Clinical Tract: Group Case Studies: Adult Arvs 19-1

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Clinical Tract

Group case studies

Adult antiretroviral

Group case studies: Adult ARVs 19-1


The scenario
Mary is a 28 years old woman. She weighs 48kg. She complains of a painful
blister-rash for 2 days below the left breast. She is a known pulmonary TB
patient, on TB treatment for 1 month. She also takes co-trimoxazole. She
lost her newborn baby a week ago. Her recent CD4+ cell count is 150 cell/m .

On examination, she had herpes zoster infection (shingles). She was tearful
during the consultation due to severe pain.

Questions for medical staff

1. What is her WHO stage?
2. On which TB medication is she likely to be currently?
3. How would you treat her shingles?
4. Is Mary eligible for ARV according to the medical criteria of SA national
AR V treatment guidelines? Mention each of the criteria and state whether
she qualifies.
5. What test is still outstanding?
6. What else would you consider before you start her on ARV therapy?
Moti vate your answer.
7. Which antiretroviral drugs would you consider for her? Motivate your
answer. Write a prescription (with generic names of drugs and dosages)
for her covering all the associated conditions and antiretroviral therapy.
8. Mention any drug interactions for all of above conditions.

Questions for non-medical staff

1. What is her WHO stage?
2. On which TB medication is she likely to be currently?
3. How would you treat her shingles?
4. Is Mary eligible for ARV according to the medical criteria of SA national
AR V treatment guidelines? Mention each of the criteria and say whether
she qualifies.
5. What test is still outstanding?
6. What else would you consider before you start her on ARV therapy?
Moti vate your answer.
7. Which antiretroviral drugs do you think the doctor will use?

Group case studies: Adult ARVs 19-2


The scenario
Betty is 30 years old. She had a CD4 count of 180 cells/mm3 and a viral load of 120
000 copies/mL. She w as diagnosed w ith HIV at 32 w eeks of pregnancy. The baby
received nevirapine syrup.

She initiated ARVs during pregnancy. At that stage she w eighed 58kg. She started
taking the follow ing drugs:
Stavudine 30mg orally 12 hourly
Lamivudine150mg tablet 12 hourly
Nevirapine 200mg tablet 12 hourly
Co-trimoxazole 480mg 2/day

She returns for her six month visit on ARV therapy. Her w eight is now 62kg. She has
no complains. Her pill count matches her diary. She has a calculated monthly
adherence of 98%. Her CD4 count is 220 cells/mm3 and her viral load is < 25

Questions for medical Staff

1. Which side effects are actively assessing for during this consultation?
2. Which drug w ould have changed after delivery?
3. Write a new prescription (w ith generic names of drugs and dosages) for her
taking into account her w eight and CD4 count.
4. How would you explain the meaning of the change in CD4 count to her?
5. How would you explain the HIV viral load <25 copies/mL? How would you
answ er the question of w hether she is HIV negative now ?
6. What other tests need to be done to monitor the safety of the drugs?
7. What w ill you say if she asks whether they can stop the ARV now ?

Questions for non-medical staff

1. Why w as Betty on a nevirapine containing regimen?

2. Which drug w ould have changed after delivery?
3. Which drug can now be stopped? Why?
4. How would you explain the meaning of the change in CD4 count to her?
5. How would you explain the HIV viral load <25 copies/mL? How would you
answ er the question of w hether she is HIV negative now ?
6. What other tests need to be done to monitor the safety of the drugs?
7. What w ill you say if she asks whether they can stop the ARVs now ?

Group case studies: Adult ARVs 19-3

Case 3

Female patient, 47 years, 56kg, ARV nave. CD4 count 120 cells/mm3, viral load
95 000 copies/mL.


Stavudine 40mg bd
3 TC 150 mg bd
Efavirenz 600mg noct
Co-trimoxazole 480mg/day

Questions for all

1. Find the mistakes in above prescription, write dow n the correct medication and
dosage and motive w hy the current medication is w rong.

Case 4
Female patient, 24 years, 56kg, ARV nave. CD4 count 120 cells/mm3, viral load
95 000 copies/mL.


Combivir 1 bd
Efavirenz 600mg noct

Questions for all

1. Can zidovudine and 3TC be used together in a regimen?
2. If zidovudine and 3TC are used together in regimen 1, w ith w hich drugs would
they be replaced in the second regimen in case of viral failure?
3. What is the side effect profile of the tw o drugs that will replace zidovudine and
3TC in the second regimen?
4. Write a prescription for the combination that you w ould rather use in the first
5. What do you need to take into account w ith the use of efavirenz in this patient?
6. What itiem is missing from her prescrition?

Group case studies: Adult ARVs 19-4

Case 5
Female patient, 42 years. The patient w as on stavudine, 3TC and efavirenz.
At three years on therapy she had a CD4 count of 340 cells/mm3 and a viral load <
25 copies/mL.
After four years she had the follow ing blood results: a CD4 count of 190 cells/mm3
and a viral load of 22 000 copies/mL. On follow-up she had a CD4 count of 140
cells/mm3 and a viral load of 122 000 copies/mL. She w as taking her pills correctly
and had no absorption problems. She w eighed 62kg, but previously w eighed 74kg.

Questions for all

1. Write a prescription w ith a new antiretroviral regimen and prophylactic antibiotics.
Specify on the prescription the strength of the tablets, amount and how it should
be taken.

Case 6
Mr Bokaba is a 34year old that has just been diagnosed w ith HIV infection.
His CD 4 count is 150cells / mm3 and his viral load is 100 000 copies/ml.
He is started on the follow ing Antiretroviral therapy:

Stavudine 30mg bd
Zidovudine 300mg bd
Efavirenz 600mg nocte

Questions for Medical staff

1. Comment on the script.
2. What changes w ould you make to the script and w hy?
3. How many tablets of Efavirenz w ill the patient take per day?
4. Why is the patient getting 30mg of Stavudine?

Questions for Non Medical

1. How many tablets of Efavirenz w ill the patient take per day?
2. Why is the patient getting 30mg of Stavudine?
3. What are the most important side effects that you w ould look out for in this

Group case studies: Adult ARVs 19-5

Case 7
Miss Ndou has been started on Antiretroviral therapy and she is on anti TB
treatment as w ell.
This is how her script looks.

1. Stavudine 40mg bd
2. Didanosine 200mg bd
3. Efavirenz 600mg nocte
4. Rifafour4 tablets daily
5. Pyridoxine 30mg daily

Questions for Medical staff

1. What are the possible drug interactions that you w ould w orry about?
2. How would you manage the interactions?
3. How many didanosine tablets w ould you give to the patient per dose and

You later discover that Miss Ndou is pregnant

4. How would you further manage this patient?

Questions for Non Medical

1. What advice w ould you give to a patient on Didanosine w ith regards to
2. How many didanosine tablets w ould you give to the patient per dose and
3. What important counselling w ould you give to a patient w ho falls pregnant
while taking Efavirenz and w hy is it necessary for you to offer that

Group case studies: Adult ARVs 19-6

Group case studies: Adult ARVs 19-7

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