Ebook A Web Developers Guide
Ebook A Web Developers Guide
Ebook A Web Developers Guide
Developers get out of bed wanting to write code. Then theres getting code done fast. As one developer put
Unfortunately, many non-coding tasks need to be wrangled it, there are two types of code:
before coding can begin. We dont mean coffee; we mean
things like waiting for servers to be purchased, installing 1. The fun stuff: Code that makes your app unique and
your database engine, configuring your firewall ports, valuable, and helps drive the business.
reinstalling the right version of the database engine,
figuring out your deployment toolchain, creating a 2. The not fun stuff: Glue code which doesnt add a lot
reasonable authentication approach, and getting the of unique value but makes stuff work. An example
testing frameworks lined up. Those are just the things in the would be building framework code to compensate
way, not the things that arent in the way but cant be for how different browsers or devices work.
forgotten, such as backups, scale planning, and logging.
These tasks cost you precious time that could be better
Powerful finished services in the cloud can help web
spent coding, brainstorming, standing around the
developers get from 0-60 in their app building process.
whiteboard, playing foosball, etc. And once you jump
How about easily handling logins from your companys
through the necessary non-coding hoops and finally get to
directory and popular social media logins? How about
coding, the question quickly becomes, How do you get
getting global scale with a world-wide CDN? Other services
code done faster?
like Push notifications, analytics, and caching are ready for
you. All of it can be accessed with a few lines of code.
As developers, our job is to cut through any barrier that
stops us from being creative and get our code done faster.
The time is now. We invite you to cut right to the code.
Taking advantage of the right services running in the cloud
helps you cut right to the code by eliminating a number of
non-coding tasks. Examples include environment
management, spinning up a SQL Database in Azure to skip
version problems, automating backups, and enabling
advanced encryption at rest features, using repeatable
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Some examples are for illustration only and are fictitious. No real
association is intended or inferred.
This document does not provide you with any legal rights to any
intellectual property in any Microsoft product. You may copy and use this
document for your internal, reference purposes.
Table of Contents
Abstract ................................................................................................... 2
Table of Contents ................................................................................ 4
Overview ................................................................................................. 5
Introduction ....................................................................................... 5
Why App Service for your Web Apps ....................................... 6
Getting Started with Microsoft Azure ...................................... 6
Common Web App Scenarios ........................................................ 7
When to Use It ................................................................................. 7
Moving an Existing ASP.NET Website to App Service ........ 7
Identity Management .................................................................. 11
Scaling your Web App ................................................................. 14
Caching for Performance ........................................................... 15
Better Customer Experience with a CDN.............................. 16
Detect Failures Faster .................................................................. 18
Building a New Website on Azure App Service .................. 20
Conclusion............................................................................................ 21
Recommended Next Steps ......................................................... 21
This guide will cover how you can build a new web site or
move an existing web site to Azure App Service and then
take advantage of the platform services to build a modern
web app that scales when you need it. Other guides will
cover other parts of Azure App Service.
Why App Service for your Web Apps Getting Started with Microsoft
Azure App Service provides a number of great benefits to
you and your application. When looking at App Service over
In order to build and deploy your web app to Microsoft
other options, a key foundational tenet is that App Service
Azure, you need a subscription. You can get a free Azure
manages the underlying infrastructure. As a developer,
account or its possible you already have access and might
youre not responsible for patching and maintenance. This
not even realize it. You could have access via:
is a major non-coding task that is eliminated. This means
you can focus on coding tasks instead of software updates
and maintenance. Speaking of code, App Service provides Your organizations subscription
choice with first-class support for ASP.NET, Node.js, Java, Your own subscription provided via your MSDN
PHP, and Python. Subscription
Your own subscription provided via Visual Studio
App Service was built with DevOps in mind. You can set up Dev Essentials
continuous integration and deployment with Visual Studio
Regardless of how you have access, youll need enough
Team Services, GitHub, or BitBucket. You can shepherd
permissions to create and manage new objects in the
updates through test and staging environments as well as
perform A/B testing. Because App Service has a rich API
surface, you can manage your apps using Azure PowerShell
or the cross-platform command-line interface (CLI) tooling.
Youre ready to move your web app to the cloud. You want
Moving an Existing ASP.NET
the benefits, but are unsure where to start. The following
scenarios are designed to give you a jumping-off point Website to App Service
covering common tasks that many customers have.
When to Use It
Moving an existing ASP.NET website backed by a SQL
App Service is the preferred option for building web sites Server database to Azure App Service only requires a few
steps once you have the right tools installed. Most of the
because it provides the productivity, scale, performance,
and deployment options for most requirements. With or steps can be completed from within Visual Studio with a
without a database, you use App Service when you want to few items requiring the use of the web based Azure Portal.
focus on building unique features for your app and need
the infrastructure to just work. You can use App Service in The problem
conjunction with the many other Azure services like Azure
AD, Redis Cache, Azure CDN, and Application Insights to When youre new to a platform, it can be hard to get
quickly build and deploy powerful apps. started. How should you move things? Whats the right
order of operations? How do I get my app to talk to its data
As with most technologies, Azure continues to grow and sources? If youve never done it, its not always obvious
evolve at a rapid pace. Steps to complete certain tasks get where to begin.
optimized out, tools get updated, and generally things just
get better. This document reflects the state of the art as of The solution
June 2016, using versions with the latest updates and
patches. As with many things, there is more than one way For this type of application, youll move your database
to create something. catalog and sample data to the cloud. Youll then migrate
your website and your data. Once youve done that, you can
The tools that enable you to get the most done in as few tweak additional settings like custom domains and
steps as possible include: implement continuous delivery via tools like Visual Studio
Team Services.
Visual Studio 2015
Azure SDK and Tools for Visual Studio 2015
Common Web App Scenarios
Services used set of compatibility rules and, as of June 2016, supports SQL
Server versions 2005 to 2016.
Web Apps
SQL Database You can get the SSDT via the Download SQL Server Data
Tools (SSDT) page.
Publishing the Database
With SSDT, you can import your database catalog three
different ways. You can live connect to a running SQL Server
Azures SQL Database (SQL Database) is a highly instance. You can import the catalog from a Data-tier
compatible version of SQL Server optimized for the Azure Application (dacpac) file. Finally, you can import a SQL
cloud. As a platform-as-a-service (PaaS) offering (as Script file that describes your databases objects. Once
opposed to just running SQL Server in virtual machines), youve completed the import process, youll have an offline
there are some differences and incompatibilities between version of your database catalog that you can then test for
the two versions. You need to validate your database for Azure compatibility. The MSDN docs cover Project-
compatibility. If your database uses partially or completely Oriented Offline Database Development in more detail.
unsupported features, you need to re-engineer it to remove
these incompatibilities before migrating. You should read
When you have your database catalog imported (and
Azure SQL Database Transact-SQL differences for the small
hopefully after youve put it under version control), you
set of features not yet supported by SQL Database. Once
open the Project Settings page. You change the Target
youve addressed any issues, you often migrate your local
platform from the imported setting and change it to
SQL Server database up into SQL Database twice. First, you
Microsoft Azure SQL Database V12.
move just the database catalog (and possibly some sample
or test data), and then you do it again if you already have
the database in production to move your real data.
Common Web App Scenarios
to open the offending objects script. Use the error code to requirements, etc. Youll find the SQL Database tutorial
get additional help online. useful, as well as the Azure Developer Immersion hands-on
Once youve fixed all the errors, you can use the Publish
command in SSDT to upload your new compatible database Second, once youve got the logical server instance created,
up to Microsoft Azure. However, this will only migrate the if youre working from a machine outside of Azure, youll
catalog. This is fine if you dont need to move any data. If need to open up the Azure firewall in order for the SQL
you have data to move, youll want to synchronize your Server tools to reach the server and your database. Youll
project with SQL Server and fix up any conflicts caused by find the access link in the Essentials section of the SQL
your adjustments. You can use the Data Comparison tools Server blade in the Azure portal.
in SSDT to compare your catalog.
Finally, once youve done this, you can connect to your
Once youve got your database catalog in a database with instance in Azure. From the connection, you use the Import
your data, you can use SQL Server Management Studio to Data-tier Application option to load both the database
export your database and its data using the Export Data- catalog and the point-in-time copy of your data to your
tier Application command. This creates a file that you can new server in Azure. At this point, you can remove the
then import into your SQL Database in Azure. In order to do temporary database you defined when you created your
this, youll need to have a few things ready. SQL Database instance.
First, youll need an appropriate Azure SQL Database logical You can find more information starting at SQL Server
server defined with an empty, temporary database in the database migration to SQL Database in the cloud. You will
SQL Database instance. Azure will not let you create a new find additional links to the aforementioned tools and
server unless it has a database in it, so you will need to techniques there also.
create a server with an empty database. After youve
imported your real database, you can delete the temporary Additional resources
one. When you create your SQL instance, youll want to
consider if you want the logical server to be shared by
Hands-on labs, sample code, and more
multiple apps or be dedicated to your app. To make it easier
to manage resources in Azure, you put them into logical
What's new in SQL Database V12
groups known as Resource Groups. You use the Azure
Resource Manager to deploy, manage, and monitor the
resources. You can read more about ARM and Resource Azure Resource Manager
Groups in the Azure Resource Manager overview. Youll
need to put your logical server in a Resource Group at Update connection information
creation time. One other important point is where you want
your database server located. Azure has over twenty
regions around the world. To avoid unnecessary charges Once youve got the database up in the server, you can
and for better performance, you could put your database update your applications web.config to use the new
and the web app in the same region. Naturally, before you database. This can be useful to test your app locally from
do any deployments containing data, you should verify Visual Studio before you migrate the web app to Azure. You
which region meets your companys data sovereignty can find connection strings in various formats on the
Common Web App Scenarios
Database connection strings blade of your SQL database myapp, the fully qualified domain name will be
in the Azure portal. Youll want to use the ADO.NET format. myapp.azurewebsites.net. The subscription controls how
You will need to replace the {your_username} and much Azure resources you can use. In addition, this will
{your_password} tokens with the correct values. Once scope which existing Resource Groups and App Service
youre done testing, you should remove this information, as Plans you can access. It also affects the names you choose
its not something youd want to commit to your source as both types of items need unique names within a
code repository. Azure web apps support application subscription. Its at this point you can choose the same
settings where you can securely store your database Resource Group you defined when you created your logical
connection string and make it available to your application. SQL Database server.
Changes to these settings override values stored in your
web.config. While its possible youll have an existing App Service Plan,
youll typically want one specific to your web app. When
Publish the web site you create a new App Service Plan, you give it a name. You
then set the location. This should be the same location you
used when defining your logical SQL Database server.
With your database in Azure, youre now ready to move the Finally, youll need to specify a size. Starting with the free
web application. Visual Studio in conjunction with the latest option is great for demos and initial configuration.
Azure SDK and Tools provides everything you need to However, youll note that you dont get access to a number
perform the migration. If you have additional post- of important features including deployment slots, custom
deployment work, you can consider combining version domain names and custom SSL certificates. The App Service
control and some form of automated deployment. plans page provides detailed information about the
different plan categories. The various App Service Pricing
With your solution open in Visual Studio, you use the pages provide specifics on pricing and the levels within
Publish command off of your web projects node in the each plan category.
Solution Explorer window. The Publish Web wizard will
walk you through the various steps required to get your Once youve created your App Service Plan, you can publish
local ASP.NET app running in Azure. When you first use the your app to Azure. Once the publication is done, you can
wizard, youll need to log in using your Azure account access the Application Settings blade if necessary to update
credentials. This provides the wizard with a list of your the SQL Server connection string information.
subscriptions. Once you pick it, youll be shown any
Resource Groups you have access to in the subscription
with web apps deployed. The assumption is that youre
Additional steps
creating a new one and the wizard provides extra support
for new deployments. After youve got your web app loaded in Azure, there are
additional steps you might want to perform.
When creating a new deployment, the Create App Service
dialog requires you to provide a number details including Custom Domain
name, subscription, Resource Group, and an App Service
Plan. The name forms the host name of the DNS entry for
By default, when you publish your web site to Azure, youll
your app and must be globally unique. Azure will validate
be able to access it via myapp.azurewebsites.net. In
your choice before letting your continue. Thus if you type
particular, this is the only option when using a free App
Common Web App Scenarios
SSL Certificate Modern web apps often need to restrict what data and
features are made available to individuals and/or groups of
One great thing about the free Azure App Service plan is users. Azure App Service supports single sign-on (SSO) for
that you get SSL included. However, once you add a custom your apps regardless of where users are logging in from,
domain, youll need to provide your own SSL certificate. To whether it be the public internet or your own internal
do this youll need to acquire a SSL certificate from a network. In addition, you can integrate social logins
recognized certificate authority. Youll then need to ensure Facebook, Twitter, etc.for customers and non-corporate
youre using the correct pricing tier. You then configure members through integration with OAuth 2.0, OpenID
your web app to use the cert. Finally, you might need to Connect, and SAML 2.0.
force your app to support only SSL.
The problem
Continuous Delivery
How do you get an app thats run on premises to be cloud
While using the Visual Studio tools for initial deployment is aware and support logins outside of your corporate
great, long term use, especially when working on a team is network? What about customers and business partners who
not ideal. Youll really want to consider using one of the need access to your app but arent employees?
great tools out there, such as Visual Studio Team Services
(VSTS) or GitHub. Both services provide mechanisms to The solution
update your web app after changes are pushed to a
centralized source repository. VSTS in particular supports a Azure Active Directory (AD) provides organizations with
full Release Management tool that supports release enterprise-grade identity management for cloud
pipelines with deployment to staging slots and automated applications. Azure AD integration gives your users a
regression testing before going live. The Team Services streamlined sign-in experience, and helps your application
docs provide additional details, pointers, and walkthroughs. conform to IT policy. By enabling Azure AD support in your
application, your users wont need to remember additional
Additional resources set of credentials. Instead, theyll use the same information
already in use to access your organizations resources. In
Configure a custom domain name in App Service addition, using Azure AD, you gain access to a very large
social network in that you can allow users with Microsoft
accounts. Finally, Azure App Service enables integration
Enable HTTPS for an app in Azure App Service
with popular social media providers.
Common Web App Scenarios
Services used If youve created a new directory, you will need to add users.
One of the great things about Azure AD is that it provides
Azure Active Directory support for adding new and existing users from other
Azure App Service sources. Using the Azure Management portal, you can add:
In addition, your application has access to this information Web Application and/or Web API
using the Azure AD Graph API. This API allows your app a Native Client Application
number of identity and access control operations including:
The choice in this case is obvious. Once you pick the web
Create a new user in a directory app related option, you need to provide two items. The first
is the Sign-on URL which is the URL a user will use to login
Get a users detailed properties, such as their
to your app. The second item is the App ID URI. This just
needs to be a unique URI (often provided in the form of a
Update a users properties, such as their location
URL) the Azure AD can use to identify your app. Once
and phone number, or change their password youve entered these basic items, you can then use the
Check a users group membership for role-based Configure Azure AD Authentication wizard in Visual
access Studio to add SSO support via Azure AD to your web app.
Disable a users account or delete it entirely
Common Web App Scenarios
blade in the Azure Portal for your web app. Once you turn
this feature on, you have access to a number of social
networks like Facebook, Google, and Twitter.
Additional resources
Common Web App Scenarios
Scaling your Web App The Standard plan offers automated daily backup of your
site, along with slots to support staged deployments with
rollback. The Standard plan also offers support for Azures
Overview Traffic Manager, enabling you to deploy to multiple sites
across the world and direct incoming requests to whichever
Scale up or scale outAzure App Service has you covered is nearest to the user. Finally, the Premium plans allow you
with easy-to-configure tools right within the Azure Portal. to scale out to up to twenty instances, with multiple
You control how your web app scales by adjusting settings automated backups every day (up to fifty), as well as
of your App Service Plan. offering up to 250GB of filesystem storage and support for
BizTalk Services.
The problem
As you dig in and move up out of the free plan, you can
You want your users to have fast access to your web app. choose different scale by formats: CPU Percentage,
You need to be able to handle temporal pressures caused manual instance count, and finally schedule and
by end of month and seasonal demand. The bottom line is performance rules. The high-end options will vary based on
your web app needs to be up and ready when your users the plan level you select. The first two options provide
need it. large levers to adjust the app service scaling properties by
either CPU percentage loadadd more power when the
CPUs are taxedor total instances which simply sets a
The solution
hard-coded upper bound based on count.
Azure App Service provides what you need, when you need
Youll find the schedule and performance rules provide
it with easy-to-set scale up and scale out options that can
more granular control. You can create your own rules and
provide your app with elastic scale with a few mouse clicks
create a schedule that adjusts your instance counts based
and a slider or two.
on time and performance metrics. You can configure auto-
scaling rules for different performance metrics, including
Services used CPU, memory, disk queue, HTTP queue, and data flow. One
other feature that comes in handy is that you can send e-
Azure App Service mails to administrators when scale actions kick in.
Common Web App Scenarios
Caching for Performance access to the new value. By using a Redis cache, you can
take significant load off persistent storage systems such as
SQL Database.
To use Azure Redis Cache, you need to first add it to your
Data persistence takes many forms. An early assumption in web app via the Azure Portal. You need to provide a DNS
this document was that your web app uses SQL Server for name that is globally unique. As with other Azure assets,
the applications main persistence. However, modern web youll want to add it to the correct Resource Group and
apps can use any number of additional storage facilities for location used by your web app. Finally youll need to
supporting data and content. Traditional file repositories, determine your pricing tier. Once youve done that you can
NoSQL databases, and in-memory caches are all useful turn to your web app.
tools to have as your applications needs change. Adding
caching support is one of the easier ways to enhance your As with many other technologies, you add support to
applications performance. access Redis Cache to your application by importing the
relevant NuGet package. The most common one used is the
The problem Stack Exchange Redis package. This package provides your
application with access to the Redis Cache Connection
Hitting the database every time information is needed by a Multiplexor and other objects necessary to cache your
web app can be expensive. It slows down the app and can applications data. Once youve worked out the areas that
cause your application run time costs to go up needlessly. need caching, you need to add the Redis Cache connection
information to your app so it has access to the cache when
you deploy your updated version to Azure.
The solution
Additional resources
Azure Redis Cache provides high throughput, consistent
low-latency data access to power your fast, scalable Azure
hosted web app. How to Use Azure Redis Cache
Common Web App Scenarios
Common Web App Scenarios
Azure CDN works with more than just web apps. You can
point a CDN endpoint at any valid endpoint like storage, a
cloud service, or a plain old IaaS web server. The point is
that this one CDN endpoint will always get its underlying
content from one source location.
Additional resources
Common Web App Scenarios
Application Insights helps you understand how your Application Insights comes with Visual Studio. This makes it
application is performing by tracking exceptions and easy to enable Application Insights during app creation or
gathering performance diagnostics. It allows you to use in an existing application. With your solution open in Visual
real-time metrics to analyze request load, server Studio, you can right-click on your web apps project node
performance counters, and response times across and choose the Add Application Insights Telemetry
dependencies. In addition you can diagnose exceptions and command.
failed requests and correlate them with events and traces.
Designed to help you discover the root cause of abnormal
app performance behavior, Application Insights provides
interactive data analytics so you can perform ad-hoc
queries and use full-text search to find the information you
need. In addition, Application Insights uses machine
learning capabilities to continually analyze your application.
This allows it to learn your apps normal behavior so service
degradations or disruptions are automatically detected and
reportedhelping you respond to issues at the speed your
customers demand.
The problem
The solution
When you do this, Visual Studio downloads the necessary
Application Insights in Azure is a service that helps you supporting Application Insights NuGet packages and adds
detect failures in you web app and roll out fixes before your them as project dependencies. Up in Azure, it creates an
customers are aware of these failures. Application Insights resource that you can then access for
reporting. It generates a unique instrumentation key for
Services used your application (a GUID), that is added to an
ApplicationInsights.config file so that the SDK can send
telemetry to the portal.
Application Insights
As with other features covered so far, Application Insights Once youve done the basic configuration, you can build
has a management function in the Azure Portal and SDK and run your app locally. Your app will immediately start
Common Web App Scenarios
sending telemetry data to Azure. You can view the data Additional resources
right from inside Visual Studio by using the Search Debug
Session Telemetry command. This command is a sub- What is Application Insights?
command on your web projects Application Insights menu
which appears via a right-click on the project node in
Hands-on labs, sample code, and more
Solution Explorer. On the other hand, if you choose the
Open Application Insights command, youll be sent to the
Azure portal where youll have access to dashboards, more
charts, and analytic tools. In the Azure portal, you can
search for events and create charts over aggregated
Common Web App Scenarios
Building a New Website on Azure In order to build a new ASP.NET solution, youll want the
same core tools as you would when migrating:
App Service
Visual Studio 2015
Overview Azure SDK and Tools for Visual Studio 2015
SQL Server Management Studio 2016
Someone has an idea for the next big thing and they want With these tools in place, youll find many features are
it built yesterday. Microsoft Azure and Visual Studio provide options to embrace during the initial project creation
everything you need to make dreams come true. process.
The problem Building a new ASP.NET web app for Azure starts with the
File | New dialog box in Visual Studio 2015. As you choose
Ideas are great, but until you can see them and use them, an ASP.NET template type, you have the option of
its hard to tell if what is imagined can really work. configuring the project for Azure as you carry out the
project creation.
The solution
In fact, the list of items you can configure at project creation
Visual Studio 2015s File | New dialog provides is the includes:
gateway to easily building a rich, modern web app where
you focus on the code and let Azure provide all the services Adding Azure Active Directory support
to make the next big thing a reality. Application Insights
Resource Group creation
Services used App Service creation
The Visual Studio 2015 tools and templates ensure you can
Azure Active Directory
get straight to the code yet still build a great application
Azure App Service
that scales on Azure.
Starting from File | New is a wonderful place to be when
building any software solution. Building a new web app that Additional resources
runs from the beginning on Azure means you have an
amazing array of choices in how you build out your Create an ASP.NET MVC app with auth and SQL DB and
solution. deploy to Azure App Service
Common Web App Scenarios