Aliens RPG - Book of Tables PDF

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cr Formal Education Colony | Education Soclal Background Social Standing __MP_| Characteristics MP 99 - 99 | Exceptional Garrison Infantry Officer Candidate Commander 26 Lena Active Duty Roll Active Duty des 00-09 00-07 00-05 00-03 Move up a Grade 1o- + + ef 8 Civil Disorder Military Police Tactical Team 91-94 44-49 95-96 50-52 97-98 53-56 99-99 57-58 Military Police Civil Disorder Tactical Team Peacekeeping | Colonial Revolt Corporate Raid | Corp Extradition Corp Investigation | Harvester/Tar Hazard Exploration | Colonial Rescue Hostage Rescue Corporate Revolt Corp Military Coup Renegade Miltary 94-97 61-65 98-99 66-75 Underprivileged 0 13-44 1 Social Norm’ 2 15-16 2 Influential 6 7 3 5 Elite MP 16 7 18 Service Ribbon + 1 Group Award +2 Commendation +3 Reprimand = 1 Reprimand -2 Loss of Rank - 4 20 Service Cross + 4 | Court Martial 22 Medal of Valor +6 | 4 years Prison Modal of Honor +8 8 years Prison 4E Skill Advancement General Skill Class Is CLLRS aT ASD ‘Comm / Gomputer Op Comm / Computer Repair Motion Tracker Op ‘Specific Grd Veh Drive Rp Specific Grd Veh Drive Op | Grd Veh Life Support Rp Grd Veh Life Support Op _| Grd Veh Weapon Sys Rp BASIC TRAINING TABLE / 2A Service Branch Marine Auxil, Officer Skills Basic Training Gun Combat . : : Gid Veh Weapon Sys Op _| infantry Weapons Rp Balance x - a Portable Welder Op Special Weapons Rp Hand-Hand Cmot |X . Climbing x : Scouting x - Air Comm / Computer Op _| Space Weapon Sys Op Survival x x Specific Aircraft Drive Op | Air Comm / Computer Ro Aircraft Drive Op Remote | Specific Aircraft Drive Rp Espionag : : ace : : Aircratt Life Support Op _| Aircraft Life Support Rp Aircratt Nav Sys Op Aircraft Nav Sys Rp Diplomacy Aircraft Power Op Aircraft Power Rp x OK Awareness Aircraft Weapon Sys Op _| Aircraft Weapon Sys Rp General Equipment Op —_| General Equipment Ap Power Loader Op Space Comm / Comp Rp Specialist Skills Spacecraft Comm / Comp. | Spacecraft Drive Rp a ~~ |_| Spacecratt Drive Op Spacecraft Life Support Rp Close Combat Class 2 & 3 General i i rt N Merit Points 10+ | Forward Observer Spacecratt Life Support Op | Spacecralt Nav Sys Rp Spacecraft Nav Sys Op __| Spacecraft Power Rp STR,AGIChar 14+ | Gun Combat Spacecraft Power Op Space Weapon Sys Rip AllPrimary Char 12+ | Vehicle Weapons Guerilla Wartare Demottions Merit Points 12+ | Diplomacy INT Characteristic 16+ | Class 3, 4, &5 General AllPrimary Chars 12+ | Intelligence [ Propaganda HARD Allin 1 Other Specialty ‘STR Characteristic 16+ | Alien Worlds ‘Administration Logistics ‘Communications Skils | Miltary Etiquette Covert Actions Philosophy/Political indoct, Drill Propaganda Forward Observer Public Relations Guerilla Warfare Security Identification (military) ‘Smuggling INT Characteristic 14+ | Hard-Core Suit Intelligence Surveillance AGI Characteristic 11+ | Zero G Combat Interrogation Tactical Command Post Heavy Weapons Demoiitions ee ates, Merit Points 10+ | Gun Combat i STR Characteristic 15+ | Rocket Launcher Lesdershin AllPrimary Chars 12+ | Vehicle Weapons ‘Administration Finance Alien Worlds Gambling Astronomy Gymnastics Biking History Business Journalism Card Games Languages Carousing Law Chess Manutacturing Cinematography Management Communications Systems | Medical Aid Computer Systems Music Con / Acting Networking Connoisseur Performing Arts Cooking Photography Driving Political Science Economics Propaganda Engineering Civil Public Relations Engineering Electrical _| Science (specity field) Engineering Mechanical _| Sleight of Hand Intelligence Comm / Computers Merit Points 12+ | Espionage INT Characteristic 17+ | Intelligence All Primary Char 12+ | Miltary Identification Surveillance Machine Gun Operator | All Close Combat Skills STR Characteristic 15+ | Machine Gun Operation AGI Charateristic 14+ | Repair (Small Arms) All Primary Chars 12+ | Special Weapons Recon Forward Observer Merit Points 8+ | Inteligence INT Characteristic 14+ | Class 3 General Skils All Primary Chars 12+ | Class 4 General Skils, Pilot /Co-Pilot | Airship Piloting Merit Points 12+ | Remote Piloting INT, AGI Char 16+ | Repair & Ops (Airship) All Primary Chars 11+ | Airship Weapons Ai ELAR LESAN Colonial Marine Corps Combat Fatigue Clothing Basic Light Medium Heavy 320 320 310 300 280 210 210 200 190 180 130 130 120 100 95 95 85 75 65 75 75 65 55 45 55 85 45 35 25 45 45 35 25 5 35 35 25 15 5 30 30 20 10 25 25 18 5 20 20 10 15 15 5 10 10 CONELGCNSTSIET} Intelligence Characteristic ing | 9 10 1 12:13 14 «15 1 Untrained 23333 4 Novice Certified Professional Expert Master Grand Master evi s180%) 20 4 6 6 7 7 7 8 Will Characteristic Skill Rating en, 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 20 21 Untrained So 6 4 a 6 a Novice 10 11 12 13 14 15 20 22 Cettitied 20 22 24 26 28 30 40 42 Professional 40 44 48 52 56 60 80 84 Expert 50 55 60 65 70 75 95 100 105 Master 60 65 72 78 84 90 96 102 108 114 120 126 ‘Grand Master 70 77 86 91 98 105 112 119 126 133 140 147 OPTIONAL COMBAT ACTIONS MODIFIERS | 3D AGILITY MODIFIERS ENCUMBRANCE MODIFIERS Agility CA Modifier Encumbrance CA Modifier | Encumbrance CA Modifier 3-4 18 pounds Less than CL + ‘Over Combat Load a 5-13 25 pounds Less than CL +2 30 pounds Over CL. 14-16 50 pounds Less than CL +3 70 pounds Over CL. 17-18 90 pounds Less than CL +4 130 pounds Over CL 19-21 190 pounds Less than CL. +5 200 pounds Over CL TAMA SNS Physical Shot Characteristics | Time Accuracy] | Protective Gear en ean ‘Combat Fatigues Light Armor Pistol Weight 3 o oe an 200 Medium Armor Heavy Armor This compact, high capacity, | Ammo Capacity 14 Lite Support pistolisthestandardsidearm | Ammo Weight 1 1 Day Expend ‘of Colonial Marines. It fires | Ammo Cost 40 HARDCore Suit the same ammo asthe SMG. | Rate of Fire SS. 1 Day Expend. a a | Spacesuit Sub-Machinegun (SMG) | Weight 7 etpack Cost 400 Vacuum Suit LightSMGcarriedby security | Ammo Capacity 8 Infantry Weapons forces and Colonial Marines | Ammo Weight 2 Demo Charge within colonies and built up | Ammo Cost 60 6 Grenades (4 Blast) areas. Rate of Fire LRAF 8 Grenade (Smoke) a a Radio Detonator Pulse Rifle Weight 1" Rocket Launcher Cost 800 4 Rocket Round ‘Standard weapon of Colonial | Ammo Capacity 16 Sentry Gun Marines operating in tree fire | Ammo Weight 4 Silencer (pistol) zones. Itcomes equiped with | Ammo Cost 130 a eee) 30mm Grenade Launcher. | Rate of Fire LRAF Tear Gas, Sniper Rifle Weight 8 Personal Equip. Cost 1000 Equip. Harness ‘Semiautomatic rifle used for | Ammo Capacity 16 Elect Lockpick ong range accuracy. Itis a] Ammo Weight 1 ak ‘common weapon of Corpo- | Ammo Cost 60, Imatigenes Uat rate espionage forces. Rate of Fire SS Light / Comm Gear oe Medical Kit Weight Machine Gun ei) be 1 Set Supplies ce ~ Motion Tracker Main ire supportweaponota | Ammo Capacity 16 Orbital Comm Marine Stike Team. The | Ammo Weight 8 Personal Data Ts weapon is operated by Spe- | Ammo Cost 200 Portable Welder cialists and is gyro mounted. | Rate of Fire © MRAF Position Tracker eee Pulse Comm Flame Unit Weight 16 ‘Survival Gear Cost 500 ‘Bodroll Popular support weapon | Ammo Capacity 16 Canteen ideal for close combat. The | Ammo Weight 5 Climbing Gear weapon's range is limited to | Ammo Cost 30, 100 Foot Rope Very Close range. RateofFire SS. Entrenching Too! = : Fire Extinguisher Shotgun Weight 8 Flares (6) Cost 300 Flashlight / Lamp Changingtechnologyhasnot | Ammo Capacity 8 Framepack outdated the effectiveness of | Ammo Weight Hertel this close combat weapon. | Ammo Cost 6 ‘Night Vision Gear Limited to Short range RateotFire SS Rations (20 days) Equipment Telecommunications & Finance Business Cards (10) ‘Computer Information Retrieval Credit Card Jammer Locator Radiophone Security Device ‘Shopping Booth Video Camera Large Equipment HARO Shelter Hypersleep Pod Power Loader Tactical Command Post Vacuum Shelter Ground Vehicle Parts Airlock Bathroom Cargo / Passenger Bay Cold Stores Communications Critical Eloctronies Door Emergency Power Engine Kitchon Life Support Navigations NonCritical Electronics Power Train Steep Away ‘Suspension Tank (Fuol or Ox) Tools. Weapon Controls ‘Winch ‘Alreraft Parte and Systems Alrrarme Bay Door Cargo Bay Cargo Pod Comnmunjeatione ,. Gitcal Electronies } Drive Inteke Cte) Equipmer Aircraft Parts and Systems Landing Gear Life Support Navigations NonCritical Electronics Photo Recon Power Radar Sensors Tail Weapon Electronics Spacecraft Parts and Systems Bridge Cargo Bay Drive System Hypersleep Pods Jump Clock Jump Drive Lite Support Manewer Jets Power Unit Sensors Weapon Systems Chain Gun ‘Ammunition Lase Cannon Disruptors Light Gun Class 1 Medium Gun Class 2 Heavy Gun Class 3 Gun Class 5 Gun Ciass 7 Gun Class 9 Mortar ‘Ammunition Missile Bay Light Heavy Missiles and Warheads Light HSI Sprint Light TS! Dogleg Heavy (Hammer) Light Warhead Heavy Warhead Cost 3,000 20,000 4,000 3,000 3,500 30,000 16,000 18,000 3,000 6,000 400,000 12,000 1,500,000 100,000, 800,000 1,200,000 50,000 50,000 40,000 40,000 10,000 1,600 30,000 60,000 160,000 300,000 600,000 1,000,000 4,500,000 10,000 200 5,000 5,000 3,000 4,000 6,000 200 © 250" SNL GNU aD Standard Major Equipment of Living Per Month | Per Day Ground Vehicles Bare Subsistence 150 5 Civilian Vehicles Very Poor 250 10 Cycle 15 | 1,800 20 5 Poor 400 15 Car 20 | 6,000 80 30 | | Lower Class 600 30 Limousine 150 | 20,000 200 60 Lwr Middle Class 1,000 50 Of Road Jeep| © 50 | 8,000 80 40 | | Middle Class 4,500 90 Sports Car 200 } 80,000 240 60 | | UprMiddie Class | 2,500 160 Trucks Affluent 5,000 400 8 Foot 40 | 9,000 80 40 Wealthy 15,000 45 Foot 200 | 25,000 500 200 Very Wealthy 40,000 | ‘Off World Veh ee Exploration 500 | 64,000] 1,300 | 1,000 SNES aLE] APC Alrcraft Insurance per 3 Months Fixed Wing Medical 4 Person 500 | 40.000} 2,300 | 1,000 Miltary Equip per 10,0006 12Person | 1,000 | 80.000] 5,100 | 3,000 Medical Ald Aid Station Field Hospital ‘Trauma Center Space Transport per Jump Passenger Travel or 120 Person Helicopter 4 Person, 700 | 60,000) 3,000 | 1,200 12 Person 1,100 | 90,000] 6,600 }| 4,500 30 Person Orbital Craft 1 Ton Cargo, no Lite Support Carryall 2,400 | 220,000 | 7,000 450 ‘Jump 1 Craft Dropship — | 280,000 | 8,500 450 Jump 2 Cratt Gunship Jump 3 Craft Jump 4 Craft Spacecraft Recon — | 6700K | 18200 | 1,200 | | interstellar Communications Marine Frigate — | 7.500k | 19,000 | 1.600 | | charge / Message / Jump Corp. Frigate — | 8.000k | 19,000 | 1,800 ‘4 dump per Day Speed Cruiser — | s.400k | 19,800 | 2,000 24 Jump per Day Speed *60 Jump per Day Speed “Available at Colonies and Major Worlds only ‘System Defense ‘Synthetic Person Reprogramming — | 50,000 = = rae CA Action © Change Facing 60° While Moving, per 6° 1 Change Facing 120° (ig Action Reload a Weapon Pick Up / Set Down a Weap Climb Through a Window CA Action 1 Funning Stance: Move Forward 6 foot 3 Move Backward 6 foot 2 LowCrouch: Move Forward 6 foot 4 Move Backward 6 foot 3 5 RNOara@ While Immobile Draw a Concealed Pistol Hands & Knees: Move Forward 6 foot | 2 Assume a Firing Stance Draw a Hand-Hand Weapon Move Backward 6 foot Look OverAround Cover ‘Arm & Throw a Grenade CEPT aw TY Target Range | MULTIPLE HITS Shot 25-42 43-04 95-240" 281-4207 Very | | Target Rate of Fire Accuracy Close Short Medium Long Long | | Range| Low Med High PBlank] 4 8 12 VClose 6 10 Close 5 8 Short 4 Medium 2 Long 1 V Long 1 ea Shot Accuracy Modifier Situation Shooter Moving or Ducking Target Moving or Ducking Firing Through Smoke Man Size Target Looking Over Cover Firing Over Cover Standing Exposed Kneeling Exposed Prone Exposed Alien Lifeforms Facehugger Chest Burster Warrior or Sentry Queen Harvester Lifeforms 46 Drone +14 Harvester or Carrier Vehicles and Airships +16 Ground Exp Vehicle +14 APC +17 Gunship +18 Dropship +23 Carryall ‘Automatic Fire - All Automatic Fire is executed with a bonus of 1 Action to the Aim Time. Called Shots - The Shooter may ‘choose to use the ‘Firing Around Cover Hit Location Table when fir- ing ata target in the open. All such fire is executed with a 1 Action Aim Time penalty PARC NTONEN EY ea Glancing Roll (0 - 9) Plus Glancing Modifier of Table 6B HIT LOCATION ROLL Machine Gun Sniper Ritle Firing In Pulse Ritle Around The Sub-Machinegun Cover Open Pistol Glance ‘Light Wound Forehead Critical Wound Eye - Nose Critical Wound Mouth Critical Wound Glance ‘Superficial Wound Shoulder Disabling Injury Upper Arm - Flesh| ‘Superficial Wound Upper Arm - Bone Disabling Injury Forearm - Flesh ‘Superficial Wound Forearm - Bone Disabling Injury Hand Superficial Wound Weapon ‘Weapon Critical Glance Superficial Wound Chest Heavy Wound Base of Neck Critical Wound Heart Critical Wound Spine Critical Wound ‘Abdomen Heavy Wound Pelvis Medium Wound Glance Superficial Wound Thigh - Flesh ‘Superficial Wound Thigh - Bone Disabling Injury Shin - Foot Disabling iniury Clothing or Hit Location Clothing or Hit Location Armor Head Body Arms Legs Shins Armor Head Body Arms Legs Shins Clothing +12 412 ‘Combat Fatigues +6 46 ‘Vacuum Suit +6 +6 Light Armor +6 46 Spacesuit] 0 +6 +6 Medium Armor | - +6 +6 HARDCore Armor | -10 _-10 -10 Heavy Armor | - +6 +6 a SOAS Grenade or ChainGun | Rocket Launcher or Mortar | Demolition Charge Light Cluster Missile Heavy Cluster Missile Heavy Blast Warhead Light Disruptor Light Blast Warhead Heavy Disruptor Full Full Full Range From Open Life HARDCor) Open Life HARDCoe] Open Life HARDCore Burst Suit Support Suit Suit Support Suit Suit Support Suit Point Blank | 180 45 18 520 130 52 2000 = 500 200 Very Close 30 7 3 60 15 6 150 37 15 Close 10 3 1 25 6 3 50 12 5 Short 4 1 9 2 1 20 HIT LOCATION ROLL Firing In Around The Cover Open Reena esnesesa 00 - 32 33-84 85-99 tesa aeuaul ea Machine Gun Sniper Rifle Pulse Rifle ‘Sub-Machinegun Pistol Glance Jaws ‘Skull Glance Shoulder Tissue Bone Glance Chest Heart Dead Dead Disabled Dead Dead Dead Disabled Disabled Disabled Disabled Dead Dead Dead Dead Disabled Disabled Disabled Disabled Disabled Disabled Dead Dead Disabled Dead Dead Dead Disabled Disabled Disabled Disabled Dead Dead Disabled Disabled Disabled PEN Oa HIT LOCATION ea ROLL Machine Gun <0 0-2 SniperRitle] <0 © 0-2 3-8 Firing in Pulse Rifle 6-8 Around = The ‘Sub-Machinegun Cover Open Pistot DRONE Dead Glance : - Disabled Dead Dead Dead Dead Eye - Nose Jaws : = Disabled Disabled. Dead Skull - Dead Dead Neck Dead __Dead Dead Foreleg Glance : : : : - + Disabled Disabled Disabled Shoulder Tissue : - Disabled Disabled Disabled Bone - Disabled Disabled Disabled Disabled + Disabled Disabled Disab Claw Disabled | Glance : : : : Disabled Disabled Disabled Disabled Chest : Heart Dead Dead Dead Dead Dead Spine Dead Dead Dead Dead Dead ‘Abdomen - Disabled Disabled Disabled Pelvis Disabled Disabled Hindleg Glance Shoulder Tissue Bone + Disabled Disabled - Disabled Disabled Disabled Disabled _ Disabled Disabled Disabled ra) menial) - Dead Dead Dead Disabled Dead Dead Dead Dead - + Disabled Disabled Disabled Dead Dead Dead Dead Dead : Dead Dead Dead Dead Foreleg Glance Shoulder Tissue = Disabled Disabled - Disabled Disabled bled - Disabled Disabled Disabled Disabled = Disabled Disabled Disabled Disabled 37-42 | Body Glance - : - : - 43-48 Chest = Disabled Disabled Dead Dead 49-50 Heart Dead Dead Dead Dead =~ Dead 51-54 Spine Dead Dead Dead Dead «Dead 55-73 ‘Abdomen - a - = Disabled 74-79 Pelvis i - Disabled Disabled _ Disabled 80-86 | Hindleg Glance : : : : 87-92 Shoulder - - Disabled Disabled 93-96 Tissue : = Disabled Disabled Disabled 97-99 Bone Disabled Disabled Disabled Disabled ——EE COREL Punch Punch, Set Elbow Elbow, Set Kick, Jab Kick Kick, Set Head Butt Block EGS Base Odds Action 11-SL Cutting Blow, Jab 9-SL Cutting Blow 8-SL_ Cutting Blow, Set 10-SL_ Stabbing Blow, Jab 8-SL Stabbing Blow 7-SL_— Stabbing Blow, Set 11-SL__ Block with Parry Device 9-SL Block no Party Device Jabs do half ID but take 1 less AC. Set Blows do double ID, & take +1 AC, Weapon Billyclub Crowbar Hammer Knife Pistol Rifle Sword Impact Damage (ID) ‘Arcturian Axe 5-2 Arcturian Spear 4-1 - (6) PNP RON EPR AC WC IDe_1Ds| (9) +6 (5) +2 Q)+1 () 0 (6) +2 (3) 1 3)+3 (3) 42 (3)+1 (3) Machine Pistol 4 -1 (6) (6) 0 +3 ~ 1 6) +3 (8) 0 ()+2 (3) 37 at 7 4 46 00-31 32-32 33-44 45-49 50 - 50 51-52 53-59 60-69 70-82 83-92 93-99 Blunt Attack 00 - 05, 06-14 15-15 16-32 33-50 51-54 55-63 64-72 73-86 87-99 Neck Shoulder Upper Chest Lower Chest ‘Abdomen Arm Leg Head Face Neck. Upper Chest Lowor Chest Groin Arm Leg jponooro+ 29 90 1,000 1,000 400 1,000 13 20 18 n 45 800 2,000 17 40 25 100 19 72 400 300 300 18 18 45 15 15 3,000 10,000 20,000 2,000 2,000 2,000 28 100 52 300 40 100 1,000 800 400 37 37 60 23 23, 100 200 600 2,000 400 10,000 700 2,000 20,000 1,000 2,000 2,000 4,000 8,000 4,000 8,000 500 100 100 95 72 72 500 Dead Dead 5,000 Dead Dead Dead Dead 3,000 300 10,000 300 10,000 100 100 200 5,000 100 700 Stabbing Attack Hit Location Left Right 0 +6 +2 ans 24 a 6 25 9 7 a " 9 30 14 12 00 - 05 06-07 08-14 15-17 18-19 20-22 23-25 26-30 31-32 33-36 37-40 44-43, 44-47 48-54 55-63 64-72 73-86 87-99 Forehead Eye Mouth Neck Base of Neck Shoulder Lung Heart Liver ‘Stomach Spine Intestines Pelvis Am Leg 6,000 6,000 200 4,000 100 87 500 20,000 10,000 20,000 10,000 20,000 4,000 5,000 4,000 6,000 4,000 6,000 100 100 1,000 1,000 30,000 40,000 700 200 2,000 400 300 24 at 900 200 200 500 5,000 7,000 500 400 61 28 500 500 100 40 Te eee Healing Field Trauma Center Time Station | Hospital Recovery Roll HT cTP_RR| CTP_AR Outpost___Colony _ Major World 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 40 4s 50 6 70 80 9m 100 200 300 400 500 600 700 800 900 1000 2000 3000 4000 5000 6000 7000 8000 9000 12000 16000 20000 40000 60000 80000 100000 Te) Random Roll 42 35 67 8 Critical Time Period; the maximum length of time between the time 4p 6p tip of the injury and the Recovery Roll (RR). 47p 73p 4m Damage Total. Total Physical Damage (PD) taken times 10, 9m 14m 25m divided by the character's Health Characteristic (HLT) 23m 53m 96m Healing Time in days. 2h 3h 5h Recovery Roll; percent chance of surviving, 4h 7h 12h Days gh 14h 25h Hours. 19h 29h 53h Minutes 53h 82h 6d Phases (2 seconds) EELS Weapon, Light Sprint Cluster Blast Warhead Light Dogleg Cluster Blast Warhead Heavy Hammer Cluster Blast Warhead Lase Cannon Chain Gun Disruptor Light to Heavy Gun Class 5 Gun Class 7 Gun Class 9 Mortar Range Extreme Extreme Far Far Extreme Extreme Near Extreme Extreme Extreme Extreme Extreme Far Advantage Yes No 4635 -2 372160 +6 2 io “2 40 10 18 +4 +2 ° +5 +7 +9 2 PEIN PES RT Target Range Mid Far Extreme MISSILE AND GROUND VEHICLE TABLE / 9B Maneuver Missile or Vehicle Number Vulnerability ‘Sprint Light HSI Missile “2 Dogleg Light TSI Missile +3 Heavy Hammer Missile 0 Ground Cycle Ground Car Ground Exploration Vehicle ‘Armored Personnel Carrier ‘TARGET RANGE TABLE Difference in Advantage Roll Mid Far Extreme 6-8 4-5 2-3 Each Tum, each Vehicle rolls 3 six-sided dice and adds the Pilot's Skill Rating Modifier (SRM) and the Vehicle's Maneuver Number othe total. fone Vehicle's Advantage Rollis 2ormore greater than the opponents, that Vehicle has the Advantage. ‘This means ituses the Advantage column of Table 9A when de- termining Shot Accuracy. In addition, the difference between the two Advantage Rolls is entered on the table above to determine the Range for combat that Turn. The Vehicle that has the Advantage against it uses the No Advantage column of Table 9A, and fires at the same Range as its opponent. It neither Vehicle gains Advantage, each fires using the No ‘Advantage column, and at Extreme Range. ‘APilot who has Advantage from the previous Turn adds 1 to hisAdvantage Roll Difference in ‘Advantage Roll +7 or more +510 +6 +3 t044 +2 oT 0 a “2 3 to -4 -5 to -6 Tor less. When an Aircraft attacks a Ground Vehicle, the Ground Vehicle Vulnerability (GVV) is added to the Shot Accuracy. ‘A Ground Vehicle's Advantage Roll equals the sum of 3 six-sided dice, the Vehicle's Maneu- ver Number (Table 9B), and the Driver's SRM. To find the GVV, subtract the Ground Vehicle's Advantage Roll from the Aircratt's Advantage Roll, and check this table. “Apone Hicks Drake Vasquez Hudson Dietrich Frost Crowe ‘Gorman Ferro Ripley CUES Wee cans Newt Burke Bishop Primary Secondary Primary Game Values __| Characteristics | Characteristics| _ Equipment Skills Skills Skills ‘Strength 15 | Charisma 13 | LgtArmor Fatigue | Gun Combat | Motion Tracker | Repair Veh Drive © Combat Aetons 8 | Ineligence 14 | Leadership 15 | Pulso Rite Scouting E| APC Diver N | Repair Int Weap N Knockout Value 60 | Will& Heath 12 | Perception 14 | 8 Grenades ‘Other General © | Ven Weapons | Security ce Learning Rol 18 | Agiity 14 | Metivaton 14 | Pisol CommiComputer © | Spec Weapons C | Tactics € ‘strength 15 | Charisma LgtArmor Fatigue | Gun Combat E | Notion Tracker © | Guerita Wartare N Combat Actons 8 | Ineligence 14 | Leadership Pulse Rite Diplomacy N'| APC Driver | Socurty © Knockout Value 65 | Will & Heath 13 | Perception 8 Grenades, Other General C | Veh Weapons | Smugging eating Rot 18 | Agity 14 | Motivation Shotgun CommiGomputer N | Spec Weapons ¢ | Tactes 6 ‘strength 16 | Charisma 8 | LgtArmor/ Fatigue | Gun Combat P| Awareness U | Spec Weapons © Combat Actons 6 | Inicligence 12 | Leadership 9 | Machine Gun Hand-Hand | Other General N | Repair ini Weap N Knockout Value 48 | Wil &Heath 12 | Percepion 10 | 8 Grenades Survival | Machine Gun ¢ | Rep Spec Weap N Learning Ral 14 | Agitty 14 | Motivation 12 | Pistol Diplomacy UU | Veh Weapons C | Fwd Observer N ‘Strength Charisma 11 | LgtArmor/ Fatigue | Gun Combat P| Diplomacy | Motion Tracker N Combat Actons 7 | Inieligence 13 | Leadorship 10 | Machine Gun Hane-Hard | Awareness _U | Spec Weapons Knockout Value 48 | Wil &Heath 12 | Perception 10 | 8 Grenaces Sunival 6 | Other General N | Weiser ¢ Learning Ral 15 | Agity Motivaion 12 | Pisol Infitraton —_-«G.| Machine Gun | Repair in Weap ‘strength Ghatisma 14 | UgtArmor /Fatique | Gun Combat P | Otber General N | Spee Weapons C. Combat Actons 6 | Ineligence 15 | Leadership 8 | Pulse Rifle Surival © | Commicomputer C | Rep Com'Comp C Knockout Value 48 | Will&Heath 12 | Percoption 10 | 8 Grenages Infitraton | Motion Tracker C | Con Acting” N Learning Rol 19 | Agity Metivaton 18 | Pistol Diplomacy 6 | Veh Weapons _N | Enginoor Elect. Strength 12 | Charisma 13 | UgtArmoc/ Fatigue | Gun Combat | CommiGomputer © | Rop Veh Lite Spt C Combat Actions 5 | Ineligence 15 | Leadership 10 | Flamo Unit Diplomacy | Veh Lite Support C | Medal Aid. Krockout Value 20 | Will& Heath 10 | Bercoption 14 | First Aid Kit ‘Awareness C | Spec Weapons N Learning Roll 18 | Agitly 12 | Motivation 13 | Pistol Other General N | Rep ComComp C ‘Swength 14 | Chariema 12 | Lgtarmor Fatigue | Gun Combat ¢ | Intraion | Spec Weapons N Combat Actons 5 | Inteligence 12 | Leadership 10 | Pulse Rile Hang-Hand | Other General N | Rep APC Drive C Knockout Valve 20 | Wil & Heath 13 | Perception 11 | 8 Grenades Scouring | APC briver —¢ | Rep Ven Weap Learaing Rol +4 | Agity 12 | Motivation 12 | Pistol Survival | Veh Weapons ‘Stongth 12 | Charisma 10 | LotArmor Fatigue | Gun Combat ¢ | Veh Weapons ¢ | Rep APC Drive Combat Actone 6 | Intotigence 13 | Leadership 9 | Flame Unt Diplomacy U | Spac Weapons _C | Rep Veh Lite Spt C Knockout Value 24 | Wil & Heath 12 | Perception 9 | 8 Grenades ‘Awareness —_U | Veh Life Suppon C Learing Rol 16 | Agity 14 | Mativaton 13 | Pistol Other General _N | Welder N Wierzbowski ‘Strength 14 | Charisma 10 | Lot Armor Fatigue | Gun Combat | CommiComputer N | Rep Com’Comp Combat Actions | Ineligence 10 | Leadershin 8 | Pulse Pile Diplomacy U | APC Driver” | Rep Veh Life Spt N Knockout Value 22 | Wil &Heath 11 | Perception 8 | 8 Grenades ‘Awareness U | Veh Weapons_N | Rep Spec Weap C Learning Rol 12 | Agitty 14 | Motivaton 12 | Pistol (Other General_N | Spec Weapons N ‘Suength 12 | Charisma 11 | Combat Fatigues | Gun Combat NV | Other General N | Covert Actions N Combat Actions 4 | Inotigence 13 | Leadership 13 | 1 Grenade Scouing | Commicomputer | Guerlla Warfare C. Knockout Vaive 13 | Wil &Heath 13 | Perception 9 | Pistol Survival | APC Driver N | Socunity N Learning Rot 18 | Agiity 12 | Motivaton 15 Diplomacy «| Adminstration | Tactics N Stength 12 | Charisma 10 | Combat Fatigues | Gun Combat N | Dropship Pict | Space Nav Sys Combat Actions 7 | inteligence 16 | Leadership 10 | Pistol Survival C | Airlie Suppor C | Rep Ar ComiCpt C Knockout Value 12 | Wil & Heath 12 | Perception 12 Other General N | AirNav SystemC | Rop AirNav C Learning Roll 21 | Agility 16 | Motivation 15 ‘Air CommiGomp © | AirPower Sys © | Rep AirPower © ‘Spunkmoyor strength 19 | Charisma 9 | Combat Fatigues | Gun Combat N'| Air Weapons | Rop Air Lio Sot Combat Aetions 7 | Inoligence 14 | Leadership 9 | Pistot Survival C| Powerloader CG | Rep Ai Weap C. Knockout Value 13 | Wil & Heath 11 | Perception 10 Other General N | Space Weapons © | Rep Space G:C C Learning Ral 17 | Agity 14 | Motivation 13, Dropship Pilot © | Flep Dship Drive © | op Space Nav N strength 12 | Charisma 16 | Clothing Gun Combet © | CommComputer ® | Space Nav Sys P Combat Actions | Ineligence 17 | Leadersnip +4 | Pulse Fine Glass 23Gen © | Spec Weapons ¢ | Rep Space Drive C Knockout Value 32 | Wil& Heath 16 | Percaption 15, Giass 5 General_P | Powertoader | Rep Space Pwr C Learning Roti 22 | Agiity 15 | Motivation 15 Other General _N | Space Compt P | Engineer Elect C stengty 4 | Charisma 13 | Cloting Gun Combat _U | Cass 5 General N Combat Actions 4 | inteligence 16 | Leadership 10 Balance C | HandHand Knockout Value 4 | Wil &Heath 13 | Percoption 15 Class 3 General C Learning Roll 19| Agity 13 | Motivation 13, Glass 4 General U Stiengin 12 | Charisma 13 | Clothing Gun Combat | Other Ganeral_-N | Management ¢ Combat Actions 4 | inteligence 14 | Leadership 9 Balance C| Cons Acting CC | Marieting Knockout Value 3 | Wit&Heath 10 | Perception 11 Espionage | Business /Fin. © | Networking Learning Roll 18 | Agity 10 | Motivation 14 Glass 5 General ¢ | Law N strength 21 | Charisma 10 | clothing Gun Combat _U| Space Comp E | Space Power E Combat Actions 16 | Inteligence 21 | Leadership 6 Other General © | Frgate Drive | Rap Space Life S E Krockout Value — | Wil Health 21 | Perception 8 CommiGomputer C | Space Lie Sot E | Dropship Pit E earring Rall — | Agitty 21 | Motivation 21 Medical Ad” | Space Nav Sys_E | Dropship Remote E PISO im Name Primary ‘Secondary Primary Game Values __| Characteristics | Characteristics |__ Equipment Skills Skills Marine Otficor | Sirengih 13 | Charisma 12 | Lgt Armor (Fatigue | Gun Combat | Veh Weapons Combat Actions 5 | inteligence 16 | Leadership 15 | Pulse Fife Glass 35Gen P| Spec Weapons ¢ Knockout Value 24 | Wi & Health 12 | Perception 14 | 8 Grenades ther General ¢ | Fwa Observer C Learning Rot 20 | Agity 12 | Motwaion 14 | Pistol CommComauter | Identification Stat Officer Strength 12 | Charisma 13 | Combat Fatique | Gun Combat | Veh Weapons N Combat Actions § | intoligonce 14 | Leadership 12 | Pulse Fifle Glass 45 Gen ¢ | Spec Weapons N Knockout Value 11 | Wil Heath 11 | Perception 12 | Pistol Gther General N | Fwd Observer N Learning Ral 19'| Agilly 12 | Motvation 15 | Field Radio ComnvComputer C | Adminstration C t ‘Strength 14 | Charisma 10 | Lot Armor/ Fatigue | Gun Combat P| APC Diver. Combat Actions 6 | Inteligence 14 | Leadership 13 | Pulse File 1.Genl Choice P| Veh Weapons ¢ Knockout Value 52 | Wi &Heath 13 | Perception 12 | 8 Grenados Other General © | Spec Weapons ¢ Leaming Rot 17 | Agitty 13 | Motivation 13 | Pistol Commiomputer © | Fwd Observer C Guard Trooper _| Strength 14 | Chavisma 10 | LgtArmor/ Fatigue | Gun Combat P| APC Diver Combat Actions 6 | Inieligerce 10 | Leadership 10 | Pulse Rifle 2Genol Choice P| Veh Weapons ¢ Knockout Value 64 | Wil &Heath 16 | Porcoption 10 | 8 Grenades Other General ¢ | Spec Weapons ¢ Leaming Rot 13 | Agiity 14 | Metivaton 13 | Pistol Motion Tracker ¢ | Fwd Observer Elle Trooper ‘Sirength 14 | Charisma 10 | Lgt Armor Fatigue | Gun Combat P| APG Diver C. Combat Actors 5 | Inieligence 10 | Leadership 10 | Pulse Rite 1Gen of Choice | Ven Weapons C Knockout Vaiue 64 | Wi &Heath 16 | Porcoption 10 | & Grenades Other General © | Spec Weapons ¢ Leaming Rol 13 | Agiity 13 | Motivaton 13 | Pistot Motion Tracker © | Fwd Obsener Crock Trooper | Strength 12 | Chariema 10 | UgtArmar/ Fatigue | Gun Combat © | 6 Operator Skits © Comat Actons 4 | Ineligence 10 | Leadershio 10 | Pulse Rile 2Genol Choice | 2Rep Skills N Knockout Valve 28 Health 14 | Perception 10 | 8 Grenades (Other General N | Tactics c Learning Roll 12 | Agiity 12 | Motivaton 12 | Pistol ‘Spee Weapons © Line Trooper Swength 12 | Charisma 10 | Lot Armor Fatigue | Gun Combat © | 2 Operator Skits © Gombat Actons 4 } Inieligance 10 | Leadership 10 | Pulse Rite 11Gen of Choice ¢ | 2 Operator Skils.N Knockout Value 20 | will Heath 10 | Perception 10 | 8 Grenades ther General N | 2Rep Skits C Learing Roll 10 | Agity ——10.| Motivation 10 | Pistol ‘Spec Weapons N | 2Rep Skits N Garrison Trooper | Stength 12 | Charisma 10 | Lgt Armor/ Fatigue | Gun Combat N | 1 Operator Skils NV Combat Actions 4 | Inieligence 10 | Leadership 10 | Pulse Pile 1 Gen of Choice ¢ | 3 Operator SkilsN Knockout Value 10 | Will& Health 10 | Percopion 10 | 8 Grenades ther General NN] 1 Rep skis C Learning Roll 9 | Agiity 10 | Metvaton 9 | Pistol Flame Unt —N| 2RepSkis ON Guard Combat Sp | Svength 15 | Charisma 10 | Lgt Armor’ Fatigue | Gun Combat M | APC Driv c Combat Actons 8 | Inteligence 12 | Leadorship 10 | Pulse File 2Gen of Choice P| Veh Weapons ¢ Knockout Value 96 16 10 | 8 Grenades Other General C | Spec Weapons C Leaming Rol 18 4 433 | Pistol Motion Tracker © | Fwd Observer © Elite Combat Spec | Svength 15 | Charsma 10 | LgtArmor/ Fatigue | Gun Combat | APC Driver C Combat Actions’ 8 | Ineligence 12 | Leadership 10 | Pulse File 2Genot Choice P | Veh Weapons ¢ Knockout Value 80 | Will &Heatn 16 | Perception 10 | 8 Grenades ‘Other General © | Spec Weapons C Leaming Roll 18 | Agity 14 | Motivation 13 | Pistol Motion Tracker © | Fwd Observer C ‘crack Combst Sp_| strength 15 | Charisma 10 | Ugt Armor’ Fatique | Gun Combat | 4 Operator Skis C Combat Actons "7 | Inetigence 12 | Leadership 10 | Pulse Fite 1Genot Choice P| 2Rep Skis NN ‘Knockout Value 56 | Wil &Heatn 14 | Percepion 10 | 8 Grenades Other General | Tactics c earring Roll 15 | Agiity —14| Motivation 13 | PistolGombat igi | Spac Weapons C. ‘Machine Gun Sp | Strength 15 | Charisma 10 | Ugt Armor/Fatique | Gun Gombat P| Veh Weapons Combat Actons 7 | Imeligence 13 | Leadership 10 | Machine Gun 1Gonot Choice P | Spac Weapons C Knockout Value 52 | Wil & Heath 13 | Perception 10 | 8 Grenades 2Genot Cnoce C | Fwd Observer C Leaming Roll 16 | Agity 15 | Motivation 13 | Pistol Other General —N | Machine Gun Recon Specialist | Strength 12 | Oharsma 10 | LgtArmor/ Fatigue | Gun Combat © | CommGomputer © Gombat Actons 6 | Inetigence 14 | Leadership 12 | Pulse File 1Genot Choice P | Motion Tracker Knockout Value 28 | Wil & Heath 14 | Perception 12 | Special Equipment | 4Gon of Choice © | Spec Weapons C Leaming Rol 17 | Agity 14 | Motivation 13 | Pistol Other General _N | Fwd Observer C Heavy Weapon Sp | Strength 15 | Charisma 10 | Ugt Armor Fatigue | Gun Combat | CommiComputer C Combat Actions § | inteigence 12 | Leadership 10 | Pulse File 1Genot Choe P | Veh Weapons C Knockout Value 52 | Wil& Health 12 | Perception 10 | Heavy Weapon | 3Genot Choice C | Spoc Weapons C Learning Ral 14 | Agity 12 | Motivation 12 | Special Equpment | Other General N | Fad Observer HARD Combat Sp | Strength 16 | Charisma 10 | HAADCore Armor | Gun Combat & | Motion Tracker Combat Actions 7 | Ineligence 14 | Leadorship 12 | Pulse Rilo 2Gen ot Choce P| APC Oriver — C ‘Knockout Value 60 | Will&Heath 12 | Perception 12 | 8 Grenades ‘Otner General © | Veh Weapons C Learning Ral 18 | Agitty 14 | Motwaton 14 | Backup Weapon | CommiComputer | Spac Weapons HARD intel Spec | Strength 16 | Charisma 10 | HARDCore Armor | Gun Combat | Motion Tracker Combat Actons 7 | ineligence 16 | Leadership 12 | Pulse File NGenot Choice P| APC Diver = C Knockout Value 44 | Will&Heath 11 | Porcepion 12 | Special Equipment | Otrer General C | identiicaton Learning Rol 21 | Agitty 14 | Motivation 15 GommiGomputer © | Inieligence —C Skills Inteigence Securty Smuggling Tactes ‘Comm. Skis Identication Net Working Tactics 2 Operator Skis 4 Rep Skits 1 Officer Skil Tactics 2 Operator Skis 4 Rp Ses actos "2 Operator Skits 4 Rep Suis Tactios Tactios Tactics 2 Operator Skis 1 Rep Skits Tacties 2 Operator Skis 1 op Skits Tactics Repair lat Weap Tastios ‘oeniiicaion Ineigence Demolition: Focket Launcher Feep Huy Woap 2 Operator Skis ‘Aken Worlds HARDCore Suit Zero G Combat ‘Surveillance ‘Akon Words HARDCore Sut Zero G Combat 200 e000 C000| 2000 © c © ¢ © © © © © © c © c c ¢ ce DOMEAU Gee Name Primary Secondary Primary Game Values | Characteristics | Characteristics| _ Equipment _ Skills ___ Skills Skills Gillan. Poor Strength 11 ‘sma 9 Gun Combat W | infitvation WN] Oning N Combat Actions 6 | Inoligonce 10 | Leadorship 10 Class 2 General C | Class 5 General C | Gambling N Knockout Value 9] Wil&Healh | Perception 10 Glass 3 General N | Gon/Acing | 1JobSkil_ ON Learning Roll 10] Agity 10 | Motwaion 10 Espionage U | Criminal Actty © | 1 Hobby - Spor © ch Strength 10 | Charisma 10 | Clothing Gun Combat U | Driving N | 1 Hobby - Spot C Combat Actions 4 lntaligence 10 | Leadership 10 | Credit Card Class § General C | 1 Job Skit © | 3 Hobby Sports N Knockout Value 3] Wit Health 10 | Perception 10 ther General U | 3Job Skits ON earring Rot 10| Agity 10 | Motwvaton 10 CommiGomputer © | Administration N. ‘Civilan Rich ‘Strength 12 | Charisma 11 | Clotting Gun Combat | Comm/Computer © | Management C Combat Actions 6 | Inotigence 12 | Leadership 13 | Credit Cards Balance © | orving Nv | 1 Hobby - Sports Knockout Valie 11| Wit Heath 11 | Percepion 12 | Personal Data Tran. | Class 5 General ¢ | Business | 3 Hobby - Sports C Learning Rol 12| Agiity 11 | Motwvaton 10 ther General’ _U | Finance € | 4 Hobby - Sports Nv Colonist ‘Strength 11 | Charisma 10 | Clothing Gun Combat | Other General _N | 1 Hobby Spot ©. Combat Actions § | intligence 11 | Leadership 10 | Credit Card Survival | 2uob skits | 2Hoboy- Sports N 3 wit Heath 10 | Perception 10 | Personal Data Tran. U| 300 skis ON at | Agi 10 | Motwaion 10 C | Administration ‘Agent | St 14 | charisma 12 Gun Combat P| CommiGomputer © | Smugging © Combat Actions 8 | Intoligence 16 | Leadership 13, Class 4 General P | Tactics © | Sunveilance PB Knockout Vale $2] Wil & Heath 13 | Perception 16 Glass 5 General P | identiicaton | 4JooSkils Learning Roll 21 | Agiiy 14 | Motivation 15 | Special Equement | Other General C | inteligence P| 8 JoD Skits ON Corporate Auditor | Strength 9 | Charisma 10 | Cithing Gun Combat N | Adminisraion | Finance P Combat Actions 7| Inteligence 15 | Leadership 10 | Great Care Glass 5 General C | Bookoeping —¢ | Law P Knockout Value 10] Wil&Heath 10 | Percoption 14 | Persoral Data Tran. | Other Gonoral U | Computar Sys Agility 9| Motivation 15 CommuGomputer C | Economies C Suengn 18 | Charisma 10 | Ciething Gun Combat P| Motion Tracker C Combat Actions @ | iniligence 13 | Leadership 10 | Creat Care HandHand P| Veh Weapons C Knockout Vale 48 | Wit& Health 12 | Perception 14 | Pistol Other General ¢ | Spec Weapons ¢ Leaming Rot 15] Agiiy 14 2 CommGomputer N | Socurty e orp. Executive | Strength 12 12 | Geahing Gun Combat N | Administation —C Combat Actions 7 | Intoligence 16 | Leadership 16 | Creat Cars Gen ot Choice ¢ | Busines ¢ Knockout Value 12 Wi &Heath 12 | Perception 14 | Personal Data Tran. | Class General C | Finance ¢ Learning Roll 22 | Agiiy 12 | Motivation 16 | Pistol thee General N | Law N Suengh 14 | Charisma 10 | Clothing ‘Gun Combat —_N | CommComputer © 8| intetigence 14 | Leadership 10 | Personal Data Tran. | Survival P | 6 Operator Skils. Kockout Value 14 | Wil 8 Heath 14 | Percoption 13, Glass 4 General U | 4 Repair Skis C Leaming Rol 17] Agity 14 | Motiv 3 Otret General C | B Repair Skis N Paramedic Srengin 13 Charisma 10 | Clathing Gun Comoat _—_U | ComnvComputer © Combat Acions 4] Ineligence 12 | Leadership 12 | Personal Data Tran, | Class 2 General | Driving © Knockout Value 3 Will& Health 10 | Perception 12 | Medcal Aic Kit | Class 5 General © | Adminstration Learning Rol 18 Agitty 12 | Motivation 13 Otner General U | Medical dC Medical Surgeon | Strongth 10 | Charisma 10 | Clothing Gun Combat U | Administration ©. Combat Actors 6 | Inetigence 14 | Leadership 10 | Personal Data Tran. | Class 5 General C | Modical Ad E Knockout Value 4 | Wil &Healtn 14 | Perception 12 Other General U | Biology ¢ earring Rol 18 Agiity 14 | Motivation 14 CommiComputer © | Chemisty ——C. Selentist ‘Strengin 9 | Ghaviema 10 | Clotting Gun Combat —U | Administration © | 2 Science Field P. Combat Actions 6 | Ineligence 17 | Leadership 10 | Personal Data Tran. | Diplomacy | Finance N | 2€ng or Science C Knockout Value 3] Wil & Heath 10 | Perception 12 ‘Other General U | Management N Learning Rot 24 | Agiity 10 | Motiv 7 Gomputer Sys | 1 Science Field Starship Fit Eng. | Strength 12 | Charisma 10 | Clotting Gun Combat | 1 Starship Op Sk Combat Actions 7 | Inoligence 16 | Leadership 12, Sunival ¢ | 2 Starship Op Sk C Knockout Value 12] Wil &Health 12 | Perception 12 | Special Equpment | Other General U | 1 Starship Rp Sk P Learning Rot 20| Agiity 12 | Motivation 14 CommComputer © | 3 Starship Rp Sk C. Starship Fit Otticer | Strength 10 | Charisma 10 | Clothing Gun Combat —_N | 1 Starship Op Sk P Combat Actions 7 | Inteligence 16 | Leadershio 12 | Personal Data Tran. | Sunival ¢ | 4 Starship Op Sk Knockout Value 12] Wil Health 12 | Perception 12 ‘Other General U | 1 Starship Rp Sk P Learning Rot 20 Agiity 12 | Motivation 14 CommGomputer C | 1 Starship Rp Sk C Technielan Strongth 10 | Charisma 10 | Clothiog Gun Combat —-U | Administration © Combat Actions 5 | Inteligence 14 | Leadership 10 | Personal Data Tran. | Diplomacy | 4 RopairSkils Knockout Value 3] Wit&Heath 11 | Perception 11 Other General U | 4 Repair SkilsN Learning Rot 18 | Aglity 13 | Motivation 12 Computer Sys C ‘Senior Technician | Strength 10 | Charisma 10 | Giothing Gun Combat U | Administration © Combat Actions 5 Inteigence 16 | Leadership 12 | Porsonal Oata Tran. | Diplomacy | 2 Repair Skils P Knockout Value 3 | Wilé Health 12 | Perception 12 ther General U | SRepair Skis C Learning Fol 20 Agity 12 | Motivation 14 Computer Sys C | 4 Repair SkilsN SLC | Speed | Characteristics Weight (Hexes / Lifeform (ib) | Phase) |STR INT Will AGI Aliens Egg (small Egg (large) Facehugger ‘Chestburster Warrior Sentry Queen Stage Stage Stage Stage Stage Stage Stage Stage Arcturlan Worker Worker » Worker Young Queen Morpher Brachous Slug Weapon EEE EL Ballistic Data ange in 2 yard hexes 40 20 40 70 100 200 300 400 ‘omm Automate Pistol ‘This Gm Automatic Pistol is an Updated version of those ro ‘ced in the late 20th century Known for its high capacity, ght recol, and accuracy, itis the standard. sidearm of Colonial Marines and Corporate Forces. Itfres the same ammunition as the SMG. ‘9mm Sub-Machinegun ‘his light Sub-Machinegun is caried by security forces and Colonial Marines within Colonies and buitup area. tisalow penetration weapon whose use within Populated areas minimizes the risk o bystanders and expensive hardware. While Combat is unavoidable in mary cites ofthe ICC, the authorites have an intrest in minimizing the damage inflicted. Heavy weapons and explosives are issued only in ree Fire Zanes" and never within developed communities and faites. FMS PEN 19 18 1.5 12 oc 2 HP PEN oc. Ss =i PEN De ase ute BA TOF Swi ldo sosv-w |B we abse-4| Be ‘0mm Pulse Fitle ‘The Pulse Piles the standard weapon of Colonial Marines and Corporate Forces ‘operating in Free Fire Zonas". It combines a 10mm automatic ite with a 30mm Pump action grenade launcher. The Pile ios a standard Armor Porcing round or an Explosive Tipped Armor Piercing round. The Explosive round has been designed for arma piercing and lethaty. The explosive round is not used in normal combat among ICC ‘combatants It's used only on non-human ie forms, ‘The 30mm Grenade Launchers pump fed and loaded tke a 20th contury shotgun. itis housed beneath the rile barrel and fies standard High Explosive Genades. Blast data for the Grenade and weapon characteristics for the Grenade Launcher are found in the bottom section of ths weapon entry MA 4 BA 56 TOF RT 2 ROF Cap 5 AW 30 Find SAB 8 Explosive Data Range from Burst in oo tod PEN 51 47 43 97 32 ow 1 tt BSHO “th *2 47 11 'BO 13K 700 180 50, 0mm Sniper Rite ‘The Sniper Riles a semi-automatic ile designed for long range accuracy and is a common weapon of Corporate Espionage Teams. It can fre the same ammunition as the Machine Gun in an emergency, but normally uses its own ‘accutzed ammunition. Special versions are available which break down into 12 inch lenaths. L 124s wo 78 Rr 8 ROF * ‘cap 16 AW 1.0 Mag Ko 7 SAB 5 17:15 66 17:15 6 6 BA 64 TOF 0 0mm Machine Gun The Machine Gun ie the main fre suppor weapon of a. Sirke Team, tis cariedby a Specialist and is mounted on a stab lized weapon har ress. Ithas a heads up visual unsight. L 48 lw 232 RT 10 ROF “12 Cap 192 AW 78 rm ko 9 SAB 3 AP PEN 23 22 19 17 0G Te omen Exp PEN 23 22 19 17 De 7 Crit Electronics | Engine Power Train Front Suspen Rear Suspen Life Support ‘Comm System Nav Unit NonCrit Elect (Ox Tanks Fuel Tanks Weapon CMS Winch Too! Bin Spares Sleep Away Airlock Door Emerg Power Bathroom Kitchen Cold Stores Expend Stores ] gooooooHso Crew Status Driver Co-Driver [oJ] Vehicle Maneuver Number 1 Cargo Bay Contents Pee MU Glancing Roll (0-9) Chain Gun / Lase Cannon Machine Gun Sniper Rifle Pulse Rifle ‘Sub-Machinegun Pistol Crew Status and Damage Notes Suspension Winch Comm sys Nav Unit Crit Elect Driver Co-Driver Tool Bin Spares | Noncrit Elec | (Ox Tank Engine ‘Suspension Airlock Power Train Sleep Away (Ox Tank Cargo Bay ] Fuel Tank ‘Suspension Suspension Fuel Tank Life Support Emergency Power Kitchen | | Cold Stores ____ Expendable Stores Suspension Suspension COMES) Crit Electronics [_]} Life Support [_]| Vehicle Maneuver Number 2 Engine (]} Orbital Trans. foal (Crew Status Power Train LJ] Comm system = [) Passenger Weapon Controls [|| Command Post {_| Srxoie Nav Unit Oo Weapons o Emerg. Power [_) Ammunition Status nn ee Morar Morar a. Fil of cake | Infantry Light Rounds Rounds —=|| Weapons Missiles HE Smoke Missile Bay [_]] Fuel Tanks — : Mortar O| stores oO | Mortar Bay [|| Suspension [| Driver Officer PS Weapon Glancing Roll (0-9) Heavy Disruptor o te 3 46 Medium Disruptor 3 4 5 6 Ts Chain Gun / Light Disruptor 6 7 8 9 10+ Heavy Warhead o 1-2 3+ Heavy Cluster / Light Warhead 2-3 4-5 6+ Lase Cannon / Light Cluster 5-6 7-8 9+ 00-02] Lase Cannon| . Crew Status 03-04 - Otbital Trans | Crit Elect and 05-09 : Nav Unit | Driver | Weap Cnirl Damage Notes 10-14] Suspension | 15-19 Engine 20-24 Suspension 25-29| | OxTank 2 Power Train 30-34 | 35-39 Comm §} - Tank cho ys (Ox Tani 40-441 1 aiock Officer : 45-49 - Grew1-2 || - 50-54 Crew3-4 |} - Stores 55-59 Crew 5-6 : Door Fuel Tank co-c4| ee Crew7-8 : 65-69 Crew 9-10 70-74] Suspension Crew 11-12| : Or aN 75-79 80-84 Ee Seppe ‘Suspension 85-89 Lgt Disruptor 90-92] Missile Lnchr = Missile 93-94] — Mortar eee 95-99 Mortar and Ordnance Bay Crit Electronics Drive System Power System Weapon Controls Weapons. Chain Gun Lase Cannon Lgt Missile 1 Lgt Missile 2 Hyy Missile 1 Hvy Missile 2 Weapon Diesen aa Combat Speed 5 Maneuver Number / Vulnerability versus # Airframe Units 2 B Life Support Chain Gun Ammo Radar 1 Noncrit Elect APC Door Sensors Intakes comm Nav Unit Landing Gear [1] Tail Ol 3 4 CI O +3 ‘Ammunition Status Heavy Missile Light Missile Bay1 Heavy Missile Bay 2 Crew Status Pilot Co-Pilot Heavy Disruptor Medium Disruptor Chain Gun / Light Disruptor Heavy Warhead Heavy Cluster / Light Warhead Lase Cannon / Light Cluster Crew Status and Damage Notes Airframe Radar Non Crit Elec Nav Unit 1 Nav Unit 2 Intake gt Missile Bay 1 Hy Missile Bay 1 Sensors 1 Sensors 2 Crit Elec Pilot Co-Pilot _ Life Support Lase Cannon C.G. Ammo. Comm 1 Comm 2 Weap Cntri Intake Landing Gear ‘APC Door Airframe Drive Airframe Landing Gear ‘APC Door CARRYALL AIRCRAFT Crit Electronics Life Support [J] Combat speed 4 Drive System (Chain Gun Ammo) [|] Maneuver Number / Vulnberability versus # Airframe Units Power System Radar oO 1 2 Photo Recon Non-critElect [| co (at Bay Door 1 +17. So ans 11] ammunition Status (Missile Launchers for Cargo Pods) Pod 1 Intakes fe Light Light Heavy Heavy Pod 3 Nav Unit Oo Bay1 Bay2 Bay1 Bay2 Pod 4 Landing Gear : t : E Tail O11 (Optional) Weapons Crew Status (Chain Gun) Pilot (Lase Cannon) Co-Pilot Weapon Chain Gun / Lase Cannon Machine Gun Sniper Rifle Pulse Rifle ‘Sub-Machinegun Pistol (Chain Gun) Crew Status. - Radar | Sensors | (C.G. Ammo) and - Non Crit Elec] Sensors. | Comm4 Damage Notes : Nav Unit! | Crit€lec | Comm 2 : Nav Unit2 | Pilot : Co-Pilot Airframe Intake | Cargo Cargo Pod 1 Pod2 | (Lase Can) | _ Intake Airframe - Airframe Cargo : - Pod 3 Drive ‘ Airframe Life Support Landing Gear Bay Door . Cargo Bay Landing Gear] Bay Door Tail | Photo Recon : Gear : Tail Crit Electronics [_] Drive System Power System Weapon Controls Weapons Chain Gun Lase Cannon Hvy Disruptor Lgt Missile 1 Lgt Missile 2 Lgt Missile 3 Lgt Missile 4 Hyy Missile 1 Hvy Missile 2 oO EE Life Support _[_]| Combat Speed 6 Chain Gun Ammo [_]| Maneuver Number / Vulnerability versus # of Airframe Units Photo Recon oO 1 6 Radar O (i) Cab NonCritical Elect [_} 12 A Sensors C1) Intakes feley Comm. CO Nav Unit C1) Landing Gear | ] Tail I Hq Ammunition Status Light Light Light Light Hyy Hy Missile Missile Missile Missile Missile Missile Bay1 Bay2 Bay3 Bay4 Bay! Bay2 / Hg A Chain Gun am Crew Status Pilot Co-Pilot Pie ae Weapon Glancing Roll Heavy Disruptor Medium Disruptor Chain Gun / Light Disruptor Heavy Warhead Heavy Cluster / Light Warhead Lase Cannon / Light Cluster 5-6 Crew Status and Damage Notes Chain Gun Airframe Radar Non Crit Elec Nav Unit 1 Nav Unit 2 Airframe Intake Sensors 1 Sensors 2 Crit Elec Pilot CoPilot Life Support Lgt Missile Bayt Lot Missi Bay? Heavy C.G, Ammo Comm 1 Comm 2 Weap Cntri Airframe Intake Airframe Landing Gear Airframe Airframe Airframe gt Missile Bay 3 gt Missile Bay 4 Airframe Airframe Hivy Missile Bayt Airframe Tail Power Photo Recon Landing Gear Tail Lase Cannon Airframe Airframe Airframe Tail Landing Gear Airframe Airframe Airframe Bridge Oo Drive System ["] Jump Drive 5 [7] Jump Clock [7] Disruptor Gun Class 7 ["] Gun Class Hit Location 00-03 04-07 08-11 12-15 16-19 20-23 24-27 28-31 32-35 36-39 40-43 44-47 48-51 52-55 56 - 59 60-63 64-67 68-71 72-75 76-79 80-83 84-87 88-91 92-95 96 - 99 Eee Life Support Sensors oo 1 2 3 4 5 Hypersieep — [_] 85 Cargo Bay 1 Dropship [-] APC 1 o Pes Glancing Roll Cargo & Hypersleep | Bridge & Lite Support Drive System Power Units z Disruptor GC7 || Maneuver Jets Jump Drive Power Units Power Units Power Units Maneuver Number / Vulnerability versus # of Maneuver Jets piaye oe BETH) 1D deo | O) ono dd Sensors Power Units Bridge c Drive System [_} Jump Drive 4 [7] Jump Clock [-] Disruptors Gun Class 7 (| Gun Class 5 [] Gun Class 5 [] Gun Class Hit Location 00-01 02-05 06 - 09 10-13 14-17 18-21 22-25 26-29 30-33 34-37 38-41 42-45 46-49 50-53 54-57 58-61 62-65 66-69 70-73 74-77 78-81 82-85 86 - 89 90 - 94 95 - 99 ‘COLONIAL MARINE FRIGATE Life Support [|] | Maneuver Number / Vulnerability versus # of Maneuver Jets Sensors 3 growrag | [gl men Hypersleep = [] | [ DO een) 0 2 Br wi) 67, 65 et] ot Cargo Bay 1 Dropship1 [_} Combat Speed / Vulnerability versus Power Units APC 1 Oo 1 3 Cargo Bay 2 bee Pow A Dropship 2 APC 2 42 Glancing Roll 0-2 3-5 6-8 9 Life Support | = Bridge | Life Support Maneuver Jet ___ Jump Clock Maneuver Jet Sensors Disruptor GC7 Sensors Drive System Jump Drive Cargo 1 | Cargo 2 | vyperseep || Power Unis | Power Units Power Units: Disruptor GCS a J Disruptor GC 5 Power Units CORPORATE FRIGATE Bridge ag Life Support [| Maneuver Number / Vulnerability versus # of Maneuver Jets Drive System [-] | Sensors 4 Fae CTS — qroanee | fG) epee og nin owvele (CT | Gipernieap mee oe ele ee Jutip Cock CT M0047) 4543 o Cargo Bay 1 Disruptors Dropship 1 [ Combat Speed / Vulnerability versus Power Units Gun Class 7 [] Apc1 2 3 4 Gun class 5[] | Cargo Bay 2 To Of TTT Gun Class 5 [] Dropship 2 . i . APC 2 +5 +2 0 PES Glancing Roll 1-3 4-6 7-9 10+ Hit Location 00-01 Lite Support Bridge Life Support 02-05 Drive System 06 - 09 Sensors Disruptor GC 7 Sensors 3 1 on Jump Clock 14-17 18-21 22-25 Jump Drive 26-29 30-33 Cargo 1 34-37 || Cargo 2 38-41 Hypersieep _|| Power Units 42-45 46-49 Power Units 50-53 | J 54-57 | Power Units 58-61 62-65 tI 66-69 Disruptor GCS 70-73 Disruptor GCS 74-77 78-81 82-85 Power Units 86-89 90-94 95-99 Teese Bridge, (J | tie Support (I) | Maneuver Number / Vulnerability versus # of Maneuver Jets Drive System [] | Sensors [1] Ai 1 OSE] (0) dedeedel | 2) Gero ed a ars) 37 688 | 2) Hato fh Disruptors Cargo Bay 1 Gun Class 9 [_] Gunship1 ‘Combat Speed / Vulnerability versus Power Units Gun Class 7 (_] Gunship2 [] 4 Gun Class Hit Location 00-01 Life Support Life Support 02 - 05 = Drive System - 06 - 09 Sensors Power Unit Sensors 10-13 | [|| Disruptor Gc 7 mee] 14-17 Disruptor GC 9 18-21 Maneuver Jets. 22-25 Power Units 26-29 30-33 34-37 LT | 38-41 Power Units 42-45 46-49 || Power Units 50-53 54-57 Power Units 58-61 62-65 66-69 70-73 74-77 78-81 82-85 Power Units 86-89 90-94 Panes Bridge (| tite support [I] | maneuver Number / Vulnerability versus # of Maneuver Jets Drive System [_] | Sensors A ‘4 A ; % 7 aumpowe sO) Pipes Oo co co moomoo cD dump Clock — [_} +48 44] eS esitead: Cargo Bay 1 Disruptors Dropship 1 Gun Class 9 [_) APC1 2 3 Gun Class 5 [|] | Cargo Bay 2 Gun Class 5 [_] Dropship 2 APC 2 Gun Class Glancing Roll 9 1 2-4 5-7 8-10 Ws 8 o-1 “4 5-7 8-10 ts 7 2-4 27 8-10 | 6 5-7 Ws 5 8 Hit Location | c0-00 | te Sper | Povertnt Di power unt_| Ll upon 04-08 : ae System conn 09-12 Sensors 13-16 17-20 21-24 Drive 25-28 Power Units || ____||| Power Units | [Maneuver Jets 29-32 || Maneuver Jets Cargo || 33-36 Cargo 2 37-40 41-44 Jump Clock 45-48 49-52 Hypersleep 53-56 Power Units 57-60 || Power Units || 61-64 | Power Units 65-68 | 69-72 Disruptor GCS || Power Units 73-76 Disruptor GCS 77-80 I at -84 85-88 || Power Units EEE Merit Points: Character Point Total Characteristics Primary Strength Inteligence will Health Aaility ‘Secondary Charisma Leadership Perception Motivation Combat Actions. Knockout Value Leaming Roll Clothing or Armor Combat Load __ Combat Equipment Weight Combat Weight Rank: — Class 1 Gun Combat Class 2 Balance Hand to Hand Class 3 Climbing Scouting Survival Class 4 Espionage Infitration| Class 5 Diplomacy ‘Awareness: General Skills | _ Branel ~ Specialty 40 4 6 810 oooooo c=) eC en oo00000 c=) C=) es oooooo oooooo0 ooooo0dg ob00000 oooo0o0 oooo000 PESOS PHYSICAL STATUS Age Money Physical Damage Disabling Injuries Weapon ‘Ammo Capacity — EHH Rate of Fire Serre KNOCKOUT TABLE Total Inc: PD Under 1/10 KV Over 1/10 KV Over KV Over 2 times KV Over 3 times KV _Weapon Weapon Ammo Capacity HHH Rate of Fire apacitation Chance 10 25 75 ‘SUPPORT SKILLS __ Skills Skill Rating =) = es oooooo oooooggo ooooo00 ooooo0 es De et Po oo00000o0 oo00o0o00 oOoooo0 ooooo0og oo0ooo0 es) (a) oo0o0o0o00 oo00000 oOo00000 ADVENTURE GAME Sy Included are Sections covering: rece ic eo usr) element d cera ere green Sree eee Ret) eee cat ener Keo er eae) eee eae Worlds, Colonies, and Outposts Deu aca Alien Liteforms and, of course. ater eer Ere eee Ta) rien) BUM eee Neue ure menue euro aan) eee) eum era ae nC) It es ue oust ae ua Seen ee ane es eC) CeO tee ae Cues east eta eee eich Le) tue melo Orel ola WOU a eget 3 Another Glorious Day in the Corps! 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