaming, [Cornwall,] or, a bend sa.
Flatman, [London, 1682,] quarterly; first and Fleming, [Broad, Scotland,] gu. on a chev. ar.
fourth .... a chev betw. three garbs . . . . ;
three cinquefoils az. all within a double tressure,
second and third, paly of six .... and .... a fiory, counterflory, of the second. Crest, a
chev goat's head, erased, ppr.
Fleming, [Brawcban, Scotland,] or, a fesse, Fletcher, ar. a cross, flowered, betw. four
chequy, ar. and az. surmounted by a bend escallops sa. [Borne by Richard Fletcher,
of tbe third. Crest, a goat's head, erased, Dean of Peterborough, elected Bishop of
ppr. Bristol 1589, translated to Worcester 1593,
Fleming, [Manchester,] gu. a fret ar. on an es- and to the see of London 1594, ob. 1596.]
cocbeon of pretence ar. two bends, engr. sa. Fletcher, [Bart. Clea-Hall, Cumberland, 20th
Crest, a serpent, nowed, ar. holding in the May, 1782; also of Ashley-Park,
Surrey,] sa.
mouth a chaplet, vert. across, engr. ar. betw. four plates, each charged
Fleming, [Sir George, Bart., Bishop of Carlisle, with an arrow of the first. Crest, a horse's
ob. 1747.] The same as Fleming, of Rydall- head ar. charged with a trefoil gu.
Hall, in the first
Dictionary. Fletcher, Bart. [Carrow, Cork, 14th December,
Fleming, [Cambridgeshire,] ar. a fesse, engr. and 1812,] sa. on a cross, engr. erm. betw. four
a rose, in chief, gu. plates, each charged with a pheon erect, az.
Fleming, [Flemsted Castle, Glamorganshire,] az. a sword in pale ppr. ; on a canton or, a wreath
crucilly and crescents or. of laurel vert. Crest, out of a mural crown
Fleming, per and gu. ; in chief a
saltier, or or, a horse's head erm. gorged with a wreath of
culverin, lying bendways, az. fired ppr. on the laurel, vert.
mouth a ball sa. ; a chev. betw. three owls ar. Fletcher, [Ireland,] ar. a chev. betw. three mullets
beaked and legged of the first. sa. Crest, out of a ducal coronet or, a plume
Fleming, az. three bars ar. on a chief of the last of three ostrich feathers az. banded of the
as many pairs of wings, conjoined, gu. first.

Fleming, gu. three crescents erm. betw. nine cross Fletcher, [Aberlady, Scotland,] sa. a cross, flory,
crosslets or. betw. four escallops within a bordure, engr. ar.
Fleming, [Boghaw, Renfrewshire,] quarterly first ; Crest, a demi lion az. holding in the dexter
and fourth, gu. a chev. embattled within a double paw a cross crosslet, fitchee, or.
tressure, counterflory, ar. for Fleming ;
flory, Fletcher, ar. a cross, engr. sa. betw. four pellets,
second and third, az. three cinquefoils ar. for on each an arrow of the field.
Fraser. Crest, a hat on a tree, ppr. Fletcher, [Denbighshire, Bangor.] The same
Fleming, [Suffolk,] gu. a cinquefoil erm. Arms as Fletcher, of Candover, Shropshire, in
Fleminge, ar. a fesse, engr. gu. in the dexter the first Dictionary.
chief a rose. Fletcher, [Morleis, Cheshire.] The same Arms
Fleminge, gu. a fret ar. and a chief or. as Fletcher, of Tallantine, Cumberland, in the
Flemings, ar. two bars betw. three butterflies, first
volant, sa. Fletcher, [Ince, Cheshire,] gu. a chev. betw.
Flemming, [Brompton-Park, Middlesex.] Arms, three leaves ar.
see first
Dictionary, Crest, a goat's bead. Flete, ar. a chev. sa. in base a trefoil, slipped,
Flemyng, gu. fretty ar. a fesse of the last. of the second.
Crest, a baud issuing, pulling a rose from a Flete, [Cambridgeshire, temp. Edward III.] ....
bush, ppr. a chev. betw. three eagles, displayed
Flemyng, ar. on a bend sa. three owls of the first. Flete, or Fleet, ar. a lion, rampant, gu. on a
Flemyng, ar. fretty gu. over all a label of three bend sa. three mullets, pierced, or.
points vert. Flete, chequy or and gu. on a canton ar. an eagle,
Flemyng, barry of six az. and ar. in chief three displayed, sa.
maunches gu. Fletewickes, or Flytewickes, ar. two
Fleimyngham, sa. a chev. erm. betw. three lions, passant, gardant, sa. Crest, an arm
covered cups or. embowed vested and cuffed ar. ;in the hand
Flerior, or, on a chief az. three fleurs-de-lis ppr. an arrow sa. headed and feathered of tbe
ar. first.

Flesh E, ar. a fesse, engr. gu. in chief an annulet Fletewood, [Pomerton, Lancashire,] per pale,
of the last. wavy, or and az. six martlets counterchanged.
/leshek, [Scotland,] ar. on a fesse az. betw. (Another, per pale, nebulee.) Crest, an
two mullets in chief, and a martlet in base, gu. heraldic tiger ppr.
a wolf's head, erased, or. Flett, ar. a chev. betw. three trefoils sa.
Fleshing, ar. a fesse, party Fletwick, Arms, see first
per fesse, indented, [Bedfordshire.]
gu. and or, double cottised az. Dictionary. Crest, two lions' gambs, sup-
Fleshour, [Dundee,] .. two swords in saltier.. porting an escocheon, ar.
Fletwick, ar. two lions, passant, sa. two bars of folk, in the first
Dictionary. Crest, out of a
the second, charged with as many escallops of tower, a greyhound's head, erased, ar. collared
the first. sa. in the mouth a hind's leg, erased,
FLEURY, [Ireland,] az. a saltier or, betw. four Flower, Bart. [Lobb, Oxfordshire, and Wood-
eels, naiant, wavy, of the last. Crest, a lion, ford, Essex, Lord Mayor of London, 1808.]
passant, holding a crescent. Per pale az. and gu. a unicorn, statant, or; on
Flexney. Crest, a dexter and sinister arm a chief, invecked, erm. three gilly- flowers ppr.
shooting an arrow from a bow ppr. over the centre flower a sword, in bend, also
Flexney, az. a fesse betw. two fleurs-de-lis or. ppr. pomel and hilt or, surmounted by a key,
Crest, a talbot, sejant, collared and lined. .. . saltierwise, of the last. Crest, a demi lion,
[Granted to Ralph Flexnei/, of the city of Ox- per pale, ermine and ermines, gorged, a chain
ford, by Robert Cooke, Clarenceux, 1592.] within a collar, gemelle, or, in the dexter paw
Flin, or Flinn, [Ireland,] az. on a chief ar. a gilly-flower ppr. Supporters, dexter, a uni-
three stags' heads, cabossed, sa. Crest, two corn or, collared az. therefrom pendent an
dexter hands conjoined ppr. attached to the escocheon erm. charged with a key erect, gold,
wrists as many wings or. holding in the mouth a gilly-flower ppr. sinister, ;

Flint, [Norfolk,] vert, three flint-stones ar. a stag ppr. collared az. therefrom, pendent, an
Flint, az. a chev. engr. betw. three flint-stones ar. escocheon erm. charged with the City mace,
Flint, sa. on a chev. ar. betw. three crescents or, erect, or in the mouth a gilly-flower as the

two lions, combatant, gu. dexter.

Flint, [Professor, St. Andrews, Scotland,] vert, Flower, [Norroy King of Arms.] Arms, see
a chev. betw. three flint-stones ar. Crest, an first
Dictionary. (Some say ermines, a cinque-
estoile. foil erm.) Crest, a cinquefoil, ermines, stalked
Flint. Arms, see
Dictionary, second of the and leaved vert.
name. Crest, a lion's gamb, erect, sa. holding Flower, [Isle of Ely, Cambridgeshire.] See first
a branch of laurel ppr. Dictionary. [Granted temp. Q. Mary, by Sir
Flitcroft, [Hampton Court, Middlesex,] or, William Dethick, Garter.]
a chev. dove-tailed, counter dove-tailed, voided, Flowerdower, ar. a bend, betw. two lions,
or, betw. two escallops in chief, and a fleur- rampant, az.
de-lis, in base, gu. Flowerdue, or Flowerdew. To the first
Flitt, or, on a pale az. three antique crowns of of the name Dictionary add
in the first Crest,
the first. Crest, on a mount a dove ppr. an arm, couped at the shoulder, resting the
Flockart, ar. a chev. sa. elbow on the wreath in a mauncb, ppr.
Floelte. See Flote. Flowerdue, or Flouredew, per fesse, engr. ar. and
Flood, az. three swords, in pile, ar. hilts in the sa. three bears counterchanged.

centre, betw. the sun in chief, and two mul- Flowers, az. on a bend ar. three bucks' heads,
lets, in base, of the second. Crest, a heart cabossed, ppr. Crest, a buck's head, erased,
crowned, betw. two wings ppr. ppr.
Flood, or Fludd, [Kent.] The same as the last Floyd, [Bart. 1816,] sa. a lion, rampant, re-
name in the first Dictionary.
of the gardant, ar. ; on a chief, embattled, or, a sword
Florack. The same as Florace, in the first erect, pomel and hilt gold, enfiled with an
Dictionary. eastern crown gu. betw. two tigers' faces, also
Florence, az. across, floretty, ar. ppr. Crest, a lion, rampant, regardant, ar.
Flote, or Floelte. To the fourth of the name murally crowned gu. bearing a flag representing
in the first Dictionary add Crest, out of a ducal the standard of Tippoo Sultaun flowing to the
coronet or, a rein-deer's head ppr. sinister ppr.
Flote, ar. a chev. sa. betw. three trefoils, slipped, Floyd, ar. a cross sa. Crest, a griffin, sejant,
of the second. az. holding in the dexter paw a garland of
Flounders, [Culmington, Salop, and Yarm, laurel vert.
Yorkshire,] or, on a saltier gu. betw. four Floyden, [Lynn, Norfolk, originally of Hol-
eagles, displayed, vert, a cinquefoil of the first. land,] ar. three fer-de-molines sa. two and
Crest, a demi eagle, displayed, vert. one.
Flour, [Rutlandshire.] The same Arms as Floyer, [Bront Pelham, Hertfordshire,] sa. a
Flower, of Northamptonshire, in the first Dic- chev. erm. betw. three arrows, in pale, ar.
tionary. Crest as in the first Dictionary.
Flowde. The same Arms as Flowde, of Nor- Floyer, alias Flyer, [Fellow of King's College,
Cambridge, ob. 1685.] The same Arms as Fog rave, gu. three chalices, covered, or.
Floyer, of Devonshire, in the first Dictionary. Fokeram, az. a bend fusilly or.
Fly, [Hants,] or, on a chev. engr. sa. betw. Fokeram, ar. a bend, engr. az.
three pellets, each charged with a martlet of the Fokerey, vair, a fesse gu. charged with ano-
field, as fleurs-de-lis gold.
many Crest, a cubit ther, wavy, sa.
arm in armour, erect, ppr. holding in the gaunt- Fokerlay, chequy, ar. and az. a fesse gu.
let a hawk's leure or, stringed gu. charged with another, wavy, sa.
Flye, or Flyght, or, on a chev. engr. sa. a Folberry, [Cambridge,] vert, a horse, ram-
fleur-de-lis betw. two conies, courant, respect- pant, ar.
ing each other, ar. betw. three pellets, on each Folcard. The same as Folchard, in the first
a bird of the last. Dictionary.
Flynt, sa. a chev. ar. betw. three crescents of Folgate, [Aspall, Stoneham,] az. two bars ar.
the second. Crest, a human heart purp. winged six mullets surtout, three, two, and one.
or. Folke, ar. a fesse betw. three mullets, pierced,
Flywton, [Laceby, Lincolnshire,] ar. a cross, sa. Crest, a lion's gamb or, holding a cross,
lozengy, gu. pattee, fitchee, gu.
Fockell, or Fekell, ar. a fesse, betw. three Folborne, or, a chev. betw. three dragons sa.
mullets gu. Crest, a sinister hand, couped, fesseways,
Foderingaye, [Brackley, Suffolk.] Quarterly, ppr.
or and gu. a cross, lozengy, ar. in the sinister Folborne, [Cambridgeshire,] or, a chev. sa. in
chief an eagle, displayed, of the first. chief two dragons of the second.
Fodon, [Staffordshire.] Arms, see first Dic- Folcher, erra. on a bend gu. three bezants.
tionary. Crest, out of a ducal coronet or, a (Another, plates.)
pike's head az. Foley, [Worcestershire,] ar. a fesse, engr. betw.
Fodringay. To the first of the name in the first three cinquefoils, all within a bordure sa. on a
Dictionary add Crest, a crane ar. in the beak canton gu. a ducal coronet or. Crest, a lion,
a bunch of clover vert. sejant, ar. holding betw. his paws a ducal coro-
Fodringey, or Fodringhey, or, a cross, lo- net or.
zengy, gu. in the first quarter an eagle, dis- Folebarne, [Cambridgeshire,] or, achev. betw.
played, of the second. three cups, covered, sa.
Fodringham, [Yorkshire,] az. abend ar. betw. Folebarne, or, a chev. betw. three fish-wheels
six mullets of the last. Crest, a buck ppr. sa.

Fodringhay, quarterly, gu. and or, a cross, Foleborne. The same Arms. Crest, three'
lozengy, ar. holly-leaves vert, banded gu.
Fodringhay, [Cambridgeshire,] quarterly, or and Foleforde, az. three laurel-leaves or.
gu. a cross ar. in the second quarter an eagle, FolehuRST, gu. a fret or, a chief ar.
displayed, of the first. Folet, gu. a bend ar. Crest, on a chapeau gu.
Fodrynghay. ar. two lions, passant, in pale, turned up erm. an escallop or.
sa. Foleville, per fesse erm. and or, a cross mo-
Fodyr. See Fother. line gu.
Foe ,
a chev. betw. three griffins, segreant, Foley, [Ireland,] ar. a fesse, engr. betw. three
cinquefoils sa. Crest, a griffin, rampant, gu.
Fogelston, gu. fretty ar. on a chief or, two winged, legged, and beaked, or.
mullets of the field. Foley, [Thorp Lee, Surrey.] The same Arms as
Fogg, ar. on a fesse, betw. six annulets sa. three Foley, of Witley Court, Worcester. See first
mullets, pierced, of the first. Two Crests; first, Dictionary. Crest, a lion, rampant, ar. holding
an unicorn's head, couped, ar. semee of mul- betw. his paws an escocheon of the Arms.
lets sa. [Created a Baronet 27th July, 1767.]
Fogg, [Cheshire,] ar. on a fesse, betw. three pel- Folgate, [Suffolk,] az. two bars ar. on the field
lets, as many crescents of the field. six mullets or, three, two, and one.
Fogge, ar. two bars sa. in chief three mullets of Folgnarbv, Folgnardby, or Folgnar-
the last. doye. The same as Folnarby.
Foghill, [Devonshire,] ar. a chev. gu. on a Foliamb, sa. a bend betw. six escallops or.
chief of the last three mullets of the first. Two Crests; a leg armed, party per pale,
Fogo, or, on a bend sa. three annulets of the or and sa. gartered with a wreath of the first
field. Crest, an unicorn's head and neck, coup- and az. couped at the thigh second, a stag,

ed, ar.
quarterly, or and sa. attired of the first and cally gorged and lined or, attired vert, at the
ar. top of each branch a bezant.
FoLIER, [Scotland,] erin. a cliev. az. betw. three FoLTHORPE, ar. a saltier, engr. az.
mullets sa. on a chief of the last three boars' Folvile, [Middlewich, Cheshire,] gu. a cross
heads and necks, erased, ar. sarcelly or, a chief ar.
Folifat, or FOLIFOOT, ar. a fesse betw. two Folvile, [Leicestershire.] The same as the first
lions, passant, gardant, sa. of the name in the first Dictionary.
Foliott, or, two lions, passant, gardant, gu. Folvile, [Cheshire,] or, a chief erm. over all a
Folisford, az. three oak-leaves cross sarcelly gu.
Foljambe, [Wakefield, Yorkshire,] sa. a bend Folvile, or, a cross sarcelly gu. a chief ar.
or, betw. six escallops ar. Crest, an armed Folvile, or Foleville. Arms, see first Dictionary.
leg, couped at the thigh, quartered, ar. and sa. Crest, a griffin's head erased, in the beak a
spurred gold. sword ppr.
Folke, ar. a fesse betw. three martlets sa. Folyott, az. six annulets or, three, two, and
Folkes, [Norfolk,] per pale, gu. and vert, a one.
fleur-de-lis ar. Folyott, barry, nebulee, of six, erm. and gu.
Folkes. The same Arms as in the first Dictionary. Folywvke, barry, nebulee, of eight, sa. and
[Borne by Martin Folkes, President of the ar. a canton gu.

Royal Society, 1745.] Fonceux, ar. abend, engr. gu. Crest, a demi
Folkes, [Cheveley, Cambridgeshire,] achev. lioness ppr.
era. betw. three fleurs-de-lis . . . . ,
on a chief Fonceux, [Berkshire,] or, a bend, engr. az.
.. . . , three roundles FoNDRE, quarterly; first and fourth ar. a chev.
Folkeston, per pale, gu. and ar. a fesse, ne- voided sa. in the voidure three moors' heads,
bulee, counterchanged. couped, of the second ; second and third ar.
Folkesworth. Arms, see first Dictionary. on a chev. sa. three cross crosslets of the field.
Crest, an ostrich holding in the mouth a broken Crest, a moor's head ppr.
tilting spear. Fondring, [Norfolk,] az. a fesse betw. two
FoLKiNGHAM, [Leeds, Yorkshire,] ar. a chev. chev. ar.
betw. three cinquefoils, pierced, sa. FonkelbarNE, [Bedfordshire,] erm. on a chief
Folkis, [Alderman of London,] sa. on a fesse gu. three roses ar.
ar. three cinquefoils az. Fonnereau, [Wimpole Street, London,] gu.
Folkis, [Mountnesing, Essex,] sa. on two bars three chev. ar. on a chief az. a sun or. Crest,
ar. three cinquefoils of the field. a sun or.
Follett, or, three palm-branches vert. Crest, Fonnereau, gu. three chev. ar. on a chief az. a
a wolf, passant, regardant, transfixed with an sun or. Crest, a lion, rampant, supporting a
arrow. garb ppr.
Follier, ar. guttee de poix, on a chief, engr. Fontaine, or Fontan, gu. a bend or, in the
gu. a liou, passant, gardant, of the field. sinister chief a cinquefoil erm. Crest, a raven's
Crest, a garb. nest, with young ones, ppr.
Folliot, or Folliott, barry, wavy, of six Foord, az. on a fesse ar. betw. three bezants, as
era. and gu. Crest, on a chapeau ppr. a many cinquefoils gu. Crest, a flag, displayed,
wivern, sejant, vert. gu.
Folliot, sa. a fesse betw. six crescents ar. Foot, or Foote, [Ireland,] ar. on a chev. sa.
Follsand, [Scotland,] gu. a chev. ar. betw. three slipped, vert, two trefoils
Follye, sa. a cross moline ar. Crest, an es- of the field. Crest, a greyhound's head, per
callop between two olive branches. fesse, ar. and sa. collared gu.
Follyoll, [Dorsetshire,] vert, a canton az. Fool, or, a chev. sa. in the dexter corner a tre-
Folman, ar. a fesse ermines betw. three crowns foil, slipped, of the second. Crest, a demi grif-
sa. Crest, a wolf, courant, per pale, ar. and fin,regardant, gu. winged or, holding a flag,
erm. displayed, of the first, charged with a crescent ar.
Folman, gu. a chev. vair, betw. three ducal co- Foote, [Ward, Devonshire.] The same Arms
ronets or. and Crest as Foote, of Charlton-place, Kent,
Folton, gu. two lions, passant, erm. Two in the Appendix to the first Dictionary.
Crests ; first, in a ducal coronet a pair of wings, Foote, [London,] gu. six lozenges ar. three, two,
or and ar. ; second, a stag at lodge, gu. du- and one, a chief, indented, or.
Foote, [Suffolk,] az. four mascles ar. one, two, Forcer, formerly Fossour, [Kelloe and Ha-
and one, a chief, indented, of the second. berhouse, Durham,] sa. on a chev. engr. or,
Foote, [Royston, Cambridgeshire.] The same betw. three leopards' heads ar. as many annulets
as Foote, of London, in the first Dictionary. of the first. Crest, a fox, sejant, ppr. pierced
Foquett, ar. a squirrel, sejant, cracking a nut with an arrow or, feathered ar. [Granted
..... on a bordure az. eight fleurs-de-lis. 1575.]
Crest, a horse's head ar. armed in mail az. on Ford, gu. two bends vair, on a canton ar. a
the head a plume of ostrich feathers of the greyhound sa.
first, bridled or. Ford, [Ember-Court, Surrey,] per pale gu. and
Forbes, [Alford, Scotland,] az. on a chev. betw. or, two bends vair, on a canton of the second
three bears' heads ar. muzzled gu. a heart of a greyhound, courant, sa. Crest a greyhound's
the last, betw. two daggers, meeting in point, head sa. erased gu. muzzled or. [Created a
ppr. Crest, a dexter hand, issuing from a Baronet February 23, 1793.]
cloud, holding an anchor in bend ppr. Ford, [Suffolk,] gu. two bends vair, on a canton
Forbes, [Ardo, Scotland,] quarterly; first and or, a greyhound, courant, ar. Crest, a grey-
fourth, az. a cross pattee betw. three bears' hound's head, erased, ar.
heads, couped, ar. muzzled gu. ; second and Ford, Foord, or Forth, [Kingston and Streat-
third ar. three unicorns' heads, erased, sa. ham, Surrey, and Harting, Sussex,] az. three
Crest, a stag's head, couped, gu. attired ar. lions, rampant, ar. ducally crowned or. Crest,
Forbes, [Brux, Scotland,]quarterly; first and a demi lion, rampant, ar. ducally crowned or.
fourth, az. three bears'heads, couped, ar. Fordam, or Fordham. Arms, see first Dic-
muzzled gu. ; second and third, or, three bars tionary. Crest, on a mount vert, a peacock
gu. within a bordure vert. Crest, an eagle's ppr.
head, erased, ppr. Forde, sa. six lions, rampant, three, two, and
Forbes, [Carsindae, Scotland.] The Arms of one, or, crowned gu.
Forbes, with a crescent for difference. Crest, Fordele, [Wraxham,] gu. a griffin, segreant,
a bear's head. ar.
Forbes, [Corse, Scotland,] az. a cross pattee, Forder, or Fordore, [Surrey.] Arms, see
fitchee, or, betw. three bears, couped, ar. first Dictionary. Crest, a hawthorn-tree vert.
muzzled gu. Crest, a crown of thorns. Forces ham, ar. on a cross, engr. sa. five mul-

Forbes, [Kirknockie,] az. on a chev. betw. three lets, pierced, or.

bears' heads, couped, ar. muzzled gu. a heart Fordham, [Worcester,] barry, nebulee, or and
of the last, within a bordure, engr. of the se- sa. on a chief gu. two arrows in saltier or, betw.
cond. as many castles ar.

Forbes, [Pittencrief, Scotland,] az. on a chev. Fordham. See Fordam.

betw. three bears' heads, couped, ar. muzzled Fordley, gu. a griffin, segreant, ar.
gu. as many unicorns' heads, erased, sa. Crest, Fordsham, [Essex,] ar. on a cross, engr. sa. five
an eagle, rising, regardant, ppr. estoiles or.
Forbes, quarterly ; first and
[Riris, Scotland,] Fordyce, [Ayton,] gu. a dagger, paleways, ppr.
fourth, a lion, rampant, gu. for Weems, of
or, betw. three bears' heads, couped, or, muzzled
Riris; second and third, Forbes. Crest, a of the first. Crest, a camel's head, couped at
greyhound, passant, ppr. the neck, ppr.
Forbes, [Seaton, Scotland,] az. three bears' heads Fore, [London,] ar. a saltier sa. betw. four
ar. muzzled gu. in chief a crescent .... all martlets gu.
within a bordure of the second. Forein, gu. ten bezants, four, three, two, and
Forbes, [Tolquhon, Scotland,] quarterly ; first and one.
fourth, Forbes; second and third, ar. three Foreman, [Scotland,] az. three fish, naiant,
unicorns' heads, erased, sa. for Preston, of counternaiant, ar. Crest, i
hand, holding a
Formartine. Crest, a stag's head, attired with short cimeter ppr.
ten tynes ppr. Foreman. See Forman.
Forbes, [Watertoun, Scotland.] Arms as of Forens, sa. a pale, engr. ar.
Tolquhon. Crest, an eagle, displayed, sa. Fores, gu. a dolphin, haurient, ar.
Forbesher, erm. on a fesse, engr. betw. three Foresight, [Scotland.] Arms, see first Dic-
griffins' heads, erased, sa. a greyhound, cou- tionary. Crest, two wings, expanded, ppr.
rant, ar. Crest, on a chapeau, the sun in Forest. Arms, see first Dictionary, first of the
splendour ppr. name. Crest, a grenade, fired, ppr.
FORESTER, [Yorkshire.] See first Dictionary : Forporley. See first
Dictionary ;
after m-
for "
leopards' beads of the first," read " leo- escocheons" read " s:u."
pards' heads of the second." Forrest, ar. on a mount a grove of trees vert.
Forholdkr, az. a cross sarcelly betw. four Crest, a hand, couped, in fesse, holding a
crosses, formee, ar. cross crosslet fitchee.
Foricall, or Ficaulte, or, a cross moliue Forrest. To
the first of the name in the first
gu. a chief ar. Crest, two lions' gambs, en- Dictionary add, Crest, an oak-tree ppr.
dorsed, gu. Forrest, [Edinburgh,] ar. three oak-trees, eradi-
Forican. Arms, see first Dictionary. Crest, cated, vert.
an elephant's head, erased, sa. eared and armed Forrester, [Corstorfshire, Scotland,] ar. a fesse
ar. gu. betw. three hunting-horns sa. garnished of
Foril, gu. two bends, vair, on a canton or, a the second. Crest, a hunting-horn.
demi greyhound sa. Forrester, [Dundee.] Arms, the same as the
Forington, or, two bars gu. on a chief of the second Forrester (see with Forester) in the
passant, of the first.
last a lion, first Dictionary. Crest, a greyhound, with a
Forke, [Yorkshire,] ar. a saltier az. leash, ppr.
Forkington, sa. on a fesse ar. three leopards' Forrester, ar. a chev. gu. in chief two leopards'
heads gu. Crest, a demi greyhound sa. col- heads of the second, in base a bugle-horn sa.
lared or. Crest, a fountain ppr.
Forlonge, [Ireland,] gu. three pales ar. Forrester, [Scotland,] ar. a pellet betw. three
Forman, or Freman, az. three bars, nebulee, bugle-horns sa. Crest, a dexter hand, holding
ar. on a chev. sa. as many martlets or, a chief a hunting-horn, ppr.
gu. charged with a lion, passant, gardant, betw. Forrester, [Denoven, Scotland.] The same, with
two anchors gold. a crescent surmounted of another for diffe-
Formans, [Northamptonshire,] gu. a pile, engr. rence.
ar. FoRRET, sa. three boars' heads, couped, ar.
Formans, sa. four fusils, in fesse, ar. Forsan, ar. on a bend, cottised, az. three roses
Formans, [Norfolk,] sa. a pale, engr. ar. or. Crest, a griffin's head, per fesse, az. and
Formans, [Norfolk,] sa. five fusils, in pale, ar. or.

Formby, a lion, rampant, .... on a chief

ar. Forsham, chequy, gu. and or, a chief ar.
az. two doves .... Crest, a dove ppr. Crest, a talbot's head ar. eared and spotted gu.
Formesh. The same as Forneche in the first and sa.

Dictionary. Forsolder, az. a cross sarcelly betw. four

Formour, [London,] gu. a chev. betw. three crosses formee or.
combs ar. Forster, sa. a buck, trippant, ar. betw. three
Fornam, per pale or and az. three crescents pellets, on each a pheon or, within a bordure,
counterchanged. gobonated of the second and gu. Crest, an
Fornam, [Cambridgeshire, President of Queen's arm, embowed, habited sa. charged with a
College,] per bend ar. and az. on a chev. sa. pheon or, betw. two bezants in pale, holding in
three martlets or. the hand a bow and arrow ar.
Fornars, ar. a pile, engr. sa. Forster, sa. a chev. engr. betw. three arrows or,
Forneaulx. The same as the fourth Fomeaux feathered ar.
in the first Dictionary. Forster, erm. on a canton sa. an owl ar.
Forneaulx, sa. a pile, iudented, ar. Forster, az. a cross moline or, betw. four crosses
Forneche, or FoRNECH, sa. a chev. embattled, pattee of the second.
or, betw. three roses ar. Forster, [Eveleigh, Salop, and Borden, Kent.]
Fornens, or Forman, [Norfolk,] sa. five fusils, The same Arms as Forster, of Sutton-Maddox,
in pale, ar. in the first Dictionary.
Formers, ar. a talbot, passant, within a bor- Forster, [Ederston, Northumberland.] The same
dure, sa. Arms as the first of the name in the first Dic-
Forneus, sa. a pale, {another, a pile,) engr. tionary.
ar. Forsyth, ar. a chev. betw. three griffins, segreant,
Forneys, [Norfolk.] Arms, see first Dictio- gu.
nary. Crest, a wheel az. Forsyth, [of that Ilk, Scotland.] Arms, the same
Fornivall, ar. three martlets gu. as the second of the name in the first Diction-
Fornwall, [Yorkshire,] ar. three martlets sa. ary. Crest, a demi griffin, segreant, vert.
Forsyth, [Nydie, Scotland.] The same as For- teenth Forster in the first Dictionary. [Grant-
syth of Talzertoun, in the first Dictionary. ed by Robert Cook, Clarenceux, to Goddard
Forte, ar. three mallets gu. Crest, a cock gu. Foster of Iden, in Sussex, 1577.]
holding in the beak a daisy ppr. Foster, vert, a chev. betw. three butterflies, vo-
Forteath, [Strathearn, Scotland,] or, three lant, ar.
chev. gu. Foster, sa. a buck ar. betw. three bezants, on

Forterishey, ar. three saracens' heads, couped, each a pheon of the first.
in profile sa. wreathed and stringed or and sa. Foster, [Sudbury, Suffolk,] sa. a chev. erm. betw.
Fortescue, [Ireland.] The same arms as For- three broad arrow-heads or.
tescue of Preston, in the first Dictionary. Foster, sa. a chev. erm. betw. three pheons ar.
Crest, a leopard, passant, gardant, ppr. Crest, a buck, passant, ppr.
Fortescite, az. a bend, engr. ar. cottised or, a Foster, [Baddesley, Hampshire.] The same
mullet sa. Arms as the twelfth Foster in the first Dic-
Fortescue, ar. fretty sa. on a chief of the first
three roses gu. leaved vert. Foster, [Northamptonshire.] The same as the
Fortescue, or Fosscoughe, [Salden, Buckingham- seventh Foster in the first Dictionary.
shire.] Arms, the same as Fortescue, of Cas- Foston. To the first of the name in the first
tle Hill. Crest, an heraldic tiger, statant, ar. Dictionary add Crest, a gate az.
maned and tufted or. Fother, or Fodyr, [Bedfordshire,] gu. a fesse,
Forth, [Wiltshire,] az. a lion, rampant, .... dancettee, or.
ducally crowned or. Fother, [Bedfordshire.] The same as in the first
Forth, ar. three martlets gu. Dictionary.
Forthingham, [Southampton,] az. a bend betw. Fotherby, gu. two chev. ar. on the uppermost
six mullets ar. three fleurs-de-lis of the field.
Fortibus, [Earl of Aumarle,] ar. a chief gu. Fotherby, [Martin, Dean of Canterbury.] See
Fortrey, [Byal-Fen, Mepole, Cambridgeshire,] first
Dictionary. [Elected Bishoj) of Salisbury,
ar. three bears' heads, couped, sa. 26th March, 1G18, ob. 10th March, 1G20.]
Fortrey, [Northfleet, Kent,] ar. three boars' Fotherby, [Barham, Kent.] The same.
heads, erased, sa. Fothergill. Crest, on a rock a lion, rampant,
Fortrye. Arms, see first Dictionary. Crest, ppr. collared and chained or, in the dexter paw
a rampant, sustaining a tilting spear ppr.
lion, an arrow sa.
Forty, or Fortye, ar. a fesse, embattled, az. Fotheringay, [Brockley, Suffolk,] quarterly,
betw. three mullets gu. Crest, on a ducal or and gu. a cross, lozengy, sa. in the second
coronet a mullet betw. two branches of laurel, quarter an eagle, displayed, of the first.
in orle, ppr. Fou, az. a fleur-de-lis or. Crest, a mullet, pierced,
Foscot, or Foxcott. Crest, a dove, holding or.
in the beak an olive branch ppr. Foucine, gu. ten bezants, four, three, two, and
Foshaugh, gu. three
pole-axes, in fesse, ar. one.
over all a fesse, chequy, of the first and second. Foudress, [France,] gu. (another az.) three
Foskett, or, a bend, chequy, gu. and ar. betw. bars ar. in chief a saltier, engr. or.
two cottises of the second. Crest, a broken Foulcanley, or, a cross, engr. gu. a chief ar.
spear, in pale, the upper part hanging in bend. Foulchampe, per pale sa. and az. six escallops
Foskett, quarterly, erm. and gu.; in the first and ar. three, two, and one.
fourth quarters a lion, rampant, .... over all Fouler, [Scotland,] az. a cross ar. in the first
an arrow, in bend, sinister, point upwards. and fourth quarters a pelican in her nest ; and
Crest, an arm embowed in armour, holding in in the second and third a cinquefoil, all of the
the gauntlet a cross bow second.
Fosquet. Crest, a fish vert, with forked tail, Foulderton, gu. on a fesse ar. three otters'
the upper half like a dove with wings displayed heads sa. Crest, a Cornish chough ppr.
ar. Foulion, [Derbyshire,] sa. a bend betw. six es-
Fosscoughe, see Fortescue. callops or.
Fosset, ar. on a bend
sa. three bucks' heads, Foulis, [Collingtoun, Scotland,] ar. three bay
cabossed, or, armed of the first. leaves, slipped, vert. Crest, a dexter hand,
Foster, [Coldich, Essex.] The same as the couped, holding a sword, in pale, supporting a
fourth Foster in the first Dictionary. garland of laurel all ppr.
Foster. The same Arms and Crest as the four- Foulis, [Woodhall, Scotland,] ar. three bay leaves,
slipped, vert, within a bordure erm. Crest, a Fourdes, [Middlesex,] az. a fesse, dancettee,
flower-pot with a branch of laurel springing out betw. three lions, rampant, or.
of it. Fourdrinier. Crest, on a chapeau gu. turned
Foulis, [Edinborough,] ar. a holly branch betw. up erm. a unicorn's head ppr.
three bay leaves, slipped, vert. Fourhust, [Lincolnshire,] .... fretty on
Foui.KE, [Staffordshire,] ar. a fesse betw. three a fesse or, two mullets gu.
mullets sa. Fourneuse, [Somersetshire,] gu. a bend betw.
Foulke, per pale, indented, or and gu. a bordure six crosses, bottonee, or.
Fournier, az. a hawk, volant, ar. seizing a
Foulke, gu. a fesse or, betw. six martlets ar. heron, also volant, or. Crest, a martlet, per
Foulke, [Brewood, Staffordshire,] vert, a fleur- fesse, az. and ar.
de-lis ar. Fournivall, ar. a bend gu. betw. six martlets
Foulkes, gu. crucilly, fitchee, or, a lion, ram- sa.

pant, ar. Crest, a lion's head, erased, collared, Foutesherst, ar. fretty sa.; on a chief of the

per pale, ar. and sa. counterchanged. two mullets of the second.

Foulkes, vert, a fleur-de-lis ar. betw. three escal- Fowbery, vert, a buck ar. in the dexter chief
lops or. a bezant.
Foulkesworth, ar. on a cross, flowered, gu. Fowell, [Fowlscombe, Devonshire.] The same
five escallops of the field. as in the first
Dictionary. [Granted May,
Foiller, sa. on a cross, engr. or, five roundles 1592.]
of the first. Crest, a greyhound's head, erased, Fowey, erm. on a chief gu. three cinquefoils
sa. collared or. ar.

Foulman, [Xorfolk,] ar. a chev. ermines betw. Fowke, Bart. [Lowesby, Leicestershire, Feb.
three crowns sa. 7th, 1814,] vert, a fleur-de-lis ar. Crest, a
Foulstone. See Fogelstone. dexter arm, embowed, habited vert, cuff ar.
Foultherbury, [Bedfordshire,] erm. on a chief holding in the hand an arrow or, barbed and
gu. three roses or. flighted of the second, point downwards.
FoulthurST, [Cheshire,] gu. fretty or, a chief Foivke, [Dorsetshire, London, and Staffordshire.]
erm. The same Arms. Crest, an Indian goat's head,
Founder, Foundaure, ar. a bend betw.
or erased, ar.
two rampant, az.
lions, Crest, out of a ducal Fowke, [Elmsthorpe, Leicestershire,] ar. a chev.
coronet a griffin's head betw. two wings ppr. gu. on a chief of the second three mullets,
Foundowre. The same Arms. pierced, of the first.

Founds, [1665,] or, three eagles, displayed, . . .

Fowkes, [London.] Arms see first Dictionary.
Fountain, [Lock-Hill, Scotland,] ar. on a fesse Crest, a golden fleece ppr.
az. three bezants. Crest, an eagle rising ppr. Fowkroy. Arras see first Dictionary. Crest,
Fountaine, [Batcombe, Devonshire,] ar. three a lion's gamb holding an ostrich-feather ppr.
bars, gemelle, gu. on a canton sa. a lion, pas- Fowks, [Dorsetshire.] The same as Foivke, Dor-
sant, gardant, or. setshire.
Fountavill, az. three bends ar. an inescocheou Fowland, ar. three leopards' faces, in chief,
of the last. gu.
FOUNTBURY, FERONTBERY, or FOUKETHBERY, Fowle, ar. a chev. sa. on a chief gu. three mul-

[Bedfordshire.] Arms see first Dictionary. Crest, lets,pierced, or.

a cross pattee ar. enwrapped by a snake vert. Fowle, [Cambridgeshire.] The same Arms as
FoUQUET, [Abbot of Barbeux, France, 1650,] Fowle, of Salehurst, in the first Dictionary.
ar. a fox, rampant, gu. Fowler, [Sir William, Grange, Salop,] az. on
Fouquet, [Bishop and Count of Agde, 1659.] a chev. betw. three lions, passant, gardant,
The same. or, as many crosses, formee, sa.
Fourbin, [France, Bishop and Count of Bea- Fowler, [Buckinghamshire.] erm. in chief an
vais, descended from the Frowick's of Eng- owl ....
land,] or, a chev. az. betw. three leopards' Fowler, [Norfolk,] gu. a chev. betw. three cinque-
heads sa. foils ar.

Fourbins, a cbev. az. between three leo-

or, Fowler, [Buckinghamshire.] The same as the fifth

pards' faces sa. within a bordure gu. Crest, a of the name in the first Dictionary.
sheaf of arrows ppr. banded gu. Fowler, [Callis.] The same Arms as Fowler, of

Bedfordshire, in the first Dictionary, the crosses Fox, [Herefordshire, Fellow of Trinity College,
gu. Crest, a cubit arm, erect, habited, paly of Cambridge, and Master of St. Paul's School,]
four or and gu. holding in the hand
ppr. a .... a chev. betw. three foxes' heads, erased,
hawk's leure ar. tasselled vert, lined gold.
[Granted by Thomas Benolt, Clarenceux, 1534.] Fox, gu. a chev. betw. three lions' heads, erased,
Foivler.The same Arms as the seventh of the or, a chief ar. Crest, on a mount an oak-tree
name in the first Dictionary. [Borne by Edward growing among grass ppr.
Fowler, Bishop of Gloucester, ob.August,17l4:.] Fox, [Wisbeach, Cambridgeshire,] .... three
Foivler, ar. three cocks or, legs and beaks gu. foxes, courant, ....
with collars round the necks az. Fox, [Fellow of King's College, Cambridge,] ....
Fowler, .... three wolves' heads, erased, and in three bends, .... on a chief, .... a fox, cou-
chief an owl .... rant.
Fowler, az. a chev. betw. three lapwings or. Fox. The same Arms as Fox, of Leicestershire, in
Fowler, [Sir Richard, of Oxfordshire,] az. on a the first
[Borne by Edward Fox,
chev. ar. betw. three lions, passant, gardant, Provost of King's College, Cambridge, and
or, as many crosses, bottonee, sa. Bishop of Hereford, ob. 1538.]
Fowleshurst, [Lancashire,] gu. a fret or, a Foxall, [Ireland,] ar. two barsgu. Crest, two
chief of the last. hands couped and conjoined in fesse, support-
Fowleshurst, [Leicester,] gu. fretty or, a chief ing a cross crosslet, fitchee.
erm. Foxall. Crest, out of a ducal coronet or, a grey-
Fowlish, gu. fretty or, on a chief of the se- hound's head of the last.
cond, two mullets of the first. Foxall, [London.] Arms and Crest see first Dic-
Fowndowre, ar. a bend betw. two lions, ram- tionary. [Granted to John Foxall, of London,
pant, az. by Robert Cooke, Clarenceux King of Arms,
Fowles, [Sir Thomas, Islington, Middlesex,] 29th November, 1579.J
az. on a chev. ar. betw. three herons or, as Fox cot. See Foscot, Berks.
many crosses, formee, gu. Foxcote, [Huntingdonshire,] or, on a cross az.
Fownes. Arms see first Dictionary. Crest, a five escallops of the field.
hawk holding in the dexter claw an ear of wheat Foxcote, ar. a bend, engr. az.

ppr. Foxcote, ar. on a cross az. five escallops or.

Fownes, [Ireland.] an unicorn's head,
Crest, Foxcott, ar. on a bend az. three cronels, re-
erased, gu. armed and bearded or. versed, or.
Fox, gu. a chev. erm. betw. three lions' heads, Foxcroft, az. a chev. ar. betw. three foxes'
erased, ar. a chief of the second.
; heads, erased, or.
Fox, [Ireland,] ar. a lion, rampant, in chief, two Foxcroft, [Mayor of Leeds, Yorkshire, 1G65,]
dexter hands, appaumee, all ppr. Crest, a fox, az. a chev. or, betw. three foxes' heads, erased,
sejant, ppr. ppr.
Fox, [George Townshend, Esq. F.L.S. Little Foxe, [Ireland,] .... a lion, rampant, .... in
Eppleton, Durham,] erm. on a chev. az. three chief two dexter hands, apaumee, .... Crest,
foxes' heads, erased, or. Crest, on a chapeau a fox, sejant, ppr.
az. turned up erm. a fox, sejant, or. Foxley, gu. three bars ar.
Fox, [Cambridge,] ar. three pales az. on a chief Foxton, [Cambridge and London.] Arms, see
or, as many lions' heads, erased, of the se- first
Dictionary. Crest, a rose ar. barbed vert.
cond. F'oxwell, per chev. vert and erm. in chief
Fox. To the name of Essex in the first Dic- two leopards' faces or. Crest, a galley ppr.
tionary add Crest, on a chapeau gu. betw. Foxwest, [London.] Arms, see first Dictiona-
two crosses potent sa. and vert, a fox, passant, ry. Crest, a rein-deer's head, erased, ppr.
ar. Foy, paly of eight sa. and ar. a crescent gu.
Fox, [Ireland,] a chev. betw. three foxes' heads,
ar. Crest, an eel ppr.
erased, gu. Crest, a castle sa. masoned ar. Foyle, [Dorsetshire,] ar. a saltier, chequy, or
Fox, [London and Yorkshire,] erm. a chev. az. and sa. betw. four trefoils, slipped, of the
betw. three foxes' heads, erased, ppr. Crest, third.
a fox's head as in the Arms. Foyle, [Ireland,] az. a rose or,
barbed vert.
Fox, [Salop,] ar. a chev. betw. three foxes' heads, FozzARD. Crest, a dexter wing issuing fesse-
erased, gu. ways, charged with a chev. betw. three mul-
Fox, or, three foxes' heads, couped, gu. lets.
F It A F R A
FRALBR. The same as Frater. Frances, [London,] sa. a saltier betw. four cross
Frame. Arms, see first Dictionary. Crest, on crosslets or.
a mount vert, an ermine ppr. Frances, [Formark, Derbvshire.] The same as
FRAMINGHAM, ar. a fesse gu. betw. tliree Cornisli Francis, of Staffordshire, in the first Dic-
choughs ppr. Crest, a demi moor, brandishing tionary.
a cimeter, and therewith attacking a tiger Fiances, per fesse, indented ar. :id sa. three

issuing- on the sinister side. [These Arms cocks counterchanged.

borne by Henry Framingham, Founder of Pa- Franceys, [Derbyshire.] Arms, see first Dic-
radise Hospital at Lynn, Norfolk, 1714.] tionary. Crest, a hand issuing from a cloud
FRAMINGHAY, sa. a chev. betw. three crescents seizing a stag by the horns, ppr.
erminois. Franceys, vert a fesse or, counterflory of fleurs-
F ram ling ham, gu. a chev. betw. three close de-lis of the same.
helmets ar. plumed or, a crescent for difference. Franch, ar. a cross triparted sa.
Crest, an elephant or, armed gu. gorged with Francham. See Franshan.
a chaplet vert. Franche, sa. a cross, triple-parted and fretted
Framlingham, a fesse gu. betw.
[Suffolk,] ar. ar. Crest, a griffin, segreant, ppr. collared
three birds sa. beaked and legged of the second. and lined or, the end of the line and ring turned
Crest, a lion's head, erased, gardant, or, oft* and held in the bill.

charged with hurts and torteauxes. Francheville, ar. on a chev. az. six billets of
Framlingham, ar. a fesse sa. thereon another. the field.
dancettee, of the first. Francis. To the seventh of the name in the
Framlingham, or, on a fesse az. a bar, dancettee, first
Dictionary, add- Crest, a dove, in the
ar. beak an olive branch ppr.
Framlingham, gu. a lion, rampant, gardant, Francis, sa. on a bend gu. cottised of the same,
erm. three owls or.
Frampton, or Framton, sa. two lion's paws Francis, or Frauncis, [Winchambrook, Suffolk,]
issuing out of the dexter and sinister base points, gu. a chev. engr. erm. betw. three falcons rising
chevron ways, ar. armed gu. ar. beaked, legged, jessed, and belled, or.

Frampton, barry of gu. and ar. in chief three Francis, [Norfolk,] ar. a fesse indented gu. betw.
crescents or. three eagles, displayed, sa. beaked and mem-
Frampton, [Newmarket, Cambridgeshire.] The bered of the second.
same Arms as Frampton, of Moreton, in the Francise, ar. a chev. engr. sa. betw. three
Dictionary. mullets pierced gu.
I rance,
[Scotland,] vert, a saltier ar. on a chief Franck, vert, a saltier engr. or.
or, three fleur-de-lis az. Crest, out of a mount Franck, vert, on a saltier engr. or, a lion's head,
an oak-tree, fructed, ppr. erased, gu. Crest, out of a mural coronet or,
France, ar. on a chief gu. three lions, rampaut, a lion's head gu. betw. two wings erminois.
or. Franck, [Grimsby, Lincolnshire, temp. Richard
Franceis, erm. on a canton sa. a harp ar. II. Essex, Farleigh, and Ashburn, Sussex,] ar.
Crest, a hand issuing from a cloud, seizing a a bend engr. sa. betw. two Cornish choughs ppr.
stag by the horns, ppr. Crest, on a staff raguly, lying- fesseways or,
Frances, [Scotland,] ar. a chev. betw. three a Cornisli chough, ppr.
eagles, displayed, az. Crest, the stump of an Francois. To the third of the name in the first
oak shooting forth a branch from the sinister, Dictionary, add Crest, on the stump of a tree,
shooting forth branches, a hawk, belled ppr.
Frances, ar. a chev. betw. three eagles, displayed, Francois, erm. three bars sa.
gu. Crest, an eagle with wings endorsed or, Francton, gu. three bars ar.
on a branch of grapes reflexed over his head, Franke, or, a saltier engr. gu.
fructed ppr. leaved vert. Franke, ar. a bend engr. betw. two birds sa.
Frances, ar. a fesse betw. three eagles, displayed, beaked and legged gu.
with two heads, gu. Franke, [Sir William, Yorkshire,] vert, a saltier
Frances, [Sir John, of London, Mercer,] per engr. ar.
bend sinister sa. and or, a lion, rampant, Frankish. See Francke.
counterchanged. FRANKLAND, [London,] gu. a dolphin, naianf
Frances, per bend ar. and az. a lion, rampant, ar. on a chief of the second three saltiers
or. az.
Frankland. See Franklyn. stockings green plaid, a green feather in his
Frankland, [President of Queen's College, Cam- cap, and in his exterior hand a sword ppr. hilt
bridge,] ar. on a bend cottised az. three eagles, and pomel or sinister, a soldier of the York

displayed, of the field. rangers, habited in a green short coat, turned

Frankland, [Cambridgeshire.] The same Arms up gu. white trousers, black cap with green
as Frankland, of Hertfordshire, in the first feather, holding in his exterior baud a musket
Dictionary. [Borne by Dr. John Frankland, ppr. belts and sling of musket sa. [Borne by
Dean of Ely, and Master of Sidney College, General Sir John Fraser, G. C.H. of Kmgs-
ob. 1730.] ton, 3Iiddlesex, Lieut. Governor of Chester
Franklin, ar. on a bend betw. two lions' heads, Castle, 1833.]
erased, gu. a dolphin embowed of the field, Fraser, [Jamaica,] az. three cinquefoils ar. within
betw. as many birds, close, or, collared az. a bordure of the last. Crest, a demi eagle in
Crest, a conger eel's head erect, or, erased per flames, the arms and crest charged with a
f'esse gu. betw. two branches vert. crescent for difference.
Franklin, [Ireland,] ar. on a bend betw. two Fraser, [Admiral,] quarterly ; first and fourth,
lions'heads, erased, gu. a dolphin of the field. az. three cinquefoils ar. second and third, gu.

Franklin, [Late Governor of New Jersey,] ar. three eastern crowns or, over the quarters a
on a bend, betw. two lions' heads, erased, gu. crescent ar. all within a bordure gu. Crest, a
a dolphin embowed betw. as many martlets or. buck's head, erased, ppr.
'Crest, a dolphin's head, in pale ar. erased Fraser, [Bray,] quarterly ;
first and fourth, az.

gu. finned or, betw. two branches vert. three cinquefoils ar. ; second and third, gu.
Franklyn, [Ampthill, Bedfordshire,] ar. on a three antique crowns or, over the quarterings a
bend engr. betw. two lions' heads, erased, gu. mullet ar.
a dolphin embowed betw. two birds or. Crest, Frazer, [Farralane,] quarterly; first and fourth,
as the last. az. a bend engr. betw. three cinquefoils ar. ;

Franklyn, ar. on a bend, betw. three lions' heads, second and third, ar. three antique crowns gu.
erased, gu. two dolphins or. Crest, a sword and olive-branch, in saltier, ppr.
Franklyn, or Frankland. The same as Frank- Fraser, [Fraserfield,] quarterly; first and fourth,
land. az. three cinquefoils ar. second and third, or,

Franklyn, on a pale gu. a dolphin, haurient, of

ar. a lion, rampant, gu. debruised by a ribbon sa.
the first, betw. two saltiers engr. of the second ; all within a bordure az. charged with eight
on a chief az. a lion, rampant, ar. betw. two garbs or. Crest, an ostrich, with a horse-shoe
birds or. Crest, a hind's head, erased, or, in the beak, all ppr.
charged with three pellets, betw. two wings ex- Fraser, [Inchculter,] az. three cinquefoils within
panded, vaire or and az. a bordure ar. Crest, a phoenix, in flames, ppr.
Franklynge, ar. on a pale betw. two saltiers Fraser, [Knock,] az. five cinquefoils in saltier ar.
humettee gu. a dolphin in pale ar. [Granted Fraser, [Pitcallain,] quarterly first and fourth,

toWilliam Franklynge, Deacon of Durham, az. three fraziers ar. second and third, gu.

by Thomas Tong, Norroy, 1530.] three antique crowns or, all within a bordure ar.
Frannes, gu. a saltier betw. four cross crosslets Crest, a stag's head, erased, with an annulet
ar. in the ear.
Fransham, gu. three crescents ar. a chief erin. Frater, two bars betw. nine martlets gu.

Fransham, per pale ar. and az. a martlet counter- and three.
three, three,
changed. Fratinge, quarterly, gu. and or, a label of three
Franshan, or Francham, per pale indented, points az.
ar. and az. six martlets counterchanged. Frauncis. See Francis.
Franton, ar. two bars humettee gu. betw. as Frawcar, ar. on a saltier sa. five escallops or.
many flaunches of the last, each charged with Fraxines, gu. a chev. betw. three combs ar.
two garbs or. Fray, erm. a fesse sa. betw. three bee-hives or.
Franton, sa. two lions' paws in chev. ar. issuing Fraybrough, or, three human hearts betw.
from the field. cross crosslets gu.
FRASER, quarterly; first and fourth, az. three cin- Fraye. Arms, see the first Dictionary. Add
quefoils ar. ;
second and third, ar. three eastern Crest, a stag pierced in the side with an arrow.
crowns gu. Crest, a buck's head, erased, ppr. Frayle, or, a fesse sru. on a canton of the second
Supporters, dexter, a highland soldier ppr. a cinquefoil of the first. Crest, a horse, ram-
habited in a red coat turned up yellow, kilt and pant, ....
Frazer, [Auchnagarn, Scotland.] Same Arms Freby, or Freebody, ar. a chev. az. on a canton of
as of Belladrum, and for difference charges tbe the last, a . , . . or.
bordure with eight mullets counterchanged. Freche, ar. two chev. gu. on a canton az. a
Crest, a stag's head, erased, ppr. attired or, fleur-de-lis or.

charged with a star of eight rays issuing from a Frederick, [Sir John, Alderman of London,
crescent ar. 1673,] or, on a chief az. three martlets ar.
Frazer, [Broadland, Scotland.] The same as of Free, vert, three horses, courant, ar. bridled or.
Tvrie, with a fleur-de-lis for difference. Crest, a fox's head ppr.
Frazer, [Dores, Scotland,] az. three cinquefoils Free, sa. three colts ar. bridled or.
ar. Freebairn, [Scotland,] ar. on a chev. gu. betw.
Frazer, [Belladrum, Scotland,] az. five cinque- three martlets sa. an annulet or. Crest, the sun
foils in saltier ar. within a bordure engr. quar- in splendour.
tered ar. and gu. Crest, a stag starting ppr. Freebody, gu. a chev. ar. betw. three wings or.
Frazer, [Strichen, Scotland.] The same Arms Freeland, [Westborne and Singleton, Sussex.]
within a bordure gu. Crest, a stag's head, The same Arms and Crest as Freeland, of
couped, ppr. Gretham, Hampshire, in the first Dictionary.
Frazer, [Eskdale, Scotland.] The same Arms, Freeman, [Flower, Northampton,] erm. three
within a bordure indented ar. charged with eight lozenges conjoined in fesse .... in the middle ,

crescents gu. Crest, a stag's head, couped ppr. one a roundle. Crest, in a ducal coronet a
attired or, and charged with an increscent and wolf's head.
decrescent interlaced gu. Freeman, [Clifton, Gloucestershire.] Tbe same
Frazer, [Fingask, Scotland.] Same Arms as of Arms as the fifteenth of the name in the first

Belladrum, and for difference charges the bor- Dictionary.

dure with eight annulets counterchanged. Freeman, [Stratford-upon-Avon, Warwickshire,]
Crest, as of Auchnagarn. ar. three lozenges sa. Crest, a demi lion, ram-
Frazer, [Kirktown, Forfar, Scotland,] quarterly ; pant, holding betw. the paws a lozenge gu.
first and fourth, Frazer; second and third, Freeman, [Yorkshire,] az. three lozenges ar.
a lion, rampant, ar. all within a bordure indent- Freeman, [Aspden, Hertfordshire, 1669.] The
ed or. Crest, a bunch of strawberries ppr. same Arms. Crest, a demi lion, rampant, gu.
Frazer, [Inverness, Scotland,] quarterly first ; charged on the shoulder with a cross, pattee, or.
and fourth, az. a fesse betw. three cinquefoils Freeman, or, on a chev. per pale ar. and gu. three
ar. second and third, ar. three antique crowns
; fleurs-de-lis counterchanged.
gu. Crest, a hand pointing with the fore-finger Freemantle. Crest, out of rays a dexter
to an escrol above, with the motto,
Semper hand, vested, holding up a human skull.

])arati. Freer, [Scotland,] ar. a saltier az.; in chief a

Frazer, [Phoppachie, Scotland,] az. three frases mullet, in base a martlet. Crest, a swan ppr.
ar. within a bordure, componee, of the second Freer. Crest, a sphere ppr.
and first. Crest, a phoenix ppr. Freere, or Fryer, [Essex, and Charlton,
Frazer, [Tyrie, Scotland,] quarterly; first and Salop,] sa. a chev. betw. three dolphins ar.
fourth, Frazer; second and third, gu. a lion, Crest, out of a ducal coronet, a hind's leg ....
rampant, ar. armed and langued sa. with a cres- Freeth. Crest, a hand issuing from a cloud in
cent for difference. Crest, an ostrich holding fesse, holding a club in pale, ppr.
in its beak a horse-shoe. Freford, or Freeford, gu. a bend, masculy,
Frear. See Fryer. ar. Crest, out of a ducal coronet, an eagle's
Frear. Arms, see the first
Dictionary. Crest, a bead.
castle sa.entwiued by a serpent ar. darting at a FrehamptoN, ar. on a bend gu. three cinque-
cock standing on the battlements or. foils or.

Freaston, ar. on a chev. sa. betw. three escal- Freign De, erm. two bars gu. in chief a demi
lops, as many bezants. lion of the second.
Freband, gu. crusuly and a cross or. Freign, or Freyne, [Ireland,] vert, a bend gu.
Frebody. See the first Dictionary. [Granted over all a bend sinister or.
by patent to John Frebody, son of John Fre- Frein, erm. two bars, gemelle, and a demi lion,

body, of Udimore, Sussex, by Richard St. rampant, in chief, gu.

George, Clarenceux, April 1634.] Freins, [Ireland,] gu. a bend per bend, indent-
Freby. Arms, see the first Dictionary. Add ed, ar. and az.
Crest, a castle sa. ports and windows gu. Freisell, ar. six roses gu. three, two, and one.
Freisley, or Fretzell, sa. six quatrefoils, French, [Scotland,] az. a chev. betw. two boars'

slipped, ar. heads, erased, gu. in chief, and in base a bezant.

Freisley, or, three crescents gu. Crest, a ship in full sail ppr.
Freke, per pale ar. and az. a fesse betw. three French, per pale sa. and az. a wolf, passant, ar.
fleurs-de-liscounterchanged. [Borne by Ed- French, [Ireland.] The same Arms and Crest as
mund Freke, Dean of Salisbury, elected Bishop the niuth of the name in the first Dictionary.

of Rochester 1571, translated to Norwichl575, [Fellow of Emanuel College, Cambridge.]

and to the See of Worcester 1584, ob. 1590. French e, ar. a fesse engr. gu. in chief a rose of
Freke, [West Bilney, Norfolk,] sa. two bars or, the last.
in chief three mullets of the last. Crest, a Fren cham, .... a fesse betw. two chev
bull's head, couped, sa. attired, collared, and Crest, a unicorn's head, erased,

lined or. Frend, [Canterbury.] The same Arms as Freud,

Freke, [Ireland,] ar. a fesse az. betw. three fleurs- Cambridge.
de-lis, vert. Crest, a dexter arm in armour, Frend. The same Arms. Crest, a beacon, fired,
embowed, brandishing a sword, all ppr. ppr.
Freke, [Bristol, Gloucestershire, 1729,] sa. two Frend, ar. a chev. sa. betw. three bulls' heads,
bars and three mullets, in chief, ar. cabossed, gu.
Frekelton, or Frekilton, [Huntingdon,] sa. Frend, or, a chev. betw. three bulls' heads, cabos-
a chev. betw. three cups, covered, or.- Crest, sed, sa.
a camel's head, couped, ar. muzzled or. Frend, gu. two bars vaire, ar. and sa.
Freman, [Surrey,] gu. a chev. betw. three fleurs- Frend, gu. a cross betw. twelve cross crosslets or.
de-lis or. Frend, gu. a chev. betw. three bucks' heads erm.
Freman. Same as Freeman, Fowley Court, Oxon. attired or.
Freman. See Forman. Frenue, or, a chev. sa. betw. three bulls' heads,
Fremargan, per pale gu. and az. a lion, ram- cabossed, gu. armed ar.
pant, or. Frene, bendy of six, az. and ar. Crest, a phy-
Fremes, [Herefordshire,] sa. three bends, dan- sician's quadrangular cap.
cettee, or and az. Frene, gu. two bars vair.
Fremes, [Herefordshire,] bendy, dancettee, of six, Frene, gu. two bars, per fesse, indented, ar. and az.
or and az. Freneland, gu. semee of cross crosslets and a
Fremingham, gu. a fesse erm. betw. two wea- cross or.
courant, ar.
sels, Frenes, az. two bends engr. ar.

Fremingtone, or, on a cross gu. five plates. Frenes, bendy of six, or and gu. (Another, az.
Fremley, vert, three bucks' heads, cabossed, and or.)
ar. Frenne, or, a fleur-de-lis sa. within a bordure gu.
Fremlin, [1645,] gu. a chev. betw. three hel- Frennes, per bend, az. and ar. two bends, engr.
mets ar. Crest, an elephant. counterchanged.
Fremling, or Fremlin. The same Arms. Frenney, [Ireland,] or, a fleur-de-lis gu. within
Crest, an elephant [M. I. in St. Leo- a bordure of the last.

nards, Shoreditch.~] Frenney. See Freny.

Fremling, [Kent.] The same, with feathers ar. Frennoy, gu. three pellets vaire, ar. and gu.
Frems, or, three bendlets gu. Frenny, or, a fleur-de-lis sa.
Fren, or, three fleurs-de-lis gu. within a bordure Freny, or Frenney, [Essex.] The same as
of the last. the first of the name in the first Dictionary.

Fren, gu. two bars, vair. Frere, [West Cotes, Leicestershire,] sa. a chev.
Fren, gu. two bars per fesse, dancettee, ar. and betw. three dolphins ar. Crest, out of a ducal
az. coronet gu. an antelope's head ar. attired or.
Fren band, gu. a cross or, betw. twelve cross Frere, vert, three nags, courant, ar. Crest, a
crosslets of the second. Crest, a demi lion gu. nag's head, erased, ar. bridled gu.
holding in the paw a trefoil, slipped, or. Frere. See Fryer.
Frenbingham, sa a fesse az. Frerech. The same as Fresche.
French, gu. a chev. engr. betw. three dolphins Fresche, per pale, sa. and ar. a wolf, salient, of
or. Crest, a dolphin ppr. the last, bend ways.
French, [Frenchland, Scotland,] az. a chev. betw. Frescheville, or Freshwell, az. a bend
three boars' heads, erased, or. betw. six escallops ar. Crest, a gem-ring or,
French, sa. a bend betw. two lions, rampant, ar. stoned gu.
FRESE, crm. on a cliev. sa. three withered sant. [Borne by Accepted Frewin, Dean of
branches ar. Gloucester, appointed Bishop of Lichfield and
FreSELL, or FRESILL, sa. six roses ar. three, Coventry 1G43, translated to the See of York
two, and one. Crest, a hand issuing from the 1G60, ob. 1(364.]
wreath, plucking a rose from a bush ppr. Frewke, vert, a saltier engr. or. Crest, a goat's
Fresford, gu. a bend, fusilly, ar. head, erased, sa. armed and bearded ar.
FRESH. To the third of the name in the first Frewod, ar. on a chev. sa. an escallop of the
Dictionary add Crest, out of a ducal coronet, field.
a horse's hind leg erect. Frexe betw. two flaunches three
Fresh ac re, az. five fishes, haurient, or, three leopards' faces in pale ....
and two. Crest, a savage's head, affrontee, Freyn, [temp. Edw. III.] gu. two bars, indent-
ducally crowned ppr. vested paly or and gu. ed, ar. and az.
Fresh E, ar. a fesse engr. gu. in chief an annulet Freynes, az. three bends, embattled, counter-
of the last. embattled, or.
Fresh ey, sa. on a bend betw. three leopards' Freysell, sa. six cinquefoils ar. three, two, and
faces or, as many leaves vert. one.
Freshfield. The same Arms
as Freslifield in Freysell, ar. six roses gu. three, two, and one.
the first Crest, on a mount vert, a
Dictionary. Freysley, or, three crescents gu.
stag, lodged per fesse, or and gu. Fiubourg, ar. a chev. betw. three demi fleurs-
Fresh ill, ar. six roses gu. three, two, and one. de-lis or. Crest, a unicorn's head, erased, erm.
Freshill, per pale, ar. and sa. three fleur-de-lis maned and horned or.
counterchanged. Friend. See Frend in the first Dictionary.
Freskerell, per bend ar. and gu. a lion, rani- Frier, [Scotland,] az. a chev. betw. three dol-

pant, counterchanged. phins, naiant, ar.

Fresley, gu. three crescents or. Frigaunt, barry of ten, ar. and gu. a cross,
Freson, [Cornwall,] gu. a bend, Iozengy, ar. formee, az.
Fressill, gu. three fleurs-de-lis, each per pale, Frisby, [Clerkenwell, Middlesex,] sa. a chev.
ar. and sa. betw. three goats' heads, erased, ar.
Fressis. See Fressys. Frisenay, Fristnay, or Friskeney, az. a
Freston, [Yorkshire.] The same Arms as the saltier betw. four cross crosslets or.
first of the name in the first
Dictionary. Friskeney, or Friskney, gu. a cross moline,
Fretchville, [Staley, Derbyshire,] az. a bend per pale, or and erm.
betw. six escallops ar. Friskney, ar. a chev. az. betw. three quatrefoils
Freton, ar. a bend gu. Crest, a unicorn's head of the first, stalked and leaved vert.
ar. pellettee. Friston, az. a saltier betw. four cross crosslets
Fretzell, gu. three fleurs-de-lis ar. or.

Frevil, on a cross gu. a lozenge ar. betw.

or, Frizel, [Scotland.] Crest, a stag's head, erased,
four lozenges vair, on the centre one a cross of ppr.
the second. Frizell, or Frysell, ar. three roses gu.
Frevile. The same Arms as Frevile, of Tam- Frobisher, erm. on a fesse engr. az. betw. three
worth-Castle, in the first Dictionary. Crest, griffins' heads, erased, sa. a greyhound, courant,
out of a ducal coronet or, an old man's head, ar.

couped below the shoulders, ppr. vested gu. Frodham, ar. on a cross sa. five lions, passant,
turned up erm. on his head a cap of the third, gardant, or. Crest, a dexter hand holding a
tasselled of the first. fleur-de-lis.
Frevill, or, a maunch vaire, ar. and gu. Frodingham, az. a bend ar. betw. six mullets or.
Freville, [Cambridgeshire,] or, a cross, patonce, Frodsham, [Cambridgeshire,] ar. on a cross sa.
gu. five mullets or.

Frew, [Scotland,] gu. on a chev. ar. three mul- Frogenhall, or Frognall, sa. two bars or,
lets az. Crest, a demi lion or, holding betw. a chief ar.
the paws a mullet az. Frogg, a fesse engr. betw. four annulets sa.

Frewarren, ar. on a saltier sa. five escallops two and as many in base.
in chief
or. Frogg at, quarterly, az. and or; in the first and
Frewin, erm. four bars gu.; in chief a demi lion fourth, a mullet ar. Crest, a parrot feeding on
ppr. collared or,holding a caltrap gu. a bunch of cherries, all ppr.

Frewin, erm. four bars az,; in chief a lion nais- Froghall, .... three chev. ar.
2 K
Froglr, sa. three lions' gambs, couped and Fryton. Arms, see first Dictionary. Crest,
erect, or, the claws to the sinister side of the an heraldic tiger's head, ducally gorged and
field. chained, ppr.
Frog MO RE. The same as Frogmere in the first Fuddie, [Scotland,] ar. on a fesse, betw. two
Dictionary. mullets in chief, gu. and a dove in base az. a
Frog Morton, gu. on a chev. ar. three bars, mastiff's head, couped, of the field.

gemelle, sa. Crest, a falcon rising ar. jessed Fuder, or, a lion, rampant, sa.
and belled or. Fuhr, [Bristol, Gloucestershire, 1746, descended
Froil, sa. three lions' gambs, couped, or. out of Holland,] ar. on a chev. sa. five mullets
Froizell, [Suffolk,] az. six cinquefoils ar. three, or, in chief three eagles, displayed, and in base
two, and one. a tree, on a mount, ar.
Fromantrill, erm. three bars az. a bend gu. Fulbarne, ar. a saltier sa. betw. four martlets
Fro me. The same Arms as Frome, of Kennet, gu.
Wilts, in the first Dictionary. Crest, a grey- Fulbarow, ar. on a fesse, sa. three crescents
hound, coucbant, betw. two branches of laurel or.
in orle ppr. Fulbawth, ar. a fesse sa. betw. three crescents
Frome, az. a chev. wavy, betw. three griffins, vert.

segreant, or. Fulborn, or Fulborne. Crest, out of an

Frome, [Frome, Knolton, and Woodland, temp. antique coronet or, a demi lion az.
Hen. IV.] barry of six ar. and az.; in chief a Fulborne, or Fulbourne, [Cambridgeshire,]
lion, passant, of the last. sa. a chev. betw. three mullets ar.

Frore, two flaunches gu. three ears of wheat,

or, Fulborne, [Fulborne, Cambridgeshire.] The same
paleways counterchanged, in chief, and
in fesse as the second of the name in the first Dictionary.
in base a billet lying fesseways of the second. Fulcher. The same Arms as Fulcher in the
Fromond, or Fromount, erm. a chev. betw. first Dictionary. Crest, a demi lion, holding an
three fleurs-de-lis or. Crest, a dexter arm anchor ppr.
holding up an escallop. Fulfkeny, gu. a cross, sarcelly, per pale, or
Frost, [Chancellor to Prince Arthur.] The and erm.
same as the second of the name in the first Dic- Fulford, sa. three bears' heads, erased, ar.

tionary. muzzled or.

Frost, ar. a fesse gu. betw. three trefoils, slipped, Fulham. Arms, see first Dictionary. Crest, "a

az. greyhound's head ppr.

Frosted, ar. a chev. sa. betw. three owls gu. Fulherst, o>-FulsherST. Crest, atriangular
Frowyke. The same Arms as Frowicke
the first harrow.
in the first Dictionary. Crest, two arms vested Fulkey, gu. a cross moline, per pale, or
az. hands ppr. holding a leopard's head or. erm.
Froxmare, sa. three griffins, passant, Fulkroy, chequy, ar. and az. a fesse, vaire, of
in pale, ar. the first, and gu.
Froxmare, az. three griffins, passant, in pale, ar. Fulkworth. Arms, see first Dictionary.
Froxmer, [Norfolk.] The same as Froximore, Crest, a dexter arm, vested, erm. in the hand
of Worcestershire, in the first Dictionary. ppr. a sword, wavy, az.
headed or.
Froyle, sa. three lions' paws, erased, or. Fullar, [Scotland,] quarterly, first and fourth
Crest, a demi lion, per pale, gu. and az. collared az. a cinquefoil ar.
second and third ar. a peli-
or. can, feeding her young, gu. over all a cross ar.
Fruid, [Scotland,] or, a stag, trippant, az.;
on a Fullchampe, sa. a bend betw. six escallops or.
chief of the last three roses ar. Fuller, [Ireland,] gu. three bars and a canton,
Fry, erm. a fesse sa. betw. three bee-hives or. sinister, ar. Crest, a horse-shoe az.
Fryar, [Worcestershire.] The same Arms and Fuller, [Berkshire and Middlesex, Uckfield, Little
Crest as Fryer, of Clan, Essex. Orsted,Tanners-in-Waldron,Galehouse-in-]Ma_v-
field, Hastings, and Brightling,
all in Sussex.]
Frye, [Exeter,] vert, a fleur-de-lis or betw. three
horses ar. bridled of the second. The same Arms as Fuller, of Sussex, in the
Fryer, [London and Harlton, Cambridgeshire.] first Dictionary.

The same Arms as the eighth Fryer in the first Fuller, [York-place, Surrey.] The same Arms as
Dictionary. [Granted by Camden, Claren- Fuller, of Sussex, in the first Dictionary.
ceux.~\ Fuller, [Foxton, Cambridgeshire.] The same
Fryers. See with Frier in the first Dictionary. Arms.
Fuller, per pale, erm. and ar on a canton gu. an FUN din, or, two bends, gemelle, az.
orle or. Fundy, quarterly, az. and ar. a bend, cottised,
Fuller, [Abbot of Waltham,] sa. two bars ge- or, an eagle, displayed, of the second.
melles, betw. as birds ar. on a chief or,
many Funeaux, per chev. erm. and gu. in base a
three bezants, each charged with a cross patouce golden fleece. Crest, an arm, from the elbow,
betw. two bucks' heads, erased, az. in armour, holding
up a caltrap ppr.
Fullerton, [Craighall, Scotland,] ar. a chev. Funston, [Wytnondham,] ar. five crosses, pat-
betw. three otters' heads gu. Crest, a camel's tee, in saltier, gu.
head or. Furbish er, erm. on a fesse, engr. betw. three
Fullford, ar. a chev. betw. three millrinds sa. griffins' heads, erased, sa. a greyhound, courant,
Fullumb, ar. on a chev. sa. three crescents or. ar. collared
gu. lined or.
Fullurtby, gu. three crescents ar. a chief errn. Furfar, gu. three water-bougets ar.
Filmerston. The same as Fulmeston, in the Furlong, ar. two bars, betw. eight martlets sa.
Dictionary. Crest, an eagle's head, erased, ppr.
Fclmerton, or, on a chev. engr. betw. three Furnese, Furnes, or Furness, ar. a talbot,
doves az. as many fleurs-de-lis of the first. sejant, sa. in chief three crescents gu. Crest,
Fulnerby, or Fulnesby, [Lincolnshire,] gu. out of a ducal coronet, a lion's paw, holding a
three crescents or, a chief erm. lance, ppr.
Fulode, [Salop,] ar. three leopards' faces sa. a Furnivall, ar. three martlets gu. Crest, an
chief gu. anchor, with cable, and sword, in saltier, ppr.
Fulrick. Arms, see first Dictionary. Crest, a Furnivall, [Sheffield.] The same as the first of
tower, from the top a plume of five ostrich- the name in the first Dictionary.
feathers ppr. Furnivall, gu. a bend, betw. six martlets or.
Fulthorpe, [Fulthorpe and Tunstall, Durham, Furse. Arms, see first Dictionary. Crest, a
and Hipswell, Yorkshire,] ar. a cross moline lion, sejant, holding in the dexter
sa. Crest, a horse, passant, ar. bridled az. bit paw a dagger, and
the sinister a fleur-de-lis.
and tassels or. Furse, [Halsdon, Devon,] gu. a chev. embattled,
Fuilhorpe, ar. a cross, sarcelly, and lion, passant, betw. six halberts, saltierwise, in pairs, or.
in chief, sa. Crest, a tower ppr.
Fulthorpe, [Sir Gawen, London,] ar. semee of Furser, or FurzER, gu. three mullets, in chief,
annulets, and a lion, rampant, az. ar.Crest, on a mount, a stag, lodged, ppr.
Fulthurst, [Cheshire,] or, fretty gu. on a chief Fursland. The same Arms as in the first Dic-
of the three mullets of the first.
tionary. Crest, a savage's head, affrontee,
Fulthurst, gu. fretty or, a chief ar. couped at the shoulders ppr. vested, paly of six,
Fulton, [Scotland,] az. fretty, semee-de-lis, ar. sa. and ar.
on a fesse of the second a boar's head, erased, Fusswell, ar. a cross moline gu.
of the first, betw. two mullets, gu. Crest, on Fust, [Hill-Court, Gloucestershire, Bart.] ar. on
a mount vert, a stag, lodged, regardant, ppr. a chev. betw. three bill-hooks sa. as many mul-
Fulton, [Park,] az. diapre, on a fesse ar. betw. lets, pierced, of the first.
three fleurs-de-lis in chief, and four in base of Futhie, [Scotland.] The same as Fithie.
the second, a boar's head, erased, of the first. Fuy, or, a saltier az. in chief a crescent of the
Crest, as above. last.

Fulton, ar. a lion, rampant, az. over all a bend, Fychan, [Wales,] .... a chev. erm. betw. three
gobony, erm. and gu. Crest, an arm, erect, mens' heads ....
holding a spear, all ppr. Fychan, [Nanny, Wales,] or, a lion, rampant,
Fulton, or, a lion, salient, az. over all a baton, az.
compony, ar.and gu. Fychel, gu. a saltier, vair, betw. four mullets
Fulwood, [Hants and Warwickshire,] gu. a or.
chev. betw. three mullets, pierced, ar. Crest, Fychett, gu. a cross, vair, betw. four mullets,
a buck, trippant, in the mouth an oak slip, all or.

ppr. Fychett, gu. three chev. or.

Fulwood, [Fordhall, Warwickshire.] The same Fydell, [Boston, Lincolnshire.] The same as
Arms as Fulhvood, of Staffordshire, in the first Fijdell in the first Dictionary.
Dictionary. Fydell. Arms, the same as in the first Dictionary.
Fuhvood, [Warwickshire,] az. a fesse or, betw. Crest, a hind's head, couped, per chev. sa.
three crescents ar. and erm.

Fydelow, ar. three roses gu. G a bell, ar. a chev. and chief vert. Crest, a
Fyers, Crest, a goat,
az. a cross ar. fretty gu. savage, wreathed about the middle, treading
passant, holding in the month a hunch of ivy. on a serpent, all ppr.
Fyfe, [Scotland,] ar. a lion, rampant, gu. on a Gabit, [Righton, Salop,] gu. a griffin, segreant,
chief of the last, a crescent betw. two mullets or, supporting a standard ar. charged with an
or. Crest, a demi lion, rampant. imperial eagle, the staff" twisted ar. and sa. the
Fyfield, per fesse and per pale, counterchanged foot gold, head and tassels of the third.
ar. and vert, three acorns slipped, or. Gabriel, or Gabryell. Arms, see first
Fyge, [Winslow, Buckinghamshire,] .... a Dictionary. Crest, a demi savage, regardant,
fesse betw. three fleurs-de-lis ppr.
Fyler. Crest, a fox, sejant, per fesse or and gu. Gabriel, or, six billets sa. three, two, and one.
Fylfyd, or, three water bougets az. Gabryell, or, thirteen billets sa.
Fylkin. See, with Filkin, in the first Dic- Gaddes, or Gaddez, ar three gads sa. Crest,
tionary. a stag's head, ppr.
Fylingley, sa. a chev. engr. ar. betw. three Gaff, gu. on a chev. ar. three cinquefoils, vert.

leopards' heads or. Crest, a demi antelope or, collared gu.

Fylkin, ar. a crescent in an orle sa. within Gaffard, or, a cross lozengy sa.
another of nine billets of the second. Crest, a Gafford, [Worcester,] ar. nine torteauxes,
demi greyhound betw. two wings. three, three, two and one.
Fylloll, vair, a canton gu. Crest, a grey- Gage, [Cirencester, Gloucestershire, temp. Hen.
hound's head, erased, sa. IV. Burstow, Surrey, temp. Hen. VIII.]
Fylloll, or, on a fesse betw.
two chev. gu. three The same as Gage, of Ferle, Sussex, in the
trefoils, slipped, ar. Dictionary.
Fyn, gu. a swan, passant, ppr. Gage, [Devonshire,] or, on a fesse sa. betw.
Fynchfield, ar. a fesse nebulee betw. four three escallops az. four lozenges ar.
cottises gu. Gage, per saltier ar. and gu. a cross or.
Fynes, or Fyneaux, az. three lions, rampant, Gaibonby, [Gatonby, Yorkshire,] erm. a chev.
or. Crest, a peacock's head, erased, az. or, betw. three mullets az.
crested or. Gaille, az. a cross moline, lozenge pierced, ar.
Fynes, [Claveringham, Sussex.] The same Arms. Crest, out of a mural crown a garb, thereon
Crest, an eagle's head, couped, and holding a bird, all ppr.
in the beak a gem-ring or, stone az. Gaine, ar. two bars dancettee gu. Crest, a
Fyneux. See, with Fin eux, in the first Dic- demi lion, rampant.
tionary. Gainsby, gu. a fesse, dancettee, betw. six
Fynmore, or FiNMORE, ar. three mallets vert. cross crosslets or. Crest, a sprig of laurel
Crest, a unicorn, sejant, resting the dexter growing out of a mount vert.

[Sussex.] The same as the first

Gainsford, of
paw on a tree ppr.
Fynnee, gu. a chev. betw. three martlets or. the name in the first Dictionary.
Fynney, [Fynney, in the parish of Cheddleton, Gair, [Scotland,] ar. a fleur-de-lis sa. on a chief
Staffordshire,] vert, a chev. betw. three eagles, of the last, a mullet of the first. Crest, a
displayed, or, armed and langued gu. Crest, millrind.
a staff, raguly, or. Gair, [Nig. Scotland.] The same Arms.
Fyres, ar. on a chev. gu. betw. three combs sa. Gairden, [of that Ilk, Scotland,] ar. a boar's
fixed in chief, and a salamander in base ppr. head, erased, sa. armed or. Crest, two hands
a portcullis with chains pendent, betw. two conjoined ppr. supporting a cross crosslet,
falcons, affrontee belled Crest, a fitchee, or.
dexter hand, holding a salamander in flames, Gairden, [Balmerino, Scotland,] ar. a boar's
head to the dexter, all ppr. head sa. betw. three cross crosslets, fitchee,
of the
gu. within a hordure, counter compony
second and first. Crest, a rose, slipped,
G. ppr.
Gairden, [Barrowfield, Scotland.] Arms, see
two swords first Crest, a dexter hand, holding
Gabb, az. in saltier, points upwards, Dictionary.
ar. hilts Crest, a griffin's head, betw. two
or. two palm branches disposed in orle ppr.
wings, holding in the beak a
branch of palm, Gairden, [Troup, Scotland,] ar. a boar's head,
all ppr. erased, sa. Crest, a boar, passant, ar.
GAlRUNEii, [Scotland,] ar. a fret gu. within an stag affixed to the scalp sa. Crest, a hand
oile of eight trefoils, vert. Crest, a ilenii holding a sickle ppr.
leopard, rampant, ppr. Gallaird, [London,] az. a bend between three
Gairdener, [Scotland,] ar. a fret, couped az. roses or.
and ending in four roses gu. as many hearts of Galland, or, a lion, rampant, betw. three cres-
the last, points to the centre, one in each square cents gu. Crest, a stag lodged, per pale or
of the fret. and gu.
Gairne, [of that Ilk, Scotland,] ar. a boar's head, Gallawav, [Scotland,] ar. alion, rampant, az.
erased, gu. in base a pear, pendent, or. in the dexter paw a thistle ppr. Crest, an arm
(Jaisford, ar. three bars sa. on a canton gu. a from the shoulder, holding a dagger ppr.
dagger of the first. Crest, a boar, passant, per Gallaivay, or Galoway, az. three garbs or.
fesse or and gu. hoofed of the last, bristled of Crest, out of a ducal coronet or, a dragon's
the first. head betw. two wings, endorsed, vert.
Galaad, ar. a cross gu. Crest, a demi grey- Galleiiall, or, semee de estoiles az. a lion,
hound ar. salient, gu.
Galag, ar. two bars, nowy, sa. betw. seven Gallere, az. three chalices covered or.
martlets of the last, four, two, and one. Crest, Gallie, [Scotland,] sa. a fesse
fretty gu. ar.
a snake, with horns erect, ppr. betw. two greyhounds, sejant, in chief or, and
Galbelly, ar. a lion, rampant, betw. four a galley with her sails furled, in base, of the
bales, .... in the dexter chief point a cres- second. Crest, a horse's head.
cent .... Galliers, paly of six sa. and or, on a chief of
Galboone, ar. a cross patonce, betw. four mart- the second, three cocks of the first. Crest,
lets, gu. an antelope, passant, quarterly, sa. and ar.
Galbraith, [Shanwally, Donegal, and
Bart, Galliez, [Gallowayshire, Scotland,] ar. in a sea,
Castelfin, Dublin,] per pale az. and gu. a tre- in base, the ark of Noah, and in chief a dove,
foil, slipped, ar. between three bears' heads, volant, holding an olive branch in the beak, all
erased, or, muzzled sa. Crest, a bear's head, ppr. Crest, a savage standing on a serpent
erased, or, muzzled sa. holding in the mouth a ppr.
trefoil slipped as in the Arms. Galligiitly, [Recorded 1800,] erminois, a
Galbreath, [Machrihannish, Scotland,] gu. a lion, rampant, double queued, gu. issuing from
fesse, chequy, ar. and az. betw. three bears' an antique crown az. in chief two thistles ppr.
heads, erased, of the second, muzzled of the Crest, a lion's head, issuing, gu. crowned with
third. an antique crown or.
Galbreath, [Scotland,] ar. a chev. betw. three Gallimore, ar. on a chev. or, betw. three lions'
wolves' heads, erased, sa. Crest, a bears' heads, erased, .... as many quatrefoils ....
head, couped, ar. muzzled az. Crest, a cock ppr.
Galbreath, [Scotland,] gu. a chev. betw. three Gallis, ]Windsor,] ar. three bars vert, on a
bears' heads and necks, ar. muzzled of the field. chief of the last, two swords, in saltier, ar.

Crest, a hand holding a cimeter ppr. Gallop. Arms see first Dictionary. -Crest, a
Gale, or Gall. The same Arms as Gale, of boar, passant, sa. thrust through with a broken
Cornwall, in the first Dictionary. Crest, a shank spear ppr. muzzled ar.
bone and palm branch, in saltier, ppr. Gallt;nd, or, on a chev. indented ar. a crescent
Gale, gu. a griffin, segreant, or, within a bordure, az. betw. three spread eagles, with two heads

gobonated, ar. and vert. Crest, a unicorn's of the last.

head, paly of six az. and or, the horns twisted Gallwey, [Payne, Bart.] quarterly; first and
of the second and first. fourth, per fesse, or and gu. in chief an eagle,
Gale, or Gall, [Norfolk,] az. a fesse ar. fretty displayed, sa. in base a castle ppr. for Gallwey;
second and third gu. a fesse betw. two lions,
Gale. To
the one of Yorkshire in the first Dic- passant, ar. for Payne. Crest of Gallwey, a
tionary add [Granted bij Lawrence Dalton, cat, passant, gardant. Crest of Payne, a
lion's gamb, erased, holding the lower part of
Norroy, an. 15. . since of Bedfordshire.]
. . ,

Gall, ar. a bear, sejant, rampant, sa. muzzled a tilling lance in bend.
gu. Crest, a ship ppr. with flags and pennant, Galton, erm. a bend gu. a canton sa. Crest,
living, gu. a bull's head, erased, gu. ducally gorged or.
Gallagher, [Ireland,] or, three attires of a Gam, ar. three cocks gu. membered or.
Gam, or Game, [Wales,] quarterly, or and gu. Gamul, or, a barrulet betw. two bars, gemelle,
three cocks counterchanged. gu. over all three escocheons vair.
Gamach, orGAMAGE, ar. a beud, lozengy, gu. Gamull, or, on a chief, indented, gu. three
on a chief az. three escallops of the first. trefoils, slipped, ar.
Crest, a dexter hand holding a pen, in pale, ppr. Gamvill, or Gamuell, [Storton,] ar. on a
Gamadge, orGAMAGE, ar. abend, fusilly, gu. chief gu. three trefoils, slipped, of the first.
on a chief az. three escallops of the first. Gamys, sa. a fesse or betw. three cinquefoils ar.
Gambell, or Gamble, [Ireland,] az. a fleur- Gander. Crest, a demi talbot per chev. ar. and
de-lis or. Crest, a Roman soldier in field cos- az.
tume ppr. Gandy. Crest, a fox, courant per pale, sa. and
Gambell, gu. a chief erm.
fleur-de-lis or, a or.

Crest, a crane, in the beak a rose stalked and Ganeth, [Cambridgeshire,] or, a lion, rampant,
leaved ppr. sa. billettee ar.
Gamboa, [Spain,] or, three woodbine leaves, Ganford, [Essex.] The same as in the first

pendent, az. Dictionary.

Gahbon. To the second of the name in the first Ganiboun, ar. on a chev. sa. three mullets of
Dictionary add Crest, a torteaux betw. two the field.

wings ppr. Ganlard. The same Arms as Ganlard in the

Gambon, [Devonshire,] az. three eagles displayed firstDictionary. Crest, a dexter hand bran-
or. dishing a sabre ppr.
Gamboun, ar. on a chev. sa. three mullets or, Gannock, [Little Barford, Oxfordshire,] ....
pierced gu. a fret ....
Game. Arms the same as the last of the name Gannon. Crest, a bull's head, ducally gorged
in the first Dictionary. Crest, a cross crosslet, and crowned ....
fitchee, and palm-branch in saltier ppr. Ganuble, or, on a chief gu. three trefoils, slip-
Gamell, or GAMMiLL,'[Buerton, Cheshire,] or, ped, ar. Crest, a lion, passant, tail extended,
three mallets sa. Crest, two lions' heads, ppr.
adossee, gu. Gape, [Cambridgeshire.] The same as Gape in

Games, [Wiltshire,] sa. three garbs ar. eared or. the first
Gamet, gu. three dexter hands ar. Gapoinge, ar. a bend sa.; on a chief gu. three
Gamin, gu. three bezants stamped with a head. leopards' faces or.
Crest, an armed arm, embowed, grasping a Gapper, az. on a chief ar. a lion, passant, gu.
sword, both ppr. round the arm a garland of Crest, out of an antique crown, a demi lion
laurel vert. rampant.
Gammack, or Gamane, [Clerkinsheills,] gu. a Garane, checquy, or and gu. a chief ar.
bend engr. Crest, a talbot's head sa.
ar. Garard, sa. a bend ar.
Gammon, [Kent,] ar. a chev. az. betw. three Gararde, ar. on a fesse sa. three mullets or,
legs couped above the knee gu. pierced gu.
Gamoll, or Gamull, [Buerton, Cheshire.] Garband, a tilting-spear and battle-axe, in

Arms, see the first Dictionary. First crest, on saltier, ar. in chief an arrow, bar-
headed or;
a ducal coronet, an estoile or, entwined by two ways, of the second, feathered and headed of
serpents respecting each other, vert.
erect, the third.
[Granted by Segar, Norroy. Second crest, a ~] Garband, [Lincolnshire,] gu. three bars or in ;

trefoil,slipped, or, betw. two wings, expanded, gu. chief as many bezants.
[Granted by Sir Richard St. George, Norroy, Garbonell, az. on a cross ar. five escallops gu.
1613.] Garbin, [Cambridgeshire,] ar. three bars sa. a
Gamon, [Minchenden - House, Middlesex,] az. label of five points gu.
two chev. betw. three legs, couped at the thigh, Gard. The same Arms as in the first Dictionary.
ar. Crest, a tower ar. betw. two laurel-branches
Gamon, [Dashworth, Hertfordshire, and Gray's vert.
Inn, Middlesex,] gu. three men's legs, couped, Garde, [Ireland,] gu. three crosses couped,
or, two and one. voided, ar. Crest, an antelope's head, erased, ppr.
Gamond, ar. a fesse betw. three legs, couped at Gardegrave, lozengy, ar. and sa. on a bend of
the thigh, sa. the last three crescents of the first.
Gamsford, [Chesham, Surrey,] .... a chev. Gardell, az. a chev. or betw. three fleurs-de-
betw. three greyhounds, courant, .... lis ar.
Gardf.n, az. three baskets or. Crest, a duck Garey, [Devonshire,] ar. a fleur-de-lis sa.
amongst flags ppr. Garfield. The same Arms as Garfeild in the
Garden, [Aberdeen,] or, a boar's bead, erased, first
Dictionary. Crest, out of a heart a hand
Crest, an open book ppr. holding a sword ppr.
Gardener, [Wrentham, Suffolk, Lord Mayor Garforth, sa. a bend betw. three goats, passant,
of London, 1478.] The same Arms as the ar.Crest, a wolf, couraut, ppr.
thirteenth of thename in the first Dictionary. Gargan, ar. three fusils gu.
Gardener, a chev. betw. three bugle-horus
sa. ar. Gargate, or Gargat, gu. two cinquefoils in
within a bordure or, semee of crescents gu. chief and a fleur-de-lis in base or. Crest, a
Gardener, [the Grove, Buckinghamshire.] The sea lion rampant.
same Arms as Gardener, of Bucks, in the first Gargate, sa. three fleurs-de-lis or.
Dictionary, the chev. or. Gargett, gu. semee-de-lis or, a bordure, coin-
Gardener, [Calais.] The same Arms as Gardner, pony, ar. and az.
of Wallingbam, in the first Dictionary. Garginton, or GarwintoN. Arms, see the
Gardener, [Norlhall, Lincolnshire.] The same first
Dictionary. Crest, a vine-branch, fructed
Arms, the lions or. Crest, a Turk's head ppr. and leaved ppr.
turban or and az. Gargrave, or, on a fesse, daneettee, gu. three
Gardener, per fesse, sa. and ar. a pale counter- cross crosslets, fitchee, ar.
changed. Garland, [Devonshire, and Whitfield,] gu.
Gardener, sa. a chev. betw. three half-spades ar. three chaplets ar.

Gardener, [Chief-Justice of Ireland, 1588.] The Garland, or Garlant. The same Arms as Gar-
same Arms as Gardiner, of Beccles, Norfolk, land of Lincolnshire, in the first Dictionary.
in the first Dictionary. Crest, a lion's paw, erased, holding a battle-
Gardener, az. a cross or, surmounted by another axe, ppr.
gu. betw. four griffins' heads, erased, of the Garland, [Essex,] or, three pales gu. on a chief,
second. [Borne by Stephen Gardener, restored per pale, of the second and az. a demi lion,
Bishop of Winchester 1553, and made Lord rampant, betw. two garlands of the field.
Chancellor, ob. 1555.] Garland, az. a spear and pole-axe in saltier
Gardener, az. six griffins' heads, erased, or. or.

Gardener, [Hampshire.] The same as Gardner, Garland. Arms as third in the first Dictionary.
of Somersetshire, in the first
Dictionary. Crest, a demi lion, rampant, holding a chap-
Gardey, [London,] ar. a billet sa. let, [Borne by John Bingley Garland,
all or.

Gardin, [Earnslaw, Scotland,] ar. on a chev. az. Esq. of Stone Cottage, Wemborn, Co. Dorset,
betw. three otters sa. each devouring a salmon of 1827.]
the second, as many pheons or. Crest, an otter Garlehampe, sa. an estoil of six
issuing, devouring a salmon ppr. points or, charged with an annulet of the first

Gardiner, [Wigan, Lancashire, and Roche- betw. two covered cups of the second.
Court, Hampshire.] The same Arms as Gard- Garlehanap. The same, the cups ar.
ner, of Wailingham, Lincolnshire, in the first Garlenrape, three cups ar.

Dictionary, the lions or. Crest, the same. Garling, ar. on a chev. gu. three mullets of the
[Created a Baronet, 1660.] field, on a chief az. as many suns or.' Crest,
Gardiner, sa. a chev. betw. three demi spades a fish's head, erased, ppr.
ar. Garling. Crest, a demi griffin, ppr.
Gardners, purp. on a chev. ar. three escallops Garman, Garmon, or Germon, ar. on a
az. on a chief, creuellee, of the third, a cross,
; bend az. three escallops of the field. Crest, an
potent, or, betw. two griffins' heads, erased, of the oak-free, therefrom two weights pendent ppr.
second. Garment. Crest, out of a ducal coronet or, a
Gardnon, ar. a fesse betw. three crosses sa. demi lion, rampant, gu. holding a mullet sa.
Gardyn, ar. two bars sa. a label of five points gu. pierced ar.

Gare, or Gore, [Kent,] az. three lions, ram- Garmon d, [Kent,] or, on a bend az. three
pant, ar. ; on a chief gu. a demi lion, issuant, or. escallops of the field.
Garein, or Guarein, chequy or and az.; on a Garmoml, [Cle worth, Oxfordshire,] quarterly gu.
chief ar. a crescent gu. and vert, over all an escarbuncle of eight
Garester, az. a lion, rampant, or, ducally points, or.
crowned ar.
charged on the shoulder with a Garmondle, gu. a lion, rampant, or.
trefoil slipped. Garmont, ar. three bars gu.
Garmyn, ar. a fesse betw. three crosses, pattee, Garritte, ar. a lion, passant, gu. betw. two
sa. flaunches sa. Crest, a lion, passant.
Garnagan. See Garnegott. Gar row AY, [London and Yorkshire.] The
Garnatt. Arms the same as in the first Dic- same as the first of the name in the first Dic-
tionary. Crest, a squirrel, sejant, holding in tionary.
the forepaws a branch of hazel, ppr. Garscadden. Crest, a man's hand, ppr. hold-
Garnault, per pale or and az. barry of six, ing a buckle.
and a chief charged with a pale, and its cantons Garselang, [London,] az. three mascles ar.
divided per bend, dexter and sinister respec- within a bordure engr. gu.
tively, all
counterchanged, surtout an es- Gars IDE, ar. a galley with her sails furled sa.
cocheon ar. flags gu. betw. three cross crosslets, fitcbee, of
Garner, [Scotland,] ar. a boar's head, couped, the last.
sa. Garstang, Garstange, or Gorstang, [Lan-
Garnet. Crest, ademi lion ducally crowned. cashire,] az. three mascles or; a chief ar. all
Garnett. The same Arms as Garnett, of within a bordure engr. gu.
Lancashire, in the first Dictionary. Crest, a Garstin, ar. on a pale sa. a pike's head, couped,
dexter hand, holding up a swan's head and neck or. Crest, a dexter hand holding a broken
erased, ppr. hammer.
Garnett, or Garnet, [Sir Henry, of Essex.] Gartaine, chequy ar. and az.
The same as the second of the name in the Gartell, az. a chev. engr. ar. betw. three
Dictionary. fleurs-de-lis or.
Garneys, [Kenton, Suffolk,] ar. a chev. engr. Garter, [Norfolk,] or, on a cross, quarterly
az. betw. three escallops sa. pierced four caltraps of the field.
az. Crest, a
Garniiam. Crest, a goat's bead, erased, sa. caltrap or, embrued on the upper point ppr.
armed or. Garter, [Brigstock, Northampton.] Anns, see
Garnier, [Weekbam, Hants,] az. a sword in the first Dictionary. Crest, as above.
bend, sinister point downwards betw. a fleur- Garth, [Morden, Surrey.] Arms as the second
de-lis in chief, and an oak-branch acorned in of the name in the first Dictionary. Crest, an
base. Indian goat ar. attired, eared, collared, and
Garnier. The same Arms. Crest, a griffin's lined or.
head gu. betw. two wings ar. charged with a Garth erne, sa. a chev. betw. three spears'
torteaux. heads ar.

Garnish, [Suffolk,] ar. on a chev. az. betw. Garthshore. The same as Garshore in the
three escallops sa. a crescent or. Crest, an first Dictionary.
arm extended and erased ar. holding a falchion Garton, [Kent,] chequy ar. and az.
blade of the first, hilt or. Garton, gu. a chev. or. betw. three
Garnock. Crest, a greyhound, courant. bezants in chief, and a griffin's head, erased,
Garnonne, or, on a bend az. three escallops ar. in base of the second.

Garnor, a buck's head, cabossed, gu.

ar. Garton, sa. three pilgrims' staves, one in pale and
Garrat, rampant, betw. two flauuches
az. a lion, two in saltier ar. tied together in the middle or.
ar. on a canton gu. a lion's head, erased, of the Crest, an antelope's head, erased, gu. du-
second. Crest, a hind, sejant, regardant, callygorged or.
resting the dexter foot on a bee-hive, ppr. Garton, or G ACTON, chequy ar. and gu. on a

Garraway, az. a bend betw. three escallops ar. fesse az. three escallops or.
Crest, an escallop betw. two wings. Garton, gu. a chev. or, in chief three bezants.
Garren, or Garr, cheeky or and az. a chief Garton, erm. on a chief az. three swans ar.
ar. Garunt, az. three griffin's head, erased, or.
Garren e, cheeky or and az. Garvey, [Ireland,] or, a cross gu. Crest, a
Garret, .... three rams, trippant .... \_M. I. greyhound's head az. collared ar.
to John Garret, in St. Dunslans Church, in Garvie, [Scotland,] az. three fishes, naiant, ar.
the East London, 1683.] betw. four bezants in pale. Crest, a dexter
Garret, ar. a saltier gu. Crest, a demi monk, band, pointing with two fingers gu.
in the dexter hand a lash. Garvin, [Scotland,] az. three garvin fishes,
Garrett, az. a lion, rampant, ar. guttee de naiant, fesseways, in pale ar. within a bordure
poix, armed, langued, and collared, gu. du- or. Crest, a dexter hand, holding a dagger in
cally crowned or. pale, point downwards, ppr.
Garsentmorpe, ar. a cliev. sa. betw. three bil- Gastrel, [Tetbury, Co. Gloucester,] chequy ar.
lets of the last, each charged with five billets of and on a chief or, three bucks' heads, erased,
the first, two, one, and two. of the second.
Garvin E, az. three fishes, naiant,
[Edinborough,] Gastricke, ar. a bend, lozengy, az.
ar. Crest, a hand holding a fish ppr. Gateford. The same Anns as the third
Garway, ar. a pile surmounted by a bend gu. Gatesford in the first Dictionary. Crest, a
betw. four leopards' faces of the last. Crest, demi antelope, collared
a leopard's head, erased, thrust through the neck Gatesby, or Gatesbury, gu. a cross or, betw.
with an arrow in fesse ppr. two goats' heads, erased, ar. in chief, and as

Garwinton, or, three oak-leaves vert. many lozenges in base vair.

Garwinton, [Shropshire,] sa. a fesse, dancettee, Gatesby, or Gatesbury, gu. a cross or, betw. two
betw. three leopards' faces or. lozenges vair in chief, and as many goats' heads,
Garwynton, or, on a chev. betw. three wood- erased, ar. in base.
bine-leaves gu. a ducal coronet of the first. Gatesden. The same Arms as Gatesden in the

Gascelyn, or, ten billets az. four, three, two, first

Dictionary. Crest, a dexter arm, em-
and one. Crest, an arm, embowed, holding a bowed, vested and cuffed . . . . , holding a tilting-
broken sword ar. hilt or. spear.
GaScoyne, or Gascoigne, [Braham Biggen, Gatesden, az. five lions, rampant, or, three and
Yorkshire, and Cambridgeshire.] The same as two. (Another, six lions, three, two, and one.)
the first of that name in the first Dictionary. Gatesford, [Gatesford, Lincolnshire,] sa. three
Gaselin, or, a bend betw. thirteen billets sa. goats, passant, ar. armed or.

Gaseling, az. a lettuce or. Gatford, sa. three goats, rampant, ar.
Gaselyn, or, six billets az. a label of three Gathpath, vert, a chev. betw. three goats'
points gu. heads, erased, ar. armed or.

Gaskall, gu. a saltier vair betw. two annulets Gatmary, [Plymouth, Devonshire,] az. a cross
in pale and two
lions, passant, gardant, in fesse sarcelly ar. betw. four fleurs-de-lis or; on a
or. Crest, a stork ppr. collared or, pendant chief of the last an eagle, displayed, sa.
thereto an escocheon sa. charged with an annulet Gaton. The same as Gallon in the first Dic-
or. [Borne by Daniel Gaskall, Esq. 1858.] tionary.
Gaskall, ar. on a pale sa. a
conger eel's head, Gatonby. The same as the second of the name
couped and erect, or. Crest, a stork as before, in the first
Dictionary.- Crest, two swords in
restiug his dexter foot on an escallop gu. [Borne saltier ppr.

by Benjamin Gaskall, Esq. 1828.] Gattegary, quarterly, gu. and erm. the second
Gaskell, or Gaskill,
[Lancashire,] erm. and third having a chief, indented, of the first ;

three bars vert. Crest, an arm issuing from over all, on a fesse az. five bezants.
the sea, embowed, ppr. holding an anchor, Gatteley, erm. a goat's head, erased, gu.
cabled, all ppr. ; over the Crest the motto Sjies. Gattie, Gattey, or Gatty, or, a lion, ram-
Gason, az. on a fesse betw. three goats' heads, pant, sa. in the dexter paw a torteaux. Crest,
erased, ar. collared gu. the sun, radiated, or, a stork, sleeping, in the foot a stone.
betw. two mascles sa. Crest, a goat's head, Gattiscombe, purp. three eagles, displayed, ar.
couped, ar. armed or, gorged on the neck with Gauden, .... a chev. betw. three leopards' faces
three mascles sa. within a bordure, all erm. [Borne b>/ John
Gason, az. a bend erm. cottised ar. betw. three Gauden, Master of the Temple, elected Bishop
goats' heads of the second, armed or. Crest, of Exeter 1GG0, translated to Worcester 1661,
out of a ducal coronet az. a goat's head, couped, ob. Sept. 1662.]
ar. Gauden, gu. three talbots' heads, erased, ar. col-
Gasselyn, or Gasselyne, or, ten billets az. lared and ringed az. Crest, a peacock's head
four, three, two, and one. Crest, an eagle, ppr.
displayed, sa. Gaudge, or, on a fesse paly of four gu. and ar.
Gasset, [Norwich,] ar. a saltier betw. four betw. three estoilessa. a lion, passant, betw. two
mullets, pierced, gu. each per pale counterchanged.
Gasterton, or Gasverton, ar. four lozenges Gaudine, [of that Ilk, Scotland,] ar. two chev.
conjoined in fesse gu. each charged with an engr. gu. Crest, a savage's head, couped, ppr.
annulet or. Gaudesborough, az. across
[Chipping Ongar,]
Gaston, chequy and gu. three escallops
ar. in patonce ar. Crest, a pelican vuluing herself
bend or. Crest, an owl sa. ppr.
Gaudy, [Exeter,] gu. three saltiers ar. Gay, [Bath, Somersetshire,] sa. a chev. ar. betw.
Gaunsett, ar. a and chief gu. a pheon,
saltier three escallops or. Crest, a greyhound, cou-
in canton, ar. rant, ppr.
Gauntlet, or Gauntlett, quarterly; first
Gay, ar. a lion, rampant, sa. overall a bendlet gu.
and fourth, second and
chequy gu. and ar. ; Gaydon, or Gardonn, ar. a chev. betw. three
third, sa. Crest, out of a ducal coronet a cinquefoils gu.
bear's head muzzled ppr. Gaye, az. a lion, rampant, sa. ; a canton or, with-
Gaussen. Crest, a greyhound's head, eared in a bordure, engr. gu.
and spotted, sa. Gaye, gu. three lions, rampant, ar. within nine
Gauston, three estoiles of six points within
sa. cross crosslets or.
a bordure, engr. or. Gayeon, ar. a lion, rampant, sa. surmounted by
Gaven, [Ireland,] or, three torteauxes. Crest, a bend gu. charged with three escallops or.
a land tortoise ppr. Gayer. The same Arms as the last of the name
Gaven, or Gawen, erm. on a saltier, engr. az. in the first Dictionary. Crest, a lion, rampant,
five fleurs-de-lis or. Crest, a dexter hand hold- sa.supporting a spear.
ing up a ducal coronet, caped, betw. two laurel Gaygancourt, az. an escocheon ar.
branches, all ppr. Gay lien. Crest, a hind's head betw. two roses
Gavenor, gu. a fox, passant, or. stalked and leaved ppr.
Gavin, [Lanton,] ar. a sword, in pale, ensigned Gaymer, or Gayner, az. on a fesse betw. three
with mullet gu. surmounted by a saltier,
a roses or, as bugle-horns sa.
couped, sa. Crest, in a sea, a two-masted ship Gaynes. see first Dictionary.
Arms, Crest,
in full sail ppr. out of a ducal coronet .... a demi swan with
Gawaine, [Wilts,] erm. on a saltier az. five wings expanded ppr. ducally gorged sa.
fleurs-de-lis or. Gaynor. The same Arms as Gaynor of Ireland
Gawayn, or Gawaine, purp. an eagle, dis- in the first
Dictionary. Crest, a dexter hand,
played, with two heads or. Crest, a horse-shoe appaumee, ppr.
ppr. Gaynsford, or Gainspord, [Cosens in Cow-
Gawden, .... a chev. erm. betw. three leopards' den, Kent,] or, a chev. betw. three greyhounds,
faces .... within a bordure Crest, an courant, gu.
arm, the hand clenched, ppr. in a maunch gu. Gays, az. on a bend ar. three mullets gu. Crest,
Gawdey, [Cambridgeshire,] vert, a tortoise, an eagle with two heads, displayed, ppr.
passant, ar. within a bordure gu. Gayteford, sa. a bend betw. six goats, ram-
Gawen, erm. on a saltier az. five fleurs-de-lis or. pant, ar.
GaWER. Arms, see first Dictionary. Crest, out Gaytezforth, gu. three goats' heads, couped,
of a ducal coronet or, a boar's head, erect, sa. or.
betw. two ostrich-feathers ar. Gaythinge, ar. three pellets betw. two barru-

Gawine, erm. on a saltier, engr. az. four fleurs- lets sa. all betw. three goats' heads, erased, gu.
de-lis or, in the centre a crescent of the last. armed or.

GaWLER, ar. a lion, passant, betw. two cottises Gaythold, or, a bend sa. betw. two cottises,
gu. Crest, a hawk, holding in the dexter claw engr. of the last.

an ear of wheat, ppr. Gayton, sa. an eagle, displayed, or. Crest,

Gawles, gu. a fesse betw. two chev. or. three legs, conjoined, in armour, flexed at the
Gawn, erm. on a saltier, engr. az. five fleurs-de- knee and spurred.
lis ar. Gayton, ar. on a fesse gu. three fleurs-de-lis of
Gawsell, barry of six or and az. the field.
Gawsell, barry of six or and gu. a canton erm. ; Gayton, gu. a fesse betw. six fleurs-de-lis ar.
Gawseworth, or Gawsworth. Arms, see Gayworth, erm. on a chev. gu. three bezants.
first Dictionary. Crest, a savage's head in pro- Geaferye, ar. five billets sa. a label gu.
on a
ppr. Geaferye, [Sir John, Essex,] az. fretty or;
Gawton, [King's College, Cambridge,] quar- chief ar. a lion, passant, gardant, gu.
terly, ar. and erm.; in the first and fourth quar- Geale, [Ireland,] or. three stocks of trees,
ters a unicorn's head, erased, az. ducally couped and eradicated, sa. sprouting anew.
gorged or. Crest, out of a ducal coronet a hand holding
Gawyn, gu. three crescents or, within a bordure, a fleur-de-lis ppr.
engr. ar. Geayton, [Gayton, Cheshire,] ar. a fesse betw.
Gawy?i, erm. on a saltier az. five fleurs-de-lis or. six fleurs-de-lis gu.
Gebes, lozengy ar. and gu. on a bend az. a fleur- Gegon, or Gigon, or, two chev. gu. ;
a canton
de-lis betw. two pair of annulets, interlaced, of az.
the first. Geichen, [Scotland,] ar. a fesse gu. betw. two
Gf.d, [Ged, Scotland.] Arras, see first Diction- fern-leaves vert and a boar's head, erased, in
ary. Crest, a pike's head ppr. base, sa.
Ged, [Scotland.] The same Arms. Crest, a hand Geils, or Giles, [Scotland,] ar. two bars az. ;
in chief three crosses pattee gu.
holding up an escocheon gu. Crest, a
Geddes, or Geddeis, [Rachin, Scotland.] demi chevalier holding a sword ppr.
Arms, see first Dictionary. Crest, a pike's Geiraies, [Cornwall,] gyronny of twelve ar. and
head, couped, ppr. and sa. within a bordure az. charged with eight
Geeldes, gu. three pikes, haurient, ar. Crest, on bezants.
a mural crown a bundle of seven arrows, banded Gelbe, gu. a chev. erm. betw. three pine-apples,
in the middle. slipped and pendent, or.
Geddes, [Edinborough,] gu. on an inescocheon or, Gelborne, gu. a fesse, indented, per pale ar.
a boar's head, erased, az. betw. two geds' heads, and betw. three owls' heads, erased, erm.

couped, of the second, in chief a mullet sa. Gelborne, gu. a fesse, dancettee, ar. betw. three
Crest, a ged's head, issuing, or. leopards' heads, erased, erm.
Gedding, gu. a chev. or, betw. three griffins' Geldis, or Gelles, [Scotland,] gu. a chev. or,
beads, erased, ar. ; on a chief of the second a betw. three fleurs-de-lis of the last.
lion, passant, of the last betw. two torteauxes. Gelisdale, sa. a stag, springing, ar.
Gedding, ar. three martlets gu. Gell, [Lincolnshire,] per bend sa. and ar. three
Gedge, or Gegeth, sa. on a bend ar. three mullets of six points, in bend, counterchanged.
cinquefoils gu. Gellie, [Blackford,] ar. an ark in the water
Geding, or Gedding, chequy ar. and gu. on a ppr. ensigned by a dove with an olive-branch
fesse az. three mullets or. Crest, a demi savage in the beak vert.

holding a cimeter ppr. Gelling. Crest, on a chapeau gu. turned up

Gedinge, gu. three chev. ar. erm. a lion, passant, gardant, tail extended,
Gedney, [Cambridgeshire, Sir John, Lord Mayor ducally crowned ppr.
of London, 1427,] .... on a fesse betw. three Gelliot, or, on a bend sa. three boars' heads,
leopards' faces as many eagles, displayed, erased, ar.
Gedney. The same Arms as Gedney, of En- Gellyate, erm. on a bend sa. three dragons'
derby, Lincolnshire. Crest, a bird perched on heads, erased, ar.
an oak-plant ppr. Gelouer, ar. a bend gu. betw. three falcons'
Gedney, or, three eagles' heads, couped, sa. heads, erased, sa.
Gee, [Cheshire.] The same Arms as Gee, of Gelstable. Arms, see first Dictionary.
Lincolnshire, in the first Dictionary. Crest, a dexter hand holding a sword, in pale,
Geek IE, [London,] ar. a chev. az. betw. two all ppr.
roses in chief gu. barbed ppr. and a bear's head, Gem. Crest, a dexter hand holding up a gem-
erased, in base, sa. Crest, a dexter hand hold- ring ppr. stoned gu.
ing a sickle ppr. Gem eon, az. across, pierced, or.
Geere, gu. two bars ar. on each three mascles Gemeth, ar. two chev. gu. six martlets sa.
of the first on a canton or, a leopard's head
; Gemey, az. an inescocheon within an orle of
az. eight martlets or.
Geere, [Devon.] The same Arms, with the can- Gemmell, Gemell, or Gemill, [Scotland,]
ton plain. ar. on a bend gu. three bears' heads, erased, of
Geerew, [Devonshire,] gu. two bars or, each the field. Crest, a flame of fire betw. two palm-
charged with three mascles az. ; on a canton of branches ppr.
the last a leopard's face of the second. Gemmill, [Scotland,] gu. abend, engr. ar. in ;

Geering, gu. two bars ar. on each three lozenges chief a thistle leaved or. Crest, a demi pea-
of the first. Crest, a savage's head, affrontee, cock ppr.
ducally crowned ppr. Gempting, [Meldreth, Cambridgeshire,] gu. a
Geffery, [Boulogne,] or, on a bend gu. three fesse, engr. betw. three annulets or. Crest, a
alerions ar. wing, erect, issuing out of a coronet or cha-
Geffry, [Cornwall,] or, five billets in saltier sa. peau.
a label of three points gu. Gemsted, gu. three bars vair.
Geffus, erm. a cross, engr. sa.; a canton ar. Genare, sa. three covered cups ar.
Genepole, gu. on an iuescocheon ar. two bars George, [Park-place, Middlesex, and St. Stephen's
az. Crest, a dexter hand holding the butt end Green, Dublin, Bart.] ar. on a fesse, engr. gu.
of a broken lance. betw. three falcons, rising, az. beaked, belled,
Generone, az. a cross quarter pierced or. and legged, or, as many bezants, each charged
Genevill, Genevel, or Geneville. The with a lion's head, erased, sa. on a cantonvert,

same Arms as Genevill, of Northumberland, in a harp gold, stringed of the first. Crest, a
the first Crest, out of a cloud a
Dictionary. falcon, as in the Arms.
dexter hand, brandishing a tilting spear, all ppr. George, [Scotland,] or, a fesse betw. three falcons,
Genevre, sa. a lion, rampant, ar. [Temp. rising, az. membered gu. Crest, the sun shining
Henry III.] on a sun-flower ppr.
Genewell, or Grenewell, or, two bars az. George, [Scotlaud,] ar. a fesse az. betw. three
betw. three ducal crowns gu. falcons, rising, of the second. Crest, as
Geney, Genney, or Jeny. The same Arms above.
as the first Geney in the first Dictionary. Crest, George. The same Arms as George, of Ciren-
a hand issuing out of a cloud, in fesse, holding cester, in the first Dictionary. Crest, a demi
a cross pattee fitchee, ppr. talbot sa. collared, indented, and eared, or,
Genhavy, ar. a cross betw. four lions, rampant, betw. two fir-branches vert.
gu. George, [William, Provost of King's College,
Genn, three piles meeting in point az.
or, Cambridge, and Canon of Windsor, 174G,] ar.
Crest, a Cornish chough, rising, betw. two spear a fesse betw. three doves, rising, gu.
heads, in pale, ppr. George, [Great Abington, 1769.] The same
Gennett. Arms, see first Dictionary. Crest, Arms as George's, of Westminster, in the first
a chevalier on horseback, wielding a cimeter, Dictionary.
ppr. George, St. [Hatley, Cambridgeshire,] ar. a chief
Genor, sa. three or. Crest, a dexter hand az. over all a lion, rampant,
cups gu.
holding a baton gu. tipped or. Georges, gu. six lozenges or, three, two, and
Gent, [Steeple Bumsted,] sa. a cross chequy one.
.... betw. three dragons' heads or Gepp. Crest, a griffin's head, collared, betw.
Gent, [Northamptonshire,] erm. on a chief sa. ;
two wings ....
two eagles, displayed, or. Geralde, [Ireland,] erm. a saltier gu.
Gentile, [Scotland,] az. four pieces of chequy Geraldine, [Ireland,] ar. a saltier gu.
or. Gerard, [Earl of Macclesfield,] ar. on a saltier
Gentill, or Gentle. The same Arms as the gu. an imperial crown or.
first Gentill, of Lancashire, in the first Dic- Gerard, ar. a fesse sa. betw. three mullets gu.
tionary. Crest, two lions' paws holding a be- pierced or.

zant. Gerard, ar. on a fesse az. three fleurs-de-lis or.

Gentle, [Edinburgh,] a cross quarter pierced
or, Gerard, ar. three chev. gu. a label sa.
az. in the centre a rose gu. Crest, a bee, Gerard, erm. a fret gu. and chief or.
erect, ppr. Gerard, [Ireland,] erm. a saltier, engr. gu.
Gentle, gu. three roses ar. ; a chief of the last. Gerbridge, erm. on a chief gu. three lozenges
Crest, on a ducal coronet an estoile of twelve of the field.

points. Gerbridge. To the second of the name in the

Genton, per bend sa. and ar. a bend, raguly, first
Dictionary, add Crest, a lion's paw, hold-
counterchanged. ing a thistle.
Genwell, or Gaynwell, ar. on two bars az. Gerbridge, gu. three inescocheons erm.
three ducal coronets or. Gerbridge, [Wickaington, Norfolk,] erm. on a
Geoffey, or, three leures gu. on a chief, cre- fesse gu. three
lozenges of the field.
nellee, of the second as many leopards' heads Gerbridge, [Walsingham, Norfolk,] sa. a fesse
of the first. Crest, a sea-pye, rising, gu. betw. two chev. or.
Geogham. Crest, an armed arm, embowed, Gerby, ar. a fret vert, on a canton sa. a stag at
and holding a dagger, all
ppr. gaze, ppr.
Geoghegan, [Ireland,] ar. two lions, passant, gu. Gercom. Arms, see first Dictionary. Crest, a
Georg, ar. a cross patonce sa. griilin,segreant, ppr. collared gu. in the mouth
George, [Cirencester, Co. Gloucester,] ar. on a a line and ring or.
fesse betw. three hawks, rising, az. belled or, six Gercomin, quarterly, or and gu. in the first
mascles ar. quarter a lion, rampant, of the second.
Gf.rdelley. Arms, see first Dictionary. Crest, Gernon, alias Candish, ar. three piles, wavy, gu.
a dexter hand, brandishing' a sword, ppr. Crest, a wolf's head, couped, az. collared
Gerdilley, az. on a chev. engr. or, betw. three and ringed or.
fleurs-de-lis ar. a hurt. Gernon, alias Pike, gu. three piles, wavy, ar.
Gere, [Devonshire,] gu. a fesse erm. betw. six Gernon, paly, wavy, of six or and gu.
maseles or. Gernon, ar. a chev. betw. three bucks' heads,
Gere, [Bark way, Hertfordshire,] gu. two bars ar. couped, sa.
each charged with three maseles of the field a ; Gernon, [Wicken, Cambridgeshire,] paly, wavy,
canton or. of six ar. and gu.
Gerell, sa. a cross or, charged with five pellets, Gerow, ar. a cross gu. betw. four lions,
within a bordure, engr. of the second. respecting each other, sa.
Gerell, sa. ou a cross, engr. or, five pellets, within Gerrari), [Crewewood, Cheshire.] Arms as
a bordure, .... Gerard, eleventh in first Dictionary.
Gererd, per saltier az. and ar. a saltier gu. Gerrare, or Greenere, ar. three open cups
Crest, a lion, rampant, .... sa.

Gkrfeston, ar. a fesse sa. Gerrell, sa. on a cross, engr. or, five crescents
Gf.rgaunt, per pale gu. and ar. three castles, of the field.

counterchanged. Gerrors, ar. a saltier gu. betw. four lions,

Gerlinge. Arms, the same as in the first Dic- rampant, sa.

tionary. Crest, an unicorn's head, erased, ar. Gerry, [Lancashire,] gu. two bars or, each
collared sa. charged with three maseles az. on a canton of ;

Germain, or Germyn. Arms, see first Dic- the last a leopard's head of the second. Crest,
tionary. Crest, a dexter arm, couped and em- a buck's head, erased, quarterly, ar. and sa.
bowed, resting on the elbow, holding a tilting charged with four maseles counterchanged.
spear, in pale, ppr. Gerson, [Gerson, Lancashire,] vert, a cross,
Germaine, [Earl of St. Alban's,] sa.a crescent betw. engr. or. Crest, an arm in armour from the
two mullets ar. shoulder, couped, in fesse, from the elbow in
German, [Cornwall,] paly, wavy, of six ar. and gu. pale, holding up a helmet, all ppr.
Germine, [Suffolk,] sa. a crescent betw. two Gervays, az. three beacons, with ladders or,
mullets, in pale, ar. fired gu. Crest, on a mural coronet gu. a fire-
Germingham, [Suffolk and Norfolk,] ar. three beacon betw. two wings ppr.
lozenge buckles gu. Gervays, [Isle of Ely, Cambridgeshire.] Arms,
Germon, [Kent,] barry, nebulee, of six ar. and see first Dictionary. Crest, a tiger's head,
gu. erased, ar.
Germyn, ar. a chev. betw. three harts' heads, Gerveis, [Alderman of London,] sa. a chev.
couped, sa. Crest, a unicorn's head betw. two betw. three eagles, close, ar. membered or.
branches of laurel, disposed orleways, .... Gerves, [Exeter, temp. Hen. III.] ar. six ostrich-
Gernald, ar. on a bend, engr. sa. three bugle- feathers, three, two, and one, sa.
horns of thy first. Gervis, [Essex, Master of the Pipe-Office,
Gernecii, or Gernish, ar. on a chev. az. betw. 1610.] The same Arms and Crest as the
three escallops sa. as many annulets or. seventh in the first Dictionary.
Gernegan, ar three lozenges gu. Crest, an Gerway, [Webley, Dorsetshire,] ar. a pile and
alerion, displayed, gu. a fesse betw. four leopards' faces gu.
Gernilan, ar. three saltiers, couped, vert. Gerways, gu. three greyhounds, courant, in
Gernlaw, ar. two mullets in chief, and a fleur- pale, ar.
de-lis in base, within a bordure, engr. gu. Geslingham, az. a fesse betw. three geese ar.
Gernon, Gernun, or Gernoun, ar. three Gesors, or Gessors, az. billettee or, a lion,
piles, wavy, gu. Crest, a hand issuing from a rampant, of the last. Crest, a talbot, sejant,
cloud, in fesse, holding a club, ppr. sa. collared ar.

Gernon, [Herefordshire,] ar. three piles, wavy, Gestinthorpe, erm. a maunch sa.
gu. meeting in the base point within a bordure Getforth, az. a chev. or, betw. three goats'
or. heads, erased, ar.

Gernon, [Herefordshire,] gu. two lions, passant, Getham, erm. on a bend gu. three bars, wavy,
ar. within a bordure az. or.

Gernon, [Nottinghamshire,] or, a hart's head, ca- Gethin, [Ireland, Bart.] az. a buck, springing,
bossed, gu. ar. attired or.
Gethinge, three pellets, in fesse, betw. two
ar. other ar.; on chief az. guttee d'or, a cross pattee
bars sa. ;
two goats' heads, erased, gu.
in chief of the same in base a holly-branch, fructed

attired or, in base one of the same, vert, leaved gu.

Gethyn, ar. a chev. engr. az. betw. three birds, Gibbes, az. three battle-axes or. Crest, an arm,
rising, sa. within a bordure, engr. of the second. in armour, or,
holding one of the same ar.
Gevill, sa. a cross, couped and pierced, or. Gibbes, az. three battle-axes, in fesse, ar. Crest,
Geydinge, or Geddinge, ar. on a fesse betw. an arm, fesseways, ar. cuff and purfled at the
three leopards' heads gu. as many eagles, dis- shoulder sa. from the elbow, in pale, holding a
played, or. palm-branch of the first."
Geynes, gu. ; a chief vair. Crest, a griffin's Gibbes, [Northamptonshire,] lozengy ar. and gu.
head, eraced, ppr. in the beak a trefoil vert. on a bend az. three fleurs-de-lis of the first.
Geynes. Crest, out of a cloud a dexter hand, Gibbines, Gibbings, or Gibbins. The same
pointing up with the fore finger, ppr. Arms as Gibbins. Crest, on a ducal coronet or,
Geyney, az. an inescocheon within an orle of the attires of a stag ppr.
martlets .... Gibbins, ar. a lion, rampant, gu. depressed by
Geynott, or, crusilly and three fleurs-de-lis az. a bend or, charged with three crosses pattee
Geynton, or Geyton, ar. a fesse betw. six fitchee sa.
fleurs-de-lis gu. Crest, the sun, in splendour, Gibbon, az. a lion, rampant, gardant, betw.
or, at each ray a flame of fire ppr. three escallops ar. [Borne by Philip Gibbon,
Ghrimes, gu. on a cross ar. five mullets of the M.P.forRye, 1733.]
first, on a chief of the second three escallops of Gibbons, [Ireland,] sa. a fesse, betw. three
the field. Crest, a talbot, sejaut, sa. collared leopards' faces ar. Crest, a dexter hand and
ar. sinister arm, in armour, embowed, holding a
Gib, [Caribeer, Scotland.] Arms, see first Dic- heart, enflamed, ppr.
tionary. Crest, a mullet, pierced, or. Gibbons, [Cambridgeshire, 1625,] ...., a lion,
Gib, [Scotland,] gu. a dexter hand, couped, pale- rampant, over all on a bend ..... three cres-
ways, holding a broken spear, in bend sinister, cents ....
betw. two mullets, pierced, in fesse, all- or. Gibbs, or, on a chev. sa. betw. three holly-
Gibb, [of that Ilk, Scotland,] gu. a dexter hand, branches vert, fructed gu. two cats respecting
couped, fesse ways, holding a broken spear, in each other ar. ; on a chief az. gnttee d'or, across
pale, ar. pattee of the last.
Gibb, [Scotland,] gu. a dexter hand, couped, Gibeon, [Essex,] paly of six ar. and gu. on a
fesseways, and holding a spear, in pale, broken bend sa. three escallops of the first.
at the top, or, betw. two spur-rowels, in chief, Giberne. Crest, a stag's head betw. the
of the last. Crest, a dagger, in pale, thereon horns a cross pattee ....
suspended a wreath of laurel, all ppr. Gibion, barry of eight (another paly) ar. and gu.
Gibball, [Ireland.] Crest, a goat, passant, ar. on a bend sa. three escallops or.
hoofed and armed sa. Gibley, [West Randall, Lincolnshire,] az. a
Gibbard, gu. on a bend, cottised, ar. a lion, fesse, wavy, betw. three estoiles or.

passant, az. Crest, an arm, couped, embowed, Giblett. Crest, a demi stag, in the mouth a
vested, and purfled at the shoulder, the part cinquefoil, stalked and leaved, ....
above the elbow in fesse, the hand, in pale, Gibon, ar. a chev. sa. betw. three lions' heads,
holding a palm-branch, ppr. erased, gu. crowned or. Crest, in a ducal coro-
Gibbe, ar. three halberts, in fesse, sa. heads net a lion's head, couped, gu. bezantee.
turned to the sinister. Crest, a Bengal tiger, Gibon, ar. a fesse betw. three eagles' legs, erased,
passant, gardant, ppr. sa.

Gibbens, or Gibbins, ar. a

rampant, gu.
lion, Gibon, ar. two spears, in saltier, staves gu. head-
surmounted by a bend or, charged with three ed or, over all a lion, rampant, gu.
crosses pattee fitchee .... Crest, a cubit Gibs, [Sainthurst, Co. Gloucester,] ar. three
arm, holding a fish, ppr. battle-axes, in pale, sa.
(jJibbks, [Fackley, Oxfordshire, Bart.] per fesse GlBSES, az a fesse betw. six estoiles or.
ar. and erm. three battle-axes sa. Crest, an Gibson, [Scotland.] The same Arms as Gibson,
arm, in armour, embowed, holding a battle-axe, of Durie, in the first Dictionary, within a bor-
all ppr. dure, engr. ar. charged with four crescents and
Gibbes, [Springhead, Barbadoes.] The same. as many annulets, alternately, or. Crest, a
Gibbes, or, on a chev. sa. two cats respecting each pelican, in her nest, ppr.
G 1 F G I L
Gibson, [Paisley,] gu. three keys, lying fesseways, Gifford, [Haverill, Suffolk, temp. Henry VI.]
in pale, ar. ; on a cantou of the last a hunting- chequy or and gu. ; a chief per pale sa. and
horn, stringed, of the first. Crest, a pelican, ar.
in her nest, vulning herself ppr. Gifford, [Middlesex,] ar. ten torteauxes, four,
Gibson, [Pentium!, Scotland,] gu. three keys, three, two, and one. Crest, a hand, holding
fesseways, in pale, or, within a bordure vair. three gillyflowers, all ppr.
Crest, as the last. Gifford, [Gifford-Hall, Scotland,] gu. three bars
Gibson, [Scotland,] gu. three keys, fesseways, in erm.
pale, wards downwards, or. Gifford, [Sheriff-Hall, Scotland.] The same,
Gibson, [London,] per pale gu. and az. a tent or ;
within a bordure ar.
on a chief of the last a fret betw. two crescents Gifford, [Chillington, Staffordshire.] az. three
stirrups and leathers or. Crest, a leopard's
Gibson, az. three storks ar. [Borne by Edmund head, erased, or, with fire in the mouth gu. on
Gibson, Archdeacon of Surrey, nominated the neck four hurts.
Bishop of Lincoln, 1716, translated to London, Gifford, gu. three lions, passant, ar.
[Borne by
172:3, ob. 1748.] Walter Gifford, or Giffard, Canon of Wells,
Gibson, sa. on a fesse ar. betw. three Cornish Lord Chancellor, elected Bishop of Bath and
coughs ppr. as many fleurs-de-lis of the first. Wells, 1264, Archbishop of York, 1266, ob.
[Borne by Samuel Gibson, Vicar of Frinds- 1279.]
bury, Kent, ob. 1724 ] Gifford, [Bishop of Madaura, 1719,] az. three
Gibthorpe. To the of the name in the first
stirrups, with leathers, or.
Dictionary, add Crest, a naked arm, embow- Gifford, [Heland, Cornwall,] az. three fleurs-de-
ed, holding a dagger, ppr. lis or,
pellettee sa.
Gibus, ar. a chev. betw. three leopards' heads az. Giffourd, ar. six annulets gu. three, two, and
Gidney, [London,] ar. on a fesse az. betw. three one.
leopards' faces gu. as many eagles, displayed, or. Gigon, or, two chev. gu. ; a canton az. Crest, a
Gidrich, sa. a chev. betw. three martlets ar. dexter arm, holding a swan's head, erased, ppr.
GlDSHAM, barry of six gu. and vair. Gilbard. The same Arms as the first of the
GlE, az. on a chev. ar. betw. three leopards' faces name in the first Dictionary. Crest, a squirrel,
or, as many fleurs-de-lis gu. cracking a nut, ppr.
GlEB, [Dundee,] quarterly, first and fourth.. .. ; Gilbert, [Finborough, Suffolk,] az. a chev.
second and third ..... a key, ward in base, to engr. betw. three eagles, displayed, or.
the sinister. Gilbert, az. a fesse ermine betw. three eagles,
Giffard, [Brimpsfield, Co. Gloucester,] ar. nine displayed, or. [Borne by Sir John Gilbert, of
torteauxes, three, three, two, and one. Finsborouyh, Knt.\
Giffard, [Hants.] Arms, see first Dictionary. Gilbert, [Scotland,] or, on a chev. az. betw. three
Crest, a cubit arm, erect, vested gu. slashed trefoils, slipped, vert, as many fleurs-de-lis of
and cuffed ar. holding in the hand, ppr. five the field, (another or.) Crest, a hand, holding
roses gu. a fleur-de-lis, gu.
Giffard, gu. three bars, engr. ar. Crest, a deer's Gilbert, or Giles, or, on a cross sa. five plates.
head, couped, ppr. Gilbert, .... a man's leg, couped at the thigh,

Gifford, [Hampshire, and Sir Richard, of Cas- in tyvo broken spears, all in pale,
armour, betw.
tle-Sordan, Co. Meath, Bart.] The same as .... [Borne by John Gilbert, Dean of Exeter,
Gifford, of Wotton-Underedge, in the first elected Bishop of Llandaff, 1740, translated to
Salisbury, 1748, Archbishop of York, 1757,
Gifford, [Eynsford, Kent, 1704,] .... a lion, , ob. 1761.]
passant, gardant, .. .. on a chief.. ..
three , Gilbert, [Alderman of London,] az. a chev. engr.
stirrups .... erm. betw. three eagles, displayed, or.
Gifford, [Atherne, Ireland,] gu. three lions, Gilbertson, gu. an armed leg, couped at the
passant, gardant, ar. Crest, a swan ar. ducal- thigh, in pale, betw. two broken spears, ar.
ly gorged and lined or, naiaut in water ppr. headed or. Crest, a snail, in its shell, ppr.
Gifford, [Irish, Bart.] ar. ten torteauxes, four, GiLBY,ar. a fesse sa.; in the dexter chief a square
three, two, and one. buckle gu.
Gifford, sa. three lozenges, in fesse, era. Gilby, ar. a fesse, wavy, betw. three estoiles az.
Gifford, [Pond-Hall, Suffolk, temp. Edw. III.] Gilchrist, [Earl of" Gallaway,] gu. a lion,
chequy or and gu. ; a chief, quarterly, ar. and sa. rampant, ar.
Gilchrist, [Auusfield, Scotland.] The same Arms Gillbank, az. five hearts in saltier or; on a
as Gilchryst, in the first Dictionary. Crest, a chief of the second, a rose gu. betw. two tre-
crescent, .... foils, slipped, vert. Crest, a stag's head or.
Gilchrist. The same Anns, with a dagger, in Gilles, per fesse gu. and or; on a bend, engr. ar.
betw. three lions' heads, erased, counterchanged,
chief, point downwards.

Gilchrist, [Ospisdall, Scotland.] Crest, a lion, two and one, and as many cross crosslets of the
rampant, wielding a cimeter. last, one and two, three cinquefoils of the first.
GlLDBERGE, .... a saltier, engr Gilles, or, on a chev. engr. sa. betw. three
Crest, an arrow, as martlets of the
Gilder, quarterly, sa. and or. crosses, forraee, gu. many
entiled with a ducal coronet. first.

between ar. on a fesse,

Gilderche, sa. a chev. ar. three Gilles, engr. sa. three martlets or.
martlets or. Crest, a hand holding an escallop ppr.
Gildesbrough, or Gildesburgh. Arms, Gillesone, [Scotland,] or, a three-masted
see first
Dictionary. Crest, a chevalier on ship, sail furled, sa.
horseback at lull speed, holding a sword, all Gillespie, [Newton,] az. a chev. wavy, ar.
betw. three roses gu. slipped or. Crest, an
Giles, per fesse, gu. on a bend ar. betw.
and az. anchor ppr.
two lions' heads, erased, and three cross cross- Gillespie, [Scotland,] per chev. gu. and ar. in ;

lets fitchee or, as many cross crosslets of the chief twelve plates, and in base a ship in full
first. Crest, a squirrel, sejant, gu. bezantee, sail on sea ppr. Crest, an unicorn's head ar.
holding betw. the feet an acorn-branch, leaved
horned or.

ppr. Gillespie, [Scotland,] az. a three-masted galley

az. a cross, ar. flags gu. ; in the dexter chief a cross crosslet,
Giles, or Gyles, [Cambridgeshire,]
betw. four cups uncovered, or on a chief ar. ; fitchee, and the sinister a dexter hand, fesse-

three pelicans, vulning themselves, ppr. ways, couped, holding a dagger of the second.
Gilesburgh, ar. three piles gu. over all a bend Crest, a cat, rampant, gardant, ppr.
az. Gillett, erm. on a bend sa. three fishes' heads,
Gilfillan, [Scotland,] ar. a fesse betw. three erased, ar. Crest, a lion, rampant, holding in
Crest, an eagle's the dexter paw a battle-axe ppr.
eagles' heads, erased, gu.
Gillies, or Gillis, [Scotland,] per fesse engr.
head, erased, sa. langued gu.
Gilford. The same Arms as Gilford, of Kent, or and az. a galley of the first, betw. a hand
in the first Dictionary. Crest, an angel, couped couped fesse ways, holding a dagger in pale,
at the breast, ppr. and in the sinister canton a cross crosslet fitchee,
Gilham, or Gillham, ar. a savage gu. hold- all within a bordure gu. Crest, a cat, courant,
ing; a club over the shoulder vert. Crest, three ppr.
heads conjoined on one neck, one Gillingham, az. a fesse or, betw. three swans
looking towards the dexter, the other sinister, ar. Crest, a dexter arm, couped and embowed
and one upwards, ppr. ppr. vested sa. cuff ar. holding up a sword in
Gill, or Gyll, [Barton, Yorkshire,] sa. a pale, entiled with a leopard's head, cabossed,
pale betw. four fleurs-de-lis or. ppr.
Gill, lozengy or and vert, a lion, rampant, Gillingham, [Little Shelford, Cambridgeshire,
gardant, ar. 1744.] The same Arms.
GUI, [Philip, of London, 1G34,] ar. on two chev. Gillingham, [Gillingham, Kent,] quarterly, erm.
gu. six mullets of the field on a canton of the;
and gu.
second a lion of England. Crest, ademieagle, Gillioti, [Broughton, Co. York,] per bend,
displayed, ar. wings fretty az. indented, ar. and sa.
Gillam, az. a fesse betw. three chev. or. Gillot. The same Arms as Gilliot, in the first

Crest, a demigriffin vert, winged

and beaked or. Dictionary. Crest, a garb or.
Gillan. The same as Gilland, in the first Dic- Gil lock, sa. a lion, rampant, ar. ; on a chief of
the second three roses of the first.
GillAi\d. Arms the same as in the first Dic- Gillon, [Wallhouse, Linlithgowshire,] gu. on
a saltier ar. five martlets, volant, of the first.
tionary. Crest, a dexter arm, embowed, ppr.
vested and cuffed az. holding up a covered Supporters, two ravens ppr. [Granted 1676,
cup or. and the Supporters 1824.]
Gillan ders, [Scotland.] Crest, a hand hold- Gillon, or, three fleurs-de-lis gu. Crest, a dexter
ing a sword ppr. hand, holding up a bomb fired ppr.
Gillow, az. a lion, ar. on a chief of
rampant, ;
bowed ppr. tied at the shoulder with a sash gu.
the last, three
of the field.
roses Crest, a and holding a club sa. spiked or.

horse, passant, sa. saddled and bridled gu. Girlington, [per William Flower, Norroy,]
Gillson, vert, on a pale ar betw. two annulets gu. three butterflies or.
or, a pile gu. Crest, a leopard's head, erased, Gisborne, [Ireland,] or, on a fesse sa. betw.
erin. ducally gorged az. three hunting horns, stringed, gu. a greyhound,
Gilly, [Waltham Abbey, 1650,] a pale courant, ar. Crest, a horse's head az. bridled
betw. four fleurs-de-lis .... or.

Gilman, [Ireland,] ar. three legs sa. spurred Gise, lozengy gu. and vair
; on a canton or, a
or. Crest, a Bengal tiger, sejant, ppr. mullet, pierced, sa. Crest, a dexter hand,
Gilmor, or Gilmotjr, [Scotland,] ar. on a couped fesseways, holding a rose-branch with
chev. az. betw. three trefoils vert, as many one rose, all ppr.
fleurs-de-lis or. Crest, a dexter arm from the Gise, [Gloucestershire,] gu. masculy vair ; on a
shoulder, in pale, brandishing a sword ppr. the canton ar. a mullet, pierced, sa.
arm vested gu. Gise, masculy vert and or on a canton of the

Gilmour Little, [Craigmillar, Scotland,] last a fleur-de-lis az.

quarterly ; first and fourth, az. a chev. betw. Gise, lozengy ar. and sa.
three fleurs-de-lis, in chief, or, and a pen, in Gisland, vert, a stag, springing, or. Crest, a
base, ar. ; second, sa. on a saltier ar. a crescent lion's head,
issuing, ppr.
of the first; third, gu. three boars' heads, Gissard, gu. two bars erm.; in chief a lion,
erased, ar. in each flank a Lochaber axe of the passant or.
last. Crest, a hand holding a garland of laurel Gisors, [London,] az. billettee, a lion, ram-
ppr. Supporters, two hawks, rising, ppr. pant, or.
Gilroy, [Scotland,] ar. three dolphins, haurient, Gissing, orGiSSiNGE, ar. on a bend az. three
az. finned or. Crest, a heart flaming ppr. eagles, displayed, or, the heads to the sinister.
winged or. -Crest, an arm, in armour, brandishing a sword,
Gilsland. To the first of the name in the first ppr.
Dictionary add Crest, a dexter arm ppr. vested Gittings, gu. on a bend ar. a leopard's head,
ar. cuff az.
holding up a caltrap of the first. erased, of the field, betw. six martlets of the
Gilstand. The same Arms. second.
Gimber. Crest, a bear's head and neck, erased, Gives, vaire or and az. ; a canton erm.
muzzled. . . . Gives, sa. ; a chief vair.
Ginger, gu. on a pale ar. three pheons az. Gladhill, or Gladill, ar. a saltier betw.
Crest, a savage's head, affroutue, betw. two four crescents sa. Crest, a demi lion sa. hold-
branches of laurel vert. ing a mullet or.
Ginkle, [Holland, Earl of Athlone in Ireland,] Gladstanes, [Edinborough.] The same Arms
ar. two bars, dancettee, sa. as Gladstanes, of Gladstanes, in the first Dic-
Ginldman, .... a cross patonce or, a label of tionary, within a bordure, indented, gu.
three points sa. Glagg, gu. on a bend or, three roses of the
Ginsall, vaire or and az. field.

Gipps, [Howlets, Kent.] The same Arms and Glais, [Perth, Scotland,] ....a chev in
Crest as Gipps in the first Dictionary. base three roundles ....
Gipps. The same Arms. Crest, out of a cloud Glanfield, az. a lion, rampant, ar. ; a label of
a dexter arm holding up a wheat sheaf, all ppr. three points gu.
Gipthorpe, quarterly, erm. and chequy or and Glanton, az. on a chev. ar. betw. three crosses,
gu patonce, of the last, an annulet sa.
Girdi.er. To
second of the name in the
the Glasbrook, or, a lion, passant, sa. on a chief
Dictionary add Crest, a hand issuing, gu. three fleurs-de-lis ar. Crest, a demi lion
pulling a rose from a bush, all ppr. gu. ducally crowned or.
Girdle r, [London,] az. a fesse erm. cottised or, Glasco, [Ireland,] gu. on a chief ar. three es-
betw. three goats' heads, erased, ar. attired callops vert. Crest, a demi lion, guardant, or,
gold. holding a battle-axe gu.
Girdwood, [Scotland.] Crest, a cock's head Glascock, [Essex,] erm. a chev. sa. betw.
betw. two wings. three cocks az. membered or.
Girflkt, or, a crequer plant of seven branches, Glasear, [Leay, Cheshire,] az. three arrows'
eradicated, sa. Crest, an arm, in armour, em- heads ar. ;
a chief of the last.
2 M
Glasford, [Douglastoun, Scotland,] ar. a bend, Glean K, [Norwich and Hard wick, Norfolk.]
engr. betw. two spur-rowels gu. Crest, two Arms, see first Dictionary. Crest, a Saracen's
hauds, conjoined, issuing out of clouds, grasp- head, affrontee, ppr. wreathed about the tem-
ing a caduceus, ensigned on the top witb a cap ples ar. sa.

of liberty, all betw. two cornucopias, all ppr. Gleanton, az. a chev. ar. betw. three cross

Glasgood, ar. on a fesse, betw. two bars crosslets or.

gemelles gu. three eagles' heads, erased, or. Gleave, [High Leigh, Cheshire.] Arras, see
Glasgow, [Scotland,] ar. a chev. az. betw. first
Dictionary. Crest, a Cupid, holding in the
two fishes, naiant, in chief, sa. and an oak-tree hand a bow and arrow, ppr.
growing out of a mount, in base, vert. Crest, Glegh, gu. a sword, in bend, ar. pomel and
a martlet sa. hilt or.

Glasgow, [Mount Greuon, recorded 1807,]

ar. Gleig, [Scotland.] Crest, a dexter hand, bran-
a cocoa-nut tree, fructed ppr. growing out of a dishing a sword, ppr.
mount, in base, vert, on a chief az. a shake- Glemham, [Suffolk,] ar. a chev. betw. three
fork, betw. a martlet, on the dexter, and a torteauxes.
saimon, naiant, on the sinister, holding in the Glemisford, [Glemisford, Suffolk,] ar. ; on a
mouth an annulet or. Crest, a demi negro, bend az. cottised gu. three plates.

holding in the dexter hand a sugar-cane, all Glen, [Bar, Scotland.] Arms, see first Dic-
ppr. tionary. Crest, a martlet sa.
Glasham, [Scotland,] ar. on a chev. gu. betw. Glen, [Anchmartine, Scotland,] ar. a lion, ram-
three dirks az. hilts or, (those in chief points pant, sa. armed and langued gu.
downwards,) as many water-bougets, gold. Glenden, ar. three tilting-spears sa. on each a
Crest, a cross Calvary, on three grieces, gu. banner gu.
Glasham, [Scotland,] ar. a chev. betw. three dirks Glene, or Glen, erm. three lozenges, in fesse,

az. hilts or, those in chief points downwards. sa.

Glasier, Glasyer, or Glazier. The same Glen ester. Arms, see first Dictionary.
Arms as Glasier, of Lancashire, in the first Crest, a boar, passant, sa. charged with a pale
Crest, a man's heart charged with ar. thereon a leopard's face ppr.
a cinquefoil. Glen ist er, [Royston, Cambridgeshire.] The
GLASS, [East Indies,] quarterly first and fourth,
same Arms.
ar. a fleur-de-lis, betw. three mullets gu. a bor- Glenn, Glen, or Glene, erm. three mascles,
dure of the last second and third, ar. on a
in fesse, sa. Crest, out of a ducal coronet a
bend az. betw. two roses gu. barbed vert, three hand holding a swan's head, erased, ppr.
buckles or. Crest, a mermaid, with mirror Glennie. Crest, a crosier in pale.
and comb, ppr. Glenton, [Warwickshire.] Arms, see first

Glastenbury. To the first of the name in the Dictionary. Crest, a cubit arm, erect, ppr.
Glesier, az. three pheons ar. ; a chief erui.
Dictionary add Crest, a griffin's head,
first all

betw. two wings, each charged with three bezants. within a bordure, indented, or.
Glaster, [Glack, Scotland,] ar. a fleur-de-lis, Gleve, or Gleue, sa. three crescents ar.

betw. three mullets gu. within a bordure of the Glin. Crest, a lion's head, issuing, ppr.
last. Glin, [Gliuford, Cornwall,] ar. a chev. betw.
Glastincbury, [temp. Edw. III.] or, on a three salmon-spears sa.
bund, engr. sa Glindore, per pale ar. and gu. a lion, ram-
GlaSTINGS, or Glastinges. Arms, see first pant, sa.
Dictionary. Crest, an arm in armour, em- Gloadeth, gu. a chev. ar. betw. three plates.
bowed, ppr. holding a baton sa. Gloag, [Scotland.] Crest, an eagle ppr. wings
Glastor, [Cheshire,] az. three pheons ar. ; a endorsed.
chief erm. Gloster, or, a fret sa.
Glastor, or, a saltier gu. ; on a chief of the last Gloddrydd, gu. a lion, rampant, gardant,
three leopards' faces of the first. ar. Crest, an eagle rising; in the beak a trefoil
Glazebrook, [Orford Lodge, Warrington, Lan- slipped.
cashire,] an eagle, displayed, gu. beaked
ar. Glodred, [Wales.] The same Arms as Glod-
and legged or ; on a chief sa. three bezants, drydd. Crest, a sheaf of arrows, points up-
each charged with a fleur-de-lis az. Crest, a wards, banded ppr.
bear's head or, muzzled sa. charged on the neck Glodsall, [Worcestershire,] barry of six sa.
with a fleur-de-lis, fesseways, az. and ar. nine estoiles or, three, three, and three.
Gloucester, az. a fesse ar. ; in chief two leo- Gobaude, sa. a bend betw. six martlets ar.
pards' faces or, in base, a fish, naiant, of the Gobehen, De, gu. on a chev. ar. three lions,
second. rampant, sa.
Gloucester, gu. three fishes, haurient, ar. Gobion, [Yorkshire,] barry of eight ar. and gu.
Gloucester, [Alderman of London,] gu. a cross a label of three points sa.
counter-compony or and sa. Gobion, Goby on, or Gobyns, ar. three gudgeons,
Gloucester, paly of six gu. and vair on a chief ; haurient, within a bordure, engr. sa. Crest,
or, a lion, passant, gardant, .... in water a swan, swimming, with wings elevated
Gloue, erm. four lozenges, in fesse, sa. ppr.
Glover, [Roystoo, Cambridgeshire, 1739,].. .. Gobotesley, sa. a fesse
compony gu. and or,
a chev. erm. betw. three crescents.. .. betw. three crosses pattee of the last.
Glover, [Strode, Kent, 1444,] .... a pair of Gobyon, barry of fourteen gu. and ar. a label of ;

sheers, betw. two gloves, erect, .... five points of the first.
Glover, [Warwickshire,] sa. a fesse, betw. three Godard, gu. a lion, rampant, ar. within a bor-
crescents ar. dure of the last, charged with nine escallops
Glover, [Ambassador to the Turks,] sa. a chev. vert.
betw. three crescents ar. within a bordure of Godard, London, and
[Gerks, Eastwoodhay,
the last. Hants,] a fesse lozengy, betw. three hawks'
Glover, [Wiltshire,] erm. on a chev. engr. gu. heads, erased, or. Crest, a hawk's head,
three escallops or. Crest, a talbot, passant, sa. erased, or, holding in the beak a leure gu.
collared ar. capped vert, garnished of the first, stringed of
Glover, ar. a fesse, counter-embattled, erm. the second.
betw. three crescents ar. Godarte, erm. across pattee gu.
Glowcaster, gu. ;
on a chief, dancettee, or, Godbow, az. two bows, strung, or, in saltier.
a lion, passant, sa. Crest, out of a mural coronet a griffin's head,
Glubb, gu. a water-bouget ar. Crest, a derm betw. two wings, gu.
lion az. bezantee. Godby. Crest, a chevalier on horseback in com-
Glyborne, erm.; onachief, indented, az. two plete armour, visor close, ppr.
roses ar. Goddart, [Scotland,] gu. a chev. vair, betw.
Glyn. To of the name in the first Dic-
the first three crescents ar.- Crest, a stag's head, af-
tionary add Crest, a demi lion sa. charged frontee, couped, gu. attired or.
with three bezants, two and one. Goddin. Crest, a winged heart ppr.
Glynn, barry wavy of six ar. and az. over all Goddinge, gu. a chev. ar. betw. three griffins'
three sea-horses, naiant, or. [Borne by Wil- heads, erased, or.
liam Glynn, \Qth President of Queens College, Goddrington, [Loudon,] . . a fesse, embat-
. .

Cambridge, consecrated Bishoj) of Banc/or, 8th tled, counter-embattled, betw. three lions, pas-
Sept. 1555, ob. 1558.] sant, gardant ....
Glynn, [Devonshire, Fellow of King's College, Godeston. The same Arms as Goderston, in
Cambridge, 1745.] The same as Glyn, of the first Dictionary. Crest, a buffalo's head,
Cornwall, in the first
Dictionary. couped, sa.
Goad, [Cruxton,] gu. a chev. or, betw. three Godewyn, gu. three pales lozengy ar. and
lions, double queued, ar. sa.
Gloadfroy, gu. an anchor ar. stock or. Crest, Godfrey, [Besenes,] gu. an inescocheon or,
an arm in armour, embowed, holding in the within an orle of eight cinquefoils ar.
gauntlet a sword, all ppr. Godhand, ar. a chev. compony or and az.
Goat, or Goate, gu. a saltier ar. on a chief of betw. three sinister hands sa.
the last, three escallops of the first. Crest, a Godherde, gu. a fesse compony or and az.
goat, passant, ar. armed or. Godier, [Oxford,] or, a fesse betw. two chev.
Goatham, per fesse, gu. and ar.
embattled, az.
three goats, passant, counterchanged. Crest, Godin, sa. three ostrich-feathers or. Crest, an
a hunting-horn sa. garnished and ox-yoke, in bend, sa. strapped az.
stringed gu.
Goband, [temp. Edw. III.] gu. two bars or; in Godlew, or, three serpents, erect, wavy,....
chief three bezants. Godley, [Ireland,] gu. a cross, botonnee, ar.
Gobard, or Gobbard. The same Arms as the surmounted by a bend az. Crest, a demi
second of the name in the first Dictionary. lion, rampant, gardant, or, holding a fleur-de-
Crest, a mermaid holding a dagger ppr. lis
2 m 2
Godmanston, or Goodmanston, az. an eagle, Golden, ar. three trefoils, triple fitchee, vert.

displayed, or. Crest, a man's leg, couped at Crest, a cinquefoil ppr.

the thigh, ppr. Goldesbrough, [temp. Edward III.] ar. a
GODSALL, GODSALE, or GODSALUS. Arms, cross pattee sa.
" crosses
see first Dictionary; after pattee" Goldesburgh, [Lincoln's Inn, Middlesex,] az.
read or. Another Crest, a griffin's head, erased, a cross patonce ar. Crest, a demi lion, ram-
per pale ar. and sa. beaked or. pant, ....
Godsalve, per pale gu. and az. a fesse, ne- Goldfinch, or Gouldfinch, [Kent.] Arms,
bulee, betw. three crosses pattee of the
or, see first Dictionary. Crest, a camel, passant,
third, as many crescents sa. Crest, a griffin's ppr.
head, erased, paly wavy of four ar. and sa. in Goldford, ar. four barrulets sa.
the mouth a branch vert. Goldfrap, gu. ; on a chief ar. three crescents of
Godsalve, per pale gu. and az. a fesse wavy ar. the field. Crest, a wolf's head erm.
betw. three crosses, formee, or. Crest, a lion's Goldie, [Scotland,] ar. a land-tortoise or ; on a
paw holding a crescent. chief az. a mullet of the second betw. two
Godschall, or, a cross patonce sa. Crest, a bezants. Crest, an antique crown or.
lion's paw holding a crescent. Goldie, [Craigmue, Scotland, originally of Eng-
Godsell, Godsall, or Godseel, sa. a cross land,] ar. a chev. gu. betw. three trefoils, slipped,
bottonee or. Crest, an arm, erect, holding a vert.

spade ppr. Golding, gu. a chev. betw. three torteauxes.

Godstone. Arms, see first Dictionary. Crest, Goldingham, az. a cross, engr. ar. betw. four
on a chapeau gu. turned up erm. a talbot's fleurs-de-lis erm.
head, issuing, ar. Goldingham, barry nebulee of six gu. and ar.
Godwin, or, three lions, rampant, sa. ;
on a can- Goldingham, erm. a bend, wavy, gu.
ton of the last as many bezants. Goldingham, ar. two bars, wavy, gu.
Godwin, [Yate, county Gloucester,] ar. three Goldington, [temp. Edward III.] or, two lions,
lions, passant, sa. on a canton of the
last three passant, sa.
plates. Goldman, [Dundee, Scotland,] a lion, rampant,
Goer, barry of six or and gu. ;
in chief three
torteauxes. Goldman, [Sandford,] gu. a chev. or, betw. three
Goff, or Goffe, [Ireland,] ar. a label of five marigolds of the last, stalked and leaved vert.
points, in bend, gu. Crest, a stag's head, Goldman, [Scotland.] Crest, a fox, courant, ppr.
erased, gu. armed ar. Goldoury, [1528,] sa. a chev. ar. betw. three
Goghe, az. a boar ar. wolves' heads, erased, of the second.
Gogon, gu. three lozenges ar. GoldSTON, or Goulrton, [Salop.] Arms, see
Goide, gu. a chev. or, betw. three lions, salient, first Dictionary. Crest, Minerva's head ppr.
ar. Goldwell. To the second of the name in the
Goines, vair, a bend, engr. gu. firstDictionary add, Crest, out of a well or,
Golbore, erm. on a chev. gu. three escallops ar. a vine and two columbine-branches, ppr.
Golborn, [Cheshire.] Arms, see first Dic- Golever. Crest, a mermaid, with comb and
tionary. Crest, a man's leg, couped above the mirror, ppr.
knee, vert, spurred or. Golever, or Gulloner, ar. a bend gu. betw. three
Golborn E, ar. on a bend sa. three crosses pa- griffins' heads, erased, sa.
tonce or. Goloner. To the first of the name in the first
Golbourn. Crest, a dove with an olive-branch Dictionary add, Crest, a demi griffin ppr. col-
in the beak ppr. lared and sustaining an anchor az.
Gold, [Dorsetshire,] ar. three roses gu. seeded Golouer, ar. three bars, nebulee, gu. o*n a bend
or. sa. as many bezants. Crest, a lion, passant,
Gold, [Somersetshire,] or, ou a chev. az. betw. gardant, ar. ducally crowned or.
three roses vert, as many bunches of grapes of Golourn, or, on a bend sa. three cross crosslets
the first. Another, the field ar. of the field.

Goldbrone, ar. a cross flory, betw. four mart- Golsell, GosiELL, or Gossall, barry of six
lets gu. or and az. ; a canton erm.
Goldcane, or Goldear, gu. a cross formee Golston, or Golofer, barry, nebulee, of six
or. ar.aud gu. on a bend sa. three bezants. Crest,
Goldecar, gu. a cross pattee throughout or. an eagle's head, couped, ar.
Gomeldon. Arms, see first Dictionary. Crest, Goodchild, per pale erminois and ermine, on a
out of a cloud an arm, in armour, embowed and chev. az. betw. three parrots ppr. as many be-
gloved, wielding a spiked mace, all ppr. zants. Crest, on a pellet a parrot ppr. in its
Gomeldon. Same Arms, with three fleurs-de-lis mouth a ring gu. [Borne by Thomas Good-
on the canton. Crest, a demi griffin ar. holding child, Esq. of Mecklenburqh-square, London,
in his claws a mullet or.
[Granted by Sir 1829.]
Edward Walker, 10th November, 1662.] Goode, [Whetston, Cornwall,] gu. on a chev.
Gonbrand. See Goband. betw. three lions, rampant, or, as many cinque-
Gonor. Arms, see first Dictionary. Crest, a foils of the first. Crest, a talbot's head, erased,
stag's head ppr. in the mouth a five-leaved gu. ducally crowned or.
flower or, leaves vert. Goodear, or Goodyear, gu. a fesse betw. two
Gonton, Gorton, Gouton, or Gunton, gu. chev. vair. Crest, a lion's head, erased, and
three bucks, passant, ar. Crest, out of an crowned with an imperial crown ppr.
earl's coronet a black's head, affrontee, ppr. Goodenough, per chev. erm. and gu.; on a chief
Gonton, gu. three round buckles or, points to the ar. a lion's head, erased, az. Crest, a hand,
sinister. holding a dagger, in pale, ppr.
Go n aill, ar. on a chev. betw. two couple closes, Goodenough, ar. a chev. sa. betw. three torteauxes.
indented, sa. three escallops or. Crest, a dove Goodere, [Gloucester,] gu. a fesse betw. two
ar. beaked and inembered gu. holding in the chev. vair. Crest, a partridge, holding in the
beak, by the stalk, a gentle flower, stalked beak an ear of wheat, all ppr.
vert. [Borne by the Rev. Edmund Gonvill, Goodere, .. .. an eagle, displayed, chequy, ....

Rector of Terrington and Rushworth, Norfolk, Gooderick, [Kirkby, Lincolnshire.] Arms, see
founder of Gonvill Colleye, Cambridge, 1340.] first Crest, a demi lion, rampant,
GoNYS, quarterly, vair and gu. sa. collared or,
supporting a battle-axe ar. han-
Gooch, [Virginia, 1746, since of Benacre-Hall, dle gu.
Suffolk.] The same Arms as Goodie, of Met- Goodewyn, gu. three pales, lozengy ar. and az.
tingham, in the first Dictionary. Goodfellow. To the first of the name in the
Gooch, [Brompton, Middlesex.] The same Arms. first
Dictionary, add Crest, a horse, rampant,
Crest, a cubit arm, erect, vested per pale, gu.
embattled, or and ar. grasping, in the hand Goodhall, [Hollywell, Lincolnshire,] or, a pile
ppr. a dragon's head, erased, also ppr. sa. ;
on a canton
az. a saltier, engr. ar. Crest, a
Goodacre, [Ireland,] ar. three knights' helmets boar's head, erased and erect, sa. platee, ducal
az. lined gu. Crest, a unicorn's head, erased, ly gorged or.
sa. armed and maned or. Goodhart. Crest, on a ducal coronet a lion,
Goodhurst De, alias Roberts, [Kent,] az. passant, ppr.
on a chev. ar. three mullets sa. Crest, an eagle, Goodison, paly of six ar. and gu. on a chief az.

displayed, ar. gorged with a chaplet vert. three mullets of the first. Crest, a peacock's
Goodinge, [Cleeve, county of Gloucester,] ar. head ppr.
two lions, passant, gardant, sa. ; on a chief of Goodinere, [Jeweller to Queen Elizabeth,]
the last three plates. [Borne by Serjeant .... a Tuscan column surmounted by a ball.

Goodinge, 1786.] Goodlad, [London.] Arms, see first Dictionarv.

Goodall, [Earlistonham, Suffolk.] Arms, see Crest, a wing ar.
Dictionary, with Goodhall. Crest, an Goudlad. Crest, in a frame a glove ppr.
eagle, displayed, ar. beaked and membered or, Goodlake. Crest, a savage, kneeling on his
gorged with a chaplet, gramine, vert. leftknee, and holding in his sinister hand a club
Goodalle, [Scotland,] gu. three cups, covered, over his shoulder, tied round the loins.
or, middle fesse point as many ears of
in the Goodlet, [Scotland,] or, a fesse gu. betw. two
barley, two in saltier and one in pale, of the lions, passant, gardant, sa.
last. Crest, a cup ar. Goodlet, [Empshaugh,] or, on a fesse gu. betw.
Goodbuck, gu. a chev. engr. betw. three escal- two lions, passant, gardant, sa. a fleur-de-lis
lops .... betw. as many crescents of the field.
Goodchepe, per fesse or and sa. three rusters Goodman, sa. three demi greyhounds, courant,
countreshanged. in bend dexter, and as many mullets pierced,
Goodchild, [London.] Arms, see first Dic- in bend sinister, ar.
tionary. Crest, a parrot vert, beaked and legged Goodrood, gu. an anchor ar. stock or. Crest,
a unicorn's head gu. collared or.
Goodsinging, gu. semee of fleur-de-lis, an eagle, Gordon, [Afton,] quarterly; first, az. a bezant
displayed, ar. betw. three boars' heads, erased, or; second,
Goodsir, [Scotland,] ar. on a saltier az. betw. gyronny of eight or and sa. within a bordure
four fleurs-de-lis two crosiers in saltier; on a chief gu. charged with four escallops ar. two in pale
of the second a mitre betw. a dove on the dex- and two in fesse a canton, gyronnee of eight

ter, and a lion, rampant, on the sinister. Crest, erm. and of the third. Crest, a dexter hand
an eagle's head, erased, ppr. holding a cimeter.
Goodsir, [Scotland,] az. a chev. betw. three Gordon, [Millrig, Ayrshire, granted by Parliament
fleurs-de-lis ar. Crest, a cock, in the beak a 1817,] az. on a chev. erm. betw. three boars'
bunch of keys. heads, erased, or, a buck's head, erased, gu.
Goodson, erm. a chev. gu. betw. three quatre- Crest, a deer's head, erased, ppr.
foils or, stalked and leaved vert. Crest, a Gordon, [All Hallows,] az. on a fesse, dan-
wolf's head erm. collared gu. cettee, betw. three boars' heads, couped, or,
Goodwright, ar. on a chev. gu. betw. two tusked gu. an annulet sa. betw. two trefoils,
crescents, in chief, sa. and a dove, with an olive- slipped, vert,
branch, in base, ...., three bezants. Crest, Gordon, [Auchendown, Scotland,] az. three boars'
a dove and olive-branch ppr. heads, erased, or, within a bordure, engr. of
Goodyvyn, [Earl of Kent,] paly of six gu. and the last.
vair. Gordon, [Banff,] az. a buckle betw. three boars'
Googe, three boars, passant, ar.
az. Crest, a heads, couped, or. Crest, a ship under sail
rose, stalked and leaved ppr. ppr.
Googe, per pale sa. and ar. a chev. betw. three Gordon, [Baldorny, Scotland,] quarterly first ;

talbots, passant, counterchanged ; on a chief gu. and fourth, az. a lion, rampant, ar. betw. three
as many leopards' faces or. boars' heads, erased, of the second ; second
Googh, o?- Googe, ar. a chev. betw. three cocks and third, three boars' heads within a
sa. armed gu. bordure, engr. ar. Crest, a cross crosslet fit-
Goold, [Old Court, Cork,] az. on a fesse or, chee.
betw. five goldfinches, three in chief and two in Gordon, [Cadiz,] az. a lion, rampant, betw. three
base, ppr. three mullets gu. Crest, a demi lion, boars' heads, couped, or; in chief a mullet ar.
rampant, or. Crest, a cross Calvary gu.
Goold, per saltier or and az. a lion, rampant, Gordon, [Carnousie, Scotland,] az. a cross flory

counterchanged. Crest, on a mount vert an betw. three boars' heads, erased, ar. Crest, a
ermine, passant, ppr. a dexter hand, couped fesseways, holding a
Goold, [Scotland,] ar. a chev. betw. three tre- sword in pale, entiled with a boars' head
foils, slipped, gu. Crest, within the horns of erased, all
a crescent ar. a buckle or. Gordon, [Cobairdy, Scotland,] az. an arm in

Gooseling, gu. a chev. betw. three crescents armour, embowed, issuing from the sinister,
or. Crest, a lion's paw, erased, gu. holding holding a sword, in pale, ar. betw. three boars'
up a fleur-de-lis or. heads, couped, or, all within a bordure of the
Gordane, sa. three leopards' heads, jessaut-de- last, charged with eight buckles, tongues, in
lis, or. fesse, of the first. Crest, a demi savage,
Gordon, [Taplow, Buckinghamshire,] az. three wreathed about the head and middle with leaves,
boars' heads, erased, ar. Crest, a demi savage and holding in the sinister hand an arrow over
wreathed about the temples and loins with the shoulder, point downwards, all ppr.
laurel, and holding a club over the shoulder, all Gordon, [Cockclarochie, Scotland.] Arms, see
ppr. first Dictionary. Crest, a boar's head, erased,
Gordon, [Ireland,] az. a pile or, betw. three or.
boars' heads, erased, ar. Crest, a boar's Gordon, [Craiglaw, Scotland.] Arms, see first
head, erect and erased, sa. armed and eared Dictionary. Crest, a demi savage, wreathed
or. about the head and middle with laurel, holding
Gordon, [Newton, Aberdeenshire, granted by over the shoulder a club, all ppr.
Parliament, 1811,] az. three boars'
heads, Gordon, [Culvenan, Scotland,] az. a bezant
erased, or, within a bordure, engr. of the last; betw. three boars' heads, erased, or, all within a
in the middle fesse point a Moor's head, bordure of the last, charged with eight lozenges
couped ar. banded gu. Crest, a dove, holding of the first. Crest, a dexter hand holding a
in her beak an olive-branch, all ppr. sword-blade, wavy, ppr.
Gordon, [Dunraerary, Scotland,] ar. three boars' Gordon, [Rothemey, N.B.] az. a saltier betw.
heads, couped, or, armed and langued gu. in ;
three boars' heads, couped, or.
chief as many cinquefoils ar. Crest, a buck's Gordon, [Rusco, N.B.] az. three boars' heads,
head, issuing, at gaze, ppr. attired or. erased, within a bordure, wavy, ar.
Gordon, az. on a fesse ar. betw. three boars' Gordon, [Shiells, N.B.] quarterly ; first, az. three
heads, couped, or, a boar's head sa. Crest, a boars' heads, couped, or ; second, gu. three
couped at the neck, ppr.
stag's head, affrontee,
lions'heads, erased, ar. ; third, or, three cres-
Gordon, [Farsbank, Scotland,] az. a roundle, cents, within the royal tressure, gu. ; fourth, az.
chequy or and of the first, betw. three boars' three cinquefoils ar. all within a bordure gu.
heads, couped, of the second Crest, a stag, charged with eight mullets ar.
lodged, ppr. Gordon, [Tichmurie, N.B.] az. a lion, passant,
Gordon, [Gight, Scotland,] quarterly; first and gardant, ar. betw. three boars' heads, erased,
fourth, az. a mullet of six points betw. three or. Crest, a hart, at gaze, ppr.
boars' heads, couped, or; second and third, az. Gordon, [Tullimeneth, N.B.] az. a fesse chequy
on a betw. three pheons ar. a stag's
fesse, ar. and gu. betw. three boars' heads, couped,

head, erased, of the first. Crest, a buck's of the second.

head and neck, affrontee, ppr. Gordon, az. three boars' heads within a bordure
Gordon, [Glasgow, Scotland,] az. three boars' or, a crescent for difference. Crest, a hand,
heads, erased, or, within a bordure of the last, holding a book open, ppr.
charged with as many escallops sa. Crest, as Gore, De, ar. three lions, rampant, az. on a ;

Gordon, of Craiglaw. [Granted in 1806.] chief gu. a demi lion, rampant, issuant, or.
Gordon, [Glenluce, Scotland,] az. three boars' Gorgan, [Suffolk,] ar. three lozenges gu.
heads, erased, within a bordure, or. Gorge, [Hillingdon, Middlesex,] lozengy ar. and
Gordon, [Gordonbank, Scotland,] az. on a chev. az.a chev. gu.
betw. three boars' heads, couped, or, a hand, Gorges, [Devon.] Arms as second of that place
couped, or, holding a sheaf of arrows ppr. all in the first Dictionary. Crest, an annulet,
within a bordure of the second, charged with stoned, az.
eight crescents gu. Crest, a hand issuing from Gorges, [Ireland,] az. six bezants. Crest, a sal-
a cloud, grasping a sheaf of arrows, points up- mon, haurient, ppr.
wards, all
ppr. Gorges, lozengy or and az.
Gordon, [Greenlaw and Culvenan, N.B.] az. a Gorges, or, a bend az. on a chief gu. two mullets

bezant, betw. three boars' heads, erased, or, all ar. pierced of the first.
within a bordure of the last, charged with eight and one.
Gorges, az. six lozenges or, three, two,
lozenges of the first. Crest, [Culvenan,] a Gorges, [Baron of Dundalk,] lozengy or and az.
dexter hand, holding a sword-blade, wavy, ppr. a chev. gu.
Crest, [Greenlaw.] The same, with the hand Gorgis. The same Arms as second of Devon,
issuing from a cloud. in the first
Dictionary. Crest, an annulet,
Gordon, [Haddo, N.B.] quarterly ;
first and stoned, az.
fourth, az. three boars' heads, erased, or; se- GorgyS, erm. a fesse betw. three cinquefoils
cond and third, ar. a harp sa. Crest, a stork gu.
ppr. Goring, ar. a chev. betw. three annulets gu.
Gordon, [Hallhead, N.B.] az. a fesse chequy [Borne by William Goring, Esq. of Burton,
ar. and of the first, betw. three boars' heads, Sussex, created a Baronet \Ath May, 1622.]
erased, of the second, all within a bordure, Goringe, [Sussex,] ar. a chev. betw. three an-
wavy, or. Crest, out of a ducal coronet a nulets gu.
stag's head, cabossed, or. Gorlay, or Goorlay, [Kent.] Arms as in
Gordon, [Knockaspack, N.B.] az. a pheon betw. the first
Dictionary. Crest, a hand in armour,
three boars' heads, erased, or. Crest, a stag's holding a cross crosslet, fitchee, erect, ppr.
head ppr. attired or. Gorm, [Scotland,] or, three cocks' heads, erased,
Gordon, [Invergorand, N.B.] quarterly first, ;
az. az. Crest, an eagle's head, erased, sa. beaked
three boars' heads, couped, ar. ; second, or, or.
three lions' heads, erased, gu. ; third, or, three Gorman, gyronnyof eight erm. and sa. an eagle
crescents, within the royal tressure, gu. ; fourth with two heads, displayed, or. Crest, a horse
as first, all within a bordure, nebulee, ar. courant, saddled, ppr.
Crest, out of a heart a hand holding a dagger GoRNAY, or, a lion, rampant, sa. within a bor-*
ppr. dure gu.
Gortiay, or Gornaye, az. a bend or, betw. three and one in base, ppr. ; on a chief ar. an
fisbes, naiant, ar. displayed, of the field. Crest, a greyhound's
Gornay, az. a cross, engr. gu. surmounted by head and neck, erased, ppr. collared or.
another plain of the field, betw. four mullets of Gossip, or, three double quatrefoils vert.
six points, pierced, of the second. Crest, a martlet sa.
Gornay, or,a saltier, engr. ar. Gosson, quarterly, sa. and erm. in the first and
Gorney, [Dorset,] paly of six ar. and az. fourth quarters an unicorn's head, erased, or.

Gorney, or, two leopards, passant, in pale, az. Gostwick, ar. a bend gu. cottised sa. betw.
Gorney, ar. a cross, engr. gu. betw. four mullets six birds of the last ;
on a chief or, three mul-
of the second. Crest, a merman ppr. holding lets vert.
a target or. Gostwick, ar. a bend gu. betw. three Cornish

GoRNON, ar. a chev. betw. three bucks' heads, choughs ppr. on a chief az. three mullets or.

couped, sa. [Borne by William Gostwick, Esq. of Wel-

Gorrie, or Gorry, [Scotland,] sa. a chev. lington, Bedfordshire, created a Baronet 25lk
betw. three mullets in chief, and a lion, ram- November, 1612.]
pant, in base, or. Crest, an eagle's head sa. Gostwyke. See Goslike.
Gorstang, or Garstang, az. three mascles Goter, gu. three mortars ringed at the handles,
or; a chief ar. all within a bordure, engr. gu. betw. ten billets ar.
Gorton, or Gerton, gu. ten billets or; a Gotesan. See Gotsan, in the first Dictionary.
chief, indented, of the second. Gotham, erm. a bend sa. Crest, upon a stump
Gorton, Gonton, Goulton, or Gunton, [Peter- of a tree an eagle, wings endorsed, all ppr.
borough,] gu. three bucks or. Gothard, [Newcastle,] gu. an eagle, displayed,
Gorwood, or Gurwood, [originally from Sa- or. Crest, out of a ducal coronet a buck's head
voy,] az. a chev. ar. Crest, an unicorn's head ppr.
ppr. Gotobed, [Cambridgeshire,] per fesse az. and
Gorys, erm. a fesse betw. three cinquefoils gu. vert, the sun going down on the fesse line to
Gosheche, or Gostreche, ar. a bend, lo- the sinister or. Crest, a bat, erect, wings ex-
zengy of the first and gu. panded ppr.
GoSholme, three lions, rampant, gu.
ar. Gottington, sa. two she talbots, passant, coun-

Gosiel, or Gossall. See Golsell, in the first ter-passant, ppr. the one surmounting the other.
Dictionary. Crest, a horned owl ppr.
Goskar, ar. bend gu. betw. three Cornish
a Gotysby. See Gotesby, in the first Dictionary.
choughs ppr. on a chief of the second, as many
; Goucell, or, two bars az.; a canton erm. Crest,
mullets of the field. Crest, a Cornish chough a unicorn, passant, or.

holding in the beak a mullet. Goudie, [Scotland,] ar. a chev. betw. two tre-
GoSLET, [Marshfield, Gloucestershire,] gu. a foils,slipped, in chief, vert, and a tortoise, in
chev. betw. three pheons or. Crest, a stalk of base, gu. Crest, a garb or.
wheat and palm-branch, in saltier, ppr. Gough, [Woolaston, Gloucester,] az. three boars'
Goslike, orGosTWYKE, a bend gu. betw.
ar. heads ar.
six birds sa. ; on a chief or, three horses' heads, GouiSH, [Duntish, Dorsetshire,] ar. a lion, ram-
couped, az. bridled of the first. Crest, a grif- pant, sa. [Borne by Sir William Gouish, Knt.
fin's head,
couped, betw. two wings gu. platee. temp. EdwardJ//.]
Gosling, gu. a chev. or, betw. three crescents Goulbourn, a cross betw. four doves gu.
ar. Crest, an eagle's head, erased, ppr. Crest, a dove with an olive-branch in its beak,
Gosling. Arms as second in the first Dictionary. allppr. [Borne by Edward Goulbourn, Esq.
Crest, an eagle's
head, erased, az. charged Sergeant at Law, 1832.]
with two ermine spots, a cross patlee ar. and a Gould, [Ireland,] or, a lion, rampant, gu.
bezant. Crest, a martlet or.
Goss, or GosSE, ar. nine mullets, in saltier, gu. Gould, or Goold, [Scotland,] ar. a chev. betw.

Crest, agoss-hawk or falcon, wings expanded three trefoils, slipped, gu. Crest, within the
and inverted ppr. ducally gorged or. horns of a crescent ar. a buckle or.
GoSSET, or GoSSETT, ar. three owls gu. a Gouldacre. See Goldacre, in the first Dic-
quarter az. Crest, a hand, erect, couped at tionary.
the wrist, holding a dagger in pale. Goulden, vaire or and az. Crest, a lion's head,
Gosset, [France,] az. issuant from an annulet or, erased, ppr.
three peascod-branches, leaved, two in chief, Gouldesbrough, ar. a cross patonce gu.
Gouldfinch. See Goldfinch, in the first Dic- Govett. Crest, a demi naked man holding in

hisdexter hand a sheaf of arrows, and pointing
Gouldie. See Gowdie, in the first Dictionary. with the sinister to a crown.
Gouldie, [Scotland.] The same Arms and Crest Goveway, ar. a fesse, humettee, betw. three
as Gowdie before mentioned. crosses pattee fitchee sa.
Goulding, [Ireland,] ar. a cross betw.
four demi Govile, ar. a chev. engr. betw. three escallops

lions, rampant, couped, go. Crest, a hawk, gu.

hooded, belled, and jessed, ppr. Govir, quarterly, vair and gu.
GoULDNEY. Crest, a quatrefoil ensigned with Go vis, [Dorset,] ar. three lions' heads, erased,

a lion's head, erased, gu.

Gouldsmitii. See Goldsmith, in the first Dic- Govis, [London,] ar. a lion's head, erased, gu.
tionary. Govis, [London,] ar. three lions' heads, erased,
Goulstone, ar. two bars, nebulee, gu. over all gu. collared of the first.
on a bend sa. three plates. Crest, an ostrich's Govis, vair, a bend, lozengy, gu.
wing of five feathers alternately ar. and gu. Govis, quarterly gu. and vair, a bend or.

charged with a bend, as in the Arms. Govisy, ar. a" lion's

head, couped, gu. Crest,
Gounter. See Gunter. a demi lady ppr. richly attired az. holding in
GOURLAY, GOURLEE, GoURLY, Or GoURLEY, the dexter hand a balance of the first.
erm. a fesse betw. three martlets gu. Crest, a Gow, [Scotland,] vert, on a fesse ar. three bolly-
boar's head, erased, ppr. Ieaves of the first. Crest, a hand holding an
Gourley BANKS, ar. a tree from a mount, in base, escallop ppr.
betw. two hanks; on the tree a roundle charged Gowan, [Scotland,] ar. a mullet on the point
with a mullet. a sword in pale az. over all a saltier of the last.
Gourlie, or Gourley, sa. an eagle, displayed, Crest, a lymphad, her oars in action sa. flag
ar. Crest, two hands conjoined and couped,
in fesse, supporting a cross crosslet fitchee, gu. Gowans, ar. a sword in pale ensigned with a

Gourlie, ar. three martlets gu. mullet gu. surmounted bj a saltier of the last ;

GoURLY. See Gourlay, in both Dictionaries. on a canton of the second a savage ppr. pointing
Gournf.y, [London,] ar. a cross, engr. gu.; in to a star in the dexter chief or. Crest, a lion's
the quarter a cinquefoil az.
first [Granted to head, erased, ppr. collared or.
Sir Thomas Gourney, Knt., Sheriff of London, Gow by, gu. a chev. erm. betw. three woodbine-
1622.] leaves or.
Gourney, [Beverston, Gloucestershire,] ar. three GoWER, [Ireland,] barry of six ar. and gu. ; in
pales az. chief three pellets. Crest, two wings, dis-
Gourney, [Temp. Edward III.] or, a lion, ram- played, or.
pant, sa. a bordure gu. Gower, [Loudon,] ar. on a chev. az. three leo-
GoUSLEY, paly of six ar. and gu. ;
in chief a bar, pards' faces or.Crest, a talhot, sejant.
indented, or. Gower, [London,] .... a chev. betw. three eagles'
Goutenes, ar. a lion, rampant, sa. heads, erased,
Gornill, [Temp. Edward III.] or, on a chief Gowis, [Wales,] gu. a chev. erm.
sa. three mullets ar. Goivis, ar. a lionhead, erased, gu.

Govan, [Cardrona,] ar. a sword in pale az. hilt Gownnes, ar. sa. betw. three pellets
on a chev.
or, ensigned by a mullet gu. as many mullets of the first.
Govan, [Scotland,] or, a sword in pale az. en- Gowsley. Same as Goshell, see first Diction-
signed with a mullet gu. over all a saltier, ary.
Gowtheton, and gu.
couped, sa. Crest, a sword in pale ppr. on or, a bend, gobony, ar.
the point a mullet ar. betw. two pellets.
Gove, ar. a cross, lozengee, betw. four eagles, Gowtheton. See Goughlon, or Gofton, in the

displayed, sa. Crest, out of a mural crown or, firstDictionary.

a demi monkey sa. Goyes, or Goys, erm. a chief, indented, sa.
Gover, Crest, in a maunch or,
az. a saltier ar. Goylin, az. on a bend betw. two eagles, dis-
a dexter hand, apaumee, ppr. played, ar. three garbs vert; on a chief or, as
Gover, az. on a saltier ar. five guttees-de-sang. many mullets sa. Crest, a greyhound's head
Goverley, erm. three martlets gu. per pale ar. and or, betw. two roses gu. stalked
Govery, [Stangod, Lincolnshire,] or, three and leaved vert, the neck charged with a mullet
bends erm. sa. for difference.
2 N
Goylin, per pale gu. and az. ; on a bend betw. Graham, [Braco, N. B.,] or; on a chief, engr.
two eagles, displayed, ar. tbree garbs vert on ;
sa. three of the first.
escallops Crest, two
a chief or, as many mullets, pierced, sa. hands issuing out of a cloud, in each a sword,
Goylyn, per fesse ar. and sa. a pale counter- the dexter flourishing aloft, the sinister in a
changed, three eagles, displayed, of the second. defensive position.
Goys. See Goyes, in the first Dictionary. Graham, [Drynie, N. B.,] or, a dyke or wall
Gozheche, ar. a bend, lozengv, gu. and of the broken in sundry places, in fesse, az. ; in base,
field. a rose gu. a bordure of the last on a chief sa.

Grabye. See Graves, in the first Dictionary. three escallops of the field. Crest, a falcon
Grace. Fifth of the name in the first Diction- ppr. armed and beaked or, standing on a he-
ary, read, chief of the second. ron.
Grace, ar. achev. sa. betw. three round buckles gu. Graham, [Dumblain, N. B.,] ar. on a chief sa.
Gracedieu, a fesse, dovetailed, in base,
ar. three escallops or, a crescent of the third sur-
gu. betw. three torteauxes. mounted of a mullet of the second for difference.
Gracie, [Scotland,] enn. three lions' heads, Graham, [Gartmore, N. B.] Not of Garlmore,
erased, Crest, a fox, courant as in the first Dictionary.
Gradock, ocGradocke, ar. three boars' heads, Graham, [Glasgow, N. B.,] or, on a fesse erm.
couped, sa. Crest, a horse-shoe az. betw. two three escallops of the first -Crest, on a rock,
eagles' wings ppr. an eagle, regardant, wings displayed ppr.
Graeme, [Scotland,] ar. on a chief, indented, Graham, [Gorthy, N. B.,] or, three roses within
sa.three escallops or. Crest, a stag, lodged, ppr. a bordure gu. on a chief sa. as many escallops

Grame, ar. on a chief, dancettee, sa. three escal- of the field. Crest, two arms issuing from a
lops or. Crest, the rising sun ppr. cloud, erect, and holding up a man's skull, en-
Grafford, ar. two lions, passant, sa. crowned or. circled with two branches of palm ; over the
Grafton, gyronny of eight or and sa. a lion, head a marquess's coronet.
rampant, of the first.
[Granted February, Graham, [Limekilns, N. B.,] or; a buckle az.
1605.] betw. three roses gu. ; on a chief, engr. sa. as
Graham, [Esk and Netherby, Cumberland.] many escallops of the field. Crest, an arm
Arms, see first Dictionary. -Crest, two wings, from the shoulder holding a tilting spear ppr.
endorsed, or. Graham, [Solicitor to King James VII. of Scot-
Graham, [Norton Conyers, Co. York, Bart. 1662, land,] or, three roses gu on a chief sa. as

since of Kippax, same Co., and Hill Place, many escallops of the first. -Crest, a hand
Droxford, Hants, and Quarndon Hall, Leices- issuing out of a cloud, reaching to a garland,
ter,] or ; on a chief sa. three escallops of the all
field. Crest, a crown-vallery or. Graham, [Scotland,] or, on a chief sa. three es-
Graham, [Netherby, Cumberland, Bart. 1782.] callops of the field, within a bordure, quarterly
Arms, see first
Dictionary. Crest, a crown- gu. and of the second.- Crest, a falcon ppr.
demival or. Graham. The same Arms as of Gorthy before-
Graham, Kirkstall, York, and Edmund Castle, mentioned. Crest, within a wreath of cypress
Cumberland, Bart.,] per pale, indented, ermi- vert, out of clouds two
arms, embowed, ppr.
nois and sa. on a chief, per pale, of the last
crowned or.
holding a skull ar.
and or, three escallops, counterchanged. Crest, Graham, [Callenden, N. B.,] quarterly first and ;

two armed arms issuing out of the battlements fourth, or, on a chief sa. three escallops of the
of a tower ppr. holding an escallop sa. first; second and third, ar. a man's heart gu.
Graham, [Ireland,] ar. an escallop sa. ; on a chief ensigned with an imperial crown ppr. betw.
of the last three escallops of the first. Crest, three roses gu.
a hand, fesseways, couped, ppr. holding a fleur- Gratson, paly of six ar. and az. on a bend gu.
de-lis or. three eagles, displayed, or. Crest, a stag,
Graham, N. B.,] quarterly; first and
[Airth, lodged, regardant, ppr.
fourth on a chief sa. three escallops of
or, Gramary, [Temp. Edw. III.] gu. billettee or,
the first second and third, ar. a fesse, em-
a lion, rampant, ar.
battled, betw. three roses gu. Crest, a hand Gramore, [Yorkshire,] ar. three lozenges gu.
holding a sword in pale ppr. Grange. Arms as in the first Dictionary. Crest,
Graham, [Bachlavy, N. fi.,]or, a stag, courant, a holly-branch vert, fructed gu.
betw. three roses gu.; on a chief sa. as many Grancey. See Grance, in the first Dictionary.
escallops of the field. Grand, vaire or and az. a bend gu.
Grandall, ocGraundall, erm. a cross pa- Grant, [Crundall, Hants.] Arms, see first Dic-
tonce gu. tionary. Crest, a demi lion ar.
Grandkson. See Grandison, in the first Dic- Grant, [Ireland,] gu. a pile ar. betw. three
tionary. antique crowns or. Crest, a cat, rampant,
Grandison, Grandeson, Grandson, and gardant, ppr.
Granson, paly of six ar. and az. a bend gu. Grant, [Jamaica,] gu. an arm in armour, couped,
Crest, a lady supporting a portcullis ppr. fesseways, ar. holding a cross crosslet fitchee or,
Grandivillk, or Granville, gu. three flutes betw. three antique crowns of the last.- Crest,
or clarions or. Crest, a griffin's head betw. two a burning mount ppr.
wings, endorsed, ppr. Grant, [Pentonville, Middlesex,] gu. a boar's
Gran don, ar. three chev. gu. Crest, out of a head betw. three eastern coronets, within a bor-
heart a hand, wielding a cutlass, ppr. dure, all or. Crest, a hand couped at the
GRANDPRE, paly of six or and az.; on a chief wrist, lying fesseways, holding a branch of
gu. three hulras of the first. laurel, fructed ppr.
Grandson, or Granson, az. an eagle, dis- Grant, [of that Ilk, N.B.] gu. three eastern
played, or. Crest, a poplar-tree ppr. crowns or. Crest, a burning hill ppr. Sup-
Grandson. See Grandison and Graundson. porters, two savages ppr.
Grandvell, on a cross, engr. or, five
sa. Grant, [Auchnanie, N.B.] gu. a chev. betw.
ogresses within bordure, also engr. of the
a three antique crowns or. Crest, a cock ppr.
second. Crest, a greyhound's head sa. collared Grant, [Cullen, N.B.] gu. three antique crowns
and ringed or. or, within a bordure erm. Crest, a book open
Grandville, gu. three organ-rests or. Crest, ppr. edges of the leaves or; motto over it, Suum
a griffin, passant, or. cuique.
Grane, [Yorkshire,] ar. on a fesse, counter- Grant, [Darlway, N.B.] Arms as in the first Dic-
embattled, sa. betw. three pellets on each a ; tionary. Crest, a dexter hand holding a branch
wolf's head, erased, or, a martlet betw. two of oak ppr.
crescents of the third. Crest, a wolf, passant, Grant, [Freuchie, N.B.] Arms as that of Iik,

paly of four or and sa. holding in the mouth a (Grant,) in the first
pen of the first. Grant, [Kilgraston, N.B.] gu. a chev. erm.
Grane, per bend vert and gu. an eagle, displayed, betw. three antique crowns or. Crest, a Roman
or. Crest, a boar, passant, sa. collared and fascis ppr.
lined or. Grant, [Leith, N.B.] gu. a fesse ar. betw. three
Granell, ar. ; on a chief gu. a lion, rampant, of antique crowns or, a bordure, engr. erm.
the first, crowned Crest, a serpent en-
or. Crest, a rock ppr.
twined round a pheon, shafted ppr. Grant, [Preston Grange, N.B.] gu, three antique
Granetz, or, a lion, rampant, sa. guttee ar. crowns or, within a bordure erm. a canton ar.
Granfeld, paly of six sa. and ar. ; on a bend charged with a fesse wavy sa. and a demi otter,
gu. three mullets or. issuant therefrom, of the last. Crest, a Her-
Granforde, or Grauford, ar. two lions, pas- cules' head with lion's skin ppr.
sant, in pale, sa. crowned or. Grant, [Rothimurchas, N.B,] quarterly; first and
Granger. Arms, as first Dictionary. Crest, fourth, gu. three antique crowns or second or, ;

a dexter arm, couped and embowed, holding a fesse, chequy, az. and ar. betw. three wolves'
three ears of wheat, all ppr. heads, couped, sa. ; third, az. a dexter hand,
Granger, or, a crescent betw. two mullets, in pale, vambraced, couped, paleways, grasping a sword,
sa. erect, ar. hiked or, betw. three boars' heads,
Granson. See Grandison and Grandson. couped, of the third, langued gu. all within a
Gransum, paly of six ar. and az. on a bend ; gu. bordure, wavy, gold. Crest, a dexter hand and
three round buckles or. arm, armed, holding a broadsword ppr. Motto
Grant, gu. a boar's head, couped, ar. betw. over Crest For my Duchas
three eastern crowns or. Crest, an oak ppr. Grantbridge, ar. a bordure sa. on a canton gu.
[Borne by the late Sir William Grant, Knl. a fleur-de-lis of the field.
Master of the Rolls, ob. 1832.] Grantham, sa. a fesse erm. ; in chief two co-
Grant, [Monemusk, N. B. 1704,] gu. three vered cups ar.

antique crowns or, within a bordure erm. Grantmesnill, gu. a pale or.

Crest, a book open ppr. supporting two angels Grantz. See Granlesse, in the first Dic-
ppr. tionary.
Granville, vert, on across ar. five pellets. a bear's head, erased,) of the field, a martlet
Crest, on a mural crown ar. a serpent, uowed, betw. two escallops or. Crest, a cock sa.
vert. combed and wattled gu.
Granville. See Grandiville before. Grave, or Grane, per bend gu. and vert, an
Grass, or Grasse, az. a fesse betw. three eagle, displayed, or.
rampant, ar.
lions, Grave, per bend vert and gu. an eagle, dis-

Grase, [Devon,] erm. a fesse betw. three played, or.

cinquefoils gu. Grave. Same as Grane, of Yorkshire.

Grassall. Arms, see first Dictionary. Crest, Graven E, a fesse, compony, or and gu.
an arm in armour, embowed, holding a dagger, betw. three cross crosslets fitchee of the last.
all ppr. Graverne, ar. a fesse, compony, or and gu.
Grasse, az. three lions, rampant, or ; a chief ar. betw. three cross crosslets of the third.
Grasse.See Gras above. Graves. See also Grave.
Grassell. See Grassall. Graves, [Mickleton, Gloucester,] erm. on a chev.
Grassey. See Grasay, in the first Dictionary. gu. three escallops ar.
Grattan, quarterly, or and gu. a bordure az. Gravesend, or, three eagles, displayed, sa. a
Crest, a dove, holding in the dexter foot a canton erm.
sceptre, and standing on a barrel, all ppr. Gravesend. See Graveshend, in the first Dic-
Gratton, gu. a pale, per saltier az. and or. tionary.
Crest, on a heart, an eagle's leg ppr. Graveshend, or Gravesend, [Kent.] Arms,
Gratwicke, quarterly; and fourth, ar. a
first as in the first Dictionary. Crest, a lion's gamb
cbev. az. betw. three hurts, each charged with gu. charged with a bezant, holding a cross
a fret of the field for Gratwicke ; second and pattee fitchee or.
third, Kenleside, viz. erminois, three double Gray, gu. a lion, rampant, within an orle of
battle-axes, sa. betw. two flaunches, az Crest eight fleurs-de-lis, .... all within a bordure,
of Gratwicke, an ostrich's head, erased, ar. engr. erm. Crest, a lion's gamb, erased, hold-
gorged with a collar, engr. az. in his beak an ing a serpent. [Borne by Dr. Gray, Preben-
ingot of silver. Crest of Kenleside, viz. on a dary of Durham, Rector of Bishopwearmouth,
mount vert a beacon, fired, ppr. surmounted at afterwards Bishoj) of Bristol]
the base with two double battle-axes in saltier, Gray, [Bishopwearmouth, Durham,] vert, a lion,
as in the Arms. [Granted to William Grat- rampant, within a bordure, engr. ar. Crest,
wicke Kenleside, now William Gratwicke Ken- an anchor, erect, or, the cable waved ppr.
leside-Gratwicke, of Ham, in the parish of Gray, [Dingwall, Pursuivant,] gu. a lion, ram-
Angmering, county of Sussex, Esq. who, by pant, ar. within a bordure, engr. of the last,
royal sign manual, dated 27th December, 1822, charged with eight thistles. Crest, a heart gu.
assumed the name and Arms of Gratwicke in Gray, [Newcastle-upon-Tyne.] Arms, as Gray,
addition.} of Gray's Inn, in the first Dictionary. Crest,
Grauford. See Granford, in the first Dic- out of a ducal coronet or, a phoenix in flames ppr.
tionary. Gray, [Newcastle,] barry of six .... aud .. .. ,
Grauncester. See Grancester. over all a bend Crest, out of a ducal
Graundall. See Grandall before, and in the coronet a demi swan ppr.
Dictionary. Gray, [Ouehester,] ar. a lion, rampant, gu.
Graundorge. See Grand-George, in the first Crest, a scaling-ladder of two rows, ensigned
Dictionary. with a ram's head, couped.
Graundson, or Grandson, paly of six ar. Graybow, ar. a beud gu.
and az. on a bend gu. three escallops or. Graydon, az. a cross, betw. four mullets, ar.
Graunt, erm. on a chief gu. five plates. Crest, two lions' paws erect, supporting an
Grauntcourt, sa. semee of fleurs-de-lis or. escocheon.
Grauntham, erm. a griffin, segreant, gu. Gray b, barry of six az. and ar. over all an es-
Grave, Graves, and Grabye. Arms, as carbuucle or.

Grave, of Hey ton, &c. in the first Dictionary. Grayhurst, az. on a pale ar. three crescents
Crest, out of a ducal coronet, an eagle, dis- gu. Crest, a dove az. in the beak an olive
played, or, armed gu. branch vert.
Grave, [Ireland,] ar. on a fesse, embattled, Grayley. See Grelley, in the first Dictionary.
counter-embattled, sa. betw. three ogresses, Gray n dor. See Graydor, in the first Dic-
each charged with a talbot's head (another, tionary.
Graystockk, ar. three mascles gu. Green , a chev. betw. three stags, trippant,
Graytowyf.rs, erm. on a cbev. betw. three Crest, a stag's head, couped, ....

squirrels gu. each with a nut-branch, fructed, [Borne by John Green, Esq. of Bragbury End,
or, as many roses ar. Herts, 1833]
Greanhall, on a bend, engr. sa. three
ar. Greenalgh, or Greensugh, ar. on a bend
bugle-horns, stringed of the first. sa. hunting-horns, stringed, of the first.
Greatiiead, erm. a martlet gu. Crest, on a Crest, a hunting-horn, strung, ....
cbapean gu. turned up erm. a martlet, wings Greenall. Crest, out of a mural coronet a
endorsed, sa. demi lion, holding in the dexter paw a palm-
Greaves, [Ireland.] Arms, as Greaves, of branch.
St. Leonard's Forest and Kent, in the first Greenaway, gu. a chev. betw. three covered
Dictionary. Crest, a cubit arm, in armour, cups or; on a chief of the second, three grif-
holding a cross crosslet fitchee ppr fins' beads, erased, sa. Crest, a demi eagle,
Grebell, [Canterbury,] sa. a cross, engr. within issuing, wings expanded, ppr.
a bordure or. Crest, a greyhouud'shead, erased Greenberry, ar. on a cross betw. four
at the neck, ar. pellettee, collared and ringed, fleurs-de-lis . . . . , as many escallops or.
or. in St. Sepulchre's Church, London, 1681.]
Greby. Arms as Greby, of Northamptonshire, Greene, or Green, [Ireland,] az. an anchor,
in the first Dictionary. Crest, a demi eagle, betw. three escallops, ar. Crest, a horse's head
holding in the dexter claw a branch of laurel sa. betw. two wings, endorsed, or.
vert. Greene, ar. a chev. betw. three fleurs-de-lis sa.
Gredon, [Scotland,] ar. on a fesse, betw. three Crest, a stag, passant, ar.
bears' heads sa. muzzled of the field, as many Greenere. See Gerrare.
escallops of the last. Greenfield, or Greenville, vert, on a cross
Green, [Marass, Kent, Bart. 1786,] per chev. ar. five torteauxes.
vert and ar, in chief two castles of the second,
; Greenford, gu. a cbev. erm. betw. three squir-
in base another, surrounded by a fortification, rels or. Crest, out of a ducal coronet or, a
ppr. over all a chev. or, charged with three boar's head and neck az. betw. two wings ar.
torteauxes. Crest, out of a mural crown gu. Greenhaugh. See Greenliow, in the first Dic-
a horse's head ar. maned or. tionary.
Green, [Milnrow, York, Knt. 1803, Bart. 1805,] Greenhill, [London,] vert, two bars erm.; in
or, three leopards, passant, ppr. on a chief, sa.: chief a leopard,
passant, or. Crest, a demi
a demi griffin, segreant, betw. two cinquefoils griffin gu. powdered with thirty-nine mullets, in
erm. holding a key, also ppr. Crest, a griffin's allusion to the grantee being the thirty-ninth
head, erased, sa. langued gu. double collared or, child of one father and mother. [Granted
betw. the collars a cinquefoil as in the Arms, 1698.]
holding in the beak a key or. Greenhill, [Greenhill, Middlesex,] vert, two bars
Green, [Edinburgh,] az. a fesse chequy, ar. and ar. ; in chief a leopard, passant, or. Crest, as in
of the first, betw. three stags, trippant, or. the last.
Crest, a dexter arm ppr. vested vert, cuff' or. Greenhill, [Scotland.] Crest, a dexter and sinis-
holding a branch f holly, fructed, ppr. ter arm, holding a cross crosslet fitcbee ....
Green, [Gerlingham,] ar. a bu<,le-horn, betw. Greenhow. See first Dictionary.
three griffins' heads, erased, sa. Greenland, ar. three saltiers vert. Crest, a
Green, [Ireland,] chequy, az. and or. Crest, a dexter arm, couped and embowed, holding in
sinister arm in armour, embowed, ppr. holding the hand a bomb, fired, ppr.
a shield or. Greenlaw, [Greenlaw, N.B.] ar. a fleur-de-
Green, [Jamaica.] The same Arms and Crest. lis betw. three mullets gu. within a bordure of
Green, [Stock Newton,] ar. a cbev. betw. three the last.

fleurs-de-lis sa. Crest, a demi greyhound. Greenlaw, [Scotland,] ar. an eagle, displayed,
Green, gu. a demi lion, rampant, ar. crowned sa. Crest, an eagle's head, erased, sa. in the
or. beak an acorn or, stalked and leaved vert.
Green, ar. fretty sa. on a canton of the second,
; Green lay. See Greenlees.
a buck, passant, or. Green lea fe. The same Arms as Greenland.
Green, per cbev. ar. andsa. in chief six hollyleaves
; Greenlees, a fleur-de-lis betw. three mullets

vert, three and three, (two in saltier and oue in gu. within a bordure, engr. of the last. Crest,
pale) in base a stag, trippant, ar.
a sprig, growing from a mount, ppr.
Greenly, [Titley Court, Hereford,] vert, a the elbow, vested bendy wavy of sis ar. and
chev. per pale erm. and errainois, betw. three gu. holding in the hand ppr. a battle-axe or,
stags, trippant, each per pale as the chev.
handle sa. tied round the wrist with a riband.
Crest, a demi stag, springing, per fesse erm. [Borne by John Gregson, of Durham, 1830.]
and erminois on the shoulder an escallop az.
; Grehan, [Ireland,] ar. a tree, growing from the
Greenough. Crest, acock, crowing, betw. two base, vert, betw two daggers, paleways, in base,
adders orleways, tails in saltier, ppr. ppr. Crest, a demi bull, issuant, sa. armed or.
Greensill, ar. three griffins' heads, erased, Greiden, [Scotland,] ar. on a chev. az. betw.
sa. three otters sa. each devouring a fish ppr. as
Greenstreet, barry of eight ar. and az. many barbed arrows or. Crest, a demi otter
Crest, a dragon's head, erased, ar. guttee-de- devouring a fish, as in the Arms.

sang, ducally gorged az. Greig, gu.; on a chief ar. three bands of the
Greensugh. See Greenalgh. first. Crest, a falcon, rising, belled and du-
Greenway, [Devon,] gu. a chev. betw. three cally gorged, all ppr.
covered cups or; on a chief ar. as many griffins' Greig, [Edinburgh, granted to a W.S. 1820,] gu.
heads, erased, az. Crest, a griffin's head, three dexter hands ar. within a bordure or.
erased, az. holding in the beak an anchor gu. Crest, a dexter arm in armour, erabowed,
Greenway, or Grenway, ar. a chev. debruised, brandishing a cimeter, all ppr.
sa. betw. three cross crosslets fitchee of the Greike, or, two chev. sa.
last. Greiley, [Temp. Henry III.] gu. three bends,
Greer, gu. a pale erm. charged with a bend az. enhanced, in chief, or.

Crest, an arm, vested gu. cuff or, holding in GreillY, or, on a cross sa. five escallops ar.
the hand a trefoil .... Greir, [Lagg, N. B.,] gu. a saltier ar. ; on a
Greet. Arms as Greete, in the first Dictionary. chief of the last three cushions of the first.
Crest, a cock's head, erased, or. Crest, a fetterlock az.
Greete, erm.; on a chief gu. three bucks' heads, Greive, ar. a fesse, engr. voided, gu. betw. three

cabossed, or. Crest, a demi greyhound ar. square padlocks of the second. Crest, an armed
collared az. arm, brandishing a cimeter, all ppr.
Greetham, gu. three mullets or, one and two. Greive, [Northumberland,] ar. on a fesse gu. betw .

Crest, two hands, issuing, holding a two- three fetterlocks az. a mullet betw. two cres-
haudled sword ppr. cents or. Crest, a martlet sa.
Greeve, a fesse indented ; in chief three
ar. Greive, [Berwickshire,] az. in chief a ram's

leopards' heads sa. head, couped, betw. two crescents or; in base
Greeve, or Grive, ar. a fesse, indented, betw. a square padlock ar. Crest, a ram's head ppr.
three leopards' heads sa. Grenada, [Province of,] ar. a pomegranate,
Greffy, or Gressy, ar. a chev. betw. three slipped and leaved vert.
escocheons sa. each charged with a griffin, se- Grellier. Crest, a demi eagle, displayed, or.
greant, or. Grely, gu. a bendlet, enhanced, or.
Gregon, gu. two bars ar. ;
in chief three annu- Gremiston, paly of six ar. and az. on a bend ;

lets of the last. sa. three round buckles or. Crest, out of a
Gregorson. Crest, a lion's head, erased, crescent ar. a lion's face sa. crowned with an
crowned with an antique crown ppr. antique crown or.
Gregory, [London,] or, two bars az. in chief ;
Gr en ac re, vert, a chev. betw. three garbs ar.
a lion, passant, of the last, ducally crowned of Grenald, gu. a cinquefoil betw. eight cross
the first. Crest, a demi boar, erect, sa. crosslets ar.

Gregory, [Scotland, M.D.] ar. a fir-tree growing Grendall. Arms as in the first Dictionary.
out of a mount, in base, vert, surmounted by a Crest, a lion, passant, gardant, or, sustaining
sword, in bend, az. hilted or, ensigued by a with the dexter paw a flag ar. staff sa.
roval crown in the dexter chief point of the Grendon, ar. two chev. gu. Crest, a decrescent
last ; in the sinister chief and dexter base, a or.
lion's head, erased, of the third. Crest, the Grene, ar. fretty az. on each joint a bezant; a
trunk of an oak-tree, shooting out branches chief . . . . , charged with a buck, trippant, betw.
vert. two mullets or, pierced gu.
Gregory, [Tumditch, Derbyshire, and Bishop- Gren eland, or Grenelane. See Greenland,
wearmouth, Durham,] ar. a saltier gu. a canton in the first Dictionary.

chequy or and az. Crest, an arm couped at Greneley, vert, a chev. betw. three martlets ar.

Greneway. See Grenoway, in the first Dic- Grey, barry of six ar. and az.; over all a fleur-de-
lis or.
Grenfeld, [Wilts,] vert, a lion, rampant, or. Grey, sa. three lions' heads, erased, ar.
Grenford. Same Arms as the second of the Grey, gu. seven lozenges or, three, three, and
name in the first Dictionary. Crest, a hunting- one, conjoined, over all a bend gobonated ar.
horn go. viruled or. and az.
Grenfylde, ar. on a bend gu. four lozenges of Grey, quarterly, ar. and az. a label of three points
the field. gu. on each as many bezants.

Grensled. See Grenford, last of the name in Grey, [Wolbeding, Sussex.] See first Dictionary,
the first Dictionary. the bend gobony or and gu. Crest, out of a
Grentwiesnell, gu. a pale or. Crest, a plume ducal coronet chequy or and gu. a demi eagle,
of ostrich-feathers ar. wings elevated, ar.
Grenvile, [London,] vert, on a cross or, five Greybe, ar. a fesse, dancettee, betw. three leo-
torteauxes. Crest, a sinister arm, couped and pards' faces sa.
embowed, extended towards the sinister ppr. Grey by. See Greby.
vested gu. holding a bow, bent, sa. Greyfield, or Grefild, ar. on a bend gu.
Grenavay. See Greenway, in the first Diction- four lozenges of the field.
ary. Greyley, vaire ar. and gu. a bordure sa. be-
Greseley, vaire ar. and ga. Crest, an owl ppr. zautee.
Gresham, [Norfolk,] vaire ar. and gu. Greynald, or Grenald, ar. on a bend, engr.
Gresoun, [Scotland.] The same as Greir of sa. three bugle-horns of the field.

Lagg. Greyndour, or, a fesse betw. six cross cross-

Grrssall. The same Arms as the second lets gu. Crest, a squirrel, sejant, cracking a
Greshall, in the first Dictionary. nut ppr.
Gresson, or, a bend chequy ar. and sa. Greynor, vert, a chev. betw. three garbs ar.
Gressy. See Greffy. Greys, quarterly, ar. and az. on a bend sa. ;

Grestey, vaire gu. and erm. Crest, a lion, three mullets or.
passant, .... collared Greyssall, quarterly, ar. and az. a bend com-
Greuberr, [Kent,] per pale or and az. three pony of the last and gu. ; on each square a
roses counterchanged. cinquefoil
Greves, per chev. ar. and gu. three fig-leaves Greystock, barry of six ar. and az. three chap-
counterchanged. lets of roses gu. leaved vert. Crest, a lion,
Greyill, ar. six lions, rampant, gu. passant, gardant, or.
Grevill, sa. on a cross, engr. or, five pellets ; in Greystock, gu. three lozenges ar.
the first quarter a mullet of the second ; on a Greystock, barry of twelve ar. and az. three chap-
chief chequy gold and az. a griffin, passant, lets gu.
erm. Greystock, gu. three square cushions ar.
Grevis, [Moseley,] ar. on a fesse az. betw. three Greyve, ar. a fesse, dancettee, betw. three leo-
ogresses, each charged with a lion's head, erased, pards' faces sa.
of the field, a griffin, passant, betw. two escal- Grey'WITH, ar. a griffin, segreant, or.
lops or. Grier. See Grierson of Lagg, N. B. the
Grevis, ar. three pellets, each charged with a first
lion'shead, erased, of the field ; a chief gu. Grierson, gu. a fesse betw. three padlocks or.
Crest, the sun or. Crest, a dolphin, naiant, az.
Grew, ar. three chev. sa. on each five annulets or. Grierson, [Ireland,] ar. a fir-tree, growing from the
Grewith, sa. on a fesse, dancettee, ar. three base, vert, surmounted by a sword, in bend, az.
mullets of the first. bilted or ; in the dexter and sinister chief an
Grey, [Kingston Mere ward,] barry of six ar. antique crown of the last. Crest, a phoenix,
and az. a label of five points gu. on each three in flames, ppr.
bezants. Crest, a badger ppr. Grierson, [North Britain,] ar. a fir-tree, growing
Grey, barry of six ar. and az. Crest, out of a out of the middle base, vert, surmounted of a
ducal coronet gu. a demi eagle ppr. sword in bend, bearing upon the point an
Grey. The same arms. Crest, out of a ducal imperial crown ppr. within a bordure gu. charged
coronet a demi swan ar. beaked gu. with four fetterlocks of the first. Crest, a
Grey, barry of six ar. and az. ; on a bend gu. branch of fir ppr.
three leopards' faces, jessant-de-lis, or. Grieve, or Greive, gu. on a fesse or, betw.
three fetterlocks ar. a mullet az. Crest, an Grigge, gu. a fleur-de-lis ar.
armed arm holding a dagger, point downwards, Griggs, gu. three ostrich-feathers ar. Crest, a
ppr. sword, in pale, enfiled with a leopard's face
Grieve. The same Arms within a bordure az. ppr.
Crest, as last. Grill, sa. a cross, couped and pierced, ar.
Grieve, [Edinburgh,] ar. ou a fesse gu. betw. Crest, a demi chevalier, in armour, holding a
three square padlocks az. an annulet or. Crest, cimeter ppr.
an archer, in pale, ppr. Grime, [Ireland,] ar. three palmers' staves gu.
Grieves, ar. three hurts;
a chief, embattled, gu. Grimmine. Crest, a stag's head at gaze be-
Crest, a pelican's head, erased, vulning ppr. side a tree ppr.
Griffen. Arms as of Batherton, Cheshire, in Grimshaw. Arms, see first Dictionary. Crest,
the first Dictionary. Crest, a unicorn's head, two lions' heads, erased, collared and endorsed
erased, az. bezantee. ppr.
Griffeth, erm. a lion, rampant, gu. Crest, a Grimshaw, [Ireland.] Same Arms. Crest, a
griffin's head, erased, or. (Another, ppr.) dexter arm in armour ppr. holding a cross cross-
Griffeth, gu. six escallops ar. three, two, and one; let fitchee, in pale, az.
a chief, embattled, of the second. Grimsted, or Grimstead, gu. two bars vair.
Griffeth, az. a fesse betw. three lozenges ar. Crest, a dexter arm, couped, resting on the
Griffinhoofe, ar. a boar's head, erased, sa. elbow, holding a bow towards the sinister, ppr.
betw. three torteauxes. Crest, a griffin's head Grim wood, az. a pale ar. surmounted by a chev.
or. or, charged with three mullets of the field.
Griffis, gu. three cinquefoils ar. ; a quarter of Crest, on the top of a tower an eagle, issuant,
the last charged with a lion, rampant, az. Crest, wings endorsed, holdiug in the beak an acorn,
a peacock in pride ppr. slipped, ppr.
Griffith, .... a fesse betw. three mascles Grindal, or Grindall, gu. a cross moline
Crest, ou a ducal coronet a griffin, sejant or. Crest, a dexter arm in armour, embowed,
Griffith. Same as of Agnes Burton, Yorkshire, holding by the blade a sword, point downwards,
in the first Dictionary. Crest, a woman's head, ppr.

couped at the shoulders, ppr. crined or. Grindal, [Yorkshire,] erm. a cross, flory, gu.
Griffith, gu. a chev. ar. betw. two Saracens' heads Grindall. See Grindal.
in chief, couped or, wreathed az. and sa. ; in GRINDLAY, quarterly, or and az. across quar-
base another, erased, of the second, crined and terlyerm. aud gold, betw. four pheons, counter-
bearded of the third. Crest, a buck's head, changed, of the field. Crest, a pea-hen ppr.
cabossed, per pale or and ar. Grindley, az. a cross betw. four pheons or.
Griffith, sa. three crosses pattee or, a label ar. Crest, a buffalo's head, erased, gu.
Griffith. Crest, a griffin's head, erased, ar. Grininwald, or, a lion, rampant, sa.

Griffith, [North Wales,] gu. a chev. erm. betw. Grinsby, ar. three chev. gu.
three men's heads, couped, ppr. periwigs or. Grinsford, gu. fretty erm.
[M.I. in Westminster Abbey.] Griseley, barry of six, first, third, and fifth,

Griffith-ap, or, a lion, rampant, gu. Crest, a per fesse, erm. aud gu. ; second, fourth, and
buck's head, cabossed, per pale or and ar. sixth az.

Griffilh-ap-Griffin, ar. a buck, lodged, gu. Grisley, Grely, or Grelley, gu. a bend or,
Griff/th-ap-Rice, sa. three crosses pattee ar. in chief a bar, gemelle, of the last. Crest, a
Griffith, [Hereford,] ar. on a fesse, dancettee, dexter hand ppr. holding a lozenge or.
gu. voided of the field, three blackbirds ppr. ; Grisley, vaire ar. and gu. a bend az.
in chief a griffin, segreant, betw. two crickets Griswold, [Warwick,] ar. a fesse gu. betw.
of the second. Crest, a wolf's head sa. semee- two greyhounds, courant, sa.
d'estoi'.es or. Gritton, or, a bend sa. betw. betw. two lions'

Griffyn, or Griffith, az. a fesse betw. three heads, erased, gu. Crest, a lion's face betw.
lozenges ar. two wings ppr.
Grigg, gu. a chev. betw. three griggs (young Grive. Crest, a martlet sa.
eels), their tails in their mouths, ar. Crest, a Groat. Crest, an anchor ppr.
horse's head, erased, ar. GROBBER. See Grobbere, in the first Diction-
two chev. sa. Crest, out of a ducal
ar. ary.
coronet a dexter hand holding up a swan's head, Groby. See Grooby, in Appendix to the first

all ppr. Dictionary.

Grogan, [Ireland,] vert, on a chev. ar. a mullet Grove, [Groveshot and Agmondesham, Bucks,]
Crest, a bawk, holding in the dexter claw erm. on a chev. gu. three escallops or.
an ear of wheat, leaved, ppr. Grove. The same Arms. Crest, a stag, passant,
Grojan, gu. on a fesse ar. two mullets sa. ppr.
Crest, a hind, trippant, or. Grove, erm. on a chev. engr. gu. three escallops
G RON don, ar. two chev. gu. Crest, an arm in or. Crest, a hand holding a glove ppr.
armour, embowed, holding the butt end of a Grove. Arms as ninth of the name in the first
tilting-spear ppr. Dictionary. Crest, a hand holding a thistle
Grone, or, abend, wavy, az. ppr.
Grone, a bend, engrailed, az.
ar. Grover, per bend gu. and or, a pale vair.
Gronevill, gu. a chief, indented, or. Crest, out of a cloud in the sinister, an arm,
Gronlu, ar. on a bend, cottised, az. betw. two embowed, holding a garland of flowers ppr.
martlets sa. three escallops or. Groves, erm. on a chev. gu. three escallops ar.
Groom, or Groome, ar. three piles, in point, Crest, out of a ducal coronet a cock's head,
gu. ; a chief az. Crest, on a torteaux, betw. comb and wattles gu.
two wings gu. an eagle statant, with wings Grovyll, s;u. a chief, indented, or.
displayed, or. Groyn, ar. on a chev. couched, betw. three
Groombridge, ar. three inescocheons or, bor- birds sa. five mullets of the field. Crest, a
dured gu. Crest, out of a mural crown a garb, bear's head and neck sa.
and thereon perched a crow ppr. Groze. Arms as in the first Dictionary. Crest,
Gros, [Holland,] sa. a fesse ar. betw. three sal- a mullet or.
torels or. Grubham. Arms as in the first Dictionary.

Gros, barry of six or and sa. a pile counter- Crest, a cock ppr.
changed. Grubbe, [Wiltshire.] Arms as Grabb, of Pat-
Gros, gu. a cross patonce vair. tened, in the first Dictionary. Crest, a lion's
Groseth, [Lisbon,] az. three mullets, in fesse, gamb sa. holding a rose gu. stalked and leaved
or, and as many bezants in base in chief an ;
acorn of the second. Crest, a dexter hand, Gruben, sa. on a fesse ar. three garbs vert.

holding a sword ppr. Crest, an acorn, slipped and leaved vert.

Grosiert, [Logie, N.B.] az. three mullets, in Grumley, [Ireland,] vert, a bend or, betw. two
fesse, ar. in base as many bezants. anchors ar. Crest, a vine-branch ppr.
Gross, sa. on a fesse, betw. three mullets, Grunpin. Crest, a stag, passant, erm.
pierced, ar.manyas cross crosslets gu. Crest, Grundy. The same arms and crest as Grundie
on a ducal coronet a talbot, passant, ppr. col- in first Dictionary.
lared and lined or. Grushill, ar. a fesse betw. six martlets sa.

Guoss, Le, three lions, rampant, or.

az. Gry, sa. a crescent betw. two mullets, in pale,
Gross e, quarterly ar. and az. on a bend sa. ar.

three mullets or. Crest, out of a ducal coronet Gry, ar. on a fesse sa. three mullets purp.
a hand holdiug a dagger ppr. Gryffith, az. a boar ar. betw. ten trefoils,
Grosse, [Sodbury, Gloucestershire,] quarterly slipped, of the second.
ar. and az. on a bend sa. three martlets or. Gryffithe, erm. a bend gu. cottised or.
Grosset, or Grossett, ar. nine trefoils, in Gryme. Arms as last in first Dictionary. Crest,
cross, vert. Crest, four arrows, points down- a Roman fasces ppr.
wards, and a bow, strung, in saltier, all
ppr. Grymes, or Grymelles, or, on a cross gu.
Grossome, or, a bend chequy ar. and sa. five mullets of six points, pierced, of the
Grosvenor, [Cheshire,] quarterly ar. and sa. field.
a cross flory counterchanged. Grymes. Crest, a hand, issuant from a cloud,
Grosvenor, [Dorset,] az. a garb or. Crest, a holding a stag by the attires, all ppr.
horse, courant, saddled and bridled, all ppr. Grymesby, ar. three chev. sa.
Grosvenor, sa. a cross patonce ar. Grymsby, or Grensby, [Essex.] Arms as in
Grosvenour, [Staffordshire,] ar. a bend sa. firstDictionary. Crest, a sinister hand holding
betw. three mullets gu. a bowppr.
Grosvenour, az. a garb or, betw. three bezants. Grymsted, [Wilts,] erm. on across five

Grosvenour, az. a garb or, banded gu. roundles ....

Grosvenour, az. a garb or, banded gu. betw. two Gryn, [Derbyshire,] vert, a bend lozengy
bezants. ar.
Grynefeld, vert, on a cross or, five torteaux. granate ppr. seeded gu. Crest, a firebrand,
Grys. Quarterly, gu. and az. on a bend ar. flatnant, ppr.
three boars passant sa. armed or. Crest, a lion Guldes, [Scotland,] az. a chev. ar. betw. three
sejant, collared and lined, .... tadpoles or.
Gryse, [Norfolk.] See Gryce, of Brokedishe, Gulion, [Bedfordshire,] gu. a cross formee ar. ;
Norfolk, in first Dictionary. a label gu.

Gryse, paly of six or and gu. on a bend ar. Gullan, [Scotland.] Crest, a stag lodged ppr.
three boars, passant, sa. Gullan, [Scotland.] Crest, a dove within a ser-
Grysley, gu. on a bend ar. three crosses pent, orleways, ppr.
formee sa. Gulles, paly of six ar. and az. a chief or. ;

Grywith, a griffin segreant az.

ar. Gulline, gu. on a chev. ar. betw. three fleurs-
Guarein, chequy or and az.; on a chief ar. a de-lis or, a mullet of the field. Crest, a falcon,
crescent gu. belled, ppr.
Gubbins, erm. betw. six bezants.
vert, a fesse Gullon, gu. on a saltier ar. five martlets, vo-
Crest, an arm from the elbow vested .... lant, of the field. Crest, a rock with a black-
holding an olive branch. bird sitting in a cavity, all ppr. Motto, Tutum
Gubyon, or, a lion rampant, sa. depressed by a refugium.
bend gu. charged with three escallops ar. Gully. The same as Gulby.
Crest, a demi lion, rampant, sa. charged with Gulman. Crest, a man's leg in armour, couped
three escallops ar. and embowed, the thigh in fesse, the leg in pale,

Gubyon, gu. a cross pattee ar. ;

over all a label foot in chief, spurred ....
az. Gulston, ar. three bars nebulee gu. on a bend

Gucheres, ar. an eagle displayed, with two sa. three plates. [Granted to Gulston,
heads, sa. within a bordure, engr. gu. Crest, M.D. of Wymondham, Leicestershire, by Cam-
a water-bouget sa. den, Clarenceux.']
Gueriet, az. an eagle displayed or, debruised Gulwey, az. three lozenges ar. ; a chief or.
by a ribbon gu. Gumras, or Gun
N AS, ar. a chev. sa. betw.
Guildeford. See Gulford, &c. in first Dic- three lions' heads, erased, of the second.

tionary. Gun. See Gunn.

Guilford, az. a lion, passant, betw. three fleurs- Gunane, [Scotland,] gu. a crescent betw. three
de-lis ar. Crest, a dragon's head. mullet or.
Guilford, or, on a saltier betw. four martlets Gunas. See Gumras or Gunnas.
sa. a mullet a canton gu. charged with
. . . . ;
Gun by, ar. a lion, rampant, az.
of three
a pomegranate or. Crest, atreeraguly, couped Gunn, [Sutherland, N.B.] ar. a galley
at the top or, flatnant gu. Another Crest, on a masts, her sails furled, oars in action sa. flags
az. ; on a chief of the
chapeau gu. turned up erm. charged with an gu. within a bordure
or, an ostrich feather, erect, of the third a bear's head of the first, muzzled of the
last. second, betw. two mullets of the field. Crest,
Guilpin. See Gilpin in first Dictionary. a dexter hand wielding a sword ppr.
GuiN, or, a bordure vair. Gunn, or Gun, [Scotland,] barry of six ar. and
Guinness, [Ireland.] Crest, out of a mural az. a mullet sa. Crest, on a chapeau az. a
crown az. a demi lion or, holding in the dexter fox, sejant, or.
vert. Gunn, gu. two muskets in saltier within a bordure
paw a palm-branch
Guion, or Guyon, vaire or and az.; a canton ar. a chief or, charged with a lion, passant,

gu. Crest, a cock az. comb and wattles or. gardant, of the field. Crest, a dexter hand
Guippe, gu. three pallets vairu ; a chief or. holding a musket ppr.
Guiret, per fesse dauncettee of four pieces ar. Gunnas. See Gumras before.
and gu. Gunne, [Caithness, N.B.] ar. a ship under sail,
in a sea in base, on a chief gu. three
Guiscardus, [temp. Richard II.] or, billettee,
all ppr. ;

a lion rampant az. mullets of the field.

Guiscardus, De. The same arms. Gunne. See Gunn, the last before mentioned,
Gulby, az. a chev. or, betw. three crosses mo- the bordure charged with sixteen pellets.
line ar. Crest, a naked arm embowed, thrust- Gunning, of Ireland, [originally England,] ar.
ing with a sword, point downwards, ppr. a chev. az. betw. two pellets in chief, and in
Guldeford, [Hempsted-Place,] or, a saltier base a demi-culverin, dismounted, of the second.
betw. four martlets sa.; on a canton ar. a pome- Crest, a demi lion, rampant, regardant, or,
holding a broadsword in bis dexter paw, bilt gu. Crest, an eagle, displayed, sa. holding in
and pommel or. the dexter claw a sword
Gunning, gu. on a fesse ar. betw. tbree doves Guthrie, [Dantzic,] sa. an eagle, displayed, ar.
erm. as many crosses pattee of the field in the
beaked and membered gu. within a bordure,
chief poiut, pendent from a ribbon, a repre- engr. or. Crest, a salmon, naiaut, ar. Motto,
sentation of the Waterloo-medal ppr. Crest, Ditat et alit.
a dove ar. the dexter claw supporting a sword, Guthry, [Kingsedward, N.B.] Arms, see first

wavy, radiated in bend, ppr. pommel and hilt Dictionary. Crest, a lion's paw, issuant, grasp-
or. [These Arms and Crest were (/ranted the ing a twig of palm-branch ppr. Motto, Sto
6th of Dec. 1821, to George Gunning, of Fr ins- pro veritate.
bury, in the County of Kent, Esq. Lieutenant Guthry, [ Forfar, N.B.] quarterly ; first and fourth
in the First, or Royal Regiment of Dragoons, or,a lion, rampant, regardant, gu. ; second
(eldest son and heir of George Gunning, late and third az. three garbs or, all within a bor-
of Frinsbtiry aforesaid, Esq. deceased, lineally dure, indented, ar. Crest, a cross crosslet
descended from Robert Gunning, sometime of fitchee az.
Meopham, in the County of Kent, who was Gutteridge, or Guttridge, ar. a cross gu.
cousin to the Right Rev. Peter Guiming, Bishop betw. four mullets, pierced, sa. Crest, a swan,
of Ely, translated from Chichester in 1675, crowned with an antique crown ppr.
and who died in 1684,) to be borne by the said Guven, gu. a chev. ar. betw. three fleurs-de-lis
George Gunning and his issue, and without the or.

representation of the said Waterloo-medal by Gubyon, gu. a cross pattee ar. Crest, an eagle's
the other descendants of his said late Father head, erased, erm.
George Gunning deceased.] See Plate of Arms. Guyling, barry of ten ar. and az. a lion, rampant,
Gutter, or Gounter, [JRactou, Sussex,] sa. gu. Crest, an arm, embowed, ar. holding in the
three dexter gauntlets ar. within a bordure or. hand, ppr. a cimeter of the last, pomel or.
Crest, a stag's head, erased, per pale, sa. and Guynes, vaire or and az. a quarter erm.
gu. attired or. Guynor, or Gonnor, az. a saltier ar. guttee de
Gurlin. Arms as Gurlyng, of Cornwall, in the sang.
Dictionary. Crest, on a mural crown gu. Guyon. See Guion, before.
an eagle, wings endorsed, or, in the beak an Guyse, an ink moline gu.

acorn, stalked and leaved, ppr. Gware, .... a fesse, couped, ragulee ....
Gurnard. See Gurney in the first Dic- Gwerry, erm. two bars gu. on a canton of the

tionary. last a mullet or.

Gurnay, paly of six ar. and az. a bend gu. Gwillawne. Crest, an eagle, perched, ppr.
Gurnon, paly, wavy, of six ar. and gu. Gwilt. Crest, on a mount vert, behind, the
Gurnut, az. three griffins' heads, erased, or. sun rising ppr. a unicorn's head, couped, sa.
GuRWOOD, az. a chev. ar. First Crest, a uni- armed and crined or, in the mouth a cross
corn's head, Second,out of a mural formee, fitchee, of the last.
crown, a castle, ruined in the centre, therefrom Gwinnell, or, a fesse vert, betw. three mural
an arm in armour, embowed, holding a cimeter, crowns gu. Crest, an arm, embowed and
ppr. resting on the elbow, couped at the shoulder,
Guricood, [originally from Savoy,] az. a chev. ar. vested gu. the hand towards the sinister, holding
Crest, a unicorn's head ppr. a bow, ppr.
GUSE, ar. an ink moline gu. Gwyn, or, a bordure vair. Crest, a cannon,
Gussey, [Woodland, Devon,] ar. a fesse sa. mounted, ppr.
betw. three lions rampant gu. Gwyn, or, on a chev. couched, sinister, betw.
Gustox, barry of four az. and ar. on a chief of
three birds sa. five mullets ar. Crest, a stag's
the second three hurts. Crest, a demi wolf head, erased, ppr. betw. the attires a cross
gu. crosslet, fitchee ....
Guthrie, [of that Ilk, N.B.] quarterly; first Gwynne, [Ireland,] az. a bend lozengy ar. and
and fourth or, a lion, rampant, gu.; second and gu. Crest, a dolphin, naiant, az.
third, az. a garb or. Crest, a dexter hand Gwyse. See Guise.
holding a sword ppr. Supporters, two cheva- Gwythold, or, a bend sa. betw. two cottises,
complete armour ppr. batons in their engr. of the last.
dexter hands or. Motto, Sto pro veritate. Gybbes, paly bendy sinister ar. and gu. on a
Guthrie, ar. a cross sa. betw. two garbs, in chief, bend az. two fleurs-de-lis or.
2 o 2
Gybses, az. a fesse betw. six estoiles or. Habert, [Norfolk and Northland,] erm. two
Gybus, ar. a chev. gu. betw. three leopards' flaunches sa.
faces az. Habertson, [N. B.,] .... on a fesse .... a cres-
Gye, az. on a chev. ar. betw. three leopards' faces cent betw. two cinquefoils . . in chief a boar's
. .

or, as many fleurs-de-lis gu. head, couped,

Gyfford, gu. two bars erm. ; in chief three tor- Habgood, or, an anchor betw. three fishes, naiant,
teaux. -Crest, a lion's
head, erased, gu. col- az. Crest, a sword and quill, in saltier, ppr.
lared or, charged with three roses of the first. Habileyne, or, on a cross sa. five eaglets ar.
Gygges, sa. fretty enn.; a chief cheqtiy ar. and Habingdon. The same Arms as of Herts in
of the first. the first Dictionary. Crest, a horse's head ar.
Gygges, or, fretty sa. ; on a chief of the second a betw. two wings, erased, ppr. bridled sa.
lion, passant, guardant, of the first. Hablethorne, sa. a mascle within an orle ar.
Gyles, or, on a cross sa. five plates. all within a tressure of the last.

Gyll, [Bartou, Yorkshire,] sa. a pale betw. four HabS, gu. three arrows ar.
fleurs-de-lis or. Habston, ar. a saltier, chequy, gu. and az.
Gyll, [Herts,] lozengy ar. and vert, a lion, ram- Haccomb, bendy of six ar. and sa.
pant, guardant, gu. Haccombe, ar. three bends sa. Crest, a dexter
Gylle, lozengy or and vert, a lion, rampant, arm from the shoulder holding a bow and arrow,
guardant, ar. all ppr.
Gylles, or Gyles, ar. on a fesse, engr. sa. Hachatt, ar a fesse gu. ;
in chief a bar, in-
betw. three crosses pattee gu. as many martlets dented, of the second.
of the first. Crest, a dexter hand, holding a Hache, gu. two demi lions, passant, gardant, in
spiked club, ppr. spikes or. pale, or.

Gyllett, erm. on a bend sa. three pikes' heads, Hachet, or Hanchet, per fesse gu. and ar. ;
erased, ar. on a chief of the second another indented of
Gylmin, ar. a human leg couped at the thigh sa. the first.

gartered below the knee or. Hachet, ar. on a bend sa. cottised gu. three fleurs-
Gylpin, or, a boar sa. de-lis or.
Gymsying. See Gyssinge, in the first Dic- Hack, gu. a bend betw. two boars' heads, erased,
tionary. ar.

Gynes, or, a bordure vair. Hackebecke, or, two bars az.

Gynty. The same as Gynney, of Norfolk, in Hacket, az. three fishes, haurient, ar.
the first Dictionary. Hackford, chequy or and vert. Crest, a swan,
Gypses. See GiPP, in the first Dictionary.
wings endorsed, standing on a trumpet
ar. or.
Gypes. Crest, a clove, with an olive-branch in
Hackford, ar. two bends, nebulee, sa.
the beak ppr. Hacklet, or Hackluit. The same Arms as
Gypihorpe. See Gibthorp, in the first Dic- of Salop in the first Dictionary. Crest, a hand
tionary. holding a hunting-horn ppr.
Gyrdeler, az. a fesse betw. three goats' heads, Hacklet, ar. a bend cottised, dancettee, betw.
erased, ar. three mullets gu.
Gysse, [Bucks,] gu. six lozenges vair, three, Hacklewet, ar. a bend gu. ; in chief a bar,
two, and one ;
on a canton ar. a mullet of the indented, of the first.
field. Hackluit. See Hacklet.
Gyssinge, ar. on a bend az. three eagles, dis- Hackney. Crest, out of a ducal coronet a nag's
played, or. Cre;>t, a lion, rampant, az. winged head.
or. Hackon, [Norfolk,] sa. two bars vair.

Gyves, three battle-axes sa.

ar. Crest, a uni- Hack vi ll. Crest, on a chapeau a fox, sejant,
corn's head, couped at the neek .... ppr.
Gywere, ar. on a fesse sa. a mullet of the field. Hackvill. See Hackluyt in the first Dictionary.
Hacky, ar. two bends gu.
Hacote, ar. on a bend az. three lions, rampant,
or.Crest, on a ducal coronet a martlet ppr.
H. Hacton, gu. a fesse ar. within a bordure of the

Habaud, [Warwickshire,] sa. three leopards' Hadd, vert, three bucks' heads, cabossed, ar.

heads, jessant-de-lis, ar. betw. the attires a cross formee fitchee gu.
Haddawy, [Scotland,] ar. three bugle-horns Hadson. The same Arms as of Cambridge in

vert, stringed sa.

the first
Dictionary. Crest,, on a ducal coronet
[Lanerick,] quarterly ; first and fourth,
Hadden, or, a lion, rampant, gu.
ar. a saltier, engr. sa.; second ar. a saltier, engr. Hadwen. Crest, an angel's head, couped at
betw. four roses gu. ; third, or, a bend, chequy, the breast, ensigned with a cross, wings ele-
ar. and sa. ; in the centre over the quarterings vated.
a crescent ar. Crest, an eagle's head, erased, Hadwick, [Scotland,] ar. three bugle-horns
or. sa.

Hadden, ar. three roses gu. ;

a chief of the last. Hagart, [Bantascan, by Patent, 1814,] per bend
Crest, an arm, embowed, brandishing a cime- az. and on a bend sa. betw. two estoiles of
ter ppr. sixteen points, counterchanged, a lion, passant,
Hadderley. See Haderly, ar. betw. as many crosses moline of the second.

Hadderwick, [Pitcullo,] gu. a lion, passant, Crest, a lion, rampant, ppr.

gardant, chequy, ar. and az. betw. three pheons Hagarthy, or Hagarty, [Ireland,] gu. a fesse,
of the second. Crest, a dexter arm from the chequy, ar. and az. Crest, a dexter hand ppr.
elbow holding a roll of paper ppr. holding up an escallop or.
Haddesfeld. The same as Hadeswell. Hageley, .per pale barry of six gu. and or,
Haddock. Arms as of Lancashire in the first counterchanged, an inescocheon ar. a chief, ;

Dictionary. Crest, a dexter hand holding a per pale, the dexter per bend gu. and or, the

fish, all ppr.

sinister per bend sinister or and gu.
Haddon, [Scotland,] or, on a chev. az. three Hagell, erminois, a pile gu. Crest, an olive-
roses of the first. Crest, a lion's paw holding branch, slipped, ppr.
a thistle, all ppr. Hagelle, gu. two bars or; in chief an escocheon
Haderly. The same as Hadderley, of Essex, of the last.
in the first Dictionary, with the cross crosslets Hagen, [Bermondsey,] az. on a chev. or, betw.
or. two doves, close, in chief ar. and in base an
Hadestock. Crest, the sun shining on the oak-tree ppr. a mullet Crest, a dove,
stump of an oak-tree, sprouting out new rising, ar.
leaves. Hagen, or, a fesse betw. three cramp-irons sa.
Hades\VELL, ar. a fesse betw. three boars, pas- Crest, a stork's head, erased, ppr.
sant, sa. Haget. See Hagatt in the first Dictionary.
Hadfield, ar. a pale gu. in fesse three cinque- Hagger, vert, a lion, rampant, within an orle
counterchanged. Crest, an escallop or. ar. Crest, a demi lion gu. supporting a long
Hadham, [Somersetshire,] bendy of eight.. .. cross az.
and .... on a canton .... a leopard's face Haggerston. Arms as in the first Dictionary.
Hading, [Scotland,] gu. a chev. betw. three long Crest, a lion, rampant, ar.

crosses fitchee ar. Haggerston. The same Arms. Crest, a talbot

Hadiswell, gu. three wells ar. masoned sa. erm.
Crest, a demi lion, rampant, gu. holding in the Hagges, [Scotland,] az. a dolphin, naiant, in
paws a battle-axe az. the sea betw. three cinquefoils ar. Crest, an
Hadley, ar. a pair of compasses, and in base arm in armour, embowed, brandishing a cime-
an annulet sa. ter ppr.

Hadley, gu. on a chev. or, three crosses, patonce, Hagh. See Haw, or Haugh in the first Dic-
of the first. tionary.
Hadley, az. a chev. surmounted of a fesse betw. Hagley, per pale or and az. three bars, coun-
three annulets or. terchanged; in chief two pallets aud as many
Hadlow, ar. a lion, rampant, az. guttee d'or. cantons, also counterchanged; an inescocheon ar.
Hadlow, or, a lion, rampant, sa. Crest, a dexter arm in armour, embowed,
Hadnam, [Oxfordshire and Lincolnshire,] ar. holding in the gauntlet a battle-axe, all ppr.
three fleurs-de-lis az. Hagne, [Scotland,] az. on a saltier betw. a mul-
Hadokes, across sa. in the first quarter a
ar. ;
let in chief and base, and a decrescent and in-

fleur-de-lisof the second. Crest, a talbot's crescent in fesse ar. a primrose, slipped, ppr.
head, erased, sa. collared ar. Hago, [Cressy,] ....six crescents, three, two,
Hadowie, [Scotland,] ar. three hunting-horns and one
sa. stringed gu. Hagthorpe, Halthorpe, or Hathorpe, sa.

Hadringdon, erm. a cross, voided, gu. a chev. engr. or.

Hague, quarterly, sa. and gu. a cross ar. Crest, Hakewood. Crest, on a chapeau, a garb ppr.
from a tower a leopard's head, issuant, collared, Halanton, az. a bend ar. betw. three eagles
displayed or.
Hahn. Crest, on a ducal coronet a swan, wings Halcan, az. two
bars, nebulee, erm.
endorsed, ducally gorged. Halche, or, a cross engr. gu.
Haig, or Haigh, az. a saltier betw. four cres- Halcot. See Hulcot.
cents, facing inwards to the centre, ar. Crest, Halcro, [Scotland,] quarterly; first and fourth,
a demi savage holding over the dexter shoulder ar. a mountain, vert, issuing from the base ;
a hammer. second and third, erm. on a fesse gu. three cre-
Haigh, [Scotland,] quarterly; first and fourth, scents ar. Crest, two hands holding a sword,
gu. a fesse, chequy, ar. and az. second and ;
in pale, ppr.
third, or, a lion rampant, gu. debruised by a Haldane, ar. a bend engr. gu. ; a chief sa.
ribbon sa. Crest, a globe ppr.
Haigh, gu. (another az.) a saltier ar. betw. two Haldermanstetin, [Germany,] tierce in pairle
mullets in chief and base, and as many crescents reversed ar. or and az.
in fesse, the points towards the saltier. Crest, Halden, [of that Ilk, North Britain,] gu. two
a rock ppr. Motto, Tyde ivhat may. leopards ar.
Hailes. Crest, a wheel or. Halden, [Gleneagles, North Britain,] quarterly;
Hailly, [Scotland.] Crest, a galley sa. flag gu. first and fourth, ar. a saltier engr. sa. second, ;

Hailstones, [of that Ilk, North Britain,] ar. a ar. a saltier engr. cantoned with four roses gu. ;

cross couped az. betw. four pheons of the last. third, or, a bend chequy, sa. and ar. Crest, an
Crest, a rose-branch bearing roses, all ppr. eagle's head, erased, or.
Haines, gu. three crescents, paly wavy, ar. and Halden, [Lanark, North Britain.] The same,
az. Crest, on a crescent an arrow, in pale, ppr. with a crescent on the centre for difference.
Hair, [Scotland,] az. two bars or, a chief in- Haldenby, [Northampton,] a cross betw.
dented of the last. Crest, two daggers in saltier twenty cinquefoils or, two, one, and two in
ppr. each quarter.
Hairstanes, [Craiges, North Britain,] quar- Haldimand, gu. a chev. betw. three annulets
terly; first and fourth,
az. a chev. or betw. three or. Crest, a sea-lion, sejant, ppr.
keys, fesseways, ar. ; second and third, ar. a Haldon, [Haldon, North Britain,] gu. two lions,
savage's head, couped, distilling drops of blood, passant, ar.
thereon a bonnet composed of bay and holly Hale, ar. a pale fusilly gu. on the second a leo-
leaves, all ppr. within an orle of eight martlets pard's head or.
sa. -Crest, a dexter arm holding a key ppr. Haleighwell, or, on a bend gu. three goats,
Haitlie, az. a sword bendways, hilt in chief, or, passant, ar. armed or.

paly of six, ar. and sa. on a

betw. two mullets of the last. Haleston, chev.
Crest, a hand
holding four arrows, points downwards. gu. a cross crosslet or.
Haiton. See Hayton. Haley, [Eartham, Sussex.] See the first Dic-
Hak BEECH. See Hakebeche in the first Dic- tionary, add [Granted to William Hayley, Esq.
tionary. of Cleobury Mortimer, co. Saloj), and borne by
Hakbeech, or, two bars az. the poet of that name.~\
Hakelets, [temp. Edward I.] gu. three battle- Halfpenny. Arms as the first in the first Dic-
axes or. tionary. Crest, a lion sejant, holding in the
Hakelett, or Hakelletts. The same Arms. dexter paw a cross crosslet, fitchee, aud resting
Hak ELIOT, gu. a fesse, dancettee, ar. betw. the sinister on a triangle gu.
three battle-axes or. Crest, out of a ducal Halghton, or, two bars gu.; on a chief ar. three
coronet or, a plume of four ostrich feathers sa. open bowls of the second, the insides of the
Hakelute, ar. on a bend betw. two cottises, third.
indented, gu. three mullets or. Halieghwell, or, on a bend gu. three goats
Hakenbech, ar. two bars az. ar. attired of the first.
az. a bend gu.
Hakenelton, ar. a fesse betw. three lozenges Haliers, quarterly ar. and
sa. Halkett. The same as Hacket.
Haket, [Ireland,] az. three salmons (or hakes) Hall, ar. a fesse betw. three griffins' heads, or,
haurient, in pale, ar. sa.
Hakett, or Hakluet, or, on a bend gu. cot- Hall, [Douglas, North Britain,] az. a chev. ar.
tised dancettee of the last, three mullets
gold. betw. three cranes' heads, erased at the necks, or.
Hall, [Bishop of Bristol, 1697,] ar. crusilly sa. or betw. two bezants ; a chief
wavy az. thereon
three talbots' heads of the last. a naval crown of the third betw. a representa-
Hall, ar. a chev. engr. betw. three talbots' heads, tion of the gold medal presented by command of
erased, sa. on a chief of the last three mullets
; His late Majesty to the said Sir
Benjamin Hal-
of the first. Crest, a talbot's head, as in the lowell, after the battle of the Nile in the year
Arms. [M. I. to William Hall, in St. Vedasl 1798, pendent from a ribbon of the first, fimbri-
Church, London, 1680.] ated of the fourth, subinscribed Nile in letters of
Hall am, [Hallam, Yorkshire, West Hallam, gold on the dexter, and a representation of the
Kerk Hallam, and Hallam Parva, Derbyshire.] cross of a commander of the Royal Sicilian
Arms as first in the first Dictionary. Order of St. Ferdinand and of Merit, pendent
Hallam, sa. a cross erm. Crest, on a mount vert from a ribbon az. fimbriated gu. on the sinister;
a bail gu. conferred on Sir Benjamin Hallowell upon the
Halle, erm. two bars gu the first charged with institution of the said Order in the year 1800 ;

two, the other with one escocheon or and for Crest of Halloivell, out of a naval crown
Halle, or Hale, az. a chev. counter-embattled or. or, a demi lion, gardant, ppr. charged on the
Halle, az. a chev. ar. betw. three covered cups or. body with an anchor erect sa. and supporting
Halles, az. a chev. betw. three covered cups with the paws a trident, erect, gold. Sup-
porters, on either side an heraldic antelope gu.
Halles, gu. three arrows or, barbed and feathered gorged with a naval crown, and charged on the
ar. shoulder with an anchor erect or. [Borne by
Hallestowe, paly of six ar. and sa. on a chev. A dmiral Sir Benjamin Halloivell- Carew, G. C.B.
gu. a cross crosslet or. andSt.F.M. o/Beddington-park, Surrey, 1833.]
Halleton, sa. a chev. or betw. three garbs ar. Hallowton. See Hallington.
Hallett. The same Arms as Hallet in the first Halls, [Salop,] ar. two piles issuing from the
Dictionary. Crest, a dexter hand holding a dexter and sinister chief points sa.
key ppr. Halls, ar. four lions, passant gardant, in bend, sa.
Hallewell, ar. on a chev. sa. three annulets betw. two double cottises of the last.
of the field.Crest, a boar's head erect betw. Hallwell. See Holywell in the first Dic-
two ostrich-feathers. tionary.
Halley, [London,] az. a chev. betw. three an- Hally, per bend or and vert.
uulets or, over all on a fesse of the last as many Hally ate, sa. a chev. betw. three sinister hands
martlets gu. couped ar.
Halliley. See Halleley in the first Dictionary. Hallyday, [Tillybole, North Britain,] ar. a
Hallington, or Hallowton. Arms as in sword paleways, the pomel within a crescent, in
the first Dictionary. Crest, out of a ducal coro- base, gu. a canton az. charged with St. Andrew's

net or, a greyhound's head sa. cross of the first. Crest, a boar's head, couped,
Hallington, ar. a bend gu. ar. armed or.
Hallis, gu. a fesse, embattled counter-embattled, Hallys, on a chev. betw. three lions, ram-

or, betw. three leopards' faces ar. pant, ar. an annulet.

Hallom, sa. across, engr. erm. Crest, a hand Halom, ar. a lion, rampant, az. guttee d'or.
gu. holding a grenade fired ppr. Halon, sa. two bars vair.
Halloran, [Ireland.] Crest, within a fetter- Halpen. Crest, on a ducal coronet an eagle,
lock a lion's bead erased.
displayed, ....
Hallow, gu. three crescents ar. within a bordure Halperton, or Haperton, gu. a crescent or,
of the last.Crest, an eagle displayed, regar- a label of three points az. on each an estoile of
dant, or, holding in the dexter claw a sword in the second.
pale ppr. Ha/perton. See Halxton in the first
Hallowell-Carew, quarterly; first and fourth, Halpin, ar. fretty sa. a fleur-de-lis gu. Crest,
Carew, viz. or, three lions, passant in pale, sa. out of a tower ar. a demi griffin sa.
and for distinction an anchor erect in canton of Halram, gu. fretty ar. a fesse or.
the last; second and third, Halloivell. Crest of Halse. Arms
as in the first Dictionary.- (Ano-
Carew, the round-top of a mainmast or, there- ther crest, a demi griffin.)
from issuant a demi lion sa. betw. six spears Halsham, [Sussex,] or, a chev. az. betw. three
gold, the points upwards, ar. and for distinction leopards' heads gu.
the lion charged with an anchor, also Halson,
gold. [Yorkshire,] or, a fesse, chequy, ar.
Hallowell, ar. on a chev. sa. an anchor erect and az. ;
in chief a lion, passant, gu.
Halsted,gu. two bars ar. ; in chief three plates. cross crosslets sa. five in chief and three in
Halsull, ar. three dragons' heads, erased, az. base.
Halswav, .... three stars of eight points Hambley, or Hambly, sa. on a pale ar. three
Halswell. Arms as first in the first
Dictionary. torteaux. Crest, a dolphin, haurient, az.
Crest, an ounce, sejant, ppr. resting the fore- Hamden, [London,] sa. a fesse betw. two chev.
paw on a shield gu. erm.
Halthorpe. See Haglhorpe. Hame, [Cornwall,] vert, two salmons, haurient, ar.

Haltoft, or Holtoft, ermines, three lozenges Hame. See Ham.

erm. meeting in the fesse point. Hamel. See Hamell.
H alto FT E, [Norfolk,] ar. three lozenges ermi- Hamelin, chequy or and sa.
nois within a bordure engr. sa. Hamelyn-Hamelen Hamelin-Hamelyng,
H a llofts. See Haltofts in the first Dictionary. and Hamelyne, ar. three bulls, passant, sa.
Halton, [Yorkshire,] gu. a saltier engr. or. Crest, a hand, plucking a rose from a bush, ppr.
Halton. Arms as eighth in the first Dictionary. Hamelyng. Arms as in the first Dictionary.
Crest, out of a ducal coronet gu. a griffin's head Crest, a sea-horse couchant, resting his paw on
sa. betw. two wings, the dexter or, sinister az. a cross pattee ar.

Halton, ar. a griffin, passant, az. armed gu. Hamer, gu. a cock or. Crest, on a chapeau az.
Halton, gu. a liou, rampant, or, depressed by a turned up erm. a lion's head ar.
bend erm. Hamerle. The same as Hamersley.
Halton, ar. on a chev. sa. three hammers with Hamerton, ar. three hammers sa. Crest, a
claws of the first. hand, holding a broken hammer, ppr.
Halton, sa. a cross engr. erm. Hamerton, quarterly, ar. and vert.

Halusby, sa. a saltier engr. or, a label of three Hames. See Hammes in the first Dictionary.

points gu. Hames, or, a lion, passant, gu.

Halwardyne, quarterly sa. and ar. a cross Hames, ar. a bend betw. two lions, rampant, sa.

patonce, quartered counterchanged, within a Hameund, az. three bucks' horns, beudways, or.
bordure erm. Hameston, erm. a saltier, chequy, or and gu.
Halwell. See Holywell. betw. four bezants.
Halworth, ar. three chapeaus sa. Ham ford, [Lincolnshire,] gu. a bend ar. betw.
Halxton. Arms as first in the first Dictionary. "six mullets of the second.
Crest, a dexter hand holding a dagger in Hamlet, per saltier or and ar. three lions, ram-
pale, embrued at the point ppr. pant, erm.; on a chief, engr. az. the sun in its
Halyan, ar. a chev. sa. betw. three trefoils, splendour rising out of clouds, all ppr. Crest,
slipped, vert. a deini tower ar. upon the embattlements thereof
Ha ly burton, [of that Ilk, Berwickshire, North a talbot, statant, erm. collared and chained gu.
Britain,] or, on a bend az. three mascles of the [Borne by Thomas Hamlet, Esq. of Cavendish-
Crest, a moor's head, banded ar.
first square and Denham-court, Red-hill, Bucks,
Halyday, [London,] sa. three esquires' helmets 1826.]
ar. vizors or.
[M. I. to Alderman William Hamley, ar. three talbots az. Crest, a garb
Halyday in St. Lawrence Jury Church, 1687.] lying fesseways.
Halyday, or Holy day, sa. three helmets ar. within Hamley, gu. three crescents ar.
a bordure, engr. of the second. Hamlin, gu. a lion, rampant, erm. crowned with
Halys, [Essex.] The same as Hallys. an antique crown or. Crest, seven arrows,
Hulys, barry of fourteen ar. and az. on a canton points upwards, ppr.
or, a lion passant gu. Hamlin, ar. two bars indented gu.
HALYWELL,HALLWELL,0rHALWELL. Arms Hamlyn, gu. three bends or.
first in the first
as Dictionary. Crest, a hunting- Hamlyng. See Hamelyn in the first Dictionary.
horn az. stringed gu. betw. two wings or. Hamme, az. a chev. betw. three demi lions or.
Ham, or Hame, vert, three salmons naiant, two Hamme, erm. three crescents, chequy, gu. and az.
and one. Crest, on a chapeau a unicorn's head, Hammencourt, ar. three mallets sa.
erased, ppr. Hammersley, gu. three rams' heads, couped, or.
Ham, armed gu.
az. a lion, rampant, gardant, ar. Crest, two lions' gambs, holding up a crescent.
Hambey, [1575,] quarterly; first, sa. three Hammes, or Hames. Arms as in the first Dic-
esquires' helmets or; second, per pale or and tionary. Crest, on a ducal coronet, a lion, pas-
sa. three mullets counterchanged; third, ar. a sant, ppr.
cross, engr. sa. ; fourth, ar. a chev. betw. eight Hammett. Crest, a vol, or two wings conjoined.
IIammii.l. Crest, a palm tree, fructed, ppr. Hanam, Hanham, or Hannam, quarterly or and
Hammok, a cross, gu. bet. four mallets,
arg. gu. over all on a bend sab. three crosses pattea
pierced of the second. arg. Crest, a demi griffin arg. holding betw
Hammon, az. three tilting spears, bendways, or. the paws a helmet az.
Hammv, az. a chev. or. bet. three half elm leaves Hanbere, az. a chev. arg. in chief a lion, pass.
of the last. gard. or.
Hahmys, or Hammyed, sab. a fesse, or. bet. Hanburv, or, a bend vert, cottised sab.
three cinquefoils arg, (another erm) Hanby, [Lincolnshire] az. a cross engr. gu. in
Hamnell, gu. a cresent, or, in chief a label az. the dexter chief quar. an annulet of the second.
charged with an estoile on each point of the Hanby, arms as in 1st diet. Crest, two arms,
second. in armour, embowed holding a heart
Hamner, az. a chev. bet. three demi lions ramp. Hanby, abend arg. betw. six mullets of the second
or Hance Crest a hand holding a sword in pale,
Hammer, the same as Hammer in 1st diet. enfiled with a scaracen's head, couped, ppr.
Hamon, [Kent,] arg. two bends az. within a Hanchett. Crest, the sun shining on a sun-flower
bord engr. sab. ppr.
Hamon, or, a lion ramp. az. Hanckford. arms as in first diet. Crest, a
Human, per pale. az. and or, a chev. gu. demi cupid holding in the dexter hand, a
Hamon, az. three tilting spears in bend or, torch ppr.
headed arg. Hanckford, arg. two bends wavy sab.
Hampden, the same arms as the last of the name Hanckwood. Arms as in the 1st diet. Crest,
in 1st diet. Crest, a peacock's head, couped, on the stump of a tree sprouting anew, ppr.
az. a shield of the arms pendant.
Hampden, See Hamden, in 1st diet. Hancoke, [Ireland] arg. an arm in fesse, issuing
Hampness, az. a lion ramp. or. from the sinister side of the escocheon, in base,
Hampstead, or Hampsted. Crest, a demi che- vested az. the hand ppr. thereon statant a
valier in full armour, brandishing a scimitar, all cock, also ppr
ppr. Handacres, or Handesacres, erm, three cronels,
Hampstead, [Norfolk,] gu. a bend chequy, or. gu.
and az. Handbowe, Crest, an eagle with wings expanded,
Hampson, [Taplow, Bucks, created a Bart. 1642] and inverted, standing on a dolphin naiant.
arg. three hemp or flax breaks, sab. Crest, out ppr.
of a mural crown, arg. a greyhound's head, Handchett. sab. three hands in gauntlets, arg.
issuant sab. bezantee, collard, arg. Handchicke sab. three dexter hands couped,
Hampton, [Herefordshire] the same as of Wales arg. over all fretty, or.
in 1st diet. Handcoke, [Devon] see Hancocke in first Diet.
Hampton, [Wolverhampton, Staff.] same as the Handen, arg. a fesse embattled counter emb. gu.
fifth of the name in the 1st diet. Crest, a betw. three escallops of the second
wolf's head, arg. Handerside, arg. a chev. az. betw. three lions
Hampton, the same arms as last of the name heads, erased,. .
withinabord,engr. of the second.
in the Crest, a demi eagle, disp, or.
1st diet. Handesacres. See Handacres.
Hampton, arg. a chev. componee, az. and purp Handescot: gu. an inescocheon erm.
betw. three martlets gu. Crest a greyhound Handford. Arms as in 1st diet. Crest, two
sejant, holding in his mouth a hare. ears of wheat in saltier ppr.
Hamste, sab. a fesse, betw. three cinquefoils, Handley, or Hanley, or, a fret gu. Crest a
sceptre in pale ppr.
Hamsted, az. on a bend fimbriated arg. betw. Handlo, arg. two chev. gu. on a canton of the last
three fleurs-de-lis or, as many escallops of the a crescent of the first
first Handlowe, arg. a lion ramp. az. guttee d'or,
Hamton, az. a bend betw. six fleurs-de-lis or. ducally crowned of the last
Hamuel, az. a fesse dancettee betw. three falcons Handrs, az. a chev. or, between three roses arg
or. Hands. Crest, a goat's head, erased, gu.
Ham wood, see Han wood in 1st diet. Handsaker, or Hansacre, sab. a cross betw.
Hamys, sab. a fesse or, bet. three cinquefoils arg. four butterflies, volant, or.
Hanacre, De. arg. on a chev. gu. two mullets of Handshall, arg. a fesse betw. six martlets gu.
six points, pierced, or. Handvili.e. See Hantvillk in 1st. diet.

2 P ]
Handy, arg. onasaltier gu. betw. four lion'sheads, ronet, the attires of a stag affixed to the
erased, sab. five mullets of the field. Crest, scalp
two arms in armour, embowed, holding a battle Hannay, [London] ar. three stags' heads, erased,
axe, all ppr. az. collared or, at the front of the collar a bell
Handyside. See Handasyd, and Handingside, of the last. Crest, within the horns of a
in 1st diet. crescent a cross crosslet fitchee sa.
Haneler, See Hanclow in 1st diet. Hannay, [Sorbie, Scotland] ar. three roe-bucks'
Hanell, vert, a cross engr. arg. heads, couped, az collared or, with a bell
Hanett, arg. on a cross sab. five plates. pendant gu. Crest, as the last.
Haney. See Hanney. Hannay, ar. three roe-bucks' heads, couped, az.
Hanginside, or Hanoreshaw, [Scotland] arg. with a mullet in the collar point for diff.
a lion ramp, within a bord. engr. sab. Crest, a cross crosslet fitchee, issuing out of a
Hanham. See Hanam. crescent, sa.
Hanhulton, arg. on a pale sa. three eagles, Hannay, [Kingsmuir, Scotland] The same arms,
disp. of the first. without the mullet, Crest, the same.
Hankford, sa. a chev. ar. thereon another, nebu- Hannay,, [Kirkdole, Scotland] The same, with
lee, gu. due diff.

Hankin, Crest, a boy pulling a branch from a Hannell, ar. a bend gu. and bordure erm.
tree ppr. Hanncll, ar. on a cross sa. five plates.
Hankins. Crest, a lion, sejant, ppr. holding Hanney, or Haney, az. a chev. betw. three demi
betw. the forepaws a shield sa. lion ramp. or. Crest, a stag's head ppr. col-
Hankins, [Greenhouse, Glouc] quarterly; first lared or, betw. the attires of a cross pattee gu.
and fourth, or, a lion pass. gu. in base three Hannyle, [Bucks.] az. a fesse dancettee betw.
bars wavy sa. on a chief az. three bezants, for three griffins pass. or.
Hankins; second and third, gu. a fesse, vair, Hannynge. Arms as Hanning.
betw. three pelicans' heads, erased, or, for Hansard, ar. three mullets of six points gu.
Machen.- Crest, a Black, front-faced, with a Crests, a falcon, volant, az. ; second, a
bow hung over his left shoulder, and a quiver hand holding a mullet ar.
of arrows, and holding in his hands, extended, Hansard, or Hansarde, sa. three mullets, or.
a snake, all ppr. Crest, a martlet sa.
Hankinson, [Midd.] ar. a fesse gu. fretty or, Hansard, gu. a bend ar. Crest, an antique crown
betw. three ducks sa. Crest, a demi phoenix, or.

wings elevated, or, issuant from flames. Hansard, [Suss.] gu. a crescent betw. three mul-
Hankinson, Crest a lion's paw, erased, charged lets ar.
with a roundle, and holding up a cross pattee Hansford, vair. a fesse or.
fitchee. Hanslop, as 1st. diet. Crest,- a leopard, sejant,
Hanklew, or Hanklow, or, a pale
lozengy sa. ppr.
Hankley. Crest, out of a ducal coronet or, a Hanslore, sa. billettee or, a cross flory of the

plume of feathers ar. five, four, and three.

triple last.
Hankpenny. The same as Hankepenny. Hansted, gu. a chev. chequy, or and az. sur-
Hankstone, [London] erm. a fesse gu. fretty or. mounted by a bend erm.
Hankwell, gu. three chev. erm. Hantevill, [Temp. Edu\ /.] sa. a lion, salient,
Hankyns. The same arms and crest as Hankins, ar. within an orle of crosslets of the second.
of Greenhouse. Hanton, [Ireland] erm. a lion ramp. sa.
Hanley, ar. a mascle depressed by a fesse sa. Hantvill, sa. a lion ramp. ar. within an orle of
Hartley, ar. a lion ramp. sa. crowned, or, within eight cross crosslets of the second. Crest, an
a bordure az. ox-yoke, in pale, gu. bows to the sinister, or.
Hanlon, gu. three plates. Hanwell, Crest, a hand holding a club, in
Hanly, [Ireland] Crest, three arrows, two in pale, ppr.
saltier and one in pale, banded, points down- Hanyton, gu. on a fesse ar. three mullets sa.
ward. pierced of the second.
Hanmer, [Beachfield, Salop] ar. two lions pass Hapsburgh. Crest, an eagle displ. ar. beaked and
guard, az. Crest, on a chapeau, gu. turned up membered gu.
erm. a lion sejant guard, ar. Haran,. .three pine apples. .

Hanna, Crest, a wolf's head, erased, sa. Harbenger, ar. on a chev. sa. three lion's heads,
Hannan, [Ireland] Crest, out of a ducal co- erased, of the first.
Harber. Crest, a hand holding three arrows. Hardres. Same arm's. Crest, a buck's head,
points couped, or and erm. attired gu. and az.
Harbert. Crest, two wings, expanded, ppr. Hardreshall, or Hardresham, az. a fesse gu.
Harbin, [Somers.] Crest, a horned owl ar. in chief three leopards' heads, or, in base as
Harbottle, az. three cluhs in bend or. many fishes, haurient, and six cross crosslets
Harbour, [Somers.] Crest, two hands, joined, fitchee of the last.
couped, holding a cutlass erect, all ppr. Hardrishall, ar. a chev. sa. between three
Harbrox, gu. a fish, naiant, ar Crest, a hand martlets gu.
holding au anchor ppr. Hardy, or Hardye. Arms as 3d in first diet.
Harcote, ar. fretty az. within a hordure of the last. Crest, a heart within a fetterlock gu.
Hardacre, sa. two boar's heads, erased, in chief, Hardy, sa. on a chev. erm. betw. three escallops
ar. Crest, on a rock, an eagle rising, reguard. ar. as many griffins' heads, erased of the field.

ppr. Crest, an arm embowed, in armour, gaunt-

Hardel, or Hardell, Crest, a sheaf of arrows let ppr. garnished or, holding a griffin's head,
ppr. handed gu. as in the arms.
Hardkley. Arms as in 1st diet. Crest, a soldier Hare, [Scotland] Crest, a parrot gu. holding
firing a gun ppr. in the beak an annulet or.
Harden, Crest, a dexter hand issuing from a Harebread. Arms as 3d in first diet. Crest, an
cloud, in fesse, holding an anchor ppr. ostrich's feather, in pale, ar.
Hardenton, sa. a bend betw. six billets or. Harecourt, ar. on a chev. sa. three escallops or.
Harder, sa. a cinquefoil or. (Another, of the first.)
Harderlv, ar. on a bend gu. betw. two lions' Harecourt, gu. two lions pass, guard, or.
heads, erased, three cross crosslets or.
sa. Hareford, [Bosbury, Heref.] sa. two bends, ar.

Hardesley, . . an annulet sa. Harelgrove, az. on abend or. three crescents sa.

Hardewick, gu. a saltier engr. ar. betw. four each charged with an acorn of the second,
mullets or. slipped, vert. Crest, a demi griffin, segreant,
Hardey, [London] on a bend engr. gu. a
ar. ar. armed gu.
crescent betw. two leopards' heads of the first, Hareslyn, ar. on a bend sa. three roses or.
a chief az. charged with three Catherine- wheels Hareward, sa. on a chief ar. thee falcon's head's,
or. Crest, a cock's head bendy, ar. and sa. erased, of the first.
betw. two wings, the dexter or, the sinister gu. Harewell, ar. on a fesse wavy sa. three hares'
holding in his mouth a sceptre of the last. heads, erased, bendways, ar.
Hardfeild, chequy, or and gu. on a bend ar. Hareworth. [Boyntonhall, Norf.] az. a fesse
three horse shoes az. gobonated, gu. and vert, betw. three owls or.
Hardie, [Cargarse, Scotland] Arms as in the 1st Hareworth, or Hurwoth, az. a fesse gobonated,
diet. Crest, an arm embowed in armour, gu. and ar. betw. three owls of the third.
holding a scimitar ppr. Hareworth, Crest, a stag's head erm. armed or
Hurdle, [Scotland.] Crest, a hand, couped, Harfe, ar. three lozenges sa. each charged with
fesseways, holding a dagger, point downwards. an escallop or.
Hardiman, or Hardyman, three chev. gu. a
ar. Harfield, [Bucks.] per pale, ar. and gu. three
canton sa. Crest, on a serpent, nowed, a hawk lion's paws, erased,
perched ppr. Hargest, or, a griffin ramp. az.
Harding, [Ireland] ar. on a bend
gu. three Harglas, [Ireland,] ar.
a stag, trippant, gu. at-
martlets of the field. a dexter arm,
Crest, tired or.
embowed, fesseways, couped, holding a sword, Hargrave, az. a fesse ar. fretty gu. betw. three
in pale, enfiled with a leopard's head, cabossed. bucks, springing, ar. attired Crest, a

Hardishall, or, a cross engr. vert; in the first buck's head, erased, per fesse, or and gu. fretty
quarter, a martlet of the last. az. attired of the second.
Hardisty, Crest, two hands issuing from clouds, Hargraves, az. a fesse betw. three stags, cur-
conjoined, in fesse. rent, or. Crest, out of a ducal coronet, two
Hardly, [London] az. a chev. debruised by a branches of laurel, in orle, ppr.
fesse betw. three annulets or. Hargrove, [Ches.] ar. a griffin, segreant, per
Hardly, gu. a chev. ar. betw. three plates, over fesse, gu. and sa. beak and claws, or.
all a fesse az. Harington. Arms as 1st in 1st cbct. Crest, a
Hardres, [Hardres, Kent,] arms as in first diet. lion's paw holding a thistle.
Crest, a stag's head, couped, ppr. Harington or, a chief gu. over all a bend az.
P 2 1
Hariott, per pale, erm. and ermines, three Harman, ar. a chev. gu. betw. three currycombs
crescents, counterchanged. ppr.
Haris, [Devons.] sa. three crescents ar. within Harman, [Ireland] ar. on a cross sa. five martlets
a hordure or. of the field, Crest, a water-bouget or.
Harison, on a fesse or. betw. six crosses
az. Harme, az. a sphere or. Crest, a celestial and
pattee three
ar. etoiles gu. all within a hordure terrestial globe ppr.
engr. of the second, charged with eight pellets. Harmer, three chev. interlaced, ar. ; on a

Harrisse, ar. a chev. gu. betw. three hinds' head's, chief or, a lion ramp. gu. Crest, a book ex-
cabossed, of the second. panded ppr.
Harkness, [Scotland,] az. two bars dancettee Harmer, ar. on a chev. betw. three annulets gu.
or, the first charged with two mullets, and the an annulet of the first.
last with a crescent, gu. all betw. three fleur-de- Harnage, [Shenton and Shrewsbury, Salop.]
lis ar. Crest, a ship in distress ppr. ar. sixtorteauxes, three, two, and one. Crest,
Harland, sa. a cross patonce or. out of a ducal coronet, a lions paw ppr. holding
Harland, or, on a bend betw. two sea-lions, ereet up a torteaux.
on their tails az. three stags' heads, cabossed, Harnett, ar. a pale sa. surmounted by a saltier
of the first. Crest, a sea-lion, as in the arms, gu. a chief az. Crest, a hornet-fly, wings
ducally crowned or, holding betw. his paws an elevated, ppr.
anchor gold, fluked sa. Harnhull, az. six lions ramp, or; on a canton
Harlaw, sa. three inescutcheons ar. each charged of the second, a mullet gu.
with a lion ramp. az. Crest, a Moor's head Harnie, [Alrick,] gu. a fesse or, betw. three
PP r -
mullets, in chief, ar. and a mascle, in base of
Harle, ar. three piles, meeting in the base point, the second.
sa. Harnous. See Harneys, in 1st diet.
Harle. See Herle. Harnoys, ar. on a chev. sa. three guttees or.
Harleigh, or, a bend cottised sa. (Another adds, a crescent, in chief, gu.)
Harleshall, sa. three stars or. Harokins, or, on a chev. betw. three cinquefoils
Harleston, az an inescutcheon or. az. as many escallops ar. on a chief, per pale,

Harlestone, [Secretary to the Master of the gu. and sa. a griffin pass. erm. Crest, a
Rolls, 1640.] The same arms and crest as griffin's head, chequy, ar. and sa. betw. two
Harlstone, of South Kendon, in the 1st diet. fings, dexter or, sinister gu.
Halewin, az. a fesse ar. in base three apples of Harold, or Harrold, [Ireland.] Arms as in
the last. Crest, a tower, on the top thereof a 1st diet. Crest, a gate ppr.
crescent. Harold, [Ireland,] ar. a fesse gu. betw. three
Harlewhi, az. semee of fleur-de-lis ar. mullets vert.
Harle wine, az. a fesse or, in base three apples of Harold, Haroidd, and Harrold. The same arms
the last. as of Salop in first diet. Crest, a hawk's leure
Harlewyn, ar, three lions ramp. gu. crowned or. ppr.
Harlewyn, az. fretty and semee of fleur-de-lis or. Harold, gu. a cross moline erm.
ar. two piles sa.
Harley, Harow, [Essex,] vert, on a fesse, cottised, or,
Harle)/, ar. three piles sa. three crescents gu.
Hading, or ffarlingham. Arms as in 1st diet. Hakowden, gu. a lion ramp, bendy wavy of eight,
Crest, a bombshell, inflamed, ppr. ar. and az.

Hurling, gu. a fesse vair. in chief a unicorn, Harowdon, gu. two bars erm. a canton of the
current, or, betw. two mullets of the last, all last.
within a bordure engr. of the third. Harows, or, a bend betw. ten billets sa.
Harlinge, or, semee of fleurs-de-iis az. Harpden, or Harpedex, ar. a mullet pierced, gu.
Harlston, [Essex,] ar. a fesse erm. Harpden,, erm. five fusils, in fesse, sa. (Another,
Harlston. Same arms. Crest, a cannon, mount- gu.)
ed, ppr. Harpden, ar. on a mullet of six points gu. a
Harlston, sa. a cross erm. betw. four crescents or. bezant, charged with a martlet sa.
Harly, [Ireland,] ar. a fesse betw. three cresents Harpdon, ar. a mullet gu.
sa. Crest, a demi lion guard, gu. holding in Harpedon, ar. a mullet gu. charged with a
the dexter paw a battle-axe ppr. bezant.
Harman, [Dors.] quarterly, or and gu.; on a Harpedon, [Oxon] ar. on a mullet sa. a plate
bend sa. three crosses formee fitchee or. charged with a martlet of the second
Harpeley, barry of eight, ar. and or.; overall Harrison, sab. three lozenges in fesse erm. Crest,
three chev. engr. sa. a demi lion ramp, holding in his paws a lozenge
Harper, [Bambury] ar. on two bars az. three as in the arms [Borne by the Rev. W.
greyhounds' heads, erased, or. Harrison, Vicar of Gondhurst, Kent, 1834.]
Harper, or, a chev. gu. a chief vair. Harrow. Arms as in the first diet. Crest, a
Harpisfield, ar. three Welsh harps sa. stringed hand, vested, gu. cuffed or, holding a baton
or. az.
Harpur, ar. two bars az. each charged with a Harrower, [America,] az. a fesse betw. three
lion's head erased, or. arrows or, toothed gu. Crest, a garb ppr.
Harpur, [Derb.] The same arms as Harper, of Harrower, [Enzievar,] az. a chev. betw. three
Swarleston, Derb. in 1st diet. Crest, a lion's harrows Crest, a garb ppr.
head, erased, quarterly, or and gu. Harruse. Crest, a bull's head issuing, gorged
Harpwaye. Crest, an ostrich, with wings en- with a chaplet of roses
dorsed, holding in the beak a horse-shoe, all Harry. Arms as in 1st diet. Crest, an angel's
PPr - head couped below the breast, ppr. vested
Harres, ar. a lion ramp. gu. debruised with a az. wings expanded
chev. or. Harryson, gu. an eagle displ. or, a chief of the
Harries, [Mabie, Scotland] ar. three hedgehogs second. Crest, a serpent entwined round a
sa. Crest a buck's head or, attired with ten broken pillar or.
tynes ar. Harryson, ar. a chev. gu. betw. three escallops
Harries, or Harris, ar. a lion ramp. gu. over all sa. within a bordure engr. of the last.
a chev. or. Crest, an oak-tree growing out of Harsetongue, ar. on a fesse betw. three chev.
a mount, among long grass ppr. gu. two escallops of the first.
Harringham, gu. three fishes, haurient, ar. Harsewitt. [Norvell,] az. two bars dancettee
Harringworth, gu. six plates, three, two, and erm. betw. six cross crosslets or, three, two,
one. Crest, an antique crown or. and one.
Harris, [Ireland] ar. a lion ramp. gu. surmounted Harsike, or, a chief indented sa.

by a chev. az. Crest, a monkey pass, banded Harsnet. Arms

Harsnet, of Sussex, in 1st
round the middle. diet. Crest, a dexter hand holding a sword,
Harris, [London] sa. three crescents within a blade wavy, ppr.
bordure ar. Crest, a winged heart gu. im- Harst, ar. a sun in splendour gu.
perially crowned or. Harst, erm. a mullet of six points, pierced,
Harris, or Herts, [Scotland] az. a fesse betw.
three hedgehogs ar. Crest, on a mount vert, Harstonge, [Norf.] . . a chv. erm. betw. two
a crane holding in the dexter claw a stone ppr. cinquefoils in chief, and a stag, trippant, in
Harris, [Cousland] ar. a thistle vert, flowered base, . .

gu. betw. three hedgehogs sa. Hart, [Grimmons,] gu. on a chief ar. three
Harris, or Harreys, az. a chev. erm. betw. hearts of the fieldCrest, a hart's head ppr.
three hedgehogs or. Hart, [Ireland,] gu. a fleur-de-lis ar. ;
on a chief
Harries, [Shropshire,] quarterly ; first and fourth of the last, three hearts of the first. Crest a
barry of eight erm. and az. three annulets camel, couchant, ppr.
or, a crescent for difference, for Harries ; Hart, [Scotland,] gu. a bend betw. three fleurs-
second and third arg. on a chev. sa. three de-lis ar. Crest, a sun dial or, on apedestal gu.
escallops or, for Blithe ; Crest of Harries, Hart, per chev. gu. and az. three bucks or.
a hawk preying on a pheasant all ppr. Crest, a lion's head, erased, erm. ducally
Crest of Blithe, out of a ducal coronet or, crowned or.
a dexter arm. in armour ppr. garnished of the Hart, or Hert, or, on a chief, indented, ar. three
first, brandishing a faulchion ppr. [Borne hearts gu.
bij F. Blithe Harries, Esq. of Bent hall Hall, Hartagan, [Ireland,] az. a lion ramp. betw. two
Sheffnall, 1S2<J.] swords, paleways, ar. Crest, a hand in a
Harrison. [Hants.] Arms as the 4th in the 1st gauntlet, holding a sword ppr.
diet. Crest, a cubit arm erect, vested az. Harte, [Kent,] sa. a fesse or, voided of the field
cuffed and slashed ar. holding in the hand a betw. four mullets of the second.
broken arrow or spear, ppr. pheoned of the "2nd Harte, sa. a fesse or, betw. three cinquefoils of
[Borne by Edward Harrison, Esq. of South- tae last.
ampton, 1834.] Hartery, ar. a cross flory, in saltier, gu
Hartford, [Ches.] ar. a squirrel, sejant, gu. Harvill. Arms and crest as Carvill.
cracking a nut or. Harvy, ar. two bars nebulee sa.;
on a chief of
Hartford. Arms as 1st, in 1st diet. Crest, a the last, three crosses pattee fitchee or.
parrot's head gu. betw two wings vert. Harward, az. a fesse, gobonated, gu. and ar. betw.
Hartford, gu. three eagles displ. ar. three owls of the third.
Hartford, sa. a bend lozengy ar. Harwe, orHarrowe, ermines, three harrows or,
Hartgrave. Arms as in first diet. Crest, a conjoined in the nombril point with a wreath
demi man, in armour, wedding a scimitar in ar. and of the second, toothed of the same.
the sinister hand, and royally crowned ppr. Harwood, az. a chev. erm. betw. three martlets
Hartgull, ar. three bucks' heads, cabossed, sa. ar. Crest, out of a ducal coronet or, a triple
Crest, a buck's head erased, sa. attired or. plume of twelve ostrich's feathers, three, four,
Harthell, harry of six, ar. and vert. and five.
Harthull, ar. two bars vert. Harwood, gu. a fesse humettee betw. two lions
Hartley, [Scotland,] The same arms as of Man- pass, guard or.

chester, in 1st diet. Crest, a demi antelope, Haryneton, az. on a fesse or, a crescent. .
, within
collared, sa. a bordure erm
Hartley, [Melerstarmes, Scotland,] ar. on a bend Haryson, on a fesse or, betw. six crosses
az. three boars' heads, erased, of the first. pattee three etoiles gu.

Hartley, [Ireland,] ar. on a cross gu. five cinque- Haryson, or. on a fesse sa. three eagles displ. of
foils of the first. Crest, a dexter arm in armour, the first.
embowed, couped, ppr. holding a club sa. spiked Hasard, [Glouc] gu. four bars ar. ; on a chief
or. or. three escallops of the first. Crest, a bear's
Hartley, or, a bend, cottised, sa. head and neck sa. muzzled or.
Hartlow, ar. a cross gu. Hasard. Arms as Hasbard.
Harton, ar. a stag's head, cabossed, sa. attired Hasbard, [Syngleton, Essex. Temp, Edw
or. III.] or, three chev. gu. over all a lion ramp.
Harton, gu. afesse erm. within a bordure engr. of of the last.
the last. HASCALERTON,ar. threelions ramp. gu. crownedor.
Hartshill, or, a chev. sa. betw. six martlets Haselday, [Cambr.] ar. a cross flory sa.
gu. .
Haseldon, ar. on a cross patonce sa. a cresent of
Hartshorne, Crest, a wolf pass, collared and the first.
lined ppr. Haselerton, gu. six lions ramp. ar. three, two,
Hartshorne, arg. a chev. gu. betw three stags' heads and one. Crest, a flag az. charged with a cross
cabossed sa. Crest, a stag's head erased, sa. ar.

Hartsink, Crest, a demi lion holding in both Haselerton. The same arms. Crest, a sword in
paws a ragged staff. pale, ensigned with a cross pattee gu.
Hartstonge, or Hartstronge, [Ireland,] ar. Haseley. Arms as in 1st. diet. Crest, a leo-
a chev. betw. three garbs vert, Crest, a fluer- pard's face or.
de-lis, or, entwined by a serpent vert. Haselrigge, ar. a chev. betw. three hazel-leaves
Hartwell, [N.umb.] sa. a hart's head, cabossed, vert. Crest, a demi woman ppr. crined or.
in base, betw the attires a cross formee fitchee Haselwood, [Medwell, N.amp.] ar. on a bend
ar. ; in chief, two harts or. gu. betw. three owls sa. as many lozenges erm.
Hartwell, sa. a buck's head, cabosed, ar. attired on a chief az. three sprigs or. Crest, a squirrel,
or, betw. the horns a cross pattee, fitched at the sejant, sa bezantee, in the mouth a nut-branch
foot, of the last. Crest, in a park paled or, or.
a stag lodged, ar. Harehrood, [N.amp.] ar on a chev. gu. betw.
Haruton, gu a crescent or, in chief a lahel of three hawks' heads, erased, sa. as many lozen-
three points az each charged with an escallop ges erm.; on a cheif of the third, three annulets
of the second. or.

Harvedon, ar. on a bend gu. five lozenges or. Haselwood, or Hasten ood, az. a chief ar.
Harvell, ar. on a chev. gu. five bezants. Haselwood. Same arms and crest as Hasellwood,
Harvey, [Ireland,] gu, a bend betw. three Medwell, N.amp.
trefoils, slipped, or. Crest, two wings in lure, Hasenhill, erm. a mullet of six points, gu.
ppr. pierced or.
Harvie, between three martlets or.
az. a fesse Hasenliill, erm. a mullet of six points, pierced gu.
Crest, a boar's head and neck, issuing, sa. Hasey, or. a cross vert, overall a bend gu.
Hash, gu. two demi lions pass, couped, or, in pale. Hastinge, or Hastinges, erm. on a chief az. three
Hasherst, gu. a cross engr. or, in the first quar- mullets or.
ter a fleur-de-lis ar. Hastinges, [Staffs.] az. a lion ramp, or, a chiel
Hash lard, or, a chev. over all a lion ramp. gu. gu. over all a bend ar.
Haskanke, gu. a lion ramp, or, a chief az. Hastings, [Ireland,] ar. three maunches gu.
Haskell, vaire, ar. and sa; Crest, on a mount, Crest, a dexter arm, couped and embowed,
an apple-tree, l'ructed, ppr. holding a fired ball, all ppr.
Haskins, [Oxted, Surrey.] Arms as in 1st diet. Hastings, [Billesby, Line] ar. a maunch sa. in
Crest, a lion's head, erased, ppr. the middle chief point a trefoil, slipped,. .

Haskins. The same arms. Crest, two hands Hastings, [N.umb.] ar. a fesse gu. betw. three
issuing from clouds, conjoined, and supporting maunches sa.
a heart, inflamed, ppr. Hastings, or Hasyng. The same as Somerset,
Haslefoote. Arms as 2nd in 1st diet. Crest, Herald in 1st diet.
two wings, endorsed, erm. Hastings, barry of ten, ar. and az. in an inescut-
Haslewell, az. a chief or. cheon or, a maunch gu. within an orle of
Haslewood, ar. on a chev. gu. hetw. three owls' martlets of the last.
heads, erased, sa. as many lozenges erm. on a ; Hastolph, quarterly; first quarterly, or and az. ;

chief az. three hazel-hranches or. Crest, a second, az. a fret or; third sa. a cross patonce
squirrel, sejant, az. collared ar. and charged on or; fourth, a bend betw. six cross crosslets
the side with three bezants, bendways, holding fitchee sa. Crest, a crow volant, in the beak an
a hazel-branch vert, fructed or. oak-branch acorned ppr.
Hasleirood, or, a fesse dancettee az. Crest, a Haswell, [Scotland,] per fesse indented, ar.

squirrel, eating a nut, gu. and sa. in chief three mullets, and in base a
Hasling. The same arms as of Mepham in 1st boar's head erased, counterchanged.
diet. Crest, an ostrich, in the mouth a broken Haswell, [Scotland,] per fesse indented, ( An-
tilting spear, ppr. other, dancettee) sa. and ar. in chief three
Haslington, gu. three mullets or. mullets, and in base a boar's head, couped, all
Haspre, gu. a fesse ar. in chief a martlet or. counterchanged.
Hassard, gu. two bars ar. on a chief or. three
; Haswell, Crest, a talbot's head, erased, az. col-
escallops of the first, Crest, an escallop or. lared erm.
Hassell, or Hassall. Arms as 1st in 1st diet. Hatch, [Ireland,] ar. on a pale, betw. two helmets
Crest, out of a ducal coronet a hand holding az. a sword of the first, hilted or. Crest, out
three arrows, points downward. of a ducal coronet, a hand holding three arrows,
Hassell, vaire, ar. and sa. points downward.
Hasset, ar. a chev. erm. betw. three dolphins, Hatchet, or Hatchett, ar. nine annulets, in
naiant, az. saltier, interlaced, five gu. and four az. Crest,
Hassey, [Normandy,] erm. a chov. az. betw. a thunderbolt ppr.
three holly leaves vert. Hatcliffe, az. two bars or, over all a lion ramp.
Hastake, gu. a chev. erm. betw. three catharine- gu. Crest, a lion ramp. ar. guttee sa.
wheels or. Hatcombe, ar. three garters az.
Hastang, per fesse gu. and az. a lion ramp. or. Hateley, [Scotland,] or, on a bend az. cottised
Hastang, az. a chief gu. over all a lion ramp, or, gu. three boars' heads, erased, of the field.
depressed by a bend ar. Crest, an otter's head, erased, sa.
Hastang, De. az. a chief gu. a lion ramp, double Haterington, sa. a cross or, voided of the field.
queued ar. Hatfeild, Kaye, [Hatfeild-Hall, Yorks. Con-
Hastang, De, per pale, vert and or, a bull, salient, firmed by /lis Majesty's Sign Manual, 1775;
count erchanged. also entered in the College of Arms] erm. on a
Hastange, ar. a chev. gu. a lion ramp, double chev. sa. three cinquefoils ar. quartering ar. two
queued or. bends sa. for Kai/e, of Milshaw. Crest, a
Hasted. Arms as 1st in 1st diet. Crest, a buffalo's head, erased, or.
wheel ppr. IIatfeld, erm. a chev. engr. betw. three cinque-
Hastell, vaire ar. and sa. foils sa.

Hasthell, or Hastyll. erm. a mullet of six IIatfeld, ar. ten cross crosslets gu. four, three,
points gu. pierced or. two, one.
Hastixge, [Staffs. Temp. Ed/r. III.} az. a Hatfield, erm. on a chev. sa. three cinquefoils
lion ramp, double queued ar. a chief gu. ar.
Hatfield, or Hitfield. Arms as in 1st diet. Hauet, gu. a cross eng. or.
Crest, an ostrich's feather entiled with a ducal Haughton. Arms as third in first diet. Crest.
coronet or. a pelican's head and neck, vulning itself
Hatfield, or De Hatfield, quarterly; France and Haughton, ar. three bars sa. on a chief of the;

England within a bordure az. charged with second, two mullets of the first.
eight martlets or. Crest, on the stump of a tree, Haughton, ar. three bars and a crescent sa
couped, and sprouting forth new branches, an Haugshaw. Anns as Henshaw, of Ches.
eagle, with wings inverted and endorsed, all ppr. Haugton, gu. on a fesse ar. a mullet sa.
Hatfield, erm. a chev. gu. Haukeston, erm. a fesse gu. fretty or.
Hatherfield, az. a lion ramp, guard, or. Haukestone, erm. a fesse gu. fretty or, within
Hatheway, or Hathaway, sa. a bugle-horn, a bordure engr. of the second.
garnished, ar. Crest, a demi lion ramp. gu. Haukford, [Devon.] sa. a chev. barry nebulee,
holding in the dexter paw a fleur-de-lis. gu. and ar.
Hathorn, [Overairies,] quarterly; first and Haukfod, sa. a chev. componee, ar. and gu.
fourth, ar. a chev. gu, betw. three hunting Hauking, [Temp. Hen. III.] ar. three tor-
horns vert, stringed of the second ; second and teauxes.
third, or a fesse chequy, az. and ar. surmounted Haukwell, gu. three chev. erm.
by a bend engr. gu. all within a double tressure Haule, [Wey, Kent,] erm. on a pale sa. three
of the last in chief a bugle of the second.
; martlets or.
Crest, a lion ramp. gu. armed and langued az. Haule. The same arms. Crest, out of a ducal
grasping a hawthorn-tree, fructed, and in the coronet gu. a triple plume of ostrich's feathers
dexter paw a scimitar defending the same, ppr. or.
Motto ever, Fidelitate et clemore. Haule, ar. three bugle-horns sa. in pale an arrow
Hathursage, ar. three palets gu. ; on a chief az. or, through the lower one.
a barrulet dancettee or. Hauleford, ar. two bends wavy sa.
Hathwicke, barry of eight, vair and. .
Haulestead, per fesse chequy, or, az. and
Hathye, sa. a chev. erm. betw. three birds ar. gu -

beaked and legged gu. in chief a crescent. Hauley, sa. fretty ar. a canton of the second.
Hatin, lozengy, gu. and erm. Hauley, ar. a lozenge bukle gu.
Hattox, [Cambr.] ar. three hurts each charged Haulton, az. two bars ar. in chief as many mul-
with a bend of the on a chief vert, an
first; lets or.

eagle displ. or. Haulton, gu. a palefusily or. Crest, out of clouds,
Hatton, [London,] The same arms, Crest, a two hands conjoined ppr.
demi bear ramp. sa. Haulton, ar. two bars az. in chief as many escal-
Hatton, [Ireland,] az. a chev. erm. betw. three lops gu.
garbs or. Crest, a demi griffin ppr. winged Hausor, vert, a bend erm. betw. six mullets
gu. holding betw. the paws an esquire's helmet ar.
or. Hausted, [N umb ] ar. chief chequy, or. and
Hatton, quarterly ; first, sa. a cross engr. erm. ; az.
second az. five cinquefoils, in cross, ar. ; third, Hausted, N.umb.] gu. a chev. chequy, or and
ar. three bendlets sa. on a canton of the last, az.
a tower of the first fourth, ar. on a chief gu.
; Hausted, gu. a bend erm. a chief chequy, or and
three fleurs-de-lis, or. az.
Hatton, ar. a bend gu. charged with three bars Hausted, gu. a chief chequy, or and az. over all
indented or. a bend ar. a bordure erm.
Hatworth, ar three hats sa. Crest, a hat sa. Havard, or, a bull's head, cabossed, gu. betw.
ornamented with a cinquefoil or. nine mullets of the second.
Hauard, [Brecknockshire,] or, a bull's head, Haveland. Arms as second in 1st diet. Crest,
cabossed, gu. betw. three mullets of the last a dexter arm holding up a garland of roses ppr.
Haubere, az. a chev. ar. in chief a lion pass, Havelock, [Sunderland, Durham. Granted
guard, or. 1815] vert, a castle ar. betw. two fleurs-de-lis
Hauberke, chequy, ar. and gu. a chief party per in chief, and a cross crosslet fitchee in base,
chev. wavy of the second and or. or. Crest, a lion ram. gu. powdered with erm.
Hauckpeine, chequy, ar. and az. a chief or. spots, and charged on the shoulder with a
Haudewell, or, semee of crosses pattee, a lion castle ar. sustaining a Danish battle-axe
ramp, sa ppr
Havering. Arms as 5th in 1st diet.. .Crest, a Hawkesworth, or Hawksworth, sa. three fal
lion ramp, holding a spear, flagged gu. consar. Crest, a sinister hand, in fesse, issuing
Havering, ar. a lion ramp, double queued, gu.
from a cloud in the dexter, reaching to a ser-
within an orle of crosslets of the last. pent ppr.
Haveringfeld, or Havingfeld, or, achev. sa. Hawkeworth, [Burhope-Hall, Heref.] or, a
Haverington, ar. three wolves' heads, erased- cross crosslet gu. Crest, a cubit arm, erect,
vested or, cufF ar. holding in the hand ppr. a
Havers. Arms as in 1st diet. Crest, a griffin, cross crosslet gu.

sejant, erm. ducally gorged

and chained gu. Hawkeworth, [Hawkeworth, Yorks.] sa. three
Haversham, az. a fesse betw. six crosses pattee hawks, close, ar.
ar. Crest, on a ducal coronet or, a mullet sa. Hawkwood. Arms as 1st in 1st diet. Crest,
Havert, [Wales,] ar. a bull's head, cabossed, a hawk's head or.
betw. three mullets gu. Hawkey, gu. three thistles or. Crest, a hand,
Haviland. Crest, a sword, in pale, supporting couped, holding a curling stone.
on the point a maunch ppr. Hawkings. Arms as in 1st diet. Crest, a lion's
Havill, sa. a fleur-de-lis or. paw, gu. charged with a chev. or.
Haville, or Havylle, erm. a bull's head, erased, Hawkins, arg. on a saltier eng. sa. five fleurs-de-
sa. Crest, a hull's head as in the arms. lis or. Crest, on a mount vert, a hind, lodged,
Havonell, sa. a cross ar. or. [Borne hi/ the Rev. Dr. Hawkins, Provost,
Haw, or Haugh. Arms as in 1st diet. Crest, of Oriel Coll Oxford 1837.]
a poplar-tree growing out of a mount, ppr. Hawkins, [Devons.] sa. a lion pass, or, on the
Hawadding, ar. guttee de poix, a fesse nebulee waves of the sea ppr. represented by harry wavy

sa. of six, ar. and az.) in chief three bezants; on a

Haward, [Cornw.] chequy, or and az. on a bend canton of the second, an escallop betw. two
gu. three eagles displ. ar. palmers' staves of the first. Crest, a demi
Hawberk, harry nebulee of six, or and vert. Moor ppr. bound and captive, with annulets
Hawberke, ar. on a bend sa. nine annulets or, on his arms and ears or.
interlaced in threes. Crest a hand holding a Hawkins, [Ireland] ar. a saltier betw. four fleurs-
dart ppr. de-lis sa. Crest, out of a naval coronet, an
Hawden, [Scotland,] gu.on a chev. or. betw. three antelope's head ppr.
cross crosslets fitchee of the last, a lion ramp. Hawkirke, harry nebulee of six, or and vert.
of the first Crest, a lion's head, erased, gu. Hawks, erm. two bars vert. Crest, in the sea
Havvdexby, or Hoodexbv, vert, a fesse ar. betw. a column ppr.
three covered cups or. Hawksworth. See Hawkesworth.
Hawe, or Hagh, ar. a chev. gu. betw. ten cross Hawle, per bend, or and vert. Crest, out of a
crosslets of the last. ducal coronet or, a mullet gu. betw. two laurel-
Hawe, ar. on a bend az. three lions ramp. or. branches, orleways vert.
Haweh, [Ireland,] gu. two swords, in saltier, ar. Hawle, or, two chev. gu. on a canton of the second,
hilted and pomelled or., betw. four roses of the a crescent ar.
second. Hawleston, ar. on a fesse gu. three martlets or.
Hawes, az. on a chev. or, three cinquefoils purp.; Hawley, Bart. [Leybourne-G range, Kent, 14
on a canton ar. a lion pass. sa. May, 1795] vert a saltier engr. ar. Crest, a
Hawkborne, ar. a cross moline or, betw. four dexter arm, embowed, in armour, ppr. garnished
acorns gu. husks and stalks vert; on a chief. .
or, holding in the hand a spear, in bend sinister,
a mitre or, betw. two birds. point downwards, also ppr.
Hawkens, Crest, a hawk, with wings endorsed, Hawley, vert, on a cross engr. ar. five mullets
standing on a hawk's leure. gu.
Hawkepenny, chequy, ar. and sa. chief or. Hawley, per bend, or and vert. Crest, a falcon,
Hawker. Arms as 1st in 1st diet. Crest, a with wings endorsed.
dexter hand ppr. holding a hawk's leure or. Han ley, az. three goats, couchant, ar. attired
Hawkes. Arms as in 1st diet. Crest, on a cha- or.
Hawleys, sa. a fret and canton ar. Crest, an
peau ppr. an owl with wings expanded ar.
Hawkesford, sa. two bars or, in chief three arm, embowed, throwing a dart ppr.
martlets ar. Crest, a griffin pass. sa. Hawling, barry of ten, ar. and az. a lion ramp,
Hawkeston, [Ches. Temp. Hen. IV?\ erm. a gu. Crest, an arm bent, ar. holding a scimitar,
fesse gu. fretty or. blade of the last, pomelled or, hand ppr.
Hawmes, [Suff.] vert, two fishes endorsed, in third, gu. three bars erm. all within a bordure
pale, ar.
Hawokth. Arms as 2nd in 1st diet. Crest, a Hay, [Ardmorrow, Scotland,] ar. a cinquefoil
wolf pass, collared, holding in the dexter paw betw. three shields gu.
a trefoil. Hay, [Bonie, Scotland,] ar. three shields gu. in
Hawrobyn, or Harrodyn, ar guttee sa. a fesse chief a mullet of the last.
nebulee of the second. Hay, [Craignethen, Scotland.] quarterly; first
Hawrobyn, ar. a fesse nebulee sa. and fourth az. three cinquefoils ar. for Fraser :

Haws, or Hawse. Arms as in 1st diet. Crest, second, gu. three bars erm. for Giffard; third,
a sphinx statant, wings expanded. vert, three unicorns' heads, erased, ar. for
Haws, per chev. ar. and gu. three fleurs-de-lis Ker; overall, on a shield of pretence, the arms
count erchanged. of Hay.
Hawse lyn, ar. on a bend sa. three roses or. Hay, [Dalgety, Scotland,] ar. a fesse betw.
Hawsted, [N.amp.] gu. a chief chequy, or and az. three inescutcheons gu.
Hawte, or, a cross engr. gu. Crest, a dragon's Hay, [Faichfield, Scotland, by Pat. 1806,] The
head and wings, per pale, or and gu. on the breast same arms, crest, and motto, as of Newton.
a cinquefoil. Hay, [Fosterseat, Scotland,] ar. three shields gu.
Hawte, ar. on a bend az. three lions
ramp. or. within a bordure engr. az. charged with as
Hawth, [Ireland,] gu. two swords, in saltier, ar. many cinquefoils or.
hilts and pomels or, points upward, betw. four Hay, [Haystoun, Scotland, descended of Twee-
roses of the second. dale.] The quartered arms of that family within
Hawthorn, [Castlewig,] ar. a chev. betw. two a bordure vert, charged with unicorns' heads,
cinquefoils, in chief gu. and a hawthorn-tree, couped, and stars, alternately, ar. Crest, an
in base, vert. Crest, a hawthorn-tree ppr. ox-yoke, in bend, or, with bows gu.
Hawthorn, or Hawthorne. The same arms. Hay, [Kennet, Scotland,] or, a cinquefoil betw.
Crest, a demi antelope ppr. collared gu. three shields within a bordure gu.
Hawtin, or Hawtyn. Crest, a demi lion Hay, [Kirkland, Scotland,] ar. a fesse az. betw.
holding betw. the fore paws a globe. three inescutcheons gu. all within a bordure of
Hawtre, ar. on a bend, cottised, sa. four lions the last.
pass, guard, of the first. Hay, [Konninsberg, Pat. 1807,] ar. three shields
Hawxwell. Crest, a lion's head erased. gu. within a bordure engr. sa. charged with
Haxton, [Scotland,] gu. three mullets issuing eight annulets or. Crest, two arms from the
from betw. the horns of as many crescents ar. shoulder ppr. embowed, vested in russet, grasp-
Crest, a decrescent. ing an ox-yoke or, bows gu.
Hay, [Dramelzir, Scotland] quarterly first and ; Hay, [Lands, Scotland,] ar. a cinquefoil betw.

fourth, az. three cinquefoils ar. ; second and three shields within a bordure gu.
third, gu. three bars erm. over all, in surtout. Hay, [Leith, Scotland,] ar. three escutcheons gu.
an escutcheon per pale, first, ar. a chev. betw. each charged with a garb or, banded of the
three inescutcheons gu. second, quarter ly, first
second. Crest, an ox's head couped, ppr.
and fourth, or, three crescents within the royal Hay, [Lethim, Scotland.] ar. three shields gu.
tressure gu. second ar. a dragon vert, vomiting
within a bordure indented az. charged with
fire ppr.; third, erm. a cinquefoil sa. on a chief eight cinquefoils of the field. Crest, an ox-
gu. three stars ar. Crest, a goat's head, erased, yoke entwined with laurel and olive ppr.
ar. armed or. Hay, [Linplum, Scotland,] The quartered coat
Hai/, [Ireland] ar. a chev. sa. betw. three escut- of Tweedale, all within a bordure ar. Crest, a
cheons gu. Crest, a dexter hand holding an goat's head, erased, ar. horned or, and charged
olive-branch ppr. with a crescent az.
Hay, [London,] ar. three shields gu. within a Hay, [Locheloy, Scotland,] ar. three shields
bordure counter-componee of the second and within a bordure gu. Crest, the yoke of a
first. Crest, a dexter hand holding an ox-yoke plough, in pale, or, with two bows gu.
ppr. Hay, [Newhall, Scotland.] The same arms and
Hay, [Paris,] ar. a hawk's head, erased, betw. motto as the Marquess of Tweedale. Crest, a
three escutcheons, gu. Crest, a plough ppr. goat's head and neck, erased, ar. charged with
Motto, Nil desperandum. a crescent.

Hay, [Aberlady, Scotland,] quarterly; and first Hay, [Newton, Scotland,] quarterly; first and
fourth, az. three cinquefoils ar. second and ; forth, ar. three inescutcheons gu.; second and
third, az. a chev. erm. betw. three pheons of Hayes, az. on a chev. ar. betw. three boars'
the last, in the centre a crescents sa. Crest, erased, erm. as many ewers gu.
a goat pass. ar. armed and unguled or. Hayle, ar. eight bars gemelles az. on a canton

Hay, [Ranfield and Inchnock, Scotland,] ar. a gu. a lion pass or.
mullet, betw. three inescutcheons gu. Crest, Hayles. Arms as 2nd in 1st diet. Crest, a
a dexter arm, em bowed, holding an ox-yoke hand holding a torteaux.
ppr. Haylis, or, a chev. sa. betw. three roses of the
Hay, [Rannes, Scotland,] quarterly; first and second, a chief of the last.
fourth, ar. three inescutcheons gu.; second and Hayman, gu. three cocks' heads, erased, or.
third, gu. three cinquefoils, ar. in the centre Crest, a scimitar and caduceus in saltier, en-
of the quarterings a crescent. Crest, a goat signed with a round hat.
pass. ppr. Haymon, ar. on a chev. betw. three martlets sa.
Hay, [Seafield, Scotland,] ar. a chev. betw. as many cinquefoils of the first.
three escutcheons gu. Hayne, [Honiton, Devons.] The same arms
Hay, [Seggieden, Scotland, by Pat. 1806,] and crest as Hayne of Dartmouth in 1st diet.
quarterly; first and fourth, ar. a bull's head, Hayne, or Eynes. The same.
couped, betw. three shields gu. within a bordure Hayne, or Haynes, ar. on a fesse nebulee. betw.
chequy of the first and second second and third,
; three annulets gu. six bezants.
per pale, sa. and ar. on a chaplet four quarter- Haynelles, Norf.] gu. a chev. or, betw. three
foils, all countercbanged ; in the dexter chief fleurs-de-lis ar.
a martlet of the second. Crest, ademi country- Haynes, [Dors.] Same arms as Hayne, Dors.
man ppr. holding over the shoulder an ox-yoke or. in 1st diet.

Hay, [Spott, Scotland.] The same arms as of Haynes, [Salop.] ar. on a fesse gu. three bezants,
Newhall. Crest, a goat's head, erased, ar. betw. as many demi greyhounds,
current, az.
horned or. Haynes, [Ireland,] ar. on a fesse, betw. three
Hay, [Waughton, Scotland,] ar. three shields crescents az. as many annulets of the first.
within a bordure, engr. gu. Crest, a lion, sejant, or, collared az.
Hay, [Wire, Scotland,] ar. a crescent betw. three Haynes, or Hayne, ar. a fesse nebulee az. betw.
shields gu. three annulets gu. ( Another, of the second.)
Hay, [Scotland,] ar. a fesse nebulee betw. three Haynes, ar. two palets vert, betw. three crescents,
escutcheons gu. in chief, gu. Crest, an eagle preying on a
Hay. Arms as 5th in 1st diet. Crest, a hand tortoise.
holding an annulet or. Hayns, ar. on a fesse az. betw. three crescents of

Hay, [Edinburgh.] Crest, a buck's head, ca- the last, as many fleurs-de-lis of the first.
bossed, ppr. Crest, three Moors' heads, conjoined in one
Hay, [Scotland.] Crest, a falcon, volant, ppr. neck, facing the dexter sinister and upwards.
armed, jessed, and belled, or, gorged, with a Hays, or Hayes, [London,] ar. on a pale betw,
label. two palets engr. sa. three bulls' heads, couped,or.
Haycock, az. two wheat-sheaves in chief, and Hays, ar. a lion ramp. betw. three mullets sa.
a mullet in base, or. Crest, on a ducal coro- Crest, a monkey pass. ppr. collared round the
net, per pale, gu. and or, a lion pass, per pale, loins and chained or.
counterchanged. Hays, erm. on a chev. az. three roses or. Crest,
Haycroft, Crest, an arm, in armour, embowed, an arm embowed, in armour, or, wielding a sci-
vambraced, wielding a scimitar fastened to the mitar ppr.
wrist by a cord. Hays, or, on a pale sa. three bulls' heads of the
Havdo.m. Same arms as of London, Woodbury, field.
&c. in 1st diet, within a bordure gobonated Haytfield, erm. on a chev. engr. sa three cinque-
or and az. foils or.
Haye, [Salop,] az. three mullets or; on a chief Haytin, three church-bells sa.
ar. as many pellets. Hay'ton, [Essex,] vert, a bend ar.
Haye, az. three mullets or.
(Another ar.) Hayverd, or Haverd, or, a fesse sa. in chief a
Haye, ar.on a chief sa. a griffin's head, erased, crosslet gu.
betw. two mullets, pierced, or HAYViLLS,gu.achev. or,betw.threefleurs-de-lisar.
"".'/''> g u a lion ramp, or, crowned ar.
Hayward, or Heyward, [of the North.] The
Hayeby, az. three storks ar. a chief erm. Crest, same arms as of Brockton in 1st diet. Crest,
a pheon or. a unicorn, current, ppr.
2 Q 2 ]

Haywood, on a fesse engr. gu. betw. three

ar. Crest, a dexter hand, erect, grasping a couteau
martlets sa.collared or, as many cinquefoils erm. sword.
Haywood, barry of six, ar. and sa. three cotton- Heartston, gu. a chev. ar. guttee de poix, betw.
hanks or. three leopards' faces of the second.
Haywood, ar. two cottises, in bend, gu. betw. Heath, [Kepier, Durham. Granted 4 Aug.
three torteauxes. 1553.] Arms as of Lynn, in 1st. diet.
Hazard, az. a garb. or. Crest, on the top of an Crest, a heath-cock's head, erased, sa. wattled
anchor, in the sea, a dove holding in the beak gu.
an olive branch, ppr. Heath, [London; and Pedinghaw, Suss.] The
Hazlewood, ar. a chev. gu. betw. three ea- same as of Brasted, in 1st diet
gles' heads..; on a chief.., as many acorns, Heath, [Staffs.] ar. a chev. engr. sa. betw. three
slipped and leaved,. Crest, a hand holding
. heath-cocks of the last.
a bunch of grapes ppr. Heath, [Suff.] three ogresses.

Head, [Rochester.] Arms see 1st diet. Crest, Heathe, ar. on a cross
sa. five cross crosslets or.
a unicorn's head, couped, ermines. Heathe, ar. three pellets, on the first a cross flory
Head, [Berks, and London.] Arms see 1st diet. of the field.
Crest, a unicorn's head, erased, ar. Heathe, or, a cross betw. twelve billets gu.
Headworth, ar. two bars gu on a canton of the;
Heather. Crest, a lions' paw sa. holding up a
second, a cross moline or. heart gu.
Heald, ar. on a chev. betw. three bombs sa. fired Heathfield, az. three garbs ar. Crest, an arm,
ppr. as many bezants, a chief of the second. embowed, ppr. vested and cuffed vert, wielding
Crest, a sword and key, in saltier ppr. a sword of the first.
Healing, ar. on a chev. cottised, sa. three escal- Heaveningham, quarterly, or and gu. a bordure
lops or. sa. charged with eight escallops ar.

Healinge, or, on a chief az. two mullets ar. Hebaude, [Temp. Edw. 7.] sa. three leopards'
Healy, or Healey, az. three boars' heads, couped, heads or, jessant-de-lis. gu. Crest, as Heband
in pale, ar. Crest, on a chapeau, a lion, statant, in first diet.
guard, ducally gorged. Hebden, or Hepden. Arms as in 1st diet.
Heaps, ar. a chev. betw. two crescents in chief, Crest, a triton holding in the dexter hand a
and a dexter arm, embowed, couped, fesseways, trident ppr.
wielding a sword, all gu. Crest, a cross cross- Heber. Arms as in 1st diet. Crest, a lion's
let fitchee betw. two branches of palm, in orle, gamb. holding a palm-branch ppr.
ppr. Heberden, [London.] The same arms as in
Hearbbett, per pale, az. andgu. three lions ramp, 1st diet, with the fesse composed of five lozen-
ar. ges. Crest, a wolf sejant, erminois, collared
Hearle, az. a pale, surmounted by a maunch, vert, holding in the dexter paw an escutcheon
gu. Crest, a hand holding a crosier in bend az. charged with two suns, in chief, ppr. and an
sinister. annulet, in base, or.
Hearne, or Hearn, per fesse ar. and az. three Hebert, az. a chev. arg. betw. three swans'
chaplets counterchanged. Crest, on a mount heads and necks erased of the last, ducally
vert, a horse, at full speed, saddled and bridled gorged gules. Crest, on a ducal coronet a lion
ppr. statant. [Borne by Gideon Hebert, Esq. 1829.]
Hearne, or Hearn, [Ireland.] The same arms. Hebert, gu. a cross ar. surmounted by a bend az.
Crest, a greyhound, sejant, sa. Crest, a fish naiant, ppr.
Hearne, [Ireland,] ar. a fesse gu. betw. three Heberton, or, on a fesse gu. betw. three mullets
chaplets of roses of the last. Crest, a grey- sa. as many trefoils, slipped, ar.
hound sejant, sa. Hechedon, or, a fesse dancetee betw. nine mullets,
Hearne, [Ireland,] ar.three chaplets of roses gu. four, three, and two.
leaved vert. Crest, a rose branch and spear, in Hecon, gu. a fesse betw. three herons ar.
saltier, ppr. Hector, ar. three bends gu. in the centre the
Hearsay. Crest, out of a ducal coronet, a sun or. Crest, out of a mural coronet ar.
savage's head ppr. banded ar. and sa. masoned sa. a demi lion az. holding a palm-
Heart. Arms as in 1st diet. Crest, out of a branch vert.
ducal coronet or, a demi lion ar. holding in Hede, or Hedesa, [Kent, and London,] sa. a
the dexter paw a heart gu. chev. erm. betw. three unicorns' heads, couped,
Heart, [Scotland,] ar. three hearts flammant gu. ar.
Hede. The same arms. Crest, an escallop or, Helary, [Norf.] ar. a fesse chequy, or and sa.
betw. two branches vert. Helborne. Arms as in 1st diet. Crest, a fiend's
Hedges, [Roniney, Hants.] sa. on a chief or. head, couped, ppr. winged or.
three mascles. Helcott, lozengy, or and gu. a bordure az.
Hedges, [Alderton, Wilts.] The same arms and Helebeke, gu. six annulets or, three, two, and
crest as of London. one, within a bordure engr. ar.
Hedges. Crest, a pomegranate or, stalked and Helers. See Hellers in 1st. diet.
leaved vert. Helesby, or, a saltier sa. over all a label gu.
Hedingham, erm. a bend engr. gu. guttee ax.; Helfordes, az. a chev. ar. betw. three lozenges
on a a buck's head, couped. or.
chief, az. of the last.
ar. three bends gu. in chief a label sa.
Hedlam, gu. a chev. or, betw. three lambs' heads, Helias,
couped, ar. an annulet for (lift'. Crest, a leg, in armour, couped at the thigh,
Hedlamme. The same arms, without the an- the knee bent, garnished and spurred or.
nulet. Heligsal. See Helingsale in 1st. diet.
Hedley, [Newcastle on Tyne,]. .achev. debruised Helisbe, [Ches.] ar. a saltier sa.
by a fesse, charged with a crescent, all betw. Hellam, vair, a bend gu. Crest, on a mural coro-
three annulets. Crest, an arm, embowed,
. net or, an eagle, with wings endorsed, in the
habited. ., holding in the hand a spear. beak an oak-branch acorned ppr.
Hedley, [Newcastle on Tyne,] gu. a chev. betw. HELLARD,[Cornw.] Arms as of M it chain,
three falcons ar. beaked and legged or. Hellurd, alais
Highlord, [London. Granted 2(5
Heegnie, [Craigforth.] The same as Heignie. May, 1630.] 'The same.
Heeley, or Heely, gu. a chev. ar. betw. three Hellard, and Helard, sa. a bend betw. two
lions ramp. or. Crest, a dexter hand brandish- cottises, flory counterflory, ar. Crest, a demi
ing a scimitar ppr. hercules ppr.
Heeper. Arms as in 1st diet. Crest, a leopard, Hellen, [Ireland,] az. a fesse ar.
betw. thirteen
couchant, guard, ppr. bezants, three, four, three, two, and one.
Heere, az. three cups, covered, or. Crest, a dolphin, haurient, betw. two wings
Hegexs, [Scotland,] ar. a saltier betw. a cross- PP r -

a chev. vair.
gate in chief and in base, and a crescent in each Heller, [Lestwithiel, Cornw.] gu.
flank gu. betw. three ducal crowns or. Crest, a cornish
Hegham, sa. a fesse componee, or and az. chough erm. (Another an eagle, with

Heigh, [Chesshim,] ar. a cross sa. ; on the dexter wings endorsed, or, preying on a snake,
chief a fleur-de-lis of the second. nowed, ppr.)
Heigham. Arms as of Beds, in 1st diet. Hellingsall, gu. three barshumettee ar.
Crest, an escallop or, charged with a mullet, gu. Hellis, sa. a bend and chief ar. Crest, a hand
Heignie, [Craigforth,] sa. a saltier betw. a horse's holding an ear of wheat ppr.
head, in chief and base, ar. in the dexter flank Hellwis, or Hellwise, or, a bend gu. suppressd
a decrescent, in the sinister an increscent, of by a fesse az.
the last. Crest, on a rock a dove with an olive- Hellynges, ar. on a chev. cottised, sa. three
branch in her beak, ppr. escallops or.
Heiland, az. a lion ramp. ar. over all a bendlet Hellynges, ar. three chev. sa. on the middle one
asmany escallops or.
Heill, [Norwich,] gu. two bars erm. in chief a Helman, ar. three bendlets az. within a bordure
lion pass, per pale, or and ar.
Heingrave. Arms as in a
1st diet.
Crest, Helmebridge, chequy, ar. and sa.
a bend gu.
dragon's head, erased, gu. collared or. Helmebridge, chequy, aar. and sa.
Heisham. Arms as in 1st diet. Crest, a lion Helsby. or, a saltier sa.
ramp, wielding in the dexter paw a battle axe, Helton, vert, a lion ramp. ar.
all ppr. Helton, ar. on a bend engr. sa. three bulls'
Heiwarde, [Norf.] az. on a fesse gu. two palets heads, cabossed, of the first.
vair. Helwish. Crest, a lion, sejant, holding a lance,
HEi\vooD,ar.threetorteauxes,inbend, cottised gu. in pale, ppr.

Helagen, or Helygane, paly of six, gu. and or, Hkly, or Helly. Arms as in 1st diet. Crest,
a chief az. an arm, in armour, holding a broken tilting
Helard, sa. a bend, cottised, ar. betw. three spear ppr.
fleurs-de-lis or. Hely, vert, flory ar. a lion ramp. or.
Helyard, or Hyldeyard, az. a chev. ar. betw. with the crescent vert. Crest and motto the
three mullets or. Crest, a cock sa. combed same.
and wattled gu. Henderson, [Liverpool, Lane] gu. three piles,
Helyon, or, a buck's head, couped at the neck, sa. issuing from the sinister, ar. a bordure, quar-
Hemenhall, or Heminghall, or. on a fesse, terly, of the first and erm.; on a chief of the
betw two chev. gu. three escallops ar. Crest, second, a crescent az. betw. two ermine spots
a bear's scalp sa. sa. Crest, as of Fordell.
Hemford. See Hemenford in 1st diet. Henderson, [ Provost, Edinburgh, ] gu. three
Hemgrave, or, on a fesse, betw. two chev. gu. piles, issuing from the sinister, ar. each charged
three escallops ar. Crest, a bear's scalp sa, with a heart; on the dexter side, four mullets,
Hemgrave, ar. a chief indented gu. in pale, of the second, on a chief of the same,
Heming, or Hemming, ar. a water-bouget sa. a crescent az. betw. two ermine spots sa.
Crest, on a chapeau, a lion, statant, guard. Crest, as of Fordell.
crowned and collared with a ducal coronet. Henderson, gu. three piles, issuing from the sinis-
Heminge, [Herts.] gu. on a fesse, betw. three ter, ar. a chief erm. Crest, under a tree a boar
mascles, or, as many escallops of the field, pass.
within a bordure engr. of the second, charged Henderson, gu. three piles issuing from the sinis-
with eight torteauxes. ter, ar. a bordure or; on a chief of the second,
Hemminghall. See Hemenhall in first diet. a crescent vert, betw. two ermine spots sa.
Hemingham, [Norf.] ar. a chief indented gu. Crest, a hand ppr. holding a star az.
Hemington. or Hemmington, barry of eight, ar. Hendis. See Hendijs, in 1st diet.
and az. a bend fusily gu. Hendley, [Ireland,] paly of six, or and gu.
Hempedon, erm. three lozenges, in fesse, gu. Crest, a demi lady ppr. attired az. garnished or,
Hempinghall, [Norf.] Same armsas Hemenhall. holding in the dexter hand a garland ppr.
Hempnall, or Hennall, [Temp. Edw. II.] Hendley, az. on a mount vert, a stag, reguard. ar.
ar. on a fesse, betw. two chev. gu. three escallops Crest, a column entwined with woodbine, ppr.
of the first. Hendmarsh. Arms as 2d in 1st diet. Crest,
Hempnall, Crest, on a chapeau, a lion guard. an oak-tree ppr. appendent thereon an escutcheon
ducally crowned gu.
Hemsley. Arms as in Crest, on a
1st diet. Hendrie, or Hendry, bendy of eight, erm. and
chapeau, a lion, statant, gorged with a ducal gu. Crest, a demi cupid holding in the dexter
coronet. hand a torch ppr.
Hemsted, or gu. a fesse ar. ; on a
Hemstead, Hendy, or Hendey. Arms, as Hendys in 1st
chief of the second, three mullets of the first. diet. Crest, the stump of a holly-bush shoot-
Crest, the top of a halbert issuing from the ing forth new leaves, ppr.
wreath. Henege, ar. a greyhound, current sa. betw. three
Hemy, [Hooton,] ar. a bend az. charged with wolves' heads, erased, gu. within a bordure az.
three stars or. charged with eight cinquefoils of the first.
Hemyngton, or Henyngton, [dies.] barry of Hknkn, gu. abend ar.
six. or and az. a bend composed of five lozen- Hengham. Arms as in 1st diet. Crest, among
ges, gu. clouds, a "lobe ppr.
Henage. Arms as in 1st diet. Crest, a lion's Hengott. Arms as in 1st diet. Crest, a savage's
head, erased, vomiting flames, ppr head, affrontee, couped at the shoulders, vested,
Henaste, sa. a lozenge, per saltier, erm. and gu. and ducally crowned.
within a bordure engr. or. Hengrave, or Hempgrave. Arms as in 1st
Henbury. Arms see 1st diet. Crest, a prim- diet. Crest, out of a mural coronet, a leopard's
rose ppr. head, ducally gorged.
Hencheman, or Hinchman, [N.amp.] Arms as Hengscott, ar. on a chev. az. three roundles or,
1st in 1st diet, under Hinchman. Crest, a each charged with a pellet, betw. as many leo-
buffalo's head, erased, gu. pards' heads of the second. Crest, a stag's
Henden. Arms as Hendon in 1st diet. Crest, head, erased and attired, or, charged on the
a grey -hound running against a tree, ppr. neck with two nails, in saltier, sa. betw. four
Henderson, [Fordell, Scotland, not of Tordell pellets.
as in 1st diet.] Crest, a hand holding a star Henhull, quarterly; first and fourth, ar. ; second
surmounted by a crescent. and third, sa. a stag's head, cabossed, or.; over
Henderson, [Fordell, Scotland.] The same arms, all a bendlet gu.
Henipott, ar. seven torteauxes, two, two, two, Henson. Arms as 1st in 1st diet. Crest, a holy
and one. lamb reguard. ar. glory or, standard gu.
Henkeney, or Henkney, per pale indented, or HENTiNGTON,ar. afileoffive lamheaux, in chief, az.
and gu. Hepburn, [Blackcastle, Scotland,] gu. on a chev.
Hbnlock. Arms as in 1st diet. Crest, a demi ar. a rose betw. two lions, combatant, of the
lion lamp. gu. mailed and armed or, holding a first; in base a buckle in shape of aheart, of
mullet az. the second. Crest, a horse's head couped,
Hen i.voN, or, three hucks' heads, couped, sa. ppr. garnished gu.
attired of the first. He film in. [Bearston.] Same arms as of Riccartoun,
Hennadge, Hennage, or
Heneage, [Essex, in the 1st diet.
and Haynton, Line] a greyhound, current,
ar. Hepburn, [Bearford,] gu. on a chev. ar. a rose
sa. hetw. three leopards' heads az. Crest, a betw. two lions counter-pass, of the field; in
greyhound, current, sa. base, three cannets of the second.
Hennidge, or, a greyhound, current, sa. hetw. Hepburn, [Clerkington,] gu. on a chev. ar. a
three leopards' faces az. within a bordure engr. rose betw. two lions counter-pass, of the first,
gu. Crest, an eagle's head, erased, ppr. all within a bordure erm. Crest, a horse, fur-
IIinhaghty, [Ireland,] az. a griffin pass. or. nished, and tied to a tree, ppr.
Crest, on an esquire's helmet, a dolphin naiant. Hepburn, [Edinburgh.] gu. on a chev. ar. a rose
Henrie, or Henry, az. a fesse hetw. three peli- betw. two lions pass, counter-combatant, of
cans, ar. vulned ppr. Crest, a pelican's head, the first; in base, a boar's head, erased, of the
erased, vulning ppr. Motto, FideUter. second. Crest, a horse ar. furnished gu. and
Henrieson, gu. three piles, issuing from the tied to a tree vert.
sinister, ar. the under one charged with a cres- Hepburn, [Humbie, Scotland.] Arms as in 1st
cent vert, hetw. two ermine spots sa. Crest, diet. Crest, an oak-tree ppr. and a horse pass,
a dexter hand, couped close, fesseways, ppr. saddled and bridled gu.
holding a mullet of six points, ensigned on the Hepburn, [Nunram, Scotland,] gu. on a chev. a
top with a crescent ar. rose betw. two lions counter-pass, of the first,
Henrieson. The same arms. Crest, a hand within a bordure engr. of the second.
holding a mullet of six points, ensigned on the Hepburn, [Smiton, Scotland.] Arms as in 1st
top with a crescent, all ppr. diet. Crest, a horse ar. furnished gu. tied
Henriqiez, [Spain,] tierce in mantle, first and to a tree.
second, ar. charged with a lion ramp. gu. and ;
Hepburn, [Waughton, Scotland,] quarterly first ;

the third, of the last, charged with a castle and fourth, gu. on a chev. ar. a rose betw.
or. two lions ramp, of the first; second and third,
Henry, [Ireland,] ar. a fesse betw. three lozenges ar. three martlets gu.
az. Crest, a lion's tail, erased, tip upwards, ppr. Hepburn, [\\ inram, Scotland,] quarterly; first
Henscott, erni. on a chev. az. four plates hetw. and fourth, or, a bend az. second and third,

three leopards' heads of the second. gu. on a chev. ar. a rose betw. two lions counter-
Hensell, [originally from Germany,] a sal- . .
, pass, of the field; all within a bordure or.
tier. .
Crest, a bar-shot, ensigned with a
Hepburn, [Scotland,] gu. on a chev. ar. a rose
bomb fired. betw. two lions counter-pass of the first; in base,
Henshall, or, two chev. vert; on a canton gu. a star-stone ppr. Crest a mort's head over-
a lion's head, erased, ar. Crest, out of a ducal grown with moss, ppr.
coronet or, a hand vested ar. cuffed gu. holding Hepburn, gu. on a chev. ar. two lions counter-
the sun. betw. three
pass, pulling at a rose of the first,
Henshawe, gu. on a chev. betw. three lozenges cinquefoils of the second. Crest, a rose ar.
ar. as many church-hells sa. surmounted by a thistle ppr.
Hknsley, gu. a tree growing out of the base, or. Hepworth. Arms as in 1st diet. Crest, out of
Crest a beech-tree ppr. a mural coronet, a demi lion ramp, holding up
Henslow, barry of six arg. and az. on a cross a palm-branch, all ppr.

pattee gu. five lions' heads erased or. Crest, a Herald, [Heref.] ar. a fesse gu. betw. three stars
cockatrice's head, erased, ppr. charged with of six points sa.
a trefoil arg. Hkrben, erm. on a fesse gu. three fleurs-de-lis or.
Henslow. Arms as in 1st diet. Crest, an eagle, Herbert, [Ireland,] ar. three piles gu. issuing
with wings expanded, supporting a standard from the chief, a chief erm. Crest, a dexter
ppr. flaggu. hand holding an eel ppr.
Herbert. Arms as of Shropshire in 1st diet. Crest, on a chapeau, a dolphin, haurient,
Crest, a blackamoor's head, couped, sa. wreath- ppr.
ed about the temples, and tied, or and gu. Heringrave, ar. a chief indented gu.
Herbottyll, ar. three bears sa. muzzled or. Herino, gu. crusuly, a stork ar.
Herbright. Arms as of Ireland in 1st diet. He riot, [Jeweller to King James VI.] ar. on a
Crest, on a tower ppr. a flag, flotant to the fesse transposed, a crescent betw. two stars of
sinister,gu. staff sa. the first.

Hercy, three hedgehogs pass, in pale sa.

or, Heriot, ar. a mullet az. on a chief of the last,
Hercy, erm. on a chev. engr. sa. three cinquefoils three roses of the first.
or. Heriot, [Scotland.] Crest, a dexter hand, issuing,
Hercy, gu. on a chief ar. within abordure gobony, holding a wreath of laurel, all ppr.
of the last and az. Heris, az. a fesse betw. three hedgehogs ar.
Herdby, gu. a fesse dancettee betw. nine billets Crest, on a mount vert, a crane holding in the
ar. four above, and five below. dexter claw a stone ppr.
Herderson, ar. a cross engr. sa. betw. twelve Heris, or, three boars pass, in pale, sa.
fleurs-de-lis gu. Heris, or, on a bend az. three cinquefoils of the
Herdman, arg. a tower sa. betw. three battle first.
axes ppr. [Borne by Sir John Herdman, of Heritage. Arms Crest, a
as 1st in 1st diet.
Stannington Co. Northumberland.] Knt. bear's head, muzzled, and parted per chev. ar.
Herdson, [Kent.] Arms as in 1st diet. Crest, and sa. betw. two wings, parted per fesse, of
a demi leopard ramp, ducally gorged and the last and first.
chained ppr. Heriz, az. three hedgehogs ar. Crest, a demi
Herdsonne, ar. a cross sa. betw. four fleurs-de- lady, richly attired, betw. two laurel branches,
lis gu. and holding a rose-branch, all ppr.
Here, the trunk of an oak-tree, sprouting
ar. Herlakenden, or Herlakynden, . afesse erm. .

afresh, sa. Crest, out of a ducal coronet or, betw. three lions' heads, erased.
two dexter wings az Herle, [Devons.] Arms as 2d in 1st diet.
Hereford. Arms as 3d in 1st diet. Crest, an Herle, gu. a fesse or, betw. three sheldrakes
arm from the elbow, ppr. holding an annulet ar.
or. Herlington, a lion ramp. sa. crowned or.

Herendon, ar. a stork, wings displ. sa. Hermentall, two bars az.
He reward, ar. a cross crosslet gu. Heron, [Ireland,] gu. a fesse betw. three herons
Herewyke, ar. on a chev. gu. five bezants. ar. Crest, a dove, volant, holding in the beak
Herford. See Hertford an olive-branch ppr.
Hergreve, ar. a griffin, segreant, per fesse, gu. Heron, Myddleton, [ Chipchase, N.umb. ] gu.
and az. three herons ar. Crest, a heron, close, ppr.
Heriet, Herriot, or Herriott. Arms as in holding in the bill a standard staff, the banner
1st diet.Crest a hind's head, couped. or. flotant, thereon the word Hastings.
Herin, [Dundee, Scotland,] a bar betw. a . .
Heron, [of that Ilk,] gu. on a bend ar. a rose betw.
wheat-sheaf in chief, and four mullets in two lions ramp, of the field. Crest, a demi lion
base, . . . ar.

Herin, [of that Ilk,] gu. on a bend ar. a rose betw. Heron, [Staffs.] gu. three herons ar.
two lions ramp, of the field. Crest, a demi lion Herper. Arms as 1st diet. Crest, a griffin,
ramp. ar. statant, ducally gorged, ppr.
Heringand, gu. three herrings, haurient, ar. He r rays, [Lane] ar. a chev. betw. three boars
Herin gand, or Heringham, gu. six herrings, pass gu.
haurient, ar. betw. eleven crosslets or. Herring, [Leathendy, Scotland,] quarterly; first
Heringdon, or, chief gu. over all a bend sa. and fourth, gu. on a bend ar. a rose betw. two
Heringe, [Salop; and Owsley-Minor, Warw.] lions ramp, of the field; second and third, az.
az. semee of cross crosslets, six herrings or, a chev. or.

three, two, and one. Herring, [Carsewell,] gu. on a fesse ar. a rose
Heringe, az. a semee of cross crosslets, three betw. two lions ramp, of the first.
herrings ar. Crest, a bull's head sa. ducally Herring, az. semee of crosslets, three herrings, ar.
gorged and crowned or. Crest, a boar's head, couped, in fesse, pierced
Heringe. The same arms, the herrings or. through the snout with four arrows ppr.
Heringham. Arms as the 1st in 1st diet. Herring, [Scotland,] gu. on a bend ar. a rose
betw. two lions ramp, of the field, in chief Herware, az. a fesse chequy, or and sa. in chief
a rose of the second. Crest, a hoar's head, a mullet of the second.
couped close, sa. Herwell, ar. a lion, coward, pass. sa. Crest,
Herris, az. a chev. erm. hetw. three hoars or. a dexter hand holding up a boar's head erect,
HERSAY, gu. a chief ar. Crest, a hedge-hog couped ppr.
PP r - Herwell, ar. two lions pass, coward sa.

Hersett, [Norf.] or, a chief indented, sa. Herwille, sa. two lions pass. ar. ducally crowned
Herswell, sa. three etoiles or. or, charged on the shoulders with a fleur-de-
Hersey, gu. a chev. ar. Crest, a stag, sejant, lis az.

ppr. Herys, az. three hedgehogs ar. Crest, a dexter

Hersey, gu. a chev. ar. hetw. three owls ppr. hand holding a clarionet ppr.
Herske, ar. three dragons' heads, erased and Hesding, chequy, or and az. a chev. erm.
erect, az. languedgu. Crest, a dexter hand holding a pistol ppr.
Herst, [Devons.] gu. a star of six points ar. Heseltine, gu. a bull's head, cabossed, ar.
Herst, quarterly, or and az. four suns, counter- Crest, a swan, with wings endorsed, ar. crowned
changed. with an antique crown or.
Herst, alias Grove. Arms as 1st in 1st diet. Hesill. Arms as 1st in 1st diet. Crest, on a
Crest, a grove of trees ppr. chapeau gu. turned up ar. a flame ppr.
Hertford, or Hartford, gu. three eagles displ. Hesill, or Hesijll, ar. a chev sa. betw. three tre-
ar. Crest, a parrot's headgu betw. two wings, foils, slipped, gu.
vert. Hesketh. Arms as 2d in 1st diet. Crest, a
Hertford, gu. on a fesse or, three bucks' heads, mortar, mounted, ppr.
cabossed, of the first. Hesketh, or Heskett. Same arms. Crest a garb
Hertford, sa. a bend fusily ar. or.

Hertham, [N.umb.] or, an orle az. (Another, Heslop, or Hislop, gu. on a chief ar. three fleurs-

purp.) de-lis sa. Crest, a hand holding a millrind ppr.

Herthill. As Herthale, Derb., in 1st diet. Hester. Arms as in 1st diet. Crest, a parrot
Hertie, [Luick, Scotland,] gu. a fesse or, betw. gu. holding in the beak a ring or.
three martlets, in chief, and a mascle, in base, ar. Hether, [Derb.] The same arms as Heather,
Hertington, ar. a hart pass. sa. Crest, a stag's in 1st diet.
head or, collared, betw. the attires a cross Hetherfield, or Hethersett. Arms as 1st diet
pattee. Crest, a sinister wing charged with a chev. gu.
Hertington, vert, a fesse betw, three stags' heads, Hetherfield, az. three leopards, segreant, or.
cabossed, ar. Hetherington, and Hetherton. Arms as 1st
Hertington, ar. a buck az. attired or. in 1st diet. Crest, a lion's head, erased, gu.
Hertley, [Suff.] ar. a cross gu. in the dexter within a chain ar. both ends issuing from the
canton a martlet. wreath, in orle.
Hertog, ar. a trunk of a tree, couped, in bend, Hetley, [Wilts.] Arms and crest as 1st diet,
sprouting on each side two leaves. Crest, out on anescoc. of pretence, 'he arms of Thistle-
of a ducal coronet or, two wings, endorsed, thwayte, ( originally of Thistlethwayte, Co.
az. York,) viz. or, on a bend az. three pheons of
Herton, ar. three bends engr. gu. a canton of the first. See Plate of Arms, Supplement Vol.
the last. Hethlow, Ap, [Wales.] gu. a lion ramp, reguard.
Hekled, or Heruedon, ar. an etoile of eight ar.

points gu. on the centre a bezant. Hettots, az. a chev. or, betw. three crescents ar.
He run, sa. a heron ar. Heuer, quarterly, gu. and vert; on a chev. betw.
Herut, [Merwick.] gu. a fesse chequy, ar. and three cats pass, guard, or, as many garbs of the
az. within a bordure charged with eight
. .
, first. Crest, a cat, sejant, ar. in her mouth a
buckles or. goldfinch ppr,
Hervey, [Ireland,] gu. on a chev. betw. three Hevell. Arms as 1st diet. Crest, a lion ramp,
leopards' heads or, as many trefoils, slipped, gu. ppr. supporting an anchor, reversed, az.
Crest, a lion ramp. erm. supporting a plum- Hevenixgham, per saltiers or and gu. on a bor-;

rule ppr. dure engr. sa. eight escallops ar.

Hervill, ar. two lions pass. sa. Heveningham. See Heninghum.
Hervy, or, a chev. betw. three leopards' heads Hever, or Heuer. Arms as 1st diet. Crest, a
gu -
phcenix in flames ppr.
[ 2R]
Heverton, or, on a fesse gu. betw. three Hewster, ar. a pale engr. az. within a bordure
mullets sa. as many crosses botonnee fitehee ar. of the same.
Hewar, [London, 1687] sa. two talbots' heads, Hewster, sa. a fesse dancettee or; in chief three
couped, or, betw. as many flanks erm. fleurs-de-lis ar. Crest, in a coronet ar. an os-
Heware, [Marshland,] az. two talbots' heads, trich's head and wings of the same, holding a
erased, or, betw. as many Basques erm. horse-shoe or.
He watt, or Hewat, [Scotland,] az. a chev. Hewston, gu. a chev. sa. guttee ar. betw. three
ar. surmounted by another, gu. betw. three owls leopards' heads of the third.
of the second. Crest, the sun rising out of a Hewtoun, [Scotland,] ar. a lion ramp, vert; in
cloud ppr. chief two mullets gu.
Heway. Arms as 1st in 1st diet. Crest, a wolf Hewya, ar. fretty gu. a canton of the last.

reguard. ppr. Hewyke, gu. bezantee, a lion ramp. ar.

Hewe, gu. betw. two bendlets, indented, ar. Hext. Arms as 1st in 1st diet. Crest, a stag's
three chessrooks erm. head, cabossed, ducally gorged or.
Hewes, [Wilts.] az. a lion ramp, guard, or. Hextall. asHExsTALL in 1st diet.
Hewes, gu. fretty ar. a canton of the last. Hexton, gu. a chev. betw. three leopards' heads
Hewes, ar. two bars betw. seven crescents, sa. ar. Crest, a leopard's face sa. jessant a fleur-
three in chief, the like number in fesse, and de-lis or.
one in base. Heydon, gu. three bezants, a label of as many
Hewes, ar. on a fesse gu. two gad-bees or. Crest, points ar.
a peacock's head, erased, az. Heyford, and Heyforde, gu. a maunch or.
Hewet, [London,] gu. a chev. erm. betw. three Crest, out of a ducal coronet, two branches,
owls ar. orleways, ppr.
He/ret. Arms
as 2d in 1st diet. Crest, a cross Heyford, ar. a chev. sa. betw. three bucks,
pattee betw. the horns of a crescent, gu. springing, gu. attired or.
He net, [Headley Hall, Yorks.] gu. a chev. engr. Heyham, paly of six, ar. and az.
betw. three owls ar. Crest, the stump of a Heyland. Arms as of Yorkshire in first diet.
tree ppr. thereon a falcon, close, or. Crest, on a chapeau gu. a martlet sa.
Hewetson, az. three plumes of ostrich's feathers Heylegair, Crest, a sword, fesseways, thrust
ar. two, and one. Crest, a serpent, nowed, his into a demi wheel on the sinister.
head in pale, or, holding in the mouth a garland Heyliston, or Halsham, ar. a chev. engr. betw.
of laurel vert . three leopards' heads gu.
Hewetson, [Ireland,] Crest, ademi friar, habited Heylyon, or Helion, gu. fretty ar. a fesse or.
ppr. holding in his dexter hand a lash. Heyman, [Somerfield, Kent.] Arms as in 1st
Hewett, [Heckfield, Hants.] Arms as in 1st diet. Crest, a Moor, full-faced, wreathed
diet. Crest, a lapwing behind a branch of round the temples, holding in the dexter
honeysuckle ppr. hand a rose, slipped and leaved, all ppr.
Hewgeel. Crest, a horse's head erased. Heynes, [London,] ar. three crescents, paly-
Hewham, az. an etoile of six points or. wavy of six, gu. and az.
Hewick, or Hewike, gu. on a chev. or, three Heynes, ar. a fesse nebulee az. betw. three
cross crosslets flory sa. annulets gu.
Hewis, gu, a fret ar. Crest, on a chapeau ppr. Heyngeston, az. a battle-axe or, headed ar.
a water-bouget sa. the edge to the sinister.
Hewit, sa. a chev. or. Crest, a demi huntsman Heyngrave. See Hengrave.
ppr. coat gu. firing a gun of the first. Heysham. Arms as in first diet. Crest, a stag's
Hewlet, sa. on a fesse ar, three roses gu. Crest, head, cabossed, enfiled with a ducal coronet.
on a mount vert, semee of weeds, an oak-tree ppr. Heyton, [Heaton.] See Heiton in 1st diet.
Hewley, [Yorks.] quarterly; first and fourth, Heyton, vert, a lion ramp, within a bordure
ar. a pile issuing from the chief, and two from engr. ar.
the base, gu.; second and third, per chev.. . Hey wood, [Douglas, Isle of Man,] quarterly;
and. .three swans' wings, endorsed. .. first, three torteauxes betw. two bendlets
Hewmarche, sa. an inescutcheon ar. charged with gu.; second, or, on a bend sa. three mullets. ; .

a fesse lozengy gu. within an orle of martlets of third, ar. a chev. gu. betw. three mascles;
the second. fourth, ar. a fesse sa. fretty, betw. three cinque-
Hewstas, az. a bend betw. six cross crosslets foils,. Crest, on the stump of a tree, eradi-

fitehee ar. cated, a falcon, belled, with wings displ. all ppr.

//(///rood. See Haywood. Higford, or Hickford, vert, on a chev. betw.

Heyworth, [Litchfield,] az. a saltier or, within a three bucks' heads, cabossed, or, as many
bordure charged with eight mitres of the mullets gu.
second. Higga, and Higgan, Crest, a dove, holding
HiATT, az. a lion
ramp. ar. Crest, a lion's paw, an olive-branch in the beak, ppr. Motto,
erased, holding a broken spear. Peace.
HlBBENS. Anns as in 1st diet. Crest, a lion's Higgat, gu. two bars ar. over all, on a bend or.
head, erased, ducally crowned, all betw. two three leopards' faces sa. Crest, an anchor az,
ostrich's feathers ppr. betw. two wings, endorsed, or.
Hibberd, an etoile of six points or, betw. two
sa. Higgens, [Bury, Suff.] ar. guttee sa. ; on a
{launches erm. fesse of the second, three towers of the first.
Hibbert, barry of eight,, .and. ., a pale, counter- Crest, out of a tower gu, a lion ramp, issuant,
changed Crest, a hand holding a millrind ar.

ppr. Higginbottom, or Higgenbottom, ar. a rose

Hibbings, [Redmorly,] or, a chev. betw three gu. barbed vert, seeded or. Crest, a dexter
castles, triple-towered, gu. and sinister arm shooting an arrow from a bow,
Hichcoke. Crest, in a tower gu. embattled or, all ppr.
a lion's head of the last. Higgins, [Ireland.] Arms as of Herefordshire
Hiching. Arms as in 1st diet. Crest, an in 1st diet.
anchor, in pale sa. Higgins. Arms as 1st in 1st diet. Crest, a
Hicke, per fesse, or and sa. three etoiles, counter- castle gu. Motto, Tttvemus.
changed. Higgingson, [Ireland.] Arms as in 1st diet.
Hickes, gu. a chev. erm. betw. three clarions or. Crest, on a chapeau, a dexter arm, in armour,
Hickey, [Ireland,] gyronny of eight, sa. and or ; embowed and couped, holding a tilting spear,
on the first, four acorns, and on the last, as all ppr. tied at the shoulders with a cord and

many oak-leaves, counterchanged. Crest, a tassels, or.

lamb reguard. holding over the dexter shoulder Higham, az. a bend cottised, ar.
a flag, charged with an imperial crown. Higham, ar. a lion ramp, within an orle of cross
Hickey, gu. a lion pass, or, a chief of the last. crosslets fitchee sa.
Crest, a wivern, with wings expanded, holding Highmore, [Sherborn.] Arms as of Strick-
in the mouth a human hand ppr. land in diet. Crest, a talbot's head,
Hickford, or Huckford. Arms as in 1st diet. couped at the neck.
Crest, a denii swan, wings endorsed, ppr. Higson, ar. three boars' heads, couped in fesse,
Hicks, [King's Bench Walks, London; and gu. Crest, a hand, couped, in fesse, charged
Richmond, Surrey.] Arms as of London, with an eye ppr
Camden, &c. in 1st. diet. Crest, a stag's Hiklinge, ar. three bars az.; on a chief of the
head, collared, on the collar three cinquefoils last, as many lions' heads, erased, or.
ppr. Hilary, ar. three fleurs-de-lis az. within an
Hicks, [Ireland,] ar. a tower sa. issuing from the orle of eight crosslets fitchee sa.
top thereof four battle-axes az. two to the Hilary, ar. a fesse componee, or and sa.
dexter, and two to the sinister. Crest, a lion's Hilderbrand, [Lord Allington, Ireland,] sa. a
gamb. issuing, parted per chev. or and gu. bend engr. betw. six billets ar.
Hickton, or, three eagles displ. sa. Hildersham. Arms as 1st in 1st diet. Crest,
Hicum, or Hicun, az. three arrows or, points a swan devouring a fish ppr.
downward, a chief of the second. Hildyard, [Winestead and Sedbury House,
Hide, [Staffs.] or. a chev. gu betw. three Yorks.] az. a chev. ar. betw. three mullets or.
mullets, pierced, az. Crest, a cock sa. combed and wattled gu.
Hide, gu. on a saltier engr. or, five torteauxes, a Hildyard, az. three mullets or.
chief erm. Hill, [Beds.] sa. on a fesse betw. three cats pass.
Hide, per chev. or and gu. three lozenges, or, as many crosses moline of the field.
counterchanged. Hill, [Bucks.] sa. on a fesse ar. betw. three ounces
Hidkrs,. .on ground, in base, a horse, current,. .
pass, guard, or, as many escallops gu.
Crest, a wheat-sheaf, banded Hill, [Bucks.] sa. on a fesse ar, betw. three cats
H k; den, per pale, az. and vert, a chev. betw. pass, guard, or, a cross moline enclosed by two
three buck's heads, erased, or. Crest, on a escallops gu. Crest, a goat's head per pale in-

chapeau gu. a phoenix in flames, ppr. dented, gu. and az. collared and armed or

Hill, [Ireland,] ar. three mountains issuing from Hilling, or, on a mullet sa. an annulet of the
the base, one in front, and two behind, vert, on first, all within a bordure of the second, bezan-
the top of each a cross Calvary gu. Crest, tee.
three roses, stalked and leaved vert. Hillinge, paly of six, sa. and or, two lozenges, in
Hill, [London,] sa. a chev. erm. betw. three pale, counterchanged.
leopards' heads ar. Hillock, ar. a chief indented sa. Crest, a pheon
Hill, [Edinburgh, Scotland,] az,the sun rising az. betw. two wings ppr. out of the pheon a
from behind a hill or. Crest, a stag's head. branch of laurel vert.
Motto, Veritas mperabit. Hillon, ar. on a canton sa. three ducal coronets,

Hill, [Somers.] gu. a chev. engr. erm. betw. three in bend, or.

garbs or. Hills, ar. a cross betw. four crescents az. a chief
Hill, sa. on a fesse ar. betw. three cats pass, guard, of the Crest, a horse, current, gu. in the

or, a cross moline enclosed by two cocks, gu. mouth a broken spear's head, sa.
Crest, a buck's head, per pale, gu. and az. the Hillson, ar. a cross couped betw. four pheons az.
nose or, collared of the last. Crest, a bull's head, erased.
Hill, sa. a chev. betw. three cats pass, guard, or. Hillton, [Suss.] ar. two bars az. Crest, a
Crest, on the body of a tree lying, couped at Moses's head, atfrontee, couped at the shoulders,
the bottom, and indented at the top, or, a falcon illumined ppr.
ppr. belled and beaked of the first. Hilly, or Illey, erm. two chev. sa.
Hill, gu. on a chev. engr. erm. betw. three garbs Hillyard, az. three mullets or.
ar. a cinquefoil of the first. Hillyer, [Devons. and Oxon,] ar. a bordure engr.
Hill, sa. a chev. erm. betw. three mountain-cats gu. ; on a chief az. three mullets or.
pass ar. Hilton, az. two bars ar. Crest, a hand, vested,
Hill, az. a chev. ar. betw. three goats' heads, era- harry, ar. and sa. holding a holly-branch ppr.
sed, of the second, armed or. Hilton, or, a chief, counter-componee, erm. and
Hill, erm. a chev. componee, ar. and gu. Crest, az.
a talbot pass. ppr. collared gu. Hilton, az. two bars ar. in chief as many mullets
Hill, . . a bible expanded, . . , tasselled . .
betw. or.
three cherubs, with wings inverted, Crest, . . .
Himer, ar. a cross-bow sa. betw. four cocks gu.
on a mount, a chalice . flames issuant ppr.
, Hinchley, or, two piles gu. Crest, a leopard,
and over it this motto, Librum cum lampade couchant, ppr.
trado. Hinckes, Hingks, or Hinks, paly of six, or and
Hill, az. two bars ar. on a quarter sa. a chev. az. on a chief of the last, three annulets of the

betw. three pheons of the second, charged with first. Crest, a hand holding a scorpion ppr.
a wolf's head, erased, betw. two mullets gu. Hincks, [Ireland,] vert, two lions' heads, erased,
Crest a wolf's head, erased, az. thereon two bars in pale, betw. as many palets ar. a chief or.
ar. in the mouth a trefoil, slipped, vert. Crest, a demi chevalier holding in the dexter
Hillarey, and St. Hillary, sa. three leopards' hand a scimitar ppr.
heads jessant, a fleur-de-lis ar. betw. nine cross- Hind, [Kent,] ar. on a chev. gu. betw. three
lets fitchee of the second. goats' heads az. collared and attired or, as many
Hillarie, ar. semee of crosslets sa. three fleurs- lozenges of the first ; on a chief sa. a lion pass,
de-lis of the last. Crest, a griffin's head, guard, of the fourth. Crest, a griffin's head,
holding in the beak a key, ppr. couped, betw. two wings, , collared, and
. .

Hillary, ar. six cross crosslets fitchee sa. three, charged on the breast with an escallop.
two, and one. Hind, gu. a chev. betw. three hinds or. Crest,
Hillary. See Hilliard. a cockatrice, or, on the trunk of a tree, raguled,
Hille, ar. a fesse betw. six martlets gu. ar.

Hillerey, sa. six crosses patee fitchee ar. Hind. The same arms. Crest, an ensign, in full
Hillersden, [Munley, Devons.] The same dress, with cocked hat, holding the union stand-
arms and crest as Hillesdon, or Hillesford ard of Britain, all ppr.
of Devon in 1st diet. Hind, [London.] Arms as Hinde, London,
Hillersdon. The same arms, the bulls' heads the Nth in 1st diet. Crest, a hind's head,
armed or. couped, ppr. collared or, holding in his mouth
Hilliar, or Hillyar, quarterly, erm. and gu. ;
a rose gu. stalked and leaved vert.
on the first and fourth, a crescent of the second. Hind, ar. on a chev. gu. betw. three talbots pass,
Crest, a harp or. sa. collared or, as many bezants. Crest, a
demi hound ar. collared sa. holding hetw. his in base, a stag lodged betw. two trees vert ; in
paws a key or, ward upwards. [.Mayor of chief, three crescents . Crest, a dexter hand
. .

Callals, 15.37.] gu. holding a pistol sa. barrel and lock az.
Hinde, [Bishopwearmouth, Durham.] Arms and Hitchins, or Hitchens. Arms as of Oxford in
crest as of Lancashire in 1st diet. 1st diet. Crest, out of a mural coronet a garb,
Hinde, or Hynde, sa. a pelican inher piety, ar. on the top a bird, perched, ppr.
Hindley, azure a hind lodged or. Crest a hind, Hithe. See Hitch.
as in the arms. [Bor/ie by Isaac Hindley, Esq. Hoar. Arms as Hoare of Glouc. in 1st diet.
1830.] Crest, a fox, current, ppr.
Hindley, Crest, an arm, in armour, erased, fesse- Hoard. Arms as 1st diet. Crest, a lamb ppr.
ways, holding a scimitar, in pale, entiled with holding a flag gu. charged with a saltier ar.
a boar's head, couped. Hoare, [Ireland,] ar. an eagle displ. with two
Hindmakch, gu. on a mound vert, a hind, cou- necks sa.Crest, a stag's head guard, gu. du-
chant, ar. Crest, a demi lion ramp. . .
cally gorged and attired or.
Hindmarsh, Hendmarsh, and Hyndmarsh, Hoare or Hoar, [Midd.] Arms as 1st in 1st diet.
[Scotland,] same arms as of Kent in 1st diet. Crest, a deer's head, erased.
Crest, a demi lion ramp. Hoath, [Ireland,] gu. two swords, in saltier, betw.
Hindmarsh, ar. a lion ramp, guard, vert, crowned four cinquefoils ar.
or. Hoath, gu. two swords, in saltier, ar. hilts and
Hindsey, gu. an inescutcheon, voided, ar. pomels or, betw. four roses of the second.
Hixes, [Ireland,] az. on a bend or, three cres- Hobbes. Arms as in 1st diet. Crest, betw. the
cents gu. Crest, a plough ppr. horns of a crescent ar. an etoile or, all betw.
Hingham. Arms as of Norfolk in 1st diet. two wings gu.
Crest, a horse's head, furnished with cart har- Hobbins. Arms as in 1st diet. Crest, a stag's
ness, ppr. head, issuant, ppr.
Hinkley, [Ches.] gu. a chev. engr. ar. per pale, Hobbs, [Ireland,] sa. on a chief ar. three storks
erm. and az. of the first. Crest, an arrow gu. point down-
Hinkley, or Hinckley, per pale indented, ar. and wards, and feathered or, a palm-branch, in sal-
gu. Crest, on a ducal coronet or, a star of tier, vert.
twelve points ppr. Hobby, ar. three spindles gu.
Hinkly, gu. a pale or. Hoberd, or Hobert, ar. three fleurs-de-lis sa. -
Hinkpenn, gu. two bars gemelles or, a chief, in- Crest, a demi lion gu.
dented, erm. Hobhouse, [S omers.] az. three crescents ar. betw.
Hinsham, [London,] az. on a saltier engr. ar. five the horns of each a mullet of six points of the
martlets sa. last. Crest, griffin, sejant, ppr.
Hintinge, az. ten plates, four, three, two, and one. Hoble, az.on a fesse betw. six acorns or, as many
Hinton, [Berks.] Arms as of South Denchworth roses gu.
in 1st diet. Crest, an eagle's leg, erased, en- Hoblethorne, [London.] Same as Hobber-
circled a
by serpent ppr. THORNE.
Hinton, [Derb. and Deverel-Langbridge, Dors.] Hoblyn, [Nanswydden, Cornw.] ar. a fesse gu.

vert, a bend or. betw. two flaunches erm. Crest, a tower ar.
Hinton, [Hinton,] per fesse indented, sa. and ar. Hobson, [Hants.] Arms as of Marylebone in 1st
six fleurs-de-lis, counterchanged. diet. Crest, a griffin pass, per pale erm. and or,
Hinton, gu. on a bend ar. cottised or, three mart- beaked and membered gold, holding in the beak
lets sa. a key of the last.

Hipkiss, per fesse nebulee, gu. and ar. three mart- Hobish, gu. three fusils, in fesse, ar. Crest, a
lets counterchanged. Crest, a sphinx guard, Savage's head affront ee, couped at the shoulders
with wings endorsed, ppr. ppr. vested gu. on the head three ostrich's
Hirdbearth, [Scotland,] ar. on a fesse, betw. six feathers ar. out of a ducal coronet or.
crosses, couped, gu. a canton az. charged with Hoby, ar. three fusils, in fesse, gu. Crest, out of
a sword of the first, hilt and pomel or. a ducal coronet, a fish's head ppr.
Hirst, or Hirste, gu. on a chief, indented, ar. Holnj, ar. on a fesse gu. three quills of yarn or.
three annulets az. Crest, a hand cutting a Hobyn, ar. a hart pass. ppr. attired or.
feather with a scimitar, engr. on the back. Hocid, [Scotland,] gu. a dexter hand, couped,
Hirton, [of that Ilk,] ar. three annulets gu. fesseways, betw. two mullets, pierced, in fesse,
Hislop, or Hislope, [Scotland,] ar. on a ground, of six points, ar.
Hockin, ar. a lozenge buckle, tongue in fesse, sa. Hodgson. See Hodson.
Hock lay, or, a fesse betw. three lozenges gu. Hodiam, gu. on a bend erm. three cheveronels of
Hockley, or, a fesse betw. three mascles gu. the first. Crest, a lion's head, erased, az.
Hocknell. Arms as ol'Duden Ches. in 1st diet. Hoding, or Hodding, vair, on an inescutcheon
Crest, a dexter hand holding a sugar-cane ppr. gu. a bend of the first.
Hoddar, or Hodder, ar. three halberts sa. headed Hodington, gu. a saltier ar. ; within a bordure
az. Crest, an angel, in a praying posture, ppr. az.charged with eight cinquefoils or. Crest,
betw. two laurel-branches vert. on a tower ar. a bird, volant, or.
Hoddenet, quarterly, indented,
ar. and gu. a Hodiswell, gu. three wells ar. water az. Crest,
label of five points az. one of the same, gu.
Hoddenet, quarterly, per fesse, indented, ar. and Hodkinson, ar. on a saltier, betw. four mullets

gu. a label of five points az. gu. five etoiles or. Crest, a shank-bone and
Hoddy, [Devons.] ar. a fesse, per fesse indented, palm-branch, in saltier, ppr.
vert, and sa. cottised, counterchanged. Hodlington. ar. three crescents sa.
Hoddy or Hody. Arms in 1st diet. Crest, a Hodnet, quarterly, per fesse indented, or and az.
trout, naiant, ppr. Hodnett, quarterly, per fesse indented, ar. and
Hode, chequy, or. and gu. a canton sa. gu. a label of five points of the last.
Hodenge, gu. a bend vair, within a bordure of Hodney, az. an etoile of six points or.
the last. Hodsoll, [London, and Holly well, and South
Hodeville, per pale, or and az. a saltier counter- Ash, Kent,] az. a fesse wavy betw. three stone
changed. fountains ar.
Hodge, underland, Durham,] az. a chev. ar.
Hodsham. Arms as Hodson, Durham, in 1st
betw. three annulets or. Crest, a garb entwined diet.
with two serpents, ppr. Hodson, [Ireland,] per chev. az. and ar. three
Hodge, [Scotland.] The same. martlets counterchanged. Crest, an antelope's
Hodge, or, a chev. gu. surmounted by a pale sa. head, erased, gu.
Crest, an eagle, rising, looking at the sun, Hodson, Hudson, or Hudgeson, [Midd.] per pale,
ppr. or and vert, a chev. betw. three martlets
Hodge, az. a fesse or, betw. three crescents. counterchanged.
Crest, out of a crescent, an etoile. Hodson, ar. a bend wavy gu. betw. two horse-
Hodges. Arms and crest as Hodges of Dorset- shoes az.
shire and Gloucestershire in 1st diet. [Borne Hodstoke, or, a chev. gu. pierced with a bend
by Her. Thomas Stephen Hodges, Rector of erm.
Little Waltham, Co. Essex, 183o.] Hodvell, and Hodwell. See Hodnell.
Hodges, [Ireland,] three crescents, sa.
or, Crest, Hody, [Pilston, Dors.] Arms as 1st diet.
out of a ducal coronet, a greyhound's head, gu. Crest, a bull pass. sa.
Hodgkins. Arms as in Crest, an
1st diet. Hodysham, ar. a bend engr. betw. two crescents

eagle, rising, looking towards the sun, ppr. sa.

Hodgkinson, [Midd.] or, on a cross, couped and Hoerne, gu. a chev. or, betw. three bugle-horns
quarterly pierced, betw. four cinquefoils vert, ar.

cinquefoil az. Crest, a cinquefoil or, betw. two Hoested, ar. an inescutcheon gu.
dragons' wings displ. vert. Hoey, or Hoy, [Ireland,] ar. three garbs gu. a
Hodgson, [Boston, Line] quarterly ; first and chief of the last. Crest, a peasant ppr.
fourth, gu. three hangers or falchions, barways, Hoffman, erm. three lozenges gu. Crest, issuing
in pale, the points toward the sinister part of out of the top of a tower, a demi lady ppr. attired
the shield ar. poniels and hilts or, for Hodgson; az. holding in the dexter hand a garland of

second, lozengy, ar. and gu. for Fitzwilliam ; laurel vert.

third, az. a chev. betw. three cotton-hanks ar. Hofner, . a demi lion ramp, couped, gu.

for Cotton. Crest, a dexter cubit arm, holding Crest, the hind parts of a lion, couped in the
in the hand a broken and bloody hanger, the middle of the back, the legs towards the dexter
pomel and hilt or, point gu. and sinister, the tail erect.
Hodgson, [Market-Raison, Line] Arms as 9th Hog, [Harcass, Scotland,] ar. three boars' heads,
in 1st diet. Crest, a martlet ppr. erased, az. armed or. Crest, an oak-tree ppr.
Hodgson, [Ireland,] per chev. or and az. three Hog, [('ammo, Scotland,] ar. a crescent betw.
martlets counterchanged. Crest, a salmon, three boars' heads, erased, az. Crest as the
haurient, az. last.
Hog, [Newliston, Scotland,] ai\ three boars' three boars' heads, erased, az. Crest, an oak-
heads, erased, az. Crest as the last. tree.
Hogan, [Ireland,] ar. on a chev. sa. three martlets Hoingham, erm. a bend engr. gu. guttee de
of the held. Crest, an ostrich's headbetw. two larmes; on a chief az. a stag's head and neck,
feathers ar. couped, or.

Hogan, [Wales,] ar. on a chief sa. three martlets Hoinndgate, [Scotland,] gu. a chev. engr. betw.
of the held. three hounds, sejant, ar.
Hogan, or Hoggan. Arms as 1st in 1st diet. Hoke. See Hook, in 1st diet.
Crest, on a chapeau gu. an escallop betw. two Hoke, or Hook, az. a fesse ar. betw. three fleurs-
wings ppr. de-lis or.
Hogan, ar. on a fesse sa. betw. six cross crosslets Hokele, or Hokle, ar. two chev. betw. three
(Another, fitchee) of the second, three escallops leaves vert.
or. Hokele, ar. two chev. betw. three oak-leaves
Hogarth, or Howgart, [Scotland,] az. a star vert.
of six points or ; on a chief of the last, three Hoke ley. Arms as in 1st diet. Crest, a bee,
spears' heads of the first. Crest, a pegasus's volant, reversed, sa.
head or, winged ar. Hokelley, ar. a saltier engr. betw. four cinque-
Hogeley, gu. two bars and an inescutcheon or; foils az.
in chief as many palets of the second, the dexter Hokyram, ar. on abend sa. three leopards' heads
canton per bend, or and gu. ; the sinister, per of the first.
bend sinister, gu. and or. Holand, per fesse, az. and gu. three fleurs-de-
Hogelinton. See Hoglington, in 1st diet. lis ar.
Hogg, [Bishopwearmouth, Durham,] ar. three Holand, or, two bars az. ;
in chief three escallops
boars' heads, erased, sa. Crest, a boar, statant, gu. Crest, an arm holding an arrow ar. feather-
ar. pierced in the side with an arrow sa. ed or.
an oak-tree vert, fructed gu. Holand, per pale, indented, or and az.
Hogg, [Devons.] az. on a bend or, three escal- Holbane, [Devons.] ar. a chev. enarched sa.
lops . ; on a chief
. two mullets . .
Crest, . . .
Holbaron, ar. on a fesse sa. three crescents
a wivern vert. or.
Hogg, [Scotland,] ar. three boars' heads, erased, Holbe, az. a bend betw. six mullets, pierced,
az. within a bordure engr. gu. Crest, a branch ar.
of oak ppr. Holbe ac h. Arms Crest, an
as 1st in 1st diet.
Hoggeson, [
Yorks. cutlasses, or
] gu. three escutcheon on the stump of a tree.
or, pendent
hangers ar. hilted or, two points to the sinister, Holbeame, enarched gu.
ar. a chev. Crest, a
and one betw. to the dexter side of the escutch- cross crosslet gu. betw. two palm-branches.
eon. Crest, a swallow, volant, sa. Holbeche, ar. a chev. engr. sa.
Hoggeson, or Hoggson, az. three cutlasses as Holbert, az. a bend betw. six mullets ar.
above. Crest, a hand couped below the wrist Holbiche, [Suff.] az. on a chev. or, three mag-
or, the hand ppr. holding a broken cutlass ar. pies ppr.
hilted of the first,{he broken piece fallen from Holbiche, ar. a chev. engr. sa. Crest, a peacock's
the other. head, erased, az.
Hogh, [Ches.] ar. on a chev. sa. three crescents Holbrokes, or, a fesse betw. six crosslets gu.
of the field. Holbrook. Arms as 1st in 1st diet. Crest, a
Hogh, ar. a chev gu. betw. ten cross crosslets of lion pass, guard, tail extended, ppr.
the same. Holbrook, [13 Rich. II] ., a chev. betw. three

Hogh, ar. a bend sa. martlets.

Hoghahad, or Hoghahed. See Hogshagood, Holbrow, ar. a chev. betw. six cross crosslets
in 1st diet. in chief, and four in base, gu.
Houghe, Ches.] Arms in 1st diet. Crest, a Holbi'kn, [Menstrie, 1705,] quarterly; first and
lion's paw ppr. holding a cross pattee or. fourth, gu. a fesse humettee betw. three cres-
Hogith, ar. a bend sa. cents or; second and third, ar. an orle gu. :

Hoglingtox. See Hogillington, in 1st diet. Crest, a demi lion holding in the dexter paw a
Hogsha, varie, ar. and gu. within a bordure sa. mullet ar.
Hogshagg, or Hogshead. See Hogshagood, Holcam, and Holcan, az. two bars nebulae
in 1st diet. erm.
Hogie, [Scotland,] ar. a cross crosslet sa. betw. Holcombe, or Holcomb. Arms as of Hole, in
1st diet. Crest, a serpent, nowed, holding Holgrave, vert, a lion ramp. betw. three owls ar.
mouth a garland of laurel, ppr.
in the Holgrew, vert, a fesse or, charged with three
Holcott. Arms as 1st in 1st diet. Crest, on bay-leaves of the field; on a canton of the
the point of a sword, a stag's head, cahossed, second, a lion's face gu.
ppr. Holiffe. See Hollet in 1st. diet.
Holcroft, [Cheshire and Hants.] Arms as of Holigh, or Holbeach. See in 1st diet.
London in 1st diet. Crest, the bird an eagle. Holinshed, ar. a cross sa. Crest, a bull's head
Holcroft, ar. a cross engr. sa. within a bordure of
and neck sa.
the last. Holinshed, ar. on a cross sa. a mullet or, a canton
Holcroftes, [Ches.] ar. a cross within a bor- erm.
dure, both engr. sa. Holkham, az. two bars wavy erm

Holde, ar. a fesse betw. two chev. sa. Holl, [Lower Eaton Street, Pimlico.] The
Holdem, sa. a fesse betw. two chev. erm. same arms and crest as of Malton in 1st diet.
Holden, ar. a chief sa. over all a bend engr. gu. Holland, sa. a bordure engr. ar.
Holden, [Cruttenden,] az. on a chev or, betw. Hollands, and Holland, barry pily of eight,
three spur-rowels ar. five guttees sa. in chief ; or. and gu.
a crescent of the third. Crest, an antelope's Hollbrokes, or, a fesse betw. six crosses boton-
head, issuing, ppr. nee gu.
Holden. Arms as 4th in 1st diet. Crest, an Hollenshed, ar. a cross sa. a canton erm. with a

eagle's leg, erased at the thigh, ppr. mullet of six points on the cross.
Holden, per. fesse, sa. and ar. a bend engr. gu. Hollenshed, ar. three bars and a canton gu.
Holdenby. [N.amp ] Arms as of Notts, in 1st Hollery, [Norf.] ar. a fesse chequy, or and sa.
diet. Holles. Arms as 1st in 1st diet. Crest, a
Holdenby, az. five cinquefoils, in saltier, ar. Moor's head, couped and wreathed about the
Holdernes, ar. on a bend gu. betw. six mullets temples, ar. and az.
of the last, a cross formee of the first. Holles. The same arms. Crest, a lion's paw,
Holderness, [Yorks.] barry of six, or and az. erased, or, holding a heart gu.
Holdemess, ar. three cinquefoils gu. a chief of the Hollhead, . .on a chev. betw. three lions' heads,
last, Crest, betw. the horns of a crescent or. erased,, .as many towers. ..
a cross pattee gu. Holliam, or, on a bend sa. three mullets ar
Holdesheffe, az. a garb. ar. banded vert. pierced of the field. Crest, a harrow gu.
Holdich, or Holdiche. Arms as 1st in 1st Holliche, ar. a chev. engr. sa.
diet. Crest, an arm, embowed, holding in the Holliday, [London,] sa. three close helmets ar.
gauntlet a scimitar, all ppr. garnished or. Crest, a demi pegasus ar. winged
Holdsheffe, az. a bend vert. betw. three garbs or.
ar. Holliday, az. a fesse betw. three helmets or.
Holdston, ar. fretty gu. Crest, a grenade, fired, ppr.
Holds worth, ar. two cross crosslets fitchee, in Hollier. Arms as in 1st diet. Crest, a dexter
chief, gu. and a rack, couped, in base, sa, Crest, hand holding a fish ppr.
aRoman standard bearer in full dress. HOLLINGWORTH, HoLLINS WORTH, OT HoLLINGS-
Hole. Arms as last in 1st diet, the annulet arg. worth. Arms as 1st diet. Crest, a mount
Crest, the same. ppr. semee of trefoils.
Hole. See Hodnell in 1st diet. Hollins. Arms as in 1st. diet. Crest, a dexter
Holebrooke, or a chev. betw. ten cross crosslets hand pointing with two fingers to a star ppr.
gu. Crest, two dolphins, in saltier, az. Hollis, az. on a bend or, three torteauxes.
Holeman, See with Holman in 1st diet. Hollis. Same arms and crest as Holles, Lord
Holemenes, vair, a bend gu. Mayor of London, in 1st diet.
Holernat, lozengy, sa. and ar. Hollom, sa. a bend engr. erm.
Holford, ar. a greyhound sa. collared or. Crest, Hollon, per pale, gu. and az. a lion ramp, guard.
a greyhound's head sa. collared or. or.

Holgill, ar. three cinquefoils, in pale, betw. two Holloway, gu. a fesse betw. three crescents ar
martlets, in fesse, gu. ; on a chief az. a pelican Crest, out of a mural coronet ar. a lion's
vulning herself, betw. two combs, paleways or. head or, charged with a torteaux.
Holgrave, Holgreve, or Hulgrave, erm. an Hollonay, The same arms, with the fesse cot
inescutcheon gu. Crest, a hand holding a tised.
thunderbolt, in pale, ppr. Hollybarne, ar. on a fesse sa. three crescents or
H O L no m
Hollyday, [London, 1G05,] sa. three close hel- Holway, gu. a fesse betw. three crescents ar.
mets ar.
garnished or. Crest, out of a ducal coronet or, a greyhound's
Hollys, embattled counter-embattled,
az. a fesse, head sa.

or, betw. three leopards' faces ar. Holwell, per chev. gu. and erm.; in chief, three
Holli/.s. See Holies. chessrooks of the last.
Holm, ar. a cross botonnee gu. Holwell. See Holoire/l in 1st diet.
Holman, vert, on a chev. or, betw. three pheons Holwere, ar. a bend gu.; on a chief.., two
ar. a fleur-de-lis gu. mullets. . .

Holman. Arms as of London in 1st diet. Holyfe, [Glouc.] az. a chev. or, betw. three
Crest, with the chapeau az. an ostrich's head, crescents ar.
couped at the neck, ar. Holyland, or Hollyland, per pale, ar. and sa.
Holman, vert, a chev. ar. betw. three pheons or. a cinquefoil betw. three mullets counterchanged.
Holme, as tith in 1st. diet. Crests, first, a demi Crest, a demi savage hand-cuffed, ppr.
ostrich gu. holding a horse-shoe ar. ; second a Holywood, az. a chev. engr. betw. three martlets
lions' head, couped, or, thereon a cap of main- or.
tenance az. turned up. erm. Home, [Edinburgh,] quarterly; first and fourth,
Holme, [Lane] barry of six, or and az. a vert, a lion ramp. ar.second and third, az. on a

canton ar. chev. ar. three cinquefoils ., all within a


Holme, ar. a buck az. attired or. bordure, quarterly, gu. and of the second.
Holme, [Beverly, York,] ar. a stag, trippant, ppr. Crest, a lion's head, erased, ar. collared gu.
attired and unguled or. Heme, [Eccles, Scotland.] quarterly; first and
Holmede, [Coddington, Ches.] barry of seven- fourth, Heme; second, Pepdie; third, ar. three
teen, or andaz.; on a canton ar. a laurel crown gu. escutcheons vert, for Hume, of Broxmouth.
Holmede, [Ches.] barry of five, or and az.; on a Crest, a lion's head, erased and full-faced.
canton erm. a rose gu. Heme, [Alton, Scotland.] The quartered arms
Holmer, barry of six, or and az. in chief a of Home and Pepdie, charged in the centre
mullet of the second on a canton ar. a cinque-
with a rose gu.
foil gu. Home, [of that Ilk,] quarterly; first and fourth,
Holmes, [Ireland,] gu. a fesse ar. betw. three vert, a lion ramp. ar. ; second and third, three
mullets or. Crest, on the point of a spear, popinjays vert, beaked and membered gu.
issuing, a dolphin, naiant, ppr. Crest, a popinjay's head ppr.
Holmshaw, ar. a cross potence flory sa. Home, [Karnes, ] quarterly first, vert, a lion

Holobroke, or, a chev. gu. the point ending with ramp. ar. ; second, ar. three popinjays vert;
a cross patee of the last. third, ar. three hunting horns sa. stringed gu. ;
Holowe, gu. three crescents ar. within a bordure fourth, gu. a pelican in her nest, or, all within a
engr. or. bordure engr. gu. Crest, a pelican's head.
Holsbacke, ar. three torteauxes. couped, ppr.
Holt, az. three fleurs-de-lis ar. Home, [Ford,] vert, a lion ramp. ar. within a
Holt, or Holte, [Twyford and Portsmouth.] bordure or.
See of Hampshire in 1st diet. Home, [Lumisden and Rentoun, Scotland.] The
Holt, [Lane] ar. on a fesse engr. sa. three pheons same arms without the bordure.
of the field. Home, [Lenhouse,] quarterly; first and fourth,
Holt, per pale, az. and gu. two bars or. vert, a lion ramp. ar. within a bordure erm.;
Holte, [Erdington Hall, Warw.] Arms and second and third, on a chev. ar. three
crest as Holt, of Aston in 1st diet. cinquefoils gu. Crest, a lion's head, erased ppr.
Holte, az. two bars or, betw. the bars a barrulet Home, [Lonfarmachas,] quarterly; first and
environed with an annulet of the last; in chief, fourth, vert, a lion ramp. ar. ;
second and
a cross pattee fitchee of the second. third, ar. three parrots vert. Crest, a lion's
Holte, . ., two chev.. ., a label of three points in head" erased.
chief. Home. [Merestoun,] quarterly; first and fourth,
Holtiiouse, vaire, or, gu. and az. vert, a lion ramp. ar. ;
second and third, ar.

Holthwayle, sa. a fret erm. three parrots vert; over all, a crescent gu.
Holton. Arms as last in 1st diet. Crest, a map H, me, [Ninewells, Scotland,] vert, a lion ramp.
PP r - ar. within a bordure or, charged with nine
Holtost, sa. three dragons' heads, erased and fountains, or wells, ppr. Crest, a lion's head,
erect, az. erased, ar. collared gu.
Home, [Spot, Scotland,] quarterly ;
first and Honte, sa. a fesse betw. three cinquefoils or.
fourth, vert, a lion ramp. ar. ; second and third Hontington, gyronny of eight, or and sa.
ar. ; three roses gu. Honychurch. As second in 1st diet, with the
Home, first; field gules.
[Todderick, Scotland,] quarterly
and fourth, Home; second and third, a po- Honyngton, ar. a fesse betw. two chev. sa.

pinjay vert, heaked and memhered gu. Honyton, per fesse, az. and ar. a pale counter-
Home, [Wedderburn, Scotland,] quarterly; first changed, three kingfishers of the second.
and fourth Home; second, Pepdie; third, ar. Honywood, ar. a chev. az. betw. three birds,
a cross engr. az. for Sinclair, of Polwarth. with wings expanded, sa.
Crest, a unicorn's head and neck ar. gorged Homjicood, ar. a chev. betw. three talbots' pass. gu.
with a coronet, mailed and horned or. Hoo, ar. on a fesse dancettee sa. three mullets or.
Home, [Westertoun,] quarterly; first and fourth, Hoo, quarterly, ar. and sa. Crest, a bull pass.
vert, a lion ramp. ar. second and third, three
; quarterly, ar. and sa.
popinjays vert; over all, a rose gu. all within a Hoo, ar. three circles of chains -sa.
bordure of the last. Crest, a lion's head, Hoo, or Hoe. Arms as 2nd in first diet. Crest,
erased, ar. collared gu. charged with three roses. a hand holding a hautboy,
Home, [Whitefield, Scotland,] quarterly; first Hoo, or He, ar. on a chief indented sa. three
and fourth, as of Ninewells; second, Pepdie; mullets or. pierced gu.
third, ar. a stag's head erased, with a cross Hoofstetter, ar. three passion nails, the points

pat tee fitchee, betw. his attires gu. for in base, az. Crest, a talbot, sejant, az. col
Cairncross. lared ar.
Homer. Arms as 2nd in 1st diet. Crest, a lion's Hook, az. a fesse betw. three fleurs-de-lis or.

gamb holding up a cross pattee. Crest, a fish haurient.

Homes, or, a fesse dancettee betw. three griffins' Hooke, [London.] Arms and crest as 4th in 1st
heads, erased az. Crest, an antelope pass. ppr. diet.

Homill, orHummell, [Scotland,] ar. a bend Hooker, gu. a fesse engr. betw. three roses ar.
betw. two crescents gu. Hooker, a fesse vair. betw. two lions pass. sa.

Homor, [Cumb.] Arms as Homer in 1st diet. Hooker, sa. a fesse betw. six fleurs-de-lis ar.

Homvll, [Scotland,] ar. a bend betw. a crescent, Crest, a clemi eagle displ. gu. charged on the
in chief, gu. and a fleur-de-lis, in base, az. breast with a ducal coronet or.
Homvngford, erm. on a chief az. seven bezants, Hooker, gu. on a fesse engr. ar. betw. three
four and three. cinquefoils or, two fleurs-de-lis az.
Hone. Arms Crest, a sword,
as 1st in 1st diet. Hookham, vert, an eagle, with two heads displ.
in pale, ppr. ensigned with a cross pattee. ar. Crest, a cup. ar.
Honede, az. a chev. betw. three lozenges or. Hooklay, or, on a fesse, betw. three mascles gu.
Hon ell, [Suff.] sa. three crescents ar. as many plates, Crest, an arm, embowed.
Hon ford, sa. an etoile of eight points ar. radiated. vested gu. cuffed ar. holding in the hand ppr. a
Crest, on a cap of maintenance az. turned up branch of oak vert, acorned ppr.
erm. a dragon pass gu. Hoole. Arms as in 1st diet. Crest, a rose gu.
Hertford, ar a chev. betw. three mascles gu. barbed vert, seeded or.
Honeyman, [Scotland,] ar. a bend engr. and Hooley, az. a bend betw. three mullets or.
voided gu. Crest, an arrow, in pale, point Crest, out of a mount vert, a tree ppr.
downwards. Hooper, [Linkinghorne, Cornw.] ar. on a fesse
Hongerford, a cross pomettee, interlaced at
az. gu. betw. three mullets of the last, as many
each end with an annulet or, betw. four bezants; rings of the first. Crest, a demi lion holding
on a chief ar. a griffin pass. sa. a ring betw. his paws.
HoNiNGTON,ar. achev. surmounted with afesse,sa. Hoops, gu. a fesse erm. betw. three lions' heads,
Honneymill, or Honnimill, [Scotland,] ar. a erased, ar. Crest, on a plate a cornish chough
fleur-de-lis, in chief, az. and in base a crescent PP r -
. .
n ,
Hoops. The same arms, within a hordure az.
Honnyton, ar. a fesse betw. two chev sa. charged with two crescents in chief, and a
Crest, a hand holding a dart, point upwards. mullet in base, or. Crest, as the last.
Honor, or Honnor, ar. a chev. betw. three Hoorne, gu. a fret vair.
quartrefoils az. stalked vert. Crest, a serpent, Hoost. See Host in 1st diet.
nowed, sa. spotted or. Hooton, [Ches.] ar. on a bend vert, three mullets
Honston, ar. a lion, salient, sa. or.
Hooton. The same arms. Crest, a chevalier Hopton, ar. on two bars sa. three mullets or, two
holding his horse hy the bridle with the dexter and one.
hand ppr. Hopwill, Crest, a dexter hand holding a gilly-
Hopcroet, a cross engr. gu. within a bordure
ar. flower ppr.
engr. of the last. Crest, a steel cap. Horan, [Ireland,] gu. a chief bendy of eight,
Hope, [Cornwall,] quarterly; first and fourth, az. and ar. Crest, a hand holding a cushion
az. a chev. or, betw. three bezants, within a ppr.
bordure of the second, for Hope; seeond and Horan, or Horun, ar. a lion ramp, guard, gu.
third, ar. a greyhound, current, sa. betw. three Horane, or Horne, gu. a fret vair.
cornish choughs ppr. within a bordure engr. gu. Horbury, barry of ten, ar. and az. a bend gu.
charged with eight crosses formee or, and as Horde, az. on a chief ar. a fleur-de-lis of the
many bezants, for Williams. First crest, on a field.

globe an anchor, for Hope; second crest, a Hordeby, gu. a fesse dancettee ar. betw. ten
cubit arm erect, habited sa. cuff or, holding in and three, two,
billets of the last, four in chief,
the hand ppr. an acorn-branch vert, fructed of and one in base.
the second, for Williams. Hordentyn, or, a bend betw. six billets az.
Hope, [Balcony, Scotland,] az. on a chev. ar. Hore, or Horem. Arms as of Trenouth in 1st
betw. three bezants, as many palets gu. diet. Crest, a hand holding a sickle ppr.
Crest, a broken globe surmounted by a rainbow Hore, vert, a stag's head, cabossed, ar. betw. the
ppr. attires a cross formee of the last.

Hopkins, [Ireland,] ar. on a fesse, betw. three Horley, sa. a fret erm.
roses gu. a lion pass, of the field. Crest, on an Horman. Arms as in 1st diet. Crest, a lizard
oak-plant, a bird ppr. guard, sa.

Hoi'kirk, gu. on a saltier engr. betw. four fleurs- Horn, [Bishopwearmouth, Durham,] gu. three
de-lis ar. a crescent of the field. Crest, an arm, herons ar. Crest, a heron, close, ppr. holding
in armour, pointing with one finger to a crescent in the bill a standard staff, the banner, flotant,
all ppr. thereon the word Hastings.
Hoppare, [Scotland,] three roses in fesse, gu.
ar. Hornacott, [Hornacot, Cornw.] gu. a bugle-
Crest, a lion ramp. gu. holding a fleur-de-lis horn stringed, or.
or. Hornbrook, [Tavistock, Devons.] ar. two bars
Hoppe, a swan with wings endorsed, ar.
vert, wavy az. betw. six crescents, three, two, and
Crest, a demi swan, wings endorsed, ppr. one.
Hopper, [Devons.] gyronny of eight, or and erm. Hornby, [Line.] Arms as 3rd in 1st diet.
over all a tower, triple-towered, ar. Hornby, [Newcastle upon Tyne,] ar. on a fesse

Hopper. [Recorder of Newcastle upon Tyne,] betw. three hunting horns sa. stringed gu.
quarterly; first and fourth, gyronny of eight, as many fleurs-de-lis of the field.
sa. and erm. over all a tower, triple-towered, Hornby. Arms as 1st in 1st diet. Crest, a
ar. masoned; second and third, ar. ; three an- Roman soldier in full armour ppr.
nulets, and, in chief, two saltiers, gu. ; on an Hornbye. sa. fretty ar. a label of three points
arms of pretence or, a chev. betw. three cinque- gu.
foils gu. Crest, a tower as in the arms. Horncastle, per chev. erm. and vert; on a chief
Hopper, [Scotland,] ar.three roses gu. gu. three towers ar. Crest, on a chapeau a
Hoppey. Arms as in 1st diet. Crest, a dexter serpent, nowed, ppr.
hand ppr. holding a fleur-de-lis, in pale, az. Horne, [Kent,] ar, on a chev. betw. three bugle-
Hopson, ar. on a chev. az. betw. three torteauxes. horns sa. as many etoiles of six points or.
as many roses of the first, a chief, counter- Home. Arms as of Kent, 13th in 1st diet.
componee of the second and or. Crest, a stag, Crest, a hand gu. holding a hawk's leure ar.
lodged, ppr. Horne, [Oxon.] Arms as 7th in 1st diet.
Hopton, [Glouc. Temp. Edw. I.] gu. a lion Home, az. on a chev. betw. three talbots pass.
ramp, or, within an orle of cross crosslets of ar. a bugle-horne sa.
the last. Horneby, or, three hunting horns gu. stringed
Hopton, ar. a chev. az. a label of three points sa.
erm. Horner, [Scotland,] three hunting horns,
. .

Hopton, az. a bend, cottised, ar. betw. six stringed, sa. Crest, a stag's head erased, ppr.
crosses pattee or, within a bordure engr. gu. Motto, Nitor in adversum.
Homer, sa. on a bend betw. six crosses patted
2 S 2 ]
fitchee ar. three bugle-horns, stringed of the Hosfeux, bendy of six, or and gu.
first. Hosier. Arms
as 1st diet. Crest, on a chapeau
Hornes. Arms
as in 1st diet. Crest, a griffin, az. turned up or, a talhot
sejant, ppr. resting the foot on a shield of the Hostetoft. See Hotoft in 1st diet.
arms. Hostot, [Beds.] az. a cross patonce erm. betw.
Hoknesby, gu. on a bend, betw. three cross cross- four roses or.
lets ar. a mullet. Hotchkis, [Hoxwood, Salop,] parted per pale,
Hornsby, orHornesby. Arms as in 1st diet. gu. and az. a chev. engr. or, betw. three lions
Crest, ademi bear ramp. sa. ramp. ar. Crest, a cock's head erased, or, pel-
Hornsey, or, on a fesse, per pale, ar. and sa. a let tee, betw. two wings displ.
fesse wavy counterchanged, betw. three annu- Hotham, [Yorks.] ar. three bars sa.
Crest, a rock ppr.
lets of the third. Hotham, harry of fourteen ar. and az.
Horold, gu. three crosses moline erm. Hotham, az. two bars or, (Another, ar.) a chief,
Horrell. Arms as 1st diet. Crest, a crow per fesse indented, erm. and ar. and canton or.
feeding ppr. Hothershall, or Hothergall, per fesse engr.
Horrocks, or, a fret az. ;
on a chief of the last, or, andon a bend engr.
. .
j three roundles. . .
. .

two bees, volant, of the first. Crest, on a Hothorn, or, on a bend sa. three mullets ar.
mount, a hawk, with wings endorsed, ppr. Hotoft, or Hotofte. Arms as of Flintham
Hoesby, ar. two horses, current, in pale, gu. in 1st diet. Crest, a lion's gamb holding up
Horcote. Arms Crest, a chevalier,
as 1st diet. a human heart ppr.
in full armour, holding in the dexter hand a Hotofte, sa. three dragons' heads, erect and
scimitar, all ppr. erased, ar. without ears.
Horsefall, gu three horses' heads, couped, ar. Hoton. Arms as of Glducestershire in 1st diet.
Crest, on a ducal coronet or, a swan, with Crest, a sea-horse, couchant, ar. ducally
wings endorsed, ar. clucally
gorged gu. gorged sa. sustaining an anchor az.
Horsefield, or Horsford, az. on a chev. ar. Hoton, az. a cross ar. betw. four roses or.
three lions' heads, erased, Crest, out of
. . .
Hoton, gu. a fesse betw. three cushions ar.
a ducal coronet, a demi pegasus. Hoton, or Hooton, ar. on a bend vert, three mul-
Horseman, az. a horse-barnacle or, betw. three lets or.

plates on a chief, party per pale indented, of

; Hotot, az. on a chev. or, two bars gemelles sa.
the first and purp. two etoiles of sixteen points betw. three crescents ar.
of the second, in the centre of each a rose Hotton. Arms as of Cumberland in 1st diet.
ar. Crest, a martlet, rising, ppr.
Horsham, az. three bendlets or, on each as many Hotton, erm. on a chev. gu. three mullets or.
mullets gu. Hottot, az. on a chev. cottised, or, two bars
Horsham, az. three bends or, each charged in the gemelles of the first, betw. three crescents
centre with a mullet gu. ar.

Horsley, az. on a cross, quarterly pierced, or, Houblon, az. three fishes naiant. Crest, a dexter
four escallops of the first, betw. five escallops hand holding up a book, expanded, ppr.
of the second. Houby, ar. a bend betw. six mullets az. Crest,
Horsman, az. a pair of barnacles ar. betw. three a leopard's head ppr
plates ; on a chief, per pale indented, of the Houell, [Suff'.] sa. a cross ar.
first and purp. two etoiles of sixteen points Hoiiell, sa. a crescent or. Crest, a sea-lion,
or, each charged with a rose of the second. sejant, erm.
Horwood. Arms as in 1st diet. Crest, a crow, Hoiiell. The
same arms. Crest, a nail, erect,
wings expanded, pierced through the breast head down-wards, entiled with a mural crown
with an arrow, point upwards. ar.

Horuood, [Staffs.] Arms as 3d in 1st diet. Houghbrig, ar. on a bend, fimbriated, three
Honrocd, sa. three bars erm. cottised, gobonated, cocks, looking behind, sa.
or and az. Houghfond, ar. two bends nebulce sa.
Hosate, harry of six, erm. and gu. Houghton. Arms ar. three bars sa. Crest,
Hosdale, per fesse, or and sa. a pale counter- a bulls' head, couped gu. horned or.

changed, on_the first three fleurs-de-lis gu. Houghton, [Petersfield, Hants.] Arms as in 1st
Crest, a demi lion. diet, Crest, a bull's head arg. charged on the
Hose. Arms as 1st in 1st diet. Crest, a lion's neck with three bars, sa.
head, erased. Houghton, [Yorks.] erm. a cross engr. sa. Crest,
a scimitar, erect, ar. hilt and pomel, downwards, Horell, sa. a cross ar. ; on a chief wavy erm. three
or. fleurs-de-lis gu. Crest, on a ducal coronet or,
a stag's head, cabossed, . . . a leopard, sejant, ppr.
Houghton, .

Crest, a dolphin, embowed, pierced through Horell, paly of six, or and az.; on a fesse gu. three
the body with an arrow, in pale. mullets of six points of the first.
Houghton, ar. three inescutcheons gu. How, [Kent,] gu. on a chev. or, three crescents
Houison, [Scotland.] ar. a man's heart gu. ; on sa.

a chief az. three fleurs-de-lis or. Crest, a lion's How, [London,] Arms as of London, in 1st.
head erased, gu. diet. Crest, a wolf's head sa. in the mouth
Hoilditch, az. a chev. or, betw. three seagulls a rose gu. stalked and leaved vert.
ar. How, or Howe. [London,] ar., a fesse wavy betw.
Hoilou, gu. three crescents ar. three wolves' heads, erased, sa.
Howales, sa. on a cross or, a rose gu. barbed and
Houlton, [Wilts, and Som.] arg. on a fesse wavy
betw. three talbots' heads, erased az. three
seeded vert. Crest, a griffin, segreant, ppr.
head erased az. Howard, per chev. az. and gu. a lion, salient
bezants. Crest, a talbot's
gorged with a collar wavy or, charged with erm. crowned.
three torteaux. [Granted 30 Dec. 1791, to Howard, or Houart, quarterly, ar. and az. a
John Houlton, of Grittleton, Co. Wilts. Esq., saltier, engrailed, counterchanged.
Rear Admiral of Great Brit, fourth Son of Howardex, az. a lion ramp. ar.
John Houlton, and Grandson of Joseph Houlton, Howart, az. a bend betw. six cross crosslets ar.
of Grittleton aforesaid, and of Farleigh Castle, Crest, out of a ducal coronet or, two wings
Co.WSoms. Esq. displ. ppr.
Houlton, ar. on a fesse wavy, betw. three talbots' How den, or, on a bend sa. three mullets ar.
heads az. as many bezants. Crest, a ferret pass. Howdenby, vert, a fesse ar. betw. three covered
cups or.
PP r -

Houlton. The same arms. Crest a talbot's head, Howdlow, or, two chev. gu. ;
on a canton a
erased, ppr. gorged with a collar, charged with crescent.
three roundles. Howdon, or Houdon, Arms in 1st diet. Crest,
Hoindegart, az. a chev. betw. three hounds, a dragon's head, spouting fire, ppr.
sejant, ar. Crest, a water-fountain in full play, Howe, [Wilts.] Arms as of Emble in 1st diet.
ppr. Howe, [Somers.] ar. on a fesse betw. three foxes'
Hoindhill, and Hounehill. See Hownhill heads, erased, sa. an escallop of the field.
1st diet. Crest, an arm, erect, ppr. vested ar. charged
Hounhill. See Howndhill 1st diet. with two bends wavy gu. holding a bunch of
HorxsTON, sa. three lozenges erm. within a bor- broom vert.
dure engr. ar. Hon e, Howes, or House. Arms, as in 1st di t.
House, vert, a cross ar. Crest, two hands issuing Crest, a dexter hand holding an ear of wheat
from a cloud, in chief, holding an anchor in ppr.
the sea, ppr. Howell, Howel, Hovell, and Hovel. The
Houston, or Houstoun, or a chev. chequy, az. same arms as of Pack in 1st diet. Crest,
and ar. betw. three martlets of the second. a camel ppr.
Crest, on a mount vert, a hind, statant, ppr. Howell, [Ireland.] gu. three lions pass, in pale, or.

collared or. Howell, gu. a chev. betw. three mullets ar.

Houstoln, [Johnstone.] Arms as 2d in 1st diet. Hon ell, quarterly, per fesse indented, gu. and ar.

Crest, a sand-glass. a label of three points az.

Hout, per pale, or and sa. a saltier counterchanged, Hon ell, gu. on a chief or, a lion pass. sa.

of the second and ar. Howell ap Bennet, ar. a lion ramp. sa.
Houton, or, a fesse, cottised, gu. betw. three depressed with a fesse gu.
hinds' heads sa. Crest, a fox, current. Howell ap Griffith, [Montgomery] ar. on a
Hoveden, [Ireland. Granted 1585.] Arms and fesse az. three Boars' heads, couped close, or, in
Crest as Hovenden, in 1st diet. chief a lion pass. gu.
Hoveden, chequy, ar. and sa. ; on a bend gu. three Howell Dnr, [North Wales] gu. three lions
lions' heads, erased, or. pass, in pale, or,
armed and langued sa.

Hovell, sa. a cross ar.; on a chief wavy erm. Howelle, sa. a cross or.
three fleurs-de-lis gu. Crest, on a ducal coro- Howen, [Suss.] gu. a chev. erm. betw. three old
net or a leopard, sejant, ppr. men's heads, couped ar.
Howes, ar. five piles sa. three issuing from the Howson, sa. a fesse betw. three birds' legs,

chief,and two from the hase, each charged with erased, those in chief fesseway's, the claws to
a plate. Crest, a demi youth ppr. vested az. the centre, that in base paleways, the claw in
holding in the dexter hand a heart gu. chief,. .
Crest, a falcon belled ppr.
Houes:. The same arms. Crest, a passion-nail Howster, [London,] sa. a fesse dancettee betw.

gu. betw. two wings ppr.

three fleurs-de-lis ar.
Howes, ar. three piles, one issuing out of the chief Howston, [of that Ilk,] or, a chev. chequy, sa.
betw. two others reversed, sa. and ar. betw. three martlets of the second.
HowETTs,sa a lion ramp, reguard ar. Howston, [Scotland,] or, a chev. chequy, sa. and
Howev, gu. a fesse betw. three crescents ar. ar. betw. three magpies ppr. Crest, on a ducal
Crest, an ostrich ppr. in the beak a key or. coronet, a lion pass. ppr.
Hone//, or, on a chief indented sa. three cres- Howthe, gu. two swords, in saltier ar. hilted or,
cents ar. bewt. four roses of the second.
Howford, ar. a star sa. Howwood, ar. a chev. betw. three talbots pass,
Howgart. See Hogarth gu.
Howgh, ar. a pale, composed of three lozenges, gu. Howxley, [Ches.] Arms as in 1st diet.
Howghton, quarterly, az. and ar. in the second Hoxton, [Sutterton-Hoxton, Suff.] Arms as
and a chev. sa. charged with three
third, 1st diet. Crest, a tower ppr. ensigned with a
mullets of the first, over all, on a bend sa. as flag az. flotant to the sinister, staff sa.
many eagles displ. ar. Hoy, Barlow, quarterly; first and fourth, chequy
Howghton, ar. on a bend sa. three eagles displ. or. gu. and erm. a lion ramp. arg. a bordure of the
Howitts, ar. a chev. betw. three lapwings sa. last, charged with eight oak leaves vert, for
Howick, [Yorkshire.] gu. platee, a lion ramp. or. Hoy; second and third, sab. two cheveronels
Howie, Crest, a dexter hand, couped fesseways, or. surmounted of an eagle displayed with two
writing with a pen. Motto, Hinc orior. heads arg. standing on a trunk raguly, fesseways
Howisox, [Braehead, Scotland] ar. a man's heart gold for Barlow. Crest of Hoy, on a mount
gu. on a chief az. three fleurs-de-lis or.
; Crest, vert, before a dragon's wing az. a naked arm

a dexter hand, couped, apaumee, ppr. Sup- embowed holding a sword, both ppr. Crest
porters, dexter, a husbandman, over the shoulder of Barlow; on a trunk raguly fessways vert, an
a flail ppr. ; the sinister, another, holding a eagle's neck with two heads, er. arg. charged
bason for washing the King, both clothed in with as many cheveronels sab. [Borne by
blue, and bonnets on their heads, girt round James Barlow Hoy, Esq. M.P. for South-
with belts, all ppr. being the dress of 1400. ampton, 1837,]
Howison, [Ireland] quarterly, ar. and sa. six Hoy, or Hoye, or, a unicorn ramp. sa. Crest,
roundles counterchanged, three, two, and one. a demi lion gu. supporting a long cross or.

Crest, an antelope pass gu. Hoyland. Arms as of Lane, in 1st diet. Crest,
Howkes, harry of six, or and az. a chief erm. a dexter hand, in fesse, issuing from a cloud in
Howlatsone, [Gardenstoii-Rigg, Scotland] ar. the sinister, and pointing towards a crosier, in
a treble violin az. stringed or. betw. two pale, issuing ppr.
fleurs-de lis in chief, and a man's heart in base, Hoyland, [Line] barry pily of eight, or and gu.
gu. Hoyland, sa. a cross patonce or.
Howley, vert, a saltier ar. Hoyles, Crest, a youth's head in
a helmet,
Howlison, [Scotland,] ar. a man's heart gu.; on afFronttee ppr. plumed ar.
a chief az. three fleurs-de-lis or. Hoyntoun, or Hynton, erm. on a chev. sa. five
Howndhile, Howndhill, or Hounhill. Arms martlets ar.
as 1st. diet. Crest, a Saracen's head, issuing, Hoythen, ar. three bends gu. over all a label of
ppr. wreathed round the temples or and gu. as many points az.
Hownhill, Hounehill, or Howndhill. Arms Hubald. See Hubaud in 1st diet.
as 1st diet. a lion's gamb, erased,
Crest, Hubart, [Calais,] az. a chev. ar. betw. three
holding a tilting spear in bend, tasselled, all ppr. swans' necks, erased, of the second, ducally
Hownillyard, [Devons,] sa. a chev. betw. three gorged gu.
water-bougets ar. Hubbard, [Durham,] sa. in chief a crescent ar.
Ho\vNYLL,ar. a chev. betw. three water-bougets sa. and in base an etoile of eight points or, betw.
Howsdon, or, a fesse betw. two chev. sa. two flaunches erm. Crest, a wolf's pass.
Howsegoe, [Northwalsham,] ar. three chev. vert, or.
on each five bezants. Hubbart. Arms as Hubbard. Durham.

Hubberd, erm. two flaunches sa. Huggerford. Same as Huggeford in 1st diet.
Hubbert, [Cork, Ireland; and Isle of Teneriffe,] Hugget, [Kent,] gu. a chev. betw. three bucks'
az, a talbot ar. Crest, a boar's head sa. heads, cabossed, or.
Hubberthorne. Arms as Hubblkthorn in 1st Huggins. Arms as in 1st diet. Crest, a sword
diet. in pale, enfiled with a
leopard's face.
Hubert, [Burghe, Kent,] lozengy, gu. and vair. Hugh, [Line] az. a saltier erm. betw. fo * fleurs-
Hubert de Burgo, gu. seven lozenges vair, three, de-lis or.
three, and one, conjoined. Hugh\m, ar. a chev. voided, sa. Crest, a fox's
Huckbug, az. ten plates, four, three, two, and head ar. semce of torteauxes. "

one. See Ingham.

Huckel, ar. a chev. betw. three oak-leaves, slip- Hughan, [Ireland,] or. on a fesse sable, betw.
ped, vert. three cross crosslets, gu, as many
escallops of
Huckford, or, an eagle displ. sa. collared ar. the second. Crest, an escallop, or.
Huckley. Arms as in 1st diet. Crest, a dexter Hughes, [Ireland,] gu. a fret ar. on a canton or,

hand supporting the German imperial crown a rose of the first. Crest, a griffin, sejant, gu.
ppr. winged, armed, and beaked, or, holding a laurel
Huckling, HuRTrNG, or Hurtynge. See 1st diet. garland vert.
Hucksam, [Devons.] ar. on a fesse sa. three cross Hughes, [Chester,] Arms and crest as of Scot-
crosslets or, within a bordure az. land.
Huckvile, [Devons.] or, a bend betw. six trefoils, Hughson, per cross, gu. and erm. in the first quar-
ter a lion ramp, or, over all an eagle
slipped, purp. displ. of
Huddesfield. Arms in 1st diet. Crest, a the last.
boar pass. or. Hughton, [Scotland,] ar. three piles issuing from
Huddon, quarterly; first and fourth, or, a man's a chief sa.
leg, couped above the knee, az. ; second and Hugo, [Devons.] az. on a bend engr. ar. three
third, ar. on a fesse gu. five bezants, three and trees,eradicated, vert. Crest, a lion ramp.
holding in the paws a standard ar. charged with
Huddy, [Stewel, Dors.] ar. a fesse, per fesse, a cross gu.
vert and sa. betw. two cottises
counterchanged. Hugo, ar. a lion ramp. sa. crowned or, within a
Huddy, a fesse, per fesse indented, vert and
ar. bordure az.
sa. cottised of the third and second.
Hugo, gu. fretty or, within a bordure ar.
Hudelston, gu. fretty ar. within a bordure or. Hugo de Grandmesnil, gu. a pale or.
Hi'denett, quarterly, per fesse indented, or and Hugon, Crest, a dexter hand ppr. holding a
gu. a label of five points az. billet, in bend, gu.
Hudgeson. See Hodson in 1st diet. Hugot, [France,] or three caltraps az.
Hudleston. gu. a fret or. Hugworth, ar. a fesse gu. betw. three pellets.
Hvdo, erm. Crest, a goat pass. ar. armed and hoofed or.
Hudson, [Ireland,] or, a chev. betw. three mart- Huish, [Devons.] Arms as in 1st diet. Crest,
lets az. Crest, on a chapeau gu. turned up or, an elephant's head ar. ducally crowned or.
an owl, with wings expanded ar. Huistocke, , a chev. erm. betw. two lions pass.
. .

Hudson, [London,] quarterly, per fesse embattled, crowned or.

or and sa. three martlets
counterchanged. Hi keford. See Hugford in both diets.
Crest, a dexter hand erect, holding with the Hukeley. See Huckley in both diets.
thumb and fore finger a bezant ppr. Hulbert, az. a bend erm. betw. six mullets ar.
Hudson. Arms as 4th in 1st diet. Crest, a Hulbert, Crest, a hand issuing out of a cloud, in
martlet az. winged or. pale, ppr. holding a garland of laurel.
Hues. See Hewes in 1st diet. Hulbey. See Hubey in 1st diet.
Huet, gu. a pale erm. Crest, a crow, rising, ppr. Hulburn, Crest, a lion, issuing, holding in the
Hugard, az. a sun ar. dexter paw a mullet ar.
Hugett, Crest, a dexter hand holding a sheaf Hulcot, lozengy, or and gu. within a bordure az.
of arrows, points upward. Hulcote. The same.
Hugford. Arms as 1st in 1st diet. Crest, a Hule, az. an eagle displ. or, armed gu.
paw, issuing, and resting upon a shield.
Hule, per fesse, or and ar. three etoiles sa.
Hugford, or Huggeford, vert, on a chev. or, Hule. See Hill in 1st diet.
betw. three bulls' heads, cabossed, of the second, Huleys, az. three eagles displ. or, over all a bend
as many mullets, pierced, gu. engr. gu.
Hulford. Arms, ar. an eagle displ. sa. Crest, Hulton, Hulson, or Helton, [Donington, Line]
a dexter hand holding an oak-branch ppr. ar. two bars az.
Hulgrave. Arms as 1st diet. Crest, a hand Hulton, az. a lion ramp, varie, ar. and gu.
holding a thunderbolt ppr. Hulton, gu. a lion ramp. ar. fretty az.
Hal" rave. See Holgrave in hoth diets. Hum, az. a lion ramp, guard, ar. the feet gu.
Hulke, per chev. crenellee, ar. and gu. three lions Humble. Arms as in 1st diet. Crest, on a
ramp, counterchanged. chapeau, an owl, rising, ppr.
Hull, [Devons.] az. a chev. ar. betw. three chap- Hume, [Salisbury,] vert a lion ramp. ar. Crest,
lets or. on a chapeau gu. turned up erm. a lion's head,
Hull, [Ireland,] az. a chev. ar. betw. three fleurs- erased, ar.
de-lis or. Crest, a pigeon, volant, az. Hume, [ Hume Castle, Ireland, descended of
Hull, or Ihill, az. an eagle displ. or Crest, a Hume, of North Berwick,] quarterly first and ;

hunting horn az. garnished ar. fourth, Polworth, of that Ilk: second and third,
Hull, per fesse, or and ar. three suns sa. Su/cla'tr; over all, on an escutcheon vert, a lion
Hull, ar. a pale lozengy gu. on the second a mul- ramp. ar. ; on a chief of the last, three popinjays
let or. of the first, for Hume and Pepdie.
Hull, or Hulcs. The same arms as of Ireland. Hume, [Blackadder, Scotland,] quarterly; first,
Hull, or, three roses gu. az. on a chev. ar. three roses gu. for Black-
Hull, erm. three fusils gu. adder second, Hume; third, Pepdie; fourth,

Hull, erm. three lozenges gu. ar. a crossengr. az. for Sinclair, of Hermanston.
Hull, or Hill, bee 1st diet. Crest, an adder sa. in pale, holding in the
Hullcott. See Holcott. In both diets. mouth a rose gu. leaved and stalked vert.
Hullers. See Hullevs, in both diets. Hume, [Renton, Scotland,] quarterly ; first Hume;
Hulles, or Hulls, az. a chev. betw. three fleurs- second, Pepdie ; third, ar. three hunting horns
de-lis or. sa. stringed gu. for Forrester; fourth, gu. a peli-

Hullewell, ar. on a chev. sa. three bezants. can, feeding her young, ar. vulned ppr. for Flme,
Hulleys, Hullies, and Hullys. Arms as of of Elmefoord. Crest, a pelican, vulned, ppr.
Camb. 1st diet. Crest, out of a ducal coronet Hume, [Kimmerghame, Scotland,] quarterly; first,
or, a unicorn'shead gu. Hume, withiu a bordure engr. ar. ; second, Pol-
Hulling, Crest, a demi Savage, holding over worth ; third, Sinclair; fourth, as the first.
the shoulder a tree, eradicated, and bound Crest, a lion's head, erased, ar. with a collar
round the waist and temple with leaves ppr. powdered with roses and fleurs-de-lis gu.
Hullonadge, ., a bend sa. betw. an eagle displ.
. Hume, [Crossrig, Scotland,] quarterly ; first and
in chief, and a cross crosslet in base, of the fourth, vert, a lion ramp. ar. within a bordure
second. erm. ; second and third, az. on a chev. ar. three
Hulls, [ Somers. and Dors.] ., three escal- . roses gu. for Blackadder. Crest, a lion's head,
lops . . . erased, ar. collared gu.
Hully, [Ireland,] ar. three lions ramp. gu. Hume, [Coldinghamlaw, Scotland,] quarterly ;
Crest, a greyhound's head az. bezantee. first, vert, a lion
ramp, ar, second, ar. three

Huls. See Hulles, in both diets. popinjays vert; third, ar. a cross engr. sa.;
Hulse, [Rethersden, Kent,] ar. three piles, one fourth, ar. three piles, issuing from the chief,
issuing from the chief betw. the others, reversed, gu. Crest, a hand issuing out of a man's heart,
sa. Crest, a buck's head, couped, ppr. attired holding a couteau sword, all ppr.
or, betw. the attires a sun of the last. Hume, [Hutton Hall, Scotland,] quarterly; first
Hulse, ar. two piles sa. from the chief to the base, and fourth, a lion ramp. ar.
vert, second and ;

not joined in point. third, ar. three parrots vert, all within a bordure
Hulson, [London and Yorks. Granted 10 Feb. ar.
1] on a quarter sa. three cronels ( Ano-
ar. Humerston, [Norf. 1538] As Humberston,
ther, ducal crowns) in bend, or. Crest, a lion in 1st diet.

ramp. sa. holding a shield ar. within a carved Humerston, erm. a saltier componee, or and gu.
b ordure. betw. four bezants.
Hulston, ar. fretty gu. Humphrevill, ar. ten crosses pattee gu. four,
Hi lton, or Halton, [Farnworth, Lane] The three, two, and one. Crest, a hand holding a
same as Hulson, in 1st diet. fleur-de-lis gu.
Hulton, [Farnworth, Lane.] The same as of Humfrev, or, on a chev. betw. three fleurs-de-lis
Hulson, in 1st diet. sa. as many bezants.
Hunt, [Norf.] gu. three mullets sa. within a
Himley, ar. three talbots pass. az. Crest, a bordure ar. charged with eight torteauxes.
talbot pass. az. Hunt, or Hunste, sa. a fesse betw. three cinque-
Hummell. See Homell, 1st diet. foils or.

Humphrey, Humphrie, or Humphry, sa. three Hunt, sa. on a fesse or, betw. three cinquefoils of

ostrich's feathers ar. Crest, a demi griffin, the second, a lion pass. gu.
wings endorsed, holding betw. the claws a ducal Hunt, per pale, ar. and sa. a saltier counter-
coronet ppr. changed, in chief a lion pass, guard, per pale,
Humphries, quarterly; first and fourth, arg. of the second and first,
a lion passant guardant sa. second and third Hunt, [Lincoln's Inn.] Arms as of Lynden in
sa. three nags' heads erased arg. Crest, a 1st diet. Crest, a stag's head erased, ppr.
nag's head erased argent. [Borne by James Hunback, [Bishbury, Staffs.] gu. a fesse betw.
three dogs' heads erased..
Humphries, Esq. of Ham. Frith, Essex. ( Impaled by Sir

1830.] JVm. Dugale, Knt. Garter, at Thurstock

Humphrys, Humphreys, Humphries, Humphris, Church. J
and Humphryes, ar. a lion pass, guard, sa. Hunter, [Durham,] gu. on a fesse or, betw.
Crest, three legs, conjoined at the thigh, flexed three stags' heads, erased, of the second, as
at the knee, and spurred, ppr. many bugle-horns stringed sa. Crest, a bugle-
Humynge. Same as Hunninge. horn vert, garnished or, stringed gu.
Hunder, ar. a bend vert, cottised gu. Hunter, ar. three bugle-horns, in bend, gu. stringed

Hundescott, gu. an inescutcheon erm. vert.

Hunesdon, ar. a fesse, counter-embattled, betw. Huntercombe. Arms as 1st in 1st diet. Crest,
three escallops gu. a sword, in pale, entiled with a man's head,
Hunger, sa. two bars ar. betw. three plates. couped, and wreathed about the temples.
Crest, two sickles, interlaced, ppr. Hunting. Arms as 1st in 1st diet. Crest, a
Hungerford, az. a cross or, ringed at the ends, dexter hand ppr. holding up a shield az.
with a ring linked to each, betw. four bezants; Huntingdon, or Huntington, or, billittee, a
on a chief ar. a griffin pass. sa. lion ramp, az, Crest, a crosier ar.
fftmgerford, gu. a chev. betw. three crosslets Huntingdon, ar. fretty sa. ; on a chief of the
fitchee or. second, three mullets or.
Hungford, [Temp. Edw. I.] gu. three stags' Huntingfeld, quarterly, or and gu. a label of
heads, cabossed, ar. horned or. three points sa. on each as many plates.
Hungham, ar. three chev. voided, sa. Crest, a Huntingfeld. Arms as 4th Huntingfield in 1st
dexter hand holding a pair of compasses, points diet.

upward, ppr. Huntingfield, [Heref. Temp. Edw. I.] The

Hunhalton. See Hunyngton, 1st diet. same arms.
Hunhulton. Same arms. Huntingfield, or, on a bend gu. three plates.
Hunikan, Crest, out of a naval coronet, a lion's Huntingfield. Arms as 2nd in 1st diet. Crest,
head, guard, betw. two spears issuing. a dagger and sword, in saltier, ppr.
Huning, quarterly, az. and gu. over all a lion Huntingfield, or, a cross az.
ramp. ar. Huntley, [Boxwell, Glouc] Arms as 1st diet.
Huniste. See Hunster, 1st diet. Crest, a talbot pass. ppr.
Hunninge, and Hunnynge. The same arms Hunton, or Hutton, [Cambr.] ar. three hurts
and crest as Awing. charged with as many martlets of the field ;

Hunsdon See Huntisdon, 1st diet. on a chief vert, an eagle displ. or, all within a
Hunste. See Hunt. bordure engr. gu.
Hunsted, gu. a chief chequy, or and az. Hunston, [Line] ., a lion ramp.
. . .

Hunstoo, ar. a lion ramp. sa. Hurault de Chiverny, or, a cross az. betw.
Hunstow, sa. three lozenges erm. four suns gu.
Hunt, az. on a fesse ar. betw. three cinquefoils or, Hurd, vert, a bend erm. betw. three escallops ar.
a lion pass. gu. Crest, a boar's head, couped Crest, a bear's head sa. muzzled gu. betw.
and erect, betw. two ostrich's feathers. two wings.
Hunt, per cross, or and sa, a cross lozengy Hurdman, .
., a fesse . . betw. two flaunches
counterchanged. erm.
Hunt, gu. an inescutcheon ar. within an orle of Hukgse, or, a cross vert, a label of three points.
crescents or. Hurlbatt, [Hants,] sa. a cross betw. four leo-
pards' head, jessant de lis, or. Crest, out of a Husey. Arms as Hussey, 7th in 1st diet.
ducal coronet or, a talbot's head ar. eared gu. Husey. Arms as Hussey of Suff. 1st diet.
collared of the last, ringed and studded of the Huskisson. Crest, on arock a goose perched, ppr,
first. Huson, quarterly, gu. and erm. an eagle displ.
Hurlebert, quarterly, ar. and sa. in the second sa. Crest, a ram's head, erased, ar. horned or.
and ramp, or; on a bend gu. three
third, a lion Hussenhul, erm. a mullet of six points, pierced,
annulets of the third. Crest, an arm, bent, gu.
couped at the shoulder, gu. holding a battle- Hussey [Ireland,] or, on a cross vert, a label
axe, staff of the last, blade and guantlet ar. at gu. Crest, an arm, in armour, vambraced, az.
the wrist a ribbon, tied in a knot, of the holding a cross crosslet fitchee, in pale, or.
Hussey, or Husey, erm. a chev. az. betw. three
Hurlestone, quarterly; first and fourth, ar. a holly-leaves vert.
cross of four ermine spots sa. ; second, ar. a Hussey, ar. three fleurs-de-lis gu.
bend and demi bend, both engr. sa. ; third, ar. Hussey. See Hoese and Husee in both diets.
a chev. betw. three stone-bows Crest, a
sa. Hussy. See Husee.
goat's head ar. bearded and attired or, on the Hustost, erm. a fesse sa.
neck four ermine spots in cross. Huswife, erm. a fesse engr. sa.
Hurlestone, ar. a chev. betw. three stone-bows Hutch, [Scotland,] ., three cushions, lozenge-

sa. ways, . .

Hurley, ar. a crescent betw. three trefoils sa. Hutcheson, [Scotland,] ar. three arrows, meet-
Crest, out of a ducal coronet a peacock ppr. ing in point, sa. on a chief az. a boar's head,
Hurlston, sa. a cross betw. four crescents erm. erased, or. Crest, an armed arm, embowed,
Hurrell, Hurell, or Hurle. Arms as 1st az. throwing a dart, pointed gu. feathered az.
diet. Crest, a lion ramp. ppr. holding a flag Hutcheson, [Scotland,] ar. three darts, pileways,
displ. gu. charged with a cross in the dexter barbs in base, az. on a chief of the last, a

chief. boar's head, couped, or. Crest, an arm, in

Hurry, . ., in chief a lion ramp. gu. in base two
; armour, throwing a dart, all ppr.
mullets of the last. Crest a harpy, with wings Hutchinge, [Devons.] ar. a cross patonce,
expanded, ppr. quarterly, az and gu. betw. four leopards' faces
Hurst, chev. engr. or. on a chief az. two
gu. a sa.
suns ppr. -Crest, five palm trees on a mount Hutchings, erm. on a pale vert. betw. two
vert. [Granted to Palmer Hurst, Esq., of JVal- daggers, points downward, az. hilted or, three
ton-upon- Thames, Surrey, 31 March, 1789] elephants' proboscises of the last. Crest, out
Hurston, ar. a comet-star, with four eradiations. of a mural coronet, a demi lion holding in the
Hursy, Crest, a book sa. dexter paw a branch of palm vert.
Hurting. See Huckling, 1st diet. Hutchins, [Ireland,] ar. three lions pass. sa.
Hurton, ar. three bends engr. and a canton gu. Crest, a branch of a holly-tree vert.
Hurston, ar. three cross-bows gu. Hutchinson, [Bishopwearmouth, Durham; de-
Hurtynge. See Huckling, both diets. scended from Cumb. Temp. Chas. I.] per
Husband, ar. on a fesse, voided, az. betw. three pale, gu. and az. a lion ramp. ar. betw. eight
martlets sa. a mullet gu. Crest, a demi griffin crosslets or. Crest, a cockatrice, with wings
holding in his claws a ducal coronet ppr. expanded, az. combed, wattled, and membered
Husband, [Gesley,] ar. on a fesse, voided, az. or. Another crest, a demi lion ramp.)
betw. three martlets sa. as many mullets gu. Hutchinson, [Ireland.] Same arms. Crest, out
fimbriated of the second. of a ducal coronet, a swan's head and neck
Husband, ar. on a fesse cotised, betw. three betw. two wings, all ppr.
martlets gu. as many mullets of the field. Hutchison, ar. a fesse az. surmounted by three
Husdell, [Monkwearmouth, Durham,] per fesse, arrows, points downward, one in pale, the other
or and sa. a pale counterchanged, on the first, two meeting in point, counterchanged. Crest,
three fleurs-de-lis gu. Crest, a demi lion an arm in armour, throwing a dart, ppr.
ppr. Hutch/son, ar. a fesse az. surmounted by three
Huse. Arms
as 1st diet. Crest, a dexter hand arrows, points downward, meeting in base,
ppr. holding a cross pattee, in pale, or. counterchanged, in chief a boar's head, erased,
Husee, Hussee, and Hussy, ar. a cross vert. sa. Crest, as the last.
Crest, a leopard pass, guard, ppr. Hutchison, or, a fesse betw. three arrows, points
Husee, or Hussey, harry of six, erm. and gu. downward, az. Crest, a stag pass. ppr.
Hutchison, [Edinburgh,] ar. three arrows, in Hyde, [London.] Arms as 2nd in 1st diet.
pale, az. surmounted by a fesse or. Crest, a Crest, a dexter wing gu.
stag's head, erased, gu. attired or. Hyde, [Ireland,] az. a fesse betw. three mascles
Hutchon, ar. on a fesse vert, three pheons of the or. Crest, on a mount, a holy lamb ppr. stand-
field, inchief a lion pass, guard, gu. crowned ard az.
with an antique crown or. Crest, a stag's Hyde, [Notts.] gu. a saltier or, betw. four be-
head, erased, at gaze. zants a chief erm.
Hutham. See Hotham in 1st diet. Hyde. The same arms. Crest, a unicorn's head
Hutoft, or Hutostes. Arms as Huttofts of gorged with a collar componee.
Beds, in 1st diet. Hyde, ar. four lozenges sa.
Hi'ton, vert, an eagle displ, or. armed sa. Hyde, or, a chev. betw. three lozenges az. on a ;

Hutostes, az. a cross pattee betw. four cinquefoils chief gu. a saltier engr. inclosed by two birds
or. of the first. Crest, a cock's head, erased, az.
Hi'ttaker, See Hutaker in 1st diet. combed purp. ; on the neck a lozenge or, betw.
Huttoft, erm. three bars gu. ;
on a canton az. a four bezants in the beak a pansy-flower ppr.

cross engr. ar. stalked and leaved vert.

Hutton, [Bishopwearmouth, Durham,] Arms Hyde, gu. a saltier or, and a chief erm.
and crest as Hutton of Lane, and Durham in Hyde, gu. on a saltier engr. or, five torteauxes ;

1st diet. a chief erm.

Hutton, [Clifton Castle, Yorks.] Arms and Hyde. Arms as 1st in 1st diet.
Hutton of Goldsborough in 1st
crest as diet. Hyde, ar. a chev. betw. two mullets in chief, and
Hutton, [Maske, near Richmond, Yorks.] Same a cinquefoil in base, gu.
arms and crest. Hyde, or De la Hyde, gu. a saltier engr. or, a
Hutton, [Ireland,] ar. a lion ramp. gu. ; on a chief erm.
chief of the last, three plates. Crest, out of Hydon, gu. three bezants.
a crescent or, an arrow, in pale, sa. Hyende, gu. a chev. betw. three lozenges ar. on ;

Hutton, [of that Ilk,] or, three annulets gu. a chief of the a lion pass, of the second.
Hutton, [Yorks.] az. three bars humettee ar. > Hyett. Arms as of Wotton, 1st diet. Crest,
Hutton, gu. on a canton ar. a bird, with wings a dexter hand holding a thistle in pale ppr.
expanded and inverted, sa. Hyggins, [Nook,] ar. a saltier az. betw. a mul-
Hutton. Arms as Hutton or Hunton of Camb. in let in chief and base, and an increscent and de-
1st diet, without the bordure. crescent in the flanks, gu.
Hutton ar. a fesse sa. betw. three buck's heads, Hygham, sa. a fesse componee, or and az.
cabossed, or. Crest, three double pointed darts Hygkam, or Hyham, az. a bend betw. two herons ar.
sa. feathered and pointed ar. in a ducal crown Hyghlord. Arms as 1st diet. Crest, a ship, in
or. full sail, in a sea, all ppr.
Hutton. See Hunton in both diets. Hyghmore, [Femethwayt, Cumb.] See. with
Huxley, erm. on a bend, cottised, gu. three cres- Highmore, 1st diet.
cents ar. Crest, a wolf's head, erased, gorged Hyham, az. a bend betw. three lapwings ar.
with a collar, charged with three crescents . . .
Hyland, Crest, on a mural coronet a wheat
Huystock, as Hustock in 1st diet. sheaf, thereon a bird, ppr.
Hwatacre, ar. on a chev. sa. three garbs or. Hyldyard, and Hillyard, az. three mullets or.
Hyatt, ar. a lion ramp. sa. a chief per fesse in- Crest, a cock ppr.
dented of the first and second. Crest, a demi Hyliard. Arms as Hilliard of Toysted,lst diet.
lion ramp. ppr. Motto, Far et spera. Hylicke, per fesse indented, sa. and ar.
Hybinge, paly of six, sa.and or. two lozenges, in Hyll, or Hylls, az. a chev. ar. betw. three fleurs-
pale, counterchanged. de-lis or.
Hyche, per fesse, or and ar. three etoiles sa. Hylling, per pale, sa. and or, two lozenges, in
Hycum, or Hyctjn, az. three arrows or ; a chief pale, counterchanged.
of the second. Hyman, Crest, a demi cupid, holding in the
Hyde, [Hydon, Dors.] or, a chev. betw. three dexter hand a hymenial torch.
lozenges az. ; on a chief gu. a saltier engr. betw. Hymerford, ar. a chev. sa. betw. three shovellers
two birds of the field. Crest, a cock's head, ppr.
erased, az. crested and jelloped gu. bezantee, in Hynd, [London.] Arms as 2nd Hynde in 1st
the mouth a flower of the last. diet. Crest, a hand gu. holding an eagle's claw
Hyde, [Hants.] as of Berks. 1st diet. ppr.
2 T 2 ]
Hynde, ar. on a chev. gu. betw. three goats' chief, two esquires helmets, arg. [Borne by
heads, erased, az. attired and collared or, as Jeremiah Idle, Chief Baron of the
many lozenges of the first ; on a chief sa. a lion in Scotland, 1760.]
pass, guard of the fourth. Crest, on a griffin's Idle, Crest, a tiger pass. gard. resting his
. .

head az. collared or, betw. two wings of the dexter foot on an esquires helmet.
[Borne by . .

first,guttee ar. an escallop. Cristopher Idle, Esq. 1834.

Hynde, sa. a lion pass. ar. betw. three escallops Idle, per pale, gu. and az. a chev. ar guttee . , .

of the second, each charged with a betw. three helmets. Crest, a tiger pass, guard.
lozenge az.
Crest, an ostrich's head, couped, chequy, ar. under the fore paw a helmet.
and sa. in the mouth a horse-shoe az. Ifield. Arms as lst^ict. Crest, out of a ducal
Hyndfield, ar. a fesse betw. three boars pass. sa. coronet or, a dolphin's head az.
Hyndman, az. a saltier or. Crest, a sun-dial, Igguldon, Crest two arms, in armour, embowed,
and the sun shining thereon. placing a Savage's head, in profile on the point
Hyndmarsh. See Hindmarsh, both diets. of a pheon.
Hynell. Arms as 1st diet. Crest, an angel, in Iilsey', ar. three mole-hills ppr.
a praying posture, ppr. Ikbo rough, ar. three bars sa. over all an ines-
Hynes, [Ireland,] Crest, an elephant pass. sa. cutcheon of the first, in chief two palets of the
Hyngham, or, five cheveronels sa. second ; a dexter and sinister canton the first, ;

Hynton, gu. on a bend ar. cottised or, three per bend dexter, ar. and sa. the latter, per bend
martlets sa. sinister, sa. and ar.
Hynton. See Hoyntoun. Ikehall, or Ikenhall. The same as Ikensale,
Hyrne, or, three bars gemelles gu. ;
on a canton 1st diet.
ar. fivelozenges of the second. Ilam, [London,] ar. a fesse engr. betw. six cinque-
Hyrson, az. a chev.
betw. three suns or. Crest, foils sa.
out of a cloud, a dexter hand holding a club ppr. Ilam, or I/amy. Arms as 2nd in 1st diet. Crest,
Hyslop, [Edinburgh,] ar. a stag ppr. lodged a peacock's head or, betw. two wings, holding
under a holly-tree, growing out of the base, in the beak a serpent, the tail twisted round
vert ; a chief of the last, charged with a book the neck, ppr.
or, betw. two stars ar. Ilbert, [Devons.] Arms as 1st diet. Crest, a
Hyslop, ar. a stag ppr. lodged under a holly-tree, demi wivern, issuing, vert, collared or.
growing out of the base, vert. Ilbery, [Reading, Berks, originally from Biscaya
Hytte, vert, six talbots pass. ar. armed sa. three, in Spain,] a chev. betw. three herons
. . . .

two, and one. Crest a demi dragon, holding in the claws a

Ilchingham. Arms and crest as Ichingham.
Ilcombe, gu. two lions pass, guard, ar. within a
bordure engr. sa.

Ilderton, [Yorks.] Arms as 1st diet. Crest,

Iago, . . three escalops
, within a bordure engr.
. . out of a ducal coronet or, a battle-axe, broken
. .
Crest, a talbot, couchant, ppr. in the handle, ppr.
I'anon, per cross, az. and or, a cross patonce gu. Ile, or, a fesse betw. two chev. sa.
a chief ar. Iles, [Yorks.] ar. a fesse engr. sa. in chief three
Pans, [W hitstone,] gu. on a bend ar. three cor- fleurs-de-lis of the last.
nish choughs sa. lies, per pale, az. and or ; on a canton ar. a lion
I'anson, Crest, a griffin's headbetw. two wings, ramp. gu. Crest, a wolf, collared and lined,
ppr. ppr.
Ibenworth, ar. a chev. gu betw. three lozenges Ilesley, az. three bars ar.
sa. Iley, ar. a fesse engr. betw. six fleurs-de-lis sa.
Ichingham, az. fretty ar. Crest, a demi dragon, Crest, a cubit arm, erect, vested ar. holding in
wings expanded, vert. the hand ppr. a fleur-de-lis sa.
Ickam, [Canterbury,] ar. on a chev. sa. three keys, Iliff, Crest, out of a ducal coronet, a peacock's
ensigned with a coronet or. tail, ppr.
Ickworth, a lion, salient, ar. armed and lan-
sa. Ilinn. Arms as 1st diet. Crest, a wolf's head,
gued gu. within a bordure gobony of the first erased, gu.
and second. Ilkensale, Ilketishall, and Ilketshall. The
Idle, [Buhner, Yorkshire,] sab. a fesse or, in same as Ikensale, 1st diet
Illeigh, [N.nmb.] erm. two chev. sa. Ingelose, or Ingloss, gu. three bars gemelles or ;

Illeye, [Norfolk, Temp. Edw. II] gu. an eagle on a canton ar. five billets sa.
displ. or. over all a bend az. Ingelton, ar. a chev. betw. three crescents, sa.
Illey, Iley, and Ilney, erm, a chev. sa. Crest, flammant gu.
a hand, erect, holding a cross crosslet fitchee Ingerham, barry of twelve, az. and ar.
in pale. Ingerland. Arms as 1st in 1st diet. Crest, on
Illey, Hies, or Ilys, az. a cross or, guttee de sang, a plate, a thistle ppr.
betw. four doves ar. Ingerland, erm. a fesse, embattled, gu. betw. three
Illey, or Isle, or, a fesse betw. two chev. sa. griffins' heads, erased, sa.
Illiard. See Ihard, 1st diet. Ingham, [Temp. Edw. III.] per pale or, and vert.
Illing, per pale, sa. and or, three lozenges, in a cross recercele gu.
pale, eounterchanged. Ingham. Arms as 2nd in 1st diet. Crest, on a
Illingworth, or Illingsworth. Arms as of chapeau gu. turned up erm. an owl ppr. sitting
Surrey, 1st diet. Crest, within a crescent ar. in holly-leaves vert.
a cock, crowing, sa. Ingham, or Hu"ham, ar. a chev. sa. betw. three
Ir.Lis. See Illey, both diets. pellets on a chief gu. a lion pass, reguard, or.

Ilney. See Illey, both diets. Ingham, or Ingeham. Arms as 3rd in 1st diet.
Illsake, sa. a bend or ; on a sinister canton ar. Crest, an arm in armour, embowed, issuing
a leopard's head of the second. from a cloud in the sinister, holding a sword,
Ilsley', or Illsley. Arms as 1st diet. Crest, ppr.
betw. two serpents, disposed orleways, tails in Ingham, vert, on a fesse ar. three escallops, per
saltier, a cock ppr. fesse, or and gu.
Ilys. See Illey, both diets. Ingilby, sa. an etoile of six points, radiated, ar.
Imbrie, [Crabie,] barry of eight, sa. and ar. over Crest, a boar's head, erased, and erect, ar.
all, three fusils eounterchanged. Crest, a Ingilton, ar. a chev. sa. betw. three griffins'

plough ppr. heads, erased, az. and five cross crosslets fitchee
Immins, gu. on a fesse, betw. three lozenges or, of the second.
as many escallops of the first, within a bordure Ingle, ar. two chev. sa. ; on a chief of the second,
engr. charged with eight plates. Crest, a dra- a lion pass, of the first. Crest a hand, erect,
gon's head, couped. issuing out of a cloud, holding a sword, blade
Impey, vert, a unicorn's head, erased, ar. Crest, waved, ppr.
an ostrich, wings endorsed, holding in the beak Inglebert, gu. a bend, cottised, or. Crest, a
a horse-shoe, ppr. greyhound current towards a tree vert.
Imrie. As Imbrie. Ingledew. Arms as 1st diet. Crest, a dexter
Inbell, sa. a bend ar. betw. three trefoils of the arm embowed fesseways, issuing from a cloud
second. in the sinister, reaching forth a garland of
Inckpen, or Inkpen. Arms as of Golaker, 1st laurel.
diet. Crest, a dexter hand holding a club, Inglefield, barry of six, vair and gu.
ppr. Inglehouse, or Inglos, gu. three bars gemelles
Ixers, Crest, a dexter arm, in armour, holding or on a canton ar. five billets sa.

a scimitar, in pale, ppr. Ingle ram, barry of six, vair and gu.
Ingan. See Ixgham, both diets. Ingleton, or Incleden, [Brampton, Devons.]
Inge. Arms as 3rd in 1st diet. Crest, out of a Arms as 1st diet. Crest, a hand issuing from
ducal coronet or, two halberts in saltier, staves a cloud, in fesse, pointing to a serpent, ppr.
gu. heads ppr. Ingles, [Stewart-Boone,] az. a lion ramp, and in

Inge. Arms as 3rd in 1st diet. Crest, a hand chief three mullets ar. in the centre chief

holding a glove, ppr. point, a mullet of the last. Crest, a demi lion
Inge. See Ingham. ramp. ar.

Ingee, or Yngee, [Bedfordshire, Temp. Edw. I] Ingles, and Ingless. Same as Inglehouse.
or, a chev. vert. Inglett. Arms as in 1st diet. Crest, a lion's
Ingelfeld, [Berks. Temp. Edw. II.] barry arg. head, erased gu.
and gu. on a chief or. a lion pass. az. Ingley, [1535] or, a fesse checmy, ar. and az.
Ingefield, or Ingefeld, barry of fourteen, gu. Inglis, [Edinburgh] az. a lion ramp. ar. on a ;

and ar. on a canton of the first, a mullet of

; chief or, mullets of the
three field. Crest, a
the second. demi lion holding a mullet.
Ingeham, gu. three bars vair. Inglis, [Manners and Mannerhead, Scotland.]
Arms Crest, a clemi lion ramp, ar
as 1st diet. Inwood. Arms as 1st diet. Crest, a demi lion
Motto, Nobilis est ira leonis. ramp, or, holding a battle-axe az.
Tnglis, [St. Leonard's.]
Arms and crest as of Inwyne. Arms as Inwine, 2d in 1st diet.

Newtounleyes, 1st diet. Inyng, [Devons.] a fesse betw. two hinds'

in chief three heads sa. a chief, paly of four, or and gu.
Inglis, [Scotland,] az. a lion ramp,
mullets ar. in the centre chief point a crescent Inys. Arms as 1st diet. Crest, on a mount
for diff. Crest, and motto as of Manners above. vert, a rabbit ppr. against a tree of the first,
Inglish. Arms as 1st in 1st diet. Crest, an ear fracted or.
of wheat and a palm-branch, in saltier, ppr. Io-a-Panowitz, parted per pale and base, gu. ar.
Inglos, harry of six, or and az. ; on a canton ar. and sa.
five billets. Ipre, barry lozengy, sa. and or. Crest, on a
Inglos. See Inglehouse.
mount vert, a leopard, couchant, guard, gu.
Ingo, [Essex.] az. three cinquefoils or. Crest, ducally crowned or.

out of a ducal coronet or, a dragon's head and Ipres. Arms as of Lane, 1st diet. Crest, an
unicorn's head or, collared gu.
wings gu.
Ingoldthorp, [Norf. Temp. Edw. II.] gu. a cross Ipsam. See Isham, 1st diet.
engr. arg.
Irball. Arms as 1st diet. Crest, two halberts,
Ingram, erm. on a fesse gu. three escallops or. erased and endorsed, sa.
sometimes the fesse is engr. [Bomeby the Rev. Irbe, ., a fret
., a canton sa.

Br. Ingram, President of Trinity Col. Ox. 1837.] Irbye, ar. fretty sa. ; on a canton gu. a cinquefoil
Ingram, or Ingham, [ Tenp. Edw. Ill] erm. on f Another, a mullet) or.
a fesse gu. three escallops or. Ireby. Arms as of Cambr. in 1st diet. Crest,
a sword in pale, enfiled with a savage's head,
Ingram, erm. on a fesse gu. three escallops ar.
Ingram, ar. on a fesse gu. three escallops or. ppr.
Ingram, per fesse, vert and ar. a pale counter- Ireby. Arms as last in 1st diet. Crest, an ante-
changed, in chief, a bull's head, erased, and lope pass. ppr.
in base, two garbs. Crest, a bull's head, Ireby, ar. fretty sa. ; on a canton of the last, a
erased. mullet or.

Inhoff, [ Germany, ] ar. a lion-poisson or sea- Ireland. Arms as 6th in 1st diet. Crest, a bird
lion. . . ar. beaked and legged gu.

Inkell, sa. a bend ar. betw. six martlets or. Ireland, [Scotland,] ar. on a fesse, voided, a
Inkepenne, barry of eight, gu. and or on a chief, ;
boar's head, couped, gu. in chief three mullets
per pale, of the second and first, a lion pass ar. of the last. Crest, a lion ramp, guard, gu.
Inkledon, and Inkeldon. Arms as of Buckland Iremonger. Arms and crest, as 2d in 1st diet.
in 1st diet. Crest, an ibex pass. or. [Borne by William Iremonger, Esq. of IVher-
Inkpen See Inckpen, 1st diet. Hants. 1832.]
Irenhamton, ar. a fesse sa.
Innes, [of that Ilk,] ar. three stars az. Crest,
a boar's head, couped, or. Irereis. See Inreys, 1st diet.
Innes, [Benwell, Scotland.] Arms as 7th in 1st Ireton, per saltier, erm. and gu.
diet. Crest, a primrose ppr. thereon a bee suck- Irish. <SVe Irdis, 1st diet.
ing the same, or. Irishe, sa. a cross flory ar. betw. twelve billets
Innes, [Balhalvie, Scotland.] Arms as 1st diet. of the second.
Crest, as last. Irland, [ Scotland, ] gu.
two bars ar. in chief
Innes, [Blairtoun, Scotland.] Arms as 1st diet. three mullets, and in fesse a boar's head, erased,
Crest, of Benwall above. of the last.
Innes, [Blairtoun, Scotland,
altered 1688] erm. Irland, erm. a fesse gu. fretty ar.
three stars az. Crest, a thistle ppr. threon a Irnynge. Arms as 1st diet. Crest, a child's
bee sucking the flower thereof. head, issuing, ppr.
Innes, [Edinburgh,] ar. three stars of six points Irons, or, a cross indented quarterly, gu. and
az. within a bordure of the second, charged az. Crest, a cross moline, lozenge pierced, az.
with eight roundles or. Crest, an increscent Ironside, quarterly, gu. and az. a cross patonce
or. Crest, a dexter hand, in fesse, couped,
Innes, [Gomry, Scotland,] ar. a fesse engr. betw. holding a sword, in pale, surmounted by a laurel
three stars az. Crest, as of Benwall. above. crown, all ppr.
Innynge, ar. a chev. betw. three hinds, trippant, Ironside, quarterly, az. and gu. a cross patonce
sa. ; on a canton or, two pales gu. ( Another, flory; or.
Ironside, or, a cross crosslet fitchee az. hand holding a roll betw. two branches of laurel,
Ironside, or, a cross formee, fitched at the foot, in orle.
az. Isham, vert, three nails ar.
Irrell, quarterly, per fesse indented, or and az. Iskensale. See Ikensale, in 1st diet.
Ikton, [Yorks.] Arms as 1st diet. Isle. See Ilely in both diets.
Irton, ar. (Another, erm.) two bends gu. Isley, gu. a bend vair, betw. two fieurs-de-lis or.

Irvine, [Kincoussie, Scotland.] Arms as 1st Isley, [Souldridge, Kent,] erm. a fesse sa.
diet. Crest, a Decussis, like the letter X, Isley, See Isley and Illey in both diets.
within a circle sa. Ismaye, az. a chev. or, betw. two bezants in
Irvine.[Lairine, Scotland.] Arms as of Drum, chief, and a cross crosslet fitchee in base, or.
in diet, within a bordure vert, charged
1st Isoed, ar. six leopards' faces vert, three, two,
with six leaves, slipped, ar. Crest, a branch and one.
of holly and a lily, both slipped, in saltier, Ispred, or Isprid, ar. a rose gu. ; on a chief sa.
ppr. a demi lapwing displ. or.
Irvine, [Scotland,] ar. three holly-leaves and a Israel, gu. on a pile ar. three cinquefoils of the
chief vert. Crest, a hand holding a bay-rod, field. Crest, a sun rising from behind a cloud
adorned with nine leaves, ppr. with the chemi- ppr.
cal letters of Terra, Aqua, Ignis, Sal, Spiri- Ithelvelin, [Lord of la I, S. Wales,] s. a chev.
tus, Sulphur, Sol, Venus, Mereurius, or. betw. three goats' heads, erased, or.
Irving, [Navy Pay Office, and Lanark, Scotland] Ivan, az. a lion ramp. or.
ar. three sprigs of holly, slipped, vert, a mullet Ivan, ar. three fleurs-de-lis sa.
for diff. ; on an escutcheon of pretence ar. a Ive. Arms Crest, an arm in
as 1st in 1st diet.
cross of St. Andrew, engr. sa. Crest, a sheaf armour, couped and embowed resting the elbow
of three arrows, points upward, banded; a mul- on the wreath, holding a sword, ppr.
let for diff. Ivers, or Jevers, ar. on a bend az. three fleurs-
Irving, ar. on an inescuctheon ar. a saltier engr. de-lis or. Crest, a demi lion ramp, or, collared
sa. betw. three holly-branches of as many leaves, sa.
vert. Crest, three arrows tied round with a Ivie, [Scotland,] Crest, the attires of a stag
ribbon gu. affixed to a scalp, ppr.
Irving, or Irvine, ar. three bunches of holly, in Ivory- , ar. a bend vert. betw. three mullets gu.
each as many leaves, vert, banded gu. Crest, Crest, a lion, sejant, arlrontee, holding in the
out of a ducal coronet, per pale, ar. and az. a dexter paw a sword, and in the sinister a fleur-
lion's paw, per fesse, orandgu. holding a cross de-lis.
crosslets fitchee of the last. Ivye, [Oxon, and West Keynton, Wilts.] ar. a
Irwin, Irwine, or Irwyne, [Ireland,] ar. a chev. lion ramp. gu. quartered with ar. a fesse em-
betw. three roses az. Crest, a mullet pierced, battled gu. betw. three annulets sa. Crest, a
or. lion ramp. ar. supporting a staff, raguly, gu.
Isaac, Crest, in the sea, a cross pattee. betw. Ivyn, [Tuddington, Glouc] sa. six plates, three,
two ears of wheat, in orle, ppr. two and one; on a chief ar. a demi lion ramp,
Isaacs, Crest, a hand holding a millrind. gu.
Isaacson, or, on a pile, betw. two escallops az. Ivyn, sa. six plates, three, two, and one ; on a
a lion ramp. ar. Crest, a demi lion ramp. ar. chief ar. a lion ramp. gu.
holdmg betw. the paws an escallop az. Iwardby, [Bucks.] arg. a saltier engr. gu.
Isaacson. The same arms. Crest, two lions' Izon, ar, on a pale sa. three antique crowns or.
gambs, issuing, sa. holding up a bezant. Crest, a dexter hand, fesseways, couped, ppr.
Isack, quarterly, or and purp. a cross pattee, holding a cross crosslet fitchee, in pale, sa.
fitched at each foot, or, betw. four lambs ar.
each gorged with a rope az. and pendent in
Isall, az. two barsar. overall, a bendgu. within
a bordure engr. gobony of the second and third.
Isam. See Isham. Jack, ar. a chev. betw. two crescents in chief, gu.
Isbett, three boars' head, couped,
. ., . .. Crest, and an arm in armour, embowed, holding a
an escallop . . . sword ppr. hilt and pomel or. Crest, an armed
[sburye, ar. two bends nebulee sa. arm. gu. holding a sword ppr.
Isely, or Isley. Arms as 1st diet. Crest, a Jack, parted per saltier, ar. and sa. two oak-
leaves, in pale, vert, and as many acorns, in Jackson, [Sunderland, Durham,] ar. on a chev.sa.
fesse, or. Crest, a pear-tree vert, fructed or. betw. three hawk's heads, erased, of the second,
Jack, ar. on a fesse. ., three escallops. .
Crest, as many cinquefoils of the first. Crest, a
a horse's head, erased, holding in the mouth a horse, at full speed, ar. gutee de sang.
broken tilting spear. Jackson, gu. a greyhound courant arg. collared az.
Jack, [Glasgow, Scotland,] ar. a chev. sa. betw. and charged on the breast with a torteaux
two crescents in chief, gu. and an arm, in betw. three pheons or. Crest, a dove ppr.
armour, couped, fesseways, holding a sword, in charged on the breast with a torteaux, holding
pale, all ppr. Crest, the sun. in the beak a sprig of olive ppr.
Jack, [Scotland,] ar. a chev. sa. betw. two Jackson, [Edinburgh,] barry of ten, ar. and az.
crescents in chief, gu. and in base an armed
a lion ramp. gu. ; on a canton of the last, a
arm, of the second, holding a sword ppr. hilt boar pass, of the first. Crest, an eagle's head,
and pomel or. Crest as the last. erased, ppr.
Jack, [Scotland.] The same arms with the chev. Jackson, or. two bars dancettee pean, on a chief
az. az. three estoiles of the field. Crest, on a rock,
Jack, [Woodhall, Scotland,] ar. three demi holly- a hawk rising ppr. belled or.
leaves, divided fesseways, vert. Jackson, az. a lion ramp. ar. billettee gu.
Jack. [Scotland.] az. on a chev. betw. three Jackson, [Yorks.] gu. a fesse betw. three falcons,
trefoils, slipped, or, a mullet . . .
close, ar.
Jackett. Arms as 1st diet. Crest, out of a Jackson, [Scotland,] ar. three holly-leaves vert.
cloud, a dexter hand ppr. holding a cross Crest, a holly-leaf ppr.
pattee fitchee, in pale, or. Jackson, ar. on a chev. betw. three daws' heads,
Jackportville, quarterly, az. and ar. four lions erased, az as many cinquefoils or. Crest, a
ramp, counterchanged. horse, courant, ar. guttee gu.
Jackson, or, two bars dancettee pean, on a chief Jackson. Arms as of Kelwoold's in 1st diet.
az. three suns or, quartering downes, sab. Crest, a naked arm, embowed, grasping a poin-
a stag lodged arg. collared and chained or. ard, all ppr.
Crest, a sun or, encircled by two wreaths of Jackson, ar. a lion pass. betw. three martlets or.
laurel ppr. [Borne by Major General Sir Jacob, [Newhall, Oxon.] ar. a chev. gu betw.
Richard Downes Jackson, K. C. B. 1834.] three heraldic tigers' heads, erased, ppr. Crest,
Jackson, [Newcastle on Tyne, N.umb.; and an heraldic tiger pass. ppr. maned and tusked
Hickleton, Yorks.] gu. a fesse betw. three or.
shovellers ar. Jacob, az. a scaling-ladder betw. a greyhound in
Jackson, [Ireland,] ar. a fesse betw. three cocks' chief and an annulet in base, ar.
heads, erased, sa. Crest, a fleur-de-lis or, en- Jacob, ar. a chev. gu. betw. three trefoils, slipped,
twined by a serpent vert. sa. on a chief of the second, an etoile or.

Jackson. [London.] Arms as of Southgate in Jacob, quarterly ar. and sa. a cross patonce, quar-
1st diet. Crest, a hand ppr. holding a boar's tered and counterchanged.
head, erased and erect, sa. Jacobs, ar. a greyhound, current, sa. a canton er-
Jackson, [Bath, Somers.] gu. a greyhound, cur- minois. Crest, an arm, in armour, embowed,
rent, in fesse, ar. collared az. betw. three grasping a sword by the blade, ppr.
pheons or, on the shoulder a torteaux. Crest, Jacobs, [London,] per fesse indented, and , . . . .

a dove, close, ppr. in the beak an olive-branch, an eagle displ. . . .

on the breast a torteaux. Jacomb. Arms as 1st in 1st diet. Crest, a hand
Jackson, erminois on a chev. per pale az. and gu. holding two branches of palm, in orle, ppr.
betw. three griffins' heads erased per pale of Jaduyn, sa. ten bezants, four, three, two, and
the last, as many cinquefoilserm. Crest, ahorse one on a chief ar. a demi lion, issuant, gu.

courant erm. Jaffray, [Edinburgh.] Arms as 1st diet.

Jackson, [Lochhouse, Scotland,] barry, of eight, Crest, a mullet betw two branches of palm, in
or and gu. a lion ramp. ar. orle, ppr.
Crest, an eagle's a chief of the last.
Jackson, [Paisley, Scotland.] Jaffray, Ireland,] az. a fret or,
head, erased, ppr. Crest, a demi leopard ramp. gu.
Jackson, [Torphin, Scotland,] gu. three suns in Jaffrey, [King's Wells, Scotland,] paly of six,
splendour, or, within a bordure ar. a chief erm. ar. and sa. surmounted by a fesse of the first,
Crest, a dexter arm, in armour, embowed, charged with three stars of the second. Crest,
holding a battle-axe ppr. the sun beaming through a cloud, ppr.
Jaffreif, [Dilspro, Scotland.]
The same arms and Jamy, [Wells, Somers.] ar. a fesse engr. vert

crest, with a crescent for diiF.

betw. three escallops sa.
Jager, az. a cross pattee throughout or,cantoned Jane, or Jeane, az. an eagle displ. or. Crest, a
with four fleurs-de-lis gu. Crest, out of a du- swan, with wings endorsed, devouring a trout,
cal coronet, a hand holding a sword ppr. all ppr.
Jago, [St. Erme, Cornw.] or, a chev. betw. three Jansen, per cross, az. and gu. a cross patonce or,
cross crosslets sa. a chief of the last.

Jago, or, a greyhound, current, in bend, sa. in the Janson. Arms as 1st diet. Crest, on a mount
dexter chief a hunting horn, stringed, of the vert, a hind ppr. collared gu.
last. Crest, issuing from clouds, two dexter Janson, ar. two bundles of reeds, in fesse, pale-
hands, both seizing the stump of an old tree, ways, vert. Crest, an arm from the elbow,
sprouting anew, all ppr. vambraced, holding a falcon's leure.
Jago. The same arms as lago. Jarodrell, Arms as Iodrell of Yerdersley, 1st
Jakees. See Jakes, 1st diet. diet.

Jakeman, per chev. gu. and erm. in chief two Jaque, or, on a millink sa. five etoiles of the first.
eagles displ. or. Crest, out of a ducal coronet Jaques, Jeex, or Jacques. As 5th in 1st diet.
or, an eagle's head ppr. Jaques. Arms as 2nd in 1st diet. Crest, a be-
Jakes, ar. on a fesse engr. sa. three escallops zant, charged with a lion's head, erased and
or. collared.

Jakys, or, two bars wreathed bendy of eight, az. Jardelay. Arms as 1st diet. Crest, a dexter
and gu. arm, in armour, wielding a scimitar, all ppr.
Jalmes, ar. three martlets sa. Crest, out of a Jarden, ar. six mascles gu.
ducal coronet or, five ostrich's feathers, the Jardin, [Applegerth, Scotland,] ar. a saltier and
three middle ones sa. and two outside ones ar. chief gu. the last charged with three mullets of
Jamare, [Hants. Temp. Echo. III.] gu. two lions the Crest, a spur-rowel.

Jardin, [Edinburgh,] ar. on a saltier gu. five be-

pass, guard, in pale, ar.
Jamerdeston, [Sufi.] az. two barsar. ; on a chief zants ; on a chief of the second, two mullets or.
gu. a lion pass, guard, or. Crest, a hand holding a bezant, all ppr.
James, [Cornw.] ar. a lion ramp. az. betw. three Jardin e, [King's Remembrancer in the Exche-
escallops gu. quer of Scotland,] ar. a saltier gu. ; on a chief
James, [Deptford, Kent,] gu. a dolphin, embowed, of the last, two wings, conjoined, betw. as many
or. Crest, an ostrich ar. spur-rowels of the first. Crest, a dexter hand,
James, ar. a chev. sa. betw. three millrinds of the holding up a spur-rowel, ppr.
second. Crest, a garb ar. banded vert. Jarman, or, three bendlets gu. Crest, an eagle's
James, ar. a bend gu. all within a bordure sa. leg, erased, in bend sinister, grasping a feather
James. See Janes 1st diet. in bend dexter.

James, quarterly, ar. and sa. a cross, flowered, Jarrat, Jarratt, or Jarrett, sa. a lion ramp,
counterchanged. ar. ducally crowned or, collared gu. Crest, an
James, [Park harm Place, Eltham, Kent,] az. on eagle, with wings expanded, ppr.
a chev. betw. three lions pass, guard, or, ducally Jarrett, [Somersetshire,] az. a lion ramp, erminois
crowned of the last, three grenades sa. fired ppr. collared gu. ducally crowned or. Crest, a lion's
Crest, in a naval coronet or, a tower, with head erased, crowned and collared as in the
two port-holes in front, of the last, fire issuing arms. [For Jarrett in 1st diet, read the above.]
from the port-holes and top, ppr. on the tower
; Jarrett, ar. a lion pass. betw. two flaunches
. .

a flag-staff of the last, thereon a flag, flotant to purp Crest, a lion pass, under his fore paw a
the sinister, gu. in a position of striking, being fleur-de-lis.
half down the staff Motto, Victor. Jarvis, or Jarveis. Arms as 1st in 1st diet.
James, [Bishop of Durham,] sa. a dolphin, em- Crest, a lion ramp. gu.
bowed, ar. betw. three cross crosslets or. Jarvis, sa. a chev. betw. six {Another, three) lap-
Jameson, [Leith, Scotland,] az. a saltier or, can- wings, ar.

toned by ships under sail, in chief and flanks, Jason, az. a lion pass. or. ; on a canton ar. a cross gu.
and a mullet, in base, ar. Crest, a ship in full Jasper, ar. a bordure az. charged with eight
her flag displ. gu.
martlets or.
Jamieson, ar. a fesse wavy betw. three anchors Jasper, [London.] Arms as 1st diet. Crest, a
az. Crest, a ship under sail, ppr. standard, issuing from the wreath, ar. charged
Jamvile. See Janivile, 1st diet. with a cross gu.
[2 U]
Jaudrill. [Arms in 1st diet. Crest, a demi with a cross formee gu. resting his dexter claw
antelope gu. holding betw. the paws an escut- on a fleur-de-lis or. holding in his mouth a
cheon or. trefoil vert. [Borne by Richard Jeff, Esq
Jaupin, vert, three ananases or pine-apples, 1832.]
reversed, stalked, leaved, and topped, or. jELLiBRAND,ar. two swords, in saltier, sa. hilted gu.
Crest, a demi greyhound, salient, ppr. Jelley, or Jelly, erm. a chev. sa. Crest, a
Jauvin, Same as Jaduyn. garb, entwined by two snakes, ppr.
Jay, ar. three Midas's heads, erased, sa. crowned Jellicoe, az. on a bend ar. three mullets gu. a
or. chief or. Crest, a cherub with two wings.
Jay, [Scotland,] az. three dolphins, naiant, or. Jenyn, per chev. gu. andar. three unicorns' heads,
Crest, a lion's paw holding a thistle ppr. couped, and counterchanged.
Jay. Arms as 1st in 1st diet. Crest, on a ducal Jen, [Temp. Edw. III.] or. a lion ramp, vaire,
coronet or, a griffin, sejant, az. resting the over all a fesse gu.
dexter foot, on an escutcheon gu. Jenes, and Jennet. Same as Jemyn.
Jeane. See Jane. Jenicot. See Jencote in 1st diet.
Jeanes, or Jeans. Crest, a decrescent or, Jenken, [Wales.] or, a fesse sa. in chief three
Jebb, [Ireland,] az. three talhots' heads, couped, mullets gu.
or. Crest, two rods, raguly, in saltier, banded. Jenkins, in the 1st of the name in appendix to

Jeddon, . on a bend . a battle-axe . . betw. a

. . 1st diet, the saltier should be arg.
boar's head, couped, and a leopard's face . .
Jenkins, [Ireland,] sa. a chev. or, betw. three
Crest, a leopard's head. fleurs-de-lis ar. Crest, on a ducal coronet or,
Jeex. See Jaques. a talbot, statant, ar. collared and lined gu.
Jefeky, [Langly,] ar. a fesse betw. three escal- Jenkins, [Wales,] per pale, az. and sa. three
lops sa. fleurs-de-lis or. Crest, a battle-axe, handle or,
Jefferey, sa. a lion, salient, betw. three scaling- head ppr.
ladders, or. Jenkins. Arms
as 2nd in 1st. diet. Crest, a
Jeffereys. See Jeffryes. lion's
paw, erased, holding a bezant, or,
Jefferies, Crest, a lion's head, erased, az. Jenkinson, [Ireland.] Arms as 3rd in 1st diet.
collared ar. charged with three roses gu. Crest, out of a ducal coronet az. a demi lion
Jefferis. sa. a chev. ar. betw. three spear's heads, ramp. ar. holding a palm-branch vert.
.. Crest, a lion ramp. sa. Jenkinson. The same arms. Crest, a sea-horse's
Jeffery, erm. two lions pass, guard, gu. Crest, head couped, ar. crined gu. gorged with a fesse
a demi lion ramp, holding a scimitar ppr. az.
Jeffrey, sa. a lion ramp. or. betw. three scaling- Jenkinson, or, a fesse, cottised, gu. betw. three
ladders of the second. Crest, on a ducal tigers' heads, erased, sa.
coronet, a martlet ppr. Jenkinson, ar. a fesse wavy az. in chief three etoiles
Jeffery. Same as Jaff'ery, King's Wells, Scotland. or. Crest, a sea-horse az. winged or.
Jeffery, erm. on a canton sa. a saltier engr. ar. Jenkinson. sa. a chev. betw. three fieurs-de-lisar.
Jeffery, ar. a chief sa. fretty or. Jenkyn, az. a bend ar. betw. six mullets or.
Jeffreys. Arms as of Prioy, 1st diet. Crest, Jennens. As 3d Jennyns, 1st diet.
on the stump of a tree, couped, and shooting Jenner, [Berkeley, Co. Gloucester,] az. three
out new branches, vert, a stork ar. covered cups or. [Borne by the late Dr. Jenner,
Jeffries, or Jeffrys. Same arms. Crest, a M. I. at Petersham, Surrey.]
lily and holly-branch,
in saltier, ppr. Jenneson, [N.umb.] The same arms and crest
Jeffs, erm. on a canton gu. a saltier or. Crest, as Jenison.
a pelican's head, erased, vulning. ppr. Jennet, or Jennett, [Ireland,] Crest, a hind's
Jeggins. See Jegon in both diets. head gu.
Jegon, or, two chev. gu. a canton az. Jennet. See Jenes.
Jehibenod, ar. two swords, in saltier, sa. hilts Jennets. As 2nd Jennet, 1st diet.
and pomels in base, gu. Jenney, [Descended of the Gyneys. An. 1563.]
Jelberd, per pale, ar. and sa. a fesse nebulee erm. a bend cottised gu. Crest, on a falconer's
betw. three garbs, all counterchanged. glove appaumee, and lying fesswise arg. tassel-
Jelf, per chev. engrailed az. and erm. in chief led or, a falcon ppr. belled or. [Borne by Wm.
2 doves arg. beaked and legged ppr. in base 3 Jenney, of Frisby Hall, near Derby. 1835.]
cinquefoils gu. two and one, a crescent for diff. Jenning, ar. a chev. betw. three hinds sa. a
Crest, a stork ppr. vert, charged on breast quarter, paly of four, or and gu.
Jenninges, az. a chev. or, betw. three bezants ;
two demi roses ar. Crest, a demi man, habited
on a chief erni. three cinquefoils gu. Crest, a sa. cap vert, holding a battle-axe az.
jay ppr. Jenynges, ar. three torteauxes in fesse.
Jennings, [Ireland,] az. a chev. paly of six, ar. Jenynges, [London,] ar. a chev. gu. betw. three
and gu. betw. three griffins' heads, erased, of fishes' heads, erased, sa.
the second. Crest, out of a mural coronet az. Jenynges, [London,] ar. a chev. betw. three demi
a wheat-sheaf or, thereon a sparrow ppr. etoiles, couped, per fesse, sa. rays in base.
Jennings. Arms as Lord Mayor 1508, 1st diet. Jenysonn, [Burnham West Gate, Norf.] az. on
Crest, an eagle's head, couped, holding in a bend wavy or, betw. two swans ar. three roses
the beak a plummet sa. gu -

Jennings, az. a chev. betw. three griffin's heads, Jeoffrey, [London,] or, three hawks' leures gu. ;

erased, ar. Crest, a cat's head, erased, guard. on a chief embattled of the second, three leo-

gu. bezantee, holding in the mouth a cross pards' faces of the first.

pattee fitchee ar. Jepson, [Ireland.] Arms as of Froyle, 1st

Jennins, az. a chev. or, betw. three bezants; on diet. Crest, a hind, trippant, or.
a chief erm. as many cinquefoils gu. Crest, a Jepson, ar. two bars az. betw. nine mullets, three
a buckle or. in chief, three in fesse, and three in base.
griffin pass. gu. holding
Jennins. See Jennence, 1st diet. Jepine, [1634.] Arms as 1st diet. Crest, a
Jennor, on a cross az. four fleurs-de-lis of the
or, lion's head, erased, or, billettee sa.and ducally
first, within a bordure eng. of the second. crowned of the first.
Jenny. Arms as of Gt. Cressingham, 1st diet. Jepson, Crest, on the top of a tower, issuing,
Crest, a falcon, rising, belled, or. an eagle, rising, ppr. holding in the beak an
Jenny. Arms as 2nd Jenny, 1st diet. Crest, out acorn, slipped and leaved vert.
of a ducal coronet or, an arm, in armour, Jerard, or Jerrard. Arms as 1st diet.
brandishing a scimitar, ppr. Crest, an eagle displ. with two heads or, charg-
Jennvng, ar. on a fesse gu. three bezants. ed with a saltier sa.
Jenoure, [Essex,] Baronet, As 1st diet. Crest, Jerard, quarterly, per fesse indented or and az.
a greyhound sejant, sa. Jerbridge. The same as Jerbert, 1st diet.
Jenoure. Arms as 1st diet, Crest, a greyhound, Jerbridge erm. an annulet sa. ; on a chief gu. three
sejant, sa. lozenges of the first.
Jenoyre. Arms and crest, as the last. Jercey, or Jersey, as 1st diet,
Jenoyre, or, on a cross az. five fleurs-de-lis of the Jereys, ar. a chev. betw. three Blackamoors'
field, within a bordure engr. of the second. heads, couped, sa. with caps vert, fretty or.
Jenssen. Arms and crest as Janssen, Wimble- Jerires, ar. a chev. betw. three delves, gu.

don, Surrey, in 1st diet. Jermain, vert, a cross engr. or. Crest, a gilly-
Jeny, Crest, a hand, in fesse, issuing from flower ppr.
a cloud ppr. holding a cross pattee fitchee Jermin. See Jermy, and Jermyn, 1st diet,
ar. Jermingham. See Jernegan. 1st diet,
Jenycote, See Jencote, 1st diet. Jermy, gu. three escutcheons erm.
Jenynge, [Hants.; and Hesse, Midd.] ar. on a Jermyn, [Lord Jermyn, Temp. Charles I.] sa.
fesse gu. three bezants. Crest, a demi lion, a crescent betw. two stars, in pale, ar.
erased and ramp, or, supporting a spear, erect, Jermyn, [Lord Dover, Temp. James II] The
of the first, headed az. same, with a crescent in the dexter chief point
Jenynges, [Devons.] ar. a fesse betw. two hinds for diff.
sa. a canton paly of four, or and gu. Jerningham, ar. three lozenge buckles gu.

Jenynges, [Suff.] or, on a fesse vert. betw. three Crest, out of a ducal coronet or, a partridge sa.
halberts az. staves gu. a fleur-de-lis betw. two wings expanded.
demi roses, paleways, ar. seeded of the field. Jernouthe, guttee de sang, a bend gu.
Crest, a demi Savage sa. collared round the Jernyngham, on a chev. gu. fimbriated, engr.
neck or, wreathed round the temples of the last sa. three escallops of the first.
and vert, holding in the dexter hand a halbert Jerson, [of that Ilk,] gu. on a fesse, betw. three
az. staff gu. billets ar. a crescent vert.

Jenynges, or Jenninges, az. a chev. betw. three Jerville, de, paly of six, or. and az.
griffins' heads, erased, or. Jervois. See Jerves in diet.
Jenynges, or, on a fesse vert, betw. three battle- Jervoise. arg. a chev. betw. three eagles, close
axes gu. a fleur-de-lis of the first, enclosed by sab. quartering Clarke, az. three escallops in
pale or. betw. two flaunches erm. each charged stalked and leaved vert, a woman's head of the
with a cross pattee fitchee gu. Crest of Jer- first,her hair dishevelled; on a chief sa. a
voise, a an heraldic herald, tiger's head couped hawk's leure ar. betw. two falcons of the same,
sable; crest of Clarke, per pale gu. and az. a belled of the first.
pheon ar. within a gem ring, or, jewelled ppr. Jewers, gu. in chief three boar's heads couped,
Borne by Clarke Jervoise, Esq. 1H35.] ar. Crest, betw. the horns of a crescent, a
Jervys, sa. three bee-hives or. Crest, a hand buckle ppr.
ppr. holding an eagle's leg, erased, at the thigh, Jewes. See Jues in 1st diet.
gu- Jewry, ., on a fesse three wilkes
. . ..

Jerworth, az. on a fesse or, betw. three lion's Jeynes, ., ten bezants, four, three, two, and

ramp, of the last, as many crosses pattee fitchee one on a chief

: a demi lion ramp.
. .
, . . .

sa. Crest, a crane's head, couped, ppr. Crest, an arm erect, holding a battle-axe.
Jesore, az. a lion ramp, or, within a bordure Jfyld, az. a chev. betw. three acorns or, husked
engr. ar. an orle of billets of the second. and slipped vert.
Jesse. Arms as Jess in 1st diet. Crest, a lion, Joan, [Wake,] ar. two bars gu. in chief three
sejant, supporting an escutcheon, gu. torteauxes, over all a bend az.
Jesson, [Coventry, Warwickshire,] az. a fesse Joass, [Colinwort, Scotland,] vert, a sand-glass,
cronelle at the top, betw. three cocks' heads running, ar. ; and in chief, the holy bible
erased, arg. beaked, combed, and wattled gu. expanded, ppr. Crest, a sand-glass, winged.
Crest, a cubit arm erect, habited, paly of Jobber. Arms as of Aston in 1st diet. Crest,
four, ar. and az. charged with a bend gu. cuffed a fox, sejant, ppr.
ar. the hand holding a marigold slipped and Jobling, [Newton Hall. N.umb.] gu. a lion
leaved ppr. [Quartered by Phineas Hussey, ramp. ar. ; on a chief or, three mullets, pierced,
Esq. of Litchfield.] See appendix to diet. az. Crest, a demi lion ramp. ar. holding a
Jesson, [Coven.] ar. a fesse embattled, sa. betw. battle-axe ppr.
three cocks' heads, erased, gu. Crest, a dex- Jobling, gu. a lion ramp. arg. on a chief or, three
ter arm ppr. vested gu. charged with a bend ar. escallops sa. Crest, as the last.
cuff or, holding a rose of the second, stalked Jobson, gu. five escallops, in saltier, or. Crest,
and leaved vert. on a hand extended, ar. a falcon, close, or.
Jesson, [Line ] or, on a bend, cottised, sa. three Jobson, per pale, az. and or, an eagle displ.
crosses moline of the first. counterchanged on a chief gu. three escallops

Jesson, or Jephson, az. a fsese embattled or, betw. ar.

three cocks' heads ar. combed gu. Crest, an Joce. Arms as 1st in 1st diet. Crest, an an-
arm, erect, vested paly of six, ar. and az. telope pass. ppr.
charged with a bend gu. holding in the hand Joce, or Joos, ar. on a bend gu. three water-
ppr. a cinquefoil purp. leaved vert. bougets, or.
Jessop, [Ireland,] ar. a fesse, betw. three leopards' Joce, ar. three torteauxes, in bend, cottised, gu.
faces, gu. Crest, a goat's head, erased, sa. Joce, sa. on a fesse ar. three wilkes, lying fesse-
armed and collared or. ways, gu.
Jessope, Jessopp, and Jessup. Arms as of Joce, ar. a fesse betw. six crosses pattee sa.
Gillingham in 1st diet. Crest, a man on Joddrell. Arms as of Jerdersley in 1st
horseback, at a charge, holding a broken tilting diet. Crest, on a chapeau, a greyhound, sejant,
spear, ppr. ppr.
Jetter, sa.a fesse betw. three bats ar. Crest, Joel, lozengy, gu. and ar. a chief erm. Crest, a
out of a ducal coronet, an arm, erect, holding a hare lodged among grass, ppr.
broken spear ppr. Joheyngham, [Kent,] az. fretty ar. within a
Jevan ap Howell, sa. a chev. betw. three fleurs- bordure or.
de-lis ar. John, [Penzance, Cornw.] ar. two bars sa.; on
Jevers. See Ivers. a chief of the last, as many bezants. Crest,
Jewel, Crest, an oak-branch bearing acorns ppr. an arm in armour, embowed, grasping a sword.
Jewell, [Scotland,] a chev. az. betw. three
or, John. Arms as 1st in 1st diet. Crest, a demi-
gillyflowers gu. slipped and leaved vert; on a lion ramp. ppr.
chief of the third, a hawk's leure betw. two John, sa. a fesse betw. three hearts ar.

popinjays of the field. Crest, a dexter hand John, sa. a chev. betw three trefoils,
holding a gillyflower ppr. ar.

Jewell, or, on a chev. az. betw. three pinks gu. Johnes, or Jones, [Caton, Lane] erm. a chev.

couped, sa. Crest, out of a ducal coronet, a Johnson, gu. three greyhounds, current, in pale,
plume of five feathers ar. ar. collared or.
Johns, [Trewince, Cornw.] ar. three cornish Johnson, az. on a saltier ar. five trefoils, slipped,
choughs sa. Crest, two hattle-axes, in saltier, vert.

ppr. Johnson, or, three fusils, in fesse, sa.

Johns, az. a lion ramp, or on a chief of the last,
; Johnson, az. a fesse engr. erm. betw. three escal-
three crosses pattee of the first. Crest, on a lops or.
mural coronet, a serpent, nowed, vert. Johnson, per pale and per bend, or and ar. coun-
Johns, [Glasgow.] Crest, a crow ppr. terchanged.
Johnson, [Edinburgh,] ar. a saltier sa. betw. an Johnsonn, ar. on a chev. sa. betw. three lions'
increscent and decrescent in the flanks, az. and heads, erased, gu. bezantee, an etoile or.
a palm-branch, in base, vert on a chief of the
; Crest, a greyhound's head, couped, vert, col-
second, three cushions of the first Crest, a lared or.
winged spur ppr. Johnston, or Johnstone, [Ireland,] or, a saltier
Johnson, or, a water-bouget sa. Crest, out of a and chief gu. on the last, three cushions of the

ducal crown, per pale, ar. and az. a pair of wings field. Crest, a dexter arm, in armour, em-
per pale, counterchanged. bowed, hand apaumee, ppr.
Johnson, sa. on a bend ar. betw. two pair of men- Johnston, ar. a saltier sa. ; on a chief gu. three
hackles of the second, three pheons gu. on a ; cushions of the field, each charged with a pel-
chief or, a demi lion ramp, issuant, az. betw. let. Crest, a griffin's head, erased, gu.
two lozenges of the same. Crest, a lion's head, Johnston, [Worriston,] ar. a saltier engr. sa. ; on
guard, erased, per pale, gu. and sa. bezantee on a chief gu. three cushions or.
and collared or. Johnston, [Westraw, Scotland,] ar. a saltier
Johnson. Arms as of North Buffenhani, 1st diet. sa. on a chief gu. three cushions or, in base

Crest, a lion's head gu. crowned or, betw. two a man's heart ensigned with an imperial
ostrich's feathers ar. crown, ppr. Crest and motto as of Annan-
Johnson. Arms as of Hampshire, 1st diet. dale.
Crest, out of a mural coronet gu. a cubit arm, Johnston, [Anstruther, Scotland,] ar. a saltier sa.

erect, vested or, turned up ar. holding in the within a bordure wavy vert, charged with three
hand ppr. a scimitar of the third, hilt of the bezants on a chief gu. as many cushions or.

second. Crest, a winged spur or.

Johnson, az. on a chev. hetw. two greyhound's Johnston, [Hiltoun, Scotland,] ar. a saltier engr.
heads, erased in chief, and a lion ramp, in base sa. on a chief gu. three cushions or. Crest, a

arg. three pheons sa. Crest, a crescent az. sword and dagger, saltierways, with the points
betw. the horns a greyhound's head, erased sa. upward, all ppr.
collared or. Johnston, [Marquess of Annandale,] ar. a saltier
Johnson, arg. on a chev. sa. betw. three lions' sa. on a chief gu. three cushions or. Crest, a

heads erased gu. as many lozenges or. Crest, spur, with wings, or, leather gu.
out of a ducal coronet or. a sea horse's head sa. Johnston, [Gratney, Scotland.] The same arms,
bezantee. [Borne by Abraham Johnson, Esq. with two mullets, one in chief, and the other in
of Berwick Place, Hatfield, Peverel, Essex, base. Crest, a man, armed cap a pie, on horse-
i833. hack, brandishing a sword, afterwards, a saltier
Johnson, [Newcastle-upon-Tyne.] Crest, a stalk sa. ; on a chief gu. three cushions or. Crest,
of wheat ppr. as above.
Johnson, [London,] erm. on a chev. az. three be- Johnston, [Caskieben, Scotland,] quarterly, first
zants, a mullet for diff. Crest, out of a ducal and fourth, ar. a saltier sa. and on a chief gu
coronet, a swan's neck or. three cushions or, for Johnston; second and
Johnson, arg. a lion pass. gu. on a chief or. three third, az. on a bend, betw. three harts' heads,
acorns slipped ppr. Crest, a demi lion ramp. erased, ar. attired or, as many cross crosslets
holding a sprig of oak, acorned ppr.
. fitchee of the second, for Mar and
Garioch, of
Johnson, [Twysell, Durham.] Arms and crest, Caskieben, composed together in one coat.
1st diet. (Another crest, a tiger's head, couped, Crest, a phoenix in flames, ppr.
sa. bezantee.) Johnstone, [Corehead and Lochhouse, Scotland]
Johnson. [Ireland,] ar. three pheons az. on a ;
ar. on a saltier, invecked, gu. a spur or on a ;

chief gu. as many mascles of the field. Crest, chief engr. of the second, three cushions of the
a sword and key, in saltier, ppr. third. Crest, a spur or.
Johnstone, [Newby, Scotland,] ar. a saltier wavy Jones, or. a lion ramp. az. Crest, a buck at
sa. ;
on a chief gu. three cushions, lozengeways, gaze ppr.
or. Jones, [Chiswick, Middsx.] or. five fusils in fesse
Johntone, [Stratton, Scotland,] ar. a saltier sa. each charged with a fleur-de-lis ar.
sa.within a bordure . ; on a chief gu. three
. a lion's head erased, sa. collared, or, studded gu.
cushions or. Crest, an arm, in armour, holding Jones, sa. a chev. betw. three bull's heads and
in the glove a sword erect, all ppr. necks couped ar. Crest, a bull's head couped
Johnstoun, ar. a saltier and chief sa. on the last ar. collared sa.
three cushions of the first. Jones, [Ireland.] Arms as 1st diet. Crest, a
Jokes. Arms as 1st diet. Crest, on a ducal greyhound's head, erased, or, holding in the
coronet or, a cockatrice displ. gu. mouth a stag's foot, erased, gu.
Jollie, ar. three gillyflowers ppr. Crest, a hand Jones, [Caton, Lane] See Joknes.
holding a scimitar ppr. Jones, [Wales.] gu. three chev. ar.
Jolliff, [Cofton Hacket,] ar. on a pile vert, Jones, [Berks.] Arms as of London, Salop,
three dexter hands of the field. Crest, an arm Berks, 1st diet. Crest, a lion ramp, or, grasp-
holding a dagger. ing an anchor, in pale sa.
Jolliffe, [Correction of the arms in 1st diet. Jones. [Tredustan, Brecknockshire,] add betw.
Borne by John Ttryford Jolijfe, Esq.] arg. attires of the stag an antique crown or.
on a pile az. three dexter gauntlets of the field, Jones, [Archdeacon of Hereford, ob. 1823,] per
a crescent for difference, quartering Ticyford, bend sinister, erm. and ermines, a lion ramp,
as 1st diet. or, within a bordure engr. per bend sinister, ar.
Jolly, [London,] ar. three stags, lodged gu. two and sa. Crest, a lion ramp. or.
and one. Jones. Arms as of Arbemarles, 1st diet. Crest,
Jolly, [Scotland,] ar. an ark in the water ppr. a bird's head sa. holding in the beak a branch,
surmounted by a dove az. standing thereon, reversed, vert.
and holding in the beak an olive-branch vert, Jones, quarterly; first and fourth, or, three boars'
all betw. three
gillyflowers gu. stalked and heads, first and second, gu. second and third,
leaved of the fourth. Crest, a dove holding gu. a lion ramp, reguard. or, for Jones, quarter-
an olive-branch. ing, Morgan, ar. three bulls' heads couped, sa.
Jollyffe, sa. an eagle, with two heads, dsspl. armed or. ; French, Mathias, and Ford, 1st
ar. ; on a chief gu. a lion pass. or. Crest, an Crest, a spear erect, or, entiling a boar's head
eagle's head, erased, sa. beaked or. erased, ppr. for Jones. 2nd Crest, an arm
Joly, ar. a mullet gu. betw. two mullets in chief, embowed in armour holding in the gauntlet, a
and a pheon in base, sa. faulchion, all ppr. [for Morgan, Borne by Morgan
Jolys, ar. three pheons sa. a mullet gu. for diff. Jones, of Kilwendeage, Co. Pembroke, Esq.
Jonas, az. from a cloud, extending along the 1830.]
chief, ar. the rays of the sun illumined or. Jones, az. a mullet ar. in chief two eagles displ.
Crest, on a tower ppr. a crescent or. of the second.
Jones, [Middx.] quarterly; first, erm. a chev. Jones, ar. a chev. couped, purp.
couped, sa. for Jones; second, sa. a bend or, Jonetson, , a bend betw.
. . two fleurs-de-lis.
three pheons gu. betw. two turrets ar. for John- Jonico, or, on a chief sa. three crescents of the
son, of Twizel, Durham ; third, quarterly, or first.
and gu. on a bend sa. three escallops ar. for Joos, ar. a chev. gu. betw. three leaves of the se-
Eure ; fourth, az. a bend or, for Scrope, of cond.
Bolton. Crest, out of a ducal coronet, a plume Joos. See Joce, both diets.
of five ostrich's feathers. Jopling, or Joppling, ar. a decrescent gu. betw.
Jones, [Wales,] arg. a chev. gu. betw. three stags' three mullets az. Crest, a dexter hand ppr.
heads cabossed ppr. Crest, a buck's head, holding up an escallop, or.
erased, ppr. Jopp, [Scotland.] Arms as 1st diet. Crest, on
Jones, arg. a chev. sa. in chief a mullet of the last. a garb, in fesse, or, a cock, crowing, ar.
[Borne by John Jones, D. D. 1792.] Jorce, [Temp. Edw. III.] per pale az. and gu.
Jones, or. a lion ramp. az. Crest, a lion's head, an eagle displ. arg. beak and talons or.
erased, az. Jorce, [Temp. Edw. III.] arg. on a bend az.
Jones, [Stratford, Bow, Co. Middsx.] or. on a three water bougets or.
mount vert, a lion ramp. az. Crest, a wolf's Jorce, [Middlesex, Temp. Edw. II.] arg. an eagle
head erased, or. Visit. Middsx. displ. sa. over all a bend gu.
Jorcey, or Jorge. Arms as 1st diet. Crest, a Joy, [London,] or, a chev. vert, guttee ar. betw.
hand ppr. holding a swan's head and neck, era- three vine leaves of the second. Crest, a falcon
sed, ar. beaked gu. standing on a cinquefoil, betw. two vine-
Jorcy, per pale, az. and gu. an eagle displ. ar. branches, all ppr.
armed or. Joy, az. a chev. arg. in chief three fleurs-de-lis or.
Jordan, [Ireland.] The same amis as of W ilts. and in base, a demi lion ramp. ppr. ; quartering
in 1st diet. Crest, an arm, embowed, holding Joye of Benefield, N.anip. as diet. Crest, out
a dagger, ppr. of a ducal coronet, or. a plume of five feathers
Jordan. Arms as of Wiltshire, 1st diet, the field arg.
per pale or and az. Joy, vert, a lion ramp. ar. surmounted by a fesse
Jorden. Arms as ofWelynton, 1st diet. Crest, gu. Crest, a demi lion ramp.
a demi talbot gu. Joyce, Joice, or Joys. Arms as 1st diet.
Jordin, or Jordan. Arms as Jordayne, 2nd in Crest, a demi chevalier, in armour, brandishing
1st diet. a scimitar, all ppr.
Jordon, ramp. betw. three cross cross-
az. a lion Joyner, ar. a pale az.
lets or. Crest, out of a mural coronet, a hand Joynour, Crest, two battle-axes in saltier.
ppr. vested az. brandishing a sword, waved,
of Joy's. See Joyce.
the first. Juatt, ar. on a cross gu. five fleurs-de-lis of the
Jorge. See Jorcey, both diets. first. Crest, an armed arm ppr. holding a
Jorwerth, ap Llewellyn, [Wales,] gu. a lion fleur-de-lis or.
ar. on a chev. engr. betw. three bears pass,
ramp, and border eng. or. Jubbs,
Joseph. Arms, 1st diet. Crest, a garb or. sa.a mullet of the field.
Joskin, or Joskyn, gu. three sheaves of arrows, Jubell, or Inbell, sa. a bend ar. betw. three tre-
points upward, ar. Crest, an antelope's head foils of the second.
ar. collared gu. armed sa. Juchen, or Van Juchen, vert, in water, in base,
Joskyn, gu. three bird-bolts ar. banded az. one in ppr. a swan, with wings endorsed, naiant, ar.
pale, and two in saltier. Crest, two wings expanded, ppr.
Joslin, or Josceline, [Mount Tregamenian, Jude, and Judd. Arms as of London, 1592, 1st
Cornw.] az. three escallops or. diet. Crest, a ferret pass. ppr. collared and
Josselyne, Joseline, or Josselin. Arms as of lined or.
Essex, 1st diet. Crest, a bear's head and neck Judith, az. a chieftain's head, couped, ar. betw.
sa. muzzled or. two swords, transposed barways, or.
Jossey, [Edinburgh.] As 1st diet. Crest, an Judkin, quarterly; first and fourth, erm. a saltier
eye ppr. gu. ; second and third, ar. a chev. gu. betw.
Joulby, [Treves, Cornw.] ar. a mullet betw. three three boars' heads couped. Crest, a chevalier
broad arrows ,
in chief another mullet of the
. . on horseback, at full speed, sword in hand.
same. Juds, gu. a bend or, betw. six lozenges . . .

Joule, ar a fesse betw. three martlets sa. Crest, Judson, or Judgson, [Scotland,] per saltier, az.
out of a ducal coronet or, a stag's head affron- and erm. four lozenges, counterchanged. Crest,
tee, ppr. out of a ducal coronet, two dexter arms, in sal-
Jourdan, gu. three mural coronets ar. masoned tier, vested ppr. holding two scimitars, in pale.
sa. Crest, two anchors, in saltier, ppr. Jue, sa. a fesse betw. three goats pass. ar. armed
Jousey, or Jossey, [Scotland,] ar. a chev. betw. or.
two roses in chief, and a hunting horn in base, Jue, per chev. sa. and ar. three elephants' heads,
sa. erased, counterchanged, crowned or.
Jowett, or Jowitt, a three-masted galley,
az. Juers, ar. on a bend az. three fleurs-de-lis of the
sails furled, or, flags gu. Crest, a demi pega- field.

endorsed, ar. holding a flag Jues, ar. on a bend, cottised, az. three mullets or.
sus, reguard. wings
Juet, ar. on a cross gu. five fleurs-de-lis of the
Jowsie, [Scotland,] ar. a chev. az. betw. two roses, field.
in chief, gu. and a hunting horn, in base, sa. Juffnell, az. on a betw. three ostrich's fea-
thers ar. as many martlets sa.
stringed of the third.
Joy, [Ireland,] az. a chev. gu. betw. three fleurs- Jugg. Arms as 2nd in 1st diet. Crest, an oak-
de-lis, in chief, ar. and a demi lion ramp, in leaf, vert.
base, of the last. Crest, a hand holding an Jugler, [Riegate, Surrey,] or, two barsaz. ; on a
arrow, point downwards. canton ar. five billets sa.
Jugler. The same arms. Crest, two swords, in
saltier, ppr. surmounted by a cross crosslet sa.
Juis, or Jues, ar. a chev. sa.
Jucks, arg. a chev. gu. betw. three blue-bottles
slipped ppr. Crest, an arm embowed in ar-
mour, the hand ppr. holding a tilting spear arg. Kadie, [Scotland,] ar. three piles, issuing from

spear head and tassel or, thereto affixed the Sa- chief, engr. gu. ; on the centre one a crescent
cred Pennon of the Holy Trinity, viz. per fesse of the field. Crest, a lancet, expanded, ppr.
ar.and sa. the device of the Trinity or. as in Kadrad. Arms as 2nd Kadrohard in 1st diet.
PI. 47, fig. 15, fringed or. the end of the pen- Crest, two anchors in saltier az.
non forked, and floating behind the spear. Kadiver Vawr, [Wales,] ar. a lion pass.
[Borne by Jukes Granville Clifton Jukes, Esq. guard, sa. incensed gu.
1836.] Kadiyor ap Dynawall, [Wales,] sa. three
Julian, or Jullion. Arms as 1st diet. Crest, spears heads betw. as many scaling ladders,
on a chapeau, a salamander in flames ppr. bend sinisterways, ar. ; on a chief gu. a tower,
Julien, az. a lion ramp. ar. wielding a sword of triple-towered, of the second.
the last. Crest, a lion's paw, erased, holding Kadrohard, [Wales.] Arms as Kadrad above.
the hilt of a broken sword, ppr. Crest, a griffin's head, erased, sa.
Julius, arg. a fesse az. betw. three stars gu. Kadwgan ap Bleddyn, or, a lion ramp. az.
[M. I. S. Aisle of Westminster Abbey.] Kadyow, [Scotland,] ar. a chev. sa. betw. two
Jumper. Arms as 1st diet. Crest, a demi lion roses, in chief, gu. and a holly-leaf, in base, of
ppr. supporting a long cross gu. the last.
Juon, [Harlston] ar. a fesse erm, cottised sa. Kaer, gu. a cross gringolee erm. heads or.
Juon, [North Wales,] ar. three fleurs-de-lis sa. Crest, issuing out of a crescent, two eagles'
Jupp, ar. a chev. betw. three eagles' heads, heads endorsed.
erased, az. Crest, a griffin pass, holding a Kagg, az. a pile, issuing from the base in bend
buckle ppr. sinister, or. Crest, a falcon, reguard. resting
Jurden, per. pale, or. and az. a chev. betw. three the dexter claw upon a laurel crown, ppr.
lozenges counterchanged on a chief gu. as many Kahl, ar. three demi lions ramp, couped, gu.
martlets ar. Crest, a camel's head ar.
Jurdon, [Walverton,] az. semee of crosslets Kaines, or, on a fesse gu. three garbs of the
or, a lion ramp. ar. on the breast a fleur-de-lis field. Crest, a wolf, current, gu.
sa. Kairnie, [Scotland,] or, three birds az.; on a
Jurney, az. three gillyflowers ar. chief gu. an acorn betw. two mullets of the
Jury, az. three portcullises or. Crest, a cubit field.

arm, in armour, holding a caltrap ppr. Kalthorpe, [Norf.] chequy, or and az. a fesse
Just, [Monkwearmouth, Durham, sa. a chev. erm.
betw. three pigeons' heads, erased, ar. Crest, Kamoise, or Lamoise, gu. a chief indented or.
a swan's neck, erased, ar. betw. two ostrich's Kandishe, sa. three crosses botonnee or. Crest.
feathers, erect, of the first. on a chapeau ppr. a dove, wings endorsed, az.
Justice, [East Creichton, Scotland,] az. a sword, Kane, [Ireland,] vert, representing sea, three
in pale, ar. hilt and pomel or, supporting a trouts ar. Crest, a roundle vert, charged
pair of balances, within a bordure of the last. with a pale indented, ar.

Crest, a sword erect, Kankrier, Crest, a unicorn's head, issuing.

Justice, gu. a chev. (Another egnr.) betw. three Kapenhurst, gu. a chev. betw. three cocks ar.
leopards' heads or. Crest, a cat, sejant, ramp, Kar, [N.umb.] gu. on a chev. ar. three etoiles
ppr. sa.

Justice, gu. on a cross, couped, ar. five mullets sa. Karben. Arms as 1st diet. Crest, out of a
Justine, or Justyne, gu. three chev. ar. Crest, ducal coronet or, an arm from the elbow, vested
a stag's head, erased, affront ee, or. gu. cuffed of the first, holding up the sun ppr.
Juxton. Arms as in Crest, an Ionic
1st diet. Karbyll. Arms as 1st diet. Crest, a stag,
on a base, ar.
pillar lodged, or.
Juxton, [London,] ar. on a fesse dancettee sa. Kardoyle, or Kardaile. Arms as 1st diet.
eight bezants, four and four, betw. five herons Crest, an antelope, trippant, erm. armed gu.
of the second, beaked and legged gu. Kardoyle, gu. six annulets ar, two, two, and two.
Kardoyle, ar. a fesse betw. six annulets, gu.
Karedig, [Wales,] sa. a lion ramp. ar. incensed Kawston. Arms as 1st diet. Crest, out of a
mural coronet, a hand ppr. vested paly of six,
Kakkknton, or Karkington, gu. three bars ar. ar. and sa. holding a mullet of the first.

Crest, out of an antique crown or, a denii Kay, [Sunderland, Durham,] Arms as 4th in
lion ramp. gu. 1st diet. Crest, a griffin's head as in the arms.
Karkettle, [Scotland, [ ar. a bend gu. Kay, [Newhall, Yorks.] ar. two bendlets sa. ; in
Karnabye, [N.umb.] Arms as 1st diet. Crest, the sinister chief a martlet of the last.
a triton holding in the dexter hand a trident. Kay, [Scotland. Anns as Kay, Durham.
Granted 1598,] gu. on sa. a bend ar. over all a file of
Karr, [Zair, Scotland. Kiy, [Yorks.]
a chev. ar. three mullets of the first; in base, a three points or.
stag's head, erased, of the second. Crest, a Kiy, ar. on a fesse az. betw. a stag's head, erased,

dexter hand holding a dagger. in chief, and a sheaf of arrows in base, three
Kakrickk, or Carricke, Glouc. Arms as in 1st fleurs-de-lis .. Crest, a martlet volant.

diet. Crest, a dexter arm, embowed, ppr. Kayble. Arms as first diet, the lion ramp.
vested gu. cuffed or, holding a covered cup of Crest, an arm from the elbow, ppr. vested erm.
the last. cuffed, indented, gu. holding an escarbuncle of
Karswill, sa. a bend or, a label of five points ar. the last,
Karvell, Karvill, or Kervell. Arms as of Kayle. Arms as 2nd in 1st diet. Crest, on a
Watlington, 1st diet. Crest, on a ducal coro- chapeau gu. turned up ar. a greyhound pass, of
net or, a wivern gu. the last,
Kasdous, gu. three rustres or. Kayle. Arms as of Cornwall 1st diet. Crest, a
Kassye. iVrms as 1st diet. Crest, a dexter demi talbot. ducally gorged.
hand pointing with two fingers gu. Kayne, barry of eight, vair and .. .

Katerler, az. three catherine-wheels or. Kaynton. Arms as 1st diet. Crest, a mountain
Katherham. Arms as 1st diet. Crest, an arm, ppr.
in armour, couped, resting on the elbow, and Kays, per chev. gu. and sa. three keys or, wards
holding a club, ppr. to the sinister.
Katherler, or Kateller. Arms as Katerler. Kean, [Ireland,] az. a fesse or, over all, on a
Crest, on a chapeau ppr. a lion's head, erased, pile ar. three hearts gu. two and one. Crest, a
az. ducally crowned or. horse's head, erased.
Katerley Arms as 1st diet, Crest, a hind's Keandale. [Anstruther,] .
., three passion-
head ppr. nails. .

Kathrexs, or Kathrins, [Ireland,] quarterly, Keane, [Ireland,] gu. three fishes, haurient, ar.
az. and ar. ; on the first and fourth, a martlet Crest, on a chapeau a stag, trippant, all ppr.
or. Crest, a plume of ostrich's feathers ar. Kearney, [Killmabock, Ireland,] arg. a lion,
enfiled with a ducal coronet or. ramp. gu. armed and langued az. on a chief of
Katle, [of that Ilk.] or, a fleur de-lis az. op- the second, three pheons of the field. Crest, a
pressed by a fesse and saltier gu. dexter arm in armour holding a sword, all ppr.
Kattell, [Scotland,] or, a saltier gu. in chief a Kearney, or Carney, [Cashell, Ireland,] ar.
fleur-de-lis vert, surmounted on the middle three lions ramp. gu. armed and langued az. on
with a bar of the second. a chief of the last, a hand couped at the wrist,
Katyng, Kating, Katting, and Katlyng, holding a dagger erect all ppr. betw. two pheons
Arms as Crest, a demi angel, holding
1st diet. or. Crest, a hand, couped at the wrist, holding
in the dexter hand a griffin's head, erased, a dagger erect, all ppr.
ppr. Kearney, [Ireland,] sa. on a chief ar. three wheat-
Kavaxagh, [Ireland.] Crest, on the point of a sheaves, vert. Crest, a ruined castle in flames,
sword in pale, a mullet. PP r -
, ,
Kavenagh, [Belian, Ireland,] az. a lion
ramp. Kearns, [Ireland,] erm.
on a bend
sa. five
ar. within a bordure of the last. annulets or, Crest, out of a heart gu. a hand
Kaville, sa. a chev. erminois, on a chief indented holding a scimitar ppr.
ar. an estoile betw. two mullets gu. Crest, a Keate. Arms as 1st diet. Crest, a mountain-
horse's head erased, per fesse indented sa. cat pass. sa.
and arg. holding in the mouth a palm-branch Keating, or [Ireland,] gu. on a sal-
vert. tier ar. five nettle-leaves vert. Crest, a cupid
Kawn, [Ches.] az. three bars ar. holding in the dexter hand an arrow, and in
Kawson, or, a bend betw. six cross crosslets sa. the sinister a bow, ppr.

Keats, [Berks, and Glouc] ar. three mountain- greyhounds, current, or. Crest, a greyhound's
cats pass, in pale, sa. Crest, a mountain-cat head, couped, or.
as in the arms. Keily. Vide O'Kelly, in 1st diet. Crest, a
Kebell. Arms as Keble or Kebyll in 1st diet, greyhound, statant, ar. [Borne by John Keily,
with the canton erm. Esq. of Strancally Castle, Ireland. 1832.]
Kebyll, ar. a chev. engr. gu. ; on a chief or, Keily, Crest, a male griffin, statant, ppr.
three mullets az. pierced of the second. Keir, [Knock, Scotland,] az. on a chev. ar.
Kechen, ar. on a pile engr. az. an eagle displ. gu. betw. two holly-leaves ppr. in chief, and a
Keching. See Keating in 1st diet. unicorn's head erased, in base, of the second,
Keckwitch, ar. two lions pass, in bend, sa. hetw. three mullets gu.
as many cottises gu. Kier, [Linlithgow, Scotland,] vert, on a chev.
Kedale, ar. on a bend az. three mullets or. over crenellee betw. a unicorn's head, erased, in
all a file of four points gu. chief, and a stag's head, erased, in base, ar.
Kedall, or Kiddall, sa. a saltier counter- three mullets sa. Crest, a pelican, vulning,
embattled ar. ppr.
Keddie, [Edinburgh,] three piles issuing from
ar. Keirie, [Gogar, Scotland,] ar. a fesse, counter-
the chief engr. gu. the centre one charged with embattled, betw. two cincpiefoils in chief, and a
a crescent of the field. Crest, a lancet, open, cross crosslet in base, gu. Crest, a hand
ppr. holding a rose. ppr.
Kedmarston. Arms as 1st diet. Crest, a demi Keitelby, Glouc] per pale, gu. and sa. a lion
ramp. ar. ramp, crowned, ar.
Kedslie, gu. three palets ar. ; on a chief of the Keith, [Earl of Marishal, Scotland,] ar. on a
second as many torteauxes. Crest, an eagle, chief gu. three palets or. Crest, a hart's head,
with two heads displ. ppr. charged on the breast erased, ppr. armed with ten tynes.
with a mullet ar. Kieth, [Bruxie, Scotland,] per fesse, or and ar.
Keefe, [Ireland,] gyronny of eight, gu. and ar. in chief three palets, couped, in base, gu.
a chief or. Crest, a lion's gamb, parted per Crest, a stag's head erased, . .

chev. or and gu. Kieth, [Amsterdam. Granted 1791,] ar. a heart

Keegan, Crest, a dexter hand holding a sheaf gu. within a bordure az. ; on a chief of the
of arrows. second, three palets or, on each a mullet of the
Keel, [London,] per cross crenellee, ar. and sa. third. Crest, a demi lion ramp. ppr.
in the first quarter a crescent of the second. Kieth, [Ravenscraig, Scotland,] ar. on a chief gu.
Keeling, Kellyng, Kelyng, or Kelynge. three palets or, quartering, or, three cushions
Arms as 1st diet. Crest, a sword, in pale, gu. within a double tressure counterfiowered of
enfiled with a Saracen's head, affrontee, all the last, for Randolph.
. PP r -
Keith, [Tillygone, Scotland,] parted per fesse, or
Keen, erm. a cross patonce ermines. Crest, a and ar. on the first, three demi palets gu. and
bundle of arrows, pointed ar. feathered of the in base, a man's heart of the last. Crest, a
same, banded gu. sticks or. leure ppr.
Keen, [Scotland,] gu. a Savage's head in profile, Keith, [Pittendrum, Scotland,] ar. a lymphad,
ppr.; on a chief ar. three mullets of the first. her sails furled sa. ; on a chief gu. three palets
Keene, [Ireland,] gu. a talbot pass, or, collared, or. Crest, an arm, in armour, fesseways,
and line reflexed over the back, sa. Crest, a couped, holding a sword, in pale, ppr.
martlet or. Kekebourne, Kekeburne, and Kellbourne.
Keene, erm. three crescents. .. Crest, a griffin's Arms Crest, on a ducal coronet
as 1st diet.
head ppr. holding a sword, in pale, ppr.
or, a lion, sejant,
Keenlyside, ar. three battle-axes, paleways, Kekewich, [Essex.] Arms as of Cornwall, 1st
two and one. Crest, a beacon, lighted, ppr. diet. Crest, a leopard's head and neck af-
Keep, or, a bend gu. on a canton ar. a galley, her
; ffrontee.
oars in action, of the second. Crest, a weaver's Kekewiche, ar. three lions pass, guard, sa. betw.
shuttle, in pale, gu. threaded ppr. two bendlets gu.
Keighley ar. a fesse sa. Kelbull, perfezze az. and paly of six, gu. andar.
Keightley, [Ireland.] The same. Crest, a Kelden, per bend, gu. and or. a pale vair.
griffin's head, erased, ar. Motto, Possunt Kele, [London,] or, two bars gu. each charged
quia posse videntur. with three martlets ar. betw. as many billets,
Keigwin, [Cornw.] vert, a chev. betw. three lying fesseways, of the second. Crest, a demi
woman ppr. hair dishevelled or, on her head a lets,three and two. {Another, mullets.) Crest,
a boar, pass, or wounded by an arrow ppr.
chaplet vert.
Keleyne, ar. a saltier hetw. four trefoils, slipped, Kelly. Same as Kelle, Cornw.
vert. Keltie, [of that Ilk,] az. a mullet betw. three
Kcliu'll. See Kettum. crescents ar.
Kelke, or Kelk. Arms as of Lincoln, 1st diet. Keltie, or Kelty. Crest, a wheat-sheaf ppr.
Crest, a wolf, sejant, ppr. Kelverdon, [ Essex, ] gu. a pall, reversed,
Kelke, sa. a bendlet, plain, or, betw. two bendlets erm.
flory counterftory, of the
last. Kelway, ar. two bones, in saltier, sa. betw. four
Kellam, or Killome. Arms as 1st diet. Crest, pears or, all within a bordure engr. of the
a cross crosslet fitchee and palm-branch vert. second.
in saltier. Kelyng, sa, on a chev. betw. three annulets or,
Kellam, gu. a lion with two bodies, guard, and asmany spear's heads az.
crowned or, within a bordure ar. Keme, gu. a cross engr. ar.
Kellbourne. See Kekebourne. Kemelicke, per fesse indented, or and gu.
Kelle. [Cornw.] ar. a chev. betw. three billets gu. Kemis, [Glouc] vert, on a chev. ar. three pheons
Kelle, [London,] per bend crenellee, ar. and sa. sa. in base a rose of the second.

Kelle, or Kell. The same arms. Crest, a boar's Kemor, gu. a chief or. Crest, a lion's head,
head, erased, az. ducally gorged or. erased, or, pierced through with an arrow sa.
Kelleher, [Ireland,] sa. three acorns, in pale, Kemp, [Cornw.] gu. three garbs or. Crest, a
or, betw. two palets ar. a chief of the second. falcon ppr. beaked and legged or, hooded gu
Crest, out of a mural coronet az. a lion's head Kemp. Arms as Kempe, of Essex.
or. Kemp, [Ireland,] or, on a saltier gu. five fleurs-

Kellet, or [Ireland,] vert, a saltier ar.

Kellett, de-lis of the first. Crest, an antelope pass, or,
in chief a cinquefoil or. Crest, a clemi wolf collared az.
ramp. sa. Kemp. Arms as of Croydon, 1st diet. Crest, on
Kelle v, or Kelly, [Ireland,] az. in chief three a garb or, an eagle, volant, of the last.
etoiles ar. Crest, a hand holding by the horn Kemp, gu. a bend vair, betw. six escallops ar.
a bull's head, erased. Kemp, [Westbroke. Norf. ; and South Mailing,
Kelley, quarterly crenellee, ar.
and sa. in the first Suss.] gu. a fesse erm. betw. three garbs or, as
quarter, a crescent of the second. within a bordure of the second. Crest, on a
Kelling worth, ar. three cinquefoils sa. seeded garb, lying fesseways, or, a falcon, with wings
or. endorsed, erm.
Kellock, [Scotland,] ar. a chev. betw. three tal- Kempe, erm. on a saltier engr. gu. five fleurs-de-lis
bots' heads, couped, az. within a bordure gu.-- or.

Crest, out of a ducal coronet, a sinister hand Kempster, az. a bend erminois, in chief a thistle
betw. two wings, ppr. all ar. Crest, a lion's paw holding a thistle
Kellock, [Scotland,] gu. a bar betw. two fleurs-de- ppr.
lis, stalked and leaved, in chief, or,
and in base, Kempston, [Ireland,] ar. (Another, or) two bars
an annulet of the last. Crest, a heart betw. vert, in chief three mullets of the last. Crest,
two wings, or. a dexter hand holding an olive-branch ppr.
Kelloway, [Wiltshire,] ar. two grasiers or snip- Kemston, or Kempton, quarterly, ar. and gu. ; on
pers (i. e. glazier's tools) in saltier sa. betw. a bend vert, cottised or, three towers of the
four pears, pendent, gu. in a bordure engr. of first.

the second. Kempstone, ar. a chev. sa. in the dexter point a

Kelloway, ar. a saltier sa. betw. four pears pen- cinquefoil of the second.
dent, gu. Crest, a barnacle-bird, ar. Kempt, gu. three garbs ar. Crest, a hedgehog
Kellson, ar. a cross quarterly counterchanged, or.

gu. andsa. Crest, an elephant's head couped. .

Kempt, or Kemp, [Scotland,] gu. two hands, issu-
Kelllm, or Kellam, gu. a lion ramp, guard. ing from the base, grasping a two-handed
with one head and two bodies, ar. Crest, an sword broken at the point, all ppr. Crest, a
otter's head, erased, ppr. demi lion holding in the dexter paw a battle-
Kelly, [Ireland,] az. a saltier, raguled, or.
axe ppr.
Kelly, [Ireland,] as O'Kelly, 1st diet. Kempthorxe. Arms as of Cornw., 1st diet.
Kelly, Kelley, or Keylley, or, on two bars sa. Crest, a lion sejant, . . .

betw. three billets gu. two and one, five mart- Kemsey. See Kempley.
Kemyng, erm. three crescents gu. Crest, a Kennedy, [Lochan, Scotland,] ar. a chev. indent-
unicorn's head sa. semee of plates. ed gu. betw. three cross crosslets fitchee sa.
Kemvs, vert, on a chev. ar. three pheons sa. two Kennedy, gu. a fess and bordure engr. ar.
of them pointing to the sides of the escutcheon, Kennedy, [Ireland,] gu. three close helmets ar.
the other downwards. Crest, an arm, embowed, in scaled armour,
Kemys. The same, with a rose in hase, of the holding a scimitar.
second. Kennedy, [Ardistinshire, Scotland,] quarterly ;

Kemys, vair, three hars gu. first and fourth, az. three fleurs-de-lis or second ;

Kemyston, ar. on a saltier sa. a cinquefoil in the and third, ar. a chev. gu. betw. three cross
dexter chief, of the first. crosslets fitchee sa.
Kenan, [Scotland,] per hend sa. and az. three Kennedy, [Auchtifordell, Scotland,] ar. on a chev.
hars or. Crest, a lion ramp. az. gu. betw. three cross crosslets fitchee sa. a
Kendale. See Kydale. fleur-de-lis or. Crest, a dexter hand holding
Kendall, ar. abend vert.
Crest, a hand holding a dagger ppr.
a sheaf of arrows, points downward, all ppr. Kennedy, [Barclanachan, Scotland,] ar. a chev.
Kendall, [Durham. Granted, 1666,] per bend gu. betw. three cross crosslets fitchee sa. in
dancettee, ar. and sa. in the sinister chief a mul- chief a galley, her sails furled, of the last, flags
let gu. pierced of the first. Crest, a wolf's of the second in the sinister chief point a mul-

head and neck, erased, gu. let of the same. Crest, in the sea, an anchor,
Kendall, [Exeter,] sa. three dolphins, embowed, in pale, ppr.
ar. Crest, a lion pass. gu. his tail pass. betw. Kennedy, [Baltersan, Scotland.] Arms as 5th in
his legs and over his back. 1st diet, within a royal tressure.
Kendall, gu. seven annulets, conjoined, in pale, Kennedy, [Kilmuches, Scotland,] ar. two keys,
ar. saltierways, gu. and in base a cross crosslet
Kendall. To 6th in 1st diet, add, field gu. fitchee sa.
Kendall, chequy, sa. and ar. a bend gu. Kennedy, [Bargeny, Denure, and Kirkhill, Scot-
Kendall, gu. a fesse componee, or and az. betw. land,] quarterly first and fourth, ar. a chev.

three eagles displ. of the second. gu. betw. three cross crosslets fitchee sa. within
Kendall, ar. a bend indented vert, betw. two cot- a double tressure flory and counterflory of the
tises gu. second ; second and third, az. three fleurs-de-lis
Kendall, or Kendel, per fesse indented, or and gu. or. Crest, a hand grasping a dagger ppr.
Kendall, ar. fretty gu. ; on a chief az. three escal- Kennedy, [Clowburn, Scotland,] quarterly; first
lops of the first. and fourth, ar. on a fesse az. three mullets of
Kendel, ar. abend vert. the first, for Weir; second and third, quarterly,
Kendrick, ar. five palets sa. Crest, a hawk's first and fourth, Kennedy, with the double
and belled, ppr.
leg, erased, jessed, tressure ;
second and third, France, as the arms
Kenell, barry nebulee of six, az. and ar. of Kennedy, of Bargeny, Crest, a dexter hand
Kenelworth, gu. a bend ar. betw. six stars with holding a military girdle, on it the words, Vires
asmany points of the second. Veritas.
Kenerby. Arms as 1st diet. Crest, a wolf's Kennell, barry wavy of eight, az. and ar.
head, erased, erm. Crest two lions' heads, erased and endorsed,
Keney, or Keny, az. on a fesse, betw. two chev. one or, the other gu.
or, three eagles displ. gu. Kennerley, vert, a fesse betw. two crosses pattee
Keniam, sa. a chev. engr. or, betw. three cross ar. Crest, a lion's gamb holding a laurel-
crosslets ar. branch, ppr.
Kenley', per bend embattled, sa. and ar. Kennett. Arms as 1st in 1st diet. Crest, two
Kennan, [Ireland,] ar. two bars nebulee gu. betw. branches of palm in orle.
three mullets sa. Crest, out of a crescent az. Kennett, quarterly gu. and or, a lable of three

a cross crosslet fitchee gu. points sa. each point charged with as many
Kennard, or, a fesse gu. betw. three mullets az. bezants. Crest, a sea pie, reguardant ppr. ;
Crest, a lion's gamb, erased, vert. (Another, crest, out of a ducal coronet an arm,
Kennaway, ar. a fesse betw. three eagles displ. habited in mail, holding in the hand a helmet,
77ie.se' arms were borne
gu. Crest a phcenix in flames ppr. all ppr. [ by Dr. Kennett,
Kenne, gu. a chev. betw. six crescents or. elected Bishop of Peterboro' 1718, who ob.
Kennedy, sa. three esquires' helmets ar. Crest, 1728; and are borne by Matthew Kennett, Esq.
on a rock a goose, ppr 1834, Mayor of Dover, 1828-9.]
ar. three bars gu. in chief a
[Ireland,] ar. two palets sa. betw. Kepwith, [Warw.]
Kenney, five

mullets, in saltier, gu. Crest, a greyhound, grey-hound, current, sa. collared or.
couchant, betw. two branches of laurel, in orle, Ker, [London. Granted 180G,] gu. on a chev.
betw afleur-de-lis in chief, and a martlet in

Kennicot, Crest, a griffin's head erased. base, ar. three mullets of the field. Crest, a
Kenning. Arms as 2nd in 1st diet. Crest, a stag's head, erased, or.
yew-tree growing out of a mount, semee of Ker, [Viscount of Rochester and Earl Somerset,]
trefoils, ppr. gu. on a chev. ar. three mullets of the first, in
Kennis, barry of six, vair and gu. the dexter chief point, one of the lions of Eng-
[Scotland,] ar. in chief, two cannets
Kennoway, land.

gu. and in base, an annulet of the last. Crest, Ker, [Blackshiells, Scotland, vert on a chev.
an arm, embowed, in fesse, couped, gu. holding betw. three holly-leaves, ar. as many mullets
three stalks of wheat or. gu. Crest, a unicorn's head, erased, ar.
Kenny, ar. on a saltier purp. five hearts or. Ker, [Moristoun, Scotland,] quarterly ; first and
Crest, a demi lion ramp, guard, gu. holding a fourth, vert, on a chev. ar. three mullets gu. in
fleur-de-lis or. base a unicorn's head, erased, of the second ;
Kennyell. See Kemyell. second and third, az. three crosses moline ar.
Kensing. Arms as 1st diet. Crest, a stag, all within a bordure of the last. Crest, a uni-
springing, ppr. corn's head, couped, ar. collared az. charged
Kensington, gu. five crescents or, two, one, and with three crosses moline of the first.
two. Crest, out of a ducal coronet, a demi Ker, [Trihorn, Scotland,] vert, on a chev. ar.
eagle displ. ppr. betw. three unicorns' heads, erased, .
.as many
Kent, [Thatcham, Berks.] Arms and crest as- mullets . . .

1st in 1st diet. Ker, [Newbottle, Scotland,] per fesse, gu. and
Kent, [Ireland,] quarterly, gu. and or, four roun- vert, on a chev. ar. betw. three mascles in chief
dles, two and two, counterchanged. Crest, a or, and a unicorn's head, erased, in base, of the

bridge of three arches ppr. third, three mullets of the first.

Kent, per fesse, or and sa. a pale and three water- Ker, [Littledane, Scotland,] quarterly ; first and
bougets counterchanged. fourth, as 1st diet, second and third, az. three
Kent, gu. a chief ar. , crosses moline ar. for Ainsley, of Dolphinston.
Kent, .
a chev. betw. three hawks' heads
. . . . Ker, [Dalphington, Scotland,] quarterly ; first and
Crest, a wolf's head couped. fourth, gu. on a chev. ar. three mullets of the
Kent, gu. three cinquefoils or. first ; second and third, or, on a chev. az. betw.
Kenton. Arms as 1st diet. Crest, a dexter three crosses moline gu. as many mullets ar.
hand, couped, fesseways, gu. holding a fleur-de- Ker, [Faldonside, Scotland,] quarterly ; first and
lis or. fourth, as 1st diet, second and third, or, on a
Kenton. Same arms. Crest, on a chapeau gu. bend az. three mascles of the first, for Halij-
turned up or, a lion pass, guard, ar. crowned burton.
with a ducal coronet ppr. Ker, [Abbot-Rule, Scotland,] The same arms
Kentwood, gu. three roses erm. as the Marquess of Lothian, with a unicorn's
Kentwood, ar. three cinquefoils gu. head, erased, ppr. in the centre for diff. Crest,
Kenwick. Arms as 2nd Crest, an
in 1st diet. the sun rising out of a cloud ppr.
arm, in armour, holding up an esquire's helmet, A'erby. Arms as Gth Kirby, 1st diet. Crest, a
ppr. hand, in armour, holding a pheon, ppr.
Kenyam, sa. a chev. engr. or, betw. three crosses Kercy, or Kersey. Arms as 1st diet. Crest, a
patonce ar. boar's head, couped, or.
Kenyngton. See Keningham, 1st diet. Kercy, gu. on a chief ar. a crescent of the first.
Kenyon, sa. a cross lozengy ar. over all a bend Kerdeill, gu. six annulets ar. two, two, and two.
gobonated, or and gu. Crest, on a rock, a dove Kerdesto, gu a saltier engr. betw. four cross
and olive-branch, all ppr. crosslets ar.
Keogh, [Ireland,] sa. three escallops, in pale, or. Kerdiffe, Crest, a hind, sejant,
az. a fesse or.

Crest, an arm, embowed, ppr. vested az. reguard. rising the dexter foot on a mount vert.

holding a covered cup or. Kerdiffe. Arms as 2nd in 1st diet. Crest, out
Keppyng, lozengy, and az. on a chief gu. a
or ;
of a tower ppr. a lion ramp. or.
lion pass, or, betw. two bezants, each charged Kerdiston, gu. a saltier engr. ar. Crest, out of
with a fleur-de-lis of the second. a tower, a demi griffin ppr.
Kerdston, gu. a saltier engr. or. Crest, a dex- Ketchin, [Scotland,] ar. on a chev. quarterly,
ter hand,
apaumee, couped, fesseways. gu. and sa. betw. three bustards of the second,
Kergourdenac, chequy, or and gu. Crest, two as many bezants. Crest, a pelican's head, era-
dolphins, endorsed, ppr. sed, vulning, ppr.
Keriell, and Kerioll. See Crioll. Ketelby, az. a saltier, embattled, counter-em-
Kerkbonell. Arms as 1st diet, crosslets, sa. battled, betw. four martlets ar.
Kerkeby, sa. two lions pass. or. Keterton, ar. a chev. betw. three cinquefoils sa.
Kerkele, gu. two hars or, in chief three keys ar. Ketford. Arms as 1st in 1st diet. Crest, a
wards upward. stag's head, erased, affrontee.
Kerkham, [Devons.] erm. three lions ramp. gu. Ketford, gu. on a chev. or, betw. two bucks'
a hordure engr. sa. heads, erased, ar. in chief, and a cat pass, in
Kernaby. Arms as 1st diet. Crest, a cubit arm base, or, as many mullets, pierced, of the first.
ppr. holding a crescent sa. Kethe, ar. on a chief gu. three palets or.
Kerr, [Northampton. Granted 1787,] gu. on a Ketrich. As Keteridge.
chev. betw. a fleur-de-lis in chief, and a mullet Ketson, sa. three fishes, haurient, ar. ; on a chief
in base, ar. three mullets of the first. Crest, a or, as many ogresses. Crest, a lion's head,
stag's head, erased, or. erased, in the mouth a trefoil, slipped, all ppr.
Kerr, [East India Co's Service. Granted 1806.] Kett, arg. on a fesse invecked vert, betw. three
The same, with the chev. embattled. leopards' faces az. a lion pass, reguard. arg.
Kerr, [Bughtrigg. Granted 1787,] gu. on a chev. (Ex. Coll. Arm.)
ar. three mullets of the field, all within a bor- Kettelby, az. a saltier, embattled, counter-em-
dure of the second. Crest, the sun ppr. battled, betw. four birds ar. Crest, a lion's
Kerr. Arms as 1st in 1st diet. Crest, a cheva- head, erased, gu. in the mouth an arrow az.
lier in complete armour, holding a horse by the feathered ar.

head, ppr. Kettle. Arms as 1st diet. Crest, a bundle of

Kerryll, a bend gu. and a canton, sa.
ar. Crest, arrows ppr. buckled or, banded gu.
a lion ramp. gu. holding a sword in pale, ppr. Kettleby, az. a saltier, raguly, betw. four mart-
Kershaw, gu. a chev. erm. betw. three cinque- lets ar.
foils or, stalked and leaved vert. Crest, a ram Ketton. Arms as 2nd in 1st diet. Crest, a
pass. ppr. boar's head, couped, in fesse, betw. two branches
Kershaw, gu. a sword, in pale, ar. hilt and pomel of laurel, disposed in orle, ppr.
or, in base, a serpent, nowed, vert ;
on a chief Ketyn, ar. a saltier gu. betw. four leaves vert.
of the third, three martlets, sa. Keux, az. two keys, barways, in pale, the ward
Kerslake, . .
a mullet, . . , betw. three trefoils. of the one in chief, to the dexter, and that in
. .
Crest, on the stump of a tree, a falcon base to the sinister, ar. Crest, a mound crossed
close. and banded, ppr.
Kersteman. Crest, a demi man, in armour, Keveram. See Keneram, 1st diet.

holding in the dexter hand an arrow, in bend Keverell, [Keverell, Cornw.] sa. two lions pass,
dexter. or.

Kerswell, [Douthill, Devons.] sa. a bend or, Kevett, [Warw.] a chev. betw. three demi
over a label of four points, ar.
all lions ramp. purp. Crest, a demi lion ramp,
Kersy, gu. a bend engr. or, betw. six bezants. purp. murally gorged, lined, and ringed, or.
Kerton, ar. a fesse gu. in chief a chev. of the Kextmell, ar. a leopard's face betw. three mul-
last. lets gu.

Kerwell, or Carvile, [Norf.] gu. a chev. ar. Key, [Perth, Scotland,] ,

in chief a stag's
. .

betw. three leopards' faces or. Crest, a goat head, erased, ,

and in base three arrows, one
. .

pass. sa. armed or. in pale and two in saltier, points downward.
Keryell, ar. Crest, an
a canton and bend gu. Crest, a martlet volant.
arm, in armour, embowed, couped at the shoul- Key, ar. two bends sa. Crest, a greyhound's head
der, the part above the elbow in fesse, resting ar. charged with three roundles sa.
on the wreath, the hand in pale, holding a close Key, sa. a chev. ending in the middle point with
helmet, all
ppr. a fleur-de-lis, ar.
Kestell, [Kestell, Cornw.] ar. a chev. sa. betw. Key, [Thornbury, Glouc] per chev. dovetail erm.
three falcons, rising, or. Crest, a tower. and gu. three keys erect, the wards upper-
Keston, az. a fesse erm. betw. three leopards' most, and towards the dexter, or. Crest, on a
heads, per pale, or, and ar. mount vert, a hart lodged, gard. ppr. charged

with three mullets in fesse sa. [Cr. Baronet, Crest, a unicorn's head ar. attired and maned
August, 1831.] or, environed with palisadoes of the last.
Keys, per chev. gu. and sa. three keys or. the Kidson, or Chidson, ar. on a chev. vert, two mul-
wards of the two in chief facing each other, and lets or. Crest, a greyhound courant ppr. col-
of the one in hase to the sinister. [Granted lared or. [Borne by IV. D. Chidson,
Esq., of
1449, 27 H. VI. Liverpool. 1836.] (See PL of Arms, supp.)
Keybell, harry nehulee of six, ar. and sa. a can- Kidson, ar. a chev. engr. betw. three leaves pen-
ton erm.
fAnother gu.) dent, . ..
Keydall. See Kedall, 1st diet. Kidwall, or Kinwold, ar. a mullet sa. over all
Keydesby, sa. a fesse ar. hetw. two chev. or. a bend sinister gu.
Keydon, Crest, a dolphin, increscent, on his Kidwall, or, a fesse dancettee gu.
back. Kidwally, az. a wolf ramp. ar. collared and
Keyes. Anns as 1st diet. Crest, a griffin's chained gu.
head hetw. two wings, holding a palm-branch, Kidwell. Arms as 1st diet. Crest, a peacock's
T , PP 1
head, couped, ppr.
Keyle, or, on two bars sa. six martlets ar. betw. Kiedeston, ., a saltier engr. betw. four cross

three billets, longways, gu. Crest, a woman's crosslets.

head and shoulders az. face ppr. hair dishevelled, Kier, [Scotland,] ar. a cross engr. sa. betw. four
and chaplet on the head, or. roses gu. Crest, on the point of a sword, erect,
Keymer, ar. three wolves, current, in pale, az. a ppr. a garland vert.
bordure of the last. Crest, an ass pass. ppr. Kierxan, [Ireland,] per chev. nehulee, gu. and
Keymiche. See Kemish, 1st diet. or, in base a torteaux. Crest, a demi antelope
Keymis, [Kaven-Mabley, Glamorganshire,] vert, erm. collared gu.
on a chev. ar. three barbed arrow-heads sa. Kiffin. Arms as 1st in 1st diet. Crest, on a
Keynell. See Kaynell, 1st diet. garland of laurel, orleways, a lion pass. ppr.
Keynes, or Keignes. Arms as 1st diet. Crest, Kighley, [Ches. and Yorks.] As last in 1st
a cross crosslet fitchee gu. betw. two palm- diet.
branches vert Kighley, ar. a fesse sa. Crest, a dragon's head,
Keynes, or Keignes. Arms as 2nd in 1st diet. erased, sa.
Crest, a talbot pass. sa. collared ar. Righley, [I orks.] ar. on a fesse sa. an annulet of
Keyrs, sa. a chev. ar. the first.
Keys. Arms as 1st diet. Crest, a Minerva's Kighoo, gu. a fesse ar. in chief three mascles of
head ppr. the first.
Keys, gu. a cross crosslet or. Kightley. See Kighley, 1st diet.
Keyte, [ Chesselborne, Dors.; London; and Kihford, per bend, ar. and sa. a lion ramp,
^\ ore] The same arms. Crest, an unicorn's counterchanged.
head, erased, ar. armed and collared gu. Kilby, ar. three torteauxes, in fesse, betw. two
Kibble, [Scotland,] ar a chev. betw. three mul- barrulets az. Crest, a hand issuing from a
lets gu. Crest an antique crown az. cloud in fesse, pointing to a crosier in pale, ppr.
Kibble, ar. two bars sa. in fesse a cinquefoil betw. Kilche, sa. a lion ramp. ar.
as many crescents az. Crest, a Roman fasces Kilegh. See Knilegh, 1st diet.
in pale. Kilgour, [ Scotland, ] ar. a dragon sa.
Kidd, [Scotland,] ar. a tree, eradicated, vert, within a circular bordure of the last, charged
pendent from a branch, on the dexter side, a with three mullets of the first. Crest, a mullet
bugle-horn, stringed sa. ; on a chief az. a fleur- or, betw. two wings gu.
de-lis betw. two mullets of the field. Crest, Kilgour, or Killgour, [Scotland.] Arms as 1st
a crescent ar. diet. Crest, a crescent ar.
Kidd, vert, a saltier engr. erm. betw. four mullets Kilgour, [Scotland,] ar. a wivern displ. sa. within
of six points or, a chief paly of six ar. and az. a circular bordure of the last, charged with two
Crest, out of a crescent az. a pine-apple ppr. stags' heads, cabossed, in chief, and a crescent,
Kidd, two goats, salient, combatant, ar.
az. in base, of the first. Crest, a crescent, ar.
Crest, a martlet, wings endorsed, ppr. Kilgour, [Burnrig.] Crest, a wivern, with wings
Kidley. Arms as 1st diet. Crest, a turbot-fish, endorsed, the tail ending with a head.
naiant, az. Kilham, or, a morion gu.
Kidsox, [Bishopwearmouth, Durham,] sa. three Killach, [Scotland,] az. three bay-leaves ar.
salmons, erect, ar. two and one, a chief or. Crest, a horse pass. ar.
Killegrave, ar. on a chev. sa. betw. three pellets, Kinaird, [of that Ilk,] gu. a saltier engr. and
asmany bezants. cantoned with four crescents or.
Killegrew, per pale, gu. and az. an eagle displ. Kinaird, [Carss, Scotland,] gu. three crescents
with two heads, sa. within a bordure of the or.
last. Kinaird, [Inchsture, Scotland,] quarterly; first
Killegroue, or Killigroue, ar. an eagle, displ. and fourth, gu. a saltier betw. four crescents
with two heads, sa. a bordure of the last, bezan- or; second and third, gu. three stars ar. for
tee. Crest, a hand holding a branch of laurel Kirkaldly. Crest, a garland of laurel vert.
ppr. Kinarby. Arms
as 1st diet. Crest, a flag gu.
Killingbeck, [Leeds, Yorks.] ar. on a chev. sa. flotant to the sinister.
betw. three unicorns' heads, couped, az. as Kinaresly, az. a lion ramp. ar. within an orle of
many annulets or. crosslets of the second.
Killingmarch, per fesse erm. and ermines, a lion Kincaid, [of that Ilk,] gu. on a fesse erm. betw.
ramp, counterchanged. two mullets, in chief, or, and a castle, triple-
Killingworth, ar. three scaling-ladders, bend- towered, in base, masoned sa. a lozenge of the
ways, gu. first. Crest, a dexter hand holding a chirurg-
Killome. See Kellam, both diets. eon's instrument, called bistoury, ppr.
Killowe. Arms Crest, two hands
as 1st diet. Kincraigie, sa. a fesse erm. betw. three crescents
issuing from clouds, in chief, sustaining an ar.

anchor, ppr. Kinder, ar. a fret sa. betw two lions' heads,
Killuhurst, or Killuhust, [Yorks,] ar. on a erased, in chief, and another, in base, of the
chev. betw. three cross crosslets fitchee sa. on last. Crest, a crane's head, erased, ppr.
the dexter side three fleurs-de-lis, and on the Kinderton, az. two bars ar.
sinister as
many martlets, or. Kindon, or Kingdon, ar. a chev. sa. betw. three
Kilmarch. See Kinwelmarch, 1st diet. cornish choughs ppr. Crest, an eagle's head
Kilnore, sa. an eagle displ. ar. armed gu. erased.
Kilpatrick. The same as Kirkpatrick. Kine, ar. two chev. sa.
Kilrington, ar. a lion ramp. gu. depressed by a Kineiland, [Monkland, Scotland,] az. a hare,
fesse or, charged with three crosses pattee salient, ar. round her neck a hunting horn sa.
fitchee sa. stringed gu.
Kilton, or, three eagles displ. gu. Kinerby, ar. three lions pass, in pale gu.
Kiltra, [Scotland,] az. two crosses flory, pierced, Crest, on a chapeau gu. turned up erm. a lion
ar. in chief, and a mullet, in base, of the last. pass, of the first.
Kiltra, [Scotland,] az. a mullet or, betw. two King, [Heref.] ar. a lion ramp. az.
crescents ar. King, az. semee of erm. spots or. three escallops
Kilvington, ar. a fesse gu. betw. three ermine arg. betw. two chevronells of the second, in
spots sa. Crest, out of a cloud, a hand holding chief two crosses formee fitchee, and in base a
a sealed letter, all ppr. lion ramp, of the third. Crest, a crescent or.
Kimbell, ar. a fesse within a bordure, engr. sa. charged with three erm. spots sa. betw. the
Kimber, ar. three cornish choughs sa. beaks and horns a talbot's head erased sa. holding in the
legs gu.; on a chief of the second, as many mouth a garden rose, slipped and leaved
mullets of the first. Crest, a bull's head ppr.
affontree. King. Arms 11th in 1st diet. Crest, a talbot's
Kimberley, ar. an oak-tree, eradicated, vert, head, collared and eared, or.
fructed or. King, [Oxon,] per fesse, gu. and ar. three roses
Kime, az. a chev. or, betw. three cross crosslsts sa counterchanged.
Kimeeton, [Derb.] gu. a chev. vaire ar. and sa. King, [Wilts.] sa. on a chev. engr. ar. three
Kimerston, [Salop.] ar. a chev. engr. betw. escallops of the field. Crest, a talbot's head,
three mullets sa. couped, sa. collared or.
Kimpereey, az. on two bars ar. three mullets gu. King, sa. a fesse wavy betw. three escallops ar.
two and one. Crest, a lion, sejant, ppr. holding an escallop
Kimpton, arg. an eagle displ. with two heads sa. ar.
Crest, a demi eagle displ. sa. King or, a fesse betw. two ducal coronets sa.
Kimpton, sa. a saltier ar. on a chief of the second, Kingbude, or Kingsbed, ar. a saltier engr. vert.
a lion pass, of the first. Crest, a crescent, Kingdom, az. three banners, bendways, in pale,
parted per crescent, or and gu. flotant to the sinister, or. Crest, out of a
a ducal coronet, a griffin's head gu. in the heak head, erased, betw. three mascles or. Crest
a key of the first. as the last.
Kingescot, era. in the dexter chief an inescut- Kinloch, [Gourdie, Scotland,] az. on a chev. hetw.
cheon gu. charged with a mullet or. three mascles ar. a boar's head, erased, of the
Kingeston. Arms as 1st Kingston in 1st diet. field, in chief a fleur-de-lis or. Crest, an eagle
Crest, on a mount vert a goat ar. horned or, soaring aloft.
leaping against a tree, of the first. Kinloch, or Kinloch, [London,] az. a boar's head,
Kingestone, gu. three eagles displ. or, hetw. erased, ar. betw. three mascles or. Crest, an
two bendlets ar. eagle, rising, ppr.
Kingley. Arms as 3rd in 1st diet. Crest, a Kinmarton, ar. a chev. betw. three escallops
cross crosslet fitchee sa. and sword ppr. in gu.
saltier. Kinnear, sa. on a bend or, betw. two stags' heads,
Kingley. Arms as 1st in 1st diet. Crest, a cabossed, ar. armed of the second, three mart-
cock's head betw. two wings ppr. lets of the field. Crest, two anchors, in saltier,
Kingsbury, [Ireland,] gu. two hoar's heads, with cables, all ppr.
erased, in chief, ar. Crest, a snail issuing Kinnear, [Edinburgh,] sa. on a bend or, three
from its shell, ppr. martlets vert, within a bordure of the second.
Kixgscott, ar. nine escallops, three, three, and Crest, an anchor, in pale, az.
three, sa. on a canton gu. a mullet, pierced,
Kinnear, [Scotland,] sa. on a bend or, three birds
vert, in chief a stag's head, cabossed, of the se-
Kixgsford, erm. in the dexter chief quarter a cond, armed gu. Crest, two anchors, saltier-
cross, couped, gu. Crest, the branch of a rose- ways, ppr.
bush, bearing roses, ppr. Kinnedar, [Scotland,] az. a saltier engr. ar.
Kingsley, ar. a bugle-horn,
stringed, sa. Crest, a greyhound, current, ar.
Kingsley, ar. a fesse sa. Kinneir, [of that Ilk.] Arms as 1st diet. Crest,
Kingston, az. three swords, in pale, ar. hilted or, as Rinnear, Scotland above.
two erect, upward, and one betw. downwards. . Kinneram, or, a chief ar. charged with three bends
Kingston, ar. a bend wavy gu. betw. two bendlets
of the last.
Kinnersley, az. a lion ramp, and chief or.
Kingston, gu. on a chev. or, betw. three cinquefoils Kinnimond, [Scotland,] az. a chev. ar. in chief
of the second, five mullets az. three fleurs-de-lis of the second. Crest, an oak-
Kingston, or Kynston, gu. a chev. vair. tree vert.
Kingswell. Arms as 1st diet. Crest, a parrot Kinninmond, az. a chev. ar. betw. three fleurs-
gu. in the mouth an annulet or. de-lis or.
Kington, [Charlton House, Somers.] ar. guttee Kinnolmarch, per fesse, ar. and sa. a lion ramp.
de sang on a chief wavy, per gu. and pale,
billettee, counterchanged.
vert, three ducal coronets or. Crest, on acres- Kinrise. As Kinross, 1st diet.
cent az. five guttees d'or, betw. two Kinross, [Scotland,] gu. two swords,
sprigs of in saltier,
myrtle, ppr. hilted or, betw. four hands, couped, apau-
Kington, ar. guttee gu. ; on a chief indented az. mee, ppr.
three ducal crowns or.
Kinsey, ar. a tower gu. Crest, out of the top of
Kington, ar. guttee de sang ;
on a chief az. three a tower ppr. an arm, embowed, vested vert, hand
ducal coronets or.
ppr. holding a spear in fesse.
Kingthorp, or Kingsthorp, ar. a fesse betw.
Kinthorpe, sa. a cross ar. betw. twelve billets of
three escallops gu. the last.
Kinismane, gu. a fesse chequy, or and sa. betw. Kinthorpe, ar.a fesse hetw. three escallops gu.
six crosses pomettee ar. Kinwold. See Kidwall.
Kinkeny, ar. a saltier sa. within a bordure engr. Kippen, [Perth,] quarterly; first and fourth, gy-
of the last. and second and third, a
ronny of eight, ; . . . .

Kinloch, [of that Ilk and Nevay,] quarterly ; galley, her sails furled.
first and fourth, az. a boar's
head, erased, ar. K i
ri5y, or Kirkby. Arms as 7th in 1st diet.
betw. three mascles or second and third, sa. a
; Crest, an anchor gu. entwined with a serpent
chevalier, in armour, on horseback, brandishing vert.
a sword ar. Crest, a young eagle, perching, Same arms. Crest, a flaming
Kirby or Kirkby.
and looking up to the sun in its heart gu. betw. two branches of palm, in orle,
Kingloch, [Aberbrothy, Scotland,] az. a boar's vert.

Kirch, ar. a stag, salient, gu. armed or. Crest, chief concave az. three mitres ar. garnished gu,
a talbot's head sa. collared and lined gu. Crest, a crosier and sword, in saltier, ppr.
Kirch, ar. a stag, salient, ppr. armed or. Crest, Kirkmaii, ar. two bars sa. in chief as many palets
on a pillar ar. a heart gu. of the second. Crest, a demi lion ramp. ar.
Kirk, [Aberfoil, Scotland,] gu. a crosier or. and Kirkonnel, [of that Ilk,] az. two crosiers, in
sword ar. saltierways ; on a chief of the second, saltier, adossee; and in chief a mitre, or.
a thistle vert, within a hordure indented ar. Kirkpatrick, ar. a saltier az. ; on a chief of the last,

Crest, a crosier and dagger in saltier. a cushion of the first. Crest, a stag's head ar.
Kirk, [Edinburgh,] gu. on a saltier ar. a thistle Kirkpatrick, [Ireland,] or, a saltier and chief az.
vert ; on a chief of the second, three cushions Crest, a mount in flames, ppr.
az. Crest, a church ppr. Kirkpatrick, [Liverpool,] ar. a saltier az. ; on a
Kirk, [Scotland,] az. a crosier and a sword, in chief engr. of the last, three cushions or. Crest
saltier, ar. ; on a chief of the last, a thistle vert. and motto the same as of Closburn.
Crest, a fox, sejant, gu. Kirkton, or Kirton. Arms as 1st diet. Crest,
Kirkaldie, [Grange, Scotland,] gu. a chev. betw. an arm, couped, resting the elbow on the wreath,
three stars in chief, and a crescent in base, or. holding three ears of wheat, ppr.
Crest, a man's head, with the face looking Kirktot, [Suff.] az. a cross ar. charged with five

upwards, ppr. escallops gu.

Kirkaldy, [Monkwearmouth, Durham,] or, a Kirkwood, [Pilrig, Scotland,] gu. on a chev. or.
fesse wavy betw. three mullets gu. Crest, a betw. three fetterlocks ar. a pheon betw. two
man's head, with the face looking upwards, ppr. mullets, pierced, sa.
Kirkaton. See Kirklay. Kirkwood, [Scotland,] per fesse, az. and ar. on
Kirkbird, [Yorks.] ar. a saltier engr. vert. the firsta demi savage, issuing, wielding a
Kiukbred, vert, a cross engr. ar. wooden mallet ppr.; on the second three branches
Kirkbridge, [N.umb.] ar. a saltier vert. of oak vert.
Kirkby, az. a fesse betw. two chev. engr. erm. Kirkyn. Arms as 1st diet. Crest, a demi griffin
Kirkby, a saltier vert.
ar. ppr. holding in the claw an escallop or.
Kirkby,ar. two bars engr. sa. Kirlington, ar. a lion ramp. gu. depressed by
Kirkeby, ar. a saltier vert. a fesse or, charged with three crosses pattee
Kirkeby, sa. two lions pass, in pale, or. fitchce sa.
Kirkeham, erm. three lions ramp. gu. within a Kirriell, two chev. gu. a canton of the last.
bordure engr. sa. Kirtland, Crest, two dexter arms conjoined,
Kirkele, gu. two bars or, in chief three keys ar. sustaining a scimitar, in pale.
Kirkele.See Kyrkebe. Kirton, ar. a chev. betw. three mullets sa.
Kirkeley. See Kirkland, 1st diet. Kir wan, gu. three crescents ar. Crest, a hand
Kirkenton. Arms gu. three bars erm. Crest, issuing from a cloud, holding a broken spear ppr.
a fox pass. ppr. Kim an, [Ireland,] ar. two stars, in chief, and a
Kirkenton, gu. three bars ar. rock, in base, sa. Crest, a sea chart, ppr.
Kirketot, [Suff. Temp. Henry III.] az. on a Kitchen, per chev. ar.and sa. three water bougets
cross ar. five escallops gu. counterchanged. Crest, an arm, in armour,
Kirkham. See Kircham in 1st diet. embowed, issuing from a cloud in the sinister,
Kirkhoven, or, three hearts gu. Crest, a beacon, holding a sword ppr.
fired ppr. Kitchener, erm. a chief, urdee, az. Crest, a
Kirkland, [Scotland,] sa. a fesse betw. three bull's head sa. betw. two flags az. charged with
mullets ar. Crest, a leopard's face ppr. a cross or.
Kirkland, or Kirkeland. Arms as 1st in 1st diet. Kitching. Arms as of Herefords. 1st diet.
Crest, on a ducal coronet, a falcon, belled, Crest, on a ducal coronet or, a wivern vert.
,P pr
Kitching. Same as Kitchener, 1st diet.
Kirkland, or Kirkeley, ar. three bars gemelles sa. Kitchingham, or Kitchingman. Arms as 2nd
Crest, a church environed with trees ppr. in 1st diet. [Grantcdin 1616, to Kitchingman,
Kirklay, ar. two bars sa. ; on a canton of the of Helmsley Co. York.
last, a cross moline of the first. Kitesford, [Somers.] or. a bend lozengy sa.
Kirklay, Kirklayne, or Kirkaton, ar. three bars Kitson, paly of six, ar. and az. ; on a chief gu.
gemelles sa. three bezants.
Kirkley, [Yorks.] ar. two bars engr. sa. Kitto, or Kittoe, or, three hurts in pale.
Kirkman, sa. two crosiers, in saltier, or: on a Kivelick, [dies.] Same as Kivilioc, 1st diet.
Kiviliqc. Arms as 1st diet. Crest, an Indian Knelley. See Knell, both diets.
goat's head ar. Kneston, gu. a chev. vaire\ ar, and sa.
Ki.ke, [London,] ., two swords, in saltier,
. Knesworth. See Kneysworth. both diets.
betw. three trefoils in chief and flanks, . . Kneton. Arms as Kenton, both diets.
Crest, within a serpent, disposed orleways, Kneveson, ar. a chev. betw. three eagles displ. az.
vert, a hoar's head, erect and erased, sa. Knevet. Arms as 1st in 1st diet. Crest, a nest,
Klokefield, [Norf.] az. a cross chequy, ar. and with young birds ppr.
Knevet. Arms as 5th in 1st diet. Crest, in the
Knaplod, harry of six, or and az. a bend gu. sea, a ship in full sail ppr.
Knapman, [Devons.] or, on a cross gu. betw. four Knevet, gu. a chev. vaire, ar. and sa. in the dexter
cornish choughs ppr. five billets ar. chief a bird of the second.

Knapman, ar. three lions ramp, in fesse, gu. Kneysworth, or Knesworth. Arms as 1st
Crest, a sword, in pale, enfiled with a Saracen's diet, the field or. Crest, a buffalo's head,
head, couped, ppr. erased, gu.
Knaprosy, gu. a cross patonce ar. Kneysworth, erm. a chev. embattled, (Another,
Knapton, or. a cross sa. charged with a cross wavy,) gu. betw. three greyhounds, current, sa.
Calvary, crossed at the top . . . collared or.
Knapton, Crest, out of a ducal coronet, two arms, Knife. Arms as 1st in 1st diet. Crest, a dove
dexter and sinister, in saltier, each holding a reguard, holding in the beak an olive-branch
scimitar in pale.
, PP r -

Kneford, az. a chev. betw. ten mullets or, six in Knifton, [Derb.] gu. a bend vair.
chief, and four in base, Knight, arg. a griffin, segreant ppr. Crest, a
Kneland. Same as Kineiland. ship in a storm, all ppr. [Borne by the late

Knell, [Oxon and Glouc] gu. crusily, a lion Admiral Knight,]

ramp, or. Knight, Glouc. and Yorke], sa. a griffin, se-

Knell, gu. a lion, salient, within an orle of crosslets greant. or.

or. Knight. Same arms. Crest, a talbot's head,
Knell or Knelley, ar. on a chev. sa. three mullets erased, bezantee.
of the field. Knight, [Hants. Granted 1523] ar. three pales
Kneller, quarterly, first and fourth, two
or, gu. on a canton of the second, a spur or, within

bars engr. sa. in chief a lion passant betw. two a bordure engr. az. Crest, on a ducal coronet
fleurs-de-lis of the second; second gu. a rose gu. an eagle displ. or.
within a bordure ar. impaling the same, counter- Knight, az. on a fesse or, betw. three fishes, hau-
changed on a point in point az. a fleur-de-lis gu. ; rient, ar. as many roses gu. Crest, an arm,
third, or, an eagle's leg coupe a la quise, and a couped, habited bendy of four, or and az. holding
wing couped, both erect in fesse sa. and drop- in the band ppr. the lower half of a fish, couped

ping blood, ppr. on an escutcheon of pretence, in the middle, of the second.

sa. or, a chev. betw. three covered cups ar. a Knight, az. three fishes, naiant, in pale, ar. against
rose gu. Crest, on a ducal coronet, an eagle their heads as many guttees d'or ; on a chief of
displ. ppr. ( Thus borne by Sir Godfrey Kneller,
the last, three torteauxes.
Gentleman of the Privy Chamber to Queen Knight, gu. three palets ar. a bordure engr. sa. ;
Anne, and King George the First, ob. 27, on a canton of the last, a spur and leather, rowel
Oct. downwards, or.
Kneller, [Wilts.] quarterly; first, ar. two escut- Knight, a bordure engr. sa.
cheons .
., each charged with a rose ppr. in Knighton, harry of eight, or and az. on a canton ;

base, a point charged with a fleur-de-lis ; . .

gu. a tun or. Crest, two dragons' heads and
second, sa. on a chev. betw. three covered cups necks twisted in each other, az. in a ducal
ar. a rose , third, sa. two bars engr. ar. on a
. . coronet gu.
chief or, a lion pass. betw. two fleurs-de-lis ; . .
Knighton, ar. a bend nebulee gu. betw. two bend-
fourth, or, an eagle's leg,
couped, contourne, lets of the last.
and Crest, on a mount
a sinister wing in fesse. Knipell, az. on two bars or, three mullets gu.
vert, a stag ppr. standing beside a vine-tree of Crest, a tiger's face or, betw. two laurel-
the first. branches vert.

Kneller, ar. two escutcheons ., each charged .

Knite, or Knight, gu. two bars ar. in chief three
with a rose in base, a point charged with a fleur- wolves' heads, erased, of the second.
de-lis . .
Crest, as the last. Kniveton, [Mircaston, Devons.] arms as 1st diet.
Crest, an eagle's head betw. two wings, all Knyll. Arms as 1st in 1st diet. Crest, out of
a ducal coronet, a plume of ostrich's
ppr. feathers, in
Knocking, per pale, ar. and sa. a fesse, nebulee, a case.
counterchanged. Knyple, az. on two bars or, three mullets pierced,
Knolas, gu. a chev. ar. charged with three roses gu.
of the field ; on a canton of the second, a fleur- Knyston. See Kingston.
de-lis of the first. Crest, a rain's head, couped, Knyvet, ar. on a bend engr. sa. three trefoils,
ar. horned or. slipped, of the first, within a bordure engr. of
Knoles, az. crusily, a cross moline, voided the second.
throughout, or. Knyvett, az. three knives ar. with crooked, (or
Knolles, or, a cross, couped, gu. Crest, on a bent) hafts gu. Crest, a sword and ear of
cloud, a sphere ppr. wheat, in saltier, ppr.
Knot, or Knott, sa. a key, paleways, or, betw. Kocker, ar. two squirrels, sejant, in pale, gu.
two palets erm. Crest, a lion's head, erased, gu. Kocking, per pale, ar. and sa. a fesse nebulee,
Knotford. See Knotworth, in 1st diet. counterchanged.
Knotshull. Arms as 1st in 1st diet. Crest, a Koehler, or, three coulters of a plough, fesse-
dexter hand, issuing from a cloud, holding a ways, in pale, az. Crest, two coulters, endorsed,
broken spear ppr. paleways, az.
Knott. Arms as of Sussex, 1st diet. Crest, a Kognose. Arms as 1st diet. Crest, a cock sa.
and chained, ppr.
wolf, collared combed and wattled gu. beaked and legged
Knottisford, ar. two bars gu. within a bordure or.

engr. Koke, [Broxbourne, Herts.] Crest, an ostrich

KN0TW00D,ar. three cinquefoils gu. Crest, a boar holding in the beak a horse-shoe, ar. . .

reguard sa. seizing an arrow fixed in his shoulder. Koken, vert, two bars or.
Knouill, or, three mullets gu. Kokeney, gu. three lozenges ar. each charged
Knovile, or Knovet, ar. three mullets gu. with a cross of the field.
Knowles, Knoell, Knoll, or Knotte. Arms as of Kokerham. Arms 2nd Kokeham, 1st diet.
Samford, 1st diet. Crest, a parrot, feeding on a Kokerham, ar. on a bend sa. three leopards' faces
branch of cherries, ppr. of the first.

Knowles, [Earl of Banbury,] az. semee of cross Kokeringham, ar. on a cross sa. an etoile or.
crosslets, a cross moline or, voided throughout, Kokerington, [Line] The same.
of the field. Crest, an elephant ar. Kokington, gu, three cocks ar. Crest, a uni-
Knowlys, a cross, couped and pierced, sa. a
ar. corn's head, erased, or.
chief gu. Crest, a unicorn ramp. ppr. Kokyrham, ar. on a bend sa. three leopards'
Knows, [of that Ilk,] ar. a chev. betw. three heads or.
roses, gu. Kollands. Crest, a dexter hand, bendways,
Knows, [Knows, Scotland.] Arms as 1st diet. couped, holding a dagger.
Crest, a hand, per pale, holding a crescent or. Kolon, [N.umb.] ar. on a fesse sa. a lion pass.
Knowslev, az. a pale engr. erminois, betw. two betw. two escallops of the field, in chief three
lions ramp. ar. Crest, a leopard's head, couped, bunches of wheat, with as many stalks in each
., collared
and lined, . ., with a ring at the bunch, banded, gu. Crest, a bird's head ar.
end of the line. winged beak three ears of wheat or.
az. in his
Knowyl, [Glouc] ar. three mullets gu. Korke, and vert, a bend erm.
vaire, or
Knox, quarterly gu. and ar. an orle, counter- Korke, gu. betw. two chev. or, as many etoiles ar.
changed, in the centre an eagle, volant, sa. in chief, two
cinquefoils, and in base, one, of the
Crest, a griffin's head, betw. two wings or, each second.
charged with a torteaux. Kotterton, ar. a chev. betw. three cinquefoils sa.
Knox, [of that Ilk,] gu. a falcon, volant, or, within Koverdaw, sa. three covers for cups ar.
an orle, invecked on the outer side, ar. Kragg, Krag, Krog, or Kroge. Arms as 1st
Knox, [Dundee, Scotland,] ., a fesse .
., betw. . diet. Crest, a dexter hand, holding up a gar-
a cross pattee, inter two crescents in chief ., . land of laurel vert.
and a boar's head and neck, couped, in base . . Krampton. Arms as 1st in 1st diet. Crest, a
Knox, ar. two keys, in saltier, gu. Crest, a demi dexter hand, vested az. holding a branch of
lion ar. holding in the dexter paw a key gu. palm, ppr.
Knyffe. As 2nd Knife, 1st diet. Krampton, or Kranton. Arms as 1st diet. Crest
Knyghtley, az. an inescutcheon erm. as the last.
Krowton. Arms as 1st diet. Crest, an arm Kymes, ar. a chev. betw. three
quarterfoils az.
holding a broken spear, ppr. top pendent. stalked and leaved vert. Crest, on a mount
Kukefield. Arms as 1st diet. Crest, a demi vert, a tortoise ppr.
lion ramp. sa. brandishing a scimitar or. Kymyell, [Kymyell, Cornw.] ar. three dolphins,
Kimer, gu. a chief indented or. embowed in pale, sa.
Kumerson. Arms as 1st diet. Crest, a griffin's Kynardby, ar. a fesse sa. betw. three
head, erased, or. gu. within a bordure engr. of the second.
Kitchin. Arms as 1st diet. Crest, a crane's Kynardesly, [Salop, Temp. Edw. /.] az. a lion
head, erased, ar. ramp. ar. within an orle of cross crosslets of
Kydale, or Kendale, ar. a chev. betw. three the second.
dolphins, nainant, sa. Kynardsby", vert, a chev. betw. three leopards'
Kydrioh, [Wales,] sa. a lion ramp, reguard. heads or.
or. Kynardysby. The same. Crest, a leopard's
Kyerkwald, per fesse, gu. and or, in chief a grif- face, or, in the mouth a sword ppr.
base a wolf pass, reguard. vert,
fin pass. ar. in Kynaston, or Kyneston. Arms as last in 1st
holding in the mouth a fish of the third. diet. Crest, a demi greyhound az.
Kyffin, ar. on a chev. gu. betw. three pheons sa. Kyndall, erm. on a bend gu, three chev. or.
a mullet of the first. Ky'nerby, ar. three lions pass. gu. Crest, on a
Kyffyx, alias \Yaghan, [Salop,] per fesse, sa. cheapeau ar. turned up gn. and charged with
and ar. a lion ramp, counterchanged. Crest, a four fleurs-de-lis or, a lion pass, of the second.
lion ramp, per fesse, ar. and sa. Kyxgarby, ar. on a fesse sa. betw. three crescents
Kyle, or Killey. Arms as 1st in 1st diet. gu. two cross crosslets fitchee ., within a bor-.

Crest, out of a ducal coronet or, a bull's head dure engr. of the second.
sa. Kyngesley, vert, on a cross engr. erm. an annulet
Kyle, [Scotland,] ar. two candlesticks in chief, sa. Crest, in a ducal coronet gu. a goat's head
sa. and a mullet in base, gu. Crest, an anchor ar.
and cable ppr. Kyxgeston, ar. on abend az. three cross crosslets

Kyle, or, three candlesticks sa. within a bordure or.

ar. Crest, a deer's head ppr. Kyngsfeld, gu. two bendlets erm.
Kyleborne, sa. three lozenges ar. Kyngsmil, or, a chev. erm. betw. three millrinds
Kyllam, az. three cups, covered, ar. and ten crosslets fitchee sa. a chief ermines.
Kylle. Arms as 1st diet. Crest, a rock sa. Kyngton, ar. guttee gu. on a chief az. three

Kyllinbeck. Arms as of Chapped, Allerton, ducal crowns or.

1st diet. Crest, on a ducal coronet, a talbot, Kynisman, gu. a fesse chequy, or and sa. betw.
collared and lined, ppr. six crosses pomel ar.

Kylom, alias Draper. Arms as Draper, of Kyxkexxel, ar. on a

saltier engr. sa. an annulet
Melton, in 1st diet, with fesse eng. or. Crest, or, within a bordure engr. of the second.
a buck's head, couped, gu. attired or, charged Kyxx, ar. two chev. sa. Crest, an eagle's head,
on -the neck with a fesse of the second, betw. couped, or.
three annulets ar. Kynxelmarch, per fesse, ar. and sa. a lion ramp.
Kylom, alias Draper. Arms as Draper, of Ox- the upper part guttee ar. the lower part erm.
fordshire, 1st diet. Crest, two lions gambs, conjoined at the bottom,
Kymbell, and Kymberley. As Kymbell, 1st guttee ar. and sa. counterchanged, holding a
diet. wolf's head, erased.
Kymberlee, or Kymberley, a tree, eradi-
ar. Kynxerton, ar. a chev. engr. gu. betw. three

cated, vert. Crest, a cock reguard. gu. mullets, pierced, sa. Crest, a chess-rook sa.
Kymberlee, ar. an oak-tree, eradicated, vert, betw. two wings ppr.
acorned or. Kynnisman, or Kynnyan, gu. three bulls' heads,
Kymberlee, a chev.
ar. sa. within a bordure engr. cabossed, ar. armed or.
of the second. Kynns, [Send, Glouc.] az. on a fesse, cottised,
Kymmble, ar. on a bend gu. three leopards' or, three martlets gu.
heads of the first. Kynvillem, gu. a bendbetw. three spear-heads ar.
Kyme. Arms as last in 1st diet. Crest, a pole- Kyrkaltox, ar. three bars gemelles sa.
cat ppr. Kyrkbryx, [Norwich,] or, a cross engr. vert.
Kyme, or. two chev. sa. Kyrke, per fesse. or and gu. a lion ramp, reguard.
Kyme, az. a chev. betw. three crosslets or. counterchanged.
Kyrkerbride, sa. three mullets ar. within a bor- heads, erased of the last, as many cinquefoils of
dure engr. or. the first.
Kyrkeburye, ar. a cross engr. sa. betw. four annu- Lacon, sa. a saltier or, betw. four crosses formee
lets of the last. ar.

Kyrkeby, per pale, gu. and sa. a fesse or, over Lacre, [of that Ilk] ar. a chev. gu. betw. three
alla lion ramp, double queued, ar. roses of the last.
Kyrkeby, az. a fesse betw. two chev. engr. Lacy, [N.amp. and N.umb.] barry nebulee of six,
Kyrkeby, az. six lions ramp, or; on a canton of erm. and gu.
the second, a mullet gu. Lacy, ar. a mullet betw. six pellets, three, two,
Kyrkelord, sa. three mullets ar. within a bor- and one.
dure engr. or. Crest, an antique lamp or, Lacy, or. a lion ramp. gu. Crest, a lion's face,
flammant ppr. looking out of a bush, ppr.
Kyrkton, gu. three bars erm. Lacy, quarterly, ar. and sa. on a bend gu. three

Kyrktot, Kribitot, or Kribtot, as 1st diet. martlets or, over all a label of as many points of
Crest, a dexter hand, holding a sword, in pale, the fourth.
allppr. Lacy, ar. nine pellets, three, three, and three
Kyrkyn, chequy, gu. and ar. a cross az. Lacye, gu. three boars' heads, couped, close, ar.
Kyrton, sa. three fishes, naiant, in pale, ar. a Ladbrook, or Ladbrooke, az. a chev. ar. Crest,
chief party per chief of the field and erm. on a hawk, rising, ppr. ducally gorged and helled or.
the first as many fleurs-de-lis or. Ladd, or, a fesse wavy betw. three escallops sa.
Kyrton, az on a fesse betw. two chev. ar. three Ladkin. Arms as 1st diet. Crest, a Savage's
crescents gu. head, crowned with a garland of laurel ppr.
Kyte, az. on a chev. betw. three kites' heads, Laffer, erm. on a bend az. three billets, pale-
erased, or, as many tulips flowered gu. leaved ways, each charged with a torteaux. Crest, an
vert. eagle, rising, with the dexter claw resting on a
flint stone, ppr.

Lagage, az. two bars dancettee ar. in chief three

covered cups or.
Lagenham. Arms as 1st diet. Crest, out of a
ducal coronet or, a serpent, erect, nowed, vert.
Laban, [Ireland] gu. five bezants, in bend Lagford. Arms as 1st diet. Crest, a dexter
sinister. Crest, an antelope, pass, per pale, or arm gu. holding a sabre, in pale, az. hilted or.
and gu. Laid, Crest, out of a ducal coronet, a leopard's
Laborer, or Labruer. Arms as 1st diet. Crest, head and neck reguard.
a hand, couped, fesseways, charged with an eye, Laidlaw, sa. a chev. betw. two bezants, in chief,
both ppr. and a lion ramp, in base, or. Crest, issuing
La Brion, az. a cross moline or. from a heart, a dexter hand holding a dagger,
Lace, ar. a pale gu. in fesse three mullets, in pale, all ppr.
counterchanged. Crest, a talbot's head sa. Laidlaw, [Edinburgh] sa. a chev. betw. three be-
Lacer, or. on a cross az. five roses ar. zants. Crest, as the last.
Lacey, az. three bendlets erm. Crest, a bear's Laing, per pale, sa. and or, a chief dancettee ar.
paw, erased, holding a rose branch, leaved vert. Crest, on a chapeau az. turned up ar. a cock gu.
Lachault, ar. two tenter-hooks, in saltier, sa. Laing, [Edinburgh] per pale, ar. and sa. a chief
Lachlan, [Scotland] az. two bars wavy ar. betw. indented, counterchanged, on the chief point a
as many cross crosslets fitchee, in chief, or, and wolf's head, erased, gu. Crest, a dove holding
a swan, with wings endorsed, of the second. in her beak a sprig of olive ppr.
Crest, a swan, as in the arms. Laing, [Scotland] ar. three piles, meeting in
Lachlan, Crest, a demi Savage, wreathed about point, sa. betw. two mullets of six points,
the head and middle, holding a club, in pale, all pierced az. the centre one charged with a
ppr. battle axe of the field Crest, a bear's head
Lacke, Crest, out of a ducal coronet, a dexter and neck, issuing, ppr. muzzled ar.
hand, holding a serpent, environed round the Laing. Arms as last in 1st diet. Crest, a cock
arm. ppr. Motto, Vigilance.
Lachingbiche, or Lakinlich, ar. a chev. betw. Lainham, quarterly, ar. and sa. in the first quar-
three chaplets sa. flowered gu. ter, a fleur-de-lis gu. in the fourth, an erm.

Lackson, ar. on a chev. sa. betw. three eagles' spot of the second.
Laird, [Glenhuntly, Scotland] ar. a chev. gu. Lambert, of Dunmaine, Co. Wexford, Esq. \<Wi
betw. two boar's heads, erased, ppr. in chief, June, 1683.]
and a crescent in base, of the second. Crest, Lambert. Arms as of Greenwich in 1st diet.
a buck's head, issuing ppr. Crest, a rein-deer's head az. attired ar. maned
Lake, sa. a bend betw. six annulets or. or.
Lakebourne, ar. a chev. betw. three crosslets sa. Lambert, gu. a chev. betw. three lambs ar. Crest,
Lakemore, ar. three stags' heads, cabossed, gu. two lobsters' claws, erect, gu. holding in each a
armed or. fish or.
Lakin, or
Laking, quarterly, per fesse indented, Lambertoun, sa. a star betw. three fusils ar.
erm. and az. Crest, a dexter arm ppr. vested Lambeth, sa. a bend or, and chief erm. Crest,
sa. holding a palm-branch vert. a badger or.
Lakingleech, or Lakinlich. Arms as 3rd in Lambeton, gu. a chev. betw. three lambs' heads,
1st diet. Crest, a harp or. couped, ar.
Lakynton, az. a chief ar. a file gu. Lambien, gu. three palets vair; a canton or.
Lalemax, [Ireland,] ar. on a chev. az. three mul- Lambley, ar. a chev. betw. three bees, volant, sa.
lets or, a chief gu. charged with as Lamborne. Arms
many mul- Lamborn, or as of Cornwall
lets of the third. Crest, a dexter arm, em- in 1st diet. Crest, a demi lion ramp. gu. sup-
bowed, grasping a club, all ppr..
porting the rudder of a ship sa.
Lalvnde, ar. a cross engr. gu. Crest, a maiden's Lambot, ar. on a bend sa. three goats' heads,
head, affrontee, couped at the breasts, ppr. at- couped, or.
tired az. Lamboult, [France,] az. three stars, in pale, ar.
Lam, [Scotland,] ar. a cross betw. four crosses Lambourne, or, a fesse betw. two chev. sa.
pattee gu. Lambourne. Arms as 1st in 1st diet. Crest,
Lamare, ar. a lion ramp. gu. out of a tower ppr. a lion's head or, collared sa.
Lamb, [Xewcastle-on-Tyne,] quarterly ; first and Lambrand, or Lambrund, ar. on a bend sa.
fourth, gu. on a fesse betw. three cinquefoils ar. cottised gu. three dragon's heads, erased close, or.
two mullets of the field, for Lamb; second and Lambroke, [Somers.] paly wavy of six, or and
third, barry of six, ar. and sa. a lion ramp. gu. sa. ; on a chief of the second, three crescents ar.
for Maude. Crest, the paschal lamb ppr. Lambton, gu. a chev. betw. three lambs' heads,
Lamb, per pale wavy arg. and erminois, a chev. gu. couped, ar.
betw. three lambs trippant sa. Crest, a lamb Lamburne, ar. on a bend sa. cottised gu. three
trippant arg. charged on the body with a bezant, wolves' heads, erased, or.
thereon a trefoil vert. [Borne with Lamburne, ar. on a bend sa. three wolves' heads,
the Arms of Burgess, by Sir James Lamb, erased, or.
Bart, who assumed the name in 1821, See Bur- Lame, [Kent,] sa. on a fesse or, betw. three
gess among the Baronets. cinquefoils erm. a crescent inter two mullets of
Lamb, sa. on a fesse betw. three cinquefoils ermi- the first.
nois, two mullets a demi lion
vert. Crest, Lamelin, [Lamelin, Cornw.] ar. a bull pass. sa.
ramp, erminois, holding in his dexter paw a within a bordure of the second, bezantee.
mullet vert. Lamerley, [Norf.] ., on a chief ., three cres-
. .

Lambale, per fesse dancettee, ar. and gu. cents .. .

Lambard, or Lambarde, gu. a chev. vair, betw. Lamesey, or Lambsey. Arms as 1st diet. Crest,
three lambs ar. Crest, a garb, lying fesseways, a Savage's head ppr. wreathed round the head
ppr. ar. and az.
Lambard. The same arms. Crest, a horse's Lamford or Lambford. Arms as 1st diet.
head, erased, or, bridled gu. Crest, a dexter hand ppr. brandishing a scimi-
Lambart, [Yorks.] gu. a chev. ar. a chief chequy, tar ar.
or and az. Lamkyn, barry of six, ar and az. ;
on a chief gu.
Lamberby, per chev. sa. and ar. in chief two suns a lion pass, guard, or.
or. Crest, on a ducal coronet, a stag, sejant, Lamkyn, gu. a stag's head and neck, couped, or.
ppr. Lamlin. See Lancellyn, 1st diet.
Lambert, [Ireland,] quarterly, vert, and ermine; Lamon and Lanam, per chev. gu. and ar. in base
in the first and fourth an annulet of the first.
quarter a lamb ar. ; in the
second and third, an eagle displ. gu. Crest, a Lamond, az. a lion ramp. ar. within a bordure of
centaur, gu. and ar. charged with a trefoil vert, the second, charged with eight mullets .. .

the bow and arrow or.

[Granted to Patrick Crest, a hand, couped, ppr.
Lamont or Lamond, [of that Ilk, originally from Landen, gu. a lion ramp, or, a canton per bend
Ireland,] az. a mound or. Crest, a hand, couped sinistererm. and sa. Crest, a dexter hand,
at the wrist, ppr. apaumee, ppr.
Lamont, or Lamond [Scotland.] Arms as 2nd in Lander, [St. Ives, Cornw.] per bend, or and
1st diet. Crest and motto as the last. vert.
Lamont, az. a lion ramp. ar. within a hordure engr. Lander, paly of eight, sa. and or, a fesse gu.
or. Crest, a dexter hand holding a haton, ppr. Crest, a hand, issuing from a cloud, holding a
Lamorley. Arms as 1st diet. Crest, on a naval sword, waved.
coronet or, a lion ramp. gu. Landesduke, az. a chev. or, fretty, sa. betw. three
Lamote, vair, a hend gu. over all a lahel of four crosses moline ar.
points ar. Landeth, or Londeth. Arms as 1st diet.
Lampard. Arms as 1st diet. Crest, a cinque- Crest, a winged heart ppr.
foil az. Landle, [Scotland,] or, a mullet gu. within an
LampeNj [Corn.] Arms as 1st diet. Crest, a orle az. Crest, a cock, crowing, ppr.
ram's head, cabossed, attired, or. Landles, az. three orles or.
Lampergy, sa. a chev. betw. three talbots pass. ar. Landon. Arms as 1st diet. Crest, a demi
Lampet, or Lampeth. Arms as last in 1st diet. pegasus reguard. ar. supporting a pennon gu.
Crest, a Doric pillar, ar. entwined with a tasselled or.
laurel branch vert, on the top a flame ppr. Landon, gyronny of eight, or and az. an ines-
Lampeth. Arms as 2nd Lampet in 1st diet, cutcheon ar.
but rams heads. Landon, ar. a chev. sa. betw. three cameleons
Lamprey, [Ireland,] or, three cross crosslets vert.
fitchee, in chief, gu. Crest, a hand holding a Landsey, Crest, a dexter hand holding a sword,
cross crosslet fitchee, in pale, ppr. in pale, supporting a pair of scales.
Lampt, per pale, ar. and gu. a saltier engr. Landwath. Arms as 1st diet. Crest, a demi
count erchanged. pegasus ar. guttee de poix.
Lanacre, [Yorks.] az. a chev. betw. three fleurs- Lane, [Dublin.] per pale ar. andgu. three saltiers
de-lis ar. counterchanged.
Lanbeges, three annulets gu.
ar. Lane, [N.umb.] per pale, az. and ar. three saltiers,
Lanbrun, on a bend sa. cottised gu. three
ar. counterchanged.
dragons' heads, erased, or. Crest, two lions' Lane, per pale, ar. and sa. a saltier purp. betw.
heads, issuing, addorsed, ppr. collared or. four fleurs-de.lis . . .

Lancaster, [Ireland,] az. on a chief or, a lion Lane, ar. a fesse betw. six cross crosslets fitchee
pass. gu. Crest, a hand brandishing a sabre, gu-
ppr. Laney, [Pulham.] sa. a chev. erm. betw. three
Lancaster, De, ar. two bars gu. ; on a canton of catharine-wheels ar.
the second, a lion pass, guard, of the first. Lanfaunt, ar. on an inescutcheon gu. a crescent

Crest, a lion, couchant, or. of the first, within an orle of martlets of the
Lance, or, on a fesse dancettee vert, three cinque- second.
foils ar. Lang, ar. three piles, two issuing from the chief,
Lance. Crest, a dexter hand, ppr. holding up a and one from the base, gu. Crest, a Savage's
covered cup or. head, issuing, ppr.
Lancelot, ar. three bends gu. Crest, an astro- Lang, [Ireland,] ar. an eagle displ. with two
labe. heads gu. ducally gorged or. Crest, a hand,
Lancher, or, six pellets, three, two, and one. erect, issuing from a cloud, holding a broken
Land, gyronny of eight, or and sa. a bend gu. spear.
Crest, a church, environed with trees, ppr. Lang, [Scotland,] quarterly indented, sa. and ar.

Landale, [Kirkaldy, Scotland,] or, within an Crest, a tower ar. masoned sa.
orle, indented on the inner edge, az. three Lang, [Scotland,] per pale indented, ar. and sa.

cinquefoils sa.Crest, a dexter arm, embowed, a chief indented, per pale, of the second and
holding up two laurel branches, orleways, ppr. first. Crest, a dove and olive-branch ppr.
Landawarnick, [Landawarnick, Duloe, Cornw.] Langan, [Ireland,] ar. a cross betw. four cinque-
ar. two bars sa. in chief a griffin,
segreant, az. foils gu. Crest, out of a mural coronet, a spear
Landel, [Berwickshire,] or, an orle az. issuing betw. two branches of palm, in orle, vert.
Landels, [Scotland,] or, an orle betw. three Langdell, [Lord Langdell, Temp. Charles LI.]
cinquefoils az all within a bordure of the last. Same as Langdale, of Langdale, 1st diet.
Langdole, on a fesse sa. betw. three spears'
ar. Langton, or. a saltier
heads tower betw. two roses or.
az. a Langton, [Windsor, Berks.] or. a lion ramp. sa.
LangforDj gu. fretty engr. erm. Langton, or, on a cross, party per cross, az. and
Longford, paly of six, or and gu. within a bordure gu. five roses ar.
erm. Langton, or Langham, ar. a chev. betw. three
Langforde, gu. three shovellers ar. cinquefoils gu.
Langham, ar. a fleur-de-lis betw. three bears' Langton, per fesse, or and az. a cross moline gu.
heads, erased, sa. muzzled gu. Crest, out of over it a bend sa.
a coronet gu. a bear's paw sa. holding a sword Langton, per pale, or and az. a cross moline gu.
ar. pomeled or. over all a bend sa.

Langherge, ar. a fesse ermines, betw. three Langton, [Langton, Farnley, and Huddleston,
greyhounds, current, sa. collared gu. Co. York.] gu. a chev. erm. betw. three lions
Langholme, az. a chev. embattled, or, betw. ramp. or.
three cinquefoils of the last. Crest, a holy lamb Langton, ar. three chev. gu. Crest, a woman's
ppr. standard gu. head, couped, ppr. vested gu. on her head a cap
Langland, per pale, ar. and or, a cockatrice sa. or.
combed gu. Langton, quarterly, or and az. a cross flory gu.
Laxglee, ar. a fesse sa. in chief three escallops Languilles, or Langvilles, ar. a bend betw.
of the last. six crosslets sa.

Langlee, ar. on fesse sa. three escallops of the Lanhorgy, [Cornw.] az. three greyhounds ar.
first. Lanier, [1692,] ... a saltier lozengy .
., betw.
Langley, quarterly, per cross indented, or and four eagles displ. . .

az. Lankin 1
. Arms as 1st diet. Crest, two wings,
Langley, quarterly, per fesse indented, or. and endorsed, ar. one on each side of a chapeau ppr.
gu. in the first a lion pass, guard, ar. issuing from the rim.
Langley, per pale, ar. and or, a wivern gu. Lann, ar. on a fesse betw. six cross crosslets

Langley, [Yorks.] per pale, ar. and or. a cocka- fitchee sa. three cinquefoils of the first.
trice sa. combed gu. Lannoy, or Lanoy. Arms as 1st in 1st diet.
Langley, per chev. gu. and or, a lion ramp, harry Crest, a chevalier's head, armed with a helmet
nebulee ar. and az. and plume, all ppr.
Langley, ar. a fesse betw. three oak-leaves gu. Lanrey, or, a bend betw. two fleurs-de-lis gu. a
Langley, erm. on a fesse vert, three leopards' lion pass, of the field.
heads or. Lanselat, or. on a chief az, three lozenges of the
Langley, ar. a bend az. betw. three mullets gu. first.

Langley, quarterly, or and gu. a bend sa. Lansford. Arms as 2nd in 1st diet. Crest, a
(Another adds, a label of three points ar.) Savage's head, couped, ppr.
Langlontd, ar. a chev. cottised, gu. Lansinby, [Yorks.] gu. a fesse betw. three
Langmead, [Devons.] gu. a lion ramp. ar. on a ; cushions ar.
chief wavy of the last, a leopard's face betw. Lansladron, or Nansladron, [Cornw.] ar.
twocinquefoils. Crest, a spur betw. two wings. three chevronels sa.
Laxgmore, or Longmore, sa. a chev. or, and Lansladron, sa. three chev. ar.
canton erm. Crest, on a cheapeau, a grey- Lanstradron, az. three chev. or.
hound, statant, ppr. Lax't, [Thorp-Underwood, N.amp.] Arms as
Lan'grish, [Hants.] quarterly; or and sa. four 1st diet Crest, on a serpent, nowed, az. a
covered cups counterchanged. dove ar. on the breast a mullet of the first.
Langrish, or Langrishe, Ireland,] per cross, gu. Lant, gu. on a fesse wavy, betw. three swans,
and or, four covered cups, counterchanged. with wings endorsed, ar. as many crosses pattee
Crest, a dragon's head gu. vomiting fire ppr. sa. each charged with five bezants. Crest, a
Langspear, Crest, a talbot's head holding in swan's neck, couped, bendy of six, ar. and sa.
the mouth a demi hind couped. thereon a rose or ; on each side of the crest a
Laxgston, or Lan'gstone. Arms as in 1st diet. branch of rose-tree, leaved vert.
Crest, a lion ramp. gu. supporting a pillar. Lante. Arms as Lant, of Exon. in 1st diet.
Laxgstone, quarterly, az. and ar. a bend or. Crest, a serpent, nowed, vert.
Laxgthorne. Arms as 1st in 1st diet.
Crest, Lanwall, az. a bend ar.
a beer butt sa. in the bung-hole three roses gu. Lanway. or, a water-bouget sa. within a bordure
stalked and leaved vert. of the second, bezantee
Lanwe, or Lanwo, sa. a pair of wings con- Lathum, or, on a chief indented az. three plates.
joined. Crest, on a hank of cotton or, an eagle re-
Lanwray, [Somers ]
sa. a fesse or, betw, three guard, of the first, wings expanded.
fleurs-de-lis ar. Lathum, or, on a chev. indented az. three plates,
Lanyon, [Camborne Corn.] Arms as 1st on each a mullet, all within a bordure, gobona-
diet. Crest, a falcon, rising, wings extended, ted, gu and erm.
belled. Latimer, [Devons.] gu. a cross patonce or,
Lapp. Arms as 1st diet. Crest, a demi mer- charged with five escallops sa. within a bordure
maid, issuing, ppr. in her dexter hand a purse, ar.

gu. in her sinister, a comb or. Latimer, gu. a saltier ar. charged with an annu-
Lapsley, [Scotland,] or, an eagle displ.. ., let . . .

surmounted by a fesse engr. az. charged with a Latimer. To the 4th in 1st diet. The maunches
bezant betw. two buckles Crest, a long . .
cross gu. Supporters, dexter, a St. Knight of Latimer, ar. two bars gu. ; on a canton of the last
John, in full costume, holding in the dexter a cross, couped.
hand a baton, all ppr. ; sinister, a Knight Latimer. Arms as 1st in 1st diet. Crest, a
Templar, also in proper costume. plume of feathers or.
Lapslie. The same arms and crest. Latimer, [Yorks. Temp. Edw. L.] gu. on a cross
Lapthorne. Arms as 1st diet. Crest, a lion's patonce or, four escallops sa.
head, erased, or, collared vair. Latimer. Arms as 6th in 1st diet. Crest, an
Larayne, or Lareyn. Arms as 1st diet. Crest, eastern crown gu.
out of a cloud, a hand holding a garland of lau- Latingbras, or, a bend engr. sa.
rel ppr. Latisby, sa. two lions pass, guard, ar. crowned
Lardener, gu. a fesse ar. surmounted of another, or.

nebulee, sa. betw. three boars' heads, couped, Laton. Arms as 1st in 1st diet. Crest, out of
of the second, tusked or. a ducal coronet or, a stork's head ar.
Lardner. Arms as 1st diet. Crest, on a cha- Laton, ar. on a fesse betw. six crosslets fitchew sa.
peau, a bull ppr. three cinquefoils of the field.
Large Arms as 1st diet. Crest, a demi Savage, Laton, or, on a bend gu. three greyhounds' heads,
holding a sheaf of arrows in the dexter hand, erased, of the first, collared of the second.
and pointing with the sinister, to a ducal coro- Laton, or, a fret vair.
net, all ppr. Laton, per pale, sa. and ar. a saltier engr. ermines.
Large or Lorge, ar. a bend az. betw. six mullets Laton, ar. a cross moline gu.
gu. Latouche, or La gu. a chev. ar. in chief
Lark, Larke. Arms as 1st
or diet. Crest, a three bezants.
Crest, a hand, in armour,
hand issuing from a cloud, in fesse, lifting a couped in fesse, holding a scimitar, enfiled with
garb, ppr. a boar's head, couped.
Larkan, or or, on a fesse gu. three qua-
Larken, Latouche, or Latouch. [Ireland,] gu. a chev. or,
trefoils ar. Crest, a greyhound, sejant, az. in chief three bezants. Crest, on a heart gu.
Larke, or, on a chev. sa. betw. three torteauxes, an eagle's claw, erased, ppr.
each charged with a martlet ar. an etoile La Touche, gu. three bezants. Crest, a bezant,
of the first ; on a chief gu, a lion pass, of the charged with a mullet gu.
third. Latta, [Scotland,] sa. three piles ar. over all, on a

Lascye, [Line. Temp. Edw. I.] ar. a lion ramp. fesse gu. three crescents of the second. Crest,
an oak-tree ppr.
Lashmar, two dolphius, naiant, in pale, or.
az. Latton, sa. on a bend ar. three escallops gu.
(rest, a boar's head, erased and erect, sa. Lattymer, as 13th Latimer, in 1st diet., with
Lasman. Arms as 1st diet. Crest, a squirrel, only four escallops,
sejant, or, holding betw. the paws a laurel- LATUN,ar. on a fesse sa. betw. six crosslets fitchee
branch vert. of the second, three cinquefoils of the first.
Lassells, ar. a pale fusily gu. within a bordure Latymer, gu. a cross patonce or, over all a label
az. bezantee. of three points az. on each as many fleurs-de-lis
Lath, [of that Ilk,] gu. on a fesse betw. two mul- of the second.
in the
lets ar. a rose of the first.
Latymer, az, a chev. betw. six crosslets ar.
Lathem, [Lane] or, on a chief indented az. three dexter chief, a cinquefoil or.
lozenges ar. Lauder, Hattoun, Scotland, ] ar. a griffin,
segreant, sa. beaked and memheredgu. holding a Laurence, ar. a cross raguly gu. Crest, a demi
sword with the dexter claw, supporting a Sara- turbot, the tail erect, ar.
cen's head, ppr. Crest, a tower, with a demi- Laurence, ar. a cross, couped. . ; on a chief gu. a
griffin issuing out of the top. lion pass, guard.
Lauder, [Beilhaven and NYestbarnes; descended Laurent, or a fesse gu. betw. two lions
of Lauder, of Bass,] arms the same as of Bass, gardant in chief azure, and an eagle rising in
1st diet, charging the griffin's breast with a base sable.
heart ensigned with an imperial crown, all ppr. Laurie, or Lawrie, [Plainstones and Portsburgh,
for diff. his Wife being
a Douglas. Crest, the Scotland,] per fesse, gu. and sa. a cup. ar. with
trunk of an old tree budding, ppr. a garland, issuing out of the top, betw. two
Lauderdale, sa. fretty or. laurel branches, vert. Crest, the trunk of an
Laudermonie, [Scotland,] ar. on a bend gu. two oak, sprouting out, ppr.
crosses, couped, of the first. Laurin. Arms as 1st diet. Crest, on a chapeau
Laugharne, and ar. a pale counter-
per. chev. gu. ppr. an eagle's head az.
changed. Crest, out of a cloud, a hand, erect, Lauriston, erm. a fesse betw. three cocks gu.
pointing with one finger to the sun. Crest, a dexter arm, in armour, embowed, hold-
Laugher, gyronny of eight, or and sa. a chief ing a scimitar, all ppr.
gu. Crest, a plough ppr. Lauty, [Scotland,] sa. three piles ar. on a fesse, ;

Laughlin, [Ireland.] Crest, a talbot, sejant, ar. surmounting the exterior ones, and debruised by
resting his paw on a shield gu. the centre one, gu. two crescents of the seeond.
Laughton, ar. on a bend sa. three mullets or. Crest, a dexter hand, holding a spear, in
Lauginger, [Germany,] sa. an eagle's leg and pale, ppr.
wing, conjoined, in fesse, and elevated, gu. Lauty, [Myrehouse, Scotland,] sa. three piles in
Launce, [Penmarc, Cornw. ;
and Suff.,] or, on a point ar. surm. of a fesse gu. charged with two
chief indented, sa. three cinquefoils of the field. stars.
Crest, a demi bull erm, attired or, pierced Lauzon, az. three serpents, in form of a circle,
through with a broken spear sa. headed ar. their tails in their mouths, ar. Crest, a mer-
vulned guttee de sang. maid, with mirror and comb, all ppr.
Launce, [Hallesworth, Suff. Granted 8 Nov. 1 580,] La Vach. Arms as 1st in 1st diet. Crest, a
or, on a fesse indented sa. three cinquefoils of bull's leg, reversed, erm.
the field on a canton of the second, a lion
Lavall, barry of six, erm. and gu.
ramp, of the first. Crest, a hand, in armour, Lavall, az. two bars or, within a bordure engr. gu.
ppr. lying fesseways, grasping a lance or, headed Lavas, ar. a fesse sa.
ar. Lav ell, or, on a cross gu. five escallops ar.
Launce, or, a chief gu. Crest, a fox, current, ppr.
Launcellevn, ar. a fleur-de-lis sa. Laven, [Poole, Scotland,] per pale, gu. and az.
Launcelot, or, on a chief gu. three lozenges ar three bucks' heads, couped, or. Crest, a buck's
Launcelyn. See Launslin. head, couped, or.
Laund, or Launde, erm. a cross componee, or and Laven, [Auchenland, Scotland,] or, six lozenges gu.
gu. in the quarter a lion ramp. sa.
first Laven, [Quarlewood,] ar. (Another, or,) six lo-
Launde, az. three trefoils, slipped, ar. a chief in-
zenges gu.
dented, gu. Lavenham, quarterly, per fesse indented, gu. and
LAUNGTON,arms as 1st diet. Crest, a dexter arm, vert, in chief a wivern, volant, tail extended, or.
in armour, embowed, brandishing a sword, all
ppr. Lavenses, ar. a bend betw. six billets gu.
Laurel. Crest, out of an antique crown, a cubit Laver, or, on a cross gu. a lion ramp. ar. Crest,
arm, vested, holding a bird, and a garland of a talbot's head, erased, gu. and crowned with a
laurel. ducal coronet or.
Laurell, az. two bars btw. two fleur-de-lis in Lavering. Arms as 2d in 1st diet. Crest, a
chief, and a crescent in base or. shepherd's flute, in pale, ppr.
Laurence, or Laurentius, ar. a chev. betw. three Laverock, Laverick, or Laverike. Arms as
gridirons sa. 1st in 1st diet. Crest, two lions' gambs, erased
Laurence, [Ireland,] gu. three chev. fretty ar. in ppr. supporting a pillar or.
chief as many cinquefoils of the second, a chief Leverye. Arms as 1st in 1st diet. Crest, a
Crest, a griffin, sejant, wings endorsed, Savage's head, affrontee, ppr.
holding in the dexter claw a garland of laurel Lavie, or, a hind's head, erased, gu. betw. three
ppr. crosses pattee fitchee az. Crest, out of a ducal
2 Z 2 ]
coronet or, a lion's paw, holding a cross crosslet a cornucopia or, flowers and fruit ppr. and a
fitchee az. trident az. in saltier.
L,AviNGTON,ar. a saltier gu. ; on a chief of the last, Lawfull. The same arms. Crest, a helmet ar.
three hoars' heads, couped, of the first. Crest, plumed or.

a covered cup ar. Lawghton, erm. double cottised az.

ar. a fesse

Lawler, ar. a chev. betw. three leopards' faces

Lavington, [Bassishaw, Scotland,] ar. a saltier gu.
in chief a crescent sa. ; on a chief of the second, az. Crest, on a dexter hand, couped, in fesse,
three hoars' heads, couped. a falcon, rising, ppr.
Lavyder, per fesse, gu. and or, a pale, counter- Lavvles, az. three cups, covered, or, chief indent-

changed, and three gem-rings of the second, ed ar.

stoned az. Lawndaur, gu. a bend ar. cottised, indented, or.
Law, ar. an eagle displ. with two heads vert. Lawnde. Arms as 1st diet. Crest, a hand, in
Crest, a dove ar. in his beak an olive-branch, armour,couped,holding a cross crosslet fitchee,gu.
vert. [Borne by Francis Law, Esq., of Beclg- Lawndy, [ Youghall, Scotland,] ar. a cross, counter -
bury Park, Goud hurst, Kent, 1834.] componee of the last and az. betw. four lions
Law, [Bis/iop of Carlisle,] ar. on a bend betw. ramp. ppr.
two cocks gu. three mullets of the field. Lawrell, Crest, out of an antique crown, a
Law, . .
, two bars . .
, in chief three crescents. cubit arm, vested, holding a garland of laurel,
Law, [Easter-Kinevie, Scotland.] Arms and ppr. .

crest, as of Burntoun, the arms within a bor- Lawrence, or Laurence, [Ireland,] ar. three
dure gu. chev. interlaced, gu. in chief as many cinque-
Law, [Lawbridge, Scotland,] ar. a bend, and foils az.; a chief of the last. Crest, a griffin,
cock in chief, gu. Crest, a cock, crowing. sejant, wings endorsed, holding in the dexter

Law, [Newton, Scotland.] Arms as 1st diet. paw, a garland of laurel, ppr.
Crest, a cock's head, erased, ppr. Motto, Non Lawrence, ar. a cross raguly, trunked, gu.
obscura ?iec ima. Lawrence, [Scotland,] ar. a cross gu. ; on a chief
Law, [Anstruther, Scotland,] erm. a bend betw. of the second, a lion pass, guard, or. Crest,
a cock, in chief, and two mullets, in base, gu. an acorn, slipped, and leaved vert.
Law, [Burntoun, Scotland,] Arms as of Burnt- Lawrence, sa. a chev. betw. three broken swords
wood, in 1st diet. Crest, a unicorn's head ar. ; on a chief, embattled, of the second, as

many martlets gu.

PP r -

Law, [ Lauristoun and Pittilock. ] Arms and Lawrence, gu. two swords, in saltier, ppr. betw.
crest as of Bournton. four cinquefoils ar. Crest, a sea-lion, parted
Law, ., a cross ., a canton erm. charged with
. .
per fesse, ar. and ppr.
a mullet. Lawrie, [Deputy Gazette Writer, Edingburgh,]
Laward, on a fesse gu. betw.
alias Lord, ar. az. a cup or. thereon four laurel-branches ar.
three cinquefoils az. a hind pass, inter two the centre ones orleways on a chief of the

pheons or. Crest, a demi bird sa. on the head third, a lion pass. gu. betw. two mullets of the
iwo small horns or, the wings expanded, the field. Crest, a fox, current, ppr.
dexter outside gu. the inside ar. the sinister Lawrie, on a fesse ar. betw. three plates, a
outside of the last, inside of the third. cross pattee gu. Crest, a monk, holding in the
Laward, barry nebulee of six, sa. and ar. dexter hand a crucifix, and in the sinister, a
Lamare, ar. a fesse dancettee sa. rosary.
Lawde. Arms as Laud. Lawrie, [Redcastle,] quarterly; first and fourth,
Lawder, [Newington, Scotland,] gu. a griffin, per fesse, or and sa. a cup betw. two crosses
salient, ar. in the dexter canton a tower of the pattee ar. a garland of laurel inter two laurel-
last. Crest, a balance ppr. branches, issuing from the cup, vert, for Law-
Lawder, [Bellmouth, Scotland,] gu. a griffin, rie; second and third, ar. on a chev. gu. betw.
segreant, ar. charged on the shoulder with a three cross crosslets fitchee sa. a pine-apple or,
heart gu. royally crowned or, all within the leaved vert, inter two plates, for Kennedy.
royal tressure of the second. Crests, first, the trunk of an oak, fesseways,
Laweston, az. three crescents or. couped and raguly, ppr. ensigned with a cross
pattee fitchee ar. entwined with
Lawford, az. seven crescents ar. three, three, and a laurel-branch
one. Crest, an arrow, point downwards, and vert, fructed gu. second,
a dolphin, naiant,
palm branch, in saltier. and behind it a laurel-tree, fructed, ppr.
Lawfull, gu. three bars humettee, ar. Crest, Laws, [Bishopwearmouth, Durham,] erm. on a
bend engr. gu. betw. two cock's of the last, three Lazarus, gu. three escallops, in fesse, ar.
mullets ar. Crest, a cock ppr. Crest, a hand, holding a dragon's head, erased,
Laws, [Scotland.] Same arms and crest. vert.

Lawselin, [Ches.] ar. on a fesse sa. three mullets Lea, [Lea.] Arms as Lee of Langley, 1st diet.
of the first. Lea, a fesse betw. three leopards' heads sa.

Lawson, [Ireland,] az. a bend erm. betw. three Ljea, ar. a fesse betw. three crosslets sa.
slipped, ar.
trefoils, Crest, an arm from the Lea, sa. (Another, az.) on a fesse, cottised, or,
elbow, vested gu. cuff, indented, or, holding a three leopard's heads gu.
holley-branch ppr. Lea, ar. a chev. ermines betw. three crescents of
Lawson, [ltoghall and Cairnmore, Scotland,] ar. the same.
a saltier and chief sa. on the last three garbs Lea de, [Chester,] ar. a bend, masculy, gu.
or. Leach, [Cornw.] Arms as of Crediton in 1st
Lawson, [Scotland,] az. two mullets ar. in chief diet. Crest, a hand, couped at the wrist,
and a crescent, in base, or. grasping a snake
Lawson, [Scotland.] Arms as 12th in 1st diet. Leach, or Leache. Same arms. Crest, out of a
Lawson, [Scotland.] Arms as 13th in 1st diet. ducal coronet or, a lion's gamb. holding a cross
Lawson, [Yorks.] paly of six, gu. and vert, on a crosslet fitchee sa.
chev. ar. three wolves' heads, erased, sa. ; on a Leadbitter, [Deptford, near Sunderland, Dur-
chief or, as many ogresses. ham,] gu. on a chev. ar. three crosses pattee sa.
Lawson, . ., on a chev. betw. three martlets, a betw. as many plates. Crest, out of a mural
crescent, Crest, a demi lion ramp, holding coronet, gu. a demi unicorn, erminois, erased
betw. his fore paws a mullet of six points. of the first, armed and crined or.
Lawson, or Lewson, ar. on a bend betw. two tre- Leahy. [Ireland,] Crest, a demi Savage, hold-
foils,slipped, sa. three mascles or. ing over the shoulder a club, ppr.
Lawton, ar. a fesse betw. six cross crosslets Leake, [London.] Arms and crest as 1st diet,
fitchee sa. without the quartering, with nine annulets on
Lawyne, gu. semee of billets or, a fesse ar. the saltier.
Laxton. Arms as 1st in 1st diet. Crest, out of Leaky, [Ireland,] ar. a fesse vert, betw. three
a tower ppr. a demi griffin or. water bougets gu. Crest, a horse-shoe ppr.
Lay, or Ley

gu. on a chief ar. three bezants. Leal, Leale, or Arms as Leale of

Crest, an escallop or. charged with a saltier gu. Kent, in 1st Crest, out of a ducal coronet
all betw. two wings of the first. a sceptre, entwined with a serpent, betw. two
Layer, [Norwich.] Arms as 1st diet. Crest, a wings, all ppr.
unicorn's head, erased, ar. Lealle, or Leall, x\rms as 2nd in 1st
Layer, [Essex; Cringleford and Norwich, Norf. ; diet.
and Booton, Suff.] per pale, ar. and sa. a Lear. Arms as 1st in 1st diet. Crest, two
unicorn, current, betw. three cross crosslets, hands, issuing from clouds, grasping the trunk
allcounterchanged. of an oak-tree, ppr.
Layer. The same arms. Crest, a mullet of six Leardlaw, az. three mascles or.
points, gu. Learmouth, [Darsy and Esselment, Scotland.]
Layfield. Arms as 1st diet. Crest, a bull's Arms as 1st diet.
head, cabossed. Leary, vert, a cross patonce ar.
Layforth, ar. a bend engr. gu. double cottised Crest, a dexter hand, ppr. holding an oak-
of the same. branch vert, acorned or.
Lay land, ar. three staves, raguly, sa. flammant Leash, [Scotland,] sa. on a fesse betw. three
at the top, ppr. Crest, on a terrestial globe, mullets in chief, and as many mascles in base,
a ship sailing, ppr. ar. a cross crosslet fitchee gu. Crest, a demi
Layman. Arms as 1st in 1st diet. Crest, a lion ramp. gu. holding in the dexter paw. a
demi bull ramp. ppr. thistle, ppr. and in the sinister a fleur-de-lis or.
Layman, ar. on a fesse gu. three annulets or. Leask, [of that Ilk,] sa. a fesse betw. three
Layng. [Redhouse, Scotland,] quarterly; first mullets, in chief, and as many mascles, in base,
and fourth, ar. three piles, in point, sa. second ;
ar. Crest, a crescent ar.
and third, ar. a pale sa. Leatham, Crest, a dexter arm, armed, wielding
Laynne, ar. three wool cards sa. the back-parts a scimitar. Motto, Maintein le droit.
outward. Leather, or Letherland, ar. on abend cottised,
Laytox. ar. a ram sa. armed or. three mullets or.
Leaton, [Wickham, Durham,] a fesse betw.
ar. Ledger, per and gu. three palets coun-
saltier, or
six cross crosslets fitcheeCrest, a lion
sa. terchanged. Crest, an escarbuncle az.
ramp. or. (Another crest, out of a mural crown Ledsam, Crest, a bull's head, erased, or.
ppr. two eagles' wings, expanded, ar. each Lee, [Isle of Wight,] ar. on a chev. embattled on
charged with a cross crosslet fitchee sa. the upper part sa. three bezants.
Leaver, or Lever, ar two bends engr. gu. Lee, ar. a chev. betw. three leopards' faces sa.
Crest, an arm, embowed, holding a club ppr. Crest, an eagle displ. sa.
Leaver, or Lever, sa. three boars' heads, couped, Lee, az. three ducal coronets or, a crescent for
or. cliff. Crest, a dexter arm in armour, embowed,
Le Bareu, or, a saltier botonnee az. Crest, a the hand in gauntlet holding a battle-axe ppr.
mullet ppr. [Bor//c by the Rev. Charles Lee, Vicar of St.
Le Batly De Valence, [France,] az. two John's, Lee, near Hexham, Northumberland,
gyrons, placed chevronways, or ; on a chief of 1837.]
the last, three ducal crowns gu. Lee, [Surrey,] gu. a cross ar. in the first quarter
Le Bon. Arms as 1st diet. Crest, out of a a lozenge of the second.
ducal coronet or, a plume of ostrich's feathers Lee, or Ley, ar. on a fesse az. betw. three uni-
ppr. Motto, Confido. corns' heads, erased, sa. as many columbines or.
Le Carrant, Wilts.] ar. three hurts, each charged Crest, a falcon or, wings, close, gu. preying
with as many chev. gu. on an eagle's leg, lying fesseways, az.
Lecawell, ar. three sails of ships gu. Crest a Lee, ar. a cross betw. four fleurs-de-lis sa. Crest,
unicorn ar. horned gu. .
out of a ducal coronet, a ram's head, issuing, in
Lecester, az. a fesse gu. fretty or, within a bor- the mouth a branch.
dure ar. Lee, sa. a lion pass. ar. crowned or.
Leche. Arms as 1st diet. Crest, two lions' Lee, ar. a chev. gu. betw. three leopards' heads sa.
gambs, erased, sa. holding up a crescent ar. (Another, within a bordure engr. az.)
Lecheche, chequy, ar. and az. two bars gu. Lee, ar. a sithe, handled sa. the blade upwards.
Lechingham, Crest, a rams' head, cabossed, or. Lee, ar. on a fesse az. betw. three unicorns' heads,
Leckennfeld, a bull's head, couped at the
ar. erased, sa. as many leopards' heads or.
neck, sa. horned or, within a bordure engr. of Lee, ar. three lozenges, lying fesseways, sa.
the second. Lee, gu. a fesse chequy, or and az. betw. eight
Leckerie, [of that Ilk,] gu. a chev. betw. three billets ar.
roses or. Leech or Leeche, erm. on a chief indented gu.
Leckie, [Scotland.] Anns as 2nd Lecky, 1st three ducal crowns or. Crest, on a glove, a
diet. Crest, an anchor, in pale, the rope waved hawk ppr.
round, both ppr. Leechford, ermines, a chev. betw. three leopards'
Lecky, Leckie, gu. three crescents ar.
or Crest, heads ar.
an arm, embowed, holding a club, ppr. Leechman, or [Scotland,] gu. three
Lecky, [Ireland,] ar. five mascles, in cross, inter- pelicans ar. Crest, a pelican ppr.
laced, gu. the second and fourth fesseways. Leeds, [Hants, and Sussex,] ar. a fesse gu. three
Crest, a fawn, trippant, ppr. eagles, displ. each with two heads sa.

Lecky, [Scotland,] az. a chev. betw. three roses or. Leeds, [Kent, and Leeds, Yorks.] ar. a fesse gu.
Crest, a boar's head erased . . . betw. three eagles displ. sa. armed of the se-
Lecton. Arms as 1st diet. Crest, a Savage's cond.
head, couped at the shoulders, affrontee, ppr. Leek, ar. on a saltier engr. sa. nine annulets of
wreathed round the temples gu. and or. the first. Crest, a demi lion guard, holding a
I<EDDEs,ar. a fesse gu. betw. three eagles clispl. fleur-de-lis.
sa. Leeke, [Leic] per pale, gu. and sa. a lion ramp.
Leder, or Leader. Arms
as 1st diet. Crest, a ar.
dexter hand, holding a sheaf of arrows, ppr. Leeky, [Ireland,] . . , a chev. betw. three
Leder. Arms as 1st diet, with the field or. . . .
Crest, a dexter hand holding a dagger
Crest, a cubit arm. habited bendy sinister of ppr.
six, gu. and vert, holding in the hand ppr. a Leeme, {Temp. Edw.IL] or, a saltier engr. vert.
bunch of leaves of the second. Lees, per fesse, embattled, or. andgu., a fesse dove-
Le Despencer, quarterly, ar and gu. on the se- tailed at top, betw. two falcons, belled in chief,
cond and third a fret or, over all a bend sa. and a lion rampant in base, all counterchanged.
Crest, a griffin's head ppr. Crest, a lion rampant gules, supporting a banner
of the arms, the flagstaff" entwined from the Legh, [Cheshire.] In the plate of quarterings
base, with an oak branch, ppr. filleted or. borne by Peter Leigh, Esq. of Norbury,
[Borne by J. Frederick Lees. Esq., late M.P. Booths, described in appendix to 1st diet.; the
sixth quartering for Wade, should have been
for Oldham, 1837.]
Lees, [Scotland,] gu. a fesse chequy, ar. and sa. az. a saltier betw. four escallops or.
betw. nine billets, three, two, three, and one, of Legh. [High Legh, Cheshire,] ar. a lion ramp,
the second. gu. (quartering Cornwall, Mortimer, Lenthall,
Leete, ar. on afesse gu. betw. two rolls of matches Grey, and Basset.) First crest, a demi lion
sa. fired ppr, a martlet of the field. Crest, a ramp. gu. collared or. for L,egh; second crest,
demi bull, issuing gu. gorged with a chaplet of a cornish chough ppr. for Corn wall; supporters,
laurel vert. two lions ramp. gu. bezantee, and ducally
Leeys, sa. on a chev. or, betw. three lilies, two crowned or. La vie durante.
sithes, blades crossing each other at the points, (Ex. Coll. Arm. 1835J
ar. Legham, or Leigham. Arms as 2d in 1st diet.

Lefever, or Lefevre, az. a pile erm. betw. three Crest, an arm, couped at the shoulder, the part
cinquefoils or. Crest, the trunk of a tree, above the elbow in fesse, the hand erect, holding
couped and eradicated, in fesse, betw. the a bomb-shell, fired, ppr.
branches a fleur-de-lis. Legits, ar. on a saltier engr. az. an escallop or.
Lefolly, sa. a cross moline ar. Legrand, ar. a bend betw. four mullets gu. within
Lefounder, or, a chev. gu. within a bordure sa. a bordure, gobonated, of the first and az.

Lefroy, vert, fretty ar. in the centre a crescent Le Grice, [Treriefe, Cornw.] quarterly, gu. and
of the last ;
on a chief of the second, a cup betw. az. ; on a bend ar. three boars sa. Crest, a
two wiverns vert. Crest, a greyhound's head, boar pass. sa. collared or.
erased, ar. Legros, gu. a cross patonce vair.
Lefroy, [Ireland,] as Le Fray in appendix. Legrosse, az. three lions ramp, or, a chief ar.
Leg, or Lerg. Amis
as 1st in 1st diet. Crest, Crest, a dexter arm, embowed, ppr. vested gu.
a fountain of three raisings, playing, ppr. holding by the blade a sword, point downwards,
Legat, [Edinburgh,] ar. a cross Calvary on three az. hilted or.
degrees gu. Crest, a cherub's head ppr. Le Hunt, [Ashen, Essex, and Little Bradley,
Legat, erm. a lion pass. gu. Suffolk,] vert, a saltier or.
Leg att. Arms of Hornchurch in 1st diet. Le Hunt, [Ireland,] or, a chev. gu. pierced by
Crest, a sea-lion, sejant, ar. bendlet sa. Crest, a demi chevalier, brandish-
Legcroft, ar. a saltier erm. over all a cross gu. ing a sword, ppr.
Legem, az. a fesse engr. or, betw. three womens' Le Hunt, vert, a saltier or. Crest, out of a baron's
heads, couped, crined of the second. coronet or, pearls ar. a dexter hand holding a
Legenue, ar. three lions ramp. sa. cutlass, all ppr.
Leger, per fesse, or and az. three lions' heads, Leich, [Scotland,] ar. a fesse wavy sa.
erased, counterchanged. Crest, a pheon, with Leids, ar. a fesse gu. betw. three eagles, close,
a piece of the shaft sticking therein. sa. Crest, an eagle's head gu. betw. two wings
Leger, erm. a lion pass gu. or.

Legett, erm. a lion ramp. gu. Crest, two lions' Leigh, [Cheshire and Hants.] Same as of
paws supporting the royal crown, all ppr. Stockwell in 1st diet.
Leggat, or LEGGATT,per cross, ar. and or, a saltier Leight, gu. three swans, close, ar.
gu. Crest, an arm from the elbow, vested, Leighwood. Arms as 1st diet. Crest, a ban-
counter-componee, gu. and or, holding a mill- yan-tree, ppr.
quarterly, ar. and sa.
rind. Leinhams. in the first a

Leggy, az. a buck's head, cabossed and attired fleur-de-lis gu.

or on a chief ar. five lozenges, all within a bor-
; Leinster, (Province of) az. a harp or, stringed ar.
dure of the third. Leir, [Somers.] Crest, a quill and sword, in
Legh, gu. a cross engr. within a bordure ar. saltier, ppr.
Crest, a cock gu. the head like a ram ar. attired Leiris, [Languedoc,] ar. a rainbow, surmounted
or. of a cross, and accompanied with six stars of
Legh, az. two bars ar. over all a bend componee, the last.
gu. and or. Leitch, [Scotland,] gu. on a bend engr. or,
Legh, gu. a cross engr. ar. betw. six fusils of the second, three escutcheons
gh, or, three lozenges az. az, Crest, a hand holding a serpent ppr.
Leith, [Craigliall, Scotland.] or, a cross crosslet Lend, [Caule, Scotland,] or, an orle, indented
fitchee sa. betw. two crescents in chief, gu. and on the inner edge, az.
in base three fusils az. two and one, all within Lendon, ar. a naval coronet gu. betw. three

a bordure of the third. anchors sa. Crest, an eagle, issuing, holding

Leith, [Over-Barns,Scotland.] Arms as 1st in the dexter claw a branch of laurel ppr.
diet. Crest, a turtle dove ppr, Lene, gu. a lion pass, guard, or, betw. three
Leith, [Hearthill, Scotland,] or, a cross crosslet saltiers of the last.
fitchee az. betw. two crescents in chief, and a Lenham, vert, a saltier engr. ar.
fusil in base gu. Leni, ar. on a bend gu. three lions ramp. or.
Leith, [Waterhaugh and Whitehaugh, Scotland.] Lenie, sa. on a chev. betw. three bears' heads,
ar. lozenges, conjoined, in fesse, sa.
five erased, ar. muzzled gu. a cinquefoil of the first.
Crest, a dove, holding in the beak an olive- Lennie, or Leny, [Scotland,] sa. on a chev.
branch ppr. betw. three bears' heads ar. muzzled gu. as
Leivy, az. from the sinister a wing of Solomons' many cinquefoils of the last. Crest, a dexter
temple ar. Crest, a naked arm, embowed, arm ppr. holding up a covered cup or.
holding a sword, all ppr. Lennos, or Lenos, az. three fleurs-de-lis ar. on
Leke, [Earl of Scarsdale,] ar. on a saltier engr. a bordure of the last eight roses gu. Crest, a
sa. nine annulets or. pennant, parted, per pale, gu. and or, tasselled
Lekenor, gu. a fretty ar. a bend . .
of the last.
Leland, gu. a saltier ar. charged with three Lennock, ar. guttee de poix, a fesse sa.
paletsaz. a chief or. Crest, a crow,rising,trans- Lennox, [Scotland, Earl Lennox, [Temp. Win.
fixed with an arrow. the Lion,] ar. a saltier engr. gu. cantoned with
Leland, ar. a bend gu. cottised sa. four roses of the last.
Lelly, [1680,] ar. a fesse betw. three roses gu. in Lenosey, gu. an eagle displ. with two heads or,
chief a crescent for diff. a baton ar.
Lelon, Lelow, or Lellow. Arms as 1st in Lent. Arms as 1st in 1st diet. Crest, a horse
1st diet. Crest, on a rock, a fort in flames, pass. ar.
ppr. Lenthal, [Priory, near Burford, Oxon,] quarterly;
Le Maiktre, three sunflowers, slipped and
az. first ar. a bend fusily sa. ; second,
and fourth,
leaved or. Crest, a greyhound sejant, arg. az. three cinquefoils ; third, ar. a lymphad ;

gazing at the sun in splendour, ppr. impaling az. a chev. erm. betw. three leopards'
Lemarch. Arms as 1st diet. Crest, an arm, in faces. Crest, a greyhound, current, ppr.
armour, embowed, striking with a dagger, all Lenthorp, or Lenthrop. Arms as 1st in 1st
diet. Crest, a lady, standing, ppr. richly
Lementon, az. fretty or; on a chief of the last, attired vert.
a lion ramp. betw. two mullets gu. Lentston, ar. a lion ramp. sa.
Lemmington, or Lennington. Arms as 1st in Leonard, or, on a fesse az. three fleurs-de-lis ar.
1st diet. Crest, a Savages' head, erased, affron- Crest, out of a ducal coronet or, a tiger's
tee, ppr. head ar.
Lemprew, or Lempreur, gyromry of twelve, ar. Leple, erm. an inescutcheon gu. within a bordure
and gu. ; on a chief az. an eagle with two heads engr. of the last.
displ. ar.
Le Poer, per chief dancettee, sa. and ar.
Lempy, ar. a lion pass. sa. Leport, az. three towers, domed, or, gate sa.
Lemster, on a fesse betw. three crescents gu.
ar. Lepton. Arms as 1st in 1st diet. Crest, issuing
as many mullets or. Crest, a demi cupid, from a castle, triple-towered, a demi lion
issuing, in the dexter hand an arrow, in the ppr.
sinister a bow bent, all ppr. Lercedekne, [Cornw.] ar. three chev. gu.
Lercewick, [Warw.] gu. on a saltier a cres-
Lemyng, or, ten guttees sa. four, three, two, and ar.

one. cent az.

Lemyngton, ar. a chev. betw. three crescents sa. Lerksworth, [Suff. Temp. Ediv. L] chequy, ar.
Lenegan, [Ireland,] az. three cherubs' heads or. and gu. on a bend ramp, of the
az. three lions

Crest, an antelope pass, or, armed gu. first.

Lenche, or Lench. Arms as 1st diet. Crest, Lescomb. Crest, on a mount vert, a greyhound,
a tiger, sejant, or, collared gu. resting the fore- current, betw. two laurel-branches.
paw on a shield, per chev. of the second and Le Scot. Arms as 1st diet. Crest, two battle-
first. axes, in saltier, az. hilted sa.
Lesk, [of that Ilk,] sa. a fesse betw. three mullets Lesturmy, gu. a chev. betw. three etoiles or.
in chief, and as many mascles in base, all or. Letch, gyronny of eight, ar. and gu. an annulet
Leslie, [Edinburgh,] ar. on a fesse, indented, az. counterchanged. Crest, a harp gu.
three buckles or, within a bordure gu. charged Letford, [Glouc] gu. on a chev. ar. betw. two
with four fleurs-de-lis of the field. stags' heads, erased, of the second, armed or, in
Leslie, [Powis, Scotland,] quarterly first and ; chief, and a talbot pass, in base, of the last,
fourth, ar.on a bend az. three buckles or, within three mullets gu. pierced gold.
a bordure gu. second and third, az. three frases
; Lethall, or Lenthall, ar. on a bend, cottised,
ar. within a bordure quartered, or,andofthe se- sa. three mullets or, pierced gu.
cond, the first charged with antique crowns gu. Letham, or Lethem, gu. a cross erm. Crest, a
the last with as many cinquefoils silver. Crest, griffin's head, betw. two wings, holding in the
a crescent ar. beak a feather ppr.
Leslie, [Endordivit, Scotland,] quarterly; first and Letham, or Lethem, [Scotland,] gu. a cross erm.
fourth, ar. on a bend az. three buckles or ; se- betw. two crescents in chief or. Crest, as the
cond and third, ar. a lion ramp. gu. debruised last.

by a ribbon sa. all within a bordure ar. Letherhead, erm. a chev. gu.
Leslie, [Newark]. The same without the bordure. Letherland. <See Leather.
Leslie, [Meadowsall, Glasgow]. The same arms. Lethieullier, or Lethulier, [Alderstock, Es-
Crest, a demi griffin. sex.] Arms as 1st in 1st diet. Crest, a parrot
Lesly, [Aberdeen, Scotland,] ar. on a fesse az. ppr
three buckles or, within a bordure of the second, Lethim, [Scotland,] gu. a cross erm. within a
charged with as many stars of the first. Crest, bordure or. Crest, a dove, within a serpent dis-
a griffin ppr. winged or, holding in the dexter posed orleways, ppr.
talon a buckle of the last. Lethington, [Saltcoat,] ar. a bend engr. gu. in
a pair of wings, conjoined,
ar. chief a bears' head, erased, az. muzzled of the
Lesly, [Aberdeen,]
ppr. surmounted of a fesse az. charged with three second.
buckles or. Letster, gu. a lion ramp. betw. three crescents ar.
Lesly, [Burdsbank, Scotland]. The quartered Lett, per bend sinister indented arg. and az. a
arms of the Earl of Rothes, within a bordure bend dexter per bend sinister indented gu. and or.
parted per pale, chequy and counter-componee, Crest, upon a mount, an oak tree, ppr. fructed
gu. and or. Crest, a buckle or. or, attached to the trunk two axes in saltier,

Lesly, [Einrassie, Scotland,] quarterly, as the last, ppr. tied with a ribbon gu. [Granted to Thos.
within a bordure chequy gu. and or. Crest, a Lett, of Narrow Wall, Lambeth, Surrey, Mer-
man in armour, holding a buckle ar. chant, 4 July, 1795, with the arms of Coleman,
Lesly, [Torry, Scotland.] The quartered coat of on an escutcheon of pretence for Susannah his
Rothes, within a bordure indented and parted wife, only childand heir of Charles Coleman,
per pale, az. and ar. Crest, a buckle or. Esq. deceased, viz. sa. a cross flory betw. four
Lesor, chequy, or and gu. a fesse az. crescents, in cross, or.
Le Sore, [Cornw.] erm. a saltier gu. Lett, gu. a saltier or ; on a chief of the last, a cres-
Lesoures, or Lysures, or, a chief az. cent betw. two mullets sa. Crest, three organ-
Lespring, ar. an inescutcheon within an orle of pipes, two in saltier surmounted by the third in
martlets sa. pale, banded vert.
Lesquet, ar. a chev. betw. three calves sa. Letterington, read bears not bars in 1st diet.
Lessies, [Scotland,]. ., a chev. betw. two boars' Leton, ar. two bars gu. in chief, three wolves'

heads and necks, erased,. . heads, couped of the second.

Lessington, gu. three porches of churches, with Letton. Arms as 2d in 1st diet. Crest, a dex-
double doors, expanded, ar. {some say, gu. three ter hand, fesseways, couped, gu. holding up a

ports ar.) Crest, on a baron's coronet or, a cross crosslet fitchee az.
lion Lettsom, az. on a chev. betw. three eagles displ.
ramp. gu.
Crest, an eagle,

Lestar, per chev. or and az. ; on a fesse three ar. as many fleurs-de-lis gu.

crescents, all counterchanged. statant, wings addorsed or, holding in his beak
Lestock, vert, a chev. engr. betw. three birds ar. by a ribbon gu. an escutcheon ar. thereon a
Lestorcote, or Lestocut, erm. on a cross gu. serpent nowed ppr.
five martlets or. Le Tvbis, or Tyres, ar. a chev. gu.
Leston. Arms in 1st diet. Crest, a lion pass, Letyn, [Ireland,] ar. a saltier gu. betw. four oak-
az. ducally gorged and chained or. leaves vert.
[3 A]
Leucenberg, barry of ten, ar. and az. over all a Levingston, [Scotland.] Arms as 1st diet.
lion ramp. gu. armed or. Crest, a demi Savage, holding over the shoulder
Leuelton, ar. two bars nebulee sa. a club, ppr.
Leueson, az. three holly-leaves ar. Levins. Arms as 1st in 1st diet. Crest, a bull's
Leukenor, az. three chev. ar. Crests, first, a head, issuing, sa. charged with a crescent gu.
unicorn's head, couped, az. platee, horned or ; Levinston, ar. three pinks, slipped, gu. within a
second, a hawk's leure az. fringed ar. double tressure flory counterflory, vert.
Leuze, gu. three palets vair; on a chief or, a Levy, or, three chev. sa. Crest, an arm, in ar-
fleur-de-lis sa. mour, embowed, apaumee, ppr.
Levale, sa. three bears' heads, couped, ar. Lew, az. a cross, couped, ar. a chief nebulee gu.
Levall, sa. three rams' heads, couped, ar. rayonee alternately wavy and straight, or.
bend ar.
Levall, az. a Crest, a dexter arm, holding a roll of vellum, ppr.
Le Vavasour, [Yorks.] Arms as 1st diet. Lewcas, Crest, on a chapeau, an heraldic tiger
Crest, a cock gu. pass. ppr.
Leveale, or
Levelis, [Trewoof, Cornw.] ar. Lewcus, ar. a chev. in chief three escallops, . . .

three calves' heads, couped, gu. Crest, a tower, Lewe, [Norf.] or, a saltier engr. vert.
masoned, sa. Lewellyn, or Llewellyn, per pale, or and ar.
Leveland. Arms as 1st diet. Crest, a dexter three lions pass, in pale, gu. Crest, a pheon ppr.
hand, holding a dagger, in pale, with a garland Lewen, [Siston, Leic] Arms as 1st diet.
of laurel pendant therefrom, ppr. Crest, the moon in her complement ar.
Levensham, ar. a fleur-de-lis sa. Lewer, ar. on a bend sa. three ewers of the first.
Levenshaugh, [Buxton,] gu. a fesse lozengy, Lewes, [Norwich,] ar. a chev. betw. three tre-
betw. three escallops ar. foils, slipped, sa.
Leverage, ar. a chev. betw. three match-locks Lewes, [Glamorganshire,] sa. a lion ramp. ar.
sa. Crest, a leopard's head, cabossed, ppr. within a bordure, gobonated of the second and
Leverett, [Great Chelsea, 1662,] ar. a chev. first.
betw. three leverets, current, sa. Lewes, [Wales,] chequy, or and az. ; on a fesse
Levermoke, [Lanlivery, Cornw.] gu. three etoiles gu. three leopards' heads jessant-de-lis of the
sa. first.
Levermore. Arms as 1st in 1st diet. Crest, an Lewesholme, ar. a fleur-de-lis sa.

arm, embowed, holding a scimitar, in pale, ppr. Lewin, or Lew'ins, or, a bend, counter-embattled,
Leversage, gu. three lions' heads, erased, ar. in betw. two trefoils, slipped, sa. Crest, a demi
the centre a match-lock or. Crest, a leopard's lion ramp. sa. holding a lozenge or. on it a tre-
head, erased, guard, ppr. foil, slipped, vert.
Leversege, sa. three bills' heads ar. Lewis, erm. on a fesse az. three boars' heads ar.
Leversege, ar. a chev. betw. three match-locks sa. Crest, an antelope's head, erased, sa. ducally
Leveryke, erm. a fesse engr. gu. gorged and attired or.
Levesey. Arms as 1st in 1st diet. Crest, a Lewis, [Harpton, Lane. and Westmoreland, in

lion's paw, issuing, ppr. supporting an escutch- Jamaica,] sa. an eagle displ. ar. beaked and
eon gu. legged or. Crest, on a chapeau gu. turned up
Levesey. Arms as last in 1st diet. Crest, a erm. an heraldic tiger pass.
lion's paw gu. holding a cluster of six of the same. Lewis, gu. a griffin segreant or, within a bordure
Levesque, sa. on a chief ar. three fleurs-de-lis gu. eng. erm.
Crest, on a fish, a sparrow-hawk, ppr. Lewkenor, gu. three bucks' heads, couped, ar.
Levet, or Levett. Arms as 2nd in 1st diet. Lewley, ar. a chev. sa. betw. three herons'
Crest, a gad-fly, wings endorsed, ppr. heads of the second, beaked gu.
Levethrope, ar. a bend componee, sa. and gu. Lewsell. Arms as 1st in 1st diet. Crest, an
betw. two cottises of the last. antelope's head, guard, or, attired sa.
Leving, or Levinge, per chev. vert and or, three Lewson, or Leveson, az. a fesse, party per fesse
escallops counterchanged. Crest, a sword, and nebulee, or and sa. betw. three laurel-leaves,
sheaf of wheat, in saltier, ppr. erect, of the second. Crest, a goats' head,
Levixge, [Ireland,] az. on a chief ar. three ears erased, erm attired or.
of wheat vert. Crest, a bell az. Lewstox, [Dors.] gu. three battle-axes, in pale,
Levings, or Leving, [Derbys. and Warwicks.] or, edged ar.
1st diet, should be Levixge, or Leving. Arms Lewthwait, or Lewtiiwaite, Crest, an heralie
confirmed and crest granted 1611. tiger's head, erased, gu.
LEXINTON. Arms as 1st in 1st diet. Crest, a Libby'. Arms as 1st diet. Crest, out of a pailing
demi lady, betw. two branches of palm disposed or, a dexter arm ppr. vested gu. holding a baton
in orle, holding in her hand a thistle, ppr. az. tipped of the first.
Lexton. Arms as 1st Lepton in 1st diet. Liberton, vair, on a pale gu. three, leopards'
Crest, issuing from a castle, triple-towered, a heads, guard, erased, or. Crest, a stag's head,
demi lion ppr. couped, az.
Lev, Bucks.] az. two bars ar. over all a bend gu. Liberton, [of that Ilk,] vert, a leopard's face ar.
within a bordure engr. gobonated, of the second Lichfield, [Oxon,] per chev. sa. and ar. in chief
and third. three leopard's heads or. Crest, an arm, em-
Lev, per chew or, and gu. bowed, vested ar. holding in the hand ppr. a
Ley, [Wilts.] ar. a chev. betw. three seals' heads, bow or, strung gu.
couped, sa. Lichfield. The same arms. Crest, on a chapcau
Ley, ar. on a chief three plates.
sa. gu. a garb ppr.
Leybock. ar. six lions ramp. gu. Lichtervield, [Holland,] sa. a chief erm.
Leyborn, ar. on a bend sa. three annulets of the Lickie, [Scotland,] ar. two bends az. on the first
in the sinister chief a trefoil, three roses or, on the last as many acorns of the
first ;
slipped, of
the second. first. Crest, two hands, couped below the
Leybourne, az. six lions ramp. ar. Crest, an wrist, supporting a sword ppr. hilt and pomel
eagle, volant, reguard. az. beaked and legged or.
or. Liddel, [Edinburgh,] gu. on a bend betw. a
Leybourne. The same arms, within a bordure cross crosslet fitchee in chief, and a fleur-de-lis
engr. or. in base, ar. three spur-rowels, of the first.
ar. six lions
Leybourne, ramp. gu. three, two, and Crest, a rose, slipped, ppr.
one. Liddell, to the first of the name in 1st diet,
Leybourns, sa. two lions' paws, erased, in saltier, add another crest, a lion ramp. sa. billetee or.
and inverted, erm. armed or. crowned with an eastern crown of the last.
Levcester, quarterly, first and fourth, as in 1st Liddell. [Durham and Numb.] Arms 2nd in
diet, second and third vert, a chev. betw. 1st diet. Crest, billetee or, instead of platee.
three torteauxes, for Wrixen. [Borne by Lidderdale, [St. Mary Isle, Scotland. Arms
William Wrixon Leycester, Esq. of East as 1st diet. Crest, an eagle's head, erased, ppr.
View, //car
Cork, 1837.] Lidderdale, [London, from Scotland.] Arms as
Leycester, az. a fesse betw. three fleurs-de-lis or. last, within a bord. engr. arg.
Levckoft, erm. a cross pattee throughout, gu. Liddle, gu. a fesse wavy betw. three boar's heads,
Crest, a hand, erect, vested az. holding in the erased, ar. Crest, two lions' gambs. erased,
hand ppr. a chaplet gu. supporting a column ppr.
Leye, Ley, and Lye. Ams as 1st diet. Crest, Lidel. Arms as first diet. Crest, two hands,
an arm, in armour, embowed, holding in the
conjoined in fesse, each hand united to a wing
gauntlet a battle axe, all ppr. at the wrist.
Levham, gu. a swan ar. membered, or. Crest, a Lidell, or Liddell, [Scotland,] gu. on a bend
ship in full sail, ppr. ar. three mullets az. in chief two bezants.
Leyke, sa. a bend ar. betw. six annulets or. Crest, a demi lion or, holding in the dexter paw
Leyll, [Scotland,] gu. a fret or. a mullet gu.
Leynvs, az. a fesse nebulee, charged on each Lie, sa. a chev. or, betw. three hawks' leures ar.
nebulee with a roundle gu. betw. six oak-leaves Lienis, or Lyenys, az. a fesse nebulee ar. guttee
or. Crest, a hand holding an oak branch, de sang, betw. six leaves or. Crest, an arm,
acorned or. couped at the elbow, and erect, vested ar. hold-
Leyton, or Loyton, gu. (Another sa.) on a ing in the hand ppr. a bunch of acorns vert,
bend ar. three escallops of the first. fructed or.
Leyver, ar. a chev. gu. betw. three leverets, Lifeilde, [Surrey.] Arms as 1st diet, the field
current, sa. Crest, a leveret, couchant, ppr. or. Crest, a bull's head, cabossed, ar. armed or,
Lezington, a cross patonce az.
ar. charged on the forehead with three ermine
Li all,
[Kent,] gu. six crescents ar. three, two, spots, one and two.
and one, over all a bend, gobonated, or and az. Ligh, or, on a chev. sa. three bezants.
.mil, gu. six crescents ar, three, two, and one. Lighe, [Cumb.] erm. on a chev. sa. three bezants.
Liard. Arms as 1st diet. Crest, an Light, gu. a chev. betw. three ducks ar, Crest,
trippant, ppr. collared or. a swan's neck ar. betw. two wings, expanded,
3 A 2 ]
gu. behind the neck a plume of three ostrich's dexter hand ppr. issuing out of a cloud, grasping
feathers, one ar. betw. two gu. all turning over a club, also ppr.
the head. Lillingstone, [Suffolk,] arg. a bugle horn, sable
Light gu. three swans ar. stringed gules betw. three crescents of the se-
Lightbody, [Glasgow,] az. on a pale or betw. two cond quartering Spooner. Crest, a demi dra-
mullets in chief, and as many crescents in base, gon wings expanded, sable holding in his dex-

ar. a lionramp. gu. Crest, a star, issuant from ter claw a battle axe erect, all ppr.
a cloud, ppr. Lilly. Arms, as of Newhall in 1st diet. Crest,
Lightbody, [Scotland,] az. on a pale betw. two a dexter hand apaumee gu.
mullets or, a lion ramp. gu. within a bordure ar. Lilly, [Ireland]. Crest, a lion ramp, royally
Crest, as the last. crowned.
Lightburne, [Ireland, az. a water-bouget or; on Limborne. Arms as 1st in 1st diet. Crest, a
a chief ar. three bendletssa. Crest, out of a du- dexter hand holding a hunting-horn, sans
cal coronet, a cockatrice's head betw. two strings, ppr.
wings. Limbrake, vert, three lions ramp. ar.
Lightfoot. Anns as 1st diet. Crest, a human Lime, gu. three lozenges, in pale, ar.
heart, pierced with a passion-nail, in bend. Limesey. Arms as 1st in 1st diet. Crest, the
Lightfoot, [London,] as 1st diet, the escallops or. stump of an oak-tree sprouting forth new
Lightfoot,. , three bars. . , over all a bend charged
branches, ppr.
with as many escallops Crest, a griffin's head, Limesie, ar. two bars gu. Crest, a rose-bush,
erased, gorged with a collar charged with three bearing roses, ppr.
escallops. Limsey, or, an eagle displ. gu. within a bordure of
Lightlie, ar. on a fesse sa. an annulet of the field. the second, charged with eight cinquefoils ar.
Lighton, [Ullshaven, Scotland,] ar. a lion ramp, Linacre, sa. a chev. betw. three escallops ar. a
gu armed or. Crest, a lion's head. chief or. (Another, charges the chief with a
Lighton, [Scotland]. Same arms. Crest, a Mi- bear's head, muzzled, sa.)
nerva's head, in front, ppr. Linacre, sa. a chev. betw. three escallops ar. ; on a
Lighton, [Scotland,] ar. a lion, salient, gu. (Ano- chief or, three greyhounds' heads of the first.
ther, armed or.) Linbury, or Limbergh, ar. six cinquefoils sa.

Lighton, [Scotland,] gu. an eagle displ. ar. ; on a pierced gu. three, two, and one.
chief az. three roses of the field. Crest, an Lincolne, gu. a lion ramp. or. Crest, out of a
eagle's head, erased, ppr. holding in the beak an ducal coronet or, a demi lion ppr. crowned with
acorn or, stalked and leaved vert. an antique crown of the first.
Lighton, [Sweden; descended from Scotland,] ar. Lincolne, ar. on a cross az. five mullets or.
a lion ramp. gu. armed and langued az. Crest, Lindesay, [Wormiston, Scotland,] gu. a fesse
a palm-tree vert. chequy, ar. and az. betw. three mullets in chief,
Lightwood. See Lizthed. and a lozenge in base, of the second. Crest,
Ligilton, ar. a chev. betw. three crescents sa. an ostrich holding a horse-shoe ppr.
therefrom fire issuing, ppr. Lindon, [Ireland,] sa. a mural crown or, betw.
Lilborne, or Lilbourne. Arms as 2d in 1st diet. three leopards' heads ar. langued gu. Crest, a
Crest, a castle, triple-towered, ppr. flagged sa. sea dragon volant vert, gorged with a mural
Lile, ar. on a canton gu. a lion pass, of the first. crown or, armed and langued gu. [Granted to
Lill, [Ireland,] gu. a bend ar. betw. six crescents Roger Lindon, 4// Feb. 1(339,] Mayor of Car-
or. Crest, a hand, erect, issuing out of a cloud, rickfergus, 1(338, (second Son of Robert Lindon,
holding an anchor, in pale, ppr. of Somersetshire. J
Lillan.- -Crest, a hand, holding a dagger, on the Lindon, . a chev. betw. three doves
, .. .

point a Moor's head, couped at the shoulders. Lindon, [Ireland,] Crest, an arm, embowed,
Lille, or Lisle. Arms as 1st diet. Crest, on a wielding a scimitar, ppr.
chapeau ppr. a lion, couchant, or. Lindores, gu. a castle ar.
Lilleborne, per pale, ar. and sa. a chev. counter- Lindsay, [Blackholm, Scotland; Lion Register,]
changed. gu. a fesse chequy, ar. and az. in chief a label of
Lilley. Crest, an oak-tree ppr. three points of the second. Crest, a withered
Lillie, per chev. ar. and gu. three lilies counter- branch of oak, sprouting fourth green leaves, ppr.
changed. Crest, a rose gu. betw. the attires of Linsay, [Blebo, Scotland,] quarterly; first and
a stag or. fourth, az. a fesse chequy, ar. and of the first,
Lillie, [Scotland,] az. three lilies ar. Crest, a betw. three mascles or; second and third, ar.
on a chev. sa. an otter's head, erased, of the Lindsay, [Wauchop, Scotland,] gu. a fesse chequy,
field. Crest, an otter's head and neck, erased, sa. ar. andaz. in chief a label of thrtS
points of the
Lindsay, [Pitscandly, Scotland, Lion Register,] second.
gu. a fesse chequy, ar. and az. a dagger, pale- Lindsey, gu. a fesse chequy ar. and sa. in chief
ways, in hase, ppr. and in chief a mullet for cliff. three mullets or. Crest, an ostrich ar. holding
in the beak a key sa.
Lindsay, [Byres, Scotland,] gu. a fesse chequy,
ar. and az. in chief three stars of the second. Lindsey, gu. an eagle displ. or, armed sa.
Crest, a swan with wings expanded, ppr. Lindsey, or. an eagle displ. sa. charged on the
breast with ten plates in cross.
Lindsay, [Cairnie, Scotland,] quarterly; first
and fourth, gu. a fesse chequy, within a bordure Lineslky. Arms as 1st diet. Crest, an arm, in
eomponee, ar. and az. ; second and third, Aber- armour, embowed, holding in the glove a sabre,
nethy. Crest, two stalks of wheat, disposed all ppr.

saltierways, ppr.
Lin ford, quarterly, gu. and or, on the first and
fourth an escallop ar.
Lindsay, [ Canterland, Scotland, ] ar. a fesse Crest, a talbot pass.
chequy, az. and of the first, within a bordure ar.

engr. of the second. Lingard, or, a fesse bendy of eight, sa. and ar.
a fesse betw. three rests gu. Crest, a stag's head
Lindsay, [ Covington, Scotland, ] gu.
chequy, ar.andaz.inbase amascle or. (Another, affrontee, gorged with a ducal coronet ppr.
betw. three mascles ar.) Lingen, Liggen, or Ligney. Arms as 1st in 1st
Lindsay, [Culsh, Scotland, Lion Register,] gu. diet. Crest, a dexter arm, embowed, in armour,
a fesse chequy, ar. and az. in chief a mullet of brandishing a scimitar, fastened to the wrist,
the second, and the base undee as the third, all ppr.
all within a bordure engr. or, for diff. Crest, Lingham, bendy of six, sa. and or, a chief gu.
a tower, ppr. ensigned on the top with a cres- Crest,two branches of oak, in saltier, ppr.
cent ar. Lingwood. Arms as 1st diet. Crest, an ante-
Lindsay, [Dowhill, Scotland,] gu. a fesse chequy, lope's head, erased, erm.
ar. and az. in chief a star of the second. Crest, Linley, [Shegby, Scotland,] ar. on a chev. sa.
a castle, ppr. three heads, erased, of the first.
Lindsay, [Payetston, Scotland,] gu. a fesse chequy, Crest, out of a ducal coronet gu. a demi boar
ar. and az. betw. three stars in chief, and in or.
base a mascle of the second. Linnacre, ar. on a cross az. five etoiles or.
Lindsay, [Edinburgh, descended of Dunrodis, Linnet, sa. a chev. betw. three boars' heads,
Lion Register,] gu. a fesse chequy, ar. and az. couped, ar. Crest, out of a ducal coronet or,
betw. three garbs of the second, banded of the a double plume of ostrich's feathers ar. five and
first. Crest, a dexter hand, holding a branch four.
of olive, ppr. Linning, [Scotland,] ar. three bars nebulee gu.

Lindsay, [ Evlick, Scotland. ] The quartered Crest, a cubit dexter arm, brandishing a
arms of the Earl of Crawfurd, within a bordure broad sword, all ppr.
ar. Crest, a sword, in pale, on the point a Linsey, ., an eagle displ.. .,
charged on the
balance and scales, ppr. body with a quartrefoil. Crest, a demi eagle
Lindsay, [Kilspindy, Scotland. Lion Register.] displ. charged as in the arms.
The same as of Evlick, charging the bordure Lint, ar. three battle-axes gu. Crest, a dexter
with eight roses gu. hand gu. holding a cross crosslets fitchee sa.

Linton, [Scotland,] gu. an eagle displ. ar. on a

Lindsay, [Kirkforther, Scotland,] gu. a fesse ;

chief of the last, three roses of the

chequy, ar. and az. betw. three stars in chief,

and a hunting horn in base, of the second. Crest, an eagle's head erased, holding in the
Crest, an ostrich, with a key in its beak. beak an acorn, stalked and leaved, all ppr.
Lindsay, [Linbank, Scotland,] gu. a fesse chequy, Lixtot, ., a fesse varie, ar. and vert, betw.

ar. and az. betw. two stars, in chief, and a hunt- three garbs. Crest, two lions' gambs, issuing
. .

ing-horn, in base, of the second. out of the wreath, holding up a garb.

Lindsay, [The Mount, Scotland; Lion King at Linwood, gu. a hind betw. three pheons or.
Arms,] gu. a fesse chequy, ar. and az. betw. Crest, a demi talbot, holding in the mouth an
three stars in chief, and a man's heart in base, ar. arrow ppr.
a fesse Lionnel, ar. three bars gu. betw. eight etoiles sa.
Lindsay, [Corsbrasket, Scotland,] gu.
chequy, ar. and az. betw. two stars in chief, one, three, three, and one. Crest, an antique
and a cinquefoil in base of the second. crown.
Lions de, ar. a lion ramp. gu. Crest, a stag, at gaze, ermines, ducally gorged
Lisard, ar. three wiverns, volant, in pale, vert,
and attired or.
tails extended. Litster, [Scotland] .
Crest, a deer's head, couped,
Lisbone, or Lisborne. Arms as 1st diet. ppr.
Crest a boar pass. or. Littell. Arms
as of Bray in 1st diet. Crest,
Lisk, [Scotland.] As in 1st diet. two daggers, in saltier, ppr.
Lisle. Arms as of Newport, 1st diet. Crest, a Littell, az. a saltier engr. or, in chief a mullet of
stag ar. collared, chained, and attired or. the last.

Lisle, [Ireland,] or, a fesse betw. two chev. sa. all Littilman, or Littleman, [Scotland] or, a chev.
betw. three roses gu. Crest, a marigold slipped sa. betw. a cross pattee, in chief, of the last, and
and leaved, ppr. a heart, in base, gu.
Lisle, or Lisley. Arms as those of Northampton- Little, [Ireland,] bendy of six,az. and ar. a chief
shire in diet. Crest, a cubit arm in armour, the sa. Crest, a demi bull.
hand in antique, gauntlet grasping a mace all Lattle, [Meikledale, Scotland; Lion Register].
ppr. attached to a chain round the arm, or. sa. a saltier engr. ar.
quartering Lisle of Cambridgeshire. Little, [Liberton, Scotland; Lion Register].
Lisle, per pale, or and gu. a point, in point, erm. Same arms, with a crescent for cliff. Crest, a
over a cross Tau az.
all leopard's head or.
Lisle, or, on a chev. az. three lions ramp, of the Littlebury. Arms as of Stensby in 1st diet.
field. Crest, a lion's paw, per fesse, gu. and az. hold-
Lisle, or, a fret gu. ing a spear sa. point or.
Lisle, ar. a fesse betw. six martlets gu. Littleburij, sa. three wicker-baskets, with handles.
Lisle, or, a chev. betw. three leaves gu. ar.

Lisle, De, gu. a lion pass, guard, ar. semee of Littledale, Crest, twolionspaws, in saltier ppr.
crosslets or. Littlehales az. three cross crosslets in bend ar.
Lisse, paly of six, ar. and az. a fesse gu. Little john, [Scotland,] ar. a crescent betw. three
Lister, [Scotland]. Arms and crest as of Row- roses gu.
ton in 1st diet. Littler. Arms as 1st diet, Crest, a squirrel,
Uster,. ., a fesse chequy, gu. and or, betw. three sejant, eating a nut, ppr.
fleurs-de-lis. Littleton, ar. a chev. betw. three escallops az.

Liston, [Scotland,] gu. two gillyflowers, in pale, Crest, a stag's head, cabossed, sa. betw. the
slipped, ppr. a chief, raguly, ar. Crest, two horns or, a bugle-horn ar. stringed of the first.
hands, conjoined and couped, ppr. Little wood, az. a bull's head, erased, or. Crest,
Liston, [Scotland,] gu. on a cross, raguly, ar. two on a mount vert, a peacock ppr.
gillyflowers, in pale, ppr. Crest, a demi lion, Litton, Letton, or Lytton. Arms as of Knebworth,
gu. holding a gillyflower ppr. in 1st diet. Crest, a mountain-cat, current, ppr.
Litchfield, or, a sword, in pale, az. surmounted Litton, [Ireland,] erm. on a chief az. three ducal
by a crescent sa. all betw. two cross crosslets coronets or. Crest, a goat's head, erased, vert.
titchee gu. Crest, an arm, in armour, embowed, Liverpole, quarterly, gu. and or, a cross pattee ar.
holding a sword ppr. Livie, or. a chev. betw. two mascles in chief, and
Litcott. Arms as 1st diet. Crest, an old man's a boar's head in base azure.
head ppr. vested sa, and ducally crowned or. Livingston, [Counteswells.] ar. three cinquefoils
Litelcot, gu. a cross erm. within the royal tressure flory counterflory vert,
Lithgow, [Scotland,] ar. an otter issuing from in the centre a cross crosslet fitchee sa. Crest,
water, in base, ppr. in chief two roses gu.
a demi Hercules, wreathed about the head and
Crest, a palm-branch vert. middle, holding in the dexter handa club, erect,
Litlington, [London,] quarterly, ar. and gu. on and in the sinister a serpent, all ppr.
the second and third quarters, a fret or over
; Livingston [Glentarran.] Arms as of Greenburgh,
all a bend az. charged with three fleurs-de-lis of 1st diet, within abordurecomponee, and .,on
. . .

the third. each of the last, a boar's head, couped. Crest,

Litlor, [Wallerscot,] same as Litler, London, a dexter hand, brandishing a sword, ppr.
1st diet. Livingstone, [Mewston,] az. two cinquefoils in
Litster, erm. on a fesse sa. three mullets ar. chief, and an escallop in base, or.
Crest, an anchor and cable sa. Livingstone, [Weems, Scotland.] The same
Litster, az. on a cross ar. betw. four magpies or, arms, as of that Ilk, within a double tressure
five torteauxes, on each an etoile of the third. flory counterflory vert.
Livingstone, [Westquarter, Scotland,] quarterly, Loban, gu. a lion pass, or; on a canton ar. a key,
Livingstone and Callendar, all within a bor- paleways,sa. Crest, a dexter arm, in armour,
dure quartered, or. and gu. Crest, a Savage's embowed, holding a tilting spear ppr.
head, wreathed about with laurel. Lobb, ar. two lions, combatant, gu. Crest, a
Livinoton, or Leithingtoun, [Saltcoats, Scot- lion's head, erased, collared gu.
land,] ar. a bend betw. two otters' heads, Lobb, .
., a pheon betw. three boars' heads.
couped, gu. couped, . . .

Lizars, Edinburgh,] az. on a chief engr. or, a Lobenham, gu. a chev. engr. or, betw. three owls
lion ramp. Crest, a stag's head, erased, ppr.
vert. of the last.

Lizars, [Scotland.] or, on a cbiefaz. a long cross Lobert. Arms as 1st in 1st diet. Crest, a
ar. Crest, a lion's gamb ppr. dexter arm, embowed, vested az. holding in
Lizthed, or Lightwood, ar. a chev. az. betw. in the hand ppr, a hunting spear, point down-
three tigers vert, beholding themselves back- wards, sa. headed ar.
wards in a glass, or. Loch, [Drylaw, Scotland.] Arms as 1st diet.
Lizurs, or, a chief az. Crest, two hands wielding Crest, a swan, with wings endorsed, devour-
a sword ppr. ing a perch, both ppr.
Llewellyn. Vide Jorwerth. Loch, [Rachan, Scotland,] ar. a saltier engr. sa.
Llowthen, [Wales,] gu. a griffin segreant or. betw. two swans swimming in water, in the
Lloyd, [Pembrokeshire,] sa. three foxes' heads, flanks ppr. in chief a crescent, and in base a
erased, ar. fleur-de-lis. Crest, a swan, with wings en-
Lloyd, [W vert, on a fesse or. three eagles'
ales,] dorsed, devouring a perch, and swimming in a
displ. ppr. on a chief sa. three roses ar. loch, all ppr.
[Quartered by E. B. Benyon, Esq. of North Loch, [Scotland,] az. a saltier engr. betw. three
Ockendon, Essex, 1830.] swans, naiant, in lochs, ppr. two in the flanks,
Lloyd, [Treffnant, Co. Montgomery,] sa. three and one in base.
nags' heads, erased, ar. quartering ar. a chev. Lochale, [Scotland,] sa. a fesse ar. betw. three
betw. three boars' heads erased sa. langued gu. plates.
Llovd, [Warw.] ar. three lions coucbant in pale Lochead, or Lochhead, [Scotland,] ar. a cross
sa. Crest, a cubit arm, erect, in armour, the moline gu. and a chief az. Crest, a dexter
cuff ar. grasping a lizard in the hand, all ppr. hand, erect, pointing to the sun with two
[Borne by J. G. Lloyd, Esq. 1838. Ln the fingers.
Church of Stratford-i/jion-.Jvon. Benefactor to Locherd, or Louchard, ar. a saltier engr. az.
Repairing.] within a bordure or.

Lloyd, quarterly, first and fourth, two coats in pale Lochore, [Scotland,] ar. three piles issuing from
1st gu. a lion ramp, reguardant or. second and the chief, their points conjoined in base, sa.
third ar. three boar's heads, erased sa. second Crest, a fox's head, couped, gu.
gu. a fesse betw. six crosslets fitchee ar. three Lochrayn, ar. a fesse wavy betw. two cottises az.
sa. an eagle displ. with two heads or. Crest, depressed by a lion pass. gu.
out of a ducal coronet or, a griffins' head vert, Lock, [London.] Arms as 1st diet. Crest, a
[Borne by Lt. General Sir Evan Lloyd, hand ppr. holding up a cushion or.
A'. C. H. 1836.] Lokerby, [of that Ilk,] gu. a chev. ar. betw.
Lloyde, az. a boar ar. betw. ten trefoils, slipped, three roses or.
of the second. Lockey, ar. a chev. betw. three cinquefoils az.
Llwyd, [Lwyny Maen, Wales,] ar. an eagle Lockhart, [Count Lockhart,] ar. a heart gu.
displ. with two heads sa. within a fetterlock sa.; on a chief az. three
Loader, ar. a pale gu. over all a lion pass. sa. boar's heads, erased, of the first, within a
Crest, on a chapeau gu. two lions ramp, sup- bordure of the fourth, charged with five mullets
porting a garb. ppr. of six points or. Crests, first, in the centre,
Loader, ., six mullets, three,
two, and one. two flags, parted per
and gu. flotant
fesse, ar.
Crest, a dragon pass. ppr. to the dexter and sinister, placed behind a
Loadsman, ar. on abend engr. sa. three annulets boar's head, erased, ppr. second, on the ;

of the field. dexter, on a ducal coronet, an eagle displ.

Loane, az. a lion pass. or. Crest, a demi lion reguard. third, on the sinister, out of a ducal

ramp. sa. brandishing a scimitar

ppr. coronet, a demi lion, holding in the dexter paw
Loat, bendy of six, vert and ar. a chief erm. a sword.
Crest, a spur-rowel betw. two wings ppr. Lockhart, gu. on a fesse, betw. three boars' heads.
erased, ar. a heart of the field, within a fetter- Loder, erm. on a fesse .
three escallops . .
. .

lock sa. Crest, a dexter hand holding forth a Crest, a stag's head, couped at the neck, betw.
key, hendways, ppr. the horns a cross crosslet.
Lockhart, [Kirktoun, Scotland,] ar. on a chev. Loder, sa. ten bezants, four, three, two, and one.
betw. three boars' heads, erased, az. a man's Lodge, [Ireland,] per bend and
. .
, semee of
. .

heart within a fetter-lock, or. Crest, a dexter roundles, a lion ramp, counterchanged. Crest,
hand holding a boar's head, erased, ppr. a talbot's head, erased, az. collared or.
Lockhart, [Cleghorn, Scotland,] az. three boars' Lodge. Arms as 1st in 1st diet. Crest a lion,
heads, erased, ar. Crest, a boar's head, erased, double queued, az.
ar. Lodington. Arms as 1st diet. Crest, a demi
Lockhart, [Birkhill, Scotland,] ar. on a bend, lady richly attired az. in her dexter hand a

betw. three boars' heads, erased, az. a man's garland of laurel vert.
heart ppr. within a fetterlock or. Crest, a Lodwick. Arms as 1st diet. Crest, a cock ppr.
boar's head, erased, ar. Lodyngton, [London,] ar. three palets az. on ;

Lockhart, [Dumfries, Scotland,] gu. a fesse betw. a chief gu. a lion pass, guard, or.
three fetterlocks or, within a bordurear. Crest, Loffose, ar. ten billets gu. four, three, two, and
a fetterlock. one.
Lockhart, [Lee, Scotland ancient arms,] az. three
Lofthouse. Arms as Loftus in 1st. diet.
boars' beads, erased, within a bordure engr. or. Crest, a spur betw. two wings ppr.
Lockhart, [Scotland,] az. three boars' heads, Loftus. Arms as 1st diet. Crest, a dexter
erased, within a bordure engr. or. hand, holding a dagger, both ppr.
Lockhart, [Scotland,] ar. a man's heart ppr. within Logan, or, three piles meeting in point sa. trans-
a padlock sa. ; on a chief az. three boars' heads, fixed through a heart in base gu. Crest, a
erased, ar. Crest, a boar's head. nail erect, transfixed through a heart, all ppr.
Lockhart, ar. a human heart gu, within a fetter- Logan, [of that Ilk,] Lion Register,] or, three
lock sa. on a bordure az. five mullets of the
; piles in point, piercing a man's heart gu. Crest,
field on a chief of the fourth, three boars'
a passion-nail, piercing a man's heart, ppr.
heads, erased of the first. Crest, a dexter hand, Logan, [Burncastle, Scotland,] or, three piles, is-
in bend, ppr. holding a flag, also in bend, az. suing from the chief, and conjoined in base, gu.
charged with a St. Andrew's cross, ar. flotant Crest, a buglehorn, stringed, ppr.
to the sinister. Logan, [Cotfield, Scotland,] or, three passion-
Lockhart Elliot, [Borthwickbrae, Scotland,] quar- nails sa. their points in a heart, gu.

terly ; first, ar. a heart gu. within a fetterlock Logan, [Restalrig, near Edinburgh]. Same arms.
sa. ;
three boars' heads, erased,
on a chief az. Logan, [Scotland] or, three piles, issuing from the
. .
second, gu. on a bend engr. or, a baton sa.
; chief, and conjoined in base, gu. Another adds,
within a double bordure, the interior one or, piercing a man's heart, in base gu.)
the exterior az. charged with eight crescents Logan. Crest, a hand, erect, pointing with two
and as many mullets, alternately, ar. Crest, a fingers to the sun, ppr.
boar's head, erased, ppr. Logan, [Ireland]. Crest, a demi lion ramp. vert.
Lockie, [Scotland,] ar. on a fesse sa. three roses Log at, erm. a lion ramp. gu.
of the first. Loges, ar. three piles in point az. ; on a canton

Lockton, [Swinsted, Line] ar. a chev. az. gu. a lion ramp, of the first. Crest, a swan,
Crest, out of a ducal coronet or, a griffin's head collared and lined ppr.
az. Loghlan, [Scotland,] az. two bars wavy ar. betw.
Lockton, a chev. az. within a bordure engr. of
ar. as many cross crosslets fitchee, or, in chief, and
the last, charged with eight mullets or. a swan in base, ppr. Crest, a swan.
Lockwood. Arms as 1st in 1st diet. Crest, a Logie, [Scotland,] barry of six, sa. and or.
camel's head, couped, sa. Crest, a leopard's face or.
Lockyer, az. on a chev. ar. betw. three lions' Logie, [of that Ilk,] sa. three bars wavy or.
ramp, or, as many bees volant ppr. Lokard, [Ireland,] gu. three wolves' heads,
Lockyer, [1672,] az. a fesse or, betw. three dag- erased, ar.
or Locke, or three pales az. ; on a chev.
gers' heads of the last. Loke,
Locolls, ar. three garlands gu. of the last a pair of wings, conjoined, of the first.
Lodbrook, or Lodbrooke, az. a chev. ar. Crest, Lomas, ar. betw. two palets gu. three fleurs-de-
a unicorn ramp. lis, in pale. sa. a chief az. Crest, on a chapeau
Lodelowe, as Ludlow 1st in 1st diet. a pelican vulning herself, ppr.
Lomax. Arms as 1st in 1st diet. Crest, a Longford, az. a sheldrake ar.
dexter hand, issuing from a heart, brandishing Longford, paly of six, gu. and or, a bend ar.

a scimitar, all ppr. Longforde, ar. a fesse indented betw. six cross
Lomb, Crest, two spears, each having a small crosslets fitchee gu.
at the top, in saltier, LoNGiiiRsT, sa. five bendlets ar. over all a cbev.
pennon . . .

or, a chief gu. Crest, a demi lion Crest, in a ducal coronet or, a griffin's
Lomelyng, gu.
ramp. ar. head, holding in the beak a key ppr.
Lomery, az. on a canton or, a fleur-de-lis gu. Longland, ar. a chev. gu. betw. three pellets ; on
Lqmond. Arms as 1st diet. Crest, out of a a chief az. a cock betw. two crosses fitchee ar.
coronet or, a tower ppr. Crest, an arm, couped, or, pellettee, hand ppr.
Lonan, ar. a cross engr. sa. holding a crosslet fitchee gu.
Lonbet, lozengy, az. and or. Longland, ar. a chev. gu. betw. three pellets; on a
liONDETH, erm, on a chief, three lions pass. or. chief az. a cock or, betw. two cross crosslets
Londham, ar. three inescutcheons sa. a fitchee ar
label of as many points gu. Longlands, [of that Ilk,] ar. on a chev. gu. three
Londham. Arms as 1st diet. Crest, on a mullets of the first.

chapeau ppr. an escallop sa. Longley, quarterly per fesse indented, or, and az.
London's, quarterly, or and ar. in chief two quartering ar. on a chev. sable three bezants for
cantons, in base a chev. counterchanged; over Bond. Crest, a lion sejant. [Borne by the Rev.

all an inescutcheon ar. all within a bordure of Charles T. Longley, D.D. late head master of
the last. Harrow school (now Bishop of BiponJ, 1S38.
Londres, or, six annulets az. three, two, and Longley, paly of six. ar. and vert, per fesse coun-
one. terchanged. Crest, an arm, couped at the
Lone, [London,] ar. an heraldic tiger, statant, shoulder, resting on the elbow, and holding a
gu. on a bordure sa. eight fleurs-de-lis
. .
sword, in pale, entiled with a Savage's head,
Crest, a demi buck, salient. couped ppr.
LoNELi.,or,two bars nebulee gu. overall a bendaz. Longman, az. arose or. Crest, a dexter hand, in
Lonesby, gu. three rabbits ar. within a bordure fesse, holding an anchor, in pale, environed with
engr. sa. Crest, a rabbit ar. clouds, all ppr.
Loney, per. chev. engr. sa. and erm. Crest, an Longres, sa. a bend betw. six cross crosslets ar.
arm from the elbow, vested componee, or and Longridge, [Wallbottle,] per pale, ar. and gu.
gu. holding an anchor ppr. ringed sa. three fleurs-de-lis counterchanged. Crest, an
Long, [London,] or, crusily, a lion ramp. gu. arm, embowed, vested, holding a garb.
Crest, a lion's head, erased, gu. Longshare, ar. two serpents, erect and endorsed,
Long, [Scotland.] ar. a lion ramp. sa. or.
sa. three palets or ; on the first and
Long, [W estminster. Created a Brat. 1st Sept. Longspeare,
1662 ;
since of
Draycot House, \\ ilts. and ; third, three crosses gu. ; on the second, as many-
Wanstead House, Essex,] as 1st in 1st diet. leopards' heads. Crest, a talbot's head, couped,
Longbottom. Crest, a horse's head, ppr. paly of four, or and gu. holding in the mouth a
Longc aster, paly of six,ar. and gu. on a canton ;
demi hare, erased, az.
of the last, a lion pass, guard, of the first. Longspee. Armsas 1st in 1st diet. Crest, on a
Longchamp, erm. on an inescutcheon gu. an an- ball sa. winged or, an eagle, with wings displ. ppr
nulet betw. three crescents or. Longspee, gu. two lions pass, guard, or, depressed
Longchampe, or Longchamp. Arms as 3d in 1st by a sword, erect, in pale, ar. hilted or.
diet. Crest, a tower, triple-towered, ppr. Longspere. The same arms.
Longden. Arms as 1st diet. Crest, on a cha- Longspey, ar. six lions ramp, or, a label of three
peau gu. turned up or, a dove, with wings en- points gu.
dorsed, az. Longstaff, or, a bend sa. fimbriated ar. betw.
Longe, gu. a saltier engr. or. Crest, in a ducal three pheons of the second on a chief gu. a ;

coronet, a phcenix, in flames, ppr. bezant, betw. two fleurs-de-lis of the field.
Longe, ar. a lion pass. sa. on a chief of the last,
; Crest, a stag, standing at gaze, under a tree, ppr.
Longstaff, az. a chev. betw. three quarter-staffs
three crosses of the first. ar.

Longevii.e. Armsas 1st in 1st diet. Crest, on a Crest, a demi lion ramp, holding betw. the
mural coronet a stag, sejant, ppr. paws a quarter-staff,
all ppr.
Longford, or Langford. Arms as 4th in 1st Longi li.iers, ar. a cross moline gu.
diet. Crest, a boar's head, erased, az. Longvale,o?' Longvalle, gu. three bends vair.

Longvile, sa. a bend betw. six cross crosslets ar. Lorty. [Somers.] per pale wavy, az. and ar. a
lion ramp, per pale
Longvill, gu. a fesse dancettee betw. six cross wavy, or and gu.
crosslets fitchee or. Lorty, vert, on a crosss or, a martlet gu.
Longville, gu. a fesse indented erm. betw. six Losack, ar. two bars sa. betw. as many cross
cross crosslets ar. Crest, a talbot's head, and an anchor in base,
crosslets fitchee in chief,

couped, ar. ;
on the neck a bar dancettee of of the last. Crest, a dexter hand, issuing from
the first. a cloud, holding an anchor, in pale, all ppr.
Longvillers, or, a bend betw. six cross crosslets Losh, a boar's head, erased, gu.
or, Crest, a
fitchee sa. cubit arm ppr. holding up a crescent or.
Longvillers, sa. a bend betw. six crosses pattee ar. Lot, ar, a crow sa. beak and legs az.
Longvillers, or, a cross moline gu. Loterell, gu. two bars or, in chief three bezants.
Longworth. Arms as 1st diet. Crest, a boar's Loth, or Lothe. Arms as 1st diet, Crest, an
head, couped, holding in the mouth a sword, arrow and a bent-bow, in saltier, ppr.
ppr. Lotham, sa. three pheons ar. the outward edge
Lonisington, or Loinsington, sa. three boars' engr.
heads, couped close, ar. tusked or. Lothbroke, az. a chev. ar.
Lonsdale, gyronny of eight, gu. and or, an an- Lotherington, or Lotherton, ar, a fesse gu.
nulet counterchanged. Crest, a bull pass gu. in chief twe crescents of the last.
Lonston, quarterly, ar. and a'z. a bend or. Lothian, [Edinburgh.] Same as Louthian,
Lonwo, sa. a pair of wings conjoined ar. Lou, or St. Lou, gu. a fesse betw. three escallops
Lony, [Line] chequy, ar. and az. ; on a chief gu. ar.
three mullets or. Loucas. As 10th Lucas in 1st diet.
Looker, ar. a pale gu. charged with a cross or. Loude, ar. on abend sa. three annulets or.

Crest, a pillar ensigned with a heart gu. Loudham, ar. on a bend gu. three cross crosslets
Loquinway, [Scotland,] gu. three fishes, braid in or.

triangle ppr. Loudham, ar. on a bend az. five cross crosslets or.
Loraigne, ar. on a fesse wavy az. a lion pass. or. Loudon, [Scotland,] ar. a torteaux betw. three
Lorand. Arms as 1st diet. Crest, on a tower inescutcheons sa. Crest, a hand pulling a rose
ar. a martlet sa. ppr.
Lord. Arms as Crest, a dexter arm,
1st diet. Loudon, ar. three inescutcheons sa. Crest, a
hand clinched, ppr. in a maunch az. cuffed or. bugle-horn.
Lord, [Ireland,] chequy, ar. and gu. on a chev. Louedon, gu. abend betw.
four sinister hands ar.
or, three mullets sa. Crest, a sword and garb. Loueney, a fesse betw. three cocks gu.
in saltier. Loufkin, sa. a chev. or, betw. three eagles, with
Lori.mer, ar. a sprig of laurel vert, fructed gu. wings expanded, of the last.
betw. two cinquefoils of the second. Crest, a Lough, sa. a lion ramp. erm.
horse, current, ar. Motto over the crest. Lougiier, [Tytheson, Glamorganshire,] ., three .

Nullo salus bello. chev.

Larimer, ar. a chev. sa. betw. three spur-rowels Loughnan, [Ireland,] vert, an arrow, fesseways,
az. Crest, an arm, couped at the shoulder, in in chief, and a dexter hand, apaumee, couped,
a maunch, embowed, and resting the elbow on in base, ar. Crest, a castle, triple-towered,
the wreath. ppr.
Lorimer, Scotland,] ar. a chev. chequy, sa. and Louis, [Merchiston, Scotland,] or, three laurel-
or, betw. two spur-rowels, in chief, az. and a leaves vert. Crest, a dexter hand, holding a
hammer in base, ppr, Crest, a hand, issuing lance, in bend, ppr.
from a cloud, fesseways, pointing to a crosier, Lounde, ar. fretty az. within a bordure engr. or.
issuing from the wreath, ppr. Lounde, sa. a fret and bordure ar.
Loringe, or Loring. Arms as 1st in 1st diet. Lounders, per pale, sa. and ar. a chev. per pale,
Crest, a hand holding a millrind. or and gu.
Lorke, az. a bend, fructed, ar. Loundres, sa. a lion ramp, or, within a bodure

Lorhe, or, on a fesse sa. a crescent ar. engr. erm.

Lorne, [Harwood,] ar. three trefoils, slipped, vert. Lourie, [! cotland,] sa. out of a cup ar. a garland
Lorrane, [Harwood, Scotland,] ar. three laurel- of laurel, betw. two trefoils, slipped, of the last
leaves vert. Loutfuttis, [Scotland,] ar. a chev. gu. betw.
Lort. Arms as 1st diet. Crest, an Ionic pillar three crescents az. Crest, a swan, swimming
and base ar. in water, with wings endorsed, ppr.
LouthEj sa. a wolf ramp. or. Lovise, az. three bars ar. Crest, a mound gu
Loutiier, or, ten annulets sa. four, three, two, band and cross or.
and one. Lovkex, [London, 13GG,] ., a chev. ., betw.
. .

LouTHlANj [Edinburgh.] Arms as 1st diet. three hawks, volant, .. .

with a talbot tied to the tree ppr. Low, [ Aberdeen, Scotland, ] ar. three leaves
Louthian, [Kingsbarns, Scotland.] The same vert, within a bordure wavy gu. Crest, a leaf
arms, within a bordure invecked az. for diff. betw. two thistles, stalked and leaved, ppr.
Louvaix, or, a lion ramp. az. Crest,onachapeau Loir, [Poland.] The same.
gu. lined erm. a lion pass. az. tail extended. Loir. Arms as 2d in 1st diet. Crest, a wolf
Lovayxe, or Loveyne. Arms as 4th in 1st pass. ar.
diet. Crest, a cross crosslet fitchee or. Low, [London, 1G84,] gu. a wolf pass. ar.
Love, az. a lionramp. ar. Crest, a hand, hold- Loir, ar. three
leaves vert. Crest, a falcon
ing an annulet ppr. reguard, holding with the dexter claw a laurel
Loveday, per pale, or and sa. an eagle displ. crown.
with two heads, counterchanged, gorged with Lowchard, per pale, or and gu.
a ducal coronet of the first. Loirchard, ar.a saltier engr. az.
Lovedox, gu. a bend betw. three dexter hands, Lowde, ar. a lion ramp. sa. a chief lozengy, or
couped, ar. and gu.
Lovegrove, ar. three anchors sa. a chief az. Lo'wdell, per pale, ar. and sa. a chev. betw.
Crest, a staff, raguly, surmounted by an eagle three millrinds
counterchanged. Crest,
displ. ppr. sphinx, couchant, guard, wings endorsed.
Lovejoy, gyronny of twelve, gu. and or. Crest, Lowdes, ar. three escutcheons sa.
an arm from the elbow, in armour, holding a Lowder, or, six annulets gu. two, two, and two.
galtrap. Crest, out of a mural coronet, seven halberts,
Lovelas, az. on a saltier engr, ar. five martlets sa. facing outwards.
Lovelass, gu. on a chief, indented, sa. three Lowders, paly of six, engr. ar. and gu.
martlets ar. Crest, out of a ducal coronet or, Lowdee, [of the North,] ar. six annulets sa. three,
a dexter arm ppr. vested purp. cuffed ar. hold- two, and one. Crest, a wivern ar.
ing up the sun in splendour. Lowdham, ar. three escallops sa. Crest, an
Lovelass. The same arms and crest as Lovelace, escallop betw. two palm-branches ppr.
Hurley, Berks. Lowe, [Clifton-Reynes, Bucks.] Arms as 1st
Lovless, or, three laurel-leaves, vert. Crest, a diet. Crest, out of a mural crown gu. a wolf's
demi talbot ppr. head ar. transfixed with a spear or, armed of
Loveley. Arms as 1st diet. Crest, an etoile, the second.
pierced or. LjOire, ar. a wolf passant ppr. quartering, ar. a
Lovelock, vert, within an orle a lion ramp. ar. griffin segreant ppr. Crest, a demi lion ramp.
Crest, a greyhound pass. sa. holding betw. his paws a knight's helmet all
Lovely, ar. on a chev. az. three leopards' faces or. ppr. [Borne by Major Gen. Sir Hudson Lowe,
Lovexey. Arms as 1st in 1st diet. Crest, a K.C.B. c/c. 8rc.1831.]
griffin, sejant, wings endorsed ppr. Lowe, gu. a wolf pass ar. Crest, a wolf pass. ar.
Loveney, ar. a fesse betw. three cocks gu. collared and chained gu. reflexedover the back.
Loverdaw, [Cornw.] sa. three covers for cups ar. Loire, ar. on a bend engr. az. three wolves' heads,
Lovetoft, Lovetot.
or Arms as 1st in 1st erased, of the first, within a bordure, also engr.
diet. Crest, a demi lady holding a pair of of the second.
scales. Lowell, [Quarlewood,Scotland,] gu. three
Lovetost, ar. a lion per fesse gu. and sa. mascles or.

Lovett, [Hants,] ar. three wolves pass, in pale, Lowes, [Ridley-Hall, N.umb.] gu. a wolf pass.
sa. Crest, a griffin, segreant, ppr. ar. Crest, a wolf pass, collared and lined.
Lovett, sa. three padlocks ar. Lowes, [Newcastle on Tyne.] Same arms.
Loviboxd, [Bucks.] Arms as 1st diet. Crest, Lowis, [Scotland,] or, three rose-leaves vert, in
a buck's head. the centre a crescent gu. Crest, a hand holding
Lovingcote, ar. a goat's head, erased, sa. betw. a spear, erect, ppr.
three cocks gu. Lowis, [Merchistoun, Scotland,] or, three laurel-
Lovis, Lovice, and Lovyes, [Ogbeare, Cornw.] leaves vert. Crest, a dexter hand, holding a
or. a chev.
engr. gu. betw. three sea-pies ppr. lance, in bend, ppr.
Lovis, ar. a lion ramp. gu. Lowis, ar. three bears, in pale, sa.

[ 3B2]
Lowis, [Menar. Scotland,] ar. a mullet az. betw Lucie, [London,] az. a crescent ar. Crest, a cres-
three laurel-leaves vert. cent ar.
Lowle. Arms as 1st diet. Crest, a stag's head, Lucion, ar. a lion ramp. gu. over all a bend gobo-
cabossed, or, between the attires a pheon az. nated or and of the second.
Lowles, paly of six, engr. ar. and gu. Luck, az. three mural crowns or. Crest, a hawk,
Lowmer, [Norf.] sa. on a bend engr. cottised, erm. hooded and belled, perched on the stump of a
three escallops gu. tree.
Lownde, or Lounde, az. a fret ar. Crest, a Lucknor, az. three chev. ar.
hind reguard. ppr. collared gu. resting the dex- Lucre, ar. an orle sa. inside gu.
ter paw on a bee-hive ppr. Lucy. Arms as 4th in 1st diet. Crest, out of a
Lownes, quarterly, or and sa. on the first and
; ducal coronet a boar erm. armed or.
fourth quarter, a cinquefoil gu. Crest, a hydra Lucy,az. three pikes, haurient, ar.
with seven heads. Lucy, gu. three lucies, haurient, ar, betw. ten
Lowrde, [London,] erm. on a bend engr. az. three crosslets of the second.
cinquefoils or. Ludbro, sa. a lion ramp. or.
Lowre, az. a chev. engr. or, betw. three roses ar. Lude, ar. a fesse dancettee betw. ten roundles . .

Lowrie, or Lowry, ar.three cinquefoils gu., rays Ludham, ar. three escutcheons sa. on each nine
of the sun issuing from the middle chief or, a bezants, three, three, two, and one.
chief nebulee az. Crest, a cat, current, guard. Ludington. Arms as 1st diet. Crest, a palmer's
ppr. staff, erect sa.
Lows, [Scotland,] ar. (Another, or] a mullet az. Ludkin, [Ipswich, Suff.] gu. a chev. betw. three
betw. three laurel-leaves vert. Crest, a lion birds, with wings expanded, ar. Crest, a
ramp. or. bird, as in the arms, az. beaked and legged or.
Lowse, or, on a chief az. three etoiles of the Lufers, Crest, a hedgehog ppr.
field. Luff, per fesse, or and erm. an eagle displ. gu.
Lowste, or, a pairle
betw. three lozenges sa. Crest, an elephant pass. sa.
Crest, a dexter hand ppr. holding up a fleur- Luffnan, Crest, a saltier charged with a
de-lis az. crescent.
Lowthe, ar. two bars gu. ; on a chief of the se- Lufres, az. a chief or.
cond, a lion pass, ar. Lugdon, az. or, in chief three women's
a fesse
Lowthe, per pale indented, gu. and or, a bordure heads, couped the breasts, of the second,
az. haired, of the same, in base a leopard's head of
Lowther, [Ireland,] ar. six annulets gu. three, the last. Crest, a lion's head, erased, or,
two, and one. Crest, a dexter hand ppr. hold- ducally gorged az.
ing up an escallop or. Lugg. Arms as 1st diet. Crest, out of a ducal
Lowyn. Arms as 2d in 1st diet. Crest, a crab coronet or, a pelican's head, vulning betw. the
sa. wings, ppr.
Luard, sa. a lion ramp ar. holding betw. the fore Lughteburgh, gu. a chev. sa. guttee ar. betw.
paws a cinquefoil of the last, Crest, a heart three leopard's heads of the third.
gu. charged with a rose ar. Li'gtown, or Lugton, [of that Ilk,] or, an eagle
Lucas, ar. a fesse betw. six annulets gu. Crest, with wings displ. az.
out of a ducal coronet or, a dragon's head gu. Luke, [Glasgow, and of Greenfield, Scotland,
on the head a baron's coronet ppr. Granted 1749,] ar. on a bend az. surmounted
Lucas, ar, two lions, combatant, first az. ; second by a bugle-horn sa. three buckles or; on a
gu. chief, paly of three, of the first and second in ;

Lucas, az. a fesse dancettee ar. the centre as many bells of the fourth on the ;

Lucas, ar. a fesse betw. six annulets gu. Crest, dexter and sinister, a saltier engr. of the third,
a wivern gu. betw. four mullets gu. Crest, a bull's head,
Lucas, erm. on two bars sa. three combs ar. with wings endorsed, or.
Lucas, az. three bars ar, Lithe, [Cornw.] gu. on a chief sa. three martlets
Luccumbe, quarterly, embattled, ar. and sa. ar. Crest, an escallop ppr,
Luce, az. a crescent ar. Crest, an eagle with Luke, quarterly; first and fourth, ar. a bugle-
wings displ. reguard. holding in the dexter horn sa. stringed vert, second and third, gu. a
claw a sword erect. fleur-de-lis ar. Crest, an archer, shooting with
Lucena, az. five cross crosslets in cross or. a bow, ppr.
Crest, a pelican vulning herself, ppr Luke, sa. a bugle-horn, stringed or.
Lukie. a2. three goats' heads, erased, ar. Lusers, az. a chief or.
Limb, gu. a fesse betw. thee eagles' heads, erased, Lusion, [Lord of Eston in N.amp.] ar a lion ramp.
ar. Crest, a sceptre in pale, or. gu. depressed by a bend gobonated, or and of
Lumisden, Blenearn, Scotland,] az. on a chev. the second.
ar. betw.two mullets in chief, and a heron Luson, gu. a cross chequy, ar. and sa. Crest, on
perching on a salmon in base, or, a buckle of a ducal coronet a dolphin, naiant, ppr.
the first afterwards, the heron perching on a
Lusy, Crest, out of a ducal coronet or, a dexter
salmon was carried only in place of the crest. hand holding a rose, stalked and leaved, ppr.
Lumisden, [Scotland.] Arms as of Innergelly Lutburgh, gu. a chev. ar. guttee sa. betw. three
in 1st diet, within a bordure engr. or. leopards' heads of the second.
LumleYj gu. six ring-doves ar. Luthbridge, Crest, out of a ducal coronet a
Lumsden, [Couland, Scotland,] ar. a chev. sa. dexter and sinister arm, in armour, embowed,
betw. two otters' heads, couped, in chief, gu. supporting a leopard's face.
and an escallop in base, vert. Luther. Arms as 1st diet. Crest, a hand.
Lumsden, [Glenlie, Scotland,] az. on a chev. ar. armed with a gauntlet az. holding a sword in
throe mullets gu. in base a heron devouring a pale, hilt and pomel or.
salmon, or. Luthum, gu.semee of billets, a fesse or.
Lux, or Linn, az. a fret or. Crest, a grey- Lutteley. Arms as 1st diet. Crest, on a plate
hound's head sa. holding in the beak a hind's an eagle displ. sa.
foot, or. Lutwidge, gu. a demi lion ramp, erased, ar.
Lunden, [Balgonny, Scotland,] quarterly; first Crest, betw. two branches of laurel, in orle, a
and fourth, paly of ten, ar. and gu. on a bend hand holding a scroll of parchment, all ppr.
az. three cushions of the first; second and third, Lutwyche, or Lutwich, or. an heraldic tiger
ar. a cross moline, square pierced, gu. Crest, an arm, in armour, brandish-
pass. gu.
Lunden, [Auchtermerny, Scotland,] paly of six, ing a sword, all ppr.
ar. and gu. a bend az. charged with three Luxmore, Crest, a sea lion ramp. ppr.
cushions, or, all within a bordure indented of the LwcH, [Wales,] sa. a boar, standing beside a tree
third. Crest, a hand, holding a cushion, in ar. his head gu, enclosed or.

pale, ppr. Lyal, [Scotland,] or, a cross betw. four crosses

Li nderthorp, gu. three lions ramp. erm. pattee fitchee gu. all within a bordure engr. az.
Lundin, [Scotland,] ar. three palets gu. over all Crest, a swallow, flying, ppr.
on a bend az. three cushions or, all within a Lyall, [Gottenburg.] The same.
bordure engr. of the last. Crest, a hand holding Lyall, [Gallary,] or, a cross az. betw. four crosses
a cushion, in pale, or. pattee gu. Crest, as Lyal above.
Lundin, [of that Ilk] or, a lion ramp. gu. within Lyarde, Lyarte. or Lyharte, ar. a bull pass.
the royal tressure, flory and counterflory of the sa. attired or, a bordure of the second, bezan-
last, all within a bordure gobonated, az. and ar. tee.
Crest, out of an open for antique) coronet, a Lybbe. Arms as of Hardwich, 1st diet. Crest,
lion issuing, att'rontee, gu. holding in the dexter an arm, armed, ppr. holding a spear of three
paw a sword, erect, and in the sinister a thistle, points.
slipped, all ppr. Lychfeld. Arms as of Shropshire, 1st diet.
Link, ar. three pellets. Crest, an arm, embowed, vested ar. holding in
Lunel, [Warw.] az. a fesse ar. betw. three the hand, ppr. a bow or, strung gu.
crescents or. Lycton, gu. a chev. engr. or, betw. three cinque-
Lonice, ar. three pellets. foils ar.
Linn, per chev. ., and ., three lion's pass.
. .
Lyde, or, a fesse sa. charged with three cinque-
Crest a demi pegasus reguard. foils ar. betw. two chev. of the second.
Lt nsford, az. a chev. betw. three boar's heads, Lydmer, ar. a chief, indented, az. over all a bend
couped, or. sa.
Luppingcote. Arms as 1st diet. Crest, on a Lye, or Ligii, [Wilts.] ar. a fesse gu. betw. three
cross pattee ar. four hearts gu. bucks' heads, cabossed, sa.
Lupus, or, three wolves pass, in pale, az. within Lye, ar. a bend fusily sa. a crescent of the se-
a bordure, per bordure, indented,
gu. and of the cond.
second. Lyesse, az. a saltier or, betw. four billets ar.
Lurford, . . on a pile
, .three boars' heads,
, Lyest, [Aylsham,] az. a fesse ar. betw. three
couped, Crest, a boar's head, erased at the neck. fleurs-de-lis or.
in the first and fourth, Lyndeford, ar. a cross gu.
Lyff, quarterly, or andaz.
an eagle displ. gu. in the second and third, an Lyndon, sa. three leopard's faces or. Crest, five
eagle displ. or. arrows, one in pale, and four in saltier, banded

Lyfokd, or, three hends az. an inescutcheon,

and buckled, ppr.
Lyndonne, or Lyndowne, three
chequy, or and gu.
Crest, a fox's head, erased, leopards'
or. faces ar.
LvLBOi'RXE, sa. three lozenges ar. Lyn down, or, three leopards' faces sa. Crest, on
Lylde, De, or Lisle, [Prior of Winchester, and a pillar, a man's heart ppr.
Bishop of Ely, 1345.] Arms as Lylde or Lyndwood. Arms as 1st diet. Crest, a fleur-de-
Lyde, 1st diet. Lyne, gu. three bucks' heads, erased, erm. on a
Lvle, De, [Lord Lyle,] quarterly, first and fourth, chief ar. a cross crosslet az. betw. two griffins'
az. a hend hetw. six cross crosslets fitchee or, heads, erased, sa. Crest, a griffin's head, era-
for Mar ; second and third, gu. fretty or, for sed, sa. charged on the neck with an erm. spot
ar. and pierced through from the sinister with
Lyle. Crest, a cock, or, crested gu.
Lyle, [Hants.] or, a chev. hetw. three holly-leaves
a cross crosslet fitchee or. [Quartered by Lyne
gu. Stephens, of Port man Square, Esq. 1831.]
first and fourth, lis, per pale, ar. and sa.
Lyle, [Boumehide,] quarterly ;

ar. and sa. three piles counterchanged ; Lyne, [Cornw.] a chev. betw. three roses gu.
per pale,
second and third, ar. three crosses pat tee Crest, a Griffin's head, erased, sa.
gu. Lynecar, [Dublin] per pale, or and vert, an
Lylgrave, or, on a chev. sa. hetw. three water- eagle displ. hetw. three escallops counter-
hougets gu. as many etoiles of the first, within changed, the eagle charged with a trefoil for
a hordure engr. az. Crest, a peacock's head, diff. Crest, on a mount, a stag, all ppr. charged
couped at the neck, gobonated or and az. ; in with a trefoil, as in the arms.
the hill a lily ar. Lynes, vert, on a fesse ar. three garbs gu. Crest,

Lylle, erm. a lion ramp. az. an elephant's head, erased, purp.

Lyllebourne, ar. three water-hougets sa. Lyngaine, harry of six, or and az. on a bend gu. ;

Lylley, ar. a fesse hetw. six etoiles gu. three cinquefoils ar. (Another, plates.)
Lymber, or Lymbury. Arms as 1st diet. Crest, Lyngeyn, harry of six, or and az. ; on a bend gu.
a dexter hand ppr. holding a trident sa. three roses ar. Crest, out of a ducal coronet, a
Lymbrake, vert, three lions ramp. ar. crowned or. bunch of green onions.
Lyjiett, sa. a chev. betw. three hoars' heads, Lyngne, ar. three chev. sa.
couped, ar. Lynham, [Cornw.] ar. a chev. betw. three hedge-
Lymon, or Lynam, per chev. gu. and ar. in hase hogs sa.
an annulet of the first. Lynley, ar. on a chief sa. three griffins' heads,
Lyn, [Scotland, 1506,]. on a hend.., three
. erased, of the first.
roundless. .. Lynndonne, or Lydowne, sa. three leopards'
Lynacre, or Lynaker. Arms as 1st in 1st diet. heads ar.

Crest, a greyhound's head, erased, ar. Lynsey, ar. on a fesse sa. three falcons' heads,
Lynam, [Ireland,] ar. a cross gu. over all a hend erased, of the first.
az. charged with three crescents of the field. Lynsey, per fesse, sa. and ar. a bear ramp,
Crest, a demi Savage, brandishing a scimitar, terchanged, muzzled gu.
ppr. Lyon, [Scotland,] ar. a lion ramp. az. armed and
Lynam, [Ireland,] gu. a hend
betw. three martlets langued gu. Crest, as 2d in 1st diet.
or. Crest, a rose charged with a thistle Lyon, az. on a chev. or, betw. three plates, each
ppr. charged with a griffin's head, erased, sa. a lion
chev. hetw. three quatre- pass, enclosed by two cinquefoils gu. Crest, on
Lynch, [Ireland,] az. a
foils or. Crest, two ears of wheat, in saltier, a pink, flowered gu. leaved vert, a lion's head
ppr. erased, paly, quarterly erm and ermines.
az. chev. betw.
a Lyonstoppe, ar. a chev. betw. three lions pass,
Lynch, [Gallway, Ireland,]
three trefoils, slipped, or. Crest, a fox pass. az. guard, gu.
collared or. LvsERs,palyof six, gu. and or, a fesse az. Crest,
Lynch, ar. a chev. gu. betw. three trefoils slipped,
an anchor sa. betw. two wings or.
vert, Crest, a wolf, pass. erm. Lysle, De, gu. a lion pass, guard, ar. crowned
Lynde, gu. three bucks' heads, couped, ar. or.

Lynde, ar. a cross engr. gu. Lysley, Lyley, Lisle, Lysle, Lyle, [Co. ^ ork.]
quarterly first, gu. a lion pass, guard, ar. crowned
Mac. Adam, [Scotland,] ar. a mullet az. pierced,
or, for Lysley, ancient; second and third or, betw. three crosslets fitchee gu. Crest, a cross
a fesse betw. twochev. sa. also for Lysley, fourth crosslet fitch6e, and a sword in saltier, gu.
as first with the augmentation of three mullets M'Adam, [Gallowayshire, Scotland,] ar. a fesse
ar. in chief, pierced of the field. Crest, first gu. betw. three cross crosslets fitchee az.
a cubit arm in armour, the hand within a gaunt- Crest, a dexter hand holding a hawk's leure.
let grasping a war mace, all ppr. from the M'Adam, and Macadam, [Scotland,] gu. a fesse
handle of the mace a chain pendent encircling chequy, or and az. betw. three arrows, points
the arm or, for Lysley ; second crest, on a cha- upward, of the second. Crest, a stag's head,
peau gu. turned up ermine, a mill-stone ar. with erased, ppr.
the millrind or, also for Lysley. Motto, For- Mac Alasteh, [Loup, ancient,] ar. an eagle
ward. ( !See PI. of Arms, Supplement Vol. ) displ. gu. the beak and legs sa. ;
in the dexter

[Borne by Richard Lysley, of Warmjield, Co. chief point a galley, her sails furled, and oars
York, Esq., some time Collector of the Customs, in action, of the last, and in the sinister chief,
til Dominica; and by William Jo/in Lysley, a cross crosslet fitchee of the second, all within
Esq., of the Inner Temple, London, and of a bordure engr. of the third. Crest, a dexter
Pewsham, Wilts.] hand holding a dirk, in pale both ppr.
Lvsoxs, chequy, and gu. a cross crosslet
or M'Alister, [Rosehill, now of Barr, Scotland,]
fitchee sa. two greyhounds' heads,
Crest, quarterly; first, ar. a lion ramp. gu. ; second,
erased, endorsed, and collared. or, a dexter arm, in armour, couped, fesseways,
Lvssers, or Lyzzers, paly of eight, or and gu. holding a cross crosslet fitchee gu. third, or, a

a fesse az. Crest, a dolphin, haurient, ppr. galley, her oars in saltier, and sails furled, sa.
Lyster, [Ireland,] erm. on a fesse sa. three mul- flags gu. ; fourth, vert, a salmon, naiant, in
lets ar. Crest, on the point of a sword, in pale, fesse, ar. Crest, an arm, in armour, in fesse,
a garland of laurel ppr. holding a cross crosslet fitchee gu.
Lyston, ar. on abend, indented, sa. across pattee M'Alla, [Edinburgh.] As 1st diet,
fitchee or. M'Allaine, [Scotland,] ar. on a chev. betw.
Lyston, bendy of six, ar. and az. on a chief gu. ; two cinqueloils, in chief, vert, and a Moor's
three etoiles or. head, couped, in base, sa. a mullet of the field.
Lytcott, or, two bars wavy, ar. and sa. in chief M'Allister. [Loup, Scotland.] The same as
a mullet . . .
M'Alister, Rosehill.
Lyte. Arms as 1st diet. Crest, a bear ramp, M'Allum, or Malcolm, ar. on a saltier wavy az.
sa.muzzled gu. supporting a staff. betw. a buck's head, erased, gu. in chief and
Lyttill, per chev. ar. and sa. two fleurs-de-lis in base, and a buckle in each flank sa. five
chief, of the last ;
in base, a tower, triple- crescents of the field. Crest, a tower az.
towered, or. masoned sa.

Lyzers, paly of six, ar. and gu. ; on a fesse az. Macalpin, Scotland,] quarterly; first, gu. a
three annulets of the first. royal crown or; second, or, an oak-tree,
eradicated, vert; third, ar. a dexter hand,
couped, fesseways, holding a cross crosslet
M fitchee gu.
; fourth, or, a lion ramp. gu.
Saracen's head, couped, at the neck, and

distilling drops of blood, all ppr.

Maben, az. a fetter-lock and key ar. M'Alpin, [Scotland,] quarterly first, gu. a royal

Maberley, or Maberly, quarterly, ar. and crown or.; second, or, a fir-tree, growing out
gu. ; on the first and fourth, a martlet of the of a mount in base, vert third, ar. a dexter hand,

second. Crest, out a ducal coronet or, a demi couped fesseways, gu. holding a dagger, in pale,
lion gu. az. hilt and pomel or; fourth, or, a lion ramp,

Mablethorp, az. a chev. betw. three crosslets gu. Crest, an old man's head affrontee, crowned
ar. on a chief gu. a lion pass. or.
with an antique crown ppr. Motto, Cuinich has
Mablethorpe, ar. a chev. betw. three cross alpin.
crosslets sa. within a bordure of the last, charged M' Alpin, quarterly; first, or, a lion ramp. gu.
with eight bezants. within a double tressure flowered and counter-
Mablethorpe, lozengy, gu. and ar. flowered .
second, ar. a fir-tree, growing out
Mabi isson. ar. on a chev. betw. ten martlets gu. of a mount, in bend sinister, vert, surmounted
a crescent of the first. by a sword, in bend, ensigned on the point with
a royal crown, ppr. ; third, gu. three antique couped, apaumee, gu. ; third ar. a sword, in
crowns or; fourth, az. an eagle displ. with two pale, within a bordure, indented, gu.; fourth,
heads ar. surrounding the shield, a garter with or, a lympbad, her oars in saltier, sa. Crest,
these words, Srioghal in Dhream, the whole a cat, sejant, ppr.
placed on the hreast of an eagle with two heads, Macbean, quarterly first or, a lion ramp. gu. ;

gorged with an antique crown, and holding in second, ar. a dexter hand apaumee gu. third, ;

the dexter claw a sceptre, and in the sinister a ar. a dagger, in pale, ppr. fourth, or, a galley,

thunderbolt, all ppr. Crest a man's head with her sails furled, sa. all within a bordure of the
a beard, affront ee, crowned with an antique last. Crest, a demi cat gu.
crown ppr. M'Bean, [Scotland,] or, a lion ramp. gu. on a ;

Mac Alpine. The same arms. Supporters, chief of the last, three dexter hands, apaumee,
dexter, a buck ppr. sinister, a warrior in
; of the first. Crest, a mountain-cat ramp. sa.
armour ppr. M'Beath, [Scotland,] gu. a dexter arm, issuing
M'Andrew, [Scotland.] Crest, an eagle with from the base, holding a sword erect, and on
wings displ. Motto, Fear God. the point thereof a wivern, all ar.

Macaemick, [Truro, Cornw.] ar. on a fesse gu. M'Beth, [London, descended of Scotland,] gu.
three escallops, in chief a demi man in armour a dexter hand, issuing from the base, holding
on his left arm a shield charged with a saltier, on the point of a sword, in pale, ppr. a dragon
in his right hand a sword. Crest, an arm, in reguard. or, all within a bordure of the last.
armour, embowed, ppr. holding a cutlass. Crest, a serpent's head, couped, ppr.
Macarthur, or M'Arthur, [England,] a cross M'Braid, ar. on a fesse gu. three mullets of the
patonce or, betw. three antique crowns of the field. Crest, a dexter hand gu. holding a billet
last. sa.
Mac Arthur, az. a cross pattee betw. three ducal M'Brair, or
M'Braire, [Scotland.] Arms as
coronets or. Crest, an escallop or, charged 1st diet. Crest, a unicorn's head, erased, ar.
with a mullet gu. Mac Breid, or M'Levraid, [Scotland,] gu. a
M'Arthur, [Scotland,] az. a cross moline ar. cinquefoil or. Crest, a dexter hand holding a
betw. three antique crowns or. Crest, two claymore, (or broad-sword) ppr.
laurel-branches in orle. Macbride, gu. three chev. betw. as many escal-
M'Arthur, Stewart, [Miltoun and Ascog,] quarter- lops ar. Crest, on a chapeau, a salamander in
ly; first and fourth, az. a cross moline betw. flames, ppr.
three antique crowns or second and third, or,
; M'Caa, [Scotland,] Crest, a dexter hand hold-
a fesse chequy, az. and ar. within a bordure sa. ing a dagger, in pale, ppr.
charged with eight mascles of the third. M'Cabe, [Ireland,] az. betw. the horns of a cres-
Crest, a greyhound, couehant, within two cent ar. a bezant. Crest, on a mount vert, a
branches of bay ppr. stag, current, reguard. ppr.
Macartney, Earl, extinct 180.5,] or, a
[Irish M' Cabin, [Knockclollian, Scotland,] az. on a
buck, trippant, gu. attired ar. within a bordure rock ppr. a castlear. Crest, a swallow ppr.
of the second. Crest, a hand, erect, couped M'Call, [Ireland,] ar. a pale betw. two crescents
above the wrist, ppr. holding a rose gu. stalked az. Crest, a goat's head, erased az.
and leaved vert. M'Call, ., a pheon
. on a chief
. .
two spur- . .

Macartv More, [
Earl Macartney, Ireland, ] rowels attached to the part of the spur. . .

ar. a buck, trippant, gu. attired or. Crest, Crest, a griffin's head betw. two wings. . .

an arm, embowed, habited ppr. holding in the M' Call, [Scotland.] Same arms and crest.
hand a lizard, also ppr. M'Call, [Scotland.] Same arms. Crest, a leg,
Macau l, a dirk, paleways, ar.
[Scotland,] gu, in armour, couped at the calf.
betw. two fleur-de-lis in chief, and a mullet in M'Call, gu. a fesse chequy, ar. and of the field,
base, or. Crest a fleur-de-lis ar. surmounting two arrows, in saltier, ar. points
M'Aul, [Scotland,] gu. a dirk, paleways, ar. upward, all betw. three buckles of the same.
betw. two fleurs-de-lis in chief, and as many Crest as the last.
mullets or. Crest, a hand brandishing a sword. M'Call, gu. two dirks in saltier, points downward,
M'Bade, [Scotland,] gu. a cinquefoil erm. az. hilted or. betw. a fleur-de-lis, in chief and
Mac Bain, [Scotland,] Crest, a wolf's head base, of the last, and a mullet in each flank ar.
ppr. Crest, a hand grasping a broad sword, all
M'Bean, [Inverness, Scotland,] quarterly ; first, ppr.
or, a lion ramp, gu.; second, ar. a dexter hand, M'Calloun, [Rossie, Scotland] az. a castle
M'Cai. i.im. ax. three cinquefoils ax. Crest, a fourth, per fesse, ar. and vert, in base a salmon,
tower ppr. cupola and flag gu. naiant, ppr. Crest, a castle, triple-towered.
M'Culhim, [Scotland.] The same arms. Crest, M'Ci.ean, [Ireland,] erm. a cross pattee fitchee
a castle ar. masoned sa. gu. Crest, a bull's head, erased, gu.
M'Cai /ii:n, ar. five barrulets gu. betw. three M'Cleish, [Maryfield, Scotland,] ar. within an
martlets in chief, and as many tilting spears, orle gu. a lion ramp. az. betw. three cross cross-
paleways, in base. a/.. lets fitchee of the second. Crest, a cross cross-
M \c Can, [Ireland.] ar. a hoar pass. betw. two let fitchee gu.
bars.. .
Crest, a salmon, naiant, ppr. M'Clellan, [Gutton] or, two chev. sa. on each
M'Canald, [Scotland,] ar. a lion pass. betw. two a crescent ar.
barrulets gu. in chief as many mullets az. .M'Clellan [Scotland,] or, two chev. sa. Crest, a
M'Candi isu. or, a galley, her oars in action, and cubit arm, erect, ppr. holding a sword of the
sails furled, sa. flags gu. on a chief of the last,
and pomel of the
last, hilt first, on the point a
three mullets ar. Crest, a demi lion vert. Moor's head or.
M'Cank, [Ireland,] az. fretty or, on a fesse ar. a M'Clellaxd, [Scotland,] ar. two chev. sa. on
boar passant gu.Crest, a fish naiant, ppr. each a plate. Crest, a Negro's head, couped
M'Cann, [Ireland,] ar. a dexter hand, couped, ppr.
fesseways,gu. holding a cross crosslet fitcheesa. M' Cleverty, [England,] sa. a goat, salient, ar.
betw. three mullets az. Crest, a bull's head, Crest, a cross crosslet fitchee and palm-branch
cabossed, sa. in saltier.
M'Carlie, on a chief ar. a fret gu.
az. Crest, the M'Clintock, [Scotland,]. .. a chev. erm. betw.
sun or, shining on a cross crosslet fitchee sa. three escallops. Crest, a lion pass. ppr.

placed on the dexter side of a mount vert. M'Cloud, [Ireland,] ar. a fesse betw. three mul-
M'Carlie. Same arms and crest, without the sun. lets sa. Crest, a fox, current, ppr.
M'Carogher, [Ireland,] az. a lion pass, or, betw. M'Clure, [England,] ar. a dexter hand, erased,
three crescents ar. Crest, a cubit arm in ar- fesseways, gu. holding a dagger, point down-
mour, blandishing in the hand a broken tilting wards, az. in chief three crescents sa. Crest, a
spear, all ppr. ;
on an escutcheon of pretence ; domed tower, from the top a flag, ppr.
cpiarterly, first and fourth per pale ar. and sa. M'Clymont. Crest, out of a mural coronet, a
three cheveronels betw. as many cinquefoils lion's head, charged with a roundle.
counterchanged ; for Ommaney ; second, ar. on M'Coll, [Glasgow.] Crest, betw. the horns of
a bend sa. three mullets, pierced, of the field ; a crescent an etoile. Motto, Justi ut sidera
for Manaton ; third, ar. a fesse nebulee, gu. fill ire lit.
betw. three lions ramp. sa. for Ayling. Borne M'Collne, ar. on a betw. four deers'
saltier gu.

by Joseph M'Carogher, Esq. M.D. of Chiches- heads, couped mullets or.

sa. five

ter, Co. Sussex, 1*:J7, sec plate of unit* in Sup- M'Combie, or, a lion ramp. gu. a chief of the
plement. last. -Crest, a grey cat, sejant, ramp.
McCarthy, Maccarthy, [Ireland,] ar. a boar
or MacConcaled, [Ireland,] per fessy wavy, ar. and
pass. sa. Crest, a stag's head or. vert, in chief three cross crosslets gu ; and in
M'CARTiE,ar. a stag, trippant, ppr. base a salmon, naiant, of the first. Crest, two
M'Cartie, ar. a stag pass. gu. betw. the horns a trees, couped and raguled, in saltier, ppr.
mullet. bound by a garland of leaves vert.
Maccartimore, ., three garbs.. . .
M'Connell, [Edinburgh.] Crest, a dexter arm,
M'Cartney. Anns as 1st diet, the field ar. fesseways, couped ppr. holding a cross crosslet
M'Casker, [Scotland.] Crest, a hand holding a fitchee.
sword erect. Motto, Mann fort/. M'Cor, [Scotland.] same as M'Corda, Ireland.
M'Cai slant), [Ireland,] sa. an eagle displ. with M'Cord, [Scotland,] or, on a fesse sa.betw. three
two heads or. Crest, on a chapeau gu. turned hearts gu. as many pheons of the field.
up erm. a greyhound, sejant, ppr. M'Corda, [Ireland.] The same arms. Crest,
M'Chlan-, [Scotland,] az. a chev. betw. three tre- a demi Savage, in the dexter hand a barbed
foils ar. arrow, and in the sinister, a heart.
MClacuhlan, and M'Claughlan, quarterly; M'Cormack, [Scotland,] gu. on a chev. betw.
first, or, second, ar. a dexter
a lion ramp. gu. ;
three daggers, paleways, those in chief, points
hand, couped, fesseways, holding a cross pattee downward, ppr. as many torteauxes. Crest, on
fitchee gu. third, ar. in a sea, in base, vert, a
a rock ppr. a martlet sa.
lyniphad, her sails furled, and oars in saltier, sa. ; M'Cormkk, gu. on a chev. betw. three dirks ar.
hilted or, a torteaux inter two crescents gu. M'Cubbin, [Scotland,] ar. three cross crosslets
Crest as the last. fitchee az. Crest, an arm, in armour, embowed,
M'Cormick, [Ireland,] ar. a fesse dancettee gu. grasping a scimitar.
betw. three eagles displ. az. all within a bor- M'Cubbin, [Dumfriesshire.] Crest, a martlet sa.
dure engr. sa. Crest, a dexter hand holding a Motto, Nvlli prcedue.
spear, in pale, ppr. M'Cull, [Scotland,] ar. two mullets, in chief, gu.
M'Cormick, [Scotland.] The same arms. and a pheon, point upwards, az. Crest, a leg,
M'Corquodale. The same as M'Corqiodill. in armour and spurred, couped above the knee,
M'Corquodell, [of that Ilk,] ar. a demi stag gu. ppr.
naisant out of a fesse tortille of the second and M'Culloch, [Cardiness, Scotland,] erm. fretty.
first. Crest, a stag standing at gaze, attired gu. of eight pieces ; on an escutcheon az. three
gu. wolves' heads, erased, ar.
M'Corquodill, Granted 1783,] ar.
[Scotland. M'Cullock, ar. a saltier gu. in chief a boar's
a stag gu. issuing from a fesse
attired or, head, erased, az. Crest, a triangular harrow
wreathed az. and of the third ; in base a
martlet sa. Crest, a stag at gaze, ppr. attired M'Cullim, [Scotland,] gyronny of eight, or and
sa. az. an inescutcheon sa. Crest, a greyhound's
M'Coul, [Scotland,] ar. a lion ramp. az. in chief head or.
a pheon of the last, betw. two mullets gu. Mac Daniel, [Ireland,] az. a lion ramp. gu.
Crest, a dexter arm, in armour, embowed, Crest, a hand, couped, in fesse, holding a cross
brandising a cutlass ppr. crosslet fitchee.
M'Coy, [Scotland,] ar. two bars sa. betw. six Mac Daniel, [Ireland,] quarterly ; first, sa. a lion
martlets of the last, three, two, and one. ramp. gu. ; second, ar. a hand, couped, in fesse,
Crest, a talbot's head, erased, or, collared holding a cross crosslet fitchee ; third, or, a
sa. lymphad sa. ; fourth, gu. a fish, naiant, ppr.
M'Crae,M'Rach, or Macrae, [Scotland,] ar. a Crest, as the last.
fesse az. betw. two mullets and a lion
in chief, Mac Deargan, [Ireland,] vert, a griffin, segreant,
ramp, in base, gu. Crest, a hand holding a ar. Crest, a swallow ppr.
sword. Mac Dermot, [Ireland,] ar. on a chev. gu. betw.
M' Crete, or Macrea, [Shetland,] ar. on a fesse az. three boars' heads and necks, erased, and erect
betw. three mullets in chief, and a lion ramp, in az. as many cross crosslets or. Crest, a demi
base, gu. a boar's head, couped, of the field, all lion ramp. az. holding with both paws a sceptre
within a bordure of the third, charged with erect or. (Ex. Cull. Arm. Hib. 1830, J
three trefoils, slipped, of the first. Crest, an M'Dermott, or M'Dermot, [Ireland,] parted
oak-tree ppr. per pale, pily of six, gu. and ar. on a chief of;

M'Craw, [Scotland,] or, a lion ramp. az. holding the second, a lion pass, of the first. Crest, a
in the dexter paw a long cross gu. Crest, a greyhound, current, sa.

griffin, sejant per pale, or and gu. winged of the Macdiarmid, [Scotland,] gu. three boars' heads,
first. couped, ar.betw. as many cross crosslets of the
M'Crav, [Scotland,] ar. on a fesse gu. betw. two last. Crest, a lion ramp. ar. betw. the paws a
mullets in chief, and a lion ramp, in base, of the garland of flowers ppr.
last, a mullet of the first. Crest, a hand hold- M'Diarmid, [Scotland.] The same arms. Crest,
ing a sword. a lion ramp. or.
M'Crire, per saltier, erm, and az. a crescent sa. ;
Mac Diarmott, [Ireland.] The same arms and
on a chief of the second, three mullets ar. crest as the last.
Crest, a bee-hive with bees volant, ppr. M'Donaoh, [Ireland,] per chev. or and vert, in
M'Crobie, [Scotland.] Crest, a hawk, rising, chief two lions pass, guard, gu. and in base a
ppr. boar pass, of the first. Crest, a dexter arm,
M'Crummen, [Isle of Sky.] Crest, a dexter hand embowed, holding a sword environed with a ser-
holding a shepherd's flute. pent, all ppr.
M'Crummin, or M'Crummen, [Scotland,] ar. on a Macdonald, [Glengary, a lym-
Scotland,] or,
chev. az. betw. three cross crosslets fitchee gu. phad sa. surmounted by an eagle with displ.
a lion pass. or. Crest, a demi lion ramp. gu. two heads gu. in the dexter chief point a dexter
armed az. holding in the dexter paw a thistle hand couped, and lying fesseways, and in the
ppr. sinister chief a cross crosslet fitchee of the last.
Maccuanach, [Ireland.] Crest, aferret pass. ppr. Crest, on a rock ppr. a raven sa. supporters ;
two bears ar. pierced through the body with an surmounted by a lymphad sa. sails furled and
arrow, ppr. rigging ppr. in the dexter chief, a dexter hand,

M u onochie, [Scotland,] ar. in chief three hands apaumee, couped, of the second; in the sinister,
fessewise and couped at the wrist, each a cross crosslet fitchee of the third. Crest, a
holding rive arrows, four in saltier, and one in a raven ppr. perched on a rock az. Motto,
pale, points upwards, in base, a regal crown,
over it, Craggan an fJiithich.
all ppr, the whole within a bordure eomponee, M'Donogh, [Ireland,] per chev. ar. and vert, in
gyronny of eight, or and sa. Crest, a demi chief two lions pass, guard and in base a
. .

highbinder, with coat and scarf over dexter boar pass. .

Crest, an arm, embowed, hold-

shoulder of green plaid, a quiver of arrows at ing a sword environed with a serpent . . .

his back, feathered ar. bonnet az. feathers sa. M'Dougall, [Castle Semple,] az. a lion ramp,
ar. crowned or, in chief a crescent of the second.
holding in his dexter hand a bundle of arrows
as in the arms, and before him, on the wreath, Crest, a lion's paw, erased and erect, holding
a regal crown, ppr. a dagger, ppr.
Mai donald, [Scotland,] or, a galley, her sails M'Dowal, [IJankton,] az. a lion ramp. ar. in the
furled, sa. flags gu. betw. a lion ramp, in the dexter chief a garb of the last, all within a
dexter chief, of the third, a dexter hand, bordure erm. Crest, a demi lion, issuing, ppr.
couped, fesseways, holding a cross crosslet holding in the dexter paw a sword az. hilt and
fitchee of the last, and a fish, naiant, in base, pomel or.
vert. Crest, a tower upon a rock ppr. M'Dowall, [London,] ar. a lion ramp. az.
M'Doxald, quarterly; first, or, a lion ramp. crowned with an open crown or, within a bor-
gu,; second, ar. a dexter arm, couped, fesseways, dure chequy, of the second and first. Crest, a
gu. vested az. holding a cross crosslet fitchee of lion's paw, erased, holding a branch of olive vert.
the second; third, vert, a fish, naiant, ar.; M'Dowall, [London and Scotland; Lion Regis-
ter,] ar. a lion ramp. az. crowned with
fourth, or, a galley, her sails furled, sa. flags an antique
gu. ; over all, in the centre of the quarters, a crown or, within a bordure chequy, of the first
Leopard's face sa. Crest, a hind trippant, or. and second. Crest, a lion's gamb, erect and
M' Donald, [Bowie, Scotland,] quarterly; first, erased, ppr. holding an olive-branch vert.
ar. a lion ramp. gu. ; second, az. a dexter hand, M'Dowall, M'Dougall, M'Dugall, or M'Ovl,
couped, fesseways, holding a cross crosslet [Lord of Lorn,] quarterly first and fourth, az.

fitchee ar.; third, or, a galley, her oars in a lion ramp. ar. second and third, or, a lym-

saltier, fourth, per fesse wavy, ar. and

sa. ; phad sa. with a beacon on the topmast, ppr.
vert, base a fish, naiant, of the first, all
in Crest, an arm in armour, embowed, fesseways,
within a bordure quarterly, gu. and ar. Crest, couped, ppr. holding a cross crosslet fitchee.
the holy bible, expanded, ppr. M'Dowall, [Edinburgh,] az. a lion ramp. ar.
M'Donald, [Maydorty, Scotland,] Arms as diet. ducally crowned or. on a canton of the second,

Crest, a castle with three towers, from the three piles gu. Crest, a demi lion ar. royally
centre tower, a dexter arm embowed in armour, crowned or.
grasping a sword, all ppr. [Borne by Capt. M'Dowall, [Freugh, Scotland,] az. a lion ramp,
ar. gorged with an antique crown, and imperially
K. C. M'Donald, late of the 42nd Royal
Highlanders, 1836.] crowned, or. Crest, a lion's gamb erect and
.1/'Donald, [Ireland.] quarterly; first and fourth, erased. Supporters, two wild men, wreathed
ar. a lion ramp, gu.; second, or, a dexter arm, about the head and middle with laurel, holding
issuing from the sinister, fesseways holding a in their hands flaming daggers pointing upward,
cross crosslet fitchee gu. third, per fesse, ar. all ppr. Motto, over the crest, f 'inert vel mori.

and az. in chief a galley, oars in action, and M'Dowall, [Garthland, Scotland, 1630,] az. a
sails furled, sailing on the fesse line, flags gu. lion ramp. ar.
in base a fish, naiant, of the first. Crest, a M'Dowall, [Garthland, Scotland; Lion Reghier,
talbot's head, az. 1661,] az. a lion ramp. ar. crowned or. Crest,
Mai donnell, or M'Donnell, sa. a galley, sails a lion's paw, erased and erect, ppr.
furled, and oars in action or, flags gu. Crest, a M'Dowall, [Garthland, Scotland.] The same
hand, couped, in fesse, holding a fieur-de-lis. arms. Crest, a lion's paw, erased, holding up
Macdonnell, [Ireland,] ar. a galley, her oars in a dagger. Motto, over it, Vincere vel mori.
action, and sails furled, sa. flags gu. betw. three M'Duff, or, a lion ramp. gu. Crest, a demi lion
eagles displ. of the last. gu. holding a sword in pale, ppr.
Macdonnll, [Glengorie,] or, an eagle displ. gu. M'Duff, [Thane and Earl of Fife,] or, a lion
3 C 2 ]
ramp. gu. armed and langued az. Crest, a demi M'Farquhar, quarterly; first and fourth, or, a
lionramp. gu. lion ramp. gu. ; second and third,
a fir-tree,

Mace, [Exeter,] az. a chev. ar. in chief two growing out of a mount, in base, vert in the ;

mullets or. in base a dexter gauntlet, lying sinister chief point, a sinister hand Crest,
fesseways, of the second holding a spear, in pale, on a winged globe, an eagle, rising, ppr.
of the third, headed ar. M'Farquhar, [ Scotland, ] The same arms.
Mace. Arms as 1st diet. Crest, a hand, erect, Crest, a demi lion ramp, holding in the dexter
holding a scimitar, in pale, ppr. paw a sword ppr.
Mac Eniery, [Ireland.] ar. an eagle displ. vert. M'Fell, [Scotland,] or, a fesse sa. betw. an eagle
Crest, a falcon, helled, ppr. displ. in chief, and a deer's head, cabossed, in
M'Entire, [Scotland,] or, an eagle displ. gu. .
base, gu. Crest, an eagle's head, erased, ppr.
in the dexter chief a cross crosslet fitcb.ee sa. ; Macfie, or M'Piiie, [Scotland,] or, a lion ramp.
and in the sinister, a dexter hand, couped, gu. surmounted by a fesse az. Crest, a demi
fesseways, holding a dagger in pale, ppr. lion ramp. gu.
Crest, a dexter hand, holding up a dagger, M'Galeon, [Ross,] az. a castle ar.

erect, ppr. M'Garth, [Galloway.] As 1st diet.

M'Ewan, ar. a garb on a chief of the last, a
az. ; M'Gassock, [Kusco.] ar. two crosiers, in saltier,
lion ramp, of the first. Crest and motto as az. Crest, a dove ppr.
Mackeuan, Muckle. M'Gavin, [Scotland,] or, six billets sa. Crest.
M'Fadyen, [Scotland,] ar. on a bend gu. three a dragon's head ar. vomiting fire gu.
crosses formee or. Crest, a talbot pass. gu. Macgee, gu. three martlets or.
M'Fall, [Scotland.] or, a fesse sa. betw. two M'Gee, or M'Ghee, [West Indies, and England,]
eagles displ. in chief, gu. and a stag's head, sa. a fesse betw. three leopards' faces, ar.
cabossed, in base, of the last. Crest, an eagle's Crest, an ostrich ar. in the beak a horse-shoe
head, erased. az.
Macfarlane, [Scotland,] ar. a saltier betw. four M'Gell, [Scotland,] gu. three martlets ar. a chief
roses gu. Crest, an eagle, rising, ppr. erm. Crest, a terrestrial globe. Motto, Hon-
M'Farlane, [Kirktoun, Scotland,] quarterly ; est u in ut Hi
first and fourth, ar. a saltier wavy betw. four M'George, [Scotland,] az. three boars' pass. or.
roses gu. ; second and third, gu. a chev. betw. Crest, a demi griffin ar.
two cinquefoils in chief, and a sword, paleways, M'Ghie, [Ireland,] sa. three leopards' faces or.
in base, ar. Crest, a demi Savage, grasping Crest a dexter arm in armour, embowed,
in the dexter hand a sheaf of arrows, and holding a scimitar, all ppr.
pointing with the sinister to an imperial crown. M'Gibbon, [Scotland,] az. on a chief ar. a galley,
Macfarlane, [Macfarlane, Scotland,] arg. a her sails furled, and oars in action, sa. flags gu.
saltier engr. charged with a hedgehog or, betw. Crest, two oars, in saltier, sa.
four roses of the second, seeded or, and barbed M'Gie, sa. a mullet ar. betw. three leopards'
vert. Crest, a demi wild man, wreathed at heads, erased, guard, or. -Crest, a leopard's
the loins and temples, brandishing a sword in head as in the arms, ducally gorged gu.
his dexter hand, defending the royal crown, M'Gilevray, [Scotland,] per pale, ar. and az. in
placed on the wreath before him, all ppr. the dexterchief a dexter hand, fesseways,
Supporters, on the dexter a highland soldier couped, holding a dagger in pale, in the . .

with his sword; on the sinister a horse arg. sinister chief a cross crosslet fitchee. Crest, a
[Borne bij Lt. Gen. Sir Robert Macfarlane, cat, sejant. Supporters, two Highlanders,
G.C.H. K.C.B. and G.C.F.M. 1836.] with steel caps, tartan jackets, and philabegs,
M'Farlane, ar. on a saltier wavy, betw. four roses with targets on their exterior arms.
gu. five plates. Crest, a bird sitting on a M'Gill. Arms as last in 1st diet, with the bor-
tree. dure indented gu.
M'Farlane, [Keithstoun, Scotland,] ar. on a Mac Gilleoun, [Scotland,] az. a castle, triple-
saltier wavy, betw. four roses gn. a crescent of towered, ar. Crest, an arm, embowed, fesse-
the field. Crest, a naked man, holding forth ways, couped, supporting a spear, issuing, in
a sheaf of arrows, ppr. pale, all ppr.
Mac Farquhar, [Edinburgh,] ar. a lion ramp, M'Gilvray, [Scotland,] per fesse, ar. and az. in
sa. betw. three sinister hands the dexter chief a dexter hand, couped, fesse-
gu. within a bor-
duie az. Crest, a dexter hand issuing from the ways, gu. holding a dagger, in pale, of the
wreath ppr. second; and in the sinister chief a cross cross-
let fitchee of the third. Crest, a camel's head M'Guarie, [of that Ilk,] quarterly; first and
sa. fourth, vert, three towers, in chief, ar. ; second
M-Glashan, [Scotland,] ar. a chev. gu. betw.
and third, ar. three cross crosslets fitchee .. .

three dirks, paleways, az. hilted and pomelled Crest, out of an antique crown, an arm, in
or. Crest, a long cross, recrossed, gu. on three armour, embowed, grasping a dagger, all ppr.
grieces. Supporters, two greyhounds, leashed and col-
ML'Gotjan, [Scotland,] ar. a lion ramp. gu. betw. lared, ppr.
three cinquefoils vert on a chief az. a boar's
; M'Guarie, [Ormaig.] The same arms, with a

head, couped, betw. two fleurs-de-lis, or. crescent in the centre. Crest, a nag's head.
Crest, a thistle ppr, couped, ar. bridled gu.
M'Gougan, [Scotland,] quarterly; first, ar. a
Mac Guffock, [Riesco,] ar. two crosiers, in

lion ramp. second, or, an arm, in armour,

. . ;
betw. a man's heart, in chief, gu.
saltier, az.

fesseways, couped, holding a cross crosslet

and three mullets in the flanks and base, of the
fitchee .
third, or, a galley, sails furled, and
second. Crest, a dove ppr.
oars in action, ; fourth, vert, a fish, naiant,
. . Mac Guffoz. The same arms. &c.
Crest, an arm, couped at the elbow, in Machabeus, or, three ravens, in pale, sa.
M'Hado, ar.
fesse, holding a cross crosslet fitchee. [Scotland,] gu. five axes, in saltier,
M'Gowan, gu. three boars' heads, couped, in Crest, a hand brandishing a scimitar ppr.
pale, ar. Crest, a galley, with oars in action, M'Haffie, [Scotland,] vert, on a pale wavy ar.
PP r - three trefoils, slipped, of the field. Crest, a
M'Gown, [Scotland,] ar.a lion ramp. gu. betw. demi griffin gu.
two cinquefoils vert. Crest, a talbot pass, or, M'Han, [ Scotland, ] az. a chev. betw. three
collared az. cinquefoils ar.
M u'gregor, fir-tree, a
growing out of a
ar. M'Hanaz, [Scotland,] az. a chev. betw. three
mount, in base, vert, on the dexter side a sword. trefoils, slipped, ar.

paleways, az. ensigned on the point with an M'Hardie, [ Scotland. ] Crest, an arm, in

antique crown or. Crest, a lion's head erased. armour, embowed, brandishing a scimitar, all

M'Gregor, [of that Ilk,] ar. an oak-tree, eradi- ppr.

cated, in bend sinister, vert, surmounted by a M'Hattie, [Scotland,] Crest, an escallop ar.
sword, in bend, az. hilted or, ensigned on the charged with a cross fleury sa. allbetw. two
point with a royal crown of the last. Crest, a wings ppr.
lion's head, erased, and cowned with an antique MacheNj Machin, or Machon. Arms as grant-
crown ppr.
ed 1615, in 1st diet. Crest, a lion's head,
M'Gregor, [Camden-Hill, Midds.] ar. a sword, erased, sa. on the head a cap of maintenance or.
in bend, and a fir-tree, eradicated, in bend M'Hud, [Scotland,] gu. five axes or, three and
sinister, ppr. in chief an antique crown, gu. two. Crest, an arm, in armour, embowed.
Crest, a lion's head, ppr. crowned with an holding a dagger, ppr.
eastern crown or. Supporters, dexter a unicorn M'Ilwham, [Scotland,] Crest, a parrot, feeding
ar. crowned with an eastern crown, and horn- on a branch of cherries, ppr.
ed or, sinister a buck, ppr. attired, az. [Borne MTnchoell, sa. a fesse betw. three
by Sir James M'Gregor, M. D. F. R. S. A. T. S. crescents or.
Created Baronet, 30 Sept. 1831.] M'Indoe, Crest, a sun-dial on a
M'Gregor. Arms as 1st diet. Crest, an arm, in stand, ar.
armour, issuing, ppr. grasping a scimitar az. M'Innes, [Edinburgh,] az. on a bend ar. three
and pomel or.
hilt buckles of the first ;
on a chief of the second, as
mullets of six points of the field. Crest,
M'Gregor, [Virginia,] ar. an oak-tree, growing many
out of a mount, in base, vert, surmounted by a a bee, sucking a thistle, ppr.
sword, in bend, ppr. in the dexter chief an ; M'Innes, az. a rose ar. on a chief of the last.

antique crown or, and in the sinister a mullet three mullets of six points of the first. Crest.

gu. as the last.

M'Gregor, on a mount in base a fir-tree sur-

ar. M'Innes, az. on a chief ar. three mullets of six
mounted of a sword in bend, on the point a points of the first.

regal crown, all ppr. betw. two lions' heads, M'Intire, quarterly ;
first and fourth, or, an eagle

erased, gu. in sinister chief, and dexter base. displ. gu. ; second and third, a galley, her

Crest, the stump of a tree, erased, with one sails furled, sa. flags gu. Crest, out of a tower.
branch to the dexter. a demi greyhound ramp. ppr.
M'Intosh, or Macintosh, or, a lion ramp. gu. ar.points downward, hilted andpomelled or.; in
betw. three cross crosslets fitchee of the last. base a lancet, open, ppr. Crest, a cancer ppr.
Crest, a demi cat, salient, sa. M'Kall, [Scotland,] az. a pheon ar. on a chief
M'Intosh, [Kinrara, Scotland,] quarterly; first of the last, two spur-rowels, with part of the
and fourth, or, a lion ramp. gu. ; second, or, spur gu. Crest, an arm, in armour, holding
a lymphad, her oars erect, in saltier, sa. third, ; up a galtrap ppr.
az. a boar's head, couped, or. Crest, as 1st in M'Kall, [Scotland,] ar. two mullets, pierced, in
1st diet. chief, gu. and a pheon in base, az.
M'Intosh, [Abeirardure, Scotland.] Arms as 1st M'Kalla, [Scotland,] gu. two mullets, in chief,
in 1st diet., all within a bordure gu. charged ar. and a pheon, in base, or.
with eight annulets or. Crest, a cat, current Mackartney, [Auchinleck] ar. a stag pass. gu.
and guard, ppr. a bordure of the same. Crest, a dexter hand
M'Intyre, [Glenoe, Scotland,] quarterly first ; holding a slip of a rose bush ppr.
and fourth, or, an eagle displ. gu. armed and Mack ay, per fesse, az. and ar. on a chev. betw.

langued second, ar. a galley, her sails furled,

sa. ;
three bears' heads, couped, muzzled, gu. a
sa. flags gu. ; third, ar. a sinister hand, couped, stag's head, cabossed, inter two daggers, cheve-
fesseways, gu. holding a cross crosslet fitchee ronways, all counterchanged. Crest, a demi
sa. Crest, a dexter hand holding a dagger, in greyhound vert.
pale,both ppr. Mackay, [Strathnaver, 1.539,] .
., a stag pass. .

M'Iver, [Ashnish Cave, ancient,'] quarterly; or Mackay, ar. three mullets az.
andgu. abend sa. Crest, a boar's head, couped, M'Kay, az. on a chev. or, betw. three bears'
or. heads of the last, muzzled gu. two hands, each
M'Iver, Campbell, [Ashnish,! quarterly; first, holding a dagger, cheveronways, ppr. Crest, a
gyronny of eight, or and sa. second, ;
ar. a 'demi greyhound ppr.
dexter hand, couped, fesseways, grasping a Mackbeath, [Scotland.]. Arms as 1st diet.
dagger, in pale, gu. ; third ar. a galley, her Crest, an arm in armour, embowed, fesseways,
sails furled, and oars in action, sa. ; fourth, per couped, holding a sword, all ppr.
cross, or and gu. a bend
Crest, as last.
sa. M'Kean, [Edinburgh,] ar. a saltier
engr. az. ; in
M'Iver, [Liverpool,] quarterly, or and gu. a bend chief a boar's head, erased, of the second.
az. Crest as last. Crest, a talbot, sejant, ppr.
M'Iver, per cross, or andgu. ; on a bend sa. three M'Kean, quarterly ; first, ar. a saltier engr. sa.;
mullets ar. Crest, a griffin's head, erased, az. second and third, ar. on a chief sa. three mullets
Mack, [Edinburgh,] paly of six, ar. and gu. ; on of the field; fourth, per fesse, ar. and gu. in
a bend sinister az. a martlet betw. two mullets chief a chev. of the last. Crest, a dog, sejant.
of the first on a canton of the last, a cat, ramp,
; PP r -

sa. Crest, a water-bouget sa. M'Kean, [Scotland,] erm. three trefoils, slipped,
Muck, [Glasgow,] paly of eight, ar. and gu. on ;
gu. Crest, a demi cat guard, sa.
a bend sinster az. a martlet betw. two mullets M'Kechnie, [Scotland,] ar. on a bend az. three
of the first ; on a canton of the third a galley ar. mullets of the first. Crest, a dexter hand hold-
Crest as the last. ing a spur.
Mack, ar. a fesse gu. charged with a mullet of the Mackeill, [Scotland,] gu. a chev. betw. three
field, in base a chev. of the second. crosses patte'e ar. Crest, a cross Calvary gu.
Mack, [Scotland,] paly of eight, or and gu. a Mackell, [Scotland,] ar. two mullets in chief,
bend sinister az. charged with a martlet betw. gu. and a dexter hand, fesseways, couped, hold-
two mullets ar. Crest, a water-bouget sa. ing a lance, in pale, broken, the top falling to
Mack, ar. a fesse enhanced, and a chev. gu. the sinister, in base, ppr. Crest, out of clouds,
Crest, a heart gu. thrust through with an a dexter hand brandishing a scimitar.
arrow in bend sinister, ar. Motto, above it, M'Kellar, gu. a boar's head, erased, ar. Crest,
Et (Id mi el foras. out of a castle, triple towered, a demi lion
Mack, or Make, [Scotland,] paly of eight, or ramp.
and gu. on a bend sinister az. a crescent, ar. M'Kellar, [Scotland,] ar. a lion pass. az. betw.
betw. two spur-rowels of the first. two barrulets gu. in chief three crescents sa.
M'Kaden, [Scotland,] gu. a fesse chequy, ar. and and in base as many mullets of the third.
az. betw. three arrows, paleways, points upward, Crest, an arm in armour, embowed, wielding a
or. scimitar, ppr.
MKaile, [Aberdeen,] gu. two dirks, in saltier M'Kellip, [Scotland,] ar. on a chev. az. betw.
three talbots' heads, erased, gu. a rose of the M'Kenzie, [Fairbiirn,] az. a deer's head, cabossed,
within a bordure of the last.
first, Crest, a or, within a bordure, embattled, ar. Crest, a
demi talbot. mountain in flames, ppr.
M'Kjellor, [Scotland,] ar. a lion pass. az. betw. M'Kenzie, [Hiltoun, Scotland,] az. a stag's head,
a bar gemel in chief, and three mullets in base, cabossed, or, betw. the horns a dirk, point
gu. Crest, an arm in armour, embowed, brand- downwards, ar. hilted of the second. Crest,
ishing a scimitar, ppr. two hands holding a two-handed sword, in
M mkemore, gu. a lion ramp. ar. bend, ppr.
M ukknay, [Ireland,] sa. three pair of keys,
each M'Kenzie, [Kilcoy,] quarterly; first and fourth,
pair having their handles downward, lozenged, az. a deer's head, cabossed, or; second and
interlaced, and endorsed, ar. two and one. third, quarterly ; first and fourth az. three
Crest, an arm in armour, embowed, holding a cinquefoils ar. second and third gu. three an-

spear, top broken and pendent, ppr. tique crowns or ; all within a bordure gu.
M WKKNN.VL, [Cloverbank now of Merk,] az. a
; Crest, a demi lady, richly attired, holding a
chev. or, betw. two swords, blades wavy, pale- rose, ppr.
ways, in chief, and a castle in base ar. Crest, M'Kenzie, [Ord, Scotland,] az. a deer's head,
an eagle's head erased, ppr. cabossed, or: betw. the attires a crescent ar.
Mackenzie, [Lord Seaforth,] az. a deer's head, within a bordure, embattled, of the second.
cabossed, or. Crest, a mountain in flames, ppr. Crest, a dexter hand grasping a sword, in
Mackenzie, [Findon,] az. a deer's head, cabossed, bend. ppr.
or, within a bordure of the last, charged with M'Kenzie, [Tarbit, Scotland,] per pale, or and
eight crescents of the first. Crest, a cres- az. on a pale ar. betw. a burning mount, on

cent ar. the dexter, az. flames, ppr. and a deer's head,
Mackenzie, [Redcastle, Scotland,] az, a deer's cabossed, or, a royal crown of gold. Crest, a
head, cabossed, or, within a bordure chequy, of mountain in flames, ppr. Supporters, dexter,
the second and first. Crest, a man's heart in a naked Savage, ppr. ; sinister, a greyhound,
flames, within two palm-branches, in orle, all ppr., collared gu.
ppr. M'Kenzie, [Scotland,] az. a stag's head, cabossed,
.Mackenzie, [Rosehaugh, Scotland,] Arms as 1st or, betw. the attires, a fleur-de-lis of the last.
diet. Crest, an eagle, rising from a rock, ppr. Crest, a dexter hand, couped and erect,
Mackenzie, [Suddie, Scotland,] az. a deer's head, grasping a dagger, both ppr.
cabossed, or, within a bordure, embattled, of the M'Kenzie, [Scotland,] quarterly; first and fourth,
last. Crest, a dexter hand grasping a sword, az. a stag's head, cabossed, or ; second and
in bend, ppr. third, az. three cinquefoils ar. ; over all, in the
M'Kenzie, [Granted 1805,] quarterly; first and centre of the quarters, a wolf's head, or.
fourth, az. a deer's head, cabossed, or :second Crest, a dexter arm, from the elbow, holding a
and third, quarterly, first and fourth, az. three wreath of laurel, ppr.
cinquefoils ar. second and third, gu. three
; .M'Kenzie, az. a stag's head, cabossed, or, betw.
three fleurs-de-lis ar. one in chief, and two in
antique crowns, or ; all within a bordure gu.
charged with three mullets, ar. Crest, a lady, base.
from the middle, holding in the dexter hand a M'Kerrel, [Granted 1802,] az. on a fesse or,
cinquefoil, ppr.
three lozenges gu. Crest, a Roman soldier on
M'Kenzie [Allangrange. Chief of the ('Ian. his march, with standard and utensils, all

Granted HIT,] quarterly; first and fourth, az. ppr.

a buck's head, cabossed, or second and third,
; Mackenan, [Edinburgh. Granted 1794,] ar. a
az. a falcon displ. ar. charged on the breast with sheaf of five arrows, points downward, barbed
a man's heart, gu.
all betw. three mullets of the az. betw. four roses gu. Crest, an arm, em-
second. Crest, a mountain in flames, ppr. bowed, fesseways, couped, holding a scimitar,
-Motto, over the crest, Lticen nun uro. all ppr.

.'/AVr/r,[Applecross, Scotland.] quarterly; first Mackenan, [Muckle, Scotland,] or, a garb az. ;
and fourth, az. a deer's head, cabossed, or ;
on a chief of the second, a lion ramp, of the first.
second and third, ar. a lion ramp. gu. Crest, a Crest, the trunk of an oak-tree shooting forth
lion couchant young branches, ppr.
guard, ppr.
M'Kenzie, [Ardross, Scotland,] az. a buck's head, M'Kerlie, [Gallowayshire,] Crest, on the dex-
cabossed, or, betw. the attires a spur-rowel erm. ter end of a mount vert., a cross crosslet,
Crest, a rugged rock, ppr. fitchee sa.
Mackey, az. a chev. betw. three lozenges or. M'Kirdy, [Scotland.] The same.
Crest, a lion's head, erased, ar. Mack Kudim, or M'Kudim, [Scotland,] gu. a
Mackie, ar. a lion pass, guard, in chief, and two fesse chequy, or. and az. betw. three arrows,

crows, pendent from an arrow, fesseways, sa. paleways, of the second.

Crest, two oak-branches, in saltier, acorned, ppr. Macklellan, [Bomby, Scotland,] or, two chev.
Mackie, [Barguly, N. B.,] ar. in chief, a lion pass. sa. Crest, a naked arm supporting on the point
az. in base, two ravens, ppr. pendent from an of a sword a Moor's head. Another crest, a
arrow in fesse, pierced through their necks, the mortar-piece.
point towards the dexter. Crest, a raven, ppr. Macklellan, [Barcklay, Scotland ; Lion Register,}
M'Kie, or Mackie, [Dowlock, Scotland,] ar. two ar. two chev. within a bordure engr. gu.

crows, paleways, endorsed, sa. with an arrow Crest as the last.

thrust through their necks, ppr. in chief a lion
; Macklellan, [Edinburgh Lion Register.] ar. two

pass. az. ; all within a bordure engr. of the last. chev. sa. each charged with a plate. Crest, a
Crest, a raven, ppr. Moor's head and neck, ppr.
M'Kie, [Palgowan, Scotland,] ar. two crows, pale- Mac Leod, az. a castle triple towered and embat-
ways, pendent, sa. thrust through with an arrow, tled ar. masoned sa. port gu. quartering gu.
inbend, of the last ; in chief a lion pass. gu. three mens' legs in armour, conjoined in tri-
within a bordure engr. az. angle, ppr. Crest, a bull's head, cabossed. . .

Mackiegan, [Ireland,] or, a saltier sa. Crest, betw. two square banners, one leaning to the
out of a ducal coronet, a griffin's head, holding dexter, the other to the sinister. [Borne bij
in the beak a key, all ppr. Copt. A. Lytthton M'Leod, 1838.]
M \( kili.op, or M'Killop, sa. a
stag's head, ca- Mackley, [Leckonfield,] az. three wolves' heads,
bossed, ar. Crest, a demi eagle reguard. ppr. erased, ar.
M'Killop, [Scotland,] ar. on a chev. az. betw. Mackliew, [Garden,] ar. a chev. az. betw. three
three talbot's heads, erased, gu. a rose and a roses gu.
crescent of the field. Crest, a talbot's head, Mackloide, or M'Cloud, [Isle of Skey, and
erased, ppr. Lewes, Scotland,] a mountain az. inflamed

M'Killop, ar. on a chev. az. betw. three talbot's ppr. Crest, a bull's head, cabossed, betw. two
heads, erased gu. an anchor of the field. Crest, flags.
as the last. Macklow. Arms as 1st diet. Crest, a sinister
M'Kimmie, [Scotland,] Crest, a deer's head, arm holding a bow, strung.
erased, ppr. Motto, Je suis fret. Macklow, or Mucklowe, gyronny of eight, or and
Mu kinder, or M'Kinder, [England,] vert., a az. a lion ramp. erm. on a chief ar. an escallop

lymphad, her oars in action, sails furled, ar. flags betw. two fleurs-de-lis, sa. Crest, a dragon's
gu. Crest, an elephant, statant, ppr. head, per pale indented, gu. and ar. guttee,
M'Kindlay, az. a chev. or, betw. a flaming- counterchanged ; in the mouth an eagle's leg,
sword, fesseways, in chief, ppr. hilt and pomel erased, or.
gold; and in base a castle ar. masoned sa. port- Mackmahen, ar. an ostrich sa. holding in the
cullis gu. Crest, an eagle's head, erased, ppr. moutha horse-shoe or.
Mackinlay, [Edinburgh,] gu. a stag, trippant, Mackmaure, sa. three garbs ar. Crest, a dol-
ar. Crest, an armed arm holding a branch of phin, naiant.
olive, all ppr. Mackmore, [Ireland,] purp. a lion ramp, ar,
M'Kinna, [West Indies, originally of Ireland,] Mackmore, or Mackmaragh, [Ireland,] sa. three,
sa. three pairs of keys, each pair having their garbs ar. Crest, on a ducal coronet, a griffin,
handles downward, lozenged, interlaced, and sejant, ppr. resting the paw upon
a shield ar.
endorsed, or, two and one. Crest, a dexter arm, Mackmorough, [Ireland,] sa. a lion ramp. gu.
embowed, in armour, holding the butt end of a Mackmorougk, gu. a lion ramp. ar.
spear, ppr. Mackniuht,w M'Knight, [Scotland,] quarterly;
Mackenzie, [Madras,] az. a stag's head, cabossed, first and fourth, a dexter arm, issuing from

or, betw. the attires a mullet ar. within a bor- the sinister, holding a cross crosslet fitchee
dure quarterly, of the third and second the ; gu. ; second and third, ar. a tower sa. masoned
embattled; the second, engr. Crest, a
first, of the first. Crest, a tower sa. masoned
burning mount ppr. ar.
M'Kimn quarterly, ar. and sa. on the first and
; Macknight, [Scotland,] ar. three palets az. ; on a
fourth, a martlet of the last. Crest, a demi canton gu. a spur or. Crest, an arm, in armour,
wivern or. holding a spear, in bend, ppr.
M'Knoi i. [Ofein, Scotland,] or, three galleys, in the sinister, a cross crosslet fitchee ; all
sails furled, gu. counterchanged. Crest, a horse's head, in ar-
M MKdiM) \, or, on ;i fosse sa. betw. three hearts, mour, issuing, on the top a plume of ostrich's
as many barbed arrows of the first. Crest, a feathers, all ppr.
demi wild Irish Savage, holding in his dexter M'Lurin, or M'Lacrance, [Dreghorn,] ar. a
hand a heart, and in his sinister a dart, all ppr. bishop's crook, in pale, sa. Crest, the Virgin
Mackreth, [Hants.] gu. three cinquefoils ar. ; a and Child ppr. vested vert. Supporters, two
chief of the last. Crest, a pheenix in flames, tritons ppr. tails vert, holding in their exterior
ppr. hands, shells. Motto, over the crest, Ui se
Mackwii.liams. Arms as 1st diet. Crest, a Mac mi Slaurie.
phcenix in flames, ppr. Mac Laws, [Garden, Scotland,] or, on a chev.
M'Lachlan, [Trinadad. Granted 17^7.] quar- betw. three roses, gu. a garb of the field.
terly first, or, a lion ramp. gu.
; second, ar. a ; Crest, a garb or, banded gu.
dexter hand, couped, fesseways, gu. holding a M'Lea, [Russia. Granted 1(S06,] quarterly; first
cross formee fitchee az. ; third, ar. in base the and fourth, ar. three cinquefoils gu.; second
sea, thereon a galley, oars in action, and sails and third, ar. a chev. embattled, sa. betw.
furled, sa. flags gu. ; fourth, per fesse, ar. and three boars' heads, erased, gu. ; all within a
az. a fish, naiant, in hase, or ; over all, bordure, dovetailed, gu. Crest, two arms, dex-
the quarters, a leopard's face gold. Crest, a ter and from the shoulder, extended,
leopard's head, cahossed, ppr. in saltierthe dexter holding a pair of compasses,

M'Lachlan, [Kilchoan,] quarterly first, or, a ; extended ; and the sinister, a sword, erect ; all
lion ramp. gu. a dexter arm, fesse
; second, ar. ppr.
ways, couped, gu. holding a cross pattee fitchee M'Lean, [Ardgour.] quarterly; first, ar. a lion
sa. third, per fesse, ar. and vert, undulated, a
ramp. gu. second, az. a
; castle, triple-towered,
galley, with her sails furled, sa. flags gu. ; ar. with flags displ. gu. ; third, or, a dexter
fourth, per fesse, or anil vert, in base a salmon, hand, couped, fesseways, gu. holding a crosslet
naiant, ar. Crest, out of a ducal coronet or, a fitchee az. ; fourth, or, a galley, her sails furled,
lion's head gu.
Supporters, two stags, ppr. sa. flag gu. on a sea vert, a salmon, naiant, ar.
Mac Lagan, or M' Lagan,
[Scotland,] or, two Crest, a Lochaber-axe, erect, in pale, crossed
chev. sa. a bordure gu. Crest, a mortar-piece by a branch of laurel and cypress, in saltier, all
or. ppr.
M'Laggan, [Scotland,] ar. two chev. sa. ; in 31' Lean,
[Granted, 1*03,] quarterly; first, ar. a
chief three pellets. Crest, a greyhound, se- hill, second, ar. a dexter arm,
issuing, vert ;

jant, ar. issuing from the sinister, in fesse, gu. holding a

Maclagh, erm. a fret gu. cross crosslet fitchee, in pale, az. ; third, ar. a
M'Laren, [Scotland,] ar. two chev. and a bor- galley, her oars erect, in saltier, and sails furled,
dure sa. Crest, a mortar, sans stock, sa. sa. flags displ. gu. ; fourth, perfesse, orandaz. in

M'Laren, or Mac Laren, [Scotland,] ar. two chief two hawks' heads, couped, affrontee, gu.
chev. sa. Crest, a mortar-piece az. and in base a salmon, naiant ppr. Crest, as the
M'Lartv, quarterly first, ar. a dexter hand ; last. Supporters, dexter, a greyhound ppr.
apaumee, couped, gu. second, az. the east end ; collared and leashed gu. ; sinister, an ostrich
of a Cathedral church," ppr.; third, az. two ppr. in its beak a horse-shoe az. Motto, over
etoiles, in fesse, ar. ; fourth, ar. a galley, sails the crest, Altera merces.
furled, sa. flags gu. ; in the topmast, a beacon M'Lean, [Dundee,] ., a gateway, embattled, and

ppr. ; all surmounted by an eagle displ. of the wall, flanked by two towers; issuing from the
third. Crest, a dexter hand ppr. holding up a base, and out of the top of the embattled gate,
cross crosslet fitchee, in pale, gu. a demi lion, holding in the dexter paw a sword,
M'Lauchlan, [Scotland,] quarterly; first, or, a point downwards Crest, a salmon, naiant.
lion ramp. gu. ; second, ar. a dexter hand, fesse- M'Lean, [Mull. Granted L781,] quarterly; first
ways, couped, gu. holding a cross crosslet and fourth, ar. a hill, issuing from the base,
fitchi'e sa. third, or, on a sea, in hase, a gal-
vert, in chief two hawks' heads, addorsed and
ley, sails furled, and oars in saltier, sa. flags erased, gu.; second, ar. a dexter hand, issuing
gu. ; fourth, ar. on a sea, in hase, a salmon, from the sinister, in fesse, gu. holding a cross
naiant, ppr. Crest, a castle, triple-towered. crosslet, in pals', az. third, ar. a galley, her

M'Lai ghlan, per pale, or and gu. a lion ramp. : oars in action, and sails furled, sa. flags, gu. in
in the dexter chief, a
right hand, couped ; and base a salmon, naiant, ppr.; all within a bordure
gu. Crest, a branch of laurel, and another of cabossed, sa. Crest, an anchor, the flukes
palm, in saltier, ppr. uppermost.
MLeay, [Scotland,] .
., on a chev. betw. three Maclesfield, or Maclefield, [Horton, Ches. ;

stags' heads, erased, .

., a garb inter two lo- and Staff.] gu. a cross engr. erm.
zenges . ; on a chief
. . an anchor betw. two M'Leuk, or M'Lure, [Scotland,] per fesse, ar.

garbs. Crest, a stag's head, erased. and vert, in chief two crosses pattee fitchee gu.
M'Leish, [Scotland,] or, two chev. gu. a canton and in base a salmon, naiant, of the first
sa. Crest, a deini lion ramp, guard, or. Crest, an arm, in armour, holding a falcon's
M'Leod, az. on a rock, in base, sa. a castle, triple leure, ppr.
towered, ar. Crest, a lion's head, erased, az. M'Ley, [Strathconath,] or, a chev. az. betw.
M'Leod, [of that Ilk,] az. a castle, triple towered three roses gu.
and embattled, ar. masoned sa.
port gu. Crest, Mac Loghlin, [Ireland,] per fesse, az. and gu.
an urus's head, cabossed, sa. betw. two flags gu. in chief a lion ramp, or, betw. two swords ppr. ;

staves of the first. and in base three crescents, two and one, ar.
M'Leod, [Aberdeen College,] quarterly; first, M'Lowe. Arms as Macklowe in 1st diet.
. .a stag's head, cabossed,
, second, gu. the . .
; Crest, the stump of an oak-tree, sprouting out
three legs of Man, in armour, conjoined, ppr. branches, ppr.
spurs or; third, or, a galley, her sails furled, M'Lure, or Mac Lure, [Scotland,] ar. on a
and oars in action, sa. flags gu. ; fourth, az. a chev. engr. az. betw. three roses gu. a martlet
castle, triple towered, ar. Crest, as the last. of the field. Crest, an eagle's head, erased,
M'Leod, [Assint; now of Gleneas,] quarterly; ppr.
first, or, a burning mount ppr. second, gu. the ; M'Lurg, [Vogril,] . ., in base a mount in flames,
three legs of Man, armed, ppr. spurs or third, ;
. .
; in chief three birds Crest, a demi
a galley, sails furled, sa. and flags gu. fourth, archer, shooting an arrow from a bow,. . .

gu. a lion ramp. ar. Crest, the sun in splen- Mackmahon, gu. an ostrich, holding a horseshoe
dour, or. Motto, Luceo -non uro. in the beak, ar. Crest, a goat pass. ar. armed
M'Leod, [Cadboll,] quarterly; first, or, a burning and hoofed or.
mount, ppr. second, gu. the three legs of Man,
Mac Mahon, [Ireland,] gu. a lion ramp. az.
conjoined and armed, ppr. spurs or; third, or, Crest, an arm, in armour, embowed, holding in
a lymphad, her oars in action, and sails furled, the hand ppr. a roll or.
flags gu. ; fourth, az. a castle, triple towered, Mac Mahon, [Ireland,] ar. an ostrich sa. holding
ar. Crest, the sun in splendour. Motto, Lois- in the beak a horse-shoe or.

gim agus soilleirighim ; under the arms, as a M'Match, [Auchinsay,] sa. three lion's heads,
badge of cognizance, an antique crown or. erased, ar. in chief a mullet of the last, a bordure
M'Leod,, [Colbeck,] az, a tower ar. on a canton ;
of the second.
gu. the three legs of Man, conjoined and armed, M'Math, [Of that Ilk,] sa. an inescutcheon che-
ppr. spurs or. Crest, a phoenix, issuing out of quy, ar. and az. betw. three lions' heads, erased,
flames, ppr. of the second ; in chief a mullet of the same.
M'Leod, [Muravenside,] quarterly; first, and M'Maught, [Scotland,] sa. a chev. chequy, ar.
fourth, az. a tower ar.; second, gu. the three legs and az. Crest, a dexter hand, in fesse couped,
of Man, conjoined, in armour, ppr. spurs or. ; gu. holding a fleur-de-lis az.
third, az. a stag's head, cabossed, or. Crest, Mac Maure, [Ireland,] sa. three garbs ar.
a lion's head, erased, ppr. Crest, a dexter hand holding a roll of paper, all
M'Leod, [St. Kilda,] az. a castle, triple towered, betw. two branches, orleways, ppr.
ar. ; on a chief or, a galley, her sails furled, and M'Micing, M'Micking, M'Mickin, M'Mikin,
oars in action, sa. flags gu. Crest, an urus's or Mikin, [Ireland.] az. four fleurs-de-lis, in
head, cabossed, sa. betw. two flags gu. staves cross, the tops to the exterior of the shield, ar.
of the first. Crest, a demi Savage, holding in the dexter
M'Leod, [Tallisker,] az. a castle, triple towered, hand an arrow, and at his back a quiver full,
ar. masoned sa. portcullis gu. within a bordure
of the second. Crest as the last. M'Michel, a fesse betw. three crescents, or.
M'Leod, Arms as 1st diet. Crest, an eagle's M'Millan, [Scotland,] ar. on a chev. sa betw.
head ppr. three mullets gu. as many bezants, within a
M'Leod, quarterly; first, gu. a castle ar. second, ; bordure of the third. Crest, a dexter hand
gyronny of eight, or and sa. third, or, a fesse ; holding a broad sword, ppr.
chequy, az. and ar. fourth, ar. a bull's head, ; Mac Millan, [Dunmore,] or, a lion ramp, sa.;
in chief three mullets az. Crest, a dexter and arm, issuing from the sinister, ppr. holding a
hand, issuing from the wreath, brand-
sinister cross crosslet fitchee az.; second and third, ar. a
ishing a two handed sword, ppr. tower gu. the whole within a bordure erm.

M'MlLLAN, [Clan Buchanan.] or, a lion ramp, Crest, a tower gu.

sa. on a chief, per fesse, of the first and gu.
M'Naiar, or M'Nayr, or, a lion ramp. gu. betw.
three mullets, ar. three pheons az. Crest, a mermaid ppr. holding
M'Millan, ar. a chev. bet w. three mullets, sa. in her dexter hand a mirror, and in the sinister
Crest, a yew-tree ppr. a comb.
M \c Moran, [Edinburgh,] az. a sword, in pale, M'Nair, [Glasgow,] quarterly; first and fourth,
ar. bearing on the point a dexter hand, couped, ar. in a sea vert, a ship in full sail, ppr.; second,
gu. betw. a crescent on the dexter, and a mullet gu. a helmet ar. third, az. an anchor or, charg-

on the sinister, in fesse, or, within a bordure, ed with a cross fitchee sa. Crest, a demi
indented, of the second. Crest, a dexter hand, Negro, holding a sugar-cane over the dexter
couped, ppr. shoulder, and in the sinister hand a bunch of
Mac Mora it, or M'Moran, [Scotland,] az. a tobacco-leaves, all ppr.
sword, paleways, ar. hilted or, betw. two spur- Macnamara, quarterly; ar. and az. a lion ramp,
rowels, of the second; in chief a dexter hand, ppr. in chief two spear heads of the last. Crest,
couped, fesseways, gu. Crest, a hawk, belled, out of a ducal coronet or, a dexter arm em-
PPr -
bowed, in armour, the hand grasping a hunting
M'Morran, [Gillespine,] az. a sword, in pale, spear, all ppr.
supporting on the point a dexter hand, apaumee, M'Naught, [Killquharity, Scotland,] sa. an
couped, ar. betw. two spur-rowels, in fesse, or. escutcheon chequy, ar. and az. betw. three lions'
M'Morran [Newhall,] az. on the point of a sword, heads, erased, of the second, langued gu.
paleways, ar. hilted or, a dexter hand, couped, Crest, a lion's head as in the arms.
apaumee. gu. all betw. two spur-rowels of the M'Naughtan, [of that Ilk,] ar. a tower, embat-
third. tled gu. Crest, a tower as in the arms.
M'Moiun, [Glospan,] az. a sword, paleways, ar. M'Neath, az. a chev. betw. two mullets in chief,
enfiled, by a dexter hand, couped,
in chief, and a crescent in base, ar.
fesseways, gu. all betw. two mullets, pierced, or. M'Neil, [Fear Fergus, Scotland,]
quarterly ;

Macmirch, [London,] sa. three garbs ar. first and fourth, az. a lion ramp.
; second, ar.
Mac Murdoch, [Rosehill,] ar. a fesse chequy, ar. a sinister hand, couped, fesseways, in chief
az. and of the field, surmounted, by two crows and in base, wavy az. a salmon, naiant, of the
sa. pendent by the heads, on an arrow, first third, or, a galley, her oars in action, gu.
fesseways, ;

of the second. Crest, a lion's head, erased, gu. on a chief of the last, three mullets of the first.
M'Murray, [W orriston, Scotland,] ar. a lion Crest, an armed arm, from the shoulder, is-
ramp. on a chief az. three mullets pierced, of
suing, holding a dagger, point upwards, all ppr.
the field. Crest, a stag's head ppr. M'Nelly, [Scotland,] ar. a galley, her sails furled,
M'Murray, Crest, a lion ramp, wielding with sa. flags gu. ; on a chief az. a mullet of the field.
both paws a battle-axe, .. .
Crest, an arm, in armour, embowed, holding
Macnab, sa. in base an open boat, with oars, a sword, all ppr.
in a sea, ppr. ; on a chief ar. three crescents M'Nemara, [Ireland,] gu. a lion ramp. betw.
vert. Crest, a Savage's head, affrontee, ppr. three pheons az. Crest, a mermaid ppr. hold-
M'Nab, [of that Ilk,] sa. on a chev. ar. three ing in her dexter hand a comb.
crescents vert; in base an open boat, with oars, Macnicol, per fesse indented gu. and ar. in chief
of the second, sailing in a sea, ppr. Crest, as two mullets, and in base a crescent, counter-
the last. changed.
M'Nab, ar. a chev. sa. betw. three crescents in M'Nish, az. on a chev. betw. three ravens ar. as
chief, and a mullet in base, . ; in base an open
many cross crosslets sa. Crest, an arm, em-
boat, in a sea. Crest, a Savage's head in profile. bowed and couped, fesseways, ppr. vested az.
M'Nabb, an open boat ppr. betw. three otters'
ar. holding a sprig of oak vert, acorned or.
heads, erased, sa. on a chief vert, as many
; M'Olum, [Scotland,] ar. on a saltier, betw. four
crescents of the field. Crest, a man's head in bucks' heads, couped, sa. five mullets ar.
profile, ppr. M'Onald, [Laird of Kintyre,] quarterly ; first,
Macnaghton, [Upper Clogher, Co. of Antrim ;
az. a lion ramp. ar. ; second, or, a dexter hand,
and Mahan, Co. of Armagh, Ireland. Grant* </ couped, fesseways, ppr. holding a cross crosslet
1809.] quarterly; first and fourth, ar. a dexter fitchee az. ; third, ar. a galley, sails furled, sa.
[ 3D2]
flags gu.; fourth, per fesse, ar. and az. two fire- M'Rorie, or Rorie,
[Scotland,] ar. a chev. betw.
brands, lighted, in chev. ppr. Crest, a moun- three dexter hands, fesseways, couped, gu. each
tain in flames. holding a cross crosslet fichee az. Crest, a lym-
Macoxochie, [Meadow Bank,] az. three dexter phad, with sails furled, and oars in action, sa.
hands, couped, fesseways, in chief, ppr. each flagged gu.
holding as many arrows ar. points downward; Mac SweeNj per pale, ar. and sa. a saltier, in base
and in base, a royal crown or, all within a bor- a crescent, all counterchanged. Crest, a broad
dure gyronny of six ; the first, third, and fifth sword and bow, in saltier, ppr.
parts, gyronny of eight, or and sa. ; the second, Macswixe, [Ireland,] ar. a fesse betw. three boars'
fourth, and sixth, ar. a galley, her oars in action, pass. sa.
and sails furled, sa. flags gu. Crest, a demi Mac Swyxie, [Ireland,] ar. in base two boars,
man, holding in the dexter hand three arrows, erect, standing on one hind leg, combatant,
and pointing with the sinister to an imperial ppr. ; in chief two battle-axes, in saltier, ppr.
crown, placed on the dexter side of the wreath, Mac Swyny, [Ireland,] ar. a fesse betw. three
wreathed about the head, and having a loose boars pass. sa. Crest, a boar pass. sa.
tartan plaid hung over his left shoulder, all ppr. M'Taggart, ar. a fesse gu. betw. three trefoils,

M'Onoghuv, [Scotland,] per fesse, or and gu. a slipped, vert. Crest, a greyhound's head,
sword in bend sinister, counterchanged ;
in erased, sa.
chief a boar's head, erased, of the second. M'Taggart, [Scotland.] Same arms. Crest, a
Crest, a dexter hand, fesseways, couped, holding lion's head, erased, ppr.
a branch of laurel, ppr. M'Taggart, Same arms. Crest, a trefoil ppr.
MThaill, M'Fell, or M'Faill, [Scotland,] or, M'Tavish, [Scotland,] gyronny of eight, ar. and
a fesse betw. an eagle, displ. in chief, of the
sa. az. a bordure of the last. Crest, a boar's head,
last, and a deer's head, cabossed, in base, gu. erased.
Crest, a deer's head, erased, ppr. Mactier, [Scotland,] sa. on a chev. a lion ramp,

M'Pherson, or Macpherson, per fesse, or and az. betw. two torteauxes, in chief as many plates.
az. a galley, her oars in action, and sails furled, Crest, an arm, embowed, wielding a battle-
betw. two lions' heads, erased, in chief, all axe, ppr.
counterchanged. Crest, a cat's paw, issuing, Mactyre, [Westrea, Chief of the Clan Lendr/ce,]
sa. holding up a crescent or. sa. on a chev. ar. a lion ramp. az. betw. two
M'Queen. Arms as 1st diet. Crest, a wolf salient torteauxes.
erm. sustaining with both paws, an arrow erect, M' Vicar, [Scotland,] ar. a millrind sa. charged
point downwards, staff ppr. feathered ar. headed with four etoiles of the field. Crest, an eagle,
with a pheon gu. rising, ppr.
Macqueen, [Braxley.] Arms as 1st diet. Crest, M'Whirter, per or and sa. a lion ramp,
a wolf's head, couped, ppr. counterchanged, armed and langued gu. on a ;

Mac.queen, [Scotland,] ar. three griffins' heads, canton of the last, an Esculapius's rod, pale-
erased, .
Crest, a wolf's head, couped, sa.
. .
ways, with serpents entwined, ar. Crest, an
M'Queen, ar. three wolves' heads, erased, sa. antique Scottish harp or, with nine strings ar.
Crest, a boar's head, erect, sa. Maiidan, to the coats of that name 1st diet, add
M'Qi'han, or Mackquahan, [Scotland,] ar, three another crest, on a ducal coronet or. a falcon
wolves' heads, couped, sa. Crest, a dexter arm, ppr. holding in its beak a crosslet fitchee gu.
from the shoulder, fesseways, issuing from a [Borne bij Colonel Maddan, 1S3C]
cloud, holding a garland, ppr. Madder, or Mather, [Scotland,] az. two bars
Macquire, or M'Quire, [Ireland,] vert, three ar. on a chief of the last, an escallop betw. two

towers ar. Crest, a dagger, in pale, ppr. mullets of the first.

Macreadie, or Macredie, [Pearston,] ar. a fesse Maddisox, [Unthank, Durham, 1575,] quarterly;
quarterly, az. and or. Crest, a dexter hand, first and fourth, as 1st diet, for Marley ; second,
bendways, grasping a sword, ppr. ar. three bars gu. within a bordure sa. ; third,
M ackiry, or Mackrery. Arms as 1st diet. sa. a fleur-de-lis ar. Crest, as 1st diet.
Crest, a Savage, standing, wreathed round the Maddisox, [Xewcastle-on-Tyne,] quarterly ; first
middle with leaves, ppr. and fourth, two battle-axes, in saltier, sa.
ar. ;

Macritchie, [Edinburgh.] or, a lion ramp. gu. ;

second and third, ar. on a chev. sa. betw. three
on a chief tortoile, gu. and vert, on the first, a martlets of the second, a mullet or, for Marley,
crescent betw. two mullets ar. the last on the Crest, an armed arm, with a gauntlet, ppr.
vert. Crest, a cat sejant ramp. sa. garnished gold, issuing out of a crown flory, and
holding a battle-axe ppr. charged with a cross Mageline, az. a chev. or, betw. two crosses
gu. the staff sa. tee fitchee in chief, and an annulet in base, of
Maddock, [Ireland,] gu. three plates; on a chief the second.
ar. a lion pass, of the first. Crest, a hand, Magenis, [Ireland,] gu. a lion ramp, or, on a
erect, issuing out of a cloud, holding a club, chief of the last, a dexter hand apaumee of
ppr. the field. Crest, a boar pass. gu.
Maddock, two bars wavy
. .
from the upper
. .
, Magennis, [Ireland,] az. a lion ramp. ar. ; on a
one a swan issuing, close. Crest, a lion pass.. . chief or, two dexter hands, couped, gu. Crest,
M addocks, [Wales,] gu. a lion ramp, reguard. or. a demi lion guard, gu. holding a fleur-de-lis
Crest, a demi lion ramp, or, holding in the or.
dexter paw a rose gu. slipped and leaved ppr. Mageoghagan, [Ireland,] ar. a lion ramp. betw.
Maddocks, per pale, gu. and az. two lions pass, in three dexter hands, couped at the wrist, gu.
fesse, or. Crest, an elephant's head, erased, gu. Crest, a blood-hound, pass, collared, in-
Maddox. Arms as of Wormley, 1st diet. Crest, dented, ppr.
a Bengal tiger, pass, guard, ducally gorged, ppr. Maggot, [Kent,] ar. on a canton gu. a round
Madeley, ar. on achev. az. three fleurs-de-lis or, buckle of the held.
within a bordure engr. sa. Magill, ar. three doves az. Crest, a Savage's
Maderer, or Madekes, erm. on a fesse gu. three head, couped, ppr.
annulets or. Magin, [England,] ar. two pales sa. a chief gu.
Madeston, or Madesson. Arms as 1st diet. Crest, a demi wivern vert.
Crest, an ostrich reguard, ducally crowned, and Maginn, [Ireland,] sa. two pales ar. a chief or.
resting the dexter foot on a pellet, sa. Crest, a cockatrice displ. vert.
Madeston, erm. two battle-axes, in saltier, sa. Magixnisk, [Ireland,] vert, a lion ramp, or; on
Crest, a cock's head erm. holding in the beak a a chief ar. a hand, erect, gu. Crest, a boar
trefoil, slipped, vert. pass. ppr.
Made worth, ar. on a bend engr. sa. three pheons Magnus. Arms as 1st in 1st diet. Crest, a
of the field. lion's gamb, erased, or.
Madgwick, on a pale engr.
. .
, betw. two , .
, Magnus, bendy of six, vert and gu. on a fesse ;

mullets vert, three annulets. or, a lion pass, guard, betw. two cinquefoils ppr.
Madoc ai> RaeNj sa. a chev. betw three hawks' Magrath, erm. a pale vert. Crest, on a chapeau,
leures, stringed, or. a lion pass. ppr.
Madock. Arms as Madock
of Hartbury. Magrath, quarterly first, vert, three lions pass,

Crest, an eagle displ. holding in the dexter in pale ar. ; second, gu. an arm, fesseways,
claw a sword, and in the sinister a pistol, couped, ppr. the hand holding a cross crosslet
all ppr. fitchee or ; third, gu. an arm, erect, the hand
Madock, per pale, az. and gu. two lions pass. or. holding a battle-axe in bend sinister fourth, ;

Mador, seven plates, three, three, and one.

sa. vert, a buck, salient, or. Crest, an arm, fesse-
Madox. Arms as of Masterly, in 1st diet. ways, couped, ppr.
Crest, a lion's paw, erased, holding a dagger, Magrath, [Ireland,] quarterly; first, gu. three
both ppr. lions pass, pale ar. ; second, or, an arm,
Madreston. Arms as 1st diet. Crest, an couped below the elbow, lying fesseways, hold-
acorn or. ing a cross crosslet az. ; third, az. a hand,
Madreston. Same arms. Crest, a torteaux, couped, holding a battle-axe ; fourth, ar. a goat
charged with a sun, or. pass. sa.
Madv, az. a chev. erm. betw. three pheons ar. Magrath, [Ireland,] Crest, a crow, ppr.
M.f.res, gu. a fesse erm. betw. three water-bou- Magi three bars az.
ire, ar. Crest, on a serpent,
gets of the last. in a love-knot, vert, a hawk, statant, ppr.
Mafeis, gu. a bend or over all a label of three
; Maguire, [Ireland,] vert, a horse, ppr. thereon a
points. man in complete armour, in the dexter hand a
Magawlf.y, [Ireland,] per fesse, ar. and az. the sword. Crest, an arm, embowed, in armour,
chief divided per pale ; on the dexter, three holding a sword.
hands gu. ; on the sinister a lion ramp, of the Mahend, per fesse, ar. and gu. a cross moline
last ; in base a fish,
swimming, ppr. Crest, a counterchanged.
swan, with wings endorsed, ppr. Maher, [Ireland,] gu. a chev. betw. three pome-
Magee, [Ireland,] Crest, a lion, sejant, col- granates, or. Crest, a bee, volant, in pale, or.
lared. MahoNj [Ireland,] or, a lion, ramp. az. Crest, a
demi husbandman, holding over the dexter dechausse, within a bordure, embattled, gu. ;
shoulder an ox-yoke, ppr. second and third ar. the ruins of an old abbey,
Mahon, gu. out of a maunch erm. a hand ppr. on a piece of ground, ppr. Crest, a demi monk,
vested grey, holding in the dexter hand a cruci-
holding a fleur-de-lis or.
Maidman. Arms as 1st diet. Crest, a leopard's a rosary ppr.
fix ar. in the sinister

head, erased, and guard, ducaliy gorged. Maitland, [Eccles, Scotland,] or, a lion ramp,
Main, gu. on a bend ar. three cinquefoils of the gu. couped in all the joints of the first, within
field. Crest, a leopard ramp., ppr. a bordure az. Crest, a demi lion ramp. gu.
Main, [Scotland,] ar. a chev. cottised, betw. three couped as in the arms, issuing out of water
pheons gu. Crest, an escallop or, charged with ppr.
a mullet gu. Maitland, [Pitrichie, Scotland.] The same arms,
Main, [Easter House,] ar. a chev. cottised betw. within a bordure chequy, ar. and az. Crest,
two pheons in chief, and an unicorn's head, a lion's head, erased, gu.
erased, in base, of the last. Maitland, [Lethington, Scotland,] or, a lion ramp.
Main, [Lochend,] ar. a chev. voided gu. in chief gu. couped in all the joints of the first.
three pheons, and in base a dexter hand, Maitland, [Scotland,] The same arms, within a
couped, sa. Crest, a Negro's head, issuing, bordure wavy az. Crest, a rock placed in the
from the shoulders, sa. banded ar. sea, ppr.
Main, [Lochwood, Scotland,] Arms as 1st diet. Maitland, [Scotland.] The same arms, charging
Crest, a hand throwing a dart, ppr. the bordure with eight grenadoes of the first.
Maingy, erm. three eagles' legs, erased, sa. Crest, as the last,
Crest, a wolf's head, erased, erminous. Makepeace. Arms as 1st in 1st diet. Crest, a
Mainstone, alias Mayneston, [ Urchingfield, unicorn's head ar. betw. two laurel-branches,
Heref. ; and London. Temp. Edw. III.] Arms orleways, vert.
as 1st diet. Crest, a hedge-hog ar. Makerell, az. three mackerels, haurient, ar.

Mair, [London,] or, two bars, counter-indented, Makraynald, or M'Raynald, [Scotland,] ar.

gu. ;
on the uppermost, a crescent and a mullet betw. two barrulets, a lion pass. gu. ; in chief
ar. all within a bordure .... Crest, a swan, three mullets az.
PP r - Malbanke. Arms as of Dors. 1st diet, Crest,
Mair, [Glassells, N.B.,] or, three bars, dancettee on a tortoise, an eagle perched, ppr.
gu., the first bar charged with a crescent, and Malby. Arms as 2d in 1st diet. Crest, an
etoile ar. Indian goat pass. or.
ar. on a saltier az. betw. four, bucks'
Mair, barry of six, indented, or and gu. Crest, Malcolm,
a demi pegasus, issuing, ar. entiled round the heads, erased, gu. five mullets or. Crest, a
waist with a ducal coronet gu. tower ar.
Mair, [Scotland,] or, two bars, counter-indented, Malcolm, or, on a saltier az. betw. four bucks'
gu. ; on the uppermost a crescent and a mullet heads, erased, gu. five crescents of the field; on
ar. Crest as of London. a chief of honourable augmentation vert, the
Maire, [Lartington,] ar. a three-masted gal- badge of the Persian order of the lion and
ley, sa. sun, betw. two eastern coronets of the first,
Maison, [Scotland,] ar. a bend wavy az. betw. Crest, on a mount vert, a tower ar. masoned or.
two mullets in chief, and a fleur-de-lis in on the battlements the lion couchant ppr., and
base, gu. sun of Persia or. Supporters on the dexter a

Maisterson, erm. on a chev. az. betw. three horse sa. having a gold aigrette, with blue plume
garbs or, a mullet. on his forehead, and gorged with a ribbon gu.
Maitland, quarterly first and fourth, or, a lion
; edged blue, pendent thereto an escutcheon az.
ramp, dechausse, within a double tressure flory charged with a gold medal of Seringapatam ;

counterflory, gu. ; second and third, ar. a griffin, on the sinister a lion sa. crowned with an eastern
segreant, sa. holding in the dexter claw a sword, coronet or, gorged with a ribbon vert, pendent
ppr. thereon a Savage's head sa. all within a thereto an escutcheon az. on a mount in base
bordure gu. Crest, on a ducal coronet or, a lion, vert, the lion and sun of Persia ppr [Borne
sejant, affrontee in the dexter paw a sword ppr.
; hi/ the late Major Gen. Sir John Malcolm,
in pale; and in the sinister a fleur-de-lis ar. G.C.B. K.L.S. ob. 1833.]
Motto, over, Deo jura nte. Ma mom, or Malcolm, or, a saltier gu. betw.

Maitland, [ Dundrennan, Kirkcudbrightshire,] four stags' heads, erased, of the last. Crest,
quarterly; first and fourth, or, a lion ramp. a demi swan, rising, ar.
Male, Crest, on a marquess's coronet, a cornish Mallei/. Same arms. Crest, a Savage, wreathed
chough with wings expanded, ppr. round the head and middle, over the shoulder
M w.i rm ui), sa. three lions pass. or. a club, all ppr.
MaLEKAKE, vert, a saltier, lozengy, or. Mallei/. Same
arms. Crest, a Savage pass, car-
Malephant, barry of ten, gu. and ar. a chief or. rying a tree, eradicated, ppr.
MalerYj ar. a cross sa. guttee d' or. Mallivery, sa. three greyhounds, in pale, ar.
MALESENTE,ar. on a chief gu. a label of five points collared gu.
or. Mallony, [Ireland.] Arms in diet. Another
Maleurener, ar. abend engr. purp. crest, a griffin segreant or.
Maleverer, gu. three wings conjoined, ar. Mallore, or, three lions ramp. sa.
Crest, a nag's head in armour, ppr. Mallory, [Lichborough, Northamptonshire,] ar.

Maleysell, ar. on a bend sa. three martlets or. a cross sa., guttee d'or.
Malfit. Arms as 1st diet. Crest, a dexter Mallory. Arms as 3rd in 1st diet. Crest, a
arm, in armour, holding a scimitar erect, all horse's head, couped, per pale, gu. and az.
PP r -
ducally gorged
Malford, sa. three lions pass, in pale, or. Mallow. Arms as 1st diet. Crest, on a cha-
Maiford, sa. a fesse erm. betw. three ducks ar. peau gu. turned up erm. two sceptres, in sal-

Malherbe, gu. a chev. betw. three sprigs of tier, or.

mallow-leaves ar. Malworth, az. a dolphin, naiant, ar.
Mallierbe, or Marherbe, or, a chev. gu. betw. Mallyverey, sa. three greyhounds, current, in
three nettle-leaves, joined in fesse point, vert. pale ar. collared. . . .

Malherbe, az. on a bend, cottised, ar. three mul- Malmains, az. three sinister hands, couped ar.
lets gu. Crest, a lamb supporting a banner, ar.
Malhom, gu. three chev. braced, ar; on a chief Malmaynes, az. three sinister hands, couped, ar.
or, a lion pass. az. Crest, an arm, embowed, in armour, hand
Malim, chequy, ar. and vert, a fesse sa. Crest, apaumee, ppr.
an elephant pass. or. Malmaynes, gu. three sinister hands, couped, ar.
MalineSj paly of six, or and gu.; on an ines- guttee de poix.
cutcheon ar. an eagle displ. sa. Malaieis,ar. a bend engr. vert.

Maling, gu. a crescent ar. ; on a chief or, three Malmesbury, sa. a fesse betw. two chev. or.
goats' heads, erased, sa. Crest, out of a ducal Malmys, or Ma lennys, ar. a bend engr. purp.
coronet a plume of ostrich's feathers, in a case, Malocu, ar. a cross flory sa. in the dexter ;

ppr. corner an inescutcheon or, charged with three

Malins, sa. on a fesse or, two palets gu. chev. gu.
Malkin, ar. on a chief az. a chev. or. Crest, a Malones, ar. a bend engr. purp.
wolf's head sa. Malopasse, gu. a chev. betw. three pheons or.

Mallabar, [Newcastle,] on a chev. gu. betw. or, Maloree, erm. on a chev. gu. a trefoil, slip-
three nettle-leaves ppr. a crescent ar. Crest, a ped, or.
martlet or. Malorye, per pale, indented ar. and sa.
Mai. lam, two bars [Leic. Temp. Edw. I.] or, three
ar. az. in chief three mullets, Maloure, lions

pierced, sa. Crest, a dolphin, naiant, or. pass, guard, in pale, sa.
Mallard, on a bend .three mallards
. . . . .
, Malovsell, ar. on a bend sa. three martlets or.
betw. a greyhound statant, and a cross crosslet Malpas. Arms as 2nd in 1st diet. Crest, on a
fitchee in chief ,
and a bugle-horn betw. a
. . ducal coronet, a wivern, vomiting flames at both
crescent and mullet in base Crest, a cubit . . .
ends, ppr.
arm, charged with a griffin's head erased, hold- Malpas, ar. a cross patonce az.
ing a sword erect, thrust through a boar's Malt, gu. a horse, armed or, bridled and saddled
head . . . of the first, with a plume on his head, and trap-
Mallard, vert, on a bend ar. three crescents sa. pings, and on his shoulder a cinquefoil, of the
Crest, on a chapeau gu. a stag, trippant, ppr. last; on his hip an escutcheon charged with a
Malledge, [London, 1579,] ,
three pairs of . . cross, all betw. three garbs of the second.
daggers, saltierways, two and one. Maltby, [Maltby, Cleveland, Yorks.,] ar. on a
Mallessour, perpale, az. and gu. three crescents bend gu. three garbs or. Crest, a garb or,
ar. banded gu.
Mallev, ar. a bend sa. Crest, a goat's head, Malterstone, [Scotland,] ar. a chev. gu.; on a
erased, sa. bezantee. chief of the last, a crescent or.
Malton, [Ireland,] ar. three bends az. Crest, Mandell, Crest, outof a ducal coronet, a hawk's
on a rock, a dove holding in the beak an olive- head ppr.
branch, ppr. Mander, ar. three ananas,
for pine-apples) or,
Motion or .Melton. Arms as 1st of Lane, in 1st leaved and tufted vert. Crest, a swallow, vol-
diet. Crest, a dolphin, haurient, devouring a ant, sa.
fish, ppr. Manderby, [Berks.] az. a fret or.
Multon, ar. a cross patonce purp. voided of the Maxdere, erm. three annulets, interlaced in tri-

field, within a bordure sa. charged with eight angle, gu.

trefoils, slipped, of the first. Manderson, ar. a pale vaire, or and az. Crest,
Malton, sa. a lion ramp, within an orle of annu- an antelope pass. ar. collared gu.
lets, ar. Manderson, [Haddington, Scotland,] a pale

Malton, sa. a lion ramp. ar. crowned or ; on a vair, three pairs of wings, in leure, gu. Crest,
bordure of the second, eight annulets of the a lion ramp. betw. the fore paws a crescent, ppr.
first. Maxdeyet, paly wavy of six, gu. and or.
Malton, ar. a cross patonce, voided gu. within a Mandis, Crest, out of a naval coronet or, an
bordure sa. charged with eight trefoils, slipped, arm, embowed, holding a couteau sword, ppr.
of the first. Manditt, or Manduyt. Arms as 1st diet.
Maltravers, [Leic. and Dors.] sa. a fret or; Crest, a garland of laurel-leaves vert.
a label of four points erm. (Another, without Mandut, or Maduyt, gu. three bars dancettee
the label.) or. Crest, a roundle ar. charged with a stag
Malunfi is, gu. three bends ar. standing on a mount, ppr.
Malwyn, or, a cross moline az. Manduyt, gu. three piles wavy or.
Maly, gu. a fesse, cottised ar. betw.
[Kent,] Maney, or Maynoye, gu. a fesse betw. three
eight billets, of the last ; three and two in chief, martlets ar.
and two and one in base. Crest, an arm, Maxfeld, ar. two bars sa. on the uppermost a

embowed, holding an anchor by the middle, wivern, volant, tail extended, of the field.
in pale, thebottom of it resting on the wreath. Ma n field. As 1st in 1st diet, the crosslets
Malyn, gu. a fesse, cottised, ar. betw. six billets fitchee.
of the second. Crest, an arm, bent, couped at Manford, or, a fesse betw. three fleurs-de-lis gu.
the shoulder, sa. holding an anchor or, the Crest, three annulets interlaced, or.
hand, ppr. Mangfield, ar. three lions' heads, erased, sa.
Malyart, ar. on a fesse sa. three escallops of the Manico, Crest, a quarterfoil vert
first ;
in chief as many pellets, each charged Manigford, ar. a chev. engr. betw. three roses,
with a fleur-de-lis or. gu.
Malynes, erm. a fesse, gu. in chief three pales
; Manigham, ar. on a chev. betw. three wrens gu.
of the second. Crest, a rein-deer's head, ca- as many mullets of the first.
bossed, ppr. Maning, sa. a cross patonce betw. four trefoils,
Malyns, erm. a fesse gu. ; in chief three palets of slipped, or.
the second. Maningham, ar. a chev. sa. betw. three moor-
Mamington, ar. on a bend sa. three mullets, or. cocks az.
Mamoreshe, ar. a saltier gu. betw. twenty-four Manlery, sa. on a chief ar. a demi lion ramp.
lozenges sa. issuant, of the first.

Man, [Scotland,] ., a lion ramp. betw. a mullet

. Manley. Arms as 5th in 1st diet. Crest, a
in chief, and a crescent in base. cross pattee az.
Manaton, [Manaton, Cornw.] Arms as 1st in Maxlovell, vert, three wolves pass, in pale, or.
1st diet. Crest, a unicorn's head, erased. Crest, five bell-flowers, erect, ppr. leaved
Manby, ar. a lion ramp, sa., within an orle of ten vert.
escallops gu. Crest a cubit arm in armour, Manly, or, a bend engr. sa. Crest, a cross pat-
holding in the gauntlet a sword, all ppr. tee ar.
Manby, ar. two bars sa. ; over all a mannch Manners. Arms as 2nd in 1st diet. Crest, in
gu. a ducal coronet or, a bull's head gu. armed of
Manby, ar. a lion ramp. az. ; on a chief sa. three the first.
martlets of the first. Manning, [London,] gu. three crosses bottonnee
Mancester, vaire, ar. and gu. a bend of the or. (Visit. Middlesex, 1663.)
second. Manning, [Stanbury, Cornw.,] per pale, gu. and
Mancy, ar. three chev. sa. or, a lion ramp, counterchanged.
Manningham, ar. a chev. sa. betw. three pea Mant, ar. a cross az., betw. twelve trefoils,
cocks, az. slipped, vert ; on a chief of the second, a key
Mannours, ar. six annulets sa. two, two, and two. erect, wards to the dexter, or. (Borne by the
annoys, gu. a fesse betw. six martlets ar. Bight Bev. Richard Man/, D.D., the present
Mannynge, gu. a cross patonce or, charged with Bishop of Doir ne and Connor, 1S37.)
a pellet in the dexter chief a trefoil,
slipped, Mant, sa. three annulets, in pale, betw. two
of the second. Crest, out of a ducal coronet or, pales or, a chief ar. Crest, an antelope
an eagle's head sa. beaked of the first, betw. pass. or.
two ostrich's feathers ar. Manterby 1
, az. three bends or.
MANSE, [Suff. Temp. Edir. III.] ar. a lion ramp, Manters, sa. on a chief ar. a demi lion ramp,
within an orle of escallops, gu. issuant, of the first.
Manse, or, a lion, salient, sa. within an orle of Mantery, or, two pales sa. ; on a chief ar. a demi
escallops gu. lion, issuant, of the first.
Mansegles, ar. on a chev. az. betw. three eagles, Manton. Arms as 1st diet. Crest, a unicorn,
close, sa. as many etoiles or. sejant, or, resting the dexter paw against a tree
Mansegles, ar. on a chev. az. betw. three lapwings vert.
sa. as many etoiles or. ar. two bars gu.
Manwaring, Crest, an ass's
Manse ll, [Brit ton Ferri, Glamorganshire,] ar. a head, erased, ppr. bridled or.
chev. betw. three maunches sa. Crest, an Manwaring, ar. on two bars gu. three mullets of
eagle, rising, ppr. ( M. I. in Westminster the first.
Abbey.) Manwaringe, gu. a scythe ar.
Mansett,[London,] a chev. betw. three
. .
. . Manwell. Arms as 1st diet. Crest, a ram
maunches. Crest, an eagle, rising, ppr.
. .
pass. gu.
Mansell, or Monsell, ar. a chev. betw. three mul- Manwike, sa. an eagle displ. or, in chief two
lets, sa. Crest, a demi lion ar. holding a mul- bezants. Crest, on a hurt, an etoile or.
let sa. Manyngham. Arms as 1st in 1st diet. Crest,
Mansfield. Arms as 2nd in 1st diet. Crest, a an ostrich, with wings endorsed, in the beak a
cross pattee fitchee erm. horse-shoe, all ppr.
Mansfield, ... a chev. betw. three maunches. . .
Mapertishall, ar. fretty sa. ; on a chief gu. a
Crest, a griffin's head, er. ... (Borne by lion pass, or
John Mansfield, Esq., of Diggesweli, Herts., Maples, per pale, az. and or, three boar's heads,
son of the late Sir James Mansfield, Chief Jus- in bend, counterchanged. Crest, a tower or.
tice of the Common Peas, 1833. Maplesden. Arms as 1st diet. Crest, out of a
Mansfield, [Scotland,] ar. three lions' heads, mural coronet az. two arms, embowed, in
erased, az. Crest, an ostrich's head betw. two armour, ppr. sustaining a flag gu. flotant to
feathers ar. the sinister, staff or.
Mansham, a fesse humettee gu. betw. two
ar. Mapleson, [Kent,] sa. a cross formee fitchee ar.
lions pass. sa. Crest, a griffin's head, erased, Maponder, sa.
fesse, a indented, erm. betw.
or, betw. two wings gu. three eagles displ. or.
Manson, per chev. ar. and gu. ; in chief three Mapplesdon, sa. a cross pattee ar.
crescents of the last. Crest, on a chapeau ppr. Mar, [Scotland,] az. a bend betw. six cross cross-
a garb or. lets fitchee or.
Hanson, [Burgo Master of Garcum, originally of Maralt, chequy, az. and or.
Scotland,] az. a lion, salient, holding a sword, Marbray, gu. two bars ar. on a ; chief or, a lion
ar. within an orle of eight crescents or. Crest, pass, of the first.
a dexter hand holding a thistle. Marbroke, bendy of six, or and az. a bor-
Manson, [Innerthie,] ar. a long cross gu. betw. dure gu.
two mullets in chief, and a crescent in base, az. Marbury. Arms as of Marbury and Walton, in
Manson, sa. a chev. betw. three annulets, ar. 1st diet. Crest, on a cap ar. an old man's head,
Mansted, gu. a fesse erm. betw. three mullets, side-faced, of the same, wreathed on the fore-
Crest, an arm, in armour, holding
pierced, or. head ar. and sa. ; on the cap five guttees d'or.
a holly-branch, fructed, ppr. Marcelley, ar. three wiverns, in pale, vert.
Manston. Arms as 2nd in 1st diet. Crest, a March, vert, a lion ramp, or, debruised by a bend
harp or. gu. Crest, out of a ducal coronet or, a demi
Mansion, sa. a fesse ar. betw. three mullets, lionramp. gu. holding a battle-axe, ppr.
pierced, or. March. Arms as the last Marche in 1st diet.

Crest, an arm, bendy wavy sinister, or and purp. Marke, per and gu. a pile counterchanged.
pale, ar.
hand ppr. holding a flower gu. leaved vert. on ; Markeby, sa. two lions'
gambs, bended, issuing
the top a goldfinch, volant, ppr. from the dexter and sinister sides, meeting
March, gu. a lion ramp. ar. within a bordure foot to foot in the chief point, ar. betw. three
of the last, charged with eight roses of the annulets or.
field. Marker, per cross nebulee, or and sa. four mart-
Marchall, gu. a bend engr. or over all a label ;
lets counterchanged. Crest, an eagle, with
ar. Crest, a mullet or, betw. two palm-branches wings expanded, resting the dexter paw on a
vert. mount, ppr.
Marchant, az. a hare ramp, or, betw. three mul- Markes, [Essex,] gu. a lion pass, within a bor-
lets of the last. Crest, out of a ducal coronet, dure engr. ar.
a nag's head. Markes, [Essex,] ar. a chev. betw. three trefoils,
Marche, ramp. ar. depressed by a bend,
sa. a lion vert.

gobonated, of the second and gu.

Markes, gu. a lion ramp, within an orle of fleurs-
Marchington, ar. three crescents sa. flammant de-lis, or ; a canton erm.

ppr. Markes, gu. a lion pass, within a bordure engr.

Marchington, ar. fretty sa. ;
on a canton gu. a ar.

martlet of the first. Markham. As of Ollerton in 1st diet.. Crest, a

Mardake, or, Crest, an eagle displ.
a fret sa. lion, couchant, winged or, supporting a lyre of
or, environed by a serpent vert, the head turned
the first,

to the dexter, over the eagle's head. Markham, ar. on a bend gu. four bezants.
Mardewike, vert, three lions ramp. ar. crowned Markington, per bend, indented, or and az.
or. Markland, ar. a chev. betw. three martlets, sa.

Mare. Arms as 2nd in 1st diet, Crest, a hand, Crest, a lion's head, erased.
apaumee, gu. Markworth, per pale, indented, sa. and erm. a
Mares, barry nebulee of six. erm. and ar. chev. . . , charged with five crosses pattee.
Maresse, or Marrasse, az. afesse or. Marl and, barry nebulee of six, gu. and ar. seven
Marests, ar. three bends gu. over all the sun ;
in martlets sa. three, three, and one; on a chief
splendour, or. or, three pellets.
Marewood. Arms as 1st diet. Crest, out of a Marlay, vaire, ar. and gu. within a bordure az.
mural crown or, a beacon, fired, ppr. betw. two bezantee.
wings ar. Marle, sa. a saltier betw. four martlets, ar.
Margetts, az. a cinquefoil or, within a bordure Marleton. Arms as 3rd in 1st diet. Crest, on
of the last. Crest, the attires of a stag affixed a tower ar. a lion ramp. ppr.
to the scalp. Marley, [Ireland,] barry of eight ar.
and gu. ;
Margouts, ar. on a chev. gu. three hounds pass. on a bordure of the first, as many martlets sa.
of the Crest, a stag's head vert.
field. Crest, a demi eagle, rising, ppr.
Mariet, barry of six ar. and sa. Crest, a squirrel, Marley, [Ireland,] quarterly; first and fourth, gu.
a ragged staff sa. four bars ar. on a bordure of the last, eight
sejant, ppr. supporting
Marina, gu. a bend or. martlets sa. ; second, or, a chev. betw. three
Marine, bendy wavy of eight, or and sa. martlets . .
; third, ar. three lambs . . .

Marines, or, a cross engr. gu. Marley, vaire, ar. and gu. within a bordure sa.
Marioll, chequy, or and az. a chev. gu. Marley, ., on
. a chev. betw. three martlets, a
Mariott. Arms as Mariet in 1st diet. mullet of six points. Crest, an eagle with
Marishall, [Queensbury,] ar. a saltier humettee wings expanded.
az. betw. an edock-leak, in each flank and base, Marlion, vert, an inescutcheon erm. charged
vert. Crest, a trefoil vert, with a chev. gu. within an orle of martlets ar.
Marishall, [Clothoderick.] The same. Crest, an ostrich's neck gu. and wings
Markaunt, ar. fretty sa. a canton gu. endorsed ar. and az. in his mouth a horse-shoe
Marke, [Woodhill, Cornw.] Arms as 2nd in of the second.
1st diet, with a canton erm. Crest, a demi lion Marlor, az. a bend engr. or.

Marlow, ar. on a fesse, per fesse indented, az.

holding a fleur-de-lis in his dexter paw.
Marke, ar. on a cross gu. five cinquefoils or. and purp. betw. three pinks vert, flowerd or,
Marke, per pale, erm. and az. a lion ramp, counter- as many trefoils of the first.
changed. Crest, a lion's gamb sa. holding a Marlow, or Marley, or, a bend sa. Crest, a
battle-axe or. cross moline, square pierced, erm.

Marlowe, ar. a fesse varie, or ami gu. betw. Marsh. [Droxford, Southampton.] Arms and
three billets of the last. crest as Marsh, of Marton and Langden,
Marlow, quarterly or and az. ; over all three Kent.
bends gu. Marsh, quarterly ; gu. and az. a cross erminois
MarltoNj erm. on a pale sa. three martlets or. betw. four lions' heads, erased, ar.
MARLYN. Arms as 1st in 1st diet. Crest, a by C Marsh PhiUips, Esq. of Garenden Park,
tower ar. masoned sa. on the top a cupola or. Leicestershire.] See Phi/lips, in Supplement.
Marmabell, [Gernock.] gu. on a bend or, betw. Marsh, .
a cross betw. four lions' heads,

twocottises, indented, of the last, three mullets erased. Crest, a lion's head, erased.
of the first. Marsh, per pale, or and az. ; on a bend . , three .

Marmaddke. Arms as 2d in 1st diet. Crest, lozenges of the first; in the sinister chief a tre-
three mullets in chev. ar. foil, slipped, vert. Crest, a demi leopard
Marmaduke, gu. a fesse betw. three ring-doves, ramp.
ar. beaked, legged and collared or. Marsh, az. a fesse crenele at the top erm. betw.
Marmaduke, gu. six birds ar. three, two, and two garbs in chief, and a rose in base . . .

one. Crest, out of a mural coronet erm. a griffin's

.Marmaduke, vaire, ar. and gu. within a bordure head ., in the beak a garden rose slipped and

az. bezantee. leaved ppr.

Marmion. As Marmyon, Leic. 1st diet. Crest, Marshall, [Ardwick, Lancashire,] gu. two bars
a rose gu. barbed vert. ar. betw. as many flaunches erm. on each a cross
.Marmion, gu. a lion ramp, or, fretty az. crosslet of the field. Crest, a man habited as
.Marmion, ar. three lions ramp. sa. crowned or. a pikeman of the seventeenth century; and in
Marmyon. As of Glouc., 1st diet Crest, a a corslet, holding in his dexter hand a cross
tent az. garnished or. crosslet fitchee or, on his head in profile a mo-
Marnell. Arms as 1st in 1st diet. Crest, a rion ppr. plumed gu. [ Borne quarterly
stag, trippant, or. Earns/taw , (viz. or, a heron sa. on a chief of the
Marner. Arms as 1st in 1st diet. Crest, out last three annulets of the field.) by IVm. Mar-
of a ducal coronet or, a mullet az. betw. two shall, Esq. of Penwortham Lodge, Co. Lane.
laurel branches vert. 1837.] !*ee PL of Arms Supplement Vol.

Marney, [Cornw.] gu. a lion ramp, guard, ar. Marshall, or, on a chev. az. betw. three lions
Crest, a chapeausa. turned up erm. betw. a pair ramp gu. a sword and anchor chevronways or,
of wings, elevated, ar. on a chief az. a mural crown or. Crest, a New-
Maine;/. As last in 1st diet. Crest, a grenade, foundland dog, sejant reguard. white, spotted
inflamed, ppr. black, against his body an escutcheon resting,
Marnham. As 2d in 1st diet. Crest, betw. two charged with a representation of water, therein
stalks of wheat, in orle, or, a cross moline gu. a child floating, with his arms outstretched.
Marny. As Marney, 1st in 1st diet. Crest, [Borne by Capt. Sir John Marshall, Knt.
a chapeau sa. lined erm. winged on the top ar. K.C.H.C.B. 1836.]
Marr, chequy, or and az. a fesse gu. Crest, a Marsham, ar. semee of crosslets sa. a lion pass,
horse's head, erased and bridled, ppr. gu. betw. two bendlets az. each charged with
Marr, [Scotland,] az. a bend or. Crest, a cross three crosslets or. Crest, a lion's head, erased,
crosslet fitchee, or. gu. charged with three cross crosslets
Marrant. Arms as 1st diet Crest, a crane, Marsham, ar. a lion pass. gu. betw. two bendlets
with wings endorsed, reguard ar. and resting the az. ; on each, three crosslets or. Crest, a fal-
foot on a pellet. con, rising, or, winged az.
Marriott, barry of six, or and sa. ;
on a canton Marston. Arms as 1st in 1st diet. Crest, the
az. a boar pass. or. Crest, a talbot pass, col- sail of a ship ppr.
lared and lined. Marston, gu. three swords, in pairle, hilts
Marriott. Same arms, without the canton. inward, ar. betw. a fleur-de-lis in chief, and a
(rest, the same. mullet in each flank, of the last. Crest, a
Marrow. Arms as 3d in 1st diet. Crest, a portcullis az.
pillar ar. base az. Martejoys, gu. a wheel with eight spokes, or.
Marrows, or Harows, or, a bend betw. ten Martelet, or Martelett, gu. three hammers,
billets, sa. with claws or ;
on a chief ar. three torteauxes
M \kryatt, paly of six, ar. and sa. a bend erm. Martell, gu. three hammers ar.
Crest, a lion ramp, double queued, ppr. Martelles, ar. three piles sn.
3 E 2 ]
Marter, Crest, on a chapeau gu. turned up Marward, az. a fesse ar. betw. three cinque-
erm. an eagle, rising, ppr. foils or.
Martham. Arms 3rd in 1st diet. Crest, a demi Marworth, per pale, indented, sa. and ar. a chev
lion, holding betw. the paws a bomb, fired, gu. fretty or.
issuing from a tower, all ppr. Maryne, or Maryner, [Leic.,] ar. three bendlets
Martham, gu. a bend wavy betw. two fishes wavy (Another, nebulee) sa.
bendways, ar. Marynes, or, a cross engr. gu.
Martheby, ar. three squirrels, sejant, cracking Mascall. Arms as 1st in 1st diet. Crest, a
nuts, gu. lion's head, erased, ducally crowned,
Martiall, [London, 1696,] ar. a chev. cottised, Maschall, ar. a fesse betw. three mascles, gu.
sa.betw. three stags' heads, cabossed, of the Masculer, ar. a fesse componee, gu. and or.
second. Crest, a greyhound, salient, ppr. Mascy, or Masey, quarterly, gu. and or on ; the
Martin, ar. a chev. betw. three foxes' heads, first and fourth, three fleurs-de-lis ar. Crest, a
erased gu. Crest, a fox pass. ppr. lion's head, couped, ar.
Martin, ar. three talbots, statant, in pale sa. Mascy, quarterly, gu. and ar. a label of five
Crest, a talbot, statant, sa. points az.
Martin al. Arms as 1st diet. Crest, three Mascy, quarterly, ar. and gu. a bend of the
organ-pipes, two in saltier, and one in pale, second.
ppr. Mash, Crest, out of rays, a dexter hand, vested,
Martinoale, two escallops az. betw. two
ar. holding up a skull.
bars gu. over all a bend sa., charged with three Mashiter. Crest, a greyhound, sejant, winged
martlets, or. [Borne quarterly, with the arms of and collared.
Vale ; in the first quarter by the Rev. E. Vale, Maskei.l, sa. six fleurs-de-lis ar. Crest, a leo-
Vicar of Felt ham, Co. Middlesex, 1834; second pard ramp. ppr.
son of William Vale, late of Montagu Place, Maskham, ar. a chev. betw. three butterflies,
Mary -le -bone, and Crickleicood House, Hendon, volant, sa.
Co. Middlesex, Esq., deceased, by Anne, daugh- Mason, [Grade, Cornw.,] az. a fesse embattled,
ter and heir
of Edward Martindale, of the city betw. three griffin's heads erased, or.

of Bristol, Esq., a captain in the Royal Nary, Mason, [Ayr and Rosebank, Scotland,] ar. a bend
deceased.] wavy az. hetw. two mullets in chief, and a fleur-
Martindale. Arms as 1st diet. Crest, a wolf, de-lis in base, Crest, a tower, ppr. ma-
. . .

current, ppr. soned sa.

Martindale, harry of ten, ar. and gu. a bend sa. Mason, [Ireland.] ar. a lion ramp, with two
Martine, or, six lions ramp. sa.;on a chief gu. heads, az. Crest, three Moors' heads, con-
three cinquefoils of the first. joined in one neck, wreathed round the temples
Martineai-, ar. a fesse betw. three pairs of vert.
wings, conjoined az. Crest, a ram's head, Mason, [Inner Temple, London and of Stratford ;

erased, gu. upon Avon, Warw.,] az. a point with three bat-
Martinson, [Newcastle on Tyne,] ar. a chev. tlements, ar. charged with as many fleurs-de-lis
betw. three martins, sa. Crest, out of a ducal gu. ; on the middle battlement a dove, with
coronet or, a plume of five ostrich's feathers ar. ; wings displ. ppr.
thereon a martlet, with wings expanded, ppr. Mason, [Scotland,] ar. on a saltier gu. five escal-
Marton, ar. three bends az. lops of the field. Crest, the sun in splen-
Marlon, ar. two bends gu. dour.
Marton, ar. a fesse az. cottised sa. betw. three Mason, .
. three chev. interlaced
; on a chief, . .

roses gu. a lion passs. . .

Marton, erm. a cross sa. Masquenay, [Ireland,] sa. three pairs of keys
Martoset, sa. a buck, salient, or, on a mount, in endorsed with lozenge handles interlaced, wards
base, vert ; on a chief or, a black cock, ppr. in chief ar. Crest, a Roman head, with a hel-
Martyre, chequy gu. and ar. a bend wavy or. met, couped, ppr.
Crest, a demi
lion ramp, ppr. Masquenay, or Makenay, sa. three pairs of keys
Marvyle, or, a cross, lozengy gu. endorsed, the bows interlaced, ar.
Marward, [Dors.,] gu. a fesse erm. betw. three Massey, az. on a pile wavy or, a saltier wavy
martlets or. couped gu.
Marward, vert, a fesse betw. six (Another, three) .Massey, ar. on a chev. sa. three crescents or.
cinquefoils ar. Massie, quarterly, az. and ar. on the first and ;
fourth, a mullet or. Crest, a horned owl, axes, in saltier, heads to the chief, betw. a cock
in chief, and a rose in base, . Crest, a dex-
. .
Massie. Anns as 10th in 1st diet. ter hand brandishing a scimitar, ppr.
Crest, betw. two trees a lion, salient, ar. Matheson, [Bahnacara,] gyronny of eight, sa. and
Massingbeard, erm. on a i'esse sa. three escal- gu. a lion ramp. ar. on a bordure of the last,
lops or. eight cross crosslets of the second. Crest as
Massingberd, as 2nd Missingberd in 1st diet., the last.
the cross huinettee. Crest, a dragon's head, Mathew, [Devons.] ar. a stork, close, sa.
erased, per pale, or and gu. wings az. and sa. Mat hew, [Wales,] sa. a lion ramp. ar.
Massingbird. Arms as 1st Missingbird in 1st Mathew, sa. a lion ramp. ar. his tail reflected over
diet. Crest, a laurel-branch, fructed, ppr. his back.
Massingham, Crest, a long cross on three Mathew, per pale, gu. and az. three lions ramp,
grieces, recrossed, gu. erm.
Massox, [Inveresk,] ar. a bend wavy az. betw. Mathew, gu. three mallets ar.
two mullets in chief, and a fieur-de-lis in base, Mathew, [Perth,] Crest, a dexter arm, in armour,
gu. within a bordure engr. of the second. embowed, holding a sword, ppr.
Crest, a house ppr. ensigned on the top with a Ma their, sa. a martlet ar.
crescent ar. Mathew, sa. a lion ramp. or. Crest, a dexter
Massv. Arms as 4th in 1st diet. Crest, a lion's hand ppr. holding an annulet stoned gu. or,
head, couped, ar. Mathews, gu. three chev. or. Crest, on an es-
Massy, quarterly, gu. and or ; in the first and callop gu. betw. two wings az. a cross flory or.
fourth, three escallops of the first. Mathews, [Ireland,] gu. three chev. interlaced, ar.
Massy, sa. a cross patonce or. Crest, an arm, in armour, holding a sword,
Massyxgberd, quarterly, or and sa. on a cross, ; PP 1

betw. four lions ramp, counterchanged, five es- Mathias, [Wales,] gu. three dice ar. two and one.
callops ar. on each dice, the point cinque.
Masterson, Arms as 1st in 1st diet. Crest, a Mathias. Arms as 1st diet. Crest, out of a
buck pass. az. ducal coronet, a broken battle-axe.
Mastertox, [Gogar,] ar. a chev. and chief gu. Mathie, [Glasgow,] gyronny of eight, sa. andgu.
Crest, a stag running past a fir-tree, ppr. Crest, a unicorn's head, erased.
Masterton. [Grange, Perthshire,] ar. a chev. betw. Mathiesox, gyronny of eight, sa. and gu. a lion
two crescents in chief and a mullet in base, gu.; ramp. ar. within a bordure, counterchanged, of
on a chief az. an eagle displ. or. Crest, a dex- the field. Crest, a cock gu.
ter hand holding a scimitar, ppr. Mathilez, gu. a serpent, nowed, or. Crest, a
Mastertoix, [Parkmilne, Scotland. Lion Regis- serpent, nowed in a love-knot, vert.
ter.] ar. a chev. gu. and a chief az. Crest, a Mathisox, [Edinburgh,] gyronny of eight, sa.
stag, current, bearing on his attire an oak-slip and gu. a lion ramp. ar. a bordure of the last,
fructed ppr. charged with four cross crosslets and as many
Mastox, or Marstox. Arms as 5th in 1st diet. crescents, alternately, of the second. Crest, a
Crest, the sail of a ship, ppr. cock gu.
Maston, as last, the mullets pierced, and annu- Mathisoxe, [Scotland,] ar. on a fesse sa. three
lets or. mullets of the field.
Maston, gu. a fesse erm. betw. three annulets or. Mathyx, az. an eagle displ. with two heads, ar.

Matein, [Carden,] sa. a lion ramp. ar. armed and armed gu.
langued or. Matox. Arms as 1st diet. Crest, a sheaf of
Mathelly, gu. a serpent, nowed, ar. seven arrows sa. entiled by a mural crown or.

Mather, harry of six, az. and ar. on a chief of ;

Matrax. Arms as 1st diet. Crest, a sinister
the three mullets of the first.
last, Crest, a arm, the hand clenched, ppr.
hand, erect, issuing from a cloud, holding an Matravers, sa. fretty or. Crest, two halberts,
arrow, point downwards. endorsed, entwined with a serpent, ppr.
Mather, [Lanton, Roxburghshire,] az. two bars Matrevers, or Maltrevers, sa. a fret or.
or ; on a chief of the last, an escallop betw. two Crest, a stag's head, cabossed, or.
mullets of the field. Crest, an eagle displ. ppr. Matsox, ar. three cinquefoils in chev. sa. Crest,
Mather, ( rest, a dexter hand, apaumee, charged on a rock, a fort in flames, ppr.
with an eye. Motto, Deus provideblt. Matthew, ar. on a chev. gu. three quatrefoils of
Mathesox, [Bennetsfield,] ar. two Lochabar- the first.
Matthews, [Scotland,] gyronny of eight, gu. and indented, ar. and gu. a rose counterchanged on
sa. a chief or. Crest, a cross crosslet fitchee the neck, heaked az.
az. and palm-branch, in saltier vert. Mauncell, gu. a fesse ar.
Matthews. Arms as 6th Matthew, 1st diet. Maund, or Maunde. Arms as 1st diet. Crest,
Crest, a demi lion ramp. or. on a mount, a deer, trippant, ppr.
Matthias, a chev. engr. pean. betw. three
or, Maundby, or, four chev. sa.
lions couchant
sa. Crest, an infant's head, Maundefeld, quarterly or, and az. four caps,

couped at the shoulders, affrontee, with a snake (in the shape of the Doge's cap.) counterchanged.
entwined about the neck, all ppr. [Borne by Maundefield, per pale, ar. and az. three caps
Sir Henri/ Matthias, Knt. Higli Sheriff of Pem- counterchanged. Crest, a comet-star ppr.
broke. Knighted 29th May, 1816.] Maundeford, ar. three fleurs-de-lis gu.
Mattock. Arms as 1st diet. Crest, a bear, sa- Maundevil, ar. on a chief, indented, sa. three
per bend, ar. and sa. muzzled or.
lient, trefoils, slipped, of the first.
Maubanke, ar. three bars wavy gu. over all a sal- Maundevill, [Warw.] or, fretty az.
tier or. Maundevill, ar. on a chief, indented, gu. a trefoil,
Maubanke, barry wavy of ten, ar. and gu. over all slipped, of the first.
a saltier or. Maundrell. Arms
as 1st diet. Crest, a dexter
Mauch, [Scotland,] az. on a chev. ar. three tre- arm, embowed, fesseways, couped, vested ar.
foils, slipped, vert. holding in the hand ppr. a cross crosslet fitchee
Mauconant, ar. a bend cottised gu. sa. sa.
Maude, [Ireland,] gu. a tower, triple towered, ar. Maundsuill, ar. on a chief, indented, gu. three
Crest, a hand holding two branches of palm mullets or.
in orle, ppr. Maunstrell, az. a chief ar.
Maude, . a lion ramp.
over all three bars.
. . . . Maonteney, paly of six, or and gu. a chief ar.
Mai'DIT, gu. three pales, indented, ar. Crest, Mauetvy, sa. on a chief ar. a demi lion ramp.
two laurel-branches, disposed, orleways, ppr. issuant, sa.
Maudit, erm. two bars pur. Maver. Arms as 1st diet. Crest, on a rock, an
Maudvill, gu. three feet, couped at the middle eagle, standing, ppr.
of the foot, and erect, ar. the toe-part only ap- Mawedby, az. a cross or.
pearing. Mawer, ar. three martlets vert, beaked gu. on ;

Mauger, or, three magpies ppr. Crest, a sea-lion a chief, indented, sa. as many mullets ar,
ramp. az. Crest, a lion's gamb, issuing, sa. resting on an
Maughan, per pale, ar. and gu. a chev. betw. escutcheon erm.
three roundles, counterchanged. Crest, a lion's Mawgawley, [Ireland.] coupe in the nombril
paw, erased, holding the hilt of a broken sword point, in chief, per pale ; first, ar. three dexter
in pale. hands, couped, gu.; second ar. a lion ramp. gu.
Maugikon, gyronny of eight, ar. and sa. third, vert, a fish naiant, ar. Crest, a horse's
Maul, vert, two sinster wings, in pale, ar. betw. head ar. in a waggon harness sa.
as many pales or; on a chief of the second, an Mawgyron, gyronny of eight, ar. and sa. Crest,
eagle displ. sa. Crest, a hand holding an a catharine-wheel sa. embrued gu.
escutcheon, charged with a crescent, gu. Mawhesin, [Cockfield, Suff.] gu. a bend or, a
Maule, [Ballumbie and Killie, Scotland,] Arms label of three points ar.
as 1st diet. Crest, a wivern vert, with two Mawley, Arms as 2nd in 1st diet. (Another,
heads, vomiting fire at both ends, ppr. the field or.) Crest, a cross crosslet fitchee gu.
Mauley, vair, out of a maunch gu. a hand ppr. and palm-branch, in saltier.

holding a fleur-de-lis or. Mawnyss, and Mavissyn, gu. three bendlets,

Mauley, or. on a bend sa. three dolphins, naiant, enhanced, ar.
ar. Mawre, ar. a dragon, ramp. sa.

Mauley, or, on a bend sa. three eagles displ. ar. Mawre, on a chief vert, two piles
az. a rose or;
Mauley, or, a bend sa. issuing from the dexter and sinister sides, of the
Mauliverek, ar. three greyhounds, current, in second.
pale, sa. collared or. Mawson. Arms as 1st diet. Crest, a greyhound
Maulivers, gu. a fesse betw. two greyhounds, ar. passing a tree vert.
current ar. collared or. Maxfield. Arms as 1st diet. Crest, on a ducal
Mauncell, ar. a chev. betw. three niaunches sa. coronet, a dolphin, naiant.
Crest, a griffin's head, erased, per pale Maxton, [Scotland.] Arms as "2nd in 1st diet.
the crosses az. Crest, a bee, erect, with wings Mavce, or, three tigers' faces vert. Crest, a
expanded, ppr. swan, with wings endorsed, ar. ducally gorged
Maxton. The same arms. Crest, a cross cross- and lined sa.
let fitchee az.
Mayce. Same arms. Crest, pestle and mortar
Maxwell, [Hills, Galloway, Scotland,] ar. a ppr.
saltier sa. betw. a mullet, in chief, and acre- Maycott, erm. on a canton gu. a buck or.
scent, in base, gu. Crest, a roe-buck ppr. Mavdeley, az. on a fesse, counter-embattled, ar.
attired ar. couchant before a holly-bush
ppr. semee of cross crosslets sa. betw. six martlets
Maxwell, [Caklaverock, N. B.] ar. an eagle or, a lion pass, guard, of the third.
displ. sa. beaked and membered gu. surmounted Maydestone, ar. three bars az. on the ; second,
hy an escutcheon of the charged with a
first, two annulets linked together.
saltier of the second, thereon a hedgehog, or. Maydestone, gu. three women's heads, couped at
for Maxwell, the shoulders,
quartering; secondly, barry of hair dishevelled, or.

six, or and az. for Constable; thirdly, az. on a Mayer, gu. two leopards pass, in pale, or, Crest,
bend cottised three billets sa. a crescent for
ar. on a mount vert, a horse salient ppr. [Borne
diff. for Haggerston. Crest, on a mount vert by Samuel Mayer, Esq., Mayor of Newcastle-
a stag reposing himself under a holly-bush, tJnder-Lyne, 1834.]
all ppr. [Borne by Wm. Constable Maxwell, Mayer, ar. a Moor, his sinister hand touching his
of Everingham Park, Yorkshire, Esq. Lord head, sa. bound round the temples, and holding
of Carlaverock, N.B. 1830.] in the dexter hand a sword, blade wavy, or, vested
Maxwell, [Kirkonnell, Scotland, Lyon Register,] round the waist chequy, or and of the second,
quarterly first and fourth, ar. an Crest, an eagle, with wings en-
; eagle displ. fringed gold.
sa. beaked and membered gu. on the breast an dorsed, ppr.
escutcheon of the charged with a saltier
first, Mayern, [London,] sa. two bends or; on a
of the second, for Maxwell; second and third, chief of the last, an eagle displ. of the first.
az. two croziers, in saltier, addossee, and in Mayersback, Crest, out of a ducal coronet, two
chief a mitre or, for Kirkonnell. Crest an branches of laurel erect, betw. two elephants'
eagle issuing. trunks endorsed.
Mas well, [Lackiebank, Scotland, Lyon Register,] Mayger, oi-, a fesse ar. hetw. a pellet charged
ar. on a
saltier sa. betw. two stars, in chief and with a portcullis or, inter two demi roses, di-
base, az. a man's heart or. Crest, a falcon vided per pale, gu. in chief; and a fleur-de-lis
looking at a star. betw. two swans, close, ar. in base.
Maxwell, [Calaverock, N. B.] ar. a saltier sa. Mayhew, Crest, three roses gu. stalked, leaved,
[Thus borne by Sir Herbert Maxwell, in tlic and barbed vert.
\Ath Century.] Mayhugh, sa. on a chev. betw. three bucks'
Maxwell, [Earl of Nithsdale, attainted 1715,] heads, cabossed, ar. as many bugle-horns,
ar. an eagle displ. sa. beaked and membered
gu. stringed, of the first.
surmounted of an escutcheon of the first, charg- Mayland, paly of eight, ar. and gu. a lion ramp,
ed with a saltier of the second, and surcharged sa.
in the centre with a hurcheon or. Crest, a stag Mayn, ar. on a bend sa. three dexter hands of the
ppr. attired ar. couchant before a holly-bush ppr. first. Crest, an oak-tree ppr.
Maxwell, [Scotland,] az. on a saltier ar. a human Maynard, [Wallhamstow.] Anns as 1st in 1st
heart ppr. Crest, a plain cross fitchee vert, diet.
fimbriated or. Maynard, [Ireland,] sa. three dexterhands, erased,
Maxworthe, or Mackworth, per pale nebulee, or. Crest, a dexter hand holding a palm-
erm. and sa. a chev. gu. fretty or. branch, both ppr.
May, Mayow, or Mayhew,
Cross, [High Maynard, [Hammersmith, Midd.] ar. a chev.
Cornw.] gu. a chev. vair, betw. three ducal hetw. three dexter hands, couped and erect, gu. ;
coronets or. Crest an eagle devouring a serpent.
, a crescent for diff".
May, [Ireland,] ar. an anchor az. a chief gu. Maynard, [Mosley, Leic] same amis. Crest, a
Crest, a triton holding in the sinister hand a stag or, attired ppr. ( Confirmed to Thos. Hasil-
ridge, who assumed the name and arms of May-
May, [Scotland,] vert, three roses ar. a chief of nard, by Royal Sign Manual, in \110.J
the last. Crest, on a rock, a wild goose sta- Mayne, ar. a chev. voided az. betw. two pheons
tant, ppr. in chief, and a fleur-de-lis in base sa. within a
Maybank, az. a chev. betw. three tents, ar. bordure engr. gu. Crest, a cubit arm, erect,
vested gu. cuff ar. holding in the hand ppr. a Mearing. Arms as 1st diet. Crest, on a ducal
cross crosslet fitchee or. coronet or, a griffin, segreant, gu.
Mayne, [Ireland,] ar. three chev. sa. each charged Mechell, per fesse, az. and or, a lion ramp, coun-
with an escallop of the field. Crest, a human terchanged.
heart gu. winged or. Mechwold, ar. on a chev. az. three guttees of the
Mayne, vaire, ar. and sa. a label of four points first.

gu. Medderburn, Crest, a lion's gamb, erased and

Maynell, Meynell, and Menell, vaire, ar. erect, holding a scimitar.
and sa. Crest, a demi Savage, holding in the Meddew, [Great Yarmouth,] bendy of six, or and
dexter hand a dagger, and in the sinister a key, az. ; on a chief of the second, two crosses pat-
all ppr. tee of the first.
Maynell, ar. on a chev. sa. three cinquefoils of the Meddop. Arms as 1st diet. Crest, a boy ppr.
first. Medford, per fesse az. and erm. in chief two
Maynes, gu. a chev. hetw. three horse-shoes, ar. martlets or. Crest, a deer, lodged, ar.
Mayney, per pale, ar. andsa. three chev. counter- Medgley, Crest, on a mount, a heraldic tiger,
changed, betw. as many cinquefoils of the same. sejant, resting the paw on a caltrap.
Crest, an arm, armed ar. and sa. holding a Medilton, erm. on a canton or, a chev. gu.
battle-axe of the second, handle or. Mednerst, paly of six, ar. and az. ; on a canton
Maynflyn, or, on a chief gu two dexter hands or, a popinjay, (Another, a bird,) gu.
ar. Mee, per pale, gu. and sa. three chev. ar. Crest,
Maynston. Arms as 2d in 1st diet. Crest, a a ram's head, erased, ar. armed or.
rein-deer pass. ppr. Meech, ar. on a canton gu. a lion's head, erased,
Mayn waking, ar. on two bars gu. three mullets or. Crest, a greyhound, current, ar.
of the first. Meek, ar. three water-bougets sa. a chief of the
Mayor, gu. a fessebetw. three daggers, paleways, last. Crest, a demi wolf, ducally gorged and
or. Crest, on a chapeau ppr. an escallop gu. lined, holding betw. the paws a mullet of six
betw. two wings or. points.
M wow, [Lestwithiel, Cornw.] gu. a chev. vair, Meek, as 1st diet, Crest, a demi lion ramp, hold-
betw. three ducal coronets or. Crest, a cornish ing over his head a scimitar.
chough erm. Meeke, erm. fretty gu. on a canton, .... a

Mayroli,. chequy, or and az. a chev. gu. martlet.

Mays, Crest, out of a ducal coronet, a dexter Meere, [Wilts.,] ar. a chev. sa. betw. three lions
arm, vambraced, wielding a scimitar, ppr. ramp. gu.
Maystret, gu. a fleur-de-lis or. Meeks, as 1st Meeres in 1st diet. Crest, a
Maze, gu. a fesse betw. three cinquefoils, ar. lion's paw, erased, holding a rose-branch, all
Crest, on a lion's head, erased, az. a cap of ppr.
dignity or. Meested, per cross, or and gu. four escallops
Mead, sa. a chev. erminois, betw. three pelicans, counterchanged. Crest, on a broken tower ar.
vulning themselves, or. Crest, on a ducal a bird or.
coronet, an eagle displ. . . . Me fa nt, per pale, or. and gu. ;
on a fesse betw.
Mead, gu. a chev. betw. three trefoils, slipped, ar. four mascles, two fleurs - de -
lis, all counter-
Crest, a rein-deer, trippant, vert changed.
Meager, ar. a lion pass. gu. on a chief of the ; Megget, [Scotland.] as 1st diet. Crest, a lock
second, seven plates, four and three. Crest, a and key, as in the arms.
buffalo's head, erased, or. Meggison, ar. a lion, sejant, sa. Crest, on a
Meales. Arms as 1st diet. Crest, a stag, stand- mountain a dove, all ppr.
ing at gaze, sa. Meggott, erminois, three leopards' heads guard,
Meares, [Lane.,] gu. a chev. betw. three water- sa. collared . . .

bougets, erm. Meggs. Arms

as 1st in 1st diet, with a wolf,
Meares, ar. a three-masted galley, her sails furled, current on the chief.
ppr. Crest, a bears paw, erased, ar. Meigne, az. a fesse dancettee ar.
Mearns, gyronny of six, az. and ar. on each an Meignell. Arms as 3rd in 1st diet. Crest, a
annulet, counterchanged. Crest, a peacock, in rose-bush ppr.
pride, ppr. Meik, [Leidcassie, Scotland,] ar. a duck ppr. ; on
Mears, lozengy sa and or, a chief erm. Crest, a a chief dancettee gu. a boar's head, couped,
cock's head, ppr. betw. two crescents, or. Crest, an increscent
and decrescent respecting and joining one to Melplash, [Melpalsh,] ar. a fesse engr. betw.
the other. three boars pass. sa. tusked or.
Meikle, [Scotland.] Crest, a deer's head or. Meltez, or Mete, az. on a bend or, three mas-
Meilsenlt, ar. a cross gu. within a bordure engr. cles gu. in chief a fleur-de-lis of the second.

vert. Meltom, [Yorks.] ar. a cross patonce, voided, az.

MeiNj [Edinburgh,] az. a fesse erm. betw. six Melton, az. a cross patonce ar. surmounted of
crosses moline or. Crest, a dexter hand, erect, another of the first, betw. four cinquefoils or.
the palm charged with an eye, ppr. Crest, a lion's head, erased, az. guttee d'or,
Mein, az. a cross crosslet or. Crest, a hand hold- ducally gorged of the last.
ing a vine-branch ppr. Melton, az. a cross patonce, voided, ar. Crest, a
Meinust, [Ducks.,] sa. a lion ramp, within an serpent, nowed, az.
orle of billets ar. Melveton, [dies.] az. three millstones ar. ; on
Meir, gu. on a chief or, two mullets sa. each a fer-de-moline sa.
Meke, [Kent,] az. on a bend or, three mas- Melveton, ar. three plates. Crest, a lion's paw
cles gu. gu. holding a key az.
Mekelfeld, or Mekilfield, ar. a cross engr. sa. Melvile, [Raith, Scotland,] az. a fesse gu.
guttee d'or. Crest, a talbot's head.
Mekton, sa. a lion ramp. ar. crowned or, within Melvile, [Balgarvie,] quarterly; first and fourth,
an orle of annulets of the second. ar. on a fesse
gu. a royal crown or ; second and
.Melbourne, ar. a crescent within a bordure sa. third, gu. three crescents ar. within a bordure
Melbourne, ar. a cross moline sa. quarter-pierced of the second, charged with eight roses of the
of the field. first. Crest, a talbot's head, and neck, erased
Melders, [Scotland,] ar. a cross potent az. betw. and collared.
four hearts gu. Crest, a lion's head and neck, Melvile, [Glenbervie, Scotland.] ar. a fesse betw.
erased and erect, ppr. three crescents, gu.
Meldert, or, a chief erm. charged with three Melvile, [Straithkines and Craigton,] gu. three
pales gu. Crest, a dexter gauntlet, apau- crescents ar. in chief a crescent sa.; on a bordure
mee az. of the second, eight roses of the first. Crest, a
Mi; i.e. [Kent,] az. on a bend or, three lozenges crescent ppr.
gu. (Another, sa.) Melvill, gu. three crescents ar. ; on a bordure
Meles. Arms as 1st diet. Crest, on the stump of the last, eight crescents of the first. Crest,
of a tree, a martlet ppr. a crescent.
Melese, ar. two bars gu. in chief three escallops Melville, ar. a fesse betw. three mascles, gu.
of the second. Crest, a talbot's head or.
Melhuish, [Taunton, Somers. and Devons.] ; Melvill, [Auchnioor, Scotland,] ar. on a fesse,
ar. on a bend engr. sa. three fleurs-de-lis of the waved on the upper, and engr. on the under
field. Crest, a naked arm, couped below the side, gu. three crescents of the field. Crest, a
elbow, holding a pheon erect. sloth-hound's head, couped, ppr.
Melhuish, ar. a martlet sa. ; in the middle chief Melvill, [Cassingorie, Scotland,] quarterly; first
point, a dagger, paleways, az. hilted or. and fourth, gu. three crescents ar. on a bordure.
Mell, or, a fret gu. Crest, on a chapeau az. of the second, eight roses of the first; second
turned up or, a martlet, with wings endorsed, and third, ar. a fesse gu. ; all within a bordure
sa. or. Crest, a ratch-head, erased, ppr. collared
Mellent, lozengy, or and az. within a bordure gu. charged with a crescent ar.
gu- Melville, [Carnbee, Scotland,] or, three cushions
Mellint, chequy, or and az. gu. on each a crescent of the field all within a

Mellis, [Scotland,] per fesse, ar. and vert, a pale bordure of the second. Crest, an eagle, rising,
counterchanged; on the first, three cinquefoils ppr.
of the second. Crest, the sun in splendour, or. Melville, [Murdicairne, Scotland,] gu. a sun betw.
Mellishe, az. two swans, close, in pale, ar. betw. four crescents, ar. within a bordure charged
asmany flaunches erm. with eight roses of the first. Crest, a crescent.
Mello, az. three boars' heads, erased, bendways, Melville, [Scotland,] gu. three crescents ar. ; a
in Crest, a mullet ar.
bend, ar. bordure, invecked, of the second, charged with
Mello, ar. abend betw. two lions' heads, erased, sa. eight roses of the first. Crest, two wings, con-
Mellor. Arms as 1st diet. Crest, a demi leo- joined, ppr.
pard, issuant, ar. supporting an anchor sa. Melville, or, three cushions gu. each charged with
a crescent of the field, all within a royal tres- chequy, az. and of the first, Crest, a book,
sure flory counter flory of the second. expanded, ppr.
Melvine, [Aberdeen,] Crest, an eagle rising. Menzies, ar. a crescent gu. a chief of the last.

Melward, ar. a cross moline sa. betw. four cres- Crest, a Savage's head affrontee, ppr.
cents gu. Menys, ar. on a fesse gu. three mullets, pierced,
Melweham, quarterly ;
first and fourth, az. an of the field. Crest, a lion's paw, erased, sa.
etoile or; second and third, az. three pales ar. charged with a chev. or.

Melwvn, or, a fesse sa. Merary, az. a cross flory betw. four cinquefoils,
Memds, ar. a wing sa. over all a bend or.; or.

Menadarva,o' Mathadarva, [Menadarva, Cam- Merbroke, bendy of six, az. and or, abordure gu.
bourne, Cornw.] gu, on three fesses wavy sa. as Merbury. Arms as 1st diet. Crest, a camel's
many birds ar. head sa. ducally gorged or.
Mendes, or Mends, [Wales,] .., a chev. .., Mercer, [Easter Newton,] or, on a fesse, betw.
betw. three suns Crest, a tower; on the
. . three crosses pattee, in chief, gu. and a mullet,
embattlements thereof, an arm, embowed, in in base, az. three bezants, a bordure of the se-
armour, wielding a battle-axe. cond, charged with eight annulets of the first,
Mendorf, ar. a pale and chief sa. Crest, an oak- Crest, a dexter hand holding a bible, ex-
tree, fructed, ppr. panded, ppr.
Mendrill, az. a fret or. Mercer, [Aldie, Scotland.] Arms as 1st diet.
Menell, vaire, ar.and sa. Crest, a unicorn's Crest, the head and neck of a heron, holding
head, couped ;
round the neck a chaplet, of in the beak an eel. Motto, above the crest, The
laurel, tied at the breast. grit foul.
Menet, or Menett. Arms as 1st diet. Crest, Merchieson, [Scotland,] or, a lion ramp. sa.
a demi lion
ramp. az. betw. two fir-apples, slipped and leaved vert,
Menhall, or, on a fesse, betw. two chev gu. in chief,and an escallop in base, arg. Crest, a
three escallops of the first. cubit arm, the hand grasping a ducal coronet,
Menles, or Melles. Arms as 1st diet. Crest, betw. two laurel-branches in orle, ppr.
a porcullis sa. chains or. Merchudd, gu. a Savage's head, erased at the
Menrike, paly of six, or and az. ; on a fesse gu. neck, full-faced, ar. wreathed round the temples
three mullets of six points of the first. of the last and sa.
Mensown, [Scotland,] ., a cross Calvary issuing
Mercier, [N.umb.] or, a fesse, chequy, az. and
from the base, ., betw. two mullets in base;
. ar. betw. two boars' heads, in chief, sa. and a
in the dexter chief a crescent. crescent, in base, within a bordure engr. gu.
Menteath, [Blackburn,] quarterly ; first and Crest, a demi huntsman winding a horn
fourth, or, a bend chequy, az. and ar. ; second ppr. vested az. Motto, over the crest, Blow
and third, az. three buckles or. Crest, a hand shrill.

[Northall, Essex; and Heref.] gu.

holding a dagger erect, both ppr. Mercy, on
Menvile, or, on a bend sa. three cinquefoils a fesse engr. ar. betw. three water-bougets or,
ar. a cross formee, sa. bezantee, inter two cloves
Menyll. Arms as 5th Meynell, in 1st diet, of the last.
the horse-shoes or. Mercy. Arms as 1st in 1st diet. Crest, a dexter
Menzies, [Aberdeen,] erm. on a chief az. a hand holding an olive-branch ppr.
cherub's head ar. Crest, a cherub, wings ex- Merdred, purp. an eagle displ. with two heads,
panded, ppr. or, a chief ar.
Menzies, [Edinburgh,] per pale, ar. and or, three Mere, De La, or, two bars az.
mullets gu. ; a chief of the last. Crest, a cres- Meredith, or, a lion ramp. sa. collared gu. and
cent ppr. chained of the first.

Menzies, [Pitfaddles,] ar. a chief gu. Crest, a Meredith, az. a lion ramp. or.
demi eagle, with wings expanded, ppr. Meredyth, per chev. ar. and or, a lion ramp. sa.
Menzies, erm. a mullet gu.; a chief of the last. a canton gu. Crest, a yew-tree ppr.
Crest, a Savage's head affronted, couped at the Meres. Arms as 1st diet. Crest, a dexter hand
shoulders, sa. holding a sword, in bend, ppr.
Menzies, [Culdairs,] ar. a sword, in pale, az. hilted Mereson or Meresen, ar. three bucks' heads,
or, a chief gu. Crest, a demi lion, holding in cabossed, sa.
the dexter paw a baton, ppr. Merey, or Mereys, ar. on a bend gu. three lo-
Menzies, Skien,] ar. a chief gu. a hordure zenges of the first.
MkrfelDj r>E, vert, two lions pass. erm. crowned Mkrryweather, Crest, a hand gauntleted,
or. holding a sword entwined with a serpent.
MericKj or Merrick. Arms as 2nd in 1st diet. Mersar. Arms as Merger, of Aldie, 1st diet.
Crest, a cat's face sa. Crest, a cross pattee or.
Mericks, [S\ ales.] ar. on a cross sa. five crescents Mertell, [Norf.] gu. three mallets ar.
of the field; in the first .quarter a spear's head gu. Merton, or Martox, [Merton, Dorsets. Temp.
MerifielDj ar. a chev. betw. three cocks sa. Edw. III.] gu. two bars, and in chief a lion
armed gu. pass. or.
Meriton, [London, 1704,] . .
on a chev. . .
Morton. Arms as 1st in 1st diet. Crest, a demi
three roses, a canton . . . Moor brandishing a scimitar ppr.
Meriton, az. on a chev. ar. three roses vert, a Merton, ar. three heath-cocks sa. beaked and leg-
canton erm. ged gu.
Merking, gu. a bend lozengy or. Mertoun, [of that Ilk,] ar. a chev. sa. betw.
Merks. Arms as 1st in 1st diet. Crest, an otter's three torteauxes.
head and neck, erased, sa. Mervesse, az. three laurel-leaves or.
Merland, az. on a bend, raguly, ar. a crescent; Mervin. Arms as 1st in 1st diet. Crest, an
in the sinister chief, a ducal crown or. escutcheon, per cross, or and gu.
Merle,' Crest, a lion's tail, erased. Mervyn, [Ireland,] or, a demi lion, couped, in
Merling. Arms as 1st diet. Crest, a lion's base, and in chief two fishes, naiant, az.
head, erased, gu. Crest, an ear of wheat and a palm-branch, in
Merling, quarterly; first and fourth, or, three saltier, ppr.
billets gu. ;
second and third, per bend wavy, Mervyn, ar. a demi lion ramp. gu. on his shoulder
gu. and ar. a fleur-de-lis or.
Mermyon, vair, a canton gu. Crest, a unicorn's Merwald, or Merward, az. a fesse ar. betw.
head, erased, sa. three cinquefoils or.
Meroys, az. six griffins, segreant, or. Merwood, gu. a chev. ar. betw. three goats'heads,
Merperteshall, gu. fretty sa. on a chief ; or, a erased, erm. armed or.
lion pass, of the first. Merworth, ar. a chev. betw. ten cross crosslets,
MerreYj gu. three cinquefoils, pierced, or. sa.

Crest, a thistle and rose, stalked and leaved, in Meryet, harry of six, or and gu. a bend erm.
saltier, ppr. Crest, a porcupine's head, issuing, sa.
Merrifield, erm. on a fesse betw. six annulets Meryfeld, ar. two lions pass. vert.
az. three mullets ar. Crest, a sun, rising, ppr. Meryfelde, ar. a chev. betw. three birds sa.
Merrifield ar. a chev. betw. three martlets sa. beaked and legged gu.
Crest, as the last. Meryfield, ar, ona fesse az. betw. three crescents
Merrifield, or, two bars az. betw. three crescents erm. as many cinquefoils ar.
sa. inter the bars three roses ar. Meryke, [Wales,] paly of six, or and az. ; on a
Merrike, gu. three pallets vair on a chief or, a ;
fesse gu. three etoiles ar.
label of as many points of the first. Meschines, or, three bars gu. Crest, a rose ar.

Merrill, or, a pale, engr. gu. voided of the field, surmounted by a thistle ppr.
betw. two fleurs-de-lis az. Crest, a peacock's Meschines, De, gu. a lion ramp. or.
head, erased ppr. Mescow, ar. three bucks' heads, cabossed, sa.
Merriman. ar. on a chev. cottisedbetw. three cor- Crest, a buck's head, erased, sa. attired or.
nish choughs sa. beaked and legged gu. as many Meseres, or, three unicorns' heads, couped, sa.
crescents of the first. Crest, an arm, embowed, Messarney, or, a chev. per pale, gu. and vert,
in armour, garnished or, holding in the hand a betw. three apples of the second, slipped of the
sword, with a snake entwined round the arm, third.

ppr. [Granted to John Merriman,

Esq., of Messenger, Massenger, or Massinger. Arms
Kensington Square, 1834.] as 1st diet. Crest, a pegasus, current, ducally
Merriman, lozengy, sa. and ar. a chief erm. gorged and chained or.
Crest, a boar pass, collared and bristled vert. Messer, ar. on a fesse sa an escallop betw. two

Merrington, Crest, a lion's head, collared .. . mullets of the field. Crest, an eagle displ. gu.
Merritt, gu. three roses or. Crest, out of a Missing, gu. three dolphins, haurient, or.
ducal coronet, a demi salmon, issuant, ppr Crest, on eagle displ. gu.
Merryton. Arms as 1st diet. Crest, a pair of Meteau, [Devons.] or, on a bend sa. three mul-
wings ar. lets of the first.

[ 3F2]

Metford, betw. three martlets sa.

or, a fesse Meyrick, [Fulham, Middx.] az. a fesse wavy,

Metford, a lion
sa. ramp, double queued, ar. ; betw. invecked, erminois, fimbriated ar. betw. three
the double queue a fleur-de-lis ar. mullets, pierced, of the last. Crest, a tower,
Metford, ar. a fesse betw. three hedgehogs, sa. per pale, ar. and erminois.
Metham. Arms as 1st in 1st diet. Crest, a Meytam, quarterly, ar. and az. in the first quar-
and az.
bull's head, barry of six, ar. ter a fleur-de-lis or.

Methay, [Scotland,] quarterly, az. and ar. ;

in the Mi all, Crest, a crane, holding in the beak a
firstquarter a fleur-de-lis or. branch, ppr.
Methen, [Scotland,] ar. a chev. gu. ; in base a Michaell, gu. a chief, indented, erm.
heart of the last. Michel, [Kingston-Russell,] per chev. or and sa.

Methen, [C'raiglownie, Scotland.] ar. on a chev. three heron's heads, erased, counterchanged.
sa. ensigned on the top with a cross pattee gu. Crest, a dexter hand holding a heron's head,
a crescent of the field; in base a heart of the erased.
third. Crest, a cross pattee or within a cres- Michelgrove. Arms as 1st in 1st diet. Crest,
cent ar. a unicorn's head, erased, ar.

Methewen, Crest, a wolf's head, erased, ppr. Michell, [Truro, Cornw.] Arms as of Calne
collared vair. in 1st diet, the chev. sa. Crest, an arm, in
Methwold, az. nine escallops or, three, three, armour, embowed, holding in the hand a
two, and one. Crest, a goat's head, erased, ar. sword, with drops of blood falling from the
Metley. Armsas lstdict. Crest, a mermaid ppr. blade.
Mevgh, [Ireland,] gu. a chev. erm. betw. three Michell, [Henger, Cornw.,] sa. an escallop betw.
trefoils, slipped, or.
three griffin's heads, erased, gu. Crest, a pega-
Mecrs, or, Crest, a demi Savage,
a fesse sa. sus flying.
over the shoulder a club, entwined round his Michell, per pale, az. and or, a lion ramp, counter-
sinister arm, and wreathed round the middle changed.
with leaves, all ppr. Michell, sa. three greyhounds, current, in pale, ar.
Meuter, or Mouter, sa. four martlets ar. two collared or.
and two. Michelston, or Michestanes, sa. three wings ar.
Meversh, gu. a fesse dancettee or. Crest, a banner, displ. ar. thereon a cross gu.
Mewes, paly of six, or and az. ; on a chief gu. betw. four torteauxes.
three crosses pattee of the first. Michilston, gu. three gem-rings az.
Me wis. Arms as 1st diet. Crest, a dexter hand, Michelstowe, [Michelstowe, Cornw.,] sa. three
couped, fesseways, charged with an eye, ppr. wings ar.

Mewlis, az. a unicorn ramp, erminois. Middleton, 1st in 1st diet. Another crest, a hand

Mewse, or four palets az. ;

Meus, [Hants.] or, lying fesseways, couped at the wrist, holding a
on a chief gu. three crosses formee of the first. sword erect, ppr.
Mewtas, az. a unicorn ramp. erm. Mideleho, ar. a lion ramp. sa. over all a fesse,
Mey. Arms demi Savage,
as 1st diet. Crest, a counter-embattled, az. within a bordure engr.
wreathed round the middle with leaves, and gu.
holding a club over the dexter shoulder, ppr. Midgeley. Arms as 1st diet. Crest, two keys,
having a serpent entwined round the sinister in saltier, az. wards down.
arm, vert. Midland, bendy of six, gu. and or.
Meyer, ar. on a mount, in base, vert, a Savage Midleham, or, a chief, indented, az. Crest, a
pass, wreathed round the head and waist with cap of maintenance vert, turned up or, thereon
leaves, and holding over the shoulder a club a wivern, with wings expanded, ar.

ppr. betw. two oak-leaves, in fesse, of the Midlemore, erm. on a canton sa. a pheon ar.
second. Crest, a lion ramp, double queued. Midlesive, ar. a lion ramp. sa. crowned or, over
all a fesse, counter -componee, of the third
Meynell, [North-Kilvington, and Fryerage, near
Yarm, Yorks.] Arms and crest as last in 1st and az.
diet. Mikelley, or Milkilly, gu. three chev. ar.
ar. a duck ppr. on
Meynell, or Meygnill, vaire ar. and sa. a label of Mikieson, [Hill, Scotland,] ;

three points gu. a chief dancettee, gu. a boar's head, couped,

Meynill, az. two bars gemelles and a chief or. betw. two crescents or. Crest,a decrescent ppr.
Meynton, ar. a fesse betw. six quatrefoils gu. Milburn, quarterly, or and gu. ; on the first and
Meyny, or, a cross engr. sa. ; over all a bend- fourth, a crescent sa. Crest, a bear's head,
let gu. erased, sa. muzzled or.
Milburxe, ... on a chev. betw. three ostrich's az. placed in a loch ppr. and in chief two mul-
feathers ... as mullets.
many . . . lets of the second. Crest, two arms, then-
Milcham, [Norf.,] erm. on a chief az. three hands joined, ppr.
trefoils, slipped, or. Crest, a griffin's head, Miller, [Hamilton, Scotland,] ar. a cross moline
az. placed in the base,
ppr. wavy, vert ; in chief, a
Mildred. Arms as 1st in 1st diet. Crest, a lozenge betw. two mullets of the second, within
bear pass, struck through with the head of a a bordure gu. charged with three cinquefoils of
broken spear, in bend, ppr. the field.

Miles, [Cuddington,] erm. a millrind sa. ; a chief Miller, [Millheugh, Scotland,] ar. on a fesse,
vert. betw. three crosses moline, square pierced, az.
Milts, gu. two bends or. Crest, a demi lion sup- as many mullets of the field. Crest, two arms.
porting an anchor. their hands joined, ppr.
Miles, or Mighill, ... a fesse over all a bend.
. . .
Miller, [Millheugh, Scotland,] ar. a fesse betw.
Crest, a griffin's head, erased. three crosses moline, pierced az. Crest as of
Milford. Arms as 1st in 1st diet. Crest, a Parkie.
lion's gamb, holding a trefoil, ppr. Miller, [Monkcastle, Ayrshire,] ar. a cross moline
Militox, [Pengerswick Castle, Devons.,] gu. a sa. betw. four hearts gu. Crest, a lion ramp,
chev. sa. betw. three millets, or mullet-fish, betw. the paws a cross moline.
ppr. Miller, [Parkie, Scotland,] quarterly ; first, , . .

Mill, or Milles. [Surrey,] as Glouc. 1st diet. a lion ramp. .

; second,
a cross pattee
. . . . ;

Mill, [Bonniton,] or, a cross moline betw. three third, . .

, three bars ; fourth,
. .
, three mul-
. .

mullets az. Crest, a bloodhound's head, erased, lets . . .

Crest, a demi Savage shooting an ar-
ar. row from a bow.
Millax, [Scotland,] or, a lion ramp. gu. ; on a Miller, [Scotland,] .
a cross moline . , a chief
. .

chief az. three mullets ar. Crest, a dexter and ..

Crest, a dexter hand pointing with two

sinister hand, issuing, and sustaining a sword, fingers . . .

in pale, ppr. Miller, [Scotland,] ar. a cross moline sa. betw.

Millar, ar. a cross moline gu. Crest, three ears three mullets az. a bordure gu. Crest, a cross
of wheat, issuing, or. moline sa.
Millar, [Temple.] The same. Crest, a dexter Miller, erm. three wolves' heads, erased, gu.
hand holding an open book, ppr. Crest, a cheval-trap or, the uppermost point
Millard, sa. two chev. erm. Crest, on a mount embrued gu.
vert, a stag feeding, ppr. Milles, [Duloe, Cornw. ; and Exeter ;
] ar. a chev.
Millbaxk, gu. a bend erm.; on a canton or, a betw. three mill-rinds sa.
lion's head, erased, sa. Crest, a hill vert. Milles. Arms as 11th Mills, 1st diet. Crest, a
Millrurx. Arms as 6th Milborxe in 1st diet. cat, sejant, ppr.
Crest, out of a ducal coronet, a demi lion, Milles, az. two clucks, in pale, ar. betw. as many
ppr. flasks erm.
Mille, [Arbroath.] ... a cross potent . . . betw. and az. a pale counterchanged,
Milles, per fesse, ar.
four hearts, points inward. three bears ramp. sa. muzzled, collared, and
Millextox, az. on three mill-stones ar. as many lined or, as many falcons of the last, collared gu.
millrinds sa. Crest, a demi bear sa. muzzled, collared, and
Miller, az. on a fesse ar. betw. two bees ppr. in stringed or.
chief, and a wolf's head couped, or, in base a Millicent, or, a chev. sa. betw. three fleurs-de-
weaver's shuttle fesseways ppr. Crest, a demi lis az.
wolf salient erminois holding a spindle of yarn Milligax, [Ireland.] or, in chief a sinister hand
with the end floating loose ppr. and gorged apaumee, and in base a heart gu. betw. two
with a collar componee of two rows, ar. and az. hunting spears, erect, ppr. quartering Davidson.
[Borne by Thomas Miller, Esq. 1837.] Crest, out of a ducal coronet, a lion's head
Milli'r, [Ireland,] erm. a fess'e betw. three wolves' semee of crosses pattee. [Borne by Duncan
heads, erased, gu. Crest, a pole- cat sa. Davidson Mi/ligan, Esq. 1835.]
Miller, [Barskimming, Scotland,] ar. a cross mo- Milligan, [Scotland,] ar. out of two fesses wavy
line sa. ; in chief, a lozenge betw. two mullets az. three demi lions, issuing, gu. Crest, a demi
of the last ; in base, wavy vert. Crest, as lion ramp. gu. holding a sword, ppr.
Miller Bart, of Glenlee. Millikex, [of that Ilk, Renfrewshire, Scotland,]
Miller, [Gourlebank, Scotland,] ar. a cross moline ar. a fesse, voided, az. betw three demi lions.

couped, gu. crowned or. Crest, a demi lion, Milner, [Yorks.] Anns as of Pudsey, 1st diet.
royally crowned, gu. holding a sword ppr. Crest, a horse's head, erased, sa. bridled or,
Millikin, [Ireland.] The same arms and crest charged on the neck with a bezant,
as Milligan, Scotland. Milnes, [Scotland.] Arms as Bart's in 1st diet.
MlLLINGHAM. As MlLLIGAN. the sails ar.Crest, a garb ppr.
Millington, [C'hes,] ar. on a cross engr. az. Milnston, [Ches.,] az. three mill-stones ar. each
five garbs or. charged with a mill-rind sa.
Millington, ar. an eagle displ. sa. armed az. Milroy, [Scotland,] chequy. vert and or, a fesse
Millot, [Whitehill, Durham, Visitation, 1615,] ar. Crest, a leopard's face or.
ar. on a bend, cottised, gu. three billets sa. Miltecombe, or, fretty sa. ; on a chief of the last
Crest, a dexter arm, embowed, in armonr, a lion pass, guard, of the first.
with a glove of mail grasping a billet sa. Milton, [Salop,] per pale, gu. and az. an eagle
Millot, [Chester,] az. three billets, in fesse, betw. displ. or.
four cottises, ar. Milward, [London,] sa. a mill-rind . . . betw.
Mills, [Midd.] erm. a mill-rind sa. Crest, on three leopards' faces . . .

a ducal coronet, a lion ramp. gu. Minchin, ar. a chev. betw. three fleurs-de-lis
Mills, [Suft.] paly of six, ar. and sa. Crest, a gules.
demi bear ramp. sa. muzzled, collared, and Minchin, three chev. betw. as many fleurs-de-
chained or. lis .. .
Crest, a lion's tail, erased, ppr.
Mills, az. a cross pattee, pierced, betw. two mul- Miniett. Arms as 1st diet. Crest, an eagle,
lets, likewise pierced, or. Crest, on a hurt, volant over a ruined castle, ppr.
an etoile, pierced, or. Minors. Arms as 3rd in 1st diet. Crest, a
Mills, erm. a mill-rind sa. Crest, on a ducal wolf's head, erased, sa. devouring a sinister
coronet or, a lion ramp. gu. hand, ppr.
Millseynt, ar. a cross gu. within abordure engr. Minors, sa. an eagle displ. or; on a chief az. two
sa. crescents within a bordure of the second.
Milluborne, az. two shin-bones, in saltier, ar. Minors, sa. a chev. betw. two crescents in chief,
Millveton, ar. on a cross engr. az. five garbs or. and a cinquefoil in base, or ; on a chief az. fim-
Millward, or, on a pale sa. betw. two pellets briated ar. an eagle displ. of the second.
in chief, an eagle displ. of the field. Crest, a Minors, an eagle displ. ... a chief
. . . Crest, . . .

dexter arm, in armour, embowed, brandishing a cubit arm ppr. holding a lion's gamb, erased,
a sabre, ppr. paw downwards.
Milne, [Blairtoun and Aberdeen, i-'cotland, Lyon Minshaw. Arms as 1st diet. Crest, a dexter
Register,] or, a cross moline az. pierced oval- hand ppr. holding up a cup or.
ways of the field, betw. three mullets sa. all Minshull, az. a chev. betw. three crescents, out
within a bordure wavy of the second. Crest, a of each an etoile issuing, all ar.

galley, with oars erect, in saltier, ppr. Minster. See Mynter in 1st diet.
Milne, [Edinburgh.] Arms and crest as 3d in Mirehouse, gu. on a bend ar. ten billets of the
1st diet, field, one and two alternately. Crest, a dexter
Milne, [Muretoun, Scotland.] Arms as 1st diet. arm, embowed, in armour, the hand holding a
Crest, a dexter hand holding a folding book, sword, all ppr. [Borne by John Mirehotise, Esq.,
ppr. Common Serjeant of London, 1838.]
Milner, [Mary-le-bone, Middlesex,] erm. three Mirfin. Arms as 1st diet, Crest, a demi lion
wolves' heads erased or. Crest, a wolf's head ppr. supporting a flag ar. charged within a sal-
pierced through with a sword, all ppr. tier sa.
.Milner, [Confirmed June, 1772.] Arms as Baits, Mirmyon, a chev. gu. betw. six lions ramp. az.
in 1st diet, Crest, a horse's head sa. bridled Mirry, or ar. three lions ramp. gu.
or, betw. two wings, elevated, of the last. Crest, out of a ducal coronet or, a demi
Milner, [Cornw. and Yorks.] erm. three wolves' lion gu.
heads ppr. couped gu. Crest, a wolf's head Miscowe, ar. three bucks' heads, cabossed sa,

ppr. couped gu. pierced through the neck with Misselden, sa. a cross engr. gu.
a broken sword, the point in front of the neck Missenden, Crest, amongst flags vert, a demi
and the wound gut tee de sang, pomel or. swan, displ. ar. collared gu.
Milner, [Line] sa. achev. betw. three snaffle-bits or. Misserinen, ar a tree, eradicated, vert; on a
Milner, [Line] gu. three lozenges ., on each a
. canton gu., two battle-axes endorsed. Crest, a
bezant, battle-axe in pale, ppr.
.Misted, gu. a fesse engr. erm. betw. three mul- Modferley, ar. two chev.; on a canton of the
lets or. second, a cross botonnee fitchee or.
Misterton, gu. a unicorn pass. ar. armed or, gut- Moksler, [London,] ,
a fesse wavy betw. . .

tee of the first, a chief of the second. three trefoils, slipped. Crest, atalbot, statant,
Mitchael, [Alderstoun, Mid-Lothian, Scotland,] ppr. collared . . .

sa.a chev. betw. three mascles or. Crest, a Moffat, ar. a saltier and chief, gu. Crest, a cat,
stalk of wheat, bladed and erect, in pale, ppr. sejant on its hind legs, guard, ppr.
Mitchael, [Craighead, Scotland.] Same arms and Moffat, [Scotland,] ar. a saltier az. ; in chief a
crest. cross moline of the last, a chief gu. Crest, a
Mitchell, sa. a fesse betw. three mascles or. cross crosslet fitchee gu.
Mitchell, [of that Ilk and Craigend, Scotland,] sa. Moffat, [Scotland.] Arms as 3d in 1st diet.
a fesse betw. three mascles or ; in the middle Crest, as the last.
chief, a dagger, erect, point upwards, ppr. han- Mogeridge, [Exeter,] ar. on a fesse sa. betw.
dle of the within a bordure ar.
second, all three fleurs-de-lis az. as many mullets or, on a
charged w ith eight cinquefoils gu. Crest, a chief engrailed of the second three lions
. . .

hand holding a writing pen, ppr. Mogunchery, erm. on a bordure gu. eight horse-
Mitchell, [lulligrige and Aberdeen, Scotland,] sa. shoes or.
a fesse wavy betw. three mascles or. Mohun, or, a cross engr. sa. ; overall a bend
Mitchell, [Wester, New-Birny, Scotland,] sa. a gu.
fesse invecked betw. three mascles or. Mohan, or, a cross engr. sa. over all a label of ;

Mitchell, [Scotland,] sa. a fesse betw. six mascles three points gu. on each as many bezants.
or. (Another, ar.) Moignes, az. a fret ar. a canton gu.
Mitchell. [\Yestshore. Created a Baronet, by Moigxs, or Moyngs, ar. a chev. betw. three
Patent, 19 June, 1724,] sa. a fesse betw. three taus of the field.
mascles or, within a bordure, chequy, of the Motjne, ar. on a cross az. five garbs or.
second and first. Crest, three ears of bar- Moile, or, Moill. Arms as 1st in 1st diet.
ley on one stalk, ppr. Crest, on a winged globe, an eagle, rising, ppr.
Mitchell, ar. a chev. gu. surmounted by another Moir, [Abergeldie and Ottarburn, Scotland,]
erm. betw. two mascles, in chief, az. and a Anns as 1st diet. Crest, a Negro's head,
laurel-branch, slipped, in base, vert. Crest, a couped, ppr.
garb vert. Moir, [Seotstoun, Scotland,] Crest, read mort-
Mitchell, [Scotland.] Arms as 6th in 1st diet. head, 1st diet.
Crest, a phcenix rising out of the flames, ppr. Moir, [Leckie,] Crest, a falcon ppr. armed and
Mitchell, ... a chev. betw. three swans . . . belled or, perched on a heron lying on its back
Mitchener, erm. a fesse betw. three hunting ppr. beaked and membered gu.
horns sa.
stringed gu. Crest, a dove ar. Moises, [Newcastle on Tyne,] gu. a fesse erm-
Mittox, [Staffs.,] per pale, az. and gu. an eagle inois,betw. three bulls' heads, couped, ar.
displ. with two heads, ar. Crest, a bull's head Moises, gu. a fesse erm. betw. three bulls' heads,
sa. armed or, charged with three annulets of Crest, a tuft of reeds vert.
couped, . . .

the last. Molant. Armsas 1st in 1st diet. Crest, a demi

Moberlev, or Modburlev. Arms as 1st diet. mule gu.
Crest, a demi lady, in the character of Jus- Moldford, ar. a fesse erm. betw. three swans ppr.
tice, holding in the dexter hand a pair of scales. Crest, a buck's head gu.
Mochade, gu. five Danish axes ar. two, one, and Mold worth, or Mude worth, ar. on a bend
two. engr. sa. three pheons of the first.
Mocles, ar. two bars gu.; in chief three martlets Mole, De, or, a fesse az. betw. two chev. gu.
of the second. Molexick, [Molenick, St. German's, Cornw.]
Moda, [Suff.] az. three lions ramp, crowned, or. ar. a chev. betw. three goldfinches ppr.

Crest, a demi lion ramp, crowned, or. Molenick, [Cornw. ] ar. a chev. az. betw. three
Modberley, ar. two chev. gu. ; on a canton of falcons, close, of the second.
the last, a cross pomettee fitchee or. Moles, ar. a bend sa. betw. two lions' heads,
Moderby. Arms as 3d in 1st diet. Crest, a erased, of the last.
hand and thunderbolt ppr. Molix, [Bretaign,] az. three headsof lances within
Modey. Arms as 1st
Crest,diet. out of a an annulet, ar.
ducal coronet or, a demi eagle with Molineux, [Notts.] az. across moline or, within
wings displ.
gu. a bordure ar.
Molineux, az. a fer-de-moline or. Crest, a garb. a plume of ostrich's feathers ar. the centre one
Molington, sa. a cros moline erm. sa., all turned up or.

Molington, sa. a cross pattee throughout erm. Momplard, or, three bends gu. on a chief .... ;

Moll, [Eastmains,] az. a boar's head, erased, as many mullets.

betw. two mullets ar. Crest, a phoenix, rising Monacy, chequy, ar. and gu.
out of flames, ppr. Monaugh, [Scotland,] sa. an inescutcheon betw.
Molleson, or, two cross crosslets fitchee in chief, three lion's heads, erased, ar. ;
in chief a mullet
and the attires of a stag, affixed to the scalp, of the last.
gu. a chief, chequy, second, and ar.
of the Monbernay, lozengy, erm. and gu. ; on a canton
within a bordure gu. Crest, a Saracen's head, az. a cross moline or.
erased, and distilling drops of blood, ppr. Monbocher, ar. three fusils, in fesse, gu. within
Mollesone, [Aberdeen, Scotland.] The same a bordure sa. bezantee.
arms, without the bordure. Crest, a hart's Monburnay, lozengy, gu. and erm. ; on a canton
head, cabossed, ppr. az. a cross moline or.
Molling. Arms as 1st diet. Crest, on a rock, Moncaster, or Molcaster. Arms as 1st in 1st
a martlet sa. diet. Crest, an old man's head, affrontee,
Mollington. Arms as 1st in 1st diet. Crest, crowned with a ducal coronet or.
a demi man shooting an arrow from a bow, Moncaster, or, a chev. az. betw six annulets,
ppr. linked together, two and two, gu, within a bor-
Molony, quarterly ; first and fourth, ar. two dure of the second.
sheaves of arrows, each containing four in Moncaster, barry of ten, ar. and gu. a bend
and one in
saltier, banded,
pale, . . . . . . betw. engr. az.
two bows in fesse second and third, ar. two
; Moncaster, ar. three bars gu. ; over all, on a bend
griffins, confronting each other, supporting . . . sa. as
many escallops or.
a banner. Crest, an arm, in armour, embowed, Monceaux, gu. a cross moline or; in the dexter
holding a scimitar ppr. chief a mullet ar.
Molowney. The same arms. Crest, a stag pass. Monceup, sa. a bend ar.
mouth a branch.
in the Monck, [Newcastle on Tyne,] az. a lion ramp.
Molston, gu. two bars ar. ;
in chief three plates. erm.
Molton, or Moulton, az. three bars gu. Crest, Monckton, [Galway, Ireland,] az. on a chev.
a shark's head, reguard, issuing, swallowing a betw. three martlets or, three stars of six points
blackmoor. of the field. Crest, a martlet or.
Molwynog, [Uwch-Alid, Wales,] sa. a stag, sta- Monckton, Mongton, Monkton, or Mongdevc.
tant, ar. armed or. Arms Crest, two arms, in armour,
as 1st diet.
Molyne, sa. three mullets ar. embowed, placing a Saracen's head, affrontee,
Molyneaux, az. a chev. betw. three crosses mo- on the point of a pheon, all ppr.
line ar. Crest, a cock's head betw. two wings, Moncrief, [Boghall, Scotland,] ar. a lion ramp.
ppr. gu. ; a chief erm. ; a bordure, invecked, of the
Molynes. Arms as of Ckapcot, 1st diet. Crest, second, charged with six crescents of the
a Savage's head, couped, ppr. field.

Molyneux, az. a mill-rind or. Crest, a pea- Moncrief, [Edinburgh, Scotland,] ar. a lion ramp.
cock's tail, erect, ppr. banded or and az. gu. ; in chief two mullets of the same ; a chief
Molyngton, or Monyngton, ar. on a bend sa. erm. Crest, a gilliflower ppr.
three mullets or. Moncrief, [Kapness, Scotland,] ar. a lion ramp.
Molyns, [Sandhall, Southton,] or, a cross moline gu. on a chief erm. a mullet of the second.

gu. on a chief az. three lions' heads, erased, of Moncrieff, [France,] ar. a lion ramp. gu. ; on a
the field. Crest, an eagle's head or, betw. two chief erm. a martlet of the second. Crest, a
wings. demi lion
ramp. gu.
Molyns. Arms
as Molyns, or Molyner, in 1st Moncrieff, [Moncrieff,] ar. a lion ramp. betw. two
diet. Crest, a Savage's head, in profile, ppr. mullets, in fesse, gu. ; a chief erm. Crest as
Molynton, sa. a cross moline erm. the last.
Momby, or, fretty az. on a canton gu. a cross
; Moncrieff, [Readie, Scotland,] ar. a lion ramp.
moline or. gu. ; on a chief erm. a rose of the second.
Mompesson, [Norf.] Arms as 1st diet. Crest. Crest, a demi lion ramp. gu. armed and lan-
a plume of ostrich's feathers ar. gued az.

Mompesson, [Bathampton, Wilts.] (Another crest,) Moncrieff, [Mumifray, Scotland.] The same arms,
with a crescent for cliff. Crest, a demi lion Monmouth De, gu. three lions pass, guard, in
ramp. gu. pale, or, depressedby a bend az.
Moncrieff, [Sauchope, Scotland.] Arms as of Bog- Monnoke, sa. a cross flory or.
hall the bordure indented, gu. charged with
; JMonoke, gu. a fret and chief erm.
eight bezants. Crest, three ears of rye, banded Monorgin, [Scotland.] az. a lion ramp. or.
together, ppr. Monse, per pale, az. and gu. three crescents ar.
Moncrieff, [Tippermallacb, Scotland,] ar. a lion Mooseks, sa. a lion ramp. ar.
ramp. gu. a chief erm. Crest, a demi lion Montacute, De, ar. three lozenges conjoined,
ramp. gu. in fesse, gu. Crest, a griffin's head gu. betw.
Moncur, ar. three roses gu. ; on a chief of the two wings or.
last, three shields of the first. Crest, a dexter Montague, ar. three fusils, in fesse, gu. within a
hand holding a garland of roses ppr. bordure engr. sa.

Moncur, [Of that Ilk,] ar. a fesse betw. three Montaguta, az. a chev. or, betw. three mullets
escallops gu. ar. on a chief gu. a lion pass, guard, of the

Moncur, ar. a fesse betw. three delves gu. second. Crest, a demi lion ramp. or.
Moncurre, [Slaynes, Scotland,] gu. a chevalier Montalt. Arms as 1st diet. Crest, a dexter
mounted and armed at all points, with sword arm, embowed, issuing from the wreath, and
erect, ar. throwing a dart, ppr.
Moneux, [France,] ar. a cross moline gu. over Montbocher, ar. three flesh-pots gu. within a
all a bendlet az. bordure sa. bezantee.
Mone, [Cornw.] or, a cross engr. sa. a label of three Montbocher, ar. three flesh-pots gu.
points gu. each charged with as many bezants. Montchansey, or Montchancy. Arms as 2d
.Money, Crest, an eagle's head, erased, in the in 1st diet, Crest, a ship sailing in the ssa,
beak three roses stalked, all ppr. all ppr.
Moxford, ar. on a chief az, two fleurs-de-lis or. Montchansey or Mountchansey. Arms as 3rd in
Mongombrey, [Suff.] ar. eight guttees sa. three, 1st diet. Crest, a hand holding a scimitar, in
two, and three. pale, ppr.
Montgombry. The same. Monteath, [Closeburn, Dumfries, Scotland,]
Mongomery', gu. ona bendor, three lions ramp. sa.
quarterly; first and fourth, or, a bend, chequy,
Montngs, [\V alwarshire, Kent.] The same as ar. and az. ; second and third, az. three buckles
Monyns. or. Crest, a hand issuing, holding a dagger
Monings, gu. a cross humettee ar. betw. four birds bendways.
of the last. Monteferant, paly of six, ar. and az. ; on a
Monington. Arms as of Cornwall in 1st diet. chief sa. three bezants.
Crest, a Savage's head, in profile, ppr. Montefiore, ar. out of rocks in base strewed
Monivard, [Scotland,] gu. a fesse chequy, ar. with flowers, a yew-tree, all ppr. on a chief az.
and az. in chief a mullet or. a sword, erect, point upwards, ppr. betw. two
Monke, or Monck, [Devons.] ar. three leopards' stars of six points or. Crest, out of rocks
faces sa. bearing flowers ppr. a demi lion ramp. or.
MoNKHOUSE, [Newcastle onTyne.] per fesse, purp. sustaining with both paws a forked pennon,
and vert, a fesse sa. on the fesse a monastery az. inscribed with the word "Jerusalem," in
with two wings ppr.; in base three monks, the Hebrew characters. [
Borne by Sir Moses
centre one afl'rontee, the other two confronting Montefiore, Knt. Sheriff of London, 1838.]
him, all habited ppr. Crest, out of a tower Montefixo, or Mountfichet, [Suss.] or. three
ppr. masoned sa. an arm, in armour, embowed, chev. gu.
wielding a sword, ppr. Montieth, [Carss, Scotland,] quarterly; first
Monkhouse, vair, in point, gu. and ar. Crest, a and fourth, or, a bend, chequy, sa. and ar. for
church ppr. Montieth; second and third, or, a lymphad with
Mo.nleket, ar. a lion ramp, double queued sa. one mast, sa. and in chief three buckles az.
Monmouth. Armsas 1st in 1st diet, the lions Crest, a hand issuing, holding a dagger, ppr.
pass, guard. Crest, a hawk's head, erased, vert, Montieth. [Carriher, Scotland,] quarterly; first
charged on the neck with a chev. or, in the and a bend, chequy, sa. and ar. ;
fourth, or,
mouth a trefoil of the first. second and third, az. three farming axes or, all
Monmouth,oi Mouthmouth. Same arms. Crest, an within a bordure ar. Crest, a lymphad with
eagle's head, erased, or, on the neck a chev. and oars, in saltier, ppr. flagged gu. cantoned with
in the mouth a trefoil, or. the cross of St. Andrew.
Monteit/i, [Kerse, Scotland,] quarterly; first and Montpinson, or Mountpinzo, [Norf. Temp.
fourth, or, a bend, chequy, sa. and ar. for Edir. III.] As Mompesson, of Norfolk, in
Montieih i second and third, az. three buckles 1st diet.
or, for Sterling. Montrollier, or, fretty az.; on an inescutcheon
Montieth, [Edinburgh.] The same arms. gu. a demi lion, erased, ar.
Montieih, [Ruskie, Scotland.] The same arms. Montveron, az. three dolphins, naiant, ar.
Montenake, vert, a lion ramp. or. Monyns, [Walwarsher, Kent. Granted 1571.]
Monteney, paly of six, or and gu. on a chief ; gu. three crescents or. Crest, an incres-
ar. a mullet sa. in dexter chief. cent or.
Monteney, gu. a bend, cottised, betw. six mullets Monypenny, [Pitmillie.] Arms as 1st diet.
or. Crest and motto as of Kent, also in 1st diet.
Montesey. Arms as 1st diet. Crest, a sea-lion Monysard, or, three bends gu. ; on a chief ....
sustaining with both paws an anchor. three mullets ....
Montessey, gu. a chev. or, betw. three delves of Moodie, ar. a chev. betw. three trefoils sa. ; a
the second. chief of the last. Crest, a demi pegasus.
Montfoud, az. four bendlets or. wings endorsed, body entiled with a ducal
Montfort, [Earl of Leicester, Temp. King coronet.
John,] gu. a lion ramp, queue forchee ar. Moodie, [Melsetter,] quarterly; first and fourth,
Montfort, per pale, indented, ar. and gu. per fesse wavy, ar. and az. in chief a castle
Montgomery, [Broomlands, Scotland,] quarter- ensigned with a ducal crown ppr. in base three
ly; first and fourth, az. a branch of palm-tree ships under sail ar. second and third, az. a

betw. three fleurs-de-lis or; second and third, chev. betw. three pheons ar. in the middle ;

Eglinton, Crest, a palm branch, ppr. chief a hunting horn or. Crest, a lion's paw,
.Montgomery, [Coelsfield, Scotland.] The same holding a pennon, or, charged with an eagle
as the Earl of Eglington in 1st diet, with a with two heads displ. sa. and in an escroll ;

crescent in the centre of the quarterings for above, The reward of valour.
diff. Moole, [Staffs.,] or, fretty gu. an annulet ar.
Montgomery, [Broadston, Scotland.] The same Moone, [Devons.,] per fesse gu. and az. three
as the Earl of Eglington; and in surtout an crescents ar.
escutcheon ar. charged with a boar's head Moone, Mown, or Moyne, ar. a cross engr. sa.

couped gu. Crest, a bear ramp, supporting a staff, in

Montgomery, Scotland.]
[Giffen, The same pale, ppr.
quartering over dividing the quarters, a
all, Moone, or, a cross engr. sa. a label or, semee de
cross wavy or; and in chief a label of three hurts. Crest, an arm erm. holding a fleur-

points of the last. de-lis.

Montgomery, [Lainshaw, or Langshaw.] The Moone, gu. a maunch erm. charged with a cinque-
same quarterings in surtout an escutcheon az.
foil ar.

charged with three stars ar. for Mure, of Skel- Moonson, az. out of a crescent ar. a
down. sun or.

Montgomery, [Scotstoun, Scotland.] The same Moore, [Hants.] Arms as of Larden, Salop,
quarterings; and in surtout an escutcheon, in 1st diet. Crest, out of a ducal coronet or,
charged with a hart's head, cabossed. a swan's head and neck ar. beaked gu.
Montgomery. Arms as 12th in 1st diet. Crest, Moore, [Appleby, Leicestershire.] Arms as the
a merman
ppr. holding a target, or. Lord Mayor of that name in diet. Crest, a
Montgomery, erm. on a bordure gu. eight horse- moorcock, wings, addorsed sa. guttee d'or,
shoes or. beaked and wattled gu. holding in the beak a
Monthermer. Arms as 1st Mounthermer, in heath-stalk, ppr.
1st diet. Crest, a griffin's head betw. two Moore, [Millichope, Salop,] sa. a swan ar. mem-
wings, ppr. bered gu. within a bordure engr. or. Crest,
Monthernard, gu. a fesse nebulee betw. three out of a ducal coronet or, a man's head and
etoiles ar. neck ar. beaked gu. gorged with a collar and
Mountjoy, vaire, ar. and sa. a bend gu. line or.
Mountlaby. Arms as 1st diet. Crest, a demi Mooris, sa. on a saltier ar. an escutcheon gu.
fleur-de-lis issuing. charged with a cross or.
Monton. Arms as 1st diet Crest, a horse's Moorle, az. fretty gu. semee of lions pass, guard,
head or, maned sa. of the second.
Moorman, or, a cross engr. chequy, gu. and ar. of the last, in his bill a trefoil, slipped of the
Crest, a hand holding four arrows, points down- third.
ward. Moreton, quarterly gu. and or; in the first quarter
MoORSIDE, quarterly; first and fourth, ar. a bull a goat's head, erased, ar. ; on a chief of the last,
pass. sa. on a bordure of the second, eight be- three torteauxes, each charged with an escallop
zants; second and third, or, on a chev. az. of the second.
betw. three boars' heads, erased, sa. as many Moreton, quarterly, gu. and erm. in the first, and;

mullets, pierced, ar. Crests, first, a demi dra- fourth quarters, a goat's bead, erased, ar.
gon vert, holding in the paw an arrow, point Moreton. The same, within a bordure quartered
downwards sa. second, a tree vert.
or and az.
Moorsom, erminois on a chev. az. betw. two Moreyns, gu. on a bend ar. seven billets sa. one,
moorcocks, in chief, and a galley, in base, ppr. two, one, two, and one.
three etoiles of six points ar. Crest, on a Morffin, or, on a chev. sa. three crescents ar.
mount vert, a moorcock, in front of it a banner Morfin, sa. on a fesse engr. or, betw. three garbs
erect. ar. a martlet enclosed by two guttees of the
Moorton. Arms as 1st diet. Crest, an eagle, second.
preying on a hare, ppr. Morfyn, or Murfyn, or, a chev. sa. ; in the
Moorton, ar. three lions' heads, erased, sa. dexter chief a mullet, pierced, of the second.
Moorye, gu. a fesse ar. Crest, a Blackmoor's head, couped at the
Mootham. Arms as 1st diet. Crest, a cubit shoulders, habited, paly of six, erm. and erm-
arm, in armour, holding in the gauntlet the two ines, pendents in his ears or, wreathed on the
ends of a broken spear. forehead, bats' wings to his head sa. expanded
Mooti.ome, or Mootlow, or, a bend az. betw. on each side.
six roses gu. Morgan, [Ireland,] or, a griffin, segreant, sa.
Morauxt, gu. on a chev. ar. three talbots sa. Morgan, sa. a chev. betw. three spear-heads ar.

Moray, [Aberairny, Scotland,] az. a chev. betw. Morgan, ar. on a bend sa. two cinquefoils and a
three stars ar. Crest, out of an earl's crown, a fleur-de-lis of the first.
star of twelve rays ar. Morgan, or, a griffin, segreant, sa. Crest, a
Mohby, ar. on a bend az. three mullets of six rein-deer's head, or. (Another, crest, a rein-
points, pierced, or. Crest, an eagle, displ. deer's head, cabossed, ar.)
or. Morgan, gu. a chev. erm. betw. three Savages'
Moroake, or, fretty sa. heads couped, in profile. Crest, a Savage's
Mordant, quarterly, per pale, indented, gu. and head affrontee wreathed about the temples.
or. ; in the first and fourth quarters, five lozen-
Morgan, ar. on a cross patonce gu. five roses of
ges conjoined, in cross, of the second. the within a bordure engr. sa.
Morderell, vaire, ar. and sa. Morgany, per cross, ar. and sa. a cross, quartered
Mordey, [Sunderland,] ar. a fleur-de-lis gu. and counterchanged.
Crest, a demi lion ramp. gu. langued or. Moriiam, ar. a chev. gu. betw. three talbots pass.
Mordox, [Somers.] ar. a fleur-de-lis gu. sa. Crest, a talbot's head, erased, sa.
Mordrede, az. a fesse ar. betw. three cinquefoils Morien, ar. a file of three points, in bend, sa.
or. Morier, Crest, a greyhound's head betw. two
Morehead, [Scotland,] ar. on a bend az. three roses slipped and leaved.
acorns of the first in chief a mullet sa.
; Crest, Morins, [Kent,] gu. a cross humettee ar. betw.
two hands conjoined, couped, supporting a four birds of the second.
sword, in pale. Moris, sa. four bears' heads, erased, ar. muzzled
Moreland. Arms as 5th Morlaxd in 1st diet. gu. ; on a canton of the second, a crown or.
Crest, a ship in full sail, ppr. Morisawith, sa. a pile erm.
Morell, gu. a bend or. Morison, [Lyon
Register.] Arms as of Dersay,
Mores, erm. three bars nebulee sa. 1st diet, with two falcons' heads, couped, az. ;

Moresby, sa. a cross ar. ; in the first quarter, a in the flanks a serpent, issuing, ppr.
cinquefoil of the second. Morison, ar. a fesse gu. betw. three Moors' heads
Moret. Arms as 1st diet. Crest, a demi griffin sa. banded of the second. Crest, three Moors'
gu. collared or, sustaining an anchor az. heads, conjoined in one neck, ppr. one looking
Moreton, az. a chev. betw. three trefoils, slipped, upwards, the other two, to the dexter and
sa. Crest, a cock's head or, wings expanded sinister.
az. collared with a fesse, cottised,
gu. combed Morjarty, [Ireland,] ar. an eagle displ. sa.

3 G
2 ]
Crest, an arm, embowed, in armour, holding a betw. four cannons of the same; on a chief of
the second, a fleurs-de-lis of the first, enclosed
dagger, the blade environed with a serpent.
Morland. Arms as 5th in 1st diet. Crest, an by a demi rose gu. the other half radiated, like
arm, couped and embowed, holding three stalks the rays of the sun, or and the stump of a tree,

of wheat, ppr. eradicated, and couped at the top, gu. Crest,

Morland, gu. three bars wavy or, each charged a tower or, inflamed gu.
with as many martlets. Crest, a camel's head, Morris, ar. a fesse betw. three lions, dormant.
erased, charged with three bars wavy. gu-
Morland, ar. on a chev. betw. three lions ramp. Morris, ., on a fesse, betw. three boys' heads,

sa. the two in chief respecting each other, as couped at the shoulders, enwrapped round the
many bezants. neck with a snake, ., a cock betw. two pheons.

Morlent, sa. a lion ramp, double queued, or. Crest, a cock, with a serpent enwrapped
Morles, [Somers.] ar. two bars gu.; in chief round his body, the head part in his beak.
three torteauxes. Morris, Ap-Griffith, the tops of three

Morleton, ar. a chev. sa. fretty of the first, broken tilting spears,or, pointed ar.
betw. three mullets of the second. betw. as many crescents of the second.
Morley, [Hants.] Arms as 1st diet. Crest, Morrison, [Lane] or, on a cross sa. five fleurs-
out of a ducal coronet ,
a demi talbot or.
. . de-lis ar. Crest, on a ducal coronet ppr. an
Morley, ar. a lion ramp, double queued, sa. eagle's head and neck betw. two wings displ.
crowned or. ar.

Morley, per pale, gu. and az. a leopard's face, Morrison. Arms as 4th in 1st diet. Crest, a
jessant a fleur-ds-lis .. Crest, out of a mural
. cubit arm, in armour, holding a branch of oak,
coronet, a griffin's head betw. two wings. ppr.
Morley, sa. a leopard's head or, jessant a fleur-de- Morritt, ar. a cross az. betw. four billets sa. on ;

lis ar. within a bordure engr. of the last, charged a chief of the second, arose of the first, barbed
with torteauxes. Crest, a talbot ermines, pass. or, betw. two fleurs-de-lis of the last. Crest,
reguard. collared or. a griffin's head, erased, ppr. holding in the beak
Morley, Le, [Yorks.] ar. on a chief gu. three a rose gu. barbed and slipped vert.
crescents of the first. Morritt, sa. a cross betw. four billets ar. on a chief
Mornell. Arms as 1st diet., without the label. of the last a rose gu. betw two fleurs-de-lis sa.
Crest, out of a mural coronet az. a dragon's Crest as the last.
head issuing flames, ppr. Morrue, ar. a lion ramp, ppr.; a chief dancettee

Mornsby, sa. three escutcheons ar. or.

Morow. Arms as 1st diet. out of
Crest, Morryson, or, on a chief gu. three chaplets of the
a ducal coronet, an eagle's head betw. two field.Crest, apegasus or.
wings. Morsais, or, on a chev. sa. a mullet, pierced.
Morrell, az, on a cross ar. a lion ramp. gu. Morse. Arms as 1st diet. Crest, a battle-axe
Crest, the horns of a bull, adhering to the scalp, erect.
Morser, [Yorks.] az. on a chev. ar. betw. three
Morrey, [Suss.] sa. three leopards' heads, jessant- birds of the last, beaked and legged gu. as many
de-lis, or. talbots' heads sa. collared or.
Morrice. Arms as Morice, 1st diet. Crest, a Morshead, [Cornw.] Arms as Bart's, 1st diet.
hawk ppr. belled and jessed or. a demi griffin reguard. holding an
Morrice. Same arms. Crest, a lion as in the escutcheon ar. betw. its feet.
arms. Morston, ar. on a chief gu. three martlets or.
Morries, or Morrys, ar. on a chev. vert, three Mort, De La, az. two bends, lozengy, gu. and
crescents or. or.

Morris, sa. a lion pass, or, betw. three scaling Mortein, or Morteign, ar, six lions ramp. az.
ladders ar. Crest, a demi lion ramp. or. [Borne Mortey.n, ar. a fesse gu. on a chief az. two

by Valentine Morris, Esq., of Battersea, mullets of the first.

1836.] Morth, or Murth, [Talland, Cornw.] ar. a lion

Morris, [Broadfield House, near Devizes, Wilts.] ramp. betw. three fleurs-de-lis, gu.
sa. on a saltier engr. ar. an escutcheon or, charged Mortimer, [Scotland,] or, a lion ramp. sa. guttee
with a cross gu. d'or, betw. three sinister hands apaumee gu.
Morris, az. a battle-axe in bend sinister, sur- Crest, a buck's head and neck aft'rontee ppr.
mounted of a tilting spear in bend dexter, or, attired or.
Mortimer, [London.] Arms as 8th in 1st diet. Moryn, ar. a chev. sa. betw. three fleurs-de-lis
Crest, a torteaux betw. two wings or. gu.
Mortimer, [London,] or, a lion ramp. az. guttee Moryne, gu. three lions' pass, guard, ar. betw.
de sang. Crest, a buck's head, erased, quar- two bends gobonated, of the last and az.

terly, or. and gu. Moms, per fesse, ar. and az. a fesse gu. in chief.
Mortimer, [Scotland Mackenzie's Heraldry,] or,
; fretty of the second; in base a dolphin, naiant,
a lion ramp. sa. guttee of the first. of the first.

Mortimer, or, semee of fleurs-de-lis sa. Crest, a Mosdall, per saltier, az. and or; in pale two
buck's head, quarterly, or and gu. attired of the fleurs-de-lis ar. ;
in fesse as many fleurs-de-lis
first. of the first .

Mortimer, az. three bars or, an inescutcheon ar. ; Moselton, or, three palets ;
over all two square
on a chief, betw. two cantons, party per bend, flasks gu.
or and az. dexter and sinister, as many palets. Moses, Crest, a cock reguard. ppr.
Crest, in a ducal coronet or, a pyramid of Mosley, [Newcastle-on-Tyne,] sa. on a chev.
leaves az. betw. three mill-picks ar. as many mullets gu.
Mortimer, az. three bars or,an inescutcheon ar. ; Crest, an eagle displ. erm.
on a chief of the first, two palets betw. as many Mosman, [Auchtefardell, Scotland.] Anns as 1st
gyrons of the second. Crest, as the last. diet.
Mortimer, az. three bars or; on an escutcheon ar. Moxtnan. Same arms. Crest, a hand, couped at
three nails, points in base, sa. on a chief of the
the wrist, and erect, holding a book.
first, two palets betw. as many gyrons of the Mossely, az. a crescent betw. three fleurs-de-lis.
second. or.

Mortimer, gu. two bars and three cinquefoils, in Moston. Arms as 1st in 1st diet. Crest, a lion's
chief, az. head gu.
Mortimer, gu. three bars or, an inescutchen ar. ; Moston, gu. on a fesse erm. betw. three mullets
on a chief of the first, two palets betw. as many ar. as many annulets gu.
Moston, ar. a chev. sa. betw. three crosses patonce
gyrons of the second.
Mortimer, erm. on a fesse az. three crosslets or. of the last.
Mortimer ar. on a cross az. five escallops or. Mosylton, ar. three palets az. over all two ;

Mortinius, Crest, a sword, in pale, enfiled square flaunches gu.

with a ducal coronet, betw. two elephants' pro- Motbarnard, gu. a fesse nebulee betw. three
bosces. etoiles ar.
Mortlock, erm. a fret. . on a chief. . three fleurs- Motherwell, [Scotland,] az. a cross formee ar.
de-lis. Crest, a lion sejant, resting his dexter fimbriated or; a chief of the second. Crest, a
paw on a fleur-de-lis. . . . crescent or.
Mortlock, ar. three lozenges gu. Crest, a lion's Mothold, az. three escallops ar.
head, erased, sa. Moton, [Peckleton.] Arms as 1st diet. Crest,
Mortlvne, erm. on a chev. sa. a crescent or ; a an Ibex's or ram's head, erased, ppr.
chief of the second. Mott, az. a fesse of five lozenges or, each charged
Morton, [Cornw.] ar. a chev. betw. three moor- with an escallop gu.; on a chief a griffin's . .

cocks, sa. head, erased, betw. two fleurs-de-lis . . .

Morton, ar. a chev. betw. three cushions, erm. Motte, az. on a bend betw. three leopards' face-

or, a cinquefoil az.

Morton, or, asmany martlets gu.
Mortvmer, ar. on a fesse az. three cross crosslets Motton. Arms as 1st in 1st diet. Crest, a stag.
or. statant, ppr. wounded with an arrow.
Morul, az. on a fesse, betw. two chev. or, a Mottram, [Newcastle on Tyne,] sa. on a chev.
buck's head cabossed, gu. ar. betw. three crosslets or, as many cinquefoils

Morvile, az. semee-de-lis or. Crest, a cat's

head guard, gu. Mouat, az. a tower ar. Crest, a lion pass, guard.
Morwen, ar. six moor-cocks sa. three, two, and ppr.
one. Moubray, or Mubray, [Barnbugle, Scotland.]
Morwick, [Durham Visitation, 1G15,] gu. a sal- gu. a lion ramp, ar Crest, a demi lion ramp
and sa.
tier vaire, ar. gu -
Moryan, bend betw. twelve billets,
gu. a or. Moubray, ar. a fesse gu. betw. three boars' heads,
Moryecus, gu. on a bend ar. seven billets sa. one, erased, ppr. Crest, a falcon, rising, belled,
two, one, two, and one. ppr.
Mm bray, [Kolcairney, Scotland,] gu. a lion each, two bars gu. (Another, one escutcheon
ramp. ar. crowned or. Crest, a man's head, vair.)
affrontee. Mounteby, az. a cross or, fretty gu.
Moule. Arms as 2nd in 1st diet. Crest, a lion Mountender, gu. a lion ramp, within an orle of
ramp, supporting a broad arrow, point down- trefoils, slipped, or.
wards, ppr. Mountesay, gu. a fesse ar. betw. three cinquefoils
Moulent, sa. a lion ramp, double queued, ar. of the second.
Moules, gu. two barsar. ; in chief three plates. Mountferat, paly of siz, sa. and ar. a chief az.
Moulso, or, a chev. per chev. gu. and sa. betw. Mountferrant, ar. three palets sa. on a chief ;

three fleurs-de-lis erm. seeded ar. gu. as

many cinquefoils or.
Moulson, gu. a chev. ar. fretty sa. betw. three a demi sports-
Mountjoy, or, a castle sa. Crest,
mullets or. Crest, a lion's head, erased, per man, firing his piece, ppr.
pale embattled, or and sa. Mountjoy, [Devons.,] harry nebulee of six, or
Moulson. The same arms, the mullets sa. Crest, and sa.
an elephant ar. lifting with the proboscis a lau- Mountsey, gu. a fesse betw. three cinquefoils ar.
rel-branch, vert. Mountueron, az. three dolphins, embowed, ar.
Moulso//, az. an etoile of eight points or, out of a Mourest, gu. a cross moline or.
crescent ar. Mouthwey, ar. a lion ramp. gu. within a bordure
Moult. Arms as 1st diet. Crest, a fish, naiant, engr. sa. Crest, a Doric pillar, entwined with
az. spotted or. ivy, and on the top a flame of fire, all ppr.
Moulton, chequy, or and gu. a bend sa. Moutrie, [Scotland.] Arms as Moutry, in 1st
Moulton, sa. three bars ar. ; in chief as many diet, within a bordure ar. Crest, a talbot's
annulets of the second. head ar.
Moulton, gu. a chev. ar. fretty sa. betw. three Mouxo, or, a cross lozengy sa.
mullets of the second, pierced of the third. Mow, [of that Ilk,] as 1st diet,
Moulton, chequy, or and sa. Mowatt, sa. a tower, towered, ar. Crest, a demi
Moulton, or, three bars gu. lion or.
Mounceus, De, gu. a maunch vaire, ar. and of Mowbray, gu. a lion ramp. betw. two flaunches
the first, hand ppr. or, each charged with three billets of the first.
Moune, [Temp. Edir. I.] gu. a maunch erm. Crest, on oak-tree ppr., therefrom pendent a
therefrom issuing a hand, holding a fleur-de-lis. shield gu. charged with a lion's head, erased.
Mounchensey, or, three escutcheons vaire, ar. Mowbray, gu. a lion pass. ar. Crest, on a chapeau
and gu. (Another, or and gu. ) gu. lined erm. a lion pass. ar. standing betw. a
Mounchesse, or, a fesse masculy, gu. and ar. per pair of stag's attires or.
fesse, counterchanged. Mower. Arms as 1st diet. Crest, a dove and
Mounes, or, a bend cottised, gu.; a label az. olive-branch ppr.
Mounger, or Moungre, ar. on a bend az. six Mowin, or, three cinquefoils and a canton gu.
fleurs-de-lis or. Mowlder, ar. a fesse betw. three bunches of
Mouns, or, three bars az. a lion ramp. gu. ;
grapes sa.
Mounsey, chequy, or and ; on a chief of the gu. Mowles. Arms as 1st diet. Crest, out of a
second three mullets of the first. Crest, an ducal coronet, a demi Savage ppr.
arm, in armour, holding a sword. Mowne. Arms as 1st in 1st diet, Crest, two
Mounstaby, az. a cross ar. fretty gu. arms, in armour, embowed, ppr. sustaining a
Mount. Arms as 1st in 1st diet. Crest, a demi ball sa.
man in armour brandishing a scimitar, ppr. Mowne, or, a cross engr. sa. ;
a bendlet gu.
Mountaby, az. a cross betw. four passion-nails, Mownes, or, three bars az. ;
over all a lion ramp.
Montaney, a bend betw. six martlets,
. .
. .
Moxon, per fesse, gu. and az. ; a fesse or, betw.
Crest, a wolf, sejant, collared and lined, the a mullet in chief, and a crescent in base, ar.
line reflexed over the back, ending with a Crest, a demi eagle displ. az.
ring. Moygne, harry of six, or and vert.
Mountavillet, [France,] or, fretty sa. a canton Moyle. Arms as of Wye, in 1st diet. Crest,
az. two demi dragons, endorsed, their necks en-
Mountchancey, or, three escutcheons, vaire, or twined round each other, the first gu., the
and az. second or.
Mountchansey, or, three escutcheons vair; on Moyn, erm. a cross, voided, gu.
MoYNj I,e, or, a saltier engr. gu. arms as of Stanhope, in 1st diet, with a crescent
Moyne, ar. two bars sa. in chief ; three etoiles of betw. the acorns.
the second. .Muirhead, [Habershire,] ar. on a bend az. three
Moyne, ar. a bend betw. six mullets. acorns or, husks vert in chief a fetterlock az.

Moyne. See Moigne and Moone. Crest, two hands, issuing, grasping a broad-
Moyne, Le, now Monke, gu. a chev. betw. three sword, in pale, all ppr.
lions' heads, erased, ar. Mulbanke, ar a fret gu. on a canton az. a cross

Moynes. Arms as of Hunts, in 1st diet. Crest, patonce or.

a lion ramp, holding in the dexter paw a battle- Mulbery, or Mulbury. Arms as 1st diet. Crest,
axe. a lion pass. holding a crescent or.
MoYNLEY. Arms as 1st diet. Crest, a hind's Mulcaster, or Mulchestek, harry of fourteen,
head, couped. ar. and az. a bend gu.

MoYREj ar. a canton gu. Mulchester, ar. three bars gemelles gu. abend az.
Moyse. Arms as 1st in 1st diet. Crest, a leo- Mulencar, [Amsterdam,] gu. on a sinister hand.
pard ramp, ppr. couped and erect, ppr. a human heart of the
Moysey, [Henton, Somers. Granted 1765.] or, field, charged with a cross ar.
on a fesse sa. betw. three cinquefoils vert, Mulgrave, per pale, ar. and gu. a quarterfoil
a cross fiory of the field. Crest, a dragon's counterchanged.
head vert, charged on the neck with a cross Muliexs, ar. a chev. betw. three mullets or.
fiory or. Mulle, ar. a cross moline, quarter pierced, sa.
Moyshole, Moyshold, or Moysholl, ar. on a within a bordure engr. of the last.
cross az. five leopards' heads or. Muller, az. a pile or, surmounted by a chev. ar.
Moyt, or, a lion ramp, reguard. sa. charged with a cinquefoil of the field. Crest,
Mdchell, Crest, a camel's head, ducally a swan ppr.
gorged. Mulleswell, gu. on a chev. engr. or, betw. three
Mdckle, [Scotland,] ar. three martlets gu. crescents of the second, as many crosslets sa,
Crest, a lion pass. gu. Mullett. sa. three quarterfoils or. within a bor-
-Mi (ton, or, a lion ramp. vert. dure of the last.
Muddyford, [Exeter, Devons.] Arms as 1st Mulliken, [Scotland,] ar. three demi lions gu.
diet. issuing out of water ppr.
Ml 'DKflALL, Or MuDERALL, as Ml'DENALE, in 1st Mullikin, [Scotland,] ar. three lions gu. issuing
diet, out of two bars wavy az. two out of the upper-
Ml DEVALL, as MlDENALE, ill 1st diet. most, and one from the undermost.
MniEWORTH. See Moldvvorth. Mulling, [Cornw.] ar. three goats sa.
Mudgan, [Mudgan, Cornw.,] vert, a chev. erm. Mullins, or Mulliens, az. a chev. betw. three
betw. three escallops or. mullets or.
Mudge, ar. a fesse betw. three cinquefoils sa. Mulliss, [Ireland,] az. five bells, in cross, or.
Modie, [Arbreckie,] az. a chev. erm. betw. three Mollowny, [Ireland.] Arms as Molony.
pheons ar. a bordure of the last.
; Crest, a Mi/lso, ar. a chev. party per chev. or and sa.
pheon ar. betw. three fleurs-de-lis erminois.
Mudso, erm. on a bend sa. three goats' heads ar. Milton, or, three bars vert. Crest, a Savage's
Muelis, [Devons.,] gu. two bars ar. in chief ; head, couped, wreathed about the temples with
three plates. laurel, ppr.
Muhant. Arms as 1st diet. Crest, a bouchier's Multon, ar. three bars gu. ; a canton of the same.
knot sa. Mtjmby. Arms as 1st diet, Crest, on a ducal
Muire, or Mire, [Glanderstoun,
Scotland,] ar. coronet, a lion, sejant, ppr.
on a fesse az. three stars of the first, in
base a Mumford, arg. a lion ramp. betw. eight cross
crescent gu. all within a bordure engr. of the crosslets sable. Crest, out of a ducal coronet
last. Crest, a dexter hand, issuing, holding a or, a talbot's head, sa.
sword, all ppr. .Mumford, or, a lion, salient, az. Crest, a demi
Muire, [Rowallan, Scotland,] ar. on a fesse az. cat ramp, guard, ppr.
three stars or. Munceus, gu. a inaunch or.
Muirhead, [Lauchop, Scotland,] ar. on a bend Muncy, De, chequy, ar. and gu.
az. three acorns or. Crest, two hands support- Munday, [Rialton, Cornw.] gu. on a cross engr.
ing a sword, erect, in pale, ppr. ar. five lozenges az. ; on a chief or, three eagles'
Muirhead, [Bredisholm, Scotland.] The same legs, erased, sa. a-la-quise.
sa. on a cross ar. five lozenges purp. ; a Mure, [Auchindrain,
Munday, Scotland,] ar. on a fesse,
chief or, charged with three eagles' legs, erased, invecked, az. three mullets of the field, within a
az. Crest, as Munday, of London, in 1st diet. bordure engr. gu.
Mundell, [Glasgow,] .., a ducal coronet betw. Mure, sa. three birds, volant, ar. beaked and
two mullets in chief, and a crescent in base,. . ; legged or.
a canton . . . Muriell. Arms as of London in 1st diet. Crest,
Mundell, [Scotland,] per pale, az. and ar. a ducal a lion pass guard, tail
extended, ppr.
crown counterchanged. Crest, a globe rent ppr. Muriell, sa. on a fesse wavy or. betw. three martlets
Munden, gu. on a cross engr. or, five lozenges ar. as many wings gu. within a bordure
engr. of
sa. on a chief of the second, three eagles' claws,
; the second. Crest, a demi cat, per pale, ar
a-la-quise, erased, of the second; a canton erm. and sa. holding in her claws a branch of roses
charged with an anchor az. of the first, leaved vert, gorged with a fesse
Moundevill, az. a fret or. counterchanged
Ak ndevill, quarterly, vair and gu. Murison, [Anchorfield.] ar. three Moors' heads,
Munn, per chev. sa. and or, in chief three bezants, couped, sa. banded az. a bordure engr. gu.
and in base a castle, triple towered, of the first. Crest, three Moors' heads, conjoined on one
Crest, a dexter arm, in armour, holding a neck, ppr. banded az.
lion's paw, erased, ppr. Murkoyle, harry of six. vair, and gu.
Mi' un, per chev. sa. and or, two bezants in chief, Murphy, Arms as 1st diet. Crest,
and a castle, triple towered, in base, sa. Crest, a lion ramp. gu. holding a garb. or.
a lion's head, erased, erm. Murray, [Perth,] az. a cross moline betw. three
MunnYj sa. a martlet ar. mullets within a bordure quarterly, or and
Mi'NOEDON,ar. an annulet gu.; on a chief indented, sa. Crest, a demi man wreathed about the
of the second, two annulets of the first. middle and temples vert, holding in his dexter
Munro, or, an eagle's head, erased gu. encircled hand a dagger ar. hilt and pomel or, in the
by a branch of laurel on the dexter, and of oak sinister a key ppr.
on the sinister, on a chief of honourable aug- Murray, ar. on a chief az. three mullets. Crest,
mentation ar. the representation of an Indian an eagle's head, erased, sa. holding in the beak
hill fort, inscribed beneath, in letters of gold, a fleur-de-lis ppr.
Badamy, on a canton gu. the silver medal of Murray, [Ireland,] az. a fetterlock betw. three
Seringapatam. Crest, an eagle, close, ppr. with mullets or. Crest, on a ducal coronet, a mart-
the beforementioned medal pendent from its neck let ppr.

by a ribbon, the dexter claw resting on an escut- Murray, [Bothwell, Scotland,] az. three stars ar.
cheon gu. charged with a representation of the Murray, [Granted 1812] az. a martlet or, betw.
fort of Badamy, in the beak a sprig of laurel, three mullets ar. a bordure of the second; on a
ppr. Motto, Dread God. [Borne by Major canton erm. a sword ppr. and trident sa. in sal-
General Sir Thomas Munro, K. C. B. Created tier. Crest, a lion ramp, guard, gu. collared
a Baronet, 6th August, 1825, ob. 1827]. and chained, supporting an anchor or.
Munt, ar. three peacocks' in their pride, ppr. a hunting horn sa.
Murray, [Birmingham,]
Crest, a Savage's head, couped, distilling drops stringed gu. a bordure of the second, charged
of blood, ppr. with three escallops or ; on a chief az. as many
Munton. gu. three chev. interlaced, or; a chief stars of the field. Crest a telescope on a stand or.
ar. Crest, a cannon mounted ppr. Murray, [Baherton.] ar. a fetterlock az. a bordure
MrRCAUNT, ar. fretty sa. a chief gu. ; engr. gu.; on a chief of the second, three mul-
Murdake, or, a fret sa. lets of the first.
Murden. Arms as 1st diet.. Crest, a leopard Murray, [Broughton, Scotland,] quarterly; first
ramp, guard, ppr. and fourth, az. three stars ar. second and third,

Murdiston, ., on a bend, betw. two crescents,

or, a fesse chequy, ar. and az. betw. three roses
an etoile. gu. Crest, a griffin salient.
Murdoch, [Cardonald, Scotland,] ar. a fssse, Murray, [Clarendon.] The same as of Penni-
chequy, az. and of the field; over all two crows land, with a mullet for diff. Crest, a mermaid
sa. pendent on an arrow, Crest, holding a sword in her dexter hand, ppr.
fesseways, ppr.
a lion's head, erased, gu. Murray, [Edinburgh, Scotland,] az. three mullets
Murdoch, or, on a chev. gu. three mascles ar. ar. a bordure of the last, charged with three
rest, a sword in pale, enfiled with a Savage's martlets sa. Crest, a demi Savage with a club
he>td, couped, ppr. over the shoulder, ppr.
Murray, [Kincairnie] az. a cross ar. surmounted Musgrave, bend
or, a sa.

by a saltier gu. betw. three mullets of the second, Mushat, or Mushet, or, a fesse betw. three cres-
within a bordure of the last. Crest, an olive- cents az. Crest, a mount vert ;
semee of straw-
tree ppr. berries, ppr.
Murray, [.Murray field and Henderland, Scotland. Mushet, [Burnbank,] erm. two chev. gu. a bor-;

Granted 1794,] ar. a martlet az. within a fetter- dure az. Crest, on the top of a Saracen's head
lock sa. a bordure erm. on a chief of the
; att'rontee, a dove and olive-branch ppr.
second, three stars of the Crest, a dexter
first. Mushet, [Holland.] The same arms, the bordure
hand issuing, holding- a roll of paper, all ppr. charged with eight crescents ar. Crest, a twig
Murray, [ Murrayshall, Scotland, ] quarterly ;
of rose, blooming ppr.
first and fourth, or, three piles issuing from Mushett, or Montifex, erm. two chev. gu.
the chief sa. within a royal tressure, flory and Muskeham, ar. a chev. betw. three flies, sa.
counterftory. gu. on a chief of the second, a
Musner. Arms as 2nd in 1st diet. Crest, out
crescent betw. three escallops of the field ;
of a ducal coronet or, a camel's head sa.
second and third, az. a cross pattee betw. two Mussenden, [Great Missenden, Bucks.,] or, a
mullets ar. within the royal tressure or. Crest, cross engr. gu. voided sa. in the first quarter,

a stag's head, ppr. a Cornish chough ppr.

Murray, [Murraythwaite, Scotland,] quarterly; Mussenden, or Missenden, or, a cross engr. gu.
first and fourth, az. a crescent betw. three stars charged with another, plain, sa. ; in the first
ar. within a royal tressure of the last, all within quarter a bird of the third, beaked and legged
a bordure or; second and third, or, on a saltier of the second.
az. nine lozenges of the field, within a bordure MrsTERs, ar. a bend gu. within a bordure engr.

engr. gu. Crest, a cherub ppr. winged or. of the same.

Murray, az. a saltier, in fesse, betw. three mul- Mustian, or, three bars gu.
lets, ar. Crest, a demi man, couped at the Muston. Arms as 1st diet. Crest, on a chapeau
thighs, ppr. wreathed about the temples and ppr. a garb or.
middle vert, holding in the dexter hand a sword, Musward, az. a fesse. betw. three cinquefoils, ar.
and in the sinister a key, all ppr. Muswell, vert, two chev. ar. each charged with
Murray, [Touchadam, Scotland,] .... three stars three cinquefoils gu.
within a double tressure, flory and counterflory. Muter, [Scotland,] gu. a fesse betw. three shields
Crest, a mermaid, holding in her dexter hand or.
a mirror, and in the sinister a comb. Sup- Muterer, [Scotland,] gu. a fesse betw. three in-
porters, two lions. escutcheons, or. Crest, a castle, triple-towered,
Murray, [Touchadam and Polmais, Scotland.] ppr., door and windows gu.
The same arms, with an annulet in the centre Mutshedeler, or Mutshideler, .... the rays
for cliflf. of the sun issuing from the dexter chief corner.
Murray, [Strowan, Scotland] az. three mullets ar. ; Mutteaule, ar. a bend sa.
in the middle chief point, a crescent or, for cliff. Muttlebury, sa. two barrulets betw. three mart-
Murray, [Scotland Lyon Register.] The same
; lets or.
arms as Lord Elibank, within a bordure, em- Mutton. Arms as 1st diet. Crest, a unicorn
battled ar. Crest, a horse, salient, ppr. fur- ramp.
nished gu. Mychell, sa. a chev. betw. three eagles displ. ar.

Murrell, .... a griffin, segreant, .... Crest, Mychell, sa. three greyhounds, current, in pale, ar.
a griffin's head, wings endorsed. within a bordure, gobonated, or and gu.
Muryell, sa. on a fesse wavy, betw. two martlets, Mychell, per pale, ar. and sa. ; on a chief, three
ar. as many wings gu. trefoils, slipped, all counterchanged.
Musard, gu. three Crest, a Savage's
plates. Mychell, per pale, ar. and sa. a fesse betw. three
head, couped, and distilling drops of blood, ppr. trefoils, all counterchanged.
MusCHAMP, az. three butterflies, volant, or. Mychell, az. a leopard's head, erased, guard, or.
Muschance, or, a chief az. Mychell, ar. a fesse ermines, betw. three lozenges
Mcscull, or, a cross lozengy, vair and gu. of the last.
Musenbrugh, ar. a cross gu. Mychelstan, gu. three gem-rings or, stoned of
Musgrave, az. six annulets or, two, two, and two. the first.

Crest, two arms, embowed, erm. cuffed or. Mydesame, [London,] az. on a chev. betw. three
holding in the hands ppr. an annulet of the escallops ar. as many acorns vert on a chief, ;

second ; betw. the arms a human heart gu. embattled, .... three martlets ....

Myers, Crest, a ducal coronet or, ensigned with Myttecomb, sa. fretty or; on a chief .
., a lion
three arrows, points downward, entwined with pass, guard, or.
a serpent, ppr. Mytton, [Shrewsbury,] per pale, az. and gu. an
Mygges. or Megges, or, a chev. betw. three eagle displ. with two heads, or, within a bordure
mascles, sa. ; on a chief of the last, a wolf, cur- engr. of the last.
rent, ar. Mytton. The same arms. Crest, an arm, in
Mvggs. Same arms. Crest, a talbot's head sa. armour, embowed, holding by the blade a sword,
eared ar. collared or. point downwards, ppr.
Mykelfeld, a cross engr. sa. guttee d'or.
ar. Mytton, [Salop.] per pale az. and gu. an eagle
Mylbourne, sa. on a bend ar. betw. two leo- displ. or: quartering, Glynne, az. a chev. or,
pards' heads of the second, three crosses pattee betw. three cocks, ar. wattles and combs of the
az. ; on a chief or, as many escallops gu. second. Crest of Mytton, a demi eagle, per
Crest, a leopard's head, per pale, ar. and sa. pale, or and az. ; Crest of Glynne, a cock ar.

Myld, ramp. az. crowned or, depressed

ar. a lion memberedor. [Borne by John Glynne Mytton,
by a fessecomponee, of the last and az. of Ponty scoured, unci North Cleobury, Salop,
Myldred, sa. three mullets or; a chief embat- Esq., 1837.]
tled, (Another, nebulee) erm.
Myleceut, [Yorks.,] ar. an escutcheon sa. charged
with a cross or, betw. three crosses formee of
the second, each pointing towards the centre of
the shield. Crest, a dragon's head sa. collared
and chained or, issuingout of an antiquecrown or. Nadegate. [Harfield, Bucks.] The same as
Mylie, [Scotland,] per fesse sa. and ar. three Nodegate.
mill-rinds counterchanged. Crest, a bull's Nadler. Arms as 1st diet. Crest, a cross
head, erased, sa. crosslet fitchee, and a sword in saltier.
TVIylne, [Scotland,] ar. a cross patonce gu. betw. Nagle, sa. a fesse betw. three towers ar. Crest,
three mullets sa. Crest, a martlet, volant. a unicorn's head sa.

Mylnehouse, ar. on a bend engr. sa. three fleurs- Nairn, per pale, sa. and ar. ; a chaplet of roses,
de-lis of the first. counterchanged. Crest, alionramp. supporting
Mylneton, or Mylton, ar. on a cross engr. az. a garb or.
five garbs or. Nairn, [Golden House, Scotland,] per pale, ar,
Myltecombe, or, fretty sa. ; on a chief of the and sa. ; on a chaplet, four quartrefoils counter-
second, a lion pass, guard, of the first. changed.
Mylward, ar. a mill-rind sa. betw. three cres- Nairn, [Seggieden, Scotland.] Arms as 1st diet,
cents gu. with quartrefoils. Crest, the trunk of an oak-
Mymmys, gu. on a chev. engr. or, betw. three tree, sprouting out leaves, ppr.
fleurs-de-lis ar. as many chess-rooks sa. Nairn, [Greenyard, Scotland.] The same arms,
Myn, [Myn, Salop,] ar. a fesse dancettee, paly of on the dexter chief a mullet of the second.
six, erm. and gu. betw. six cross crosslets sa. Nairn, [Sandford, Stranham, &c. Scotland.] per
Myne, [Kent,] per pale, ar. and sa. three chev. pale, ar. and sa. on a chaplet, two crescents

betw. as many cinquefoils, all counterchanged. in pale, and as many quatrefoils in fesse, all
Mynell, or, three bars gemelles az. counterchanged.
Mynn. Arms as 1st diet. Crest, a demi pegasus, Nairn, [St. Ford, Scotland,] per pale, ar. and
issuing, or. sa. on a round chaplet, four mullets, counter-

Mynyot, or Mynyett, ar. three helmets, open, sa. changed. Crest, a celestial sphere on a stand,
Myreson, ar. three bucks' heads, cabossed, sa. ppr. over it, Spes ultra.

Crest, a buck's head, erased, sa. attired or. Nairn, [Langside, Scotland,] per pale, sa. and
Myreton, [Scotland,] ar. a chev. sa. charged ar. on a chaplet, four mullets, in the centre

over the point with a crescent counterchanged, a crescent, all counterchanged. Crest, as last.
all betw. three pellets. Crest, out of a cloud, a Nairne, per pale, sa. and ar. onacircular ;
dexter hand fesseways, ppr. holding a cross betw. three cinquefoils, four roundles, all counter-
formee fitchee gu. changed. Crest, the sun in splendour or.
Myriche, per pale, gu. and ar. two griffins, ramp. Naish, az. on a chev. ar. cottised or, betw. three
combatant, counterchanged. doves' heads, erased, ppr. a pellet inter four
Myte, [Gunthorpe,] ar. on a bend or, three cross crosslets sa. Crest, a dexter hand holding
mascles gu. a sword, in pale, ppr.
N \i .LINGHURST. Arms as 2nd in 1st diet. Napier, [Wright's Houses, Scotland,] or, on a
( 'rest,a wivern gu. bend az. a crescent betw. two spur-rowels, of
Nanhv. Arms as 1st diet. Crest, a lion's paw the first.
holding an ostrich's feather ar.
sa. Napier, [Scotland,] ar. on a saltier engr. betw.
Nanby. The same arms, the swords pomelled four roses gu. a fleur-de-lis or. Crest, a dexter
or. hand, erect, holding a crescent ar.
Nancarkow, [Cornw.] ar. a chev. betw. three Napier, alias Sandy, ar. a saltier engr. gu. betw
stags, attired, sa. four cinquefoils of the second. Crest, a demi
Nanfan, or Nanson, [ Trethewell, Cornw.] antelope, erased at the flank, or, armed ar.
Arms as Nanspain, 1st diet. Napper, ar. a saltier engr. betw. four roses
Nanfan, a chev. betw. three gem-rings ar.
sa. gu. Crest, a demi antelope or, armed and
Nanfant. Arms as 1st in 1st diet. Crest, on a maned az.
coronet or, a bird az. Napps, or Nap, [Needham,] or, a lion pass. betw.
Nanfant, ar. three wolves pass, in pale, az. three helmets, sa.
Crest, three priming-hooks, two in saltier, and Napton. Arms as last in 1st diet. Crest, a lion
one in pale, or, environed in the middle with a pass, tail extended, ppr.
wreath. Napton, or, on a fesse az. three escallops ar.
Nanfant. Arms as 2nd in 1st diet. Crest, first, JVapton, ar. on a fesse gu. three escallops vair.
a spaniel-dog ar. second, three vine-hooks or
; Narbon, ar. three belts, the under parts couped,

priming-hooks, crossing it, ar. one erect, and in fesse, az. buckled and garnished or. Crest,
two in saltier. a dove, volant, in the beak an olive-branch, ppr.
Nangley, [Ireland.] As 1st diet. Narboon, or Narboone. Arms as 1st diet.
Nangothan, or Nangotham, [Scotland.] Arms Crest, a fleece or, banded az.
as 1st diet. Crest, a pole-cat ar. Narford, gu. a fesse ar. Crest, out of a cloud,
Nanphan, or Nanfan. Arms as of Bruch- a dexter hand, fesseways, ppr. holding a cross
Norton, 1st diet. Crest, two dolphins, in- crosslet fitchee gu.
dorsed, az. Nash, [Ireland.] Arms as last in 1st diet.
N INSCAWEN, [Cornw.] gu. on a cross or, four Crest, a pelican ppr.
escallops of the first. Nash. Arms as 1st in 1st diet. Crest, a wolf
N w-oi.YX, az. three bezants. Crest, a cross reguard.
pattee fitchee az. Nashe, or, a Incorporated lion, issuing out of
Nanson, Crest, a peacock in pride, ppr. three corners of the escutcheon, all meeting
Nantian, ar. a fesse, and in chief two mullets, under one head, in the fesse point, az.
gu- Nason, az. three ranis' heads, couped, or.
Nants. Arms as 1st diet. Crest, an etoile of N assouille, az. three bezants.
eight points or. Nathaley, Natheley, or Nathiley. Arms as
Naper, [Ireland.] Arms and crest as Napper, 1st diet. 'Crest, out of a ducal coronet or, a
London, in 1st diet. demi swan sa. wings displ.
Napier [Balwhaple, Scotland.] a saltier engr. ar. Nathan, or, a fesse, cottised, sa. betw. three
carpenter's compasses, extended
betw. four roses gu. with a mullet for diff. az. Crest,
Crest, an eagle's leg, erased, in bend, ppr. a heart gu. pierced with an arrow, in bend
armed gu. sinister, sa.
Napier, [Blackstone, Scotland,] ar. on a saltier Natterville, erm. three Savages' heads, erased,
engr. gu. betw. four roses of the second, a fleur- affrontee sa.
de-lis of the first. Crest, a dexter arm, holding N ughton, sa. three martlets ar. Crest, a demi
up a crescent. lion ramp, guard., holding in the dexter paw a
Napier, [Craigannet, Scotland,] ar. on a saltier fleur-de-lis.

engr. betw. four roses gu. a mullet sa. Crest, Naugles, ar. four lozenges, in fesse, sa.
a hand holding a couteau sword, ppr. Nauson, sa. a chev. betw. three annulets ar.

Napier, [Killcreugh, Scotland,] as of Culcreuch, N war, or Nevere. Arms as 1st diet. Crest,
in 1st diet. an opinicus gu.
Nawghley, three fusils, in fesse, sa.
Napier, [Kilmacheugh, Scotland Lyon Register] ;

gu. on a bend ar. three crescents az. and in ; Nayler, or, on a bend, cottised, sa. three covered
the sinister chief point, a spur-rowel of the cups of the first.

gu. three crescents within an orle,

second. Crest, a man's head, adorned with Nazer,
laurel, ppr. Neafe, [Methie.l az. a man in armour or, on
[ 3H2]
horseback ar. advancing his sword ;
in the sinis- Negus, [Brome, near Eye, Suff.] erm. on a chief
hand of the third.
ter chief, a left nebulee az. three escallops or.
Neale, Nell, or Nele. Arms as 14th in 1st Neham, or Nehun, chequy, ar. and gu. a chief or.
diet. Crest, a fret az. Neiengton. ar. achev.az. a labelofthree pointsgu.
Nealc. Arms as 5th in 1st diet, with a crescent Neil, or, a galley, sails furled, and oars in action
in chief of the third. Crest, a mascle, or. sa. in chief a dexter hand, couped,
Neale, gu. three lions pass, guard, ar. gu. holding a dagger, point downwards, az.
Neale, ar. on a bend sa. three greyhounds, cur- betw. two cross crosslets fitchee of the third.
rent, or. Crest, a unicorn's head, erased, gu.
Neale, per pale, gu. and ermines, a lion pass, Neil, [Scotland.] per pale, sa. and gu. a lion pass,
guard. . . .
guard, ar. Crest, a lion pass, guard, sa.
Neame, Crest, a boar's head, erased. Neild, purp. three griffins' heads ar.
Nearns, [Ireland,] ar. a griffin, segreant, gu. hold- Neill, per pale, sa. and az. a lion pass, guard,
ing in each claw a key ppr. Crest, a lion's or. Crest, a hand issuing from a cloud, holding
head, erased. a club, all
Neasmith, [Kirkcudbright, Scotland,] gu. a dex- Neilson, [Craigcaffie, Scotland; Register,] New
ter hand, fesseways, couped, in base, holding a per chev. ar. and or ; in chief two sinister hands,
sword, paleways, ar. hilt and pomel or, betw. couped and erect, gu. ; in base a dagger, in
two broken hammers, paleways, in fesse, of the pale, pointdownwards, ppr. Crest, a dexter
second. Crest, a dexter hand, issuing, holding hand holding a lance erect, all ppr.
a sword, all ppr. Neilson, [Manwood, Scotland.] The same arms,
Nebald, az. two bars and a chief, ar. with a man's heart ppr. in the centre point for
Nechure. Arms as Nechur last but one in 1st cliff. Crest, dexter hand holding
a dagger ppr.
diet. Crest, a hand holding a rose-branch, ppr. Neilson, [Carriagehill, Scotland,] per chev. ar.
Nedeham, or Nydeham. Arms as of Nedham and or; in chief two dexter hands, couped, gu.
Wimeley in 1st diet. in the centre a crescent sa. Crest, a dexter
Nedeham. ar. a bend engr. az. betw. two bulls' hand ppr. pointing to a crescent in chief, or.
heads, cabossed. or. Neilson, ar. three sinister hands, in bend sinister,
Need, per chev. and erm. in chief two griffins'
or. couped, each holding a dagger az. in the centre
heads, erased, ppr. Crest, out of an eastern a crescent gu. Crest, a dexter hand holding a
coronet, or. a griffin's head, ppr. spear erect, ppr. Motto, His regi. servitium.
Neefield, or Nerfield. Arms as 1st diet. Neilson, per chev. ar. and gu. three dexter hands,
Crest, two anchors, in saltier, az. couped, counterchanged. Crest, a dexter hand
Neefield, Neefeld, or Neerjield, ar. three cinque- holding a spear ppr.
foils gu. Neirnist, gu. a lion, salient, within an orle of
Neel, ar. on a bend sa. three pheons or. billets, ar.
Neeld, per pale ar. and az. a lion pass. betw. Neke, or, a chev. betw. three leopards' heads gu.
three greyhounds' heads, erased and counter- Crest, a lion's gamb az. holding a lozenge, in
changed. Crest, on a mount vert, a wolf's pale, ar. charged with a cross crosslet sa.
head, erased, sa. betw. two palm-branches, erect, Nelewell, ar. on a chev. gu. three bezants.
ppr. [Borne by Joseph Neeld, Esq. late of Nelson, [Plymouth Dock,] per pale, ar. and sa.
the Inner Temple, 1837.] three fleurs-de-lis, Crest, a
Neele, [Ches.] gu. on a chief, indented, or, a dexter arm, in armour, couped and erect, ppr.
holding a fleur-de-lis, as in the arms.
Neeve, Crest, out of a ducal coronet, a narcissus Nemarch, gu. a fesse engr. or.
stalked and leaved, ppr. Nembhard, [Germany,] ar. a chev. gu. betw.
Neffort, ar. on a cross, betw. four roses, gu. five three human hearts, ppr. Crest, on a wreath,
etoiles or. a demi lamb, salient, bearing over the dexter
Neffild, or Nesfield. Arms as of Yorks. in shoulder a flag of peace, charged with a cross.
1st diet. Crest, a pillar ar. supported by two [Borne by the late B. B. Nembhard, Esq. of
lions' paws ppr. Jamaica.]
Nefmeneill, or Nevemenell, az. three round Nentreuill, [Ireland,] or, a cross gu. fretty of
buckles' tongues, in fesse, or. Crest, a dexter the field.
hand, apaumee, ppr. Neosmorsh, gu. a fesse engr. or.
Nefuitt, gu. three bezants, each charged with a Nerberye, ar. a bend sa. ;
on a chief gu. two
cinquefoil sa. barrulets of the first.
Nerbiry, or Nerberyk. .Arms as 1st in 1st Newarke, three saltiers engr. ar.

diet.Crest, three organ-pipes, two in saltier, Xewbald, az. two bends ar. ;
a chief of the last.
and one in pale, or, banded with leaves vert. Newberry, or Xewbery, sa. three pales erm. on ;

Nereford. Arms as 1st in 1st diet. Crest, a a canton ar. a demi lion az. Crest, a dexter
glow-worm ppr, arm ppr. vested az. cuffed or, holding a trunch-
Xerford. gu. a lion ramp, double queued, erm. eon gu. tipped of the third.
Xerland, ar. on a chev. betw. two lions ramp. Xewbigging, [Scotland,] ar. on a fesse gu. betw.
combatant, in chief, and one lion ramp, in base. a Savage's head, erased, in chief, of the last,
sa. three bezants. and a cross crosslet fitchee, in base, az. three
Nernewt, sa. a lion ramp. ar. dueally crowned escallops of the field.
or, within a bordure, gobonated, of the second .\i'irbiggi)>g, [ Edinburgh. ]
The same arms,
and first. within a bordure gyronny, gu. and ar. Crest,
Temp. Edw.
Nertost, [Essex. I.] or, a lion a date-tree, fructed, ppr.

ramp. sa. Newborough, [London,] erm. a fesse chequy, or

Ness, [Scotland,] ar. three chev. sa. Crest, a and az. ; on a chief sa. three roses ar. barbed of
dexter hand holding a laurel-branch, ppr. the second.
Xeslitt, gu. six plates; on each a cinquefoil sa. Newborough, or, a bendlet ar. within a bordure
Xetby. Arms as 1st diet. Crest, a lion's paw engr. gu. Crest, a Blackuioor's head, side-

holding a bird bolt sa. faced, sa.

Xettlefold, per pale and per saltier, erm. and Newbury, sa. three palets erm. ; on a canton ar.

or, a water-bouget sa. Crest, a water-bouget a lion ramp. az. Crest, a demi eagle displ. or.
Xewby, [Hooton, Co. York.] ar. a chev. betw.
Xettleship. .Arms as 1st in 1st diet. Crest, three crosses pattee gu.
a dexter hand ppr. holding a nettle-branch vert. Newby, [Northfenton, Yorks.] ar. two stilts, in
Xe ttleton, Crest,, a bear's paw, erased, gu. saltier, sa. garnished or.

Newmarch, gu. a fesse engr. ar. Newby. The same arms. Crest, an arm, in ar-

Niunchax, [Suss, and Surrey,] ar. a cross gu. ; mour, brandishing a sword ppr.
over all a bend az.
Newby, ar. two stilts, in saltier, or.
Neuterville, or X utervill, ar. a cross gu. Neicby, ar. betw. three roses gu.
a fesse sa.

fretty, or, Newcom, [Ches.] ar. a cross flory sa.

Xewcomb, [Ireland,] ar. a fesse, embattled, sa.
Neve, gu. a trout, in bend, ar.
JVeve. The same arms as Le Neve in 1st diet. betw. three escallops of the last. Crest, out of
Nevell. Arms as 1st in 1st diet. Crest, an a mural coronet, a demi eagle displ.
anchor sa. environed by a serpent or. Xewdigate, gu. three lions' gambs, inverted and
Xevett, or Xevitt, or, a lion pass, guard, gu. erased, ar.
Crest, an arm, in armour, embowed, holding a Xewdyke. As Newdich, 1st diet.

battle-axe, ppr. all Xeweke. Arms as 1st diet. Crest, a mullet az.
Xevil, az. a lion ramp. or. betw. two quills ar.

JVevil, gu. three leopards' heads, jessant a fleur- Xewell. Arms as 3rd in 1st diet. Crest, out of
de-lis, ar. betw. three cross crosslets fitchee of
a mural coronet az. a lion's head or.

the last. Newell, or Newatt, [Scotland,] ar. three falcons,

Xevyll, ar. a chief indented, vert ; over all a rising, gu. belled az. Crest, a falcon, rising,
bend gu. holding a pen in the dexter foot, all ppr.
New. Arms as 1st diet. Crest, a dexter arm Newenham, [Northaw, Herts.] Arms as 1st
ppr. vested per chev. or and gu. holding a roll diet. To crest, a demi lion ramp. ar. add
of parchment ar. charged with a bendlet vert.

Newall, az. three plates, on each an ermine spot Newenham, [Ireland,] ar. a cross gu. surmounted
by a bend sa. Crest, in the sea an anchor, in
sa. Crest, a cross crosslet fitchee, az.
Newarke. Arms as of Dalton, 1st diet. in the beak
Crest, pale, ensigned with a dove, holding
a Savage's head, in profile, looking upright, an olive-branch.
PP r - Newenham, or Nevenham. Arms as 2nd in 1st
Newarke, erm. betw. three leopards'
az. a fesse diet. Crest, a pegasus, current, ppr.
faces, per pale, or and ar. Newenham, ar. three eagles displ. gu.
Newarke, harry of eight, ar. and az. ; on a chief Newenham, az. three demi lions ramp. ar. guttee
of the second, three lions' heads, erased, of the de sang. Crest, a demi lion ar. guttee de sang,
first. betw. two wings az.
N E w E x son
[Rainthorp-Hall and Hacldam, Herts.
; Newport, gu. on a canton sa. a fleur-de-lis ar.
and Eastry, Kent.] The same as Nevinsox t
News. Arms
as 1st diet. Crest, a demi lion
by mistake Revinson, 1st diet. ppr. holding a branch of laurel vert.
Newent, sa. on a cross ar. five eagles displ. gu. Newsam. Arms as of Warw. in 1st diet. Crest,
NewentoNj [Norf.] vair, ar. and gu. a lion's gamb gu. holding up a crescent or.
Newenton. Arms as 3rd in 1st diet. Crest, a Newseles, per pale, indented, ar. and gu.
sea-lion ramp. or. Newsham, ar. on a fesse sa. three cross crosslets

Newford, az. a lion ramp. erm. of the field.

N i:\vgent, [Ireland,] gu. a fesse betw. three cres- Newsom, sa. on a fesse ar. three crosslets of the
cents ar. first ; Crest, a lion's paw,
in chief a mullet.
Newhouse. Arms as 1st diet. Crest, a squirrel, erased, sa. holding a bezant.
sejant, gu. Newsome, az. on a fesse ar. cottised or, three
Newington. Anns as 2d Newenton, 1st diet. cross crosslets gu.
Crest, a rein-deer's head,cabossed, sa. attired or. Newson, sa. on a fesse ar. cottised or, three cross
Newland, [Essex,] ar. on a chev. sa. an escallop or. crosslets gu.
N i:\vlands, [Edinburgh,] ar. three covered cups sa. Newton, [Durham Visitation, 1615,] ar. on a
Newlands, [Scotland,] ar. on a chev. sa. betw. chev. or, three garbs sa.
three lions ramp, as many crescents of the first. Newton, [Newcastle on Tyne,] .... two shin-
Crest, a demi lion ramp. bones in saltier, the sinister surmounted of the
Newle, gu. a chev. ar. betw. three hearts of the dexter, .... a crescent for cliff. Crest, an arm,
last, each pierced through with a dagger. embowed, holding a shin-bone.
Newling, ar. on a chev. pattee at the point, gu. Newton, [Scotland,] sa. a saltier ar.
three bezants. Crest, a lion's gamb, erased, ar. Newton, [Scotland,] az. three boars' heads, erased,

holding a cross pattee fitchee gu. [Borne by in fesse, ar. Crest, a boar's head, erased and
theRer. JoJm Newling, B. D. Canon Residen- erect, ppr.
tiary of Lichfield. Newton, sa. a Saracen's head, couped at the neck,

Newman, [Ludgvan and Gluvias, Cornw.,] az. ar. ; three lions' gambs issuing from the dexter,
three demi lions ramp. ar. guttee de sang. sinister,and base points, or.
Crest, a demi lion, as in the arms, betw. two Newton, on a chev. az. three garbs or. Crest,

wings, expanded, gu. a bear's head, couped, ar. muzzled gu.

Newman, quarterly, sa. and ar. ; on the first and Newton, ar. fretty az. on a fesse gu. three mul-

fourth, a portcullis, regally crowned, or, betw. lets or.

three mullets ar. Crest, a martlet, rising, ppr. Neyingtox, .... on a chev. az. a fleur-de-lis or ;

Newman, or,three bars az. a canton erm. a label of three points gu.
Newman, [Mamhead, Devon.] sa. three demi lions Neymyst, or Neymist, sa. a lion ramp. or.
ramp, couped ar. langued gu. Crest, a lion Nkyrford, gu. a lion ramp. erm.
first and fourth,
ramp. ar. Motto, Ubi amor ibifides. [
Created Niblie, [Scotland,] quarterly ;

a Baronet, \~th March, 1836.] ar. a man's heart, royally crowned, ppr. on a ;

Newmarch. Arms
as 1st in 1st diet. Crest, on chief az. three mullets of the field, all within a
the sea, an anchor in pale, ensigned with a dove bordure gu. ; second and third, az. a fesse betw.
and olive-branch, all ppr. three talbots' heads, erased, or. Crest, a band
Newmarch, ar. five fusils, in fesse, gu. ;
on each an holding a scimitar, ppr.
escallop or. Niblock, Crest, a leopard pass, holding in the
Newmarch, ar. a fesse fusily gu. within a bordure dexter paw a trefoil slipped.
eight martlets of the first.
sa. Niciiell, az. on a chev. or, betw. two eagles
Newmarch, sa. on an inescutcheon ar. a fesse displ. in chief, and in base a lion pass, of the
lozengy gu. last, a hurt charged with a leopard's head, ar.,
Newmarche. Arms as of Brecknock, in 1st diet. inclosed by two torteauxes, each charged with
Crest, a tower, triple towered, ppr. an escallop of the third. Crest, a demi griffin
Newnham. Arms as 1st in 1st diet. Crest, a az. in the mouth a pink, flowered gu. leaved
ram's head, erased, ar. vert.
Newport, sa. on a chev. betw. three pheons ar. Nicholas, [Cornw. Granted, 1816,] gyronny
as many mullets gu. Crest, a stag gu. collared of eight, ar. and az. an eagle displ. erm. ; on a
with a ducal coronet, stringed and attired or. chief wavy of the last, a trident and pennon, in
Newport, ar. on a bend sa. betw. two lions of the saltier, encircled in the centre by a wreath of
second, a wivern, extended, of the field. laurel. Crest, issuing out of a naval coronet,

the word PILOT inscribed on the rim, a demi armed ar. Crest, a demi lion or, armed and
eagle displ. sa. langued gu.
Nicholas, per and sa. six crescents
pale, ar. Nicolson, [Ireland,] az. two bars erm.; in chief
counterchanged, two, two, and two. three suns or. Crest, an arm in armour ppr.
Nicholl, Nichol, or Nycholl, sa. a pheon ar. holding a holly-branch veil .

point upwards. Crest, a lion's paw az. holding Nicolson, [Carnock, Scotland. Granted 1807.]
an olive-branch vert. or, three hawks' heads, erased, gu.; a bordure
NlCHOLLS, [C'ornw.] sa. three pheons ar, Crest. az. Crest, a lion's head, erased, gu.
a hand, couped above the wrist, lying fesse- Nicolson, [Clunie, Scotland,] or, three eagles'
ways, holding a bow, strung, and across it an heads, erased, gu. Crest, a lion's head, erased, or.
arrow. Nicolson, [Cockburnpath, Scotland,] gu. a lion's
JYicholls, .
., on a fesse, betw. three lions' heads, head, erased, betw. three hawks' heads, erased.
erased, .
., as many martlets. Crest, a lion's or. a bordure engr. of the last.

head, collared . . thereon three Nielson, first and

erased, . .
, , [Bothwellshiels,] quarterly;
martlets. fourth, az. on a mount ppr. couped, a castle
JYicholls, [Granted by Cooke,] sa. three pheons triple towered,the middle tower cupolaed
ar. ; a canton of the same. Crest, a wolf's and flagged; second, ar. a stag's head, cabossed,

head, erased, sa. .

third, ar. a lion ramp. gu.
; Crest, on a
Nicholson, az. two bars erm. in chief three suns mount, a tower towered, with cupola and vane,
or. Crest, out of a ducal coronet or, a lion's ppr.
head ar. [Borne by Ralph Nicholson, Esq., of Niffield, [Yorks.] or, a bend, undee, betw. two
Aston House, Herts. 1833.] cottises sa.
Nicholson, [Ireland,] az. a cross betw. four suns Nigel, gu. a pale fusily or.
or. Crest, a lion's head, erased gu. charged Nigell, or Nigill. Arms as 1st diet. Crest,
with a fesse or. an oak-tree vert.
Nicholson, [Scotland,] or, a chev. betw. three Nigellus. The same.
hawks' heads gu. Nightingall, erm. a rose gu. Crest, an ibex.
Nicholson, per pale, nebulee az. and gu. two bars erm. and gu. a rose counter-
Nightingall, per pale,
ar. gut tee de poix, in chief as many suns or. changed, barbed vert.
Crest, a sun or, charged with a lion's head, Nimmill, or Nimmell, [Scotland,] ., three .

erased, sa. thereon three guttees in fesse ar. fleurs-de-lis .

., betw. the horns of as many
[Borne by Isaac Nicholson, Janr., of Ham crescents . ..

in fesse,
Common, Surrey, Esq., 1828.] Nind, or, three cross crosslets fitchee,
gu. betw. six mullets az. three and
Nicholson, erm. on a pale sa. three martlets ar.
Nicholson, per pale wavy, or and gu. six martlets, Crest, a torteaux charged with a pale, indented,
two, two, and two, respecting each other and ar.

counterchanged. Ninesser, sa. a bend betw. three dexter hands.

Nickelson, or, a chev. betw. three falcons' heads, clenched, ar. erased gu.
erased, gu. Crest, a demi lion issuing, ppr. Nisbet, [Bourdeaux,] ar. on a chev. indented, gu.
Nicklin, sa. three boars' heads, couped, in fesse, betw. three goats' heads, erased, sa. as many
ar. Crest, a griffin's head, erased, ar. cinquefoils of the first. Crest, a castle sa. and
Nicolas, gyronny of eight, ar. and az. an eagle growing beside it a thistle ppr.

displ. or, a chief ermine. [Borne by Sir N. H. Nisbet, [Carfine and Edinburgh, Scotland.]
Nicolas. K.H., 1838.] as 1st diet. Crest, a boar's head, erased.
Nicolas, [Brittany,] gu. on a fesse ar. betw. three Nisbet, [ Craigintnie, Scotland. ]
Arms as 1st
wolves' heads, erased, or, as many martlets sa. diet. Crest, a boar pass. sa.
Crest, a wolf's head issuing from the coronet Nisbet, [ Dirletoun,
Scotland. ]
Arms as 1st
of a count. diet. a dexter hand issuant out of a
holding a balance and scales,
and all ppr.
Nicoll, sa. a pheon ar. Crest, a sparrow-hawk cloud,
sa. beaked and legged gu. Nisbet, ar. three boars' heads, erased, sa. Crest,
Nicoll, gu. a chev. ar. betw. three trefoils, stalked, a torteaux, charged with a pale, indented, ar.
couped and raguly, or. Nititbad, or Nitisted,* quarterly, or and gu.
Nicolls, sa. three pheons or. Crest, as four escallops counterchanged.
Nicholls, of Penrose, 1st diet. Niven, [Shousburgh andWindhouse, in Zetland;
Nicolson, N. S. Bart. [Nicolson and Leswade, Lyon Register.] Arms as 1st diet. Crest, a
102*,] or, three falcons' heads, erased, gu. branch of palm vert.
Niven, az. a fesse betw. an increscent and a de- Norburgh, gu. a chief erm.
crescent in chief, and a crescent in base, ar. Norchamborow, gu. three cinquefoils or, betw.
Crest, a holly-branch vert. nine cross crosslets ar.

Nivison, [Scotland,] ar. a chev. betw. three eagles Norchambrowe, gu. three morions betw. six cross
displ. az. Crest, a wolf pass. sa. collared and crosslets ar.
lined or. Norcliffe. Arms as 1st diet. Crest, a buck's
Nix. Arms as 1st diet. Crest, on a mount, a head, erased, az.
stag, lodged, ppr. Norden, ar. on a fesse gu. betw. three beavers
Nixon, and a chief
sa. six plates ar. Crest, a pass. sa. langued or, a crosslet fitchee, betw.
dexter hand holding a sword, ppr. two trefoils of the last. Crest, a demi beaver
Nobbes. Arms as 1st diet. Crest, on a chapeau sa. holding in the mouth a branch of five leaves

ppr. an eagle's head az. vert.

Noble, [Edinburgh,] burdock-leaves

ar. three Nordet, az. an eagle displ. with two heads or;
vert. Crest, a dexter hand holding a dagger. a chief ar. Crest, a torteaux betw. two wings
Noble, [Ireland,] or, a galley, sails furled, and ppr.
oars in action, gu. flags az. Crest, a lion's paw Norfe, [Norf.,] gu. a fesse betw. two chev. ar.
sa. holding up a cross pattee fitchee or. Norfoke, per pale, gu. and ar. two bars counter
Nock, az. a bend betw. three annulets, or. changed.
Crest, a dexter hand brandishing a scimitar, ppr. Norford, gu. a lion ramp. erm.
Nock, az. a bend sinister betw. three annulets, in Norford, gu. a fesse ar.

bend, counterchanged. Norham, per chev. and az. a fesse erm. betw.

Nodegate, per pale, ar. and gu. three lions' three escallops, counterchanged.
gambs, inverted and erased, counterchanged. Norie, or Norrie, gu. a fesse ar. Crest, a wolf 's
Nodes, sa. on a pile ar. three trefoils, slipped, of head, erased, sa.
the first. Crest, two lions' gambs sa. holding Norie, [Scotland,] per pale, ar. and sa. an orle
a garb or. engr. on both sides, and charged with four qua-
Nodin, erm. a chev. gu. ; in base, three piles trefoils, within a bordure, all counterchanged,
issuing from the chev. sa. Crest, a stag's head, of the same.
couped, gu. Noris, quarterly, ar. and gu. ; in the second and
Nolan. Arms as 1st diet. First crest, out of a third quarters, a fret or.
ducal coronet or, a fleur-de-lis az. ; second crest, Norleighe, ar. a chev. sa. betw. three roses gu.
the demi lion, supporters, two lions ramp. gu. Norman, sa. a lion ramp. or. Crest, a spear issu-
each holding a fleur-de-lis az. (Borne by the ing, in pale, thrust through a Savage's head,
late Hon. Michael Nolan, King's Counsel, one couped, ppr.
of the Welsh Judges, ob. 1828.) Norman, [Ireland,] barry of six, or and gu. ; in
Nollyns, sa. on a bend ar. three torteauxes. chief three fleurs-de-lis of the last. Crest, out
None. Arms as 1st diet. Crest, an eagle displ. of a ducal coronet, a bull's head.
az. on the breast a mullet or. Norman, bendy of six, or and gu. a chief, party
Nonwike. Arms as 1st diet. Crest, a demi per chief, sa. and erm. in chief three fleurs-de-

griffin ppr. issuing from a plume of ostrich's lis, ar.

feathers ar. Norman, ar. on a fesse, double cottised, gu. three
N onycke, gu. a fesse dancettee ar. ;
in chief three fleurs-de-lis of the first.
mullets or. Normand, [Scotland,] sa. a lion ramp, or; on a
Noonk, [Norf.,] as 3rd diet. Crest, an eagle chief of the last, seven billets az. Crest, a holy
displ. lamb and banner ppr.
Noore, [Kent,] az. on a chief, indented, or, three Normanton, ar. on a saltier gu. a mullet of the
mullets gu. first.

Norbery, [Ches.,] ar. on a chev. engr. sa. betw. Normanvile, ar. a fesse, cottised, gu.; on a
three bulls' heads of the second, a fleur-de-lis canton or, a lozengy, of the second.
of the first. Normanvill, ar. on a fesse, cottised, az. three
Norbery, Norberry, or Norbury, ar. a bend sa. ; fleurs-de-lis of the first.
a chief, vaire or and gu. Crest, a dove or. Normanvill, ar. on a fesse, betw. two bars gemel-
Norborne, [Bremhill, Wilts.,] erm. a fesse nebu- les gu. three fleurs-de-lis of the first..
lee gu. ; on a canton of the last, a ducal coronet Normeston, [Bucks.] az.two lions pass, guard, ar.
or. Crest, a demi lion erm. holding betw. the Norries, sa. semee of billets ar. a cross, flory at

paws a ducal coronet or. the top only, of the second.

Norries, ar. a cross flory. betw. twelve billets, sa. Northumborow, az. three cinquefoils or, betw.
Norrington, erni. three bars or. Crest, a bat nine cross crosslets ar.
displ. ppr. Norton, [Ireland,] gu. a cross pattee erm.
Norris. [Geist, Norf; originally
of Milverton, Crest, a spur-rowel az. betw. two wings or.
Somers.J sa. a cross,
flory, ar.
betw. twelve Norton, ar. on a bend, cottised, betw. two lions
billets or. Crest, a talbot, sejant, collared and ramp. sa. three escallops of the first.
ringed. Norton, ar. on a canton vert, a lion ramp. or.
Norris, sa. billettee or. a cross, flory, ar. Crest, Norton, quarterly; first and fourth, sa. a pile triple
an escarbuncle gu. pointed, flory, ar. issuing out of the sinister
Norris, [Ireland.] ar. a chev. betw. three ravens base, bendways; second and third, ar.
sa. ('rest, a virgin's head, couped at the Norton, ar. a chev. betw. three hinds, sa.
breasts, ppr. vested iju. Norton, erm. on chief, indented, gu. three ducal
JYbrris [Scotland.] Arms as 1st in 1st diet. crowns or, within a bordure sa.
Crest, a pelican in her nest, ppr. Norton, ar. a chev. gu. betw. three barrels sa.
Norris, sa. billettee ar. a cross of the last. hooped or, standing on their bottoms.
Norris, alias Banks, or Bank, ar. a chev. betw. Norton, or, a pile, triple pointed, flory. sa. issu-
three falcons' heads, erased, sa. ing from the dexter chief, bendways.
Norris, sa. billettee, a cross, flowered, or. Norton, gu. on a fesse erm. betw. three bugle-
Norroys, or Norreys, quarterly; ar. and gu.; horns, stringed ar. as many boars' heads, erased,
in the second and third quarters, a fret; over or.
all a fesse sa. charged with two mullets of the Norton, az. three swords, conjoined at the pomels,
first. in the fesse point, ar. pomelled or; on a chief
North, [Feltham, Midd.] az. on a chev. ar. betw. of the last, a lion pass. gu. betw. two maunches
three crosses pattee fitchee or, a cinquefoil betw. erm.
two escallops gu. on a chief of the third, a grey- Norvel, [of that Ilk,] sa. on a bend ar. three
hound, current, sa. betw. two pellets. Crest, martlets of the first
a cock's head, couped, wings, or, charged on Norvel. The same arms. Crest, an apple, er ct,
each wing with two chev. sa. collared hold- . .
, stalked and leaved, ppr.
ing in the beak a branch of holly, leaved vert, Norvel, [Gargunnock, Scotland,] ar. three mart-
fructed gu. lets, in bend, betw. two cottises, sa.
Northall, vert, three dexter hands, couped, or. Norvel, sa. on a bend ar.betw. two cottises of the
Northam. Arms as 1st diet. Crest, a demi second, three martlets of the first.
wolf gu. Norvill, [Boghall, Scotland,] sa. on a bend,
Northe, az. on a saltier, betw. four crosslets betw. two cottises, or, three martlets of the first.
fitchee ar. five annulets gu. all within a bordure Crest, a martlet, rising, ppr.
of the last. Norvill, or Norvijle, gu. fretty ar. over all a

Northe, quarterly, per fesse, indented, ar. and bend vair, or, and of the first.
sa. in the first a bugle horn of the last.
; Norway, sa. a chev. betw. three bulls' heads, ca-
Northe, gu. two chev. ar. betw. three mullets of bossed, ar.
the same. Norwich, erm. a fesse engr. gu.
Northe, [London,] on a bend or, betw. three
. .
, Norwich, and Norzam, per pale, sa. and gu. a
leopards' faces, one in chief and two in base, as lion ramp. erm. crowned or. Crest, a lion's
many martlets gu. head, erased, environed with a circle of pea-
Northen. Arms as 1st diet. Crest, out of a cock's feathers, ppr.
mural coronet, a dragon's head vomiting flames, Norwold, or Narwold, Kent,] erm. a cross
PPr -
engr. gu. in the dexter chief canton, a griffin's
Northev. Arms as 1st diet. Crest, a demi head, couped, sa.

cockatrice, wings close, spouting fire, ppr. Norys. Arms Norrys, see with Norris in
[Borne by Sir Edw, Norlhij, Knt. Attorney 1st diet. Crest, out of an antique crown or, a
General to Queen Anne. dragon's head gu.
Northey. Arms as 1st diet. Crest, a demi uni- Nose worth, ar. a pile sa. ; over all a chev.
corn ar. counterchanged. Crest, out of a ducal coronet
Northleigh. Arms as last in 1st diet. Crest. or, a unicorn's head sa. armed and crined ar.
three Savages' heads conjoined in one neck, one Nosworthy, [Ince Castle, Cornw.] per pale, gu.
looking to the dexter, one to the sinister, and and a chev. and pale, conjoined in point, at
one upwards. the top of the chev. ; all counterchanged.
Notbone, or Nutbeane, gu. a fesse, nebulee, Nowne. Arms as 1st diet. Crest, a lion ramp.
erm. or, charged on the shoulder with a crescent
Notingham, [Glouc. Temp. Edir. If'.] ar. a T
fesse engr. sa. betw. three pheons of the last. None, gu. three escutcheons or ; on each a leaf
Nottingham, ar. an orle sa. ; on the chief of the vert.
orle three annulets of the first. Nov, [Devons.] az. three cross crosslets, in bend,
Notman, or, a fesse betw. three fusils, sa. ar.

Crest, an eagle, rising, ppr. sustaining a flag Noy, or Noye, ar. three bendlets sa. ; on a canton
gu. staff sa. of the last, a cross of the first.
Noton, per saltier, sa. and ar. four mullets Noyalles, az. on an inescutcheon ar. a chev. gu.
counterchanged. Crest, a hind's head or. Noyce, ar. three carnations, gu. stalked and leaved
Nott. Arms as last in 1st diet. Crest, a stag's vert.
head, issuing, ppr. Noye, [Pendrea and Carmanton, Cornw.] ar.

Nott, az. on a bend, betw. three leopards' heads three bends sa. ; on a canton of the last, a cross
or, one in chief and two in base, as many mart- of the first. Crest, on a chapeau gu. turned up
lets gu. erm. a falcon, wings extended, in his beak a
Nottage, ar. five lozenges, in cross, conjoined. laurel-branch vert.
Crest, a seax ppr. Noyers, or Nowers, az. a fesse ar. betw. three
Nottingham, sa. an inescutcheon betw. three garbs or.
annulets or. Crest, a dexter hand ppr. holding Noyers. or Noyrers, az. a fesse ar.
an annulet or. Noyes, or, three boars pass. sa. Crest, a deer's
Nottingham, [Ireland.] Arms as 1st in 1st diet. head erm.
Crest, a hand holding an
escallop, ppr. Nuburg, chequy, or and az. a chev. erm. Crest,
Nottingham, ar. a chev. engr. sa. guttee d'or. on a mural coronet, a sheaf of seven arrows,
Nottynghavi. sa. an orle or; in chief three annu- banded, points upward.
lets of the last, all within a bordure of the Nugent, gu. two bars erm.
second. Nun, [Ireland,] ar. three bendlets vert. Crest,
Nouese. Arms as 1st in 1st diet. Crest, a an arm, in armour, vambraced, holding a hawk's
stag's head, or. leure, all or.
Novelle. Arms as Novell, 1652, in 1st diet. Nune, [Thorp, N.amp.] gu. three chev. ar.
Crest, a bat, displ. sa. Nunsegles, [Durham, 1015,] ar. on a chev. az.
Nowell. Arms and crest as last in 1st diet. betw. three eagles displ. sa. as many etoiles
Nowell, [Leic] or, a fret gu. ; on a chief az. a or.
mullet of the first, pierced of the second. Nurse, [Scotland,] gu. a fesse or, betw. a chev.
Nowenham. Arms as 1st diet. Crest, a stur- in chief, and a cinquefoil in base, ar. a bor- ;

geon ppr. dure of the second. Crest, a pair of balances,

Nowere, az. a fesse ar. betw. three garbs or. ppr.
Noweres, erm. on a chev. sa. a crescent or ; a Nurse, ar. a chev. betw. three annulets, sa. a ;

chief of the second. chief of the last.

Nowers, or Norwers. Arms as 3rd in 1st diet. Nurse, gu. a fesse betw. two chev. ar.
Crest, a mortar or, therein a pestle ppr. Nusham. Arms as 1st diet. Crest, a monster,
Nowers, barry nebulee of six, gu. and erm. with a lion's head, fish's body, and bird's
Nowers, ar. a fesse betw. four crescents, gu. three feet.
in chief, and one in base. Nutt. Arms as 1st diet. Crest, on a chapeau,
Nowgarle, per fesse, gu. and az. a lion ramp. or. a cock, crowing, ppr.
Nowlan, [Ireland,] az. two cantons ar. on the ; Nutt, [Kent,] az. a pheon or.
dexter, a rose gu. ; on the sinister, a thistle Nutter, ar. a boar pass. sa. betw. three crescents
vert. Crest, an arm, in armour, az. hand ppr. gu. Crest, a dolphin, naiant, or.
couped at the shoulder, embowed, resting the Nutterfield, [Ireland,] ar. a cross gu. fretty of
elbow on the wreath, and holding a sceptre the field.
or. Nymbolthe, [1550,] az. two bendlets ar ; a chief
Nowlan, or Nowland. Arms as Noland, or No/r- of the last.
land, in 1st diet. Crest, a cock ar. combed and Nymist, sa. a lion ramp. or.
wattled gu. Nyssell. Arms as 1st diet. Crest, a lion ramp,
Nowland, [Ireland,] az. on a bend or, betw. two per fesse, ar. and az. holding in the dexter paw
fleurs-de-lis ar. a lion ramp, guard, gu. a fleur-de-lis or.
betw. two lions ramp. gu. Crest, on the stump
of a tree, a hawk, rising, ppr.

o O'Cariull, [Ireland,] ar. two lions ramp, sup-

porting with the fore paws a sword, in pale, gu.
Crest, a falcon, rising, belled, ppr. betw. two
Oakeover, erm. on a chief gu. three bezants. sprigs.
Oakes, on a fesse engr. hetw. six acorns,
sa. Ochterlonie, [Grind, Scotland,] az. a lion ramp,
slipped and leaved, or, as many oak-leaves vert, ar. within a bordure gu. charged with eight
within a bordure ermine. Crest, on a mount, buckles and escallops, alternately, or. Crest,
an oak-tree, the trunk environed with pales, an eagle displ. az.
all ppr. Ockley, or Oakley, [Ockley, Salop.] Arms as
Oakes, or Okes. See 1st diet. For Dundell read 1st diet. Crest, a hand holding two palm-
Oundle. branches, in orle, ppr.
Oakes, or Okes. Arms as 1st diet, Crest, a cock's O'Cobthaigs, [Ireland,] ar. on a fesse erm. three
head, erased, gu. cups, with two handles each. Crest, a naked
Oakey, vert, on a pale erm. two horses' heads gu. boy riding on the back of a dolphin.
Crest, the rising sun ppr. O'Conarchy, [Ireland,] or, three fishes, haurient,
Oates, [Penan Zabuloe, and St. Agnes, Cornw.] backs uppermost, gu. Crest, on a ducal coro-
az. a chev. engr. or, betw. two plates. net az. an eagle displ. gu.
Oates, ar. a bear ramp. sa. muzzled gu. Crest, a O'Connell, [Ireland,] ar. a lion ramp. sa. in ;

boar's head, erased, ar. the dexter fore paw, a trefoil, slipped, vert on ;

Oatley, Crest, a garb ppr. a chief az. three mullets or. Crest, a stag, sta-
Obicet, ar. a fesse gu. betw. two bars nebulee of tant, ppr.
the last. O'Connor, [Falie, King's County, Ireland,] ar.
O'Bierne, ar. a tree growing out of a mount, in an oak-tree vert. Crest, an arm, in armour,
base, vert, betw. two annulets gu. ; on a chief embowed, holding a sword.
of the last, three mullets or. Crest, a cocka- O'Connor, [Kerry, Ireland,] vert, a lion ramp, or,
trice az. winged or. crowned of the last. Crest as the last.
Obler, ar. a fesse az. betw. three crescents gu. O'Connor, [Sligo, Ireland,] per pale, purp. and
Oblis, ar. a fesse az. betw. three crescents gu. ar. on the dexter side a lion ramp, respectant,

Obney, per pale, and ar. an ox's head, cabossed,

sa. the sinister side on the sinister side, an oak-

counterchanged, armed gu. tree vert. Crest, as the last.

O'Breanon, [.Jobh, Ireland,] gu. in base, a garb O'Connor, [Coramroe, Ireland,] vert, a stag pass,
or, supported by two lions ramp, of the second ; ppr. Crest, a hand, gauntleted, throwing a
in chief, three swords, two in saltier, the points dart.

upward, and one fesseways, the point to the O'Crulik, [Ireland,] ar. a boar pass. betw. three
dexter side of the shield, ppr. Crest, an arm, cross crosslets, or.
in armour, embowed, holding a sword. Ocurborne, gu. a cross or.
O'Brenon, [Jobh Duach, Ireland,] ar. on a O'Daniel, [Ireland,] ar. two lions ramp, support-
mount vert, in base, a lion ramp. ppr. ;
in ing a dexter hand, couped, .... betw. three
chief, two dexter hands, couped, gu. Crest, mullets. Crest, a bull pass.
. . .

out of a ducal coronet, a plume of six ostrich's O'Davoren, [Ireland,] ar. a sword, erect, point
feathers, ppr. upwards, from the blade issuing drops of blood.
O'Cahane, [Ireland,] gu. three fishes, erect, or, Crest, a hind, statant, ppr.
two and one. Crest, a dexter arm, embowed, Oddie, ar. a fesse per fesse, indented, vert and sa.

purp. holding a sword ppr. cottised or.

O'Cahill, [Ireland,] az. in base, a dolphin, Oddy, az. a saltier ar. Crest, a goat's head, per
affrontee, the tail issuing on the sinister, ppr. pale, or and az. counterchanged.
Crest, an anchor, paleways, cabled, ppr. ; O'Dea, [Ireland,] ar. in base, a hand, couped
issuing from the dexter fluke, an oak-branch, above the wrist, cuff turned up, .... holding a
also ppr. sword, in pale, betw. two serpents in chief, em-
O'Carol, [Ireland,] eight etoiles gu. three,
ar. bowed, paleways. .. .

three, and two. Crest, an escutcheon ar. Odeby, gu. on a bend or, three martlets sa.
charged with three piles gu. issuing from the Odell, or Odehull. Arms as 1st diet. Crest,
chief. an eagle displ. gu.
a fesse gu. in chief
[Ireland,] ar. a sword, erect, in pale,
O'Caroll, Odingsells, [Warw.] ar. ;

[ 312]
two mullets of the last. Crest, a naked arm, twr o bezants. Crest, a hand, couped, ppr. hold-
erect, holding in the hand ppr. a mullet gu. ing a serpent, vert.
(Another crest, a wolf, pass. gu. Ogan, or, on a chief sa. three annulets of the
Odingsells, ar. a fesse gu. ; in chief, two mullets, first.

pierced, of the second. Ogard, az. an etoile, radiated, ar.

sa. on a fesse ar. betw. six
Odingsells, ar. a fesse gu. ; in the dexter chief a Ogden, acorns or,
mullet of the second. Crest, a wolf pass, or, three oak-leaves, vert. Crest, a stag's head,
guttee on the neck, gu. cabossed, ppr. attired or, betw. two oak-
Odo, [Bishop of Bayeux.] Arms as 1st diet. branches, in orle, leaves ppr. acorned, gold.
O'Dogherty, [Ireland,] az. two bends, cottised, Ogden. Same arms. Crest, a griffin's head,
ar. hand holding a sword.
Crest, a dexter erased, holding in the beak an oak-branch,
O'Dohertv, [Ireland,] ar. a buck at full speed, acorned ppr.
.... on a chief vert, three mullets of the first. Ogie, ar. on a chief az. three crosses pattee fitchee

Crest, as the last. . .. Crest, a

. human heart gu. pierced with a
O'Donavan, [Ireland,] ar. a hand, couped above passion-nail, in bend sinister, az.
the wrist, fesseways, cuff turned up, .... hold- Ogilby, per pale, gu. and ar. a lion pass, guard,

ing a sword, in pale, entwined with a serpent. counterchanged. Crest, out of a ducal coronet
Crest, an eagle, rising. head gu.
or, a cock's
Odone, ar. three serpents, voluted, vert. Ogill, [Hartramwood, Scotland,] ar. on a fesse
O'Donnel, or O'Donnell, gu. a galley, her oars az. three bitterns of the field.
in action, or. Crest, on a ducal coronet, the Ogilvie, [Edinburgh,] ar. a lion pass, guard, gu.
attires of a stag, ppr. ragally crowned or, betw. three primroses of
O'Donochoo, [Ireland,] vert, two foxes ramp. the second. Crest, a lady's dexter arm, hand
confronting each other, ppr. ;
in chief, a bird, apaumee, with a bracelet round the wrist, ppr.
volant, sa. Crest, an arm, in armour, embowed, Ogilvie, [Hartwoodmyres, Scotland,] ar. a pale
holding a sword entwined with a serpent, the sa. charged with a cross crosslet fitchee or; over
head towards the handle. all, a lion pass, guard, gu. royally crowned of
O'Drone, [Ireland,] ar. a serpent, involved, vert. the third. Crest, a talbot's head ar.
O'Duane, [Ireland,] erm. a wolf pass. sa. ; in Ogilvie, [Rothemay, Scotland,] quarterly first ;

chief, two crescents of the last. Crest, a wolf's and fourth, ar. a lion pass, guard, gu. royally
head and neck, couped. . . . crowned or ; second and third, or, three cres-
O'Dunn, [Ireland,] az. an eagle, displ. with two cents gu. over all, dividing the quarters, a

heads, . . .
Crest, a tree ppr. ; at the foot of cross engr. sa. charged, in chief, with a crescent
the tree, a lizard pass. vert. ar. Crest, a dexter arm brandishing a scimitar,
Odrow, ar. a cross gu. betw. four lions pass, re- all ppr.
specting each other, sa. Ogilvie, [Ruthven, Scotland,] ar. a lion pass,
O'Dwire, [Ireland,] ar. a lion ramp. gu. betw. guard, gu. royally crowned or, betw. two chess-
three erm. spots. Crest, a hand, couped below rooks, in chief, sa. and a cup, in base, gold,
the wrist, holding a sword. and issuing therefrom a flame ppr. ; all within
O'Farraill, [Ireland,] vert, a lion ramp. or. a bordure az. Crest, a lion ramp, guard, ppr.
Crest, on a ducal coronet, a greyhound, Ogilvie, Wedderburn, [Ruthven, Scotland,]
springing, sa. quarterly ; first and fourth, ar. a chev. betw.
O'Farrell, [Ireland.] Same arms. Crest, out three roses gu. ; second and third, ar. a cross,
of a five-leaved ducal coronet, a sinister hand moline sa. ; over all, in surtout, ar. a lion pass,
apaumee gu. guard, gu. royally crowned or, betw. two chess-
Offeley, [London,] ar. a cross flory az. betw. rooks, in chief, sa. and in base, flames issuing
four birds sa. beaked gu. from a gold cup, ppr. Crest, a lion ramp. ppr.
Ofeer, az. an anchor ar. Ogilvy, [Auchterhouse, Scotland.] The same as
Offington, az. a saltier engr. or. of Airly, 1st diet.
Offley. Arms as 4th in 1st diet. Crest, out of Ogilvy, [Lord Bamff.] quarterly ; first and fourth,
a ducal coronet or, the attires of a stag, affixed ar. a lion pass, guard, gu. crowned or; second
to the scalp, sa. and third, ar. three popinjays vert, beaked and
Offord, harry of six, ar. and az. ; on a bend membered gu. Crest, a lion's head erased, gu.
gu. three mullets of the first, all within a bor- Ogilvy, [Inchaven, Scotland.] The same as of
dure or. Airly, 1st diet. Crest, a deer's head, couped,
O'Flyn, [Ireland,] az. a lion pass. gu. ; in chief gu. attired or.
Ogilvy, [Newgrange, Scotland.] The same, with Okeden, sa. on a fesse, betw. six acorns, or, three
the bordure indented, gu. Crest, a deini lion, oakdeaves ppr. Crest, a bear's paw sa. grasping
holding in the dexter paw a garb, ppr. an oak-branch ppr. fructed or.
Ogilvy, [Bamff, Scotland; Lyon Register,] ar. O'Keefe, [Ireland,] per fesse, or and gu. in chief
a lion pass, guard, betw. two crescents in chief, three cinquefoils, and in base as many annulets,
and a cinquefoil in base, gu. Crest, a dexter counterchanged. Crest, a dove gu.
hand holding a branch of palm, ppr. O'Keggan, [Ireland,] gu. a lion ramp, holding
Ogilvy, [Logie, Scotland; New Register.] The in the dexter fore paw a crescent ; in chief a . .

same as of Airley, within a bordure gu. cliarged ducal coronet.

with eight crescents ar. Crest, a lion ramp, Okeley, or, on a fesse, betw. three lozenges, gu.
issuant, holding betw. the fore paws a sword, asmany plates.
in pale, ppr. Okell. As O'Kelly.
Ogle, [Ireland,] sa. five bezants in cross. Crest, O'Kelly, [Ireland,] gu. a tower, triple towered,
a demi tiger ramp, ducally gorged, ppr. supported by a lion on each side, or. Crest, a
Ogle, [Scotland,] ar. a fesse betw. three crescents, greyhound, statant, ppr.
jessant as many fleurs-de-lis, gu. Crest, an O'Kennelly, [Ireland,] gu. a stag at gaze, ppr.
arm, in armour, embowed, couped, and resting Crest, an arm, in armour, embowed, holding
on the elbow, ppr. holding an ancient mace sa. a flaming sword, ppr.
studded ar. O'hennelly, [Ireland,] ar. in base a lion pass. sa. :

Oglk W u.lis, quarterly; first and fourth, gu. in the dexter chief, an
imperial crown upon a
a lion ramp. ar. ; second and third, gu. a fesse, cushion, ppr. Crest, an arm in armour, em-
chequy, ar. and az. bowed, holding a sword, ppr. the blade wavy.
Ognal, per saltier, or and gu. two eagles' displ. Okenton, gyronny of eight, or and az. a canton
in pale of the first. erm.
Ognies, [France,] vert, a fesse ermines. O'Kerney, [Ireland,] gu. a lion ramp. or. Crest,
O'Grady, [Ireland,] per pale, vert and gu. three a swan's head sa. betw. two wings or.
lions pass. . Crest, a horse's head and neck,
. . Okes. Arms as 1st diet. Crest, a cockatrice
erased, . . . sa.

OTIalloran, [Ireland,] gu. on a mount vert, a Okes, sa. a chev. or, betw. three oak-sprigs,
horse pass. ar. saddled and bridled, az. on a fructed of the last.
chief ar. three spur-rowels ppr. pierced of the Oketon, or Okton. Arms as 1st in 1st diet.
chief. Crest, a lizard ppr. (i.e. of an ash color,) Crest, a fleur-de-lis or.
[Borne by Major Gen. Sir Joseph O'Halloran, Ok ham, gu. a fesse betw. three crescents, ar.
K.C.B. 1838.] Okover, [Staffs.] erm. on a chief gu. three be-
O'Ham.w, [Ireland,] vert, on a mount, in base, zants.
a boar pass. erm. Crest, on a mount, a lizard, Olaver, or Olouver, or, six annulets sa. two,
erect, ppr. two, and two.
O'Hara, vert, on a pale or, a lion ramp. sa. Olayn, or, a lion ramp. vert.
Crest, a crane's head or, beaked gu. Olbestein, [Germany,] ar. a cross gu. gringoleeor.
O'Hara, [Ireland,] vert, on a pale, radiant, ar. Old, gu. nine mullets, in saltier, ar. Crest, a
a lion ppi\ Crest, a lion ramp, holding in the cluster of grapes, pendent, slipped, and leaved
fore paw a sprig . . . vert.
O'Hedder, ., achev. betw. three escallops ..
. . Oldbeife. Arms as 1st diet,. Crest, a spread
O'Hickie, [Ireland,] az. a lion pass, guard, or; eagle sa.
on a chief erm. a bendlet sa. Crest, a hand, Olderbury, [London,] sa. a fesse ar. Cre;-t.

gauntleted, holding a baton. out of an antique crown or, a demi lion ramp,
Oitks, or Ottis, az. a saltier ar. betw. four cross az.
crosslets fitchee or. Olderdon, [York.] As Olderton in 1st diet.
Oke, sa. on a fesse or, betw. six acorns of the Oldfield, [Spalding, Line. Created a Bart. 6
second, as many oak-leaves, headways, vert. of Aug. 1660.] Arms and crest as 1st in 1st
O'Kearna. See Kearney. diet.
Okebourn. Arms as 1st Okeborne, 1st diet. Oldham. Arms as Oldenham in 1st diet.
Crest, an eagle rising from a globe, winged all ppr. Crest, a dove sa. holding in the beak a sprig of
Okedf.x, [Hants.] Arms as 1st diet. Crest, a laurel vert.
buck's head, cabossed, betw. two oak-branches, Oldmixon, az. a battle-axe, or, headed ar. the
in orle, all ppr. edge to the sinister.
Oldom, [Bishop of Exeter.] Arms as 1st Oldon Olton, quarterly, gu. and az. ; over all a lion ramp,
in 1st diet. ar.

O'Learie, [Ireland,] ar. in hase a lion pass. gu. Olyet, [London,] ar.on a chev. sa. betw. three
and in chief a three-masted ship, sails set . . suns gu. as many bucks' heads, cabossed of the
Crest, an arm, in armour, emhowed, holding a first.

sword. O'Maly, [Ireland,] or, a hoar pass. gu. Crest,

Oliffe, az. a wolf ramp. ar. a ship in full sail, ppr.

Oliphant, [Lord Oliphant, Scotland.] Arms O'Mannis, [Ireland,] vert, a griffin segreant, or ;
and crest as 2nd in 1st diet. the crest erased. in chief three crescents of the last. Crest, a
Oliphant, [Kelly, Scotland.] As 1st diet, the hand ppr. holding a long cross, erect, ppr.
bordure engr. Ombersley, gu. a fesse betw. three mullets, ar.
Oliphant, [Scotland,] gu. three crescents within a O'Meaghir, [ Ireland, ] az. two lions ramp,
bordure, indented ar. combatant, or, supporting a sword, in pale, . . .

Oliphant, [Gask, Scotland; Lyon Register,] gu. Crest, a falcon, rising, ppr.
three crescents ar. with a small crescent in the O'Meara, [Ireland,] gu. three lions pass, guard,
centre, for cliff. Crest, a falcon, perched, ppr. per pale, or and ar. within a bordure az. charged
Oliphant, [Langtoun, Scotland; Lyon Register,'] with eight escallops. . .
Crest, a pelican vul-
gu. a chev. crenellee hetw. three crescents, ar. ning, ppr.
Crest, the sun in glory, ppr. Omer, az. on a fesse sa. hetw. three crescents or,
Oliphant, [Rossie, Scotland.] gu. an etoile betw. as many bezants.
three crescents, ar. Crest, an eagle, reguard. Omer, on a fesse betw. three crescents or,
with wings expanded, ppr. as many pellets. Crest, a dove and olive-
Olive, [Hayley,] ar. on a fesse sa. three mullets branch, ppr.
or. O'More, [Ireland,] gu. a lion ramp. or. Crest,
Oliver, [Cornw.] ar.on a mount vert, an oak-tree an arm, in armour, couped below the elbow,
ppr. fructed or. Crest, an arm, emhowed, in lying fesseways, holding a sword, erect, enfiled
armour, holding in the hand a sprig of oak, ppr. with three human heads, all ppr.
fructed or. O'Mullen, [Ireland,] ar. a dexter hand holding a
Oliver, or, a chev. sa. hetw. two pellets in chief dagger erect, betw. three crescents, gu. Crest,
and a herring in base, ppr. Crest, a cubit out of a crescent gu. a sword, erect, ppr.
arm, erect, habited gu. cuffed ar. holding a O'Mulrian Ownev, [Ireland,] gu. three griffins'
laurel-branch, ppr. heads, erased, ar. Crest, a griffin, segreant,
Oliver, [Ireland,] erm. on a chief sa. three lions gu. holding in the sinister claw a dagger erect.
ramp. or. Crest, an heraldic tiger's head, O'Neale, [Ireland.] Arms as O'Neill, Ireland,
erased, or, collared az. in 1st diet, with a dexter hand. Crest, out of
Oliver, [Croomshill, Kent.] Arms as 1st in 1st a ducal coronet, a cubit arm, holding in the
diet. Crest, a lion's head, erased, gu. hand a sword.
Oliver, [Scotland.] ar. two chev. gu. betw. three O'Neill, vert, two lions ramp, combatant, ar.
martlets sa. in chief, and a heart, crowned, in supporting a sinister hand, couped, gu. in base ;

base, ppr. Crest, a dexter arm ppr. vested ar. a fish of the second. Crest, out of a ducal
turned up gu. grasping an olive-branch, fructed coronet or, a dexter arm, emhowed, in armour,
ppr. ppr. grasping a sword, the blade waved, of the
Oliver, gu. a mullet betw. three crescents, ar. first.

Oliver, sa. a chev. erm. betw. three mill-rinds or. ; O'Neylan, [Ireland,] sa. two unicorns, statant,
on a chief ar. a lion pass. gu. in pale, ar. Crest, a dexter hand, couped below
Ollvfe, ar. on a chev. gu. betw. three etoiles or, the wrist, holding a sword.
as many bucks'heads, cabossed. O'Neylan, [Ireland,] gu. a dragon, statant, vert.
Oi.nev, gu. five bezants, two, one, and two, betw. Crest, a dexter hand, couped below the wrist,
two flaunches, ar. each charged with a lion holding a sword erect, on the point a boar's
ramp. sa. head, fesseways, . . .

O'Loghlin, an archer, armoured

[Ireland,] gu. Oxiox, gu. a chev. erm. betw. three millrinds
ppr. shooting with a bow and arrow towards or. Crest, a dexter hand gu. holding a spear or.
the sinister. Crest, an anchor, erect, cabled Only, gu. three piles or; on a canton ar. a mul-
ppr. let sa.
Olton, [Ches.] quarterly; az. and gu. a lion O'Nolan, on a cross
ar. betw. four swords, . .

ramp. ar. points downward, with a bird statant on the

pomel of each, a lion pass. gu. Crest, a Ord, sa. a chev. erm. betw. three salmons, haurient.
bird. ar.
O'Phkai.an, or Offealan, ., a cross patonce,
Orde, gu. a cross moline or.
square-pierced, Crest, out of a ducal coro-
. .
Ordway, per pale, ar. and or; on a chief, indented
net, a morion, with feathers issuant from the vert, a crescent betw. two mullets. Crest, two
top. wings displ. each charged with a mullet, pierced.
Opie, [Cornw.] on a chev. betw. three garbs,
sa. Ordway, ar. on a chief vert, a crescent of the first ,

or, as many acorns gu. Crest, a demi stag betw. two mullets or, pierced gu.
ramp, in the mouth an arrow. Ore, barry of six, or and az. ; over all, on a bend
Ople, vair, a bend gu.; over all a label ar. gu. five bezants.
Oppix, [Saxony,] az. a saltier ar. charged in the Oreby', [Ches.] erm. three chev. gu. ; on a canton
centre with a double rose gu. of the last, a lion pass. ar.
Opsate, ar. a cross sa. Oreby, erm. four chev. gu. ; on a canton of the
Opye, [Penhorgard, Cornw.] sa. on a chev. betw. last, a lion pass. or.
three garbs, or, as many hurts. Crest, a demi Orell, ar. a cross betw. four mullets, gu.
stag erm. attired or, pierced through the neck Organ. Arms and crest as Orgaine, in 1st
with an arrow sa. feathered and headed ar. the diet.
wound and head of the arrow gut tee de sang. Orgar, vair, on a chief or, two mullets gu.
O'Qrix, gu. a hand, couped
[Clare, Ireland,] Orgemont, [France,] az. three ears of barley
below the wrist, holding a sword ppr. on each or.
side a snake, the tails nowed, the heads respect- Orgues, [Somers.] gu. on a bend ar. three escal-
ing each other; in chief two crescents lops sa.
Oram, lozengy, ar. and sa. two chev. or. Crest, Orkeley. As Orkesle, 1st diet.
a roundle az. charged with a stag standing on Orkeley, [Essex, Temp. Edw. III.] The same.
a mount vert. Orker, [Dors.] erm. on a chief gu. three bezants.
Orange, [France,] or, a bugle horn, stringed Orlaston, or Orlanston. As Orleston, 1st
andVirolled gu. diet, the lion pass.
Oray, or Oyry, barry of six or and ar. Crest, Orleston, ar. fretty gu.
a pennon, per fesse, gu. and or, staff in bend, Orleton, [Orlton, Salop,] ar. a bend, double
counterchanged. cottised, sa. ;
in chief a martlet of the last.
Orbaston, De, ar. two chev. gu. ; on a canton Orly, [France,] sa. a bear ramp. or.
of the second, a lion ramp, of the first. Ormesby, gu. a bend, counter-componee, or and
Orby", [Gosworth, Ches.] ar. two chev. gu. ; a az.
canton of the last. Ormesby, gu. a cross ar. ;
over all a bend componee,
Orby, [Line] Arms as 1st diet. Crest, on a or and az.
chapeau gu. turned up erm. a ram's head, couped Ormeston, or Orneston, [Essex,] sa. a chev.
ar. attired ppr. betw. three spear-heads, ar. within a bordure

Orby, or Orreby, gu. two lions pass. ar. ; a label gu.

of three points or. Crest, on a cap of mainten- Ormiston, [Kelso, Scotland,] ar. three pelicans
ance erm. a ram's head. gu. within a bordure wavy vert. Crest, an
Orchard. Arms as 2nd in 1st diet. Crest, a anchor ppr.
crow sa. Ormonde, .
., on a chief, indented, az. three escal-
Orchard, [Scotland,] az. a chev. betw. three pears lops ar.
or. Crest, a hand holding a sheaf of four ar- Or.msby. Arms as 1st diet. Crest, a falcon.
rows, points downward, ppr. rising, or.
Ord, quarterly; first, sa. three fishes, haurient, Ormsby, gu. a bend, chequy, or and az. betw. six
ar. ; second, per pale, gu. and az. a lion ramp, cross crosslets ar.
ar. within an orle of cross crosslets or; third, Orneel, or Arneel, [Scotland,] ar. two eels.
ar. a fesse gu. betw. six cross crosslets fitchee paleways, waved, betw. two stars in the flanks,
sa. ; fourth, ar. five fleurs-de-lis, in saltier, sa. az.
a chief wavy az. Crest, a stag's head, erased, Ornesby', gu. a bend, componee, or and az. betw.
ppr. six cross crosslets of the second.
[Ireland,] or, two lions pass,
Ord, [N.umb.] az. three fishes, haurient, ar. O'Rourk, in pale,
Ord, [Scotland,] ar. a chev. az. betw. a crescent sa. Crest, out of a ducal coronet ppr. a hand,
inter two mullets in chief, of the last, and a demi gauntleted, holding a sword, in bend.
otter, issuing out of water, in base, ppr. Orr, gu. three hinds' heads, erased, ar. Crest,
a lion pass. ppr. resting the dexter paw on a tor- Crest, a lion's head, erased, ar. ducally crowned
teaux. or.

Orr, [Barrowfield, Scotland,] gu. three piles, in Osborne, erm. two bars gu. ; on a chief of the
a lion pass, guard, or.
point, ar. ; on a chief or, a torteaux, hetw. two last,
cross crosslets fitchee of the field. Crest, a Osbourne, az. three dolphins naiant, or. Crest,
cornucopia ppr. on a rock, a castle in flames, ppr.
Orr, [Scotland,] gu. three piles, in point, ar. a Osbourne, sa. billettee or, a griffin ramp, of the
bordure of the last; on a chief or, a torteaux, second. Crest, a unicorn pass, or, ducally
betw. two cross crosslets fitchee of the second. gorged and chained sa. horned of the second
Crest, as the last. and first.
Orre, gu. a hendar. fretty az. Osburne, [Peppermill, Scotland,] gu. a bend or,
Orreby, [Ches.] read ramp, to the 1st of Ches. in surmounted of a fesse ar. Crest, a sword, in
1st diet. pale, ppr.
Orreby, two chev. gu. a canton of the last.
ar. ; Oselbac, [Ireland,] ar. on a bend sa. three lions'
Orrell, [Isle of Ely, and of Ches.] ar. three heads of the field. Crest, a dexter hand point-
torteauxes betw. two bendlets gu. a chief sa. ; ing with one finger, gu.
Crest, a lion's head, erased, ar. powdered Osevain, parted per cross, ar. and gu. Crest, a
with torteauxes, and ducally gorged gu. horse pass, saddled and bridled.
Orrell, [Kent.] sa. a fesse ar. Oseville, [Leicestershire,] ar. on a bend az.
Orrell, [Lane] ar. three torteauxes betw. two three mullets or.
bendlets gu. Osgodby, .... a chev. betw. three talbots pass
Orrell, [Slauham, Suss.] ar. three torteauxes . .
Crest, on a chapeau, a cross pattee ....
. .

betw. two bendlets gu. ; a chief of the last. fimbriated.

Orrell, ar. semee of cinquefoils gu. ; a lion ramp, Osgood, [London,] ar. three garbs within a
sa. double tressure flory and counterflory gu.
Orseys, [Wore] per fesse, or and az. three annu- Crest, a demi lion ramp. ppr. supporting a
counterchanged. garb gu.
Orterington, erm. a cross, voided, . .. O'Shanly, [Ireland,] az. a lion statant or, hold-
Orthently, erm. a maunch gu. ing up the fore paw ; in chief three etoiles of
Orton, or Ortun, [Lea, Leic] ar. a bend sa. the second. Crest, a hand, in armour, holding
betw. a rose in chief, and a fleur-de-lis in base, a broken sword.
Osmond. Arms as 1st diet, without the crescent.
Orton, or Ortun. Same arms. Crest, a tower -Crest, an eagle or.
ppr. cupola and flags gu. Osmond, [Thorpe,] per pale, az. and gu. three
Orton, [Kent,] or, a squirrel, sejant, gu. crack- crescents ar.

ing a nut. Ospringe, ar. on a fesse, betw. three bells gu. as

Orton, De, az. a lion ramp, guard, ar. crowned many crosslets of the first.
or. Ossanne, purp. a chev. oiigr. or.
Orwav, erm. on a chief, indented, sa. three Ossans, vert, a chev. betw. three fleurs-de-lis or.
crosses pattee fitchee or. Ostler, ar. on a fesse betw. two martlets sa.,

Orwell, az. a fesse ar. within a bordure engr. three fleurs-de-lis. Crest, a talbot, sejant,
or. ppr.
Oshaldester, Osbalston, or Osbaston, quarter- Ostrich, gu. three fishes, haurient, ar. betw.
ly, sa. and ar. four leopards' heads counter-
nine crosslets fitchee of the second. Crest, an
cbanged. ostrich's head, erased, az. in his mouth a horse-
Osbarne, and Osbarew, ar. on a bend sa. betw. shoe or.
two cats pass, guard, three fishes or. O'Sullevan, [Ireland,] per pale, vert and ar. ;

Osbarne, per chev. gu. and az. three whelks or. on the first, a buck pass. ppr. on the second, ;

Osbert, ar. twopalets gu. on each, four bezants.

a boar pass, pqr pale, sa. and ppr. on a chief ;

Osborn, [Ireland,] ar. on a chev. betw. three or, two lions ramp, combatant, gu. supporting
dexter hands, apaume, couped at the wrist, with their fore paws a sword entwined with a
sa. a cross crosslet or. serpent. Crest, on a ducal coronet, a bird,
Osborn, [Ireland,] ar. a bend sa. ;
in chief a lion ppr.
ramp, of the last. Crest, out of a ducal coronet O'Sillivan Bearra, [Ireland,] per pale, sa. and
ar. a fesse betw. two boars pass, that in chief to
gu. a lion's head ar.
Osborn, ar. a bend betw. three lions ramp, sa, the dexter, the one in base to the sinister, all
counterchanged. Crest, on a serpent vert, a bundle of five arrows, in saltier, banded in the
moorcock, sitting, ppr. middle.
Oswald, az. a cross betw. four lions ramp. or. Ouldfield, gu. a lion ramp. ar. depressed by
Crest, on a mount, a stag lodged under a holly- a bend sa. with three crosses, potent, fitchee ar.
bush, all ppr. Ouldhaugh, az. a fret or.
Oswald, [Duimikier, Scotland,] az. the figure of Ouldsworth. Arms as 2nd in 1st diet. Crest,
Hercules, wreathed about the head and middle out of a ducal coronet, a plume of ostrich's fea-
with laurel-leaves, holding in the dexter hand thers ppr.
a quadrant, and therewith looking towards a Oulond, Ouland, or Olound, or, six annulets sa.
star in the dexter chief; and in the sinister two, two, and two.
hand holding a club, all ppr. Crest, a star of Oulton, or Owlton. Arms as 1st in 1st diet.
six points, waved, ar. Crest, a martlet ar.
Oswalstre, ar.a lion ramp. gu. over all a bend
; Ounell, ar. three mullets gu. ; a label of as many
of the first, charged with three mullets sa. points az.
Otby. See Otterby, in 1st diet. Oursieres, [France,] ar. a chief gu. ; over all a
Oteley, ar. on a bend az. three oat-sheaves or. bear, holding in the paw a crown or.
Otenloyne, or, in a pond vert, a boar pass. sa. Ousefoot, az. on a bend ar. three mullets gu.
Otes, [Shipdon,] az. a saltier ar. betw. four cross Ouston, [Scotland,] as 1st diet.
crosslets fitchee or. Overexd, [Ireland,] gu. semee of mart-
ar. fretty
Otewell, [Ireland,] ar. three cornish choughs sa. lets sa. Crest, a cherub's head or.
Otherbox, [Yorks.] ar. on a chief, indented, Overton, ar. a bend sa. ; in chief a rose gu. ; in
gu. three cross crosslets fitchee of the first. base a fleur-de-lis of the last.
Otoxohor, ar. a tree, eradicated, vert. Overton. Arms as 5th in 1st diet. Crest, on a
O'Toole, [Ireland,] gu. a lion pass. ar. chapeau, a martlet sa.
Otteby, or Ottsby, purp. two bars ar. ;
in chief Overton, as 1st in 1st diet, the saltier couped.
three plates. Overy, or, three martlets az. Crest, a bull's
Otter, [Hunts.] Arms as 1st diet. Crest, a head, az.
crescent or. Owen, [Ireland,] az. three fleurs-de-lis ar. ; in
Otterburne, ar. on a chief, indented, gu. three chief a lizard pass .... Crest, a cubit arm,
crosslets fitchee of the first. vested, holding in the hand a lizard.
Ottley, ar. on a cross flory az. a lion pass, guard. Owen, barry of six, or and gu.
or. Crest, a demi lion or, holding a branch Owen, gu. a chev. erm. betw. three heads, in pro-
vert. file, in helmets, ar.
Ottys, az. a cross engr. ar. betw. four crosslets Owen, [Woodhouse, Salop,] ar. a lion ramp. sa.
fitchee or. quartering, ar. a cross engr. couped, the ends
Ottys, ar. a saltier engr. betw. four cross crosslets fieury sa. betw. four cornish choughs ppr. on a
fitchee az. chief az. a boar's head, couped ar. Crest, the
Otway. Arms as 1st diet. Crest, a demi eagle neck and heads of a double-headed eagle, erased,
displ. ppr. per fesse or and gu. ( Borne by William Mos-
Otway, ar. on a pile az. a chev. counterchanged. tyn Owen, Esq. 1826.)
Oiei.ey, az. a wolf ramp. ar. Owen, gu. a boar pass. ar. collared, and chained to
Olerton, ar. a bend .... a bordure .... a holly-bush vert.
Oifleet, or, on a bend sa. three mullets, pierced Owen, Ap Griffith, or, a cross gu.
ar. Owen, Ap Merideth, gu. a chev. ermines, betw.
Olghtox, per pale, gu. and az. a lion ramp. or. three helmets ar.
Crest, an eagle's head or. Owen Glyndour, per pale, ar. and gu. a lion
Oughton. The same a tower,
arms. Crest, ramp. sa.
ruined in the sinister top, and therefrom issuing Owens, gu. six pine-apples or. Crest, out of a
a branch of laurel ppr. ducal coronet sa. a beech- tree vert.

Oughtred, or, on a cross patonce gu. five escal-

lops of the

of the first.

Oughtred, gu. on a cross patonce or, five mullets

fret or.
vert ;
or Owre, [Ches.] .... on a bend az. a

or, a chev. sa.

a chief of the second.
betw. three oak-leaves
Oulane, [Yorks.] ar. a chev. sa'. betw. three Owgan, or, on a chief gu. three martlets of the
pellets. first. Crest, a cockatrice, close, gu. legged and
Olld, [Ireland,] or, a saltier vert. Crest, a beaked sa. crested- or.

Owley, or, three piles gu. ;
on a canton ar. a Packwood, [Warw.] quarterly first and fourth, ;

mullet sa. az. three pick-axes or, for Packwood ; second

Owndell, ar. on two bars sa. six crosses pattee and third, sa. three bells ar. a canton erm. for
or. Porter. Crest, a demi lion ramp. ar. holding
Owtred, gu. on a cross patonce or, five mullets in his dexter, and supporting with his sinister
of the first. paw, a bell sa. with a canton erm. as in the
Owyngham, per chev. sa. and erm. ;
in chief two arms.
covered cups or. Paddon. Arms as 1st diet. Crest, a dexter
Oxburgh, or Oxboroigh. Arms as 1st diet. hand ppr. holding up a covered cup or.
Crest, on the point of a sword, in pale, ppr. a Padenham, gu. a chev. betw. three crosses, po-
cross pattee sa. mettee, fitchee, ar.
Oxcliffe. Arms as 1st in 1st diet. Crest, on Paderday, ar. on a bend sa. three quatrefoils,
a mount vert, a bull pass. sa. slipped and leaved of the first.

Oxenbridge. Arms as 2nd in 1st diet. Crest, Paferin, alias Plafer, or Plaford, gu. a fleur-
a demi lion, tail forked, ar. langued and armed de-lis or.

gu. Pagan, [Scotland,] bendy of six, or and az. ; on

Oxenham, as 1st diet, the oxen sa. a chief erm. a label gu. a bordure of the first,

Oxenham, gu. a fesse betw. three mullets or. charged with three fleurs-de-lis of the second.
Oxley, az. three peacocks' heads, erased, or. Crest, out of a mural coronet, a demi eagle
Crest, on a ducal coronet, a peacock ppr. displ. ppr.
Oxnam, [St. Newlyn and Penzance, Cornw.,] ar. Pagan, az. three fleurs-de-lis within a bordure
a fesse betw. three oxen, sa. Crest, an ox sa. engr. or. Crest, a dexter hand holding a dag-
Oxon, barry of six, ar. and sa. ger erect, ppr.
Oxtoby, ar. a bend sa. betw. three torteauxes. Paganell, or Pagnell. Arms as 1st in 1st

Crest, a dexter hand brandishing a sword. diet. Crest, a column placed in the sea ppr.

Oxton, [Devons.] barry of six, az. and or, a sal- Paganham, quarterly, or and gu. ; in the first, an
tier gu. within a bordure engr. of the last. eagle displ. vert.
Oyke. Arms, as 1st in 1st diet. Crest, an ox- Page, [Gosport, Southampton,] az. a fesse, dan-
yoke, in pale, sa. bows or. cettee, betw. three martlets ar. Crest, a demi
Oyre, barry of six, or and az. sea-horse assurgent.
Oyry, or Vyrey, az. three fishes, haurient, ar.
Page, ar. two bends sa. on each three plates.

betw. as many crosslets, fitchee, or. Page, per saltier, or and gu. a griffin's head coun-
Pagenham, quarterly, or and gu. ;
in the first and
fourth, an eagle displ. vert.
Pagrave. Arms as 1st in 1st diet. Crest, a
greyhound's head ar.

Pace, or, on a cross, party per cross, az. and gu. Pain, paly of six, ar. and vert, on a chief az. three
a bird betw. a lion pass, in chief, two squirrels, garbs or. Crest, a lion ramp. ppr. supporting
sejant, in fesse, and an annulet
in base, all of a wheat-sheaf or.
the first. Crest, a boar's head, couped and Painter. Arms as 1st diet. Crest, a goat pass,
erect, sa. eared or, charged with an anchor of ar. armed, hoofed, and bearded or.
the last. Pajterim, erm. three chev. gu.
Pack, or Packe, per cross, ar. and erm. ;
in the Pakeman, gu. a boar's head ar. betw. three cross
Crest, a leg, in crosslets botonnee of the second.
first quarter, a cinquefoil or.
armour, couped and bent at the knee, spurred, Pakeman, ar. two bars gu. in chief as many pel-

all lets of the second; on a canton sa. a boar's

Pack, ar. on a chief az. three anchors or. head, couped, of the first.

Packenham, [Hants.] quarterly, or and gu. ; in Pakeman, gu. a chev. ar. betw. three crosses bo-
the first canton, an eagle displ. az. Crest, a tonnee fitchee of the last.

leopard couchant. Pakenham. Arms as 1st in 1st diet. Crest, a

Packer. [Berks.] Arms as 1st in 1st diet. Crest, hand holding three arrows, points downward,
a Moor's head, couped, sa. wreathed about all ppr. ,

the temples or and gu. Pakenham, quarterly, gu. and or.

Packington, ar. a cinquefoil sa. ; on a chief gu. Pakington, ar. a cinquefoil sa. on a chief ; gu. a
a lion pass, of the field. lion pass, guard, or.
Pakington. Arms as 4th Packington, 1st diet. of the first on a chief az. an eagle, with wings

Crest, a demi squirrel, erased, gu. expanded, betw. two cinquefoils, stalked and
Pakiswokth, or, three dragons' heads, erased gu. leaved, or. Crest, an arm, embowed, habited
Pakneglor, [15(53,] ar. a chev. sa. hetw. three bendy of eight, ar. and gu. in the hand ppr.

torteauxes, each charged with an escallop of the three flowers az. stalked and leaved vert.
first. Palsley, ., a fesse betw. three mullets pierced,.
. .

Paldegrew, gu. a lion ramp, guard, or, collared Palyard, ar. a cross sa. fretty or.
ar. debruised by a bend az. Pan cell, az. a cross moline or.
Paleologus, [Clifton, Landulph, Cornw. ; origi- Pandocce, sa. a cross engr. ar. betw. two escallops
an imperial eagle, with in chief of the second.
nally of Greece,] ,
. .

two necks, standing on as many castles, with a Panell, az. two lions pass, reguard. or.
crescent for cliff. Pan ley, [Oxon.] barry nebulee of six, or and sa.
Paley. Arms as 2nd Palley, 1st diet. Crest, Pannel, az. a cross or; on a chief ar. five fleurs-
a hand issuing from a heart, brandishing a de-lis sa. three and two.

sword, all ppr. Pantalfe, gu. two bars erm.

Palgrave, sa. a lion ramp. ar. Panter, ar. a fesse betw. three garbs, az. Crest,
Palingham, ar. a bend, gobonated, gu. and or; a talbot pass. sa.
on the chief point of the bend, a lion pass, of Panther, [of that Ilk,] ar. on a fesse az. betw.
the last. three spur-rowels, in chief, gu. and a rose, in
Pallen, gu. a chev. or, betw. three plates. base, of the last, three helmets of the field.
Pallet, paly of six, or and vert, a chief, indented, Panton, [Bishopwearmouth, Durham,] gu. two
of the last. bars erm. on a canton sa. a fer-de-moline ar.

Palley. Arms as 2nd in 1st diet. Crest, a Crest, a sword ppr. hilt and pomel or, enfiled
camel's head sa. with a leopard's head of the last.
Palmer, az. a chev. betw. three fleurs-de-lis or. Panton, [Blackhouse, Scotland,] or.an eagle displ.
Crest, a cubit arm, habited az. cuff ar. holding sa; in chief a rose gu. betw. two mullets of the
an arrow ppr. second.
Palmer, [London,] 1st diet, add another crest, Panton, [Scotland.] The same arms, within a
the lion erminois. bordure gu. Crest, a spear-head, ppr.
Palmer, [Earl of Castlemaine, Ireland,] or. two Panton, gu. two bars erm.
bars gu. each charged with three trefoils slipped Panture, ar. three bars gemelles, and a canton,
of the field, quartering Bartlet, Clements, and gu.
Talbot. [Extinct. 1705.] Pare, gu. a bend, chequy, or and az. Crest, a
Palmer, chequy, or and sa. ;
on a chief gu. two dexter hand ppr. holding up a clam-shell or.
mullets of the first. Crest, a talbot, sejant, Papenham, paly of six. ar. and sa. on a bend ;

erminois. gu. three eagles displ. or.

Palmer, gu. four quatrefoils, two and two ;
in base Papenham, [Beds.] The same as Pakingham.
a saltier of the last. Papworth. Arms as 1st in 1st diet. Crest, a
Palmer, az. a fleur-de-lis in chief, and two trefoils, fox's head, erased, gu.

slipped, in fesse, ar. within a bordure engr. or. Paravisin, [London,] gu. a goose ar. Crest,
Crest, a dragon's head, couped, or, collared from the top of a tower, issuing, an arm, em-
and winged vert on the collar three plates
; ; bowed, vested, holding a tilting spear.
on the breast guttee de poix, the wings fretty Par doe. Arms as 1st in 1st diet. Crest, a
ar. betw. the fret, trefoils of the last. griffin, sejant, az. winged, legged, and beaked
Palmer, or, a fleur-de-lis az. within a bordure or.

engr. gu. Pardy, [Somers. and Devons.] or, a chev. engr.

Palmer, sa.three fleurs-de-lis betw. seven cross- betw. three wolves' heads sa.
lets, ar. ; a canton erm. Parene. See Parrend.
Palmer, chequy, ar. and az. on a chief gu. a cres- Pares, sa. a chev. betw. three cross crosslets ar.
cent in the dexter corner. Crest, a griffin, Crest, a greyhound, current, gu.
sejant, ar. beaked and legged or,
with a cres- Pargiter, [Greetworth, N.amp.] Arms as 1st
cent on the breast. diet. Crest, a dexter arm, embowed, ppr.
Palmorva, ar. three bars, nebulee, gu. vested ar. holding up a covered cup or.
Palsgrave, az. a lion pass. ar. Pargiter, barry of four, or and gu. three mascles
Palshed, or Polshed, ar. on a bend gu. betw. counterchanged.
two mullets of the last, three trefoils, slipped, Par am,
ii ar. on a chev. engr. gu. three lions'

3 K 2 ]
gambs, erased, or, betw. three mallets ppr. one. Crest,a hand or, holding a falchion,
within a bordure engr. sa. bezantee. blade of the first.
ar. hilt

Paris, [Scotland,] gu. a ship, in full sail, or, Parker, gu. on a chev. betw. three keys or, as
masts and sails ar. betw. three fleur-de-lis of the many etoiles of the first.
second. Crest, a quill, in pale, ppr. Parker, az. a chev. or, betw. three cotton-hanks,
Paris, gu. a fesse, wavy, ar. betw. three unicorns' lying fesseways, ar. Crest, a horse's head,
heads, couped, or. Crest, asphinx ppr. winged or. couped, per pale indented, ar. and az.
Parish. Arms as 1st diet. Crest, a unicorn's Parkhurst. Arms as 1st in 1st diet. Crest, a
head, erased, ar. griffin ramp, per fesse, or and gu.
Park, or. a fesse chequy ar. and gu. betw. three Parkin, ar. a fesse gu. betw. three axes az.
bucks' heads, cabossed, within a bordure of the hafted sa. Crest, a fox, sejant, ppr.
[Borne by Sir James Allan Park, Judge Parkins, gu. two chev. betw. three escallops ar.
of the Common Pleas, 1837. J Parkins, [Notts.] ar. an eagle displ sa. on a ;

Park, or Parke, a fesse chequy, betw. tbree stags' canton or, a fesse, dancettee, betw. six billets,
heads, cabossed. Crest, on a ducal coronet, a ermines. Crest, a pine-apple ppr. stalked and
lion pass, ducally crowned, ppr. leaved vert.
Park, [Holland; descended from Scotland,] az. Parkins, az. a chev. supercrenellee, or, betw.
a fesse chequy, ar. and gu. betw. three cinque- three cross crosslets fitchee of the last.

foils, in chief, of the second, and a buck's head, Parkinson, gu. on a chev. betw. two ostrich's
cabossed, or, in base. Crest, a sinister hand feathers adosse, in chief, and a saltier, couped,
holding up an open book, ppr. in base, ar. three torteauxes. Crest, a griffin's
Park, [of that Ilk,] or, a fesse, chequy, ar. and head, erased, holding in the beak a sword, ppr.
az. betw. three stags' heads, couped, gu. Parleis, per pale, or and az.
Park, or, a fesse, chequy, gu. and ar. betw. two Parnell, [Ireland,] gu. a fesse betw. two chev.
cinquefoils, in chief, az. and a stag's head, ca- or. Crest, a griffin's head sa. betw. two wings or.
bossed, in base, gu. Crest, a dexter hand Parnell, gu. two chev. ar. ; a bend sa. Crest, as
holding up a shut book, ppr. the last.
Parke. Arms as 1st in 1st diet. Crest, on a Parnell, ar. an etoile sa.
mount vert, paled in ar. a fox, paly of four, or Parnevs. See Parvies.
and az. Parnham, ar. a chev. az. betw. three pears gu.

Parke, ar. on a fesse sa. three escallops of the first ; Crest, a leopard's head, erased, ar.
a canton erm. Parnther, sa. three chev. ar. ; on a chief of the
Parkeley, chequy, gu. and ar. ; on a bend az. second, three cross crosslets of the first. Crest,
three billets or. a dexter arm, in armour, ppr. holding a cross
Parker, [Staff.] Arms as in 1st diet, add crest, crosslet fitchee, in pale, or.
a leopard's head, erased, guard, or, ducally Parott, erm. on a bend, sinister, gu. three
gorged gu. escallops or.
Parker, three escutcheons sa. ; on each a
or, Parr, [Kendal, Westm. ; Kegworth and Heming-
pheon of the first. ton, Leic. Horton, N.amp.
; Alstonefield, ;

Parker, ar. a chev. sa. betw. three bucks' heads, Staffs. and Derby,] ar. two bars az. within a

cabossed, gu. bordure engr. sa. Coat ofaugmentation, granted

Parker, az. a buck ar. betw. three pheons or, by King Henry VIII. to the family of his
within a bordure engr. of the last, charged with Queen, Katharine Parr, or, on a pile gu. three
eight hurts. Crest, a buck's head, couped, ar. roses of York betw. six of Lancaster. Crests,
attired or, with an arrow through the horns, of on a wreath, a female's head, couped below
the first. the shoulders, habited az. regally crowned or,
Parker, az. three bucks' heads, cabossed, or. over her neck and shoulders a rich chain, gold,
Parker, ar. a chev. betw. three mullets gu.; on a set with rubies and sapphires second, on a

chief az. as many bucks' heads, cabossed or. wreath, a cubit arm, in armour, ppr. holding a
Parker, .a cross botonnee fitchee betw. four
bar az.
fleurs-de-lis. Crest, on a trunk of a tree, couped Parram, [Wilts. Temp. Richard //.] ar. on a
at the top, ppr. an eagle preying on a bird . . . chev. engr. betw. three mallets gu. within a
Parker, ar. a chev. sa. betw. three mascles az. bordure engr. sa. bezantee, as many lions' paws,
Crest, a cock's head gu. wings tawny, bill ar. erased, of the second. Crest, a lion's paw,
Parker, erm. on a fesse sa. three bezants. erased, or, holding a mallet, erect, gu.
Parker, erm. seven escallops gu. four, two and Parrare, per cross, sa. and ar.
Parish, ar. two bars az. in chief three torteauxes.
; Crest, a dexter arm, from the shoulder, in
Crest, a horse's head gu. nianed or. armour, grasping a dagger, point downwards,
Parre, ar. two bars gu, within a bordure engr. sa. all ppr.
Parrend, Parene, quarterly, sa. and ar.
or Pasley, [Yorks.] as 1st diet.
Parris. Sec Parcey, and Paris. Pasmere, as Passmere, in 1st diet, the field or.
Parrock, ar. a chief, quarterly, or and gu. Pasmore, az. in chief a cinquefoil or.
Crest, out
Parrot, or Parrott, gu. an orle ar. in chief ;
of a mural coronet, seven Lochaber-axes, ados-
three mascles or. Crest, a parrot gu. see, ppr.
Parry, [Ireland,] ar. a fesse betw. three rustres, Pass, per chev. indented, or and gu. Crest, the
sa. Crest, an arrow, point upwards, entiled sun in splendour, or.

by a ducal coronet, ppr. Passelon, [Essex,] as 1st diet.

Parry. Arms of Exeter, &c, 1st diet. Crest, Passey. See Pawsey.
a lamb ar. bearing a banner or. Passmore, ar. three water-bougets gu. Crest, a
Parry, sa. a fesse betw. two bars, dancettee, ar. stag, standing at gaze, ar.
Parscoe, gyronny of eight, sa. and ar. eight Paston, ar. six fleurs-de-lis az. Crest, a griffin
mullets counterchanged. Crest, a castle, triple pass, or, collared ar. lined az.
towered, ppr. from the middle tower, a demi Paston, quarterly, per fesse indented, or and az.
lion ramp. az. Paston, gu. a chev. engr. betw. three eagles displ.
Parsons, .., three leopards' heads. ar.

Partheriche, or Parthericke, [Midd.] vaire, Patch, [Devons.] ar. in chief three oak-leaves
az. and ar. on a chief of the last, three cinque-
; vert, and in base a bugle-horn, stringed, sa.
foils gu. Crest, a dexter arm, in armour, em- Crest, a dexter arm, in armour, fesseways,
bowed and couped, holding a scimitar, ppr. couped, ppr. holding a cross crosslet fitchee sa.
Partington, or, three pheons gu. Crest, an Patkis, az. three crescents in chev. ar. Crest, a
arm ppr. vested ar. holding an anchor of the first. greyhound current towards a tree, ppr.
Partington, ar. a fesse gu. betw. three mullets, Pater. Arms as 1st in 1st diet. Crest, a leo-
pierced, az. pard's head and neck, erased, guard, gu.
Partis, [Newcastle on Tyne,] per fesse, . . and Paterday, or Patreday, sa. three lions' tails,
., three heads,
stags' cabossed. Crest, a erect, or.
stag's head cabossed. Paterdye, sa. three lions' tails, erect, ar.
Partoney, or, four bars az. a bend gu.
; Patershall, [Essex,] .... a chev. ar. betw.
Partric, chequy, sa. and ar. a bend gu. three plates, each charged with a crescent gu.
Partrick, gu. three roundles vair ; on a chief or, Paterson, [Aberdeen, Scotland.] The same as
a lion pass sa. of Seafield, in 1st diet, with a mitre az. in the
Partrick, or Patrick, vaire, ar. and sa. on a ; centre. Crest, a pelican's head, couped, ppr.
chief or, three roses gu. Crest, an arm, Paterson, [Bannockburn, Scotland.] Arms as 1st
in armour, embowed, hand apaumee, ppr. diet. Crest, a dexter hand holding a quill, ppr.
Partridge, [Kent,] chequy, ar. and sa. a bend gu. Paterson, [Seafield, Scotland.] Arms as 1st
Partridge. Arms as last but one in 1st diet. diet. Crest, a hand grasping a sword, erect, ppr.
Crest, a demi leopard ramp, guard, sa. bezantee, Paterson, [Scotland,] ar. three pelicans feeding
gorged with a collargu. charged with threeplates. their young, or, nests vert ; a crescent for difi'.
Partryche chequy, ar. and erm.; on a bend, Crest, a branch of palm ppr.
three roundles. Pateshall, sa. on a fesse ar. betw. three
Parys, ar. a bend, gobonated, az. and gu. plates, each charged with a crescent gu. as
Parys, sa. a chev. betw. ten cross crosslets, or. many lions' heads, erased, az. Crest, a demi
P.\sr a i.e. Arms as of Hants. 1st diet. Crest, peacock's head sa. betw. two wings, expanded,
on a mount, a holy-lamb, ppr. the flag sa. or, beaked of the last ; on the neck three
Pasheeey, [Kent,] as 3rd Pashley, in 1st diet. bends ar.
Pashley, [Kent,] purp. a lion ramp. ar. crownedor. Pateshall, ar. a fesse, nebulee, sa betw. three
Pashley, or Pasley. Arms as 6th in 1st diet. crescents gu.
Crest, a balance and scales ar. beam az. Patishall, [Essex,] ar. a fesse sa. betw. three
Pasleire, ar. a chev. betw. three mullets az. mullets az.
Paslbw, [Durham,] as 2nd in 1st diet but read : Patishall, or Pattishall, ar. a fesse betw. three
mullets. crescents, gu. Crest, a hand holding a billet az.
Pasley, [Craig, Scotland,] az. on a chev. betw. Patissolle, [Devons.] paly of six, or and gu. a
three cinquefoils, ar. as many thistles ppr. chev. ar.
Patman. See Patmyne, in 1st diet. Pattison, [Glasgow, Scotland,] ar. guttee de poix,
Patmer. Arms as 1st in 1st diet. Crest, a hand a lion ramp. sa. on a chief az. three escallops

holding an imperial crown ppr. of the field. Crest, a camel's head ar. guttee
Patnam, sa. a stork ar within an orle of eight sa. issuing from a ducal coronet or, crowned
cross crosslets fitchee of the last, with an antique crown of the last, collared az.
Paton, [Glenalmond, Scotland. Granted 1809,] charged with three escallops of the first.
quarterly ; first and fourth, az. a fleurs-de-lis Pattison, [Kelvin Grove, Scotland,] quarterly;
hetw. three crescents, or ; second and third, ar. firstand fourth, ar. guttee de sang, a lion ramp,
a saltier az. betw. three edock-leaves, one in sa. guttee d'or; on a chief az. three escallops ar.

chief, and one in each flank, vert. Crest, a for Pattison, second and third, gu. three wolves'
sparrow-hawk, rising, ppr. heads erased, ar. muzzled sa. for Robertson;
Paton, [Scotland,] az. three crescents ar. a bor- and on an escutcheon of pretence ar. a lion
dure of the last. Crest, a dexter hand, issuant, ramp, armed and langued az. a chief erm. for
holding a rose-slip, leaved ppr. Moncrief, of Culfargie. Crest, out of a ducal
Paton, [Scotland,] az. a fleur-de-lis or, hetw. coronet, a camel's head sa. guttee d'or, gorged
three crescents ar. Crest, as the last. with a collar, and crowned with anantique crown,
Patoun, [Richmond, Surrey. Granted June, both or; over it, Ilustis honori invidia.
1772.] az. a sword, erect, ppr. hilt and pomel or, Patton, per pale, gu. and ar. three crescents
betw. two crescents, in chief, ar. and a bezant counterchanged. Crest, on a rock, a swan,
in base. Crest, a sparrow-hawk, close, ppr. close, ppr.
charged on the breast with a trefoil, slipped, or. Patynson. As Pattenson in 1st diet.
Patrick, [Treearne and Hazlewood, Ayrshire, Paul. Arms as 1st in 1st diet. ( Another crest,)
Scotland,] ar. a saltier sa. betw. a griffin's a naked arm, embowed holding an ear of wheat,
head, erased, az. in each flank ; a cinquefoil in stalked and leaved ppr.
chief, and a crescent in base, gu. ; on a chief of Paul, [Ireland] gyronny of eight, sa. and ar. a
the second, three roses of the first. Crest, a chief or. Crest, a hand issuing from a cloud,
dexter hand ppr. holding up a saltier sa. in fesse, holding a torteaux.
Patrick, [New York.] The same arms, &c. ; the Paul, [Silverspring, Wexford, and Dublin, Ire-
chief engr. land,] ar. a sword, in pale, betw. four crosses
Patrick, vaire, ar. and sa. ; on a chief of the pattee fitchee or. Crest, a cross pattee fitchee
second, three roses of the first. or, resting betw. two swords, in saltier.
Patrick, per pale, ar. and gu. a fesse counter- Paul, [Scotland,] ar. a martlet sa. a chief gu.
changed. Crest, two arms, in armour, placing a Scaracen's
Patte. Arms as 1st diet. Crest, a lion ramp. az. head affront ee on a pheon.
Fatten, lozengy, erm. and sa. on a chief of the Paule, or Poll, per pale, or and gu. three lions
three lilies ar. pass, guard, and a bordure,
first, all counterchanged.

Patter, or, three lozenges az. Paule, az. a fesse or.

Patters, ar. three peacocks' heads, erased, gu. Paulfreman, . . , on a pile . , three fleurs-de-

Crest, a cross crosslet fitchee or, and palm- lis.

branchvert, in saltier. Paulin, [Odcombe, Staff. 22nd Edu: III.] . .


Patterson, or Paterson, [Scotland,] ar. three on a chev. betw. three cinquefoils . . as many

pelicans or, in their nests vert, vulning them- darts' heads, broken at the shaft.
selves ppr. Crest, a naked arm, erect, holding Paumier, [Devons.] az. on a chev. ar. betw. two
a pen ppr. roses, in chief of the last, and an annas, in base,
Pattison, az. three griffin's heads, erased, . . leaved or, two palm-branches vert. Crest, a
within a bordure engr. gu. Crest, a bear's hawk's leg, erased, jessed, and belled, ppr.
head and neck, erased. Pauncefoote, gu. three lions ramp. ar.
Pattison, az. on a chev. ar. betw. three hearts or. Pauncefote, Bart. [Nottingham, and East Stoke,
as many escallops sa. Crest, a talbot's head, Notts. 31 Oct. 1757,] gu. three lions ramp,
erased, ar. ar. Crest, a lion ramp, crowned with a ducal
Pattison, ar. guttee de sang, a lion ramp. gu. ; on coronet.
a chief of the last, three escallops or. Crest, a Paunsey. See Pamsey in 1st diet.
hinds' head, couped, or. Paunton, gu, two bars erm. ; in the dexter point,
Pattison, or Patison, [Berwickshire.] The same a niillrind of the second.
arms. Crest, a pelican feeding her young, in Paunton, harry of ten, ar. and gu. a canton of the
a nest, all ppr. same.
Paunton, [Cumb.] gu. two bars erm.; in chief Payne//, gu. a cinquefoil erm. pieiced ar.
three fer-de-molines of the last. Paynell, gu. a cross ar.
Paunton, gu. betw. two bars ar. a fer-de-moline of Paynell, erm. on a fesse az. three crosses, moline,
the last. or. (Another adds, a label of three points gu.)
Paurdon, erm. a chev. sa. on a chief of the last, a Paynell, gu. a canton ar.
leopard's head guard. Payxtf.r, [Cornw.] See Camborne.
Pavki.ky. az. a cross patonce or. Crest, an Paynter, gu. a chev. betw. three griffins' heads,
anchor and sword, in saltier, ppr. erased, or ; on a chief ar. three pellets. Crest,
Paveley, barry nebulee of six, or and sa. a bendlet an old man's head, couped at the shoulders,
ppr. ,

ar. vested gu. on his head a long cap az.

Pavell, az. two wolves pass, reguard. their tails Payteshed, erm. a lion ramp. purp. crowned or.
reflexed betw. their legs, or. Paytfull. See Painfull, in 1st diet,
Paverell, or Pomerell, ar. on a cross wavy, vert, Paytherus, per pale, ar. and gu. in chief two
five bezants. pairs of the attires of a stag affixed to the scalps ;
Paw. Arms as 1st in 1st diet. Crest, a lion and in base a rose, all
counterchanged. Crest,
ramp, guard, sa. a boar pass. gu. bristled and hoofed or.
Pavier, or, a chev. gu. within a bordure sa. be- Payton, purp. a lion ramp. or.
zantee. Peach. See Pech, and Pechey.
Paw, erm. on a fesse gu. three martlets or. Peache, [Wore] gu. a fesse betw. six crosslets,
Pawle, erm. on a fesse az. three cross crosslets ar.
fitchee or. Crest, a leopard's head, erased, Peachey, or Peachy, [Petworth,
Suss. Created
ppr. a Baronet, 21st March, 173G-7.] Arms as
Pawleter, [\\ imondley, Herts.] ar. a bend, Baron Selsey, the canton or. Crest, a demi
sa. lion ramp, double queued, erm.
voided, holding in the
Pawlett, az.three swords, conjoined in point, dexter paw a sword, erect, ar. hilt and pomel
ar. hilted or. Crest, a falcon, volant, or. or.
Pawley, [Gunwin, Cornw.] ar. a lion ramp. sa. ; Peachy", az. a lion ramp, double queued, erm.
on a chief, indented, of the last, three mullets ducally crowned or. Crest, a lion's head erased,
of the first. erm. ducally crowned or.
Pawxe, ar. three peacocks, in pride, az. within a Peacock, [Scotland.] Arms as 6th in 1st diet.
bordure engr. gu. Crest, a plume of peacock's feathers ppr.
Pa-wson, az. a cross or, fretty gu. cantoned with Peacock, [Bridge-end, Scotland,] ar. three pea-
four annulets or. Crest, a griffin's head or. cocks, in their pride, ppr.
Paxtox, ar. two chev. sa. betw. three mullets in Peacock, [Scotland,] ar. three peacocks, in their
pale. gu. pride, ppr. betw. as many stars gu.
Pa.rton, az. on a chev. ar. five garbs sa. Peacock, gu. on a fesse engr. ar. betw. three bezants,
Payderdav, ar. on a bend sa. three quartrefoils each charged with a mascle sa. as many pea-
of the first. cocks' heads, erased, az.
Payfkrer, or Payfer, gu. a fleur-de-lis or. Peak, ar. a saltier gu. ; in chief a billet of the last.
Paylex, or, a lion ramp. vert. Crest, a lion's head, issuing, or.
Payx, ar. on a cross, wavy, vert, five plates. Peahce, [Penzance, Cornw.] az. on a fesse ar.
Payne. [Sir Ralph, Installed K.B. 1772, not three pellets betw. as many pelicans or. Crest,
1572, as 1st diet.] an arm, embowed, in armour, holding an arrow,
Payne, vert, a fesse betw. three leopards' heads, in pale, the shaft resting on the wreath.
or. Crest, out of a plume of ostrich's feathers, Pearce, erm. a leopard ramp, reguard. ppr. ; in
a leopard's head, or. chief three bees, volant, also ppr. Crest, a
Payne, gu. a cinquefoil ar dexter arm, embowed, in armour, holding a
Payne, sa. three fusils ar. ;
in chief a crescent or. lance, point to the dexter.
Pa yxell. Arms as 8th in 1st diet. Crest, a lion Peard. Arms as 1st diet. Crest, a demi lion
ramp. vert. ramp. erm. collared sa.

Paynell, or, two bars az. betw. eight martlets gu. Peareth, [ Usworth House, near Gateshead,-
three, two, and three. Durham.] Arms as 1st diet, Crest, a leo-
Payne//, or, a maunch vert. pard's head and neck, erased, ppr. holding in
Paynell, gu. a cross, pat once, ar. the mouth a cross crosslet fitchee.
Payne//, gu. two chev. ar. on each a martlet of Pearle. Arms as 3rd in 1st diet. Crest, a
the first. hand holding a thistle ppr.
Pearsall. Arms as 1st in 1st diet. Crest, Peche, erm. a rose gu. barbed vert, environed
a lion's head erased, or. with two chaplets of the second, one surround-
Pearse, [Devons. Granted, \2th Aug. 1641.] ing the other.
Arms as 1st diet. Crest, a dexter arm, em- Peche, ar. a fesse and two chev. gu. betw. ten
bowed, in armour, holding in the hand a lance martlets sa. seven and three.
by the middle, point to the dexter, ppr. Pecheford, or Peckford, chequy, or and gu.;
Pearse, [Dulverton, Somrs.] The same arms as on a fesse of the second, three lions ramp. ar.
of Devons. ( Granted, 1641.) Peck, or, three eagles displ. sa.
Pearse, erm. a leopard ramp. ; in chief three bees, Peck, .... on a chev. engr three crosses
volant, sa. Crest, a seax az. hilt and pomel or. formee. Crest, a cubit arm, habited, holding,
Pearson, or Pierson. Arms as 2d in 1st diet. erect, in the hand three flowers, stalked and
Crest, three Savages' heads, conjoined in leaved.
one neck, one looking to the dexter, one to the Peck, .... on a chev three crosses formee.
sinister, and one upwards. Crest, a dexter arm, embowed, ppr. holding
Pearson, [Balmadies, Scotland.] Arms as 1st in the hand a branch.
diet. Crest, a dove, holding an olive-branch Peckam. Arms as 3rd in 1st diet. Crest, a hand
in her beak, ppr. holding a scroll of paper, ppr.
Pearson, [Kippenrose, Scotland.] Arms as 1st Pecke, [Berks.] lozengy, or and gu. a saltier
diet. Crest, a tower ppr. erm .

Peart, or Pert, ar. on a bend gu. three mascles Peckford. See Pecheford and Specheford.
or. Crest, out of an earl's coronet or, a Moor's Peckham, [Kent,] erm. a chief, quarterly, gu.
head from the shoulders, in front, ppr. and or.
Peart, quarterly, az. and gu. four leopards pass. Peckham, [Suff.] as 7th in 1st diet.
ar. Peckham, [Chichester, Suss.] as of Nyton, in 1st
Peat, [Midd.] quarterly; first and fourth, harry diet. Crest, an ostrich ppr.
of six, gu. and ar. second and third, az. three
; Peckham, az. a cross, terminated with four leo-
herons ar. in chief a crescent for Heron. Crest, pard's heads, or.
out of a ducal coronet or, a heron's head ppr. ; Peckham, erm. on a chief, per pale, or and az. a
round the arms the collar, and thereto pendent crescent gu.
the badge, of the order of St. Stanislaus. Peckover, vaire, vert and ar. a mullet sa. Crest,
[Borne by the Rev. Sir Robert Peat, of New a lion's head, erased, or.
Brentford. ] Pecks all, [Ickenham, Middlesex.] Arms as 1st
Peat, gyronny of twelve, sa. and or. Crest, a diet.
hand holding a fish, ppr. Pecksall, [Westminster,] ar. a cross patonce engr.
Peat, or Peit, [Scotland,] barry of six, per pale, betw. four cornish choughs, sa. Crest, a Moor's
ar. and gu. Crest, a dexter hand holding a book head, couped, ppr.
expanded. Peckshall, or Peshall. Arms as 2nd Pecksall
Peat, [Scotland.] per pale, wavy, ar. and gu. in 1st diet. Crest, a wolf's head, erased, ar.
barry of six, counterchanged. Crest, a deer's collared flory gu.
head ppr. Peckwell, az. on a fesse betw. three stags' heads,
Pecha.m, or Peckham, [Chichester and Franfield, cabossed, or, as many mullets of the field.
Suss.] erm. a chief, quarterly, or and gu. Crest, a griffin's head betw. two wings, en-
Pechand, az. six eagles or, three, two, and one. dorsed, ppr.
Peche, or Pechey. Arms as of Suff. in 1st diet. Pedder, per pale and per chev. ar. and az. coun-
Crest, an astrolabe or. terchanged. Crest, two branches of palm, in
Peache, or Peachey, sa. an eagle displ. ar. armed orle, vert.
and crowned or. Pedigrew, [Cornw.] ar. a chev. sa. betw. three
Peche, or Pechey, erm. two roses gu. eagles' legs, couped, gu.
Peche, or Pechey, gu. a crescent or; on a chief Pedlev. Arms as 1st diet. Crest, a lion's head
ar. three mullets of six
points, of the field. gu.
Peche, per pale, or and gu. Peoocrew,o>- PEDOGREW,as Pedecrew, of Corn-
Peche, az. an eagle displ. ar. charged on the wall, in 1st diet.
dexter wing with a maunch gu. Pedwarden, [Heref.] gu. two lions pass, in
Peche, sa. a falcon, wings expanded, or. pale, or.
Peche, erm. a rose gu. within a chaplet of roses Peech, az. a lion ramp, double queued, erm.
of the last. Crest, a lion's head, erased, erm. crowned or.
Peekes, or, a fleur-de-lis sa. Pellett, az. a chev. betw. three covered
I'i ii.k. ar. a bend erm. betw. two mullets, pierced, or.
sa. Crest, a stag's head, erased, or. Pellew, [Treverry, Cornw. 1796,] ar. a chev.
Peell, or Piel, ar. a bend, betw. two mullets, gu. in base an oak-wreath vert, tied az. ; on a
pierced, sa. chief of the second, three mascles of the first.
Pee res, sa. a chev. erm. betw. three' lions' heads, Crest, a ship in distress, on a
rock, ppr.
erased, ar. a chief or. Motto, over the crest, in a scroll, Deo
Peers, sa. a chev. betw. three lions' heads, erased, Pellew, ar. a chev. gu.; on a chief of the last,
Crest, on a chapeau ppr. a lion's head per
ar. three mascles of the first.
chev. or and az. Pellot, sa. a fesse or ; in chief three covered
Peers, vert, a bend ar. cottised or. cups of the second.
Peeuer, or Peure, or, two bars sa. each charged Pelton, or Polton, [Essex,] ., an enescutcheon

with seven billets, four and three. charged with a bend, within an orle of escal-
Pegg. Aims as 1st diet. Crest, a lion's gamb, lops.
erased, az. armed or. Pelton, or Polton, ar. three mullets sa. Crest,
Pegge, [Beauchief Abbey,] 1st diet: read, rays of a hand holding a swan's head and neck, erased,
the sun alternately or and ar. (Borne by the ppr.
late Sir Christopher Peltot, paly of six, or and vert; on a chief of
Pegge, M.D., Regius Pro-
fessor of Physic at Oxford, ob. 1822.) the second, a mullet of the first.
Pegris, or Pegriz. Arms as Pegresse in 1st diet. Pelue, [Normandy, 1570,] gu. the head of a
Crest, two arms holding up a broad-sword, man, in profile, ar. hair and beard or.
in pale, ppr. Pemarthe, ar. a chev. betw. three
Pegriz, az. three pairs of backgammon-tables, muzzled gu.
bears' heads, erased, sa.
open, ppr. edged or. Pemberton, [Yorks.] 1st diet, add crest out of
Pegrosse, quarterly, ar. and az. on a bend sa. a five leaved ducal coronet or, a boar's head
three mullets or. erect sa.
Peheriard, sa. a saltier erm. Pemberton, [Durham,] quarterly; first and fourth,
Peihes, or Peines, or, three bars gu. ar. a chev. ermines, betw. three griffins' heads,
Peirepont. See Perpound. erased, sa. ; second, or, a chev. betw. three
Peirot, quarterly, per fesse indented, or and az. dragons' heads, erased, gu. langued az third, ;

Peirson, az. three shuttles or, quills ar. Crest, ar. a lion, statant, double queued, vert, crowned
a deer's head, issuing, or. or. Crest, a griffin's head, erased, sa.
Peirson, [Scotland,] ar. two swords, cheveron- Pemberton, [Bainbridge Holme, Durham,] quarter-
ways az. sustaining on their points a heart ly; first and fourth, ar. a chev. ermines, betw.
gu. in base a rose of the last, stalked and
; three griffins' heads, erased, sa. ; second and
leaved vert. Crest, a lion's paw az. holding a third, ar. a lion, statant, double queued, vert,
heart gu. crowned or. Crest, a griffin's head, as in the
Peissox, or Peissum, erm. on a fesse az. three arms.
lions ramp, or, Pemberton, [Aisleby, Durham,] ar. a chev. erm.
Peit, [Scotland.] See Peat. betw. three griffins' heads, erased, sa. Crest,
Peitere, [Innerkeillor, Scotland,] gu. three hoars' a griffin's head, couped, and gorged with a
heads or. Crest, a hand holding a dagger, in ducal coronet, all ppr.
pale, ppr. Pemberton, ar. a chev. vert, betw. three well-
Peiters, or Peters, [Aberdeenshire,] gu. three buckets sa.
boars' heads or. Crest, a boar's head betw. Pemberton, ar. a water-bucket sa. hoops and handle
two bay-branches ppr. or.
Pi iters. See Peters. Pembridge. Arms as 5th in 1st diet. Crest, a
Peke, per saltier, or andgu. a griffins' head counter- bull's head sa. betw. two wings or.
changed. Pembroke. As 2d in 1st diet. Crest, a heart
Peke. See Peake, and Peck. gu. charged with a rose.
Pel ash am, sa. three shovellers ar. Pembruge, harry of six, or and az.
Peleford, [Lane] sa. three crosses formee ar. Pembruge See Pembridge.
Pelham, gu. two half belts with buckles, ar. Pemerton, [Lane] ar. three cornish choughs
Pelhelm, [Germany,] per bend, or and az. sa.
Pell, [Hants.] sa. a chev. or, betw. three be- Pemerton, [London,] ar. a chev. sa. betw. three
zants. buckets of the last.
Pemerton, or Pemberton, ar. a chev. betw. three Penereche, ar. a fesse betw. three tenterhooks sa.
dragons' heads, couped, sa. Penfold, gu. a chev. betw. three carpenter's axes
Pemster, ar. on a fesse, betw. three crescents, gu. or, hafted ar. Crest, a lion ramp, double
as many mullets of the first. queued, or.
Penfound. [Proudstock, Cornw.] a chev.
Penall, or Penalles. [Cornw.] ar. on a chev. ar.

az. three fishes, naiant, of the first. betw. three pewits, sa.

Penant, per bend sinister, erm. and sa. a lion Penfrane, [Cornw.] per saltier, ar. and sa.
ramp. or. Pengelev, [Cornw.] Arms as 2nd in 1st diet.
Penbrage, per fesse. az. and ar. a bend lozengy gu. Crest, a lion's paw, holding a palm-branch, ppr.
Penbridge, or, three bars az. Pengelly, [Cornw.] Arms as 1st in 1st diet.

Penbrig, or Penbrugg, ar. a chief az. over all ; Crest, a wivern, with wings endorsed, vert,
a bend fusily gu. devouring a dexter arm ppr.
Penbrige, ar. a chief gu. over all a bend engr. az.
; Pengelly, [Pengelly, Cornw.] or, a chev.
Penbrigg, barry of six, ar. and az. on a bend ;
three griffins pass, wings elevated and endorsed,
gu. three lozenges of the first. gu.
Penbrug, or, three bars ar. ; a bend gu. Penhoet, [Brittany,] or, a fesse gu.
Penbruge, ar. a chief az.; over all a bend engr. gu. Peniere, ar. on a chev. az. three fleurs-de-lis or.

Penceler, gu. a bend, vaire, ar. and gu. Penior, .

on a bend sa. three pears or.

Pencell, gu. a fesse ar. betw. three crosses flor- Penituin, erm. three inescutcheons gu.
in ee or. Penituine, ar. three escutcheons gu.
Penceller, ar. a bend, vaire, or and gu. Pen ley, sa. a chief or. Crest, a lion's head,
Penchon, or Pinchon, per bend ar. and sa, erased, gu. crowned with a ducal coronet or.

three roundles counterchanged. Penman, [Scotland.] As 1st diet.

Pendar, [Trevider, Comw.] ar. a bend gu. betw. Penman. Arms as 1st diet, Crest, a hart's
three fleurs-de-lis az. head, cabossed, or.
Pendarves -Wynne. Arms, quarterly first ; Penmarch, az. a horse's head, couped, ar. bridled
and fourth, sa. a falcon, with wings expanded gu. Crest, an ostrich reguard. murally crowned,
and inverted, jessed and belled or, betw. three and resting the dexter paw on an escallop ppr.
mullets of the last, for Pendarves ; second and Penmarche, erm. on a fesse az. three crosses
third, gu. a chev. betw. three lions ramp, or, moline or.
for Wynne. Crest of Pendarves, a demi bear Penmark, [Brittany,] or, three martlets sa.

erm. muzzled, lined, and ringed or. Crest of Pennarth. See Penarsh.
Wynne, a lion ramp. or. [Borne by Edward- Penne, sa. six fleurs-de-lis ar. three, two,
William Wynne-Pendarres, Esq. (formerly one.
Stackhouse,) M.P.for Cornwall, l83S,ichich he Penne. See Penny.
has represented from 1826, who assumed the sur- Pennel, or Pennell, erm. abend gu. surmounted
name of Wynne by Royal Sign Manual 4th by a fesse or. Crest, an arm, in armour, couped
Jan. 1815; and on the 2Hth Feb. following that at the shoulder, embowed, and resting the elbow

of Pendarves instead of Stackhouse.] on the wreath, holding a scimitar, ppr.

Pendarvis, [London,] sa. a falcon, wings expanded Pennell, gu. two chev. ar. Crest, an ostrich's
and inverted, betw. three mullets, ar. Crest, a head, couped.
lion, sejant, collared and lined . . Penning, gu. three bucks' heads, erased, ar. ; a

Pender, [Cornw.] ar. on a bend, per bend, az. chief, indented, of the last.
and gu. three fleurs-de-lis of the first. Pennington, az. three falcons ar. belled, beaked,
Pender, [Scotland,] gu. on a bend ar. two lions' and legged or.

heads, erased, of the first. Crest, a demi lion Penny, or Penne, erm. two greyhounds,
or, holding a sabre ppr. per pale gu. and Crest, a porcupine or.
Pendleton. Arms as 2nd in 1st diet. Crest, Penny, [Scotland,] gu. on a fesse ar. three eagles
a lion's paw sa. holding a battle-axe or. displ. sa. Crest, a demi lion or, holding a fleur-
Pendrit, Penrith, or Pondret, paly of six, ar. de-lis gu.
and gu. ; on a chief az. a griffin pass. or. Pennythorne, sa. on a fesse, betw. three owls
Crest, a fox, current, ppr. ar. as many cross crosslets of the first.

Penelton, gu. four leopards' heads, jessant fleurs- Penpons, [Penpons, St. Kew, Cornw.,] ar. three
de-lis or; a canton erm, greyhounds, current, collared gu.

Penenese, or Penevest, az. a chev. or, fretty Penprug, or, six barrulets, az.
gu. betw. three crosses pattee ar. Pe.nres, per pale, or and gu.
Penrey, or, two bends gu. a label az. Percehay, .... ten cross crosslets .... four,
PenricEj per pale, indented, ar. and gu. ; in tbe three, two, and one.
dexter chief a wolf's head, couped, sa. Crest, Percer, sa. three bezants.
two wings addorsed ar. charged, in pale, with Percevill, ar. a fesse sa. betw. three lions'
two mullets gu. gambs, erased, in bend, gu.
Penrose, [Ireland,] ar. a bend az. betw. three Percey az. three lozenges conjoined, in fesse or,

roses gu. Crest, a lion's head, erased, or, col- within a bordure ar. charged with eight tor-
lared gu. teauxes.
Penrlddock, or Penruddocke. Arms as 1st in Percey, ar. two bars, nebulee, az.
1st diet. a ram's head, erased,
Crest, sa. Perchard, [Isle of Guernsey,] ar.a fesse lozengy
armed or. sa. Crest, a pheasant ppr. (Borne by Peter
Penrvs, per pale, indented, gu. and ar. Perchard, Esq., Lord Mayor of London, 180.5.)
Penserd, or Penzert, gu. a bend, counter-embat- Perchay, or a cross patonce gu.
Perechay, ar. ;

tled, ar. in the dexter chief a lozenge of the last.

Pentecost, sa. on a fesse ar. betw. three cocks' Percis, [Cornw.] per pale, indented, or and gu.
wings expanded and inverted, of the last, legs Percival, .... on a chief, indented, .... three
or, a leopard's face betw. two covered cups, crosses, pattee, .... Crest, a horse's head,
erased, ppr. charged on the neck with a cross,
Pexteland, [Scotland,] or, on a fesse sa. betw. pattee, gu.
three mullets of six points gu. and a rose, in Percivall, ar. on a chev. sa. three griffins' heads,
base, of the last, three billets of the field. erased, of the first.
Crest, a talbot pass. ar. Percivall, per. chev. az. and gu. three greyhounds'
Pextexye, [Cornw.,] sa. a chev. erm. betw. three heads, erased, or, collared of the second.
bordure engr. ar. hurtee.
plates, a Percivall, ar. a fesse sa. betw. three lions' gambs,
Pextere, [Cornw.,] ar. a chev. betw. six barna- erased, lying fesseways, gu.
cles sa. Percy- , ar. three fusils, in fesse, sa. on each a
Pextire, [Pentire, Cornw.] Two coats; first, ar. bezant.
a chev. sa. betw. three
sea-pies ppr. second, ; Percyvall, [Yorks.] ar. on a chief sa. three grif-
per fesse, or and ar. a lion ramp, per fesse, sa. fins'heads, erased, of the first.
and gu. Perdieux, per pale, ar. and gu. three towers coun-
Pextlaxd, [Ireland,] ar. a fesse az. betw. three terchanged.
lions' heads, erased. Crest, a lion's head or, Perein, [Ches.] ar. a leopard's face sa. ; on a
collared az. chief az. three pears, pendent, or.
Pentland, [of that Ilk,] as 1st diet, the fesse az. Perely', or Pirly", per pale, ar. and or, a lion
Crest, a lion's head, erased .... pass. sa.
Pentox. Arms
as 1st diet, in chief two towers. Perenton, gu. a chev. betw. three pears, pendent,
Crest, a lion's paw erased. or, leaved, vert.
Pextzen, [Germany,] ar. a lion gu. charged with Peres, vert, a bend ar. cottised or.
a plate.
Peresby, gu. a bend vair.
Pexwarxe. Arms as Penwarin, in 1st diet. Perey'e, az. a pale lozengy ar.
Crest, a demi lion ramp, supporting in both Pereys, quarterly, ar. and vert; in the first quar-
paws the helm of a ship. ter, a mullet gu.
Penyless, ar. on a chev. az. three fishes of the Perffrett, ar. three fleurs-de-lis sa.
first, one haurient, and two cheveronways, re- Perient, gu. three crescents ar.
specting each other. Periman, [Norf.] As Pennyman, in 1st diet.
Pexzert. See Pexserd. Perin, ar. a chev. betw. three escallops, gu.
Peperde, ar. two bars and a canton az. on the Perm, ar. a chev. az. betw. three pears vert.
last a cinquefoil of the first.
Peris, [France,] az. a double rose ar.
Pepin, [France,] az. a pairle or. Perke, lozengy, or and gu. a saltier lozengy erm.
Pepper, [Ireland,] gu. three demi lions, couped, and ermines.
r. Crest, a demi lion ramp, guard, or. Perker, gu. a chev. ar. betw. three keys of the
Pepper. Arms as 2nd in 1st diet. Crest, a stag, last, wards upward, all within a bordure of the
trippant, ar. second.
Pepsall, [Hants.] ar. on a cross engr. fleurettee Perkin, erm. on a fesse gu. three annulets or.
sa.betw. four popinjays ppr. collared ar. beaked Crest, a stag, lodged, ppr.
and membered gu. an escallop or. Perkins, [Nuneaton, Warw.] ar. a lion pass. sa.
betw. three fleurs-de-lis gu. Crest, a lion pass, Perryman, or Perriman. Arms as 1st diet.
sa. holding a fleur-de-lis gu. Crest, a wolf pass. sa.
Perkins, gu. two chev. betw. three escallops, ar. Persall, quarterly; first and fourth, paly of six,
Crest, out of a five-leaved coronet or, a or and gu. second and third, erm. all within
; ;

unicorn's head ar. maned and horned of the a bordure az.

first. Persall, az. a fesse betw.two chev. erm. in chief ;

Perkins, or, a fesse, indented, ermines, betw. eight two pellets.

billets of the same. Perse, or Peeres, [West Down, Kent.] Arms as
Perkinson, or, on a chev. gu. betw. three pellets, 1st diet. Crest, a sphere or, at the north and
as many ostrich's feathers ar. Crest, a uni- south pole an etoile of the last.
corn's head, erased, ar. Perseret, three fleurs-de-lis sa.

Perkinson, alias Petherston, [Durham,] as 1st diet. Pershall, or Peshall. Arms as 2nd in 1st diet.
Crest, a falcon ppr. Crest, a wolf's head sa. holding in the mouth
Perkinson, [Beaumondhill, Durham.] The same. a marigold, ppr.
Perks, or, three rests gu. Crest, a lion's head, Pershall, quarterly ; first and fourth, or, three
erased, or pales gu. ; second and third, erm. ; all within a
Perkyn, chequy, gu. and ar. a cross az. bordure sa.

Perl, or Perll, sa. two broad arrows, in saltier, Person, ar. a chev. engr. betw. three oak-leaves,
ar. feathered or, points downward ;
in chief a vert.
plate. Pertney, per pale, barry of six, az. and or, coun-
Permouth, ar. a chev. betw. three mascles sa. terchanged, an inescutcheon ar. on a chief of ;

Pernell, ar. an etoile, radiated, sa. the second, a palet of the first, betw. two can-
Pernell, chequy, ar. and gu. ; on a chief of the tons ; the dexter, per bend, az. and or ; the
last, (Another, of the first,) three mullets sa. sinister, per bend sinister, as the dexter.
Perot, quarterly, per fesse indented, or and gu. in Pertree. See Periton.
the first quarter a crescent of the second. Pertt, ar. on a bend gu. three mascles or.
Perott, as 1st in 1st diet. Crest, a stag's head, Pervis, quarterly, ar. and sa. in the first quarter

ppr. a crescent gu.

Perott, ar. five mullets, pierced, in cross, sa. Perry, [Ireland,] or, three rustres sa. Crest, a
Crest, a bull's head, couped, sa. armed or, unicorn's head sa.
gorged on the neck with two bars of the Perry, ar. on a bend sa. three pears or.
last. Perry, ar. three lozenges sa. each charged with a
Perperell. See Pepenrell. bezant.
Perpound, Peirepont, or Pierrepoint, ar. a Peryam, gu. a chev. engr. betw. three leopards'
lion ramp. betw. six cinquefoils gu.
sa. Crest, heads, or.
a lion's gamb, erased, sa. holding a cinque- Peryent, or Peryan, [Digswell, Herts.] gu.
foil gu. three crescents ar. Crest, a lion ramp. ar. gut-
Perreys, [Leic] as Perry, Glouc. 1st diet. tee de sang. ( Another crest, a griffin's head,
Perrien, [Brittany,] ar. six fusils, in bend, gu. erased, gu. charged with three crescents, in
Perrin, gu. three crescents ar. Crest, a cock, pale, ar.
crowing, ppr. Peryers, quarterly, ar. and sa. ;
in the first quar-
Perrin, [France,] az. a tree ppr. with a hare, in ter a crescent.
form, at the foot, also ppr. Peryes, [Cornw.] per pale indented, or and gu. a
Perrings, ar. three stags' heads, erased, gu. woman's head ppr.
Crest, three organ-pipes, two in saltier, sur- Peryn, [Herts.] gu. a mullet betw. three cres-
mounted by one in pale, az. banded vert. cents, ar.
Perrot, gu. three pears ar. on a chief of the ; Peryton, or, on a mount, a pear-tree vert.
last, a demi lion, issuant, sa. Crest, a parrot Pesemarsh, per bend, sa. and ar. an eagle displ.
vert, holding in the dexter claw a pear or. counterchanged, crowned or.

Perrot, [Brittany,] sa. a ram's head, cabossed, Peshall, a cross pattee, throughout, engr. sa.
or. Peshall. See Peckshall, Pershall, and Pessall.
Perrott. See Parrett. Pescod, [Hants.] Arms as 1st diet. Crest, a
Perry, [Turville, Bucks.] per chev. ar. aud az. griffin sejant ar. the dexter claw raised, beaked
three mullets count erchanged. and membered or.
Perry, vert, a fesse, embattled, betw. three pears Pesmede, [Hants.] ar. a millriud gu. within a
or. Crest, a castle or, masoned sa. bordure engr. of the last.
Pessall, or Peshall, ar. a cross flory sa. ; on a Peters, [Angusshire,] gu. on a chev. betw. three
canton gu. a lion's head, erased, of the first, boars' heads, couped, or, a buckle ar. Crest, a
crowned or. boar's head, couped, ppr.
Pessall, ar. a cross flory sa. over all an escutch-
; Peters, [Brechin, Scotland,] gu. three boars'
eon gu. charged with a lion ramp, of the field. heads, erased, ar. Crest, a dexter hand issuing
Pester, ar. six fleurs-de-lis sa. three, two, and out of a cloud, holding a dagger, in pale, all
one. ppr.
Pestivien, [Brittany,] vaire, ar. and sa. Peters, [Scotland.] Same arms. Crest, a boar's
Peston, or, a chev. erni. betw. three mullets sa. head, erased, ar. in front of a laurel-branch,
Pete, or Pettey, [Ches.] az. two bars, and over paleways, ppr.
all a bend, or. Peters, [Scotland,] Same arms. Crest, a boar's
Peter, [Devons.] Arms as 2nd in 1st diet, head, erased, ar. betw. two laurel-branches vert.
without the chief. Peters, [Scotland,] vert, a bend betw. three boar's
Peter, [Chapel, Scotland,] vert, six keys, in pairs, heads, couped, or, armed and langued gu.
saltierways, endorsed, or, two and one. Crest, Crest as of Aboyne Castle.
a dexter arm, in bend, holding a dagger, both Peters, [Scotland.] Same arms. Crest, a boar's
ppr. head, couped and erect, betw. two laurel-
Peter, [Cauterland, Scotland,] or, three boars' branches, ppr.
heads, couped, gu. Crest as the last. Peters, Petersson, Peiters,Petres, and Petras,
Peter, [Springhill, Scotland.] Same arms and [Scotland,] vert, a bend betw. three boars'
crest as of Chapel above. heads, couped, ar. Crest, out of a heart, a
Peter, [Ireland,] gu. a bend betw. three leopards' dexter hand grasping a conteau sword, in pale,
faces ar. Crest, a hand and sword, in pale, all ppr.

ppr. Peters, [Scotland,] vert, on a bend, betw. three

Pe'er, [Scotland,] quarterly ; first and fourth, boars' heads ar. as many mascle-shaped buckles
vert, three pairs of keys, saltierways, or, endor- az. tongues gu. Crest, out of a heart, a dexter
sed, two and one ;
second and third, az. three hand issuing, erect, all ppr. grasping a scimitar,
escallops ar. Crest, a hand holding a dagger, hilt and pomel or.
point upwards, ppr. Peters, sa. on a bend erm. cottised, engr. or, betw.
Peter, [Scotland,] or, three boars' heads, erased, gu. two cinquefoils of the last, a hurt betw. two
Peter. See Petre in both diets. escallops. Crest, a lion's head, erased, erm.

Peterkin, [Scotland,] or, an eagle with two charged with a bend, engr. betw. two escallops,
heads, displ. gu. Crest, a unicorn's head or. az.
Peterkin, [Scotland,] ar. an eagle, displ. with two Peters, [Newcastle-on-Tyne,] sa. on a bend erm.
heads, per fesse, gu. and sa. Crest, a unicorn's a hurt betw. two escallops az. cottised, engr. or.
head. the whole betw. as many cinquefoils of the last.
Peterkin, or Peterkyn. Arms as 1st in 1st diet. Crest, a lion's head, erased, erm. charged
Crest, a dove ppr. with a bend engr. betw. two escallops, az.
Peters, [Aberdeen,] gu. three boars' heads or. Peters, [London,] gu. a bend ar. betw. two escal-
Crest, a boar's head, couped, betw. two laurel- lops or ; on a chief of the last, a cinquefoil
branches, ppr. betw. two fleurs-de-lis, az. Crest, a buckle ar.
Peters, [Aberdeenshire,] per bend crenellee, ar. Peters. See Peiters.
and gu. three boars' heads, couped, or. ( Ano- Peterson, [Scotland,] gu. three pelicans in their
ther adds, a bordure, componee, of the first and nests, or. Crest, a pelican or.
third,) Crest, out of a man's heart, a dexter Peterson, [London,] gu. on a fesse ar. three grey-
hand holding a sword, in pale, all ppr. hounds' heads, couped, sa. collared or, within a
Peters, [Elgin, Scotland.] The same. bordure of the last.
Peters, [Scotland,] vert, three boars' heads, cou- Peterson, [Scotland.] Arms as of London, 1st
ped, ar. armed and langued gu. Crest, as the diet. Crest, a pelican ppr.
last. Peterson, as 2nd in 1st diet. Crest, a dexter hand
Peters, [Aboyne Castle, Aberdeenshire, Scotland,] brandishing a sable, ppr.
az. a bend betw. three boars' heads, couped, ar. Peterson, [Bilkith, Scotland, ar. three pelicans or,
Crest, out of a man's heart, a dexter hand in their nests vert ; on a chief az. as many mul-
grasping a broad-sword, all ppr. lets of the first.
Peters, [Findhaven, Scotland.] Same arms and Petersone, [Scotland,] az. a fesse betw. three
crest, with due (Jiff. bears' heads of the last, muzzled gu .
Petersson. See Peters. Pette, [London.] Same arms.
Petfine, az. a bend betw. two swans, ar. ducally Pettegrew, [Scotland,] gu. an increscent betw.
gorged and lined or. three mullets or. Crest, an increscent gu.
Pether, as 1st ^iici. Crest, a rose gu. barbed Pettit, gu. a chev. betw. three leopards' faces
vert, seeded or. ar. Crest, a leopard pass. ppr.
Petit, gu. an arm issuing out of clouds, from the Petty. Arms as Petye of Tetsworth in 1st diet.
sinister, holding a fasces all ppr. betw. two mul- in the dexter chief a trefoil, slipped, counter-
lets in chief ar. Crest, a griffin's head, erased, changed. Crest, the same.
or.charged with a fasces ppr. [Borne by Lewis Petum, [Line] erm. three chev. gu.
Henry Petit Esq. M.P. for Ripon, Yorkshire, Petyt, or Pettit, ar. a lion ramp. gu. Crest,
1829.] a bishop's mitre gu.
Petit, as 10th in 1st diet. Crest, a hand holding Petzlinger, [Germany,] ar. a pair of compasses,
a hunting horn or. points in chief, extended to the dexter and
Petit, gu. a fesse betw. three annulets, or. sinister gu.
Petite, as Pettet last in 1st diet. Peuell, ar. on a fesse engr. gu. three garbs, or.
Petite, ar. a fesse sa. Peueres, quarterly, ar. and sa. in the first

Petley, two bends and a canton,

ar. sa. Crest, quarter, a mullet gu.
a horse's head or. Peuley, sa. a cross or.
Petley. See Pedley. Peutney, or, two bars gu.
Petorvn. See Petmyn. Pevelesdon, az. an eagle displ. or, a bordure
Petre, az. a bird's leg, couped at the thigh, or, engr. of the second. Crest, a stag's head,
conjoined -to a Savage's head ar. hair sa. erased, ppr.
Petree, az. a bend betw. a deer's head, erased, in Pevensey, harry of fourteen, ar. and gu. ; an
chief, and three cross crosslets fitchee in base, orle of martlets sa. Crest, out of a castle ar.
ar. Crest, an anchor in pale. ( Another crest, six laurel leaves vert.
a crosslet. Pevensey, or, an eagle displ. gu. armed az.
Petrie, [Glenalvon, Scotland,] az. on a bend, Peverond, ar. on a fesse az. three cups or, with
betw. a deers' head, erased, in chief, and three points under each, like tunnels.
cross crosslets fitchee, in base, ar. as many Pew, sa. on a chev. ar. three wheat-sheaves vert.
mascles . on a chief of the second, a lion
; Crest, a cock holding in the beak a rose,
ramp, inter two escallops Crest, a demi
. . .
PP r -

eagle displ. looking towards the sun, ppr. Pewbridge, ar. a fesse, cottised, az.; overall a
Petrie, az. a bend betw. a deer's head, erased, in bend gu.
chief, and three cross crosslets fitchee, in base, Pewlle, ar. a star of six points sa. pierced or,
ar. Crest, a demi eagle displ. ppr. betw. four pellets.
Petrie, [Portletham, Aberdeenshire,] az. a bend Peyfere, ar. six fleurs-de-lis az. two, one, two,
betw. a stag's head, couped, in chief, and three and one.
cross crosslets fitchee, in base, ar. ; on a chief Peygnolde, ar. a chev. chequy, gu. and az. in ;

of the last, three escallops, gu. Crest, an the dexter chief, a cross crosslet fitchee or.
eagle, soaring aloft, ppr. looking up to the sun Peytener, gu. a fesse betw. three dexter hands,
in his glory or. ar.

Petrie, [Scotland.] Same arms, within a bordure Peyteum. See Pictanieny.

or ; on the fesse a mullet gu. Crest, as the last. Peyto, per pale, ar. and gu. barry of six, counter-
Petrie, vert, a bend ar. betw. three garbs or. changed.
Crest, a dove and olive-branch, ppr. Peyton, erm. three chev. gu.
Petrister, ar. a cross betw. four mullets, sa. Phair, ,
on a saltier, betw. four birds, an etoile
. .

Petrus, ar. a lion ramp. az. of six points.

Petrus. See Peters. Phanes, [Temp. Henry I.] az. a cross betw. four
Pett, [Goldhall, Yorks.] or, a bend vair betw. lions ramp. ar.
three hurts, a quartering oiLysley of Yorkshire. Phelan, [Ireland,] ar. a heart gu.; a chief of the
Pett, [Yorks.] Arms and crest as 1st diet. last.Crest, a stag's head or.
[Borne by Samuel Pett, Esq. See Plate Supp.] Phelips, ar. a chev. betw. three roses gu. seeded
Pett, ar. a fesse, componee, or and az. betw. or, barbed vert. Crest, an altar, or square
three pellets, on each a bird of the second; all beacon, filled with fire ppr. [Borne, impaled
within a bordure gu. charged with seven mart- with the Arms of Taylor : viz. az. on a fesse,
lets and as many escallops, alternately, or. cottised or, three lions ramp. sa. by Charles
Phelips, Esq. of Briggens Par/,-. Herts. Sheriff Phillip, sa. a lion ramp. erm. crowned or, within
of that County. See Plate of Arms Su pp.] an orle of fleurs-de-lis of the third.
PhkrpowEj [Ireland,] az. an escarbuncle of six Phillip, quarterly, gu. and ar. ; in the first, an
rays, depressed by a fesse, ar. eagle displ. or. Crest, out of a ducal coronet,
Phesant, gu. on a fesse or, betw. two chev. engr. a pyramid, ar.
of the last, three roses of the first. Crest, a Phillips, erminois a lion ramp. sa. collared and
pheasant ppr. holding in the beak a rose gu. chained or, betw. two cross crosslets in chief
stalked and leaved vert. and an escallop in base gu. (In Stratford-
Phesant, gu. on a fesse engr. betw. two chev. or, upon-Avon Church, 1838.^
three roses of the first. Phillips.Arms as of Chelmicke in 1st diet.
Phesant, or, three pheasants, close. Crest, an eagle's head, erased, az.
Phetiplace, ar. five escutcheons, two, one, and Phillips, az. a chev. ar. betw. three falcons, close,
two, az. each charged with as many billets of belled of the last.
the first. Phillips, [Newport House, Cornw.] or, a lion
Pheypowe. See Phisey. ramp. chained of the
sa. first. Crest, a lion,
Philips. Arms as Shropshire, in 1st diet. as in the arms.
Crest, a horse pass, with a wreath of laurel Phillips, [Tredrea, Cornw.] az. on a cross engr.
encircling the neck. a torteaux betw. four cross crosslets fitchee or.
Philipps, [Picton Castle, Co. Pembroke,] arg. Phillips, [Ireland.] barry of six, sa. and ar.; on a
a lion ramp. sa. ducally collared and chained or. chief or, a lion pass. gu. Crest, an eel, naiant,
Crest, a lion as in the arms. Supporters, PP r -

two horses ar. Motto, Ducit amor patrice. Phillips, [Garendon Park,] 1st diet, omit cotti-
f Created a Baronet 18 Feb. 1828. J sed, and read az. on a chev. or, another ar.
Philipps, . a chev. betw. three talbots' heads,
. betw. three eagles, close, ppr. quartering .Marsh.
couped .
, quartering
. ar. on a chev. engr. betw. See Marsh in Supplement.
three etoiles gu. an increscent, or for Wilson. Phillips, sa. semee-de-lis, a lion ramp. ar. ducally
Crest, a cubit arm, erect, holding a scimitar, crowned or. Crest, a Newfoundland dog. ar.
ppr. Supporters, on the dexter, a wild man, spotted sa. against him a medalion, reclining,
ppr. wreathed round the loins and temples vert, thereon the sea, with rocks, &c. and a represen-
leaning his dexter hand on a club, on the sinister tation of a dog rescuing a man from the waves.
a Carribbee Indian, habited about the loins, Motto, Auspice deo virum extuli man. [Borne
a fillet round the temples, thereon three feathers by the Rev. Phillips, Vicar of Ealing,
erect, brandishing in the sinister arm a battle Hants, 1835.]
axe, ppr. Motto, Nan donnit qui custodit.
Note. This crest and motto was granted on account of a
[Borne by Win. Wilson Phillips, Esq. .M.D. favorite dog having saved the life of one of the family ;

of Cavendish Square, 1^3?.] another instance of this kind, of a crest similarly granted,
will be found borne by Capt. Sir John Marshall, in this
Phillebert, [Oxon,] bendy of six, ar. and az.
Phillimore. Arms and crest as Filmer, Kent, 'Supplement.

Phillips, vert, three roses, in pale, ar. betw. two

1st diet
Phillimore. As 1st diet. Crest, an eagle displ. flaunches of the last. Crest, a horse pass. erm.
gu. gorged with a chaplet vert.
Phillip, per fesse indented, or and ar. a lion Phillips, ar. a chev. betw. three roses, gu.
ramp, sa. within a bordure gu. charged with Phillipson. See Phipson.
eight plates. Crest, a gamb. sa. holding three Philps, [Scotland.] As 2d in 1st diet.
branches of flowers az. leaved vert. Philyp, per fesse, or and ar. a lion ramp. az.
Phillip. As 4th Philip, in 1st diet. Crest, out Phin, [Whitehill, Scotland,] per fesse, gu. and
of a flower ar. stalked and leaved vert, a grey- ar. ; in chief two escallops or; and in base a
hound's head, issuing, of the first, collared pheon az. Crest, a pheonix in flames, ppr.
or. .
Phine, [Whitehill, Scotland,] gu. a crane without
Phillip, [Scotland,] az. a chev. betw. three tal- a head, ar. in chief two mullets of the last.

bots' heads, couped, ar. Crest, a bear's head, Crest, a crane's head, couped, ppr.
erased, sa. Phipps. Arms as 2d in 1st diet. Crest, two
Phillip, paly of six, or and gu. ; on a chief of the laurel-branches issuing from the wreath, ppr.
last, a lion pass. ar. Phitton, ar. on a bend az. three wheat-sheaves
Phillip, ar. on a chev. betw. three roses gu. a or a canton gu.
; Crest, a lion pass. ppr.
mullet of the field. Picard, ar. two bars az. ; on a canton of the last,
a cinquefoil or. Crest, a dexter hand holding Pierrie. [Scotland,] chequy, ar. andsa. a fesse gu.
a sword, in pale, ppr. Crest, a horse's head hetw. two wings ex
Pichew, quarterly, or and az. panded.
Piciford, gu. on a chief or, a lion pass. az. Piers, sa. a bend wavy ar. betw. two unicorns'
Pickborne, ar. a fesse engr. sa. hetw. three mag- heads, erased, or. Crest, a griffin or, winged
pies ppr.
Picken, [Scotland,] az. six plates. Crest, a demi Piers, vert, six eagles displ. or.
lion ar. Pierse, purp. a chev. engr. or.
Pickering. Arms as 1st in 1st diet. Crest, a Pierson, [late of Bedfordshire, now Herts.] Arms
lion's gamh, couped, az. as 1st diet, for Bedfordshire.
[Borne by Joseph-
Pickering, [Thorp's Lodge, Yorks.] erm. a lion Margetts Pierson, Esq. of Hitchin, instead of
the Arms
ramp. az. crowned or. Crest, a lion's gamh, given in 1st diet, and Plate. See new
erased and erect, az. armed or. Plate of Arms, Si/pp.]
Pickering. As 5th in 1st diet. Crest, a fleur-de- Pierson, [Devons.] per fesse embattled, gu. and
lis or. az. three suns, in splendour, or. Crest, out of
Pickering. As 7th in 1st diet. Crest, a sword, a mural coronet, chequy ar. and az. a parrot's
erect, ppr. hilt and pomel or, within two branches head ppr.
of laurel, disposed in orle, vert. Pierson. Arms as 1st in 1st diet. Crest, a par-
Pickernell, per chev. sa. and ar. ;
in base a rot vert, beaked and legged gu.
demi lion, couped, gu. Crest, a lion's head, Pigeon, or, three spear heads, ppr.
erased, gu. Piget, [Kent,] sa. a cross engr. ar. in the chief

Pickett. See Pigot. dexter quarter, an escallop of the second.

Pick ford, chequy erminois and az. on a fesse Piget, or, a cross moline gu.
engr. ar. a sun gu. hetw. two bay horses' heads Pigg, as 1st diet. Crest, a demi lion purp.
erased, ppr. Crest, a demi lion ramp. az. Piggot, Crest, an ostrich with a horse-shoe in
holding hetw. his paws a sun, or. the beak, all ppr.
Pickford, az. three endorses, and as many bar- Pigon, [Warw.] ar. two lions pass. gu.
rulets, in cross, fretty ar. ; a chief, dovetailed, Pigot, or Pickett, as 12th in 1st diet. Crest, a
or. Crest, an arm embowed, grasping an martlet gu.
arrow, ppr. Pigott, [Abington-Pigotts, Cambridgeshire,] sa.
Pickingham, az. a lion ramp. or. three pick-axes within a bordure ar. a canton
Pickworth, ar. three pick-axes gu. az. for Pigott, quartering ; secondly, per pale,
Picot, [Yorks.] az. two bars or in chief three ;
ar.and sa. on a chev. per pale, of the second,
bezants. and or, betw. three bugle-horns, two escallops, all
Picot, ar. three pick-axes gu. counterchanged for Foster ; thirdly, ar. a human
Picott, or Pycott, sa. three pick-axes ar. heart, ensigned with a regal crown ppr. on a
Picott, az. two bends engr. ar. chief sa. three escallops or, for Graham.
Pictanieny, or Peyteum, erm. three bars gu. Crests, first, on a mount vert, a greyhound pass.
Piddle, [Athelhampton,] quarterly, ar. and sa. sa. collared and ringed, or, behind it a pick-axe
four hawks' heads counterchanged. Crest, a erect, or, for Pigott; second, from a bugle,
hawk's head ar. sans strings, sa. garnished ar. tip and mouth-
Pie. As 1st Pye, in 1st diet. piece, or, a stag's head and neck, issuant, of the
Pierce, erm. on a chev. az. hetw. two dragons' last, attired sa. and gorged with a mural crown
heads, erased, in chief vert, and a bugle-horn gu. for Foster; third, an escallop or, over it
in base sa. stringed ar. a cross calvary on three the motto, Spero Meliora for Graham. Motto
greices ar. Crest, out of a battlement az. an under arms, Hoc age. (Borne by the late
arm. embowed, in armour, the hand in gauntlet Lieut. - Col. George Edward Graham Foster
sustaining a spear erect, all ppr. Pigot, M.P. for Kinrossliire, from 182G to
Pierce, ar. a fesse humettee gu. hetw. three birds, 1830, ob. 1831.)
with wings expanded, sa. Pigou. Arms as 1st diet. Crest, a lion's head,
Pierce, erminois, a canton ermines. Crest, a erased, ppr.
parrot holding in the beak an annulet. Pike, [Ireland,] ar. three trefoils, slipped, vert.
Pieres, or Peeres, vert, a bend ar. cottised or. Crest, a pike, naiant, ppr.
Pierie, ar. a saltier engr. gu. in each flank a bugle- Pike, per pale, or and gu. a chev. az. betw. three
horn sa. all within a bordure az. Crest, a trefoils, slipped and counterchanged. Crest, a
hunting-horn az. garnished or, stringed gu. pike, naiant, or.
PlKENHAH, az. a lion ramp. ar. PlNCHENI. SeePlNKNEY.
Pikenham, az. a lion, salient, or, within a bordure Pincheny, or, five fusils, in fesse, gu.
engr. gu. Pinchpoole, ar. a chev. engr. gu. betw. three
Pike worth, ar. three pikes, naiant, wavy, ar. bugle-horns sa. stringed or.
within a bordure engr. of the second. Pinckney, or, five fusils, in bend, gu.
Pikey. See Pyke. Pindall. See Pindar.
Pikton, sa. a lion ramp. or. Pine, [Cornw.] ar. a bend gu. betw. six mullets
Pikworth, or PiTWORTH,ar. three pikes, naiant, gu. sa.
PlLBO rough, [Essex,] per bend sa. and gu. Pine, or Pyne, gu. a chev. erm. betw. three pine-
three mullets or on a fesse ar. a griffin
; apples or.
pass. az. Pine, ar. three holly-leaves, pendent, vert.
Pilcher, or,three chev. interlaced, gu. a chief ;
Pine. See Pyne.
of the last. Crest, on a chapeau, a cockatrice, Pinell, ar. on a chev. engr. gu. a lion ramp.
wings endorsed, and crowned with a ducal crowned or.
coronet. Pink, or Pinck. Arms as 1st diet Crest, a
Pilgrim, or Pilgrime, as 1st in 1st diet. Crest, mullet of six points gu.
an escallop or. Pinker, [Dinder, Somers.] sa. a bend, cottised,
Pilkington, paly of six, ar. and gu. ; on a bend betw. two griffin's ar. Crest, on a mount vert,
sa. three mullets or. a heath-cock, rising, ppr.
Pill. See Peele. Pinkerton, [London,] or, a chev. az. Crest, a
Pilland, as 2nd in 1st diet. Crest, on a chapeau rose gu. stalked and leaved vert.
gu. turned up erm. a garb or. Pinkerton, [Scotland.] The same arms, in base
Pillans, [Leith, Scotland.] ar. three piles, issu- a thistle, stalked and leaved ppr. Crest as
ing from the chief, az. surmounted by a chev. the last.
gu. charged with as many plates. Crest, a hand Pinney', gu. three cross crosslets fitchee ar.
holding a sword, ppr. issuaut from as many crescents or. Crest, an
Pillans. The same arms ; the chev. charged with arm, embowed, in armour, ppr. from the shoulder
bezants. Crest, a dexter hand holding a dag- to the elbow placed on the wreath, the other

ger, point upwards, all ppr. part erect, holding a cross crosslet as in the
Pillans, ar. three piles az. ; over ail, on a chev. as arms.
many pellets count erchangea. Pinson, [London,] gu. a chev. engr. betw. three
Pillesborgh, or Pillisburgh, per fesse, sa. and etoiles of six points, ar.

gu. an eagle displ. ar. Pipard, or Pypard. Arms as 1st Pypard in

Pillett, or Pillott, ar. two bars sa. Crest, a 1st diet. Crest, a lion, sejant, ppr. supporting
lion, sejant, gu. holding betw. the paws an an escutcheon of the arms.
escutcheon of the arms. Pipard, per saltier, or, and sa.
Pilliner, or, five cinquefoils, in bend, gu. Crest, Pipard, or Pipart. As 2nd Pipard in 1st diet.
a unicorn's head gu. Pipard, ar. on a chev. gu. betw. three cornish
Pilloxe, [Devons.] ar. a chev. wavy, voided, sa. choughs sa. a crescent.
betw. three fleurs-de-lis of the last. Pipard, az. two bars or.
Pilmuire, [Cupar of Angus,] ar. on a bend betw. Piparp, ar. three bars gu. on a canton az. a

a martlet, in chief, az. and a bugle, in base, sa. cinquefoil or.

stringed of the second, two crescents of the Pipe, az. two lions pass, guard, or.
first. Crest, a martlet, volant, az. Piper, [Tresmarrow, Corn.] ar. a chev. betw.
Pihe. See Pimpe. three magpies, sa. Crest, a magpie sa.
Pimp, [Ireland,] quarterly, erm. and gu. Crest, a Piper, or Pyper, ar. a saltier az. betw. four oak-
dexter hand brandishing a scimitar, ppr. leaves vert. Crest, a unicorn's head ar.
Pimpard, [1240,] gyronny of four, or and sa. Piper, sa. three pipes ar.
Pimpe, or Pime, [Kent,] as 1st diet. Piper, ar. two bars az. ; on a canton of the last,
Pincerna, alias Lanherne, [Cornw.] gu. on a a cinquefoil or.
bend sa. three covered cups ar. Pipis. See Pepys.
Pinchbeck, ar. three lions' tails, erect, sa. Pipon, per chev. gu. and or, in chief two mullets
Pinchbeck, sa. three lions' tails, double queued, of the last. Crest, a hawk, rising, ppr. (Ano-
erect, ar. ther crest, a demi lion ramp. ppr. holding a
Pinchbeck, ar. a chev. erm. betw. three chess- mullet or.)
rooks ermines. Pipond, az. a lion ramp. ar.

Pipperell, ar. a chev. gu. betw. three apples, Pixwell, ar. a chev. betw. three fleurs-de-lis sa.
slipped, vert. Place, [Dinsdale Visitation, Durham, 161.5,] az.

Pirhowe, quarterly, or and gu. on a chief three chaplets gu.


Pirley, per pale, or and ar. a lion ramp. sa. Place, ar. a chev. sa. betw. three pellets. Crest,
Pirren, and Pirion. See Pyton. a palm-tree vert, fructed or.
Pirrie, [Scotland,] ar. a saltier gu.; in chief a Place. See Plaiz, below.
bugle-horn, stringed, sa. Crest, a hawk's head, Placetis, ar. six annulets gu. Crest, a lion's
erased, az. head ppr. collared gu.
Pirton, [Herts.] gu. three crescents ar. Placey, ar. six fleur-de-lis sa. three, two, and one.
Pishyles, erm. three annulets gu. Plafair, [Scotland,] sa. a cross, invecked, ar.
Pisington, gu. a cross or. betw. four mullets of the last. Crest, an arm
Pistor, [Line] Arms as 1st Pister in 1st diet. ppr. embowed, and armed az. holding a fleur-
Pitcairn, [Pitlower, Scotland,] quarterly; first de-lis or.
and fourth, ar. three lozenges gu. second and ; Plafer, or Plaford. See Paferin.
third, az. a chev. betw. three crescents, ar. Plaicos. See Plicos in 1st diet.
Crest, an anchor, in pale, az. Plaiz, az. on a chief ar. three escallops gu.

Pitcairn, [Dreghorn, Scotland,] ar. three lozen- Plaiz, or Place, az. on a fesse ar. three chaplets
ges within a bordure gu. Crest, a star of six gu.
points wavy, with straight rays betw. each point, Plakett, gu. a chev. vair.
within a circle of clouds. Planke, or Plank, as 2nd in 1st diet. Crest, an
Pitcairn, [of that Ilk, and Forthar,] quarterly; olive-branch ppr.
first and fourth, ar. three lozenges gu. second ; Plant, ar. a label, in bend, az. in chief a rose

and third, ar. an eagle, with wings displ. sa. gu. Crest, a stag, trippant, gu.
for Ramsay. Crest, the sun in splendour or. Plantagenet, or Plantaginet, as 23rd in 1st
Pitcairn, [Pitcairn, Scotland; Lyon Register.] diet. Crest, a rose, per pale, gu. and ar.
The same arms, within a bordure engr. gu. Plantayne, per saltier, ar. and sa. ; in chief and
Crest, a moon in her complement, ppr. in base a cross pattee of the second.
Pitcher, or, a bend gu. surmounted by another Plasket, az. a bend erm. ; in chief three bezants,
az. Crest, a demi man, in a military habit, fesseways. Crest, a swan ar.
holding a flag displ. az. Plasses, ar. six annulets gu. three, two, and one.
Pitches, ar. two chev. gu. betw. three guttees de Plassy, gu. six mullets, pierced, ar. three, two,
poix. and one.
Pitis, erm. a chev. gu. betw. three peacocks' heads, Plater. Arms as 2nd in 1st diet. Crest, a
erased, az. beaked or. Crest, a swan's neck, pheon az.
ar.and wings expanded, gu. betw. two branches Platt. Arms as last in 1st diet. Crest, a duck,
vert,holding in the beak a trefoil, slipped, or. rising, ppr.
Pitlesden, ar. a fesse sa. betw. three pelicans az. Platt. Arms as 2nd in 1st diet. Crest, a bird,
Pitman. As 1st diet. Crest, a catherine-wheel volant, ar. wings ar. and sa. holding in the beak
ppr. an escallop of the first.
Pitsfield, [Dors.] As Pitfiei.d in 1st diet. Platt. Arms as 1st in 1st diet. Crest, a garb
Pitt, [East Mount, near Cirencester. Glouc] or, banded vert.
Arms as 2nd Crest, a stork ppr.
in 1st diet. Platt, vert, three quatrefoils ar. each charged with
Pitt, [Cricket-Malherby, Somers.] gu. a fesse a lion's head, erased, sa.
gobony, counter-gobony, or. and az. betw. three Plalnch, a fesse, embattled, gu.
bezants. Crest, a stork ppr. resting the dexter Plaunch. See Delaplaunch, both diets.
foot on a bezant. Plaunches. See Planges.
Pittelsden. The same as Pitesdon. Playce, [Hanlaby, Durham,] az. on a chief ar.

Pitter, or, three lozenges az. three torteauxes ; on each a cinquefoil or.
Pittello, erm. on a cross ,
an annulet.
. .
Player, [Hackney, Midd.] as 1st diet. Crest,
Crest, a sword erect, the pomel downwards, on an arm, armour, fesseways, holding a broken
the point a fleur-de-lis. lance, all ppr. Motto, Servitute clariur.
Pittman. Arms as' 1st diet. Crest, a rock sa. Playes, as 9th Playse in 1st diet.
Pitts. See Pitis. Playfair, [Edinburgh,] vert, a lion ramp. betw.
Pitworth. See Pi three annulets ar. ; on a chief or, a fleur-de-lis
Pix. Arms as 1st in 1st diet. Crest, a tree gu. betw. two towers ppr. Crest, a pelican
vert. feeding her young, ppr.
Play/air, ar. a cross betw. four mullets sa. Ploge, ar. on a bend gu. a cross crosslet, in
Crest, on a chapeau, a pelican valuing herself, chief, or.
ppr. Plomer, [Ireland,] per chev. flory, counterflory,
Pun/fair, [Meigle, Scotland. Recorded 1784,] ar. and sa. three martlets
vert, a lion ramp. ar. on a chief or, a fleur-de-
; Crest, within an annulet or, a shield sa.
lis gu. betw. two castles
ppr. Crest, a globe Plomer, az. two wings conjoined ar. a chief erm.
ppr. a label for diff. Crest, an eagle's head, erased,
Playne, [London,] or, (Another, ar.) on a pile or, charged with a label, holding a pear, stalked
sa. three mullets or. and leaved ppr.
Playne, [Sudbury, Suff.] or, on a pile sa. three Plomer, or Pliimmer, az. two wings conjoined ar.
mullets of the field. Crest, a dead tree, erased on a chief erm. three lions' heads, erased, ermi-
at the root, and erect, ppr. nois. Crest, an eagle's head, erased, erminois,
Playse, or Plaiz. Arms as 4th in 1st diet. holding in the beak a pear, slipped and leaved,
Crest, a lion's head, erased, issuing flames of ppr.
fire, ppr. Plompton, as 7th in 1st diet. Crest, a buck's
Playses, de sang.
az. a pale or, guttee Crest, a head, couped, ar. attired or.
gauntlet lying fesseways, ppr. holding erect a Plompton, or Plomton, az. five fusils, in fesse,
broken tilting spear or, the top hanging down, or; on each an escallop gu. Crest, as the
headed ar. last.
Playses, az. on a pale ar. eight billets sa. Plompton, ar. three crescents gu.
Playstow, [Clapham, Surrey,] gu. a lion, salient, Plomton, az. on a fesse engr. or, five mul-
ar. debruised with two bars or, a file and one lets gu.
lambeaux vert. Plonckett, or Plonkett, [Ireland,] as 2nd of
Playstowe, gu. a lion ramp. ar. and two bend- Ireland in 1st diet. Crest, a stag's head,
lets or, the uppermost under, the lower over affrontee, gorged with a ducal coronet, ppr.
him. Ploncknett, or Plunkett, [Ireland,] quarterly,
Playter, ot-Playtor, three bendlets, wavy, az.
ar. ar. and sa. ; on a bend gu. two castles of the
Playter or Piatt, [Norf.] gu. a lion pass. ar. first.

Playters, or Plater, [Sotterly, Suff.] as 1st diet. Plonket, ar. a bend gu. cottised, indented, sa.
Crest, a hawk reguard. or,. winged az. belled Plonkett, or Plonket, erm. a bend fusily gu.
of the first. Crest, a stag's head, affrontee, gorged with a
Pleastowe. The same as Playstowe above. ducal coronet or.
Plecy. See Plesstis in 1st diet. Plowden, as Plowdon of Worcester in 1st diet.
Plenderleith, [Peebles, Scotland.] Arms and Crest, a hart's head, erased, az.
crest as of Blyth in 1st diet. Plowman, vert, a cross, voided, ar. Crest, a demi
Plesant, gu. on a fesse engr. betw. two chew Savage, wreathed about the middle, holding
also engr. or, three roses of the first. Crest, over the shoulder a club, and round the sinister
a bird, in its beak two roses, stalked and arm a serpent entwined.
leaved. Plum, or Plume. Arms as 1st diet. Crest, out
Pleshey, ar. six annulets gu. three, two, and one. of a ducal coronet, a plume of ostrich's feathers,
Crest, a bull pass. gu. ppr.
Plessells, ar. a chev. gu. betw. three mul- Plumerdon, or Plurendon, per fesse, sa. and
lets sa. ar. ; in chief two mullets of the second ;
in base
Plesses, az. two bars or. a magpie ppr. Crest, a magpie ppr.
Plessetes, erm. a chev. betw. three mullets, sa. Plumstock, az. a chev. betw. three goats' heads,
Plette, or Plettey, [London,] or, on a fret sa. ar. armed or. Crest, on a goat's head, erased,
nine plates. ar. attired or, a chev. gu.
Plevdell, [Crickland, Wilts. ;
and Shrivenham, Plumton, on a fesse dancettee or, six mullets
Berks.] as 1st diet. Crest, a wolf's head, era- gu. three and three.
sed, gu. platee : in the mouth a cross formee Plumtree. See Plumpton.
fitchee of the first. Plurendon. See Plumerdon.
PleydeU. Arms and crest as 1st diet. [Borne Pocell, gu. three palets vair, on a chief or, a lion
by E. M. PleydeU, Esq., of Whatcombe, Co. pass. sa.
Dorset, 1834.] Pockeswell, [Dors.] sa. a chev. betw. three
Pleyell, bend gu. guttee de larmes, a
ar. a chief, etoiles, or.
chequy, or and sa. Podmore, [Ireland,] vert, a pile, wavy, erm.
charged with a Moor's head, couped, ppr. charged with a lozenge, as in the arms ; crest of
Crest, a hand holding a record ppr. issuing out Boileau, a pelican in her nest, feeding her young
of a mural coronet ar. (Granted, 1683, to or, and charged on the breast with a saltier,
Arthur Podinore, of the city of Dublin, Secre- couped gu. [Borne by the Rev. George Pollen
tary at War and Keeper of the Records, by Boileau Pollen, of Little Bookham, Surrey,
Carney, Ulster. 1837.]
Podrigan, vert, three butterflies, volant, ar. Pollen, vert, a chev. or, betw. three plates.
Poer, gu. on a chief, indented, or, three escallops Polliard, ar. a cross sa. fretty or.
of the first. Pollicrew. See. Poldegrew.
Pogeis, masculy, and gu.
ar. Pollington, sa. a chev. betw. three leopards'
Poggers, lozengy, or and gu. faces, or.
Poines. See Poynness. Pollock, [Balgray, Renfrewshire,] vert, a sal-
Pointe, ar. a lion ramp. sa. within a bordure gu. tier ar.betw. a bugle-horn in each flank, and
charged with eight plates. another in base, or, stringed gu. ; in chief a
Pointer, ar. three crosses pattee sa. fitchee at mullet of the second. Crest, a boar pass, trans-
the foot. Crest, a pointer or. fixed with an arrow ppr.
Pokeswell, or, a buck's head, cabossed, gu.; Polton, [Hants.] ar. on a fesse, betw. three
betw. the horns a fleur-de-lis of the last. mullets sa. as many bezants.
Pokesworth, or, three dragons' heads couped, Polton, sa. three mullets ar. pierced or.
gu. Po lwa rth, [of that Ilk,] gu. three piles indented, ar.
Poldegrew, gu. a lion ramp, guard, or, collared Polwhele, [Polwhele, Cornw.] As Polwhile,
ar. depressed by a bend az. last in 1st diet. Crest, a bull pass gu. armed
Pole, az. two bars ar. and a bend or. or.

Pole, or De La Pole, az. two bars, nebulee ar. Polworth, ar. three piles, and a chief engr. gu.
Pole, or De La Pole, or, (Another, ar.) a saltier Polyene, or, a fesse gu. over all a bend sa.

gu. within a bordure sa. charged with twelve Pomerell. See Paverell.
bezants. Pomeroy, chequy, gu. and ar. on a chev sa. three
Pole. See Poole. annulets or. Crest, a lion's head, erased,
Poleyn, or Polin, ar. a fesse, and over it a charged with four bezants, and crowned with a
bendlet gu. ducal coronet, ppr.
Polevne, or, a bend nebulee gu. Pomerule, [France,] az. a chev. or, betw. three
Poleyne, or, a fesse gu. ; over all a bendlet sa. apples of the last.

Polgreen, [Polgreen near Fowey, Cornw.] ar. Pomery, or Pommeroy, or, a lion ramp. gu.
two chev. az. each charged with as many birds. within a bordure engr. sa.

Polhey, [Essex.] or, on a bend gu. three escal- Pomfree, quarterly, and ., a bend
. . . . . .

lops ar. Crest, an armed arm, holding in the hand a

Polin. Poleyn.
See. sword.
Polkinghorne, [ Polkinghorne, Cornw. ]
ar. Pomfret, ar. three cocks sa. armed or.
three bars sa.Crest, an arm, in armour, em- Pomfrett. Arms as 1st in 1st diet. Crest,
bowed, holding a battle-axe. a dexter hand, wielding a battle-axe, ppr.
Poll. See Paule. Pomys, harry of six, ar. and az. within a bordure
Pollard, ar. a chev. az. betw. three escallops gu. gu.
Crest, a stag, trippant, ar. Ponchardon. Arms as 2nd in 1st diet. Crest,
Pollard, ar. a chev. betw. three mullets, sa. an unicorn's head, erased, gu. bezantee, and
Pollard, [Yorks. and Herts.] Arms and crest armed or.
as 4th in 1st diet. [Borne by the Per. John Ponder, sa. a fesse betw. three escallops ar.
Pollard, 31. A. Rector of Bennington, Herts., within a bordure of the last.
1833.] Pondonce, sa. a cross engr. or, betw. two escal-
Pollardby, per bend sinister, wavy, ar. and az. lops, in chief, ar.
three annulets counterchanged. Poneley, harry wavy, or and sa.
Pollen, az. on a bend, cottised, or, betw. six Ponepot, [Sufi'.] ar. seven torteauxes, two, two,
lozenges ar. each charged with an escallop sa. two, and one.
five escallops az. quartering Boileau ;az. a tower, Poxgton, [ Yorks. ] or, five lozenges, in fesse,
triple towered and in base a crescent or. az. a label of three points gu.

Crest of Pollen, a pelican, per pale, or and az. Ponpons, ar. three wolves pass, in pale, az.

feeding her young or, the wings addorsed, and Crest, three pruning-hooks, two in saltier, and
one in pale, or, environed in the middle with a each a trefoil, slipped, counterchanged. Crest,
wreath. a demi lioness ramp. ppr.
Ponsbury, per saltier, erm. and az. ;
in fesse point, Popplewell, or, on a chev. az. betw. three gilly-
a leopard's head or. flowers ppr. as many lions' heads, erased, of the
PoNSEYN, [Hereford,] quarterly, az. and ar. a field. Crest, a falcon, belled, vert, betw. two
lion in the first quarter, of the second. gillyflowers ppr.
Ponseyn, quarterly, ar. andaz. ; in the first quar- Popworthe, gu. a fesse dancettee ar.
ter, a lion pass gu. Porcell, erm. three torteauxes.
Pontevez, [France,] gu. a bridge with two arches Porchestkr, harry of fourteen, az. and or.
or, masoned sa. (Another, or and az.)
Pontifex, ar. two palets az. betw. three mullets, Pordage, ar. a fesse, chequy, or and gu. in chief ;

in chief, of the last; a chief gu. Crest, a tower, three crosslets fitchee of the last.
ensigned with a crescent, gu. Poringe, ar. two bars betw. nine martlets, gu.
Ponton, [Edinburgh,] az. a lion ramp. betw. three in chief, three in fesse, and three in base.
three escallops or; on a chief ar. as many mullets Porkeswell, or, a hart's head, cabossed, betw.
of the field. Crest, a tree ppr. the attires a fleur-de-lis gu.
ronton. [Scotland.] az. a lion ramp, and a chief or. Poriian, or, a bend sa. ; in chief a martlet vert.
Poole, [Derb.] or, two bars az. Porney, sa. a fesse, and in chief three mascles
Poole, ar. a chev. betw. three crescents gu. ; over or. Crest, a demi eagle displ. charged on
. .

all a bendlet sinister. the breast with a mascle . .

Poole, az. a lion, salient, ar. within an orle of Pors, gu. fretty or on a canton of the first, an

fleurs-de-lis or. Crests, first, a stag's head, etoile of six points of the second.
cabossed, gu. attired or and az. second, a
; Port, or Porte, [Staffs.] as of Shepeshead, 1st
griffin's head, erased, az. collared or. diet Crest, a hand, erect, holding a pistol,
Poole, or Pole, ar. a buck's head, cabossed, gu. ppr.
attired or, betw. the attire a fleur-de-lis of the Port, [Ham, Staffs.] in 1st diet, read Ham.
second. Port, az. two dolphins, endorsed, ar. betw. seven
Poole, ar. a fesse sa. ; in chief three escallops of the cross crosslets. (Another, fitchee) or ; on a chief
last gu. three leopards' faces of the third.
Poole, ar. a chev. betw. three crescents gu. Portal, ar. a castellated portal, flanked by two
(Another, purp.) towers ppr. on a chief az. a crescent betw. two
Poole, az. two bars nebulee ar. mullets, or. Crest, a portal, as in the arms.
Poole, or, a lion ramp. gu. Portal, gyronny of eight, ar. and gu. on each a
Pook. Arms as 1st in 1st diet. Crest, a tower quatrefoil counterchanged. Crest, a lion's head,
sa.masoned ar. erased, or.
Poore. See Dyke, Supp. [Exemplified to Edw. Porte, az. a fesse engr. betw. three birds, holding
Dyke Poore, Esq., 1804, Coll. ArmJ] in their mouths a crosslet fitchee or. Crest, a
Pope. Arms as 1st in 1st diet. Crest, a demi bird and crosslet, as in the arms.
lion vert. Porter, sa. three church-bells ar. Crest, betw.
Pope, or, two chev. gu. ;
on a canton sa. a mullet two pillars, roofed and spired, or, a church-bell
ar. ar.

Pope, barry nebulee of six, or and sa. within a Porter. Arms as of Sheldroe, 1st diet, without
bordure, componee, az. and gu. the pellets.
Pope, or, two chev. gu. ; on a canton sa. a mullet Porter, [Launcells, Cornw.] gu. on a fesse ar.
ar. betw. three falcons' wings of the last, a bezant,
Pope ar. two chev. gu. on a canton of the second,
thereon a lion pass. Crest, a demi goat, erect.
an escallop or, within a bordure of the last. Porter, [St. Stephen's Cornw.] sa. three church-
Pope, ar. a chev. engr. betw. three lions' heads, bells ; a canton erm.
erased, or. Porter, [London,] az. two dolphins, in pale, em-
Pope, ar. an eagle displ. with two beads sa. in ;
bowed and addorsed, ar. betw. six cross cross-
base three escallops of the second, two and one. lets fitchee, or; on a chief gu. three leopards'
Popkin, [Scotland,] gu. a buck, trippant, ar. faces of the third.
Crest, a hand holding a writing-pen, ppr. Porter, [Troquam, Kircudbright. Granted 1804,]
Popnes, ar.on a bend az. three water-bougets quarterly ; first, ar. a dexter arm, embowed and
or. erased, ppr. holding a key az. ; second and
Popplewell, gyronny of eight, vert and or ;
on third, gu. a mastiff-dog, sejant, holding in the
fore paws a Lochaber-axe ppr. fourth, ar. a ; Potter, Arms as 5th in 1st diet. Crest, a star
church-bell az. tongued or. Crest, a dexter of twelve rays or, betw. a pair of wings ar.
arm, in armour, embowed, grasping a sword, all Potter, ar. on a chief az. two flesh-pots or.
ppr. Pottman, per bend, battled, embattled, or and
Porter, Arms as last in 1st diet. Crest, a demi az. Crest, a fleur-de-lis gu.
squirrel or, semee of hurts, holding an acorn- Potts, [South Shields, Durham,] az. two bars
branch vert, acorned of the first. or ; over all a bend of the last. Crest, on a
Porter, alias Gloucester, gu. on a fesse or, three mount vert, an ounce, sejant, ppr. collared and
hurts, the middle one charged with a lion pass. chained or.

or, the other with a fleur-de-lis as the last, Potts, ar. a bend sa.
betw. three wings of the same. Crest, a stag's Pouchet, two chev. gu.

head, erased, ar. attired and ducally gorged or, Pouele, barry nebulee of six, sa. and or; over
betw. two laurel-branches vert. all a bend of the first.

Porter, gu. on a fesse, betw. five wings, or, three Pouele, barry nebulee of eight, or and sa.
in chief, and two in base, three hurts. Poulain, az. three arches, each on as many steps,
Porter, ar. three bars sa. Crest, a bull's head, ar. Crest, an eagle displ. gu.
couped, gu. armed or. Poulden, ar. a Negro's head, couped, sa. Crest,
Porter, gu. on a fesse or, a torteaux, charged with a hand, issuing from a cloud, holding a book
a lion pass, guard, of the second. Crest, a demi expanded.
antelope or, spotted, collared, and attired gu. Poulter. As 2nd Poulter in 1st diet. Crest,
Porter, gu. five wings ar. two, one, and two. a ship in full sail, ppr.
Porter, ar. on the trunk of a tree, raguly, vert, an Poulter, ar. three mullets sa. ; a chief gu.
eagle, with wings expanded, gu. Pouncy. See Pounse in 1st diet.
Porter, gu. on a fesse, betw. three wings, or, an Pound. Arms as 1st in 1st diet. Crest, a castle
annulet of the first. ppr.
Porter field, [of that Ilk ; Lyon Register.'] Pound, ar. on a fesse gu. betw. two boars' heads,
Arms as 1st diet. Crest, a branch of palm. couped sa. and a cross pattee fitchee of the third,
Portevell, az. a fesse or, fretty vert. three mullets of the first.

Portevn, paly of six, gu. and vair, a chief or. Poundrell. See Powtrell.
Portington. Arms as 1st in 1st diet. Crest, Poune, [Herts.] ar. on a saltier, per saltier, vert
a dexter hand holding a dart, point downwards. and gu. five crescents or, betw. four eagles'
Portington, gu. on a bend or, three mullets sa. heads, erased, sa.
Portington, az. a chev. betw. three mullets, ar. Pount, or Point, az. a bridge of two arches ar.

Portrea, [Barnstaple,] az. three sceptres, in Pounteney, ar. a fesse dancettee gu. ; in chief
bend or. three leopards' heads purp.
Portridge, [Suff. and Salop.] chequy, ar. and PountNey, ar. a fesse dancettee gu. betw. three
sa on a bend gu. three escallops or.
; leopards' faces sa. Crest, a leopard's head
Ports, Le, az. three towers with cupolas or, ports and neck erased.
sa. Pourdon, erm. a chev. and chief, sa. ; on the
POSINGWORTH, PossINGWORTH, Or PoSYNWORTH, bottom line a leopard's head or.
paly of six, angled, the angles in bend dexter, Pourfey, gu. three piles or; on a canton ar. a
ar. and az. Crest, out of a ducal coronet, a mullet sa.

plume of ostrich's feathers, ppr. Pourton, ar. a mullet betw. three pheons sa. ; on

Posinguorth, paly of six, az. and ar. bevile in a chief of the second, a greyhound, current, of
bend dexter. the first,collared gu.
Posselow, bendy often, az. and or; on a canton Povey, sa.a bend engr. vert, betw. six cinquefoils
ar. a lion pass, guard, gu. or. Crest, a bugle-horn sa. virolled or, stringed
Poster. See Popo. gu.
Potenhall, [Sir John, Temp. Edw. III.] or, Powe, ar. a fesse betw. three crescents az. issuing
on a fesse az. three increscents of the field. flames ppr. Crest, a crescent, as in the arms.
Potetort, or, on a saltier engr. sa. a cinquefoil Powel, or Powell, As 9th in 1st diet. Crest,
of the first. a demi Savage holding a club.
Potey, ar. on a bend gu. three cross crosslets or. Powell, [Castle-Madoc, Brecknockshire.] sa. a
I'otford, [Somers.] .
, a cross
. . . . chev. betw. three spear-heads, or, embrued
Potrester, ar. a cross betw. four martlets, sa. gu.
Potrister, ar. a cross betw. four eagles, sa. Powell, '[Heref.] or, a chev. betw. three lions'
gambs. couped, or. Crest, a lion's gamb, escallops or. Crest, a buck's head, ppr. betw.
erased, or. the attire a cross gu.
ar. on a chief gu. a lion
Powell, [Shropshire,] Power, ar. a fesse az. betw. three mullets gu.
ramp, issuant or. Power, per pale, nebulee, az. and or.
Powell, [Fulham, Middlesex,] or. a chev. betw Power, per pale wavy, or and az.
three lions' gambs, erased, gu. Crest, a lion's Powerton. As last in 1st diet. Crest, a hand.
gamb as in the arms. ppr. holding a spur or.
Powell, [Wales,] az. a chev. betw. three spear- Powges, masculy, sa. the field alternately ar. and

heads, ar. a dragon's head, erased,

Crest, gu.
vert, in the mouth
a dexter hand, couped at the Powle. Arms as 2nd in 1st diet. Crest, a demi
wrist, gu. dropping blood, ppr. Savage brandishing a sabre, ppr.
Powell, [Stanage Park, Radnorshire,] gu. a lion Powlett, [ Hants. ] sa. three swords, points
ramp, and bordure engr. or. Crest, a lion's meeting in base, ar. Crest, a sphinx, statant,
head, erased ar. gorged with a collar, flory and wings expanded, ppr.
counterflory gu. Powna, [Cornw.] .
a chev. gu. charged with

Powell, [Brecknockshire,] 2nd of the name in three oak-leaves.

diet, add crest, a buck, sejant, with wings Pownall, ar. a saltier gu. a chief vert. Crest,

attached to the buttocks, ar. betw. the attire an a unicorn's head erm.
antique crown or. Powrton, sa. a greyhound ramp. ar. within a
Powell, ar. three boars' heads, erased, sa. Crest, bordure engr. of the second.
a lion, ramp, reguard. holding a boar's head, Powtrell. Arms as of Westhallon in 1st diet.
erased, sa. Crest, a porcupine gu. collared and corded
Powell, or Ap-Howell, ar. a lion ramp. sa. over or.
all a fesse engr. gu. Powtrell, ar. a fesse betw. three roses gu. Crest,
Powell, or, a chev. cottised, betw. three lions' a Saracen's head, issuing, ppr.
gambs. erased, gu. Powtrell. The same arms; the roses pierced.
Powell, or, a chev. betw. three lion's gambs, era- PoxwELL, sa. a chev. betw. three mullets, or.
sed and erect, gu. Crest, a lion's gamb as in Poyard, az. a bend ar.
the arms. [Borne by Alex. Powell, of Hurdcott Poycud, [Devons.] az. a bend, cottised, indented.
House, Wilts.
1834.] or.

Powell, ar. three boars' heads, bendways, couped, Poyer, az. a bend or, cottised, indented, ar.
sa. in chief a crescent. Poylv, gu. a bend betw. six cross crosslets, ar.
Power, [Cornw.] vert, a bend betw. two cottises Poynder. As 1st diet add on a chief ; a key . .

dancettee, or. erect, wards uppermost and inclining to the

Power, or Pawer, [Cornw.] gu. a fesse ar. betw. sinister, betw. two roses ... ( Treasurer of
three mullets of the second, pierced, sa. Christ's Hospital. J
Power, [Ireland.] Arms as 3rd in 1st diet. Poynes, [Devons.] paly of ten, or and gu.
Crest, an antelope's head, erased, and neck Poynes. As 1st in 1st diet. Crest, a demi leo-
transfixed with a spear, ppr. pard, ducally gorged, ppr.
Power, [Ireland,] ar. a chief dancettee az.; over Poyngtox, [Yorks.] , four lozenges, in fesse.
. .

all a bend sa. .

.in chief a label of three points gu.
Power, [Norf.] quarterly, gu. and or, within a Poynings. Arms as 1st in 1st diet. Crest, a
bordure az. pomegranate ppr.
Power, [Oxon.] As 2nd in 1st diet. Crest, a Poynings. The same arms. Crest, a key ar.
buck's head, couped, sa. attired or. crowned or, and a demi wivern on a wreath.
Power, [Scotland,] ar. a saltier gu. surmounted Poynings The same arms, within a bordure
by another or, cantoned with four bugle-horns engr. erm.
sa. Crest, a stag's head, betw. the attires POYNNES, POYNEYS or Poines, sa. three dexter
a cross pattee. Motto, Per crucem ad coro- hands, clenched, ar.
nam. Poynt, ar. a lion ramp. sa. within a bordure
Power, [Yorks] quarterly, az. and erm. ; on the charged with eight torteauxes.
first, a leopard's head or. Poyntington, [Devons.] ar. a bend gu. betw.
Power. As 5th in 1st diet. Crest, a buck's six fleurs-de-lis vert.
head, couped. sa. attired or. Poynton, [Ches.] chequy, or and az. ; on a can-
Power, [Ireland,] ar. a bend gu. in chief a dove ton gu. a lion ramp. ar.
with an olive-branch, ppr. on a chief az. three Poynton, erm. five fusils, in fesse, sa. betw. three
crosses fitchee of the last. Crest, a stag's head Prenne, sa. a lion ramp. ar. within an orle of
vert. bezants.
Poynton, quarterly, per fesse, indented, gu. and ar. Prentice, gyronny of eight, az. and or ; on a
Povnts, quarterly, per fesse, indented, ar. and az. chief ar. a fleur-de-lis hetw. two crescents gu.
Povnture, or, five lozenges, in fesse, az. ;
in Crest, an eagle displ. holding in the dexter
chief a lahel gu. claw a dagger, and in the sinister a pistol.
Povntz, [Poyntzfield, Cromorty,] paly of eight, Prentis, [Scotland,] ar. a chev. hetw. three grey-
or and gu. hounds, current, sa. Crest, a leopard's face gu.
Poyntz, or Poynes, as 1st in 1st diet. spotted or.

Poyntz, as 2nd in 1st diet. Crest, a sword, in Prentisse, az. a chev. betw. three roses, ar.
pale, ppr. Prenton, [Brenton, Yorks.] ar. a chev. betw.
Praed, [Trevethow, Lelant, Cornw.] az. six mul- three annulets, gu.
lets ar. Prenue. See Preene in 1st diet.
Praed, az. a lozenge, throughout, or, charged with Prerne, quarterly, sa. and ar. ; in the first
a crescent gu. Crest, a demi lion az. quarter, a lion pass, guard, of the second,
Praers, gu. a fesse, double cottised, ar. crowned or.
Pratt, [Ireland,] ar. a lion ramp. gu. hetw. Prescop, or, on a chief .... three cross taus of
three crosslets fitchee sa. Crest, a caltrap, the field. Crest, a horse's head ar.
embrued, gu. Prescot, [Dreby, Line] as 1st diet, the crest
Pratt. Arms as 2nd in 1st diet. Crest, a wolf's bristled gold.
head, erased, per pale, ar. and sa. gorged with a Prescott, [Hants.] sa. a chev. betw. three owls
collar charged with three roundles, all counter- ar. Crest, on a mural coronet, a buck, sejant.
changed. [Borne by the Rev. Joseph- Stephen Prescott, or Prescot. Arms as 2nd Present/
Pratt, of St. Margaret's, Herts, and Prebendary in 1st diet. Crest, a dexter hand, apaumee,
of Peterborough, L833.] gu.
Pratt, ar. on a chev. sa. hetw. three pellets, as Prescott, ar. on a chev. sa. three owls of the
many mascles or. Crest, a wolf's head, quar- first,

terly, ar. and sa. Prescott, erm. a chev. gu. ; on a chief or, two
Pratte, az. on a chev. or, hetw. three bezants, as leopards' heads of the second.
many mascles of the field. Crest, a lion's head, Presland, or Prestland. Arms as 1st diet.
erased, vert. Crest, a man's head, couped at the shoulders.
Prayers, [Essex,] gu. a bend ar. cottised or. guard sa. ducally crowned or.
Prkad, [Cornw.] az. six mullets ar. three, two, Presser, sa. a chev. ar.
and one. Pressey, [France,] lozengy, or and gu. ;
a chief
Preadeaux, as Prideaux of Netherton, in 1st of the first.
diet. Crest, a cutlas and caduceus in saltier, Pressy, erm. on a fesse gu. three mullets or.
and in chief
Mercury's cap, all ppr. Prestage, as Brestwick.
Preayaux. See Prydeux. Preston, ar. two bars gu. on a canton of the

Predeux, as Prideaux of Cornwall, 1st diet. second, a cinquefoil of the first.

Predieulx, per pale, ar. and gu. a cross patonce Preston, gu. two bars fusily ar.
counterchanged ; over all a bend sa. Preston, erm. two bars, and a canton, gu. joined
Predieux, as Prideaix of Cornwall, in 1st to the first, thereon a cinquefoil or.
diet. Preston, [of that Ilk, and Craigmiller, Scotland.]
Predieux, gu. a cross, per pale, gu. and ar. ; over As 1st in 1st diet.
all a bend az. Preston, [Lord Dingwall,] The same arms.
Preede, [Salop,] az. three eels, haurient, ar. Preston, [ Cousland and Whitehill, Scotland. ]
Preer.es. See Prayers, both diets. The same arms, within a bordure engr. of the
Preis, az. a fesse or. last,

Preitwell, az. a fret, couped, ar. hetw. three Preston, [of that Ilk; New Register.'] The same
pheons or. arms. Crest, an angel ppr.
Prelate. Arms as 1st diet. Crest, a garb, Preston, [Formatine, Scotland.] The same arms.
lying fesseways, ppr. Prestwich. Arms as 1st in 1st diet. Crest, a
Prelate, or Prelatt. Same arms. leopard's face jessant a fleur-de-lis, or.
Prendergast, ar. a saltier az. betw. four trefoils Prestwick, vert, a mermaid ar. crined or, hold-
vert. Crest, a man's head, couped at the neck, ing a comb and glass of the third. Crest, a
ppr. hedgehog sa.

Pri stwold. As 1st in 1st diet. Crest, a demi Priestley, gu. a fesse erm. Crest, a demi lion sa.
lion ramp, ducally gorged. Prifet, and Prosett, erm. on a chief gu. three
Prestwood, sa. a lion, salient, betw. two Haun- taus or.
ches or. Prime. Arms as 2nd in 1st diet. Crest, out of
Prbtttman. Arms and crest as 1st in 1st diet. a ducal coronet or, a lion's gamb, holding a
with the field az. tilting spear, ppr.
Preuz. See Prouse. Prin, or, a fesse az. betw. three escallops gu.
Preuze, sa. three lions ramp. ar. hetw. nine cross Crest, out of a ducal coronet or, a demi eagle,
crosslets or. volant, sa.
Prew. See Pri e. Princeps, or, a lion's paw, erased, in bend, gu.
Preys, paly of six, or and gu. ;
on a chief of the Pring, vert, on a pale, betw. two annulets, or,
last, a lion pass, guard, ar. three cinquefoils of the field. Crest, a dagger,
Price, ar. three chev. gu. in pale, ppr.
Price. Arms as of Barton-Regis, in 1st diet. Pring, [Scotland,] ar. on a bend sa. three escal-
Crest, out of a mural coronet, a lion's head, lops of the first.

issuing. Pringle, [London. Created a Baronet, 5th June,

Price, [Ireland.] sa. a chev. hetw. three spear- 1766,] az. three escallops ar. a mullet for cliff.
heads, ar. Crest, a mortar, mounted, ppr. Crest, a saltier ar. within a chaplet vert.
Price, [London,] ar. a chev. hetw. three pheons, Pringle, [Greenknow, Scotland,] az. three escal-
sa. Crest, a griffin's head, erased, ar. in the lops within a bordure engr. or. Crest, an
beak a thistle gu. stalked and leaved vert, all anchor, within a garland of bay-leaves, ppr.
betw. two wings ppr. Pringle, [Burnhouse, Scotland.] The same as of
Price, [London,] ar. a cock sa. Crest, a horse's Torsonce.
head, couped in the mouth a spear, ar. Pringle, [Blindlee, Scotland,] ar. on a bend az.
Price, [Surrey.] Arms as of Kingston, Surrey, three escallops or ; a bordure of the second.
1st diet. Crest, on a mural coronet or, a lion Pringle, [Blackwater, Scotland,] ar. a bull's head,
ramp, reguard, sa. holding in the fore feet a cabossed, az. armed or.
fleur-de-lis of the first. Pringle, [Clifton, Scotland,'] az. on a chev. ar.
Prichard, [Preston and Chorley, Lane.] ar. a three escallops of the first. Crest, an escallop
dragon's head, erased at the neck, vert, holding betw. two palm-branches, in orle.
in the mouth a sinister hand, erased, gu. issuant Pringle, [Torsonce, Teviotdale,] ar. on a bend sa.
from it guttee de sang. Crest, a dragon's three escallops or. Crest, an escallop or.
head, as in the arms. Pringle, az. a chev. ar. betw. three escallops or.
Prichard, or Prichar, gu. a fesse or, betw. three Crest, an escallop ....
escallops ar. Prior, as 1st in 1st diet. Crest, a dexter hand
Prickett, vaire, or and gu. Crest, a heart gu. holding a crozier, ppr.
within a fetterlock az. Prior, gu. on a bend erm. three chev. of the
Prickett, or, on a cross vert, voided in the centre, first.
four mascles of the field., escutcheon of pretence, Prisett, or Prosset, as 1st diet. Crest, a hand
az. on a chev. ar. betw. three mullets, per pale holding a roundle gu.
of the second, and or, as many mascles gu. Peiske, [Helston, Cornw.] or, on a bend sa. three
Crest, a pricket, or young deer, or. [Borne horse-shoes ar.

/a/ Robert Prickett, Esq., of Octon Lodge, Prisott, or Prysett, gu. on a chief ar. three
Forks. 1*:J4.] crosses pattee sa.
Priddle, gu. on a chev. betw. three griffins' heads, Pristow, erminois a chev. betw. three mul-
ar. a cinquefoil vert. Crest, a demi lion, or. lets, ar.
Prideaulx. Arms as 1st diet. Crest, a horse's Pritchard, [Camstone, Co. Monmouth,] harry
head, erased, per fesse or and gu. of six, or and az. on a chief of the first, three
Pridham, ar. two bars gu.; in chief three cres- pallets betw. two esquires counterchanged, over
cents of the last. Crest, a hand ppr. holding all an escutcheon ar.
a chapeau az. turned up erm. all betw. two Pritchard, erm. a lion ramp. sa. a bordure az.
branches of laurel, in orle, vert. (
rest, a dexter arm ppr. holding a battle-axe.
Prierse, two bars sa. and six etoiles gu.
ar. handle gu.
Crest, a unicorn's head gu. collared vert. Pritchett, paly of six, ar. and az. over all a mill-
Priest, sa. on a chief ar. three etoiles gu. Crest, rind of the first. Borne by Dr. John Pritchet,
a martlet sa. Bishop of Gloucester. 1680.]

Proctor, [Newcastle,] .... a chev. engr Pryer, [France,] or, on two bars gu. eight escal-
guttee .... betw. three crosses, coupecl .... lops ar. within a bordure vert.
Proctor, or, a chev. betw. ten cross crosslets sa. Prykele, or, a cross, pierced, az. charged with
Proctor, .... on a chev. engr. betw. three crosses, four mascles of the first.
couped, seven guttees. Prynn, originally Resprynn, ar. a chev. gu. betw.
Prodgers, as Proger, 1st diet. three boars' heads sa.
Prosett. See Prifet. Prynne, or, a fesse engr. az. betw. three escallops
Prosser, erm. on a chief vert, three wheat-sheaves gu. Crest, in a coronet or, an eagle displ. ppr.
ar. Crest, on a mount, a horse, bridled, at full beaked sa.
speed, ppr. Pryse, or, a lion ramp, reguard. sa. quartering,
Prosset. See Priset. Loveden. Crest, a lion ramp, reguard. sa.
Prother, az. on a chief ar. three fetterlocks of holding a fleur-de-lis or. [Borne by Pryse
the field. Crest, on a tower sa. a crescent or. Pryse, M. P. for Cardigan, of Buscot Park,
Prothero, chequy, az. and or, an annulet gu. Berkshire, and Goferddan, Cardiganshire,
Crest, a bird, flying, purp. 1838.
Proud. Arms as of Shrop. 1st diet. Crest, a Pryssett, gu. on a chief ar. three capital T's.
buffalo's head, erased, vair. Prytwell, az. a fesse or, betw. three harts' heads,
Proudfonte, gu. a fesse or, fretty of the second, cabossed of the second.
platee at the joints. Pstrelle, [Notts.] paly of six, ar. and az.
Prouse, or Prouze, as 2nd Prowse in 1st diet. Pickle, gu. a dexter and sinister hand, couped.
Crest, a demi lion or. in saltier, ar. Crest, a cubit arm, erect, hold-
Prouse, or Preuz, sa. three lions ramp. ar. ing a spear, in bend.
Prouze, [Exeter. Granted 1589.] See Prowse, Puddesey. See Pudsey, 1st diet.
1st diet. Pudley, az. a chev. engr. erm.
Prouze, [Foscot, Somers.] See Prouze, 1st diet. Pudlicott, [Oxon,] gu. nine lozenges, pierced,
Provan, [Scotland,] as 1st diet. Crest, a plough or, conjoined in threes, six in chief, and three
in base.
Provan, [Scotland.] Arms as last, the mullets Pudsey, a chev. betw. three mullets, pierced, or.

ar. Crest, as the last. Pudsey, bend or, betw. six mullets ar.
vert, a
Provis, [Somers.] az. a chief ar. Crest, on a Puget, az. a chev. wavy, betw. three mullets ar.
rock, a wild duck ppr. Crest, a dove holding an olive-branch, and
Provost, as 3rd in 1st diet. Crest, a buckle or. flying over the sea, ppr.
Prowes, per saltier, gu. and ar.; over all a cross Pugette, az. on a saltier erm. a torteaux, in chief
crosslet or. the sun in splendour ppr.
Prowse, [Cornw.] as 1st diet. Crest, a golden Pugges, as 1st diet. Crest, a dexter hand ppr.
fleece ppr. holding up a covered cup or.
Prowze, as of Foscot in 1st diet. Crest, a dexter Pugh, [Wales,] az. a lion ramp, within a bordure
hand throwing a dart. engr. or.
Prudom, .... three lions' heads, erased .... Pughe, [Ty Gwin,] ar. a lion pass. gu. betw.
Crest, a lion's paw. three fleurs-de-lis sa. Crest, a lion's head,
Prurley. The same as Pkuley. erased, in the mouth a trefoil, slipped, ppr.
Prutin, per pale, gu. and az. a fesse betw. two Pugiers. See Pugeis, 1st diet.
chev. ar. PUGOLAS, as PUJOLAS.
Pry. See Brff. Pukenham, az. a lion ramp, or, within a bordure
Pryce, [St. John's College, Cambr.] or, a lion engr. gu.
Pulham, sa. a demi lion ramp. ar.
ramp, reguard. holding betw. the fore paws a
fleur-de-lis. Crest, a lion as in the arms. Puller, as 1st in 1st diet. Crest, a dexter hand
Pryce, [New-Town Hall, Montgomeryshire. Cre- holding a trident, in bend.
ated a Baronet, 15 Aug. 1628,] gu. a lion ramp. Pullerback. See Bulback, in 1st diet.

reguard. or. Crest, a lion as in the arms. Pulley, per saltier, or and sa. Crest, a palm-
Prydeux, sa. a saltier engr. ar. Crest, a dexter tree, vert.
arm from the elbow, ppr. holding a billet, in Pulleyne, az. on a bend, cottised, ar. three escal-

lops of the first a chief or, charged with as

pale, az. ;

Prydeux. See Prideaux in 1st diet. many martlets az.

Prye, [Horwell, Devons.] erm. a chev. gu. ;

a Pullisden, ar. on a fesse sa. betw. three pelicans
chief az. fretty or. az. vulned gu. as many leures or.
Pultenev. Arms as 2nd Poultney in 1st diet, Purefov, gu. three pairs of hands, couped, hand
with the fesse indented. Crest, first, a lion's in hand, ar.
head, erased, sa. second crest as with the
; Purefey, or Purferoy. Arms as of Kent in 1st
arms. diet. Crest, a dexter hand holding a garland
Pulton, ar. a fesse dancettee sa. hetw. three leo- of flowers, ppr.
pards' heads az. Purferoy. See Purefoy.
IYi.wk, Cornw.] gu. a saltier vair, hetw. a semee Perfield, per chev. erm. and az. on a chief gu. ;

of cross crosslets. three garbs ar. Crest, on a ducal coronet sa.

Punchardon, ar. a fesse within a hordure gu. ;
a martlet ar.

charged with eight escallops of the first. Purie, [Woodcocksholm, Linlithgow, Scotland,]
Punchardon. See Ponckardon, in 1st diet. ar. a saltier engr. gu. surmounted of another or,

Puncheon, per pale ar. and sa. three roundles cantoned with four bugles sa. Crest, a hunting
counterchanged. horn az. garnished gu.
West Herrington, below.
IYnsiiion, as Punshon, Purkis, quarterly, ar. and gu. in the first and ;

Punshon, [N.umb. Granted 1823,] az. a fesse em- fourth quarters, a bee, volant, sa. Crest, out
battled, counter-embattled, hetw. three lambs' of a ducal coronet or, a greyhound's head ppr.
beads, erased, ar. within a hordure wavy erni. Pyrl, [London.] The same as Purde.
Crest, a lamb pass. erm. charged with a palet Purling. Arms granted 1759, in 1st diet.
wavy az. betw. two oval buckles or, tongues Crest, a dexter hand holding a grenade, fired,
pointing upward. ppr.
Punshon, [West Herrington, Durham,] az. a fesse Purllysden, ar. on a fesse sa. betw. three
crenellee betw. three sheeps' heads, erased, ar. pelicans az. vulned gu. as many hawk's leures or.
PuRBUTT,ar. (Another, or,) ten pellets, four, three, Purse, gu. six trefoils, slipped, ar. Crest, a demi
two, and one. bull, per fesse, or and gu.
Purcell, ar. a saltier, betw. four boars' heads, Pursell, harry nebulee of eight, (Another, harry
erased, sa. Crest, a cubit arm, erect, habited wr avy of six,) ar. and gu. ; on a bend sa. three
az. cuff indented, ar. the hand ppr. grasping a boars' heads, couped, or.
sword, pierced through a boar's head and neck, Purselowe. Arms as 1st Purslow in 1st diet.
couped ar. dropping blood, ppr. Purton, per cross, ar. and sa. ; in the first quarter,
Purchas. Arms as of Yorks. 1st diet. Crest, a fleur-de-lis gu. Crest, an eagle displ. gu.
a dexter hand ppr. holding up a cushion sa. Pury'. Arms as 1st in 1st diet. Crest, on a
tasselled or. ducal coronet or, a martlet gu.
Purchase, [Lord Mayor of London 1407,] The Pusey', gu. three bars ar. Crest, a leopard pass.
same arms and crest. ppr.
Purchase, vaire, ar. and gu. on a bend sa. a boar's
; Puttisden. The same as Purllysden.
head, couped, of the first. Putland. Arms as 1st diet. Crest, an ele-
Purcherdon. ar. a fesse sa. within a hordure gu. phant's head . . .

charged with eight escallops of the field. Putnam. See Puttenham, and Putman.
Purciies, or, a lion ramp. sa. ; over all a fesse az. Putt, ar. within a mascle sa. a lion ramp, of the
Purde, ar. a cross componee, or and az. ; in the last. Crest, out of a mural coronet, a leopard's
first quarter, a water-bouget ; in the second, an head, ducally gorged, all ppr.
eagle displ. in the third, a swan, close ; in the
; Puttenham, or sa. a heron in an orle
fourth, an escallop ; all sa. ; and on a chief az. of crosslets beaked and legged gu.
a lion pass, guard, or. Puxley', ar. two bends engr. and canton sa.
Purdie, [Scotland,] asPuRDYin 1st diet. Crest, Crest, a cubit arm, erect, in armour, grasping
a dexter hand holding a roll of parchment, a faulchion by the centre of the blade, all ppr.
ppr. Puxty, [Yorks.] As 1st diet. Crest, a pelican's
Purdy, or Purdie, as 1st diet. Crest, a peacock's head, vulned, ppr.
head, erased, gu. Puynse. See Pumise.
PuREFEY, [Leic] gu. a saltier, engr. ar. betw. Pyard, az. a bend ar.
four mullets or. Pyciiar, ar. three lozenges sa. ; a label of five
Purefey, sa. three pairs of dexter bands, conjoined, points gu.
or, ruffled ar. Crest, a demi talbot ramp. sa. Pychard, or Pychow, quarterly, or and az.
ducally gorged or. Crest, a hand holding a club erect, ppr.
Purefey, or Pwrfrey, az. three stirrup-irons or. Pycot, or Pyket, sa. a saltier, fiory, ar. betw.
Crest, as the last. four lions pass, guard, or.
Pycott, az. a bend lozengy betw. six martlets, Pylond, ar. two chev. wavy betw. three fleurs-de-
or. lis, sa.

Pycott, gu. a fesse componee, or and az. betw. Pylston, sa. three lions pass, in pale, ar.
three pickaxes of the second. Pylston, sa. three lions pass. ar.
Pycott, az. two bars ar. in chief three plates.
Pym. Arms as 1st diet. Crest, a lion's garni)
Pycott. See Picott, and Pickworth. holding up a human heart, ppr.
Pycroft, sa. a cross fiory or. Crest, a hand, Pyme. See Pyne.
couped, in fesse, apaumee, charged with an eye, Pymme, [Wycombe, Bucks.] gu. on a fesse, betw.
ppr. three owls, as many crosses patonce sa. all
Pycroft, [Swanson-Abbot,] sa. a cross fiory or, within a bordure of the second.
within a bordure engr. ar. Pymont, vert, crusily, a cross moline or.
Pydell, [Dorsetshire,] quarterly, ar. and sa. Pympe, harry of four, ar. and gu. a chief vair.
four hawks' heads, erased, counterchanged. Pyncepole, [Essex.] ar. a bugle-horn betw. three
Pyell, ar. a bend betw. two mullets, sa. trefoils, sa.

Pyennes, az. a fesse betw. six billets, or. Pyncepole, ar. a bugle-horn, unstrung, betw. three
Pygott, erm. three fusils, in fesse, sa. trefoils, slipped, sa.
Pygott, quarterly, gu. and sa. a cross ar. Pynde, az. fretty ar. ;
on a chief or, three tor-
Pygott, az. two bars or; in chief three bezants. teauxes. Crest, a lion's gamb, erased, ar.
Pygott, ar. on a bend engr. sa. betw. two bencllets holding three pines or, fructed vert.
engr. gu. three mullets of the first. Pyne, [Cornw.] ar. a bend betw. six mullets,
Pygott, ar. a bend betw. six pick-axes, sa. gu.
Pyke, per pale ar. and gu. on a chev. betw. three Pyne, [Somers.] az. a fesse betw. three escallops
trefoils, slipped, a pike, or jack, all counter- or, quartering, Pardy, Racier, and Shilston.
changed. Crest, on a ducal coronet, a chesnut Crest, a herald antelope's head, couped or,
horse, statant, mane and tail sa. saddled and maned, tufted, and crined sa. [ Confirmed, Temi
i .

bridled or, saddle cloth gu. Q. ElizQ

Pyke, sa. three pitchforks, paleways, in fesse, ar. Pyne, or Pyme. Arms as Pyme, Cornw., 1st
Crest, a boar pass. ar. gorged with a garland diet. Crest, a demi pegasus ramp, enfoiled
of laurel, vert. round the body with a ducal coronet.
Pykenham, az. a lion ramp. or. Pyne, gu. a chev. betw. three pine-trees, eradica-
Pykering, gu. a fesse ar. fretty az. betw. six ted, or.
annulets or. Pyne, paly of six, or and gu.
Pykerke, sa. a cross patonce or, within a bordure Pynell. As 2nd in
1st diet. Crest, a demi
engr. ar. eagle with two heads, gu. winged or.
Pyket. See Pycot. Pynes, or Pymes, gu. a chev. erm. betw. three
Pykett, sa. a cross fiory, placed saltierways, ar. apples, pendent, slipped, or,
betw. four lions pass, guard, or. Pynkeney, ar.
apalefusily sa. within a bordure
Pykey, per pale ar. and gu.; on a chev. betw. engr. of the same.
three trefoils, slipped, a fish, naiant, all counter- Pynkeny, [N.umb.] or, a fesse engr. gu.
changed. Pynkney. See Pyrin.
Pyrin, or Pvnkney. As 1st diet. Crest, a Pynne, ar. a saltier, per cross, gu. and vert,
Savage's head, couped, sa. betw. four heads, erased, sa.
Pykingham, az. a lion ramp, or, holding a battle- Pynnoke, per saltier, sa. and gu. ; on a fesse,
axe ar. betw. three lions' heads, erased, or, as many
Pyland, ar. a chev. gu. betw. three garbs vert. cinquefoils az.
Pyland, gu. a fesse or, betw. three escallops ar. Pynson. Arms as of Yorks., 1st diet. Crest,
Pylborow, per bend, sa. and gu. three mullets on a chapeau az. turned up or, an eagle, with
or; over all, on a fesse of the third, a griffin wings expanded, ppr.
pass. az. Crest, an eagle's head, erased, bendy Pynson, gyronny of eight, gu. and sa. ; on a fesse
of six, ar. and az. five bezants thereon, holding engr. betw. three eagles displ. or, as many
in the beak a branch of three roses gu. leaved cinquefoils, pierced, az.
vert. Pynson, gyronny of eight, gu. and sa. ; on a fesse,
Pyle, ar. a cross gu. betw. four nails of the betw. three eagles, ar. as many cinquefoils gu.
second. Crest, a demi eagle displ. holding in his beak
Pvlkenton, paly of six, ar. and gu. ; on a bend a branch of pine-pples, fructed or, leaved vert.
sa. three mullets or. Pynson, gu. a chev. engr. ar. betw. three pine-
apples, pendent, of the second; on a chief az. Quatherine. Arms as Queatherine, 1st diet.
as many etoiles or. Crest, three leaves or, Crest, a ship in full ppr. flagged gu.

issuing from an etoile of sixteen points gu. Quatrell, [Ireland,] ar. fretty gu.; on a canton
Pyntrell, ar. a fesse hetw. three crosslets, gu. . .
two bars betw. nine martlets, three, three,
PynylLj az. an eagle displ. per pale, or and ar. and three.
armed gu. standing on a piece of a tree, raguly, Quelch. Arms as 1st diet. Crest, a stag's
per pale, of the third and second. head, at gaze, erased, ppr.
P> pard, [Cornw.] ar. a chev. gu. betw. three Qlarleton. As 1st diet. Crest, an acorn,
pears ppr. stalked and leaved, ppr.
Pvpard, ar. three bars gu. ; on a canton az. a Quarlton. As 1st Crest, as the last.

cinquefoil or. Queronalle, barry of eight, az. and ar. Crest,

Pypard. See Pipard, in both diets. a dagger and sword, in saltier, ppr.
Pype, gu. two lions pass, guard, or. Querryn. See Querion, 1st diet.
Pi/pe, az. a fesse or, cottised ar. betw. six crosslets Querton, az. a bend or, within a bordure ar.
of the second. Questred, gu. on a chev. ar. three garbs of the
Pyreley, per pale, ar. and gu. a lion pass, counter- first. Crest, out of a mural coronet, a garb,
changed. thereon a black-bird ppr.
Pvrke, az. a pale erm. ; in chief a fleur-de-lis Quicke, [Devons.] sa. a chev. chequy, or and az.
gu. betw. two others ar. Crest, a hand holding betw. three griffins' heads, erased, ar. Crest,
a sickle, ppr. a tent ar. flag gu.
Pvry. See Pury, 1st diet. Quickerell, ar. a buck's head, cabossed, gu.
Pysent, az. a chev. engr. betw. three mullets, ar. attired or, betw. the horns a cross pattee fitchee
Pytlesden. The same arms as Pitesdon. of the third, within a bordure, gobanated, or
Pyty , sa. a chev. betw. three shovellers, ar.
and az.
Pyvell, az. an eagle displ. with two heads, per Qcin, gu. a pegasus, current, or; a chief erm.
pale, or and ar. holding in each claw a baton, Crest, an arm, in armour, embowed, wielding a
erect, counterchanged. sword, ppr.
ar. three water-
Pyzley, per pale, ar. and gu. a lion ramp. sa. Quit),[Scotland,] gu. on a pale
bougets of the field. Crest, a pheon, reversed,
Q Quince, gu.
six cinquefoils ar.

three, two,

two, two, and one.

Quince, gu. five cinquefoils
Quadering, erm. a fesse Quintin. As 1st in 1st diet. Crest, out of a
[Line] engr. gu.
ducal coronet or, a lion's paw sa. holding a cross
(rest, a Blackmoor's head.
See Quaking, 1st crosslet fitchee or.
Quadring, [Irisby, Line]
diet. Quitred, ar. a fret gu.; a canton of the last.
Quadring. See Quaring, 1st diet. Quitridge, ar. fretty gu. ; a canton of the last.
Quaera. See Querey', 1st diet. Quittwell. See Quintwell in 1st diet.
Quaplod, barry of six, ar. and az. a b'end gu. Quixley. See Quyxley in 1st diet.
Crest, on a mount vert, a boar pass. ppr. Quooe, quarterly, sa. and or.
Quynton, or, three chev gu. a chief vair.
Quappeland. See Quapled, 1st diet. ;

Quyxley-, or Quixley. As 1st diet. Crest, an

Qiarm, [ Naneor, Cornw.; originally of Dart-
mouth, Devons.] barry lozengy, ar. and gu. antelope's head, erased, gu.
Quarrell, a chev. sa. betw. three oak-leaves
of the last. Crest, a wolf, current, ppr.
Qi art, [Bucks.] gu. nine lozenges, pierced, or,
conjoined in threes, two, and one.
Qi arteret, gu. four fusils, in fesse, ar. Raan, or Rone, gyronny of twelve, or and sa.
Quarton. As 1st in 1st diet. Crest, a hand Rabbesford, erm. a chief sa. fretty or.
ppr. in a maunch ar. Raby, gu. a saltier ar. Crest, a greyhound's
Quarton, sa. a chev. betw. three peacocks' heads, head, erased, holding in the mouth a stag's foot
erased, ar.
Quartermayne. As 2nd in 1st diet. Crest, a Race, gu. a bend vair.
hand holding a sickle, ppr. Racele, Raceley. As Racell in 1st diet.
Rachedall. See Rishdalf. Rafe, ar. a cross moline gu. ; over all a bend az.
Rackett. gu. a staff, raguly, paleways, betw. charged with three mullets or.
three fleurs-de-lis in chief, another staff, raguly, Raggull, or Rigegate, ar. a bend engr. az.
fesseways, all or. Crest, a demi eagle displ. ppr. Ragon. As 4th in 1st diet, Crest, a hind's
[Borne by the Rev. T/ws. Rackett, Rector of head, erased, ar.

Spetkbury, Co. Dorset, 1S:J4.] Raikes, erm. three bars sa. Crest, a stag's head,
Rackham, gyronny of eight, or and az. Crest, erased or.
a lion's head, erased, ar. Railton. As 1st diet. Crest, a hind's head, ppr.
Radborne. As 1st in 1st diet. Crest, a horse's Raine, ar. a cross pattee, throughout, sa. a chief ;

head betw. two wings ar. gu. Crest, a leg, erased at the middle of the
Radbourn. Arms as Radborne 1st in 1st diet. thigh, ppr.
R adcliff, ar. on a bend engr. sa. an escallops gu. Rains, chequy, ar. and gu.; on a chief of the last,
Crest, a dragon, sans legs and wings, az. three fleurs-de-lis of the first, Crest, a dexter
Radcliff, ar. a bend engr. sa. ; in the sinister hand brandishing a sword, ppr.
chief a fleur-de-lis gu. Raising, [Yorks.] vert, on a cross or, five hurts.
Radcliffe, [Earl of Newbury,] ar. a bend gu. Rait, or Rhet, [flalgreen and Drumnager, Scot-
charged with an anchor in the chief part betw. land,] or, a cross engr. sa. Crest, an anchor
two acorns, slipped, of the second; all within a ppr.
double tressure, counterflory, vert. Raitt, or, a cross engr. sa. Crest, a dolphin
Radcliffe, [Herts.] As of Malory 1st diet. naiant, or.
Radclyffe, Tunstall and Newton-Hansard,
[ Rake, sa. the sun or. Crest, an arm, in armour,
Durham,] a bend engr. sa. a mullet for diff.
ar. embowed, brandishing a club, all ppr. at the ;

Radcliffe, [Derwentwater Castle, Cumb. ; Black- shoulder a bow of ribbons gu.

burn, Langley, and Radclyffe Tower, Lane. :
Rale, sa. a sun or.
and Farmsden, Surrey.] The same. Ralegh, ar. a cross moline gu. betw. four (An-
Rader, [Dorset,] ar. on a canton az. six mart- other, nine,) crosses pattee sa.
lets, three, two, and one, or. Raleigh, [Parnborough, Warwicks. 37 Henri/
Radford. As 2nd in 1st diet. Crest, an es- VIlli\ semee of cross crosslets gu. a cross
. .

cutcheon, per pale, ar. and sa. betw. two laurel- moline sa.
branches in orle, vert. Raleigh, ar. a cross sarcelly gu. betw. eight crosses
Radford, [Ireland.] The same arms. Crest, an formee sa.
arm, in armour, embowed, holding a dagger, ppr. Raleigh. See Rawley.
Radford, az. fretty or; on a chief ar. three hawks' Raley, [Warw.] gu. a bend, vair, betw. six cross
bells gu. crosslets or.
Radford, ar. fretty and a canton, sa. Rallee, gu. a bend engr. ar.
Radford, or Ratford, per bend, ar. and sa. a lion Ra/ee, See Ralegh in 1st diet.
ramp, counterchanged. Ralph, ar. on a bend az. a mullet betw. two
Radley. As 1st diet. Crest, a phcenix in crescents, of the field; a bordure gu. charged
flames, ppr. with eight bezants. Crest, a naked arm holding
Radmidshill, sa. a chev. or. a book expanded, both ppr.
Radnor, per . . . three roundles, in
, sa. and or, Raly, sa. a sun or.
pale, betw. three ears of wheat, all counter- Ram. As 2nd in 1st diet. Crest, on a chapeau
changed. Crest, a cross crosslet fitchee az. or, turned up gu. a fox, sejant, ppr.
Radwell, or Radurwell, , a fesse engr. sa. . .
Ram, ar. a chev. betw. three martlets, sa.
betw. six etoiles . . .
Ramage, [Scotland,] az. a saltier, chequy, ar.
Rae, quarterly, ar. and az. ; on a bend gu. three sa. ; on a chief of the second, three escallops of
fleurs-de-lis of the first. Crest, a mountain- the first, Crest, an increscent ar.
cat, current, guard, ppr. Rame, [Rame, Cornw.] sa. a ram's head, cabossed,
Raeburn, [Scotland,] ar. six pheons az. within a ar. armed or.
bordure gu. Crest, a hand, issuing, holding a Rammas, or Rammes, az. three rams' heads,
club, ppr. couped, ar.
Raeburn, [Scotland,] or, six pheons az. a bordure Ramorny, [Pitlessy, Scotland.] as 1st diet,
gu. Crest, a pheon az. Rampier, or, on a fesse, embattled, between three
Rafe, gu. a fesse, double cottised, ar. castles sa. as many plates.
Rcife, gu. three bars ar. in chief two mullets of ; Rampston. As 1st diet. Crest, a caltrap, em-
the last. brued, ppr.
RamrigEj gu.on a bend or, betw. a lion ramp, Ramstone. See Ramsey.
in chief, and a ram, current, in base, ar. attired Rana, gyronny of eight, or and sa.
or, three eagles displ. vert. Rand, [Gateshead, Durham; Vicar of Norton,
Hams, gyronny of eight, or and sa. 1578; Prebendary of Durham, 1606; and of
Ramsay, [France; originally from Scotland,] ar. London,] or, a lion ramp, charged with three
an eagle displ. sa. charged on the breast with a chev. . .. Crest, out of a coronet, a boar's
thistle. Crest, an eagle, rising, reguard. sa. head in pale.
armed and membered or. Rand, or Randes. As 1st of these names in 1st
Ramsay, [Cockpin, Scotland,] ar. an eagle displ. diet. Crest, a marigold, stalked and leaved,
sa. armed and membered gu. within a bordure ppr.
nebulce. Crest a unicorn's head, couped, ar. Randal. See Randolph.
armed or, within two branches of laurel, orle- Randall, [Ireland,] gu. three mullets or; a chief
ways, ppr. erm. Crest, a demi griffin gu. winged or.

Ramsay, [Braxmouth, Scotland,] ar. an eagle Randall, [London.] Arms and crest as 8th in

displ. sa. ; a chief, invecked, gu. 1st diet.

Ramsay, [Ireland,] ar. an eagle disl. sa. in chief ; Randall, [ Scotland, ] ar. a chev. betw. three
three pellets. Crest, a beech-tree ppr. lozenge cushions, gu. Crest, an arm, in armour,
Ramsay, [Newcastle,] sa. a chev. erm. betw. three embowed, brandishing a scimitar, all ppr. the
rams' heads, erased, ar. Crest, a griffin's head, hilt affixed by a chain to the wrist of the
erased, per pale dancettee, ar. and sa. guttee armour.
d'or. Randall, [ Scotland, ] gu. on a chief ar. three
Ramsay, [Boghouse, Scotland,] ar. an eagle sa. lozenge cushions of the field. Crest, as the
charged on the breast with a mullet of the last.

field, within an orle of eight crescents gu.

all Randall, gu. three mullets or; a chief, indented,
Ramsay, [ Wauchtoun, Scotland, Provost of erm.
Edinburgh,] ar. an eagle displ. sa. and a chief Randalph, [Earl of Murray,] ar. three cushions
gu. quartering the arms of Hepburn of Wauch- gu. within a double tressure, flory, counterflory,
toun. Crest, an eagle displ. issuant sa. of the second.
Ramsay, [Russel, Scotland,] quarterly; first and Randell, or Randle, sa. on a chief ar. three
fourth, ar. an eagle displ. sa. beaked and mem- lions' heads, Crest, an arm in
erased, gu.
bered gu.; second and third, ar. a chev. gu. armour, couped at the shoulder, embowed, and
between three powits, haurient, sa. for Russel. resting the elbow on the wreath, holding a
Ramsay, [Idington, Scotland.] As 1st diet. spiked club.
Crest, a unicorn's head, couped, ar. horned and Randes. See Rand, both diets.
maned charged with a crescent.
or, Randolfe, ar. a chev. betw. three fleurs-de-lis,
Ramsay, [Drum, Scotland,] ar. an eagle displ sa. sa.
surmounted by a bend gu. charged with three Randolfe, gu. on a cross ar. five horse-shoes of
crescents of the field. the first. Crest, a bat ar. wings expanded.
Ramsay, \\\ hitehill, Scotland.] The same as Randolfe, az. on a saltier engr. ar. five martlets
the Earl of Dalhousie, within a bordure sa. sa.

charged with eight roses of the first. Crest, Randolfe, [Norf.] gu. a boar pass. ar. tusked or.
a unicorn's head, erased, ar. charged with arose Randolfe, as 1st diet. Crest, a bat, wings ex-
gu -
Ramsay. As Oth Ramsey, in 1st diet. Crest, Randolfe, ar. two bars sa. ; in chief a crescent of
a parrot vert, breast gu. in the mouth an annulet the last.
or. Randoll, ar. on a cross vert, five martlets of the

Ramsbottom, per saltier, gu. and or, a

pale field. Crest, a sheaf of wheat or.
counterchanged. Crest, an eagle's head, erased, Randolph, [Ireland,] az. two chev. or.
gu -
Randolph, gu. a swan ar. wings endorsed. Crest,
Ramsey, sa. three rams' heads, couped, ar. a greyhound's head ar. semee of torteauxes.
Ramsey, az. six bezants three, two, and one. Randolph, gu. a swan ar.
Ramsey, sa. a chev. betw. three rams' heads, Randolph. See Randall, 1st diet.

erased, or. Randolphe, ar. a chev. betw. three fleurs-de-lis,

Ramsey, or Ramsttme, gu. three rams' heads, sa.

cabossed, ar. armed of the last. Raney, [Bucks.] gu. two wings, in pale, ar. each
Ramsey. See Ram, 1st diet. charged with three bars gemelles sa.
Raney, gyronny of eight, or and sa. Ratfokd, as 3rd in 1st diet. Crest, a man hold-
Ranis, gyronny of twelve, or and sa. ing a banner ar. charged with a saltier.
Ranken, [Scotland.] gu. a Lochaber-axe betw. Ratford, or Radford, ar. fretty gu. on a chief of

three boars' heads, erased, ar. Crest, an ostrich, the second, three hawks' bells of the first.
in the beak a horse-shoe, all ppr. Ratford. See Radford, both diets.
Rankine, [Rochelle, originally of Shields,] ar. a Rathbone, ar. three doves az. Crest, a dove and
Lochaber-axe, paleways, betw. three boars' olive-branch, ppr.
heads, couped, gu. Crest, a broken lance, and Rathenale, sa. a chev. betw. three foxes' heads,
a palm-branch, slipped, in saltier, surmounted erased, ar.
by a crescent. Rathrie. See Rattary, both diets.
Ransom, per fesse sa. and az. a castle with two Rattary, [Scotland,] as 1st in 1st diet. Crest,
towers ar. [Borne by Griffith Ransom, of New a dexter hand ppr. holding a cross crosslet or.
Palace Yard, Westminster, Esq. and confirmed, Motto, Ex hoc victoria sig?io.
to Charles, Lord Kinnaird, and all the descend- Rattellwell, or Ratwell. See 1st diet.
ants of his mother, 1800; quartered by Lord Rattray, [Baron James Clerk, of Craighall,
Kinnaird, 1838. Rattray, and of that Ilk. Recorded 1817,]
Ranson, gu. on a fesse ar. three pomeis. Crest, quarterly ;
first and fourth, az. three cross cross-
an eagle displ. per fesse, az. and or. lets fitchee or second, or, a fesse, chequy, az.

Ranson, [Suff.] az. on a chev. or, three roses gu. ; and ar. betw. two crescents, in chief, gu. and a
a canton erm. Crest, a hawk's head, erased, boar's head, couped, in base, sa. all within a
az. in the beak an annulet or. bordure az. ; third, vert, a fesse dancettee erm.
Ranson, ar. a chev. betw. three suns, gu. betw. a buck's head, cabossed, in chief, and
Rant, ar. on a fesse sa. three lions ramp. or. two crescents Crests, first, a mul-
in base, or.
Ranthe, a lion ramp, reguard. purp.
ar. let or,
ensigned by a flaming heart ppr. Motto,
Ranton, harry of six, ar. andgu. ; in chief three Super sidera rotum. Second crest, a demi
crescents or. huntsman winding a horn, ppr. habited vert.
Rapariis, gu. a griffin, segreant, or. Crest, a Motto, Free for a blast. Supporters, two ser-
griffin's tail, erased, sa. pents, nowed, vert.
Raper, [London,] per fesse indented az. and erm. Rattray, [Edinburgh,] az. a fesse betw. six cross
a pale counterchanged ; on the first, three ante- crosslets fitchee, ar. Crest, a mullet ar. en-
lopes' heads, erased, or. Crest, an antelope ppr. signed by a flaming heart ppr. Motto, Super
collared or sidera rotum.
Raphael, [Ireland,] quarterly, az. and ar. over Rattray, az. a fesse, or, betw. three cross crosslets
all a cross moline or in the first quarter, the
in chief, and one in base, of the last. Crest,
sun in splendour of the last ; in the second, the an arm, in armour, embowed, holding a battle-
representation of Mount Ararat, with a city and axe, all ppr.
a legend in base, on the summit the ark resting, Raudon, [Yorks.] ar. a fesse betw. three pheons,
all ppr. ; in the third, the angel Raphael, kneel- sa.

ing, and directing Tobit's attention to a fish on Rauff, per bend, double dancettee, or and gu.
the ground, in base, all ppr. in the fourth, an
two birds counterchanged.
anchor in bend, with cable, or. Crest, out of Raughton, [Yorks.] sa. a chev. ar. betw. three
an eastern coronet or, a demi eagle displ. with quatrefoils, pierced of the second.
two heads sa. charged on the breast with a cross Raven, [London,] as of London, 1st diet. Crest.
moline as in the arms. [Borne by Edward a raven ppr.
Raphael, Esq. 1802.] Ravenlech, [Essex,] barry of six', ar. and sa. ;
Rase, gu. a bend vair. on a canton of the second, a leopard's face or.
Rashleigh, [Menabilly, Fowey, Cornw.] Arms Ravensford, ar. a cross sa.
as Rashlev, of Cornw. in 1st diet, and on the Ravensholme, as 2nd in 1st diet. Crest, a demi
cross in chief, a rose. lion ramp. gu.

Rashleigh, [Devons.] The same arms, without Ravensholme, or Ravesholme, ar. on a fesse, em-
the rose. battled, gu. three bezants.
If \son. As Ragon, Kent, 1st diet. Raveshall, or, a cross sa. ; over all a label of
Rasone, gu. a lion ramp, or; on a canton of the four points gu.
second, a cross patonce vert. Ravis, as 1st diet. Crest, a lion's head, erased,
Rassall. See Rossall in 1st diet. per fesse, ar. and gu. within a chain, orleways,
Ratesden, az. six escallops ar. three, two, and one. or.
Ravi's, ar. a chev. gu. betw. three falcons' heads, Rayley, chequy, or and gu. ;
on a chief az. a bar
erased, sa. dancettee ar.
R wvcliffe, az. a chev. betw. three covered cups, Rayment, gu. three trefoils, slipped, ar. betw.
or. two palets of the last; a chief or. Crest, a
Rawdon, [Granted by Camden I] ar. on a fesse boar's head, erased, in pale, ar.
Raymes, or Ray'nes, sa. a chev. erm betw. three
gu. betw. three pheons sa. a lion pass. or.
Crest, on a mount vert, a wivern, sejant, lions ramp. ar.
or. Raymes, sa. a cross engr. ar.

Rawle, [Trevilla, Cornw.] sa. three swords in Raymond, [Cornw.] sa. a chev. betw. three eagles
pale, two with their points in base, and the displ. ar. ; on a chief or, a rose betw. two fleurs-
middle one in chief. Crest, an arm, embowed, de-lis, gu. Crest, a demi dragon issuing out of
in armour, ppr. holding in the gauntlet a sword an earl's coronet.
ar. hilt or. Raymond, ar. a lion ramp. gu. gorged with two

Rawling, [Scotland,] sa. a sword paleways, ar. barrulets or, within a bordure nebulee az.
hilted and pommeled or, betw. three mullets, Crest, a demi lion ramp, per pale, nebulee, ar.
pierced, of the last. and gu. charged with guttees, counterchanged,
Rawlins, sa. three swords, in fesse, ar. hilt and holding a bezant.
pomel or. Crest, an arm, embowed, in armour, Raymond, [Valentine House, Essex. Created a
ppr. holding in the gauntlet a falchion ar. hilt Baronet, 3rd May, 1774.] Arms and crest as of
or. Marpole, 1st diet.

Rawlins, three swords ar. one in pale,

[Ireland.] sa. Raymont, gu. a sphere on a stand, ar. Crest, an
and two in saltier, hilted and pommeled or; in antelope's head erm. collared or.
base a crescent of the last. Crest, a lion's head, Raynaud, [Norf.] erm. on a chief az. two
erased, gu. etoiles ar.

Rawlinson, [Essex,] ar. a fesse sa. fretty of the Raynbowe, erm. on a chief, per pale engr. az.
first in chief three ogresses.
and gu. three etoiles or.
Rawlinson, sa. a sword in pale, hilt upwards, betw. Raynes, as 1st in 1st diet. Crest, an arm, em-
two swords, hilts downwards, ppr. a chief in- bowed, holding a club, ppr.
dented or. Rayney, [Wrotham, Kent,] gu. a pair of wings,
Rawlinson, [Cork,] gu. two bars gemelles betw. conjoined, erm.
three escallops, ar. Rayney, [London. Granted 1623.] The same
Rawlinson, [Garthwaite,] or, three lozenges con- arms. Crest, out of a mural crown ar. a lion's
joined, in fesse, az. head or, pellettee.
Rawry, [Essex,] or, two bars wavy gu. in chief ; Raynford, [Hadley, Essex,] gu. a chev. engr.
a label of three points of the last, each point betw. three fleurs-de-lis, ar.
charged with a martlet ar. Raynolds, ar. a chev. counter-componee, az.
Rawson, gu. a four-square castle, in perspective, and gu. betw. three crosses formee fitchee ;
with as many towers and cupolas; viz. one at on a chief, embattled, sa. three mullets or.
each angle ar. standing in water az. Crest, an Crest, a fox's head, couped, sa. collared with two
eagle's head, erased, sa. guttee d'or, in the beak bars gemelles or, and betw. them three be-
an annulet gold. zants.
Rawston, a tower, triple towered,
. .
, Crest, . .
Raynor, [Granted 1588,] erm. on a chief az. two
out of a ducal coronet, a demi lion ramp, sup- etoiles or. Crest, on a mount vert, a leopard
porting a tower, as in the arms. pass. or.
Ray, [Line] az. on a chief or, three martlets gu. Raynor, erm. on a chief az. three etoiles or.

Crest, an ostrich. Crest, two winged hands, conjoined, all

Rayce, ar. three spear-heads gu. a chief az. ; PP 1'-

Crest, out of a ducal coronet, a phoenix's Raynsford, as 3rd in 1st diet. Crest, a deer's
head in flames, and holding in the beak a palm- head, cabossed az. attired or.

branch. Raynsford, as 1st in 1st diet. Crest, a roebuck's

Raye, ar. a chev. engr. betw. three griffins' heads, head, erased, sa. attired or.
erased, sa. Crest, a lion's paw, per chev. gu. Raynshaw. Add to 1st diet, crest, a talbot's
and or. head, erased, sa. collared or.

Rayle, sa. six lions ramp. ar. Rayons, gu. two bars ar. ; on the chief one, a
Rayley, or, a fesse betw. three crosses formee mullet sa.
fitchee sa. Crest, a Savage's head, affrontee. Rayons, gu. two bars or.

Rayson, or, three piles issuing from the sinister, Rechwell, gu. a bend lozengy ar. ; a chief of the
az. Crest, a hart's head, erased, gu. first.

Read, az. on a fesse, betw. three pheasant-cocks, Red, ar. a mullet betw. three annulets, within

or, as many cross-bows sa. Crest, a buck's each a cinquefoil, gu.

head, erased, sa. bezantee. ar. three cinquefoils
Red, gu. within as many
Read, ar. a chev. az. betw. three shovellers ppr. annulets of the first ; a mullet for diff.
Crest, a falcon, rising, belled, in its beak a Redall. See Radell.
sprig of woodbine ppr. Redborne, chequy, or and az. a chev. gu.
Read, or Reade, [Ireland,] az. three mascles or. Redcomyn, as 1st in 1st diet. Crest, a phoenix
Crest, a leg, couped above the knee, in pale, in flames, ppr.
vested az. spurred or. Redd, [Herts.] az. a griffin, segreant, or.
Read, az. a griffin, segreant, or. Crest, an eagle Reddie, az. three swans, with wings endorsed, ar.
displ. . .
Crest, an arm, in armour, couped at the
Read, gu, on a bend wavy ar. three shovellers sa. shoulder, embowed, and resting on the elbow,
beaked or. Crest, a shoveller, bendy of six, ar. holding a scimitar, all ppr.
and sa. beaked or. Reddingfield, erm. an eagle displ. gu. Crest,
Read, per pale, gu. and sa. a cross botonnee fit- on the point of a sword, in pale, ppr. a cross
chee or, betw. four fleurs-de-lis ar. pattee ar.
Reade, [Midd.] per pale, sa. and sa. guttee d'or, Reddundishall. See Redmedishall.
a cross flory (Another, pattee,) fitchee ar. Rede, [Suff.] as of Norwich, 1st diet. Crest, a
Reade, [Close, N.umb.] or, on a chev. betw. three stag's head, erased.
garbs, gu. as many ears of wheat, stalked and Rede, per pale, or and ar. a cross botonnee
leaved, ar. fitchee sa. betw. four fleurs-de-lis, counter-
Reade, gu. a saltier, betw. four garbs, or. Crest, changed.
on the trunk of a tree vert, a falcon, volant, ppr. Rede, or Rythe, per pale, gu. and sa. a cross
Reade, or, on a cross gu. five lions ramp, of the botonnee fitchee betw. four fleurs-de-lis, or.
field. Rede, as 4th in 1st diet, within a bordure engr.
Reade, gu. a cross patonce fitchee betw. four ar. pellettee.

fleurs-de-lis, or. Rede, per pale, sa. and gu. semee of guttees d'or,
Reader, erm. on a pale az. a leopard's face a cross moline fitchee of the second.
ar. Crest, a dexter hand brandishing a sabre, Redefeild, or Redlefeild, ar. four palets gu. :

ppr. on a chief az. a lion pass. or.

Reading, or Reding, ar. three boars'
heads, Redefen, ar. a fesse gu. betw. three fleurs-de-
erased, sa. Crest, a sejant, hold-
griffin, lis az.
ing in the dexter paw a garland of laurel, Redege. See Ridge.
all ppr. Redell. See Radell.
Reading, [London, 1697,] ar. a chev. betw. three Reden. See Redon, 1st diet.
boars' heads, erased, sa. Crest, a griffin's head, Redene, ar. three piles gu. over all a bend sa.

erased, or. Redener. See Redxor, 1st diet.

Readinge, as 1st diet ; the field ar. Redenhall, gu. a pile of four points wavy ar.
Reamans, gu. a cinquefoil or. guttee sa. issuing out of the base.
Reanolds. See Reignolds. Redenhall, per fesse nebulee, ar. and gu.
Reardon, [Ireland,] ar. a pomegranate gu. Redesham, ar. six fleurs-de-lis gu. three, two,
Crest, a dolphin, naiant, az. and one.
Reath, [Edmistoun,] or, a cross engr. sa. Crest, Redeswell, or Redswell, or, a chev. sa. betw.
a sheaf of wheat or. three hinds' heads, couped, gu.
Reay, [Burn Hall, Durham,] as 1st diet. Crest, Redfern, or, six martlets gu. three and three.
a head, erased, ppr.
griffin's Crest, a birch-tree ppr.
Reay, az. on a fesse purp. betw. three crescents Redferne, ar. a chev. az. charged with five erm.
or, a bezant. spots or, betw. two fern branches, erect in
Rece, ar. on a bend, cottised, sa. three mullets of chief, and a snake nowed in base, ppr.
the first. Red ford, ar on a pale vert, three quatrefoils of
Recere, gu. a bend erm. ; a label or. the first. Crest, a quatrefoil gu.
Rechewell, gu. a bend lozengy ar. ; in the Redford, quarterly, ar. and gu. within a bordure
sinister point, a martlet of the first ; a chief of erm.
the last. Redge, gu. a bend lozengy erm.

Redham, [Norf.] az. three ears of wheat or. Reede, az. guttee d'or, a cross pattee fitchee gold.
Redham, as 1st in 1st diet. Crest, a cross cross- Crest, a hand holding a lance, in pale, ppr.
let fitchee gu. Reede, [Devons.] gu. on a bend nebulee ar. three
Redhead, ar. three martlets sa. ;
a chief az. shovellers sa. membered of the field.
Crest, an eagle's head az. Reed, az. a griffin, salient, or.
Redheugh, [Redheugh, Durham,] ar. three cocks' Reed, or, a chev. betw. three garbs gu. Crest, a
heads, erased, sa. combed and wattled gu. ; in griffin, segreant.
the centre chief point, a mullet of the last. Reed, quarterly ; first and fourth, . . a tower, . .

Redhigh, ar. a chev. sa. betw. three cocks' heads, second and third, . . a leopard's face, . .

erased, gu. Crest, a tower . .

Reding, as of Kent, in 1st diet. Crest, a gilli- Reedham, or Redham, [Norf.] gu. a chev. engr.
flower, stalked and leaved, ppr. betw. three reed-sheaves ar. Crest, a reed-
Redingham, per fesse, sa. and ar. Crest, a sal- sheaf, ar.
mon, naiant, az. Rees, as 1st in 1st diet. Crest, a lion ramp, sup-
Rkdinghurst, per saltier, or and az. porting a plumb-rule, all ppr.
Redisham, chequy, ar. and gu. a fesse az. Rees, az. two chev. or a canton of the last.

Kedlefeild. See Redefeild, before. Rees ap Tyder Maure, ar. a dragon ramp. sa.
Redlefeld, paly of eight, ar. and gu. ; on a chief Reeve, as 3d in 1st diet. Crest, a caduceus
az. a lion pass, guard, or. betw. two wings.
Red ley, as 1st in 1st diet. Crest, on a chapeau, Reeves, ar. a fesse az. betw. three palets ; on a
a salamander in flames, ppr. chief gu. a lion pass, guard, ar. Crest, a demi
Redley, gu. a chev. or. griffin.
Redman, gu. a chev. betw. three lozenge cushions Regan, [Ireland] ar. three bendlets az. ; a canton
erm. tasselled or. Crest, on a cushion gu. a gu. Crest, a demi griffin, per fesse, or and az.
horse's head, couped, ar. Regate, or, a bend of five lozenges az.
Redman, gu. three lozenge cushions erm. two and Regelley, ar, on a chev. sa. three mullets of the
one, tasselled or. Crest, out of a ducal coronet first.

gu. a horse's head ar. Reginald, gu. three ewers ar.

Redmavn, [Yorks.] erminois, three triangular Reginald, gu. three lions ramp, or, within a bor-
harrows, conjoined in the fesse point, and inter- dure engr. ar.
laced by an annulet. Regmighers, az. semee of billets, abend or.
Redmedishall, or Reddundishall, sa. a chev. Regnold, ar. a chev. componee, gu. and az. betw.
or. three crosses pattee fitchee vert; on a chief
Redmere, sa. a bend ar. betw. three fleurs-de- crenellee sa. as many mullets, pierced, or.
lis or. Crest, a wolf's head, erased, sa. charged on
Redner, or Ridner, as Rednor, 1st diet. the neck with three bezants, betw. two bars
Redpath, [Scotland,] ar. a chev. betw. three or.
boars' heads, erased, gu. Crest, an ostrich, in Reich, [Earl of Warwick and Holland,] gu. achev.
the beak a key ppr. betw. three cross crosslets, or.

Redwelby, or, a fesse dancettee gu. Reichenberg, [ Treveder, Cornw. ] or, on a

Redy, ar. three cross crosslets sa. ; on a chief gu. mount vert, a tree, thereon a shield ar. charged
a lion pass, guard, or. with a cross gu. hanging by a ribbon from the
Redy, az. three crosslets ar. ; on a chief gu. a lion tree. Crest, a naked arm, embowed and
pass, guard, or. couped, in the hand a branch of laurel.
Redyke, or, a chev. betw. three crosslets, fit- Reid, [of the Carse, Scotland,] ar. on a bend az.
chee, gu. three escallops or.
Reede, per pale, gu. and sa. a cross botonnee Reid, [Ireland,] gu. a chev. betw. three fleurs-de-
fitchee ar. betw four fieurs-de lis or. Crest, a lis, ar. ; on a chief of the
last, as many tor-
fleur-de-lis. teauxes. Crest, a sheaf of rye gu.
Reede, quarterly, az. and ar. a griffin, segreant, Reid, ar. a chev. vert, betw. three fleurs-de-lis
gu. gu. ; in chief as many torteauxes. Crest, a lion
Reede, gu. on a bend or, three shovellers sa. mem- pass, tail extended, ppr.
bered of the field. Reid, [Scotland,] az. a roe-buck's head, erased,
Reede, az. a griffin, segreant, holding an acorn- ppr. betw. three mullets ar.
branch vert, fructed or. Crest, a garb or, Reid, [Scotland,] ar. an eagle displ. gu. Crest,
banded gu. the tops ar. a demi eagle, issuant, gu. beaked az.
3 O 2 ]
Reid, [Seabank, Scotland,] ar. an eagle displ. sa. Remys, per fesse, and gu. a martlet sa.
. .

surmounted by an escutcheon gu.; a bordure of Renbridge, barry of six, or and az. a bend ;

the last. Crest, a hand, issuing from a cloud, gu -

holding a book expanded, ppr. Rendacy, sa. three fleams ar.

Reid, [Edinburgh.] Arms as of Collistoun, 1st Rener, gu. a saltier engr. ar. betw. four etoiles
diet. Crest, an eagle, rising, ppr. Motto, In or.
sublime. Rennell, az. a cross moline or, pierced of the
Reidheugh, [Cultebragan,] or, a pelican in her field. Crest, a demi wolf ar. ducally gorged
nest feeding her young, ppr. Crest, two turtle- or. [Borne by Dr. Thos. Rennell, Dean of
doves, respecting each other, az. Winchester, and Vicar of Barton Stacy, Co.
Reidheugh, [Scotland.] az. three pelicans, in their Hants, living 1830.]
piety, or, nests vert. Rennev, [Ireland,] per pale, or and az. a fleur-
Reignold, [Devon.] ar. a portcullis sa. chainedaz. de-lis betw. three crescents counterchanged.
Reignold, or Reanolds, [Devon, aud Somers. Rennie, [Scotland,] gu. three pairs of wings,
Granted, 1G07,] ar. a chev. lozengy, gu. and conjoined in leure, erm.; a bordure of the last.
az. betw. three cross crosslets fitchee of the third. Crest, a parrot gu. feeding on a bunch of
Crest, out of a mural coronet ar. a talbot's cherries ppr.
head az. bezantee, eared or. Rennie, [London,] gu. two wings, conjoined in
Reignolds, or Reynolds, [Suff.] ar. a chev. lozengy, leure, erm. within a bordure, embattled, of the
gu. and az. betw. three crosses fitchee vert; on last. Crest, a dexter hand wielding a scimitar,
a chief sa. two mullets of the field. PP r:
Reilly, [Ireland,] ar. on a cross gu. five plates. Rennie, [Phantaise, Scotland.] Same arms and
Crest, the sun gu. crest.
Reiseley barry of fourteen, ar. and az. ; over all Renny, [Scotland,] ar. an oak-tree growing out
a griffin, segreant, or. Crest, a young man's of a mount, in base, vert ; on a chief gu. a pair
head, couped at the shoulders, sa. ear-rings or, of wings, conjoined, erm. Crest, a dexter
crowned with a chaplet of flowers ar. hand, fesseways, couped, suspending a pair of
Reisley, [Temp. Henri/ III.] barry often, ar. scales.
and az. ; over all a griffin, segreant, or. Renny, ar. a stag, trippant, surmounted by a tree,

Rekedon, or Rykesdon, ar. on a bend sa. three eradicated, vert; on a chief az. two wings ex-
boars' heads, couped, or. panded and conjoined, of the field. Crest, as
Relement, gu. fretty or; on a canton of the last, Rennie, above.
a lion pass. Renny, ar. an oak-tree growing out of a mount, in

Rembemott, gu. fretty or; a canton of the last. base vert, betw. two crescents gu. ; on a chief
Remeville, az. three square buckles or, the of the last, two wings, conjoined, of the first.
tongues in fesse, the points to the sinister side. Crest, a hand, issuing, in pale, holding a
Remguiles, or Remquiles, az. abend betw. eight balance and scales or.
billets, or. Renofte. See Rycroft.
Remmington, .
., over all a bend
four bars . .
; Renolds, erm. two lions pass, guard. . .
. . .
Crest, a fleur-de-lis betw. two branches . . .
Crest, a portcullis chained.
of laurel, in orle. Renost. See Revost.
Remnant, or, three cross crosslets fitchee az. Renshaw, per pale and per chev. three martlets,
Crest, an eagle displ. sa. all counterchanged. Crest, a decrescent ar.
Remnant, [Billericay, Scotland,] gyronny of eight, an increscent or, adossee.
gu. and erm. a dolphin, naiant, .. Crest, a .
Renyon, [Somers.] sa. the sin-
ar. a cockatrice

dolphin, naiant, ppr. ister wing

displ. the other inverted, within a
Remoste, quarterly, ar. and gu. ; on a bend sa. bordure engr. of the second.
three mullets, pierced, or. Reoch, [Scotland,] ar. a lion ramp. purp. Crest,
Rempston, or Rampston, as 1st diet. Crest, a dexter hand holding a dagger erect, ppr
a caltrap, embrued, ppr. Reparis. See Repris.
Rempston, as 2nd and 3rd Rempston, 1st diet. Repecime. ar. a cross patonce engr. sa.
Rempton, or Rempston, quarterly, ar. and gu. ; Repley, per chev. ar. and az. three lions ramp,
on a bend vert, cottised or, three castles of the counterchanged. Crest, a lion's head, erased,
first. az. collared or.
Remquiles. See Remguiles, before. Repley, erm. a fesse betw. three toads, sa.

Remsbury, ar.a saltier gu. betw. four martlets sa. Reppes, erm. three chev. sa. Crest, out of a
ducal coronet, a plume of feathers ar. quills or, Reuthall, or Rewthall, quarterly, az. and gu.
betw. two wings of the last. a cross engr. betw. four birds, or.
Reppley, per chev. ar. and az. three lions ramp. Revance. See Revedtidge 1st diet.
counterchanged. Crest, a lion ramp. az. col- Reve, gu. a chev. vaire, or and az. betw. three roses
lared ar. ar. Crest, a tiger's head, erased, ar. collared
REPRiMK,ar. a chev. gu. betw. three hoars' heads, and maned or.

couped, sa. Reve ley, ar. a chev. engr. gu. betw. three etoiles

Reresby, [ Ransham, Hunts. ; and Thriberg, of sixteen points az. Crest, an etoile as in the
Yorks.] as 1st diet. Crest, on a chapeau gu. arms.
turned up erm. a goat pass. ar. \Cr. a Baronet, Revel, [Newbold-Revel, Warw. Revel Grange, ;

1642.] and Brampton en le Morthern, Yorks.] erm.

Reresby, gu. on a bend ar. three mullets sa. on a chev. gu. three mullets or, within a bordure
Reresby, gu. on a bend ar. cottised or, three crosses engr. sa. Crest, on a wreath, a cubit arm, in
pattee sa. armour ppr. holding a lion's paw, erased, of the
Reresby, gu. on abend ar. three crosses sa. Crest, last,
on a chapeau purp. turned up erm. a goat pass. Revensholme, ar. on a fesse, counter-embattled,
or. gu. a lion pass, guard, or.
Rereseby, gu. a bend betw. three crosses patonce, Rever, vaire, ar. and gu. within a bordure az.
ar. charged with eight bezants.
Reresby, gu. on a bend ar. betw. three cross cross- Revers, ar. on a fesse engr. gu. betw. four bars
lets sa. Crest, on a chapeau vert, turned up wavy ar. and az. three ducks of the third, their
erm. a goat ar. bills in the water, as many roses of the last.

Reresby, or Reresbury, gu. on a bend ar. three Rerers, gu. a griffin, segreant, or.
cross crosslets fitchee sa. Reverton, ar. on a saltier gu. five etoiles or.
Resby, ar. a Salter engr. sa. betw. four cinquefoils Reveshall, or, a cross gu. ; over all a label of
five points az.

Resine, [Essex, Temp. Edit-. I.] gu. a lion ramp. Revington, ar. a bugle-horn betw. three crescents.
or; on a canton of the last, a cross crosslet sa.
vert. Revit, per pale, ar. and sa.; on a chev. betw.
Resley, Risley, [Chatwood, Bucks.] As 1st
or three lozenges, as many martlets, all counter-
diet. Crest, a greyhound erm. collared az. changed.
ringed or, resting the dexter foot on an escut- Rew, or Rue, ar. on a bend, cottised, sa. three
cheon ar. mullets of the field.
Reson, or Reason, as 2nd in 1st diet. Crest, a Rewster, ar. a fesse betw. three annulets, gu.
fox's head, erased, ppr. Rewtowre, ar. three stocks of trees, couped and
Ressant, erm. on a bend sa. three mullets ar. eradicated, sa. Crest, a seax, erect, ppr.
Ressingtox. See Repington 1st diet. Rey. See Rye, both diets.
Ressyn. See Resham, 1st diet. Reycard, ,
.a bend, vair, betw. two garbs; on

Rest, az. on a fesse or, betw. three crosses moline a chief ar. three chess-rooks sa.
of the second, a unicorn, current, gu. Crest,, a Reycraft, per pale, gu. and or, three griffins'
dove az. winged or and gu. holding in the beak heads, erased, counterchanged ; on a chief of
a branch vert. the second, a fleur-de-lis betw. two roses of the
Reston, az. a fesse erm. betw. three leopards' first.

heads, per pale, or and ar. Reyden, or Reydell, [Beds.] paly of six, ar.

Reston, sa. a bend, cottised, or, betw. six cross and gu. a bend sa.
crosslets fitchee. Reydenhall, ar. guttle sa. a fesse nebulee gu.
Restwood. As Restwold 1st diet. Reydon, chequy, ar. andgu. a cross moline az.
Retchford. [St. Alban's Herts.] az. a fesse, Reye, gu. on a bend erm. three rye-stalks sa.
wavy, ar. ;
in chief a ducal coronet or ; in base Crest, an ostrich's feather, enfiled with a ducal
a pair of compasses of the last. coronet . . .

Retford, quarterly, gu. and ar. within a bordure Reyfershart, ar. an escutcheon gu. a label of ;

engr. sa. three points az.

Rether, gu. a fesse ar. betw. three leopards' Reygate, ar. five fusils, in bend, az.
heads or. Reyley, ar. a fesse sa. betw. three pellets.
Retherfield, az. a fesse nebulee betw. three Rhymes, chequy, gu. and or, a canton erm.
crescents or. Reymes. See Reymes, 1st diet.
Reyncourt, az. a fesse dancettee betw. six garbs, Richardson. [Lynn Regis, Norf.] or, on a chief
or. sa. three lions' heads, erased, of the first.
Reynell. Arms as 1st in 1st diet. Crest, a Richardson, [Jedburgh] a saltier. . betw. a
. .

martlet gu. bull's head, erased, in chief, ., and a galley, .

Reynes, ar. fretty sa. over all a bend componee, in base, . .

az. and or. Richardson, [Pitfour, Perthshire] or, on a fesse

Reynold, sa. a chev. betw. three wolves' heads, az. betw. a bull's head, couped, in chief, sa. and

erased, ar. a galley, her oars in saltier, in base, of the last,

Reynold, gu. a lion ramp. erm. crowned or. flags gu. a saltier ar. charged with a crescent of
Reynolds, [London,] erm. two lions pass, guard. the fourth. Crest as Richardson, Bart.
in pale, gu. ducally crowned or. Crest, a wivern, Richardson, [Ireland] sa. on a chief ar. three
wings elevated, holding in the dexter claw a lions' heads, erased, of the first. Crest, a hind's
sword, paleways. Motto, Fide sed cul vide. head, couped or.

Reynolds, erm. a fesse dancettee gu. betw. two Riche, [Line] ar. on a cross patonce vert, five
leopards' heads and a mullet, or. mullets or.
Rhese ap Griffith, gu. on a fesse dancettee ar. Richeford, sa. a fesse dancettee or ; in chief two
betw. six lions ramp, or, three mullets sa. eagles displ. of the second.
Rhodes, erm. on a bend az. betw. two bendlets Riches, . ., three mullets, in fesse, gu. betw. two
gu. a lion pass. ar. betw. two quarterfoils or. humets of the last. Crest, a hand, erect,
Crest, a cubit arm, erect, habited sa. charged issuing from a cloud, holding a garb in bend
with a quarterfoil or, the hand holding a branch sinister.
of holly, ppr. Richmond, [Scotland] chequy, or and az. a can-
Rhodes, [Little Eden,] az. three annulets or; on ton erm. Crest, a mullet gu. betw. two palm-
a chief ar. a greyhound, current, gu. collared of branches, orleways, vert.
the second. Richmond. The same arms, within a bordure
Rhodes, ar. in chief a greyhound, current, and in gu-
base three annulets, gu. Richmond, gu. an etoile of eight points ar.
Rhodes, .
.two trefoils, slipped, in fesse; a chief Richmond, vert, a chief or, depressed by a pile ar.
gu. Crest, a griffin's head, erased, tied round issuing out of the dexter chief, pointing to the
the neck with a ribbon. sinister base, and charged with a rose gu.
Ribton. Arms as 1st in 1st diet. Crest, out Richmond, ., on a bend engr.
., three cross .

of an eastern crown or, a demi lion pass. gu. crosslets fitchee ar.
Riccaad, [London,] ar. a chev. sa. betw. three Rickards, gu. three garbs in bend or, cottised ar,
cinquefoils gu. Crest, two lions' heads, erased betw. two lozenges vaire. Crest, a tower ar.
and endorsed, . . .
charged with three annulets interlaced gu. one
Rice, [Ireland,] gu. a chev. vair, betw. three and two, on the battlements a talbot couchant,
leopards' heads, or. Crest, an arm, in armour, ppr.
embowed, holding a scimitar, all ppr. Rickets, erminois, a chev. betw. three roses, gu.
Rice, ar. on a cross sa. betw. four spear-heads Crest, a demi lion ramp, guard, holding in
az. five crescents or. the dexter paw a battle-axe, all ppr.
Rich, [Stondon, Essex. Created a Baronet, 24 Rickhill, gu. two bars betw. three annulets or.
Jan. 1(375.] Arms and crest as 1st in 1st diet. Ricroft, or Roycroft, [Lane.; originally of
Rich, [Earl of Warw.] Arms as 1st diet. Abbeville, France.] As 1st diet. Crest, a
Crest, on a mount vert, a wivern ar. griffin's head, erased.
Rich, az. on a cross ar. five mullets of the first. Ricroft, quarterly, ar. and gu. ; on a bend sa.
Richard, [Scotland,] gu. on a fesse or, three three mullets or.
escallops of the first. Crest, a mountain-cat, Ridall, or Ridhull, [Herts.] or, on a bend sa.
current, ppr. three catharine-wheels, ar.
Richard, [Yorks,] The same as Reycard. Riddell, ., a lion ramp. . ., within a bordure,

Richard, ar. a bend, fusily, sa. indented. Crest, a demi lion ramp.
Richards, gu. a bend vair, betw. two garbs or. Riddock, [Scotland] or, a pelican, in her nest,
Richardson, [Durham.] in first diet, for fesse gu. ; in chief two mullets az. Crest, a hind's
read chief, head, erased, . .

Richardson, [Iron Acton, Glouc] ar. three chap- Rider, [Lord Mayor of London, 1G00] sa. a
lets vert. Crest, a dexter cubit arm, erect, in mullet ar. betw. three crescents or.
armour, in the hand holding ppr. a falchion. Rider, [Manchester, Lane] az. a chev. betw.
tjiree crescents ar. Crest, a crescent as in the Rille, a sun. . . .

arms. Rilston, or Rili.eston, [Essex and Yorks.] sa.

Rider, [London] See Richter, 1st diet. a saltier ar.

Rider, ., a lion ramp, charged on the shoulder

Rimer, or River, az. two bars or.
with a fleur-de-lis. Rimmer, gu. a tower, towered, ar. Crest, a dol-
Ridesdale, gu, a lion pass, guard, ar. phin, embowed, ppr.
Ridge, [Oxfordshire,] quarterly, sa. and ar. in Rincester, erm. a chief, indented, gu.
the second and third quarters, a cross engr. gu. Ring, ar. on a bend gu. three crescents of the
charged with a rose of the first. first. Crest, a hand, vested sa. cuffed or, hold-
Ridge, or Redege, as 1st in 1st diet. Crest, a ing a roll of paper.
hand apaumee, thereon an eye, ppr. Ringeley, as 1st Ringley, 1st diet. Crest, a
Ridgeway, [Earl of Londonderry.] Arms and wolf's head, erased, paly of four, or and sa.
crest as of Torr, 1st diet. ducally gorged ar. devouring a fish gu.
Ridgley, or Ringley, [Staffs. 1583,] ar. a chev. Ringley. Arms as 1st in 1st diet. Crest, a
betw. three roses, gu. wolf's head, paly, or. and sa. enfiled round the
Ridley, as 1st in 1st diet. Crest, a greyhound, neck with a coronet ar. holding in the mouth a
current, ar. collared or. fish gu.

Ridley, ar, on a mount vert, a bull sa. armed gu. Ringley. See Ridgley, before.
Ridmore, gu. three etoiles or. Ringwood, ar. a chev.
chequy, or and
sa. betw.
Ridner. See Redner, and Ridener. three cocks' heads, erased, of the third, beaked
Ridout, or Rideout, as 1st diet. Crest, a Sa- and combed gu.
vage's head, issuing, ppr. Ringwood, or Ringeirood, as 1st diet. Crest, a
Ridpath, [Angelraw, Scotland,] as 1st diet. goat, running towards a tree, ppr.
Ridsdale, [York,] per fesse, gu. and or, a pale, Rinsey", ar. three bars, indented, gu.
counterchanged. Crest, a lion's head, az. Rintoul, [Scotland,] ar. three eagles displ. gu.
Ridver, or, on a chief gu. three plates. Crest, an elm-tree, ppr.
Ridvers, [Cornw.] gu. a griffin, segreant, or. Ripars, az. a lion ramp. or.
Ridvers, or Rivers, [Cornw.] or, a lion ramp. az. Ripley, [Cornw.] per chev. az. and or, three lions
Riesworth, ar. a bendlet sa. betw. an eagle, with ramp, counterchanged.
wings expanded, vert, and a crosslet of the Ripley, [London.] Arms as 1st diet Crest, a
second. demi Bengal tiger, ducally gorged ppr.
Riett, gu. a bend lozengy erm. Ripley, ar. a fesse sa. betw. three pellets.
Rigaud, ar. a lion's gamb, erased, in bend sinister, Rippingall, ar. two bars sa. in chief three ;

claw in base, sa. ; a canton gu. Crest, a buck's roundles.

head, erased, az. Rippon, [Water Yille, North Shields,] ar. a chev.
Rigegate. See Raggutt. sa. betw. two crosses pattee fleury fitchee in
Rigg, ar. a chev. betw. three mullets sa. Crest, chief, and a mullet, pierced, within a crescent
a cock sa. combed and wattled gu. in base, of the last. Crest, a lion, sejant, du-
Rigge, [Cumb.] erm. on a chev. gu. three annu- cally gorged, holding in the dexter paw a cross
lets or. pattee fleury fitchee sa. Motto, over the crest,
Rigge. The same arms. Crest, a human heart Our hope on high.

or, charged with a rose gu. Rippon, ar. a chev. betw. three crosses pattee
Rigge, [Line.] ar. a chev. betw. three mullets, fitchee fleury sa. Crest, an antelope's head,
pierced, sa. erased, or.
Rigges, . . ten cross crosslets, four, three, two, Rippon, two lions ramp, endorsed,
. . . . . .

and one. RisBY,ar. asaltierengr. sa.betw. fourcinquefoilsgu.

Riggs, erm. a cross flory purp. Risdon. Arms as 1st diet. Crest, an elephant's
Righby, quarterly, or. and az. a chev. and three head, erased, erm.
roundles counterchanged. Rise, [London,] ar. on a chev. gu. betw. three
Righley, [Lane] ar. on a cross patonce sa. five spear-heads of the last, five plates ; on a chief
mullets or. az. three birds or.
Rigmayden, ar. three bucks' heads, cabossed, sa. Rise, gu. a bend erm., in chief a label or.
Crest, a buck's head, erased, sa. attired or. Risebey, [Bucks.] as Riseley, in 1st diet.
Riky, [Ireland,] gu. on a canton ar. a cinquefoil Riseley , or Risley. The same.

of the field. Crest, a dexter hand holding a Rishton, [Elswick Lodge, near Preston, Lane]
sword, ppr. or, a lion pass. sa. on a chief of the last, a;
trefoil slipped of the field. Crest, a lion as Roald, gu. two bars gemelles and a chief, or.
in the arms. Crest, in a ducal coronet, a pair of dragon's
Rising, vert, a cross or. Crest, a pelican, vul- wings, expanded, or, with a cap betw. ar.
ning herself, ppr. Roan, gyronny of twelve, or and sa. ; on a canton
Rising, or, a cross vert. gu. a covered cup of the first.
/?issun, ar. on a bend sa. three mullets or. Roan, vert, three bars or ;
on a chief ar. as many
Rissun, erm. on a bend sa. a mullet or, pierced ar bars sa.

Riswicke, ar. on a bend sa. three lozenges gu. Robart, or, a chev. gu. betw. three plates
each charged with as many crosses of the field. Roarts, [Essex,] ar. a mullet betw. three pheons,
Ritches, ar. three annulets az. sa. on a chief of the second, a greyhound, cur-

Ritchie, gu. on a chev. betw. three annulets, or, rent of the first, collared gu.
as many annulets of the field. Crest, a demi Robarts, [Kent,] ar. on a chev. sa. three mullets or.
Bengal tiger ppr. ducally gorged gu. Robarts, or Roberts, az. on a chev. ar. three mul-
Ritchie, [Glasgow,] quarterly ; first and fourth, lets sa. Crest, out of a maunch, per pale, ar.
ar. on a chief gu. three griffins' heads, erased, and gu. cuff of the second, a hand, clenched, ppr.
or ; second and third, az. a crescent or, betw. Robb, [Scotland,] paly of eight, ar. and az. ; a
three crosses moline ar. Crest, a unicorn's canton gu. Crest, a hand holding a chapeau
head ar. betw. two branches of laurel, in orle, ppr.
Ritchie, [Scotland,] gu. on a chev. ar. betw. three Robe, [Bristol ; descended of Scotland] gu. a
annulets or, as many torteauxes. Crest, a fesse erm. betw. three cinquefoils in chief, and
dexter hand holding a cross flory gu. a mullet in base, ar. Crest, an ermine, ar.
Ritford, per bend, ar. and sa. a lion ramp. Robe, [London,] gu. a fesse erm. betw. the sun, in
counterchanged. chief, or, and a mullet, in base, ar. Crest, as
Rither, [Yorks.] az. three crescents or. the last.
Rither, ar. on a bend az. three crescents or. Robert, or, two chev. gu, ; a mullet sa.
Rither, and Rithere. See Rider. Robertfeld, ar. two chev. gu.
Ritun, quarterly, per fesse indented, ar. and gu. Robertoun, [of that Ilk,] as 1st diet. Crest, an
Rivel, vert, guttee de larmes, a lion pass, guard. anchor, ppr.
ar. Crest, a gem-ring, stoned, gu. Robertoun, [Bedley, Scotland,] as 1st diet. Crest,
Rivell, erm. a chev. gu. charged with three an anchor, in pale, ppr.
mullets or, within a bordure engr. sa, Robertoun, [Earnock, Scotland,] arms as 1st diet
Rivers, gu. a grifiin segreant or. Crest, a griffin's Crest, of that Ilk above.
tail, erased, sa. Roberts, [Liskeard, Cornw.] gu. three goats'
Rivers, De. Same arms. Crest, a land-tortoise heads, erased, or.
Roberts, [Truro, Cornw. Granted 2 June, 1G14,]
Rivers, [Dors.] ar. on a bend, cottised, sa. three az. on a chev. ar. three mullets, pierced sa.

lozenges erm. Crest, a demi lion az. holding a mullet ar.

Rivers, or, a lion ramp. az. pierced, sa.
Rivers, gu. six lozenges or, three, two, and one. Roberts, [Wales.] or, a lion ramp, reguard. gu.
Rivers. See Ridvers, before. Crest, a demi bull's head and neck, couped, gu.
Riveshall, ar. a cross gu.; a label az. attired, or.
Rivill, erm. a chev. gu. Roberts, [Wales,] gu. three chev. ar. Crest, a
Rivington, ar. a boar's head, couped, sa. ; in the holy lamb, pass, bearing a banner ar. charged
mouth a sword, az. paleways.hilt and pomel or. with a cross gu.
Crest, on a ducal coronet, a hawk, belled, ppr. Roberts, [Kent,] az. on a chev. ar. three mullets
Rix, gu. a fesse betw. six cross crosslets fitchee, of the first.
ar. Crest, a demi griffin ppr. Roberts, [Salop,] or, a fesse, wavy, betw. three
Rixon, sa. three mullets or. Crest, out of a bucks, trippant, sa. Crest, on a mount vert, a
mural coronet, a tiger's head, ducally gorged. buck, trippant, sa. attired or, ducally gorged
Rixton, [Rixton, Ches.] ar. on a bend sa. three and chained of the last.
covered cups of the first. Roberts, two lions pass, guard.
. .
Crest, on
. .

Roach, az. three roaches, naiant, in pale. Crest, a chapeau az. turned up erm. a lion, sejant,
a horse's head, erased, ar. bridled gu. guard.
Road, or Roades, as 2nd in 1st diet. Crest, Roberts, ar. a mullet betw. three pheons, sa. ; on
an eagle displ. holding in the dexter claw a a chief of the second, a greyhound, current, of
dagger, ppr. the first, collared gu.
Roberts, ar. a fesse, wavy, betw. three stags pass. Robinson, vert, on a chev. betw. three bucks,
sa. Crest, a stag pass sa. trippant, or, an anchor betw. two crosses formee
Robektson, [Aberdeen, Scotland,] gu. a cinque- fitchee sa. Crest, a buck ppr. resting his dex-
foil betw. three wolves' heads, erased, ar. ter foot on a lozenge az. charged with a sun or.
Crest, a wolf's head, erased, ar. in the mouth a [Borne by the late Sir Christopher Robinson,
rose gu. Knt. Judge of the Admiralty Court, ob. 1833.]
Robertson, [Aberdeen, Scotland,] gu. on a chev. Robinson, [Trethevas and Nansloe, Cornw.] vert,
betw. three wolves' heads, erased, ar. a billet of a chev. betw. three bucks, trippant, or. Crest,
the field. Crest, a Savage's arm, erased and a buck's head, erased.
erect, ppr. Robinson, [Hendon Lodge and Tunstall Lodge,
Robertson, [London. Granted 1784,] gu. a rose Durham,] quarterly ;
first and fourth, vert, on
or, slipped and barbed vert, betw. three wolves' a chev. betw. three bucks, trippant, or, as

heads, erased, ar. all within a bordure engr. of many cinquefoils gu. for Robinson ; second and
the second. Crest, a dagger, in pale, ensigned third, ar. on a bend sa. betw. three pellets, as
on the point with a royal crown, ppr. many swans of the first, for Clark. Crest, a
Robertson, vert, a chev. betw. three harts pass. or. stag, trippant, or.
Crest, a triton, holding in the sinister hand a Robinson, [Preston, near Stockton, Durham,]
trident, ppr. vert, a chev. betw. two cinquefoils, pierced, in
Robertson, [Gladney and Muirtoun, Scotland,] gu. chief, and a stag, trippant, in base, or. Crest,
three crescents, interlaced, or, betw. as many a stag, trippant, or.
wolves' heads, erased, ar. armed and langued Robinson, [Midcl. and Herrington and Sunder-

az. ;
all within a bordure of the third,
charged land, Durham.] The same arms.
with eight mullets of the first. Crest, a dexter Robinson, [Southwold, Suff.] Arms as of Kent-
hand, issuing from a cloud, holding up a wheat- well Hall, 1st diet ; the cinquefoils slipped.
sheaf, ppr. Crest, a stag's head, erased, or.
Robertson, [Faskillie, Scotland,] gu. three wolves' Robinson, [Rokeby Park, Yorks. Created a Ba-
heads, erased, ar. armed and langued az. within ronet, \0th March, 1730,] vert, on a chev. or,
a bordure engr. of the second. Crest, a phoe- betw. three bucks, trippant, of the last, pel-
nix, issuing out of flames of fire, ppr. lettee, as many cinquefoils gu. Crest, a buck,
Robertson, [Edinburgh, Scotland,] per. chev. gu. trippant, or, pellettee.
and ar. three wolves' heads, erased, two in chief, Robinson, vert, a chev. betw. two cinquefoils in
and one in base, counterchanged, armed and chief, and a buck pass, in base, all or.
langued az. Crest, a dexter hand holding a Robinson, vert, on a chev.ar. betw. three bucks

crescent, ppr. or, a crescent gu.

Robertson, [ Edinburgh, Scotland, ] gu. three Robinson, as of Kentwell, in 1st diet. Crest, a
wolves' heads, erased, ar. ; a bordure, invecked, buck or, pellettee.
of the last. Crest, a dexter hand holding two Robotham, per fesse, ar. and sa. a fesse, counter-
laurel-branches, slipped, ppr. embattled and counterchanged, betw. three
Robertson, [Strowan, Scotland,] gu. three wolves' bucks of the same. Crest, a demi griffin az.
heads, erased, ar. armed and langued az. guttee ar. ducally gorged or.
Crest, a cubit arm, erect, holding a regal crown, Robottom, or Rowbottom, in 1st diet; for chief
all ppr. and under the arms a wild man chained. read fesse.
Robertson, [Lude, Scotland,] gu. a dexter hand, Robsert, ar. a lion ramp. vert. Crest, a fish's
fesseways, couped, holding a cross crosslet fit- head, erased, in fesse, ppr.
chee, in pale, or, betw. three wolves' heads, Robson, az. a chev. engr. or, surmounted by a
erased, ar. Crest, a sleeping dog. plain chev. erm. betw. three boars' heads,
Robertson, [Kindace, Scotland,] gu. a crescent or, erased, or. Crest, a wolf pass. sa. collared or,
betw. three wolves' heads, erased, ar. ; a bor- thereon two fleurs-de-lis az.
dure engr. of the last. Robson, [Dean of Bristol, 1598; ob. 1617 ] Arms
Robertson, [Inches, Scotland,] gu. three wolves' and crest, as 3rd in 1st diet.

heads, erased, ar. within a bordure of the last. Robson, [Essex,] or, a fesse, counter-componee,
Crest, a swan ppr. Supporters, two wolves ppr. gu. and sa. betw. two chev. of the last.
Robertson, vert, on a chev. ar. betw. three bucks Robson, [Alderman, and twice Mayor of New-
or, a crescent gu. castle ; ob. oOth Dec. 1700,] az. a chev. erm
Robesard, or Robsart, or, a lion ramp. vert. betw. three boars' heads, erased, or. Crest, a
Robesford. Same as Ribford, as 1st diet. boar's head, erased and erect, or.
Robson, [Bishopwearmouth, Durham.] The same Rochfort, [Created Earl of Belvedere, 13th f/Vov,
arms and crest. 1756,] az. a lion ramp. ar. crined and langued
Robson, az. a chev. erm. hetw. three hoars' heads, of the last. Crest, a red-breast, ppr.
erased, or. Crest, out of a mural coronet az. a Rochforte, barry of six, az. and or, a chief dan-
boar's head, erminois. cettee.
Roby, per cross, az. and or; in the first and Roch well, gu. five fusils, in bend a chief ar. ;

fourth quarters, a cinquefoil ar. Crest, a garb Rochyft. The same as Rocclyfft, before.
vert. Rock, as 1st in 1st diet. Crest, a demi lion az.
Robvns, or Robins, [Glassney, St. Winnow, and Rockeley, or Rockley, lozengy, gu. and erm. a
Troneere, Cornw.] quarterly nebulee, ar. and fesse sa.
az. four birds counterchanged. Rockell, gu. a fesse lozengy erm. betw. three
Robyns, per fesse indented, ar. and az. a fesse, martlets ar.
indented, counterchanged; in chief two escal- Roclay, gu. a fesse betw. two bars fusily, ar.
lops of the second. Roclay, lozengy, ar. and gu. Crest, a dolphin,
Rocclyfft, [Calthrope,] ar. on a chev. betw. haurient, ppr.
three lions' heads, erased, gu. a chess-rook or. Rocold, ar. six chess-rooks sa. three, two, and
Roch, or De la Rupe, [Roch, Cornw.] gu. three one.
roaches, or fishes, naiant, in pale, ar. Rodd, [Trebartha Hall, Cornw.] ar. two trefoils,

Roche, [Ireland,] ar. a lion ramp. gu. crowned slipped, sa. ; a chief of the last. Crest, a naked
with an antique crown or. Crest, out of a man, with a bow on his shoulder, an arrow in
ducal coronet or, the attires of a stag, affixed his right hand, the left hand finger pointing
to the scalp, gu. upwards, rays round his head.
Roche, or Roch, as 2nd Roche in 1st diet. Crest, Rodd, per fesse, sa. and ar. ; in base two
a lion's head, erased, per fesse, or and sa. within trefoils, slipped, ofthe first. Crest, out of a
a chain, issuing orleways, az. ducal coronet, a double plume of ostrich's fea-
Roche, as 3rd in 1st diet. Crest, as the last. thers, five and three.
Roche, gu. two bars gobonny, ar. and az. Rodd am. Arms Crest, a Savage's
as 1st diet.
Rochead, [Craigleith, Scotland,] as 1st diet. head, couped, ppr. distilling blood gu.
Crest, a man's head, couped, in profile, ppr. Roddam, gu. on a bend erm. three crosses moline
Rochead, [Innerleith, Scotland,] ar. on a fesse az. . a crescent for diff.

a boar's head, couped, or. Crest, a Savage's Roddom, on a bend

. . three crosses moline
. . . .

head, affrontee, couped ppr. wreathed vert. Crest, a cross moline.

Rochefort, quarterly, or and gu. within a bor- Rode, gu. on a chev. ar. three martlets of the
dure sa. bezantee. Crest, on a ducal coronet, first.
a bird, with wings expanded. Rodeley, sa. three bars humet ar.
Rochelle. See Rokele. Rodes, as 2nd Rhodes in 1st diet.
Roches, sa. two leopards pass. ar. Rodes, az. three annulets or ; on a chief ar. a
Rochesford. See Rochestord. greyhound, current, of the second, collared, gu.
Rochester, [Essex,] as 1st in 1st diet. Crest, a Rodger, [Scotland,] vert, a fesse ar. Crest, a
crane ar. demi lady ppr. attired az. holding in her dexter
Rochestord, or Rochesford, az. a fesse, indented, hand a pair of scales or.
betw. three lions ramp. or.
Rodger, [Scotland,] sa. a stag's head, erased, ar.
Rochford, as 2nd in 1st diet. Crest, a cock, gu. armed with ten tynes or, in the mouth a mullet
Rochford, ar. a lion ramp. sa. crowned gu. of the last.
Rochford, quarterly, or and gu. ; in the first quar- Rodie, [Liverpool; descended from Scotland,] ar.
ter, a fleur-de-lis within a bordure, sa. bezantee. on a chev. gu. betw. three branches of rowan-
Rochford, quarterly, or and gu. ; in the first quar- tree, or mountain ash, ppr as many crescents
ter, a martlet ar. or. Crest, a roe-buck pass. ppr. Motto, Spero
Rochford, ar. a fesse gu. meliora.
Rochford, az. a fesse dancettee betw. three lions Rodnall, or Rothenale, as 1st diet.
ramp. or. Rodney, [Rodney, Devons.] The same arms and
Rochford, ar. a lion ramp. sa. ducally crowned or, crest as Baron Rodney, see peerage, 1st diet.
within a bordure of the second. (Another crest, a boar's head sa. couped gu. )

Rochfort, quarterly, or and gu. in the first

; Rodwell, .
., a chev. ,.and a canton
. . . .

quarter, a fleur-de-lis sa. Crest, the branch of Crest, the sun, per fesse, sa. and or.
a rose-tree, bearing roses, ppr. RoDWKGHA.u, per fesse, sa. and or.
Roe, as Roe, or Roo, of London, and Dartford, Rokeby, erm. an inescutcheon az.
1st diet. Crest, a roe-buck's head gu. Rokele, or Rochelle, as 2nd Rokeley', 1st
Roebuck, [Somers.] ar. onafessegu. three fleurs- diet.
de-lis or. Crest, a lion pass, guard, gu. Rokele, ar. a chev. betw. three chess-rooks sa.
Roffey, ar. three snakes, nowed, looking to the Rokeley, [Essex.] as 2nd in 1st diet.
sinister, vert. Crest, on a mural coronet, a Rokeley, erm. three inescutcheons az. ( Another,
serpent, nowed, ppr. one inescutcheon.)
Roger, [ Denino, Forfarshire,Scotland, ] az. Rokeley, ar. a bend sa. betw. six lozenges gu.
semee-de-lis or over all a label of four points,
; Rokelley", lozengy, gu. andar. a fesse sa.
ar. Crest, out of a ducal coronet, a dexter hand Rokelley, or Rosselley, ar. on a chief gu. three
ppr. holding a crosier, in bend, or. bezants.
Roger, [Scotland,] vert, a fesse ar. Rokellor, lozengy, erm. and gu.
Roger, ar. on a chief or, a fleur-de-lis gu. Rokely', erm. an inescutcheon az.
Rogers, [Penrose, Cornw.] ar. a chev. betw. Rokes, sa. a cross quarter pierced, charged with
three bucks pass. sa. Crest, a buck pass. ar. four rooks of the first.
Rogers, [Dors.] ar. on a chief or, a fleur-de-lis Rokesburgh. Arms as Rokesborough, in 1st
diet, in the sinister chief, a mullet gu. charged
Rogers, [Ireland,] chequy, or and gu. a bend sa. with a crescent of the third, for cliff.
Crest, an eagle displ. or. Rokesby", barry nebulee of six, sa. and ar. ; on a
Rogers, ar. two lions, endorsed, gu. canton gu. a mullet of the second.
Rogers, ar. three bucks, springing, sa. ; in chief a Rokesdon. ar-. a fesse betw. three rooks, sa.
crescent. Rokesley', or Rockley", or, a cross gu. in the ;

ar, three bucks, springing, sa. first quarter, a martlet sa.

Rogers, ar. a mullet sa. ; on a chief gu. a fleur-de- Rokesley'. See Rockley -

lis ... Rokis. See Rooke.

Rogers, [Cadbury House, Somers.] ar. a mullet Rokley", [Yorks.] ar. a fesse sa. betw. seven
sa. ; on a chief or, a fleur-de-lis gu. lozenges gu. three, three, and one. Crest, a
Rogers, ar. a mullet gu. ; on a chief or, a fleur-de- stag's head couped.
lis of the second. Rokley, quarterly, ar. and sa. a bendlet gu.
Rogers, [Connington, Somers.] ar. a chev. betw. Rokley, lozengy, ar. and gu. a fesse sa.
three bucks, in full course, sa. Crest, a stag sa. Roky'Lton, or Roky'lin, gu. a cross or, within a
bezantee, ducally gorged and attired or. bordure az.
Rogers, ar. a chev. betw. three bucks, springing, Roky'nham, or, a lion ramp. gu. ; over all a bend
sa. attired or. Crest, a man's head ppr. in a az. charged with three bezants.
helmet or. Rolland, [Auchmithie, Scotland,] ar. a fesse,
Rogers, or, a fesse, wavy, betw. three bucks, trip- chequy, sa. and or, betw. two ships, sails furled,

pant, ar. Crest, on a mount vert, a buck sa. of the second, flags gu. in chief, and a lion ramp.
ducally gorged ar. and a string reflexed over in base, of the last. Crest, a lymphad, her sails
the back, attired or. furled, and oars in action, ppr. flagged gu.
Rogers, [ Balismo, ] az. a lion ramp, within a Rolland, [Edinburgh,] ar. a fesse, chequy, az.
bordure or. and or, betw. two ships with sails furled, sa.
Rogerway, sa. two bars ar. in chief and a fleur-de-lis az. in base. Crest, a
Rogesalle, or, a cross gu.: a label of three points a
hand, issuing, holding dagger, ppr.
az Rolland, [Disblair, Aberdeenshire,] ar. a fesse,
Rognon, or Roynon, [Somers.] as Regdon, or chequy, sa. and or, betw. three ships, with sails
Rogdon, 1st diet. furled, sa. Crest, a fleur-de-lis ar.
Rohan, gu. nine mascles, conjoined, or, three, ar. a fesse chequy, sa.
Rolland, [Gask, N.B.]
three, and three. Crest, a dexter arm, em- and or, betw. two ships in chief, their sails
bowed, couped, resting on the elbow, vested, furled of the second, and a fleur-de-lis in base
cuffed, holding a cross crosslet fitchee . . . az. Crest, a dexter hand, holding a dagger,
Roke, ar. a fesse, counterflory, betw. four rooks ppr.
sa. beaked and legged
gu. Rolles, [Devons.] or, on a fesse dancettee az.
Rokeby, or Rookesby. Arms as of Morton, betw. three billets of the second, each charged
1st diet. Crest, a dexter hand holding an with a lion ramp, of the first, as many bezants.
escutcheon ar. charged with a crescent gu. Crest, an arm charged with a fesse, indented
Rokeby, ar. a chev. betw. three rooks, volant, sa. and cottised, or, holding a baton sa.
3 P 2 ]
Rollo, [Duncruib, Scotland,] ar. a chev. az. sa. flags gu. ; in chief two cross crosslets fitchee
betw. three boars' heads, erased, sa. Crest, a of the second. Crest, a greyhound's head,
stag's head, couped, ppr. erased, holding in the mouth a deer's foot,
Rolls, or, a lion ramp. sa. Crest, out of a erased.
ducal coronet, an arm, in armour, brandishing Rondston. See Rollston.
a sabre, all ppr. Rone. See Raan.
Rolph, ar. three ravens ppr.; on a chief ., a .
Rony, ar. on a bend, cottised, sa. three mullets
trefoil, slipped, vert. Crest, a raven ppr. in of the first.
the mouth a trefoil, slipped, vert. Rongrollis, gu. ten crescents jessant a quatrefoil
Rolscisley, az. three roses or. ar.
Rolston. As 1st Rolleston in 1st diet. Ronncevale, three arms, armed, embowed,

Rolston, or Rondston, bendy of six, vert and gu. ppr. ; in each a sword
ar. hilted or.
a chev. erm. Ronwin, [Wales,] sa. a chev. betw. three goats
Rolston, gu. three bars nebulae vert; a chev. erm. pass. ar.
Rolston e, bendy of six, vert and gu. a chev. Ronwyne. The same.
(Another, engr.) erm. Ronyon, ar. a wivern within a bordure engr. sa.

Romanes, [Scotland,] or, three thistles vert, Roo, az. a buck's head, cabossed, or.
flowered gu. Crest, a dexter hand holding a Roo, per pale, gu. and vert ;
on a chev. az. three
sword, ppr. bezants.
Romara, [first Earl of Lincoln after the Con- Roo, gu. on a bend betw. two garbs or, three
quest. Created by King Stephen^ gu. seven crosslets fitchee sa.
mascles, conjoined, betw. ten cross crosslets, Roo, bendy of six, erm. and gu.
or Roo. See Roe.
Romayne. Arms as 1st diet. Crest, a deer's Rooche, or a bull gu. betw. three
Roch, or,
head, erased, ppr. dragons' heads, erased, vert; a chief, componee,
Rome, [descended from Clowdon,] ar. on a bend, ar. and az.
betw. two roses, gu. a thistle betw. two fleurs- Rooe. As 1st diet. Crest, a swan, with wings
de-lis, or. Crest, a slip of a rose-tree, bearing endorsed, swimming in water, ppr.
roses, ppr. Rooe, or Roue. Arms as 5th Roive in 1st diet.
Rome. As 1st in 1st diet, with the lion or, tail Crest, a buck's head, couped, gu. attired or.
extended Crest, a lion pass. ppr. Rookby, as Rookeby in 1st diet. Crest, a rook
Romelli, or Rumeli, [Skipton, Yorks.] barry ppr.
of eight, or and gu. Rooke, [Rookes'oth Bridge, Waverton, Akehead,
Romer, [Scotland,] ar. a man in complete armour, Rooke's Nest, Wigtoun, as of Carlisle in 1st
the dexter hand supporting a halbert blade out- diet.
wards, all ppr. Crest, out of a ducal coronet, Rookesby. See Rokeby.
a demi man, with halberd as in the arms. Rookwood, [Eveston, Suff.] ar. three chess-rooks
Romesbury, ar. a saltier gu. betw. four martlets sa. a chief of the last,
; Crest, a lion, sejant,
sa. supporting a spear erect, ar.

Romesbury, or Romisbury,ar. a chev. betw. three Rookie ood, [Rookwood, Suff.] ar. in chief three
martlets, sa. chess-rooks sa.

Romesey, or Rumsey, ar. a fesse and a label of Roope. Arms as 3rd in 1st diet. Crest, a demi
five points, az. antelope sa. collared or.
Rommesbery, [Wilts.] Same as Romesbury Roos, or Ros, [Bouseby, Yorks. Temp. Edic. 111.]
above. as 1st diet. Crest, a falcon's head az.
Romneth, [Wore] or, on a chev. per pale, az. and Roos, as 9th in 1 st diet. Crest, three slips of
gu. three roses of the first. roses ar. leaved vert.
Romney, [Berwick,] ar. a chev. voided, betw. Roos, [Gedney, Notts.] gu. three water-bougets
three mullets, pierced, sa. erm.
Romontby, [Yorks.] erm. a fesse gu. Roos, gu. a fesse vaire, or and az. betw. three
Romundby, erm. a fesse engr. gu. water-bougets or. Crest, an eagle's head,
Robmynall, or, a bend gu.; on a canton of the couped, az.
second, a leopard's face of the first. Roos, barry of ten, ar. and gu. ; a bend engr. sa.
Ronald, [Montrose, Scotland,] as 2nd in 1st Roos, barry of six, ar. and gu. ; over all a bend
diet. fusily az.
Ronaldson, [Scotland,] ar. a galley, sails furled, Roos, erm. three water-bougets sa.
Roose, [Whetstone, Cornw.] gu. four swans ar. Rosecreeg, [Rosecreeg St. Anthony, Cornw.]
ar. on a mount vert, three roses
wings erect. gu. stalked and
Roots, or, three lozenges gu. Crest, a tree ppr. leaved of the second.
Roper, per fesse, az. and or, a pale counter- Rosecrowe, per fesse, nebulee, ar. and sa. three

changed, three Lucks' heads, erased, of the sea-horses, two in chief, and one in base, all
second. Crest, a goat's head, erased, gorged counterchanged.
with a branch ppr. Rosehall, or Roshall, or, a fesse betw. six
Roper, [Trimdon, Durham ; tomb in Kelloe martlets, sa.
Church Yard,] per fesse, az. and or, a pale engr. Rosele, ar. on a chief gu. three bezants.
and three roe-bucks' heads counterchanged. Rosell, [Rutland/ Temp. Edw. I.] az. on a chev.
Crest, a roe-buck's head, erased, and gorged or. three roses gu.
with a branch ppr. Rosell, or, on a cross sa. five mullets ar.
Roper, or Raper, [London and Langthorne,
; Roselles, gu. six cinquefoils, three, two, and one.
Yorks.] per fesse, wavy, az. and ar. a pale coun- Rosemades, [Devons.] az. a chev. betw. three
terchanged, three antelopes' heads, erased, or. roses, ar.
Crest, an antelope's head, per fesse, wavy and Roser, [Ches. and Surf.] or, on a cross pattee sa.

erased, or and az. the first.

five etoiles of
Roppe, or, a lion ramp. gu. within an orle of Roser, as 2nd Rosier in 1st diet.
pheons sa. Rosethe, ar. two chev. sa.
Ropsley, gu. a chev. erm. betw. three lions' heads, Rosewarne, [Camborne, Cornw.] The same as
erased, or on a chief ar. two bars engr. sa. and
; Rosowhorne, 1st diet.
a pale charged with a pelican the whole within ; Roseicarne. See Rosowhorne, 1st diet.
a bordure or, charged with eight hurts. Rosh, ar. a griffin, segreant, gu.
Rorie, ar. a chev. gu. betw. three dexter hands, Roshall, sa. a chev. ar. ; a canton erm.
couped, fesseways, of the each holding a
last, Roshill, or Rowsewell. See 1st diet.
cross crosslet fitchee, gu.Crest, a cinquefoil gu. Rosh well, ar. two chev. engr. sa. each charged
Rorie, [Scotland.] The same arms, the crosslets with five plates.
az. Crest, a galley, her oars in action, ppr. Rosier, as of Rutland, 1st diet. Crest, a pelican,
Rorke, [Ireland,] ar. a bend gu. ; over all a cross in her nest, ppr.
patriarchal sa. Crest, an eagle's head, erased, Rositur, ar. on a bend sa. three chaplets of the
or. first.

Ros, chequy, gu. and or. Ross, [Belfast,] gu. three lions ramp. ar. within
Ros. See Rocs. a bordure or, charged with as many leopards'
Rosagan, [Kenegie, Cornw.] ar. a chev. az. betw. faces of the first. Crest, a dexter arm, in
three roses gu. armour, brandishing a sword ppr.
Roscellyn, ar. on a bend gu. three square buckles Ross, [Clova, Scotland.] The same as of Kil-
of the first. ravock 1st diet, with due dift*.
Roscelyxe. See Rosselyne. Ross, [Craigie, Scotland,] or, a fesse, chequy, ar.
Roschampe, or, three bars az. a canton erm. ; and sa. betw. three water-bougets, of the last.
Roscoe, gu. on a fesse ar. three cinquefoils of the Ross. The same arms. Crest, a lion's head,
field. Crest, two elephants' trunks gu. erased, ppr.
Roscomours, ar. three bars gu. in chief a wolf, ; Boss, [Haulkhead, Scotland.] or. a chev. chequy,
current, az. sa. and ar. betw. three water-bougets of the

Roscrowe, [Roscrowe, Cornw.] ar. a chev. betw. second. Crest, a hawk's head, erased, ppr.
three roses gu. seeded or. Ross, [Kinfauns, Scotland, 13G7,] or, a fesse,
Rose, [Harland, Derb.] sa. on a chev. ar. three chequy, betw. two water-bougets in chief, and
roses gu. seeded and barbed ppr. in the dex- ; a mullet in base.
ter chief point, a close helmet of the second. /?o?s,[Kilravock, Scotland,] as 1st diet. Crest,
Rose, sa, on a pale or, three roses gu. Crest, a a harp az.
rose betw. a pair of wings. Ross, [Marchinch, Scotland.] As of Kilravock,
Rose, gu. on a chev. or, betw. three horse-shoes 1st diet, within a bordure, indented, of the se-
ar. as many roses of the first. cond. Crest, a dexter hand holding a slip of a
Rose, gu. a chev. ar. betw. three rose-leaves or. rose-bush, ppr.
Rose, or, three water-bougets az. Crest, a harp. Ross, [Morinchie, Scotland,] gu. three lions ramp.
Rose, sa. three pipes ar. accompanied with as many stars ar. Crest, a
Roseberry, ar. a lion ramp. vert. fox's head, couped, ppr.
Boss, or, a fesse chequy, ar. and gu. betw. three Rote, as 1st diet. Crest, a stork or.
water-bougets sa. Crest, a lion's head, erased, Rotelwell, ar. a bend gu. fretty or.
or. [Borne by Major Gen. Sir Patrick Ross, Roter, or Rother, [Ches.] gu. three garbs ar. ;

Knt. K.C.H. and G.C.M.G. 1838.] in chief a lion pass, of the second.
Ross, [Earl of Ross; ancient,'] gu. three lions Rotesby. See Rolesby.
ramp. ar. Rotfield. See Rokefield.
Ross, [Scotland,] gu. three roses, slipped, in fesse, Roth, gu. an orle erm, in chief a ; label az.
betw. as many lions ramp. ar. two and one. Rotham, erm. a mullet sa. betw. three leopards'
Crest, a fox, issuant, with a rose in the mouth, heads gu.
ar. Rothe, or, on a bend, cottissd, sa. three mullets
Ross, or, three water-bougets sa. Crest, three within a bordure of the second.

slips of roses ar. leaved vert. Rotheisley, az. three roses or.
Ross, gu. a chev. ar. betw. three leaves or. Rotheland, gu. an orle, engr. on the inner side,
( Another, ar.) within a bordure, also engr. or.
Rossale, Rossalle, or Roshale, sa. a fesse Rotheley, ar. on two bars, humettee, vert, three
betw. six martlets, or. fleurs-de-lis, or, two and one.
Rossdyne, per chev. gu. and ar. six roses coun- Rothenale. See Rodnall.
terchanged. Rotheram, vert, three bucks, at gaze, or. Crest,
Rosse, [Shipton, Somers.] per fesse, sa. and ar. a buck's head, couped, or, betw. two branches
a pale, counterchanged, three eagles' heads, vert.
erased, ar. Crest, a demi leopard ramp, guard. Rotherell, ar. three chev. engr. sa. each charged
gu. eared vert. with five plates.

Rosse, ar. three bars gu. a bend ( Another, engr.) Rotherfield, as 2nd in 1st diet. Crest, a lion's
sa. gamb, erect, sa.

Rosse, gu. on a chev. or, betw. three horse-shoes Rotherfield, paly of six, ar. and az. ; on a bend
ar. as many roses of the first. gu. three martlets or.
Rosse. See Rose, and Roos. Rotherfield, or Rotherford, as last Rotherfield, 1st

Rosseline, or Rosselyne, gu. three round buckles diet.

ar. two and one, tongues in chief. Crest, a Rotherford. See Rotherfield.
spur-rowel az. betw. two wings or. Rothery, ar. two bends gu. Crest, on a tower,
Rossell. Arms as of Rutlands, 1st diet. a demi lion ramp.
Crest, an arm, in armour, couped at the Rothfeld, gu. two fleurs-de-lis, in chief, erm.
shoulder, resting on the elbow and holding a Rothings, as 1st in 1st diet. Crest, a lion's
club, ppr. paw, erased, holding a spear, tasselled, ppr.
Rossell, or, on a cross sa. five mullets ar. Rothings, or Rothinge, as 3rd and 4th in 1st diet.
Rosselley. See Rokelley. Rothington, sa. three bars ar. ;
a canton of the
Rossells, gu. six cinquefoils ar. last.

Rosselyn, gu. three square buckles ar. Rothwell, or. two chev. engr. sa. ; on each five

Rosseter, [Line] ar. on a bend gu. three cin- plates.

quefoils of the first. Rotier, or Rotyer, gu. three garbs ar. two and
Rosseter, or Roster, as 1st diet. Crest, a one
in chief a lion pass, of the last.

spear-head, ppr. Rottellwell. Same as Rotelwell.

Rosshall, sa. a fesse or. Rottlewell. See Rockelwell in 1st diet.
Rossie, [Scotland.] per bend, gu. and ar. a lion, Rotton, ar. a chev. betw. three trefoils, slipped,
salient, betw. three roundles,all counterchanged. vert. Crest, an oak-tree, pendent therefrom an
-Crest, a cross pattee gu. escutcheon, ppr.
Rosson, lozengy, ar. and gu. a chief vert. Crest, Rotyer, or Rotyr, gu. in chief a lion pass. ar.
a demi griffin gu. and in base three garbs of the second.
Roster. See Rosseter, and Roser. Rouche, ar. a lion ramp, reguard. purp.
Rostlings, ar. a horse sa. bridled and saddled Roughead, [the old Scottish way of spelling
or. Rochead.] See Rochead, of Craigleith, both
Rostrill, ar. a chev. betw. three lion's paws, diets.
erased, gu. Roughhead, [Scotland,] ar. a bar. gu. betw.
Rosumers. See Rosmer. three boars' heads, erased, sa.
Rosville, ar. five lozenges in fesse, gu. ;
in chief Roughton, sa. a chev. ar. betw. three quatrefoils,
three escallops sa. voided, of the second.
Rougley, ar. a chev. betw. three roses, gu. Row, [Scotland,] gu. a fesse, chequy, ar. and az.
Rougrelies, gu. ten crescents, four, three, two, betw. three crescents or.
and one ; betw. the horns of each a trefoil, Row, [Devons. Granted 1.595,] ar. a chev. az.
all or. betw. three trefoils, slipped, per pale, gu. and
Roukels. See Roxley. vert. Crest, a stag's head, erased, gu. and
Rouland, a griffin sa. beaked gu.
ar. attired or.
Rouland, harry of six, or and az. Rowan, [Scotland,] gu. two cross crosslets fitchee
Rould, gu. a fesse, double cottised, or. or ; on a chief ar. three mullets az. Crest, a
Rouncevell, three arms, embowed, fesseways,
. . v heat-sheaf ppr.
in each hand a sword, two and one. Rowan, [Scotland,] or, a fesse, chequy, ar. and
Round, [Essex,] ar. on a chev. sa. three annulets az. betw. three crescents jessant as many cross
of the field. Crest, a lion, sejant, ar. [Borne crosslets fitchee, gu.
by Charles Round, Esq. of Birch Hall, and Rowan, [Scotland,] or, a fesse, chequy, az. and
Colchester, Essex, 1*33.] ar. betw. three cross crosslets fitchee in chief,
Round, as 1st in 1st diet. Crest, a cupid, with and as many crescents in base, gu.
his attributes, ppr. Rowan. The same arms. Crest, on a mount, a
Roundell. Arms as 1st diet. Crest, an arm, holy lamb ppr. holding a banner, per fesse, or
in armour, embowed, fesseways, ppr. holding a and gu.
mace gu. studded or, tied at the shoulder with Rowand, [Ballyhouston, Ireland,] gu. an otter's
a scarf ar. head, erased, ar. betw. two cross crosslets fit-
Roundly, ar. a fesse gu. chee or, in fesse ; on a chief of the second as
Rous, [Modbury and Edmerston, Devons. and ; many mullets az. Crest, a garb or.
Halton, Cornw.] or, an eagle displ. az. pruning its Rowbothaji. See Robottom.
wings with feet and bill gu. Crest, a dove ar. Rowche, or Roche. Arms as 1st diet Crest, a
Rous, or Rosse, [Suff.] erm. on a chief, indented, rock.
gu. two escallops ar. Rowcliff, ar. on a chev. gu. a chess-rook or,

Rous, a chev. engr. betw. three crescents, sa.

ar. betw. three lions' heads, erased, gu.
Rousby, gu. on a bend ar. cottised or, three cross Rowdon, [Suff.] as 2nd in 1st diet. Crest, a t

crosslets sa. bezant.

Rouse, sa. three crescents ar. Rowdon.. Arms as 1st in 1st diet. Crest, a cock,
Rouse, as last Rows in 1st diet. crowing, ppr.
Rouse, ar. on a saltier gu. betw. four cross cross- Rowe, [Tolesby Hall, Yorks.] as 6th in 1st diet.
lets fitchee sa. an annulet or. Crest, a holy lamb, as in the arms.
Rouse, per pale, or and gu. three lions ramp, coun- Rowe, or Rawe, [Cornw.] gu. three paschal lambs
terchanged. or.

Rouse, as 1st Rows, in 1st diet. Rowe, [Lamerton, Devons.] Arms as 1st diet.
Rousell, or, a chev. az. Crest, as of Tolesby Hall.
Roushby, or Rousheby, as 2nd in 1st diet. Rowe, [London,] per pale, sa. and ar. ; on a chev.
Rousheby, ar. a saltier engr. sa. betw. four roses three trefoils, and in chief two martlets, all
gu- counterchanged.
Roushland. See Rutland. Rowe, [Colchester, N.amp.] ar. on a chev. az
Routhe, ar. on a bend, cottised, sa. three mullets betw. three trefoils, slipped,per pale, vert and
of the first. gu. as many bezants. Crest, a stag's head gu.
Routledge, or, a trefoil, triple slipped, vert. attired or.
Crest, a sheaf of wheat vert. Rowe, [Lewes, Suss. Confirmed 2ith May 1614,]
Rouzet. See Row set. as 1st diet. Crest, out of a ducal crown or, a
Row, ar. two bars engr. sa. demi lion gu. holding in the paw a Polish mace,
Row, az. a buck's head, cabossed, or. in pale, sa. spiked and pointed ar.
Row, [Scotland,] or, a fesse, chequy, az. and ar. Rowe, [Norton Place, Suss.] ar. on a chev. betw.
betw. three crescents gu. on a canton az. an
three trefoils, slipped, az. as many bezants.
orange, stalked and slipped, ppr. ensigned with Crest, a stag's head, erased, gu. attired or on ;

an imperial crown. Crest, an armed arm, issu- the neck a crescent ar.
ing, holding a sword, ppr. Rowe. See Rooe, both diets.
Row, [Totness and Kingston, Devons.] az. a Rowed, gu. a chev. erm. betw. three griffins'
chev. betw. three holy lambs, staff, cross, and heads ar. Crest, a hand, holding a lion's paw,
banner ar. erased, ppr.
Rowell, per fesse, wavy, ar. and az. ;
in chief and or, three leopards' heads, guardant, erased
two cross crosslets fitchee gu. ;
and in base at the neck, counterchanged.
three fishes, naiant, of the first, two and one. Roxby, [Monkwearmouth, Durham,] ar. a chev.
Crest, a hand, couped, in fesse, holding a cross betw. three rooks, sa.
crosslet fitchee . .
Roxton, ar. three roses gu. betw. nine cross cross-
Rowell, ... a fesse vair, betw. two lions pass, lets of the last.
guard. Crest, a hind pass. ; in the mouth a Roy, [Scotland,] az. a lion ramp. ar. ; a bordure
rose, leaved, ppr. of the second, charged with eight torteauxes.
Rowland, [Torry,] ar. a fesse, chequy, sa. and Crest, a lymphad, her sails furled, and oars in
or, betw. three ships in full sail, of the second, action, in the sea, ppr.
flags gu. Roycroft. See Ricroft, both diets.
Row/and, ... a lion pass, guard. ... Crest, a Royden, chequy, ar. and gu. a cross moline az.
lion's head, erased . . .
Roye, [France,] gu. on a bend ar. three escallops
Rowland, sa. apile wavy ar. issuing from the dexter sa.
chief to the sinister base. Crest, a demi lion Royle, sa. on a pile or, three crosses formee,
ramp. gu. holding by the blade a sword erect, fitchee at the foot, of the Crest, on afirst.
hilt or.
chapeau ppr. a lion's head, erased, gu. ducally
Rowlands, or, three pales gu. Crest, a fleur- crowned, or.
entwined with a serpent or.
de-lis gu. Royneforth, [Essex,] ar. a chev. engr. gu.
Rowlat, as 1st diet. Crest, a demi lion ar. Roynon. See Rognon.
maned or. Roys, or, a fret gu.
Rowles, as 1st diet. Crest, a horse, current, Royston, as 1st in 1st diet. Crest, out of a
holding in the mouth the point of a broken ducal coronet or, two lions' paws, in saltier, ppr.
spear, all ppr. Royton. or Ruton, gu. a chev. ar. betw. three
Rowlesley, gu. a fesse and bordure, erm. garbs, within an orle of cross crosslets fitchee
(Another, ar.) of the second.
Rowlesly. See Rolesley. Rubidge, az. on a chief or, three cinqufoils gu.
Rowley, ar. on a fesse, betw. three mullets, Crest, a dove or, in the beak an olive-branch
pierced, sa. as of the same.
many Crest, a vert.
sword, bendways, ar. hilted or, through a mul- Ruchbroke, as Rushbrooke, last in 1st diet.
let sa. Ruck, gyronny of eight, ar. and gu. on the first. ;

Rowley, or, on a bend, cottised, sa. three cres- four torteauxes, on the last as many cinquefoils
cents ar. of the first. Crest, an old man's head ppr.
Rowning, [Sproughton, Suff.] az. a fesse betw. bound round the temples with laurel vert.
three horse shoes or. Ruda, ar. on a chev. sa. betw. three bugle-horns
Rowntree, ar. on a chev. az. betw. three branches gu. as mascles or.
of mountain-ash vert, as many crescents of the Rudall, or Ruddall, or, on a bend az. three
field. Crest, a tree ppr. Catherine - wheels ar. Crest, a hawk's head,
Rows. See Rous, and Rouse, in both diets. erased, or.
Rowse. See Rous, and Rouse, in both diets. Rudd, az. a chev. betw. three bells, ar.
Rowsford. See Ronsford, 1st diet. Rudd, az, a lion ramp, ar.; a canton or.
Rowshall. See Roshill, in both diets. Ruddall. See Rudall.
Rovvswell. See Rowsewell, in both diets. Rudde. See Rudd, 1st diet-
Rowth. See Routh, 1st diet. Ruddiman, [Scotland,] az. a bend ar. betw. three
Rowthall, az. a cross engr. betw. four birds, or; annulets or on a chief of the second, as many

on a chief erm. two roses gu. slipped and leaved spears of the field. Crest, a spur ppr.
vert. (Another, the chief, quarterly, ar. and Ruddle, or, a fesse betw. three garbs, ar.
erm.) Ruddford, az. a chev. betw. ten mullets or, six
Rowthinges, ar. four palets gu. in chief and four in base.
Rowton, or, three bendlets az.; a canton ar. Rudiman, gu. three lozenge-shaped cushions,
Rowton, az. six escallops ar. three two, and one. tasselled, erm.
Ronton, or Rowdon, per pale ar. and gu. a griffin, Ruding, ar. on a bend sa. betw. two lions of the
segreant, counterchanged. second, a wivern, extended, of the first. Crest,
Rowys, lozengy, ar. and gu. ; on a bend az. two a cross moline, pierced, az.
annulets, interlaced, in chief point of the first. Rudnall. See Rathenale.
Roxby, [Clapham, Surrey,] per chev. nebulee sa. Rudurwell. Same as Radwell.
Rudyer, or Rudyard, as Rudyer, 1st diet. Ruskall, or Rushall sa. a fesse and three lozen-
Ruemenhaid, ar. a fesse az. ges, in chief ar.
Ruff, or, a dexter hand, apaumee, gu. ; a chief, Ruskyn, or Rusken, as Ruskyn, 1st diet.
nehulee, az. Crest, a stag, statant, transfixed Russale. [Salop,] sa. a fesse betw. six martlets or.
with an arrow, ppr. Russall, sa. a fesse ar. betw. six martlets or.
Ii FFY, ar. on a chev. gu. three wheat-sheaves or. Russehale, or, a fesse betw. six martlets, sa.
Crest, a denii archer shooting an arrow from Russel, [ Kingseat, ] ar. a chev. betw. three
a bow. powits, or tadpoles, sa. a bordure of the last.

Ri fus, ar. three palets az. a bordure erm. and a Crest, a fountain ppr.
chief gu. Crest, an antique crown or. Russell, ] Workington, Cumb.] ar. a lion ramp.
Rugemont, barry of six. or and gu. gu.; on a chief sa. three roses of the field.
Rugewin, erm. a fesse betw. three lions' heads, Crest, a goat pass. ar. attired or.
erased, ermines. Russell, [Falmouth, Cornw.] ar. a chev. gu. betw.
Rugewyn, as Ri'gewin, in 1st diet. three escallops sa.
RlGGELAY, as RlIGELEY, 1st diet. Russell, [Brancepeth, Castle, Durham,] ar. on a
Ruishall, or Russell. See 1st diet. chev. betw. three cross crosslets fitchee sa., an
Riley, Rile, or Rull, sa. a sun in his glory, escallop or. Crest, a goat pass. ar.
or. ar. three bugle-horns sa.
Russell, [ Ireland, ]

Rumbyloo, ar. on a bend gu. three etoiles of garnished and stringed vert Crest, a phcenix
the field. in flames, ppr.
Rumford, three pheons, in chief, az.
ar. Crest, Russell, [Henley-upon-Thames and London,] gu.
a hand holding a leg, in armour, couped at the on a fesse erm. betw. three swans ar, as many
thigh, embowed andspurred, ppr. mullets of the first, pierced or; all within a
Rumney, [Sheriff of London, 1603,] az. on a bordure engr. of the last.
bend, cottised, ar. three escallops gu. Russell,[N.amp.] ar. a chev, betw. three roundles,
Rumney, as 1st diet. Crest, a lion, statant, az.
guard, ppr. Russell, [Norf.] ar. a lion ramp, within a bordure.
Ri mpney. See Rompney. gu -

Ri msay, az. three bezants. Russell, [of that Ilk,] ar. a chev. betw. three
Rumsey, ar. a fesse gu. ; a label of five points az. powets, or tadpoles, sa.
Crest, a horned owl ppr. Russell. [Longridge,] ar. a lion ramp. betw. a
Ripe, erm. three chev.... Crest, out of a crescent in the dexter chief and sinister base,
ducal coronet, five ostrich's feathers. and the same in the sinister chief and in dexter
Rus, chequy, or and gu. base, all or; on a chief az. three mullets of the
Rusald, gu. on a chief, indented, or, a trefoil sa. field. Crest, a dexter hand sustaining on the
Rish, gu. on a fesse, betw. three horses, current, point of a sword a pair of balances, all ppr.
ar. as many annulets az. Crest, a wolf's head, Russell, [Newton House, Yorks.] or, on a fesse
erased, erm. embattled, and counter-embattled sa. betw.
Rush, ar. on a chev. az. three crescents of the three leopards' faces az. two mullets ar.
field. Russell, ar. a chev. betw. three cross crosslets fit-

Rushall, sa. a fesse betw. three lozenges, ar. chee sa. Crest, a pyramid of leaves az.
Rushatt. See Ruskal. Russell, or, on a fesse, embattled, counter-embat-
Rusham, [Line] sa. on a fesse ar. betw. six tled, sa. betw. three leopards' faces gu. a mullet
martlets or, three roses gu. of six points betw. two crescents ar.
Ri -hbrook, as 1st Rushbrooke, 1st diet. Russell, gu. on a chev. betw. three mullets, ar. as
Crest, a catherine-wheel sa. embrued gu. many ducks sa.

Rishbrook, a fesse
. . betw. three roses.
. .
. .
Russell, gu. on a bend sa. three ducks ar.
Crest, a lion, sejant, holding in the dexter Russell, gu. on a bend sa. fimbriated or, two mul-
paw a rose, slipped and leaved. lets, pierced, and as many ducks ar. one betw.
Rushbrooke, as last in 1st diet. Crest, a rose or. the other, a mullet first, &c.
Ri she, as 1st in 1st diet. Crest, a horse's head, Russell, paly of eight, or and gu. ; a chief az.
erased, vert, guttee ar. Russell, gu. a saltier betw. four leopards' heads, or.
Rlshton, [Lane] or, a lion pass, sa. ; on a Russell, sa. a chev. betw. three roses, ar.
chief of the second, a trefoil, slipped, ar. Russell, gu. on a bend ar. three roses of the first.
rest, on a chapean gu. turned up erm. a denii Russell, ar. a lion ramp. gu. ; on a chief sa. three
lion of the last. escallops of the first.

Russell, paly of eight, or and gu. a chief az. Rychers. See Richars, 1st diet.
Russell, erm. a fret or ; a chief gu. Rvchthorne. See Rickthorne, 1st diet.
Russell, or Ruishall, sa. in chief three lozenges ar. Rycroft, or Renofte, quarterly, ar. and gu. ; on
Russell. See Rossell, both diets. a bend sa.three mullets or.
Russen. See Ruston. Rydall, or, on a bend az. three catharine-
Ruston, or Russen, ar. on a bend sa. three mul- wheels ar.
lets or. Rydalle, ar. a fesse, betw. three garbs, az.
Ruthall, gu. a cross engr. ar. betw. four birds of Ryde. See Ryed.
the last ; on a chief, quarterly, of the second Rydell, gu. a lion ramp, or, within a bordure,
and erm. two roses gu. stalked and leaved, indented, ar.
vert. Rydell, sa. on a fesse, betw. three owls, ar. five
Ruthefos, [Cornw.] sa. an escarbuncle or. crosses pattee of the first.
Rutherford, ar. a martlet within an orle, gu. ; Rydell. See Riddall, and Ridall.
in chief two martlets of the second. Crest, on Rydells, [Yorks.] ar. a chev. betw. three crosses
a rock a goose, ppr. botonnee fitchee, sa.
Rutherfurd, [of that Ilk in Teviotdale,] ar. an Ryder, ar. on a bend az. three crescents or.
orle gu. and in chief three martlets sa. Crest, Rydford, erm. a fesse sa. (Another, gu.)
a martlet sa. Rydmedishell, sa. a chev. or.
Rutherfurd, [Edzerstoun, Scotland; Lyon Regis- Rydmore, gu. three mullets ar.
ter.] The same arms. Rydon, quarterly, per fesse, indented, gu. and
Rutherfurd, [Faimingtoun, Scotland; Lyon Re- ar. in the first and fourth, a crescent
in the ;

gister,] ar. an orle engr. gu. ;

in chief three second and third, a leopard's head, counter-
martlets sa. Crest, a martlet sa. changed.
Ruthfio, sa. an escarbuncle of twelve points or. Rydon, [Devons.] per pale, ar. and gu. a griffin,
Rutland. See Rotland, 1st diet. segreant, counterchanged.
Rutledge, [Ireland,] gu. a cross . .
Crest, an Rydon, or, on a pile engr. az. three cross crosslets
antique crown or. fitchee.
Ruton. See Royton. Rye, as of Whitwell, 1st diet. Crest, an ostrich's
Rutter, or, three stumps of trees, eradicated, and feather, enfiled with a ducal coronet, ppr.
couped at the tops, sa. Rye, [Yorks.] gu. a bend erm. ; a label of five
Ruxton, or Ruckstone, three bulls' heads,
ar. points or.
erased, sa. Crest, out of a ducal
attired or. Rye, ar. on a bend erm. three ears of wheat sa.
coronet or, a bull's head as in the arms. Crest, a hand ppr. sleeve purp. holding three
Ruxton, [Ireland,] or, three piles, in point, issu- ears of wheat or.
ing from the sinister, gu. Crest, a hand, gaunt- Rye, az. six crescents or, three, two, and one.
leted, holding an arrow, ppr. Ryed, or Ryede, as 2nd in 1st diet. Crest, a
Ruyshall, sa. three lozenges, in chief, ar. lion, couchant, guard, ppr.
Ryan, [Ireland,] as 1st diet. Crest, a griffin's Ryed, or Riede, az. a fesse
ar. betw. three
head, erased, ppr. ostriches' heads, erased, of the second, with
Ryan, gu. on a chief ar. three lions' heads, erased, horse-shoes in their mouths, or.
of the field. Crest, the sun rising from behind Ryed, or Ryde, gu. five lozenges, in bend, ar.
a hill, ppr. (Another, erm.)
Ryan, harry of ten, or and gu. Crest, a hand Ryeed, [Devons.] gu. five lozenges, in bend,
ppr. vested az. cuffed ar. holding a baton gu. erm.
virolled or. Rygesford. See Rybford.
Rybford, or Rygesford, erm. a chev. gu. fretty Rygges, erm. a cross patonce purp.
or. Rykesdon, or Rykdon, ar. on a bend sa. tbree
Rycarby, ar. on a fesse az. betw. three eagles boars' heads, couped, or.
displ. of the second, armed or, as many fleurs- Rykhill, gu. two bars betw. three annulets ar.
de-lis of the third. Rykin, ar. a chev. betw. three talbots, gu.
Rycard, gu. a bend vair, betw. two garbs or; on Ryland, or, nine mullets, in saltier, gu. Crest, a
a chief ar. three chess-rooks sa. portcullis sa.
Ryce, or Ryse, ar. on a chev. betw. three spear- Ry leston, sa. a saltier ar.
heads gu. five plates ; on a chief az. three birds Ryley, sa. on a pile or, three crosses pattee of the
or. first. Crest, a demi dragon or, holding a cross
Rycer, [Yorks.] az. three increscents or. pattee fitchee sa.
Ryley, or Riley, or, a fesse betw. three crosses arm purp. hand ppr. holding a streamer, staff
formee fitcWe sa. Crest, a crane's head, ar. on the flag, in an escutcheon of the last, a
erased, ar. cross sa.
RylstoNj sa. on a saltier ar. a crescent gu. Sabston, ar. three trunks of trees,
couped and
Rymer, [Scotland,] gu. an oak-tree, eradicated, raguly, in pale, sa. flammant or.
or in chief a
greyhound, current, ar. collared Sacare, gu. on a fesse, betw. three saltiers, or,
of the second. Crest, a hand holding a sword two bends vert.
Motto, Ense animus major.
erect, all ppr. SacarYj gu. on a fesse or, betw. three saltiers ar.
Rympringden, gu. on a bend engr. or, betw. three two bends vert.
bugle-horns ar. as many pellets. Sacheverell, [Morley, Derb.] Crest, on a
Rynell, per pale, erm. and sa. a chev. gu. water-bouget or, a leure gu. the top az. thereon
Crest, a hand holding an eagle's leg, erased, a falcon, belled, ar.

PP^ Sachevile. See Sychevile.

\\\ ngwood, chev. componee, or and sa. betw.
ar. a Sacker. See Saker.
three moor-cocks of the last. Sackevill, [Kent,] quarterly, or and gu. a bend
Ryngwood, ar. a chev. componee, or and sa. betw. vair.
three cocks' heads, erased, sa. combed and wat- Sackford, as 1st in 1st diet. Crest, a Savage's
tled gu. head ppr. banded gu.
Ryxxoke. Same as Pynxoke. Sackvill, as 1st Saxkoile, 1st diet. Crest, a
\\\ vsford, gu. fretty erm. ram's head, erased, sa. attired or.
Rvre, az. three crescents or. Sacre. See Secker.
Rvs, gu. a chev. vair, betw. three leopards' heads Sadellayer, ar. a bee-hive sa. charged with a
or. buck, lodged, ar. attired or.
Ryse. See Ryce. Sadleyr, per and erm. ; in chief an
saltier, or
Ryshall, gu. three lozenges, in chief, ar. escutcheon a stag, lodged, ar. ; in
sa. thereon
Ryston, ar. three mullets betw. two bars engr. sa. base a like escutcheon as in chief; on the dex-
Ryth, per pale, gu. and sa. a cross botonnee fit- ter side, on an escutcheon gu. a bend ar. charged
chee or, betw. four fleurs-de-lis ar. with three crosslets fitchee sa. betw. two garbs
Rythe, as 2nd in 1st cbct. Crest, a hawk ppr. or on the sinister side, a like escutcheon sa.

Rythe. See Rede. charged with a harp ar. Crest, a beaver or.
Ryton, as 1st in 1st diet. Crest, a dolphin, Saer, or Sayer, gu. a chev. betw. three sea-
naiant, az. pies, or.
Ryve, az. on a fesse engr. betw. three escal-
or, Sage, per pale, erminois and vert, three fleurs-de-
lops ar. as many eagles displ. sa. in chief a ; lis count erchanged. Crest, a stag's head, erased
mullet. and erect, ppr.
Rvveli., per pale, ar. and sa. over all a chev. ; Sagrexor, gu. an etoile in the sinister chief, and
gu. Crest, a buck's head, couped, ppr. attired one in base, or ;
on a free quarter ar. another
or. etoile sa. Crest, a cross moline, lozenge
Ryver, vaire, ar. and gu. within a bordure az. pierced, gu.
bezantee. Saixsbury, ar. six etoiles gu. Crest, a hand
Ryver, or De la Ryrer, az. two bars nebulee or. holding a ducal coronet, capped, betw. two
Ryvers, ar. fretty sa. an inescutcheon gu. branches of laurel, in orle, ppr.
Ryves, [Ireland,] ar. three mascles, in bend, betw. Saint, [Newcastle,] az. three cherubs or, the
two cottises, sa. Crest, an escutcheon, quar- wings counter-crossed saltierways.
terly, or and gu. betw. two cypress-branches, in St. Alban, az. a chev. betw. three cups, or.
orle, vert. St. Albayne, erm. on a cross gu. five bezants.
Rywallon, erm. a lion ramp. sa. St. Albond, erm. on a cross gu. nine bezants.
St. Albons, ar. two bars gu. on a chief of the ;

last, a greyhound, current, per pale, or and erm.

s St. Alborns, erm. on a cross sa. five bezants.

St. Amaxd, ar. on a chev. sa. betw. three bugle-
horns gu. as many mascles or.
Sabben, az. a file of five lambeaux, or, in chief. St. Amoxd, [England,] as 4th in 1st diet.
Crest, a demi Savage ppr. Crest, in a ducal coronet gu. an ass's head ar,
Sable, [Granted by Cooke,'] ar. on a pale, betw. St. .imond, [Scotland.] The same arms. Crest,
two anchors, sa. three etoiles . .
Crest, an an arm, an armour, brandishing a scimitar, ppr.
3 2 ] Q
St. Amond, or, fretty sa.; on a chief of the second, St. Hill, or, on a fesse, betw. three fleurs-de-lis*
a lion pass, guard, ar. betw. two martlets of the az. as many bezants; on a chief gu. fretty of
first. Crest, a mule's head, couped, az. collared the first, three fleurs-de-lis of the last.
or. betw. three bezants, one and two; on the St. Hillary, sa. three leopards' heads jessant a
cheek a martlet or. fleur-de-lis, ar. betw. nine crosslets fitchee of
St. Amond, or, fretty az.; on a chief of the second, the second.
a lion guard, ar. betw. two martlets of the
pass, St. Ive, ar. three lions' pass, in pale, gu.
first. St. John, as 1st in 1st diet. Crest, a monkey
St. Amond, quarterly first and fourth, gu. a fesse
; pass. or.
betw. six martlets or; second and third ar. St. John, [Cornw.] ar. a bend, cottised, sa. ; 011 a
three escallops gu. chief gu. three mullets of the first.
St. Andrew, or Andrea, as 2nd in 1st diet. St. John, as 4th in 1st diet. Crest, a falcon,
Crest, a dolphin, haurient, ar. volant, or, ducally gorged gu.
[Ireland,] ar. a bend gu. ; on
St. Andrew, ar. six mascles sa. Crest, a cinque- St. John, a chief of
foil .. . the last, three mullets or. Crest, a long cross
St. Andrew, ar. a cross engr. florretty sa. within gu. upon three grieces ar.

a bordure gu. platee. St. John, [Scotland,] per ,

az. and or, a thistle
. .

St. Aubin, ar. on a cross sa. three plates. vert, ensigned with a royal crown of the second.
St. Aubyn, or, on a cross sa. five plates. St. John, ar. a bend gu. ; on a chief of the last,
St. Aubyn, erm. on a cross gu. five bezants; in the two mullets or. Crest, a monkey pass. ppr.
first quarter an annulet . . . St. John, erm. on a chief gu. three mullets or.
St. Awber, [Cornw.] erm. on a cross gu. five St. John, ar. a bordure engr. sa. ; over all, on a
bezants. chief gu. two mullets or.
St. Barbe, [Somers.] chequy, ar. andsa.. Crest, St. John, ar. on a chief, indented, gu. two mullets
a wivern. or '
St. Barbe, chequy of twelve, ar. and sa. Crest, St. John, ar. on a chief, indented, gu. a crescent
a wivern sa. betw. two mullets, or.
St. Barbe, az. a fish ar. betw. six cross crosslets or. St. Jons, ar. a bend gu.; on a chief of the last,
St. Barbe, [ Ashing ton, Somers.; Hampshire; two mullets, or.
Alderbury, Wilts.; and Dorsetshire,] chequy St. Julian, ar. a cross crosslet, in saltier, sa.
of twelve ar. and sa. Crest, a wivern sa. St. Lawrence, ar. on a cross patonce sa. five
[Borne by Chas. St. Barbe, of Lymingtou, Co.
Hants. Esq. 1832.] St. Leger, az. a fret ar. a chief or. Crest, a

St. Beryn. The same as St. Bern, 1st diet. mullet of five points, pierced, gu.
the field ar. St. Leger. [Ireland,] az. a fret ar. ; a chief of the
St. Clair, [Scotland,] ar. a cross engr. sa. last. Crest, a mullet ar. betw. two palm-
Crest, a phoenix, in flames, ppr. branches vert.
St. Cleere. See St. Clere. St.Leger, or, a bend gu.
St. Cler, or, a lion ramp. gu. within a bordure St. Leger, az. fretty ar. ; on a chief or, a crescent
sa. charged with eight bezants. gu. Crest, an eagle displ. sa. issuing from a
St. Clere, as 1st in 1st diet. Crest, a fox, plume of feathers, ar.
current, ppr. St. Leger, az. fretty ar. ; a canton or. Crest, a
St. Clere, az. a star of sixteen points or; on a griffin pass. or.
canton gu. a lion pass. ar. St. Leger, az. fretty ar. ;
a canton gu.
St. Clis, paly of six or and gu. St. Leize, or Seintliz. The same as St. Liz.
St. Clowe, ar. a chev. gu. betw. three nails sa. St. Leyze, two bars gu. fretty or.

St. Denouac, gu. ten billets or, four, two, and St. Lis, or, on a chief az. two saltiers ar.
four. Crest, a vol. ppr. St. Liz, ar. two bars gu. fretty or.
St. George, [Somers.] az. on a chief or, a demi Saintlo, or St. Lowe, ar. on a bend sa. an an-
lion ramp, issuant, gu. nulet or.
St. George, ar. a cross patonce sa. St. Lo, [Chidcock,] ar. abend sa.; overall alabel
St. George, ar. on a chief az. a lion pass or. of three points gu.
St. Germyn. as 1st in 1st diet. Crest, a demi St. Lo, [Little Fortmell,] ar. on a bend sa. three

otter . . . annulets . . . Crest, a Moor's head ppr. full-

St. Germyn, gu. a fesse, embattled, ar. betw. faced.
three leopards' heads or. St. Loe, ar. on a bend sa. three annulets or ; over
label gu.
all a Crest, a Moor's bead, side-faced, Salcock, ar. three dunghil-cocks gu.
wreathed round the head ar. and >a. Sale, as 1st in 1st diet. Crest, a demi chevalier
St. Low, as 2nd in 1st diet. Crest, a water- brandishing a sword.
bouget sa. Sales, as 1st diet. Crest, on a ducal coronet or,
S r. Lowe, ar. a bend sa. ; over all a label of three a wivern, sejant, vert.
points gu. Salford, [Burton-upon-Trent,] ar. on a fesse
St. Loire, gu. a fesse betw. six escallops ar. engr. betw. three wolves pass. sa. collared or,
St. Loire, or St. Lowey, gu. a fesse betw. three as many boars' heads, couped close, of the last.
escallops, ar. Saliard, az. a chief erm.
St. Loire. See Saintlo. Salis, paly of six, ar. and gu. ; on a chief or, a
St. Lyz, gu. abend betw. six martlets, ar. Crest, tree, eradicated.
a demi lion ramp, or, holding a mullet sa. Salisberye. See Salisbury.
St. Maur, ar. two chev. gu. Crest, a falcon's Salisbury, [Manchester,] gu. a lion ramp. betw.
leg and wing conjoined, ppr. jessed and belled three crescents ar. Crest, a demi lion ramp.
or. couped, ar. crowned or, holding in the paws a
St. Maur, erm. two chev. sa. crescent, as in the arms.
St. Maure, or Seymour, erm. three chev. gu. Salisbury, gu. a lion ramp. ar. in the dexter paw
Crest, a branch of oak, fructed and leaved, a crescent of the second.
PP r -
Salisbury, gu. a lion, salient, ar. crowned or, betw.
St. Mercxey. See St. Martney, 1st diet. three crescents of the second.
St. Michael, gu. a cross ar.
or St. Michell, Salisbury, az. billettee, and a griffin, segreant,or.
Crest, out of a ducal coronet, a bear's head, Salisbury, or Salisberye, as 15th Salisbury in 1st
muzzled .. . diet.
St. Michell. See St. Michael, 1st diet. Salivell. See Salyvill, 1st diet.
St. More, ar. two chev. gu. ;
a label of three Salkesley. See Salesley', 1st diet.
points az. Sall. gu. two lions pass, guard, ar. within a bor-
St. Nicholas, erm. a chief, quarterly, or and dure engr.
Sall, erm. a fesse gu. two demi lions ramp, in

St. Owen, as 1st in Crest, a lion's

1st diet. chief, issuant from the fesse, of the second in ;

paw surmounted of a chev. and thereon a mullet base three mascles of the last.
sa. Salle, az. three falcons' heads, erased, or, within
aSV. Owen. Same arms. Crest, a demi Savage a bordure gu.
holding a club. Salle, az. three griffins' heads, erased, ar. within
>SV. Oiren, gu. a cross ar. ; on a canton or, three a bordure gu.
chev. of the first. Crest, an escallop or, betw. Sallesley , or, two chev. gu. ;
in the dexter cor-
two wings gu. ner a crescent sa.
St. Paul, [Snarford, Line] Crest, 1st diet. ppr. Salley', [Ruts.] as Sall of Ruts. 1st diet.
St. Philibert, [Norf.] bendy of six, ar. and az. ; Sallinge, gu. a saltier or, betw. four roses ar.
a crescent for difF. Sallywell, ar. on a chief or, two palets wavy gu.
St. Philibert, as of Oxford, 1st diet. Crest, out Salman. The same as Saltman.
of a mural coronet, a leopard's head, ducally Salme, ar. a chief az.
gorged. Salmon, [Chester and Middlesex,] see 1st diet.
St. Pierre. See St. Pere, 1st diet. and add another crest, a naked arm, embowed,
St. Pole, See St. Paul, 1st diet. grasping a trident or.
St. Port, or, two lions pass. gu. Salmon, [Ireland,] ar. on a chief sa. three mullets
St. Quintin, or, two chev. gu.; a chief az. with eight points, pierced, of the field. Crest,
St. Quintin, or, on a chev. gu. a martlet, ar. a ;
a dexter hand brandishing a sword.
chief vair. Salmon. See Saltman.
St. Saver, az. three crescents betw. nine cross Salmond, as 1st Salmo?i in 1st diet. Crest, a
crosslets, or. salmon, naiant, ppr.
St. Saviour. See St. Savoyre, 1st diet. Salobus, ar. a fesse gu. betw. two cottises nebu-
St. Savoir, or Sanzavoir, az. three crescents lee of the second.
betw. seven crosslets, or. Salse, sa. a cross engr. erm. within a bordure
Sakvile, erm. three chev. gu. ar.
S wcliffe, [Yorks.] gu. alionramp. ar. depressed Salsham. See Salesham, 1st diet.
by two bars, sa. Salsomarisco. See Saltmarsh, 1st diet.
Salter, as last in 1st diet. Crest, a falcon's head Sampkin, ar. a fesse nebulee gu. betw. three
gu. charged on the neck with three billets or. cinquefoils sa.
Salter, [Dundee, Scotland,] a butcher's axe,
. .
, Sampkin. See Samkin.
head to the sinister, a steel, a knife, and cut- Sampson, gu. a cross, componee or and sa.

ting-knife, all pale ways, in fesse, . . .

Sampson, or, a cross patonce sa.
Salter. Same arms. Crest, an eagle's head, Sampson, or, a windmill sa. standing on a mount
couped, gu. billettee or.
Salter, ar. a chev. debruised, sa. betw. three mul- Sampton, or Samton, or, a chief az.
lets,pierced, of the last. Sams. See Sammes.
Salthouse, vert, on a chief ar. an eagle displ. sa. Samson, [Scotland,] per bend, or and ar. a lion
Crest, a dexter hand holding a book, open, . .
ramp. betw. three mullets, counterchanged.
Saltmarsh, ar. crusily, three cinquefoils gu. Crest, a dexter hand issuing out of a wreath,
pierced of the first. Crest, a rudder or. grasping a Hercules's club, all ppr.
Saltmarshe, ar. three roses gu. betw. nine cross Samson, or, two lions pass, guard, gu.
crosslets of the last. Samtim, ar. a fesse gu. betw. three boars' heads,

Saltmere, ar. three cinquefoils gu. betw. nine couped, sa.

cross crosslets of the last. Samton. See Sampton.
Saltmers, [Line] The same. Samuel, ar. two squirrels, endorsed, gu.
Saltren, Trebuddick, Cornw.] gu. a lion ramp, Samuell, alias Samwell, [Doncaster, Yorks.]
betw. seven mullets, ar. three, two, and two. as 1st diet.
Crest, a lion ramp. Samwayes, [Bradway, and Toller- Winterborn,
Saltworth, ,
three inescutcheons vair.
. . Devons,] See 1st diet. Crest, holding a mul-
Salusbury, az. on a saltier ar. four martlets gu. let gu.
ar. two squirrels,
Salusbury, sa. a saltier engr. betw. four martlets, ar. Samwell, [Corn.] sejant, en-
Salvayn, ar. on a chief sa. a fleur-de-lis or, betw. dorsed, gu. within a bordure sa, Crest, on a
two mullets of the last, pierced gu. wreath, a ducal coronet, thereon a squirrel,
Salveir, sa. a saltier engr. or. sejant, gu. cracking a nut of the first, stalked
Salvin, [Croxdale, and Burn Hall, Durham,] ar. and leaved.
on a chief sa. two mullets or. Samwell, erm. two squirrels endorsed, gu.
Salvin, ar. on a chief sa. a T betw. two mullets. Samwell. See Samuell.
Salway, ar. a bend engr. gu. on a chief sa. two
; Sanchet, or Sauchet, or, a castle az.
mullets or, pierced of the second. Sancroft, ar on a chev. betw. three crosses
Salyvill, Salivell, as 1st diet.
or pattee gu. as many ducks.
Samay, gu. a cross moline ar. Sandall, ar. fretty sa.; in each interstice a cross
Samboche. See Sambadge, 1st diet. crosslet.
Samborne, as 1st in 1st diet. Crest, a dexter Sandboche. See Sambadge, 1st diet.
hand holding a sheaf of arrows, ppr. Sandby, ar. a fret, couped, sa.
Sambourghe, quarterly, ar. and sa. a bend gu. ; Sandby, or Sanby, as 1st diet. Crest, an
Samby, ar. a fret az. Crest, a winged heart or. antelope pass. or.
Samby. See Sandby. Sandby, ar. fretty az. within a bordure engr. or.
Samford, harry nebulee of six, ar. and az. Sandelby, ar. three bars gu. each charged with
Sam ford, ar. two bars az. on a canton or, a
fesse as many cross crosslets or.
gu. ; in chief three lozenges of the last. Sandell, per pale, or and gu. ; on a chev. ar.
Samler, gu. two bars dancettee or. Crest, an betw. three crescents counterchanged, of the
arm, in armour, embowed, ppr. holding a battle- second and first, as many cinquefoils az. Crest,
axe or. a flag, issuant, charged with a cross sa.
Sammes, gu. two salmons, haurient, ar. finned or. Sandeman, [Perth, Scotland,] ar. a naked wo-
Crest, a lion ramp. ar. collared and chained or. man standing on a globe issuing from the base,
Samnell. See Samell. holding in the dexter hand a book, and in her
Samon, sa. three salmons, haurient, ar. sinister a palm-branch, upon her breast the sun
Samon, [Notts.] ar. a bend az. betw. a mullet, in splendour, and flowing round the figure a web
pierced, gu. in chief, and an annulet in base, of of linen, all ppr. all within a bordure az. charged
the last. with eight mullets or. Crest, a rock ppr.
Samon. See Salmon. Sander, sa. a chev. engr. betw. three bull's heads,
Samore, on a chief or, a crescent (Another,
az. cabossed, ar.
three crescents) of the last. Sanders, [Ireland,] sa. a chev. betw. three bull's
heads, cabossed, ar. Crest, a boar's head, Kildare, -it h June, 1683.] ( Created a Baronet
erased, or. 13th Nov. 1676.]
Sanders, [Scotland.] ar. a fesse betw. three cross Sands. See Sandes, 1st diet.
crosslets fitchee, gu. Crest, an antelope's head Sandwell. See Sand w ye r.
erni. collared gu. Sandwich, or, a chief, indented, vert; over all a

Sanders, per fesse indented, or and az. bendlet gu.

Sanders, per chev. sa. and ar. three elephant's Sanford, ar. on a chief az. three boar's heads.
heads, erased, counterchanged. couped, or.
Sanders, See Saunders. Sanford, ar. six annulets gu. Crest, abull'sheadgu.
Swderson, [Brancepeth, Durham,] paly of six, Sanford. See Sandford,
ar. and az. ; on a bend sa. a sword Sangster ar. a chev. sa. betw. three blackbirds
ppr. hilt and
pomel or. Crest, a talbot pass, spotted sa. ppr. Crest, on a rock a blackbird, ppr.

Note, The sword upon the bend was granted to H. Sangster, or Songster, [Scotland,] ar. a chev.
Sanderson, Esq. Constable of the King's Castle, Brance- gu. betw. three blackbirds sa. Crest, a black-
path, as an augmentation, by William Segar, Garter, and bird ppr.
Richard St. George, Norroy, 27 Feb. 1630. (See Dugdale's chev. erm.
Sankewell, gu. three
Sankey, ar. on abend purp. three fishes ar.
Sanderson, [Hedley Hope, Durham and ;
of New- Sankey, [Ireland,] ar. on a bend sa. three fishes,
castle on Tyne,] quarterly; first and fourth, as bendways, counterchanged. Crest, a peacock's
the last second and third, per bend indented,
; head, couped, ppr.
az. and ar. three cinquefoils counterchanged, for San keys, or Sankes, ar. on a bend sa. three
Chaytor. Crest, as the last. fishes, bendways, of the first.
Sanderson, [Scotland,] ar. three bendlets sa. Sankwell. See Sanckwell, 1st diet.
Sandes, ar. a cross, raguly and trunked sa. Sanmarsh, ar. a fesse dancettee gu.
Sondes. See Sa?tds, and Sandez. Sannerly's. See St. Nicolas.
Sandez, or Sandes, ar. a fesse dancettee gu. Sannes, quarterly, az. and or.
betw. three crosses of the second. Sansun, gu. a lion ramp, or, in the dexter paw a
Sandilands, [Edinburgh, Scotland.] The arms battle-axe ar. Crest, a lion's head, erased,
of Sandilands and Douglas quarterly, as 1st holding in the mouth a cinquefoil vert.
diet, with suitable cliff. Crest, an eagle displ. San ton, az. a chief or. Crest, a swan ppr.
Sandilands, [Hilderstoun, Scotland,] quarterly ; Sanzavoir. See St. Savoir.
first and fourth, ar. on a chief az. an imperial Sapcot. ar. three belt-buckles sa. Crest, a demi
crown or, crowning a thistle, in base, vert, lion ramp. az. holding in the dexter paw a sword
flowered gu. ; second, quarterly first and fourth,
ar. a bend az. ; second and third, ar. a heart Sapcott, as Sapcotes, 1st diet. Crest, a goat s
gu. crowned or, and on a chief az. three mullets head, erased, sa. armed or.
of the field: third, ar. a shakefork sa. Crest, Sapcott, ar. three belt-buckles sa.
an eagle, volant, ppr. Saperham, ar. a bend, embattled, counter-em-
Sandilands, [Scotland,] ar. a bend az. Crest, an battled, sa.
eagle displ. or. Saphar, chequy of six tracts, each way, ar. and
S \NDOM, ar. a fret gu. cantoned with twelve pel- vert. Crest, a beacon of fire ppr.
lets. Crest, out of a ducal coronet, a phcenix Sapie, as 2nd Sapye, 1st diet. Crest, a plate ar.
in flames, ppr.
charged with a lion's head, erased, gu.
SandoNj [Ashby, Line] in 1st diet, read bulls' Sapill, per fesse, gu. and az. three cinquefoils or.
heads, ar. S\\pton, or, an eagle displ. vert; over all a bend-
Sandon, quarterly; first and fourth, paly of six, let gobonated, ar. and gu.
sa. and ar. second and third, gu. a Saracen's
; Sapy, or Sapye, gu. three round buckles or.
head, side-faced, couped, ar. tongues in pale. Crest, a falcon's wing and leg.
Sandon, gu. a chev. wavy betw. three bull's heads, conjoined, ppr. jessed and belled or.
cabossed, ar. Sapy", ar. on a bend az. cottised gu. three eagles
Sands, [Ireland,] gu. on a chev. ar. three moors' displ. or.
heads, couped sa. betw. as many cross crosslets Sapye. See Sapy, above.
fitchee, or, quartering Clarke, of Ireland. Sapyll, az. a cinquefoil or; on a chief gu. two
Crest, a Moor's head, ppr. [
Granted by cinquefoils of the second.
Carney, Ulster, to Sir William Sands, Late Sarc ester, gu. a chief, indented, ar.
of Throivleij, Kent, now of Blackhall, Co. Sarebruche, az. senile of cross crosslets fitchee
or, a lion ramp. ar. ducally crowned of the gu. Crest, a demi bull, erased, gu., on the
second. Crest, a horse's head or, couped and shoulder a rose ar. mane of the last.
bridled gu. Saunders, [Leic. Oxon, and Warw.] per chev. sa.
Sarelling, or, on a chief gu. three fusils ar. and three elephants' heads, erased, two and

Smelling. See Saraling, 1st diet. one, counterchanged. Crest, an elephant's

Sarf.s, [Kent.] See Seres, Kent, 1st diet. head, erased sa. eared ar. (Another, erased,
Sores, [Fulham, Midd. and Billinghurst, Suff.]
; per chev. ar and sa.)
See Seres, 2nd in 1st diet. Saunders, or Sanders, [Oxon,] ar. a lion ramp.
Saresberv, az. six lions ramp. or. Crest, a fish, az. within a bordure of the second, charged
haurient. with a fleur-de-lis or.
Sarffs, gyronny of eight, ar. and az. Sau?iders, [Ganted 3 May, 17G1,] sa. a chev. enn.
Sargant, or Sargeant, as of Staffords., 1st cottisedor, betw. three bulls' heads, cabossed, ar.
diet. Crest, two eagles' wings, conjoined and Crest, out of a naval coronet ar. a demi bull
inverted, ppr. ramp, gu. armed and hoofed or.
Sariant, gu. a bend nebulee betw. two dolphins, Saunders, [Granted 1(310,] per chev. or and gu.
haurient, ar. three elephants' heads counterchanged; a chief
Sarley, [Yorks.] ar. on a bend gu. three garbs of the last.
or. Saunders, ar. three fleurs-de-lis sa. ; on a chief of
Sarmon, az. a chev. betw. three crosses moline, the second, as many fleurs-de lis of the first.
or. Crest, an elephant pass. ar. Saunders, or, a saltier vert, fimbriated gu.
Sarsfield, [Ireland,] per pale, ar. andgu. a fleur- Saunders, ar. a lion ramp. gu. over all a bend

de-lis counterchanged. vert.

Sarsfield. See Sarnesfield, 1st diet. Saunders. See Sanders.

Sarson, or, three crescents sa.Crest, a wolf Saunderson. As Sanderson, of Brancepeth,
collared and lined, holding in the dexter fore before. Crest, an arm, embowed, in armour,
paw a fleur-de-lis. holding in the hand a scimitar.
Saschant. See Sasthant, 1st diet. Saunderson. See Sarjeantson, 1st diet.
Sashchaunt, as Sasthant, 1st diet. Saunton, [Line] ar. a chief az.
Satham, sa. three pheons ar. Saunton. See Santo?/, 1st diet.
Satherthwayte. See Saterthwater, 1st diet. Savage, [Ireland,] az. three lions, ramp. ar.
Satterthwaite, ar. a bishop's mitre surmounted Crest, a Savage's head ppr.
of two swords in saltier, in chief a celestial crown Savage, [Earl of Rivers,] ar. six lions ramp. sa.
all ppr. Crest, a dexter arm embowed, in three, two, and one. Crest, a lion's paw, erect,
armour, holding a sword, dropping blood, ppr. in pale, sa.
Sattrey. See Saterdy, 1st diet, Savage, ar. a pale lozengy sa.
Sauchet. See Sanchet. Sewage, ar. a pile sa.
Sauchy, [of that Ilk,] gu. on a bend ar. betw. Savage, barry of six, or and az.
a cinquefoil of the second, in chief, and a hawk's Savaige, ar. on a fesse az. betw. two pheons sa.
leg, jessed and belled, or, in base, a hawk's leure three pheons or.
of the first. Savary, [Certified at the Coll. of Arms, London,
Saul, or Saule, ar. a chev. betw. three hawks' May, (This should have been added to
heads, sa. Crest, a swan ar. collared and lined the 3rd Savary in 1st diet, and not to Savile
gu. following it.)
Sailkeld, vert, fretty or. Save, [France,] ar. fretty sa.
Sailopher, az. a buck's head, cabossed, or. Saveignes, quarterly, sa. and or, three griffins'
Sault, as 1st in 1st diet. Crest, on a ducal heads, erased, counterchanged.
coronet gu. a wivern, sans legs, or. Saveinges, or Soveinges, per cross, sa. and or,
Saumon, ar. three salmons, haurient, gu. three griffins' heads counterchanged.
Sainder, ar. a lion ramp. az. crowned gu. within Savell, [Kent,] quarterly, or and az. abendvair.
a hordure of the second, charged with eight Save//, [Barraby, Line, and Save//, Yorks.] See
fleurs-de-lis or. Savile of these places in 1st diet.
Saunders, ar. a lion, ramp. az. within a chief of Savery, sa. a fesse, vair, betw. three unicorns'
the charged with eight etoils or.
last, heads, couped, or.
Saunders, [Little Ireton, Derb. and Charlwood, ; Saville, [Ruttbrd, Notts. and Thornhill, Yorks.

Surrey. G anted 1615,] sa. on a chev. erm. as 1st diet. [Created a Bart. 24 June, 1011.]
betw. three bulls' heads, cabossed, ar. a rose Savill. See Sayvell.
Savor, [Surrey,] az. three crescents or, within Saynell, ar. on a bend sa. three mullets of the
an orle of cross crosslets of the last. field.

Savory, paly of six ar. and vert; a chief sa. Saynes, [Newark,] sa, on a chev. betw. three

Crest, a hand holding a chapeau, betw. two wiverns, or. five mullets gu.
branches of laurel in orle. Sayperham, See Safferham, 1st diet.
Sawell. See Sawle, 1st diet. Sayre. See Sayer.
Sawers, [Scotland,] ar. a chev. engr. gu. betw. Sayvell, oi- Savill, ar. on a bend sa. three owls
two escallops, inchief, of the last, and a hand- of the first. Crest, the head and shoulders of
saw, paleways, az. handle or, in base. Crest, an Indian queen ppr. her vest gu. ducally
a dexter hand holding a scimitar, both ppr. ;
crowned or, crined, and necklace of the last ;

the last hilted and pommelled or. out of the crown a plume of feathers vert,
Sawford, lozengy, or and vert, a lion ramp. ar. charged with three cinquefoils ar.
Sawley, ar. on a bend, cottised, sa. three griffins' Scafe, az. on a chev. ar. betw. three wolves'
heads, erased, or. heads, erased, as many trefoils, slipped.
Sawnder, per chev. ar. and sa. three elephants' Scaife, [Newcastle on Tyne,] gu. six escallops
heads, erased, counterchanged. ar. three, two, and one. Crest, an escallop,
Sawsefele, gu. three reaping hooks ar. reversed, ppr.
Sawyer, or Sayer, ,
on a bend,
. .
cottised, sa. Scakvile, quarterly, or and gu. a bend vair.
three cinquefoils . . .
Scales, [Scotland.] Arms as of Middleton,
Saxby, barry of six, or and az. ; on a bend engr. 1st diet. Crest, a lion's paw, holding a branch
sa. cottised gu. three escallops of the first. of palm ppr.
Saxham. See Saxam, 1st diet. Scales, gu. six escallops, three, two, and one
Saxilby', gu. a bend, vair, betw. six escallops or. a bend az.

Saxsam, ar. six crosslets fitchee gu. ; a chief, Scales, gu. an escallop ar.
indented, az. Scanlaw, ar. a lion ramp. sa.
Saxton, sa. on a bend, cottised, ar. three chaplets Scarbrick, gu. three mullets betw. two cottises,
Say, quarterly, or and gu. Crest, in a ducal Scarchife, and Scarcliffe. See Skarchish.
coronet or, a bull's head sa. armed ar. Scarleton, ar. a chev. engr. betw. three griffins'
Say, or Sore, as 10th in 1st diet. heads, erased, sa.
Sa//, per pale, az. and gu. three chev. ar. each Scarleton. The same as Sharleton.
charged with another, humettee, counterchanged Scarlett, as 1st Scarlet in 1st diet, Crest, out
of the field. Crest, a buck's head, couped, or, of a ducal coronet or, a demi eagle displ. sa.
on a wreath of thorns, az. and gu. Scar Jung, ar. on a chev. sa. betw. three mullets
Sayer, [Michael-Penkevell, Cornw.] or, on a gu. as many cinquefoils or.
bend, cottised, sa. three cinquefoils of the first. Scarsberg. See Scharsbrige.
Crest, on a mount vert, a leopard, couchant, SCARSBOROUGH, OT SCARBOROUGH, aS SCARBO-
reguard. ppr. ROUGH, 1st diet. Crest, a rock ppr.
Sayer, [Preston, Durham; and Worsall, Yorks.] Scarsbridge. See Scarbridge, 1st diet.
gu. a chev. betw. three sea-pewits, ar. SCARSHALL. See SCHARSHALL, 1st diet,
Sayer, [Pulham, Norf.] gu a
chev. betw. three Scarth, [Leith, Scotland,] az. a dolphin, naiant,
sea-pies, ar. betw. three escallops or. Crest, on the stump
Sayer, or Sayre, [Worsall, Yorks.] The same, of a tree, couped, sprouting a branch from the
adding a chief erm. dexter side, and environed with a serpent, head
Sayer, gu. a chev. erm. betw. three sea-gulls ar. to sinister, an eagle, rising, all ppr.
Crest, a cubit arm, erect, ppr. holding a Scarysbroke, gu. two bars betw. three mullets,
dragon's head, erased, ar.
Sayer, gu. seven mascles, conjunct, in pale, or. Scasbridge. See Scarbridge, 1st diet,
Swers, ar. a chev. betw. three martlets, gu. Scatchard, ar. a bend az. betw. two cottises
Crest, a hand holding a scroll of paper betw. engr. gu. Crest, a bezant, charged with a stag
two branches of laurel, vert. ppr. on a mount vert.

Sayf.y, erm. on a bend, three roses of the first. Scaterten. See Scharterton.
Sayi.by, erm. on a fesse gu. three fleurs-de-lis or. Scepley. See Scekley, 1st diet.
Saysiell, per pale wavy, (Another, nebulee,) or Scepter, erm. on a chev. gu. three roses or.
and gu. six martlets, respecting each other, Crest, a demi lion ramp. ppr. langued gu. hold-
counterchanged. ing in the dexter paw a scimitar ppr.
Schamfer, sa. a fesse dancettee ar. Scheseldon. The same as Cheselden.
Schandoes, ar. on a cross sa. a leopard's face or. Schesle, paly of six, gu. and or on a chief ;

Schapell, gu. three chaplets or. ten plates.

SchapleY. See Scekley, 1st diet. Schesley, or Schessley, paly, of six gu. and or ;

Schapmar, [Scotland,] ar. a pale vert. Crest, a on a chief sa. ten bezants, four, two, and four.
tower ar. masoned sa. Schevile, [Devons.] az. three long bows or, each
Schardelow, ar. a chev. betw. three cross cross- charged with two arrows ar.
lets fitchee gu. Crest, a ship in full sail. Schevingtox, or Scharingtox, sa. a lion ramp,
Schardelow, ar. a chev. gu. betw. three crosses ar. depressed with a bendlet, gobonated, or and
botonnee fitchee az. gu.
Schardelow, gu. a cross ar. within a bordure engr. Schindler, sa. a chev. betw. three trefoils, ar.
or. Crest, an anchor and cable ppr.
Schardelow, a cross vair.
ar. Schmidt von Hartenstein. See Stahlschmidt.
Scharforough, or, two bars and a canton az. Schneider, gu. a lion ramp. ar. surmounted by a
Scharifer, sa. a fesse dancettee ar. chev. or, charged with three escallops sa.
Scharingbourn, gu. a lion ramp, or a canton ; Crest, from a round turret, a cornish chough,
erm. volant.
SCHARINGTON. See SCHEVINGTON. Schobington, ar. a chev. gu. betw. three squirrels,
Scharleston. Same arms as Scarleton. sejant, sa.
Scharley, paly of four, az. and ar. on a ; fesse Schoffield, Sciiofield, or Schefeld, ar. on a
nebulee sa. a martlet or. pale, double cottised, sa. three roses of the first.

Scharlow, sa. three bars ar. Crest, a fleur-de-lis or.

Scharsbrige, or Scarsberg, gu. on a bend engr. Scholdam, az. an eagle displ. or, armed gu.
ar. three lozenges of the first. Scholes, lozengy, sa. and ar. ; on a sinister can-
Scharterton, Scaterten, per chev. sa. and
or ton of the first, an annulet or. Crest, a cross
gu. three goats' heads, erased, ar. armed or, crosslet sa.
within a bordure engr. of the third. Scholley, gu. two ostriches' feathers, endorsed,
Schaterset. See Scatterset, 1st diet. or Crest, a dexter hand holding a sword ppr.
Schaterton, [Lane] per chev. sa. and ar. three Schomberg, gyronny of sixteen, gu. and ar. an
goats' heads counterchanged, within a bordure orle az. Crest, on a winged globe, a dove,
gu. rising, ppr.
Schaw, erm. two chev. betw. three mascles sa. Schomiunburge, gu. six escutcheons ar. three,
Crest, a rose gu. barbed vert. two, and one.
Schaw, [Scotland,] az. three covered cups or. Schopindon, ar. a fesse dancettee sa. ;
in chief

Crest, a covered cup or. three ogresses.

Scheerle, gu. a fret sa. masonry ar. Schorcher, gu. on a bend ar. two bars gemelles
Schefeld. See Scoffield. of the first.

Scheffeld, sa. two bars ar. the upper bar Schordich, [Ickenham, Middlesex,] quarterly,
couped in pale ; in the sinister chief quarter a erm. and ar. a cross gu.
garb or. Schorley, gu. a chev. chequy, ar. and sa.
Scheffeld, or Sheffeld, or, a fesse betw. six garbs Schotbotts, per pale, ar. and az. two lions, en-
gu -
dorsed, reguard. counterchanged.
Scheldon, gu. on a bend sa. fimbriated or, two Schotbotts. The same ; the lions combatant.
mullets of the last, and as many swans ar. alter- Schotten, per cross, gu. and ar.
nately. Schrieber, [Winchelsea, Hants.] erm. three grif-
Schelley, as 1st in 1st diet. Crest, an escallop fins' heads, erased, vert. Crest, a dexter arm,
gu. embowed, in armour, ppr. garnished or, holding
Schepingdale, az. two lions' paws, cheveronways, in the hand a dagger, the point towards the
ar. supporting a fleur-de-lis or. dexter, also ppr. pommel and hilt gold.
Scherley, gu. on a bend ar. three eagles' legs, Scrimshaw, vair, on an inescutcheon gu. a lion
couped at the thigh, sa. ramp. or.

Scherley, gu. a chev. componee, ar. and sa. betw. Schroder, per saltier, gu. and ar. four fleurs-de-
three fleurs-de-lis or. lis in cross, tops to the exterior, counterchanged.
Scherlei/, gu. fretty, gobony, ar. and sa. Crest, a castle, triple towered, ppr.
Scherlis, as 1st diet. Crest, a castle or. Schroeder, ar. a fesse gu. betw. three rose-

Scherlv, az. betw. two bars erm. three bezants. branches stalked and leaved, one erect, and two
crossed in saltier; in chief, ppr. and in base Scopley, [Midd.] az. a chev. betw. three cronels
three stars of six points of the second. Crest, or.
a rose-branch as in the arms, betw. two ele- Scopyn. See Scopham.
phants' trunks or. Scorpos, ar. an inescutcheon vert; in the dexter
Si in ltz, or ScHULTZEj chequy, az. and ar. chief a mullet.
Crest, on the top of an old castle in ruins, an Scorthose, [Temp. Erfic. III.] .
., a chev. betw.
eagle, volant. three escallops, . . .

Sohurley, or Shurley, paly of four, az. and ar. Scot, [Essex,] per pale indented, ar. and sa. a
on a fesse nebulee, betw. three bucks' heads, saltier counterchanged.

couped, ar. as many martlets sa. Scot, [Itchin, Hants, &c. ;] in 1st diet, read
Schuster, per fesse, az. and erm. in chief a lion Scott's Hall, Kent not Colls, Hall.

pass. . .
Crest, a lion pass. . .
Scot, [Abbotshall, Scotland.] ar. a pheon az. betw.
Sclater, as 1st diet. Add crest, out of a ducal three lions' heads, erased, gu.
coronet or, a demi eagle displ. sa. [Borne by Scot Robertson, [Uonholm, Scotland,] quarterly;
William Lnitley Sclater, Esq. (quartering May) first and fourth, gu. an inescutcheon betw. three
18:51. wolves' heads, erased, ar. ; second and third,
Sclater, as 1st diet. Crest, a hunting-horn, or, three lions' heads, erased, within a bordure
stringed, or. embattled, gu. Crest, a demi lion ppr. in the
Sclervs, ar. a chev. gu. betw. three cinquefoils az. dexter paw a rose gu. slipped and leaved vert.
ScLYNfisBv, [Yorks.] gu. a chev. or, betw. two Scot, [Balweery, Scotland,] ar. three lions' heads,
leopards' faces in chief, and a hunting-horn in erased, gu. langued az. Crest, a lion's head,
base, ar. erased, gu.
Scobell, [Cornw.] per pale, ar. and gu. three Scot, [Balmouth, Scotland,] or, a bend az. betw.
fleurs-de-lis ; in chief a label of three points ; three crescents of the last, within a bordure
counterchanged. Crest, a demi lion ramp. engr. and quarterly, gu. and ar. Crest, a star
holding a fleur-de-lis in his dexter paw. or.
Scobell, [Cornw.] ar. in chief a label, over all, az. Scot, [Edinburgh. Scotland,] or, on a bend az. a
and in base three fleurs-de-lis gu. Crest, a star betw. two crescents, of the field, within a
dexter hand holding up a bomb, inflamed, ppr. bordure gu. charged with eight bezants. Crest,
Scobhill, [Devons.] ar. three fleurs-de-lis gu. an arm and hand holding a book, half opened,
Scobie, az. a chief lozengy, or and gu. Crest, a ppr.
sword, erect, ppr. Scot, [Bevillaw, Scotland,] or, on a fesse az. a
Scobill. The same as Scobbell, 1st diet. star of six points betw. two crescents, of the
Scobington, ar. a chev. gu. betw. three squirrels field. Crest, a dexter hand holding a scroll of
sa. cracking nuts or. paper.
Scogan, az. a fesse dancettee betw. three falcons, Scot, [Lyon. Register.] The same, within a bor-
or. dure countercomponee, or and az.
Scollay, [Scotland,] vert, the rudder of a ship Scot, [Hundilshope, Scotland,] or, on a bend az.
ar. on a chief of the last, three buckles az.
; a mullet, pierced, betw. two crescents, of the
Crest, a hand pointing with one finger, ppr first, all within a bordure of the second.
Scolycorn. See Scilgerow, 1st diet. Crest, a right hand, issuing, holding a lance,
Scolycorne, ar. a cross gu. a chief, chequy, ar. ;
all ppr.
and sa. Scot, [Hedderweek, Scotland,] ar. a fesse crenelee
SCOMBERGH. See SCHOMBERGH, 1st diet. betw. three lions' heads, erased, gu. within a
Scopham, or Scopyn, as 1st in 1st diet. Crest, bordure of the last, charged with six fleurs-de-
an archer, shooting an arrow out of a bow. lis of the first.

Scopham, or, three crescents and a canton, gu. Scot, [Gornberry, Scotland,] or, on a bend az. a
Scopham, ar. a Jew's harp, in bend, sa. betw. six star betw. two crescents, of the first, within a
laurel-leaves of the last. bordure gobonated, gu. and ar. Crest, an
Scopham, on a bend sa. an escutcheon purp.
ar. anchor, in pale, inwrapt by a cable, ppr.
charged with a lion ramp, of the first. Scot, [Gallowshiels, Scotland.] The same arms
Scopholme, [Scotland,] a scoop sa. betw.
ar. as Scot, of Harden's, 1st diet, within a bordure
.six oak-leaves,
two, two, and two. Crest, an sa. charged with six escallops ar. Crest, a lady
eagle displ. ppr. from the waist, richly attired, holding in the
Scopindon, ar. a fesse dancettee sa. ; in chief three dexter hand a rose, ppr.
pellets. Scot, [Raeburn, Scotland,] as of Harden, 1st diet.
[ 3
Scot, [Orkeney, Scotland.] The same arms as of or, each having in the mouth four arrows gu.
Scotstarvit; quartering Gordon, of Clunie. Crest, a boar's head, couped, or, holding in the
Crest, a boar's head, couped, or, holding in mouth four arrows gu. headed and feathered ar.
the mouth four arrows gu. feathered and headed Scott, [Edinburgh.] The same arms as of Ardross,
ar. the bordure engr. Crest, a hand holding a
Scot, [Milleny, Scotland,] or. on a bend az. a star folded book ppr.
hetw. two crescents, of the first; in base an Scott, [Clerkington, Scotland,] ar. three lions'
arrow, bendways, ppr. feathered and barbed ar. heads, erased, gu. ; in chief a martlet of the
Crest, a stag, lodged, ppr. last.

Scot, [ Lethum, Scotland. ] The same as of Scott, [Horslehill, Scotland,] or, on a bend az. a
Scotstarvit, with a mullet for cliff. mullet betw. two crescents, of the first in chief

Scot, [Scotstarvit, Scotland,] or, on a bend az. a sword, paleways, ppr. Crest, a lion's head,
a star hetw. two crescents, of the first, within a erased.
bordure engr. gu. Crest, a right hand holding Scott, [Hedderick, Scotland,] ar. three lions'
an annulet, therein an escarbuncle ppr. heads, erased, gu. within a bordure of the
Scot, [Spencerfield, Scotland,] or, on a bend az. second, charged with six fleurs-de-lis of the
betw. two spur-rowels gu. three crescents of the first. Crest, a lion's head, erased, gu. langued
first. az.
Scote, as Scott, of Essex, 1st diet. Scott, [Hadshaw, Scotland,] or, on a bend az. an
Scotez, as 2nd in 1st diet, the field ar. etoile betw. two crescents of the first, within a
Scotland, [Scotland,] a chev. az. betw. three
ar. bordure quarterly, ar. and of the second.
lions' heads, couped, gu. Crest, a lion's head, Scott, [Mangerston, Scotland,] or, on a bend az.
erased, ppr. an etoile betw. two crescents of the field,
Scotney, ar. a chev. betw. three escallops az. within a bordure componee of the second and
Scott, [Islington,] per pale indented, ar. and sa. first.
a saltier counterchanged. Crest, in pales, a Scott, [Logie, Scotland,] ar. a fesse, embattled,
dexter arm, vested sa. cuffed ar. holding in the counter-embattled, gu. betw. three lions' heads,
hand a roll of
paper, ppr. erased, of the last. Crest, a demi lion, issuing,
Scott, Yorks.] three Catharine -wheels sa.
ar. ppr.
Crest, a monkey pass, collared round the waist Scott, [Langshaw, Scotland,] ar. three lions'
and lined. heads, erased, gu. langued az. Crest, a lion's
Scott, [Enfield, Midd.] as Scott of Essex, 1st head, erased, langued az.
diet. Scott, [Rossie, Scotland,] ar. a fesse, embattled,
Scott, [Comeston, Scotland,] quarterly ;
first and counter -embattled, betw. three lions' heads,
fourth a fesse, embattled, betw. three lions'
ar. erased, gu. Crest, a demi lion guard.
heads, erased, gu. second and third, gu. a lion
; Scott,[Orkney,] quarterly first and fourth, or,

ramp. ar. in chief a mullet of the last. Crest,

on a bend az. a star betw. two crescents of
a lion ramp, wielding a scimitar, ppr. the field, a bordure engr. gu. second and

Scott, [Burnhead, Scotland,] or, on a bend az. a third, az. boars' heads, couped, or, a
star betw. two crescents of the first, within a bordure, indented, of the second. Crest, as of
bordure of the last. Crest, a buck's head, Scotshall.
erased, ppr. collared az. charged as the bend ; Scott, [Dryhope, Scotland.] The same arms as
all within an orle of laurel-branches vert. Mot- of Hadshawe, within a bordure gu.
to, over the crest, In recto dec its. Scott, [Scotland.] or, three lions' heads, erased,
Scott, [Broadmeadows, Scotland,] or, on a bend gu. within a bordure az. charged with four
az. a mullet betw. two crescents of the first in ;
crescents of the field. Crest, a ship, her sails
chief a rose gu. stalked and leaved vert. Crest, bent, and flags displ. all ppr.
a stag, trippant, ppr. Scott, [Wardroperton, Scotland.] The same arms
Scott, [Ardross, Scotland ; and Ely,] or, on a as of Comeston the fesse masoned.
; Crest, a
bend az. a mullet betw. two crescents, ar. demi lion brandishing a scimitar, ppr.
within a bordure gu. charged with eight be- Scott, [Scotshall, Scotland,] or, on a bend az. a
zants. mullet of six points betw. two crescents, ar. in
Scott, [Gibleston, Scotland,] quarterly ; first and chief a boar's head, couped, gu. a bordure of

fourth, or, on a bend az. a mullet betw. two the last. Crest, a boar's head, couped, gu.
crescents of the field, within a bordure gu. ; holding in the mouth a sheaf of arrows ppr.
second and third,az. three boars' heads, couped, Scott, or, on a bend az. a mullet of eight points,
four of them radiated, betw. two crescents, of SCRUTEVILLE, 770W Spelt SCURFIELD, [KibbleS-
the field; in chief a mullet inter the horns of a worth, Durham; J'isitation o/\6\5,] gu. a bend
crescent, gu. and in base two spears, in saltier, dancettee betw. six martlets, ar. Crest, an
sa. headed of the third. arm, embowed, habited erminois, cuff ar. ; in
Scott, or, on a bendaz. an etoile betw. two cres- the hand ppr. a large pistol, stock sa. barrel of
cents of the field all within a bordure counter-
the second, firing of the" third.
componee of the second and first. Crest, a star Scruteville, gu. a fesse dancettee betw. six mart-
of six points. lets, ar. Crest, the same as the last.
Scott, or, a cross, couped and engr. sa. betw. two Scrymzeor, [Bowhill, Scotland,] gu. two swords,
mullets in chief, and a crescent in base, az. points downward, crossing saltierways, ar. hilted
Crest, as Scot, of Harden, 1st diet. and pommelled or, a sinister hand, couped, in
Scott, [Scotland ; ancient,] gu. three goats' heads, base, pointing downwards, ppr. Crest, a lion's
couped, ar. paw grasping a sword, fesseways, ppr.
on a bend az. an etoile betw. an incres-
Scott, or, Scrymzeor, [Cartmore, Scotland.] The same
cent and decrescent. Crest, a hand holding a arms, within a bordure or.
pen. Motto over plume.
it, Hie la Scrymzeor, [Dundee; Viscount Duddop, and Lord
Scott, ar. catharine-wheels sa. within a
three Scrymzeor. Created 1 5th Nov. 1641 note e.t- ;

bordure engr. gu. Crest, a griffin's head and tinct,] gu. a lionramp, or, armed and langued
wings sa. az. holding in the dexter paw a scimitar ar.
Scott, ar. a chev. betw. three gridirons sa. Crest, a lion's paw holding a scimitar. Sup-
Scott, ar. an inescutcheon within an orle of owls, porters, two greyhounds, collared, gu.
sa. Scrymzeor, [Kirktoun, Scotland.] The same
Scott. See Scot. arms, within a bordure gu. Crest, a lion's paw,
Scott, per pale, indented, or and sa. ; on a saltier, erased, holding a cutlass, ppr.
five martlets, all counterchanged. Crest, an Scrymzeor, [Dundee, Scotland.] The same with
arm, embowed, habited, sa. curls ar. holding in a martlet for cliff.

the hand ppv. a broken arrow, entwined with a Scudamore, or Escudamore, gu. three stirrups
snake ppr. the lower part of the arm encircled or,leathered ar.
with a ring of gold. Scull, sa. a bend erm. betw. six escallops ar.
Scotus, az. three garbs or. Scunes, or, a fret az.
Scougal, [Scotland,] ar. two greyhounds current, Scurfield, [Offerton and Elstob, Durham,] az.
in pale, sa. ; bugle-horn of the last,
in chief a a bend engr. betw. three martlets, ar.
stringed gu. within a bordure wavy az. Crest, Scurfield, harry of six, sa. and or, per pale, coun-
a crescent ar. terchanged. Crest, a hand, gauntleted, ppr.
Scougall, [Edinburgh.] The same arms, the holding a large pistol.
bordure plain, gu. Crest, a writing pen, ppr. Scurfield. See Scruteville.
Scoi'rfiejd, [Brecon,] ar. three greyhounds, cur- Scurmy, or Stormy", sa. a lion, salient, ar.
rent, in pale, sa. Scurmys. See Scurmish, 1st diet.
Scowlage, or Scowrlage, ar. three bars gu. Scy'rlow, ar. a cross, triple parted and fretted sa.
Scrimgeour, gu. a lion ramp, or, holding a sword, Sea, or, two (Another, three) bars wavy gu. each
erect, ppr. hilt and pommel or. Crest, a tower, charged with a shrimp of the first.
ar. on the battlements, a flag gu. staff ppr. Sea. See See, both diets.
Scrimzeor. The same as Scrvmzeor. Seabrook, ar. a lion pass. gu. ; in chief a cross
Scrivener. See Screvener, 1st diet. crosslet fitchee sa. Crest, a hand, erect, hold-
Scroggie. See Scrogie, 1st diet. ing a cross crosslet fitchee, in pale, gu.
Scroope, [Masham, Yorks.] az. a bend over ;
all Seagar, or Seager, as 1st Seagar 1st diet.
a label of three points ar. Crest, a dolphin, haurient, devouring a fish,
Scrope, or Scroope, [Hants.] az. a bend or. ppr.
Crest, out of a ducal coronet or, a triple plume Seagrave, or Seagrove, sa. a fesse betw. three
of ostrich's feathers az. wheat -sheaves, or. Crest, a dexter hand hold-
Scrope, [Cockerington, Line. Created a Baronet, ing a palm-branch ppr.
\()th Jan. 16G7.] The same arms. Crest, out Seagrim, ar. three lions' heads, erased, az.; achief
of a ducal coronet gu. a plume of feathers ar. gu. Crest, a long cross gu.
Supporters, two cornish choughs ppr. Seal, or, a fesse az. betw. three wolves' heads,
Scropham, . .
a Jew's harp, in fesse, . . .
erased, sa. Crest, a wolf's head or, embrued at
Sciu gges. See Scroggs, 1st diet. the nose and mouth gu.
Sealy, erm. on a canton az. a lion's head, erased, Secker, or Sacre, gu. a bend engr. betw. two.
ar. Crest, a quatrefoil gu. bulls' heads, erased, or.

Seamark, as 1st Seamarke 1st diet. Crest, a Secroft, ar. on a chev. betw. three
mullets, gu.
yew-tree ppr. a griffin's head, erased, of the first.
Se afore, [Kent,] ar. a cross sa. fretty or. Seddon, [Hartlepool, Durham,] as 1st diet.
Searle, per pale gu. and az. on a chev. betw. Crest, two bears' gambs, reversed, sa. holding a
three trefoils slipped ar. as many pellets, each cinquefoil or.
charged with a bezant. Crest, a lion ramp. or. Sedegrew, ar. an eagle displ. with two heads,
supporting the topmast of a ship, with rigging betw. five trefoils, slipped, sa. three and two.
ppr. and a forked pennon ar. thereon St. Sedellayre, ar. in a cage sa. wired or, a buck,
George's cross. couchant, of the first.
Searle, or Serrall, [Thanckes, Cornw.] See 1st Sedenore, alias Sydnore, ar. a fesse nebulee az.
diet. betw. three crescents jessant fleurs-de-lis sa.
Searle, [Cornw.] ar. a chev. betw. three birds' within a bordure engr. gu.
heads, sa. Sedesing, or, a chief lozengy, gu. and az.
Searles, a cross, voided, gu, betw. four fleurs-
ar. Sedge wick, ., on a cross, five church-bells
. . . .

de-lis sa. Crest, a gem-ring, stoned or. Crest, a sun-flower.

Seases, sa. a fesse ar. betw. three cinquefoils of Segewick, Sedgewicke, or Sedgnike, as 1st Seda-
the second. icike, in 1st diet. Crest, two ears of rye in
Seath, gu. a fesse ar. betw. three mullets or. saltier, or.
Seaton, or Seton, [Scotland ; original arms,] gu. Sedley, alias Sidley, [ Great Chart and St.
three crescents or. Cleeres, Kent, created a Bart. 24 Sept. 1621 ;

Seaton, [Seaton, N.umb. ; and Whitbystand, and Southfleet, Kent, created a Bart. 10 July,
Yorks.] The same. 1702.] Arms and crest as 1st diet.
Seaton, [Whickham, Durham,] quarterly ; first Sedley, per pale, az. and sa. a fesse, componee, or
and fourth, ar. a fesse betw. six cross crosslets and of the first, betw. three goats' heads, erased,
fitchee, sa. ; second, sa. three swords ar. pale- ar. attired of the third.
ways, two with their points in base, the middle Sednor, [Suff.] The same as Sedenore.
one, point in chief, for Rawlins ; third, gu. a See, as of Kent, 1st diet. Crest, a hand az.
fesse betw. three garbs, or. for Blenkinsopp. holding an arrow, point downwards.
Crest, a lion ramp. or. See, or Sea, ar. a fish, haurient, az. betw. two
Seaton, [Kyllsimunne, Scotland,] ar. on a chev. flasks of the second; each charged with as many
az. betw. three crescents gu. a boar's head, bars nebulee of the first. Crest, two lobsters'
couped, or, all within the royal tressure of the claws, erect, gu. each holding a fish ar.
third. See, az. two bars nebulae ar.
Seaton, [Northing, Scotland,] quarterly ; first and Seebrycke, ar. three roses sa. barbed vert, seeded
fourth, or, three crescents within the royal tres- or.

sure, gu. ; second and third, ar. a cross engr. Seed, ar. a chev. sa. betw. three beasts' heads
sa. with short ears, couped, of the last. Crest, a
Seaton, [Pethoder, Scotland,] or, an escallop betw. demi lion holding a cross crosslet . . .

three crescents, gu. all within the royal tressure Seel, per fesse potentee erminois and az. three
of the last. wolves' heads, erased, and counterchanged,
Seaton, [St. Martin's, Scotland,] ar. three cres- quartering, Molineaux , Munsioorth, and Malt ra-
cents within the royal tressure, gu. all within a vers. Crest, a wolf's head, erased, per fesse
bordure engr. of the last. nebulee erminois and az. holding in the mouth
Seaton. See Say ton, 1st diet. a sun-flower, slipped and leaved, ppr.
Sebert, [King of the East Saxons, a.d. 596,] gu. Seers. See Sare, 1st diet.
three seaxes, barwise, ar. pommels and hilts or. Seeves, [Muirton, Kimbach, and Kilwhiss, Scot-
(Now the arms of the County of Middlesex.) land,] as 1st diet.
Sebricks. See Seabright, 1st diet. Sefeld, [Norf.] ar. a cross patonce vert; a mart-
Sebryke, three cinquefoils sa.
ar. let for diff.

Seccomb, ar. a fesse gu. betw. three lions ramp, Sefonghell, ar. a cross flory vert.
within a bordure engr. of the last. Segar, az. a chev. ar. betw. three mascles or.
Seccombe, [Merther and Launceston, Cornw.] Crest, a demi lion ar. crowned or, holding betw.
The same arms, the paws a mascle of the last.
Sechamberg. See Schamberg, 1st diet. Seger, or Segar, as last Seger, 1st diet.
Skgewike, gu. a fesse betw. three wolves' heads, Sellon, ., on a mount, an eagle rising, wings

erased, ar. expanded and inverted, looking upwards, . . .

Skgirti, erm. a lion pass. gu. crowned or. Sellynge, per fesse, or and sa. a pale and three
Segram. See Seghah, 1st diet. water-bougets counterchanged.
Segravk, [Leic. Temp. Edw. l.~\
Arms as 2nd in Selson, or Selston, sa. a chev. erm. betw. three
1st diet. Crest, six arrows, in saltier, banded. .. lions'paws, erased, ar. the two in chief bending
Crest, five arrows. towards the middle point.
Segrave, sa. a lion ramp. ar.
wreathed and bound ar. and sa. headed and Selston. See Sewexton.
barbed of the first, sticks or, banded of the Selwood, ar. sa. standing on
an eagle, imperial,
same. a billet, traverse the escutcheon, raguled and
Segretty. See Secretye, 1st diet. trunked, vert.
Seguety, or Segriti, as 2nd Segrety, 1st diet. Selwy'n. See Selwin, 1st diet.

SEIGER, ar. on a bend az. five mullets or; in the Selwyne, as 4th in 1st diet.
sinister chief a fleur-de-lis erm. Semaclis,az. a bend and label ar.

Seighton, quarterly, per fesse indented, or and Seman, and Semund, barry wavy of six, ar. and
gU - az.; over all a crescent gu.
Skinmore, [Glouc.] ar. two chev. gu. in chief ;
Semarke. See Sentmarke.
a label of three points az. Semars, ar. two chev. gu.
Seintclowe, ar. a chev. betw. three nails, sa. Semayxe, ar. a lion ramp. gu. within a bordure
Seintliz. See St. Leize. nebulee az.
Sekerley, or, fourpalets az. Sembarow, or, a lion ramp. sa.
Sel, [Kent,] az. a fesse nebulee, cottised also Semborxe. The same.
nebulee, two Haunches of the last.
ar. Semerkes. The same as Semarke; the mullets
Selby, [Winlaton, Durham,] barry of eight, or ar.
and sa. a crescent for cliff. Crest, a Saracen's
; Semeye, sa. two chev. ar. betw. three mullets
head, couped at the shoulders, ppr. with a or.
wreath round the temples, tied in a knot behind, Semor, [Dors.] or, on a chief vert, three martlets
or and sa. of the first.

Selby, per chev. sa. and erm. in chief two mullets

; Semple, [Belltrees, Scotland,] Arms as Baron
or. SEMPLE, crest, with a gillyflower for diff.
Selby, ar. a Saracen's head, couped at the neck, Semple, [Cat heart, Renfrewshire, Scotland,] ar. a
gu. ; a chief, per pale, ar. and az. chev. chequy, gu. and of the field, betw. three
Selby, ar. three bars gu. bugle-horns sa. stringed of the second. Crest.
Selenger, as Sellixger, 1st diet. Crest, a grif- a stag's head, erased, . . .

fin's head betw. two wings. Semple, [ Roebuck,

Ireland. ] Same arms.
Seleris, ar. a chev. gu. betw. three cinquefoils az. Crest, out of a ducal coronet, a broken battle-
Selfe, erm. three chev. gu. axe, all ppr.
Selford, ar. a fesse engr. sa. betw. three wolves Semple, [Ireland,] ar. a chev. lozengy, gu. and
of the last, collared or, as many boars' heads, or, betw. two bugles, strung, in chief, sa. and a

couped, of the same. cinquefoil in base, of the last. Crest, as the

Selingham, gu. a fesse betw. three martlets, ar. last.

Seliock, ar. on a chief sa. two mullets, pierced, Semprington, gu. on bend, cottised, or, three
or, within a bordure engr. gu. quartefoils of the first, slipped
and leaved vert.
Selle, erm. three chev. gu. Sempy, ar. a lion ramp. sa.
Sellers, gu. a chev. betw. three (salts) sellers, Semund. See Seman.
covered ar. Send all, ar. a cross vert; in the first quarter a

Sellers, or Sollers, gu. a chev. betw. three covered lionramp, guard, gu.
cups, ar. Crest, a demi swan with wings en- Sexdelixg, gu. on a chief or, five fusils az.
dorsed, ar. Sendesing, or, a chief, lozengy, ar. and gu.
Selley, ar. three chev. gu. within a bordure engr. Seneake. See Sevexoke, both diets.
sa. Senens, az. three cormorants or.
Selling, vert, a chev. sa. betw. three wolves' Seneost. See Sexdost, 1st diet.
heads, erased, or. Sexeshall, and Senechall, gu. on a cross ar.

Sellinge, gu. a saltier or, betw. four roses ar. five torteauxes.

Skllington, ar. a chev. sa. ; on a chief of the last, Senford, ar. three boars' heads, couped, gu.
a bar dancettee or. Sen fust, az. a stag's head, cabossed, ar.
Senjust, az. a buck's head, cabossed ar. attired or. Sersby, [Vorks.] The same as Seresby.
Senker, ar. two bars gu. ; in chief three fleurs- Servante, ar. six holly-leaves vert, Crest, a
de-lis of the last. demi bull gu.
Senlis, chequy, ar. and sa. two bars gu. ; in chief Sesonghill, ar. a cross patonce vert,
three fleurs-de-lis or. Sessions. See Suchion, and Seson, 1st diet,
Senloys, or. on a cheif az. two saltiers ar. Seth, az. a cross patonce ar. Crest, a hand
Sennocke. See Sevenooke. ppr. holding up a cannon-ball sa.
Senoke. See Sevenoke, both diets. Sethelston, or, an eagle displ. purp. armed az.
Senshall, or Senshell, sa. a fesse betw. two Sethington, or. on a chief gu. three sithes, erect,
chev. ar. ar.

Senteow, or Sentlovve, gu. a fesse betw. three Seton, [Gargunnock, Scotland,] quarterly first ;

escallops, ar. and fourth, Seton ; second, ar. three bulls'

Sentmarke, alias Semarke, ar on a cross gu. heads, erased, sa. horned vert, for Turnbull,
five mullets, pierced, or, of Bedrule ; third, az. three escutcheons ar. for
Senton, as 1st in 1st diet. Crest, out of a Hay.
mural coronet, alion's head, az. Seton, [Culbeg, Scotland,] quarterly ; first and
Sent Pier, a bend sa. over all a label of five
ar. ; fourth, or, three crescents within the royal tres-
points gu. Crest, on a spear or, pointed ar. a sure, gu. ; second and third, ar. three inescut-
dolphin, embowed, of the first. cheons gu. Crest, a boar's head, couped, or.
Sepester. See Seperford, 1st diet. Seton, [Cariston, Scotland.] The arms of Seton ;
Seppings, ar. a chevron gu. betw. three escallop in the centre an otter's head sa.
shells, ppr. Crest, a bear's head, erased sa. Seton, [Barns, Scotland,] or, a sword, in pale, az.
Serbridge, ar. on a chief gu. three lozenges or. hilted and pomelled of the first, supporting an
Sercheden, gu. a saltier or, betw. four escallops, imperial crown betw. three crescents, gu. all
ar. within a double tressure, flory, counter-flory, of
Seres, [Lord Dundee, undent, Crawfurd's MS.] the last.
gu. three swords, in fesse, paleways, points Seton, [Petmedden, Scotland, 1591.] The arms
upward, ar. of Seton ; with a mullet for cliff.
Seresby, ar. a fesse, wreathed gu. and az. de- Seton, [Parbroth, Scotland.] The paternal coat
pressed by a pale, wreathed as the fesse. of Seton ; within the double tressure, with a
Seresford, [Scotland, ancient,] gu. three swords, crescent in the centre for diff.
paleways, in fesse, points downward, ar. Seton, [Meldrum, Scotland.] The paternal coat
Serffe, vert, a buck's head, cabossed, ar.; betw. of Seton ; quartering, ar. a demi otter, issuing
the horns a cross pattee of the second. out of a bar wavy, sa. for Meldrum.
Sergeant, [Glouc] See Serjeant, 1st diet. Seton, [Lathrisk, Scotland.] The paternal coat
Sergeant, [Cotes, Staffs,] See Serjeant, in 1st of Seton; with a boar's head in the centre for diff.
diet. Seton, [Scotland,] quarterly ; first and fourth, or,
Sergeant, See Sergant, 1st diet. three crescents within a double tressure, coun-
Sergeaulx, ar. a saltier sa. betw. twelve apples gu. terflory, gu. for Seton ; second and third, ar. a
Sergeaux, as Serjeaux, with Serjeant, in 1st demi otter sa. crowned gu. issuing out of a bar
diet, wavy of the second, for Meldrum. Crest, a
Serjant, [Kent,] gu. a bend nebulee betw. two man in complete armour, on horseback at full
dolphins embowed, ar. speed, holding on the point of a sword an impe-
Sermington. See Servington, 1st diet. rial crown. Motto, above the crest, Inclyte
Sermon, az. a griffin pass. ar. Crest, a crescent perdide recuperator corona.
sa.; issuing from betw. the horns, a cross Seton, [Preston, Durham ; and Worsall, Yorks.]
crosslet fitchee gu. ... a fesse betw. three birds ... a bordure
Serpend, or, three serpents, in pale, sa. engr. . .

Serpent. See Sarpend, 1st diet. Seton, or, a saltier gu. ; on a chief of the second,
Serrall. See Searle. three garbs of the first.
Serrell, ar. an esquire's helmet az. feathered gu. Seton, [Scotland.] To 1st in 1st diet, add crest,
Crest, a covered cup gu. out of a ducal coronet, a wivern vomiting flames
Serres, [Scotland,] gu. three swords, points ppr.
downwards, ar. two and one. Crest, an arm, Seton. See Seaton, both diets.
in armour, holding a sword, all
ppr. Sevans, [Kent,] az. three fruttles or. Crest, on
Serrington. See Servington, 1st diet. a helmet a fish.
Sevang. See Sevens, 1st diet. Seyntlo, ar. a bend sa.
Sevelton, barry nebulee of six, ar. and sa. ;
a Seyntwin. See St. Awen.
label of three points gu. Seys, az. six bezants, three, two, and one
on a
Sevknoke, Sencake, or Senoke, az. six acorns chief or, a demi lion pass. gu.
or. Shackleton, or Shackelton, as 1st diet. Crest,
Sevens, or Senens. The same as of Kent, 1st a poplar-tree vert.
diet. Shaddon, or Shadden, [Scotland,] per pale, ar.
SewALE. See Sewell, 1st diet. and az. six fleurs-de-lis, in orle, counter-
Seward, boars' heads, headways, in
ar. three changed.
bend, az. Crest, out of a ducal coronet or, a Shadforth, [Red Barns, and Darras Hall, and
horse's leg, foot upwards. Newcastle-upon-Tyne, N.umb.] vert, on a chev.
Seward, per pale indented, az. and ar. betw. three hour-glasses, ar. as many trefoils,
Seward, sa. a cross flory ar. slipped, of the field. Crest, a lion pass, guard,
Seward, ar. on a fesse az. betw. two chev. erm. ppr. the dexter fore paw resting upon an hour-
three leopards' heads of the first. glass ar. and in the mouth a trefoil, slipped,
Sewenton, or Selston, [Kent,] ... two fishes, vert.
in saltier, betw. a leopards' face in chief, two Shadforth, [Eppleton, Durham,] vert, on a chev.
escallops in fesse, and another in base. ar. three trefoils of the first.
Sex, [London,] ... a chev. betw. three cross cross- Shadforth, ar. a chev. sa. betw. three fleurs-de-lis
lets quartering ... a lion's head erased
. . . . . .
gu. Crest, the sun shining on the stump of an
Crest, a dove ... oak-tree, sprouting anew.
Sexbye, barry of eight, or and az. ;
on a bend Shad well, as 1st diet, Crest, an escallop or.
engr. sa. cottised gu. three escallops of the Shadwell, as 1st diet, Crest, a demi griffin ppr.
first. Shafto, [YVhitworth, Durham Wratling Park, ;

Sexokill, three garbs sa.

ar. Cumb. Newcastle on Tyne; Bavington and

Sexton, [Ireland,] ar. a chev. gu. betw. a spear's Benwell, N.umb.] gu. on a chev. ar. three mul-
point and a pheon in chief, and a horse-shoe in lets az. Crest, a salamander, reguard. vert, in
base, az. Crest, a leopard's face az. the midst of flames ppr.
Sky, az. two bars nebulee ar. Shafto, [
Whickham and Swalwell, Durham ;

Seyes, az. six plates, three, two, and one ;

on a descended of Bavington, N.umb.] The same
chief or, a demi lion pass, couped gu. arms; on the sinister chief a cinquefoil or, for
Seygreen, or, three catharine-wheels sa. within a diff.
bordure engr. of the last. Shafto, [Tanfield- Leigh, Durham; and Shafto,
Seyland, [Suit.] ar. on a cross gu. five escallops N.umb.] The same arms.
or. Shaftoe, or Shaftow. See 1st diet.
Seylby', erm. on a fesse gu. three fleurs-de-lis or. Shakeby, or, a bend erm, cottised, indented, az.
Seymark, sa. three bars ar. ; in chief as many Shakelton. See Shackleton, 1st diet.
annulets or. Shaker, .; on a fesse or, betw. three lozenges

Seymes, or Seynes, sa. on a chev. betw. three erm. a trefoil of the last, inter two eagles' heads,
cockatrices or, five mullets gu. erased, gu. gorged vert.
Seymor, sa. on a fesse, embattled, ar. betw. Shakkrey, ar. three shuttles sa.
three wings or, as many pellets. Crest, a Shakerley, [Lane.] sa. three shuttles, erect, or.
swan's neck, couped, bendy wavy of six, ar. and Shakisburgh, or Shugborougii, sa. a chev. betw.
gu. beaked or. three mullets, pierced, ar.
[Ireland,] az. three bars or. Crest, a
Seymour, Shales, [London,] gu. six escallops ar. [Borne
hind pass. ppr. by Charles Shales, Citizen and Goldsmith of

Seymour, gu. a fesse erm. betw. three pairs of London, 1734.]

wings, conjoined in leure, ar. Shales, as Sharles, 1st diet.
Seyncler, gu. a fesse betw. three lions' beads, Shaltelton, ar. on a chev. gu. five pellets within
erased, or. a bordure engr. of the second.
Seynclere, gu. a fesse or, betw. three lions' heads, Shambroke, ar. a chev. betw. three congers' heads,
erased, ar. erased, gu.
Seynes. See Seymes. S ii axnan, [Ireland,] az. a boar's head, couped,
Seynger, or,on a chief vert, three martlets of the ar. a bordure or on a chief of the second, three

first, mullets of the first. Crest, a dove holding in

Seynk.es, and Scynks, See Seyncks, 1st diet. the beak an olive-branch.
ShAND, originally Sand, [Montrose, Scotland,] Sharp, [Granted 1785,] ar. on a fesse az. betw.
az. a saltier ar. ;
on a chief of the last, three three cross crosslets fitchee sa. and a crescent
mullets gu. Crest, a dove and olive-branch in base, gu. three mullets of the field, within a

ppr. bordure, invecked of the fourth. Crest, a pheon

Shand, [Liverpool, Lane] The same arms, and PP r -

crest. Sharp, ar. three falcons' heads, erased, sa. within

Shand, [of the Burn, Forfarshire,] az. a hoar's a bordure engr. az. bezantee. Crest, out of a
head, couped, ar. ; on a chief of the last, three ducal coronet, per pale, or. and sa. a wolf's head
mullets gu. a hordure of the second, charged counterchanged.
with two demi lions, couped, sa. in chief, and a Sharp, ar. on a fesse az. betw. three cross cross-

fleur-de-lis, in base, of the third. Crest, as of lets chief sa. and a dexter hand,
fitchee in
Aberdeen. couped, grasping a sword, in pale, gu. in base,
Shand, [Aberdeen, Scotland,] az. a boar's head, three mullets of the field, within a bordure,
couped, ar. on a chief of the last, three mullets
; embattled, of the second. Crest, a steel cap,
gu. Crest, a dove volant above the waters, with a plumage of feathers, ppr.
holding a slip of olive, ppr. Sharp, [Trailkeltrie, Scotland,] ar. on a fesse gu.
Shand, [Aberdeen, Scotland.] The same arms, betw. two cross crosslets fitchee sa. in chief,
within a hordure or. Crest, a dove, in the beak and a dexter hand, couped, holding a dagger,
an olive-branch, all ppr. in pale, ppr. in base, three mullets of the first.
Shandos, ar. a pile gu. a label of four points az. Sharp, [Scotland,] ar. on a fesse az. betw. a fleur-
Shank, [Castlerig, Scotland,] gu. on a fesse ar. de-lis gu. inter two crosslets fitchee sa. in chief,
a hawk's leure of the first in chief a cinque-
; and a crescent in base, of the third, three mul-
foil, and in base a hawk's leg, erased, jessed, lets of the field. Crest, a branch of oak, acorned,
and helled, of the second. Crest, an eagle, ppr.
rising, ar. SHARPE,[Scotscraig, Scotland,] quarterly; first and
Shannon, gu. a bend or. Crest, a demi talbot fourth, az. on a saltier ar. a bleeding heart,
sa. transfixed by two swords, in saltier, points
Shapell. See Shaple, or Shaplev, 1st diet. downward, ppr. the heart having over it a mitre
Shapleigh, vert, a chev. ar. betw. three escallops of gold, placed on the field, tasselled gu. all
or. within a bordure or,- charged with a royal tres-
Shapley, az. a chev. ar. betw. three chess-rooks sure gu. second and third, ar. a fesse az. betw.

or. two cross crosslets fitchee in chief, and a mul-

Shapley. See Shapell, above. let in base, sa. Crest, a celestial crown or.
Shappe, gu. a fesse wavy ar. betw. six billets. Sharpe, or, a pheon az. Crest, on a ducal coro-
Sharburne, or Sharingburne. See Sharing- net or, a peacock, sitting, ppr.
borne, 1st diet.
Sharpe, chequy, or and vert.
Shartelow, [Shardelow, a chev. gu. ;
Suff.] ar.
Sharpe, az. a pheon within a bordure engr. ar.
in chief two cross crosslets fitchee, and in base Sharpey, or Sharpeigh. Arms as 1st diet.
a cross botonnee fitchee, az. Crest, an arm ppr. habited az, holding three
Shardelow, gu. a cross ar. a bordure engr. or.
Shardelow, ar. a chev. gu. betw. three crosses Sharples, 1st diet.
as Crest, a dexter hand
botonnee sa. brandishing a sword, ppr.
Shardelowe, gu. a cross ar. within a bordure Sharpies, sa three crescents, betw. the points of
engr. or. each a mullet ar.
Sharesbeck, gu. three mullets betw. two bend- Sharstab, [Holland,] two torches, in. .
, saltier,
lets engr. ar. trunked and raguled, az. flammant ppr.
Sharington, erm. on a chev. engr. az. three Shauberie. See Shabery, 1st diet.
leopards' faces or. Shaw, [London.] Arms as 9th in 1st diet. Crest,
Sharkerlv, sa. three weavers' shuttles ar. issuing from the rays of the sun or, an arm ppr.
Sharleton, sa. two bends, componee, or and ar. vested sa. holding up a mort head, ppr.
Sharlowe, sa. three bars ar. Xhaw, [Ireland,] erm. a chev. betw. three mascles,
Sharnesfield, az. an eagle displ. ar. crowned sa. Crest, a cock's head, issuing from the
or. wreath, gu.
Sharp, [Bishopwearmouth, Durham; late Mayor Shaw, [Rothemurthus, Scotland,] quarterly first ;

of Hartlepool. Knighted, 2S//< S

July, 1 1 4 ] . and fourth, or, a lion ramp. gu. armed and
Arms and crest as Sharp of Yorkshire, 1st diet. langued az. second and third, ar. a fir-tree
growing out of amount, in base, vert; on a Sheffield, as last but two in 1st diet. Crest, a
dexter canton of the field, a dexter hand, fesse- tiger's head, erased, or.
ways, couped, holding a dagger, all ppr. Crest, Sheiglone, ar. three escallops sa.
a demi lion gu. holding in the dexter paw a Sheil, [Ireland,] per fesse, gu. and ar. a pale
sword, ppr. counterchanged; on each of the last, a mullet
S//,/ii\ [Sornbeg, Scotland,] as 1st diet. Crest, sa. Crest, out of a ducal coronet or, a triple
a dexter hand ppr. holding a covered cup ar. plume of twelve ostrich's feathers, three, four.
Shaw, [Scotland,] az. a denii lion ramp, couped, and five.

or, betw. three covered cups of the second. Sheilp, [Scotland,] ar. on a bend engr. az. three
Crest, a lion ramp. gu. armed and langued az. inescutcheons or.
Shaw, ar. a chev. wavy betw. three eagles displ. Sheils, [Scotland,] gu. on a bend engr, or, three
sa. Crest, a hind's head, couped, with an arrow escutcheons sa. Crest, a boar's head, couped, . . .

through the neck, or. Shelbroke, gu. three covered cups within a bor-
Smawe, ., a chev. betw. three fusils, .. Crest,
. . dure engr. or.
five arrows, one in pale, and four in saltier, tied Sheldon, [Weston, Warw.] Vide Visitation of
with a ribbon. Wane, in Coll. of Arms, and 1st diet.
S HAwell, gu. a cross of five fusils ar. Sheldon, or Shelton, az. on a cross or, an annulet
Sn aynsel, sa. a fesse dancettee ar.
Shea., per pale, erm. and gu.; on a chev. three Shelleto, [Yorks.] ar. on a fesse, betw. three
roundles, all counterchanged. Crest, a tent cocks' heads, erased, sa. combed and wattled or.
or. a mitre of the last.
Sheafe, [London,] erm on a chev. gu. betw. three Shelley, sa. a fesse engr. betw. three welk-shells.

pellets as many garbs or. or. Crest, a wolf's head, couped, tawny, be-
Shear, [Cornw.] az. a garb or, banded gu. a ; zantee, betw. two wings or, charged with as
bird feeding on the top. many bars gu.
Shearer, [Scotland,] ar. a fesse gu. betw. three Shelley, ar. a fesse engr. betw. three escallops,
torteauxes, each charged with a mullet of the sa.
field. Crest, on a chapeau, a dexter hand Shellis, ar. a chev. betw. ten cross crosslets, sa.
holding up by the band a garb, all ppr. Shelton, as 1st in 1st diet. Crest, a Saracen's
Shears, or, three cross crosslets sa. Crest, a tal- head ppr.
bot's head, erased collared and lined or. Shelton. See Sheldon, before.
Shearwood, ar. a lion pass, guard, gu. betw. three Shemerden, [Essex,] ar. a chev. ermines, betw.
pheons az. Crest, a raven sa. two lozenges, in chief, sa and a dolphin, in
Sheath, sa. a fesse betw. three griffins' heads, base, of the last, finned or.
erased, or. Crest, a lion pass. ..
[Borne by .
Shenell, [Scotland,] ar. a boar's head, erased,
the Rev. Martin Sheath, of Wyberton, near sa. on a chief or, three piles, in point, sa. on

Boston, Lincolnshire. 1831.] each a mullet of the field.

Shebly, ar. on a fesse gu. three cross crosslets or. Siihnock, [Cornw.] ar. a chev. sa. betw. three
Sheddan, [Scotland,] gu. a chev. ar. interlacing mullets gu.
(Another, reversed) or. Crest, a dove, volant, Shenton, as 1st diet. Crest, a dexter hand hold-
or, in the beak an olive-branch vert. ing an open book ppr.
Shee, [Kilkenny, Ireland,] per bend indented, Shepey, az. a cross gu. fret ty or.
or and sa. two fleurs-de-lis counterchanged. Shephard, sa. a fesse ar. ; in chief three battle-
Crest, a swan, rising, ppr. axes of the last. Crest, a cock gu. holding in
Shee, as 1st in 1st diet. Crest, out of a ducal the beak a cinquefoil, stalked, vert.
coronet or, on a mount vert, a stag, statant, at Shepheard, or Shepperd, as Shepard. [Granted
gaze, ppr. 1598,] in 1st diet. Crest, a dexter hand ppr.
Sheepshanks, [Cornw.] az. a chev. erminoisbetw. holding up a cross crosslet fitchee sa.
three roses, in chief .
., and a sheep trippant in Shepherd. See Shepard, and Shepperd, both
base .. . mount a sheep trippant ..
Crest, on a . diets.
Sheere, per bend indented and ., two fleurs-
. . . Shepley, ar. a chev. az. betw. three harps gu.
de-lis . .. Crest, issuing out ofaducal coronet, Crest, a lion, sejant, or, collared gu.
a swan, with wings endorsed, .. .
Shepley, az. a cross or, fretty gu.
Sheffeld. See Scheffeld, before. Shepman, ar. a bend betw. six etoiles, gu.
Sheffield. Anns as of Normanby, 1st diet. Sheppard, [Ireland.] Arms as 1st diet. Con-
Crest, three ears of rye or. firmed 161.5. Crest, a bull's head, erased, az.
3 S 2 }

a chev. gu. betw. three oak-leaves,

Sheppard, erm. on a chief sa. three battle-axes ar. Sherrowe, ar.

Crest, on a mount vert, a stag in full chase, vert.

reguard. or. Shershall, ar. three bendlets az. on a canton :

Shepperd, [Kirbydon, Norf.] as last in 1st diet. sa. a lion pass, guard, of the field. Crest, a
Shepperd, or Shepherd. The same. lion, sejant, sa.
Shf.pperdson, [Durham,] sa. on a bend ar. three Sherwood, per bend sinister, sa. and ar. a bull
lozenges az. each charged with a sun ppr. reguard. erm. and ermines, attired gu.
Shepy. See Shippey. Sliencood, ar. a chev. betw. three mullets, sa.
Sherborn, [Lane] vair, an eagle displ. ar. Crest, a dexter hand ppr. holding the branch of
Sherbrooke, K. 6. quarterly ; first and fourth, a rose-tree ar. leaved vert.
vair, a chief or,over all, on a bend gu. three Sherwood, erm. three pellets; on each a mullet,
mullets ar second and third, ar. a chev. embat-
; pierced, ar.
tled, counter-embattled, sa. betw. three roses, Sherwood, [Newcastle,] as 1st diet. Crest, a
stalked and leaved, Crest, a fleur-de-lis
. . . . dexter arm, embowed, in armour, the hand
Motto, Vi si non consilio. holding an oak-branch, fructed, all ppr.
Sherburne, ar. a lion ramp, guard, vert. Crest, Shevel, [Scotland,] ar. a wolf's head, erased, sa. ;

a unicorn's head, couped, ar. attired or. on a chief, indented, of the last, three mullets
Shereield, as 3rd in 1st diet. Crest, on the of the first.
top of a tower ppr. a cornish chough, rising, Shevill, [Bishopwearmouth, Durham,] gu. a
all ppr. chev. erm. betw. two crescents ar. in chief, and
Sheridan, [Ireland,] vert, a lion ramp, or, betw. a fleur-de-lis or, in base. Crest, out of a naval
three trefoils, slipped, of the last. Crest, an coronet or, a demi lion ramp. gu. holding betw.
angel in a praying posture, betw. two laurel- the paws a ship's sail ar. charged with an an-
branches, all ppr. chor sa.
Slier/dan. The same arms. Crest, a dexter hand Shewen, per and gu. a lion ramp, coun-
fesse, ar.
gu. holding a cross crosslet fitchee or. terchanged. Crest, an antelope pass. vert.
Sherief, [Leith.] Arms as 1st in 1st diet. Shiel, [Ireland,] az. two chev. or; a chief chequy,
Crest, a lion's paw, erased, or, holding a branch of the second and first. Crest, an eagle's head
of laurel vert. betw. two wings, ppr.
Sheringbukne. See Sharburne. Shield, [N.umb.] sa. on a bend, betw. two lions'

Sherington, gu. two crosses pattee, in pale, heads, erased, three escallops
ar. Crest, a . . .

or, betw. as many flaunches, chequy, or and az. buck pass. ppr. on the breast an escutcheon sa.
Sherive. See Sheriff, both diets. charged with an escallop ar.
Sherland, as 1st in 1st diet. Crest, a bull's Shield, gu. a lion pass, guard, betw. three escal-
scalp ar. lops, ar.
Sherlawe. See Sheri.ev, 1st diet. Shields, [Ireland,] chequy, sa. and or, a fesse ar.
Sherle, or, three palets sa. Crest, a demi lion ramp, or, holding with
Sherley, or Shirley, as 9th in 1st diet. Crest, both paws an anchor az.
a crozier or. Shields, or Shiells, [Scotland,] gu. on a bend or,
Sherley, as 12th Shirley, 1st diet. three shields of the first. Crest, a dexter hand
Sherlingham, gu. a lion ramp. erm. gu. holding a shield az.
Sherlock, [London,] per pale, ar. and az. three Shields, ar. six hurts, two, two, and two. Crest,
fleurs-de-liscounterchanged. Crest, a dolphin, a demi leopard ramp. or.

haurient, arondee, az. Shiells. See Shields, above.

Sherrad, ... on a bend three annulets inter-
. . .
Shiels, ar. a chev. gu. betw. three escutcheons
laced. az. Crest, a mullet, pierced, or.
Sherrard, [Stapleford, Leic. and Loppinthorp, ; Shiels, [Scotland,] gu. on abendengr. or, three in-

Line] The same arms and crest as Sherard, escutcheonsaz. Crest,aboar'shead,couped,ppr.

Earl of Harborough. (A former crest, clouds Shiefner, ... a bend sinister betw. three etoiles
ppr. thereon a peacock's tail of the last, banded in chief in base, water, issuant thereout an

chequy ar. and az. anchor. Crest, an etoile.

Sherrard, [Stall's.] az. two boars pass, or a can- ;
Shiffner, ar.
two spears in saltier, betw. four
ton erm. daggers, az. Crest, a greyhound's head, erased,
Sherrard, [Staffs.] ar. a chev. gu. betw. three tor- gu-
teauxes a label of four points az.
; Shigley, or Shrigley. See 1st diet.
Sherriff. See Sheriff, 1st diet. Shikleworth, sa. three sickles, the blades inter
woven, ar. handles or. Crest, a garb or, banded and fourth, sa. three cats-a-mountain pass, in
sa. in the band a sickle ar. pale, spotted ar. ; second and third, ar. on a
Siulecohx, [Yorks.] ar. three keys or, two and cross moline sa. a mullet of the field. Crest, a
one, and as many fleurs-de-lis of the last, one demi cat ppr.
and two. Sholdham, and Sholdl'x, as 2nd in 1st diet.
Smr.i'OKD, or, three bars, dancettee, sa. Sholdham. See Sheldham, and Schouldham, 1st
Siiir.i.iMii.Aw. [Scotland.] az. on a chief ar. three diet.
cinquefoils of the first. Crest, a bee-hive, with Shole, and Sholle, ar. on a bend gu. three mul-
bees volant and counter-volant, lets of the first in the sinister chief a bird sa.
ppf. ;

Shilston, [Devons.] ar. a saltier, betw. four beaked and legged of the second.
crosses formee fitchee, az. Shone, sa. on a triangle, voided, ar. twelve tor-
SHINGLEH0RST, [London,] gu. two wings, con- teauxes. Crest, a dolphin, embowed, gu.
joined in leure, ar. surmounted by an arrow, Shordich, [Bekyswell, Norf.] See Shordick,
paleways, ... on a chief of the second, three 1st diet.
pheons of the first. Crest, a battle-axe, in Shordich, az. three etoiles within a bordure engr.
pale. ppr. or.
Smingleton. See Singleton, 1st diet. Shordiche, as 2nd Shordick, 1st diet.
Shipham, or, a cinquefoil betw. three cross cross- Shorley, ar. three three-pronged forks gu.
lets, gu. Crest, a demi reer-mouse, wings Shorleij, gu. a chev. chequy, or and sa.
expanded, gu. and ar. ducally crowned or, vulned Shorley, or Sherley. See Shirley, 1st diet.
of the first.
Shorrard, gu. on a chev. ar. three hurts.
Shipham, or Shipment. See 1st diet. Short, [Borrowstonness, Scotland,] or, a tree
Shipley, as 1st diet. Crest, a hand ppr. holding growing out of a mount, in base, vert, a hunt-
an olive-branch vert. ing-horn hanging therefrom on the dexter side,
Shipley, az. a chev. betw. three chess-rooks or. sa. stringed and virolled gu. in chief two mul-

Shippard, az. on a chev. betw. three fleurs-de- lets of the last. Crest, a ship in flames, ppr.
lis or, as many cinquefoils of the first. Short, ... a griffin pass. and chief erm.
. . .

Crest, out of a ducal coronet, a peacock's tail, Crest, a griffin's head, collared erm. betw. two
all ppr.
Shipperdson, [Bishopwearmouth, Monkwear- Shorthose, as 1st in 1st diet. Crest, a dexter
mouth, Morton, and Bainbridge Holme, Dur- hand holding a dagger, in pale, point down-
ham,] as 1st diet. wards, all ppr.
Shippey, or Shepey, [Leic] az. a cross or, fretty Shorthose. The same arms. Crest, a wivern az.
gu. (Another, the cross ar. ) Shorthose, az. on a chev. ar. three escallops sa.
SMppey, or Shepey, az. a cross or, fretty gu. betw. as many crescents of the second.
Crest, on a chapeau sa. turned up erm. an escal- Shortland, gu. on a chief or, a bar dancettee
lop of the first, betw. two wings or. sa. Crest, a sea-horse ramp. az. ducally gorged
Shipstowe, [London.] ar. on a pale, betw. two ar.
tilting spears, paleways, sa. three crescents or. Shortreed, [Scotland,] ar. a fesse gu. betw. three
Shiptox. Arms as 1st diet. Crest, an eel, nai- thistles vert, flowered of the second. Crest, a
aut, ppr. dexter hand holding a scimitar, ppr.
Shipton, [Yorks.] ... on a chief indented, a lion Shotesbery, ar. on a cross engr. sa. five crescents
pass. .
Crest, a lion ramp.
. .
or, flammant gu.
Shirborne, gu. on a fesse ar. three eagles displ. Shotesbroke, sa. a maunch ar.
of the first.
Shotesbrook, erm. a chief, per pale, indented, or
Shirborne, or Sherborne. See 1st diet. and gu.
Shikingtox, ar. a talbot pass. sa. guttee d'or. Siiutisbrooke, as 1st Shortesbrooke, 1st diet.
Shirley. Arms as 1st in 1st diet. Crest, a Shotisbrooke, or Shortisbrooke. See 1st diet.
.Moor's head, couped at the shoulders, sa. Shottebroke, erm. on a chief or, a bar dancettee
Shirley, az. two bars wavy betw. three ducks, ar. gu -

Shirley. See Sherley, both diets. Shutter, [farnham, Surrey.] Arms and crest as
Shirreff, az. on a fesse, betw. three griffins' 1st diet. See PL of Arms, Supplement.
heads, ar. as many cinquefoils of the field. Shouldham, [Norf.] gu. a saltier ar. ; a label of
rest, a lion ramp, double queued az. armed three points az. charged with as many plates.
and langued or. Shouster, [Whiston, Scotland,] ar. a chev. betw.
Siiivez, [Muirtoun, Scotland,] quarterly; first three boar's heads, erased, gu.
Shovel, gu. a chev. betw. two fleurs-de-lis in Sidnall, az. a fesse or, betw. three crescents
and a crescent in base, ar.
chief, ar.

Showcrosse, [Dors.] gu. a saltier, betw. four an- Sidney, [Kent,] or, a pheon within a bordure engr.
nulets, ar. az. [Quartered by Streat/ield.]
Shrigley, [Beriscall, Ches.] sa. a chev. betw. Sidserf. See Sideserf, before.
three legs, couped below the knee, ar. Sievewright, or Sievwright, Scotland,] ar. a
Shrigley, [Ches.] sa. a leg, couped below the cross gu. betw. four torteauxes. Crest, a hand
knee, ar. holding a thunderbolt, ppr.
Shregley, ar. a fesse, betw. three plumber's irons, Siggeston, Segheston, or Siggestone. See
sa. Crest, a hand holding a bull's head, erased, Siggeston, 1st diet.
Sikeston. The same arms.
Shrigley, ar. a chev. betw. three plumber's irons, Siliard, ar. a chev. betw. three pheons, sa.
sa. Silk, az. a cross or. Crest, a greyhound, current.
Shrigley, sa. a man's foot, couped
by the ancle, sa. ar. collared az.
Shuckburgh. See Shugborough, 1st diet. Sillesden, gu. a chev. vair, betw. three bezants;
Shugborough. See Shakisburgh, before. on a chief engr. or, a talbot, current, sa. Crest,
Shukesburghe, [Heref.] Arms as Shugborough a bird's head az. beaked and collared or, betw.
of Shugborough, 1st diet. two wings, expanded, gu.
Shurley, or Shirley, 1st diet. Sillesden. See Selesden, 1st diet.
Sibbald, [Kips, Scotland Lyon Register,'] ar. a
; Silly, [Trevelver and Helligan, Cornw.] az. a
cross moline within a bordure, az. ; a star of the chev. betw. three mullets, or. Crest, a lion,
last for diff. Crest, a mort head ppr. sejant.
Sibbald, [Scotland,] ar. a cross moline az. within Silver, ar. a chev. betw. three fleurs-de-lis
a bordure engr. gu. Crest, a hand holding a Crest, a unicorns' head, erased, gu. charged on
book, shut, ppr. the neck with a chev. or.
Sibbald, [Scotland,] ar. a cross moline az. within Silver, [Winchester,] gu. a fesse, potent, counter-
a bordure, counter-componee, or and sa. ; on potent, betw. three lions, pass, guard or.
the first, eight roses gu. ; on the second, as Silver, ., a chev.
vair, betw. three mullets.
many mascles of the third. Crest, two laurel- Crest, a lion ramp, holding betw. the paws a
branches, orleways, ppr. battle-axe.
Sibbills, gyronny of eight, or and az. four mart- Silvester, ar. a tree, eradicated, vert.
lets, two and two, counterchanged. Silvester, ar. an oak-tree, eradicated, vert in chief

Sibells, ar. a tiger, looking backwards in a glass, two crescents gu. Crest, a lion's head, erased,
az. vert.
Sibthorpe, ar. two bars gu. within a bordure Silvestris, [Ireland,] ar. a tree, eradicated, vert.
engr. sa. Silvesteris, or, in a pond vert, a boar pass. sa.
Sichebery, or Sicherbury. See 1st diet. Silydun, [Essex,] gu. a chev. vair, betw. three
Sichevile, or Syhevile, erm. three cross bows bezants ; on a chief engr. or, a talbot pass. sa.

gu -
Sim, [Scotland,] gu. a chev. ar. betw. two mullets,
Sidenham, ar. on a bend sa. three fusils. pierced, in chief, or, and a halbert, in base, of
Sidenner, or Syddener, as Sidemer, 1st diet. the last, within a bordure sa. Crest, a lion's
Sideserf, [originally from France,] ar. a fleur- head, erased, ppr.
de-lis az. Sims, [Scotland.] Arms and crest as Sim, above;
Sideserf, [Collegehead, Scotland,] ar. a fleur-de- the bordure in the arms az.
within a bordure, az.
lis Crest, an eagle's head, Simeon, ar. three dolphins sa. Crest, out of a
couped, az. mural coronet erm. a lion's head sa.
Sideserf, [Rochlaw, Scotland,] ar. three fleurs-de- Simeon, [Chittworth,] az. on a bend ar. three
lis az. Crest, an eagle's head, couped, gu. dolphins.
Sideserf, or Sidserf, [Scotland,] ar. a fleur-de-lis Simion, ar. on a bend
sa. three dolphins, naiant, or.
within a bordure, az. Crest, a cornucopia Simmonds, a fesse erm. betw. three battle-axes

ppr. or. Crest, a lion's gamb wielding a battle-axe,

Sidey, or, a lion pass. sa. ;
on a chief of the second, all or.
three eagles displ. or. Crest, a tiger, sejant, Simmons, sa. a dolphin, naiant,
devouring a fish,
reguard. ar. maned sa. holding an arrow of the ar. Crest, a dolphin, naiant, increscent.
same, Simmons, [Ireland,] per chev. embattled, az. and
Sidley, or Sedley. See 1st diet. sa. three martlets or. Crest, a sea-lion ramp.
StHMS, or, three bars gu. Crest, a gadfly ppr. Simson, [Tiviotbank, Scotland,] ar. a crane hold-
Simon, gu. three garbs or; a bordure, componee, ing a stone in the dexter foot, gu. on a chief ;

of the second and first. Crest, a pegasus, cur- vert, three crescents of the field. Crest, an
rent, ar. winged gu. eagle's head, erased, ppr.
Simon, Du, erm. a saltier engr. sa. Simson, per pale indented, erm. and gu.
Simonds, per fesse, sa. and ar. a pale counter- Simson, per bend sinister, or and sa. a lion ramp,
changed, three trefoils, slipped, of the second. counterchanged. Crest, a lion's head, erased,
Crest, on a mount vert, an ermine pass. ppr. in ducally crowned, or.
the mouth a trefoil, slipped, or. Simson, or Simpson. See 1st diet.
Simonds, per fesse, sa. and ar. a pale and three Sinborne. or Silborne. See 1st diet.
trefoils, slipped, all within a bordure, counter- Sinclair, [Freisweek, Scotland,] quarterly first, ;

az. a ship at anchor, her oars in saltier, within

Simons, per chev. crenellee, gu. and sa. three a double tressure, counterflory, or ; second and
martlets or. Crest, a wing, erect, per pale ar. third, or, a lion ; fourth, az. a ship
ramp. gu.
and or. under sail, or ;
dividing the quarters, a
on a fesse or, betw. three cross engr. sa. all within a bordure chequy, or
Simpson, [Bucks.] vert, ;

crescents in chief, and a leopard pass, guard, and gu. Crest, a cross pattee within a circle of
tail coward, in base, ar. four ermine spots sa. stars, ar.
Crest, out of a tower, a demi lion ramp, holding, Sinclair, [Dumbaith, Scotland,] quarterly; first.
in both paws a scimitar, ppr. az. a ship at anchor, her oars in saltier, within
a double tressure counterflory, or ; second and
Simpson, [Ireland,] per bend, or and gu. a lion
ramp, counterchanged on a chief vert, three
; third, or. a lion ramp. gu. fourth, az. a ship

crescents ar. a lion's gamb, issuant,

Crest, under sail, or ; over all, dividing the quarters,
erm. holding a branch of olive vert. a cross engr. sa. all within a bordure chequy, or
Simpson, [Bradley, Durham,] gu. a fesse betw. and gu. Crest, a cross pattee within a circle of
two lions, or. stars, ar.
Simpson, [
Glover's House, Sittingbourn, Kent, ] Sinclair, [Balgregie, Scotland,] quarterly; first
quarterly first and fourth, per bend sinister
and fourth, az. a ship at anchor, within a double
dancettee, erminois and sa. a lion ramp, counter- tressure, flory, counterflory, or ; second and
changed, on a canton gu. a covered cup ar. ; third, az. a ship in full sail, or ; over all, in sur-
second erm. a chev gu. betw. three pheasant- tout ar. a cross engr. sa. ; a crescent for diff.
cocks' heads, couped, az. ; third, ar. on a fesse Crest, a cross engr. sa.
dancettee gu. betw. three torteauxes, a fleur-de- Sinclair, [Mey, Scotland,] quarterly ; first and
lis or. Crest, an ounce's head pean, erased gu. fourth, or, a lion ramp. gu. ; second, az. a ship
gorged with a collar gemel ar. at anchor, within a royal tressure, or ; third, az.
a ship in full sail, or ; over all, dividing the
Simpson, [London,] ar. a lion pass, guard, gu. ;

on a chief vert, a rose betw. two crescents, of quarters, a cross engr. sa. Crest, a Savage
the field. Crest, an eagle's head, erased, ppr. resting his club on the wreath, ppr.
Simpson, [Fulham, Midd. and Vauxhall, Surrey,]
; Sinclair, [Lathron, Scotland,] quarterly; first

per fesse, gu. and or, a pale counterchanged, and fourth, az. a galley, her oars in action, and
three birds of the second. Crest, a lion ramp, sails furled, sa. ; second and third, or, a lion
or. ramp. gu. over all, dividing the quarters, a

Simpson, [Haslehead,] ar. a bordure engr. gu.; on cross engr. sa.

a chief vert, three crescents of the first. Sim-lair, [Herdmonstone, East Lothian, Scotland,]
Simpson, per pale, erm. and gu. three roundles ar. a cross engr. az.

counterchanged. Crest, a snake, nowed in a Sinclair, [Oldbarr, Scotland.] Arms as 1st diet.
knot, vert. Crest, an otter issuing out of the wreath.
Simpson, per bend sinister, gu. and or, a lion Sinclair, [Polworth, Scotland,] ar. a cross engr.
ramp, counterchanged; on a chief wavy ar. a az.
cross raguly, couped, of the first. Crest, a cross Sinclair, [BaronRoslin,] quarterly ; first and
as in the arms suspended thereon an escutcheon,
; fourth, az. ship within a double tressure,
per bend sinister, charged with a lion ramp. counterflory, or ; second and third, ar. a cross
Sims, [Scotland,] gu. a chev. betw. two cross cross- engr. sa.
lets fitchee, in chief, ar. and a battle-axe, in base, Sim-lair, [Stamstare, Scotland.] The same arms
of the last. Crest, a demi lion holding in the as of Dumbaith, within a bordure, invecked,

paw a battle-axe, ppr. gu. Crest, as of Dumbaith.

Sinclair, [Stircock, Scotland,] ar. on a cross engr. each, a wolf's head, couped close by the scalp,
gu. five bezants within a bordure, gobonated, of the last ; in the dexter chief point, a crescent
gu. and or. Crest, a naked arm, issuing out of of the second. Crest, a dexter hand holding a
a cloud, grasping a small sword, with another sword, in pale ; on the point thereof, a wolf's
lying by, all ppr. head, as in the arms ; all ppr.
Sinclair, [Scotland Lyon Register,] ar. a cross
; Skeill, [Scotland,] .
., a dexter hand, couped,
engr. sa. betw. two mullets az. bendways, in chief three mullets
. .
; . . .

Sinclair, [Scotland,] as 1st in 1st diet. Crest, a Skein, [Pottertoun, Scotland,] gu. three swords,
dove, all ppr. paleways, in fesse, ar. on the point of each a

Sinclair, ar. on a cross sa. three crescents, in fesse, boar's head, couped, of the same, all within a
or. Crest, a pole-cat ar. bordure of the last.
Singleton, [Cornw.] Arms and crest asofMen- Skelborne, per saltier gu. and ar.
dlesham, &c. in 1st diet. ; with a crescent for Skelbroke, or Skebrooke, as the latter, 1st diet.
diff. Skelinge, ., a chief, chequy, ar. and gu.

Singleton, [Essex, Temp. Edw. III.] or, three Skelletto, ar. on a fesse, betw. three cocks"
chev. gu. ; over all a lion ramp, of the last. heads, erased, sa. armed and combed or, a mitre
Singleton, [Ireland,] ar. three chev. sa. betw. as of the third.
many pellets. Crest, a lion's face betw. two Skelton, [Plymouth,] quarterly; first and fourth,
wings, ppr. az. a fesse betw. three horses' heads, couped, ar.;
Singleton, [Ireland,] or, two chev. gu ; in chief second, erm. a bull pass. ; third, ar. a chev. sa.;
. .

as many crescents az. Crest, as the last. over all a label gu. Crest, out of a ducal coro-
Singleton, ar. three chev. betw. as many martlets, net az. a horse's head ar.
sa. Skelton, [Yorks.] az. a fesse ar. betw. three fleurs-
Singleturne, [Salisbury, and the Isle of Wight,] de-lis or.
ar. a chev. vert, betw. three torteauxes. Skene, a chev. betw. three hawks' bells, or.
Sinlor, ar. a lion ramp, double queued, purp. col- Crest, a hart's head, couped, or.
lared or. Skenock, [Cornw.] ar. a chev. sa. betw. three
Sinney, ar. on a bend sa. three plates. mullets gu.
Sipdene, ar. a chev. betw. three oak-leaves, gu. Skerne. See Skearne, 1st diet.
Sirchedene, gu. a saltier or, betw. four escal- Skerret. Arms as Skerett, 1st diet. Crest,
lops ar. an heraldic tiger pass. gu.
Sish, barry wavy of six, ar. and az. ; on a chief Skevington, ar. three bulls' heads, erased, sa.
gu. two anchors or. armed gu. Crest, a mermaid ppr. comb and
Sisson, or, three bends gu. Crest, a stag, trip- mirror or.

pant, ar. Skevington, gu. a bend ar. guttee sa. betw. two
Siwardby, as Sywardby, 1st diet. mullets, pierced, of the second.
Skae, [Scotland,] gu. three increscents or. Crest, Skewes. Arms as Skewse, Cornw.
a buck, lodged, gu. Skewis, [St. \\ enn, Cornw.] vert, a chev. betw.
Skarchish, or Scarcliffe, ar. a fesse, indented, three thistles, or.
enclosed by two bars, gu. betw. six mullets sa. Skewis, [Cury, Cornw.] gu. a chev. betw. three
Skarlet. See with Scarlet, 1st diet. stumps of trees, or.
Skarlett, chequy, or and gu. a lion ramp, per Skewse, [Cornw.] gu. a chev. betw. three escal-
fesse, erm. and sa. lops, or; on a chief of the second, a griffin pass,
Skarsbrige, gu. betw. two bendlets engr. ar. az. enclosed by two torteauxes, each
three mullets of the second. with a fleur-de-lis or. Crest, a wolf pass. ppr.
Skebrooke. See Skelbroke. collared, and on the body six stars, or.
Skeckby, or, a bend erm. cottised, indented, az. Skewse. See Skens, before.
Skedburgh, or Skedborougii, az. three helmets Skeynert, sa. a chev. betw. three leures, or.
or, ( Another, ar.) two, and one. Skeynwell, sa. a fesse, componee, ar. and gu.
Skeen, [Carriehill, Scotland,] gu. two skeens, in betw. three escallops or.
saltier, ar. hilted and pommelled or on a chief
; Skiddy, [Ireland,] gu. a chev. betw. three stirrups,
of the second, three boars' heads, couped, of or, leathered of the last. Crest, out of a ducal
the first. Crest, a wolf's head, couped, . .
coronet, a horse's leg and foot erect.
Skeen, [Pitlour, and Meyrs, Scotland,] gu. two Skidmore, gu. three stirrups, leathers and buckles
lozenges betw. three swords, paleways, in fesse, or. Crest, a unicorn's head, erased, sa
ar. hilted and pommelled or on the point of
; platee.
Skillicorne. Arms as 1st in 1st diet. Crest, Skottowe, az. an etoile, radiated, or. Crest, a
a raven's head, erased, ppr. wolf's head erm.
Skillycorn. See Skvllycopy. Skrimpshire, .
., a lion ramp. .
., within a bor-
Skingle, sa. a fesse, chequy, ar. and gu. betw. dure vair. Crest, a demi man, in armour,
three escallops or; in chief a trefoil of the second. holding in his dexter hand a sword, and in his
Skinhur, or Skinner. See 1st diet. sinister a shield.
Skinner, [Lydd, Kent,] or a chev. engr. betw. Skrine, [Warleigh, Somers. and Feltham, Suss.] ;

three lions ramp. sa. on a chief indented of the az. in the dexter chief and sinister base points,
last, as many stags' heads, erased, of the first. a tower ar. in the sinister chief and dexter

Skinner, sa. a chev. or, betw. three griffins' heads, base points, a lion ramp. erm. ducally crowned
erased ar. in the beak a sinister hand, couped or. Crest, a tower ar. on the battlements ;

thereof, a lion, couchant, erm. ducally crowned

Simmer, sa. three griffins' heads, erased, ar. or.

Crest, a griffin's head, erased, ar. in the beak a Skrymby. See Skyrnby, 1st diet.
dexter hand, couped at the wrist, gu. Skrymsher. See Skyrmester, 1st diet.
Skiimer, ar. a chev. engr. betw. three lions ramp. Skrymshire, or Skrymsoure, [Aquilot, Staffs.
sa. ; on a chief, indented, three stags' heads,
. .
, Confirmed 13 April, 1584.] gu. a lion ramp, or,
erased, ppr. within a bordure vair.
Skinner, ar. a chief az. ; semee-de-lis or. Skrymsoure, [Notts.; and Norbury, Staffs.]
Skinner. See Skyrmer. The same arms.
Skipsey, erm. three pheons gu. Skryne. See Skearne, 1st diet.
Skipton, as 2nd in 1st diet. Crest, on a mural Skryvon, ar. a lion ramp. sa. betw. five guttees
coronet, a stag, sejant, ppr. de sang.
Skipwith, ar. two bars gu. on a chief of the last,
; Skucton, erm. a canton sa.
a greyhound, current, per pale, or and erm. col- Skull, as 1st Skull in 1st diet.
lared ...
Crest, on a mount vert, a turnpike Skull, gu. abend ar. betw. six lions' heads, erased,
ar. or.

Skipwith, barry of eight, gu. and ar. on a chief ;

Skull. The same ; with six mullets sa. on the
of the second, a greyhound, current, sa. Crest, bend.
a griffin's head, erased, gu. guttee d' or, holding Skylleycorne, sa. a cross, componee, or and az.
in the beak a lion's paw, couped, erm. betw. four garbs of the second.
Skipwith, barry of six, ar. and gu. on a chief ; Skyllicorn, ar. a cross sa. a chief, chequy, of ;

of the last, a greyhound, current, per pale, or the first and second.
and erm. collared az. Crest, a griffin's head, Skylly'copy, or Skillycorn. The same.
erased, per fesse, gu. and or, guttee, counter- Skylycorne. The same.
changed, holding in the beak a lion's paw, Skymer, ar. on a bend gu. four mullets of the
couped, erm. first.

Skirbow, or Skirlow, ar. three pallets and as Skynner, gu. three cross-bows, unbent, or.
many barrulets, sa. Skyrme, ar. a fesse betw. six billets, sa. Crest,
Skirvin, [of that Ilk,] or, three palets gu. on a ;
a deer's head, cabossed, or.
chev. engr. az. as many buckles of the first. Skyrne. See Skearne.
Crest, a hand holding a buckle, ppr. Skyton, on a chief ar. three
az. a chev. or ;

Skofies, gu. a demi lion ramp, couped, ar. within hearts gu.
a bordure sa. bezantee. Slack, gu. on a bend ar. three mullets az. Crest,
Skole, [Kent,] ar. a cross crosslet fitche'e sa. a bridge of three arches, ppr.
Crest, an eagle , preying on a
. .
Slack, az. a cross pattee, throughout, per bend
Skopham, ar. on a chev. betw. three crosslets, sa. sinister, erm. and or on the centre, a quatre-

five crescents or. foil counterchanged.

Skory, [Lantivery, Cornw. and Walesburgh and;
Sladden , Crest, a unicorn's head az.
or, a pale az.
Risbury, Heref.] or, on a saltier sa. five cinque- Slade, [Corran, Cornw.] gu. a fesse erm. betw.
foils of the field. Crest, out of a ducal coronet, three horses' heads, couped, ar. maned sa.
a demi eagle, with wings expanded, or. Slade, [Cornw.] ar. three horses' heads, erased.
Skot, ar. on a chev. sa. three helmets or. or ; a chief gu. Crest, a lion's gamb, erased,
Skotte, ar. a cross crosslet sa. holding three ostrich's feathers.
Skottow, [London,] az. an etoile or. Crest, a Slade, as 2nd in 1st diet. Crest, a hart standing
lion's head, erased, ar. collared gu. at gaze, ppr.
Slade, gu. a saltier betw. four horses' heads, or. Sluane, [Scotland,] .... two horses' heads,
Slader. See Slade, 1st diet. couped, in chief, and a lion, salient, in base . . .

Slank, sa. three flower-pots ar. Sly, or, an orle, engr. on both edges, sa. Crest,
Slany. See Slaney, 1st diet. a dove, az.
Slater, [Midd.] ar. a saltier az. Crest, a lion Slye, and Slyn. The same as Sley.
pass, guard, ppr. Slynthert, or Slynthurst, gu. three bucks'
Slauter, ar. a saltier az. Crest, a monkey's head heads, cabossed, ar. attired or ; betw. each
ppr. attire, a cross pattee fitchee of the second.
Slayne. See Sleyne, 1st diet. Smachey, ar. on a cross engr. betw. four eagles
Sleath, or, in chief three escallops gu. Crest, a displ. gu. a fleur-de-lis enclosed by four cinque-
crane or. foils, or. Crest, a lion ramp. erm. crowned or,
Slee, vert, a one-masted galley, with oars in holding a cross pattee fitchee.
action, sails furled, or, flags gu. Crest, a eha- Smail, [Scotland,] gu. a cross betw. four leopard's
peau sa. with a plume of three ostrich's feathers faces, ar. Crest, an eagle, rising, ppr.
in front. Smalborough, sa. a chev. betw. three bears'
Sleger, [Kent,] az. a chief or. heads, couped, or, muzzled gu.
Sleggs, per pale, ar. and or on a chev.; sa. six Smalepais. See Smallpage, 1st diet.
martlets of the second. Small, [Curriehill and Cornhall, Scotland,] per
Sleigh, [Haddington, Scotland,] ar. on a chev. fesse, wavy, gu. and ar. a lion pass. sa. pierced
az. betw. three blackbirds ppr. a crescent inter through with a dagger, in bend, ppr. entering
two cinquefoils, or. Crest, an eagle's head, at the shoulder, hilted or. Crest, a branch of
erased, sa. beaked gu. palm ppr.
Sleights, betw. ten cross crosslets, sa.
or, a chev. Smallbones, erm. on a pale sa. a mascle or.
Sleights, gu. a chev. betw. three crosses moline Crest, a cornish chough ppr.
or. Smalley. See Smale, 1st diet.
Slensly, quarterly wavy, or and az. four martlets Smallman, erm. three chev. sa. Crest, a hand
counterchanged. gauntleted, holding a sword, in pale, ppr.
Slesser, [Scotland,] or, a lion ramp, within a Smallpiece. See Smallpece, 1st diet.
bordure, embattled, gu. ; on a chief of the Smart, [Dundee, Scotland,] ... a chev. betw.
last, a castle, ar. masoned sa. betw. two Moor's three pheons, reversed, Crest, a hand throw-
. .

heads, couped, ppr. banded of the third. ing a dart.

Crest, a dexter arm brandishing a spear, all Smart, [Musleburgh, Scotland,] or, a pheon, re-
ppr. versed, betw. three boars' heads, erased, az.
Slete. See Slele, 1st diet. Crest, a boar's head, erased, sa.
Slev, [Ireland,] vaire, az. and erm. a chief, che- Smart, as 6th in 1st diet. Crest, an ostrich's
quy, or and gu. Crest, a cubit arm, vested head, betw. two palm-branches, ppr.
erm. holding in the hand a broken sword. Smarte, per bend sinister, or and gu. ; on a
Sley, [Derb.] as 1st S/eigh, in 1st diet. bend, double-cottised, three lions pass, coun-
Sley, as 2nd S/eigh, 1st diet. terchanged.
Slingesby, gu. a chev. betw. two leopard's heads Smartwood, [London,] or, a lion pass, in fesse,
in chief, ar. and in base a bugle-horn of the betw. six billets, sa.
second, stringed or. Smedi.ey, erm. a chev. lozengy, az. and or.
Slingsby. Arms as 6th in 1st diet. Crest, a Crest, an eagle's head, erased, sa.
cornish chough, ppr. Smeis. See Smeyes.
Slingsby, gu. a chev. or ; in chief two leopards' Smellet, [Scotland,] az. a bend or, betw. a lion
heads ar. in base a bugle-horn of the last,
ramp, in chief, and a bugle in base, stringed,
stringed of the second. Crest, a lion pass, ar. Crest, the stump of an oak-tree, shooting
vert. out on each side a green branch, ppr.
Sloan, ar. a lion ramp. gu. crowned with an an- Smellie, [London and Scotland.] Same arms.
tique crown or. Crest, an eagle displ. ppr. Crest, a dexter hand holding a crescent,
Sloper. Arms and crest as 2nd in 1st diet. ppr.
[Borne by Dr. Charles Sloper, Chancellor of Smert, [Cornw. Granted 1.579,] ar. a chev. betw.
the Diocese of Bristol, and Rector of Spettis- three pheons, sa. Crest, abeaver'shead, erased,
bury, Co. Dorset, irlto died about 1725.] ar. collared, . . .
holding in the mouth a branch
Slough, as 1st in 1st diet ; the martlets ar. vert.
Crest, a stork's head, erased, . . . Smert, ar. on a bend engr, az. betw. two deini
greyhounds, headways, sa. each charged on the of the first. Crest, a flame betw. two twigs of
body with four plates, three thistles or. palm, ppr.
Smart, ar. on a bend engr. az. betw. two demi Smith, [Edinburgh,] az. a cup or, issuing flames
greyhounds, ramp. sa. platee and collared ar. ppr. betw. two chess-rooks of the second ;
three marigolds gu. stalked and leaved vert. on a chief ar. a cat ramp.^sa. betw. two mullets
Smert, erm. three chess-rooks gu. of the field. Crest, a dexter hand holding a
Smertk. See Smart, 1st diet. hammer, ppr.
Smerys. See Smeys. Smith, [Blackwall and Cammo,
Scotland,] quar-
Smetham, gu. a griffin pass, or, wings endorsed. terly ; first and fourth,
a ship in distress, in

Crest, out of a ducal coronet or, a demi dra- a sea, in base, ppr. second, ar. a crescent gu.

gon ramp, issuant, ppr. third, az. a cat, sejant, the dexter paw up, ar.
Smetheley, gu. two bars and eight martlets, ar. Crest, an anchor ppr.
three, two, and three. Smith, [Dirleton, Scotland,] ar. on a saltier az.
Smeyes, or Smeis, sa. two chev. ar. betw. three betw. three crescents gu. one in chief, and two
mullets or. in the flanks, and a chess-rook in base, sa. a
Smeys, or Smerys, sa. three chev. betw. as many garb of the field. Crest, a dexter hand holding
mullets, or. a writing-quill, ppr.
Smith, [Herts.] Arms and crest as 1st diet. Smith, [Inverramsay, Scotland,] or, on a saltier
[Borne by Samuel Smith, of Woodhall Park, az. betw. four crescents gu. a martlet of the
near Ware, Herts. See Plate, Supplement.] second. Crest, a dexter hand, fesseways, issu-
Smith, [Germany,] quarterly first and fourth,
; ing from a cloud in the sinister, and holding a
gu. a lion ramp, or; second and third, az. a pen, all ppr.
chev. ar. ; over all, in an escutcheon of pre- Smith, Irvine, [Inverramsay, Scotland,] quarterly;
tence, gu. a helmet ppr. or sa. Crest, a demi first and fourth, as the last; second and third,
lion ramp. gu. out of a ducal coronet or. ar. three branches of holly, three leaves in each,

[Borne by Major-General Sir Sigiemund Smith, vert, banded gu. ; in chief a crescent of the
Kt. K. C. H. ob. 1834/ and his son, Sir John third, within a bordure nebulee of the second.
Mark Frederick Smith, Kt. C. H. 1838.] Crest, as the last.
Smith, quarterly ; first and fourth, gu. three cross- Smith, [Scotland,] az. three flames ppr. ; on a
bows, or, in the centre point a bezant second ; chief ar. a thistle vert. Crest, a Minerva's
and third, sa. a dolphin, bowed, ar. [Borne by head ppr.
T. S. S. Smith, Esq. 1838,] fin Stratford-upon- Smith, [Methuen, Scotland ; Ex. Coll. of Arms.
Avon church. J 1796,] az. an antique vase, with two handles,
Smith, az. on a chev. engr. betw. three lions pass, or, therefrom flames issuant, ppr. betw. two
guard, or, a wreath of laurel ppr. betw. two chess-rooks of the second.
crosses calvary, sa. with a chief of augment- Smith, [Scotland,] ar. three bucks' heads, and
ation. -Crest, a leopard's head ppr. gorged necks, couped gu. on a chief az. three arrows,
with a plain collar, therefrom a line reflexed, erect, ar. Crest, a demi buck ar. attired or,
issuant out of an eastern coronet or. with a pierced, through the shoulder with an arrow-
crest of augmentation, f Granted in 1803, to s'1 -

Sir i] illiam
Sidney Smith, K. C. B. fyc. 8fc. 8fc. Smith, [Scotland,] az. a cat ramp. ar. ; on a chief
firing, 1838.) or, the standard of St. George and a claymore,
Smith-Barry, [Foaty, County of Cork, Ireland; in saltier, point downwards, ppr.
and Marbury Hall, near Northwich, Cheshire.] Smith, [Scotland.] ar. on a saltier az. betw. three
Arms, quarterly first and fourth, ar. three
; crescents gu. in base a chess-rook of the second,
hars gemelles, gu. for Barry second and : a garb of the first. Crest, an arm, couped below
third, quarterly ;
first and fourth, gu.
on a the wrist, holding a pen betw. the finger and
chev. or, betw. three bezants, as many crosses thumb, all ppr.
formee fitchee sa. ; second and third, az. a Smith, [Gottenburgh,] az. three flames ppr.; a
fesse betw. three hedge-hogs ar. for Smith. bordure ar. charged with six chess-rooks sa.
Crest, out of a castle ar. a wolf's head sa. Crest, an anchor, erect, or, the stock sa.
Motto, Boutez en a rant. [Borne by John Smith Smith, [Jamaica,] ar. a saltier az. betw. a star in
Barry, Esq. Marbury Hall, Cheshire.'] chief gu. and a garb in each flank vert, banded
Smith, [Edinburgh,] az. a book, open, betw three or, and a dolphin, haurient, in base, of the
flames of fire. ppr. within a bordure ar. charged second. Crest, a dagger and pen in saltier,
with four mullets and as many cross crosslets, ppr.
Smith, [Baron Carrington ; ancient,] ar. a cross Crest, an elephant pass, or; on his back a
gu. betw. four peacocks, close, az. castle, triple-towered, ar.
Smith. The same arms. Crest, a peacock's Snakes. See Sneckes.
head, erased, ducally gorged or. Snakishull, ar. a buck's head, cabossed, sa. the
Smith, ar. on a mount in base vert, a lion pass, tips of all the attires or.
reguard ppr. Crest, a horse's head reguardant, Snape, and Snepp. Same arms as Snappe, 1st
sa. bridled ppr. diet. Crest, betw. two wings an escallop, ppr.
Smith, gu. three cross-bows, or, in centre point a Snawsell. See Snassell, 1st diet.
bezant, quartered with sa. a dolphin, embowed, Snayth, ar. a chev. sa. betw. three falcons' heads,
ar. [Bvme by J. S. S. Smith, Esq. 1837, a erased, of the second, beaked gu.
Benefactor to the repairs of the Church of Strat- Snayth, ar. a chev. betw. three herons' heads,
ford-upon-Avon.] erased, sa.
Smither, three piles wavy verl ; on a chief gu.
ar. Snayth. See Snathe, 1st diet.
as manycrescents of the field. Crest, a hawk's Sneckes, or Snakes, gu. a fesse or ;
a label of
head, erased, ppr. five points erm.
Smithers, ar. an eagle displ. vert. Crest, an Snell, as 3rd in 1st diet. Crest, on a chapeau
eagle's head gu. ppr. an owl, with wings expanded, ar.
Smithes, ar. a chev. az. betw. three oak-leaves Snellgrove, gu. on a fesse or, three water-bougets
vert, each charged with an acorn or. of the first. Crest, an anchor sa. entwined with
Smithson, as 1st diet. Crest, a squirrel, sejant, a serpent vert.
cracking a nut, ppr. Snelling, sa. a bezant betw. three griffins' heads,

Smitterley, gu. a fesse betw. three lozenges, ar. erased, or; a chief, indented, erm.
Smollet, [Bonhill, Scotland,] az. a bend or, betw. Snepp. See Snape. both diets.
a lion ramp, in chief, and a bugle- horn in base, Sneyde, or Snyde. As Sneyd, 1st diet
ar. virolled sa. Crest, the stump of an oak-tree Snodgrass, [Scotland] ar. three martlets, in pale,
shooting out young branches, ppr. betw. two palets, sa. a chief erm.
; Crest, a
Smollet, [Kirktoun, Scotland,] az. a bend or, betw. phoenix in flames, ppr.
a lion ramp, in chief, and a bugle in base, Snokeshull, ar. a buck's head, cabossed, sa.
stringed, ar. within a bordure or. betw. the horns a bugle-horn of the second,
Smuchewell, [Scotland,] ar. a chev. betw. three stringed, and tied to the horns, or.
cushions, sa. Snokeshull. See Suocksha/l, 1st diet
Smyth, [Ireland,] vert, frettee and semee of crosses Snotterley, Snotheiiley or Sotherley. Arms
flory or, over all out of a ducal coronet or, a as Snoterley of Norfolk, 1st diet, Crest, a crane
demi bull salient, pied, ppr. Crest, out of a asleep, with his head under his wing, holding
ducal coronet or, a demi bull as in the arms. under his dexter claw a stone, ppr.
[Borne Percy Scott Smyth, of Youghatt, Co.
01/ Snow, ar. on a fesse betw. two bars nebulee, sa. a

Cork, Esq. 1837.] lion pass, of the field. Crest, a lion pass. or. ;

Smyth e, [Corsham, Wilts.; ancestors to the Vis- [Borne by John Bone Snow Esq., 1837.] (See
count Strangford,] az. an escutcheon ar. within PI. Supp.J
six lions ramp. or. [Alloioed in 1023, to the Snowden, or Snowdon, ar. on a fesse az. betw.

younger branches of this Family.] (Visit. Com. three escallops gu. ; as many mullets or. Crest,
Wilts.) a peacock in pride, ppr.
Smythe, [London, and Osterhanger, Kent,] per Snyde. See Sneyd. 1st diet.
pale, or and az. a chev. betw. three lions pass, Soame, [Thurlow, Suff. Created a Baronet, Feb. ~>

guard, counterchanged. (And another coat, 1684.] Arms and first crest, as 1st in 1st diet,
a second grant from Clarencieux Cooke, in 1588, So ames, ar. two bars vert; in chief three trefoils,
viz. az. a chev. engr. betw. three lions pass, slipped, of the last. Crest, a demi eagle re-
guard, or. Crest, an ounce's head, erased, ar. guard, holding in the dexter claw a sword ppr.
pelletee and gorged with a collar sa. edged or, Soane, per pale, or. and az. on a fesse wavy,
charged with three pellets, and chained or. betw. four cinquefoils, two crescents, all counter-
[Granted to Thomas Smythe, Farmer of the changed, [J in paling IVyatt, of Kent,] as 1st
Customs to Queen Elizabeth, and borne by his diet. Crest, a demi lion ramp. ar. holding in
noble descendant the present Viscount Strang- his dexter paw a rule or baton; or. [Borne by
ford, 1838.] the late Sir John Soane, Knt. uho died Jan.
Smythsby, [London.] See Smithesby, 1st diet. 1837.]
Snafford, ar. a fesse sa. betw. three magpies ppr. Soden, or Sodey, as 1st diet. Crest, a stag,
lodged, at gaze, betw. two laurel branches, ppr. Somershall. See Somersall, as 1st diet.
Sode/i. Same arms. ("rest, a parrot gu. in the Somersham, az. on a fesse ar. betw. two cottises,
beak an annulet or. indented, or, three cinquefoils gu.
Solas, quarterly, gu. and vert; in the first and Somerton, ar. two lions, combatant, gu.
fourth, a tower or. Somerton, a fleur-de-lis or, betw. three pairs of

Solan, or, four palets az. over all a bendlet sa.

; annulets, linked two and two, paleways.
Solay, or Soley, as Solay, 1st diet. Crest, a Somervilde, az. three eagles displ. betw. nine
dolphin, embowed az. crosslets, or.
Solborxe, sa. nine plates; a canton erm. Somervile, or Somerfield, . .
, on a fesse . .

SoLENENY, or Sri.XEY, quarterly, ar. and gu. betw. three leopards' faces, as many annulets.
Soleri, or Solere, az. three bendlets componee Crest, two leopards' faces, in fesse, both crowned
or aud gu. with one ducal coronet.
Solers, or, a fesse az. Crest, on a ducal coronet, Somervile, ar. three leopards' heads, in fesse,
a phcenix in flames, ppr. betw. as many annulets, gu. Crest, two leo-
Soles De, gu. three sole-iishes ar. pards' heads ar. both ducally crowned with one
Solixgtox, or Solyxgtox, as 1st diet. coronet gu.
Sollers. See Sellers Somervill, gu. five palets, counter-embattled, or ;
Solley, vert, a ehev. per pale or and gu. betw. on a canton of the first, a Saracen's head, side-
three soles naiant ar. within a bordure, engr. faced, couped, of the second.
sa. Crest, a crescent ar. in the horns, a sole Somerville, [Somerville, Co. Meath, Ireland.]
naiant of the last. [Bor/ic hi/ Samuel Reynolds (Created a Baronet, Wth May, 1748.^ az. six

Solley, Esq. 1826.] mullets, three, two, and one, .

. .

Solley, or Solly, vert, a fesse or. betw. three Meredyth, ... a lion ramp. . .
Crest, a demi
trefoils, slipped, ar. Crest, in a lake, a swan lion ramp. Ex Sigllla.
swimming, with wings endorsed, ppr. Somerville, az. three mullets of six points betw.
Soloa, per pale ar. and sa. on a chev. three five crosslets fitchee, all or. Crest, as Lord
daws, betw. three boars pass, all counter- Somerville.
changed, ( Another branch cliff, with a bordure Somery, as 1st in 1st diet. Crest, a sword and
wavy or. j Crest, from a ragged stave lying ear of wheat, saltierways, ppr.
fessewise sa. inflamed ppr. a phcenix issuant or, Somery, as 2nd in 1st diet. Crest, an olive-

wings extended, each charged with a mascle sa. branch ppr.

(Granted \^i~i.) Somery, or, two lions pass, guard, az.
Solomox, gu. on a cross or, a lion pass. az. Somery, vert, a bend dancettee erm.
Crest, a heron devouring a fish. Sommaster. See Somester, 1st diet.
Solomons, ar. a chev. betw. three bees, sa. Sommers, [Scotland,] vert, a fesse, indented, erm.
Crest, a clam-shell or. Crest, a lion ramp. or.
Soloxy. See Solxey, 1st diet. Sommerville, [Scotland,] az. three stars or, ac-
Solyxgtox. See Solington companied with seven cross crosslets fitchee ar.
Somaister, as Somaster of Devon, 1st diet. three, one, two, and one, within a bordure, em-
Somaxy or Somanye, ar. a lion ramp. gu. within a battled, or. Crest, a dexter hand throwing a
bordure wavy of the last hand-grenade ppr.
Nomaynk, ar. a lion ramp, gu. within a bordure Sommerville, [Scotland,] ar. three mullets gu.
nebulee az. within an orle of six cross crosslets sa. Crest,
Somayne. See Somany, 1st diet. a crescent, ppr.
Somer, vert, a fesse dancettee erm. So.mxer, erm. four chev. Crest, a sun-flower.
. . .

Somer or Somner. Arms as 1st. diet, Crest, on Somner. See Somer, 1st diet.
a mount, a peacock ppr. Sonby, ar. a fesse betw. six cross crosslets fitchee
Somereield, ar. on a fesse, betw. three annulets, sa.

gu. as many leopards' heads of the first. Sondes. See Sandes, 1st diet.
Somerfield. See Somervile. Songster. See Sangster.
Somerford. Arms as 1st in 1st diet. Crest. Soxnclere, az. on a chev. ar. betw. three suns
on a mount vert a palm-tree ppr. or, as many mullets, pierced, gu.
Somerle, gyronny of eight, ar. and gu. a wivcrn or. Sonnefield, vert, an eagle displ. ar.
Somerley. See Somerkey, 1st diet. Soxnyll, [Scotland,] ar. a fleur-de-lis az. and a
Somerset, [Devous.] Arms as last in 1st diet. crescent, in pale, gu.
with eight fleurs-de-lis sa. Soone. See Sone, 1st diet.
Soper. Arms as 1st in 1st diet. Crest, a demi
az. a chief
gu. ; over all a lion ramp. or.
Cupid holding a hymenial torch, all ppr. Sotton, vert, three cups covered, betw. six cross-
Soper. Same arms. Crest, a demi lion ramp, lets, ar.

gu. holding a billet sa. Sotwell, per pale, sa. and ar. a fesse nebulee
Sou, or Le Soke, [Filleigh, Cornw.] erm. a sal- counterchanged.
tier gu. Souch. See Zouch.
Sore. See Say, both diets. Souerne, or Soverne. See the latter, 1st diet.
SoreYj az. a cross ar. fretty gu. Soules, ar three bars gu.
Sorre, sa. on a chev. or, three bucks' heads, ca- Soulhill. See Southill.
bossed, ar. as many bugle-horns sa. Soulsby, [Bessingby, near Bridlington, Yorks. ;

Sorrell. Arms as 1st in 1st diet. Crest, on a formerly of Hallington Hall, N.umb.] erm.
ducal coronet, a peacock ppr. four bars gu. Crest, a boar's head, fesseways,
Soterley, or Sotelley, gu. a fesse erm. betw. erased, . . .

three round buckles or, ( Another, ar.) points in Sen rdevall, gu. a cross betw. four crescents or.
chief. Soureby, ar. a chev. betw. three annulets, az.
Sotheby, ar. on a fesse, betw. three cross cross- Souter, az. a chev. cottised, ar. Crest, a harpy
lets, sa. as many talbots of the first. Crest, guard, wings displ. ppr.
the sun in splendour or. Southall, quarterly, gu. and or ; on a bend ar.

Sotheby, [Fairmead Lodge, Epping Forest.] The

a martlet betw. two cinquefoils of the first.
same arms and crest as Southbey, Bury, Surf. Crest, a rock sa.
&c. Southam, ar. three bars vert. Crest, a thistle and
Sotheram, three inescutcheons sa. on each a
ar. rose, in saltier, ppr.
plate. Crest, a crane holding in the dexter Southby, as 2d Southbey in 1st. diet. Crest, a
claw a flint stone, all ppr. demi peacock, issuing, ppr.
Sotherley. See Snottereey, both diets. Southcote. Arms as 1st in 1st diet. Crest, a
Sotheron, gu. on a bend indented betw. six cross star rising from a cloud ppr.
crosslets ar. three eaglets displ. sa. Crest, an Southebye. See Southbey, 1st diet.
eagle with two heads displ. party per pale ar. Southey, as 1st diet. Crest, an oak-tree vert.
and gu. the wings semee of cross crosslets eoim- Southflete, az. three fishes, naiant, in pale, ar.
terchanged, murally crowned, beaked and mem- within a bordure erm.
bered quartering, 2. Thompson, 3. Tyndall,
or. ; Southwell, per pale, ar. and sa. a fesse wavy
4. Reresby, 5. Dei ncourt 6. Savile, 7
Thorn- .
hill, S. Frank, and 9. Lonsdale. [Borne by Southworth. Arms as of Suudesbury, 1st. diet.
Frank Sotheron, of Kirklington, Co. Notts, Crest, a bull's head, erased, ar.
Esq. Admiral of the Blue, 1835, only surviving Southworth, sa. a chev. betw. three crescents, ar.
son of W. Sotheron, of Darrington, Co. York, Southv, or Southey. Arms as Southey, 1st
Esq. by Surah his /rife, only surviving issue and diet. Crest, a stag's head, at gaze, ducally
heir of Samuel Saville, of Darrington and of gorged ppr.
Thrybcrgh, Lord of the Manors of Darrington, Soveinges. See Saveixges.
Redness, Swinfiete, Thrybergh, Brinstoorth, and Soverne See Souerne. both diets.
Denaby, all Co. York, uncle of the lit. Hon. Sowdon, ar. on a fesse wavy, betw. three escallops,
John, late Earl of Mexborough, which William az. as many mullets or. Crest, a lion's head,
was eldest son and heir of William Sotheron, couped, ar. collared az. charged with three
sometime of Pontefract, Esq. by Lucy his /rife, mullets or.

davghter of Edward Thompson of Marston, Co. Sowerby, [Old Park, Durham] quarterly ; first

York, Esq. and co-heir of her brother Tyndall and fourth, as 2d. Sowerby in 1st diet, second
Thompson, Esq. and third, az. three bees or, for Muschamp.
Sotheron. See Sotherton. Crest, the same as 1st diet.
Sotherton, as 1st in 1st diet. Crest, a leg, Sowerby, [Newcastle on Tyne] harry of six, sa.
couped above the knee, gu. spurred ppr. and gu. on a chev. ar. betw. three lions ramp.

Sotherton, ar. a fesse gu. ; in chief two crescents of the last, as many annulets of the first.
sa. Crest, as the last.

Sotherton, or Sotheron, gu. on a bend ar. three Soworth. See Southworth, 1st diet.

eagles displ. sa. pointing to the sinister. Southe. See South, 1st diet.
Sothewell, gu. a wivern or ; a chief az. Spalden, [Lumlethen and Craigaw, Fifeshire] or,
Sothill, gu. an eagle displ. ar. armed or. on a cross az. five cross crosslets of the first.
Spaxding. Arms Spalden, or Spalding, 1st ar. headed or, three bells sa. ;
and for distinc
diet.Crest, an elephant's head or, crowned gu. tion,a canton erm. Crest, a lion ramp. ppr.
Spalding, or. three cross crosslets, fitchee gu. gorged with a collar ar. therefrom pendent a
Crest, a cross crosslet, as in the Anns. bell sa. and supporting a tilting
[Borne spear as in the
by John Eden Spa/ding, Esq. ls:>4] arms; the spear entwined, for distinction, with
Spalding, [France Lyon Register] Anns and
; a branch of laurel, ppr.
Crest, as Spa/den or Spalding, 1st diet. Spearman, az. a chev. erm. betw. three tilting

Spalding, [Scotland] or, on a saltier az. five cres- spears or. Crest, out of a ducal coronet, a demi
cents of the field. Crest, as the last. lion, issuant, grasping a spear.
Spalding, [Scotland] as 4th Spalding, 1st diet. Spearman, a chev. betw. three spear-heads
. . . .

Spalding, as 2d Spaldi/ig, 1st diet. Crest, a Speccott, [Cornw.] or, on a bend gu. three ink-
bishop's mitre or, banded gu. charged with a molines ar. Crest, an eagle displ.
cluv. ar. and thereon three bezants. Speccott, or Speckott, az. three bird-bolts ar.
Span, ar. three chev. gu. ; in chief two dexter Spedding, az. a pale or, betw. two daggers ar.
hands, couped, of the last. Crest, on a mount, hilted and pomelled of the second. Crest, a
an apple-tree, fructed. ppr. cornucopia or, flowers and fruit ppr.

Spange, az. a fesse or. Crest, an arm, in armour, Speeke. See Speke.
embowed, wielding a sword, ppr. Speke, [Cornw.] ar. three bars az. over ; all, an
Sparcolle, gu. a lion ramp, double queued, erm. eagle with two heads, gu. armed or.
Sparhow, or, a huck ppr. and chief gu. Speke, gu. three cart-wheels ar.
Stark, or Sparke, as 2d in 1st diet. Crest, a Spelman, or Spylman, sa. eight plates betw. two
swan in pride, devouring a fish, ppr. flaunches ar. Crest, a torteaux.
Sparke. See Spark, above Spelman, gu. a chief erm.
Sparkks, [Cornw.; and Plymouth, Devons.] che- Spence, [London ; and Wiggenholt and Polgrave,
quy, or and vert, a bend erm. a label with three Norf.] a fesse, embattled, ar.

points, gu. Crest, a demi lion guttee de sang, Spe?ice. The same, with a mullet in chief.
issuing out of a ducal coronet or. Spence, [Edinburgh,] or, a lion ramp. gu. ; over
Sparkes, [Glenham, Suff.] chequy, or and vert, a all, on a bend wavy sa. an oval buckle, tongue
bend erm. upwards, betw. two mascles, ar. Crest, two
Sparkes. The same arms. Crest, a fleur-de-lis or. hands issuing out of a cloud from the wrist,
Sparks, az. an eagle, displ. with two heads, or. letting down an anchor into the sea, ppr.
Crest, out of a ducal coronet, a demi tiger. Spence, [Edinburgh.] The same arms; the bend
Sparrow. Arms as of Stanborn, 1st. diet. indented. Crest, three branches of palm,
Crest, a yew-tree ppr. slipped, vert, banded or.
Sparrow, [Ireland] ar. three roses gu.; a chief Spence, [Shetland,] or, a lion ramp. gu. within a
vert. Crest, a rose ar. barbed vert. bordure engr. sa. Crest, an anchor . .

Sparshott, per pale, ar. and gu. a canton sa. Spence, [Shetland. Granted 1?SS.] The same
Crest, a palm-tree vert, fructed or. arms ; on the bordure four buckles ppr. Crest
Spatt, [Scotland]. ., seven fusils, in fesse,. .
; on as the last.
the sinister chief point, a mullet. .
Spence, [Kerbuster, [Scotland,] or, a lion ramp,
Spaxon, or Spaxton, [Scotland] ar. two chev. sa. gu. surmounted by a bend sa. charged with an
betw. three annulets gu. arrow, ar. Crest, a boar's head, erased, sa.
Spaynk. See Speney. Motto, Bold.
Spear, ar. a thistle, with three heads, stalked Spence, [Edinburgh,] or, a lion ramp. gu. ; in
and leaved vert, flowered gu. Crest, a dolphin, chief a buckle betw. two lozenges sa. all within
haurient, devouring a fish, ppr. a bordure wavy, az. Crest, a boar's head,
Spearing, ar. two bars dancettee gu.; in fesse erased, ppr.
three pellets. Crest, on a globe, a ship under Spence, [Edinburgh,] or, a lion ramp. gu. sur-
sail, ppr. mounted by a bend engr. sa. ; on a canton of
Spe&rman, [City of Durham, Bishop Middleham, the second, a lion ramp. ar. Crest, a hart's
Hettonele-Hole, Old Acres, and Thornley, head, erased, ppr.
Durham and Preston and Tynemouth.N.umb.;
; Spence, [Brinsten-Strathbogie, Scotland,] ar. a
originally from Dunnington, Salop.] Arms lion ramp. gu. debruised by a bend sa. charged
and crest as of Durham, 1st diet. with three escallops of the first.
Spearman, [Eachwick Hall, N.umb. 1827.] az. on a Spence, [Berryhill, Scotland,] ar. a boar's head,
chev. enninois, betwf three tilting spears, erect,
. erased, sa. betw. two bars gu.

Spence, [Aberdeen, Scotland,] quarterly; first and Spense, [Yorks.] sa. a chev. erm. betw. three
fourth, ar. on a fesse az. three covered cups or ; hares' heads, erased, ar. collared gu.
second and third, gu. on a fesse ar. three mart- Spenser, harry of six, or and az. ; a canton erm.
lets sa. Sperke, ar. on a fesse gu. three nails or.
Spence, or, a lion ramp. gu. surmounted by a bend Spert, gu. two tilting spears, in saltier, or, betw.
sa. ;in chief a stag's head, cabossed, of the four hearts of the second ; on a chief az. a ship
second, and in base a cross crosslet fitchee sa. on fire ppr. the guns of the third, fired of the
Crest, a demi lion gu. first .

Spencer, [Warwicks.] add, Granted to

1st diet ;
Spice r, or, a fesse, embattled, betw. three lions'
Sir JVm. Spenser, of Radbourne, Co. Warwick, ramp. sa. Crest, a round tower, embattled, and
1 504 ; and partially adopted by his son and cupola, ar.
heir Sir John Spenser, of Althorp, Co. North- Spicer, gu. on a chev. or, betw. three escallops of
ampton, Knt. the second, a tower sa.
Spencer. Arms, as Lord Mayor of London, 1527, Spiers, az. three bezants within a bordure, ar.
1st diet. first, an arm, erect, or,
Crests, Crest, a sheaf of arrows or, banded az.
charged with two chev. gu. fist clenched ; Spiers. [Elderslie, Scotland,] az. a ship in full
second, an arm, or, thereon a bend az. holding sail, ar. flags gu. betw. three bezants. Crest,
a chaplet of roses gu. leaved vert. an arm, in armour, embowed, wielding a lance,
Spencer, [Ireland,] quarterly, ar. and sa. a bend PP r -

gu. Crest, on a ducal coronet, a star of twelve Spiers. The same arms, within a bordure or.

rays, or. Crest as the last.

Spencer, [Newcastle-on-Tyne. Granted 1809,] Spiers, [Glasgow, az. a ship in full sail, betw. two
quarterly; ar. and gu. in the first and fourth
bezants in chief, and a mullet in base, or, within
quarters, a fret of the second a bend sinister;
a bordure ar. Crest, a dexter hand issuing,
or, charged with two antelopes' heads, erased, holding a sword, all ppr.
az. Crest, an antelope's head, couped, or, Spigernell, gu. fretty ar. on a chief or, a leo-

gorged with a collar engr. az. betw. two wings pard pass, of the first ; over all a bend az.
ar. each charged with a fret gu. Spike, az. three escutcheons, two and one; first,
Spencer, [Newcastle on-Tyne,] erm. on a bend az. gu. three lions pass, guard, or; second, gu.
three mullets or. three catharine-wheels ar. third, gu. three

Spencer, [Yarnton, Oxon. Created a Baronet, water-bougets ar.

29th June, 1611,] quarterly, ar. and gu. in the ; Spiller, [Bodmin, Corn.] per pale, sa. and ar. a
second and third quarters, a fret or ; over all, horse counterchanged.
on a bend sa. three escallops ar. Spilman, sa. over a fesse erm. a bend pean.
Spencer, ar. a fesse gu. in chief three lions ramp,
; Spihuan, sa. a plate betw. two flaunches,ar. Crest,
of the second. a hand, issuing from a cloud, in pale, holding a

Spencer, az. a fesse engr. erm. betw. six lapwings' garland of laurel ppr.
heads, erased, ar. Spilman, two bars ar. in chief, two mullets,
sa. ;

Spencer, ar. on a bend sa. four keys, endorsed, or. ;

an annulet of the last.
in base
two and two, and interlaced at the bows, of the Spilman, sa. twelve plates betw. two flaunches, ar.
first. Spillman. See Spell mini, 1st diet.
Spencer, sa. two bars nebulee erm. Spilsrury, or, in chief three escallops sa. Crest,
Speney, or Spayne, [Tonstall, Norf.] sa. a fesse, a garb, az.
embattled, ar. betw. three eagles displ. or. Spillsbury, ar. three ducal coronets gu. Crest, a
Crest, a bull's head ar. horned gobonated or garb or, thereon a dove ppr.
and sa. Spinks, sa. on a bend, ar. three torteauxes.
Speney, ar. a chev. sa. betw. three crescents Crest, a pheon az.
gu. Spinney. See Spiney, 1st diet.
Spens, [Edinburgh,] quarterly first and fourth,
; Spinola, or, a fesse, componee, ar. and gu. ;

or, a lion ramp. gu. in the dexter canton a heart chief a trefoil, slipped, of the third,
imperially crowned ppr. within a bordure of the Spire. See Speyes, or Spyes
second, charged with eight roses ar. ; second Spittal, [Scotland] as 1st Spittle, 1st. diet.
and gyronny of eight, or and
third, sa. Crest, two battle axes, in saltier, or, hafted gu.
Crest, a hart's head, erased, ppr. Spittle, [Scotland] same arms
Spens, [Lathallan.] The same quartered arms, Spittle, [Scotland] sa. a fesse betw three bezants
without the crowned heart. Crest as the last. Spittle, [Scotland] ar. an eagle displ. sa. mem-
bered and armed gu. betw. three crescents of Bart. 1614.] Arms as 1st diet. Crest, a stag's
the last. head ppr.
Sponell, sa. three spoons erect, or. Springes, ar.a chev. betw. three fleurs-de-lis, vert.
Sponne, gu. a fesse ermines, depressed by a pale Springett, [Ringmer and Plumpton, Sus. ; Vis.
erm. both couped.
; 1634] Arms and Crest as of Kent, 1st diet.
Sponne, gu. a fesse erm. depressed by a pale of Springett, [Suss.] same arms. Crest, a spread eagle.
the same, within a bordure, engr. az. Springhose, or Sprencheaux, per fesse, gu. and
Spooner. Arms as Sponer, or Spooner, 1st diet. vert, a fesse ar. in chief a chev. of the last.

Crest, on a chapeau a pelican, ppr. Crest, a cornish chough, wings endorsed, betw.
Sporll, or Sporle. The same as Sporlev, or two spear-heads, in pale, sa.
Spurley, 1st diet. Sprott or Sporte. Arms as of Middx. 1st diet.
Sporte, See Sprott, both diets. Crest, a pelican's head, erased, vulnerating ppr.
Spotherle, gu. a fesse ar. betw. three crosses Sprott or Sprat, ar. a chev. sa. betw. three sprats az.
pat tee or. Sproul, [Scotland] or, a fesse betw. three purses,
Spotswood, [of that Ilk] ar. a chev. gu. betw. gu. Crest, a water-bouget or.
three oak-trees, eradicated vert. Crest, an Sproule, [Somers.] or, a chev. paly of eight, per
eagle displ. gu. looking to the sun in splendour. chev.. .and ., betw. three purses.
Crest, a

Supporters, two satyrs ppr. falcon, belled, devouring a partridge, ppr.

Spottiswood, [Dunipace, Scotland] ar. on a Spry, [Place, St. Antony, Cornw.] az. two bars
chev. gu. betw. three trees, eradicated, vert, and a chev. gu. ; a chief or.
as many bezants. Crest, two globes ppr. Spry. Arms as 1st diet, Crest, a greyhound's
Spoure, [Xorthill. Cornw.] gu. on a chev. or. a head, ar.
rose of the first, betw. two mullets, sa. Crest, Spurcock, az. a chev. betw. three cocks, ar.
a demi antelope erm. erased, per fesse, gu, armed gu. Crest, a cock, volant, ar. crested gu.
crined and attired or.holding in the mouth a bro- Spurling. See Sperling, 1st diet.
ken spear sa. headed ar. the head downwards Spurrier, [Scotland] az. a griffin, segreant, or.
Spoure, [Trebartha Hall, Cornw.] same arms. Crest, a long cross or, on three steps, sa. ar.
Crest, a demi buck, couped, holding in the and gu.
mouth an arrow. Spycer, gyronny of eight,erm. and az. a fesse betw.
Sprackling, [Thanet, Kent] sa. a saltier erm. three escutcheons, engr. all round the edge, or.
betw. four leopards' heads, or. Crest, a wolfe's Spyer. See Spyesse, 1st diet.
head, erased, sa. tufted, armed, and ducally Spygernell, Spigernell, and Spygournell, as
gorged or. 3d Spyngournell, 1st diet. Crest, a hand
Spragg, or, three rose-leaves, in pale, vert, betw. issuing from a cloud, in pale, shedding forth
two palets, az. ; a chief gu. Crest, a sword, in rays, holding a mort head.
pale, ppr. on the point thereof, suspended, a Spygernell. See Spngournell 1st diet.
crown of olive, or. Spygurnell, az. three bars or.
Sparkling, sa. a saltier erm. betw. four leopards' Spylman. See Spelman.
heads or. Crest, a griffin's head, ducally Spy re, as Spyer of Oxford, 1st diet. Crest, a
gorged or. garb or, banded vert.
Spranger. Arms as first diet. Crest, a cinque- Squarey, or, a pale, sa. betw. two lions' heads,
foilerm. erased, in chief, of the last. Crest, a cross
Sprat. See Sprott crosslet or. Motto, Pro Grace audax.
Spratley, az. two bars. .; in chief three suns. Squedall, ar. a bend sa. fimbriated and engr.
Crest, out of a ducal coronet, a dragon's head gu. betw. two eagles displ. vert.
issuant, Squib, ar. three bulls pass. sa. Crest, on a cha-
Spratt, as 1st diet. Crest, two battle axes, peau, a pelican in flames, ppr.
saltierways, ppr. Squibb, [Reading, Berks.] or, three bulls pass. sa.
Sprege, chequy, or and az. a fesse erm, Squibb. The same arms. Crest, a swan in pride,
Sprencheaux. See Springhose. crowned with an antique crown, ppr.
Spre0se, or Spreuer, ar. three bars. sa. ;
on a sa. armed gu.
Squibb, [Dors.] or, three bulls pass.
bend gu. as many escallops or Squire, as of London, 1st diet.
1st Crest, an
Sprigg, as 1st diet. Crest, a laurel-branch vert. antelope's head, erased, pierced through the
Sprignell, gu. two bars, counter-embattled, or; neck with a spear, the handle broken off.
in chief a lion
pass, guard, of the second. Srabonne, or, six lions ramp. sa. Crest, an
Springe, or Spring [Pakenham, Suff] Created a arrow, point downwards.
Srinson, per pale, indented, erm. and gu. or,an escutcheon of the arms of Schmidt von
Stable. Arms as 2nd in 1st diet, with the mid- Hartenstein, as in the first quartering of the
lets pierced. arms, surmounted by an escallop az. betw. six
Stables, per saltier, ar. and vert, a pale counter- banners of the second, each charged with an
changed. Crest, a tower or. escallop of the first, the staves and points ppr. :

Stables. See Stable. second crest, a demi warrior, couped at the

Stackhouse, [Trehane, Cornw. originally of
; thighs, in armour, an open helmet upon the
Durham,] a garb betw. three saltiers
ar. in ; head, face affrontee, in his right hand a battle-
chief a shed. Crest, a saltier, raguly, or. axe, all ppr. Motto, Deo insperante rege
Stackhouse, ar. three saltiers, in chev. betw.
. . .
favente. [Borne with the arms of Lett, quarter-
a wooden shade on four feet ... in chief, and a ing, az. eight cross crosslets fitchee or, for
garb in base . . . Sitter, by the said John Charles Stahlschmidt,
Stackpoole, or, a heraldic tiger pass sa. Crest, of Lambeth, Surrey, 1833.] (See PI. Supp.J
on a rock, a fort in flames, ppr. Staines, ar. two bars engr. sa. Crest, a dexter
Stafford, [ Monkwearmouth, Durham,] or, a hand issuing from a cloud ppr. holding up a
chev. gu. betw. three saltiers of the second. garland vert.
Crest, a demi lion ramp, holding in the dexter Stainforth, or, a swan, close, gu. Crest, an
paw a dagger erect. anchor az.

Stafford, or, a chev. betw. nine martlets, sa. Stains,ar. two bars engr. sa. Crest, a dexter
Stafford, or, on a chev. gu. three bezants ; a label hand issuing from a cloud, ppr. holding up a
of as many points az. garland vert.
Stafford, as 3rd in 1st diet. Crest, in a mural Stainton, ar. an annulet betw. three crosses
coronet gu. a swan's neck and wings, expanded, patonce, gu. Crest, a covered cup gu.
ar. ducally gorged of the first. Stair, sa. a chev. engr. betw. three stars, or
Stafford, or, on a chev. gu. three bezants. Crest, a cubit arm ppr. holding in the hand an
Stagg, or, a chev. betw. two stags' heads, erased, arrow.
az. (Another, of the field.) Crest, a stag's Stalbrook, az. a bend, per bend, vaire, or and
head, cabossed, or ; betw. the horns a cross gu. betw. two lapwings' heads, erased, ar.
pattee. Staley, ar. a chev. az. betw. three lozenges, sa.
Stahlschmidt, quarterly, of sixteen, viz. ; first, Stcdcy, ar. a chev. sa. fimbriated and engr. az.
quarterly of four, per bend sinister, en-
first, Staley, or Stavelcy, ar. a chev. az. cottised and
arched of three, or and az. for Schmidt von Har- engr. sa.
tenstein, fa baronial family of the Palatinate of Staley. See Staveley and Stayley, both diets.
the Rhine year 1.546:) second and third,
in the Stalton, sa. a falcon, volant, erm.
az. a chev. betw. three lions' heads, erased, or, Stalton, az. a cross engr. erm.
the two in chief respecting each other, the one Stalton, sa. an eagle displ. ar.
in base, guard, for Miller ; fourth, ar. upon a Stalton. See Staylton, 1st diet.
mount vert, a man ppr. vested sa. slashed gu. Stalworth, or, three escutcheons, barry of six,

cap, hose, and trunk-hose, of the last, the latter vair and gu.
slashed of the fourth, holding in his left hand, Stalworth, ar. on a chev. betw. three bundles of
upon an anvil, an iron, in the attitude of faggots, sa. as many bezants.
striking it with a hammer in the right, also Stamfield, [Newmills, Scotland,] gu. three goats
ppr. ; on a canton of the fifth, a cross humet- pass. ar. attired and unguled or. Crest, a goat's
tee of the field, for Stahlschmidt, 2. Von Yff'on, head, erased, ar. armed or, within two laurel-
3. Von Haxthausen, 4. Von Hohenstein, 5. Min- branches, ppr.
singer, 6. Von Hubert, 7. Wackerbarth, 8. Ren- Stamps. Arms as Stamp, or Stamps, of Berks.
noiv, 9. Brunn, 10. Von Grunau, 11. Brencken, 1 st diet. Crest, on a ducal coronet, a swan,
12. Harach, Daldorf, 14. Stuch, 15. Puln-
13. with wings endorsed, ducally gorged, all ppr.
hosen, 1G. Dachau
; the whole encircled with Stanapyll, or, ten cross crosslets az.
the fillet and motto of the Guelphic Order, Stanberie. See Stanbury.
Nee aspera terrent, together with the insignia Stanborne, chequy, ar. and sa. on a chief ; or,
of the Hanoverian Gold Medal of Merit, (con- three woodbine-leaves vert.
ferred by his Majesty George IV. upon John Stanburne, as Stanburn, 1st diet.
Charles Stahlschmidt, Esq. for his services Stanbury, or Stanberie, [Moorwinstow, Cornw.]
during the late campaigns. J First crest, betw. per pale, az and or, a lion ramp, counterchanged.
two horns, per fesse, counterchanged, az. and Crest, a lion ramp.
nbury. See Stonbery. Stan lowe, or, on a bend gu. three mullets ar ; a
St \ncefield, sa. three goats pass. ar. canton of the second, charged with a mullet of
Standen, as 1st in 1st diet. Crest, an angel, the first.

PP r - Stanmarch, ar. a fesse dancettee gu.
Standen, ar. an eagle, with wings expanded, sa. Stannard. Arms as of Ireland, 1st diet.
armed or, within a bordure engr. sa. Crest, on a ducal coronet, a dolphin, naiant,
Standen, sa. on a bend wavy ar. three bendlets ppr.
wavy az. Stansfield, [Yorkshire,] sa. three goats, courant,
Standish, [Duxlmry, Lane. Created a Baronet ar. attired and unguled or, in a bordure engr.
8th Feb. 1(171').] three dishes ar.
sa. Crest, a of the second, pellettee. Crest, a goat's head,
cock, combed and wattled gu. (Another crest, ar.horned and armed or, in a crescent, brows-
an owl standing on a rat sa.)
ar. ing on a holly-bush vert, berries gu. (Granted
Standley, on a bend, cottised, az. three deers'
ar. 8th Aprit 1546, 38th Henry VIII. to Richard
heads, cabossed, of the field. Crest, a stag's Stansfield, of Shipley, Co. York, Esq. Con-
head, erased. firmed 15th 'Nov. 1550, ith Edward VI.)
Standon, sa. a bend vair. Crest, on the stump Stansfield, sa. three goats pass. ar. collared and
of an oak-tree, shooting forth new branches, a belled or.
stork ppr. Stanton, sa. a cinquefoil within an orle of mart-
Standon, as 3rd Standen, 1st diet. lets ar. f 1041 Had. MS. ; Visit. Gloucester-
Stanes, az. a chev. componee, ar. and sa. betw. shire.)
three fleurs-de-lis or. Stanton, sa. two lions' paws, in chev. ar.

Stanfeld, ar. guttee az. ;

on a fesse, three goats Stanton. Arms as 3rd in 1st diet. Crest, an
pass. ar. armed or, two and one. ermine gu.
Stanford, barry of eight, ar. and az. on a ; Stanton, vaire, sa. and or.

quarter gu. an armed hand or, holding a broken Stanye, ar. a bend, cottised,
sword .... Crest, a buck's head, couped, Stapham, ar. a bend sa.
attired or. Stapilford, or, on a chev. engr. betw. three
Stanford, az. a chev. betw. three birds, ar. boars' heads, couped, sa. a bezant. Crest, a
Stanford, or, a fesse wavy gu. betw. nine bil- boar's head, couped, or, holding a flower-branch
lets sa. vert.
Stanger, three palm-branches vert.
ar. Crest, a Staple, as 2nd in 1st diet. Crest, a lion pass.
lion ramp. gu. PPr '

, ! J
Staxgforth, three bars ... on a canton
. . . . . .
Stapleford, gyronny of twelve, ar. and sa.
a fesse and three lozenges in chief. Crest, an Staplehill, sa. on abend ar. three staples of the
arm, embowed, in armour, holding in the hand first.
a scimitar. Staples, as 1st diet. Crest, on a ducal coronet,
Stiingrave, or Stangray, as the last Stangrave in a swan, in his pride, ducally gorged, ppr.
1st diet. Staples, [Ireland,] erm. three roses gu. Crest,
Stanhop, vert, two wolves pass, in pale, or. a dexter arm, couped and embowed, holding up
Crest, five bell-flowers, erect, ppr. leaved vert. a hand-grenade, fired, ppr.
Stan/top, as 1st Stanhope, 1st diet. Stapleton, [Leeward Islands. Created a Bart.
Stanhope, [Yorks.] vert, three bulls pass. ar. 20 Dec. 1679,] ar. a lion ramp. sa. Crest, in
(Another, or,) two and one. a ducal coronet or, a Saracen's head, afirontee,
Stanhope, quarterly, gu. and erm. ; in the first ppr. wreathed about the temples ar. and sa.
and fourth quarters, a goat's head, erased, ar. Stapleton, [Carleton, Yorks. June, Granted 10
Stanhope, quarterly, erm. and gu. ; a crescent, ar. 1773,] ar. a lion ramp. sa. Crest, a Saracen's
Stanlaw. See Stanlow, 1st diet. head, in profile, ppr. ; to be borne single, or
Stanle, [Scotland,] ar. a saltier sa. ;
in chief a quartered with Errington; viz. ar.two bars az, ;
mullet of the last. in chief three escallops of the last.
Stanley. Arms as of London, &c. 1st diet. Stapleton, or Stapulton, as 6th Stapleton, in 1st
Crest, a griffin's head, erased, sa. charged on diet.
the breast with three bezants in triangle, hold- Stapleton, ar. a lion pass. sa. Crest, a talbot ar.
ing in the mouth a lion's gamb, erased, gu. on the shoulder six guttees gu.
Stanley, ar. on a bend az. three mural crowns or. Stapleton, az. a lion ramp, double queued, or.
Crest, a stag's head, couped, ar. attired or, Stapleton, ar. on a fesse, cottised, gu. three grif-
gorged with a mural coronet of the last. fins' heads, erased, of the first.

3 U 2 ]
Stapulton. See Stapelton, 1st diet. Staveley. See Staley, before.
Stapylton, [Atyton, Yorks. Created a Bart. Staverton, as Staverdon, of Staverton, 1st
22 Jan. 1660,] ar. a lion ramp. sa. Crest, in diet. Crest, a stag's head, erased, sa. pierced
a ducal coronet ar. a Saracen's head, affrontee, through the neck with an arrow ar. feathered
ppr. wreathed ahout the head ar. and sa. Sup-
and armed or.

porters, two talbots ar. charged on the shoulders Staverton, vert, a chev. erm. betw. three maunches
with three guttees de sang. of the same.
Starchey. See Strachey, 1st diet. Stavesmore. Same as Staresmore, 1st diet.

Stark, [America.] Arms as of Killermont, Stawell, gu. a cross lozengy ar.

1st diet, within a bordure ar. Crest the same. Stawndon, ar. on a chief
az. a lion pass. or.

Stark, or Starke, az. a chev. betw. three lions' Staylgate, three greyhounds' heads, erased,

Crest, out of a ducal coronet in pale, sa. collared or, betw. four palets of the
heads, erased, or.
or, a stag's head gu. armed of the first. second.
Starky, ar. a heron sa. beaked and legged gu. Stayley, or Staley, as 1st in 1st diet. Crest,
Crest, a heron's head, erased, per pale, ar. and a globe on a standard, ppr.
sa. holding in the beak a snake vert. Stayll, ar. two chev. gu. ; on a chief or, three
Starling, ar. on a bend az. three round buckles palets of the second.
or. Crest, a lion's head ppr. collared az. Staylton, or Stalton, as 1st in 1st diet. Crest,
Starmyn, or Sturmyn, ar. three lions ramp. gu. a lion's paw, erased, holding a rose-branch slip-
Starr, ar. a heart gu. and a chief potent of the ped and leaved, ppr.
last. Crest, a demi lion ppr. holding a mullet Staynes, ar. two bars engr. sa.
or. Staynmar. See Stanmer, 1st diet.
Stasam, ar. a unicorn pass. gu. armed or. Crest, Stayngrey. See Stangreve, 1st diet.
a bell az. Stay'nton, gu. in chief a lion pass, or; in base
Stasey, Cornw. ] ar. a chev. betw. three lo- three crosses pattee ar.

zenges, az. Staynton, ar. an annulet betw. three cross cross-

Statham. Arms as 1st in 1st diet. Crest, a lets, gu.
lion's head, erased, within a fetterlock, ppr. Staynton, ar. three crosses patonce gu.
Statham, ar. a pale fusily gu. Stayton. See Stanton, 1st diet.
Stathome, gu. a pale fusily ar. Stead, ar. a chev. betw. three bears' heads and
Stathum, as 5th Statham, 1st diet. Crest, a necks, sa. muzzled or. Crest, on a chapeau, a
greyhound's head, erased, gu. salamander in flames, ppr. all

Statum. See Stat am, 1st diet. Steadman, ar. gu. betw. three boars'
a chev.
Staughton, quarterly, az. and gu. a cross engr. heads, couped, sa. Crest, a demi griffin or.
erm . Steavenson, [Newcastle on Tyne. Granted lith
Staulton, az. a cross erm. June, 16SS,] az. on a bend ar. betw. three leo-
Staundon, ar. three bars gemelles az. on a canton ; pards' heads, couped, gu. two lions pass. or.
gu. a lion pass, of the first. Crest, on a rock ppr. a lion, couchant, guard,
Staunford. See Stamford, 1st diet. or.

Staunton, [Woburn, Bedfords., Buckinghams., Steavenson, [Fortrose, Scotland.] Same arms

and Ireland,] ar. two chev. sa. Crest, on a and crest.
mount vert a fox, statant, ppr. Steddert, [Selithhouse, Mid- Lothian,] ar. afesse

Staunton, [Line. Granted 1610,] vaire, ar. and nebulee betw. three mullets, sa Crest, a star
sa. on a canton gu. a cross formee fitchee or. issuing out of a cloud, ppr.
Crest, a lion pass, or, holding in the dexter Stede, sa. a unicorn pass. ar.
foot across formee fitchee gu. Stede, sa. a unicorn pass. ar. betw. ten crosslets
Staunton, sa. on a chev. betw. three lions' heads, or.

erased, or, as many cinquefoils of the first. Stedew. See Stedow, 1st diet.
Staunton. See Stanton, 1st diet. Stedman, ar. a chev. gu. betw. three boars' heads,
Staveley, ar. on a chev. betw. three lozenges erased, sa. Crest, a boars' head as the arms.
purp. as many harts' heads cabossed ar. attired Stedman. Arms as 1st in 1st diet, heads erased.
or. Crest, a heart's head as in the arms. Crest, a peacock's head betw. two wings, in
Staveley, as 4th in 1st diet. Crest, an oak- the beak an adder ppr.
branch and cross crosslet fitchee, in saltier. Stedman, ar. a fesse vert, betw. two snails in then-
Staveley, or Staley, ar. a chev. az. betw. three shells, in chief, az. and in base a thistle, leaved,
lozenges sa. ppr. Crest, an anchor and cable ppr.
a bat
Stedman, vert, a fesse ar. betw. two pheons in Stenings, ar. sa.

chief, and an anchor in base, or. Crest, an Stenley, [Scotland,] per fesse, ar. and vert, a
anchor ppr. fesse, indented, counterehanged in chief three
Stkdwhole. See Stedolph, 1st diet. mullets gu. and base a stag's head of the
Stedwolph. See Steedale, 1st diet. first.

Steed, sa. two lions pass, in pale, ar. betw. as Stennett, or Stennitt, gu. a chev. betw. three
many flaunches of the last, each charged with a fleurs-de-lis or. Crest, out of a ducal coronet,
fesse az. a stag's head or.
Steed, as 1st Steede, 1st diet. Crest, a horse's Stephen, [Scotland.] Arms as 2nd in 1st diet,
head, erased, ar. on the chev. three mullets. Crest, a leopard's
Steedman, [Scotland,] vert, a fesse ar. betw. two face or.

pheons in chief, and an anchor in base, of the Stephens, or. on a chev. gu. betw. three demi
last. Crest, an anchor az. lions ramp. sa. a cross crosslet ar. betw. two
Steel, or Steele, ar. a bend, chequy, sa. and towers of the field, for Stephens, quartering
erm. betw. two lions' heads, erased, gu. a ; Lyne ;viz. gu. three bucks' heads, erased, erm.
chief az. Crest, out of a ducal coronet or, a on a chief ar. a cross crosslet az. betw. two
demi ostrich, with wings endorsed, gu. griffins'heads, erased, sa. Crest of Stephens,
Steele, [Scotland,] ar. a bend, chequy, sa. and a sea gull's head, couped erm. beaked az.
erm. betw. two lions' heads, erased, gu. on a ; charged with a tower or. betw. two wings of
chief az. two billets or. Crest, a lion's head, the last ; crest of Lyne, a griffin's head, erased,
erased, gu. sa. charged with an ermine spot, ar. pierced
Steely, ar. a chev. engr. az. through the neck with a cross crosslet fitchee
Steenested, az. an eagle displ. or. or, from the sinister. [Borne by C. Lyne Ste-
Steer, [Ireland,] ar. a chev. voided, gu. Crest, phens, Esq. of Chicksands Priory, near Biggles-
an eagle, wings endorsed, devouring a land- wade, Bedfordshire, and of Portman Square,
tortoise, ppr. 183?.]
Steer, az. a bend, chequy, ar. and gu. Crest, two Stephens, [Cornw.] per pale, gu. and az. a fesse, ;

oars in saltier, ppr. guttee d'eau, betw. three eagles displ. or.
Steeres, per pale, and ., three
. lions pass.
. . Crest, a lion ramp.
Crest, issuing out of a mural coronet, a lion's Stephens, per pale, gu. and vert, a chev. dancettee
gamb, erect. betw. three mullets, quartering Anderson, Sfc.
. .

Steerrs, az. three spear-heads or. Crest, a Crest, a lion ramp. [Borne by Ellez- Ander-
horse's head sa. maned or. son Stephens, Esq. 1836.]
Steers, [Ireland,] az. on a fesse betw. a
ar. Stephens or Stevens, per chev. indented az. and
thistle, in chief, or, and a trefoil, base, of
in erm. in chief two falcons rising or, on ground
the second, a cinquefoil gu. Crest, on a cha- in base vert, the figure of Plenty, habited or and

peau a wivern, sans legs, wings expanded, ppr. purp. her right hand extended, holding three
Stein, [Scotland,] or, on a chev. betw. three wheat ears, her left, sustaining the cornucopia
demi lions ramp. gu. as many crosses ar. Crest, of fruit and flowers, all ppr. Crest, a cubit
an eagle's head betw. two wings, expanded, . . arm, erect, habited in navy blue, charged with
Steinmetz, ar. a fesse az. surmounted by a pale an anchor or. the cuff sa. looped gold, the hand
gu., Crest, two proboscises of elephants, en- holding an oak branch, ppr. acorned or. [ Borne
dorsed, sa. by Admired Stevens, impaling Ford, 1830.]
Stekeford, ar. fretty sa. ;
on a chief of the last, Stevens, [Somersetshire] gu. a sword in pale,
three plates. betw. three mullets ar. (quartering ar. on a
Stelington, or, on a fesse gu. three lions ramp, mount in base vert, a bull pass. gu. charged on
of the first. the shoulder with a mullet ar. for. .) Crest,
Stelton, az. a cross or. Crest, a yew-tree ppr. out of a ducal coronet. ., a cubit arm erected,
Stemby. See Steynby, 1st diet. vested. , and slashed. with ruffle, the hand hol-
. .

Stenacle, ar. on a fesse sa. three mullets of the ding an open book ppr. [Quartered by Stephen
second. Jarrard, Esq. of the same County, 1837.]
Stkxhouse, ar. on a fesse az. betw. three pigeons, Stephenson, [Newcastle on Tyne] gu. on a bend
rising, of the last, a tiger's head, cabossed, or, three leopards' faces az.
betw. two mullets, of the first. Crest, a tal- Stepney, [Prendergast, Co. Pembroke] gu. a
bot's head, collared, in the mouth a martlet ppr. fesse,chequy, or. and az. betw. three owls, ar.
Stenixg, ar. a fesse componee, or and az. [M.I. in Westminster Abbey.']
Stepplk, ar. a cross vert, surmounted by a saltier Stevens, [Edinburgh] per chev. in chief, az. two
sa. Crest, a sword and laurel-branch, in sal- eagles, rising, or; in base, paly of six. ar. and gu.
tier, ppr. Crest, an eagle, rising, looking at the sun, ppr.
Stepy. See Stepey, 1st diet. Stevens, [Scotland] ar. on a chev. wavy az. betw.
StekkYj [Foreign] az. on rocks in base, vert, two crescents in chief, and a dexter hand, cou-
a beacon or, column, erect, ar. fired ppr. betw. ped, in base, gu. a fleur-de-lis betw. two
two stars of six points or, in fesse. Supporters mullets, of the first. Crest, a dexter hand
two lions ramp. or. holding a mason's chisel, ppr.
Sterling, [Ireland] az. a cross betw. four mullets, Stevenson, [Edinburgh] ar. a chev. betw. three
or. Crest, on the point of a sword, erect, ppr. fleurs-de-lis, az. ; on a chief of the last, a
a maunch gu. pelican in her nest, betw. two mullets, of the
Sterling, az. two bars gemelles ar. ;
on a chief of first. Crest, a dexter hand holding a scroll of
the second, three lozenges gu. vellum, ppr.
Stermyn. See Stormyx. Stevenson, [Edinburgh] ar. on a chev. betw. three
Stern, ar. a chev. betw. three cross crosslets, fleurs-de-lis, az. as many mullets of the first a :

gu. Crest, a griffin, segreant, ppr. chief of the last; on the base thereof, the sea
Sterry, vert, five pine-apples, in saltier, or. and rocks, thereon the Bell Rock Light-House,
Crest, a fir-branch, fructed, or. with a temporary light-house, men at work, and
Stetham, barry of eight, per pale, ar. and az. ships at offing, all ppr. Crest, a dexter hand
counterchanged, a chev. or. holding a laurel-crown, ppr.
Steuart, N.S. Bart, [Blackball, 1667] or, a fesse Stevenson, [Mount Grenan, Scotland] ar. a chev.
chequy, az. and ar. surmounted of a lion ramp. betw. three fleurs-de-lis, az. ; a bordore gu. ; on
gu. armed and langued of the second. Crest, a a chief of the third, three mullets of the first.
lion's head, erased, gu.; over it the motto, Stat Crest, a hand holding a scroll, rolled up, ppr.
fcelix amice domino. Stevenson, [Lyon Register] as the last Stevenson,
Steuart, [Dalguise, Scotland; of old] quarterly; 1st diet.
first and fourth, or, a fesse, chequy, ar. and az. Stevenson, ar. a chev. betw. three dexter hands,
second and third, or, a lion ramp. gu. within clenched, sa. ; in each a purse of the first.
the royal tressure of the last. Crest, a demi Stevinson, [Dundee]. ., a chev.. ., betw. two
lion ramp. hawks' heads in chief, and a fleur-de-lis in base,
Steuart, [Dalguise, Scotland; resumed by grant . on a chief.
; three mullets.

from the Lyon Off.] or, a lion ramp. gu. betw. Stevynson. See Stevenson, 1st diet.
three mullets az. ;
over all a fesse, chequy, ar. Steward, a lion ramp. gu. debruised with a
and of the third. Crest, as the last. bend, gobonated, or and vert, within a bordure
Steuart, [Auchlunkart, Scotland] quarterly ; first az. Crest, on a griffin's head, erased, gu. bea-
and fourth, or, a fesse, chequy, ar. and az. ked ar. a bend, raguly, or. betw. three bezants,
betw. three cross crosslets fitchee in chief, and one and two.
as many cushions in base, . . ; second az. three Steward. Arms as 4th in 1st diet. Crest, a
boars' heads, erased,. .
; third, or, a lion ramp. stag ppr. ducally gorged and attired or.
reguard. holding in the dexter paw a cross
., Steward, az. a chev. betw. three lions' heads,
crosslet fitchee. Crest, a dexter and sinister
erased, or.
hand, holding up a heart, ppr. Steward, or, a fesse chequy, ar. and sa. ; over all.
Steuart, [Fothergate, Scotland ; Craivfurds MS.] on a bend az. three buckles of the field.
or, a lion ramp. gu. surmounted of abend sa. Stewart, [Ballechin, Scotland] quarterly first ;

Steuart, [Scotland] ar. a fesse chequy, ar and az; and fourth, the royal arms of Scotland second ,

over all a lion ramp. gu. Crest, a pelican in and third, Stewart. Crest, a lion's head,
her nest, feeding her young, ppr. erased.
Steuke le, az. a chev. betw. three pears, pendent, or. Stewart, [Ardsheill, Scotland. Granted 1800]
Steukele.See Stukele. quarterly; first and fourth, or a fesse, chequy,
Stevens, [Cullum, Berks. Granted 3 Dec. 1694] az. and ar; second and third, ar. a galley, her
Arms and crest as Stevens of Bradfield, sails furled, and oars in action, sa. for Lorn.
1 st diet. Crest, a unicorn's head, issuing out of the
Stevens. [Gloucester, 1606] per chev. az. and ar.; wreath, ar. maned and armed or. Supporters
in chief two falcons, with wings expanded or. two roebucks, ppr.
Crest, a demi eagle, displ. or, charged on the Stewart, [Appin, Scotland] quarterly ; first and
breast with a mullet sa. fourth, or a fesse, chequy, az. and ar.; second
and third, or, a galley sa. flags gu. Crest, a Stewart, [Greenock, Scotland] quarterly; first
unicorn's head issuant. and fourth, or, a fesse, chequy, az. and ar. sur-
Stewart, [Ardverlieh, Scotland] quarterly ; first mounted by a lion ramp, gu.; second and third,
and fourth grand quarters quartered; first and az. three covered cups or. Crest, a lion's head,
fourth, the royal arms of Scotland; second erased, gu. Supporters, two Savages, wreathed
Stewart, with a mullet, in chief, gu.; third, ar. about the middle with leaves, and holding
a saltier engr. betw. four roses, gu. all within a clubs in their exterior arms, ppr.
hordure componee, az. and of the first: second Stewart, [East Indies] quarterly; first and fourth,
and third grand quarters, the royal arms of or, a fesse, chequy, az. and ar. ;
second and
Scotland. Crest, a dexter hand holding a third, ar. a lymphad, sa. oars in action; all
broad sword, all ppr. within a bordure engr. gu. Crest, a unicorn's
Stewart, [Athol and Buchan; of old] or, a fesse head and neck issuing from the wreath.
chequy, az. and ar. betw. three wolves' heads. Stewart, [Edinburgh] or, a fesse, chequy, az. and
Stewart, [Balcaskie, Scotland; Lyon Register.] ar. in base a lion ramp. gu.
; Crest, a demi
The quartered arms of Gairntully, as 1st diet, lion ramp. ppr.
within a bordure, contre, erm. Crest, a bee, Stewart, [Edinburgh] or, a fesse, chequy, az. and
volant, ppr. ar. surmounted of a bend engr. gu. charged
Stewart, [Holland] gu. a fesse, chequy, of the with three buckles of the first ; all betw.
first and
or, betw. three ducal crowns ar. another buckle, in chief, of the fourth, and an
Stewart, [Lord Innermeth, Scotland.] The same escallop, in base, sa. Crest, a demi lion guard,
quartered arms in 1st diet, without the garb ppr. in the dexter paw a mullet sa.

fleur-de-lis, or buckle. Crest, a unicorn's head Stewart, [Edinglassie, Scotland] quarterly; first
ar. maned and horned or. Supporters two and fourth, or, a fesse, chequy, az. and ar. sur-
fallow-deer. mounted by a lion ramp. gu. a bordure engr.
St,wart, [Binnie, Scotland] or, a bend gu, charged of the second; second and third gu. three
with a mullet, in chief, of the first; over all, a storks, within a bordure, embattled, ar. Crest,
fesse, chequy, az. and ar. Crest, a dexter a demi lion, holding in the dexter paw a sword,
hand holding a plum-rule ppr. and in the sinister a pair of scales, all ppr.
Stewart, [Buchan, Scotland] quarterly; first and Stewart, [Eincastle, Scotland] or, a fesse, chequy,
fourth, or, a fesse, chequy, az. and ar. ; second az. and ar. surmounted by a lion ramp. gu. ;

and third, az. three garbs or, for Buchan. within a bordure engr. of the second, charged
Stewart, [Earl of Buchan, ob. 142'.)] quarterly; with three garbs of the first. Crest, a dexter
first and fourth, the arms of Scotland; second hand holding a dagger, ppr.
and third, az. three garbs or, for Bvchan, Stewart, [Fornese, Scotland] quarterly; first, or,
Stewart, [Burgh, Scotland] quarterly: first and a fesse, chequy, az. and ar. second, az. a stag's

fourth, the royal arms of Scotland second and ; head, cabossed, ar. ; third, gu. three legs of
third, az. a galley, her sads furled, ar. Crest, man, flexed in triangle, armed ppr.; fourth, a
a sovereign in a chair of state, in armour, roy- galley, her oars in saltier, sa. flags gu.; the
ally crowned and robed, in the dexter hand a whole within a bordure az. charged with eight
dagger, and the sinister an owl, all ppr. buckles. Crest, two bees, in saltier, ppr.
Stewart, [Prince of the Isles; ancient] The same Stewart, [Galsingtreun, Scotland] or, a fesse, che-
arms. quy, az. and ar. betw. three unicorns' heads,
Stewart, [Burray or Burrow, Scotland] or, a fesse, couped, sa. armed gu.
chequy, az. and ar. debruised by a bend engr. Stewart, [Glossermont, Scotland] or, a fesse, che-
gu. within a bordure, indented, of the last. quy, az. and ar. surmounted by a bend engr.
Crest, a pelican, vulning, ppr. gu. within the royal tressureof the last. Crest,
Stewart, [Castlestewart, Wigtonshire,, Scotland] a pelican ar. winged or, feeding her young ppr.
or, a fesse, chequy, az. and ar. surmounted by a nest vert.
lion ramp. gu. ; all within a bordure of the se- Stewart, [Lord Darnley; Earls and Dukes of
cond, charged with three garbs, two and one Lenox] or, a fesse, chequy, az, and ar. sur-
and as many crescents, one and two, of the mounted of a bend, charged with three buckles :

first. Crest, a dexter hand holding a dagger, afterwards, they used a bordure gu. charged
in pale, ppr. hilt and pommel or. with buckles.
Stewart, [Dalswinton, Scotland] Anns crest, and Stewart, [Halstown, Scotland,] or a fesse chequy,
supporters, as the Earl of Galloway. See ar. and az. ; in chief a lion pass. gu.
under Peer, 1st diet. Stewart, [Murray, Scotland.] The royal arms
of Scotland, within a bordure, gobonated, ar. Stewart, [Russia,] quarterly ;
first and fourth,
and az. Stewart : second and third, ar. a galley, her
Stewart, [Earl of Murray, Scotland,] quarterly ; oars in action, sa. flags gu. Crest, a bee, vo-
first and fourth, the royal arms of Scotland ; lant, ppr.
second, or, a fesse, chequy, az. and ar ; third, Stewart, [Barton Mills, Suff.] or, a fesse, chequy,
or, three cushions, gu. within a double tressure, ar. and on an escutcheon of the second,
az. ;

flory and counterflory Crest, a pelican in

. . . a lion ramp. gu. oppressed with a bend, raguly,
her nest, feeding her young, ppr. Supporters, or.
two greyhounds . . .
Stewart, or, a fesse, chequy, az. and ar. betw.
Stewart, [Lord Ochiltree, Scotland,] quarterly ;
three crescents gu.
first and fourth, the royal arms of Scotland ; Stewins, az. a chev. betw. three grappling-irons,
second, Stewart, in chief a label sa. ; third, ar. double ringed, or. Crest, a cross moline, lo-
a saltier engr. betw. four roses gu. ; all within zenge pierced, gu.
a bordure, componee, az. and ar. Crest, a Stewins, az. a chev. or, betw. three grappling-
dragon's head vert. Supporters, two dragons irons of three points, double ringed at the
vert. top, ar.
Stewart, [Earl of Orkney; Workman's MS.] The Stewkley, [N.amp.] az. three pears or.
arms of Scotland, debruised by a ribbon sa. ; Stewyn, gu. three escutcheons or.
quartering, az. a ship, with her sails furled up, Steynbury. See Staxbury, 1st diet.
or, for Orkney. Crest, a king, enthroned, hold- Steynby, sa. three helmets ar. within a bordure
ing in the right hand a sword, and in the left a engr. of the second.
falcon .
Supporters, dexter, a unicorn ; sinis-
Steyngrey, az. a cross or; in the sinister quarter
ter, a griffin. five billets ar.

Stewart, [Overton, Scotland,] or, a fesse, chequy, Steyngrey, az. a cross ar. in the sinister quarter,

az. and ar. betw. a lion pass, guard, in chief, a billet of the second.
gu. and three buckles, in base, of the second, Steynton, ar. a bend, embattled, counter-embat-
two and one. Crest, a dexter hand holding a tled, sa.
thistle ppr. Stiber, per bend sinister, sa. and or, a talbot,
Stewart, [Phisgill, Scotland,] or, a fesse, chequy, salient, counterchanged on a chief az. a lion

az. and ar. over all a bend engr. gu. in chief a

; pass, guard, of the second ; the chief bordured
buckle of the last all within a royal tressure of
all round, gobony, ar. and gu.
the third. Crest, a demi lion gu. holding in Sticklewey. See Strickle wey.
the dexter paw a buckle or. Sticks, three garbs or.

Stewart, [Sorbie, Scotland,] or, a fesse, chequy, Stidwehow, ar. on a chief sa. two dragons' heads,
az. and ar. debruised by a bend engr. gu. within erect and erased, or, sans ears.
a double tressure, flory and counterflory, gu. all Stiell. See Style, 1st diet.
within a bordure of the last. Crest, a demi Stighull, [Malston, Devons.] az. on a fesse engr.
Savage, wreathed round the loins, chequy, az. ar. three lozenges gu.
and ar. on the head an antique crown, holding Stillington. Arms as the 1st of Kelfield, 1st
over the dexter shoulder a club, and in the diet. Crest, on a ducal coronet, a mullet betw.
sinister hand a heart betw. two wings, impe- two branches of laurel, in orle.
rially crowned. Motto over the crest, Dant Stilman, sa. a unicorn pass, or, on a chief of the
priscce decorum. last, three billets az.
Stewart, [Fill the Cap, Banff, Scotland,] or, a Stinishoel, [Bravisam, Scotland,] ar. a chev.
fesse, chequy, az. and ar. betw. two garbs in betw. three crescents, sa.
chief, and a crescent in base, of the second. Stinte, enn. on a bend gu. three leopards' heads
Crest, a gillyflower, slipped, ppr. or.
Stewart, [Urrard, Scotland,] quarterly; first and Stir lee, or Stirllea, per pale, or and sa.
fourth, or, a fesse, chequy, az. and ar. sur- Stirling, [Ardoch, Scotland. Created a N. S.
mounted by a lion ramp. gu. within a bordure Bart. 2nd May, 1GG6.] Arms as 1st diet.
of the last ; second, az. three garbs or ; third, Stirling, [Achoyle, Scotland,] ar. on a bend engr.
ar. on a bend az. a crescent betw. two az. betw. a rose, in chief, gu. and an annulet, in
buckles, or. base, of the last, three buckles or. Crest, a
Stewart, [Scotland,] or, a fesse, chequy, az. and Moor's head, couped, sa.
ar. surmounted of a lion
ramp. gu. ; a bordure Stirling, [Craig, Scotland,] ar. on a bend az.
enn. for diif. Crest, a lion's head, erased, gu. three buckles of the field.
Stirling, [Craigburnet, Scotland,] as 1st diet. Stock, [Ireland.] erm. in chief a lion ramp. gu.
Crest, a lady, issuant, from the breast upwards, Crest, a pheon ppr. point upwards.
ppr. attired and winged or, ensigned on the Stock, ar. six roses gu. Crest, a domed tower,
head with a cross gu. with cupola, and flag displ. from the top.
Stirling, [Deuchray, Scotland. Granted L803,] Stockhall. See Stockdale.
quarterly ; first and fourth, ar. on a bend engr. Stockbridge, as 1st diet. Crest, out of a cloud,
az. betw. two roses two dexter hands, in armour, conjoined, holding
gu. three buckles or ;

second, or, in fesse a broken wall az. masoned up a heart, inflamed, all ppr.
sa. in base a rose gu.
; on a chief engr. of the
; Stockdale, or Stockall, as 1st in 1st diet.
third, three escallops or in the collar point, a
; Crest, out of a ducal coronet, a triple plume of
crescent of the fourth, for cliff. third, ar. a ; ostrich's feathers, ppr.
saltier, engr. az. on a chief of the last, three
; Stockdon. See Stockton.
mullets of the field. Crest, an eagle displ. Stocke, gyronny of eight, ar. and az. three birds
holding in the dexter claw a sword, and in the vert.
sinister a pistol, ppr. Supporters, two lions Stock en, [Ireland,] gu. two boars' heads, in
ar. imperially crowned or. Motto, over, For fesse, erased, or. Crest, an arm, from the
right. shoulder, holding a garland of laurel, ppr.
Stirling, [Drumpellier, Scotland,] ar. on a bend Stoker, gyronny of six, ar. and vert. Crest, an
engr. az. three buckles or, betw. two cinquefoils oldman's head, in profile, vested gu. and wreathed
gu. ; a bordure vert. Crest, out of a ducal coro- about the temples ar. and sa.
net or, a stag's head, ppr. Stockley, or Stokeley. Arms as 2nd in 1st
Stirling, [Edinburgh,] as lstdict. Crest, a dexter diet. Crest, a hind's head, ppr.
hand pointing a lancet, ppr. Stockoe, ar. three water-bougets, in chief, sa.
Stirling, [Kippendavie, Scotland,] ar. on a bend and a crescent, in base, gu. Crest, a horse's
sa. three buckles of the first. Crest, a Negro's head, erased, or, bridled sa.
head, issuant. Stockport, az. three lozenges betw. nine cross-
Stirling, [Law, Scotland,] ar. on a bend engr. az. lets, or.
three buckles or ; in chief an oak-tree, slipped Stocks. See Stokes, both diets.
vert, thereon a raven ppr. Stockton. Arms as of Ipswich, lstdict. Crest,
Stirling, [Old Montrose, Scotland,] ar. on a bend a lion ramp, supporting an Ionic pillar, ppr.
engr. az. betw. a Moor's head, couped, sa. band- Stockton, . . , a griffin, segreant, .
Crest, a
. .

ed or, and a garb in base, of the second, three wolf's head, erased, collared, and tied behind.
buckles of the fourth. Crest, a demi Moor Stockton, gu. a chev. vaire, ar. and sa. ; in chief
issuing from the wreath, at his back a sheaf of two (Another, three) mullets or.
arrows, his dexter ami stretched out, holding in Stockton, gu. a chev. vaire, ar. and sa. betw. three
fesse, an arrow,
all ppr. mullets or.
Stirling, [Scotland,] quarterly; first and fourth, Stockton, or Stockdon, ar. a saltier gu. betw. four
ar. on a bend engr. az. three buckles of the
door-staples sa.
field; in chief, on a scraggy branch, couped, a Stockton, ar. on a saltier gu betw. four staples sa.
starling, facing the sinister ppr.; second and a bezant.
third, ar. a saltier engr. sa. in chief a rose gu. ; Stockwood, az. on a chev. betw. three squirrels
Crest, first, a lion's gamb holding an oak- ar. as many trees vert, fructed or, within a

branch, acorned, ppr. second, a stag's head,

bordure engr. of the last, charged with eight
erased, ppr. torteauxes.
Stiven, [Scotland,] .
., on a chev. betw. two Stocktcood, and Stokewood, as 1st diet. Crest,
crescents in chief, and a sinister hand, couped, in out of a mural coronet, a demi lion ramp, sup-
base, gu. two mullets of the first; in the middle porting a flag gu.
chief point, a holly-leaf,vert. Crest,a crescent gu. Stodard, sa. three etoiles, per fesse, ar. and or,
Stobart, [ Picktree, near Chester -le- street, within a bordure engr. of the second.
Durham,] quarterly; first, and fourth, harry of Stodart, [Leith, Scotland,] sa. three mullets ar.;
twelve, ar. and az. three lions ramp. purp. for a bordure of the last. Crest, out of a ducal
Stolid rt ; second and third, ar. a human beart gu. coronet or, a demi horse ar.
ensigned with the regal crown ppr.; on a chief Stodart, or Stothert, sa. three etoiles ar. Crest,
az. three mullets of the first, for out of a cloud ppr. a star of six points, waved,
Crest, a cubit arm grasping a dagger, point ar. issuant.
downwards. Stoddart, [Scotland,] ar. a fesse wavy, betw.
three mullets, sa. ;
on a bordure gu. eight cinque- Crest, out of a ducal coronet or, a demi griffin
foils of the first. Crest, a mullet issuing from erm. winged and beaked of the last.
a cloud. Stone, ar. five leopards' heads, in cross, sa.
Stoddyr, az. on a fesse engr. ar. betw, three Stone, sa. a chev. engr. betw. three flint-stones,
fleurs-de-lis of the second, as many torteauxes. ar.

Crest, a demi fleur-de-lis gu. Stone, or, a chev. quartered, az. and purp. betw.
Stodew. See Stodow, 1st diet. three flint-stones of the second.
Stody. See Stordy. Sto?w, quarterly; first, or, two bars vaire, ar. and
Stoke, barry of ten, ar. and gu. a chev. or. sa. ; second, gu. two bars vaire, or and sa. ;

Stoke, or Stokes, gu. five escallops or. third, as the second; fourth, or, three fleurs-
Stokebridge. See Stockbridge. de-lis gu.
Stokeley. See Stockley, both diets. Stone, per pale, or and az. an eagle displ. with
Stokely, ar. on a bend az. three annulets or. two heads, counterchanged.
Crest, an esquire's helmet az. Stone, per pale, or and gu. an eagle displ. with
Stokeporte, az. crusily, three fusils or. two heads, az. armed of the second.
Stoker, per saltier, vert and ar. two popinjays, in Stoner, as 1st in 1st diet. Crest, on a rock ppr.
fesse of the first. a bird ar. with a stone in its mouth.
Stokes, or Stocks. Arms as of Cambridge, 1st Stoner, sa. a chev. ar. betw. three plates.
diet. Crest, out of a ducal coronet or, a plume Stones, vert, on a fesse, embattled, counter-em-
of ostrich's feathers ar. in a case gu. battled, betw. three doves, az. a cross sa.
Stokes, gu. a demi lion ramp. ar. within a bordure Crest, an eagle displuming a wing, ppr.
sa. bezantee. Stonham, ar. on a cross sa. five escallops of the
Stokes, sa. an inescutcheon, barry of four, ar. and first.

sa. charged with three ears of wheat or; all Stofiham. See Stonam, 1st diet.
within an orle of the same, bendways,of the last. Stonlyng, gu. a saltier, betw. four lions ramp,
Stokes, erm. three bars humettee sa. on each five ar.
ears of wheat or. Stonor, [Stonor, Oxfordshire,] az. two barsdan-
Stokes, ar. a fesse componee, or and az.betw. three cett6e or, a chief ar. Crest, on a rock ar.
escallops of the first. (Another, of the last.) semee of stones, az. a bird, statant, ar. senile
Stokes, gu. six escallops or. of human eyes, or, holding in his beak a
Stokes, per chev. erm. and vert, a chev. engr. stone, az.
counterchanged, betw. three fleurs-de-lis, or. Stonyng, ar. a chev. gu. betw. three pellets ; on
Stokes, sa. three eagles displ. ar. ; a chief, indented, each a fleur-de-lis of the first.
of the second. Stootevill. See Stuteville, 1st diet.
Stokes, gu. a squirrel, sejant, or ; on a chief of the Stopford. Arms as 1st diet. Crest, a wivern,
last, three fleurs-de-lis az. PP r -

Stokes, sa. semee of fleurs-de-lis ar. ; a fret or. Stopford, [Ireland,] az. three lozenges or, betw.
Stokes, vaire, or and gu. ; on a chief gold, three seven crosses botonne'e of the last. Crest, a
mullets sa. lamb ar. bearing a banner gu.
Stokes, or Stokeivood, sa. fretty or, and semee of Stopham, as 1st in 1st diet. Crest, an escut-
fleurs-de-lis ar. cheon sa.
Stokewood. See Stockwood, and Stokes, both Storange. See Storinge, and Straunge, both
diets. diets.
Stokeyth, or Stockwyth, ar. two bars gu. ; in Stordy, or Stody, erm. on a saltier sa. a leopard's
chief three cinquefoils of the second. head or.
Stokoe. The same as Stockoe. Storey, ... a lion ramp. . . Crest, a demi lion
Stokys, ar. a cross patonce gu. betw. four lions' ramp. . .

heads, erased, sa. Storey, ar. a lion ramp, tail nowed, purp.
Stonbery, or Stonbury, per pale, az. and or ; Crest, an escallop or, betw. two eagles' wings,
a lion ramp, per fesse, gu. and sa. PP r -

Stone, [London,] or, a chev. gu. charged with Storie, [Stockholm,] a tower, triple tow-
another ar. betw. three flintstones ppr. Crest, ered, or, masonedwithin six garbs, in
on a chapeau gu. turned up erm. an eagle re- orle, of the second. Crest, two branches
guard, wings extended, resting the dexter claw of olive, in saltier, ppr. Motto, Mcerit qui
on a flintstone, as in the arms. laborat.
Stone, ar. three cinquefoils sa. ; a chief az. Stork, az. a chev. or, betw. three acorns of the
last, in chief, husked and slipped vert ; and in Sturges, a talbot's head, couped. [Borne by
base a bull's head, erased, ar. Crest, a bull's the Right Hon. William Sturges Bourne, M. P.
head, erased, sa. Secretary of State, 1827, of Teshvood House,
Storks, ar. a fesse sa. ; in chief a lion
pass. gu. near Southampton, 1832.]
Crest, a buffalo's head, erased, gu. Stourges, az. a chev. betw. three crosslets, crossed
Stormyn, or Stermyn, as of Suffolk, 1st diet. and fitchee, or, within a bordure engr. of the
Crest, a bear, sejant, ppr. last.

Stormyn, paly of six, ar. and gu. ;

on a chief of Stourton. See Sturton, 1st diet.
the second, a lion pass, of the first. Stout, ar. a pale gu. surmounted by a saltier az.
Stormyn, gu. a chev. ar. in chief two mullets of
; Crest, a talbot pass. or.
the second. Stouthngs. See Storlings, 1st diet.
Storpe, ar. three crosses pattee gu. Stouton, az. a cross engr. erm.
Storr, ar. a pale, gu. ; on a canton, az. a Stovin, or, two boars' heads, erased, in fesse, az.
cinquefoil or. Crest, a cubit arm, in armour, Crest, a dragon's head vert.
couped, in fesse, holding a cross crosslet fit- Stoway, sa. a cross raguly or.
chee. Stowdow, or Stodew, gu. two bars or; on a
Storrs, [Newcastle-on-Tyne,] gu. two bars engr. chief of the second, a mullet sa.
erm. ; on a chief or, a lion pass, guard, of the Stowe, or Stowte, az. three bars or ; in chief
first. three crosses pattee fitchee of the first.
Story, [Leicestershire,] per fesse, indented, ar. Stowford, a bend vair, betw. six cross cross-
. .

and sa. three ravens counterchanged, quarter- lets, all within a bordure engr. or.
ing, az. a sinister gauntlet or, for Lacock, 8fc. Stowney, or Stouney', sa. a cross raguly or.
Crest, of Story, a raven sa. : crest of Lacock, Stowte. See Stowe.
a cock gu. resting his dexter foot on a gauntlet Strabolgie, paly of eight, or and sa.
or. [Borne by P. Lacock Story, of Tusmore Strabolgy, or, three palets sa.
House, Oxfordshire, Esq. 1834. Stracey, ar. on a cross engr. betw. four eagles
Story, as 6th in 1st diet. Crest, a cupid, in the displ. gu. five cinquefoils or. Crest, a lion
dexter hand an arrow, in the sinister a bow, ramp, erminois, ducally crowned or, supporting
and at his back a quiver, ppr. a cross pattee fitchee gu.
Story, erm. a stork, close . .
Crest, a stork's
. Stracey. See Strachey, 1st diet.
head, erased, in the beak a serpent, nowed. Strachan, [Brigton, Scotland,] ar. a crescent
Stote, ... a lion ramp, double queued . . .
gu. ; on a chief az. three roses of the first.
Crest, a demi lion ramp, double queued. Strachan, or, a stag, trippant, az. attired sa.
Stothart, ar. a cock betw. two mullets of six
. . . within a bordure gu. on a canton of the second
points sa. ; on a chief gu. three cushions or. a cross of the third, fimbriated ar. in the first
Crest, in a cloud, a mullet of six points, ar. quarter a ship of the last. Crest, out of a naval
Motto, Post nubes lux. coronet or, a demi stag, salient, of the last ; in
S tother, az. three dexter hands, couped, apau- its mouth a thistle, slipped and leaved, ppr.

mee, ar. Crest, a camel's head, sa. Motto, over crest, JVon timeo sed caveo ; under
Stothert. Arms and crest as Stodart, of Sto- arms, Veni Vidi Vici. Supporters, two grey-
dart. hounds, reguard. ar. each gorged with a white
Stott, [Scotland,] as 2nd in 1st diet. Crest, ribbon with blue edges, pendent, a gold medal
a martlet az. of military merit, " Fame crowning Brittania."
Stott, gu. a lion ramp. ar. a canton erm. ; Crest, [Borne by the late Admiral Sir Richard John
on a mount, a peacock ppr. Strachan, Bart, of JYova Scotia, K. C. B. 8fc.
Stotte, sa. a cross of St. Julian ar. who died 1828.]
Stoughton. Arms as 3rd in 1st diet. Crest, a Strachan, [Thorton, N. B.] or, a stag, trippant,
robin red-breast ppr. az. quartering, Donaldson, ar. upon waves in
Stouncy. See Stowney. base, a Roman galley, oars at rest, sa. within a
Stourgeon, az. three fishes, fesseways, in pale, bordure wavy az Crest, of Strachan, a naked
or ; over all a fret of the last. arm, embowed, holding a scimitar, all ppr. ;
Sturges- Bourne quarterly; first and fourth, crest of Donaldson, on the rudder of an ancient
az. a chev. betw. three cross crosslets, fitchee, galley, a man's head, bleeding, ppr. for Donald-
or, within a bordure engr. of the last, for Stur- son. Motto, over first crest, For-d-ivard ;
ges ; second and third, ar. a chev. gu. betw. second crest, Steer steady. Supporters, two
three lions ramp. sa. for Bourne. Crest of foresters, in green jackets, black pantaloons
and boots, black velvet caps, a bugle suspended Strangebow, or Strongbow, as 1st diet. Crest,
round their waists, each holding a crook in a bull's head, cabossed, betw. two flags, charged
their dexter hands. [Bome by John Strachan, with a cross.
Esq. of Thornton, 1835.]
Strange wayes, or Strangewiche, [Winterborne,
Strachan, [Leven, Scotland,] per pale, gu. and Milbery, and Moulton, Dors. ; Strangeways,
az. ;
on a mount, in base, vert, a stag, trippant, Lane. ;
and Yorks.] as 1st diet. Crest, a lion
ar. Motto, Forward. pass, paly of six, ar. and gu.
Strachan, [Tarrie, Scotland,] az. a stag, trippant, Strangeways, [Samphford, Scotland,] sa. two
ar. in the dexter chief a mullet of six points,
lions pass, in pale, paly of six, ar. and gu.
and in the sinister an increscent, of the last. Crest, a lion sa.
Crest, a ship in full sail, ppr. Strangewyche. See Strangewayes, 1st diet.
Strachan, [Milton Abbas, Scotland,] quarterly. . .
Strangman, [Winterborne, Dors.] sa. on a fesse
and ... a stag, trippant, or. engr. betw. three arms, couped at the shoul-
Strachan, or Strahan, az. a stag, trippant, ar. ders, in armour, ar. as many cross crosslets
Crest, on a ducal coronet or, a wivern, sans fitchee gu.

legs, vert. Strangways, sa. two lions pass, paly of six, ar.
Stradley, or, on a bend sa. three owls of the first. and gu. Crests, first, a lion pass, paly of six,
Stradling, or Stradlyng, paly of six, az. and ar. and gu. ; second, out of a ducal coronet or,
ar. ; on a bend gu. three cinquefoils or. a boar's head sa. betw. two wings az. pellettee
Strafford, ar. a chev. betw. three leopards' faces, or.
. .
Crest, an elephant, statant, sa.
. Stranley, paly of six, az. and ar. ;
on a canton
Straguff, ar. an inescutcheon az. gu. a martlet ( Another, a mullet ) of the second.
Strahan. See Strachan, both diets. Stratele. See Stratley, 1st diet.
Straiton, [Edinburgh,] vair, on an inescutcheon Stratford, [Ireland,] ar. a fesse betw. three hawks'
gu. a fesse crenellee of three pieces ar. masoned heads, erased, gu. Crest, a goat's head, erased,
sa. Crest, a falcon, rising, ppr. ppr.
Straiton, [Montrose, Scotland,] ar. three bars, Straton, [Scotland,] four bars, embattled,

embattled, az. ; an escutcheon gu. ;

within a
all counter-embattled, sa. over all an escutcheon

bordure engr. of the second. Crest, a mortar gu. Crest, an eagle, with wings expanded,
and pestle ppr. standing on a man's hand, in armour, couped at
Strang, [London Lyon Register.] ;
Arms as the wrist.
1st diet the bend wavy for diff.
; Crest, a Stratoun, [Scotland,] barry of five, each per fesse,
cluster of wine-grapes, ppr. Motto, Dulce ar. and sa. Crest, a pelican's head, erased,
quod utile. vulnerated, ppr.
Strang, [Petgorthie, Scotland,] az. a chev. betw. Stratton, to 1st of the name in 1st diet, add
three lozenges, or. Crest, a hawk rising ppr. belled or.
Strang, two
lions pass. gu.
ar. Stratton, [Suff.] or, on a chief, indented, az. three
Strang, a chev. betw. three lozenges, sa.
ar. escallops ar. (Another, of the field.) Crest,
Strange, gu. two lions pass, in pale, the one . . . as 1st diet.
in base, reguard. ... Crest, two dragons' Stratton, [Suff.] as 1st in 1st diet.
heads and necks, erased and addorsed and . . .
Stratton, erm. on a chev. or, three mullets, pierced,
collared encircled by a chain, issuant from
. . .
gu. Crest, out of a mural coronet or, an eagle's
the wreath. [Borne by William Strange, Esq. head, ppr.
1831.] Stratton, See Liddiard, 1st diet

Strange, [Moun's Court, Glouc] Arms as 1st Strauchan, [Thornton, Scotland,] or, a stag,
diet ; the bend or. trippant,atgaze, sa. Crest, a demist ag, spring-
Strcmge, [London.] Arms as 7th in 1st diet; the ing, or, holding in the mouth a thistle ppr.
bordure or. Crest, two hands, clasped, ppr. Straunge, gu. two lions pass. ar. Crest, a wolf
couped at the wrists. az. devouring a child ppr. (Another crest, two
Strange, [Norf.] ar. two lions pass, in pale, gu. hands, couped at the wrist, clasped together,
Strange, gu. two lions pass. ar. crowned or. the dexter or, the sinister ar.)
Strange, ar. on a fesse, vert, three garbs or. Straunge, vert, a chev. or, betw. three covered
Strange, ar. three bars gu. ; on each two water
cups ar.
bougets of the first. Straunge, ar. a chev. betw. three covered cups, gu.
Strange, Le, gu. two lions pass. ar. depressed by Straunge, or Storange, gu. an eagle displ. ar.
a bend or. within a bordure engr. or.
Sri; aini.kv, paly of six, ar. and az.; a canton Strode, erm. three eagles displ. gu.; on a canton
of the second, a mullet, pierced, or.
Stray. Arms as 1st in 1st diet. Crest, an eagle Strode, sa. awivern ar. ; on a canton erm. a crescent.
reguard. or, wings expanded and inverted, ar. Strode. See Stroode.
holding a sword ppr. Stroder. See Strother.
Stray, as '2nd in 1st diet. Crest, an owl or, wings Strogg, Stuogge, Strogle, Stroughill, or
displ. gu. on the breast three hurts betw. two Strugell, See Strogle, 1st diet.
palets, gu. Strokyll, or Strygull, or, three garbs gu.
Stkayton, ar. on a cross sa. nine bezants. banded ar. within an orle of eight martlets az.
Streatfield. Arms as 1st diet, quartering; Strokill, or, three garbs az. banded with a chaplet
2. Fremlin, '>. Terry, 4. Ashdovme, 5. Band, of flowers, gu. and or.
6. Sidney,
impaling Prime. [Borne by Richard Stromley. See Stroynley, 1st diet.
Shuttleworth Streatfield, Esq. of Kent, 1*36.] Stroxg, [Ireland] gu. an eagle displ. or. Crest,
Streatfield, [Copwood and Rocks, Suss.] per pale; a lion ramp. az. supporting a pillar ar.
sa. six lions ramp, or, three, two, and one; az. an eagle displ. ar. Crest, an eagle
gu. Strong,
three bezants. Crest, a mailed arm and banner. displ. as in the arms. [Borne by the Rev. T.
Streatfield, asStretfield, 1st. diet. Crest, a bunch Linwood Strong, 1S30.]
of quills, one in bend sinister, ppr. Stroxgbow, ar. on a chief az. three crosses pattee
Strecheley, ar. an eagle displ. sa. armed gu. fitchee or.
Strechleigh, sa. an eagle displ. ar. STROTHER,as 1st diet. Crest, a greyhound, sejant,
Strechley, or, three cinquefoils sa. betw. two or.

[Scotland,] ar. three piles issuing from

chev. of the second. Strother,
Strelley, paly of six, ar. and az. Crest, an the base, az. ; in chief an eagle's head, erased,
old man's head, side-faced, couped at the neck, sa. betw, two fleurs-de-lis vert. Crest, a
sa. round the forehead five bells or. martlet sa.
Strelling, ar. a chev. betw. three ravens sa. Strother or Stroder, gu. on a bend ar. three eagles
beaked and legged gu. displ. vert.
Stretch. See Straits, 1st diet. Stroud. See Stroode, 1st diet.
Strete, gu. three cart-wheels ar. Stroughill. See Strogg, both diets.
Strethe, ar. a bend engr. sa. cottised ar. betw. Strover, az. on a chief or, three martlets gu.
six martlets of the second. Crest, a scaling ladder sa.
Strett, vert, a fesse betw. three horses, current, Strowd, and Strowde. See Strode, 1st diet.
ar. Strudwick, or, billettee sa.
Strettell, sa. a chev. betw. three heads of tri- Strugell. See Strogg.
dents, points downward, ar. Crest, a swan in Strutt, as of Little Warley,lst diet. Crest,a fal-
its pride, ar. con standing on a glove, ppr.
Strettox, as 1st in 1st diet. Crest, a demi Struttox, ar. a bend gu. betw. two torteauxes.
eagle issuant, holding in the dexter paw a laurel- Strygull. See Strokyll.
branch, ppr. Strittle, az. a lion ramp, within a bordure engr.
Strevelixg, as 1st in 1st diet. Crest, the sun erm.
shining on the stump of an oak-tree, ppr. Stryvelin, sa. three covered cups, and semee of
Strickland, sa. three escallops ar. Crest, a cross crosslets, fitchee ar.
bundle of holly vert, fructed gu. banded round Stuart, Crests, 1st two bees displ. in saltier, ppr.
the middle with a wreath ar. and sa. Motto, over, Provyd, 2nd Crest, on a ducal
Strickland, ar. two bars gu. a canton of the last.
; crown, or, a talbot statant ar. collared and lined
Striklewey", or Stricklewey, ar. three bulls gu. Motto, over, gang warily, [Borne by
pass. sa. Sir John Stuart, Bart, of Nova Scotia, 1836.]
Strixgfellow, [York, London, and Hants,] sa. Stuart, [Scotland] or, a fesse, chequy, ar. and az.
a griffin pass. betw. three mullets or. debruised by a bend gu. charged with a boar's
Crest, a
cock's head, erased, or, comb and wattles head of the field, all within a double tressure,
gorged with a ducal coronet and lined sa. flory and counterflory, gu. Crest, a pelican
Strivelix, quarterly, gu. and or.; in the first, a feeding her young, all ppr.
cross patonce of the last. Stuart, [Scotland] quarterly; first, Stewart; second,
Strivelin, sa. three covered cups betw. nine cross- az. three garbs or; third, sa. a mullet ar.;
lets, fitchee ar. fourth, an orle gu.; in chief three martlets sa.
Stroche, ar. three bendlets az. Crest, a bird standing on a garb, or.
Stuart, [Mains Scotland] or, a fesse, chequy, az. Stuyth^twytHjC^Stwythe. SeeSTUTH, 1st diet.
and ar.surmounted by a bend engr. gu. betw. Sty el, a bend componee, erm. and ermines,
two lions' heads, erased, of the last; all within betw. two lions' heads, erased, gu. on a chief

the royal tressure of the fourth. az. three billets ar.

Stuart, [Dunnairn, Scotland] quarterly first and

Styell. The same arms; the billets or.
fourth, the royal arms of Scotland, within a Style, sa. a fesse engr. or, fretty of the first, betw.
bordure, gobonated, gu. and ar. second ;
three fleurs-de-lis of the second.
Stewart; third, or, three cushions, pendent, Style, or. a bend componee, erm. and sa.
within the royal tressure gu. over all, in the
Styles. Arms as 5th Style, 1st diet. Crest,
centre, a crescent sa. Crest, a pelican in her on a chapeau, an eagle, rising, ppr.
nest, ppr. Styvekey, gu. a fesse betw. six billets, ar.
Stuckely, [Line] ar. an eagle with two heads, Styverton, sa. a chev. betw. three leures, ar.
displ. sa. charged on the breast with a trefoil Suardby, ar. a bend, cottised, sa. betw. six lions
vert. ramp, of the second.
Stucley, or Stukeley, [Hunts.] sa. on a fesse ar. Suardicote, sa. a cross flory ar.
three mullets of the first Sublet, az. a pale, masoned, sa. charged with an
Studdert, az. the sun or, betw. four mullets in endorse of the last. Crest, a mortar-piece on
bend dexter, and as many crescents in bend its stand, mouth elevated, ppr.
sinister, ar. Crest, a bull's head, erased, Subston, ar. three trunks of trees, raguled, or,
erm. erect and inflamed ppr.
Studholme, [Studholme, Abbey Holme, Cumb. Sudberry, sa. a talbot pass. ar. within a bordure
Temp. Henry II.] vert, a horse ar. caparisoned engr. or.
or. ; on a chief of the second, three spur-rowels Sudley, or, two bendlets gu.
gu. Crest, a horse's head, couped, ar. bridled Sueting, az. three fiddles ar. Crest, a spur-rowel
or. betw. two wings.
Studley. Arms as 2nd in 1st diet. Crest, an Sufford, per chev. sa. and ar. in chief three leo-
eagle devouring a turtle, ppr. pards' heads, or. ( Harl. M.S. 1408.)
Stukele, or Steukele, az. three pears, pendent, Suift, [Scotland,] gu. a horseman's whip ar.
or. Suittie, [Scotland,] gu. in chief two mullets, and
Stukeley, or SNULEYas of [Bucks, and Berks,] in base a cross, ar.
See 1st diet. Sulby, barry of eight, erm. and gu. Crest, the
Stukeley, gu. three lions ramp. sa. each charged scalp of an ox gu.
on the shoulder with a mullet. Suliard. See Sylyard, 1st diet.
Stukely, ar. on a bend az. an annulet or. Sulliard, az. a chief erm.
Stuley. See Stukeley, before Sully, as 2nd Sulley, 1st diet. Crest, a goat
Sturdy, gyronny of eight, or and az. ; a chief pass. ar.
gu. Crest, an arm, in armour, issuing from Sullyard. See Sulliard, 1st diet.
the wreath, embowed, and tied at the shoulder, Sulney, quarterly, ar. and gu.
holding a spiked club, ppr. Sulyard, ar. a chev. gu. betw. two pheons, re-

Sturgeon, az. three sturgeons, naiant, ar. ; over versed, sa.

all fretty gu. Sumersham. See Suersham, 1st diet.
Sturges, sa. sixspear heads or. Crest, a talbot, Summers, vert, a fesse dancettee erm. Crest, on
sejant, ar. collared az. a globe of the world, winged, ppr. an eagle,
Sturmyn, gu. a chev. ar. betw. three pairs of rising, or.
spectacles of the second. Sumton, ar. a fesse gu. betw. three boars' heads,
Sturmyn, gu. a chev. ar. betw. three plates. couped, sa.

Sturmyn, quarterly, or and gu.; on a bend az. Sunderland, as 1st diet, adding crest, an ante-
three plates. lope's head, erased ar. attired ppr.
Stury. See Sturrey, 1st diet. Sunyng, gu. three suns or.
Stutevill, barry of fourteen, ar. and gu. Surcester, gu. a chief, indented, ar.
Stutheley, ar. an eagle displ. sa. armed gu. Surcott, ar. on a chief sa. three escallops or; on
Stutvile. Arms as of Somers., 1st diet. Crest, a chief of the second, a lion pass, guard, ar.
a camel's head, couped, ppr. Surgeon, az. a wolf pass. ar.
Stutvill, barry of fourteen, ar. and gu. three Surman, as 1st in
1st. diet. Crest, an eagle
cocks sa. reguard. wings extended and inverted, holding
Stutville, gyronny of eight, ar. and gu. a sword, in pale, ppr.
Surrender, ar. a bendgu. betw. two cottises ne- ppr. charged on the breast with a cross pattee
bulee sa. gu. ; the dexter claw supporting a rose of the
Surkidge, a chev. per chev. of two, paly of
or, last, surmounted of another ar. [Borne by
eight, gu. andar. Crest, a greyhound, sejant, gu. G. W. Hutchison, of Stockton, who by the King's
Surtees, [Mainsforth, Durham.] Arms as 1st Sign Manual, in 1K23, took the name and arms
in 1st diet. Crest, out of a ducal coronet, three of Sutton, only under the will of George Sutton,
ostrich's feathers. late of Stockton, Esq., deceased.^

Surtees, [Dinsdale, Durham,] erm. on a canton Sutton, [ Essex, ]

ar. a lion ramp. az. oppressed
gu. an orle or. with a fesse gu.
Surtees, [Ravensworth, Durham,] erm. on a can- Sutton, ar. a chev. betw. three oxen pass. sa. a
ton gu. an orle ar. canton gu. Crest, a harpy, statant wings ex-
Surtees, [In Heighington Church, Durham,] erm. panded and distended sa. charged on the breast
on a canton gu. an orle or. Crest, out of a with an escutcheon ar. and canton sa. (The
ducal coronet, a plume of ostrich's feathers. ancient coat of the Family.) Motto, For my
Surtees, [In a Church in Newcastle-on-Tyne,] Country. [Borne by the late Adml. Sir John
erm. on a canton gu. an orle or. Crest, a lion Sutton, K.C.B. ob. 1825.]
pass. .
Supporters, dexter, a mermaid, in
. . Sutton, [Ireland,] erm. a canton sa. Crest, an
the dexter hand a mirror ; sinister, a Savage, elephant's head, erased, ar.
wreathed about the temples and middle, holding Sutton, ar. a chev. betw. three bulls pass. sa. ; a
in the sinister hand a club, . . . canton of the last. Crest, a harpy guard, ppr.
Surteis. See Surkas, 1st diet. Sutton, or, a lion ramp. vert. Crest, a lion's
Sustan, or, two bars, per pale indented, vert and gamb, erect and erased, az. charged with three
az. bezants, holding a demi slip of leaves, ar.
Sutcliffe, ar. an elephant sa. Crest, a dexter Sutton, or, a lion ramp, tail nowed, vert. Crest,
hand holding up a baptismal cup, ppr. in a ducal coronet or, a lion's head az.
Suter, ar. a chev. betw. three swans, close, sa. Sutton, as 42nd in 1 st diet. Crest, a lion's head,
Crest, out of a ducal coronet, a hand grasping erased, per pale, ar. and vert, collared gu.
a swan's neck, erased, ppr. Sutton, or, a lion ramp, double queued, vert.
Sutherland, [Dunbeath, Scotland,] gu. three Crest, a lion's paw, erased, holding a branch ar.
mullets or a bordure of the last.
leaved vert.
Sutherland, [Forse, Scotland,] The same arms. Sutton, or, a lion ramp. sa. depressed by a fesse
Crest, a cat, sejant, erect. gu.
Sutherland, [Torbal, Scotland,] gu. three stars or. Sutton, gu. a bend ar. betw. six martlets or.
Sutherland, gu. a chev. betw. three mullets, ar. Sutton, ar. a chev. betw. three bugle-horns, sa.
Crest, a camel's head, couped, or. Sutton, sa. a chev. or, betw. three well-buckets
Sutter, [Scotland,] or, three water-bougets gu. ar.

Crest, a fox's head ppr. Sutton, ar. a cross patonce az.

Sutter, az. an escutcheon ar. within an orle of Sutton, ar. a cross sa. ; in the first quarter, on a
eight cross crosslets fitchee, of the last. Crest, mullet of the second, an annulet or.
on a mount vert, a leopard, sejant, ducally gor- Sutton, az. fretty ar. ; a chief of the last.
ged, ppr. Sutton, az. two chev. betw. three mullets, ar.
Suttie, [Adinston, Scotland,] or, three bars az. ; Suyluer, ar. a cross sa. ; the first and second
in chief a demi lion, issuant, double queued, sa. quarters semee of fleurs-de-lis of the second.
Crest, the hull of a ship, with one mast, tack- Suylurerd, sa. across ar. ; a chief of the first,
ling ppr. semee of fleurs-de-lis or.
Suttie, [Inveresk, Scotland,] az. three violins, Suylverton, ar. a cross fiory sa.
transposed, two and one, ar. stringed sa. Crest, Swain, or Swain e, ar. on a bend, cottised, gu.
a hive of bees ppr. three cinquefoils of the field. Crest, a fetter-
Sutton, [Sutton, Knight's Grange, and Bickley lock az.
Hall, Cheshire,] or. a lion ramp, queue forchee, Swainson, gu. a boar's head, couped, ar. thrust
vert. Crest, out of a ducal coronet or. a demi through with a sword, in bend, of the last, hilt
lion, ramp, queue forchee, vert. in chief or. Crest, on a ducal coronet, anetoile
Sutton, [Elton, Durham,] gu. on a mount, in base, of sixteen points, ppr.
vert, a tower or, thereon a stork ar. ; in chief Swalle, or, on a fesse, cottised, gu. betw. three
two anchors, erect, of the third, impaling, ar. a mullets, pierced, of the second, a greyhound,
lion ramp. sa. Crest, on a mount vert, a stork current, of the first.
Swallow, as 1st in 1st diet. Crest, a stag stand- head, side-faced, ppr. couped at the shoulders,
ing beside a tree, ppr. habited grey.
Sicalloiv, or, a fesse betw. three swallows, volant, Swenford, ar. on a fesse sa. a boar of the first,
sa. Crest, a mast, rigging, &c. of a ship, issu- armed or.
ing out of a whale's mouth. Swenhull. See Sainthill, 1st diet.
Swan, az. a chev. betw. three swans, ar. Crest, Swertchoff, [France,] per fesse, in chief az.
a swan, as in the arms. a heart or, in base an arrow fesseways of the
Swan, ar. on a bend wavy az. three swans' heads, last; in base, per pale, on the dexter side, ar.
erased, of the first. Crest, a hand holding a a lion's gamb, erased, fesseways, sa. holding a
spear, in bend, all ppr. scimitar, in pale, ppr. on the sinister gu. a

Swann, az. a fesse betw. three swans, ar. Crest, hunting spear, paleways, or. Crest, out of a
out of a ducal coronet, gu. a swan's head ar. coronet, a plume of ostrich's feathers.
betw. two wings or. Swetenham, or Sweetnam, ar. on a bend az.
Swanne, az. a fesse wavy or, betw. three swans three spades of the field.
ar. membered gu. Sweterton. See Sweetington, 1st diet.
Swanne. See Swan, 1st diet. Swettenham, ar. on a bend vert, three half
Swans, az. three scruttles or. Crest, a sword, in spades of the first paleways.
pale, ppr. betw. two cross crosslets fitchee sa. Swettenham. See Sweetingham, both diets.
Swansey, gu. a fesse ar. depressed by a unicorn Swift, [Granted 10th Aug. 1665.] as 1st diet.
or. Crest, a dexter hand, gauntleted, throwing a
Swanson, ar. three laurel-branches vert. Crest, dart, all ppr.
two branches of laurel, in saltier, ppr. Swift, [Ireland,] Same arms. Crest, on a
Swanston, [Scotland,] ar. a martlet sa. ; on a chapeau, a flame of fire ppr.
chief az. three swans, with wings endorsed, of Swift, [Scotland,] gu. three whips of three lashes,
the field. Crest, a wolf's head issuing. each ar.
Swanton, ar. a fesse gu. betw. three chess-rooks Swinburn, [Chopwell, Durham. Granted 6th
sa. Sept. 1551,] per fesse, gu. and ar. three cinque-
Swathinge, az. a bend ar. foils counterchanged, within a bordure com-

Swayn, az. a chev. betw. three pheons, or; on a ponee, ar. and az. Crest, out of a ducal coro-
chief gu. three women's heads, couped at the net or, a demi boar, issuant, ar. crined and
shoulders, ppr. veiled of the second. armed of the first.
Swaynband, ar. a chev. betw. three leopards' Swinburne, [Edlingham and Nafferton, N.umb.]
heads, az. Arms and crest, as the Baronet's, 1st diet.
S wayne, [Wilts.] Arms and crest as Swain e, Swinburne, gu. three boar's heads, couped, ar.
of London, in 1st diet, or an escutcheon of armed or, betw. nine crosslets of the second. -

pretence, the Arms of Heart of Stroud, Swindell, ar. two swords, in saltier, az. hilted,
Co. Glouc; viz. gu. on a chief indented or, or in chief a boar's head, erased, ppr.

three human hearts of the field. [Borne by Swineshead, as Swinsheard, 1st diet.
John Swayne, Esq. of Wilton, Co. Wilts, 1834.] Swiney, [Ireland,] sa. an orle of eight mullets or.
Swayne, [Gunvile,] az. a chev. betw. three phe- Crest, a talbot pass. ar. spotted sa.
ons, or, within a bordure engr. erm. ; on a Swinford, as 3rd in 1st. diet. Crest, a weaver's
chief gu. three maidens' heads, couped at the shuttle, threaded, ppr.
breasts. Crest, a ram's head, erased, sa. Swinlington, gu. a griffin, segreant, ar.

Swaynshed, gu. three boars' heads, couped, in Swintox, [Scotland.] Arms as 1st in 1st diet,
fesse, ar. within a bordure, indented, of the second.
Sweet. Arms as 1st diet. on the top of
Crest, Crest, an ear of wheat growing out of the
a tower, issuing, ppr. an eagle, with wings wreath.
endorsed, or, in the beak an oak-branch vert. Swinton. See Swynton.
Sweetingham, or Swettenh\m, [Somerford, Switham. See Swytham, 1st diet.
Ches. Confirmed 19 Feb. 1,568.] See 1st diet. Sword, or Swourd, gu. a man's head, couped at
Sweetnam, or on a bend az.
Swetenham, ar. the shoulders, betw. three swords, ppr. headed
three spades of the field. Crest, an eagle, with or. Crest, a sword, in pale, ppr. betw. two
wings expanded, ppr. holding up a banner gu. wings or. Motto, Paratus.
tasselled or. Swordfayre, gu. three swords ar. conjoined in
Sweliton, az. three hedgehogs or. the fesse point at the pommels of the second,
Swellington, ar. a chev. az. Crest, a friar's hilted or, in triangle.
Swourd, as Swowed, 1st diet. of grass, as many cross crosslets of the field.
Swynburne, ar. a boar's liead, couped, gu. tusked Crest, on a mount of grass, as in the arms, a
or, betw. six cross crosslets fitchee of the swan, rising, per pale, ar. and sa. gorged with a
second. ducal coronet, counterchanged, chain affixed
Swynburne, ar. on a cross gu. five garbs or. and reflexed over the back or. Motto, Stand
Swvne, ar. a boar sa. bristled or. on. [Bonie by Captain Sykes, 1836.]
Swynerton, ar. a cross formee flory gu. ; a label Svlby. See Silby, 1st diet.
of five points of the last. Sylvelney, ar. on bend sa. three plates.

Swyney, ar. a chev. betw. three boars, sa. Sylvester, or Silvester, ar. a tree vert.Crest,
Swynford, as 2nd and 3rd in 1st diet. a crow, with wings expanded, struck through
Sir i/// ford, ar. on a chev. sa. three boars' heads, with an arrow, ppr.
couped, or ; in the dexter point a cinque- Sym, [Scotland,] gu. on a chev. ar. betw. three
foil gu. spur-rowels in chief, and a halbert in base, or,
Swynford, ar. on a chev. sa. three boars' heads, three ravens sa. Crest, a hand holding a pen
couped, or, betw. as many cinquefoils gu. ppr.
Swyngham. See SwythaMj 1st diet. Syme, [Holinbush,] gu. a chev. ar. betw. two
Swynne, ar. three boars sa. two and one. mullets in chief, and a halbert in base, or.
Swvnnerton. See Swinnerton, 1st diet. Syme, [Scotland,] gu. a chev. betw. two spur-
Swvnsford, paly of six, ar. and sa. rowels, in chief, and a halbert in base, or.
Swvnshead. See Swayneshead. Crest, a demi lion ramp, holding betw. the
Swynton, or Swinton, sa. a chev. betw. three paws a battle-axe.
boars' heads, erased, or. Crest, a dove betw. Syme, ar. three escallops az. Crest, an eagle's
two laurel-branches, in orle, ppr. head.
Swythex, or, two bars nebulee az. ; on a chief Symeon, as 1st in 1st diet. Crest, an arm, issu-
ar. three bugle-horns sa. ing out of a crown, valery, holding an oak-
Sybelles, [Essex,] gu. a chev. vair, betw. three branch, fructed and leaved, ppr.
bezants a chief, indented, or.
; Symeon, or Symyon, as last Symeon, 1st diet.
Sybklls, as 1st Sybelles, 1st diet. Crest, five Symer, sa. a chev. engr. betw. three swans' necks,
halberts, erect, ar. corded together of the first erased, ar.
and gu. Sy'mes. See Symmes, 1st diet.
Sybton. See Sybleton, 1st diet. Syminges, az. on a bend betw. three fleurs-de-lis,
Syohevile, or Sachevile, erin. three cross-bows, or, a lion pass, guard. Crest, a lion, sejant,
unbent, gu. guard, holding an escutcheon or.
Si/chevile, or Sachevile, az. three cross-bows, bent, Symington, [Scotland,] gu. a two-handed sword,
or, with five arrows each, ar. in bend, or, betw. two mullets in chief, and one
Syddener, or Sidenner, as Sidemer, 1st diet. in base, of the second. Crest, a cross moline.
Sydenham, paly bendy, ar. and gu. lozengy, pierced, or.
Sydeserfe, Sydserfe, and Sideserfe, as Syde- Symington. The same as Symonston, 1st diet.
serfe, 1st diet. Symion, gu. a fesse or, betw. three lions pass,
Sydley. The same as Sedley, ar.

Sydnam, ar. a chev. betw. three rams, sa. Symmer, [Scotland,] ar. an oak-tree, eradicated,
of a bend gu.
Sydnam, sa. three rams' heads, cabossed, ar. ppr. in bend sinister, surmounted
armed or. charged with three crosses, couped, or, all with-
Sydney. Arms as 2nd in 1st diet. Crest, a in abordure of the third. Crest, a stag, lodged,
hedgehog az. collared and stringed or. or, attired gu.
Sydney, [Tamworth,] az. a pheon Crest, or. Symond, ar. a chev. purp. betw. three battle-axes,
a porcupine az. quills or, gorged with a col- staves or, axes az. points gu. the blades to the
lar, and chain reflexed over the back, of the last. sinister side.
Syer, an oak-tree growing out of a mount, in
ar. Symond, sa. three cups ar. covered or.
base, vert, surmounted on the trunk by a cres- Symonds, [Coleby, Suffield, Cley by the Sea,
cent gu. on a chief of the last, three mullets
Great Ormsby, and Runham Hall, Norf.] per
of the first. Crest, a cock az. in the beak a fesse, sa. and ar. a pale and six trefoils, slipped
cinquefoil, slipped, or. and counterchanged.
Syferwast, az. two bars gemelles ar. Symonds, [White Lady Aston] sa. three cups ar.
Syhevile. See Sichevile. covered or. Crest, a vine-tree, with grapes,
Sykes, or, on a chev. engr. az. betw. three tufts ppr.

Si/mo/ids, [St. John's College, Cambr.] per fesse, Taemayne, or Tremayne, gu. three arms, con-
sa. and ar. a pale counterchanged three trefoils,; joined at the shoulders, in fesse flexed in tri-
slipped, of the second. Crest, an otter pass, angle, or, the hands clenched ppr. Crest, an
holding in the mouth a trefoil, slipped ; over it old man's face, foreright, ar. hat sa. supported
the motto, Fideliter. by two arms, or hands, of the first.
SYiMPRiNGTON, as Sympington, 1st diet. Tagart, ar. two eagles' heads, couped, in fesse
Sympson, [Polton, Beds.] Arms as 1st diet. Crest, a demi greyhound.
Crest, on a mural coronet ar. a demi lion ramp, Tagg, erm. a fesse gu. Crest, on a mount vert,
guard, per pale undee, or and sa. holding in the an ermine, collared.
paw a sword, erect, of the first, hilted of the Tailbois, or Tailboys, [Lord of Hurworth,
second. Durham,] a saltier
ar. gu.; on a chief of the
Sympson, [Ches. and Ruts.] Same arms. second, three escallops of the first. Crest, a
Sympson, [Kent,] per bend sinister, or and sa. a bull's head, couped, ar.
lion ramp, counterchanged. Crest, a lion's Tailefer, [ Harecleugh, ] erm. a chev. gu.
head erm. erased, per fesse, gu. ducally crowned Crest, the trunk of an oak-tree, shooting forth
or. young branches, ppr.
Syms. Arms as of Chard, 1st diet. Crest, a Tailour, [Canada. Granted 1781,] ar. on a sal-
demi leopard ppr. tier,invecked, sa. betw. a heart in chief and in
Symson, [Polton,] ar. on a chief az. three crescents base, gu. and a cinquefoil in each flank, vert, a
of the field. spur-rowel of the field. Crest, a dexter arm,
Symson, [Peddinghall Garth, Durham,] per bend issuing, ppr. holding a cross pattee fitchee in
nebulee, or and sa. a lion ramp, counterchanged. pale, az.
Crest, out of a mural crown az. a demi lion, Tailyour, [Borrowfield. Granted 17G4,] ar. a
issuant, reguard. per pale, or and sa. grasping a saltier engr. sa. cantoned with a heart in chief
sword ppr. pommel or. and in base, gu. and a cinquefoil in each flank,
Symyon. See Symeon. vert. Crest, a dexter hand ppr. holding a pas-
Syndesham, ar. on a fesse gu. betw. three escal- sion-cross gu.
lops, as many mullets of the second. Taine, ar. three baskets sa.
Synopoly. See Synepley, 1st diet. Tais, [Perth, Scotland,] ., an eagle displ.
. . .

Synton, sa. three chev. or. on the sinister side, a crescent . . .

Syrmington, or Sermington, erm. on a chev. sa. Tait, [Liverpool,] ar. on a fesse gu. betw. three
three bucks' heads, cabossed, or. doves az. beaked and legged of the second, the
rays of a demi sun, breaking out from
Syseley, vert, on a chev. betw. three goats pass, the upper
ar. as many fleurs-de-lis az. Crest, a buck's part of the fesse, or. Crest, an arm, embowed,
head, erased, gu. guttee, collared and attired vested quarterly, or and sa. holding in the
or, holding in the mouth a branch of fir vert. hand ppr. a bunch of flowers gu. leaved vert.
Sysington. See Sisenton, 1st diet. Tait, [Scotland.] Arms as 1st diet. Crest, a
Sysung, or Sysun, bendy of six, or and az. horse's head, couped, sa.
Syward, as 3rd in 1st diet. Crest, a sand-glass Tait, [Scotland.] Same arms. Crest, the rising
gu. winged az. sun.
and gu. a pale counterchanged;
Tait, per fesse, or
three cornish choughs sa. Crest, the stock of a
tree, couped and eradicated, .in fesse, vert; and
betw. the branches thereof, a fleur-de-lis or.
Talaunt, paly of eight, or and sa. ; on a canton
Taap, or Tapp, or, on a fesse, betw. three cross ar. a griffin ramp. gu.
crosslets fitchee az. a lion pass. ar. Crest, on Talbo, az. on a fesse ar. betw. three dexter hands
the point of a sword, in pale, ppr. a mullet or. or, a greyhound, current, gu.
Tabor, two boars' heads, in fesse, erased, or.
az. Talbot, [Cornw.] bendy of ten, ar. and gu.
hand holding a sealed letter, ppr.
Crest, a Talbot, [Stourton Castle, Staffs. Bishop of Dur-

Tackle, or, three magpies ppr. Crest, two hal- ham, ob. 1730,] gu. a lion ramp, within a bor-
berts, endorsed, or, environed with a snake vert. dure engr. or, with due diff.
Taddington, or, a cross crosslet gu. Talbot, ar. three lions ramp. purp. Crest, a talbot
Taddy, ar. a pale sa. ;
a canton gu.
Crest, the pass. sa.
morning-star or, bursting from a cloud ppr. Talbot, ar. a chev. betw. three talbots pass. sa.
Tadington, sa. a cross moline engr. ar. Talbot, ar. three lions ramp. gu.
Talbot, [Ireland,] bendy of six, or and gu. Crest a demi eagle, with two heads, gu. ducally
Talbot, [Ireland,] az. on a fesse or, a greyhound, gorged or.

current, sa. betw. three hands, or. Tankarde. Arms as 3rd Tankard, 1st diet
Talbot, [Ireland,] ar. a lion ramp, and bordure Crest, a holly-tree, erased, vert.
gu - Tankarde. Same arms, with a mullet in chief.
Talbot, [Ireland.] gu.a lion ramp, or, within a Crest, five branches of holly vert, flowered gu.
bordure bendy or, of the field. Tanke, ar. a tree, in bend, couped at the top,
Talbott, ar. (Another, or.) four bendlets gu. and slipped at the bottom, sa. Crest, out of a
TALCARNE,ar. on a fesse, betw. three birds, look- ducal coronet or, two wings az.
ar. on a bend gu. three escallops
ing behind tbem, sa. beaked and legged gu. a Tankersley,
garb enclosed by two crosses fitchee, or. or.
Talcott. Arms as 1st diet. Crest, a demi grif- Tankert. See Tankard, 1st diet.
fin ramp. sa. gorged with a collar ar. thereon Tanner, [Upton, Somers.] ar. on a chief or,
three pellets. three Moor's heads, couped, sa. wreathed
Talke. See Tawke, 1st diet. about the temples. Crest, a talbot's head,
Talland, ar. on a mount vert, a stag, couchant, erased.

gu. Tansfield. See Tanfield, 1st diet.

Tallant, harry of eight, or and sa. a canton ar. Tansley, [Scotland,] ar. a crescent gu. betw. two
Crest, a hind's head, couped, ppr. laurel-leaves vert, in chief, and a mullet in base,
Tallantire, or, three swords az. two and one of the second. Crest, a hand holding a laurel-
Crest, two arms, in armour, ppr. embowed, branch, all ppr.
holding up a bezant. Tany, as Crest, a grey-
1st Taney, 1st diet.
Tallerton, [London,] quarterly; first and fourth, hound's head, erased, az. ducally gorged or.
or, three boars' heads couped, gu. second and ; Tany, See Taney, 1st. diet.
third, ar. on a fesse sa. three mullets of the Tapp. See Taap.
first. Crest, a boar's head, couped, in fesse. Tapper, az. on a pale, betw. two mullets, in
Tallet, or, a chev. betw. three heath-cocks, gu. chief, ar. as many bendlets gu. Crest, a hand
Talletts, ar. a chev. betw. three moor-cocks, erect, issuing from a cloud, holding a garb, in
gu - bend.
Tali.im, ar. on a chev. sa. three crescents of the Tapperell, vert, a chev. ar. betw. three garbs or.
first. Tappes, Arms as 1st diet. Crest, a greyhound,
Talmach, ar. fretty sa. ;
a chief gu. couchant, per pale, ar. and sa. charged with
Talpe, as Talple, 1st diet. two escallops, counterchanged.
Talstock, or, a demi lion ramp. az. in a mural Tappin, ar. three stag's heads, cabossed, az.
crown, reversed, ar. Crest, a lion ramp. or.
Talworth, or, two bars az. ; over all, on a chev. Tapps, [Hants.] az. on a fesse or, betw. three
gu. three mullets of six points ar. boars pass. ar. as many escallops gu. Crest, a
Tame, az. three bars or. Crest, a plume of fea- griffin pass.
thers. Tapte, or, on a fesse, betw. three crosses fitchee,
Tame. The same arms. Crest, a cock reguard, az. a lion pass. ar.

ppr. Tarbock, or, an eagle's leg, erased, gu. ; on a

Tame, az. three bars ar. Crest, a wolf's head, chief, az. three plates Crest, a popinjay, close,
erased, gu. ducally gorged or. vert, beaked and collared gu.
Tancard, a saltier erm. betw. four hands,
sa. Tarbutt, [Midd.] ar. three turbots, fretted, ppr.
holding each a battle-axe, ar. one fesseways, looking to the sinister, and two
Tancakde, sa. a saltier engr. erm. betw. four to the dexter chief and
flank points
hands, couped at the wrists, each holding a hal- Tarbut, three turbot fishes, fretted ar. Crest,
bert ar. an esquires helmet, pierced through the head
Tancred. See Tankard, 1st diet. with a sword, from the sinister, all ppr.
Tancrevile, [Before the Conquest,] per fesse gu. Tarell, or, a bull pass. gu. Crest, a hand issu-
and ar. ing from a cloud, in pale, holding an arrow,
Tank, or, three etoiles az. a chief of the last. ; point downwards.
Crest, a plough ppr. Tarleton, gu. a chev. or, betw. three cinquefoils
Tanerett, gu. an inescutcheon ar. within an orle ar. Crest, a leopard's face, ppr. betw. two
of roses or ; over all a bend sa. ostrich's feathers ar.
Taney, or Tanv. Arms as 1st in 1st diet. Tarley. See Torley
3 Y 2 1
Tarpley, ar. a fesse, cottised, gu. betw. six hurts. Tavestoke, chequy az. and or; a chief, per
Tarringham, az. a saltier engr. ar. chief nebulee, of the first and second.
Tarsell, or, a chev. sa. betw. three nuts gu. Tavy. See Thavie and Thavy.
Tarte, az. on a chev. ar. betw. three cocks or. Tawse, [Scotland,] gyronny of eight, sa. and or.
three crescents, from each an estoile issuant of eight crescents counterchanged. Crest a lion's
the field. Crest, an eagle, with wings expand- head, erased, sa.
ed, ar. charged on the breast with a crescent, Tay. Arms as 1st in 1st diet, the martlets ar.
and estoile issuant, as in the arms, and standing Crest, on the point of a sword, a garland of
on a snake ppr. [Granted to John Tarte, of laurel suspended ppr.
James Street, Westminster, Gent. 1833.] (See Tay. Same arms. Crest, two pruning-hooks.
PL of Arms, Supp.J in saltier, az.
Tasker, erm. three cats pass, guard, ppr. Crest, Taylard, quarterly, ar. and sa. ; across, counter-
a boar's head ar. couped gu. quartered of the second and first ; in the
Tassell, ar. on a fesse sa. betw. three eagles second and third quarters, a bordure engr. of
displ. az. as many crescents of the first. the second.
Tassie, [Scotland,] ar. on a fesse betw. six lozen- Taylard, or Taylor, per cross, ar. and sa. a cross ;

ges, or. Crest, out of a tower ppr. a demi grif- patonce, of the second and or.
fin,segreant, or. Taylard, or, on a mount gu. three lions' tails,
Tatam, az. a chief engr. or. Crest, a heart gu. erect, of the second.
within a fetterlock or. Taylboys. The same as Tailbois.
Tate. Arms as 1st diet. Crest, on the point Taylbush. See Tailboys, 1st diet
of a sword, in pale ppr. a maunch erm. Taylebare, az. three wiverns ar.
Tatenhall, [Tatenhall, dies.] as 1st diet. Tayler, [Grafton, Oxon,] erm. on a chief, in-
Crest, a buck's head, ppr. dented, gu. three escallops ar. Crest, a lion's
Tatesham. See Totesham. head, erased, ar. ducally gorged or.
Tatham, per saltier and per fesse, az. and ar. Taylor, [Padgbury, near Congleton, Ches.] az.
three doves of the first. Crest, out of a ducal a saltier, voided, betw. four stags' heads, ca-
coronet, a plume of ostrich's feathers, ppr. bossed, or. Crest, a buck's head, cabossed,
Tatim, or Tatum, per fesse, ar. and sa. a pale and PP r -

three martlets counterchanged. Taylor, [Cumb.] sa. a lion pass. ar.

Tatler, per saltier, ar. and gu. a spread eagle Taylor, [Lysson Hall, Island of Jamaica. Created
with two heads. Crest, a demi eagle, displ. a Baronet, 1st Sept. 1778,] ar. a saltier wavy
with two heads, in each beak a cross crosslet sa.betw. two cinquefoils, in fesse, vert, and
fitchee. two human hearts, in pale, gu. Crest, in a
Tatlock, az. a bend, cottised, or; in chief a dol- ducal coronet or, a cubit arm, erect, ppr.
phin, naiant, ar. Crest, out of a mural holding a cross crosslet, in pale, gu. Over
coronet az. a dexter arm brandishing a sword, the crest, this motto, In hoc signo vinces.
waved, ppr. Supporters, two leopards ppr. collared and
Tatnall. See Tattall, 1st diet. chained or.
Tattersall, chequy, or and gu. ; a chief, with Taylor, [Jamaica, West India,] ar. a saltier wavy
one row of ermines. sa. betw. four hearts gu. Crest, a dexter hand,
Tatton, as 3rd in 1st diet. Crest, a sword and issuing, ppr. holding a cross crosslet fitchee az.
garb in saltier, ppr. Motto, Victoria sign/an.
Tauke, ar. a quarter of a cross potent, couped at Taylor, [Scotland,] or, a saltier sa. betw. a
the bottom gu. ; in chief three crowns of crescent, surmounted by a cross crosslet fit-
thorns vert. chee az. in chief and in base, and a heart
Taunton, [Truro, Cornw.] ar. on a chev. gu. in each flank, gu. Crest, an arm from the
three bezants betw. as many cornish choughs. elbow, in armour, holding a dagger, both ppr.
Taunton, quarterly, ar. and gu. four crescents Taylor, ] Scotland,] ar. a saltier sa. betw. a heart
counterchanged. Crest, out of a ducal coronet, in chief and base, gu. and an otter's head,
a dexter arm holding a slip of rose tree, ppr. erased, in each flank, sa. Crest, a dexter hand
Taunton,, .on a chev.. .betw. three ravens, as ppr. holding a cross crosslet fitchee sa.
many lozenges. Crest, a raven. [Borne by Taylor, erm. on a fesse, indented, sa. three escal-
Mr. Justice Taunton, 1835.] lops ar.
Tavel, az. on a rock in base, ppr. a patriarchal Taylor, az. a lion ramp. ar. depressed by a bend
cross, fixed in the rock or. gu. with three escallops of the second.
See Taylard, Tayler, and TayUmtr, both ar. a bend betw. six storm finches, or mart-
diets. lets, sa. for Tempest ; second, ar. a chev.

Taylor, gu. three roses ar. seeded and barbed betw. three martlets gu. for Waddington :
vert, on a chief of the second, as many lozenges third, per bend, indented, ar. and sa. for Gil-
sa. Crest, a lion's head, erased, ar. gorged liott ; fourth, ar. a chev. embattled at the
with a collar gu. thereon three roses of the first. top betw. three boars' heads, sa. for Ogle-
[Borne by Admiral Taylor, 1831.] thorpe ; fifth, az. a bend or, for Scroope ;
Taylor, [Bifrons, near Canterbury,
Kent de- ; sixth, az. two bars gemelles, and a chief or,
scended from Salop,] gu. three roses, ar. a chief for Meynell. [Borne by J. H. Tempest, Esq.
vair. Crest, a lion's head, erased, ar. collared 1833.]
gu. charged with three roses of the field. Templar, or Templer, ar. on a mount, in base,
Tavlour, gu. on a fesse engr. or, betw. three vert,an antique temple of three stories, each
fleurs-de-lis ar. as many mullets az. embattled, sa. from the second embattlement
Tayloi're, per pale, az. and or, a chev. betw. two steeples, and from the top one, each ending
three bucks' heads, cabossed, counterchanged ;
in a cross of the last. Crest, a crane's head,
on a chief gu. two greyhounds pass. ar. collared issuing, ppr.
of the second, respecting each other. Crest, a Temple, ar. on a chev. sa. five birds of the first,

talbot's head, erased, ar. eared sa. beaked and legged gu.
Tayt, ar. on a fesse gu. betw. three birds az. Templeman, [Dors.] az. on a chev. betw. three
beaked and legged of the second, the rays of roses, or, as many escallops, sa. Crest, on a
the sun breaking out of the upper part of the chapeau, a phcenix in flames, ppr.
fesse or. Templer. See Templar.
Tayte, per fesse, gu. and or, a pale counter- Templeton, as 1st diet. Crest, a holy lamb,
changed three birds sa. beaked and legged gu.
; reguard. ar. sustaining over the shoulder a ban-
Crest, an arm, embowed, vested quarterly, or ner gu.
and sa. holding a branch of flowers gu. leaved Tenaker, or Tenacre, gu. on a fesse, gobonated.
vert, the hand ppr. or and az. betw. three martlets ar. as many
Teasdale, ar. a thistle ppr. betw. three pheons escallops erm.
az. Crest, an arm, in armour, embowed, Tenant, erm. on two bars, per pale, gu. and sa.
holding by the blade a sword, point down- three bezants, two and one. Crest, betw. two
wards, ppr. wings gu. each charged with a bezant, a sword
Teasdale, ar. a thistle az. betw. three pheons of erect, ppr. pomel and hilt or, the point down-
the second. Crest, an arm, in armour, em- wards, transpierced through a human heart,
bowed, couped fesseways, holding a sceptre, ppr. gu. (Granted to John Robert Tenant, Esq.
Tegmocnd, [Norwich,] ar. a cross vert, betw. four 1833.)
Tenby, ar. four (Another, three) bars gemelles sa.
lozenges gu.
Teie, [Drumkill, Scotland,] sa. on a chev. ar. a a canton gu.
lion ramp. betw. two mullets, az. Tench, [Ireland,] ar. a chev. betw. three lions'
Telfair, [of that Ilk,] erm. three chev. engr. gu. heads, erased, gu. Crest, a lion ramp. sa. hold-
Telfer, gu. a chev. erm. betw. two mullets ar. ing a battle-axe or.
Crest, in a ducal coronet or, a tree vert. Tendail, and Tendall, [Scotland,] az. a cross
Telford, lozengy, erm. and az. engr. erm.
Tellev, [Northereak,] ar. on a fesse, betw. six Tendering, or Tendring, as 1st in 1st diet.
cross crosslets fitchee, sa. three escallops or. Crest, a ship under sail, ppr.
Temperly, erm. on a chev. az. three leopards' Tendringe. The same as Tendering, of Brent-
heads or. hall, 1st diet.
Tempest, [Stella and Stanley, Durham,] as 1st Tenet, erm. on two bars gu. three bezants.
Tenison, [Ireland,] ar. six cross crosslets fit-
diet. Crest, a martlet sa.

Tempest, [Tonge, Yorks. Created a Baronet, 25th chee gu. Crest, a mitre, charged with a chev.
May, 1664,] as 1st diet. Tennant, [Edinburgh.] Arms as of that Ilk, 1st
Tempest, [Holmeside, Durham,] ar.
a bend engr. diet ; and in base the letter M.
betw. six martlets, sa. Tennant, ar. a lion pass, guard, az. debruised by a
The same arms, Crest, on a chapeau ppr. a unicorn"s
Tempest, [Thornley, Durham.] pale gu.
With a mullet for cliff. head, erased, or.
on a chief gu. a demi lion ramp,
Tempest, sa. a cross, betw. four martlets, ar. Terell, vair,

Tempest, [Broughton, Co. York.] quarterly; first, issuant, or.

on a chief gu. a demi lion issu- Theobald, [Barking Hall, Suff.] See 1st diet.
Terell, vert, ramp,
(Another on a chapeau,
crest, a cock gu.)
ant, or.
Terell. See Terrell. Theobald, gu. three garbs or a chief erm. ;

Terett, ar. three towers gu. Thertkeke. See Therkeke, 1st diet.
Terrell, ar. a bend az. Crest, a sword and key, Thetford, as 1st in 1st diet. Crest, a dagger, in
in saltier, ppr. pale, ppr.
ar. a cross betw. four martlets, gu. Thevenge, ar. on a fesse gu. betw. three ring-
Crest, a demi lion ppr. holding a fleur-de-lis gu.
doves vert, beaked and legged gu. as many es-
Tervise, ar. six ostrich's feathers sa. Crest, callops of the first.
on a mount, a stag rising from under a bush, Thevdon, or Teydon, or, three mascles gu.

ppr. Thickness, ar. a chev. sa. fretty or ; in chief a

Terwyn. See Terront, 1st diet. sithe-blade, barways, az.
Tetley. Arms as 1st diet. Crest, a boar's head Thicubrone, ar. an inescutcheon gu. within an
and neck, issuant, sa. orle of birds vert.

Teulon, az. a castle, ruined in the dexter, ar ; Thin, [Scotland,] barry of ten, or and sa. ; in
the sun, in the dexter chief, shining thereon, or. chief a cinquefoil gu. Crest, a boar's head,
Crest, a cross pattee gu. within an orle of couped,
seven stars, ppr. Thirkell. See Thirkeld, 1st diet.
Tew, ar. three palets gu. on a chief or, four mul-
Thirkill. See Thirkeld, 1st diet.
lets of the second. Crest, a spur-rowel az. betw. Thirlwall, sa. a chev. ar. betw. three boars'
two wings. heads, couped, or. Crest, two daggers, in sal-

Tewiden, gu. an escutcheon betw. eight owls, in tier, ppr.

orle, ar. Thirwall, on a chev. ar. betw. three boars'


Tewydall, or Tewdalle, [Staines.] See 1st heads or, armed

az. an annulet gu. Crest, on
diet. a ducal cap, lined erm. a boar's head and neck,
Teydon. See Theydon. ar.

Teye, De, or. on a fesse, betw. two chev. gu. Thistlethwayte, [Winterslow, Co. Wilts., and
three mullets, pierced, of the first. Southwick Park, Co. Hants.] or, on a bend az.
Teys, [Layer-de-la-Hay, Essex,] ar. a fesse az. ;
three pheons of the first. Crest, a demi lion
in chief three martlets in base a chev. of the
; ramp az. holding a pheon or. [Borne by Tho-
second. Crest, out of a ducal coronet or, a mas Thistlethwayte, Esq. of Southwick Park
tiger's head ar. maned az. aforesaid, 1834.] (See PI. of Arms, Supp.J
Tharrold, gu. three goats, salient, ar. Crest, Note. In the 1st Dictionary Winterslow '.&
erroneously called
on the top of a Corinthian ar. a trefoil MinsUrtuwe and Wmttrstovoe.
vert. Motto, Ex merito. Thom, [Scotland.] or, a bend, chequy, gu. and ar.
Thatcher. Arms as 1st diet. Crest, a Saxon Crest, a dexter hand, holding a sword, ppr.
sword, or seaux, ppr. Thomas, per bend sinister, erm. and vert, a lion
Thatcher, [Ringmer, Suss. Vis. 1634.] gu, across ramp, counterchanged, on a chief gu. three
moline ar. ; on a chief of the last, three grass- crosses pattee or. Crest, a cubit arm, erect,
hoppers az.
ppr. vested gu. cuff or.
Thatcher, gu. on a cross moline ar. a crescent on ; Thomas, per bend sinister erm. and vert, a lion
a chief or, three birds, volant, az. ramp, counterchanged, on a chief gu. three
Thavie, az. two garbs in saltier or. on a chief sa. crosses pattee or. Crest, a cubit arm, erect, ppr.
two rays of an escarbuncle, florettee and pomet- vested gu. cuff or. (Granted to Edward
tee of the second. Thomas.)
Thavy, or Tavy, \Temp. Edw. III.] ar. on a Thomas, [Lelant and Cury, Cornw.] gu. a chev.
bend gu. two garbs or. on a chief sa. a tau, of and canton erm.
the field. Thomas, [Cheverton, Cornw.] The same.
Thawits. See Thwaytes. Thomas, [Trethake, Cornw.] , a bunch of . .

Thelwall, gu. a fesse

betw. three boars'
or, grapes, suspended betw. two swords, saltier-
heads, couped, ar. Crest, on a mount vert, a ways, . . .

stag, lodged, ppr. attired or, pierced in the Thomas, [Glamorganshire,] sa. three boys' heads,
breast with an arrow ar. vulned gu. couped at the necks, ppr. crined or, enwrapped
Themelby, gu. a chev. engr. and a chief, ar. round the neck by a snake, also ppr.
Themilton, ar. three rouudles, barry wavy of six, Thomas, [Bromley, Kent originally of Branton,

ar. and vert. ar. a fesse dancettee sa. betw. three

eornish choughs ppr. Crest, a demi leopard Thompson, [London, 1009.] Arms and crest as
ramp, ppr. holding in both feet a baton, erect, follow, instead of those in 1st diet a fesse, :
or. indented,betw. three hawks, sa. beaked and
Thomas, or, a buck, trippant, . . Crest, a buck,
legged, gu. Crest, a hawk, with wings ex-
as in the arms. panded, ppr. beaked and legged, or, betw.
Thomas, ar. a chev. betw. three birds, sa. Crest ,
two spears, erect, staves of the last, headed
on a cross aiguise ar, the foot trunked, and tin- ar.
middle stem ragnled, a bird sa. Thompson, [London,] as 8th in 1st diet. Crest,
Thomas. See Thorns. a flaming heart betw. two palm-branches, in
Thomkins, gyronny of eight, vert and or. orle, ppr.
Crest, a dove within an adder, orleways, ppr. Thompson, [Eshold, Yorks.] per fesse, ar. and sa.
Thomlinson, [Gateshead, Durham; Visitation of a fesse counter-embattled, betw. three falcons,
Durham, 1615] per pale wavy, ar. and vert, close, all counterchanged ; over all, a bend
three greyhounds counter/changed ; a chief, in- sinister gu.
vecked, az. Thompson, as 9th in 1st diet; read, escallops of
Thomlinson, [Newcastle on Tyne.] per pale, ar. the field.
and vert, three greyhounds counterchanged. Thompson, a lion, statant, guard, or.
Crest, a greyhound, per pale, as in the Thoms, gu. a chev.betw. three cinquefoils ar.
arms. stalked and leaved vert. Crest, on a mount,
Thomond. gu. three lions pass, guard, in pale, an oak-tree, acorned, ppr.
per pale, or and ar. Crest, an arm, em- Thorns, Tomys, or Thomas, ar. a chev. betw. three
bowed, ppr. holding a sword ar. hilt and pom- talbots, sa.
mel or. Thomson, [Edinburgh,] ar. a stag's head, ca-

Thompson, [Morpeth, Northumb. originally of ; bossed, gu. ; on a chief az. three fleurs-de-
Cumb.] Arms and crest as 1st in 1st diet. lis of the field. Crest, a dexter hand, couped,
Thompson, [Bishopwearmouth, Durham,] quar- fesseways, ppr. holding a cross crosslet fit-
terly; first and fourth, per fesse, ar. and sa. a chee az.
fesse embattled, counter-embattled, betw. three Thomson, quarterly first and fourth, sa. three

falcons, counterchanged, belled or, for Thomp- swords meeting in point, ar. hilts and pomels
son ;
second and third, ar. three cocks' heads, or, a crescent for diff. for Poulett ; second, ar.
erased, sa. combed and wattled
gu. for White: a buck's head, cabossed, gu. attired or, on a
impaling quarterly first and fourth, ar. a chev.
chief az. a cross crosslet fitchee betw. two mul-
ermines, betw. three griffins' heads, erased, sa. lets, pierced for Thomson ; third, sa. a fret
. . .

langued gu. for Pemberton second and third,

; betw. four crescents ar. (the horns of each to-
or, a chev. betw. three dragons' heads, erased, wards the fret.) First crest, a dexter arm, in
gu. langued az. for Jackson. Crest, an arm, armour, the hand ppr. holding a sword ; second
embowed, in armour, quarterly, or and az. crest, a demi lion ramp, holding a banner,
holding in the gauntlet ppr. a broken lance of charged with a cross. [Borne by the Right
the first. Hon. Charles Poulett Thompson, 31. P. for
Thompson [Cottingham Castle, Yorks.] az. a lion Dover, 1833.
pass, guard, or, within a bordure ar. ; impaling Thomson gu. a lion pass, guard, betw. three cross-
quarterly ; first and fourth, gu. three bars lets, or.
gemelles or ; a canton sa. for Briggs ; second Thomson, ar. a buck's head, cabossed, gu. attired
and third, sa. an etoile of eight points or, betw. or; on a chief wavy of the second a lozenge
two fiaunches erm. Crest, a lion ramp, ducally betw. two spur-rowels of the field. Crest,
gorged or. a crane, holding a palm-branch in the beak,
Thompson, [Newcastle-on-Tyne,] per fesse, ar. all ppr. Motto, over the crest, Cures cedit
and sa. a fesse, counter-embattled, betw. three fatum.
falcons counterchanged, belled and jessed or. Thomson, ar. in chief three crosses fitchee ; in
Crest, an arm, embowed, in armour, quarterly, base a buck's head. Crest, an arm, couped
or and az. the gauntlet ppr. holding a broken below the elbow, holding in the hand a cross
lance of the first. crosslet fitchee.

Thompson, [Hamburgh,] ar. a stag's head, ca- Thomson, [Scotland,] ar. a stag's head,cahossed,gu.
bossed, gu. attired or on a chief engr. az. a
attired or on a chief az. a cross crosslet fitchee

hezant betw. a crescent and a mullet, both of of the third, betw. two spur-rowels of the
the field. Crest, a branch of palm ppr. first.
Thomson, [Glasgow,] ar. a stag's head, cabossed, Thornell, gu. three (Another, two) bars gemelles
gu. on a chief wavy az. a cross crosslet fit-
and a chief, ar.
chee hetw. an anchor and a billet, all or. Thornell, barry of ten, ar. and gu.
Crest, a dexter hand holding a bunch of flowers Thornell, gu. two chev. or, within a bordure of the
Thomson, [Duddiston,] ar. a stag's head, cabossed, two chev. and a bordure or.
Thornell, gu.
gu. in chief a mullet . . .
; Thornes, [Salop.] sa. a lion ramp. ar. Crest, a
Thopay, or, a boar's head, couped, close, sa. hand holding a club, ppr.
Thorburn, or, fretty gu. a lion ramp. ar. ; a chief Thorneton, ar. on a bend gu. three escarbuncles
of the second. Crest, a leopard, sejant, guard. of eight points or.
ppr. Motto, We live in hope. Thornex, erm. on a chief gu. two leopards' heads
Thorburn, [Scotland,] gu. on a fesse ar. three ar.
hearts of the first. Crest, a hawk, holding in Thorney, a lion ramp. ar.
the dexter claw an olive-branch, ppr. Thornham, three boars' heads, bendways,
Thorelys, gu. a chief, per fesse indented, gu. couped at the necks, sa. langued ar.
and or. Thorn hill, gu. two bars gemelles ar. a chief of ;

Thoresby. See Thursby, 1st diet. the second ; over all a bend sa.
Thorisbye, ar. a chev. betw. three lions ramp. Thornhull, [Bucks. Dors, and Wilts.] Arms
sa. and crest, as 2nd Thornholme, 1st diet.
Thorlby, or Thorley, [Scotland,] as 4th in 1st Thornicroft, [Milcomb, Oxon. Created a Ba-
diet. Crest, a tower ppr. ronet, \2th Aug. 1701] Arms as 1st diet.
Thorle, ar. on a bend flory sa. three mullets, Thornton, [Whitton, N.umb.] as 1st diet.

pierced, or. Crest, a fountain or, playing ppr.

Thorle, ar. on a bend flory, counterflory, sa. three Thornton, [Scotland,] gu. on a chev. three hearts
mullets of the first. of the first. Crest, a maiden's head, in front.
Thorley, as Thorle. See before. from the shoulders, clothed az.
Thorley. See Thorlby, before. Thornton, ar. three palets az.
Thorleys, gu. a chief, per chief indented, gu. Thornton, ar. on a bend sa. three covered cups of
and or. the first.
Thorn, or Thorn e, per chev. sa. and ar. a chev. Thornton, sa. a chev. ar. a chief, indented, of the
betw. three mascles, counterchanged. Crest, an last. Crest, a fountain, or, playing, ppr.
owl guard, ppr. Thornton. See Thorndon.
Thornbery, ar. a chief or a lion ramp. az. de-
; Thorntoun, [Scotland,] ar. a fesse betw. two
pressed by two cotlises gu. hurts in chief, and a mullet in base, gu.
Thornborough, az. on a fesse or, three tor- Thorogood. See Thorowgood.
teauxes in chief as many annulets of the last ;
; Thorold, [Harmeston, Line. Created a Baronet
in the middle a fleur-de-lis of the same. 24th March, 1740-41,] sa. three goats, salient,
Thornburgh, as 1st Thornbororgh, 1st diet. ar.

Thornbury, per fesse, erm. and ar. a lion ramp. ; Thoroton, quarterly first and fourth, ar. a fesse

az. depressed by two bendlets gu. betw. three bugle-horns, sa. for Thoroton ;

Thornbury. See Thornborough, 1st diet. second, ar. a lion ramp, per fesse, gu. and sa.
Thorndam, vert, a fesse, indented, betw. three for Lovetot ; third, quarterly ; first and fourth,
mullets ar. per pale, dancettee, sa. and ar. ; second and
Thorndon, or Thornton, vert, a fesse, dancettee third, ar. a fleurs-de-lis for Warner.
betw. three mullets, ar. Thoroughgood, or Throwgood, [London,] ar.

Thorne, [Upcott, Avenell,] ar. a fesse betw. five cross crosslets, in saltier, sa. Crest, ademi
three lions ramp, guard, gu. lion or. (Another crest, a demi greyhound,
Thome, or, on a pile sa. a griffin, segreant, of the erased, salient, ar. collared gu.)
first. Thorp, az. a fesse dancettee erm. Crest, an
Thorne, ar. a fesse gu. betw. three lions ramp. arrow and palm -branch, in saltier, ppr.
within a bordure engr. of the first. Thorp, ar. a lion, salient, gu. within an orle of
Thorne, ar. a fesse nebulae sa. ; in chief a lion fleurs-de-lis az.

pass. az. betw. two lozenges gu.

in base a ; Thorp, barry of ten, ar. and gu. a bend engr.
lozenge of the last. sa.

Thornebery, az. three crescents ar. betw. nine Thorp, as 12th Thorpe in 1st diet.
crosslets or. Thorpe, [Gateshead,] erm. a lion ramp. gu.
Thorpe, ar. three crescents az. or, as manymullets sa. ; a chief of the second,
Thorpe, per pale, az. and gu. three hucks' horns charged with three mascles, pierced, of the first.
ar. ; the top to the sinister side. Tibbitts, az. in chief three lions ramp. ar. Crest,
Thorpe, ar. three bars gu. a bend sa.
a bee, volant, in pale, sa.
Thorpe, ar. a fesse gu. betw. three lions ramp. sa. Tibbs, sa. on a chev. ar. three anchors of the first.
Thorpe, or Tharpe, [Chippenham Park, C'amb.] Crest, an oak branch vert.
ar. a fesse, az. fretty or, in chief a lion ramp, Tichborne, [Lord Tichborne.J Arms and sup
gu. crowned or, betw. two fleurs-de-lis of porters as 1st in 1st diet. Crest, as 2nd.
the second in base an anchor ppr. Tickel, o? TiCKELL,az. three horses' heads, erased,

; Crest, a
demi female, habited, ar. scarf az. her dexter ar. Crest, an eagle displ. ppr.
arm supporting an anchor ppr. Tidbury, gu. a pale erm. Crest, the point of a
Thorsby. See Thursby, 1st diet. spear in pale, the shaft and hilt in saltier, ppr.
Thourghgram. See Thorgrym, 1st diet. banded gu.
Thowested, or Thewsted, gu. a chev. betw. Tiddeman, per saltier and per fesse, ar. and gu.
three leopards' heads, ar. six annulets, one, two, two, and one, counter-
Thowing, ar. on a bend, cottised, gu. three fleurs- changed. Crest, a Savage's head, couped, dis-
de-lis ar. tillingblood, ppr.
Thrackston, gu. an ostrich ar. Tidemarch, De, purp. a lion, salient, or, within
Thrale, sa. a rose ar. ; a bordure of the last. an orle of crosslets ar.
Crest, a cross crosslet fitchee gu. Tidmarsh, as 1st diet. Crest, a broken lance,
THREDYRFF,az.abuck'shead,cabossed,orattiredar. the head turned towards the sinister, ppr.
Threlle, paly of ten, or and gu. Crest, on a Tierney, ar. a chev. sa. ; a chief gu. Crest, an
coronet of the first, an oak-tree ar. oak-tree ppr.
Thretheke. See Trethicke, 1st diet. Tiffin, ar. a chev. betw. three lions' heads, erased,
Thrower, [Scotland,] gu. a fesse betw. three tre- gu. Crest, a greyhound's head, erased, in the
foils, slipped, ar. mouth a stag's foot, erased, ppr.
Throwgood. See Thoroughgood. Tighe, [Ireland,] ar. a bend betw. three crescents,
Thruston, [Suff.] az. three bugle-horns or. az. Crest, a galley, with her oars on deck, in
Thtrgryn, ar. on a bend engr. cottised, sa three saltier, sa.
mullets, pierced, of the first. Crest, a pelican Tighe, [Ireland,] per chev. embattled ar. and sa.

feeding her young, or, in her nest ar. ten cross crosslets, countercharged.
Thurlow, ar. on a chev. cottised, sa. three port- Till, as 1st diet. Crest, an ounce, sejant, ppr.
cullises of the first. Crest, a crow ppr. resting the fore paw upon a shield az.
Thurlwell, sa. on a chev. ar. betw. three boars' Tiller, sa. on a fesse or, betw. two cats-a-
heads, couped close, or, an annulet . . . mountain pass. ar. three crescents gu. Crest,
Thursby. Arms as 1st 1st diet. Crest, seven on a mural coronet, six spears, in saltier, ppr.
arrows, one in pale, and six in saltier, ppr. Tillesley, ar. a chev. betw. three pomeis, on
Thurston, sa. three bugle-horns ar. stringed or. each a hind, lodged, of the first.
Crest, a woodpecker ppr. Tillesley, ar.a chev. betw. three mole-hills, vert.
Thurston, ar. three bars sa. on the first, a lion
; Tillet, or Tillett, as Tylly, or Tillet, 1st

pass, guard, betw. two martlets, or; on the diet. Crest, six arrows, in saltier, ppr. banded
second, three cinquefoils of the last ; on the gu. ensigned with a round hat ppr.
third, three escallops of the third; on a canton Tillet. See Tyttey, 1st diet.
gu. a bird, with wings expanded, of the first. Tilley. Arms as 1st in 1st diet. Crest, the
Thwaites, [Ireland,] or, a lion ramp, sa.; on a head of a battle-axe issuing from the wreath.
fesse of the last, three bezants. Crest, a che- Tilley, ar.
a cross patonce gu. betw. four cres-
valier riding on horse-back at full speed, holding cents of the second.
a broken spear, ppr. Tillie, [Cornw.] ar. a cross flory gu. in chief ;

Tiiwaits, as 3rd in 1st diet. Crest, ona mural co- three eagles' heads, erased . . .

ronet, a bunch of seven arrows ppr. banded gu. Tillie, [Pentillie Castle, Cornw.] ar. a cross bar-
Thwaytes, or Thaw'its, ar. a lion ramp. sa. de- bee gu. in chief three griffins' heads sa.

pressed by a fesse of the second, charged with TlLLINGTON,0/-TYLLINGTON,asTlLLINGTON,lstdict.

three bezants. Tillney, ar. a chev. betw. three griffins' heads,
Thymbleby, paly of six, ar. and sa. three mullets, erased, gu. beaked or. Crest, a griffin's head,
in bend, of the last. erased, gu. eared or, holding in the beak a
Thyxne, gu. on a chev. ar. betw. three martlets gem-ring of the last.
TiLbOT. See Tylliot. Tinling, per pale, ar. and gu. a fleur-de-lis sa.
Tillotson, as 1st in 1st diet. Crest, a pelican's Crest, an ear of wheat or, bladed vert, and a
head, erased, ppr. palm-branch of the last, in saltier.
Tilly, sa. a cross of bezants betw. four cres- Tinsley, ... a chev. .betw. three wolves'
. .

cents, ar. Crest, a rose-tree vert, bearing heads, erased.

roses, ar. Tinten, [St. Tudy, Cornw.] ar. a chev. betw.
Tilman. The same arms as Tylgham, 1st diet ; three royal tents, sa.
only the lion not crowned. Tipper, ar. a bend, chequy, sa. and or. Crest,
Tilmye, gu. three cinquefoils betw. nine cross a hand, couped, in fesse, holding a sword
crosslets, or. in pale, supporting on the point a garland of
Tilson, or, on a bend, cottised, az. three garbs laurel.
.... Crest, a dexter hand pulling a rose, Tippet, [Truro and Falmouth, Cornw.] ar. on a
ppr. chev. az. betw. three dolphins, embowed, as
Tilson, or, on a bend, cottised, betw. two garbs, many cross crosslets of the first. Crest, an
az. a mitre, stringed of the field. Crest, an arm, habited, couped below the elbow, holding
arm, embowed, vested ar. ruffled of the last, an anchor by the middle of the shank, the arm
holding in the hand ppr. a crozier gu. head and charged with a cross crosslet ar.
point or. Tippet, ar. a cross sa. charged with another,
Tilston, or, on a bend,
cottised, betw. two garbs humettee, or. Crest, a wheat-sheaf or, banded
az. a a canton gu. charged with an
mitre or ; vert,
heraldic rose ar. Crest, a dexter arm, em- Tippets, ar. a cross, couped, voided, sa. betw.

bowed, habited, ar. charged on the elbow with four crescents gu. Crest, a squirrel, sejant, gu.
a garb sa. the hand ppr. grasping a crozier, gu. cracking a nut or.
ferrelled or. Tippetts, [Devons.] of, on a chev. betw. three
Tilstone. See Telstone, 1st diet, dolphins, naiant, az. as many cinquefoils of
Tiltilton, gu. a chev. betw. three goats' heads, the first. Crest, an eagle's claw, erased, sta-
erased, ar. tant, ppr.
Timberley. See Temperley, 1st diet. Tiptoft, ar. a saltier engr. gu. Crest, a stag's
Timbrell, az. three etoiles or. Crest, a phcenix head, erased, or, gorged with a garland of roses
in flames, ppr. gu. leaved vert,
Timins, sa. on a chev. ar. betw. three plates, as
Tiptoft, [Lord Tiptoft.] The same arms.
many lions' heads, erased, of the first, Crest, Tirgershall, [Kent,] sa. a chev. betw. three
a rose gu. barbed vert. tigers, reguard. ar.
Timmins, on a chev. betw. three plates in
sa. Tisdale, or Tisdall, ar. a fesse betw. three
chief, and one in base, a pellet. Crest, on a pheons, az. Crest, a peacock's head, couped,
mural coronet ar. six spears, saltierways, sa. ppr.
Tims, per chev. nebulee, or and az. three fleurs- Tistesborougit, ar. a bend lozengy or, betw. six
de-lis counterchanged. Crest, a goat's head, lions ramp. sa.
issuant ... Titford, gu. three lions heads, erased. Crest, a
Timson, a pile, betw. three mullets, ar.
vert, demi lion ramp.
Crest, a horse's head gu. bridled or. Titherly, [Titherley.] See Tiderleigh, 1st
Tindall, [Essex, Herts, and Yorks.] ar. on a diet.
fesse sa. three garbs or. Titley, ar. on a fesse sa. six crosslets fitchee of

Tindall, [Lancaster Herald. Temp. Henry f'H.] the second, as many escallops or.
ar. a fesse gu. betw. three garbs sa. Titon, [France,] gu. a chev. or, betw. three
Tindall. Arms as 5th in 1st diet. Crest, out of knights' helmets, the two in chief addorsed in
a ducal coronet or, five pales erm. banded of profile, that in base, full-faced, ar. [Borne by
the last. the late Arthur Tyton, Esq. F.L.S. of Wim-
Tindall, ... a fesse betw. three garbs . . .
Crest, bledon, Surrey, who died 8th Sept. 1832.
a demi lion ramp, holding a garb . . .
Titt, [Dennington,] gu. a chev. engr. betw. three
Tingcombe, [Cornw.] ar. on a chev. sa. betw. tigers' heads, erased, or.
three mullets gu. as many mullets of the Titteley. See Titley, 1st diet.
first. Titton, ar. two chev. gu. a canton of the

Tinker, a chev. betw. three attires of a stag,

ar. last.
affixed to the scalp, sa. Crest, a cross cross- Titus, [Bushy, Herts.] quarterly first and fourth,

let az. as 1st diet. ; second and third, gyronny of eight,

or and az. on an escutcheon a Black's head,
ar. Tolman, sa. a martlet ar. betw. three ducal crowns
couped, sa. wreathed round temples, ar. and
(lie or. Crest, two arms, in armour, embowed,
az. Crest, a Black's head, couped at the wielding a battle-axe, all ppr.
shoulders, ppr. wreathed round the head, ar. Tom, [Little Petherick, Cornw.] ar. an escallop
and of the first. gu. betw. three bucks' heads, affrontee, sa.
Toash, [Aberdeen, Scotland,] or, a galley, her horned or. chough ppr. hold-
Crest, a cornish
sails furled, and oars in saltier, betw. two billets, ing in an escallop.
its bill

sa. in fesse; in the sinister canton, a dexter arm, Tomb, vert, three tomb-stones ar. Crest, a pe-
issuing, in bend, grasping a man's heart ppr. gasus's head, betw. two wings, . . .

ToisiN, ar. a fesse betw. three cinquefoils, vert. Tomby, erm. three cinquefoils sa.
Crest, two battle-axes, in pale, environed with Tomkins. Arms as of Webley, 1st diet. Crest,
a serpent, ppr. out of a ducal coronet, a broken battle-axe, ppr.
Toby, chequy, sa. and or; on a fesse ar. a cinque- Tomkinson, erm. four bars gemelles sa.
foil gu. Crest, a perch's head, issuant, ppr. Tom lin, gu. three plates; on each a fleur-de-lis sa.
Tochktt, gu. ten martlets ar. four, three, two, Crest, a peacock's head, erased, az. beaked or.
and one. Tomline-Pretyman, [Loddington, Leices. Lord
Tockette. See Tokett, 1st diet. Bishop of Winchester,] gu. a lion pass, guard.
Todburne, [Scotland,] gu. three nags' heads, betw. three mullets, ar. Crest, two lions'
erased, ar. gambs, erased, holding a mullet, ar.
Todeford. See Todford, 1st diet. Tomlins. Arms as 1st in 1 st diet. Crest, out of
Todman, erminois, a lion ramp. az. surmounted a mural coronet, seven Lochaber axes, turned
by a fesse gu. Crest, a cannon mounted ppr. outward, ppr.
Todrick, [Scotland,] as Todridge, 1st diet. Tomlinson, [Cholmeley, Chorley, and Wrenbury
Crest, a griffin's head, erased, gu. Hall, Cheshire.] Arms, party per pale, ar.
Todrig, [Scotland,] ar. on a bend az. three fleurs- and vert, three greyhounds, counterchanged,
de-lis or, in chief a pelican gu. in her nest vert. courant, a chief engr. az. Crest, a griffin's
Crest, a sword erect, ppr. head and neck, ar. issuing out of a ducal coro-
Todwell, az. a chev. betw. three ewers, ar. net or. [
Borne by John Tomlinson, Esq.,
Toft, or Tofte, as 3rd Tofte, in 1st diet. Everton Crescent, Liverpool.]
Crest, a phoenix, in flames, ppr. Tomlinson, [Gateshead, Durham.] See Thom-
Tofte, ar. on a chev. betw. three crosses pattee linson.
fitchee gu. a crescent of the first. Tompkins. Arms as 1st diet. Crest, a ship
Togan, gu. three cups, covered, or. under sail, ppr.
Tokey. See Tukey, 1st diet Tomys. See Thoms.
Tole, ar. three cinquefoils sa. Toncks, or Tonkes. Arms as 1st. diet. Crest,
Tolimond, ar. a chev. engr. betw. three lions' two arms, in armour, embowed, issuing from
heads, erased, sa. clouds, supporting the sun, ppr.
Toll, [Wolveston, Durham,] .., a fesse, embat- Tonds, ar. a chev. gu. betw. three croses boton-

tled,betw. three talbots' heads, erased, . . . nee sa.

Toll, or Tolle, ar. three cinquefoils sa. two and Tong, Tonge. Arms as of Tunstall, 1st
one. Crest, a hand, couped, holding a dagger, diet. Crest, a shield, quarterly, or and sa.
in pale, ppr. Tonge, az. a bend, per bend, or and ar. cottised
Toller, [Fowey, Cornw.] vert, four fusils, in of the first, betw. six martlets of the second.
fesse, or. Crest, a cinquefoil ar. betw. two Tongra, quarterly; first and fourth, or, three
wings or. pheons az. ; second and third, ar. on a bend az.

Toller, as 1st Crest, a mullet gu.

in 1st diet. three lions ramp, or ; all within a bordure sa.
charged with an ermine spot or. Tongue, as 2nd in 1st diet. Crest, a shield or.
Tollet, arms as 1st diet. Another crest, on a betw. two myrtle-branches, in orle, ppr.
pedestal of stone a pyramid az. entwined with a Toni. See Tonfy, 1st diet.
snake ppr. Tonke, or Touke, or. ten billets, four, three,
Tolley, as 1st Tolly, 1st diet. Crest, an acorn, two and one, sa.; a canton erm.
stalked and leaved vert. Tonke, gu. an etoile of eight points ar. out of a
Tolley, or Tollye. The same arms; the lion crescent or.
a demi Tonke, ar. five lozenges, in bend, sa. betw. two
platee. Crest, tiger vert, collared ar.
and pellettee, the body bezantee. bendlets of the last.
Tollowes. See Towles. Tonkes, bendy of six, az. and erm.
Tonkes. See Toncks, 1st diet. points of the first, on each point as many
Tonkin, originally Lea, [Merthen,] or, a chev. ermine spots sa.
gu. betw. two cornish choughs, in chief, and Torbock. See Tarbock, 1st diet.
a cannon, in base, mounted on a carriage, sa. Torell, or Tarell, or, a bull pass. gu.
Crest, a cornish chough ppr. Torell, ar. a bull pass. gu. armed or.
Tonkin, [Penzance and Rosehill, Cornw.] az. a Torell, gu. a fesse engr. ar. betw. three bulls' heads,
chev. betw. three birds. couped, or.
Tonkin, [Plymouth,] sa. an eagle displ. or. Torkington. Arms as 1st diet. Crest, a spur-
Crest, a dragon's head, couped. rowel betw. two wings, or.

Tontaville, [France,] sa. six lions pass. or. Torleste. Arms as Torlesse, 1st. diet. Crest,
Tonyn, ar. nine passion-nails sa. meeting in point betw. two branches vert, a heron or.
in threes, two, and one. Crest, a dexter hand Torley, or Tarley, per pale, ar. and sa. Crest,
holding a sword erect, ppr. a boar's head,
couped, sa. lying fesseways,
Took," per chev. sa. and ar. three griffins' heads, armed ar. charged with a pale of the last,
erased, count erchanged. Crest, a griffins' head Tornill, as 2nd and 3rd Tornell, 1st diet.
erased, per chev. ar. and sa. guttee counter- Torold, or, three bulls' heads, couped, az.
changed, eared or, holding in the beak a sword, Torpilton, az. on a fesse or, a talbot pass. sa.
pommelled or.
erect, ar. Torr, ar. a tower, embattled, ppr. charged with
Tooker, on a bend ar. three hearts gu.
vert, an escutcheon ar. a chev. betw. three padlocks,

Tookie,. .three taus. Crest, a demi horse, sa- .

., all within a bordure vair. Crest, a griffin
lient, collared [Borne by the Rev. Clement pass, wings endorsed, ppr.
Tookie, L.L.D. Prebend of Ely, Rector of Torraby, ar. an etoile of eight points, radiated

Wellington, and Hear of Chippenham; who gu. ; on a chief az. three water-bougets or.
Died 1748, M.I. in Chippenham Church, Co. Torrance, [Scotland,] per pale gu. and or, two
Cambridge. boat oars, in saltier, az. Crest, a bull's head,
Tooky, [Luffenham, N.amp.] gu. three T's ar. erased.
within a bordure vair, ar. and sa. Crest, a Torre, gu. a fesse or.; in chief three crescents of
demi sea-horse ramp, quarterly, gu. and or, the second. Crests, a lily ar. leaved vert.
gorged with a ducal coronet counterchanged. Torrell, [Cambr.] as 1st in 1st diet.
Tooky, [Ruts.] gu. three T's ar. within a bodure Torrell. The same arms. Crest, a boar's head,
vair. Crest, a demi sea-horse ramp, quarterly erased, or.
gu. and or, ducally gorged, per pale, or and Torrence, sa. three boat-oars, paleways, ar. two
and one. Crest, two laurel-branches, in saltier,
Tooley, or Towley, as 1st diet. Crest, within vert.
an annulet or. a shield sa. Torriano, [Decended from Fordinand Torriano
Toone, chequy, gu. and ar. a fesse or. Crest, a Count Taxi and Valsasine, Post Master to
head, erased, holding in the mouth a hand,
lion's the Emperor, in Venice, 1572,] az. two sceptres,
couped, ppr. in saltier, the tops terminating in fleurs-de-lis
Topcliffe, per pale, or and sa. three crescents or. surmounted by a tower gu. on a chief

counterchanged. gold, an imperial eagle displ. with two heads,

Topham, as last in 1st diet. Crest, an anchor, sa. Crest, an arm, in armour, from the shoul-
with cable and sword, in saltier, ppr. der in fesse, and from the elbow in pale,
Toppe, [Tormarton, Glouc. Created a Bart. 25 holding a helmet, or steel cap. [Borne quar-
July, 1668.] ar. on a canton gu. a dexter terly,with Bouchier in the 1st quarter; viz. ar.
gauntlet or. on a mount in base, a tree, on the top an owl
Topper, erminois, on a chev. sa. a mullet ar. perched, ppr. and with the Crest of Bouchier,
Crest, an old man's head, issuant, in profile, an owl, ppr. by the Rev. Richard Bouchier,

ppr.banded or and gu. tied of the colours. M.A., of Trinity College, Camb. Rector of
Toppes. See Topps, 1st diet. Bright Walthum. Co. of Berks.; Living at
Toppesfield, ar. a buck's head, cabossed sa. ; Braywick Grove, in that county, 1837.]
betw. the horns a bugle-horn of the second, Torrie, ar. on a ground, in base, vert, a horse
stringed and tied to the horns or. pass. sa. saddled and In-idled gu.; in chief a
Topping, ten lozenges, four, three, two, and
az. cross crosslet fitchee of the third. Crest, a
one, ar.
Crest, two lions' gambs sa. holding horse's head, ar.
up a roundle vair. Torrington, gu. two bars or.; in chief a lion
Toppisfield, lozengy, ar. and sa. a label of three pass, of the first.
Torhy. See Tory. Toures, [Scotland,] ar. on a bend, betw. two

Torvill, gu. three chev. vair. mullets, az. three mullets of the first. Crest, a
Tory, or Torry, ar. ahorse pass. ppr. furnished
lion ramp. ppr.

gu. Crest, a horse, as in the arms. Tourgeis. See Towergyes, 1st diet.
Tosh, [Scotland,] gu. a cross, chequy, ar. andaz.; Tourges, az. a chev. betw. three cross crosslets
a bordure of the second. Crest, a thistle ppr. fitchee, or.
Tosh, [Scotland,] gu. a cross, chequy, ar. and az. Tourgies, az. a chev. betw. three crosslets,
betw. four fleurs-de-lis or. Crest, a withered crossed and fitchee, or, within a bordure engr.
branch of holly, sprouting out new leaves, of the last.
PP r - Tourin. See Turing, Bart, of N.S., 1st diet.

Toshee, [Monibard, Scotland,] gu. two pole Tournay, ar. a chev. betw. three bulls, sa.
axes ar. Crest, a tower ar.
Toste, ar. three garbs gu. Tournemine, per cross, or and az. Crest, an
Tot, ar. a fesse betw. three hearts, vulned, and arm, in armour, embowed, ppr. holding a fleur
distilling drops of blood on the dexter, gu. de-lis ..

Crest, a demi lion ppr. Tourney-. See Torney, 1st diet.

Totehill, az. two bars ar. in chief a leopard's
; Touhrin, or Turring, [Scotland.] The same
head of the second. as Turing, Bart. N.S., 1st diet.
Totesham, or Tatesham, gu. semee of billets ar.; Tours, ar. three towers gu.
on a cross of the second, an etoile, pierced, of Toutehill. See Tottehull.
the first. Touthby. See Tothby, 1st diet.
Totewhill, sa. three flagons ar. Tovey", or, two bars sa. in chief three fleurs-de-

Totheby, az. a lion's head, erased, sa. within an lis of the Crest, an eagle, displ. with two
orle of cross crosslets ar. heads, charged on the breast with a saltier ppr.
Tothill. Arms as 1st in 1st diet. Crest, an Tovy- , [Scotland,] az. an eagle displ. ar. Crest,
olive-branch, in pale, ppr. an eagle displ.
Totie, and Tottoe. See Tote, 1st diet. Towdeby, [Line] The same as ToTEin.
Totofell, erm. on a chief, indented, gu. three London, 1st diet.
Taus ar. Toweret. See Towret.
Tottehull, or Toutehill, or, on a chev. sa. Towergyes, ar Tourgeis, [Dors.] (erroneously
three crescents ar. called Towergges,) in 1st diet.
Tottenham, [Ireland,] ar. a cross gu. betw. four Tower, (Salop,) sa. three towers ar.
fleurs-de-lis of the last. Crest, a crescent Towers, [Scotland,] ar. on a bend engr. az. three
erm. mullets or. Crest, a stag, lodged, ppr.
Tottenham, as 1st diet, quartering, Lqftus. first Towert, or Trowert, ar. a chev. gu. betw. three
crest, a lion ramp, or; second a boar's head, eagles displ. sa.
[Scotland,] sa. two swords,
erect. Towle, in saltier, ar.
Tottye. See Toty, 1st diet. hilts in chief, or.
a bordure of the second.
Touciiet. Arms as 1st diet. Crest, out of a Crest, a dove, holding in the beak an olive-
ducal coronet, a swan rising, ar. ducally gorged branch, ppr.
or. Towles, or Tollowes, per pale, and per chev.
Tough, [Scotland,] ar. a lion pass, vert ; in chief erm. and sa. four cinquefoils counterchanged
three torteauxes. Crest, a dexter hand, point- Towley. See Tooley, both diets.
ing with two fingers, gu. Towne, or Town, ar. on a chev. sa. three cross
Tough, [of that Ilk,] ar. a lion ramp. vert. crosslets of the first. Crest, on a rock, a tree
Touke, [Wore.] quarterly; first and fourth, az. a growing, ppr.
fesse or; in chief a lion's gamb, erased, of the Towneley. See Town ley-, 1st diet.
second; in base a cinquefoil ar. ; second and Townrawe. See Townroe, 1st diet.
third, ar. three cinquefoils sa. Crest, a leo- Townsend, quarterly, per fesse indented,
ar. and
pard's head, couped, az. spotted or. or, over all a bend of the last.
Townshend, [Coggeshall, Magna, Essex.
Touke, sa. two bars ar.
Touke. See Tonke. 5th June, 1718,] ar. ona chev. betw. three escal-
Toulmin, gu. on a chief ar. three martlets sa. lops, az. as many etoiles of the
first. Crest, on
Crest, a garb, in fesse, ppr. a mount vert, a buck, sejant, ppr. attired or.
Toupefield, vert, a bend or. supporting with the dexter foot a lance, erect,
Tourayne. See Torayne, 1st diet. gu. headed of the third.
Tow pis,sa. two bars or; on each a water-bouget Trawes. See Traves, before.
vert in chief three tops of the second.
; Trawhost, az. fretty and semee of fleurs-de-lis,
Towret, or Toweret, gu. three turrets or, two or.
and one. Trayfray, sa. a chev. betw. three trefoils, slipped
Towry. Arms as 1st diet.
(Another crest, ar.
out of a tower .... a demi lion ramp, issu- Trayton, ar. on a bend sa. a helmet of the first.
ant .... Crest, a horse, dapple grey.
Tracy, or, a lion pass. sa. betw. two cottises gu. Trayton. See Treton, (not Treyton,) 1st diet.
Tracy, or Tresse, or, two bendlets, betw. nine Treacey, per cross, gu. and or, a bend ar.
escallops, gu. three, three, and three. Crest, out of a tower, a demi lion ramp.
Trafford, [Croston,] ar. a griffin, segreant, gu. ppr.
holding in the claws an escutcheon .... Treacher, gu. three keys, paleways, or, two
Trafford, ar. a griffin, segreant, az. Crest, a man and one. Crest, a griffin's head, erased,
holding a flail, the handle part ar. the other or, ppr.
legs of the first, coat gu. cap ppr. Trebarfoot, [Trebarfoot, Cornw.] sa. a chev.
Trafry. See Traflye, 1st diet. betw. three hare's feet, erased and erect, or.
Tralev, [Beds.] or, a cross betw. four martlets, Treb\rtha, [Cornw.] az. on a bend wavy, three
gu -
chough's heads, erased, sa.
Traly, or, on a cross betw. four martlets, gu. an Trecarne, or, a bull pass. sa. horned ar.
annulet ar. for diff. Tredenham, [Cornw.] or, seven lozenges, in
Trans, or, a fesse, voided, sa. bend, gu.
Transquillet, .... a chev. betw. three squir- Tredennick, as Tredeneck, 1st diet. Crest, a
rels. buck's head and neck, couped.
Trant. Arms as 1st diet. Crest, out of a five- Tredigey, [Cornw.] ar. three bull's heads sa.
leaved ducal coronet or, a demi eagle, rising, Tredignie, or, a chev. sa. betw. three cornish
wings expanded and distended, ppr. holding in choughs ppr.
its beak a white rose,
slipped and leaved, also Tree, .... a rose betw. an orle of etoiles, gu.
ppr. Crest, an oak-tree, fructed, ppr.
Tranton, ar. a bend gu. Trefry, [Trefry, Cornw.] sa. a chev. betw. three
Trapnell, as Trapnell, or Tropenell, 1st trees, erased, ar. Crest, a cornish chough's
diet. Crest, a griffin's head, couped, az. head, erased, sa. ; in the beak a sprig of laurel,
beaked or. vert.
Traquair, [Scotland,] sa. a mullet ar. Crest, Trefues, [Dors.] ar. a chev. betw. three wharrow-
the sun shining on the stump of an old tree,
spindles, sa.
shooting forth new branches, ppr. Tregagle, ar. three bucks, trippant, or.
Tratter, [Scotland,] ar. on a chev. gu. a mullet Tregareck, or Tregarrick, [Cornw.] as 1st
of the first ; in base a boar's head, couped, of diet.
the second. as Tregarthon, 1st
Tregarthian, [Cornw.]
Travers, [Ireland.] Arms as 1st diet. Crest, diet.
the sun shining on the stump of a broken tree, ar. a chev. gu. betw. three mer-
shooting forth new branches. maids, sa.
Travers. Same arms. Crest, a griffin's head, Tregatham, ar. a chev. betw. three escallops,
erased, or, holding in the mouth an eft, or sa.
lizard, az. ar. a fesse betw.

Tregeare, o? Tregere, [Cornw.]

Travers. Arms as 1st in 1st. diet. Crest, a rock three cornish choughs, sa.
in the sea, ppr. and two bars
Tregender, per pale, vert or,
Travers, sa. an escallop ar. counterchanged.
Traves, ar. a fesse az. betw. three torteauxes in Tregenna, or, a chev. gu. betw. three Moors'
chief, and a chev. in base, gu. Crest, a leo- heads, couped, in profile, sa. banded about the
pard's head, erased, guard. temples.
Traves, az. three bears pass. ar. muzzled gu. Tregent, ar. six ants gu. Crest, a triton holding
Traves, or Traives, ar. a fesse vert, betw. three in the dexter hand a trident, ppr.
torteauxes in chief, and a chev. in base, Tregian, ar. an eagle displ. sa. armed gu. within
Travis, ar. a fesse az. betw. three pellets in chief, a bordure bezantee.
and a chev. in base. gu. Crest, a bear's head,
Tregian, erm. on a chief sa. three jays or.
erased, gu. Tregoddick, [Tregoddick, Cornw.] ar. a chev.
l>etw. three square buckles, sa. tongues fesse- Tremargan, per pale, az. and sa. a lion ramp.
TregoeSj three foxes, current, in pale, gu.
ar. Tremayll, ar. a fesse betw. three legs, couped at
Tregold, gu. three broad-axes ar. a demi fleur- the ankle, of the first,fretty gu. the toes to the
de-lis joined to each handle with inside or, sinister side.
betw. as many mullets, pierced, of the last. Tremayne, gu. three escutcheons erm. Crest, an
Tregonwell, [Dors, and C'ornw.] Arms, the escutcheon erm. betw. two branches of myrtle.
same as Trf.conell. Crest, acornish chough's disposed in orle, ppr.
head, erased, sa. holding in the beak a gold Tremayne, ar. a chev. az. betw. three escallops sa.
ring -
Tremayne. See Taemayne.
Tkegoose, or Tregooze, gu. two bars in chief ; Trembethowe, az. three bucks' heads, cabossed,
a lion pass, guard, or. ar.

Tregooz, ar. a chev. betw. three ravens, sa. Trembleth, [Trembleth, St. Ervan, Cornw.] . . .

beaked and legged gu. a wolf pass. ppr.

Tregore. See Tregour, 1st diet. Tremenheere, [Penzance, Cornw.] sa. three
Tregoss, as 7th in 1st diet. Crest, a crescent, columns, in fesse, ar. Crest, a demi man,
ensigned with a buckle, or. naked, in profile, wreathed about the temples.
Tregose, lozengy, vair and gu. Crest, an arm, Tremere, ar. three reap-hooks, their bows con-
in armour, embowed, holding a scimitar, both joined, in fesse, sa.
ppr. Treminell, or Tremynell, ar. a cross engr. gu.
Tregosse, or, three bars az. on a chief of the ;
surmounted by a bend az. Crest, an eagle,
a lion pass, of the first.
last, rising, ppr.
Tregosse, sa. two swans reguard. ar. one to the Trenarth, [Trenarth, Constantine, Cornw.] . . .

dexter side, the other to the sinister. a chev. betw. three horses' heads.
Tregothnan, [Cornw.] ar. a chev. betw. three Trencharde, paly of six, ar. and sa. and az.
cross crosslets, sa. Crest, a hand ppr. vested az. holding a knife ar.
Tregoze, See Tregos, 1st diet. handled or.

Tregrilla, gu. a pelican in her nest, feeding her Trenereek, ar. a chev. supporting on its point a

young, or. cross pattee, sa.

Tregusius, az. a lion ramp. ar. crowned or. Trenethin, ar. a raven sa. membered gu.
Treheron, a chev. gu. betw. three ravens
ar. Trenothe, ar. on a fesse sa. another, indented, of
(Another, herons,) sa. ; a canton, harry of eight, the first.

or and az. Trenouth, ar. a fesse sa. charged with three

Treiungton, erm. (Another, ar.) on a bend gu. chev. couched sinister, of the first.
three cinquefoils or. Trenowith, or Trenowth, [Trenowith, Cornw.]
Treise, [Levethan, Cornw.] ar. three bars sa. ar. on a fesse sa. three cheveronels, paleways.
betw. as many cinquefoils gu. the points to the dexter, ar.
Trejago, ar. on a chev. sa. five bezants betw. Trent, ar. three delves sa. on each a mullet of
three roundles, gu. the field. Crest, a crescent erm.
Trekingham, or Trykingham, ar. two bars Trenwith, [Trenwith, Cornw.] ar. on a bend,
gu. ; in chief three torteauxes over all a ; cottised, sa. three roses of the field. Crest, a
bend sa. falcon, rising, in the beak a branch.
Trelamer, ar. four ravens sa. membered gu. two Trerice, [Trerice, Newlyn, Cornw.] sa. three
and two, respecting each other. chev. ar.
Trelawny. Arms as 2nd Trelawney, 1st diet. Treris, sa. three chev. ar.
Crest, an oak-branch, acorued, ppr. Treryge, barry of eight, ar. and sa.
Trelodives, [Trelodives, Burian, Cornw.] Two Tresawell, ar. on a bend or, betw. two cottises
coats first, three men's heads, in profile, two
sa. three mullets of the field.
and one second, ar. three bulls, in fesse, linked
; Tresawell, ar. a boar's head, couped, sa. tusked or,
together, sa. betw. three mullets gu.
Trelow, or Truelove, ar. on a chev. sa. three Tresell, sa. five cinquefoils ar.
a boar's head, erased, sa. betw.
quatrefoils or ; in the dexter chief an escal- Tresewell, ar.
lo P su - three mullets gu. ;
on each a bezant.
Crest, a bezant or,
, ,
as 1st in 1st diet.
Tuelowarren, [Trelowarren, Cornw.] ar. a lion Tresham,
two bendlets betw. three
in chief charged with a talbot's head, az.
pass. gu. ;

fleurs-de-lis of the second. Tresham, ar. six trefoils, slipped, two, one, two, and
one, vert, betw. two flaunches sa. Crest, a Trevice. See Trevis, 1st diet.
boar's head, ducally gorged, or, holding a tre- Trevie, [Trevi, near Camelford, Cornw.] ar.
foil, slipped, vert, in the mouth, fesseways. three boars pass. sa. muzzled or.
Tkeshire, or Treshar, as 1st diet. Trevilla, ar. a chev. betw. three towers, gu.
Tresillian, [Tresillian, C'ornw.] erm. a fesse gu. Treville, or, a cross engr. sa; over all a bend az.
betw. three cinquefoils. Trevi odo, ar. a chev. betw. three lions' paws,
Tresithnev, [Penryn, Cornw.] ar. a chev. sa. erased, and erect, sa.
betw. three roses gu. Trevise,.s Trevisa, 1st diet.
Tresse. See Tracy. Trevithern, as Trewithuen, 1st diet.

Tresteane, [Veryan and Ruan, Lanihorne, Trevithick, [Great Trevemeder, St. Eval,
Cornw.] az. three stone pillars ar. on a chief Cornw.] ar. a unicorn ramp. Crest, a unicorn's
vert, three lapwings ppr. head, couped.
bend, betw. two ar. a round trivet sa.
Treswell, [Herts.] ar. in Trevitt,
cottises sa. three pellets. Trevor, per bend, sinister, fleury erm. and
Trethake, [Trethake, Cornw.] sa. a goat ramp.ar. ermines, a lion ramp. or. Crest, upon the
Trethevev, [Egloshale, Cornw.] chequy, ar. stump of a tree, couped, lying fessewise, a
and gu. on a bend of the first, three horse-
; wivern, all ppr.
shoes sa. Trevory, ar. three bends sa.
Trethewey, [St. Stephen's, Brannel, Cornw.] Trevroneck, ot-Trevronck, [Sancreed, Cornw.]
vert, a chev. betw. three goats, ar. or, a chev. betw. three frogs displ. gu.
Trethurf, or Trethurffe, [Trethurf, Cornw.] Trevysen. See Trevison, 1st diet.
See 1st diet; by mistake, called Trethurp. Trew, betw. three bendlets gu. two grey-

Trevail, ar. a fleur-de-lis sa. hounds, current, in bend, sa. Crest, a demi
Trevane, ar. a cross patonce gu. chevalier, in armour, brandishing a sword, ppr.
Trevanion. See Treveynon, 1st diet. Trewarthen, as 2nd in 1st diet. Crest, a lion's
Tp.f.vanon, or Trevenon, [Cornw.] ar. a fesse gamb. sa. holding a sceptre, in pale, or.
betw. two chev. az. Trewarther, ar. a boar pass. gu. Crest, a
Trevanyon, ar. on a fesse, betw. two chev. az. standing in water, ppr.
three escallops or. Trewboddy, [Boscundle, Cornw.] ar. on a fesse,
Trevarthiam, as Trewarthen, 1st diet. cottised, az. three fleur-de-lis or. ; on a chief
Trevarthian, [Trevarthian, Cornw.] ar. a boar gu. a demi lion ramp, of the third.
pass. gu. armed or. betw. three mullets of the Trewbody, [Castle, Cornw.] The same.
second. Treweek, [Penzance, Cornw.] ar. a beehive,
Trevayle, [Cornw.] gu. a fleur-de-lis ar. surrounded with bees volant, ppr.
Trevegnon, as Trevanyon, before. Trewincan, as Trewincan, 1st diet.
Trevelyan, [Netherwitton, N.umb.] gu. a demi Trewinnard, [Trewinnard, Cornw.] ar. a chev.
horse ar. hoofed and maned or. issuing out of gu. betw. three cornish choughs sa.
Crest, two arms counter-
water, in base, ppr. Trewint,o?- Trevint, [Trew int, Blisland, Cornw.]
embowed, ppr. habited az. holding in the as Trewent, Devons, 1st diet.
hands a bezant. Trew.man, [Devons.] ar. a chev. betw. three
Trevennard, ar. a chev. betw. three stocks, hearts, gu. crowned or. Crest, a mullet pierced
raguly, gu,
Trevenon. See Trevanon. Trewoofe, ar.three wolves' heads.
Trevenor, [Appledore, Cornw.] ar. a chev. gu. Ttewoofe, ar. a chev. betw. three blackbirds, ppr.
betw. three sea-pies ppr. Treworeck, [Bosugan Cornw.] gu. on a fessse
Trevenouthe, ar. a chev. gu. betw. three birds, betw. two chev. ar. three cornish choughs ppr.
volant, sa. beaked and legged of the second. Trewren, [Trewardreva, Constantine, Cornw.]
Treverbyn, [St. Austell, Cornw.] per pale, ar. az. three bezants.
and gu. three castles counterchanged. Trewythenick, ar. a chev. within a bordure
Trevery, ar. three hars gemelles sa. engr. gu.
Treves, ar. three boars' heads, couped, az. Treyge, ar. four bars sa.

Crest, a demi griffin brandishing a sword, ppr. Treys, ar. a chev. gu. Crest, two hands, couped,
Trevet, or Trevett, ar. a trevet sa. Crest, a conjoined, in fesse, issuing therefrom a scimitar
castle ar. masoned sa. ppr '

Tkkveston, az. a bend, gobonated, or and sa. Treys, ar. a cinquefoil, pierced gu. within an orle
betw. six escallops ar. of nine etoiles of eight points, of the second.
Treysley, or, three crescents gu. Tropxell, [Cornw.] SeewithTRAPENELL, lstdict.
Triggs. Arms as 1st diet. Crest, the rising TropneU. The same.
sun ppr. Tropndl, chevrony of six, erm. and sa. ; in chief
Trikenham, ar. two bars gu. in chief three ;
two leopards' heads sa. in base one ar.;

torteauxes; over all a bend sa. Trosham, Trotsham, or Trothesham, [N.amp.

Trillo. See Trippoke. and Notts.] as Trosham, lstdict.
Trimmer, [Middx. and Surrey,] ar, a cross engr. Trosse, [Trevollard, St. Stephen's, Cornw.;
gu. surmounted by a bendlet, az.
; Crest, a anciently of Devons.] gu. three swords, in pale,
lion pass, or, holding in the dexter paw, a cross ar. handles or. Crest, a demi lion ramp, or,
az. [Borne by the Rev. Henry Scott Trimmer, holding a shield.
Vicar of Heston, Co. of Middx. IX'M.] Trothesham. See Trosham, before.
Trimmer, as 1st. diet. Crest, a dove and olive- Trothsam. See Trotisham, 1st diet.
branch ppr. Trotmax, ar. a cross betw. four roses, gu.
Trimxell, or Trimxel, as 2nd in 1st diet. Crest, a garb ar. banded az. betw. two ostrich's
Crest, a harpy, close, ppr. feathers of the first.
Trimwell, [Leic], ., a cross engr.. .; over all a Trott, sa. a horse ar. bridled gu.
bend. Crest, a lion's head, erased. Trotter, [Helmden; Durham Visitation, 1615,]
ar. a lion
Trixell, sa. two swords, in saltier, betw. three ramp. sa. ;
a chief erm.
crowns, ar. Trotter, [Gatchilraw, [Scotland; Lyon Register,]
ar. a chev.
Trixgham, or,boar pass. az. ; in base a
a gu. betw. three boars' heads, couped,
crescent gu. Crest, on a chapeau, a dexter sa. Crest, a horse, trotting, ppr.
wing charged with a chev.. . Trotter, [Eddram, Scotland.] Same arms and
Tripcoxxey, same as Tripconie, 1st diet. crest, as of Prentonan, lstdict.
Triplet. ., a hind, current,, .a chief, indented,. . Troup, [Pittendreigh, Scotland,] ., a garb . . .

Trippoke, or Trillo, as Tripoke, 1st diet. betw. three eagles' heads, erased, .. .

Trisawkll, [Trisawell, Probus, Cornw.] ar. on Troup, [Scotland,] vert, three bucks pass. ar. in ;

a bend or, cottised sa. three mullets gu. fesse two crescents or. Crest, a hind's head,
Trist, [Behan Pare, Cornw.] gu. a rose betw. an erased, ppr.
orle of seven mullets, ar. a canton erm.
; Crest, Troup, [Scotland,] az. a garb betw. three hawks'
a falcon ppr. holding in the mouth a fish. heads, erased, or.
Trist. Arms as 2nd in 1st diet. Crest, on a Trottbeck, or Troutback, ar. three trouts,
serpent, no wed, a falcon, ppr. fretted, in triangle, tete-a-la-guise, ar.
Tritton, ar. a fesse humetteeaz. betw. six fleurs- a wolf's head, erased, ppr.
de-lis gu. Crest, a cross pattee erm. Trowart, ., a chev. betw. three eagles, displ.

Triveus. ar. three bears, statant, in pale. sa. with two heads, sans wings, .. Crest, an .

Trivet, [Cornw.] ar. a trivet sa. eagle, displ. with two heads, wings expanded
Trivett, [Penhurst and Ashlmrnham, Suss, and and inverted, . ..

Bradwell, Huff] ar. a chev. betw. three trivets. Trow brig, a bridge of three arches, masonry

Crest, an eagle, rising, ppr. gu. water az. on the bridge a flag or.

Trivett, or Tryvett, ar. a trivet sa. Crest, an Trowell, ar. a pile az. betw. three escallops, in
ostrich, wings endorsed, ar. in the beak a horse- fesse, counterchanged. Crest,abeaver pass. ppr.
shoe az. Trower, per and or; on a fesse erm. a
pale, az.
Trofford, or, (Another, ar.) a cross engr. sa. cross pattee betw. two einquefoils gu. inter
Trogexxill, or Trogexwill, ar. three ravens three lions pass, guard, counterchanged. Crest,
sa. armed gu. in fesse three
; pellets betw. two a lion pass, guard, per pale, or and az. charged
bars, of the second. on the body with three crosses pattee counter-
Trogoxe, ar. three serpents, voluted, vert. changed, holding in the dexter paw. a spear ppr.
Trogood, [Sherborne, Dors.] ar. three caltraps Trowers, quarterly ar. and sa. three lions pass,
sa. Crest, an arm, in armour, embowed, grasp- guard, counterchanged, over all in bend, a
ing a caltrap. tilting spear or. Crest, a lion pass, guard, ar.
Trollop, [Thornley, Durham,] vert, three bucks resting his dexter paw on an anchor or.
pass. ar. attired or; a crescent for cliff*. Trowtback, as 1st Troutbeck, lstdict. Crest,
Trompixgtox, quarterly, or and gu. a bend sa.; a scaling-ladder sa.
a label of three points az. Trowtebeck, az. three trouts, fretted ar. Crest,
Trompwyx, sa. a saltier engr. or. a naked man sa. holding in the right hand a
Tropexell. See Trapxell, 1st diet. dart or.
[4 A]
Trowtebeck. Same arms. Crest, out of a Tuck, as Tucke, of Kent, 1st diet. Crest, three
ducal coronet or a lion's gamb. ppr. holding a mullets, in chev. or.
cross crosslet fitchee of the first. Tucker, ar. a chev. betw. three sea-horses ar.
Troyhin, two griffins, segreant, com-
[Ireland,] az. Crest, a cubit arm erect, cuffed, indented ar. ;
batant, or. Crest, a griffin's head, erased, ppr. the hand holding an arrow ppr. [Borne by
Troys, harry of eight, ar. and az. three trefoils, Capt. Sir Edward Tucker, R.N. Knt. K.C.B.
slipped, counterchanged ; on a chief gu. three Knighted, 1813, Living 1835.
lions' heads, erased, Crest, a tree erect,
or. Tuckey, [Ireland,] per chev. gu. and ar. ; in
and raguled, out of the top, couped three acorn chief two chev. or. Crest, a crane, wings ex-
branches, fructed or, leaved vert. panded, holding in the beak a serpent.
Troys, barry of six, ar. and az. three trefoils, Tuckfield, ar. three lozenges, in fesse sa. a canton

slipped, two and one, eounterchanged ; on a gu. Crest, a hawk holding in the dexter claw
chief or, four lions' heads, erased gu. an arrow, all ppr.
Trudale, ar. a lion ramp. hetw. two harts, in Tuckfield, [Exeter,] ar. three fusils, in fesse, with-
chief, gu. in a bordure, sa.
Truell,. ., a lion's gamh.. .
Tuckfield, ar. three lozenges, in fesse sa.
Truelove. See Trelow. Tuddington, sa. a cross crosslet or.
Trueman, or Truman, ar. a chev. gu. hetw. three Tuder, or, a lion pass. sa.
hearts of the last, crowned or. Crest, on a Tuder, or. on a lion pass. betw. three annulets, sa.
ducal coronet or, a wivern vert, spouting fire at a martlet.
hoth ends, ppr. Tudor, az. a lion ramp. or. Crest, on a mural
Truman. See Trueman, hefore. crown or, a serpent, nowed, vert.
Trumpeter, gu. a chev. engr. ar. hetw. three Tudor, per pale wavy, vert and gu. ; a lion pass.
trumpets or. Crest, a demi Savage ppr. erm. hetw. three annulets ar.
Trumpington, az. two trumpets, pileways, or. Tudor, gu. a chev. ermines, hetw. three helmets
hetw. eight crosslets purp. ar.

Trusbut, as 2nd in 1st diet. Crest, a hand Tudor, gu. a chev. betw. three esquires helmets, ar.
issuing from a cloud, lifting a garb lying fesse- Tudor. See Tudder, 1st diet.
ways, ppr. Tudway, [Somers.] ., a lion ramp. betw. three

Trusbut, ar. a fesse dancettee betw. three water roses Crest, an ostrich's feather sa. entiled
bougets, sa. with a ducal coronet or.
Truscoat, or Truscott, ar. three chev. gu. ; a Tudway, erm. a lion ramp. gu. betw. three roses
chief, chequy, of the first and second. Crest, az. Crest, a demi lion ramp. gu. holding a
an arrow and palm-branch, in saltier, ppr. rose az. slipped ppr.
Trussell, [Warmincham, dies. ; and Notts.] ar. Tuffnell. See Tuffnall., 1st diet.
a fret gu. bezantee. Tuit. See Tute, 1st diet.
Trussell, or, a fret gu. ; on each point, a mullet ar. Tuite, [Ireland,] az. an ear of wheat or, betw. six
Trussell, ar. fretty gu.; on each joint a bezant; crescents, ar. two, two, and two. Crest, a
all within a bordure az. dexter arm, embowed, throwing a dart, all ppr.
Tryce, as Trice. Godmanchester, 1st diet. Tulk, or, on a fesse, betw. three cross crosslets,
Trye, [Temp. Edw. I.] ar. a chev. gu. gu.as many crescents ar. Crest,a griffin's head,
Trye, ar. a buck's head, cabossed, gu. attired or. erased, az. holding in the beak a sword, in bend
Trygg. See Triggs, 1st diet. dexter ppr. the hilt upwards.
Trykingham. See Trekingham. Tullby, az. a chev. or, betw. three crosses
Tryll. The same as Trill. moline ar.

Trymenell, or, or a cross engr. gu. ; over all Tullock, or Tullok, az. on a pale ar. a crescent
a bend az. betw. two crosses pattee gu. Crest, two wings,
Tryon, as 1st diet. Crest, an ostrich's head in leure, or.
hetw. two feathers, ar. holding in the beak a Tully, [Wetherall Abbey, Cumb.] Arms as 1st
horse-shoe, ppr. diet. Crest, a cupid with his how and quiver,
Tuberwille, erm. a lion ramp. gu. crowned with all ppr.
an antique crown or. Crest, a bomb, inflamed Tully, [Ireland,] ar. on a chev. three' escallops of
ppr. the second. Crest, on a chapeau, a serpent,
Tuchfield, [Exeter,] ar. three lozenges, in fesse, nowed in a love knot ; all ppr.
conjoined, az. Crest, a hawk supporting an TumlyNj ar. a chev. gu. hetw. three elm-leaves
arrow, ppr. vert.
Tunnadine, [Ireland,] per cross, gu.
and or, a Turner, [Scotland,] quarterly; first and fourth,
martlet sa. Crest, the top of a halbert, issuing sa. a Catharine wheel ar. ; second and third, ar
three guttees-de-sang.
PP r -

Tunnard, [Frampton House, near Boston, Turner, quarterly first and fourth, sa. a Catharine
Line.] ;

erm. on a chev. betw. two dragons' heads,

sa. wheel ar. ; second and third, ar. three guttees
erased, ppr. in chief, and a bugle horn of the de-sang: all within a bordure of the first,
second, stringed gu. in base, a griffin's head, charged with eight mullets gu. Crest, a heart
couped, betw. two bugle-horns, stringed, or. flaming, ppr.
Crest, a swan, with wings elevated, erm. beaked Turner, sa. a chev. erm. betw. three millrinds or ;
or, legged sa. the dexter resting on a bugle-
on a chief of the last, a lion pass. gu. Crest, a
horn of the last, stringed gu. wolfs head, erased, sa. guttee ar. in the mouth
Tunno, [Carmarthenshire, and Taplow Lodge, a tulip branch vert.
near Maidenhead, 1835,] gu. two escallops in Turner, erm, on a cross, voided, in the fesse point.
fesse, and as many mullets (or spur-rowels)
of four millrinds, sa. Crest, a lion pass. ar.
six points, in pale, or, pierced of the field, holding one of the same in the dexter paw.
three helmets
quartering per pale, gu. and sa. Turner, ar. a chev. betw. three boars' heads,
with a thrust through each of them or. couped sa. Crest, on a chapeau gu. turned up
ppr. spear
Tunstall, [Cotham, Mundeville, &c. Durham,] erm. a greyhound, statant, sa. collared ar.
sa. three combs ar. ; a mullet charged with a Turner, vaire, ar. and gu. ; on a pale or, three
mullet for diff. Crest, a dunghill-cock ar. trefoils, slipped, vert.
beaked gu. combed, wattled, and membered or; Turney, [Bucks.] ar. a chev. betw. three bulls
differenced as in the arms. pass. sa.
an annulet betw. three escal-
Tunstall, [Aucland, Houghton, Long Newton, Turney, [Dors.] ar.

and Sunderland, Durham; Newcastle on Tyne; lops, gu.

Thurland, Lane; Ketteriggs, Westm. and ;
Turney, [Cavenby, Line] ar. a chev. betw. three

Cleasby, Yorks.] The same. bulls, pass. sa. attired or. Crest, a tower sa.
Tupigney, az. an inescutcheon ar. towered ar.

Tubervile, [Beere, Dors.] erm. a lion ramp. gu. Turney, [Wore] vert, a cutlas betw three
crowned or. Crest, a castle ar. portcullis or. towers, ar.
Turbervill, erm. a lion ramp. sa. crowned or. Turney, ar. a chev. betw. bulls pass. sa. attired or,
Turberville, [Handreskiddan, Glamorganshire,] Crest, a cross pattee fitchee or
chequy, ar. and gu. a fesse erm. ;Crest, an Turnor. See Turner, 1st diet.
eagle displ. sa. TVrnour, erm. on a pale vert, three trefoils, or.
Tirbeville. See Turbervile, 1st diet. Crest, a shield gu. betw. two laurel-branches
Turgeis, az. a chev. betw. three cross crosslets ppr.
fitchee or, a bordure engr. of the last Crest, Turpyne. See Turpin, 1st diet.
in a knot of rope, a talbot's head or, eared sa. Turroplere, ar. on a bend gu. three lions ramp.
Turisoan. per saltier, ar. and gu. a saltier betw. or.
four cross crosslets, all counterchanged. Crest, Turtle, ar. three mullets az.; a chief of the last.
a griffin's head betw. two wings, in the beak a Crest, a parrot's head gu. betw. two wings or.
palm-branch ppr. Turvile. Arms as Gth in 1st diet. Crest, a
Turnbull, [Newcastle on Tyne,] .
., a man, gate, ppr.
habited. turning a bull by the head.
., .
Turvill, gu. a chev. vair, betw. three mullets of
Turnbull, [Minto. Scotland,] ar. a bull's head, six points or.
cabossed sa. Turwemme. See Turveny, 1st diet.
Turnbull, [Badyruel, Scotland,] ar. a bull's head, Turyn, [Ireland,] gu. a saltier, betw. four crosses
erased sa. pattee or. Crest, a demi lady, holding in
Turnbull, as 2nd in 1st. Crest, a cubit arm the dexter hand a garland of laurel ppr.vested gu.
erect, couped below the wrist, ppr. holding a Tuscle, quarterly, gu. and az. four lions' heads,
sword erect, of the last, enfiled with a bull's erased, or.
head erased, sa. Tuson, ar. a chev. sa. ;
in chief three garbs vert.

Turner, [Stanley, Warrington, Lane] sa. on a Crest, a gad-fly ppr.

cross ar. five fers-de-moline, pierced, of the Tuther, per bend sinister, erm. and ermines, a
field; in the dexter chief a martlet for diff. lion ramp. or.

Crest, a lion pass, guard ar. holding in the Tuthery, sa. three piles ar. on each two cross-
dexter paw a millrind sa. lets az.

4 A 2 ]
Tuthill, ar. three water-bougets sa. ;
a gyron Twikrey, gu. a cross vair.
dexter or. Crest, a bee, volant, in pale, Twisleton, [Dartford, Kent.] Arms as 1st diet.
ppr. Crest, on a mount vert, a hind, statant, or,
Tutin, lozengy, gu. and ar. ;
a chief or Crest, a ducally gorged gu.
bridge of three arches ar. water flowing under- Twiss, ar. a bend, betw. two mullets, gu. Crest.
neath, az. an etoile, rayed, or.
Tutt. Arms as 1st in 1st diet. Crest, out of a Twist, or, a lion pass, f Another, pass, guard.) sa.
ducal coronet, a griffin's head, holding in the Crest, a wivern, sejant, or.
beak a key, all ppr. Twyek, or Twvre, gu. a cross vair.
Tutall, [Norf.] or, on a chev. az. three cres- Twyer. gu. a pale vair, surmounted by a fesse of
cents ar. the last.
Tuy, or, a saltier, az. ;
in chief a crescent of the Twyford, [Leic. and Frostdyke, Line] as

last. Twiford, or Twyford, 1st in 1st diet. Crest,

Tuystale, ar. a chev. betw. three oak-leaves, a demi lion ramp, double queued, sa. holding a
vert. cinquefoil or.
Tweddale. Arms as 1st diet. Crest, a lion's Twyford, [London. Temp. Richard II] ar. two
head, erased, gu. bars az. a canton of the last.

Tweddell, ar. a fesse, betw. two etoiles, in Twyford, [Millward, Salop,] ar. two bars sa. ; on
chief, and a fish, naiant, in base, or. Crest, a canton of the second, a mullet or.
a pelican's head, couped, vulning her breast, Twyford, gu. fretty or on a chief of the second,

ppr. a lion pass, of the first.

Twedy. Arms as 1st diet. Crest, a bird, vo- Twyford, gu. a fret or; on a canton of the second,
lant, ar. legged or. a lion pass, of the first.
Tweedie, [London,] or, a saltier, engr. gu. on ; Twyford, ar. two bars sa. on a canton of the ;

a chief az. three antique crowns of the first. second, a chaplet or.
Crest, a palm-branch and laurel-branch, in sal- Twyford. See Twiford, 1st diet.
tier, vert. Twyman, [Rushbome, Kent,] gu. a fesse nebulee
Twemlow, [Twemlow, Cheshire.] Arms, quar- erm. betw. six billets or.
terly ; first and fourth, ar. a chev. or, betw. Twyneho, ar. a chev. betw. three lapwings, sa.
three squirrels, sejant, gu. second and third, ; Twynsteed, ar. on a cross gu. five mullets of the
az. two bars engr. or, charged with three boars' first.

heads, two and one, erect, couped, sa. Crest, Twyre, gu. a cross vair. Crest, a hawk's head
a parrot, perched on the stump of an oak-tree, vair.
erect, ppr. Motto, Teneo tenuere majores. Twysenden. The same arms as Twisden, 1st
[Borne by John Twemlow, Esq. of Hatherton diet.

Lodge, Cheshire.'] Twyte, quarterly, ar. and gu.

Twemlow, [Arclyd, Alsager, Buerton, and North- Tyack, [Polmary, St. Breock,] ar. a chev. betw.
wich, Cheshire.] The same arms. three boars' heads, couped, sa.
Twenge, [Overhemesley, Yorks.] ar. a fesse gu. Tybald, [Raysall, Norf.] Same as Theobald,
betw. three popinjays vert, collared and mem- Kent, 1st diet.
bered of the second. Tyddeswall, ar. a bend betw. six escallops,
Twenge, ar. on a bend, cottised gu. three fleurs- or.
de-lis of the field. Tydersley, erm. two fleams, in saltier, gu.
Twentyman. az. on a chev. ar. betw. three delves Tyers, ar. a chev. gu. ; on a canton of the
or, as many torteauxes. Crest, a horse's head first, a cinquefoil sa. Crest, a demi lion
ar. bridled gu. ramp. gu.
Twichet, as last in Crest, a lion's
1st diet. Tyes, gu. a chev. ar.

head, erased, sa. holding in the mouth a rose Tyes. See Tyas, 1st diet.

Tyler, sa. fesse or, betw. two cats pass. ar.

on a
Twigg, or Twigge, az. three bendlets or ; on a a cross forniee betw. as many crescents gu.
chief ar. a bar dancettee gu. Crest, an esquire's Crest, a hind's head, erased, or.
helmet ppr. Tyler, sa. a fesse or, betw. three cats pass,
Twining, gu. two palets ar. ; on a chief or, three guard, ar. a cross moline inclosed by two
fleurs-de-lis az. Crest, the stump of an oak- crescents, gu. Crest, a demi cat ramp, and
tree sprouting out new branches, ppr. thereon erased, or, charged on the side with a cross
an escutcheon, pendent, gu. crosslet fitchee gu. in a crescent of the last.
Tyler, ar. a bend betw. six nails, or. and pommel or on the point thereof, a wolf's

Tyler. See Tiller, 1st diet. head, couped, of the last, betw. two crescents
Tvller. The same as Tiller. ar. Crest, two laurel-branches, in orle, vert.
Tyllesley, [Lane] ar. on a chev. betw. three Tytler, [Scotland,] gu. a lion's head, erased,
mole-hills, vert, as many annulets of the field. betw. three crescents, ar. within a bordure.
Tvllesworth, [London.] See Tii.i.esworth, or. Crest, the rays of the sun issuing from a
1st diet. cloud, ppr.
Tvllet, ar. a cross patonce betw. four crescents, Tyttesbury, ar. a bend lozengy or, betw. six lions
ramp. sa.
Tylley. See with Tilley, 1st diet. Tyzack, [Newcastle-on-Tyne,] .... three acorns.
Tyllington, as Tillingtox, 1st diet. slipped .... two billets in chief ....
Tyllington. See Tillington.
Tyllyoll, as Tillioll, 1st diet.
Tylly, or Tillet. See with Tilley, 1st diet.
Tylsley, [Tilsley, Yorks.] ar. three tufts of grass
Tymperley, or Tymply, as 1st in 1st diet. Uarbox, ar. three demi belts, couped, in fesse.
Tympley, gu. a lion ramp, per bend, erm. and az. buckle and pendent or. Crest, an etoile of
ermines. eight points or.
Tymply. See Tymperley, before. Ubbert, erm. two flaunches sa.
Tyxdale, ar. three nails sa. Uchtred, or Uchred, or, on a cross patonce gu.
Tyxgillox, ar. two bars nebulee az. on a chief, ; five escallops of the first.

per pale, ar. and sa. a lion pass, guard, counter- Udxey*, [Auchterallan, Scotland,] as of that Ilk.
changed. 1st diet, with a crescent for diff.
Tyxgwicke, ar. a chev. betw. three arrows, points Uffleet, or Ufflet, as 1st in 1st diet. Crest,
upward, gu. a lion's paw, erased, sa. holding the hilt of a
Tynmore, [Norf.] ar. a saltier, sa. betw. four broken sword, in pale, ppr.
mascles, gu. Uffleete, as 1st Uffleet, 1st diet. Crest, on
Tynslow, ar. a chev. betw. three foxes' heads, the top of a Doric pillar, a heart gu.
erased, gu. Ufford, sa. a cross engr. or. Crest, in the sea
Tyxwike, as 2nd Tixgwike, 1st diet. vert, an anchor or.

Tyrell, ar. a leopard's head jessant a fleurs-de- Ufford. The same arms. Crest, a talbot pass. .

lis, gu. on the shoulder, three guttees gu.

Tyrell, barry of six. erm. and gu. six crosslets, I
[ford, De. The same arms. Crest, a demi eagle
or. displ. sa.
Tyringham, [Tyringham, Bucks.] See Tirring- Ufford, sa. a cross engr. or ; in the first quarter.
ii am. 1st diet. a mullet of six points ar.
Tyringham, [Nether 'W inchendon, Bucks.] The Ulxestox, erm. a saltier componee, or and
same, with a crescent.
Tyrixgton, or Tyryngtox, as the latter in 1st Ulterton, quarterly, or and az. a bend gu.
diet. Ulvester. See Ulcester, 1st diet.
Tyrox, az. a fesse, embattled, betw. six etoiles, Umeler. See Uxnester.
or. Crest, an esquire's helmet, az. garnished Umfraston, as Umphrastoon, 1st diet.
or. Umfraville, [Earl of Angus.] See Umfrevile,
Tyrrell, or Terrell, [Ireland,] as 1st diet. 1st diet.
Crest, a lion's head, erased, or, within a chain, Umfray, [Bucks.] See Homfrey.
in orle, issuing from the wreath, az. Umfreville, gu. a fesse ar. betw. six cinquefoils
Tyrrell, ar. a leopard's head gu. or.

Tyrwhitt, gu. three tirwhits or. Crest, a lap- Umfreville, ar. a cinquefoil gu. betw. three cross
wing's head, couped, or. crosslets fitchee sa. ; all within a bordure engr.
Tyryxgtox. See Tyrixgtox, both diets. of the last, charged with eight horse-shoes of
Tyson, [Woodland Green, Glouc] See Tisox, the first.
1st diet. I iufniillc, gu. a cinquefoil within an orle of cross

Tytemarch, gu. a lion, salient, ar. within an orle crosslets or.

of crosslets fitchee or. Umfreville, [Farnham-Royal, Bucks.; and Isle-
Tytler, [Scotland,] gu. a dirk, in pale, ppr. hilt worth, Midd.] gu. a cinquefoil within an orle
of crosses pattee, or. Crest, out of a mural Upwell, [Suff.] gu. a lion ramp, and bordure
coronet gu. a griffin's head, issuant, erm. engr. erm.
Umfreville,[ Langham, Essex; London; New- Ure, [Scotland,] ar. a lion ramp. gu. collared
on Tyne; Higham Hall, and Stoke, Suff.
castle ;
and chained or, crowned with an antique
and Ewell, Surrey. ] The same arms and crown of the last. Crest, a lion's paw, erect
crest. and erased, gu.
Umpton. Arms as 2nd in 1st diet. Crest, on a Urflet, or Urfleete, gu. on a fesse erm. betw.
chapeau az. turned up erm. a griffin pass. ar. three escallops ar. two birds, close, or.
(Another crest, a demi greyhound sa. holding Urflete, gu. on a fesse erm. betw. three escal-
in the mouth a spear or.) lops ar. a chess-rook vert.
Underhill, [Suff.J gu. six annulets or, three, Urfiete, gu. on a fesse erm. betw. three escallops
two, and one. ar. two delves of the first.

Undershott, ar. two hars, engr. helow, gu. Urquhart, or, three boar's heads, erased. .
., a
Underwood, [Dublin,] gu. on a fesse erm. a lion bordure Borne by the late Walter
gu. [

pass. az. betw. a cross pattee fitchee, and two Urquhart, Esq., of Noakes Place, Baddow,
annulets in chief, and one in base, or. Crest, Esse j\]
a lion pass. az. Urquhart, [Byth,] quarterly; first and fourth,
Undenvood. Arms as 2nd in 1st diet. Crest, a or, three boar's heads, erased, gu. second, ar. ;

hind's head and neck, couped, or, and gorged with a demi otter issuing from a fesse wavy sa.
a wreath of laurel ppr. crowned with an antique crown or; third, ar.
Underwood, [Ross, Heref.] gu. on a fesse . ., three crescents or, within a royal tressure of the
betw. three annulets . ., a lion pass.. .. Crest., last. Crest, a palm-branch and sword, in sal-
a hind's head, erased. tier, ppr.
Underwood, [Ireland,] gu. a fesse erm. betw. Urquhart, [ Elsness, ] or, a mascle . , betw. .

three anuulets or. Crest, a lion's gamb, hold- three boars' heads, erased, . ..
ing a thistle, ppr. Urquhart Trail, or, a mascle az. betw. three
I nderwood,
gu. on a fesse erm. a lion pass, az.; boars' heads, erased, gu. Crest, a boar's
in chief a crosslet fitchee ar. betw. two annulets heads, erased, or.
or; in base an annulet of the last. Urquhart, az. a mascle betw. three boars' heads,
Unett, [ Castle- Frome, Heref.] See Unet, 1st erased, ar. Crest, a lion's paw, holding up a
diet. heart, ppr.
Unett. The same arms
the lions' heads erased.
; Urry, gu. a chev. betw. three falcons, ar. Crest,
Crest, on a chapeau, a cockatrice sejant, a demi lioness ppr.
wings endorsed, and ducally crowned, all Ursweeke. See Urswvcke, 1st diet.

ppr. Urswicke. Arms as 2nd in 1st diet. Crest, a

Uniake, ar. three piles from the chief, and two lion pass. ar.
from the base, gu. Crest, a dexter arm, in Usborne, paly of six ar. and gu. a lion pass., .on

armour, gauntleted ppr. holding a hawk's leure a chief wavy, az. an anchor betw. two martlets.
or. Crest, on a mount, a stag, couchant, under a
Unnester, Umeler, or Umler, ar. three chev. yew-tree, all ppr.
sa. betw. as many pellets. Uschere, ar. three lions' gambs, inverted, sa.
Unsworth. Arms as in appendix, 1st diet. Usher, [Ireland,] sa. three lions' paws, couped,
Another a lion ramp, bendy az. and erm-
crest, ar. Crest, a swan, with wings endorsed, re-
inois, holding betw. the paws a cross pattee, guard ar. murally crowned or, resting the paw,
fitchee, gu. [Ex. Coll. Anns.] on an escallop gu.
Untercombe, erm. two bars gemelles gu. Crest, Usher, as 1st in 1st diet. Crest, a Doric pillar,
a sword in pale, entiled with a man's head, ar. winged or.

couped, and wreathed about the temples. Utber. See Utker, 1st diet.
Upsall, erm. on a fesse gu. three billets or. Utreight, gu. on a cross patonce or, five mullets
Uptan Gimpus, sa. three horse-shoes ar. of the first.

Upthomas, per pale, ar. and az. Uvedall, ar. a cross moline gu. Crest, a
Upton. Arms as 4th in 1st diet. Crest, on a chapeau az. turned up ar; on each side a bugle-
chapeau az. turned up erm. a griffin pass. horn gu.
ar. Uvedell, gu. on a fesse, counter-embattled, ar.
Upwell, gu. a lion ramp, in a bordure engr. betw. three lions' gambs. erect and erased, or,
erm. the two in chief sinister bendways, as many
crescents gu. Crest a pheasant vert, crested, lene College, Cambridge, Clerk, M.A., now
armed, and gorged with a chaplet gu. Vicar of Feltham, in the same County, 1834:
Uvekey, ar. on a bend gu. three walnut-leaves of Second Son of William Vale, late of Montague
the first Crest, an elephant's head, bendy of Place, Marylebone, and of Cricldewood House,
six, ar. and gu. Hendon, Esq. Deceased.] See Pi. of Anns.
Vale, as 1st in 1st diet. Crest, on a tower sa.
a crescent gu.
Vale, per fesse, ar. and az. three lions pass.
Vaal, erm. two bars vert. Vale, az. on a chief ar. a lion pass, of the first.
Vach, [Daywyck, Scotland,] ar. three cows' Vale, sa. a spear-head betw. three scaling-ladders,
heads, erased sa. Crest, a cow's head, affrontee, erect, ar.
sa. Valeignes. See Valang, before.
Vach. See Veitch. Valemis, gu, a lion pass, or, within an orle of
Vach am, gu. three fleurs-de-lis ar. martlets ar.

Vachan, Valence, or Valomes, gu. a lion pass. or.

[Wales,] az. a lion pass. ar.
Vachell, erm. three bends az. Crest, betw. two wings or, each charged with
Vaghan, vert, a cat pass. ar. within an orle of a rose gu. a cross fitchee az. charged on the
eight trefoils, slipped, or. centre with a sun, and ensigned with a demi
Vagen, az. a fesse nebulee or, betw. three ducks fleur-de-lis of the first.
ar. Valence, barry of fourteen, az. and ar. an orle of
Vahan. See Vaughan, 1st diet. martlets gu.
Vaile, Vele, or Veale, [Glouc] erm. on abend, Valence, De, barry often, ar. and az.; on the
betw. two bendlets, az. each charged with three first, an orle of eleven martlets gu. Crest, a
cross crosslets, fitchee or, three calves statant, greyhound's head gu.
ar. Crest, a mount vert, thereon in front of Valence, chequy, or and az. ; on a fesse gu. three
two cross crosslets, fitchee, in saltier, gu. a leopards' heads, jessant a fleur-de-lis, of the
wolf's head, erased, az. in the mouth three ears first.

of wheat or. [Granted 3rd of March, 1828, to Valence, or Valens, ar. a chief, indented, az.
William-Phelps Vaile, of West Mailing, Kent., Valenges, ar. a cross moline gu. over all, on a ;

bend az. three mullets or,
Vair, [Scotland,] ar. a fesse, embattled betw. Valens. See Valence, before
three mullets, az. Crest, a boar's head and Valent, [London,] chequy, or and sa. on a fesse ;

neck, couped, ar. gu. three leopards' faces jessant-de-lis or.

\ aire, chequy, vert and ar. Crest, a fret gu. Valentine, [Suff.] as 1st diet. Crest, an ostrich,
Valange, [Lochend, Scotland,] az. three water with wings endorsed, in the beak a horse-shoe.
bougets or. J>P -

Valange, [Possel, Scotland.] The same arms; Valentine, sa. three swords, points downwards, ar.
with a crescent for diff. Crest, a rose sur- hilted or, one in pale, and two saltierways.
mounted of a thistle, ppr. Vallack, sa. fretty or; in each interstice a
Valange, or Valeignes, paly wavy of six, or and mullet Crest, a dove, rising, ppr.
gu. within a bordure erm. Vallance, [Scotland,] az. a fesse betw.
Valaunce, or, three piles wavy gu. within a water bougets or. Crest, a garb gu.
bordure erm. Vallance, az. on a fesse or, a fleur-de-lis gu.; in
Vale, quarterly ; 1st and 4th or, within two chief three piles ar. Crest, out of a ducal
bendlets dancettee gu. betw. six eaglets, dis- coronet, a demi ostrich, with wings endorsed,
played, three cross crosslets in bend, sa. for
all ppr.
Vale; 2nd and 3rd ar. two escallops az. betw. Vallibus, or Vaux, chequy, ar. and gu.
two bars gu. over all a bend sa. charged with Valomes. See Valence, before.
three martlets or, for Martindale. Crest, Valomvs, gu. a lion pass, or, within an orle of
a mount vert, thereon, a swan's head, couped at martlets ar.

the neck ar. guttee-de-poix, surmounting two Valoys, barry of ten, ar. and az.; a saltier gu.
crosses, pat tee fitchee in saltier, gu. [Granted Yampage, az. an eagle, displ. with two heads, ar.
12th Sept. 1826. to the Rev. Edward Vale, of within a double tressure flory, counterflory, of
Chelsea, in the Co. of Midd.r. and of Magda- the second. Crest, a demi lion ramp. or.
rampage, as 2nd in 1st diet. Crest, a bridge of Vannell. Arms as 1st diet, field or.
three arches ar. Vanner, gu. a fesse ar. betw. three leopards' heads
Van, Monmouth,].., a chev.. or.
[Lanwarne, .,
betw. three May-flies.. . Vanort, [Commander of the Dutch Fleet,] az. a
Van, ar. a chev. sa. betw. three butterflies of the fesse,undee, ar. betw. two stars, one in chief,
last. Crest, a stag, lodged, ppr. and another in base, or the arms enveloped ;

Vanacker, [London, and Erith, in Kent,] Bart, with a mantle az. semee of stars gold. Crest,
or, on a bend, gu. three cinquefoils of the field.
a terraqueous globe, and upon it a ship, ppr.
Vance, [Ireland,] barry pily of eight, gu. and or. Vantort, or Vatort, ar. two pales gu. in chief ;

Crest, an old man's head ppr. helmet az. three mullets sa.
garnished ar. Vantorte. See Valtorte, 1st diet.
Vancey. [N.amp.] sa. three gloves, in pale, ar. Van- Wolff, . a wolf pass.
in chief three
. .

Vandeleur, [Ireland,] or, a chev. betw. three fleurs-de-lis Crest, a demi wolf .
. . . . .

garbs, az. Crest, five arrows, in saltier, en- Vardon, [Norwich,] sa. a lion ramp. ar.
twined by a serpent, all ppr. Vardon, or, a fret gu. Crest, a dexter hand hold-
Vandelour. Arms as 1st diet. Crest, a mart- ing a sheaf of arrows, ppr.
let sa. Varlo, ar. a chev. betw. three trefoils, sa. Crest,
anderplank, as 1st diet. Crest, a wheat-sheaf a cross moline gu. betw. two ears of wheat,
or. bladed, ppr.
Vane-Tempest, [Wynyard. Created a Bart. 4th Varnham, per cross, gu. and erminois. Crest, a
June 1782,] quarterly of fifteen first, az. three ;
dexter hand, holding up a ducal crown betw.
sinister gauntlets or, a canton gu. second, ar. ;
two laurel-branches, ppr.
a chev, engr. betw. three roundles, sa. third, ; Vashen, az. a bend erm. cottised ar. betw. two
ar. a lion ramp, or, ducally crowned gu. fourth, ; Crest, a dexter arm, hand
eagles, rising, or.
gu. a cross ar. in the dexter chief quarter, on
; apaumee, ppr. vested az. from the shoulder pale-
an escutcheon or, three chev. of the first ; fifth, ways, from the elbow fesseways.
ar. a bend betw. six fleurs-de-lis, gu. ; sixth, Vass, quarterly, ar. and az. Crest, an ostrich's
first and fourth, paly of six, ar. and gu. ; second . head betw. two feathers, ar. ; in the beak a
and third, erm. seventh, ar. a cross engr. gu.
; ;
horse-shoe az.
ar. a sun, in chief, gu. and in base a cup
eighth, ar. three mullets gu. ninth, ar. a cross ; Vassall,
betw. four leopards' heads, gu. tenth, ar. two ;
of the last. Crest, a ship in full sail, ppr.
battle-axes, in saltier, sa. ; eleventh, ar. a chev. Vaston, [Scotland,] gu. on a bend sinister ar. a
betw. three martlets, sa. twelfth, ar. a cross ;
mullet betw. a cross, couped, in chief, and two
betw. four roundles, sa. each charged with a crescents in base, sa. sinister bendways.
ar. on a cross sa. five escallops of the
pheon ar. ; thirteenth, ar. a bend engr. betw. Vastovle,
six martlets, sa. fourteenth, per chev. or and

sa. ; in chief two mullets of the second ; in base Vatort, ar. two palets gu. ;
in chief three mul-
a cock of the first fifteenth, sa. a maunch ar.
lets sa.
within a bordure or, charged with six pairs of Vatort. See Valtorte, 1st diet.
lions' gambs, in saltier, gu. -Crests ; first, an Vaughan, [Tyle-Glas, Brecon,] gu. on a garb or,
arm, in armour, holding a sword ppr. hilt and a bird ar. beaked and membered gu. holding in
pommel or ; second, a griffin's head, erased, the beak an ermine spot, within a bordure, go-
ppr. beaked or. bony, or and az.

Vane, [Long Newton, Durham.] Arms and Vaughan, [Corsygedol, Cardiganshire,] per sal-
crest as 1st in 1st diet. tier, engr. erm. and gu. a crescent for diff. :

But Dugdalc, in his Visitation, KiGfi, gives, or, three sinister Vaughan, [Sir Thomas Vaughan, Knt., Cham-
gauntlets, az. and a canton gu. berlain to Edward Prince of Wales ; and Trea-
I'aue, ar. a chev. sa. betw. three pellets. surer to King Edw. IV.] quarterly; first and
or, a chev. gu. within a bordure sa. bezan- fourth, a saltier second and third, a
Vanes, . .
. . ;

tee. bend engr. betw. two fleurs-de-lis. Crest, an

Van-Mildert, [Bishop of Durham,] az. two sythe unicorn's, head, couped and crowned.
blades, in saltier, the points upward, ppr. Vaughan, per pale, sa. and ar. semee of cross-
Vannam, [London,] per cross, ar. and gu. four lets of the first, an eagle, displ. with two heads,
martlets counterchanged. Crest, a bundle of or, all within a bordure engr. of the last.

five arrows, points upwards, bound by a belt Vaughan, [Yorks. and Wales,] quarterly ; first

and buckle, . . . or, a lion ramp. sa. ; second, erm. a chev. gu.
on a chief of the last, a lion pass, or; three,
per Vaux. See Vaulx, and Va/libus, both diets.
bend or and az. three etoiles of six points, Vavasour, a fesse dancettee az.
or, Crest, a
counterchanged; four, az. a maunch or, over squirrel, eating a nut, gu.
all a bend gu. Yawdrey, [ Reddings,
Ches. ] or, a fesse sa. ;
in chief a lion pass. gu. holding a cross cross-
'aughan, gu. three bezants, each charged with

a lion's head, erased, ar. ; on a chief or, a pole let fitchee sa. ; in base a plain cross betw. tour
-axe and tilting-spear, in saltier, az. betw. four ermine spots. Crest, a cock statant, ar. armed,
pellets. Crest, three hand-guns, erect, or, and combed, and legged gu.
two serpents az. entwining about the barrels of Veale, ar. on a bend sa. three unicorns pass, of
the last. the first, Crest, a chevalier, standing in front
aughan, quarterly first and fourth, az. a fesse
of his horse and leaning on the saddle, ppr.
or, betw. three horses' heads, erased, ar. bridled Veale, or Vele. See Vaile, before.
or; second and third, per pale purp. and gu. Yeek, gu. a pale inveeked, ar.
three boars' heads, erased and erect, or, within Veere, or, on a cross gu. five lozenges vair.
a bordure, gobonated, ar. and vert. Crest, a Veitch, formerly Vach, [ Dawyck, Scotland, ]

lion'spaw holding a torteaux.

or. three cows' heads, erased, sa.
ar. Crest, a
aughan, per pale, az. and purp. three dragons' cow's head, affrontee, sa.

heads, erect and erased, or in their mouths, ; Vele, ar. on a bend sa. three calves or. Crest,
spear-heads, ar. a garb ar. enfiled with a ducal coronet or.
aughan, ar. two lions pass, guard, gu. crowned Velston, per pale, sa. and az. ; over all a bend
or. componee, ar. and gu.
Vaughan, gu. three boys' heads, couped, ar. crined Venables, [Antrobus, Ches.] az. two bars ar. ;

or, with snakes round their necks, az. in chief as many mullets, and a small one in
centre, of the second. a wivern pass.
Vaughan, gu. three boars' heads, erased, in pale Crest,
ar. Crest, an infant's head, entwined round gu. issuing from a weir ar.
the neck with a snake, ppr. [Borne by Baron Venables, az. two bars ar. Crest, a wivern
Vaughan, of Heasbury, near Watford, Herts. coming out of a whelk-shell, ppr.
L828.] Venables, az. two bars ar. a bend gu.;

Vaulx, chequy, ar. and gu. ; on a chev. az. three Venn, az. billettee or, three cinquefoils of the
cinquefoils or. Crest, a falcon's head, couped, last. Crest, out of a ducal coronet, an eagle's
sa. beaked or. head, ppr.
'aulx, quarterly of six; first, third, and fifth, ar. a Vennor, per bend, or and az. two lions ramp.
bend, chequy, or and gu. ; second, fourth, and counterchanged. Crest, a boar's head, couped,
sixth, az. a cinquefoil betw. three martlets, or. or.

Crest, a cubit arm, erect, habited chequy or Venor. See Vennor, both diets.
in the hand ppr. a chaplet vert,
and gu. holding Venocr, per bend wavy, or and az. a lion ramp.
fructed ppr. counterchanged.
Valxce, sa. three sinister hands, couped, ar. Venour, per bend sinister, wavy, or and az. a lion
\ AUNCY, ar. an eagle displ. az. membered or. ramp, counterchanged.
Vauneye, sa. three dexter hawking-gloves, tassels Venour, or, a lion ramp, double queued, within an
pendent, ar. orle of crosslets, gu.
\ air, [Cadivor, Wales,] ar. a lion ramp, guard, Venour, gu. on a fesse or, three escallops sa.
sa. Verdelin, vairee, ar. and sa. Crest, a Roman
^ us, gu. on an escutcheon or, two lions pass. lictor's rod and axe ppr.
az. within an orle of martlets of the second. Verdier, az. a horse, salient, in bend, or. Crest,
Vans. See lame, Vaulx, and Vaux, in 1st on a mount vert, a peacock, ppr.
diet. Verdon. Arms as of Northum. 1st diet.

Vaux, chequy, or and gu. Crest, on a ducal co- Crest, issuing out of a tower, sa. a demi lion gu.
ronet, a peacock, statant, ppr. Verdon, [Aulton, Staffs. Temp. William the Con
mix, [Harrowden, N.amp.] chequy, gu. and ar; //in ror,] or, fretty gu.
on a bend az. three roses or. Verdon, sa. on a chief ar. three chess-rooks az.
Vaux, [N.amp.] chequy, orandgu.; on a chev. Verdon, ar. fretty gu.
az. three cinquefoils ar. Verdon, or, fretty gu. charged with eight plates.
f mix, chequy, or and gu. Vere, a cross gu.

Vaux, ar. on a bend gu. componee of the first and /

ere, or, a cross gu. ;
on a chief vert, a label of
second. three points ar.
Verelst. Arms as Verrall, in 1st diet. Crest, Viell, ar. a fesse raguly betw. three annulets,
a rudder, erect, or. gu -

Virgill, az. a fesse engr. or; a canton ar. Vigerous, quarterly; first and fourth, barry of
Verie, [Scotland,] ar. a lion ramp. gu. six, ar. and vert second and third, three pine-

Vernav. See Verney. apples vert.

Verner, [Auchintennie, Scotland,] ar. a fesse Vigne, gu. three Savages' heads, affrontee, erased,
betw. three boars' heads, couped, sa. ar. Crest, a rose or, barbed vert, betw. two
Verne v, gu. on a cross ar. five mullets of the laurel-branches, in orle, slips in saltier, of the
field, pierced, or. Crest, a phcenix in flames, last.

ppr. Vignoles, or, a fesse az. betw. three saltiers,

Verney, three fishes, naiant, in pale, or.
sa. couped, gu. Crest, a unicorn's head, per fesse,
Verney, or Vernay, or, a chief vert. gu. and or, erased of the first.
Vernon, [Shipbrook, Ches.] Ancient arms, or, Vigures. Arms as 1st diet. Crest, a peacock's
a fesse vert ; modern, or, on a fesse vert, three head, erased, az. head feathers or.
garbs of the first. Crest, a demi female, vested Vigurs. Same arms. Crest, a mullet ar.
vert, holding under the left arm a garb or, Vilant, [Professor, St.
Andrew's, Scotland,] ar.
and in the right hand a sickle of the last, three lions ramp. sa. Crest, an arm, in armour.
headed ppr. embowed, holding a spear ppr.
Vernon, or, a cinquefoil gu. Vile, as 1st diet. Crest, an arm brandishing a
Verst, gu. three rests or. Crest, a horse's head, scimitar, ppr.
erased, ar. Motto, Virtus ubique. VlLERS, Or VlLIERS, as VlLLIERS, of Notts. 1 St
\ erthon, De, az. on a fesse ar. a bee, volant diet.
arriere, Crest, an arm, in armour, em-
sa. Vilers. See Villers.
bowed, holding a battle-axe. Viliers. See Vilers, before.
V eryet, gu. on a chief or, a lion pass. sa. Villages, ar. two triangles, voided and interlaced
Vescy, gu. a cross patonce ar. sa. in the centre, a heart gu. Crest, a unicorn's
Vesey, or, on a cross betw. four erm. spots sa. head, erased, az.
five bezants. Crest, a hawk, rising, ppr. Villiers, [Ireland, and Oxon,] ar. on a cross gu.

gorged with a collar sa. thereon three bezants. five escallops or. Crest, a lion ramp. ar. ducally
Vezey, or Vezay, ar. a bend gu. betw. two eagles crowned or.

displ. sa. Crest, on a ducal coronet or, a Villiers, [Brookesby, Leic. ; and Staffs.] The
wivern, sans legs, vert. same arms and crest, with a crescent and due
Vicart. See Vicar, 1st diet. diff.

Vickary, [Devons.] See Vicarey, 1st diet. Vince, per fesse, sa. and ar. a pale, engr. counter-
Vickers, sa. on a cross moline ar. five mullets sa. changed, three trefoils, slipped, or. Crest, a
Crest, a bear's head, erect and erased, or. talbot's head and neck, couped, ar.
[Ireland,] gu. on a pile ar. three qua-
/ ickers, ar. a fret gu. Crest, a cubit arm, ppr. Vincent,
vested gu. holding a millrind az. trefoils of the first. Crest, on a chapeau, a
V ickery, sa. on a chief ar. three cinquefoils of pelican, vulning herself, ppr.
the field. Crest, two dolphins, haurient, en- /
indent, az. three cinquefoils ar. within a bordure
dorsed, ppr. of the first.

Victor, gu. three Savages' heads, affrontee, ar. Vincent, or, on a fesse az. three quatrefoils,
Crest, on* a ducal coronet gu. a wivern, sans ar.

legs, or. Vincent, ar. on a pale az. three quatrefoils of the

Vidall, az. on a bend ar. cottised of the last, first.
three palets gu. Vincent, az. two bars ar. betw. six quatrefoils of
Vidion, [Half-Yowke, Maidstone, Kent. Granted the first.
3rd Dec. 1664,] erm. on a bend vert, three Vine, sa. three garbs ar. Crest, out of a ducal
roses ar. barbed and seeded or. coronet, a heraldic tiger's head ppr.
idler, or, three bars wavy sa. Crest, out of a Vine, erm. on a fesse gu. three martlets ppr.
ducal coronet, a demi griffin ppr. Crest, a martlet ppr.
Viel, or, a fesse vert, betw. three dexter hands, Viner. See Vyner.
couped, gu. Crest, out of a tower ppr. a leo- Vinicombe, az. in base, water vert, thereon a
pard's head gu. collared or. bridge of three arches ar. on the centre a turret
Vielston, [Althorp, Northton,] az. a chev. betw. of the last, flagged gu. Crest, a greyhound's
three fishes. head sa. bezantee.
Vinon, gu. on a chief ar. a label of three points Waane, [Scotland,] ar. three candlesticks sa.
of the first. Waces, two bars gu. ; in chief three tor-
Violet, [Norf.] ar. on a chev. gu. three towers, teauxes ; over all a bend ....
triple-towered, of the field. Wachelm, ar. a fesse gu. ; in chief three cres-
Violot. See Vilot, 1st diet. cents of the second.
Vipont, [Yorks.] gu. six annulets or, three, two, Waddel, and Weddell, az. a saltier, chequy, or
and one. and gu. betw. four buckles ar. Crest, a battle-
Vipont, or / ipount. Same arms. Crest, out of axe, in pale, ppr.
a ducal coronet, a swan's head betw. two wings, Waddell. Same arms. Crest, a lion's head,
all ppr. erased, gu.
ipont, or, six annulets, gu. three, two, and Waddington, [Waddington, near Clitheroe,] ar.
one. a chev. betw. three martlets gu. (Another,
Visdelow, ar. three wolves' heads, couped, gu. sa.)
Visdelow, or, three wolves' heads, erased, gu. Waddon, [Moditonham, Cornw.] sa. a fesse,
within a hordure az. charged with eight castles or.
of the first. Wade, [Hilton Castle, Durham.] Arms and
Vivan, or, a lion ramp. gu. Crest, on a chapeau, crest as last in 1st diet.
a serpent, nowed, ppr. Wade, on a bend or, three leures of the
Vivian, [Bodmin and Penealenick, Cornw.] as of field, within a bordure (Another, engr.) gu.
St. Cullumbe, 1st diet. Crest, a lion's head, bezantee.
erased, gorged with a naval coronet. Wadesdon, sa. a chev. ar. betw. three eagles,
Vivian, ar. a chev. sa. betw. three lions' heads, displ. with two heads, or.
erased, ppr. ; a chief gu. Crest, a lion's head, Wadge, [Upton, Lewanneck,] ar. on a chev.
erased, ppr. collared and chained gu. betw. three wedges, sa. five mullets of the
Voft, [Scotland,] .... eight piles issuing from field.
the dexter, four of them wavy .... to the sinis- Wadie, .... a bend .... charged in chief
ter ; three mullets, in pale .... with a mullet, betw. a mullet and a cres-
Voller, ar. six holly-leaves vert. Crest, a demi cent ....
antelope ar. collared gu. Wading, sa. a fesse ar.

Vowell, [Essex,] as of Exeter, 1st diet. Wadisley. See Wadesley, 1st diet.
Voicell. Arms as 1st in 1st diet. Crest, a mul- Wadman, [London,] erm. on a bend gu. three
let gu. betw. two palm-branches vert. roses ar. Crest, an eagle displ. ppr.
Vowell, gu. a bird betw. three crescents, ar. ; on Wadsworth. Arms as 1st diet. Crest, on a
a chief or, as many pellets. globe of the world, winged, ppr. an eagle,
Voynne, per bend sa. and ar. three cinquefoils rising, or.
counterchanged. Waetor-Wager, De. See De Waetor-Wa-
Vustewayte, paly of six, ar. and sa. on a chief ;
of the second, a lion pass. ar. Waffe. Arms as Waff, 1st diet.
Vyel, [Trevorder, Cornw.] gu. a fesse raguly ar. Waffer, as Waffyer, of War w. 1st diet.
betw. three ogresses. Crest, a greyhound pass. Waffir, az. three eagles displ. ar. armed gu.

ppr. head towards the sinister. Wager, az. a chev. betw. three hearts, or.

Vyell, ar. a fesse raguly gu. betw. nine annu- Crest, a dexter arm holding up an annu-
lets sa. let, or.
Vyen. See Vyan, 1st diet. Waget, gu. on a cross, quarterly pierced, or, four
Vylgus, [Scotland,] ar. on a fesse sa. betw. hurts.
a garb in chief, and a crescent in base, gu. Waghall, or, three crescents gu.
three annulets or. Crest, a lion's head, erased, Wagner, az. on a fesse or, a bend gu.

PPr - Crest, in water, a swan, naiant, in pride, all

\ yrney, ar. in an orle gu. three standards sa. ppr.

Wailes, gu. a stork ar. Crest, a spur betw. two

w wings, ppr.
[Scotland,] gu. three flower-pots
lily ar.
Wainwright, ar. on a chev. az. betw. three
in each

Wa, [France,] tierce in gyron, bend sinisterways, hurts, a lion ramp. betw. two fleurs-de-lis of
sa. ar. and gu. the first. Crest, as 1st diet.
4 B 2 ]
Waith. Arms and crest, as Waite, in Appendix Waldesheff, Waldescheff, or Waldsheff, gu.
to 1st diet. two chev. or. Crest, two spears, in saltier,
Wake, [Blisworth. Temp. Ediv. III.] ar. two thereto appendent two flags, bearing, quarterly,
bars, and in chief three torteauxes, within a gu. and or, surmounted of a garland of laurel,
bordure engr. sa. all ppr.

Wake, ar. two bars gu. in chief three torteauxes

Waldew. See Walden, before.
within a bordure engr. of the second. Waldie, or, on a bend
betw. three leopards'
Wake, gu. two bars or ; in chief three plates. faces, a pelican, vulning herself, or.
Wakebruge, sa. a fesse betw. three lozenges, or. Crest, a dove ar. in the beak an olive-branch,
Wakefare, ar. a lion pass. sa. ppr.
Wakefeild, gu. a fesse dancettee or, betw. three Waldie, or, a bend az. betw. three leopards'
leopards' heads of the first. faces .... Crest, a dove and olive-branch
Wakefeld, sa. fretty ar. ;
on a canton gu. a cross ppr.
patonce or. Waldiffe, or Waldiff, as Waldiffe, Appendix,
Wakefield. Arms as 2nd in 1st diet. Crest, a 1st diet.
bat displ. ar. Waldock, or, an etoile, radiated, sa.
Wakefield, as 4th in 1st diet. Crest, on a ducal Waldringberch. See Waldry'nde, 1st diet.
coronet, a wivern, sans legs, ppr. Waldron, [Ireland,] ar. a bend engr. gu. betw.
Wakefore, ar. a lion ramp. sa. ; on the shoulder three crescents sa. Crest, a lion ramp, guard.
a cinquefoil or. or.
Wakeham. Arms as 1st diet. Crest, on a mount, Walt Iron, [Temp. William the Conqueror,] as
betw. two trees, a greyhound ar. spotted sa. 1st diet. Crest, two laurel-branches, in saltier,
collared .... ppr.
Wakehurst, as 3rd in 1st diet. Crest, a buckle, Waldsheff. See Waldesheff, both diets.
or. Wale, [Stephen Mallet, Somers.] as of Essex, 1st
Wakeley, [Charing, Kent,] ar. on a fesse sa. diet. Crest, a lion ramp, or, holding a long
betw. three eagles displ. az. as many crescents cross sa.
of the field. Wale, ar. a cross sa. Crest, a yew-tree, ppr.
Wakeringe, as 3rd Wakering, 1st diet. Wale. See Wall, 1st diet.
Wakerley, as 2nd in 1st diet. Crest, two dag- Walers, gu. a fesse erm.
gers, in saltier, ppr. Walesdon, or, three mullets, pierced, sa.
Wakindon, gu. a lion ramp. ar. crowned or. Waleston, .... a stag, trippant, and a chief
Walborne, gu. three water-bougets or ; in chief or.
a bezant. Waley's, sa. three oak-leaves or, betw. two bend-
Walche, ar. a chev. betw. three trefoils, slipped, lets ar. ; a bordure engr. of the second, pel-
sa. lettee.
Walcher, az. a cross betw. four lions ramp. or. Waleys, or, three bars gu. ;
on a canton erm. a
Crest, a talbot's head gu. bend engr. of the second.
Walcot, per pale, az. and gu. ; on a cross Walford, [Birdbrook, Essex.] Arms as 2nd in
patonce or, five martlets sa. on a chief of the ;
1st diet, Crest, out of a mural crown or, an
third, a fleur-de-lis betw. two annulets of the ostrich's feather ar.
first. Walford, a fesse gu. ; in chief a lion pass, of

Walcot, on a fesse sa. three escallops or.

ar. the last. Crest, a demi lion ramp, holding in
Walcote, ar. on a cross patonce gu. five fleurs- the dexter paw a cross crosslet fitchee gu.
de-lis or. [Borne by William Walford, Esq. of Hatfield
Walcotes, az. an inescutcheon ar. within an orle PerereU, Co. Essex, 1833.
of martlets of the second. Walford, ar. a chev. sa. ; in chief two pellets ; in
Walcott, ar. on a cross patonce az. five fleurs- base a cross crosslet of the second.
de-lis or. Walford. See Wallford.
Waldeff, or Waldecot. See 1st diet. Walgrave, [Suff.] Arms as 1st diet. Crest, in
Waldefus, [Hunts.] ar. a lion ramp. az. ; a chief a ducal coronet or, a plume of feathers, per
gu. pale, ar. and gu.
Walden, or Waldkw, as 12th in 1st diet. Walhouse. Crest, a lion, couchant, guardant,
Waldern, as Waldren, 1st diet. or.

Waldeschefe, gu. two chev. or; a label of three Walkefare, sa. a lion ramp, within a bordure
points az. engr. ar.
Wai.kei.yn, harry of eight, az. and gu. a lion ; indented, ar. and sa. armed, langued, and tusked
ramp. erni. gu. mane and tail purfled or.
Walkenton, gu. a chev. betw. three martlets, ar. Walker, [Leeds, Yorks.] Arms as 1st diet.
Walker, [Barbadoes.] vert, a canton ar. charged Crest, on a hen, a dunghill-cock, sa. beaked,
with an eye ppr. Crest, a rock in the sea, the legged, combed, and wattled gu.
waves beating on it, ppr. II alker, ar. on a bend betw. three
leopards' heads
Walker, [Leighton-Buzzard, Beds. and London. ; gu. as many dexter hands, clenched, ar.
Granted 174 s!.] ar. on a chev. betw. three cres- II alker, ar. a chev.
patouce. with an annulet on
cents, sa. as many dragons' heads, couped, or. the chief point, sa. betw. three crescents of the
Crest, a dragon's head vert, crowned with an last.
eastern crown or, and issuing from flames of Walker, [Yorks.] ar. a chev. betw. three cres-
fire of the last. sa. out of a ducal coronet
cents, Crest,
Dollar. Arms as 2nd in Appendix to 1st diet.; or, a
greyhound's head, couped, ar. collared- sa.
instead of " within a wreathed serpent, a dove, Walker, or, on a chev. sa. three garbs of the first.
statant, all ppr." read Crest, on a mount vert, II alker, az. a chev.
engr. erm. betw. three be-
a dove ar. standing on a serpent, embowed,with zants ; on each a trefoil, slipped, vert. Crest,
his head elevated above his tail, a demi tiger, per pale indented, ar. and sa.
looking to the
dexter, ppr. holding a branch of roses or, slipped vert.
Walker, sa. on a chev. gu. betw. two anvils in W alkfare, as 1st in 1st diet. Crest, a branch
chief, and an anchor, in base, ppr. a bee ;
of holly, in pale, ppr.
betw. two crescents ar. Crest, a dove standing W alkingshaw, [of that Ilk,] ar. on a mount, a
on, and encircled by a serpent, head to the grove of firs, ppr. Crest, a dove, with an olive
dexter, all ppr. branch in its beak, ppr. Supporters, two forest-
Walker, [Ireland,] ar. a chev. betw. three cross ers in long gowns.
crosslets, sa. on a chief of the last, as many
Walkingshaw, [of that Ilk ;
A etc Register,'] as 1st
stags' heads, cabossed, of the first. Crest, a diet. Crest, a martlet ppr.
cherub's head, wings in saltier, ppr.
Walkingshaw, [Glasgow.] The same, with a
II alker, [Xewcastle-on-Tyne,] or, three palets gu. martlet for cliff.
a saltier ar. ; on a chief az. a crescent betw.
Walkingshaw, [Scotstoun, Renfrewshire.] The
two mullets of the field. Crest, a swan swim- same, with suitable cliff.

ming in a loch, ppr. \\ alkixgtox, as 1st in 1st diet. Crest, a mullet

II alker. [Edinburgh, Scotland.] Arms and crest, of six points or.
as last. \A alkixtox,
gu. on a chev. betw. three martlets
Walker, [St.W innow,] az. a griffin, segreant, or, ar. a crescent of the first.
within a bordure erm. Crest, a greyhound, Wall, [Ireland,] ar. on a cross az. voided of the
sejant, collared and chained, or. lions ramp.
field, five Crest, an arm, em-
. . .

Walker, [Scotland.] or, a saltier ar. on a chief ; bowed, armour, wielding a sword, ppr.
az. a garb, betw. two mullets, of the second. W all, ar. cross sa. Crest, in a ducal coronet. ..
Crest, a rock ppr. a swans' neck. ., gorged.
[Pardoven, Scotland,] or, three palets
alker. Wall, az. a chev. erm. betw. three eagles displ.
a saltier ar.
gu. on a chief az. a crescent
; ar. ; on a chief crenellee or, three pellets.
betw. three mullets of the third. Crest, a Crest, a demi eagle az. winged, endorsed ar.
rock ppr. II all. ar. a lion
ramp. betw. three crosses pattee
Walker. [St. I'oit. Fifeshire, Scotland.] The same fitchee, gu. Crest, a demi boar ramp. sa.
arms, with a garb instead of the crescent. II all, az. two chev. erm.

Crest,- a cornucopia ppr. a lion ramp. gu.

II all, ar.
II alker, [Scotland,] ar.betw. a
a saltier az. Wall, per fesse, or and az. a fesse, counte;-
mullet in chief, and a martlet in base, of the embattled, per fesse, betw. three fleurs-de-lis :

last. all counterchanged.

Walker, [Beverley, Yorks.] ar. on a chev. gu. Wallace, [Ireland,] gu. a lion ramp. ar. within a
betw. three crescents az. as many annulets or. bordure az. Crest, a sword, in pale, enfiled
Crest, out of a mural coronet ar. a dexter arm, with a Saracen's head, affrontee, ppr.
in armour, the hand
ppr. grasping a lizard vert. Wallace, Arbrothick, Scotland,] quarterly:

Walker, [Yorks. Granted VZth March. \\\:,-\ ;

and first and
fourth, or, a lion ramp. gu. betw. two
confirmed Ylth .lime, L662.] Arms as 11th in mullets, in fesse, az. ; second and third gu. a
1st diet. Crest, a demi heraldic tiger, per pale, fesse, chequy, az. and ar.
Wallace, [Auchans,] gu. a Hon ramp. ar. a bor- ;
all ppr. wreathed about the temples ar. and
dure wavy of the second, charged with eight az.
mullets of the first. Walleron, az. three bars ar. ;
on a chief or, a
Wallace, [Bergen,] quarterly first and fourth, gu.
lion pass, guard, gu.
a lion ramp. ar. in the dexter chief a mullet of Walles, or Darte, [Meurgifir, Cornw. and ;

the second ; second and third, gu. a fesse Barnstaple, Devons. Granted 1590.] gu. a
chequy, ar. and az. all within a hordure engr. fesse erm. ; a canton of the last. Crest, a fire
or. Crest and motto as of Helmston. ppr.
Wallace, [Carleton,] gu. a lion ramp. ar. a hor- ; Walles, erm. a bend sa.
dure compon^e, ar. and az. Crests, out of a Walles. See Wallis.
ducal coronet or, an ostrich's head ar. ; in the Walley, ar. three flesh-hooks sa. garnished or,
beak a horse-shoe az. hooks downwards those in chief to the sinister;

Wallace, [Craigie, Scotland ; Workman's M.S.] those in base to the dexter. Crest, an eagle
quarterly; first and fourth, gu. a boa ramp. ar. preying on an infant, ppr.
(some make the lion or) ; second and third gu. Walleys, erm. a bend gu. Crest, a close hel-
a fesse, chequy, az. and ar. for Lindsay, of met ppr.
Craigie. Supporters, two Savages. Walleys. See Walles, and Wallis
Wallace, [Eldersley; the Scottish Patriot.] The Wallford, and Walford, as 1st in 1st diet.
same. two palm-branches,
Crest, in orle, vert.
Wallace, [Helmston,] quarterly first and fourth, ; Wallingford, De, or, on a fesse gu. a lion pass.

gu. a lion ramp. or. second and third, gu. a

; guard, ar.

fesse, chequy, and az. Crest, an ostrich

ar. Wallington. Arms as 1st in 1st diet. Crest,
ppr. holding in the beak a horse-shoe az. on a ducal coronet, a peacock, ppr.
Wallace, [Johnstone, Scotland,] gu. a lion ramp, Wallington, ar. three piles wavy sa.; on a chief
ar. a bordure engr. of the second. gu. a saltier or.
Wallace, [Ingliston, Scotland; New Register,] Wallis, or Walleys. Arms as 9th in 1st diet.
The same as of Craigie, with a mullet for diff. Crest, a lion's head, erased, ppr.
Crest, an ostrich, in full flight, ppr. Wallis, or Walleys. Arms as of Sussex, 1st
Wallace, [Eldersley Makenzie's Heraldry,] gu.
diet. Crest, a Cornish chough ppr.
a lion ramp. ar. within a bordure, gobonated, of Wallop, ar. a bend wavy sa. Crest, a mermaid,
the last and az. with two tails, expanded, ppr. hair or, holding
Wallace, [Wallace Craig, Scotland,] gu. a lion her tails in her hands, expanded wide.
ramp. ar. Crest, an ostrich's head, couped, ar. Wallop, gu. an orle erm. within another of billets
Wallace, [Perth, Scotland.] gu. a lion ramp. ar. or.
within a bordure, gobonated, of the last and az. Wallys, per chev. crenellee, gu. and az. three
Crest, an ostrich in its speed, wings expanded whales' heads, couped, ar.
PP r -
Walois, gu. a cross masculy ar. surmounted of
Wallace, gu. a lion ramp. ar. debruised by a fesse, another of the field; at each point a bezant.
voided sa. Crest, a lion's head ppr. collared Walpole, sa. a chev. ar. betw. three martlets
ar. or.
Wallange, [Possell,] az. three water-bougets or ; Walpole, erm. on a fesse az. three crosses pattee
in chief a crescent ar. Crest, arose, surmount- or. in chief a label of three points gu.

ed of a thistle, both ppr. Walpole. See Wallpool, 1st diet.

Wallcott, as 2nd Walcot, in 1st diet. Walpull, ar.on a chev. betw. three etoiles, gu.
Wallcott, ar. a chev. ermines, betw. three chess as many bezants.
rooks, of the last. Walrond. Arms as 1st in 1st diet. Crest, a
Walle. The same arms as Wall, Bristol, 1st leopard's face or.
diet. Walrond, barry of six, or and az. ; over all an
Walleis, ar. a fesse betw. six martlets, sa. eagle displ. gu.
Waller, [Ireland,] chequy, az. and or.; on a Walsall, or Walsalle, as Walsall, 1st diet.
canton gu. a lion ramp. ar. Crest, a fox, Walsam, ar. a cross sa. ; in the first quarter, on
sejant, ppr. a mullet of the second, an annulet or.
Waller. Arms as 1st in 1st diet. Crest, a Walsam, sa. betw. a cross, voided, ar. five cross
dexter arm, couped, embowed, and resting crosslets of the second.
on the elbow, holding a sword, in pale, en- Walsam, or Walsham, as 2nd in 1st diet. Crest,
filed with a Saracen's head, distilling blood, a fir-tree, issuant, ppr.
Walsh, [Berks.] as 2nd in 1st diet. Crest, a If a/ton, ar. a cross flory sa.

griffin's head, erased, ar. Walton, ar. a cross patonce within a bordure
Walsh, [Ireland,] ar. an inescutcheon gu. in ;
engr. sa.
chief three martlets of the last. Crest, a cubit W'alwardington, sa. four bendlets ar.
arm holding a tilting spear, ppr. Walwayne, gu. a fesse betw. three leopards'
Walsh, [Wore] as Walshe, or Welsh of Wore. heads, or.
1st diet. Walwen, ar. three bugle-horns, stringed, gu.
\\ alshage, a chev. engr. gu. (Another, sa.)
ar. Walwen. See Walwyn, both diets.
betw. three bugle-horns of the last. Walworth. Arms as last in 1st diet. Crest,
Walshall, [Walshall, Staffs.] as 2nd in 1st diet. out of a ducal coronet or, two arms, embowed,
Walsham, gu. an eagle displ. or, armed az. within vested gu. holding in the hands ppr. a cake of
a bordure engr. of the second. bread ar.
Walsham. See Walsam, both diets. Walwyn. Arms as 2nd in 1st diet. Crest, a
\\ alshe, az. six mullets,
pierced, or, three, two, pheasant ppr.
and one. Crest, a goat's head, erased, az. at- Walwyn, or Walwen, gu. a bend erm.
tired or ; on the tips of his attire, two hawks' Wadeford, a chev. betw. three cinquefoils,
bells ar. charged on the neck with three be- sa. voided of the field.
zants, two and one. Wandesford. Arms as 1st in 1st diet. Crest,
alshe, gu. three bars gemelles ar. ; over all a a cathedral church and spire ppr.
bend of the last. Waney, gu. an eagle displ. ar. armed or.
If alshe, ar. four bars gu.on a canton of the first,
; Wange, gu. six dexter hands, ar. three, two, and
a bend fusily of the second. one.
l\ alshe,
gu. three bars ar. a canton erm.
; Wanner, gu. a fesse betw. three leopards' heads,
l\ alshe,
gu. three bars ar. on a canton erm. a
; or.
bend lozengy or, and of the first. Wanny, [Suff.] gu. six gloves ar.
Walsingham, gu. a cross coupee componee, ar. Wanny, sa. three gloves ar.
and az. betw. sixteen bezants. Crest, in a Wanryn, az. an inescutcheon ar,
mural coronet gu. a tiger's head or, gorged with Wantur, chief a cinquefoil
or, a saltier gu. ; in
a ducal coronet ar. of the second.
Walsingham, ar. three chess-rooks gu. Waplode, sa. three trefoils, slipped, or, betw.
Walstede, gu. a buck's head, cabossed, erm. at- two chev. ar.
tired ar. Warbleton, lozengy, or and az.
Walter, [Piercefield, Co. Monmouth,] az. a Warburton, [Ireland.] quarterly, ar. and gu. ;

squirrel, sejant, or. in the first quarter a fret of the last. Crest, a
Walter, [Gloucestershire.] The same arms, with mermaid with comb and mirror, ppr.
a crescent for cliff. Warburton, ar. a chev. betw. three shovellers.
Walter, az. a griffin, segreant, ar. within a bordure sa.

engr. erm. Warburton , ar. two chev. gu. ;

on a canton of the
Walter, or, on a bend sa. cottised gu. three boars' last, mullet or.
heads, couped, ar. within a bordure engr. sa. Warcopp, ar. on a fesse gu. three cushions erm.
Walters, or, a lion ramp. sa. thrust through Warcup, [Yorks.] as 4th Warcop, 1st diet.
with two swords, in saltier, ppr. Crest, a dove Warcup, as 6th Warcop, 1st diet.
and olive-branch ppr. Warcupp, as 2nd Warcup, 1st diet.
Waltham, as 1st in 1st diet. Crest a peacock's Ward, quarterly; first and fourth, az. a cross
head az. wards downwards, on the
flory, in chief a key,
l\ alt
ham, sa. a chev. ar. betw. three cinquefoils or. dexter, and an anchor, erect on the sinister all
Walthew. See Walter, 1st diet. or for Ward, second and third, per chev. flory ar.

Walton, [Lane] as 4th in 1st diet. and gu. three martlets, two and one, counter-
Walton, a chev. gu. betw. three falcons' heads,
ar. changed, (and for distinction, a pile, issuant
erased, sa.Crest, a wild man, striding forward, from the center chief point of the second, for
having in his left hand a branch of a tree over Plumer ;) crest of Ward, a wolf 's head, erased,
the shoulder, wreathed round the head with a or, charged on the neck with an anchor, erect,
chaplet of laurel, all vert. sa. holding in the mouth a key, ar. the wards
Hal ton, ar. three bugle- horns sa. stringed gu. upwards crest of Plumer, a demi lion, gu.

Crest, on a chapeau ar. turned up gu. a bugle- holding betw. the paws a garb or, charged on
horn of the last, stringed or. the shoulder (for distinction) with a cross flory
of the last. to Robert Plumcr- two fleurs-de-lis, az. all within a bordure engr.
Ward, Esq., Auditor of His Majesty's Civil sa.

List, sometime under Secretary of State for Warde, [Yorks.] az. a cross flory or.
Foreign Affairs, one of the Lords Commissioners Warde, vair, on an inescutcheon gu. a bend of
of the Admiralty, Clerk of the Ordnance, and the field.
M. P. for Haslemere, Co. Sussex ; of Chesham, Warde, az. a cross ar. ; in the first quarter, an
fVobum Hall, Co. Bucks, Standen, Lordship, eagle displ. of the second. Crest, a hind, at
and Gilston Park, in the Co. of Herts, and lodge, ar. on a mount vert.
Cheston Hall, Co. Suffolk, who by Royal Warde, ar. on a chev. sa. three wolves' heads,
Sign .'Manual, dated 12th July, 1828, assumed erased, of the first ; a chief az. charged with a
the surname and arms of Plumer, on, his mar- cross patonce or, thereon five hurts betw. two

riage with Jane Lewin, of Gilston Park, and martlets or. Crest, a wolf's head, erased, sa.
Blakes ware,
Co. Herts, and Cheston Hall, afore- eared and nosed or ; a chev. paly of six, or and
said; widow and relict of Richard John Lewin, ar.

Esq., late a Commander in, the Royal Nary, Warde. See Ward, both diets.
and heretofore the wife of William Plumer, late Wardell, [St. Martin's Vintry, London.
of Gilston Park, Blackesware, and Cheston Granted 26th June, 1773.] See 1st diet, by
Hall, aforesaid, Esq., deceased, many years mistake under Wardlaw.
Representative in Parliament for the Co. of Wardell, or Wardle. Arms as 1st Wardell, 1st
Herts; which Jane was the daughter and co-heir diet. Crest, a lion's gamb holding a spear, ppr.
of the Hon. a?>d Rev. George Hamilton Clerk, tasselled or.
M.A., Canon of Windsor .deceased, and Grand Warden, [Scotland,] ar a chev. gu. betw. three
daughter of James, Late Earl of Abercom, by pears, leaved, vert. Crest, a fleur-de-lis or.
Anne his wife; who was the daughter of John Warden, sa. a lion ramp. ar.
Plumer, of Blakcsware, aforesaid, Esq., de- Warden. See Wardor, 1st diet.
ceased, and aunt of the aforesaid William Warder. See Wardor, 1st diet.
Plumer; (on an escutcheon of pretence, quarter- Wardle. See Wardell, both diets.

ly, first and fourth Hamilton, viz. gu. three Ward low. Crest, an etoile.
einquefoils ar. second and third ar. a galley Wardon. Arms as 2nd in 1st diet. Crest, a
sa.) pellet, charged with a lion's head, erased, ar.

Hard, [Bishop Middleton, Durham,] as 12th in collared gu.

1st diet. Wardrobe, as Wardrop, following.
Ward, [Trimdon. Durham,] az. a cross flory or ; Wardrop, [Strathavon, Linlithgow, and Edin-
a crescent for diff. burgh,] gu. on a chev. betw. two mullets, in chief,
Ward, [Hinckley, Leic] vaire, az. and erm. or, and a lion ramp, in base,ar. three cross cross-
Ward, Warde, [Gorleston, and Homesfield,
or lets, fitchee az. Crest, ademi eagle, with wings,
Granted 12 July, 1593.] as 1st diet; the
Suff. expanded, issuing out of an antique crown, ppr.
crest on a mount vert. Warddrop, [Torbanhill, Scotland,] gu. on a
Ward, gu. a pair of wings, conjoined, ar. ; over chev. ar. three shields of the first Crest, a
all, on a bend az a crescent or. husbandman issuing out of the wreath, his
Ward, lozengy, or and gu. a saltier az. fretty ar. bonnet and vestments az. holding a plough-
Ward, or Warde, as 29th Ward, 1st. diet. share over the dexter shoulder ppr.
Ward, Ware, or Warr, ar. on a bend, betw. six Wardrope, gu. on a chev. ar. three shields of
martlets, gu. three of the same, or. the first all within a bordure or.
Crest as
Warde, [Trimdon, Durham,] sa. a cross flory or ; the last.
a crescent for diff. Ware, gu. a lion pass ar. an orle of eight cross

Warde, ar. a chev. betw. three wolves' heads, crosslets or. Crest, a boar pass. or.
erased, sa. Ware, gu. a pair of wings, conjoined, ar. over all ;

arde, az. a cross patonce or.
Crest, a goat's on a bend az. a crescent or.
head, erased and horned, or. Ware, gu. a lion ramp, or, tail forked, oppressed
Warde, ar. two bars betw. three martlets, gu. with a bend sa.
Warde, or, on a bend, betw. six martlets, gu. Wareing, or Waringe, [Walmersley, Lane]
three wings ar. Arms and crest, as 1st diet.
Warde, [Bastchurch, Ilinton, and Newton, Waren, ar. a chief, chequy, or and az
Salop,] ar. two bars gu. each charged with Wareyn, quarterly, ar. and sa. four greyhounds'
three martlets or; in chief a cross flory betw. heads, erased, counterchanged.
Wareyn, ar. three chev. engr. gu. a wivern ar. with wings expanded, chequy or
W \uham. Arms as 5th in 1st diet, on the sinister and gu.
chief a roundle erm. Warren, [Poynton, Ches.] Arms as 1st diet.
Waring, per chev. az. and or, three
[Ireland] another crest, out of a ducal coronet, a plume of
lions pass, counterchanged. Crest, a rose or, five ostrich's feathers ar. in the middle of them
harbed vert. a griffin's claw or.
Waringe. See Wareixg, before. Warren, [Ashwell, Herts, not Askwell,] as 1st
Wakings, ar.on a bend sa. three mascles of the diet.
first. Warren, [Midd.] chequy, or and az. ; on a cantou
Warley, or Werley. Arms as 2nd in 1st diet. gu. a lion ramp. ar. Crest, a wivern ar. wings
Crest, a tree ppr. expanded, chequy or and az.
W akmington, per chev. or and az. ; in chief two Warren. Arms as of Newton, 1st diet. Crest,
lions ramp, combatant, of the second ; in base on a mount vert, a lion ramp, or, holding a spear
a lion ramp of the first. in the dexter paw, ppr.
Wakmyngton. See Warrington, 1st diet. /( arren,
chequy, az. and or on a bend gu. three ;

as 1st diet. Crest, a horse-shoe or, lions pass, guard, ar. Crest, a talbot ppr.
betw. two wings ppr. Warren, chequy or. and az. ; on a chief ar. a cres-
Warneford, per fesse crenellee, sa. and ar. six cent gu.
crosses pattee counterchanged. Warren, chequy, az. and gu. three cross crosslets
Warner, [Ireland,] vert a cross engr. or. Crest, fitchee or.
a badger pass sa. Warren, az. on a fesse engr. betw. three lozenges,
Warner, [London,] ar. a bend betw. six roses, gu ar. as many griffins'heads, erased, of the first ;

seeded of the field, barbed vert. Crest, as of a chief, or, and of the first, charged with a grey-
Waltham, Essex, 1st diet. hound in full course, erm.

Warner, [Warner Hall, Brakenthwaite, and Warren, ar. three fleurs-de-lis sa. ; on a canton
Knaresborough, Yorks.] See 1st diet, read of vert, a cross pattee or.
Warner Hall, not Hull, arms correct. Crest, Warreyn, betw. two bars, chequy, az. and
a Saracen's head, affrontee, ppr. wreathed round or, three mascles sa. a canton of the second,

the temples or and gu. charged with three roundles, in fesse, betw. as
Warner, or, a bend engr. betw. six roses, gu. many ducal crowns of the third, within a bor-
Warner, or, a chev. betw. three boars' heads, dure or, pellet tee.
couped, sa. Warreyn, chequy, or and az. ; on a canton gu. a
Warner, or, a bend engr. betw. six cinquefoils, gu. lion ramp, of the second.
Warner, quarterly first and fourth, per bend in-
; Warrour, az. three fleurs-de-lis ar. within a bor-
dented, sa. and ar. second and third, az. a
dure engr. of the second.
fleur-de-lis or. W'arsop, per pale, az. and gu. a saltier betw. four
Warnett, or Warnitz, ar. fretty vert, on each crescents counterchanged.
crossing of the fret, a crescent or ; over all a Warter, or Wartur. Arms as of Staffords. 1st
buck, springing, sa. attired or. diet. Crest, a fox, sejant, ppr.
Warnett, [Framfield, Suss. ; Visitation 1633,] ar. Wartnaby, az. on a chev. betw. three lions pass
fretty vert ; over all a stag, springing, sa. or, three mullets sa. Crest, a lion's head,
Warnits. See Appendix, 1st diet. erased, or.
Warnitz. See Warnett, before. Warton, as 1st in 1st diet. Crest, a winged
Ware, gu. two wings, in leure, ar. over all a ; spur ppr.
bend az. charged with a crescent of the second. Warton, ar. on a chief gu. a kingfisher of the first.
Crest, a cross fteury fitchee gu. the fleurs or. Warton, or, on a chev. az. a martlet betw. two
Warrand, ar. a saltier and bordure, gu. Crest, pheons, of the field on a chief sa. a lion pass,

out of a ducal coronet az. a demi lion erm. guard, betw. two crescents, ar. Crest, an
Warre, gu. a leure ar. armed arm, erect, ppr. supporting a battle-axe,
Warren, [Little Marlow, Bucks. Created a erect, ar.
Bart. 20th Mai/, 177.5, quarterly; first and Warwyke, gu. a fesse or ;
in chief three fleurs-

fourth, chequy, or and az. ; on a canton gu. a de-lis of the second ; in base a leopard's head
lion ramp. ar. for Warren : second and third, gold.
erm. on a bend sa. two arms issuing from the Warwyke. See Warwick, 1st diet.

clouds, rendering a horse-shoe, all ppr. for Bor- Warwyn, three fleurs-de-lis vert; on a can-
lase. Crest, on a chapeau gu. turned up erm. ton of the last, a cross patonce or.
Wasell, or, three fleurs-de-lis gu. ; a chief tier,engr. counterchanged. Crest, a demi tal-
erm. bot the mouth an arrow gu.
ar. in
Wasey. Arms as 1st diet. Crest, two arms Waterton, erm. two bars gu. ; over all three
shooting an arrow from a bow, ppr. crescents of the second.
Washborne, ar. a fesse betw. six martlets, Waterton, as 1st in 1st diet. Crest, a goat's
gu - head, erased, or, collared gu.
Washe. See Wasse. Watervile. See Watevile.
Washington, [Leic. and Aldwicke-le- Street,
; Watervill, ar. three chev. gu. a bordure engr.
Yorks. Ancestors to the American Pat riot.,] . . . sa.

billettee ;on a bend three swans

. . . . . .
Watervill, gu. three fleurs-de-lis ar. ; on a chief
Washous. See Washouse, with Wasthouse, 1st az. another nebulee of the second.
diet. Watevile, or Watervile, [Essex,] ar. a chev.
Wasle, gu. a fesse erm. ; a label of three points gu. within a bordure engr. sa.
of the same. Watevile, or Watervile, ar. semee of cross cross

Wass, [Cornw.] ar. on a chev. gu. three be- lets gu. ; a fesse dancettee of the last.
zants. Watevill, or Waterville, gu. a fesse, indented,
Wass, barry of six, ar. and gu. ; on a canton of betw. thirteen crosslets, ar. seven and six.
the second, a mullet of the first. Watford, as 1st in 1st diet. Crest, two arms,
Wassborn, or, a cross, voided, az. in armour, embowed, holding a battle-axe.
Wasse, [Kirkhill, Yorks.] barry of six, ar. and Watker. ar. on a chev. sa. three garbs or.

gu. over all a lion ramp. sa. armed or, gorged

Watkin. Arms as Watkin, of Wales, 1st diet.
with a crown ar. ; on a canton of the second, a Crest, a cock's head ar. combed and wattled
mullet of the first. gu-
Wasse, or Washe, [Bucks.] as Wash, 1st diet. Watkins, [Yorks.] Arms and crest as in appen-
Wasseley, or Wasterley, ar. a cross patonce dix to 1st diet.
sa. Watkinson. Arms as 1st diet. Crest, a winged
Wastborne, ar. a cross, voided, az. sand-glass ppr.
Wastborne, barry of six, ar. and gu. ;
on a canton Watkyns, [Somers.] See Watkins, of Somers.
of the last, a mullet or. 1st diet.

Wasteley, ar. a cross crosslet sa. Watling, ar. six shields sa. Crest, out of a
Wastell, [N. amp. and Wastell-Head, Westm.]
; heart, a dexter hand grasping a sabre, all ppr.
See Wastall, 1st diet. Watman. See Whatman, 1st diet.
Wastell. See 2nd Wastall, 1st diet. Watmough, or Watmoughe, ar. three bunches
Wasterley. See Wasseley, before. of wheat vert. Crest, a ferret pass. sa. collared
Westley, ar. a cross botonnee sa. or, lined gu.
Wastoile, or Wastoyle, ar. on a cross sa. five Watsand, ar. a fesse gu.; in chief two crescents
escallops or. Crest, a hand holding a grenade of the last.
sa. fired ppr. Watsand, ar. a fesse gu. ; in chief a cross crosslet
Waston, [Scotland,] gu. a bend sinister ar. of the last.
charged with three crescents sa. Watson, [Hants.] Arms as 1st diet. Crest,
Wate, [Workman's MS.] as 2nd in 1st diet. on a chapeau gu. turned up erm. a dog, statant,
Water, ar. three saltiers gu. of the second, collared, ringed, and studded or.
Waterhouse, [Herts.] Arms as 5th in 1st [Borne by Dr. John Watson, Dean and after-
diet. Crest, a demi talbot erm. collared gu. wards Bishop of Winchester^]
eared sa. Watson, .,.a fesse erm. betw. three suns, in
Waterhouse, sa. on a cross engr. betw. four towers, splendour, or. [Borne by the Rev. William
ar. five spear-heads of the first. Crest, a demi Watson, Rector of Sutton Colefield Warwick.]
talbot erm. collared gu. eared sa. Watson, [Ireland, and Tobago.] Arms as 1st
Waterland, az. ten cinquefoils or.
[Borne by in 1st diet.
the late Dr. Theodore Waterland, Minister of Watson, [Ireland,] ar. on a chev. engr. az. betw.
St. Benet Fink, London, who died 1764, and three martlets sa. as many crescents of the first.
was buried there. Crest, a griffin pass. ar. with beak, ducal
Watern. See Watren, 1st diet. collar, and fore legs or.
ar. a tree growing
Waters, [Ireland,] ar. three magpies ppr. Watson, [Etheny, Scotland,]
Crest, an eagle, rising, reguard. ppr. out of a mount, in base, vert, surmounted of a
Waters, [Scotland,] quarterly, ar. and az. ;
a sal- fesse az.
Watson. Arms as of Silsden, Yorks. 1st. diet. Waugh. See Wauch.
Crest, a griffin's head, erased, ar. in the Waulkerne, ar. on a bendgu. three mullets, per
hill a flower gu. charged on the hreast with two pale, or and of the field.

chev. sa. Wautervill, ar. a fesse, indented, betw. fourteen

Watson, [Yorks.] Same arms. Crest, a griffin's crosslets, gu. nine and five.
head, erased, ar. ducally gorged or. Walton, ar. a chev. sa. Crest, a trefoil, slipped
Watson. Anns as of Lidington, Ruts. 1st. diet. and voided, sa.

Crest, a griffin's head, erased, ar. ; on the Waverley, ar. on an inescutcheon az. a label of
neck two chev. sa. ; in the mouth a hranch five points gu.
of roses gu. leaved vert. Wawhum, sa. three horses' heads, couped, ar.
Watson, per fesse, gu. and az. thee suns or. Wawton, gu. there garbs or, banded ar.
Watt, [ Edinburgh,] ar. an oak-tree growing Wawtorod, ar. a fesse sa. ; two mullets
in chief
out of a mount, in base, vert; in chief a human of the second.
eye, radiated, ppr. all within a bordure gu.
; Waxande, ar. a cross sa. betw. four crescents
Crest, a falcon ppr. hooded and belled or. gu.
Watt, [Scotland,] ar. a tree growing out of a mount, Way, az. on a canton or, an eagle displ. gu.
in base vert ; in chief three mullets gu. Crest Crest, an eagle displ. gu.
as the last. Wr
AYD, az. on a bend or, two roses gu. stalked
Watt, harry of six, or and sa.; a bordure gu. and leaved vert.

Crest, a talbot's head, erased, ar. collared Wave, sa. two bars, wreathed ar. and gu.
gu- Wayer, Waetor. See Waetor-Wayer, De.
>\ atterton, [Gosberkyrk, Line; and Walton, Wayland. Arms as 1st in 1st diet. Crest, two
Yorks.] harry of six, erm. and gu. over all ; hands, conjoined, in fesse, couped at the wrists,
three crescents sa. Crest, a beaver pass, hold- ppr.
ing in the mouth a fish, all ppr. (Another, an Waymouth, [Devons.] quarterly, or and gu. ; in
otter pass. ppr. in the mouth a fish ar.) the second and third, an eagle displ. of the first,
\A 'attes, ar. on a fesse vert, betw. three falcons' on a bend sa. three arrows, flighted, points up-
heads, erased sa. as many crosses moline of the wards ar. Crest, an armed arm, embowed,
first. ppr. the cuff paly of six, ar. and gu. in the
Watton, ar. a lion ramp. gu. ;
on a bend of the hand a sheaf of three arrows, also ppr. [Grant-
second, three cross crosslets fitchee of the ed 2nd July 1799, to Henry Waymouth, of
first. Parkers Well, in the Parish of St. Leonards,
Watts, [Hockwold. Norf. 1610.] Arms as 1st Devon, Esq. only surviving son of Samuel
diet. Crest, a lion's gamb, erased, gu. support- Waymouth, late of the City of Exeter, deceased.
ing a shield or. W AYNFLETE.
as 1st diet. Crest, a griffin's head,
Watts, ar. two bars az. in chief three pellets.
; erased, vert.
Crest, a sea-dog's head, couped, ar. Waynewright, ar. on a chev. az. a lion, ramp,

Watts, or, three bucks pass. az. betw. two fleurs-de-lis of the field. ( Another,
Wattys, erm. on a chief engr. gu. three billets within a bordure, engr. sa.) Crest, a lion, ramp,
or. ar. sustaining an ancient battle-axe, handle of
Watch, or, on a bend gu. betw. three leopards' the first, headed or.
heads of the second, as many dexter hands, Wyte, [Southampton, 1612; and Waytecourt,
clenched, ar. Crest, a garb, per pale, or and Isle of Wight.] Arms as 1st diet. Crest, a
ar. banded gu. bugle-horn, as in the arms.
Wauih, [Glenboy, Scotland,] az. a fesse betw. Wayte, [Lostwithiel,] ar. a chev. betw. three
two stars in chief, and a garb in base, or. salmons, haurient, ppr.
Wauch, or Waugh, or, a fesse sa. betw. a lion Weale, sa. a fesse erm. betw. three crosses moline
pass, guard, gu. in chief, and a crescent in base,
ar. Crest, a boar's head, erased and erect, az.
of the last. Crest, out of a ducal coronet, a Wear, az. a fesse erm. betw. three mullets in
dexter hand holding a sword, in pale, blade chief, and a crescent in base, or.
wavy, all ppr. Weare, or Wear, ar. on a bend vert, betw. six
Wauch, or Waugh, [Scotland.] az. a fesse betw. cross crosslets fitchee gu. three crosiers or.
three mullets, or. Crest, a greyhound, sejant, Crest, a stag, trippant, ppr.
sa. Weaslowe, erm. a chev. engr. sa.
Wavchope, [Keekmoor, Scotland,] az. a garb or; Weatherhall, or Weatherell, ar. two lions
in chief three mullets ar. pass, guard, sa. ;
a chief gu. Crest, a cup or.
4 C 2 ]
Weatherhead, or, a cinquefoil betw. two palets, Webster, [Ireland,] ar. a thistle vert, flowered gu.
gu. on a chief az. a fleur-de-lis inter two cres- Crest, out of a tower ar. a demi lion holding
cents, ar. Crest, a pelican ppr. betw. the paws a vase, sa.
Weatherhead, vert, a chev. or, betw. three rams, Webster, [Edinburgh, Scotland,] ar. a fesse gu.
trippant, ar. attired gold. Crest, a bull, pass, betw. three cross crosslets fitchee az. Crest,
sa. armed and unguled, or. the sun rising out of the sea, ppr.
Weatherly, .
., a lion, ramp. Crest, a horse, Webster, sa. a cross botonnee betw. four mullets,
statant. ar.

Weatherston, gu. a chev. or, betw. three lions' Webster, . . a bend wavy ; on a sinister canton a
paws, erased, statant, of the second. Crest, mullet.
a lion's head, erased, ppr. Weddell, [Leith, Scotland,] gu. on a chev. bre-
Weaver, barry of four, ar. and sa. ; on a chief of tessed, or, betw. three martlets ar. an eagle
the last a garb or. Crest, a ram's head, erased, displ. inter two escallops, sa. Crest, a horse's
ar. armed or. head ar.

Webb, [London.] Arms as 3rd in 1st diet. Weddell, gu. a cross, chequy, ar. and az. betw.
Crest, a stag, lodged, ar. four buckles of the second. Crest, a lion's
Webb, [Glouc. and Kent.] Arms as 18th in 1st head, erased, gu.
diet. Crest, a hind's head, erased, ppr. vulned Weddell, az. a saltier, betw. four buckles, or.
in the neck gu. Crest, a hawk, hooded and belled, or.
Webb, [Ireland,] gu. a cross ar. in the first quar- ; Weddell. See Waddel.
ter an eagle displ. of the second. Crest, a wolf, Wedderbourn. Arms and crest as of Bedford-
sejant, ppr. square, London.
Webb, [Saltash originally of Exeter,] or, a cross
; Wedderburn, [Easter-Pawrie, Scotland.] The
sa. ; in the dexter quarter, an eagle displ. of the same arms and crest.
second. Wedgewood, or Wegewood. Arms as 1st diet.
Webb. Arms
as of Clifford, 1st diet. Crest, a Crest, a buffalo's head, erased, sa.
demi stag, springing, ar. attired or. Wedgwood, gu. three mullets ar. ; a canton of
Webb, or, a cross wavy sa. ; in the first quarter, the last. Crest, out of two clouds, two hands
an eagle displ. gu. Crest, a demi eagle displ. conjoined, ppr.
ar. wings pellettee, ducally gorged gu. Wednisson, ar. on a bend, betw. six billets,

Webber, [Scotland,] ar. a chev. betw. three an- gu. three nuns' heads, couped, veiled of the
nulets, az. Crest, a hawk, jessed and belled, first.

ppr. Wedon, ar. two bars gu. ;

in chief three mart-
Webber, ar. on a chev. az. betw. three hurts, as lets sa.

many annulets of the first. Crest, a demi lion Weekes, paly of six, gu. and or ; on a chief az.
guard, or. holding a fleur-de-lis az. three eagles displ. ar.
Webbes, [Gillingham, Kent,] quarterly; first, gu. Weekes. See Wykes.
a fesse betw. three owls, or; second, ar. a fesse Weeks, per chev. gu. and sa. three annulets
betw. three lozenges, gu. ; third, erm. ; fourth, or. Crest, a dexter hand grasping a scimitar,
ar. Crest, a hand, couped at the elbow, hold- ppr.
ing an oak-branch, fructed and leaved, ppr. Weems, [Earl of Weems,] or, a lion ramp.
Webley. Arms as 2nd in 1st diet. Crest, an gu. armed and langued az. Crest, a swan
antelope, trippant, ppr. ppr.
Webster. Arms as last in 1st diet ; quartering, Weems, [of that Ilk.] Same arms and crest.
ar. a chev. betw. three roses gu. Crest, an Weems, [St. Andrew's Scotland.] Arms as of
eagle's head, erased. Supporters ; dexter, a Reiris, 1st diet, within a bordure, counter-
lion ramp, holding in the mouth a thistle ppr. componee, or and gu. Crest, a cross cross-
collared and chained sinister, a stag, hold-
. . . let or, within two branches of palm, in orle,

ing in the mouth a thistle, and collared and vert.

chained as the dexter. Motto, over the crest, Weeton. See Weedon, 1st diet.
In Deo spero. >
Weever, [Kingston and Prestime, Surrey,] or,
Webster, [East India.] The same arms, &c. as on a fesse, cottised, az. two garbs of the first.
of Edinburgh. Crest, an antelope pass. erm. supporting with
Webster, [Essex,] az. on a bend, betw. two the dexter foot an escutcheon or.
demi lions ramp. ar. a rose gu. seeded or, barbed Weever. See Wever.
vert, inter, as many boars' heads, couped, sa. Wegg, [Newcastle,] or, a fesse engr. sa. betw.
three annulets gu. Crest, an armed hand, Weller, per bend, az. and gu. Crest, a laurel-
gauntleted and clenched, ppr. branch, fructed, ppr.
Wegg, [Acton, Midd.] ar. a fesse engr. betw. Wellersham, [Suff.] or, (Another, ar.) on a fesse
three annulets, sa. Crest, a sinister gauntlet, az. three plates.

erect, ppr. fist clenched. Welles, lozengy, erm. and vert ; over all, a lion
Wegg, or, a fesse sa. betw. three annulets gu. ramp. gu.
Crest, a mullet vair. Welles, ar. three fountains, barry wavy of six, of
Wegerton, az. a catharine-wheel ar. Crest, the the first and az.
sun rising on a sunflower, ppr. Welles, az. a bend, counter-embattled, ar.
Welaborx, per fesse, gu. and ar. a bend wavy, ; Welles, paly of six, or and gu. ; on a canton ar. a
per fesse, or and of the first. mullet sa.

Weland, ar. a fesse sa. within a bordure gu. Welles. See Wells.
Welanse, or We
large, ar. on a bend sa. three II el/es,
De, or, a lion ramp,
queued, double
pheons of the first. sa. Crest, an ostrich's
wings head and
Welbeck, ar. on a chev. gu. betw. three lo- ar. ducally gorged gu. holding a horse-shoe
zenges (Another, mullets) sa. as many mart- az.
lets or. Wellesley. See Wellesby, 1st diet.
Welch, [Scotland,] ar. a saltier, betw. four an- Wellew, az. a fesse engr. betw. three escallops,
nulets, sa. a bordure gu.
; Crest, on three ar.

grieces, a long cross, az. Welley, [Houghton, Durham,] per pale, ermi-
Welch, or Welsh. Arms as 1st in 1st diet. nois and gu. three chev. counterchanged.
Crest, a demi wolf ramp. gu. Crest, out of a ducal coronet .... a rein-deer's
Welchmax, gyronny of eight, or and az. ; on head ....
each a roundle counterchanged. Crest, a dex- Wellisand. See Wellsand, 1st diet.
wing or. Wellisley. See Wellesby, 1st diet.
Weld, [Lane] az. a fesse wavy ar. betw. three Wells, ar. a chev. gu. cottised, az. betw. three
crescents erm. flames of fire ppr.. Crest, a lion ramp. gu.
Weldox, [Ireland,] as 1st diet. Crest, a cross sustaining a fire beacon, staff ppr. pan or, en-
moline ermine. flamed, also ppr.
Weldon, [Kent,] per fesse, gu. and ar. ; in chief Wells, or Welles. Arms as 8th in 1st diet.
a demi lion of the second, armed or, langued Crest, a well ppr.
az. Wells, [Granted 1838,] or, a lion ramp, double
Weldon, [Newcastle-on-Tyne.] Arms as 6th in queued, sa. on a chief gu. two annulets, inter-
1st diet. Crest, a demi lion ramp. ar. linked, ar. Crest, out of embattlements ppr. a
Weldon, ar. a fesse sa. within a bordure gu. demi lion ramp. sa.

platee. Wells, ar. a chev. az. betw. three bulls' heads,

Weldy, a chev. betw. three pine-apples, or.
sa. cabossed, gu.
Crest, a horse's head, issuant, gu. furnished Wellwood, [Garvock and Pitlever, Scotland,] ar.
with waggon harness or. out of a well gu. a tree growing, vert. Crest,
Welfare, ar. a fesse sa. double cottised az. the trunk of an oak, sprouting out branches,
Welfitt, per fesse,. or and gu. two bends, ppr.
invecked, betw. six birds, all counterchanged. Welly, gu. a bend or, betw. six crescents ar.
Crest, a buck's head, couped, charged on the Welxborn, per fesse gu. and ar. a bend wavy,

neck with two bends, as in the arms. per fesse, or and sa.
Welingtox, sa. a bend engr. cottised, ar. Welsh, [Mosfennan,] ar. on a saltier sa. betw.
Well, per pale, gu. and sa. a bend ar. four annulets or, a mullet of the field, within a
Welle, ar. two bars gu. in chief three tor-
; bordure engr. az. Crest, the trunk of an oak
teauxes. tree, with a hawk sitting on a branch, all ppr.
Welle, gu. a bend, gobonated, or and az. betw. Welsh, [Shadesley, Wore] ar. a fesse betw. six
six crescents ar. martlets sa. Crest, a griffins's head, erased, ar.
Wellexger. See Wallenger, 1st diet. Welsh. See Walsh, Walshe, and Welch.
Weller, [Kingsgate House, Rolvendon, Kent,] Welshe, [Glouc] gu. four bars gemelles ar.;
sa. two chev. betw. three roses, ar. Crest, over all a bend of the last.
a greyhound's head, erased, sa. holding in the Welshe, az. seven mullets or, three, one and three.
mouth a rose, slipped, gu. leaves vert. Motto, Welstead, [London,] a ar. saltier or, betw. four
Steady. roses gu. Crest, a hind pass. ar.
fVelstead, gu. a bend ai\; over all a cross cross- Westbrooke, sa. a fesse or, the upper part inden-
let fitchee sa. Crest, out of a mural coronet ted, betw. three fishes ar.
a dexter hand ppr. vested sa. holding a
or, Westbrooke, sa. a fesse, indented, or, betw. three
sword, blade wavy, of the second. fishes, naiant, in pale, ar.
Welston, per pale sa. and az. a bend componee Westbury, sa. a cross botonnee betw. four leo-
ar. and gu. pards' heads, or, within a bordure engr. ar.
Welwetham. See Welnetham, 1st diet. charged with eight torteauxes.
Welwood. The same as Wellwood, Westbury, or, a fesse componee, ar. and gu. ; in
Wenard. See Wenward. chief three piles az.
Wencelaugh, vert, four escallops or, the top of Westby. Arms as of Yorkshire, 1st diet. Crest,
each shell meeting in the centre. an elephant's head ppr.
Wendesley. See Wensley. Westby, vert, three garbs or.
Wendie. See Wendy, 1st. diet. Westcope, and Westcott. See Wescot.
Wendout, as Wendout, 1st diet. Wescote. Arms as 1st in 1st diet, Crest, a
Wenington. Arms as 1st diet. Crest, a still ar. Moor's head, couped ppr. wreathed about the
Wentlas, barry of eight, erm. and or. templesar. and sa.

Wentworth, [Bretton, Yorks. Created a Bart, Westcott. See Wescot.

27th Sept. 1664.] sa. a chev. betw. three Westeney, sa. three palets or.
leopard's faces, or. Crest, a griffin pass, with Westenra, [Ireland,] as 1st in 1st diet.

wings endorsed, ar. Westerdale. Arms as 1st in 1st diet. Crest,

\Y inward, or Wenard, as 1st diet, with two anchors, in saltier, ppr.
Wenard. Crest, a mullet, pierced, gu. WESTLAKE,[Kirkhampton,]az. three bars wavy ar.
Werche. See Werch, 1st diet. Westlake, [Plymouth,] sa. a fesse or. betw. five
Werden, [Chelmeston, Ches. Leyland, Lane; ; owls, three in chief, and two in base, ar.
and Westminster,] Arms as 1st diet, Crest, Westle, or West, ar. a cross, couped, sa. ringed
a horse's head, betw. two wings, endorsed, or. at the ends, of the last.

IVerden, [Ches.] The same arms. Crest, a Westlemore, ar. on a bend az. three annulets or.
pegassus'sheadgu. betw. two wings, endorsed, or. Crest, a tent ar. flagged and garnished gu.
Werdon, as 2nd and 3rd Werden, 1st diet. Y\ estles, ar. a chev. betw. three crosslets fitchee

Were. Arms as 1st diet, Crest, a dexter sa. and five delves

arm holding up a gem -ring, ppr. stoned gu. Westmore, [Middleton and Preston, Lane] sa.

Wekiet, as Werit, 1st, diet, a lion pass, guard, or; on a chief of the last,

Weriet, or Veriet. See Werit, 1st diet. three lozenges of the first Crest, a lion pass.
Werkesley, ar. a chief gu. Crest, a wivern az. guard.. .

sting and ears or. Westmoreland, ar. a cross gu; in chief three
Werley. See Warley, both diets. escallops counterchanged. Crest, a fox sejant,
Wescomb, [Somers.] See Westcomb, 1st diet, or.

Wescot, or Westcott, [Raddon, Devons. and ; Weston, [Ireland,] per pale, or and gu. a chev.
Warw.] ar. a bend, eottised, sa. within a bor- counterchanged.
dure engr. gu. bezantee. Weston, [Earls of Portland,] or, an eagle displ.
Wescot, or Westcope, ar. a fesse betw. three reguard. sa. Crest, an eagle, rising, reguard.
covered cups, gu. Crest, two hands, issuing sa. beaked and membered or. Motto, Craignez

from clouds, conjoined, in fesse, ppr. horde.

Wescot, or Westcope, ar. a fesse gu. ; in chief Weston, per saltier, ar. and sa. in chief; and in
three covered cups of the second. base a cross pattee of the second.
Wesenham, [Norf.] sa. a fesse dancettee ar. betw. Westropp, ar. three legs, in armour, couped at
three mullets, pierced, of the last. the thigh, flexed at the knee, az. spurs or.
Weshbourne, ar. on a fesse, betw, six martlets, Crest, a dragon's head gu.
gu. three quartrefoils, slipped, bendways, of the Wetesham, gu. two bars ar. ; in chief three
first, crescents of the second.
Wesley, ar. a cross sa. in each quarter three es- Wetesham. See Wctsham, 1st diet.
callops of the last. Crest, a wivern ppr. YYhtherby. See Whetherby.
Wessell, gu. three fleurs-de-lis or; a chief erm. Wetherton, or Whetarton. Arms as 1st in

West, quarterly, indented, az. and gu. a bend ar. ;

1st diet Crest, a lion's head, erased,. .

West, sa. a chev. betw. three crescents, erm. Wetherton, or Wheterton. Arms as 2nd in 1st
West. See Westle. diet, Crest, a lion's paw ppr.
Wettyn, or Wetyng, gu. senile of trefoils or; Wharton, [Wingate Grange and Offerton.
three round buckles of thi> last. Crest, a lion's Durham originally of Kirby, Westm. Entered

head, erased, or. vomiting live ppr. 1615,] quarterly first and fourth, sa. a maunch

Wever, [Bucks.] as 2nd in 1st diet. ar. ; second and third, ar. two bars gu. on a
Wever. Arms as of Cheshire, 1st diet. Crest, a canton a cross or. Crest, as 2nd in 1st diet.
garb, in fesse, or. Wharton, [Old Park, Durham,] sa. a maunch ar. ;

Wever, or Weever, [Temhill, Salop.] ar. two bars a canton or in chief a trefoil.

sa. on a canton of the last, a garb of the first.

; Wharton, [Bicester, Oxon.] Arms and first
ver, sa. two bars ar.
i in chief a garb or.
; crest of Westm.
H ever, sa. two bars ar. ; on a canton gu. a garb or. Wharton, [Kirby-Thore, Westm.] sa, a maunch
U veer, sa. two bars ar. on a canton of the first,
ar. a canton or.
; Crest, a bull's head, erased,
a garb or. ar. armed or.
W eykes, ar. on a pale, cottised, sa. three grey- Wharton, sa. a maunch ar. Crest, a bull's head,
hound's heads, erased, or, collared gu. Crest, erased, per pale, ar. and sa. ducally gorged, per
a greyhound's head, erased, or, gorged with a pale, gu. and of the first.
bar gemel gu. ; in the mouth a man's leg, couped Whately, quarterly ; first and fourth, ar. on a
above the knee, ar. chief gu. three garbs. . ; second and third, or,
Weyland, ar. on a cross gu. five escallops or. on a fesse dancettee az. three etoiles of the
(Another, of the first.) field ; on a canton of the second, the sun in

Whabe, per fesse, ar. and gu. a pale counter- splendour, ppr. Crest, a stag's head ppr.
changed, three chaplets of the second. Whatley. Arms as 1st diet. Crest, a garb,
Whale, or, a bend gu. and canton sa. Crest, a erect, betw. two others, one leaning to the
lion ramp, per fesse, gu. and ar. dexter, and the other to the sinister or.
Whale, az. in base a dove, wings displ. ar. ; Whatley. See Wheatley.
beaked, and membered, ppr. standing upon a Whatman. See Watman.
serpent nowed, of the last ; on a chief, em- Wheat, or Wheate, [Glympton, Oxon. Created
battled, erminois, a silver medal of Waterloo, a Bart. 6 May, 1696 ; since of Lechdale,
pendent from a crimson ribbon, edged blue, Glouc.] See 1st diet.
betw. two horses' heads, erased, sa. bridled Wheate. See W'heat, 1st diet.

or, under the medal the word '"Waterloo," in- Wheathill. Arms as 1st in 1st diet. Crest, a
scribed in black letters. Crest, two swords, in sword and ear of wheat, bladed vert, in saltier.
saltier, ppr. points upwards, passing through a Wheathill, per fesse, or and az. a pale counter-
mural coronet or, therefrom pendent a ribbon changed, three lions ramp, of the first. Crest,
and medal, as in the arms. Motto, In media two arms az. holding a wheat-sheaf or, hands
anna tuirnus. [Bourne by Sir John Whale, ppr.
Knighted by the Marquis of Anglesey, when Wheatley, or Wheatly, or Whetly, as 3rd
Lord Lieutenant of Ireland.] Wheatly, in 1st dict.- Crest, on a rock, a
\\ BALEsborne, or, three trefoils, slipped, sa. 4 fire beacon ppr.
" "
within a bordure engr. gu. Wheeler, [Ireland,] per bend, az. and gu. two
W Haley, ar. a cross sa. Crest, two anchors, in crescents or. Crest, a rose-branch ppr. flowered
saltier, az. gu.
Whalisborne, or, three trefoils, slipped, sa. Wheeler, [Tottenham, Midd.] Arms as of
within a bordure engr. gu. Otterden, in appendix, to 1st diet Crest, out
Whalisburgh, as Whalesburgh, 1st diet. of a mural crown or, a griffin's head, issuant, ar.
WhaMsburgh, ar. three bends gu. within a bordure Wheeler, [Otterden, Kent.] Arms as in appendix
of the second, bezantee. to 1st diet. Crest, out of a mural crown or, a
\\ h alley, ar. three whales' heads, erased and griffin's head ar.

erect, or, (Another, sa.) Wheeler, per bend, gu. and az. a fish- wheel or; on
Whannell, [Ayrshire, Scotland. Granted Ath a chief ar. a wolf's head, erased, sa. betw. two
a lion ramp. sa. armed and
Aug. 177*.] or, pellets.
langued gu. betw. three crescents of the last ; Wheldale, az. a saltier ar. betw. four crescents,
all within the royal tressure of the second. each facing the centre, or. Crest, an open
Crest, a dove, with an olive-branch in its beak, book ppr.
ppr. Wheler, or, a camel sa. betw. three half-wheels
\\ haplod, per lesse, ar. and gu. a pale counter- az; on a chief of the third, a wheel ar. betw.
changed, three chaplets of the second. two bezants. Crest, a camel's head, erased az.
Wilder. See Wheeler, sod. Whelyr, 1st diet. Whistelford, quarterly first and fourth, per

Whelling, [Ireland,] ar. a bend betw. six bend indented, or and az. second and third,

mullets, gu. Crest, a cross crosslet ar. sur- per fesse, az. and or, three annulets counter-
mounted by a sword in bend sinister, ppr. changed.
Whelpdale, as 4th in 1st diet. Crest, a hand Whistew, sa. three rams' heads, couped, ar.
holding a hawk's leure, ppr. Whistler. Arms as 1st diet. Crest, a harp or,
Whelpedall, ar. a chev. betw. three greyhounds, stringed sa.

current, sa. Whistormead, or Whiztozmead, ar. a chev.

Whelsham. See Whetisham. betw. three lapwings, sa.
Whembish. Same arms as Whembeche, 1st diet. Whit, ar. three mascles sa.
Wherton, on a chief or, a demi lion ramp. Whitaker, [Lysson House, Heref.] sa. a fesse
issuant, erm. betw. three mascles, ar. Crest, a horse pass,
Whetarton. See Wetherton, 1st diet. ar.

Whetcrofte, [Suff.] sa. a bend raguly ar. betw. Whitaker. The same arms. Crest, a tent gu.
two garbs or. Crest, a garb or, charged with a garnished or, pennon az.
martlet sa. Whitbread, [London,] ar. a chev. betw. three
Wheterton. See Wetherton. foxes' heads, erased, gu. Crest, a fox's head,
Whetham. Arms as 1st diet. Crest, an eagle couped, gu.
displ. sa.
Whitbread. Arms as Whitbred, of Writtle, 1st
Whetherby, or Wetherby, vert, a chev. erm. diet. Crest, a water-bouget az.
betw. three rams or. Whitby. Arms as 1st in 1st diet. Crest, a tal-
Whetisham, or Whelsham, ar. a cross sa. ;
in bot's head, erased, collared and lined, or.
the first quarter, a mullet gu. Whitched, az. a fesse ar. betw. three fleurs-de-
Whetley, ar. and gu.
sa. a lion ramp, bendy, lis or.

Whetnall, [Hextall Court, Kent,] vert, a bend Whitcote, and Whitcott, [Line] (by mistake,
erm. in 1st diet, called Whitcole.) The same as
Whetnall, vert a saltier erm. Crest, out of a cup Whichcott, Harpeswell, before.
or, a nosegay of flowers ppr. White, [Isle of Wight and Hants.] Arms as
Whetnall. See Wetnall, 1st diet. of Brigcourt, Nordian, and Winchelsea, in 1st
Whetnell, vert, a cross engr. ar. diet. Crest, a talbot pass, or, collared, and
Whetonhall, [Richmond, Yorks.] See Whe- line reflexed over the back, the end tied in a
tonhale, 1st diet. knot.
Whetonhall, as 1st Whetonhale, 1st diet. White. Arms as 5th in 1st diet. Crest, a stork,
Whetstone. Arms as of Essex, 1st diet. Crest, resting the dexter claw on an hour-glass, erect,
a bugle-horn sa. stringed or. ppr.
Whettenhall, vert, a bend erm. within a bor- White. Arms as 4th in 1st diet. Crest, an
dure engr. gu. charged with eight bezants. eagle preying on a pea-hen, both ppr.
Wheywell, ar. on a bend sa. three satyrs' heads, White, [South Wainborough, Hants. ; and of
couped at the neck, of the first, horned or. Oakingham,] ar. a chev. gu. betw. three popin-
Whichcott, [Harpeswell, Line] Arms as Bart, jays vert, ringed about the neck of the second,
1st diet. Crest, a boar's head, erased, in pale, within a bordure az. charged with eight be-
gu. langued ar. armed or. zants.
Whicker, or, a fesse gu. ; in chief three crosses White, [Ireland.] Arms and crest as the 1st of
pattee fitchee of the second. Crest, a lion Ireland, the field vert.
ramp, holding a cross pattee fitchee, or. White, [Ireland,] gu. an annulet ar. within a
Whiet. See White. bordure sa. charged with eight etoiles or ;

Whight, sa. a fesse vair, betw. three leopards' on a canton erm. a lion ramp, of the se-
heads or. Crest, out of a ducal coronet or, a cond. Crest, an ostrich ar. beaked and legged,
dragon's head vert. or.

Whight, gu. a chev. betw. three goats' heads, era- White, [Ireland,] ar. a chev. gu.
sed, ar. armed or. White. Arms as 27th in 1st diet. Crest, a wolf,
Whight. See White, 1st diet. sejant, ppr.
Whinfield, barry of ten, ar. and gu. Crest, a White, [Bankhead, Scotland,] ar. a martlet betw.

horse's head, couped, gu. furnished or. three quatrefoils, sa. ; on a chief gu. as many
Whishaw, or, a bend, chequy gu. and ar. Crest, quatrefoils
or. Crest, a martlet sa.
an eagle's head, couped, per fesse, sa. and or. White, [Markle, Scotland,] ar. an eagle, volant,
betw. three quatrefoils sa. ;
on a chief of the Whitehouse, gu. on a bend ar. two greyhounds
last, as many quatrefoils of the first. Crest, a pass. sa. Crest, a lion's paw, erect and erased,
chevalier on horseback, holding in the right ppr.
hand a sword, fesseways, Whitehurst, ar. a lion's head, erased, gu. ; on
White, vert, three roses ar. barbed and seeded a chief of the last, three bendlets of the first.
.... Crest, a lion's head, erased .... Crest, betw. two palm-branches vert, a cross
White, [Essex,] ar. a chev. gu. betw. three cor- crosslet fitchee sa.
nish choughs ppr. within a bordure az. bezan- Whitelaw, [of that Ilk,] sa. a chev. or, betw.
tee of eight. Crest, a cornish chough ppr. three boars' heads, couped, ar. Crest, a bee,
[Borne btj Richard Meredith White, Esq. of erect, ppr.
Highfields, Great Coggeshall, 1*33. Whiteley. See Witley.
White, ar. a martlet betw. three cinquefoils sa. Whitelock, az. a chev. engr. betw. three birds,
on a chief az. as many garbs or. or. Crest, a dexter hand holding a dagger
White, az. a cross, per cross, erm. and or, coun- PP 1 '-

terchanged, charged with a fret enclosed by Whitelocke. Arms as of Berks. 1st diet.
four lozenges, gu. betw. as many falcons ar. Crest, a cross crosslet fitchee sa. betw. two
belled of the third. Crest, out of a ducal swords, in saltier, ppr.
coronet, per pale, or and gu. a camel's head az. Whiteman. Arms as 1st diet. Crest, a tower
eared gold, on the neck a wreath of the first gu. masoned or.
and second. Whitenhall, bend erm. Crest, a cres-
vert, a
hite, ar. on a chev. gu. betw. three popinjays cent gu. charged with three bezants ; betw. as
vert, beaked, legged, and collared of the many points of the crescent, a garb or.
second, a crescent ar. within a bordure gu. Whiteway, [Ireland,] ar. a chev. betw. three
bezantee. Crest, a popinjay's head vert, betw. lions' paws, erased, fesseways, sa. Crest, a
two wings, the dexter or, the sinister ar. hold- hand holding a sword, ppr.
ing in the beak a rose-branch ppr. Whitewell, gu. a chev. betw. three well-buckets,
White, gu. on a canton ar. a lion ramp. sa. all ;
within a bordure of the last, charged with eight Whitfield, gyronny of eight, ar. and or, three
etoiles or. garbs gu. Crest, an anchor az. entwined by a
If hite, gu. a chev. betw. two goats' heads, erased, serpent or.
ar. each charged with an escallop az. in chief, Whitford, ar. on a bend, cottised, sa. three
and a ship in base, or. garbs or. Crest, a cross Calvary, on three
White, ar. a chev. betw. three wolves' heads, degrees, or.
erased, sa. Whitford, [Scotland.] Arms as 1st in 1st diet.
If hite, sa. on a chev. erm. betw. three flagons Crest, on a garb or, a dove ar. beaked
with spouts ar. as many martlets gu. gu.
White, gu. on a bordure sa. eight mullets or; on Whitgrave, az. on a cross, quarterly, pierced, or,
a canton erm. a lion ramp, of the first. four chev. gu.
White, ar. a lion, salient, gu. ;
in chief three Whitgreave, az. on a cross, quarterly, pierced,
mullets sa. or, four chev. gu. in the first quarter, a trefoil
White, per chev. sa. and ar. three boars' heads, ar. on a chief of honourable augmentation, ar.

counterchanged, armed or. a garden rose, in profile, ppr. encircled with

White, or Whiet, gu. a chev. betw. three bears' glory, enclosed by a wreath of oak, leaves vert,
heads, couped, ar. muzzled gu. within a bordure acorned, or. Crest of augmentation, out of a
engr. of the second. ducal coronet or, a sceptre, erect, of the last,
\\ HiTEACRE, sa. three lozenges ar. betw. a rose- branch issuant from the dexter
Whitefield. See Whitfield, 1st diet. side, and an oak -branch from the sinister,
Whitefoord, [Blairquhan, Scotland,] ar. a bend crossed in saltier, ppr. acorned, or ; second
betw. two cottises, sa. ; a garb, in chief, of the crest, for Whitgreave, out of a ducal coronet
last. Crest, a pigeon on the top of a garb, ppr. gu. a demi antelope, salient, or, charged on
the breast with a trefoil vert.
Whitefoord, [Bishop of Brechin,] ar. on a bend (Granted
betw. two cottises, sa. accompanied with two 1838.)
garbs gu. three crosses pattee of the first. Whithede, az. a chev. betw. three bugle-horns
Crest, a garb gu. banded or. ar.
Whitehead. Arms as 1st in 1st diet. Crest, a WhithorsEj per chev. ar. and gu. a chev. per
cross crosslet gu. chev, counterchanged.
Whithull, ar. in chief three mullets, pierced, betw. three roses gu. on a chief of the second,

sa. as many lions'

gambs, fixed to dragons' sinister
Whiting, az. a leopard's head or, betw. two wings, sa. all within a bordure gobony, of the

flaunches erm. in chief three plates of the last. third and purp. Crest, a dragon's head sa.
Crest, a demi eagle, with two heads, displ. bezantee, issuing out of a rose gu. in the mouth ;

ppr. an arrow ar. the point in chief, guttee de sang.

Whitingham, ar. a fesse vert; over all a lion Whittington, sa. a cross engr. ar. betw. four pome-
ramp. gu. granates, slipped, or.
Whitlebury, [Warw.] barry of four, az. and ar.; Whittington, gu. a fesse componee, az. and or ;

on a chief of the second, three hurts. in chief an annulet of the third.

Whitleigh. See Whitley. Whittle, az. a lion ramp. or. Crest, a bear's
Whitley, or Whitleigh, [Cornw. and Devons.] head and neck sa. muzzled gu.
ar. on a bend az. three bezants. Whittlebury, barry of four, az. and ar. a bor-
Whitlock. Arms as 1st in 1st diet. Crest, a dure or on a chief of the second, a crescent gu.

cross pattee betw. two wings, gu. betw. two hurts. Crest, a fountain of water,
Whitmor, vert, a fret or. playing, ppr.
Whitmore, [ Ridgwardine, Shrops.] The same Whitton, paly of four, ar. and sa. three eagles
arms and crest as Whitmore of Hatherton, and displ.counterchanged.
Thurstaston, Ches. in 1st diet. Whitton, as 2nd in 1st diet. Crest, a ship in

Whitmore, ar. a chief az. a mullet ;

or. full sail, in a sea, ppr.
Whitney, [Ireland,] vert, a cross engr. ar. Whitwell, [Staffs.] in 1st diet, the fesse, chequy,
Crest, a Roman soldier's head and helmet, or and sa.

PP r - Whitwell. Same arms. Crest, a lion's head,

Whitney. Arms as 6th in 1st diet. Crest, a erased, or.
bull's head, couped, sa. armed ar. the points Whitwong, ar. a chev, az. betw. three lions'

gu. gambs, erect and erased, gu. on a chief ; sa.

Whitney, a cross componee, or and gu.

ar. three open bowls or. Crest, a hedgehog or,
Crest, as the last. bristled sa.
Whitney, ar. a lion ramp. sa. ; on a chief of the Whizt, ar. a chev. gu.
last, three mullets ar. Whiztozmead. See Whistormead.
Whitson, [ Scotland, ]
ar. a lion ramp. sa. Whorwood. Arms as 2nd in 1st diet. Crest,
Crest, an arm, embowed, in armour, ppr. hold- out of a tower, a demi griffin ppr.
ing a tilting-spear, broken in the middle, or, Whydon, [Chagford, Devons. Granted 12 Nov.
ribbons waving at the top gu. 1564,] ar. a chev. betw. three pheons, gu.
Whittaker, sa. three mascles ar. Crest, out of a ducal coronet ar. a demi swan sa.
Whittaker, [Shafton, Dors. and Wilts.] The
; wings expanded, or, beaked of the last.
same arms and crest as Whitson, above. Whyt, [Scotland,] ar. a martlet betw. three qua-
Whittaker, [ Banning Place, near Maidstone, trefoils, sa. ; on a chief of the last, as many
Kent.] See 1st diet, the mascles ar. the crest quatrefoils of the first. Crest, a boar's head
or. issuing out of the wreath, ppr.
Whitte, gu. five annulets or ; a canton erm. Whyte, vert, three roses ar. Crest, a lion's
Whitteley, az. on a bend or, three torteauxes ; head, couped, gu.
in the sinister chief, a crescent of the second. Whyte. The same arms as JVite, London, 1634,
Crest, three garbs gu. banded or. 1st diet.

Whitteley. See Whitley. Whyting, per saltier, erm. and az. in the fesse
Whittingham, [Holmside, Durham,] quarterly ; point, a leopard's head or ; in chief three plates.
first and fourth, ar. a fesse az. over all a lion ; Crest, a bear's head . . .

ramp. gu. second and third, or, on a bend gu.

; Whytock, [Scotland,] or, guttee de poix, a fesse
betw. two pellets, three bars of the first. sa. Crest, a dexter hand holding a pen.
Crest, a cubit arm, erect, ppr. habited ar. cuff Whytt, [Bonochie, Fifeshire,] ar. an allerion
az. holding an open book of the second, edges betw. three quatrefoils. sa. ; on a chief of the
of the leaves and clasps or. second, as many quatrefoils of the first.
Whittingham. See Whitingham, 1st. diet. Crests, first, a dexter arm, embowed, holding
Whittington, as 2nd in 1st diet Crest, a dove a wreath of laurel, ppr. Motto, Virtute parta.
and olive-branch ppr. Second crest, a dexter hand, erect, holding a
Whittington, ar. a fesse componee, or and az. heart, ppr. Motto, Candidiora pectora.
VV'ichalfe, and Whichaple. See Whichlaffe, Wiggins, gu. three muDets ar.; a chief or.
1st diet. Crest, a spur or, betw. two wings ppr.
WlCHEHALFE, per pale, ar. and sa. six crescents Wigglesworth, gu. three double arches, con-
counterchanged. joined, masoned, and embattled at the top, ar.
Wickendbn, az. three chev. interlaced, in base, capitals and bases or. Crest, a demi man in
or. Crest, a dexter hand holding a cross cross- armour, the head uncovered, all ppr. sustaining ;

let fitchee, az. on the dexter arm, an escutcheon gu. charged

Wickens, per chev. vert and or; on a chev. with a leopard's face or.
another coupee, betw. three trefoils, slipped ; Wiggon, ar. a fesse az. voided, invecked of the
all counterchanged. Crest, betw. two trees field ; in chief a martlet sa. Crest, a martlet
vert, fructed or, a talbot, current, ar. spotted ppr.
sa. Wight. Arms as 1st diet.- -Crest, an acorn or.
ickes, [Ciiest or Guist, and Aylsham, Norfolk,] stalked and leaved vert.
paly of six, or and gu. on a chief az. three " ight, [Scotland,] gu. a chev. betw. three boars'
eaglets, double necked, displayed, of the first. heads, couped, ar. Crest, a dexter hand, hold-
W ickham, ar. five mullets, pierced, in cross, sa. ing a dagger, point downwards.
Crest, a bull's head, couped sa. armed or, Wightman, [Scotland,] per fesse, ar. and sa. a
gorged on the neck, with two bars of the last. maunch counterchanged. a demi Sa-
/I ickham, erm. a bordure
engr. gu. charged with vage, wreathed round the head and middle with
an orle of etoiles or. Crest, on a tower sa. a leaves, and holding over the dexter shoulder a
martlet, volant, or. club, ppr.
Wickliff, or Wycliff, ar. on a chev. sa. betw. Wigmore. Arms as of Sholden, 1st diet. Crest,
three cross crosslets gu. five buck's heads, ca- an esquire's helmet, az. garnished or.
bossed, of the first. Wignall. See Wydnell, 1st diet.
>\ ickliffe, as 6th in 1st diet. Crest, an anchor Wigott, gu. a cross, quarterly pierced or, betw.
and cable ppr. four escallops ar. ; in the centre an escallop of
\\ icks,
[Staines, Co. Middx.] erm. on a fesse gu. the last. Crest, a griffin's head or, winged gu.
three cross crosslets, fitchee or. on each wing an escallop ar.
Hicks, sa. a chev. betw. three garbs, or. Crest, Wigston, per chev. erm. and ermines, a chev. per
on a chapeau a garb, ppr. chev. sa. and ar. on the first three etoiles or.

Wickstead, ar. on a bend az. betw. two cornish Crest, a lion's head, erased, per pale, gu. and
choughs sa. three garbs or. Crest, two anchors, az. guttee d'or.
in saltier, sa. See 1st
Wigston, or Wigton. diet.
WiDDiuNGTON. [Monkwearmouth, Durham,] quar- Wigton. Arms as of Leicestershire, 1st diet.
terly, ar. and gu. over all a bend sa. with due
; Crest, a stag's head, in the mouth an adder, all
Widdrington, [Line, and Swinburne and Widd- Wigton, [Scotland,] ar. an oak-tree vert, and
rington, N.umb.] as Widdingtonox Withering- chief sa.
ton, 1st diet. Wigton, or, three boars pass, within a bordure
Widdrington, [N.umb. Created a Bart, by engr. sa.
Charles I. and Baron Widdrington, 1643.] Wigton, sa. three mullets of six points, within a
quarterly, ar. and gu. a bend sa. bordure engr. or.
WlDERINGTON Of WlTHERINGTON, as 1st in 1st Wigton. See Wickton, 1st diet.
diet. \\
ike, ar. three chev. sa. ;
a fleur-de-lis of the
Wideringtan, or Witherington, as 2nd in 1st diet. same.
W idout. See Wident, 1st diet. Wikes. Arms as 4th in 1st diet. Crest, a demi
W idville, ar. a fesse gu. and a canton of the last. lion ramp, holding in the dexter paw a scimitar
Crest, a demi man, in armour, ppr. bran- PP r -

dishing a scimitar. Wilberfosse, ar. an eagle displ. sa. armed gu.

Widvill, ami WlDVlLLE. The same arms. Wilbery, ar. a fesse, counter-embattled, sa. betw.
ifolde, per chev. crenellee, ar. and gu. three three quatrefoils gu.
lionsramp, counterchanged. Wii.be y, sa. a fesse dancettee betw. three escal-
\S igamey. See Wigmey, 1st diet lops, ar.
W cgeton. See Wickton, 1st. diet. Wii.bornham, ar. three bendlets wavy az.
\\ iggeton, sa. three mullets or, within a bordure WiLBRAHAM, [Delamere Lodge, Townsend, and
of the la?-t.
Woodhey, Ches.] Ancient arms, ar. three
bends wavy az. modern, az. two bars ar.
; ; Sept. 1615,] az. a fesse erminois, betw. three
on a canton of the first, a wolf's head, erased, unicorns pass. ar. Crest, as 6th in 1st
of the last. Crest, a wolf's head, erased, diet.
ar. Wilkinson, [Harperley, Durham.] Same arms,
Wilbury, sa. three lions ramp. ar. semee of cross with an escutcheon of pretence, per fesse em-
crosslets fitchee or. battled, az. and gu.; three suns or, for Pearson.
Wilby, ar. a chev. sa. Crest, a garland of Crest, as the last.
laurel, suspended on the point of a sword, Wilkinsoti, [Ireland,] or, a fesse gu. betw. three
all ppr. martlets sa. Crest, a fire-beacon, inflamed,
Wilcocke, [Lord of Mowthy, Wales,] or, a lion ppr.
ramp. gu. within a bordure engr. sa. H ilkinson, [Scotland,] gu. a fesse vair, betw.
Wilcocks, az. an eagle displ. ar. armed or. three unicorns ar. Crest, a demi talbot,
Wilcots, az. an eagle displ. ar. armed, and ar.

gorged with a ducal coronet or. Willan. See William, 1st diet.
Wilcotts, sa. an eagle displ. ar. Crest, a demi Willans, [Yorks.] gu. on a bend ar. three mul-
eagle, with wings displ. ar. beaked sa, lets az. ;
in chief a bezant. Crest, a grif-
Wilcotts, az. an eagle displ. ar. fin's head, with wings expanded, ppr. collared,
Wilcox, erm. a chief, chequy, or and gu. Crest, or.
on a mount, a dove, ppr. Willason, sa. a chev. betw. three lions ramp,
Wildbore. Arms as 1st in 1st diet. Crest, a or.

sanglier sa. bristled or. Willcocks. Arms as last with Wilcocks, in 1st
Wildenstein, gu. an eagle's leg, erased, in pale, diet. Crest, a fleur-de-lis az.
with a wing conjoined and elevated, sa. Wille, ar. three chev. gu. within a bordure engr.
Wilding. Arms as 1st diet. Crest, an oak-tree sa.

ppr. Willeigh, or Willeley, az. fretty or ; a canton

Wiles. Arms as Crest, a sheaf
1st diet. of the last. Crest, a salmon, naiant, az.
of arrows gu. pointed az. feathered and banded Willemescot, or, three bars az. a lion ramp. gu.
or. crowned or.
Wiley, as 2nd in 1st diet. Crest, a rose-bush Willes, or Willis. See 1st diet. [Borne by
vert, bearing roses ar. John Willes, Esq. (not Willis) of Hungerford
Wilfoord, [Wore.] gu. a chev. engr. betw. three Park, who died 1837.]
leopards' faces, ar. Crest, a stag's head gorged Willet, or Willett. Arms as 1st diet. Crest,
with a laurel crown out of a ducal coronet, a plume of ostrich's fea-
Wilford. Arms as 2nd in 1st diet; the chev. thers ppr.
engr. Willey, erm. on two bars vert, three mart-
Wilgos. See Wildgoose, 1st diet. lets or.
Wilkes. Arms as 3rd in 1st diet. Crest, a holly- Willey. See Wiley, 1st diet.
branch vert. Willford. See Willesford, 1st diet.
Wilkie. Arms as 1st in 1st diet. Crest, a prim- Williams, [Wales,] per pale, indented, az. and
rose ppr. sa. three fleurs-de-lis, two and one, ar. and
Wilkie, [Scotland,] ar. a fesse, wreathed az. and three crosslets, one and two, or.
gu. betw. a crescent in chief, and a cinquefoil Williams, [Guernevet, Brecon. Created a Bart.
in base, of the second. 4th May, 1644 also of Goldingstons and Sar-

Wilkinson, [Bishopwearmouth, Durham,] quar- ret, Herts. Clifford, Hei'ef.

and Islington, ;

terly ; first and fourth, gu. a chev. vaire, or Midd.] Arms as of Sarret, &c. in 1st diet.
and az. betw. three whelks of the second, for Crest, a cock, as in the arms.
Wilkinson ; second and third, gu. a lion ramp, Williams, [Wales,] or, on a fesse, betw. three ra-
erminois, for State ; impaling quarterly first ; vens, ppr. as many crescents of the field in ;

and fourth, ar. a chev. erm. betw. three griffins' chief a spear's head of the second.
heads, couped, for Pemberton; second and third, Williams, [Eltbam, Kent. Created a Bart. 2nd
gu. three oak-trees ar. for Anderson. Crest, a Nov. 1674 and of Guernevet, Brecknockshire,]

demi talbot sa. eared erm. charged with three ar. a stag, trippant, ppr. hoofed and attired or ;

billets or, two and one, holding in his feet a betw. the attires, a royal crown ppr. being an
branch vert, thereon three daisies ar. seeded of augmentation granted by King John. Crest, a
the third. tower ar. and out of its battlements, an arm,
Wilkinson, [Harpley and Kyo, Durham. Granted embowed, in mail, holding in the hand ppr. a

broken lance, the point downwards, and gut tee Willmott, a fesse gu. betw. three griffins'
de sang. heads Crest, a dexter hand holding a palm-
// illiams, ar. a lion ramp, vert, billettee of the branch, ppr.
field. W r
iLLOuonBY. Arms quarterly ; first and fourth,
II illiams, a greyhound, current, sa. betw.
ar. sa. a cross engr. or ; second and third, gu. a
three birds of the second, legged gu. within a cross moline ar. ; all within a bordure gobony,
bordure of the charged with crosses pattee
last, of the last and third. Crest, the bust of a man,
and acorns, Crest, on an arm, vested ar. a
couped at the shoulders, and affrontee, ppr. du-
cross pattee az. betw. four bezants, cuffed sa.
cally crowned or.
holding in the hand ppr. an oak-branch, leaved Wills, gu. two cheverons, the one in chief or, the
vert, fructed or. other ar.
Williams, as 16th in 1st diet. Crest, a boar's Wills, ar. three griffins, pass, in pale az. each
head, couped, gu. gorged with a mural coronet, of the field, within
Williamson, quarterly; first and fourth, an aug- a bordure, sa. bezantee. Crest, a demi griffin
mentation az. a saltier ar. on a chief gu. a lion, salient, wings endorsed, az. gorged with a mural
pass, guard, or. second and third, Williamson
; coronet holding in the dexter claw a battle-
or, a chev. engr. betw. three trefoils, slipped, axe, ppr. Supporters, two artillery men, in the
sa. [Borne by Sir Joseph Williamson, Minis- costume of the period, each holding in the ex-
ter of State, and arm a grenade, fired, ppr. [Borne by
Plenipotentiary at the Treaty terior
of Riswick, Ann. 1697, who died in 1701.] Right Hon. Lieut.-Gen. Sir Charles Wills,
Williamson, [Melbeck Hall, Cumb. Granted 1st K.B., Installed, 1725.]
Feb. 1670-1,] or, a chev. engr. betw. three tre- Wills, [Coraw.] gu. two chev. that in chief or,
foils,slipped, sa. that in base ar.
illiamson, [Mount Vernon, near Liverpool,] or, Wills, [Ireland,] gu. two chev. or in chief as ;

a chev. engr. betw. three trefoils, slipped, sa. martlets ar. Crest, a harp or.
Crest, a demi eagle displ. or. holding in the II
ills, ar. three griffins pass, in pale, az. murally
beak a trefoil, slipped, sa. gorged of the first, within a bordure sa. bezan-
illiamson, [Middlesex ; and Denford, N.amp.] tee.
as 1st diet. Crest, out of a ducal coronet gu. Willshen, Crest, a cup or.
or, a cross engr. gu.
a demi wivern, with wings endorsed, or. W illson, sa.
betw. two lions' paws,
on a pale or,
II illiamson. Same arms. Crest, a buck's head, erased, fesseways, of the second, another in base
erased, az. attired ar. on the neck a sun or.
; of the first. Crest, a cannon sa. stock or.
illiamson, [East Markham, in 1st diet, read Willson, sa. three fishes, naiant, ar.
Notts., not N.amp.] Willy, on a chief az. three fleurs-de-lis ar.
Williamson, [Hutchinfield, Scotland,] ar. a sal- Crest, a dexter hand holding a battle-axe, ppr.
tier betw. three mullets in chief and flanks, sa. Wilmot-Sitwell, [Stainsby, Derb. who took ;

and a boar's head, erased, in base, gu. Crest, the surname and arms of Sitwell, 1772,] quar-
a garb lying on its side, unbound, ppr. terly first and fourth, barry of eight, or and ar.

Williamson, [Kirkaldy, Scotland,] ar. a saltier three lions pass. sa. for Sitwell ; second and
wavy betw. two boars' heads, erased, in chief third, sa. on a fesse or, betw. three eagles' heads,
and base, and as many mullets in the flanks sa. couped, ar. as many escallops gu. for Wilmot ;
II illiamson,
[Scotland,] ar. a saltier betw. a boar's an escutcheon of pretence or, a chev. betw.
head, erased, in chief, and three stars in the three leopards' faces sa. for Wheeler. Crests,
flanks and base, sa. first, a demi lion ramp, and erased, sa. in the
illiamson, ar. three crosses sa. paw an escutcheon, per pale, or and ar. for Sit-
1 1

W illies, or Willis, [Fenny-Compton, Warw.] well ; second, an eagle's head, couped, ar. hold-
ar. a chev. sa. betw. three mullets gu. ing in the beak an escallop gu. for Wilmot.
\\ illingham, as 2nd in 1st diet. Crest, a demi Wilson, [London,] sa. a wolf ramp, with an orle
Savage, wreathed about the head and middle of eight etoiles or. Crest, a demi wolf ramp,
with laurel-leaves, all ppr. or, gorged with a bar gemellee vert, holding
a chev. ermines, betw. three martlets
\\ ii.Lis, ar. in the dexter paw an oak-branch ppr. acorned
Crest, on a chapeau gu. turned up erm. a
sa. or.
unicorn's head, couped, ar. ducally gorged or. Wilson, [Eshton Hall, Gargrave, Yorks.] Arms
\\ illisby, ar. a lion
ramp. sa. holding a baton az. and crest as of Ive's Place, Maidenhead, Berks.
Willistkop, az. a chev. gu. betw. three lions pass. 1st diet.
guard, ar. Wilson, [Field House, Brancepath, and Lumley
Castle, Durham,] sa. a wolf, salient, or ; in on two escallops, sa. Crest, a demi lion ramp,
chief three etoiles of the last. chequy or and az. supporting an ancient shield,

Wilson, [Ireland,] ar. a chev. hetw. three mullets gu. charged with the chemical character of
gu. Crest, a water-bouget or. Mars, gold. [Borne by Nehemiah Wimble, of
Wilson, [Stralby, Line. ; Forest Hall, near Long the Friars, Lewes, Gent. 1834.] (>SVe PI. of
Benton, N.umb. Eastbourn and Shesfield,
; Arms, Supp.)
Suss. and Elton, Yorks.] sa. a wolf, salient,
Note. These Armorial Ensigns were granted, with the
or in chief three etoiles of the last.
; Crest, a honourable distinction of the Lion of England, to com-
demi wolf, salient, or. memorate the visit with which their Majesties, King
sa. a wolf, salient, or, William the Fourth, and his Queen Adelaide, honoured
// //.sow,
charged on the the Borough of Lewes, on the 10th of Oct. 1830, and
shoulder with a mascle gu. in chief, an etoile
were pleased to use the ancient mansion belonging to,
or. betw. two others, ar. Crest, a demi wolf, and in the occupation of the said Nehemiah Wimble,
salient, or, charged on the shoulder with a called The Friars, in which their Majesties were received
by the Members in Parliament and other public authorities
chapeau az. quartering, Wright, viz. ar. three of the Borough, and were graciously pleased to allow the
bars gemellee gu. on a chief az. three leopards' said Nehemiah Wimble and his Wife, on that occasion,
faces or. Crest, out of a coronet, chequy, or personally to pay their dutiful respects to their Majesties.
and gu. a dragon's head vert, langued and The bearing of the Lion of England being confined to the
Coat-Armour of the said Nehemiah Wimble, and his
armed gu. charged on the neck with three issue, the arms (with the Wimble borne in chief, instead
leopards' faces or, betw. two bars gemellee ar. of the Lion,) together with the Crest, to be borne by the
other descendents of his late Father, John Wimble,
[Borne by Sir Henry Wright Wilson, Kt. of deceased.
C'hertsey Park, Surrey, 1832.]
Wilson, [Croglin, Scotland,] ar. a chev. betw. Wimpey, ar. three water-bougets gu. Crest, an
two mullets in chief, and a crescent in base, az. arm, in armour, gauntleted, holding a dagger, ppr.
Wilson, [Inverness, Scotland.] Arms and crest, Winall, az. a cross or, fretty of the first, betw.
as of Fingach, 1st diet. four mullets of the second Crest, on a mural
Wilson, [Fransy, Fifeshire, Scotland; Lyon Off. coronet gu. a mullet or.
Edinburgh.'] Arms and crest, as of Queens- Win bolt, ar. a saltier sa. ; over all a lion ramp.
ferry, 1st diet. ar. Crest, a dagger, in pale, ppr.
Wilson, per pale, az. and ar. three lions' gambs, Winch, or Winche. Arms as 1st diet. Crest,
barways, erased and counterchanged. Crest, a dexter hand holding a spear.
a lion's head, erased, ar. guttee gu. Winch, ar. on a fesse gu. three crosses patonce of
Wilson, or. two bars az. ; on a canton of the last, the first; on a canton az. five fleurs-de-lis or.
a lion pass, of the first.
Crest, out of a ducal coronet or, a lion's head,
Wilchire. See Wiltshire. affronted, ar. betw. two spears gold, headed ppr.
Wilter, gu. on a chev. betw. three wings, or, as W'inche. See Winch, both diets.
many griffin's first; on a
heads, erased, of the Winchester, [Maiden, Surrey.] The same arms,
chief ar. as many
escallops sa. without the charges on the canton Crest, the
Wilton, [Somersetshire,] sa. three water bougets same as in Addenda, 1st diet., without the chain
ar. Crest, a dexter arm in armour, embowed, in the mouth.
ppr holding a falchion, also ppr. hilted and Winchester, [Scotland,] ar. a vine, growing out
pomelled or. [Borne by the Rev. Edward of the base, leaved and fructed, betw. two pop-
Wilton, of West Lavington Devizes, 1838; and injays, endorsed, feeding upon a cluster of
by his Family from 1G00.] grapes, all ppr. Crest, a hand holding a cluster
ilton, or Wylton, [Somersetshire,] sa. a water-
/J of grapes, ppr.
bouget ar.
Winckworth, ar. three boars' heads. Crest, a .

It ilton, sa. on a chev. ar. three crosses formee cinquefoil ppr.

fitchee gu. Crest, a dexter arm holding a Winder. Arms as 1st diet Crest, a dexter
bludgeon, ppr. hand throwing a dart, ppr.
Wiltshire. Crest, a cross pattee or. Windesor, sa. a saltier purp.
Wiltshire, or Wiltechire, ar. a chev. betw. three Windle, ar. on a cross vert, five martlets of the
crosslets fitchee sa. ; over all a bend
gu. field. Crest, a stag's head, cabossed, ppr.
Wilysdon, or Wvlidun, ar. a fesse dancettee, Windlesore, gu. a bend vair.
paly of six, or and az. \\ indrope, [Scotland,] ., a fesse . ; in chief a . .

\\ iMBLE, [Xewes, Sussex,] erm. on a pile gu. a Saracen's head, couped,. .

lion of England in chief, and a wimble in base, Arms 4th

Windsor, [Lord Montjoy.] as in 1st
ppr. ; over all a fesse chequy, or and az. there- diet, with a crescent for diff.
Windsor, [Earl of Warwick and Holland] gu. a Wixterbottom, ar. a pale gu. piercing a fesse

chev, betw. three crosses botonnee, or. az. chief two mullets of the second.
Windsor, per pale indented, ar. and az. Crest. Crest, out of a mural coronet sa. a spear
a sheaf of seven arrows, entiled by a ducal issuing betw. two palm branches, in sal-
coronet, allppr. tier.

Windsors, gu. a saltier betw. twelve crosses Wintersells, ar. a chev. betw. three bulls, sa.

pattee, or. Crest, a tower ar.

Windus, az. a fesse or, betw. three fleurs-de-lis Wintershall, or, two bars gu. ; a label of three
Crest, on a ducal coronet or, a serpent, en-
ar. points sa.
twining a sheaf of arrows, ppr. Winthorp. Arms as 1st diet, with three chev.
Wixdygate, [of that Ilk,] gu. a portcullis or. Crest, as the last.
Winford. Arms as 1st diet. Crest, a dexter Wintle, az. three cinquefoils ar. Crest, two
hand holding a sheaf of arrows, all ppr. wings, expanded, ppr.
Wixgfield. Arms as 4th in 1st diet. Crest, a Winton. [Newburgh, Scotland,] or, six mas-
swan's neck wings gu.
or, cles sa.

Wingfield. Arms as 5th in 1st diet. Crest, an J} in ton,

[Scotland,] ar. on a mount, in base, vert,
eagle, rising, with wings expanded, ar. behold- a lion pass. gu. in front of a tree of the second.
ing the sun in splendour. Crest, a garb or.
If in a
field, ar. on a bend gu. cottised sa. three Wixtour, [Winchester, Hants.; and Huddington,
pairs of wings of the first Crest, first, a swan's Wore] sa. a fesse erm.
Crest, a cock-phea-
neck or, with wings gu. second, a hawk's ; sant, close,
ppr. (Another crest, out of a
leure ar. ducal coronet or, a cubit arm, in armour, erect,
Wingh. See Wyngke. ppr. garnished of the first, holding in the
Wingham. Arms as 1st in 1st diet. Crest, a gauntlet three ostrich's feathers.)
sword and feather, in saltier ppr, Wintringham, [London. Created a Baronet by
Wingrove, ar. a chev. embattled sa. betw. Patent, 7th Nov. 1774,] ar. six lions ramp. az.
three mullets gu. Crest, a phcenix in flames, three, two, and one. Crest, a demi lion ramp,
PP r -
. .
az. Motto, Fortis esto, non ferox.
\\ ixixgton, ar. an orle sa. within another of Winyard, or, three chev. gu. within a bordure
eight martlets of the second. engr. az. Crest, a buck's head, cabossed,
Wixdlove. See Windlowe, 1st diet. PP r -

Winram, [Woolstone, Scotland,] gu. a ram pass, H inyard, paly of six, ar. and gu. ; on a chief of
ar. the last, a lion pass, of the first.
Winsington, sa. three boars's heads, couped, ar. Winziett, [Scotland,] gu. a portcullis, chains
WlNSLADE. SeeWlNSARDE, 1st diet. pendent, or. Crest, a tower ar. with a cupola
\\ instanley, [Line.] Arms as 1st in 1st diet. and flag gu.
Crest, a cockatrice displ. or, crested and jel- Wirgmax, [London,] az. a female figure, repre-

loped gu. senting Justice, habited in white, holding in

YA instanton. Arms as 1st diet. Crest, a boar's the dexter hand a pair of scales, and in the
head, couped, sa. sinister a sceptre, both or. Crest, a dove,
Winston, per pale, gu. and az. a lion ramp, or, holding in the beak an olive-branch, all ppr.
grasping a tree, eradicated, ppr. Crest, two Wise, sa. three chev. erm. betw. as many serpents,
lions, combatant, az. embowed, vert. Crest, a demi lion ramp. ar.
mston, or Winstone, sa. a plate, betw. three holding a rose ppr.
towers, ar. Crest, a dexter hand holding four Wisemale, as last in 1st diet. Crest, the point
arrows, ppr. of a spear ppr.
Winter, ar. on a cross sa. betw. four birds az. Wiseman. Arms as 1st in 1st diet. Crest, out
armed gu. a garb or, enclosed by the like num- of a tower ar. a demi man, armed in mail, ppr.
ber of bezants; on a chief of the third, a lion in the dexter hand a dart, on the sinister

pass,and two leopards' heads, or. Crest, a arm a shield or, wreathed round the head ar.
demi griffin gu. winged, per pale, or and az. and sa.
gorged with a ducal coronet of the second, Wissam. The same as Wish am, Glouc. 1st

holding in the dexter claw a garb gold. diet.

inter, sa. a fesse erm. WlTCHERLEY. See WlCHERLEY, 1st diet.
Y\ ixterborx, ar. a fesse sa.
guttee of the first, Witchingham. See Wichingham, 1st diet.
betw. three water-bougets az. Witevelde, sa. a bend fusily or.
With, az. three griffins pass, in pale, or. first, three wolves' heads, couped, of the se-
With, or Wyth, ar. an escutcheon ermines. cond.
Witham, ar. a cross sa. Crest, a cubit arm, W odderspoon, or, on a cross engr. betw. four
erect, in armour, the hand grasping a sword, crescents, gu. a mascle ar. Crest, a dex-
all ppr. ter hand issuing from the wreath, holding
Witham. Arms as 2nd in 1st diet. Crest, as of a garland of laurel, all ppr. Motto, Deo ju-
Cressing, Essex. vante.
Withbroke, gu. a lion ramp. betw. three mul- Wode, gu. on a fesse, betw. three escallops, or, a
lets, or. trefoil, slipped, of the second.
Withe, [Cambr. and Norf.] az. three griffins Wodell, or Wodhall, or, three crescents gu.
Woderton, sa. a chev. betw. three lions' gambs.
pass, in pale, or.
Withem, sa. an inescutcheon ar. betw. three erased and erect, or.
mullets or. \A oderow, ar. on a chev. betw. three crosses

Wither, ar. a chev. gu. betw. three crescents pattee fitchee gu. a crescent ....
sa. Crest, a demi hare, quarterly, gu. and Wodey, gu. a chev. engr. ar. betw. three birds
az. holding in the mouth three ears of wheat or.
or. Wodhall. See Wodell.
Wither, ar. a fesse betw. three crescents, gu. Wodilston, ar. a chev. componee, or and gu.

Wither, quarterly first and fourth, vair ; second

betw. three bugle-horns sa.
and third, gu. Wodlow, gu. a fesse engr. betw. six crosslets,
\\ See Whithering, 1st diet.
ithering. ar.
Witherington. See Widerington, and Wo- Wodnester, sa. a bend betw. two eagles displ.

drington, both diets. ar.Crest, an eagle's head, erased, ar. gorged

Withew, per pale, ar. and sa. a leopard's head or, with a ducal coronet or.
jessant a fleur-de-lis, counterchanged. Wodnot, ar. a cross, voided, sa.
Withie, [London,] Arms and crest, as 1st Wodrington, or Withe rington, quarterly, ar.
diet. and gu. a bend sa. Crest, a two-headed wivern
W ithis, per pale, erm. and gu. a lion ramp, coun- ar. winged (Another crest, a bull's head,

terchanged. couped, horned ar.)

sa. platee,
W it-ley, [Ireland,] ar. a lion ramp. gu. on a ; Wodstone, per pale, sa. and az. a bend chequy,
chief sa. three mullets of the first. gu. and or.
Witley, or Whiteley, [Salop,] ar. on a chief Wodthorp, ar. a bend az. betw. six cross cross-
gu. three garbs of the field. lets fitchee vert.
( Another, or.)
Crest, a buck's head ar. attired or, holding Wogan, [Pembrokeshire,] or, on a chief sa. three
the end of a scroll, with this motto, Live to martlets ar.
live. Wokingdon, gu. a lion ramp, barry or and
Witley, or Whitteley, [Yorks.] az. on a bend or, az.
three torteauxes. ^ olcot, [Exeter,] per pale, az. and gu. ; on
itley, ar. a lion pass. gu. ;
in chief three mul- a cross rlory ar. five martlets sa. ; on a chief
lets sa. or, a rose, betw. two fleurs-de-lis, of the se-
W itmailles, erm. a fesse, betw. three lozenges, cond.
Wold, or, on a quarter az. a pale engr. erm. betw.
\\ itxev,
[Ches.] paly of six, or and gu. a chief eight plates. (Another, bezants.)
vert. Wolf, ar. a fesse betw. three martlets, gu. on ;

Witney, [Glouc] three pales or.

sa. a chief sa. three wolves' heads, erased, of the
Witney, ar. two bars az. charged with three first. Crest, a wolf pass, grey, against an oak
cinquefoils of the field. vert.
Witon. See Wityn. Wolf, ox Wolfe, sa. two wolves pass. ar. Crest,
Witt. Arms as 1st diet. Crest, a dexter hand, a wolf, current, erm.
couped, in fesse, apaumee. Wolf, barry of ten, or and vert, a wolf ramp,
Wixton, ar. a chev. gu. ;
in chief, three tor- ar.
teauxes. Wolfall. Arms as 1st diet. Crest, out of
Wixton. See Wipnton, 1st diet. a ducal coronet gu. a dexter hand ppr. hold-
Wli'nston, quarterly, ar. and gu. a bend of the ing a rose of the first, stalked and leaved
last. vert.
Wobrew , ar. two bars gu. ;
on a chief of the Wolfe, gu. three bars ar. ; on a chief of
the three wolves' heads, erased, of the first.
last, Wombwell, gu. a bend erm. betw. six unicorns'
Wolfe, or, three wolves pass, in pale, az. with- heads, erased, ar. Crest, a dragon's head,
in a bordure, per bordure indented, gu. and erased, or ; on the neck a chaplet vert.
az. Womwell, ar. a cinquefoil gu. betw. three cross
Wolfeslev. See Wolseley, 1st diet. crosslets fitchee, within a bordure engr. of the
Wolfo, or, a lighter-vessel gu. without masts. last.

Wolin, ar. on a chev. sa. an eagle displ. of the Wondesford, ar. a lion ramp, doubled queued,
field. Crest, a lion's head, erased sa. Motto, az. Crest, a cross crosslet gu. surmounted by
Favente Deo. a sword in bend sinister, point downwards, ppr.
Wollacombe, [Wollacombe, Devons.] Arms as Wonwell, or, on a bend az. three cross crosslets
1st in 1st diet. Crest, a spur, with leathers or, fitchee of the first.

the rowel points bloody. Wood, [Brockthorp, Glouc] Arms as 1st diet.
WoLLASTON. See WoOLASTON. Granted to Richard Wood, of that place, by
Woolcote, [Exeter,] az. on a cross patonce ar. Camden Clarenceux, 160G.
five martlets sa. ; a chief or, charged with a fleur- Wood, [Mount House, Durham,] quarterly ; first
de-lis betw. two annulets, gu. Crest, an eagle's and fourth, or, on a mount vert, an oak-tree,
head or, guttee de sang, beaked az. holding fructed ppr. for Wood ; second, az. on a fasse
in the beak a fleur-de-lis or. erm. three cross crosslets fitchee gu. for
Wollev, vert, a fleur-de-lis or, betw. two wool- Bomford ; third, sa. a lion ramp. erm. betw.
packs, in pale, ar. enclosed by two flaunches of three cross crosslets fitchee or. for King.
the third, each charged with a wolf pass. az. Crests, on a mount vert, an oak-tree, fructed,
Crest, a cubit arm erect, vested paly of four, or PP r -

and az. holding in the hand ppr. a bunch of Wood. [Hetton, Durham.] The same quartered
leaves vert. arms, with a martlet for diff. Crest, as the
Wolmer, gu. a chev. betw. three escallops, or. last.

Crest, a dexter arm, embowed, ppr. vested Wood, [Sandwich, Kent,] sa. on a chev. betw.

vert, cuffed or, holding a covered cup of the last. three trees, or, as many martlets of the field.
Wolrich. Arms as 1st in 1st diet. Crest, a Wood, [London,] a wolf, salient, sa. collared
demi royal tiger ppr. or ; on a chief az. three bezants. Crest, a
Wolrich, chev. erm. betw. three
[Salop.] az. a wolf's head, erased, sa. collared gu. rimmed or.
swan's, rising, ar. Wood, [Staple Inn. Midd. descended from Kent. ;

Wolrich, gu. a chev. ar. betw. three wild ducks, Granted 6th of May, 1613.] Arms as 1st diet.
volant, ppr. Crest, a gauntlet, erect, gu. garnished or,
Wolrige or Wolridge, ar. a chev. betw. three betw. two laurel-branches vert.
ducks, az. Crest, a horse's shoe or, betw. two Wood, [Colpny, Scotland,] az. an oak-tree,
wings ppr. eradicated, or.
W olstenholme, [London. Created a Baronet, Wood, ar. an oak-tree vert, acorned or ; on a
10th Jan. 16(34.] Arms and crest as 2nd in chief az.. three trefoils, slipped, of the third.
1st diet. Wood, ar. a fesse gu. betw. three barons' helmets
Wolston, or Wolstone, per pale, sa. and az. a az. crowned or.
bend, chequy, gu. and ar. Crest, an arm, in Wood, gu. three demi men ar. holding a club, in

armour, embowed, holding a sword, ppr. bend, over their right shoulders, betw. nine
Wolston, ar. a chev. betw. three buck's, lodged crosslets of the second.
gu. Wood, ar. a fesse raguly az. betw. three fleurs-de-lis
Wolston, gu. three wolves' heads, erased, sa. gu.
\VoltertOx\. See \\ ollerton, 1st. diet. Wood, ar. three fleurs-de-lis gu.
Wor.vERiDGE, [Odiam, Hants.] gu. a chev. erm. Wood, gu. on a bend ar. three leaves of the first.
betw. three wild ducks, volant, ar. Crest, a Wood, sa. on a chev. or, betw. three pine-apples
dexter arm
in armour, ppr. garnished or, lying of the second, as many martlets of the first.
fesseways, erect from the elbow, holding in the Wood, ar, a wolf ramp. sa. collared or.
gauntlet, a battle-axe gu. headed ar. Wood, az. three woodmen, in fesse, ppr. holding
\\ olverstone. Arms as last in 1st diet. Crest, in their right hands a club, pendent, ar.; in
a Minerva's head, affrontee, ppr. their left, an escutcheon of the second, charged
W olverton, sa. a fesse nebulee betw. three with a cross gu.
wolves' heads, erased, or. Wood, ar. on a bend sa. three fleurs-de-lis of the
Wombell. See Wombwell, 1st diet. first ; in the sinister chief a crescent or, on a
woo woo
crescent gu. Crest, a wolf's head sa. collared or. Woodlock, ar. a chev. betw. three bugle horns,
Wood, per pale or and sa. two eagles displ. sa.

counterchanged. Crest, on a ducal coronet, an Woodman, per chev. flory counterflory, gu. and
eagle, per pale, or and sa. or, betw. three roundles, all counterchanged.
Woodall, or, a lion ramp. az. thrust through Crest, a stork reguard. sa. resting the dexter
with a sword of the last, entering at the breast, claw on a torteaux.
and issuing beneath the tail. Crest, a cornish Woodmerton, per fesse dancettee, ar. and sa. ;
chough, ducally gorged, the wings expanded. each point terminating with a fleurs-de-lis.
WoODBORNE. See WoODBURNE. Woodmerton, per fesse, ar. and sa. a fesse dan-
Woodbridge, ar. three chaplets of roses, ppr. cettee, per fesse dancettee each outward point

Woodburgh. Arms as 1st in 1st diet. Crest, terminating with a fleur-de-lis counterchanged.
a bundle of five arrows, wreathed about the Woodrof, or Woodrow. Arms as 1st diet.
middle with a serpent, ppr. Crest, a bull's head, erased gu.
Woodburn, as 2nd in 1st diet. Crest, out of a Woodrofe, paly of six, gu. and ar. a bend coun-
mural coronet, an eagle's head, ppr. terchanged.
Woodburne, as 3rd in 1st diet. Crest, a camel's Woodroffe, paly of six, gu. and ar. a bend gobo-
head sa. nated, az. and or. Crest, a demi lady ppr.
Woodburne or Woodborne, as 1st Woodburn, in vested ar. holding in the dexter hand a civic
1st diet. crown or.

Woodcock, per saltier, az. and

a fesse erm.
sa. Woodrow. See Woodrof, 1st diet.
betw. three leopards, pass, erminois, the one in Woods. Arms and crest as Woods of Sussex, in
base, holding an ingot or. Crest, on a mount 1st diet. [Borne by the late Edmund Woods,
vert, a phoenix, wings displayed, az. issuing Esq. of Shopwick, Co. Sussex, who died hi
from flames of fire, ppr. charged on the breast, 1833.] (See PI. of Anns in this Supp. of his
with an ingot, and holding in the beak a lo- only daughter, Katharina Woods, livi?ig at
zenge or. [
Granted to John Woodcock, Esq. of Shopwick, 1837. )
Coventry, 1828; in lieu of the arms and crest Woods, [Ireland,] az. on a chief or, three garbs
described in. the appendix, and engraved in the gu. Crest,an arm, in armour, vambraced,
Plates of Arms in 1st diet. holding two pieces of a broken spear, saltier-
Woodcock. Arms as 1st in 1st diet. Crest, an ways, ppr.
arm, from the shoulder, ppr. vested gu. cuffed Woodstock, De, gu. three lions pass, guard, or,
vandyke brandishing a sword ppr.
ar. within a bordure ar.

Wooderton, gu. a chev. betw. three lions gambs, Woodthorpe. Arms

as 1st in 1st diet. Crest,
erased, bendways, ar. a camel's head ppr.
Woodeson, [Westminster,] per fesse, ar. and az. Woodward, barry of six, or. and sa. ; on a canton
a pale counterchanged ; three eagles displ. or. gu. a demi woodman, with a club on his shoul-
Crest, out of a ducal coronet or, flames der, of the first. Crest, a squirrel, sejant, ppr.
issuing ppr. in the paws a nut or.
Woodford. Arms 3rd in 1st diet. Crest, a Woodward, barry of four, az. and ar. three buck's
demi woodman sa. wreathed round the head or ; heads, cabossed or ; on a chief of the third, a
in the sinister hand a club vert. wolf pass. gu. betw. two annulets sa. Crest, a
Woodhall, [Cockermouth, Cumb. ; not Cock- wolf's head, couped, ar. collared sa. thereon
ermore, as 1st diet. three bezants betw. two branches of oak vert,
Woodham. Arms as 1st diet. Crest, an arm fructed or.
in armour, embowed, and holding by the blade Woodward, ar. three barrulets az. Crest, a boar's
a sword, point downwards, ppr. head and neck, couped, gu.
Woodhead, quarterly, az. and or. a cinquefoi Woodward, barry of six, az. and ar. over all ;

gu. Crest, a vol or. three harts' heads or on a chief of the third, a

Woodhouse, sa. a chev. or, billettee gu. betw. lion pass. gu. betw. two mullets sa.
three cinquefoils erm. Wooduard, az. a chev. gu. betw. three delves of
Woodhull. See Woodhall, 1st diet. the second.
Woodixg, ar. three
keys, paleways, in fesse, Woodward, az. a chev. engr. erm. betw. three
wards in chief, Crest, a goat pass. ar.
az. fleurs-de-lis ar.
holding in the mouth a slip of ivy ppr. Woodward, vert, five holly-leaves, in saltier, or.
Woodlev, sa. a chev. betw. three owls, ar. Crest, Woodyer, sa. on a fesse dancettee ar. betw.
an owl ar. three lions ramp.. ., as many martlets. .
Wollaston, three mullets, sa. pierced of the
ar. erect, surmounted with two sprigs of laurel,
field, az. on a chev. betw. three
quartering orleways, ppr.
swans, ar. as many cinquefoils gu. Crest, out Worley, erm. a lion ramp. gu. Crest, a griffin,
of a mural crown or, a demi griffin segreant ar.
sejant, per fesse, or and gu.
holding hetw. the claws, a mullet sa. pierced of Worsell. See Worcell, 1st diet.
the second. [Borne by Frederick William Worselley, gu. a chief ar.
Wotta&ton, Esq. of Shenton Hall, Co. Lei- Worsesop, gu. a dexter hand, couped, betw. three
rester, 1827.] cinquefoils, ar.
Woolaston, or Wollaston, [London, and Wal- Worshall. See Workshall, 1st diet.
sall, Staffs.] The same arms and crest, without Worship?, ar. on a bend az. three cocks' heads,
the quartering. erased, or, combed and wattled gu.
Woolaston, [Loseby, Leic] quarterly erm. and Worslay, [Worslay, Lane] ar. a chief gu.
or, three mullets sa. pierced of the field. Worsley, [Apuldercombe, Isle of Wight, Hants.]
Woolaston, ar. a chev. gu. hetw. three quarterfoils, Arms as 1st diet. Crest, a wivern, with wings
slipped. endorsed, az. armed and legged gu.
Woolberg, ar. three roses gu. Worsolley, gu. a chief or. Crest, a wolf's head
Wooldridge, ar. a cross, quarter or.
pierced, sa.
betw. four crescents gu. Crest, out of a ducal Worsolley, ar. a chev. betw. three falcons, sa.
coronet ar. an ass's head gu. beaked and legged or. Crest, a wolf's head
Wooler, [Whitfield House, Wolsingham Dur- or.
ham.] Arms as 1st diet. Crest, a demi lion Worsted, az. a saltier, betw. four cinquefoils, ar.
ramp. ppr. holding betw. the paws a tassel or. seeded or.
Wooley, sa. a chev. erm. betw. three arrows ar. Worster. Arms as 1st diet. Crest, a griffin,
Crest, a hind's head, erased, erm. segreant, gu.
Woolley, gu. a fesse, chequy, ar. and sa. ; in Worsycke. Arms as last in 1st diet. Crest, a
base, a crescent of the second. Crest, an bundle of three arrows, points downward,
eagle ppr. banded ppr.
Woolley, sa. a chev. erm. hetw. three arrows Wortelley, ar. on a bend, betw. six martlets,
gu. three bezants.
Woolmore. Arms as 1st diet. Crest, two Wortford, vert, three vine-leaves or.
naked arms, embowed, ppr. holding an escal- Worth, or Wrothe. Arms as 3rd in 1st diet.

lop or. Crest, a lion ramp ppr.

Woolston, three turnpikes sa.
ar. Worth, or De Worthe, [Devons. and Somers.] as
Woolward, [Viscountess Nelson, who died 1831, 4th in 1st diet.
Relict of the immortal Nelson,] harry of six, az. Worth, ar. betw. two bendlets sa. three leopards'
and ar. three bucks' heads, cabossed, or on a ;
heads of the last.
chief erminois, a talbot, statant, sa. betw. two Wortham. Arms as 1st in 1st diet. Crest,
pheons gu. a lion ramp, double queued, per fesse, gu. and
Wootox, or Wootton, ar. a chev.
engr. sa. ar.
Crest, out of a ducal coronet ar. a greyhound's Wortham, sa. three camelions, erect, or, with-
head gu. in a bordure ar. charged with eight martlets,
Wootton, ar. a saltier engr. sa. Crest, a Black- sa.
moor's side-face, sa. wreathed on the forehead, Wortham, gu. a chev. erm. betw. three lions'
bats' wings to his head, az.
gambs of the second the two in chief bending

Wootwell, gu. a cross flory ar. to each other.

^orcel, ar. three bears, in pale, sa. Worthington, three five-pronged forks sa.
Worceley, or Worcelley, ar. on a chief gu. a Worthington, three dung-forks sa. their points
crescent of the first. in chief, betw. five holly-leaves vert on a can- ;

Worcelley. See Worceley. ton of the last, a sinister hand, couped, gu. ;

Worden, chequy, az. and or; on a bend ar. on a bordure of the third, eight boars' heads,
three leopards' faces gu. Crest, on a chapeau couped, of the first.
gu. turned up erm. an eagle, rising, ppr. Worthington, or Wrightington, sa. a chev. ar.
Wordie, [Scotland,] ar. a sinister hand, issuing hetw. three crosslets fitchee or.
from the dexter, gu. holding a wreath of laurel Worthy, gu. a saltier ar. fretty az. betw. twelve
vert, royally crowned or on a chief of the
cinquefoils or, Crest, a griffin pass, wings en-
second, two thistles of the last. Crest, a sword dorsed, or.

[4E2 ]
Wortley, ar. on a bend sa. betw. three martlets Wright, [Bradbury, Durham,] sa. a chev. engr.

gu. as many bezants. Crest, a lion ramp. ppr. betw. three fleurs-de-lis ar. ;
on a chief of the
holding a fleur-de-lis or. second, as many spear-heads gu. Crest, a dra-
Woryndon. gu. a lion ramp. ar. ducally crowned gon's head, couped, gu. semee of cross cross-
or. Crest, on a ducal coronet, a martlet. lets ar.
Wotone, sa. a water-bouget ar. ; in chief three Wright, [Sedgefield, Durham,] .... a chev. engr.
bezants. betw. three fleurs-de-lis .... on a chief, three
Wotton. Arms as 7th in 1st diet. Crest, out spear-heads ....
of a mural coronet az. a lion's head or. Wright, [Woodford, Essex. Created a Bart.
Wotton, gu a chev. engr. betw. three pheons, re- \2th Oct. 1772,] erm. on a pale gu. a cross
versed, or. patonce ar. betw. two bezants. Crest, a
Wotton, az. three martlets ar. garb or, environed with an antique crown,
Woulf. See Wolfdon, 1st diet. sa.
Woynne, or Voynne, per bend, sa. and ar. three Wright, [Ireland,] ar. a fish, naiant, in fesse, az.
quatrefoils counterchanged. betw. two mullets, in chief, gu. and a galley,
Wragby, ar. a chev. sa. betw. three bulls' heads, sails furled, and oars in action, in base, sa.
cabossed, gu. Crest, out of a ducal coronet, a broken battle-
Wragg, az. a bend or, betw. two fleurs-de-lis ar. axe, all ppr.
Crest, a mullet, pierced, erm. Wright, [Aldington, Kent; and St. Edmunds-
Wrangham, [Hunmanby, Yorks.] ar. three garbs ; bury, Suff] or, on a chev. az. betw. three grey-
on a chief az. three bezants on an escutcheon; hounds, current, sa. as many trefoils ar. Crest,
of pretence sa. two lions pass a can- a stag's head, erased, or, charged with three
ton .... Crests, first, a dove, volant, in the guttees, in cross, gu. (Another crest, a stag's
beak an olive-branch, ppr. ; second, a lion head, erased, gu. guttee d'or, attired of the
pass. last.)
Wrangham, az. an ancient ship of three masts, Wright, [London. Granted 8th June, 1709,] ar.
sails furled, or. Crest, four ostrich's feathers on a fesse, within a double tressure flory,
gu. enfiled with a ducal coronet or. counterflory, betw. three martlets ar. as many
Wrankeslow, ar. a cross gu. ; in the first quar- cross crosslets of the first. Crest, a martlet
ter, a fesse componee, az. and ar. betw. four ar. gorged with a bar gemel flory, counter-
crosslets or. flory, az.
Wrankslow, ar. a cross sa. ; in the first quarter, Wright, [Edinburgh, Scotland,] az. three battle-
a fesse, chequy, ar. and az. betw. four cross axes ar. within a bordure engr. or. Crest, a
crosslets gu. dexter arm holding a battle-axe, ppr.
Wray, az. on a chief or, three martlets gu. ; in
Wright, [Wright's Park, Scotland,] az. a chev.
base a mullet .... ( M. I. In Chester-le-Street ar. betw. three battle-axes of the last.
Church, Durham.) Crest, an arm in armour, embowed, issuing
Wray, [Beamish, Durham,] az. on a chief or, from a cloud, holding in the gauntlet a sabre
three martlets gu. Crest, an ostrich or. ppr.
Wray, [Glentworth, Line, and Dorley, Derb. H right, [Scotland,] az. three battle-axes ar. hafted
Created a Bart. 25th Nov. 1612.] The same ppr. Crest, an arm in armour, couped, embowed
arms and crest. resting on the elbow, holding abattle-axe,all ppr.
Wray, [London,] az. a bezant betw. three cres- Wright, [Scotland.] az. three carpenters' axes,
cents, ar. ar.
Wreake, or Wreke, az. an orle or. Wrightington. See Worthington.
Wren. Arms as of Bilby Hall, 1st diet. Crest, Wrightson, [Newcastle-on-Tyne,] or, a fesse,
on a chapeau ppr. a lion's head, erased, gu. counter-componee, ar. and
vert, betw. three
Wrench. Arms as 1st diet. Crest, a stag, griffins' heads, erased, of the third. Crest, a
trippant, ppr. unicorn, salient, or.
Wrenne. Same arms as Wren, of Bilby Hall, Wrii.ey. See Wriallie, 1st diet.
Durham, 1st diet. Wringford, or, a fesse, betw. two chev. sa.
Wrey, [Suss.] See Wray, or Wrey, 1st Wriothesley, az. a cross or, betw. four falcons,
diet. close, ar. belled or.
Wrey, on a bend engr. az. betw. two demi
ar. Wriothsley, or Wryotesley, or, a bend engr.
lions ramp. gu. bezantee, three mullets of six
gu -

points, pierced, or. Writel. See W rekihll, 1st diet.

Writle, sa. a bend ar. depressed by another, Wycliff, ar. a fesse lozengy az. betw. three birds
wavy of the first ; a crosslet fitchee, in chief, of sa.
the second. Wycliff, ar. five fusils, in fesse, az. betw. four
Wrotksley. Arms as 1st diet. Crest, a boar's birds gu. three in chief, and one in base.
head, couped, erm. armed or. Wi/cliff, ar a chev. sa. betw. three crosslets gu.
Wrothk, gu. three lions ramp. ar. ;
a quarter sa. Wycliff. See Wicldiff.
fretty or. Wycliffe, [Ofi'erton, Durham,] az. on a chev.
Wroughton. Arms as 1st in 1st diet. Crest, betw. three cross crosslets, sa. as many bucks'
a stag, lodged, ppr. heads, cabossed, of the first a mullet for diff.

Wrvne, sa. guttee ar. a buck's head, cabossed,

Wycliffe. See Wicldiff, 1st diet.
of the second betw. the horns a cross patonce
; Wycomb, or, two lions, combatant, gu. Crest,
or, charged with five torteauxes. Crest, a tal- two arrows, paleways, ppr. points upward.
bot ar. guttee sa. collared gu. betw. two Wyddysbury, or, a fesse componee, ar. and gu. ;

branches of holly, leaved vert, fructed gu. in chief three piles az.
rune, per fesse, ar. and gu. a lion ramp, counter- Wydent, per fesse, gu. and or, a lion ramp, per
changed. fesse, ar.and az. counterchanged, guttee, betw.
rye, paly of six, ar. and gu. ;
on a chief or, three escallops, two in chief or, and one in base
three hurts. gu. Crest, an arm gu. hand ppr. betw. two
Wryotesley. See Wriothsley. wings sa. thereon a bird az.
Wrytelley. See Writley, 1st diet. Wydimer, vert, on a fesse az. betw. two griffins
W rythEj az. a fesse betw. three birds, ar. within pass. ar. two bars wavy of the second.
a bordure or. Wydop. See W'idope, 1st diet.
W ryttle, sa. on a bend another, nebulee, of
ar. Wye. Arms as 2nd in 1st diet. Crest, on a
the first ; in the sinister chief, a crosslet fitchee mount, a stag pass. ppr.
of the second. Wye, ar. on a fesse sa. two foxes, half out of their
W yatt, [Devons. and Kent,] per fesse, gu. and holes, or, betw. six pellets ; on the middle one
az. a barnacle ar. in chief, a mullet of the last.
Wyatt. Arms as of Kent and Much-Braxsted, Wyer, bendy sinister and barry, gu. and ar.
1st diet. Crest, a demi lion sa. holding an ar- Crest, an arm ppr. vested az. holding a holly-
row gu. feathered ar. branch vert.
yatt. The same arms. Crest, a horse-barnacle Wyfold, gu. three roses ar. within a bordure of
or, tied together at the bottom. the last.
Y\ yatville, formerly Wyatt, gu. on a fesse or, Wyke, [Herts.] or, a chev. betw. three hawks'
betw three boars' heads, erased, ar. two lions, heads, erased, sa.
pass. sa. on a pile of augmentation, az. fimbri- Wyke. The same arms. Crest, a demi Savage,
ated or, in chief, the gateway of George IV. at holding in the dexter hand an arrow, and at his
Windsor castle, ppr. in base a lion of England, back a sheaf of arrows, ppr.
standing on a level ar. Crest, out of a part of Wyke, [Somers.] ar. a chev. gu. betw. three crosses
Windsor Castle, ppr. a demi lion issuant, sa. resarcelly sa.
charged on the shoulder with an etoile ar. JVyke, ar. a chev. erm. betw. three plovers ppr.
and holding an arrow, ppr. Motto, Windsor. Wyke, or, a chev. betw. three cornish choughs.
[Borne by Sir Geoffery Wyatville, formerly sa.

Wyatt, the King's Architect, 1830.] Wyke, ar. a fret sa. bezantee.
WybernEj [Kent and Suff.] as Wyborne in 1st Wyke, gu. a fesse betw. six guttees, or.
diet. Wykeford. See Wykford, 1st diet.
Wybury, sa. two lions pass. ar. semee of cross W'ykeham, ar. two chev. sa. betw. three roses gu.
crosslets or. Wykersley', ar. a fesse gu. betw. three cinquefoils
Wychalfe. See Wichlaffe, 1st diet. az.
Wyche, [Tangstead, in the duchy of Holstein. Wykersley, a cross crosslet pattee sa.
Created a Bart. 20th Dec. 1729.] az. a pile erm. Wykes, or Weykes, [Cambr.]ar three pales sa. :

Crest, a dexter arm, embowed, vested gu. on each a greyhound's head, erased, of the first,
cufTed or, holding in the hand ppr. a trefoil, collared or.
slipped, vert. Wykes, or Weekes, [North W'yke, Devons.] erm.
Wychixghon, erm. on a chief sa. three crosses three pole-axes sa.
pattee ar. Wykes, [Dursley, Glouc] ar. on a pale, cottised.
W ycliff, ar. achev.betw. three cross crosslets, sa. sa. three greyhounds' heads or, collared gu.
Crest, a greyhound's head, erased, or, collared the first and sa. betw. three lapwings, volant,
gu. in the mouth a man's leg, couped at the
of the last.
thigh, ar. Wyndham. Arms as 1st in 1st diet. Crest, a
Wykes. Arms as 1st in 1st diet. Crest, a cock fetterlock, chain archways, gold, thereon an
gu. escutcheon charged with a lion's head, erased,
Wi/kes, ar. a chev. componee, az. and vert, hetw. or, the chain being interchangeable, of the first
three turkey-cocks of the second. and az.
Wvlde, [Nettleworth, Notts.] or, a fesse, hetw. Wyndhull, sa. a bordure ar. charged with eight
three harts' heads, erased, sa. attired and lan- torteauxes.
gued gu. Crest, a demi buck, couped, sa. with Wynell, [Crediton, Devons.] ar. three mullets,
a crown and ring ahout his neck, attired, and in fesse, betw. two bars sa. within a bordure
unguled, or. [Granted to William Wylde, of engr. gu.
Nettleworth, 3rd Eliz.] Wynell, [Oxon,] or, fretty vair.
Wylde, [Nettleworth.] (Further granted, llth Wynerton, ar. a cross flurt sa. ; a label gu.
Eliz., that he should quarter the above, in the Wyneslow, per pale, ar. and gu. ; on the dexter
second, place, with sa. a chev. engr. and on a side, a fesse of the last.
chief ar. three martlets of the field.) Wynester, or. a cross az. within a bend gu.
Wylde, [Kempsey, Wore] ar. on a chief sa. Wyngke, or Wingh, ar. a billettee sa. ; on a pile
three martlets or. Crest, a lion pass, guard. engr. gu. a cross crosslet betw. two Blackmoors'
gu. resting the dexter paw on an escutcheon ar. heads, side-faced, couped, sa.
Wylde, [Wore] sa. a chev. erm. hetw. three Wynmond, gu. a ram's head, cabossed, ar.
whelk-shells or. Crest, a stag's head, erased, armed or.
erm. Wynne, Pendarrves. See Pendarves, this
Wylde, ar. a chev. sa. ; on a chief of the second, diet.
three martlets of the first. Crest, an eagle Wynne, [Garth, Montgomeryshire,] sa. three
displ. or. nag's heads, erased ar,
Wylde, ar. two bends gu. on each three cross Wynne, gu. a lion ramp. ar. armed and langued
crosslets or. az.
Wvle, az. a chev. or, hetw. three towers of the Wynne, [Lees-wood, Flintshire. Created a Bart.
last. \)
Jug. 1731.] az. a chev. betw. three dol-
Wvlidon, a fesse dancettee componee or. and
ar. phins haurient, ar. Crest, a dolphin haurient,
az. Crest, a dexter hand, in fesse couped, ar.

holding a cross crosslet, in pale. Wynne, [Nostell, Yorks. Created a Bart. 3rd
Wylidun. See Wilysdon. Dec. 1660.] Arms as 2nd in 1st diet. Crest,
Wylie, az. a bend betw. three mullets, ar Crest, an eagle, displ. or.
on a rock, a fort in flames, ppr. Wynscel, per pale, ar. and gu. a fesse counter-
Wylles, or Wyllis, ar. on a bend sa. betw. six changed.
roses gu. three mullets, pierced, or. Wynselow, ar. a bend lozengy, of the first and
Wyllie, [Edinburgh, Scotland,] az. a bend betw.
a fox, current in chief, and two mullets, in Wynslade. See Wyndeslade.
base, ar. Wynslow, erm. a chev. engr. ermines
Wyllison, [Sugwas, Herefordshire,] az. a chev. Wynslow, erm. on a chev. engr. sa. three quatre-
betw. three lions ramp, double queve or. foils or.
Wyloughby, or, fretty az. ; a chief gu Wynstanley. See Winstanley, 1st diet.
Wyman. Arms as 1st in 1st diet. Crest, on a Wynter, chequy, or and sa. a fesse ar.
wheat-sheaf, fesseways, or, a cock gu. Wynyard, paly of six, ar. and sa. on a chief gu.
Wvmeswold, or Wynyswold, as 1st diet. a lion pass. ar. ( Another three pales sa. the
Wymond. Arms as 2nd in 1st. diet. Crest, a lion or.) Crest, an antelope, sejant, ppr.
demi eagle displ. vert. Wyntworth, ar. a cross, degraded, sa.
Wymor, ar. a chev. betw. three horses' heads, Wynswold. See Wymesswold.
erased, gu. Wyrall, ar. two lions pass, guard, the first gu.
W ynall. Arms as 2nd in 1st diet Crest, an second sa. ; on a chief of the last, three cups,
owl sa. covered, or.
Wynard, or, on a bend az. three mullets, pierced, Wyreley, ar. a chev. engr. betw. three bugle
ar. horns stringed or.
\\ yndeslade, or Wynslade, ar. a chev. vaire, of Wyrley, ar. three bugle horns, sa. stringed vert.
Wyse, sa. three chev. erni.
WysebechEj gu. three crescents or.
\\ >
-i;tt, gu. a griffin, segreant, ar.
a chev. enn.
\\ YSSEj sa.

Wysse, ar. three Blackmoors' heads, in profile, sa.

wreathed round the forehead and tied or. Yarborough, [Yorks.] per chev. ar. and az.

WytcherSj gu. a chev. or, betw. three goats' a chev. betw. three chaplets ; all counter-
heads, erased, ar. armed of the second. changed.
Wytek, erm. a bull sa. armed gu. Yard, or Yeards. Arms as 3rd in 1st diet.
Wvth, az. three griffins, segreant, in fesse, or. Crest, an arrow, in pale, point upwards, enfiled
Wyth, ar. a cross flory vert. with a ducal coronet, ppr.
WythEj [Cambr. and Norf.] az. three griffins Yardly, as 2nd Yardeley, in 1st diet. Crest,
pass, in pale, or. a hind's head or.
Wythe, [Droitwich, Wore] vert, a lion ramp, YarforDj ar. on a chev. sa. betw. three goats'
within a bordure or. heads, erased, az. as many billets or.
WytheRj ar. a fesse, betw. three crescents, gu. Yarker, sa. a chev. betw. three goats' heads,

Wythers, as 2nd in 1st diet. Crest, a demi erased, ar. Crest, a greyhound, current,
eagle displ. with two heads, ppr. ppr.
Wvthom, sa. in chief two roses or in base ; Yarmouth, ar. a chev. betw. three badgers' legs,
a crescent of the last, surmounted with a mul- erased, sa.
let ar. Yarrow, ar. six fleurs-de-lis sa. Crest, a buck,
W v thypoll,per pale, or and gu. three lions trippant, gu. attired and unguled or.
pass, in pale, within a bordure ; all counter- Yate. Arms as of Buckland, in 1st diet. Crest,
changed. a horse's head gu.
\A ytte.
per chev. sa. and ar. within a bordure, Yate, [Buckland, Berks.] per pale, crenellee, ar.
all counterchanged. and sa. three field-gates counterchanged.
Y\ ytton, sa. a water-bouget ar. Yates, [Stanford and Lyford, Berks. Bucks. ; ;

Wyvell, or, a fret vair. Oxon ; Wilts. ; and Wore] Arms as Yate,
WyveU, ar. three mullets betw. two bars, sa. of Uppham,- 1st diet.
Crest, on a mount, a peacock ppr. Yates. Same arms. Crest, a demi lion ramp.
WyveU, ar. two bars sa. within a bordure engr. gu. az.

WyveU. See Wyvill, 1st diet. Yates, per chev. gu. and or, three gates counter-
Wyvill, [Xesham, Durham,] quarterly; first, changed.
gu. three chev. braced, in base, vair; a chief Yatton, or, a chev. sa. betw. three garbs
or, for Wyvill; second, sa. three pick-axes ar. az.
for Pigot ; third, az. a chief, indented, or, for Yawkins, [Scotland,] or, a chev. sa. betw. three
Fitz- Randall ; fourth, az. a bend or, over all a fleurs-de-lis az. Crest, a naked arm, emhowed,
label of three points ar. for Scoop. Crest, a brandishing a scimitar, all ppr.
wivern, with wings endorsed, ar. spouting flames Yeadling, sa. a falcon ar. belled, beaked, and
PP r -
legged or.

Wyvill, [Burton Constable, 1 orks. Created a Yeamans. See Yeomans, 1st diet.
Bart. '2r>th Nor. 16 11.] Arms and crest, as Yeard, and Yeards. See Yard, both diets.
WyveU, of Little Burton and Burton Constable, Yearworth. See Yarworth, 1st diet.
1st diet. Yeates, [Ireland,] per fesse, crenellee, or and
gu. a cross ar. fretty az. ; in the dexter
Jt'i/ri/l. gu. three bar-gates counterchanged. Crest, a
chief point a mullet or. shark,issuing, reguard. swallowing a man, all ppr.

WyviU, gu. a cross or, betw. four mullets of the Yeates, or Yeats. Same arms. Crest, a lion's
second. head, erased, ar.
Wyward, ar. a chev. betw. three roses, gu. Ye atom. See Yeton, 1st diet.
Yeber, gu. a fesse, indented, betw. three cross
crosslets fitchee or.

X Yedling. See Yelding,

Yellex, ar. three falcons' heads, erased, sa.
beaked gu.
Yellowley, az. a chev. betw. three mascles, or.
Ximines, or, a patriarchal cross gu. pierced of the
field, within a bordure az. Crest, a bat displ. sa.
Yelverton, ar. three lions ramp, guard, gu. ;
on Yorke, [Halton and Richmond, Yorks.] The
a chief of the second, as many lions ramp. same as York, of Bewerley Hall, in Appendix
guard, of the first. to 1st diet.
Yenery, ar. on a hend gu. three ivy-leaves of the Yorke, ar. a fesse sa. ;
in chief a crescent of the
first. last, betw. two pellets.
Yenn, [Gloucester Place, London,] az. a lion Yorks, ar. on a saltier az. a bezant; in chief a
ramp. Crest, a lion pass. az.
ar. crescent gu. Crest, a lion's head, erased, col-
Yeo, ar. a chev. hetw. three shovellers, az. lared, charged with a roundle.
Yeo, sa. a fesse hetw. three teals, ar. memhered Yorstone, [Scotland,] az. a fesse ar. betw. three
gu- garbs or. Crest, a rose, stalked and leaved,
} eo. See J er, 1st diet. ppr.
Yeoman, [Dryhurgh. Granted 1668,] ar. two Youl, [Scotland,] gu. a garb ar. betw. three
darts, points downward, piercing a heart gu. crescents of the second. Crest, a garb or.
pointed and feathered of the first. Young, per pale, or and purp. a chev. betw. two
Yeoman. The same, points upward, and guttee leopards' faces in chief, and a lion ramp, in
de sang. Crest, a hand holding a dart in a base, all counterchanged. Crest, a sinister and
throwing posture, ppr. dexter arm, embowed, habited sa. ruffled ar.
Yer, or, a chev. sa. Crest, a wolf, sejant, the one holding an open scroll, also ar. the
sa. other, a pen ppr. inscribing on the scroll the
Yerde, ar. a chev. gu. hetw. three water-hougets word "Lahore."
sa. J
bung, or, six pellets, in fesse, betw. three lions,
Yescon. See Yeston, 1st diet. salient, gu. Crest, a stag's head, couped, ppr.
Yeverey. Arms as 1st diet. Crest, an elephant's bezantee, betw. two fern-branches, also ppr.
head, hendy of six, ar. and gu. Supporters ; dexter, a lion ramp. gu. gorged
\ les, [Scotland,] ar. a fesse engr. sa. betw. with a naval crown, and charged on the breast
three fleurs-de-lis gu. Crest, a stag's head, with an acorn, leaved, and slipped, or ; sinister,
erased. a buck ppr. bezantee, gorged as the lion.
\ lunge, per pale, sa. and or, three lozenges, in [Borne by Admiral Sir W. Young, K.C.B.
pale, counterchanged. 1829.]
Yoe, ar. a chev.
betw. three turkey-cocks, in Young, [Bishop of Rochester. [Granted by ,

pride, sa. Crest, an anchor sa. Dethick.] See Young, of Rochester, in 1st
Yonge, [London,] bendy of six, ar. and sa. a diet.
lion ramp. gu. Crest, as of London, 1st Young, [N.umb.] See of the North of England.
diet. 1st diet.
onge, ar. on a bend sa. three griffins' heads, Young, [Salop.] ar. three roses gu.
erased, paleways, or. Crest, a stork ar. wings Young, lozengy, ar. and vert; on a chev. az. three

expanded az. in the beak a snake ppr. bezants ; a chief gu. charged with a goat's
Yonge, az. three griffins, segreant, armed gu. head, erased, or, betw. two cinquefoils of the
Yonge, per bend sinister, erm. and ermines, a lion last. Crest, a squirrel, sejant, gu. charged on
ramp. or. the body with a chev. componee, or and az.
onge, ar. three leopards ramp, two and one, gu. ; holding a nut branch vert, fructed of the second.
in chief a lion pass, of the first. three roses gu.
Young, or,
Yonge, ar. on a chief gu. three lions ramp, of the }
bung, per bend sinister, erm. and ermines, a
first. lion ramp. or.
Yonge, paly, bendy of six, ar. and vert on ;
Young, erm. on a bend engr. and cottised, sa.
a bend az. two unicorns' heads, erased, of the three griffins' heads, erased, or.
Younge, [Grenford, Midd. and Dunford, Wilts.] ;

York, [Clothwood,] ar. a chev. gu. betw. three vair,on a chief gu. three lions ramp. or. Crest,
fleurs-de-lis az. a demi greyhound. .

J ork, az. a saltier ar. Crest, a thistle ppr. a betw.

Yowley, ar. saltier, indented, four
York, ar. a chev. sa. betw. three hinds' heads, hammers, sa.
couped, gu. Ypres, gyronny of ten, gu. and az. an escutcheon
I ork, ar. on a fesse, cottised, sa. a crescent of the . . . .
over all a baton sinister, couped, ar.
first, betw. two plates. Crest, an eagle, with wings expanded.
York, per pale, az. and ar. ; on each side a bend Yule, [Darleith, Scotland,] Arms and crest as
counterchanged. Yuille, 1st diet.
YvAlNj ar. semee of annulets within each a lion
; Zorke, per pale, az. and ar. ; on each side a bend
ramp, and an eagle clispl. alternately, sa. in counterchanged.
the interstices, a lesser annulet of the last. Zorkes, or Zork, as last in 1st diet.
Crest, out of a ducal coronet, a dexter hand Zorks, as 1st Zorkes, 1st diet.
holding a rose-branch, all ppr. Zorkes, as 2nd Zorkes, 1st diet.
Zouch, ar. fifteen torteauxes, five, four,
two, and one a label of five points.
; Crest, in a
z ducal coronet gu. a mule's head ar. bridled grey.
Zouch, gu. nine bezants, three, three, two, and
one ; on a canton erm. a crescent az.
Zakesley, ar. three thatchers' rakes sa. Zouche, [Leic] as 14th Zouch, 1st diet.
Zefoild, ar. a cross moline az. Zouche, [Leic] as 15th Zouch, 1st diet.
Zefuell, or Zefrell, ar. a cross patonce vert ; in Zouche, gu. nine bezants, three, three, two, and
the dexter chief, a martlet gu. one on a canton ar. a mullet sa.

ZermaNj ar. a bend sa. ; in chief a martlet of the Zouche, gu. a chev. erm. betw. nine bezants.
last. Crest, an ass's head, couped, erm.
ZingeLj gu. an arrow, point upward, betw. two Zymon, ar. two eagles clispl. in fesse, vert. Crest,
wings, ar. a cross crosslet and sword, point downwards, in
Zorke, or, on a fesse sa a crescent ar. saltier.



Brander, Robert-Burnett, Esq., [The Lawn,

South-Lambeth, and of West ow Hill, Norwood,
it Surrey,] gu. a burning bush, ppr. betw. two
roses ar. (fesseways,) and three lions ramp, of
the third, two and one. Crest, a dove, reguard.
Beynon, Rev. Edmund-Turner, M. A. formerly holding in the beak an olive branch, ppr. [Im-
Batly, [Carshalton and Slines Oaks, Chelsham, paling ar. on a chief gu. two mullets or, pierced
in the county of Surrey.] Who by Royal Sign of the field, for Sarah his wife, daughter of'
Manual, in 1805, assumed the name and arms of Henry St. John, Esq., fifth son
of the Hon. and
Beynon. Arms, quarterly ; first and fourth per very Rev. St. Andrew, St. John, Dean of Wor-
pale, wavy, az. and gu. on a bend, cottised, or, cester, second son of the Right Hon. Join/, tenth
three cross crosslets vert, for Beynon ; second Baron St. John.]
and third, ax. a griffin, segreant, pean a canton
; Burley, vert, three boars' heads, couped, ar.
sa. charged with a milrind or, for Batly. armed or. Crest, a demi boar, ppr. armed,
Crest of Beynon, a lion, ramp. ar. semee of cross hoofed, and bristled or, gorged with a chain of
crosslets vert, holding betw. his fore paws an the last, supporting a thistle, ppr. [Borne by
escutcheon of the first, charged with a griffin's Mr. William Burley, of Leicester, 1837.]
head, erased, pean. Crest of Batly, a griffin's Burnett, John-Fassett,Esq., [May Place, Cray-
head, erased, pean, in the beak a millrind, as ford, Kent, and Vauxhall, Surrey.] per saltier,
in the arms. gu. and vert, a sword, in pale, ar. pomel and
Holland, the Hon. Sir William, One of the hilt or, suspended from the blade a bugle-horn,
Barons of the Exchequer, quarterly: first .and stringed gold, on a chief embattled erminois
fourth gu. on a fesse erm. betw. three bezants, three holly-leaves vert. Crest, upon a mount
as many pegs, sa. for Bolland. ; second and vert, within a mural crown or, a vine, fructed ;

third, sa. three combs ar. on an escutcheon of a hand issuant from clouds on the sinister, hold-
pretence the same arms of ZW/w/. Crest, an ing a pruning knife applied to the vine, all ppr.
eagle's head, erased, ppr. gorged with a collar,
erm. and holding in the beak a peg sa.
Boucher, William, Esq.
Shaftesbury, Dorsetshire,]
[Thornhil! House,
ar. a cross engr.
betw. four water bougets, sa. Crest, an old
man's head, side-faced, ppr. couped at the Chidson, W. D. Esq., [Liverpool,] ar. on chev.
shoulders, habited vert, collared or on his head
; vert, two mullets or. Crest, a greyhound, cou-
a ducal coronet gold, out of which a long cap, rant, ppr, collared or.
hanging forward, gu. tasselled or. Clerke, Edward, Esq., who died \lirl. per chev.
Description of the Plates.

az. and ar. in chief three leopards' heads, or, in a gauntlet, grasping a war~mace, all ppr. from
base an eagle displ. gu. Crest, a goat, salient, the handle of the mace, a chain pendent, en-
ar. attired or, against a pine tree ppr. circling the arm or, for Lysley ; second crest,
on a chapeau gu. turned-up erm. a mill-stone
ar. with the mill-rind or, also for Lysley,
F Motto, Forward.

Fuller, [Sussex and Somersetshire,] ar. three

liars and a canton gu. Crest, out of a ducal
coronet or, a lion's head, ppr. [Borne by the
lateJohn Fuller, Esq. of Bath. ] Mc. Carogher, Joseph Esq. M.D., [Chichester,
Sussex,] az. a lion pass, or, betw. three crescents.
ar. Crest, a cubit arm in armour, brandishing

G in the hand a broken tilting spear, all ppr, on

an escutcheon of pretence, quarterly first and;

fourth, per pale ar. and sa. three cheveronels,

Gunning, George, [Frinsbury, Kent, Esq., betw. as many cinquefoils, counterchanged, for
Lieut, in the 1st or Royal Regiment of Dra- Ommaney ; second ar. on a bend sa. three
goons,] gu. on a fesse ar. betw. three doves erm. mullets, pierced of the field, for Manaton ;
as manycrosses pattee of the field, in the chief third ar. a fesse nebulee gu. betw. three lions,
point, pendent from a ribbon, a representation ramp. sa. for Ayling.
of the Waterloo Medal ppr. Crest, a dove ar. Marshall, William Esq. [Penwortham Lodge,
the dexter claw supporting a sword, wavy, radi- Lancashire,] gu. two bars ar. betw. as many
ated, in bend, ppr. pomel and hilt or. flaunches, erm. on each a cross crosslet of the
field. Crest, a man, habited as a pikeman of
the seventeenth century ; and in a corslet,

H holding in his dexter hand a cross crosslet,

fitchee or, on his head, in profile, a morion ppr.
[Borne quarterly, with Earnshaw, viz. or, a

Hetley, Henry, Esq., [JBulbridge House, Wilts.] heron, sa. on a chief of the last, three annulets
gu. on a chev. ar. betw. three sparrow-hawks, of the field.]
ppr. a cross crosslet, fitchee, sa. Crest, on the
stump of a tree, a sparrow-hawk, all ppr.
Holman, [Devon.] Granted in July, 1607, to
Counsellor Holman, of Lincolns-Inn Fields,]
vert, a chev. ar. guttee-de-sang, betw. three
pheons or. Crest, a cross bow, bent, or, betw. Parsons, [Island of Barbadoes, and Begbrook
two wings gu. [Borne by William Holman. House, Gloucestershire, nmo borne by t/ie Rev.
Esq. of Mortlake, Surrey, 1838.] Daniel Parsons, M. A. of Oriel College, Ox-
ford,] gu.two cheveronels erm. betw. three eagles
displ. or ; in chief a label for cliff, gold. Crest,
a demi griffin, segreant, ar. beaked and mem-
bered, gu.
Pasmore, [Maidenhead, Berks.] or, a fesse, betw.
Lewis, [Brecon,] ar. a dragon's head and neck, three escutcheons gu. each charged with a bend
erased, vert, holding in the mouth a bloody vair, betw. two cinquefoils of the first ; all
hand. [Borne by .Mr. Thomas Lewis, 1837.] within a bordure vert, charged with eight be-
Lysley, William John Esq. [Inner Temple, zants. Crest, a demi sea-wolf, ppr.
London, and of Pewsham, Wilts.] quarterly ; Pearson, Charles, Esq. [Tankerton and Green-
first gu. a lion pass, guard, ar. crowned wich, Kent, who died in 1828,] erm. on two
or, for Lysley, ancient second and third or,
; bars gu. three bezants, escutcheon of pretence,
a fesse betw. two chev. sa. also for Lysley ; ar. a fret and chief sa. for Radford.
fourth as first, with the augmentation of three Pearson, Charles, Esq. [Tankerton and Green-
mullets ar. in chief, pierced of the field. first wich, only surviving son of the above.] Arms,
crest, a cubit arm in armour, (he hand within quarterly ;
first and fourth, Pearson ; second
Description of the Plates.

and third, Radford. Escutcheon of pretence, crescents, from each an etoile, issuant, of the
1, Hilt; 2, Riddlesworth ; 3, West; 4, De field. Crest, an eagle, with wings expanded,
Cantelupe ; .5, Fit; Pierce; (>, De Forte; 7, ar. charged on the breast with a crescent and

Peverelt; 8, De la Warr ; <>, estoile, issuant, as in the arms, and standing on

Tregpz; 10,
Grelli. Crest, a boar's head, couped, in the a snake, ppr.
mouth a slip of oak, acorned, ppr. Thistlethwavte, Thomas, Esq., [Southwick
PetTj Sami el. Esq. or, on a fesse gu. betw. Park, Hants.] or, on a bend az. three pheons
three ogresses, a lion pass, of the field. Crest, of the first. Crest, a demi lion ramp. az. hold-
out of a ducal coronet or. a demi pelican, wings ing a pheon or.
expanded and endorsed, ar.
Phelips, Charles, Esq. [Hriggens Park, Herts.]
ar. a chev. betw. three roses gu. seeded or,
barbed vert ;
impaled with the arms of Taylor,
viz. az. on a fesse. cottised, or, three lions ramp,
sa. Crest, an altar, or square beacon, filled Yale, quarterly; first and fourth, or, within two

with fire, ppr. bendlets, dancettee, gu. betw. six eaglets displ.
Piersox, Joseph Margetts, Esq. [Hitchin, three cross crosslets, in bend, sa. for / ale :
Herts.] per fesse, embattled, gu. and az. three second and third, ar. two escallops az. betw.
suns or. Crest, out of a ducal coronet or, an two bars gu. over all a bend sa. charged with
ostrich's head, betw. two ostrich's feathers, three martlets or, for Mart indole. Crest, a-
ar. mount vert, thereon a swan's head, couped at
the neck, ar. guttee de poix, surmounting two
crosses pattee, fitchee, in saltier, gu. [Granted
\2th Sept. 1826, to the Rev. Edward fate, of
s Chelsea, in the county of Middlesex, and of
Magdalene College, Cambridge, Clerk M.A.
Shotter, James, Esq. [Farnham, Surrey, ffor- / icar
of Feltham, in the same county, 1k:34.
merly Trimmer, icho, by Royal Sign Manual, second son of William Tale, late of Montagu
in 179.5, assumed the name ami arms of Shot- Place, Marylebone, and of Crickleuood House.
ter,) az. on a chev. or, charged with three Hendon, Esq. deceased.
bezants, in chief two sheaves, each of six
arrows, interlaced, saltierwise, gu. flighted and
pheoned, ar. in base a bow, stringed, fesseways,
of the last.
Crest, a demi lion ramp, erminois,
the shoulder with two arrows, sal-
tierwise, gu. flighted, ppr.; in the paws a slip Western, Lord. Arms, quarterly ; first and
of oak, leaves and acorns, also ppr. fourth, sa. a chev. betw. two crescents in chief,
Smith, Samuel, Esq., [Woodhall Park, near and a trefoil, slipped, in base, or, for Western ;
Ware, Herts.] or, a chev. cottised, sa. betw. second and third, paly of six, or and az. a can-
three demi griffins, couped, of the last, the two ton erm. for Shirley. Crest, a demi lion ramp,
in chief respecting each other. Crest, an ele- or, holding in the dexter paw a trefoil, slipped,
phant's head, erased, or, charged on the neck vert. Supporters ; dexter, a lion or, gorged
with three fleurs-de-lis, two and one, sa. with a collar az. therefrom pendent an escut-
Snow, John Rowe, Esq. ar. on a fesse, betw. cheon charged with the arms of Western :
two bars, nebulee, sa. a lion pass, of the field. sinister, a rein-deer, gu. attired ar. gorged with
Crest, a lion pass. or. a ducal coronet or, therefrom pendent an es-
Stahlschmidt, John Charles, Esq. [Lambeth, cutcheon, charged with the arms of Shirley.
Surrey.] See Description of the Arms, Quar- Motto, Nee temere nee timide.
terings, &c. in this Supplement. Wimble, Nehemiah, Esq. [Lewes, Suss.] Arms.
erm. on a pile gu. a lion of England in chief,
and a Wimble in base over all a fesse, chequy,

T or and az. thereon two escallops sa.

Crest, a
lion ramp, chequy, or and az. supporting
an ancient shield, gu. charged with the chemical
Tarte, John, Esq. [James Street, Westminster,] character for Mars, gold. (See Note in this
az. on a chev. ar. betw. three cocks, or, three Supplement Volume, under Wimble, as to the
Description of the Plates.

honourable augmentation of the Lion of Eng- a trefoil, slipped, vert, for Woods ; second and
land, in the Grant of these arms. third, per pale, ar. and sa. three cheveronels,
Woods, Miss Katharina, [Shopwick, Sussex.] betw. as many cinquefoils, counterchanged, for
Arms, first and fourth, ar. on a
fesse, raguly. az. three fleurs-de-lis or, in chief




Alphabetical as to Title.

Cleveland, Duke of, and Baron Raby, Sutherland, Duke of, (Leveson-Gower,) 14th
(Vane,) 29th Jan. 1833; Marquis of Cleveland, Jan. 1833; Marquis of Stafford, 28th Feh. 1786:
.5th Oct, 1827 Earl of Darlington, Viscount
; Earl Gower and Viscount Trentham, in the county
Barnard, of Barnard Castle, in the county Palatine of Stafford, 8th July, 1746 and Baron Gower of

of Durham, 8th July, 1699. Stittenham in Yorkshire, 16th March, 1703.

Arms, az. three sinister gauntlets or. Arms, quarterly ; first and fourth, barry of
Crest, a dexter gauntlet, holding a sword, all eight ar. and gu. over all a cross patonce sa. for
ppr. pomel and hilt or. Gower ; second and third az. three laurel leaves
Supporters ; dexter, a griffin ar. gorged with a or. for Leveson.

plain collar az. charged with three gauntlets or. ; Crest, a wolf, pass. ar. collared and lined or.
sinister, an antelope or, gorged with a plain collar Supporters, two wolves ar. each collared and
az. charged with three martlets or. lined or.
Motto, Nee temere, tier timide. Neither rash Motto, Frangas non Jlectes. You may break,
nor diffident. but shall not bend me.

Alphabetical as to Title.

Ailsa, Marquis of, and Baron Ailsa in the Supporters, two swans ppr. beaked and mem-
Peerage of the United Kingdom, (Kennedy,) bered gu.
10th Sept. 1831; Earl of Cassilis, 1509; Lord Motto, Avise la fin. Consider the issue.
Kennedy of Cassilis in the Peerage of Scotland, Bredalbane, Marquis of, and Earl of
14.50 Baron Ailsa in the Peerage of the United
; Ormelie, (Campbell,) 12th Sept. 1831 ;
Earl of
Kingdom, 4th Nov. 1806; and a Baronet, Bredalbane; Viscount Campbell, of Tayand Paint -
Arms, ar. a chev. gu. betw. three cross crosslets land Viscount Glenorchy and Taymouth Baron
; ;

titchee sa. all within a double tressure,

flory, coun- Benedoraloch, Ormelie, and Weik, 18th Aug.
rflory, of the second. 1681, with precedency from 28th June, 1677, in
Crest, a dolphin, naiant, ppr. the Peerage of Scotland, and Baron Bredalbane
ofTaymouth Castle, in the Peerage of the United Motto, Je ri oublierai jamais. I shall never
Kingdom, 1 3th Nov. 1806, and a Baronet of forget,
Nova Scotia. Westminster, Marquis of, (Grosvenor,) 13th
Arms, quarterly first and fourth, gyronny of
; Sept. 1831; Earl Grosvenor; Viscount Belgrave
eight, or, and sa. for Campbell ; second, or, a fesse in the county Palatine of Chester, 5th July, 1784 ;

chequy or and az. for Stewart ; third, ar. a galley Baron Grosvenor of Eaton in Cheshire, 8th April,
sa. sails furled, oars in action, for Lorn. 1761 ; and a Baronet, 1622.
Crest, a hoar's head, erased, ppr. Arms, quarterly ; first and fourth az. a portcul-
Supporters, two stags ppr. attired and unguled lis with chains pendent or, on a chief of the last,
or. in pale the arms of King Edward the Confessor,
Motto, Follow me. betw. two united roses of York and Lancaster,
Bristol, Marquis of, and Earl Jermyn, (being the arms of the City of Westminster granted
{Hervey,) 30th June, 1826 Earl of Bristol, 15th
; to the Marquis as a Coat of Augmentation ;) se-
Oct, 1714; and Baron Hervey, 23rd March, 1703. cond and third az. a garb. or. ; the family arms of
Arms, gu. on a bend ar. three trefoils, slipped, Grosvenor.
vert. Crest, a talbot, statant, or.
Crest, a leopard, pass. sa.
bezantee, ducally Supporters, two talbots, reguard. or.
gorged and chained or, holding in the dexter paw Motto, Nobilitatis virtus non stemma character.
a trefoil, slipped, vert, Virtue, not Ancestry should characterize No-
Supporters, two leopards sa. bezantee, ducally bility.
gorged and chained or.

Alphabetical as to Title.

Amherst, Earl, (Amherst,) of Arracan in the wreathed round the neck with a chaplet of roses,
East Indies, and Viscount Holmesdale, county of ar. and az.
Kent, 19th Dec. 1K26, and Baron Amherst of Supporters
; dexter, a buck, ppr. gorged with a
Montreal in the county of Kent, 30th Aug. 1788. chaplet of roses ar. and az. ; sinister, a dragon
Arms, gu. three lances or tilting- spears, erect, erm. ducally gorged, and chained or.
in fesse, or, headed ar. Motto, Cavcndo tutus. Secure by caution.
Crest, on a mount vert, three like spears, one Camperdown, Earl of, (Dimcan-Haldane,)
erect, and two in saltier, girt with a wreath of of Lundie, in the county of Forfar and Glen-
laurel ppr. agles, in the county of Perth, 12th Sept,
Supporters, two Canadian War Indians, of a 1831 Viscount Duncan of Camperdown, and

copper colour, rings in their noses and ears, and Baron Duncan of Lundie in Perthshire, 30th
bracelets on their arms and wrists ar. cross belts October, 1797.
over their shoulders, buff; to one a powder-horn, Arms, gu. in chief two cinquefoils ar. in base a
pendent ; to the other a scalping-knife, their hunting-horn of the second, stringed az. and as ;

waists covered with a short apron gu. gaiters blue, an augmentation in the second chief point, a
seamed or, legs fettered and fastened by a chain naval crown, and pendent therefrom a represen-
to the bracelet on the outer wrist, ppr the dexter ; tation of the gold medal given for the Battle of
Indian, holding in his exterior hand a battle-axe ;
Camperdown, (being two female figures, repre-
the sinister, holding in his exterior hand a toma- senting victory alighting on the prow of an antique
hawk, thereon a scalp, all ppr. galley, and crowning Britannia,) underneath, in
Motto, Victoria concordia crescit. Concord in- gold the word Camperdown.
sures victory. Crest, on waves of the sea, a dismasted ship
Burlington, Earl of, (Cavendish,) and Baron ppr.
Cavendish of Keighley in the county of York, 10th Supporters; dexter, an angel, ppr. vested ar.
Sept. 1831. mantle purp., on the head a celestial crown,
Arms, sa. three buck's heads, cabossed, ar. resting the right hand on an anchor, and holding
Crest, on a mount vert, a buck, statant, ppr. in the left a palm-branch or. ; sinister, a sailor
habited and armed ppr. his left hand supporting Lichfield, Earl of (Anson,) 15th Sept. 1831 ;
a staff, thereon hoisting a flag az. and with the Viscount Anson of Sugborough and Orgrave, in
Dutch republican colours wreathed round the the county of Stafford, and Baron Soberton of
middle of the staff. Soberton, in the county of Southampton, 17th
Motto, Secundis dubiisque rectus. Firm in Feb. 1806.
every fortune; and over the Crest, disca pati. Arms, quarterly ; first ar. three bends, engr.
Cawdor Eakl, (Campbell,) Viscount Emlyn, gu. a crescent for diff. for Anson; second erm.
5th Oct. 1827; Lord Cawdor, Baron of Castle- three cats, a mountain pass, guard, in pale sa. for
Martin in the county of Pembroke, 21st June, Adams third az. three salmons, naiant, in pale,

1706. per pale or. and az. for Sambrooke ; fourth sa. a

Arms, quarterly 1st or, a stag's head, cahossed, bend or, betw. three demi spears ar. for Carrier.
sa. attired gu. for Colder; 2nd gyronny of eight, Crest of Anson, out of a ducal coronet or, a
or and sa. for Campbell; 3rd ar. a galley sails spear head, ppr. a staff purp. ; Crest of Adams, a
furled, sa. for Lorn; 4th per fesse az. and gu. greyhound's head, couped, ermines ; charged on
a cross or, for Lort. the neck, with two bars gemelles or.
Crest, a swan ar. ducally crowned or. Supporters, dexter, a sea-horse ar. ; sinister, a
Supporters; dexter, a lion, guard, gu. ; sinis- sea-lion of a dun-mouse colour, each gorged with
ter, a harp, ppr. two bars, gemelles or.
Motto, be mindful. Motto, (Nil desperandum.) Let us never
Durham, Earl of, (Lambton,) and Viscount despair.
Lambton, 15th March, 1833; Baron Durham of Munster Earl of, (Fitzclarence,) Viscount
the City of Durham, and of Lambton-Castle, in Fitzclarence and Baron Tewkesbury, of the
the county Palatine of Durham, Jan. 1828. county of Gloucester, 4th June, 1831.
Arms, sa. a fesse betw. three lambs, pass. ar. Arms, the royal bearings of the United
Crest, a ram's head, cabossed, ar. horned, sa. Kingdom, (without the escutcheon of the arch-
Supporters; two lions, the dexter gu. the treasurer of the Holy Roman Empire, and
sinister az. each ducally gorged or, supporting a without the Crown of Hanover,) debruised by a
staff gold, therefrom banners of the second, the baton; sinister, az. charged with three anchors
dexter banner, charged with a cross patonce, and or.
the sinister with a lion pass, guard, of the third. Crest, on a chapeau gu. turned up erm. a lion
Motto, Ie jour viendra. The clay will come. statant, guard, crowned with a ducal coronet or,
(<See Plate of Arms, Quarterings, Crests, and and gorged with a collar az. ; charged with three
Supporters in 1st diet.) anchors, gold.
Granville Earl, (Leveson- Gower,) and Ba- Supporters ; a
lion guard, ducally
ron Leveson, 2nd May, 1833; Viscount Granville crowned or. horse ar. each gorged
sinister, a
of Stone-Park, in the county of Stafford, 15th with with three anchors, gold.
a collar, az. charged
July, 1815. Ripon, Earl of (Robinson,) of the county of
Arms, quarterly, 1st and 4th harry of eight, ar. York, 10th April, 1833; Viscount Goderich of
and gu. a cross flory sable for Gower; 2nd and Nocton, Lincolnshire, 25th April, 1827.
3rd az. three laurel-leaves or, for Leveson, in the Arms, vert, a chev. betw. three bucks, at gaze^
centre a crescent for diff. or.

Crest, a wolf, pass. ar. collared and lined or. Crest, out of a coronet, composed of fleurs-
Supporters, two wolves ar. plain, collared, and de-lis or, on a mount vert, a buck at gaze, of the
line reflexed over the back, gold, each charged on first.
the shoulder with an escutcheon gu. thereon a Supporters, on either side, a wivern or, gorged
clarion or. with a collar, harry of three, the middle ar. the
Motto, Frangas non Jlectes You may break, others az.
but shall not bend me. Motto, Foy est tout.

a 2

Alphabetical as to Title.

Canterbury, Viscount, {Manners Sutton,) of Bhurtpore, in the East Indies, and of Comber-
the City of Canterbury, and Baron Bottesford of mere, in the county of Chester, 8th Feb. 1827;
Bottesford, county of Leicester, 10th March, 1835. Baron Combermere, of Combermere, 3rd May,
Arms, quarterly ; first and fourth ar. a canton 1814, and a Baronet.
sa. for Sutton; second and third or, two bars Arms, az. a chev. betw. three hanks of cotton,
az. a chief quarterly az. and gu. the first charged paleways, ar. in chief, pendent, from a ribbon, gu.
with two fleurs-de-lis, the second with a lion, a representation of the medal presented to him
pass, guard, or, for Manners. after the Battle of Salamanca.
Crest, on a chapeau gu. turned up erm. a Crest, a falcon ppr. wings expanded, belled or.
peacock, in pride, ppr. holding in the dexter claw, a belt, az. buckled
Supporters, two unicorns ar. each armed, maned, gold.
tufted, and unguled or, around the neck of the Crest of augmentation, upon a mount vert, a
dexter, a chain of the last, therefrom pendent an soldier of the 3rdRegiment of Light Dragoons,
escutcheon az. charged with a mace erect of the mounted, all ppr. in the attitude of charging the
second, round the neck of the sinister, a like enemy ; and over this crest, in an escrol az. the
chain, therefrom pendent an escutcheon, also, az. word "Salamanca," in letters of gold.
charged with an archoepiscopal mitre, gold. Supporters, two falcons' wings expanded and
Motto, Pour y parvenir. In order to accom- endorsed ppr. belled or, jessed gu. murally gorged
plish. of the last.
COMBERMERE, VlSCOUNT (Stapleton-Cotton,) of Motto, In utraque fortuna paratus.


Alphabetical as to Title.

Abinger, Baron, (Scarlett,) of Abinger, in the Motto, Virtus in drduis. Fortitude under
county of Surrey, and of the city of Norwich, 12th difficulties.
Jan. 1835. Brougham and Vaux, Baron, (Brougham,
Arms, chequy, or and gu. on a canton az. a of Brougham, in the county of Westmoreland,
castle, triple-towered, ar. 22nd Nov. 1830.
Crest, a tuscan column, chequy, or and gu. sup- Arms, gu. a chev. betw. three lucies, haurient.
ported on either side by a lion's gamb. erm. erased ar.
of the second. Crest, a dexter arm, embowed, in armour, ppr.
Supporters, two angels, vested ar. tunics az. charged with a rose gu. slipped vert, the hand
wings or, in the exterior hands of each, a sword, holding a lucy, fesseways, ar.
PP r
Supporters ; dexter, a lion vert, gorged with a
Motto, Suis stet viribus. collar, chequy or and gu. ; sinister, a stag ar.
Ashburton, Baron, (Baring,) of Ashburton, holding in the mouth a rose gu. slipped vert.
in the county of Devon, 10th April, 1835. Motto, Pro rege, lege, grege. For the King,
Arms, az. a fesse or. in chief a bear's head ppr. the Law, and the People.
muzzled, and ringed, or. Chaworth, Baron, (Brabazon,) of Eaton Hall.
Crest, a mullet, erminois, betw. two wings ar. in the county of Hereford, 10th Sept. 1831. See
Supporters, two bears ppr. muzzled, collared, Earl of Meath, &c, in the Peerage of Ireland.
and chained or. charged on the shoulder with a 1st diet, under Peer.
cross pattee fitchee, of the last. Clan willi am, Baron, (Meade,) of Clan william.
in the county of Tipperary, 28th Jan. 1828. See Crest, a raven, rising, ppr. in the beak an an-
Earl of Clanwilliam, &c. in the Peerage of nulet or.
Ireland, 1st diet, under Peer. Supporters; two lions, gu. charged on the hotly
Clements, Baron, (Clements,) of Kilmacrenan, with five erni. spots, in cross or.
in the county of Donegal, 20th June, 1K31. See Motto, Prudentia et constant ia. By prudence
Earl 'OF Leitrim, &c. in the Peerage of Ireland, and constancy.
1st diet, under Peer. De Saumarez, Baron, (Saumarez,) in the
Cloncurry, Baron, {Lawless,) of Cloncurry, Island of Guernsey, 15th September, 1831.
in the county of Kildare, 14th Sept. 1831. See Arms, ar. on a chev. gu. betw. three leopards'
Baron Cloncurry in the Peerage of Ireland, 1st faces sa. as many castles, triple towered or, a cres-
diet, under Peer. cent for diff.
Cotteniiam, B\ron, (Pepys,) of Cottenhani, Crest, a falcon, displ. ppr. charged with a cres-
in the county of Cambridge, 20th Jan. 1836. cent for diff.
Arms, sa. on a bend or, betw. two nags' heads, Supporters; dexter, an unicorn, tail betw. the
erased, ar. three fleurs-de-lis of the field. legs, ar. navally gorged az. charged on the breast
Crest, a camel's head, erased, or, bridled, lined, with a castle, triple-towered, or; sinister, a grey-
ringed, and gorged with a ducal coronet, sa. hound, ar. collared gu. rimmed or, charged on the
Supporters, two horses ar. bridled and gorged breast with a wreath of laurel, ppr. encircling an
with a ducal,.-eTOTret, sa. pendent therefrom an anchor sa.
escutcheon or, charged with a fleur-de-lis of the Motto, In Deo spew.
I hope in God.

second. De Tabley, Baron,(Warren, late Leicester,)

Cowley, Baron, (Wellesley,) of Wellesley, in of Tabley House, Cheshire, 15th June, 1826; a
the county of Somerset, 21st Jan. 1828. Bart, of Ireland.
Arms, quarterly first and fourth, gu. a cross
; Arms, chequy or. and az. on a canton gu. a lion,
ar. betw. twenty plates, five in each quarter, sal- ramp. ar.

tierways, for Wellesley; second and third or, a Crest, on a chapeau gu. turned up erm. a wivern
lion ramp. gu. ducally gorged of the field, for ar. wings elevated, chequy or and az.
Cowley. Supporters, two wiverns ar. wings elevated,
Crest, out of a ducal coronet or. a demi lion, chequy or and az.
ramp. gu. holding a spear, erect, ppr. therefrom Motto, Tenebo. I will maintain.
flowing a pennon ar. charged with the cross of Dinorben, Baron, (Hughes,) of Kinmel Park,
St. in the county of Denbigh, 10th Sept. 1831.
Supporters, two lions gu. ducally gorged and Arms, gu. two lions, pass. betw. three roses, in
chained or. charged on the shoulder with an an- pale, ar.
nulet for diff. Crest, out of a crown vallery, a demi lion ramp,
Motto, Porrb unum est necessarium. Moreover ar. supporting in his paws an ancient pike, ppr.
one thing is necessary. Supporters ; dexter, an ancient Briton, sup-
DeL'Isle, and Dudley, Baron, (Sidney, late porting an ancient pike, all ppr. sinister, a dragon,

Shelley, of Penshurst, in the county of Kent, 13th

) wings elevated, vert, charged on the shoulder with
January, 1835. a rose ar.
Arms, quarterly first and fourth, or, a pheon
; Motto, Rhad duw a rhyddid.
az. for Sidney second and third, sa. on a fesse
; Dover, Baron, (Agar-Ellis,) of Dover, in the
engr. betw. three welk-shells or, (a mullet for county of Kent, 20th June, 1831.
diff.) for Shelley. Arms, quarterly ;
first and fourth or, on a cross,
Crests ; Sidney, a porcupine, statant, az.
first, sa. five crescents ar. for Ellis ; second and third.
quills, collar, and chain, or; second, Shelley, a az. a lion, ramp. or. for 'Jgar, a label for diff.
griffin's head, erased, ar. ducally gorged or. Crest, a demi lion ramp. or.
Supporters dexter, a porcupine az. quills,
; Supporters, two greyhounds sa. the dexter, ;

collar, and chain, or sinister a lion, queue four-

; charged on the body with three crescents or. the :

chee, vert. sinister,with three crosses moline, voided, ar.

Motto, Quo fata vocant. Whither fate may Motto, JVon hoBC sine numine. These things
call me. are not without a divinity.
Den man, Baron, (Denman,) of Dovedale, in Duncannon, Baron, (Ponsonby,) of Bes-
the county of Derby, 28th March, 1*34. borough, in the county of Kilkenny, (eldest son
Arms, ar. on a chev. betw. three lion's heads, of the Earl ok Besborough, in Ireland,) 19th
erased, gu. as many ermine spots or. July. 1834.
Arms, gu. a chev. betw. three combs, ar. Hamilton, Baron, {Hamilton,) of Weshaw,
Crest, out of a ducal coronet or, three arrows, in thecounty of Lanark, 10th Sept. 1831. See
points downwards, one in pale, and two in saltier, Baron Belhaven and Stanton, in the Peerage
entwined at the intersection by a snake, ppr. of Scotland in 1st diet, under Peer.
Supporters, two lions, reguard. ppr. Hatherton, Baron, {Litileton, late Walhouse,)
Motto, Pro rege, lege, grege. For the King, of Hatherton, in the county of Stafford, 11th May,
the Law, and the People. 1835.
Dunmore, Baron, {Murray,) of Dunmore, in Arms, ar. a chev. betw. three escallops, sa.
the forest of Atholl, in the county of Perth, 10th Crest, a stag's head, cabossed, sa. attired or.
Sept. 1831, See Earl of Dunmore, &c, in the betw. the attires, a bugle-horn of the first, gar-
Peerage of Scotland in 1st diet, under Peer. nished, and pendent from two annulets, gold.
Fingall, Baron, (Plunkett,) of Woolhampton Supporters dexter, a stag ppr. plain collared

Lodge, in the county of Berks. 20th June, 1831. or, pendent therefrom an escutcheon, ar. charged
See Earl of Fingall, &c, in Ireland in 1st diet, with a bugle, stringed sa. sinister, a lion gu. du-

under Peer. cally gorged, pendent therefrom an escutcheon,

Fitzgerald, Baron, {J'esey-Fitzgerald,) of charged as the dexter.
Desmond and Clan Gibbon, in the county of Cork, Motto, Lhig Dieu, et ung Roy. One God, and
10th Jan. 1835. See Baronkss Fitzgerald and one King.
Vesey, in the Peerage of Ireland in the Appendix Heytesbury, Baron, {A' Court,) of Heytes-
to 1st diet. bury, in the county of Wilts, 23rd Jan. 1828.
Arms, quarterly ; first and fourth, ar. a saltier Arms, per fesse or, and paly of six erminois
gu. for Fitzgerald ; second and third or, on a and az. in chief an eagle displ. sa. charged on the

cross sa. a patriarchal cross of the field for Vesey. body with two chevronels, ar.
Crest, first, Fitzgerald, a soldier, equipped, on Crest, an eagle displ. sa. charged on the body
horseback, at full speed, holding a sword, erect, with two chevronels or, holding in the beak a lily,
ppr. slipped, ppr.
Second, Vesey, a dexter hand, in armour, hold- Supporters, twoeagles, wings, elevatedand displ.
ing a laurel branch ppr. sa. beaked and membered gu. in the beak a lily,
Supporters ; dexter, a male griffin ; sinister, a slipped, ppr.
wild man, supporting on his exterior shoulder, a Motto, Grandescunt aucta labore. Increased
club, ppr. by labour they grow large.
Motto, Shannet a boo. Howden, Baron, {Cradock,) of Howden, and
Glenelg, Baron, {Grant,) of Glenelg, in the Grimston, in the county of York, 10th September,
county of Inverness, 8th May, 183.5. 1831. See Baron Howden, in the Peerage of
Arms, gu. on a fesse, betw. three eastern crowns, Ireland, in 1st diet, under Peer.
or, a lion, pass, guard, of the field, crowned gold, Hunsdon, Baron, {Carey,) of Skutterskelfe,
betw. two cinquefoils of the first. in the county of York, 15th May, 1832. See
Crests ; first, a burning mountain, ppr. second, ; Viscount Falkland, &c. in the Peerage of Scot-
on a mount, a banyan tree, also ppr. land in 1st diet., under Peer.
Supporters ; dexter, a tiger ppr. ; sinister, a Kenlis, Baron, Taylour,) of Kenlis, orKells,

stag, ppr. gorged with an eastern crown or. in the county of Meath, 10th September 1831.
Motto, Stand sure. See Marquis of Headfort, &c, in the Peerage
Godolphin, Baron, {Osborne,) of Farnham of Ireland, under Peer.
Royal, in the county of Bucks. 14th May, 1832. Kilmarnock, Baron, { Hay-Carr,) of the
(Brother of the Duke of Leeds.) county of Ayr, 17th June, 1831. See Earl of
Arms, quarterly ;
and fourth, quarterly,
first Errol, &c, in the Peerage of Scotland in 1st
I'rm. and az. a cross Osborne ; second and
or, for diet., under Peer.
third gu. an eagle, with two heads, displ. betw. Langdale, Baron,{Bickersteth,) of Langdale,
three fleurs-de-lis, two and one, ar. for Godolphin . in the county of Westmorland, 23rd January,
Crest of Osborne, an heraldic tiger, statant or, 1836.
tufted sa. Arms, ar. a cross flory sa. charged with five
Crest of Godolphin, a dolphin, enibowed, sa. mullets or, on a chief az. three roses of the
Motto over, Francha leal et oge. third.
Supporters, two eagles reguard. wings displ. and Crest, a dexter arm, embowed, in armour, ppr.
inverted, ar. garnished or, about the elbow a wreath of oak
Motto, Pax in bello. Peace in war. vert, in the hand a roll of paper, ppr.
Supporters dexter, a female figure, represent-
; Motto, dementia el animis. By clemency
ing Fortitude, vested yellow, zone, and sandals, and fortitude.
gu. mantle az. her exterior arm resting on a Tus- Plunket, Baron, (Pliaiket,) of Newtown, in
can column ppr. sinister, a female figure, repre- the county of Cork, 1st May, 1827.
senting Prudence, vested az. zone, mantle, and Arms, sa. a bend betw. a tower in chief, and a
sandles gu. in the exterior hand a mirror, entwined portcullis in base, or.
hy a serpent, all ppr. Crest, a horse pass. ar. charged on the body
Motto, Si/i/m cuique. To
every man his own. with a portcullis sa.
Ludlow, Baron, (Ludlow,) 10th September, Supporters :an antelope ; sinister, a
1831. See Earl Ludlow, &c, in the Peerage of horse, both ppr. each charged with a plain collar,

Ireland in 1st diet., under Peer. pendent therefrom a portcullis ....

Lyndhurst, Baron, (Copley,) of Lyndhurst, Motto, Festina lentc. Quick, without impe-
in thecounty of Hants, 25th April, 1827. tuosity.
ar. a cross flory sa. within a bordure az.
Arms, Poltimore, Baron, (Bam/ifylde,) of Poltimore,
charged with eight escallops of the field. in the county of Devon, 10th Sept. 1831.
Crest, an escallop or, in front of a dexter arm, Arms, or, on a bend gu. three mullets ar.
embowed, in armour, the hand grasping a sword, Crest, a lion's head, erased, sa. ducally crowned
and the cubit encircled with a chaplet of laurel, or.
all ppr. two lions, reguard. sa. ducally
Supporters :

Supporters, two eagles, wings elevated, ppr. crowned gu. gorged with a collar gemelle or.
gorged with a plain collar or, pendent therefrom pendent therefrom an escutcheon of the arms
a shield ar. charged with a cross sa. of Bampfylde
flory .

Motto, L lira
pergere. To push onward. Motto, Deleetare in Domino. To delight in
Melkos, Baron, (Hamilton,) of Tyninghame, the Lord.
in the county of Haddington, 24th July, 1827. Portman, Baron, (Portman,) of Orchard Port-
See Earl of Haddington, &c, in the Peerage man, Somersetshire, 24th Jan. 1837.
of Scotland in 1st diet., under Peer. Arms, or, a fleur-de-lis az.; quartering, Berkeley.
Mostyn, Baron, (Lloyd,) of Mostyn, in the Crest, a talbot, sejant, or.
county of Flint, 10th Sept. 1831. Supporters two wild men, wreathed about the

Arms, gu. a Saracen's head, erased at the neck, loins and temples, vert, each
supporting a club,
ppr. wreathed about the temples ar. and sa. ppr.
Crest, a stag, trippant, ppr. attired and un- Ranfurlv, Baron,
(hno.r,) of Ramphorlie, in
guled or. the county of Renfreu, 6th July, 1K26. See
Supporters; dexter, a stag, ppr. attired or, Earl of Ranfurly, &c. in the Peerage of Ire-
charged on the shoulder with an escutcheon gu. land, in this diet.
theron a chev. ar. betw. three mens' heads, Roseberry, Baron, (Primrose,) of Roseberry,
in profile, ppr. ; sinister, a lion or,
charged on the in the
county of Edinburgh, 26th Jan. 1826.
shoulder with an escutcheon ar. thereon a cross See Earl of Roseberry, &c. in the Peerage of
engr. and fleurettee sa. betw. four cornish choughs Scotland, 1st diet, under Peer.
ppr. Rossie, Baron, (Kinnaird,) of Rossie, in the
Motto, Heb
dduw heb ddym D' Duwadygan. county of Perth, 20th June. 1831. See Baron
Panmure, Baron, (Maule,) of Brechin and Kinnaird, in the Peerage of Scotland, in 1st
Naver, in the county of Forfar, 10th September, diet, under Peer.
1831. Skaford, Baron, (Ellis,) of Seaford, in the
Arms, quarterly; per pale ar. and gu.
county of Sussex, 15th July, 1826.
a bordure, charged, with eight escallops all Arms, erminois, a cross sa. charged with five
counterchanged, for Manic ; second, ar. three pal- crescents ar.
lets, wavy, gu. for VaUmijs; third, quarterly; Crest, on a mount vert, a goat's head ar.
first and fourth az. a chev. betw. three crosses Supporters dexter, a goat ar. ; sinister, an

pattee for Barclay; second and third or, three eagle, reguard. wings displ. and inverted, ppr.
piles gu. for Wixhart ; fourth Maule as the first. Motto, Noil quo, sed quomodo. Not by whom,
Crest, a wivern with two heads vert, vomiting but in what manner.
flames ppr. Sefton, Baron, (Molyneaux,) of Croxteth, in
Supporters, two greyhounds ar. gorged with a the county of Lancaster, 20th June, 1831. See
plain collar gu. charged with three escallops Earl of Sefton, &c. in the Peerage of Ireland,
ar. in 1st diet, under Peer.
Segrave, Baron, (Berkeley,) of Berkeley Cas- Arms, or, a fesse, chequy, within a double
tle, in the county of Gloucester, 10th Sept. tressure, flory, counter-flory, gu. a mullet for diff.
1831, Crest, a demi lion ramp. gu. ; a mullet for
Skelmersdale, Baron, ( Bootle -Wilbraliam,) diff.
of Skelmersdale, in the county of Lancaster, 30th Supporters dexter, a horse, ar. bridled, gu.
; ;

Jan. 1^28. a stag ppr. each gorged with a wreath

Arms, quarterly : first and fourth, ar. three of oak vert, within a tressure, flory, counter-
nendlets wavy az. for WUbraham ; second and flory, gu.
third, gu. on a chev. engr. betw. three combs Motto, Avito viret honore, He flourishes
ar. as many crosses pattee fitchee of the field for through the honour of his ancestors.
Bootle. Tadcaster, Baron, (O'Brye?!,) of Tadcaster,
Crest, of WUbraham, a wolf's head, erased, in thecounty of York, 3rd July, 1826. See
ar. Marquis of Thomond, &c. in the Peerage of
Crest of Bootle, a demi lion ramp, reguard. ppr. Ireland, in 1st diet, under Peer.
holding in the paws an escutcheon gu. charged Templemore, Baron, (Chichester,) of Tem-
with a cross flory ar. plemore, in the county of Donegal, 10th Sept.
Supporters ; dexter, a wolf ar. gorged with a 1831.
plain collar az. pendent therefrom an escutcheon, Arms, quarterly ;
first and fourth, chequy, or
charged with the ancient arms of WUbraham ; and gu. a chief vair ; second and third, az.
viz. az. two bars ar. ; on a canton sa. a wolf's fretty ar.
head, erased, also ar. sinister, a wolf ppr. col-
; Crest, a stork, in its bill a snake, ppr.
lared or, and pendent therefrom an escutcheon as Supporters ; dexter, a wolf gu. gorged with a
the dexter. mural crown, and chained or ; sinister, an heraldic
Motto, In porta quies. In the haven there is tiger sa. maned, tufted, and gorged with a ducal
repose. coronet, ar.
Solway, Baron, (Douglas,) of Kenmount, in Motto, Invitum seejuitur honor. Honour fol-
;he county of Dumfries, 3rd June, 1833. See lows against his will.
Marquis and Earl of Queensberry, &c. in Wallace, Baron, (Wallace,) of Knaresdale,
the Peerage of Scotland, in 1st diet, under in the county of Northumberland, 2nd Feb.
Peer. 1828.
Somerhill, Baron, (De Burgh,) of Somerhill, Arms, gu. a lion ramp. ar. within a bordure
in the
county of Kent, 4th July, 1826. See componee of the last, and az.
Marquis of Clanricarde, &c. in the Peerage Crest, out of a ducal coronet or, an ostrich's
of Ireland, in 1st diet, under Peer. head and neck, holding in the beak a horse-
Strafford, Baron, (Byng,) of Harmonds- shoe, ppr.
worth, in the county of Middlesex, 12th May, Supporters ; dexter, a per bend, dove-
1835. tailed, sinister, sa. and murally crowned, and
Arms, quarterly
; sa. and ar. in the first quar- charged on the shoulder with a cross flory,
ter, a lion ramp, of the second ; over all, (for an gold ; an antelope, ppr. ducally gorged
honourable augmentation,) in Lend, sinister, a and chained, and charged on the shoulder as the
representation of the colours of the 31st Regi- dexter.
ment of Foot. Western, Baron, (Western,) of Rivenhall, in
Crest, (of honourable augmentation,) out of a the county of Essex, 28th Jan. 1833.
mural crown, an arm, embowed, grasping the Arms, quarterly ; first and fourth, sa. a chev.
colours of the said regiment, and pendent from betw. two crescents in chief, and a trefoil,
the wrist, by a riband, the gold cross, presented slipped, in base, or, for Western ; second and
by His Majesty's command, as a mark of his third, paly of six, or and az. a canton erm.
royal approbation for his distinguished services ; for Shirley.
and on an escrol, the word Mougerre. Crest, a demi lion ramp, or, holding in the
Second crest, an heraldic antelope erm. attired dexter paw a trefoil, slipped, vert.
and crined, or. Supporters dexter, a lion or, gorged with a

Supporters; dexter, an heraldic antelope erm. collar az. therefrom pendentan escutcheon charged
attired and crined, or sinister, a lion or.
; with the arms of Western ; sinister, a rein-deer
Motto, Tuebor. I will defend. gu. attired ar. gorged with a ducal coronet or,
Stuart de Kothesey, Baron, (Stuart,) of the therefrom pendent an escutcheon charged with
Isle of Bute, 22nd Jan. 1828; the arms of Shirley.
Motto, Nee temere nee timidi. Neither rashly Earl of Gosford, &c, in the Peerage of Ireland
nor timidly. in 1st diet, under Peer.
(See PL of Arms, Supp.J Wynford, Baron, (Best,) of Wynford- Eagle,
Wharncliffe, Baron, (Stuart -IVortley- Mac- in the county of Dorset, 5th June, 1829.
kenzie.) of Wortley, in the county of York, 1 2th Arms, sa. a cinquefoil, within an orie of cross
July, 1826. crosslets or. on a canton of the last, a portcullis
Arms, quarterly first, az. a stag's head, cabos-
of the first.

sed, within two branches of laurel or. for Macken- Crest, out of a ducal coronet or, a demi ostrich,
zie ; second, ar. on a bend betw. six martlets gu. rising, ar. in its beak a cross crosslet, fitch^e, gold;
three bezants, a canton or, charged with a fesse gorged with a plain collar, and pendent therefrom,
chequy az. and ar. within a double tressure, flory, a portcullis sa.
counter-flory, gu. for Wortley; third, or, a fesse Supporters, two eagles, reguard. wings elevated,
chequy az and ar. within a double tressure, flory, standing on a Roman fasces, all ppr.
counter-flory, gu. for Stuart. Motto, Libertas in legibus. Liberty in the
First crest, Mackenzie, an eagle, wings displ. laws.
and inverted, rising from a rock, all ppr.
Second crest, Wortley, an eagle's leg, erased, ( This came too late for insertion in
proper place. )
therefrom three ostrich feathers, ppr.
or, issuant, Leicester, Earl of, (Coke,) Viscount Coke,
charged on the thigh with a fesse chequy az. andar. of Holkham, in the county of Norfolk, July,
Third crest, Stuart, a demi lion, ramp. gu. 1837.
Supporters; dexter, a horse ar. bridled, and Arms, per pale, gu. and az. three eagles displ.
gorged with a collar flory, counter-flory, gu. si- ;
nister, a stag, ppr.gorged as the dexter. Crest, on a chapeau az. turned up erm. an
Motto, Avito viret honore. He flourishes ostrich ar. holding in the beak a horse-shoe,
through the honour of his ancestors. or.
Wig an, Baron, (Lindsay,) of Haigh Hall, in Supporters, two ostriches ar. each gorged with
the county of Lancaster, 5th July, 1826. See a ducal coronet, the dexter, per pale, gu. and az.
Earl of Balcarras, &c, in the Peerage of Scot- lined and ringed of the second the sinister, col-

land in 1st diet, under Peer. lar, per pale, az. and gu. lined and ringed of the
Worlingham, Baron, (Acheson,) of Beccles, third.
in the county of Suffolk, 13th June, 1835. See Motto, Prudens qui pattens.

Stratheden, Baroness, (Campbell,) of Cupar, eight, or and sa. ; that on the sinister with a
in thecounty of Fife, 22nd Jan. 1836. plain collar or, pendent therefrom an escutcheon
Arms, chequy, or and gu. a lion ramp. erm. ; ar. charged with three chaplets vert.
on a canton az. a triple-towered, ar. for
castle, Wenman, Baroness, (Wykeham,) of Thame
Scarlett, (her Ladyship being the eldest daughter Park, and Swalcliffe, in the county of Oxford, 3rd
of James Lord Abineer, and wife of Sir John June, 1834.
Campbell, Kt. Her Majesty's Attorney -General.) Arms, ar. two cheveronels sa. betw. three roses
Supporters, two stags ar. attired or, the dexter gu. barbed and seeded, vert.

gorged with a collar, counter-componee, or and Supporters, two greyhounds gu. each gorged
gu. pendent therefrom an escutcheon, charged with a collar or, therefrom pendent an escutcheon
with the arms of Campbell ; viz. gyronny of charged with the arms of Wykeham.

Polwarth, Baron, Creation, 26th Crest, a lady richly attired, holding in her
Dec. 1690. Claimed and admitted June, 1835. right hand the sun, in her left a crescent, all ppr.
Arms, or, two mullets in chief, and a crescent Supporters, two mermaids holding mirrors, ppr.
in base, az.

EARLS. Alphabetical as to Title.

Norbury, Earl (Toler,) of the county of Northland, 5th July, 1791 ; Baron Welles, of
Tipperary; and Viscount Glandine, of Glandine, Dungannon, in the county of Tyrone, in the
in King's county, 1827 Baron Norwood, of
; Peerage of Ireland and Baron Ranfurly, of

Knockalton, 7th Nov. 1797 and Baron Norbury,

; Ramphorlie, in the county of Renfrew, in the
of Ballyorenode, 1800, both in the county of Peerage of the United Kingdom, 1826.
Tipperary. Arms, gu. a falcon, volant or, within an orle
Arms, ar. a cross fleurette, gu. charged with
; wavy on the outer, and engr. on the inner edge ar.
a plain cross, couped, of the field, betw. four Crest, a falcon close, standing on a perch, ppr.
leaves, vert. Supporters, two falcons, wings inverted, ppr.
Crest, a fleur-de-lis or. beaked, membered, belled, ducally collared, and
Supporters ; dexter, a horse ar. bridled gu ; lined, or.
sinister, a fawn, ppr. Motto, Moveo et propitior. I strike, and am
Motto, Right can never die. appeased.
Ranfurly, Earl of, (K?iox,) 1831 ; Viscount

Guillamore, Viscount, ( O' Grady,) of Cahir Crest, a horse's head, erased, ar. charged with
Guillamore and Baron O'Grady, of Rockbarton,
; a portcullis, az.
in the county of Limerick, 1831. Supporters, two lions guard, per fesse ar. and
Arms, per pale, gu. and sa. three lions pass, or, each charged on the shoulder, with a portcullis az.
guard, per pale ar. and or, the centre lion charged Motto, Vulneratus non victus. Wounded,
on the side with a portcullis az. but unconquered.

Carew, Baron, (Careic,) of the county of Crest of Fitzgerald, a soldier, equipped, on
Wexford, 13th June, 1834. horseback, at full speed, holding a sword, erect,
Arms, or, three lions pass. sa. ppr.
Crest, an heraldic antelope pass. sa. horned and Crest of Vesey, a dexter hand, in armour, hold-
tufted, or. ing a laurel-branch, ppr.
Supporters, two heraldic antelopes, gu. horned Supporters dexter, a male griffin ; sinister, a

and tufted, or. wild man, supporting on his exterior shoulder a

Motto, Nil admirari. To wonder at no- club, ppr.
thing. Motto, Shannet a boo.
Fitzgerald, and Vesey, Baron, (Vcsey-Fitz- Talbot, Baron,(Talbot,) of Malahide, in the
gerald,) of Clare, and of Inchicronan, in the county of Dublin, succeeded the Baroness Tal-
county of Clare, 1826 also Baron Fitzgerald, of
; bot, 27th Sept. 1834.
Desmond, in the United Kingdom, 1835. Arms, gu. a lion ramp, within a bordure engr.
Arms, quarterly first and fourth, ar. a saltier
; or.
gu. for Fitzgerald ; second and third, or, on Crest, a talbot pass, collared.
a cross sa. a patriarchal cross of the field, for Supporters ; dexter, a talbot ppr. ; sinister, a
Vesey. lion gu.
Motto, Forte et fidele.
Strong and faithful. Crest, a demi eagle displ. and erased, or, en-
circled round the body and below the wings by a
(Omitted in 1st Diet. J ducal coronet ar.
Graves, Lord, (Graves,) Baron of Gravesend, Supporters, two royal vultures, wings close,
county of Londonderry, July, 1794. ppr.
Arms, gu. an eagle displ. ducally crowned or ; Motto, Aquila non captat muscas. An eagle
on a canton ar. an anchor ppr. does not catch flies.






Anson, of Birchall, in the county of Lancaster, Supporters ; dexter, a wivern, vert ; sinister, a
1831. greyhound ar. collared, and line reflexed over the
Arms, three bendlets engr. gu. in the sinis-
ar. back, gu.
ter chief,a crescent of the last. Motto, Innocent and True.
Crest, out of a ducal coronet or, a spear, staff Barrington, of the city of Limerick, 1831.
purp. headed, ppr. Arms, ar. three cheveronels gu. a label of three
Arbuthnot, of Edinburgh, 1823. points vert ;
on a canton of the last, a trefoil or.
Arms, az. a crescent betw. three mullets ar. Crest, out of a crown vallary or, a capuchin
two and one, within a bordure or, charged with friar, couped below the shoulders, habited, paly of
three boars' heads, couped, gu. six, ar. and gu. on his head a cap. hanging

Crest, a peacock's head, ppr. down, striped as the habit.

Motto,Ung durant ma vie. Supporters, two talbots, ppr.
Barrow, of Ulverstone, in the county of Lan- Motto, Certamine summo.
caster, 1835. Broadhead, of Monk Bretton,in the county of
sa. two swords, in saltier, points upward,
Arms, York, 1831.
ar.pomels and hilts or, betw. three fleurs-de-lis, Arms, erm. in chief, two eagles displ. gu. in
one in chief, and two in fesse, in base an anchor, base, a lion ramp. ppr. collared and chain, reflexed
erect, of the last. over the back or.
on a mount vert, a squirrel, sejant,
Crest, Crest, a demi lion ramp. ppr. collared and chain
cracking a nut ppr. charged on the shoulder with reflexed over the back, or, holding in the paws an
an anchor. escutcheon erm. thereon an eagle as in the arms.
Baillie, of Polkemmet, in the county of Lin- Motto, Perseverando.
lithgow, 1823. Brodie, of Boxford, in the county of Suff. 1834.
Arms, az. nine etoiles, or, within a bordure, Arms, az. on a chev. betw. three mullets, ar.

parted nebulee. sa. and ar. as many civic wreaths, vert.

Crest, out of clouds ppr. an etoile of eight Crest, a cubitarm erect, ppr. holding a civic
points, rising, or. wreath vert, and three arrows, one in fesse, and
Supporters, two lions guard, ar. two in saltier, points to the dexter ar.
Motto, over the crest, In calagine lucet. Motto, Unite.
Bayley, of Bedford Square, in the county of Brooke, of Cole Brooke, in the county of
Middlesex, 1834. Fermanagh, 1822.
Arms, quarterly gu. and erminois ; on a fesse
; Arms, or, a cross engr. per pale sa. and gu. a
az. three martlets or; in the first and fourth quar- crescent for cliff.
ters, a lion ramp. ar. Crest, a brock or badger, pass. ppr.
Crest, on a mount vert, behind a wall, a demi Campbell, a Major Gen. in the Army, Colonel
lion ramp. ar. of the llth-foot, and Lieut. Governor of New
Becher, of Ballygiblin, in the county of Cork, Brunsw ick, 1831.
1831. Arms, quarterly; 1st and 4th gyronny of eight,
Arms, vairee, ar. and gu. ; on a canton or, a or and sa. 2nd ar. a lymphad sa. 3rd or, a fesse,
stag's head, couped, sa. chequy, ar. and az. in the centre point of the
Crest, out of a ducal coronet or, a demi lion whole a heart gu., ensigned with the ancient
ramp. erm. gorged with a plain collar vair. crown of Scotland or, on a chief of honourable
Motto, Bis vivit qui bene. augmentation, granted by Royal warrant ar. a
Bethune, of Kilconquhar, in the county of mount vert, inscribed "Ava," in letters of gold,
Fife, 1836. thereon a Burmese stoccade, betw. a representation
Arms, quarterly; first and fourth, az. a fesse, of the gold cross and clasp conferred on him for
betw. three lozenges or ; second and third, ar. on his services during the Peninsula War, on the
a chev. sa. an otter's head, erased, of the first; all dexter pendent, from a ribbon gu. fimbriated az.
within a bordure, embattled, or. and on the sinister pendent from a ribbon az. the
Crest, an otter's head, erased, ar. badge of the Portuguese order of the tower and
Motto, over the crest, Debonmiire. sword.
Birch, of the Hasles, in the county of Lancas- First crest, on a mount vert, a Burmese
ter, 1831. warrior on horseback, armed, and accoutred,
Arms, az. three fleurs-de-lis ar. ; on a chief of Second crest, out of an eastern crown or, a demi
the last, three mullets sa. lion, issuant, ppr. supporting with the dexter paw
Crest, on a mount vert, a hare, current, sa. col- a crowned heart, as in the arms.
lared ar. Campbell, of Carrick Buoy, in the county of
Motto, Libertas. Donegal, 1831.
Brisbane, of Brisbane, in the county of Ayr, Arms, quarterly; first and fourth gyronny of
G.C.B. &c, a Lieutenant-General in the army, eight, or and sa. a canton az. charged with a
1836. bear's head ar. muzzled gu. second and third ar.
Arms, sa. a chev. chequy, or and gu. betw. a galley sa. sails furled, oars in action.
three cushions of the second ; in the collar point, Crest, an eastern crown, surmounted by a
a representation of one of the gold medals con- boar's head, erased, ppr.
ferred upon the General by His Majesty. Motto, Ne Obliviscaris.
Crest, a stork's head, erased, holding in the Campbell, of Barcaldine, in the county of
beak a serpent, wavy, ppr. Argyll, 1831.
Arms, quarterly; first and fourth gyronny of Conroy, of Llanbrynmair, in the county of
eight, or anda canton ar. charged with a bend
Montgomery, 1K37.
of the second, betw. a unicorn's head, erased, in Arms, az. an open book, indexed, edged or, a
chief, and a cross crosslet fitchee gu. in base, for chief embattled of the last.
Campbell, second ar. a galley sa. sails furled, oars Crest, a cubit arm, vested or, cuff erm. the
in action, for Lorn third or, a fesse chequy ar.
; hand grasping a wreath of laurel vert.
and az. for Stuart. Supporters, two ancient bards, their exterior
Crest, a man in full
highland garb, holding in hands resting upon a harp, ppr.
his dexter hand, a broad-sword, and on his sinis- Motto, L' ant/quite ne peut pas /' abolir.
ter arm a shield, ppr. Cowan, Lord Mayor of the City of London.
Supporters; dexter, an heraldic tiger; sinister, (Created a Baronet, at the Banquet which took
a stag, both ppr. place in the Guildhall of that City, 9th Nov.
Motto, Paratus sum. 1837.)
Campbell, of Dunstaffhage, in Argyllshire, 1836. Arms, ar. a saltier, gu. a chief of the last,
Arms, quarterly; first az. a castle of three thereon two swords, saltierways, ppr. pomels and
towers, ar. masoned sa. standing on a rock, ppr. hilts or, encircled by a representation of the collar
doors and windows gu. on the top of the middle
of the Lord Mayor of London, also ppr. betw.
tower, a cock, and on each of the others an eagle two fasces, gold.
or, second gyronny of eight or. and sa. third, or ; Crest, a demi lion erm. gorged with a repre-
a fesse chequy, az. and ar. ; fourth gu. a boar's sentation of the collar of the Lord Mayor, as in
head, cabossed or, betw. a crescent and a spur- the arms, betw. the paws a saltier gu.
rowel, in fesse ar. [Granted 13th Nov. 1837.]
Crest, an anchor in pale, with cable entwined, Craig, (Gibson,) of Riccarton, and Ingliston,
ppr. in the county of Mid Lothian, 1831.
Motto, over the crest, Vigilando. Arms, quarterly; first and fourth, erm. on a bend
Carnac, Rivett, of Derby, and of Upper sa. three crescents ar. for Craig ; second and

Harley Street, in the county of Middlesex, 1836. third, gu. three keys, barways, or, for Gibson.
Arms, quarterly ar. and az. two swords in
; Crest, a knight on horseback, holding in his
saltier, ppr. betw. three mullets, one in chief and dexter hand a broken spear, all ppr.
two in fesse, and a crescent in base, counter- Motto, Vive Deo et vives.
changed. Doyle, a Colonel in the Army, and Deputy-
Crest, a sword, erect, pomel and hilt or, Lieutenant of the Tower of London.
issuant from a crescent erm. the internal part gu. Arms, ar. three bucks' heads, erased, ppr. with-
Motto, Sic iturad astra. in a bordure componee, or and az.
Chamberlain, of London, 1828. Crest, out of a ducal coronet or, a buck's head,
Arms, gu. within an orle ar. charged with eight as in the arms.
mullets az. an armillary sphere or. Motto, Fortitudine vincit.
Crest, an eagle displ. ppr. the dexter claw Drummond, (Forbes,) of Hawthornden, in the
resting on an armillary sphere or. county of Mid Lothian, 1828.
Motto, Spes et fides. Arms, quarterly ; first and fourth, or, three
Chaytor, of Croft, in the county of York, bars, wavy, within a bordure, gu. for Drummond ;
1831. second and third, az. three bears' heads, couped,
Arms, per bend, dancettee ar. and az. three ar. muzzled gu. for Forbes.
two in chief, and one in base counter-
cinquefoils Crest, a demi pegasus ar. winged or.

changed. Supporters, two Savages, wreathed about the

Crest, a stag's head, erased, lozengy ar. and loins, each holding over the exterior shoulder a
az. the dexter horn of the first, the sinister of the club, all ppr.
second. Motto, Hos gloria reddit honores.
Motto, Fortune le vent. East, of Calcutta, 1823.
Clarke, of Dunham Lodge, in the county of Arms, sa. on a chev. or, betw. three horses'
Norfolk, 1831. heads, erased, ar. two pilgrims' cross-staves, che-
Arms, on a bend, cottised, gu. three swans
ar. veronwise, of the first, heads towards the centre
of the betw. as many annulets sa.
first, of the field.

Crest, upon a mount vert, a dove, wings ele- Crest, a horse erm. supporting with the dexter
vated, or, in the beak an ear of wheat ppr. the fore leg a pilgrim's cross, as in the arms.
dexter claw resting on an annulet sa. Motto, ;Fquo pede robera..
Elphinstone, of Horn and Logie, Elphinstone, a cross pattee fitchee betw. two ermine-spots, or,
from the neck, suspended by a gold chain, an
in the county of Aberdeen, 1828.
Aims, quarterly; first and fourth, or, on a sal- escutcheon ar. charged with a Saracen's head,
tier az. betw. a mullet in chief, and two water- erased at the neck, ppr. wreathed about the tem-
bougets in the flanks, sa. nine lozenges of
the and az.
ples, ar.
field, for
Dalrymple ; second and third, or, three Motto, Sub libertate quietem.
hunting-horns, gu. on an escutcheon of pretence,
Gibsox-Craig. See Craig-Gibson.
ar. on a chev. sa. betw. three boars' heads, gu. a Goodricke-Holyoake, of Ribston Hall, in
mitre, or ; the whole within a bordure of the the county of York, and of Studley Castle, War-
third. wickshire, 1835.
first and fourth, ar. on a
Crest, two stags' horns, erect, per fesse, or Arms, quarterly ;

and sa. fesse gu. betw. two lions pass, guard, sa. a fleur-
Motto, Moneo et munio. de-lis ar. betw. two crescents or. a canton gu. for

Fitzgerald, of Newmarket-on- Fergus, in the diff. for Goodricke; second and third, per pale,
or and gu. a buck's head, cabossed, betw. two
county of Clare, 1821.
Arms, erm. a saltier gu. crosses pattee, in pale, all counterchanged, for

Crest, a chevalier in complete armour, on horse Holyoake.

back, at full speed, his sword drawn, and beaver Crest of Goodrieke, out of a ducal coronet or,
a demi lion ramp, ermines holding in the paws a
up, all ppr.
Forbes, of Edinglassie, in the county of Aber- battle-axe or, and charged on the shoulder with a
deen, 1823. cross crosslet of the last for diff.

Arms, quarterly ; first and fourth, az. three Crest of Holyoake, on a mount vert, an oak-
bears' heads, couped, ar. muzzled gu. for Forbes ; tree, fructed, ppr. around the lower part of the
second and third, az. three cinquefoils, ar. for stem an escroll, thereon a cross pattee gu. betw.
Fraser ; in the centre a crescent for diff. the words " Sacra quercus."
Crest, a dexter arm, embowed, in armour, ppr. Hammick, of Cavendish Square, in the county
garnished or, holding in the hand a Highland of Middlesex, 1834.
broad-sword, also ppr. Arms, paly of four, or and vert, a bordure erm.
Motto, over the crest, JVec timide nee temere. charged with seven hurts; on a chief az. a lion
Motto, under the arms, Aldus ibunt qui ad pass. ar.
sumna nituntur. Crest, ademi lion ramp, per pale, or and vert,
Forbes-Drummond. See Drummond-Forbes. holding an escarbuncle, gold.
Foster, of Stonehouse, in the county of Louth, Harty, of Prospect House, in the county of
1831. Dublin, 1831.
Arms, ar. a chev. vert, betw. three bugle-horns Arms, or, on a fesse sa. three doves, volant, ar.
sa.stringed gu. Crest, an eagle's head, betw. two wings, ex-
Crest, a stag ppr. panded.
Freeling, of Ford and Hutchings, in the Hawkins -Whitshed. See Whitshed -Haw-
county of Sussex, 1828. kins.
Arms, per fesse, indented, or and gu. three Heygate, of Southend, in the county of Mid-
unicorns' heads, erased, two and one, counter- dlesex, 1831, Alderman, and Lord Mayor of
changed. London.
Crest, a unicorn's head, erased, per pale, in- Arms, gu. two bars ar. ; on a bend or, a tor-
dented, erm. and gu. armed, tufted, and crined, teaux, betw. two leopards' faces, az.
or. Crest, a wolf's head, erased, gu.
nisi honoriftcentissime. Motto, Boulogne et Cadiz.
Motto, Nunquam
Garbett-Walsham, of Knill Court, in the Holyoake-Goodricke. See Goodricke-Ho-
county of Hereford, 1831. lyoake.
Arms, quarterly first and fourth, per pale, az.
; Humble, of Cloncoskoran, in the county of
and gu. a griffin, segreant, wings elevated, or, Waterford, 1831.
supporting on a tilting spear a banner, flowing to Anns, quarterly first and fourth, sa. a stag,

trippant, or ; on a chief dancettee ar.

the dexter ar. charged with a cross, couped, sa. ; a trefoil,
second and third, sa. on a cross voided or, five vert, for Humble ; second and third, or, two bars
crosslets, pattee, fitchee. of the last. gu. a fleur-de-lis for diff. for Nugent.
Crest, out of a ducal coronet or, a demi eagle Crest, a demi stag ppr. attired or, charged on
with two heads displ. sa. each wing charged with the breast with a trefoil vert.
Jones, of Cranmer Hall, in the county of Nor- Macgrigor, of Camden Hill, in the county of
folk, 1881. Middlesex, M. D., Physician Extraordinary to
Arms, az. on a fesse or, three grenades, fired, His Majesty, and Director-General of the Army
ppr. : in chief a castle, and in base a lion, couch- Medical Department, 1831.
ant, ar. Arms, ar. a sword in bend az. and a fir tree,
Crest, in front of a castle, ar. a lion, couchant, or. eradicated, in bend sinister, ppr. ; in chief an an-
Motto, Mtirte et arte. tique crown gu.
Kennedy, of Johnstown, in the county of Crest, a lion's head, ppr. crowned with an an-
Dublin, 1836. tique crown with points or.
Arms, sa. on fesse ar ; betvv, three close hel- Supporters ; dexter, a unicorn ar. crowned and
mets, a fox, courant, ppr. horned or. ; sinister, a stag ppr. attired az.
Crest, an arm, embowed, in armour, holding a Motto, Scriogal ma drheam.
branch of oak, all ppr. M'Kenny, Alderman, and Lord Mayor of Dub-
Motto, Adluereo virtuti. lin, 1831.
Key, of Thornbury, in the county of Gloucester, Arms, or, a fleur-de-lis, betw. three crescents,
1831, Alderman, and Lord Mai/or of London. az. on a chief vert, a stag pursued by a grey-
Arms, per chev. dovetailed, erm. and gu. three hound, ar.

keys, erect, wards upwards, or. Crest, a hand in armour, erect, couped at the
Crest, on a mount vert, a hart lodged, head wrist, holding a roll of parchment, ppr.
aftrontee, ppr. charged on the body with three Motto, Vincit, Veritas.
mullets, fesseways, sa. Mackenzie, (now Douglas,) of Glenbervie, in
Laffan, Physician to the Forces, and Physiciaji the county of Kincardine, 1831.
in Ordinary to the late Duke of Kent, 1828. Arms, quarterly first and fourth, ar. a heart

Arms, or, a lion ramp. sa. holding in the dexter gu. imperially crowned or, on a chief az. three
fore paw, a fleur-de-lis az. mullets of the field ; second and third, ar. a cross,
Crest, out of a ducal coronet or, an eagle displ. embattled, sa.
sa. semee of fleurs-de-lis gold. Crest, a salamander in flames, ppr.
Motto, Vinci t omnia Veritas. Supporters dexter, a Savage, wreathed about

Law son, of Brayton House, in the county of the head and waist with laurel, holding a club
Cumberland, 1831. over the dexter shoulder, all ppr. sinister, a stag

Arms, per pale ar. and sa. a chev. counter- ppr. attiredand unguled or.
changed. Motto, Jamais arriere.
Crest, two arms, embowed, ar. holding the sun ppr. Mackenzie, of Kilcoy, in Rossshire, 183G.
Motto, Quod honestum utile. Arms, quarterly first and fourth gu. a stag's

Lloyd, of Lancing, in the county of Sussex, head, cabossed or, with a wound in the forehead,
1831, and a star betw. the antlers, as a mark of cadency
Arms, per bend, sinister, erm. and pean, a lion from the Ancient Barons of Kintall ; second and
ramp, gorged
or, with a wreath of oak vert, hold- third, quarterly first and fourth, az. three cinque-

ing in the dexter fore paw, a sword, erect, ppr. foils ar. ; second and third, gu. three eastern
pomel and hilt or. crowns or.
Crest, a lion's head, erased, per bend, sinister, Crest, a lady, from the waist, with boddice and
erm. and pean, gorged with a wreath of oak, vert. short sleeves, presenting a rose with her dexter
Low THER, of Swillington, in the county of
hand, her sinister arm bent outward, and hand
York, 1824. resting on the side, ringlets loose.
Arms, or, six annulets sa. a crescent for diif. Supporters, two Highlanders, ppr. in full cos-
Crest, a dragon, pass. ar. tume, green shaded tartan, with broad sword and
Motto, Magistratus indicat virum. targe.
M'Gregor, of Ballimore, in the county of In- Motto, above the crest, Amorc vici.
verness, 1828. Below the shield, Dia's-mo-Dhuthaich.
Arms, ar. on a mount in base, an oak tree, sur- Marjoribanks, of Lees, in the county of Ber-
mounted by a sword, in bend, ppr. in chief two wick, 1815.
eastern crowns, gu. all within a bordure, engr. of Arms and crest as in 1st diet.
the last. Supporters dexter, a lion, gardant, ppr. ; sinis-

Crest, a hand, couped at the wrist, holding a ter, a horse, reguard, ar. bridled and saddled, gu.
dagger, erect, ppr. pomel and hilt or. Meux, of Theobald's Park. Hertfordshire, ori-
Motto over the crest, E'en do, and spare not. ginally of the Isle of Wight, 1831.
Arms, paly of six, or and az. on a chief gu. anchor or, encircled with a wreath of laurel, ppr.
three crosses pattee or. quartering Huntercombe, betw. a demi neptune, issuant from a naval
Drew, and Massingberd, coronet on the dexter, and a mermaid on the
Crest, two wings inverted and endorsed ar. con- sinister, all ppr.
joined by a cord, with tassells or. Crest, out of a ducal coronet or, two wings
Mill, {late Barker,) of Mottisfont, in the erect, sa.
county of Hants. 1836. Motto, deus nobiscum quis contra nos.

Arms, per fesee ar. and sa. a pale, and three Granted Vice Admiral Sir Robert Waller

bears, salient, two and one, counterchanged, Otway, G.C.B. Created a Baronet 30th of
muzzled and chained or. Sept. 1831.]
Crest, a demi bear as in the arms. Ouseley. Created a Bart in 1808, as in 1st diet.
Motto, Aides dieu. Arms and crest, of Ouseley, as in 1st diet,
Munro, Governor of Madras, 1825. under Baronet.
Arms, or, an eagle's head, erased gu. encircled Supporters dexter, an armed warrior of the

by a branch of laurel on the dexter, and of oak noble band of guards of the King of Persia,
on the sinister side, ppr; on a chief ar. the repre- habited vert, lined or, pantaloons gu. a cap, or
sentation of an Indian hill-fort, and underneath helmet of steel, ppr. surmounted with two he-
in letters of gold, the word
Badamy, (being one ron's feathers, ar. edged sa. a coat of mail, with
of the strongest hill-forts, in India, which was defences for arms and legs of steel, also ppr.
stormed in 1818, by a division of the army of the quilted velvet gloves, gu. embossed or, the exterior
Decan, then commanded by Sir Thomas Munro,) hand holding over the shoulder the ancient mace
on a canton gu. a representation of the silver of Persia, ending with the head of an ox, all steel,
medal, presented by the East India Company, to boots of Russia leather embroidered az. and or ;

the Baronet, for his services at the assault

first the bow and arrows richly ornamented, also, az.
and capture of Seringapatam in 1799. and or, sabre mounted in steel, with ivory handle ;
Crest, an eagle, close, ppr. having a represen- sinister susporter, the white horse of the guelph.
tation of the same medal, pendent round the neck Paul, of Rodborough, Gloucestershire, Created
by a red ribbon, the dexter claw resting on an 1821, not 1762, as 1st diet.
escutcheon gu. charged with representation of Paulett, of West Hill Lodge, in the county of
the Fort of Bedamy, as in the arms, and in the Southampton, 1836.
beak a sprig of laurel. Arms, sa. three swords, in pile, points down-
Newman, of Mamhead, in the county of Devon, wards, ppr. pomels and hilts or.
1836. Crest, a falcon, wings displ. or, belled of the
Arms, sa. three demi lions, ramp, couped, ar. same, and ducally gorged gu.
langued gu. Motto, Aimez loyaulte.
Crest, a lion, ramp. ar. Philipps, of Picton Castle, in the county of
Motto, Ubi amor ibi fides. Pembroke, 1828.
Nugent, of Donore, in the county of West- Arms, ar. a lion ramp. sa. ducally gorged, and
meath, 1831. chained or.
Arms, erm. two bars, within a boidure, engr. Crest, a lion as in the arms.
gu. on a canton of the last, a dagger, erect, ppr. Supporters, two horses ar.
pomel and hilt or. Motto, Ducit amor patrice.
Crest, a cockatrice vert, charged on the breast Philips, of Weston, in the county of Warwick,
with a martlet for diff. and Sedgley, in the county of Lancaster, 1828.
Supporters, two cockatrices vert, wings endorsed Arms, per pale az. and sa. within an orle of
collared ar. pendent therefrom an escutcheon gu. fleurs-de-lis ar. a lion ramp, erminois, ducally
charged with a dagger as in the arms. crowned holding betw. the paws a mascle or, all
Motto, Decrevi. within a bordure, wavy of the last.
Ochterlony, 1823, a re-creation, with remain- Crest, a demi lion ramp, erminois, collared sa.
der to Charles Metcalfe Ochterlony , who succeeded ducally crowned or, holding betw. the paws a
to the title in 1825. fleurs-de-lis az. inclosed by a mascle, gold.
See Baronets in 1st diet, for arms, &c. Motto, Nil nisi honestum.
Otway, of Brighton, in the county of Sussex, Pocock, of Hart Durham, and of Twickenham,
1831. in the county of Middlesex, 1821, instead of the
Arms, a pile sa. and chevron counterchanged
ar. Arms, &c, given in 1st diet, take as follow :

on a chief of honourable augmentation, az. an Arms, chequy ar. and gu. a lion ramp guard.
or, on a chief of honourable augmentation, wavy, Russell, of Swallowfield Place, Berkshire.
az. a sea-horse ppr. betw. two eastern crowns or, Created a Baronet 10th Dec. 1812.
above, in the centre, the word Havannah. Arms, ar. a chev. betw. three cross crosslets
Crest, an antelope's head, attired or, issuing out fitchee sa. within a bordure engr. gu.
of a naval crown gold. with bezants and escallops alternately, or.
Supporters, confirmed by Royal warrant, 15th Crest, a demi lion ramp. erm. holding in his
Dec. 1821 two sea-horses, each resting the
; dexter fore paw a cross crosslet fitchee sa. charged
exterior paw on an anchor, on the breast with a fasces ppr. banded az.
[as borne by the late
Admiral Sir George Pocock, G.C.B. ob. 1791, [Granted in 1812, to Sir Henry Russell, Bart.
and his son the present Sir George Pocock. Created and his brothers, Michael and Thomas Russell.,
a Baronet lti/h and the descendants
of August, 1821.] Esquires, of his deceased
Motto, Regni regnoque fidelis. brother, Henshaw Russell, Esq.]
Power, of Kilfane, in the county of Tipperarv,
J Russell, of York Place, Portman Square, ls:32.
1*36. Arms, ar. a chev. betw. three guttee de poix,
Arms, ar. a bend engr. gu. betw. two wolves' reversed, within a bordure gyronny of eight, in as
heads, erased, ppr. on a chief of the second, three many divisions, or and sa.
escallops of the field. Crest, an heraldic fountain.
Crest, a stag's head, erased, ppr. Motto, Agitatione purgatur.
Motto, Pro patria semper. Sawle-Graves, of Penrice, in the county of
Radcliffe, {late Pickford,) in 1st diet. Cornwall, and of Barley, in the county of Devon.
Quarters the arms of Pickford, of Althill, 1836.
in the county of Lancashire; viz. and fourth,
chequy ar. and Arms, quarterly ; first az. three
sa. on a fesse gu. three lions falcons' heads, erased, within a bordure, or, for
ramp, of the first.
Rashleigh, of Prideaux. in the county of Corn- Sair/e ; second and third, gu. an eagle displ.:
wall, 1831. in chief a naval crown, betw. two bombs or, fired,
Arms, sa. a cross or, betw. a cornish chough ppr. for Graves.
ar.beaked and legged gu. in the first quarter in ; Crest, an eagle displ. or, supporting with the
the second, a text of the third; and in the dexter claw a staff, erect, ppr. thereon hoisted a
third and fourth, a crescent of the last. forked pennon, flotant to the sinister gu. inscribed
Ricketts, of the Elms, in the
county of Glou- Per sinum Codanum.
cester, 1828. Scott, of Abbotsford, Roxburgh, 1820. See
Arms, ar. on a chev. az. betw. three roses gu. 1st diet,under Baronet.
seeded or. barbed vert, two swords, cheveronwise, Supporters dexter, a mermaid, holding a mir-

ppr. crossing each other, in saltier, passed through ror ppr. sinister, a moor, wreathed and cinctured

a wreath of laurel, or ; on a chief of the

second, a ar. holding a torch, reversed.
naval crown betw. two anchors, erect, or. Slade, of Maunsell House, in the county of
Crest, out of a naval crown or, a dexter arm, Somerset, 1831.
embowed, habited az. charged with two roses of Arms, per fesse, ar. and sa. a pale counter-
the first, the hand grasping a scimitar in front of
changed, three horses' heads, erased, two and one,
an anchor, in bend sinister, sa. of the second a chief erm. thereon two bombs,

Motto, Prend moi tel q\it je mis. fired, ppr.

Roe, of Brundish, in the county of Suffolk, and Crest, on a mount vert, a horse's head, erased,
of Lincoln's Inn, 1836. sa. encircled with a chain, in form of an arch, gold.
Arms, ar. on a chev. az. betw. three trefoils, slip- Motto, Fidus et audax.
ped, per pale, gu. and vert, as many quatre-foils Taylor, of Hollycombe, in the county of Sus-
or. sex, 1828.
Crest, on a mount vert, a roebuck, statant, Arms, paly of six, erm. and erminois, on a chief
guard, gu. attired and unguled or, betw. the indented, sa. three escallops or.
attires a quatrefoil, gold. Crest, a demi lion ramp, erminois, charged on
Motto, Tramite recta. the body with two escallops, and holding betw.
Rowley, of Hill House, Berks. Vice Admiral the paws another escallop, sa.
of the White, K.C.B. 8f K.M. T. 1836. Vavasour, (late Stourton,) of Haselwood, in
Arms, ar. on a bend engr. betw. two cornish the county of York, 1828.
choughs ppr. three escallops of the field. Arms, quarterly first and fourth or, a fesse,

Crest, a mullet, pierced, or. dancetteesa. and for cliff, in the dexter chief point
Motto, Ventis secundis. a cross crosslet, fitchee of the last, for Vavasour;
second and third sa. a bend or, betw. six fountains Motto, Nil desperandum.
for Stourton. Walsham Garbett. See Garbett.
Crest, of Vavasour, a cock gu. charged with a Whitshed Hawkins, of Killincarrick, in the
fountain, as in the arms. county of Wicklow, 1834.
Crest of Stourton, a demi grey friar, ppr. Arms, quarterly; first and fourth, per pale,
habited in russet girt or, holding in his right hand indented ar. and vert, three demi lions, ramp,
a scourge of three lashes, and in the left a cross, those in chief the dexter gu. the sinister or, that
both of the last. in base per pale, indented of the third and
Vivian, of Truro, in the county of Cornwall, fourth for Whitshed; second and third ar. a chev.
1828. betw. three sa. for Haukins.
Arms, or, on a chev. az. betw. three lions' heads, Crest, a demi lion ramp, per pale indented,
erased, ppr. as many annulets of the field; on a ar. and gu, holding in the dexter paw, a trefoil,
chief embattled gu. a wreath of oak of the field, slipped, vert.
betw. two medals, the dexter representing the Supporters ; dexter, a lion per pale, indented,
gold medal and clasp for the actions of Sahagren, gu. and gorged with a ribbon of the last,

Benevente, and Orthes ; the sinister, the silver fimbriated az. therefrom pendent a representation
Waterloo medal of the gold medal presented to Admiral Haukins.
Crest, issuant from a bridge of one arch, em- Whitshed, for his distinguished services off Cape
battled, and having at each end a tower ppr. a demi St. Vincent, the dexter fore-paw, resting on an
hussar, of the 18th Regiment holding in his right anchor, ppr. sinister a hind ppr, gorged as the

hand a sabre, and in his left a pennon, fiotant to dexter, in the mouth a trefoil, slipped, vert.
the sinister gu. inscribed in letters of gold croix Wood, of Hatherley House, in the county of
cVorade. Gloucester, Alderman of London, Wth Nov. 1*37.
Motto, Cor nobyle, cor immobyle. Arms, quarterly ; first and fourth ar. on a
Wakeman, of Perdiswell, in the county of mount vert, an oak-tree ppr. acorned or, second
Worcester, 1828. and third or, a bull's-head, erased, sa. charged on
Arms, paly of six, vert and ar. a saltier engr. the neck with a bezant. In the centre of the quar-
erm. the ancient sceptre, or mace of the Lord
Crest, betw. two palm-branches ppr. a lion's Mayor of the City of London, erect ppr.
head, erased, ar. vomiting flames, gorged with a Crest, out of a mural crown ar. a demi wild-
collar, engr. cottised, vert, charged with three man, wreathed round the temples with oak ppr.
ermine spots or. acorned or, holding over the shoulder with the
Motto, Nee temere, nee timide. left hand, a club, and in his dexter hand an oak-
Walker, G.C.B. Lieut. Gen. in the Army, tree, eradicated, also ppr. acorned, gold.
Colonel of the >2nd Regiment of Foot, and late
Motto, Defend.
Commander in Chief of the Forces, at Fort St. Wylie, Physician to the Emperor of Russia,
George, in the East Indies, 1835. 1814.
Arms, erminois, on a pile, embattled az. a Arms, az. a bend ar. betw. a fox, pass, in chief,
mural crown, betw. two galtraps in pale, or. ppr. and two mullets
of the second, in base, on a
Crest, on a mural crown or, encirled with a chief of honourable augmentation or, ( Granted by
wreath of laurel, an ostrich, ppr. the Emperor of Russia, and confirmed by Royal
Supporters ;dexter, a lion reguard ppr. gorged Sign Manual, in 1819,) the Imperial Eagle
with a ribband gu. fimbriated az. therefrom pen-; Russia.
dent a represention of the medal presented to the a cossack, mounted, in the act of
General, by his Majesty's command for military
charging at full
speed, ppr.
services ;
in the mouth a broken flag-staff reversed Supporters, also granted by
the Emperor of

Russia, and confirmed by Royal sign manual

with the eagle and tri-coloured flag, ppr. the in

latter inscribed with the word Orthes; sinister, two Russia foot soldiers, in the
1819; ppr.
an ostrich, ppr. supporting the colours of his attitude of attention.
Majesty's ^Oth, being the Regiment
commanded Motto, Lahore et scientia.

by the General, at Vimiera, thereon an escroll gu. Note. These Armourial Bearings could not be obtained
inscribed with the word Vimiera, in letters of gold. when the Encyclopedia Heraldica was printed.
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