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Reading Enrichment Course Outline

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General Goal: Reading Enrichment will help students to improve comprehension,

vocabulary, test taking, note taking, and overall reading skills. Students
will actively engage in reading while improving oral and written
communication skills. Instruction is based upon the general principal that
good reading, good speaking, and good writing are closely related.

Objectives: At the conclusion of this course, the student should be able to:

1. activate pre-reading strategies.

2. set a purpose for reading.
3. adjust comprehension according to text demand.
4. use more than one strategy for understanding vocabulary.
5. develop strategies for study and test taking.
6. analyze, discuss, and evaluate reading using appropriate
terminology in writing and orally.
7. take notes on and annotate a variety of written forms.

Activities: This course will include the following major activities:

1. Each student will be required to read and present independent

reading books. Specific presentation forms, requirements, and due dates will be
2. Reading logs and conferences.
3. Summaries, journals, and responses to reading.
4. Class discussion and participation.

Student Evaluation: Student evaluation will be based on daily activities, daily

participation, quizzes, tests, independent reading projects, and the
final exam.

Grading Scale: 90-100 = A

80-89 = B
70-79 = C
60-69 = D
59 and below = F

Required Daily Materials:

1. 3-ring binder with loose-leaf paper
2. Writing utensil (all final drafts will be typed or written in black ink)
3. Highlighting pen
4. Loose-leaf paper
5. Independent reading book (your choice)

Classroom Guidelines:

1. Keep walkways free of bags and jackets

2. Water bottles will be allowed in class
3. Hats are acceptable as long as the class can see your face/eyes
4. Healthy snacks may be eaten in class
5. When the bell rings, be in your seat, silently reading
6. Bring required materials to class

Honest mistakes are one thing, however failure to regularly comply with these
guidelines will result in a warning. After a warning has been issued, disregard for
guidelines will result in:
A. Detention
B. Referral
C. Possible grade reduction

The Communication Arts Departmental Guidelines for Attendance and Late

Work will be followed. Please do not throw away points and lower your grade
with irregular attendance and late work. See handouts for exact guidelines.

I am interested in YOUR work. Plagiarism and cheating will be frowned upon and
dealt with in accordance with SHS rules.

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