SPV Array Powered Modified Sheppard-Taylor Converter Fed SRM Drive For Water Pumping

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SPV Array Powered Modified SheppardTaylor

Converter Fed SRM Drive for Water Pumping

Bhim Singh Anjanee Kumar Mishra
Department of Electrical Engineering Department of Electrical Engineering
Indian Institute of Technology Delhi Indian Institute of Technology, Delhi
New Delhi-110016, India New Delhi-110016, India
Email-id: [email protected] Email-id: [email protected]

Abstract In this paper, modified SheppardTaylor Solar energy fed water pumping system is one of
DC-DC Converter is utilized for proposed SPV (Solar the most popular and appreciated application of
Photovoltaic) powered water pumping system employing
SRM (Switched Reluctance Motor) drive. A unique
solar energy in standalone system.
method of variable DC link operation of SRM drive The efficiency of solar cell is generally very
with a fundamental switching of a mid-point converter
low so maximum power control of PV panel
is used with the reduction of current sensors at SRM
side. Electronic commutation of mid-point converter employing MPPT (Maximum Power Point
brings a reduction in IGBTs (Insulated Gate bipolar Tracking) algorithm is necessary to make SPV
transistors) power losses and makes proposed system array as a efficient and stable electrical energy
cost effective and efficient. The DC-DC modified source at all insolation levels and different
SheppardTaylor converter operated in continuous environmental conditions. The discussions on
conduction mode (CCM) is used in-between SPV array
and SRM drive to provide large operational region for different MPPT techniques that have been
MPPT and also for soft starting of SRM. For enhancing excessively utilize in solar based standalone
the efficiency of proposed pumping system, an systems are given in the literature [1] [2] [3].
incremental conductance (InC) technique of MPPT Generally an induction motor or DC motors are
(Maximum Power Point Tracking) is used to feed a
used for water pumping applications. But these
SRM drive. The dynamic and steady state responses of
the SRM drive to support the efficient water pumping is motors have suffered from many problems like
found to be satisfactory that have been analyzed using the need of complex electronic inverter in case of
simulated performance of proposed water pumping an induction motor and maintaince problem of
system. DC motors due to the presence of brushes and
Keywords Continuous conduction mode, MPPT, Sheppard
commutator [4]. In order to avoid these problems,
Taylor converter, SPV Array, soft starting, SRM brushless dc motors are used in pumping system,
but these are also suffered from some serious
I. INTRODUCTION problems like high converter cost, complex
control, moderate over load capacity and
The pure and hygienic water supply are irreversible demagnetizing characteristics.
essential for satisfying human needs, energetic The proposed SPV fed water pumping system
life of human beings, ensuring proper irrigation consisting a SRM drive with modified Sheppard
systems, energy and the restoration of Taylor DC-DC converter for maximizing solar
ecosystems, as well as for sustainable energy utilization and ensuring maximum kWh
development. The conventional energy sources energy use by the pump load. A special mid-point
are degrading rapidly with a corresponding rise in converter is also utilized to feed the power into
cost, considerable attention is being paid to other the SRM drive. The proposed scheme has several
alternative sources. Solar photovoltaic (SPV) benefits and can be utilized in several purposes
energy which is free and abundant in most parts such as spray irrigation and green-house water
of the world has proven to be an economical supply management. In addition, this paper
source of energy in many industrial applications. presents the component sizing of SPV array,
switches and tracking controller to ensure the levels. The modified SheppardTaylor DC-DC
maximum solar energy utilization. converter used here is operated in CCM
(Continuous Conduction Mode) to minimize the
II. PROPOSED SYSTEM C ONFIGURATION losses and reducing the voltage and current
stresses on switches and other converter
The schematic of proposed 4.3 kW peak components. The soft starting of SRM drive is
power capacity solar PV array using a modified also introduced in the proposed system to restrict
SheppardTaylor converter with InC-MPPT the high starting current in phases of the motor by
control, a mid-point converter, a 4 kW SRM drive
mean of adjusting the step size of MPPT
and pump load of 3.9 kW using SRM drive is
shown in Fig.1. In this system, a 4 kW, 8/6, four- controller.
phase SRM selected because torque ripple reduces A. Design of SPV Array
with increase in number of phases. The
characteristics of modified SheppardTaylor The PV(photovoltaic) module chosen is a HB-
converter like non-inverting voltage output with 6102 mono/poly-crystalline silicon solar cell in
reduced ripple in both input and output side make series to provide 60W of maximum power. Fig. 2
it superior and suitable for water pumping over shows the equivalent circuit of the ideal one
conventional SheppardTaylor, Cuk or other diode model of photovoltaic cell. The basic
buck-boost converters. The SPV array always equation that describes mathematically the I-V
supplies maximum available power using MPPT characteristic of the ideal PV cell as follows,
algorithm by regulating duty cycle of modified
SheppardTaylor DC-DC converter. The
complete details including design, control and
performance of a proposed water pumping system
are given in the following sections. The design
datas used for simulating the proposed water
pumping system is also given in Appendix. Fig.2. Equivalent circuit of PV module array module

q (V pv + Rs I ) (1)
I = I pv I o exp 1
N s kTa

q (V pv + Rs I ) V pv + Rs I
I = I pv I o
exp N kTa 1 R (2)
s p

Where, I0diode saturation current, q electric

charge, RS series resistance of PV cell, k
Fig.1Schematic of proposed SheppardTaylor converter fed Boltzmanns constant, a ideality factor, T
solar PV array based SRM drive for water pumping
actual temperature, RP parallel resistance of PV
cell. The electrical specification of SPV array
III. DESIGN AND OPERATION OF PROPOSED used in the proposed system is given in Table I.
The design procedure with calculations B. Design and Operation of Modified
required for the different parts of proposed SPV SheppardTaylor Converter
fed SRM driven water pumping system are Figs.3 (a),(b) and (c) show the two modes
discussed in following sub-sections. An operation of modified SheppardTaylor converter
incremental conductance method of MPPT is in CCVM with charging and discharging states
used in proposed system for achieving maximum for different indices with proposed water
power from SPV array at all possible insolation pumping system.

Voltage at MPP, Vmp=Vpv 293V
Power at MPP, Pmp(W) 4.3 kW
Pmp / Vmp =
Current at MPP, Imp=Ipv
15.80 A
Number of series connected
Vmp / Vm=19
modules, ns
Number of parallel connected
Imp/ Im = 4 (b)
modules, np

Mode I: When both switches are turned-on, the

current in input side inductor IL1 and the output
side inductor IL2 increase as shown in Fig. 3a.
The intermediate capacitor Cm discharges in this
mode of operation. Moreover, the diode D3
remains in off- state and the DC link capacitors
C1and C2 supply the required energy to the
midpoint converter feeding SRM.

Mode II: Switches are turned off in this mode,

input and output inductors (L1 and L2) start
discharging as shown in Fig. 3b.

Moreover, the intermediate capacitor Cm and

the DC link capacitors C1and C2 start charging.
The duty cycle of modified SheppardTaylor
Fig.3 (a, b & c): Different modes of operation (Mode-1 and
converter is given as [5], Mode-2) with associated waveform of modified Sheppard
D=VDC/ (Vmp+VDC) Taylor converter.
=560/(293+560)=0.52 (3)
560 V. Iin is the input current of the converter
The iL1 and iL2 are the amount of ripple and Vcm is ripple in the voltage across
current in both input inductor (L1) and output Cm(10% of Vcm), VDC=amount of permitted
inductor (L2) respectively; these are considered as ripple in the voltage across DC link capacitors C1
20% of the maximum value of the currents & C2 i.e. 1.5% of VDC.The design values of
flowing through these inductors. modified SheppardTaylor parameters are given
Let, fsw is the switching frequency and equal in Table II.
to 20 kHz where, VDC is the output voltage of The DC link capacitors (C1, C2) of mid-point
the modified SheppardTaylor converter taken as converter are calculated as [6],
I (30 )
C1 = C2 = (4)

Where, =rated angular speed of SRM,

=conduction angle, VDC= permitted ripple in
the voltage across DC link capacitors C1 & C2 i.e.
1.5% of VDC .The value of SRM phase current I
which is also acting as a DC link current is given

P 4300 A. MPPT Control Algorithm
I dc = = = 7.67 A (5)
Vdc 560 The incremental conductance method
determines the maximum power point by
Considering Pin as 4.3 kW, Vdc as 560 V, f as comparison of the incremental conductance
50 Hz and Vdc as 20% of VDC, the obtained (dI/dV) to array conductance (I/V). The
value of Idc is 7.67 A and the obtained value of C1 governing equations which explain the operating
is 3261 F; hence, C1 and C2 are selected as principle of InC method are as,
3200F. I I PV
= at MPP (8)
C. Design of Water Pump
The relation between output power and > , Left of MPP (9)
mechanical speed of motor is defined as, V VPV

2 I I PV
PP = K p < , Right of MP (10)
(6) V VPV

Where, K P is a constant in Watt/ (rad/sec) 3 Where, I & V =change in PV current and

and is the mechanical speed of the rotor in voltage in two consecutive samples.
rad/sec as,
B. Control of Mid-Point Converter
K P = Tp/ =25/157.08 = 0.158 W/ (rad/sec) (7)
The voltage - ampere equation for SRM motor
can be approximated as [7]-[8],
TABLE-II di di
i dt dt
di d di
Parame- Expressions Design data Value
or, Vc1 = Lu = Lu (12)
d dt d
L1 = 2.5 So the advance angle is as,
Input 320 0.63 mH I
Inductor, Vmpp D L1= = Lu (13)
i 1 fsw
(3.04 20 10 )3 adv V
Output L = 5.2 Where Lu is the unaligned inductance, Vc1 = dc .
nductor, 2
560 1 0.63 ) mH 2
L2 ( 1 D ) Vdc L2= The angle where inductance starts increasing (m)
( 2.58 20 103 ) is given as,
i L 2 fsw
on = m adv (16)
Cm = (
15.2 1 0.63 ) 2.14
Cm = 3 The commutation signals for the mid-point
Capac (
I in 1 D ) (92.83 20 10 )
converter of SRM are generated using these
( Vcm ) f sw angles.

IV. CONTROL ALGORITHM OF PROPOSED The performance of proposed system is
SYSTEM investigated and is shown in Figs.4-11 under
The overall performance of proposed different insolation levels and recognized in
system mainly depends upon the MPPT control terms of SPV array voltage,
and midpoint converter control to achieve VPV, SPV array current, IPV, SPV array power, P,
efficient operation at all possible input inductor current, iL1, output inductor
environmental conditions. current, iL2, voltage across energy transfer

capacitor, VCm, voltage across DC link point by regulating the duty cycle of DC-DC
capacitors, Vc1 and Vc2, switch voltage and converter. The variable DC link voltage control
current Vsw1,2 and Isw1,2, phase currents, I1, I2, I3, of SRM drive with electronic commutation is also
I4, resultant torque of SRM, Te, SRM speed, N, used to drive proposed system and it appreciably
and water pump load torque, Tp. increases the efficiency of proposed water
pumping system.
A. Performance of Proposed System Under
Fixed Solar Irradiance Level i.e. 1000W/m2
The starting and steady state performances of
PV current, voltage and power at 1000W/m2 are
shown in Figs.4&5. Some time delay is provided
to the InC-MPPT algorithm by adjusting step size
to provide soft starting of SRM as manifest in
Fig.6.The nature of motor currents and torques of
each phase in both starting and in steady state
conditions is shown in Fig.6and Fig.7. For view
of clarity, the starting and steady state
performances are shown in two different figures.
As SRM drive is operating at full load, its speed
increases and settles at the rated value under
steady state condition. The electromagnetic
torque, Te of SRM is equal to the pump torque, Tp
and to achieve a stable operation in steady state
condition which is shown in Figs7.The voltage
across each mid-pont capacitor has similer
characteristics and voltage balancing occurs as
shown in Figs 4&5. Fig4.Performance of SPV array and DC-DC converter
during starting condition
B. Performance of Proposed System Under
Varying Solar Irradiance Level
Figs.9, 10 & 11 show the satisfactory
performance of proposed system under varying
insolation levels. Figs.9&10 explain the behavior
of SPV array and DC-DC converter parameters
for two different values of insolation levels i.e.
300W/m2 and 1000 W/m2 respectively. Fig.11
concludes that the torque and speed of SRM
follow the insolation levels and support the
efficient variable DC link voltage control of SRM
drive. The values of speed and output power with
efficiency at different insolation levels are given
in Table III and Fig.11 using graph.
The mathematical model and simulation of
SPV array powered modified SheppardTaylor
converter fed SRM drive for water pumping
application is presented in this paper. SPV array Fig.5.SPV array and converter response at steady state
has always been operated at its maximum power condition

A. Switched Reluctance Motor-Pump Specification
4kW, 8/6pole, 1500rpm, R (Phase Resistance) =0.7
, Lu (unaligned inductance) = 12mH, La (aligned
inductance) =110mH, J=0.016kg-m2, B=0.0065Nms.

B. Design Parameters of SheppardTaylor converter

Switching frequency, fsw = 20 kHz; Inductors, L1 =
2.5 mH; & L2=5.2 mH, Energy Transfer Capacitor,
Cm = 2.14F, DC link split capacitors, C1 =C2=3200
Authors would like to thank the Department of
Science and Technology (DST), Govt. of India,
for all encouragement and support for this work
under Grant Number: RP02926.
Fig.7.SRM behavior during steady state and at insolation
level of 1000W/m2

Fig.8 Performance of switches of DC-DC converter at fixed

insolation levels

Fig.6.Performance of motor current, torque and speed

during soft starting condition.

Insolation SPV Torqu Speed, Pout( %
levels Array e(Te) W)=Te = (Pout/
(W/m2) Output, (N-m) r (rad/ Pin)*100
Pin(W) sec) * r
300 1133 9.68 100.4 971.11 85.75
500 2008 14.1 120.9 1704.6 84.90
700 2904 18.2 136.1 2477.9 85.29 Fig.9Performance of SPV and DC-DC converter at
1000 4300 25 157 3925 91.27 transient and steady states for different irradiance levels.

Fig.12 Efficiency and power with different solar insolation

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