Dear President Trump

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May 29, 2017

Memorial Day

Dear President Trump,

Im writing to you today, Memorial Day, to share my heart after losing

my son.

Taliesin died a hero, like many other Americans who have died
defending freedom. He was just 23, a year out of college with a degree
in economics, working, had just bought his first home and was thinking
about starting a family. Our family grieves, but we are proud that
through his selfless action he, along with the other two men, has
changed the world, when in the face of hate he did not hesitate to act
with love.
Two precious lives were lost this Memorial Day weekend in Portland and
one more, nearly so. All three were strangers to each other, and to
those they were defending. They fearlessly risked their lives for two
young women who were threatened by an act of bigotry & terror.
These brave men saw the immediate injustice and didnt hesitate to
act. They recognized the truth: we are more alike than we are
different. To ride the train home without being assaulted because of the
color of your skin or your religious beliefs, is an inalienable right.

You have said that you will be President for all Americans. So, I ask you
Mr. President to take action at this time. Your words and actions are
meaningful, here in America and throughout the world.

Please encourage all Americans to protect and watch out for one
another. Please condemn any acts of violence, which result directly
from hate speech & hate groups. I am praying you will use your
leadership to do so.

It would deeply honor Taliesins sacrifice, which has been amplified by

the millions of voices who have supported our family in response to
this tragedy.

With Peace In My Heart,

Asha Deliverance

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