Sem 3 Module 3

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Module 3:

Fundamentals of transistors: Introduction to transistor circuits for CB, CE, CC

configurations. Transistor biasing and bias stability. JFET & MOSFET,
characteristics, biasing and small signal low frequency analysis of CD, CS
configurations, FET as VVR

Module 3

1. What do you mean by a transistor? Explain the working of an npn


2. What are the basic types of transistor amplifier configuration? What do

you understand by active region of operation of a transistor?

3. Define current gain alpha in words and as an equation.

4. Sketch a family of CB output characteristics for a transistor. Indicate the

active, cut-off, and saturation regions.

5. Explain Early effect and base width modulation in transistors.

6. (a) Find an expression for Ic for a CB transistor configuration.

(b) Find an expression for Ic for a CE transistor configuration. Define I CBO.

7. Define , hFE, ICEO.

8. (a) For a transistor in CE configuration, given that V BB = 5V; Rb = 200K;

Rc = 3K; Vcc = 10V; = 100; the transistor is silicon, n-p-n with I cc =
20 nA. Find the transistor currents.
(a) Repeat part (a) if Re = 2K emitter resistor is added to the circuit.
Also determine if the transistor is in active region.

9. (a) The transistor in CE configuration as in above problem is modified by

changing Rb = 50K. Determine whether or not the silicon transistor is in
saturation and find IB and IC.
(b) Repeat part (a) above with the 2K-emitter resistance added.
12 V
10. Refer to Fig.5. If = 0.98 and VBE = 0.7 V find R 1 in the circuit shown for
an emitter current IE = -2 mA. 3.3
R Neglect the reverse saturation current.
1 k

Fig 5

2 mA
R2 20k Re 100
11. Refer to circuit in Fig.6, given that V CC = 24V, RC = 10K and Re = 270. If a
silicon transistor is used with = 45 and if VCE = 5V; find R. Neglect the
reverse saturation current.




Fig 6
12. Derive the relationship between and for a transistor.

13. Let IB = 50A, IC = 15 mA, VBE = 0.65V, and VCE = 5V for an npn transistor
operating in the active region. Calculate (i) I E, (ii) VCB, and (iii) the total
power dissipated by the transistor.

14. (a) Prove the relation ICEO = (+1) ICBO

(b) Refer to Fig. (P70). Given that dc = 75, VBE = 0.6V ICEO = 2 A, VCC =
4.5V. Find IC and VCE.

Fig 7 100
15. Refer to Fig. 8. Given that dc = 75, VBE = 0.6V, ICEO = 1.3A, and Rsat =
40 (a) Find dc and ICBO. Let VBB = 6V, RB = 27K, and VCC = 9V. (b)
Calculate IC if RC = 400 ohm (c) Find IR
C if RC = 800 ohm.



Fig 8

16. (a) What does a dc load line represent?

(b) Can this be used when an ac signal is present?
(c) When is it necessary to draw an ac load line? And, how is it drawn?

17. (a) What is the main advantage of a CE over a CB as far as biasing is

(b) Why is loading of input signal by the bias resistor not generally a
problem in a CE amplifier compared with a CB?

18. (a) What three factors contribute to thermal instability in a CE amplifier?

Which one has the least effect in silicon transistors? Why?
(b) What do you understand by the term thermal runaway? Explain in your
own words.

19. (a) Define the stability factor S. Find S for a fixed bias CE amplifier and a
CB amplifier.
(b) Derive the stability factor S for collector to base bias circuit in a CE
amplifier. Discuss the disadvantages of collector to base bias.
(c) Determine the base resistor R B for collector to base bias and calculate
the stability factor S. Given: VCC = 12V, RL = 330 ohms; IB = 0.3 mA; =
100, VCEQ= 6V.

20. (a) Explain how self-bias or emitter bias circuit provides thermal stability.
(b) Derive the expression for the thermal stability factor S for emitter bias.
(c) Determine the bias resistor RB to provide a bias current of 0.3 mA, for a
self-bias circuit. Also calculate the stability factor S, and compare it
with the fixed bias circuit. Given: VCC = 12V, RL = 330 ohms, Re = 100
ohms, VBE = 0.2V; ICQ = 18 mA; = 100.

21. (a) Draw the circuit for voltage divider bias with emitter bias. This is also
known as voltage divider with self-bias. Derive the expression for the
stability factor S for this type of bias. Mention its advantages over self-
(b) Explain the function of emitter bypass capacitor. Why is capacitive
coupling is used to connect a signal source to an amplifier?

22. In a voltage divider with self-bias circuit R 1 is connected to +VCC and base
of the transistor Q. R2 is connected from base to ground. Determine the
values of R1 and R2 to provide a bias current IB = 0.3 mA, so as to locate
the operating point at ICQ = 18 mA and VCEQ = 4.25V. VCC = 12V. RL =
330 ohms, Re = 100 ohms, V BE = 0.2V; = 100, Make the stability factor
S = 10.

23. The transistor type 2N333 is used in potential divider with emitter bias
circuit. The transistor may have any value between 36 and 90 at a
temperature of 25oC. The leakage current ICO has negligible effect on IC at
room temperature. Find Re, R1 and R2 subject to the following
RC = 4K, VCC = 20V, nominal bias point is to be at V CE = 10V, IC = 2mA, and
IC should be in the range 1.75 to 2.25 mA as varies from 36 to 90.
Assume VBE = 0.65V. Note that R2 is from base to ground.

24. (a) What are the two main types of field-effect transistors? What are the
advantages of the FET over a conventional transistor? What do the
terms unipolar and bipolar refer to?
(b) Give basic construction and symbol for the N-channel FET. With help
of diagrams explain the principles of operation of the N-channel JEET.
Explain pinch-off and self-pinch off.

25. Draw the characteristic curves for the N-channel JEET. Explain channel
ohmic region and channel pinch-off region.

26. Define (a) Drain resistance (b) Transconductance (c) I DSS, (d) IGSS, (e)
Amplification factor for the FET.

27. (a) Draw the circuit for common source AC amplifier and explain its
(b)Find the expressions for Av, Ro, Ri, Ci for the circuit in part (a) above.
(c)For the source follower, give the circuit using p-channel FET and
expressions for Av, Ro and Ri.

28. (a) Give basic construction, symbol, characteristic curves for the N-
Channel depletion type MOSFET and explain its operation.
(b) Repeat part (a) above for the enhancement MOSFET.
(c) Explain the use of FET as a VVR. Explain voltage-controlled

29. If IDSS=4mA, VP=4V, calculate the quiescent value of I D, VGS and VDS.

30. An n-channel FET has IDSS=1mA and VP=-5 V, find the maximum Tran

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