Rite - in The Company of Gelatinous Cubes Expanded

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The document discusses expanding on the original In the Company of Gelatinous Cubes work and introduces mythic gelatinous cube paragons and their unique abilities.

The book expands on the original In the Company of Gelatinous Cubes and introduces mythic gelatinous cube paragons that follow a path known as the mythic gelatinous cube paragon.

Mythic gelatinous cubes can have abilities like Mythic Adventuring Buddy, Mythic Ooze Empathy, and Mythic Ooze Abilities that augment their paragon class features.

Rite Publishing Presents:

In the Company of
Gelatinous Cubes
Author: Wendall Roy
Editor: Lj Stephens
Illustration: Jacob E. Blackmon
Layout & Design: Lj Stephens
Publisher: Miranda Russell
This volume expands upon the original work:
In the Company of Gelatinous Cubes (2015)

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In the Company of Gelatinous Cubes
and maintain a grapple when just using the part
In The Company of Gelatinous of its body used in the grab to hold an opponent.
Cubes Expanded! Mythic Amorphous Dodge: The gelatinous cube
can expend one use of its mythic power to use
Gluuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuub! [Its a this ability an additional time in a round. In
cube expanded, get it? Yeah I claim nothing to addition, the gelatinous cube can use this ability
do with this product. Making you pay for a not to avoid ranged attacks with a slashing or piercing
terribly clever joke? 1 of 5 stars. Regards, the weapon as long as it is not denied its Dexterity
Metadventurer] bonus to AC against the attack.
Mythic Compression: The gelatinous cube takes
Mythic Gelatinous Cube Paragons only a -2 penalty on attack rolls and a -2 penalty
to AC while squeezing. As a full-round action
Mythic gelatinous cubes must follow a path known and expending one use of its mythic power each
as the mythic gelatinous cube paragon. They round, the gelatinous cube can squeeze through
can only take universal path abilities, but have a spaces as small as 1 inch in diameter at half speed.
number of unique options available only to them
that augment their paragon class features. Each of Mythic Corroding Secretions: The gelatinous
the following mythic class features is considered a cube can expend one use of its mythic power
1st-tier universal path ability, or may be taken in to use this ability to damage stone instead of
place of a mythic feat. You must have a class feature damaging metal.
in order to gain its mythic version. A mythic class Mythic Dessicated Toolmaking: The gelatinous
feature cannot be taken more than once unless it cube can expend one use of its mythic power to
says otherwise. use this ability to create a resin object that lasts
The gelatinous cube adds its mythic tier to its up to 24 hours. If the gelatinous cube succeeds
level to determine the save DC and any other level- on an appropriate DC 20 Craft check, the resin
based effect of mythic class features, and level- object is considered to be a masterwork weapon,
based effects that normally have a cap at 20th level armor or tool. In addition, the gelatinous cube
instead have a cap of 30th level for determining gains a competence bonus equal to its mythic
their maximum effect. tier whenever making a skill check that uses a
Mythic Adventuring Buddy: The gelatinous masterwork tool created with this ability.
cube can move into the space occupied by an Mythic Discover Openings: The gelatinous cube can
adventuring buddy of its size or smaller as part of expend one use of its mythic power to expand the
its movement or as a 5-foot step, which displaces range of this ability to 60 feet for a number of hours
the adventuring buddy into the space the cube equal to its level. This ability ends if the gelatinous
just left. The adventuring buddy must be able to cube does not remain in a sensitive composition.
occupy the space the gelatinous cube was in, and In addition, the gelatinous cube can make reactive
be either helpless or willing and able to move. This Perception checks to pinpoint any effects with the
movement does not provoke attacks of opportunity, teleportation descriptor or that otherwise create
nor does it count towards the adventuring buddys openings to other planes or extradimensional
movement on his next turn. spaces within range of this ability.
In addition, the gelatinous cube can choose to
Mythic Engulfing Pin: The gelatinous cube
suppress the effects of its acid and anesthetizing slime
can expend one use of its mythic power when
on any of its adventuring buddies that it engulfs.
reducing the amount of time a pinned creature
Mythic Ooze Empathy: The gelatinous cube can can hold its breath to reduce the time by 1d10
attempt to improve the attitude of an ooze with its rounds instead of 1d6.
ooze empathy ability as a swift action.
Mythic Environmental Mimicry: The gelatinous
Mythic Ooze Ability: To take a mythic ooze ability, cube can expend one use of its mythic power to
the gelatinous cube must have the non-mythic increase the DC of its transparent racial ability by an
version of that ability. No mythic ooze ability can additional 10 (to DC 30). This increase lasts as long as
be selected more than once. the gelatinous cube remains motionless. In addition,
Mythic Adhesive Pseudopods: The gelatinous cube the gelatinous cube increases its competence bonus
only takes a -10 penalty on its CMB check to make on Stealth checks by its mythic tier.

In the Company of Gelatinous Cubes
Mythic Fission: The gelatinous cube and its abilitys ranged attack, adding its mythic tier as a
duplicate gain temporary hit points equal to its bonus on the combat maneuver check.
level whenever the gelatinous cube divides itself.
Mythic Resinous Composition: The gelatinous
Mythic Jelly Composition: The gelatinous cube cube can expend one use of its mythic power to
can expend one use of its mythic power to take no damage when falling. In addition, the
increase the enhancement bonus to its base land gelatinous cube increases its natural armor bonus
speed from this ability to +15. This increase lasts
to AC and its bonus to bull rush, overrun and
as long as the gelatinous cube remains in a jelly
reposition combat maneuvers by its mythic tier.
composition. In addition, the gelatinous cube
increases its dodge bonus to AC by its mythic tier Mythic Resin-laced Pseudopods: The gelatinous
when using this ability. cube increases the bonus damage from this ability
Mythic Launching Blast: The gelatinous cube by its mythic tier. In addition, the gelatinous cube
increases this abilitys enhancement bonus to can expend one use of its mythic power when it
Acrobatics checks by +5 times its mythic tier. successfully confirms a critical hit with a slam
The gelatinous cube can expend one use of its attack it can either inflict bleed damage equal to
mythic power when using this ability to exceed its its mythic tier or force the creature struck to make
maximum movement for the round with its jump. a Fortitude save or suffer one of the following
Mythic Potent Secretions: The gelatinous cubes conditions: deafened for 1 hour, staggered for
acid can overcome resistances. Creatures treat their 1d4 rounds, or stunned for 1 round.
acid resistance as 20 less than normal
against the gelatinous cubes acid,
and creatures with immunity to
acid still suffer half damage.
Mythic Pungent Composition:
The gelatinous cube increases
the saving throw DC by
2 for this ability and any
ooze ability that has
pungent composition as
a prerequisite. Mythic
pungent composition counts
as a secretions ability.
Mythic Reeking Pheremones:
The gelatinous cube can
expend one use of its mythic
power when activating this
ability to cause creatures of
any type except construct or
undead with immunity to
poison to instead have a
+6 bonus on the saving
throw against this
ability. In addition,
the gelatinous
cube increases
the duration of
the nauseated
condition caused by
this ability to 1d4 rounds.
Mythic Regurgitate Meal: The gelatinous cube
can attempt a free bull rush or trip combat
maneuver against any creature struck by this

In the Company of Gelatinous Cubes
Mythic Sense Hostile Intent: The gelatinous cube Mythic Whipping Pseudopods: The gelatinous
gains an insight bonus to initiative checks equal cube increases the reach of its slam attacks by
to its mythic tier when using this ability. an additional 5 feet when using this ability. In
Mythic Sensitive Composition: The gelatinous addition, it can make a number of additional
cube increases the competence bonus to attacks of opportunity each round equal to its
Perception checks from this ability by its mythic Constitution modifier.
tier, and increases the range of its blindsight to Mythic Item Attunement: The gelatinous cube can
90 feet. transmogrify three magic items absorbed into its
Mythic Slam Dance: The gelatinous cube can body into a single, new magic item. This process
expend one use of its mythic power with this takes 1 minute. The new magic items properties
ability to make two slam attacks instead of one are determined by the gelatinous cube (subject to
against each creature it threatens during its turn. GM approval), with the following guidelines:
Mythic Soporific Pheremones: The gelatinous The general form of the magic item must be that
cube can expend one use of its mythic power of the most valuable item being transmogrified.
when activating this ability to cause creatures For example, if a +2 longsword, horseshoes
of any type except construct or undead with of speed and a potion of neutralize poison are
immunity to poison to instead have a +6 bonus on transmogrified, the result will be a magical
the saving throw against this ability. In addition, longsword. The only exceptions to this are
the gelatinous cube causes creatures that fail their three neck slot magic items will transmogrify
saving throw to be exhausted instead of fatigued. into a ring, and three rings will transmogrify
Mythic Speedy Expulsion: The gelatinous cube into a neck slot magic item.
no longer has a delay between uses of this ability. The new magic item cannot have any spell as a
Mythic Split: The gelatinous cube and its prerequisite unless that spell was a prerequisite
duplicate can make an attack of opportunity of one of the original three magic items.
when splitting against the creature that hit them The cost of the new magic item must be equal to
with a slashing or piercing attack. or less than the sum of the original three items
Mythic Sticky Composition: The gelatinous cube costs. If the new item has a spell prerequisite
increases the circumstance bonus on combat from each of the original three magic items
maneuver checks to initiate a grapple, maintain (or the GM determines the item otherwise
a grapple and pin a foe, as well as the penalty embodies the form or function of all three), it
taken by grappled enemies on attempts to break receives a 10% discount in cost calculation.
the grapple and to escape the grapple using
Mythic Anesthetizing Slime: The gelatinous
Escape Artist, by its mythic tier.
cube adds half its mythic tier to the number of
Mythic Track Meal: The gelatinous cube can use consecutive saves needed to cure its anesthetizing
this ability to track creatures normally unable to slime poison.
be tracked by scent, such as those protected by
pass without trace. While in a sensitive composition Mythic Engulf: The gelatinous cube can engulf a
and underwater, the gelatinous cube also gains creature one size larger than itself as long as the
the keen scent universal monster ability. cubes entire occupied space is in the creatures
occupied space.
Mythic Unnatural Pheremones: The gelatinous
cube adds its mythic tier to the DC of any Handle Mythic Loyalty: The gelatinous cube can
Animal, Ride or wild empathy checks made by expend one use of its mythic power to reroll
an animals master to get an animal to approach a Will save against an enchantment spell or
within 30 feet of the gelatinous cube while it is effect. It must decide to use this ability before
using this ability. Hostile animals are shaken the results are revealed, and must take the
while they remain within 30 feet of the gelatinous second roll, even if worse.
cube unless they make a successful Will save. Mythic Cubist Perfection: The gelatinous cube
Mythic Wall Climber: The gelatinous cube can increases its damage reduction from this ability
climb and travel on vertical surfaces or even by its mythic tier. In addition, the gelatinous cube
traverse ceilings while using this ability, similar deals maximum damage to non-mythic creatures
to spider climb. with its slam critical hits.

In the Company of Gelatinous Cubes
Psychic Gelatinous Cubes While most gelatinous cubes are, true to their name,
shaped as a cube, rare examples of the species
assume other geometric shapes. Shape flairs act as
*Mental glub.*
class archetypes for the gelatinous cube paragon
*Mental glub.* class. Each flair replaces the ooze empathy and
*Mental glub.* anesthetizing slime class features.
*heads explode* Cone Shape Flair
Tricky Moves (Ex): At 1st level, the gelatinous cone
Id Ooze (Gelatinous Cube Paragon Archetype) gains a +4 dodge bonus to AC against attacks of
opportunity provoked by its movement through
Mental Engulf (Su): At 1st level, the gelatinous cube threatened squares and a +1 dodge bonus to AC
gains Psychic Sensitivity as a bonus feat and can against ranged attacks, but is not considered to
cast instigate psychic duel as a spell-like ability at occupy its entire space for the purposes of creatures
will. It has an effective manifesting level equal to moving through it.
its level and can spend a number of manifestation
Conical Focus (Su): At 5th level, if the gelatinous cone
points (MP) when creating a psychic manifestation fails a saving throw against an area effect or has
equal to its level (minimum 1). The DC for this an area effect centered on its space, on its next turn
spell is equal to 10 + the gelatinous cubes level it can take a full-round action to shoot a ray with
+ its Charisma modifier. The gelatinous cube can a range of 30 feet as a ranged touch attack. On a
generate MP through standard methods, and can successful attack, the ray deals the original effect
generate 2 MP by suppressing the benefits of one of to the creature struck by the ray. If the effect would
its ooze abilities until it rests for 8 hours. normally allow a saving throw for half damage, no
In addition, the gelatinous cube uses d8s for saving throw is allowed by the rays effect.
damage dice instead of d4s when creating offensive
Spearing Tip (Ex): At 9th level, when the gelatinous
manifestations with MP acquired from its ooze
cone makes a slam attack as part of a charge action,
abilities. This ability replaces ooze empathy and
the slam deals double damage and is considered
the ooze ability gained at 2nd level.
piercing damage. No other class feature can modify
Psychic Anesthetization (Su): At 7th level, the the type of damage dealt by this attack.
gelatinous cube can spend 1 MP to add the The Cone Zone (Ex): At 13th level, creatures moving
effects of its anesthetizing slime to an offensive out of squares threatened by the gelatinous
manifestation that allows a saving throw. Enemies cone provoke attacks of opportunity even if the
that would be stunned by the anesthetizing slime movement would not normally provoke an attack
are instead treated as nauseated while in a psychic of opportunity (such as a 5-foot step).
duel, and creatures that would be paralyzed
Conical Empowerment (Su): At 17th level, all variable,
by the anesthetizing slime are incapable of
numerical effects of rays the gelatinous cone creates
concentrating on or creating manifestations. This
with its conical focus class feature are increased by
ability replaces growth.
half, as a spell affected by the Empower Spell feat.
Neural Redundancy (Ex): At 12th level, the
gelatinous cube gains fast healing 2 while in a Cylinder Shape Flair
psychic duel. For every 2 additional levels above Smooth Moves (Ex): At 1st level, the gelatinous
cylinder gains a +2 dodge bonus to AC against
12th, the amount of fast healing increases by 2.
attacks that deal only slashing or piercing damage,
This ability will only heal damage the gelatinous
but is not considered to occupy its entire space for
cube has suffered within a binary mindscape. This
the purposes of creatures moving through it.
replaces cubist perfection and the ooze abilities
gained at 12th and 16th level. Slide Through (Ex): At 5th level, the gelatinous
cylinder reduces the penalty on attack rolls and AC
while squeezing to -2. It also gains a +4 bonus on
Gelatinous Cube Shape Flairs Escape Artist checks to squeeze into or through an
area less than half its spaces width.
Redirect Attack (Ex): At 9th level, the gelatinous
cylinder gains Redirect Attack as a bonus feat. It
Gluddh. does not need to meet the feats prerequisites.

In the Company of Gelatinous Cubes
Centrifugal Fighting (Ex): At 13th level, whenever d-schmwenty ability and confirms the critical hit,
the gelatinous cylinder successfully strikes an the opponent struck must make a Fortitude save
opponent smaller than itself with a slam attack, (DC 10 + the gelatinous dodecahedrons level
it can attempt a free reposition combat maneuver + the gelatinous dodecahedrons Constitution
against that opponent. This reposition attempt does modifier) or be nauseated for 1d4 rounds.
not provoke an attack of opportunity.
Pyramid Shape Flair
Unstoppable Cylinder (Su): At 17th level, the gelatinous Four-Faced (Ex): At 1st level, the gelatinous pyramid
cylinder gains compress as a bonus ooze ability, gains a bonus on Bluff skill checks equal to its
and does not need to be in a jelly composition to level. The gelatinous pyramid can attempt to
use it. The gelatinous cylinder no longer suffers any feint in combat up to four creatures it threatens.
penalty on attack rolls and AC while squeezing. When feinting against more than one creature,
the gelatinous pyramid makes a single Bluff check
Dodecahedron Shape Flair and compares the results against each creatures
12-Sided Durability (Ex): At 1st level, the gelatinous
respective DC.
dodecahedrons Hit Dice are d12s instead of d8s.
In addition, the gelatinous pyramid counts
12-Siders Roll Best (Ex): At 5th level, the gelatinous as having an Intelligence of 13 and the Combat
dodecahedron increases its base land speed by 5 Expertise feat for the purposes of meeting the
feet and can ignore up to 5 feet of difficult terrain prerequisites of the Improved Feint feat, as well
during its movement each turn. The gelatinous as any other feat that has Improved Feint as a
dodecahedron automatically succeeds on prerequisite.
Acrobatics checks required by charging or running Great Pyramid (Su): At 5th level, the gelatinous
down a steep slope. pyramid can trick creatures into being impressed
In addition, the gelatinous dodecahedron gains and awed by its shape. It can use its Bluff skill in
a +1 luck bonus on any attack rolls, damage rolls, place of Intimidate to demoralize opponents. As
saving throws, skill checks, or ability checks that a full-round action, the gelatinous pyramid can
use a d12. For every 5 additional levels above 5th, attempt to demoralize all opponents within 30 feet
this bonus increases by +1. who can see it.
12-Pounder Pounding (Ex): At 9th level, the gelatinous Spearing Tip (Ex): At 9th level, when the gelatinous
dodecahedron can choose to substitute a d12 for its pyramid makes a slam attack as part of a charge
normal slam damage dice. Nothing else can modify action, the slam deals double damage and is
the dice size of the slam damage when using considered piercing damage. No other ability can
this ability, including changes to the gelatinous modify the type of damage dealt by this attack.
dodecahedrons size.
Crypt Guardian (Su): At 13th level, the gelatinous
D20, D-Schmwenty (Ex): At 13th level, the gelatinous pyramids shape and presence has an impact on
dodecahedron can roll a d12 instead of a d20 on undead. The gelatinous pyramid can feint in combat
any attack roll, damage roll, saving throw, skill and attempt to demoralize undead, even mindless
check, or ability check. When rolling a d12 in this ones. The gelatinous pyramid suffers no penalty
way, a natural 12 result counts as a natural 20 for when feinting against an undead creature for it
attack rolls and saving throws. Weapons with being non-humanoid or for its Intelligence score.
increased threat ranges will only threaten a critical Undead demoralized by the gelatinous pyramid do
on a natural 12 when rolling a d12 in this way. not become shaken, and instead refuse to willingly
In addition, as an immediate action the gelatinous approach within 30 feet of the gelatinous pyramid
dodecahedron can roll a d12 to count as a reroll for as long as they are demoralized.
any d20 result. It must decide to use this ability
Pyramid Scheme (Su): At 17th level, the gelatinous
before the results are revealed and must take the
pyramid can conscript creatures into its pyramid
second roll, even if it is worse.
scheme to siphon their destiny. As a standard action,
When the gelatinous dodecahedron uses this the gelatinous pyramid can conscript one adjacent
ability, it can no longer choose to roll d20s and must willing creature. As a free action after successfully
substitute d12s for them until it rests for 8 hours. hitting a flat-footed or demoralized creature with a
Dirty Dozen (Ex): At 17th level, whenever the slam attack, the gelatinous pyramid can conscript
gelatinous dodecahedron rolls a natural 12 on an the creature unless it makes a successful Will save
attack roll with a slam attack while using its d20, (DC 10 + the gelatinous pyramids level + the

In the Company of Gelatinous Cubes
gelatinous pyramids Charisma modifier). Each provoked by its movement through threatened
hour that it is conscripted, a creature can attempt a squares, but is not considered to occupy its entire
new saving throw to end the effect on themselves space for the purposes of creatures moving through
and any conscript of a lower tier linked to them (see it. The gelatinous sphere also suffers a -2 penalty to
below). The pyramid scheme as a whole can have a CMD against bull rush, drag and reposition combat
duration up to 24 hours before it collapses, ending maneuvers.
the entire effect. If a pyramid scheme completely Rollmaster (Ex): At 5th level, the gelatinous sphere
collapses, the gelatinous pyramid cannot start a increases its base land speed by 15 feet and can
new one until it rests for 8 hours. make one turn up to 90 degrees as part of its
The gelatinous pyramid gains a +1 luck bonus movement during a charge action. The gelatinous
on attack rolls, damage rolls and saving throws for sphere automatically succeeds on Acrobatics
each conscripted creature, up to a maximum bonus checks required by charging or running down a
equal to its Constitution modifier. A conscripted steep slope.
creature suffers a -1 luck penalty on attack rolls,
damage rolls and saving throws. The gelatinous Redirect Attack (Ex): At 9th level, the gelatinous
pyramid gains additional benefits as its pyramid sphere gains Redirect Attack as a bonus feat. It does
scheme spreads. It gains a +1 competence bonus not need to meet the feats prerequisites.
on damage rolls, skill checks and ability checks for They See Me Rollin (Su): At 13th level, the gelatinous
every 2 conscripts of tier 2 or lower (see below), to spheres erratic movements can anger and frustrate
a maximum bonus equal to its level. creatures. An opponent who misses an attack of
Conscripted creatures can attempt to conscript opportunity provoked by the gelatinous spheres
additional creatures lower in the pyramid scheme movement must make a Will save (DC 10 + the
to offset their penalty. Conscripted creatures do gelatinous spheres level + its Dexterity modifier).
so in the same manner as the gelatinous pyramid On a failed save, the opponent flies into a rage. On
for both willing and unwilling creatures, using its next turn, the opponent must attempt to make
the gelatinous pyramids save DC. Conscripts are a melee attack against the gelatinous sphere, make
labelled in tiers based on the degree of separation a ranged attack against it, target it with a spell, or
from the gelatinous pyramid (for example, tier include it in the area of a spell. The effect ends if
1 conscript, tier 2 conscript, etc.). They gain the the opponent is prevented from attacking the
same luck bonus as the gelatinous pyramid for gelatinous sphere or attempting to do so would
conscripting creatures, with their first conscript in harm it, or as soon as it attacks the gelatinous
a lower tier offsetting their luck penalty and with sphere. This is a mind-affecting effect.
a maximum luck bonus equal to the gelatinous
Sphere of Annihilat-ish (Su): At 17th level, the
pyramids luck bonus minus their conscript tier.
gelatinous sphere can transform itself into a
Finally, if a creature is ever conscripted into
globe of absolute blackness. This form counts as a
the pyramid schemes of two different gelatinous
composition-modifying ooze ability. The gelatinous
pyramids at the same time, the results are
sphere becomes partially intangible, gaining a
catastrophic. A gate to Hell opens at the creatures
fly speed of 30 feet with perfect maneuverability,
location, summoning Ponzii, a Duke of Hell (pit
a deflection bonus to AC equal to its Charisma
fiend with the master of magic ability, at least
modifier (if positive), and taking damage from all
the extra levels of spell-like abilities must be
forms of attack as if it were an incorporeal creature.
from the illusion school). Ponzii attacks all in the
The gelatinous sphere loses its acid racial ability
vicinity, focusing on the two gelatinous pyramids
if either is present. If Ponzii manages to kill one of and slam attacks while in this form.
the gelatinous pyramids, it is irrevocably dead and As a standard action, the gelatinous sphere can
cannot be raised or resurrected as its soul is drawn make a touch attack that deals 1d6 points of damage
down into the Duke of Hells labyrinthine infernal per level to a creature or object as it dissipates matter
office complex. from the target, similar to a disintegrate spell but
unable to affect objects constructed entirely of force.
Sphere Shape Flair A successful Fortitude save (DC 10 + the gelatinous
Even Smoother Moves (Ex): At 1st level, the gelatinous spheres level + its Constitution modifier) reduces
sphere gains a +2 dodge bonus to AC against attacks this to 2d6 damage. The gelatinous sphere can use
that deal only slashing or piercing damage and a +4 this ability a number of rounds each day equal to its
dodge bonus to AC against attacks of opportunity level; these rounds do not need to be consecutive.

In the Company of Gelatinous Cubes
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concepts, themes and graphic, photographic and other visual or Thurston Hillman, Eric Hindley, Brandon Hodge, Ben McFarland,
audio representations; names and descriptions of characters, spells, does not constitute a challenge to the ownership of that Product
Identity. The owner of any Product Identity used in Open Game Erik Mona, Jason Nelson, Tom Phillips, Stephen Radney-
enchantments, personalities, teams, personas, likenesses and special MacFarland, Thomas M. Reid, Alex Riggs, Robert Schwalb, Mark
abilities; places, locations, environments, creatures, equipment, Content shall retain all rights, title and interest in and to that Product
Identity. Seifter, Russ Taylor, and Steve Townshend.
magical or supernatural abilities or effects, logos, symbols, or
8. Identification: If you distribute Open Game Content You must Pathfinder Player Companion: Melee Tactics Toolbox, 2015,
graphic designs; and any other trademark or registered trademark
clearly indicate which portions of the work that you are distributing Paizo Inc.; Authors: Paris Crenshaw, Ron Lundeen, and David
clearly identified as Product identity by the owner of the Product
are Open Game Content. Schwartz.
Identity, and which specifically excludes the Open Game Content;
(f) Trademark means the logos, names, mark, sign, motto, designs 9. Updating the License: Wizards or its designated Agents may Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Bestiary. 2009, Paizo Publishing,
that are used by a Contributor to identify itself or its products or the publish updated versions of this License. You may use any LLC; Author: Jason Bulmahn, based on material by Jonathan Tweet,
associated products contributed to the Open Game License by the authorized version of this License to copy, modify and distribute Monte Cook, and Skip Williams.
Contributor (g) Use, Used or Using means to use, Distribute, any Open Game Content originally distributed under any version Princes of Darkness: Book of the Damned Vol. I, 2009, Paizo
copy, edit, format, modify, translate and otherwise create Derivative of this License. Publishing, LLC; Author: F. Wesley Schneider.
Material of Open Game Content. (h) You or Your means the 10. Copy of this License: You MUST include a copy of this License In the Company of Gelatinous Cubes, 2015, Rite Publishing,
licensee in terms of this agreement. with every copy of the Open Game Content You distribute. LLC. Author: Wendall Roy.
2. The License: This License applies to any Open Game Content that 11. Use of Contributor Credits: You may not market or advertise the In the Company of Gelatinous Cubes Expanded, 2017,
contains a notice indicating that the Open Game Content may only Open Game Content using the name of any Contributor unless You RitePublishing, LLC. Author: Wendall Roy.
be Used under and in terms of this License. You must affix such a have written permission from the Contributor to do so.
notice to any Open Game Content that you Use. No terms may be
12. Inability to Comply: If it is impossible for You to comply with
added to or subtracted from this License except as described by the
any of the terms of this License with respect to some or all of the
License itself. No other terms or conditions may be applied to any
Open Game Content due to statute, judicial order, or governmental
Open Game Content distributed using this License.
regulation then You may not Use any Open Game Material so affected.

In the Company of Gelatinous Cubes

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