Integration of Information Technologies in Enterprise Application Development

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Database Systems Journal vol. III, no.

1/2012 21

Integration of Information Technologies in Enterprise Application

TotalSoft, Bucharest, Romania
[email protected], [email protected]

Healthcare enterprises are disconnected. In the era of integrated information systems and
Internet explosion, the necessity of information systems integration reside from business
process evolution, on the one hand, and from information technology tendencies, on the other
hand. In order to become more efficient and adaptive to change, healthcare organizations are
tremendously preoccupied of business process automation, flexibility and complexity. The
need of information systems integration arise from these goals, explaining, at the same time,
the special interest in EAI. Extensible software integration architectures and business
orientation of process modeling and information systems functionalities, the same as open-
connectivity, accessibility and virtualization lead to most suitable integration solutions: SOA
and BPM architectural styles in a cloud computing environment.
Keywords: EAI (Enterprise Application Integration), BPM (Business Process Management),
SOA (Service Oriented Architecture), ESB (Enterprise Service Bus), WOA (Web Oriented

1 Introduction
The importance and the actual state of
knowledge regarding the integration of
EAI technologies are emerging, not yet
reached a consensus on the ideal approach
informatic technologies in enterprise that businesses should adopt the correct
application development, rise from the formula and complete integration.
current research on information Moreover, the processes of definition of
processes, concepts and technological original and revolutionary EAI solutions are
approaches. The essential mechanisms based on the existing integration solutions,
regarding enterprise software platforms that are ussually optimized and extended in
and integration requirements of order to meet new requirements and
heterogeneous platforms at different approaches in the field of integration
levels (data, functionalities, services, technologies.
processes), depend on business specific The best known commercial EAI solutions
and existing software products. are: IBM WebSphere Message Broker,
Integration processes should be oriented Jonah Technologies, Microsoft BizTalk
on capturing the development stages and Server, Oracle BPEL Process Manager,
aspects of enterprise applications on the Pervasive Software, SAP Exchange
one hand, and information technology Infrastructure, Sterling Commerce, TIBCO
integration processes, on the other. Software, webMethods, Sun Microsystems.
Basic EAI principles and concepts should EAI open source solutions, often preferred
be highlighting issues in defining by software integrators, are: OpenESB,
complete and coherent solutions for Virtuoso Universal Server, Jitterbit
enterprise application integration. Integration Server, JBossESB, Mule.
Table below presents a comparison between
2. Analysis of enterprise software different EAI platforms, given some basic
platforms in relation with business criteria: price, implementation, software
requirements solution maturity and support.
22 Integration of Information Technologies in Enterprise Application Development

Fig. 1. EAI solutions comparison

Concluding on the table, open source EAI briefly identify some general characteristics
solutions provide the same functionality of services and processes integration,
as commercial solutions, also offered focusing on the advantages and
support developers is supported by disadvantages of integrating information
communities or ad-hoc solutions for open technologies in enterprise application
source to commercial, which is purchased development.
at cost. In terms of planning versions, Advantages:
open-source solutions tend to be updated - natural and proper software solutions;
more often. My choise in term of - development projects must follow the
integration platform for this research is standards, procedures and working
Mule, an open source solution that offers methodologies at all levels;
all the benefits of a mature development - independence between services and
integration platform and a proper work processes, and also business
environment. functionalities;
EAI implementations and modularisation - project development and production
of software applications, regardless of rollout are efficient and easy to handle;
business processes addressed, are based - systems are scalable and availability is
on applying some architectural principles maximum, restricted to user types,
in SOA approaches: applications are business processes and business
transformed in independent service bus, reasons;
ESB architectures are used for - project development life cycle is much
application integration, XML is used for reduced, while adapting to new
data sharing, operational architecture and requirements of business process is
logical database structure are redesigned, faster and easier.
according modularization rules, services Disadvantages:
can be consumed independently, which - hard work on business analysis and
allows more flexibility in deployment and technical analysis in the development of
software configuration capabilities, projects;
compared to solutions for stand-alone - consistent initial efforts to modify and
applications. Different versions of the adapt existing solutions and to
integrated system are simplified by EAI implement the new system;
modularization schemas, as an effect to a - additional and detailed management
weak binary coupling, while versioning activities;
data and interfaces will be compliant to - not all software configuration options
the overrall integrated solution. I will are possible for rollouts;
Database Systems Journal vol. III, no. 1/2012 23

- some business processes that require interoperability and integration, encouraging

interoperation may induce a response the development of ESB components in
latency of communication between various programming languages designed
integrated subsystems. for bussiness application connectors.
Integration architecture based on web
3. Study of compatibility between services has led to aggregation of strong
different software platforms for integrated solutions across business
enterprise application development processes and enable design of complex
The latest technology approaches in models of business processes, the starting
enterprise application integration are point for new technologies such as grid
SOA, WOA and cloud computing computing or WOA. In the context of
architectures. orientation towards web technologies, the
Two current concepts and frequently used topic of cloud computing is the most
as an approach to integrate computer powerfull approach in software integration,
technology, cloud computing and presenting series of capabilities and facilities
technologies based on XML Web of such software and hardware architecture
Services. Cloud architectures dominate models. I will define a comparative study
distributed computing solutions that between SOA and WOA architectures,
require access to hardware, data and highlighting specific factors of interest.
functionalities. Architectures based on
XML Web Services technology is the Table 1. Comparison between SOA and WOA
main trend in heterogeneous information Criteria/ SOA WOA
integration technologies, the integration Architecture
of functional capabilities and operational
business process flows, the definition of Approach Focus on simple Focus on simple
complex models and consistent level of functionality, but and natural
service integration and process. XML properly information
Web Services architecture is a starting implemented. technology and
point for integration of information concepts.
technology-based processes, as
programmable atomic entities underlying Reusability Encourages use of Opt for simple
Web services to web technologies
the business logic for definition of standardize at the expense of
workflows and business processes. interoperability. complex
Established enterprise application protocols.
development platforms, Java and. NET Software SOA services The emphasis is
allow the natural operation of SOA architecture
functionality on gradual
architecture and Web services aligns the implementation of
business functionality for
consumption by implementing specific processes by business process
invokers. Both in Java and .NET mapping and modeling as their
platform, XML Web services use, in the modeling need arises.
context of client applications, is done operations
through remote procedure calls, specific business
implemented in Java by invoking RPC on
EJBs servers or Servlets and in .NET Information Leverages It promotes the
declarative implementation to
through listener implementation of type technologies
interfaces and use standard
SOAP listener or .NET Remoting. insists on development tools,
Regardless of the technological approach standardization of but encourages the
and operating system being implementation use of information
heterogenious, service-oriented tools technology as the
best suited
architectures offer support for typology
24 Integration of Information Technologies in Enterprise Application Development

applications tools a starting point, being suitable to use for a

product with a high complexity and
dynamism, with complex activities,
continuously changing and developing.
Generally, choosing a methodology for
developing a software system will be made
The main conclusion is that integration
according to each project specificity and to
technologies such SOA is one of the most
the nature of the business model.
natural EAI solution to implement, while
Methodologies and procedures, working
providing the possibility of defining
rules will be not simply applied step by step,
reliable, stable, decoupled, complete
but they will intervene during each phase as
architectures and, not least coherent and
required by the current project, as
interoperable, beyond any limitations
guidelines. Standard methodologies provide
related software platforms or complex
only starting points and directions to a
data structures. Exposing SOA
complete and perfect methodological
integration solution through web, in a
cloud computing environment, for
As in this case I combined three software
instance, lead to extreme accesibility and
methodologies and I used established
virtualization power of business
templates to define work phases that will
processes modeling business
optimize the process of software integration
solution, in a similar way, in any project,
according to a whole work context and also
4. Development of a methodology for
according to factors outlined above, we will
design, implementation and integration
choose to use our own and specific
of information systems based on
methodology, which will be the most
heterogeneous software platforms
appropriate option to meet requirements and
Following standard EAI methodologies
project necessities.
analysis and undertaken research, with
In terms of practical usage for application
the starting point of such process oriented
integration solution, I have used the
methodology Waterfall TBI, I decided to
proposed development methodology for an
use an iterative, process based
experimental prototype, as following:
methodology for developing the solution
analysis and design phase has been extended
for applications integration. Each stage of
in time so that the bussiness requirements on
software solution development will be
one hand, and objectives of the integrated
functional validated and quality and
system - on the other hand, is completely
experimental tested so that the work for
defined. After defining the technical solution
the new phase to have the previous
and starting the development and
results as a starting point. By the very
implementation phases, I repeated, in
nature of the research project and the
iterative cycles, functional validation and
subject matter, iterative approach has
acceptance testing of the modules, so that
proven to be an appropriate choice.
after completion of one iteration to get to
I consider that the most appropriate way
know the real state of the project and to re-
to develop an integration project would
estimate total work effort, as well as
be based on an Agile type EAI
refactoring / adapting the solution according
methodology, enhanced with RUP
to the feedback and validation of
(Rational Unified Process) influences,
intermediate versions at the end of iteration.
MSF (Microsoft Solution Framework)
This incrementally work model contributed
and XP (eXtreme Programming)
to greater predictability in project
techniques. As iterative and incremental
completion and to a smaller refactoring
process model with object-oriented
effort as compared to the requirement
architecture, I propose RUP influences as
Database Systems Journal vol. III, no. 1/2012 25

changes that would have occurred at the accuracy of the integrated system;
end of implementation, if there were no events can be synchronous and,
partial validation, along the way, for moreover, asynchronous calls in the
atomic features. automated EAI solutions;
Proposals to improve standard software - business process modeling using
integration methodologies: traditional techniques such as UML will
- increased understanding of the refine them as to achieve the process,
business area to identify key business according to the specific integration
processes and the least important project;
processes; - continous integration process,
- give greater importance to the especially automated testing in order to
implementation of logical flows, validate system quality;
described in terms of functional, - appropriate use of information
operational and integrated business technologies in the integration solutions
flows; development; it is a basic need to select
- understanding of data structures - the best technologies in order to develop
many EAI projects are integrated integrated solutions, otherwise any
only at the data level; it is very mistake is costly in time an
important to correctly identify data appropriate option would be to build a
structures, descriptive data schemas pilot project;
and to accordingly apply business - integrated system performance and
principles to determine which data scalability is a major concern with
streams coexist in an integrated integration projects;
system, where and why to use these - importance of the prototype installation
data in order to make data mappings of intermediate versions of the
and transformation; integrated system, before running the
- understanding of the processes is final installation and launching it into
essential to obtain a correct and production environments;
functional model of the integrated - maintenance effort and support are
system; project definition is considerable in software integration
dependent on how business processes solutions and should be treated
are perceived, but also on the separately.
accuracy of the data model I also made a research on the risks faced by
definition; software integration projects, by
- increased attention to developing highlighting some key issues and
methods and technologies, rather implementing a risk analysis example for e-
than work processes; Health prototype. I highlighted the major
- identification of user interfaces has risk factors and proposed a risk management
great importance for understanding plan, as a measure to reduce the negative
the integration points between impact on implementation processes of an
disparate applications; integrated system.
- understanding of events is a key
factor for the functional model
26 Integration of Information Technologies in Enterprise Application Development

Fig. 2. Risk assesment

For each of these risks I have probably, implementing software development over
given the appropriate points of established protocols and standards. Case
occurrence and expected impact, causing study performed and presented in this paper
a degree of exposure of project risks. starts from the goal of systems integration
Prioritizing, then, risks after exposure, we process, the complexity of its component
see that the most dangerous risk for the phases, meaning the creation of an
integration project is the lack and integrated information system, having at
incompletion of requirements analysis. least the following attributes:
For each risk noted in the figure above, I comprehensive, coherent, independent of
have shortly proposed actions to take in geographical, social, national or business
order to minimize negative impact and processes logic limitations.
effects, actions that should be the most I will describe in this section a platform for
appropriate strategy to consider. software systems integration, developed in
Extending risk analysis, we can discuss Mule, which aims to highlight aspects of the
here also about positive risks, events that application integration, such as: integration
can bring benefits and new capabilities to at data sources level, service based
project success. integration, business processes integration,
In other words, the proposed through implementation of components
methodology was applied naturally in the focused on the integration of data, services
e-Health prototype, proved to be both a and processes. I choose Mule platform for
way of control and predictability, offering software prototype development because it
in the same time operational support for is an efficient, complex and frequently used
carrying out a complex integration development environment for integration of
project. information technologies. To illustrate the
theoretical and practical concepts presented
5. Implementation of a cross-platform in previous sections, according to the
software system implementation which is further described in
The proposed solution for enterprise detail, I present the prototype of an
applications integration is located at the integrated system for e-Health. From
middleware level and aims to integrate functional point of view, the experiment
functionalities and heterogeneous data represents an interoperability model between
sources, by interoperation of a medical system and financial system. In
heterogeneous information technology, terms of working context, the integration
data sources of different origins and prototype combines development
different business functionalities. Also, in technologies / platforms like Java, .NET,
the practical experiment I will emphasize Microsoft SQL Server, MySQL, Mule,
the use of uniform policies for Apache, web-service based architecture
communication between applications, by (SOA, WOA), service and process based,
Database Systems Journal vol. III, no. 1/2012 27

ODRA, ORM. The project aims to the two heterogeneous systems, the next
achieve an integrated sistem and level of complexity is demonstrating a non-
consistency at the level of data, services trivial mechanism of communication
and processes, by combining and through messages. I will present
integrating heterogeneous information architectural and functional model
technologies. underlying messaging communication
Besides service level integration between software systems located on both
prototype and specific calls that sides of the enterprise web service bus.
orchestrate the communication between

Fig. 3. Mule architecture

Mule supports transport protocols used in messages arriving through protocols /

distributed programming, WS-* mechanisms of transport services are
standards, JMS, File, SMTP. Client configured in Mule and processed on the
applications publish client requests on application server side. A service component
pre-defined communication channels. includes two processing end-points: an entry
Requests are processed by the integration point and one exit point. The entry point is
server application through services. an endpoint that specifies the
Client applications access the services of communication channel can be used, what
ESB through secure communication messages can be transmitted and how to
channels and the flow transfer is done by transfer such calls to Web services through a
specific invocations of connectors which .NET proxy or a through a JMS message
implements the connection between client queue.
and server calls integration. Processing As a case study based on theoretical
activities that the integration server elements on integration of information
performs in order to operate on incoming technology and XML web services already
messages, for communication reasons mentioned, I propose a prototype
with other client applications, are a result implementation of an integrated system
of transformation calls that specialized through web services technologies and Web
components perform inside ESB. ESB 2.0 standards. This practical experiment
28 Integration of Information Technologies in Enterprise Application Development

highlights ways to integrate enterprise Coming back to the e-Health integration

applications based on integration of prototype, the business flows architecture
information technologies, in addition to a can be described as following: in the
complex architecture based on an medical system we have dictionaries of
integration server. In this respect, I patients, delivered medical services under
followed techniques and integration financial articles mapping and information
between Java and .NET platforms at the on financial status of the services performed
level of database, functionality and user by physicians. On the other hand, the
interface applications. Working context is financial system have invoiceable items
given by an architecture based on XML corresponding to medical services from
Web services implemented using Java healthcare application along with prices
platform. Data sources are heterogeneous, and financial attributes, customers -
relational DBMS, MySQL and Microsoft corresponding to patients from healthcare
SQL Server and will be integrated into a application, financial transactions - the
global catalog on Microsoft SQL Server. equivalent of medical consultations,
The purpose of the prototype is to financial form and generated financial
demonstrate how we can integrate up to documents - invoices and details.
the level of services, applications built on
heterogeneous data sources.

Fig. 4. Business flow design

Database Systems Journal vol. III, no. 1/2012 29

Medical system manages entities like transformed into XML data, SOAP and
patients and consultations and receives retransmitted as serializable objects to
from the financial system billable items, client applications, to be deserialized for
deliverable items/services, notification internal usage purposes.
about patient billing / payment. At the Software architecture used for exposing
other endpoint of the enterprise service functionalities of business processes as
bus there are integration services and web services is based on a SOA
business processes of the financial virtualization engine, which allows the
system, which manages items and bills definition of services that can be accessed
and communicate both with the medical via FTP, XFB, EJB, JMS, SOAP / HTTP.
system for receiving patients as the The access to web services is done
equivalent of customers and for through UDDI or graphical interfaces
intercepting transaction execution as the provided by the development
deliverance of medical services in the environment tools, the main purpose of
consultations. SOA being service re-usability. UDDI
Using this functional model, I have registry allow the attachment of metadata
designed an integrated system objects that virtualize access to services,
implemented in Mule, using some design such as status or version identifiers for
principles to work in the following each called service instance.
integration schema: declarative The conclusion of the project of
addressing and XML configuration for integrating information technologies Java
service invoker, SOAP formatting and .NET using the Mule platform, is that
messages sent inside the service bus and I have proposed an efficient and
web proxy service calls to end-point. I interesting way of building a reliable,
used the .NET environment developer scalable and extensible prototype for
tools and Visual Studio 2010 to generate enterprise application integration. The
references to proxy for Web Services. project can be easily extrapolated and
After generating web service brokers, adapted to complex business processes,
client applications generate in the form of in order to achieve a fully integrated IT
.NET proxy, on the one hand, and within solution. Developing this prototype I
ESB, Apache proxy, on the other hand, reached to demonstrate an original
the distributed communication formula for a solution of integrating
architecture is the following: a client information technologies for enterprise
application, i.e. the medical system, calls application development.
a local method to process entity
"delivered service into consultation"; 6. Business process modelling and
local method calls a web service exposed optimization based on integrated
by Mule integration server, it makes software systems and workflow
medical entity to be passed internally analysis
within the service bus, which will be The need for enterprise application
given to a web service component type to integration result from the need for
the other endpoint of the integration networking and communication between
server. This service will call an internal different types of applications. Relative to
method of the other client application, i.e. disconnected systems in terms of costs
the financial system, that will process versus benefits, there are two solutions to
information from another business meet the need to integrate existing
perspective: invoicing patient medical software products: rewriting them for
services. Between the exchanges of intercommunication or software
messages in the web service bus, working integration for their existing IT solutions
entities are subject to transformations and - that means integration through coupling
serialized/de-serialized. Generic objects / decoupling mechanisms governed by
are serialized in SOAP messages, then EAI principles.
30 Integration of Information Technologies in Enterprise Application Development

Various aspects of business processes - offers real time data acces and
modelling and optimization in terms of operation;
information systems, start from the use of - removes multiple data operations and
existing information systems, the need of greater allocation in order
restructured/refactored systems or to check data consistency;
integrated systems. - eliminates gaps in information
Based on the comparative approach in system, information redundancy and
terms of cost and efficiency, depending long time development of various
on circumstances and context of business internal processes (billing,
(designed business area, dynamism of the contracting, commissioning, monthly
business domain, scale and complexity of reporting);
software product, architectural design of - reduces cumbersome tracking
the underlying software systems, the business costs distributed on cost
degree of use and efficiency) will be center and budget lines, allocated to
chosen one of these options: to rewrite business size.
existing software products, according to
new requirements, or to define a solution Conclusions
for enterprise application integration, Research done in integrating enterprise
starting fro legacy applications. applications, as described in this paper,
Whatever the choice made, system captures more fundamental aspects,
development related activities require theoretical and practical, existing and
additional resources and maintenance new concepts of EAI. Based on existing
efforts. As the level of abstraction of a theories, but also practical and
system is higher, the more simple the methodological aspects of the existing
process of reengineering becomes and implementations of EAI, I defined a
there will be available more information solution for enterprise application
about program and data structure, models integration on multiple descriptive levels:
of business entities, design models for software product development
data and control flow, UML class methodology, technical implementation
diagrams, states, actions, workflows. and functional analysis. I also stressed the
The basic conclusion is that systems context of these approaches, methods of
require additional efforts and extensible, optimization of business processes
automated architectures, in order to through an integrated approach, options
maintain and simplify the structure and to for achieving a fully integrated
deal with the dynamism of business information system respecting the
environment. Any chosen solution must principle of maximizing efficiency.
be optimal no matter the considerents Based on personal experience, but also on
taken into account. In particular, standard theories in software integration
integrated software solutions are subject area, I outlined the advantages and
to software reengineering, in order to disadvantages of various solutions and I
optimize business processes and to better have highlighted generally accepted
exploit the new system. principles in case of dynamic software
I will define, based on personal systems over a certain level of
experience and information systems complexity. Software prototype for
efficiency theories, an own assessment of enterprise applications integration for e-
the effectiveness system for an enterprise Health was designed and developed with
application integration, in the medical the latest information technologies and it
field. The main advantages of integrated is a functional system that demonstrates
information system usage are: the practical and experimental utility, of
- removes difficulties and low speed in an integrated information system, built
the operation of data, restricting with a personal vision.
users to be proficient;
Database Systems Journal vol. III, no. 1/2012 31

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Iulia SURUGIU has graduated The Bucharest Academy of

Economic Studies (Romania), Faculty of Cybernetics, Statistics
and Economic Informatics in 2007. She is a Ph.D. Candidate in
Economic Informatics with the Doctors Degree Thesis: Integration of Information
Technologies in Enterprise Applications Development. Her research activity can be
observed in scientific papers and proceedings achievements, among which:

Information Technology Standards A Viable Solution to Reach the Performance,

The 12th WSEAS International Conference on Automation & Information (ICAI 11),
April 2011, Brasov, Romania;
Information Systems Integration, A New Trend In Business, The 10th WSEAS
International Conference on Applications of Computer Engineering (ACE11), March
2011, Spain;
Ways to Increase the Efficiency of Information Systems, The 10th WSEAS
International Conference on Artificial Intelligence, Knowledge Engineering and
Databases (AIKED11), February 2011, Cambridge, UK;
Advanced e-Government Information Service Bus (eGov-Bus), The 9th International
Conference on Informatics in Economy, May 2009, Bucharest, Romania;
32 Integration of Information Technologies in Enterprise Application Development

Academic Research Information System, Journal: JAQM (Journal Of Applied

Quantitative Methods), issue 1, vol. 3, 2008;
Medical Virtual Public Services, Journal: Informatics Economics, issue 1(45), 2008.

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