The Five-Factor Model of Personality Traits and Organizational Citizenship Behaviors A Meta-Analysis PDF

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Journal of Applied Psychology 2011 American Psychological Association

2011, Vol. 96, No. 6, 1140 1166 0021-9010/11/$12.00 DOI: 10.1037/a0024004

The Five-Factor Model of Personality Traits and Organizational

Citizenship Behaviors: A Meta-Analysis

Dan S. Chiaburu In-Sue Oh

Texas A&M University Virginia Commonwealth University

Christopher M. Berry, Ning Li, and Richard G. Gardner

Texas A&M University

Using meta-analytic tests based on 87 statistically independent samples, we investigated the relationships
between the five-factor model (FFM) of personality traits and organizational citizenship behaviors in
both the aggregate and specific forms, including individual-directed, organization-directed, and change-
oriented citizenship. We found that Emotional Stability, Extraversion, and Openness/Intellect have
incremental validity for citizenship over and above Conscientiousness and Agreeableness, 2 well-
established FFM predictors of citizenship. In addition, FFM personality traits predict citizenship over and
above job satisfaction. Finally, we compared the effect sizes obtained in the current meta-analysis with
the comparable effect sizes predicting task performance from previous meta-analyses. As a result, we
found that Conscientiousness, Emotional Stability, and Extraversion have similar magnitudes of rela-
tionships with citizenship and task performance, whereas Openness and Agreeableness have stronger
relationships with citizenship than with task performance. This lends some support to the idea that
personality traits are (slightly) more important determinants of citizenship than of task performance. We
conclude with proposed directions for future research on the relationships between FFM personality traits
and specific forms of citizenship, based on the current findings.

Keywords: organizational citizenship behaviors (OCBs), five-factor model, FFM, Big Five, personality

For several decades now, both researchers and practitioners Blume, 2009). Despite advances in clarifying what drives work-
have recognized the essential role of behaviors considered discre- place citizenship (e.g., Borman, Penner, Allen, & Motowidlo,
tionary, spontaneous, or less constrained by role requirements 2001; Hurtz & Donovan, 2000; Ilies, Fulmer, Spitzmuller, &
(e.g., Katz, 1964; Organ, Podsakoff, & MacKenzie, 2006). Orga- Johnson, 2009; Organ & Ryan, 1995), there is much to be gained
nizational citizenship (Organ et al., 2006), contextual performance from further meta-analytic investigations, especially from those
(Motowidlo & Van Scotter, 1994), and change-oriented extrarole focusing on personality predictors. Considered discretionary, citi-
behaviors (including employee voice, Van Dyne & LePine, 1998, zenship behaviors are less mandated formally (e.g., through job
or taking charge, Morrison & Phelps, 1999) are regarded as im- descriptions) than are task-performance behaviors. Thus, employ-
portant for work effectiveness (Allen & Rush, 1998; MacKenzie, ees personality traits may predict their citizenship engagement to
Podsakoff, & Fetter, 1991; N. P. Podsakoff, Whiting, Podsakoff, & a greater extent than they predict their task performance (Borman
& Motowidlo, 1993).

This article was published Online First June 20, 2011.

Dan S. Chiaburu, Ning Li, and Richard G. Gardner, Department of Unresolved Issues Regarding Citizenship and
Management, Mays Business School, Texas A&M University; In-Sue Oh, Personality
Department of Management, School of Business, Virginia Commonwealth
University; Christopher M. Berry, Department of Psychology, Texas A&M Several issues in the research area connecting personality traits
University. and citizenship remain ambiguous. First, after several decades of
The first two authors contributed equally to this article. We would like investigating the relationships between five-factor model (FFM)
to thank Tammy Allen for many helpful suggestions and Murray Barrick, traits and citizenship, a number of effect sizes are not known. Prior
Frank Schmidt, Fred Oswald, Ryan Zimmerman, and Daniel Whitman for meta-analyses remain limited either in the number and focus of
their insightful comments on an earlier version of the manuscript. We personality predictors (e.g., including only Conscientiousness and
would like to extend our thanks to Jeff Johnson, Scott Tonidandel, James Agreeableness; Ilies et al., 2009; Organ & Ryan, 1995) or in the
LeBreton, and Mark Bing for their help with data analysis.
scope of citizenship criteria (e.g., focusing solely on affiliative
Correspondence concerning this article should be addressed to Dan S.
Chiaburu, Department of Management, Mays Business School, Texas
citizenship, such as interpersonal cooperation and compliance, and
A&M University, College Station, TX 77843-4113, or to In-Sue Oh, leaving out change-oriented forms; Hurtz & Donovan, 2000; Ilies
Department of Management, School of Business, Virginia Common- et al., 2009).
wealth University, 301 West Main Street, Box 844000, Richmond, VA There is also lack of agreement on the extent to which specific
23284. E-mail: [email protected] or [email protected] personality traits are of potential use to predict citizenship. McCrae


and Costas (1997) statement that industrial and organizational mance. Our study extends existing research (e.g., Borman et al.,
psychologists should include measures of Openness in their per- 2001) by meta-analytically testing and clarifying this issue with a
sonnel selection batteries (p. 840) is in contrast with the view that broader criterion domain of citizenship, including OCB-CH.
Openness to experience does not have a discernible relationship
to OCB [organizational citizenship behavior] (Organ et al., 2006, Contributions Beyond Previous
p. 82). In previous meta-analytic reviews, Openness emerged as a PersonalityCitizenship Meta-Analyses
meager predictor of citizenship (e.g., job dedication, .01;
Hurtz & Donovan, 2000). Yet more careful theoretical anchoring Before discussing specific predictions, we outline the extent to
and construct specification should place Openness as predictive of which our study uniquely adds to current meta-analyses. We
at least some forms of citizenship, such as change-oriented citi- present summaries of previous meta-analyses connecting FFM
zenship (e.g., employees high in Openness are curious, creative, traits with citizenship (i.e., Borman et al., 2001; Hurtz & Donovan,
independent, and need variety, and this should make them more 2000; Ilies et al., 2009; LePine, Erez, & Johnson, 2002; Organ &
likely to engage in change-oriented citizenship). Empirical tests in Ryan, 1995; P. M. Podsakoff, MacKenzie, Paine, & Bacharach,
this direction have been limited. Despite their importance for 2000) together with our summarized main results (see Appendix
organizations, change-oriented citizenship and proactive citizen- A). First, our study examined all FFM traits as predictors. Hurtz
ship (Grant & Ashford, 2008; Parker, Bindl, & Strauss, 2010; Van and Donovan (2000) included all FFM traits, but other meta-
Dyne, Cummings, & McLean Parks, 1995) have not been con- analyses did not focus on such a broad predictor space due to either
nected meta-analytically with personality traits. lack of a sufficient number of primary studies (e.g., Borman et al.,
Thus, to inform older and more recent debates, our overarching 2001; Organ & Ryan, 1995), theoretical reasons (Ilies et al., 2009),
goals for this study are to (a) connect all FFM traits with three or the focus of the study (LePine et al., 2002). Second, we
major forms of citizenship, including change-oriented citizenship; broadened the criterion space by including change-oriented citi-
(b) examine the incremental validity of Extraversion, Emotional zenship. Although primary studies and theoretical works highlight
Stability, and Openness over and above Conscientiousness and the importance of change-oriented or proactive citizenship (e.g.,
Grant & Ashford, 2008; Parker & Collins, 2010; Van Dyne et al.,
Agreeableness, two well-established personality predictors of cit-
1995), these outcomes have not been systematically summarized in
izenship (Ilies et al., 2009; Organ & Ryan, 1995); (c) examine the
relation to FFM traits. For example, although Hurtz and Donovan
incremental validity of FFM traits over job satisfaction (Organ,
included each FFM trait, their meta-analysis did not include
1988); and (d) test whether (and if so, which) FFM traits differ-
change-oriented citizenship behaviors.
entially predict citizenship and task-performance dimensions, re-
spectively (based on current models of job performance; e.g.,
Motowidlo, Borman, & Schmit, 1997). Citizenship Conceptualization
In examining these issues, our study has the potential to extend
We organize the criterion space of organizational citizenship
previous research in several ways. First, going beyond current
behaviors into prosocial (directed toward individuals or toward the
meta-analyses (e.g., Hurtz & Donovan, 2000; Organ & Ryan,
organization; OCB-I and OCB-O) and proactive (or change-
1995), we determine the extent to which all FFM traits are related oriented; OCB-CH; Allen & Rush, 2001; Organ et al., 2006; Van
to important forms of citizenship, including organization-directed Dyne et al., 1995). In line with Organs (1997) definition of
(OCB-O), individual-directed (OCB-I), and change-oriented citizenship as contributions to the maintenance and enhancement
(OCB-CH). The latter form of citizenship has not been investi- [emphasis added] of the social and psychological context that
gated meta-analytically, and our focus on it is consistent with calls supports task performance (p. 91), citizenship in its prosocial (or
for better specified criteria (e.g., Hough, 2003; Oswald & Hough, affiliative) form is directed toward the organization (OCB-O) and
2010). Second, we determine the extent to which less well- toward other individuals (OCB-I) and can be thought of as main-
researched FFM traits predict citizenship over and above Consci- taining the social context at work. Conversely, proactive forms
entiousness and Agreeableness, two well-established FFM predic- change and enhance organizational aspects by bringing about
tors (Ilies et al., 2009). The issue is important from a validation positive modifications (change-oriented citizenship; OCB-CH).
standpoint, as researchers need to increase their knowledge of the Our conceptualization appropriately expands the criterion space by
incremental validity above and beyond well-established predictors including both good-soldier (Organ et al., 2006) and good-change-
(Ones, Dilchert, Viswesvaran, & Judge, 2007) and thus optimize agent employee behaviors (Grant & Ashford, 2008; Parker, Wil-
selection batteries by maximizing the cost benefit ratio (F. L. liams, & Turner, 2006; Van Dyne et al., 1995). Adding change-
Schmidt & Hunter, 1998). Third, both job attitudes (e.g., job oriented to traditional forms of citizenship is consistent with calls
satisfaction) and personality traits are positively related to each for more studies to examine proactive behaviors (Grant & Ashford,
other and to citizenship behaviors (Judge, Heller, & Mount, 2002; 2008; Van Dyne et al., 1995) and with recent primary studies
Organ & Ryan, 1995). What remains debatable is the extent to focusing simultaneously on prosocial and proactive citizenship
which each of these aspects contributes independently to each (e.g., McAllister, Kamdar, Morrison, & Turban, 2007; Parker et
form of citizenship, an issue to be clarified in our study. Finally, al., 2006; Van Dyne, Kamdar, & Joireman, 2008).
we provide empirical results to inform a long-standing issue in
differentially connecting FFM traits with citizenship and task
Connecting FFM Traits With Citizenship
performance. According to one prominent performance model
(Borman & Motowidlo, 1993; Motowidlo et al., 1997), personality Parallel to this partitioning of citizenship into prosocial (bene-
traits should be more predictive of citizenship than of task perfor- fiting both individuals and the organization) and proactive forms,

FFM traits can likewise be separated into two broad categories Citizenship behaviors vary in content and intended target/
(Saucier & Goldberg, 2003). Personality researchers have noted beneficiary (e.g., helping a fellow coworker, being loyal toward
that Conscientiousness, Agreeableness, and Emotional Stability ones organization, or enacting change). Particular personality
can be interpreted based on individuals desire to be (pro)social, traits may be predictive of one form of citizenship more strongly
including social propriety or getting-along tendencies (Hogan & than of another when they are thematically compatible (Ilies et al.,
Holland, 2003), functional personality (Mount, Barrick, & Ryan, 2009). Accordingly, we connect Agreeableness with individual-
2003; Ones, Viswesvaran, & Schmidt, 1993), respect for social directed citizenship (OCB-I) and Conscientiousness with
conventions (Paulhus & John, 1998), and impulse restraint (Dig- organizational-directed citizenship (OCB-O). In addition, we link
man, 1997). Tendencies to value socialization, solidarity, and both Openness and Extraversion, given their commonality around
communion (Saucier & Goldberg, 2003) indicate that these three proactivity (Fuller & Marler, 2009), with change-oriented citizen-
personality dimensions could be viewed as a broad collection of ship (OCB-CH).
traits that actually are socially desirable (Digman, 1997, p. 1249). Agreeable individuals have harmonious interpersonal environ-
Conversely, the remaining two traitsExtraversion and Open- ments due to their desire to get along (Barrick, Stewart, & Pi-
nessare associated with individuals(pro)activity: dynamism or otrowski, 2002): the enactment of citizenship behaviors, particu-
getting-ahead tendencies (Hogan & Holland, 2003); desire for larly those targeted at individuals, may be one means of creating
agency, power, and seeking status (Paulhus & John, 1998); and and maintaining such environments for themselves (Ilies et al.,
inclination toward growth and actualization (Digman, 1997). Ex- 2009, p. 946). Agreeable individualswho are sympathetic, co-
traversion and Openness, then, reflect attributes associated with operative, and trusting (Costa & McCrae, 1992)are drawn to-
positively valued dynamic qualities and individual ascendancy ward quality social interactions and are better team players
(Saucier & Goldberg, 2003, p. 8). (Mount, Barrick, & Stewart, 1998). They should thus engage in
In sum, prosocial and functional tendencies are specific to individual-directed citizenship (OCB-I) to get along with others.
conscientious, agreeable, and emotionally stable individuals (Dig- Conscientiousness is reflective of dependability, dutifulness,
man, 1997; Mount et al., 2003). The association can be explained and self-discipline, a tendency to follow rules and value order.
by these individuals predictable and responsible behavior (for Thematically, such predispositions are connected with more im-
Conscientiousness), interpersonal sensitivity (for Agreeableness), personal forms of citizenship (Organ et al., 2006, p. 82) captured
and absence of negative emotions (for Emotional Stability; Oh & by organization-directed citizenship (OCB-O). Organ and Lingl
Berry, 2009). Conversely, agentic, dynamic, and individual ascen- (1995) described Conscientiousness as a generalized work in-
dancy proclivities are associated with Openness and Extraversion. volvement tendency (i.e., a liking for rule-governed behavior that
Such proactive tendencies are based on curiosity and learning probably is more characteristic of work in organizations than in
orientation (for Openness), dominance (for Extraversion), and other life domains) (p. 341). Conscientiousness drives individuals
proactivity (for both Openness and Extraversion; Fuller & Marler, to be organization-people (committed to their organization; Bar-
2009). Overall, both lexical and questionnaire-derived (for the rick & Mount, 2000) and therefore willing to engage in OCB-O
FFM; McCrae & John, 1992; Saucier & Goldberg, 2003) and (Barrick & Mount, 2000).
theory-based (for the citizenship domain; Organ et al., 2006; Van Because of their association with agentic qualities and proac-
Dyne et al., 1995) efforts to partition the respective predictor and tivity (Fuller & Marler, 2009), FFM traits such as Openness and
criterion construct spaces converge toward two broad tendencies: Extraversion (Digman, 1997) should be more predictive of change-
prosocial and proactive. Using this theoretical base, we present oriented citizenship. A prerequisite for change is noticing that it is
arguments for various configurations connecting FFM traits with necessary and having ideas for constructive change. High Open-
organization-directed (OCB-O), individual-directed (OCB-I), and ness employees will be at advantage in this domain due to their
change-directed (OCB-CH) citizenship. curiosity, creativity, need for variety, and independence (Costa &
McCrae, 1992; McCrae, 1996) and more likely engage in such
FFM Traits: Broad and Trait-Level Predictions proactive forms of citizenship (LePine & Van Dyne, 2001). Like-
wise, to engage in change-directed actions, employees need to
At a broad level, one can expect a pattern consistent with the verbally present their ideas (Van Dyne & LePine, 1998) or take
prosocialproactive partitioning used to organize both our trait action and enact these constructive changes themselves (Morrison
predictors and citizenship criteria. Specifically, the prosocial traits & Phelps, 1999). In all these situations, extraverted employ-
consisting of a composite of Conscientiousness, Agreeableness, ees or individuals with high levels of surgencyare more likely
and Emotional Stability (i.e., the alpha factor, according to Dig- to do so (Oh & Berry, 2009).
man, 1997) should predict corresponding prosocial individual- and
organization-directed (OCB-I and OCB-O) citizenship forms. Predicting Citizenship Beyond Conscientiousness and
Conversely, proactive traits based on a composite of Openness and Agreeableness
Extraversion (i.e., the beta factor; Digman, 1997) should predict
change-oriented citizenship (OCB-CH). Despite their apparent ef- Conscientiousness and Agreeableness are two common predic-
ficiency, based on a broader bandwidth, predictions relying on tors of citizenship (Hurtz & Donovan, 2000; Ilies et al., 2009;
only two broad traits (e.g., a constellation of Conscientiousness, Organ & Ryan, 1995). Their presence can be explained by strong
Agreeableness, and Emotional Stability vs. an index consisting of theoretical connections between these traits and citizenship (Organ
Openness and Emotional Stability) may be less precise. Predic- et al., 2006) and, as a result, by their presence in more primary
tions based on specific FFM traits, examined next, may instead studies. Yet additional theoretical reasons, outlined previously,
offer higher precision. support the other three traits (Emotional Stability, Extraversion,

and Openness) as citizenship predictors. We thus explore the Conscientiousness (dependability) correlated .31 with citizen-
extent to which citizenship is also predicted by these traits, after ship and .18 with task performance (statistically significant
controlling for the effect of Conscientiousness and Agreeableness. difference). Meta-analytic comparisons are less supportive. In
If these other traits are not predictive, researchers can focus mostly Hurtz and Donovan (2000), the notion that personality traits
on Conscientiousness and Agreeableness. Conversely, if these predict citizenship to a greater extent was supported only for
other traits are incrementally predictive, a broadening of the re- Agreeableness ( .20 for interpersonal facilitation vs. .08
search scope would be warranted. From a practical standpoint, if for task performance, with all the other differences at less than
these other traits explain incremental validity beyond Conscien- .05). Our meta-analysis includes all the FFM traits as well as
tiousness and Agreeableness, it would be in the interest of orga- broader citizenship criteria (including change-oriented) and
nizations desiring to select good citizens to include these other thus allows us to more precisely determine whether personality
traits in personnel selection systems. traits predict citizenship more strongly than they relate to task
performance. We expected FFM traits to predict citizenship
Relative Importance of FFM Traits and Job more strongly than they predict task performance, and we tested
Satisfaction in Predicting Citizenship this prediction by comparing the effect sizes uncovered in this
study (FFM traits to citizenship) with comparable effect sizes
Researchers used a two-pronged approach to establish citizen-
from prior compatible meta-analyses (FFM traits to task per-
ship antecedents, with one line of work investigating dispositional
formance; Hurtz & Donovan, 2000).
(e.g., FFM traits; Borman et al., 2001) and the other exploring
attitudinal (e.g., job satisfaction; Organ, 1988) predictors. As noted
by Organ and McFall (2004), these two strategies hold different Method
implications: A focus on personality traits predictors has conse-
quences for selection and placement systems, while an attention to
employees job satisfaction relates to competent managers who Literature Search
know how to shape subordinate attitudes. Both FFM traits and job
We conducted an extensive literature search to identify both
satisfaction are theoretically and empirically established as citi-
published and unpublished reports that examined the relation-
zenship predictors (Hurtz & Donovan, 2000; Ilies et al., 2009;
Organ, 1988; Organ & Ryan, 1995). Because of their discretionary ship between FFM traits and citizenship behaviors and therefore
nature, citizenship behaviors can be driven both by employee to minimize potential publication bias (Cooper, 2003). The
satisfaction and by individual dispositions. In a previous meta- articles were identified through multiple databases and multiple
analysis, Organ and Ryan (1995) provided a comparison of two methods, including electronic searches of the PsycINFO (1887
FFM personality traits (Conscientiousness and Agreeableness) and 2010), Management & Organization Studies (19472010), Psy-
job satisfaction predicting two forms of citizenship (altruism and cARTICLES, PsycBOOKS (1806 2010), Psychology (1969
compliance). This comparison was, however, limited in that it 2010), and ProQuest Dissertations and Theses databases. To be
included only two personality traits, did not include change- inclusive, we conducted a broad search using keywords related
oriented citizenship (an emerging construct; Van Dyne et al., to FFM personality traits and various dimensions or variants of
1995) as an outcome, and did not compare the relative importance citizenship (see below). The electronic search was supple-
of FFM traits and job satisfaction while accounting for their mented with a manual search of reference lists of key articles
intercorrelations. Thus, we investigate the extent to which job and prior meta-analyses on the topic (e.g., Borman et al., 2001;
satisfaction is more important than FFM traits in predicting citi- Chiaburu & Harrison, 2008; Hurtz & Donovan, 2000; Ilies et
zenship. al., 2009; P. M. Podsakoff et al., 2000). The search generated
743 published articles, book chapters, and unpublished reports,
Differential Prediction of Task Performance and including 86 dissertations.
According to the job performance model of Motowidlo and Inclusion and Exclusion Criteria
colleagues (1997; Borman & Motowidlo, 1993), personality
traits should have higher correlations with citizenship than with Three authors read all the abstracts and the results tables ob-
task performance. Even though personality dimensions can tained from the electronic and manual search. To be included in the
positively predict both task performance and citizenship, task meta-analysis, primary studies had to meet the following criteria.
performance is directly related to the technical core activities First, we included primary studies that empirically examined any
and is therefore bounded by employees knowledge, skills, and of the associations (FFM traits to citizenship) of interest. Second,
abilities. Conversely, citizenship behaviors, given their discre- we selected primary studies that reported sufficient data necessary
tionary nature, are less bounded by abilities and should there- to calculate an effect size (correlation coefficient) for at least one
fore be predicted primarily by volition and personality traits. As of the relationships considered in this study. Third, we included
stated by Motowidlo and colleagues (1997), personality is only primary studies based on samples of employees in organiza-
most strongly associated with the contextual side of the perfor- tions to generalize our findings to employees. Fourth, given po-
mance domain (p. 80). tential issues with common method variance (Ilies et al., 2009;
This differential prediction is supported in some primary Organ & Ryan, 1995), we included only studies measuring FFM
studies. Motowidlo and Van Scotter (1994) confirmed that personality traits using self-reports and citizenship using non-self-

reports (e.g., supervisor ratings).1 A total of 77 studies (87 statis- ate correction for our criterion outcomes, there is an ongoing
tically independent samples) met the inclusion criteria. debate about which type of reliability to utilize to estimate the
Two authors were involved in coding, with each author coding reliability of performance ratings (see both Murphy & DeShon,
a subset of the articles. To verify coding accuracy, these different 2000, and F. L. Schmidt, Viswesvaran, & Ones, 2000). Despite
two authors independently coded the same subset of primary good points on both sides, there is a general lack of information on
studies (25%). The interrater agreement rate was high at 98%. All types of reliability other than coefficient alpha for citizenship
the remaining discrepancies were resolved through double- measures.3 We therefore used coefficient alpha for correcting for
checking the primary studies in question and a series of discus- measurement error in citizenship measures to be conservative and
sions. Finally, a different author randomly examined 39 correlation comparable with prior meta-analyses on the personalityOCB re-
coefficients in 24 studies and corrected one common error (i.e., lationship (see Berry, Ones, & Sackett, 2007; Dalal, 2005; Ilies et
failing to reverse the sign of a correlation coefficient between al., 2009; Organ & Ryan, 1995). However, we also separately
Neuroticism and citizenship behavior). All the correlations for this report results corrected for measurement error in the criterion
particular relationship were thoroughly rechecked, without reveal- measure using a meta-analytic interrater reliability (Hurtz & Don-
ing other errors. ovan, 2000) for informational purposes; these results are directly
comparable to prior meta-analyses on the personalityjob perfor-
Coding Scheme and Study Characteristics mance relationship (e.g., Barrick & Mount, 1991; Hurtz & Don-
ovan, 2000; Salgado, 1997).
We grouped criteria based on the existing literature (Organ et After correcting for measurement error, the correlations reported
al., 2006; P. M. Podsakoff et al., 2000) into three categories: in primary studies were further corrected for range restriction
organization-directed (OCB-O), individual-directed (OCB-I), and using range restriction ratios (ux) based on prior meta-analyses
change-oriented citizenship (OCB-CH; Coleman & Borman, 2000; (F. L. Schmidt, Shaffer, & Oh, 2008). The ux values used ranged
Van Dyne et al., 1995). In addition to measures isomorphic with from .91 (Emotional Stability) to .92 (Extraversion) for FFM traits
the construct (i.e., OCB-O itself; L. J. Williams & Anderson, (see Appendix B for more information). We corrected for both
1991), organization-directed citizenship (OCB-O) includes behav- direct and indirect range restriction following the correction pro-
iors such as compliance, conscientiousness (as a behavior, not a cedures in F. L. Schmidt, Oh, and Le (2006). Because of the low
trait), job dedication, organizational support, sportsmanship, and amount of range restriction (high ux ratios), the results were
civic virtue. Likewise, individual-directed citizenship (OCB-I) practically the same (difference of less than .01 in nearly all cases).
contains interpersonal behaviors reflecting altruism, courtesy, Given the negligible differences, we report only results corrected
helping, interpersonal facilitation, and personal support, as well as for direct range restriction.
the isomorphic measure (i.e., OCB-I; K. Lee & Allen, 2002). We examined the variability (validity generalization) of the
Third, change-oriented citizenship (OCB-CH) groups proactive corrected correlations across studies by calculating 80% credibility
behaviors such as taking charge; personal initiative; adaptive, intervals and the standard error of (error band around) the mean
creative, and innovative performance; and voice. Any given citi- true-score correlations by computing their 95% confidence inter-
zenship behavior was classified into only one category.2 vals. We also report the percentage of the variability in correlations
across studies accounted for by statistical artifacts. A lower per-
Meta-Analytic Procedures centage indicates that the proportion of true between-studies (re-
sidual) variance relative to observed variance is large, which
We used the Schmidt-Hunter random-effects meta-analysis method suggests the existence of moderator(s); this percentage-based in-
to synthesize effect size estimates (Hunter & Schmidt, 2004; F. L. dex can be deceptive when the observed variance is small. The
Schmidt, Oh, & Hayes, 2009). Because most primary studies reported credibility interval and associated true standard deviation (SD)
reliability estimates, we used individual correction methods (VG6 provide additional information to aid interpretation of potential
Module; F. L. Schmidt & Le, 2004). Correlations reported in primary moderating effects: If credibility intervals are wide and the lower
studies were corrected for measurement error in both the independent bound of the interval includes zero (i.e., relatively large true
and dependent variables using local reliability estimates from primary standard deviation), this suggests possible moderating effects
studies. We used mean reliabilities for studies without information on (Hunter & Schmidt, 2004). The cutoff value of the minimum
reliability. Frequency-weighted mean reliabilities (coefficients alpha number of primary studies to be included in each meta-analysis
in almost all cases) ranged from .77 (Openness) to .81 (Emotional
Stability) for FFM traits and from .83 (OCB-O) to .92 (OCB-CH) for
OCB (see Appendix B). We thank the anonymous reviewers for this suggestion.
Coefficients alpha capture random response error and item- Some primary studies reported results only for a global/generic form of
specific error, yet they cannot detect transient and scale-specific citizenship, which was not grouped into any of the major three dimensions.
It was, however, used in omnibus results for the aggregate citizenship
errors (Le, Schmidt, & Putka, 2009; F. L. Schmidt, Le, & Ilies,
category (the broadest category, including all forms of citizenship). Given
2003). Because coefficients alpha overestimate reliability in most
that this global form of citizenship typically captures only OCB-O and
cases, they underestimate true-score or construct-level relation- OCB-I and that many studies used this global measure of OCB, the results
ships when used for correcting for measurement error (Le et al., for aggregate OCB reported below may underrepresent OCB-CH.
2009). Nonetheless, we used coefficient alpha for FFM traits to be 3
Bing et al. (2007) estimated ICC(1) at .38 and .44 for peer ratings of
directly comparable with previous meta-analyses that have relied OCB-I and OCB-O, respectively. Although not reported in the study, Mark
on alpha coefficients (e.g., Barrick & Mount, 1991; Hurtz & Bing (personal communication, April 17, 2010) computed the interrater reli-
Donovan, 2000; Ilies et al., 2009). Concerning the most appropri- ability at .59 for OCB. We thank Mark Bing for providing this information.

was set to three based on arguments that good empirical evidence necessary. We also estimated omnibus results for aggregate citi-
exists when an important relationship is found in at least three zenship (the broadest OCB domain vis-a`-vis task performance) as
different studies from at least two different researchers (Chambless done previously (Hurtz & Donovan, 2000; Ilies et al., 2009). For
& Hollon, 1998). these omnibus results, we also included only one data point per
For the moderator analyses by citizenship dimension, we first sample by using a composite correlation (e.g., a correlation be-
classified the primary effect sizes into the three major dimensions tween Conscientiousness and a composite of OCB-I and OCB-O,
(OCB-I, OCB-O, and OCB-CH) and then conducted separate two dimensions of OCB) or an average correlation whenever
meta-analyses. An immediate issue when using these three citi- necessary. However, many primary studies measured OCB using
zenship dimensions as criteria, in light of previous research, was only a global/overall measure without reporting results for specific
their discriminant validity. Even though LePine and colleagues dimensions of OCB; separate meta-analytic results for this global/
(2002) noted the need to aggregate citizenship dimensions, re- overall OCB are in Appendix C. These studies were included in
searchers continue to differentiate them for theoretical purposes estimating the omnibus results for aggregate OCB but not for
and empirical reasons, especially in their individual- and specific OCB dimensions (OCB-O, OCB-I, and OCB-CH). That
organization-directed forms (OCB-I and OCB-O; Ilies et al., is, we maintained statistical independence by including only one
2009). With the addition of change-oriented citizenship, it was data point from each sample for each meta-analytic estimate (re-
necessary to first establish its discriminant validity. Thus, we lationship). Finally, we examined potential publication bias by
meta-analyzed the relationship between OCB-CH, OCB-I, and testing publication status as a moderator. In Appendix D, we
OCB-O and used other recent meta-analyses (i.e., N. P. Podsakoff provide the main codes and input values of primary studies/
et al., 2009) for the relationship between OCB-I and OCB-O. samples included in the meta-analysis. Specifically, information
Furthermore, some studies measured OCB-I and OCB-O using on publication status (as of March 2011), observed (uncorrected)
a direct measure (K. Lee & Allen, 2002; L. J. Williams & Ander- correlation, sample size, reliability (coefficient alpha), and FFM
son, 1991), while others measured OCB-I using multiple behaviors and OCB dimensions are provided for each study/sample.
(e.g., altruism, courtesy) and OCB-O using multiple behaviors
(e.g., conscientiousness, sportsmanship). In addition, OCB-CH
was sometimes measured using multiple behaviors such as voice, Results
taking charge, innovation/creativity, and personal initiative. In
these cases, we used the formula to compute a unit-weight com- We describe the results of the meta-analysis in Tables 1, 2, and
posite correlation (between a given FFM trait and multiple behav- 3. We first report the intercorrelations among citizenship dimensions
iors under each of the three citizenship dimensions; OCB-I, and task performance to establish the discriminant validity for change-
OCB-O, and OCB-CH; Hunter & Schmidt, 2004, pp. 435 438), oriented citizenship (OCB-CH; see Table 1). Even though the focus of
taking into account intercorrelations among the multiple criteria in our study is on differential relationships and incremental validity, for
the same citizenship dimension; otherwise, we averaged the cor- comprehensiveness purposes, we present effect sizes for FFM traits
relations and used the average correlation. predicting aggregate OCB (combining all citizenship forms: OCB-O,
We maintained statistical independence in each of the meta- OCB-I, and OCB-CH; see Table 2). Furthermore, we test differential
analyses conducted for the aforementioned three major citizenship relationships of FFM traits with the three forms of citizenship exam-
dimensions. That is, we counted/used each sample only once for ined in this study (see Table 3). Finally, prior to discussing specific
each meta-analytic relationship by retaining only one data point results, we urge the reader to use appropriate levels of caution in
per sample via use of a composite correlation (e.g., correlation interpreting meta-analytic results (e.g., results for Extraversion/
between Conscientiousness and a composite of altruism and cour- Openness and/or OCB-CH), which are sometimes based on relatively
tesy, two OCB-I behaviors) or an average correlation whenever smaller numbers of samples (e.g., k 10 in some instances) and thus

Table 1
Meta-Analysis Results for OCB-CH With OCB-I, OCB-O, and Task Performance


OCB-O 23 4,455 .40 .16 .49 .17 16 .27 .71 .42 .57
OCB-I 30 5,917 .48 .24 .57 .26 6 .24 .90 .47 .67
Task performance 16 10,565 .26 .09 .29 .10 15 .16 .42 .24 .34

Note. The true-score correlation ( ) between OCB-I and OCB-O is .75 (k 37, N 12,647; N. P. Podsakoff, Whiting, Podsakoff, & Blume, 2009); the
true-score correlation ( ) between OCB-I and task performance is .47 (k 24, N 7,947; N. P. Podsakoff et al., 2009); the true-score correlation ( )
between OCB-O and task performance is .54 (k 22, N 6,018; N. P. Podsakoff et al., 2009). It is noted that each independent sample counted only once
for each relationship. FFM five-factor model; OCB-CH change-oriented citizenship; OCB-O organization-directed citizenship; OCB-I
individual-directed citizenship; k number of statistically independent samples; N total sample size; r sample-size-weighted mean observed
(uncorrected) correlation; SDr sample-size-weighted observed standard deviation of correlations; mean true-score correlation corrected for
unreliability; SD standard deviation of corrected correlations; %Var percentage of variance attributable to statistical artifacts; CVLL and CVUL
lower and upper bounds, respectively, of the 80% credibility interval; CILL and CIUL lower and upper bounds, respectively, of the 95% confidence
interval around the corrected mean correlation.

Table 2
Omnibus Meta-Analysis Results for Aggregate OCB

FFM trait k N r SDr inter SD %Var CVLL CVUL CILL CIUL

Aggregate OCBa
Conscientiousness 71 14,355 .14 .12 .18 .22 .12 34 .02 .34 .15 .21
Agreeableness 47 10,308 .11 .11 .14 .17 .11 41 .01 .28 .11 .18
Emotional Stability 36 8,629 .10 .11 .12 .15 .12 33 .03 .27 .08 .17
Extraversion 34 6,700 .07 .12 .09 .11 .12 37 .07 .25 .04 .14
Openness/Intellect 38 7,405 .11 .09 .14 .17 .08 57 .04 .25 .11 .18

Note. FFM five-factor model; OCB organization citizenship behavior; k number of statistically independent samples; N total sample size; r
sample-size-weighted mean observed (uncorrected) correlation; SDr sample-size-weighted observed standard deviation of correlations; mean
true-score correlation corrected for unreliability (using local coefficients alpha for both variables) and range restriction; inter mean true-score correlation
corrected for unreliability (using local coefficients alpha for FFM traits and a meta-analytic interrater reliability of .53 for OCB; Hurtz & Donovan, 2000)
and predictor range restrictionthese values are used in Figure 1; SD standard deviation of corrected correlations; %Var percentage of variance
attributable to statistical artifacts; CVLL and CVUL lower and upper bounds, respectively, of the 80% credibility interval; CILL and CIUL lower and
upper bounds, respectively, of the 95% confidence interval around the corrected mean correlation.
Only one effect size was extracted from each sample for a given FFM trait. That is, each independent sample counted only once for each meta-analytic
result/relationship. When there were multiple effect sizes for a given FFM trait, the effect sizes were aggregated into an effect size to maintain statistical
independence using either (a) a composite correlation or (b) a simple average. As noted in Footnote 2 in the text, primary studies measuring and reporting
only global OCB (i.e., contextual performance or overall OCB without reporting specific OCB dimensions/behaviors) were also included in estimating these
omnibus results. The separate meta-analytic results for global OCB are presented in Appendix C.

are more likely to be subject to second-order sampling error (Hunter related to, yet distinct from, prosocial forms of citizenship (OCB-I
& Schmidt, 2004). and OCB-O). That is, we expected that intercorrelations between
OCB-CH and both OCB-I and OCB-O would be moderate to high,
Discriminant Validity of Change-Oriented Citizenship but lower than the intercorrelation between OCB-I and OCB-O
Consistent with prior research (McAllister et al., 2007; Van (Dalal, 2005; N. P. Podsakoff et al., 2009). As shown in Table 1,
Dyne et al., 1995), we theorized that change-oriented citizenship is the corrected correlation ( ) between OCB-CH and OCB-O was

Table 3
Meta-Analysis Results for OCB dimensions: OCB-O, OCB-I, and OCB-CH

FFM trait k N r SDr inter SD %Var CVLL CVUL CILL CIUL

Conscientiousness 20 4,025 .13 .09 .17 .20 .09 53 .06 .28 .12 .22
Agreeableness 15 4,598 .12 .11 .17 .19 .13 26 .00 .34 .10 .24
Emotional Stability 10 2,139 .08 .11 .12 .12 .12 39 .03 .27 .04 .20
Extraversion 9 2,017 .01 .10 .02 .02 .11 42 .12 .16 .07 .11
Openness/Intellect 7 1,311 .13 .08 .19 .20 .07 72 .11 .28 .12 .27
Conscientiousness 28 6,347 .16 .14 .21 .25 .17 20 .01 .43 .14 .28
Agreeableness 19 5,608 .13 .07 .18 .20 .06 61 .10 .26 .15 .22
Emotional Stability 13 3,073 .11 .08 .14 .17 .07 57 .04 .23 .09 .19
Extraversion 13 3,129 .07 .13 .10 .11 .15 25 .09 .30 .01 .19
Openness/Intellect 10 2,049 .13 .10 .18 .20 .10 48 .05 .31 .11 .26
Conscientiousness 17 2,629 .08 .11 .10 .12 .10 49 .03 .24 .04 .17
Agreeableness 8 1,396 .02 .11 .03 .03 .11 46 .17 .11 .12 .06
Emotional Stability 7 1,732 .06 .10 .08 .09 .10 39 .05 .22 .01 .17
Extraversion 6 1,144 .10 .06 .13 .15 .00 164 .13 .13 .07 .19
Openness/Intellect 19 3,761 .11 .09 .14 .17 .08 57 .04 .24 .09 .19
Job Satisfactiona 11 1,843 .17 .08 .20 .26 .04 82 .15 .26 .15 .25

Note. FFM five-factor model; OCB organization citizenship behavior; OCB-O organization-directed citizenship; OCB-I individual-directed
citizenship; OCB-CH change-oriented citizenship; k number of statistically independent samples; N total sample size; r sample-size-weighted
mean observed (uncorrected) correlation; SDr sample-size-weighted observed standard deviation of correlations; mean true-score correlation
corrected for unreliability (using local coefficients alpha for both variables) and range restriction; inter mean true-score correlation corrected for
unreliability (using local coefficients alpha for FFM traits and a meta-analytic inter-rater reliability of .53 for OCB; Hurtz & Donovan, 2000) and predictor
range restriction; SD standard deviation of corrected correlations; %Var percentage of variance attributable to statistical artifacts; CVLL and CVUL
lower and upper bounds, respectively, of the 80% credibility interval; CILL and CIUL lower and upper bounds, respectively, of the 95% confidence
interval around the corrected mean correlation.
Estimated in the current study; the true-score correlations of job satisfaction with OCB-O and OCB-I are reported in Table 4s explanatory note. It is noted
that each independent sample counted only once for each meta-analytic result/relationship.

.49, and the correlation between OCB-CH and OCB-I was .57, oriented citizenship somewhat better than communal traits (com-
which were fairly high yet lower than the intercorrelation between posite correlation .06) such as Conscientiousness ( .10),
OCB-I and OCB-O ( .75). The relationship between OCB-CH Agreeableness ( .03), or Emotional Stability ( .08; all
and task performance ( .29) was moderate yet lower than the these credibility intervals included zero) as predictors.
relationships between both OCB-O and OCB-I and task perfor- Overall, the results do not lend strong support for a differential
mance ( .54 and .47). This indicates that OCB-CH is prediction of OCB-O and OCB-I by Conscientiousness and Agree-
related to yet distinct from the other two citizenship forms and, at ableness. This is not entirely surprising, provided that both of these
the same time, closer to those than to task performance. citizenship forms tap into prosocial (i.e., proindividual and proor-
ganizational) motives, which also underlie Agreeableness and
Predicting Aggregated Citizenship Conscientiousness and, to a lesser extent, Emotional Stability. That
is, OCB-I and OCB-O were predicted to a similar degree by
We first provide results for the relationship between each of the prosocial/communal traits (composite correlations of .22 and .19).
FFM traits and aggregated citizenship behaviors (presented for OCB-CH was predicted better by proactive or agentic (composite
comprehensiveness purposes; see Table 2). All FFM traits are correlation of .16) rather than prosocial or communal traits (com-
positively correlated with citizenship: Conscientiousness ( posite correlation of .06). Openness is the best or second best
.18), Agreeableness ( .14), Emotional Stability ( .12), predictor for all three citizenship outcomes (OCB-I, OCB-O, and
Extraversion ( .09), and Openness ( .14; see Table 2). All OCB-CH), something not highlighted in past research. An anon-
confidence intervals excluded zero; however, only the credibility ymous reviewer suggested that reporting the relative importance
intervals for Conscientiousness, Agreeableness, and Openness did (semipartial R2 unique to each predictor, or the average contribu-
not include zero. The percentage of variance attributable to statis- tion of a predictor to the overall R2) of each of the FFM traits for
tical artifacts (ranging from 33% to 57%) and relatively large SD each citizenship dimension would be meaningful (Budescu, 1993;
estimates suggest the presence of moderators. Thus, as shown in J. W. Johnson, 2000). Such analyses are needed given moderate to
Table 3, moderator analyses by citizenship dimension were con- strong intercorrelations among FFM traits. Analyses with relative
ducted (discussed in the next section). In addition, we also tested weights (J. W. Johnson, 2000; Step 1, Table 4) highlighted the
publication status as a moderator, finding no appreciable sign of relative importance of Openness in predicting citizenship.
publication bias. The confidence intervals for published and un-
published for all FFM traits substantially overlap, which suggests Predicting Citizenship Beyond Conscientiousness and
that publication bias is less of a concern (results are available from Agreeableness
In-Sue Oh).
Our second broad question was the extent to which other FFM
traits predict citizenship over and above Conscientiousness and
Differential Prediction of OCB-I, OCB-O, and Agreeableness. The hierarchical multiple regression analyses are
OCB-CH presented in Table 4, where we examine the incremental validity of
At a broad level, consistent with a thematic match based on Emotional Stability, Extraversion, and Openness over Conscien-
prosocial aspects of the predictor and criterion, our OCB-I and tiousness and Agreeableness. Standardized regression coefficients,
OCB-O prosocial citizenship outcomes were indeed predicted by multiple Rs, and incremental Rs (incremental validities) were
the corresponding prosocial alpha factor (a composite of Consci- estimated using meta-analytic FFM intercorrelations reported in
entiousness, Agreeableness, and Emotional Stability; Digman, Mount, Barrick, Scullen, Rounds, and Sackett (2005; see Table 3
1997; composite correlation .22 for OCB-I and .19 for OCB-O); in their study), combined with FFM traits to citizenship behavior
the relationship was weaker for OCB-CH (composite correlation correlations estimated in this study.
.06).4 Moving to a trait level, in line with our prediction, Consci- For the analyses predicting all citizenship behaviors, we entered
entiousness predicted OCB-O (see Table 3; .17), and the Conscientiousness and Agreeableness in the first step, followed by
correlation was the second strongest (and the credibility interval the remaining FFM traits. As expected, Emotional Stability, Ex-
excluded zero) when compared with the ones connecting the other traversion, and Openness did explain additional variance in citi-
four traits to organization-directed citizenship (with Openness zenship after controlling for Conscientiousness and Agreeableness.
The difference in multiple R was significant (R .08) for
exhibiting the largest value; .19). Consistent with our predic-
organization-directed citizenship (OCB-O), and the pattern was
tion, Agreeableness had a moderate relationship with OCB-I (
.18; see Table 3), with the credibility interval excluding zero,
ahead of Emotional Stability and Extraversion ( .14 and 4
We computed these composite correlations using the meta-analytic
.10, respectively), but less so of Openness ( .18) and lower than FFM intercorrelations from Mount et al. (2005); for the alpha factor, the
Conscientiousness ( .21; credibility interval including zero). unit-weighted composite of Conscientiousness, Agreeableness, and Emo-
tional Stability was created and correlated with OCB (Hunter & Schmidt,
Change-oriented citizenship (OCB-CH) was predicted by its
2004). Multiple Rs estimated using the three alpha traits were virtually the
corresponding agentic traits or (a composite formed of Extra-
same with the composite correlations.
version and Openness; Digman, 1997; composite correlation 5
We computed composite correlations using the meta-analytic FFM
.16).5 Prosocial citizenship forms (.06 for OCB-I and .12 for intercorrelations from Mount et al. (2005). For the beta factor, the unit-
OCB-O) were less predicted by this agentic composite. At a trait weighted composite of Extraversion and Openness was created and corre-
level, Extraversion and Openness ( .13 and .14, respec- lated with OCB. Multiple Rs estimated using the two beta traits were
tively; credibility intervals excluded zero) predicted change- virtually the same with the composite correlations.

Table 4
Hierarchical Multiple Regression Analyses in Predicting Organizational Citizenship Behaviors


Step 1 Step 2 Step 1 Step 2 Step 1 Step 2


CO .13 .018 22.7 .09 .014 10.1 .15 .025 33.5 .13 .021 18.6 .11 .009 19.9 .08 .007 9.1
AG .12 .018 22.0 .12 .017 11.9 .10 .017 22.5 .10 .016 14.2 .13 .006 14.8 .13 .007 9.4
ES .01 .005 5.7 .06 .003 2.5 .01 .006 7.8 .05 .004 3.8 .04 .004 8.3 .00 .003 3.4
EX .13 .005 6.1 .19 .009 6.8 .02 .003 3.7 .07 .002 2.2 .09 .011 25.3 .04 .008 10.7
OP .22 .035 43.5 .25 .040 28.3 .16 .024 32.5 .19 .027 24.4 .11 .014 31.7 .13 .016 21.5
JS .27 .057 40.6 .21 .041 36.7 .19 .034 46.0
All FFM traits .083 59.4 .071 63.3 .040 54.0
Total R (R2) .283 (.080) .371 (.140) .273 (.075) .334 (.112) .209 (.044) .271 (.073)
RCO, AG .204 .229 .125
RES, EX, OP over CO, AG .079a .045a .084a
RJS over FFM .091 .061 .062
RFFM over JS .124b .104c .071d

Note. Values in parentheses are relative weights (J. W. Johnson, 2000), which add up to R2 and relative weights in percentage form, which add up to 100%,
respectively. True-score correlations between FFM traits and JS from Judge, Heller, and Mount (2002) and true-score intercorrelations among FFM traits
from Mount, Barrick, Scullen, Rounds, and Sackett (2005) were used to complete the input matrix. True-score correlations between JS and OCB-I (
.23, k 43, N 12,136) and OCB-O ( .37, k 37, N 9,789) are from Ilies, Fulmer, Spitzmuller, and Johnson (2009, Table 3). JS and OCB are
based on different sources. FFM five-factor model; OCB organization citizenship behavior; OCB-O organization-directed OCB; OCB-I
individual-directed OCB; OCB-CH change-oriented OCB; CO Conscientiousness; AG Agreeableness; ES Emotional Stability; EX
Extraversion; OP Openness/Intellect; JS job satisfaction; standardized regression weights; RW relative weight (J. W. Johnson, 2000); %RW:
percentages of relative weights (calculated by dividing individual relative weights by their sum and multiplying by 100); R multiple correlations; R
incremental change in multiple R.
Computed using the multiple R of CO and AG for each OCB dimensions (.19, .22, and .10 for OCB-O, OCB-I, and OCB-CH, respectively). b Computed
using the mean true-score correlation ( ) of .25 for the relationship between JS and OCB-O (Ilies et al., 2009; k 37, N 9,789). c Computed using
the mean true-score correlation ( ) of .23 for the relationship between JS and OCB-I (Ilies et al., 2009; k 43, N 12,136). d Computed using the mean
true-score correlation ( ) of .20 for the relationship between JS and OCB-CH (the present study; k 11, N 1,843; see the bottom of Table 3).

consistent for other citizenship behavior criteria, with changes in Differential Prediction of Task Performance and OCB
multiple R ranging from .05 for individual-directed citizenship
(OCB-I) to .08 for change-oriented citizenship (OCB-CH). The Personality traits should predict citizenship more strongly than they
incremental validities of the three predictors were consistent across would predict task performance (Motowidlo et al., 1997). We com-
different dimensions of citizenship used in this study (OCB-I, pared the relationships of FFM traits to citizenship and task perfor-
OCB-O, and OCB-CH), thus supporting our expectation: Emo- mance, respectively. We based the comparison on our data and on the
tional Stability, Extraversion, and Openness represent useful ad- true-score correlations from Hurtz and Donovan (2000, Table 4) for
ditions to the prediction of citizenship behaviors, with most of the the FFM traits predicting task performance. FFM traits are corrected
incremental validity originating from Openness. for measurement error using alpha coefficients (see Appendix B),
while criteria are corrected using interrater reliability (.53 used in
Predicting Citizenship Beyond Job Satisfaction Hurtz & Donovan, 2000; similar to .52 reported in Viswesvaran,
Schmidt, & Ones, 2005).7 Figure 1 presents our results.
To estimate the incremental validity of FFM traits over and
above job satisfaction,6 we entered job satisfaction in Step 1,
followed by Step 2 including all FFM traits (see Table 4). After As seen at the bottom of Table 4, we conducted a new meta-analysis
controlling for job satisfaction, FFM traits further predicted of the relationship between job satisfaction and OCB-CH because prior
OCB-O (R .12), OCB-I (R .10), and OCB-CH (R .07): meta-analyses did not test this relationship. For the relationships of job
average R .10. In an alternative model, we estimated the satisfaction with OCB-I and OCB-O, we used the effect sizes estimated by
Ilies and coauthors (2009); see Table 4s explanatory note for details.
incremental validity of job satisfaction over and above FFM traits
for OCB-O (R .09), OCB-I (R .06), and OCB-CH (R
The results ( ) we report in Tables 2-4 were corrected for measurement
error in both variables using local internal consistency reliability estimates
.06): average R .07. These two models (i.e., usefulness anal-
because no primary studies included in the current meta-analysis estimated
yses) indicated that the predictive power of job satisfaction was interrater reliabilities for the criterion (OCB) measures; as discussed, the
lower than that of FFM traits net of each other. Relative weights effect sizes reported are underestimates. In Figure 1, we used the mean
(see Table 4, Step 2) showed the contribution of job satisfaction interrater reliability estimates of .53 from Hurtz and Donovan (2000) for
(37% 46%) as less than the one of FFM traits (54% 63%). When comparability reasons. Later, we added to Tables 2 4 these results ( inter ).
considered separately, job satisfaction (37% 46%) had the highest Hurtz and Donovan used this same interrater reliability estimate for task
relative weight, followed by Openness (22%28%). performance, interpersonal facilitation, and job dedication.

differentially predicted these specific forms of citizenship. Such

examinations respond to indications that the OCB literature
would currently benefit most from more basic comparisons of
OCB based on intended beneficiary of the behavior (Spitzmuller,
Van Dyne, & Ilies, 2007, p. 115). Likewise, the connection of the
FFM traits with change-oriented citizenship has not been estab-
lished meta-analytically, and our study fills an existing gap in this
Although Conscientiousness predicted OCB-O and Agreeable-
ness predicted OCB-I, they did not predict these outcomes better
than Openness, thus failing to support the expectation for Consci-
entiousness and Agreeableness as the best predictors of OCB-O
and OCB-I, respectively. Agreeableness and Conscientiousness
predicted OCB-O and OCB-I to a similar degree, possibly because
both these criteria tap into prosocial motives. Clearer results
emerged for Extraversion and Openness: These FFM traits reflect-
ing agency and growth (Digman, 1997) emerged as the best
predictors of OCB-CH. As additional evidence for this pattern, the
beta factor had nonzero confidence intervals and stronger effect
Figure 1. True-score correlations of five-factor model traits to organiza- sizes than the other three FFM dimensions in predicting OCB-CH,
tional citizenship behaviors (OCBs) and task performance. Effect sizes while the effect sizes connecting Conscientiousness, Agreeable-
(true-score correlations) for task performance are from Hurtz and Donovan ness, and Emotional Stability to OCB-CH were not distinguishable
(2000, Table 4). Effect sizes (true-score correlations) for OCB are com- from zero and the credibility intervals were wide.
puted by correcting mean observed correlations (reported in Table 3) for Importantly, although the patterns of correlations of FFM traits
measurement error in the predictor measure (using the mean reliability with the prosocial forms of citizenship (OCB-I and OCB-O) are
estimates reported in Appendix B) and in the criterion measures (using the
similar, this is not the case for the prediction of change-oriented
same interrater reliability estimates of .53 used in Hurtz & Donovan, 2000,
citizenship (OCB-CH). Specifically, Conscientiousness is roughly
instead of local internal consistency reliability estimates; Hurtz and Don-
ovan did not report local internal consistency reliability estimates) to be half as strongly correlated with OCB-CH as with OCB-I and
comparable to the true-score correlations for task performance. CO OCB-O, while Agreeableness is uncorrelated with OCB-CH (de-
Conscientiousness, AG Agreeableness, ES Emotional Stability, EX spite having small to moderate correlations with OCB-I and OCB-
Extraversion, OP Openness/Intellect. O). Thus, FFM traits do not show a clear pattern in relating to
organization- versus individual-directed prosocial citizenship.
Conversely, the differences between these prosocial forms of cit-
izenship and change-oriented or proactive forms present a clearer
As shown by the overlapping 95% confidence intervals pre- pattern. Thus, the prosocial versus proactive distinction seems
sented below, there were no differences for the prediction of task more important than other citizenship classification schemes
performance and citizenship by Conscientiousness, .16 (95% (OCB-I vs. OCB-O), at least in relation to FFM traits. Dalal (2005,
CI [.09, .23]) versus .22 (95% CI [.18, .25]); Emotional p. 1247) also wrote that the targetreferent of behavior may not
Stability, .14 (95% CI [.10, .18]) versus .15 (95% CI [.10, be as important as often believed by noting strong relationships
.20]); and Extraversion, .07 (95% CI [.02, .12]) versus .11 between target-based OCB measures.
(95% CI [.05, .17]). Conversely, as shown by nonoverlapping Interestingly, Openness emerged as an important predictor of
confidence intervals, there were differences in how strongly task multiple types of citizenship. How did Openness come to play such
performance and OCB were predicted by Openness, .01. a prominent role? Prior meta-analytic work uncovered lackluster
(95% CI [.05, .03]) versus .17 (95% CI [.13, .22]), and true-score correlations of .05 (N 3,539) for interpersonal facil-
Agreeableness, .08 (95% CI [.01, .15]) versus .17 (95% itation and of .01 (N 2,514) for job dedication (Hurtz &
CI [.13, .22]). Judging from the overlaps in 95% confidence Donovan, 2000, Table 4). One possible explanation for this dis-
intervals, the comparison supported differential validities of FFM crepancy is the level of criterion specificity used in previous work
traits for task performance and citizenship only for Openness and versus the current meta-analysis. For example, job dedication
Agreeableness. The combined effects of all FFM traits on OCB mostly includes components such as effort, persistence, and com-
and task performance were multiple R .28 versus multiple R mitment to objectives (Hurtz & Donovan, 2000, p. 872), which
.19. have less to do with employees Openness. Conversely, our criteria
may capture to a greater extent the context supporting task per-
formance. If citizenship behaviors revolve around contingencies
created in the social environment surrounding tasks, employees
When predicting the broadest (aggregated) form of citizenship, who are high in Openness may be at an advantage due to their
Conscientiousness had the largest effect size. Agreeableness and adaptability (LePine, Colquitt, & Erez, 2000), ability to cope with
Openness, in addition to Conscientiousness, had credibility inter- change, and tolerance for ambiguity (Judge, Thoreson, Pucik, &
vals excluding zero (validity generalization). In an effort to in- Welbourne, 1999). In addition, engaging in citizenship behaviors
crease predictive accuracy, we examined to what extent FFM traits requires employees to notice the need to take action, which is

facilitated if individuals have high levels of Openness. People with faction) transmitting the effect of FFM traits to citizenship would
high levels of Openness engage in continuous learning (London & be fruitful.
Smither, 1999), share knowledge (Cabrera, Collins, & Salgado,
2006), are motivated to learn (Major, Turner, & Fletcher, 2006), Differential Prediction of Task Performance and
are more mindful of their social environment (Krasman, 2010), Citizenship
and are more proactive (Fuller & Marler, 2009).
Furthermore, because Openness has the largest correlation (of Finally, our study provides additional empirical evidence to
all the FFM traits) with general mental ability (Judge, Jackson, theoretical models (Borman & Motowidlo, 1993) and existing
Shaw, Scott, & Rich, 2007), perhaps high Openness employees arguments indicating that personality is most strongly associated
understand better the context surrounding the task, resulting in a with contextual aspects within the performance domain (Motow-
positive impact on citizenship. Previous cumulative research has idlo et al., 1997). Our comparison (see Figure 1 and its note)
also foundin a leadership contextthat Openness covaries with reveals some differences for Openness and Agreeableness, where
dynamic and change-oriented (e.g., idealized influence, inspira- true-score correlations for citizenship were significantly larger
tional motivation; Bono & Judge, 2004) rather than with than those for task performance (the 95% confidence interval did
maintenance-oriented (e.g., individualized consideration) leader not overlap). For the other FFM traits, effect sizes do not mean-
behaviors.8 In another cumulative review, low Openness was ingfully differ across citizenship and task-performance criteria
related to authoritarianism and conventionalism (Sibley & Duckitt, (their 95% confidence intervals overlap, most of them to a con-
2008). Overall, this pattern of findings points toward the beneficial siderable extent). Results provide partial support for differential
role of Openness in charge-oriented citizenship, as well as toward prediction of task performance and citizenship by FFM traits (i.e.,
the need for more research. As anticipated by researchers who Agreeableness and Openness).
discussed the role of Openness in the literature, this variable will
play an increasingly important role in explaining behavior in a Practical Implications
world of work characterized by diversity and rapid change Although organizations typically select employees for their abil-
(Hough, 2003, p. 300). ity to reach requisite levels of task performance, research indicates
that citizenship is important for organizational success. Citizenship
Predicting Citizenship Over and Above becomes even more salient in a business context characterized by
Conscientiousness and Agreeableness increased competition, reliance on teamwork, and the threat of
downsizing. In such conditions, adaptability, willingness to exhibit
We also investigated the extent to which Conscientiousness and extra effort, and initiative are magnified (Borman & Penner, 2001).
Agreeableness predict citizenship compared to the rest of the FFM Additionally, managers take into account their employees citizen-
traits. Reviews exploring this connection place Conscientiousness ship when rating their performance and distributing rewards (Al-
and Agreeableness in the forefront (e.g., Hanson & Borman, len, 2006; Allen & Rush, 1998; Motowidlo & Van Scotter, 1994;
2006). Our results show, however, that the other FFM traits are Rotundo & Sackett, 2002; Whiting, Podsakoff, & Pierce, 2008).
also useful in the prediction of citizenship behaviors. Emotional For selection purposes, practitioners are at an advantage if they
Stability, Extraversion, and Openness have incremental validity have insight into the FFM traits predicting various forms of citi-
for all three forms of citizenship investigated in this study. Thus, zenship. As opposed to task performance (based on job analyses
the nomological net of personality correlates of citizenship behav- and job specifications), citizenship behaviors may cut across jobs,
iors should include all of the FFM traits. tasks, and work settings, and researchers suggest that managers
should try to focus on selecting employees with a propensity to
The Relative Importance of FFM Traits Versus Job engage in OCBs (N. P. Podsakoff et al., 2009, p. 134). Prior
Satisfaction research positioned Conscientiousness among FFM traits as the
predictor of choice for task performance (Barrick, Mount, &
A long-standing debate in the citizenship literature emphasizes Judge, 2001), and recent research upheld its value (together with
the importance of job satisfaction as a theoretically important and Agreeableness) in the prediction of prosocial citizenship (OCB-O
proximal predictor (vs. personality traits) of citizenship (Organ, and OCB-I; Ilies et al., 2009). These traditional antecedents remain
1988; Organ & McFall, 2004; Organ & Ryan, 1995). As our results important for predicting traditional prosocial forms of citizenship,
demonstrate, FFM traits predict citizenship outcomes over and despite the fact that they do not show differential relationships
above job satisfaction. This finding is important theoretically, as with OCB-O and OCB-I. Adding new information, our study
personality traits and individual attitudes may relate to citizenship highlights the value of Openness for all forms of citizenship,
outcomes through different processes. Likewise, different practical (prosocial and proactive). Openness, together with Extraversion,
interventions are suggested for personality (e.g., selection) and was especially important for change-oriented citizenship (OCB-
attitudes (e.g., managerial framing of employees attitudes; Organ CH). While unique patterns of prediction are more difficult to
& McFall, 2004). In terms of process models, explanations for the propose for the good-soldier citizenship, practitioners interested in
connection between personality traits and performance are based selecting change agents (Parker et al., 2010) are at advantage if
on motives (e.g., Barrick et al., 2002), while job satisfaction may they focus on employees who are open to experience and extra-
influence citizenship through social exchange and reciprocity (e.g., verted.
McNeely & Meglino, 1994). Yet, if FFM traits are equally (or
more) predictive of citizenship behaviors than is job satisfaction,
research examining psychological processes (other than job satis- We thank the anonymous reviewers for this suggestion.

Study Limitations ing, does Openness influence change-oriented citizenship because

of the perceivers attentional (depth, scope, and permeability of
Even though our meta-analysis advances the existing literature consciousness) or motivational (need for variety and experience;
connecting FFM personality traits with citizenship, it has specific McCrae & John, 1992) resources? Furthermore, some facets of
limitations. Some boundaries originate from the design used in Openness may be more predictive of citizenship than others.
primary studies: Cause and effect from the FFM traits to citizen- Individuals who prefer forms of Openness capturing external ex-
ship cannot be inferred. It is unlikely though for citizenship be- perience (facets such as actions, ideas, and values) may consider
haviors (or behaviors in general) to cause personality traits, which citizenship engagement more than people attracted to Openness
are relatively stable and heritable (e.g., Jang, Livesley, & Vernon, facets reflecting internal experience (i.e., fantasy, feelings, and
1996; Loehlin, McCrae, Costa, & John, 1998). Second, the number aesthetics; Griffin & Hesketh, 2004).
of primary studies (k) for some relationships was rather small. In Indeed, from a measurement perspective, it is worth mentioning
particular, it is noted that the number of primary studies used for that Openness can be more (or less) predictive depending on its
some results for Extraversion/Openness and/or OCB-CH is rela- operationalization. Thus, the true-score correlation for the Open-
tively small (e.g., k 10) and thus more likely subject to second- ness to OCB-CH relationship was somewhat higher when Open-
order sampling error. Thus, we once again urge the reader to use ness was measured using a lexical measure, such as the Interna-
appropriate levels of caution in interpreting these meta-analytic tional Personality Item Pool, reflecting intellect ( .16, SD
results.9 .00), than when it was measured using questionnaire measures,
It is noteworthy that Ployhart (2006, p. 884) argued that previ- such as the NEO Personality InventoryRevised or the NEO
ous meta-analyses (e.g., Barrick & Mount, 1991) provided an
Five-Factor Inventory ( .09, SD .09). Following a similar
effective summary of what has been done on the relationships
logic, Pace and Brannick (2010) found, based on a within-subjects
between personality and job performance, but we may often be
design, that Openness contextualized to work settings was more
interested in questions of what could be done or what should be
predictive than generic Openness: The observed correlation of
done. This point coincides with Landy, Shankster, and Kohler
work-specific Openness with OCB-CH was higher at .32 ( .86)
(1994, p. 286), who noted that meta-analysis and traditional
than that of general Openness with OCB-CH at .09 ( .88).
research should be complementary and not competitors (see
Our comparison of the relative predictive validity of FFM traits
also Oh, Wang, & Mount, 2010). Taken together, we hope that
contrasted with job satisfaction may be expanded. On the basis of
this meta-analysis will encourage researchers to conduct more
their earlier research, Organ and colleagues (2006, p. 79) proposed
primary studies to examine the role of personality (particularly,
an m factor in work attitudes (i.e., morale, representing affective
Openness) against the expanded criterion domain of OCB (in-
commitment, fairness, job satisfaction, and leader consideration).
cluding OCB-CH). As more primary studies are conducted,
Comparing FFM traits with several dimensions, or with a com-
additional moderators (e.g., job complexity, task interdepen-
posite of these dimensions, would generate a more complex picture
dence) should be examined to identify the boundary conditions
of this issue. Also, consistent with the emphasis on noncognitive
under which the personality to citizenship behavior relation-
predictors of citizenship (cf. Organ et al., 2006; Spitzmuller et al.,
ships are further amplified or reduced.
2007), our meta-analytic investigation was limited to personality
traits. Yet Openness, one of the citizenship predictors, has a
Directions for Future Research positive association with general mental ability (especially with
divergent thinking; McCrae, 1994; McCrae & Costa, 1997).
On the basis of these results, future research can develop in McCrae (1994) argued for a partitioning of intellect- and non-
several directions. Given the size of the validities obtained in this intellect-based dimensions of Openness. It may be productive to
study, one fruitful route is to explore the relationship between the consider the validity of both cognitive and noncognitive predictors
FFM personality facets and citizenship (Oswald & Hough, 2010). of citizenship, as called for by researchers (e.g., Goldstein, Zedeck,
Our weak relationship between Extraversion and citizenship may & Goldstein, 2002) and tested recently (Bergman, Donovan, Dras-
be explained by studies finding suppression at the facet level. In gow, Overton, & Henning, 2008). If citizenship behaviors are part
one study, although Extraversion had no significant relationship of the broader nomological network of performance, general men-
with citizenship, its facets (positive emotion and surgency) exhib- tal ability represents a plausible predictor (e.g., McHenry, Hough,
ited significant relationships in positive and negative directions, Toquam, Hanson, & Ashworth, 1990), and its influence needs to
respectively (Moon, Hollenbeck, Marinova, & Humphrey, 2008). be differentiated from the effect of personality.
If such patterns are confirmed across traits and studies, the benefits As an anonymous reviewer noted, the validities of the FFM
of using FFM facets become clearer. traits were moderate at best in the present meta-analysis. However,
This may be true especially for Openness, a predictor of all as Oswald and Hough (2010) argued, even moderate validities for
forms of citizenship we investigated. For more precision, one personality prove to be highly valuable in practice, often incre-
possibility is to separate intellect and nonintellect Openness di- menting the prediction afforded by ability measures and providing
mensions (see McCrae, 1994, p. 255). Citizenship engagement can utility across an organizational workforce retained over time [em-
be driven by intellect-based aspects, such as being analytical, phasis added] (p. 161), and a validity coefficient of .20, although
intelligent, and perceptive. In a work context, such employees may seemingly small, translates roughly into a 10% increase in hiring
be more likely to notice constraints around the task and take success, a value that many managers view as meaningful (p. 163).
appropriate action. Employees can also engage in citizenship due
to nonintellect aspects (i.e., being original, broad, complex, daring,
and independent and preferring variety; McCrae, 1994). Simplify- We thank an anonymous reviewer for this suggestion.

Furthermore, it is naive to think that all the variance in complex and Donovan (2000), that examine the relationship between per-
human behavior in the world of work can be fully explained from sonality variables and contextual performance constructs (Hough
a handful of personality scales and their bivariate relationships & Furnham, 2003, p. 137). In this study, we examined the rela-
with criterion measures (Oswald & Hough, 2010, p. 161). None- tionship between the FFM traits and several forms of citizenship,
theless, researchers and practitioners have noted design and mea- including change-oriented citizenship. We found that all FFM
surement limitations (advancements) contributing to weak (strong) traits except for Extraversion matter for prosocial citizenship
relationships between FFM traits and citizenship (Oswald & forms (OCB-I and OCB-O) to varying degrees, even though in no
Hough, 2010). Organ and coauthors (2006) stated that we prob- systematic pattern. We also uncovered Extraversion and Openness
ably should not consider definitive the findings that show weak as predictors of change-oriented citizenship (OCB-CH). With
effects of personality on OCB (p. 86), indicating that sample these findings established, researchers can explore complex as-
homogeneity, supervisory ratings of citizenship, and self-reports of pects, such as relationships at the facet level, and interactions of
personality may contribute to the issue. The first aspect is some- individual and contextual factors predicting the expanded citizen-
what mitigated in our study, as our primary studies were based on ship criterion domain.
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nelly & Ones, 2010; Oh et al., 2010), and considering nonlinear meta-analysis.
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Appendix A

Comparisons of Estimates From Previous Meta-Analyses With Estimates From the

Current Meta-Analysis

Source of meta-analyses/OCB dimensions CO AG ES EX OP

Organ & Ryan (1995)

Altruism .043 (7, 1,231)
Generalized compliance .228 (7, 1,231)
Hurtz & Donovan (2000)
Job dedication .20 (17, 3,197) .10 (17, 3,197) .14 (15, 2,581) .05 (16, 3,130) .01 (14, 2,514)
Interpersonal facilitation .18 (23, 4,301) .20 (23, 4,301) .17 (21, 3,685) .11 (21, 4,155) .05 (19, 3,539)
Borman, Penner, Allen, & Motowidlo (2001)
Aggregated OCB .19 (10, 1,963) .13 (7, 1,554) .06 (7, 1,728)
LePine, Erez, & Johnson (2002)
Global OCB .23 (3, 848)
Ilies, Fulmer, Spitzmuller, & Johnson (2009)
Aggregate OCB (including global OCB) .19 (21, 4,397) .14 (18, 5,760)
OCB-O .28 (10, 2,509) .13 (9, 4,063)
OCB-I .15 (11, 2,933) .16 (11, 4,961)
Current meta-analysis
Aggregate OCB (including global OCB) .18 (71, 14,355) .14 (47, 10,308) .12 (36, 8,629) .09 (34, 6,700) .14 (38, 7,405)
OCB-O .17 (20, 4,025) .17 (15, 4,598) .12 (10, 2,139) .02 (9, 2,017) .19 (7, 1,311)
OCB-I .21 (28, 6,347) .18 (19, 5,608) .14 (13, 3,073) .10 (13, 3,129) .18 (10, 2,049)
OCB-CH .10 (17, 2,629) .03 (8, 1,396) .08 (7, 1,732) .13 (6, 1,144) .14 (19, 3,761)

Note. All estimates in this table are based on samples using non-self-report criteria; the numbers outside the parentheses represent the corrected validity
coefficient, the first number inside the parentheses represents the number of samples (k), the second number inside the parentheses represents total sample
size (N). CO Conscientiousness; AG Agreeableness; ES Emotional Stability; EX Extraversion; OP Openness/Intellect; OCB organization
citizenship behavior; OCB-O organization-directed citizenship; OCB-I individual-directed citizenship; OCB-CH change-oriented citizenship.

Appendix B

Summary of Artifact Information Used in the Current Meta-Analysis

Variable rxx u x SD k N Source

Estimated internal consistency reliability (rxx)

FFM trait
Conscientiousness .80 .08 69 14,421 Present study
Agreeableness .76 .08 44 10,308 Present study
Emotional Stability .81 .07 35 8,696 Present study
Extraversion .79 .10 31 6,553 Present study
Openness/Intellect .77 .08 49 10,825 Present study
OCB dimension
OCB-organizational .83 .08 34 9,083 Present study
OCB-interpersonal .86 .07 34 10,110 Present study
OCB-change .92 .07 30 5,625 Present study
OCB-global .89 .07 39 8,231 Present study

Estimated range restriction ratio (ux)

Conscientiousness .92 .04 598 124,502 F. L. Schmidt, Shaffer, & Oh (2008)
Agreeableness .91 .05 308 54,569 F. L. Schmidt, Shaffer, & Oh (2008)
Emotional Stability .91 .06 417 67,799 F. L. Schmidt, Shaffer, & Oh (2008)
Extraversion .92 .03 537 104,527 F. L. Schmidt, Shaffer, & Oh (2008)
Openness/Intellect .91 .04 208 37,199 F. L. Schmidt, Shaffer, & Oh (2008)

Note. u x is the mean of meta-analytic ux ( restricted [incumbent] SD/unrestricted [applicant] SD) values across 5 6 meta-analyses (see F. L. Schmidt
et al., 2008, Table 1 and Appendices B and C, for more details). FFM five-factor model; OCB organizational citizenship behavior.

(Appendices continue)

Appendix C

Meta-Analysis Results for Global OCB

FFM trait k N r SDr inter SD %Var CVLL CVUL CILL CIUL

Conscientiousness 30 6,233 .15 .11 .19 .23 .11 37 .05 .33 .14 .24
Agreeableness 22 3,875 .10 .12 .14 .16 .12 39 .02 .29 .07 .20
Emotional Stability 18 4,303 .11 .13 .14 .17 .15 23 .04 .33 .07 .22
Extraversion 16 2,870 .05 .13 .07 .08 .13 34 .10 .23 .01 .14
Openness/Intellect 11 2,185 .08 .10 .11 .13 .08 54 .00 .21 .04 .17

Note. Each independent sample counted only once for each meta-analytic result/relationship. There is no overlap between the studies used here and those
used in Table 3. OCB organizational citizenship behavior; global OCB contextual performance or generic/overall OCB without reporting specific OCB
dimensions/behaviors; FFM five-factor model; k number of statistically independent samples; N total sample size; r sample-size-weighted mean
observed (uncorrected) correlation; SDr sample-size-weighted observed standard deviation of correlations; mean true-score correlation corrected for
unreliability (using local coefficients alpha for both variables) and range restriction; inter mean true-score correlation corrected for unreliability (using
local coefficients alpha for FFM traits and a meta-analytic inter-rater reliability of .53 for OCB; Hurtz & Donovan, 2000) and predictor range restriction;
SD standard deviation of corrected correlations; %Var percentage of variance attributable to statistical artifacts; CVLL and CVUL lower and upper
bounds, respectively, of the 80% credibility interval; CILL and CIUL lower and upper bounds, respectively, of the 95% confidence interval around the
corrected mean correlation.

Appendix D

Main Codes and Input Values for the Primary Studies Included in the Meta-Analysis

FFM trait/JS/OCB OCB/task

Source dimension performance n r rxx ryy

Allen, Facteau, & Facteau (2004) CO OCB-CH 172 .28 .85 .77
Allworth & Hesketh (1999) AG OCB-CH 169 .10 .76 .93
Allworth & Hesketh (1999) CO OCB-CH 169 .04 .80 .93
Allworth & Hesketh (1999) ES OCB-CH 169 .02 .81 .93
Allworth & Hesketh (1999) EX OCB-CH 169 .04 .79 .93
Allworth & Hesketh (1999) OP OCB-CH 169 .10 .77 .93
Avis (2001)a AG Global OCB 173 .20 .68 .96
Avis (2001)a CO Global OCB 173 .16 .90 .96
Avis (2001)a ES Global OCB 173 .20 .86 .96
Avis (2001)a EX Global OCB 173 .24 .77 .96
Avis (2001)a OP Global OCB 173 .11 .73 .96
Avis, Kudisch, & Fortunato (2002) CO Global OCB 367 .32 .80 .97
Baer (2010) OP OCB-CH 216 .24 .85 .93
Baer & Oldham (2006) OP OCB-CH 161 .00 .72 .98
Baker (2005)a AG Global OCB 139 .10 .67 .89
Baker (2005)a CO Global OCB 139 .11 .67 .89
Blickle, Momm, Schneider, Gansen, & Kramer (2009, Sample 1) CO Global OCB 54 .02 .58 .71
Blickle, Momm, Schneider, Gansen, & Kramer (2009, Sample 2) CO Global OCB 42 .26 .51 .84
Cellar, DeGrendel, Klawsky, & Miller (1996) AG OCB-I 424 .18 .78 .94
Cellar, DeGrendel, Klawsky, & Miller (1996) CO OCB-I 424 .09 .85 .94
Cellar, DeGrendel, Klawsky, & Miller (1996) ES OCB-I 424 .12 .84 .94
Cellar, DeGrendel, Klawsky, & Miller (1996) EX OCB-I 424 .16 .72 .94
Cellar, DeGrendel, Klawsky, & Miller (1996) OP OCB-I 424 .15 .71 .94
Chan & Schmitt (2002) AG OCB-I 160 .23 .67 .76
Chan & Schmitt (2002) AG OCB-O 160 .11 .67 .78
Chan & Schmitt (2002) CO OCB-I 160 .07 .81 .76
Chan & Schmitt (2002) CO OCB-O 160 .26 .81 .78
Chan & Schmitt (2002) ES OCB-I 160 .26 .87 .76
Chan & Schmitt (2002) ES OCB-O 160 .14 .87 .78

(Appendices continue)

Appendix D (continued)

FFM trait/JS/OCB OCB/task

Source dimension performance n r rxx ryy

Chan & Schmitt (2002) EX OCB-I 160 .37 .84 .76

Chan & Schmitt (2002) EX OCB-O 160 .13 .84 .78
Chan & Schmitt (2002) OP OCB-I 160 .33 .69 .76
Chan & Schmitt (2002) OP OCB-O 160 .20 .69 .78
Chandler (2004)a CO &OCB-I 146 .02 .65 .88
Chandler (2004)a CO &OCB-O 146 .04 .65 .89
Cote & Miners (2006) AG OCB-I 175 .10 .75 .91
Cote & Miners (2006) AG OCB-O 175 .21 .75 .94
Cote & Miners (2006) CO OCB-I 175 .08 .78 .91
Cote & Miners (2006) CO OCB-O 175 .04 .78 .94
Cote & Miners (2006) ES OCB-I 175 .03 .90 .91
Cote & Miners (2006) ES OCB-O 175 .08 .90 .94
Cote & Miners (2006) EX OCB-I 175 .13 .87 .91
Cote & Miners (2006) EX OCB-O 175 .22 .87 .94
Cote & Miners (2006) OP OCB-I 175 .01 .70 .91
Cote & Miners (2006) OP OCB-O 175 .15 .70 .94
Deluga (1998) CO Global OCB 127 .01 .81 .94
Dewett (2002)a OP OCB-CH 282 .19 .69 .96
Diefendorff, Brown, Kamin, & Lord (2002) AG &OCB-I 130 .07 .91 .86
Diefendorff, Brown, Kamin, & Lord (2002) AG &OCB-O 130 .04 .91 .84
Diefendorff, Brown, Kamin, & Lord (2002) CO &OCB-I 130 .01 .92 .86
Diefendorff, Brown, Kamin, & Lord (2002) CO &OCB-O 130 .14 .92 .84
Draves (2003)a CO OCB-I 136 .15 .85 .90
Draves (2003)a CO OCB-O 136 .23 .85 .93
Ferris, Witt, & Hochwarter (2001) AG OCB-I 106 .15 .81 .89
Ferris, Witt, & Hochwarter (2001) AG OCB-O 106 .02 .81 .84
Ferris, Witt, & Hochwarter (2001) CO OCB-I 106 .12 .81 .89
Ferris, Witt, & Hochwarteret (2001) CO OCB-O 106 .02 .81 .84
Ferris, Witt, & Hochwarter (2001) ES OCB-I 106 .02 .85 .89
Ferris, Witt, & Hochwarter (2001) ES OCB-O 106 .04 .85 .84
Ferris, Witt, & Hochwarter (2001) EX OCB-I 106 .05 .88 .89
Ferris, Witt, & Hochwarter (2001) EX OCB-O 106 .01 .88 .84
Ferris, Witt, & Hochwarter (2001) OP OCB-I 106 .01 .77 .89
Ferris, Witt, & Hochwarter (2001) OP OCB-O 106 .00 .77 .84
Gebbia (1999)a AG &OCB-O 159 .12 .83 .84
Gebbia (1999)a AG OCB-CH 159 .20 .83 .79
Gebbia (1999)a AG OCB-I 159 .20 .83 .82
Gebbia (1999)a CO &OCB-O 159 .15 .81 .84
Gebbia (1999)a CO OCB-CH 159 .06 .81 .79
Gebbia (1999)a CO OCB-I 159 .16 .81 .82
Gellatly & Irving (2001) AG Global OCB 79 .10 .63 .81
Gellatly & Irving (2001) CO Global OCB 79 .13 .82 .81
Gellatly & Irving (2001) EX Global OCB 79 .20 .80 .81
George & Zhou (2001) CO OCB-CH 149 .03 .81 .96
George & Zhou (2001) OP OCB-CH 149 .02 .69 .96
Gong, Cheung, Wang, & Huang (in press) OP OCB-CH 190 .08 .77 .96
Grandmaison (2006)a AG Global OCB 215 .06 .80 .89
Grandmaison (2006)a CO Global OCB 215 .10 .83 .89
Grandmaison (2006)a ES Global OCB 215 .00 .85 .89
Grandmaison (2006)a EX Global OCB 215 .10 .87 .89
Grandmaison (2006)a OP Global OCB 215 .01 .79 .89
Grant & Berry (2011, Sample 1) CO OCB-CH 90 .06 .75 .97
Grant & Berry (2011, Sample 1) OP OCB-CH 90 .07 .77 .97
Grant & Berry (2011, Sample 2) CO OCB-CH 111 .17 .79 .97
Grant & Berry (2011, Sample 2) OP OCB-CH 111 .13 .78 .97
Grant & Wrzesniewski (2010) AG OCB-CH 93 .04 .80 .84
Greguras & Diefendorff (2010) AG Global OCB 154 .28 .71 .90
Greguras & Diefendorff (2010) CO Global OCB 154 .15 .80 .90
Greguras & Diefendorff (2010) ES Global OCB 154 .09 .75 .90
Greguras & Diefendorff (2010) EX Global OCB 154 .02 .74 .90
Greguras & Diefendorff (2010) OP Global OCB 154 .02 .73 .90

(Appendices continue)

Appendix D (continued)

FFM trait/JS/OCB OCB/task

Source dimension performance n r rxx ryy

Griffin & Hesketh (2003, Sample 1) OP OCB-CH 187 .01 .87 .97
Griffin & Hesketh (2003, Sample 2) OP OCB-CH 70 .28 .89 .98
Griffin & Hesketh (2005, Sample 1) CO OCB-CH 116 .06 .87 .97
Griffin & Hesketh (2005, Sample 2) CO OCB-CH 55 .05 .92 .98
Griffin & Hesketh (2005, Sample 3) CO OCB-CH 131 .03 .91 .97
Grim (2010, Sample 1)a AG OCB-CH 101 .16 .77 .98
Grim (2010, Sample 1)a CO OCB-CH 101 .34 .77 .98
Grim (2010, Sample 1)a ES OCB-CH 101 .30 .77 .98
Grim (2010, Sample 1)a EX OCB-CH 101 .16 .77 .98
Grim (2010, Sample 1)a OP OCB-CH 101 .09 .77 .98
Grim (2010, Sample 2)a AG OCB-CH 67 .03 .77 .98
Grim (2010, Sample 2)a CO OCB-CH 67 .18 .77 .98
Grim (2010, Sample 2)a ES OCB-CH 67 .35 .77 .98
Grim (2010, Sample 2)a EX OCB-CH 67 .14 .77 .98
Grim (2010, Sample 2)a OP OCB-CH 67 .07 .77 .98
Gutkowski (1997)a AG Global OCB 295 .13 .77 .84
Gutkowski (1997)a CO Global OCB 295 .07 .86 .84
Gutkowski (1997)a ES Global OCB 295 .03 .85 .84
Gutkowski (1997)a EX Global OCB 295 .04 .76 .84
Halbesleben, Harvey, & Bolino (2009, Sample 1) CO OCB-I 80 .48 .89 .91
Halbesleben, Harvey, & Bolino (2009, Sample 2) CO OCB-I 513 .42 .74 .85
Han (2003)a CO OCB-CH 134 .13 .80 .96
Hattrup, OConnell, & Wingate (1998) CO Global OCB 103 .23 .70 .89
Hense (2001)a AG Global OCB 152 .13 .80 .85
Hense (2001)a CO Global OCB 152 .20 .80 .85
Hense (2001)a ES Global OCB 152 .06 .85 .85
Hense (2001)a EX Global OCB 152 .16 .76 .85
Hense (2001)a OP Global OCB 152 .08 .75 .85
Jiang, Wang, & Zhou (2009) AG Global OCB 478 .07 .80 .81
Jiang, Wang, & Zhou (2009) CO Global OCB 478 .15 .83 .81
A. Johnson (2008)a AG OCB-I 1777 .15 .76 .86
A. Johnson (2008)a AG OCB-O 1777 .13 .76 .83
Judge, LePine, & Rich (2006) AG Global OCB 143 .06 .82 .94
Judge, LePine, & Rich (2006) CO Global OCB 143 .14 .80 .94
Judge, LePine, & Rich (2006) ES Global OCB 143 .16 .81 .94
Judge, LePine, & Rich (2006) EX Global OCB 143 .04 .85 .94
Judge, LePine, & Rich (2006) OP Global OCB 143 .10 .83 .94
Keller-Glaze (2001)a CO &OCB-I 105 .11 .92 .91
Keller-Glaze (2001)a CO &OCB-O 105 .01 .92 .87
King, George, & Hebl (2005) AG OCB-I 374 .11 .72 .86
King, George, & Hebl (2005) CO OCB-I 374 .07 .80 .86
King, George, & Hebl (2005) ES OCB-I 374 .08 .80 .86
King, George, & Hebl (2005) EX OCB-I 374 .18 .77 .86
Konovsky & Organ (1996) AG &OCB-I 402 .07 .82 .89
Konovsky & Organ (1996) AG &OCB-O 402 .08 .82 .84
Konovsky & Organ (1996) CO &OCB-I 402 .08 .83 .89
Konovsky & Organ (1996) CO &OCB-O 402 .09 .83 .84
Kraus (2002)a AG Global OCB 95 .01 .62 .96
Kraus (2002)a CO Global OCB 95 .10 .78 .96
Kraus (2002)a ES Global OCB 95 .15 .81 .96
Kraus (2002)a EX Global OCB 95 .10 .88 .96
Kraus (2002)a OP Global OCB 95 .07 .76 .96
Krautheim (1997)a AG Global OCB 124 .08 .84 .90
Ladd & Henry (2000) CO OCB-I 214 .26 .92 .93
Ladd & Henry (2000) CO OCB-O 214 .17 .92 .81
Le et al. (2011, Sample 1) CO Global OCB 569 .24 .81 .95
Le et al. (2011, Sample 1) ES Global OCB 569 .24 .81 .95
Le et al. (2011, Sample 2) CO Global OCB 925 .10 .90 .94
Le et al. (2011, Sample 2) ES Global OCB 925 .08 .86 .94

(Appendices continue)

Appendix D (continued)

FFM trait/JS/OCB OCB/task

Source dimension performance n r rxx ryy

S.-H. Lee (2000)a AG Global OCB 315 .02 .82 .87

S.-H. Lee (2000)a CO Global OCB 315 .24 .90 .87
S.-H. Lee (2000)a ES Global OCB 315 .09 .89 .87
S.-H. Lee (2000)a EX Global OCB 315 .01 .89 .87
S.-H. Lee (2000)a OP Global OCB 315 .08 .84 .87
Y.-H. Lee, Yang, Wan, & Chen (2010) CO OCB-I 505 .16 .76 .86
Liao (2002)a CO &OCB-I 269 .37 .76 .72
Liao (2002)a CO &OCB-O 269 .17 .76 .74
Madjar (2008) OP OCB-CH 282 .15 .66 .96
Mann (2007)a CO Global OCB 107 .13 .70 .86
McManus & Kelly (1999) AG Global OCB 116 .20 .77 .84
McManus & Kelly (1999) CO Global OCB 116 .02 .83 .84
McManus & Kelly (1999) ES Global OCB 116 .23 .70 .84
McManus & Kelly (1999) EX Global OCB 116 .29 .80 .84
Moon, Kamdar, Mayer, & Takeuchi (2008, Sample 1) CO &OCB-CH 253 .04 .84 .92
Moon, Kamdar, Mayer, & Takeuchi (2008, Sample 2) CO OCB-CH 115 .11 .80 .94
Morgeson, Reider, & Campion (2005) AG Global OCB 90 .18 .82 .98
Morgeson, Reider, & Campion (2005) CO Global OCB 90 .21 .87 .98
Morgeson, Reider, & Campion (2005) ES Global OCB 90 .17 .86 .98
Morgeson, Reider, & Campion (2005) EX Global OCB 90 .21 .86 .98
Mount, Oh, & Burns (2008) AG Global OCB 133 .08 .82 .80
Mount, Oh, & Burns (2008) CO Global OCB 133 .18 .87 .80
Mount, Oh, & Burns (2008) ES Global OCB 133 .10 .86 .80
Mount, Oh, & Burns (2008) EX Global OCB 133 .11 .81 .80
Mount, Oh, & Burns (2008) OP Global OCB 133 .09 .83 .80
Neuman & Kickul (1998) AG &OCB-I 284 .23 .87 .76
Neuman & Kickul (1998) AG &OCB-O 284 .28 .87 .80
Neuman & Kickul (1998) CO &OCB-I 284 .32 .91 .76
Neuman & Kickul (1998) CO &OCB-O 284 .32 .91 .80
Neuman & Kickul (1998) EX &OCB-I 284 .10 .94 .76
Neuman & Kickul (1998) EX &OCB-O 284 .11 .94 .80
Nikolaou & Robertson (2001) AG OCB-I 227 .03 .67 .90
Nikolaou & Robertson (2001) AG OCB-O 227 .04 .67 .71
Nikolaou & Robertson (2001) CO OCB-I 227 .09 .85 .90
Nikolaou & Robertson (2001) CO OCB-O 227 .09 .85 .71
Nikolaou & Robertson (2001) ES OCB-I 227 .03 .85 .90
Nikolaou & Robertson (2001) ES OCB-O 227 .11 .85 .71
Nikolaou & Robertson (2001) EX OCB-I 227 .11 .83 .90
Nikolaou & Robertson (2001) EX OCB-O 227 .09 .83 .71
Nikolaou & Robertson (2001) OP OCB-I 227 .07 .70 .90
Nikolaou & Robertson (2001) OP OCB-O 227 .10 .70 .71
Norris (2002, Sample 1)a AG Global OCB 66 .24 .78 .86
Norris (2002, Sample 1)a CO Global OCB 66 .20 .80 .86
Norris (2002, Sample 1)a ES Global OCB 66 .00 .83 .86
Norris (2002, Sample 2)a AG Global OCB 57 .25 .78 .86
Norris (2002, Sample 2)a CO Global OCB 57 .02 .80 .86
Norris (2002, Sample 2)a ES Global OCB 57 .32 .83 .86
OBrien & Allen (2008) CO OCB-I 334 .12 .84 .91
OBrien & Allen (2008) CO OCB-O 334 .08 .84 .92
OConnell, Doverspike, Norris-Watts, & Hattrup (2001) CO Global OCB 112 .35 .83 .79
Oh & Berry (2009) AG & Global OCB 277 .10 .92 .91
Oh & Berry (2009) CO & Global OCB 277 .12 .92 .91
Oh & Berry (2009) ES & Global OCB 277 .14 .93 .91
Oh & Berry (2009) EX & Global OCB 277 .14 .95 .91
Oh & Berry (2009) OP & Global OCB 277 .09 .94 .91
Oh et al. (2009)a AG OCB-I 113 .26 .75 .90
Oh et al. (2009)a AG OCB-O 113 .17 .75 .88
Oh et al. (2009)a CO OCB-I 113 .21 .86 .90

(Appendices continue)

Appendix D (continued)

FFM trait/JS/OCB OCB/task

Source dimension performance n r rxx ryy

Oh et al. (2009)a CO OCB-O 113 .20 .86 .88

Oh et al. (2009)a ES OCB-I 113 .09 .84 .90
Oh et al. (2009)a ES OCB-O 113 .11 .84 .88
Oh et al. (2009)a EX OCB-I 113 .06 .81 .90
Oh et al. (2009)a EX OCB-O 113 .01 .81 .88
Oh et al. (2009)a OP OCB-I 113 .04 .79 .90
Oh et al. (2009)a OP OCB-O 113 .08 .79 .88
Oh, Le, Yoo, & Kim (2006)a AG OCB-CH 217 .02 .70 .91
Oh, Le, Yoo, & Kim (2006)a CO OCB-CH 217 .16 .70 .91
Oh, Le, Yoo, & Kim (2006)a ES OCB-CH 217 .09 .82 .91
Oh, Le, Yoo, & Kim (2006)a EX OCB-CH 217 .04 .79 .91
Oh, Le, Yoo, & Kim (2006)a OP OCB-CH 217 .04 .74 .91
Otalora (2006)a AG &OCB-I 228 .04 .78 .83
Otalora (2006)a AG &OCB-O 228 .05 .78 .76
Otalora (2006)a CO &OCB-I 228 .01 .77 .83
Otalora (2006)a CO &OCB-O 228 .05 .77 .76
Otalora (2006)a ES &OCB-I 228 .03 .86 .83
Otalora (2006)a ES &OCB-O 228 .05 .86 .76
Pace & Brannick (2010) OP &OCB-CH 83 .21 .87 .92
Piedmont & Weinstein (1994) AG OCB-CH 207 .14 .76 .85
Piedmont & Weinstein (1994) AG OCB-I 207 .07 .76 .80
Piedmont & Weinstein (1994) CO OCB-CH 207 .21 .80 .85
Piedmont & Weinstein (1994) CO OCB-I 207 .19 .80 .80
Piedmont & Weinstein (1994) ES OCB-CH 207 .17 .81 .85
Piedmont & Weinstein (1994) ES OCB-I 207 .16 .81 .80
Piedmont & Weinstein (1994) EX OCB-CH 207 .19 .79 .85
Piedmont & Weinstein (1994) EX OCB-I 207 .20 .79 .80
Piedmont & Weinstein (1994) OP OCB-CH 207 .07 .77 .85
Piedmont & Weinstein (1994) OP OCB-I 207 .07 .77 .80
Pulakos et al. (2002) ES OCB-CH 588 .00 .80 .97
Pulakos et al. (2002) OP OCB-CH 588 .12 .83 .97
Radwinsky (1999)a AG OCB-O 178 .42 .78 .86
Radwinsky (1999)a CO OCB-O 178 .02 .72 .86
Radwinsky (1999)a ES OCB-O 178 .32 .86 .86
Raja (2004)a AG &OCB-CH 383 .09 .70 .82
Raja (2004)a AG OCB-I 383 .06 .70 .76
Raja (2004)a AG OCB-O 383 .03 .70 .70
Raja (2004)a CO &OCB-CH 383 .02 .72 .82
Raja (2004)a CO OCB-I 383 .12 .72 .76
Raja (2004)a CO OCB-O 383 .13 .72 .70
Raja (2004)a ES &OCB-CH 383 .02 .70 .82
Raja (2004)a ES OCB-I 383 .09 .70 .76
Raja (2004)a ES OCB-O 383 .02 .70 .70
Raja (2004)a EX &OCB-CH 383 .08 .69 .82
Raja (2004)a EX OCBI 383 .05 .69 .76
Raja (2004)a EX OCB-O 383 .03 .69 .70
Raja (2004)a OP &OCB-CH 383 .12 .72 .82
Raja (2004)a OP OCB-I 383 .17 .72 .76
Raja (2004)a OP OCB-O 383 .10 .72 .70
Richards & Schat (in press) AG OCB-I 147 .36 .70 .95
Richards & Schat (in press) AG OCB-O 147 .35 .70 .79
Richards & Schat (in press) CO OCB-I 147 .24 .69 .95
Richards & Schat (in press) CO OCB-O 147 .29 .69 .79
Richards & Schat (in press) ES OCB-I 147 .21 .56 .95
Richards & Schat (in press) ES OCB-O 147 .21 .56 .79
Richards & Schat (in press) EX OCB-I 147 .16 .64 .95
Richards & Schat (in press) EX OCB-O 147 .16 .64 .79
Richards & Schat (in press) OP OCB-I 147 .28 .64 .95
Richards & Schat (in press) OP OCB-O 147 .32 .64 .79
Rogg (1997)a CO OCB-I 214 .44 .77 .72

(Appendices continue)

Appendix D (continued)

FFM trait/JS/OCB OCB/task

Source dimension performance n r rxx ryy

J. Schmidt (2008)a AG Global OCB 432 .30 .76 .93

J. Schmidt (2008)a CO Global OCB 432 .23 .75 .93
J. Schmidt (2008)a ES Global OCB 432 .33 .70 .93
J. Schmidt (2008)a EX Global OCB 432 .15 .80 .93
J. Schmidt (2008)a OP Global OCB 432 .24 .78 .93
Sears (2005)a AG Global OCB 141 .12 .80 .94
Smith, Organ, & Near (1983) ES OCB-I 422 .19 .68 .91
Smith, Organ, & Near (1983) ES OCB-O 422 .13 .68 .81
Smith, Organ, & Near (1983) EX OCB-I 422 .07 .44 .91
Smith, Organ, & Near (1983) EX OCB-O 422 .05 .44 .81
Steffensmeier (2008)a AG OCB-I 129 .01 .61 .93
Steffensmeier (2008)a AG OCB-O 129 .17 .61 .93
Steffensmeier (2008)a CO OCB-I 129 .10 .73 .93
Steffensmeier (2008)a CO OCB-O 129 .07 .73 .93
Stewart & Carson (1995) AG Global OCB 105 .17 .65 .89
Stewart & Carson (1995) CO Global OCB 105 .05 .75 .89
Stewart & Carson (1995) EX Global OCB 105 .12 .75 .89
Taylor, Kluemper, & Mossholder (2010) AG OCB-I 107 .24 .73 .86
Taylor, Kluemper, & Mossholder (2010) CO OCB-I 107 .05 .87 .86
Taylor, Kluemper, & Mossholder (2010) ES OCB-I 107 .21 .78 .86
Taylor, Kluemper, & Mossholder (2010) EX OCB-I 107 .07 .72 .86
Taylor, Kluemper, & Mossholder (2010) OP OCB-I 107 .16 .64 .86
Venkataramani & Dalal (2007) AG OCB-I 76 .02 .89 .86
Venkataramani & Dalal (2007) CO OCB-I 76 .02 .85 .86
M. Williams (1999)a AG Global OCB 96 .00 .68 .97
M. Williams (1999)a CO Global OCB 96 .01 .81 .97
M. Williams (1999)a ES Global OCB 96 .23 .86 .97
M. Williams (1999)a EX Global OCB 96 .12 .77 .97
M. Williams (1999)a OP Global OCB 96 .05 .73 .97
S. Williams (2004) OP OCB-CH 208 .27 .83 .80
Blakely, Andrews, & Fuller (2003) JS &OCB-CH 155 .04 .80 .90
Detert & Burris (2007) JS &OCB-CH 335 .19 .70 .88
Fellenz (1996)a JS OCB-CH 195 .36 .91 .96
Galperin & Burke (2006) JS &OCB-CH 142 .18 .74 .77
Gebbia (1999)a JS OCB-CH 159 .19 .91 .79
Janssen & Van Yperen (2004) JS &OCB-CH 170 .09 .86 .92
Mayhew, Ashkanasy, Bramble, & Gardner (2007) JS OCB-CH 70 .21 .82 .95
Methot, LePine, & Rich (2009)a JS OCB-CH 165 .10 .86 .95
Van Dyne, Graham, & Dienesch (1994) JS OCB-CH 154 .20 .74 .86
Vigoda (2001) JS OCB-CH 149 .20 .85 .84
Zhou & George (2001) JS OCB-CH 149 .11 .86 .96
Alge, Ballinger, Tangirala, & Oakley (2006) OCB-CH OCB-I 286 .45 .88 .91
Alge, Ballinger, Tangirala, & Oakley (2006) OCB-CH OCB-O 286 .40 .88 .84
Bagozzi, Verbeke, & Gavino (2003) OCB-CH &Task 247 .30 .82 .85
Bagozzi, Verbeke, & Gavino (2003) OCB-CH OCB-I 247 .28 .82 .72
Bagozzi, Verbeke, & Gavino (2003) OCB-CH OCB-O 247 .23 .82 .66
Binnewies, Sonnentag, & Mojza (2009) OCB-CH OCB-I 99 .44 .86 .85
Binnewies, Sonnentag, & Mojza (2009) OCB-CH Task 99 .34 .86 .77
Blakely, Andrews, & Fuller (2003) OCB-CH &OCB-I 155 .69 .90 .91
Blakely, Andrews, & Fuller (2003) OCB-CH &OCB-O 155 .59 .88 .85
Blakely, Andrews, & Moorman (2005) OCB-CH &OCB-O 108 .70 .84 .81
Blakely, Andrews, & Moorman (2005) OCB-CH OCB-I 108 .77 .84 .86
Bledow & Frese (2009) OCB-CH OCB-I 77 .50 .84 .89
Bledow & Frese (2009) OCB-CH OCB-O 77 .53 .84 .81
Bledow & Frese (2009) OCB-CH Task 77 .72 .84 .96
Burris & Detert (2009)a OCB-CH &Task 7539 .23 .92 .88

(Appendices continue)

Appendix D (continued)

FFM trait/JS/OCB OCB/task

Source dimension performance n r rxx ryy

Chiaburu & Baker (2006) OCB-CH OCB-I 221 .43 .90 .90
Chiaburu & Baker (2006) OCB-CH OCB-O 221 .38 .90 .90
Chiaburu & Baker (2006) OCB-CH Task 221 .30 .90 .90
Cirka (2000)a OCB-CH OCB-I 138 .64 .86 .90
Cirka (2000)a OCB-CH Task 138 .49 .86 .93
Coyle-Shapiro (2002) OCB-CH &OCB-O 480 .37 .81 .74
Coyle-Shapiro (2002) OCB-CH OCB-I 480 .49 .81 .80
Daly (1998)a OCB-CH &OCB-O 240 .61 .85 .86
Daly (1998)a OCB-CH OCB-I 240 .67 .85 .91
Deckop, Cirka, & Andersson (2003) OCB-CH OCB-I 157 .62 .86 .90
Deckop, Cirka, & Andersson (2003) OCB-CH Task 157 .53 .86 .93
deJong & de Ruyter (2004) OCB-CH &Task 809 .23 .89 .88
Farh, Hackett, & Liang (2007) OCB-CH OCB-I 163 .55 .84 .75
Farh, Hackett, & Liang (2007) OCB-CH OCB-O 163 .48 .84 .83
Farh, Hackett, & Liang (2007) OCB-CH Task 163 .53 .84 .84
Fischer & Smith (2006, German Sample) OCB-CH OCB-O 128 .10 .80 .75
Fischer & Smith (2006, U.K. sample) OCB-CH OCB-O 184 .30 .70 .82
Gebbia (1999)a OCB-CH &OCB-O 159 .59 .79 .84
Gebbia (1999)a OCB-CH OCB-I 159 .65 .79 .82
Gebbia (1999)a OCB-CH Task 159 .47 .79 .87
Grant, Parker, & Collins (2009) OCB-CH &Task 103 .50 .84 .85
Hatcher, Ross, & Collins (1989) OCB-CH OCB-I 100 .22 .92 .85
Hatcher, Ross, & Collins (1989) OCB-CH OCB-O 100 .07 .92 .86
A. Johnson (2008)a OCB-CH &OCB-O 55 .83 .88 .80
A. Johnson (2008)a OCB-CH OCB-I 55 .93 .88 .76
Kamdar & Van Dyne (2009)a OCB-CH OCB-I 247 .18 .92 .93
Kickul & Lester (2001) OCB-CH &OCB-O 183 .49 .84 .82
Kickul & Lester (2001) OCB-CH OCB-I 183 .59 .84 .79
Kickul, Lester, & Belgio (2004) OCB-CH &OCB-O 136 .25 .84 .82
Kickul, Lester, & Belgio (2004) OCB-CH OCB-I 136 .32 .84 .79
Kickul, Lester, & Belgio (2004) OCB-CH Task 136 .15 .84 .79
Ma (2008)a OCB-CH OCB-I 140 .40 .79 .91
Ma (2008)a OCB-CH OCB-O 140 .40 .79 .92
Ma (2008)a OCB-CH Task 140 .18 .79 .97
Marinova (2007)a OCB-CH OCB-I 124 .61 .96 .93
Marinova (2007)a OCB-CH OCB-I 107 .61 .90 .83
Marinova (2007)a OCB-CH Task 124 .59 .96 .94
Mayhew, Ashkanasy, Bramble, & Gardner (2007) OCB-CH OCB-I 70 .79 .95 .94
Mayhew, Ashkanasy, Bramble, & Gardner (2007) OCB-CH Task 70 .56 .95 .92
McAllister, Kamdar, Morrison, & Turban (2007) OCB-CH OCB-I 225 .24 .88 .93
Moorman & Blakely (1995) OCB-CH &OCB-O 155 .39 .76 .74
Moorman & Blakely (1995) OCB-CH OCB-I 155 .47 .76 .74
Newton, Blanton, & Will (2008) OCB-CH &OCB-I 224 .27 .87 .85
Newton, Blanton, & Will (2008) OCB-CH &OCB-O 224 .22 .89 .70
ODriscoll, Pierce, & Coghlan (2006) OCB-CH OCB-I 181 .53 .90 .88
Oh, Le, Yoo, & Kim (2006)a OCB-CH OCB-O 317 .44 .78 .82
Raja (2004)a OCB-CH &OCB-I 383 .26 .82 .76
Raja (2004)a OCB-CH &OCB-O 383 .26 .82 .70
Raja (2004)a OCB-CH &Task 383 .25 .82 .76
Raub & Robert (2007)a OCB-CH &OCB-I 640 .77 .96 .91
Stamper & Van Dyne (2001) OCB-CH OCB-I 257 .67 .85 .91
Tepper, Lockhart, & Hoobler (2001) OCB-CH &OCB-O 160 .51 .81 .83
Tepper, Lockhart, & Hoobler (2001) OCB-CH OCB-I 160 .61 .81 .73
Van Dyne, Graham, & Dienesch (1994) OCB-CH &OCB-O 154 .59 .86 .76

Note. FFM five-factor model; JS job satisfaction; OCB organizational citizenship behavior; ES Emotional Stability; EX Extraversion; AG
Agreeableness; CO Conscientiousness; OP Openness/Intellect; OCB-O organization-directed citizenship; OCB-I individual-directed citizenship;
OCB-CH change-oriented citizenship, Task task performance; & composite/average (of multiple OCB behaviors); n sample size; r
uncorrected/observed correlation coefficient; rxx predictor reliability (coefficient alpha reported in primary studies); ryy criterion reliability (coefficient
alpha reported in primary studies).
Unpublished primary studies (otherwise, published studies).

Received May 3, 2010

Revision received April 4, 2011
Accepted April 11, 2011

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