Unfinished Brige's Compa Ana Reviewer
Unfinished Brige's Compa Ana Reviewer
Unfinished Brige's Compa Ana Reviewer
Pleuroperitoneal cavity
= large internal cavity
= constitutes great part of the coelom
= it is lined by a smooth shining membrane, the parietal
peritoneum, which adheres closely to the inside of the body wall
= within the cavity are number of organs or viscera, most which are
from the digestive tract
= at the anterior end of the cavity is this large, brownish or grayish
= consists of left and right lobes, and a small median lobe
= dorsal to the liver on the left side
= j-shaped often distended with food
= anterior is esophagus
Bile duct = a long, stout duct, descending from the gall bladder to
enter the duodenum shortly caudad of the bend
Ventral lobe: in the curve of the duodenum
Dorsal lobe: reaching to the spleen, is located by raising the
stomach and duodenum and looking dorsal to them
Spiral valve
= at the wide part of the intestine with its surface marked by
parallel rings
Valvular intestine
= part of the small intestine occupied by the spiral valve
Large intestine
= caudal to valvular intestine, this proceeds to the anus
= the terminal chamber of the colon is the cloaca, opening to this
= projections in the esophagus
= lengthwise folds in the stomach
= the outer and inner wall also come in contact above and below
the intestine becoming the double-walled mesentery
- primarily the coelom is one big cavity extending the entire trunk
region, which is separated into two longitudinal halves by the two
- since the ventral often disappears, the two halves connect ventral
to that of intestine
Small, anterior: pericardial cavity (Heart)
Large, posterior: pleuroperitoneal cavity (all the rest)
- each lung is found within one pleural cavity or pleural sac (thus
there are 2)
- both are separate to each other
- the heart is found in the median line between the ventral partitions
- are not truly found to be enclosed in the coelomic cavities
- they are covered with a visceral peritoneum, but they are outside
the cavities. They just appear within.