Disclosure To Promote The Right To Information

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Disclosure to Promote the Right To Information

Whereas the Parliament of India has set out to provide a practical regime of right to
information for citizens to secure access to information under the control of public authorities,
in order to promote transparency and accountability in the working of every public authority,
and whereas the attached publication of the Bureau of Indian Standards is of particular interest
to the public, particularly disadvantaged communities and those engaged in the pursuit of
education and knowledge, the attached public safety standard is made available to promote the
timely dissemination of this information in an accurate manner to the public.

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Mazdoor Kisan Shakti Sangathan Jawaharlal Nehru
The Right to Information, The Right to Live Step Out From the Old to the New

IS 3237-6 (1986): Special Purpose Syringes, Part 6:

Irrigation Syringe [MHD 12: Hospital Equipment]

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Satyanarayan Gangaram Pitroda
Invent a New India Using Knowledge

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Knowledge is such a treasure which cannot be stolen
( Reaffirmed 2001 )
Indian Standard


1. Scopey Specifies requirements of irrigation syringes also known as Tomey Syringes used fo
stomach and bladder irrigation in medical field.

1.1 For general requirements the provisions covered in IS : 82351980 General requirements fol
ryringes for medical use ( first revision ) shall apply unless otherwise stated in this standard.

!. Size and Dimensions of syringes

!.l Except the frontal and nozzle Portion, typically the syringes shall be as shown in Fig. 1A oi
S : 3236-198Q Specification for hypodermic syringes for general purposes ( first revision ).

9 The capacities of syringes shall be 20 ml, 80 ml and 50 ml in accordance with Table 1 oi

s : 82861980.
i-3 The sub-divisions or scale intervals, length of scale, the minimum length of graduation and the
lumbering of the graduation shall be In accordance with 8.8 and 8.4 read with Table 1 of IS : 8236~1980,

i.4 Dimensions of syringes shall be in accordance with 3.5 read with Table 2 of IS : 3286-1980 except:
Maximum length: for 20 ml is 190 mm
for 80 ml is 210 mm
for 60 ml is 280 mm
Diameter of effluent for all shall be 8% f 01 mm.

#. Requirements
.l The nozzle dimension and frontal portion of the syringe shall be as shown in Fig. 1, The metallic
ozzle shall tightly fit to the syringe barrel.
- - + 5*3:0*2
- J - 9 3.5 0.1
rlr 1
1 I

All dimensions In millimetres.


,2 The numbering of scale intervals shall be in accordance with col 6 of Table 1 of IS : 8286-1980.
he number shall be close to, but shall not touch the ends of the graduation mark to which it
plates. The numbering shall generally be according to the details given in Fig. 8 of IS : 8286.1980.
he numbers shall be clearly defined, durable and easily legible.

Adopted 29 Srptomber WlM Q May 1967, BIS Or 2

NEW DELHI 110009

^_. _ . ._~~___.__ .- ._.. -.-. - ---

IS : 6237 ( Part 6 ) - 1666
3.3 The piston shall be easily visible through the barrel and the fiducial line shall be capable of
being judged against the graduations very accurately.

4. Tests
4.1 All tests given in IS : 32381980 except 8.1 and 8.8.2 shall apply.
5, Marking - Each syringe shall be legibly and durably marked with the following:
a) Manufacturers name, initials or recognized trade-mark;
b) Unit of capacity, ml; and
c) Means of identification of barrel and piston.

5,l Certifkation M a r k i n g - Details available with the Bureau of Indian Standards.

6. Packing - Shall be as agreed to between the manufacturer and the purchaser.

7, S a m p l l n g -Sampling scheme and criteria for acceptance shall be as agreed to between the
manufacturer and the purchaser. However, a recommended sampling plan is given in Appendix A.

( Clause 7 )
Ad, Lot
A-l.1 In any consignment, all the syringes produced from the same material of the same type,
shape and dimension under similar conditions shall constitute a lot.

A-l.2 The number of syringes to be selected from each lot shall depend upon the size of the lot
and shall be in accordance with col 1 and 2 of Table 1..


Lot 8120 Sample 8128 Sub-Sample Size

(1) (2) (31
up to 100 5 5
101 to 150 8 5
151 to 500 13 8
501 to 1 000 20 13
1001t010000 32 18
10 301 and above 50 20

A-1.2.1 These syringes shall be selected from the lot at random and in order to ensure the
randomness of selection procedures given in IS : 49051968 Methods for random sampling may
be followed.

A-2, Number of Tests and Criteria for Conformity

A-2.1 All the syringes selected at random in accordance vuith col 1 and 2 of Table 1 shall be tested
for dimensions, capacity, shock test, leakage test, test for entrapped fluid and freedom from striae
and strain. A syringe shall be considered as defective if it fails to meet any one or more of these
requirements. A lot shall be considered as conforming to these requirements if none of the syringes
in the sample is found to be defective in any of these tests.

A-2.2 If the lot is found to be conforming to the requirements given in A.2.1, the test for corrosion,
permanency of marking, dry heat test and alkalinity test shall be carried out on the sub-samples
selected according to col 3 of Table 1. A lot shall be considered as conforming to these requirements
if none of the syringes in the sub-sample fails to meet any of these requirements.

A-2.3 The lot shall be considered as conforming to the standard if A-2.1 and A-2.2 are satisfied.


IS : 3237 was first published in 1965 and revised in 1989. It had then covered hypodermic
syringes of small capacity, namely, insulin syringes, tuberculin syringes and BCG syringes. In
the second revision of thQ standard undertaken in 1985, these special purpose syringes were
covered in three separate parts. Subsequently, other special purpose syringes have also been
added to this standard as its further parts as given below:
IS : 3237 (Part 1 )-1935 Insulin syringes ( second fevlsion )
IS : 3237 ( Part 2 )-1985 Tuberculin syringes ( second revision)
IS : 3237 ( Part 3 )-1985 BCG syringes ( second revision )
IS : 3237 ( Part 4)-1986 Vaccine syringe
IS : 3237 ( Part 5 )-1986 Post operation care syringe
IS : 3237 .( Part 7)-1986 Forced feeding syringe
IS : 3237 ( Part 8 )-1986 Angiography syringe.

Prlntrd l t Afcoe Prom, New Dolhl, India

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