Intrebari Model Test Engleza ID, Anul II, CIG, FEAA PDF

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1. Customer--------are assumed to be different in transnational as opposed to ----

buyer-supplier relationships.
a. expectations/domestic
b. hopes/external
c. thoughts/new

2. Cosmopolitans are people who are unfettered by the------of their home culture,
whereas-----view their home culture as ultimate reality.
a. things/foreigners
b. influence/foreigners
c. biases/locals

3. Big beauty companies, experts at deception, have the-----and----to play on peoples

hopes and--------.
a. money/power/fears
b. financial possibilities/means/fears
c. means/techniques/failures

4. Find the right translation of the following sentence: Consumers with high cultural
capital-cosmopolitans-tend to avoid the parochial culture of their local surroundings.
a. Consumatorii cu un capital cultural ridicat-cosmopoliii-tind s evite cultura
parohial a mediului lor local
b. Consumatorii cu un standard de via ridicat-cosmopoliii- au tendina de a
lsa la o parte cultura parohial a mediului lor nativ
c. Clienii care dein un capital ridicat-cosmopoliii- sunt tentai s evite cultura
parohial a mediului lor local

5. If it cannot be assessed in terms of quantity, what can be called successful

advertising, then?---------is probably the answer, a successful advertising-----must be
a. persuasiveness/rules
b. persuasiveness/campaign
c. success/campaign

6. The Sales Managers most important duty is to see that the--------get the best
a. customers/services
b. people/fun
c. customer/money
d. employers/economies

7. The following are among the financial bodies

a. building societies
b. banks
c. insurance companies
d. stock exchange

8. A recent development in banking is the-------- of cards which can be used to obtain
------or pay without ---------------.
a. discovery/cash/money
b. issuing/cash/cheques
c. idea/money/bills

9. The main function of merchant banks is:

a. to give advice to firms
b. to issue cheques
c. to provide money

10. The stock exchange is a/an --------- which makes -------to companies easier.
a. organization/landing
b. institution/lending
c. institution/working

11. The Bank of England was founded in -------.

a. 1970
b. 1961
c. 1963
d. 1950

12. Originally, the local banks of Great Britain each issued------.

a. loans
b. banknotes
c. bonuses

13. To be able to provide the banks with ---------when needed, the Bank of England
kept a central reserve of---------.
a. money/banknotes
b. gold/money
c. reserves/gold

14. One way to-----money is for a/an-----------to lend it to someone known to him or
a. borrow/individual
b. lend/individual
c. issue/bank

15. Since people contribute all their working lives, and only ----out at the end, a lot of
money-------in the pension funds.
a. draw back/is found
b. draw/are found
c. draw/accumulates

16. The Bank of Japan helped Japans------------, but it is offering little solace for the
rest of the --------.
a. carmakers/economy
b. cars/banks
c. industry/country

17. Many-------- are looking at the United States to take the responsibility for leading
the world into economic----------.
a. peoples/growth
b. people/recovery
c. countries/recession

18. Pension funds -------income to live on after-----------.

a. are/office hours
b. furnish/retirement
c. provide/retirement

19. The European Union is a/an-----------, social and ----------community.

a. political/economical
b. economic/political
c. politic/economic

20. One of EU ----------was a tariff-free---------among the members.

a. ideas/circulation
b. rules/community
c. provisions/trade

21. Writing a formal constitution for the EU would bring the Union --------to its-------.
a. closer/people
b. near/countries
c. - / purpose

22. The new constitution--------be submitted to --------in each of the --------countries.

a. most/discussion/chosen
b. should/referendum/member
c. will/vote/develop

23. The persons representing the constitutional--------will present a final------to

Europes leaders.
a. convention/proposal
b. form/suggestion
c. plan/solution

24. --------------can have their drawbacks.

a. referendum
b. referendums
c. referenda

25. Some governments are --------- to holding a vote for the formal constitution of the
a. determined/EU
b. committed/EU
c. decided/NATO

26. Which of the following are types of small businesses in your opinion?

a. general construction firms
b. service businesses
c. retailers
d. all of the above

27. More employees in wholesale trade, construction and retail trade are in small
firms because:
a. these firms are easy to enter and leave
b. these firms require relatively little initial investment
c. the activities of these firms tend to be local
d. all of the above

28. Which of the following statements about small businesses is true?

a. small firms produce two and a half times as many innovations as large firms
relative to the number of persons employed
b. small firms are less flexible than larger firms
c. there are fewer channels to go through to get a decision in larger firms than in
small firms
d. all of the above

29. Employees in small firms:

a. do a variety of jobs
b. learn by making decisions
c. can make better use of individual talents
d. all of the above

30. Which of the following is a limitation of small businesses?

a. shortages
b. poor management
c. paperwork
d. all of the above

31. Competent people are usually reluctant to join small firms because of:
a. lack of personal development
b. reduced opportunity for advancement
c. shortage of funds
d. all of the above.

32. Which of the following is a quality most frequently found in successful owners of
small businesses?
a. desire of job security
b. desire for independence
c. desire for high income
d. desire for power

33. Which of the following is an ingredient in the formula for small business success?
a. independence
b. enterprise
c. commitment
d. all of the above

34. Managers of small businesses are forced to become experts at budgeting their time
effectively because:
a. they are expected to give much of their time to public relations
b. they must delegate their duties to others
c. time is at a premium
d. all of the above

35. Most businesses are started with funds from:

a. outside investors
b. the owner
c. the owners friends and family
d. b and c

1- a 19- b
2- c 20- c
3- a, b 21- a
4- a 22- b
5- b 23- a, c
6- a 24- b, c
7- a ,b ,c, d 25- a, b
8- b 26- d
9- a 27- d
10- b 28- a
11- c 29- d
12- b 30- d
13- c 31- d
14- b 32- b
15- c 33- d
16- a 34- c
17- b 35- d
18- c


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