Post-Quantum RSA
Post-Quantum RSA
Post-Quantum RSA
Abstract. This paper proposes RSA parameters for which (1) key gen-
eration, encryption, decryption, signing, and verification are feasible on
todays computers while (2) all known attacks are infeasible, even as-
suming highly scalable quantum computers. As part of the performance
analysis, this paper introduces a new algorithm to generate a batch of
primes. As part of the attack analysis, this paper introduces a new quan-
tum factorization algorithm that is often much faster than Shors algo-
rithm and much faster than pre-quantum factorization algorithms. Initial
pqRSA implementation results are provided.
Keywords: post-quantum cryptography, RSA scalability, Shors algo-
rithm, ECM, Grovers algorithm, Make RSA Great Again
1 Introduction
The 1994 publication of Shors algorithm prompted widespread claims that quan-
tum computers would kill cryptography, or at least public-key cryptography. For
Author list in alphabetical order; see
culture/CultureStatement04.pdf. This work was supported by the Commission of
the European Communities through the Horizon 2020 program under project number
645622 (PQCRYPTO) and project number 645421 (ECRYPT-CSA); by the Nether-
lands Organisation for Scientific Research (NWO) under grant 639.073.005; by the
U.S. National Institute of Standards and Technology under grant 60NANB10D263;
by the U.S. National Science Foundation under grants 1314919, 1408734, 1505799,
and 1513671; and by a gift from Cisco. P. Lou was supported by the Rachleff
Scholars program at the University of Pennsylvania. We are grateful to Cisco for
donating much of the hardware used for our experiments. Any opinions, find-
ings, and conclusions or recommendations expressed in this material are those
of the author(s) and do not necessarily reflect the views of the National Sci-
ence Foundation (or other funding agencies). Permanent ID of this document:
aaf273785255fe95feca9484e74c7833. Date: 2017.04.19.
2 Daniel J. Bernstein, Nadia Heninger, Paul Lou, and Luke Valenta
[15]: nobody knows exactly when quantum computing will become a reality,
but when and if it does, it will signal the end of traditional cryptography.
[37]: if quantum computers exist one day, Shors results will make all current
known public-key cryptographic systems useless.
[29]: It is already proven that quantum computers will allow to break public
key cryptography.
[20]: When the first quantum factoring devices are built the security of
public-key crypstosystems [sic] will vanish.
But these claims go far beyond the actual limits of Shors algorithm, and subse-
quent research into quantum cryptanalysis has done little to close the gap. The
conventional wisdom among researchers in post-quantum cryptography is that
quantum computers will kill RSA and ECC but will not kill hash-based cryp-
tography, code-based cryptography, lattice-based cryptography, or multivariate-
quadratic-equations cryptography.
Contents of this paper. Is it actually true that quantum computers will kill
The question here is not whether quantum computers will be built, or will be
affordable for attackers. This paper assumes that astonishingly scalable quan-
tum computers will be built, making a qubit operation as inexpensive as a bit
operation. Under this assumption, Shors algorithm easily breaks RSA as used
on the Internet today. The question is whether RSA parameters can be adjusted
so that all known quantum attack algorithms are infeasible while encryption and
decryption remain feasible.
The conventional wisdom is that Shors algorithm factors an RSA public key
n almost as quickly as the legitimate RSA user can decrypt. Decryption uses
an exponentiation modulo n; Shors algorithm uses a quantum exponentiation
modulo n. There are some small overheads in Shors algorithmfor example,
the exponent is double-lengthbut these overheads create only a very small gap
between the cost of decryption and the cost of factorization. (Shor speculated
in [48, Section 3] that faster quantum algorithms for modular exponentiation
could even make breaking RSA on a quantum computer asymptotically faster
than encrypting with RSA on a classical computer; however, no such algorithms
have been found.)
The main point of this paper is that standard techniques for speeding up RSA,
when pushed to their extremes, create a much larger gap between the legitimate
users costs and the attackers costs. Specifically, for this papers version of RSA,
the attack cost is essentially quadratic in the usage cost.
These extremes require a careful analysis of quantum algorithms for inte-
ger factorization. As part of this security analysis, this paper introduces a new
quantum factorization algorithm, GEECM, that is often much faster than Shors
algorithm and all pre-quantum factorization algorithms. See Section 2. GEECM
turns out to be one of the main constraints upon parameter selection for post-
quantum RSA.
These extremes also require a careful analysis of algorithms for the basic RSA
operations. See Section 3. As part of this performance analysis, this paper intro-
Post-quantum RSA 3
2 Post-quantum factorization
For every modern variant of RSA, including the variants considered in this paper,
the best attacks known are factorization algorithms. This section analyzes the
post-quantum complexity of integer factorization.
There have been some papers analyzing and improving the complexity of
Shors algorithm; see, e.g., [56]. However, the literature does not seem to contain
any broader study of quantum factorization algorithms. There seems to be an
implicit assumption thatonce large enough quantum computers are available
Shors algorithm supersedes the entire previous literature on integer factoriza-
tion, rendering all previous factorization algorithms obsolete, so studying the
complexity of factorization in a post-quantum world is tantamount to studying
the complexity of Shors algorithm.
The main point of this section is that post-quantum factorization is actually a
much richer subject. It should be obvious that previous algorithms are not always
superseded by Shors algorithm: as a trivial example, an integer divisible by 2 or
3 or 5 is much more efficiently detected by trial division than by Shors algorithm.
Perhaps less obvious is that there are quantum factorization algorithms that are,
for many integers, much faster than Shors algorithm and much faster than all
known pre-quantum algorithms. These algorithms turn out to be important for
post-quantum RSA, as discussed in Section 3.
Overview of pre-quantum integer factorization. There are two important
classes of factorization algorithms. The first class consists of algorithms that
are particularly fast at finding small primes: e.g., trial division, the rho method
[40], the p 1 method [39], the p + 1 method [55], and the elliptic-curve method
(ECM) [35].
Each of these algorithms can be rephrased, without serious loss of efficiency,
as a ring algorithm that composes the ring operations 0, 1, +, , to produce
a large integer divisible by many small primes. By carrying out the same se-
quence of operations modulo a target integer n and computing the greatest
common divisor of the result with n, one sees whether n is divisible by any of the
same primes. For example, trial division up through y has essentially the same
performance as computing gcd{n, 2 3 5 y}; as another example, m steps
of the rho method compute gcd{n, (2 1 )(4 2 )(6 3 ) (2m m )}
with 1 = 1 and i+1 = 2i + 10.
The importance of ring operations is that carrying them out modulo n has the
effect of carrying them out modulo every prime p dividing n; i.e., Z/n Z/p
is a ring morphism. To measure the speed and effectiveness of a ring algorithm
one sees how many operations are carried out by the algorithm and how many
primes p of various sizes divide the output. The size of n is almost irrelevant,
except that each ring operation modulo n costs (lg n)1+o(1) bit operations.
The second class consists of congruence-combining algorithms: e.g., the
continued-fraction method [33], the quadratic sieve [41], and the number-field
sieve (NFS) [34]. These algorithms multiply various congruences modulo n to ob-
tain a congruence of the form a2 b2 (mod n), and then hope that gcd{n, a b}
6 Daniel J. Bernstein, Nadia Heninger, Paul Lou, and Luke Valenta
is a nontrivial factor of n. These algorithms are not usefully viewed as ring al-
gorithms (the congruences modulo n are produced in a way that depends on n)
and are not particularly fast at finding small primes.
For large n the best congruence-combining algorithm appears to be NFS,
which (conjecturally) uses 2(lg n) bit operations. For comparison, ECM
(lg y)1/2+o(1)
uses 2 ring operations if ECM parameters are chosen to (conjec-
turally) find every prime p y. Evidently ECM uses fewer bit operations than
NFS to find sufficiently small primes p; the cutoff is 2(lg n) .
Shors algorithm. Shor begins with a circuit to compute the function x 7
(x, 3x mod n), where x is an integer having about 2 lg n bits. Exponentiation
uses about 2 lg n multiplications modulo n, and the best multiplication methods
known use (lg n)1+o(1) bit operations, so exponentiation uses (lg n)2+o(1) bit
A standard conversion produces a quantum circuit that uses (lg n)2+o(1) qubit
operations to evaluate the same function on a quantum superposition of inputs.
With a small extra overhead (applying a quantum Fourier transform to the
output, sampling, et al.) Shor finds the period of this function, i.e., the order of
3 modulo n. This order is a divisor, typically a large divisor, of (n) = #(Z/n) ,
and factoring n with this information is a standard exercise. In the rare case that
3 has small order modulo n, one can replace 3 with a random numberpreferably
a small random number to save time in exponentiation.
There is a tremendous gap between the (lg n)2+o(1) qubit operations used
by Shor and the 2(lg n) bit operations used by NFS. Of course, for the
moment qubit operations seem impossibly expensive compared to bit operations,
but post-quantum cryptography looks ahead to a future where qubit operations
are affordable at a large scale. In this future it seems that congruence-combining
algorithms will be of little, if any, interest.
On the other hand, Shors algorithm is not competitive with ring algorithms
at finding small primes. Even if a qubit operation is as inexpensive as a bit
operation, Shors (lg n)2+o(1) qubit operations are as expensive as (lg n)1+o(1)
ring operations. ECMs 2(lg y) ring operations are better than this for
sufficiently small primes. The cutoff is 2(lg lg n) .
Some wishful thinking. One might think that Shors algorithm can be tweaked
to take advantage of a small prime divisor p of n: the function x 7 3x mod p
has small period, and this period should be visible for x having only about 2 lg p
bits, rather than the 2 lg n bitsused by Shor. This would save a factor of 2 even
in the most extreme case p n.
The difficulty is that one is not given the function x 7 3x mod p. The function
x 7 3x mod n has a small pseudo-period, in the sense that shifting the input
produces a related output, but one is also not given this relation.
If there were a fast way to detect pseudo-periods with respect to unknown
relations then one could drastically speed up Shors algorithm by finding the
pseudo-period p of the simpler function x 7 x mod n. If x is limited to 2 lg p <
lg n bits then this function is simply the identity function x 7 x, independent
Post-quantum RSA 7
of n, so there would have to be some other way for the algorithm to learn about
n. These obstacles seem insurmountable.
A quantum ring algorithm: GEECM. A more productive approach is to
take the best pre-quantum algorithms for finding small primes, and to accelerate
those algorithms using quantum techniques.
Under standard conjectures, ECM finds primes p y using 2(lg y)
ring operations, as mentioned above; the rho method finds primes p y us-
ing y 1/2+o(1) ring operations; and trial division (in its classic form) finds primes
p y using y 1+o(1) ring operations. Evidently ECM supersedes the rho method
and trial division as y grows. The cutoff is generally stated (on the basis of more
detailed analyses of the o(1)) to be below 230 , and the primes of interest in this
paper are much larger, so this paper focuses on ECM.
(There are occasional primes for which the p 1 and p + 1 methods are faster
than ECM, but the primes of interest in this paper are randomly generated. Most
of the comments in this section generalize to hyperelliptic curves, but genus-2-
hyperelliptic-curve methods have always been slightly slower than ECM.)
The state-of-the-art variant of ECM is EECM (ECM using Edwards curves),
introduced by Bernstein, Birkner, Lange, and Peters in [12]. EECM chooses
an Edwards curve x2 + y 2 = 1 + dx2 y 2 over Q, or more generally a twisted
Edwards curve, with a known non-torsion point P ; EECM also chooses a large
integer s and uses the Edwards addition law to compute the sth multiple of P
on the curve, and in particular the x-coordinate x(sP ), represented as a fraction
of integers. The output of the ring algorithm is the numerator of this fraction.
Overall the computation takes (7 + o(1)) lg s multiplications (more than half of
which are squarings) and a comparable number of additions and subtractions.
For optimized curve choices and further details see [12], [11], [14], [5], and [22].
If s is chosen as lcm{1, 2, . . . , z} then lg s 1.4z so this curve computa-
tionuses about 10z multiplications. If z Lc+o(1) as y , where L =
exp log y log log y and c is a positive real constant, then standard conjectures
imply that each prime p y is found by this curve with probability 1/L1/2c+o(1) .
Standard conjectures also imply that curves are almost independent, so by try-
ing L1/2c+o(1) curves one finds each prime p with high probability. The total cost
of trying all these curves is Lc+1/2c+o(1) ring operations. The expression c + 1/2c
takes its minimum value 1 for c = 1/ 2; the total cost is then L ring
This paper introduces GEECM (Grover plus EECM), which uses quantum
computers as follows to accelerate the same EECM computation. Recall that
Grovers method accelerates searching for roots of functions: if the inputs to a
function f are roots of f with probability 1/R, then classical searching performs
(on average) R evaluations of f , while Grovers method performs about R
quantum evaluations of f . Consider, in particular, the function f whose input is
an EECM curve choice, and whose output is 0 exactly when the EECM result
for that curve choice has a nontrivial factor in common with n. EECM finds a
root of f by classical searching; GEECM finds a root of f by Grovers method. If
s and z are chosen as above then the inputs to f are roots of f with probability
8 Daniel J. Bernstein, Nadia Heninger, Paul Lou, and Luke Valenta
3 RSA scalability
Obviously a post-quantum RSA public key n will need to be quite large to
resist the attacks described in Section 2. This section analyzes the scalability of
the best algorithms available for RSA key generation, encryption, decryption,
signature generation, and signature verification.
Small exponents. The fundamental RSA public-key operation is computing
an eth power modulo n. This modular exponentiation uses approximately lg e
squarings modulo n, and, thanks to standard windowing techniques, o(lg e) extra
multiplications modulo n.
In the original RSA paper [43], e was a random number with as many bits
as n. Rabin in [42] suggested instead using a small constant e, and said that
e = 2 is several hundred times faster. Rabins speedup factor grows as (lg n),
making it particularly important for the large sizes of n considered in this paper.
The slower but simpler choice e = 3 was deployed in a variety of real-world
applications. The much slower alternative e = 65537 subsequently became popu-
lar as a means of compensating for poor choices of RSA message-randomization
mechanisms, but with proper randomization no attacks against e = 3 are known
that are faster than factorization.
For simplicity this paper also focuses on e = 3. Computing an eth power
modulo n then takes one squaring modulo n and one general multiplication
modulo n. Each of these steps takes just (lg n)1+o(1) bit operations using stan-
dard fast-multiplication techniques; see below for further discussion. Notice that
(lg n)1+o(1) is asymptotically far below the (lg n)2+o(1) cost of Shors algorithm.
Many primes. The fundamental RSA secret-key operation is computing an
eth root modulo n. For e = 3 one chooses n as a product of distinct primes
congruent to 2 modulo
Q 3; then the inverse of x 7 x3 mod n is x 7 xd mod n,
where d = (1 + 2 p|n (p 1))/3. Unfortunately, d is not a small exponentit
has approximately lg n bits.
A classic speedup in the computation of xd mod n is to compute xd mod p and
xd mod q, where p and q are the prime divisors of n, and to combine them into
xd mod n by a suitably explicit form of the Chinese remainder theorem. Fermats
identity xp mod p = x mod p further implies that xd mod p = xd mod (p1) mod p
(since d mod (p 1) 1) and similarly xd mod q = xd mod (q1) mod q. The
exponents d mod (p 1) and d mod (q 1) have only half as many bits as n; the
Post-quantum RSA 9
element but is applied to only half as many elements. The total cost is just
(lg p)(2 )1+o(1) bit operations for each of the original elements of S. Each of
the original elements has probability about 1/2 of surviving this process and
incurring an exponentiation, which costs (lg p)2+o(1) bit operations. Choosing
2 (lg p)0.5+o(1) balances these costs as (lg p)1.5+o(1) for each of the original
elements of S, i.e., (lg p)2.5+o(1) for each prime generated.
In the context of post-quantum RSA the assumption about the original size
of S is satisfied: one has to generate (lg n)1+o(1) primes, so the original size of
S is (lg n)1+o(1) , which is at least 22 for 2 (1 + o(1)) lg lg n; this choice of
satisfies 2 (lg p)0.5+o(1) since lg p (lg lg n)2+o(1) . The primes are also
balanced, in the sense that (lg n)/k (lg p)1+o(1) for each p, so generating k
primes in this way uses k(lg p)2.5+o(1) = (lg n)(lg p)1.5+o(1) = (lg n)(lg lg n)3+o(1)
bit operations.
Computing n by multiplying these primes uses only (lg n)(lg lg n)2+o(1) bit
operations using standard fast-arithmetic techniques; see, e.g., [10, Section 12].
At this level of detail it does not matter whether one uses the classic Schonhage
Strassen multiplication algorithm [46], F urers multiplication algorithm [21], or
the Harveyvan der HoevenLecerf multiplication algorithm [27].
The total number of bit operations for key generation is essentially linear in
lg n. For comparison, the usual picture is that prime generation is vastly more
expensive than any of the other steps in RSA.
One can try to further accelerate key generation using Takagis idea [52] of
choosing n as pk1 q. We point out two reasons that this is worrisome. The first
reason is lattice attacks [13]. The second reason is that any nth power modulo
n has small order, namely some divisor of (p 1)(q 1); Shors algorithm finds
the order at relatively high speed once the nth power is computed.
Encryption and decryption. There are many different RSA encryption mech-
anisms in the literature. The oldest mechanisms use RSA to directly encrypt a
users message; this requires careful padding and scrambling of the message.
Newer mechanisms generate a secret key (for example, an AES key), use the
secret key to encrypt and authenticate the users message, and use RSA to en-
crypt the secret key; this allows simpler padding, since the secret key is already
randomized. The newest mechanisms such as Shoups RSA-KEM [51] simply
use RSA to encrypt lg n bits of random data, hash the random data to obtain
a secret key, and use the secret key to encrypt and authenticate the users mes-
sage; this does not require any padding. For simplicity this paper takes the last
Generating large amounts of truly random data is expensive. Fortunately,
truly random data can be simulated by pseudorandom data produced by a
stream cipher from a much smaller key. (Even better, slight deficiencies in the
randomness of the cipher key do not compromise security.) The literature con-
tains several scalable ciphers that produce a (b)-bit block of output from a
(b)-bit key, with a conjectured 2b security level, using b2+o(1) bit operations
(and even fewer for some ciphers), i.e., b1+o(1) bit operations for each output bit.
In the context of post-quantum RSA one has b (lg lg n) so generating lg n
Post-quantum RSA 11
pseudorandom bits costs (lg n)(lg lg n)1+o(1) bit operations. The same ciphers
can also be converted into hash functions with only a constant-factor loss in
efficiency, so hashing the bits also costs (lg n)(lg lg n)1+o(1) bit operations.
Multiplication also takes (lg n)(lg lg n)1+o(1) bit operations. Squaring, reduc-
tion modulo n, multiplication, and another reduction modulo n together take
(lg n)(lg lg n)1+o(1) bit operations. The overall cost of RSA encryption is therefore
(lg n)(lg lg n)1+o(1) bit operations plus the cost of encrypting and authenticating
the users message under the resulting secret key.
Decryption is more complicated but not much slower; it works as follows.
First reduce the ciphertext modulo all of the prime divisors of n. This takes
(lg n)(lg lg n)2+o(1) bit operations using a remainder tree or a scaled remainder
tree; see, e.g., [10, Section 18]. Then compute a cube root modulo each prime.
A cube root modulo p takes (lg p)2+o(1) bit operations, so all of the cube roots
together take (lg n)(lg lg n)2+o(1) bit operations. Then reconstruct the cube root
modulo n. This takes (lg n)(lg lg n)2+o(1) bit operations using fast interpolation
techniques; see, e.g., [10, Section 23]. Finally hash the cube root. The overall
cost of RSA decryption is (lg n)(lg lg n)2+o(1) bit operations, plus the cost of
verifying and decrypting the users message under the resulting secret key.
Shamir in [47] proposed decrypting modulo just one prime, and choosing
plaintexts to be smaller than primes. However, this requires exponents to be
much larger for security, and in the context of post-quantum RSA this slows
down encryption by vastly more than it speeds up decryption. A more interest-
ing variant, which we do not explore further, is to use a significant fraction of
the primes to decrypt a plaintext having (lg n)/(lg lg n)0.5+o(1) bits; this should
reduce the total cost of encryption and decryption to (lg n)(lg lg n)1.5+o(1) bit
operations with a properly chosen exponent.
Signature generation and verification. Standard padding schemes for RSA
signatures involve the same operations discussed above, such as hashing to a
short string and using a stream cipher to expand the short string to a long
The final speeds are, unsurprisingly, (lg n)(lg lg n)2+o(1) bit operations to gen-
erate a signature and (lg n)(lg lg n)1+o(1) bit operations to verify a signature,
plus the cost of hashing the users message.
These asymptotics do not imply anything about any particular size of n. This
section looks at performance in more detail, and in particular reports successful
generation of a 1-terabyte post-quantum RSA key built from 4096-bit primes.
Prime sizes and key sizes. Before looking at performance, we explain why
these sizes (1-terabyte key, 4096-bit primes) provide ample security.
A 1-terabyte key n has 243 bits, so Shors algorithm uses 244 multiplications
modulo n. We have not found literature analyzing the cost of circuits for opti-
mized FFT-based multiplication at this scale, so we extrapolate as follows.
The recent speed records from Harveyvan der HoevenLecerf [28] for multi-
plication of degree-221 polynomials over a particularly favorable finite field, F260 ,
use 640 milliseconds on a 3.4GHz CPU core. More than half of the cycles are
performing 128-bit vector xor, and more than 10% of the cycles are performing
6464-bit polynomial multiplications, according to [28, Section 3.3], for a total
of approximately 240 bit operations to multiply 227 -bit inputs.
Imagine that the same 213 ratio scales directly from 227 -bit inputs to 243 -bit in-
puts; that integer multiplication uses as few bit operations as binary-polynomial
multiplication; that reduction modulo n does not cost anything; and that there
are no overheads for switching from bit operations to reversible qubit operations
inside a realistic quantum-computer architecture. (For comparison, the ratio in
[56] is more than 220 for 220 -bit inputs.) Each multiplication modulo n inside
Shors algorithm then uses 256 qubit operations, and overall Shors algorithm
consumes an astonishing 2100 qubit operations.
We caution the reader that this is only a preliminary estimate. A thorough
analysis would have to account for several overheads mentioned above; for the
number of Shor iterations required; for known techniques to reduce the number
of iterations; for techniques to use slightly fewer multiplications per iteration;
and for the latest improvements in integer-multiplication algorithms.
As for prime sizes: Standard pre-quantum cost analyses conclude that 4096-
bit RSA keys provide roughly 2140 security against all available algorithms. ECM
is well known to be inferior to NFS at such sizes; evidently it uses even more
than 2140 bit operations to find 2048-bit primes. ECM would be even slower
against a much larger modulus, simply because arithmetic is slower. However,
the speedup from ECM to GEECM reduces the post-quantum security level of
2048-bit primes. Rather than engaging in a detailed analysis of this loss, we move
up to 4096-bit primes, obviously putting GEECM far out of reach.
Implementation. We now discuss our implementation of post-quantum RSA.
Our main result is successful generation of a 1-terabyte exponent-3 RSA key
consisting of 4096-bit primes. We also have preliminary results for encryption
and decryption, although so far only for smaller sizes.
Our computations were performed on a heterogeneous cluster. We give a de-
scription of the machines in Appendix A. The memory-intensive portions of our
computations were carried out a single machine running Ubuntu with 24 cores
at 3.40 GHz (4 Intel Xeon E7-8893 v2 processors), 3 terabytes of DRAM, and
4.9 terabytes of swap memory built from enterprise SSDs. We will refer to this
machine as lattice0 below. We measured memory consumption and overall
Post-quantum RSA 13
Encryption Decryption
Key Size Bytes Rem. tree Cube root CRT tree
1MB 220 0.3 0.2 4.8 25.0
10MB 223.3 5 6 18 262
100MB 2 77 261 177 2851
1GB 230 654 812 1765 33586
4GB 232 3123 2318 8931 101309
8GB 233 6689 7214 17266 212215
16GB 234 18183 20420 34376 476798
32GB 235 29464 62729 62567 N/A
128GB 237 150975 N/A N/A N/A
256GB 2 362015 N/A N/A N/A
Table 4.1. Encryption and decryption timesWe measure wall clock time in
seconds on lattice0 for encryption and the three stages of decryption: reducing the
ciphertext modulo each prime factor, computing a cube root modulo each prime, and
reconstructing the plaintext modulo the product.
runtime for bignum multiplications using GNUs Multiple Precision (GMP) Li-
brary [26]. We encountered a number of software limits and bugs, which we
detail in Appendix A.
Prime generation. Generating a 1-terabyte exponent-3 RSA key requires 231
4096-bit primes that are congruent to 2 mod 3. To efficiently generate such a
large number of primes, our implementation first applies the batched smoothness
detection technique discussed in Section 3 to an input collection of random 4096-
bit numbers. We then use the Fermat congruence primality test to produce our
final set of primes. While we do not prove that each number in the final output
is prime, this test is sufficient to guarantee with high confidence that all of the
4096-bit numbers in the final output are prime. See [31] for quantitative upper
bounds on the error probability.
We found that first filtering for random numbers congruent to 5 mod 6, and
then applying batch sieving with the successive bounds y = 210 and y = 220
worked well in practice. Our heterogeneous cluster was able to generate primes
at a rate of 7501585 primes per core-hour. Generating all 231 primes took ap-
proximately 1,975,000 core-hours. In calendar time, prime generation completed
in four months running on spare compute capacity of a 1,400-core cluster.
Product tree. After we successfully generated 231 4096-bit primes, we used a
product tree to compute the 1-terabyte public RSA key. We distributed indi-
vidual multiplications across our heterogeneous cluster to reduce the wall-clock
time. We first multiplied batches of 8 million primes and wrote their products
out to disk. Each subsequent single-threaded multiplication job read two in-
tegers from disk and wrote their product back to disk. Running times varied
due to different CPU types and non-pqRSA related jobs sharing cache space.
Once the integers reached 256GB in size, we finished computing the product
14 Daniel J. Bernstein, Nadia Heninger, Paul Lou, and Luke Valenta
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18 Daniel J. Bernstein, Nadia Heninger, Paul Lou, and Luke Valenta
Level Time (s) Level Time (s) Level Time (s) Level Time (s)
1 4417.1 9 750.3 17 2121.7 25 4482.4
2 4039.3 10 1035.7 18 2188.4 26 5548.5
3 312.9 11 918.1 19 2392.1 27 9019.0
4 2709.8 12 1078.5 20 2463.8 28 16453.6
5 446.5 13 1180.3 21 2485.0 29 32835.6
6 1003.4 14 1291.4 22 2533.5 30 69089.7
7 647.7 15 1402.2 23 2632.7 31 123100.4
8 998.7 16 1503.6 24 3078.2
Table A.1. Time per product-tree level in key generationWe record the time
for each product-tree level in a 1-terabyte key generation using lattice0. Level 1 takes
1,953,125,000 4096-bit numbers as input, and produces 976,562,500 8192-bit numbers
as output. Level 31 takes two 500GB numbers and multiplies them to create the final
1TB output.
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Extending GMPs integer capacity. The GMP library uses hard-coded 32-
bit integers to represent sizes in multiple locations in the library. Without any
modifications, GMP supports 237 -bit integers on 64-bit machines [25]. To rep-
resent large values, we extended GMPs capacity from 32-bit integers to 64-bit
integers by changing the data typing in GMPs integer structure, mpz. Namely,
we changed mpz size and mpz alloc from int types to int64 t types. To ac-
commodate increased memory usage, we increased the bound for GMPs memory
allocation for the mpz struct in realloc.c to LLONG MAX. The final modifications
we made were to create binary-format I/O functions for 64-bit mpzs, namely in
mpz inp out.c and mpz out raw.c.
Impact of swapping. We initially evaluated the performance of our product-
tree implementation by generating a dummy key, a terabyte product of ran-
dom 4096-bit integers. During this product computation, we counted instructions
Post-quantum RSA 19
per CPU cycle (IPCs) with the command perf stat -e instructions,cycles
-a sleep 1 to measure the lost performance caused by swapping. When no
swapping occurred, the machine had about 2 instructions per cycle, but upon
swapping, the instructions per cycles dropped as low as 0.37 instructions per
cycle and held around 0.5 to 1.2 instructions per cycle.
GMP memory consumption. GMPs memory consumption is another con-
cern. High RAM and swap usage at higher levels in the product tree are at-
tributed to GMPs FFT implementation. According to GMPs developers, their
FFT implementation consumes about 8n bytes of temporary memory space for
an nn product where n is the byte size of the factors [57]. This massive consump-
tion of memory also triggered a known race condition in the Linux kernel [2]. The
bug was found in the huge memory.c code. There are numerous bug reports for
variants of the same bug on various mainline Linux systems throughout the past
six years. Disabling transparent huge pages avoided the transparent hugepage
code in the kernel.
Measurements for 1-terabyte key product tree. In Table A.1, we show
the wall-clock time for each level of computing a 1-terabyte product tree. Levels
far down in the product tree are easily parallelized. We carried out the entire
computation on lattice0 using 48 threads. The computation used a peak of
3.16TB of RAM and 2.22TB of swap memory, and completed in 356,709 seconds,
or approximately 4 days, in wall-clock time.
Heterogeneous cluster description. See Table A.2.
The idea of using RSA with more than two primes is most commonly credited
to Collins, Hopkins, Langford, and Sabin, who received patent 5848159 in 1998
for RSA with several primes:
The invention, allowing 4 primes each about 150 digits long to obtain
a 600 digit n, instead of two primes about 350 [sic] digits long, results
in a marked improvement in computer performance. For, not only are
20 Daniel J. Bernstein, Nadia Heninger, Paul Lou, and Luke Valenta
primes that are 150 digits in size easier to find and verify than ones on
the order of 350 digits, but by applying techniques the inventors derive
from the Chinese Remainder Theorem (CRT), public key cryptography
calculations for encryption and decryption are completed much faster
even if performed serially on a single processor system.
However, the same idea had already appeared in the original RSA patent in
In any event, both of these patents have now expired, so they will not interfere
with the deployment of post-quantum RSA.