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Full-Order Terminal Sliding Mode Control For Boost Converter

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2016 IEEE 8th International Power Electronics and Motion Control Conference (IPEMC-ECCE Asia)

Full-Order Terminal Sliding Mode Control for

Boost Converter

Xuemei Zheng He Li, Rui Song,Yong Feng

Electrical Engineering Department Electrical Engineering Department
Harbin Institute of Technology Harbin Institute of Technology
Harbin, Heilongjiang Province, China Harbin, Heilongjiang Province, China
[email protected]

AbstractA full-order terminal sliding mode (TSM) control problems in the SMC systems that hinder their applications,
method is proposed to regulate the boost converter output namely, the singularity in TSM and the chattering in both the
voltage in this paper. The average model of boost converter is LSM and TSM control system. Nowadays, the full-order TSM
adopted to design the full-order TSM controller, which ensures is proposed[7], that can eliminate the chattering and solve the
that the system can converge to the desired state in finite time. singularity problem.
The PWM block is also introduced to convert the continuous-
time control signal into switching signal, which increases the In this paper, a full-order TSM is used to control the boost
model accuracy. Simulation results are presented to verify the converter. The converter includes two energy-storage
robustness and accuracy of the proposed controller. The componentsone inductor and one capacitor. When the boost
controller parameter sensitivity is also discussed, and the converter is working at the equilibrium point, the total stored
simulation experiment verifies the feasibility and performances energy in the system is constant. Therefore, full-order SMC is
of this method. used to control the total stored energy in the system to ensure
Keywordssliding mode control; boost converter; robust; that the output voltage can track the reference voltage. Using
terminal sliding mode the proposed method, the output voltage of boost converter
can converge to the reference voltage in finite time and the
chattering is eliminated effectively. Furthermore, the
I. INTRODUCTION robustness and stability of the system are verified through the
Boost converters are important power electronics devices input voltage and load disturbances.
widely used in the field of power engineering. From system
theory point of view, boost converter has complex dynamical II. BOOST CONVERTER MODEL
properties. The average model of boost converter is nonlinear,
non-minimum phase system with highly varying parameters, The diagram of the boost converter is shown as Fig. 1.
such as load and system parameters, and the control signal of
this system is bounded. Due to these reasons, a high
performance controller is needed to improve the dynamic L
D +
performance of boost converters. Many control specialists
have focused on this field and done some related research S C R Vo
work [1]-[3]. The average model of boost converter can be
obtained by assuming that the switching frequency is high.
And the control signal is a continuous-time signal, which
ranges from 0 to 1. On the other hand, the control signal of the Fig. 1. The diagram of the boost converter
switching model is discrete-time signal with two choices 0 or When the switch S is closed, the state equations of the
1. The PWM block is used to convert the continuous-time model can be expressed as Eq. (1)
control signal into discrete-time signal, and the PWM control
is related to sliding mode control (SMC), which makes the Vin
system topology switch with high frequency to achieve the iL = L
control objectives. (1)

Due to the robustness against plant uncertainties and v = vC
external disturbances, SMC is suitable to control the nonlinear C RC
and uncertain systems. It has been widely used to control
power electronics systems [4]-[6]. SMC systems include When switch S is open, the state equations of the model
conventional linear sliding-mode (LSM) and terminal sliding can be expressed as
mode (TSM) control systems. The former are asymptotically
stable, and the latter are finite-time stable. There are two main

978-1-5090-1210-7/16/$31.00 2016 IEEE

978-1-5090-1210-7/16/$31.00 2016 IEEE

2016 IEEE 8th International Power Electronics and Motion Control Conference (IPEMC-ECCE Asia)

applications, the load resistance and the input voltage may

1 Vin
iL = L vC + L
change greatly. In order to improve the system dynamic
performance and reduce the effects of these variations, it is
(2) necessary to design a robust controller. Through regulating the
v = 1 i vC stored energy in the system using full-order TMSC, the output
C C L RC voltage can be controlled indirectly.
According to (1) and (2), the switching model of the boost
converter is shown as follows: B. Full-order TSM Controller Design

Assumed that the reference voltage VC is constant, and the
1 Vin
iL = L (1 u )vC + L
inductor current iL can be obtained from (6). The actual stored
(3) energy in the system is shown as (5). If consider the
v = 1 (1 u )i vC equilibrium point of boost converter (6), The desired stored
RC energy y d can be calculated as the following:
where iL is the inductor current, vC is the capacitor voltage,
1 1 1 V *4 1
Vin is the input voltage, L is the inductor, C is the capacitor, R yd = LiL*2 + CVC*2 = L 2C 2 + CVC*2 (7)
is load resistance. In the average model of boost converter, the 2 2 2 R Vin 2
control input u denote the duty cycle of the switch with values
In order to design the full-order TSM controller, we firstly
in the interval of [0, 1]. The average model is only valid when
define the error of the Boost converter is as followed:
the switching frequency is high and the inductor current is far
away from zero. ey = y yd (8)
In order to simplify the model, we define u = 1 u . The
Then, define the full-order TSM variable as:
state space equation (3) can be expressed as 1 2
1 Vin s = ey + c1 sgn(ey ) ey + c2 sgn(ey ) ey (9)
iL = L uvC + L
(4) where c1 and c2 are two constants and satisfied the

v = 1 ui vC polynomials p2+ c2p+ c1 is Hurwitz-stable, 1 and 2 are
C C L RC determine using the following equations[7]:

When the switching frequency is very high and the duty 1 =

n = 1
cycle of the switch is constant, the system would converge to i i+1 (10)
an equilibrium point, which means that the inductor current iL i-1 = 2 i = 2, , n n 2
and the capacitor voltage vC are constant. Therefore, the stored i+1 i
energy in the system would be constant. The total stored
energy of the boost converter y is shown as where i+1=1, n=, (1-), (0,1).
In order to testify the proposed TSM controller is effective,
1 2 1 2 we give the following theorem:
y= LiL + CvC (5)
2 2 Theroem 1: Consider the Booster converter (4), if the
Moreover, at the equilibrium point, that means iL =0 , vC =0 . full-order TSM is selected as (9), and the TSM control is
designed as follows:
Assume that the capacitor voltage is VC , we could compute
the inductor current by using (4). The equilibrium point of V 2v i
u = in vC + C L (ueq + un ) (11)
boost converter is expressed as L RC
(V * ) 2
(iL* , VC* ) = C , VC* (6)
u eq = (
Vin 2 2vC2
+ 2 + c1 sgn( ey ) ey
+ c2 sgn( ey ) ey
) (12)
Vin R L R C


v = (kT + ) sgn( s ) (14)
A. Control Objective
The system control objective is that the capacitor voltage where c1 ,c2 and 1 ,2 are defined in Eq. (10), is a positive
vC tracks the reference voltage VC with fast response and high constant; kT is a constant, is selected to satisfy the following
accuracy. Moreover, the system should have robust stability condition:
against load variations and plant uncertainties. In real
2016 IEEE 8th International Power Electronics and Motion Control Conference (IPEMC-ECCE Asia)

Tun kT (15) Switching

VC Full-order u Signal
PWM Block Boost Converter
TSM Controller
Then the boost converter system (4) can converge to zero in
finite time. vC iL

Proof: Reconsider the full-order TSM (9), and consider

Eq. (8) , we can have Fig.2. Terminal sliding mode controlled boost converter diagram

The simulation parameters are: Vin=37.5V, L=6mH,

1 2
s = ey + c1 sgn( ey ) ey + c 2 sgn( e y ) e y C=45F, R=50 and VC = 60 V. The parameters of sliding
mode variable were chosen as 1=17/19, 2=17/21, kT=100,
V 2 2 v C2 V 2 v C iL =0.01. The capacitor output voltage adopted by the normal
= in + in v C + u
L R 2C L RC SMC and the proposed SMC are shown in Fig. 3 and Fig.4. It
1 can be seen that the proposed method can eliminate the
+ c 1 s g n ( e y ) e y + c2 sg n (ey ) ey
chattering effectively. The inductor current response adopted
by the normal SMC and the proposed SMC are shown in Fig.
1 5 and Fig.6, respectively. From the figures we can see that the
V 2 2v2 V 2v i V 2v i
= in + 2C + in vC + C L in vC + C L ( ueq +un ) capacitor voltage and the inductor current can converge to
L RC L RC L RC stable. The proposed method can eliminate the chattering
1 2
+c1 sgn(ey ) ey +c2 sgn(ey ) ey effectively. When the input voltage Vin was changed from 37.5
V to 50V at certain time and then returned to 37.5 V. The
system responses are shown in Fig.7. The capacitor voltage
V 2 2v2
= in + 2C +( ueq +un ) +c1sgn(ey) ey +c2 sgn(ey) ey =un
1 2 response is shown in Fig. 8. Fig. 9 and Fig. 10 describe the
L RC responses of capacitor voltage and inductor current with a
sudden change in load. The load resistance was changed from
Now, consider the following Lyapunov Function: V=0.5s2 . 50 to 30 at 0.01 s and returned to 50 at 0.015 s. In both
Its derivation is: circumstances, the capacitor voltage could track the reference
very well, and the dynamic responses of the control system
V = s s = sun = s (un + Tun Tun ) were satisfying.

= s (v Tun ) sv + s Tun

= s ( (kT + )sgn( s ) ) + s Tun

= ( skT + s Tun ) s s < 0 for s 0 (17)

which means that the Boost converter system (4) will reach to
s=0 in finite time. On the sliding mode manifold s=0, system
(4) will behave in an identical fashion, as shown in Eq. (9).
Since the dynamics in the ideal sliding mode motion (9) has
been designed by using the pole placement design, the system
(4) will converge to zero along s=0 in finite time. This
completes the proof.

Fig. 3. The response of output voltage in traditional SMC
The control system diagram for boost converter is shown
in Fig.2. The full-order TSM uses the state feedback and
directly sets up the desired closed-loop response in the time
domain, PWM block function is to convert the continuous
duty cycle signal u into switching signal. The switching
frequency was chosen as 100 kHz. And the duty cycle of the
switching signal is equal to the input signal u .
2016 IEEE 8th International Power Electronics and Motion Control Conference (IPEMC-ECCE Asia)

70 70


Capacitor voltage (V)

Capacitor voltage (V)

50 50

40 40

30 30

20 20

10 10

0 0
0 0.005 0.01 0.015 0.02 0 0.005 0.01 0.015 0.02
Time (s) Time (s)
Fig. 7.The capacitor voltage under voltage change
Fig. 4. The response of output voltage in full-order SMC

Inductor current (A)


0 0.005 0.01 0.015 0.02
Time (s)
Fig.5 The response of inductor current in traditional SMC Fig. 8.The inductor current under voltage sudden change

Capacitor voltage (V)
Inductor current (A)

3 50



0 0
0 0.005 0.01 0.015 0.02 0 0.005 0.01 0.015 0.02
Time (s) Time (s)
Fig.6 The response of inductor current in full-order SMC
Fig. 9 The capacitor voltage under losd change
2016 IEEE 8th International Power Electronics and Motion Control Conference (IPEMC-ECCE Asia)

This work was supported by the National Natural Science

4 Foundation of China (51577039), and the Hei Longjiang
Province Natural Science Foundation (E201426).
Inductor current (A)

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