Spal Art Turb 2000
Spal Art Turb 2000
Spal Art Turb 2000
This is an attempt to clarify and size up the many levels possible for the numerical prediction of a turbulent ow, the target being
a complete airplane, turbine, or car. Not all the author's opinions will be accepted, but his hope is to stimulate reection, discussion,
and planning. These levels still range from a solution of the steady Reynolds-Averaged NavierStokes (RANS) equations to a Direct
Numerical Simulation, with Large-Eddy Simulation in between. However recent years have added intermediate strategies, dubbed
``VLES'', ``URANS'' and ``DES''. They are in experimental use and, although more expensive, threaten complex RANS models
especially for blu-body and similar ows. Turbulence predictions in aerodynamics face two principal challenges: (I) growth and
separation of the boundary layer, and (II) momentum transfer after separation. (I) is simpler, but makes very high accuracy de-
mands, and appears to give models of higher complexity little advantage. (II) is now the arena for complex RANS models and the
newer strategies, by which time-dependent three-dimensional simulations are the norm even over two-dimensional geometries. In
some strategies, grid renement is aimed at numerical accuracy; in others it is aimed at richer turbulence physics. In some ap-
proaches, the empirical constants play a strong role even when the grid is very ne; in others, their role vanishes. For several decades,
practical methods will necessarily be RANS, possibly unsteady, or RANS/LES hybrids, pure LES being unaordable. Their em-
pirical content will remain substantial, and the law of the wall will be particularly resistant. Estimates are oered of the grid res-
olution needed for the application of each strategy to full-blown aerodynamic calculations, feeding into rough estimates of its
feasibility date, based on computing-power growth. 2000 Elsevier Science Inc. All rights reserved.
0142-727X/00/$ - see front matter 2000 Elsevier Science Inc. All rights reserved.
PII: S 0 1 4 2 - 7 2 7 X ( 0 0 ) 0 0 0 0 7 - 2
P.R. Spalart / Int. J. Heat and Fluid Flow 21 (2000) 252263 253
The numerical strengths of CFD increase by the year all three are insensitive to freestream values, can fairly be de-
thanks to the progress of computers, whereas turbulence scribed as ``popular''. Their results are reproducible from code
modelling can stagnate. If that takes place, modelling will to code and grid to grid. In the perennial question of the choice
become the principal pacing item in some types of industrial of a second variable in two-equation models, freestream sen-
CFD in less than a decade, at least in the Reynolds Averaged sitivity should be given high priority. It is much more impor-
NavierStokes (RANS) frame. It is then very sensible to ex- tant than the value of some high derivative at the wall.
amine approaches that trade high-level turbulence theories The failure of most models to predict relaminarisation also
(``intelligence'') for computing eort (unfairly described as causes frustration. While it is not reasonable to expect a model
``brute force''). A primary purpose of this paper is to provide a to predict transition in quiet environments, expecting relami-
viewpoint on these relatively new, evolving and misunderstood narisation is rather justied.
methods, besides predicting that they will proliferate and make In terms of Challenge I, the dierent classes of models are
a major contribution. The most stimulating issue may be the surprisingly even, in the sense that the best models in each class
share between empiricism and numerical power in the suc- perform quite comparably. Within that challenge, we can in-
cessful methods (Section 2). The concrete cost issues are ad- clude the prediction of skin friction and boundary-layer
dressed through Table 1 in Section 3. thicknesses (which dictate the parasite drag in the absence of
separation), along with separation (which creates pressure
drag). Integral methods and algebraic boundary-layer models
2. Physical aspects have been so well optimised that surpassing them with any
NavierStokes model is dicult. Reasons include the grid
2.1. RANS models needed, the intrusion of articial dissipation, and the con-
straints placed on the turbulence model such as locality, per-
The eld of classical RANS turbulence modelling is active. formance in free shear ows, and simplicity. It is geometric
At a recent biennial international symposium, about 25 papers complexity and the drive towards massive separation, not lack
presented new models or new versions of models (Durst et al., of accuracy, that are making integral and algebraic methods
1997). These were oered for outside use, with varying degrees obsolete.
of completeness in the description. No student of turbulence
has the time to give each of these serious consideration. The 2.2. Simple RANS models
full range of RANS methods is receiving work; this unfortu-
nately testies that no class of models has emerged as clearly We are referring here primarily to eddy-viscosity models.
superior, or clearly hopeless. Activity is not even restricted to Improvements will be made to the simpler transport models,
dierential methods; isolated groups are rening integral typically by adding new empirical terms aimed at compress-
boundary-layer solvers, to allow more three-dimensionality ibility, streamline curvature or better anisotropy of the Rey-
and more separation. The same seems to apply to algebraic nolds-stress tensor (non-Boussinesq constitutive relations)
models. Eddy-viscosity transport models, being the simplest which can, for instance, create secondary ows of the second
models that can be applied with a general grid structure, are kind in a square pipe (Speziale, 1987). An example is given in
now used extensively. The step back from two equations to a Fig. 1. The SA model (see Appendix A) was used with the
single equation has not crippled the approach (Gulyaev et al., following constitutive relation, as a rst attempt to improve on
1993; Shur et al., 1995; Spalart and Allmaras, 1994; Wilcox, the eddy-viscosity approximation. Let sij be the Reynolds
1998), while tangibly reducing the true cost of solutions (partly stress given by the linear model. The nonlinear stress is then
by allowing a coarser grid spacing at the wall). Conversely,
models with up to four equations are in contention (Durbin,
sij sij cnl1 Oik sjk Ojk sik ;
1995; Perot, 1999). Perot's is especially intriguing.
The abstract referred to ``Challenges I and II''; the fol- where
lowing ``Challenge Zero'' could be added. Complete congu-
rations often have laminar regions in their boundary layers; it ok Ui oi Uk
is very helpful if a turbulence model can be ``dormant'' in such Oik p
on Um on Um
regions, meaning that its transport equations accept solutions
with vanishing Reynolds stresses. Similarly, regions of irrota- is the normalised rotation tensor. The constant cnl1 0:3 was
tional and non-turbulent uid, which are large in external calibrated in the outer region of a simple boundary layer, by
aerodynamics, do not physically inuence the turbulent re- requiring a fair level of anisotropy u02 > w02 > v02 (the stream-
gions such as boundary layers (weak freestream activity does wise, spanwise and wall-normal Reynolds stresses, respectively).
have much inuence on natural transition, but we leave tran- The result in the square duct is quite positive: ow is induced
sition prediction to a separate method). Again it is very helpful towards the corners, and the skin friction is much closer to
if the model accepts zero values in such regions, or small values experiment (Gessner et al., 1991). However, other ows such as
without inuence on the turbulent layers. At the same time, the 3D wall jets have led to negative results (A.N. Secundov,
model should allow the contamination of a laminar shear layer personal communication, 1999). The cnl1 term must also be
by contact with a turbulent shear layer (transition triggered by considered as very preliminary, in the sense that it uses only
moderate freestream turbulence is more subtle, and is within one of the many quadratic combinations of strain and vor-
reach of only a few models). This all depends on the behaviour ticity. Also note that it is fully empirical, instead of being de-
of the model at the turbulent/non-turbulent interface. In some rived from a more complex model; we simply selected the most
models the stress level in the turbulent layer depends demon- intuitively attractive combination. A systematic optimisation
strably on either the freestream values of the turbulence vari- has not been performed. Nevertheless, it is of interest to show
ables or, even worse, on the grid spacing at the interface. Few that even a one-equation model can be made to predict this
people have devoted attention to this question (Menter, 1992; secondary ow. Similarly, realisable versions of simple models
Cazalbou et al., 1994; Spalart and Allmaras, 1994), and model can be created (note that the common one-equation models are
descriptions sometimes make no mention of recommended far from giving realisable Reynolds-stress tensors), but we have
freestream values (and also fail to demonstrate insensitivity). found the eect too weak to justify a widespread modication
However, it happens that the k, SST and SA models, which of codes and testing campaign.
254 P.R. Spalart / Int. J. Heat and Fluid Flow 21 (2000) 252263
cessful calculation of a new ow, merely because the Reynolds problematic with complex models (Hellstr om et al., 1994).
stresses it generates in the complex regions are not damaging; Possibly, CFD solutions with any model suer from numerical
usually, it is just as well if the stresses are too weak. The errors in strong interactions.
chances that the ow feature will be smeared due to insucient At the risk of minimising the work of fellow modellers, the
grid resolution are also higher in such regions, because the author deems it unlikely that a RANS model, even complex
user's experience base or willingness to manually rene the grid and costly, will provide the accuracy needed in the variety of
is less than in attached boundary layers. Unstructured adap- separated and vortical ows we need to predict. The intellec-
tive grids will address that problem, but only in the next tual task of synthesizing a large body of available ndings into
generation of codes. a truly higher and durable version of a complex model is huge,
Hunt's optimism does not extend to blu-body ows such and few model developers seem keen on doing it. Large groups
as a stalled airfoil, because now the intrinsic time scale of the tend to publish along ``tentacles''. This ts better with educa-
turbulence is the same as that of the distortion. In view of their tional, institutional and funding needs than with the needs of
limited prospects after separation, it is natural that most of the the code writer who is searching for a robust, stable and
renements applied to simple models will be aimed at their understood formulation.
accuracy in boundary layers, including short separation bub- After studying the turbulence-modelling eld, the author's
bles, curvature, compressibility, and a few thin shear ows. colleagues in CFD at Boeing again and again have asked him
This is Challenge I. for a ``rst-principle-based'' turbulence model. So much em-
piricism makes the approach appear highly unreliable. It is
2.3. Complex RANS models more than plausible that Reynolds averaging suppresses too
much information, and that the only recourse is to renounce it
The simpler transport models will remain useful and receive to some extent, which means calculating at least the largest
slight improvements, but the state of aeronautical CFD makes eddies simply for their nonlinear interaction with the mean
dicult to evade the conclusion that a decisive improvement in ow. This step appears desperate to observers, especially the
turbulence accuracy must be achieved before CFD becomes mathematically oriented ones, with some reason. Prof. Jame-
general. It is a matter of debate whether higher-quality models son remarked that ``we should not compute 1-centimetre
will provide that answer. The primary candidates are Rey- eddies over a Boeing 747''.
nolds-Stress-Transport (RST) models. Now these models have
a much closer connection to the equations, and boast several 2.4. URANS
exact terms. An RST model would remove the anomaly noted
in Section 2.2 with the sudden distortion over the trailing edge. The rst alternative to complex RANS modelling has been
With proper attention to invariance, RST models should gen- called ``Very-Large Eddy Simulation'' (VLES) or ``Unsteady
eralise from their ``training ground'' to ows with curvature, or Reynolds-Averaged NavierStokes'' (URANS). The URANS
vortex and similar ows, much more reliably than eddy-vis- acronym is more descriptive, and will be used in this paper.
cosity models. On the other hand, they also contain many Such calculations rely on traditional RANS models but are
empirical terms particularly in the pressure and dissipation deliberately unsteady, even with steady boundary conditions.
areas, adjusted by trial and error. For some of these quantities, For instance, vortex shedding is allowed past a blu body
data can be obtained only from DNS which has been limited to (Johansson et al., 1993; Orszag et al., 1997; Shur et al., 1996;
simple geometries, although progress is being made. In addi- Bosch and Rodi, 1998). Durbin correctly noted that the Rey-
tion, precise term-by-term matching is often too much to ask nolds stresses created by the time averaging of the URANS
for; compensating errors, for instance between the anisotropy solution overwhelm those carried by the model itself, in the
of the dissipation and pressure-strain tensors, appear both separated region, and therefore remove much ``responsibility''
common and acceptable. from that model (Durbin, 1995). Nixon's group used the ac-
In terms of the two challenges, RST models have a tentative ronym VLES for some very interesting work (Childs and
advantage over simple models for Challenge II, the separated Nixon, 1987), but it should be classied as LES, and certainly
and vortical regions (Launder, 1988). They are often far from not as URANS. This is another reason to avoid the VLES
``user-friendly'' in the sense of Challenge Zero. For Challenge notation.
I, incipient separation, no model can succeed without excellent It is simple to describe how to conduct a URANS, but the
empiricism, and it is no easier to impress such empiricism on a physical implications give pause. For simplicity, consider
complex model than on a simple one (Lien and Leschziner, vortex shedding by a blu body and assume that URANS
1995). In fact the exact character of certain terms puts them o gives a periodic solution, which is typical (Durbin, 1995; Shur
limits to empiricism; in that sense, RST models are more dif- et al., 1996; Najjar and Balachandar, 1998; Travin et al.,
cult to ``steer''. 2000). We are therefore envisioning a ow eld that is peri-
Assessing true progress is made dicult by the constant odic in time and smoother than the true turbulent eld but
modications made in publications; sometimes the reader representative in some sense, so that its inviscid dynamics
cannot be sure that the new version of the model also succeeds mirror the large-scale dynamics of the true ow. Such a eld
where the last version did. Another concern is the persistence can be dened from the full turbulent one by phase-averag-
of controversies such as about the use of ``wall-reection'' ing. Plausible references can be found to adjust the phase
terms, or the question of whether RST models reproduce slightly at every cycle. However this ignores the amplitude
curvature eects without additional empirical modications. modulations, which are strong for blu bodies and have
Similarly, Zeman's study of free vortices implies that even RST overwhelming experimental and simulation evidence (Najjar
models need specic curvature/rotation modications to re- and Balachandar, 1998; Travin et al., 2000). Fig. 2 shows
produce the damping of the turbulence (Zeman, 1995). Not results for a circular cylinder. The peak lift coecient, ve
only does this make the hope of an elegant resolution to cycles apart in the same ow, can easily vary by a factor of 2.
Challenge II seem very remote, but streamline curvature is not As an analogy, this type of averaging would amount to av-
a Galilean invariant (Spalart and Shur, 1997), and therefore eraging a number of human beings that walk by and do not
Zeman's model for that ow is not application-ready. Sepa- have the same height. The average is not a human body.
rated cases which are problematic for simple models, for in- Returning to the ows, the phase-averaging creates Reynolds
stance strong shock/boundary-layer interactions, are also stresses of two kinds, and in URANS both are left to the
256 P.R. Spalart / Int. J. Heat and Fluid Flow 21 (2000) 252263
inuence of the SGS treatment rapidly at all (until an extreme the whole boundary layer, just like in a simple RANS run.
renement turns the method into QDNS). Behind the spoiler, the momentum transfer is dominated by
A robust and suciently accurate treatment of that kind is large unsteady eddies which are candidates for LES on two
a plausible target. The streaks seem to be nearly as ``numerous counts. First, they are not as numerous as the ``horseshoe''
and universal'' (and therefore amenable to modelling) as the vortices in the outer part of a boundary layer (let alone the
small eddies in free turbulence (the streaks are not isotropic, wall streaks) and second, they are geometry-specic. An ad-
but calling the small eddies of free turbulence isotropic is ditional benet of DES is its unsteady information. Though
misleading: the collection of eddies that are modelled as SGS useless for many purposes, such as the range of the airplane, it
in one grid cell at one time step obviously has preferred di- will sooner or later be of great use for structural or noise
rections). It is only that the streaks have much more leverage studies.
than the small Kolmogorov eddies. It will be well worth the An attractive feature of DES is that it is simply formulated,
eort, for several reasons. First, the law of the wall is quite a and already being tested. This is not the case for similar con-
robust feature of boundary layers, although we expect an cepts which have been informally envisioned. Many of them
erosion of its domain of validity, expressed as y=d, in strongly are zonal. DES is not, which is much preferable for routine
stimulated ows such as by a pressure gradient (d is the use, and only requires a quick alteration of the SA one-
boundary-layer thickness). We also expect an erosion from a equation model. On the other hand deriving an ecient un-
reduction of the statistical sample. Dr. G. Coleman and the steady code, as needed for DES, from a steady one is not
author explored such a ``local log law'' in channel-ow DNS, trivial. DES results for an airfoil at high angles of attack,
with mixed results (unpublished). An obstacle is that the DNS a classical Challenge II example, have been presented (Shur
domain size was not very large. The pressure-gradient erosion et al., 1999) and Fig. 3 is reproduced from that paper. At high
can be addressed by a ner grid which will resolve, instead of angle of attack the agreement with experiment is surprisingly
modelling, smaller eddies closer to the wall. Second, in 3D good, but no better than in the best examples of DNS and LES
ows, the mean skin-friction vector is very unlikely to vanish; for blu-body ows (Najjar and Vanka, 1995; Mittal and
thus, the law of the wall could retain its validity even under a Balachandar, 1995) (at lower Reynolds numbers). In addition,
separating boundary layer. Finally, most of the diculty in the nding that 2D simulations produce an excess of drag is
RANS modelling of strongly stimulated boundary layers re- consistent across studies. At low angles of attack the simula-
sides in the outer region. There, LES can clearly capture eects tions correctly reduce to RANS; these ows are out of reach of
such as straining, cross-ow, and curvature. Therefore, LES DNS and LES. DES will require denite skills from the user in
addresses both Challenges, I and II. However, it is at a con- directing the grid resolution; however, RANS also benets
siderable cost over RANS. In addition, wall-bounded LES from careful grid generation. Presently, a few patient RANS
with the streaks modelled can be described as hybridized with users are rening grids ``manually'' after exploring preliminary
RANS, although the implied empiricism is conned to a solutions (Ying et al., 1999), but it can be feared that many
shallow layer. solutions are under-resolved in the separated regions.
At a recent LES workshop, a variety of QDNS and full- Fig. 4 illustrates the dierence in description for the ow
LES methods were applied to fairly simple geometries with past a circular cylinder. The runs on the right are DES, but the
sharp corners (Rodi et al., 1997). In spite of these helpful visible eddies are in the LES region. Of course the DES gures
features, the conclusions were particularly mixed, and did not show only a plane out of the 3D domain. Each step from
make LES or even QDNS appear very mature. The ow past a SRANS through 2D URANS to LES/DES adds a dimension:
circular cylinder, even at Reynolds numbers of a few thousand, rst the time and then the third space dimension. The cost
has also led to quite dierent levels of agreement with exper- increase is of an order of magnitude each time. In return, the
iment in the last few years. For instance Breuer was disap- SRANS drag is too low at Cd 0:9, the URANS drag is much
pointed with the results of both SGS-model improvements, too high at Cd 1:7, and the DES drag is in much better
and grid renement (Breuer, 1999). We also know from per- agreement with experiment, although grid eects are still
sonal communications of at least two studies which their au-
thors did not consider successful enough to publish. SGS
models also remain quite dierent between dierent schools,
again suggesting a lack of maturity and/or indierent progress.
Section 3 re-iterates that LES, even with the best wall-re-
gion treatment, is very far from aordable in aerodynamic
calculations, and will be for decades (Spalart et al., 1997). This
is due to the large regions of very thin boundary layers, where
d is of the order of 0.1% of the airfoil chord c. It led us to
propose Detached-Eddy Simulation (DES), a further step in
the hybridization of LES (Spalart et al., 1997). The idea is to
entrust the whole boundary layer (populated with ``attached''
eddies) to a RANS model, and only separated regions (``de-
tached'' eddies) to LES. It is aimed primarily at external ows.
It is consistent with the two positions that Challenge I is a
reasonable one for RANS models whereas Challenge II is not,
and that LES is well understood away from walls. We show
below that it leads to a manageable computing cost even at
high Reynolds numbers (Shur et al., 1999; Nikitin et al., 2000).
A typical application of DES is to a wing with a spoiler or a
landing gear. Large areas of boundary layers are treated e-
ciently with quasi-steady RANS (the time scale of the global
unsteadiness of the ow, which these boundary layers experi- Fig. 3. Lift and drag coecients for NACA 0012 airfoil (Shur et al.,
ence, is large compared with the inverse of the shear rate inside 1999). () Exp. Rc > 106 ; (- -) Exp. Rc ' 105 ; () DES Rc 105 ; ()
them). The model accounts for all the turbulent stresses across DES Rc 3 106 and (M) URANS Rc 105 .
258 P.R. Spalart / Int. J. Heat and Fluid Flow 21 (2000) 252263
Fig. 4. Simulation of ow past circular cylinder by various approaches (Shur et al., 1996; Travin et al., 2000).
present: Cd 1:05 on the coarse grid but 1.32 on the ne grid Algebraic models do not lend themselves to complex geome-
(Travin et al., 2000). The experiment gives 1.2. The DES on tries, unstructured grids, or to function under detached eddies;
two grids also depicts the inclusion of smaller eddies allowed therefore, one-equation models are the simplest type that make
by the ner grid. The ow is at a Reynolds number of 50,000. DES practical. Since their accuracy is acceptable in boundary
It is modelled with laminar separation, in the following man- layers, DES is possible now with reasonable ambitions of ac-
ner. By setting the inow condition for the turbulence variable curacy, for instance over a sphere or cylinder.
to zero, we have no eddy-viscosity in the attached boundary DES was tested in a channel, with LES grids, by three
layers. Nonzero turbulence values are injected initially, and groups (Nikitin et al., 2000). The approach was not adjusted at
contaminate the shear layer slightly downstream of separation, all for this ow, the grid spacings parallel to the wall were
so that the model remains active in the recirculation region several hundred wall units. In such a simulation, DES relaxes
only, after losing memory of the details of the initial condition. the restrictions on the wall-parallel spacing, but not the wall-
We can also obtain turbulent boundary layers, with an ap- normal spacing which has to be of the order of y 1. We
propriate nonzero inow value (thus triggering the drag crisis obtained stable and reasonable results, but the additive con-
of the cylinder Travin et al., 2000); the key is to selectively set stant C in the logarithmic law is not very accurate due to a
the inow and the initial conditions. This decision is made by ``buer layer'' between the region in which the stress is mod-
the user outside DES itself, and outside the turbulence model, elled and the region in which it is resolved. The results of
which cannot predict transition due to boundary-layer insta- Wasistho and Squires at a friction Reynolds number
bilities. Since the boundary layers are laminar, there is little Res 2000 are shown in Fig. 5. The coarser grid has
dierence between DES and LES at this Reynolds number. 64 64 32 points and the ner one 128 128 64 points,
Some similarities between DES and past treatments of the both in a domain of size 2p 2 p. The velocity proles
wall region in LES (Deardor, 1970; Schumann, 1975; Balaras display the shift between modelled log layer and upper layer.
et al., 1996) have led to comments such as ``DES contains
nothing new''. The similarities are not in the details (which are
vastly dierent between methods) but merely in the position
that the near-wall ow eld, averaged over a grid cell, behaves
closely enough to a full Reynolds-averaged ow that the law of
the wall and/or RANS modelling technology are good ap-
proximations. These comments stem from a narrow focus on
the historic applications of LES, such as channel ow. There, it
is correct that DES is no more or less plausible than methods
which blend simple buer-layer models and simple SGS
models. Channel ow will be discussed shortly. For instance,
one could well use an eddy-viscosity that is the smaller of the
one given by the mixing-length approximation, with Van-
Driest damping, and the Smagorinsky model. However the
additional capability of DES, relative to all these methods, is Fig. 5. Channel DES by Wasistho and Squires (1999). (a) Velocity;
clear: to treat the entire boundary layer in RANS mode. A () coarse grid; (- - -) ne grid. (b) Shear stresses; (- - -) resolved; ()
mixing-length model does not have this capability; the lowest modelled; (- ) viscous. Arrows point from coarse-grid to ne-grid
level that does is an algebraic model such as CebeciSmith. results.
P.R. Spalart / Int. J. Heat and Fluid Flow 21 (2000) 252263 259
The ner grid does not strongly improve the shift, which is counted one run for a thorough DNS study, as opposed to
associated with the current calibration of the SGS model in maybe three runs for a thorough LES study, which changes
DES. The shear-stress proles display a large transfer from the the cost balance somewhat. Three to four runs is typical in
modelled shear stress mt uy vx to the resolved stress uv LES studies, many of which are presented as comparative
when the grid resolution is doubled. Therefore, the two cases tests of SGS models and/or as tests of LES itself, by com-
are deeply dierent, but the mean velocity changes little. The parison with experiments. In contrast, in the author's opin-
viscous stress muy is almost identical on the two grids. These ion, a DNS study can be free-standing (Spalart and Strelets,
results suggest that DES has potential as an approach to wall 2000). In addition, the extrapolation can then reach any
modelling, even though such an application was not designed Reynolds number (this amounts to the view that turbulence is
for and is not natural. more predictable, the higher the Reynolds number, which is
Still another hybrid concept can be formulated. It is zonal not shared by all). Atmospheric scientists never consider
and would consist in treating the ``unchallenging'' regions of DNS for the Planetary Boundary Layer, but fundamental
the boundary layer with RANS, and the Challenge-I regions PBL questions can very well be asked with DNS and ex-
with full LES. The method would switch to LES upstream of trapolation (Coleman et al., 1990), and the anti-DNS attitude
any intense pressure gradients, which tentatively makes an- is counter-productive.
other step up in accuracy. The diculties are: the ``articial One good reason for doing QDNS is the comparison with a
intelligence'' of identifying where the switch should be located; laboratory experiment that is moderately out of reach of DNS.
the generation of quality turbulent eddies for the RANS region This occurs typically when the experiment was designed to
to dispatch into the LES region (the regions might have to allow measurements of the smallest eddies; physical limits re-
overlap). This is a concept that would live much more easily in strict the possible range of scales, but not as severely as DNS
a 2D boundary layer than on a 3D object. The ``eddy seeding'' does.
problem appears less severe with DES, because a separated Below, DNS is classied as requiring ``no empiricism''.
shear layer is exposed to vigorous new instabilities, thanks to This does not imply that the DNS of a complex ow is free
both the removal of the wall connement and what can be of decisions even once an accurate DNS code has been cre-
loosely called ``absolute instabilities'' (Huerre and Monkewitz, ated. In the case of channel ow, the decisions consist in the
1985) (in contrast, the RANS-to-LES switch in the other grid spacing, time step and domain size. For these, the di-
concept would occur in a region of ``convective instabilities''). rection of ``goodness'' is clear: smaller spacing and larger
These new instabilities plausibly overwhelm the boundary- domain. Homogeneous turbulence adds the inuence of the
layer turbulence. If they do not, for instance in a separation initial conditions or stirring system, for which goodness is not
bubble, DES cannot be expected to provide much improve- simply a direction; there is an art. Flows containing transition
ment over RANS. require many further decisions, regarding the freestream-dis-
turbance and wall-imperfection content and the vibrations.
2.6. DNS This ne information is not found in the CAD le of an
airplane or car. Engineering DNS would not be a ``black
The value and requirements of Direct Numerical Simula- box''.
tion (DNS) are well-known. Few DNS projects have been Recent Reynolds-number increases in DNS have been
conducted at a ``full'' Reynolds number, but the attachment modest, partly because the ``super-computers'' have nearly
line of swept wings is an example (Spalart, 1988). DNS was stagnated, certainly compared with personal computers (more
applied at the (local) Reynolds number of the ow on an air- accurately, the DNS share of the super-computers has nearly
liner. This is a case of ``microscopic'' simulation, in which it is stagnated). The channel has now reached Res 590 (Moser
justied to isolate a very small region of the ow (the justi- et al., 1999) but the boundary layer had reached Res 650,
cation relies on experiments). The author once received dubi- with a more ample horizontal domain, in 1988 (Spalart, 1988).
ous praise for simulating ``a milli-second over a postage For a really attractive new study, for instance to lock the value
stamp''! Simulations of homogeneous turbulence and of other of the K arman constant, a factor of 5 or preferably 10 in
boundary layers could also be described as microscopic. DNS Reynolds number over the current highest would be needed.
of a whole device is normally out of the question. It is a Therefore the DNS eort has, correctly, been directed instead
beautiful research tool; in fact in the author's opinion its reach at simulating more complex geometries, or simple ones with
is sometimes under-estimated, due to a misguided insistence on strong pressure gradients, three-dimensionality, rotation and
simulating at the ``right'' Reynolds number. curvature, complex deformations, heat transfer, combustion,
The argument, which has long been a minority one, is the shock waves, and noise (Alam and Sandham, 2000; Adams,
following. When asking a fundamental question in turbu- 1998; Coleman et al., 1995; Gavrilakis, 1992; Na and Moin,
lence, assume we have the choice between a DNS and an LES 1998; Ragab and Sreedhar, 1995; Yang and Ferziger, 1993).
having the same cost. The DNS will have a slightly larger Fully successful DNS studies of the supersonic boundary layer
range of scales in each direction (certainly less than double), should appear very soon. The current standard includes
because of saving the SGS-model cost. The LES will have a ``reasonable results'' but not quantitative comparisons, a
higher Reynolds number; if a QDNS, the dierence will be problem being that low-Reynolds-number supersonic experi-
less than a doubling. The LES will assume that the unre- ments are lacking (Adams, 1998). A denitive study of the
solved eddies have a simple enough behaviour to be mod- interaction with a normal shock will certainly be of great
elled; for instance the great majority of the Reynolds shear interest to the airliner industry.
stress will be resolved, at least in the challenging region of the
domain. If so, the same-cost DNS can run at a Reynolds 2.7. Role of grid renement
number sucient to sustain turbulence. Extrapolating the
DNS results to the LES Reynolds number can also be done In RANS, the equations possess a smooth exact solution,
with condence (especially if the DNS is possible over a and the numerical solution approaches that solution as we
range of Reynolds numbers). An extrapolation ``after the rene the grid. The aim of grid renement is numerical ac-
simulation'' is inexpensive and can be rened, much more curacy. In contrast, in LES as it is practised and in DES, the
easily than the LES can be re-run with a dierent SGS model Sub-Grid-Scale (SGS) model adjusts to the grid so that the
(or adjustable constants). By that standard, we could have smallest resolved eddies match the grid spacing. Recall Fig. 4
260 P.R. Spalart / Int. J. Heat and Fluid Flow 21 (2000) 252263
Table 1
Summary of strategies
Name Aim Unsteady Re-dependence 3/2D Empiricism Grid Steps Ready
5 3:5
2DURANS Numerical Yes Weak No Strong 10 10 1980
3DRANS Numerical No Weak No Strong 107 103 1990
3DURANS Numerical Yes Weak No Strong 107 103:5 1995
DES Hybrid Yes Weak Yes Strong 108 104 2000
LES Hybrid Yes Weak Yes Weak 1011:5 106:7 2045
QDNS Physical Yes Strong Yes Weak 1015 107:3 2070
DNS Numerical Yes Strong Yes None 1016 107:7 2080
for the visual aspect and Fig. 5 for the corresponding stresses. Column 2 refers to the aim of grid renement: numerical, or
In a ner grid, resolving eddies to a smaller size gives the physical (Section 2.7). The Reynolds-number dependence re-
large energy-containing eddies more eddies for genuine non- fers to the number of grid points. The step from ``weak'' to
linear interactions, making them more accurate. The aim of ``strong'' Reynolds-number dependence indicates a change
grid renement is now physical instead of numerical, to use from a slow logarithmic dependence similar to that of the skin-
simple words. This distinction is tracked in Table 1 (several friction coecient, to a strong one similar to that of the vis-
methods had to be labelled ``hybrid'', as their aim is dierent cous-sublayer thickness. ``3/2D'' refers to simulations which
in dierent ow regions). Another description of it is that are 3D even if the geometry is 2D. When the geometry is al-
when the aim is numerical, the turbulence model does not ready 3D, 3/2D means that the grid spacing scales with the
depend on the grid spacing but when the aim is physical, it shorter dimension of the device, and does not ``take advan-
does. A consequence is that in URANS, no amount of grid tage'' of high aspect ratios. A clear example would be a wing
renement will override the inuence of the empirical content ap: a 3DRANS will cluster points near its tips but use a loose
of the turbulence model. In contrast, in a method with the spacing elsewhere, whereas a 3/2D method will space points by
``physical'' aim, grid renement weakens the role of the the same fraction of the ap chord all along. The step from
modelled eddies and thus improves the delity of the simu- ``strong'' to ``weak'' empiricism indicates, perhaps arbitrarily,
lation. A 20% change of the Smagorinsky constant in a well- that the only remaining adjustable constants are those in the
resolved LES is minor, but a 20% change in the K arman Law of the Wall.
constant is not. For the grid spacing, RANS and DES gures are based on
It has been proposed not to automatically link the width of current practice. The requirements are well understood for the
the LES lter and the grid spacing, in order to obtain solu- spacing normal to the wall. In the other directions, the ge-
tions of the ltered equations free of signicant numerical ometry is assumed to have only a moderate number of fea-
errors. A typical procedure to adjust an SGS model has been tures such as aps and spoilers. Under ``DES'' are included
to seek a 5=3 slope for the energy spectrum all the way to the both strict DES as dened in (Spalart et al., 1997), and other
cut-o wave-number of the grid. Then, the numerical errors hybrid methods which are likely to be developed in the next
remain the same fraction of the SGS kinetic energy, and it is few years, with the general expectation that they will treat the
fair to write that ``numerical and SGS eects cannot be sep- simple attached boundary layers with RANS. For such
arated''. This situation is disturbing to some careful people, methods, a grid block of the order of 643 points appears
who would prefer to understand the physical system of the adequate to resolve a separated region, since about this many
ltered equations, and then obtain very accurate solutions to points were used on the stalled airfoil (Shur et al., 1999). At
it. That seems possible only if the spectrum rolls down from its higher Reynolds numbers, the cost increase is modest, since
5=3 slope some distance from the cut-o. The author's only the normal grid spacing needs to be reduced. Thus, the
opinion, which is not based on tests, is that this would not be grid increase over 3DRANS is plausibly in the millions of
the best use of numerical eort. Widening the lter raises the points, not tens of millions, and 108 is fair for the grid count.
magnitude of the sub-grid stresses, which are notoriously in- For LES we had estimated 1011 for a clean wing (Spalart et
accurate locally. It is unlikely that this eect can be oset by al., 1997), leading to a few times more for the whole aircraft.
the reduction of numerical errors, or even by the design of a The DNS estimate is based on grid patches with an area
superior SGS model, possibly gained from the better physical Dx Dz of 100 wall units and a chord Reynolds number for
understanding. On a given grid, an LES with a wide lter the wing of about 7 107 , and agrees with that of Moin and
would cost almost the same as one with a narrow lter: the Kim (1997). Estimates would be lower for a road vehicle,
cost per step would be the same, and the time step could only which has a lower Reynolds number, but the dierence would
rise by a modest amount. Conclusive tests of the lter-grid be a large one only for QDNS and DNS, with their strong
relationship would crucially depend on the denition of a cost dependence. The number of steps uses the same grid in-
gure of merit. formation and CFL numbers of order 1, if unsteady, and
assumes the simulation needs roughly six spans of travel for
an airplane.
3. Cost aspects The readiness estimates are based on the ``rule of thumb''
that computer power increases by a factor of 5 every ve years.
Here the aim is a broad view of the methods with the order This will be disputed, but another rule has been a factor of 2
of magnitude of their cost, translated into a readiness date. every two years, which is not much faster. Readers are free to
Such predictions are not without risk. Time will tell how far o apply their favorite rate of progress, starting from the as-
these dates are, but unless they are hugely in error, they are sumption that a very expensive problem today costs about 1015
valuable for research planning. The principal denitions and oating-point operations. ``Readiness'' roughly means that a
assumptions which entered the estimates in Table 1 are the simulation is possible as a so-called ``Grand Challenge''. In-
following. The target ow is that over an airliner or a car. The dustrial everyday use will come later. Dates are rounded to the
acronyms in Column 1 have all been used above. ``Aim'' in nearest ve years.
P.R. Spalart / Int. J. Heat and Fluid Flow 21 (2000) 252263 261
4. Outlook the work of Baldwin and Barth, who invited the author to
critique their model (Baldwin and Barth, 1991). In both cases
Progress in numerical methods and computers is intensi- the principle was to create a model that was complete in the
fying the challenge for turbulence treatments, to provide a sense of Wilcox (1998), which essentially meant it would be a
useful level of accuracy in slightly or massively separated ows transport model instead of algebraic, and as simple and nu-
over fairly complex geometries at very high Reynolds numbers. merically undemanding as possible. No deep reason was seen
This is desirable in the near future, between 5 and 10 years, and why two equations were indispensable, although this remains a
not only on a research basis; industry is more than ready for widespread position, and a high reliance on intuition was ac-
this capability, especially the jet-engine industry. In addition, cepted. Connections to exact transport equations were not
the needs of non-specialist users and automatic optimizers sought, other than the obvious invariance requirements.
dictate a very high robustness. Flows with shallow or no sep- A crucial term in the SA model is the wall destruction
aration appear to be within the reach of the current steady term, which we found was identical to that of Secundov from
RANS methods or their nely calibrated derivatives, incor- 1973 (Gulyaev et al., 1993; Wilcox, 1998). The term depends
porating modest improvements such as nonlinear constitutive on the wall distance d, which has a numerical cost and is
relations. For such ows, transition prediction with generality, considered undesirable by some colleagues on physical
accuracy, and robustness may prove more challenging than grounds. We disagree with this, and believe the term sensibly
turbulence prediction. mimics the connement of the eddies, expressed by the pres-
With massive separation, it appears possible we will give up sure term in the transport equation for Reynolds shear stress.
RANS, steady or unsteady. This will probably be the major The viscous sublayer treatment borrows from BaldwinBarth
debate of the next few years. The alternative is a derivative of (BB) and is aimed at low cost. The production term is pro-
LES, in which the largest, unsteady, geometry-dependent ed- portional to vorticity, instead of strain rate as for the turbulent
dies are simulated and (for most purposes) ``discarded'' by an kinetic energy; this is another untuitive choice. Similarly, the
averaging process. We have to balance our ambitions with cost diusion term is not conservative for the eddy-viscosity; in-
considerations, and a table summarising the issue was tenta- stead it conserves the eddy-viscosity raised to the power 1.622.
tively provided. A major consideration is whether LES is The model was studied in depth in terms of Challenge Zero,
practical for the entire boundary layer, and it was strongly which defeats the BB model (ultimately because in BB the
argued that this will not be the case, in the foreseeable future. destruction term is based on a gradient instead of the wall
This forces hybrid methods, with quasi-steady RANS in the distance). It was calibrated on Challenge-I cases, using a subset
boundary layer. In this paper, LES was eectively dened as a of thin shear ows that could be handled with a few adjustable
simulation in which the turbulence model is tuned to the grid constants and were closest to the aerodynamic applications we
spacing, and RANS as the opposite. Other more subtle de- had in mind. Challenge II was not considered. The model has
nitions probably exist, but this one seems to classify almost all not received any major upgrades in its eight years. The rota-
the studies to date. Speziale's hybrid proposal involves the grid tion/curvature term proposed by Spalart and Shur (1997) has
spacing and the Kolmogorov length scale but, surprisingly, not attracted little attention. Current work is directed at DES.
the internal length scale of the RANS turbulence model; thus, it Other extensions such as nonlinear and realizable constitutive
is dicult to classify (Speziale, 1998). The proposal of Aubrun relations are either not mature enough, or have too little eect
et al. is also hybrid, as it leads to combining ``modelled'' and to be published.
``resolved'' Reynolds stresses, but the modelled stresses do not The SA model exceeded expectations, and is now useful to
scale (and vanish) with the grid spacing as they do in LES a rather large user base. Version control was maintained and
(Aubrun et al., 1999). Variations on the now-running DES frequent upgrades, which are costly for the users, avoided. Its
proposal clearly have a wide window of opportunity. numerical stability is very satisfactory, and in the author's
The plausible spread of hybrid methods highlights the opinion its performance for Challenge I is competitive enough
permanence of a partnership between empiricism and numer- with even the best two- to four-equation models to justify the
ical power in turbulence prediction at full-size Reynolds condence of users, and the role of ``default model'' (however,
numbers. This demands a balance in funding and in publica- codes should not oer only one model!). The model is not
tion space. Since hybrid methods oer leeway when setting the sophisticated, but it is not inaccurate.
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