Swift Messaging Factsheet Corporateactions56104

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Corporate Actions
Enabling and improving event communications
between public companies and their stakeholders

The combination of ISO Industry challenges

securities messaging standards Corporate events are increasingly
frequent and complex. Corporate
and SWIFT connectivity action processing has traditionally
offers an opportunity to been highly manual and volume
Reduce cost and standardise corporate sensitive, with resourcing requirements
mitigate risk with actions communication flows greatly impacted by seasonal peaks
and troughs. Manual processing is
between information sources,
improved straight- expensive and introduces the risk of
market infrastructures, local misinterpreting the announcement.
through processing agents, global custodians and Operationally, this translates into
investment managers. a growing exposure to claims and
reputational risk.
Its time to capitalise on your
As global investment continues to
investment in ISO 15022 increase, service providers are relying
standards for securities on more sources of information to
Benefits settlement and reconciliation, ensure early notification of corporate
ISO as a global standard for trading or funds activities, to events. Each information source has
corporate actions its own proprietary data formats,
streamline other high-risk and
codes and means of communication,
Efficient and timely processing manually intensive areas of your for example fax, email, telex, VPNs et
capabilities operations of which corporate cetera. Obtaining accurate information
Comprehensive coverage for event actions is one. quickly and efficiently is a considerable
types challenge.
Alternatively, you can invest
Testing for global market practice The withholding tax reclaim process is
compliance right now in ISO 20022 complex, expensive and predominantly
standards for Corporate Actions, manual for most market participants.
if you are a direct participant The inefficient or ineffective reclamation
of one of the first market of over-withheld tax on income from
cross-border securities can result
infrastructures adopting it.
in significant monies being left on
the table, and missed opportunities
to maximise the value of portfolios.
Efficient processing can add value to
your clients portfolios and be seen
as a critical competitive benchmark
service for custodial performance.
SWIFT can help you address these
industry challenges.
Account Servicer

Preliminary Complete Entitlement Receipt of new

information information calculation shares/cash

MT564 MT564 Confirmation
Notification of
Notification Notification of Account

Account Holder

Message flow example for a mandatory event type such as a Cash Dividend

The benefits of using SWIFT ISO 15022 standard messages MT 567 Corporate Action Status and
Minimise risk, reduce costs for Corporate Actions Processing Advice
Used to advise on the status, or a
ISO standards, developed by market What are they? change in the status, of a corporate
practitioners, eliminate ambiguity by Corporate actions, income reporting, and action instruction that was executed on
providing structured formats and agreed tax reclaim reporting functions can all be behalf of the account owner.
business definitions that, in most cases, catered for:
can be automated. This allows corporate MT 568 Corporate Action Narrative
MT 564 Corporate Action Notification Used to provide complex instructions
actions staff to concentrate on necessary
Provides an account owner with details or narrative details relating to a
exception processing for more complex
of a corporate action event along with corporate action event.
events and client-facing responsibilities.
possible elections and entitlements
available to the account owner. It can
Increase straight-through processing be sent as a preliminary advice and Market practice definition
(STP) subsequently replaced by another The Securities Market Practice Group
Achieve high levels of STP through MT564 with complete or confirmed (SMPG), comprising representatives
the use of SWIFT connectivity and information. from the industry, continually reviews
standardised messaging, making your all ISO 15022 messages and publishes
MT 565 Corporate Action Instruction usage guidelines. The SMPGs Event
operations less volume sensitive by
Provides custodians with instructions Interpretation Grid (EIG) and other
automating straightforward events.
on how the account owner wishes to guidelines define market practice to help
proceed with a corporate action or any firm implementing the corporate
Achieve scalability proxy voting event. Instructions include action messages.
By deploying SWIFTs open and scalable investment decisions on the exercising
messaging platform you can, simply and of rights issues and cash dividend Please visit www.smpg.info for more
quickly, support multiple counterparties reinvestments, and decisions on the information.
through a single window. This removes conversion or tendering of securities.
the need to support proprietary
MT 566 Corporate Action
communication links and data formats,
such as fax, email and telex. It also means
Used to confirm to the account owner
you benefit from using an accepted
that securities and/or cash have been
industry standard and single window
credited/debited to an account as the
connectivity to all your corporate action
result of a corporate event.
Account Servicer

Announcement Ex/Record Deadline Receipt of new

of the offer date Response period date shares/cash

MT 564 MT 565 MT 564 MT 566

MT 564
Instruction MT 567
Notification Notification Confirmation
Notification Status of
of Ex-Date of of Account
of Offer Instruction
Entitlement Entitlement Activity

Account Holder

Message flow example for any event with options such as a Warrant Exercise

ISO 20022 standard messages Proxy Voting Visit www.swift.com/training for a

for Corporate Actions SWIFTs Proxy Voting solution supports complete list of available courses.
automation of the proxy voting process by
A new standard ready for implementation implementing end-to-end, standardised
The ISO 20022 standards for corporate SWIFT Consulting Services
messaging on a service that validates and
actions have been developed and Our business consulting teams provide
delivers those messages with security
designed to be backward-compatible advice on business process optimisation,
and reliability for the benefit of all market
with the ISO 15022 standards. The best practice adoption, channel
participants. The new ISO 20022 proxy
DTCC went live with the ISO 20022 MX rationalisation and better usage of existing
voting messages provide extended
announcement messages in November SWIFT standards and services.
functionalities compared to the meeting-
2011 and added six additional ISO related event types in ISO 15022 MT 56x In addition to the standard corporate
20022 corporate action messages messages which they are designed to actions operational analysis, SWIFT
over the SWIFT network in November replace. Consulting Services offers further
of 2012. This phase of the project services, which add extra analysis of
addresses Distribution events only market practice compliance and peer
and covers announcements, eligible SWIFT products and services benchmarking.
balance notification, projected payments to help you automate your
and payment confirmations. Full live Visit www.swift.com/consultingservices
Corporate Actions processing for more information.
implementation of the distribution
lifecycle messages is now complete MyStandards Standards made simple
and DTCC began testing the remaining MyStandards is an innovative Partner Management
distribution lifecycle instruction messages collaboration platform that helps you How can you be sure that the vendor
in September 2013. Timeframes for manage yours and your counterparties product you are looking for is compliant
implementation of the Redemptions and usage of corporate actions messages: with ISO Corporate Actions standards?
Reorganization message lifecycles are centralize all standards-related information Which are the best-in-class service
planned for 2014 and 2015 respectively, in a simple way, improve your standards bureaux that can operate the connection
with mandatory cut-over by 2015. release management, and streamline to SWIFT on your behalf? SWIFTs
your management of market practice partnerships and certification programmes
Voluntary Mandatory Mandatory guidelines. help you to answer these questions. In
with choice
Visit www.swift.com/MyStandards for particular, the SWIFTReady Corporate
Tender Dividend Dividend
Option more information. Actions label is granted annually to
business applications that have proved
Exchange Interest Dividend
reinvestment their full compliance with a list of SWIFT
Conversion Stock split Instalment requirements, including extensive market
Knowing how best to use a product
practice support.
Rights Merger Rights or service is key to achieving greater
Warrant Name Remarketing efficiency. SWIFT offers a range of Visit www.swift.com/partners for more
Exercise change agreement classroom and onsite training and information.
Class Action Redemption Capital Reorg e-learning products, specifically tailored
Repurchase Tax Reclaim to meet your business needs. We can
help you select the most suitable training
Some of the more than 60 CA event to match your institutions profile and
types that can be communicated using
ISO standards transaction activities.
For more information please contact your
SWIFT account manager or visit
56104 - NOV2013

SWIFT 2013

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