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3 0620 00595517 3
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HBHll I ' I E N C E
NO. 2304
DATE, 1782.






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T has been well said by Brogniart, 1 one of the pioneers in
ceramic research, that there is no branch of industryviewed
in reference to its history, theory and practicewhich offers
more that is of interest, with regard alike to its economic
application and to its scientific aspect, than the ceramic or plastic
art; none affording products more simple and varied, more easy of
manufacture, and, notwithstanding their fragility, more durable.
In its origin it goes back to a period well-nigh unappreciable
to the lay mind. In Egypt, for example, pottery was made by the
aborigines from the earliest period of which we have record. As
early as her Predynastic Era, at a time when the potter's wheel was
unknown, objects of fine pottery, graceful in form, sometimes paint
ed by hand, were manufactured in great quantities. More aston
ishing than this is the fact that as early as the time of Mena, Egypt's
first historic king, the potters of the Two Lands were masters of the
technical processes necessary to the covering of their wares with a
hard, vitreous or glass glaze.
At this time, some 3,400 years B . C . , the Egyptian potter was able
to manufacture most pretentious vessels, as witness the jar covered
with a rich green cupreous glaze and inlaid in purple with Mena's
name, found at Abydos in 1903 by Dr. Flinders Petrie. 2
The skill of the Egyptians of the New Empire, 1500 B . C . , is
attested by many remarkable objects, both useful and ornamental,
objects glazed in as many as seven different colors and in some cases
enriched with inlaid designs in one, two or even three distinct
A. Brogniart, Traite des arts ceramiques. Paris, 1854.
2W. M. Flinders Petrie, Abydos, Part II, Plate IV.

shades. Many of the colors and designs in use among the ancient
Egyptians seem to have descended to the mediaeval potters of
Syria, Spain and Egypt. Egypt, through its conquest by Cambyses,
early influenced the ceramic art of Persia. At a later datesome
time between the ninth and twelfth century of our erathe Persians
received a second inspiration from Egypt. We allude to the art of
metallic lustre which, without doubt, was first discovered by the
Saracens of Egypt.
It seems certain that the influence of the Saracenic potters helped
to bring about the impetus in the ceramic art so noticeable in Italy
during the last years of the fifteenth and the early years of the six
teenth century. Arrived in Italy, however, all traces of Eastern
influence were quickly lost. At once the art became permeated
with the touch of the oncoming Renaissance. Adopted with such
marvellous results by Luca Delia Robbia, the wares of the stan
niferous type may be said to have reached their perfection at the
hands of the Andreoli of Gubbio. These added to the exquisitely
painted designsalone made possible by its usea gorgeous, lustred
finish in brightest tones of ruby, gold or mother-of-pearl. From
Italy the impetus in ceramic production spread quickly. Factories
sprang up in France, Germany and England. Many beautiful
objects in pottery, stoneware and the like were produced by all,
yet up to this point there has been no mention of porcelain.
In Europe the hard paste porcelain of the Chinese was known,
and its beauties and economic possibilities appreciated as early as
the latter part of the sixteenth century. It is composed of two im
portant ingredients called by the Chinese petuntse and kaolin. The
first is a mixture of feldspath and quartz; the second, a clay which,
having the power of binding the paste together, enables it to be fired
at the highest temperature without risk of softening. Besides
this it possesses one other important endowment, the gift of adding
transparency to the finished piece. In the attempts of the Euro
pean potters to discover the ingredients necessary to the making of
porcelain, the importance of the part played by kaolin is strikingly
illustrated by an incident quoted by the Jesuit Pere d'Entre-
Chinese connoisseurs and certain eminent sinologues of the
West attribute the discovery of porcelain to the period of the T'ang
dynasty, that is, to the early seventh century. Others would have
its discovery assigned to the reign of the Sung emperorsthat is to
say, from the tenth to the thirteenth century. Yet the earliest
dated examples of Chinese porcelain are from the reign of the Ming
emperor Yung-lo, who occupied the throne of the Middle Kingdom
from the year 1403 to 1424. It was manufactured in many different
places, but chiefly at the famous factory of Ching-te-chen. Here,
throughout the entire period of the Ming emperorsthat is to say,
from 1368 to 1643objects in the finest porcelain were turned out
in vast quantities.
With examples of the late blue-and-white Ming ware Europe
was already familiar. Dutch and Portuguese merchants, anticipa
ting a ready market, filled their vessels with the eagerly sought pro
ductions of the Chinese potters. At once the chemists and potters
of Europe essayed to reproduce them. The first result of their
experiments was an artificial or soft paste porcelain, the pdte tendre
of the French. Experiments were conducted as early as 1580 in a
private factory established in the Boboli Gardens, by Francis I,
Grand Duke of Tuscany. In England, Dwight of Fulham, in the
year 1671, applied for a patent for its manufacture. The French
potters at Saint Cloud, produced the first results of their experi
ments about the year 1695. Holland was content, at least for a time,
to imitate the wares of the Chinese by means of enameled earthen
ware alone.
It was not until the accidental discovery of the "white earth
of Aue" by a certain Schnorr in 1711 that the manufacture of true
porcelain, the hard paste porcelain of the Chinese ceramist, became
a possibility. The analysis and detection of the true nature of this
earth by the chemist Bottcher, and his subsequent experiments
with it at the factory instituted under royal patronage at
Meissen, led to the first production of true hard paste porcelain
in Europe, about the year 1716.
The Metropolitan Museum is rich in the wares of the Oriental
ceramist. The purchase of the Avery and the Colman Collections;
the gift of a well-chosen collection of Japanese pottery and porcelain
by the late Charles Stewart Smith, the small, but choice collection

in the Edward C. Moore room, another valuable gift; the loan col
lection of Japanese pottery and porcelain belonging to Mr. V. Everit
Macy, and last but far from least, the unrivalled collection of Chinese
pottery and porcelain loaned by the President of the Museum, Mr.
J. Pierpont Morgan, form a collection in its entirety most significant
of the refined taste and extraordinary skill possessed by the potters
of the Far East.
On the other hand, in examples of the productions of the Euro
pean potters, as in those of the ceramist of the Near East, the
Museum is weak, and this in spite of many valuable gifts from such
generous and interested donors as the Rev. Alfred Duane Pell, and
the late President of the Museum, Mr. Henry C. Marquand. At the
present moment many of the best known English, German, French,
Austrian and Spanish fabriques are most inadequately represented.
Redeeming features in these sections, however, are the loan of
twenty-five magnificent examples of early Italian majolica, through
the kindness of Mr. V. Everit Macy, a collection of the faience of Asia
Minor and Persia presented by Mr. W. B. Osgood Field, and a con
siderable number of the mediaeval wares of Persia, Mesopotamia,
Syria and Egypt, which have of late been purchased.
In so far as is practicable, the arrangement of the catalogue is
chronological, beginning as is fitting, with the ceramic productions
of the Far East. Yet the introduction of certain collections, such
as the Edward Clarence Moore Bequest, and the Japanese Collection,
the gift of the late Charles Stewart Smith, two important collections
which we have endeavored to keep as far as possible distinct, has
somewhat broken the continuity at which we aimed.
The arrangement of the objects themselves similarly requires a
word of explanation. Instead of a "Ceramic Gallery" the major
part of the collections will now be found in rooms or sections de
voted to other objects of like provenance and epoch. And since
lack of space forbids the exhibition of the entire ceramic collection,
it is intended to change the objects from time to time.
Before closing, we wish to acknowledge the assistance of Professor
Edward C. Morse, of Boston, to whose valuable notes on the
faience of the Moore, Colman and Smith Collections we had access.
For the benefit of the general public, we may add that the entire list

of books mentioned in the bibliography is to be found in the Li

brary of the Museum.
Wherever possible objects are dated according to the period of
the individual piece, not by that of the fabrique alone.







CHINA - 239


MESOPOTAMIA - - - - - - 282







ITALY - 313

ITALY - 314

ITALY - - - - 315
FRANCE - 325

S P A I N - - - - - - - - - - - - 3 2 6
ITALY - - - - - - - - - - - - 3 2 7
G E R M A N Y - - - - - - - - - - - 3 2 8

SPAIN - 331
FRANCE _______ 340


AUSTRIA - - 379
S W I T Z E R L A N D - - - - - - - - - - - ^ 8 9
D E N M A R K - - - - - ^ 9 1
RUSSIA - 392
2304 SEVRES VASE. One of a Pair. Decorated with col
ored medallions after designs by Moreau le Jeune,
reserved against a deep Bleu de Roi ground.
Date, 1782 Title
SAUCER. Ting-yao. Chinese, Southern Sung or Yuan
Dyn asty, 1127-1368 A .D 4

22.1 FLOWER VASE. Crackled Sea-green Lung-ch'tian

Celadon. Chinese, Early Ming Dynasty, 1368-1643. 6

22.2 FLOWER VASE. Uncrackled Olive-green Lung-ch'uan

Celadon. Chinese, Early Ming Dynasty, 1368-1643. 6

1058 PLATE. Decorated in Colors and Gold, Imari, Japan.

Period, 1644-1700 170

1149 PLATE. Decorated in Polychrome Colors. Nabe-

shima, Okawachi, Japan, about 1780 184

1431 { BOWLS AND OIL BOTTLE. Karatsu, Banko and

1495) Seto, Japan. Late XVIII century 218

1560 I BOWLS AND 0IL BOTTLE. "Doniu," Ky6to, 1650; Ki-

1574) yomizu, and Kyoto, Japan, XVIII century. . . . 234

1606 BOWL. Ch'ing-t'zu. Chinese. Early Southern Sung

Dynasty, 1127-1279 A. D 240

1891 FRAGMENT OF BOWL. White, Black and Brown

Graffito Inscriptions. Fostat, Lower Egypt. XIV-
XVI century 240
1929 TAZZA DISH. Blue and Black Decoration. Rakka,
Mesopotamia, Early XIII century 282

1939 BOWL. Polychrome Figure and Floral Decoration.

Rhages, Persia, about 1200 A.D 284

1948 BOWL. Figure and Floral Decoration in Lustre and

Blue. Rhages, Persia, XIII century 286

1948 EXTERIOR OF BOWL. Lustre Decoration. Rhages,

Persia, XIII century 286

1953.1 DISH. Black and White Bird and Floral Designs.

Sultanabad, Persia, XIII-XIV century 288

1972 PLATE. Polychrome Figure and Floral Decoration.

Persia (or Daghestan), XVI century 290

1982 LARGE BOWL. Briony Ornament in Gold Lustre.

Hispano-Moresque (Valencia), 1 4 1 6 - 1 4 5 8 . . . . 2 9 2

1984) JARS. Blue and Lustre Decorations. Hispano-Mo-

1987 \ resque (Valencia). Early and Late XV century . . 294

1988 PLATEAU. Blue and Lustre Briony Ornament and

Central Coat-of-arms of the Medici of Florence.
Hispano-Moresque (Valencia) about 1479-1500 . . 296

1989 PLATEAU. Gadroon and Floral Designs in Lustre.

Hispano-Moresque (Valencia) about 1500 .... 296

2024 BOWL. Blue and Black Simulated Arabic Inscrip

tion and Spirals. Syro-Egyptian, XIV century . . 298

2078 BOTTLE. Persia, "Gombrun Ware," 1700-1750 . . 306

2101 BOWL. Mezza-majolica. Design in White, Green

and Brown. Italian, IX-XI century 313

2145 PLATE. Majolica. Subject: "The Rape of Proserpine,"

Urbino, Gubbio Lustred, Italy. Dated 1544. . . . 320

2149 PLATE. Majolica. Subject: "The Death of Achilles,"

Urbino, Italy, about 1540-1545 3 22
221 I
Retiro (Madrid), Spain, 1759-1812 330


2216 ) ^ et ' ro (Madrid), Spain, 1759-1812 332

2229 PAIR VASES. Venice, Italy, 1720-1740 334


2282) France, 1735-1748 340

2291 ) CUPS AND SAUCERS. Sevres, France, dated 1753

2318) and 1800-1802 342

2297) ECUELLE AND CUP AND SAUCER. Sevres, France,

2320 ) dated 1768 and 1807 342

2301 ECUFLLE. Sevres, France. Bleu Celeste. Dated

1776 344

2301 TRAY of above 344

2367 )
2369 V
2370) (Rue Fontaine au Roi.) Late XVIII century. . . 356

2408 PAIR HYACINTH POTS. Marseilles, France. Middle

XVIII century 362

2409) DINNER PLATES. Sinceny and Rouen, France

2410 f Middle and Early XVIII century 362

2421 PLATE. Polychrome Decoration after the Chinese

Meissen (Dresden), Germany. About 1720-1730 366

2429 GROUP. "Sylvia." Polychrome Enameled Faience

Hochst (Mainz), Germany. About 1780 . . . 374

2527 SMALL PLATTER. Polychrome and Gold. Decoration

in style of Teniers. Delft, Holland. Early XVIII
century 382

2541 TEAPOT ON STAND. Polychrome Decoration after
the Chinese. Geertruye Verstelle, Delft, Holland,
1764 384
2588 y
land, 1759-1799 388
2593 )
2594 > DINNER PLATES. Nyon, Switzerland, 1790-1800 . 390
2595 )

26o8"| J E A POTS AND FIGURINE. Thomas Wheildon, Fenton,

2610 ) Staffordshire, England, 1740-1780 392

2611 VASE. Soft Frit Paste. Decorated in Colors and

Gold with Designs in the Style of Kakiyemon.
Chelsea, Derbyshire, England. About 1760 . . . 394

2616 ECUELLE. Floral Festoons in Green. Derby-Chel

sea, Derby, England, 1769-1780 400

2665 SUCRIER AND TEA CADDY. Trellis Design. Worces

ter, England, 1751-1783 400

2730 OVAL CAMEO MEDALLION. Dipped Green and White

Jasper. Subject: "An Offering to Peace." Wedg
wood, Etruria, England. About 1785-1790 . . . 406

2731 PLAQUE. Blue and White Jasper. Subject: "An

Offering to Flora." Wedgwood, Etruria, England.
About 1785-1790 408

2733 ORNAMENTAL (Homeric) VASE. Pale Blue and

White Jasper. Wedgwood, Etruria, England. About
1785-1790 4Jo

2740 TEA CADDY, CUP AND SAUCER. Caughley, Shrop

shire, England, 1772-1799 412

2741 ) TEA CADDY AND DINNER PLATE. Caughley, Shrop-

2742) shire, England, 1772-1799 414
AUDSLEY, G . A., and BOWES, J . L. Keramic Art of Japan. 2 Vols.
London, 1895.
BARBER, E. A. The Pottery and Porcelain of the United States.
New York, 1893.
Anglo-American Pottery. Indianapolis, 1899.
BEMROSE, W. Longton Hall Porcelain. London, 1906.
BINNS, W . M. The First Century of English Porcelain. London,
BIRCH, S. History of Ancient Pottery. London, 1873.
BISSING, F. W . von. Die Fayencegefasse. Wien, 1902.
BRINKLEY, F. Japan and China. Boston and Tokyo, 1902.
BROGNIART, A. Traite des arts ceramiques. 2nd Edition. 2 Vols.
Paris, 1854.
BUSHELL, S. W. Oriental Ceramic Art. Illustrated from the Col
lection of W. T. Walters. 11 Vols. New York, 1897-99.
BUSHELL, S. W., and LAFFAN, W. M. Catalogue of the Morgan
Collection of Chinese Porcelains in the Metropolitan Museum
of Art. New York, 1907. 2nd Edition.
Les Delia Robbia leur vie et leur
oeuvre, d'apres des documents inddits. Paris, 1884.
CHAFFERS, W. Marks and Monograms on Pottery and Porcelain.
London, 1870.
CHURCH A. H. English Earthenware. A handbook to the wares
made in England during the 17th and 18th centuries, as illus
trated by specimens in the national collections. London, 1884.

DAVILLIER, C. Histoire des Faiences H i s p a n o -moresque & reflets

metaliques. Paris, 1861.
Les Origines de la porcelaine en Europe. Paris, 1882.
DE MOLIN, A. Histoire documentaire de la manufacture de por
celaine de Nyon 1781-1813. Lausanne, 1904.
FALKE, O . von. Das rheinische Steinzug. 2 Vols. Berlin, 1908.
Majolika. Berlin, 1896.
FORTNUM, C. D. E. Majolica. Oxford, 1896.
FOUQUET, D. Contribution a l'etude de la ceramique orientale.
Le Caire, 1900.
FURNIVAL, W. J . Leadless Decorative Tiles, Faience and Mosaic.
Staffordshire, 1904.
GARNIER, E. Catalogue du musde ceramique de la Manufacture
nationale de Sevres. Paris, 1896.
Histoire de la ceramique. Tours, 1882.
GULLAND, W. G. Chinese Porcelain, with notes by T . J . Larkin.
2nd Edition. 2 Vols. London, 1902.
HASLEM, J . The Old Derby China Factory. London, 1876.
HARVARD, H . Histoire de la Faiences de Delft. 2nd Edition.
2 Vols. Amsterdam, 1909.
HIRTH, F. Ancient Porcelain. A study in Chinese Mediaeval in
dustry and trade. Leipsic, 1888.
HOBSON, R. L. Catalogue of the Collection of English Pottery in
the British Museum. London, 1903.
HSIANG YUAN-P'IEN. Chinese Porcelain, 1 6th century colored
illustrations with Chinese MS. text. Translated and annotated
by S. W. Bushell. Oxford, 1908.
IMBERT, A. Ceramiche Orvietane dei Secoli X I I I e XIV. Roma,
JACKSON, A. V. W. Persia Past and Present. New York and Lon
don, 1906.
JACQUEMART, A. Histoire de la ceramique. Paris, 1873.

J ULIEN, S. Histoire de la cdramique. Paris, 1873.

JUSTICE, J. Dictionnaire des Marques et Monogrammes de la
Faience de Delft. Gand, 1901.
LANE-POOLE, S. The Art of the Saracens in Egypt. London, 1886.
LESSING, J. Berliner Porzellan des XVI 11 Jahrhunderts. 2 Vols.
Berlin, 1895.
MARRYAT, J. History of Pottery and Porcelain in the 15th, 16th,
17th, and 18th centuries. 3rd Edition. London, 1868.
METEYARD, E. The Life of Josiah Wedgwood. 2 Vols. London,
The Wedgwood Handbook for Collectors. London, 1875.
MIGEON, G. Les arts plastiques et industriels. (Manuel d'art
Musulman, Vol. 2). Paris, 1907.
MORGAN, J. DE. Fouilles a Dahchour. Vienne, 1875.
MORSE, E. S. Catalogue of Japanese Pottery in the Boston Museum
of Fine Arts. Boston, 1901.
PETRIE, W. M. Flinders. Abydos, Parts 1 and 2. London,
1902-03. (Egypt Exploration Fund Memoirs Nos. 22 and 24.)
PICCOLPASSI, C. Les Troys libvres de l'art du potier ....
translates de l'ltalien . . . par C. Popelyn. Paris, i860.
PIER, G. C. Pottery of the Near East. New York, 1909.
POLO, MARCO Book . . . concerning the Kingdoms of the East,
translated and edited by Sir Henry Yule. 3rd Edition. 2 Vols.
London, 1903.
QUATREMERE, E. Histoire des Mongols de la Perse de Raschid-
Eddin. Paris, 1836.
RATHBONE, F. Old Wedgwood. London, 1893-98.
RHEAD, G. W. and F. A. Staffordshire Pots and Potters. London,
RIANO, J. F. The Industrial Arts in Spain. London, 1879.
SARRE, F. Reise in Kleinasien. Berlin, 1896.
SOLON, L. M. History and Description of Italian Majolica. Lon
don, 1907.
History and Description of Old French Faience. London,
Brief History of Old English Porcelain and its Manufactories.
London, 1903.
SYKES, P. M. Ten Thousand Miles in Persia. London, 1902.
TURNER, W. Ceramics of Swansea and Nantgarw. London, 1897.
Transfer Printing on Enamels, Porcelain and Pottery. Lon
don, 1897.
VAN DE PUT, A. Hispano-Moresque Ware of the XV Century.
London, 1904.
WALLIS, H. The Goodman Collection. Persian Ceramic Art be
longing to F. du Cane Godman. 2 Vols. London, 1891-94.
Oakleaf Jars: 15th Century Italian Ware. London, 1903.
Italian Ceramic Art. The Abarello. London, 1904.
The Oriental Influence on Ceramic Art of Italian Renaissance.
Italian Ceramic Art. London, 1905.
Art of the Precursors. Study in the History of Early Italian
Majolica. London, 1903.
Typical Examples of Persian and Oriental Ceramic Art.
WILLIAMS, L. The Arts and Crafts of Older Spain. 3 Vols. Lon
don, 1907.













206 B.C.-25 A.D.
1 TRIPOD KETTLE. Urn-shaped, deep red paste, covered
a-j with a dark green glaze slightly iridescent through oxidization.
% ' Relief band of horsemen, lions and clouds about body. Stands
on three feet.
Height 9^ in. Gift of Samuel Colman, 1893.

2 TALL MORTUARY VASE. Red paste, globular body, cylin

drical neck, the piece is covered with a thin coat of green glaze >"*
now slightly oxidized. Perhaps late Chou.
Height 15^ in. Gift of Samuel Colman, 1893.


3 MORTUARY VASE. Egg-shaped body, neck moulded with
designs of human figures, lions and dragon, three-quarters of the
piece being covered with a greenish-gray celadon glaze.
Height I2 in Gift of Samuel Colman, 1893.


4 SAUCER. Porcelain; Ting-yao of Ting-chou, eggshell texture,
moulded with floral designs and covered with a translucent glaze
1 For further examples of Sung, see p. 239.

of the palest green white. Metal rim; glaze of more pronounced

green shade on back about foot. Illustrated.
Diameter 5in. Avery Collection. Purchase, 1879.
5 TEA BOWL. Of deep red earthenware, piece is moulded with
arabesque designs in low relief and covered with a dull iron
rust glaze.
Diameter 5^ in. Gift of Samuel Colman, 1893.


6 MURAL TILE. Terra-cotta brick, moulded with foliated spirals

and covered with a green glaze.
Height 3J/2 in.; length 10 in. Avery Collection. Purchase, 1879.
7 MURAL TILE. Fine terra-cotta; moulded in form of a draped
elephant and covered with a green, yellow, brown and white
glaze. Height 9% in., length 13%" in., thickness 4 in.
Avery Collection. Purchase, 1879.
8 MURALTILE. Terra-cotta; moulded with crown of a deity and
glazed with rich green, brown, white and yellow enamels.
Height 13^ in., width \2j4 in.
Avery Collection. Purchase, 1879.
9 FRIEZE FRAGMENT. Heavy red terra-cotta representing
the head of crowned demon, covered with a rich brown and
yellow glaze; crown and eyebrows deep brown; jewels in green.
Height 7in., breadth 5^ in.
Avery Collection. Purchase, 1879.

10 MURAL TILE. Heavy pink terra-cotta, in form of grape

leaves and bunches of grapes, glazed green and purple respec
tively. Tile is hollow.
Height 6_K in., length 12^ in.
Avery Collection. Purchase, 1879.

11 MURAL TILE. Heavy, close-grained terra-cotta frieze frag

ment, moulded with palmette ornament, beading, etc., and
covered with a rich green, brown and yellow glaze.
Height 8in., length 17 in., thickness 6 in.
Avery Collection. Purchase, 1879.
1 For further examples of Ming, see p. 239.
NO. 4
I I 2 7 - I 3 6 8 A.D.
12 MURAL TILE. Heavy, close-grained terra-cotta, keystone
of an arch, moulded with design of a sea-goddess amidst flow
ing spirals, the whole colored in green, yellow, black and white.
Height 22^ i n -> extreme width 13^4 in.
Avery Collection. Purchase, 1879.

13 BUDDHA. Of heavy terra-cotta; image crowned, holding jar,

and seated on an open lotus flower. Covered with turquoise,
green and yellow glaze; lotus-aubergine and green. Perhaps
attributable to the reign of K'ang-hsi.
Height 23^ in., diameter of base 14^ in.
Gift of the Hon. Chester Holcombe, 1884.

14 MAGIC STRAW HOLDERS. Of usual rectangular form,

pieces are of heavy reddish-gray paste, decorated with tri-
grams in low relief and covered with a crackled bluish-gray
glaze and probably of Kuan-yao, Imperial or government
ware. Possibly of the Sung Dynasty.
Heights 8)4 in., i- Gift of Samuel Colman, 1893.

15 BOTTLE-SHAPED VASE. Porcelanous stoneware, covered

with a crackled white and grayish-blue streaked glaze of Kuan
Height 10 in. Gift of Samuel Colman, 1893.

16 JAR. Of deep red paste, globular form, piece is fluted in the

paste and covered with a rich emerald green glaze.
Height 2)4 in- Gift of Samuel Colman, 1893.

17 MURAL TILE. Deep red earthenware covered with a rich

yellow-brown glaze and having at top a moulded design of a
five-clawed dragon.
Height 17^ in. Gift of Samuel Colman, 1893.

18 JARDINIERE. Deep red earthenware, cylindrical form,

decorated with incised designs of sacred trigrams covered
throughout with a rich green glaze. On foot the emblems of
a happy union, the ying-yang, and an inscription calling down
good luck upon the bride and groom for whom the piece was
Height in., Diameter 7^ in.
Gift of Samuel Colman, 1893.

19 VASE. Deep red paste, beaker shape, with globular centre,

glazed with a dappled green after the earlier Chun-yao. Origi
nally had handles at sides.
Height 10 in. Gift of Samuel Colman, 1893.

20 JAR. Heavy stoneware of grayish paste, covered with a glaze

of streaked white, blue and purple of Kuan-yao type.
Height 8^4 in. Gift of Samuel Colman, 1893.

21 MURAL TILE. Of deep red earthenware, tile is covered with

a dark camellia green glaze of peculiar richness.
Height in. Gift of Samuel Colman, 1893.

22 JAR. Of reddish yellow paste, piece is covered with a crackled

fawn-colored monochrome of Ko-yao type.
Height 11 in. Gift of Samuel Colman, 1893.

22.1 FLOWER VASE. Porcelanous stoneware; dotted in the

paste, and covered with a coarsely crackled (sui cb'i) Lung-
ch'lian glaze of sea-green celadon. Ping-lieh type, after the
early Ko-yao; ferruginous foot, and probably of the manu
factory of Ch'u-chou-fu. Illustrated.
Height 7 in. Gift of W. R. Valentiner, 1909.

22.2 FLOWER VASE. Porcelanous stoneware; covered with

a semi-opaque uncrackled Lung-ch'tian glaze of deep olive-
green. Probably made at Ch'u-chou-fu. Illustrated.
Height 6f in. Purchase, 1909.

23 CUP. Porcelain; dense blue-white paste, fluted in the body
and decorated with Taoist emblems, " Hundred Antiques,"
flames, flowers and floral arabesques in deep cobalt blue of poor
tone. Within, in same color, are designs taken from the
" Hundred Antiques."
Height 3^ in. Avery Collection. Purchase, 1879.

24 BOX. Porcelain; triangular form, decorated in deep under-

glaze blue and white with figure of a sage and children below
a fir tree. Mark on foot in scalloped bordered seal, blue sous
couverte, Ta Ming Chia-ching nien chieh: " Made in the period
Chia-ching of the great Ming" [dynasty].
Height 2^ in., length 3^ in. Avery Collection. Purchase, 1879.
NO. 22.1 NO. 22.2
DYNASTY,1368-1643 DYNASTY, 1368-1643
A.D. A.D.
china: chia-chingWAN-LI period 7
25 EWER. Porcelain; blue-white paste, bottle shape, with long
curved spout from which depend bamboo leaves in relief
attached to body, and having a cylindrical neck ending in a
pomegranate flare at top. Piece is decorated with floral
compartments of plum, peony, chrysanthemum and bamboo
designs, a swastika and floral band, with floral and bird designs
at neck; the whole in a watery underglazed blue in two tones.
Height, 7^ in- Avery Collection. Purchase, 1879.
26 WINE POT. Porcelain; dense white paste, sexagonal pear
shape with curved handle, long spout and cover, decorated
with figure designs, detached floral sprays, and insects and,
below, a rich floral arabesque in deep underglaze blue and
white. Gilded lion, sur biscuit, on cover, which is decorated
in blue and white with a similar floral arabesque.
Height 13^4 in. Avery Collection. Purchase, 1879.


27 COVERED JAR. Porcelain; dense white paste, oval form,
decorated with design of a Chinese nobleman in his garden;
the designs being painted in a rich cobalt, sous couverte, green,
red, yellow and aubergine purple. Above a band of wave
diaper in blue are floral designs springing from rocks, the latter
in the same deep underglaze cobalt, the former in red and
green. Similar designs on cover. Foot unglazed.
Height in. Avery Collection. Purchase, 1879.
28 COVERED VASE. Porcelain; dense gray paste, decorated
with lions, lotus and peony designs in green, aubergine and
yellow overglaze enamels against a rich red ground, framed
in bands of ju-i heads in the same colors, wave diapers and
spirals in red on white, and bands of blue, sous couverte, at
foot and neck. Cover similarly decorated; pierced "mutton-
fat " jade handle. Unglazed foot.
Height 9 in., diameter at mouth 6 in.
Avery Collection. Purchase, 1879.

29 VASE. Porcelain; dense white paste, rectangular form, short
cylindrical neck, decorated with figure designs of Chinese

noblemen and sages; the designs being painted in a brilliant

cobalt blue, sous couverte, green, red, yellow, aubergine and
black. About shoulder are floral arabesques, birds and Bud
dhist emblems enameled in the same rich colors. Base un-
Height 14yi in. Avery Collection. Purchase, 1879.


3 0 SPITTOON. Porcelain; coarse blue-white paste, squat globu
lar form, decorated in underglaze blue with floral designs
springing from rocks. Metal mounting and cover (Persian)
of the late eighteenth century.
Height 6_K in. Avery Collection. Purchase, 1879.

31 INCENSE BURNER. Porcelain; cylindrical form, decorated
in overglaze blue, red, white and green with dragon designs.
Height 4^ in. Gift of Samuel Colman, 1893.

3 2 TEA JAR. Porcelain; dense gray paste, grayish tea-leaf

glaze. On foot apocryphal mark of Ch'eng-hua.
Height, 2 in. Gift of Samuel Colman, 1893.

3 3 BOTTLE. Wine bottle of fine grayish earthenware decorated

with incised designs of dragons and clouds under a yellowish
treacle glaze.
Height 5 in. Gift of Samuel Colman, 1893.

3 4 WINE BOTTLE. Gallipot form, red paste, decorated with

a rich design of lotus flowers and spirals in black against a
rich turquoise ground. Red lips and base.
Height 8 in. Gift of Samuel Colman, 1893.

3 5 BOTTLE. Porcelain; heavy white paste, sexagonal pear

shape, body decorated with figure, flower, mountain and lake
scenery and the cb'iu ch'i shu hua symbols within medallions
framed in designs of crackled ice; the whole in deep underglaze
blue and white. At neck and foot are bands of conventional-
I For further examples of K'ang-hsi, see p. 239.
ized palmette, filled in with floral designs, detached flowers
and diapers in the same rich toned blue.
Height I I in. Avery Collection. Purchase, 1879.

36 VASE. Porcelain; dense white paste, rectangular pear shape,

biscuit dragon handles at neck, about which runs pendant band
of lotus petals in low relief. At foot is similar band ascending
and between are panels of lange lijsen figures picking peonies
or admiring blossoms. Compartments filled in with peonies
and chrysanthemums at neck, framed in bands of cloud and
triangular diaper. Cloud diaper within lip; the whole decora
tion being in a rich underglaze cobalt against the bluish-
white ground. Handles formerly gilded.
Height 10 in. Avery Collection. Purchase, 1879.

37 COVERED BOWL. Porcelain; dense blue-white paste;

piece is decorated with conventionalized lotus flowers, buds
and leaves in two shades of underglaze cobalt on white.
Height 5^ in., diameter of bowl 4^ in.
Avery Collection. Purchase, 1879.

38 VASE. Porcelain; dense blue-white paste, gallipot form,

decorated with floral designs of blossoming peonies and leafage
on stem and detached; the whole in soft underglaze cobalt
blue against the blue-white ground. Bands of dot and ascend
ing palmette at neck. On foot apocryphal six-character mark
of Cheng-hua.
Height 8 in. Avery Collection. Purchase, 1879.

39 MINIATURE VASE. Porcelain; dense white paste, pear

shape, handles and rings at side in biscuit, decorated with
lange lijsen figures and potted flowers in deep underglaze
cobalt. Double rings at neck, palmette at foot.
Height 2% in. Avery Collection. Purchase, 1879.

40 BOWL. Porcelain; dense blue-white paste, silver mountings,

decorated at centre and about sides with five lange lijsen
figures in deep underglaze cobalt blue. Four-character mark
on foot, Chi-hsiang Ju-i: "Good fortune and wishes fulfilled."
Diameter in. Avery Collection. Purchase, 1879.

41 VASE. Porcelain; fine white paste, ribbed pear shape, handles

at side, flange at mouth, decorated in rich underglaze blue and
white with designs of phoenix and four-clawed dragon chasing

sacred pearl amidst flames and clouds. Band of spirals at

neck and foot.
Height 7^ in. Avery Collection. Purchase, 1879.

42 BOTTLE. Porcelain; fine white paste, pear form backed,

double ridged in the paste and decorated with encircling bands
of floral designs in deep cobalt blue. Ormolu mounts. Ar
temisia leaf in blue on foot.
Height in. Avery Collection. Purchase, 1879.

43 VASE. Porcelain; heavy paste, double pear form backed;

decorated in blue and white with pomegranate, peony, peach
trees and sweet-flag. Wave diaper at foot and neck.
Height 7^ in. Avery Collection. Purchase, 1879.

44 EWER. Porcelain; on high foot, flattened pear-shaped body,

flange neck, long curved handle and spout, very delicately
moulded; the piece is decorated with a beautiful peony design
in dark blue against a grayish caje-au-laii glaze. Apocryphal
six-character mark of Hsiian-te on foot.
Height 11 in. Avery Collection. Purchase, 1879.

45 DISH. Porcelain; finest white paste, decorated at centre with

phoenix designs amidst clouds and flames, and surrounded by
a rich band of floral arabesques and the Buddhist symbols,
interior design in deep, outer border in paler cobalt blue.
Scalloped edge. Six-character mark of Cheng-hua within
double blue circle
Diameter 8 in. Avery Collection. Purchase, 1879.

46 DISH. Porcelain; finest pure white paste, embellished with

hunting scene framed in a fluted border of floral designs and
foliated arabesques, joined by ju-i heads, the whole in brilliant
cobalt blue and white. Pierced silver handle ornamented with
peony and chrysanthemum designs. Mark of Cheng-hua in
six characters within double circle.
Diameter 7^ in. Avery Collection. Purchase, 1879.

47 VASE. Porcelain; dense white paste, globular body, cylindrical

neck, embellished with floral arabesques of conventionalized
fungus, prunus blossoms and peonies in pale underglaze blue
and covered with a buff-colored crackled glaze. Brown fer
ruginous ring at lip and on foot.
Height 14^ in. Avery Collection. Purchase, 1879.
48 VASE. Porcelain; dense white paste, oviform body; short,
wide-mouthed neck, decorated in underglaze sapphire blue and
brown with the figure of a bat (at neck) and what appear to
be pomegranates; Buddhist emblems and charms beneath a
finely crackled buff-colored glaze of soft tone. Neck (ground
down) covered with a ferruginous band. Base deep ferruginous
Height 7^ in. Avery Collection. Purchase, 1879.

49 BOWL. Porcelain; dense white paste, interior covered with

a finely crackled buff-colored glaze throughout; exterior with
a pair of four-clawed dragons chasing the sacred pearl amidst
clouds and flames, the whole in deep cobalt blue, covered with
a crackled glaze of soft buff-colored tone. On foot, in blue, the
Chang emblem.
Diameter 5^ in. Avery Collection. Purchase, 1879.

50 VASE. Porcelain dense white paste, oval form, cylindrical

neck, body decorated with figure designs upon a wide verandah,
surrounded by designs of sweet-flags and blossoming prunus
tree, springing from a rock; the whole in rich cobalt and white.
Neck and foot covered throughout with a large crackled gray
glaze, filled in with India ink. Foot similarly decorated.
Height 6^4 i n Avery Collection. Purchase, 1879.

51 PLATE. Porcelain; decorated in the richest manner with a

central design of peonies, magnolia, and a pheasant on a wall,
surrounded by fret diaper and framed in a beautiful outer border
ribbed in the paste, divided into twelve compartments and filled
with floral designs, themselves framed in different styles of
diaper. The whole decoration is in a glowing cobalt blue.
Scalloped edge; back, fungus in double circle and outer peony
sprays. Possibly Ch'ien-lung.
Diameter 13^ in. Avery Collection. Purchase, 1879.

52 PLATE. Porcelain; decorated in the deepest and richest

cobalt blue with a central design of three Europeans, two men
and a woman, seated at a table under a spreading tree, playing
upon European instruments. The design is framed in eight
land- and seascape-filled medallions, above which are floral
arabesques. Back is decorated with sprays of bamboo, also in
blue and white. Possibly Ch'ien-lung.
Diameter 13yi in. Avery Collection. Purchase, 1879.

53 CUP AND SAUCER. Porcelain; semi-eggshell, decorated in

side with peony in double ring, floral sprigs and diaper band in
blue and white, and on the outside, with a floral design of peony,
shrubs or sprays in dark blue below a translucent cafe-au-lait
ground. On foot, hare within double blue circle.
Diameter Cup 3 in., Saucer 5^4 in.
Avery Collection. Purchase, 1879.

54 BOTTLE. Porcelain; dense white paste, triple gourd shape,

lower tier covered with a coat of pale brown, at top with a gray
crackle; second tier with pendant palmette medallions, filled in
with white floral designs against a rich cobalt blue, divided by
pendant arabesques; above is triangle work in blue, third tier
and neck ornamented with peony and aster sprays in deep
cobalt blue.
Height 9^4 in. Avery Collection. Purchase, 1879.

55 BOTTLE. Porcelain; cylindrical form, slender neck, the body

covered with a gray green celadon glaze, lustrous brown band
at shoulder; neck is decorated in underglaze blue and white with
peony flowers and butterflies between two bands of diaper, also
in underglaze blue and white.
Height 8)4 i n - Avery Collection. Purchase, 1879.

56 CUP AND SAUCER. Porcelain; heavy paste, decorated inside

with crabs and fishes between bunches of seaweed, the whole
in the deepest cobalt blue. The exteriors are incised in the
paste with floral designs and covered with a pale green celadon
glaze. Both pieces are edged with brown. On foot within
double circle, sacred fungus.
Diameters: Cup 2^ in., Saucer 5 in.
' Avery Collection. Purchase, 1879.

57 COVERED CUP. Porcelain; fine white paste, decorated on

globular body with fluted designs moulded in the paste and
covered with a pale brown glaze of cafe-au-lait tone. Band of
opaque brown divides body from neck, which with cover is
decorated under the glaze with conventionalized floral designs
within medallions. An aster on stem runs up handle. Mark
of blue artemisia leaf on base.
Height 5 in. Avery Collection. Purchase, 1879.

58 MINIATURE VASE. Porcelain; dense white, covered with

an opaque brown glaze. Lip and base white.
Height 1 J/% in. Avery Collection. Purchase, 1879.
59 CUP AND SAUCER. Porcelain; decorated with figure and
flower designs, outer bands of wave diaper scrolls on back and
mark "Made in the year Ping-hsu " (1706), the whole in a rich
cobalt blue and white.
Diameter, Cup 2% in.; Saucer 4 in.
Avery Collection. Purchase, 1879.

60 BOTTLE. Porcelain; heavy white paste, decoration at in

tervals of medallions composed of floral arabesque in deep
cobalt; band of opaque brown at centre; upper border of con
ventionalized lotus also in deep cobalt, and rim of blue triangle
diaper; lip opaque brown. Mark of artemisia leaf in blue.
Height in. Avery Collection. Purchase, 1879.

61 MINIATURE COVERED VASE. Porcelain; rectangular, on

high foot; handles at shoulder; piece is decorated with alternate
panels of lange lijsen figures and peonies. Diaper bands at
foot and neck to which are added floral sprays. The whole
decoration is in deep cobalt blue and white.
Height 5y 2 in. Avery Collection. Purchase, 1879.

62 BOTTLE. Porcelain; heavy white texture. Body decorated

with waves and band of ju-i heads incised in the paste and
covered with a light sapphire blue glaze; at neck is lower band
of opaque brown and, above, design of bird amidst plum blos
soms depending from lip enameled under the glaze in deep
cobalt, peau-de-peche, and white. On foot double blue circle.
Height 8]/% in. Avery Collection. Purchase, 1879.

63 LION AND BALL. Porcelain; figure of lion in deep opaque

brown; ball deep cobalt blue.
Length 4 in. Avery Collection. Purchase, 1879.

64 BOTTLE. Porcelain; heavy texture, pure white, globular

body decorated with circular flower-filled medallions in deep
blue and white reserved against an opaque brown glaze. As
shoulder and neck are bands of floral designs and leaves in blue
and white. Rings at neck and lip edged with opaque brown;
blue floral designs between. Blue artemisia leaf on foot.
Height 8)4 in. Avery Collection. Purchase, 1879.

65 MINIATURE BOTTLE. Porcelain; oval form, decorated

with bird designs and peacock's feathers in deep cobalt blue

against a soft cafe-au-lait ground. Wave diaper at neck in

blue and white.
Height 3 in. Avery Collection. Purchase, 1879.

66 BOTTLE. Porcelain; pure white, heavy texture, oval form.

Body is covered with a coat of glowing sapphire blue; above
are bands of opaque brown and floral arabesques in deep cobalt
framing designs that spring from rocks, painted in two tones
of blue.
Height 8^2 in. Avery Collection. Purchase, 1879.

67 MINIATURE VASE. Porcelain; dense white paste, pear

shape, covered with an opaque greenish-brown glaze. Deeper
shade at lip.
Height 2 i n . Avery Collection. Purchase, 1879.

68 BOTTLE. Porcelain; heavy white texture, globular body,

covered throughout with a light brown glaze. Dividing this
from neck is a thin band of pale green celadon. Neck in three
tiers is decorated in deep cobalt against the purest white with
flower-filled medallions against salmon scale; T-shaped diapers
and conventionalized ju-i heads and flowers. On base double
ring in blue.
Height 8 in. Avery Collection. Purchase, 1879.

69 CUP AND SAUCER. Porcelain; light texture, decorated

with lange hjsen figures, flowers in pots, diaper borders and
mark within double circle, Yung-sheng: "Ever full."
Diameter, Cup in.; Saucer 4 in.
Avery Collection. Purchase, 1879.

70 BOTTLE. Porcelain; light paste, squat oval body, long neck.

Piece is decorated with compartments filled in with lotus
flowers and leaves and, on neck, ascending sweet-flag designs;
the whole in the richest underglaze cobalt blue and white.
Height in. Avery Collection. Purchase, 1879.

71 MINIATURE BOTTLE. Porcelain; dense white, pear shape,

covered with a deep cafe-au-lait glaze; lip white, foot unglazed.
Height 2yi in. Avery Collection. Purchase, 1879.

72 VASE. Porcelain; purest white, fine texture, inverted pear

shape; decorated with designs of three divinities, tiger, dragon
and clouds moulded in low relief in the paste and colored with
cobalt blue and peau-de-pecbe.
Height 17^ in. Avery Collection. Purchase, 1879.
73 VASE. Porcelain; finest white close paste, beaker form,
decorated with an exquisite lotus flower design and fungus
raised in the paste and accompanied by relief designs of Liu-
Han teasing his toad, and colored in deep cobalt and peau-de-
pecbe. Band of diaper at lip; centre and foot in blue and white.
Artemisia leaf in blue on base.
Height 17X i n - Avery Collection. Purchase, 1879.

74 PLATE. Porcelain; soft paste, decorated with central design

of a branch of plum blossoms against a "blob" plum-blossom
background. Outer border of "blob" plum-blossom; the
whole in pale blue and white, with exception of the plum
branch, which is in deep cobalt. Mark in six characters,
Diameter 8 in. Avery Collection. Purchase, 1879.

75 PLATE. Porcelain; central design of pomegranate-filled

Vandyke medallions in blue and white on a field of wave diaper
in pale blue and white, about a star-shaped medallion orna
mented with the seal of longevity. Mark on back, six-character
Cheng-hua, surrounded by an outer floral band and shou
Diameter 8 in. Avery Collection. Purchase, 1879.

76 VASE. Porcelain; globular form, long neck, flange mouth,

decorated between bands of fret and conventionalized palmette
in ferruginous brown with design of bird on branch of a blossom
ing prunus tree in blue and peau-de-pecbe under the glaze.
Dragon in blue flies above. Brown glaze at rim and within
hollow at foot.
Height in. Avery Collection. Purchase, 1879.

77 BOTTLE. Porcelain; close white paste, pear shape, bulbous

neck; silver mounts. Between bands of floral and wave diaper
in blue and peau-de-pecbe are chrysanthemum designs and
butterflies, insects and bird in prunus tree; the whole in un-
derglaze cobalt blue and peau-de-pecbe. At neck ascending
chrysanthemum flowers on long stems in same colors and band
of scrolls in cobalt at top.
Height 8)4 in. Avery Collection. Purchase, 1879.

78 VASE. Porcelain; fine white paste, decorated between wave

diaper at shoulder in blue and white and splash band of peau-
de-pecbe at foot, with rich design of phoenix and blossoming

peony flowers in the same rich tones. Sprays of bamboo at

neck in blue.
Height 8^4 in- Avery Collection. Purchase, 1879.

79 COVERED JAR. Porcelain; dense white paste, decorated

with alternate compartments, filled in with swastika and fir-
bristle diapers in deep cobalt blue and white and flying storks
in deep blue amidst peau-de-peche clouds on white.
Height 6 in. Avery Collection. Purchase, 1879.

80 VASE. Porcelain; fine white paste, decorated between bands

of fret and conventionalized palmette in ferruginous brown
with lotus flowers and leaves in deep cobalt and peau-de-peche
under the glaze. Brown rim, and within hollow at foot.
Height 7 in. Avery Collection. Purchase, 1879.

81 CUP AND SAUCER. Porcelain; semi-eggshell, hexagonal

form; cup is decorated with medallion designs of flying storks
in white on cracked ice in deep cobalt against a field of floral
ovals and petals in white on cracked ice ground. Saucer has
depending flower-filled palmette ornament against a cracked
ice ground; the whole in blue and white. Both cup and saucer
have diaper band at edge. Mark, square seal within double
Diameters: Cup 2% in., Saucer 3% in.
Avery Collection. Purchase, 1879.

82 PERFUME BOTTLE. Porcelain; dense white paste, decorated

with floral diaper band and sweet-flag in deep cobalt blue and
white. Radiant band at foot. Ormolu mounts. Mark in
blue, Yuh: "Jade".
Height 5^4 in. Avery Collection. Purchase, 1879.

83 VASE. Porcelain; fine white paste, decorated with design of

" blob" hawthorn in blue and white against a pale blue cracked
ice ground, the cracks in a deeper shade of blue. This form of
decoration illustrates a poetic Chinese conception of the plum
blossoms falling upon the ice that chokes the rivers of South
ern China in early Spring.
Height 7^4 in. Avery Collection. Purchase, 1879.

84 SMALL PLATE. Porcelain; soft paste, decorated with a cen

tral design of monkey and bird in a fir tree below which are
deer. Plate is surrounded by a rich diaper border broken by
flower-filled and arabesque medallions, the whole in the deepest
cobalt blue and white. Peony arabesque at back and apocry
phal six-character mark of Cheng-hua in double circle.
Diameter 5^ in. Avery Collection. Purchase, 1879.

85 COVERED BOX. Porcelain; flattened oval form, decorated

in pale blue and white with rich floral designs of peony, aster,
magnolia and lotus. On cover is handle in three-color enamels
of famille verte, representing a vine twig and grapes, the latter
being eaten by two mice. Mark, sacred fungus (Che) within
double circle.
Diameter 4 in. Avery Collection. Purchase, 1879.

86 SPRINKLER. Porcelain; heavy white paste, double gourd

shape, silver stopper. Piece is decorated with mountains and
seascape designs in the deepest cobalt blue on white. Mark,
unknown square seal.
Height 9^4 in. Avery Collection. Purchase, 1879.

87 SPRINKLER. Porcelain; heavy texture, globular form, thin

neck. Piece is decorated with blue and white floral designs
between bands of lotus leaves and diamond diapers, also in
blue and white. On foot, artemisia leaf in blue.
Height 6 in. Avery Collection. Purchase, 1879.

88 CUP AND SAUCER. Porcelain; eggshell; decorated with

compartments filled in alternately with figure and flower designs
about a central figured design. About neck is a simulated
French inscription. This rich example of a Keyser cup and
saucer is decorated in deep cobalt blue and white, and has a
square seal mark within double circle surrounded by scrolls
and sacred emblems. Late K'ang-hsi to Ch'ien-lung.
Height of cup 3^ in.; diameters: Saucer 5^ i n -> Cup 3X in-
Avery Collection. Purchase, 1879.

89 MINIATURE EWER. Porcelain; decorated in blue and

white with ascending prunus blossoms and peony flowers.
Mark on foot, artemisia leaf in blue.
Height 3X i n - Avery Collection. Purchase, 1879.

90 BOTTLE. Porcelain; heavy paste, globular body, neck in

four tiers, ring base. Piece is decorated on the body with cir
cular flower-filled medallions, an upper band of floral sprays
and dots and a band of leaves which depend from neck, the

whole in deep cobalt blue against a clear white ground. The

neck has floral designs, diapers and bands of opaque brown;
the ring, floral arabesques in blue and white, and an edging
of brown. Artemisia leaf in blue on foot.
Height io^4 i n - Avery Collection. Purchase, 1879.

91 CUP AND SAUCER. Porcelain; semi-eggshell, hexagonal

form; pieces are decorated with compartments filled in with
cocks fighting, plum and peonies in blossoms and baskets of
flowers; the whole in deep cobalt blue on white. Diaper bands
at edges. Peonies on back of saucer. Mark within double
ring, Yin emblem.
Diameters: Cup 2% in., Saucer 4X i n -
Avery Collection. Purchase, 1879.

92 SMALL CUP AND SAUCER. Porcelain; eggshell, decorated

with fish and marine plants in deep cobalt blue. Mark in blue,
Yuh: or "Jade."
Diameter, Cup in.; Saucer 2^2 in.
Avery Collection. Purchase, 1879.

93 BOWL. Porcelain; semi-eggshell, flaring lip; piece is decorated

with design of houses beside a lake upon which men are fishing
from boats; the whole in cobalt blue and white. Mark on foot
of temple drum (?) in blue.
Avery Collection. Purchase, 1879.

94 VASE. Porcelain; inverted pear shape form, moulded in the

paste with medallions and flutings and covered with rich floral
designs of asters in underglaze blue.
Height 17 in. Avery Collection. Purchase, 1879.

95 VASE. Porcelain; heavy gray paste, covered with landscape

and lake scenes in pale underglaze blue; white neck, diaper
band at foot. Mark, six characters of Cheng-hua.
Height i8)4 in. Avery Collection. Purchase, 1879.

96 SMALL CUP AND SAUCER. Porcelain; eggshell, decorated

with panels filled in with lange hjsen figures and divided by a
field of trellis pattern, the whole in rich cobalt blue and white.
On backs are shell and flower with double blue circle.
Diameter, Cup 1^4 in.; Saucer 2$/& in.
Avery Collection. Purchase, 1879.
97 SNUFF BOTTLE. Porcelain; square body, long neck; piece
is decorated with panels of figures above which are fan and
sweet-flag designs, and bands of key pattern; the whole is pale
cobalt blue and white.
Height 2}4, in. Avery Collection. Purchase, 1879.

98 SPRINKLER. Porcelain; purest white, globular body, long

thin neck. Decorated on body with vases, ting, writer's
paraphernalia, etc., between bands of floral arabesques and
pearl emblems; the whole in deep cobalt blue and white. At
jointure of neck and body is a flat ring decorated with zigzag
lines in blue and outer rim of brown. Neck ornamented with
peacock feathers also in blue; diaper and brown top. Comb
pattern on foot.
Height nyi in. Avery Collection. Purchase, 1879.

99 MINIATURE BOTTLE. Porcelain; globular form, long neck.

Body covered with a pale cobalt blue, neck with trellis-work
and pendant leaves.
Height 2^ in. Avery Collection. Purchase, 1879.

100 SPRINKLER. Porcelain; double gourd form, silver-top;

lower part decorated in blue on white with figure designs of
boy at play and lady in a boat; upper with floral designs in
same colors, white on blue.
Height 8% in. Avery Collection. Purchase, 1879.

101 CUP. Porcelain; eggshell, decorated with floral medallion

and band of diaper within. On outside, phoenix and kiri;
peonies and insects in deep cobalt blue. Handles in white,
archaic form. Double blue ring on foot.
Diameter 2^4 in. Avery Collection. Purchase, 1879.

102 COVERED JAR. Porcelain; oval form, decorated with

lange lijsen figures, rocks and trees in deep underglaze blue
and white. Cover has sprays of bamboo and, on top, boy
playing with ball. Four-character mark on foot of Cheng-hua.
Height 6% in. Avery Collection. Purchase, 1879.

103 VASE. Porcelain; inverted pear shape, moulded in the paste

with compartments in relief, filled in with figures on horse
back. Above are peony sprays and a band of wave diaper,
the whole in rich cobalt blue on white. On foot is leaf within
double circle.
Height 15* n - Avery Collection. Purchase, 1879.

104 VASE. Porcelain; heavy paste; rectangular form, each side

decorated within panel in which are flowers of the four seasons,
birds and butterflies in deep underglaze blue and white.
Sprays of floral designs and bamboo at neck and shoulder in
same color. Six-character mark of K'ang-hsi.
Height 22 in. Avery Collection. Purchase, 1879.

105 VASE. Porcelain; heavy close paste, beaker form, decorated

with designs of divinities amidst clouds, a central band of
plum blossom, lotus flowers and peonies and a base of five-
clawed dragon designs amidst clouds and flames; the whole in
deepest cobalt blue and white.
Height 18 in. Avery Collection. Purchase, 1879.

106 LARGE PLATE. Porcelain; purest white paste, decorated

in deep underglaze cobalt blue with figures of mounted
warriors accompanied by their bannermen on foot. Border
designs are in compartments broken by T-pattern in blue and
white and bars in deep blue against a lighter shade of same
color. Ju-i heads and peony sprays at back and six-character
mark of Cheng-hua in double circle.
Diameter 14^ in. Avery Collection. Purchase, 1879.

107 PLATE. Porcelain; bluish-white paste, decorated at centre

in underglaze cobalt with design of a pair of four-clawed
dragons amidst clouds chasing the sacred pearl. Outer band
of waves in pale bluish-white against a deeper blue ground.
Design of the "precious things" on back and six-character
mark of Cheng-hua in double circle.
Diameter 10% in. Avery Collection. Purchase, 1879.

108 PLATE. Porcelain; purest white texture, embellished with

a central design of figures upon a verandah watching a pair
of phoenixes sporting amidst the clouds. Framing this is a
broad outer band moulded with oval-shaped compartments
and filled in with floral designs and the eight precious things.
Back; lotus flowers, floral sprays and the precious things and
mark, Ki yuh pao ting chi chiu: "A gem among precious
vessels of rare jade," within double circle.
Diameter 10^2 in. Avery Collection. Purchase, 1879.

109 VASE. Porcelain; bluish-white paste, gallipot form; deco

rated with figure designs in pale cobalt under the glaze. Band
of diaper and bamboo sprays at neck in deep shade of blue.
Six-character mark of Cheng-hua on foot within double circle.
Height 9 in. Avery Collection. Purchase, 1879.

110 BOWL. Porcelain; semi-eggshell, interior decorated with

designs of boys at play, border of medallions filled with peaches
against a rich diamond diaper background. Outer border
of similar design, but medallions filled with Buddhist emblems,
and sides decorated with figure designs, the whole in rich
underglaze cobalt blue of sapphire tone. Six-character mark
of Cheng-hua within double circle.
Diameter 8% in. Avery Collection. Purchase, 1879.

111 CUP AND SAUCER. Porcelain; eggshell, decorated with

bands of lange lijsen figures and peonies, and surrounded by
outer bands of triangle diapers, the whole in rich cobalt
blue under the glaze. About under side of saucer Buddhistic
Diameters: Cup 2% in., Saucer 4 in.
Avery Collection. Purchase, 1879.

112 CUP AND SAUCER. Porcelain; eggshell, decorated with

lange lijsen figures separated by the flowers of the four seasons,
with outer borders of triangle diaper and "blob" hawthorn.
Exterior of saucer decorated with emblems, the whole decora
tion in deep cobalt under the glaze. Mark, in double circle
on foot of saucer, Ki yub pao ting chi chiu: "A gem
among precious vessels of rare Jade."
Diameters: Cup 2% in., Saucer 4 in.
Avery Collection. Purchase, 1879.

I 13 BOWL. Porcelain; fine white paste, moulded about central

circular flower-filled medallion with depressed palmette de
signs; at edge (scalloped) is band of "The Thousand Antiques"
between ju-i heads. Exterior is divided into compartments
filled in with designs of running horses or, below, upon the
raised palmette designs, with land- and seascapes and floral
designs, the whole decoration being in a rich underglaze
sapphire blue. Mark, within double circle, Fuh: "Happiness."
Diameter 7^ in. Avery Collection. Purchase, 1879.

114 WINE VESSEL. Porcelain; dense white paste, in form of an

elongated flattened square on four feet. Piece is decorated
with two main panels which are filled in, the one with moun-

tain and lake views, the other with the figures of two male
deities amidst the clouds; floriated spirals frame these designs.
At sides and top are peony sprays which spring from rocks.
The whole decoration is in rich cobalt blue under the glaze.
Below foot (unglazed) is hole for filling.
Height 10 in. Avery Collection. Purchase, 1879.

1 1 5 MINIATURE VASE. Porcelain; dense white paste, cylin

drical body, high foot, long neck with ring lip. Piece is
decorated in deep cobalt blue of sapphire tone with design
of two female figures seated at a table. Above is band of
triangle diaper, while at foot and neck are sprays of blossoming
Height 4X i n - Avery Collection. Purchase, 1879.

116 PLATE. Porcelain; purest white paste, scalloped edge,

moulded in the paste about figured medallions at centre with
lotus petal designs depressed in the paste and filled with floral
designs and emblems. At upper edge are peach and leaf-
filled medallions on a background of diamond-shaped fir-
bristle-filled diapers. Back similarly decorated with addition
of the shou character on the diaper, bamboo and prunus
blossoms in the raised lotus designs; the whole decoration
being in rich underglaze blue of brilliant tone. Six-character
mark of Cheng-hua within double circle at back.
Diameter \o}4 in. Avery Collection. Purchase, 1879.

I 1 7 SMALL PLATE. Porcelain; semi-eggshell; decorated at

centre with designs of two lange lijsen figures on a verandah
surrounded by fir and juniper trees; an outer band of fruit-
filled medallions against a background of star-filled diamond-
shaped diaper pattern; the whole in rich cobalt blue of sap
phire tone. On back are seascapes and six-character mark
of the period.
Diameter 8 in. Avery Collection. Purchase, 1879.

1 1 8 VASE. Porcelain; dense white paste, pear shape, cylindrical

neck ribbed in the paste; piece is decorated in pale and sap
phire-toned underglaze cobalt with designs of kylin, and
Taoist emblems of flames and clouds.
Height io}4 in. Avery Collection. Purchase, 1879.

119 CUP AND SAUCER. Porcelain; eggshell, cup of deep form,

both pieces decorated with lange lijsen figures and peonies
or, as on saucer, with magnolias growing in pots. Triangle-
diaper borders, peony sprays at back of saucer; the whole
decoration in rich underglaze cobalt blue of soft tone. Mark,
in double circle below, Yuh: "Jade."
Height of cup 3^ in., diameter of saucer 5 in.
Avery Collection. Purchase, 1879.

120 VASE. Porcelain; dense white paste, double gourd form,

divided into panels by lines incised in the paste and filled with
lange lijsen figures; child at play and floral designs of lotus
and peony. Diaper and hawthorn designs decorate shoulder
and base of neck, above which are other compartments filled
in with Buddhist emblems and sprays of prunus; the whole
decoration being in rich underglaze cobalt blue of deep
sapphire tone. Mark of artemisia leaf on foot.
Height 8^2 in. Avery Collection. Purchase, 1879.

121 BOWL. Porcelain; dense white paste, scalloped edge, on

high base. Bowl ribbed in the paste and decorated at centre
with rich floriated medallion of peony designs framed in band
of triangle diaper. Between this and a similar band at lip
are sprays of blossoming prunus and peony. Exterior em
bellished throughout with rich foliation of peony sprays and
blossoms; similar design and palmette on foot below which
is fungus surrounded by peony blossoms and leaves.
Height 3yi in., diameter 5^ in.
Avery Collection. Purchase, 1879.

122 VASE. Porcelain; dense white paste, cylindrical form, dec

orated with floral designs of lotus and fungus in white on a
brilliant underglaze blue; ground broken by medallions filled
in with blossoming prunus and asters; insects and birds in the
same rich blue on white. Bands of triangle diaper at foot
and shoulder, floral sprays at neck.
Height 5in. Avery Collection. Purchase, 1879.

123 CUP AND SAUCER. Porcelain; semi-eggshell, cup decorated

with lange lijsen figures, separated by flowers in pots and
framed in bands of depending palmette and triangle diaper;
mark, on foot in double circle: Ki yuh pao ting chi chiu:
"A gem among precious vessels of rare Jade." Saucer,
similar lange lijsen figures divided by sprays of peony, which
also decorate back. Four mark of Cheng-hua in double circle.
Cup height 3% in., diameter 3y& in.; Saucer diameter 5 in.
Avery Collection. Purchase, 1879.

124 SMALL CUP AND SAUCER. Porcelain; eggshell, deco

rated with oval designs filled in with seated lange lijsen figures
and divided by sprays of blossoming peony. Mark, within
double circle at back, chen yuh (?): " Genuine Jade."
Diameters, Cup 2 in.; Saucer 3 in.
Avery Collection. Purchase, 1879.

125 LARGE PLATE. Porcelain; dense white paste, decorated

with two bands of conventionalized petal-shaped compart
ments about a central circular medallion; the whole being
filled with rich floral designs of blossoming prunus, chrysan
themums, peony, etc., in brilliant cobalt blue of sapphire
tone under the glaze, framed in a band of hawthorn blossom
and fungus in white on blue. At back are detached peony
sprays and six-character mark of period within double circle.
Diameter 14% in. Avery Collection. Purchase, 1879.

126 COVERED TEMPLE JAR. Porcelain; dense white paste,

globular body, high foot, cylindrical neck with bulb at lip.
Body is moulded in the paste in low relief with large medallions
filled in with mountainous scenery and seascapes and with
designs of monkeys and gazelles below fir trees; the medallions
being raised above a background of T-pattern, broken again
at shoulder by lambrequin designs also in low relief, filled
in with rich floral designs of conventionalized lotus and
spiralated fungus. Below are raised palmettes filled in with
floral designs, diapers, foliated spirals and pendant ju-i
heads, while at neck conventionalized lotus designs and raised
palmettes filled in with floral designs embellish the piece.
Cover is bell-shape and decorated with medallions filled in
with blossoming peonies against fret diaper ground; lotus
and fungus run about edge. The decoration of the piece is
in two tones of blue, a cobalt of a pale tone and one of a deep
sapphire blue. Below foot is fungus within double circle.
Height 19 in. Avery Collection. Purchase, 1879.

127 PLATE. Porcelain; semi-eggshell, decorated with figure

designs of a warrior standing on a verandah practising with
bow and arrow. Below, friends marvel at his skill. Sea
scapes on back, and six-character mark of Cheng-hua within
double circle.
Diameter 10)/% in. Avery Collection. Purchase, 1879.

128 PLATE. Porcelain; fine white paste, decorated at centre

with the familiar design of the four-clawed dragon and carp,
which leaps from the waves. Surrounding this design is a
depressed band of palmette or lotus petals, left plain white
or decorated with the sacred pearl and flame. An outer
border of alternate fish, flower and seaweed surrounds. The
whole decoration is in a brilliant sapphire blue under the
glaze, as are marine and floral designs and the mark, a vase
within a double circle, on the back. Scalloped edge.
Diameter io}4 in. Avery Collection. Purchase, 1879.

BOWL. Porcelain; purest white paste, decorated at centre

with designs of children setting off firecrackers and about
rim with flowered diaper. Exterior is embellished with
designs of women and children playing, below which is a
raised palmette design ornamented with floral designs of lotus
and peony. The whole decoration is in a glowing cobalt
blue of sapphire tone under the glaze. Six-character mark
of the period within double circle on back.
Diameter 8% in. Avery Collection. Purchase, 1879.

VASE. Porcelain; dense white paste, rectangular beaker

form, decorated with the flower of the four seasons, dividing
mountain and lake scenes. Triangle diaper at shoulder and
within lip; the whole decoration being in deep underglaze
cobalt blue.
Height 5 in. Avery Collection. Purchase, 1879.

VASE. Porcelain; dense white paste, rectangular form.

The sides are decorated with panels filled in with relief designs
of the flowers of the four seasons, colored in two shades of
underglaze cobalt blue, framed in outer bands of white T-
pattern moulded in the paste. About neck and shoulder
are floral arabesques and diapers in underglaze blue.
Height 9 in. Avery Collection. Purchase, 1879.

VASE. Porcelain; dense white paste, form of bamboo stick,

decorated in deep underglaze sapphire blue with design of
birds amidst bamboo trees. Triangle diaper in blue inside
Height 5^2 in. Avery Collection. Purchase, 1879.

MINIATURE VASE. Porcelain; heavy white texture, pear

shape, decorated in underglaze cobalt blue with floral designs
of asters. Blue band below lip.
Height YA Avery Collection. Purchase, 1879.

134 VASE. Porcelain; dense white paste, oval form, with

cover; piece is decorated in underglaze blue with designs of
cranes against cracked ice field. At shoulder floral designs
in white on blue; on bell-shaped cover medallions filled in
with gong emblem.
Height 5^4 in. Avery Collection, Purchase, 1879.

135 CUP AND SAUCER. Porcelain; eggshell, scalloped edges,

handles on cup, which is decorated with design of flying
cranes against a cracked ice design in pale underglaze cobalt
blue, framed in an upper band of white flowers on a deeper
shade of cobalt. Saucer a single crane at centre, otherwise
similarly decorated.
Height of cup 2^4 in.; diameter 2in.; diameter Saucer 5 in.
Avery Collection. Purchase, 1879.

136 BOWL. Porcelain; dense white paste, decorated with de

pressed lotus petal designs about a circular medallion of figure
and peonies in deep cobalt; petals decorated under the glaze
with ju-i headed floral designs, band of flowered diaper in
blue and white at edge. Exterior embellished with lange
lijsen figures amidst flowers and emblems above raised petal
designs, decorated with ju-i headed floral designs in deep
sapphire blue under the glaze. Six-character mark of Cheng-
hua within double circle. Scalloped edge.
Diameter 8 in. Avery Collection. Purchase, 1879.

137 VASE. Porcelain; dense bluish-white, amphora shape with

elephant-head handles and rings gilded sur biscuit; piece is
moulded in the paste with palmette designs decorated with
alternating floral sprays and lange lijsen figures in two tones
of underglaze cobalt blue. Sprays of bamboo at neck in same
color. Artemisia leaf at foot.
Height 9^ in. Avery Collection. Purchase, 1879.

138 SNUFF BOTTLE. Porcelain; thin white paste, oviform,

long neck, decorated with oval medallions filled in with floral
designs in white against a deep sapphire blue reserved upon
a background of cracked ice in paler blue and white. At
neck ascending and depending sweet-flag, and triangle band
at lip in same colors.
Height 2^4, in. Avery Collection. Purchase, 1879.

139 VASE. Porcelain; dense white paste, oval form, cylindrical

neck, flange at mouth. Piece is embellished with floral
designs of peonies, lotus and conventionalized fungus within
oval and palmette-shaped medallions, which depend from
shoulder, the designs being in blue and white against a deeper
shade of cobalt under the glaze. At neck are similarly
ornamented palmettes depending, and lotus flowers between
diapers. Foliated arabesque at foot, below which is artemisia
leaf within double circle.
Height 11^2 in. Avery Collection. Purchase, 1879.

140 SNUFF BOTTLE AND COVER. Porcelain; dense white

paste, oval form, decorated in deep underglaze sapphire blue
with figure designs of mounted warriors fighting. Spray of
peony on cover.
Height 2^2 in. Avery Collection. Purchase, 1879.

141 VASE. Porcelain; dense white and pear shape, long neck
mounted in silver. Piece is decorated with design of a pair
of four-clawed dragons chasing sacred pearl amidst flames,
clouds and floral designs. Arabesques at foot and neck,
palmette at top. Peony spray at foot.
Height 10 in. Avery Collection. Purchase, 1879.

142 MUSTARD POT. Porcelain; dense white paste, globular

form with handle; modern silver mounts and spoon. Piece
is decorated in raised petal-shaped compartments with lange
lijsen figures and blossoming peonies in pots, peony sprays
above; child's figure on cover.
Height 4 in. Avery Collection. Purchase, 1879.

143 CUP AND SAUCER. Porcelain; eggshell, decorated in lotus

petal compartments which radiate from centre with floral
designs of blossoming peony. Bands of triangle diaper at
lip. Peony sprays below saucer; similar design within double
circle at foot.
Cup, height 1% in., diameter 3 in.; Saucer diameter 5^2 in.
Avery Collection. Purchase, 1879.

144 VASE. Porcelain; dense white paste, double gourd form,

decorated in two shades of underglaze blue with sprays of
blossoming and fruit-covered gourd in the midst of which fly
five bats, symbols of the five happinesses. Bands of ju-i
head ornaments in white on sapphire blue or blue on white
at centre and lip; dotted band at foot.
Height 14^ in. Avery Collection. Purchase, 1879.

1 4 5 COVERED JAR. Porcelain; dense white paste, barrel shape,

flat cover, lion handle formerly gilded sur biscuit. At sides
are dragon handles gilded sur biscuit, while the body decora
tion consists of blue and white lange lijsen figures holding
a gazelle, a fan, a flower and a covered box. On lid are
diaper medallions against flowered diaper in blue and white.
Bands of dots laid on in white relief surround cover and body.
Height 9 in. Avery Collection. Purchase, 1879.

1 4 6 VASE. Porcelain; dense white paste, globular body, cylin

drical neck, wide at top, decorated with four panels filled in
with figure designs, and above, bands of conventionalized
dragons on fir-bristle diaper, "the thousand antiques" and
boys at play, the whole in deep underglaze cobalt blue of rich
tone. Mark of Cheng-hua within double circle on foot.
Height 15^ in. Avery Collection. Purchase, 1879.

147 LARGE PLATE. Porcelain; dense bluish-white, decorated

at centre with pheasants and other birds in the midst of rich
floral sprays of magnolia and prunus which spring from rocks
below. Surrounding is a band of fir-bristles against rich
foliated spirals, and an outer band of oval medallions filled
with pomegranates against a field of chrysanthemums and
foliated spirals broken by peacocks, the whole in deep under
glaze cobalt of sapphire tone. On back are Taoist emblems
and sprig of blossoming prunus within double circle.
Diameter 15^2 in. Avery Collection. Purchase, 1879.

1 4 8 PLATE. Porcelain; fine white paste, decorated under the

glaze in two shades of blue with the figures of the eight Taoist
divinities amidst the clouds. On back are phoenixes amidst
clouds and six-character apocryphal mark of Hsiian-te within
double circle.
Diameter \o% in. Avery Collection. Purchase, 1879.

1 4 9 PLATE. Porcelain; finest light texture, pure white paste,

decorated in the softest tones of underglaze sapphire blue with
a scene representing a Chinese family at home. About edge
in same rich colors are figure designs of women playing musical
instruments, composing poems, story-telling and gathering
flowers. On back are floral sprays of flowers of the four
seasons and a floriated medallion about an open peony at
Diameter 10 in. Avery Collection. Purchase, 1879.
150 VASE. Porcelain; dense white body, inverted pear shape
(top missing), decorated with compartments incised in the
paste and filled in with floral designs and seascapes; with the
latter in many cases are figures. At neck and foot sprays
of blossoming peony. Flower-filled circular medallions at
shoulder, the whole decoration being in rich underglaze cobalt
blue. Leaf of artemisia within double circle at foot.
Height 9^ in. Avery Collection. Purchase, 1879.

151 SNUFF BOTTLE. Porcelain; dense white paste, pear shape

swelling at neck, decorated with designs of conventionalized
fungus in white against a ground of deep blue. Ascending
and depending palmettes at neck. Network-diaper at bulbous
swelling on neck.
Height 3^ in. Avery Collection. Purchase, 1879.

152 TEAPOT. Porcelain; dense white paste, modern silver

mounts. Decorated with "The Hundred Antiques" and
floral arabesques, the whole in deep underglaze cobalt blue
of brilliant tone. Six character apocryphal mark of Cheng-hua
within double circle on foot.
Height in. Avery Collection. Purchase, 1879.

153 VASE. Porcelain; pure white, light texture, pear shape,

decorated with floral arabesques and conventionalized lotus
flowers depending from a band of cloud diaper. Above are
ascending palmettes and ring of cloud-diaper below lip; the
whole in rich overglaze cobalt blue of sapphire tone. Apoc
ryphal six-character mark of Hsiian-te within double circle
on foot.
Height 6 in. Avery Collection. Purchase, 1879.

154 BOTTLE. Porcelain; pure white paste of light texture, pear

shape, cylindrical neck, decorated with panel designs of the
"Hundred Antiques" or blossoming prunus springing from
rocks. Above are depending ju-i heads and ascending and
depending palmettes filled in with floral designs, the whole in
deep underglaze blue of the most brilliant sapphire tone.
Height 11% in. Avery Collection. Purchase, 1879.

155 VASE. Porcelain; dense white paste, double gourd shape,

decorated in deep sapphire blue under the glaze, with raised
oval medallions filled in with floral designs of peonies and
flower-filled circular medallions. Sprays of blossoming peony

ascend neck where are also bunches of blossoming asters.

Triangle diaper below lip.
Height 5^ in. Avery Collection. Purchase, 1879.

156 SMALL WINE POT. Porcelain; fine white paste of light

texture, overhead handle, decorated with flower-filled panel
designs surrounded by floral arabesques. Ring of cloud-
diaper about cover, the whole decoration being in a dull
underglaze cobalt blue. Leaf mark on foot.
Height 4X in. Avery Collection. Purchase, 1879.

157 SNUFF BOTTLE. Porcelain; dense white paste, pear shape,

bulbous neck, decorated with conventionalized sweet-flag
ascending and depending and filled with floral sprigs; at neck,
palmettes and diamond-diaper; the whole in deep underglaze
cobalt blue of sapphire tone.
Height 3^ in. Avery Collection. Purchase, 1879.

158 COVERED CUP. Porcelain; dense white paste of heavy

texture, chalice form, on high ringed foot. Piece is decorated
with conventionalized lotus or peony flowers and foliations in
deep underglaze sapphire blue. Ring of triangle-diaper at
middle of foot, budding magnolia sprays below. Ringed top
to cover.
Height 9X i n - Avery Collection. Purchase, 1879.

159 PLATE. Porcelain; semi-eggshell, decorated at centre with

marine subjects of crab, fish and seaweed and surrounded by a
fluted band of flower-filled compartments; the whole in deep
underglaze sapphire blue. Peony sprays at back; mark of
fungus within double circle.
Diameter 8% in. Avery Collection. Purchase, 1879.

160 PLATE. Porcelain; semi-eggshell, decorated with central

design of carp leaping from waves. About rim of plate is a
broad band of deep blue on which, reserved in white, two
dragons amidst clouds and flames chase the sacred pearl.
Taoist emblems on back and six-character mark of Cheng-hua
within double circle.
Diameter 10% in. Avery Collection. Purchase, 1879.

161 DISH. Porcelain; eggshell texture, decorated at centre and

outside rim with floriated arabesques and stands holding pots

filled with fruit; the whole in rich blue in two shades. Six-
character mark of Cheng-hua on foot.
Diameter 7 ^ in. Avery Collection. Purchase, 1879.

162 SMALL CUP AND SAUCER. Porcelain; eggshell, octagonal

form, decorated with floral arabesques and lotus flowers in
deep underglaze blue. Lotus flower in centre of cup; diaper
band surrounds.
Height, Cup \ % in.,diameter in.; Saucer,diameter 2^2in.
Avery Collection. Purchase, 1879.

163 CUP AND SAUCER. Porcelain; semi-eggshell, decorated

with floral arabesques and conventionalized lotus flowers in
white against a background of dull blue. On foot flower in
double circle.
Diameter of Cup 3% in., Saucer 5% i n -
Avery Collection. Purchase, 1879.

164 BOTTLE. Porcelain; heavy blue white, double gourd form

decorated with broken leafage and conventionalized lotus
designs and a band of triangle-diaper at centre; the -whole
in rich underglaze cobalt blue. Six-character mark of Cheng-
hua on foot.
Height 7 ^ in. Avery Collection. Purchase, 1879.

165 CUP AND SAUCER. Porcelain; eggshell texture, decorated

with fluted designs in the paste, and designs of cock fight and
blossoming peony in four compartments, enameled in dull
cobalt blue under the glaze.
Height of Cup 1 ^ in., diameter 3 in.; Saucer, diameter 5 in.
Avery Collection. Purchase, 1879.

166 VASE. Porcelain; dense white paste, oval body, cylindrical

neck, flange at mouth, decorated with conventionalized pal-
mettes filled in with white lotus flowers in a deep blue ground,
depending palmettes at foot, ascending at neck; in interior of
lip triangle diaper, the whole in rich sapphire blue and white.
Height 6$4 in. Avery Collection. Purchase, 1879.

167 SMALL CUP AND SAUCER. Porcelain; eggshell, decorated

with rich floral designs of blossoming peonies in brilliant
cobalt blue under the glaze; diaper bands at edge. Leaf and
shell in circles on foot.
Height of Cup 1 in., diameter i$4 in.; Saucer, diameter
2% in. Avery Collection. Purchase, 1879.
168 DISH. Porcelain; dense white paste, on high foot; piece is
decorated in six compartments with landscapes and floral
designs of peonies about a circular medallion at centre of the
" Hundred Antiques," broken by floral-diaper patterns.
Peony sprays and band of wave-diaper at foot; the whole in
deep underglaze cobalt blue and white.
Height 3 in., diameter 8 in.
Avery Collection. Purchase, 1879.

1 6 9 BEAKER. Porcelain; dense white paste of bluish tone,

moulded in the paste with petal-shaped compartments filled
in with floral designs and mountain and lake scenery in deep
underglaze blue of the most brilliant sapphire tone. Fret-
diaper bands at foot, centre and lip. Tessellated artemisia
leaf within double circle at foot.
Height 20y 2 in. Avery Collection. Purchase, 1879.

1 7 0 BOWL. Porcelain; dense white, blue tone, moulded in the

paste at centre and about sides of exterior with lotus flowers
surrounded by bands of star-diaper in underglaze blue. Band
of opaque brown at edge. Mark engraved over the glaze at
Diameter 8 in. Avery Collection. Purchase, 1879.

1 7 1 COVERED JAR. Porcelain; pure white paste, dense texture,

oval form, decorated with flower-filled Vandykes, floral
arabesques in white against a rich sapphire-toned cobalt blue
under the glaze. At foot is band of triangle-diaper, at neck
comb pattern. Floral rosette and conventionalized palmette
on cover in the same rich tone of blue.
Height 6^ in. Avery Collection. Purchase, 1879.

172 PLATE. Porcelain; dense white, decorated about a-central

circular medallion of bamboo and blossoming prunus with
lotus petal designs in white filled in with floral designs in
blue under the glaze; framing this are bands of floral designs
in white on blue, plain or within triangle-diaper. On back,
fungus within double circle. Opaque brown edge.
Diameter 14^ in. Avery Collection. Purchase, 1879.

1 7 3 SPRINKLER. Porcelain; dense white paste, double gourd

shape, silver top; decorated with connected oval medallions
and ascending and descending palmettes filled in with lotus
flowers or conventionalized fungus designs in white against
an underglaze pale cobalt blue. Double ring on foot.
Height 7 in. Avery Collection. Purchase, 1879.
174 VASE. Porcelain; dense white paste, beaker form, flaring
mouth, moulded in low relief in the paste with palmette
designs filled in with figure designs and lake and mountain
views in deep sapphire-toned cobalt under the glaze on white.
Band of triangle-diaper within lip. Artemisia leaf on foot.
Height 8^ in. Avery Collection. Purchase, 1879.

175 BOTTLE. Porcelain; fine white texture, pear shape, silver

floral mounts and chain, decorated with conventional floral
designs of chrysanthemum and peony within medallions of
leafage, sprays of peony and triangle-diaper at neck; the
whole in soft underglaze cobalt blue. Double ring about
base and below foot.
Height 9^ in. Avery Collection. Purchase, 1879.

176 VASE. Porcelain; fine bluish-white paste, gallipot form,

embellished with floriated spirals ending in designs of conven
tionalized lotus flowers, colored in a deep cobalt blue under
the glaze. At the foot is a band of fanciful palmettes in blue,
filled in with floriated spirals in white. At neck, band of ju-i
heads in white on blue and, above, floral designs in blue on
Height 6%" in. Avery Collection. Purchase, 1879.

177 MINIATURE BOTTLE. Porcelain; dense white, pear shape,

decorated with linked floral medallions, filled in with aster
and floriated spirals in white on deep underglaze blue. Opaque
brown lip, below which is double blue circle.
Height 3% in. Avery Collection. Purchase, 1879.

178 BOTTLE. Porcelain; dense white paste, globular form

with long neck (ringed), dragon handle and cover. Piece
is decorated with connected flower-filled medallions, floral
arabesques and, about neck and cover, with flower-filled
medallions against a scale pattern ground; the whole dec
oration being in a rich sapphire-toned cobalt blue under
the glaze on white. Base unglazed.
Height 11% in. Avery Collection. Purchase, 1879.

179 BOX. Porcelain; dense white paste, in form of two " haw-
thorne jar" covers mounted in silver and decorated against
a rich sapphire blue and white "blob" hawthorne background,
with medallions filled in with floral designs and the " Hun
dred Antiques" in the same rich blue on white.
Diameter 4^ in. Avery Collection. Purchase, 1879.

180 COVERED GINGER JAR. Porcelain; dense white, oval

form, decorated after the so-called " hawthorne pattern"
with ascending and descending blossoming prunus twigs
in blue and white against a brilliant sapphire blue " crackled
ice" ground. Comb pattern about neck.
Height io^<4 in. Avery Collection. Purchase, 1879.

181 COVERED JAR. Porcelain; dense white, globular form,

embellished with floral designs of lotus and peonies amid
rich foliage framed in bands of cloud and triangle-diaper.
Palmette designs on cover, the whole in a deep underglaze
cobalt blue.
Height 4 in. Avery Collection. Purchase, 1879.

182 VASE. Porcelain; fine white paste, inverted pear shape,

cover missing, decorated with figure of a lion on table, peony-
filled medallion and the " Hundred Antiques" in rich under
glaze cobalt blue of deep sapphire tone on white. Palmette
and triangle diaper at neck; double ring about foot and
below. Height 7^ in. Avery Collection. Purchase, 1879.

183 VASE. Porcelain; dense white paste, beaker form. At centre

are medallions in low relief, decorated with bird and blossom
prunus designs against a background of rich peony designs
and framed in bands of triangle-diaper. Above are pome-
granite-shaped medallions filled with the figure of an elephant,
a lion and a kylin, and framed in rich peony designs and floral
arabesque. A similar pattern, minus the medallions, embel
lishes the lower half of the piece. Within mouth is a band
of fret-diaper, and about foot are bands of cloud-diaper and
floral designs. The whole decoration is in deep underglaze
cobalt and white. Fungus within double circle below foot.
Height 18}^ in. Avery Collection. Purchase, 1879.

184 COVERED JAR. Porcelain; dense white paste of purest

quality, oval form, mounted in ormolu. Piece is decorated
in the richest manner with oval scalloped-edged medallions
filled in with fan-shaped designs and the "Hundred An
tiques," and divided by floral designs of blossoming peonies
and lotus; the whole in deep cobalt blue of sapphire tone
against a clear white ground. About foot, in same col
ors, are bands of floral arabesques and pendant palmette,
conventionalized. Below foot, artemisia leaf and scrolls.
Gilded lotiform stand
Height 13^4 in. Avery Collection. Purchase, 1879.
185 VASE. Porcelain; dense white paste, fine texture, beaker
form, wide mouth, bulbous centre, decorated with panels and
circular medallions connected by floral arabesques and filled
with land and seascapes, floral designs, birds and insects; the
whole in rich underglaze cobalt blue of sapphire tone. Break
ing these designs are bands of circular medallions filled in
with star-diaper, floriated-diaper and an upper band of
"blob" hawthorne and pollen, the latter in deep blue and
white on a pale blue ground.
Height 18^2 in. Avery Collection. Purchase, 1879.

186 PLATE. Porcelain; dense blue-white; decorated about a

flower-filled circular medallion at centre with a radiant
design of eight petal-shaped compartments filled in with
floral designs reserved against a dot-filled diamond-diaper
with ju-i heads at intervals above; the whole in pale under
glaze blue and white. Surrounding piece is a broad band of
floral arabesques, chrysanthemums and peacocks broken by
oval medallions filled in with fruit designs, in the same blue
and white. Taoist emblems at back.
Diameter 18 in. Avery Collection. Purchase, 1879.

187 PLATE. Porcelain; blue-white paste, decorated with a cen

tral circular medallion filled in with blossoming peony sprays
and surrounded by a sunken lotus flower design, the petals
filled in with peonies and asters, and itself framed in a band
of rich floral sprays. At back, in low relief, lotus design,
flower-filled as before; the whole decoration being in a dull
underglaze blue and white. Fungus within double circle on
back; scalloped edge.
Diameter 8}i in. Avery Collection. Purchase, 1879.

188 PLATE. Plate; fine white semi-eggshell texture, moulded

with lotus flower design in the paste about figured medallion
at centre. Petals of flower (indented) are filled in with floral
sprigs of Taoist emblems, and piece is surrounded by a rich
broken diamond-pattern diaper. The under side of the
piece is embellished with a band of alternate trigram and
floral-diaper, framing the lotus flower design, which is now
in low relief, filled with emblems and flowers as within.
The whole decoration is in a rich underglaze cobalt blue of
sapphire tone and the piece bears apocryphal six-character
mark of Cheng-hua within double circle on foot.
Diameter 8% in. Avery Collection. Purchase, 1879.

189 COVERED BOWL. Porcelain; dense white paste, on four

feet, decorated with Vandykes filled in with floral arabesques
relieved in white against a blue ground and separated by de
signs of sacred emblems and scrolls in blue on white. At
top in low relief is figure of a mouse amid lotus leaves sur
rounded by a band of ju-i head ornaments; the whole in deep
blue and white under the glaze.
Height 4 in., diameter 4 in.
Avery Collection. Purchase, 1879.

190 CUP AND SAUCER. Porcelain; semi-eggshell, decorated

with figure designs and surrounded by bands of fruit-filled
medallions and ju-i heads, reserved against a diamond-diaper
background; the whole in rich underglaze cobalt blue; in the
case of the saucer, of sapphire hue, and marked on the back
Shen-te t'ang po ku chih: "Antique made for the Shen-te
Pavilion." Scalloped edges.
Cup: height 2^ in., diameter 3^$ in.; Saucer, diameter
5% in. Avery Collection. Purchase, 1879.

191 COVERED CUP. Porcelain; semi-eggshell texture, octagonal

form on high foot, decorated in diaper-framed panels with
rich floral designs of blossoming peonies. On cover is rich
design of peony blossoms in petal-shaped compartments, the
whole decoration being in deep underglaze cobalt and white.
Height 6 in. Avery Collection. Purchase, 1879.

192 CUP AND SAUCER. Porcelain; semi-eggshell, decorated

with designs taken from the " Hundred Antiques" surrounded
by inner bands of wave-diaper and marked on foot with
undeciphered seal mark within double circle.
Cup: height 2 i n . , diameter 2]/% in.; Saucer, diameter
4yi in. Avery Collection. Purchase, 1879.

^193 PLATE. Porcelain; semi-eggshell texture, fluted in the

paste and decorated at centre with design of phoenix flying
amid peony sprays. Compartments filled in with designs of
monkey amid branches of fruit trees, and flowering carnations
surrounding. Peony sprays on back and leaf in double circle;
the whole in two shades of blue under the glaze on white.
Diameter 8^ in. Avery Collection. Purchase, 1879.

194 TEAPOT. Porcelain; dense blue-white paste, decorated

with petal-shaped designs moulded in the paste in low relief
and filled in with lange lijsen figures or peony flowers in pots
and separated by peony sprigs; the whole design being in deep
underglaze cobalt of sapphire tone. On cover, spout, and
handle are peony sprays. Handle mounted in ormolu. Mark,
artemisia leaf below foot.
Height 4% in. Avery Collection. Purchase, 1879.

195 COVERED BOWL. Porcelain; dense white paste, handles

at sides, decorated with designs of four-clawed dragons amid
flames chasing the sacred pearl; the designs being in two
shades of underglaze blue on white. Mark, artemisia leaf
below foot.
Height 5 in. Avery Collection. Purchase, 1879.

196 CUP AND SAUCER. Porcelain; eggshell texture, decorated

in deep underglaze blue with floral designs of blossoming
peonies on the boughs of which birds are perched. Mark
below cup, two fish joined (conjugal felicity); on foot of
saucer, a square seal cross-marked, both within double circle.
Cup: height 2^ in., diameter 3 1 /% in.; Saucer, diameter 5 in.
Avery Collection. Purchase, 1879.

197 LARGE JAR. Porcelain; dense white paste, oval form with
bell-shaped cover, crowned with figure of the Dog of Fou.
Both body and cover are moulded in the paste in low relief,
with lotus petal compartments filled in with figure designs,
flowers in pots or springing from rocky banks and including
magnolia, prunus, peony, hydrangea and chrysanthemum,
surrounded by bands of floral designs and diapers; the whole
in deep cobalt blue under the glaze on a blue-white ground.
The Dog of Fou is in deep blue, covered with gold lacquer.
Height 23^ in.; diameter at mouth 8X in.
Avery Collection. Purchase, 1879.

198 LARGE PLATE. Porcelain; dense blue-white paste, deco

rated in dull underglaze cobalt blue with lotus flowers and
leaves and conventionalized fungus and surrounded by an
outer border of flower-filled triangle-diaper. Violets on back,
and mark, the artemisia leaf within double circle.
Diameter 15^4 in. Avery Collection. Purchase, 1879.

199 PLATE. Porcelain; semi-eggshell texture, pure white deco

rated about a central design of blossoming magnolia and
peony with alternate peony and aster sprays; the whole in

deep underglaze cobalt blue. Similar band on back. Double

circle at centre.
Diameter 8^4 in. Avery Collection. Purchase, 1879.

200 PLATE. Porcelain; fine white eggshell texture, decorated

at centre in underglaze blue and white with design of two
dragons amid flames chasing sacred pearls. About this is
double blue circle and outer band of "blob" hawthorne
reserved against a deep blue background of concentric circles.
Exterior embellished with shou characters and swastika sur
rounded by a band of ju-i heads; six-character mark within
double circle, at centre; the whole in the same rich cobalt
blue and white-scalloped edge.
Diameter 8^ in. Avery Collection. Purchase, 1879.

201 BOWL. Porcelain; fine white body, lotus design impressed

at base, decorated at centre with figure of a Taoist deity
within double circle, and surrounded at edge by a rich band
of floral-diaper. Exterior embellished with flower-filled lotus
design in low relief above which are seen the twelve Taoist
divinities standing on clouds; the whole decoration being in
underglaze cobalt blue in two shades. Six-character mark
of Cheng-hua within double circle at foot. Scalloped edge.
Diameter 7^4 in. Avery Collection. Purchase, 1879.

202 VASE. Porcelain; dense white paste, baluster form, deco

rated in two shades of blue under the glaze, with figure of a
five-clawed dragon amid flames chasing the sacred pearl
above a tempestuous sea. Comb pattern at neck.
Height 9% in. Avery Collection. Purchase, 1879.

2 0 3 VASE. Porcelain; dense white paste, embellished with petal-

shaped compartments filled in with lange lijsen figures or
potted plants. Sprays of blooming peony surround neck.
On foot double circle and character Yub: "jade." Lacks
bell-shaped cover.
Height 8% in- Avery Collection. Purchase, 1879.

2 0 4 JAR. Porcelain; dense pure white paste, oval form, decorated

in rich underglaze cobalt blue with designs of lotus flowers
and leaves in the midst of floral arabesques of conventional
ized fungus. At neck are bands of flower-filled triangle dia
per and ascending palmettes.
Height 13^ in. Avery Collection. Purchase, 1879.
205 JAR. Porcelain; dense blue-white paste, cylindrical form,
decorated in rich underglaze blue about the exterior with
figure designs of warriors between two bands of floral designs
incised in the paste.
Height 7^ in. Avery Collection. Purchase, 1879.

206 VASE. Porcelain; heavy blue-white paste, inverted pear

shape, decorated with rich floral designs of peonies and con
ventionalized fungus and broken by oval medallions filled in
with the " Hundred Antiques," the whole in dull underglaze
cobalt blue and white. Comb pattern at foot and neck, about
which last runs a band of ju-i head ornament. Double circle
on foot.
Height 14X in. Avery Collection. Purchase, 1879.

207 LARGE PLATE. Porcelain; dense blue-white paste, fluted

in the paste and decorated throughout with foliated spirals
and conventionalized lotus flowers in pale underglaze cobalt
blue. Floral sprays of peonies at back; mark, a peach and
leaves within double circle.
Diameter 19)^ in. Avery Collection. Purchase, 1879.

208 PLATE. Porcelain; dense blue-white paste, decorated at

centre with circular medallion composed of lotus leaves con
ventionalized and surrounded by a fanciful border of heart-
shaped flower-filled medallions and floriated arabesques and
a thin band of floriated spirals at edge; the whole in under
glaze blue and white. Back covered with a pale cafe-au-lait
glaze; mark, within cobalt blue circle at foot, sonorous stone.
Diameter 8^2 in. Avery Collection. Purchase, 1879.

209 PLATE. Porcelain; semi-eggshell texture, decorated at cen

tre with design of cranes flying above lotus flowers which rise
from pond in which ducks are swimming. Surrounding is a
rich radiant border of flower-filled compartments, the whole
in brilliant underglaze sapphire blue. Sprays of peony at
back; mark, a grasshopper within double circle. Scalloped
Diameter 8j^ in. Avery Collection. Purchase, 1879.

210 BOWL. Porcelain; semi-eggshell, decorated at centre with

blossoming prunus and bamboo shoots about a rock and
surrounded by an upper band of flowered diamond-diaper.
On the outer side is a rich design of birds, on blossoming

prunus boughs, or flying above peonies and bamboo shoots

that spring from the foot of a large rock. An upper band of
"blob" hawthorn and conventionalized ju-i heads in white
on blue surrounds; the other decorative designs being in two
shades of underglaze blue and white. Six-character mark of
period within double circle at back.
Diameter 6% in. Avery Collection. Purchase, 1879.

211 BOWL. Porcelain; dense white paste of bluish tone, deco

rated with interior design, bird and waving reeds; on the out
side with design of birds flying or perched on rocks, peony
flowers, fir trees and sweet flag; the whole in underglaze cobalt
blue and white. Scalloped edge, modern silver mountings.
Diameter 4^ in. Avery Collection. Purchase, 1879.

212 COVERED CUP. Porcelain; dense white paste, deep form,

handles at sides; piece is decorated V-shaped and petal-shaped
compartments filled in with floral designs in white reserved
against a deep underglaze cobalt blue. Mark of shell within
double circle on foot.
Height 4 in. Avery Collection. Purchase, 1879.

213 SNUFF BOTTLE. Porcelain; dense white paste, oval form

with cover, and decorated with figures on horseback, peony
blossom (on cover) in two shades of underglaze cobalt blue.
Height 2^/2 in. Avery Collection. Purchase, 1879.

214 CUP AND SAUCER. Porcelain; fine white paste, decorated

on the inner sides with rich floral designs of asters, magnolias,
peonies, and butterflies surrounded by fret-diaper at edges, the
whole in rich underglaze cobalt and white. The outer sides
are covered with a dull gros bleu glaze incised with floral
designs and birds and showing white paste beneath. Double
circle at foot.
Cup: height in., diameter 2^ in.; Saucer diameter 4^ in.
Avery Collection. Purchase, 1879.

215 COVERED JAR. Porcelain; dense white paste, oval form,

embellished with bands of floral arabesques, ju-i head designs,
floral-diapers and spirals and on top a floral rosette; the whole
in deep sapphire blue and white or in white reserved on the
same rich underglaze blue. Mark at foot, double circle.
Height 7]/z in. Avery Collection. Purchase, 1879.
216 CUP AND SAUCER. Porcelain; dense blue-white paste,
scalloped edges, ribbed in the paste and decorated at centre
with marine designs of fish, crabs and seaweed, and surrounded
by bands of lotus petal compartments filled with peonies and
outer borders of floral designs; the whole in deep cobalt under
the glaze. On foot, fungus within double circle.
Cup: height 2 in., diameter 3% in.; Saucer diameter 5y 2 in.
Avery Collection. Purchase, 1879.

217 HANGING FLOWER VASE. Porcelain; dense white paste,

decorated with conventionalized lotus flowers and leaves in
deep underglaze cobalt blue. Band of ju-i heads and floral
diaper at shoulder and neck, the latter also appearing about
Height 5^2 in. Avery Collection. Purchase, 1879.

218 VASE. Porcelain; pure white paste, inverted pear shape,

decorated in pale and deep sapphire-toned underglaze cobalt
with figures of mounted warriors crossing frozen stream, pre
ceded by a flag-bearer with banner. Above, a bamboo springs,
while below foot is apocryphal four-character mark of Cheng-
Height 10 in. Avery Collection. Purchase, 1879.

2 1 9 COVERED BOWL. Porcelain; dense white paste, deep

form, decorated in deep underglaze blue with linked floral
arabesques and rimmed with ormolu. Band of opaque brown
on top and leaf of artemisia in blue in depression at centre
of cover.
Height 5^ in- Avery Collection. Purchase, 1879.

220 STAND. Porcelain; dense blue-white paste, square form on

four feet, decorated with a fan-shaped and circular flower-
filled medallion in deep underglaze blue on white against a
field of fir-bristle and swastika-diapers in the same colors.
Floral arabesques on feet, diaper at side.
Length 8^2 in., width 5^8 in.
Avery Collection. Purchase, 1879.

221 LARGE PLATE. Porcelain; dense white paste, decorated

with designs of cranes flying above lotus flowers and leaves.
The birds are in blue and white, the leaves reserved in white
against the dull blue ground and veined with lines of blue,

while the lotus flowers are painted in rich tones of peau-de-

peche on white. About exterior rim are five bats in blue,
emblematic of the five happinesses.
Diameter 16^ in. Avery Collection. Purchase, 1879.

222 COVERED LAMP. Porcelain; dense blue-white paste, dish

form with hollow boss at centre, dish-like cover above on
chains, decorated in lotus petal-shaped compartments with
conventionalized lotus leaves and flowers in deep underglaze
blue. On foot is apocryphal six-character mark of Hsiian-te.
Diameter 19^4 in. Avery Collection. Purchase, 1879.

2 2 3 BOWL. Porcelain; semi-eggshell, decorated at centre with

design of carp leaping from water lotus flowers and setting
sun surrounded by an upper border of lotus flowers, leaves
and marine subjects. The exterior is covered with figures of
fish in the midst of rich floral designs of aquatic plants. The
whole decoration is in pale underglaze blue and peau-de-
peche on white. Six-character mark of period within double
circle at centre.
Diameter 8^4 in. Avery Collection. Purchase, 1879.

2 2 4 COVERED BOWL. Porcelain; dense blue-white paste, deep

form, ormolu mounts, decorated with conventionalized chrys
anthemums and lotus flowers amid floriated spirals, the
whole in deep underglaze cobalt blue of sapphire tone.
Height 4% in. Avery Collection. Purchase, 1879.

2 2 5 PAIR PLATES. Porcelain; semi-eggshell, decorated in

underglaze cobalt with central design of four-clawed dragon
chasing the sacred pearl and surrounded by an outer border
of the "blob" hawthorn pattern in white and deep blue.
Bands of ju-i heads and floral sprays at back surround six-
character mark of Cheng-hua within double circle.
Diameter in. Avery Collection. Purchase, 1879.

2 2 6 PLATE. Porcelain; dense blue-white paste, decorated with

lotus flowers and foliated spirals incised in the paste and sur
rounded by bands of ju-i heads, sacred emblems, and an outer
border of floral designs of peonies and bamboo in deep blue
under the glaze, originally overlaid with gilding. Band of
opaque brown at edge.
Diameter 8^2 in. Avery Collection. Purchase, 1879.
227 PLATE. Porcelain; heavy white paste, lotus form, each
petal decorated with floral designs of lotus, peony, carnation,
wistaria, gourd, plum and aster about a central floral design
of peonies and chrysanthemums springing from the foot of a
rock and filled in with designs of butterflies and insects. On
back band of peonies and mark Yuh: "Jade" within double
circle, the whole decoration being in two tones of rich cobalt
blue under the glaze. Opaque brown edge.
Diameter in. Avery Collection. Purchase, 1879.

228 SAUCER. Porcelain; dense white, octagonal form, decorated

about a central floral design with sprays of blossoming peony
within radiant compartments springing from centre. Triangle-
diaper edge. Sprays of leaves on back and mark of fungus
within double circle, the whole decoration in inky underglaze
blue and white.
Diameter 4^$ in. Avery Collection. Purchase, 1879.

229 SAUCER. Porcelain; eggshell, decorated with a central cir

cular medallion of floriated spirals in white on blue and ju-i
heads and an outer hand of floriated arabesques in rich under
glaze blue on white. On back within double circle, apocry
phal six-character mark of Chia-ching. Scalloped edge.
Diameter 4X i n - Avery Collection. Purchase, 1879.

230 SAUCER. Porcelain; eggshell, decorated with figures of

woman and child below tree and surrounded by flowers and
sacred emblems, the whole in brilliant cobalt blue under the
glaze. Six-character mark of Cheng-hua on foot within
double circle.
Diameter 4^ in. Avery Collection. Purchase, 1879.

231 SAUCER. Porcelain; semi-eggshell, sexagonal form, deco

rated in deep underglaze blue with lake view surrounded by
similar views and floral designs in panels. Floral sprays on
back and mark of fungus within double circle.
Diameter 4^ in. Avery Collection. Purchase, 1879.

232 BOWL. Porcelain; fine white paste, decorated in the interior

with lange lijsen figures carrying flower-filled baskets and the
Buddhist emblems about a raised boss at centre, the whole
in two shades of underglaze blue and white. On outside, be
tween bands of ju-i heads in blue and T-pattern, moulded in

the paste, are rich floral designs of prunus, peony, chrysan

themum and lotus in the same two tones of blue under the
Diameter 7^ in. Avery Collection. Purchase, 1879.

233 DISH. Porcelain; semi-eggshell, decorated about a central

figured medallion with lotus petals sunken in the paste and
filled in with floral arabesques, the whole in rich underglaze
cobalt blue and white. About border runs a band of pale
blue "blob" hawthorn pattern. Floral designs of peonies on
back and six-character mark of Cheng-hua in double circle
at foot. Scalloped edge.
Diameter 6y& in. Avery Collection. Purchase, 1879.

234 BOWL. Porcelain; fine white paste, decorated at centre with

figure of a crab amid seaweed and surrounded by marine
designs of fish, shells and seaweed, the whole in glowing under
glaze cobalt blue. Edge triangle-diaper, exterior covered
throughout with a pale caft-au-lait glaze; on foot incense-
burner within double circle in blue.
Diameter 6^ in. Avery Collection. Purchase, 1879.

235 BOWL. Porcelain; dense blue-white paste, decorated at

centre with figure of a warrior beside a lake; on the exterior
between bands of diaper and ju-i heads with figured medal
lions in blue and white between T-pattern moulded in the
Diameter 5 in. Avery Collection. Purchase, 1879.

236 DISH. Porcelain; semi-eggshell texture, pure white paste,

having pomegranate and peach designs sunken in the paste
about a circular medallion, in which are two lange lijsen
figures, the whole decoration being in rich underglaze cobalt
blue and white. On back are the fruit designs now in low
relief in white, ornamented with floral designs and arabesques
in blue and six-character mark of Cheng-hua within double
circle at centre. Scalloped edge.
Diameter 6^ in. Avery Collection. Purchase, 1879.

237 JAR. Porcelain; heavy white paste, octagonal form, deco

rated alternately with floral or landscape designs and lines
of poetry in deep underglaze cobalt blue. Mark on foot, four
characters, "Made in the year Ping-hsu" (1706).
Height 5yi in. Avery Collection. Purchase, 1879.
238 DISH. Porcelain; semi-eggshell, decorated under the glaze
in inky cobalt with design of figure below tree admiring view
of lake and mountains before him. Mountain peaks on back
in same dull blue.
Diameter 6JE^ in. Avery Collection. Purchase, 1879.

239 PLATE. Porcelain; dense blue-white paste, decorated with

V-shaped compartments that radiate from centre filled in
with the figures of the eight Taoist divinities floating on the
waves. The figures are in blue and white against a back
ground of blue waves. Fluted edges.
Diameter 8 in. Avery Collection. Purchase, 1879.

240 PLATE. Porcelain; fine white texture, covered with a rich

floral design of peonies and leaves incised in the paste and cov
ered with a deep though brilliant blue. In reserve in white
at centre is a square in form of the sacred stone, on which is
the design of quail and grasses in the same warm underglaze
blue. Floral sprays at back in blue and white.
Diameter 7^ in. Avery Collection. Purchase, 1879.

241 PLATE. Porcelain; pure white paste of semi-eggshell tex

ture, embellished with lotus flowers, leaves and seeds; the
figure of a bird, insects and a verse of poetry; the whole in
underglaze blue and peau-de-peche. On back are bamboo
sprays and six-character mark of Cheng-hua (within double
circle) in blue.
Diameter \o}4 in. Avery Collection. Purchase, 1879.

242 SNUFF BOTTLE. Porcelain; dense white, globular form,

decorated in blue and white with figured panel designs, dia
pers and branches of the firtree.
Height 1in. Avery Collection. Purchase, 1879.

243 PUZZLE JUG. Porcelain; dense white paste, having a

pierced design at neck through which liquid was designed to
run, unless a small hole in the handle was pressed with the
first finger, in which case one could drink from the pierced
bulbs about upper edge. Piece decorated with compart
ments of lange lijsen figures and floral designs in underglaze
cobalt blue.
Height 8 in. Avery Collection. Purchase, 1879.

244 BOTTLE. Porcelain; dense white paste, pear shape, cov

ered with a rich blue throughout, having incised dragon and

flame decoration showing white paste below. On foot in

blue, Chen wan: "precious trinket."
Height 5 in. Avery Collection. Purchase, 1879.

245 VASE. Porcelain; dense white, amphora shape, decorated

in deep underglaze blue with figure of a nobleman with fan
receiving his flag-bearer.
Height 6% in. Avery Collection. Purchase, 1879.

246 SNUFF BOTTLE. Porcelain; double gourd shape, dense

white, covered throughout with an opaque dull blue. White
lip and foot.
Height 2}^ in. Avery Collection. Purchase, 1879.

247 VASE. Porcelain; fine white paste, bottle shape, covered

with a deep blue glaze on which are incised designs of four-
clawed dragon amid flames and clouds, in pursuit of the
sacred pearl. On foot is six-character mark of Chia-ching.
Height 5X in. Avery Collection. Purchase, 1879.

248 MINIATURE BOTTLE. Porcelain; dense white paste, pear

shape, covered with a monochromatic watery blue on which
in darker shades of blue are floral sprays of magnolia and
covered with a translucent glaze.
Height 2yi in. Avery Collection. Purchase, 1879.

249 PLATE. Porcelain; semi-eggshell, decorated with central

design of asters and foliated spirals surrounded by aster sprays
on petal-shaped compartments; the whole in pale underglaze
blue. Aster border on back; scalloped edge.
Diameter 6y& in. Avery Collection. Purchase, 1879.

250 VASE. Porcelain; dense white, amphora form, conventional

ized kylin head and ring handles at shoulder gilded sur biscuit
and decorated with lange lijsen figures on a veranda, beneath
budding prunus trees in deep underglaze cobalt blue. Six-
character mark of Cheng-hua on foot.
Height 7 in. Avery Collection. Purchase, 1879.

2 5 1 SNUFF BOTTLE. Porcelain; soft paste, pilgrim bottle

shape, decorated with raised medallions and covered through
out with a deep monochrome blue. Picked out on this within
medallions are designs of dragons in pursuit of the sacred
Height 2yi in. Avery Collection. Purchase, 1879.
252 CUP AND SAUCER. Porcelain; dense blue-white paste,
cup eight, saucer ten-sided, decorated with figure designs,
blossoming prunus, sweet-flag and stream in two shades of
underglaze blue. Archaic handles at sides of cup; opaque
brown edge to saucer, and below latter, seal mark within
Diameter cup 3^ in., Saucer 5^ in.
Avery Collection. Purchase, 1879.

2 5 3 PLATE. Porcelain; dense white paste, decorated in two

shades of underglaze blue with central medallion of the monad
"yang and yin" emblem, and surrounded by the eight sacred
trigrams. On back is a band of Sanskrit and, within double
circle, six-character mark of Cheng-hua.
Diameter 6% in. Avery Collection. Purchase, 1879.

2 5 4 CUP AND SAUCER. Porcelain; eggshell, decorated with

mountain and lake scenes, fir-bristle diapers at edge, the whole
in pale underglaze cobalt blue. On back in double circle
Weh yuh pao ting"A precious vessel of worked Jade."
Diameter cup 2% in., Saucer 3^ in.
Avery Collection. Purchase, 1879.

2 5 5 CUP AND SAUCER. Porcelain; eggshell, decorated in deep

underglaze blue and white with medallions and Vandykes of
floral designs and arabesques and surrounded by diapers.
Taoist emblems on back of saucer and undecipherable seal
mark in double circle.
Diameter cup 3 in., Saucer 6^ in.
Avery Collection. Purchase, 1879.

2 5 6 PLATE. Porcelain; blue-white paste, decorated with the

hawthorn pattern, broken by a band of white and blue.
Opaque brown edge, scrolls at back.
Diameter 8^ in. Avery Collection. Purchase, 1879.

257 DISH. Porcelain; blue-white paste, decorated with design

of a crane below a fir tree and surrounded by sprays of bam
boo, the whole in deep underglaze blue and white. Outer
border of "blob" hawthorn pattern in white on deep blue
surrounds dish. Foot unglazed.
Length gj/g in., width 6% in.
Avery Collection. Purchase, 1879.

2 5 8 SMALL DISH. Porcelain; dense white paste, in form of an

oyster; piece is decorated with interior view of lake and
mountains in blue and white, exterior being enameled in
opaque brown and deep blue.
Length 3^5 in. Avery Collection. Purchase, 1879.

259 CUP. Porcelain; dense white paste, decorated with spray of

blossoming peony at centre, on outside with open-work design
behind which on body and on the reticulated design itself
are floral designs of the flowers of the four seasons in blue
under the glaze. Bands of cloud-diapers in blue at lip and
foot, while below latter, within double circle, is the mark, a
leaf of the artemisia.
Height 2 i n . Avery Collection. Purchase, 1879.

2 6 0 CUP. Porcelain; dense white paste, octagonal form on high

foot. Piece is decorated with floral band within at lip, the
exterior being embellished with reticulated designs behind
which, on the body, are floral designs in pale underglaze blue,
the whole framed in bands of peony sprays in the same soft
tone. Cloud-diapers and peony sprays about foot.
Height 4^ in. Avery Collection. Purchase, 1879.

2 6 1 BOWL. Porcelain; fine white paste, interior decorated with

central floral medallion and outer border of floral medallions
against a ground of flowered-diaper in deep underglaze blue
and white. About the outside is a reticulated design of lat
tice-work and swastika medallions, behind which, on the body,
are floral sprays painted in underglaze blue and white. Bands
of floral sprays and arabesques in the same colors surround
edge and foot, and below latter is crossed seal mark in blue
within double circle.
Diameter 6^ in. Avery Collection. Purchase, 1879.

2 6 2 INCENSE BURNER. Porcelain; dense white paste, cylin

drical form, the sides being decorated with a scale-pattern
reticulation, broken by open oval medallions filled in with
figures on horseback with their attendants in gold, sur biscuit.
Medallions are framed in bands of floral designs and depend
ing sweet-flag in underglaze blue and white, while between
medallions in relief are circles filled in with felicitous expres
sions gilded sur biscuit. Four-character mark of Hsiian-te
on foot.
Height 2$4 in., diameter 4^ in.
Avery Collection. Purchase, 1879.
263 CUP AND SAUCER. Porcelain; dense white paste, cup
decorated in the interior with sacred pearl at centre and about
lip with flower-filled medallions against floral-diapers; the
whole in underglaze blue and white; between are peonies in
red and green over the glaze. Exterior is embellished with
a reticulated design of chrysanthemums and diamond-diapers
in circles in yellow, green and aubergine, while behind, on the
body, are underglaze floral designs in blue. Saucer has cen
tral floral design in blue sous couverte, red and green, and a
border of pierced chrysanthemums in yellow, aubergine and
green, broken by floral medallions in underglaze blue and
white. On foot is ju-i head within double circle.
Diameter cup 2% in., Saucer 4*^ in.
Avery Collection. Purchase, 1879.

264 SAUCER. Porcelain; fine white paste, octagonal form, cen

tral floral designs in white and blue, and a band of reticulated
designs at sides. On foot, within double circle seal mark of
crossed lines. Diaper borders.
Diameter 4^ in. Avery Collection. Purchase, 1879.

265 DISH. Porcelain; blue-white paste, reticulated band at side

surrounding a rich floral design of blossoming peonies and
lotus together with bamboo shoots and wistaria, the whole
in deep underglaze cobalt blue and white. Fir-bristle diaper
surrounds; opaque brown edge.
Diameter 9 ^ in. Avery Collection. Purchase, 1879.

266 INCENSE BURNER. Porcelain; dense white paste, in form

of kylin in underglaze blue and white. Cover pierced with
swastika design framed in wave-diaper.
Length 6 in. Avery Collection. Purchase, 1879.

267 BOWL. Porcelain; semi-eggshell, decorated at sides with

circular floral medallions in deep underglaze blue and white
against a ground of minute reticulated floral-diaper and framed
in bands of diaper and ju-i head ornament in the same rich
tone of blue and white. Interior white; foot unglazed.
Diameter 4^ in. Avery Collection. Purchase, 1879.

268 PAIR CUPS AND SAUCERS. Porcelain; fine white paste,

decorated in underglaze blue with central floral design and
upper bands of diaper. Exterior of cup has reticulated de
sign of chrysanthemum and lattice-work behind which on the

body are floral design in blue under the glaze. Bands of cloud
diapers and ju-i heads surround. Saucer pierced with lattice
work reticulations at edge. Mark, within double circle, on
saucer, leaf of the artemisia; on cup, square seal mark, per
haps " shou."
Diameter cup 3^ in., Saucer 5 in.
Avery Collection. Purchase, 1879.

269 BOWL. Porcelain; semi-eggshell texture, octagonal form,

decorated on the exterior with circular reticulated medallions
in white against a ground of white clouds on a deep underglaze
cobalt blue. Band of wave-diaper at edge, floriated spirals
at foot.
Diameter 5X i- Avery Collection. Purchase, 1879.

270 BOWL. Porcelain; dense blue-white paste, decorated within

at centre with diaper band in blue about a lotus flower
moulded in the paste; similar band of diaper at upper edge.
On outside is similar design of lotus flowers, moulded in the
paste and framed in blue diaper bands. Piece has been re
decorated in Holland with floral designs, birds, insects and
diaper bands in the richest overglaze enamels and gold (dis
appeared) opaque brown edge. Mark on foot, undecipher
able seal within double circle.
Diameter 6 in. Avery Collection. Purchase, 1879.

271 BOWL. Porcelain; dense blue-white paste, decorated with

in at centre with underglaze blue peony, covered by a view
of a Dutch village on a mountain in overglaze red, green and
blue enamels. The exterior is decorated with a band of lotus
flowers moulded in the paste under the glaze, while above,
another Dutch addition, is a scene of a bull charging a man
and woman. The whole design is in overglaze enamels and
gold imitative of those of China and is the work of Dutch
potters. On foot in black is date, August 29, 1647.
Diameter 6 in. Avery Collection. Purchase, 1879.

272 CUP AND SAUCER. Porcelain; semi-eggshell, fluted in the

paste and decorated with floral designs of blossoming peonies
in blue under the glaze to which has been added in Holland
designs of butterflies, insects, flowers and fruit in rich over
glaze enamels. Mark, on foot, fungus within double circle.
Diameter cup 2^5 in., Saucer 4% in.
Avery Collection. Purchase, 1879.
273 VASE. Porcelain; pure white Fen-ting paste, gallipot form,
decorated with incised design of four-clawed dragon amid
cloud and flame in pursuit of the sacred pearl.
Height 10 in. Avery Collection. Purchase, 1879.

274 BOWL. Porcelain; dense white paste of the Ching-te-chen

factory; shallow form decorated in the interior with designs
of children playing in the midst of rich floral designs and
pomegranates moulded in low relief in the paste and sur
rounded by a band of Greek fret. Mark on back, apocryphal
six characters of Cheng-hua incised.
Diameter 8 in. Avery Collection. Purchase, 1879.

275 SEAL. Porcelain; of most brilliant Ting-yao; design of

Dog of Fou seated on high pedestal, a design copied from seals
of the Han period. Name of owner on back in ancient script.
Height 3% in. Avery Collection. Purchase, 1879.

276 COVERED BOWL. Porcelain; heavy white paste, deco

rated with reticulated band at side on which are reserved
circular medallions, filled in with the figures (biscuit) of the
eight Taoist divinities. This band is framed in two smaller
bands of floriated spirals and arabesques superimposed in
biscuit over the glaze, which, together with the Taoist figures,
were originally gilded. On cover are similar medallions, but
filled in with trees and shrubs. Dog of Fou with brocaded
ball rests on circular stand at top.
Height 6^ i n - Avery Collection. Purchase, 1879.

277 BOWL. Porcelain; heavy white paste decorated on the ex

terior with reticulated designs of chrysanthemum medallions
and scale pattern between bands of floral sprays and leaves
superimposed in biscuit over the glaze. On foot is the six-
character mark of Cheng-hua in deep underglaze blue.
Diameter 4$/% in. Avery Collection. Purchase, 1879.

278 BOWL. Porcelain; fine white Ting-yao; the exterior cov

ered with a rich T-pattern impressed and fanciful palmettes
designs incised in the paste. Six-character mark of period
within double circle (blue and white) on foot.
Diameter 7^ in. Avery Collection. Purchase, 1879.

279 BELL. Porcelain; fine white Ting-yao, of archaic form

copied from an ancient bronze, being ornamented with panels

filled in with the eye surrounded by arabesques framed in

bands of Greek fret and the eight trigrams, the whole incised
or superimposed in the paste. Handle in form of dragons or
Height 6$4 in- Avery Collection. Purchase, 1879.

280 BOWL. Porcelain; fine white texture, square shape deco

rated with figured panel at centre, band of flowered diaper
at edge broken by floral medallions. Exterior, four-figured
panels divided by flowered-diaper and supporting ju-i heads,
the whole decoration being in a rich cobalt blue of sapphire
tones under the glaze. Six-character mark of Hsiian-te
within double circle.
Diameter 7X i n - Avery Collection. Purchase, 1879.

281 COVERED BOWL. Porcelain; fine white paste, decorated

with five-clawed dragon designs chasing sacred pearl. Dragon,
pearl and flames in white relieved against a brilliant sapphire
blue. At edges bands of wave-diaper, on foot four-character
mark of period.
Diameter 5^ in. Avery Collection. Purchase, 1879.

282 VASE. Porcelain; soft paste; beaker form, globular body,

decorated against a pale blue and white "blob" hawthorn
pattern with circular medallions of "longevity" emblems, de
sign and oval medallions filled in with writer's paraphernalia,
vases on stands, scrolls, etc., also in blue and white.
Height 15y 2 in. Avery Collection. Purchase, 1879.

283 CUP AND SAUCER. Porcelain; dense blue-white paste,

decorated in the interior with floral designs of peonies, birds
and insects in red over and under the glaze, gold and blue
under the glaze and surrounded by a border of floral diamond
diaper in blue. The exteriors are covered throughout with
a coat of dark cafe-au-lait.
Diameter cup 3 in., Saucer 4^ in.
Avery Collection. Purchase, 1879.

284 MINIATURE VASE. Porcelain; dense white paste, rectan

gular form. Panels at sides are reticulated throughout, being
framed in bands of flowered-diapers in underglaze blue and
white. Similar diaper pattern at neck. Mark, on foot in
blue, Fuh: "happiness."
Height 5^2 in. Avery Collection. Purchase, 1879.
285 LARGE PLATE. Porcelain; blue-white paste, having cen
tral design of bamboos, vines and asters in pale underglaze
blue, surrounded by bands of flowered-diaper, in one case
broken by floral medallions, and a border of rich lotus flower
designs in white, incised in the paste under the glaze. Opaque
brown edge. Blue floral sprays at back.
Diameter 14 in. Avery Collection. Purchase, 1879.

286 COVERED WATER PITCHER. Porcelain; dense white

paste, in sloping cylindrical form, wider at foot. Piece is
mounted with lead spout and silver chain at handle to safe
guard lid, and is decorated in deep underglaze blue of two
shades with designs of phoenixes in the midst of rich floral
designs of peonies and asters. Stands on three feet.
Height 13 in. Avery Collection. Purchase, 1879.

287 CUP AND SAUCER. Porcelain; eggshell, embellished with

central floral medallions about which radiate lotus leaf com
partments filled in alternately with figures of European men
and women and blossoming peonies. Fret-diaper at rims;
peony sprays and mark, leaf artemisia within double circle
at back.
Cup height 2 in., diameter 3>2 in.; Saucer diameter 5 in.
Avery Collection. Purchase, 1879.

288 SNUFF BOTTLE. Porcelain; fine white paste, flattened

globular form, pierced at sides and foot for cord and decorated
with seated lange lijsen figures in pale underglaze cobalt.
Cover and spoon a single piece of porcelain.
Height in. Avery Collection. Purchase, 1879.

289 CUP AND SAUCER. Porcelain; eggshell texture, decorated

within by designs of a peony blossom at centre, fish and floral
wreath at sides, and on exterior and saucer with what is sup
posed to be a European house, floral sprays and birds. On
foot within double circle is unrecognizable mark, possibly a
phoenix. The whole decoration is in two tones of blue under
the glaze. Possibly Ch'ien-lung.
Cup height 2J4, in., diameter 3% in.; Saucer 5 in.
Avery Collection. Purchase, 1879.

290 CUP AND SAUCER. Porcelain; eggshell texture, decorated

at centres with design of figure admiring an open peony
flower. About this is a floriated band ending above in a

European crown studded with jewels. Surrounding this again

are floral arabesques, medallions and peacocks; the whole in
two shades of underglaze blue.
Cup height \l/i in., diameter 2^ in.; Saucer diameter 4^ in.
Avery Collection. Purchase, 1879.

291 VASE. Porcelain; dense white paste, inverted pear shape,

flange at mouth, decorated with figure designs of male and
female deities amid the clouds and above sprays of bamboo;
the whole in two shades of blue under the glaze and white.
Mark, artemisia leaf within double circle at foot.
Height 8% in. Avery Collection. Purchase, 1879.

292 JAR. Porcelain; dense white paste, globular form, decorated

with lotus leaf compartments filled in with conventionalized
asters and surrounded by an upper band of triangle-diaper,
the whole in rich underglaze sapphire blue.
Height 3 in. Avery Collection. Purchase, 1879.

293 CUP AND SAUCER. Porcelain; semi-eggshell, decorated

with lotus petal compartments, filled in with floral designs,
and edged with bands of fret-diaper, the whole in rich under
glaze blue and white. Mark, a lozenge (rare) within double
Cup height i%" in., diameter 2^4 in.; Saucer 4^ in.
Avery Collection. Purchase, 1879.

294 SMALL VASE. Porcelain; fine white paste, gallipot form,

decorated in the deepest underglaze cobalt blue and white
with pendant conventionalized palmettes filled in with lotus
flowers and floriated spirals and connected by floral ara
besques. Below are designs of the sacred pearl and ascend
ing palmettes and triangle-diaper, which last is found about
shoulder dividing the body design from floral sprays at neck.
Height 4 in. Avery Collection. Purchase, 1879.

295 PLATE. Porcelain; dense blue-white paste, decorated with

central design of flower basket and surrounded by petal-
shaped compartments filled in with blossoming peonies. At
edge is rich band of diamond, floral and scale-pattern diaper;
the whole decoration is in a rich underglaze cobalt blue and
white. Scalloped edge.
Diameter 13}4 in. Avery Collection. Purchase, 1879.
296 PLATE. Porcelain; dense white texture, ribbed in the paste
and decorated about a central design of conventionalized
peonies and foliage, with a broad band of floral designs of
blossoming prunus and chrysanthemums springing from rocks;
the whole in deep underglaze cobalt blue and white. Peony
cluster at back and tripod with double circle in same colors.
Diameter 8 ^ in. Avery Collection. Purchase, 1879.

297 PAIR WINE CUPS. Dense white porcelain, standing on

high foot and decorated with dragon and wave designs in
underglaze cobalt. On foot apocryphal six-character mark
of Hsiian-te.
Height 4% in. Purchase, 1909.

298 BOWL. Porcelain; fine Pai-ting paste, decorated with circu

lar medallions, embellished with figures of the eight Taoist
divinities in high relief in biscuit. Dividing the medallions
is a field of rich lattice-work reticulation with bands of floral
arabesques and conventionalized ju-i heads in biscuit over the
Diameter 4^ in. Avery Collection. Purchase, 1879.

299 MINIATURE VASE. Porcelain; dense white paste, gallipot

form, decorated in blue sous couverte, red and gold with
floral designs of asters, reeds and insects, blue diaper at neck
and band at lip and foot.
Height 2^ in. Avery Collection. Purchase, 1879.

300 DISH. Porcelain; fine white paste, decorated at centre with

the figure of a five-clawed dragon sunken and incised in the
paste and covered with a rich apple-green glaze. On back is
six-character mark of Cheng-te.
Diameter 9 in. Avery Collection. Purchase, 1879.

301 PLATE. Porcelain; pure white paste, decorated with design

of Su-Pin-Sho seated on a mat and surrounded by clouds and
flying cranes and an outer border of ju-i heads, the whole in
blue sous couverte, red, green, aubergine, yellow and tur
Diameter 8 ^ i- Avery Collection. Purchase, 1879.

302 CUP AND SAUCER. Porcelain; dense blue white paste,

decorated at centre with designs of lotus flower and leaves in

rose, green and white; on the outside with land- and seascape
designs in laque burgautee. At centre within double circle is
six-character mark of Cheng-hua.
Diameter 4^ in. Avery Collection. Purchase, 1879.

303 THREE SNUFF BOTTLES. Porcelain; flattened oval

forms, decorated with central panels of figures and seascapes,
and floral designs in laque burgautee.
Height 1% in., i}i in, and 1 in.
Avery Collection. Purchase, 1879.

304 LANTERN. Porcelain; eggshell, of exceedingly fine texture.

Sexagonal form, reticulated base and top. Compartments
filled with figure designs, above and below which are bands
of prunus blossoms and the po-ku ornaments, on a back
ground of wave and rosette-diaper; the whole is in the richest
overglaze red, green, aubergine, black and yellow enamels and
gold. Gold fittings.
Height 1 3 i n . Avery Collection. Purchase, 1879.

305 KORO. Porcelain; dense white paste, square form on high

feet, shape modelled on an early bronze. Piece is moulded
in low relief with panels of conventionalized lions and floral
arabesques in white against a deep blue ground. The sides
of the koro and borders of panels are decorated with Greek
fret designs in blue. Dog of Fou in blue on cover.
Height 9 in. Avery Collection. Purchase, 1879.

306 EWER. Porcelain; dense white paste, decorated with sim

ple sprays of chrysanthemums, peonies, etc., above which
hover graceful swallow-tailed butterflies, the designs being
painted in the most brilliant colors of the famille verte. Band
of wave-diaper at shoulder in red; band of rope-pattern in
relief below lip (pinched) in white, and bands of spirals in red
about lip. Foot glazed white.
Height 9 in. Avery Collection. Purchase, 1879.

307 COVERED INCENSE BURNER. Porcelain; fine white

paste of dense texture, squat globular form, on three feet;
piece is decorated with floral sprays, grasses, butterflies and
insects in red, green, aubergine-purple and gold. On top of
cover is a cluster of peaches in relief, surrounded by designs
of bamboo and blossoming prunus, the whole colored in rich
tones of red, turquoise blue, green and aubergine-purple.
Silver band about edge of cover.
Height 3X i n - Avery Collection. Purchase, 1879.

308 WINE POT. Porcelain; dense white paste, ribbed; double

form, two spouts and horizontal handle above; the piece is
decorated with blossoming peony shrubs in blue sous cou-
verte, red, black and green. Band of red and green palmette
runs about neck, black and green festoons below spouts. On
top of cover a lotus-flower rosette in deep red, surrounded
by sprays of blossoming peony in colors, as above.
Height in. Avery Collection. Purchase, 1879.

309 CUP. Porcelain; fine white paste, moulded with designs of

fish and lobsters. Within circular medallion at centre are
lotus flowers in brilliant overglaze blue, red and green, while
a band of red splashes runs about edge. Exterior decoration
consists of fish, crabs and lobsters surrounded by seaweed and
painted in the richest red, green, blue and aubergine-purple.
Mark within double blue circle, Fuh: " happiness."
Diameter 3^8 in. Avery Collection. Purchase, 1879.

310 CUP. Porcelain; semi-eggshell, moulded in the paste in

chrysanthemum form and decorated with butterfly at centre,
peony sprays and band of wave-diaper in green and red at
sides. On exterior, floral design of blossoming peonies spring
ing from rocks, birds, butterflies and insects in brilliant
famille verte enamels against a background of pale cafe-au-lait.
Serrated edge. Mark of a square seal (indecipherable) within
double circle.
Diameter 3^2 in. Avery Collection. Purchase, 1879.

311 PLATE. Porcelain; decorated with diaper-framed circular

medallion, filled in with figure of a lion and ball (chu). Sur
rounding are alternate lion and floral designs and clouds, the
whole in rich green, red, yellow, blue and aubergine over-
glaze enamels of the famille verte. On back are floral sprays
in same colors; at centre in blue the kwan emblem within
double rings.
Diameter io^ in. Avery Collection. Purchase, 1879.

312 FIGURINE. Porcelain; in form of a deity on the back of

a lion. The piece is decorated sur biscuit in the richest colors
of the famille verte. Possibly Ch'ien-Iung.
Height 7 in. Avery Collection. Purchase, 1879.

313 DOG OF FOU. Porcelain; decorated in three-color enamels

sur biscuit. Tube for joss-stick on back; reticulated ball
(chu) below foot. On stand. Possibly Ch'ien-lung.
Height 5%" in. Avery Collection. Purchase, 1879.

314 FIGURE OF TS'AO KUO-CHTU. Porcelain; dense white

paste, figure on stand is clad in rich brocaded robes enameled
in the richest overglaze green, red, blue and aubergine-purple.
Height 13^ in. Avery Collection. Purchase, 1879.

315 BOWL. Porcelain; semi-eggshell, decorated in the richest

manner with interior medallion of bird on rock, blossoming
peonies, lake and mountains in distance and upper border of
floral medallions between swastika-diaper ornament. The ex
terior is lavishly decorated with designs of trees, blossoming
plants, phoenix and other birds; the whole decoration being
in the richest cobalt blue sous couverte, red, yellow, green,
black and aubergine-purple. Six-character mark of Hsiian-te
within double blue circle on foot.
Diameter 7^ in. Avery Collection. Purchase, 1879.

316 CUP. Porcelain; fine white paste, lotus form, decorated with
design of hare at centre in red and aubergine, a wave-diaper
in red and an opaque band about upper edge and rim; the
exterior being embellished with figure designs, flowers in vases,
etc., the whole design being enameled in the richest overglaze
enamels of the famille verte. Seal with double blue circle on
Diameter 2^ in. Avery Collection. Purchase, 1879.

317 CADDY. Porcelain; dense white paste, rectangular form,

decorated with floral designs and the scholar's paraphernalia
in red, green, blue, yellow and gold. Above are floral sprigs
in the same brilliant colors against a dotted green ground.
Silver mounts, foot unglazed.
Height 6^4 in. Avery Collection. Purchase, 1879.

318 BRUSH HOLDER. Porcelain; cylindrical form, decorated

with figure designs of man on horseback in pursuit of a lady
who has just put out to sea in a boat. The whole decoration
is in brilliant overglaze enamel colors of the famille verte.
Double circle in blue on foot.
Height 5yi in. Avery Collection. Purchase, 1879.
319 VASE. Porcelain; pure white, lance form, flaring mouth,
fluted in the paste and decorated with plum, peony and bird-
filled reserves in the richest overglaze enamels of the famille
verte divided by floral and butterfly designs in the same rich
colors against a dotted green background. Above are bands
of blue and green flowers on a dotted yellow; flowers in white
and gold reserved on red and an upper band of green and red
diaper frames, a design of po-ku emblems in the same rich
overglaze enamels. Within lip are sprays of peonies in red
and green and a border of red.
Height 11 % in. Avery Collection. Purchase, 1879.

3 2 0 BOTTLE. Porcelain; double gourd shape, decorated with

red and gold phoenixes amid foliated arabesques in green,
and at neck, red.
Height 8 in. Avery Collection. Purchase, 1879.

3 2 1 VASE. Porcelain; inverted pear shape, having phoenix and

dragon designs in overglaze famille verte enamels and gold.
Red and green diaper band at neck; double ring in underglaze
blue below foot.
Height 5^4 in. Avery Collection. Purchase, 1879.

3 2 2 CUP AND SAUCER. Porcelain; dense white paste, lotus

form; saucer decorated with po-ku symbols, fan-shaped
designs filled in with flowers; cup with Vandykes of floral
arabesques and floral sprigs, the whole in rich overglaze
enamels of the. famille verte. Band of wave-diaper at edges;
rims enameled in opaque brown. Mark, hare within double
circle on foot.
Diametei cup 2^ in.; Saucer 4% in.
Avery Collection. Purchase, 1879.

3 2 3 VASE. Porcelain; dense white texture, beaker form, oval

body which is decorated with phoenix, peony and spiralated
foliage in red, green, yellow and blue, divided by a red diaper
band from the neck, which is in turn ornamented with the
same design but in blue, sous couverte, and overglaze red.
Height 14%^ in.; diameter at mouth 8 in.
Avery Collection. Purchase, 1879.

3 2 4 PLATEAU. Porcelain; heavy texture, magnificently enam

eled with central figure design, framed in two diaper bands,
the whole in the richest of five-color enamels and gilding. A

broad band of truly regal designs surrounds, being composed

of conventionalized lotus, butterfly, peony and fan designs,
filled in with peonies, chrysanthemums and spiralated foliage,
the whole in red, green, blue, both over and under the glaze,
yellow, aubergine and gold. Green and red peonies at back,
and mark of double blue circle.
Diameter in. Avery Collection. Purchase, 1879.

325 WINE POT. Porcelain; bamboo shape, decorated sur bis

cuit with floral and bird designs in five-color enamels of the
famille verte. Handles and spout in form of bamboo.
Height 4X i n - Avery Collection. Purchase, 1879.

326 VASE. Porcelain; moulded with flutings in the paste to

resemble bamboo twigs; rests on four-footed stand, the whole
decorated sur biscuit with floral patterns in five-colored
enamels of the famille verte.
Height 8^4 in. Avery Collection. Purchase, 1879.

327 FIGURE OF TS'AO KUO-CH'IU. Porcelain; dense white

paste, enveloped in a brocaded robe of pale lavender shot with
phoenix and cloud designs in a deeper shade. A yellow under-
robe shows at sleeves and neck. Black hat on head.
Height 16X i n - Avery Collection. Purchase, 1879.

328 VASE. Porcelain; fine white paste, inverted pear shape,

cylindrical bulbous neck, embellished with ascending prunus
trees, birds, rocks and waving reeds enameled in colors of the
usual "black hawthorn" type. White lip and foot; below
latter, square seal mark in blue within double circle.
Height 11 in. Avery Collection. Purchase, 1879.


dense white paste. The goddess, represented as floating on
the waves, is clad in rich brocaded garments, and holds a
peach. Hair caught up on top of her head fastened with a
green and red hairpin. Robes enameled in rich apple and
pea-green, red, yellow, blue and aubergine. Waves in form
of spirals are enameled in green, blue and yellow.
Height 14^2 in. Avery Collection. Purchase, 1879.

330 FIGURINE. Porcelain; in form of a Dog of Fou, on the back

of which is perched the figure of a European blowing a conch
shell. The figures are enamel sur biscuit in aubergine purple,
green, yellow, white and red. Possibly Ch'ien-lung.
Height 6^4 in. Avery Collection. Purchase, 1879.

331 PLATE. Porcelain; dense white paste, decorated in blue

sous couverte with central design of Buddhist symbols in the
midst of floral sprays and arabesques, and surrounded by a
band of floral and bird design, dragons and figures of cowherds
and farmers painted in the most brilliant overglaze enamels.
Opaque brown edge. Seal within double circle on back.
Diameter 8^ in. Avery Collection. Purchase, 1879.


Porcelain biscuit; clad in a rich checkered robe, enameled in
the five colors. On base is a floral medallion surrounded
by flowered diaper ornament, enameled in the same colors.
Height 6^ in. Avery Collection. Purchase, 1879.

333 DOG OF FOU. Porcelain biscuit; on high stand, joss-stick

holder on back, pierced ball (chu) below foot, decorated in
brilliant green, yellow, aubergine and black, with a hint of
red inside the mouth. Possibly Ch'ien-lung.
Height 8% in. Avery Collection. Purchase, 1879.

334 WINE POT. Porcelain biscuit; in form of a peach; handle

and spout in form of twigs, leaves in relief affixed to body,
the whole enameled in lustrous green, yellow and aubergine
Height 4^2 in. Avery Collection. Purchase, 1879.

335 CUP AND SAUCER. Porcelain; semi-eggshell texture, rich

ly enameled with floral designs of blossoming lotus and reeds
in the midst of which are birds and butterflies. Interior de
signs are in red, green, aubergine and black, while similar
designs on the exterior of the cup and floral sprays on the
saucer, are reserved against a pale cafe-au-lait background.
Mark, hare on cup, square seal on saucer, both within double
blue ring.
Diameter cup 2^ in., Saucer 4% in.
Avery Collection. Purchase, 1879.

336 PAIR SACRIFICIAL CUPS. Porcelain; dense white paste,

archaic form, decorated in rich overglaze enamels of the

famille verte with lizard designs in relief, shou medallions,

dragons, floral arabesques and diaper ornament.
Length 4}4 in. Avery Collection. Purchase, 1879.

337 COVERED BOWL. Porcelain; dense white paste, bronze

handles at sides and boss at top, decorated in black, green,
red, yellow and aubergine-purple with floral medallions, sprigs
arabesques, probably for the Siamese market. Possibly of
the Ch'ien-lung or Chia-ch'ing Period, 1736-1821.
Height 7X i n -> diameter 5Y in.
Avery Collection. Purchase, 1879.

338 VASE. Porcelain; finest white paste; bottle-shaped, covered

throughout with a deep opaque brown glaze.
Height 8% in. Avery Collection. Purchase, 1879.

339 CUP AND SAUCER. Porcelain; dense white paste, deco

rated with floral sprays of peonies and upper bands of diaper
in two shades of blue, sous couverte. About this are peony
sprays and butterflies enameled in red, green and yellow over
the glaze; the exterior of the cup having a similar design, the
saucer merely the floral sprays over a rich caje-au-lait ground.
Seal within double blue circle.
Diameter cup 3in., Saucer 5 in.
Avery Collection. Purchase, 1879.

340 SMALL CUP AND SAUCER. Porcelain; eggshell, copied

from a late Ming design and showing fighting cocks between
floral sprays enameled in red, green and yellow. Crossed seal
mark on back.
Height cup 1 in., diameter 1 in.; Saucer 2^ in.
Avery Collection. Purchase, 1879.

341 VASE. Porcelain; fine white paste, bottle shape, having

incised decoration of five-clawed dragon and flames, glaze
light brown, against a background of opaque brown; white lip.
- Six-character mark of K'ang-hsi in blue within double circle.
Height \o~Y in. Avery Collection. Purchase, 1879.

342 VASE. Porcelain; finest white paste, bottle shape, orna

mented with designs of prunus blossoms, moulded in the paste
and covered with a lustrous, opaque, greenish-brown glaze
throughout. Deep brown band at lip.
Height in* Avery Collection. Purchase, 1879.
343 VASE. Porcelain; very heavy white paste incised with figure
of a deer beneath fir trees and above ascending palmette de
signs, the whole covered with a dark, crackled peacock blue
glaze. Foot unglazed.
Height 9 in. Avery Collection. Purchase, 1879.

344 VASE. Porcelain; rectangular form, used for magic straws;

covered throughout with a crackled turquoise glaze; a gilt
bronze stopper.
Height 5^ in. Avery Collection. Purchase, 1879.

345 VASE. Porcelain; dense white texture, flattened rectangular

form and covered with a Lang-yao glaze of rather cloudy
sang-de-boeuf. Foot unglazed; mouth mounted in ormolu.
Height 7^2 in. Avery Collection. Purchase, 1879.

346 VASE. Porcelain; pure white paste, baluster form, covered

with a soft crushed-strawberry glaze of superior quality. Lip
white, foot unglazed.
Height 8}^ in- Avery Collection. Purchase, 1879.

347 VASE. Porcelain; heavy dense white-rectangular baluster

form, covered throughout with a rich glaze of deep strawberry-
red tone. Lip and foot white.
Height io}4 in. Avery Collection. Purchase, 1879.

348 VASE. Porcelain; dense white paste of fine quality, bottle-

shaped, long neck. Piece is covered with a rich glaze of
crushed strawberry; lip and base white.
Height 12^4 in. Avery Collection. Purchase, 1879.

349 MINIATURE VASE. Porcelain; dense white paste, squat

oval form, long neck. Piece is covered with a mouse-colored
glaze in which floats clouds of pale peachbloom tone; pale
brown lip and foot.
Height 3 in. Avery Collection. Purchase, 1879.

350 PLATE. Porcelain; dense white paste of best quality, incised

with lotus design in the paste, and covered with a soft sea-
green celadon glaze of beautiful tone. Mark of period within
double blue circle.
Diameter 7^ in. Avery Collection. Purchase, 1879.

3 5 1 VASE. Porcelain; light in texture, baluster form, grooved

in the paste and covered with a pale sea-green crackled cela
don glaze of semitranslucent tone. White mouth and below
Height 6J4 in. Avery Collection. Purchase, 1879.

3 5 2 VASE. Porcelain; fine white quality, bottle shape, bulbous

mouth, moulded in the paste with rich lotus flower designs,
sweet flag and ju-i heads, and covered with a sea-green celadon
glaze of the best tone. Lip, interior and foot white.
Height 10^4 in. Avery Collection. Purchase, 1879.

3 5 3 VASE. Porcelain; finest white, dense quality, amphora shape,

etched with kylins, floral arabesques, flames, clouds, and a
band of ju-i heads in the paste, covered with a soft-toned glaze
of pale sea-green celadon. Elephant head handles at neck in
biscuit. Interior of lip white, foot white, and marked within
double circle with apocryphal six characters of Cheng-hua.
Height 10in. Avery Collection. Purchase, 1879.

3 5 4 VASE. Porcelain; heavy white paste, globular form, wide

neck, flange at mouth. Piece is moulded in slight relief under
the glaze with lotus flowers and leaves, and a band of ascend
ing sweet-flag at back, the whole covered with a deep sea-
green celadon glaze. Ferruginous brown band at foot, inte
rior of foot celadon green.
Height 6 in. Avery Collection. Purchase, 1879.

3 5 5 WRITER'S BOWL. Porcelain; globular form, covered

throughout with a purplish iron-rust glaze enriched with
overglaze gilded decorations of trees, and an upper band of
Greek fret also gilded.
Diameter 3^ in. Avery Collection. Purchase, 1879.

3 5 6 VASE. Stoneware; heavy dark gray paste, baluster form,

wide ring base, covered throughout with a lustrous ruddy
purple iron-rust glaze. Possibly attributable to the Ming
Period, 1368-1643.
Height I2_K in- Avery Collection. Purchase, 1879.

3 5 7 VASE. Porcelain; dense white paste, square form, orna

mented with bands of floral arabesque in blue under the glaze.
May be a K'ang-hsi piece with a Ch'ien-lung addition of a
coating of crackled camelia-green. Lip and foot black; with
in bottom of latter, and interior of vase itself, camelia-green
Height 3^ in. Avery Collection. Purchase, 1879.

358 VASE. Porcelain; dense white paste, baluster form, covered

with a rich iron-rust glaze of red and deep russet tones. Lip
white, foot unglazed, inner circle iron rust.
Height 6^ in. Avery Collection. Purchase, 1879.

359 VASE. Porcelain; dense white paste, bottle shape, covered

with a crackled apple-green glaze of mediocre quality. Lip
and foot white.
Height in. Avery Collection. Purchase, 1879.

360 VERMILION BOX. Porcelain; in form of a crab, covered

with a mirror-black glaze sur biscuit. Eyes and nippers de
Length 7^ in. Avery Collection. Purchase, 1879.

361 VASE. Porcelain; fine white paste, bottle shape, covered

throughout with a deep mirror-black glaze. Brown band
about upper part of neck. Lip, and below foot, unglazed
Height 9 in. Avery Collection. Purchase, 1879.

362 VASE. Porcelain; dense white paste, baluster form, elephant

head handles at side. Incised in the paste with designs of
peonies springing from rocks, and covered with a rich purple
glaze. Foot white, interior purple.
Height 10 in. Avery Collection. Purchase, 1879.

363 BOWL. Porcelain biscuit, fine white paste, flaring rim, cov
ered with a rich purple glaze. Foot white.
Diameter 7X in- Avery Collection. Purchase, 1879.

364 VASE. Porcelain biscuit, light texture, ribbed oval form,

lion handles, covered throughout with a monochrome glaze
of deep purple. Silver mounts.
Height 5in. Avery Collection. Purchase, 1879.

365 DISH. Porcelain biscuit, light texture, in form of an open

peony blossom; glazed rich translucent purple. Ch'ien-lung.
Length 5^ in. Avery Collection. Purchase, 1879.

366 FIGURINE. Porcelain biscuit, fine white paste. Repre

sents the god Han Chung-li with bottle beside him, and is
covered with a translucent purple glaze. Ch'ien-lung.
Height 2 x /i in. Avery Collection. Purchase, 1879.

367 FIGURINE. Porcelain biscuit, fine white paste, duck form,

covered with a purple glaze, under part unglazed. Ch'ien-lung.
Length 1*^ in. Avery Collection. Purchase, 1879.

368 BOWL. Porcelain; pure white with incised designs of

peonies and sweet-flag, and covered with a rich manganese
purple glaze. Six-character mark of period within double
Diameter 5 in. Avery Collection. Purchase, 1879.

369 SAUCER. Porcelain; fine white paste, incised designs of

horses and flames and covered with a deep manganese purple
glaze throughout.
Diameter 4^ in. Avery Collection. Purchase, 1879.

370 VASE. Porcelain; pure white paste, oval form, flange at

mouth, covered throughout with a dark manganese purple
Height 5X i n - Avery Collection. Purchase, 1879.

371 WINE POT. Porcelain biscuit, in form of a peach, handle

and spout (twigs) adhering to leaves superimposed upon body.
Body covered with a deep manganese purple glaze; spout,
handle and leaves turquoise blue or purplish white.
Height in. Avery Collection. Purchase, 1879,

372 PLATE. Porcelain; dense white paste, incised with designs

of five-clawed dragon amid clouds and flames and covered
with a dark manganese purple glaze. Six-character mark of
period in double blue circle on white ground below. Pale
brown foot.
Diameter 9^ in. Avery Collection. Purchase, 1879.

373 BOWL. Porcelain; dense white glaze, decorated with rich

peony designs, lions and flames in three-color aubergine pur
ple, green and white against a field of translucent yellow.
Mark, six characters in blue within double circle.
Diameter 8 in. Avery Collection. Purchase, 1879.

374 SMALL PLATE. Porcelain; dense white, decorated within

double circle with a central design of a conventionalized lotus
blossom from which depend large leaves in rich underglaze
cobalt blue; double circle in blue about edge. Exterior has
band of peony flowers and leaves also in blue. The whole
plate with the exception of the floral designs is covered with
a glaze of thin semitranslucent yellow. Six-character mark
of Ch'eng-hua within double circle on back.
Diameter 6^ in. Avery Collection. Purchase, 1879.

375 VASE. Porcelain; dense white paste, archaic form, embryo

handles of lions' heads and rings. Piece is covered with a
rich tortoise-shell glaze of mingled green, yellow, aubergine-
purple and white. Interior aubergine; foot unglazed; within
foot tortoise-shell.
Height 8}^ in. Avery Collection. Purchase, 1879.

376 BOWL. Porcelain; finest white, light texture, covered

throughout with a rich tortoise-shell glaze of mingled yellow,
green, white and aubergine-purple. Foot glazed white;
incised mark.
Diameter in. Avery Collection. Purchase, 1879.

377 VASE. Porcelain; heavy blue-white paste, double gourd

shape, decorated under the glaze with floral arabesques in
deep cobalt blue, and filled in with deep red peony designs
against a field of overglaze semitranslucent yellow. Apocry
phal six-character mark of Chia-ching (1522-67) within
double circle at foot.
Height 8 in. Avery Collection. Purchase, 1879.

378 PLATE. Porcelain; dense bluish white, covered throughout

with an imperial yellow glaze of semitranslucent tone. In
double circle on foot six-character mark of Chia-ching. Fer
ruginous base.
Diameter 8^ in. Avery Collection. Purchase, 1879.

379 BOWL. Porcelain; dense white paste, covered throughout

with a lustrous semitranslucent glaze of pale yellow. Six-
character mark of Ch'eng-hua within double circle at foot.
Diameter 8 in. Avery Collection. Purchase, 1879.

380 BOWL. Porcelain: dense blue white paste, interior white,

exterior covered with a brilliant yellow glaze of canary tone.
Seal with fungus and double circle on foot.
Diameter 7^in. Avery Collection. Purchase, 1879.

381 VASE. Porcelain; dense white paste, oval form, wide mouth.
Piece is covered with a large crackled starch-blue Kuan yao
glaze, enriched by lions in overglaze; five color enamels of the
famille verte. Lip and foot ferruginous brown, interior and
base crackled white.
Height 7 in. Avery Collection. Purchase, 1879.

382 PLATE. Porcelain; semi-eggshell, pale powder-blue ground,

central star-shaped medallion in white, filled in with blossom
ing dwarfed prunus and fir trees in pots, painted in deep
cobalt blue and peach. Blue bamboo sprays on back, and
mark of Ch'eng-hua in six characters.
Diameter 8)4 in. Avery Collection. Purchase, 1879.

383 TEAPOT. Porcelain; pure white, decorated with powder-

blue glaze and reserves of flower-filled vases, koro, writer's
paraphernalia, etc., in deep cobalt blue on white. Double
circle on foot.
Height 4 in. Avery Collection. Purchase, 1879.

384 CUP AND SAUCER. Porcelain; semi-eggshell, decorated

with prunus flowers in blue and white reserves against a rich
powder-blue ground. Mark, seal; in double blue circle.
Diameter cup 2% in., Saucer 4^2 in.
Avery Collection. Purchase, 1879.

385 VASE. Porcelain; cylindrical shape, flange at mouth, pow

der-blue ground, ornamented with white reserves filled in with
figure, bird, or floral designs in deep underglaze blue.
Height 10 in. Avery Collection. Purchase, 1879.

386 VASE. Porcelain; dense white paste, oval form, covered

throughout with a powder-blue glaze of deep tone. Lip and
foot white.
Height 4^ in. Avery Collection. Purchase, 1879.

387 COVERED CUP. Porcelain; deep form, interior band of

prunus blossoms and dotted diaper in three-color enamels.
Exterior covered with a powder-blue glaze; about rim a band
of diaper in gold, and over body floral designs, also in over-
glaze gold. Handles at sides dark blue. Cover, designs of
sweet-flag reticulated in the paste and covered with a translu
cent glaze. Star-diaper band in blue and white at edge.
Height 6 in. Avery Collection. Purchase, 1879.
388 DISH. Porcelain; pale powder-blue ground, central star-
shaped reserve of richly enameled overglaze floral designs in
famille verte on white, surrounded by fan and broken oval-
shaped reserves enameled in same colors with landscape and
floral designs. Reserves are framed in gold. Mark, on foot
in blue, within double circle, conch shell.
Diameter 8% in. Avery Collection. Purchase, 1879.

389 MINIATURE VASE. Porcelain; cylindrical form, powder-

blue glaze having overglaze floriated spirals in gold dividing
white reserves, filled in with floral designs enameled in rich
overglaze colors of the famille verte.
Height 5^ in. Avery Collection. Purchase, 1879.

390 WINE POT. Porcelain; double gourd shape; powder-blue

ground, enriched with overglaze floral designs in gold. Piece
is further ornamented with reserves in white filled in with
plum sprays and birds in rich overglaze enamels of the famille
verte. Ormolu mounts and lion rampant above handle. On
base double circle in blue.
Height 724" in. Avery Collection. Purchase, 1879.

391 MINIATURE VASE. Porcelain; pear-shaped bottle form;

powder-blue glaze enriched with overglaze floral designs and
spirals in gold and broken by white star and fan-shaped re
serves filled in with floral designs in rich overglaze enamels of
the famille verte.
Height 4yi in. Avery Collection. Purchase, 1879.

392 BOWL. Porcelain; powder-blue ground, against which are

rich floral reserves in overglaze colors of the famille verte on
white. Mark, on foot in blue, vase on stand, in double blue
Diameter 7X i n - Avery Collection. Purchase, 1879.

393 MINIATURE COVERED VASE. Porcelain; covered with

a deep powder-blue glaze throughout, and decorated with
floral designs in gold over the glaze.
Height 4 in. Avery Collection. Purchase, 1879.

394 VASE. Porcelain; inverted pear shape, covered throughout

with a soft powder-blue glaze, enriched with overglaze bam-

boos, firs and sarmentose herbage in gold. Ormolu top and

Height 10 in. Avery Collection. Purchase, 1879.

395 VASE. Porcelain; purest white paste, cylindrical form, cov

ered with a glowing mazarin blue glaze, enriched with over-
glaze floral designs in gold.
Height 7^ in. Avery Collection. Purchase, 1879.

396 VASE. Porcelain; cylindrical form, ring flange at mouth;

covered throughout with a rich powder-blue glaze. The piece
is further beautified by circular and square panels filled in with
lines of poetry or floral designs, birds and butterflies in gold,
framed by a background of floral arabesques, also in gold.
Bands of floral designs and diapers encircle the shoulder and
neck in the same soft-toned overglaze gilding.
Height 17^ in. Avery Collection. Purchase, 1879.

397 SPRINKLER. Porcelain; globular form, long thin neck;

covered with a watery gros-bleu glaze, enriched with overglaze
floral designs in red and gold. Silver-gilt mountings.
Height 10 in. Avery Collection. Purchase, 1879.

398 MINIATURE VASE. Porcelain; inverted pear shape, cov

ered with a gros-bleu glaze enriched with sweet-flag and floral
diapers, the emblems of the two elements and lions whose
mouths hold rings, the whole laid on in gold over the glaze.
Opaque brown rim.
Height 3^5 in. Avery Collection. Purchase, 1879.

399 MINIATURE VASE. Porcelain; dense white, bottle shape,

covered with a pale glaze of gros-bleu. Lip and base white.
Height 2^ in. Avery Collection. Purchase, 1879.

400 VASE. Porcelain; dense white paste, pear shape, flange at

mouth, and covered with a deep gros-bleu glaze of fine quality.
Height 11 in. Avery Collection. Purchase, 1879.

401 SMALL BOWL. Porcelain; blue white, interior central

floriated medallion and outer diaper band in deep underglaze
blue and white. Exterior covered with a gros-bleu glaze,
enriched with floral designs in gold. Silver gilt mounts.
Botched mark of Wan-li.
Diameter 4^ in. Avery Collection. Purchase, 1879.
402 BOWL. Porcelain; dense blue-white paste, covered on ex
terior with a ground of brilliant gros-bleu, enriched with peony
designs and a diaper border in gold over the glaze. Stands
on three feet.
Diameter 5 in. Avery Collection. Purchase, 1879.

1 72336

403 VASE. Porcelain; pure white, dense body, ritual form of

vessels for magic straws, moulded with designs of the sacred
trigrams and covered with a finely crackled mustard-yellow
glaze, veined with mottlings of strawberry-red, blue and white.
Height 7 in. Avery Collection. Purchase, 1879.

404 BOWL. Porcelain; soft paste, crackled white interior, deco

rated on outside with figure designs, phoenix, etc., in pale
cobalt blue, and covered with a buff-colored crackled glaze.
Six-character mark, in square blue seal, of C'heng-hua.
Diameter 5X in. Avery Collection. Purchase, 1879.

405 SNUFF BOTTLE. Porcelain; soft paste, in form of two carp

leaping from the waves. Piece is covered throughout with
a deep cream-white glaze.
Height 3 x /i in. Avery Collection. Purchase, 1879.

406 SNUFF BOTTLE. Porcelain; hard paste, cream-white Fu-

chien paste, covered with relief designs of Dogs of Fou play
ing with the brocaded ball (chu).
Height 23^ in. Avery Collection. Purchase, 1879.

407 SNUFF BOTTLE. Porcelain; pure white paste, decorated

with design of phoenix moulded in the paste, prunus blossoms
in relief at neck, band of pierced circular design at foot.
Height 2 in. Avery Collection. Purchase, 1879.

408 SACRIFICIAL CUP. Porcelain; pure white paste, archaic

form on three high feet, decorated with head of kylin at handle
and bands of floral sprays, diapers and pendant palmettes in
white on pale underglaze blue.
Height 3 i n . Avery Collection. Purchase, 1879.
1 For further examples of the Yung-Cheng Period see p. 242.

409 PILGRIM'S BOTTLE. Porcelain; dense white paste, deco

rated within two large circular panels with figure of one of
the Taoist divinities seated and a view of a mountain-bordered
lake; the whole in pale underglaze blue and white and framed
in "blob" hawthorn pattern with pendant palmette at neck.
Rosette on cover in same pale blue and white. Glaze through
out is veined with a large buff-colored crackle.
Height 9 in. Avery Collection. Purchase, 1879.

4 1 0 PILGRIM'S BOTTLE. Porcelain; dense white paste, usual

form, handles at sides for cord, decorated with large circular
panels of figure designs, similar on both pieces, and at sides,
with sbou (longevity) characters, while above and below are
peaches and bats likewise emblems of longevity; the whole
decoration in two shades of underglaze blue and white.
Height 9^ in. Avery Collection. Purchase, 1879.

4 1 1 BOWL. Porcelain; semi-eggshell, decorated at centre with

conventionalized dragon in clouds surrounded by double blue
circle, similar circles at lip; on exterior by four dragons be
tween rich palmette band at foot and double circle at lip, the
white decoration being in a deep sapphire blue under the glaze.
Six-character mark of period in double circle below foot.
Diameter 7^ in. Avery Collection. Purchase, 1879.

4 1 2 VASE. Porcelain; fine white paste, light texture, oval form,

ornamented with butterflies amid a rich floral design in
white and pale blue against a background of a deeper shade
of blue. Ju-i head band at lip; palmette at foot.
Height 17^ in. Avery Collection. Purchase, 1879.

4 1 3 SNUFF BOTTLE. Porcelain; soft paste, flattened oval body,

decorated with blossoming peonies in pale sapphire blue, and
covered with a buff-colored crackle glaze of ivory tone. Silver
rim; coral top.
Height 2% in. Avery Collection. Purchase, 1879.

4 1 4 MINIATURE VASE. Porcelain; soft paste, squat oval form,

long cylindrical neck, decorated in deep cobalt under the glaze
with four dragons (four-clawed) amid clouds, chasing the
sacred pearl; at neck, bands of triangle diaper and ascending
palmette. On foot, in double ring, six-character marks of
Height 5% in. Avery Collection. Purchase, 1879.
415 SNUFF BOTTLE. Porcelain; soft paste, engraved with re
lief designs of dragon and phoenix amid clouds and covered
with a deep sapphire blue glaze.
Height 2M in. Avery Collection. Purchase, 1879.

416 THREE SNUFF BOTTLES. Porcelain; eggshell texture;

No. 1, decorated with mice in relief eating grapes and painted
in red, yellow, blue and green about the body. At foot is a
band of cash in relief, gilded. No. 2 has similar cash band at
foot, floral designs in green and red on either side; handles at
neck. No. 3, of flattened globular form, is enriched with floral
designs in green and red, and has handles at neck.
Heights 2 in., 2% in., 1 % in.
Avery Collection. Purchase, 1879.

417 VASE. Stoneware; cylindrical form, and covered with a

large crackled, starch-blue Kuan glaze.
Height 9M in. Avery Collection. Purchase, 1879.

418 VASE. Porcelain; light texture, oval body, flange at mouth.

Covered with a large crackled gray-white glaze over which
in red, white and green enamels are sprays and petals of
prunus blossom.
Height 9 in. Avery Collection. Purchase, 1879.

419 VASE. Stoneware; lance-shape, covered with a large crackled

Ko-yao glaze, enriched by kilin, floral sprays and detached
leaves in five-colored enamels of the famille verte. Fret and
ju-i head band at neck; fir-bristle filled diamond-diaper at
foot, both in green and aubergine-purple. Black ferruginous
Height 12X in. Avery Collection. Purchase, 1879.

420 FIGURE OF BUDDHA. Porcelanous stoneware; heavy

gray texture. Head of figure, breast and hands in ferruginous
brown, formerly gilded; robe and stand in large crackled gray
glaze of Ko-yao type. Ferruginous brown base.
Height 10 in. Avery Collection. Purchase, 1879.

421 BOWL. Stoneware; heavy gray texture, lotiform, on three

feet. Piece is covered throughout with a smooth, finely
crackled gray glaze after Ko-yao type. Feet have ferruginous
Height 5 in., length 7X in.
Avery Collection. Purchase, 1879.

422 VASE. Stoneware; gray texture, decorated with bands of

depending sweet-flag, a central ju-i framed band with lion-
head handles and rings and an upper band all in ferruginous
brown against a large crackled gray background. Lip and
foot brown; below foot seven iron-rust dots in a circle against
a crackled gray ground. Enameled bronze cover.
Height 5^ in. Avery Collection. Purchase, 1879.

423 VASE. Stoneware; heavy gray texture, graceful amphora

shape with archaic handles at sides. Piece is covered with a
brownish-gray, finely crackled Kuan glaze, both inside and
out; iron-rust band at lip.
Height 15X i n - Avery Collection. Purchase, 1879.

424 VASE. Stoneware; heavy gray texture, gourd shape; piece

is covered with a gray crackled glaze after the Kuan-yao
type throughout. Ferruginous brown lip and foot.
Height 9^ in. Avery Collection. Purchase, 1879.

425 VASE. Stoneware; heavy gray texture; archaic form, cov

ered throughout with a large crackled gray glaze of remarkable
quality. Ferruginous brown foot.
Height 7^2 in. Avery Collection. Purchase, 1879.

426 VASE. Porcelain; fine soft paste, oval form, moulded in the
paste with designs of clouds and bats in low relief and covered
with a buff-shot crackled glaze.
Height 7yi in. Avery Collection. Purchase, 1879.

427 VASE. Porcelain; heavy white texture, oval form, covered

with a crackled buff-colored glaze of uneven texture. Teak-
wood cover, lapis lazuli top.
Height 4^4 in. Avery Collection. Purchase, 1879.

428 VASE. Porcelain; heavy white paste, sexagonal form with

handles and covered with a large crack!ed gray-white glaze
of Kuan-yao type.
Height 8% in. Avery Collection. Purchase, 1879.

429 SMALL CUP. Porcelain; fine gray paste, deep form, cov
ered throughout with a crackled gray glaze, shot with black.
Height iX i n - Avery Collection. Purchase, 1879.
430 FIGURINE. Stoneware; in form of a boy playing with a
dog. Piece is covered throughout with a large crackled gray-
white glaze of Ko-yao type.
Height in. Avery Collection. Purchase, 1879.

431 VASE. Stoneware; heavy gray paste, inverted pear shape,

flange mouth, covered with a large crackled gray-white glaze
of Kuan-yao type.
Height 5,K in. Avery Collection. Purchase, 1879.

432 DEEP BOWL. Porcelain; purest white, heavy texture,

archaic form, covered inside and out with a crackled buff-
colored glaze. Lip white; cover, robin's-egg, set in a wooden
rim, quartz top.
Height 6 in. Avery Collection. Purchase, 1879.

433 VASE. Porcelain; heavy white texture, double gourd shape,

covered throughout with a brown-crackled gray-white glaze.
Ring of opaque brown at top.
Height 6% in. Avery Collection. Purchase, 1879.

434 VASE. Porcelain; heavy gray texture, oval form, covered

with a faun and gray crackled glaze.
Height 7 in. Avery Collection. Purchase, 1879.

435 JAR. Porcelain; heavy gray paste, globular form, moulded

with fluted designs in the paste and covered with a buff-col
ored crackled-gray glaze. Has teakwood cover, malachite
Height 6X in. Avery Collection. Purchase, 1879.

436 WATER HOLDER. Porcelain; heavy gray paste, on three

feet; piece is covered with a buff-colored crackled-gray glaze,
and rimmed with brown ferruginous glaze. Teakwood cover,
coral top.
Height 3X i n - Avery Collection. Purchase, 1879.

437 VASE. Stoneware; heavy gray paste, gourd shape, flange at

mouth. Piece is covered with an opaque sea-green celadon
glaze of Lung-ch lian type. Brown rim, white mouth, celadon
under foot. Ferruginous base.
Height 12^2 in. Avery Collection. Purchase, 1879.

438 VASE. Stoneware; cylindrical form, incised with lotus de

signs and covered with a thick crackled sea-green glaze after
the early Ko-yao type. Ferruginous foot, interior of crackled
Height 13X i n - Avery Collection. Purchase, 1879.

439 VASE. Stoneware; oval form, incised diaper designs and

concentric circles under the glaze, which is a sea-green celadon
after the early Ko-yao type. Ferruginous ring at foot, in
terior of which is also crackled celadon.
Height 6X in. Avery Collection. Purchase, 1879.

440 VASE. Stoneware; oval form, covered throughout with a

sea-green celadon glaze after the early Ko-yao type. Ferru
ginous foot.
Height in. Avery Collection. Purchase, 1879.

441 VASE. Stoneware; dense white paste, inverted pear shape,

flange at mouth; piece is covered with a crackled celadon
glaze of pale sea-green after the early Ko-yao type. Lip
white; crackled celadon glaze below foot.
Height 7X in. Avery Collection. Purchase, 1879.

442 BOWL. Porcelain; heavy white paste. Interior covered

with a deep sea-green crackled celadon glaze; tripod at centre
and band of diapers and ju-i heads in overglaze five-color
enamels of thefamille verte. Exterior similar celadon ground
over which in five colors and gold is a band of bowls, measures,
etc., on tables. Opaque brown rim. Ferruginous foot.
Diameter 8)4 in. Avery Collection. Purchase, 1879.

443 VASE. Stoneware; oval form, covered with a crackled gray-

green celadon glaze of Ko-yao type, enriched by overglaze
shou and other felicitous designs, bands of ju-i heads and palm-
ettes in five-color overglaze enamels of the famille verte.
Black ferruginous base.
Height 6 in. Avery Collection. Purchase, 1879.

444 BOWL. Stoneware; brownish paste, deep form, covered with

a crackled glaze of pale green Ko-yao.
Diameter in. Avery Collection. Purchase, 1879.

445 FLOWER VASE. Stoneware; dense white paste, cylindrical

form, wide mouth. Piece is covered throughout with a large
crackled glaze of pale grayish-green (fen ch'ing) after the early
Ko-yao type. Lip white, ferruginous red foot.
Height 6^ in. Avery Collection. Purchase, 1879.

446 VASE. Stoneware; form of magic straw holder, covered

throughout with a large crackled glaze of pale green celadon
of similar type.
Height 5^ in. Avery Collection. Purchase, 1879.

447 VASE. Stoneware; oval form, flange at mouth, covered with

a crackled brownish celadon glaze of Ko-yao type throughout.
Black ferruginous base.
Height 8^ in. Avery Collection. Purchase, 1879.

448 VASE. Porcelain; fine white quality, baluster form, covered

with a monochrome glaze of deep coral-red. Lip white, base
Height 5 in. Avery Collection. Purchase, 1879.

449 SNUFF BOTTLE. Porcelain; decorated with relief designs

of kilin and phoenix amid clouds and flames, and covered
with a bright coral-red glaze. Fret band at neck, gilded top
Height in. Avery Collection. Purchase, 1879.

450 VASE. Porcelain; of finest white paste, miniature beaker

form, covered with a glaze of rich coral-red. Mouth and base
Height 8% in. Avery Collection. Purchase, 1879.

451 VASE. Porcelain; gray-white paste, rectangular form, deco

rated with mountain and stream designs in deep sepia and
bamboo sprays in coral-red springing from sepia rocks. Six-
character mark of period in blue on foot.
Height 10 in. Avery Collection. Purchase, 1879.

452 SNUFF BOTTLE. Porcelain; hard white paste, having re

lief designs of Dogs of Fou playing with brocaded ball (chu)
enameled a rich coral-red.
Height 3 in. Avery Collection. Purchase, 1879.

453 SNUFF BOTTLE. Porcelain; hard white paste, flattened

pear shape decorated in coral and gold with design of five-

clawed dragon amid flames and clouds in pursuit of the

sacred pearl.
Height 3 in. Avery Collection. Purchase, 1879.

454 SNUFF BOTTLE. Porcelain; hard white paste, decorated

with reticulated diamond-diaper designs and the Buddhist
emblems framed in bands of ju-i head ornament and fanciful
palmette; the whole being covered with a rich coral-red
enamel. Ivory top and spoon.
Height 3 in. Avery Collection. Purchase, 1879.

455 SNUFF BOTTLE. Porcelain; pure white paste, double

gourd shape, covered with a souffle pink and white glaze, with
lip and interior of mouth pale celadon green.
Height 3X i n - Avery Collection. Purchase, 1879.

456 VASE. Porcelain; heavy white paste, bottle shape, decorated

about neck with relief designs of a dragon and lotus flowers,
and covered with a souffle pink and white glaze. Interior of
neck white; below base as body.
Height 9^4 in. Avery Collection. Purchase, 1879.

457 WATER HOLDER. Porcelain; dense white paste, covered

with a souffle pink and white glaze; brown edge.
Diameter 2% in. Avery Collection. Purchase, 1879.

458 VASE. Porcelain; light, pure white paste, oval form, flange
at mouth, and covered throughout with a souffle pink and white
Height \2% in. Avery Collection. Purchase, 1879.

459 VASE. Porcelain; oval form, flange at mouth, covered

throughout with a souffle robin's-egg and darker blue glaze
of soft tone.
Fleight in. Avery Collection. Purchase, 1879.

460 VASE. Porcelain; pure white paste, rectangular form (magic

straw holder) moulded in the paste with pa kua designs, and
covered with a rich souffle robin's-egg blue glaze.
Height 8% in. Avery Collection. Purchase, 1879.

461 WATER HOLDER. Porcelain; hollow gourd shape, cov

ered with a rich robin's-egg blue glaze.
Length 4 in. Avery Collection. Purchase, 1879.
462 PLATE. Porcelain; purest white semi-eggshell, decorated
in colors of the famille verte with the figure of a lady beside
a rock watching a hare. Six-character mark in blue of the
period within double circle on back.
Diameter 8 in. Avery Collection. Purchase, 1879.

463 BOWL. Porcelain; fine white paste, having central boss at

centre, covered with buds and flowers, and about sides de
signs of three carp; the whole in five-color enamels.
Diameter in. Avery Collection. Purchase, 1879.

464 BOWL. Porcelain; fine white paste, decorated on the outer

side with floral designs of peonies and arabesques between
bands of comb pattern and fanciful palmette; the whole in
rich overglaze enamels of the famille rose. Six-character mark
of period on foot in blue.
Diameter 4X in- Avery Collection. Purchase, 1879.

465 PAIR SNUFF BOTTLES. Porcelain; eggshell texture, flat

tened globular form, decorated with reticulated leaf designs
and "cash," and figure designs ajoure; the whole in rich
overglaze famille rose enamels and gold.
Height 2^8 in. Avery Collection. Purchase, 1879.

466 BOWL. Porcelain; semi-eggshell texture, decorated in soft

famille rose enamels and gold with central lotiform medallion
filled in with a design of mothers watching their children at
play and surrounded by a band of floral-diaper. Above is a
rich floral band broken at intervals by reserves of floral medal
lions, while about edge runs a band of floral arabesques in red
and gold. The exterior is embellished in the same soft colors
with bands of floral arabesques, dragon or floral medallions
reserved against bands of diamond or flowered-diaper and Y-
pattern. Six-character mark of period within double circle
at foot.
Diameter 7in. Avery Collection. Purchase, 1879.

467 VASE. Porcelain; dense white paste, form of four cylindri

cal bottles, covered with a thick, pale gray Kuan glaze of
claire-de-lune tone.
Height 4 in. Avery Collection. Purchase, 1879.

468 VASE. Porcelain; heavy white paste, double bottle form,

covered with a crackled pale starch-blue Kuan glaze; lip

and foot ferruginous brown. Mark of period in blue on

Height 7^ in. Avery Collection. Purchase, 1879.

469 VASE. Porcelain; dense white paste, double fish form, cov
ered with a pale starch-blue Kuan glaze. Ferruginous brown
foot. Height 9^ in. Avery Collection. Purchase, 1879.

470 PLATE. Porcelain; dense white paste, covered with a deep

starch-blue Kuan glaze broken by a network of crackles,
filled in with India ink. Ferruginous brown edge; crackled
white base.
Diameter 8 in. Avery Collection. Purchase, 1879.

471 WATER HOLDER. Porcelain; dense white, interior cov

ered with a crackled white glaze; exterior with a Kuan glaze
of deep starch blue. Back unglazed, foot and edge ferrugin
ous brown.
Diameter 4 in. Avery Collection. Purchase, 1879.

472 VASE. Porcelain; dense white paste, bottle shape, covered

with incised decorations of peony flowers, leaves and fungus
divided at centre by a band of triangle-diaper and ju-i heads,
and covered with a rich starch-blue Kuan glaze of fine
quality. Four-character mark of period in blue within
double circle.
Height 10 Y /z in. Avery Collection. Purchase, 1879.

473 VASE. Porcelain; heavy texture, oval form, ribbed in the

paste; cylindrical handles at neck. Piece is covered with a
crackled starch-blue Kuan glaze; handles at sides iron rust;
lip and base deep ferruginous brown.
Height 15X i n - Avery Collection. Purchase, 1879.

474 SMALL VASE. Porcelain; dense white paste, archaic form,

embryo handles at sides; piece is covered throughout with a
bright starch-blue Kuan glaze, shot with streaks of green.
Foot ferruginous brown.
Height 3^4 in. Avery Collection. Purchase, 1879.

475 VASE. Porcelain; dense white paste, baluster form, deco

rated with a large crackled starch-blue Kuan glaze throughout
and enriched by a low relief design of a bird on a blossoming
prunus tree in white.
Height 9 in. Avery Collection. Purchase, 1879.
476 VASE. Porcelain; heavy texture, baluster form, incised with
dragon designs and clouds in reserve in white against a
crackled ground of deep starch blue. Lip glaze white, base
Height 14^ in. Avery Collection. Purchase, 1879.

477 COVERED BOWL. Porcelain; finest eggshell, decorated

with interior designs of pheasant and flowers and surrounded
by an upper band of diamond-diaper; the exteriors being
lavishly embellished with floral and fruit designs broken by
similar designs in reserved medallions and framed in flowered
diamond-diaper ornament, the whole decoration being in the
brilliant colors of the famille rose and gold. Six-character
mark of period within double circle on foot.
Diameter 4^ in. Avery Collection. Purchase, 1879.

478 CUP AND SAUCER. Porcelain; eggshell, decorated in

enameled colors of the famille rose with baskets of flowers
and flower-filled reserves against Y-pattern or "blob" haw
thorn pattern in red and gold, and surrounded by bands of
flowered-diaper in pink or pale blue.
Diameter cup 2% in.; Saucer 4^5 in.
Avery Collection. Purchase, 1879.

479 BOWL. Porcelain; semi-eggshell texture, decorated with in

terior floral spray and band of floral arabesque and floral
medallions; the latter reserved against a flowered diamond-
diaper and exterior embellishments in the form of the schol
ar's emblems, flowers and fruit in vases or dishes, koros, fans,
etc., the whole decoration being in soft overglaze enameled
colors of the famille rose and gold.
Diameter 5^2 in. Avery Collection. Purchase, 1879.

480 COVERED VASE. Porcelain; dense pure white paste, in

verted pear-shape, bell-shaped cover; decorated between bands
of floral-diaper with peony sprays detached and springing
from graceful vases, asters and other flowers in pots, the
whole in the richest overglaze enamels of the famille rose.
Opaque edge at cover and foot.
Height 10^ in. Avery Collection. Purchase, 1879.

481 VASE. Porcelain; fine white paste, inverted pear shape,

bell-shaped cover, decorated with rich floral reserves in deep
rouge-red, etc., on white against a pale pink background,

itself enriched with floral festoons and sprays in the richest

overglaze enamels of the famille rose.
Height i\}4 in. Avery Collection. Purchase, 1879.

482 CUP AND SAUCER. Porcelain; semi-eggshell, decorated

with rich floral designs of blossoming peonies in rouge-red
and gilding. Bands of gilded flowered-diaper and floral
medallions surround.
Diameter Cup 3X in.; Saucer 5X in.
Avery Collection. Purchase, 1879.

483 CUP AND SAUCER. Porcelain; eggshell, decorated with

birds and floral designs of peonies and blossoming plum in the
richest rouge-red and other famille rose enamels.
Diameter Cup 4% in.; Saucer 6 in.
Avery Collection. Purchase, 1879.

484 CUP AND SAUCER. Porcelain; finest eggshell, decorated

in brilliant overglaze enamels of the famille rose and gold
with flower and fruit designs and butterflies. Lotiform edges.
Fungus spray in coral-red on foot.
Diameter Cup 2% in.; Saucer 4% in.
Avery Collection. Purchase, 1879.

485 DISH. Porcelain; eggshell, embellished with a rich floral

design of blossoming prunus, lotus and peonies in the richest
overglaze enamels of the famille rose.
Diameter 10 in. Avery Collection. Purchase, 1879.

486 CUP AND SAUCER. Porcelain; eggshell, later decorated in

Holland with harbour views showing landing of merchandise.
Diameter Cup 2^4 in.; Saucer 4% in.
Avery Collection. Purchase, 1879.

487 DINNER PLATE. Porcelain ; coarse blue-white paste, deco

rated at centre with a coat of arms (lion rampant blue on
white to left) beneath a ducal coronet; rococo designs sur
round, the plate being further enriched by bands of twisted
ribbon pattern and pendant lambrequins in coarse overglaze
enamels of the famille rose, and gold. Opaque brown edge.
Diameter 9 in. Avery Collection. Purchase, 1879.

488 PLATE. Similar to last, but portrait at centre of the Dutch

philosopher and member of the Royal Society of London,
Anthony van Leeuwenhoeck of Delft, born 1632, died 1722.
A piece of the coarsest famille rose, redecorated in Holland.
Diameter 9 in. Avery Collection. Purchase, 1879.

489 PLATE. Similar; but showing tomb of Anthony van Leeu-

wenhocck in the Oude Kirk at Delft.
Diameter 9 in. Avery Collection. Purchase, 1879.

490 VASE. Stoneware; heavy gray texture, bottle shape, deco
rated with a doubled band of fret, and lion head handles in
ferruginous brown against a field of crackled gray mottled
with brown.
Height 7^4 in. Avery Collection. Purchase, 1879.

491 SMALL BOWL. Stoneware; gray texture, embryonic han

dles at sides, covered throughout with a mottled gray crackled
glaze. Teakwood cover, pink soapstone handle.
Height 5^ in. Avery Collection. Purchase, 1879.

492 VASE. Porcelain; rectangular form, embryonic handles at

shoulder, covered with a large-crackled gray glaze, over which
are mottlings, splashes and tears of iron-rust. Ferruginous
brown below foot.
Height in. Avery Collection. Purchase, 1879.

493 VASE. Porcelain; heavy white paste, bottle form, flange at

mouth. Piece is covered throughout with a deep sapphire-
blue glaze of the richest quality. Ferruginous brown base.
Height \ \ x /2 in. Avery Collection. Purchase, 1879.

494 VASE. Porcelain; pure white paste, bottle shape, covered

with a minutely crackled bright turquoise glaze.
Height in. Avery Collection. Purchase, 1879.

495 VASE. Porcelain; heavy white texture, archaic form, cov

ered with a crackled peacock-blue glaze, splashed with a
darker blue.
Height 15^ in. Avery Collection. Purchase, 1879.
1 For further examples of Ch'ien-lung, see p. 243.

496 VASE. Porcelain; fine white paste, globular body, flange at

mouth, covered with a finely crackled turquoise glaze. Fer
ruginous base.
Height C)% in. Avery Collection. Purchase, 1879.

497 FIGURINE. Porcelain; light texture, in form of a lion, and

covered throughout with a rich crackled turquoise-blue glaze
sur biscuit.
Height 9 in. Avery Collection. Purchase, 1879.

498 VASE. Porcelain; light gray paste, archaic form, elephant

head handles, moulded and incised in the paste with bands of
key-pattern, fret-diaper, ascending sweet-flag designs and
ju-i heads and covered with a rich, finely crackled turquoise
Height 12^4 in- Avery Collection. Purchase, 1879.

499 JARDINIERE. Porcelain; square form, moulded in the

paste with conventionalized dragon designs and covered sur
biscuit with a rich-toned turquoise glaze.
Length 5^ in. Avery Collection. Purchase, 1879.

500 VASE. Porcelain; heavy white paste, archaic form, con

ventionalized dragon handles at neck; piece is covered
throughout with a minutely crackled bright turquoise-blue
Height 13 in. Avery Collection. Purchase, 1879.

501 SNUFF BOTTLE. Porcelain; heavy white paste, inverted

pear shape; piece is covered with a crackled turquoise glaze.
Height 3 in. Avery Collection. Purchase, 1879.

502 BOWL. Porcelain; light texture, covered throughout with

a minutely crackled turquoise glaze of peculiar intensity.
Diameter 8^ in. Avery Collection. Purchase, 1879.

503 VASE. Porcelain; heavy white paste, bottle shape, covered

with a crackled bright turquoise glaze of mottled quality.
Height 6 in. Avery Collection. Purchase, 1879.

504 VASE. Porcelain; of a peculiarly graceful beaker shape after

an antique bronze model; piece is decorated with central
boss having incised arabesques between bands of fret; pal-
mettes, which ascend and depend from boss also incised, the
whole being covered with a rich crackled turquoise glaze of
remarkable intensity. Mark on foot, under the glaze, seal of
Height \ \% in. Avery Collection. Purchase, 1879.

505 VASE. Porcelain; double gourd shape; heavy white paste,

covered with a crackled turquoise glaze. Lip and foot un-
Height 6% in. Avery Collection. Purchase, 1879.

506 JARDINIERE. Porcelain; globular form on three feet, cov

ered with a minutely crackled peacock-blue glaze. Pierced
wooden cover, ivory top.
Height 4X in. Avery Collection. Purchase, 1879.

507 VASE. Porcelain; rectangular, oviform-bodied; piece is deco

rated with an uneven large crackled gray glaze Ko-yao type.
Ferruginous brown ring at foot.
Height 8X in. Avery Collection. Purchase, 1879.

508 VASE. Porcelain; heavy close texture, rectangular shape,

wide mouth. Piece is decorated both inside and out with a
crackled gray glaze and banded by depending sweet-flag and
two rings in ferruginous brown. Central band framed in ju-i
heads; palmette in frets. Lion-head handles, brown ring at
Height 9X in. Avery Collection. Purchase, 1879.

509 VASE. Porcelain; fine white, of light texture, bottle shape

and covered with a crackled glaze of rich camellia-leaf tone.
Lip black; foot unglazed; interior of foot as body.
Height 16^ in. Avery Collection. Purchase, 1879.

510 VASE. Porcelain; fine white paste, light texture, cylindrical

form, embryo handles; covered with a splash glaze of mingled
russet brown and blue on a ground of camellia-green. On
foot impressed is seal mark of period.
Height 9^ in- Avery Collection. Purchase, 1879.

511 MINIATURE VASE. Porcelain; dense white, oval shape,

covered with a crackled camellia-green glaze of the best
quality. Black lip; crackled green foot.
Height 2^4 in. Avery Collection. Purchase, 1879.

512 VASE. Porcelain; light in weight, fluted oval shape, covered

throughout with a crackled camellia-green glaze of soft tone.

Black lip and foot, interiors of which are also in crackled

Height cfyi in. Avery Collection. Purchase, 1879.

513 VASE. Porcelain; dense white paste, globular form, long

neck with flange at mouth, covered with a soft iron-rust glaze,
the flecks of iron seeming to float in the deep reddish-brown
glaze. Mouth and foot glazed white.
Height 7 in. Avery Collection. Purchase, 1879.

5 J 4 VASE. Porcelain; light in weight, oval form, spreading

mouth, covered throughout with a ruddy-purple iron-rust glaze.
Height *]% in. Avery Collection. Purchase, 1879.

515 VASE. Porcelain; light pure white paste, rectangular form,

covered throughout with a mottled iron-rust glaze. Foot
Height 10 in. Avery Collection. Purchase, 1879.

516 MINIATURE VASE. Porcelain; dense white paste, double-

gourd shape, covered with a mouse-colored glaze throughout.
Ring of underglaze blue at lip. Foot unglazed.
Height 3yi in. Avery Collection. Purchase, 1879.

5 17 PLATE. Porcelain; pure white, covered with a liver-colored

glaze of peculiar richness. Rim left white. Seal of period in
blue on back.
Diameter 7 in. Avery Collection. Purchase, 1879.

518 VASE. Porcelain; fine white paste, bottle shape, covered

with a crushed-strawberry glaze. At neck enameled over the
glaze with chrysanthemum designs, leaves and spirals in auber
gine and black. Band of palmette in over-glaze black depend
from neck. Lip, interior and foot white.
Height 6^ in. Avery Collection. Purchase, 1879.

519 VASE. Porcelain; globular form, straight shoulder, long

neck, lotiform, flange at mouth. Lower part of piece is
divided into thirteen compartments; foot and shoulder sur
rounded by jn-i head designs; neck by ascending palmette
designs moulded in the paste, and divided by band of ferru
ginous brown over blue. Piece is covered throughout with a
crackled Lang-yao glaze of crushed-strawberry tone, running
through peach to gray-green celadon. Sea-green celadon
glaze under base.
Height 12% in. Avery Collection. Purchase, 1879.
520 VASE. Porcelain; light quality, straight beaker form, etched
with diaper band about centre from which ascend and descend
sweet-flag design. Piece is covered with a soft liver-colored
glaze of good quality; glazed white within, and on inner part
of foot.
Height 11 yi in. Avery Collection. Purchase, 1879.

521 VASE. Porcelain; heavy dense texture, bottle shape; piece

is covered with a mottled glaze of ruby-red, running from ruby
and purple to gray-green celadon within lip.
Height 13^ in. Avery Collection. Purchase, 1879.

522 VASE. Porcelain; heavy texture, baluster form, lion handles

at mouth, decorated throughout with crackled strawberry
glaze of mediocre quality. Interior pale-green celadon.
Under base crackled grayish-white glaze.
Height 10 in. Avery Collection. Purchase, 1879.

523 JARDINIERE. Porcelain; dense white paste, three lion-

head feet, handles at sides, covered with a crackled sea-green
celadon glaze within. Exterior and rim a rich flambe glaze of
ruby and purple, the latter more noticeable within rim. Fer
ruginous mark on base.
Height 7%" in., diam. 9 in.
Avery Collection. Purchase, 1879.

524 FLOWER HOLDER. Porcelain; dense gray paste, in form

of a branch with depending peaches. Piece is covered with
a crackled flambe glaze of pale blue and olive green.
Height 5 in. Avery Collection. Purchase, 1879.

525 VASE'. Porcelain; dense white paste, oval form, flange at

mouth. Piece is covered with a gray glaze within, crackled
at lip, and on the exterior a rich flambe glaze of mingled pur
ple, blue, ruby and olive green. Crackled gray-white glaze
under base.
Height 9 in. Avery Collection. Purchase, 1879.

526 VASE. Porcelain; dense white paste, double fish form

covered with an exceedingly rich flambe glaze of mingled
ruby and light purplish-blue.
Height 7%" in. Avery Collection. Purchase, 1879.

527 VASE. Porcelain; heavy white texture, sexagonal form,

covered with a rich flambZ glaze of mingled ruby, purple and
olive brown.
Height 7^ in. Avery Collection. Purchase, 1879.

528 WATER HOLDER. Porcelain; heavy white texture, globu

lar form, covered with a rich flambe glaze of mingled ruby and
purple. Lip and foot white.
Height 2% in. Avery Collection. Purchase, 1879.

529 NARCISSUS DISH. Porcelain; heavy white paste, in form

of a peach, peach handle; decorated inside with a flambe
glaze of gray-blue over red; outside by a rich ruby and
blue transmutation glaze of remarkable richness.
Length 10 in. Avery Collection. Purchase, 1879.

530 VASE. Porcelain; heavy white texture, sexagonal form,

covered with a rich ruby and blue flambe glaze over white.
Cylindrical handles at sides.
Height 8% in. Avery Collection. Purchase, 1879.

531 VASE. Porcelain; heavy white paste, oval form, covered

with a rich flambe glaze of mingled red and purple; celadon
Height 5 in. Avery Collection. Purchase, 1879.

532 VASE. Porcelain; dense white paste, oval form, flange at

mouth, covered with a souffle pink and white glaze; within lip
a rich camellia-leaf green; white foot.
Height 5-^4 in. Avery Collection. Purchase, 1879.

533 VASE. Porcelain; dense white paste, bottle shape, covered

with a souffle pink and white glaze; mirror-black lip, white
within neck and below foot.
Height 6 in. Avery Collection. Purchase, 1879.

534 VASE. Porcelain; dense white paste, oval form, flange at

mouth, covered with a souffle blue and white glaze; camellia-
leaf green within lip; white foot.
Height 6 in. Avery Collection. Purchase, 1879.

535 VASE. Porcelain; pure white paste, bottle shape, covered

with a lustrous souffle glaze of robin's-egg blue on a darker
Height in. Avery Collection. Purchase, 1879.
536 VASE. Porcelain; dense white body, double gourd shape,
covered with a dull mirror-black glaze of great depth.
Lip white.
Height 5 in. Avery Collection. Purchase, 1879.

537 MINIATURE VASE. Porcelain; dense white paste, bottle

shape, covered with a deep mirror-black glaze throughout.
Lip and below foot glazed white.
Height 3X in. Avery Collection. Purchase, 1879.

538 VASE. Porcelain; fine white paste, oval form, flange at

mouth; covered with a deep mirror-black glaze. Interior of
lip and foot white.
Height 12 in. Avery Collection. Purchase, 1879.

539 MINIATURE VASE. Porcelain; light texture, oval form,

handles at side, ring at neck. Piece is covered with a lus
trous green-black glaze throughout.
Height 3X i n - Avery Collection. Purchase, 1879.

540 VASE. Stoneware; heavy texture, bottle shape, body fluted

in the paste. Piece is covered throughout with a purple
crackle against a gray-buff glaze.
Height 4^ in. Avery Collection. Purchase, 1879.

541 VASE. Porcelain; dense white paste, oval form, flange at

mouth. Piece is covered throughout with a large-crackled
buff-colored glaze, richly lustrous.
Height 7^ in. Avery Collection. Purchase, 1879.

542 VASE. Porcelain; heavy texture, double gourd shape with

flaring handles. Piece is covered with a mustard-seed glaze
of fine quality, and bears seal mark of period impressed on
Height io^ in. Avery Collection. Purchase, 1879.

543 VASE. Porcelain; heavy texture, bottle shape, covered with

a black glaze flecked with tea-leaf; opaque brown lip. Mark
on foot, sea! of period in underglaze blue and white, surrounded
by body glaze.
Height 5 in. Avery Collection. Purchase, 1879.

544 VASE. Porcelain; dense white paste, bottle shape, covered

throughout with a soft mustard-seed glaze.
Height 6 in. Avery Collection. Purchase, 1879.

545 VASE. Porcelain; heavy pure white paste, bottle shape,

embryonic handles at shoulder, ring flange at mouth. Piece
is covered with a dark tea-leaf glaze of pure quality. Below
foot, glazed white.
Height 7X in. Avery Collection. Purchase, 1879.

5 4 6 VASE. Porcelain; fine white, light texture, rectangular

form, embryo dolphin-head handles, and covered with a
streaked glaze of mingled rose, blue, green and yellow on
white. Green within, white foot.
Height 8 in. Avery Collection. Purchase, 1879.

547 BOWL. Porcelain; pure white, light texture, covered through

out with a crackled glaze of mustard-yellow. Ferruginous
brown edge.
Diameter in. Avery Collection. Purchase, 1879.

5 4 8 VASE. Porcelain; light texture, bottle shape, covered with

a pin crackle glaze of rich mustard-yellow. Interior of neck
camellia-green, lip ferruginous brown.
Height 5^ in. Avery Collection. Purchase, 1879.

5 4 9 INCENSE BURNER. Porcelain; light texture, covered

with a crackled pale mustard-yellow glaze throughout.
Height 5y 2 in. Avery Collection. Purchase, 1879.

5 5 0 VASE. Porcelain; heavy white paste, oval form, flange

at mouth, covered with a crackled mustard-yellow glaze
Height 5^4 in. Avery Collection. Purchase, 1879.

5 5 1 VASE. Porcelain; dense white paste, globular form, long

neck; flange at mouth, and covered with a crackled mustard-
yellow glaze throughout.
Height 5^ in. Avery Collection. Purchase, 1879.

5 5 2 VASE. Porcelain; dense white paste, rectangular form, em

bryo handles at sides; covered throughout with a crackled
mustard-yellow glaze.
Height 8^4 in. Avery Collection. Purchase, 1879.

5 5 3 VASE. Porcelain; dense white paste, globular form, covered

with a finely crackled mustard-yellow glaze. Interior of
mouth camellia-green, lip ferruginous brown.
Height 5X in. Avery Collection. Purchase, 1879.
554 VASE. Porcelain; dense white paste, oval form, decorated
with relief design of a demon on the back of a dragon, and
covered with a crackled yellow glaze of brownish tone. Lip
ferruginous brown (worn); base white.
Height 6 in. Avery Collection. Purchase, 1879.

555 WATER DISH. Porcelain; dense white paste, interior a

deep camellia-green, exterior a crackled mustard-yellow; lip
ferruginous brown. Base unglazed.
Diameter 3 in. Avery Collection. Purchase, 1879.

556 VASE. Porcelain; dense white paste, oval form with in

dented groove, and covered with a finely crackled mustard-
yellow glaze. Lip ferruginous brown and base unglazed.
Height 4 in. Avery Collection. Purchase, 1879.

557 VASE. Porcelain; pure white paste, bottle shape, flange at

mouth. Piece is decorated with relief designs of a blossoming
prunus tree, chrysanthemum and bamboo in blue sous cou-
verte, and white against a background of pale mustard-seed.
Height 8J^ in. Avery Collection. Purchase, 1879.

558 VASE. Porcelain; fine white paste, oval form, flange at

mouth; piece is moulded under the glaze in low relief with
flowers-of-paradise between bands of ju-i heads, fret and
ascending sweet-flag, and covered with an olive-green celadon
glaze. Foot white.
Height 8^4 in. Avery Collection. Purchase, 1879.

559 PLATE. Porcelain; eggshell, decorated with central floral

rosette in colors and gold, surrounded by a band of flowered
diaper in red, broken by cash. Intwined about this is a broad
band of floral designs, phoenix birds and floral arabesques in
famille verte colors against an imperial-yellow ground, and
broken by fan-shaped designs filled in with fish and aquatic
plants in the same famille verte colors on white. About edge
is a band of "blob " hawthorn design in colors on a black dotted
green ground, broken at intervals by medallions filled in with
butterflies in brilliant overglaze enamels of the famille verte
on white. A triangle pattern filled in with "blob" haw
thorn surrounds; exterior enameled in bright green, aubergine,
purple and yellow. Mark, double blue circle, enclosing pru
nus blossom.
Diameter 10^ in. Avery Collection. Purchase, 1879.

0 PLATE. Porcelain; eggshell, having a red and gold phoenix

within a circular medallion at centre, surrounded by a broad
band of floral designs and phoenix birds in the most brilliant
overglaze enamels of the famille verte against a pale green
ground, itself broken by fan-shaped designs in white, filled in
with po ku symbols in gold and colors; the whole being framed
in an outer border of flowered-diaper ornament broken by
medallions of po ku symbols in the same rich enamels of the
famille verte. Mark, blue prunus blossom within double blue
Diameter \o}4 in. Avery Collection. Purchase, 1879.

1 PLATE. Porcelain; coarse white paste, central floral design

of lotus and peonies, in blue and white, surrounded by a band
of ju-i head ornament within a ring. Framing this are bands
of lotus flowers moulded in white under the glaze and a rich
floral design in brilliant enamels of the famille verte and gold,
broken by reserves in white, filled in with designs of deer,
birds and flowers.
Diameter 11^4 in. Avery Collection. Purchase, 1879.

2 PLATE. Porcelain; central design of lotus pond on which

ducks are swimming, framed in radiant design; the whole in
red, green blue sous couverte and gold. Outer border of the
Taoist divinities amid waves, standing on fish, marine ani
mals or lions. Designs are enameled in green, red, black,
aubergine and gold. Brown edge.
Diameter 11 in. Avery Collection. Purchase, 1879.

3 TWO FIGURINES. Porcelain; representing figures on horse

back and covered with lustrous overglaze enamels, the horses
in black, the figures in five-color enamels of the famiUe
verte, sur biscuit. Stand on bases ornamented at sides with
tortoise-shell glaze in green, yellow and aubergine. Possibly
Height 5X i n - Avery Collection. Purchase, 1879.

4 VASE. Porcelain; dense white paste, archaic form, cylin

drical handles at neck. Piece is decorated under the glaze
with the design of a dragon chasing a ball amid clouds and
flames; the whole design being in dark blue on a lighter shade.
Lip brown; base white.
Height 4%" in. Avery Collection. Purchase, 1879.
565 VASE. Porcelain; oval form, flange at mouth, covered with
a gros-bleu glaze, enriched with bands of diapers, palmette
ornament, lotus and peony designs in gold over the glaze.
Seal, mark in blue under the glaze of Ch'ien-lung.
Height 11 in. Avery Collection. Purchase, 1879.

566 JAR. Porcelain; dense white paste, oval form, etched in the
paste with horizontal lines, on which are circular medallions
filled in with prunus flower designs, while above and below are
Buddhist emblems; the whole covered with a translucent pale
blue glaze. White rim and foot.
Height in. Avery Collection. Purchase, 1879.

567 VASE. Porcelain; dense white paste, double-gourd shape,

decorated below with the so-called tulip-pattern, and above
with compartments of different forms of diaper, the first
in pale blue on dark, the latter in dark blue on light. Dark
blue sweet-flag on light blue at neck; lip brown, base white.
Height 6^ in. Avery Collection. Purchase, 1879.

568 FLOWER HOLDER. Porcelain; finest white paste, cylin

drical form, decorated with a peony spray in deep underglaze
blue on white, and covered with a buff-colored crackle through
out. Ferruginous brown foot.
Height 5 in. Avery Collection. Purchase, 1879.

569 VASE. Porcelain; dense gray-white paste, inverted pear

shape, cylindrical neck, lion and ring handles at shoulder.
Piece is decorated at sides with four lines of poetry in under
glaze blue and covered with a large-crackled translucent
Height 8^4 in. Avery Collection. Purchase, 1879.

570 VASE. Porcelain; fine white, light texture, bottle shape,

decorated on white in low relief with cobalt blue figure de
signs of the Goddess Ho-Hsien-Ku and attendant, the whole
against a buff-colored crackled background and covered with
a translucent glaze. Ferruginous brown lip. Mark of period
in blue under foot.
Height 6% in. Avery Collection. Purchase, 1879.

57 1 VASE. Porcelain; gray-white paste, globular body, cylin

drical neck. Body covered with a large crackled gray glaze
broken by a broad band of T-pattern with dragon finials in

deep cobalt blue and white. At shoulder are bands of ju-i

heads in deep blue against a paler shade. Greek fret and
ascending palmettes in rich sapphire blue and white. Neck
covered with faun-colored crackled glaze; lip ferruginous
brown. Foot unglazed, interior crackled gray-white.
Height 12 in. Avery Collection. Purchase, 1879.

572 SNUFF BOTTLE. Porcelain; soft paste, decorated in blue

under the glaze with figure designs of men on foot and on
horseback. Four-character mark of period on foot.
Height 2X in. Avery Collection. Purchase, 1879.

573 MINIATURE VASE. Porcelain; fine white paste, inverted

pear shape, covered with a deep cafe-au-lait glaze, enriched
by overglaze flora' palmette and ju-i head designs in gold and
silver. Impressed mark of period. Gold lip.
Height 4 in. Avery Collection. Purchase, 1879.

574 VASE. Porcelain; pear shape, long neck, decorated with an

unglazed four-clawed dragon chasing pearl amid clouds and
flame in pale blue and white.
Height 21 in. Avery Collection. Purchase, 1879.

575 BOX. Porcelain; in form of a musical instrument; decorated

with crescent moons, a bar and double-edged axe in relief in
white against a background of lotus flowers and floral ara
besques in pale blue on white. Foot unglazed.
Length 4% in. Avery Collection. Purchase, 1879.

576 BOWL. Porcelain; semi-eggshell, decorated with designs of

four-clawed dragons chasing sacred pearl at centre and sides
of interior. On outside are the sacred trigrams above leap
ing wave; the whole decoration being in a dull cobalt blue.
Diameter in. Avery Collection. Purchase, 1879.

577 VASE. Porcelain; coarse blue-white paste, cylindrical form,

body divided longitudinally into ten compartments decorated
alternately with lotus and peony leaves and flowers. Floral
bands surround this, while palmettes, floriated spirals and
clusters of peonies ornament shoulder and neck, the whole
decoration being in deep underglaze cobalt blue. Seal mark
of period in blue below foot.
Height 15 in. Avery Collection. Purchase, 1879.
578 VASE. Porcelain; semi-eggshell texture, double-gourd shape,
flattened and decorated in pale blue and white with gourds,
vines and leaves against a deep cobalt blue under the glaze.
White lip and foot.
Height 5^ in. Avery Collection. Purchase, 1879.

579 VASE. Porcelain; heavy blue-white paste, bottle shape,

ringed cylindrical neck, decorated with bands of jn-i head,
arabesques and the characters shou fu: "longevity and
happiness" in deep underglaze blue and white, reserved
against a pale sea-green celadon ground. Iron rust at lip and
about ring at base.
Height \2% in. Avery Collection. Purchase, 1879.

580 VASE. Porcelain; dense blue-white paste, oval form, wide

mouth, embryo handles. Piece is decorated with design in
low relief of Han Chung-li seated amid the clouds, enameled
in deep blue and white against a ground of pale celadon. At
lip iron rust ring.
Height 6^4 in. Avery Collection. Purchase, 1879.

581 LARGE VASE. Porcelain; dense white paste, rectangular

form, ju-i handles, decorated with oval and circular panels
filled in with figure, bird and flower designs and verses in deep
underglaze blue and white; the signatures of the verses being
in deep peau-de-peche. The panels stand out against a back
ground of pale green celadon embellished with floral designs,
arabesques, and bands of Greek fret, moulded in the paste.
Height 16% in. Avery Collection. Purchase, 1879.

582 BOTTLE. Porcelain; fine white paste, double-gourd form,

upper half embellished with floral designs, festoons, palmettes
and diapers in deep underglaze cobalt and white, the lower
with rich floral designs moulded in the paste and covered with
a pale sea-green celadon glaze. Mark, on base, imitating fer
ruginous ring of Ming celadon.
Height 7^ in. " Avery Collection. Purchase, 1879.

583 CUP AND SAUCER. Porcelain; semi-eggshell, decorated

in white over the glaze with floral designs of blossoming
peonies, rocks on which rooster is perched and outer bands of
pendants in overglaze sapphire blue.
Diameter Cup 3 in.; Saucer 4^8 in.
Avery Collection. Purchase, 1879.

584 BOWL. Porcelain; heavy white paste, decorated on the out

side with bands of Greek fret and conventionalized palmette
between which are ideographic medallions inscribed in ancient
script, the whole in rich sapphire blue over the glaze. Seal
mark of period on foot.
Diameter 4^ in. Avery Collection. Purchase, 1879.

585 VASE. Porcelain; soft paste, oval form, decorated with de

signs in sapphire blue on white of five-clawed dragons amid
the clouds in pursuit of the sacred pearl. Band of Greek fret
at neck, wave diaper at foot. On base in overglaze red is seal
mark of period.
Height 9^ in. Avery Collection. Purchase, 1879.

586 COVERED BOWL AND SAUCER. Porcelain; eggshell,

decorated in white over the glaze with floral designs of peonies,
chrysanthemums, carnations, and surrounded by outer bands
of rich floral arabesques in sapphire blue between gold bands.
Diameter of bowl 4^5 in.
Avery Collection. Purchase, 1879.

587 PILGRIM'S BOTTLE. Porcelain; heavy blue-white paste,

usual flattened circular form, handles at side. Piece is deco
rated over the glaze with central medallions of the shou char
acter in rose, surrounded by bright blue batwing arabesques;
ju-i heads, detached batwing arabesques and small flowers,
the whole in a frame of Greek fret, also in blue. Handles and
lions' heads which stand out in high relief against a ground
of rich floral designs in rose and blue. Fanciful design at foot.
Height 9^ in. Avery Collection. Purchase, 1879.

588 CUP. Porcelain; eggshell, enameled over the glaze in rich

sapphire blue, green and rose with peony flowers together with
lines of poetry in black and red; gilded lip.
Diameter 2 i n . Avery Collection. Purchase, 1879.

589 PLATE. Porcelain; blue-white paste, octagonal form, deco

rated at centre with circular flower-filled medallion in pale
underglaze blue and white, from which radiate lotus petals
filled in with single sprays of lotus against a background of
minute blue spirals. Band of same spiral designs surrounds.
Diameter 13^ in. Avery Collection. Purchase, 1879.
590 VASE. Porcelain; dense white paste, globular form, cylin
drical neck with flange at mouth. Piece is ornamented with
dragon and pearl, flame and cloud designs moulded in low
relief in the paste, enameled in dark blue, brown and white
and standing out against a deep lavender-blue ground. Lip
interior and foot white.
Height 12X i n - Avery Collection. Purchase, 1879.

591 CUP AND SAUCER. Porcelain; semi-eggshell, decorated

with floral designs of chrysanthemums and peonies in white
and blue under the glaze, enriched with overglaze gilding.
Medallion and diaper borders in same colors.
Diameter Cup 3^ in.; Saucer 5X in.
Avery Collection. Purchase, 1879.

592 VASE. Porcelain; heavy blue-white paste, double gourd

shape, decorated with rich floral designs of lotus flowers and
foliage in deep underglaze cobalt blue and partially covered
with gilded designs. Bands of triangle-diaper at centre and lip.
Height 8% in. Avery Collection. Purchase, 1879.

593 VASE. Porcelain; heavy white paste, globular form, high

cylindrical neck with embryo handles. Piece is encircled with
three bands in blue and white under the glaze (1) of floral and
swastika panels (2) of ju-i heads and diamond-diaper, and (3)
of ascending sweet-flag palmettes. Two of the bands and lip
of piece edged with iron, sur biscuit, the body of the piece being
covered with a deep lavender blue glaze throughout. Interior
and foot white.
Height 13X i n - Avery Collection. Purchase, 1879.

594 VASE. Porcelain; coarse white paste, inverted pear shape,

cylindrical neck with archaic handles. Covered with a deep
blue enamel under the glaze; the piece has been further en
riched by floral sprays and the "scholar's emblems" added in
white in low relief; the Whole covered with a translucent glaze.
Iron mouth, white foot.
Height C)% in. Avery Collection. Purchase, 1879.

595 BOWL. Porcelain; blue-white paste, interior enameled in

robin's-egg blue throughout; exterior covered with a rich gros
bleu over which are designs in gold of dragons amid flames

in pursuit of the sacred pearl. Seal mark of period in blue on

foot. Gilded edge.
Diameter 3^4 in. Avery Collection. Purchase, 1879.

5 9 6 CUP AND SAUCER. Porcelain; eggshell, decorated with

white medallions filled in with sprays of flowers and fruit in
the rich enamels of the famille rose and reserved against a
background of watery gros bleu enriched with gilding. Red
and gold band at lip.
Diameter Cup 2J/% in.; Saucer 4X in.
Avery Collection. Purchase, 1879.

597 COVERED BOWL AND SAUCER. Porcelain; heavy coarse

paste, decorated with interior floral designs and bands in rose,
and covered on the exterior with a deep gros bleu enriched with
overglaze floral designs in gold. Scalloped edges.
Diameter Cup 3^ in.; Saucer 5% in.
Avery Collection. Purchase, 1879.

5 9 8 PLATE. Porcelain; coarse blue-white paste, octagonal form,

decorated with marine designs of crab and crawfish in blue
under the glaze and floral sprays and sprigs in rich enamels of
the famille rose over the glaze. Flowered-diaper border in
underglaze blue and white.
Diameter 8^i in. Avery Collection. Purchase, 1879.

5 9 9 BOWL. Porcelain; dense blue-white paste, decorated with

prunus, fir and bamboo trees in blue under the glaze, enriched
with floral designs cut out in the paste, grain-de-ri% style, or
enameled in rose and green over the glaze; the fir and bamboo
also being enriched with foliage in overglaze green and gold.
At centre is a rich floral design in overglaze enamels of the
famille rose. On exterior is a similar design in same colors.
Mark, on foot in blue, seal of the period.
Diameter Bowl 4^ in. Avery Collection. Purchase, 1879.

6 0 0 BOWL. Porcelain; blue-white paste, decorated with pome

granates and flowers in underglaze blue and enamels of the
famille rose, picked out with grain-de-ri% patterns. Exterior
similar. Mark on foot, seal of period in blue.
Diameter 7^5 in. Avery Collection. Purchase, 1879.
601 BOWLS. Porcelain; fine white paste, decorated in deep
cobalt blue under the glaze, with central design of shou char
acter, surrounded by five bats, emblems of the five happi
nesses. Between this and ju-i head band at edge is a star
pattern of grain-de-ri^. Exteriors similar, but with fanciful
palmette in blue at feet. Mark, seal of period in blue below
Diameters 4X in. and 4in.
Avery Collection. Purchase, 1879.

602 TEAPOT. Porcelain; pure white paste, decorated with cir

cular seascape medallions in blue and white, framed in gold
against a field of star-shaped grain-de-ri^. Palmette and
diaper band in blue sous couverte and gold surround; handle
on cover a gilded strawberry. Crossed twig handle decorated
in blue and gold.
Length 9^ in. Presented by Miss Hetty M. Bull. 1880.

603 SAUCER. Porcelain; pure white paste, boat shape, decorated

with floral grain-de-ri^ patterns, floral designs and an outer
band of ju-i head ornament in underglaze blue and white.
Mark, seal in blue on foot.
Length 6 in. Avery Collection. Purchase, 1879.

604 WATER HOLDER. Porcelain; pure white paste, decorated

with flowered grain-de-riz pattern between bands of palmette
and ju-i head ornament in deep underglaze cobalt blue and
Diameter 2^ in. Avery Collection. Purchase, 1879.

605 CUP AND SAUCER. Porcelain; fine white paste, decorated

with central landscapes and lake views surrounded by bands
of sweet-flag, flowered grain-de-ri% pattern and an outer band
of flowered-diamond diaper in deep cobalt blue under the glaze.
Diameter Cup 3^2 in.; Saucer 5$/& in.
Avery Collection. Purchase, 1879.

606 TEAPOT. Porcelain; heavy white paste, rectangular form,

sides being decorated with reticulated designs framed in
floral-diaper in underglaze blue and white.
Height 5^4 in. Avery Collection. Purchase, 1879.

607 CUP AND SAUCER. Porcelain; eggshell, saucer decorated

with a portrait of Martin Luther etched in black, framed by
a band of gold lambrequins at edge. On cup, etched, the name
Lutherus and similar band.
Diameter Cup 3/^ in.; Saucer 4^ in.
Avery Collection. Purchase, 1879.

608 SAUCER. Porcelain; eggshell, decorated with a rich border

of rococo and circular medallions filled in with designs in lake
or red and reserved against a rich floral background in gold.
At centre is a ducal coronet and monogram A. D. B., the words
Soli Deo Gloria and date 1752, between which rises a floral
wreath tied with a ribbon and enameled in rich overglaze colors
of the famille rose.
Diameter 4% in. Avery Collection. Purchase, 1879.

609 PLATE. Porcelain; eggshell, decorated with medallions at

sides showing portrait of Jan Vanens and Joanna Bochoute,
and clasped hands and lover's knots; the whole in rich overglaze
enamels of the famille rose on white against a rich red and gold
diaper ground. Below comes a band of floral designs in gold
framing a central design of two ducks billing, perched upon
heaped-up floral scrolls in the midst of which and supported
by two emblems of longevity is a monogram, and below, the
names of the newly married couple. As before, the colors are
all in the richest overglaze enamels of the famille rose and gold.
Diameter 8 in. Avery Collection. Purchase, 1879.

610 CUP AND SAUCER. Porcelain; eggshell, decorated with a

circular medallion at centre, filled in with the monogram
C. C. S. in gold and surrounded by a field of rich flowered
diaper or T-pattern in red and gold or red and white, broken
by oval or circular medallions filled in with rich peony designs
in colors of the famille rose or arabesques in sapphire blue over
the glaze. Bands of floral designs in red and gold encircle
inner edges.
Diameter Cup 3 in.; Saucer 4^ in.
Avery Collection. Purchase, 1879.

611 PLATE. Porcelain; blue-white paste, embellished with floral

designs in blue sous couverte, the five colors and gold about
a central design of three carp in red and gold over the glaze.
About edge runs a band of chrysanthemums in blue sous
couverte, gilded, between designs of carp and seaweed in over-

glaze aubergine, green, yellow, red, black and gold; opaque

brown edge. Red and blue scroll on back.
Diameter 8^ in. Avery Collection. Purchase, 1879.

612 PLATE. Porcelain; dense blue-white paste, decorated at

centre with lange lijsen figures, flowers and birds in blue sous
couverte, red and gold surrounded by floral diaper and an
outer band of radiant compartments filled in with bird and
animal medallions in red and white, reserved on blue sous
couverte, gilded, and panels of rich floral designs in blue
sous couverte, red and gold on white. Floral-diaper edge in
red (overglaze) and blue. Gilded edge, scalloped.
Diameter 8_K in. Avery Collection. Purchase, 1879.

613 PLATE. Porcelain; hard blue-white paste, decorated in

Chinese Imari manner with pomegranate in blue sous cou
verte, green, yellow and red on white, surrounded by a band
of white lotus and floral arabesques on deep red in turn framed
in medallions of floral designs in blue sous couverte and the
five colors. About this are bands of blue, covered with floral
designs in gold, raised frames of diaper and an outer border of
red diaper on white, against a blue and gold ground.
Diameter 10% in. Avery Collection. Purchase, 1879.

614 DOGOFFOU. Porcelain;cream-whiteChien-yaoofFuchien,

enameled in red, green and blue enriched by silver and gold.
Height 4^4 in. Avery Collection. Purchase, 1879.

615 CUP. Porcelain; ivory-white Chien-yao of Fuchien, octag

onal shape incised in the paste with a line of poetry.
Height \ x /2 in. Avery Collection. Purchase, 1879.

616 DOG OF FOU. Porcelain; ivory-white, Fuchien paste.

Length 2^4 in. Avery Collection. Purchase, 1879.

617 DOG OF FOU. Porcelain; ivory-white Fuchien paste, on

stand having panels with incised floral designs. Tube for
joss-stick at back.
Height 5 in. Avery Collection. Purchase, 1879.

618 FIGURE OF HO HSIEN-KU. Porcelain; pure white Ting

paste; the divine maid represented as riding on an elephant.
About stand are floral designs moulded in the paste.
Height 8^ in. Avery Collection. Purchase, 1879.

619 WATER DROPPER. Porcelain; dull white paste, cylindri

cal form, with long curved spout, decorated with dragon
flower and Greek fret design moulded and incised in the paste.
Height 6% in. Avery Collection. Purchase, 1879.

620 NARCISSUS DISH. Porcelain; ivory-white Chien-yao of

Fuchien, shallow octagonal form on feet. Decorated with
incised peony and floral sprays at centre, floral designs moulded
in the paste at sides and peony buds in relief on top.
Diameter 5^ in. Avery Collection. Purchase, 1879.

621 BRUSH CASE. Porcelain; heavy white Ching-te-chen paste,

decorated with reticulated panels of Dogs of Fou and bro
caded ball framed in bands of Greek fret impressed in the
Length 7 in. Avery Collection. Purchase, 1879.

622 SACRIFICIAL CUP. Porcelain; ivory-white Chien-yao of

Fuchien, decorated with sprays of blossoming prunus and fir
trees in low relief.
Height 2% in Avery Collection. Purchase, 1879.

623 WATER POT. Porcelain; white Fuchien paste, in form of

a ewer, decorated with sprays of prunus blossoms in relief.
Height 4K in. Avery Collection. Purchase, 1879,

624 VASE. Porcelain; dense white Ching-te-chen paste, pear

shape, moulded with design of a four-clawed dragon encircling
neck; clouds and flames being incised under the translucent
Height 6X in- Avery Collection. Purchase, 1879.

625 BRUSH STAND. Porcelain; white Pai-ting paste, cylindri

cal form, having a reticulated design of lotus leaves and
flowers in the paste and plain bands at lip and foot.
Height 5X in. Avery Collection. Purchase, 1879.

626 HOUND. Porcelain; hard white Ching-te-chen, realistically

modelled, the sole touch of color being the eyes, which are
black with a red band.
Height 6% in. Avery Collection. Purchase, 1879.

627 VASE. Porcelain; pure white Pai-ting paste, double gourd

form, decorated with floral designs of lotus flowers and rich

sprays of foliage, incised in the paste and covered with a

translucent glaze.
Height 12^4 in. Avery Collection. Purchase, 1879.

628 CUP. Porcelain; ivory-white Chien-yao of Fuchien, deco

rated with prunus blossoms, moulded in relief in the paste.
Height 2^4 in. Avery Collection. Purchase, 1879.

629 FIGURINE. Porcelain; hard white Ching-te-chen paste, in

form of the National God of War, Kuan-ti, seated. From
seat, below him, peers out a tortoise. Seal mark of period
impressed on back.
Height 12 in. Avery Collection. Purchase, 1879.

630 VASE. Porcelain; soft paste, inverted pear shape (flat

tened), swelling lip, embryo handles at neck and covered
throughout with floral designs of conventionalized lotus,
three-clawed dragons, wave and ju-i head ornament, moulded
in low relief in the paste.
Height 9^4 in. Avery Collection. Purchase, 1879.

631 SANDALWOOD FIRE BOX. Porcelain; ivory-white Chien-

yao, octagonal form on eight feet; decorated with floral medal
lion and arabesque designs, moulded in the paste or reticu
lated, with handles at sides and eight peony buds on top of
Height in. Avery Collection. Purchase, 1879.

632 FIGURINE. Porcelain; ivory-white, Fuchien, in form of the

pilgrim Ta-mo Hsiang, represented as standing on the waves
of the sea.
Height 8X in. Avery Collection. Purchase, 1879.

633 SACRIFICIAL CUP. Porcelain; ivory-white Chien-yao of

Fuchien, reproduction of a Sung piece. Designs of prunus
and fir trees, deer, phoenix and lion in low relief in the paste.
Height 3^ in. Avery Collection. Purchase, 1879.

634 VASE. Porcelain; hard white Ching-te-chen, inverted pear

shape, long neck, flat flange at mouth. Piece is decorated
about the body with floral designs of blossoming peonies
framed in bands of fanciful palmette, Greek fret and ascending
sweet flag, the latter also moulded in the paste.
Height 9 in. Avery Collection. Purchase, 1879.

635 FLOWER HOLDER. Porcelain; of opaque Pai-ting paste,

in form of a dragon climbing up the trunk of a tree.
Height 3^ in. Avery Collection. Purchase, 1879.

636 CUP. Porcelain; eggshell; at centre is monogram C. M. S. in

red on a deep-blue ground, framed in a red wreath and sur
mounted by a red and gold viscount's coronet; above is a band
of floral medallions in red and gold, reserved against a ground
of rose and blue flowered-diaper. The exterior is divided by
Vandyckes of floral designs in the famille rose and blue shields
bearing the monogram C. M. S. in gold, and standing out
against a rich background of Y-diaper in red and gold.
Diameter 2^ in. Avery Collection. Purchase, 1879.

637 BOWL. Porcelain; dense white Pai-ting paste, decorated

with a broad band of reticulated chrysanthemum designs and
lattice-work and having a fanciful palmette design incised
about foot. Base unglazed.
Diameter 3X in. Avery Collection. Purchase, 1879.

638 CUP. Porcelain; Pai-ting paste, deep form, having a panel

of lattice-work grain-dc-ri% incised in the paste and twig
handles at sides attached to body by prunus blossoms.
Height 3X i n - Avery Collection. Purchase, 1879.

639 FIGURINE. Porcelain; of grayish Pai-ting paste, in form

of a boy with a gourd slung in his belt.
Height 3X in. Avery Collection. Purchase, 1879.

640 SNUFF BOTTLE. Porcelain; fine Ting-yao paste, having

design of dragon in pursuit of the sacred pearl, incised in the
paste. Pink quartz stopper. Seal of period impressed on
Height 2%" in. Avery Collection. Purchase, 1879.

641 BOWL. Porcelain; ivory-white Chien-yao of Fuchien, hav

ing an outer band of peonies and leaves reticulated and show
ing bowl beneath. Lotiform foot.
Height 2 in. Avery Collection. Purchase, 1879.

642 COVERED MILK PITCHER. Porcelain; dense blue-white

paste, globular body, cylindrical neck, spout and handle,
decorated in Chinese Imari style with floral and arabesque
medallions and floral sprays in blue sous couverte, red and
gold. Opaque brown edge to cover; silver mounts (modern)
at spout and handle.
Height 6K in. Avery Collection. Purchase, 1879.

643 CUP AND SAUCER. Porcelain; blue-white paste, cup on

high foot. Both pieces are embellished with floral designs in
red, gold and blue sous couverte, the petals being reticulated
and filled in with a transparent glaze. Similar design on back
of saucer.
Diameter Cup 3 in., height 4^ in.; Saucer in.
Avery Collection. Purchase, 1879.

644 COVERED JAR. Porcelain; dense white paste, oval form

decorated with Vandyckes of floral designs in white and gold
against a blue ground between which are rich floral designs
of peonies in blue sous couverte, red and gold. Silver floral
bud on cover.
Height 7 in. Avery Collection. Purchase, 1879.

645 PLATE. Porcelain; coarse blue-white paste, decorated at

centre with peony spray in rose, green and blue surrounded
by an arabesque design in gold and red and an outer band of
blue circular medallions divided by white enamel arabesques.
At rim is band of gilded spirals on brown, and at edge deep
opaque brown.
Diameter 8pi in. Avery Collection. Purchase, 1879.

646 TEAPOT. Porcelain; pure white paste, decorated with panels

at sides filled in with Buddhist emblems and scholars' para
phernalia in blue sous couverte, red and gold framed in bands
of dragons in blue and pink over the glaze and lines of dots
in relief gilded. On cover is a band of ju-i head ornament
in red, blue and gold and floral designs in red over the glaze.
Handle in form of Dog of Fou in blue and gold. Double blue
circle on foot.
Height 4X in. Avery Collection. Purchase, 1879.

647 WATER BOWL,. Porcelain; pure white paste, the exterior

decorated with incised peony designs and floral arabesques
covered with a rich deep camellia green.
Diameter 2^ in. Avery Collection. Purchase, 1879.

648 MINIATURE VASE. Porcelain; pear shape, decorated with

circular medallions of conventionalized lotus flowers moulded
in low relief in the paste and covered sur biscuit with a rich
green glaze of camellia tone.
Height in. Avery Collection. Purchase, 1879.

649 SNUFF BOTTLE. Porcelain; hard white paste, flattened

oval form, decorated in rich overglaze enamels with figure
Height 2% in. Avery Collection. Purchase, 1879.

650 MINIATURE BOTTLE. Porcelain; pure white paste, globu

lar form, long neck, covered with a bright apple-green glaze
and further embellished floral designs of blossoming peonies
in black. Gilded lip, yellow foot.
Height 2^ in. Avery Collection. Purchase, 1879.

651 BOWL. Porcelain; fine white paste, decorated at centre

with incised design of dragon in pursuit of sacred pearl at
centre, similar designs in medallions, clouds and fanciful pal-
mettes on exterior; the whole covered with a lustrous green
glaze of bright camellia green. Seal mark of period in blue
on foot.
Diameter 5^ in. Avery Collection. Purchase, 1879.

652 SNUFF BOTTLE. Porcelain; pure white paste, cylindrical

form, covered with designs of five bats, the five happinesses,
flowers, fruit, and gourds; the whole in coral, yellow, brown
and green against a pale robin's-egg ground. Top gilded;
seal mark of period on foot in red.
Height 2^4 in. Avery Collection. Purchase, 1879.

653 SNUFF BOTTLE. Porcelain; fine white paste, flattened

oval form decorated with bat and floral designs in overglaze
enamels of the famille rose. Black band below lip which is
Height 2 in. Avery Collection. Purchase, 1879.

654 MANDARIN VASE. Porcelain; heavy white paste, hexag

onal form, decorated with panels in low relief against a dotted
robin's-egg ground with figure designs, houses, mountains, etc.,
in the richest overglaze enamels on white. About neck are
smaller medallions filled in with landscapes in the brightest
coral-red on white against a similar background of dotted
robin's-egg broken by floral designs and arabesques in gold
and red. Dog of Fou on cover, which is similarly deco
Height 19^ in. Avery Collection. Purchase, 1879.

655 MANDARIN VASE. Porcelain; heavy white paste, flattened

pear shape, decorated with medallions filled in with figure
designs of ladies at various occupations, enameled in the rich
est of overglaze colors on white against a background of coral-
red, checkered with Y-diaper design in black and gold and
embellished itself with rich floral and figure designs super
imposed in relief and covered with richest enamels of the
famille rose and gold. Gilded Dog of Fou on cover.
Height 19 in. Avery Collection. Purchase, 1879.

656 BOWL. Porcelain; dense blue-white paste, decorated at

centre with peony flowers and pomegranates in rich enamels
of the famille rose. The exterior is richly embellished with
floral designs of sprays of blossoming peonies in overglaze blue,
yellow, pink and green and phoenixes in coral-red, green and
black. Six-character mark of Cheng-hua on foot in red.
Diameter 7X in- Avery Collection. Purchase, 1879.

657 BOWL. Porcelain; blue-white paste, decorated in centre

and about exterior sides with designs of carp in deep coral-
red on white.
Diameter 8j5/ in. Avery Collection. Purchase, 1879.

658 COVERED BOWL. Porcelain; pure white semi-eggshell,

covered with floral arabesque designs in overglaze yellow,
blue, white, green and coral-red against a gilded background.
Pieces of this general style were made for the Siamese
Diameter 6^2 in. Avery Collection. Purchase, 1879.

659 LARGE VASE. Porcelain; heavy white paste, oval form,

flange at mouth, covered with a rich floral design of lotus
flowers and floral arabesques in deep camellia green reserved
against a black ground. Fanciful palmettes at base; ju-i
head ornament, Greek fret, ascending sweet flag and ju-i head
again at lip. Interior and foot white.
Height 17^ in. Avery Collection. Purchase, 1879.

660 CUP AND SAUCER. Porcelain; eggshell, decorated with

floral arabesques about a central rosette and outer bands of
floral designs, the whole in coral-red, gold and silver.
Diameter Cup 3 in.; Saucer 4^5 in.
Avery Collection. Purchase, 1879.

661 CUP AND SAUCER. Porcelain; eggshell, decorated simi

larly outside and within by circular and oval medallions filled
in with baskets of fruit and insects or landscape designs on
white against a crossed line diaper ground in gold and red;
the designs within the medallions being in red, turquoise,
black and gold.
Diameter Cup 2% in.; Saucer 4X in.
Avery Collection. Purchase, 1879.

662 CUP AND SAUCER. Porcelain; eggshell, decorated with

baskets of flowers, cask, etc., in rich coral-red, blue, green,
white and gold, surrounded by an outer band of floral sprays
and diapers in black against a pale lavender ground.
Diameter Cup 2^ in.; Saucer 4^ in.
Avery Collection. Purchase, 1879.

663 LARGE PLATE. Porcelain; heavy gray-white paste, deco

rated with a central design of gold-fish in coral-red, deep
mauve pink and white in the midst of black seaweed and two
detached pink lotus flowers. Surrounding this is a border of
floral sprays in rich overglaze blue and an edging of floral
arabesque in red and gold.
Diameter 14^ in. Avery Collection. Purchase, 1879.

664 DISH. Porcelain; eggshell, decorated with exquisitely

painted peony flowers in deep rose and pink against a pale
robin's-egg background, which is further broken by floral
designs of lotus flowers and arabesques in yellow, pink, blue
and two shades of green over the glaze.
Diameter 8yi in. Avery Collection. Purchase, 1879.

665 PLATE. Porcelain; coarse gray-white paste, decorated with

landscape view of mountains, stream and houses framed in
rococo designs and enameled in the coarsest manner with
colors of the famille rose. A broad band of landscape medal
lions against diaper designs and scrolls also in the overglaze
enamels of the famille rose surrounds. Opaque brown edge.
Diameter 8^4 in. Avery Collection. Purchase, 1879.
666 BOWL. Porcelain; fine white paste, decorated on the out
side with circular medallion of felicitous expression in blue
on a spiral-covered rose ground, the medallions themselves
being reserved against a'bright canary-yellow, broken by floral
designs and emblems in coral red, and overglaze enamels of
the famille rose. Four-character mark of period on back.
Diameter 4^ in. Avery Collection. Purchase, 1879.

667 DISH. Porcelain; gray-white paste, decorated with rich

floral designs of peonies, lilies, chrysanthemums, etc., in the
richest overglaze enamels of the famille rose against a back
ground of bright canary-yellow. Seal mark of period in blue
on foot.
Diameter 7^ in. Avery Collection. Purchase, 1879.

668 DISH. Porcelain; fine white paste, covered throughout with

a mottled cafe-au-lail glaze, embellished with a border of rich
floral designs in overglaze enamels of the famille rose. Scal
loped edge.
Diameter 10 in. Avery Collection. Purchase, 1879.

669 PLATE. Porcelain; coarse blue-white paste, octagonal form,

decorated at centre with a circular shou design in blue and
white, surrounded by bats (coral-red) and floral designs in
rose, white and green against a bright canary-yellow. A broad
band of floral designs, scrolls, arabesques and diapers in over
glaze enamels of the famille rose surrounds.
Diameter 8)4 in. Avery Collection. Purchase, 1879.

670 VASE. Porcelain; dense white paste, beaker form, covered

with a bright canary-yellow glaze, enriched by floral designs
of blossoming peonies, magnolias, lotus and butterflies in re
serve in the richest enamels of the famille rose.
Height in- Avery Collection. Purchase, 1879.

671 VASE. Porcelain; fine white paste, oval form, decorated in

underglaze blue and white with rich floral designs of peonies
against a minutely crackled mustard-yellow ground. Lip and
base glazed white.
Height 8 in. Avery Collection. Purchase, 1879.

672 BOWL. Porcelain; pure white paste, covered throughout

with a deep cafe-au-lait glaze of golden-brown tone. Over this
are coral-red bats at centre, while on the outside are fir trees,

blossoming prunus, scarlet berries and rocks in rich overglaze

enamels of the familie rose. Opaque brown edge, white foot.
Diameter 7 i n . Avery Collection. Purchase, 1879.

673 BOWL. Porcelain; heavy white paste, shallow form, the

interior covered with floral designs in the enamels of the
famille rose against a ground of pale robin's-egg blue, the ex
terior similarly decorated but against a canary-yellow back
ground. Seal mark of period in blue on foot.
Diameter 4^ in. Avery Collection. Purchase, 1879.

674 LARGE VASE. Porcelain; fine white paste, club shape,

decorated with tree, floral designs and phoenix in the richest
overglaze enamels of the famille rose on an incised ground of
canary-yellow; opaque brown lip. Interior and foot robin's-
egg blue, in centre of latter red seal mark of period.
Height 16%" in. Gift of A. Sichel, 1879.

675 VASE. Porcelain; fine white paste, gallipot form, decorated

in mauve and coral-red with design of five-clawed dragons
amid flames in pursuit of the sacred pearl, on an incised
ground of canary-colored enamel. Interior white; foot robin's-
egg blue, having at centre in coral-red seal mark of period.
Height 0)% in. Avery Collection. Purchase, 1879.

676 COVERED BOWL. Porcelain; heavy gray-white paste, the

exterior covered with a design of conventionalized pome
granates in white and gold reserved against a rich ground of
floral scrolls in gold.
Diameter 7 in. Avery Collection. Purchase, 1879.

677 BOWL. Porcelain; dense white paste, covered on the ex

terior with a pale sea-green celadon glaze, enriched by a band
of the Buddhist symbols between fanciful ornamental bands
at edge and foot; the whole in the rich overglaze enamels of
the famille rose. Gilded edge; seal mark in blue on foot.
Diameter 7 in. Avery Collection. Purchase, 1879.

678 PLATE. Porcelain; gray-white, decorated with central de

sign of flowers in baskets in rich overglaze enamels of the
famille rose and gold. Surrounding is a broken border of
floral designs in rose, white, green and black, and other floral
designs and diapers in the enameled colors of the famille rose.
Opaque brown edge.
Diameter 8^ in. Avery Collection. Purchase, 1879.
679 PLATE. Porcelain; gray-white paste, decorated at centre
with design of crowing rooster on rock, peonies and butter
flies in the richest overglaze enamels of the jamille rose on
white, surrounded by a band of peonies in rose, blue and bright
canary-yellow against a ground of green foliation reserved on
black. An outer band of floral diaper in pink surrounds;
gilded edge.
Diameter 9% in. Avery Collection. Purchase, 1879.

680 CUP AND SAUCER. Porcelain; semi-eggshell, decorated

with central floral designs and lotus petal-shaped compart
ments in deep underglaze blue and enriched by overglaze
floral designs of the flowers of four seasons in the brightest
enamels of the jamille rose. Diaper border in blue sous
couverte, and red over the glaze surrounds.
Diameter Cup 3^4 in.; Saucer 5^ in.
Avery Collection. Purchase, 1879.

681 COVERED CUP AND SAUCER. Porcelain; semi-eggshell,

decorated with compartments filled in with baskets of flowers
in overglaze enamels of the famille rose on white and floral
sprays of peonies in the same bright colors against a green
and black ground.
Diameter Cup 2^ in.; Saucer 4^ in.
Avery Collection. Purchase, 1879.

682 TEAPOT AND TRAY. Porcelain; dense white paste, deco

rated with lotus petals and sweet flag leaves in black, having
foliations in green in reserve and enriched by lotus flowers
and buds in gold, rose and white. At centre of tray are
butterflies in the richest overglaze enamels of the famille rose.
Bands of floral diamond diapers in pink surround.
Height 4% in.; diameter of tray which is octagonal in shape
5^ in. Avery Collection. Purchase, 1879.

683 SMALL BOWL. Porcelain; semi-eggshell, decorated on the

outside with rich floral designs in the overglaze famille rose
enamels against a background of green foliations reserved
against black.
Diameter 4 in. Avery Collection. Purchase, 1879.

684 CUP AND SAUCER. Porcelain; eggshell, decorated with

circular and oval medallions filled in with peonies and asters
in overglaze famille rose enamels on white reserved against a

background of peonies, lotus, asters and magnolia blossoms

in the same rich colors against a ground of green foliation
reserved on black.
Diameter Cup 2^/2 in.; Saucer 4% in.
Avery Collection. Purchase, 1879.

685 PLATE. Porcelain; eggshell, octagonal form, decorated at

centre in famille rose enamels with floral designs, rosette and
looped ribbon surrounded by an outer band of floral Van-
dyckes in rose, green and black against a deep-rose back
ground. The latter is broken by sprays of blossoming prunus
in pale green, aubergine and pink. Bands of pale-blue diaper
frame outer band.
Diameter 7^ in. Avery Collection. Purchase, 1879.

686 PLATE. Porcelain; gray-white paste, octagonal form, deco

rated at centre with design of rooster perched on a rock sur
rounded by rich floral designs. Framing this is a broad band
of diapers broken by floral designs, flower-filled pomegranates
and land and seascapes, the whole decoration of the piece
being in the overglaze enamels of the famille rose. Gilded
Diameter 7^ in. Avery Collection. Purchase, 1879.

687 CUP AND SAUCER. Porcelain; eggshell, decorated with

figured medallion at centre, floral medallions at sides, both
designs being in rich overglaze enamels of the famille rose on
white against a floral background of chrysanthemums and
lotus flowers in red and white on gold.
Diameter Cup 2 in.; Saucer 3X i n -
Avery Collection. Purchase, 1879.

688 PAIR SAUCERS. Porcelain; eggshell, having incised deco

ration of lotus flower under the glaze and overglaze decoration
of two sages or poets partaking of refreshments, and another
sage beneath a tall fir tree who watches two children beside
a blossoming lotus flower. The figures are all enameled in the
richest overglaze enamels of the famille rose.
Diameter 5^ in. Avery Collection. Purchase, 1879.

689 VASE. Porcelain; semi-eggshell texture, gallipot form, deco

rated with large white reserves about body filled in with floral
designs, birds and butterflies in rich famille rose enamels
against a bright pink background, itself enriched with floral

designs of blossoming peonies in pink and green. At shoulder

are floral medallions on a dotted background filled in with
floral sprigs, the latter also in the brightest famille rose
Height \o}i in. Avery Collection. Purchase, 1879.

690 CUP AND SAUCER. Porcelain; eggshell, embellished with

medallions filled in with figure or floral designs in rich over-
glaze enamels of the famille rose and gold against a back
ground of floral arabesques in white broken by medallions
filled with bamboo, prunus or wistaria in India ink or lake.
Diameter Cup 2^ in.; Saucer 3X ' n -
Avery Collection. Purchase, 1879.

691 BOWL. Porcelain; coarse white paste, deep form, decorated

with central medallion of a crane in overglaze white, coral-red
and black, and outside designs of five-clawed dragons and
phoenix birds in rich overglaze famille rose enamels. Seal
character mark in red on foot. Scalloped edge, gilded.
Diameter 8^ in. Avery Collection. Purchase, 1879.

692 BOTTLE. Porcelain; eggshell texture, covered with a richly

enameled decoration of four-clawed dragons amid cloud and
flame in pursuit of the sacred pearl, while below carp are seen
leaping from waves. The whole decoration is in the richest
overglaze enamels of the famille rose and gold.
Height 10X in. Avery Collection. Purchase, 1879.

693 CUP AND SAUCER. Porcelain; eggshell, decorated with

figure designs of people in boats, etc., in the richest overglaze
enamels of the famille rose.
Diameter Cup 3^ in.; Saucer 5^ in.
Avery Collection. Purchase, 1879.

694 COMFIT BOX. Porcelain; dense white paste, pomegranate

form, showing seeds moulded in the paste, floral sprays in
deep blue and white under the glaze on both bowl and cover,
and designs of three pomegranates in pink and green moulded
in low relief on top.
Height 5X in. Avery Collection. Purchase, 1879.

695 LARGE SNUFF BOTTLE. Porcelain; fine white paste,

cylindrical form, decorated with design of a noble and the
ladies of his house watching other ladies and gentlemen in

boats busily engaged in picking lotus flowers. The whole

decoration is in the richest overglaze enamels of the famille
Height 4^4 in. Avery Collection. Purchase, 1879.

696 CUP. Porcelain; fine white paste, embellished with designs

of pinks between peonies on a diaper ground within pendant
Vandyckes; band of peonies on diaper ground within, together
with a butterfly and peony spray at centre, the whole being
in rich overglaze famille rose enamels.
Height \% in. Avery Collection. Purchase, 1879.

697 COVERED CUP. Porcelain; eggshell, deep form, decorated

with po ku symbols below a floral arabesque design, the whole
in the richest overglaze enamels of the famille rose and gold.
Height 2^ in. Avery Collection. Purchase, 1879.

698 BRUSH HOLDER. Porcelain; dense white paste, cylindrical

form, decorated within by a solid glaze of pale robin's-egg blue;
on the outside by an etched pink ground broken by reserves
of mountain and lake scenery in soft overglaze enamels of the
famille rose on white. Gilded edge; seal mark on foot im
Height 4^ in. Avery Collection. Purchase, 1879.

699 VASE. Porcelain; dense white paste, inverted pear shape

with broad ring flange at mouth. Body is decorated in black
with mountain scenes, while at neck and flange are floral
designs and palmettes in overglaze enamels of the famille rose
on pale green, pink or robin's-egg blue grounds. Robin's-egg
blue within.
Height 8^ in. Avery Collection. Purchase, 1879.

700 CUP AND SAUCER. Porcelain; eggshell, decorated with

central designs of peonies, asters and lotus in bowls, and sur
rounded by compartments filled in with floral designs, the
whole in the richest overglaze enamels of the famille rose.
Diameter Cup 2^ in.; Saucer 4% in.
Avery Collection. Purchase, 1879.

701 VASE. Porcelain; gray-white paste, inverted pear shape,

long neck, decorated with a " tortoise-shell" glaze of mingled
rose, green, blue, yellow, white, purple and black.
Height 5X in- Avery Collection. Purchase, 1879.
702 CUP AND SAUCER. Porcelain; eggshell, decorated with
central floral designs, scrolls, vases and sprays of prunus blos
som surrounded by arabesques and diaper border, the whole
enameled in rich overglaze colors of famille rose.
Diameter Cup 2% in.; Saucer 4% in.
Avery Collection. Purchase, 1879.

703 CUP AND SAUCER. Porcelain; eggshell, decorated with

peony and butterfly designs at centre, framed in an outer
band of Vandyckes filled with arabesques or circular medal
lions on a ground of Y-shaped diaper, the whole in rich over-
glaze famille rose enamels and gold.
Diameter Cup 2^ in.; Saucer 4% in.
Avery Collection. Purchase, 1879.

704 PLATE. Porcelain; eggshell, decorated in overglaze enamels

of the famille rose with fishing scenes.
Diameter 8X in. Avery Collection. Purchase, 1879.

705 CUP AND SAUCER. Porcelain; eggshell, coarsely deco

rated with figure designs and medallions in the overglaze
enamels of the famille rose.
Diameter 2^ in.; Saucer 4^ in.
Avery Collection. Purchase, 1879.

706 COVERED BOWL. Porcelain; dense white paste, decorated

within at centre with floral designs of peonies and asters in
rich famille rose enamels and surrounded at edge by band of
floral medallions against a ground of flowered diamond-diaper
in robin's-egg blue. The exterior is decorated with sprays of
prunus blossom, chrysanthemum and peony, with vases holding
floral sprays, peacock feathers and branches of coral, the whole
designs being in the richest overglaze enamels of the famille
rose. At edges of bowl and cover is a band of floral ara
besques in white and gold reserved against a coral-red ground.
Diameter 1 in. Avery Collection. Purchase, 1879.

707 CUP AND SAUCER. Porcelain; eggshell, decorated with

central designs of peony, in case of the saucer, surrounded by
a floral band of lotus flowers and arabesques, which latter
appears about body of cup. Bands of diaper and floral ara
besques surround edges, the whole decoration being in rich
overglaze enamels of thc famille rose.
Diameter Cup 2^ in.; Saucer 4X in.
Avery Collection. Purchase, 1879.

708 COVERED CUP AND SAUCER. Porcelain; fine white egg

shell, decorated in richest tones of the famille rose with design
of ladies watching a child at play, floral sprays and hare at
centre of cover.
Diameter Cup 3^ in.; Saucer 6^8 in.
Avery Collection. Purchase, 1879.

709 PLATE. Porcelain; eggshell, decorated with scene of two

ladies on a covered verandah, one of whom is fishing. In the
distance is seen a poor fisherman who serenades them with his
flute; the whole design is enameled in the rich overglaze colors
of the famille rose.
Diameter 8 in. Avery Collection. Purchase, 1879.

710 LARGE PLATE. Porcelain; dense white paste, decorated

with floral designs of blossoming peonies in rich overglaze
enamels of the. famille rose and two crabs at center in coral-red
and red and gold.
Diameter 15X in. Avery Collection. Purchase, 1879.

711 PLATE. Porcelain; gray-white paste, decorated with central

design of lotus flowers and leaves, peony, magnolia, butter
flies, dragonflies and insects and surrounded by a broken bor
der of medallions filled with arabesques or landscapes, floral
designs and diapers, the whole in rich overglaze famille rose
enamels. A band of floral arabesques in red and gold en
circles rim; edge opaque brown.
Diameter 8^4 in. Avery Collection. Purchase, 1879.

712 PLATE. Porcelain; gray-white paste, having central design

of birds amid floral designs of roses, asters and chrysanthe
mums in rich famille rose enamels. About this are bands of
floral arabesque, the one in deep rose and gold, the other in
bright sapphire blue over the glaze, while about edge is a broad
band of floral patterns in white framed in an outer band of
floral design in deep rose and gold. Opaque brown edge.
Diameter 8 ^ in. Avery Collection. Purchase, 1879.

713 CUP AND SAUCER. Porcelain; eggshell, both pieces hav

ing incised lotus petal designs in the paste and enriched with
rooster and peony design within frame of diaper in the richest
overglaze enamels of the famille rose.
Diameter Cup 3 i n . ; Saucer 5^ in.
Avery Collection. Purchase, 1879.
7*4 BOWL. Porcelain; eggshell texture, having a central design
of mountain scenery in overglaze red, black and green, an
upper band of flowered diamond diaper in robin's-egg blue
and, on the outside, Vandyckes of Y-pattern diaper in red
and gold against a diaper field with circular medallions in
black and pink.
Diameter 5^ in. Avery Collection. Purchase, 1879.

715 CUP AND SAUCER. Porcelain; eggshell, decorated with

figure designs of men plowing and bringing home firewood,
noble crossing a bridge and other figures within the doors and
windows of a house, the whole enameled in the richest colors
of the famille rose.
Diameter Cup 5y& in.; Saucer 3^8 in.
Avery Collection. Purchase, 1879.

716 BOWL. Porcelain; gray-white paste, lotiform, having lotus

petals in low relief within and a floral rosette in overglaze rose,
yellow, blue and white, and an outer band of figures arrayed
in robes enameled with the richest famille rose enamels on
white, the petals standing out in low relief against a back
ground of flowered-diaper in black on robin's-egg blue. Stands
on five feet; gilded edge.
Diameter 8 in. Avery Collection. Purchase, 1879.

717 PLATE. Porcelain; finest eggshell texture, having central

decoration of birds amid branches of blossoming peony, the
whole in the richest famille rose enamels. Surrounding this
are bands of floral arabesques in gold and an outer band of
floral arabesque in medallions in blue reserved against a
gray diaper ground.
Diameter 8 in. \very Collection. Purchase, 1879.

718 CUP AND SAUCER. Porcelain; eggshell, decorated in colors

of the famille rose with designs of European ships and borders
of rose-diaper broken medallions of landscape designs in the
five colors of the famille verte.
Diameter Cup 2^ in.; Saucer 4 in.
Avery Collection. Purchase, 1879.

719 CUP AND SAUCER. Porcelain; eggshell, decorated at cen

tre with design of a kylin in gold mounted on a stand sur
rounded by sprays of peonies and asters in enameled colors of

the famille rose. The exterior of the cup and band which
frames central design in saucer are embellished with rich
diaper and arabesque patterns having reserves in which in
the shape of scrolls or leaves filled in with flower; the latter
decoration as well as diaper bands which surround it being
in the richest overglaze enamels of the. famille rose.
Diameter Cup 3^ in.; Saucer 5X in.
Avery Collection. Purchase, 1879.

720 CUP AND SAUCER. Porcelain; pure white eggshell, deco

rated with rosette at centre and about saucer and exterior of
cup a cross-shaped-diaper design in palest lavender, blue and
black in the angles of which are fans having handles of pale
yellow and black and tops with floral designs of asters, prunus
and peonies in rich enamels of the famille rose on gold; bands
of diaper in rose and pink encircle edges.
Diameter Cup 2^ in.; Saucer 4^ in.
Avery Collection. Purchase, 1879.

721 CUP AND SAUCER. Porcelain; eggshell, decorated with

design of lady and attendant watching her tame birds; rich
floral and diaper bands surround, the whole being in the richest
overglaze enamels of the famille rose and gold.
Diameter Cup 2^ in.; Saucer 4X in-
Avery Collection. Purchase, 1879.

722 CUP AND SAUCER. Porcelain; semi-eggshell, having cen

tral design of peonies and magnolia in pots, citrons and
peaches on plates and surrounded by diaper borders and with
medallions of flowers and diapers against a diaper ground, the
whole in overglaze enamels of thQ famille rose.
Diameter Cup 3X in.: Saucer 5X in.
Avery Collection. Purchase, 1879.

723 COVERED BODY. Porcelain; fine white paste, rectangular

form, decorated at sides with panels filled in with the flowers
of four seasons framed in bands of flowered-diaper. About
shoulder and cover are floral sprays and sprigs, the whole
decoration being in the richest overglaze famille rose enamels.
Height in- Avery Collection. Purchase, 1879.

724 CUP AND SAUCER. Porcelain; eggshell, decorated with

the designs of a rooster and peony surrounded by floral designs
and diapers, the whole in the overglaze enamels of the famille
Diameter Cup 2^ in.; Saucer 4^ in.
Avery Collection. Purchase, 1879.

725 PLATE. Porcelain; pure white eggshell, decorated with but

terflies amid peonies, asters, chrysanthemums and prunus
sprays in rich famille rose enamels and surrounded by a band
of diamond-diaper in red and pale green broken by medallions
filled in with flowered enamels in the same rich colors of the
famille rose.
Diameter 7^4 in. Avery Collection. Purchase, 1879.

726 VASE. Porcelain; fine white paste, gallipot form, decorated

with blossoming prunus and bamboo sprays in the overglaze
enamels of the famille rose and gold. Gilded lip.
Height 5^ in. Avery Collection. Purchase, 1879.

727 VASE. Porcelain; dense white paste, cylindrical form,

decorated about body with the figures of the eight Taoist
divinities crossing the ocean standing upon the backs of fabu
lous animals. At shoulder are floral designs and the Buddhist
symbols, while about neck are numerous ways of writing the
character shou, " longevity." The whole decoration is in the
richest overglaze enamels of famille rose and gold. Four-
character mark of period in blue on foot.
Height 13^ in. Avery Collection. Purchase, 1879.

728 PLATE. Porcelain; eggshell, decorated in colors of the

famille rose with rooster and peony design surrounded by an
outer border of flowered-diaper broken by floral medallions.
Six-character mark on back in blue within double circle.
Diameter "]%, in. Avery Collection. Purchase, 1879.

729 VASE. Porcelain; fine white, semi-eggshell, cylindrical form,

thin neck, flange at mouth. Piece is decorated with figure
designs in colors of the famille verte, and encircled by bands of
fret and plain lines at foot. Shoulder and lip in ferruginous
Height 63^" in. Avery Collection. Purchase, 1879.

730 CUP AND SAUCER. Porcelain; eggshell, decorated with

the design of a rooster and peonies in the richest enamels
of thc famille rose. Cup does not match; it is of heavier and

bluer paste and from its general style may be dated to the
succeeding reign.
Diameter Cup 3^ in.; Saucer 5yi in.
Avery Collection. Purchase, 1879.

731 PLATE. Porcelain; gray-white paste, decorated at centre

with figure of a peacock, wings and tail spread, and surrounded
by an arabesque band and a field of Y-diaper broken by re
serves filled in with flower and bird designs, the whole being
in the rich overglaze enamels of the famille rose and gold.
Opaque brown edge.
Diameter 9 in. Avery Collection. Purchase, 1879.

732 PLATE. Porcelain; gray-white paste, decorated in rich

famille rose enamels and gold with central design of a lotus
pond and ducks surrounded by the figures of the eight Taoist
divinities crossing the ocean on the backs of fabulous beasts.
Opaque brown edge, scalloped.
Diameter 9 in. Avery Collection. Purchase, 1879.

733 BOWL. Porcelain; gray-white paste, decorated at centre

with figures of the eight Taoist divinities on the backs of
marine monsters, bat and peaches; on the outer side with
floral arabesques and medallions in which are richly dressed
Chinese ladies, the whole design being in coarse overglaze
enamels of the famille rose and gold.
Diameter 8}^ in. Avery Collection. Purchase, 1879.

734 COVERED BOX. Porcelain; dense white paste, cover in

form of duck, plumage in the richest overglaze enamels of the
famille rose and gold. Designs of goldfish, lotus flowers and
aquatic plants surround box which, together with the handles
at sides, are enameled in the same bright colors.
Length 8 in. Avery Collection. Purchase, 1879.

735 COVERED BOX. Porcelain; dense white paste, in form of

a duck, enameled in the richest overglaze colors of the famille
rose and gold.
Length 6% in. Avery Collection. Purchase, 1879.

736 VERMILION BOX. Porcelain; pure white paste, decorated

in rich overglaze enamels of the rose verte with phoenix and
floral designs.
Diameter 4 in. Avery Collection. Purchase, 1879.

"737 PAIR CUPS AND SAUCERS. Porcelain; eggshell, decorated

with central design of a rooster and further fan shapeembellish-
ments in colors and gold springing from a fir-bristle diaper in
pink and black.
Diameter Cup 2% in.; Saucer 4^ in.
Avery Collection. Purchase, 1879.

738 BOWL. Porcelain; dense white paste, covered on the outer

side by floral arabesque and circular floriated medallions in
deep rose against a ground of whole rose of paler tint. Seal
mark of period on foot in blue. Opaque brown edge, gilded.
Diameter 7^ in. Avery Collection. Purchase, 1879.

739 VASE. Porcelain; dense white paste, globular form, long

thin neck, decorated with a spray of rich floral designs in the
overglaze enamels of the famille rose.
Height 0)% in. Avery Collection. Purchase, 1879.

740 LARGE PLATE. Porcelain; fine hard white paste, semi-

eggshell texture, decorated in the richest famille rose enamels
and gold with peony shrubs springing from a large rock,
cranes and other floral designs.
Diameter 15X in- Avery Collection. Purchase, 1879.

741 VASE. Porcelain; fine white paste, inverted pear shape,

flange at mouth, covered throughout with a robin's-egg glaze
veined with streaks of purple, blue and white. White lip;
unglazed foot.
Height 7X in. Avery Collection. Purchase, 1879.

742 CUP AND SAUCER. Porcelain; eggshell texture, decorated

with reserves of lake scenes in famille rose and gold against
a background of rich robin's-egg blue.
Diameter Cup 3 in.; Saucer 5X in.
Avery Collection. Purchase, 1879.

743 CUP AND SAUCER. Porcelain; eggshell, decorated with

white medallions filled in with peony and tobacco plant de
signs and birds in famille rose enamels and gold, the medallions
being reserved against a ground of pale robin's-egg blue.
Diameter Cup in.; Saucer 4]/ 2 in.
Avery Collection. Purchase, 1879.

744 VASE. Porcelain; dense white paste, inverted pear shape

covered on the exterior with an embossed design on pale

apple-green, enriched by floral designs of peony, morning-

glory and tiger lily in rich enamels of the famille rose, and two
embryo butterfly handles at sides in coral-red and gold.
Interior and foot robin's-egg blue; stamped under the glaze
on foot is seal of period in cobalt blue.
Height 8^ in. Avery Collection. Purchase, 1879.

745 VASE. Porcelain; heavy white paste, globular form, cylin

drical neck, decorated in blue and white with floral designs
of lotus flowers and arabesques and having as a later addition
a deep robin's-egg enamel over the white and gold over the
Height 14X in- Avery Collection. Purchase, 1879.

746 VASE. Porcelain; dense white paste, inverted pear shape,

covered on the exterior with an embossed design on pale apple-
green, enriched by floral designs of peony, morning-glory and
tiger lily in rich enamels of the famille rose, and two embryo
butterfly handles at sides in coral-red and gold. Interior and
foot robin's-egg blue; stamped under the glaze on foot is seal
of period in cobalt blue.
Height 8^ in. Avery Collection. Purchase, 1879.

747 VASE. Porcelain; dense white paste, squat cylindrical form,

long neck, covered with an embossed pale-green glaze enriched
by floral designs of magnolia, aster and peony in famille rose
enamels. Interior and foot robin's-egg blue. Lip gilded;
seal of period on foot in red.
Height 7^2 in. Avery Collection. Purchase, 1879.

748 VASE. Porcelain; dense gray-white paste, gallipot form,

covered throughout with a pale-green glaze with simulated
crackle in black. Lip and foot white.
Height 6^ in. Avery Collection. Purchase, 1879.

749 LARGE VASE. Porcelain; heavy gray-white paste, globular

form, handles at neck, flange at mouth. Piece is covered on
the exterior with an incised design upon a pale-green ground
and enriched with birds and floral designs of magnolia, peony,
lotus, aster, cockscomb and chrysanthemum in the rich over-
glaze enamels of the famille rose. Interior robin's-egg blue;
lip gilded.
Height 26^2 in. Avery Collection. Purchase, 1879.

750 VASE. Porcelain; gray-white paste, oval form, flange at

mouth, covered with an incised apple-green glaze enriched
with floral designs of roses in famille rose enamels. Interior
white, lip brown.
Height 9X in. Avery Collection. Purchase, 1879.

751 BOWL. Porcelain; gray-white paste, covered on the exterior

with an incised apple-green glaze enriched with wild rose and
prunus sprays in overglazz famille rose enamels. Gilded edge;
seal mark in blue under the glaze on foot.
Diameter 7^ in. Avery Collection. Purchase, 1879.

752 HANGING FLOWER BASKET. Porcelain; dense gray-

white paste, regular shape with dragon handles at sides.
Piece is covered with an embossed arabesque design covered
with an apple-green glaze against which in reserve is a sea
scape medallion in pale famille verte enamels. Interior and
foot robin's-egg. Lip, handles, frame of reserve and base
gilded; seal mark in red on foot.
Height 6^ in. Avery Collection. Purchase, 1879.

753 FIGURINE. Porcelain; dense white paste, in form of a

laughing boy in rich garments of brocaded floral designs in
overglaze enamels of the famille rose and gold.
Height 15^ in. Avery Collection. Purchase, 1879.

754 VASE. Porcelain; eggshell texture, covered with an etched

floral design on a deep yen-chih-hung or rouge-red (the "ruby"
of Western collectors) and embellished with reserves of bird
and floral designs in rich overglaze enamels of the famille rose.
Interior and base robin's-egg blue; gilded lip to former, red
seal mark impressed on latter.
Height 9%" in. Avery Collection. Purchase, 1879.

755 VASE. Porcelain; fine white paste of light texture, oval

form, flange at mouth, covered with similar incised ground of
apple-green and decorated with figures of pheasants on a rock
from which spring floral designs of magnolia, peony and aster,
the whole in rich famille rose enamels. Interior and foot
robin's-egg blue; seal in red on foot. Lip brown.
Height 15 in. Avery Collection. Purchase, 1879.

7 5 6 VASE. Porcelain; dense white paste, pear shape, in three

pieces, decorated at centre with pierced floral medallions of

magnolia, primus, chrysanthemum and lotus in famille rose

enamels framed in gold against a pale robin's-egg blue back
ground, itself enriched with floral arabesques in the same rich
overglaze enamels. The upper and lower pieces are enameled
in rose embellished with floral designs, palmettes, and ju-i
head ornaments in brilliant overglaze enamels of the famille
rose and gold. Embryo dragon handles in brown and gold.
Interior and foot robin's-egg. Lip and ring at foot gold;
seal mark in red on latter.
Height 12 in. Avery Collection. Purchase, 1879.

757 VASE. Porcelain; dense white paste, flattened oval form

decorated with a deep rouge-red enamel embellished with
rich floral arabesques in famille rose enamels and further
ornamented on each side by a square panel reserved in white
and filled in with a verse of poetry in black. Interior and foot
robin's-egg blue, lip and frames of reserves gilded. Band of
dark-blue Greek fret ornament about edge of cover and foot.
Seal mark of period in red on foot.
Height in. Avery Collection. Purchase, 1879.

758 FIGURINE. Porcelain; dense white paste, in form of a

Chinese lady clad in a rich brocaded robe of pink over which
is a green and black cape of leaf design. About her waist and
tied in front by a green belt is a band of fur; below pink robe
is one which reaches from the waist to the ground, and another,
unseen except at the wrists, colored a rich coral-red. Her
hair is done in a knot on top.
Height 15X in. Avery Collection. Purchase, 1879.

759 CUP AND HOLDER. Porcelain; eggshell, decorated at cen

tre with design of a teapot and floral design of blossoming
peonies surrounded by a diaper band; the whole in rouge-red,
blue and green enamels on white. Exterior is enameled
throughout a bright rouge-red. Holder silver.
Diameter 1% in. Avery Collection. Purchase, 1879.

760 CUP AND SAUCER. Porcelain; finest eggshell texture,

interior of cup enameled with a rich rouge-red broken at
centre by butterfly and flower designs in famille rose enamels
on white. The exterior of cup and interior of saucer are
embellished with oval and circular floral medallions against
a rich design of floral arabesques, the whole being enameled in
brilliant overglaze colors of the famille rose and gold. Exte
rior of saucer enameled a deep rouge-red throughout.
Diameter Cup 2^ in.; Saucer 4X in.
Avery Collection. Purchase, 1879.

761 COVERED JAR. Porcelain; eggshell texture, oval shape.

With the exception of the white band of reticulated floral
design at foot, the piece is covered throughout with a deep
rouge-red enamel broken by floral designs and mountain and
lake views on scrolls reserved in white and enameled in rich
overglaze colors of the famille rose.
Height 5X ' n - Avery Collection. Purchase, 1879.

762 BOWL. Porcelain; eggshell, having Dog of Fou at centre

in overglaze famille rose enamels and the exterior embellished
with rich floral designs and mountain and lake scenes on
scrolls in the same rich colors reserved on white against a
background of deep rouge-red.
Diameter 5X in- Avery Collection. Purchase, 1879.

763 VASE. Porcelain; heavy white paste, inverted pear shape,

wide cylindrical neck, covered throughout with a deep rouge-
red enamel of but mediocre tone. Lip and foot white.
Height 6 i n . Avery Collection. Purchase, 1879.

764 CUP AND SAUCER. Porcelain; finest eggshell, decorated

with butterfly and floral designs and bands of rich floral ara
besques in the most brilliant enamels of the famille rose.
Diameter Cup 2% in.; Saucer 4X in.
Avery Collection. Purchase, 1879.

765 PEACH. Porcelain; eggshell texture, having design, cut in

the paste within, of two men seated at a table playing
draughts. This small tour de force of the Chinese potter is
enriched with designs of leaves and insects enameled in famille
rose colors and gold.
Length 2 in. Avery Collection. Purchase, 1879.

766 CUP AND SAUCER. Porcelain; semi-eggshell texture,

interior of cup and exterior of saucer having floral sprays of
peonies; cup diaper border added, the exterior and interior
of cup and saucer being enriched with mountain and lake views
framed in a band of Y-pattern over which run dragon and

floral arabesques, the whole decoration being in rich overglaze

famille rose enamels and gold.
Diameter Cup 2% in.: Saucer 4% in.
Avery Collection. Purchase, 1879.

767 BOWL. Porcelain; eggshell, peonies and pomegranates with

in at centre and floral reserves in colors on white against a
deep rouge-red on the exterior.
Diameter 4K in. Avery Collection. Purchase, 1879.

768 BOWL. Porcelain; eggshell, decorated at centre with rich

designs of peony, lotus, peach and citron and upper band of
floral reserves against a flowered-diaper ground, the whole
in rich overglaze enamels of the famille rose and gold. Ex
terior enameled throughout with a deep rouge-red of superior
Diameter 5^ in. Avery Collection. Purchase, 1879.

769 CUP AND SAUCER. Porcelain; eggshell, interiors deco

rated with sprays of roses and, in the case of the saucer, addi
tional corn-flower and butterfly designs, the whole being in
the richest famille rose enamels. The exteriors are similarly
covered with a coat of pale-pink enamels.
Diameter Cup 4 in.; Saucer 6}i in.
Avery Collection. Purchase, 1879.

770 CUP AND SAUCER. Porcelain; eggshell, decorated with

scene of a lady and her children watching a cock-fight and
surrounded by borders of Y-pattern and flowered-diaper
broken by arabesque-filled reserves, the whole design being
gracefully drawn and colored in rich overglaze colors of the
famille rose. Exterior of saucer is covered with a coat of deep
Diameter Cup 2^4 in.; Saucer 4% in.
Avery Collection. Purchase, 1879.

771 PLATE. Porcelain; eggshell, decorated in rich enamels of

the famille rose and gold with figure design taken from a
Chinese romance. Band of T-pattern in black and gold sur
Diameter 8y& in. Avery Collection. Purchase, 1879.

772 CUP AND SAUCER. Porcelain; eggshell, decorated with

figure designs of a sage on a mule and his attendant and sur
rounded by bands of diaper broken by floral medallions, the
whole in rich overglaze enamels of the fatnille rose. Exterior
of saucer enameled a deep rouge-red.
Diameter Cup 3 in.; Saucer 4 i n .
Avery Collection. Purchase, 1879.

773 PLATE. Porcelain, finest eggshell, decorated in the richest

enameled colors of the familie rose and gold with central de
sign of a fan enriched with the figure of a Chinese pheasant
amid floral sprays perched on a rock. Surrounding are floral
designs of roses, chrysanthemums and asters against a back
ground of flowered-diaper, while about border runs a floral
arabesque in dull red and gold.
Diameter 8 in. Avery Collection. Purchase, 1879.

774 BOWL. Porcelain; finest eggshell texture, floral design of

blossoming rose and buds at centre, the exterior being embel
lished with scrolls filled in with flower and bird designs and
supported by sprays of blossoming prunus in rich famille rose
enamels, against a deep rouge-red background of the most
brilliant tone.
Diameter 7^4 in. Avery Collection. Purchase, 1879.

775 CUP AND SAUCER. Porcelain; eggshell, decorated with

lotiform reserves of overglaze blue and white floral designs
against a deep rouge-red ground. Flowers in the same deep
enameled blue and white fill space between each lotus petal.
Diameter Cup 2% in.; Saucer 4% in.
Avery Collection. Purchase, 1879.

776 PLATE. Porcelain; eggshell, octagonal form, decorated at

centre in the richest overglaze enamels of the famille rose with
design of lady instructing her children. About edge runs a ,
broad band of deep rouge-red embellished with floral designs
in soft famille rose enamels.
Diameter 7^ in. Avery Collection. Purchase, 1879.

777 CUP AND SAUCER. Porcelain; purest eggshell, tastefully

decorated with floral designs of begonias, asters, leaves and
grasses, in the richest ruby and other overglaze enamels of the
famille rose.
Diameter Cup 3^ in.; Saucer 5^ in.
Avery Collection. Purchase, 1879.

7 7 8 PLATE. Porcelain; finest eggshell texture, decorated with

four borders of floral arabesques, diaper ornament or Y-pat-
tern about a central design of a lady with her two children.
Reserved against the Y-pattern are bunches of grapes in gold,
the rest of the decorations being in the soft pinks, blues, greens
and yellows of the famille rose, enriched by gilding.
Diameter 8^ in. Avery Collection. Purchase, 1879.

77Q PLATE. Porcelain; semi-eggshell, octagonal form, decorated

at centre in famille rose enamels on white with a rich design
of flowers in a basket, and surrounded by floral medallion in
the same rich enamels, reserved on white against a deep
rouge-red ground.
Diameter 7^ in. Avery Collection. Purchase, 1879.

7 8 0 CUP AND SAUCER. Porcelain; finest eggshell, rose in cen

tre of cup; exterior of cup and interior of saucer decorated
with scrolls seemingly resting on sprays of plum and filled in
with designs of mountain scenery; the whole in soft overglaze
enamels of the famille rose against a deep rouge-red ground.
Diameter Cup 3^ in.; Saucer 5yi in.
Avery Collection. Purchase, 1879.

7 8 1 CUP AND SAUCER. Porcelain; eggshell, decorated with

floral medallion in silver and gold on white and dragon medal
lions in overglaze blue and white against a ground of deep
Diameter Cup 2^ in.; Saucer 4X in.
Avery Collection. Purchase, 1879.

7 8 2 CUP AND SAUCER. Porcelain; eggshell, decorated in rich

overglaze enamels of the famille rose and gold with bird and
animal medallions against a floral field and surrounded by an
unusual border of "cracked ice" design in red and gold.
Diameter Cup 2 i n . ; Saucer 4^ in.
Avery Collection. Purchase, 1879.

7 8 3 CUP AND SAUCER. Porcelain; purest eggshell, tastefully

decorated in brilliant famille rose enamels and gold, with the
design of a lady seated at a table watching her child at play.
At centre of cup is a single rose. Indented lotiform edge.
Diameter Cup 2J/& in.; Saucer 4X in.
Avery Collection. Purchase, 1879.
784 PLATE. Porcelain; finest eggshell texture, decorated with
central design of two nobles who are about to set out on a
journey, bidding farewell to their friends. The designs, in
the richest overglaze enamels of tht famille rose, are surrounded
by three outer bands composed of floral medallions, diaper
ornament, Y-pattern, together with floral and dragon ara
besques, the whole in soft blue and white, black and white
and gold. Blue floral designs of blossoming peonies, asters
and lilies at back.
Diameter 8 in. Avery Collection. Purchase, 1879.

785 CUP AND SAUCER. Porcelain; eggshell, decorated in

enamels of the famille rose and gold with figure designs of a
lady being served with refreshments by a kneeling servant,
while behind, another servant cools the air above her with a
large feather fan. The design is framed in a band of rich
floral arabesque in red and gold, broken by floral and land
scape medallions in black and lake. Gilded edges.
Diameter Cup 2^ in.; Saucer 4X in.
Avery Collection. Purchase, 1879.

786 CUP AND SAUCER. Porcelain; finest eggshell, decorated

in rich overglaze famille rose enamels with butterfly designs
against a deep rouge-red. Floral sprays in red, yellow and
green on white.
Diameter 2^ in.; Saucer 4% in.
Avery Collection. Purchase, 1879.

787 PLATE. Porcelain; purest eggshell, indented edge, taste

fully decorated with floral designs, fruit and butterflies in
brilliant enamels of tht famille rose and gold. Fungus sprays
in coral-red on back; gilded edge.
Diameter 8 in. Avery Collection. Purchase, 1879.

788 COVERED TEA CADDY. Porcelain; eggshell, oval form,

floral relief design about foot, the body being decorated in
rich overglaze enamels of the famille rose, with rich floral de
signs between diaper and arabesque bands in the same rich
colors, silver and gold, while the cover is embellished with
floral designs and flowered-diaper ornament in colors of the
famille rose and gold.
Height 4^ in. Avery Collection. Purchase, 1879.

789 DISH. Porcelain; finest eggshell, decorated at centre with

rich designs of flowers in an openwork basket and fruit on a

stand, the designs being in brilliant famille rose enamels on

white surrounded by four bands of Y-pattern, flowered-dia
per and floral arabesques in soft blue, pink, rose and green.
The piece is further enriched by a band of brilliant rouge-red
on the exterior.
Diameter 6y& in. Avery Collection. Purchase, 1879.

790 HANGING FLOWER HOLDER. Porcelain; dense white

paste, usual flattened vase shape, decorated at centre with a
white panel filled in with floral sprays and butterflies in soft
famille rose enamels and reserved against a background of
deep rouge-red, itself enriched with floral arabesques in the
same soft overglaze enamels. Interior and foot robin's-egg
blue. Seal mark of period on latter in gold.
Height 8 in. Avery Collection. Purchase, 1879.

791 CUP AND SAUCER. Porcelain; finest eggshell, indented

edges, decorated at centres with design of sage and toad in
rich overglaze enamel of the famille rose, enriched with outer
circular medallions of floral arabesques in blue and gold and
pendant-flowered arabesque and dot borders in red and gold.
Diameter Cup 3^ in.; Saucer 5 in.
Avery Collection. Purchase, 1879.

792 PLATE. Porcelain; finest eggshell, decorated with a design

of rooster, hen and chicks beside a rock from which spring
poppies, asters and fungus, the whole design being in the
richest overglaze enamels of the famille rose. About outer
edge are sprays of asters, roses and poppies in the same bril
liant enamels.
Diameter 8 in. Avery Collection. Purchase, 1879.

793 PLATE. Porcelain; finest eggshell, embellished with design

of a lady instructing her children and surrounded by a rich
diaper border broken by floral reserves, the whole decoration
being in the most lavish overglaze enamels of the famille rose.
About edge is a diamond-diaper band in palest green and rose,
while the exterior is covered with a band of the richest rouge-
red enamel.
Diameter 7^ in. Avery Collection. Purchase, 1879.

794 CUP AND SAUCER. Porcelain; eggshell texture, decorated

in rich overglaze enamels of the famille rose, with floral bands
of lotus, peony, plum and sprays of bamboo against a back-
ground of concentric circles in ochreous-red. Band of fir-
bristle-diaper, broken by floral compartments, surrounds it,
being enameled in similar colors.
Diameter Cup 3X i n -i Saucer 5^ in.
Avery Collection. Purchase, 1879.

795 PLATE. Porcelain; finest eggshell, decorated with design of

men drinking, huge wine jars and bowls, surrounded by a band
of floral sprays and fruit, the whole in the richest famille rose
enamels, and further embellished on the back with bands of
brilliant rouge-ied.
Diameter 8% in. Avery Collection. Purchase, 1879.

796 BOWL AND SAUCER. Porcelain; eggshell texture, deco

rated with a lotus flower and floral and diaper band in famille
rose enamels, the exterior being covered by a gilded T-pattern
design broken by leaf-shaped floral and fruit reserves in bril
liant overglaze colors of the famille rose.
Diameter Bowl 4^8 in.; Saucer 6 in.
Avery Collection. Purchase, 1879.

797 PLATE. Porcelain; finest eggshell, having a rich floral and

fruit design at centre surrounded by four bands of diaper and
Y-pattern, the whole in rich famille rose enamels. The ex
terior is decorated with a band of deep rouge-red.
Diameter 7^ in. Avery Collection. Purchase, 1879.

798 SAUCER. Porcelain; finest eggshell, tazza form on high

silver foot (modern), and decorated in rich overglaze colors
of the famille rose with floral and figured fan-shaped panels
and ju-i head ornament against a background of deep rouge-
Diameter 4^ in., height 2^8 in.
Avery Collection. Purchase, 1879.

799 CUP AND SAUCER. Porcelain; finest eggshell, decorated in

brilliant famille rose enamels with sprays of roses and chrys
anthemums and covered on the outside by a solid coat of pale
Diameter Cup 3 in.; Saucer 5 in.
Avery Collection. Purchase, 1879.

800 CUP AND SAUCER. Porcelain; eggshell, decorated with

floral sprays and birds in soft colors of the. famille rose on white

framed in a rococo band of gilded floral arabesque on coral,

dots and scrolls in blue or black and surrounded by pendant
floral design in red and gold.
Diameter Cup 3 in.; Saucer 4% in.
Avery Collection. Purchase, 1879.

801 PLATE. Porcelain; finest eggshell paste, tastefully deco

rated in colors of the famille rose with design of a richly
plumaged bird perched upon the limb of a blossoming peony
tree. The back is embellished with a band of deep rouge-red.
Diameter 7^ in. Avery Collection. Purchase, 1879.

802 COVERED BOWL. Porcelain; finest eggshell paste, interior

decorated with floral rosette at centre and band of diamond-
diaper, having superimposed floral designs and broken at
intervals by floral medallions, the whole in the richest over-
glaze enamels of the famille rose. In the same brilliant colors
the exteriors are embellished with floral or figured compart
ments against a rich background of floral arabesques in colors
and gold, the edge of the bowl having an additional floral
design of lotus sprays. Scalloped edge.
Diameter 5^ in., height 4X i n -
Avery Collection. Purchase, 1879.

803 PLATE. Porcelain; eggshell, decorated with seascape boats,

precipitous mountains, etc., surrounded by bands of floral
arabesques and diaper ornament, the latter broken by floral
and fruit designs, the whole decoration being in brilliant over-
glaze enamels of the famille rose. Back is embellished with a
band of deep rouge-red.
Diameter 7^ in. Avery Collection. Purchase, 1879.

804 BOWL AND SAUCER. Porcelain; eggshell, decorated at

centres with designs of flowers in baskets and fruit on trays.
Exterior of cup and border of saucer further enriched with
triple bands of diamond, flowered and Y-pattern diapers
broken at intervals by designs of conventionalized lotus
flower, the whole decoration being in rich overglaze enamels
of the famille rose and gold.
Diameter Bowl 4^8 in.; Saucer 6l/& in.
Avery Collection. Purchase, 1879.

805 PLATE. Porcelain; finest eggshell, tastefully decorated at

centre with a rich floral design of poppies in the most delicate
rose, yellow and greens of the famille rose. At side is a single
bee in brown and red, while the back is covered with a band of
deep rouge-red.
Diameter 8 in. Avery Collection. Purchase, 1879.

806 VASE. Porcelain; semi-eggshell texture, hexagonal form,

decorated with relief designs of blossoming prunus sprays at
neck, bats and figure designs of a lady playing flute and carry
ing fish at centre and basket of flowers and jardiniere filled
with blossoming peony about foot, the whole in rich overglaze
enamels of the famille rose.
Height 8 ^ in. Avery Collection. Purchase, 1879.

807 TEAPOT. Porcelain; semi-eggshell texture, decorated about

body with relief designs of lotus flowers and leaves amid
which are designs of lotus flowers and other aquatic plants
and flying kingfishes, the whole in rich famille rose enamels
and gold. Handle and spout are enameled in lavender blue.
Reticulated floral arabesque in yellow runs around foot.
Height 4% in. Avery Collection. Purchase, 1879.

808 CUP AND SAUCER. Porcelain; eggshell, lotiform, deco

rated with lotus designs in the paste and further embellished
with the same designs in high relief and with lotus and peony
sprays painted over the glaze, the whole in the richest fam-ille
rose enamels. Gilded edges.
Diameter Cup 2^ in.; Saucer 4X in.
Avery Collection. Purchase, 1879.

809 CUP AND SAUCER. Porcelain; semi-eggshell, decorated

under the glaze with incised lotus design and floral designs
over the glaze and having on the exteriors, as bases, lotus
flowers and leaves and twisted vines against a lotus design
moulded in low relief, the whole decoration being in rich over-
glaze famille rose enamels and gold.
Diameter Cup 2^ in.; Saucer 4^ in.
Avery Collection. Purchase, 1879.

810 TEAPOT. Porcelain; coarse white paste, globular rim,

moulded in the paste with circular rosettes of lotus flowers
framed in diaper bands. Above and below are floral and
palmette designs, while between rosettes are lotus flowers and
arabesques. The spout and handles of both cover and pot

are in the form of Dogs of Fou and the whole decoration is in

rich, though overlavish, colors of the famille rose.
Height 4X in- Avery Collection. Purchase, 1879.

811 WATER HOLDER. Porcelain; semi-eggshell, decorated on

the under side and at handles in coral-red, blue and green with
dragon figures in high relief.
Length 5 in. Avery Collection. Purchase, 1879.

812 CUP. Porcelain; dense white paste, lotiform, enameled in

side in deep robin's-egg blue, on the outside in rose, yellow
and green with lotus petals and leaves, the latter in high
relief. Gilded edge. Seal mark of period on foot in red.
Diameter 3 in. Avery Collection. Purchase, 1879.

813 WATER HOLDER. Porcelain; fine white paste, double-

gourd form, enameled in deep robin's-egg blue within, on the
outside with splashes of coral-red on a gourd of cafe-au-lait.
Tendrils and leaves are moulded in relief on the under side
and either colored in black and green or gilded.
Length 3^ in. Avery Collection. Purchase, 1879.

814 TEAPOT. Porcelain; fine white paste, decorated with relief

designs of lotus flowers and leaves in green, blue and gold
against bands of pink and yellow. Figured medallions in rich
famille rose enamels and gold and palmette bands and de
tached floral sprays are reserved in blue, coral, and pink
against a gilded ground. Handle and spout in turquoise, yel
low, pink and gold.
Height 5 in. Avery Collection. Purchase, 1879.

815 VASE. Porcelain; dense white paste, quadrangular form,

decorated throughout with reticulated designs of swastika,
diamond and "cash" designs in white in panels surrounded
by bands of "blob" hawthorn, diaper ornament and Greek
fret in overglaze enamels of the famille rose.
Height \ \% in. Avery Collection. Purchase, 1879.

816 PLATE. Porcelain; semi-eggshell texture, lotus form, deco

rated at centre with sprays of blossoming plum in relief, sur
rounded by a rosette of chrysanthemum petals from which
spring sprays of blossoming plum. About edge is a band of
floral designs of lotus and plum blossom with lotus petal com
partments moulded in low relief. About the outside are

sprays of plum blossoms in low relief, the whole decoration

of the plate being in rich overglaze famille rose enamels.
Edge gilded.
Diameter 7% in. Avery Collection. Purchase, 1879.

817 HANGING FLOWER GLOBE. Porcelain; soft paste, in

shape of a ball, decorated with reticulated designs and medal
lions filled in with floral designs and framed in bands of floral
designs and arabesque, the whole in the rich enamels of the
famille rose.
Height 3^ in. Avery Collection. Purchase, 1879.

818 VASE. Porcelain; coarse white paste, rectangular form, flar

ing mouth. Piece is ornamented with reticulated designs of
cash and swastika-diaper in white surrounded by bands of
floral designs, fret and diaper in enameled colors of the famille
Height 11^4 in. Avery Collection. Purchase, 1879.

819 VASE. Porcelain; sexagonal form, having reticulated lattice

work design in turquoise, red and gold and standing on a
reticulated base enameled in the same colors, the whole
design being framed in bands simulating bamboo twigs.
Height 4^ in. Avery Collection. Purchase, 1879.

820 TWO HANGING VASES. Porcelain; eggshell texture,

globular form, wide spreading mouth, the body a network of
reticulated design in white, the mouth and foot rich with
dragon and floral designs in overglaze enamels of the famille
rose. Piece has chains and looped bar for suspension.
Height in. Avery Collection. Purchase, 1879.

821 VASE ON STAND. Porcelain; dense white paste, rectangu

lar form, the sides composed of reticulated designs supporting
central figured panels, and enameled in rich colors of the
famille rose. Base in two tiers; the lower, tiger skin and fret
design in brown and pink; the upper, reticulated floral designs
of prunus in pink medallions surrounded by turquoise blue.
Height 7X in. Avery Collection. Purchase, 1879.

822 PLATE. Porcelain; orange-peel surface, lotus form, deco

rated with central rosette of raised prunus blossom, surrounded
by chrysanthemums and prunus sprays and an upper border
of floral compartments, the exterior being enriched with relief

designs of prunus sprays, the whole decoration being in rich

enamels of the famille rose. Gilded edge.
Diameter 7X i n - Avery Collection. Purchase, 1879.


shell texture, decorated with reticulated designs, circular floral
medallions, etc., in the richest overglaze enamels of the famille
Height 3X in. Avery Collection. Purchase, 1879.

824 WINE CUP. Porcelain; having central design of a Chinese

deity enclosed within a raised boss. When cup was filled the
figure rose through the opening on top of the boss. About
exterior of piece are figure designs of Li, staff and peach in
hand, talking with a mandarin, the design being in overglaze
enamels of the famille rose.
Height 2% in. Avery Collection. Purchase, 1879.

825 VASE. Porcelain; heavy white paste, sexagonal form, hav

ing reticulated panels in white supporting designs of flower-
filled vases and framed in floral bands, the whole in rich famille
rose enamels. At neck are raised floral designs in the same
rich colors and gold, together with a flaring band of coral over-
decorated with prunus and crackled ice design in gold. Coral
band at foot.
Height 12 in. Avery Collection. Purchase, 1879.

826 CUP AND SAUCER. Porcelain; dense white paste, reticu

lated sides showing body below covered with a glaze of deep
gros bleu. Reticulated designs are in the form of chrysanthe
mums connected by latticework and framed in bands of
blossoming peonies and diapers. Within are similarly floral
designs, the whole being in the richest overglaze colors of the
famille rose.
Diameter Cup in.; Saucer 5X in.
Avery Collection. Purchase, 1879.

827 CUP AND SAUCER. Porcelain; coarse white paste, unusual

form, cup decorated with reticulated dragon medallions and
both cup and saucer embellished with dragon and floral de
signs in coral red, green, blue and gold.
Height Cup 3% in.; Diameter Saucer 4^ in.
Avery Collection. Purchase, 1879.

828 COVERED CUP AND SAUCER. Porcelain; semi-eggshell,

decorated with rich reticulated designs gilded and broken by
floral designs and fruits in overglaze enamels of the rose-verte.
Rich floral and fruit design at centre; gilded edges.
Diameter Cup 3^ in.; Saucer 5^ in.
Avery Collection. Purchase, 1879.

829 BRUSH CASES. Porcelain; heavy paste, both pieces having

reticulated designs in turquoise framed in bands of gros bleu.,
enriched with gilded fret design. The tops are decorated, the
one with a pierced design of gilded dragons amid clouds in
fannlle rose enamels, the other with figure designs in similar
rich enamels of the famille rose.
Length 8 in. and 7% in.
Avery Collection. Purchase, 1879.

830 COVERED VASE. Porcelain; semi-eggshell, oval form, on

foot surrounded by reticulated spiral design gilded. Body of
piece is covered with an embossed floral and arabesque design
in blue broken by medallions filled in with bird and flower
designs in rich famille rose enamels and gold. Cover has
similar blue floral design and band of chain pattern in red and
gold at edge.
Height 5X in. Avery Collection. Purchase, 1879.

831 GLOBULAR FLOWER HOLDER. Porcelain; eggshell, re

ticulated throughout and covered with a pale robin's-egg blue
glaze. Three circular figured medallions enameled in the five
colors surround sides. Band of coral at orifice at top.
Height 2% in. Avery Collection. Purchase, 1879.

832 SMALL TRAY. Porcelain; fine white paste, decorated with

Vandykes of gilded diaper ornament against a deep gros blue
background and further enriched by peonies and pinks in
brilliant rose and green. At centre is a serrated circular
medallion in black and gold.
Length 5 in. Avery Collection. Purchase, 1879.

833 MINIATURE VASE. Porcelain; in form of an ancient

bronze, decorated with conventionalized dragons, arabesques,
palmette and fret designs in low relief, against a ground of
mottled robin's-egg blue. Embryo handles at neck. Gilded
Height 5 in. Avery Collection. Purchase, 1879.

834 VASE. Porcelain; eggshell, globular body, flaring lip, deco

rated with figured medallions in colors of the famille rose on
white against a background of raised arabesques in colors
against a pale rose ground. Lip formerly gilded.
Height 5 in. Avery Collection. Purchase, 1879.

835 CUP AND SAUCER. Porcelain; eggshell, decorated in red,

black and gold with design of boy and buffalo.
Diameter Cup 2^ in.; Saucer 4]/ 2 in.
Avery Collection. Purchase, 1879.

836 CUP AND SAUCER: Porcelain; eggshell, decorated in

black, red and brown, with design of squirrels amid vines.
Rich borders of floral arabesque in black, red and gold.
Diameter Cup 3 in.; Saucer 4^ in.
Avery Collection. Purchase, 1879.

837 CUP AND SAUCER. Porcelain; eggshell, decorated in red,

blue and black with design of fighting cocks and peony flowers.
Gilded edges.
Diameter Cup 2^ in.; Saucer 4K in.
Avery Collection. Purchase, 1879.

. 838 COVERED CUP AND SAUCER. Porcelain: finest eggshell,

having incised lotus design in the paste and overglaze deco
ration of cocks and floral sprigs in red and gold.
Diameter Cup 3 in.; Saucer 5% in.
Avery Collection. Purchase, 1879.

839 DISH. Porcelain; eggshell, decorated at centre with the five

bats (happiness) in coral-red, on the exterior, with a rich floral
arabesque in the brilliant colors of the famille rose against a
deep rose background. Seal mark of period in blue under the
Diameter 6^ in. Avery Collection. Purchase, 1879.

840 CUP AND SAUCER. Porcelain; eggshell, decorated in blue,

red, green, and gold with flowers, fish and aquatic fowl.
Diameter Cup 2^ in.; Saucer 4X in.
Avery Collection. Purchase, 1879.

841 COVERED CUP AND SAUCER. Porcelain; eggshell, deco

rated in coral-red and gold with designs of boy riding buffalo.
Diameter Cup 3 in.; Saucer 5X i n -
Avery Collection. Purchase, 1879,
842 FIVE SNUFF BOTTLES. Porcelain; dense white paste,
Nos. 1-2 polychrome and of grotesque form; No. 3 polychrome,
double-gourd shape; No. 4 polychrome, having the figures of
the Taoist divinities in low relief. No. 5 is a cylindrical bottle
having the design of a dragon amid clouds reserved in white
against a bright pea-green ground.
Avery Collection. Purchase, 1879.

843 SMALL CUP AND SAUCER. Porcelain; finest eggshell,

lotiform, decorated in brilliant enamels and gold with designs
of flowers, birds and insects.
Diameter Cup i l /i in.; Saucer 3^ in.
Avery Collection. Purchase, 1879.

844 COVERED CUP AND STAND. Porcelain; eggshell, deco

rated in sepia with figure designs of Chinese noblemen feast
ing and composing poems.
Diameter 3^ in. Avery Collection. Purchase, 1879.

845 CUP AND SAUCER. Porcelain; eggshell, decorated with

the po ku emblems in black and gold and an outer border of
floral arabesques in black on white between bands of diamond
diaper in black and gold.
Diameter Cup 3 in.; Saucer 4X in.
Avery Collection. Purchase, 1879.

846 CUP AND SAUCER. Porcelain; eggshell, moulded and in

cised in the paste with lotus designs and further enriched with
design of shepherd and sheep in rich overglaze enamels.
Diameter Cup 3 in.; Saucer 5X i n -
Avery Collection. Purchase, 1879.

847 CUP AND SAUCER. Porcelain; eggshell, decorated with

floral designs in gold against a brilliant sapphire blue and
surrounded by bands of diaper ornament in black and white.
Gilded edges.
Diameter Cup 2^ in.; Saucer in.
Avery Collection. Purchase, 1879.

848 CUP. Porcelain; dense white paste, octagonal form, interior

covered throughout with a rich robin's-egg blue, the exterior
embellished with landscape medallions in rose-verte colors on
which against a background of pale pink, itself covered with

floral arabesques in deep rose. Seal mark of period in red on

Height 2^2 in. Avery Collection. Purchase, 1879.

849 VASE. Porcelain; dense white paste, globular body, cylin

drical neck widening at the mouth. Piece is covered through
out with a monochrome glaze of rich gros bleu, having a rough
ened orange peel surface.
Height 29 in. Avery Collection. Purchase, 1879.

850 VASE. Porcelain; dense gray-white paste, mandarin form,

dragon handles, covered with relief designs of flowers and
leaves and further embellished with panels of rich floral
designs in cloisonne enamels. At intervals silver-gilt butter
flies and beetles are affixed.
Height 26 in. Avery Collection. Purchase, 1879.

851 VASE. Porcelain; dense white paste, oval form, spreading

lip, covered with a conglomerate marble glaze filled in with
poems in black. Interior robin's-egg blue.
Height 20X in. Gift of A. Sichel, 1879.


852 LARGE DISH. Porcelain; dense white paste, decorated at
centre with designs of birds amid pomegranate trees, peo
nies, etc., in rich overglaze enamels of the famille rose and
framed in an outer reticulated border of bamboo twigs, itself
banded by a band of diaper ornament, bamboo design and
lotus in soft overglaze enamels. Gilded edge.
Diameter io-^ in. Avery Collection. Purchase, 1879.

853 TEAPOT. Porcelain; heavy white paste, body moulded in

the form of a lotus enameled a deep rose and embellished with
raised lotus designs in coral, green and gold. Cover in form
of lotus leaf is green, top lotus pod in coral, while lotus flowers
and leaves in relief encircle its sides. Handle and spout in
coral in form of lotus stem; foot an inverted lotus in deep
Height 6 in. Avery Collection. Purchase, 1879.


854 DINNER PLATE. Porcelain; heavy white paste, decorated

with central circular medallion of rich floral designs in the
midst of which is Buddha as a child. Between this central
design and a floral-diaper band at edge is a rich floral design
of lotus flowers, the whole decoration being in brilliant over-
glaze enamels of the/'amilie verte. Mark, on back, a "ting"
within a double blue ring.
Diameter in. Avery Collection. Purchase, 1879.

855 PLATE. Porcelain; central design of peonies in pot on stand,

colored in soft tones of green, aubergine and red, touched with
gold. Surrounding is a broad band fluted in the paste, divided
by blue lines into twelve compartments, filled in with land
scapes, floral design, seascapes and figures, the whole in blue
sous couverte, red, green, black, aubergine and gold. Red
diaper border, scallooed and gilded edge.
Diameter 8^ in Avery Collection. Purchase, 1879.

856 PLATE. Porcelain; dense blue-white paste, decorated at

centre in famille verte enamels with jar filled with flowers and
surrounded by bands of floral designs in same rich colors, and
an outer band of lotus flowers incised in the paste under the
glaze. Opaque brown edge.
Diameter 8^ in. Avery Collection. Purchase, 1879.

857 PLATE. Porcelain; coarse white paste, decorated with scene

of a warrior and his bannerman, and surrounded by a rich
border and lotus petal compartments filled in with figures,
flowers and diaper ornament, the whole in brilliant overglaze
enamels of the famille verte and gold.
Diameter 8 in. Avery Collection. Purchase, 1879.

858 BOWL. Porcelain; coarse white paste, decorated in two

shades of underglaze blue with the figures of the eight Taoist
divinities seated upon fabulous beasts. Seal mark in blue
within foot.
Diameter 5^ in. Avery Collection. Purchase, 1879.

8 5 9 COVERED BOWL. Porcelain; dense blue-white paste,

decorated at sides in high relief with the figures (biscuit) of
the eight Taoist divinities. These are enclosed in oval me-

dallions divided by land- and seascapes in deep underglaze

cobalt blue and white. On cover in similar colors are other
figures of deities and, as handle, a Dog of Fou, formerly gilded
sur biscuit, as were the relief designs to which we have above
referred. Blue circle on foot.
Diameter 5^ in. Avery Collection. Purchase, 1879.

860 VASE. Porcelain; heavy texture, globular body, long neck,

spiralated handles at sides; the piece is decorated in deep
underglaze cobalt blue with fanciful floral designs of conven
tionalized lotus and peony. Wave pattern in paste about lip.
Height 7X i n - Avery Collection. Purchase, 1879.

861 VASE. Porcelain; blue-white paste, double-gourd shape,

handles at sides, decorated in two shades of blue under the
glaze with three-clawcd dragons surrounded by flaming spirals
and supporting circular shou designs. Seal mark on foot.
Height 7 i n . Avery Collection. Purchase, 1879.

862 MUG. Porcelain; coarse white paste, decorated with pagoda

designs in deep underglaze blue and surrounded by an upper
band of butterfly and diaper ornament in the same color.
Made for the European market.
Height 4}^ in. Avery Collection. Purchase, 1879.

863 EWER. Porcelain; coarse white paste, fluted pear shape,

having dragon handle and underglaze floral medallions, birds
and butterflies in two shades of cobalt blue. Made for the
European market.
Height 10X in- Avery Collection. Purchase, 1879.

864 LARGE PLATE. Porcelain; dense white paste, of pure

quality, decorated with floral designs and leaves in white
picked out against a ground of deep powder blue. On back
within double circle six-character mark of period.
Diameter 13^ in. Avery Collection. Purchase, 1879.

865 TWO BOWLS. Porcelain; pure white paste, decorated with

pierced grain-de-riz designs between bands of ju-i heads and
fanciful palmettes in underglaze blue and white.
Diameter at mouth 5X in., 7% in.
Avery Collection. Purchase, 1879.

866 VASE. Porcelain; fine white paste, oval form, decorated

with flowered grain-de-ri{ patterns between bands of palmettes,
diapers and ju-i head ornament in deep underglaze blue and
Height 7^4" in. Avery Collection. Purchase, 1879.

867 BOWL. Porcelain; pure white paste, decorated on the out

side with rich magnolia and peony sprays in the colors of the
famille rose against a deep coral-red. Seal mark of period in
blue on foot.
Diameter 7 in. Avery Collection. Purchase, 1879.

868 BOWL. Porcelain; pure white, semi-eggshell, decorated with

floral rosettes and medallions in rich overglaze enamels of the
famille verte. Seal mark of period in red on foot.
Diameter 5^ in. Avery Collection. Purchase, 1879.

869 DISH. Porcelain; fine white paste, decorated in coral-red

with interior designs of the five bats surrounding the seal
character shou on the outside with lu, fu, shou, medallions in
coral and white, filled with felicitous expressions, reserved
against a bright canary-yellow ground, itself embellished with
floral designs of peonies and floral arabesques in the overglaze
enamels of the famille rose. Seal mark of the period in red
on foot.
Diameter 6% in. Avery Collection. Purchase, 1879.

870 VASE. Porcelain; fine white paste, bottle shape, embryo

handles at neck, flange at mouth, decorated with bats, lotus
flowers, sweet-flag, asters, peaches and floral arabesques in
the richest overglaze enamels of the famille rose against a
background of bright canary-yellow. Fanciful palmette band
at foot and band of Greek fret; interior of robin's-egg blue;
base the same and stamped in red with seal of period.
Height 13^ in. Avery Collection. Purchase, 1879.

871 LARGE PLATE. Porcelain; heavy gray-white paste, octag

onal form decorated at centre with a floral design of peonies,
asters and bamboo and a scroll embellished with designs of a
bird in the branches of a blossoming prunus, bamboo sprays
and blossoming peony, the whole in the richest overglaze
enamels of the famille rose. Surrounding plate is a broken
border of peony, prunus and bamboo in the same bright colors
on a ground of spirals in dull red. Gilded edge.
Diameter 15^2 in. Avery Collection. Purchase, 1879.

872 SNUFF BOTTLE. Porcelain; hard white paste, ornamented

with relief designs of figures in a boat, fir-trees, rocks and the
figure of a poet writing verses. Designs are in overglaze
enamels of the famille rose framed in bands of ju-i head and
Greek fret ornament in coral-red.
Height 2% in. Avery Collection. Purchase, 1879.

873 MANDARIN VASE. Porcelain; gray-white paste, ribbed

pear shape, having relief decoration of figured panels sur
rounded by floral arabesques and scrolls, the whole in
coarsely lavish enamels of the famille rose against a dotted
"shagreened Mandarin" ground.
Height \\% in. Avery Collection. Purchase, 1879.

874 SNUFF BOTTLE. Porcelain; dense white paste, having

reticulated design of the Buddhist symbols, enamels in the
overglaze colors of thz famille rose between bands of ju-i heads
and Greek fret ornament in coral. Agate stopper. Seal mark
of period on foot in red.
Height 3X i n - Avery Collection. Purchase, 1879.

875 PLATE. Porcelain; gray-white paste, decorated with figure

designs at centre and an outer border of floral medallions and
sprigs of flowers, the whole in overglaze enamels of the famille
rose. Scalloped edge, gilded.
Diameter 8^ in. Avery Collection. Purchase, 1879.

876 LARGE PLATE. Porcelain; gray-white paste, decorated at

centre with peonies, asters and prunus in rich overglaze enam
els of the famille rose and surrounded by an outer band of
diapers, prunus sprays and bamboo in the same bright over
glaze colors. On back are sprays of fungus in coral-red.
Opaque brown edge.
Diameter 13^ in. Avery Collection. Purchase, 1879.

877 PLATE. Porcelain; gray-white paste, having central deco

ration of a noble and the ladies of his house watching the
maneuvres of four young ladies on horseback. The design is
framed in an outer border of diapers broken by medallions
of Buddhist symbols, the whole being in rich overglaze enamels
of the famille rose and gold. Opaque brown edge.
Diameter 8X in. Avery Collection. Purchase, 1879.
878 PLATE. Porcelain; gray-white paste, decorated with cen
tral design of boys at play and surrounded by a rich border of
fish scale broken by flowers and flower-filled medallions and
figured fan-shaped designs, the whole enameled in overglaze
colors of the famille rose and gold. Opaque brown edge.
Diameter 9 in. Avery Collection. Purchase, 1879.

879 HAND SPITTOON. Porcelain; coarse gray-white paste,

globular body, handle at side and wide flaring mouth. Piece
is covered throughout with a pale pink enamel against which
in low relief are reserved birds amid floral sprays of magnolia,
prunus and peony enameled in rich colors of the famille rose
and gold. Within lip are figured designs of Taoist divinities
crossing the ocean on the backs of fabulous beasts, the whole
in the same bright colors of the famille rose.
Height 4*4 in. Avery Collection. Purchase, 1879.

880 CUP. Porcelain; gray-white paste, sexagonal form, deco

rated with reserves of floral designs in the. famille rose on white
framed in bands of spirals in red and sepia.
Height 2yi in. Avery Collection. Purchase, 1879.

881 MANDARIN VASE. Porcelain; heavy gray-white paste; a

mandarin vase covered with a rich design of flower and fruit
trees in low relief enameled in bright colors of the famille rose
against a spiralate ground of "ruby" and pink. Cover
Height \\% in. Avery Collection. Purchase, 1879.

882 PLATE. Porcelain; gray-white paste, lotiform, decorated

with central designs of peony, tiger lilies, etc., surrounded by
a rich lotus petal design itself framed in a dotted band broken
by floral designs of lotus, prunus, peony, and orchid, the whole
being in the richest overglaze colors of the famille rose.
Opaque brown edge.
Diameter 10 in. Avery Collection. Purchase, 1879.

883 VASE. Porcelain; heavy gray paste, cylindrical form, deco

rated against a ground of coral-red spirals with rich floral
designs of peony, aster, prunus, magnolia, lotus and bamboo
sprays. A band of fanciful palmette surrounds foot, the whole
in the brightest overglaze enamels of the famille rose. Neck
broken and ground down.
Height in. Avery Collection. Purchase, 1879.

884 PLATE. Porcelain; heavy gray paste, decorated at centre

with figure design, peacock on verandah and bird amid the
branches of a blossoming tree. Framing this are bands of
triangle diaper and aquatic birds and medallions filled in with
fish or flowered diamond-diaper, the whole in overglazQ famille
rose enamels and gold. Opaque brown edge.
Diameter 7K in. Avery Collection. Purchase, 1879.

885 PLATE. Porcelain; gray-white paste, octagonal form, hav

ing central design of peonies and an outer band of floral design
within medallions or against a background of concentric
circles, the whole in enamels of the famille rose and gold.
Gilded edge.
Diameter 8J^ in. Avery Collection. Purchase, 1879.

886 CUP AND SAUCER. Porcelain; heavy white paste, cov

ered with a whole-rose pattern enriched by floral bands and
arabesques in a deeper shade of rose. Opaque brown edge.
Seal mark of period in blue under the glaze, on foot.
Diameter Cup 2% in.; Saucer 4X in.
Avery Collection. Purchase, 1879.

887 VASE. Porcelain; dense white paste, globular form with

long thin neck. Piece is decorated with the design of a four-
clawed dragon amid cloud and flame in pursuit of the sacred
pearl, the design being in overglaze enamels of the famille
rose against a background of concentric circles in deep red.
Height 7^ in. Avery Collection. Purchase, 1879.

888 LARGE PLATE. Porcelain; heavy gray-white paste, deco

rated with figure design of ladies and children beneath a
blossoming prunus tree and surrounded by a rich brocaded
border of floral designs of peony, lotus and plum, either on
white or over rich diaper patterns, the whole decoration being
in coarse overglaze enamels of the famille rose and gold.
Opaque brown edge.
Diameter 18 in. Avery Collection. Purchase, 1879.

889 BOWL. Porcelain; heavy white paste, the outer side cov
ered with an incised design of leaping waves on white, over
which the goddess Lan Ts'ai Ho, sometimes accompanied by
an attendant, crosses in a boat made of a hollow tree, the fig
ures being in the richest overglaze famille rose enamels. Gilded
edge. Red seal mark of period on foot.
Diameter 6X in. Avery Collection. Purchase, 1879.
890 BOWL. Porcelain; dense white paste, decorated on the outer
side with conventionalized phoenix and dragon designs and
floral arabesques in the richest overglaze enamels of the
famille rose. Seal mark of period in blue on foot.
Diameter in. Avery Collection. Purchase, 1879.

891 PLATE. Porcelain; gray-white paste, octagonal form deco

rated with central design of peony sprays and bowl filled with
peaches, plums, pomegranates and citrons, surrounded by a
rich diaper border broken by butterfly and pomegranate-
shaped reserves filled in with flowers, the whole in rich over-
glaze famille rose enamels and gold.
Diameter 8^ in- Avery Collection. Purchase, 1879.

892 PLATE. Porcelain; gray-white paste, decorated with rare

Buddhistic design of boys playing with lotus flowers in rich
famille rose enamels on a red spiral diaper ground and sur
rounded by floral designs of lotus flowers, and an outer band
of flowered diaper in the same rich enamels. Opaque brown
Diameter 9 in. Avery Collection. Purchase, 1879.

893 BOWL. Porcelain; dense white paste, robin's-egg blue within,

the exterior covered with a design in low relief of the eight
Taoist divinities on fabulous beasts crossing the ocean, the
whole decoration being in rich overglaze enamels of the famille
rose. Opaque brown edge.
Diameter 4^ in. Avery Collection. Purchase, 1879.

894 VASE. Porcelain; dense white paste, cylindrical body slop

ing at shoulder, long neck with handles and flange at mouth.
Piece is covered with a pale pink enamel enriched by shou
designs, Buddhist symbols and floral arabesques in the bright
est overglaze colors of the famille rose and gold. Interior and
foot robin's-egg blue. Seal mark on base in red.
Height \\}4 in. Avery Collection. Purchase, 1879.

895 VASE. Porcelain; dense gray-white paste, in form of an

ancient bronze, decorated with shou designs, cranes, bats
peaches and peach trees, against a background of floriated
spiral, the whole in rich famille rose enamels. Band of flowered
diaper in pink encircles middle; handles robin's-egg blue with
famille rose clouds. Fanciful palmette band and cloud diaper
in famille rose enamels at foot.
Height 14X in. Avery Collection. Purchase, 1879.

896 VASE. Porcelain; dense white paste, globular body, lion

head handles with rings at neck, the body encircled by lotus
petal designs in low relief decorated with lines of poetry
framed in diaper bands. The neck is decorated likewise with
poems, and at lip and foot are spiral bands, the whole decora
tion being in overglaze colors of the famille verte.
Height 7^4 in. Avery Collection. Purchase, 1879.

897 BOWL. Porcelain; dense white paste, interior covered

throughout with a deep robin's-egg blue, exterior decorated
with rich floral designs of lotus flowers and leaves in overglaze
enamels of the. famille rose against a gilded background. Seal
mark in blue on foot.
Diameter 4X in. Avery Collection. Purchase, 1879.

898 BOWL. Porcelain: gray-white paste, decorated with central

design of lotus flowers in vase surrounded by an upper band
of floral designs between smaller diaper bands, and on the
outside with flowers, feather, coral, etc., in vases, the whole
being in rich overglaze famille rose enamels. Opaque brown
Diameter 8X in- Avery Collection. Purchase, 1879.

899 VASE. Porcelain; dense white paste, oval form, flange at

mouth, body and neck covered throughout with a pale robin's-
egg enamel enriched by floral arabesques and fu designs
in the richest famille rose enamels. Below lip, at shoulder and
foot are ju-i head and palmette designs in rose, blue and yel
low. An extra band of blue and pink floral arabesque at
shoulder and Greek fret at shoulder, completes the outer
decoration. The interior and foot are enameled in robin's-
egg blue. Seal mark on foot in red.
Height 13X in. Avery Collection. Purchase, 1879.

900 SMALL SCREEN. Porcelain; decorated with mountain

and lake scenery in soft rose-verte enamels.
Extreme height, with ebony stand, 11 in.
Avery Collection. Purchase, 1879.

901 SHALLOW BOWL. Porcelain; heavy white paste, enameled

on the outside with a pale robin's-egg blue over which in white
enamel is a Greek fret pattern between floral bands. Seal
mark of period on foot in red.
Diameter 7^4 in. Avery Collection. Purchase, 1879.
902 COVERED BOWL. Porcelain; dense gray paste, covered
on the outer side with an etched ground of robin's-egg blue
enriched with floral designs and butterflies in the richest over-
glaze famille rose enamels. Opaque brown edge.
Diameter 8% in. Avery Collection. Purchase, 1879.
903 VASE. Porcelain; heavy white paste, oval shape, flange at
mouth, decorated against a deep robin's-egg blue with designs
of boys climbing amid pear and peach trees, and roses and
chrysanthemums springing from rocks at foot, the whole in
the richest overglaze enamels of the famille rose. Seal mark
of period on foot in red. Interior robin's-egg blue, lip brown.
Height 14X in. Avery Collection. Purchase, 1879.
904 PLATE. Porcelain; gray-white paste, decorated at centre
with designs of a large peach in the midst of which, perched
on the branch of a blossoming peach tree, are two birds. The
design is framed in floral designs of peach blossoms, flowers
in vases or baskets, including peony, peach, plum, aster,
together with peaches and pomegranates, the whole design
framed in a band of spiral arabesque, being in the richest
famille rose enamels.
Diameter 17 in. Avery Collection. Purchase, 1879.
905 BOWL. Porcelain; pure white paste, decorated with rich
floral arabesque and shou designs in overglaze enamels of the
famille rose against a background of deep robin's-egg blue.
Seal mark in red on back.
Diameter in. Avery Collection. Purchase, 1879.
906 CUP AND SAUCER. Porcelain; coarse white paste, lotus
form, ornamented on the exteriors with relief designs of lotus
flowers and leaves in colors against a deep rouge-red ground.
Diameter Cup 3X in.; Saucer in.
Avery Collection. Purchase, 1879.
907 VASE. Porcelain; heavy white paste, double-gourd shape,
covered with a raised design of gourds and bats in coral, green,
blue sous couverte, and pink, against a mustard-yellow back
ground. Stands on three feet. Interior robin's-egg blue.
Height 6^ in. Avery Collection. Purchase, 1879.
908 VASE. Porcelain; heavy gray-white texture, double-gourd
shape, having six reticulated panels at sides enameled in
mustard-yellow and framed in a veined robin's-egg blue.
Plain robin's-egg blue interior.
Height 7yi in. Avery Collection. Purchase, 1879.

9 0 9 SAUCER. Porcelain; dense white paste, decorated with cen

tral rose-verte design of lady and attendant admiring her tame
birds. Framing this are bands of floral designs and figure
and bird-filled medallions in colors against a rich background
of rose and pink honeycomb-pattern. Opaque brown edge.
Insects in coral-red on exterior.
Diameter 6 in. Avery Collection. Purchase, 1879.

9 1 0 DISH. Porcelain; dense white paste, moulded in the paste

in chrysanthemum form and further enriched with floral
rosette at centre surrounded by floral sprays in rich overglaze
enamels of the famille rose. The back, also chrysanthemum
form, is covered throughout with a rich pink enamel and fur
ther embellished with raised grape-vine designs and mice,
gilded. Edge gilded.
Diameter 6^ in- Avery Collection. Purchase, 1879.

9 1 I TEA AND COFFEE SET. Porcelain; coarse white body,

the set consists of six larger pieces and a dozen cups and sau
cers coarsely decorated to European 1 order with a monogram
in blue and gold, and outer blue border gilded.
Gift of H. G. Marquand, 1894.

9 1 2 JAR. Porcelain; heavy white paste, sexagonal form, deco
rated with panels of sea- and landscapes and figure designs in
two shades of blue under the glaze, framed in bands of floral,
fish-roe and triangle diapers and a design in which the dragon
amid flames and clouds chases the sacred pearl. Seal mark
in blue on foot.
Height 9X i n - Avery Collection. Purchase, 1879.

9 1 3 SNUFF BOTTLE. Porcelain; fine white paste, cylindrical

form, enameled over the glaze with design of flying cranes in
white, coral, black and aubergine. Seal on foot in red.
Height 2^ in. Avery Collection. Purchase, 1879.

1 Porcelain of this type is manufactured from the cheapest and

coarsest paste. Why such a demand for it has sprung up is hard to

realize, except that for some undiscovered reason it is associated with the
wares of Lowestoft, which it may be as well to state, were soft, not hard
paste porcelain.
914 BOWL. Porcelain; fine white paste of semi-eggshell texture,
decorated on the exterior with a rich floral design of peonies
in pink and green against a canary-yellow ground, framed in
floral arabesques in green; the medallions being joined by
other peony designs in blue, pink and green against a rich
coral-red background. Seal mark of period on foot in blue.
Diameter 4^4 in. Avery Collection. Purchase, 1879.

915 BOWL. Porcelain; pure white paste, decorated with rich

floral designs in the richest overglaze enamels against aground
of deep coral-red. Seal mark in blue on foot.
Diameter 5 in. Avery Collection. Purchase, 1879.

916 BOWL. Porcelain; fine white paste, decorated on the out

side with a rich floral design of lotus flowers and floral ara
besques reserved in white (touched with red) against a deep
coral ground. Seal mark of period in blue on foot.
Diameter 5 in. Avery Collection. Purchase, 1879.

917 BOWL. Porcelain; fine white paste, the interior embellished

with the five bats (emblems of the five happinesses) in coral-
red, the exterior with rich floral designs in bright enamels of
thefamille rose against a pale canary-yellow; seal mark of the
period in blue on the foot.
Diameter 7% in. Avery Collection. Purchase, 1879.

918 SANDALWOOD BURNER. Porcelain; heavy white paste

of fine texture, square form of legs, with insloping square
cover and gilded bronze handle; modelled on the lines of an
ancient bronze both in form and general decoration. Scrolls
and eyes appear in panels amid reticulated scrolls in red and
yellow on white, while rich floral designs in the five colors or
fir-bristle-diaper in red encircle the body.
Height 9^ in. Avery Collection. Purchase, 1879.

919 BOWL. Porcelain; hard white paste, decorated with green

dragons chasing the sacred pearl (coral-red) amid rose, blue
and white clouds, the whole against a bright canary-yellow
ground. Ring in blue on foot.
Diameter 4 in. Avery Collection. Purchase, 1879.

920 SNUFF BOTTLE. Porcelain; dense white paste, flattened

globular form decorated with locust designs at sides in red,
green, and aubergine. Seal mark of period on foot in red.
Height 2^4 in. Avery Collection. Purchase, 1879.

921 BOWL. Porcelain; heavy white paste, decorated on the in

side with Buddhist symbols and floral arabesque in deep under-
glaze cobalt blue and white; on the exterior with circular
medallion of roses, lamps, Buddhist symbols, etc., in rich over-
glaze famille rose enamels and gold on white, reserved against
an etched ground of dull rouge-red. Mark of period on foot in
blue under the glaze.
Diameter 6 in. Avery Collection. Purchase, 1879.

922 COVERED CUP AND SAUCER. Porcelain; blue white

paste, semi-eggshell decorated with figures of Hsien and her
maid in her magic boat, here of dragon form. A stork leads
them, pointing out the way. Seal mark of period on foot.
Height, complete, 5 in. Avery Collection. Purchase, 1879.




923 SMALL JAR. Oval form, high foot and cover, decorated
with floral designs and phoenixes in gold over a green ground,
finely crackled.
Height 3^ in.
924 COVERED BOWL. Interior crackled amber yellow glaze;
exterior velvety black glaze. Top of cover is seal handle
bearing name of the artist Mimpei.
Diameter in.

925 BOWL. Red paste, covered with a gray glaze and decorated
sous couverte with lines of wave and animal design in watery
Diameter 4X in.
926 CENSER. Red paste, form of a fighting cock; iron rust glaze
Height 9 in.
l For further examples of Awaji, see p. 244. 2 For further examples of Bizen, see pp. 211, 244.
1 53

927 COVER FOR INCENSE. Red paste, in form of a dove on

a rock.
Height 4 i n . , length 5 in.

928 INCENSE BURNER. Fine stoneware; form of a bird on
tile, bright gray paste, covered with a thin blue glaze.
Length 5^ in.

929 INCENSE BURNER. Fine stoneware; bluish gray paste,

thin blue glaze, in form of a Lion of Fou, on top of a lotus
Height 7^ in.


930 TEA JAR. Of oval form, handles at sides, heavy gray paste;
piece is decorated with an iron rust glaze and splash at neck
of gray, over which is another splash of rust.
Height 3^ in.

931 TEA JAR. Of cylindrical form, gray paste; piece is covered

with a glossy iron rust glaze, which runs down sides.
Height in.

932 TEA JAR. Globular form, gray paste, covered with iron
rust glaze.
Height 3X i n -
933 JAR. Red paste, pear shape, fluted in paste and covered with
an iron rust glaze splashed at shoulder with gray-white.
Height in.

934 TEA JAR. Of gourd shape, gray paste; piece is covered with
a glossy iron rust glaze. Finely ringed wire mark at foot.
Height 2_K in.

935 TEA JAR. Globular form, gray paste, covered with a thin
coat of mottled tea-leaf and treacle glaze.
Height 2^ in.
For further examples of Chikuzen, see pp. 212, 245.
936 TEA JAR. Gourd shape, gray paste, covered with a black
iron glaze.
Height 2^ in.

937 TEA JAR. Squat globular form, gray paste, covered with a
thin treacle glaze.
Height 1% in.

938 TEA JAR. Of thin gray paste; piece is covered with iron
rust glaze.
Height 2% in.

939 TEAPOT. Reddish gray paste; piece is covered with a

splashed faun, green and amber glaze. Overhead handle.
Height (extreme) 4 in.


94 PLATE. Porcelain; square form, decorated in blue and white

with scene of country house and misty mountains.
Width 524" in.

941 PLATE. Porcelain; double heart-shaped, decorated in blue

and white with floral designs and trussed reeds.
Length 6 in.

942 VASE. Porcelain; globular body, conventional handles, flar

ing mouth, imitating an old bronze; piece is decorated in blue
and white with designs of fish in a stream. About lip runs
line of white floral ornament moulded in the paste.
Height 10X in-

943 PLATE. Porcelain; decorated in blue and white with cen

tral design of prunus tree in blossom in midst of bamboo and
thatched fence. Comb-pattern about foot. Mark in blue under
Diameter 5^ in.

944 VASE. Porcelain; globular form, long wide neck, decorated

with relief designs of chrysanthemums and leaves partly col
ored in blue.
Height 7^ in.
'For further examples of Hizen, see pp. 217, 247.

945 PLATE. Porcelain; square form, designs of apple blossoms in

white and blue against a gray-blue ground.
Width 6 in.

946 PLATE. Porcelain; double heart-shaped, decorated in blue

and white with floral designs and trussed reeds.
Length 6 in.

047 VASE. Porcelain; globular body, conventional handles, flar

ing mouth, imitating an old bronze; piece is decorated in blue
and white with designs of fish in a stream. About lip runs
line of white floral ornament moulded in the paste.
Height 10X in.

948 PLATE. Porcelain; decorated in blue and white with central

design of prunus tree in blossom in midst of bamboo and
thatched fence. Comb-pattern about foot. Mark in blue
under foot.
Diameter 5^ in.

949 VASE. Porcelain; globular form, long wide neck, decorated

with relief designs of chrysanthemums and leaves partly col
ored in blue.
Height 7^ in.

950 PLATE. Porcelain; square form, designs of apple-blossoms

in white and blue against a gray-blue ground.
Width 6 in.

951 SIX CUPS. Porcelain; decorated in blue and white on ex

terior with floral sprigs.
Diameter 3X in.

952 CENSER. Porcelain; oval form, reticulated white body;

upper and lower bands of floral ornament in blue and white.
Bronze lid.
Height 3 in.

953 DESK SCREEN. Porcelain; square screen on scroll base.

Framed in band of blue clouds is design of Fujiyama and Lake
Hakone in blue and white. White dragons climb about frame.
Height 7^ in.

954 PLATE. Porcelain; fluted border, decorated in blue and

white with circular medallions, filled in with triple lotus leaves
on field of bamboos, and other herbaceous designs.
Diameter 8 in.
955 PAIR CUPS. Porcelain; semi-eggshell, decorated with white
prunus blossoms, moulded in relief in the paste, and painted
in blue ajouree.
Diameter 4% in.

956 THREE CUPS. Porcelain; eggshell, decorated in blue and

white with floral sprays and inscriptions of felicitation.
Height of complete nest, 2% in.

957 CUP AND SAUCER. Porcelain; eggshell, decorated with

floral sprays in blue.
Height of Cup 2% in., Diameter Saucer 4 in.

958 PAIR CUPS. Porcelain; deep form, decorated in blue and

white with floriated arabesque band at neck and broad beaded
band about body.
Height 2^2 in.

959 ALCOVE ORNAMENT. Porcelain; in form of a lion in

white, with hair and mane in relief, and detail incised in the
Length 10^ in.

960 WATER VESSEL. Porcelain; bird form, decorated with

raised hawthorn designs in white and faun, and having
squares of floral designs under the glaze in colors.
Length 5^ in.

961 TEAPOT. Porcelain; oval form decorated in blue and white

with winter scene of .cranes flying in the midst of snow-covered
Height 4 in.

962 ALCOVE ORNAMENT. Porcelain; in form of a puppy.

On its back designs of fungus on rocks, moulded in relief and
painted in blue. On head, circular medallion in blue.
Length 6^ in.

963 PLATE. Porcelain; mountain and lake scenery in blue and

Diameter 6% in.

964 CUP. Porcelain; semi-eggshell, decorated with mountain

and lake scenery in blue.
Diameter 5 in.

965 PAIR JARS. Porcelain; oval form, decorated with blue

figures of tortoises. Tortoise in relief on cover.
Height 10 in.

966 PLATE. Porcelain; square form, decorated with blue chry

Diameter in.

967 SAUCER. Porcelain; semi-eggshell, decorated with rich

floral designs in dark blue about two circular medallions.
Diameter 4 in.

968 FIRE HOLDER. Porcelain; cylindrical form, decorated in

blue and white with mythological animals and floral designs.
Height 4% in.

969 ASH HOLDER. Porcelain; cylindrical form, blue and white

decoration of floral designs, framed in bands of wave-diaper.
Diaper border on cover.
Height 3y in.

970 WINE KETTLES. Porcelain; squat form, bamboo handles,

decorated in pale blue and white with floral designs, trees and
arabesque bands.
Extreme width from sprout 7% in.

971 WINE BOTTLE. Porcelain; ovoid form, tapering to small

neck; decorated with floral designs in blue and white.
Height 6% in.

972 BOWL. Porcelain; deep form (with cover); piece is decorated

in blue and white with designs of trees and cranes.
Diameter 6 in.

973 CLOVE BOILER. Porcelain; decorated with feathers be

tween bands of diaper in gray-blue.
Height 10^ in.

974 PLATE. Porcelain; square form, decoration of a fir-tree in

pale blue against a rainy sky.
Width 5y in.


form, heavy paste, decorated in blue and white with designs
of peach trees laden with fruit.
Height in.
976 PLATE. Porcelain; decorated in blue and white with marine
view of fish amid seaweed.
Diameter 8yi in.

977 WATER VESSEL. Porcelain; cylindrical form, decorated

in deep blue and white with floral arabesques.
Height 7X in.

978 WATER VESSEL. Porcelain; four-sided sloping to round

at foot; decorated in blue and white with bamboo designs.
Height 7^ in.

979 FURO AND TEAPOT. Porcelain; decorated in blue and

white with designs of flying birds above sea waves.
Height 8 in.

980 PLATE. Porcelain; design 6f wild swan in blue and white.

Diameter in.

981 WINE BOTTLE. Porcelain; square form, decoration of

trees, mountains and river in blue and white.
Height 6^4 in.

982 FLOWER VASE. Porcelain; in form of a white scroll in

which two boys are playing hide-and-seek. Figures in blue
and white.
Height 4X in.

983 ALCOVE ORNAMENT. Porcelain; in form of a boy with

fan; decorated in blue and white.
Height 3^8 in.

984 WATER VESSEL. Porcelain; oval form, flat cover, decora

ted with kiri in blue and white between bands of fret and dot.
Height 8X in-

985 WATER JAR. Porcelain; cylindrical form, moulded in white

in the paste with solid wave-diapers. Handle on cover
flower in blue and white.
Height 6% in.

986 PAIR CUPS. Porcelain; cylindrical form, decorated between

bands of blue and white floriated spirals with white prunus
blossoms, moulded in the paste.
Height 2% in.

987 WATER VESSEL. Porcelain; cylindrical form, decorated in

blue and white with designs representing a nobleman enter
taining his friends.
Height in. Diameter at mouth 6y& in.

988 PLATE. Porcelain; moulded in the paste with designs of

tortoises amid the waves. Back, cranes also moulded in the
paste, amid bamboo and fir-trees in blue and white.
Diameter 6% in.

989 PLATE. Porcelain; decorated with floral designs moulded

in the paste in white; twigs and leaves in underglaze blue.
Diameter 6^ in.

990-91 ALCOVE ORNAMENTS. Porcelain; (1) child on hobby

horse; (2) children rolling snowball. Decorated in blue and
black on white.
Height 3X in-J length 4^ in. individually.

992 INCENSE BURNER. Porcelain; decorated with figure

designs and trees in blue and white. Cover reticulated and of
exquisite floral design in white surrounded by blue and white
diaper band.
Height 3X in.

993 CUP. Porcelain; decorated with design of moulded prunus

blossoms in white.
Diameter 3X in.

994 INCENSE BOX. Porcelain; hexagonal form, decorated in

blue and white with design of pigeon on twig and prunus blos
som detached.
Width 2yi in.

995 PAIR CUPS. Porcelain; deep covered, pieces decorated in

blue and white with reeds and grasses.
Diameter 5 in.

996 PLATE. Porcelain; serrated edge, plate in form of a conven

tionalized flower. Blue and white decoration of butterflies.
Diameter 7X in.

997 CLOVE BOILER. Porcelain; decorated in blue and white

with dragon designs between bands of batwing-diaper.
Height 8 in.
998 BOTTLE. Porcelain biscuit; decorated with winged female
figures amidst clouds filled in with chrysanthemums, medal
lions and spirals, the whole moulded or incised in the paste.
Height 8^4 in.

999 NETSUKE. Porcelain; design of chestnut and leaves in

white, reticulated and underglaze design.
Length 2 in.

1000 NETSUKE. Porcelain; design of turtle in white.

Length 1 in.

1001 NETSUKE. Porcelain; figure of a child in white.

Height in.

1002 FIGURINE. Porcelain; design of an old man carrying a

heavy bale; in white.
Height 3^ in.

1003 VASE. Porcelain; globular form, handles at centre, pinched

neck, wide flaring mouth, decorated under a transparent
glaze with wave and cloud-diapers; at rim fret design. Han
dles in form of lions swallowing serpents.
Height tf/ 2 in.

1004 WATER VESSEL. Porcelain biscuit; cylindrical form,

decorated with panels between bands of fret. In panels are
chickens under bamboo; kiri below fir-trees; cranes below
prunus in blossom, and view of Fujiyama and dragon spring
ing from waves, the whole decoration moulded in the paste.
Turtle handle to cover and panels, with bird and animal
Height 724" in.

1005 VASE. Porcelain; pear shape, decorated against a lustrous

brown background with bamboo sprays in white and blue.
Height *)% in.

1006 PLATE. Porcelain; octagonal form, decorated at centre with

prunus-flowers in white against blue background. Blue
prunus-flowers about rim.
Width 9 in.

1007 PLATE. Porcelain; decorated in pale blue and white with

hawthorn sprays and tree.
Diameter 8^4 in.

1008 PAIR CUPS. Porcelain; semi-eggshell, decorated in blue

and white with fir-tree designs.
Diameter 4% in.

1009 VASE. Porcelain; pear-shaped, wide flaring mouth, dec

orated in blue and white with floriated compartments against
rich floral designs and separated by bands of diaper, enriched
with floral designs and scroll-filled ovals. Metal rim.
Height 12X in.

1010 CENSER. Porcelain; oval form, reticulated cover, deco

rated with floral designs in pale blue and white.
Height 3 in.

1011 DESK SCREEN. Porcelain; panel decorated with land

scape in blue and white framed in band of fret, moulded in
paste. Stand covered with sarmentaceous design, also
moulded in paste.
Height 8^2 in.

1012 PEN REST. Porcelain; form of turtles in blue, climbing

over white coral.
Length 6^4 in.

1013 CLOVE BOILER. Porcelain; purest white texture, decora

ted with diapers in relief, filled in with blue.
Height 7^ in.

1014 PEN REST. Porcelain; form of white parrot on a brown twig

which springs from rock, and overhanging a stream in blue.
Length 6% in.

1015 PAIR CUPS AND SAUCERS. Porcelain; eggshell, deco

rated in blue and white with figures of boys at play.
Diameter 2j/i in.

1016 PLATE. Porcelain; eggshell, decorated in blue and white

with rich flower-filled compartments springing from floral
medallion at centre.
Diameter 5 in.

1017 SAUCER. Porcelain; semi-eggshell, decorated with lake

and mountain designs in blue and white.
Diameter 5 in.

1 0 1 8 WATER VESSEL. Porcelain; oval form, decorated in soft
est enamels with design of white blossoming prunus-tree
against a pale pink moon and gray sky. By Kato Tomotaro,
Height 8^4 in.
1 0 1 9 VASE. Porcelain; beaker form, decorated with long, blue
bordered medallions, filled either with cranes, fir-trees, peon
ies in red, black and gold on white, or chrysanthemums in
pink, red and gold, with leaves in underglaze blue on a gold
ground. Above are salmon-scale diapers on a white ground,
within medallions reserved against floral designs in gold
against blue sous converts, or floral designs in white and
gold against a red ground. Upper and lower borders peony
and lotus flowers in white, red and gold against blue.
Height 24^2 in.

1020 BOTTLE. Porcelain; double gourd shape, decorated in

blue and white with diapers and chrysanthemum, prunus,
fir-bristle and bamboos. Inscriptions of felicitation at neck.
Height 8^2 in.

1021 BOTTLE. Porcelain; double gourd shape, decorated with

landscape-filled circular medallions, birds and trees, and
compartments of diapers in deep blue and white.
Height 8% in.

1022 BOWL. Porcelain; deep outflaring form, decorated with

flower-filled compartments in richest under and overglaze
enamels against a field of cloud designs in blue and white.
Bird above waves in overglaze enamels and gold on white
at centre. Exterior, flower-filled compartments and richly
plumaged bird designs in brilliant enamels and gold.
Diameter 8% in.

1 0 2 3 DISH. Porcelain; twelve-sided and having a central design

of a verandah overlooking a lotus pond in deep underglaze
blue and overglaze enamels. Broad outer border of flower-
filled rococo-shaped compartments in enamels and gold.

Exterior band of floral designs in under and overg.aze en

amels and mark Dai Ming Sei-ka nensei: "Made in the reign
of Ch'eng-hua of the Great Ming" (dynasty).
Diameter 10 in.

1024 BOWL. Porcelain; decorated with dragon and floral medal

lions in underglaze blue and overglaze red and gold about a
central medallion of a kiri in blue and white, framed in bands
of red and blue, enriched by floral designs and spirals in gold.
Exterior floral medallions against a rich field of fir-bristle
diaper, the whole in the brightest enamels and gold. Mark:
as above.
Diameter 5X in.

1025 BOWL. Porcelain; deep outspreading form, decorated in

two shades of blue and white with bird, flower and cloud
designs, enriched by overglaze enamels and gold, the whole
against a deep red ground. At centre, floral sprays in over
glaze enamels on white. Exterior, large batwing-diapers
with floral designs in blue and white on a red ground. Mark:
Dai Ming Man-reki nen sei: "Made in the reign of Wan-li of
the Great Ming " (dynasty).
Diameter 6 in.

1026 LARGE BOWL. Porcelain; peony and kiri decoration in

circular medallions in underglaze blue; medallions framed in
a ground of the floral and beaded lambrequins in the richest
enamels and gold.
Diameter 15^ in.

1027 BOWL. Porcelain; kikyo-gata form, decorated with circu

lar figured medallions in overglaze enamels and gold against a
ground of red diapers, the whole surrounding a central me
dallion of kiri in blue and white, enriched with a touch of
aubergine and yellow. Exterior, circular red-filled medal
lions against red diaper ground on white. Upper border,
both outside and in, dark blue, with floral decoration in
colors and gold. Mark: Dai Ming Man-reki nen sei: "Made
in the reign of Wan-ti of the Great Ming" (dynasty).
Diameter 8^2 in.

1028 PLATE. Porcelain; square form, decorated in under and

overglaze blues and green and gold with verandah overlook
ing lotus-pond. Broad band of bird and dragon medallions

against a flower-studded red ground. Exterior, " the pre

cious things" in overglaze enamels. Mark: as above.
Width 7^4 in.

1029 BOWL. Porcelain; decorated with central floral designs in

overglaze enamels and gold. Surrounded by flower-filled
compartments in red and gold against a blue and white
ground. At edge diaper in green and red on white. Exterior
flower-filled compartments in under and overglaze enamels.
Mark: as above.
Diameter 9 in.

1030 BOWL. Porcelain; four-sided, rounding at foot, and deco

rated with diapers and flowers in underglaze blue and over
glaze polychrome enamels. Exterior bands of foliations.
Mark: Dai Ming Sei-ka nen sei: "Made in the reign of Ch'eng-
hua of the Great Ming " (dynasty).
Width 8 in.

103 I PLATE. Porcelain; decorated at centre with figure, designs

in blue sous couverte, red, green, yellow and gold, surrounded
by a broad border of mokko-shaped medallions, flower-filled
and decorated in red, gold and underglaze blue, against a
background of red arabesques on white. Outer border
similar, but medallions are on a white background. Mark:
Dai Ming Man-reki nen sei: "Made in the reign of Wan-li of
the Great Ming " (dynasty).
Diameter 11^2 in.

1032 BOWL. Porcelain; central decoration in blue sous cou

verte of carp leaping from waves; surrounded by broad band
of yellow edge mokko-shaped medallions, filled in with flowers,
divided by flames and conventionalized sweet-flag, the whole
in rich over and underglaze enamels and gold. Exterior
floral arabesques and palmettes in blue sous couverte, red
and gold.
Diameter 10X in.

1033 BOWL. Porcelain; decorated, with central design of dragon

and phoenix in rich blue sous couverte. Surrounded by deep
band of flower-filled, blue-edged mokko-shaped medallion.
The whole in richest overglaze enamels.
Diameter 9 in.

1034 BOWL. Porcelain; twelve-sided, decorated with central de

signs of phoenixes in enamels and gold on white, surrounded

by a band of mokko-shaped medallions, filled with con

ventional flowers and divided by hoshi-no-tama and leaf
arabesques; the whole in the richest green, red, blue and
yellow enamels and gold. Mark: Dai Ming Man-reki nen
sei: " Made in the reign of Wan-li of the Great Ming" (dy
Diameter 9^ in.

1035 BOWLS. Porcelain; interior decoration of red enamel cir

cular medallions between pendant designs in red and green,
framing a dragon and flame design in blue sous couverte,
red and gold. Red diaper border. Exterior solid blue with
over-decoration of floral designs in gold. Mark: as above.
Diameter 5X in.

1036 COVERED DISH. Porcelain; decorated with compart

ments filled with woMo-shaped designs, edged with deep blue
and turquoise and filled in with white and gold floral designs
against rich red, the whole against red diaper patterns on
white. Floral designs and floral band at handle in over-
glaze enamels and gold. Mark: as above.
Diameter 9 in.

1037 SAKE BOTTLE. Porcelain; square form, decorated with

alternate figure and floral designs in overglaze enamels and
gold. Silver stopper.
Height 8% in.

1038 BOWL. Porcelain; central design of fruit in blue sous cou

verte, red, turquoise and gold, framed in band of alternate
floral designs and circular medallions in rich enamels on white.
Wide border of peony designs divided by conventionalized
mokko-shaped designs in red and gold, edged with blue, the
whole against a pale apple-green ground. Diaper and flame-
filled medallions at edge. Exterior, flower-filled mokko
designs and circular medallions and floral border, the whole
in richest reds, greens, yellows and gold on white. Mark:
Dai Ming Man-reki nen sei: "Made in the reign of Wan-li of
the Great Ming " (dynasty).

1039 BOTTLE. Porcelain; double gourd shape, moulded in relief

with floral designs of chrysanthemums, leaves and grasses
in deep blue sous couverte, green and red. Flowers in relief
are covered with overglaze red and pink enamels.
Height 8^ in.
1040 SHALLOW BOWL. Porcelain; central design of figures
and kiosk beneath tree in blue sous couverte, red, green,
yellow and gold on white, framed in a band of mokko-shaped
flower-filled medallions, against a diaper filled in the richest
blue sous couverte, gold, yellow and red on white. Mark:
as above.
Diameter 11% in.

1041 BOWL. Porcelain; decorated at centre with fruit and leaf

designs in overglaze enamels on a white ground. Broad band
of mofc&o-shaped flower-filled medallions and convention
alized sweet-flag in overglaze enamels against a rich blue
ground sous couverte. Exterior similar decoration against
a red diaper design on white. Mark: Dai Ming Man-reki
nen sei: "Made in the reign of Wan-Ii of the Great Ming"
Diameter 8^4 in.

1042 VASE. Porcelain; cylindrical form, decorated with chrys

anthemum-flowers moulded in relief, overglazed with red
and gold; leaves in blue sous couverte turquoise and auber
gine. Floral sprays at shoulder and neck in red and gold.
Height 7J/& in.

1043 PLATEAU. Porcelain; central decorations of dragon, cloud

flame in blue sous couverte, green, red and gold; band of
floriated medallions in overglaze pink, red and green on
white, separated by compartments in red and blue, having
overdecoration of floral designs in white and gold. Outer
band of large white medallions filled with flower, bird and
brooks in the richest overglaze enamels and gold, and sepa
rated by half-peony designs in red, pink and gold, reserved
against floral designs in gold against an underglaze blue.
Diameter 22 in.

1044 PLATE. Porcelain; twelve-sided, decorated at centre with

peony flowers and leaves tied with ribbon, the whole in blue
sous couverte, red, green and gold. Outer band of rich
floral designs, trees and clouds in compartments in blue,
pink, red and green richly gilded. Rim has band of floral
designs in deep blue sous couverte, red and gold. Sprays of
blue peony on exterior.
Diameter 1 in.

1045 PLATE. Porcelain; centre of face circular bunch of peonies

in blue sous couverte; from circumference spring cloud-

shaped columns in deep and light blue, relieved with gold.

Spaces between columns have medallions containing a
dragon, phoenix and fishes in white, picked out with gold and
red on a deep red ground, surrounded by diapers in red.
Round rim is band of floral scroll, the whole in brilliant en
amels. Mark: Dai Ming Man-reki nen sei: "Made in the
reign of Wan-li of the Great Ming" (dynasty).
Diameter in.

1 0 4 6 BOTTLE. Porcelain; double gourd shape, moulded in relief

with floral designs, covered with pink, red and blue enamels
and gold.
Length 3^ in.

1 0 4 7 PLATE. Porcelain; central design of houses beside lake,

trees, mountains, etc., in red,blue, green and gold, surrounded
by an outer band of rich peony and chrysanthemum designs
in red, blue and gold on either gold or black, separating
medallions filled in with house and garden views in the rich
est overglaze enamels and gold. Peony sprays on back.
Diameter 13 in.

1 0 4 8 WINE BOTTLE. Porcelain; square form, ornamented with

flower-filled reserves in enamels and gold on white, surround
ed by reticulated honeycomb-diapers and solid cloud and
floral designs in gold and blue. Framing reserves are bands
of red floral arabesques on apple green. At shoulder and
base floral designs of peonies against a blue ground.
Height 1 \% in.

1 0 4 9 BOWL. Porcelain; octagonal form, medallions of phoenix-

filled circles, also of octagonal shape at centre in blue and
white, from which flares a border of truncated pyramids,
alternately red and blue, filled in with flower or diaper filled
circular medallions in red on white or red and gold on green.
Exterior similar, but all medallions filled in with diapers.
Mark: as above.
Diameter 8 in.

1 0 5 0 CAKE BOWL. Porcelain; covered bowl on high base,

decorated against a white ground with floral designs in red,
pink and blue sous couverte, enriched with gold.
Height 6% in.

105 I BOWL. Porcelain; decorated within at centre by leaves and

a diaper band in underglaze blue, red and gold. Surrounding
is broad band of inscriptions of felicitation in circular medal
lion in blue on white against a red ground; spaces filled up by
floral designs in blue, red and gold. Outer band of blue with
red and gold diapers. Exterior has rim band of star-filled
medallions in red, white and gold, green framed, divided by
gold arabesques on blue. Mark: as above.
Diameter 4^4 in.

1052 CENSER. Porcelain; deep form, decorated about inner

rim and whole exterior with lustrous iron-rust glaze, broken
with circular figure-filled medallions in blue and white.
Mark; Dai Ming Zei-ka nen sei; "Made in the reign of
Ch'eng-hua of the Great Ming" (dynasty).-
Diameter4^4 in., height 3 l /i in.

1053 BOWL. Porcelain; interior medallion filled in with phoe

nixes in red, green and gold on white, framed in blue. Outer
band of floral medallions and diapers against a red ground.
Exterior compartments of floral designs and diaper-filled
medallions in reserves, divided by cloud designs in blue and
floriated arabesques in gold on a red ground. Mark: Dai
Ming Man-reki nen sei: "Made in the reign of Wan-li of the
Great Ming" (dynasty).
Diameter 7^ in.

1054 DISH. Porcelain; oblong form, decorated at centre with

design of fish in red and gold leaping from green waves.
Design is surrounded by compartments filled in with floral
designs in red and gold on green wave-pattern or peony and
kiri designs in green, gold and aubergine on red diapers. Ex
terior band of foliated arabesque in white on red. Mark:
Dai Ming Sei-ka nen sei: " Made in the reign of Ch'eng-hua
of the Great Ming" (dynasty).
Length 8 in.

1055 VASE. Porcelain; reticulated neck, hexagonal body, filled

in with raised floral and lion designs overglazed in red, blue,
green and yellow on a white ground. Above is red palmette,
below, black-rimmed scroll filled in with red and gold
peonies on blue. On base, green palmette and red and
blue diaper.
Height 2 0 in.

1056 BOWL. Porcelain; band of scrolls filled in with green or

purple diaper, gold framed, or floral and landscape designs

on white, the whole in rich overglaze enamels. Diaper band

in red and white, broken by mokko-shaped medallions in
green and purple at edge. Exterior pink and white dragon.
Cloud and phoenix designs on red; palmette in underglaze
blue at foot. Mark: Dai Ming Man-reki nen sei: "Made in
the reign of Wan-li of the Great Ming" (dynasty).
Diameter 8 in.

1057 PLATEAU. Porcelain; central design of peony sprays in

vase; outer band of mokko-shaped medallions in white or
blue sons couverte, decorated with rich peony, plum and
peach blossoms and arabesques in red, green, aubergine and
Diameter 21% in.

1058 PLATE. Porcelain; edges of plate peony scroll in blue, red

and gold, surrounding a design of a bamboo-barred window
with partially raised blind (misu), through which blossoming
cherry-tree is seen, enamels used being red, aubergine, yellow,
green and gold. Round three sides of the window is a belt
of cobalt blue sous couverte, with a chrysanthemum scroll in
red, yellow and gold. Cherry scroll on outside. Illustrated.
Diameter 12 in.

1059 VASE. Porcelain; beaker form, decorated with foliated com

partments in red and gold on white, mokko medallions in
blue and gold on white, and flower and bird designs filling
blue framed reserves, divided by chrysanthemums in red,
pink and blue on gold. Interior of lip, peony sprays in red
and gold.
Height 23^ in.

1060 PLATE. Porcelain; central design of two floral bouquets

in jars on stands. Outer band of wide medallions filled in
with landscape designs and divided by floral designs against
a black ground. With that exception, colors are red, blue
sous couverte, green and gold on white. Exterior, peony
Diameter 13 in.

1061 SAKE BOTTLES. Porcelain; square form, decorated with

panels filled in with floral designs of chrysanthemums, peony
and plum trees in blue sous couverte, red, gold and green,
framed in bands of floral meanders in gold on red. At
NO. IO58
PERIOD, 1644-I7OO.
shoulder chrysanthemum and ring-diapers in gold and red
against a blue underglaze ground.
Height 9^ in.

1062 BOWL. Porcelain; deep form, centre decorated with kiri

amid clouds in blue (underglaze), red, green and aubergine
on white, surrounded by wide band of conventionalized flag
filled in with floral designs in white, gold and green on red,
divided by a field of diamond-diapers in aubergine, yellow
and green. Exterior very similar. Mark: Dai Ming Man-
reki nen sei: "Made in the reign of Wan-li of the Great
Ming" (dynasty).
Diameter 9 in.

1063 BOWL. Porcelain; central design of kiri and feather, sur

rounded by mokko-shaped medallions in green, having bird
and floral designs in red, white and gold, and divided by
white flame-filled designs on red; blue and red diaper at
edge. Exterior dragon and floral medallions divided by
pendant floral designs; the whole in blue sous couverte,
green and red. Mark: as above.
Diameter 6^" in.

1064 BOWL. Porcelain; octagonal form, decorated at centre

with phoenix medallions at sides, interior and exterior, with
eight compartments alternately filled with floral designs and
cloud-diaper-filled medallions, the whole in red, blue sous
couverte, green, yellow and gold. Mark: as above.
Diameter 6% in.

1065 BOWL. Porcelain; deep form, decorated at centre with

peacock in green, red and aubergine on white, surrounded
by woMo-shaped medallions, flower-filled, against a red dia
mond-diaper on white. Broad band of pendants and con
ventionalized flag-flower filled, the whole in red, blue sous
couverte, green and gold on white. Exterior, moMo-shaped
medallions, flower-filled, divided by chrysanthemums, the
whole in deep red, turquoise blue, gold and blue sous cou
verte on white.
Diameter 8% in.

1066 BOWL. Porcelain; circular medallion at centre, decorated

with peony designs below verandah in blue, red and gold.
Scroll designs in blue depend from rim ornamented with

prunus-blossoms in red and gold. Exterior, rich floral com

partments of peonies.
Diameter 10^ in.

1067 PLATES. Porcelain; twelve-sided; central peony decora

tion, surrounded by narrow belt of cloud-diaper. Interior
and exterior band divided into twelve panels containing
round medallions filled in with diapers; whole coloring red,
blue sous couverte, yellow and gold. Mark: Fu-ki Cho-shun.
" Wealth, Honor and a Long Spring."
Diameter 1 iJ4 in

1068 PLATE. Porcelain; twelve-sided, decoration at centre a

bunch of peonies in blue sous couverte, red and gold; sides
decorated with blue-rimmed mokko-shaped medallions, con
taining floral arabesques; intervening spaces filled with fish
in red and purple among sprays of mo-grass. Mark: Fu-ki
Cho-shun, "Wealth, Honor and a Long Spring."
Diameter 10 in.

1069 PLATE. Porcelain; decorated in blue and white with

floral border. Signed with six-character mark: Dai Ming
Sei-ka nen sei: "Made in the reign of Ch'eng-hua of the
Great Ming" (dynasty).
Diameter 8^2 in.
1070 BOTTLE. Porcelain; globular form decorated in under-
glaze blue with medallions and bands filled in with floral
and spiralate designs in colors and gold.
Height 9^ in.

1071 DEEP CUP. Porcelain; decorated in underglaze blue with

floral designs, enriched with overglaze enamels and gold.
Height 4^4 in.

1072 STEIN. Porcelain; decorated with rich peony and chrys

anthemum flowers in red, blue, green and white against a
lustrous black ground. Silver mountings, with a Dutch
Height 6^ in.

1073 DEEP CUP. Porcelain; decorated in underglaze blue with

floral designs and compartments, enriched with floral over-
glaze designs in red and gold.
Height 4X in.
1074 DISH. Porcelain; octagonal form on high base, reticulated
at sides and decorated with floral designs and birds in the
richest enamels and gold.
Diameter 8 in., height 4yi in.

1075 DISH. Porcelain; square shallow form, decorated in blue

and white with floriated medallions in midst of ground of
prunus blossoms.
Width 8*4 in.

1076 PAIR SAKE BOTTLES. Porcelain; club-shape, decorated

in bright blue and white with alternate bands of diaper,
water and landscapes, diaper and floral or bird designs.
Height 9 in.

1077 BONBON HOLDER. Porcelain; pomegranate form, deco

rated with design of wild geese amid peonies and other
flowers in a brilliant blue and white.
Height 4^2 in.

1078 LARGE PLATEAU. Porcelain; face divided into panels,

containing a spray of lessen in green, gold and red, sprays of
plum in black, red and gold among conventional clouds,
having chrysanthemum scrolls in white and gold on red
fields, and sprays of pine and cherry in red, green and gold
enamels with underglaze blue. Panels have blue belt on
which are medallions of phoenixes, dragons, arabesques and
diapers in green, red, gold and purple enamels. On outside
sprays of plum.
Diameter 22 in.

1079 BOWL. Porcelain; deep form, decorated with floral com

partments in under and overglaze enamels against a diaper
ground and surrounding a circular medallion at centre, rep
resenting peony flowers in blue and red. Exterior peony
and leaf designs in under and overglaze enamels and band
of palmette in blue. In blue on foot: Cho-shun: "A long

1080 COVERED BOWL. Porcelain; decorated with foliated

medallions and chrysanthemums, rosettes in gold and colors.
Silver mounted.
Diameter 4X in.

1081 CAKE DISH. Porcelain; on high base, bowl decorated with

peonies and scrolls having floral and landscape designs,
the whole in soft under and overglaze enamels and gold.
Border of gold flowers on deep blue sous couverte. Exterior
rich floral designs in blue, green and red on white, filled in
with soft gilding.
Height 7K in.

1082 SAUCER. Porcelain; central white oval; broad bands in

side and out of diaper-filled circular medallions in blue sous
couverte, red and gold on alternate field of blue and red, and
framed by an outer band of turquoise clouds on blue and
white lines.
Diameter 5 in.

1083 BOWLS. Porcelain; moulded with petal flutings, and deco

rated at intervals with floral-filled compartments in enamel
and gold; at centre, chrysanthemums in colors and gold.
Exterior sides similar to interior; at foot, red diaper.
Diameter 5X in

1084 PLATE. Porcelain; central decoration of birds and flower

beside stream in blue sous couverte, green, red and auber
gine, framed in bands of white, blue and gold peony and leaf
designs on red, and floral and bird designs in over and under-
glaze enamels and gold on white. Floral sprays on back.
Diameter 10% in.

1085 LARGE DISH. Porcelain; shallow form, straight sides;

decorated with a broad band of figure designs, a European
(Dutch) coat-of-arms, and medallions of caligraphic designs
in gold and colors, and an outer band of palmettes and
mokko-shaped medallions, the whole in enamels and gold.
Exterior medallions of caligraphic design and flowers, sepa
rated by peony sprays. Palmette border.
Diameter 14X in.

1086 BOWL. Porcelain; decorated with interior floral designs

in blue sous couverte, turquoise blue, red and gold. Exter
ior, flower-filled, woMoshaped medallions in red and blue
sous couverte, divided by floral designs in overglaze enamels.
Band of palmette at foot in yellow and blue. Signed, Cho-
shun: "A prolonged Spring," in blue.
Diameter 5^4 in.
1087 COVERED CAKE DISH. Porcelain; deep form, handles
at sides, decoration of peonies and chrysanthemums in
under and overglaze enamels and gold.
Height in.

1088 BOWL. Porcelain; decorated at centre with peony designs

sous couverte in circular medallion framed in blue band
covered with gold arabesque. Broad outer band of mokko-
shaped medallions filled with landscapes in underglaze blue
on white caligraphic designs in blue and gold, birds, flames
and precious things in yellow, green and gold against a rich
red background. Exterior similarly decorated. Mark: in
blue, Fu-ki: "Riches."
Diameter 11 in.

1089 PLATEAU. Porcelain; central design of double bunch of

chrysanthemums within band of floral mokko-shaped medal
lions in overglaze red, green, aubergine and gold on white
and surrounded by a wide band of flower-filled medallions
of same form, conventionalized sweet flag designs, the whole
in the richest red, green, blue sous couverte and gold. At
side attached is design of chrysanthemum and flag in silver.
Exterior peony and hydrangeas in richest overglaze enamels
and gold.
Diameter 15% in.

1090 BOWL. Porcelain; square form, decorated with an iron

rust and pale treacle glaze, enriched with overglaze blue and
green floral designs.
Diameter 5^ in.

1091 BOWL. Porcelain; decorated at centre with character,

Fu-ki: "Happiness," in blue under the glaze, and surrounded
by an outer band of arabesques in green, red and gold, broken
. by woMo-shaped medallions, blue framed, filled with the
precious things in the same colors on white. Upper band of
reserves filled with landscape designs and figures against a
floral arabesque design in gold on blue. Exterior peony
Diameter 8X in.

1092 DISH. Porcelain; square form, decorated about a central

design with phoenix, floral and flame designs with an outer
border of figures and diapers or blue dragons surrounded by

flames and clouds; the whole in green, red and gold on white.
Exterior similarly decorated. Mark: Fu-ki Cho-shun:
" Happiness and a long Spring."
Length 7^ in.

1093 BOTTLE. Porcelain; globular form, decorated with mount

ed samurai in full armor following running soldier also fully
equipped for battle; the designs in red, green, black and
pink on white.
Height 11% in.

1094 WINE BOTTLE. Porcelain; pear-shape, decorated with

a square cobalt blue medallion, filled in with a floral design
in same color and gold. About body are sprays of plum-
blossoms in red and green.
Height in.

1095 PLATEAU. Porcelain; decorated with medallions of floral

rosettes ornamented in red, blue and gold with floral designs
and diapers. Dividing these are scrolls of ancient form,
decorated with floral designs in red, green and gold on white.
The intervening spaces are filled in with deep cobalt blue,
enriched with peonies in red, pink and gold.
Diameter 21 in.

1096 CUP AND SAUCER. Porcelain; decorated with mokko-

shaped medallions, blue-framed and filled in with blue,
white and gold floral designs on red; band of red flowers in
blue ovals at centre of saucer.
Diameter of saucer 5X * n -> f CU P 3X * n *

1097 PAIR BOWLS. Porcelain; chrysanthemum-shaped, deco

rated with rich brown petals between others, ornamented
with diamond-diapers in red, green and white or red and
white on blue.
Diameter 5X i n -

1098 BOWL. Porcelain; central design of chrysanthemums in

red and gold, amid wave-diapers in underglaze blue. Outer
border of flower-filled compartments in red, gold and yellow
and blue, on green, red or blue sous couverte grounds.
Exterior medallions filled with caligraphic characters con
nected by floral arabesques, and chrysanthemums.
Diameter 9% i n -
1099 BOWL. Porcelain; interior decorated in overglaze enamels
with floral sprays. Exterior square and fan-shaped medal
lions in blue, having landscape designs in gold and divided
by floral arabesques in white against a red ground.
Diameter 7X in.

1100 BOWL. Porcelain; central figure design in pink against white

reserve on red peach, surrounded by green and yellow and
blue leaves and clouds. Broad band of flower-filled medal
lions in white on a red ground, broken by leaf designs in
green. Red and gold diaper rim. Exterior has similar
band, and red palmette ornament at foot.
Diameter 6X in.

1101 COVERED BOWLS. Porcelain; interior peony design at

centre; diaper band at edge in underglaze blue. Exterior,
in two compartments; the one, figures of Europeans in over-
glaze enamels and gold on red; the other, a three-masted
galleon in overglaze enamels on white. Scroll on foot in red
and gold.
Diameter 5 in.

I 102 PLATE. Porcelain; central floral-rosette in green, red and

gold on a white ground, surrounded by a broad band of
flower-filled moMo-shaped medallions in red, gold and green,
divided by floriated spirals in red and gold against a black
dotted apple-green ground. Red and white diaper border.
Diameter 8]A, in.

I 103 PLATE. Porcelain; central bird design, peony, fir-tree and

pool in blue sous couverte, red, green and gold. Deep red
border surrounds, ornamented with peony designs, prunus
and birds, in blue and white, touched up with gold. Rare
type of decoration.
Diameter \o}4 in.

I 104 PLATEAU. Porcelain; centre filled with design of carp

leaping from water, prunus sprays hanging from rocks, wave,
honeycomb and fish-roe-diapers and descending rain, within
an outer band of diapers and medallions; the whole in blue
sous couverte, red, green, yellow and gold. Blue under
glaze peony sprays on back; fluted edge.
Diameter 18 in.

I 105 BOWLS. Porcelain; chrysanthemum-shape, each petal

moulded in the paste and decorated with diapers in green or

red or blue and white flowers on a red ground. Chrysanthe

mum flowers in blue sous couverte, red and gold at centre
on white.
Diameter 6% i n -
I 1 0 6 LARGE PLATE. Porcelain; decorated against a deep blue
ground with figure of a cock amid reeds, and blossoming tree
in paler blue, white and green.
Diameter 22 in.

I 1 0 7 PLATE. Porcelain; square form, decorated in blue and

white at centre with waterscape surrounded by matsuba-
diaper interrupted by peonies and landscape medallions at
corners. Back, peony scrolls, the whole in deep blue.
Diameter 9 in.
I 1 0 8 PLATE. Porcelain; decorated in blue and white with prunus
blossoms and wheat sheaves.
Diameter 9 in.

I 1 0 9 BOWL. Porcelain; central decoration of circular medallion

formed of red clouds and flying bats. Exterior red and
white dragons and clouds against a rich deep blue ground.
Diameter 8^6 in.

I I 1 0 WINE BOTTLE. Porcelain; oval form, decorated in under

and overglaze enamels, with design of bird on the branch of a
Height 7 in.

I I I I COVERED BOWL. Porcelain; interior covered with an

overglaze coat of red enamel. Exterior ornamented with
richly enameled medallions against a lustrous black ground.
Bands of T-pattern at rim and foot.
Extreme height 3X in.

I I 1 2 CENSER. Porcelain; cylindrical form, moulded in the paste

with mokko-shaped medallions, filled in with scrolls and
arabesques, enameled red, gilded and silvered; pendants in
similar enamels divide medallions. Cover decorated with
Height 2% in.
I I 1 3 CENSER. Porcelain; cylindrical form, covered with green,
gold and red diapers, filled in with green and blue flowers
on white.
Height 1% in.

I I 1 4 CENSER. Porcelain; cylindrical form, covered with leaf

decoration in green, red and gold, and upper band of green
and gold diapers on white. Silver cover.
Height 2% in.

I I 15 CENSER. Porcelain; cylindrical form, decorated with

floral designs and landscapes in rich overglaze enamels and
gold on white against a field of green and gold diapers.
Pierced silver-gilt cover.
Height 2]/^ in.
I I 1 6 THREE COVERED CUPS. Porcelain; deep form, deco
rated against a white ground with prunus and peach trees in
blue sous couverte, red and gold; band of diaper in gold and
blue runs around centres.
Height 4 in.

I 117 PAIR CUPS. Porcelain; deep form, band of blue and white
diaper on interior rim. Exterior covered with red enamel
over which are figure designs in darker shade of red.
Height 3 in.
I I 1 8 DEEP CUPS. Porcelain; decoration of prunus blossoms in
red and gold on white against a background of deep over-
glaze green, covered with black lines of grasses.
Height 3^ in.
I 1 1 9 CAKE DISH. Porcelain; on high base, bowl is in form of a
chrysanthemum and decorated with chrysanthemum, peony
and other flowers in rich overglaze enamels and gold.
Height 6%" in.

I 120 DISH. Porcelain; ornamented at centre in blue and white
with boating scenes; rich diaper border.
Length 18 in., width 13X in.

1121 BOWL. Porcelain; in form of a half fruit, decorated in rich

blue and white with country scenes. Reticulated handle
in form of leaves and stem in dark blue.
Mark in blue impressed on foot.
Height 2^4 in.
ABOUT 1840

1122 CUP. Porcelain; deep octagonal form, exterior decorated

with compartments filled with figures, land and waterscapes,
below a diaper border; interior, circular medallions filled with
diaper-figure or floral designs, the whole in brilliant blue and
Height 3^ in.

I I 2 3 - 2 4 PLATE. Porcelain; scalloped border, decorated in blue

and white with deep band of flower and fruit-filled compart
ments about a double ring. Back, floral arabesques and
Diameter 7K in.

I 1 2 5 BOWL. Porcelain; square form, sloping toward centre;

decorated in blue and white with mountain and lake scenery.
Exterior band of deep blue foliations. Mark in blue on base.
Diameter 6 in.

I 1 2 6 BOTTLE. Of globular form, pinched in the paste; piece is

of a heavy reddish paste, covered with an iron-rust glaze in
turn well-nigh covered with a thin splash of blue and white.
Height 6;% in.
1 1 2 7 INCENSE BURNER. Faience; red paste, cup form on
high foot, decorated with palmette designs and chrysanthe
mums in white and black, inlaid in the paste and covered
with a translucent gray glaze. Silver cover of pierced chrys
anthemum and hydrangea designs.
Height 5 in.

1 1 2 8 PLATE. Porcelain; decorated with floral medallions in red,
gold and blue sous couverte, and with outer bands of prunus
in yellow and red and ring-diapers in red, white and blue.
Floral arabesques in blue on exterior.
Diameter ( i n .

I 129 PLATE. Porcelain; blue and white decoration of bands of

diapers, palmette and concentric circles.
Diameter 8 in.

I 130 PLATE. Porcelain; blue and white decoration of diapers

and clouds.
Diameter 7X in.

1131 PLATE. Porcelain; comb-pattern foot, interior conven

tionalized floral designs and leaves in two shades of blue.
Diameter 7^ in.

1132 PLATE. Porcelain; comb-pattern foot; interior decora

tion of peony and leaf border in two shades of blue.
Diameter 7^ in.

I 133 PLATE. Porcelain; comb-pattern foot, decorated both on

interior and exterior with floral designs of peonies and butter
flies in two shades of blue.
Diameter 7^ in.

I 134 PLATE. Porcelain; comb-pattern foot, decorated with in

terior design of peonies and leaves in two shades of blue.
Exterior same design.
Diameter 6^ in.

I 135 COVERED CUP. Porcelain; decorated with dragons in red

and gold; exterior dragon medallions in rich enamels and
gold on a ground of soft celadon green.
Height 4 in.

I 136 PLATE. Porcelain; decorated with design of trees in under

and overglaze enamels on white, divided by a spiral design
in blue and white against a blue ground. Edge wave-
diaper in blue and white. Comb-pattern foot.
Diameter 6 in.

I 137 PLATE. Porcelain; interior decoration of peaches and

leaves in three tones of blue, two underglazed, against a red
plum-blossom ground on white. Rich peony designs in blue
on exterior; foot, blue and white comb-pattern.
Diameter 8 in.
182 catalogue of ceramics

I 1 3 8 PLATE. Porcelain; interior decoration of trees in blue hav

ing overglaze leaves in red, turquoise and yellow. Lower
section of plate represents farmland and wooden fence; the
whole in underglaze blue. Exterior, arabesques tied with
strings and comb-pattern at foot, both in blue.
Diameter 8 in.

I 1 39 PLATE. Porcelain; decorated with design of trussed bam

boos and plum blossoms against a running stream. Flowers
and leaves in overglaze red, turquoise, yellow and white, the
rest in two shades of blue sous couverte. Exterior, floriated
arabesques and comb-pattern in underglaze blue.
Diameter 8 in.

I 1 4 0 CAKE BOWL. Porcelain; finest white texture; fluted in the

paste and decorated with dragon medallions, sprays of prunus
and peach in richest red, cobalt and turquoise blue and gold
on white.
Diameter 6 in.

I 1 4 1 BOTTLE. Porcelain; cylindrical form, decorated with

peonies in soft red, green and blue, and springing from rocks
in underglaze blue. Floriated arabesque and chrysanthe
mums in blue sous couverte, red and gold on white at neck.
Height 10 in.

I 1 4 2 PLATE. Porcelain; lotus leaf form, design of female on her

knees before the gate of a shrine; clouds overhead, the colors
being black, red, yellow and gold, with blue sous couverte.
On exterior are leaf arabesques and lotus-diaper in under
glaze blue.
Length 9 in.

I 1 4 3 INCENSE BOX. Porcelain; in four tiers; piece is decorated

with designs of phoenixes amid fir-trees in the richest red,
blue, green aubergine and yellow enamels and gold.
Height 2% in.

I 1 4 4 PLATEAU. Porcelain; finest white texture, decorated

about a central medallion, ornamented with phcenixes and
flame with compartments filled by designs of prunus, fir,
peony and bamboo, alternating with others decorated with a
peony flower surrounded by karakusa-arabescpies) diaper
band on rim. The whole decoration is in the richest overglaze
blues, yellow, green, red and gold, and the piece is one of the
most beautiful examples of the factory. About 1780.
Diameter 13^4 in.

1145 PLATE. Porcelain; decorated with hydrangeas in under-

glaze blue, red, green and gold, and having diaper border in
red and green at rim.
Diameter 5^ in.

1146 THREE PLATES. Porcelain; oblong shape, decorated with

central designs of fir and blossoming prunus. Outer border
of dragons, peony and floral arabesques; rim of diaper, the
whole in rich overglaze blue, red, yellow and green enamels.
Length 5^ in.

1147 PLATE. Porcelain; decorated with hydrangeas in under-

glaze blue, red, green and gold, and having diaper border in
red and green at rim.
Diameter 5^2 in.

1148 BOWL. Porcelain; interior decoration of dragon medallions,

divided by sprays of prunus, peony and pomegranate, the
whole in red, blue (two shades) and gold on white. Ex
terior birds and plum trees in same colors.
Diameter 8% in.

1149 PLATE. Porcelain; finest texture, decorated in richest

manner, with central medallion filled in with dragons amid
frames and outer band of prunus, ground-fir and peony with
flying phoenix, the whole in the most brilliant red, blue, yel
low and green on white. Exterior, blue trumpet-vine in
underglaze blue. About 1780. Illustrated.
Diameter 10^4 in.

1150 DISH. Porcelain; shallow form, decorated with central

designs of blossoming tree in richest overglaze red, blue,
green and yellow. Floral arabesques in blue at edge. Ex
terior underglaze blue floral arabesques and comb-pattern.
Length 9%jn.

1151 BOWL. Porcelain; finest texture, scalloped edges, decor

ated with peony sprays and trellis-work in the richest
overglaze blue, red, green, aubergine and gold.
Diameter 6^ in.

I 152 CUP. Porcelain; deep form, decorated with peony designs

in two shades of blue, red and yellow.
Height 2^ in.

I 1 53 PLATE. Porcelain; on high comb-patterned foot, decorated

at centre with floral designs and diaper-pattern in two shades
of blue.
Diameter 6 in.

1154 DISH. Porcelain; on high foot, decorated in blue and white

with design of a cart beneath a blossom-covered prunus tree.
Diameter 8 in.

I I 55 DEEP PLATE. Porcelain; decorated at centre with a

beautifully painted peony and leaves in two shades of blue.
Diameter 11^2 in.

1156 DISH. Porcelain; decorated at centre with a spray of

hydrangea in two tones of blue on white. Exterior has
peony scrolls; comb-pattern on foot.
Diameter 8J4 in.

1157 DISH. Porcelain; on high foot, decorated with blossoming

prunus tree in blue and white.
Diameter 8^4 in.

11^8 PLATE. Porcelain; on high foot, decoration in blue and

white of sea-birds skimming over waves.
Diameter 8^4 in.

I I 59 CUP. Porcelain; decorated in soft blue and white with

mountain and lake scenery.
Diameter 5 in.

I 160 CUP. Porcelain; decorated in blue and white with rich

peony flower and leaves.
Diameter 4^ in.

I l6l PLATE. Porcelain; decorated with mountain and lake

scenery in pale blue on white.
Diameter 4X in.

I 162 PLATE. Porcelain; on high comb-pattern foot; piece

is ornamented in blue with strawberry designs and at upper
edge with splash of sea-green celadon.
Diameter 8 in.
NO. I I49
1163 PLATE. Porcelain; blue and white decoration of peaches
and leaves.
Diameter 8 in.

I 164 PLATE. Porcelain; on high comb-pattern foot, piece

is ornamented with floral designs in blue and splash of sea-
green celadon. On exterior is band of peonies in blue.
Diameter 8^ in.

1165 LARGE PLATE. Porcelain; central design in blue and

white of peonies, springing from wave-diaper. Round ex
terior, jewel and band scrolls, and round base a belt of sbippo-
Diameter 12X in.

I 166 PLATE. Porcelain; central design of sprays of leaves in

blue. Exterior peony sprays and comb-pattern in blue.
Diameter 8^4 in.

I 167 PLATE. Porcelain; decorated in blue and white with de

sign of reed beside a stream. Comb-pattern foot.
Diameter 4^ in.

1168 PLATE. Porcelain; on comb-pattern foot, ornamented

at centre with floral and foliage designs in two shades of
Diameter 8 in.

I 169 PLATE. Porcelain; on high comb-pattern foot; piece is

decorated at centre with rich peony flowers and leaves in two
shades of blue.
Diameter 8y in.

I 170 PAIR CUPS. Porcelain; deep form, decorated with white

gourd-shaped designs on blue; and with floral designs in blue
and white.
Height 2^4 in.

1 1 7 1 PLATE. Porcelain; decorated with bamboo designs in blue

and white.
Diameter 6^ in.

I 172 PLATE. Porcelain; on high comb-pattern foot, piece

is rich with floral arabesques in dark blue and white.
Diameter 6 in.

I 173 PLATE. Porcelain; shallow form, decorated in blue and

white with designs of trussed reeds. Floral band on back.
Diameter 8% in.

1174 PLATE. Porcelain; comb-pattern foot, interior decoration

of large squares in blue and white.
Diameter 7^2 in.

1175 PLATE. Porcelain; high comb-pattern foot; decoration of

peonies and leaves at centre in two shades of blue; same de
sign on black.
Diameter 8 in.

1176 PLATE. Porcelain; fluted edge, decorated with double

gourds in white against a wave-diaper in blue and white;
two celadon lotus leaves, having underglaze designs of lotus
flowers, moulded in the paste.
Length in.

1177 VASE. Porcelain; pear shape, decorated with designs of

dragons amid clouds, chasing panther. Detached blossoming
prunus-tree and bamboo. On foot, in aubergine yellow,
Fu-ki: " Wealth."
Height 6^2 in.

1178 CENSER. Porcelain; in the form of the "cicada" head

dress. Peony designs, moulded in the paste, and covered
with a rich pale-green celadon glaze.
Height 9X in.

I 1 79 VASE. Porcelain; beaker form, floral handles at sides;

piece is covered throughout with a pale-green celadon glaze.
Height 10% in.

1180 DISH. Porcelain; form of a courtesan in flowing robes,

decorated in Imari style with diamond arabesques and
phoenixes in red and white, border of dress in red and blue
diamond diaper on white, girdle green; inside a rich red.
Floral arabesque and yellow chrysanthemum designs fill
up intervening spaces. Comb-pattern at foot.
Length 11 in.
japan: provinces of hizenISEIWAKI 187
I 181 BOWL. Porcelain; fluted form, and covered with soft green
celadon over which are lotus leaves in red and green enamels
and gold.
Diameter 8 in.

I 182 BOWL. Porcelain; fluted edge, on three feet, decorated

with floral arabesques at sides in red, turquoise and blue.
Exterior designs of dragons in red and underglaze blue.
Diameter 4^ in.

ABOUT 1700-1780

1183 PAIR SAKE BOTTLES. Porcelain; heavy texture, decora

ted with coarse figure and floral designs in dark blue and
bluish white.
Height 8_K in.

I 184 PAIR VASES. Porcelain; club-shaped, decorated with

bands, diapers and cloud-filled medallions at centre; flowers,
floriated spirals, palmette and butterflies at neck and base;
the whole in the richest enamels and gold.
Height 26 in.

1185 PAIR BRUSH HOLDERS. Decorated with design in
three colors of horses in the midst of flames, waves, etc.
Signed: Kasuke.
Height in.


1186 TEA BOWL. Of heavy reddish-yellow paste; piece is cov

ered with a brown mottled lustrous black glaze. At centre
in blue and white the proverbial horse of Soma.
Diameter 4% in.
1 For further examples of Ise, see pp. 218, 250.
2 For further examples of Iwaki, see p. 251.

1187 LARGE JAR. Porcelain; decoration divided into com
partments of wave arabesque in red and floral designs and
leafage in green, yellow and aubergine. At shoulder kara-
kusu arabesque in red; at foot, palmette in green. Ground
is a tawny-white crackled glaze. Silver rim.
Height 1434 in.

1188 CUP AND SAUCER. Thin semi-eggshell porcelain; decora

ted in brilliant red and gold with figure designs and flower-
filled medallions. Signed: Dai Nippon Kutani Sei.
Height 3X in.

1189 BONBON BOX. Porcelain; in five tiers, hexagonal form;

decoration of figures, birds in trees, kiri amid peony shrubs,
and, on cover, birds and lotus flowers beside running stream,
the whole in rich overglaze enamels.
Height 3^ in.

1 1 9 0 CENSER. Porcelain; cylindrical form, plum-tree in bloom

and birds in richest overglaze enamels and gold.
Height 2% in.

1 1 9 1 WATER VESSEL. Porcelain; ovoid form, decorated with

figures both raised and in the flat, richly enameled in red,
green, yellow, black and gold. Band of gilded drops in blue
depends from rim. Band of richly enameled peonies at foot.
Height 5^4 in.

1 1 9 2 PLATE. Porcelain; in form of a leaf, aubergine ground en

riched by floral design in white and blue sous couverte, yel
low and green.
Length in.

1 1 9 3 ALCOVE ORNAMENT. Porcelain; form of boy riding an

ox. Boy clad in coat of green, decorated with yellow and
black diapered edge and dotted with yellow and aubergine
clouds; trousers yellow with black star-patterns. Ox in pale
mauve, black hair, horns and hoofs.
Length 9% in.
1 For further examples of Kaga, see pp. 219, 251.
1194 PLATE. Porcelain; form of half double gourd-shaped
bottle; half of its interior decorated with green and yellow
diapers on white, framed in squares of blue sous couverte,
the other half a blossoming prunus tree; trunk in under-
glaze blue, flowers in red and green over the glaze. Back
floral arabesques and feet in blue sous couverte.
Length 6^2 in.

1195 TRAYS. Porcelain; interior decoration in overglaze, red,

green, blue and yellow enamels, of ducks in pond, with plum
tree in blossom overhanging. Border of foliated spirals
in yellow. Exterior, floral meanders in blue sous couverte
and seal on foot in blue, also under the glaze.
Length 8 in.

1196 PLATE. Porcelain; diamond-form, decorated with ara

besque framed compartments, filled in with phoenixes or
peonies in the richest overglaze enameled blue, green, red
and gold.
Length 5^ in.

1197 PLATE. Porcelain; form of half double gourd-shaped bot

tle; half of its interior decorated with green and yellow dia
pers on white, framed in squares of blue sous couverte, the
other half a blossoming prunus tree; trunk in underglaze
blue, flowers in red and green over the glaze. Back, floral
arabesques and feet in blue sous couverte.
Length 6^2 in.

1198 PLATE. Porcelain; square form; decorated above a dia

mond-diaper design in red and white with a seascape of
ships, houses over the water and distant hills, the whole in
rich overglaze blues, red, yellow and aubergine. Mark:
Fu-ki: ' Riches."
Diameter 5 in.

1199 CENSER. Porcelain; cylindrical form, decorated with

medallions, filled in with design of phoenix on blossoming
tree and divided by pyramid-shaped diapers, the whole in
green, gold and aubergine on white. Silver top.
Height 2^4 in.

1200 CENSER. Porcelain; cylindrical form, decorated with

chrysanthemums, flowers and foliated spirals in blue, red
and gold against an apple-green ground.
Height 2^4 in.

I 20 1 PLATEAU. Porcelain; decorated with figure, design and

inscription at centre, surrounded by diaper bands and outer
border of circular and woMo-shaped medallions, filled with
figure, bird, animal and arabesque designs, the whole in red
and black on white. Exterior bird and floral spirals in red.
Diameter 15 in.

1202 BOWL Porcelain; centre divided into three panels filled

with designs of men composing poems, boys at play, and
wild horses amid fir-trees. Exterior designs of richly plum-
aged phoenixes and bands of palmette and comb-patterns;
the whole in red and gold on white. Mark: in same colors,
Fu-ki: "Riches."
Diameter 9% in.

1203 DISH. Porcelain; leaf form, moulded in the paste with

lotus leaves and covered with iron rust and karakusa orna
ment in yellow on white, enriched by a turquoise arabesque.
Width 6 in.

1204 PLATE. Porcelain; finely crackled faun-colored glaze,

ornamented at centre with phoenix with rich spreading plum
age; outer border of circular medallions filled with spiral
designs, arabesque edge, the whole in red, green and gold
enamels. Mark in blue sous couverte.
Diameter 8^ in.

1205 CENSER. Porcelain; cylindrical form, decorated with

floral sprays of peony and spirals, also crest designs, the
whole in soft red, pink, blue and yellow, enriched with gold.
Reticulated cover with similar floral design.
Height 2^ in.

1206 INCENSE BURNER. Porcelain; square form, decorated

in green, blue and aubergine and yellow, with floral designs
and bird framed in lacework-design in red. Pierced metal
Height 4X in.

1207 DISH. Porcelain; in form of double chrysanthemum petals

moulded in the paste, and enriched with overglaze enamels.
Mark: in black and blue, on foot, Kutani.
Length 7 in.

1208 BOTTLE. Porcelain; clouds, flames and floral designs on

fir-diaper; dotted palmette and comb-pattern foot; the whole
in green, yellow, aubergine and red overglaze enamels on
Height 15X in.

1209 COVERED BOWL. Porcelain; decorated with chrysanthe

mum medallions in gold and enamels against a rich red back
ground. Ormolu mounts.
Diameter 4X in.

1210 DEEP CUP AND SAUCER. Semi-eggshell porcelain; lam

brequin and medallioned designs in red and gold. Mark:
Height 3^ in.

1211 CENSER. Porcelain; square form, decorated with land

scape-filled circular medallions in blue and white, enriched
by dashes of overglaze gold and red enamel, the whole
against a dark blue.
Height 2^4 in.

1212 BOTTLE. Porcelain; covered with a reddish-brown glaze

to imitate baked earthenware.
Height 2 in., length 4^2 in.

1213 WATER BOTTLE. Porcelain; double gourd shape, decora
ted with figure, dragon and bird filled medallions, floral
designs and bands of diapers in over and underglaze enamels
on white or gold against a rich red ground. Mark: in red,
Height 11 in.

1214 DISH. Porcelain; hexagonal form, decorated with bands

of diapers and comb-pattern about a central landscape in
overglaze greens, red and aubergines on white. Exterior
ribbon designs in green and aubergine. Mark: in green and
black, Kutani.
Diameter 7^ in.

1215 BOWL. Porcelain; crackled white glaze within; exterior

T-shaped and palmette bands, contain karakusa and peony
designs, the whole in green, gold and silver over a deep red
Diameter 5 in.

1216 CUP. Porcelain; reserve decoration of figures and land

scapes in pink, red and gold on white, against a background
of rich bird, flame and cloud designs in gold on red. Ara
besques and palmette at edge and base in red and gold.
Mark: in red, Kutani.
Height 2^ in.

1217 INCENSE BOX. Porcelain; square form, ornamented with

gold and silver lotus leaves against a deep red ground.
Length 2% in.
1218 PLATE. Porcelain; decorated with designs of Fujiyama,
trees, boats and floating clouds in red, silver and gold on a
deep blue ground.
Diameter 5^ in.

1219 SHALLOW BOWL. Porcelain; covered with a rich tawny-

yellow coat, against which in reserve are blue and white
Diameter 5^ in.

1220 JAR. Porcelain; relief decoration of figures, animals and
trees, glazed turquoise against a background of deep blue.
Mark: Kairakuyen sei.
Height 5 in.

1221 VASE. Porcelain; pear-shape, covered with a rich glaze
of peach and gray.
Height 6^2 in.

1222 VASE. Porcelain; pear-shape, high neck, decorated with a

cloudy peau-de-peche glaze on white.
Height 14^4 in.
1 For further examples of Kii, see p. 253.
2 For further examples of Musashi, see pp. 220, 254.
1223 VASE. Porcelain; pear-shape, fiambe liver, peach and yellow
crackled glaze.
Height 6^ in.

1224 BASE. Porcelain; globular form, on three feet, decorated

in peau-de-peche of two tones with dragons amid cloud ara
Height 8^2 in.

1225 VASE. Porcelain; decorated with design of floral spirals

moulded in the paste, and covered with three glazes, celadon,
crushed-strawberry and mottled gray-green. Mark: seal on
foot below glaze.
Height 12^4 in.



1226 FLOWER VASE. Porcelain; pear-shape, decorated with

white and blue butterflies sous couverte against a back
ground of pale mauve-pink.

1227 CENSER. Porcelain; oval form, on three legs, covered with
a gray and blue fiambe glaze. Silver lid.
Height 5 in.

1228 VASE. Porcelain; white glaze, splash of mauve-red fiambe

at neck.
Height 8^4 in.

1229 CENSER. Porcelain; decorated with a gray and purple

fiambe glaze. On three feet, silver lid. Mark incised.
Height 4X in.

1230 VASE. Porcelain; squat globular form, covered with a rich

peach glaze below a mottled gray coat.
Height 4X in-> width 9X i n -

1 2 3 I WATER VESSEL. Porcelain; globular form, wide mouth,
decorated with bamboo, fir and peach trees amid which are
paroquets; diaper and palmette designs at neck and foot.
Height 6 in., diameter at mouth 5^ in.

1 2 3 2 WATER JAR. Porcelain; cylindrical form, decorated in
blue and white with figures of divinities discoursing beneath
Height 6% in.
1 2 3 3 WATER VESSEL. Porcelain; decorated throughout with
leaves in blue. Signed in blue under cover.
Height 7^4 in., diameter at mouth 5 in.

1 2 3 4 PLATE. Porcelain; fluted edge and decorated in blue and
white with figures beneath blossoming tree, gazing out across
a lake. Inscribed border in white against deep blue.
Diameter 8 in.

1 2 3 5 TEAPOT. Porcelain; five-sided, squat shape; piece is

decorated in bright blue with floral designs and diapers.
Extreme length 5X ' n -
1 2 3 6 PLATE. Porcelain; fluted edge, decorated in rich dark blue
with floral designs and bird after the Chinese.
Diameter 8% in.

1 2 3 7 PAIR PLATES. Porcelain; decorated with central medal

lion in white ornamented with dragon and clouds in red,
green and yellow. Mokko-shaped medallions, filled in with
figures of boys or floral designs in overglaze enamels on white,
are reserved against a red diaper border. Rim, red diaper
on white. Exterior, scrolls and radiant design in green and
Diameter 8 in.
'For further examples of Omi, see pp. 221, 256.
1238 TEAPOT. Porcelain; figure and diaper decoration in red
and gold on white. Mark: Koto.
Breadth 3X in., height \% in.


1239 JAR. Ovoid shape, gray paste, covered with a splashed dark
green, black and brown glaze.
Height 4in.

1240 TEA JAR. Ovoid form, dark gray paste; piece is covered
with a ruddy-amber glaze, over which is thrown a thin coat
of dark iron-rust.
Height 2% in.

1241 TEA JAR. Cylindrical form, dark gray paste, partly cov
ered with coats of iron-rust, yellow-russet, and tea-leaf green.
Height 3^ in.

1242 TEA JAR. Squat cylindrical form, dark gray paste, covered
with a thick amber glaze. Unusual form.
Height 1^4 in., diameter 3^ in.

1243 TEA JAR. Cylindrical form, straight shoulder, dark gray

paste; piece is covered with a rich amber glaze.
Height 3X ' n -

1244 TEA JAR. Ovoid form, dark gray paste; piece is covered
with a rich amber-brown glaze.
Height 2)4 in.


1245 TEA JAR. Cylindrical form, flat shoulder, conventional

handles; piece is of yellow-gray paste, partially covered with
dark iron-rust glaze.
Height 3X in.
1 For further examples of Owari, see pp. 223, 256.

1246 TEA JAR. Globular form, dark gray paste; piece is covered
with a dark iron-rust glaze.
Height 2% in.

1247 TEA JAR. Cylindrical form, gray paste; piece is grooved in

the paste and partially covered with a rich iron-rust glaze.
Height 2^ in.
1248 TEA JAR. Cylindrical form, red paste; piece is covered
with iron-rust glaze.
Height 2yi in.
1249 VASE. Porcelain; globular form, high foot and neck, decora
ted in blue and white with dragon and cloud medallions be
tween bands of fret and diaper.
Height 15X in*

1250 BONBON JAR. Porcelain; cylindrical form, straight neck;

piece is decorated in blue and white with flower-framed
medallions filled with flying bird and wave design.
Height 3X i n -
1251 CENSER. Porcelain; pear-shaped, decorated in blue and
white with band of floral ornament ?bove compartments of
diapers and scrolls.
Height 2yi in.

1252 WATER VESSEL. Porcelain; oval form, flat cover, decora

ted by Hansuke with floriated medallions in deep blue and
white enriched by gilding.
Height 7^ in.

1253 TEA JAR. Of oval form, straight shoulder; piece is covered

with a mottled faun and black glaze.
Height 4^ in.
1254 TEA JAR. Cylindrical form, red paste, partially covered
with a thin yellow and rust glaze, showing concentric circles
moulded in paste below. Mark: Fukuyama.
Height 3X in-

1255 CUP. Porcelain; deep form; ornamented in overglaze enam
els with sweet-flag and butterflies; exterior covered with fine
basket-work. Mark: Koto Gentaro kore o tsukuru, Seto,
Nippon: "Kato Gentaro made this at Seto, Japan."
Diameter 4 in.

1256 TEA JAR. Oval form, gray paste, moulded in ten com
partments; piece is covered with a rich iron-rust glaze.
Compartments filled with inscriptions of felicitation in over-
glaze white.
Height 3X in.

1257 PAIR JARS. Porcelain; oval form, deep blue and white
hawthorn pattern. Factory (?).
Height 11 in.

1258 BOWL. Porcelain; leaf-shaped, standing on high foot and

supported on fir-cones; piece is decorated in blue and white
with peony designs. Factory (?)
Length 7^ in.

1259 PEN HOLDER. Porcelain; cylindrical form, decorated in
rich blue and white with birds and flowers.
Height 5^2 in.

1260 CENSER. Porcelain; moulded in the paste with peony

designs and scrolls and covered with a rich apple-green
celadon. Stands on three feet. Silver lid.
Height 6 in.

1261 BOWL. Yellowish paste, straight outflaring rim; piece
is covered with splashes of treacle, green and frosted iron-
rust over a crackled translucent glaze.
Diameter 6 in.

1262 WATER JAR. Faience; dark yellow paste, cylindrical
form; decorated over a finely crackled faun glaze, with
design of a phoenix amid clouds, framed in plain and dot and
cross bands; the whole in rich green, blue and gold.
Height 7X in.

1263 CAKE BOX. Faience; heavy paste, covered with a rich
design of chrysanthemums, from which depend long feathery
ferns and floral sprigs in gold. Reticulated handles at sides.
Height 6 in.
1264 INCENSE BURNER. Cylindrical form, moulded with lines
in the paste; piece is of a heavy gray paste, covered with an
oil-stained, crackled, faun-colored glaze.
Height 3yi in.

1265 TEAPOT. Faience; in form of a lotus flower moulded in the

paste; faun-colored, finely crackled glaze.
Height 4X in.
1266 WINE BOTTLE. Cylindrical form, reddish paste; piece
is covered in turn with coats of iron rust, treacle, and again
iron-rust glazes.
Height 6 in.

1267 WINE BOTTLE. Cylindrical form, covered with an iron-

rust glaze and at shoulder and neck splash of blue and white.
Height 5^4 in.
1268 BOWL. Faience; finely crackled faun-colored glaze; interior
decoration of cherry and band of diaper in overglaze enamels
and gold. Exterior design of wild geese flying and swimming
amid reeds; the whole design in black, green and gold.
Diameter 3^4 in.
1 For further examples of Sanuki, see pp. 220, 260.
2 For further examples of Satsuma, see pp. 229, 260.
1269 INCENSE BURNER. Faience; finely crackled faun glaze,
decorated with peony, chrysanthemum and prunus-blossoms
in overglaze enamels and gold. Pierced silver, and silver
gilt lid.
Height 2^ in.

1270 COVERED JAR. Faience; oval form, finely crackled faun

glaze, splashed with gray-black.
Height 5^ in.

1271 SCREEN. Faience; design of wild geese near stream framed

in diaper; diaper and karakusa ornament on base, the whole
in red, green, blue, black and gold overglaze enamels.
Height 4^4 in.

1272 CENSER. Faience; medallions of floral designs of sweet-

flag and peony against a reticulated-diaper in faun, framed
in floral-diapers in gold and colored enamels. Silver lid.
Height 2%, in.

1273 BOW. Faience; finely crackled faun-colored glaze, enriched

with overglaze peony designs and lantern on cord, the whole
in rich red, blue and gold.
Diameter 4X in.

1274 INCENSE BURNER. Faience; finely crackled faun glaze,

enriched with diaper patterns or peony and having a reticu
lated, silver-handled cover.
Height 3X in-

1275 INCENSE BURNER. Faience; oval form, finely crackled

faun glaze enriched with overglaze decoration of chrysanthe
mums and grasses in richest colors and gold. Silver rim.
Height 3X in.

1276 BOX. Faience; four tiers, silver-edged and decorated

against a faun-colored finely crackled glaze with floral de
signs of peonies and chrysanthemums in richest overglaze
enamels and gold.
Height in.

1277 INCENSE BURNER. Faience; finely crackled faun glaze,

bands of floral stars in gold against a green spiral ground.
Silver lid.
Height 2% in.

1278 BOWL. Fa'ience; finely crackled faun glaze, decorated on

interior and exterior rims with diaper bands and about
exterior with peony and chrysanthemum designs in over-
glaze enamels and gold. Palmette border.
Height 3Yz in.

1279 BOWL. Faience; moulded in paste with lotus leaves and

covered with a finely crackled pale-faun glaze. Circular
mark on foot ynder glaze.
Height 3^4 in.

1280 COVERED CAKE DISH. Fa'ience; finely crackled faun

glaze, decorated with arabesque-filled compartments, pal
mette at foot and lotus bud handle; the whole in rich over-
glaze enamels and gold.
Height 4X in.

1281 INCENSE BURNER. Fa'ience; finely crackled faun glaze,

decorated with floral design and phoenix in overglaze enamels
and gold. Silver cover.
Height 2^4 in.

1282 RING BOTTLE. Faience; finely crackled faun glaze,

spout in form of bamboo; handle plum-branch spreading
about neck with blossoms in relief. Body of piece orna
mented with chrysanthemum, peony and plum-blossoms in
rich pink, red, green and gold enamel. Diaper border at
Height 7X in.

1283 TEA JAR. Globular form, long, wide neck; the piece is of
reddish-gray paste, covered with a thick black glaze.
Height 3X in.

1284 TEA BOWL. Heavy red paste, covered with a dark iron-
rust glaze; blue splash at centre. Blue green tears at foot.
Diameter 5 in.

1285 TEAPOT. Fine yellowish paste; piece is covered with a

mottled yellow-green and black, minutely crackled glaze.
Overhead handles of lacquered cane.
Height of pot, 4^ in.

1286 BOWL. Shallow form, covered with a rich treacle glaze

blotched with lustrous black. Glaze is minutely crackled.
Diameter 4]/% in.
1287 INCENSE BOX. Faience; in form of a courtesan; crackled
faun-colored glaze, costume covered with floral circular
medallions in black, white, red, green and gold. Face, hands
and feet unglazed.
Height 4X in-

1288 BOWL. Faience; gray white paste, finely crackled pale

faun glaze covered on the exterior with panels of floral and
diaper designs in overglaze blue, red, yellow, turquoise and
Height 3X i-

1289 TEA JAR. Form of wine pot, pearl-gray paste, covered

with rich-iron rust glaze.
Height 2$/& in.


1290 TEA JAR. Oval form, flat shoulder, fine dark gray paste,
decorated in soft tea-leaf tone.
Height 3^ in.

1291 TEA BOWL. Of dark gray paste; piece is covered with a

mottled yellow and gray glaze. Metal rim.
Diameter 5X i n -

1292 TEA JAR. Cylindrical form, gray paste; piece is covered

with a thin russet glaze overrun with tea-leaf.
Height 3^2 in.


1293 INCENSE BOX. Fine gray paste, in form resembling Ver

million boxes of Chinese; piece is covered with a crackled
faun-colored glaze and decorated with figure-designs and
trees in rich enamels and gold. Mark: impressed in paste,
under glaze, Ninsei.
Diameter 3^ in.
For further examples of Totomi, see pp. 232, 263.
2For further examples of Yamashiro, see pp. 232, 263.

1294 BOTTLE. Of yellowish-gray paste, beautiful globular form

and slender neck; piece is covered with a warm faun-colored
glaze, finely crackled and decorated amid blue floral spirals
with rosettes of many petalled chrysanthemums in watery
black. Conventional palmette ornament at foot and neck
in same tone. Mark: Ninsei, engraved in the paste.
Height 9 i n .
1295 INCENSE BURNER. Faience; cylindrical form crackled
gray glaze, covered with gold, blue and green diapers, broken
by gold floral designs. Mark: Iwakura (Iwakurayama).
Height 2% in.
ABOUT 1780
1296 PAIR BOTTLES. Light gray paste, four-sided form; piece
is covered with a crackled transparent glaze, enriched by
floriated spirals and leaves in red, blue and green enamels
and gold. Awata.
Height 5^ in.
1297 WINE POT. Of red paste, usual form, overhead handle;
piece is covered with a crackled faun-colored glaze, enriched
with floral designs in gold and enamels in tones of red, blue
and green.
Height 6K in.

1298 INCENSE BURNER. Faience; figure of an actor in tall

hat; green, blue and gold robes and sword.
Height 9 in.

1299 BOTTLE. Faience; globular form, contracted at foot,

slender neck; piece is covered with a crackled tawny colored
glaze, over which are floral designs in black and chrysanthe
mums and peony flowers in blue and green.
Height 8X in.

1300 INCENSE BURNER. In form of an actor dancing. Figure

is clad in loose flowing kimono. Of a finely crackled faun-
colored glaze, decorated with floral designs in gold and b'ue
and green enamels. Wears masque and hat, holds fan. Awata
Height 11 in.

1301 TOP OF CENSER. Faience; red paste, form of a white hen

on leaves. Fukakusa.
Height 9 in.

1302 FIGURE OF HOTEL Of reddish gray paste; figure is that
of a corpulent, jolly old fellow, seated, clad in voluminous
robes and holding in one hand a sack; in the other a drum.
With the exception of face, hands and feet, the figure is
covered with a finely crackled faun-colored glaze, enriched
with chrysanthemum designs in gold. Kiyomizu.
Height 7X in.

1303 WINE POT. Of gray paste; piece is of usual teapot form,

with high overhead handle, decorated against a rich apple-
green enamel, over a faun-colored crackled glaze, with floral
designs in colors. Kiyomizu.
Height 6% in.

1304 JAR. Faience; gray crackled glaze, ornamented with floral

designs of chrysanthemums, sprays and karabatusa ornament
in green, black, blue and gold. Mark: Kiyo (Kiyomizu).
Height 8% in.

1305 INCENSE BURNER. Of fine reddish gray paste, star

shape; piece is covered with green and blue enamels, deco
rated with floral designs in faun (reserved). Silver cover in
laid with enamels. Kiysmizu.
Height 2 x /2 in.

1306 BOTTLE. Of yellow gray paste, globular form, short neck;

piece is decorated in blue with mountain and village scenes
and covered with a transparent crackled glaze. Kiyomizu.
Height 8-^ in.

1307 TEA JAR. Of fine gray paste, cylindrical form; piece is

partially covered with a finely crackled faun-colored glaze,
enriched with floral designs and blossoming trees, diapers,
etc., in enamels and gold. Kiyomizu.
Height 3^4 in.

1308 BOTTLE. Of fine reddish gray paste, double gourd shape;

piece is covered with a finely crackled faun-colored glaze and
decorated with rich enamels of flower-filled diapers height
ened with gilding. Kiyomizu.
Height 6% in.

ABOUT 1810
1309 TEAPOT. Of lightest gray paste; piece is of regular form,
covered with a semi-crackled white glaze and decorated
against a gilded background with figures in the richest over-
glaze enamels. Mark: below cover, Shuhei (gojo-^aka).
Height 3 in.
1310 TEAPOT. Faience; exceedingly light texture; decorated
over a gray-white crackled glaze with black branches of
pink, red and gold peach blossoms. Mark: Shuhei, in red.
As above.
Height 4X i n -
131 I TEAPOT. Fine gray paste, squat oval form, tubular handle
and short spout; piece is covered with a transparent crackled
glaze and enameled in two shades of green and gilded with
floral designs. Bands of black spirals at top and cover.
Height 2% in.

13 12 FIRE BOWL. Faience; decorated with floral designs and

karabatusa ornament in blue, faun, yellow and green on black.
Mark: Rakuto^an. About 1800.
Height VA in.

1313 INCENSE BURNER. Faience; crackled faun glaze; diaper

and peony decoration in blue, green and gold. Pierced
silver top of peony designs. Mark: Iwakurayama (1760-
Height 2% in.

13 14 JAR. Faience; fluted cylindrical form, faun glaze minutely

crackled and covered on outside with floral designs in red,
blue and gold upon a field of green and gold karakusa orna
ment. As above.
Height 5^ in.

1315 WINE BOTTLE. Reddish gray paste, oval form; piece

is covered with a crackled tawny gray glaze and enamelled
with chrysanthemums and cloud effects in rich green, red,
blue enriched by gold. Mark: Kiyo: incised. About 1800.
Height 8)4 in.

1316 BOWL. Of yellow gray body; piece is covered with a

crackled faun-colored glaze, enamelled with floral sprays and
wreaths in blue, green, red and gold. Fluted edge. As above.
Diameter 12^4 in.
1317 VASE. Faience; decorated with floral sprays in yellow,
green and faun against a background of blue petals on black.
Mark: impressed: Rakuto^an. As above.
Height 6X in.

1318 TEAPOT. Faience; figure decoration in overglaze enamels

on an underglazed ground. Phoenixes on cover. Mark:
Ken (for Kentei) on handle. Otowaya Sozaemon.
Height 4^ in.
ABOUT 1830
1319 TEA BOWL. Yellow gray paste, covered with a thin gray
semi-translucent glaze and decorated in overglaze enamels
and gold with floral designs and grasses. Dohachi II.
Diameter 5 in.

1320 COVERED CAKE BOWL. Porcelain; interior, felicitous

inscriptions in blue sous couverte, exterior, circular medal
lions in red, filled with conventionalized cranes in gold,
divided by flames in green, red and gold on white. In
scriptions about top of lid and base in underglaze blue.
Mark: Impressed: "Kahin Shirin": Hiizen, 1 ith generation
Zengoro. About 1830.
Diameter 6 in.

1321 CUP. Porcelain; deep form, crackled faun glaze; felicitous

ideographs and bats in blue sous couverte at centre. Ex
terior figure designs, land and seascapes in overglaze enamels.
Height 2% in.

1322 VASE. Porcelain; pear-shape, covered with red ground,

over which are dragon designs and clouds in gold. Work of
Hozen, 1 ith generation Zengoro.
Height 3^ in.

1323 PAIR CUPS. Porcelain; decorated on exterior with figure

designs in overglaze enamels, against a gold ground; at foot
diaper in red. Mark: Gioku^an in red.
Height 2 in.

1324 COVERED BOTTLE. Faience; double gourd shape, deco

rated with phoenix and peony designs, moulded in the
paste, and colored in black, green, blue and white, against
a pale yellow ground. Mark: Yeiraku, nth generation
Height 6 in.

1325 INCENSE BOX. Faience; body covered with a gold lac

quer design of dragons; blue centre, yellow spiral border;
body bright green. Mark: Yeiraku. As above.
Diameter 2% in.

1326 CUP. Faience; deep form, gray paste, covered with a

minutely crackled faun glaze, and decorated in overglaze
black and white enamels with interior band of fret and ex
terior designs of demons amid clouds and band of cloud
diaper. Impressed mark: Chojiro and Giokutei.
Height 3 in.

1327 TEAPOT. Faience; faun-colored crackled glaze, decorated

with figure designs in red, white, black, green and gold over-
glaze enamels. Mark: below cover, Bizan. About 1830-38.
Height 4 in.

1328 PLATEAU. Faience, moulded in the paste with a landscape

in white on which are stags, lions, horses and dogs below fir
trees, in rich green, black, yellow and blue, raised or sunken in
the paste; this design surrounds a central arabesque in yellow
and green, surrounded by a line of circles. Between and on
outer border is a raised floral and bird design in white against
a gold and red ground.
Diameter 17X hi.

1329 CUP, SAUCER AND CUP-REST. Interiors of cup and

saucer covered with silver and gold lacquer; exteriors rich
purple glaze. Cup-rest gray paste, covered with netting
moulded in paste and glazed rich green. Mark: below,
Yeiraku. Work of the 1 ith Zengoro, Hozen.
Diameter, cup 2^ in., saucer, 3X in-, rest 5^2 in.

1330 FIRE HOLDER. Of gray paste, ovoid form, wide mouth;

piece is decorated in the paste with floriated spirals and
peonies and covered with a dark purple glaze. Mark: Yei
raku. Work of Hozen, 11 th Zengoro.
Diameter 13 in., height 9^ in.

1331 FIRE BOWL. Of gray paste; piece is moulded in the paste

with designs of lotus flowers and leaves and covered with a
soft sage-green. Mark: Ho^en, impressed on foot.
Diameter 4^ in.
1332 WINE BOTTLE. Of soft yellow gray paste, cylindrical
form; piece is covered with a crackled faun-colored glaze,
covered in turn with a dull gray black tone over which in
green, blue, aubergine and faun are medallions, fire balls,
diapers, etc., picked out in enamels.
Height 8}^ in.

1333 RINSING BOWL. Faience; bowl stands on high base,

interior gold lacquer; exterior band of fret, birds amid kara-
balusa ornament and peonies in white, yellow, aubergine
and black on blue; base canary yellow. Mark: Yeiraku.
Height 6 in., diameter 7X in-

1334 WINE POT. Porcelain; squat form, overhead handle;

decorated with diaper bands, flying phoenixes and lotus
flowers in gold on red. Mark: Yeiraku.
Height 5^ in.

1335 BOWL. Faience; covered with a finely crackled gray-white

glaze and decorated with an exquisite pure white stork
against a deep red ground. Designs of foamy waves in black
and gold play about piece. Mark: Kahin Shirin at side,
Diameter 5X in-

1336 BOTTLE. Porcelain; pomegranate-form; red enamel

throughout decorated with leaves and scale pattern in gold.
Height 2^4 in.

1337 V^SE. Porcelain; globular form, decorated with scene of a

Shogunate procession crossing a bridge, done in the richest
overglaze enamels on crackled faun reserves against a vel
vety black.
Height 1 i n .

1338 FIGURINE. In form of a quail perched upon the stump

of a hollow tree. Bird is painted over a terra-cotta ground
in sober browns and white flecked with pink and black.
Stump deep brown throughout.
Height 6ys in.

1339 CAKE DISH. Faience; plate on high hexagonal base;

ornamentation consists of Dog of Fou amid karabatusa orna-

ment and diapers, and, on base, panels of figure pierced

lotus and diapers; the whole in blue, green, faun and yellow
enamels on black. Awata.
Height 4y 2 in., diameter 8^4 in.

1340 SMALL BOTTLE. Of lightest gray paste, finely kneaded
and globular form; piece is covered throughout with a faun-
colored glaze minutely crackled. Mark: Gobosatsu (Mizoro).
Height 5^ in.

1341 BOTTLE. Of gray paste, pinched globular form, covered

with a faun-colored crackled glaze, enriched with floral
designs and flower, star-filled and cloud-filled diapers; the
whole in rich red, blue and green enamels, heightened by
gold. Mark: Gobosatsu (Mizoro).
Height 8% in.
1342 VASE. Porcelain; squat globular form, flaring rim; covered
through with a dark lustrous gray, blue and black flambe
glaze. Makuzu.
Height 11 in.

1343 PAIR VASES. Porcelain; globular form, moulded in the

paste with T-pattern and circular medallions of wild horses
in pale peach on white. Mark: Makuzu.
Height 5 in.

1344 VASE. Porcelain; imitative of the Chinese peach-bloom

glaze. Makuzu.
Height 6^ in.

1345 VASE. Porcelain; globular form, wide rim, covered with a

deep blue against which is reserved a spray of hydrangea in
white. Makuzu.
Height 5^ in.
1346 BRUSH HOLDERS. Faience; cylindrical form finely
crackled faun-colored glaze, decorated in red, green and
gold with peony designs and insects, between bands of
diaper. By Taizan.
Height 4^ in.

1347 FIGURE. Fa'ience; figure of an old man clad in red, green
and black.
Height 8X in.
1348 WATER VASE. Porcelain; teapot form, decorated with
figures of a yellow and blue four-clawed dragon.
Height 9% in.

1349 CENSER. Porcelain; gray-green celadon tone, ornamented

with dragon and flame design in green, gray and black.
Band of green and black diaper at mouth. Mark: Seifu.
Height 4 in.

1350 PAIR BOWLS. Porcelain; interior decoration of medal

lions; central, kiri in blue and white; side, red in green frame,
the whole against a red diaper pattern on white. Band of
yellow, white and green fans, diapers, etc., on red ground.
Exterior, figure designs in gold on red ground. Mark:
Seifu incised in paste.
1 35 I TEAPOT. Faience; gray paste, decorated in red and gold
with house amid pink blossoming trees, beside waters of a
gold bridged lake. Mark: impressed, Rantei.
Height 2^4 in.
1352 TEAPOT. Faience; decorated with diapers in blue, yellow
and faun; cloud, leaves, feathers and lattice work designs
in same colors against a black ground. Mark: Tan^an,
Height 6K in.

1353 PAIR VASES. Faience; lavishly decorated with dragons

and dragon medallions; conventionalized sweet flag designs;
reserves in mottled white on brown and bands of fret in black,
yellow, faun, green and brown enamels and gold against a
green and black diapered ground. Mark: Tan^an, impressed.
Height 18 in.
1354 CAKE BOWL. Porcelain; decoration consists of floral
medallions in red and gold on white, against a field of black

lacquer, enriched with floral arabesques in red and gold

lacquer. Interior floral medallions in blue sous couverte
red and gold against a field of black lacquer with leafage in
gold. Floral band in red and gold on white surrounds inner
Diameter 5^ in.
1355 FIRE HOLDER. Porcelain; decorated in blue and white
with designs of birds in the midst of fruit trees. Mark: at
side impressed under glaze Yeiraku, and on foot in blue
T oku^en.
Diameter 5X in-

1 3 5 6 PLAQUE. Porcelain; decorated in soft tones with over-

glaze designs of irises and cranes. Ninagawa. About 1885.
Height 18 in., breadth 13 in.

1357 PAIR PLAQUES. Porcelain; square form decorated both

under and over the glaze (1) with figures of dogs; (2) moun
tain scenery; bridge, birds, river and stream. As above.
Length 14X in., height 10^4 in.

1 3 5 8 PAIR PLAQUES. Porcelain; of square form decorated in

soft underglaze colors with (1) picture of Fujiyama, lake and
trees, the latter in overglaze colors. As above.
Length 14X in., height io-^ in.

1 3 5 9 INCENSE BURNER. Faience; gray paste, cylindrical

form, decorated with design of storks amid clouds in blue
and white on gray and covered with a transparent glaze.
Similar design on cover which is in silver. About 1880-90.
Height 3 in.

1 3 6 0 BOTTLE. Faience; faun-colored crackled glaze, orna

mented with overglaze decoration of chrysanthemums in
red, gray, gold and green. About 1880-90.
Height 6 in.


PRESENTED 1 8 9 3 ,


1361 NETSUKE. In form of an old man asleep.

1362 BOTTLE. Of globular form, with slender neck; piece is

ribbed in paste and covered with an iron rust glaze.
Height 7^ in-

1363 BOTTLE. Of double gourd form, piece is covered with an

iron rust glaze, and coated with blotches of muddy yellow.
Height 6 in.

1364 FIGURE OF HOTEL. Gross figure of the god holding fan.

Glaze iron-rust.
Height 9 in.

1365 BOTTLE. Of globular form, piece is covered with an iron-

rust glaze. Signed by Tera (?)
Height 6 in.

1366 WINE BOTTLE. Of graceful globular shape; piece is covered

with a lustrous iron-rust glaze.
Height 7% in.
1 For further examples of Bizen, see pp. 153, 244.
21 I

1367 BOTTLE. In form of elephant; piece is covered with a

kidney-ore glaze.
Height 4^ in.
1368 DEEP CUP. Of deep red paste; piece is decorated in colors
with figure of a horse.
Height 3 in.
1369 WINE BOTTLE. Of square form with slender neck; piece
is covered with a soft iron rust glaze.
Height 6^ in.

1370 PAIR DUCKS. Realistically modelled in the gray stone

Length 7^ in. Gift of Clarence Hoblitzelle, 1908

1371 JAR. Red ground, covered with a grayish crackled glaze.
Height 7X in-

1372 OIL BOTTLE. Of squat oval shape; piece is covered with

cream-white glaze; neck and spout deep brown. Mark:
"Ho" on foot (Hosho).
Height 6% i n -
1 373 WINE BOTTLE. Covered with a yellow-white glaze; neck
and mouth brown.
Height 7 in.


1374 BOTTLE. Long neck, globular body, reddish paste; piece

is covered with a rich iron-rust glaze. Fine wire mark on
Height 7^ in.
1 For further examples of Buzen, see p. 245.
2 For further examples of Chikuzen, see pp. 154, 245.
1375 TEA JAR. Of mouse-gray paste; piece is decorated with
iron-rust and deep brown glaze.
Height 3K in.

1376 TEA JAR. Of reddish-gray paste; piece is partially glazed

in black and russet tones. Handles at shoulder.
Height 3^ in.

1377 TEA JAR. Of reddish paste, piece is partially glazed with

iron-rust and deep brown.
Height 3X in-

1378 LARGE TEA JAR. Reddish-gray paste partially glazed

with iron-rust, black and white.
Height in.

1379 TEA JAR. Of mouse-gray paste; piece is decorated with

iron-rust and deep brown glaze.
Height 3^2 in.

1380 TEA JAR. Of reddish-gray paste; piece is partially glazed

in black and russet tones. Handles at shoulder.
Height 3^ in.

1381 TEA JAR. Of fine gray paste, double gourd shaped; the
piece is covered with a coat of mottled iron-rust.
Height 3yi in.

1382 TEA JAR. Of fine gray paste, covered with a rich iron-rust
glaze with runs of black. Fine wire mark.
Height 2^ in.

1383 TEA JAR. Of reddish paste, piece is partially glazed with

iron-rust and deep brown.
Height 3^ in.

1384 BOWL. Reddish paste; piece is decorated with a muddy-
white glaze, through which the ground shows.
Diameter 4^ in.

1 3 8 5 BOWL. Of reddish gray paste covered with thin sepia glaze;

at edge deep rich brown.
Diameter 5 in.

1386 TEA JAR. Red paste, glazed dark brown, splashed with
purple and green.
Height 3 in.

1 3 8 7 TEA JAR. Of deep purplish-red paste; piece is partly

covered with a brilliant glaze of mingled black and iron-rust.
Height 4% in.

1 3 8 8 TEA JAR. Of red paste; piece is partially covered with

black and russet glaze.
Height 3X in.

1 3 8 9 OIL BOTTLE. Reddish paste, covered with iron-rust

Height 4% in.

1 3 9 0 BOTTLE. Globular in form; the piece is covered with an

amber-brown and green mottled glaze over a coat of lustrous
Height *]% in.

1391 VASE. Of pear form; piece covered with a rich hematite

glaze, superimposed above a series of lines moulded con
centrically and horizontally in the paste. Handles at neck.
Height 10 in.

1 3 9 2 HANGING FLOWER VASE. Red paste, glazed deep

treacle and splashed at top with olive gray. Takatori (?).
Height 6 in.

1 3 9 3 SAKE BOTTLE. Of squat form; piece is glazed at mouth

and shoulder with iron-rust glaze, which has continued in
broken runs to foot over a coat of buff.
Height 6 in.

1 3 9 4 HANGING FLOWER VASE. Cylindrical in form, of gray

paste; piece is glazed a purplish hematite; has a splash of
greenish-fawn at lip.
Height 6% in.
1395 ALCOVE ORNAMENT. In form of a gray glazed pigeon
perched upon a brown log.
Height 8)4 in.

1396 BOTTLE. Of globular form with small handles at neck;

piece is glazed throughout with a lustrous yellow-brown.
Height 6)4 in.

1397 RING BOTTLE. Of dark gray paste; bottle is covered with

a rich brown and russet glaze. Stands on feet.
Height 8 in.

1398 HANGING FLOWER VASE. Red paste, glazed deep tre

acle and splashed at lip with olive gray. Takatori (?).
Height 6 in.

1399 VASE. Of pear-form; piece is covered with a rich hematite

glaze, superimposed above a series of lines moulded concen
trically and horizontally in the paste. Handles at neck.
Height 10 in.

1400 BOTTLE Globular in form; the piece is covered with an

amber-brown and green mottled glaze over a coat of lustrous
Height 7% in.
1401 WATER JAR. Of reddish-gray paste, piece is glazed,
greenish-fawn; splash of rich dark blue at side.
Height 5X in.

1402 LARGE JAR. Piece of reddish-gray paste glazed grayish

white and muddy gawn.
Height 1 \% in.

1403 WATER JAR. Piece is glazed throughout a mottled iron-

rust and black.
Height 6^4 in.

1404 JAR. Of large goblet form; piece is covered with an uneven

brown glaze, splashed with runs of dark brown.
Height 7 in.

1405 JAR. Red paste, covered with a green and russet glaze.
Handles at shoulder.
Height 5X in.

1406 JAR. Of tall goblet form; piece is covered with a thin trea
cle-brown glaze, splashed at lip with a layer of muddy white.
Height 6% in.

1407 JAR. A large goblet-shaped jar, covered with a rich brown

glaze; handles at sides.
Height 7^ in.

1408 BOTTLE. Globular form; red paste; piece is covered with

a rich splash glaze of iron-rust brown.
Height 8 in.

1409 JAR. Of large goblet form; piece is covered with an uneven

brown glaze, splashed with runs of dark brown.
Height 7 in.

1410 WATER JAR. Of cylindrical form, pinched at centre;

piece is covered with a russet and iron-rust glaze.
Height 9 in.

1411 WATER JAR. In form of hollow log; piece is grooved in

the paste (red) and covered with a mottled dark green and
golden-brown glaze.
Height 6^ in.

1412 JAR. Red paste covered with a green and russet glaze.
Handles at sides.
Height in.

1413 DEEP BOWL. Red-gray ground, decorated with two large
lotus flowers in white, and covered with a translucent glaze.
Diameter3 i n .
1414 BOWL. Ground reddish-gray, covered with a transparent
glaze. Design of white flowers under the glaze.
Diameter 3^ in.
1 For further examples of Higo, see p. 247.

1 4 1 5 DEEP BOWL. Reddish-gray ground, decorated at sides

with band of key-pattern and triangle work in white, framing
a design in black of trees, and covered with a transparent
glaze. Mark: Ya.
Diameter 4 in.

1416 BOWL. Red ground, covered with a grayish-green glaze

and rimmed with splashes of hematite. Higo (?).
Diameter 5 in.
1417 BOWL. A mottled design in dark gray and white, streaked
with brown over a grayish red paste.
Diameter 4X in.


1418 TEA BOWL. Of red ground, archaic form, piece is covered

with semi-opaque crackled glaze of dull buff over a meagre
incised decoration.
Diameter in.

1419 TEA BOWL. Body reddish-yellow, covered with a lus

trous black glaze. Blotches in dull yellow about centre,
which is glazed a treacle color. Hizen (?).
Diameter 5^ in.

1420 TEA BOWL. Red ground, covered with a lustrous black

glaze, enriched by a central star-shaped design and spirals
in dull yellow. Silver rim. Hizen (?).
Diameter 5^ in.

1421 BOWL. Coarse gray ground, covered with a brownish white

Kuma-gai finely crackled glaze. This ware, according to
Brinkley, is the prototype of the craquele Satsuma-yaki.
Hizen (?).
Diameter 5X in.

1422 BOWL. Heavy dark red ground glazed with indefinite

splash of grayish-drab. Illustrated.
Diameter 4^ in.
1 For further examples of Hizen, see pp. 155-187, 247.

1423 PEAR-SHAPED BOTTLE. Red ground covered with a

thin coat of crackled white gone brown. Mouth lacquered.
Height 7^4 in.

1424 LARGE BOWL. Red ground, covered with an upper band

of crackled white glaze and lower of gray. On white are
green sweet-flag leaves. Interior crackled gray.
Diameter 6^4 in.

1425 WINE BOTTLE. Of hard red body; piece is decorated in

blue with floral designs and covered with a crackled fawn
glaze gone brown. Hizen (?).
Height 8in.

1426 BOWL. Red paste, incised design filled in with white and
covered with a transparent gray-white glaze.
Diameter 7 in.

1427 BOTTLE. Of globular form; piece is covered with a pale
blue crackled glaze. Shows wheel marks in paste under
Height cj%. in.

1428 CUP. Covered with a blue-gray glaze, with floral designs

under the glaze in blue and similar designs and spirals in
red and green over the glaze. Mark obscure.
Diameter 3J/6 in., height 2^4 in.

1429 KORO, in form of a lion. Piece covered with two shades

of blue.
Height 5X i n -

1430 SAUCE BOWL. Moulded with cloud designs in the paste,

and covered with a rich crackled green glaze. Marked:
Banko, on foot.
Length 7X in.

1431 BOWL. Fluted sides resembling a conventionalized lotus;

the piece is covered with a thin white glaze-gone brown and
l For further examples of Ise, see pp. 187, 250.
NOS. I422, 143 I, I495
japan: provinces of izumokaga 219
enriched with interior designs of flowers, green and blue,
and lattice-filled star in red. On exterior are red, green and
blue cloud designs. Mark: Banko. Illustrated.
Diameter 7 in.

1432 DEEP BOWL. Covered with a gray crackled glaze, decora

ted with lines and floral designs in black; Greek fret at foot
in red; base green. Centre of interior floral rosette in red
and white on green.
Height 5 in., diameter 6K in.


1433 GOURD-SHAPED BOTTLE. Red paste-glazed throughout

a rich sage-green.
Height 9 in.

1434 WINE BOTTLE. Of fine grayish-red paste, covered

throughout with a deep sage-green glaze.
Height 4^ in.

1435 BOWL. Red paste covered with a coarse gray claire-de-

lune glaze. Gombei. The identification is that of Ninagawa,
supported by Dr. Morse.
Height 4% in.


1436 JAR. Covered with a rich metallic lustre glaze.

Height 6 in.

1437 BOWL. Small, deep piece; on one side a rich yellow-brown,

on the other a true hematite glaze.
Diameter 4% in.
1 For further examples of Izumo, see p. 250.
2 For further examples of Kaga, see pp. 188, 251.

1438 BOWL. In form of a lotus-flower, covered throughout with

a dull blue-black glaze.
Diameter 5 in. Purchase, 1908.

1439 WATER JAR. Rectangular form, Shigaraki paste; the sides
decorated with winter mountain and lake scenery. Decora
tive effects are produced by white enamels in low relief,
picked out with green and blue. Marked: Kenyan, in under-
glaze blue, below.
Height 7^2" in.
ABOUT 1830-1843
1440 BOTTLE. Of pale coffee-colored crackled glaze, covered
with rich floral designs in green, blue and red.
Height 10 in.

1441 BOWL. Glazed in parti-colors of black and white, the

latter enriched with a floral decoration in underglaze blue;
piece is signed with seal of Kenzan (III ?) impressed.
Diameter 6% in.

1442 CUP. Covered with lustrous hematite, enriched with floral

designs in red, green and white. The work of Miura Kenya,
about 1840. Marked: Kenya.
Diameter 2% in.

1443 INCENSE BOX. In form of a bear; red-raku glazed.

Height 2% in.

1444 NETSUKE. In form of a lion on a stand; of reddish paste;

the piece is covered with a dark green glaze.
Height 2 in.

1445 BOTTLE. Double gourd-shaped, heavy gray paste, covered

with a hematite glaze, mottled with splashes of blue-white.
Height 9 in.
1 For further examples of Musashi, see pp. 192, 254.


1446 BOTTLE. Red paste covered with a pinkish-gray crackled

glaze in style of Rikei. Pierced design at centre.
Height 10X in.

1447 FIRE BOWL. Of red paste; the piece is covered with a

semi-transparent pinkish-gray glaze of Hagi-yaki type.
Stands on three feet.
Height 4^4 in.

1448 INCENSE BURNER. In form of a lion in reddish-yellow

paste, covered with a pinkish-pearl glaze.
Height 4%" in.

1449 SHALLOW BOWL. Gray pink crackled monochrome in

form of a lotus.
Diameter 6% in.

1450 VASE. Globular form, red paste, dragon entwined about

neck. Piece covered with an opaque grayish-blue mottled
glaze of claire-de-lune type.
Height 9^ in.

1451 FIRE BOWL. In form of a lion; reddish-yellow paste,

covered with an opaque-gray glaze.
Height 4X in-

1452 BOTTLE. Double gourd-shaped bottle, covered with a

cream-white crackled glaze.
Height \o}i in.


1453 JAR- Of reddish-gray paste; covered with a pale-green

glaze in which float yellow globules.
Height 6% in.
1 For further examples of Nagato, see p. 255.
2 For further examples of Omi, see pp. 194, 256.


1454 BOWL. Of red paste; covered with a coarse gray and amber
glaze. An example of Enshiu-shigaraki dating from about
the middle of the century.
Diameter 5^ in.

1455 BOWL. Hard red paste; glazed reddish-gray. Geta-oko-

shi or support mark on foot.
Diameter 5^4 in., extreme.

1456 SHALLOW BOWL. Of gray paste; covered with a bluish-

green crackled glaze.
Diameter 5X in*
1457 TEA JAR. Of gray paste; covered with a rich dark brown
Height 4X in.

1458 TEA JAR. Of dark gray paste; covered with a rich golden-
brown glaze.
Height 4^4 in.

1459 TEA JAR. Of dark gray paste; partially covered with

russet and golden-brown glaze.
Height 3X in.

1460 WATER JAR. Globular form; covered with a soft golden-

brown glaze, very rich in quality.
Height 6^4 in.

1461 BOWL. Of red paste; covered with a greenish-brown glaze.

At rim, golden brown.
Diameter 5 in.

1462 OIL BOTTLE. Fine gray paste; covered with a rich iron-
rust glaze. Particles of iron seem to float within glaze.
Height 4 in.


1463 WATER JAR. Goblet form, fine reddish-gray paste, deco

rated with runs of a treacle-brown, blue and brownish-
yellow crackled glaze. Mark: on base, Shuntai.
Height 5 in.
1464 BOTTLE. Of reddish paste; gallipot form; piece is covered
with a flambe glaze of mingled blue, gray and brown.
Height 5X in.
1465 SQUARE DISH. Piece is covered with a crackled cream
glaze, ornamented with splashes of flambe green and blue
and designs in iron-rust. Mark: Shuntai.
Width 9 in.
1467 VASE. Beaker-shaped vase, covered with a thick green
glaze, spotted with brown. Handles at centre. Mark:
1468 BOWL. Red paste, covered with a celadon glaze. Mark:
Diameter 7^ in., x 7% in.

1469 DEEP CUP. Gray paste, covered with gray-white glaze
enriched with splashes and coarse floral design in polychrome.
Iron rust runs.
Diameter 5% in.

1470 JAR. Red paste, glazed with raised globules and runs of
blue-white over brown. Mino or Owari.
Height 9]/ 2 in.

1471 BOWL. Of square form; the piece is decorated with floral

designs in red and dark brown (shibu) enriched with splashes
of a blue mottled sage-green.
Height 4^ in.
1 For further examples of Owari, see pp. 195, 256.

1472 BOWL. Of globular form; the piece is covered with a tea-

leaf speckled greenish-black glaze, enriched with a wavy
cloud of deep rose-pink. Possibly Seio-yaki.
Height 4J/& in.

1473 BOWL. A deep bowl with flaring sides, covered with alter
nate splashes of gray, blue, green and buff.
Diameter 8 in.

1474 DEEP CUP. Of gray paste; piece is ringed and glazed with
runs of the usual greenish-blue, divided by design of wis
taria flowers.
Height 4^ in.

1475 BOTTLE. Of red paste, decorated with floral designs in

white and covered with a thin transparent glaze.
Height 7 in.

1476 TEA JAR. Of coarse, yellowish-gray paste; the piece is

partly covered with a bright green glaze over a pale buff.
Unglazed parts gilded.
Height 3^ in.

1477 DEEP CUP. Red paste, covered with a thin transparent

glaze, ornamented with squares in white and iron-rust; green
and white band about edge.
Height 3X in.

1478 BOTTLE. Of square shape; piece is covered with a gray-

green glaze. Splash at neck of white.
Height 8}^ in.

1479 BOWL. Of coarse gray paste; piece is glazed faun-color,

painted with a design of trees and has green, blue and russet
runs at either side depending from rim.
Diameter 4X in.

1480 JAR. Of heavy red paste; piece is partially covered with a

russet and green glaze. Handles at shoulder.
Height 5X in.

1481 FLOWER VASE. Reddish-gray paste, decorated with

purple floral design and covered with a white crackled glaze.
Height 10 in.

1482 BOWL. Red paste, decorated with a crackled highly

vitreous faun glaze; about rim a band of rust and green
flambe, crackled.
Diameter 6% in.


1483 BOTTLE. Of double gourd-shape; piece is decorated with a

dull russet glaze.
Height 7 in.

1484 JAR. Red paste, covered with a coarse black iron-rust

Height 7X in.

1485 DEEP CUP. Of red paste; piece is divided by glazes of
greenish-faun and iron-rust.
Height 5X in-

1486 WATER JAR. Red paste, covered with iron-rust and splash
blue-gray glaze.
Height 6K in.
1487 TEA JAR. Of reddish-gray paste; piece is covered with
an iron-rust glaze, splashed with russet.
Height 2% in.

1488 BOTTLE. A club-shaped piece, covered with a glaze of

rich crackled black, and embellished with splashes of white
at mouth and neck.
Height 9^ in.

1489 BOTTLE. Of gourd shape; the piece is covered with a mot

tled glaze of russet and deep reddish-brown.
Height 8 in.

1490 TEA JAR. Of dark red paste; piece is covered with an iron-
rust glaze, embellished with greenish-white runs down the
Height 3X in.

1491 TEA JAR. Red paste, covered with a rich iron-rust glaze.
Fine wire mark on base.
Height 2^ in.

1492 BOTTLE. Of globular form; the piece is covered with a

dark gray crackled glaze of tea-leaf tone and a splash of rich
flambS blue and white at neck.
Height 7 in.

1493 TEA JAR. Of red paste; piece is decorated with russet,

brown and iron-rust glaze.
Height 3-^ in.

1494 TEA JAR. Of fine gray paste; piece is covered with an

olive-green and russet glaze. Wire mark at foot.
Height in.

1495 OIL BOTTLE. Dense reddish-gray paste, globular form,

wide neck, the piece is embellished with a crackled gray-white
semi-translucent glaze enriched with runs of bluish-green.
Height 6^ in- Illustrated.

1496 TEA BOWL. Heavy red-gray paste, covered with a rich

red iron-rust glaze.
Height 4 in.

1497 BOTTLE. Tall, gourd-shape piece, with handles at neck

and covered with a mottled black and brown glaze. A run
of faun and brown depends from neck.
Height \o% in.

1498 BOWL. Red paste, covered with blue-white glaze. Has

spout and handle in form of figure.
Diameter 5 in.

1499 JAR. Oviform; piece is covered with a crackled gray and

splashed with a thin brown glaze.
Height 5 l /^ in.

1500 BOTTLE. Globular form; red paste, piece is covered with a

bluish-white mottled glaze of Sung type.
Height 5 in.

1501 LARGE BOTTLE. Pear-shape; piece is covered with a

golden-brown glaze. At shoulder, flarnbb glaze in light and
dark blue superimposed.
Height 11y 2 in.

1502 GOURD-SHAPED BOTTLE. Reddish-black ground, cov

ered with a blue and black splash glaze.
Height 8J4 in.

1503 DISH. Of gray paste; the piece is covered with a gray-

white crackled glaze, ornamented with floral designs in iron-
rust and flambe glazes at either end. Shunzan, about 1770.
Length 11^ in.

1504 INCENSE BURNER. Large globe, supported on stand

and decorated with lotus flowers in rich blue and gold. Base
green and gold. Cover a white flower. Mark: Shunzan.
Height 9X in.

1505 JAR. Of red paste; piece is inlaid with floral and other
designs in white and covered with a dark gray glaze. Signed:
Shunrin, impressed.
Height 6 ^ in.

1506 TEA JAR. Of gray paste; piece is glazed with iron-rust,

shot with amber and brown.
Height 3 in.

1507 FIGURINE. Of red paste, glazed muddy-gray. By Dr.

Bunkio Masaki, pupil of Kuro. Mark: Masaki (?) 1850.

I 508 INCENSE BOX. Gray paste, covered with faun and brown.
Men playing "go" on cover. Work of Dr. Bunkio Masaki.
Mark: Masaki.
Height 1 in.

I 509 BOTTLE. Pilgrim's bottle; of red paste, glazed deep green

throughout. Loops for supporting rope at side.
Length 7%" in.

15 10 BOTTLE. Tall wine bottle, gallipot form, covered with a

rich mottled tiger-skin glaze, in yellow and golden brown.
Height 7^ in.

15 I I JAR. Globular form; piece is decorated with a rich purple-

brown glaze, overrun with a splash of tawny-yellow. Possi
bly Ofuke.
Height 6% in.

15 12 BOTTLE. Globular in form; piece is decorated in the paste

(red) with concentric rings and depending palmette covered
with a yellow-russet and greenish-brown glaze.
Height 8K in.

1513 VASE. Long-necked globular vase, covered with a rich

iron-rust glaze. Ring mark on base.
Height 9X in.

1514 FLOWER VASE. Red paste, covered with a large crackled

gray celadon glaze.
Height 5^ in.

15 15 TEA JAR. Gray paste; oval form, partly covered with a

rich iron-rust glaze.
Height 3X in.

1516 TEA JAR. Light gray paste. Triple gourd shape; piece
is partially covered with a glaze of mottled iron-rust.
Height 4^ in.

15 17 INCENSE BOX. Form of duck; red paste, glazed mauve.

By Masaki (?).

1518 INCENSE BOX. In form of a hen on her nest, greenish-

gray and brown glaze. By Masaki (?).
Height 2 in.

15 19 BOTTLE. Pear-shaped form; piece is covered with a rich

dark green glaze; splashed on one side with dark blue.
Height 7$4 i n -

1520 INCENSE BOX. In form of rooster in green and pinkish-

white. By Masaki (?).
Height in.

1521 TEA JAR. Yellowish paste, covered with a mingled brown,

russet and tea-leaf glaze.
Height 4^2 in.
japan: provinces of sanukisatsuma 229


1522 MOSQUITO SMOKER. Soft sandy body, moulded with

designs of birds and flowers, cover pierced with similar de
sign; the whole glazed in pale blue.
Height 7X in.
1523 FLOWER VASE. Of dark red ground; piece represents
bamboo, glazed gray, white and mauve. Mark: in black
Height 10 in.

1524 BOTTLE. Globular form; piece is partially covered with a

lustrous brown glaze of deep tone. Attribution doubtful.
Height 6% in.

1525 Long-necked bottle; dark red paste, body glazed deep

opaque yellow, neck dark lustrous green. Attribution doubt
Height 7^ in.



1526 BOWL. Grayish faun paste covered with a glaze of mottled

cream, green and brown faun.
Diameter 3X in-


1527 FIRE BOWL. Of reddish-gray paste; piece is inlaid with

zigzag design in white, and covered with a transparent
glaze. Mishima-yaki.
Height 3X in.
1 For further examples of Sanuki, see pp. 198. 260.
2 For further examples of Satsuma, see pp. 198, 260.

1528 BOWL. Of gray paste; piece is covered with an inlaid

design of flowers and dots resembling early Korean type.
Back similarly decorated. Mishima-yaki.
Diameter 7^4 in.

1529 TEA JAR. Covered with an iron-rust glaze imitation of

the yessha-gussuri. Wire mark on foot poor, from left to
Height 4^ in.

1530 JAR. Of globular form; piece is covered with runs of iron-

rust over a glaze of rich metallic lustre.
Height 6 in.

1 53 I BOWL. Of red paste; piece is partially covered with a rich

treacle glaze mixed with flambe blotches of blue. Wire
mark rich curl.
Diameter 5 in.

1532 BOTTLE. Sake bottle, the body glazed with a purplish

iron-rust, overspread with runs of reddish iron-rust and blue
and white flambe.
Height in.

I 533 TEA JAR. Of reddish-gray paste, the piece is covered with

an iron-rust glaze splashed with brown and white. Wire
mark on foot. Handle at shoulder.
Height 4K in.

1534 JAR. Of red paste and globular form; piece is covered with
a rich dark purple glaze, splashed with a flambe of bluish-
black and iron-rust.
Height 8X in.

1535 BOTTLE. Of pear-shape and red paste; piece is decorated

with splash glaze of gray, blue and muddy-brown.
Height 8 in.

1536 BOWL. A deep bowl, grooved in the paste and covered

with a thick white glaze.
Diameter 4X in.

1537 SAKE BOTTLE. Of gray paste; piece is ornamented with

lines, floral medallions and letters inlaid in white; the whole
covered by a rich transparent glaze.

1538 SAKE BOTTLE. Three-sided wine bottle, covered with a

crackled faun-colored glaze and decorated with faint floral
designs in blue.
Height 7X in.

1539 TEA JAR. Of gray paste; piece is glazed with a soft brown
ish-black glaze. Fine wire mark on foot from left to right.
Height 4^ in.


1540 BOTTLE. Of reddish paste; piece is gourd-shaped and

covered with a rich hematite glaze of peculiar brilliancy.
Mark: on foot, Hoju, impressed.


I 541 TEAPOT. In form of a phoenix and decorated over a faun-

colored crackled ground with the richest enamels and gold.
Height in. Purchase, 1908.


1542 BOTTLE. Of globular form; piece is covered with a rich

purplish-brown glaze.
Height 3^4 in.

1543 LARGE VASE. Pear-shaped; decorated with a rich black

and iron-rust glaze.
Height 10^ in.

1544 PLATE. Fluted in paste and covered with a brown-blue

and white flambe glaze.
Diameter 8 in.


1545 WINE BOTTLE. Of thin gourd-shape; piece is decorated

with a rich purple-brown glaze. By Masamoto Naosaku.
Mark: Naosaku.
Height 7K in.

I 5 4 6 TEA BOWL. Of drab colored paste, piece is covered with
a pure tea-leaf glaze; iron rust foot. Attribution (?).
Diameter in.

1 5 4 7 BOTTLE. Of gourd-shape; piece is covered with a mottled

iron-rust and greenish-brown veining. Mark: Shidoro.
Height 6% in.

1 5 4 8 BOWL. Of heavy gray ground; piece is decorated with an

iron-rust glaze, covered with splash in black and olive-brown.
Interior decorated in similar manner; at centre a design
scratched in the paste.
Diameter 4^2 in.

1 5 4 9 BOWL. Gray ground glazed a deep faun color, over which

in places has been thrown a soft greenish-brown.
Diameter 4in.

1550 BOWL. Red-gray ground, glaze brown.

Diameter 4 in.
155 I BOTTLE. Of red ground, moulded with floral designs and
bat wings; piece has been covered with a mottled black and
golden-brown glaze.
Height 6 in.


1 5 5 2 BOWL. Of fine grained gray paste, covered with a black

and iron-rust glaze. Metal rim.
Diameter 4K in.
1553 BOWL. Of reddish gray paste; the piece is covered with
a Raku glaze of lustrous black and "sea-foam" red. A
rare example of the work of Tanaka Kichibei, most cele
brated of Raku potters. About 1650. Illustrated.
Height 3X in.
'For further examples of Totomi, see pp. 201, 263.
2For further examples of Yamashiro, see pp. 201, 263.
1554 TEA BOWL. Of rich iron-rust glaze, with runs of black
depending from rim.
Diameter 4^ in.

1555 WATER JAR. Cylindrical in form; piece is decorated with

glaze runs of various shades, including iron-rust, gray,
treacle, and faun. Mark: Ninsei.
Height 7 in.
1556 TEA BOWL. Red paste, covered with a reddish-brown
glaze and decorated on the outside with bird designs in gold
and colors and about foot wave designs in blue and white.
Diameter 5 in.

1557 BOWL. Shallow tea bowl of paste, covered with a gray

crackled glaze, ornamented with a poetic inscription in
Diameter 5X i n -

1558 OIL BOTTLE. Of squat oval form; piece is decorated with a

band of incised waves and covered with brownish crackle
Height 6 in.

1559 BOTTLE. Of double gourd shape; the piece is covered in

sections by a coat of iron-rust, and by dark gray and buff
crackled glazes, the latter embellished with bamboo designs
in underglaze blue in the manner of Rokubei.
Height 8 in.

1560 OIL BOTTLE. Of globular form, faun-colored glaze em

bellished with floral designs incised in the paste. Silver
stopper. Illustrated.
Height 6%" in.

1561 BOTTLE. Of rectangular shape; the piece is decorated with

mountain scenery in underglaze blue against a soft faun-
colored ground, covered with a fine net-work of crackle.
Decoration in style of Rokubei after Okyo.
Height 8 ^ in.

1562 BOTTLE. A slender piece of thin yellowish paste, decora

ted with mountain scenery in style of Okyo, in green and
brown against a crackled faun and mauve background.
Height 7X in.

1563 BOTTLE. Pear-shape; faun-colored crackled glaze bottle,

decorated with floral designs and trees in underglaze blue
after the manner of Rokubei.
Height 7^4 in.

1564 TEA BOWL. Fine paste covered with a gray glaze and
decorated with floral designs in brown. Mark: Rokubei
(3d generation, about 1850).

1565 BOWL. Square-shaped; piece is decorated with medallions
of dragon designs in white and yellow against a background
of deep blue. Marked: on foot, Hozan?
Height 3^ in.

1566 BOTTLE. Of globular form; piece is covered with a dull

brown crackled glaze, ornamented with palms in underglaze
Height 9% in.

1567 TEA JAR. Of squat globular form, with wide mouth;

piece is decorated over a red body with a flambe glaze of red
and blue. Mark unrecognizable, but perhaps Tsujii Harima
I, about 1720.
Height 1% i-

1568 BOWL. Of thick gray paste; the piece is covered with a

rich greenish-black glaze, a thin coat of which covers a white
splash at side.
Diameter 4X in.

1569 ALCOVE FIGURE. Figure of the Goddess of Good For

tune, in dull metallic red marttle; hands crossed holding
lotus flower, coral beads at neck.
Height 8$4 in.

1570 WATER JAR. Cylindrical in form; piece is decorated in

white and dark blue with cloudlike effects between bands of
Greek fret.
Height 6^4 in.

1571 INCENSE BURNER. Of gray red paste; piece is inlaid

with bat-wing, cloud and gong designs in white and covered
with a transparent glaze.
Height 2 in.
NOS. I553, I 5 6 0 , I 5 7 4
1572 TEA BOWL. Piece is covered with a rich golden brown
glaze over a thin red paste.
Diameter 4K in.

1573 BOWL. A deep bowl, decorated over a red pate with de

signs of storks and flowers in black and white, upon a thin
gray ground.
Diameter 3^2 in.

1574 TEA BOWL. Of red paste; bowl is covered with an iron

rust glaze ornamented with designs of birds and flowers in
colors. Mottlings of brown and white break iron rust back
ground. Illustrated.
Diameter 5 in.

1575 DEEP BOWL. Covered with a rich red glaze. Mark: Raku.
By Riyoniu, about 1830.
Height 3^ in.

1576 INCENSE BURNER. Of light gray paste and globular

form; the piece is enriched with floral design after the usual
manner of this ware, in white, dark blue and yellow against
a black ground. Pierced cover.
Height \% in.

1577 BOWL. Tea bowl of red paste, embellished with a rich

coat of iron-rust. Mark: Yeiraku. By Wagen, 12th gener
ation, zengoro, about 1850.
Diameter 4^ in.

1578 VASE. Hanging flower vase in form of a devil's face, glazed

Height 5 in.

1579 WATER JAR. Cylindrical in shape; piece is decorated with

floral designs and figures in metallic-brown after style of
Height 7^ in.

I 580 BOWL. Red ground inlaid with zigzags in white and cover
ed with a gray glaze.
Diameter 5yi in.

1581 BOWL. White ground inlaid in white with floral medal

lions, etc., and covered with a transparent glaze.
Diameter 5 in.

1582 LARGE BOWL. Of deep red paste; bowl is inlaid with

floral design, etc., in white under a transparent glaze.
Diameter 9^ in.

1583 BOWL. Reddish paste; incised design of cross and waves

inlaid in white, covered with transparent glaze.
5 / i x 4 H in.

1584 BOWL. Copy of a piece after the style of Ninsei and signed
with his name.
Diameter 4^4 in.

1585 CUP. Deep cup in form of a barrel and covered with an ash-
gray glaze, blue-white splash, depending from lip.
Height 3% in.

1586 TEA BOWL. Covered with an iron-rust and rich treacle

glaze; piece is signed with false mark of Ninsei. Metal rim.
Diameter 4^2 in.

1587 TEA BOWL. Of red paste; piece is covered with a mottled

black and brown glaze; band of white runs around outer rim.
False name of Ninsei on foot.
Diameter 5 in.

1588 VASE. Hanging vase for flowers, decorated with a mottled

glaze of black, treacle and gray.
Height 5^4 in.

1589 LARGE PLATE. In shape of a fan; piece is decorated with

splashes of pale blue and faun over a crackled brownish
cream ground.
Extreme diameter 13X in-

1590 VASE. Hanging vase, for flowers, moulded in form of

grapes and leaves.
Height 9X in.

1591 WINE POT. Of red paste; piece is covered with a design

of cloud effects in yellow, white and blue enamels.
Extreme height 7 in.
1592 BOWL. Piece is entirely covered with a rich floral design
in colors and gold. False mark of Kenzan on foot.
Diameter 5^ in.

1593 SAKE BOTTLE. Square-shaped; the piece is covered with

rich floral designs in yellow, white, green and blue against
a black background.
Height 7 in.

1594 INCENSE BURNER. Of regular form; piece is decorated

with floral designs in yellow, white and blue.
Height in.

1595 BRUSH HOLDER. In form of oval, reticulated and orna

mented with raised designs of figures in colors; oval supported
by kneeling figures. Mark: Hozen on base. Eleventh
generation Zengoro, died 1853.
Height 5^ in.

1596 FLOWER POT. Large piece, moulded in paste with de

signs of Hoho and clouds. About neck is a band of Greek
fret. Piece is marked: Dai Nibon Yeiraku, Tsukuru. About
Height 7 in., diameter 8 in.

I 597 BOWL. Of dark gray paste, globular form, short cylindri

cal neck; the piece is covered with a deep tea-leaf glaze over
which are superimposed blotches and runs of blue-white
flambe. The work of Dohachi II about 1804-40.
Height 5^4 in.

1598 BOWL. Red ground, covered with a pale yellow glaze and
inscribed in green with lines of poetry.
Diameter 5 in.

I 599 VASE. In form of sack supported by the god Hotei. Red

raku ware. Mark obscure.
Height 4 in.

1600 FLOWER VASE. Of tall globular form, straight neck

swelling at mouth; piece is covered with a flambe glaze of
brown and white over a red paste.
Height 10 in.

1601 BOWL. Piece is of coarse, uneven paste, covered with a

"sea-foam" raku glaze.
Diameter 5 in.

1602 DEEP CUP. A reproduction of old red raku ware with

false mark of Raku.
Height 4 in.

1603 SQUARE BOWL. Piece is decorated with a cream-white

crackled glaze over which, in runs, is thrown a rich amber-
colored glaze. Within piece is greenish-black.
Width 5X in.

1604 TEAPOT. Creamer shape, fine paste, decorated with a

crackled faun-colored glaze enriched by floral designs and
spirals in deep red overglaze enamels.
Height 2^ in. Purchase, 1908.

1605 BOWL. Of fine gray paste; piece is covered with a faun-

colored glaze and decorated with floral designs and a flying
bird in soft overglaze enamels.
Diameter 6 in. Purchase, 1908.





I 127-1279 A.D.

1606 BOWL. Of dense gray-white stoneware; piece is decorated

with incised lotus flower designs and covered with a translu
cent grass-green celadon glaze (ch'ing t\u), uncrackled. Il
Diameter 6K in.
1607 VASE. Baluster form, reddish-gray paste, with diffuse
ornamentation in relief consisting of flowers, beads, pendants,
etc., in white, turquoise and pale yellow against a greenish
blue ground. Bat designs at neck.
Height \oyi in.

1608 BOWL. Squat globular form, fine red paste, piece is covered
with a translucent Chiin-yao glaze of mingled purple, blue
and, sparsely, green. Sung type.
Diameter 4 in.
1 For further examples of Sung Dynasty, see p. 3.
2 For further examples of Ming Dynasty, see p. 4.

'For further examples of K'ang-Hsi Period, see pp. 8-71.


1609 CUP. Semi-eggshell; design of insects and fruit in overglaze

enamels of thefamille verte. Six-character mark of period in
blue, within double blue circle.
Diameter 3 in.

1610 VASE. Porcelain; beaker form, oviform body, fine white

paste, covered with Lang-yao glaze of sang-de-boeuf tone
but of uneven quality.
Height 13^ in.

l6l I BOTTLE. Porcelain; globular form, slim neck, fine white

paste, covered with a glaze of lustrous mirror-black (wu
chin) and embellished with overglaze designs in iron-rust
(t'ieh-hsin) with figures of dragons in pursuit of the sacred
pearl (chu).
Height 15^ in.

1612 VASE. Porcelain; globular form, tall neck, piece is decora

ted with rich floral designs and floriated spirals in cobalt
blue and white. Apocryphal mark of Chia-ching on foot.
Height 16^ in.

1613 JAR. Porcelain, pear-shape; piece is decorated with incised

design of five-clawed dragons, clouds and palmettes, and
covered with a translucent blue glaze. Apocryphal mark
of Chia-ching on foot. Copper mouth.
Height 10^ in.

1614 VASE. Of double gourd form; piece is decorated with

flowers and floriated spirals in underglaze blue. Piece has
been later (?) decorated with a coating of uneven yellow.
Apocryphal six-character mark of Chia-ching in blue, within
double circle.
Height 6 in.

1615 MINIATURE VASE. Bottle-shape, long neck, fine white

paste, covered with a coating of lustrous mirror-black (wu
Height 4X in.

1616 VASE. Baluster form, fine gray paste; piece is covered with
a rich Lang-yao glaze of sang-de-boeuf tone. Metal rim at
Height 6*4 in.
NO. 1606
I I 2 7 - I 2 7 9 A.D.

NO. 189I
1617 VASE. Bottle-shape, fine white paste, covered throughout
with a coating of deep camellia-leaf green.
Height 12^2 in.

1618 VASE. Triple form, fine white paste, covered with a soft
pale eel-skin glaze of uneven texture.
Height 6X in.

1619 VASE. Heavy red earthenware paste, pointed pear-shape,

covered with a richly glazed blue and purplish black flambe
Chiin-yao glaze of soft texture.
Height 9 in.

1620 VASE. Heavy gray paste, triple form; piece is moulded at

sides with two bosses holding rings and covered with a soft
pearl-gray large crackle Ko-yao glaze.
Height 6J4 m.

1621 VASE. Bottle-shape, fine red paste; piece is covered with a

lustrous green glaze throughout.
Height 11 in.

1622 SMALL VASE. Of slender lance form, purest white paste,

covered with a peach-bloom glaze of finest quality. Neck
Height 5X hi.

1623 VASE. Of pear-shape; pure white paste; piece is covered

with a rich glaze of lustrous metallic-black.
Height 7 in.

1624 JAR. Ovoid form, blue white paste, covered with a lus
trous aubergine-purple glaze. Six-character mark on foot
in underglaze blue.
Height 8^4 in.

1625 SMALL BOWL. Of fine white paste, reticulated design

at sides; piece is decorated in underglaze blue and white
with medallions filled in with landscapes, and a broad band
of palmette ornament at foot.
Diameter 3X in.

1626 MINIATURE VASE. Of pure white paste, double gourd

form; piece is covered with a cloudy peach-bloom glaze of
poor quality.
Height 4J/S in.

1627 VASE. Bottle-form, sloping neck, spreading mouth; red

dish gray paste, covered with an amber-colored glaze, over
which is spread an opaque small crackled tawny-brown glaze.
Height 6fi in.

1628 INKWELL. Of semi-globular form, short neck; piece is of

fine white paste, decorated with incised medallions and
covered with a rich peach-bloom glaze flecked at neck with
spots of apple-green. Six-character mark in underglaze
blue on foot.
Height 3X in.

1629 JAR. Of globular form, covered throughout with a bright

canary-yellow glaze. Metal rim.
Height 7!^ in.

1630 CUP AND SAUCER. Of lightest eggshell texture; pieces

are decorated in deep underglaze blue with figure designs
and flowers. Mark: leaf and fruit, within double circle.
Diameters 2%, and 4 ins.

1631 SAUCER. Semi-eggshell, having incised design of "the
hundred antiques" in the paste, covered with a lustrous
aubergine-purple glaze, and marked on foot in underglaze
blue with the rarely met with six-character mark of the
Diameter 6 in.

1632 VASE. Baluster form, fine red paste covered with a crack
led Chiin-yao glaze consisting of moonlight-blue splashed at
sides with aubergine-purple (ch'ieb-t'%u). Sung type.
Height 5X in.

1633 VASE. Baluster form, fine red paste; piece is covered with a
soft aubergine-purple glaze {ch'ieh-t\u)of Chiin-yao, enriched
with a splash of moonlight-blue. Sung type.
Height 5^ in.
1 For further examples of Yung-cheng, see pp. 71-82.

1634 DISH. Octagonal form, on three feet; piece is of a coarse
gray paste, moulded with compartments filled in with
pa-kwa symbol and covered with a tawny yellow, over which
is spread a rich red and blue flambe glaze. Crackled white
Diameter 7X in.

1635 PLATEAU. Of fine white paste; piece is decorated with

figure of a four-clawed dragon amid clouds, in overglaze
coral, eel-skin, green and aubergine. On back, within double
circle, apocryphal six-character mark of Chia-ch'ing in blue.
Diameter 14^ in.

1636 PAIR CUPS. Eggshell, exterior decorated with wavy lines

in paste; interior, central incised dragon designs, flower in
silver over the glaze.
Diameter 3 in.

1637 PLATE. Of heavy stoneware; piece is decorated with a

rich flambe of blue and black; iron-rust edge.
Diameter 10% in.

1638 MINIATURE VASE. Baluster form, fine white paste,

covered with a rich iron-rust glaze throughout.
Height 3X

1639 MINIATURE VASE. Of baluster form; piece is covered

with a rich treacle and black Chien-yao glaze, flecked with
Height 2 i n .

1640 TEA JAR. Of oval form, gray white paste; piece is covered
with a soft black and russet Chien-yao glaze, flecked with
iron-rust. Seal mark of Ch'ien-lung.
Height 2% in.

1641 MINIATURE VASE. Baluster form; piece is covered with

a rich mirror-black glaze, over which have been floral dec
orations in gold, now almost lost. Brown mouth.
Height 2^ in.
l For further examples of Ch'ien-lung Period, see pp. 82, 140.

1642 VASE. Porcelain; bottle-shape, covered throughout with

a soft tea-leaf glaze.
Height 7X i n -

1643 NARCISSUS BOWL. Cruciform, reddish-gray stoneware,

decorated at intervals with bosses and covered with a flambe
glaze of mingled amber, blue and purple. Crackled green
interior, iron-rust edge.
Length 7 in.



1644 BOWL. Covered with a bright yellow glaze, and having a

raised floral design at side in green and white.
Diameter 5 in.

1645 OIL BOTTLE. Of gray paste, globular form; piece is sim
ply decorated about shoulder with bands of black. Thin
brown glaze on body.
Height 4^8 in.

1646 MINIATURE FLOWER VASE. Of globular form; piece

is covered with a rich treacle glaze; splash of white runs
down neck.
Height 3X in-

1647 DEEP BOWL. Of gray paste; piece is decorated with

blotches of iron rust, black and green.
Height 3X in.

1648 BOTTLE. Of double globular form; piece is decorated in

the paste with circular medallions, circles, etc., and covered
with a thin gray glaze.
Height io|<4 in.
1 For further examples of Awaji, see p. 153.
2 For further examples of Bizen, see pp. 153,211.

1649 LARGE JAR. Of globular form, wide neck and mouth;
piece is covered with a faun-brown mottled enamel and
decorated (recently) with designs of frogs at war, in poly
chrome enamels.
Height i6|^ in., diameter at mouth 10J/2 in.


1650 TEA JAR. Of gray paste; piece is decorated with a lustrous

iron-rust glaze.
Height 2^ in.

1651 TEA JAR. Of cylindrical form, gray paste; piece is covered

with a rich iron-rust glaze.
Height 3X ' n -

1652 TEA BOWL. Of red gray paste; piece is decorated with a

black and russet glaze and splashed at side with a flambe
of blue-white. Mark Sen. About 1800.
Diameter 6}i in.

1653 TEA JAR. Of fine gray paste, cylindrical form; piece is

decorated with a rich iron-rust glaze, splashed with faun
and runs of deep brown.
Height 3!^ in.

1654 JAR. Of pear-shape; piece is covered throughout with a

mottled iron-rust glaze.
Height 10X in-

1655 BOTTLE. Of squat cylindrical form, moulded with rings

in the paste, and gradually extending from flattened shoulder
to long thin neck; body of piece is covered with a yellow-
brown mottled glaze; neck with treacle brown and tea-leaf
Height 11 in.
1 For further examples of Buzen, see p. 212.
2 For further examples of Chikuzen, see pp. 154, 212.

1656 WATER JAR. Of pinched cylindrical form; piece is covered

with rich mottlings of brown, faun, amber and blue.
Diameter at mouth, 4% in., height 5^ in.

1657 HANGING FLOWER VASE. Of cylindrical form; piece

is covered throughout with a rich treacle glaze.
Height 4^4 in.

1658 TEA JAR. Of reddish gray paste; jar is decorated with

iron-rust, partially overlaid with a coating of gray and black,
itself splashed with white.
Height 31/& in.

1 6 5 9 RINSING BOWL. Of red paste; piece is moulded in the

form of a dragon and ball, and stands on a high foot. Interior
decorations pale green; outer glaze white, semi-transparent,
showing paste beneath. Impressed mark, Ki. About 1800.
Height 4% in-, diameter 8^ in.

1660 VASE. Of pear-shape; piece is decorated in the paste with

sacred trigrams and rings in relief and covered with a lustrous
purple-black glaze throughout.
Height io|^ in.


1661 BOTTLE. Of globular form; piece is covered throughout

a muddy green over deep treacle.
Height 4^ in.

1662 FLOWER VASE. Of squat globular form with long neck;

glazed at top iron-rust, on body, blue flambe on black.
Height 7 in.

1663 TEA BOWL. Piece is covered with a rich glossy black and
amber-brown glaze.
Diameter 5yi in.

1664 TEA JAR. Of red paste; piece is covered with a dark sage-
green glaze, splashed at neck with brown and white.
Height 3X in-

1665 TEA JAR. Of red paste; piece is decorated with an iron-

rust glaze.
Height 4 in.
j a p a n : p r o v i n c e s o f harimaiiigoHIZEN 247
1666 JARDINIERE. Piece stands on three legs, moulded lion's
heads at sides, covered throughout with a mottled green
and amber glaze.
Diameter 6^4 in.
1667 VASE. Six-sided baluster form, red paste, covered with a
mottled blue-green over brown.
Height 7^ in.


1668 SAKE BOTTLE. Square form; piece is decorated in the

paste (gray stoneware) with floral designs and covered with
a light treacle glaze through which paste appears.
Height 5 i n .


1669 BOWL. Of square form, red paste; bowl is decorated in

Mishima style with foliage inlaid in white, and covered with
a gray crackled lustrous glaze.
Diameter 4 in.
1670 LARGE BOWL. Of red paste; piece is decorated with
floral designs, waves, etc., inlaid in the paste, and covered
with a lustrous transparent glaze.
Diameter 12 in.

1671 PAIR VASES. Porcelain; gallipot form, having reticulated
design in the body and ornamentation of bird and floral
designs in blue, red and gold on a stained white ground.
Height 12K in.
1 For further examples of Higo, see p. 216.
2 For further examples of Hizen, see pp. 155, 187, 217.

1672 PLATE. Porcelain plate, decorated with compartments
radiating from a central rosette filled medallion. Decora
tion consists of medallions and floral designs in richest en
amels and gold.
Diameter 9 in.

1673 VASE. Porcelain; of square form, decorated in colors with

rich floral designs including lotus and magnolia.
Height 8^4 in.

1674 CAKE JAR. Porcelain; oval form, decorated in rich en

amels and gilding with scene of figures watching a cock
fight. Fret design in gold on red at shoulder.
Height 7X i-


1675 NETSUKE. Porcelain; modelled in form of a chestnut

Length 2 in.
ABOUT 1780

1676 BOWL. Of reddish gray paste; shallow in form; piece is

decorated, after Mishima type, with inlaid designs of flowers
and lines in white covered with a transparent glaze. Pos
sibly earlier.
Diameter 6}i in.

1677 DEEP BOWL. Of heavy gray paste, decorated with a

crackled gray, ornamented with branches of trees in iron-
Height 5X in.

1678 BOWL. Of heavy gray paste; piece is decorated with

flowers and butterflies in gray, yellow and purple, against
a crackled gray ground splashed with pink, having a rich
ruby lustre. Karatsu (?).
Diameter 7 in.


1679 BOWL. Red paste covered with a crackled gray glaze,

having exterior decoration of floriated spirals in rich dark
Diameter 5 in.
ABOUT 1780

1680 CUP. Porcelain; decorated with floral spray in underglaze

Diameter 2% in.

1681 CUP. Porcelain; octagonal form, decorated with rich floral

sprays and festoons (rim) in colors and gold.
Diameter 4 in.



1682 LARGE JAR. Porcelain; octagonal form decorated with

rich floral designs, etc., in underglaze blue after late Ming
Height 23 in., diameter at mouth, 9^ in.

1683 JAR. Small oval jar covered with a finely crackled gray
glaze, ornamented in blue with bands of spirals. Hizen (?).
Height 2% in.

ABOUT 1780

1684 BOWL. Shallow form, gray paste, decorated with a blue

gray crackled glaze over which is a run of iron-rust.
Diameter 6 in.

1685 BOWL. Piece of red gray paste, covered with a white

crackle and over splashes of faun and iron-rust.
Diameter 5X in.

1686 TEA JAR. Of gray paste, cylindrical form, flat at shoulder;

piece is decorated with a mottled iron-rust, amber and faun-
colored glaze.
Height 3 in.

BANKO, (?)
1687 VASE. Of globular form, slender neck, reddish-gray paste;
the piece is decorated after the Chinese with raised design
of a dragon encircling neck. Vase covered with a crackled
turquoise glaze; dragon white, blue and purple.
Height 15X i n -

1688 BOWL. Reddish-gray paste, covered with a pale green

crackled glaze.
Diameter 4 in.
1689 TEAPOT. Of reddish-brown paste; piece is ornamented
with floral designs in rich enamels; handle at side has reticu
lated designs and ring. Mark: stamped at side, Banko.
Height 2% in.

ABOUT 1830

1690 LONG-NECKED BOTTLE. Of globular body, dark gray

paste, piece is covered with a lustrous dark green glaze.
Height 12^ in.

ABOUT 1800-1830

1691 TEA BOX. Of fine gray paste; cylindrical form, flat cover;
piece is covered with a faun-colored glaze, painted in ochre-
ous-red and black, with designs of insects and ornamented
throughout with a network design in gold.
Height 3 in.
1 For further examples of Ise, see pp. 187, 218.
2 For further examples of Izumo, see p. 219.


1 6 9 2 TEA BOWL. Of coarse paste, deep cylindrical form,

pinched in the paste; piece is covered with a thin translu
cent glaze with brown speckles. Flambe of red and blue at
rim. Figure of a horse in blue and white on side and within
at centre. Mark: Soma.
Height in.


1 6 9 3 JAR. Pear-shape, fine gray-white paste; piece is decorated

with green medallions, filled in with black lines or ovals
against a lustrous black background; bands of green and
black at neck and foot. Silver band about rim.
Height 5^ in.

1 6 9 4 PLATE. Gray-white paste, decorated with designs of boys

amid rich floral decorations in colors. Band of gilded spirals
on ochreous-red about edge.
Diameter 13 in.

1 6 9 5 PLATE. Of gray-white paste; piece is decorated with

medallions and arabesques in green and black; foliage and
scale-pattern in yellow, and an outer band of green and black
Diameter 13 in.

1 6 9 6 BOTTLE. Club-shaped and decorated with concentric

lines of alternate blue and iron-rust glaze.
Height 17^2 in.

ABOUT 1850

1697 FLOWER VASE. Of globular form, small neck and wide

flaring mouth; piece stands on three feet and is decorated
1 For further examples of Iwaki, see p. 187.
2 For further examples of Kaga, see pp. 188, 219.

in richest colors with design of countrymen in their fields;

medallions and floriated spirals, etc.; handles at sides.
Mark: written on foot, black on green, Kutani.
Height \o}i in.

1698 PLATE. Piece is covered with a creamy white glaze and

richly enameled in five colors, with floral rosette radiating
from medallion at centre.
Diameter 12 in.

1699 PLATE. Gray paste; decorated in five colors with lotus

flowers and floriated spirals. Mark obscure.
Diameter 13 in.

1700 PLATE. Piece is covered with a finely crackled faun-

colored glaze, enriched by design of fisherman crossing bridge
over high banked stream; enameled in rich green, yellow,
red and aubergine. Medallioned border in same tones,
with exception of red, against a deep green ground. Possi
bly belongs to the earlier period.
Diameter \2% in.

1701 PLATE. Of pale faun-colored ground; piece is decorated

in rich polychrome enamels with design of birds amid blos
soming trees. Border of medallions, also decorated in
Diameter \2% in.

1702 BOWL. Of shallow form, bowl is covered with a russet-

brown glaze; at edge of one side is a compartment of floriated
arabesques in yellow on white, and design at lower edge in
rich green.
Diameter 5^ in.

1703 BOWL. Of deep form with reticulated and fluted outer

border; the piece is richly enameled in the five colors with
design of fish swimming amid reeds and lotus flowers.
Diameter 7X i n - height 3X i n -

1704 SAKE BOTTLE. Hexagonal form; piece is decorated with

purple and dark green floral designs and foliage against a
richly lustrous yellow background, covered with sprays of
fir. Mark: Fuku, on foot.
Height 6^4 in.

1705 INCENSE BOX. Flora! form, richly enameled in blue,

black and green, and yellow, heightened by bands of gold.
Mark: on base Fuku, in black on green.
Height 2 in.

1706 LARGE VASE. Porcelain; of globular form, decorated in

rich enamels with compartments of scale-pattern, medal
lions, etc., fish swimming amid seaweed, and bands of pal-
mette ornament. Handles at neck. Mark: in black and yel
low, Fuku.
Height 14X i n -

1707 TEAPOT. Of fine gray paste; piece is covered with a

transparent glaze, enriched by enameled designs in hill-set
villages, heightened by gold. Handle at side. Mark im
Height 5X in.

1708 BOWL. Coarse paste, decorated in polychrome with bands

of foliated spirals, and externally, alternate compartments
of green and blue, yellow, white and aubergine arabesques.
Diameter 8 in.

ABOUT 1790

1709 SAKE BOTTLE. Of pinched pear-shape, drab paste; bottle

has been decorated on one side with design of ship on lake
and village beyond in black on green; rich splash of purple
on other side.
Height 6% in.

1710 TEAPOT. Of squat form; piece is decorated with design

of yellow pomegranates and green foliage against a lustrous
purple ground. Straw handle.
Diameter 6 in.

1711 LARGE BOWL. Porcelain; coarsely decorated in the five

colors with designs of demons, peaches, figs and pomegran
ates against an ochreous-red background. A representative
example of Zuishi-yaki.
Diameter 9X in.
1 For further examples of Kii, see p. 192.

1712 VASE. Of globular form, slender neck; piece is of red paste,

moulded with designs of lotus flowers, colored a pale tur
quoise blue and thrown into relief against a rich purple
background. Oniwa ware of about the middle of the cen
Height in.

1713 TEAPOT. Of squat form; piece is decorated with rich

floral designs in blue and pink enamel on yellow.
Diameter 4X i n -
1714 JAR. Club-shaped, decorated in the paste with medal
lions and floral designs in relief in yellow against a rich dark
Height 14X in.

1715 VASE. Of pear-shape, with broad neck; piece is of red

paste covered throughout with a poorly fixed deep cobalt
Height 9 in.


1716 CUP. Porcelain; semi-eggshell, six-sided and decorated

in underglaze blue with floral designs after the Chinese.
Diameter 2 in.


1717 VASE. Of squat body, long flaring neck, dragon handles

at sides; piece is covered with a dark blue glaze throughout.
From spout drops a rich white glaze, which, showing blue
below, runs halfway down neck.
Height \o% in.

1718 FLOWER VASE. Of globular shape, tall neck; piece is

covered throughout with a purplish-red and blue flambe
Height 7K in.
1 For further examples of Musashi, see pp. 192, 220.
1719 TEAPOT. Of reddish-gray paste; piece is covered with a
lustrous black glaze and ornamented at sides with a raised
lotus flower design in colors. Mark: on side, Kikko. Be
fore 1861.
Height 3"J/i in.
1720 CUP. Of deep form, gray paste, unglazed and decorated in
relief with design of boy blowing bubbles. Hat of boy and
a few bubbles glazed green. By Koren (?). About 1878.
Height 2% in.
1721 TEAPOT. Light, gray paste, moulded with lotus designs
and partly covered with a yellow glaze.
Height 3 in.
1722 INCENSE BURNER. Of light, gray paste; burner is made
in form of frog, decorated with faun-colored body, touched
up with amber and green.
Length 4 in.
1723 HANGING FLOWER VASE. In form of gourd; piece is
covered with a mauve, pink and gray glaze, finely crackled.
Length 5^ in.
1724 WATER JAR. Of pinched-in cylindrical form; piece is
covered with a rich blue glaze and decorated with leaves and
flowers in yellow and green. Signed Kenzan (false).
Height 8 in.

1725 TEA CUP. Porcelain; octagonal form, richly decorated

inside with foliated compartments in white on red and black;
exterior birds and clouds in gold against ochreous-red.
Diameter 3 in.


1726 CUP. Small two-handled cup of gray paste covered with

a pearl-gray glaze. Sole decoration consists of concentric
rings moulded in the paste at sides.
Diameter 3 in.
1727 BOWL. Deep tea bowl, covered with a crackled gray
glaze, streaked with treacle.
Diameter 5X in.
1 For further examples of Nagato, see p. 221.

ABOUT 1800

1728 DISH. Flat dish in form of lotus leaf; handle is made by

twisting back stem to edge of leaf. Centre glazed greenish-
white, handles at edge of leaf lustrous purple.
Diameter 8 in.
ABOUT 1800

1729 WATER JAR. Cylindrical form, covered throughout with

a dull sage-green glaze.
Height 7X in.

1730 PLATE. Raku-ware decorated with silver and gold lacquer

on red. Mark: Yuko (imp.). About 1850.
Diameter 9^ in.

1731 TEA JAR. Of fine gray-faun paste, oval form; piece is

decorated with a rich ruddy-brown glaze.
Height 2/ / 2 in.

1732 VASE. Of pear-shape, wide mouth; piece is decorated with

a rich iron-rust and yellow-green speckled glaze.
Height 7 in.

1733 JAR- Of thin red paste, oval form; piece is decorated with a
band of floriated medallions below a rich treacle-brown glaze.
Height 7X in*


1734 BOTTLE. Of heavy gray paste; piece is decorated with a

blue underglaze floral design on gray and covered with a
thick crackled glaze.
Height 6^ in.
1 For further examples of Omi, see pp. 194, 221.
2 For further examples of Owari, see pp. 195, 223.


1735 BOWL. Hexagonal bowl, broken edge, covered with a rich

enameled green glaze and having an overglaze decoration
of six gilded pellets at intervals. Toyosuke, fourth genera
Diameter 7% in.

1736 BIRD'S DRINKING DISH. In form of monkeys climbing

up a large vase. One drinks from bird's water dish. Of
red paste, covered with deep brown, green and tawny-amber,
glaze of raku type.
Extreme height 7^ in.

1737 DISH. In form of half gourd with handle; piece is covered

with rich emerald-green glaze; green over white at handles.
Toyosuke IV (?).
Length in.

1738 PLACQUE. Of terra-cotta decorated with designs of sea

weed in black and a large fish in gold lacquer. Back covered
with black lacquer. Toyosuke IV (?).
13X ins., x 13X in.


1739 VASE. Of reddish paste, vase is covered with a mottling

of rich amber, faun, gray-green and cream. Concentric
rings in paste within.
Height 7K in.

1740 SMALL VASE. Of pear-shape, this dainty piece is glazed

with a mottled brown and green.
Height 3X i n -


174 1 CAKE DISH. Half peach form, crackled faun-colored

glaze decorated with designs in red; one side covered with
greenish blue. Akazu-Oribe ware.
Extreme diameter 7 in.

1742 TEA JAR. Of gray paste; jar is partially covered with a

rich yellow and green mottled glaze, running to red at edges.
Height in.

1743 TEA JAR'. Of globular form, with straight wide neck; piece
is decorated with mottling of green, faun and red on lustrous
black. Black Oribe ware.
Height 4 in.
ABOUT 1 8 0 0

1744 PLATE. Porcelain; decorated with dragon designs amid

clouds at centre and an outer border of bird and flower-filled
compartments in colors, divided by floral arabesques in
colors on dark blue.
Diameter 9% in.

1745 DEEP BOWL. Piece is covered with a golden-yellow

crackled glaze, in style of Toshiro 11. On one side is green
splash; same at centre. Date (?).
Diameter 4X in.
1746 BOWL. Of gray paste; piece is decorated with a lustrous
hematite glaze. Silver rim at top.
Diameter 4^ in.


1747 BOWL. Of deep red paste; piece is covered with a lustrous

iron-rust glaze.
Diameter 4% in.
1748 TEA BOWL. Of red-gray paste; bowl is decorated in the
style of Toshiro 1. with a black glaze overlaid with warm
Diameter 4^ in.

1749 TEA BOWL. Of red-gray paste, bowl is enriched by lus

trous black; overlaid by iron-rust glaze.
Diameter 4^5 in.
1750 TEA BOWL. Of reddish paste; bowl is partially covered
with an iron-rust glaze and splashed with circles of green and
faun. Silver rim.
Diameter 4K in.
175 I TEA BOWL. Decorated with a treacle-brown glaze; piece
is ornamented with circular blobs of faun and brown after
Diameter 5 in.

1752 LARGE BOWL. Of heavy gray paste; piece is of oblong

form and partially covered with a soft black glaze. Seto (?).
Extreme length 7X in.

1753 TEA JAR. Of heavy red-gray paste; jar is partially covered

with a lustrous brown and russet glaze.
Height 3^4 in.

1754 TEA JAR. Of red paste; piece is partially covered with a

dark blue glaze. Seto (?).
Height 4^ in.

1755 TEA JAR. Of red paste; oval form, flat at neck; piece is
partially covered with a deep iron-rust glaze.
Height 3yi in.

1756 TEA JAR. Of gray paste; squat form; piece is decorated

with a lustrous iron-rust glaze. Handles at shoulder.
Height 3 in.

1757 TEA JAR. Of gray paste; oval form; piece is covered with
a mottled glaze of amber-brown, faun and iron-rust.
Height 3 in.

1758 TEA JAR. Of red paste; piece is pear-shaped and decora

ted with an iron-rust glaze.
Height 3X in-

1759 TEA JAR. Of squat form, reddish-gray paste; piece is

covered with a rich iron-rust glaze.
Height in., width (extreme) 4 in.

1760 BOTTLE. Of pear-shape; piece is covered with a rich iron-

rust glaze.
Height 9X in.

1761 LARGE JAR. Of pear-shape; piece is decorated in the

paste with Greek fret and spirals, and has a later addition
of bird designs and rich bands at neck in polychrome enamels.
Height 13X in., diameter at mouth 7^ in.

1762 BOTTLE. Of double gourd-shape; piece is of reddish-gray

paste, covered with a blue splashed crackled gray ground.
Height 5 in.
1763 VASE. Of heavy red paste; piece is decorated throughout
with a rich iron, faun and amber glaze.
Height in.
1764-a-b-c Three Bowls. Chinese. Late Sung or Yuan Dy
nasty. Dark reddish-gray paste; (a) covered with a dull
iron glaze; (b-c) with hare's fur glaze of faun-streaked lus
trous black. Examples of Chien-yao ware, so ably imitated
by the Toshiros of Seto. Pieces date from about 1250-1300.
Diameter: (a) 4in., (b) 4"J/& in., (c) 5 in.

1765 TEA JAR. Of red-gray paste; piece is of cylindrical form
and partially covered with an olive-brown glaze, overlaid
with runs of blue.
Height 4% in.



1766 WATER POT. Of light gray paste; piece is in the form of a

barrel covered with a bright green glaze, with added slip
decoration of expression of felicitation in white and black.
Height 3% in.
1767 MOSQUITO SMOKER. Tall cylindrical form; piece is
covered with a crackled white glaze ornamented with floral
designs in blue and green. Mark: Minzan.
Height \ \% in.


1768 TEA JAR. Of dark gray paste; piece is decorated with an

iron-rust glaze, overlaid with mottlings of olive-brown.
Handle at neck.
Height 4X in.
'For further examples of Sanuki, see pp. 198, 229.
2For further examples of Satsuma, see pp. 198, 229


1769 TEA JAR. Gray paste; covered with an olive-green over a
treacle glaze. Iron-rust on foot.
Height 3^ in.

1770 TEA BOWL. Piece is covered with a lustrous black glaze

overlaid with a coating of tea-leaf, which runs down sides
and is in turn partially hidden under an overcoating of rich
purple-brown. Satsuma (?).
Diameter 5y% in.

1771 TEA JAR. Of red paste; pear-shaped; piece is partially

covered with a thick greenish-brown and treacle glaze.
Height 4 in.

177 2 TEA JAR. Of red paste; cylindrical form; piece is deco

rated with three glazes in turn, iron rust, russet brown, and
gray. Takatori (?).
Height 4)4 in.


1 773 VASE. Of gray paste; cylindrical form swelling at shoulder;

piece is covered with a rich mottled black and treacle glaze,
flecked with blue. Tsuboya.
Height 5 i n .

1774 WINE BOTTLE. In form of a gourd; piece is covered with

a purplish-brown crackled glaze.
Height 7%^ in.

1775 FLOWER VASE. Cylindrical in form; piece is covered

throughout with a mottling of iron-rust and splashes of
Height 9X in.

1776 VASE. Of pear-shape; piece is waved in the paste and

covered with a rich purple glaze.
Height 11^ in.


1 777 TEA CUP. Covered with cream-colored minutely crackled

glaze; piece is decorated with designs of leaves in colors and
Diameter 2% in.

1778 CUP. Of finely crackled faun-colored glaze, decorated in

colors with floral designs.
Diameter 2^4 in.

1779 INCENSE BURNER. Four-sided, red paste; piece is deco

rated with waves of white inlaid in the body after Mishima
style. Stands on four feet. Pierced brass cover.
Height 4K in.

1780 INCENSE BOX. Of gray paste; piece is a circular flat

box covered with a minutely crackled pale faun-colored
glaze, and decorated on top with prunus sprays in blossom.
Satsuma (?).'
Diameter 3^ in.

1781 JAR. Of globular form, red paste; piece is covered with a

splash design of white and brownish-olive glaze.
Height 7 in.

1782 BOWL. Shallow form, covered with a crackled faun-colored

glaze and decorated over the glaze with medallions, floral
designs, lattice-work pattern, etc., in the richest enamels
and gold.
Diameter in.

1783 INCENSE BURNER. Cylindrical form, faun-colored crack

led glaze, decorated with design of hopoo bird, etc., in enamels
and gold.
Height 2% in.
1784 INCENSE BURNER. Of globular form; piece is covered
with a finely crackled faun-colored glaze and decorated with
floral, fruit and dragon designs in richest enamels and gold.
Reticulated cover, also richly enameled.
Height 4 in.

1785 TEAPOT. Of squat form, ribbed in the paste; piece is

covered with a crackled faun-colored glaze, enriched by
overglaze enameled and gilded floral designs.
Height 3X in-

1786 SAKE CUP. Piece is of fine paste, covered with a crackled

faun-colored glaze.
Diameter 2% in.
1787 DISH. Of red paste, flat-fluted form; piece is covered with
a deep brown, iron-rust edged glaze, over which at centre
is a flarnbe glaze of pale blue.
Diameter 6 in.
1788 BOTTLE. Oval form, covered with a finely crackled, faun-
colored glaze.
Height 4X in.
1789 JAR. Of globular form, showing concentric rings in the
paste; piece is covered with a brownish-black glaze. Handles
at shoulders. Satsuma (?).
Height 7^ in.
1790 JAR. Of globular form; piece is decorated throughout with
a splashed ivory-rust glaze.
Height 8K in.


1791 FLOWER VASE. Of squat globular form, with long neck;

piece is of a reddish-gray paste, incised with trellis-work and
star patterns and covered by a thin brown glaze.
Height 8% in.


179 2 WATER JAR. Of cylindrical form; piece is covered with a

soft rose-gray glaze. Handles at sides. Mark: Ninsei.
Height 6% in.
1793 BOWL. Of deep form; piece is decorated with a green and
blue flambe over which are splashes of iron rust.
Height 2^ in.
1794 TEA BOWL. Of deep, pinched-in form; piece is covered
with a glossy black glaze and ornamented on one side with
a fence design in white. Kenzan (?).
Height 3^4 in., diameter at top, 5 in.
!For other examples of Totomi, see pp. 201, 232.
2 For other examples of Yamashiro, see pp. 201, 232.

1795 TEA BOWL. Covered throughout with a glossy black

glaze and decorated with white floral designs in slip. Mark:
in black on white at side, Ken{an.
Diameter 4% in.

1796 WATER JAR. Cylindrical form, decorated with divided

squares of blue and purple. Bands of blue cross-line design
on white at foot and neck between bands of yellow. Mark:
on foot in black, Kenyan. About 1700.
Height 6K in., diameter at mouth 5^ in.

1797 TEA BOWL. Of heavy gray paste; shallow in form; piece

is decorated with a lustrous black and russet glaze. Mark:
Akashi. Possibly to be referred to the work of Seisuke at
Harima before he left Ninsei.
Diameter 5^ in.

1798 BOWL. Deep tea bowl, covered with a crackled cream

glaze, enriched with floral designs, etc., in red and green.
Diameter 4^ in., height 2% in.

1799 VASE. Baluster form, red paste, decorated with splashes

of dull red and covered with a thick translucent glaze.
Height 5 in.

1800 VASE. Of club-shape; piece is covered with a crackled

transparent glaze over which are rich floral designs and fret
pattern in enamels and gold. Kydt5 (?). Mark obscure.
Height 17 in.

1801 FLOWER VASE. Of graceful design, square shape, handles

at sides; piece is of red paste decorated with floriated spirals
and covered throughout with a rich sage-green glaze. Signed
Height \o% in.

1802 BOWL. Of deep form; piece is covered throughout with a

crackled red "sea-foam" or raku glaze.
Height 4 in., diameter at top 4 in.

1803 BOWL. Deep in form; piece is covered with a crackled red

and gray glaze of raku type.
Height 3X in., diameter at top 4^ in.
1804 BOWL. Shallow in form; piece is of gray paste, covered
with a crackled ivory-white glaze, decorated with designs in
Diameter 3^4 in.

1805 TEA JAR. Of red paste; cylindrical form, swelling at

shoulder; piece is partially covered with a crackled gray and
rose glaze.
Height 4^4 in.

1806 BOWL. Of red paste; piece is cylindrical in form and dec

orated with green and red floral designs on a crackled cream-
white ground.
Diameter 3%^ in.

1807 BOWL. Of red paste; bowl is covered with a muddy glaze

and ornamented with a sprig of blossoming prunus in blue
and white. Metal rim. Kyoto (?).
Diameter 5^ in.

1808 TEAPOT. A squat, six-sided pot, having a finely crackled

faun-colored glaze and ornamented with floral designs in
bluish-black. Kyoto (?).
Extreme height 5X in.

1809 SAUCE BOWL. Of heavy gray paste; bowl is decorated

with floral designs in iron rust, underglaze blue and white
heightened with dashes of overglaze red. Iron-rust lip.
Diameter 4X in.

1810 DISH. Of gray paste; piece is decorated at centre with

lion in relief in yellow and green against a white background;
border of spirals and palmette against a bright green ground.
Diameter 7^ in.

l8l I INCENSE BURNER. Form of a bowl, supported on four

high legs. Piece is of heavy paste covered with a large
crackle gray glaze, enriched with bands of blue and cloi
sonne. Bronze rings at sides.
Height 5 i n .

1812 CLOVE BOILER. Piece is of globular form in two sections;

the lower section for the coals and the small section above
for the cloves. Richly decorated with floral designs in red,
green, blue and gold on white.
Height 6^ in.

1813 BOWL. Of heavy gray paste; piece is covered with a finely

crackled faun-colored glaze, enriched with floral designs in
ochreous-red, green and yellow.
Diameter 9^ in.

1814 INCENSE STICK BURNER. Four-sided burner covered

with flower-filled diamond pattern and floral bands in blue,
yellow and white against a black background.
Height 3X i n -

1815 CAKE DISH. Of red paste; piece is in form of a fan, covered

with a finely crackled faun-colored glaze and ornamented
with a picture of the god of longevity, in black; a band of
characters in white on black, and handle in red imitating
Length 11 in.

1816 FLAT DISH. In form of two cranes in green enamel

divided by a space in crackled white glaze.
Length 7X in.

1817 PILGRIM'S CUP. Heavy gray paste; in form of a lotus;

piece is covered with a creamy glaze, splashed with blue;
Amateur's work. Silver chain and glass button netsuke.
Length 3 in.

1818 CUP. Piece is covered without by a rich ochreous-red

glaze overlaid with floral designs in white and blue between
yellow bands.
Diameter 3X in.

1819 INK WELL. Of oval form; piece is covered throughout

with a crackled gray glaze, splashed with metallic pink.
Kyoto (?).
Height 2^ in.

1820 FLOWER VASE. Of cylindrical form, straight neck;

piece is covered with a lustrous kidney-ore crackled glaze.
Kyoto (?).
Height 4%" in.

1821 JARDINIERE. Of globular form; piece stands on three

feet, and is covered throughout with a lustrous reddish-pink
" sea-foam " glaze.
Diameter at mouth 6 in.


1822 INCENSE HOLDER. In form of a gourd on a leaf glazed

cream, red, purple and green.
Length 6 in.

1823 SAKE CUP. Porcelain; in form of a lotus flower, centre

colored in red and gold.
Diameter 2yi in.

1824 BOWL. Shallow Tea Bowl, covered with a white glaze and
decorated with floral designs in treacle. By Shoun, 3d
generation Rokubei. Before 1883.
Diameter 6 in.

1825 TEA JAR. Of red paste; jar is partially covered with a dark
red and russet glaze. Handles at neck. By Zoroku. About
Height 4%" in.

1826 HANGING FLOWER VASE. In form of a lotus leaf;

frogs in relief. Glaze throughout to imitate iron.
Height 5^ in.

1827 TEA JAR. Dark gray paste, oval form pinched at centre,
and covered with "sea-foam red" glaze. Amateur work.
Height 3X in.

1828 SMALL TEAPOT. Of reddish gray paste; piece is orna

mented with design of two crabs, climbing toward lid.
Thin iron glaze covers pot. Mark stamped: Hozan, and
Taihei. About 1800.
Height 2% in.
1829 JAR. Globular form; piece is covered with a crackled faun-
colored glaze, decorated in red and green with floral designs
and bands.
Height 2X in.

1830 INCENSE BOX. Of floral form; white glaze, decorated

with floral designs in watery blue.
Height 1in.

183 I WATER JAR. Cylindrical in form; piece is covered with a

finely crackled creamy glaze and decorated over the glaze
with designs of grasshoppers carrying flowers. By Makuzu.
About 1840.
Height 5^ in.

1832 TEAPOT. Of squat globular form; piece is of fine gray

paste covered with a finely crackled faun-colored glaze, over-
decorated with floral designs in red, green and blue. Straw
handle. Signed Giozan. About 1820.
Height in.

1833 CUP. Porcelain; design of bamboo twigs in white against

a rich cobalt-blue background.
Diameter 3 in.

1834 SMALL BOTTLE. Porcelain; double gourd-shape, deco

rated under the glaze with design of dragons and medallions
amid clouds in blue.
Height 4 in.

1835 BOTTLE. Porcelain; double gourd-shape, covered with a

deep russet glaze, over which is a design in gold of a bird
amid prunus blossoms.
Height 6 in.

1836 VASE. Porcelain; pear-shape, decorated between bands of

richest medallion and floral designs, etc., in enamel and gold
on red with ducks in the water and swallows amid trees;
also enameled in colors and gold.
Height 15^4 in.

1837 VASE. Cylindrical form, decorated in the paste with wavy

lines, bands of Greek fret covered with emerald-green glaze;
at mouth rich orange. By Ryozen. About 1810.
Height 8 in.

1838 BOWL. Of fine gray paste; piece has been covered with a
thin gray glaze and richly enameled with floral designs in
colors and gold.
Diameter 4X in.

1839 WATER POT. Of oval form; piece is covered with a choco

late-colored glaze over which are spread circular designs and
spirals in white, yellow and black enamels. Awata. About
1850. Height in.
1840 SAKE CUP. Piece is covered with a finely crackled faun-
colored glaze, and decorated in rich enamels with figure
of a geisha. Awata. Signed Bizan. About 1850.
Diameter 2% in.



1841 BOWL. A Song-do piece of semi-porcelain covered through

out with a faintly green translucent glaze; edge slightly
Diameter 7X in.








1842 PAIR OF BOWLS. Faience, thin, light weight, decorated

in polychrome colors with flowers and foliage.
Height 2% in., diameter 4^6 in.
Gift of W. B. Osgood Field, 1902.


1843 PAIR OF CUPS AND SAUCERS. Faience, decorated

with floral designs in polychrome colors, and further em
bellished with pierced medallions, imitative of the Chinese
" rice-grain."
Diameter cup, \]/ 2 in., Saucer 4X i n -
Avery Collection. Purchased 1879.



1844 PLATE. Faience, enriched with designs of squares and

spirals of red, green and blue on a white ground.
Diameter 8X in. Gift of W. B. Osgood Field, 1902.

1845 PLATE. Faience, decorated in similar colors with floral

designs and outer band of spirals on white.
Diameter 9^ in. Gift of W. B. Osgood Field, 1902.
1 For further examples of Asia Minor, see pp. 299.

1846 EWER. Stained White Faience, decorated in tomato red,

green, blue and black with flowers and foliage.
Height 7yi in. Gift of W. B. Osgood Field, 1902.

1847 EWER. White faience, decorated with floriated designs in

similar colors framed in blue.
Height 7 in. Gift of W. B. Osgood Field, 1902.

1848 PLATE. White faience, ornamented with rich floral dec

oration in deep blue, red and turquoise blue.
Diameter 10.X in. Gift of W. B. Osgood Field, 1902.

1849 PLATE. White faience, decorated in similar colors with

floral designs of tulips and pinks.
Diameter 10 in. Gift of W. B. Osgood Field, 1902.

1850 EWER. White faience, ornamented with flowers and foliage

in red and white reserves, against a watery blue ground.
Height 7 in. Gift of W. B. Osgood Field, 1902.

1851 EWER. White faience, decorated with flowers and leaves

in white, red and turquoise blue, against a dark blue back
ground. Black spiral design about lip.
Height *]% i n Gift of W. B. Osgood Field, 1902.

1852 PLATE. White faience, decorated in tomato red, green,

blue and black with floral designs and an outer border of
Diameter 9^ in. Gift of W. B. Osgood Field, 1902.

1853 PLATE. White faience, ornamented with floral and spiral

designs in similar colors.
Diameter \ \% in. Gift of W. B. Osgood Field, 1902.

1854 PLATE. White faience, decorated with floral designs of

hyacinths, etc., in similar colors on white, against a deep
blue background.
Diameter 11^2 in. Gift of W. B. Osgood Field, 1902.

1855 PLATE. White faience, decorated with floral designs of

pinks, etc., and an outer border of spirals in similar colors.
Diameter 8 in. Gift of W. B. Osgood Field, 1902.

1856 PLATE. White faience, decorated in similar colors with

floral rosettes and outer radiant design.
Diameter 9^ in. Gift of W. B. Osgood Field, 1902.

1857 PLATE. White faience, decorated in similar colors on

white against a rich red ground, with flowers surrounded
by a rayed design.
Diameter 10% in. Gift of W. B. Osgood Field, 1902.

1858 DEEP BOWL. White faience, decorated with floral de

signs in similar colors. Band of rope pattern painted on
upper edge.
Diameter 15 in. Gift of W. B. Osgood Field, 1902.

1859 PLATE. White faience, ornamented with red salmon-

scale rosettes, floral sprays, and spiral designs in similar
Diameter 8*4 in. Gift of W. B. Osgood Field, 1902.

1860 PLATE. White faience, decorated with floral designs and

an outer spiral band in tomato red, turquoise and cobalt
blue and black.
Diameter 8^ in. Gift of W. B. Osgood Field, 1902.

1861 PLATE. White faience, ornamented in similar colors with

pinks, tulips, etc., and an outer border of spirals.
Diameter 9 in. Gift of W. B. Osgood Field, 1902.

1862 PLATE. White faience, ornamented with designs of pinks

and tulips in red, green (run), blue and black.
Diameter \ \% in. Gift of W. B. Osgood Field, 1902.

1863 PLATE. White faience, ornamented with a floral spray

of tulips and pinks in similar colors.
Diameter 9 in. Gift of W. B. Osgood Field, 1902.

1864 PLATE. White faience, decorated with floral rosettes and

spiral border in blue, black, green and tomato red.
Gift of W. B. Osgood Field, 1902.



1865 SHALLOW DISH. Enameled over deep red earthenware,

with bands of squares and crossed lines in deep blue, purple,
and white.
Diameter \ \% in. Purchase, 1908.

1866 DISH. Enameled white over similar body, and decorated

with design of a knife between floral sprays in blue, and outer
band of blue and white checker design.
Diameter 9 in. Purchase, 1908.





1867 FRAGMENT OF FLAT PLATE. Coarse gray frit body,

decorated with golden floriated compartments against a
pinkish-white ground and enriched by mother-of-pearl
Length 3X in- Purchase, 1907.

1868 CENTRE OF BOWL. Similar body, decorated with blue

central arabesque about which are floriated spirals in mother-
of-pearl lustre.
Length 3 in. Purchase, 1907.

1869 CENTRE OF BOWL. Similar body, decorated in rich

golden lustre with centre design of a tree in white on gold,
surrounded by Arabic letters and dots in gold.
Length 3X in* Purchase, 1907.

1870 FRAGMENT OF PLATE. Reddish gray body, decorated

with broad bands and dots in golden lustre.
Length 3^ in. Purchase, 1907.

1871 CENTRE OF BOWL. Gray frit body, decorated with blue

and gold lustred rosette at centre, about which are mother-
of-pearl lustre spirals. On foot lustred rosette similar to
Valencian pieces.
Diameter 2 in. Purchase, 1907.

1872 FRAGMENT OF BOWL. Gray frit body, decorated with

floral designs and bands of golden lustre.
Length 4 in. Purchase, 1907.

1873 FRAGMENT OF PLATE. Similar body, decorated with

leaves in gold lustre against a pinkish-white background.
Rich yellow spirals on back covered with mother-of-pearl
Length 3X i n - Purchase, 1907.

1874 FRAGMENT OF BOTTLE. Body a fine, well-kneaded

red earthenware, enriched by painted designs in blue, the
whole covered with soft golden lustre.
Length 2 l / 2 in. Purchase, 1907.



1875 FRAGMENT OF BOWL. Brown lead glaze, decorated

with incised design of foliated arabesque. At side is an in
scription which states that it was "Made by the servants
of the Illustrious ed din Ghazy."
Diameter 7X in. Purchase, 1907.

1876 FRAGMENT OF BOWL. Green and brown lead glaze,

decorated with panels ornamented with inscriptions in
flowing characters.
Length 6 in. Purchase, 1907.

1877 TWO FRAGMENTS OF BOWL. Brown and pale amber

glaze, decorated by the graffito method with fragmentary
Arabic inscription and unknown (mameluke's) coat-of-arms.
Lengths 8 a n d 7 ^ in. Purchase, 1907.

1878 FRAGMENT OF BOWL. Decorated with incised foliated

Length 4X in. Purchase, 1907.

1879 FRAGMENT OF BOWL. Decorated with incised Arabic

inscription in black, light brown and white.
Diameter 8 in. Purchase, 1907.

1880 FRAGMENT OF BOWL. Decorated with incised Arabic

Length 4X in. Purchase, 1907.

1881 CENTRE OF BOWL. Decorated with incised coat-of-

arms of Kalaun (?)a duckwithin a circular shield.
XI11 Century (?).
Diameter 4 in. Purchase, 1907.

1882 FRAGMENTS OF BOWL. Decorated at edge with blue

and black circles between black lines.
Length 4X in. Purchase, 1907.



1883 FRAGMENT OF BOWL. Decorated with incised in

scription and coat-of-arms ( renk ) of the Emir Akbugha.
Diameter 6% in. Purchase, 1907.

1884 FRAGMENT OF BOWL. Decorated with the coat-of-arms

of the Emir Bahadur.
Diameter 4yi in. Purchase, 1907.

1885 FRAGMENT OF BOWL. Decorated with the coat-of-

arms of the Emir Tukuzdemlr.
Diameter 4 in. Purchase, 1907.

1886 FRAGMENT OF DEEP BOWL. Decorated with Arabic

inscription incised, also coat-of-arms of Emir Kahlis.
Diameter 6 in. Purchase, 1907.

1887 FRAGMENT OF SHALLOW BOWL. Decorated with

incised Arabic inscription and unrecognizable coat-of-arms
of a Saracenic Emir.
Diameter 6y$ in. Purchase, 1907.

1888 FRAGMENT OF BOWL. Decorated with incised Arabic

inscription and part of coat-of-arms of the Emir el-Maridani.
Diameter 4yi in. Purchase, 1907.

1889 FRAGMENT OF BOWL. Decorated with incised Arabic

inscription and circular coat-of-arms of the Emir Kahlis.
Diameter 4 in. Purchase, 1907.

1890 FRAGMENT OF DEEP BOWL. Decorated in graffito

manner with Arabic inscription and unknown coat-of-arms.
Diameter 5% in. Purchase, 1907.

1891 FRAGMENT OF BOWL. Decorated with Arabic lettering

in white, black and brown; at centre, circular shield filled in
with word Allah: "God." Illustrated.
Diameter 7X in. Purchase, 1907.

1892 CENTRE OF BOWL. Decorated with design of fleur-de-

lys, issuing from a flower holder. Possibly coat-of-arms of
El-Ashraf Sha'ban, El-Mansur 'Aly or Es-Salih Haffy, all
of whom bore such a device.
Diameter 3 in. Purchase, 1907.

1893 CENTRE OF BOWL. Decorated with design of a pair of

lions, passant left, within double circle. Perhaps (?) the
renk of Beybars I, died 1277 A.D.
Diameter 3 in. Purchase, 1907.

1894 FRAGMENT OF BOWL. Decorated in graffito manner

with part of Arabic inscription.
Diameter 2^ in. Purchase 1907.

1895 PART OF SMALL BOWL. Decorated in graffito manner

with Arabic inscription and at centre (in slip) two fish.
Diameter 6^4 in. Purchase, 1907.

1896 CENTRE OF BOWL. Ornamented with figure of a white

bird, possibly the Sunkar or White Falcon of Barkuk.
Diameter 4 in. Purchase, 1907.

1897 PART OF SMALL BOWL. Vitreous glaze, decorated with

interlacing flower-centred rings.
Diameter 5 in. Purchase, 1907.

1898 FRAGMENT OF BOWLS. Vitreous turquoise-blue glaze,

reminiscent of early Egyptian Glazeware. XVI Century (?).
Diameter 4 in. Purchase, 1907.

1899 FRAGMENT OF LARGE BOWL. Decorated in black

over greenish-blue with foliated compartments which meet
in a rosette at centre. Thick " tears" at foot.
Diameter 6% in. Purchase, 1907.

1900 CENTRE OF BOWL. Decorated in black over a rich

greenish-blue with arabesque designs filled in with dots.
Diameter 4 in. Purchase, 1907.

1901 FRAGMENT OF LARGE BOWL. Decorated with de

signs of circles, papyrus flower and other foliage in black and
cobalt against a greenish-white background and covered
with a thick vitreous glaze.
Diameter 5^ in. Purchase, 1907.

1902 PART OF SHALLOW BOWL. Baked Nile mud, decora

ted with design of two star-shaped compartments on dark
blue circular field surrounded by floral and other designs in
dark blue. Reminiscent of products of Ramesside Period.
Diameter 6^4 in. Purchase, 1907.

1903 PART OF LARGE BOWL. Soft gray frit, decorated with

floral designs and Arabic inscription " God is Great," in
cobalt blue on white.
Diameter 5 in. Purchase, 1907.

1904 BASE OF VASE. Decorated in blue and black with Arabic

inscription and lily.
Diameter 4% in. Purchase, 1907.

1905 FRAGMENT OF LARGE BOWL. Decorated with central

floriated rosette in black on white, within a blue circular
background. Above, Greek fret and scale design in black
and blue.
Diameter 7^ in. Purchase, 1907.

1906 CENTRE OF BOWL. Vitreous glaze earthenware, decora

ted with an Arabic inscription, floriated designs and spirals
in white, blue and green.
Diameter 6^ in. Purchase, 1907.

1907 CENTRE OF BOWL. Decorated with floral circle in blue

and black; at sides are large oval-shaped designs in blue and
white, divided by floriated compartments in same colors.
Diameter 6^ in. Purchase, 1907.

1908 CENTRE OF BOWL. At centre mosaic of blue stars filled

in with white and reddish-brown, surrounded by an Arabic
Diameter 4^ in. Purchase, 1907.

1909 CENTRE OF BOWL. Decorated with alternate compart

ments of Arabic inscriptions and large blue circles. Blue
and white bands divide. Outer sides decorated with black
Length in. Purchase, 1907.

1910 CENTRE OF BOWL. Decorated with foliated designs

surrounded by band of wave pattern.
Length 4y& in. Purchase, 1907.

1911 CENTRE OF BOWL. Foliage in dark blue. Glaze irides

Length 4^ in. Purchase, 1907.

1912 CENTRE OF BOWL. Central foliated designs in blue on

white, within a black oval. Alternate floral compartments
radiate from centre. Mark: on foot, the name of the maker,
Diameter 4^ in. Purchase, 1907.

1913 CENTRE OF BOWL. Circular design representing white

lotus flower on alternate background of blue, dull red and
black, and divided by white intersecting lines at centre of
which are black triangles set at an angle. Distinctly ancient
Egyptian In style.
Diameter 6^2 in. Purchase, 1907.

1914 CENTRE OF BOWL. Bird and floral designs in black

under the glaze. At centre, rose and star.
Diameter in- Purchase, 1907.

191 5 FRAGMENT OF BOWL. Decorated with alternate com

partments of Arabic inscriptions in black and figures of lions
in white divided by bands of blue.
Length 4X in. Purchase, 1907.

1916 CENTRE OF BOWL. Decorated with foliated spirals at

centre in rich blue surrounded by a floral design in brown
and blue.
Diameter 4X in. Purchase, 1907.

1917 CENTRE OF BOWL. Floral decoration in dark blue.

On foot undecipherable Arabic potter's name (Ali ?).
Diameter 3% in. Purchase, 1907.
1918 PART OF FLAT DISH. Covered with a beautiful floral
design of lotus flowers in dark blue in a stained white ground.
On back is painted the potter's name, Ali.
Diameter 6 in. Purchase, 1907.
1919 FRAGMENT OF BOWL. Decorated in green, blue and
black with figures of fish.
Length 2^4 in. Purchase, 1907.
1920 CENTRE OF BOWL. Decorated with figure of bird in blue.
Length 2% i n - Purchase, 1907.
1921 CENTRE OF BOWL. Figure of hare amid lotus flowers in
blue and black on white.
Length 2% in. Purchase, 1907.
1922 CENTRE OF BOWL. Decorated with arabesques in blue.
Length 2in. Purchase, 1907.
1923 PART OF SHALLOW BOWL. Decorated at centre and
sides with floral designs in blue. Glaze dissolving, hence
Length 3^4 in. Purchase, 1907.
1924 RIM OF BOWL. Siliceous glaze earthenware, ornamented
with fragmentary Koranic inscription incised upon a black
Length 3X in. Purchase, 1907.



1925 FRAGMENT OF BOWL. Coarse grayish-white frit body,

decorated at centre with floral designs in purplish lustre
(faded) against a greenish-white background; at sides are
repeats of Cufic inscription: "The Kingdom is of God."
Foot unglazed.
Width 5X in. Purchase, 1908.
1 For other examples of Mesopotamia, see p. 282.
NO. I929

1926 BOWL. Similar body, decorated with foliated Cufic

characters (Allah ?) in greenish-yellow against a deep purple
glaze, much oxidized. Foot unglazed.
Diameter 8 in. Rogers Fund, 1910.

1927 VASE. Albarello form, similar body, decorated with floral

designs picked out on a purplish lustre ground divided by
horizontal bands in blue. About neck, in lustre, simulative
inscription. Glaze thick, in places slightly oxidized. About
lower part of body it has formed in "tears" of a pale green
Height 10 in., diameter at mouth 3^5 in. Rogers Fund, 191o.


1928 PAIR OF MURAL TILES. Decorated with moulded de

signs of real and mythological animals; upper edge floral
designs. Glaze vitreous and of a rich green-blue.
Length 7 in. Purchase, 1908.

1929 TAZZA DISH. Blue glaze, decorated with radiant bars

filled in with alternate latticework and floral designs. Ro
sette at centre; stands on high foot. Illustrated.
Height 4]/ 2 in , diameter 7 in. Purchase, 1908.

1930 SMALL VASE. Blue glaze, decorated in black with rich

floral designs. Neck repaired.
Height 3X i n - Purchase, 1908.

1931 SMALL EWER. Blue glaze ornamented with floral de

signs and simulated inscriptions in black under the glaze.
Pinched in sprout, handle at neck.
Height 5^ in. Purchase, 1908.

1932 EWER. Blue glaze, decorated with foliated spiral designs,

waves and bands in black under the glaze. Pinched in
spout; handle at neck.
Height 6K in. Purchase, 1908.

1933 SMALL BOWL. Blue glaze, decorated with floral designs

in black under the glaze. Unglazed foot.
Height 3^ in., diameter 4% in. Purchase, 1908.
1 934 WIDE-MOUTHED EWER. Green glaze ornamented with
double row of sunken designs pressed in the paste; handle at
neck. Foot unglazed.
Height 6^ in. Purchase, 1908.

1935 LARGE VASE. Oval form, green glazed over a coarse

grayish frit body, and ornamented with beaded decoration
moulded in bands about shoulder; fifteen loop-shaped
handles about neck.
Height 15^ in.

1936 SHALLOW BOWL. Blue glaze, decorated at centre with

arabesques, at edge with zigzag design in black under the
glaze. Unglazed foot.
Diameter 7^ in. Purchase, 1908.

1 937 VASE. Globular form, gray-white frit body, the decoration

consisting of horizontally arranged reserves of alternate
floriated spirals and wave designs in black against a rich
green ground. Foot covered by a thin green glaze. Neck
Height 7yi in. Rogers Fund, 1910.

P E R S I A 1

ABOUT 1200 A.D.

1938 SMALL BOWL. Fine reddish-gray frit body, decorated in

red, blue and black enamels on a white ground with design
of a seated human figure holding flowers. Surrounding are
two bands of fragmentary Koranic inscriptions. Unglazed
Diameter 6^ i n - Purchase, 1908.

1 939 BOWL. Similar body and glaze, designs being in the shape
of alternate figures and flowering shrubs about a central
star-shaped rosette. Upper band of repeats of the word
alafia (?): " blessing." Exterior conventionalized repeats in
black of the word Allah: " God." Illustrated.
Diameter 7^ in. Gift of Dikran G, Kelekian, 1909.
1 For other examples of Persia, see p. 300.
NO. I93Q
1940 BOWL. Similar body and glaze, designs consisting of
alternate mounted horsemen and similar flowering shrubs
about a central arabesque. Wave and circular medallion
border. Exterior, conventionalized repeats in black of
the word Allah: "God."
Diameter 8J/4 in. Gift of Dikran G. Kelekian, 1909.


1941 FRAGMENT OF WALL TILE. Hard reddish-gray frit

body, decorated with moulded floral and antelope designs in
white and watery black against a deep blue ground.
Length 5X i n - Purchase, 1908.

1942 DEEP BOWL. Coarse reddish frit, inward sloping edge,

low foot, covered with a rich blue glaze.
Diameter 7^4 in. Purchase, 1908.


paste, decorated with hare and floral designs, the whole in
rich ruby lustre and blue. Watery blue band about edge.
Diameter 4in. Purchase, 1908.

1944 SIMILAR TILE. Horse and floral arabesque design in

gold lustre against a cream-white ground.
Diameter 4yi in. Purchase, 1908.

1945 EWER. Coarse grayish fawn frit body; globular, fluted

in the paste, design of crowned human head at lip, unde
cipherable inscription about neck; piece covered throughout
with a glaze of deep sapphire blue. Foot unglazed. Handle
missing. From Sultanabad.
Height 7^ in. Purchase, 1909.

1946 VASE. Albarello form, coarse reddish-gray frit, ornamented

with arabesque designs in black within black reserves against
an oxidized green ground. Black lip, foot unglazed.
Height 6K in. Gift of Messrs. Tabbagh Freres, 1910.

1947 BOWL. Similar body, decorated in soft greenish and pur

plish-yellow lustre below a translucent white glaze with al
ternate figure and floral designs in reserves. Exterior simi
lar glaze, here very thin, and designs in lustre of interlaced
hooks. Foot thinly glazed.
Diameter 7^ in., height 3y& in. Rogers Fund, 1910.

1948 BOWL. Similar body, decorated with a central figure

design seated, surrounded by blossoming shrubs, the design
being in pale golden lustre, turquoise and watery cobalt
blue on white. About the outer rim is a band of Koranic
inscription in cobalt blue and a lower band of lustre arab
esques. Cobalt blue band about edge. Foot unglazed.
From Sultanabad. Illustrated.
Diameter 9 in. Rogers Fund, 1909.

1 9 4 9 BOWL. Similar body, designs consisting of bands of al

ternate floriated arabesques in black on blue, and short lines
of inscription in white picked out on a blue-edged purplish-
black ground, the bands meeting at a point at centre, and
broken by undecorated stained white spaces. Edge flat,
turned in and colored a dark blue. Exterior, band of in
scription picked out in white on a purplish-black ground, and
fleur-de-lys in same color on white. Foot glazed white.
Diameter 7in., height 4 in. Rogers Fund, 1910.

1 9 4 9 . 1 PLATE. Coarse reddish-gray frit body, decorated at cen

tre with seated figures of Buddha surrounded by flowers,
the design being in pale golden lustre, turquoise and
watery cobalt blue on white. Surrounding this design is a
band of Koranic inscription in cobalt blue and an outer
band of alternate turquoise and cobalt lines. Cobalt blue
band about edge. Spiral design in lustre on under edge.
Diameter 11 in. Rogers Fund, 1910.

1 9 5 0 WALL TILE. Hard reddish-gray frit body, glazed white

and ornamented with fragmentary Koranic inscription in
dark blue, raised above a foliated turquoise blue and ruddy
lustre ground. Above and below is a band of inscription in
lustre against a cream-white ground.
Length 16 in., height 7 in. Purchase, 1904.

1 9 5 I MURAL TILE. Similar body, blue glazed fragment of a

Koranic inscription cut out upon face. Persian (?).
Length 11 in., height 10^ in.
Gift of W. B. Osgood Field, 1902.

195 2 STAR-SHAPED TILE. Reddish frit body, close texture,

and decorated with figure of a mule in the midst of floral
designs in blue and gold lustre against a cream-white ground.
Diameter 6% in. Purchase, 1908.
NO. I948

NO. 1948
1953 BOWL. Soft grayish frit body, decorated in cobalt, tur
quoise and black on white, with foliated compartments
divided by a series of bands which meet at a floriated centre.
Flat, inturning edge; exterior decorated with bands of petal-
shaped dots, spirals and lines; stands on unglazed foot.
From Sultanabad.
Diameter 6 in. Purchase, 1908.

1953. 1 DISH. Coarse gray frit body, decorated in black on

white with designs of birds and lotus flowers showing
Chinese influence. From Sultanabad. Illustrated.
Diameter 8^4 in. Rogers Fund, 1909.


1954 WALL TILE. Heavy reddish-gray frit body, ornamented

with designs in low relief of figures on camel-back, an upper
band of mythological animals, the whole covered with a
blue and gold lustre glaze. Probably from Veramin.
Length \2% in., height 10^ in. Gift of Otto H. Kahn, 1910.

1955 WALL TILE. Heavy reddish-gray body, ornamented with

designs in relief representing mounted nobles engaged in a
deer hunt. Design enriched with a blue and gold lustre
glaze. Frieze missing. Probably from Veramin.
Length, 13 in., height 10^ in.
Gift of George Blumenthal, 1909.

1956 THREE TILE FRAGMENTS. Dense reddish body, frag

ments of large tiles having relief designs in lustre and blue
on white of warriors on horseback. From Veramin (?).
Width 6, 5 and 3 in. Purchase, 1908.

1957 WALLTILE. Similar body, covered with a floral arabesque

at centre, surrounded by an outer band of Koranic inscrip
tion; the design being in golden lustre on a creamy-white
ground. From Veramin (?).
Length 5% in. Purchase, 1908.

1958 WALL TILE. Heavy reddish-gray earthenware, glazed

white and ornamented with a fragmentary Koranic inscrip
tion in dark blue, raised above a foliated turquoise blue and
gold lustre ground.
Length 15 in., height 9 in. Purchase, 1904.

1959 LARGE STAR-SHAPED TILE. Similar body, decorated

with central design of a doe amid foliage, and outer band of
Koranic inscription, the whole in golden lustre on white,
framed in thin blue bands.
Diameter 7^4 in. Purchase, 1908.

1960 WALL TILE. Dense reddish-gray earthenware, having

fragmentary Koranic inscription moulded in relief in blue
against a richly lustred floral background on creamy white,
and an upper frieze in relief, also in lustre and white.
Height 14 in., width 14 in. Purchase, 1908.

1961 BODY OF VASE. Similar body, glazed green, and decora

ted with foliated arabesque design moulded in the paste.
Stands on unglazed foot. Period and provenance. Possibly
Height 5^4 in., width 7^4 in. Purchase, 1908.


1962 FLASK. White faience, decorated in blue and purple with

figures of birds amid flowers.
Height 13^ in. Gift of W. B. Osgood Field, 1902.

1963 PLATE. White ground, ornamented in blue with figure of

animal amid flowers and foliage, and covered with a thick
siliceous glaze. Rich outer border of leaves and flowers.
Diameter 10% in. Purchase, 1904.

1964 SMALL PLATE. White enameled faience, decorated with

radiant designs in turquoise and black. Exterior white
enamel throughout. A poor example of the so-called
Khubacha ware.
Diameter 6 in. Purchase, 1908.

1965 PLATE. Glazed earthenware, decorated with floriated

designs and border in lustre.
Diameter 6^ in. Purchase, 1907.

1966 SMALL CUP. White glazed earthenware, decorated with

floriated design in lustre.
Diameter 1 ^ in. Avery Collection. Purchased 1879.

1967 SMALL CUP. Faience covered with a floriated design in

lustre over pale blue.
Diameter 1 ^ in. Avery Collection. Purchased 1879.
NO. 1953.1
968 BOTTLE. Faience, decorated with a rich floriated design
in lustre over dark blue.
Height 12^ in. Purchase, 1903.

969 PART OF A DADO. Three panels composed of one hun

dred and twelve enameled close red brick tiles, representing
European merchants petitioning a lady of the royal household
to gain them admittance to the Shah's palace. The reception
of the Europeans takes place in the palace garden, where they
are seen drinking wine with their hostess. Servants of the
merchant stand behind him bearing rich bribes in the shape
of rare vases and costly shawls. These tiles are doubtless
the work of Chinese artists imported to do the work by the
then reigning monarch, Shah Abbas I. The border, the
cloud-pattern design and other details are of purely Chinese
character. Ispahan, 1586-1628.
Lengths 78, 55 and 63 in.; heights 38, 48 and 40 in.
Purchase, 1903.

970 PLATE. Fa'ience, decorated in soft blue, red and green

on a stained white ground with figure and foliage designs and
an outer scale-pattern border. Another example of the so-
called polychrome Khubacha type (Daghestan (?).
Diameter 12X in. Purchase, 1906.

971 BOWL. Fa'ience decorated at centre in purple and blue on

white with figure of a bird amid foliage, exterior with com
partments alternately brown and purple picked out with
floral designs in white.
Diameter 7^ in. Purchase, 1908.

972 PLATE. Stained white fa'ience, having central figure de

sign of a young Persian in green and brown turban and white
dotted blue robe. Piece is enriched with floral designs and
arabesques in dull red, green, yellowish-brown and blue poly
chrome Khubacha type (Daghestan (?). Illustrated.
Diameter 11^4 in. Purchase, 1906.

973 PLATE. Fa'ience decorated with figures of lions and outer

spiral border in deep cobalt blue. Piece shows strong
Chinese influence. Scalloped edge. Mark: imitating four-
character seal of China.
Diameter 8%" in. Purchase, 1904.

1974 PLATE. Thick green-glazed earthenware, decorated in

black with bird and flower designs. Another type of so-
called Khubacha ware. Examples of this green and black
ware have been found dated as high as the fifteenth century,
to which period the piece in hand may perhaps be ascribed.
Diameter io_^ in. Purchase, 1907.


X 975 FRUIT DISH. Fine semi-porcelain of lard-like texture
decorated in blue and black with floral designs and rosette
and further enriched with grain-de-ri{ designs, after the
Height 4 in., diameter 7 in. Purchase, 1907.

1976 BOWL. Similar, decorated with foliated designs in black

and blue, the paste being similarly pierced in Chinese style
with grain-de-ri{ pattern.
Diameter 7% in. Purchase, 1908.

1977 DISH. Similar, decorated in blue and white after the

Chinese with foliated designs and birds. Back a blue mono
chrome imitating the bleu fouette or powder-blue of the
Diameter 7^ in. Purchase, 1908.


1978 DISH. Earthenware, decorated with bird and floral design

in black on a rich green and covered with a thick siliceous
Diameter 7 in. Purchase, 1908.

1979 BOWL. Blue glazed earthenware, having foliated designs

in black at centre.
Diameter 9X in- Purchase, 1908.

1980 JAR. Earthenware, decorated with coarse landscape de

signs in black on a rich green and covered with a thick si
liceous glaze.
Height 6in. Purchase, 1908.
1 For further examples of Gombrun, see pp. 305-306.
NO. I972


1981 Slender ewer of green glazed earthenware. Ormolu mounts.

Height 7 in. Gift of W. B. Osgood Field.



1982 LARGE BOWL. Dense reddish earthenware body decora

ted with bands of briony ornament in copper lustre. Rosette
on foot in lustre. About 1416-1458. Illustrated.
Diameter 17 in. Gift of H. G. Marquand, 1894.
1983 SMALL BOWL. Similar body, decorated on a cream-white
ground with blue rosettes and designs in lustre. About
1458-1479. Mark: Rosette.
Diameter 4^ in. Gift of H. G. Marquand, 1894.
1984 JAR. Similar body, albarello form, decorated with floral
designs, in blue and pale golden lustre on a cream-white
ground. Illustrated.
Height \\% in. Purchase, 1908.
1985 FRUIT DISH. Blue enameled earthenware of texture
similar to above, ta^a form, covered with a rich floriated
design in lustre. Has high foot.
Meas.Height ^ l /2 in., diameter 7X in.
Gift of W. B. Osgood Field, 1902.
1986 THREE WALL TILES. Heavy red brick body, decora
ted with arabesques in blue and white and in yellow, black
and green. Cordova (?).
Width 6^ in. Gift of Garrett Chatfield Pier, 1908.

1987 JAR. Grayish-red body, albarello form, decorated with

floral designs, bars and simulated Arabic lettering in blue
and copper lustre on cream. Illustrated.
Height 12 in. Purchase, 1908.
For further examples of Hispano-Moresque, see p. 306.

A B O U T 1 479- 1 500

1988 LARGE PLATEAU. Similar body, decorated in blue and

gold against a creamy ground with radiant design filled in
with briony pattern. Richly lustred. At centre coat-of-
arms of the Medici of Florence. Back, blue and lustred
briony ornament. Illustrated.
Diameter 17X in. Gift of H. G. Marquand, 1894.

1989 PLATEAU. Similar body, rosette at centre surrounded by

an inscription from St. John, 1 Chap., 1 Verse, and outer
gadroon design; the whole in copper lustre on cream. Copper
lustre rosette at back. Illustrated.
Diameter 13^ in. Gift of H. G. Marquand, 1894.

1990 PLATEAU. Similar body, central raised boss, floral de

signs surrounding, and outer acanthus leaf design, raised
and decorated in blue and mother-of-pearl lustre on cream.
Whole piece rich with lustre.
Diameter 14 in. Gift of H. G. Marquand, 1894.

1991 DISH. Similar body, central boss, radiant design and outer
gadroon border in copper lustre on cream. Rosette at back.
Diameter 13X in. Gift of H. G. Marquand, 1894.

1992 DISH. Similar body, central boss raised; radiant design

and inscription surrounds, and outer border of gadroon de
sign, the whole in rich copper lustre on cream. Back rosette
briony ornament in lustre.
Diameter 13X in- Gift of H. G. Marquand, 1894.

1993 DISH. Similar body, decorated with raised gadroon pattern

and central boss filled in with the Sacred Monogram and
covered with a fine pattern of rich golden lustre, the whole
design being upon a cream-white ground. Mark: Rosette
on back.
Diameter 13 in. Gift of H. G. Marquand, 1894.

1994 CYLINDRICAL BOTTLE. Similar body, decorated in

lustre on cream with floral pattern, etc., about the arms of
Dona Isabel de Carvajal, wife of Sancho del Aguila. Spout
at top from which flare two handles.
Length 1 \% in., height 8^4 in.
Gift of H. G. Marquand, 1891.
NO. 1982

1995 PLATE. Similar body, decorated with raised radiant de

signs picked out with net floral and dot design in lustre on a
cream-white ground. Mark: a rosette.
Diameter 12% in. Gift of H. G. Marquand, 1894.
1996 PLATE. Similar body, decorated with central boss, coarse
floral designs and acanthus border in relief, the whole in
glowing golden lustre on a cream-white ground. Floral de
sign and rosette at back in lustre.
Diameter 13 in. Gift of H. G. Marquand, 1894.
1997 PLATEAU. Similar body, boss at centre, on which is paint
ed a fleur-de-lis surrounded by an inscription and a broad
outer border of foliage in relief, the whole design being in a
rich copper lustre on a cream ground. Back lustred floral
Diameter 13^ in. Gift of H. G. Marquand, 1894.
1998 PLATEAU. Similar body, decorated with design of raised
acanthus leaves in blue and ruby lustre, and briony ornament
in gold on a cream-white ground. Blue leaves about edge.
Floral ornament and rosette in lustre at back.
Diameter 12^4 in. Gift of H. G. Marquand, 1894.
1999 BOWL. Fine grayish-red earthenware body, decorated
with the figure of a bird amid flowers, framed in an encir
cling band of spiral designs in rich copper lustre on a cream-
white ground. This type of bowl is still used in certain
parts of Spain as a coffee cup. Mark: a rosette.
Diameter 5X i n - Gift of H. G. Marquand, 1894.
2000 LARGE PLATE. Reddish body, raised boss at centre,
embellished with the design of a hare within a shield. The
piece is further decorated with a radiant frame, biblical
inscription in Gothic characters, being the opening verse
of the first chapter of St. John, bands of blue, and a gadroon
border, the whole in a rich golden lustre on a cream-white
ground. Edge blue. Briony pattern and rosette in lustre
at back.
Diameter 14 in. Gift of H. G. Marquand, 1894.
2001 PLATEAU. Dark red body central boss raised and sur
rounded by coarse foliations and an outer acanthus leaf
border in low relief. The whole decoration is in a rich golden
lustre on cream. Back, gold rosette mark.
Diameter 13^ in. Gift of H. G. Marquand, 1894.

2002 LARGE PLATEAU. Similar body, raised boss at centre,

surrounded by floral design and a broad outer border of
raised acanthus leaves in blue and gold lustre on cream.
Rosette in lustre at back.
Diameter 13^ in. Gift of H. G. Marquand, 1894.

2003 PLATEAU. Similar body, central boss bearing shield on

which is an eagle and surrounded by alternate floral and net
work compartments. Outer border gadroon design. The
whole in rich golden lustre on cream.
Diameter 17 in. Gift of H. G. Marquand, 1894.

2004 LARGE PLATEAU. Similar body, gadroon border, in

scribed about centre with opening verse of St. John. Boss
at centre, radiant and floral design depend. The whole in
gold lustre on pale creamy white. Briony and rosette at
back. Diameter 16K in. Gift of H. G. Marquand, 1894.

S Y R I A 1


2005 LARGE BOWL. Soft siliceous frit, glazed green and em

bellished with floral designs and dots in black radiating from
the centre. Flat inturning edge similar to the Sultanabad or
Sultanieh (Persian) ware. Exterior zigzag band at shoulder;
foot unglazed.
Diameter 11^ in. Purchase, 1908.


2006 THREE WALL TILES. Dense red paste, covered with a

siliceous glaze and embellished with floral designs of tulips,
carnations and other flowers arranged in vases, grape vines
and floral designs or arabesques in two shades of blue, purple,
green and black.
Height 18^2, i8X> 18 in., width 9, 10^4, io^ in.
Purchase, 1907.

2007 SEVEN WALL TILES. Similar body and decorated in

similar tones on white with floral designs or arabesques.
Heights 7 7X ' n -> widths 7 0^/2 in. Purchase, 1907.
1 For further examples of Syria, see p. 307.
NOS. I984, I987
2008 LARGE JAR. Heavy deep gray earthenware, decorated
with bands of foliated spirals in black on green and covered
with a thin siliceous glaze.
Height 13X in. Purchase, 1908.

2009 DISH. Reddish earthenware body, ornamented with floral

designs in a watery blue against a stained faun-white ground.
Scalloped border.
Diameter 8X in- Purchase, 1908.

20I0 WALL TILES. Dense red brick, decorated with floral

designs in blues and greens on a white ground. Thick
siliceous glaze.
Height 6% in. Gift of W. B. Osgood Field, 1890.

2011 PANEL OF FOUR WALL TILES. Similar body, deco

rated in two shades of blue, purple and green on white with
rich floral designs of lotus flower, tulips and carnations in
Height 22 in., width 12% in. Purchase, 1907.

2012 LAMP DISH. Grayish-white siliceous frit body, decorated

with central medallions and dots in black on a rich green
ground. Wave designs in black around edge.
Diameter 6^ in. Purchase, 1908.

2013 EWER. Reddish earthenware body, decorated with floral

designs in pale cobalt blue on a white ground. Pinched in
spout, handle at neck. Stands on high circular foot. Damas-
can (?).
Height in. Purchase, 1908.

2014 PANEL OF NINE WALL TILES. Dense red brick body,

decorated in turquoise and cobalt blue on a white ground
with a design which is intended to represent the mirbab or
mosque prayer-niche of the Mohammedans, a design which
served to indicate to all believers the direction of their holy
city, Mecca. It is further inscribed with the names of cer
tain of the prophets, filled in with cypress trees or lamps
hanging in their niches or finally, as in the central design,
with flowers tastefully arranged within a slender vase.
Height 30 in., width 30X in. Purchase, 1907.

2015 TWO PANELS OF WALL TILES. Similar body, but

decorated with floral designs and flowers in vases in green,
turquoise and white on a deep blue ground.
Lengths 30 and 21 in., heights, 16 in. Purchase, 1907.

2016 LARGE PANEL OF WALL TILES. Similar body, decora

ted with floral rosettes in two shades of blue, purple and
Height 38 in., width 35 in. Purchase, 1907.
2017 PANEL OF WALL TILES. Similar body, richly orna
mented with floral arabesques in two shades of blue, green
and black on a white ground. Thick siliceous glaze.
Height 22^2 in., width 20 in. Purchase, 1907.
2018 TWO WALL TILES. Heavy red brick body, richly orna
mented with floral designs in similar colors.
Heights 20 and 20% in., widths 10 and 19 in.
Purchase, 1907.
2019 WALL TILE. Similar body, decorated in similar colors
and purple with the design of a bottle-shaped vase or bowl,
and flowers.
Height 21 in., width 11 in. Purchase, 1907.
2020 WALL TILES. Similar body, decorated in blue and green
with floral designs.
Heights 13 and 11 in., widths 13 and 1 \% in.
Gift of W. B. Osgood Field, 1902.

2021 PANEL OF WALL TILES. White enameled earthenware,

ornamented in colors with mirhab or niche design and bearing
names of God, Mohammed, Abu Bekr, Omar, Ozman and
Ali. Dated 1723.
Length 33 in., height 27 in. Purchase, 1906.


2022 SLENDER VASE. Fine gray frit body, decorated with

horizontal floral waves and arabesques in blue and black
against white ground. Wares of this type are found amid
the ruins of ancient cities not only in Syria but in both
Upper and Lower Egypt.
Height 8 in. Purchase, 1908.
1 For further examples of Syro-Egyptian, see p. 309.
NO. 1988 NO. 1989
ABOUT 1479-1 5OO.
2023 HEXAGONAL BOWL. Similar body, decorated with
compartments of foliated designs and lattice-work radiating
from a central rosette ornamented with the figure of a hare
amid foliage. Exterior, usual blue dots on white; foot un-
Diameter 4% in. Purchase, 1908.

2024 BOWL. Similar body, decorated with simulated inscrip

tions in blue, foliated spirals and dots in black, on white
ground; foot unglazed. Illustrated.
Diameter in. Purchase, 1908.

2025 BOWL. Similar body, richly decorated in blue and black

on a stained white ground, with floral designs and inscrip
tions between lines which meet at the centre. Exterior,
bands of blue and black, simulated inscriptions on white;
base unglazed. Possibly Persian.
Diameter 8 in. Purchase, 1908.

2026 GLOBULAR VASE. Similar body, zigzag decoration in

blue on greenish-white ground.
Purchase, 1908.

2027 PLATE. Design similar to above.

Diameter 7 ^ in. Purchase, 1908.

2028 PLATE. Dense gray earthenware, decorated with central

star-shaped rosette surrounded by bands of floral arabesques
in blue and black on white and covered with a thick siliceous
Diameter 6 ^ in. Purchase, 1908.


2029 TILE. White enameled earthenware, decorated in rich

tomato red, cobalt blue and green with floral designs.
Height 11 in., width 1 \% in.
Gift of W. B. Osgood Field, 1902.

2030 TILES. White enameled earthenware, decorated in similar

colors with floral designs and representing in its general out
line the arch of those mosque niches in which hang the
lamps that indicate to the devout Mohammedan the direc
tion of his sacred city, Mecca.
Height 25 in., length 33 in.
Gift of W. B. Osgood Field, 1902.
NO. 2024


BEQUEST 1 8 9 1 .




2031 BOWL. Faience, of shallow form, rounded boss at centre

decorated with floral designs in yellow, red and blue over
a stained white ground. Mark: cross lines below foot, in
Diameter 5% in.

2032 CUP. Similar, decorated with floral designs in blue and

covered with a thick siliceous glaze. Mark: crossed lines
below foot, in blue.
Diameter 2% in.



2033 PLATE. Pure white faience, decorated in rich tomato red,

blue and green with designs of carnations and other flowers.
Spiral border in bluish-black.
Diameter 9^ in.
1 For further examples of Asia Minor, see p. 273.




2034 BOWL. Soft grayish frit body, decorated with V-shaped

compartments in black against a rich green background;
vitreous glaze.
Diameter 6% in.

2035 EWER. Similar body, cylindrical form; piece has been

moulded with arabesque designs in the paste, and covered
with a green monochrome; much oxidized.
Height 7X in.

2036 WALL TILE. Thick reddish earthenware, green glazed

and ornamented in relief with the inscription " The Victori
Length 14 in., height 8^ in.

2037 EWER. Soft gray frit body, globular form, pinched at

neck; piece is covered throughout with a pale green mono
chrome much oxidized.
Height 7X in.



2038 LARGE WALL TILE. Dense reddish brick in form of an

eight-pointed star; central design of floriated spirals and
lesser spirals in cream on a gold lustre ground. Band
of lustred inscription about edge, consisting of the Fatihah
Surah 12, a n d d a t e 661 of t h e Hegira, o r 1262-3 A.D.


2039 EWER. Soft grayish frit body, globular form; covered with
a dark blue vitreous glaze, over which in red and white
enamels and gold were arabesque designs, now almost gone.
Height 9^ in.
1 For further examples of Mesopotamia, see p. 282.
2 For further examples of Persia, see p. 284.
2040 EWER. Similar body, inscribed in the paste with an un
decipherable inscription, and covered with a deep sapphire
blue glaze.
Height 5 in.

2041 BOWL. Similar body, fluted in the paste and decorated

with a central design of a hare in white amid cobalt and tur
quoise blue flowers. Border of alternate floral and dot com
partments in blue or black on white. Thick vitreous glaze
much oxidized. From Sultanabad (Sultanieh).
Diameter 7 in.

2042 WALL TILE. Dense reddish earthenware, decorated in

relief with following inscription in cobalt blue and lustre on
a rich ground of floriated spirals in turquoise blue and white
relieved against lustre: " Does there not come upon man a
period of time when he is nothing worth mentioning? Verily
we created man from a clot." Koranic Surah 76, 1-2:
Below in large letters enameled blue, "God, the Merciful,
the Compassionate."
Height 11 Yi, in.

2043 WALL TILE. Of heavy red body, piece is decorated in

relief with a coarse arabesque design, in blue and lustre.
Background of golden lustre, picked out with blue-white
floral designs. From Ispahan.
Height 8X in.

2044 TAZZA DISH. Soft grayish frit body, shallow form, fluted
in the paste, and decorated in similar manner to No. 2041,
but bird instead of hare at centre. From Sultanabad (?).
Diameter 8^ in.

2045 WALL TILE. Dense reddish earthenware body covered

with the richest deep blue glaze over an inscription in
relief reading "(Bless) the Prophet." Decoration is height
ened by shadings of red enamel; white enameled floriated
spirals fill in spaces between letters.
Height 18X in.


2047 TILE. Dense reddish earthenware body, in form of an

eight-pointed star, decorated at centre with arabesque de
sign in two shades of blue on a rich ruby ground. Outer

band of inscription in lustre on white: "Tokman the Wise

said to his son: When the stomach is much exercised, the
body is at rest, wisdom is silenced, and the members of the
body refuse to do their work.
Says Muadh al-Muradi (May God have mercy upon him):
O Community of the righteous, keep yourselves hungry for
the festival of Paradise, for the desire of food is (there)
regulated according as we ourselves hunger in this world.
Hatim was asked . . . he answered: By allowing the
belly to rest, by relinquishing things and by sleeping at
night." 1
Diameter 6]/% in.

2048 TILE. Similar body and form, covered with central floral
rosette in cream-white against a rich ruby lustre. In
scriptions in lustre on outer border, opening Surah of Koran
and date "now this was written in the blessed month Rama-
zan in the year three and sixty and eight hundred " 863
of the Hegira, 1 or 1458 A.D.
Diameter 5^ in.

2049 BOTTLE. Faience, pear-shape, decorated in lustre on a

white ground, with a rich design of animals and birds amid
trees and shrubs.
Height 10 in.

2050 BOTTLE. Faience, pear-shape, moulded in the paste.

Piece is covered with a rich ruby lustred design of flowers
and foliage against a yellow background and of birds in yel
low against a ruby lustre background. Silver stopper and
top. A rare ground color, and a fine example of Persian
lustre ware.
Height 14X in.

2051 BOTTLE. Faience, pear-shape, ornamented in blue and

ruby lustre with designs of animals amid trees and flowers;
the whole against a white ground.
Height 10X in.

2052 FLOWER VASE. Faience, pear-shape; having five spouts

and covered throughout with a dark ruby lustre.
Height 6%" in.
'Translation by Dr. Richard Gottheil of Columbia University.
2053 CUPS. Of stained white faience, decorated in blue and
ruby lustre with floral designs.
Heights an d 2 in.

2054 VASE. Faience, of squat oval form; piece is decorated with

floral designs in copper lustre on a stained white ground.
Height 4 in.

2055 VASE. Faience, pear-shaped, decorated with a design of

floriated spirals and ovals in ruby lustre.
Height 2^4 in.

2056 SMALL VASE. Faience, squat oval form, decorated with

medallions, filled in with bird designs in blue, and covered
with an outer design of rich gilding.
Height 3 in.

2057 BOTTLE. Faience, pear-shape, long slender neck (silver

top); piece is decorated with floral and animal designs in
ruby against a rich blue background.
Height \2% in.

2058 BOTTLE. Fa'ience, pear-shape, with wide neck and

mouth; piece is decorated with compartments of floral
designs in lustre on white, against a background of rich
ruby lustre. Scale-pattern in blue and lustre at neck.
Height 10 in.

2059 BOTTLE. Faience, pear-snape, moulded in the paste,

and decorated with floral designs in rich lustre against a
bright blue. Silver top.
Height 11 in.

2060 BOTTLE. Faience, pear shape, slender neck and covered

with a rich ruby checker-pattern against a blue background.
Height 0,% in.

2061 PAIR PLATES. Stained white faience, decorated with

richly lustrous floral designs and bands.
Diameter 9 in. and 8 in.

2062 MOSQUE LAMP. Faience, in form of a small mosque.

The piece is pierced at the sides, and decorated throughout
with floriated arabesques and bands of ruby lustre and blue.
Original bronze chain.
Height 11% in.

2063 SMALL PLATE. White fa'ience, covered throughout with

a rich blue over which is a ruby lustred floral design.
Diameter 5^ in.

2064 CUPS. Stained white fa'ience, decorated with floral designs

in ruby lustre.
Diameters 2% in. and 2^ in.

2065 MOSQUE LAMP. Soft siliceous gray frit, of globular body

and wide spreading mouth; piece is covered with a black
glaze, picked out on which is the following inscription in
white: "In the Name of God, the Merciful, the Compas
sionate." On the body: "O God . . . reverence is to
The piece is of exceptional interest as it bears the mark
of the maker inscribed in black below the base on which it
stands: "Has made it Ibn el-Abbasi (?) el-Taurizi." Han
dles at sides and bands dividing decorative effects are in blue;
a design of floriated spirals picked out in white against the
black ground fills in spaces between letters of inscription.
Persian or Syrian.
Height 13 in., diameter at mouth 8^4 in.

2066 SMALL PLATE. White fa'ience, covered throughout with

a rich blue over which is a rich ruby floral design.
Diameter 5^ in.

2067 BOTTLE. Fa'ience, pear-shape, with long thin neck; piece

is decorated with designs of insects amid flowers in a
watery blue-black on white. Silver top inlaid with tur
Height 11 in.

2068 VASE. Fa'ience, of double gourd shape, pinched in the

paste and decorated with bird designs and flowers in blue on
a white ground.
Height 5^2 in.

2069 PLATE. Stained white fa'ience, decorated in lustre and

black with designs of birds and animals amid foliage. Mark
simulating four-character seal of Chinese on foot.
Diameter 8^ in.

2070 LARGE VASE. Stained white faience, oval form, piece

is covered with floral designs and birds in red, blue and
watery green over white. Pierced brass top.
Height 21 in.
2071 LARGE VASE. Similar body and form covered with ani
mal and floral designs in compartments; upper and lower
borders in a rich blue on white.
Height 19 in.

2072 VASE. Faience, red body, pear-shape; decorated with

stripes of green and blue.
Height 6^ in.

2073 VASE. Similar body and shape, wide mouth; piece is

covered with a muddy faun glaze flecked at top with dots of
Height 6K in.

2074 BOTTLE. Faience, globular shape; piece is covered with

a gray-blue monochrome glaze. Floral design encircles
Height 7% in.

2075 RICE PLATE. Faience, decorated with central design of

gazelle in the midst of flowers; floral border. The whole in
green, blue and yellow on stained white.
Diameter 15 in.

2076 RICE DISH. Faience, decorated with floral designs in

red, blue and watery black on white.
Diameter 14 in.

2077 FOUR RICE DISHES. Faience, of soft faun and gray-

green celadon glaze, decorated with floral ornament in under-
glaze white and blue.
Diameter 16 in.


2078 BOTTLE. Semi-porcelain, pear-shaped, covered with a
rich arabesque design incised in the paste; tall slender neck.
Very fine and rare example of the pseudo-Gombrun ware.
Height 14 in. Illustrated.
1 For further examples of Gombrun ware, see p. 290.

2079 BOWL. Similar body, ornamented with a design cut out

of the paste after the grain-de-ri{ pattern of the Chinese.
Diameter 7 in.

2080 PLATE. Similar body, decorated under the glaze with

arabesque designs after the Chinese.
Diameter 9X in.

2081 SMALL CUP. Similar body, faint designs of painted dec

oration over the white glaze.
Diameter 2in.

2082 BOWL. Similar body, decorated with floral designs in

black at centre and, about edge, grain-de-ri1 design cut out
in the paste.
Diameter 7 in.



2083 DEEP BOWL. Grayish-red body, decorated with designs

in lustre and conventionalized Cufic word alafia, "blessing,"
in blue. About 1416-1458. Rare form.
Height 3^ in., diameter 7 in.

2084 PLATEAU. Similar body, covered with a design of blue

arabesques and crossed circles in gold. About 1458-1479.
Diameter 16X in.

2085 DISH. Similar body, decorated at centre with a floral

rosette in relief surrounded by an inscription in Gothic
characters, being the opening chapter of St. John, first
verse. Outer border of gadroon ornament. The whole
decoration in copper lustre. About 1479-1516.
Diameter 19 in.
1 For further examples of Hispano-Moresque, see p. 291.
NO. 2078


2086 DISH Similar body, decorated in lustre with rosette de

sign and net pattern about a raised boss at centre. Gadroon
border. Floral designs on back.
Diameter 18^4 in.

2087 DISH. Similar body, decorated in lustre with central de

sign of lion on a shield, surrounded by bands of floral design
and netting. Gadroon border.
Diameter 18^4 in.

2088 PLATE. Similar body, decorated about central boss witn

the first verse, first chapter of St. John written in Gothic
characters. Border of large leaves in relief. Whole in pale
Diameter 16 in.


2089 SMALL PLATE. Similar body, ornamented with a pattern

of alternate lustre and cream-colored squares.
Diameter 8 in.



2090 VASE. Heavy grayish frit; piece is of pear shape and dec
orated in white, filled in with black spirals and lines with an
inscription. Band of heart-shaped designs at shoulder and
floriated medallions at neck.
Height 13^2 in.

2091 LAMP. Coarse frit body, low squat shape, pinched in

spout, covered with a thick green vitreous glaze.
Length 4 in.

2092 LAMP. Similar body, squat oval shape, with wide top, and
long spout covered with a bright green glaze.
Length 4 in.
1 For further examples of Syria, see p. 294.


2093 TWO WALL TILES. Heavy dense red earthenware; pieces

are covered with a beautiful floriated arabesque design in
cobalt and turquoise blue on white. From Brussa, Da
Heights 9-4X i ns -> lengths 9-16^ in.

2094 WALL TILE. Fine reddish-gray body, eight-sided in form

decorated with rich floral arabesques in turquoise and white
on dark blue. Inscribed about edge: . . . in a place
where there were many trees. Then they went to an empty
spot and one looked to the other and behold, the tree had
disappeared. Then they went away and . . . of a
Moslem. He said "Thou belongst to Allah (be He glori
fied and magnified) . . . a garden (Paradise) into
which only three persons may enter: . . . "the man
who restrains himself in conformity with that which is
right; the man who visits his brother Moslem (believer in
Allah) and the man who chooses as his brother a Moslem.
(It is also related) of him that he said: "When a greeting
is heard from a Moslem " \ Damascan.
Diameter 7 in.


2095 TWO WALL TILES. Similar body, decorated with coarse

designs of flowers, grapes, etc., in blue, green and purple on
Heights 118^2 ins., widths 108X in.

2096 DISH. Faience, decorated with a rich design of grapes and

vines in cobalt blue and greenish turquoise on white. Spir-
alate border in same colors. Damascan (?).
Diameter 13^2 in.

2097 PLATE. Faience, decorated against a rich cobalt blue

ground with floral designs in white (reserved), pale blue and
bright turquoise. Cobalt blue floral band on back. Damas
can (?).
Diameter 12X in.
1 Translation by Dr. Richard Gottheil of Columbia University.


EWER. Fine grayish-faun frit body, globular form, dec

orated with alternate rayed compartments of blue and
floral designs in black on white. Thick siliceous glaze, much
oxidized. Handle missing.
Height 7X in.
1 For further examples of Syro-Egyptian, see p. 296.







2099 BOWL. Mezza-majolica. Decorated throughout with a

coarse, incised floral pattern and covered with an oxidized
green and faun glaze.
Diameter 3^ in., length 4X in. Rogers Fund, 1909.

2100 BOWL. Similar. Interior design consists of the incised

figure of a man crowned and clad in a cloak or mantle from
which falls a rich border covered with incised spirals. The
design is enriched with green, and yellow-brown enamels.
Exterior partially glazed a translucent greenish-white.
From Fostat (?), Lower Egypt.
Diameter 6^ in., height 3X in. Rogers Fund, 1910.

2101 BOWL. Similar. The interior design consisting of a

Maltese Cross incised on a faun-white ground and enriched
with splashes and runs of green and yellow-brown enamels.
Incised bands along inner ruin; edge decorated with broken
line of deep purple dots. Exterior edge glazed faun. From
Cyprus (?). Illustrated.
Diameter in., height 4 in. Rogers Fund, 1910.

2102 BOWL. Similar. Decorated with a central scroll pattern,

encircling bands of floral arabesques and wavy lines incised
on a cream-white ground, and enriched with green and
treacle-brown enamels carelessly applied. Tazza-form.
Diameter 5in., height 4^ in. Rogers Fund, 1910.



2103 DISH. Mezza-majolica. Grayish body, interior enameled

with the design of a fish surrounded by floral sprays and cross-
hatchings. About inner rim is a border of diamond-shaped
designs separated by broad bands, the whole design being
in turquoise blue and purplish black enamels. Handles at
sides; exterior and foot glazed a thin opaque brown. Late
Thirteenth Century.
Diameter 11^ in., height 4% in. Rogers Fund, 1910.



2104 PANEL OF WALL TILES. Fine red earthenware, poly

chrome enameled cuenca type, bearing the arms of Fernan
dez of Cordova within a floriated frame.
Height 25 in. Gift of H. G. Marquand, 1894.

2105 PANEL OF WALL TILES. Similar body and type, orna

mented with the coat-of-arms of Castile-Leon in polychro
matic colours.
Height 15 in. Gift of H. G. Marquand, 1894.

2106 PANEL OF WALL TILES. Similar body and type, bear

ing the arms of Fernandez of Cordova.
Height 15X i- Gift of H. G. Marquand, 1894.

2107 PANEL OF WALL TILES. Similar body and type, orna

mented in lustre and blue with moulded circular arabesque
Height 14 in. Gift of H. G. Marquand, 1894.
R E N A I S S A N C E : ITALY 315
2108 PANEL OF WALL TILES. Similar body and type, bear
ing the arms of the city of Cordova.
Height 12^ in. Gift of H. G. Marquand, 1891.

2109 TWO WALL TILES. Similar body and type, ornamented

with coat-of-arms of the city of Cordova in green and gold
Height 5y 2 in. Purchase, 1907.

2110 WALL TILE. Similar body and type, bearing the double
eagle and arms of Duke Medina Celi Gonzasto di Cordova.
Height 6^ in. Gift of H. G. Marquand, 1891.


ABOUT 1520-1535
21 11 SMALL BOWL (Scudellino). Majolica. Richly painted
with a design in blue on a white ground representing S.
Francis at prayer before a crucifix. The piece is further em
bellished with bands of gold and ruby lustre.
Diameter 6 in. Fountain Collection. Purchase, 1884.

2112 PLATE (Piatto con fondo). The central design, in gray

and white, represents the god Mars standing in a green field.
In the background are seen blue and gold lustred mountains
and a yellow and blue sky in which hangs a rayed and lus
tred sun. Border of military trophies in lustre and sopra
anuro. The whole dish is bright with mother-of-pearl lus
tre. On back is a floriate G and grill in lustre.
Diameter 6% in. Purchase, 1904.

21 13 VASE (Vaso a palla). Decorated with floral designs,

ray and scale-pattern in blue and rich golden lustre on white.
Piece glows with a soft mother-of-pearl lustre.
Height 9 in., diameter 22 in.
Fountain Collection. Purchase, 1884.

2114 PLATE (Piatto con fondo). At centre figure of a snarling

lion in blue and ruby lustre on a gray-white ground. Fram-

ing this is a floral and radiant design in the richest ruby and
mother-of-pearl lustre.
Diameter 8)4 in. Gift of H. G. Marquand, 1891.

2115 PLACQUE (Mugiuolo). Disk-shaped and decorated through

out with a salmon-scale pattern in the richest ruby lustre
on white.
Diameter 7^ in. Disch Collection. Purchase, 1881.

2116 DISH (Bacile (?)). Having as central design the Agnus

Dei and surrounded by rich floral designs in gold lustre
and blue on a gray-white ground.
Diameter 12^ in. Disch Collection. Purchase, 1881.

21 17 PLATE (Tondino). At centre Cupid leans on a ball sur

rounded by floral designs and placques in ovals. Designs
are in rich ruby and madreperla lustre on a deep blue ground.
Mark on back, initial G and date 1532, in ruby lustre. The
crossed lines and dot seen on the ball rather point to Faenza,
such being a distinguishing mark of the famous Casa
Diameter 9^ in. Fountain Collection. Purchase, 1884.

2118 PLATE (Tondino). Subject: Apollo's pursuit of Daphne.

Beauty of piece is heightened by rich ruby and mother-of-
pearl lustre. On back, initial G floriate. Possibly Urbino,
Gubbio lustred.
Diameter 7^2 in- Purchase, 1904.

2119 SMALL BOWL (Scudellino). Centre decorated in gold and

ruby lustre with figures of Virgin and Child in relief.
Dated 1535, marked in lustre: R, and probably by Maestro
Diameter 4^ in. Fountain Collection. Purchase, 1884.

2120 DISH (Tai%a). Decorated with figure of a Saint sur

rounded by richly lustred floral designs raised in the paste.
Mark with initial G, floriate. About 1535.
From the Disch Collection. Purchase, 1881.

2121 DISH (Ta^a). Decorated with a moulded floral design

surrounding a cross at centre. Decoration in a gold and
rich ruby lustre on grayish white and shaded by watery
cobalt blue. On back, lustred spirals. About 1535.
Diameter 0^/2 in. Fountain Collection. Purchase, 1884.

2122 PLATEAU (Bacile amatorio). Mezza-majolica. Design in
rich mother-of-pearl lustre on a white ground represents
lovers embracing.
Diameter 16K in. Fountain Collection. Purchase, 1884.

2123 VASE (Vaso a palla, da due maniche). Mezza-majolica.

At centre, the Sacred Monogram; surrounding is a blue-edged
floral design and berries in rich mother-of-pearl lustre on
a gray-white ground.
Height 10^4 in. Purchase, 1904.

2124 PLATE (Piatto amatorio). Mezza-majolica. Decorated in

blue and golden lustre with the design of a torn heart and
inscription on scroll: Abbi Di Me Pieta; the whole rich with
mother-of-pearl lustre.
Diameter 14X in. Purchase, 1904.

2125 PLATEAU (Bacile di pompa). Mezza-majolica, decorated

with a design in blue and lustre on white of St. Francis
receiving the Stigmata. Broad floral and salmon-scale pat
tern border in same tones. Back olive brown.
Diameter 15X i n -

2126 PLATEAU (Bacile di pompa). Mezza-majolica, decorated

in blue and mother-of-pearl with flowers and foliated
designs and spirals. At centre, an oval of peacock blue
lustre. Back, thin white glaze showing red ground beneath.
Strong Valencian influence in decoration.
Diameter 11^ in. Gift of H. G. Marquand, 1891.

2127 PLATE (Piatto con fondo). Mezza-majolica, having central

design of a classic bust (Julius Caesar ?) surrounded by
floriated spirals in blue and lustre on gray-white. Back
embellished with a design of blue lace-work on white. Simi
lar Valencian influence to last.
Diameter 12X in. Purchase, 1904.

A B O U T I 520 - 1 535

2128 PLATEAU {Bacile amatorio). Wezza-majolica, having cen

tral polychrome design of the half length portrait of a lady
simply dressed in a tight-fitting bodice. Floral design and
salmon scale border in blue, red and yellow on white. On
a scroll the words" Vorta Dve Pensiere Fenire Mia Vita.
Back brown glaze initial G about edge.
Diameter 15^ in. Purchase, 1904.

2129 PLATE (Tatfino amatorio). Mezza-majolica, inscribed at

centre with the name of the lady to whom it was originally
presented: Chamilla Bella. The whole piece is rich with
soft mother-of-pearl lustre, the design being in gold lustre
and blue on a white ground. Radiant design in same colors
surrounds salmon-scale pattern rosette at centre.
Diameter 9 in. Purchase, 1904.
2130 PLATEAU {Bacile amatorio). Mezza-majolica, having cen
tral design of a lady holding a flower and inscription on
scroll: La Vitta Elfne Eldi Loda La Sera. Broad bor
der of floral designs and salmon-scale pattern in blue, white
and lustre. Back glazed a dull yellowish green.
Gift of H. G. Marquand, 1891.


2131 PLATE (Sen^a fondo) decorated against dark blue back

ground with polychrome colored designs of putti, trophies,
griffins and a shield inscribed S. P. Q. R.
Diameter 8% in. Purchase, 1904.
form of conventionalized dolphin richly enameled in yellow,
red, green and white against a deep blue ground. About
Diameter 6 in. Castellani Collection. Purchase, 1884.

2133 PLATE {Sen^a fondo) decorated against a sunset sky with

shield bearing arms of Gallio Trivulzio of Como. Between
border and central oval is broad band of arabesque design
in sopra bianco. About 1535-1540.
Diameter 12 in. Purchase, 1904.
R E N A I S S A N C E : ITALY 319


2134 CUP (Ongaresca). Decorated with compartments a scan-

nellato alternately orange and blue, on which are dolphins and
floriated spirals in grayish white. At centre are floral de
signs a quartiere in similar tones surrounded by a green oak-
wreath. Radiant designs at back in yellow and blue on
Height 3X in- Purchase, 1904.

2135 EWER AND DISH (Dal' antico). At centres in blue and

yellow on white are the arms of the Benuoglienti (?) of
Siena. The pieces are fluted in the paste, covered throughout
with a thick white enamel and enriched with gilt. Pieces
may not improbably be attributed to Venice.
Height of ewer, 16 in.; diameter of dish, 17 in.
Purchase, 1904.

2136 VASE (Albarello da spe^iera). Deep red earthenware

covered with an opaque white enamel and richly painted
with floriated spiral designs, cornucopiae, etc., in blue and
deep orange. This design is framed in an oak-leaf wreath
in blue, orange and pale yellow. On scroll is the pharma
ceutical name of its original contents: Zujfarano.
Height 7%^ in. Gift of W. B. Osgood Field, 1902.


2137 PLATE (Piatto con fondo). Decorated in the richest yel

lows, greens, orange, black and blue on white with a scene
representing Diana at the Chase. Below, two shields bear
the arms of Gonzaga-d'Este. This plate is one of a set
painted by Nicola d' Urbino for Isabella d' Este, wife of
Gian. Francesco Gonzaga, Marquis of Mantua. On scrolls
is inscribed the motto of Isabella d 'Este "Nec spe nec
metu." This plate and others somewhat similar now in the
British Museum, the Museum at Bologna, and a ewer in
the collection of the Baron Alphonse de Rothschild, were
probably made before 1519, in which year the Marquis
Diameter 11 in. Purchase, 1904.

2138 PLATE (Piatto con fondo). Decorated in similar colors

with a design representing Hercules Battling with the Giants,
the enemies of Zeus. To left are the arms of the Pucci of
Siena, the head of a negro (to left). The inscription on the
back shows that it was made by Fra Xate (Xanto) a da
Rovigo in Urbino in the year 1532.
Diameter \\}i in. Purchase, 1904.

2139 SALT CELLAR (Saliera abhorchiato). Of most na'ive

design, the piece represents a noble of the day clad in rich
doublet and hose seated in a straight-backed chair, his head
lost in a huge funnel, and in the act of taking a facial steam
bath. The design is elaborately modelled, and rich with
yellow, orange, blue, purple and black enamels on a white
ground. On the chair is the inscription: Dopo Tuto Beati
Cerviadi Io Tuto Leto. About 1535.
Length 8% in. Purchase, 1904.

2140 INKSTAND (?). In form of a violin, having movable

drawer within, decorated in the richest enamels of the
fabrique. On top is moulded the figure of a dragon. About
Length 10^ in.
Castellani Collection. Purchase, 1884.

2141 PLATE (Piatto con fondo). Richly enameled in brilliant

yellow, orange, blue, green and black with a design repre
senting Adam and Eve after the expulsion from Eden.
Probably the work of Nicola d' Urbino. About 1535.
Diameter 10 in. Purchase, 1904.

2142 PLATE (Piatto con fondo, sen^a piede). Decorated in the

richest colors of the fabrique with a scene representing a
Repast of the Gods.
Diameter 9^ in. Purchase, 1904.

2143 PLATE (Piatto con fondo). Enameled in the richest color

of the fabrique with a scene from the classic myth
concerning the god Vulcan and the love of Venus his wife
for Mars, god of War. Inscribed on back: "De Volgano et
Venara 1542," and probably painted by Orazio Fontana.
Diameter \o}4 in. Purchase, 1904.
NO. 2145
R E N A I S S A N C E : ITALY 3 21
2144 PLATE (Piatto con fondo). Decorated with scene of
Vulcan at his forge gazed at in awe by Venus his wife, and
in fear by little Cupid, who shrinks behind his mother's
skirts. Inscribed on back: "Vulcano alia fucina abolle
botte", and below "fabula". By a pupil of Xanto. About
Purchase, 1904.

2145 PLATE (Piatto con fondo, sen^a piede). Subject: The

Rape of Proserpina. Enameled in the richest colors of the
fabrique and embellished with ruby and mother-of-pearl lus
tre. A beautiful example of Urbino majolica enriched with
Gubbio lustre, the Urbino potters making no attempt to
add such lustrous reflets to their strikingly brilliant enamels
but always sending them to the factory of the famed brothers
Andreoli at Gubbio. Piece is dated in the year 1544.
Diameter 9^ i n - Purchase, 1904.

2146 PLATE {Piatto sen^a fondo, con piede). Poorly enameled

in yellows, black, blue and green is a representation of the
Death of Hero, most na'ively conceived. The heroine is seen
leaping from a window into a stream that flows beside her
house; floating by is the rigid body of the hapless Lysander.
On the back is inscribed: Liandere and date 1545.
Diameter 9 in. Castellani Collection. Purchase, 1884.

2147 DISH (Ta^a). In the richest colors of the fabrique is

enameled the Adoration of the Magi. Piece is probably
the work of Orazio Fontana, sometime between 1540-
Diameter 7X in. Purchase, 1904.

2148 PLATE (Piatto con fondo). In gorgeous tones of yellow

and orange, broken here and there by the addition of a rich
black and dark green, this plate is painted with a story taken
from an incident connected with the campaign of Scipio
Africanus before Carthage. The young wife of a Cartha-
genian prisoner has journeyed to the camp of the great
Roman general to beg for her husband's life and release.
Probably the work of Orazio Fontana, as it is marked with
an O within a square panel.
Diameter \o% in. Gift of H. G. Marquand, 1891,

2149 PLATE (Piatto con fondo). Enameled in the richest colors

of the fabrique with a naive conception of the Death of
Achilles. About 1540-1545. Illustrated.
Diameter 10 in. Castellani Collection. Purchase, 1884.
2150 SHALLOW DISH {Tana). Decorated in poor style and
color with the design of Leda and the Swan. Inscribed at
back in blue: Jove et Leda. About 1540-1550.
Diameter 13 in. Purchase, 1904.
215 I SHALLOW BOWL (Ta^a). Decorated in fair style with a
scene representing Abraham and Lot saying farewell. In
scribed on back: "Lot e Abram." Style of Xanto. About
Fountain Collection. Purchase, 1884.
2152 SHALLOW BOWL {Tana). Subject: Adam and Eve
and the Serpent (the latter, half woman seen in tree).
Poorly executed in muddy colors of the fabrique. About
Diameter 11 in. Purchase, 1904.
2153 SHALLOW DISH {Ta%{a). Decorated with scene rep
resenting The Resurrection. Angel lifts lid as Christ steps
from coffin. Startled Roman legionaries at sides. Design
and enameling poorly executed. About 1540-1560.
Diameter 9y 2 in. Purchase, 1904.
2154 PLATEAU {Bacile di -pom-pa). Subject: Ulysses dis
covers Achilles disguised as a woman. Inscribed at back:
Cosi Cogniobbe A Astu Vlisse. Enameled with muddy
colors of the decadence in which a yellow-orange predomi
Diameter 17 in. Purchase, 1904.
2155 PITCHER {Boccalo) of griffin form. In centre of tail
aperture into which liquid was poured; on being tipped
liquid issued from mouth. Enameled in yellows, green and
orange. Poor work of about 1560-1600.
Length 8 in. Purchase, 1904.

ABOUT 1600
2156 VASE {Albarello da spe^iera). Decorated in green, orange,
blue and yellow enamels with a design of a church amid trees
and inscribed on a scroll: Dia Cathlico.
Height 7^ in. Gift of H. G. Marquand, 1891.
NO. 2149
2157 SMALL BOWL (Scudellino). In coarse yellow, green,
blue and black enamels on white, the piece is decorated with
a scene representing two women playing with a child.
Diameter 7 in. Fountain Collection. Purchase, 1884.

2158 WRITING CASE (?). Enameled in rich tones of orange

blue, yellow, green and black with the design of a river god
(Tiber or Nile) reclining beside a stream which issues from
an olla against which he leans. Piece stands on lion's feet.
Diameter 13 in., height 5X i n -
Gift of H. G. Marquand, 1891.

2159 SHALLOW DISH (Ta^a). Coarsely executed design

representing Circe's attempt to lure Ulysses to the magic
island of /Eaea. Enameled in green, blue and black domi
nated by orange and yellow grounds.
Diameter 9 in. Purchase, 1904.

2160 PLATEAU (Bacile di pom-pa). Poorly enameled in the

usual colors of the fabrique. Subject: Trials of Job. On
back in blue: II Paciente Job. Doubtless work of the Pata-
Diameter 17 in. Fountain Collection. Purchase, 1884.

2161 PLATEAU (Bacile di pompa). Colors as above. Sub

ject : Feast of the River Gods beside the Achelous. Inscribed
on scroll: Di Acheloo Fivme.
Diameter 15^2 in.
Count Pourtales'Collection. Purchase, 1887.

2162 BOWL (Scudello). Colors as above. Subject: St. John

Baptist Preaching. Coarse work of the decadence.
Diameter 14 in. Gift of H. G. Marquand, 1894.



spe^iere). Decorated in green, blue, yellow and black on a
white ground with coat-of-arms and names of pharmaceuti
cal substances formerly contained within.
Height 17X in. Gift of W. B.Osgood Field, 1902.

2164 EWER (Mesciroba). Decorated with floriated spirals in blue

on white and band of green oak-leaves at neck. On scroll
the following pharmaceutical inscription: " Sy. De Agregat."
Diameter, 9 in.; height, 18 in.
Fountain Collection. Purchase, 1884.

2165 LARGE DISH (Bacile di pompa). Moulded in the paste

and decorated in yellow and blue with figure at centre, and
foliated intersecting bands of canework (canestrella) about
Diameter 10 in. Purchase, 1907.

2166 PIERCED DISH (Bacile a canestrelle). White enameled

and decorated at centre in yellow and blue with figure of a
Diameter 6^ in. Gift of Garrett Chatfield Pier, 1907.



Flagellation." Christ kneels, surrounded by angels.
Height io}4 in. Borghesi Collection. Purchase, 1904.


2168 VASE (Vaso da spe^iera). Decorated in the soft urbin-

esque enamels distinctive of the fabrique with a design rep
resenting St. Francis of Assisi at prayer. Piece is inscribed
on a scroll with the name of the pharmaceutical substance
it formerly contained: Aqua Meliss, and dated 1568.
Height 26 in. Gift of W. B. Osgood Field, 1902.


2169 JUG (Boccalo con bcca). White enameled earthenware

decorated in green, black and yellow with central design of
a man holding a wine cup (ongaresca), the design being
framed in a wreath of oak-leaves and ribbon-scroll. Handle
of serpent form, pinched spout.
Height 1 0 i n . Gift of W. B. Osgood Field, 1902.


2170 PAIR VASES (Vasi a palla, sen%a maniche). Decorated

with exotic floral designs and medallions somewhat in the
style and enamel-coloring of Faenza, the medallions being
filled in with figures of Saints. Caltagirone.
Height 14 in. Gift of W. B. Osgood Field, 1902.

2171 PAIR VASES. Similar. Within medallions are the figures

of SS. Mark the Martyr and Dominick Caltagirone.
Height 20 in. Gift of W. B. Osgood Field, 1902.

2172 DISH. Fine grayish earthenware, enameled in rich purple,
green, brown, blue, white and pale yellow over a moulded
design of grotesque heads or masques, leaves, flowers, and a
central rosette. Back, covered with a tortoise-shell glaze
Diameter 7^ in. Fountain Collection. Purchase, 1884.

2173 Similar to No. 2172.

2174 DISH. Similar body, but ornamented with a radiant design

moulded in the paste, and covered with a rich blue and
purple glaze.
Diameter 6^4 in. Fountain Collection. Purchase, 1884.

2175 DISH. Similar body, decorated with a moulded design

representing the classic myth of Perseus and Andiomache,
the whole colored in the rich enamels peculiar to Palissy.
Tortoise-shell back.
Diameter 6^ in. Fountain Collection. Purchase, 1884.

2176 DISH. Oblong form, decorated in usual colors of the

fabrique with moulded designs at centre representing Ceres
presiding over the harvests. Surrounding is a border of

masques designs, fleur-de-lys, and floral arabesques. Tor

toise-shell back.
Length 10^ in. Purchase, 1909.

2177 PLATEAU. Light textured gray earthenware, decorated

with miniature figured medallions in relief, enriched with
vitreous tortoise-shell glaze. The enclosed designs repre
sent Temperantia surrounded by the various arts and
sciences personified.
Diameter 15^ in. Purchase, 1904.


ABOUT l620
2178 PLATEAU. Deep red earthenware, covered with a design
in gold lustre on cream of the Cross divided by floral designs;
the design being Spanish, the technique that of the earlier
Diameter 12^ in. Gift of H. G. Marquand, 1894.


2179 PLATE. White enameled red earthenware, decorated in

blue with floral designs of pinks.
Diameter 14 in. Gift of H. G. Marquand, 1894.
2180 PLATE. Cream enameled earthenware, decorated in blue
with floral designs; initials P. Z. P. and date 1672.
Diameter 7X in- Gift of H. G. Marquand, 1894.
2181 DISH. White enameled earthenware, decorated in blue
with central figure of a lion crowned (Leon), and outer
compartments of spirals in same color.
Diameter 8 ^ in. Gift of Garrett Chatfield Pier, 1908.
2182 LARGE JUG. White enameled earthenware, painted in
green, yellow and purplish black, with designs of deer amid
Height 14 in., Diameter 15 in.
Gift of H. G. Marquand, 1894.

2183 LARGE PLATE. White enameled earthenware, decorated

in blue with figure of an ox amid conventional flowers.
Diameter 24 in. Gift of H. G. Marquand, 1894.


2184 WALL TILE. Enameled earthenware brick, decorated

with cherubs' heads and flowers about the words AVE
MARIA; the whole in deep red lustre.
Length 12^ in. Gift of H. G. A4arquand, 1891.

2185 LARGE PANEL. Cream enameled earthenware brick,

bearing in a Gothic niche the figure of the Madonna and
Child, the latter piercing the Serpent with the end of a large
cross. At the four corners angels worship. The whole
design is in blue and golden lustre.
Height 20% in. Gift of H. G. Marquand, 1894.



2186 PAIR VASES (Vasi da spe^iere). White enameled earthen

ware, decorated with figures, foliage, grotesques, etc., in
Height 25^2 in. Gift of W. B. Osgood Field, 1902.

2187 PLATEAU (Piatio di pompa). Blue and white enameled

earthenware. Subject: David presenting Saul with piece
of his cloak cut while he lay sleeping. By Guidobono.
Diameter 17 in. Gift of H. G. Marquand, 1894.


2188 MUSTARD POT. Blue enameled earthenware, decorated
with a white foliated scroll and date. Nivernais style of
decoration. Dupont Period.
Height 4X in- Purchase, 1906.



2189 JUG. Stoneware, decorated in purple and blue with foliated

designs in relief.
Height 6% in. Purchase, 1908.


2190 PHARMACY VASE. Stoneware, decorated with raised

designs of acorns and lattice-work, heightened by blue.
InscribedCassia Mellis.
Height 7% in. Purchase, 1908.

DATED 1612

2191 JUG. Stoneware, decorated with figured medallions in

brown and blue. Twisted handle.
Height 6^ in. Purchase, 1908.

DATED 1672

2192 DISH. White enameled earthenware. Sacred Monogram

and date within wreath in black over the glaze.
Diameter 8 ^ in. Purchase, 1907.



2193 LARGE VASE. White enameled earthenware, octagonal

shape, decorated in Nankin style with floral designs in light
Height 12X in- Mark in blueAJ.
Gift of H. G. Marquand, 1894.

c. A. DE KEIZER, 1668

2194 LIQUOR VESSEL. White enameled earthenware, in

form of man on barrel; polychrome decoration.
Height 15 in. Mark: in redCKK.
Gift of H. G. Marquand, 1894.

A. COSIJIN, 1675
2195 TALL JUG. White enameled earthenware, globular shape,
twisted handle, decorated in polychrome.
Height 12% in. Mark: in blueRoos.
Gift of H. G. Marquand, 1894.


2196 PAIR GLOBULAR VASES. White enameled earthen

ware, decorated in Oriental manner with floral designs
and birds in polychrome.
, Height 12^ in. Mark: in redAK.
Gift of H. G. Marquand, 1894.

A. PYN ACKER, l68o

2197 PAIR BOTTLES. White enameled earthenware, globular
form, richly decorated with floral designs in polychrome.
Height d>% in. Mark: in redAP.
Gift of H. G. Marquand, 1894.

2198 PAIR FLOWER VASES. White enameled earthenware

eight-spouted, decorated in polychrome with baskets filled
with flowers, etc.
Height 8% in. Gift of H. G. Marquand, 1894.

2199 FLOWER VASE. White enameled earthenware, thirteen

spouts, decorated with rich foliated compartments in poly
Height 12^ in. Mark: in redAP.
Gift of H. G. Marquand, 1894.
2200 TWELVE PIECES. White enameled earthenware, fruit
form, polychrome decoration. One piece signed by Pynacker.
Gift of H. G. Marquand, 1894.

2201 CRUET AND BOTTLES. White enameled earthenware

decorated after "old Imari" style in red, blue and gold.
Height 7^ in. Mark: in redAP.
Gift of H. G. Marquand, 1894.

2202 PAIR PLATES. White enameled earthenware, decorated

with central coat-of-arms in colors, surrounded by an outer
border with floral d'esigns in colors, depending from a band
of blue and gold.
Diameter 9 in. Gift of H. G. Marquand, 1894.

2203 PLATE. White enameled earthenware, fluted in paste,

and decorated after "old Imari" style in polychrome and
Diameter 9^ in. Mark: in redAP.
Gift of H. G. Marquand, 1894.

2204 FIGURINE. White enameled earthenware, in form of man,

bottle in hand, seated on barrel; polychrome decoration.
Height 5X i- Gift of H. G. Marquand, 1894.

2205 SMALL BOTTLE. White enameled earthenware, decorated

in polychrome with designs of birds and flowers after the
Height 3^ in.
Gift of Mrs. Catherine Van Vliet DeWitt Sterry, 1908.

2206 PLATE. White enameled earthenware, decorated after

the Chinese with designs of birds, flower basket and foliage
in rich dark blue.
Diameter 6^ in 0
Gift of Mrs. Catherine Van Vliet DeWitt Sterry, 1908.

L. VICTOR, 1689

2207 PAIR SMALL VASES. White enameled earthenware,

painted in the Chinese manner with reserves in which are
temples, exotic plants, etc., framed in rich green frame,
decorated with blue and red peonies.
Height in. Gift of H. G. Marquand, 1894.


2208 PLATE. White enameled earthenware, decorated in blue,

with graceful floral designs.
Diameter 7 in.
Gift of Mrs. Catherine Van Vliet DeWitt Sterry, 1908.

DE PAAN, 1697

2209 PLATE. White enameled earthenware, decorated in pale

blue with designs of figures and landscapes after the Chinese.
Diameter 7^ in.
Gift of Mrs. Catherine Van Vliet DeWitt Sterry, 1908.
NOS. 221 I, 2212, 22 I 3
BUEN RETIRO (MADRID) SPAIN, I 7 5 9 1 8 1 2 .


2 2 1 0 CUP. Porcelain, soft paste, decorated with rich floral
spirals in colors, and cupids supporting a central medallion
painted with a view of some antique ruin.
Mark: A, in gold. Height 2% in. Purchase, 1906.


2211 CUP AND SAUCER. Porcelain, soft paste, decorated in
colors with figures of lady and gentleman in costumes of the
period. Mark: fleur-de-lis, in blue. Illustrated.
Height of Cup 1^ in-; diameter of Saucer 2^ in.
Purchase, 1906.

2212 CREAMER. Porcelain, soft paste, having raised design of

bunches of grapes encircling body. Illustrated.
Height 5^ in. Purchase, 1906.

2213 TEA CADDY. Porcelain, soft paste, painted with figures

of lady and gentleman in costume of the period. Gilding on
shoulder and cover. Mark: fleur-de-lis, in blue. Illustrated.
Height 5^ in. Purchase, 1906.

2214 ECUELLE AND TRAY. Porcelain, soft paste, decorated

in pink with medallions containing pastoral views. From
Lady Schreiber's collection. Mark: fleur-de-lis, in blue.
Height of Bowl 3^ in.; diameter of Platter 7% in.
Purchase, 1906.

2215 SHALLOW DISH. Porcelain, soft paste, sparsely deco

rated with floral sprays in gold. Illustrated.
Length io|^ in. Gift of Rev. Alfred Duane Pell, 1902.

2216 PLATE. Porcelain, soft paste, decorated in lake with

central scene of wandering musicians and dog resting beneath
trees. Outer border of deep blue, fruit designs in lake on

white, and rococo designs raised in the paste and gilded over
blue. Illustrated.
Diameter 9X in- Purchase, 1906.

2 2 1 7 CUP AND SAUCER. Porcelain, soft paste, decorated with

figures in costume of the period, and bands of foliated de
signs in colors connected by gold band. Mark: combined C,
in blue.
Height of Cup 1^ in.; diameter of Saucer 4K in.
Gift of Rev. Alfred Duane Pell, 1902.

2218 JUG. Porcelain, soft paste, ornamented with a floral

wreath in colors, enclosing a monogram (M. V.) in gold.
Corn-flowers in natural colors at sides; piece enriched by
bands of blue and gold. Mark: fleur-de-lis, in blue.
Height 5/^ in. Gift of Rev. Alfred Duane Pell, 1902.

2 2 1 9 CUP AND SAUCER. Porcelain, soft paste, decorated in

subdued colors with designs of fruits and outer border of
flowers and gilded lambrequins. Mark: fleur-de-lis in blue.
Height of Cup 2 in.; diameter of Saucer 4X i n -
Purchase, 1906.

2220 VASE. Fine reddish earthenware, white enameled, and

covered with a powder-blue effect. Ornamented at sides
with many handles.
Height 6K in. Gift of Garrett Chatfield Pier, 1908.


2221 DISH. White enameled earthenware in form of a vine-leaf.

Mark: Segovia, impressed.
Length 6K in. Purchase, 1906.


2222 PLATE. White enameled earthenware, ornamented in

colors with a design after Lebrun, representing Alexander's
Triumphal Entry into Babylon. Olery's Period. Moustier's
type. By Solina. Mark: Solina, in blue.
Diameter 9 in. Gift of Jacques Seligman, 1905.
NOS. 2214, 2215, 22l6


2223 PLATE. Cream enameled earthenware, decorated in

Hispano-Moresque style with a spray of pinks in lustre,
radiating from a single stem.
Diameter in. Gift of H. G. Marquand, 1891.

2224 FOUR-HANDLED VASE. Cream enameled earthenware,

having bar, chain and spiral design in copper lustre.
Diameter 10X in- Gift of H. G. Marquand, 1894.


2225 PLATE. Red earthenware, moulded in the paste with

floral designs and figure of a cock, and covered with a rich
dark green glaze.
Diameter 7X in. Gift of H. G. Marquand, 1894.

2226 PAIR OF PLAQUES. White enameled earthenware,

painted in colors with the figures of a peasant and his wife,
the designs framed in a moulded rococo border.
Height 6$4 in. Purchase, 1906.


2227 CUP AND SAUCER. Porcelain, soft paste, decorated with
central coat-of-arms and wreath, flowers, etc., in colors.
Height 2% in. Purchase, 1906.

2228 BOWL. Porcelain, soft paste, decorated with coat-of-arms

and floral design in colors and gold.
Diameter 5^ in. Purchase, 1906.

2229 PAIR VASES. Porcelain, soft paste, urn-shaped, decorated

with figured designs moulded in the paste. Wreaths, etc., in
gold. Flowers are of Murano glass on thin copper wire.
Very fine examples of th efabrique. Illustrated.
Height 8^4 in. Gift of H. G. Marquand, 1894.

2230 TWO CUPS. Porcelain, soft paste, decorated in yellow,

red, green and blue with designs of birds and foliage in the
Chinese manner.
Height 5^ in. Purchase, 1906.

2231 TEAPOT. Porcelain, soft paste, decorated with Chinese

figures in relief colored a rich ochreous red. Vezzi Period.
Mark: Vena, in red, N. F. incised in paste.
Height 4^ in. Purchase, 1906.

2232 TWO CUPS AND SAUCERS. Porcelain, soft paste,
decorated in soft colors with formal garden views, and outer
lambrequin borders in colors and gold. Mark: red anchor.
Height of Cups in.; diameter of Saucers 4% in.
Purchase, 1906.

2233 CUP AND SAUCER. Porcelain, soft paste, decorated in

soft colors with garden scenes, floral sprays, and an outer
band of gilding. Mark: red anchor.
Height Cup 1^ in.; diameter Saucer 3%" in.
Purchase, 1906.

2234 VASE. Porcelain, soft paste, decorated in colors with

medallions supported by birds. Floral wreaths, festoons and
draperies. Mark: red anchor.
Height 8^ in. Purchase, 1906.

2235 CUP AND SAUCER. Porcelain, soft paste, decorated in

colors with fruit and floral sprigs. Edges gilded. Mark: red
Gift of Rev. Alfred Duane Pell, 1902.

2236 CUP AND SAUCER. Porcelain, soft paste, decorated with

figures in costumes of the period. Mark: red anchor.
Height Cup 1^ in.; diameter Saucer 4X in*
Purchase, 1906.

2237 CUP AND SAUCER. Porcelain, soft paste, decorated on

one side with coat-of-arms, on the other with the figure of
lady in costume of the period. Foliage and insects in color.
Mark: red anchor.
Dimensions as above. Purchase, 1906.
NO. 2229
2238 COVERED DISH. Porcelain, soft paste, decorated with
views of ruins and trees in soft colors; edges and handles at
sides, sparsely gilded.
Diameter at centre, 4% in.; height >,% in.
Gift of Rev. Alfred Duane Pell, 1902.
2239 CUP AND SAUCER. Porcelain, soft paste, enriched with
floral designs in gold, and a coat-of-arms in colors. Mark:
red anchor.
Height Cup 2% in.; diameter Saucer 4^ in.
Purchase, 1906.
2240 CUP AND SAUCER. Porcelain, hard paste, decorated
with festoons and floral sprigs in gold, blue edges. Mark:
red anchor.
Height Cup >n- diameter Saucer 3^ ' n -
Gift of Rev. Alfred Duane Pell, 1902.

2241 GROUP. Porcelain, soft paste, representing Venus and
Cupid, the former leans against a decorative base which
rests on a tall pedestal. Venus holds in her hand, just
out of Cupid's reach, a bunch of flowers.
Height 5%" in. Height 5^ in. Purchase, 1906.
2242 TEAPOT. Porcelain, soft paste, richly decorated with
scenes of the ruined sites of Puzzuoli and Baiae framed in a
bright canary-yellow and gilt background.
Extreme length 10 in. Purchase, 1906.
2243 CUP AND SAUCER. Porcelain, soft paste, decorated with
central medallion of peasant figures in colors.
Height Cup 2X in* I diameter Saucer 3X in.
Purchase, 1906.
2244 CHOCOLATE SET OF NINE PIECES. Porcelain, soft
paste, richly decorated in gold and colors, with designs
representing peasants, amorini, ancient ruins and classic
myths contained in oval medallions. Mark of period of
Ferdinand IV in blue.
Heights: Chocolate-Pot 7^2 in.; Covered-Sucrier 5X in.;
Large-Cup 3%" in.; Six-Cups 1% in.
Diameters: Large-Saucer 5X in* Six-Saucers 4 in.
Gift of H. G. Marquand, 1894.

2245 PLATE. Porcelain, soft paste, decorated with floral bunches

and sprays in colors. Outer border of sprays connected by
gold-dotted festoon framed in dotted bands in black.
Diameter 9X in- Gift of Rev. Alfred Duane Pell, 1902.

ABOUT 1780

2246 FIGURE OF A PEASANT WOMAN. Porcelain, hard

paste, costume painted in mauve, blue, black, and green.
From collection of Sir William Drake. Period of Ferdinand.
Mark- F. R. and Crown.
Height 4X i n - Purchase, 1906.

2247 VASE. Porcelain, hard paste, decorated in similar though

coarser colors with medallions bearing village scenes and
floral designs.
Height 6% in. Purchase, 1906.

2248 CUP AND SAUCER. Porcelain, soft paste, decorated with
medallions filled in with Chinese figures in brightly colored
costumes and framed in underglaze blue; ground enriched
with gilding. From the collection of Sir W. R. Drake.
Height Cup 1^4 in.; diameter Saucer in.
Purchase, 1906.

2249 CUP AND SAUCER. Porcelain, soft paste, decorated with

floral designs after the oriental in red, blue and gold. Mark:
Gift of Rev. Alfred Duane Pell, 1902.

2250 CUP AND SAUCER. Porcelain, soft paste, decorated with
floral sprays in gold, and with outer bands of deep blue at
edges. Mark: blue star, under the glaze.
Gift of Rev. Alfred Duane Pell, 1902.

2251 THREE OBLONG PLATES. Porcelain, hard paste,

decorated in colors and gold with large figures at centre, and
outer border of floral sprigs.
Length 12^ in. Purchase, 1906.
SUPPORTING SHIELD. Porcelain, soft paste, colored in
soft tones of pink, mauve and green.
Height 5y 2 in. Purchase, 1906.


Mate to Above.
Purchase, 1906.

2254 CANDLESTICK. Porcelain, soft paste, in form of a Triton

upholding a scallop-shell. Stands on rococo base; colored
mauve, pink and green.
Height 6^ in. Purchase, 1906.

2255 PAIR BONBON DISHES. Porcelain, soft paste, in form of

seagod supporting shells.
Height 6% in. Purchase, 1906.

2256 FIGURINE. Porcelain, soft paste, in form of lady and

gentleman in elaborate costumes of the late 18th century.
Uncolored. Perhaps old Capo di Monte. From the collec
tion of Sir W. R. Drake (?).
Height 4^ in. Purchase, 1906.

2257 BONBON DISH. Porcelain, hard paste, in form of scallop-

shell, upheld by sea-nymphs.
Height 5X i n - Purchase, 1906.

2258 PAIR SMALL VASES. Porcelain, hard paste, urn-shaped,

standing on high, square bases, decorated in colors with
floral sprays, rococo designs moulded in the paste.
Height 4^ in. Purchase, 1906.

2259 GROUP. Porcelain, hard paste, representing three children

at play. Realistically painted in soft flush tones. Mark:
incised D.
Height 3X in. Purchase, 1906.

2260 CANDLESTICK. Porcelain, hard paste, represented as

being supported by a man in Turkish costume. Stands on
rococo base; colored in soft pigments.
Height 7X in- Purchase, 1906.

2261 FIGURINE. Porcelain, hard paste, and representing a man

in Turkish costume. Coral-red and gold inner garments;
cloak of a rich apple-green with mauve sleeves. Black
turban on head, coral-red slippers on feet.
Height 5% in. Purchase, 1906.

2262 FIGURINE. Representing a Woman. Mate to last.

Purchase, 1906.

2263 PLAQUE. Porcelain, hard paste, with moulded designs of

figures representing Ceres instructing in the Art of Hus
Height 23X in.
Bequest of Mrs.Sophia H. Hosack, in memory of her husband.
Nathaniel P. Hosack, 1891.

2264 PAIR PLAQUES. Porcelain, hard paste, representing

"The Deluge" and "A Sacrifice," designs moulded in the
paste, and painted in the subdued though natural colors of
the fabrique. Designs framed in rich acanthus-leaf border.
Height 22 in. Gift of Charles G. Emery, 1899.

ABOUT 1 7 5 0
2265 PAIR DISHES. White enameled earthenware, decorated
in colors with figures in Turkish costume, birds and trees.
Mark: Milano F. C. (Felice Clerici). Lady Charlotte Shrei-
ber's Collection.
Length 9X in. Purchase, 1906.
ABOUT 1 7 6 0
2266 CUP. Porcelain, soft paste, decorated in ochreous-red and
purple with a floriated rope-pattern, gilded lip. Mark: red
star, six-pointed.
Gift of Rev. Alfred Duane Pell, 1902.

2267 PAIR CUPS AND SAUCERS. Porcelain, soft paste,

covered with a canary-yellow ground, broken by medallions
decorated in colors with bunches of fruit and flowers. Mark:
red star.
Height Cups 1% in-5 diameter Saucers 3X in.
Purchase, 1906.

2268 CUP AND SAUCER. Porcelain, soft paste, having a
central coat-of-arms in gold. Mark: on base in gold, V. D. G.
Height Cup 2% in.; diameter Saucer 4 in. Purchase, 1906.


2269 PAIR VASES (Vasi da spepere). White enameled earthen

ware, decorated in blue with floral designs, birds and figures.
Handles at shoulder.
Height 26 in. Gift of W. B. Osgood Field, 1902.


2270 PLAQUE. Hard red earthenware. Subject: The death of

Cato; enameled in coarse Urbinesque colors.
Width 15 in.; height \ \% in. Purchase, 1904.

2271 PLATE. White enameled earthenware, decorated with a

design representing the goddess Ceres holding the Horn of
Gift of H. G. Marquand, 1894.

2272 SQUARE PLAQUE. White enameled earthenware, deco

rated in the usual soft Urbinesque colors of the fabrique,with
the biblical subject of Joseph and Potiphar's wife.
Gift of G. H. Storey, 1886.

2273 LARGE JUG. White enameled earthenware, coarsely

decorated in similar colors with bird designs. Twisted handle.
Height 7X i n - Purchase, 1908.

2274 CUP AND SAUCER. White enameled earthenware, deco

rated in similar colors with pastoral subjects and figures.
Height Cup 1^ in.; diameter Saucer 4X in.
Gift of H. G. Marquand, 1894.

2275 FOUR PLATES. White enameled earthenware, decorated

in similar colors with mythological or pastoral subjects.
Diameter 6% in. Gift of H. G. Marquand, 1894.

2276 ROUND PLAQUE. White enameled earthenware, deco

rated in similar colors with pastoral scenes and figures.
Diameter 6^4 in. Gift of H. G. Marquand, 1894.


2277 COVERED CUP AND SAUCER. Porcelain, soft paste,
decorated with floral designs raised in the paste and colored.
Mark: in red, French horn.
Height Cup4X i n -J diameter of Saucer 3X i-
Purchase, 1906.

2278 CUP AND SAUCER. Porcelain, soft paste, decorated with

designs of birds and flowers in colors. Mark: French horn,
and letter A in blue.
Height Cup 2 in.; diameter Saucer 3-^ in. Purchase, 1906.

2279 PAIR DINNER PLATES. Porcelain, soft paste, borders of

basket-work moulded in paste; at centres, floral sprays in
blue; scalloped edges painted blue. Mark: French horn,
and letter C in blue (Veuve Chicanneau).
Diameter 9X in- Gift of Rev. Alfred Duane Pell, 1902.

2280 PAIR POT-POURRI. Porcelain, soft paste, ornamented
with relief designs of flowers affixed to melon-shaped body;
pierced at top. No mark. Once property of Lady Charlotte
Schreiber. Illustrated.
Height 5!^ in. Gift of H. G. Marquand, 1894.

2281 LADLE. Porcelain, soft paste, reticulated design, enriched

with flowers in colors, handle painted in lake.
Length 7X i n - Gift of Rev. Alfred Duane Pell, 1902.

2282 GROUP. Porcelain, soft paste, representing three figures

playing musical instruments. Figures clad in court costumes
of period colored in soft yellows, pinks, blues and gilded.
Mounted in ormolu. Illustrated.
Height 8}i in. Gift of Rev. Alfred Duane Pell, 1902.
NOS. 228o, 2282

1 730-i762


SAUCER. Porcelain, soft paste, decorated with ribbings
in paste, and designs in blue after the oriental. Mark: on
but two pieces T. S. C. T. B. and T. S. C. T. 2, in blue, the
mark of Director Trou.
Heights 4>2, 2, 2^ in-; diameters 4^4 and 3^ in.
Gift of Rev. Alfred Duane Pell, 1902.

2284 CUP AND SAUCER. Porcelain, soft paste, decorated with

lambrequin designs in blue. Mark: St. C. in blue.
Height of Cup 1^4 in.; diameter of Saucer 4X in.
Gift of Rev. Alfred Duane Pell, 1902.

2285 PAIR CUPS. Porcelain, soft paste, scale pattern in relief;

Height 4 in. Purchase, 1906.

2286 BOWL AND SAUCER. Porcelain, soft paste, decorated

with simple lambrequin designs in blue.
Height Bowl 4X in.; diameter Saucer 6X in.
Gift of Rev. Alfred Duane Pell, 1902.

2287 SAUCER. Porcelain, soft paste, ornamented with Chinese

designs in blue under the glaze.
Diameter 4X in. Gift of Rev. Alfred Duane Pell, 1902.

2288 CUP AND SAUCER. Porcelain, soft paste, floral design in

blue under the glaze. Mark: St. C. in blue.
Height Cup 3^5 in.; diameter Saucer in.
Gift of Rev. Alfred Duane Pell, 1902.

2289 COFFEE SERVICE. Porcelain, hard paste, having a
cafe-au-lait ground ornamented with reserve pastoral and
figure scenes painted in colors. Mark: L. S. in gold.
Heights: Chocolate Pot 10 in.; Milk Pot 8 in.; Creamer 6 in.;
Teapot 6^2 in.; Cups 3X in.
Gift of H. G. Marquand, 1894.

2290 SALT CELLAR. Porcelain, hard paste, decorated with
floral bouquets in colors about monogram of Louis Phillipe.
Mark: label of three points in blue-black (lambel d'Orleans).
Length 5 in. Purchase, 1906.

J 753
2291 CUP AND SAUCER. Porcelain, soft paste, decorated with
gilded flower-framed medallions filled in with birds in gold
on white ground. Body covered a deep bleu die roi. A4ark:
double L and letter A in blue. A rare example of the earliest
work of the Sevres fabrique. Illustrated.
Height Cup 2^ in.; diameter Saucer 3X i n -
Gift of Rev. Alfred Duane Pell, 1902.

I 753 _I 79 2

2292 DINNER PLATE. Porcelain, soft paste, decorated with

bunches of flowers in colors, and outer band of blue.
Marked in blue at edge with cross of Xrowet, painter.
Diameter 9% in. Gift of Rev. Alfred Duane Pell, 1902.

2293 LARGE PLATEAU. Porcelain, soft paste, decorated at
centre with flowers in colors and an outer border of floriated
medallions against a rich turquoise blue (bleu celeste)
heightened by splashes of gilding. In this year the bleu
celeste was invented by Hellot. Mark: double L. Letter
Gand G. (Merault, Jun.).
Length 5^ in. Gift of Rev. Alfred Duane Pell, 1902.

2294 DISH. Porcelain, soft paste, on four feet, the decoration

consisting of rich floral design painted in colors on white
reserved against a bright turquoise (bleu celeste) ground. No
year mark. After 1755.
Length 1 \% in. Gift of H. G. Marquand, 1894.

2295 DINNER PLATE. Porcelain, soft paste, having round
medallions filled in with flowers at centre and sides, the
v*<* f-
|v * *J

NOS. 2291, 2318

SEVRES, FRANCE. DATED, 1753 AND l 8 0 0 - l 8 0 2 .

NOS. 2297, 2320

latter breaking bands of flowers and gold framed in lines of
mauve and lake. Mark: double L and letter H in blue, also
numeral 2,000 in gold, and three O's in blue. Marks of
Vincent and Tandart.
Diameter 9 i n . Gift of Rev. Alfred Duane Pell, 1902.

2296 LARGE DISH. Porcelain, soft paste, decorated with
bunches of flowers in the richest colors. Mark: double L
and letter M in blue.
Length 13^ in. Gift of Rev. Alfred Duane Pell, 1902.

2297 ECUELLE. Porcelain, soft paste, richly decorated in gold
and colors with floral gold-filled circles, wreaths, blue and
white flowers on pink, and lines of blue in gilded floriated
circles. Outer edges pink ground covered with blue and
white flowers. Mark: double L, and letter P in blue, and
X in blue (Xrowet). Illustrated.
Diameter Bowl in.; length Dish in.
Gift of W. B. Osgood Field, 1902.
2298 LARGE TUREEN, COVER AND TRAY. Porcelain, hard
paste, ornamented with designs of heads of wheat, moulded
in the paste and gilded; medallions filled in with flowers
and fruit, floral baskets, etc., in colors exquisitely painted.
Has richly gilded handles. Mark: double L, wreath, mark
of Sinsson and 2,000 in gold, mark of Vincent. Fine and rare
Height 14 in.; length of Dish 24 in.
Gift of Mrs. Emma Mattheissen, in memory of her husband,
F. O. Mattheissen, 1903.
2299 DINNER PLATE. Porcelain, soft paste, decorated at
centre with floral bunches in colors, and outer border of
basket-work, moulded in the paste, framed in blue bands.
Mark: double L and letter R in blue and C M (Massy) in
Diameter 9^ in. Gift of Rev. Alfred Duane Pell, 1902.


soft paste, decorated at centre with exotic birds and trees in
colors. Band of gold-framed medallions filled in with colored

floral bunches run around outer border, the ground of which

is in rose-Pompadour, a charming pink invented by Xrowet
in 1757. Mark: double L and letter R, three dots below in
Diameter 9 in. Gift of H. G. Marquand, 1894.

2301 ECUELLE AND TRAY. Porcelain, soft paste, decorated
with medallions filled in with animals and trophies, sur
rounded by bands of rich gilding, the designs being painted
on a pure white reserved against the brightest bleu celeste
or turquoise blue. Gilded handles at sides and top of
cover. This brilliant turquoise was invented by Hellot in
1752; the example in hand showing it at its best. Mark:
double L, and letter T; also mark of Aloncle in blue, gilding
by Prevost. Illustrated.
Height of Dish 5 in., length of Tray 10X in.
Gift of H. G. Marquand, 1894.

2302 TEAPOT. Porcelain, soft paste, deep gros bleu ground,
broken by a circular white medallion filled in with designs
of exotic birds and flowers painted by Aloncle. About
upper part are gilded arabesques, the cover being embel
lished with a gilt floral band on blue by Boucot. Mark:
in blue, double L, letters AA, N (Aloncle) and PB (Boucot).
Height 5^ in.
Gift of Mr. and Mrs. George Clinton Genet, 1910.

2303 CUP AND SAUCER. Porcelain, soft paste, covered
throughout with a gold veined lapis lazuli glaze. Gilt
band at lip and base. Mark: in gold (cup), double L,
double DD (1781), and fleur-de-lis (?). Same mark in
blue on saucer.
Height Cup 2^2 in.; diameter Saucer 4^2 in.
Gift of Mr. and Mrs. George Clinton Genet, 1910.

2304 CUP AND SAUCER. Porcelain, soft paste, covered with

a greenish cafe-au-lait ground and embellished by Catrice
with bird and floral designs in gold. Mark: double L,
double EE (1782), and gilt X (Catrice).
Height Cup 2 i n . ; diameter Saucer 4^ in.
Gift of Mr. and Mrs. George Clinton Genet, 1910.
NO. 23OI

NO. 23OI
2305 CUP AND SAUCER. Porcelain, soft paste, decorated by
Falot with a deep rose-Pompadour band embellished with
designs of exotic birds and flowers in gilt, and framed in
two bands of bleu celeste ribbon studded with detached
roses and entwined with foliage. Mark: in blue, double L,
double M (1782), F (Falot), in gold.
Height Cup 2^2 in.; diameter Saucer 4X in.
Gift of Mr. and Mrs. George Clinton Genet, 1910.

2306 CUP AND SAUCER. Porcelain, soft paste, decorated by

Dutanda with a deep rose-Pompadour band embellished
with gilt dots and framed in floral festoons in colors on
white. Gilding by Chauvaux, Jr. Mark: in blue, double
L, double M (1782), jN (Chauvaux, Jr.), and DT (Du
Height Cup i x /2 in.; diameter Saucer 4^ in.
Gift of Mr. and Mrs. George Clinton Genet, 1910-

2307 CUP AND SAUCER. Porcelain, soft paste, decorated at

centre with a floral medallion against a dotted gold ground,
and further ornamented by Commelin with detached floral
sprigs, roses, corn-flowers, etc., in blue, pink, green and yel
low. Band of blue with gold beading at lip and foot, also
about edge and centre of saucer. Mark: in blue, double
L, double M (1783), jN (Chauvaux, Jr.), and CM (Com
Height Cup 3X i n -J diameter Saucer 4^2 in.
Gift of Mr. and Mrs. George Clinton Genet, 1910.

2308 SUCRIER. Porcelain, soft paste, covered with a deep gros

bleu and embellished with floral, dotted and trellis designs
in gold. Mark: in blue, double L, double M (1782).
Height, 4 in.
Gift of Mr. and Mrs. George Clinton Genet, 1910.

1782 A N D 1786
2309 PAIR LARGE URN-SHAPED VASES. Porcelain, soft
paste, of deep gros bleu ground, decorated on two sides with
medallions of flowers in colors, and designs painted by
Dodin, after prints of Moreau le Jeune (1776) entitled, "Les
Delices de la Maternite," and "C'est un fils, Monsieur."
Body covered with festoons, and bands of foliated spirals in
gold. Stand on flat plinths. Said to have come from home
of Gouverneur Morris. Mark: in gold, double L, and letters

EE, H.P. (Prevost), and K (Dodin), and double L, letters

II, 2,000 in gold, and ooo in blue (Vincent and Tandart).
One very similar in the Victoria and Albert Museum. Illus
trated. Frontispiece.
Height 18 in. Gift of Mrs. Alexander Hosack, 1891.

2310 DISH. Porcelain, soft paste, moulded with wide ribs in the
body, and ornamented at centre with foliated medallion in
colors; broad outer border of foliated medallions, breaking
bands of floral designs and gold; the whole framed in bands
of mauve and gold. Mark: double L, double FF, and fleur-
de-lis below, in blue.
Length \o)4 in. Gift of H. G. Marquand, 1894.

2311 SMALL CUP AND SAUCER. Porcelain, soft paste, dec

orated by Dutanda with floral festoons in pink, blue,
yellow and green depending from an upper band of blue
itself broken by a gilded band. Mark: in blue, double L,
double FF (1783) and DT (Dutanda).
Height Cup \% in.; diameter Saucer 3^5 in.
Gift of Mr. and Mrs. George Clinton Genet, 1910.

2312 CUP AND SAUCER. Porcelain, soft paste, richly dec

orated by Taillandier (?) with a pale blue central band
broken by circular medallions filled in with amatory de
signs in colors on white, framed in floral festoons at lip and
oak-wreath (gilt) at foot. Mark: in blue, double L, double
FF (1783), and fleur-de-lis (?) of the painter. Taillandier.
Height Cup 2% in.; diameter Saucer 4^ in.
Gift of Mr. and Mrs. George Clinton Genet, 1910.

2313 CUP AND SAUCER. Porcelain, soft paste, decorated by
Commelin with painted designs of detached roses, framed
in bands of floral sprigs in pink and gold and oak-festoons
in gold and green on heliotrope. Gilt edges. Mark:
double L, double hh (1785), CM (Commelin) in gold.
Height 2X in-J diameter 4X > n -
Gift of Mr. and Mrs. George Clinton Genet, 1910.
1 79i

2314 CREAMER. Porcelain, soft paste, having a deep gros bleu

ground broken by a medallion in colors on white painted
by Rosset. Rich floral festoons and baroque ornament in
gold ornament upper part of body, relief and gilded floral
designs ascend from three feet on which piece stands.
Mark: in gold, double L, double NN (1791), and axe
Height 4% in.
Gift of Mr. and Mrs. George Clinton Genet, 1910.

2315 SQUARE DISH. Porcelain, soft paste, ornamented at
centre and sides with floral medallions in colors. Latter
medallions break bands of flowers and gilding, which are
framed in lines of gold and mauve. Mark: Sevres, S. N., in
Diameter 8% in. Gift of H. G. Marquand, 1894.

2316 COFFEE POT. Porcelain, soft paste, decorated at shoulder,
spout and handle with rich gilding; band of apple-green
(vert pomme) runs around neck and top. Mark: R. F. in
Height 8^4 in. Gift of Rev. Alfred Duane Pell, 1902.

2317 CUP AND SAUCER. Porcelain, soft paste, embellished

with a painted pastoral scene within a medallion by
Leandre, and a spray of roses by Sioux framed in a gilt
oak-wreath. Gilt arabesque design in deep rose-Pompadour
flanks medallion containing Leandre's exquisite design.
Mark: in blue, double L, year 99, circular dots of Sioux
and tree of Leandre.
Height Cup 2% in.; diameter Saucer 4^4 in.
Gift of Mr. and Mrs. George Clinton Genet, 1910.

2318 CUP AND SAUCER. Porcelain, soft paste, decorated with
sprays of roses and corn flowers in colors, and band of yellow
(jonquille) festooned with ribbon of purple. Handle and
edges gilded. Mark: Sevres, in blue. Illustrated.
Height Cup 2% in.; diameter Saucer in.
Gift of Rev. Alfred Duane Pell, 1902.
ABOUT 1804-1805


Porcelain biscuit.
Diameter 3^ in. Gift of Rev. Alfred Duane Pell, 1902.


2320 CUP AND SAUCER. Porcelain, soft paste, pale rose-

Pompadour body, ornamented with medallioned heads and
musical trophies in gray, on a bright blue ground, framed in
gold; medallions divided by grotesques in colors. Interior of
cup gilded. Mark: M. Imp-le de Sevres, and year 7, in red.
Height Cup 3% in.; diameter Saucer 4X in.
Gift of Rev. Alfred Duane Pell, 1902.

2321 FRUIT DISH. Porcelain, soft paste, ornamented with the
monogram of Louis XVIII within wreath in gold, and an
outer border of black floral and leaf design against a rose-
Pompadour ground, framed in gold. Stands on high gilded
foot. Mark: partly erased. Sevres 1809, in red. B. in
black at edge.
Diameter 8% in. Gift of Rev. Alfred Duane Pell, 1902.

2322 CUP AND SAUCER. Porcelain, soft paste, decorated with
honeysuckle designs, etc., in gold and platinum over a deep
apple-green or vert pomme ground. The use of platinum in
ceramic decoration is rare, even at Sevres. Mark of period
Gift of Rev. Alfred Duane Pell, 1902.

2323 CUP AND SAUCER. Porcelain, soft paste, ornamented

with initials of King Louis XVIII in gold; gold wreath,
sprays and outer floral band in gold. Mark of period below.
Gift of Rev. Alfred Duane Pell, 1902.

2324 DINNER PLATE. Porcelain, soft paste, ornamented at

centre with a floral rosette in gold, and an outer band of
floral designs, birds and foliated spirals in sepia, framed in a
thin band of blue and gold flowers, and a second band of
gilded spirals. Mark of period below.
Diameter 8^i in. Gift of Rev. Alfred Duane Pell, 1902.
2325 CUP AND SAUCER. Porcelain, soft paste, decorated in
heliotrope-blue and gold over pattern moulded in the paste.
Mark of period and year 1828, in blue.
Gift of Rev. Alfred Duane Pell, 1902.


2326 SUCRIER. Porcelain, soft paste, the decoration consisting

of a pale heliotrope ground ornamented with honeysuckle
designs, floral festoons and bands in gold. Has gilded lion's
handles. Mark of chateau in red; of period of Louis Philippe,
and year 1834, in blue.
Height 5X in. Gift of Rev. Alfred Duane Pell, 1902.

2327 VASE. Porcelain, soft paste, decorated in the rare gold

and platinum with honeysuckle pattern and diamond designs
filled in with rosettes, etc., over a deep blue (gros bleu) ground.
Handles and foot gilded. Mark of Louis Philippe Period and
year 1834, in blue. Rare.
Height \2% in. Gift of Rev. Alfred Duane Pell, 1902.

2328 CREAMER. Porcelain, soft paste, having monogram of
Louis Philippe in gold at centre; handle, shoulder and foot
gilded, and band of grape-leaves at shoulder in gold. Mark
of Louis Philippe, and year 1835, in blue.
Height 6% in. Gift of Rev. Alfred Duane Pell, 1902.

2329 TEAPOT AND CREAMER. Porcelain, soft paste, rich

gros bleu ground, decorated with bands of floral designs in
Height Teapot in.; Creamer 5X in.
Gift of Rev. Alfred Duane Pell, 1902.


soft paste, decorated with central rosette in gold, and band
of rich floral design in gold on deep gros bleu ground. Exterior
same, foot gilded. Mark of Louis Philippe, and year.
Diameter 9 in.; 5X in.; 7^4 in.
Gift of Rev. Alfred Duane Pell, 1902.

2 3 3 I DINNER PLATE. Porcelain, soft paste, part of Service of
the Tuilleries. Decorated in gold with floral sprigs about
rosette at centre, and outer band of rich floral design in
gold, on a gros bleu ground. Mark of L. P. and year, in blue.
Diameter 9^ in. Gift of Rev. Alfred Duane Pell, 1902.

2 3 3 2 DISH. Porcelain, soft paste, decorated with floral festoons

and honeysuckle design in colors and gold. Part of service
for the Chateau de Neuilly. Mark of Chateau in red, of
Louis Philippe and year, in blue.
Length 1 \% in. Gift of Rev. Alfred Duane Pell, 1902.

2 3 3 3 DINNER PLATE. Porcelain, soft paste, decorated with a
central star-shaped design in gold, and a rich outer border of
floriated spirals in colors, in the midst of which are deer,
eagles, wild boar and hounds. Medallions in which is mono
gram of Louis Philippe, and fishing trophies break design.
Mark of Louis Philippe, and of Chateau de Fontainebleau.
Diameter 9^2 in. Gift of Rev. Alfred Duane Pell, 1902.


2 3 3 4 DINNER PLATE. Porcelain, soft paste, ornamented with

inner floriated rosette in gold and outer border of mottled
blue and gold framed in gold bands. Mark in red, rubbed.
Diameter 9y& in. Gift of Rev. Alfred Duane Pell, 1902.

2 3 3 5 COVERED DISH. Porcelain, soft paste, ornamented with
band of vine leaves in gold, white and gold handles in form
of leaves, at sides. Part of dinner service of Louis Philippe.
Chateau de Trianon. Mark of Chateau, and of Louis
Philippe and year.
Height 6% in. Gift of Rev. Alfred Duane Pell, 1902.

2 3 3 6 SUCRIER. Porcelain, soft paste, made for the Chateau de
Compiegne, gilded handles, band of grape-leaves in gold
about cover. Mark of Louis Philippe, and year.
Gift of Rev. Alfred Duane Pell, 1902.

2337 PAIR CUPS AND SAUCERS. Porcelain, soft paste, made
for the table service of the Chateau de Fontainebleau. Mono
gram of Louis Philippe, crown and wreath at centre, in gold.
Mark of Chateau, in red; of Louis Philippe Period, in blue.
Height Cups 2y& in.; diameter Saucers 3^4 in.
Gift of Rev. Alfred Duane Pell, 1902.
2338 DINNER PLATE. Porcelain, soft paste, enriched with
foliated and arabesque designs in gold, about an exquisitely
painted floral bouquet. Mark of Louis Philippe and year,
in gold. Signed J. C. (Celos).
Diameter 9 in Gift of Rev. Alfred Duane Pell, 1902.
2339 CHOCOLATE POT. Porcelain, soft paste, made for the
service of the Chateau de Compiegne. Pale heliotrope body
enriched with bands of honeysuckle designs and grape-vines,
etc., in gold. Mark of Chateau, Louis Philippe, and year.
Height 8^4 in. Gift of Rev. Alfred Duane Pell, 1902.
2340 COFFEE POT. Porcelain, soft paste, having a deep
gros bleu ground enriched by floral designs in gold. Mark of
Chateau des Tuileries in red, and date mark of Louis
Philippe, Sevres 1846, in blue. Signed 16 Mai F. J.
Height 8X in. Gift of Rev. Alfred Duane Pell, 1902.

2341 COFFEE POT. Porcelain, soft paste, part of service for
the Chateau de Dreux. Mark of Chateau in red, and that of
Louis Philippe and year 47, in blue.
Height 6^4 in. Gift of Rev. Alfred Duane Pell, 1902.

2342 COFFEE POT. Porcelain, soft paste, pure white, orna

mented with wreaths of monogram of Louis Philippe below
crown in gold, and bands of grape-leaves in gold. Mark of
Chateau de F. Bleau (Fontainebleau) in red, and that of
Louis Philippe and year 47, in blue.
Height 8 in. Gift of Rev. Alfred Duane Pell, 1902.

2343 COFFEE CUP AND SAUCER. Porcelain, soft paste,

ornamented with central design of foliated monogram and
crown, within wreath, representing initials of Louis Philippe.
Outer border of grape-vine, gilded. Mark of Chateau de F.
Bleau (red), and year 47, in green.
Bequest of Miss Margarette A. Jones, 1907.

2344 SAUCER. Porcelain, soft paste, decorated with gilded
arabesques and flowers by Eugene Richard. Mark of R. F.
in gold, and initials of Richard in red (E.R.)
Diameter 5X in- Gift of Rev. Alfred Duane Pell, 1902.


2345 VASE. Porcelain, soft paste, deep copper-yellow body,
enriched with floral designs in white, orange, blue and mauve,
surrounded by festoons of ivy. Mark: N, crown and year
Height 12 in. Gift of Rev. Alfred Duane Pell, 1902.

2346 PART OF COFFEE SET. Porcelain, soft paste, comprising
Sucrier, and two Cups and Saucers, decorated with floral
bands in gold over a gros bleu ground. Mark: in red, N and
crown, and year 59.
Diameter Bowl 6^ in.; Cups 1^ in.
Gift of Rev. Alfred Duane Pell, 1902.

ABOUT 1865


Diameter 3X in- Gift of Rev. Alfred Duane Pell, 1902.

Porcelain, soft paste, ornamented at centre with initial N,
crossed L, and crown in gold. Mark: N below crown, and
year 67, in red; S. 38, in green.
Diameter 5^4 in. Gift of Rev. Alfred Duane Pell, 1902.


2349 DINNER PLATE. Porcelain, soft paste, decorated by
Francis Hallion, with designs of exotic birds in colors, and
an outer border of blue, richly gilt and broken by three
medallions; also decorated with birds and foliage in colors.
Scalloped edge. Mark: R. F. S. 71, in red.
Diameter 10 in. Gift of Rev. Alfred Duane Pell, 1902.

2350 TEA SET. Porcelain, soft paste, and comprising Teapot,
Sucrier, and Creamer, and two Cups and Saucers, decorated
in deep gros bleu, enriched with gilding. Mark: date sten
cilled in red.
Heights 5, 5 i n . ;diameter Saucers 3^ in.
Gift of Rev. Alfred Duane Pell, 1902.

2351 BUST. Porcelain biscuit. Franklin, after Houdon, stand

ing on a circular base of deep gros bleu, and gold. Mark:
Sevres, incised on bust. On stand, S. 79, painted in
Height 12 in. Gift of William Henry Huntington, 1883.


2352 LARGE BOWL. Porcelain, soft paste, covered with a rich

green and blue souffle glaze and encircled at foot, shoulder
and edge with bands of gilding. Mark R. F. 83 in red.
Height 8^2 in.; diameter at top 10 in.
Gift of Rev. Alfred Duane Pell, 1902.

2353 COVERED VASE. Porcelain, soft paste, covered with a

rich blue and green souffle glaze. Rosette handles at sides,
top and foot gilded. Mark: R. F. 83 in red.
Height 9X in. Gift of Rev. Alfred Duane Pell, 1902.

2354 COVERED VASE. Porcelain, soft paste, urn-shaped, and
decorated with figures of cupids, floral festoons and spirals
sur biscuit against a bleu celeste ground; medallioned
heads framed in festoons of pink and white roses; wreaths
in pink and white bound by ribbons; lion-head rococo
handles, and a cover in pink and gold. Year mark in
Height 14X in. Presented by the family of
Richard Butler, a Trustee of the Museum, 1872-92.

2355 VASE. Porcelain, soft paste, of classic form, covered with a
grass-green {vert pre) glaze, enriched with compartments
filled in with festoons of grapes and vines in green and white.
Designs at foot, centre and top in dark green (vert pomme)
gilded. Mark: R. F. 86 in red, S. 83, and signature H. S. in
Height 13^ in.; diameter at top 8X in.
Gift of Rev. Alfred Duane Pell, 1902.

2356 COVERED VASE. Porcelain, soft paste, souffle blue deco
ration. Lion-head handles gilded. Band of gilded rosettes
at shoulder. Mark: R. F. 87, Dore a Sevres in red; S. 86
in green.
Height 11^4 in. Gift of Rev. Alfred Duane Pell, 1902.

2357 TEA SET. Porcelain, soft paste, consisting of Teapot,
Sucrier, Creamer, Tray and four Cups and Saucers, decorated
with gilded floral bands, and bands of white enameled
beading and gold, over a rich deep lake ground. Handles
white, gilded.
Heights: Teapot 6% in.; Sugar Bowl, 4X in.; Creamer, 5^2
in.; Cups, 2% in.
Diameter Saucers 2^ in.; Length Tray 20 in.
Gift of H. G. Marquand, 1894.

2358 CUP AND SAUCER. Porcelain, soft paste, of openwork or
reticulated design gilded. Mark: R. F. and year 96 in red;
S. 93 in green.
Height Cup, 2% in.; diameter Saucer 2}^ in.
Gift of Rev. Alfred Duane Pell, 1902.

2359 VASE. Porcelain, soft paste, of a pale heliotrope body,
enriched with branches of flowering hawthorn in white and
gold. Gros bleu and gold designs at base and neck. Four
handles at shoulder. Mark: R. F., and date 98; S. 97, in
Height 9^4 in. Gift of Rev. Alfred Duane Pell, 1902.
2360 CUP AND SAUCER. Porcelain, soft paste, having reticu
lated design about body, enriched with gilding. Mark: R. F.
and year, in red.
Gift of Rev. Alfred Duane Pell, 1902.


2361 BUST. Porcelain biscuit. Figure of Cardinal Richelieu,

Height \o}i in. Gift of Rutherford Stuyvesant, Esq., 1904.

2362 TEAPOT. Porcelain, hard paste, richly gilded and orna
mented at sides with a baton decorated with the fleur-de-lis
on blue, caught up by deep red ribbons. Mark: crown and
M, stencilled.
Height 6-^ in. Gift of Rev. Alfred Duane Pell, 1902.

2363 COVERED CUP. Porcelain, soft paste, decorated with

bands of interlacing rope-pattern designs in white and gold
against a black ground; gilded handles at sides. Mark:
initials of the Count de Provence. L. S. X. in gold.
Height 4 in. Gift of Rev. Alfred Duane Pell, 1902.

1 777-1780

2364 CUP AND SAUCER. Porcelain, soft paste, decorated with

painted designs of insects in colors, sun and stars in gold,
and bands of gilding on deep blue. Mark: B scratched in the
Height Cup 2yi in., diameter Saucer 3X i n -
Gift of Rev. Alfred Duane Pell, 1902.


2365 DINNER PLATE. Porcelain, hard paste, decorated with

sprays of flowers in red and green, and enriched by an outer

wreath of red and green flowers on a dotted band of gold.

Mark: C. P. below crown, in gold.
Diameter 7^ in. Gift of Rev. Alfred Duane Pell, 1902.

R U E F O N T A I N E A U ROI. ( " D E LA C O U R T I L L E " )


2366 LARGE CUP. Porcelain, hard paste, having central medal

lion of figures in painted costumes of the period, and sur
rounded by garden scenes and figures in black on canary
yellow; upper band of floral decoration in gold. Mark; in
blue, flambeaux crossed.
Diameter 4% in. Gift of Rev. Alfred Duane Pell, 1902.

2367 CUP AND SAUCER. Porcelain, hard paste, decorated with

wreath of flowers in colors, and band of ribbon in lake.
Gilded wreath entwines gilded bar at top. Edges gilded.
Mark: crossed torches, in blue under glaze. Illustrated.
Height Cup 2% in., diameter Saucer 3X i n -
Gift of Rev. Alfred Duane Pell, 1902.

2368 MILK PITCHER AND CREAMER. Porcelain, hard paste,

the former decorated with Gothic designs in gold upon a
rich rose Pompadour background, the latter having a gilded
winged horse on rose against a soft cafe-au-lait, ornamented
with panels and floriated designs in gold. Both pieces fin
ished with heavy gold bands, handles, feet, etc. No mark.
Height 6 in. and 7 in. Gift of Rev. Alfred Duane Pell, 1902.

2369 CHOCOLATE POT. Porcelain, hard paste, painted with

medallions filled in with cupids in lake tones tricked out as
warriors. Richly colored festoons and feathery bands of
foliage in gold depend. At neck and cover are diamond-
shaped designs filled in with flowers against a dotted field in
lake. Illustrated.
Height C)% in. Purchase, 1906.

2370 CUP AND SAUCER. Porcelain, hard paste, ornamented

with central floral medallion, sprays and festoons of flowers in
gilt and colors. Mark: in blue, crossed torches.
Height Cup 2yi in., diameter Saucer 3 in.
Gift of Rev. Alfred Duane Pell, 1902.
NOS. 2367, 2369, 237O
2371 VASE. Porcelain, hard paste, the body covered with a
dark rose-pin, glaze enriched by cornucopias, urns and
wreath designs in lake, and having at sides two gold-framed
medallions of amatory emblems in white on lavender.
Handles in form of lion's heads in white, joined to vase by
wreath design, painted black. Neck and shoulder gilded
throughout. Mark in blue (flambeaux) and scratched in
paste J. B. L.
Height 9% in. Gift of Rev. Alfred Duane Pell, 1902.

RUE THIROUX, 1778 1799

2372 PAIR CUPS AND SAUCERS. Porcelain, hard paste, the
former decorated with diamonds of gold and white, the
latter with foliated diamond-shaped designs in gold, filled
in with gold dots. Mark: A and crown, in red. Marie
Antoinette was patroness of thefabrique.
Gift of Rev. Alfred Duane Pell, 1902.

2373 VASE. Porcelain, hard paste, four sides decorated in colors

with designs of exotic birds framed in bands of roses. Mark:
A and crown, in red.
Height 4 in. Purchase, 1906.

2374 TEAPOT. Porcelain, hard paste, decorated with sprays of

corn-flowers and leaves in colors. Mark: crown, and letter
A, in red.
Height 3^ in. Gift of Rev. Alfred Duane Pell, 1902.

2375 DISH. Porcelain, hard paste, ornamented with floral

sprigs in gold and colors, and border of foliated spirals in
colors and gold.
Length 9^ in. Gift of Rev. Alfred Duane Pell, 1902.


2376 DINNER PLATE. Porcelain, hard paste, a representative
piece of the porcelaine d'Angouleme, decorated with floral
sprays in blue and green. Mark: Dihl and Guerhard,
stencilled at length, in red.
Diameter 9^ in. Gift of Rev. Alfred Duane Pell, 1902.

2377 COVERED DISH AND TRAY. Porcelain, hard paste,

decorated with floral designs painted in black. Mark:
Dihl and Guerhard, stencilled at length, in red.
Diameter 5^ in. Gift of Rev. Alfred Duane Pell, 1902.

PONT-AU-CHOUX, 1 786- 1793

2378 TEAPOT. Porcelain, hard paste, simply decorated with

band of leaves in black and gold. Second Period. Mark:
L. P. in blue, in honor of Louis Philippe Joseph, Duke of
Orleans, executed 1793.
Height 4^4 in. Gift of Rev. Alfred Duane Pell, 1902.


2379 VASE. Porcelain, hard paste, a rare example of "Prince of

Wales's China," ornamented with pastoral scenes and
figures in colors, and enriched with festoons, wreaths and
floriated spiral designs in gold. Mark: in blue, the initials
P and B.
Height 7^ in. Purchase, 1906.

2380 DINNER PLATE. Porcelain, hard paste, decorated at

centre with richly painted bunch of flowers, and ornamented
about the border with rich floriated spiral in gold, on a deep
blue ground. Mark: incised in paste, R.
Diameter 8% in. Gift of Rev. Alfred Duane Pell, 1902.

2381 JARDINIERE. Porcelain, hard paste, covered with a soft

lavender-blue glaze, and decorated about centre with a band
of richly painted flowers, between bands of gilding, ribbed in
the paste.
Height 9 in. Gift of Rev. Alfred Duane Pell, 1902.

2382 CUP AND SAUCER. Porcelain, hard paste, richly deco

rated with white medallions painted in gray with designs of
classic urns and reserved against a rose Pompadour ground.
The medallions are framed with rich gros bleu and gilded
network. At sides are smoking urns, harvest implements,
musical instruments, etc., caught up by floral festoons,
gilding, and spirals in black. Mark: B, under the glaze.
Height Cup 3 in., diameter Saucer 4X in.
Gift of Rev. Alfred Duane Pell, 1902.


2383 PAIR FLOWER VASES. Porcelain, hard paste, having
five spouts, and decorated with painted floral designs on
black, against an apple-green (vert pomme) background,
richly gilded. Mark: J. P. in blue.
Height 9% in- Gift of H. G. Marquand, 1894.

2384 DINNER PLATE. Porcelain, hard paste, painted at centre

with view of the Porte St. Martin, surrounded by a gilt band
and outer border of rich gilded nut and leaf design in gold,
on deep blue. Mark: "Darte freres a Paris," stencilled in
Diameter in- Gift of Rev. Alfred Duane Pell, 1902.

2385 CUP AND SAUCER. Porcelain, hard paste, covered with a

rich blue embellished with Gothic arches in gold. Cup
gilded within. Mark: "Darte Palais Royal" in red.
Height Cup 2% in., diameter Saucer 3X i n -
Gift of Rev. Alfred Duane Pell, 1902.

2386 SET OF SIX DINNER PLATES. Porcelain, hard paste,

ornamented with painted portraits of several kings and
queens, including Charles Maximilian; Louis XVIII;
Henry IV; Comte d'Artois; Alexander I. of Russia, and
Elizabeth of Bavaria, and one after a design called "A
Wounded Soldier." Mark: "Darte aine a Paris," in red.
Diameter 9y& in. Gift of Rev. Alfred Duane Pell, 1902.


2387 CUP AND SAUCER. Porcelain, hard paste, decorated with

portrait of Czar of Russia in medallion against a rich red
ground, enriched with design of the Order of the Golden
Fleece; laurel wreath tied with bow in gold and colors.
Bronze handle; stands on three feet. Mark: stencilled in
red, "Nast a Paris."
Gift of Rev. Alfred Duane Pell, 1902.

2388 DINNER PLATE. Porcelain, hard paste, fine white body

ornamented with a superb gilded acanthus border. Two
similar in collection of the Marquise de Tarragon, Paris.
Mark: "Nast a Paris par brevet d'inv. on," in gold.
Diameter 9 in. Gift of Rev. Alfred Duane Pell, 1902.


2389 CUP AND SAUCER. Porcelain, hard paste, covered with a

rich coat of gros bleu ornamented with laurel wreaths and
stars, and floriated designs in gold.
Height Cup 2% in., diameter Saucer 3 ^ in.
Gift of Rev. Alfred Duane Pell, 1902.

2390 DINNER PLATE. Porcelain, hard paste, having central

coat-of-arms below coronet, and outer border of gilded net
work. Mark: name stencilled in red.
Diameter 9 in. Gift of Rev. Alfred Duane Pell, 1902.


2391 CUP AND SAUCER. Porcelain, hard paste, richly deco
rated in Etruscan style with figure designs in red and white on
black. Mark: P. L. Dagoty a Paris, in red.
Height Cup in., diameter Saucer in.
Gift of Rev. Alfred Duane Pell, 1902.

ABOUT 1 8 0 0 - 1 8 2 5

2392 DINNER PLATE. Porcelain, hard paste, decorated at

centre with verses of a song by the Count de Segur.
Diameter 9^4 in. Gift of Rev. Alfred Duane Pell, 1902.

2393 TEAPOT. Porcelain, hard paste, richly gilded, and deco

rated at sides with pastoral scenes and figures in gray on
reddish-orange. No mark.
Height 8^4 i n - Gift of Rev. Alfred Duane Pell, 1902.

2394 STATUETTE. Porcelain, hard paste, figure of Washington

in civil costume stands holding sword and scroll. On column
against which he leans are eagles representing the two great
Republics. The piece is decorated in polychrome colors and
Height o,% in. Gift of William Henry Huntington, 1883.

2395 PAIR STATUETTES. Porcelain, hard paste, representing

Washington and Lafayette (?), the former in yellow waist
coat and breeches and blue coat, the latter in white waistcoat
and breeches and blue coat, and both wearing high boots and
cocked hats. Both likewise hold scrolls inscribed in gold
"Patria" and "Independence." On base, in gilt letters,
Badin Freres. Dleurs. a Paris.
Height 12 in. Gift of William Henry Huntington, 1883.

2396 PART OF TEA AND CHOCOLATE SET. Porcelain, hard

paste, consisting of Chocolate and Teapot, Sugar Bowl and
four Cups and Saucers, decorated with landscape and
marine views in sepia on white.
Heights: Chocolate Pot 1 \% in.; Teapot 6 ^ in.; Sucrier
6% in.; Cups 2% in.
Diameter Saucers 3 in.
Gift of Rev. Alfred Duane Pell, 1902.

2397 SAUCER. Porcelain, hard paste, cafe-au-lait ground, cov

ered with gilded wreaths, filled in with butterflies and shells
in colors, and divided by pine-cone-topped staves. Gilded
star design at centre. No mark.
Diameter 4K in. Gift of Rev. Alfred Duane Pell, 1902.

2398 SMALL VASE. Porcelain, hard paste, decorated with

design of grapevine against a gilded background; wreaths
and gilded foot. No mark.
Height 3X in- Gift of Rev. Alfred Duane Pell, 1902.

ABOUT 1830

2399 SAUCER. Porcelain, hard paste, ornamented with rich

outer border of floral designs a I'Empire in colors and gold,
on a deep bleu de roi ground. Mark of Crown, and monogram
of Louis Philippe.
Diameter 5^4 in. Gift of Rev. Alfred Duane Pell, 1902.

2400 VASE. Porcelain biscuit body, decorated with classic figures

in gros bleu and bleu celeste and gold. Upper part glazed, and
enriched with band of lotus flowers and buds in gold. Gilded
and painted satyr-headed handles at sides. Gilding at
shoulder and foot. Stands on marble base.
Height 14% in. Gift of Rev. Alfred Duane Pell, 1902.

2401 VASE. Porcelain, hard paste, of classic form, and decorated

with classic heads in gray on chocolate, surrounded by
gilded frame and separated by floriated designs in colors
and gold; the whole upon a deep gros bleu ground. Handles,
in form of heads, gilded, are richly gilded, and decorated
with floriated panels. Base, gilded throughout. Mark of
Louis Philippe, before he became king in 1830. M. O. L.
and coronet in red.
Height 12^ in. Gift of Rev. Alfred Duane Pell, 1902.

2402 SAUCER. Porcelain, hard paste, printed in black with the
rare Calendar design. No mark
Diameter 5 in. Gift of Rev. Alfred Duane Pell, 1902.

2403 CUP AND SAUCER. Porcelain, soft paste, ribbed, and

filled in with gilding. Interior of cup gilded. No mark.
Height Cup 2y& in., diameter Saucer 3X in.
Gift of Rev. Alfred Duane Pell, 1902.

2404 COVERED DISH. Porcelain, hard paste, ornamented with

a pale cafe-au-lait body and surrounded by floriated bands of
gilding on white. No mark.
Diameter 4X in* Gift of Rev. Alfred Duane Pell, 1902.

2405 CUP AND SAUCER. Porcelain, soft paste, decorated with

designs of figures, etc., in gold on a deep apple-green {vert
pomme) ground. Interior of cup gilded throughout. No
Height Cup 2% in., diameter Saucer 1% in.
Gift of Rev. Alfred Duane Pell, 1902.

2406 FRUIT DISH. Porcelain, hard paste, ornamented at

centre with bunch of flowers in colors. About outer edge and
foot runs a band of pale blue, filled in with floral medallions
in colors on white framed in gold. Twisted gilded handles
at sides. Paris (?). Mark: none.
Height 6^ in. Gift of H. G. Marquand, 1894.


2407 PLATE. Dark blue enameled earthenware, decorated with

floral designs and lattice-work ovals in white.
Diameter 7X in. Purchase, 1908.


2408 PAIR HYACINTH POTS. White enameled faience,

decorated with polychrome floral sprays and bouquets.
Height 4X in. Gift of Garrett Chatfield Pier, 1908.
NO. 2408

NOS. 2409, 24IO



2409 PLATE. White enameled faience, embellished with roses

and other floral designs in polychrome.
Diameter 7% in. Purchase, 1909.


2410 PLATE. White enameled faience, decorated in deep blue,

yellow, red with a central floral rosette and an outer border of
lambrequin designs. About 1720.
Illustrated. Purchase, 1909.

2411 GROUP. White enameled faience, representing a boy and
girl bewailing the death of a tame gold-finch. The figures are
well modelled, gracefully grouped, and enriched with soft
tones of pink, green, mauve, yellow and blue.
Height 6^ in. Gift of H. G. Marquand, 1894.
2412 GROUP. Porcelain biscuit, representing Louis XVI and
Benjamin Franklin concluding the ceremony of the signing of
a Treaty of Alliance between France and the United States.
The French King stands to left clad in a suit of armor, a
rich mantle falling from his shoulder. He hands a scroll to
Franklin on which is written: "Independance de l'Amerique,
Liberte des Mers." Franklin wears a long fur-trimmed
cloak, knee breeches, buckle-shoes. Piece is one of three
thought to be the work of Lemire. An engraving of this
group appears in L'Art, November 10, 1878. No mark.
Height in., length 9 in.
Gift of William Henry Huntington, 1883.

2413 PAIR CUPS AND SAUCERS. Porcelain, eggshell texture,
moulded in the paste with medallions filled in with figures
and musical instruments. Mark: J. P. L. in black.
Height Cups i^ in., diameter of Saucers 2% in.
Gift of Rev. Alfred Duane Pell, 1902.

2414 CUP AND SAUCER. Porcelain, finest eggshell texture,

moulded in the paste, with salmon-scale and grain-de-ri{
patterns. Gilded handle and outer rim.
Height Cup 2% in., diameter Saucer 3X in-
Gift of Rev. Alfred Duane Pell, 1902.



2415 CUP. Porcelain, hard paste, purest white, decorated in the

Chinese manner with floral designs in overglaze colors.
Mark: square seal, after the Oriental, impressed in the
paste. About 1720.
Height 3^ in. Avery Collection. Purchase, 1879.

2416 TEAPOT. Porcelain, hard paste, decorated in gold with

designs after the Chinese of figures, birds, etc. Silver chain
on top. Mark: none. About 1720.
Height in. Gift of Rev. Alfred Duane Pell, 1902.

2417 PAIR OF CUPS AND SAUCERS. Porcelain, hard paste,

decorated with Chinese figures, etc., in gold. Mark: none.
Height Cups 2% in., diameter Saucers 2^ in. About 1720.
Gift of Rev. Alfred Duane Pell, 1902.

2418 BOWL, CREAMER AND SUCRIER. Porcelain, hard

paste, decorated with Chinese designs of figures, trees,
animals, etc., in gold. Mark: none.
Diameter of Bowl 6^ in.; height of Creamer 4^ in.;
height of Sucrier 4^ in. About 1720.
Gift of Rev. Alfred Duane Pell, 1902.

2419 CUP AND SAUCER. Porcelain, hard paste, decorated

with raised and gilded rosette design holding body of cup;
saucer covered with gilded design of figures, trees, etc., after
the Chinese. About 1720. Mark: none.
Height Cup 2^ in., diameter Saucer 2^ in.
Gift of Rev. Alfred Duane Pell, 1902.
2420 TEAPOT. Porcelain, hard paste, flattened-oval shape,
decorated with miniature designs of men on horseback, etc.,
in colors framed in rococo designs in red and gold. Mark:
M. P. M. (Meissner Porzellan Manufactur) in blue.
Height 4% in. Gift of W. B. Osgood Field, 1902.

2421 DINNER PLATE. Porcelain, hard paste, moulded with a

basket-work pattern about border, surrounding rich designs
of exotic flowers, birds and insects in overglaze enamels
after the Chinese. Mark: crossed swords. About 1720-1730.
Diameter 9^ in. Gift of Rev. Alfred Duane Pell, 1902.

2422 CHOCOLATE POT. Porcelain, hard paste, decorated in

the Chinese manner with rich floral designs in overglaze
enamels. Mark: as above. About 1720-1730.
Height 7%" in. Gift of Rev. Alfred Duane Pell, 1902.

2423 TEAPOT. Porcelain, hard paste, decorated in rich over

glaze enamels, after the Chinese with floral designs and
birds. Rococo handle, spout. Mark and date: as above.
Height 3^ in. Gift of Rev. Alfred Duane Pell, 1902.

2424 BOWL. Porcelain, hard paste, quadrangular, broken border,

decorated with a design after the Oriental of floral sprays
and bound canes painted in the richest overglaze enamels.
No mark. Date: as above.
Diameter 8% in. Gift of Rev. Alfred Duane Pell, 1902.

2425 PLATE. Porcelain, hard paste, decorated with floral

sprays, dragons, and birds in rich overglaze enamels after the
Chinese. Basket-work border moulded in the paste. Scal
loped edge. Mark and date: as above.
Diameter 13^ in. Gift of Rev. Alfred Duane Pell, 1902.

2426 TEA CADDY. Porcelain, hard paste, decorated with

miniature seaside views, insects and flowers in rich overglaze
enamels framed in gilded lambrequins. Mark: crossed
Height 5 in Gift of Rev. Alfred Duane Pell, 1902.

2427 TEAPOT. Porcelain, hard paste, decorated in similar

overglaze colors with miniature views of ships in harbor,

sailors, merchants, etc. Bird-head spout, rococo handle,

both gilded; lambrequin design in gold runs around shoulder.
Mark: crossed swords, and letter D. in gold.
Height 4 in. Gift of W. B. Osgood Field, 1902.

2428 CUP AND SAUCER. Porcelain, hard paste, richly deco

rated in similar overglaze colors with medallions of pastoral
scenes on white. Back, a pale robin's-egg blue, broken by
reserves of pastoral scenes in miniature.
Height Cup 2% in., diameter Saucer 3X in.
Gift of Rev. Alfred Duane Pell, 1902.

2429 COVERED DISH AND SAUCER. Porcelain, hard paste,

richly decorated with medallions of miniature marine and
pastoral scenes in overglaze enamels framed in rococo designs
in puce and gold. Mark: crossed swords.
Height Cup 2 in., diameter Saucer 2^ in.
Gift of W. B. Osgood Field, 1902.

2430 THREE CUPS AND SAUCERS. Porcelain, hard paste,

richly decorated in overglaze yellow, puce, green, red and
black enamels with rococo-framed miniature marine and
pastoral views in gilt-framed medallions. Edges in gold and
lake. Mark: crossed swords.
Height Cups 2% in., diameter Saucer 2^ in.
Gift of H. G. Marquand, 1894.


hard paste, decorated with similarly colored miniature
views framed in gold, lattice and leaf designs. Insects and
flowers in same colored enamels fill up intervening spaces.
Mark: crossed swords, and numeral 13.
Height 2^ in., width 4 in.
Gift of W. B. Osgood Field, 1902.

2432 PAIR CUPS AND SAUCERS. Porcelain, hard paste,

decorated with colored seaside views in miniature, framed
in lattice-work designs in gold, pink and ochreous-red. Outer
edge, gold arabesques Mark: crossed swords.
Height Cup 2% in., diameter Saucers 2% in.
Gift of Rev. Alfred Duane Pell, 1902.

2433 TEAPOT AND SAUCER. Porcelain, hard paste, former

squat-shaped, latter on four feet, and both decorated with
NO. 242I
medallions in rich overglaze enamels with lambrequin-
framed Chinese designs. Spout in form of bird's neck and
head; both spout and handle gilded throughout. On sucrier;
handle plain, feet gilded, top missing. Mark: none.
Height: Teapot 4in., Sucrier3 in.
Gift of Rev. Alfred Duane Pell, 1902.

2434 CUP AND SAUCER. Porcelain, hard paste, decorated

with miniature seaside views in overglaze enamels of green,
puce, yellow, red and black framed in gold. Mark: crossed
Height Cup 2 in., diameter Saucer 2^ in.
Gift of Rev. Alfred Duane Pell, 1902.

2435 CUP AND SAUCER. Porcelain, hard paste, the former

decorated with richly enameled coat-of-arms and pastoral
scenes on white, against a deep rose ground. On saucer,
similar coat-of-arms framed in gold. Mark: crossed swords.
Letter L in gold. Painted by Lindener.
Gift of Rev. Alfred Duane Pell, 1902.

2436 SANDBOX AND TRAY. Porcelain, hard paste, painted in

light blue, white and gold, with miniature landscapes and
French coat-of-arms in medallions. Blue ground is studded
with gold fleur-de-lis. Floriated band of gold about edge.
Mark: crossed swords.
Height, in Tray 4X in. Gift of W. B. Osgood Field, 1902.

2437 PAIR DINNER PLATES. Porcelain, hard paste, orna

mented with basket-work design in paste at edge, and small
colored medallions. At centres, pastoral scenes of a youth
playing the flute and a huntsman, both accompanied by
ladies in rich costumes of the period. Plates enriched with
gilded designs about medallions. Mark: crossed swords.
Diameter 9X in. Gift of Rev. Alfred Duane Pell, 1902.

2438 SMALL TRAY. Porcelain, hard paste, which is moulded

with gilded floral medallions, the piece being further deco
rated with medallions filled in with pastoral and floral designs
in overglaze colors; gilt edge. Mark: crossed swords.
Length 6^ in. Gift of Rev. Alfred Duane Pell, 1902.

2439 SAUCER. Porcelain, hard paste, having a central design

in overglaze colors representing marine view framed in gilt

rococo designs; small medallion of marine view in lake at

bottom. Gilded pattern runs about edge. Mark: crossed
Gift of Rev. Alfred Duane Pell, 1902.

2440 CHOCOLATE POT. Porcelain, hard paste, decorated with

rococo-framed marine views in puce, yellow, green, black,
red and blue overglaze enamels. Open rose on cover. Mark:
crossed swords.
Height 9K in. Gift of Rev. Alfred Duane Pell, 1902.

2441 CUP AND SAUCER. Porcelain, hard paste, former having

colored floral medallions on white against a lake ground.
Saucer floral designs in colors on white. Mark: crossed
Gift of Rev. Alfred Duane Pell, 1902.

2442 CUP AND SAUCER. Porcelain, hard paste, having Chinese

designs of figures, etc., in gold. Mark: none.
Height: as above. Gift of Rev. Alfred Duane Pell, 1902.

2443 CUP AND SAUCER. Porcelain, hard paste, decoration of

pastoral scenes in lake. Rococo handle. Mark: crossed
Height Cup 3 in., diameter Saucer 2^4 in.
Gift of Rev. Alfred Duane Pell, 1902.


hard paste, decorated with floral designs, etc., in blue under
the glaze, covered with gold. Mark: crossed swords.
Height of Teapot 3y& in.; Pitcher 7 in.; Cup, 2% in.
Diameter Saucer 2^4 in.
Gift of Rev. Alfred Duane Pell, 1902.

2445 GROUP. Porcelain, hard paste, representing a naked child

and water-nymph reclining on the border of a reedy bank.
Water issues from a large vase against which the latter
leans. Robe cast about nymph dark blue; reeds tipped with
green; vase ornamented with gold. Mark on back: crossed
swords, small. Kandler's Period, 1731-56.
Height 5X i n - Gift of H. G. Marquand, 1894.

2446 CUP AND SAUCER. Porcelain, hard paste, decorated with

medallions in lake on white, reserved against a canary-
yellow ground, itself embellished with rose-wreaths in lake.
Mark: crossed swords.
Height Cup 2% in., diameter Saucer 3X in-
Gift of Rev. Alfred Duane Pell, 1902.

2447 CUP AND SAUCER. Porcelain, hard paste, former deco

rated in blue, and having a central medallion bearing a coat-
of-arms in colors on white. Saucer, coat-of-arms in colors
surrounded by band of rich gilding. Mark: crossed swords.
No. 22 in gold.
Height Cup 2% in., diameter Saucer 2% in.
Gift of Rev. Alfred Duane Pell, 1902.

2448 CUP AND SAUCER. Porcelain, hard paste, robin's-egg

blue ground, decorated with overglazed enameled medallions
of seaside views. Interiors white, with gold framed medal
lions in colors. Mark: crossed swords, and numeral 28 in
Gift of Rev. Alfred Duane Pell, 1902.

2449 TEAPOT. Porcelain, hard paste, having overglaze enameled

floral medallion, decoration on white against a bright ca
nary-yellow ground; spout and handle in white, touched with
lake. Mark: crossed swords.
Height in. Gift of Rev. Alfred Duane Pell, 1902.

2450 CUP AND SAUCER. Porcelain, hard paste, exteriors

decorated with floral designs in lake over a deep cafe-au-lait
ground. Interiors with floral designs in lake on white.
Mark: crossed swords.
Height Cup 2% in., diameter Saucer 2^ in.
Gift of Rev. Alfred Duane Pell, 1902.

245 1 CABARET. Porcelain, hard paste, comprising Teapot,

Sucrier, Cup and Saucer and Tray, ornamented in rich over-
glaze enamels with designs of children playing with animals,
and outer borders of rich pink scale-pattern. Mark: crossed
Height Teapot 4X in-." Sucrier, 3^ in.; Cup 2,% in. Length
Tray 12 in.; Diameter Saucer 2^ in.
Gift of H. G. Marquand, 1894.

2452 SUCRIER. Porcelain, hard paste, having dainty miniature

pastoral scenes in rich overglaze enamels framed in a deep
rose salmon-scale pattern. Mark: crossed swords.
Height 4 in. Gift of W. B. Osgood Field, 1902.

2453 TEAPOT. Porcelain, hard paste, decorated with overglaze

enameled foliated medallions on white reserved against a
bright canary-yellow body. Handle, spout and top white.
Mark: crossed swords.
Height 3X i n - Gift of Rev. Alfred Duane Pell, 1902.

2454 CUP AND SAUCER. Porcelain, hard paste, the former

having lake-colored medallions of pastoral scenes in reserves
against a bright canary-yellow ground. Saucer, design of
castle and floral sprays in lake. Mark: crossed swords.
Height Cup 2% in., diameter Saucer 2^4 in.
Gift of Rev. Alfred Duane Pell, 1902.


2455 DINNER PLATE. Porcelain, hard paste, decorated with

floral bouquets and sprigs in lake; scalloped and gilded edge.
Mark: crossed swords and dot.
Diameter 7^ in. Gift of Rev. Alfred Duane Pell, 1902.

2456 OVAL TRAY. Porcelain, hard paste, decorated with floral

design at centre, band of green ribbon design and roses about
edge. Mark: crossed swords and dot.
Length \o% in. Gift of Rev. Alfred Duane Pell, 1902.


hard paste, richly ornamented in overglaze enamels with
designs representing the cities of Amsterdam and its harbor,
and Middleburg. Crowned lion holding arrows on top of
cover. Mark: crossed swords and dot.
Height 13^ in., length i6> in.
Gift of Rev. Alfred Duane Pell, 1902.

2458 TEA CADDY. Porcelain, hard paste, decorated with a

rich overglaze enameled design of figures in court costume.
Blue salmon-scale pattern on cover, shoulder, and foot.
Mark: crossed swords and dot.
Height 4X in. Gift of Rev. Alfred Duane Pell, 1902.

2459 CUP AND SAUCER. Porcelain, hard paste, decorated

with overglaze enameled medallions filled in with designs
of castles, figures, etc., beside a lake, and set in a body of
ochreous-red. Mark: crossed swords and dot.
Height Cup 2X in., diameter Saucer 2^ in.
Gift of Rev. Alfred Duane Pell, 1902.

2460 CUP AND SAUCER. Porcelain, hard paste, having pastoral

scenes in soft overglaze enameled colors. Mark: crossed
swords and dot.
Gift of Rev. Alfred Duane Pell, 1902.

2461 SMALL TUREEN AND TRAY. Porcelain, hard paste,

decorated with honeysuckle pattern and floriated medallions
raised in the paste, gilded and filled in with overglaze
enameled designs of birds, flowers, etc. Figure of Cupid
modeled on top of cover. Shell handles at sides. Tray has
central design of birds painted in colors and medallions
filled in with floral designs in blue. Mark: crossed swords
and dot.
Length 11 in. Gift of Rev. Alfred Duane Pell, 1902.

M A R C O L I N l 's P E R I O D , 1 7 9 6 - 1 8 1 4

2462 CUP AND SAUCER. Porcelain, hard paste, decorated

with floral bouquets in brown, touched with pink and
gilded. Gilded band about edges. Mark: crossed swords
and star.
Height Cup 2% in., diameter Saucer 2^ in.
Gift of Rev. Alfred Duane Pell, 1902.

2463 CUP AND SAUCER. Porcelain, hard paste, decorated

with gilded floral designs in lake. Mark: crossed swords and
Height Cup 2^ in-, diameter Saucer 3^4 in.
Gift of Rev. Alfred Duane Pell, 1902.

2464 COFFEE POT AND CREAMER. Porcelain, hard paste,

decorated with raised bouquets of roses, etc., and insects,
butterflies and other flowers in overglaze enamels enriched
by gilded bands at foot, shoulder and top. Mark: crossed
swords and star.
Height of Pot 10X in., Creamer, 7X i n -
Bequest of Miss Margarette A. Jones, 1907.

2465 CUP AND SAUCER. Porcelain, hard paste, decorated

with bands of alternate squares of canary-yellow and white.
Gilded rosette at centre of saucer. Mark: crossed swords
and star.
Height Cup 2% in., diameter Saucer 2^4 in.
Gift of H. G. Marquand, 1894.

2466 CUP AND SAUCER. Porcelain, hard paste, decorated with

a ground of lustrous blue, enriched with bands of gilded
floral decoration. Mark: crossed swords and star.
Height Cup 2% in., diameter Saucer 2^ in.
Gift of Rev. Alfred Duane Pell, 1902.

2467 TEAPOT. Porcelain, hard paste, decorated with flowers in

rich overglaze enamels, spout gilded, in form of grotesque
head; rococo handle. Mark: crossed swords and star.
Height 4X > n - Gift of Rev. Alfred Duane Pell, 1902.

2468 GROUP. Porcelain biscuit, representing Europa and the

Bull. Mark: none. Period (?).
Height 13^2 in. x \2% in.
Gift of W. B. Osgood Field, 1902.

2469 CABARET. Porcelain, hard paste, consisting of a Teapot,

Sucrier, and Tray, Cup and Saucer and Service Tray, deco
rated with ribbed design in the paste and blue floral ornament
under the glaze. Examples imitate the first Bottcher
porcelain. Mark: crossed swords and star.
Heights: Teapot 6in.; Bowl 3^ in.; Cup 2^ in.; Diameter
Saucer 2^ in.; Length of Tray 6 in.; Length Service Tray
14 in. Gift of H. G. Marquand, 1894.


Similar, decorated after the Chinese, with floral designs in
rich overglaze enamels. Mark: crossed swords and star.
Diameter Bowl 6 in. Height Cups 2^" in. Diameter of
Saucers 2-^ in. Bequest of Miss Margarette A. Jones, 1907.

2471 CUP AND SAUCER. Porcelain, hard paste, of simple
design, having panels in sepia representing child with bird
and goat. Mark: F in blue.
Height Cup 2]^ in., diameter Saucer 2^ in.
Gift of Rev. Alfred Duane Pell, 1902.

2472 GARNITURE OF FIVE VASES. Porcelain, hard paste,

decorated with medallion heads of Roman Emperors in
gray on lake, framed in holly-wreaths. Richly gilded relief

festoons, and satyrs' heads; two have gilded handles.

Mark: F in blue.
Heights 1 iX in.; 9in.; 7X in.
Gift of H. G. Marquand, 1894.

2473 CUP AND SAUCER. Porcelain, hard paste, decorated

with floral sprays in rich overglaze colors. " Safety" saucer.
Mark: F in blue.
Height Cup 2^ in., diameter Saucer 3^ in.
Gift of H. G. Marquand, 1894.

2474 MILK PITCHER. Porcelain, hard paste, decorated with

marine views in black, framed in a rich arabesque of lake and
gold. Handle, spout and cover richly gilded. Mark: F in
Height 6^ in. Purchase, 1906.


2475 EWER AND BOWL. Faience, white enameled and deco

rated after Rouenaise style with polychrome festoons.
Height Ewer 12^ in., diameter Bowl 14X in.
Gift of H. G. Marquand, 1894.

2476 SALT CELLAR. Faience, white enameled, and decorated
with floral sprigs in colors.
Length 1% in. Gift of H. G. Marquand, 1894.

2477 SALT CELLAR. Faience, white enameled and decorated

in a somewhat similar manner with floral designs in colors;
gilded at edge. Mark: crossed circle, in blue.
Length 2% in. Gift of H. G. Marquand, 1894.

2478 VASE. Faience, white enameled, molded with ribbings

in the paste at neck, and dotted with sprays of flowers in
overglaze enamels. Mark: crossed circle, and crown in
Height 8J4 in- Gift of H. G. Marquand, 1894.

2479 GROUP. Faience, white enameled, representing "Sylvia."

Two figures, a man in costume of the period and a woman,

nude, save for a piece of drapery about the hips. Exquisite

in design, modelling and color. Mounted on an ormolu stand
of the period. Mark: crossed circle in blue. Illustrated.
Height 6X in- Gift of Jacques Seligmann, 1905.

2480 COVERED DISH. Faience, white enameled, in soft enam

eled colors with design of houses amid pastoral scenery;
sprays of flowers, and outer bands in gold. Mark: crowned
wheel, in blue.
Height 6^4 in. Gift of Rev. Alfred Duane Pell, 1902.

2481 CUP AND SAUCER. Porcelain, hard paste, ribbed in the
body, and having a painted and gilded ribbon-design on
outer side. Cup painted with floral designs in overglaze
enamel colors within. Mark: crown, and double C, in blue.
Height Cup 2% in., diameter Saucer 2^4 in.
Gift of Rev. Alfred Duane Pell, 1902.

2482 PAIR FIGURINES. Porcelain, hard paste; figures of a
man and a woman in Oriental style, done in the white.
Mark: shield of Bavaria, impressed.
Height 4X in.; 4 in. Purchase, 1908.


hard paste, consisting of three Pitchers and twelve Cups
and Saucers; decorated with exquisitely painted designs
representing different gods and goddesses in overglaze colors,
enriched with gilding. Mark: as above.
Heights: Pitchers 12, 10^ and 8 in.; Cups 2^ in.; diameter
Saucers 2^4 in. Bequest of J. Thorne, 1883.


2484 CUP AND SAUCER. Porcelain, hard paste, decorated with
central floral design in overglaze colors, and outer trellis-
design in green. Mark: monogram C. V. in blue.
Height Cup 2% in., diameter Saucer 2^ in.
Purchase, 1906.
NO. 2479

FOUNDED 1 7 6 0

2485 DINNER PLATE. Porcelain, hard paste, ornamented

with rich rococo-framed gilt trellis-design, and flowers in
overglaze colors. Fruit and flowers at centre richly painted.
Mark: A, in blue.
Diameter 10^ in. Gift of Rev. Alfred Duane Pell, 1902.

FOUNDED 1 7 6 0

2486 CUP AND SAUCER. Porcelain, hard paste, decorated

with a broad band of deep blue, on which are medallions of
classic designs reserved in gray. Rich festoons and dashes
of gilding cover the blue ground. Mark: R. g. in blue.
Height Cup 2^ in., diameter Saucer 2^ in.
Purchase, 1906.

2487 CUP AND SAUCER. Porcelain, hard paste, decorated in

lake with pastoral scenes and figures. Gilding at edges.
No mark.
Height Cup 2% in., diameter Saucer 2^ in.
Gift of Rev. Alfred Duane Pell, 1902.

2488 CUP AND SAUCER. Porcelain, hard paste, decorated in

lake with design of cupids playing amid the clouds. Mark:
R, in blue.
Height, as above. Gift of Rev. Alfred Duane Pell, 1902.

2489 CUP AND SAUCER. Porcelain, hard paste, decorated in

lake with design of a child resting upon clouds, and playing
a drum; insects and flowers surround. Mark: R. g. and
initial Z, in blue.
Height Cup 2% in., diameter Saucer 2^ in.
Gift of Rev. Alfred Duane Pell, 1902.

2490 CUP AND SAUCER. Porcelain, hard paste, richly painted
with floral designs and grasses springing from a gilded band
of ovals.
Height Cup 2^ in., diameter Saucer 2% in.
Gift of Rev. Alfred Duane Pell, 1902.

2491 BOUILLON-CUP AND SAUCER. Porcelain, hard paste,
moulded with basket-work designs in the paste, and enriched
with tastefully painted floral designs. Cup fits in a pierced
openwork "Safety " saucer. Mark: sceptre in blue.
Height Cup 3X i n -> diameter Saucer 2^ in.
Gift of H. G. Marquand, 1894.


hard paste, ornamented with the rare "basketwork pattern "
in green and yellow, enriched with floral designs of roses in
colors. Mark: sceptre in blue.
Heights: Teapot 6 in.; Coffee Pot 9X i n -> Pitcher 8 in.;
Sugar 5^ in.; Cups 2^ in. Diameter Saucers 2^ in.
Length Tray 10^ in.
Gift of Rev. Alfred Duane Pell, 1902,

2493 CUP AND SAUCER. Porcelain, hard paste, the former,

colored in a rich canary-yellow throughout, is exquisitely
painted with a reserved design representing Orpheus and
Eurydice; the latter, also in canary-yellow, bears in gold the
title of the design. Both pieces richly gilded at edges. Mark:
sceptre in blue; dash below in blue.
Height Cup 2% in., diameter Saucer 2^ in.
Gift of H. G. Marquand, 1894.

2494 LARGE TUREEN AND COVER. Porcelain, hard paste,

richly ornamented with floral lattice-work design and rococo-
framed compartments moulded in the paste, the latter
filled in with floral bouquets and birds in colors. Rococo
handles, Cupid on cover. Mark: as above.
Height in. Gift of H. G. Marquand, 1894.

2495 MILK PITCHER. Porcelain, hard paste, richly ornamented

with upper and lower bands of apple-green and gold, and a
central band of corn-flowers and wheat stalks in blue and
yellow. Mark: sceptre, in blue.
Height 5^ in. Gift of Rev. Alfred Duane Pell, 1902.
2496 THREE PLATTERS. Porcelain, hard paste, painted with
floral festoons in colors, and a central decoration consisting
in the main of exotic birds.
Lengths, 1 in.; 14X in.; 13K in.
Gift of H. G. Marquand, 1894.

2497 SWEETMEAT DISH. Porcelain, hard paste, elaborately

decorated with rich arabesque design in gold leaf on a dark
green ground, and a band of flowers and foliage in frailest
biscuit running about shoulder. Gilt decoration within.
Mark: sceptre, in blue; dash below in red. About 1815.
Height 5^ in. Gift of Rev. Alfred Duane Pell, 1902.

2498 CUP AND SAUCER. Porcelain, hard paste, decorated in

colors with design of the Hotel de Ville within square panel.
Richly gilded edges. Moabit. About 1835.
Height Cup 2% in., diameter Saucer 3X in.
Gift of Rev. Alfred Duane Pell, 1902.

2499 ^SE. Porcelain, hard paste, urn-shaped, having pale

celadon-green medallions, decorated in the pdte sur pdte
method, with graceful female figures modeled in low relief in
white. Body of vase painted with flowers in soft reds and
brown, and piece richly gilded with floral designs, etc.
Exhibited at St. Louis Exposition.
Height 12% in. Gift of Isidor and Nathan Straus, 1905.


2500 CUP AND SAUCER. Porcelain, hard paste, ornamented

with designs of leaves and flowers moulded in the paste;
painted in colors with floral designs, and having a border of
diamond-shaped patterns in blue, framed in gold. Simple
lambrequin-design in gold about edges. Mark: C. T.
(Carl Theodore).
Height Cup 2^ in., diameter Saucer 2% in. Purchase, 1906.

2501 CUP AND SAUCER. Porcelain, hard paste, having a rich

decoration in gold after the Chinese. Mark: C. T. (Carl
Dimensions: as above. Gift of Rev. Alfred Duane Pell, 1902.

2502 CUP AND SAUCER. Porcelain, hard paste, richly painted

with miniature marine views, and edged with gold. Mark:
C. T. (Carl Theodore) in blue.
Height Cup 1% in., diameter Saucer 2^ in.
Gift of Rev. Alfred Duane Pell, 1902.
2503 SALT CELLAR. Porcelain, hard paste, of baroque design,
painted with bunches and sprigs of flowers. Mark: C. T.
(Carl Theodore) in blue.
Purchase, 1906.
2504 PAIR SALT CELLARS. Porcelain, hard paste, richly
painted with miniature pastoral scenes and floral sprays.
Mark: C. T. (Carl Theodore) in blue.
Length 2^ in- Gift of H. G. Marquand, 1894.


2505 PAIR CUPS AND SAUCERS. Porcelain, hard paste,

ribbed in the body and decorated with flower-framed medal
lions in lake, bearing the name of the owner J. M. Busch in
same color. Mark: Large W. in blue.
Height Cups 2% in., diameter Saucers 3X in.
Purchase, 1906.
2506 CUP AND SAUCER. Porcelain, hard paste, decorated with
oval medallions painted with figure designs in a gold frame.
Mark: Small W in blue.
Height Cup 2^4 in., diameter Saucer 2^ in. Purchase, 1906.


2507 CUP AND SAUCER. Porcelain, hard paste, decorated at

centre with the head of man moulded in relief in biscuit, and
framed in band of gilt beading. Pieces enriched with gilded
festoons. Mark: Crowned double F (Furslisch Fuldaish) in
Height Cup 2^ in., diameter Saucer 2% in.
Gift of Rev. Alfred Duane Pell, 1902.
2508 TEA CADDY AND CUP AND SAUCER. Porcelain, hard
paste, having a painted design in black of classic urns. Mark:
Double F, in blue.
Height Caddy in., Cup 2% in., diameter Saucer 3X in-
Gift of Rev. Alfred Duane Pell, 1902.

2509 TEA CADDY AND DISH. Porcelain, hard paste, orna
mented with designs of leafage moulded in the paste and
gilded, together with painted designs of flowers and insects.
Mark: Crossed hayfork in blue.
Height Caddy, 6X in-> diameter Dish 4^ in.
Purchase, 1906.


2510 CUP AND SAUCER. Porcelain, hard paste, decorated in

lake with floral festoons, caught up with gilded bows. Mark:
G in blue.
Height Cup 2'% in., diameter Saucer, 2^ in. Purchase, 1906.

25 11 BONBON DISH. Faience, white enameled, and modeled in

the form of a man steering a boat. No mark.
Length 6X in. Purchase, 1906.


2512 CUP AND SAUCER. Porcelain, hard paste, decorated with

oval and diamond-shaped gilded medallions, filled in with
painted designs of butterflies and fruit, from which depend
spiral designs and festoons in gold and colors. Mark: F, B.
in blue (Franz Bartolo).
Height Cup 2% in., diameter Saucer 2^ in. Purchase, 1906.


ABOUT 1774

2513 CUP AND SAUCER. Faience, cream glazed, and decorated

with designs of cornflowers in overglaze green and blue.
Mark: WIEN, impressed.
Height Cup 1in., diameter Saucer 2% in. Purchase, 1906.

DATED 1794
2514 DINNER PLATE. Porcelain, hard paste, painted in the
richest manner with central compartments representing
nereids at play amid reeds, and marine grotesques in white,
on a rich mauve background; the whole finished with bands
and lambrequins in gold. Mark: shield and year.
Diameter 9X in. Gift of H. G. Marquand, 1894.

about 1780-1795
25 I 5 CHOCOLATE POT. Porcelain, hard paste, the body cov
ered with a ground of old rose amid which, on either side, are
medallions decorated in grey with classic figures against a
green ground. Mark: shield.
Height 10% in. Gift of Rev. Alfred Duane Pell, 1902.

2516 CHOCOLATE POT. Porcelain, hard paste, painted with

floral designs in blue under the glaze embellished with
overglaze decoration of floral designs in colors and gold.
Mark: shield.
Height 10X in. Gift of Rev. Alfred Duane Pell, 1902.

25 17 PAIR VASES. Porcelain, hard paste, urn-shaped, standing

on high feet, and decorated with medallions in colors sur
rounded by a rich background of gilded mauve. Gilded
handles at centre. Mark: shield, in blue.
Height 10 in. Gift of W. B. Osgood Field, 1902.

2518 DINNER PLATE. Porcelain, hard paste, richly painted
with a central medallion representing Diana Preparing for
the Hunt. Piece is further enriched by bands of the richest
gilding and colors. Mark: shield and year.
Diameter 9X in. Gift of W. B. Osgood Field, 1902.

2519 DINNER PLATE. Porcelain, hard paste, painted with a

central design representing "The Awakening of Diana"
framed in a rich border of gilded patterns on a cream and
blue ground. Mark: shield and year.
Diameter 8%" in. Gift of H. G. Marquand, 1894.

2520 CUP AND SAUCER. Porcelain, hard paste, decorated
with a ground of pale blue and gold; at centre of cup is
reserved a medallion painted with a scene representing the
meeting of Pyrrhus and Fabricius. Mark: shield and year.
Gift of Rev. Alfred Duane Pell, 1902.
2521 LARGE VASE. Porcelain, hard paste, classical form,
sparsely decorated with floral sprigs. Band cf green floral
design on canary-yellow runs about shoulder.
Height \\% in.
Mark: shield, and year.
Gift of Rev. Alfred Duane Pell, 1902.
2522 VASE. Porcelain, hard paste, urn-shape, resting on gilded
figures of female sphinxes, piece is richly decorated with
arabesques in gold on a white ground. Cover missing.
Mark: shield and year.
Height 6% in. Gift of Rev. Alfred Duane Pell, 1902.
a b o u t 1830
2523 CUP AND SAUCER. Porcelain, hard paste, the former
decorated with a central design of moss-roses in colors on a
black ground, surrounded by a rich gold-leaf background;
the latter of a bright apple-green framed in bands of gilding.
Mark: shield, in blue.
Height Cup 2% in., diameter Saucer 2^ in.
Gift of Rev. Alfred Duane Pell, 1902.
AND SAUCERS. Porcelain, hard paste, decorated in the
richest manner with floral wreaths in painted colors upon a
gilt ground. Mark: shield, in blue.
Heights: Teapot 6% in.; Sugar 4^ in.; Creamer in.;
Bowl in.; Cups 2X in., diameter Saucers 3X in.
Gift of Rev. Alfred Duane Pell, 1902.


2525 VASE. Faience, white enameled, decorated with floral
designs, ju-i and pendant-ornaments in polychrome after
the Chinese. Mark: in red, P. K.
Height 8 in. Gift of H. G. Marquand, 1894.


2526 PLATE. Fa'ience, white enameled, decorated in blue with

foliated compartments and scale-pattcrn after the Chinese.
Diameter 6% in.
Gift of Mrs. Catherine Van Vliet DeWitt Sterry, 1908.


2527 SMALL PLATTER. Faience, white enameled, embellished

with a design in polychrome after Teniers representing a
skating scene. Richly gilded. Illustrated.
Length 7% in., width 5^ in.
Gift of H. G. Marquand, 1894.


2528 SMALL VASE. Faience, white enameled, decorated in blue

with floral designs after the Chinese. Mark: leaf, and initials,
C. B., in blue. One of three.
Height 7 in. Gift of H. G. Marquand, 1894.

2529 VASE. Faience, white enameled, decorated in Chinese

style with " lange lijsen," trees, flowers, etc., in rich cobalt
blue. Mark: after Chinese artemisia leaf, and initials, C. B.,
in blue.
Height 7 in. Gift of H. G. Marquand, 1894.


2530 VASE. Fa'ience, white enameled, decorated in blue with rich

floral designs and floriated spirals after the Chinese of the
late Ming Period. Mark: in blue, initial P with dot above.
Height 14X i n - Gift of H. G. Marquand, 1894.


2531 VASE AND COVER. Fa'ience, white enameled, decorated

in blue with circular compartments filled in with village
scenes and fruit on dishes. Handles at sides. Mark: in blue
initial B.
Height 6% in. Gift of H. G. Marquand, 1894.


2532 SMALL PLATE. Faience, white enameled, richly decorated

in red, blue, yellow and green, with designs after the old
Imariware. Edge fluted. Mark: in purple, L. P. K.
Diameter 7% in. Gift of H. G. Marquand, 1894.
NO. 2527
2533 PAIR COVERED VASES. Faience, white enameled, urn-
shaped and decorated with figures and foliated compartments
in rich dark blue. Mark: in blue, as above.
Height 7 in. Gift of H. G. Marquand, 1894.


2534 SMALL VASE. Faience, white enameled, ribbed in the

paste, and decorated with floral baskets, festoons, etc., in soft
blue, after the old Nankin style. Mark: A. P.
Height 4 in. Gift of H. G. Marquand, 1894.

2535 PAIR FIGURINES. Faience, white enameled, modeled in

form of horses; polychrome decoration. Mark: in blue, AP.
Height 9 in. Gift of H. G. Marquand, 1894.

2536 PAIR SMALL VASES. Faience, white enameled, decorated

with baskets of flowers and upper floral designs in blue; blue
spirals about foot. Mark: in blue, AP.
Height 4 in. Gift of H. G. Marquand, 1894.

DATED 1758

2537 PLATE. Faience, white enameled, decorated in polychrome

with scene of Our Lord's entry into Jerusalem.
Diameter 13 in. Gift of H. G. Marquand, 1894.



Faience, white enameled, coarsely decorated with central
scene of dog teasing a parrot. Deep blue rococo frame, above
which is ochreous-red floral design. Green leaves depend
from frame. Cover-design of green paroquet picking at an
orange. Mark: Claw in black.
Height Vases 14^ in.; Beakers 10 in.
Gift of H. G. Marquand, 1894.


2539 PAIR FRUIT DISHES. Faience, white enameled, deco

rated in blue with designs after the Chinese. Reticulated
floral design at sides, decorated with diaper-pattern;
projecting handles. Mark: in blue, H.B.
Length 1 \% in. Gift of H. G. Marquand, 1894.

2540 BELL. Faience, white enameled, modeled in the form of

lady with a wide crinoline; polychrome decoration.
Height 5 in. Gift of H. G. Marquand, 1894.


2541 TEAPOT ON STAND. Faience, white enameled, richly
decorated in polychrome with floral designs after the Chinese.
Factory of the Moor's Head. Illustrated.
Height 14 in. Gift of H. G. Marquand, 1894.

2542 FIGURINE. Faience, white enameled, representing a man

seated, a basket of fruit on his head. Costume painted in
polychrome. Mark: in blue, H. B.
Height 9 in. Gift of H. G. Marquand, 1894.

J. HALDER, 1765
2543 FIGURINE. Faience, white enameled, modeled in form of
a cow; polychrome decoration.
Height 3^ in. Gift of H. G. Marquand, 1894.

2544 PAIR FIGURINES. Faience, white enameled, ornamented

with polychrome decoration.
Height 3X in. Gift of H. G. Marquand, 1894.


2545 HAND BELL. Faience, white enameled, in the form of a
girl, enameled in two shades of blue, perched upon the top
of the bell which is decorated in turn with bird and floral
sprays and a band of floral designs about lower edge, the
whole in blue and white. Mark: H.L.
Height 3X in. Gift of John Crosby Brown.


2546 PLATE. Faience, white enameled, decorated in blue with
foliated concentric rings.
Diameter 7 in.
Gift of Mrs. Catherine Van Vliet DeWitt Sterry, 1908.

2547 BARBER'S DISH. Faience, white enameled, embellished

with rococo designs and scale-pattern in blue.
Diameter 7^ in.
Gift of Mrs. Catherine Van Vliet DeWitt Sterry, 1908.
NO. 254I
2548 PAIR PLATES. Faience, white enameled, embellished with
polychrome decoration of flowers, grasses, birds and pagoda
Diameter 8^ in. Gift of H. G. Marquand, 1894.


2549 PIERCED DISH. Faience, white enameled, decorated with

floral designs in pale blue.
Diameter 6^4 in.
Gift of Mrs. Catherine Van Vliet DeWitt Sterry, 1908.

25 50 LARGE PLATE. Faience, white enameled, decorated with

central rosette and foliated designs in dark blue.
Diameter 12^4 in.
Gift of Mrs. Catherine Van Vliet DeWitt Sterry, 1908.

2551 PLATE. Faience, white enameled, decorated in blue with

design of deer drawing cart holding flower-filled vase.
Diameter 10% in-
Gift of Mrs. Catherine Van Vliet DeWitt Sterry, 1908.

2552 BUTTER DISH. Faience, white enameled, polychrome

decoration of flowers.
Height 2 in. Gift of H. G. Marquand, 1894.

2553 EWER. Faience, white enameled, helmet-shaped, and

decorated in blue with pastoral scenes and floral designs.
Handle in form of a dolphin.
Height 9X i n - Gift of H. G. Marquand, 1894.

2554 SMALL JUG. Faience, white enameled, modeled in form

of a man, and painted in blue.
Height i- Gift of H. G. Marquand, 1894.

2555 PAIR SALT CELLARS. Faience, white enameled, standing

on four feet, pieces are decorated with floral designs and
scroll in rich dark blue.
Height 2X in. Gift of H. G. Marquand, 1894.

2 5 5 6 TOBACCO BOX AND COVER. Faience, white enameled,

decorated with figures and floral designs in polychrome.
Height in. Gift of H. G. Marquand, 1894.

2557 PAIR BUTTER DISHES. Faience, white enameled, deco

rated with pastoral scenes framed in gold bands and separated
by rich compartments of diaper, spiral and floral ornament
in gold, blue, red and pink. Handle in form of cow. Chinese
ju-i ornament about edge.
Height 3X in- Gift of H. G. Marquand, 1894.

2558 GARNITURE. Faience, white enameled, and consisting

of three covered Vases and a covered Beaker, decorated in
blue with designs after the Chinese.
Height Vases 14X in.; Beaker 14X in.
Gift of H. G. Marquand, 1894.

2559 VASE. Faience, white enameled, octagonal shape, orna

mented in dark blue with compartments filled in with
Chinese designs of birds and flowers.
Height in. Gift of H. G. Marquand, 1894.

2560 LARGE VASE. Faience, white enameled, decorated in blue

with floral designs after the Chinese.
Height 15 in. Gift of H. G. Marquand, 1894.

2561 LARGE BOWL. Faience, white enameled, decorated in

style of Pynacker with a double row of circular reserves,
diaper-patterns, and foliated designs in polychrome.
Diameter 12 in. Gift of H. G. Marquand, 1894.

2562 LARGE BOWL. Similar.

Diameter \2% in. Purchase, 1909.

2563 IDEM, Similar.

Diameter 13X in. Purchase, 1909.

2564 BIRD CAGE. Faience, white enameled, decorated in blue,

with lower scene of hunters, hounds, etc. Foliated bands
between wired compartments; upper part decorated with
floral designs.
Height 16 x /2 in. Gift of H. G. Marquand, 1894.

2565 LARGE BOWL. Faience, white enameled, and embellished

with reserves of floral ornament divided by diaper-patterns
in polychrome. Stands on low ring foot. Interior decorated
with bird within a circular band in blue.
Diameter 12^ in. Gift of H. G. Marquand, 1894.
2566 FIGURINE. Faience, white enameled, representing Harle
quin, painted in polychrome. Mark: in blue, A. R., and
Height 9 in. Gift of H. G. Marquand, 1894.

2567 BOX AND COVER. Faience, white enameled, decorated

with bands of gilded blue, and floral designs in dark red;
spiral band at foot in red. Box divided within.
Height 3 in., width 4^ in. Gift of H. G. Marquand, 1894.

2568 PAIR PLAQUES. Faience, white enameled, decorated in

embossed frames with biblical scenes in blue: (1) David and
Abigail; (2) Rebecca at the Well.
Height 19 in., width 16 in. Gift of H. G. Marquand, 1894.

2569 CUP AND SAUCER. Porcelain, hard paste, canary-yellow
decoration, bands of gilding at edges. Mark: L. M. W. in
blue. Rare mark.
Height Cup 2X diameter Saucer 2^ in.
Purchase, 1906.

2570 TEAPOT. Porcelain, hard paste, ribbed in the body, and
decorated with a green band of leafage festooned with car
mine foliated design. Sparse detached floral decoration and
gilding. Mark: M. O. L.
Height 6% in. Purchase, 1906.
2571 DINNER PLATE. Porcelain, hard paste, scalloped edge,
decorated with floral sprigs and outer floral band in colors.
Diameter *]% in. Gift of Rev. Alfred Duane Pell, 1902.

2572 CUP AND SAUCER. Porcelain, hard paste, decorated in

carmine with figures, floral designs. Mark: M. O. L.
Purchase, 1906.
2573 CUP AND SAUCER. Porcelain, hard paste, ribbed and
decorated in overglaze colors with floral sprigs and inter
twining wreaths.
Height Cup 1^ in., diameter Saucer, 2% in.
Gift of Rev. Alfred Duane Pell, 1902.

2574 SMALL BASKET. Porcelain, hard paste, modeled with

reticulated withes. Mark: M. O. L., in blue.
Height 3X in. Purchase, 1906.


2575 MILK PITCHER. Porcelain, hard paste, decorated in

colors with figures in costume of the period. Gilding about
edges, spout and handle. Mark: Crane, with fish, in blue.
Height in. Purchase, 1906.

2576 DINNER PLATE. Porcelain, hard paste, central design of

a house by the waterside, and outer border of trellis-work in
gilt, baskets of flowers in colors and circles of bright blue.
Mark: as above.
Diameter 9^ in. Purchase, 1906.


2577 CUP AND SAUCER. Porcelain, soft paste, painted with
designs after Lafontaine's Fables. Mark: Tower, in gold.
Height Cup 2 in., diameter Saucer 2^ in.
Purchase, 1906.
2578 DINNER PLATE. Porcelain, soft paste, painted with
floral designs in soft overglaze enamels. Basket work design
in paste about border. Mark: Tower, in red.
Diameter 8^4 in- Gift of H. G. Marquand, 1894.

2579 TEAPOT. Porcelain, soft paste, painted in overglaze
enamels with a rich gros bleu band gilded, and broken by
compartments filled in with flower and bird designs in colors.
Mark: Crossed swords and stars, in gold.
Height in. Gift of Rev. Alfred Duane Pell, 1902.
2580 DINNER PLATE. Porcelain, soft paste, decorated with
floral designs in colors, and an outer border of flutings
moulded in the paste. Scalloped edge. Mark: as above.
Diameter 8X in. Purchase, 1906.
NOS. 2586, 2588, 25QO

2581 CUP AND SAUCER. Porcelain, soft paste, painted with

figures and flowers in rich overglaze enamels. Mark: as
Height Cup 2% in., diameter Saucer 2% in.
Purchase, 1906.

2582 SMALL PLATE. Porcelain, soft paste, ribbed design in

body and embellished with a design of exotic birds at centre
and outer gold-framed medallions filled in with underglaze
floral designs in blue.
Diameter in. Gift of Rev. Alfred Duane Pell, 1902.

2583 PAIR SMALL DISHES. Porcelain, soft paste, decorated

in colors with pastoral scenes. Mark: crossed swords and
stars in blue.
Purchase, 1906.

2584 MILK PITCHER. Porcelain, soft paste, ribbed in the

body, and decorated with underglaze floral design in blue.
Mark: as above.
Height 5X in. Gift of Rev. Alfred Duane Pell, 1902.


2585 TEAPOT. Porcelain, hard paste, tastefully decorated with
floral bouquets in colors. Handle rococo in style; bird mouth.
Mark: Z. in blue-black.
Height 5X i n - Gift of H. G. Marquand, 1894.

2586 CREAMER. Porcelain, hard paste, decorated with figures

and floral designs in colors after the Oriental. Mark: Z. in
blue. Illustrated.
Height 1% in. Purchase, 1906.

2587 TEAPOT. Porcelain, hard paste, cream-white, decorated

in colors with floral bouquets. Handle rococo; bird mouth.
Mark: Z. in blue.
Height 4^ in. Gift of Rev. Alfred Duane Pell, 1902.

2588 PAIR CUPS AND SAUCERS. Porcelain, hard paste,

richly decorated in colors with floral bouquets and sprigs.
Mark: Z. in blue. Illustrated.
Height Cups 2 in., diameter Saucers 2^ in.
Gift of H. G. Marquand, 1894.
2589 CUP AND SAUCER. Porcelain, hard paste, having black
painted designs of pastoral scenes. Mark: Z. in blue.
Height Cup 2^ in., diameter Saucer 2^ in.
Gift of H. G. Marquand, 1894.
2590 CUP AND SAUCER. Porcelain, hard paste, decorated in
soft colors with pastoral scenes. Illustrated.
Height Cup 2 in., diameter Saucer 2^ in.
Gift of H. G. Marquand, 1894.

2591 PLATE. Porcelain, hard paste, decorated in lake with
floral sprays and sprigs. Scalloped edge. Mark: fish in blue.
Diameter in. Gift of Rev. Alfred Duane Pell, 1902.

2592 DISH. Porcelain, hard paste, decorated with butterflies

and flowers in colors, and bands of gilding. Mark: as above.
Length 6^ in. Purchase, 1906.

2593 DINNER PLATE. Porcelain, hard paste, decorated with

floral sprigs in colors. Mark: as above. Illustrated.
Diameter 7X in. Gift of Rev. Alfred Duane Pell, 1902.

2594 DINNER PLATE. Porcelain, hard paste, decorated with

corn-flowers and leaves in blue and green. Mark: as above.
Diameter 9X in. Gift of Rev. Alfred Duane Pell, 1902.

2595 DINNER PLATE. Porcelain, hard paste, decorated with

design of corn-flowers in blue and green. Mark: as above.
Diameter 1 \% in. Gift of Rev. Alfred Duane Pell, 1902.

2596 CUP AND SAUCER. Porcelain, hard paste, having the

commonly used designs of corn-flowers and leaves in blue
and green. Mark: as above.
Height Cup 2^ in., diameter Saucer 2^ in.
Gift of Rev. Alfred Duane Pell, 1902.
NOS. 2593, 2594, 2595

2597 SAUCER. Porcelain, hard paste, decorated in colors with

central design of classic ruins by wooded lake. Sprigs of
flowers at sides.
Diameter 2^ in. Gift of Rev. Alfred Duane Pell, 1902.

2598 CUP AND SAUCER. Porcelain, hard paste, decorated with

festoons of leaves and flowers in pink and gold. Mark: fish
in blue.
Height Cup 2% in., diameter Saucer 2^4 in.
Gift of Rev. Alfred Duane Pell, 1902.


2599 CUP AND SAUCER. Porcelain, hard paste, decorated

with painted designs of flowers and reeds. Date from about
i860. Mark: Three waves. (Sound, Great and Little Belts.)
Height Cup 2% in., diameter Saucer 2^ in.
Gift of H. G. Marquand, 1894.


CADDY AND CUP AND SAUCER. Porcelain, hard paste,
ribbed, and painted with rich floral bouquets in colors.
Period as above. Mark: as above.
Heights: Teapots 6^ in., 5X in.; Caddy 4X in.; Cup 2%
in.; diameter Saucer 2^ in. Gift of H. G. Marquand, 1894.

2601 PAIR LARGE VASES. Porcelain, hard paste, richly deco

rated after Dresden designs with raised flowers; floral
handles; handle of cover modeled to represent Cupid.
Figures of Cupid painted in floral arches at sides. Period,
as above. Mark: as above.
Height 15 in. Gift of Mrs. Emma Matthiessen, 1903.

2602 CUP AND SAUCER. Porcelain, hard paste, of egg-shell

texture, painted with designs of sprays of grasses, and blue
bells. Mark: as above.
Height Cup, 2% in., diameter Saucer 2^ i n -
Gift of H. G. Marquand, 1894.


2603 PAIR DINNER PLATES. Porcelain, hard paste, both
decorated with richly painted floral designs, one having an
additional outer border of basket-work moulded in the
paste. Mark: Crown, and letter P (Paul I).
Diameter 7X in- Gift of Rev. Alfred Duane Pell, 1902.

2604 THREE DINNER PLATES. Porcelain, hard paste, deco
rated in colors with views of the Church of St. John Baptist,
at Florence; View at Castro Giovanni; and Theatre of
Syracuse. Outer border of medallions, floral designs, and
gilt bands. Mark: Crown, and letter A (Alexander I).
Diameter 9X in- Gift of Rev. Alfred Duane Pell, 1902.

2605 DINNER PLATE. Porcelain, hard paste, decorated in
ochreous-red, bright green and gold with arabesque patterns
on white.
Diameter 7^ in. Gift of Rev. Alfred Duane Pell, 1902.

2606 DINNER PLATE. Porcelain, hard paste, richly decorated
with floral medallions on white against a deep cobalt blue,
covered with a mottling of gold. Mark: Crown, A and two
commas (Alexander II).
Diameter 7^ in. Gift of Rev. Alfred Duane Pell, 1902.


2607 DINNER PLATE. Porcelain, hard paste, decorated with

gilded arabesques, and painted with outer design of grapes
and leaves. Band of gilded leaves at centre. Mark: A. P. in
Diameter 6^ in. Gift of Rev. Alfred Duane Pell, 1902.
NOS. 2 6 0 8 , 2 6 0 9 , 2 6 l O
TEAPOTS AND F I G U R I N E . THOMAS W H E I L D O N , F E N T O N , S T A F F O RD S H I RE , ENGLAND, I 7 4 0 - I 7 8 0 .

2608 TEAPOT. Fine earthenware, yellowish-white body, covered
with an "agate" glaze and embellished in moulded designs
of leaves and flowers about body. Stands on four feet. Ast-
bury type. Illustrated.
Height 5^ in. Purchase, 1907.

2609 FIGURINE. Fine earthenware, in form of bird-whistle.

Piece is painted in brown and blue on a cream ground.
Height 2^4 in. Gift of H. G. Marquand, 1894.

2610 TEAPOT. Fine earthenware, globular body, modeled in

form of a basket filled with fruits and covered with a mottled
green and yellow glaze. Illustrated.
Height 4%^ in. Purchase, 1908.

2611 VASE. Porcelain, soft paste, hexagonal form, decorated
with bird and flower designs in the manner of Kakiyemon,
the designs being in the richest enamels and gold. Mark:
small red anchor below cover. Its mate is now in the col
lection of the donor. About 1760. Illustrated.
Height \2% in. Gift of Rev. Alfred Duane Pell, 1902.

2612 PLATE. Porcelain, soft paste, ribbed, and decorated with

floral sprays in green. Mark: as above, in gold.
Diameter 7^ in. Gift of Rev. Alfred Duane Pell, 1902.

2613 CUP AND SAUCER. Porcelain, soft paste, decorated with

green floral design on a wavy field of lines in gold. Mark: as
Height Cup 2% in., diameter Saucer 3X in.
Gift of Rev. Alfred Duane Pell, 1902.

2614 ECUELLE. Porcelain, soft paste, decorated in the man

ner of Kakiyemon with painted designs of exotic birds

and flowers. Handles at sides. Mark: anchor, in puce. Rare.

Diameter 5X i-
Bequest of Miss Margarette A. Jones, 1907.

261 5 CUP AND SAUCER. Porcelain, soft paste, decorated with
gilt radiant design filled in with pink roses and gilt festoons.
Height Cup 2% in., diameter Saucer 2^ in.
Gift of Rev. Alfred Duane Pell, 1902.

2616 ECUELLE. Porcelain, soft paste, decorated with festoons

in green. Mark: Italic D. and anchor in gold. Illustrated.
Height 4^ in. Gift of Rev. Alfred Duane Pell, 1902.

2617 PAIR DINNER PLATES. Porcelain, soft paste, decorated

at centre with a festooned circle surrounding a classic urn
in gray. Outer border rich blue and gold embellished with
floral festoons. Scalloped edges. Mark: as above.
Diameter 7X in. Gift of H. G. Marquand, 1894.

2618 SAUCER. Porcelain, soft paste, richly decorated in tur

quoise blue and gold with scale-pattern and floral festoons.
Mark: as above.
Diameter 4^ in. Gift of Rev. Alfred Duane Pell, 1902.

2619 DINNER PLATE. Similar, having a central medallion
painted with the design of a dog chasing a partridge, and an
outer border of rich honeysuckle design in gold. Mark: as
Diameter 7X i n - Gift of Rev. Alfred Duane Pell, 1902.

2620 CABARET. Comprising Teapot, Sucrier, Bowl, Creamer,

Tea and Coffee Cup and Saucer. Porcelain, soft paste, the
whole decorated in a florid manner with floral designs in
red, blue, green, pink and gold. A4ark: as above.
Heights: Teapot 5^ in., Sucrier 4^ in., Bowl 4^ in.,
Creamer 4X i n -> Cups 2%- l /i in., diameter Saucer 2^ in.
Gift of John H. Pierson, 1884.

NO. 26l I
C H E L S E A , D E R B Y S H I R E , E N G L A N D , A B O U T 1 760.

2621 FIVE CUPS AND SAUCERS. Porcelain, soft paste, ribbed,

the former decorated with bands of gros bleu and gold, the
latter with thin bands of the same deep blue about which
entwine vine leaves and tendrils in gold. Mark: Crown,
cross, dots and italic D, in piece.
Height Cups 2% in., diameter Saucer 2% in.
Gift of Rev. Alfred Duane Pell, 1902.

2622 PAIR CUPS AND SAUCERS. Porcelain, soft paste,

ribbed, decorated in rich gros bleu and gold with floral
designs, and an outer border of blue bands. No mark.
Height Cups 2%, in., diameter Saucers 2%" in.
Gift of H. G. Marquand, 1894.


Porcelain, soft paste, decorated in florid style with floral
designs in colors and gold.
Height Compote 6X in., length of Dishes 9%, 8^, and
8X in. Mark: as in No. 2608, red.
Gift of Miss Emelie Lazarus, 1895.


Porcelain, soft paste, fluted, and sparsely decorated with
floral sprays in blue and gold.
Height Cups 2% in.; diameter Saucers 2^ in.
Gift of the Rev. Alfred Duane Pell, 1902.

2625 DINNER PLATE. Porcelain, soft paste, decorated with

painted design at centre surrounded by insects and an outer
border of flowers; its edge having a raised rococo design
moulded in the paste, and gilded and painted in puce.
Diameter 7X in. Gift of Rev. Alfred Duane Pell, 1902.

2626 TEAPOT AND TRAY. Porcelain, soft paste, richly deco

rated with rural scenes in medallions framed in a back
ground of-gilded floral designs on deep blue.
Mark: as No. 2608, red.
Height 5X in- Gift of Rev. Alfred Duane Pell, 1902.

2627 CUP. Porcelain, soft paste, decorated with gilt spirals and
draped about pink leaves. Base painted in soft pink.
Mark: as in No. 2608, price.
Height 2% in. Gift of Rev. Alfred Duane Pell, 1902,


soft paste, embellished with floral designs in pale ochreous-
red and blue, and enriched with gilding.
Diameter Plate 7% in.; Bowl 6% in.; Saucer 2^ in.; height
Cup 2 l / A in. Gift of Miss Emelie Lazarus, 1895.

2629 DINNER PLATE. Porcelain, soft paste, decorated after

the Chinese with designs of birds, foliage, etc., in various
colors, surrounded by an outer border of dragons, flowers,
etc., in ochreous-red against a rich green ground.
Gift of Rev. Alfred Duane Pell, 1902.

2630 CUP AND SAUCER. Porcelain, soft paste, decorated in

Egyptianesque manner in black and gold on a canary-yellow
ground. Gift of Rev. Alfred Duane Pell, 1902.

263 I DINNER PLATE. Porcelain, soft paste, embellished with

a central rosette in gold surrounded by painted floral and
gilded designs, and an outer border of gilded floral designs
on a rich dark blue.
Diameter 8% in. Gift of Rev. Alfred Duane Pell, 1902.

2632 COFFEE CUP AND SAUCER. Porcelain, soft paste,

decorated with upper and outer bands of gilding and salmon-
pink; body covered with tears in gold. Mark: Crown, cross,
dots and italic D, in red.
Height Cup 2% i n -> diameter Saucer 2^ in.
Gift of Rev. Alfred Duane Pell, 1902.

2633 DINNER PLATE. Porcelain, soft paste, decorated with

rich floral designs in green and gold.
Diameter 7% in. Gift of Rev. Alfred Duane Pell, 1902.

2634 DINNER PLATE. Porcelain, soft paste, embellished with

central designs of mountain scenery in colors, and an outer
border of rich floriated arabesques in gold on a salmon-pink
ground. Mark: as above.
Diameter 7X in. Gift of Rev. Alfred Duane Pell, 1902.

2635 CUP AND SAUCER. Porcelain, soft paste, decorated in

the richest manner with designs of roses and other flowers
in colors and gold, and outer bands of rich gold designs over
a deep gros bleu. Mark: as above.
Height Cup 2% in., diameter Saucer 2% in.
Gift of Rev. Alfred Duane Pell, 1902.
2636 CUP AND SAUCER. Porcelain, soft paste, decorated
with a gilt dotted design on white, over which are painted
festoons of flowers. Gilt festoons inside cup; band of
gilded wheat-stalks about interior of saucer. Mark: as
Height Cup 2^ in., diameter Saucer 2% in.
Gift of Rev. Alfred Duane Pell, 1902.

2637 SUCRIER. Porcelain, soft paste, embellished with gilded

floral designs in colors on a deep blue ground. Cover and
handle at sides. Mark: as above.
Length 6^ in. Gift of Rev. Alfred Duane Pell, 1902.


Porcelain, soft paste, decorated with broad outer bands of
spiral designs in gold on salmon-pink, with pink cornucopias
at intervals. Mark: as above.
Diameter Bowl 6X in., Plates 7% in., Saucers 2% in., height
Cups 2^ in. Gift of Miss Emelie Lazarus, 1895.


Porcelain, soft paste, decorated with reserves of flowers
against a deep richly gilt gros bleu. Handles on cover and
sides of tureen connected to body by lions' heads; stands
on lion's paw feet. Mark: as above.
Diameter Plates in. and 7 in.; height Tureen 9 in.;
length of Platter 18 in.; length Dish xo 1 /, in.
Gift of H. G. Marquand, 1894.

2640 DISH. Porcelain, soft paste, decorated with sprays of

flowers at centre, and an outer hand of leaves and flowers
in colors. Fluted edge.
Length 8^ in. Gift of Rev. Alfred Duane Pell, 1902.

2641 CUP AND SAUCER. Porcelain, soft paste, embellished

with painted floral designs, gilded stars and dots, and sur
rounded by bands of gilding.
Height Cup 2% in., diameter Saucer 2^ in.
Gift of Rev. Alfred Duane Pell, 1902.

2642 COMPOTE. Porcelain, hard paste, on four gilded feet,

decorated with bands of roses and leaves in colors, and an
upper rococo design gilded.
Height 4^ in. Gift of Rev. Alfred Duane Pell, 1902.

2643 DISH. Porcelain, soft paste, fluted in the body, and
decorated with a central medallion of turquoise, salmon-
scale and gold, and an outer border of deep blue and gold
from which depend colored and gilded festoons. Mark: C
in blue.
Diameter 6% in. Gift of Rev. Alfred Duane Pell, 1902.

2644 SMALL PLATE. Porcelain, soft paste, fluted edge, deco

rated in ochreous-red, blue, etc., with floral designs after the
Mark: Imitating Japanese square seal, blue. About 1770.
Length 6% in. Gift of Rev. Alfred Duane Pell, 1902.

2645 TEAPOT AND BOWL. Porcelain, soft paste, ornamented

with designs of Chinese figures, flowers, etc., in the richest
Height 514" in., height of Teapot, 5X ' n -> diameter Bowl
6% in. Gift of Rev. Alfred Duane Pell, 1902.

2646 DISH. Porcelain, soft paste, richly decorated at center

with floral sprays in color, at sides by alternate compartments
of turquoise, blue and red and gold trellis-work.
Length 6}4 in. Gift of Rev. Alfred Duane Pell, 1902.

2647 PLATE. Porcelain, soft paste, decorated in various colors

with bird and flowers after the Chinese.
Mark: W in blue. About 1760-76.
Diam. 8 in. Gift of Rev. Alfred Duane Pell, 1902.

2648 CHOCOLATE POT. Porcelain, soft paste, decorated in

colors with figures of bird and flowers after the Chinese.
Mark: as above.
Height 8% in. Gift of Rev. Alfred Duane Pell, 1902.

2649 TEAPOT. Porcelain, soft paste, decorated in the richest

colors with designs of flowers set in vases, mythical animals,
etc., after the Chinese.
Height 6% in. Gift of Rev. Alfred Duane Pell, 1902.

2650 CUP AND SAUCER. Porcelain, soft paste, decorated with

bands of pink floral ornament connected by gilded ribbon.
Height Cup 2% in., diam. Saucer 2^ in.
Gift of Rev Alfred Duane Pell, 1902.
265 I CUP AND SAUCER. Porcelain, soft paste, decorated in
the style of the Japanese Imari porcelain.
Height Cup 2% in., diameter Saucer 2% in.
Gift of Rev. Alfred Duane Pell, 1902.

2652 DISH AND TRAY. Porcelain, soft paste, decorated with

floral designs and quail in ochreous-red, blue, green and
gold after the oriental.
Height Dish 4X i n -> length Tray 6 in.
Gift of Rev. Alfred Duane Pell, 1902.

2653 CUP AND SAUCER. Porcelain, soft paste, decorated in

ochreous-red, blue, pink, green and gold with floral designs
after the oriental.
Height Cup 2^ in., diameter Saucer 2^ in.
Gift of Rev. Alfred Duane Pell, 1902.

2654 CUP AND SAUCER. Porcelain, soft paste, decorated in

colors with figures of bird and floral designs after the oriental.
Height Cup 2% in., diameter Saucer 2% in.
Gift of Rev. Alfred Duane Pell, 1902.

2655 BOWL. Porcelain, soft paste, and decorated in colors with

designs of flowers in vases, animals, etc., after the oriental.
Diameter 6^ in- Gift of Rev. Alfred Duane Pell, 1902.

2656 MUG. Porcelain, soft paste, decorated in colors with designs

of birds and flowers after the oriental.
Height 5X in. Gift of Rev. Alfred Duane Pell, 1902.

2657 CUP AND SAUCER. Porcelain, soft paste, decorated in

colors with floral designs after the oriental. Period 1751-76.
Mark: W in blue.
Height Cup 2% in., diameter Saucer 2in.
Gift of Rev. Alfred Duane Pell, 1902.

2658 CUP. Porcelain, soft paste, having floral decoration in

Height 2% in. Gift of Rev. Alfred Duane Pell, 1902.

2659 DINNER PLATE. Porcelain, soft paste, decorated with

floral bouquets in vases, ochreous-red border, etc., after the
Diameter 7X i n - Gift of Rev. Alfred Duane Pell, 1902.

2660 DISH. Porcelain, soft paste, richly enameled in colors

after Chinese design.
Measure: length 7% in.
Mark: Simulated Chinese characters.
Gift of Rev. Alfred Duane Pell, 1902.

2661 CUP AND SAUCER. Porcelain, soft paste, decorated in

colors with floral bouquets and sprays. Mark: imitates
crossed words of Dresden.
Height Cup 2% in., diameter Saucer 2%" in.
Gift of Rev. Alfred Duane Pell, 1902.

2662 TWO CUPS AND SAUCERS. Porcelain, soft paste,

printed ware decorated with pastoral designs in black.
Height Cups 1% in., diameter Saucers 3X ' n - Illustrated.
Gift of Rev. Alfred Duane Pell, 1902.


soft, paste, ornamented with an openwork design on cover
and tray, filled with four-petalled flowers colored a deep
underglaze blue; handles in form of branches attached to
body by masses of flowers and leaves, laid on the paste and
similarly colored.
Length 9^2 in. Gift of Rev. Alfred Duane Pell, 1902.

2664 PAIR SMALL PLATES. Porcelain, soft paste, decorated

in colors with design of moss-roses raised in the paste, and
sprays of other flowers. Fluted edges.
Diameter in. Gift of H. G. Marquand, 1894.

2665 SUCRIER AND TEA CADDY. Porcelain, soft paste,

decorated in colors with festoons and trellis-work design
in colors and gilt. Rose handle on covers. Rich turquoise
scale-pattern about foot. Illustrated.
Height Sucrier in., caddy 5^ in.
Gift of H. G. Marquand, 1894.


Porcelain, soft paste, decorated with openwork floral design
and raised floral design painted in overglaze colors; handles,
in form of branches, attached to the mass of richly colored
Length 9X in. Gift of H. G. Marquand, 1894.
N O . 2616

N O . 2665
2667 TRAY OF CHESTNUT DISH. Porcelain, soft paste,
having a similar openwork pattern about edge filled in with
four-petalled flowers in mauve. Bunch of flowers painted
at centre; handles in form of branches caught at sides by
raised flowers and leaves.
Length 7^ in.
Mark: crescent in blue.
Gift of Rev. Alfred Duane Pell, 1902.

2668 SUCRIER CUP AND SAUCER. Porcelain, soft paste,

having printed designs in black.
Height Bowl 5^ in., Cup 2% in., diameter Saucer 2% in.
About 1755. Gift of Rev Alfred Duane Pell, 1902.

2669 MUG. Porcelain, soft paste, decorated with printed designs

of Frederick of Prussia, Victory, and trophies in puce.
About 1755.
Height 4% in. Gift of Rev. Alfred Duane Pell, 1902.

2670 CHOCOLATE POT. Porcelain, soft paste, having puce

printed pastoral designs of figures in costume of the period.
Height 9X i n - Gift of Rev. Alfred Duane Pell, 1902.

2671 CUP AND SAUCER. Porcelain, soft paste, decorated

with a bat-printed design, colored. Mark: crossed swords in
Dresden style. Somewhat similar example in Museum of
Geology, Jermyn Street, London. About 1755.
Height Cup 2% in., diameter Saucer 2^ in.
Gift of Rev. Alfred Duane Pell, 1902.


celain, soft paste, richly decorated with medallions filled in
with exotic birds and insects in colors, the whole against
a deep scale-blue ground. Medallions framed in rococo
gilded designs about borders.
Diameter Plate 7X i n -> Dish 6^ in.
Gift of H. G. Marquand, 1894.

2673 PLATE. Porcelain, soft paste, having overglaze printed

designs in black of classic ruins and foliage.
Diameter 6^ in. About 1755-60.
Gift of Rev. Alfred Duane Pell, 1902.
2674 MUG. Porcelain, soft paste, decorated with printed designs
in black above the glaze representing a portrait medallion
of Frederick the Great of Prussia; a small cupid; a large
trophy of arms, and a figure of Victory.
Height 4X in- About 1755-60.
Gift of Rev. Alfred Duane Pell, 1902.


Porcelain, soft paste, embellished with overglazed black
printed pastoral, floral designs. About 1755-60.
Gift of Rev. Alfred Duane Pell, 1902.

2676 PLATE. Porcelain, soft paste, decorated at centre with

overglaze black printed designs of geese swimming.
Diameter6X in- Gift of Rev. Alfred Duane Pell, 1902.

2677 CUP AND SAUCER. Porcelain, soft paste, decorated

with floral medallions in colors and gold against a rich blue
Height Cup 2% in., diameter Saucer 2^ in.
Gift of Rev. Alfred Duane Pell, 1902.

2678 ECUELLE. Porcelain, soft paste, ornameted with floriated

compartments in colors after the oriental.
Height 3^ in. Gift of Rev. Alfred Duane Pell, 1902.

2679 CUP AND SAUCER. Porcelain, soft paste, and decorated

with floral band and sprays in blue and gold.
Height Cup 1^ in., diameter Saucer 2% in.
Gift of Rev. Alfred Duane Pell, 1902.

2680 SMALL MILK PITCHER. Porcelain, soft paste, decorated

in colors after Japanese design.
Height 3^ in. Gift of Rev. Alfred Duane Pell, 1902.

2681 CUP AND SAUCER. Porcelain, soft paste, ribbed, and

decorated in colors with bouquets of flowers. Band of blue,
richly gilded, runs about rims.
Height Cup 2X in., diameter Saucer 2^ in.
Gift of Rev. Alfred Duane Pell, 1902.

2682 CUP AND SAUCER. Porcelain, soft paste, decorated

with figures in colors after the oriental.
Height 2 in., diameter 2^ in.
Gift of Rev. Alfred Duane Pell, 1902.
2683 CUP AND SAUCER. Porcelain, soft paste, ribbed, and
decorated with bands of turquoise blue, enriched in turn
with twisted rope-pattern in white and black.
Height Cup 2% in., diameter Saucer 2% in.
Gift of Rev. Alfred Duane Pell, 1902.

2684 CUP AND SAUCER. Porcelain, soft paste, decorated with

figured medallions in colors.
Height Cup 2 in., diameter Saucer 2% in.
Gift of Rev. Alfred Duane Pell, 1902.

2685 CUP AND SAUCER. Porcelain, soft paste, ribbed, and

decorated with floral festoons and outer band of deep cobalt
blue. Mark: W in blue. Period 1751-1776.
Height Cup 2% in., diameter Saucer 2^ in.
Gift of Rev. Alfred Duane Pell, 1902.

2686 PLATE. Porcelain, soft paste, of octagonal shape, decorated

for the most part in ochreous-red with designs of quail,
flowers and floral sprigs. Mark: as above. Period 1751-76.
Diameter 7 in. Gift of Rev. Alfred Duane Pell, 1902.

2687 DINNER PLATE. Porcelain, soft paste, having a basket-

work design moulded in the paste at border, and rich blue
floral designs in overglaze blue at centre; gilded edge.
Diameter 7^ in. Gift of Rev. Alfred Duane Pell, 1902.

2688 CUP. Porcelain, soft paste, having floral sprays and

bouquets in blue and gold; gilded edge.
Height 2% in. Gift of Rev. Alfred Duane Pell, 1902.


soft paste, decorated with deep blue floral designs under the
glaze in Chinese style. Mark: Crescent, in blue.
Height Teapot 5X in., Bowl 4X in., Cup 2% in., diameter
Saucer 2^ in. Gift of the Rev. Alfred Duane Pell, 1902.

2690 TRAY. Porcelain, soft paste, having pierced edge and

decorated in underglaze blue, with floral designs, and, on
the outer side, with blue flowers in relief.
Length 8% in. Gift of Rev. Alfred Duane Pell, 1902.

2691 DINNER PLATE. Porcelain, soft paste, decorated with

white medallions filled in with landscapes, etc., in blue. The

whole against a deep blue ground. Mark* imitates the

Chinese "four character."
Diameter 7^4 in. Gift of Rev. Alfred Duane Pell, 1902.

2692 DINNER PLATE. Porcelain, soft paste, having a rich

dark blue ground decorated with band of gilded vine-leaves.
Urn at centre about which twines floral festoon in colors.
Mark: Crescent, in blue.
Diameter 7X i n - Gift of Rev. Alfred Duane Pell, 1902.

2693 CUP. Porcelain, soft paste, ribbed, and decorated with

rich blue border starred with gold, and from which depend
gilded festoons.
Height 2% in. Gift of Rev. Alfred Duane Pell, 1902.

2694 CHESTNUT BASKET. Porcelain, soft paste, reticulated

and decorated with a trellis-work border in underglaze blue,
and outer floral rosettes in relief.
Length 8X i n - Gift of Rev. Alfred Duane Pell, 1902.

2695 CUP AND SAUCER. Porcelain, soft paste, ribbed, and

decorated with underglaze floral designs in blue.
Height Cup 2% in., diameter Saucer 2% in.
Gift of Rev. Alfred Duane Pell, 1902.

2696 CUP AND SAUCER. Porcelain, soft paste, body decorated

with designs in blue, under the glaze; on upper edge, dark
blue band with oriental designs in gold.
Height Cup 2% in., diameter Saucer 2^ in.
Gift of Rev. Alfred Duane Pell, 1902.

2697 CREAMER. Porcelain, soft paste, having floral sprays in

blue under the glaze.
Height 3^ in. Gift of Rev. Alfred Duane Pell, 1902.

2698 SAUCEBOAT AND TRAY. Porcelain, soft paste, having

raised designs moulded in the paste, and underglaze decora
tion of floral designs in blue.
Length 4%" in. Gift of Rev. Alfred Duane Pell, 1902.

2699 BOWL. Porcelain, soft paste, having an underglaze deco

ration of figures, etc., in blue, after the oriental.
Diameter 6% in. Gift of Rev. Alfred Duane Pell, 1902.

2700 CREAMER. Porcelain, soft paste, decorated with under-

glaze floral designs in blue. Mark: Crescent, in blue.
Height 3^ in. Gift of Rev. Alfred Duane Pell, 1902.

2701 SHALLOW DISH. Porcelain, soft paste, having floral

design in colors at centre, framed in a broad outer band of
blue enriched with lambrequin designs in gold.
Diameter 6% in. Gift of Rev. Alfred Duane Pell, 1902.

2702 TEAPOT. Porcelain, soft paste, decorated in the Chinese

manner with rich blue dragon designs under the glaze.
Height in. Gift of Rev. Alfred Duane Pell, 1902.

2703 CUP AND SAUCER. Porcelain, soft paste, decorated with

floral bouquets and sprays in colors.
Height Cup 1% in., diameter 2^ in.
Gift of Rev. Alfred Duane Pell, 1902.

2704 SAUCEBOAT, COVER AND TRAY. Porcelain, soft paste
ornamented with central medallion representing Lady
Hamilton as Hope, by John Pennington. Bands of rich
gilt decoration on gros bleu run around borders. Two gilt
handles at sides; top, flower rising from leaves in gilt. Part
of service made for the Duke of Clarence (William IV.).
Length Sauceboat 5]/ 2 in., Tray 7X i n -
Gift of Rev. Alfred Duane Pell, 1902.

2705 CUP AND SAUCER. Porcelain, soft paste, fluted, and

ornamented in green, blue and gold with floral designs.
Gift of Rev. Alfred Duane Pell, 1902.

2706 CUP AND SAUCER. Porcelain, soft paste, decorated in

colors and gold with exotic birds and foliage after the oriental.
Height C u p2 %in.,diameterSaucer2 i n .
Gift of Rev. Alfred Duane Pell, 1902.

2707 ECUELLE. Porcelain, soft paste, decorated with floral

festoons in green and gold.
Height 4^ in. Gift of Rev. Alfred Duane Pell, 1902.

2708 PLATE. Porcelain, soft paste, decorated with an outer
band of leaves in ochreous-red and gilt picked out with
small pink flowers.
Diameter in. Gift of Rev. Alfred Duane Pell, 1902.


Porcelain decorated in ochreous-red and blue with the
" Wheel of Fortune" pattern.
Gift of Rev. Alfred Duane Pell, 1902.

2710 CUP. Porcelain, soft paste, ribbed, and ornamented with
sprays and ribbons in blue and gilding.
Height 1% in. Gift of Rev. Alfred Duane Pell, 1902.

2711 FRUIT AND TOAST DISH. Porcelain, soft paste, deco
rated in green with foliated spirals and owls against a canary-
yellow background. French design, the owls used instead of
Height Fruit Dish 4^ in., length Toast Dish 7X in.
Gift of Rev. Alfred Duane Pell, 1902.

ABOUT 1820-1830

2712 LARGE VASE. Porcelain, soft paste, ornamented with

raised heads of satyrs, torches, grapes, eaves and drapery,
festoons, and having twisted handles in form of the grape
vine, the whole in richest gilding against a gros bleu ground.
On plinth which imitates giallo antico marble. Worcester (?).
Height 9 in. Gift of Rev. Alfred Duane Pell, 1902.

2713 PLATE. Porcelain, soft paste, ornamented at centre with

floral spray in colors; broad band of white and gold leaves
and grapes on ochreous-red ground decorates border; edge
Diameter 7% in. Gift of Rev. Alfred Duane Pell, 1902.

2714 CUP AND SAUCER. Porcelain, soft paste, decorated in

gros bleu and gilding with rich floral arabesques.
Height Cup 2% in., diameter Saucer 2^ in.
Gift of Rev. Alfred Duane Pell, 1902.

2715 CUP AND SAUCER. Porcelain, soft paste, ribbed, and

decorated with ringed bands and dots in gilt.
Height Cup 2 in., diameter 2^ in.
Gift of Rev. Alfred Duane Pell, 1902.
NO. 2730
2716 CUP. Porcelain, soft paste, having designs of roses, etc.,
painted in puce.
Height 2% in. Gift of Rev. Alfred Duane Pell, 1902.



2717 OVAL DISH. Queen's ware, having a basket-work pattern

moulded in the paste. Mark: Wedgwood, impressed.
Between 1765-1788.
Length 6% in. Bequest of Miss Margarette A. Jones, 1907.

2718 PLATE. Queen's ware, its sole decoration being a painted

floral band of violets and leaves in their natural colors. One
of a large set.
Diameter 7 in. Gift of Garrett Chatfield Pier, 1908.

2719 TEAPOT. Queen's ware, globular form, twig handle,

rose-bud knob to cover, moulded spout.
Height 4X in. Rogers Fund, 1909.

2720 FRUIT DISH. Queen's ware, with reticulated basket-work

decoration at sides, same moulded in paste at centre.
Height 3^ in. Gift of Garrett Chatfield Pier, 1908.

2721 COVERED CUP. White biscuit body, glazed inside, two

handled, floral oil-gilt decoration. Made just before Wedg
wood's partnership with Bentley, or about 1765-68.
Experimental piece.
Height 3X i n - Rogers Fund, 1909.

2722 SCENT BOTTLE. Blue and white jasper ware, decorated

with figure and floral designs in low relief. Wedgwood and
Bentley, 1768-1780.
Height 2% in. Rogers Fund, 1908.

2723 PLAQUE. Black basaltes, representing a bust of Washing

ton modeled in classic style and inscribed with his name.
Mark: Wedgwood and Bentley, in small type, 1768-1780.
Height 2 in. Gift of William Henry Huntington, 1883.

2724 PAIR VASES. Green and brown pebble-ware, squat urn-

shape, decorated with graceful oil-gilt festoons and terminals.
Ormolu mounts. Mark: circular seal of Wedgwood and
Bentley, 1768-1780.
Height 8% in. Rogers Fund, 1909.

2725 CAMEO PLAQUE. Blue and white jasper, decorated with

the well-known "Infant Academy" after Sir Joshua Rey
nolds. Mark: Wedgwood, small. About 1785-1790.
Length 5y 2 in., height 3X in. Rogers Fund, 1908.

2726 CAMEO MEDALLION. Dark blue and white jasper,

decorated with the figure of Euterpe, after Flaxman. About
Height 2% in. Rogers Fund, 1908.

2727 MEDALLION. Light blue and white jasper, representing

the bust of Sir Joseph Banks after Flaxman. Mark: Wedg
wood. About 1779.
Height 3 in.

2728 PEDESTAL. Blue and white jasper, square form, having

compartments filled in with figures of nymphs, after Webber,
with griffins, rams' horns, and floral designs, aiming to be
classical, but in fact of mediaeval character and style. Mark:
as above. About 1785-1790.
Height 6X in. Rogers Fund, 1908.

2729 VASE. Similar, having relief designs representing "Domes

tic Employment" and "An Offering to Peace," after Lady
Templetown, nee Elizabeth Boughton. Modeled 1777.
Mark: Wedgwood. About 1785-1790.
Height 6^4 in. Gift of W. B. Osgood Field, 1902.

2730 OVAL CAMEO MEDALLION. Dipped green and white

jasper, with relief. Subject " An Offering to Peace," after
the design by Lady Templetown. Mark: Wedgwood.
About 1785-1790. Illustrated.
Length 6^ in. Gift of H. G. Marquand, 1894.

2731 PLAQUE. Dipped blue and white jasper, decorated in low

relief with the design "An Offering to Flora," after Lady
Templetown. Modeled 1777-78. Mark: Wedgwood, L. T.
About 1785-1790. Illustrated.
Length 17X in. Rogers Fund, 1908.
NO. 273I
2732 PLAQUE FOR FIRE-PLACE. White jasper, decorated
with relief design representing the aged Priam begging the
body of the Slain Hector from Achilles. The white reliefs
(stained) are on a deep green ground (much repaired). The
design itself is taken from a wax copy by Pacetti of a bas-
relief found upon the back of the sarcophagus of the Roman
Emperor Severus Alexander. Mark: Wedgwood. Design
is figured in Rathbone's Wedgwood, Plate XL About 1789.
Height 6 in., length 15X i n - Rogers Fund, 1909.

2733 ORNAMENTAL (HOMERIC) VASE. Solid blue jasper,

oval form, standing on a square plinth and decorated in
relief in white jasper with a design which may be called
" Nike Crowning the Victorious Contestant on the Lyre,"
and not, as commonly, "The Apotheosis of Homer." This
design was copied direct by Flaxman from an antique red-
figured krater now in the British Museum (E 460), a vase
that formerly belonged to Sir William Hamilton. It shows
a musician standing to right, facing Nike, one foot still
resting upon the platform upon which he has stood. In
his left arm he holds the lyre, resting it upon his knee; the
plectrum is seen in his right hand. The other male figure,
seated at the extreme right, and clad in the gracefully
draped folds of a Doric cloak, is the judge of the contest.
Behind the musician are two female figures, a winged
genius descending in haste, and a seated figure wearing the
sleeveless chiton, her hair caught up by an embroidered
kerrhief. On the opposite side of the vase is a design, unu
sual on vases of this description, representing Minerva in full
panoply, lacking the spear, framed in a Doric portal over
which towers an enormous palm. The piece is further or
namented with honeysuckle, oak-wreath, and trellis pattern
at neck, base and plinth, with outflaring snake and Medusa-
head handles, and, surmounting the cover, a well-modeled
Pegasus in white jasper. The main design was modeled
by Flaxman sometime during the year 1777, but the
piece was probably not made before 1785-1790, when
most of the larger and finer ornamented jasper vases were
made. Mark: Wedgwood, 3.
Height 18% in. Sanderson Collection. Rogers Fund, 1910.

2734 FLOWER VASE AND PEDESTAL. White jasper body,

krater form without handles, dipped in pale celadon green,

and having relief designs of eight winged cupids playing

various musical instruments, children doubtless modeled
by Flaxman, who excelled in rendering the sturdy limbs
and artless grace of childhood. Above the cupids, and
immediately below the outflaring flange, is a band of honey
suckle pattern and oak-draped masks, while below is a
fluted band running into a beaded circle at jointure of body
and foot. Honey-suckle band about foot (repaired). Floral
festoon and patera about the circular Pedestal. Mark: as
above. Same period.
Height Vase 10% in., Pedestal 3X i n - Rogers Fund, 1910.

2735 VASE. Black and white jasper, a late copy of an ancient

Roman (Alexandrine) vase now in the British Museumthe
Barberini or Portland Vase. About 1840-1860.
Height 8% in.

2736 Similar. Blue and white jasper.

Gift of Jed Frye, 1908.


2737 JARDINIERE. Blue and white jasper, decorated with
figures in relief in manner of Lady Templetown. Mark:
Height 5X in- Purchase, 1908.


2738 VASE. Agate ware, decorated with a relief design repre
senting David with the head of Goliath. Formerly embel
lished with oil-gilt.
Height 12 in. Purchase, 1908.

2739 SALT CELLAR. Porcelain, hard paste, modeled in the
form of sea-shells and seaweed and colored in soft tones of
pink and green. Probably the work of Soqui.
Height 5% in. Gift of H. G. Marquand, 1894.
NO. 2733

2740 TEA CADDY, AND CUP AND SAUCER. Porcelain, soft
paste, decorated in blue and gold with pagodas and floral
designs after the oriental. Mark: S in blue. Illustrated.
Gift of Rev. Alfred Duane Pell, 1902.

2741 TEA CADDY. Porcelain, soft paste, embellished with floral

designs in gold divided by horizontal lines in dark blue.
Mark: S, in blue. Illustrated.
Height 5X in. Gift of H. G. Marquand, 1894.

2742 DINNER PLATE. Porcelain, soft paste, decorated with

blue, white and gold radiant design springing from a circle
at centre ornamented with a single gold spray of roses.
Outer border a band of deep blue having as over-decoration
rope-pattern in gold; band of gold dots divides this from
radiant design. Mark: S. in blue. Illustrated.
Diameter 8> in. Gift of H. G. Marquand, 1894.


2743 CUP AND SAUCER. Blue and white jasper, embellished
with designs in low relief of shepherds attended by cupids.
Marked: Adams.
Height Cup 2% in., diameter Saucer 4X in- Purchase, 1908.

2744 SUCRIER. Blue and white jasper. Subject of reliefs

"Britannia" and "Hope." Mark: Adams.
Height 4X in- Purchase, 1908.


ABOUT 1 7 7 7 - 1 8 1 7

2745 TEAPOT, SUCRIER, AND CREAMER. Queen's ware,

decorated in red and green with strawberry-pattern band
about centres, and gilded.
Heights Teapot 6^ in., Sucrier 6 in., Creamer 6X in.
Gift of Mrs. Evelyn A. J affray, 1898.

2746 TEA SET. Delft Ware, tastefully ornamented with floral

sprigs in green and pale yellow, on an opaque white ground.

Fluted in the paste. Period about 1817. Imitation of the

seventeenth century "delft ware" of thefabrique.
Height Teapot 5 in., Sucrier 4^ in., Bowl 4 in., Creamer
4X in., Cups 2 in., diameter Saucers 2^ i n -
Gift of H. G. Marquand, 1894.


2747 JUG. Porcelain, hard paste, covered with an intensely hard
vitreous glaze, and painted in overglaze enamels with scat
tered floral designs.
Height 6% in. Gift of H. G. Marquand, 1894.

2748 CREAMER. Porcelain, hard paste, similarly decorated

with floral designs in rich overglaze colors.
Height 5^2 in. Gift of H. G. Marquand, 1894.

2749 CUP AND SAUCER. Porcelain, soft paste, decorated with
delicate floral patterns in gold and colors.
Height 2% in., diameter 2^ in.
Gift of Rev. Alfred Duane Pell, 1902.

2750 COFFEE POT. Cream-ware, painted with cornflowers and
leaf in overglaze green and blue.
Height 14^ in. Purchase, 1907.

2 7 5 1 TEAPOT. Cream-ware, sparsely decorated with floral

sprigs in overglaze colors.
Height 4X in- Purchase, 1907.

2 7 5 2 MILK PITCHER. Porcelain, hard paste, decorated in
overglaze colors with figures of a cock and motto.
Height 4^ in. Gift of Rev. Alfred Duane Pell, 1902.
NO. 274O

2753 D I N N E R P L A T E . Porcelain, h a r d paste, fluted, scalloped

in t h e paste, a n d sparsely d e c o r a t e d in overglaze colors w i t h
designs of insects and flowers. About 1793.
D i a m e t e r 6^4 in. Gift of R e v . Alfred D u a n e Pell, 1902.

2754 DINNER PLATE. Porcelain, h a r d paste, decorated w i t h a

b r o a d o u t e r b o rd e r of p a i n t e d medallions o f flowers a n d
insects against a soft blue g r o u n d , richly gilded. Interior
embellished w i t h gilded vine-leaves. O u t e r edge scalloped
a n d o r n a m e n t e d w i t h floral designs m o u l d e d in the paste
a n d gilded.
Diameter 7X in. Gift o f R e v . Alfred D u a n e Pell, 1902.

A B O U T 1830-1876

2755 PLATTER. F i n e w h i t e e a r t h e n b o d y , iron-stone t y p e ,

deco rated w i t h oriental designs in d a r k blue.
L e n g t h 1 4 K in. Gift of Mrs. E v e l y n A . J a f f r a y , 1898.

2756 CREAMER. " Iron-stone c h i n a , " h a v i n g oriental designs

in d a r k blue.
Height 4 ^ i n . Gift o f Mrs. Evelyn A. J a f f r a y , 1898.

2757 LARGE JUG. "Iron-stone china" decorated with oriental

designs of figures, foliage, etc., in d a r k blue. Mark: Daven
p o r t impressed a n d p r i n t e d , a n d word " A m o y " in blue.
Height 7 X in- Gift of Mrs. E v e l y n A. J a f f r a y , 1898.

2758 C O F F E E P O T . Blue a n d w h i t e printed-ware, o r i e n t a l

Height 8 ^ i n . Gift of Mrs. E v e l y n A. J a f f r a y , 1898.

2759 S A U C E - B O A T A N D T R A Y . " Ironstone c h i n a , " b l a c k

printed-ware, decorated w i t h t h e design " C y p r u s " ; consists
of cover, bowl a n d t r a y . M a r k : Ironstone, n a m e a s a b o v e ,
a n d anchor.
Height 9 in. Gift o f Mrs. Evelyn A. J a f f r a y , 1898.

2760 P L A T E . " Iron-stone c h i n a , " b l u e and white printed.

Decorated with a view o f F r i b u r g .
D i a m e t e r 8 % in. Gift o f Mrs. E v e l y n A . J a f f r a y , 1898.


Mark: impressed, Wood, Burslem.
Height 10 in. Gift of William Henry Huntington, 1883.

2762 BUSTOF FRANKLIN. Cream-ware, after Houdon. Stands

on column surrounded at foot with festoon of laurel, itself
resting on a square base, having moulded designs of fasces.
Height 11 in. Gift of William Henry Huntington, 1883.

2763 CREAMER. Dark blue printed-ware. Design of Cupid

behind bars. Mark - name impressed.
Height 5^2 in. Gift of Mrs. Evelyn A. Jaffray, 1898.

2764 SUGAR BOWL. Dark blue printed-ware. Design of Cupid

behind bars.
Height 6^ in. Gift of Mrs. Evelyn A. Jaffray, 1898.

2765 CREAMER. Dark blue printed-ware. Design of figures

and floral patterns.
Height 6% in. Gift of Mrs. Evelyn A. Jaffray, 1898.

2766 TWO BOWLS. Dark blue printed-ware. Design of shells

and pastoral medallions.
Gift of Mrs. Evelyn A. Jaffray, 1898.

2767 TEAPOT AND CREAMER. Dark blue printed-ware.

Design of girl with wreath standing underneath a spreading
tree; scene framed in a wreath of flowers. Pieces are the
richest of their kind.
Gift of Mrs. Evelyn A. Jaffray, 1898.

2768 PAIR CUPS AND SAUCERS. Dark blue printed-ware.

Design, Cupid behind bars. Mark: impressed.
Gift of Mrs. Evelyn A. Jaffray, 1898.


2769 PLATE. Blue printed-ware. Decorated with a view of the
City of Oxford. Mark: E. W. & Co.
Diameter 8% in- Gift of Mrs. Evelyn A. Jaffray, 1898.
NOS. 274I, 2742


2770 SMALL PLATE. Dark blue printed-ware. Design of
"Capitol at Washington," and shells about border. Mark:
name impressed.
Diameter 6% in. Gift of Mrs. Evelyn A. J affray, 1898.
2771 PLATE. Dark blue printed-ware. Design represents a
view of a "Moulin Sur la Marne" at Charenton. Mark:
oval, impressed, bearing name, eagle and words "Semi-
Diameter in. Gift of Mrs. Evelyn A. JafTray, 1898.
2772 TEAPOT. Dark blue printed-ware. Design, pastoral scene
and rich foliage and floral sprays.
Gift of Mrs. Evelyn A. J affray, 1898.
2773 PLATE. Blue printed-ware. Design of man leading camel,
the pyramids, etc., surrounded by rich floral border.
Diameter 9X in. Gift of Mrs. Evelyn A. Jaffray, 1898.


2774 SUGAR BOWL. Porcelain, soft paste, decorated with
painted designs of flowers, insects, etc., and broad bands of
rose-pink. Stands on high foot.
Height 5X in. Gift of Rev. Alfred Duane Pell, 1902.
lain, soft paste, richly decorated in ochreous-red, blue and gold.
Height Teapot 5 in., Sucrier 4% i"-, Creamer 4% in., Bowl
3^ in., Cups 2% in., diameter Tray cj% in., Saucers 2^ in.
Gift of Rev. W. P. Eigenbrodt, 1894.
ONE DOZEN CUPS AND SAUCERS. Porcelain, soft paste
decorated in florid style in red, blue, green and gold.
Height Teapot 5% in., Sucrier 4^ in., Bowls 3^ in., Creamer
4X in., Cups 2% in., diameter Saucers 1% in.
Gift of H. G. Marquand, 1894.
2777 DINNER PLATE. Porcelain, soft paste, decorated with
outer border of apple-green enriched with floriated designs
in gold.
Diameter 7K in. Gift of Rev. Alfred Duane Pell, 1902.


2778 PLATE. Blue printed-ware. Designs of roses. Scalloped
Diameter 7^ in. Gift of Mrs. Evelyn A. Jaffray, 1898.

2779 PLATE. Blue printed-ware. Designs of roses and cathedral

in medallion at centre. Pink lustre edge.
Diameter 7^ in. Gift of Mrs. Evelyn A. Jaffray, 1898.

2780 TEAPOT. Blue printed-ware. Designs of flowers in vases,

boxes, etc., after the oriental. Mark: "Warranted Clews,
Height 6% in. Gift of Mrs. Evelyn A. Jaffray, 1898.

2781 CUP AND SAUCER. Blue printed-ware. Design of

flowers in vases, boxes, baskets, etc.
Gift of Mrs. Evelyn A. Jaffray, 1898.

2782 BOWL. Blue printed-ware. Designs, pastoral.

Diameter 7X in. Gift of Mrs. Evelyn A. Jaffray, 1898.

2783 SMALL PLATE. Dark blue printed-ware. Design, " Dr.

Syntax and the Dairy Maid."
Diameter 6% in. Gift of Mrs. Evelyn A. Jaffray, 1898.

2784 SUGAR BOWL. Blue printed-ware. Designs of pagodas,

etc., after the oriental.
Height 4^4 in. Gift of Mrs. Evelyn A. Jaffray, 1898.

2785 SUGAR BOWL. Blue printed-ware. Design of flowers in

vases, etc.
Height 4^ in. Gift of Mrs. Evelyn A. Jaffray, 1898.

2786 BOWL. Dark blue printed-ware. Designs of pastoral

views in ovals surrounded by baroque designs, and divided
by rose patterns.
Diameter in. Gift of Mrs. Evelyn A. Jaffray, 1898.

2787 CUP AND SAUCER. Dark blue printea-ware. Design,

flowers in basket.
Height Cup 2% in., diameter Saucer 3 in.
Gift of Mrs. Evelyn A. Jaffray, 1898.

2788 PLATE. Blue printed-ware, showing a picture of the

"Landing of LaFayette at Castle Garden, New York, 16
August, 1824." Rich floral border. Mark on back: "War
ranted Clews, Staffordshire."
Diameter 7 in. Gift of William Henry Huntington, 1883.

2789 MUG. Dark blue printed-ware. Design, flowers in vases,

etc. Height 4X in.
Gift of Mrs. Evelyn A. Jaffray, 1898.

279 0 CUP AND SAUCER. Blue printed-ware. Similar design to

No. 2795.
Height Cup 2% in., diameter Saucer 3X i n -
Gift of William Henry Huntington, 1883.

279 1 COFFEE POT AND SUGAR BOWL. Blue printed-ware.

Design representing the Tomb of Franklin and surrounded
by rich floral designs.
Height Coffee Pot 7^4 in., Sugar Bowl in.
Gift of William Henry Huntington, 1883.

279 2 SMALL PLATE. Dark blue printed-ware. Pastoral design

surrounded by foliage. Mark: impressed, "Clews, warranted
Diameter 6% in. Gift of Mrs. Evelyn A. Jaffray, 1898.

ABOUT 1820

2793 SAUCER. Porcelain, hard paste, decorated in colors and

gold with designs of roses, etc., against a pale blue ground;
deep blue band runs around edge and centre.
Diameter 4 i n . Gift of Rev. Alfred Duane Pell, 1902.

2794 SAUCER. Porcelain, hard paste, four sided, curved, and

simply decorated with floral sprigs in overglaze enamels.
Reddish-brown edge.
Diameter 4^ in. Gift of Rev. Alfred Duane Pell, 1902.


2795 PAIR BUTTER PLATES. Printed designs at centre colored
by hand. Portrait of Queen Charlotte, design "My Mother"
and verse also in colors. Mark: Stevenson, impressed.
Diameter 3X in. Purchase, 1908.


2796 PLATE. "Stone China" decorated in deep blue with the
design of an "Indian Temple." Mark: initials J. W. R.,
subject of design, in blue.
Diameter 9^ in. Gift of Mrs. Evelyn A. Jaffray, 1898.


2797 PLATE. Blue printed-ware. Design, waterfall, ruins and
figures surrounded by an outer border of flowers.
Diameter 8X in. Gift of Mrs. Evelyn A. Jaffray, 1898.

2798 CUP AND SAUCER. "Opaque China," having black

printed designs after the oriental. Mark: W. R.
Height Cup 2% in., diameter Saucer 2^ in.
Gift of Mrs. Evelyn A. Jaffray, 1898.


2799 COFFEE POT. Decorated in blue and white with printed
designs of Florentine palaces, etc. Mark: Name of the firm.
Height 9^ in. Gift of Mrs. Evelyn A. Jaffray, 1898.

2800 SUGAR BOWL. Blue printed-ware. Designs of floral

trellises framing pastoral scenes. Stands on four feet.
Height 6 in. Gift of Mrs. Evelyn A. Jaffray, 1898.

2801 TEAPOT. Brown printed-ware. Decorated with pastoral

views and floral designs.
Height 7^ in. Gift of Mrs. Evelyn A. Jaffray, 1898.
2802 CUP AND SAUCER. Black printed-ware, partly colored
by hand, the decoration consisting of floral designs. Mark:
as above.
Height Cup 2% in., diameter Saucer 2^ in.
Gift of Mrs. Evelyn A. Jaffray, 1898.

2803 SMALL CREAMER. Blue and white printed-ware.

Height in. Gift of Mrs. Evelyn A. Jaffray, 1898.

2804 LARGE BOWL. Brown printed-ware, decorated with

designs of ships, flowers, etc.
Diameter 9^ in. Gift of Mrs. Evelyn A. Jaffray, 1898.

2805 PLATE. Black printed-ware, decorated with oriental and

floral designs. Mark: as above.
Diameter 9X i n - Gift of Mrs Evelyn A. Jaffray, 1898.


2806 PLATE. Blue printed-ware. Design "Hoboken in New
Diameter 7X in. Gift of Mrs. Evelyn A. Jaffray, 1898.


2807 LARGE JUG. Blue printed-ware. Designs of hunters and
dogs. All dark blue designs relating to America were made
at above factory. Other pieces, in colors, at Tunstall.
Height 7X in. Gift of Mrs. Evelyn A. Jaffray, 1898.

2808 TEAPOT. Blue printed-ware. Design, swan amid reeds,

and floral patterns. Mark: flower or star, in blue.
Height 5^ in., length 9-^4 in.
Gift of Mrs. Evelyn A. Jaffray, 1898.

2809 PLATE. Blue printed-ware. Design, a "Spanish Convent."

Mark: name, and flower or star impressed.
Diameter 8X in. Gift of Mrs. Evelyn A. Jaffray, 1898.

2810 SUGAR BOWL. Blue printed-ware, decorated with villa

scenes and flowers. Mark: name, and''Columbia."
Height 5X i n - Gift of Mrs. Evelyn A. Jaffray, 1898.

281 1 TEAPOT AND SUGAR BOWL. Pink printed-ware, design,

pastoral scene and flowers. Mark: name, impressed.
Gift of Mrs. Evelyn A. J affray, 1898.

2812 SUGAR BOWL. Pink printed-ware, pastoral designs.

Height 5% in. Gift of Mrs. Evelyn A. Jaffray, 1898.


2813 TWO PLATES AND PLATTER. "Ironstone china,"

decorated, the former after the oriental, the latter with
design of a castle beside a river.
Length in. and 14 in.
Gift of Mrs. Evelyn A. Jaffray, 1898.

2814 SUGAR BOWL WITH COVER. Blue printed-ware, lobelia

designs. Mark: name as above.
Height *]% in. Gift of Mrs. Evelyn A. Jaffray, 1898.

2815 PAIRPLATES. " Ironstone china," decorated with oriental

designs in dark blue.
Diameter \o% in. Gift of Mrs. Evelyn A. Jaffray, 1898.

2816 PLATE. " Ironstone china," with central printed design of

" Bejapore," and outer border of flowers and leaves in blue
on a darker shade of same color.
Diameter 7% in. Gift of Mrs. Evelyn A. Jaffray, 1898.

2817 PLATE. Blue printed-ware; villa scene and floral designs.

Diameter 8^ in. Gift of Mrs. Evelyn A. Jaffray, 1898.

2818 COVERED PITCHER. Blue printed-ware, floral designs,etc.

Height 5^ in. Gift of Mrs. Evelyn A. Jaffray, 1898.

ABOUT I752-I796
2819 PLATE. Octagonal form, having black printed design of
Washington reviewing his troops, and inscribed below a
floral border: " His Excellency, Gen'l. George Washington."
Sadler and Green (?)
Diameter 9 in.
Gift of the Misses Emma S. and Harriet R. White, 1890.
2820 MEDALLION. Cream-ware; oval shape, having a portrait
of Washington (Stuart) printed in black.
Height 5 in. Gift of William Henry Huntington, 1883.

2821 BOWL. Cream-colored pottery, decorated with black-

printed designs of the Frigate "Constitution" (colored by
hand), martial trophies, a portrait of Washington, a sailor
"taking the sun," and a figure of Washington standing on
the neck of the British lion.
Diameter 7^ in. Gift of William Henry Huntington, 1883.

2822 PITCHER. Cream-colored pottery (stained brown), deco

rated with black-printed designs of figures of Ceres, eagle
above cannon, and insignia of war; shield inscribed "Peace,
Plenty and Independence" and representation of the U. S.
Frigate "Constitution." Above eagle with American coat-
of-arms at centre are the stars of the original thirteen states.
The designs are enriched with gilt and the piece is further
embellished with gilt.
Height 6X in- Gift of William Henry Huntington, 1883.

2823 PITCHER AND BOWL. Cream-colored pottery; the

former printed in black with circular medallion in which
Liberty, standing beside Washington, points to map of the
Eastern States of America. To right Athene bids the histo
rian record the words ''American Independence 1776."
Above are a flag of the United States and a winged figure with
trumpet to lips and holding a wreath inscribed "Washing
ton." On the other side are flags and a liberty cap and an
inscription which reads: "As he tills yon rich glebe, the old
peasant shall tell, while his bosom with Liberty glows,
how your Warren expired, how Montgomery fell, and how
Washington humbled your foes." Bowl similarly decorated
with central designs of the arms of the Hatter's Guild.
Height Pitcher 9^ in., diameter Bowl 11 in.
Gift of William Henry Huntington, 1883.


2824 SMALL PITCHER. Earthenware, decorated with lustred

floral designs on yellow.
Height 5^ in. Gift of Mrs. Evelyn A. Jaffray, 1898.

2825 LARGE PITCHER. Earthenware ornamented with dancing

figures and green leaf designs raised in the paste. Lustred.
Height 8^2 in. Purchase, 1907.

2826 MUG. Earthenware, embellished with rich copper lustre,

and enameled floral designs on brown.
Height in- Gift of Mrs. Evelyn A. Jaffray, 1898.

2827 LARGE PITCHER. Earthenware, white glazed, and deco

rated with bands of copper lustre.
Height 7^ in. Gift of Mrs. Evelyn A. Jaffray, 1898.

2828 SMALL PITCHER. Earthenware decorated in rich copper

lustre with painted design of child being taught to write.
Height 5 in. Gift of Mrs. Evelyn A. Jaffray, 1898.

2829 TWO FIGURES OF FRANKLIN. Earthenware, richly

colored. Franklin stands, clad in civilian costume. One,
marked in gold "General Washington" but certainly
Franklin, after Houdon.
Height 15^ in. Gift of William Henry Huntington, 1883.

2830 FIGURE OF FRANKLIN. Earthenware, enameled cream

and embellished with gold. The old statesman stands clad
in civilian costume.
Height 14^ in. Gift of William Henry Huntington, 1883.

283 I FIGURE OF WASHINGTON. Earthenware, The General

is clad in civilian costume, holding cocked hat and scroll
and wearing long coat with gilt buttons, edge and sleeves,
flowered waistcoat gilded; white knee breeches and stock
ings and black shoes with gilded buckles. Wig on head,
heavy ruffle at throat.
Height 14%" in. Gift of William Henry Huntington, 1883.

2832 SMALL PITCHER. Earthenware decorated in brown

lustre and having a central floral design in overglaze enam
eled colors.
Height 4X in. Gift of Mrs. Evelyn A. Jaffray, 1898.

2833 LARGE PITCHER. Earthenware, embellished with glow

ing copper lustre, yellow floral designs and white enamel
pattern about body.
Height 6^ in. Purchase, 1907.

2834 BOWL. Cream-ware. Decorated with a painted design of

floral festoons.
Diameter 6^ im Gift of Mrs. Evelyn A. J affray, 1898.

2835 LARGE MUG. Earthenware having surrounding bands of

red and blue which divide "Mocha ware" or tortoise-shell
design at centre.
Height 7X in. Gift of Mrs. Evelyn A. Jaffray, 1898.

2836 PITCHER. Cream-ware, decorated with bands of green

and brown.
Height 6^ in. Gift of Mrs. Evelyn A. Jaffray, 1898.

2837 MUG. Cream-ware, tortoise-shell design.

Height 4X in- Gift of Mrs. Evelyn A. Jaffray, 1898.

2838 CUPS AND SAUCERS. 1-2, decorated with black-printed

designs of lovers; No. 3, design of mother with child. Pink
lustre band about edges.
Height Cups 2% in., diameter Saucer 2%" in.
1-2 Gift of Mrs. Evelyn A. Jaffray, 1898.
3 Gift of Mrs. B. Conant, 1896.

2839 MUG. Cream-ware, decorated in colors with blue bands

about body.
Height 6$4 in- Gift of Mrs. Evelyn A. Jaffray, 1898.


earthenware, decorated with bands of leaf-pattern in blue.
Handles of tureen of same pattern.
Height Tureen 10 in., Saucer Boat in.
Gift of Mrs. Evelyn A. Jaffray, 1898.

2841 PEPPER POT. Cream-ware, decorated in blue.

Height 4X in- Gift of Mrs. Evelyn A. Jaffray, 1898.

2842 CUP AND SAUCER. Blue printed-ware; designs of

figures and flowers after the Chinese.
Height Cup 2% in., diameter Saucer 2% in.
Gift of Mrs. Evelyn A. Jaffray, 1898.



2843 SMALL MUG. Cream-ware with printed figures and mottoes

after Dr. Franklin's "Poor Richard." "Keep thy shop,
and thy shop will keep thee." "If you would have your
business done, go; if not, send."
Height 2% in. Gift of Mrs. Evelyn A. J affray, 1898.

2844 PAIR SMALL PLATES. Earthenware, cauliflower borders,

centres ornamented in colors over printing, with biblical
subjects, "History of Joseph" and "Christ Rising from the
Diameter 5X in. Gift of Mrs. Evelyn A. Jaffray, 1898.


2845 VASE. Decorated by the pate sur pdte method with figures
in white against a blue background, classic floral designs
in colors and gold; handles at neck. This " clay upon clay "
method was commenced by Solon about 1865.
Height 6}^ in. Gift of Rev. Alfred Duane Pell, 1902.

2846 LARGE VASE. Classic form, decorated by the pdte sur

pdte process with exquisitely modeled figures in white
against dark green with a design representing Diana at the
Hunt. On back are entwined circles of cupids in clouds.
Remainder of piece richly decorated in green, blue and gold
with floral designs, etc.; one of the finest examples of the
work of Solon extant.
Height 24X in. Gift of Rev. Alfred Duane Pell, 1902.

2847 VASE. Decorated in the pdte sur pdte style, with female
figures in white over a pale apple green.
Height 8% in. Gift of Rev. Alfred Duane Pell, 1902.

2848 VASE. Classic form, decorated by the pdte sur pdte method
with figured medallions and bits of classic architecture in
soft Etruscan reds, yellows, etc., against a mauve-grey back
Height \ \% in. Gift of Rev. Alfred Duane Pell, 1902.

2849 VASE. Bottle-shaped, decorated by the pcite sur pdte

method with exquisite figures in white against a deep green
background. Neck polychrome and gilded.
Height 10^ in. Gift of Rev. Alfred Duane Pell, 1902.

2850 PAIR VASES. Flat, bottle-shaped, decorated by the pdte

sur pdte method with figures in white against green and pale
blue backgrounds.
Height 7% in. Gift of Rev. Alfred Duane Pell, 1902.

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