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Energy Forms and Changes - Student Handout

The simulation you will be working with today is a type of

model. It simulates the relationship between energy types
and demonstrates how heat is transferred between
substances and how energy is converted from one form to
another form in a system.

You have 3 materials

to work with, two
solids iron and brick
and a liquid, water.
You can click and
drag a thermometer
to each of these
materials. To see
how the energy flows
click on the white
box in the upper right
to the left of the
words Energy
Symbols. You can
also move three
materials so that they
are over the heat
source and watch what

Created by The North Carolina School of Science and Math.
Copyright 2012. North Carolina Department of Public Instruction.
Materi Temperature Energy Movement
Iron High Temperature- Iron remains solid and
Slowly lllll reaches gains energy from the fire
maximum and hot water in the end in
almost almost doubles in
L energy

Low Temperature- Iron block loses a quarter

Reached h minimum of its energy to the ice and
temp slowly cold water

Brick High Temperature- The Brick triples in energy

slowly reaches gained from the fire and
maximum temp hot water.

The Brick loses half its

Low Temperature- energy to the ice and cold
quickly reaches water
minimum temperature
Water High Temperature- The Energy in the water is
slowly reaches moves faster, gains a lot of
maximum energy from fire but loses
temperature, the some to air
maximum temp is the
same as with the brick
and iron block The Energy in the water
stops moving and loses
Low Temperature- energy to the ice but gains
Quickly reaches the a little energy from the air
minimum temp,
minimum temp is the
same as with the brick
and iron block
Created by The North Carolina School of Science and Math.
Copyright 2012. North Carolina Department of Public Instruction.
What does this simulation show you about heat and energy?
The simulation shows how energy movement effects
temperature of different objects.

What happened to the temperature of the brick and the

temperature of the water?
The brick is heated by the fire. The when the brick is
placed in the cool water it heats the water stabilize
each other, until they are equal.

How did the energy move?

The energy moves into the brick from the fire but some
is lost to the air as it gains energy. When the brick is
placed into the water it transfers some of its energy to
the water.

Repeat the same experiment but this time heat the iron and
place it in the water.

Record your observations:

The fire heats the iron quickly and the iron gains energy
from it but as it gains energy it loses some to the air.
When placed in the water the temperatures stabilize
each other, until they are equal. The energy moves into
the iron from the fire but some is lost to the air as it
gains energy. When the iron is placed into the water it
transfers some of its energy to the water.

Repeat the same experiment but this time heat the water
and place the cool iron in the water.

Record your observations:

The fire heats the water quickly and the water gains
energy from it but as it gains energy it loses some to
the air. When the iron is placed in the hot water the
temperatures stabilize each other, until they are equal.
The energy moves into the water from into the iron and
increase its temperature.
Created by The North Carolina School of Science and Math.
Copyright 2012. North Carolina Department of Public Instruction.
Repeat the same experiment but this time heat the water
and place the cool brick in the water.

Record your observations:

The fire heats the water quickly and the water gains
energy from it but as it gains energy it loses some to
the air. When the brick is placed in the hot water the
temperatures stabilize each other, until they are equal.
The energy moves into the water from into the brick
and increase its temperature.

What does this simulation show you about heat and energy?
Heat and energy can be exchanged between different
substances. Fire gives energy to the air and what is
heats. Ice takes heat and energy from other things.
Heat and energy are also lost to the air.

Created by The North Carolina School of Science and Math.
Copyright 2012. North Carolina Department of Public Instruction.

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