Savage Worlds - Wonderland No More

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Kevin L. Anderson, Lansing D. Tryon & Jordan Peacock

Setting Guide
A Reference for Visitors to a Wonderland Gone Wrong
Mr. Kevin L. Anderson,
Mr. Lansing D. Tryon, & Mr. Jordan Peacock
Graphic Design by Mr. Jordan Peacock & Mr. Robin Elliott
Typesetting by Mr. Jordan Peacock
Illustrations by Sir John Tenniel (courtesy of the public domain), Mr. Jordan Peacock,
Ms. Kelli Corey, & Mr. Conrad Wong
Playtested by Mr. David Blewer, Mr. John Boulton, Mrs. Kiri Breese-Garelick, Mr. Robert Harding,
Mrs. Kim Mack, Mrs. Wendy Peacock, Mr. R. J. Ritchie, Mr. Simon Scott, Mr. Martin Skiggs, Mr. Dean Smith,
Mr. Christopher Stadler, Mrs. Jessica Tryon, Mr. Nick Tryon, Mr. Dan Tunbridge, Mr. Scott Venable,
Mr. Steve Wilson, & Mr. John Zielinsky
Special Thanks to Mr. David Blewer & Mr. Matthew Pook
Inspired by the works of Mr. Lewis Carroll

w w w. t r i p l e ac e ga m e s . c o m
2011 Triple Ace Games. Wonderland No More and all related marks and logos are trademarks of Triple Ace Games.
Savage Worlds, Smiling Jack, and all related marks and logos are trademarks of Pinnacle Entertainment Group. All rights reserved.
Used with permission.

Produced under license by Cubicle 7 Ltd. The Cubicle 7 logo is a trademark of Cubicle 7 Ltd. 2011. All Rights Reserved.

This game references the Savage Worlds game system, available from Pinnacle Entertainment Group at Savage Worlds
and all associated logos and trademarks are copyrights of Pinnacle Entertainment Group. Used with permission. Pinnacle makes no
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Wonderland No More

Table of Contents

Players Guide . . . . . . . . . . 1
Introduction to Wonderland . . . . 1
Characters . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5
Gear & Goods . . . . . . . . . . . 23
Magic & Miracles . . . . . . . . . . 31
People & Places . . . . . . . . . . 45
Sample Heroes . . . . . . . . . . . 51
Game Masters Guide . . . . . . 53
What Has Gone Before . . . . . . 55
The Science of Wonderland . . . . 59
More About People & Places . . . . 67
Treasure . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 83
Adventures . . . . . . . . . . . . . 89
The Victoria Campaign . . . . . . 97
Savage Tales . . . . . . . . . . . 131
Personalities . . . . . . . . . . . 155
Bestiary . . . . . . . . . . . . . .161
Appendix . . . . . . . . . . . . . 181
Index . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 185

Wonderland No More

Players Guide
Introduction to
Wonderland has always existed, of course! sized. After making her way to shore, Alice takes part in a
If it hadnt, how could you be? strange running race to get dry, along with many animals
also caught in the pool. Once dry, Alice manages to
Some believe lies: that Wonderland only came into
offend all the creatures by talking about her pet, Dinah,
existence when the girl Alice entered it. However, be it
and the cats ability to catch birds and mice.
created or eternal, Wonderland does exist, and people
live and thrive there. Alice travels alone into the woods around the pool of
tears, where the White Rabbit mistakes her for his maid
and sends her off on some errands. While in the rabbits
house, Alice drinks another potion and becomes too
The Alice Diaries large to leave. Various attempts are made by the White
Rabbit and his employees to extract her, culminating in
Alices adventures in Wonderland did happen. There. them hurling cakes into the house. Alice eats the cakes,
Weve said it. Its all true, and the books that exist in the which make her small again.
Real World are edited highlights of her diaries of those
journeys. For those who have not (yet) read the books, a Alice flees into the woods where she encounters a
brief prcis is given below. The texts of the books are also giant puppy (which she distracts with a stick), and then
freely available on the Internet: a caterpillar on a mushroom, smoking a hookah. He
relates that the two sides of his mushroom can make
Alice grow larger and smaller, as she wishes. The first
Alices Adventures in Wonderland: time Alice eats the mushroom, it stretches her body out tremendously. Hilarity ensues when she meets a pigeon,
who is convinced that Alice is a serpent.
Continuing her journey (upon reaching a more
Through the Looking Glass and What Alice manageable size), Alice finds a manor house in a clearing,
Found There: staffed by anthropomorphic animal servants. Inside are the Duchess, her baby, and her cook. The Duchess is
nursing her baby very badly while the Cook is hurling
objects and pepper at both. Concerned about the babys
Alice in Wonderland wellbeing, Alice departs, taking the baby with her, but
the child turns into a pig and trots off into the woods.
Oh, Ive had such a curious dream! Alice next meets the Cheshire Cat (a feline who can fade
from view), who helps her to find her way through the
While sitting with her sister on a riverbank, seven-
woods, and warns her of madness.
year-old Alice spies a white rabbit with a pocket watch.
Intrigued, she follows the rabbit into a tunnel and Alice comes upon the March Hares house, where she
tumbles down a rabbit hole. She lands in a long hallway joins a tea party with the March Hare, the Hatter, and
full of doors. A key on a glass table unlocks a door far too the Dormouse. Ever since Time stopped working for
small for Alice to pass through, though she longs to enter the Hatter, it has always been six oclock and teatime.
the beautiful garden beyond. As Alice tries to enter the The participants in the tea party are argumentative and
garden, she experiments with many things that cause her rude, so Alice leaves them. She finds a tree with a door
to change size, but she never reaches the garden. Either in it, leading back to the door-lined hallway from the
she is small enough but does not have the key, or vice beginning of her adventures.
versa, and eventually she breaks down and cries. Back in the hallway, Alice (this time successfully) enters
Her experiments are cut short when she tumbles into the beautiful garden that she saw earlierthe garden of
a pool of water caused by the tears she cried while giant- the Queen of Hearts. Alice finds three gardeners (with

Wonderland No MorePlayers Guide
bodies shaped like playing cards) who are painting the
white roses red to cover up their mistake. The Queen
herself soon arrives, and she orders their execution; Alice
saves the gardeners by hiding them in a large flowerpot.
A Controversy of Scale
The Queen invites Alice to play croquet, using
flamingos as mallets and hedgehogs as balls. The game
is interrupted by the appearance of the Cheshire Cat,
whom the King of Hearts immediately dislikes and
orders beheaded. While the King and the Executioner
argue over the execution, the Queen takes Alice to the
Gryphon. The Gryphon in turn takes Alice to the Mock
Turtle, who shares bizarre stories about their school days
beneath the sea. The Mock Turtle waxes melancholic
about turtle soup, and soon afterward, the Gryphon
escorts Alice away to see the trial of the Knave of Hearts.
The Knaves trial is a farce. As Alice is appalled by the
ridiculous proceedings, she grows larger and larger for
unknown reasons. When she is surprisingly called to the
witness stand, Alice has grown to giant size. She refuses
to be intimidated by the insane logic of the court and the
bluster of the King and Queen of Hearts. Abruptly, the
cards all rise up and attack her, at which point she wakes
up. Her adventures in Wonderland have apparently all
been a fantastic dream.

The astute reader of Alices Adventures

Through the Looking Glass and in Wonderland may observe that, in light
of Alices dramatic changes in size in
What Alice Found There between her encounters with Wonderlands
inhabitants, many of them would have great
You woke me out ofoh!such a nice dream! trouble interacting with each otheryet
Alice is pondering to her kittens what the world is now Cards, Chessmen, Animals, Plants, and
like on the other side of a looking glass, when, to her Humans alike are more-or-less the same size
surprise, she passes through the mirror into Wonderland. (and Tweedle are only a little bigger). The
Alice finds a book of poetryJabberwockywhich she Pool of Tears is a lake rather than a small
can only read by holding it up to a mirror. puddle in a corner of the Hall of Doors, and
the Queens Gardens are far from tiny.
Alice enters a garden grown as an unsolvable maze,
where she meets some flowers that not only speak, If anything has changed, it has gone
but they mistake her for a flower as well. Further on in largely unnoticed by the average inhabitants
the maze, Alice encounters the Red Queen, who offers of Wonderland. To them, thats just the way
Alice a throne if she just moves to the eighth rank in things are.
a chess match. Alice begins play as the White Queens
Pawn, and her first move is by train to the fourth rank,
since pawns in chess may move two spaces on the first
move. Whilst on the train, she meets several bizarre
people, including a man clad in paper, a goat, and a
take a short trip on a river before Alice is drawn to an
melancholy gnat. Abruptly finding herself off the train,
egg in the shop.
Alice converses with the Gnat about Wonderland insects
before continuing her journey. The egg proves to be Humpty Dumpty, who explains
to Alice some of the meaning of the poem, Jabberwocky,
In a wood Alice meets the twin fat schoolboys,
before he inevitably falls from the wall. Hordes of armed
Tweedledum and Tweedledee, from the famous nursery
and mounted men rush past Alice as the White King
rhyme. After reciting to her the long poem, The Walrus
sends all his horses and men to aid the fallen egg.
and the Carpenter (in which a large number of oysters
are lured to their doom), the twins have an argument Moving past the army, Alice meets the White King and
and begin to fight. Alice continues on to meet the White his two messengers, who look distinctly like the Hatter
Queen, who is very absent-minded (and later transforms and March Hare, but go by Anglo-Saxon names. The
into a sheep shopkeeper). The shopkeeper and Alice White King leads Alice to his city where they encounter

Introduction to Wonderland
the Lion and the Unicorn, who proceed to act out the dead, slain in a traitorous attack by Rosewood. Others
nursery rhyme in which they appear. tell that the sleeping Red King had been taken to a place
Alice flees from the drums that play to drive the Lion of safety, where Whitefield assassins cannot reach him.
and the Unicorn from the town, but is captured by the The Red Queen seized her chance, rallied the
Red Knight and subsequently rescued by the White defeated forces of Rosewood, and attacked Whitefield.
Knight, who leads her to the final rank. Upon reaching Taken by surprise, the White forces had no time to react,
this eighth rank, Alice becomes a queen and joins the and under the inept leadership of the White Queen soon
White and Red Queens at a banquet in her honor. fell to the attack. Technically, the two houses are now
After an argument with the Red Queen, Alice awakens at peace, with the House of Rosewood in supremacy.
from her dream (if it was a dream), and blames her black However, hostilities continue (albeit there is little direct
kitten for the mischief caused by the story. combat), with both sides using terrorism and guerrilla
No one can make much sense of what is occurring or
why, and so the scene is set for some new heroes to make
After Alice Left Wonderland their mark on Wonderland.
The books recording
Alices adventures do not tell
the whole tale, and who can
blame them? They record only Geography of
the highlights of her journeys,
glossing over the minor events Wonderland
and seemingly inconsequential Its something
conversations she had with the very like learning
less-interesting people of the geography, thought
land. However, Alices tales Alice, as she stood
of her world inspired these on tiptoe in hopes of
less important denizens of being able to see a
Wonderland, leading to great little further.
leaps in technology, society,
and almost every other aspect Wonderland is split
of life. Three cities sprang up, roughly in half by the vast,
named after the three Victorian impassable north-south
virtues of Faith, Hope, and Mountains of Division.
Charity, and they are ruled by The Western half is called
the Red Queen, the Queen of the Monarchy of Hearts,
Hearts, and the White King, while the Eastern is
respectively. known as the Looking-
glass Lands.
Alices visits set in motion
a chain of events that would The Mountains of
render the realms she visited Division extend quite
darker and more dangerous some distance into the
places, the wonder replaced by sea, and south almost as
worry and fearWonderland far as the edge of the land.
No More. The Hills of Gloom to the
south of the Mountains are
very heavily wooded, and
are well-named. These hills mark the southern boundary
Dark Times of Wonderland, and any who venture too far south find
The King of Hearts withdrew from public life. The themselves somehow turned about. Thick forests mark
Queen of Hearts became even more heartless, and her the eastern and western edges of Wonderland. Here
realm became a darker place. Soldier Cards patrolled the too, anyone venturing too far into these forests will be
roads and visited towns to tax the people. Beheadings somehow turned back to Wonderland.
were ordered and, unlike in more peaceful times, were The Monarchy of Hearts is predominantly wooded,
actually carried out. with settlements, farmland, and manor houses existing
The Kings of both the Houses of Rosewood (the like islands within a sea of trees. In contrast, streams and
Red Chessmen) and Whitefield (the White Chessmen) brooks divide the vast hills and plains of the Looking-
disappeared. Rumors suggested that the White King was glass Lands into a chessboard pattern, dotted here and

Wonderland No MorePlayers Guide
there with settlements, farms, and copses. Many of these The varied people of the Monarchy of Hearts are
have been ruined by the years of warfare between the predominantly anthropomorphic Animals, Cards, and
two Chessman houses. Humans, with a smattering of anthropomorphic Plants
The only commonly traveled route between the two and Tweedle, with the occasional Chessman. Villages
realms is through the Hills of Gloom. This journey is tend to be made up of only a single race each, while the
fraught with danger, as the hills are home to some of the larger towns and the city of Hope sport a mixture drawn
more ferocious of Wonderlands creatures. Both realms from the surrounding communities.
grudgingly cooperate to ensure safe passage through the The Monarchy of Hearts is technologically and socially
hills along a winding trail known as the Guarded Way. reminiscent of Great Britain in the late Victorian period
Guard posts mark the way at frequent intervals, and the (circa 1860 to 1890), having been influenced by Alices
beacon fires burning atop them can be seen for miles Real-world knowledge and experiencesand perhaps
around. by other, later visitors as well.
It is possible to travel from one realm to the other via
the Endless Sea, but such a trip involves a long detour
around the Mountains of Division and is generally viewed
as not worth the effort.

The Looking-glass Lands

The eastern realm is effectively ruled over by the Red
Queen (a Chessman) who, like the Queen of Hearts in
the west, is unchallenged in her rule. The Red Queens
spouse (the nominal monarch, the Red King) has been
asleep and dreaming as long as any can remember, so
there is no one to temper her tyrannical behavior.
The realms main city is named Faith and it is from
here the Red Queen rules, bolstered by the victorious
House of Rosewood (the Red Chessmen). A second
city, Charity, lies in what is essentially an enclave of the
defeated House of Whitefield (the White Chessmen).
The Monarchy of Hearts Other towns and villages are scattered throughout the
realm and, like their counterparts in the west, their
The Queen of Hearts rules the Monarchy alongside inhabitants live a primarily agrarian life.
her husband. However, he has rarely been seen since
Alice left. For all intents and purposes, the realm is a The people of the Looking-glass Lands are
dictatorship. predominantly Chessmen. There is quite a large
population of Humans, Animals, Tweedle, and Plants,
The western realm has only one major cityHope with only a very few Cards. Again, villages tend to be
though many other small towns and villages lie scattered single-race, while the towns have more of a mixture.
throughout the woods. The most famous of these is
the Village of Animals, where the White Rabbit (who The Looking-glass Lands are technologically and
first led Alice to Wonderland) lives. The smaller villages socially reminiscent of medieval Great Britainnot
have cleared the surrounding woods and farm the land, necessarily the reality of that period (especially given
producing crops and raising such beasts as cows, sheep, the occasional Victorian-era house to be found), but
and pigs. Excess foodstuffs are taken to the larger villages the idealized once upon a time image painted by the
and towns to be sold or bartered. Victorian people.

Who are YOU? said the Caterpillar. villagers. At such times, someone is needed to drive the
beasts back to where they belong.
Making heroes for Wonderland No More is as easy as
creating characters for any Savage Worlds game. Perhaps Itinerant Alician Preacher: Those who revere Alice as
the hardest part is figuring out what kind of character to a goddess are rare and normally avoided by others
play. Once you do that, actually filling out your character until their miraculous powers are of use.
sheet is fairly simple. Several common character
Outlaw: Where there are those willing
types inhabiting the world known as
to work hard to better themselves,
Wonderland are listed below.
there will always be others who wish
Bounty Hunter: Since the Queen to rob, steal, or cheat their way
of Hearts began taxing her to an easy life. Most outlaws are
subjects, jobs abound for those just that: people willing to use
who want to hunt their kin for violence and death as a means
money. Tax evaders disappear to gain wealth. However, a few
or become outlaws, and need break this mold and fight only
to be tracked down. against the powers that rule their
realm, seeking a better lot for all.
Common Folk: From small
acorns mighty oaks grow, so Peddler: Most folk stay in their
says an old proverb, and it is own village or town to sell their
nowhere truer than with the wares, but some like to wander
common folk of Wonderland. By the land seeking new customers
circumstance or happenstance, for their creations.
many a common villager has
been thrust upon the path of Questing Knight: The Knights
adventure. of the Looking-glass Lands often
seek fame by questing for noble
Explorer: These folk are no deeds to perform: rescuing
longer content to stay in their maidens, slaying foul beasts, or
known and safe area, following vice versathat sort of thing.
the urge to wander and see what
is over the horizon. Raconteur: An expert in the
telling of tales and singing of
Guard: There is always a use for a songs and rhymes. The skilled raconteur is
guard, including warding the royal presence, ensuring welcome in most domiciles, be they cottages or castles.
that a tax collector remains unmolested, or fighting a
war with a rival. Royal Flunky: Royalty always needs good men (and
not-so-good men) for a vast array of tasks. Collecting
Gourmancer: A few of those who study the culinary art taxes, investigating wrongdoings, and presiding over
of preparing magical dishes choose to travel the realms courts are but a few.
to sell their recipes to those who have immediate
use for them, to cure an ill or right a wrong. These Soldier: Soldiers are limited to Cards (the Queen of
wandering Gourmancers often stumble into adventure Hearts) or Chessmen (the Red or White Queen). They
whether they seek it out or not. are normally tough and well-trained in the military arts,
ready to defend their monarch. However some become
Haberdasher: Sometimes people ask for the strangest disillusioned and leave the pay of their employers.
things on their hats! Whilst seeking the perfect jubjub
feather, other adventures may intervene. Village Merchant (retired): The village representative
who takes its excess produce to the larger villages and
Hunter: Sometimes the wilder creatures such as the towns to barter them for other items the village needs.
fearsome jabberkin or bandersnatch prey upon the Such people often develop an urge to travel on their
own after a few years and give up their role and village.

Wonderland No MorePlayers Guide
Making Characters have 5 points to distribute among them as you choose.
Raising an attribute a die type costs one point, up to a
Once youve figured out what youre going for, its maximum of d12. The huge Tweedle are an exception to
time to figure out your characters statistics. Youll find this, as they may raise Strength to a maximum of d12+2
a character sheet designed specifically for this setting in if desired.
the back of this book.

You also have 15 points with which to buy skills.
Raising a skill by a die type costs one point as long as its
no higher than the attribute its linked to. It costs 2 points
per die type to raise a skill over its linked attribute.
The following skills are available in Wonderland No

Boating (Agility) Persuasion (Spirit)

Belief (Spirit) Repair (Smarts)
Climbing (Strength) Riding (Agility)
Cooking (Smarts) Shooting (Agility)
Fighting (Agility) Sorcery (Smarts)
Gambling (Smarts) Stealth (Agility)
Haberdashery (Smarts) Streetwise (Smarts)
Healing (Smarts) Survival (Smarts)
Intimidation (Spirit) Swimming (Strength)
Knowledge (Smarts) Taunt (Smarts)
Lockpicking (Agility) Throwing (Agility)
Notice (Smarts) Tracking (Smarts)

1) Race Notes on Skills

First choose a race. The player character races of Wonderland may be a dark and dangerous place at
Wonderland, a brief description of their history, their times, but it is not generally a place of horror. As such,
benefits, and the rules for playing them are all presented the Guts skill has been removed; when required, Spirit
on the pages following this section. Read through these rolls should be made instead.
and choose a race first.
A player could potentially pick a character race not
represented here; after all, Alice conversed with a talking
Arcane Skills
egg, and was introduced to a leg of mutton. With the The following skills are used by Arcane Backgrounds
GMs permission, pick the closest match. When in doubt, unique to Wonderland.
just go with the Human package, and pick Edges and Belief is used for casting miracles. For full details
Hindrances to best fit the ideaitll be close enough for see page 38.
Wonderlands twisted take on reality. Cooking is used to make Magic Foodstuffs that
have magical properties when eaten. It also comes
in handy for cooking especially tasty but non-
2) Traits magical meals. For full details see page 31.
Now its time to figure your heros attributes and Haberdashery is used for making hats, and for
skills. conjuring magical effects with them. For full
details see page 35.
Sorcery is the skill for the rare art performed
Attributes by Witch Queens, be they Card, Chessman, or
Unless a racial description says otherwise, your otherwise. For full details see page 36.
character starts with a d4 in each of his five attributes:
Agility, Smarts, Spirit, Strength, and Vigor. You then

Knowledge Skills For two Hindrance points you can:

These three Knowledge skills are particularly worthy Raise an attribute one die type.
of note: Choose an Edge.
Knowledge (Battle) is used for large battles; all For one Hindrance point you can:
Chessmen start off with this area of knowledge.
Gain another skill point.
Knowledge (Magic Foodstuffs) is the skill used to find
Gain an additional 5.
naturally-occurring foods that bestow magical powers
when eaten. For full details see page 31.
Knowledge (Wonderland) represents your heros
knowledge of Wonderland. This skill is only relevant if
4) Gear
your hero is from the Real World and visits Wonderland A hero starts with the clothes on his back and 5 pounds
in his dreams or via the portals. All such heroes possess (). Youll want to spend some of that now on armor,
this skill at d4; it may not be increased beyond d6 weapons, and whatever other equipment you might
during character creation. A hero native to Wonderland need. See Gear & Goods, starting on p. 23. Dont worry
uses Common Knowledge instead. about the availability rules; whether its common or rare,
if its listed, you can buy it for a starting character.

5) Background
Finish up by filling out your heros background. Your
GM will inform you as to whether you hail from the Real
World or Wonderland. If from the Real World, your hero
has journeyed in Wonderland for brief times and has
some knowledge of Wonderland, but she also has a real
life in the waking world.
Think a bit about your heros real life, what her job
is, who her friends are, where she lives, and what she
Languages likes and dislikes. Conversely, if you are playing a native
The peoples of Wonderland speak many languages of Wonderland, where is he from? What does he like?
from the Real World, but the predominant one is Where does he live?
Victorian-era British English. A name is also important, of course. This being
Wonderland, anything is fair game. Any name that could
have been commonly found in Victorian England is in
Secondary Statistics frequent use for most
Charisma is a measure of how much races, as evidenced by
your hero is liked, and is added to Pat the Gardener, Bill the
Persuasion and Streetwise rolls. Your Lizard, Mary Ann, Father
Charisma modifier is +0 unless changed William, and others.
by Edges or Hindrances. Some characters are
Pace is equal to 6. known only by their
profession or title, or
Parry is equal to 2 plus half your even just a matter-of-fact
Fighting. description of what they
Toughness is equal to 2 plus half your are.
Vigor. Chessmen usually opt
for names that reflect their
house color (e.g., Princess
3) Special Abilities Lily of Whitefield). Cards
might go for names that
Now decide if you want any Hindrances. reflect their rank and
If so, you may now use the points from suit. Tweedle characters,
them to gain one of the benefits below. of course, can just put
You may take one Major Hindrance Tweedle in front of most
(worth two points) and up to two Minor anything.
Hindrances (worth one point each).

Wonderland No MorePlayers Guide
Animals specific types thereof. They tend to congregate in small
villages where many species of Animal live together.

Insects as Animals
Wonderland Insects are a type of Animal and are
treated in much the same way. Despite having more than
four limbs, all Insects are treated as having two arms
with the rest of their limbs as legs. Additional legs do not
increase the Insects Pace unless the Fleet-Footed Edge is
taken to represent this.

The Red Queen shook her head, `You may

call it nonsense if you like, she said,
`but Ive heard nonsense, compared with
which that would be as sensible as a
There are no particular terms in
Wonderland to distinguish between Animals
In Wonderland, there are beasts and Animals.
and beasts; this serves to illustrate the
Animals are creatures with the appearance and features
presence of logical blind spots from which
of Real-world animals (and sometimes not-so-real ones)
Wonderlanders suffer now and again.
with paws, hooves, wings, fins, or whatever. Despite
They accept their own world as normal,
this, somehow theyre able to wear white gloves, wear
no matter how nonsensical and internally
(and button up) waistcoats, count on fingers, grasp and
inconsistent it seems compared to the Real
manipulate objects, and generally do a great many things
World; after all, they dont have the Real
that Real-world animals physically couldnt do even if
World to compare it to. This is the only life
they had a mind to.
and the only reality they know of.
For example, a Rabbit can pass for an ordinary Real-
The vague distinction between talking
world rabbit ... but he can also wear a three-piece suit,
Animals and beasts may from time to time
monocle, and top hat just fine, and he can operate a
lead to frustrating argumentssay, as a Card
shotgun or play the organ just as well as anyone. Beasts
Sergeant is trying desperately to explain to
on the other hand are more-or-less true animals (in the
his men why trapping a bunch of little white
Real-world sense), possessing no more intelligence than
bunnies doesnt help in the capture of the
their Real-world counterpartsthough they may be
White Rabbit.
found in larger-than-normal sizes, or with grotesque,
caricatured proportions and strange combinations of Hes bigger, of course (but what if he
features. nibbled on a mushroom that made him
shrink?), or hes wearing a jacket (but what
Wonderland Animals are not shape-shifters, were-
if he changes his clothes?), or he talks (but
creatures, or any such thing. This is merely another
what if he chooses to be silent?). Ultimately,
consequence of Wonderlands dream-like storybook
the Sergeant knows theres a difference, but
reality. The best advice for Real-world visitors is, dont
hes utterly incapable of articulating it.
pay too much attention to just how they do these things,
and dont over-think it. Some particularly simpleton
Wonderlanders even have trouble with
However, the difference between beasts and
the concept of separating a white rabbit
Animals is not a distinction in use by people who live
from the White Rabbit. Terms such as
in Wonderland; it is more a convenience for the players
anthropomorphic rabbitlet alone
and GM, so that they dont have to refer to the likes of
something as scientific-sounding as lagus
White Rabbit or Bill the Lizard by such cumbersome
sapiensdont exist in his vocabulary. It
labels as anthropomorphic animals. Creatures such
just cant be done.
as giant puppies, slithy toves, and the flamingos and
hedgehogs used on the Royal Croquet Grounds are all
merely beasts.
On the whole, Animals prefer the company of their
own kind: that is to say, other Animals, rather than


Animal Racial Edges

Edge Effect Animals
Agile Agility starts at d6 Cat, Weasel
Aquatic Gain Swimming at d6; can swim at a Pace equal to Swimming skill; Fish
Alertness As the Savage Worlds Edge Dog
Charismatic As the Savage Worlds Edge Songbird
Cunning Smarts starts at d6 Fox
Draft Size +1 (+1 to Toughness and 2x Load Limit) Donkey, Horse
First Strike As the Savage Worlds Edge Snake
Fleet-Footed As the Savage Worlds Edge Horse, Rabbit
Flight Arms are wings giving a Flying Pace of 6 with a climb of 3 per turn; the Bat, Bird, Fly
wings are not powerful enough to carry another person
Leap Can leap up to normal Pace horizontally and half that distance vertically; Frog, Toad
if running, half of Running die can be added to leaping distance
Night Vision, Sonar Ignore dim light and darkness penalties, and gain a d4 in Notice Bat, Owl
Sweep As the Savage Worlds Edge Lion
Shell, Carapace, Armor +2 Crab, Tortoise,
Blubber Walrus
Strength Strength starts at d6 Badger, Bear
Wall Walker Can walk on walls and ceilings at normal Pace. Ant, Fly

Racial Edges & Hindrances Reach 1 (for long arms or a Frogs tongue) or
+1 on Climbing rolls (with claws).
Animal Edge: All Animals have one Edge suited to
their specific type as shown in the Racial Edges list. If Quirk: All Animals should have a quirk
an Animal type isnt listed, pick the one thats derived from their animal type or personality.
the closest fit; otherwise, discuss with your GM For example, a Dormouse may have a tendency to
what Edge (from this list or elsewhere) would fall asleep, or a Rabbit may be obsessed with time.
work best. When creating an Animal hero, take
Several of these Edges are from the care to describe the hero and take
Savage Worlds rule bookthese additional Edges and Hindrances
act exactly the same except that to fill out the description.
Animals do not need to meet the A few suggested Edges:
prerequisites normally associated Alertness, Brawny, Danger
with them if taken at character Sense, Level Headed, and
creation. Additional Animal Edges Tough as Nails.
may be taken as character options
in exchange for Hindrance A few suggested
points. Hindrances: Bad Eyes,
Bloodthirsty (for carnivores),
Example: A Songbird with the Clueless, Habit (Minor, such
Small Hindrance (Major) starts as washing with his tongue),
with Charismatic and Flight as Illiterate, and Stubborn.
Animal Edges.
Natural Weaponry: Whether
it is a beak, claw, bite, kick, or Small or Tiny
head-butt, all Animals have As an option during
natural attacks which together character creation, to get an
inflict Strength+d6 damage. extra 2 Hindrance points, an
Alternatively, the weaponry can Animal may be Small or Tiny. This does
inflict Str+d4 damage, but give not count against the limit of Major or Minor
an additional bonus such as Hindrances.

Wonderland No MorePlayers Guide
Cards Rank
Cards are living playing cards, averaging some four Card player heroes have a rank of 5, 6, or 7 if no special
feet tall. All cards of an extended pack have identical Edges are taken. Cards with the Poverty Hindrance may
designs upon their backs, while their front sides bear be a 2, 3, or 4. Cards with the Rich Edge may be an 8, 9,
symbols appropriate to their suit and rank. or 10.
Originally, there was but one pack, led by the King Cards with the Noble Edge may be a Face
and Queen of Hearts. After a certain debacle with (Court) Card, but even then, the hero is
a Human girl, the Knave of Hearts, and a Court of only a Knave (Jack), Queen, or King.
Law, some Cards decided to set forth to discover Queens and Kings of varied suits
their own destinies. have titles such as Baron/Baroness,
or sometimes loftier ones such as
Since that time other packs have been discovered,
Duke/Duchess or Count/Countess.
some of lesser number and some more. There are
Ultimately the distinction is
even rumors of a pack of Cards whose anterior
superficial, as the Queen of Hearts
markings bear similarities to such things as cups
holds all the real power.
and swords!
A Queen or King of Hearts may
go by the title of Princess or Prince,
On Flatness but there are more than a few heirs
in line, so dont expect any special
As with Animals, certain details about Cards treatment from Her Majesty.
defy logic. In storybook fashion, when it fits the
Knaves are technically servants
situation, Cards have the properties of playing
of the Crown, and often named
cards. For instance, they can slip through gaps
Jack (or Jill in the case of a female Knave). They
under doors or between bars with their gear with a
occasionally hold titles befitting governmental stations,
successful Agility test (though theres a risk of mishap
such as Chancellor, Sheriff, or Magistrate. Once again,
upon failure). Secured areas, such as the Queens
the Queen holds the real power, finding guilt and making
dungeon, defend against such an easy means of entry or
decrees as she pleases, so these positions are as likely as
escape, but it can still come in handy.
not to be merely ceremonial.
At the same time, they eat and drink food and
Aces are not available as player Cards.
beverages (Magic Foodstuffs included) and dont get any
thicker (or soggy) from doing so. They bleed and heal
just like other living creatures. Card women can change
their hair styles and clothes (as the nobility frequently Racial Edges & Hindrances
do, to keep up with fashion), and if viewed from straight Edge-facing: As a free action, a Card may turn edgewise
ahead could be mistaken for Human. to an observer to be harder to spot or hit at range. An
edgewise enemy has a 2 penalty to spot a Card, and
to ranged attack rolls against him. When faced with
Class a number of potential attackers, the Card must pick
one enemy against which to apply the penalty; anyone
Card society is heavily influenced by notions of caste, else can see more of the Card simply by being a step
organized strictly by suit and rank. Even for Cards who or more to one side or the other, thus negating the
choose not to serve the royal families, suit has an impact penalty.
on ones aptitude, and rank is closely tied to status.
Flammable: A dry Card, if hit by a fire-based attack, has
Any clothing or armor worn by a Card will bear the
at least a 50% chance to catch fire.
appropriate symbols to indicate suit and rank. For most
Cards, this is second nature, as they would never even Flat ... Sort Of: Cards can exploit card-like flatness
consider lying about their rank, and would see those when it fits the situation, but still do most anything a
who did as heinous criminals. truly three-dimensional character could.

Clubs are the guards and soldiers. Luck of the Draw: If a Cards player draws a card
with his own rank and suit for initiative, it is treated as
Diamonds are the scholars and academics. though it were a Joker.

Hearts are the courtiers. Soggy When Wet: Cards get soggy if introduced to
large amounts of water (such as would be required to
Spades are the craftsmen and laborers. put out a fire, or when swimming); soggy Cards suffer
a 2 penalty to Toughness, and take an hour under
normal conditions to dry off.

Chessmen For more details on Accords that affect individual
Chessman behavior, see the following page.
Chessmen are a race of giant anthropomorphic chess
playing pieces. They are wooden constructs averaging
five feet in height with vaguely human features in what
are otherwise traditional chess piece shapes. Chessmen
Racial Edges & Hindrances
are either colored red or white, and this division splits Buoyant: Being made of wood helps a Chessman to
the race as a whole. float, granting a free d6 in Swimming.

Chessmen originally hail from the Looking-glass Small: Pawns are only about 4 feet tall. Their small size
Lands, where they were locked into a caste system and subtracts 1 from their Toughness.
endless war. Alices visitin particular the time she Tactical: All Chessmen receive a d6 in Knowledge
spent with the White Knightwas a revelation to the (Battle) for free.
Chessmen, prompting them to realize there was more to
their world than their battlefields. Wooden: Chessmen are all made from animated wood
and so gain the following Edges and Hindrances:
Chessmen are the most militant of the Wonderland
races, as their whole past has been one long conflict. Chessmen have no vital organs; thus, called shots
Hatred between the two houses of Whitefield (White) and cause no extra damage.
Rosewood (Red) runs deep, and it takes an exceptional Chessmen are very resilient, gaining +2 when
Chessman to rise above this ancestral trait. attempting to recover from being Shaken.
Chessmen have a rigid and flourishing caste system Normal healing does not work on them. The
not unlike that of the Cards, though a lower-caste Repair skill is used in place of Healing for all
member of the society may rise above her station and appropriate rolls. In addition, magical forms
become a higher-caste member. Such a transition is called of healing suffer a 2 modifier when used on
reaching the Eighth Square and can occur only once in Chessmen. (The mending and greater mending
a Chessmans lifetime. Each Chessman begins life as a powers, as detailed on p. 41, help to fill this gap
Pawn, but through diligent work and seeking personal for Chessmen.)
betterment, she may some day transform into a Bishop,
Knight, Rook, or Queen. (There can only be one King for Chessmen are normal, regular people, who do normal,
each House, however, and that role is already filled.) regular people things, just like all other people. They
just happen to be made out of wood. Thus, Chessmen
From their caste system, the Chessmen have a very must eat, drink, sleep, etc., and the arts of Gourmancy
logical way of thinking; most are great tacticians but have are practiced as much among the Chessmen as any other
trouble making intuitive leaps or thinking outside the Wonderland race. This also means that normal rules
box. for natural healing, the golden hour, and Bleeding
Sizes of Chessmen vary depending upon their rank Out apply just as much to Chessmen as they do to non-
in society; Queens and Kings are the largest, then in wooden creatures.
descending order: Rooks, Knights, Bishops,
and Pawns.

The Accords
The Accords of the Eighth Square consist
of a wide range of rules concerning proper
Chessman behavior and the conduct of war,
agreed upon by both Houses as holy writ.
For instance, each side must clearly identify
its allegiance (disguising oneself as a member
of the other side is unthinkable), and the
two Houses must put aside their differences
to unite and defend the Realm should it be
threatened by invaders.
There are also extensive rules concerning
the treatment of defeated parties, and it is
for this reason that Whitefield is still allowed
certain freedoms, despite its defeat at the
hands of the Red Chessmen.

Wonderland No MorePlayers Guide

The Accords of the Eighth Square

Tales tell that the original copy of the Later Additions:
Accords came into existence at the same
Be always ready with your armor on,
time as the Chessboard Fields. Since that
except when you are taking your rest at
time the original has been lost, but there are
many amended copies.
Defend the poor and help them that
The Accords detail the rules of the
cannot defend themselves.
society of the Chessmen, the strict
interaction between the two houses and Do nothing to hurt or offend anyone
between the Chessmen and foreign else.
peoples. Be prepared to fight in the defense of
The original Accords had sections your house.
on etiquette and chivalry with aspects At whatever you are working, try to win
of a knightly code as well. Later versions honor and a name for honesty.
have more common sense (or at least
Never break your promise.
Wonderlands version of it) added by
various ruling monarchs. Maintain the honor of your house with
your life. Rather die honestly than live
Examples of original sections: Chivalry requires that youth should be
Prowessseek excellence in all trained to perform the most laborious and
endeavors whatever your station in life. humble offices with cheerfulness and grace,
Justiceseek always the path of right in and to do good unto others.
accordance with the Accords and your liege.
Loyaltybe known for unwavering Some of the more bizarre
commitment to the people and ideals of
your house. entries:
Defensewhen called upon, it is the Look up, speak nicely, and dont twiddle
duty of every Chessman to defend his your fingers all the time.
House. Curtsy while youre thinking what to say;
Couragebe prepared to make it saves time.
personal sacrifices in service of the House Open your mouth a LITTLE wider when
and people you serve. you speak, and always say, your Majesty.
Faithbelieve only in the Spirit of Speak in French when you cant cannot
Conflict; your faith will root you and give think of the English for a thing.
you hope. Turn out your toes as you walkand
Humilitytell the deeds of others remember who you are!
before your own, according them the Never send all the horses, because two
renown rightfully earned through virtuous of them are wanted in the game.
It isnt respectable to beg.
Largessebe generous in so far as
your resources allow; largesse in this way You will observe the Rules of Battle.
counters gluttony. Speak when youre spoken to!
Nobilityseek great stature of character Always speak the truththink before
by holding to the virtues and duties of your you speakand write it down afterwards.
Queens never make bargains.
Franchiseseek to emulate the Accord
as sincerely as possible, not for the reason
of personal gain but because it is right.

Humans Even persons whose features would be considered
comely have a certain unearthly and unsettling quality
to them.
If indeed they all hail from the Real World, this implies
that prolonged stays in Wonderland have a strong effect
upon their appearance. This could make a worrisome
outlook for any Real-world visitors expecting to be there
for a while.

Racial Edges and Hindrances

Bonus Edge: Humans start play with one free Edge of
their choice, so long as they meet the prerequisites.
Human characters visiting from the Real World are not
prohibited against taking up Wonderland Edges; it could
well be that they just naturally picked up such abilities as
soon as they got there.

On Human Names
A peculiar feature of Wonderland Humans
(capitalized here to distinguish them as a
Wonderland race) is that they are very often
known by profession, title, or even a distinguishing
feature, rather than by a given name. The Hatter
is the Hatter, the Carpenter is the Carpenter, and
the Duchess is the Duchess, who is served by her
Theres no indication that these people are
Humans are a minority race in Wonderland, and thats known by any other nameand if once they had
even when the term Human is used quite loosely. another, it has long since been lost to memory.
Wonderlands Human inhabitants usually sport There are exceptions (such as the spry Father
unnaturally grotesque, caricatured features that appear William), but they are rare.
clownish or even ogre-like to Real-world eyes. Rumors
nonetheless abound that all Humans within Wonderland
hail from the Real World, and that none are indigenous.
Little attention is called to the fact that Humans are,
indeed, Humans. That is to say, other Wonderland races
tend to mistake them for members of their own race
(very generally speaking). For example, the talking
Plants mistook Alice for a mobile Flower, the Pigeon (an
Animal) mistook Alice for a Serpent (another Animal),
and several of the Chessmen accepted Alice as a White
Pawn (and then later a Queen) without question. Sadly,
Alices brief friend, the Fawn, nonetheless recognized
her (fearfully) as a Human child once they left the Wood
of No Names, so this is by no means an absolute rule.
Skin and hair tone varies immensely in Humans, as
does size and shape of features, to extremes not found
in the Real World. It is not unusual to encounter persons
who look like they could have walked right out of a
childrens nursery-rhyme book, or an editorial cartoon
from a London magazine. If it were the Real World, their
appearances might be disturbing or even terrifying.

Wonderland No MorePlayers Guide
Plants Photosynthesis: Plants dont need food, but
require an hour of sunlight per day. If a Plant does
Plants (hereafter denoted with a capital P, as not get the exposure it needs, it must succeed in
opposed to mere plants), are sapientthey are a Vigor roll at the end of the day or take a level
intelligent and aware of their own existence. of Fatigue (this can be removed by
Originally only found in the maze-like gardens spending two hours basking
surrounding the Looking-glass House, the in sunlight).
Flowers met Alice and began to question their
Plant Physiology:
lack of mobility. The Flowers asked themselves
Plants are immune to
why their stalks, heads, and leaves could diseases and poisons
move under their own volition but not their affecting non-plants, but
roots. As is often the case, such questions led susceptible to diseases
to experimentation and the revelation that and poisons that affect
their roots could move under their control. plants.
The Plants became mobile.
Small: Plants are very
Plants appear quite delicate and fragile,
slender and light for their
tottering around on their thin root-like legs,
height. They suffer a 1
their slender bodies swaying from side to
penalty to Toughness.
side, and their leaves curling in all directions.
However, the fibrous nature of their plant World Wise: All the
bodies makes them surprisingly resilient, and time rooted in one place
they have long since evolved to stand up to quite amazing makes Plants thoughtful. Plants start with a d6 in
forces. That said, the Plants are generally slow and not Smarts.
physically strong, though there are always exceptions.
Genus Edge: A Plant has a special ability based on its
A Plant begins life rooted in the soil in its family genus. Select one Genus Edge from the list below. If
bed and surrounded by its kin. As it develops, its roots none seem appropriate, come up with your own idea
grow stronger until it can uproot itself. It is at this stage for an Edge and discuss with your GM.
that a Plant usually makes the decision whether to stay
in its bed or take up a life of wandering. Since Alices
second visit to Wonderland, the Plants have spread out Examples of Genus Edges
from the Looking-glass House, and beds of them can be
Aloe Vera (or various herbs)Healer: Gain the
found across the realm. They have no villages or towns
Healer Edge.
as such, although there are two particularly large Plant
gardensthe original (near the Looking-glass house) Cactus/RoseThorns: Unarmed attacks do Str+d4
and another in the northwest of the Chessboard Fields, damage. Opponents who hit this Plant with unarmed
named Settled. attacks suffer d4 damage (this damage can Ace) from
Plants are technically hermaphroditic, but nonetheless contact with the thorns.
fall into genders, reflected in their voices and other Daffodil/SunflowerCommon Bond: This Plants
human-like features. He or she is all well and good, mere presence is cheery and supportive. Gain the
but calling a Plant it is just plain rude. Common Bond Edge.
Flower (Any)Attractive: Gain the Attractive Edge.
Genus Hawthorn/KudzuNerves of Steel: This
A Plant may be of any variety, and depending Plant is hard to put down. It ignores 1
upon its characteristics will have different Edges level of wound penalties.
and Hindrances. Some examples are given
below; a player should work with his GM to Snap Dragon/Tiger Lily
create a unique hero flower. Animal Aspect: Large mouth
with teeth, doing Str+d6 damage.
Witch HazelPlant Witch:
Racial Edges & Hindrances Gain the Arcane Background
(Gourmancy) Edge; your
Hardy: Plants dont bleed or bruise in quite
trappings involve witchy
the same way as others; a second Shaken result
things such as bubbling
doesnt cause a wound.
cauldrons, poisoned apples,
Mobile Mostly: Base Pace is 4 and running gingerbread houses and the
die is a d4. like.

The Tweedle (referring to both singular and plural)
appear as obese man-sized children, massive with both
muscle and fat, with overly large heads, and almost no
neck. Their complexion is universally sickly and pale,
while their hair is almost always thin. They fit within the
definition of what might broadly be considered a type
of Wonderland Human, but sport enough distinctive
qualities to be classified here as a race.
Tweedle are always born as one of two identical twins
and grow up as rambunctious and noisy children. When
working together the twin Tweedle sometimes help
one another, but more often their bickering leaves their
combined results below par.
Tweedle are, more often than not, employed as
muscle to back up less-physical people. To this end
many have become experts in Intimidation.

The Corsican Tweedle

Racial Edges & Hindrances As a character creation option, a player may play
Large: Tweedle are large (treat as Size +1, Toughness two inseparable Tweedle twins; its two for the price of
+1). one! Only one character sheet is required, as the twins
share the same attributes, skills, Edges, Hindrances, etc.
Lumbering: Tweedle are somewhat slow and ungainly,
For starting equipment, purchase gear as for a single
and have their Pace reduced by 1 (running die is still
character; both start equally equipped. (Superficial
d6; once they get going, they can move quickly).
differences are permitted, such as being reverse images
Mean: Tweedle are on the whole ill-tempered and of each other, or each wearing a different color.) Theyre
disagreeable, and find it hard to get on with others. particular about sticking together, and wont willingly be
They suffer a 2 penalty to Charisma. parted for any significant period of time.
Phobia (minor): Tweedle all have an irrational fear of Wounds, Injuries, Fatigue, Power Points, magical
some quite ordinary thing. A disproportionate number effects and status are tallied as if for one character. If one
have a phobia of blackbirds. is hurt, the other feels it. If one is healed, the other gets
better too. If one spends a benny to recover from being
Strong: Tweedle begin play with d8 in Strength instead
Shaken or for a soak roll, it works for both of them. If
of d4. They may purchase their Strength up to d12+2.
they are both hit by an area-effect attack or a swarm,
The Expert and Master Edges can increase this to
damage is applied against each one.
The Tweedle twins must share everything, and under
normal circumstances should be equally equipped. If they
get money, take the appropriate amount out for living
Twin Tweedle expenses and assume that they pool the remainder.
If twin Tweedle are together, the following special Giving a magical weapon to just one of them is a
ability is also applied. However, both lose the benefits recipe for disaster, as theyll endlessly squabble over it.
and penalties if either leaves. If the twins are equipped differently, they are distracted
Contrary: Tweedle by their very nature are contrary and at 2 to all trait checks until the discrepancy is
people and this trait is most pronounced when twin resolved. (At the GMs discretion, some options may
Tweedle are together. Such contrariness means that be close enough, such as letting one Tweedle carry a
they either help or hinder one another, seemingly at shovel while the other carries a cricket bat, with each
random. Whenever twin Tweedle are acting together being equivalent to a standard club.)
on a task (including combat) each draws a card (or Otherwise, the player has two characters under his
use their initiative cards if in combat). The individual control, though he is only dealt cards as for a single
Tweedle gain a bonus/penalty depending upon the character (both act on the same card), and he gets the
color of the card they drew: red grants a +1 bonus, same number of bennies as any other player. Experience
while black incurs a 1 penalty. In combat this bonus is earned and Advances are spent in the same way as for
is added to the normal gang-up bonus. a single character.

Wonderland No MorePlayers Guide
Edges and Hindrances Extravagant (Major)
Your hero just has to spend out on the best he can
get. You automatically spend two thirds of all wealth you
Hindrances garner (see Day-to-Day Costs and Wealth, p. 23).

The Doubting Thomas and Outsider Hindrances are

not appropriate for Wonderland No More heroes. Low Pain Tolerance (Major)
Your hero doesnt take pain well. If he is wounded,
he suffers an additional 1 modifier on top of the total
Enemy wound penalty; e.g., 2 wounds would give a 3 penalty.
This Hindrance may be selected, but the specific
enemy is unknown to your hero, chosen by the GM.
Poor Reflexes (Major)
Due to a variety of possible reasons, your reflexes are
New Hindrances very bad. As such, your hero suffers a 1 to his Parry.

The following new Hindrances are available.

Slowcoach (Minor)
For whatever reason, your character just cant keep up.
Bad Liar (Minor) He subtracts 1 from his Pace and running die totals.
Your character is very bad at telling a lie and keeping
a straight face. All Intimidation, Persuasion, and Taunt
rolls where anything more than a slight bending of the Tasty (Minor)
truth is involved suffer a 2 modifier applied to the roll. Though this is a world of talking Plants and Animals,
most intelligent inhabitants of Wonderland dont worry
much about being on someones dinner plate. Its terribly
Cannot Grip (Major; Animals and Plants rude to eat a pudding after youve been introduced, and
only) most people at least subconsciously distinguish between
In Wonderland, it doesnt usually matter for a Plant beasts and Animals, plants and Plants. Most, that is. (Just
or an Animal whether he has paws or wings, fronds ask the Oysters about how that talk went with the Walrus
or thorns; somehow theyre just like hands when the and the Carpenter. Oh, wait....)
situation calls for it. However, your hero has a raw Well, forget all that when it comes to your hero. Not
deal, as Wonderland gives him no breaks. As everyone cares about rudeness anyway, but your hero
such, he is incapable of using any object can tempt even polite people to wish for just a bite.
that requires major flexing of his fingers.
Mostly, this just leads to social awkwardness
This includes most weapons.
as your hero avoids hungry
stares. However, when
Fragile (Major) captured by enemies, your
Your hero is not physically hero is more likely to end
tough. It could be that he is up in the cooking pot than a
skinny, made of a weak material holding cell. If hungry beasts
(either a Chessman or a attack, theyll prefer to gnaw
custom race) or is suffering on your hero first.
from some debilitating illness. As if any further incentive
Being Fragile results in a 1 to were needed, any Gourmancy
your Toughness. dishes cooked using you as a
main course gain the benefit
of Magic Ingredients (+1
Expressive (Minor; to the Cooking roll). Sorry,
Arcane Background: Gourmancy, but you cant boost a Gourmancy dish with just a small
clipping of your hero; being used as the main course is
Haberdashery, Miracles, or Witch Queen) invariably fatal.
Your hero just has to wave his hands (or paws, or
leaves) about when talking; unfortunately this also This Hindrance should only be taken by an Animal or
extends to his spell casting. Whenever your hero attempts Plant associated with food in the Real World. At the GMs
to use a power and cannot wave his hands, he suffers a discretion, this might also apply to a custom race (e.g.,
2 penalty on his roll. a Gingerbread Man using a Human template, though
not technically human at all).

Tiny (Major) Edges
Though most intelligent inhabitants of Wonderland The following Edges are not appropriate for
are comparable to Humans in size, one might find the Wonderland No More: Champion, Gadgeteer, Holy/
occasional Animal, Plant, Chessman, or Card whos Unholy Warrior, Mentalist, Mr. Fix It, Soul Drain, and
scaled closer to his or her Real-world counterpart. Your Wizard.
hero is one such unfortunate, no larger than a Real-world
house cat, and quite possibly much smaller.
Consequently, your hero has 2 to Toughness Beast Master
(cumulative with other Hindrances, such as Small). This The Beast Master Edge has been replaced in this
Hindrance cannot be taken if it would reduce Toughness setting by the new Beast Companion Edge.
below a minimum of 1.
On the plus side, enemies are at 2 to rolls to Notice Thief and Woodsman
or attack your hero due to his diminutive size. Despite These Edges work as detailed in Savage Worlds,
what common sense might dictate, this Hindrance except that the bonuses are no longer limited to urban
has no impact upon Pace, carrying capacity, or living or outdoors locales (respectively). In Wonderland, the
expenses. Gear scaled to fit you generally costs as much distinction between indoors and outdoors is considerably
as for normal-sized people (requiring less material, but blurred. Please note, however, that if
finer craftsmanship). anyone has access to both these Edges,
bonuses to the same skills do not stack
Trouble Magnet with each other.

This character need not Animal Edges
have his fortune told; itll
come up badly every time.
When an enemy attacks, Feral
and there are two (or more) Requirements: Veteran, Animal
equally-valid targets it Your Animal has grown to be more than
could go for, itll go for this a little wild; his beast side is dominant. He
character if thats an option. If gains a +1 bonus to Fighting and damage
a group of enemies is evenly rolls when using his own physical weaponry
distributed against the whole (claws, bite, etc.).
team, this character will get
all the leftovers in addition Drawback: Artificial weapons and
to his fair share. If theres a magic are against your Animals feral
random chance of anyone nature. He is at 1 to all attack rolls when
in the party being targeted using anything but natural weaponry or
by a curse, possession, trap, unarmed attacks.
or random accident, this
character is the target, poor
fellow! Background Edges
Note: Having two or more Trouble Magnets in a party
is a sure recipe for disaster. Theyll both somehow get hit Arcane Background
by the falling rock, trap, etc., even if far apart. The following Arcane Backgrounds are available:

Unusual Size or Shape (Minor) Arcane Background (Gourmancy)

In Wonderland, armor and clothing and such usually This Edge is required to create edible items that
refits itself to suit anyonebut not for you. bestow spell-like powers upon the recipient. It is
Your hero is an unusual size or shapenot enough detailed fully on page 32.
to be counted as small or large, but just unusual enough
to make it difficult to buy size-dependent items. All items
that are size- or shape-related (e.g., armor) cost double
Arcane Background (Haberdashery)
the listed price and may be difficult to find; weapons do This Edge is required of hatters who wish to
not suffer this increase in cost. Armor found or taken conjure magical effects with their craft. It is detailed
from vanquished foes will never fit your hero. fully on page 35.

Wonderland No MorePlayers Guide
Arcane Background (Miracles) As part of your heros exposure to Chessman culture,
he has a d6 in Knowledge (Battle).
This background is available in two forms. The
Spirit of Battle is for Chessmen (and Honorary Please note that during the course of adventuring,
Chessmen) only, while the Church of Alice is for a hero who particularly distinguishes himself in the
any race. Full details can be found on page 38. service of one Chessman House or the other might well
be granted Honorary Chessman status without having to
allocate an advance. This grants the same benefits, but
Arcane Background (Witch Queen) without the free d6 in Knowledge (Battle); hell have to
This background is available only to Queens build up the skill in the usual fashion if he wants to meet
(Card, Chessman, Honorary, or otherwise). The the prerequisites for any of the Eighth Square Edges.
trappings usually involve proclamations, heraldry,
and other things associated with being a Queen
in Wonderland ... and especially roses, since every Iced Water for Blood
Queen is expected to have a royal garden. Full Requirements: Novice
details can be found on page 36. Nothing fazes your hero. You gain a +2 bonus to any
Spirit rolls against fear or terror.
Beast Companion
Requirements: Novice, Spirit d6+ Inscrutable
This Edge is identical to the Beast Master Edge in Requirements: Novice
Savage Worlds, except that it only includes the beast Your hero is far removed from the normal Human (or
companion; it does not confer any special relationship Animal or Card, etc.) experience. Hes emotionless, or
with beasts in general, whether of the Real World or of perhaps just crazy. Whatever the case, hes immune to
Wonderland. Hostile beasts will not hesitate to attack Fear and Terror, and is unaffected by Tests of Will.
your hero.
While hes well-equipped to face unspeakable horrors,
See statistics for creatures in the Savage Worlds others are unsettled by his strangeness, and its hard to
bestiary, or else the GM may refer to the generic beast motivate him; he suffers a 2 penalty to Charisma, and
statistics in the Wonderland No More bestiary. (Thats doesnt benefit from bonuses due to encouragement
GM territory, so dont go peeking.) The companion is from others (such as Recitation).
treated as an Extra, and
could be a loyal steed
(riding horse), hunting Magical Body Parts
dog (dog/wolf), or even a Requirements: Novice, Animal or Plant
cat or woodland creature
A non-essential part of your body has a useful
your hero picked up along
magical effect when removed from your body (for
the way. As a beast, the
example your petals, leaves, spines, claws, scales,
creature cannot talk, but
etc.). The part loses its properties after a day has
even a small creature can
help as another pair of
eyes to detect an ambush. Pick a power when you take this Edge, and by
using parts of your body you can garner up to 5 Power
Points to be used in casting that power. Instead of a
Honorary skill you use your Spirit as your casting ability. For
Chessman example a mushroom Plant with Magical Body Parts
has the healing power and 5 Power Points to spend
on casting it.
Novice, Non-Chessman
The part of your body that provides the Power Points
Your hero lives among
grows back at a rate of 1 Power Point per day. You can
the Chessmen, and has
eke out another 5 Power Points by taking a wound,
distinguished himself, has
but no more. Use of this Edge requires a successful
been honored with special
Vigor roll to avoid taking a level of Fatigue.
recognition, or perhaps
he was just adopted and
raised in Chessman ways since childhood. Either way, Resilient
he is considered to be a Pawn in Chessman society, and
Requirements: Novice, Vigor d6+
also for the purpose of meeting prerequisites for Edges
normally reserved for Chessmen. Your hero may go down, but she does a grand job at
getting better again. Anyone treating your heros wounds

gets a +2 to Healing checks. (This also applies if youre Chessman Edges
the one treating yourself, or if Magic Foodstuffs or other
sources of healing are involved.) The following Edges are available to Chessmen and
Honorary Chessmen.

Twisted Mind
Requirements: Novice, Smarts d8+
Requirements: Novice, Rook
Your heros mind is particularly devious and twisted.
You gain a +2 bonus to solve riddles and puzzles and a This was originally a move to protect the King, but
+1 bonus to resist Tricks and Taunts. in these times of change some enterprising Rooks have
developed the flexibility of the move. As your characters
movement for the round, he may instantly swap places
Card Edges with any willing ally within 3, provided that there are
no solid obstructions (such as a wall or a locked door)
between them. Opponents do not gain the opportunity
Trained for the Job to make parting shots when this occurs.
Requirements: Novice, Card
Your Card is an exemplar of her suit, with a passing Chessmans Move
familiarity or better in many skills even remotely Requirements: Novice, (Bishop, Queen, or Rook)
associated with her station. She may ignore the 2
penalty for using any of these skills untrained. The list During any round in which the Chessman moves in
of skills by suit: a straight line, his Pace (plus any extra from running)
is doubled. This does not apply to alternate modes
(Clubs): Fighting, Knowledge (Battle), Riding, of movement, such as climbing, flying, leaping, or
Shooting, Stealth, Throwing. swimming.
(Diamonds): Healing, Investigation,
Knowledge (Magic Foodstuffs), Lockpicking, En Passant
Streetwise, Taunt.
Requirements: Novice, Pawn, Smarts d6+
(Hearts): Gambling, Knowledge (Battle),
Intimidation, Taunt, Persuasion, Riding. Dedicated Pawns serve as the front line of defense,
prepared to defend higher-ranking Chessmen. Thus, a
(Spades): Boating, Driving, Notice, Repair, Pawn with this Edge begins the first round of any combat
Survival, Tracking. on hold, so long as he is not caught by surprise (and
so long as there is no condition that
would preclude him from being
Shuffle dealt into initiative normally).
Requirements: Novice, Card
Should the Pawn later reach
This move was developed by the the Eighth Square and become
fighting Clubs to aid one another another type of Chessman, he may
in battle; a hale and hearty Card immediately replace this Edge with
may instantly swap places with a another Chessman Edge that he now
wounded companion. Originally this qualifies for (since, after all, hes no
ability was restricted to being used longer a Pawn). For example, a Pawn
between Cards in the same Pack, but who becomes a Rook could replace
over time the definition of a Pack has this Edge with Rooks Defense.
changed, so this Edge allows a Card
to swap place with any willing Card
within 3. Opponents do not gain the Knights Leap
opportunity to make parting shots Requirements: Novice, Knight
when this occurs.
Instead of his normal move,
your Knight may leap up to his Pace
Improved Shuffle both vertically and horizontally.
Requirements: Novice, Despite the obvious abuse to the
Card, Shuffle laws of physics, he may even turn
a corner while leaping (much like
As the Shuffle Edge, but the the traditional L-shaped move of a
Card may swap place with any Knight in the game of chess).
willing creature (not just another Card) within 3.

Wonderland No MorePlayers Guide
Knights Steed Bishop
Requirements: Seasoned, Requirements: Novice, Pawn,
Knight Spirit d8+, Knowledge (Battle) d8+
The Knight gains the service The Pawn takes on the shape,
of a loyal steed (a warhorse or robes and miter of a Bishop (negating
equivalent, treated as an Extra; the Small Hindrance for Chessmen).
see Savage Worlds for statistics). The Bishop immediately gains the
This well-trained mount can be Arcane Background (Miracles) Edge,
called or dismissed as an action. serving the Spirit of Conflict (see p.
Wherever the Knight is, he need 38).
only whistle, and his steed will
come crashing through the Drawback: Spiritual Codeall
undergrowth, and then, once Bishops gain their powers from the
dismissed, trot off when no one Spirit of Conflict and as such may
is looking. If the horse should be not personally attack another Bishop
slain, the Knight may normally (though he may certainly permit
find another one within 2d6 his allies to do so). If such an act is
days. perpetrated (even by accident), the
attacking Bishop loses his spellcasting ability until the
act is atoned for. This may be as simple as healing any
Rooks Defense wounds inflicted, though in an extreme case he may
Requirements: Novice, Rook even be required to take the place of a slain Bishop.
Your Rook is skilled at defending himself and others.
Gang-up bonuses against the Rook and any adjacent Knight
allies are reduced by 1 (e.g., 3 enemies attacking the Requirements: Novice, Pawn, Agility d8+, Knowledge
Rook would gain only a +1 gang-up bonus rather than (Battle) d8+
+2). Furthermore, if the Rook is wielding a medium or
large shield, adjacent allies gain the benefit of the shields The Pawn takes on the horse-headed shape of a Knight
protection. (negating the Small Hindrance for Chessmen).

These benefits are not cumulative (e.g., multiple The Knight is trained to hurl himself into and out of
Rooks lining up wont reduce gang-up bonuses further, battle, such that he gains a +4 bonus to Parry against any
and a Rooks large shield wont give any more protection free attacks made against him while withdrawing, or
to an ally already carrying a large shield of his own). from Edges such as First Strike.
Drawback: The Knight must follow a strict
Code of Honor (as per the Hindrance of the
Chessman Eighth Square Edges same name).
When a Chessman reaches the Eighth Square, he
chooses the path he will follow for the rest of his life.
The Chessman chooses to become a Bishop, Knight,
Rook, or Queen, and is no longer considered a Pawn. Requirements: Novice, Pawn,
Female, Smarts d8+, Knowledge
In each case, a Chessman Pawn grows larger (Battle) d8+, Noble
(negating the Small Hindrance that Chessmen start
out with), and takes on the shape of the appropriate The Pawn takes on a more Human-
new piece. Honorary Chessmen arent physically like (and feminine) appearance and
altered, but instead acquire costume pieces regalia of a Queen (negating the Small
appropriate to their new station. As clothing and Hindrance for Chessmen).
armor in Wonderland resizes itself to fit the wearer, it The Queens royal presence prevents
will accordingly reshape itself to fit the wearers enemies from coordinating to gain
new role (e.g., a Knights helm will look horse- gang-up bonuses when attacking her.
like, even if the wearer is a Human who just Drawback: Enemy (all other
happens to be an Honorary Chessman). Queens)even Queens of the same
Each of these Edges includes a special new ability, color secretly fear and hate each other.
but also includes a new obligation (as higher-ranking Royal protocol requires civility and
Chessmen are expected to obey stricter codes of invitations to tea, but deep down they
conduct appropriate to each station). constantly plot each others downfall.

Rook Plant Edges
Requirements: Novice, Pawn, Vigor d8+, Knowledge
(Battle) d8+
Bark Skin
The Pawn takes on the tower-like shape of Requirements: Seasoned, Plant
a Rook (negating the Small Hindrance for
Chessmen). Your heros skin takes on the roughness and
strength of a trees bark. This gives her +2 Armor.
Rooks have an innate defensive ability that
allows them to guard an extended area. Any
enemy who moves within 1 of the Rooks Long Reach
weapon reach must stop as though engaged Requirements: Novice, Agility d6+, Plant
in combat, or suffer a free attack from the
Rook as if withdrawing. This hero is able to whip out with branches, vines,
etc., to reach further than normal. Her close-combat
Drawback: Slow to actRooks are attacks with unarmed attacks or natural weapons have
not used to making their presence a Reach of up to 3.
known until late in the game. During
the first round (only) of a combat, a
Rook must hold his action and act last Old Growth
in the round. If he really needs to act Requirements: Veteran, Plant
sooner, he must spend a benny to do so.
My how your hero has grown! This Edge negates the
If dealt a Joker, the Rook may act normally.
Small Hindrance that Plants typically start out with.

Combat Edges Power Edges

Lethal Weapon Casserole
Requirements: Novice
Requirements: Novice, Arcane Background
In your hands something particularly common and (Gourmancy), Cooking d8+, Knowledge (Magic
innocuous can be used as a lethal weapon. Perhaps you Foodstuffs) d4+
fold paper to make an origami sword to slash at your
With this Edge, a Gourmancer can re-purpose
enemiesor you just use a plain sheet of paper to
Magical Foodstuffs to fuel on-the-fly cooking (see p.
deal nasty paper cuts. Perhaps you toss childrens toys
33). The Magical Foodstuffs are sacrificed and the Power
with deadly accuracy or you can use a wet noodle as a
Points within them applied toward on-the-fly cooking.
bullwhip. If you are a Plant, you may have razor sharp
Magical Foodstuffs without a clear Power Point value
thorns to fight with or throw at opponents. Whatever the
(e.g., treacle) can be assumed to cost 1 Power Point
case, its a rare instance indeed that you are unarmed.
Choose your schtickthat is, what class of items
For example, a Gourmancer desperately needs to
you are so deadly with. Typically this is something you
heal a friend, but has invested all but 2 of her Power
can get hold of very easily even when youre otherwise
Points into Magical Foodstuffs. She has some Red Hot
weaponless (though if your reputation precedes you,
Chili (burst, 2 points) on hand. She could just eat it
dungeon guards will surely take pains to deny you a
now to free up the magic and wait until she regains her
potential weapon if youre in prison).
Power Points normally, but by then the golden hour of
For instance, perhaps youre a Gourmancer who can healing will have passed.
kill with ordinary produce, a Scribe who can slay with
With this Edge, she could sacrifice the Chili to apply
any piece of paper, or a wretched Cat who hurls lethal
its 2 points toward making a Spicy Casserole Surprise
hairballs. When using your weapon of choicean
(healing, 2 points, but cost doubled by on-the-fly cooking
otherwise normally harmless itemyou can deal Str+d4
to 4 points), spending her remaining 2 Power Points to
damage, whether using it in melee combat, or thrown
make the difference.
(in the latter case with a range of 3/6/12).

Very Lethal Weapon Cordon Bleu

Requirements: Wild Card, Seasoned, Arcane
Requirements: Lethal Weapon
Background (Gourmancy), Cooking d6+, Knowledge
Damage dealt with your unusual weapon (Magic Foodstuffs) d8+
increases to Str+d6.

Wonderland No MorePlayers Guide
Select one power when this Edge is taken. (This Edge Trickster
may be taken multiple times, each time focusing on
Requirements: Novice, Agility d6+, Smarts d6+,
another power.) The Gourmancer is an acknowledged
Taunt d6+
expert at preparing the selected power, no matter how
meager the available ingredients or how rudimentary the This hero has a knack for pulling pranks, gaining
facilities. The Gourmancer never applies penalties for a +2 bonus to any Tricks and Taunt attempts that she
Cooking Facilities or Location for this power and only initiates.
suffers backlash on a Critical Failure. This bonus does not stack with the bonus to Agility
checks granted by the Acrobat Edge, or the bonus to
Tests of Will granted by the Strong Willed Edge. It also
Social Edges does not grant any bonus to resist a Trick or Taunt played
by someone else.
Careful with Money
Requirements: Novice Weird Edges
Your hero is particularly careful with his money. You
automatically spend only a quarter of all wealth you
garner (see Day-to-Day Costs and Wealth, p. 23). Costermonger
Requirements: Novice, Knowledge (Magic
Foodstuffs) d4
Gallows Humor This hero may carry twice his Spirit die type in Magic
Requirements: Novice, Taunt d6+ Foodstuffs. For example, a character with d8 Spirit can
When her friends are faced with an Intimidation normally carry up to 8 portions of Magic Foodstuffs. With
attempt, or a fearful situation, this hero helps to defuse this Edge, he could carry up to 16.
the tension with a quick wisecrack, put-down, or wry
Green Thumb
The hero can immediately make a Taunt roll as
Requirements: Novice, non-Plant
a free action before any Spirit checks to resist fear or
Intimidation are made. Instead of its usual effects, each This hero has a green thumb (perhaps literally, this
success and raise on this roll adds a +1 bonus to any being Wonderland), and an instinctual knack for dealing
Spirit checks against fear or Intimidation made by allies with Plants. This translates into a +2 bonus to Healing
(including herself) for the immediate situation, up to a checks as well as healing or mending powers used on
maximum of +4. Normally, this benefit applies to allies Plants, as well as a +2 bonus to Charisma when dealing
who can hear her, but even when that isnt possible, with Plants.
a timely roll of the eyes or mocking gesture can still This bonus stacks with overlapping Edges, if
communicate the same sentiment visually. applicable, such as Healer.

Recitation Woodworker
Requirements: Novice, Requirements: Novice, Repair d6+
Persuasion d6+
Carpenters, furniture-makers,
This Edge allows the and others skilled in working with
character to spend an action wood are in high demand in the
to recite a quick, silly poem battlegrounds of the Chessboard
somehow relevant to the task at Fields.
hand, and to make a Persuasion
Your hero has a special, almost
check. On a success, the next
supernatural knack for her trade, and
action taken by the character
gains a +2 bonus to rolls to repair
or an ally gains a +1 bonus,
or +2 on a raise.
This includes Repair checks
Standard multi-action
as well as healing and mending
penalties apply if the character
powers used to tend to the wounds
recites a poem and performs
of Chessmen (or any other wooden
another action in the same
creatures). In this respect, think of
round; this is because being
it as the wooden equivalent to the
silly is Serious Business and
Healer Edge.
tends to distract.

Gear & Goods
Theres only one third (round down)
sword, you know, is instantly deducted
Tweedledum said to his to cover day-to-day
brother, but you can expenses. The rationale
have the umbrellaits is that wealthier heroes
quite as sharp. spend more lavishly
on food and drink, and
spend less when times
are hard.
Availability Day-to-day expenses
Some gear is normally cover food, drink,
only available in either the ordinary clothing, and
Monarchy of Hearts or the lodging when applicable
Looking-glass Lands, due to (which is why there is no
technological and cultural entry in the gear tables
differences between the for these items).
realms. The gear tables have
a column labeled Where,
which indicates where each item is freely available:
H Monarchy of Hearts
The standard currency of Wonderland is the British
LG Looking-glass Lands Pound Sterling, as visitors from Great Britain first brought
All Both the concept of currency to the attention of Wonderlands
To buy an item not normally available in a realm (for Coins are stamped with a variety of different images
instance, a shotgun in the Looking-glass Lands) requires depending upon where they were issued, but are usable
a successful Streetwise roll to locate one, and even then at face value anywhere within Wonderland.
it will cost twice the listed price. If a raise is achieved
on the Streetwise roll, the item is available for the listed
price. Pounds, Shillings and Pence
The listed prices are for the major towns (Faith, The pound is divided up into 20 shillings, and each
Hope, and Charity). If a hero seeks to purchase an item shilling is divided up into 12 pence. In deference to
in a smaller settlement, the GM should judge whether it our American players, we rounded up the prices of all
would be available, and at what cost, and perhaps call for the items on the gear list to the nearest shilling (0.05
a Streetwise roll to find one. pounds), allowing you to keep track of your money in
The exception to the above is the settlement of decimal format. Youre welcome.
Riverside: The shop there always has all gear available at There are far more coins than just the pound and
the base price. shilling in circulation, but to keep things simple these
are the only two featured.
In the late nineteenth century, a pound was worth
Day-to-day Costs and Wealth almost five American dollars. Adjusted for inflation,
the pound had the purchasing power of around one
Rather than force the heroes to go on regular shopping hundred modern American dollars. Use this exchange
trips to Wonderlands version of the supermarket to rate (1 = $100) whenever you need to convert Savage
collect groceries, Wonderland No More uses the following Worlds dollars to Wonderland No More pounds.
system: Whenever a hero gains any form of wealth, one

Wonderland No MorePlayers Guide
Selling Goods Transport
Heroes may come into great wealth, albeit in strange Item Cost Wt Where
forms. Gems and jewelry are easy enough to sell or trade, Horse, riding 5.00 All
as the upper class always desires more jewelry. However, Horse, war 20.00 LG
selling more mundane items such as weapons can be a Saddle & tack 0.10 10 lb LG
bit more difficult. One or two items can sometimes be Cart, hand 1.00 All
sold at nearly full price if a direct buyer can be found,
Coach 10.00 H
but no merchant pays full price for such items.
Wagon, open 2.00 LG
A Streetwise roll in any town allows a hero to sell all
Wagon, covered 4.00 LG
of his mundane goods he wishes, for a quarter of their
normal value. On a raise he finds a buyer to take it all for Wagon, caravan 10.00 H
half listed price. Only one attempt is allowed per week.
In general, shopkeepers will not buy magical goods Special Clothing
except from their own trusted suppliers. For magical Item Cost Wt Where
arms and armor, on a success he can directly sell the item
Court attire 2.00 5 lb All
for half the normal value of a mundane item of the same
type to an interested purchaser on the street. On a raise, Wardrobe 1.00 5 lb All
he is able to sell it for the full value of an equivalent Winter garb 1.00 5 lb All
mundane item instead.

Standard Gear Lists

For all items listed in italics, please see gear notes
(following) for further details.

Mundane Items
Item Cost Wt Where
Blanket 0.15 5 lb All
Candle (12, provides 0.25 1 lb All
light in 2 radius)
Cooking gear, camp 1.00 1 lb All
Cooking gear, standard 2.50 4 lb All
Cooking gear, luxury 5.00 8 lb All
Crowbar 0.50 2 lb H
Flint and steel 0.10 All
Grappling hook & line 0.20 1 lb All
Instrument, musical 1.00 1 lb All
Lantern (provides light 0.15 2 lb H
in 4 radius)
Lockpicks 1.00 1 lb All
Matches (100) 0.05 0.5 lb H
Oil (for lantern; 1 pint) 0.05 1 lb All
Magical Goods
Pocket watch 1.00 H
Item Cost Wt Where
Quiver (holds 20 arrows 0.50 2 lb All
or quarrels) Brown paper, roll 0.25 1 lb All
Rope (20 yards) 0.05 2 lb All Magic Foodstuff, Novice 0.25 All
Spectacles (and case) 1.00 H Magic Foodstuff, Seasoned 0.50 All
Tent, basic (2 man) 0.25 5 lb All Magic Foodstuff, Veteran 0.75 All
Tent, pavilion (10 man) 2.00 25 lb All Magic Ingredients 0.25 All
Torch (1 hour, 4 radius) 0.05 1 lb All Smelling salts 1.00 All
Travel bag 0.20 2 lb All Treacle 1.00 All

Gear & Goods
Melee Weapons
Type Damage Wt Cost Where Notes
Flamingo Str+d6 5 lb 1.00 H Parry +1; Reach 1; requires 2 hands; see notes
Tool Str+d4 2 lb 0.20 All Any one-handed, small tool such as a chisel, hammer, hand
rake, ladle, or rolling pin
Tool, heavy Str+d6 5 lb 0.50 All Requires 2 hands; heavier tools, for example a broom, oar,
pick, or shovel
Tool, oversized Str+d8 10 lb 2.50 All Requires 2 hands; ridiculously oversized tool, for example a
gigantic pair of shears, needle & thread, or rubber stamp
Tool, reach Str+d4 3 lb 0.50 All Reach 1; requires 2 hands; long and thin tools, for example
a fishing pole or garden hoe
Umbrella Str+d8 2 lb 0.75 All Parry +1; ruined on Fighting roll of 1 regardless of Wild Die

Axe Str+d6 2 lb 0.50 All
Brass knuckles Str+d4 1 lb 0.20 H User counts as an unarmed defender
Dagger/knife Str+d4 1 lb 0.25 All Can also be thrown at range 3/6/12
Short sword Str+d6 4 lb 2.00 H
Sword cane Str+d4 1 lb 2.50 H Parry +1; cane can be used in off hand (Str+d4)
Sword Str+d8 8 lb 3.00 LG

Club Str+d4 1 lb Free All
Club, Knights Str+d8 20 lb 4.00 LG AP 2 vs. rigid armor, Parry 1; requires 2 hands
Flail Str+d6 8 lb 2.00 LG Ignores Parry and other bonuses from shields.
Walking cane/stick Str+d4 1 lb 0.50 H Parry +1

Pole Arms
Halberd Str+d8 15 lb 2.50 H Reach 1; requires 2 hands
Spear Str+d6 5 lb 1.00 LG Parry +1; Reach 1; requires 2 hands
Staff Str+d4 8 lb 0.10 LG Parry +1; Reach 1; requires 2 hands

Archetypal Weapons pair of trimming shears and an oversized watering pot.

The GM might decide to treat the shears either as a tool
When violence ensues in Wonderland, the protagonists or as a short sword, and the watering pot as a shield,
are often armed with everyday objects pressed into service with equivalent weight, cost, and statistics.
for battle. For example, Tweedledum and Tweedledee As long as the item fits with the characters concept,
wore armor made from cooking pots and pans for their and is not outrageously cumbersome, it should not have
fight. One of the twins was also armed with an umbrella any improvised weapon penalties applied to it.
and the other with a wooden toy sword.
Please note that this only applies during character
Heroes in Wonderland may carry such items. Some creation, or when purchasing an item explicitly for
samples are given in the Armor and Weapons lists; at use as a weapon (in which case you
the GMs discretion, the closest need to pay the full price for the
equivalent may be used, possibly weaponized item). In the above
with a reduction in cost offset by example, the Gardener cant assume
some sort of drawback (reduced that every pair of gardening shears
Stealth, a chance of breakage, he finds in Wonderland will be as
etc.). lethal as his own personal pairnor
For example, the Gardener is every watering pot designed for use
enters battle equipped with a giant in combat.

Wonderland No MorePlayers Guide
Missile Weapons
Type Range Damage RoF Cost Wt Min Str Where Notes
Flamingo 4/8/16 Str+d6 1 1.00 5 lb d6 H Used to strike hedgehogs; see

Light revolver 8/16/32 2d6 1 2.00 3 lb H AP 1, 6 shots
Heavy revolver 12/24/48 2d6+1 1 3.00 5 lb H AP 1, 6 shots
Rifle 20/40/80 2d8 1 4.00 10 lb H AP 2, 1 shot, requires 2 hands
Blunderbuss 5/10/20 2d10 1 5.00 12 lb d6 H 1 shot, 2 actions to reload,
requires 2 hands, Small Burst
Template; see notes
Shotgun* 12/24/48 13d6 12 4.00 12 lb d6 H 2 shots, requires 2 hands

Bow 12/24/48 2d6 1 2.50 3 lb d6 LG
Crossbow 15/30/60 2d6 1 5.00 10 lb d6 LG
Knife, thrown 3/6/12 Str+d4 1 0.25 1 lb H
Sling/catapult 4/8/16 Str+d4 1 0.10 1 lb H
Spear 3/6/12 Str+d6 1 1.00 5 lb d6 LG

Pepper bomb 3/6/12 Special** 1 0.25 1 lb H Small Burst Template

* A shotgun gains a +2 bonus to Shooting and does 3d6 at Close range, 2d6 at Medium range, and 1d6 damage at Long
range. If both barrels are fired, make a single Shooting roll against one target and apply damage for each shot separately.
** Each target within the template must make a Vigor rollSuccess: no effect; Fail: violent sneezing (Shaken).

Ammo Wt Cost Where Notes
Arrow* 1 lb/5 0.05/5 LG
Bullets, revolvers 5 lb/50 0.25/50 H All handguns
Bullets, rifles, etc. 8 lb/50 0.50/50 H Rifles, shotguns and blunderbusses
Hedgehog 1 lb/2 0.1/2 H See notes
Quarrel* 1 lb/5 0.05/5 LG AP 2, see notes.
Sling/catapult stone 1 lb/10 0.05/10 All Stones can also be found for free with a Notice roll and 1d10
minutes searching, depending on terrain.

* Outdoors, arrows and quarrels are recovered on a d6 roll of 46 (50% chance). Indoors or underground, the chance is
reduced to a roll of 56 on 1d6 to reflect the increased chance of breakage.

Gear & Goods
Type Armor Wt* Cost Where Notes
Bed quilts +1 8 lb 0.50 All Covers torso
1 penalty to Parry due to its bulk
Paper +1 5 lb 0.25 All Covers torso, arms, legs; flammable; soggy when
wet; see notes
Pots and pans +2 15 lb 1.00 All Covers torso and arms
1 penalty to Stealth
Tool box / doctors bag 14 lb 0.75 +1 Parry; +2 Armor vs. ranged shots
Top hat +1 1 lb 0.50 H 50% chance of protecting against headshot

Leather +1 10 lb 1.00 LG Covers torso, arms, legs
Ornate jacket +1 5 lb 1.00 H Covers torso and arms
Chain hauberk +2 20 lb 3.00 LG Covers torso, arms, legs
Heavy coat +2 10 lb 3.50 H Covers torso, arms, legs
Cuirass +3 12 lb 4.00 H Covers torso
Plate +3 40 lb 20.00 LG Covers torso, arms, legs; see notes

Leather cap +1 1 lb 0.25 LG 50% chance of protecting against headshot
Full helm (enclosed) +3 8 lb 3.00 LG Covers head
Pot helm (open-faced) +3 4 lb 1.50 LG 50% chance of protecting against headshot

Small shield 8 lb 0.50 LG +1 Parry
Medium shield 12 lb 1.00 LG +1 Parry; +2 Armor vs. ranged shots
Large shield 20 lb 2.00 LG +2 Parry; +2 Armor vs. ranged shots

* This is effective weight when worn. Most armor encumbers quite a bit more when carried rather than worn.

Fitting Clothing & Armor

Most armor and clothing in Wonderland conforms
itself to the wearer to accommodate various body shapes
and changes with Size, though it usually still retains its
general appearance. For instance, its obvious if armor
was originally made for a Chessman Knight; a Human
wearing the armor still has a helmet thats shaped like
a horses head, though it stays on just fine and he can
somehow still see. A Human helmet put onto a Chessman
Knights head would necessarily have to reshape itself,
however, to fit the Knights horse-like head.
Despite this phenomenon, Wonderland tailors still
spend considerable time in fitting sessions, taking
measurements with rulers or string, while armorsmiths
take pride in customizing each suit to fit its wearer.
Its technically unnecessary, a mere aping of the ways
of the Real Worldthough such craftsmen would be
monumentally offended if someone were to point this

Wonderland No MorePlayers Guide
Selected Gear Notes until extinguished. The fire has a chance of spreading
as usual.
Pocket Watch: The utility of such things in Wonderland
Mundane Gear Notes is in question, but their popularity undeniable. Some
Wonderland watches measure the day but not the hour,
Blanket: This blanket or bedroll grants a +1 bonus to and some have peculiar maintenance requirements
any Vigor or Survival checks (if applicable) made to get such as the occasional application of the best butter.
a good nights rest while camping out or staying in a
particularly drafty shelter. Quiver: A quiver allows an archer to draw an arrow or
quarrel (bolt) as a free action to reload his weapon.
Candle: A candle provides a light in a 2 radius for two
hours. A candle blows out if the character holding it Rope (20 yards): The rope can safely handle 300
runs or is in a strong wind. pounds without worry. For every 50 pounds over,
roll 1d6 every minute or whenever the rope suffers a
Cooking Gear: Cooking gear is particularly of use sudden stress. On a roll of a 6, the rope breaks under
to Gourmancers. The overall quality of the set affects the strain.
Cooking rolls made with this gear.
Spectacles: These cancel out the Bad Eyes Hindrance,
Cooking Gear Modifier but have a 50% chance of being knocked off if the
None 2 wearer falls or is hit in melee combat.
Camp cooking gear 1 Tent: Oil- or wax-treated canvas, with poles, cords, and
Standard cooking gear None tent pegs. The basic camping tent can shelter up to 2
Luxury cooking gear +1 normal-sized characters. The larger pavilion can shelter
up to 10, provide sheltered space for a Knight and his
mount, or allow a traveling showman or merchant to
The camp gear consists of the basic utensils used when set up shop by the road.
traveling and camping. The standard gear is equivalent
to what one would find in an average persons home. Torch (1 hour): A torch provides clear light in a 4
Luxury cooking gear is what might be found in a manor radius. Properly prepared torches last for one hour.
house, castle, or similar grand domicile. Temporary torches can be made with some wood, rags,
and one pint of oil for every 10 torches. However, these
Crowbar: A crowbar can be used to pry open a stuck only last half as long.
door or chest, giving the user a +1 to his Strength roll.
It can also be used as a club in combat (Str+d4). Travel Bag: A travel bag and its contents (up to about
100 lbs of goods) can be dropped as a free action.
Grappling Hook and Line: A grappling hook is
attached to a light line of variable length (but usually
no more than 15 yards). The user throws the hook as if
he were attacking a target. It has a range of 3/6/12. If it Clothing Notes
hits, the hook has set and can hold up to 200 pounds Court Attire: Petitioners to the court without suitable
of weight. attire may suffer a 2 penalty to Charisma. For those
Instrument, Musical: Actual weight and cost can vary who dont normally wear clothes, or who are already
greatly, but this is typical of a handcrafted instrument as wearing armor, this may come in the form of an
might be used by a professional musician. extravagant hat, a magnificent cloak, etc.

Lantern: A lantern provides light in a 4 radius for Wardrobe: For some, just one set of travel clothes
three hours per pint of oil. There is a 50% chance that wont suffice. This is a set of assorted pieces that can
the lantern will break if dropped, and a 1-in-6 chance be mixed and matched to suit the occasion, though it
that it sets normal combustibles alight (see the rules for doesnt include any heavy or especially fancy garb (such
Fire in Savage Worlds) near where it is dropped. as winter garb or court attire, sold separately). This is
for such adventurers as the fashionable gentleman with
Oil (1 pint): Besides providing light when used in a hundred bow-ties in as many colors and patterns, or
lanterns, oil can be used as a weapon by adding a fuse the master of disguise who needs countless costumes.
(for example an oil-soaked rag), which is lit when
required. The flask is then thrown at the target, where Winter Garb: These clothes are too bulky and insulated
it breaks and the fuse sets the oil alight. Lighting a fuse to wear in warm weather (especially near the Beach),
requires 1d6 rounds with flint and steel (one round but grant a +2 bonus to Vigor and Survival checks made
with open flame), so its best to light the fuse before a to resist the effects of normal cold. They also grant +1
fight starts (a fuse stays alight for 10 minutes). Armor against magical attacks with cold or ice trappings
(and this stacks with any protection provided by actual
The flasks range is 3/6/12. Anything it hits is set alight armor worn).
on a d6 roll of 56, causing 1d10 damage per round

Gear & Goods
Magical Gear Notes properties in Wonderland. Each vial heals one wound
when inhaled; the salts evaporate in the process.
Brown Paper: This high-quality brown paper is suitable
for patching nobs and mending broken crowns of all Treacle: This sugary, amber-colored syrup counts as a
sorts. It comes with a jar of ordinary vinegar (readily rare Magic Foodstuff (see p. 31), and a Streetwise check
available in any well-stocked pantry) for application. at 4 is required to find it for sale.

Brown paper lets a healer (or repairman) use his It has invigorating properties, drawn from notoriously
Healing or Repair skill, or a healing power, regardless hard-to-find treacle wells here and there. Consuming
of whether the patient is Chessman, Human, or a jar of purified treacle grants a +2 bonus to all Vigor
otherwise. Furthermore, it grants a +1 bonus to the checks for 24 hours; consuming multiple jars does not
roll. The brown paper is consumed by the attempt, stack the bonus, but only extends the duration.
successful or not. Due to scams involving false or impure treacle (e.g.,
Magic Foodstuff: These are Foodstuffs gathered in the bottled up from the famed Lake of Treacle), store
wild, typically offered for sale by costermongers from owners usually only buy treacle from trusted merchants.
street carts. In theory, any sort of Magic Foodstuff can Each unit of treacle counts as a single Magic Foodstuff.
be purchased, but more powerful ones are harder to
find. To reflect this, a Streetwise roll must be made to
find someone who possesses the required Foodstuff
and is willing to sell it. Only one attempt may be made Transport Notes
per week in most settlements to look for a particular Coach: Requires two mounts to pull, and includes a
type of Foodstuff; in the major cities, one attempt harness. It seats up to six passengers inside comfortably,
may be made per day. The roll is modified depending with room for two more (driver and shotgun) atop.
on the rank of the power for which the Foodstuff is
needed: Horse: Has statistics as found in the Savage Worlds
rules for a riding horse or warhorse as appropriate,
Power Rank Modifier though at the GMs discretion, more exotic mounts (or
Novice power +0 paper, wooden, clockwork, or other varieties of horses)
Seasoned power 2 might be available.
Veteran power 4 Saddle & Tack: Negates the 2 penalty to Riding for
going bareback. As with Wonderland armor and
Let the buyer beware! clothing, the saddle and tack resize themselves to fit
Quality varies widely, mounts of different sizes and shapes.
and on average theres
Wagon, Caravan: A little rolling home on wheels,
only a 50% chance it
requiring two mounts to pull it (harness included), with
will work as intended.
space for 2 riding atop.
(See Magic Foodstuffs,
Buying Them, p. 32.)
Magic Ingredients:
Be it rare spices, or Armor Notes
butter harvested from Bed Quilts: In addition to armor, this acts as winter
a bread-and-butterfly clothing when worn, and as a blanket when camping.
swarm, various
Ornate Jacket: This is a cavalry-style jacket with ornate
ingredients are valued
piping, large brass buttons, golden epaulets, and other
for added potency
such decoration. As well as making the wearer appear
when cooking.
lordlier, this decoration provides padding and impedes
One unit of Magic
weapon blows.
Ingredients grants a Gourmancer a one-time +1 bonus
to a Cooking roll. Paper Armor: An extension of a
peculiar fashion among certain
You can gain no more than a single Magic Ingredient
Wonderland Humans, this armor
bonus per Cooking roll; multiple Ingredients do not
is crafted entirely of layered
stack. Despite what the Duchesss Cook might tell you
paper. Any fire-based attacks
regarding pepper, theres such a thing as too much.
have a 100% chance of causing
Ingredients themselves are not Magic Foodstuffs, so the wearer to catch fire, and
theres no definite limit to how many can be carried. destroy the armor if at least
one wound is inflicted due
Smelling Salts: Smelling salts were once used to treat
to fire (even if the damage
fainting spells, but they possess miraculous healing
is soaked). If the armor is

Wonderland No MorePlayers Guide
submerged in water or otherwise drenched (such as by within a Small Burst Template. Note that due to Edges,
dousing with a bucket of water, or in a heavy rain), it is shields, etc., its possible for the same attack roll to hit
no longer flammable, but negates its protective bonus some and miss others.
until it dries out (which takes about 2 hours normally,
Flamingo: As a logical extension (at least to a native
or just 1 hour if it is carefully hung up to dry).
of Wonderland) of playing croquet with flamingos
Plate Armor: Full plate armor is generally found only for mallets and hedgehogs for balls, the bird may
in the Looking-glass Lands, crafted with Chessmen in be used as a two-handed club or to send hedgehogs
mind. As with other Wonderland armor, it will still fit flying toward distant foes. Special Note: Wonderland
non-Chessmen just fine. flamingos and hedgehogs are not harmed in the normal
course of being used as weapons!
Pots and Pans: This is representative of absurd
improvised armor favored by the Hedgehog: Hedgehogs may be
Tweedle, consisting of a strapped- driven at distant foes, provided
on assortment of pots, pans, a flamingo is available for use
washboards, and so on. Softer items as a mallet. The wielder uses
such as pillows and cushions serve her Throwing skill to aim the
as padding underneath. Although hedgehogs. If their owner succeeds
the makings of such armor can be in a Persuasion roll, the hedgehogs
readily gathered by ransacking the return, moving at 8 per round. The
kitchen and bedroom of a typical hedgehogs are not harmed by this
Wonderland house, it makes a process, but can still be unnerved,
terrible racket when moving, hence the Persuasion check to get
compromising stealth. Assistance is them to come back for more; on a
invariably required when putting on failure, more coaxing is required, or
such armor, due to the awkwardness else simply walking over and picking
of its assembly. On the plus side, them back up.
once taken off, the wearer has the
Tool: In addition to their martial
equivalent of standard cooking gear
applications, weaponized tools
and a blanket to set up camp.
are also suitable for performing an
Tool Box / Doctors Bag: This appropriate trade.
oversized tool box or bag is meant
As a rule of thumb, if the tool that
to be carried by hand, and carries
a weaponized tool is supposed
the basic tools to perform a specific
to duplicate is already listed as
trade. It also happens to be durable
something that costs or weighs
enough to deflect blows, so it acts as
more, go with the higher cost and/or
a shield when held up defensively.
Depending upon the trade, it could
be a carpenters tool box, a doctors Example: A stylish thief has a
house-visit bag, or a traveling weaponized lockpick as his personal
showmans portmanteau. weapon and tool, in the form of an
oversized ring of sharpened skeleton
keys. This could be treated as a
Weapon Notes standard tool, weighing 2 lbs and
costing 0.20, except that an actual
As shown in the charts, conventional set of lockpicks would cost 1 (and weigh 1 lb).
weapons tend to be generic, because the Wonderland
inhabitants are not too bothered about different types of Taking the higher of the two, a weaponized lockpick
weapons. If your hero particularly wants a great axe, for will therefore cost 1, and weigh 2 lbs, but at least the
example, he can seek out a smith and get one made for thief only has to carry one item to serve both as weapon
twice the stated price (once converted to Wonderland and tool.
pounds at a rate of $100 = 1) in the Savage Worlds Sword Cane: This appears to be a normal walking
rulebook. stick, and can be used as such, but with a deft twist of
the handle, the wielder can draw a straight blade from
Blunderbuss: A blunderbuss can be loaded with lead
its wooden sheath, and the cane itself can still be used
shot, gravel, scrap metal, rotten fruit, or whatever
as an off-hand weapon (with applicable penalties for
else comes to hand. Damage is 2d10 if hard ammo is
multiple weapons, using the off hand, etc.). Though
used; for softer ammo the damage is only 2d6. When
the thin blade technically does no more damage than
fired, the ammunition spreads over a large area; make
a bludgeoning cane, there are still cases where a sharp
a single Shooting roll that is used against every target
edge can come in handy (and be more intimidating).

Magic & Miracles
Magic Foodstuffs for All and (relatively) ordinary ingredients found in Wonderland.
Created Magic Foodstuffs have predetermined results,
Sundry and no roll is required when consuming them for their
powers. In the case of powers with extended durations,
Ordinary-looking food and drink in Wonderland Gourmancers can invest more Power Points when
sometimes has magical properties. All a hero needs to making them, to make them last longer than the
do to activate its power is to take an action to consume base duration.
it. If the Magic Foodstuff was prepared by a cook (or
more specifically, a Gourmancer), then the Cooking
roll used to make it determines the effect Chancing on Them
of its power. However, in the case of As the heroes explore Wonderland on
strange Foodstuffs found naturally in various adventures, they might discover
the wild, theres more risk involved. Magic Foodstuffs without any particular
explanation (e.g., a bottle labeled Drink
Me sitting on a glass table). A successful
Limitations Knowledge (Magic Foodstuffs) roll is
required to figure out what will happen
Only certain powers in Savage
if it is consumed; on a success, the GM
Worlds are available as Magic
reveals the power of the Foodstuff, and
Foodstuffssee Available Powers
its predetermined Spellcasting roll.
and Example Trappings (p. 34).
Theres still the chance of deliberately
Anyone who can eat can use Magic sabotaged Foodstuffs (e.g., a trap set by
Foodstuffs to cast powers. Beings a Gourmancer for thieves in his larder),
of non-animal intelligence may carry or entirely random mystery Foodstuffs,
a number of Magic Foodstuffs equal with effects other than expected.
to their Spirit die.
These items are inherently
unstable, so even briefly picking up an
Searching for Them
additional Foodstuff above maximum risks Heroes with at least a d4 in
side effects or spoilage. Carrying Foodstuffs in a cart Knowledge (Magic Foodstuffs) may forage while traveling.
or other conveyance does not circumvent this limit, Normally, only one attempt may be made per journey,
but some locations offer safe storage (e.g., a pantry or though at the GMs discretion multiple checks might be
larder)or you could always enlist (or hire) someone to allowed for long journeys (more than half the length of
carry additional Foodstuffs for you. a realm). Choose the type of Magic Foodstuff you seek
(pick a power from the Gourmancy power list), and then
Magic Foodstuffs crafted by Gourmancers do not count take a single Knowledge (Magic Foodstuffs) check. Other
toward this limit, because of the bond of the invested party members with Knowledge (Magic Foodstuffs) may
Power Points; however, stolen, lost or damaged Magic contribute toward a Cooperative Roll.
Foodstuffs tend to vanish within 24 hours (allowing the
Gourmancer to recover invested Power Points). The roll is modified by the rank of the power, reflecting
how rare the Magic Foodstuff is:
Novice power +0
Obtaining Magic Foodstuffs Seasoned power 2
There are four ways of getting Magic Foodstuffs: Veteran power 4

Each success and raise yields one portion of the Magic

Making Them Foodstuff, which can cast the power at its minimum
See Arcane Background (Gourmancy) (p. 32). Power Point cost.
Gourmancy is the art of preparing Magic Foodstuffs from

Wonderland No MorePlayers Guide
Note that an invisibility Foodstuff will always have
the base duration of 3 rounds, and an entangle Foodstuff Arcane Background
will always be the 2-point single-target version, not
the 4-point Medium Burst Template version. Foraging
cannot yield Foodstuffs with extended durations, or Arcane Skill: Cooking (Smarts)
other benefits that require more Power Points. For that, Power Points: 10
a Gourmancer is required. Powers: 3
Trappings: Gourmantic powers are all held within
Furthermore, any discovered Foodstuffs are of
dishes that can be as simple as a soup or as complex as
unknown quality; this is the risk for eating things found
a three-course meal.
in the wild.
When the Foodstuff is In addition to the obvious Magic Foodstuffs, many
consumed, roll 1d6 (without other food items have magical properties, but in most
a Wild Die, though this roll they are locked away and cannot be used. Gourmancers
can Ace) for the Spellcasting have the ability to unlock these latent powers to produce
roll. Bennies may be spent on magical effects.
the roll. A Gourmancer will normally prepare his dishes
On a natural 1, the food ahead of time, and carry the cooked products with him.
is spoiled, and it explodes, However, in extremis he can grab whatever ingredients
bursts into confetti, comes to are around and force the power out of themthis is
life and runs away screaming, known as on the fly cooking (see following).
or disappears in an even Occasionally, there may be Gourmancers who have
more bizarre fashion. The other trappings to their craft; e.g., a Potboy who mixes
eater must pass a Vigor test or drinks for his special effects, or a Witch Hazel who brews
be Shaken. potions and makes poison apples with her bubbling
Buying Them
When in a reasonably Backlash
inhabited area (at least a Cooking in Wonderland can be hard, even hazardous
village) Magic Foodstuffs may work; there are no modern appliances or electric or gas
be purchased (see Gear and stoves to make it any easier, and its even more difficult
Goods, p. 29). for a Gourmancer who deals specifically with potent
Magic Foodstuffs available ingredients for their magical power: In Wonderland, a
for sale are gathered by locals leg of mutton or a plum pudding might very well spring
from the nearby wilds; the same rules and limitations are to life and violently object to being cut and served. Plus,
used for them as for foraged Foodstuffs (see Searching theres so much pepper flying around!
for Them, previously) except that someone else has If a Gourmancer rolls a 1 on his Cooking die, he
already done the searching. suffers a level of Fatigue as a result of mishaps while
cooking. If he still passes the roll (due to bonuses or
the Wild Die), the recipe is still usable despite the extra
trouble involved in making it. Failure means the Power
Points are wasted. (Note: Fatigue gained from backlash
Gourmancy Powers during cooking only goes away after getting a full nights
Gourmancer heroes are encouraged sleep.)
to develop their own dishes based
upon the examples given at the end of
this section. Please note that with few
exceptions, Gourmancy powers are not The Gourmancer spends time preparing, mixing,
directly offensive in nature; the target of and cooking his ingredients into magical dishes. Such
a Gourmancy dish is almost always the preparation requires ten minutes per Power Point
consumer (or, in the case of a template spent, which the Gourmancer invests in the dish while
attack such as burst, the template originates preparing. For Powers with an extended duration, the
from the consumer). required Power Points must be spent up front.
The Cooking roll is then made to determine whether
it is successfully created (failure indicating that the
time and Power Points are wasted), and whether or not
there are any mishaps (see Backlash above). This roll is

modified by the facilities available, and quality of cooking Leisure Cooking
Sometimes, a large amount of time passes between
Facilities Modifier adventures, offering days rather than hours to get a
None 2 Gourmancy dish right. For a starting Gourmancers first
adventure, and at the GMs discretion thereafter, the
Rudimentary (a campfire, fireplace, or None
following rules apply when theres extended time to
at least a decent cook pot)
A normal kitchen +1
For a starting Gourmancer, assume he has
Gourmet facilities (a manor house or +2
(temporary) access to a normal kitchen (+1) for
his starting Foodstuffs.
The Gourmancer spends Power Points and rolls
Cooking Gear Modifier Cooking for each recipe he wishes to prepare, as
None 2 normal.
Ignore any Backlash results.
Camp cooking gear 1
Record 5 as the Cooking roll for any
Standard cooking gear None result of less than 5. Theres time to
Luxury cooking gear +1 redo any substandard dishes.

A character carrying the Magic Foodstuff must record On-the-fly Cooking

its power, the final Cooking roll (after all modifiers), and In dire circumstances, a
any Power Points spent on its creation. The Gourmancers Gourmancer can quickly whip
Power Points are tied up in the creation of the dish; up a snack with the barest of
only once the dish is consumed or destroyed will he ingredients for the desired magical
begin to recover any lost Power Points at the standard effect, making and using it in just a
rate. For this reason, stealing prepared Magic Foodstuffs single action.
is a serious offense (as evidenced by the famous trial of
the Knave of Hearts for stealing magical tarts). The Gourmancer selects the
power and then makes a Cooking
Example: A Gourmancer gains the use of the Duchesss roll modified by what sort of
Manor kitchen, and spends some time whipping up a area he is currently in (it is
batch of explosive chili. He makes his Cooking roll with far easier to find ingredients
a bonus of +2, and ends up with a total result of 8. He growing in the wild than in a
records the power as Red Hot Chili (burst, 2 PP, 8). The town house). Whether the roll
Gourmancer loses the 2 Power Points until the dish is succeeds or not, the Power
used, but when it is, anyone who eats it causes a burst Point cost is doubled.
with an automatic Spellcasting roll of 8.
Please note that the Magic Foodstuff s Spellcasting Location Modifier
roll is predetermined, so many modifiers that would Inside a man-made structure (if not a 2
normally affect a spellcaster in the field will not apply kitchen)
when using a Magic Foodstuff; in particular, wound Inside a natural structure (e.g., a cave) 1
levels, Fatigue levels, and effects of fear will not impact Outside (urban area) 1
the consumers ability to cast the power of the Magic Outside (rural area) None
Foodstuff, since the Spellcasting roll has already been
Example: Caught unprepared by a trio of Club Cards
However, in the special case of healing and mending,
in the woods around the Queen of Hearts palace (a
the roll is still penalized by the wound level of the
rural area), a Gourmancer looks around for something
recipient (the consumer of the food).
to aid her escape. She has her standard cooking gear
Example: A Fatigued (1), wounded (2) Knight has a and a cook pot, so she neednt worry about penalties
flask of soup (healing) he was given by his Gourmancer for facilities or cooking gear.
friend; it is recorded as Chicken Soup (healing, 3 PP, 8).
She makes her Cooking roll and feverishly grabs
He consumes it after a battle; the fact that he is Fatigued
a handful of wild chilies. She quickly devours the
has no impact on its potency. However, because he (as
hot plants and breathes out a fiery cone (Cone Burst
the recipient) is at 2 due to wounds, the roll of 8 is
Template) charring the flammable Cards and giving her
reduced to 6; it is only potent enough to give him a basic
time to escape. Her lucky break costs 4 Power Points
success (not a raise), so only one wound is healed.
(burst normally costs 2).

Wonderland No MorePlayers Guide
Available powers and example trappings: Fly (V) An almost lighter-than-air souffl that
The following lists the powers that are available to a passes on its lightness to the eater.
Gourmancer and as foraged Magic Foodstuffs. Greater A thick and nourishing chicken broth
Healing (V) that heals the eater.
Unless noted (see burst as an exception below),
Gourmantic powers only affect the person or creature Growth (S) A stroganoff (made from the north
that eats or drinks the Foodstuffs that contain the power. (p. 41) side of puffer shroom stems) that
For powers that cause a detrimental effect (e.g., puppet increases the eaters Size.
or stun), the victim has to be tricked into eating. Healing (N) Magically-nourishing chicken soup
that heals wounds.
Armor (N) This turtle soup toughens the eaters
Invisibility A celebratory cake complete with
skin, making it hard and shell-like.
(S) candles and sparklers, which distracts
Beast Friend These biscuits can be tossed singly others while the eater slowly fades
(N) or in handfuls to wild beasts to from view, Cheshire Cat-style.
temporarily befriend them. Each
Light (N) A light and crisp pie with a taste of
beast friend treat costs 3 Power
will-o-the-wisp ... that makes the
Points to make. Larger creatures have
eater glow in the dark!
to be fed enough treats to equal or
exceed the number of Power Points Mending This beautiful cake tastes of sawdust
normally required, as described in the (N) and glue. For an inanimate object, the
beast friend power. (p. 41) cake must be fed to it (so some sort
of mouth or tongue is required,
Burst (N) A red-hot chili that prompts the eater
and perhaps some creative punnery).
to breathe fire (whether he wants to
or not). Place the cone template as Obscure (N) A pulse salad (of murkweed seed
with normal use of the burst power. pods found primarily in the Dismal
Mire) that emits a cloying black mist.
Puppet (V) This confection is so delicious that
the eater is compelled to obey the
maker in the hope of getting more.
Quickness This dessert composed mainly of figs
(S) and prunes is guaranteed to get the
eater moving at a rapid pace.
Shape A beast-shaped cookie that turns the
Change (N) eater into that beast for a limited
(p. 40) time.
Shrink (S) A stroganoff made from the south
(p. 41) side of the puffer shrooms stems may
be eaten to dramatically decrease the
eaters Size.
Detect A chewy carrot cake that enables eyes
Smite (N) A hot sauce, thick enough to coat a
Arcana (N) to see things beyond normal sight.
Deflection A hot and spicy dish that causes the
Speak This comes in the form of French
(N) very air around the eater to shimmer
Language toast, German chocolate, a Danish,
and distort.
(N) etc. Eating the dish makes you
Dispel (S) Garlic, wolfsbane, and many other understand, speak, and take on the
spices are combined into small cakes accent of the appropriate language.
that dispel all other magical effects on
Speed (N) Petals of certain giant flowers have
the eater.
a curiously citric taste when eaten.
Entangle When chewed, this dish becomes Once cooked, they provoke the eater
(N) a rapidly expanding gooey mass to constantly leap and spring about.
which is then spat at the target. An
Stun (N) This tart is so delicious that
excessively nasally-endowed caster
whomever eats it is stunned, in a state
might have the option of sneezing
of satiated bliss. (This affects the eater
this at his foes.
only, not a template.)
Fear (N) This Dandelion-petal dish prompts
Teleport (S) A bottle of port infused with rare
the eater to make a single, terrifying
herbs and other ingredients; as the
roar (place edge of Large Burst
alcohol is drunk the drinker fades
Template adjacent to eater).
slowly from view, Cheshire-Cat-style.

Arcane Background All powers with encounter duration may be
extended by spending the full Power Point cost to keep it
(Haberdashery) going through another encounter. This does not require
another action or Spellcasting roll. The Haberdasher
Arcane Skill: Haberdashery (Smarts) intuitively knows when the power is about to end and
Power Points: 10 can extend it, if he has enough Power Points to do so.
Powers: 2
Trappings: All Haberdashery powers involve pulling
things out of, putting things into, or the conjuring of Available powers and example trappings:
hats and other headgear. The following lists the powers available to
Haberdashery is but an example of another brand of
nonsense magic found in Wonderland, practiced by Power Notes / Example Trappings
natives unaware that theyre practicing magic at all. This Conjuring (N) Pulls an item out of a hat.
particular variety is exclusive to hatters of Wonderland, (p. 42)
who are invariably mad to some degree (and typically Dress Up (N) Conjures a wig, hat, etc., which
Human). (p. 42) produces an entire costume/
Slight variations on this basic idea may be found disguise when worn.
amongst other Wonderland craftsmen (e.g., a skilled Hat For Every Caster conjures a professional
Seamstress or Tailor who quickly stitches together an Occasion (N) hat or a dunce cap to put on the
entire outfit to dress up, and can make a dress/suit for (p. 43) targets head.
any occasion). The effects are much the same, requiring Nothing Inside Caster disappears into a hat and
appropriate tools and materials to perform, but with the Hat (S) pops out of another one.
trappings more appropriate to the particular profession. (p. 44)
Rabbit in the Caster pulls a very large rabbit-
Backlash Hat (V) (p. 44) like monster out of his hat.
Haberdashery technically has no backlash. However,
all magic of this type involves conjuring things from or
putting things into hatsand so it cannot be performed
if the caster is without headgear of some sort. (Given
some fabric, tools and time, a Haberdasher can make his
own hats; however, if captured by someone aware of his
abilities, he might be denied that option.)
Furthermore, some of the powers associated with
Haberdashery have additional limitations upon them
beyond the normal Savage Worlds rules.
For Haberdashers with other trappings (such as the
example of the Seamstress or Tailor above), essential
tools of the trade are required in lieu of hats.

Encounter/Scene Duration
For many of these spells, the duration is listed
as encounter. Haberdashery powers are either
instantaneous, or else (in the case of encounter spells)
have a variable duration.
It is up to the GM to judge how long an encounter
lasts; if the power is cast just prior to an anticipated
fightor right in the middle of onethen it will last
at least until the end of the combat. For non-combat
situations, it lasts for the entirety of the present scene,
which in Wonderland could be anything from 5 minutes
to several days (as in the case of uneventful journeys
from point A to point B). No matter how long the current
encounter or scene lasts, the Haberdasher cannot
recover Power Points while he still has a power active.

Wonderland No MorePlayers Guide
Beast Friend Caster sings to soothe the savage
(S) beastsor imperiously commands
them, if it suits her better
accompanied by conjured music.
Blast (S) Caster summons a bouquet of roses
and hurls it to her foes. It then
explodes in a flurry of rose petals
and slashing thorns.
Bolt (N) Caster conjures a rose with a razor-
sharp cut stem, and then flings it
stem-first at the target.
Boost/Lower Caster conjures a scroll from up
Trait (N) a sleeve, unrolls it, and reads
a proclamation that lauds or
condemns the subject. For boost,
a medal and ribbon appear draped
around his neck; for lower, a fools
cap appears on his head.
Burrow (N) Caster claps her hands, summoning
a troupe of little gardeners who dig
Arcane Background (Witch furiously to clear a tunnel for their
Queen) Burst (N) With a wave of her scepter, the
Arcane Skill: Sorcery (Smarts) caster sends a spray of rose petals
Starting Power Points: 10 and razor-sharp thorns at her
Powers: 3 enemies.
Trappings: Commanding gestures, royal scepters, and Conceal/ For detect, the caster produces a
roses. Detect Arcana pair of opera glasses from inside
(N) her robes, while for conceal,
Many Queens secretly study Sorcery, all the better
ethereal rose petals briefly obscure
to bring about their rivals downfalls. This Arcane
the subject and then vanish.
Background is only available to Queens, and requires the
Noble Edge. Usually this is a Card, Chessman or Honorary Deflection (N) A whirlwind of small rose
Chessman Queen, but there may be other ways to attain petals centers on the recipient,
queendom (e.g., a female Insect Animala Queen Bee). intercepting and deflecting blows.
Dispel (S) Caster dictates a royal proclamation
(recorded by a conjured scroll and
Backlash animated quill) prohibiting the
A roll of 1 on the spellcasting die, regardless of the offending spell.
Wild Die, causes the caster to be Shaken. This can cause Elemental With a wave of her scepter, the
a wound. It is still possible for the power to succeed Manipulation caster commands the appropriate
anyway (due to the Wild Die, bonuses, etc.). (N) element.
Entangle (N) A tangle of thorny rose bushes
erupts around the targets feet.
Available powers and example trappings:
Fear (N) Caster points her scepter at the
These trappings reflect the authority and majesty of a
target and, in a booming voice,
Queenand the importance placed upon having a royal
issues a threat or condemnation
garden. Rose petals often figure in, with the signature
(e.g., Off with his head!).
color chosen by the caster upon attaining her status
(usually red, white, or black). Scepters are used as well; if Fly (V) Casters attire sprouts wingsfairy
wings, feathered, bat-like, or even
the caster hasnt one, then the spell temporarily conjures
clockworkin a form suiting her
a scepter or wand for her as part of its trappings.
Power Notes / Example Trappings Greater With a gesture of the casters
Armor (N) Casters attire becomes more regal Healing (V) scepter, rose blossoms spring forth
and extravagant. around the recipient, forming
Barrier (S) A thick and thorny rosebush hedge a restful bed of petals for him,
springs up. and easing his pains and injuries
magically away.

Mending (V)
A troupe of little gardeners build
scaffolding around the recipient.
Religions of Wonderland
(p. 41) In a flurry of activity, the target is
thoroughly patched up, and the The Trinity of Forces
scaffolding and gardeners vanish. Time, Distance, and Belief are all persons in their own
Growth (S) With a commanding wave of the right in Wonderland, wandering about and occasionally
(p. 41) casters scepter, plants grow all playing hob with reality.
around the targetand the target
Of these, Distance and Belief are almost completely
grows as well!
alien. Their motivations and actions seem completely
Healing (N) With a blown kiss, the caster sends arbitrary, when they can be discerned at all. Belief s
a cascade of lightly fluttering rose role in the make-up of Wonderland is the subject
petals. They quickly melt away,
of many philosophical debates, but not much else.
taking the wounds with them.
Distances influence can be felt whenever one travels in
Invisibility (S) A rose bush sprouts up and a giant Wonderlandwhat should be a two-day journey can take
rose envelops the target. The petals five hours one time, or five days the next. This is the way
then part to reveal ... nothing it has always been, and nobody except for the occasional
inside! Real-world visitor finds it the least bit odd.
Light (N) Sparkling light emits from the
Nobody worships Belief much at all, though there is
casters scepter.
the occasional Cargo Cult devoted to Distance, especially
Mending (N) At the casters command, a troupe amongst those making their living in haulage and
(p. 41) of little gardeners is summoned; transportation. Time, though he operates on his own set
they quickly set to work applying a of principles, is almost personable by comparison. Very
new coat of paint, which makes the rarely, individuals will even strike up a friendship with
target as good as brand-new.
Time, though these people tend (like the Hatter) to be
Obscure (N) A thick, swirling cloud of rose somewhat mad even by Wonderland standards.
petals and leaves obscures the
vision of those around the caster.
Puppet (V) Taking upon an imperious tone, The Spirit of Conflict
the caster points her scepter at the The almighty Spirit of Conflict is the personification
target, and commands his every of martial honor and warfare, driving the Chessmens
move. eternal conflict between houses and their personal
Shape Change A flurry of rose petals obscures the betterment through the Accords. Though the Spirit of
(Special) casters form as she changes. Conflict has no face or personality, each Chessman knows
(p. 40) he carries a tiny piece of the Spirit within him. Bishops,
Shrink (S) Caster delivers a withering tirade to called by the Spirit of Conflict to its special service, may
(p. 41) the recipient, who literally shrinks call upon it in turn to aid them or their allies in battle.
under the verbal onslaught.
Smite (N) Thorny vines topped with bloody, Alice
rose-like flowers sprout and
Some individuals of Wonderland believe that Alice
entwine the casters weapon.
created the realm from the power of her imagination.
Speed (N) With a wave of her wand, the caster Although scoffed at by those who know better, this
summons a great wind; she seems belief nevertheless gives these individuals the ability to
to fly across the ground, dress cast miracles. The books known in the Real World as
billowing. Alices Adventures in Wonderland and Through the
Stun (N) Pointing her scepter at the target, Looking Glass and What Alice Found There constitute
the caster reproaches him, leaving Holy Scripture in Wonderland, though interpretations of
him literally stunned. each have varied widely through the years.
Quickness (S) At a stern command from the caster,
Despite multiple schisms and holy wars, The Church
the recipient is prompted to snap
of Alice has prospered and now has chapels in most
to it, and act quickly!
villages and cathedrals in all cities.
Teleport (S) Vines sprout from the ground or
a nearby wall, and then split to Since the Shant! iconoclasm, Chessmen adherents
reveal a door or a trellis. The caster generally hold to an orthodox, literal view of the
steps through, to emerge from a scriptures, while Cards and Animals tend to take a more
similarly-conjured portal at the reformed view. Certain sects of Insects worship A Lice,
other side. while a small yet fanatical sect of Tweedle preaches The
Fourth Coming of Alice.

Wonderland No MorePlayers Guide
Saint Dinah Major Sins (loss of power for one week):
Willful violation of the Accords.
Alices cat Dinah is also revered as second only
to Alice herself in many Animal villages. Though the Murder (killing your Houses enemies does not
Dinahists claim to be part of the Church of Alice, the count as murder).
church itself will have none of it, persecuting Dinahists Mortal (loss of power unless atoned):
as heretics. The Dinahists themselves are a generally Slaying someone of ones own House (unless
respectable bunch, emphasizing lawful living, clean and executing the Kings judgement).
proper dress, charity, and door-to-door evangelism. The
Falsely representing ones allegiance.
Queen of Hearts court contains many devout Dinahists,
including William, her Walrus majordomo. Personally attacking another Bishop.
Alices Black Kitten, Kitty, is reviled in Dinahist Attacking a King without first declaring Check!
theology as Naughty, and those Dinahists caught when in position, and then Mate!
worshiping it are ritually wrapped in black worsted and
then suppressed by being placed in a sack, sat upon,
then shaken to death.
Available powers and example trappings:
Power Notes / Example Trappings
Armor (N) Shining armor appears on the
Arcane Background (Miracles) Barrier (S) A line of illusory shield-bearers rises
Arcane Skill: Belief (Spirit) from the ground.
Starting Power Points: 10 Blast (S) A catapult stone lands on the target
Starting Powers: 2 and explodes.
Bolt (N) With trumpet fanfare, a shining
Those who cast Miracles gain their powers from a divine
spear soars toward the target.
presence of some sort. In the realm of Wonderland,
this presence is either the Spirit of Conflict, or Alice. Burst (N) A cone of holy light shines forth
Dinahists who cast miracles from the casters outstretched hand.
are treated as Alicians for Deflection (N) A hovering shield guards the caster.
rules purposes. Dispel (S) A shining metal lance thrusts into
the spell area and shatters it.
Entangle (N) The very plants and earth rise up to
Spirit of Conflict ensnare the wicked.
The Chessmen of both Greater The caster prays over the targets
Houses may advance in Mending (V) wounds.
rank to Bishop after a (p. 41)
period of training. These Growth (S) The recipient grows in size and
holy champions draw upon (p. 41) glows with an inner radiance
the power of the almighty literally becoming larger than life.
Spirit of Conflict, the root Healing (N) The caster prays over the targets
of the conflict between the wounds.
two houses, to cast their Mending (N) The caster prays over the targets
miracles. (p. 41) wounds.
The Spirit of Conflict is Obscure (N) A thick mist formsthe fog of war.
only available to those with Smite (N) The weapon becomes more ornate
the Bishop Edge (p. 20). and glows brightly for the duration.
Many of the powers granted Speed (N) Wings appear on the targets shoes,
to the worshipers of the granting greater speed (but, sorry,
Spirit of Conflict manifest as not actual flight).
physical items such as armor
Quickness (S) Ghostly chessboard squares briefly
and weapons. All such items glow and are very ornate,
appear in the wake of the recipient
often with enameled insets the color of the casters
as if his every move is part of a giant
house (red for Rosewood, white for Whitefield).
chess match.
Minor Sins (2 to Belief rolls for one week): Teleport (S) An illusory chessboard appears
Violation of the Accords (even accidentally). on the ground, just long enough
Telling a lie (omissions do not count). for the caster to disappear and
reappear in another square.
Breaking of just laws and agreed-upon rules.

The Church of Alice Conceal/
Detect Arcana
With detect, the caster gains
illusory, yet literal, eyes in the back
Some individuals of Wonderland believe that Alice (N) of her head, and Can See What
created the realm from the power of her imagination. Youre Doing There, Young Man.
Although scoffed at by those who know better, this With conceal, she covers her own
belief nevertheless gives these individuals the power to eyesI cant see you, so you cant
cast miracles. Such powers have trappings associated see this.
with sensible Victorian life as Alice saw it. Deflection (N) The caster makes rapid slapping
gestures, as though waving flies
Dispel (S) Caster shouts, in a very indignant
tone, Stuff and nonsense!
Fly (V) Small wings sprout from the
recipients footgear.
Greater The recipient must spend a round
Healing (V) to lie down, place a wet rag over
his forehead (conjured by the
spell), and think very, very hard
about chicken soup.
Growth (S) The caster makes growing motions
(p. 41) with her hands.
Healing (N) The caster rubs a hand gently over
the wound (rub it better) or
kisses the area (kiss it better).
Invisibility (S) The recipients body gradually
fades from view until only his
mouth is left; that too vanishes if
Minor Sins (2 to Belief rolls for one week): he closes his lips tightly together.
Allowing harm to a harmless and/or cute creature. If an invisible person speaks, his
mouth becomes visible and fades
Using coarse language. again when it closes. The effect is
Allowing someone else to blaspheme or mock comparable to that of the Cheshire
Alice or St. Dinah without rebuke. Cats fading from view.
Major Sins (loss of power for one week): Light (N) A small candlecomplete with
Allowing a relic of Alice to be defiled or destroyed. holderappears, hovering
alongside the recipient.
Blaspheming or mocking Alice or St. Dinah.
Mending (N) The recipient sets about stitching
Mortal (loss of power unless atoned): (p. 41) the target back together, or
Destroying or defiling a relic of Alice. applying an excessive amount
Harming or attempting to harm Alice Herself. of tape and/or paste, and then
declares at last, There, thats all
Murder (exceptions for if the victim was very, very
better now!
Quickness (S) The recipients movements become
jerky as though seen through a
Available powers and example trappings: Victorian-era zoetrope.
Power Notes / Example Trappings Shape Change The caster shakes herself into a
(Special) kitten ... or some other creature.
Beast Friend The caster radiates warmth and
(p. 40)
(S) love, compelling cute (and only
cute) beasts to do her bidding. Shrink (S) Caster spends a round withholding
(p. 41) dessert and berating the target
Boost/Lower Without changing appearance at all,
for being naughty, until the target
Trait (N) the caster takes on the demeanor
shrinks out of sheer shame.
of either a schoolmarm (boost) or a
child (lower). Speed (N) The caster tells the recipient to
run along now.
Burrow (N) A rabbit hole opens in the ground,
allowing the caster to enter a Stun (N) The caster emits an ear-splitting
magical burrow. scream.

Wonderland No MorePlayers Guide
Amended / New Powers VeteranRoyal Flamingo
The chief difficulty Alice found at first was
in managing her
Shape Change flamingo...
The following forms are used for shape change Attributes: Agility d8,
(detailed in the core Savage Worlds rules). These Strength d8, Vigor d8
creatures may differ from those found in the wilds of Skills: Fighting d8,
Wonderland. Physical characteristics, skills, and special Swimming d8
abilities are listed below. Derived statistics, such as Pace: 6; Parry: 6;
Toughness, already include modifiers due to Size. Toughness: 6
The recipient keeps her own mental characteristics Special Abilities
and skills, though some may be hindered by the new Fisher: +2 to Survival
form. If a skill is listed for a new form, the recipient uses tests to fish for food.
the higher of either her own skill or the instinctive skill Fly: Flying Pace of 10",
granted by the form. (The Parry value listed here assumes Climb 3, but it takes a
that the caster doesnt have a higher Fighting skill.) full round of running to
get airborne.
Cost Rank Animal Types Peck: Str+d6.
3 Novice Black Kitten Weapon: May be picked up and used by an ally as
4 Seasoned Handsome Pig a weapon, without suffering personal harm. (See
5 Veteran Royal Flamingo Flamingo notes, p. 30.) When used as a weapon, may
use Fighting as a Cooperative Roll to aid the wielders
6 Heroic Golden Crocodile
Fighting attacks.
7 Legendary Mock Jabberwock

NoviceBlack Kitten HeroicGolden Crocodile

How doth the little crocodile improve his
Ill shake you into a kitten, that I will!
shining tail, and pour the waters of the Nile on
Attributes: Agility d8, Strength d4, Vigor d4 every golden scale!
Skills: Fighting d4, Stealth d10
Attributes: Agility d4, Strength d12+4, Vigor d12
Charisma: +2; Pace: 6; Parry: 4;
Skills: Fighting d8, Swimming d8
Toughness: 2
Pace: 3; Parry: 6; Toughness: 12(2)
Special Abilities
Special Abilities
Cuteness: Charisma +2.
Aquatic: Swimming Pace of 6.
Easily Distracted: 2 to Tests of Will vs.
Bite: Str+d6.
tricks or taunts with balls of yarn, dangling
Fisher: +2 to Survival tests to fish for food.
string, toy mice, etc.
Improved Shining Tail: Gains the Improved Sweep
Low Light Vision.
Edge, but only against targets in his rear arc, and only
Size 2: Enemies are at 1 to hit or Notice this little
with its tail (Str+d4).
creature; Toughness is reduced by 2 (minimum of 2).
Lurk: May use Swimming skill instead of Stealth when
(Note: This form is considered Naughty by Dinahists.
in water.
They use a White Kitten form instead,
Size +2: +2 to Toughness; enemies are at +1 to hit
with the same statistics.)
this large creature.
Tough Hide: Armor +2.
SeasonedHandsome Pig
... but it makes rather a handsome
LegendaryMock Jabberwock
pig, I think. Beware the Jabberwock, my son! The jaws that
bite, the claws that catch!
Attributes: Agility d6, Strength d6, Vigor
d10 Attributes: Agility d8, Strength d12+2, Vigor d12
Skills: Fighting d6, Stealth d6, Tracking Skills: Fighting d10
d6 Pace: 6; Parry: 7; Toughness: 12
Pace: 6; Parry: 5; Toughness: 6 Special Abilities
Special Abilities Claws or Jaws: Str+d8.
Bite: Str+d4. Fly: Fly at Pace 4.
Forage: +1 to Survival to find food. Hardy: Does not suffer a wound from being Shaken
Size 1: Toughness is reduced by 1 (minimum of 2). twice.

Creatures reduced to Size 2 are Small and those
trying to hit them suffer a 2 penalty. They may also share
a space occupied by another character.
Bear in mind that the proportions of the targets body
do not necessarily remain constant. Alice herself was
mistaken for a serpent after a bit of Foodstuff elongated
her neck but not the rest of her. This occasional effect
is at the whim of the GM (and makes for a lovely side-
effect in the event of Backlash or Critical Failure).

Lesser Eyes of Flame: May spend action gazing at
Rank: Novice
victim within 8 instead of attacking; make opposed
Power Points: 3+
Notice check vs. targets Agilityif victim fails, he
Range: Touch
takes 2d6 damage and may catch on fire.
Duration: Instant
Low Light Vision.
Trappings: Gestures, magic words, new coats of paint.
Size +4: +4 to Toughness; enemies are at +2 to hit
this large creature. This powers most common use makes it similar
Can Cook His Own Food Just by Staring at It: +2 to the healing power, except that it heals constructs
to Survival tests to forage for food. (specifically including Chessmen) rather than normal
living creatures. It can act as magical healing for normal
creatures (since the distinction is so often blurred in
Growth/Shrink Wonderland), but at a 2 penalty to the spellcasting roll.
Rank: Seasoned It can also be used to apply healing to inanimate
Power Points: 4 objects, but just as with the normal healing power, it
Range: Smarts x 2 cannot bring back the dead. Hence, it can only be used
Duration: 3 (1/round) to fix cracks, scuffs, folds, tears, stains, burns and such. It
Trappings: Gestures, words of power, cannot replace missing parts or restore something thats
potions. been totally shattered, exploded, or otherwise beyond
Growth increases the height repair to the point where even a skilled craftsman would
and mass of the target. The target be better off building a new one. It likewise does no
increases his Size by one step on good in the case of an object that has been turned into
a success, two on a raise. Each something else (because it is not damaged so much as
step of Size gains the target a one repurposed).
step increase to Strength and This can be used to mend larger objects, at an
also a point of Toughness. This increase in Power Point cost and time spent (since he
spell may be cast multiple times has to actually visit and touch all the damaged areas).
on the same target, though the E.g., to mend a wooden wagon or carriage, the Power
caster must track each casting Point cost would be 4, and the casting time 1 minute; for
separately. Unwilling recipients something as large as a sailing vessel, the Power Point
may make a Spirit roll opposed cost would be 20, and the casting time 1 day. Anything
by the casters arcane skill roll to else would fall somewhere in between there at the GMs
resist the effects. discretion.
If the target reaches a Size
between +4 and +8, he is
considered Large and fills a 2 Greater Mending
square on the tactical battle map. Rank: Novice
Increasing to between +8 and +10 Power Points: 10/20
makes him Huge, and he occupies Range: Touch
an area 3 square. Each further Duration: Instant
increase adds another 1 per level. Trappings: Gestures, magic words, new coats of paint.
Shrink reduces the Size of the recipients by one step This is identical to the greater healing power (see
per success and raise, down to a minimum of Size 2 Savage Worlds core rules) except that it is designed for
(about the size of a rat). Each level of Size reduction repairing constructs, and can heal normal creatures at a
reduces the targets Strength by one die type (minimum 2 penalty to the spellcasting roll.
of d4) and his Toughness by 1 (minimum of 2).

Wonderland No MorePlayers Guide
Haberdashery Powers Dress Up
The following powers are unique to Haberdashery, Rank: Novice
or are variations on spells found in the Savage Worlds Power Points: 5+
rules. Range: Touch
Duration: Encounter
Trappings: Produce a costume hat, wig, helmet, or
Conjuring other headgear prop, out from underneath your own
hat; it creates an entire costume when worn.
Rank: Novice
Power Points: 1+ For the remainder of this encounter, anyone who puts
Range: Touch on the hat conjured by this spell is magically disguised in
Duration: Encounter a complete costume to resemble a particular Wonderland
Trappings: Pull an item out race and/or profession of the Haberdashers choice.
of a hat. For 5 Power Points, the spellcaster can disguise a
With this trick, the single recipient. For each extra Power Point spent at the
Haberdasher pulls a useful, time of casting, another copy of the disguise is created,
non-magical item from a hat. which can be given to another recipient. Each disguise
For one Power Point, a tool or can be passed from person to person for the duration of
other commonly available item the spell (by putting the hat on someone else).
worth up to 1 is conjured. Only roles for which a hat could be part of the
More expensive items may be costume can be assumed. For instance, jabberkin do not
conjured, up to a value of 1 wear hats, so a jabberkin costume cannot be conjured
per Power Point spent. For with this trick.
items not listed in the gear section, the GM can
This confers no special abilities, and makes no
assign an arbitrary value for the purpose of this spell;
actual physical alteration to the recipient. It cannot be
it doesnt necessarily mean that such an item can be
used to take on the appearance of a specific individual;
bought somewhere for that same price!
it is sufficient only to get by people with no particular
Conjured items are temporary and artificial, interest in trouble, but direct interaction (or anyone
vanishing after their usefulness is ended, or by the end
of the current encounter. Conjured foodstuffs can fool
ravenous beasts, but cannot be used in Gourmancy, and
wont satiate hunger for long. Suspicious individuals
can detect a conjured items fake nature with a Notice
check opposing the Spellcasting roll.
Alternatively, small, harmless creatures may be
summoned (such as white, fluffy bunnies), to entertain
or distractbut these creatures arent real, and do
nothing more than (for instance) hop about aimlessly,
or sit in place and act cute. If attacked, they disappear in
puffs of smoke.
The Haberdasher cannot conjure anything beyond
his own knowledge, for example he cannot summon
a picture of the miscreant who stole the tarts unless
he actually knows what the thief looks like. He cannot
conjure a gun if he has no idea what one is. He could
not summon a key to open a specific lockunless
he already has the original key to copy from. And, he
absolutely cannot conjure anything that doesnt fit
within Wonderlands Victorian-era technology level and
At the GMs discretion, the Haberdasher may make
pointless and incidental uses of this spell, such as
conjuring a flower to put in his lapel, or a handkerchief
to blow his nose with, just for stylistic effect (with no
combat or plot benefits), without actually spending any
Power Points or requiring a skill roll.

who is actively seeking someone/something out of the With the exception of the dunce cap, the conjured hat
ordinary, such as a guard on duty) can give an observer can be removed, replaced, and even given to someone
a chance to see through the disguise with a successful else until the duration expires.
Smarts check opposed to the Haberdashers Spellcasting
skillor the wearers Persuasion skill (wearers choice
of which skill to use to defend with). Sample Hats
Bathing Cap: Swimming.
The disguise generally only works against
Wonderland natives, wild beasts, and anyone who is truly Carpenter Cap: Repair (woodwork only).
mad. Sane Real-world Humans are among those who are Chef s Toque: Cooking.
immune to this spell. To them, a Tweedle disguised as
Crown: Persuasion.
a Little Girl is obviously a Tweedle in a dress and a yarn
wig. Fortunately, Real-world Humans are exceedingly Deerstalker: Tracking.
rare in Wonderland (and sane ones even rarer). Engineer Cap: Driving/Piloting.
Executioners Hood: Intimidation.
Sample Hats Jesters Cap: Taunt.
Alice Band: Disguised as a Little Girl. Must speak Knights Helmet: Fighting (with sword only).
in a falsetto to maintain the illusion.
Miter or Nuns Habit: Belief.
Coonskin Cap: Disguised as a Raccoon (though
the cap itself is a macabre touch). Nurses Cap: Healing.
Crown: Disguised as a (not the) King or Queen, Officers Bearskin Cap: Knowledge (Battle).
either Card or Chessman, and of a specific suit or Pirates Bicorne: Shooting (with cannons only).
color as desired.
Robin Hood Hat: Shooting (with bow only).
Easter Bonnet: This hat, sporting flowers of a
Sailor Cap: Boating.
chosen type, lets the wearer pass herself off as a
Plant of the same Genus. Scholars Mortarboard: any one Knowledge skill.
Miter: Disguised as a Bishop Chessman. Witchs/Wizards Cone: Sorcery.
Schoolboys Cap: Disguised as a Tweedle.
Must make occasional outbursts of
Contrariwise! and so forth to maintain the
Top Hat: Conjures a complete formal suit; the
wearer looks dapper but otherwise unchanged.

Hat for Every Occasion

Rank: Novice
Power Points: 2
Range: Smarts
Duration: Encounter
Trappings: Pull a professional hat or dunce cap
out of your own hat.
With this hat trick, the Haberdasher puts a new
hat on his own head, or tosses it onto the head of
a recipient (or victim). This behaves as the boost/
lower trait power, except that the duration is for the
encounter, multiple castings do not stack, and only
skills (not attributes) are affected.
When using this to lower a skill, the conjured hat
is a dunce cap. When using it to boost a skill, the hat
must be a recognizable profession with which the
skill could be associated (some examples follow).
The target creature must have at least one identifiable
head that is not already wearing another conjured hat,
or the spell will not work.

Wonderland No MorePlayers Guide
Nothing Inside the Hat Rabbit in the Hat
Rank: Seasoned Rank: Veteran
Power Points: 3+ Power Points: 3
Range: 10 per Power Point (15 per PP on a raise) Range: Touch
Duration: Instant Duration: Encounter
Trappings: Pop into one hat, and out of another. Trappings: Pull a giant rabbit out of your hat.
This spell behaves in the same way as the teleport The Haberdasher pulls forth an oversized rabbit-like
power, except that the Haberdasher disappears into creature from his hat. It will serve him for the remainder
a hat (presumably his own), and can only reappear by of the encounteror for up to an entire day on a raise.
popping out of another hat within range. The Haberdasher can only have one summoned creature
Smarts checks are required as per teleport for crazy at a time; it can be dismissed if desired by ordering it
stunts such as trying to pop out of an unknown hat out back into the hat.
of line of sight (e.g., going on the hope that someone on This creature is not real in the strictest sense. It requires
the other side of a wall has a hat he can pop out of). no sustenance, and knows no fear, though it is subject to
If the target point is a hat that he is familiar with other weaknesses that apply to living creaturesand can
(perhaps one he has placed in a convenient location, or be dispelled by effects such as the dispel power.
tossed to the side for just such an occasion), he does not At the GMs discretion, the Haberdasher could take
have to make a Smarts roll to successfully teleport to it. a version of this power that summons some other sort
If the target hat is currently occupied, the wearer can of creature instead (e.g., dove in the hat, trick pony
stop the Haberdasher from emerging with a successful in the hat, troublemaking feline in the hat, or twinkle
opposed Strength roll (in which case the Haberdasher twinkle little bat in the hat). Once chosen, this cannot
is forced back to his original location). Otherwise, the be changed short of taking the power again with another
Haberdasher may very well end up right on top of type of creature to be summoned. The creature should
someone elses head when he emerges, wearing the not be any more powerful than a dire wolf or riding
other fellows hat. horse (in the Savage Worlds core rules).

The Haberdasher can carry others (as with teleport)

with the same cost in Fatigue.

Dire Bunny
Attributes: Agility d8, Smarts d4 (A), Spirit d6, Strength
d8, Vigor d8
Skills: Fighting d8, Intimidation d8, Notice d6
Pace: 10, Parry: 6, Toughness: 6
Special Abilities
Bite: Str+d6.
Fleet-Footed: Dire bunnies roll d10 when running
instead of a d6.
Leap: Dire bunnies may leap a distance equal to their

People & Places
What sort of people live about here?
The Monarchy of Hearts
The Game Master has detailed information on
the strange people and equally strange places you
might encounter in Wonderland. Below are the basics
that every traveler (or anyone who has read of Alices
adventures) knows about Wonderland and some of its The Baby/Pig is the son of the Duchess.
most prominent characters. Bill is a Lizard in the employ of the White Rabbit; he
The list is presented alphabetically within each of the acts as a handyman and does odd jobs for his employer.
two kingdoms for ease of lookup during play.
The Caterpillar is a knowledge broker who lives
The only settlements listed here are those of a large amongst the fungi within the Fungal Forest; he is
size or particularly noteworthy nature. There are many known to be a smoker of exotic weeds using his
other smaller villages scattered throughout Wonderland Arabian-style hookah.
that are not on the list or the map.
The Cheshire Cat is a grinning cat with the ability to
In fact, given Wonderlands wild nature, its not appear and disappear at will. He claims to be mad, but
unheard of to encounter a village or a curious little is nevertheless one of the most reasonable characters in
wayside inn on a journey, and then to find it has vanished Wonderland. He was something of a friend to Alice.
upon the return trip.
The Cook is a large, homely woman in the employ
of the Duchess; her food is always heavily laced with
pepper. She is volatile and prone to hurling objects at
her employer, her baby, and any visitorsinvited or
The Dormouse is a Mouse, trapped with his friends
the Hatter and the March Hare in an eternal tea party.
The narcoleptic Dormouse provides an endless source
of amusement for his companions, who unmercifully
play practical jokes upon him.
The Duchess is an odd, spiteful, ugly woman who
mistreats her baby, yet submits to abuse from her
cook. In her anxiety to remain in the Queens good
graces, she can be superficially sweet to someone who
she thinks can aid her socially, while simultaneously
causing her utmost discomfort. When being friendly
the Duchess sees a moral (normally misquoted or made
up) in almost everything. Despite being Human herself
she has a son who is an Animal (he turned into a Pig in
Alices arms), prompting rumors that his father could
be a Pig as well. In particular, a rumor once circulated
that the boys father was an influential Animal at
the Queens court. This would also explain why the
Duchess, despite being imprisoned many times by the
Queen, has never been beheaded.
The Gryphon is a combination of an eagle and a lion
and viewed as a mythical creature in the Real World. He
can often be found on the beach reminiscing with the
Mock Turtle.

Wonderland No MorePlayers Guide
The King of Hearts is an incompetent and ineffectual The Dismal Mire is a large area of marsh on the
ruler almost entirely dominated by his wife. He is self- western edge of the Monarchy of Hearts. The Mire is
centered, stubborn and generally unlikable. a maze of waterways. Many muddy but solid islands
wallow in the midst of a foot or so of water over several
The Hatter is a maker of hats by trade, although he
feet of sucking mud.
is fascinated with time. Whilst attempting to sing for
the Queen of Hearts he was accused of killing time Duchesss Duchy is a small village technically
and found guilty in a court of law. Since then he has belonging to the Duchess; however, she has little to do
been trapped in an eternal tea party with his two with it.
companions, the March Hare and the Dormouse.
The Duchesss Manor is a good-sized house owned by
The March Hare is an Animal who is the Duchess with a predominantly Animal
forever holding a tea party with the staff. It is situated within a fair-sized
Hatter and the Dormouse. The party clearing in the woods.
will continue forever, as they live in
The Endless Sea is the body of water
frozen time.
that borders both realms, but to travel
Mary Ann is a Cat employed as the from one to the other would entail a trip
White Rabbits housemaid. around the Mountains of Division that
jut far out into the water. Attempts to
The Mock Turtle is a strange creature
navigate from one to the other have thus
with a cows head, hooves, and tail,
far proven too troublesome to be worth
but the body and flippers of a turtle.
the effort.
He seems perpetually sad, even when
reliving school days with his only The Fungal Forest is a large damp area
friend, the Gryphon. of the woods. The moist environment is
ideal for fungi of all types (particularly
Pat is a Dog employed by the White
giant ones) to grow. The Fungal Forest
Rabbit as a gardener.
is renowned for being home to the
The Queen of Hearts is a monstrous tyrant who rules Caterpillar, a font of all knowledge.
the Monarchy of Hearts. She is violent, stubborn, and
The Giant Fields are fields that grow phenomenally
dominates all around her. Her outbursts and tantrums
large crops, near the Wood of Giant Beasts.
normally culminate in an order that someones head be
removed. The Guarded Way is the only safe passage through
the Hills of Gloom. Safe is a relative term, as the
The White Rabbit is a nervous character of somewhat
guard posts are some distance apart and the guards
important (though not aristocratic) rank in Wonderland.
within tend to aid only those from their own realm.
He is generally in a hurry. As a messenger and herald for
However, none can refuse entry to travelers, so if all
the court of the King and Queen of Hearts, he knows
else fails, beleaguered travelers should seek refuge
the ways in and out of the realms from the Real World,
within a guard post.
and much of what goes on both in Wonderland (more
specifically in the palace). The Hall of Doors is a large hallway with
a red-tiled floor and wood-paneled walls,
lit by oil lamps hung from the ceiling.
Doors of all shapes and sizes are arrayed
Places around the hallway with curtains and
The Beach is a lonely stretch of sand wall hangings interspersed amongst
bordering the Endless Sea. Sometimes them. A single three-legged table
one finds the Mock Turtle here made completely of glass is the only
lamenting on past times, but otherwise furniture in the hall. Many of the doors
there is nothing really of note. Very in the hall lead to other (real) places,
few inhabitants of the Monarchy have ever although the keys to most are long lost
ventured far out on the Endless Sea, and or forgotten.
even fewer have attempted to sail from
Hatter House is a cottage, disused and
the Monarchy of Hearts to the Looking-
lonely since the tea party began at the
glass Lands.
March Hares home. Rumors abound
Caucus Race Ground is the site of the epic race that the Hatter killed more than time, and that the
in which Alice took part during her first visit to restless spirits of his victims haunt his home and await
Wonderland. his return.
Diamond Keep is a small keep built by the Diamond The Hills of Gloom lie at the southern end of
family in an attempt to break free of the ruling Hearts. Wonderland. They are so named because of the dense

People & Places
tree coverage that blocks much of the light. The Hills between the Hall of Doors and the Village of Animals.
of Gloom provide the only reliable route between the An enterprising local has set up a ferry for which he
Monarchy of Hearts and the Looking-glass Lands. The charges a modest fee, which is little enough to pay to
hills are home to many fearsome beasts, and travelers avoid a detour of a day or more.
between the realms generally use the Guarded Way
The Queen of Hearts Castle is a grand edifice
for protection. It is rumored that the fearsome and
dominating the landscape with its sullen gray walls and
legendary Jabberwock lairs within the Hills of Gloom
banners depicting a blood-red heart. Once quite a small
(and that the account of its death in the Jabberwocky
affair, the Queen has greatly expanded and enlarged
poem is greatly exaggerated).
her castle since meeting with Alice and hearing of the
The City of Hope is one of Wonderlands three cities. castles in Alices homeland. Some might say that she
It is ruled over by the Queen of Hearts and is near to has gone a bit over the top, but not if they want to keep
her palace. Hope is named after one of the three virtues their heads! The palace once nestled in a clearing in
that Alice told the inhabitants of Wonderland about, the woods sporting beautiful gardens, though now the
and endeavors to embody the meaning of its name. clearing is much larger, thanks to massive deforestation
Everyone in the city has complete confidence in all that by the Queen and her Cards.
happens, despite their rulers penchant for demanding
The Rabbit Hole is the hole by which Alice first
entered Wonderland. The hole descends to a pile of
The Law Court is situated a pleasant walk from the leaves and branches known as Twig Landing at the
Queen of Hearts castle. All decisions on guilt or end of a long passageway that in turn leads to the Hall
innocence are decided by a judge who is raised to the of Doors. Which door opens onto this passage is known
position by the Queen of Hearts, essentially making only to the White Rabbit.
the Law Court just an extension of the royal castle.
The Royal Croquet Ground is a large grass-covered
However, it would never do to have people thinking
expanse between the city of Hope and the Queen of
that the Law is dictated by the monarchyhence the
Hearts castle. It is notable for the complete absence of
buildings separation from the castle.
beasts, due to the Queens tendency to use interloping
March Manor is a cottage with chimneys shaped like small creatures as croquet balls.
rabbit ears and a roof thatched with fur. It lies within
The Royal Forest is the name given to the area of
a small clearing in the woods and is famous for the
woods around the Queen of Hearts Palace; it is out of
everlasting tea party that has been ongoing for as long
bounds for normal folk although there is no boundary
as anyone can remember. Due to this tea party, the
visible. Care must be taken when in the area.
house is home to the March Hare, the Hatter, and the
Dormouse. The Tree with a Door lies deep within the woods near
the March Hares house. It is a somewhat unique tree
The Mountains of Division comprise the vast
(although rumors persist that there are others) with a
mountain range separating the two Monarchies. The
wooden door set into its wide trunk. The door is not
mountains rise up out of the sea, peak halfway down
locked, and opens onto the Hall of Doors.
the landmass and then descend to the south.
Tulgey Wood is the name given to the woods that
cover the hills to the north of the Guarded Way, as they
are particularly dense and dark. It is infamous for the
fearsome Jabberwock said to lair and hunt within it.
The Village of Animals is a small village near the Hall
of Doors and consists of perhaps a couple of dozen
neat houses (tending, like the March Hares house, to
be shaped to resemble the Animals living in them). All
those who live here are Animals of one type or another.
The village is most renowned for being where Alice first
visited after entering Wonderland.
The Wood of Giant Beasts is an area of woodland that
surrounds the Village of Animals on three sides. The
wood is normally a pleasant place with leafy glades and
meandering paths. The main trail through the wood is
clearly marked. Many other trails are dead ends or lead
The Pool of Tears is a saltwater lake originally formed to clearings, and have been created by the giant beasts
from the giant Alices tears. Since the size differences themselves. Most of these beasts are harmless and
in the Monarchy of Hearts have been resolved, the lake indeed friendly; however caution is required as even a
has become larger still. It now forms an effective barrier puppy can be dangerous when it is ten feet tall!

Wonderland No MorePlayers Guide
The Looking-glass Lands The White King was a Chessman and leader of the
House of Whitefield. He was a well-likedmaybe even
lovedruler who had the full support of his people. He
has not been seen for some time and many believe that
People he was slain by Rosewood assassins.
Haigha is a Hare and one of the White Kings Anglo- The White Knight is a champion of the House of
Saxon messengers. Whitefield and an honorary Chessman. He rescued Alice
from the Red Knight. He cannot ride his horse properly,
Hatta is another one of the White Kings Anglo-Saxon
likes inventing things, and is a little melancholic.
The White Queen is a Chessman and the wife of the
Lily is a Pawn Chessman, daughter of the White King
White King. The White Queen is gentle, overweight,
and Queen.
pale, and somewhat helpless in all practical matters.
The Red King is a Chessman and the ruler of the Her inept leadership led to the House of Whitefield
House of Rosewood. He has been asleep losing its position of prominence to the
since before Alices second visit, so House of Rosewood.
his partner the Red Queen rules
The House of Whitefield is a
in his stead. Many in Wonderland
family of Chessmen and the
believe that they are dreams of the
royal family of the White King
Red King, and that if he awakens
and Queen.
they will cease to be!
The Red Knight is a champion
of the House of Rosewood and
an honorary Chessman. He is Places
remembered for attempting to The Beach is a lonely
take Alice prisoner. stretch of sand that borders
the Endless Sea. Very few
The Red Queen is a Chessman
inhabitants of the Monarchy
and ruler of the House of
have ever ventured far out
Rosewood while her partner
on the Endless Sea, but with
sleeps. Cold, calm, formal,
difficulty one can sail from
and strict, the Red Queen is
the Looking-glass Lands to the
the epitome of royalty who
Monarchy of Hearts.
pedantically corrects those of lesser
or indeed equal standing. The Red The City of Charity is one
Queen is the ruler of the eastern half of Wonderlands three cities.
of Wonderland. The city grew from the town in
which the Lion and the Unicorn
The House of Rosewood is a family of
continually fought. Despite their
Chessmenthe royal family of the Red King
disruption of the town, the people always gave them
and Queenand the dominant house in the eastern
gifts of bread and butter, hence the name. It is named
after one of the three Victorian virtues imparted by Alice
The Lion is (in)famous for his daily battle with the to Wonderland, and endeavors to embody the meaning
Unicorn over who should possess the White Kings of Charity. No one in the city wants for any of the basic
crown. With the disappearance of the White King, he needs of life. Rising above the center of the city is the
now acts as a guard to the White Queen. White Queens Castle.

Tweedledee is a Tweedle and the exceptionally fat twin The Chessboard Fields cover the majority of the
brother of Tweedledum. Like all Tweedle, the brothers Looking-glass Lands. This vast tract of land is divided
are rather affectionate with one another, but dont into an 8-by-8 grid of squares by a network of streams
hesitate to fight over insignificant matters. and brooks. Alternating squares are predominantly
covered in tall, very pale green (almost white) grass or
Tweedledum is a Tweedle and the exceptionally fat by woodlands with distinctively rose-colored leaves.
twin brother of Tweedledee. Like all Tweedle, the Some of these squares have major identifying sites
brothers are rather affectionate with one another, but (such as the Field of the Flying Elephants) while others
dont hesitate to fight over insignificant matters. are essentially featureless. The home ranks of each
The Unicorn is (in)famous for his daily battle with the house (the most northerly and southerly ranks) are
Lion over who should possess the White Kings crown. densely populated, with each square serving a purpose:
With the disappearance of the White King, he now acts rooksbarracks for troops; knightsstables and
as a guard to the White Queen. livestock; bishopsspiritual needs; and the king and

People & Places
queen squares are the cities. Between the home ranks well-kept labyrinth of paths, hedges and flower beds
and the main fields (in the second rank for each house) that together form an intricate maze. This maze is made
is a defensive wall. The wall and buildings of the House worse by an enchantment that confuses and befuddles
of Whitefield are still badly damaged from the attack by those who try to traverse it. The flowers within the beds
Rosewood. are sentient and quite talkative.
The Eighth Square is an Mount Jubjub is the name of
area of land lying beyond a great peak deep within the
the Chessboard Fields and Mountains of Division. It is
was the meeting place of here that the jubjub birds build
the three QueensRed, their massive nests.
White, and Alicewhen
The Mountains of Division
Alice was crowned. Since
comprise the vast mountain
that time it has been
range between the two
regarded as a place of
Monarchies. The mountains
peace and neutrality where
rise up out of the sea, peak
opposing sides may meet
halfway down the landmass,
and discuss rather than
and then descend to the south.
Riverside is the name of a
The Endless Sea is the
small village in the middle
body of water that borders
region of the Chessboard
both realms, but to travel
Fields, grown up around a
from one to the other
riverside shop. The proprietor
would entail a trip around
is a stranger-than-normal
the Mountains of Division
Sheep who hires out boats for
that jut far out into the
crossing or traveling along the
The City of Faith is one of
Settled is a large settlement of
Wonderlands three cities
Living Plants to the northwest
and House Rosewoods
of the Chessboard fields.
seat of power. It is named
after one of the three Tulgey Down is named after
Victorian virtues imparted by Alice to Wonderland, a far-away wood, and that is the only noteworthy thing
and endeavors to embody the meaning of Faith. All in about this small village.
the city have complete confidence in all that happens,
justified by the Red Queens victory over the White
Queen. Tulgey. adj.(tulg, ier)
The Field of the Flying Elephants is so named Thick, dense, dark (originally in
because in this large field Elephants hover like bees,
reference to a wood).
waiting their turn to fill their trunks with rich sap from
the huge flowers that grow here.
The Guarded Way: See the entry in the Monarchy of
Hearts, Places (p. 46).
The Hills of Gloom: See the entry in the Monarchy of
Hearts, Places (p. 46). Tulgey Wood is the name given to the woods that
cover the hills to the north of the Guarded Way, as they
The Hill of Surveying is a tall hill, almost a mountain,
are particularly dense and dark. It is infamous for the
and provides a perfect view over the Chessboard Fields.
fearsome Jabberwock said to lair and hunt within it.
The hill has a strange enchantment upon it such that
it can only be ascended or descended by someone Tweedledee and Tweedledums Cottage lies within
running as fast as she can. a clearing in one of the forested squares of the
Chessboard Fields. It is small and unremarkable, save
The Insect Forest is a small wood that is home to many
for the fact that the twins Tweedledum and Tweedledee
insects: both the mundane (similar to those in the Real
live here.
World) and the stranger Wonderland varieties. Many of
these insects can be encountered in giant form. The Wood of No Names is a small wood enchanted
such that any who venture within soon forget who and
The Living Flower Maze is the garden of the Looking-
even what they are.
glass House. The garden is an ornate and seemingly

Wonderland No MorePlayers Guide
Getting There Reality and Wonderland
Wonderland has its own sense of reality, and so
things occurring there would be considered bizarre if
Dreaming into Wonderland not downright impossible in the Real World. That said,
Many people cross the barrier between the Real Wonderland does have its own reality and in some ways it
World and Wonderland in their sleep. These dreamers is more powerful than that of the Real World. The primary
have physical being in Wonderland and can interact fully manifestation of this power is the quasi-historical setting
with everything there. Some who cross over find their and how it alters all objects to fit that setting.
Wonderland selves drastically different from their Real- Any item made after 1900 AD in the Real World and
world selves. These people often manifest as Cards or taken into Wonderland eventually changes into a suitable
other even more bizarre entities. pre-1900s item. For example, a modern firearm becomes
Upon awakening, most of these dreamers forget their an equivalent Victorian model; a hand-held personal
experiences and thus know little of Wonderland, perhaps computer becomes a book-style journal.
recalling horrible nightmares or pleasant experiences, The item will generally remain in its Wonderland form
but no details. even if returned to the Real World.
The arrival point of dreamers in Wonderland is
dependent upon where they have already visited, and
to a degree, their own willpower. If a dreamer does
not try to arrive anywhere in particular, she arrives Time and Distance in
in the Hall of Doors. If she wishes to
arrive somewhere else, it must be Wonderland
somewhere she personally knows, Regardless of whether a hero
and a successful Spirit roll must be is dreaming or physically within
made. Unless the GM wants the Wonderland, he finds that time and
chaos and confusion of heroes distance behave radically differently
arriving all over Wonderland, it is than they do in the Real World.
best to assume that whichever hero
A hero can spend months in
makes the highest roll dictates where
Wonderland and yet return to
all of them arrive.
the Real World only hours after
she left. Likewise the distance
between two places may change
Physically Entering with each journey to and fro.

The barrier between worlds is
thinner in some places than others, Death, Grievous
and it is here that portals allowing
beings from either world to Injury and
physically cross over can be found.
Those who physically enter find that Wonderland
all their other dream experiences A dreamer who dies in Wonderland
pale in comparison to the vibrant colorful splendor of awakens instantly in the Real World with a start, and must
Wonderland in the flesh. Those physically in Wonderland roll on the Fright table when he awakens, and suffer the
may be injured and even die as they would in the Real results. A heart attack and even death is possible! Any
World, and they can only leave Wonderland via a different phobias or other ill effects as a result of the Fright result
portal than the one through which they entered. translate back to the dreamers dream form as well.
Like their dreaming counterparts, some people who Those who are wounded awaken normally with aches
physically enter Wonderland find themselves in different and pains that they attribute to sleeping awkwardly.
forms; the reverse of this is not true howevera Upon reentering Wonderland, those wounds are healed,
Wonderland native physically entering the Real World and the hero is whole and hearty.
keeps her Wonderland form!
However, if the hero is physically present in
Special Rule: Physically crossing the barrier between Wonderland, then wounds and even death are very real.
Wonderland and the Real World in either direction Such injuries are still in effect when the hero passes back
restores the heroes bennies (for better or worse) as if a to the Real World (if he can manage to do so, that is).
new session of play has begun.

Sample Heroes
The Cheshire Kit, Feline Rogue Edges: Arcane Background (Alice), Noble (Knave)
Powers: (10 Power Points)healing, light
Rank: Novice (0 XP); Profession: Prankster; Gear: Farmers hoe (reach tool, damage Str+d4, 2-
Race: Animal (Cat) handed, Reach 1, 3 lb), doctors bag (toolbox, +1
Attributes: Agility d8, Smarts d8, Spirit d6, Parry, +2 Armor vs. ranged shots, 14 lb), jack of
Strength d6, Vigor d6 plate (ornate jacket, +1 Armor to torso, 5 lb), brown
Skills: Climbing d6(+3), Fighting d6, Notice paper (4 rolls, 4 lb), treacle (5 jars), smelling salts (5
d6, Lockpicking d6(+2), Stealth d8(+2), bottles), 11.75.
Shooting d4, Streetwise d4, Taunt d6 Background: Jack o Kent fancies himself to be the
Charisma: 0; Pace: 6, Parry: 6, infamous Welsh cleric, farmer, and bridge-builder of
Toughness: 4 folklore, capable of superhuman (or supercard?)
Racial Features: Cat (increased Agility), feats, and able to trick the Devil himself. In actuality,
Claws (Str+d4 damage, +1 to Climbing), he knows little about farming, let alone tricking
Quirk (chewing on a fish, batting at string, etc.) Naughty entities, but he can still spin a good yarn.
Hindrances: Curious, Quirk (pull pranks at every
opportunity), Small, Vow (Minor; strive to be just like
the Cheshire Cat)
Chef Carte Blanche, Pawn
Edges: Acrobat, Thief Gourmancer
Gear: Slingshot (Range 4/8/12, damage Str+d4, 20 sling Rank: Novice (0 XP); Profession:
stones, 3 lb), striped top hat (+1 Armor to head, Gourmancer; Race: Chessman (White
50% coverage, 1 lb), striped attire (worn), lockpicks Pawn)
(hidden in hat liner, 1 lb), striped loot bag (2+10 lb). Attributes: Agility d6, Smarts d8, Spirit d6,
Striped Loot Bag Contents: balls of string/yarn (1 lb), Strength d4, Vigor d6
rope (10 feet, 2 lb), squeaky cat toys (1 lb), wardrobe Skills: Cooking d8, Fighting d4, Knowledge
of disguises & costumes (5 lb), bandits domino (Battle) d6, Knowledge (Magic Foodstuffs) d8,
mask, smile on a stick, Cheshire Cat puppet, fake Notice d4, Survival d4, Swimming d6, Taunt
pop-off tail, paper-wrapped smelly fish (1 lb). d8, Throwing d6, Tracking d4
Background: An incurable prankster, the Cheshire Charisma: 0; Pace: 6, Parry: 4, Toughness:
Kit idolizes and imitates the Cheshire Cat. Toward 6 (1)
this end, the feline uses silly props in attempts to Racial Features: Buoyant, Small, Tactical, Wooden
disappear in Cheshire style, despite a lack of magic. Hindrances: Bad Liar, Quirk (exaggerated French
accent), Vow (Major; cook the Jabberwock, and one
Jack o Kent, Clergyman Knave of every other tasty beast type of Wonderland)
Rank: Novice (0 XP); Profession: Alician Priest; Race: Edges: Arcane Background (Gourmancy), Casserole
Card (Knave of Diamonds) Powers: (10 Power Points)beast friend, burst,
Attributes: Agility d4, Smarts d8, Spirit d8, Strength d6, mending; Prepared: 1x Doggy Treats (beast friend,
Vigor d4 3 PP, 5), 2x Red Hot Chili (burst, 2 PP, 5), 1x Sawdust
Skills: Belief d8, Fighting d4, Healing Surprise (mending, 3 PP, 10)
d8, Notice d8, Persuasion d6(+2), Gear: Tenderizing mallet (tool, damage Str+d4, 2 lb),
Repair d4, Streetwise d6(+2) standard cooking gear (4 lb), ornate chef s smock
Charisma: +2; Pace: 6; Parry: 4 (5 with (+1 Armor to torso, 5 lb), armored chef s toque (+1
bag); Toughness: 5 (1) Armor to head, 50% coverage, 1 lb), 3x kitchen knives
Racial Features: Edge-facing, (3/6/12, damage Str+d4, 3 lb), 0.05.
Flammable, Flat ... Sort Of, Luck of Background: Chef Blanche is on a quest to make
the Draw, Soggy When Wet. a culinary masterpiece out of every type of (non-
Hindrances: Quirk (tall-tale-teller, sapient) creature in Wonderland, up to and
perpetually exaggerating things), including the legendary Jabberwock. In the
Overconfident, Pacifist (Minor) meantime, jabberkin make for excellent practice.

Wonderland No MorePlayers Guide
The Maniac Haberdasher Tweedledodis & Tweedledodat
Rank: Novice (0 XP); Profession: Haberdasher; As Corsican Twin Tweedle, each twin has the gear
Race: Human and statistics presented below.
Attributes: Agility d6, Smarts d8, Spirit d6, Rank: Novice (0 XP); Profession: Bodyguards;
Strength d6, Vigor d6 Race: Tweedle (Corsican Twins)
Skills: Boating d4, Fighting d6, Haberdashery Attributes: Agility d6, Smarts d4, Spirit d6, Strength
d8, Knowledge (Magic Foodstuffs) d4, d10, Vigor d12
Notice d4, Persuasion d4, Repair Skills: Boating d4, Climbing d4, Driving d4, Fighting
d4, Shooting d6, Swimming d4, d4, Intimidation d4, Knowledge (Magic Foodstuffs)
Throwing d6 d4, Lockpicking d4, Repair d4, Shooting d4,
Charisma: 0; Pace: 6; Parry: 5 (6 Stealth d4(1), Survival d4, Swimming d4, Taunt d4,
with cane); Toughness: 6 (1) Throwing d4, Tracking d4
Hindrances: Wanted (Major; often Charisma: 2; Pace: 4;
mistaken for the Hatter, who is wanted for murder); Parry: 4; Toughness: 12
Quirk (insists on observing tea time, no matter what); (2)
Pacifist (Minor) Racial Features: Large,
Edges: Arcane Background (Haberdashery), Recitation Lumbering, Mean, Phobia
Powers: (10 Power Points)conjuring, hat for every (Minor; black birds),
occasion Strong
Gear: Top hat (+1 Armor to head, 50% coverage, 1 lb), Hindrances: Clueless,
long coat (+1 Armor to torso, 5 lb), walking cane (+1 Obese, Vow (Minor; act as
Parry, damage Str+d4, 1 lb), tea leaves, 1.25. bodyguard to a selected
Background: The Maniac Haberdasher wears many hats party member)
(literally and figuratively) as he assumes various false Edges: None
identities, on the run from the Monarchy of Hearts. He Gear: Pots and pans armor (+2 Armor, torso & arms,
bears little resemblance to the infamous Hatter, but 1 Stealth, 15 lb), pot helm (+3 Armor, head, 50%
public executions are popular, so hes close enough. coverage, 4 lb), gigantic scrub brush (oversized tool,
He lives each day trying to keep his damage Str+d8, 2-handed, 10 lb).
head on his shoulders long Background: A little knowledge is a dangerous thing,
enough to find and enjoy a and these Tweedle have oh-so-very-little knowledge of
really good cup of tea. so many thingseagerly volunteering for everything
anyway. They fancy themselves bodyguards, and will
Gunflower Stan pick a hero as their employer, caring little about pay.
Rank: Novice (0 XP); Only with effort and/or bribery might the twins be
Profession: Mercenary; persuaded to protect someone else.
Race: Plant (Sunflower)
Attributes: Agility d10,
Smarts d6, Spirit d6,
Strength d6, Vigor d6
Alternative Adventurers
Skills: Fighting d10, Some of the sample characters are male,
Intimidation d6, Notice d6, Shooting d10, Stealth d4, or the gender has been left ambiguous. Here
Taunt d6 are three alternatives for female heroes:
Charisma: 0; Pace: 4; Parry: 7; Toughness: 4 Sister Jill (Jill o Kent): a seemingly
Racial Features: Genus Edge (SunflowerCommon innocent itinerant Alician nun with a strong
Bond), Hardy, Mobile ... Mostly, Photosynthesis, Plant trickster streak.
Physiology, Small, World Wise
The Mad Milliner: a maker of womens
Hindrances: Big Mouth, Tasty, Trouble Magnet
hats, bonnets, and lace. A guard observed that
Edges: Gallows Humor
a milliner is just another name for a Hatter,
Gear: Big ol nasty knife (3/6/12 thrown, damage Str+d4,
and in the Law Court its often beheadings
1 lb), shotgun (12/24/48, RoF 12, damage 13d6, 2-
first, defense later, so shes on the run.
handed, 12 lb), knapsack (2 lb; holds 50 shells, 8 lb),
0.05. Sunny the Sunflower: unstoppably
Background: Everything is out to get Stan ... unless he cheery even though people want to eat her
gets it first. Hes a world-weary gunslinger, but in the face. She also cheerfully wields a shotgun.
face of terrifying dangers, he usually has a wisecrack
or a put-down ready to put the horror in its place;
after all, hes seen worse.

Game Masters Guide
By Royal Decree, no player shall pass this point, or risk LOSING ONES HEAD!

up to Rooms
Private Pantry

to Cellar
Room or
to Cellar

Back Billiards or
Room Stock Room Kitchen

Serving Counter

Pub, Dining Hall, or WC

Main Store
Entry WC




The generic layouts on this page and the next can Each square represents 1 yard (or only half a game
be used to represent various Victorian-era homes or inch), with narrow corridors, hanging fixtures and
businesses found in the Monarchy of Hearts. Despite the multiple furnishings that make for tight quarters in
obvious anachronisms, they can just as easily be used in a fight. To reflect this, Fighting rolls are at 2 with 2-
the Looking-glass Lands as well. Some of the Savage Tales handed or Reach weapons. Also, Shooting rolls are at
reference these maps (though with a few modifications 2 with 2-handed weapons unless the attacker does not
specific to each adventure). move that round.

Wonderland No MoreGame Masters Section

Kitchen Bath Room

Parlor Master


Dining Room

0 1 2 3 4 5 yds



Attic Storage
Attic Storage
Cellar or
Guest Room
Guest Room

Sewing Room
Study or
or Guest Room


What Has Gone Before
Alice in Wonderland and her tale. For many years she searched in vain for more
portals, like the rabbit hole upon the banks of the river
Through the Looking Glass in Oxford and the mirror in the summer house. The
memories of Wonderland were like a drug to her, a habit
On May 4th, 1860, a seven-year-old girl named Alice she had to again fulfill. She took to working the streets
found her way between realities through a rabbit hole to support her search, discovered opium, and became
into a fantastical world she nicknamed Wonderland. a regular user. Thanks to her work, Alice bore three
Alice had some amazing adventures there before children: one boy and two girls, each of whom she left
returning to the Real World. on the steps of an orphanage.
Six months later, on November 4th (just before Guy In a dream-like trance under the opiums spell, Alice
Fawkes Day), Alice reentered Wonderland, this time via a finally rediscovered her Wonderland. Unfortunately,
mirror in her familys summer home. More adventures traveling to that wondrous place while in a drug-induced
followed, culminating in her being crowned a queen. state reduced both her senses and enjoyment. The
Alice later related her amazing and surreal adventures wild and bright colors were gone, replaced by muted
there to a lecturer, Lewis Carroll. He told them to other shades and pale memories of her previous travels. Gone
children and was eventually persuaded to record them as too were the intense feelings from her prior journeys.
Alices Adventures in Wonderland, published in 1865. Slightly satiated but desiring the Wonderland she once
had, Alice turned to other means of enlightenment whilst
Despite Mr. Carrolls obsessive questioning, Alice still regularly visiting under the influence of the opium.
resisted expanding upon her second journey in detail Again, she financed her search by working the streets.
until 1869, when she agreed to relate her tale in
exchange for payment. These accounts were published
as Through the Looking Glass (And What Alice Found The Dream Wonderland Loses its
There) in 1871.
In 1880, Alice came across a poem penned by Lewis
A Long Search Carroll, The Hunting of the Snark (published in 1876).
Alice recognized the word from her conversations in
Alice, at the age of 16, sought to return to Wonderland
Wonderland, which led her to believe she was not
again, even to the point of running away from home with
as unique in her journeys as she had thought. Alice
the money she received from Mr. Carroll in exchange for
attempted to contact Lewis Carroll to try and find her
fellow travelers, but to no avail. The learned author was
not at home to one such as she had become.
Alice came to realize that reflections of her real-life
Lewis Carroll experiences sometimes appeared in Wonderland. For
For this setting, let us pretend Lewis instance, her brief dalliance with the tarot manifested
Carroll was not a pseudonym for the as foreign-seeming Cards unbeholden to the Queen
Rev. Charles Dodgson, and Alice has no of Hearts. She became an expert at manipulating
connection whatsoever to a young Alice Wonderland via her normal dreams; between visits
Liddell. Here, Lewis Carroll is a distinct she would create beautiful and wondrous objects in her
person, and the adventures of Alices mind, and these objects would exist in Wonderland when
Adventures in Wonderland (and its sequel) she visited. Still, something was lacking; the objects she
really did happen ... though not precisely as created were not as beautiful or well-crafted when she
they were recorded. saw them in Wonderland, though the native people
thought they were beyond reproach.
In 1884, 31-year-old Alice attempted to drag herself
out of the depths into which she had plunged during

Wonderland No MoreGame Masters Section
her long search. She secured a job as a cleaner for A New Alice
a workhouse and earned honest money. Slowly she
regained her balance, and all went well for a time. While months passed for the older Alice, only a few
Wonderland was put aside and partially forgotten; a days passed in the Looking-glass House, where her
handsome man entered her life, and marriage and two younger self puzzled out who she was and what had
sons soon followed. happened. She dimly recalled being in Wonderland
before, as well as life in the Real World. Her strongest
memories were of the pain and grief the Great War
The Great War caused, although specifics were forgotten. Investigating
the Looking Glass yet again, she witnessed the older
In 1914 the Great War brought a double tragedy to Alices reappearance and her collapse in the Real World.
Alices life. Alices sons went off to fight in Europe, while She realized she and Alice were aspects of one person,
her husband (too old to fight for his country) supported and resented what she had become. The younger Alice
the war effort by taking a job in a munitions factory. set her resolve, and took the name of the Queen she had
In 1916 the Battle of the Somme claimed the lives of always respected for her strength and power in a mans
both her sons. A month later a minor explosion in the worldVictoria. She began a new life in Wonderland.
ammunition factory killed her husband. Alices world
once again fell apart.
Almost mad with grief, Alice began to once more seek Scheming
Wonderland, the one place in her life she had been truly Like her older self, Victoria found little comfort in
happy. She fled her home and returned to the house of Wonderland, haunted as she was by the unfairness of
her childhood. Late in the night she broke in and eagerly the Real World. From her childish viewpoint, everything
clambered up onto the mantle before the mirror, through could be made right if wars could be stopped, but the
which she had passed so long ago. only way to stop a war is to have a larger force. Thus
Try as she might, Alice could not pass through. Rage decided, Victoria set out to build an army large enough
and more rose in her breast, and she slammed her fist to stop wars in the Real World.
against the mirror again and again. The mirror cracked, Armed with her older self s extensive knowledge of
and a jagged scar ran from one corner to another a Wonderland and its dreamlike qualities, Victoria exerted
fraction of a second before the mirrors surface changed her will to change her appearanceher plans required
to liquid metal and sucked her through to the place she her to deal with people who knew the younger Alice,
had so long sought. and she wanted to be anonymous. Even such a minor
Alices third true journey in Wonderland proceeded use of her intrinsic link to Wonderland caused the realms
much as her others had, with the now-old Alice to shake as the very land threatened to come undone.
discovering many new and exotic things. Try as she Shaken, Victoria left the Looking-glass House, and
might, no matter what the diversions, she could not put almost immediately encountered a nave fellow going by
behind her the events of her life in the Real World to the name of The Daffodil Man. Without a thought, he
enjoy Wonderland. After many months (or so it seemed) offered his aid to the young girl. Victoria made a lightning-
of traveling and soul-searching, she decided she must swift decision, and exerted her will over Wonderland
return to the Real World. once more to take complete control of the man.
Note: From this point on any plans or actions
attributed to the Daffodil Man can be attributed to
Division Victoria, and vice versa.
Unknown to Alice, the fractured mirror had split her
Wonderland self into two! One was the old Alice, the
other a product of her yearnings to be a child once more The Daffodil Mans Travels
with no cares, worries or grief. The Daffodil Man and his niece began a tour of
When the older Alice reemerged into the Real World, Wonderland. Somehow, this fellow gained admittance
she was lacking half of her soul and could not function to places of power to converse with the rulers of
fully. She found herself dimly aware of her surroundings, Wonderland.
but totally unable to communicate or interact with them. In the Monarchy of Hearts, it did not take much effort
She fell into a coma, and was soon discovered. After a at all from the Daffodil Man to persuade the Queen her
thorough medical examination showed no physical husband was worthless and should be treated as such.
injuries (save those caused by her years on the streets) Within a few days the Queen of Hearts took power and
she was admitted to a hospital and there she stayed. spirited her husband away.
Due to the fluid flow of time within Wonderland, Alice The other realm took longer. The White King was a
had emerged into the Real World in 1930. man of the people, though his Queen was ineffectual.

What Has Gone Before
However, the Red Queen was a force to be reckoned with,
and her partner was in some sort of perpetual dream.
The Daffodil Man worked to persuade the Red Queen The Eighth Square
that soon the time would come for an all-out attack on
The current state of the Eighth Square
the White King; once the Red Queen was convinced, the
has severe implications for characters
Daffodil Man stealthily entered the palace of the White
who start the game as Queens or develop
King, rendered him unconscious, and kidnapped him.
into them as play progresses. Although a
Reeling from the shock of their kings disappearance, character may be a Queen in Wonderland,
the House of Whitefield had no chance when the House until she actually undergoes her Eighth
of Rosewood attacked. The White Queen panicked and Square Trial, she does not receive her true
within a few days her forces were vanquished. The Red crown or scepter.
Queen took control of the realm.
Ill-informed Pawns may defer to her on
The Daffodil Man continued his travels, wandering account of her appearance alone, but such a
both realms seemingly at random, speaking to an Queen will not be recognized as legitimate
Animal here, a Tweedle there. More often than not these by either Whitefield or Rosewoodand
conversations led to meetings with cloaked or similarly- perhaps even persecuted as an impostor.
garbed Cardsthe Tarot Cards Alice had dreamed into
Theres no hope of fixing this sad state
existence. The Daffodil Man took these Tarot Cards and
of affairs until the Eighth Square is restored.
forged them into an army.
Such a false Queen may gain the form and
be able to pick up the associated Edges, but
none of the prestige or trappings of royalty
Queen Victoria normally associated with the role.
Despite the army she had gathered, Victoria required
more power. In extremis she could use her link to
Wonderland to create or change anything, but she feared
altering too much after the side-effects of using her
Queens Crowns and Scepters
will to change her own appearance. However, she had In normal times, any person crowned
learned another way to gain the power she sought, from as a Queen on the Eighth Square would be
her time as Alice. She traveled to the Chessboard Fields presented with a Crown and Scepter, which
and undertook the Queen Trials, much as she had as the have different powers depending upon the
young Alice. With her darker outlook, the trials were recipient.
hard and violent and Victoria emerged twisted and bitter. See the Queen entries in Personalities
She destroyed the Eighth Square so no one else could (p. 155) for powers of individual items.
emulate her and become a Queen, and then Victoria and
the Daffodil Man left to continue their schemes.

Victorias Schemes
The Daffodil Man, scheming towards an invasion of to buy more armaments for the Daffodil Mans forces to
the Real World with an overpowering force, has sent claim once they emerge into the Real World.
many agents through the portals to the Real World where
they have set many of his plans in motion.
Fortifying the Portals
Modern Wonderland Weapons The Daffodil Man has fortified the portals between the
Real World and Wonderland. His agents actively seek
Victorias agents in the Real World run a sleep research
any others. By controlling the portals he can control all
laboratory, which actually dreams modern weapons into
who come and go between the worlds.
Wonderland for the Daffodil Mans forces.

Transporting Iron to the Real World Real-world Mercenaries

The Daffodil Mans agents have recruited several
The war raging in the Real World has created an
contingents of mercenaries (mainly deserters from
insatiable demand for iron and other such resources.
the British army) from the Real World to attack the
Such resources are under-used in Wonderland, and
realms of the Queen of Hearts and the Red Queen.
the Daffodil Man has set up mines and transportation
The mercenaries will almost certainly fail, but then
networks to ship them to the Real World. The resources
the Daffodil Man can convince the Queens to mount
are sold to any who will buy them, and the money used
a counterattack on the Real World. With the Daffodil

Wonderland No MoreGame Masters Section
Mans superior knowledge of the Real World, he would
of course be the ideal candidate to lead such an attack.
A Timeline of Events
A Potential Threat Year Age Event
During all her scheming and planning, only one
1853 0 Alice is born.
uncertainty remained: Alice. Victoria did not, and still
does not, know what would occur if Alice were to return 1860 7 Alice visits Wonderland twice.
to Wonderland. Likewise, what if Alice were to die? Her 1862 9 Alice tells Lewis Carroll of her
agents discovered that Alice had been diagnosed as first journey to Wonderland.
mentally unstable after emerging from the Looking Glass
1865 12 Alices Adventures in
into the Real World, and has been catatonic since. These
Wonderland published.
same agents spirited Alice away to a disused hospital
where she remains, still guarded by Victorias agents. 1869 16 Alice relates her second
journey to Wonderland, and
runs away from home.
Alices Descendants 1870 17 Alices first son is born (out of
With Alice imprisoned, Victoria turned her attention wedlock) and given away.
to their offspring. The bastard children could well have
grown up to have their own children and they in turn 1871 18 Through the Looking Glass
theirs. Might these descendants also possess Alices and What Alice Found There
power to alter Wonderland? She sent agents to track published.
down and eliminate those descendents. This murderous 1875 22 Alices second child, a
plan is nearly complete when the campaign begins. daughter, is born.
1876 23 The Hunting of the Snark
Unknown Complications
1880 27 Alice hears of Hunting of the
Although but two years have passed in Wonderland, Snark and seeks out but is
many more have elapsed in the Real World, where it is turned away by Lewis Carroll.
now 1944. Victorias agents have found a world at war, Her third child (a daughter) is
but have not considered the possibility that time moved born.
on faster than expected. If Victorias plans come to
1884 31 Alice gets her life back
fruition, she will emerge into a world where the forces
together, and marries.
fighting are at least four times greater than she expects.
1900 47 Around this time, unknown
Victorias navet about the Real World has also
to Alice, her first two children
caused another complication. She has made agreements
start families of their own.
and arrangements with representatives on both sides of
the conflict, and one of them has taken an interest in 1914 61 The Great War begins.
Wonderland for its own ends. 1916 63 Alices husband and two
sons (from marriage) killed.
Alice returns to Wonderland.
The Third Reich Victoria comes into being.
Word of Wonderland has come to the inner workings
of the Third Reich. A certain group, charged with 1920 The heroes are born as great-
harnessing the occult to aid the German war effort, took 1930 grandchildren of Alice.
a lot of notice. Plans are now afoot to invade Wonderland 1930 63(77) Alice returns to the Real World.
and claim it for the Third Reich. Such a victory would 1940 73(87) The Battle of Britain.
allow the German forces access to other parts of the Real
World (for instance England) via the portals. The players 1944 77(91) The campaign begins.
should not discover this until well into the campaign. Note: Alice does not age significantly
during her time spent in Wonderland. Ages
in parentheses indicate how old she would
The Heroes have been otherwise.
The heroes of the Victoria campaign are all descendents
of Alice, born between 1920 and 1930 (thus ranging from
14 to 24 years of age); she is their great-grandmother.
They inherited Alices link to Wonderland, and a few
genes from that place, as they soon discover.

The Science of
Okay, forget what we told you in the players section.
Alice DID create Wonderland, but she didnt
know it.
A Controversy of Scale
When Alice first visited Wonderland,
the Cards and Animals were about the size
In The Beginning of their real-life counterparts, but Alice
There is a place almost adjacent to the Real World, shifted to match the appropriate scale for
about which scientists may wax incomprehensible each encounter. By the time she made her
trying to describe. Within this void is nothing, but this is second visit, there were still inconsistencies
coupled to the awesome potential to be something. The in the sizes of Wonderlands inhabitants (the
laws of probability almost insisted there should be some Red Queen sometimes being large enough
way to enter this place from the Real World, and Alice to drag her by the handand at other times
was the one to find it. small enough for Alice to pick up), but not
to such extremes.
In the present, things have stabilized
Alice Enters considerably. The relative sizes of Cards,
Chessmen, Animals, Plants and Tweedle are,
When Alice fell down the rabbit hole, her childhood if not exactly the same, still approximately
imagination took hold of the potential in the void. that of Humans. This reflects a natural
Without realizing it, she provided the driving force to progression due to Alices changing
forge the chaos of What Could Be into Wonderland That awareness of reality between her first and
Is. As she fell down the rabbit hole, the realm formed second journeys to Wonderland. During
and took place around her, and drew upon her Victorian her first journey, she was not overly
learning as its defining physical laws, almost the same as concerned with differences in scale in her
those of the Real World. imaginings: a young girl, after all, might
have dolls and stuffed animals, large and
small, and think nothing of this difference
The Trinity of Forces when playing with them together.
The young Alice knew little of the forces of the Real Over time, Wonderland has become
World, such as gravity and electricity, but she did know of more real and (a little) more internally
time, distance, and her own senses. Thus in Wonderland consistent. Magical cakes, drinks and
three symbolic beings came into existence: Time, mushrooms can still change ones size,
Distance (or Space), and Belief. These three beings are but no longer can a little girl tower above
entirely realthough Time is by far the least alien of the trees with a few nibbles. This change is not
threeand to a greater or lesser degree can be interacted without consequences: The Pool of Tears
with by those in Wonderland, which explains (or justifies) has migrated outside of the Hall of Doors,
many of the strange properties of the place. and there are giant mushroom forests,
fields, and flowers (and equally oversized
creatures living among them).
Entering Wonderland
Many people cross the barrier in their sleep and
experience the surreal wonders found in Wonderland.

Wonderland No MoreGame Masters Section
These dreamers have physical being in Wonderland, and The Sea Portalthis portal moves randomly
can interact fully with all that is there. Some who cross from place to place in the Real World but is always
over even manifest as Cards, Tweedle, or more bizarre offshore of the beach in the Monarchy of Hearts.
creatures, rather than as Human. The Train Portalone particular area of the
Most of these dreamers forget their experiences upon Chessboard Fields is a portal to a train track
awakening, and thus know little of Wonderland. Perhaps running through the underground. If people
they recall horrible nightmares or pleasant experiences, are in the right place as a train passes they find
but no details. A dreamer who dies in Wonderland themselves on the train to the Real World.
awakens instantly in the Real World with a start. Those
who are wounded awaken normally with aches and pains
they attribute to sleeping awkwardly. These wounds The Dreamer Paradox
are healed upon reentering Wonderland.
Its possible for a Wonderland native to physically
The barrier between worlds is thinner in a few places, visit the Real World through one of the linking portals.
and here is where portals can be found allowing beings But what of someone whos only in Wonderland via
from either world to physically cross over. Those who dreaming? The short answer is that such portals wont
physically enter find their previous dream experiences work for them.
pale compared to the vibrant, colorful splendor of
Wonderland in the flesh. Those physically in Wonderland Wonderland is capable of creating a physical form
may be injured and even die as they would in the Real for a visiting dreamer, but it is unable to project this
World. form back into the Real World. This means that if a
dreaming hero tries to pass through one of the many
portals connecting Wonderland to the Real World, his
Game Effects Wonderland form blinks out of existencethough to
Other than how much more vibrant it seems in observers it appears as if he has gone through the portal
person, heroes experience little real difference between to whatever is on the other side. Presumably, his Real
being in Wonderland physically or as a dreamer. The GM World self wakes up, and he goes about his mundane,
should just take care to describe how things are more everyday life, before returning to Wonderland again next
real in the former case. time he dreams, picking up where he left off.
The arrival point of dreamers in Wonderland is
dependant upon where they have already visited, Game Effects
and their own willpower to a degree. If a dreamer From the point of view of the players, however, theres
does not try to arrive anywhere in particular, a less clear break in the action. In the Victoria campaign,
she arrives in the Hall of Doors. If she wishes to adventures in Wonderland are punctuated by occasional
arrive somewhere else, it must be somewhere she periods when the dreamers wake up and go about their
personally knows, and a successful Spirit roll must everyday, mundane livesthen return right where they
be made. Unless the GM wants the chaos and left off. Anyone on the Wonderland side is unlikely to
confusion of heroes arriving all over Wonderland,
notice their coming and going, since such dreamlike
it is best to assume, in the case of a party of
strangeness is commonplace.
dreamers, whichever hero makes the highest Spirit
roll dictates where all arrive. So, if a group of dreaming heroes visits the Real
World in this way, the GM might narrate that they step
The first time a hero physically enters
through the portal, go through various vague adventures
Wonderland, the rush of energy vitalizes him
that happen essentially off stage, and then the action
and he immediately gains 5 experience points
picks up again as they eventually return to Wonderland
enough for an Advance.
once more.
Physically crossing the barrier in either direction
You could give the heroes a vague summary along the
restores the heroes bennies.
lines of, You have all sorts of thrilling and astounding
Heroes dream forms are always fully healed upon adventures in the Real Worldso astounding, in fact,
entering Wonderland. that youre unable to describe them properly, and then,
presto, theyre back in Wonderland. You might even give
them a few random gag props and clues (smudged
Portals Used in the Victoria Campaign lipstick on a lapel, a new tattoo, a hat box and some
The Rabbit Holecurrently controlled by stuffed shopping bags filled with the latest fashions)
Victorias forces in Wonderland and covered by a
that suggest something interesting going on in the Real
manufacturing factory in the Real World.
The Looking Glasslost in the Real World and
Depending upon how willing your players are to ham
guarded by Victorias forces in Wonderland.
it up, you could either invite them to just make up a

The Science of Wonderland
grand adventure for themselves (earning a benny or two Likewise, the distance between two places may change
for creativity) ... or you could take the safe route and each time he journeys between them.
suggest that they are afflicted with a sort of temporary
amnesia about the particulars and only remember the
trip in the vaguest of terms. Game Effects
The elapsed time difference should cause no issues
Wonderland natives traveling with the heroes will pass
for the GM. Essentially, heroes may adventure for months
through the portal normally, and fail to find their friends
and return to the Real World having only departed
on the other side. It really depends upon individual
(physically or in their dreams) a few minutes before.
personality as to whether they will protest any wild story-
making exercises, or whether theyll just quietly go along The distance distortion is an ideal tool for the GM. If
with it and even remember some of these imaginary something interesting is to happen on a journey, then it
adventures as well. takes longer than it would if nothing is to occur. Journey
times should be kept vague or not mentioned: You leave
the Village of Animals and arrive at the city of Faith.
Reality and Wonderland
Wonderland has its own sense of reality, and many
occurrences there would be considered bizarre if not
Death, Grievous Injury,
downright impossible in the Real World. That said, and Wonderland
Wonderlands own reality is in some ways more powerful
than that of the Real World. The primary manifestation If a hero is killed while visiting Wonderland
of this power is the quasi-historical setting and how all in his dreams, he awakens unhurt in the Real
objects change to fit the setting. World with a start, as though having had a
nightmare. Likewise, injuries and wounds
Any Real-world item made after 1900 AD, whether vanish but may be felt as odd aches and
brought physically into Wonderland or created there via pains. Upon reentering Wonderland, the
dreams (e.g., by experimenters at Morpheus Research), heros dream-self is whole and hearty.
eventually changes into a suitable pre-1900s item. That
is, a 1940 firearm becomes an equivalent Victorian However, if the hero is physically present
model; a Glock 9mm becomes a light revolver. If in Wonderland, then wounds and even death
the Real World in your own campaign is set further are very real and still in effect even if the hero
into the future, advanced technologies suffer more can pass back to the Real World.
drastic changes; for example, a digital camera becomes
a box camera, and a mobile phone becomes a writing set Game Effects
complete with envelopes and sealing wax.
A hero who dies in Wonderland while
dreaming must roll on the Fright table and
Game Effects suffer the results upon awakening. A heart
Whenever a Real World item is used within Wonderland attack and death are possible!
and a 1 is rolled on the skill die, the item begins to mutate For the Victoria campaign, since Real World events
and change into a Wonderland equivalent. This process often happen off stage, or transpire in an abstract,
takes about a minute and the item is essentially useless dream-like fashion, your main concern may be with
during this time. If no die rolls are associated with using what your dead heros companions observe, especially
the item, roll a d6 anyway, and the item mutates on a roll if their characters havent yet been introduced to the
of 1. If the item has continuous use (for example, a car) notion that their experiences in Wonderland are but a
the roll should be made once per day. form of dreaming. The slain hero disappears from the
scene, his body nowhere to be found. Perhaps he fell
into some bushes, or disappeared into the shadows, but
Time and Distance in no amount of searching will discover
him (though if he was carrying any
Wonderland equipment of special importance
to the other heroes, it may be
Regardless of whether a hero
conveniently left behind at the GMs
is dreaming or physically within
Wonderland, he finds time and
distance behave quite differently The lost hero should show up
than they do in the Real World. again at some suitably later scene. If
A hero can spend months in it looks like this will take a while (and
Wonderland and yet return to the especially if combat is ongoing), you
Real World only hours after he left. might temporarily lend the player the

Wonderland No MoreGame Masters Section
use of an Extra accompanying the party. Then, at some the guests in the next room ask how long it will be until
later point, the hero rejoins the group, with a contrived dinner is ready, he can give them a meaningful answer.
excuse regarding his sudden and inexplicable absence. However, suppose he is out of eggs, it is nearly
He wasnt really dead after all; that would be nonsense midnight, and the stores are closed and miles away. He
as hes here, alive and well. Nonetheless, any permanent might head out on a journey to scale a mountain, steal
penalties suffered due to a bad roll on the Fright table eggs from a nest, then return to the kitchen before the
will be reflected in his Wonderland alter ego. water finishes boiling, and before the guests notice ...
At your discretion, you might take the player aside just as long as they werent doing anything interesting
and give him a brief hint of his waking up in the Real and time-consuming while he was gone.
World in a nightmarish haze, but keep it vague on details Most Wonderlanders have an instinctual feeling for
that could give away too much. When he returns to this. An invitation may declare a party to be umpteen
Wonderland, any Real-world interlude seems like just an days hence, under the radish moon, and everyone just
unpleasant dream. understands. For one person, its effectively four days,
for another its just tomorrow, and yet they both know
when to show up. A Real-world visitor, however, will
Wonderland Reality likely require someone to fetch him.
Some people find Wonderland Accordingly, watches and calendars seem like
is more real to them than the gibberish, but theres an important consistency: Any
Real World. Most of these are events marked on that calendar are at least correct in
descendents of Alice or the terms of sequence. The rate of time flow is variable, but
offspring of a Real-world mother theres still a reasonable progression between cause and
and a visiting Wonderland effect. This event happens before that one does.
father. For these people, the
Real World becomes dreamlike
and vague. They find themselves
going through their mundane
Gaps in History
lives almost mechanically, From a certain point of view, Igpay has no father. He
eagerly awaiting their next visit came into being at the same time as the Duchess. Lord
to Wonderland. Bacham didnt exist until much later, when Alice navely
mused over whether the babys father would be a Human
In the Victoria campaign this or a Pig. It wasnt until much later that she learned how
is reflected by the fact that, at babies come to be, and Igpay would wonder about his
least initially, all of the action own family (a rarity, since most Wonderlanders dont
takes place in Wonderland. question the pre-Alice past).
Here or there, its reasonable
to assume that our heroes woke Regarding events before Alice, Wonderlanders have
up, went about their daily lives vague memories. Ask them about some event pre-
circa 1940-something, and were Alice, and if it hasnt been asked before, there is no true
then reunited when they fell answer. Still, right then and there, an idea may come to
asleep. However, at least until the first of the Real-world mind, and becomes the truth. Other Wonderlanders
Interludes, the GM should gloss over such details. may suddenly gain this memory as well. It may not
be well thought-out, and may even contradict other
memories; if confronted with logical inconsistencies,
some normally friendly Wonderlanders could
Variable Time become hostile, or even violent ... or, they
Oh my ears and whiskers, how late its getting! might just change the topic.

The flow of time is irregular in Wonderland, but Some have been driven to madness (even by
not without meaning. Wonderlanders are aware of the Wonderland standards) by an innocent
concept of hours, days, years, seasons, and phases of question asked by a visitor from the
the moon. Nonetheless it is merely odd if the sun is Real World. Unscrupulous heroes
shining hotly upon the sea in the middle of the night, who figure this out should
not impossible. beware: Deliberate antagonism
may prompt Wonderland itself
For a gathering of Wonderlanders, time seems to to lash out in the form of surreal
progress in reasonable fashion. A task may reliably take events, violent storms or worse,
so many seconds, minutes, hours or days to perform. A in an attempt to break off this
chef can guess from experience how long it will take to inconvenient conversation until it
heat up an oven, and how long to let food simmer. When can sort itself out.

The Science of Wonderland
Winter and Other Seasons four paws, or just as easily dress up in suit and tie and
wear white gloves. No effort or time is spent in switching
Wonderland experiences seasons, just not in an orderly between one mode or the other, and no shape-shifting
fashion. Based on the perceptions of English weather by is involved. Wonderlands reality blithely ignores many
7-year-old Alice, Wonderland is mostly temperate, with of the contradictions that arise from such possibilities
an awful lot of fog. Wonderland winters are at least cold, simply because it has to.
with enough snow for sledding or building snowmen,
When Alice visited Wonderland, she imagined such
so one must wrap up warm, but theyre not normally
things as white rabbits with waistcoats, talking playing
life-threatening. Farmers somehow know when to plant
cards (who bake, steal, and eat tarts), characters from
and when to harvest, and grown-ups know to prepare
nursery rhymes, creatures of legend, and all sorts of
for a holiday coming up; other than that, seasons just
half-understood things from the grown-up world as
come and go without much warning.
well. The potential world took shape from her fancy,
and precedents were established that would make scant
Game Effects sense in the Real World. The concept of precedent and
Most of the time in Wonderland, it is perhaps spring, fair play (no fair changing the rules!) were important
summer, or autumn, the most important detail being Its to Alice, so theyre important to Wonderland as well.
not winter. This does not change except at GM whim, As Alice grew older, and other visitors made their
plot demand, or because of a Surreal Event (see p. 94). mark on this fledgling reality, certain things came about
Winter merely requires a token attempt at bundling due to more-or-less logical implications. If there is a
up. Therefore unless prompted by a particular effect shop, things must be bought and sold. If there are fields,
(such as a Storm, p. 161), the rules for cold (under someone must tend them. If there are children, they
Fatigue, Savage Worlds), may be ignored, even when must have parents. If there are warriors, there must be
there is snow on the ground. war. If there are executioners, there must be executions.
Thus, Wonderland combines established absurdities (and
rampant punnery) with complications that at times seem
less than appropriate for a Victorian childs storybook.
Phases of the Moon
7-year-old Alice paid little attention to phases of the
moon, as she wasnt allowed out after dark. Once, Alice
heard that the sun never sets on the British Empire,
Cards and Burglary
with an accompanying explanation that even at night, the Given the Card ability to selectively exploit flatness,
sun is up somewhere over the world. Thanks to Alices one might think a locked door is of little use to keep
imagination, the sun could very well share the sky with them out. Indeed, many Wonderlanders are amazingly
moon and stars ... and a dark night sky. blind to this simple possibility (even Cards themselves).

Also, the moon has no effect on tides, so the Endless Most Wonderland homes have exterior doors with
Sea stays level (though it can be churned up now and slightly-raised thresholds for the door to abut against to
again by storms or sea monsters). keep out cold air and snow (and, in the process, Card
burglars as well). However, interior doors are another
matter; the typical house has keyholes one can peer
Game Effects through, and gaps under the door through which a sheet
Unless anyone asks, or its plot-critical, assume that it of paper or an entire Card could pass.
is merely dark outside at night (2 penalty to Notice and Victoria, however, is aware of the potential for security
ranged attacks; targets not visible beyond 10). concerns, so her minions have seen fit to Card-proof
If someone thinks to check the phase of the moon, the Queens dungeons, and other places of importance.
pull a card. On a Spades or Clubs face card, its a new Thus, cells have solid walls, or else crossed bars at tight
moon (4 penalty to Notice and ranged attacks); on a intervals to deny a Card passage. Locked doors to secure
Diamonds or Hearts face card, its a full moon (1 rooms likely have thresholds (as with exterior doors) to
penalty to Notice and ranged attacks). On a Joker, the thwart attempts to slip under.
sun is out at the same time as the stars and moon, so
even while the sky itself looks dark, there are no darkness
penalties for being outside without a light source.
Game Effects
Slipping under a door or through a similar gap
requires an Agility check; on a 1 on the skill die, the
Card is stuck (requiring another round and a successful
Storybook Reality Agility test to get free). On a Critical Failure, the Card
As has been touched on before, Cards are flat except suffers 2d6 tearing damage from getting pinched on a
when they arent, and Animals might run about on all corner.

Wonderland No MoreGame Masters Section
Claws, Hooves, Feathers and Fur Objects and Artifacts
As stated earlier, Animals Although post-1900s items brought into Wonderland
not normally gifted with hands are forced into a more period-appropriate form, the
can still perform tasks that reverse is not true when Wonderland items are brought
would require them in the to the Real Worldnot even formerly modern items
Real World. that were transformed in Wonderland. This is because
the Real Worlds rules are more about the laws regarding
Fish can breathe time, space, and natural forces, rather than arbitrary
under water (because concerns to maintain some sort of theme.
thats what fish do), but since
Alice imagined an exchange Hence, an upright, talking Cat does not necessarily
between a Fish messenger and violate the Real Worlds rules. Its only if the Cat
a Frog footman outside the apparently only has paws and yet keeps doing things
Duchesss manor, it has been that should be impossible without fingers that the
established that talking Fish at Real Worlds rules are being usurped by those
least are perfectly capable of of Wonderland. Theres also nothing inherently
getting by on dry land as well. wrong with an apparent antique from the late
1800s with Monarchy-of-Hearts decor, or some
Now then, theres the potentially touchy matter of chess-themed medieval weapons.
clothes. Clothes make the man, as they say. Just as is
evidenced from the original illustrations by Sir John However, the powers of magical items from
Tenniel, if you stick a Fish in a tuxedo, or dress him as a Wonderland tend to go dormant if they fall
footman, hell fit in just fine. Take him out again, and a out of the possession of Wonderlanders,
Real-world visitor could mistake him for just a fish. particularly if they have overt enchantments
(such as the obviously supernatural
The White Rabbit might run about in a waistcoat, Ghost Blade). If they come into contact
and (gasp!) no trousers, but nobody makes a fuss over once more with a native of Wonderland (or someone
it. However, it might just take one troublesome Real- else with a strong connection to that place) their true
worlder and a Taunt or Persuasion check to point out magical natures may be stirred up again.
that the Emperor (or White Rabbit) has no pants, and
you could suddenly have a scandal on your hands.
Magic and Miracles in the Real
Wonderlanders in the Real World World
Just as its possible to dream oneself into Gourmancers can still make magical dishes, and
Wonderland, so too can certain Wonderlanders visit the spellcasters can invoke powers in the Real World,
Real World via dreams. Thats exactly the art perfected by since each Wonderlander represents a little pocket of
the Red King; thus, his Real-world form is seemingly that Wonderland reality intruding into the Real World.
of a normal Human. However, just as Belief powers miraculous magic in
Native Wonderlanders who physically visit the Real Wonderland, disbelief is an obstacle in the Real World.
World, however, retain their Wonderland forms. They
may be thought of as carrying with them little pockets
of Wonderland reality. Hence, even a Chessman made of Game Effects
wood or a Card that is neither truly two-dimensional nor Any attempt to invoke magic or miracles in the
three-dimensional can still exist in the Real World. presence of Doubting Thomases in the Real World is met
with fierce resistance in the form of doubled Power Point
cost, and a 1 penalty to Spellcasting rolls per Doubting
Long-term Stays Thomas present (so dont even bother trying obvious
Extended stays in the Real World (well beyond the magic in front of a crowd)unless the magical effect can
scope of the Victoria campaign) may result in a gradual be explained away in a rational way.
change into forms that fit more with the Real Worlds For instance, a Haberdasher might pose as a stage
rules. The caricatured features of native Wonderlanders magician while conjuring an item from a hat, and
may become more realistic; Cards may eventually cease while some folks might wonder How did he do that?
to be flat at all, and become for all intents and purposes it is unlikely that theyll strongly suspect that it actually
Human (albeit with strange tattoos on their torsos, and violates the expected laws of reality.
a pale complexion). Other races, over time, may become
more beholden to the laws of physics, transforming into For feats that may require more strained explanations,
stable creatures of flesh and blood ... even if they may however, a Persuasion check may be required before
still be very alien to Real-world natives eyes. the power can be used without hefty penalties (as the

The Science of Wonderland
character is required to set the stage, so to speak, for
his upcoming feat before he can actually manage it), with
Too Many Foodstuffs
appropriate penalties as determined by the GM. Keep Magic items in Wonderland come and go, more
in mind that the average rational Doubting Thomas dreamlike than their mundane counterparts.
is inclined to believe things that already fit his This is especially true of Magic Foodstuffs, which
worldview ... so if the character makes even a basic are inherently transitory. Foodstuffs crafted by
attempt at creating some plausible explanation to Gourmancers are fairly stable because of the
be readily to hand, it should do the trick. magical connection with their creators (via the
investment of Power Points), but those found
Since Gourmancers already spend Power
by foraging vanish just as easily as they were
Points ahead of time, the presence of even a
found if left untended, or kept in too great a
single Doubting Thomas can prompt automatic
failure of Magic Foodstuffs with overtly magical
effects. Care must be taken to either hide the Carried Foodstuffs are fairly safe from
effect, or explain it away in the presence of random disappearance, but only up to ones
such unbelievers (e.g., for healing, Oh, hes capacity to keep them stable via force of will
not really hurt all that badly!), or the power (or Spirit). Carrying any more than that can
will be wasted. result in unintended side effects.
Plus, as logical as the Real World might seem, it
has its own practitioners of magic working in the Game Effects:
shadows (as exemplified by the Nazi Gourmancers). A Gourmancer can carry as many of her own
Wonderlanders should avoid ostentatious displays, lest Foodstuffs as she likes, or loan them to friends, with
they be hunted down for experimentation or material no ill effects. They dont count toward the maximum
components. Foodstuffs that can be carried, and even if she does go
over maximum with foraged Foodstuffs, Gourmancer-
made Foodstuffs are exempt from any side effect
Real-worlders in Wonderland antics. Stolen, lost, or spoiled Foodstuffs (e.g., burnt
Although the players guide leaves open the question in fire, dropped in the Dismal Mire) lose this link; the
of what relationship the heroes have with Wonderland, Foodstuff will vanish within 24 hours if not used or
the heroes in the Victoria campaign are special. They are destroyed before then, at which point Power Points can
all descendants of Alice, and as a consequence they take be recovered.
on fantastic identities when visiting Wonderland (even if Other Foodstuffs (foraged, found, or purchased) can
that identity could very well still be Human). be carried up to ones maximum, in pockets, a pack,
Normal Real-worlders who visit Wonderland, a wheelbarrow, a cart, etc. Simply setting down ones
however, most likely retain their true forms, though backpack for a moment or stepping away from the cart
their possessions may mutate into more Wonderland- wont cause Foodstuffs to vanish, nor should picking up
appropriate forms, especially if they visit via dreams. a strange bag that happens to hold a magic apple cause
There may be exceptions, in the case of natives of the Foodstuff-filled pockets to instantly explode. As a rule
Real World who are nonetheless detached from reality in of thumb, its only at the resolution of each Scene or
some way (e.g., inhabitants of a mental institution). Encounter at most that a GM should consider taking
inventory of Foodstuffs. (So, that pocket-exploding
scenario could still happen if the hero doesnt
Game Effects resolve the discrepancy before moving on with
If you run a campaign set in Wonderland, the adventure.)
but you dont use the Victoria campaign, its Foodstuffs may be safely stored
up to you and your players whether in proper locations (e.g., a pantry
they should be playing Real-world or larder), without counting against
dreamers taking on Wonderland heroes Foodstuff maximums, and
personas, normal Real-world Humans without the danger of simply vanishing
lost like Alice in a land of wonder, or entirely. However, if one spends a
even native Wonderlanders. while away from that location before
The setting is flexible in this returning (e.g., going on a journey,
regard for heroes, but mere Extras then revisiting the vacant house), the
are likely to just stay their ordinary exact contents of the pantry may have
selves should they stumble into changed. (After all, a GM shouldnt
Wonderland, very perplexed by have to keep detailed records of all
what they find there. the Foodstuffs squirreled away by
the heroes across Wonderland.)

Wonderland No MoreGame Masters Section
Whether through neglect, ignorance, or because a 11 Redistribution. Roll 1d6. Remove that many
player calls your bluff and decides to see what exactly Foodstuffs from the heros inventory, and give
happens if he carries too many Foodstuffs, at some point them to someone else at the next opportunity
its time to demonstrate what those side effects are. For (e.g., another hero who has no Foodstuffs, or
each Foodstuff over maximum, pick a side effect or roll a monster the heroes encounter).
1d12 for a random one. The player doesnt get to know 12 Reversal. The next Foodstuff the hero eats (or
which side effect is coming until its effects are revealed: feeds to someone else) has the opposite of the
1 Disenchantment. The Foodstuff acquired intended effect, and its up to the GM to come
that would push the hero over his maximum is up with the most entertaining interpretation
edible, but loses its magical property. of opposite that he can. (E.g., a burst
Foodstuff targets oneself instead of an enemy;
2 Spoilage. Randomly pick a Foodstuff in the
a puppet Foodstuff fed to an enemy causes
heros possession and secretly note it for your
him to control the hero instead.)
own reference; its spoiled. When eaten,
it proves useless, disappearing with a flash,
deflating with a raspberry noise, etc. The

eater must pass a Vigor test or be Shaken.
Chaos. The next Foodstuff the hero eats has
The Egg of Seven Parts
a random effect. Consult the Gourmancy
powers table, roll 1d20, and count down the
list based on the roll. Interpret any questions
that arise regarding the target, etc. (e.g., if the
power is puppet, who is the master?) in the
most amusing way possible.
4 Activation. The Foodstuff s magic is
immediately activated, as if the holder
consumed it, whether beneficial or not.
5 Vanish. Randomly pick a Foodstuff in the
heros possession. It vanishes from existence
with an audible pop.
6 Explosion. The new Foodstuff explodes,
doing no damage, but making quite a mess. The GM references here are written
7 Chain Reaction. Every Foodstuff in the heros under the presumption that you will be
possession explodes spectacularly, doing no running the basic Wonderland No More
damage, but potentially quite embarrassing. campaign. You may have previously read
8 Animation. All Foodstuffs in the offending through The Egg of Seven Parts (a campaign
heros possession (including non-magical set against the backdrop of a twisted
foods) spring to life, creating a Wild Card Wonderland setting), and noticed that it
animated thing (p. 176) that acts immediately. doesnt mesh perfectly with the backstory
It can cast the powers contained in its presented here. This is because The Egg
constituent Foodstuffs, expending them of Seven Parts was designed to be a stand-
in the process. It attacks the hero first, but alone campaign that only requires the
thereafter will attack anyone and anything basic Savage Worlds rules, rather than the
indiscriminately. If slain, it has no Wealth, expanded rules presented here. You could
but any remaining Foodstuffs (not used by think of it as taking place in an alternate
the animated thing) may be recovered (albeit reality.
looking worse for the wear).
That doesnt mean that The Egg of
9 You Are What You Eat. Pick a random Seven Parts is of no use to this campaign,
Foodstuff in the heros possession. It vanishes,
however! See the Appendix (p. 181) for
and the hero takes its place, turning into
some suggestions on how you can adapt
a giant cake, soup bowl, drink bottle, or
this adventure to mesh with the Victoria
whatever, gaining the Tasty Hindrance. This
effect fades after 24 hours.
10 Mash. Pick two Foodstuffs in the heros
possession, and mash them together. Eating
the food enacts both powers at once. This
works best if you combine beneficial and
detrimental effects (e.g., healing and stun).

More About People &
The following are expanded notes on the People and Bill
Places found in the players section, as well as some that
are completely new. A Lizard in the employ of the White Rabbit, he is a
general handyman and fiercely loyal to his master. After
This guide does not attempt to list all the settlements recent events he has discovered he is a sure shot with
scattered throughout Wonderland. The GM should feel a crossbow and has dealt with many of the Queens
free to add them wherever he desires. These smaller minions who have been seeking the White Rabbit.
villages tend to be primarily populated by a single race
and offer little in the way of facilitiesa single inn or
Gone Native (p. 135): Pushed over the edge by
tavern and a general store.
the accusations against his master, the White
Some of the locations list Places and People of Note; Rabbit, Bill has taken to the woods around the
these are usually important in some way to the Victoria Village of Animals where he fights a one-Lizard
campaign or useful to the heroes. Remember, these guerilla war against the Queen of Hearts.
are not the only features of the location; you should
add whatever places (e.g., inns and shops) you or your
heroes require as and when you want. The Caterpillar
The Caterpillar is a broker of knowledge and
dwells within the Fungal Forest. His information is not
Savage Tales guaranteed to be 100% correct and he sells it to anyone
who wants it and can afford his price. The price is variable
Some people and places have a symbol depending upon the relative worth of the information
followed by a block of text. This means there is a Savage and how badly the requestor wants it. The Caterpillar
Tale associated with them. For example, in the Duchesss has a cadre of muscle Insects to protect his interests.
Manor the heroes may learn the Duchess is not seeing
The GM should use the Caterpillar as an aid to move
anyone as her little boy has run away. If the heroes decide
his campaign along; payment may be asked in the form
to try and return him to his mother, you run the Savage
of objects or knowledge, and can be used to send the
Tale A Missing Little Pig.
heroes on a Savage Tale.
Be sure to read a Savage Tale before you mention
anything to your players. Some have special requirements Assassination Attempt (p. 133): The first time
that need to be fulfilled before they occur. the heroes visit the Caterpillar, they
Additionally, certain places and people have a inadvertently become involved in a coup.
symbol followed by a block of text. This means the
place or person is involved in the listed Chapters for the
Victoria campaign. The Cheshire Cat
The Cheshire Cat is the GMs friend! This grinning cat
with the ability to appear and disappear at will claims

Monarchy of HeartsPeople to be mad, but is actually one of the most reasonable

characters in Wonderland. He was something of a friend
to Alice.

The Baby/Pig The Cheshire Cat made the

mistake of identifying Victoria
See Igpay (p. 69). as Alice and approaching her.
Victoria immediately ensnared the

Wonderland No MoreGame Masters Section
Cat much as she did the Daffodil Man, having recognized out of his keep. Sometime later she encountered him
the Cats unique ability to fade in and out, and realizing again on one of his hunts and confronted him with Igpay.
what a boon it could be to her plans. The Lord refused to accept his heir, though when the girl
Due to his unique nature, the Cheshire Cat is not threatened him with blackmail he bestowed upon her
completely bound by Victorias will. When incorporeal the title of Duchess, a small tract of land, and a house,
(or partially so) he is relatively free to move and act. along with the solemn promise she would never harass
Despite this, Victoria has kept the Cat tethered to her him again. The new Duchess agreed and has since spent
will, and he acts as one of her bodyguards. her life as a man-hater.

What this means is that the Cheshire Cat can give hints
A Missing Little Pig (p. 132): The Duchesss
and advice to the heroes but cannot reveal anything of
son, Igpay, has gone missing and she is offering
either Victoria or the Daffodil Man while he is partially
a reward for his safe return. The Duchess forgets
incorporeal. In this form he also looks normal. His
to mention Igpay is a confused adolescent and
physical form, however, is that of a mutated vicious manifests as a huge boar!
predator. His physical form can always be found near
Victoria. The Cheshire Cat may well drop hints to the
heroes concerning his plight such as, Oh you like me
well enough now, but you wouldnt want to meet me in
The Gryphon
the flesh, as it were. The Gryphon is a combination of an eagle and a lion,
and is viewed as a mythical creature in the Real World.
There are no specific tales concerning the Cheshire
He can often be found reminiscing with the Mock Turtle
Cat; the GM is encouraged to use him to push the plot
on the beach. The Gryphon is strangely noble and has a
along as and when needed. The Cat may well aid the
strong sense of right and wrong.
heroes in their search for the Crown of Alice or similar
powerful artifacts as by gaining such items they may be
able to free him from his servitude. Allies? (p. 131): While the heroes are atop the
Hill of Surveying a surprise visitor gives them a
chance to gain a powerful ally, if they can
The Cook defend him from harm.

The chef and companion of the Duchess is volatile

and prone to hurling objects at any in her vicinity. As
a cook she leaves much to be desired, lacing all her
The Hatter
food with hot pepper. She is, however, an accomplished At one time a Haberdasher, the Hatter was driven mad
Gourmancer. by the fumes of the chemicals (particularly mercury)
used in his profession. His madness gave him unique
insights into various esoteric subjects, but the one which
The Dormouse interested him most was time. The Hatter saw Time as
an individual, who could be bargained with to alter the
The Dormouse is an Animal who used to spend his
flow of time as he wished. To finance his experiments
time with the Hatter and March Hare, and was caught up
the Hatter persuaded Time to bring the future selves of
in the eternal tea party. Here he discovered that when he
him and the March Hare back to the present and then
slept he could view time as a long stream, from which he
persuaded the White King to employ them as messengers
could pluck individual periods and see them like a story.
(Hatta and Haigha). This got their duplicates away from
Upon coming to power Victoria immediately arranged
them and (somehow) avoided any paradox.
for the Dormouse to be arrested and imprisoned in the
Queen of Hearts dungeons. After a falling out with Time (over the Queen of Hearts
statement about how the Hatter was killing time) the
Chapter 3Reunite the Eternal Tea Party (p. Hatter was trapped in time at 6 oclock PM, eternally
101) taking tea with the March Hare and the Dormouse. This
eternal tea party lasted for some years, until Time
relented and released the three.
The Duchess When Victoria set her plans in motion, she feared
their knowledge of time, and arranged for them to be
Born a homely woman, the Duchess dreamed
imprisoned away from each other. The Hatter avoided
of marrying royalty. Her dreams did not come true,
arrest by having Time shift him one second ahead of
though once, in the wrong place at the wrong time,
current time.
she encountered Lord Bacham on a hunt with a few
retainers. Bacham took advantage of the lowly and nave
woman. The result was the Duchesss son, Igpay, a Pig. Chapter 3Reunite the Eternal Tea Party (p.
The Duchess sought out Lord Bacham, only to be thrown 101)

More About People & Places
by agents of the Queen of Hearts and imprisoned in her
Matter of Honor (p. 141): An old argument dungeons.
rears its head again and as tempers flare, a duel
is called for. Chapter 3Reunite the Eternal Tea Party (p.
Nest with a View (p. 141): A great bird plunges
from the sky and snatches the Hare away, Matter of Honor (p. 141): An old argument
leaving a solitary feather behind. If the heroes rears its head again and as tempers flare, a duel
still need or want his aid they have to rescue is called for.
Nest with a View (p. 141): A great bird plunges
from the sky and snatches the Hare away,
Igpay leaving a solitary feather behind. If the heroes
The Duchesss child is unusual (even by Wonderland still need or want his aid they have to rescue
standards). Most of the time he is a Human, albeit one him.
of a rather plain, perhaps pig-like, appearance. However,
when upset he changes form into that of a pig. In other
worlds he would be called a werepig, but that term has Mary Ann
no meaning in Wonderland.
Mary Ann is a Cat employed by the White Rabbit as a
Given the name Igpay by his uncaring and unloving housemaid. Unfortunately for her employer she is not
mother, the boy has grown up quite wild and his pig as true as she appears. Agents of the Queen of Hearts
form has become more like a boar. Igpay is the bastard approached Mary Ann and offered her unbelievable
son of Lord Bacham, a Boar who runs the small town of wealth and power in exchange for spying on the White
Bacham. Rabbit. The alternative was to stay true to her employer
and be slain out of hand. Always a smart girl, Mary Ann
Father Dear Father (p. 138): The confused became an agent of the Queen of Hearts. However, agents
adolescent son of the Duchess wants to confirm of the Daffodil Man also secretly keep close tabs on her.
Lord Bacham is his father, and confront him if She does not know the full story, but knows she is in over
he is. her head and walking a delicate political tightrope.

The King of Hearts The Mock Turtle

The King was a somewhat incompetent Nothing more can really be said of the
and ineffectual ruler almost entirely Mock Turtle. He is the only example of his
overshadowed and dominated by his breed so far found and is too wrapped
wife. up in his own melancholy reflections on
the past to get involved in happenings in
Despite this, the King was good for
his realm, as he kept the Queens more
excessive commands (Off with his Heroes who are heroic enough to spend
head!) in check. More recently, the King time with the Mock Turtle and listen to
of Hearts was spirited away by Victoria his tales of the past and watch his clumsy
and the Daffodil Man. attempts to relive the dances of his youth
under the sea may be rewarded.

The March Hare School of Thought (p. 146): The

The saying As mad as a March hare Mock Turtle seems to lose his thread and
could have been coined for this Animal. starts to mutter about his old school.
Long suspected of being dropped on his
head at birth, the March Hare has been
mad from an early age. After being drafted to sit on a jury Pat
in the Queen of Hearts Court where the Hatter was on The White Rabbits Dog gardener is still faithful to
trial, the Hare and Hatter both found an intellectual his master, despite all the rumors of his treachery. He
equal and became friends of a sort. The March Hare was spends much of his time tending the White Rabbits
unfortunate enough to be caught up in the rift between garden and has noticed the strange behavior of those
the Hatter and Time, and he too became trapped in the living opposite. If any heroes speak with him, he may
eternal tea party. Shortly after his release he was captured drop oblique references such as, I just keeps the garden

tidy and minds my own business, unlike some folks, People of Note
followed by a nod towards the house opposite.
Lord Bacham.
Pat is a potential link to the White Rabbit as he is the
one person who knows where he is. Pat sends any who
ask off on wild goose chases until he is sure of their Places of Note
motivations. When convinced of the enquirers good Lord Bachams Castlea grand title for little more
intentions he relates that the White Rabbit is hiding in than a three-story tower with a wall around it.
the woods and points them in his general direction. The Hock of Bacona tavern with a very low ceiling
from which smoked joints of pork are hung. If food is
required, one selects the desired joint and it is cooked
The Queen of Hearts to order.
Always an unstable character, the Queen is even more
so without the stabilizing influence of the King. In recent
times she has raised taxes to almost unbearable levels, The Beach
forcefully recruited folk into her armies or work gangs, The sandy and largely deserted beaches of Wonderland
and sees enemies all around her. form the coast for the whole northwestern land. The
The Queen of Hearts is outwardly violent and beach is not tidal and the sea stays at a constant level.
unpredictable with her childlike tantrums. Out of public Half a mile from shore can be seen the tops of a reef.
view she can be scheming and manipulative, which
makes her a very dangerous adversary.
People of Note
Mock Turtle (p. 157).
The White Rabbit
Perhaps the key to the liberation of Wonderland and Places of Note
the saving of the Real World, the White Rabbit knows much Seaside is the embodiment of Alices view of a seaside
of events within the Monarchy of Hearts, having served town, complete with a lighthouse and docks, great
as the Queens messenger for many years. Additionally, sailing ships (that havent anywhere to go), and smaller
he is the nominal head of the so-called resistance against fishing boats (that generally dont venture out of sight
the Queen. of shore).
There is a bounty on the White Rabbits head as the
campaign begins, and he is in hiding within the Wood
of Giant Beasts. Once encountered by the heroes, he Caucus Race Ground
remains in the Wood unless they can think of a more An event involving Alice that became known as The
secure place for him. Great Caucus Race led to an attempt to recreate the
race as a periodic event to encourage the peoples of
Chapter 2Find the White Rabbit (p. 99) Wonderland to compete against and understand each
other. Sadly this failed. The Race Ground still stands
along with its faded seating, tattered banners, and
tarnished thimbles, but it is used only by those who live
Monarchy of HeartsPlaces locally.

Bacham Despair
Both a place and the name of the The new name given to the Queen of
Boar who rules it, Bacham is a small Hearts major city, Hope (p. 73).
town (or perhaps a large village) to
the southwest of Hope, renowned for
the bacon it produces. (No, this is not Diamond Keep
seen as being at all ironic or morbid by The Knave of Diamonds, fitting the
Wonderland natives.) least flattering definition of a Knave, had
Many see Lord Bacham as a Boar by enough of being ruled by the Queen of
breed and nature. It is well known that Hearts and set himself up as leader of an
he regards himself as the sole ruler of independent Duchy. He thought himself
Bacham and resents having to pay taxes far enough removed from the Queen to
to the Queen of Hearts. have time to build up a power base to
support his bid for independence.

More About People & Places
Sometime in the future (as portrayed in The Egg of make regular use of them to travel between the realms.
Seven Parts), things are likely to come to a head, with The reason for this goes back through time to when the
the eventual siege of Diamond Keep. If youve already two realms each believed they were the only realm and
run The Egg of Seven Parts, and modified it to fit this ships that sailed beyond the barrier of the Mountains of
campaign (see p. 181), then it may well be a ghost- Division never returned.
haunted ruin. Such ships actually fell victim to the inhabitants of the
sea, made landfall at Snark Island and perished, or passed
into the Real World. Furthermore, due to times irregular
Dismal Mire flow in Wonderland, standard navigation techniques are
The Mire is a large swampy marshland on the western unreliable.
edge of the woods. The marsh contains many small
and muddy but solid islands surrounded by a maze of Chapter 4Hunting the Daffodil Man (p.
waterwaystwo feet or so of water over several feet of 107)
sucking mud. To progress through the Mire, one needs
to wade (or sometimes swim) from island to island, or
preferably make a raft and pole it through. Places of Note
Snark Island is immortalized in the poem The
Hunting of the Snark. Many mariners have perished on
The Shakes its shores. A ship named The Snark Hunter met its
Heroes who spend even the shortest time in the doom here.
stagnant, rank marsh water must make a Vigor roll at the
end of the journey. Failure indicates they have caught
The Shakes. This is a disease that causes the victim to The Fungal Forest
shake incessantly, resulting in the temporary loss of one
die of Vigor and Agility. The disease lasts for 2d6 days. The Fungal Forest, unlike the surrounding woods, is
damp. The ground is moist with mulch that squelches
underfoot, the trees with wide interlocked branches
The Duchesss Duchy are damp, and the very air is heavy with condensation.
Fungi of all types thrive in the dim light that penetrates
What good is a Duchess without any people to call the dense canopy above. Lighting conditions should be
her own? This small village technically belongs to and is treated as dim within the area.
looked after by the Duchess, but as she cares little about
it, the inhabitants live their lives as they want. The forest is home to many species of insects but
predominantly those that crawl or walk upon the ground
rather than fly.
Duchesss Manor
This good-sized house stands alone in a clearing in People of Note
the woods. The Duchess dwells here with her son, cook The Caterpillar.
and a plethora of Animal servants.

A Missing Little Pig (p. 132): The Duchesss Places of Note

son, Igpay, has gone missing and she is offering The Caterpillars Mushroom is 4 feet tall and off-
a reward for his safe return. The Duchess forgets white. It may be found by following any of the numerous
to mention that Igpay is a confused adolescent tracks leading to and from it made by those seeking the
and manifests as a huge boar! Caterpillars wisdom.

False Caterpillar (p. 138): The Caterpillar is

People of Note not at his usual place, but a Caterpillar is. The
The Duchess, The Cook and Igpay. impostor tries to con the heroes out of their
cash before sending them on a deadly trip.

Endless Sea The Caterpillars Cave is home to the Caterpillar

after he is forced to flee his mushroom. A hole in a great
The Endless Sea encircles the whole of Wonderland, tree leads to a sloping tunnel at the end of which is the
although this could only be deduced by circumnavigating Caterpillars new home.
the realm. The sea itself can only be seen at the two
beaches. There is a portal here to the Real World, though
Assassination Attempt (p. 133): The first time
it is never found in quite the same place. The denizens
the heroes visit the Caterpillar, they
of Wonderland know of and have built boats, but do not
inadvertently become involved in a coup.

Wonderland No MoreGame Masters Section
The Guarded Way 5Hole Lot of Trouble (p. 114) and Chapter 6Free the
Queen of Hearts (p. 116).
The Guarded Way is a well-beaten trail through the
Hills of Gloom. The trail is marked by the absence of If one ventures too far into the Hall of Doors, it grows
undergrowth, which is worn away by travelers or more chaotic and twisted. Eventually, the simple corridors
occasionally cleared by the guards. At irregular intervals give way to a labyrinthine, geometry-and-gravity-defying
along the Guarded Way are guard posts manned by forces jumble of doors, stairs, arches, chandeliers, curtains,
of the Queen of Hearts (the western posts) or of the Red useless clocks, and little glass tables.
Queen (the eastern posts). Whats worse, one wrong step could take a lost
Each post is little more than a small, sturdily-built traveler plummeting into an open doorway, only to pop
house surrounded by 8-foot-high walls. These cramped up who-knows-where-else in Wonderland (or to other
structures are big enough for the guards and perhaps Savage Settings, if the GM wants his game to become
another ten or so people. Any wagons and mounts (plus stranger still).
any travelers in excess of normal capacity) are kept within
the walled outer compound. Chapter 1Beginnings (p. 97)
The typical guard contingent
consists of either a hand of six
Rank-1 Clubs led by a Rank-2 Hatter House
Club Card, or else six Pawns led The Hatters home is silent and
by a Knight Chessman. deserted. All is neat and tidy, save
Many of the darker creatures for the dining room. A long table
of Wonderland live in the Hills of fills the dining room, covered with
Gloom, and in greater numbers disordered place settings, rotten
than encountered elsewhere. food, and equally spoiled tea.
The guard posts are charged with Mysterious things happen at
keeping the wild undergrowth the tableteacups fill with tea
back from the trail (a task labeled from midair, sandwiches and
as Gardening by both sides) cakes appear in the air as mangled
and to aid any who request it chunks and magically reform on
against the creatures of the hills. plates, and tea flows from cups
In practice, the guards tend to upwards into teapot spouts. These
promptly aid any of their own phenomena move about the table
realms and dally when helping at irregular intervals. Rumors
travelers from the other realm. abound that the Hatter killed more
Use the encounter table from than time and the strange events
the Hills of Gloom (p. 93) but witnessed are the restless spirits
check only twice per journey of his victims who await his return.
(once in each Queens realm). The GM should place Something else lurks in the house
guard posts along the Guarded Way wherever he feels as wella Thing from elsewhere in Time.
they are necessary. The Hatter himself is behind these rumors. When
the March Hare and Dormouse were arrested, he threw
himself on Times mercy and his old acquaintance took
The Hall of Doors pity and aided him. The Hatter now exists a second or so
The Hall of Doors is a nexus to many places, including out of synchronization with the rest of the world, though
different worlds. Most of the doors are securely locked unfortunately without the ability to rejoin it.
and cannot be opened without the appropriate key.
Chapter 3Reunite the Eternal Tea Party (p.
In the Victoria campaign, the only doors that routinely
open are those leading to the Pool of Tears, the Rabbit
Hole, the Queen of Hearts Garden, and the Tree With a
Door. The latter door can only be opened from the Tree,
although two-way passage is possible. Other doors may The Hills of Gloom
be opened as described by individual Savage Tales. The Hills of Gloom are the only passable land link
The Hall is in constant use now, as the Queen of between the two realms and are vital to trade between
Hearts cards carry raw materials from Wonderland to them. Their name comes from the dense tree coverage
the factory built atop the Rabbit Hole; more details can and entangling undergrowth blocking much of the light.
be found in the Rabbit Hole entry (p. 74), Interlude The area is left in perpetual twilight (apply dim light
modifiers). The Hills are home to many of the fiercer

More About People & Places
creatures of Wonderland who have found themselves beneath the Royal Castle. Heroes attempting to flee
hunted in more populated areas. To protect travelers justice may well find this door.
(particularly merchants) the two realms have signed an The Law Court is something of a sham. Trials are held
agreement to maintain and guard a route through the before a judge appointed by the Queen, and he is little
hillsthe Guarded Way. more than a mouthpiece for her judgment. Serious
The most fearsome of the inhabitants of the hills is cases (those where the Queen gets good publicity!) are
the legendary Jabberwock, whose lair lies within the tried before a jury of twelve unbiased jurors, but they
foothills of the mountains, north of and midway along are told what to record and what their verdict must be.
the Guarded Way.

Treasure Hunting (p. 151): The heroes seek a March Manor

great treasure in the Hills of Gloom. The March Hares home is a two-story cottage with a
thatched roof and two chimneys shaped like rabbit ears,
Chapter 5Into the Hidden Realm (p. 111) sitting in a small clearing in the surrounding woods. A
patch of land behind the house was once obviously a
vegetable garden but has been ruined by several trench-
Hope style open latrines and all that they imply. A barn-like
building next to the garden has been converted into a
Hope is the largest city in Wonderland, ruled with an half-dozen stalls for horses. The table that housed the
iron fist by the Queen of Hearts. The city is a strange eternal tea party is still under a tree out front, but vine-
mixture of the somewhat unique Wonderland style choked and neglected.
of houses (that is, build whatever you want and dont
conform to any standards) and Victorian-era architecture Shortly after the March Hare was arrested, an
(instigated by Alices visits). Hope is divided into several enterprising Fox came across his cottage and converted
districtsRoyal, Upper Class, Tradesman, and Poor. The it to an inn.
city is home to the extensive royal families (the face Cards
of the four suits) and many who consider themselves Chapter 4Hunting the Daffodil Man (p.
gentry or upper class. 107)
Hope was once a thriving center of business, but has
fallen on hard times due to the Queens recruitment for
her armies and other projects (mining and forestry, for Tax Rebate (p. 149): March Manor is now an
example). Most of the lower-class citizens now refer to inn, and the Royal Tax Collector is staying there.
their city as Despair, and have amended the city signs
Mountains of Division
Places of Note The Mountains of Division cut Wonderland from
north to south like a spine. These peaks are lowest in
The Queens Heads is a tavern in the more affluent
the north and south and rise to their most impressive
royal district. Its sign depicts the Queen of Hearts
heights in the center.
surrounded by the heads of those she has had executed.
Prices tend to be higher but the food and drink is of It is generally held that there is no way to cross
better quality. the Mountains of Division. This belief is reinforced by
Victoria, as she wants none to know of her hidden valley.
The Shoemakers Arms is a cheap tavern in the
Occasionally a few intrepid explorers have set out to
tradesmens district. The food and drink is basic but
cross the peaks, but none have returned. The truth is
palatable, and it is a popular place for manual laborers.
several paths lead through the peaks from both the west
The Town Square is a popular meeting place situated and east, but are used frequently by Victorias minions
in the center of the city. A great oak tree grows in its and heavily guarded.
center and is used as an impromptu notice board by any
who have a need.
Places of Note
The Mines occupy a vast area of the hills and
Law Court mountainsides east of Hope. These are worked by both
The Law Court appears grandiose, but is actually little paid miners and slaves. The Queen of Hearts recruited
more than a large hall and several waiting rooms. The workers to break up the hard rock of the mountains and
tree-lined Royal Walk leads from the Royal Castle to the dig away the soil of the hills to get to the precious metals
Court. Beneath the Law Court is a securely-locked door, beneath. The miners are guarded by packs of Cards with
beyond which a passage runs straight to the dungeons one or two Tweedle overseers per mine.

Wonderland No MoreGame Masters Section
Pool of Tears to a tunnel to the Law Court always guarded by at least
two Rank-3 Club Cards to prevent unwanted intrusion.
The Pool of Tears is now a sizeable saltwater lake. At In the event of an attack on the castle, the simple pulling
each shore is a wooden jetty with a large brass bell to call of a lever may, in theory, collapse the whole tunnel. This
the ferryman. On the far side of the Pool from the House mechanism has never been tested. A staircase to the
of Doors is a small, crudely built, wooden shackthe castle is opposite the secret tunnel.
ferrymans home. Since the Queen of Hearts sealed off
the House of Doors, the ferryman has little work to do
except ferry those from the Village of Animals who want Rabbit Hole
to reach the woods around the Hall of Doors.
The Rabbit Hole is one of the portals between the Real
World and Wonderland, and the first one to be discovered.
Queen of Hearts Castle Originally it was just what its name impliesa rabbit
holealbeit slightly larger than normal and enchanted
The Castle is a sprawling edifice as noted in the to shrink any who used it; the hole led down to a
players guide. It is surrounded by a narrow moat (only passageway, which in turn led to the Hall of Doors. It is
12 feet across) with a drawbridge and sturdy gates. here Alice entered Wonderland for the first time.
Beyond the moat are the 30-foot-tall walls complete with
battlements. Beyond the walls lie the Royal Gardens, Under Victorias design, the Rabbit Hole is now
resplendent with rosebushes. The gates are always something far different. Gone is the idyllic meadow
manned by a force of twelve Rank-2 Club Cards, barring of Alices time. The top of the hole in the Real World
all entry at night. However, during the day they are quite is covered by a large factory owned by Whole World
likely to merely glance over visitors and wave them in, Limited (p. 114). The bottom of the hole has been
letting their counterparts in the castle deal with them. enlarged and is guarded at all times by a force of at
least twenty Rank-1 Club Cards, four Rank-2 Club Cards
The rooms and passages of the castle form a and two Rank-3 Sword Tarot Cards. This is because the
labyrinthine maze, which only a few can navigate with Rabbit Hole is now used to transport raw materials from
ease. Extensive dungeons below the palace hold those Wonderland to the Real World, where Victorias agents
awaiting execution. At one time such people languished can sell them on to fund her operations.
in the dungeon for a while and were then released: Most
of the Queens demands of Off with his head! were just
spontaneous outbursts and the slight that caused them Places of Note
soon forgotten. Now is a different matter, and prisoners Twig Landing is the name given to the landing site
are kept in the dungeon only if they may have information beneath the Rabbit Hole.
about the Queens enemies (real or imagined) or to let
them dwell upon their imminent execution. Chapter 6Free the Queen of Hearts (p.
Chapter 3Reunite the Eternal Tea Party (p.
Royal Croquet Ground
Chapter 6Free the Queen of Hearts (p. The Croquet Ground is part of a large deforested
116) area around the castle, specifically between the castle
and Hope. The ground here is particularly flat and is
surrounded by low, grassy ridges. The area is huge and
People of Note only a small sub-area of it is ever used for playing the
The Queen of Hearts. game. In truth, the Croquet Ground was extended to
provide a killing ground in front of the castle in case
the citizens of Hope ever rebel.
Places of Note
The Main Hall is the focal point of the palace, where
visitors are greeted and directed to where they need to
be. The first non-guard person usually met is the Queens
Royal Forest
majordomoa Walrus (William)who is secretly on the The Royal Forest surrounds the Queen of Hearts
side of those who resist the Queen. He does what he can castle to the west, north and east. The royal family owns
to aid them without tipping his hand. the woods in this area for an undefined distance, and
written permission must be gained to hunt or gather
The Dungeons consist of two dozen cells firewood in the area. Much of the wood near the castle
surrounding a large central area. The central area has been cut down to provide a large stretch of open
contains many interrogation tables as well as racks of killing ground between the wood and the walls of the
torture instruments. There is a locked door that opens castle.

More About People & Places
Several small camps of foresters squat within the twelve. The owner is a surly Donkey who is intensely
forest. All are technically free men but must provide a loyal to the Queen of Hearts since her sweeping changes
certain volume of wood to the royal forces or face the have brought much trade his way. If he overhears any
consequences. anti-royalty talk, he is likely to report the miscreants to
the first Card patrol that passes.

The Tree with a Door

The Tree with a Door (originally discovered by Alice) The Wood of Giant Beasts
lies within the woods near March Manor. Other such The area of the woods around the Village of Animals is
doors are scattered throughout Wonderland, in trees, home to many giant beasts. Not surprisingly, this is how
rocks and other similar features. The GM should feel the woods got their name. The giant beasts are, aside
free to put them wherever he needs. The doors are quite from being giant, normal specimens of their breed.
small and may be a tight squeeze for Tweedle or other The wood is where the White Rabbit is hiding from
large heroes. Upon opening a door, a hero can see into the Queen of Hearts since he faked his own death by
the Hall of Doors and a single step takes her there. Each going to hunt down the fell beast.
door may be freely opened when found, but once passed
through and closed they cannot be opened from the Hall
Chapter 2Find the White Rabbit (p. 99)
of Doors.

The Village of Animals Gone Native (p. 135): Pushed over the edge by
the accusations against his master the
The Village of Animals is
White Rabbit, Bill has taken to the
predominantly populated by Animals.
woods around the Village of Animals
Although other races are welcome to
where he fights a one-Lizard guerilla
pass through and make use of the
war against the Queen of Hearts.
facilities, they are encouraged not to
settle. The village sees quite a lively
trade as it lies on the trade route Jon Browns Body (p. 139):
between the Looking-glass Lands A chance spotting of a shallow grave
and Hope. All around the village are leads the heroes into a heap of
posters bearing the countenance of trouble with the spirit of the resident.
the White Rabbit, stating Have you
seen this Rabbit? Wanted for crimes
against the Queen. Reward 50. Places of Note
Giant Fields: Several huge
Clandestine Meeting (p. clearings in the wood are cultivated
135): The heroes notice a with appropriately gigantic crops.
woman furtively looking These are grown and harvested
around as she leaves the by the denizens of the Village of
Village of Animals. Animals and form a major part of their
Spy in our Midst (p. 148):
Recently a pair of Dogs has moved into the
village. Despite a lot of time spent in their front
garden it still seems overgrown and untidy. Looking-glass LandsPeople
People of Note The Carpenter
Pat (a Dog) and Mary Ann (a Cat), both in the White A Human who claims to be a carpenter by trade, he is
Rabbits employ. normally encountered with the Walrus. The pair of them,
although appearing to be little more than con artists,
are quite capable of violence and even murder if it suits
Places of Note them (and the odds look good).
The White Rabbits House is tended by his maid,
Mary Ann, since he disappeared.
Pleasant Lunch (p. 143): the heroes meet the
The Travelers Rest is a small inn with rooms to (in)famous Walrus and Carpenter and are
sleep eight and a common room that sleeps a further invited to join them for lunch.

Wonderland No MoreGame Masters Section
Haigha The Red Knight
Haigha is alleged to be an Anglo-Saxon name, and The Red Knight should not be mistaken for just any
is pronounced to rhyme with mayor (or hey ya by red Knight. To start with he is Human, like his white
Americans). Haigha is a Hare who bears an uncanny counterpart. He is the epitome of the Knights, an
resemblance to the March Hare. This is because he is in individual whose standing should be strived towards by
fact the March Hare, or at least the future March Hare! all others.
The Hatter persuaded Time to bring the future instances The Red Knight respects and honors the rules of
of himself and the March Hare back to the current time. chivalry; he is courteous to women, believes in a fair
The Hare and Hatter then managed to get their future fight not necessarily to the death, treats prisoners well
selves (under assumed names) employed by the House and generally is a good guy who just happens to be on
of Whitefield as messengers. the wrong side (at least initially).
He is also the epitome of martial might, being
Chapter 3Reunite the Eternal Tea Party (p.
proficient with most weapons and having a keen mind
for tactics.

Hatta The Red Queen

Like Haigha, Hatta is alleged to be an Anglo-Saxon The Red Queen rules the eastern realm, under
name but it is pronounced Hatter, and is a pseudonym Victorias guidance, although she needs little of that.
of the Hatters future self now employed by the House In her own way the Red Queen is as passionate as the
of Whitefield. Queen of Hearts, but her passion is cold and calm. She
is formal and strict, though not unkindly. Her pedantic
nature (even towards prisoners and such) is reminiscent
Lily of a strict schoolteacher or perhaps a governess from
A young Pawn of the House of Whitefield, she is the past times.
only child of the White King and Queen. The White The Red Queen is not cruel, and although she
Queen dotes on Lily and tends to mother her a little defeated the House of Whitefield she has not persecuted
too much, giving her little freedom, even less now since in any way the members of the house; all are free to do as
the White King disappeared. they please unless they try to raise a sizeable army.

The Lion Tweedledee and Tweedledum

The Lion and the Unicorn fought daily (in the city now The twin brothers no longer exist in an individual
known as Charity) for the White Kings crown. No matter sense. Orphaned and somehow separated from others
how hard the pair fought, there was never a clear winner of their race at an early age, the two boys grew up to be
and so the King was never challenged for his crown. even closer than normal for Tweedle. Shunning contact
With the White King missing (presumed dead) the with all others, the twins lived alone in the woods
pair has ceased their eternal fight, as their noble heritage around their home. Having to exist on a diet of fruit and
deems it wrong to fight for the crown of a Queen. Instead, nuts, they began to lose weight and became terrified
the pair acts as the Queens personal bodyguards. Alas, they would fade away. So they made a hideous plan: No
even their martial might and knowledge was insufficient longer did they shun company; instead they welcomed it
to counteract the Queens inadequacy when it came to for the sustenance it would provide.
fighting the House of Rosewood. Over the years, their diet of sentient flesh and their
unnatural closeness led to the two brothers to grow
Who is Best? (p. 154): The Lion and the closer and closer together, both emotionally and
Unicorn have started fighting again, but why? physically. Eventually their bodies merged and they
became a single composite creaturea bulky, fleshy,
two-headed thing with limbs it could extrude or retract
The Red King at will. The creature, now known as TweedleDeeDum
The Red King was the ruler of the House of Rosewood, (or TweedleDumDee) roams the woods around their old
but spent all of his time asleep, which left the ruling to his home, preying on any it can capture.
wife. His reason for sleeping was that he had discovered
the Real World in his dreams, and much preferred the Dee and Dum (p. 137): A tremendous crashing
logic and sense of that realm to the chaos of his own. His noise from the surrounding woods alerts the
dream alter-ego in the Real World is the Shadow Man. heroes to something approachingand what a
thing it is!

More About People & Places
The Unicorn Looking-glass LandsPlaces
See the entry for the Lion (p. 76).

The Beach
The Walrus Like its counterpart in the Monarchy of Hearts, the
A Walrus who dresses as a gentleman (but is far from beach comprises the entire northern border. It is rare
it), he is normally encountered with the Carpenter. The to encounter anything at all on the beach as the local
pair of them, although appearing to be little more than wildlife have learnt to be wary of visits by renowned food
con artists, are quite capable of violence and even murder critics the Walrus and the Carpenter.
if it suits them. (While most Wonderland inhabitants at
least unconsciously distinguish between dumb beasts Pleasant Lunch (p. 143): The heroes meet the
and intelligent Animals when it comes to choosing meals, (in)famous Walrus and Carpenter and are
these two arent so picky.) invited to join them for lunch.

Pleasant Lunch (p. 143): The heroes meet the

(in)famous Walrus and Carpenter and are Places of Note
invited to join them for lunch. Sand Castle: A large sand castle stands upon the
beach a yard or so from the shoreline. The castle has
walls 3 feet high and a diameter of 8 feet. Buried 4 feet
The White King beneath the sand is a treasure hoard, guarded by the
ghosts of the Oysters who were devoured there.
The once-ruler of the House of Whitefield was
originally imprisoned by Victoria within her hidden
valley, and has recently been moved to the Looking-glass Seaside Treasure (p. 147): The heroes find a
House. The White King was a well-liked (some would large sand castle where they expected to find a
say loved) ruler with a good nature and willingness to treasure hoard. But whats to stop them digging
anyway? Only a horde of ghosts!
aid any he could (including Humpty Dumpty, the Lion,
and the Unicorn). This gained him much support and
aid in return. It was this and his tactical knowledge that
kept his House from being defeated by the House of
Rosewood for so long. Once Victoria removed him, the
realm was easy pickings for the Red Queen.

The White Knight
Charity is the royal city of the House of Whitefield
The White Knight is much like his counterpart in the and is situated in the eastern half of the realm. Like most
House of Rosewood in chivalry. Unfortunately he is not things constructed by Chessmen, the city is built to a
The Red Knights equal in battle. The White Knight is logical (some would say boring) pattern and style. All the
considerably older than his counterpart and is somewhat buildings, no matter what their function, are essentially
inept (for instance being almost unable to ride his horse). identicala mansion may have more rooms and be more
His passion in life is inventing things, although few of his expensive than a cottage but it has the same proportions
inventions actually work or are useful. and the same decoration, and all are a pale cream color.
The city is not arranged into districts; instead each street
A Stormy Knight (p. 133): The White Knights is an exact mixture of dwellings (sized by the rank of
steed has been stolen and he is not happy. the Chessmen that live there), shops, and manufacturing
Charity is predominantly home to Chessmen with
The White Queen an approximate ratio of 70% Pawns, 15% Knights, 10%
The White Queen is a Chessman and the wife of the Bishops, and 5% Rooks. There is very little trouble in
White King. The White Queen is gentle, overweight, pale Charity as all know their place and respect it.
and somewhat helpless in all practical matters. Being the The city was named after Alices visit for one of the
partner of the White King with all the support he and their three virtues she spoke of; it seemed particularly apt for
people gave, the White Queen had no need or desire to the citizens, as they were well known for their charity
change herself, and was content to drift through life with towards others (for instance feeding the exhausted Lion
a slow, bewildered air about her. The White Queens and Unicorn daily even though they fought for the Kings
inept leadership led to the House of Whitefield losing its crown).
position of prominence to the House of Rosewood.

Wonderland No MoreGame Masters Section
With the loss of first their King and then their across the Chessboard Fields. However if a traveler stays
dominance, many of the people of Charity have become on the train long enough, it crosses into the Real World
somewhat disillusioned. The city is now known to many underground train network.
as Greed, for many feel that if their Queen had been
interested in her people more than herself, they would Chapter 4Hunting the Daffodil Man (p.
not be where they are now. 107)

Chapter 3Reunite the Eternal Tea Party (p. Chapter 7Reunite the White King and
101) Queen (p. 120)

Royal Kidnap (p. 145): A town crier spreads Chapter 8End Game (p. 125)
the news that the Queens only daughter has
been kidnapped. Workers with the crier are
nailing posters bearing a likeness of the A Stormy Knight (p. 133): The White Knights
kidnapper to buildings. steed has been stolen and he is not happy.

People of Note Places of Note

The Lion and the Unicorn. White Manor is a combined home and workshop
for the White Knight. It is an eccentric place, parts of it
Who is Best? (p. 154): The Lion and the destroyed and rebuilt several times over, due to conflict,
Unicorn have started fighting again, but why? failed experiments, or both at the same time. One
tower sports an observatory with an oversized telescope,
another sports a windmill, and tall crooked steam
Places of Note pipes and smoke stacks stick out every which way. The
surrounding fields are mostly taken up by farmlands and
White Queens Palace is an impressive-looking
the houses of servants. These lands change hands so
structure with walls made of rock so pale in color they
frequently that the houses show signs of being repainted
appear white, in the exact center of Charity. It is the home
white over red, or red over white, several times overbut
of the Whitefield family and is ruled by the White Queen.
eventually the White Knight comes back to reclaim his
manor and continue his experiments.
Chapter 7Reunite the White King and Queens Retreat is the fortified retreat of the Red
Queen (p. 120) Queen; it has not seen much use since the House of
Rosewood defeated the House of Whitefield.

The Lion and the Unicorn is an inn of some repute

due to the fact that the creatures that give it its name Doubt
sometimes frequent it. The heroes may well encounter Doubt is the name many call the city of Faith (see
one or the other of the pair and gain some insight into following entry).
Charity and the House of Whitefield.

The Eighth Square

The Chessboard Fields To become a Queen, a Pawn must negotiate a series of
These 64 fields are arranged in an eight-by-eight grid challenges arranged by the current Queen(s) and cross
divided by small brooks. In the past the royal houses of the Chessboard Fields. Upon reaching the region known
Rosewood and Whitefield would meet here for battles as the Eighth Square, the Pawn would be crowned a
and the whole process was somewhat organized. Now Queen with a banquet held in her honor.
the fields lie silent and overgrown; the battles are a
Victoria knew of the Queen Trials from Alices
thing of the past with the exception of the odd skirmish.
memories and undertook them herself. Upon being
Amidst the wild vegetation many bodies of those who
crowned, however, she refused the banquet and went
died in the battles still lie.
on her way. Unbeknownst to her peers, Victoria returned
One particular field is of noteWhite King 6 (6th row and destroyed the Eighth Square so no others could
up from the south of the fields and the 5th column from the be crowned. The area now is little more than a field of
western edge) because it interacts with an underground rubble and blasted earth. The destruction of the Eighth
train line in the Real World. Travelers within Wonderland Square is unlikely to become common knowledge until
can board the train (often inadvertently) and leave it a new Queen has to be crowned or something prompts
a few minutes later, having traversed a long distance the current monarchs to investigate.

More About People & Places
Crowning Glory (p. 136): Alice was crowned
at the Eighth Square and attended her banquet.
Something upset her there and she disappeared,
leaving her crown and scepter behind. It was
considered bad etiquette for another Queen to
take her belongings so there they stayed
awaiting Alices return.

The Endless Sea

See the entry in the Monarchy of Hearts, Places (p.

Faith is the home city of the House of Rosewood and
lies in the northern half of the realm. The city is named
The Field of the Flying Elephants
Faith, after one of the virtues Alice related to the people The Elephants in this field bear disproportionately
of the realm. The Citizens chose the name, having faith small wings. They spend their time flitting between huge
they would one day defeat the then-ruling house of flowers and collecting the sap. If an observer watches
Whitefield. In this respect they were correct, for with the for long enough, he sees the Elephants leave the field,
coming of Victoria the Red Queen took control of the weaving between the trees towards the west. In the
house and defeated the white forces. lower slopes of the Mountains of Division are many
tunnels leading to a maze-like complex which is the
Since that time many of those who live in Faith have
hive of these Elephants. The hive mimics the structure
begun to doubt what has happened. It isnt that their
of a beehive, with warriors, worker drones and a single
ruler is unjust or cruel, but somehow the defeat of the
queen who is more intelligent than the other Flying
almost enfeebled White Queen does not seem right.
Gradually, this has led to the city gaining a new name, in
practice if not truthDoubt.
Faith is almost identical to its counterpart, Charity The Guarded Way
(p. 77), save that its buildings are constructed of a stone
See the entry in the Monarchy of Hearts, Places (p.
with a rosy hue.

Places of Note
Red Queens Palace is a military-looking building that Greed
despite its name is actually more a fortified castle. The Greed is the new name of the city of Charity (p.
Palace is situated in the center of Faith and is surrounded 77).
by a wide, circular courtyard. Entry to the palace is only
allowed to those bearing letters of entrance.
Johann the Weapon Smith has a shop with his forge The Hills of Gloom
out back. The weapons he makes are second to none See the entry in the Monarchy of Hearts,
but you have to be able to afford them. All of Johanns Places (p. 72).
weapons are custom-made for a single wielder, giving a
+1 bonus to Fighting, and cost three times the normal
price. He can make any melee weapon, though it takes The Hill of Surveying
him a number of weeks equal to the original cost in This otherwise normal hill bears two enchantments.
pounds (divide this by 100 if using the costs in the Savage First, those atop it have a clear view of the Chessboard
Worlds rulebook). For example, a great sword ($400 or Fields, as though they were looking from much closer
4) would cost 12 and take 4 weeks to make. to the fields than they really are. Second, to ascend or
The Red Rooster Tavern is renowned citywide descend the hill, a climber must run as fast as she can.
for its cuisine, and it is also rumored that the chef is a Stories tell that the hill was always intended as
Gourmancer. The food is exceptional and reasonably a neutral observation post for the battles on the
inexpensive. The chef is indeed skilled in the arcane arts Chessboard Fields. However, the hill was not to be used
of Gourmancy and is willing to teach others his skills. by the normal armchair generaloverweight, out of

Wonderland No MoreGame Masters Section
condition and totally unable to fighthence the second lived in during her childhood. The major difference
enchantment. between the two houses is that the Looking-glass House
The GM may use the Hills effects to draw the heroes is reverseda mirror image.
into Savage Tales within the Chessboard Fields or other The parlor of the house still has the Looking Glass
surrounding areas. hung above the fireplace that was used by Alice for two
of her trips to Wonderland (the documented one and the
Allies? (p. 131): While the heroes are atop the later one when Victoria came into being). Victoria has
Hill of Surveying a surprise visitor gives them a no idea where the Real-world end of the Looking-glass
chance to gain a powerful ally, if they can portal is or even if it still functions, as no one has been
defend him from harm. able to travel through it. Due to this uncertainty Victoria
has turned the Looking-glass House into a barracks for a
sizeable force of Pawns and Tarot Cards, and a prison for
The Insect Forest the White King.

The Insect Forest is really just a part of the main forest

Chapter 7Reunite the White King and
that covers the realm. It gained its name from the sheer
Queen (p. 120)
number and variety of insects found within it.

The Living Flower Maze Mount Jubjub

The gardens around the Looking-glass House are Mount Jubjub is the highest peak in the Mountains of
an intricate maze of pathways, shrubs, trees and Living Division and rises up above the surrounding mountains.
Flowers. This is the ancestral home of the Living Flowers, The giant jubjub birds make their nests high on the
and those still here tend to act as though they are better mountains upper slopes.
than their peers. Perhaps half of the Living Flowers
found here cannot (or will not) move from where they
are rooted. The Mountains of Division
The maze is bewildering and intricate; those who See the entry in the Monarchy of Hearts, Places (p.
try to negotiate it are further handicapped by the 73).
enchantments upon it that cause travelers to change
direction without warning, usually at spots where such a
change is not noticed. Nowhere
Use the maze rules (p. 89); the maze has a d10 In the village named Nowhere, just north of the
difficulty die. Wood of No Names, children are not given names until
the age of 12. At this time they must venture into the
Wood of No Names and bring something back. It is
Ol Gnarly (p. 143): The heroes seek out an
unknown what this thing will be, as nothing there has a
old Tree for help.
name, after all.

Looking-glass House Riverside

The Looking-glass House is a large Victorian-style The town of Riverside grew up around a shop that is
house, and an almost exact replica of the house Alice strange even by Wonderland standards. It is far larger on

Shopping at Riverside
Type of Item Notice Roll Example Cost Multiplier
Medieval Success A sword or suit of armor. See table in Gear & Goods.
Victorian Success A sword cane or top hat. See table in Gear & Goods.
Real World 2 Raises A modern* gun. Real-world cost (in ) x 5.
Magical 3 Raises A sword that gives a +1 bonus. GMs choice or randomly 2d4 x 1,000.

* Please note that in the Victoria campaign, modern means circa the 1940s, but if you are running a Wonderland No More
campaign in another time period, this conversion rate still applies.

More About People & Places
the inside than the outside, and the interior is lined with Tulgey Down
shelves from floor to ceiling. Most anything the heroes
desire may be purchased here ... if they can find it. This small village has little to distinguish it from any
other village. However, the villagers know of an area in
All equipment from the Gear & Goods section (p. 23) the forest that causes any who venture within to suddenly
is readily available. Anyone searching for a specific item go blind. Sight returns upon leaving the area.
must make a Notice roll as shown on the Shopping at
Riverside table; on a success the hero finds the object. This knowledge is of little practical use, but some
If a hero is just browsing, a random magical item from members of the community use it to play practical jokes
those listed under Wealth (p. 84) is found on a successful on the unwary.
Notice roll.
Please note that the shop in Riverside is most unusual Tulgey Wood
in this respect: Magical weapons are not normally sold (at
least not knowingly) in stores. After all, magical weapons Tulgey Wood is the name given to the woods covering
dont come with certificates of authenticity; a player may the hills to the north of the Guarded Way. It is infamous
see Sword, +1 Fighting on her character sheet, but it for the fearsome Jabberwock that lairs and hunts within
would be very difficult to quantitatively measure this in it. (In this case, the rumors are true, after all, though the
the game world (and even harder in Wonderland). Even heroes are far more likely to encounter its spawn, the
if she could, magic items are known to be capricious and jabberkin, outside its lair.)
dangerous; a shopkeeper wont likely tolerate such an
item in his store, let alone keeping it long enough to find Chapter 5Into the Hidden Realm (p. 111)
a rich customer to pay what its actually worth.
The prices ascribed to such items in the Sheeps shop
are outrageous, and its likely that no one other than the Tweedledee and Tweedledums Cottage
shopkeeper or the heroes (who are specifically looking Square
for such things) would recognize the true worth of such
This otherwise unremarkable square on the
an item. And, no, the Sheep doesnt purchase magic
Chessboard Fields is heavily wooded and home to
items that the heroes have for sale; indeed, its a mystery
Tweedledee and Tweedledum.
as to where she actually gets her stock.
The secret truth is ... she doesnt get it anywhere. Dee and Dum (p. 137): a tremendous crashing
The shop is an anomaly that has resisted Wonderlands noise from the surrounding woods alerts the
slow process of stabilization. The Sheep is inseparable heroes to something approachingand what a
from the shop, and subconsciously responsible for the thing it is!
goods that spawn in it. These goods arent truly real
until theyve been paid for; stolen items will vanish or
disintegrate within a day once removed. People of Note
Tweedledum and Tweedledee.
Settled is a village-sized Places of Note
community of Plants. The village Tweedledee and Tweedledums Cottage stands
has pledged itself to be completely partially under the eaves by the side of a path through
neutral in any conflict between the the wood. The undergrowth has run wild around it,
two houses of Chessmen and is indicating the cottage has not been used for some time.
perfectly willing to defend its rights.
Normally this would doom Settled Victims of the Twins (p. 151): as the heroes
to be conquered in short order, but pass the deserted cottage they clearly hear a
one fact prevents this: The Plants of door slam followed by a terrified female scream.
Settled are the most skilled healers
in Wonderland, and many of them
accompany forces from both houses The Wood of No Names
into battles, aiding whom they may.
The woods enchantment is such that those within it
Heroes may find sanctuary in forget both their names and nature. Bitter enemies forget
Settled if they require it and also all past grievances within the wood but recall them the
healing for any ailment. Any resident instant they leave.
Plant treating a hero here has a
Healing skill of d12. Treat the wood as a maze (see Maze Rules, p. 89)
with a d12 difficulty die.

Wonderland No MoreGame Masters Section
The Hidden RealmPeople Western Entrancea second rough tunnel runs
eastwards beneath the mountains and exits in the
foothills west of Faith.
The Daffodil Man The Jabberwocks Lairthis entrance is only known
by a few people and is Victorias secret route into and
He is a tall thin man, always clad in a pale cream- out of her realm. The Jabberwock is its only guardian.
colored suit with a long frock coat. A wide-brimmed hat
of the same color rests upon his head, and a pair of dark The Eastern and Western entrances are disguised to
green Wellington boots incongruously completes his look like the entrance to a giant ant nest. In addition,
ensemble. Bright yellow daffodils adorn the hat and his guard posts stand at either end of the tunnels, manned
lapels, and are stuffed into his jacket pockets and the by a dozen Rank-2 Sword cards led by a Wild Card Rank-
tops of his boots. These flowers never seem to whither 3 Sword Card.
or die. Looking past this outlandish clothing, one can
note his features: a wide mouth with an ever-present
smile, a long aquiline nose jutting out, and eyes which, The Lava Fields
although deep-set, twinkle with some inner mirth. The The name of this region is a bit of a misnomer. Here,
face is framed by graying hair protruding messily from Victorias slave labor toils to grow foodstuffs to support
beneath the hat. her forces. The volcanic soil is surprisingly fertile,
though everything grown here tastes slightly rancid,
and earthquakes can wipe out whole crops (and worker
Victoria shifts) in the resulting lava flows.
Victoria is a complex person. She appears as a ten-year-
old girl with dark auburn hair coming to just below her
shoulders. This young body hides a much older intellect The Slave Village
filtered through childlike urges and wishes. Although This is an unnamed village of crude rock huts where
she is a facet of Alice, Victoria despises her other self as Victorias slave labor rests. Her slaves are low-rank Cards
weak, a woman typical of Victorian upbringing. (particularly Spades and Tarot Cups) about whom she
Victoria is ambivalent towards those who revere Alice has no issue enslaving, since she considers herself their
as a power and who gain mystical powers through their creator. The slaves number approximately 200. The
belief, as long as said individuals do not get in her way slaves are technically not imprisoned in any way; they
or interfere with her plans. She has her own followers know their place and would not contemplate escape or
with identical powers although with slightly more rebellionbesides which, Victorias soldiers outnumber
sinister trappings. These individuals go out of their way them.
to disrupt followers of Alice, seeing them as inferior and
Victorias Palace
Palace is a grand title that does not really match
the buildings appearance. The Palace is a huge blocky
The Hidden RealmPlaces building built of featureless gray stone rising 3 stories
high. Following is a brief overview of the palace:
The Hidden Realm lies in a narrow valley in the
heart of the Mountains of Division, created by Victoria Entrance is via a ramp to the gates on the second level
to hide her army. The Hidden Realm is not much more leading to an unadorned hallway with stairs sweeping up
than a wasteland of broken rock, lava pools and stunted and down.
vegetation. The region is often wracked by earthquakes, First Level: consists of barracks for Victorias forces.
which cause the bubbling lava to flow through ever- Huge numbers of Tarot and normal Cards are billeted
changing streams between the pools. Not surprisingly, here along with a few Animals, Tweedle and Humans.
the Hidden Realm is sparsely populated.
Second Level: holds the smiths, kitchens, armories
and other such places needed to supply and outfit an
Chapter 5Into the Hidden Realm (p. 111)
Third Level: Victorias personal level, there are very
The Three Entrances few actual rooms here, as all are on a grand scale. Victoria
rules from her throne chamber, which is the only place
These are the only ways into or out of the Hidden where her true relationship with the Daffodil Man can
Realm: be observed.
Eastern Entrancea rough tunnel runs beneath the More details about the palace can be found in Chapter
Mountains of Division to the foothills east of Hope. 5Into the Hidden Realm (p. 111).

Treasure Where Are The Pieces?
The first person to touch a segment receives a fleeting
Having been relatively newly created, Wonderland
image of where the other segment(s) may be found. The
should not be rich in wealth and treasure waiting to be
images and locations are as follows:
discovered, but it is. When Alice first entered Wonderland
(or actually created it) her worldview was of a Victorian Jabberwocks Lair (see Caves of the
child brought up on tales of buried treasure, and living in Jabberwock, p. 111)a dark cave, where
a world where it seemed everyone save her had wealth; something large growls and lumbers around,
this belief manifested itself in Wonderland. something with flickering, glowing eyes set far
apart; anyone who has encountered a Jabberkin
realizes this is such a beast but very large
Unique Items perhaps the Jabberwock itself!

The following items are unique and are not found in Treasure Hoard (see Treasure Hunting, p.
random treasure hoardsonly in specific tales; they are 151)a ring of standing stones with a gaping
collected here for the GMs convenience: crack beneath one.
The Beach, Queen of Hearts Realm (see
Seaside Treasure, p. 147)a sand castle.
Alices Hair Band
A plain-looking, white, horseshoe-shaped piece of
flexible material, the hair band is useful for keeping long Finding Out About the Crown
hair under control but also bestows the Level Headed Any denizen of Wonderland seeing a fragment of
Edge. the Crown may attempt a Common Knowledge roll to
identify it as part of a Queens crown. A second roll with
a raise identifies it as the one given to Alice when she
The Crown of Alice became a Queen. A further Common Knowledge roll
with a raise recalls that legends say no one can influence
Alices crown (from her Looking-glass adventures)
the wearer of Alices Crown.
was somehow broken into three segments; how the
fragments ended up where they now rest is unknown.
Each segment has one of the powers listed below but
to be of use a fragment must be worn against the top of
The Vorpal Sword
the head. If two or more segments are placed together The quest to locate the Vorpal Sword is detailed in the
they fuse seamlessly. If all three segments are ever joined Savage Tale Vorpal Sword (p. 152).
into the crown it possesses all three powers, plus one The Vorpal Sword is a mighty weapon
significant additional one. The Crown tells its wearer requiring two hands to wield; its hilt is a
what powers it possesses. foot long and its blade a further 4
feet. The hilt is bound in rough
1st Segment: Permanent armor +2 (as the
leather, which gives a good grip.
All the metal areas of the sword
2nd Segment: Permanent boost trait (Spirit) +1 seem slippery to the touch. A close
(as the Power). examination of the blade reveals a
3rd Segment: Detect arcana when desired; distinctive very fine crosshatched
requires concentration as an action series of grooves that reflect the
(as the Power). light, making it seem to shine and
also channel whatever it is cutting
All Segments: The wearer is completely immune to
away, preventing the blade from
any magic that controls her in some
way (either mentally or physically).

Wonderland No MoreGame Masters Section
Vorpal Sword (Great Sword) Wealth
Damage Str+d10; Weight 10 lb; Parry 1; 2-handed Some Savage Tales and creatures have an entry within
Notes: their description called Wealth. In these cases, roll on the
Magical +1 bonus on Fighting rolls. table below to determine what the heroes discover. If the
Heavy Weapon. Wealth is listed for the Tale, do not use entries for the
Ignores armor. creatures encountered there. The wealth is either carried
If the opponent is the Jabberwock or a jabberkin, by the creature or character encountered, or nearby in
the wielder gains the effect of the Mighty Blow Edge its home or lair.
whenever a face card or joker is drawn for initiative.
The percentage listed under Item of Wonder is the
percentage chance of a magical item being present. If
Morpheus Weapons there is, roll on the following Items of Wonder table.
All weapons manufactured by Morpheus Research
bear a distinctive mark upon them of a pair of crossed Wealth Table
forearms over a stylized cloud. Unless stated otherwise
the following rules apply: Value of Item of
Wealth Wealth Wonder

Melee Weapons A Fortune 1d10 x 10 100%

All are made of modern materials which hold an A Small Fortune 1d10 x 5 50%
extremely sharp edge compared to their counterparts in A Tidy Sum 1d10 x 2 25%
Wonderland. This gives them a +1 Fighting and damage
Loose Change 1d10 x 1 1%
bonus. The following melee weapons are found: axe,
dagger, halberd and sword.
What is Wealth?
Ranged Weapons Wealth is not just money, although most is currency
Essentially modern (1940s) firearms, complete with from one of the realms. Other forms of wealth may be
a single spare magazine of ammunition per weapon jewelry, commemorative coins, ornaments, precious
(Morpheus hasnt managed to get many of their dreamers stones and the like. Some wealth may be less tangible
to dream up ammunition yet). The following firearms are perhaps a surreal treatise on the pros and cons of
found: heavy pistols (use statistics for S&W .44), tommy the soft-boiled egg, the pelt of a tove, rare and exotic
guns and double-barrel (12g) shotguns. spicesall are of value to the right buyer.

Rules Items of Wonder

For all Morpheus weapons, the standard setting rules
These are curios imbued with Wonderlands magic.
apply: On a roll of 1 on the skill die (regardless of the Wild
The GM is encouraged to pick the item most appropriate
Die) when using the weapon, the item begins to mutate
for the situation, but when in doubt, you can roll 1d20
and change into a Wonderland equivalent. (Tommy
and consult the table.
guns turn into Wonderland gatlings.) This takes about a
minute, during which the item is essentially useless. 1 Apron of Useful Things: This frilly apron
has deep pockets from which the wearer may
conjure an item (p. 42) with automatic success,
Wonderland Gatling Gun as if spending up to 10 Power Points. After
conjuring the item, roll 1d10; if equal to or less
These are created when a Morpheus tommy gun
than the Power Points required to conjure this
mutates into Wonderland form, and are unwieldy,
object, the aprons power has been exhausted,
unreliable, and inferior even to the real thing as it existed
and it becomes an ordinary apron.
in 1864. They fire from a stationary position on a swivel
stand, rather than being carried. On a malfunction, the 2 Bag of Suppression: This sack suppresses
gun explodes (2d6 damage, Medium Burst Template, victims by growing and engulfing them. The
Agility 2 to evade) and is rendered useless. These owner may use entangle against a single
weapons are not available for sale, and shopkeepers are target, with Throwing instead of spellcasting. If
too wary to buy them. someone then sits on the bag, its victim suffers
a 2 penalty to attempts to escape. The item is
Range 12/24/48; Damage 2d6+1; RoF 3; Weight 50 lb; reusable, but escaping using Strength (rather
Shots 50; AP 1; Malfunction Rating 1; Auto than Agility) tears and destroys the bag.

3 Book of Poetry: This book is filled with 9 Hatters Hat: A hat for every occasion, this
nonsense poetry that actually helps to delve fashionable piece of headgear adds a magical
into the mysteries of Wonderland. It grants its bonus of +1 to Charisma and gives +2 Armor
owner a +1 bonus to Common Knowledge against head hits (100% chance of protecting,
checks regarding Wonderland, provided the unlike typical top hats). Occasionally found in
owner is in a non-pressing situation and free the form of a Milliners Bonnet instead.
to consult the book at leisure (e.g., not in the 10 Kid Gloves: These gloves have 2d6 Power
middle of combat). The book also grants a +1 Points, and cast shrink on the wearer once per
bonus to uses of the Recitation Edge, provided round. If worn inside-out, they cast enlarge
its readily at hand for the user to read aloud. instead. These effects are cumulative, and last
4 Box of Comfits: This tiny cardboard box holds for the remainder of the current Scene. Once
2d4 refreshing candies. Each candy removes the Power Points are exhausted, the gloves
one level of Fatigue. The whole box counts as a vanish when no one is looking.
single Magic Foodstuff for inventory purposes. 11 Knitting Needles: Usually found in a pair,
5 Drums of Drumming: These drums come each needle is enchanted to change size as
with a harness, bearing images of the Lion needed for the task at hand (a free action).
and Unicorn on the heads. As an action, the They can turn as small as a toothpick, to a
drummer may roll Spirit to play. On a success, normal knitting needle, to a club (Str+d4,
all within a Large Burst Template centered 1 lb), or even as large as an oar (Str+d6, 2
on (but excluding) the drummer must pass a hands, 5 lb; useful for rowing a boat).
Guts (Spirit) check or be affected by fear for 12 Looking-glass Portal: This full-length vanity
as long they hear the drumming. On a 1 on mirror is enchanted so that it can be stuffed
the drummers Spirit die (regardless of Wild into packs or pockets with ease. It shows a
Die), he is affected the same wayand cannot hazy reflectionbut upon closer inspection,
willfully stop drumming unless restrained! one can notice errors in the scene. If the
Either way, the effect continues as long as the surface of the mirror is rubbed, it activates,
drummer keeps drumming (he can walk while drawing the user and a number of people
playing). Once the playing stops, so do the fear nearby (GMs choice, so the whole party can
effects (until he plays again). tag along) into another location that is as close
6 Father Williams Ointment: This labeled to a mirror image of the previous location as
jar contains 2d4 uses of ointment. Each possible. (Wonderland being what it is, such a
application (one action each) grants the user place exists somewhere!) The mirror vanishes
or one adjacent creature a one-step increase in upon delivering its passengers.
Agility for the remainder of the current Scene.
Be warned! Some prisons in Wonderland are
7 Fetching Stick: This small crooked stick has deliberately built in symmetrical fashion to
many tooth-marks on it. It grants a one-time thwart would-be escapees using such magic.
use of the puppet power, to compel any beast
13 Orange Marmalade: This small jar of
(creature of animal intellect) to chase after
Magic Foodstuff is a well-known remedy in
it. The users Throwing skill is used as the
Wonderland for unpleasantness associated
spellcasting skill. The duration is as long as
with falling down large distances. Anyone with
it takes for the creature to reach the stick, or
this jar may gulp its contents as a free action
to realize its been had. This could be a long
in order to fall slowly enough (at a downward
time if thrown outdoors, as its enchanted to
Pace of 3) to avoid damage from the fall
fly for several miles. Upon a success, its a good
itself. The effect ends as soon as the recipient
way to distract a pesky beast.
touches down. Theres enough for one use.
8 Golden Key: This tiny golden key unlocks a
14 Pack of Playing Cards: There are 3d10 cards,
magical and conveniently-located door. If the
and the user may spend an action to throw
holder of this key deliberately searches for a
any number of them to the ground. Each
door that it can open, and makes a successful
thrown card animates and aids its owner as a
Notice check, he may discover a small door
tiny ally to distract and harass foes, granting a
that it fits perfectly (even if there wasnt a
+1 gang-up bonus, to a maximum of +4. The
door there before). It might lead to the Hall
cards have a Parry of 4 and Toughness of 2, and
of Doors, or somewhere else entirely (such as
enemies are at 4 to Shoot them due to their
right to the next planned encounter), but it
tiny size. The cards remain animated until the
can sometimes be useful as a last-ditch resort
end of the current Encounter, at which point
to escape danger. Once used, the key has a
they become inanimate and useless.
habit of vanishing at the end of the Scene.

Wonderland No MoreGame Masters Section
15 Painting Book: A watercolor set (with case, 20 White Fan: This small lace fan allows its user
brush and paints) comes with a book full of to cast the shrink power (on the user, or an
outlined drawings (typically 12 pages, with one adjacent target), using the owners Spirit roll
use each) waiting to be colored in. It takes 10 as a spellcasting roll; the duration lasts for the
minutes to fully color in a page, and then the remainder of the current Scene. On a roll of 1
subject comes to life just as it was painted, on the Spirit die (regardless of the Wild Die),
right in front of the painter, and vanishes at the the fan itself suddenly shrinks down until it
end of the Scene. vanishes entirely.
For creatures, the painter makes an opposed
Spirit roll to control it, or it behaves as a
normal specimen of its type would.
Weapons of Wonder
When an Item of Wonder is called for, sometimes a
For example, The Little Folks Jabberwocky weapon makes more sense. In such a case, here are some
Painting Book contains: a slithy tove, a sundial weapons that embody some aspect of Wonderland.
on a pedestal, a mimsy borogove, a mome rath,
a jabberkin, a jubjub bird, a bandersnatch, These have the same statistics as the standard weapon
a vorpal-ish sword, a tumtum tree, a riding type (listed in parentheses, as described in the Gear
horse, a small cottage, and a garden. section), except as spelled out in the description.
16 Pepper Box: This pepper shaker grants Weapons of Wonder are jealous things, even if they
a +1 bonus to a single Cooking roll per arent intelligent. Should a hero discover such a weapon
use. Alternatively, it can be used offensively and just pack it away (favoring another, better weapon
(Throwing) with the same effect as a pepper instead) it may very well just disappear when no one is
bomb (see Gear section). On a roll of 1 on the looking ... or perhaps slip itself into the possession of
skill die (regardless of the Wild Die), it loses its someone else (another hero or even an unarmed enemy,
magic, and becomes an ordinary shaker. if its bitter enough!) more likely to respect it.
17 Pocket Watch: This ornate silver watch has Weapons of Wonder are meant to be used, so either
an hourglass engraved upon its casing. As an choose the weapon based on the preferred weapon type
action, the user can wind the watch to cast the of whoever found it, or based on what would make sense
quickness power with automatic success, and for its previous owner. Or, for randomness, roll 1d12:
can end the effect at any time by snapping the
case shut. After each round of use, roll 1d20; 1 Ducal Cookware Set: (Thrown knives.) A
on a roll of 1, the watch explodes noisily in a large pot filled with cooking implements that
shower of parts (and is thus rendered useless). can be used for preparing meals, or hurling at
unwanted guests. The set weighs 10 lbs total,
18 Relic of Wonder: When found, it may and any thrown implements vanish and are
resemble a silver thimble, a cats collar, a magically replaced (clean and ready for use)
chipped chess piece, or other seemingly in the pot again. The set also grants the owner
mundane item ... but it appears to be a holy a +1 bonus to Cooking rolls when used to
relic to anyone with the Miracles Arcane create foods (and for Gourmancy).
Background. Choose an item appropriate
to the faith of the character who discovered 2 Executioners Axe: (Axe.) A double-bladed
itor its previous owner. It grants a +1 bonus axe engraved with royal card suit designs
to Belief rolls made by a character of the (usually from the House of Clubs), with a
appropriate faith, so long as it is treated with perpetually sharp edge. This is a particularly
honor (e.g., fixed up as an amulet and worn, deadly weapon: All attacks made with it are
or placed in a specially-made reliquary, rather counted as called shots to the head without the
than just being stuffed away in a backpack). usual penalty to hit, regardless of the wielders
intent (even if the target doesnt have a head,
19 Tea Tray in the Sky: This peculiar silver tea in which case this weapon is ineffectual). On a
tray has handles that are stylized to resemble roll of 1 on the Fighting die when using this
bat wings ... and at an opportune moment blade, an Innocent Bystander is hit instead. On
the handles will indeed transform into silver a critical failure, the wielder hits himself (with
bat wings to skillfully carry the tray and its a raise and in the head) instead.
contents around. The tray carries up to 20 lbs
of contents, following its owner around (able 3 Gardening Shears: (Sword.) This behaves as
to fly at a Pace of 6) and helpfully presenting a normal sword, but the wielders Wild Die
itself when its owner wishes to retrieve is increased by a step (e.g., d6 to d8) when
something from or place something upon the making Fighting rolls against Plants ... or when
tray. making Healing attempts on Plants.

4 Judges Gavel: (Club.) This small hammer 11 Vorpal-ish Sword: (Sword.) Its not the Vorpal
makes a surprisingly loud and attention-getting Blade, not by a long shot, but it makes a
rap when struck against a solid object, granting distinctive snicker-snack sound, and has AP 2.
a +1 bonus to Intimidation checks (+2 if the 12 Walking Stick: (Walking stick.) This looks like
wielder is, in the GMs estimation, persuasively a normal branch that has been whittled down
conveying himself authoritatively as a judge). and fashioned into a walking stick ... though
5 Owls Spoon and Dish: (Sword and medium it widens at the bottom to resemble a human
shield.) This looks like an oversized serving foot. The stick can hop on its own to keep
spoon and pie plate, yet these items work up with its owner (at the owners Pace), and
(respectively) as well as a regular sword and when wielded grants its owner a +2 bonus to
medium shield. They are enchanted to shrink Pace when walking (but not when running,
down in size for storage, so that they can be crawling, swimming, jumping, climbing, or any
easily pocketed or drawn back out again as a other sort of locomotion).
free action. While shrunk, they have negligible
6 Panthers Knife and Fork: (Swords.) This Magic Bottles
pair of oversized silverware can be used alone Special Magic Foodstuffs periodically materialize
or as a pair. The fork offers a +1 to Parry, in Wonderland with effects beyond those covered by
while the knife grants a +1 to damage; if both Gourmancy powers. You never know when a curious
are wielded together, one in each hand, both little bottle will appear on a glass table.
bonuses apply regardless of which weapon is
Each such item counts as a single Magic Foodstuff for
used at the time.
purposes of inventory. Any psychological effects (forced
7 Quarrelsome Crossbow: (Crossbow.) This change in behavior or demeanor) may be resisted with
warped weapon cant shoot straight with a successful Spirit roll, but the accompanying benefits
normal bolts. Instead, the user must hold are negated as well. Unless stated otherwise, all ongoing
the weapon as normal ... and hurl insults effects (benefits or otherwise) only last for the remainder
(quarrels) at his intended target, rolling his of the current Scene or Encounter.
Taunt skill instead of Shooting. The attack is
otherwise handled like a normal crossbow Mystery Bottles: On occasion, a mystery bottle gives
attack, dealing 2d6 damage on a successful hit. no clue to its purpose other than Drink Me. Roll 1d12
and consult the chart for the effect when its consumed.
The crossbow never runs out of ammunition
so long as the wielder has fresh insults (the 1 Chilled Champagne: Consumer turns blue,
same insult cant be used against the same covered in frost, shivering uncontrollably. He
target twice), and the target can hear the gains a +4 bonus to rolls to resist any heat- or
wielder. cold-based effects, and +4 Armor vs. heat- or
cold-based attacks, but is at a 2 penalty to
8 Shiny New Rattle: (Flail.) This makes a great
any skill requiring a steady hand (such as
racket when spun. When wielded by a Tweedle,
Lockpicking, Repair, or Shooting).
it deals an additional d6 of damage (which can
Ace). However, if the weapon ever manages 2 Ginger Ale: Cures what ales you! Heals any
to deal out 18 or more points of damage in a fresh wounds (within the Golden Hour), and
single blow, it is spoilt (destroyed). grants a +4 bonus to soak rolls, but drinker
is drunk, frequently hiccuping, with slurred
9 Snark Fishing Pole: (Reach tool.) This fishing
speech (2 Charisma).
pole grants a bonus of +4 to Fighting and
damage against (and only against) snarks 3 Fortified Wine: Drinker is promptly fortified
(boojum or otherwise). It also grants a +1 in an unwieldy, clanky suit of armor, gaining
bonus to Survival checks made for the purpose +4 Armor, but at 6 to Stealth.
of getting food via fishing. 4 Moonbeam Juice: Drinker is warped into a
10 Tweedle Umbrella: (Umbrella.) This white- monstrous form. He gains Improved Frenzy,
and-red umbrella is quite as sharp as a sword, sprouts claws (Str+d6 damage, AP 1), and is
and durable, too: it wont be destroyed by immune to fear. He immediately goes berserk
a Fighting roll of 1. Someone as large as a (as per the Berserk Edge).
Tweedle can actually hide in it (using Stealth 5 Root Beer: Drinker grows bark, becoming
checks against others Notice checks). This tree-like in appearance; Vigor increases by two
hide in plain sight ability is not so useful die types (resulting in +2 Toughness), but the
against people from the Real World, but has a drinker cannot run, and is flammable.
chance of working against Wonderland natives.

Wonderland No MoreGame Masters Section
6 Rose-colored Wine: Drinker is giggly and 8 Snow Cake: Eater turns frosty, immune to
gains Common Bond and immunity to fear. cold. His touch or attack deals +1d4 cold
7 Small Beer: Drinker shrinks to tiny size, but damage, but he suffers +1d4 damage from fire.
without an accompanying decrease in traits. 9 Sponge Cake: Eater is attentive, taking in
Enemies are at 2 to Notice or attack her. everything like a sponge! +2 to Notice and
8 Spiced Cordial: Drinker is unfailingly polite Streetwise rolls, but 2 to resist Tests of Will.
and proper, gaining +2 to Charisma, but 10 Marble Cake: Eater becomes statue-like,
cannot Trick, Taunt, or Intimidate. gaining +4 Armor, with Pace 4 (run d4).
9 Tea of Insight: Drinker seems more 11 Wedding Cake: Consumer is suddenly dressed
sophisticated, but also snobbish. His Smarts in a white gown and veil, or handsome tuxedo,
and Notice traits increase by two die types, but looking fabulous and gaining +2 Charisma.
at 2 to Charisma. 12 Wonderland Cake: It cuts and serves itself
10 Tears of the Tove: Drinker is inconsolable, around to everyone. Every hero present who
sobbing loudly. This removes all Fatigue, and wishes can have a slice (free action); roll again
heals one wound (healing the oldest wound to determine the effect. Another 12 is just a
first, even outside the Golden Hour). very tasty slice of cake with no special power.
11 Toads Tongue: Drinkers tongue becomes
frog-like, granting her First Strike, but only
with the tongue (Str+d4 damage, Reach 1-2). Secret Recipes & Lost Magic
12 Warm Milk Posset: Puts the consumer into a Knowledge is power, and this is especially the case for
deep sleep (unless resisted with a Vigor test, or spellcasters. On occasion, the GM may see fit to reward
someone slaps him awake). If uninterrupted, the heroes (or tempt them as a potential adventure
grants benefits of a full nights sleep, plus one hook) with a less tangible (and less immediate) sort of
Natural Healing roll at +4. treasure, in the form of expanding the power selection
available for Arcane Backgrounds.

Magic Cakes In the course of adventuring, a Gourmancer may

stumble across a secret recipe, perhaps literally written
These follow the rules for Magic Bottles above, except out on a scrap of paper, buried in the back of a cook
that theyre little desserts. For a Mystery Cake, just roll book, or even passed on by word of mouth from another
1d12 when its eaten, and consult the chart below. Gourmancer as repayment of a favor.
1 Angel Cake: Eater sprouts a glowing halo; her Learning is not the same as mastering; the
Belief is increased by one die type, and she Gourmancer must still spend an Advance for the New
may cast greater healing once with no Power Power Edge to add this newly-discovered power to her
Point cost, even if she isnt a spellcaster. repertoire. However, learning new recipes at least gives
her the ability to expand her choices beyond the list of
2 Christmas Cake: Ouch! In the cake is a prize!
powers presented in the Players Guide section of the
Eater is Shaken, but finds a conjured non-
rules ... and it can give her a potential bargaining tool
magic item up to 100 value.
when dealing with other Gourmancers.
3 Lemon Cake: Eater becomes very sour (2
Secret recipes may consist of powers drawn from
Charisma), but also automatically resists any
other Savage settings, or else variants of existing powers,
Tests of Will or magical coercion.
with specific new trappings that modify the effect of
4 Mince Pie: Eater becomes agitated and eager the power. These new and improved powers are never
to pick a fight. Strength and Fighting increase available as starting powers for a new character with
by two die types each, but at 2 to Charisma. an Arcane Background, but can be potentially used by
5 Pound Cake: Eater becomes full of fury, anyone who has access to this knowledge. Once the hero
gaining +2 to damage rolls, but 2 Charisma. learns it, its up to her how secretive she is, or how freely
she shares this new recipe with others.
6 Queens Cake: Eater is attired like a queen
and may grant an ally or herself 10 Power The same concept applies for spellcasters of other
Points by royal decree. Arcane Backgrounds as well. For Bishops, instead
7 Raised Cake: Eater grows in size, increasing of secret recipes, there are compositions: scrolls
Vigor and Strength by two die types each, that look to the average observer as if they are merely
and adding +4 to Toughness (+6 total due to collections of chess puzzles, but they reveal spiritual
Vigor increase). This also adds +2 to enemies truths to followers of the Spirit of Battle. For followers
attempts to Notice or attack him. of Alician Preachers, there are lost writings of Alice. For
Witch Queens, there are arcane scrolls.

Mazes Modify the final Cooperative Roll by +2 if the
heroes are retracing their steps out of the maze
Many parts of Wonderland can be treated as mazes or have completed the maze before.
sometimes literally. Aside from the Living Flower Maze,
Draw one card (even on a failure), plus one more
there are the Queen of Hearts Mines, Nowhere, the
card for every raise the party's roll beat the maze's
Wood of No Names, the Dismal Mire, and the Caves of
roll by; the players choose which card to use.
the Jabberwock. Use the following rules to simulate the
struggle to navigate such tricky locales. Encounters occur when a face card is used.
Encounters should be appropriate to the locale.

Mazes If the card is the same as the Goal Suit, add it to

the Goal Stack.
Decide on the maze's difficulty died4 to d12.
Determine the primary skill used to solve the Jokers are wild; they are treated as any suit and
maze. This is typically Notice for traditional value desired, as the heroes choose to avoid or
mazes, or Tracking may be substituted for dense seek out encounters on the way.
wilderness areas (e.g., the Dismal Mire) that are For every raise the maze gets over the partys
only maze-like in abstract. roll, remove one card from the Goal Stack.
Draw a card. This determines your Goal Suit.
Place the card face upthis starts your Goal
Stack. The players get through the maze to their
destination when the number of cards in the Goal
Stack equals the difficulty die type.
Side Quests and Other
The players enter the maze. Diversions
For each round of exploration (representing As well as the Victoria campaign and the Savage Tales
either seconds, minutes, or hours of game time presented in this book, there are many possibilities for
as appropriate), the group makes a Cooperative adventure in Wonderland. Here are ideas for plot hooks
Notice (or Tracking) Roll opposed by the mazes and complications to create an adventure outline on
Difficulty Die. short notice, or to add details to an existing journey.
See rules for Cooperative Rolls in the core Savage
Worlds rules. One member of the party is the
leader, and responsible for making the primary Monster Hunt
check, while others assist. The party stumbles across unusual tracks (Tracking
check to identify them), or a local approaches the heroes
Assisting PCs might be able to use skills other
with a tale of woe. The responsible creature is a rare
than Notice or Tracking to help. Feel free to
monster, and the heroes might choose to go after it. Either
reward player creativity by letting them use
what theyre best at, if a good argument can it is particularly tasty when cooked (granting a bonus to
be made on how it helps. E.g., Survival in Cooking rolls), its hide is valuable, or theres a bounty
the wilderness as someone observes animal posted by a noble who wants the thing caught alive (or
behavior and where moss grows; Investigation perhaps one of its young) to add to a menagerie.
to meticulously craft a map as progress is made. Use statistics for an existing creature as the
baseline, adding whatever Edges you think
Modify the roll depending on clues the heroes
appropriate. In true Wonderland fashion, the
may have (e.g., a partial map, a verbal hint).
creatures very existence might be borne from a
Woodsmen may add their +2 Edge bonus pun or other bit of wordplay (e.g., a nightmare,
(whether to Notice or Tracking) as they lend an overbear, an iron pig, a foxfire), or it
their expertise by looking for signs of high could be a variation on a classic monster of myth,
traffic areas (e.g., heavy wear, deer trails). folklore, or fairy tale.

Wonderland No MoreGame Masters Section
Curiosity Contest
Right out in the middle of nowhere, there is an odd The heroes find a poster in town announcing a
item or edible, complete with a convenient tag that says competition, or a braggart wishing to test his skills
something to the effect of drink me, eat me, wear against all comers. Theres either a prize, a wager, or
me, use me, etc. Where one is discovered, there should just bragging rights on the line. It shouldnt boil down
be a few more such items with different effects nearby (if to a simple dice-off that burns a few bennies; the contest
only they can be found). If someone actually does what is should take more than one round (so the heroes have a
instructed, the results are unpredictable and dont soon chance of figuring out whats going on before its over
wear off : the size, species, or some other characteristic with), and there should be a twist, or a chance for the
of the user might be changed indefinitely. Effects should players to creatively prod the outcome.
not cripple a character; they should just make things Wow the Crowd: Each contestant gets to raise
different. True to Alices example, the only way to get the bar. For an archery contest, dont just move
out of this mess once begun is to keep eating or drinking the target back after everyone hits it; on his turn,
strange items in the hopes of negating previous effects; the hero is encouraged to do some stunt (award
for every drink me bottle that makes one smaller, there bennies for creativity!) to make it more of a
should be an eat me cake somewhere nearby that spectacle. E.g., the archer must fire while hanging
makes one bigger, and so on. upside down, or at a moving target, or with a live
swordfish instead of an arrow. The more absurd,
the better.
The party is approached by a potential employer to Cheater: The crowd-favorite champion starts
act as a go-between, either collecting or delivering an cheatingand the crowd either doesnt notice
item for the patron. This can either be a way to shuffle or pretends not to. An honorable hero might feel
the party to the site of their next adventure, or a task obliged to continue on despite the handicap. A
of convenience since theyre already going that way. less scrupulous hero might just try to out-cheat
the competition.
It could just be a simple message, but wheres the fun
in that? Have the characters make Streetwise checks in Rigged: The contest is rigged, with a nominally
hopes of picking up on what sort of extra trouble they predetermined winner; the heroes are an
may be in for, in the hopes of negotiating a better wage. unwelcome addition to the equation if they
stand a chance of actually winning. There are
Bad News: This seems like a very easy job, almost
high wagers involved, and contestants bribed to
too good to be true; the distance to deliver the
throw the contest. Or, perhaps theres a spoiled
message isnt far. The catch is that the message
prince who always wins and will resent the
contains an ultimatum or perhaps an insult, and
heroes if they humiliate him in front of his future
the recipient wont take this well at all. Ever hear
subjects. Going for a win could land the heroes
of the phrase, kill the messenger?
in a heap of trouble (though they might choose
Schrdingers Delivery: The heroes must to take their chances anyway). On the flip side,
collect or deliver a relic in a sealed box. If it isnt performing well but graciously and deliberately
sealed when it arrives, the heroes are accused of coming in second place (without blatantly
tampering with it; its spoiled and theyre sent appearing to throw the contest) could earn the
back to get another one. If they dont check the heroes a new (if begrudging) ally.
boxs contents, the box is empty when it arrives,
Thanks But No Thanks: The opponents are
and theyre sent back to get another one. Unless
trying their best not to win! Maybe the prize
the heroes just give up and abandon the quest,
isnt quite as advertised. For instance, in addition
theyll need to find a way to thwart fate. E.g.,
to the monetary prize, the winner might have
check the box to make sure theres something
the honor of being chosen as champion to
inside without breaking the seal, or cleverly seal it
go after a monster in yonder haunted forest, or
back up again so that nobody can tell.
getting married off to a hot-tempered and violent
Special Delivery: The package turns out to princess.
be live cargoa troublesome monster with a
Emergency: In the middle of the contestan
tendency to break out of its cage and chew on its
emergency! Does a hero stop to help, or keep
handlers, or a noisome (and notoriously tasty)
running? This is more of an issue for do-
beast that keeps making attention-getting noises
gooders. Lending assistance could cost the wager
while the heroes transport it through a monster-
or prize, or at least give the hero a significant
infested wood. A musician or other entertainer in
handicap to deal with ... but for some heroes, all
the party may have to soothe the savage beast or
that matters is doing the right thing. Every now
keep the noisy creature distracted (or muffled) to
and again, a good deed might be rewarded ... but
minimize the mayhem.
most of the time doing good is its own reward.

Exploration Occasionally an upstart Knave will even attempt
to set himself up as head of an independent state.
The heroes set out to explore the unexplored places
Such a state of affairs is just the thing to upset the
of Wonderland. They may trailblaze a newly discovered
Queen of HeartsOff with his head! (Note: The
area hoping to find fame and fortune, or be chartered
Egg of Seven Parts features such an occurrence).
by a patron who wants the same thing. There are
many regions of Wonderland ripe for exploration: the
Mountains of Division, the Endless Sea (with rumors of Business
Snark Island), the Tulgey Wood, and the more remote The party is hired by a businessman to help him make
squares of the Chessboard Fields. What do the heroes his business more profitable. The heroes may be in charge
actually find? Well thats up to you, but a few suggestions of a new building project, breaking into a new market,
follow: or a plot to take over a rival business. Such employment
Forgotten Settlement: A village populated by a may be beset by problems that cannot be solved by the
single Wonderland race somehow shut off from mere application of force.
the rest of Wonderland (perhaps surrounded by Workers Unrest: The people who actually do the
fields of grass that cause those who pass through work are upset and it takes a toll on the work. It
to forget, or by a horde of minute lizards that may be that the workers have a valid case, such as
roar like fearsome dragons). The villagers might poor working conditions or pay. Or perhaps the
be curious or downright xenophobic towards the workers dont like the heroes and are trying to
newcomers. undermine them. Heroes with social skills such as
Historic Site: A unique, historical Wonderland Persuasion and Streetwise could try to negotiate a
place important to one or more of the factions in settlement, while their more physical fellows may
Wonderland. Between a Rock and a Hard Place try strong arm tactics.
is often spoken of but not yet discovered. Rumors Ruthless Competitors: The patrons competitors
insist that the ancestral palace of the Chessmen are as determined as he is. They have hired a
still exists, a place of peace and harmony from party of equal strength and abilities to oppose the
before the rift that pitched the houses against each heroes efforts. They start as business rivals, but
other. And what of the legendary Castle of Clubs over time the rivalry may escalate into violence.
of the warrior lords who led the western lands
before the Monarchy of Hearts? Currency Crisis: Money is in short supply, or the
commodities are suddenly so abundant that prices
Portal: New portals have been known to open up plunge. As a result, there is no cash available from
between Wonderland and the Real World for short the patron, and nobody can get paid (including
periods of time. But what if the portal opened to the heroes). Work stops until funds are made
a different time period? How would the Knights available. The heroes need to open up new
of the Round Table take to invading Tweedle? Or markets for their wares (potentially turning into
Wonderlands take on prehistoric times? There is, an Exploration adventure), or the desperate
of course, nothing to say a portal couldnt open to owner may enlist them to destroy stocks and
another world entirely. sabotage competitors to drive prices back up due
to shortages (a capital offense if theyre caught).
Youre in the Army Now
Wherever you are in Wonderland, there is likely Political Maneuvers
a conflict going on nearby. The heroes may become With three (acknowledged) Queens and whole suits of
volunteers, conscripts, or hired mercenaries to help out nobility, there is always room for political maneuvering
one side or another. within Wonderland. Normally such maneuvering occurs
Chessboard Skirmish: A more-pompous-than- amongst the suits of the royal families of the Monarchy
usual Chessman Knight has decided that an area of Hearts or between the Houses of Rosewood and
held securely by the opposing Chessmen is of the Whitefield, but dont let that stop any juicy plot from
utmost strategic importance and has also decided developing. Used to the political backstabbing amongst
that the heroes are just the people he needs to her courtiers, the Queen of Hearts may be hard-pressed
take it. to outmaneuver a rival Queen who happens to be a
But Theyre Different: Two villages of Plants, one Chessman!
predominantly annual, the other reannual have Deliver a bribe: The heroes are charged with
an ongoing and escalating feud. One side or the delivering a bribe to a certain party, but the
other hires the heroes to act for them (or perhaps actual person is no longer in power, having been
both do). overthrown or perhaps killed. Do the heroes bribe
Coup: Interfamily squabbles are common the successor or risk the wrath of their employer
amongst the royalty of the Monarchy of Hearts. by returning with the money?

Wonderland No MoreGame Masters Section
Deliver a Present: The heroes must deliver a very constrained by these, as the creatures of Wonderland
rare present as a gift to aid future discussions. are not wholly divided by terrain. Any creature can (in
The gift is so rare that it is almost irreplaceable theory) be found anywhere. Some example encounters
and as luck would have it the heroes manage to are given in the following tables, but an interesting
lose it! Maybe a thief makes off with it and a chase alternative may be to randomly pick a creature.
ensues through the streets of the city, or the gift
To generate a random encounter, roll a d20 and
turns out to be a creature that is not at all happy
consult the relevant table. If the result is 1820, look up
about being part of any deal and makes its escape.
the result on the All table instead.
Blackmail: The heroes must find some means to
Unless noted, one creature is encountered per hero,
blackmail someone. This may be via incriminating
and non-unique creatures are Extras.
evidence or threats of violence to a relation (in
which case kidnapping may be called for as well). In addition to normal checks for surprise, anyone in
Whatever is required, there are bound to be a few the party with at least a d4 in Tracking skill may make
obstacles preventing the heroes progress: armed a Tracking check vs. the creatures Stealth to check for
guards, dangerous traps, and doorkeepers who warning signs of beasts lurking in the area. Upon a raise,
are painfully loyal unless you can answer their the party gets enough forewarning that the encounter
enigmatic riddles. can be avoided entirely if desired, or the heroes can at
Negotiation ... with Murder!: The heroes must least make sure they have weapons at the ready.
negotiate a deal between two parties. Shortly
after they arrive, one or possibly both parties are
murdered! Can the heroes unmask the culprit and All
save the day? Introduce the heroes to half a dozen
potential suspects and pick the second one they d20 Encounter
pay a lot of interest to as the actual murderer. 117 Regional: Check the result on the relevant
Embarrass: The heroes must perform some act location table below.
(maybe vandalism or merely gossip) that will 1819 Storm (see Hazards, p. 180).
prove an embarrassment to the target party. The
Queen of Hearts ordered red roses in her gardens, 20 Surreal Event: roll on the Surreal Events
so wouldnt it embarrass her if overnight someone table (p. 94).
painted them white?

Encounter Tables
Journeys between places in Wonderland are variable
in both distance and time; even the same journey can
vary if repeated! As such, encounters on journeys are not
really necessary; the GM could merely narrate arrival at
the destination and get on with the adventure. However,
if you want to throw a random element into your heroes
journeys, use the following system and tables.
During each journey through a different, named place Beach Encounters
in Wonderland, draw a card from the action deck. On a
face card, an encounter occurs. Roll on the Encounter d20 Encounter
Table by area to see what appears. On a Joker, roll twice 15 Crabs, Giant (p. 168).
on the appropriate table and both are encountered at
the same time. Reshuffle the deck after every encounter. 6-7 Pirates!Guard, Human (Wonderland) (p.
171), but with a more piratey disposition.
Before springing an encounter, consider the partys
8 Quicksand (see Hazards, p. 180).
current circumstances. Try to make the random
encounter appear to be anything but. Also remember 911 Snarks (p. 175).
that not all encounters are necessarily fightsthey can 1214 Spiny Rockfish, Giant (p. 169).
be used to lead into Savage Tales, for instance.
15 The Walrus (p. 159) and Carpenter (p. 155):
If a Surreal Event encounter is rolled, draw another
card and consult the table on p. 94. You may of course Pleasant Lunch (p. 143).
just make up your own surreal/weird event. 16-17 Wolgle (1), swooping down from the
The following tables give a few examples of what mountains (p. 180).
could be found in each terrain area. GMs should not feel

Marsh/Swamp Encounters Mountains of Division Encounters
(e.g., the Dismal Mire) d20 Encounter
d20 Encounter 12 Chasm. A 50-foot-wide (8) chasm blocks
the trail the heroes have been following. If
13 Crocogators (p. 168).
the heroes cant cross, they must backtrack,
4 Muchness (1) (p. 174). costing another day and another encounter.
5 Serpents, Giant (p. 175). 3 Fork. The trail forks. (Silly GMs may have
6 Swarm, Bread-and-butterfly (p. 176). a literal giant utensil marking the point.)
One path visibly meanders and winds its
7 Swarm, Crow (p. 176). way slowly along while the other is steep
8 Swarm, Rocking-horsefly (p. 176). but direct. The meandering path is safe
but adds another day to the journey. The
9 Swarm, Snap-dragonfly (p. 176).
direct path requires two Climbing rolls
10 Sudden Deep Hole. On foot, this to successfully negotiate, and each failure
automatically results in a dunking for a results in a fall causing 2d6 damage.
random character. On a raft, the hero poling
4 Jubjub Bird (1) (p. 173).
thrusts his pole into the hole and with a
failed Agility roll falls overboard. 5 Lizards, RockLizard, Giant (p. 173).
1112 Toads, Swamp (p. 176). 69 Rock Fall (see Hazards, p. 180).
13 Underwater Undergrowth. On foot, a 10 Thing, Snowman (1) (p. 177).
random character must pass an Agility roll 1112 Wolgles (p. 180).
or be dunked. Rafts snag and come to an
abrupt halt, requiring the Agility roll from 1617 Wolves (2 per hero; see Savage Worlds).
all. Those who fail are dunked, and resist
the Shakes at 1 on their Vigor roll (see The
Dismal Mire, p. 71, for details). Endless Sea Encounters
14 Water Beetles, GiantBeetle, Giant (p. d20 Encounter
163); aquatic (Swimming d6).
12 Catfish, Giant, Saltwater (p. 169).
1517 Weeds, Swamp Lurker (p. 179).
34 Crabs, Giant (p. 168).
56 Eels, GiantSerpent, Giant (p. 175), with
Fungal Forest Encounters aquatic and Swimming d10.
7 The Mock Turtle (p. 157).
d20 Encounter
12 Ants, Giant (p. 161). School of Thought (p. 146).
34 Beetles, Giant (p. 163). 811 Snarks, Aquatic (p. 175).
56 Serpents, Giant (p. 175). 1214 Spiny Rockfish, Giant (p. 169).
78 Spiders, Giant (p. 175). 1517 Sturgeon, Giant (p. 169).
911 Toads, Swamp (p. 176).
1213 Tree Fall (see Hazards, p. 180). Living Flower Maze Encounters
1417 Weed, Wild Fungus (p. 180).
d20 Encounter
12 Ants, Giant (p. 161).
Hills of Gloom Encounters 35 Bees, Giant (p. 163).
d20 Encounter 67 Beetles, Giant (p. 163).
13 Ants, Giant (p. 161). 8 Raths, Mome (p. 175).
45 Bandersnatch (1) (p. 161). 9 Spider, Giant (p. 175).
67 Boojums (p. 164). 1011 Weeds (p. 179).
89 Jabberkin (p. 172). 1213 Weeds, Stinging Nettles (p. 179).
1011 Snarks (p. 175). 1415 Weeds, Wild Dandelions (p. 179).
1214 Spider, Giant (1) (p. 175). 1617 Weeds, Wild Dog Roses (p. 180).

Wonderland No MoreGame Masters Section
Insect Forest Encounters Surreal Events
d20 Encounter Unless stated otherwise, odd effects last for the
13 Ants, Giant (p. 161). duration of the current Encounter/Scene.
4 Bees, Giant (p. 163). Card Event
56 Beetles, Giant (p. 163). Clubs: The surroundings behave strangely.
78 Lizards, Giant (p. 173). Ace A swarm of butterflies swirls around,
910 Raths, Mome (p. 175). forming the image of one of the heroes
for a few seconds before dispersing.
1112 Serpent, Giant (1) (p. 175).
2 Apparently from the very air, classical music
1314 Spider, Giant (1) (p. 175). plays.
1517 Swarm, Insect (p. 176). 3 There is an explosion in the middle of the
party with a deafening noise and clouds of
smoke, but no fire or damage.
Other Forest Encounters 4 A fox runs across the heroes path and
D20 Encounter disappears into the undergrowth, chased
by a half-dozen rabbits close behind.
12 Ants, Giant (p. 161).
5 A rat runs across the heroes path ...
35 Beetles, Giant (p. 163).
67 Boars (p. 164).
6 All in the area get the unnerving feeling
89 Raths, Mome (p. 175). they are upside-down.
1011 Snarks (p. 175). 7 The area about the heroes suddenly goes
1213 Spiders, Giant (p. 175). silent; no noise (no matter how loud) can
be heard.
1415 Toves, Slithy (p. 178).
8 Several acorn-like seeds tumble from a tree,
16 Royal Forest: Tiger, Paper (1) (p. 177).
each vanishing with an audible POP.
Wood of Giant Animals: Beast, Giant, 9 Loud laughter breaks out all around the
Harmless (p. 162). party. Notice checks are at 2.
Other Woods: Beast, Harmless (1) (p. 162). 10 Suddenly, the world bursts into song: a
17 Royal Forest: Forest Keepersa hand of 2 musical number! All dialogue must be sung,
Rank-2 Club Cards per hero, led by a pair of movement and fighting while dancing, etc.
Rank-3 Club Cards (p. 164). Jack The trees around the heroes begin to ooze
blood that flows upwards.
Wood of Giant Animals: Beast, Giant,
Vicious (1) (p. 162). Queen The skies flash green and then back to their
normal color.
Other Woods: Beast, Vicious (1) (p. 162).
King The grass (or snow, etc.) in the area around
the heroes turns purple, just long enough
for all to doubt their eyesight.
Chessboard Fields Encounters
d20 Encounter
Diamonds: Something or someone changes.
12 Ants, Giant (p. 161).
Ace Any water carried by the heroes turns into
34 Bandersnatch (1) (p. 161).
(roll 1d4) 1-2: ale; or 3-4: vinegar.
56 Beetles, Giant (p. 163).
2 A random hero is replaced by a random
78 Borogoves (p. 164). creature (roll an encounter to determine
910 Chessman Mercenary Band1 Pawn per the type). The player plays this creature
hero, led by 2 Rooks and 1 Bishop (p. 167). instead, as he pleases. The original hero
returns next scene.
11 Ghosts (p. 170).
3 An inanimate item springs to life (d4
1213 Lizards, Giant (p. 173). in attributes and relevant skills; Fleet-
1415 Swarm, Raven (p. 176). Footed), and tries to run away or attack
16-17 Wolves (2 per hero; see Savage Worlds). (50% chance of either).

4 Anything a random character touches turns 10 A nearby river or stream suddenly freezes.
to gold ... in appearance only. It returns to It thaws naturally over time.
normal after 24 hours. Jack It rains a pale, golden liquid for a few
5 A rock oozes a pale amber liquid: treacle minutes: wine. A glassful can be collected.
(equivalent to one Magic Foodstuff if Treat as a random Magic Foodstuff (see
gathered; see p. 29). Mystery Bottles, p. 87, for random drink
6 A wooden item sprouts leaves. effects).

7 An inanimate object develops a literal Queen The temperature drops and snow falls in a
feature. A needle has an eye, shoes have Large Burst Template. (If winter, the area
tongues, a coach has a boot, etc. thaws instead.)

8 A leather item starts making animal noises King A rainbow arcs across the sky, vanishing
appropriate to whatever it was made from. into the terrain. Unlike normal rainbows, it
sparkles with hues of just one color.
9 Various pieces of carried equipment
spontaneously get lighter, then heavier.
10 A drawing, toy, or prop becomes the real Spades: The heroes stumble across...
thing it is supposed to represent (or a Ace A door to the Hall of Doors.
functional facsimile).
2 A wabe (a sundial and clearing around it),
Jack A small shower of coins begins about four
with a 50% chance of an encounter with
feet off the ground. The total value of the
Slithy Toves (p. 178).
coins is 1d10.
3 A topiary garden. (50% chance of Living
Queen The heroes shrink out of sight, forced to
Flower Maze encounter.)
explore now-giant terrain, furniture, etc.,
until things return to normal. 4 A table set out for tea time. Anyone who
partakes recovers from one Fatigue level,
King A random hero fades from view (as the
or heals one wound.
Cheshire Cat does). He is invisible for 1d4
hours, and then becomes visible again. 5 A mystery Magic Foodstuff in a glass bottle
or box, on a glass table, helpfully labeled
Eat Me or Drink Me. (See p. 88.)
Hearts: The weather, season or time changes. 6 A tree with money growing on it (total
Ace Day turns to night, or night to day; the value: 1d10).
moon, sun and stars rush into position. 7 A treacle well; the heroes can take as much
2 The season changes, snow melting in as they can carry (as limited by Spirit).
seconds and flowers springing up, or a 8 Indoors outdoors: Pictures hang on trees,
blanket of white dumping from the sky. plants grow in the shapes of furniture, etc.
It stays this way even beyond the Scene
9 A trellis with creeping vines or rambling
(until something else changes it again).
roses growing over it.
3 The season temporarily changes; if winter,
10 A place where ground or water are above,
it suddenly thaws. If any other season, it is
and sky below. Make Agility rolls to grab
suddenly cold and blustery.
onto something if outdoors. If anyone falls
4 A fog suddenly rolls in that smells of pea into the sky, hell pop up again next scene.
soup. Visibility beyond 4 is impossible.
Jack A life-size diorama, everything made of
5 Rain falls down ... only on one hero. painted cardeven trees and houses. To
6 The sky is clear but it begins to rain Cards, everything is normal and usable.
upwards. Queen A curious little shop run by a Sheep
7 Everything around a single hero freezes for proprietor, essentially a copy of the
a full round, then all continues as normal. Riverside store (p. 80).
No one else noticed anything. King A gingerbread house, a giant shoe house,
8 A tiny (6-inch-high) whirlwind spins past. a giant pumpkin, a great beanstalk, a lone
candlestick on the ground, or some other
9 It rains rainbow-hued fish for a few fairy-tale feature.
minutes; they are alive and flap about on
the ground. They are very tasty and worth
0.10 each. 1d10 x 10 can be gathered. Joker Draw twice more and apply both results!

Wonderland No MoreGame Masters Section
Subplots desperate to recover a family heirloom, stolen
by one of the gentry. If the heroes do not aid
The following subplots may be used and abused as him he fails in an attempt to steal it back and is
the GM desires to add something extra to a Savage Tale. executed. The heirloom is only a mother-of-pearl
A character the heroes meet: comb worth 0.02 but has huge sentimental value. a wandering Gourmancer looking for new married, but still lecherous and indiscreet. He
recipes; he may challenge another to a cook-off seeks the heroes aid in sneaking into brothels
(use opposed rolls) or offer to trade recipes. and assumes that everyone else is of like mind.
Nudge, nudge, wink, wink, say no more! a Tasty (p. 16) Plant, Animal, Egg, etc., seeking
out a Gourmancer, dreaming of becoming a meal a failing raconteur, who begs permission to
fit for kings (or heroes). He actually wants to be immortalize the heroes in song. If they oblige,
eaten, and says so clearly and distinctly. Even his songs are so bad the heroes are ridiculed for
in Wonderland, this prospect should horrify several miles around.
most, but theres sure to be a Gourmancer ...believes he is Alice.
somewhere who will take him up on the
...falls madly in love with one of the heroes and
offer. If this doesnt disturb the heroes
becomes totally obsessed.
enough, the resulting Foodstuffs
might still talk (eager to be eaten). ...wants one of the heroes to pose for a
painting. Not only does it turn out that the a complete pacifist (all the
hero must be naked, but the artist keeps
relevant Hindrances and more!)
introducing additional requirements that become
who attempts to convert the heroes
progressively more demanding and potentially
to his non-violent ways.
hazardouse.g., posed as if in heroic combat
...attempts to get the heroes aid for with a bandersnatch or other monster.
an unspecified heroic endeavor back
...believes one of the heroes is the sibling her
at his village. After several days travel,
family disowned at an early age.
this is revealed to be a mundane and
laborious task, such as plowing his fields. seeking a jar of elbow grease for his
employer and has been for many months. a compulsive liar but claims to be a
learned historian of Wonderland. His ...had his home burn down last night, or some
information is wrong and in some cases other tragedy. If allowed to tell his woeful
downright dangerous. tale, it is revealed that the accident was
caused by a convoluted disaster of Rube Goldberg- recruiting for the Queen of Hearts armies.
esque complexity.
...believes he was slain by the Jabberwock (despite a merchant keen to expand into a non-Human
being fully alive), and is cursed to roam the
market and requires an agent of the appropriate
lands as a spirit until the beast is killed.
species (represented by one of the heroes, of
...believes all wealth should be shared equally, course).
starting with that of the heroes. A large crowd a con man and gambler out to make some fast
gathers and could become violent.
money at the heroes expenseor with their aid. to be scared of being alone due to a wild
...has had enough and wants to die in a
beast tracking him, but is in fact wanted by the
particularly spectacular, heroic, and/or poetic
local guard for murderand they assume the
waywith witnesses. A quick, boring, lonesome
heroes are his accomplices.
death just wont do. very young and becomes infatuated with
...entertains the heroes and asks of their exploits.
one of the heroes; the character should show up
Next time they pass, the character is a local hero
every now and then, possibly getting the heroes
for those same deeds, and possibly some others
in trouble, but should otherwise be genuine and
they have not done.
...looks like a Valkyrie, Teutonic knight, or a a well-liked local, but binges and becomes
staff-bearing seeress (a Vlva). The traveler speaks
violent when offered alcohol.
in a German-sounding accent and inquires of the an attractive adulterer. Any hero who gets heroes exploits and pasts (taking special interest
involved wont find out until the irate and violent in any mention of the Real World or portals). The
partner bursts in. stranger then vanishes; this was actually the dream a proud parent who urges the heroes to take form of a Nazi occultist experimenting with a link
her child on as a squire. to Wonderland (and any information may be used
against the heroes later).

The Victoria Campaign
I could tell you my adventuresbeginning from Savage Worlds rule book, including skills, Hindrances
this morning. and Edges. However, the Real-world heroes do not gain
experience points. Instead, they gain an Advance (only
one of which may be spent on improving Attributes)
after each Interlude where the heroes actually had an
Chapters active role.

Each Chapter is a visit by the heroes (via dreams or Between Interludes, the Real-world heroes may equip
physically) to Wonderland. These Chapters should be themselves within reason as defined by the GM for the
run in order when stated in their description and when upcoming Interludeguidelines on equipment are given
it is suitable for the GMs campaign. for each Interlude. Equipment (including weapons)
should be described in generic terms and nothing from
For the rest of the heroes adventures, feel free to use after World War II (but dont tell the players this).
some of the Savage Tales (starting on p. 131), or to make
up your own as best befits your heroes, wherever
they decide to explore in Wonderland,
or where fate takes them.
Starting Out
Begin at the beginning, the King said
gravely, and go on till you come to the end
Interludes then stop.
Between the Chapters there are Interludes
adventures that occur in the Real World. Now gather your heroes and start their journeys in
In the Victoria campaign, Wonderland is the greater the bizarre realm of Wonderland. We recommend you
reality to the heroes, and their Real-world existence is start with Chapter 1Beginnings. This quickly gets
vague and dreamlike. When each Interlude begins the your heroes into the action and reveals some of what is
heroes are already on their way to do something or are in wrong with Wonderland.
the midst of the action. When running an Interlude, the
GM should take care to not be specific about any details
such as which town, city, or even country the heroes are
in. Nor should the GM specify the date or time (beyond it
Chapter 1Beginnings
being dark or light, and the suns position). If the heroes In which the heroes find themselves in
have no idea the Real World is in the midst of a war, then Wonderland with memories of places, people,
you are doing a good job! Some of the Interludes include and creatures, but no idea how or why they are
text you can read aloud to your players to give you an there. The heroes become involved in a search
idea of how to describe things. to find the White Rabbit and discover what has
In the first few Interludes the heroes Real-world been occurring in Wonderland.
alter egos are not battle-hardened adventurers, merely The heroes enter Wonderland in their dreams just
(relatively) normal people with vague memories of as a pack of Cards is pursuing a Rabbit (who happens
Wonderland dreams. As the campaign progresses, some to be white), having mistaken him for the White Rabbit.
of their Wonderland experiences will come to reflect on Unwittingly the heroes become involved and start to
their Real-world existence, and they will become more discover Wonderland.
Before beginning the campaign, the GM should create
a Real-world character for each of the players in his game. Beginning
The Real-world characters need have no resemblance to The heroes are all abruptly aware of their surroundings
their Wonderland counterparts. Real-world characters as they step through a doorway into a large hall. As the
are created as per the character creation steps in the door clicks shut behind them each hero sees the other

Wonderland No MoreGame Masters Section
heroes entering. A hero who succeeds in a Notice roll a routine patrol. The squad consists of four Rank-2 Club
sees a small but almost man-sized creature with white fur Cards led by a single Rank-3 Club Card.
and long ears duck out of the hallway through another Rank-1 Club Cards (2 per hero): (p. 164).
door, pursued by Cards.
Rank-2 Club Cards (4).
The trailing Cards stop to confront the newcomers
and do not pause to ask questions, thinking the heroes Rank-3 Club Card (1).
are reinforcements for the White Rabbit. There are a
number of Rank-1 Club Cards equal to twice the number
of heroes. Leaving the Hall of Doors
The doors in the hall are all securely locked shut except Upon exiting the door through which the Cards left,
the one through which the other Cards pursued the the heroes step out of a tree and into a cornfield. The
Rabbit. This door is slightly ajar, prevented from closing door clicks shut and locked behind them. The corn in
by a rolled-up paper. Even if this door is allowed to close the field is huge; each stalk is about 2 feet in diameter
completely, it does not lock. The paper is actually a large and 50 feet high. The heroes and the Cards start at
sheet wrapped around a smaller one. The large sheet is a Extreme distance (5 Range Increments apart), and use
wanted poster (see the nearby sidebar) while the smaller Agility checks for maneuvering through the field, using
bears only a few words in scribbled handwriting: Tell the Chase rules from Savage Worlds.
Rabbit about bounty on his head. Youll find him in the
Every third round, everyone has to jump across a large
Village of Animals. Give him the coded note.
furrow (Agility test; automatic success if you have the Leap
The heroes have little choice really except to leave special ability, or can fly), or fall back 1 Range Increment
the Hall by the same door through which the Cards as you scramble up the other side. Furthermore, anyone
pursued the white Rabbit. If the heroes spend much who draws a Club card as an action card must dodge a
time checking other doors or trying to force them open, giant, plummeting ear of corn (Agility check to dodge, or
a squad of guards from the Rabbit Hole enters the hall on take 2d6 damage).
The Cards stop and ready their weapons when one of
them is attacked (via magic or missile fire) or the heroes
close to within melee distance of them. There are ten
WANTED: THE WHITE RABBIT Rank-1 Club Cards led by a single Rank-3 Club Card.
As the last Card is dispatched, the heroes hear a loud
thrashing ahead of them in the corn followed by a high-
REWARD 50 pitched squeal of pain. The Rabbit lies in a pool of blood
beneath the stained mouth of an enormous hungry field
mouse, awoken by the noise of the fight.
Rank-1 Club Cards (10): (p. 164).
Rank-3 Club Card (1).

Enormous Field Mouse

Attributes: Agility d8, Smarts d4 (A), Spirit d6, Strength
d10, Vigor d10
Skills: Fighting d6, Notice d8
Her illustrious and dedicated majesty, Pace: 10; Parry: 5; Toughness: 12
the Queen of Hearts, offers the bounty of Special Abilities
50 for the capture of the miscreant and Bite: Str+d4.
traitor White Rabbit. Successful captors Hardy: A second Shaken result does not cause a
shall also receive a block-side seat at the wound.
beheading of this most foul, treacherous, Large: Opponents have a +2 bonus to hit.
murderous, villainous creature. Size +5: The size of a small elephant.

The Rabbits Body

The Rabbits body has 0.25, a small knife and a
folded-up piece of paper covered in numbers. The paper
is obviously a coded message, but without the key there
is no way the heroes can decipher it.

The Victoria Campaign
Once the heroes have examined the paper, the GM The White Rabbit Revealed Almost
should run Interlude 1.
Pat, the White Rabbits loyal gardener, once convinced
of the loyalty of the heroes, takes them aside and quietly
informs them his master is alive and hiding in the woods
Interlude 1Legally Binding to the southwest of the Village of Animals. Pat also relates
Equipment: none of noteno weapons or armor. the path to take and warns that his master was going to
This Interlude is little more than a flashback (or take precautions, but never explained further.
perhaps flash-sideways) where the GM should merely
read or paraphrase the text in italics below. Events here
happened chronologically before Chapter 1 and this is
The Path
merely meant to set a mystery for the players. The White Rabbit and a loyal pack of Cards have set
up a retreat in the woods. They have scattered many
When the flashback is over, the GM should resume
traps about the approaches and also dosed up a giant
his game with the heroes wherever they want to be in
puppy with Moonbeam Juice to turn it into a fierce guard
Prior to the heroes awakening in Wonderland,
Finding the path is not a problem but following it is,
Victorias agents in the Real World have traced them and
as it winds and twists through wild undergrowth. Draw
invited them to a trap. Each hero was sent an invitation
a card for each half hour the heroes spend searching,
to the reading of a will at the premises of a prestigious
and keep a tally of the number of Hearts drawn; when
solicitor so far untouched by the bombings. Victorias
it reaches four, see The Hideout section below. If a face
agents kidnap the heroes and transport them to a
card or a Joker is drawn, one of the White Rabbits traps
remote site to be disposed of (see Interlude 2Dead
is encountered (see below).
On Arrival, p. 101). During this transit the heroes all
fell asleep (or were knocked unconscious) and dreamed
their way into Wonderland. Traps
The heroes do not get any chance to act in this All of the traps may be avoided by a successful Agility
Interlude, only observe. Once it ends they are back in roll. Each trap has been lightly sprayed with Snark Juice (a
Wonderland. perfume with a hint of moldering wood and sea foam,
just the sort of aroma one might normally associate with
The chair beneath you is hard but fits with the
bathing machines)a scent the giant puppy is trained to
hard grayness of the room around you. You are
avoid. Once two traps have been encountered, this scent
one of (number of heroes) people seated in a
may be detected with a successful Notice roll, giving a
wide semicircle arrayed a few feet in front of a
+1 bonus to the Agility roll.
large wooden desk. The desk is empty aside from
a stack of manila folders. JackPit trap: The pit is only 8 feet deep but the
bottom is covered in spiky branches. Victims fall
The door opens and a man enters, smiling in, taking 2d6+5 damage.
pleasantly. Ah, ladies and gentlemen, my thanks
QueenDeadfall trap: A tripwire releases a large
for being so prompt. He pulls out a revolver. It
log swinging on ropes, aimed right at the heroes.
saves us such a lot of effort.
Multiple people may be hit, depending on how
the heroes were arrayed. Anyone failing the Agility
test to evade takes 1d6+10 damage.
Chapter 2Find the White Rabbit KingSnare trap: A snare closes around the
In which the heroes find the long-sought White victims foot and yanks him into the air. The victim
Rabbit and discover what has been occurring in takes 2d8+4 damage as he is banged against tree
Wonderland branches and trunks and left hanging 10 feet in
the air.
This chapter should be run once the heroes have
JokerThe giant puppy comes bounding out of
proved themselves as loyal to Wonderland (more
the undergrowth!
specifically against the Queen of Hearts and her military
escalation) or at the very least established a reputation
for themselves as adventurers. It is suggested that the
heroes reach Seasoned rank before this Chapter is run. Giant Puppy
Some suitable Savage Tales for the heroes to prove Attributes: Agility d6, Smarts d4 (A), Spirit d8, Strength
their worth are: Gone Native (p. 135), Clandestine d12, Vigor d12
Meeting (p. 135), Jon Browns Body (p. 139), Rescue Skills: Fighting d8, Notice d8
the Duchess (p. 144) and Spy in our Midst (p. 148). Pace: 10; Parry: 6; Toughness: 11

Wonderland No MoreGame Masters Section
Hindrances: Does not attack anyone who smells of What was the coded message?
Snark Juice.
The White Rabbit explains how it was coded before
Special Abilities
relating its contents.
Bite: Str+d4.
Fleet-Footed: Roll a d10 when running. The message is brief and from the Real World, as
Go for the Throat: With a raise on its attack roll, Alice called her home place. It says Alices World
the puppy hits the targets most weakly armored involved. Trying to find Alice.
Hardy: A second Shaken result does not cause a
Why are you wanted / hiding?
Improved Nerves of Steel: Ignore two points of I am in hiding because, as you already know, her
wound penalties. Majesty the Queen of Hearts has issued a royal decree
Size +3. for my execution. For a long while I could think of no
reason for this.
True, I spoke out at her plans for war against an
The Hideout enemy she does not name. True, I pleaded with her to
Deep in the woods is a hideout made of tree branches not cut down the forests. True, I objected to this this
and loose foliage. Noticing this structure requires a raise mining or whatever they call it.
on a Notice roll with one attempt allowed per half hour.
And perhaps I did look where I should not have,
For each attempt draw a card as per The Path above
but I am the Queens Herald; I need to know what is
(when a total of four Hearts have been drawn, a hero
occurring in her realm. Perhaps she objected to me
spots the hideout without needing a roll).
asking where the hard stones our people dug up went.
The White Rabbit and his pack of ten Rank-2 Club Perhaps she objected to me asking why she took advice
Cards are within the hideout. If it looks as though the from the Daffodil Man on matters of state. All trivial
heroes have seen them, six of the Cards open fire from things, I am sure you agree.
behind cover in the foliage with their crossbows. Due
Then it came to me: I knew the ways in and out of
to the cover, any return fire against the Cards is at 6 to
Wonderland to that place called the Real World, that
place where Alice lives and I thought to myself, is this
The White Rabbit and his allies are not unreasonable what she is afraid of? Could Alice be the one to nay-say
and are willing to parlay if the heroes stay back. her current, even-more-mad-than-normal, madness?
Mentioning events where the heroes have moved to
counter the Queen of Hearts aids in this endeavor.
What about the Daffodil Man?
Within the camouflaged hideout is a short narrow
Shortly after Alice left us on her third real trip he
tunnel (single file on hands and knees if over 3 feet tall)
somehow got the Queens ear. We dont know what he
leading to a hollow under the woods. The hollow is fairly
wants but he has certainly influenced the Queen.
large but gets quite cramped if more than ten people
occupy it. We were hoping to recruit the Hatter to our cause
and have him speak with his friend Time to see if we
The hollow has a few basic amenities: barrels of
could see what happened as Alice left us, whether the
drinking water, crates of dried fruit and vegetables,
Daffodil Man met with her and is doing her bidding.
piles of dried vegetation for sleeping and a supply of
weapons. A hero making a successful Notice roll spots a
pair of strange-looking pistols amongst the collection of Real trip?
crossbows, halberds, swords and clubs.
Yes. Yes. Real trip. Have you never met visitors from
The Rabbit asks the heroes to explain themselves: Why the Real World? You really should get out more.
were they looking for him? Who sent them? To whom
The people of the Real World can sometimes dream
are they loyal? Have him ask more probing questions
themselves into Wonderland; they are here and exist for
depending upon what your players have done and how
all and sundry but when they awaken they just vanish.
they answer.
A very few, like Alice, find their way here through the
If the heroes hand over the coded message (from portals and enter Wonderland in the flesh so to speak.
Chapter 1) he pulls a small book out of his waistcoat
and flicks through its pages, seeming to count words.
The message is composed of number pairs; each is a What do you hope to do?
page number plus the order position of a word on that Eventually we hope to find out what has caused this
page, from the Rabbits memoirs. state of affairs and who we are to go to war against.
Finally the Rabbit relents and answers what he can of After that we do not know; perhaps we shall find some
the heroes questions: way to stop whatever is occurring?

The Victoria Campaign
How are we involved? The GM should hand out the heroes Real-world
character sheets and proceed with Interlude 2.
Aside from the brief flashback in Interlude 1, the
heroes have had no indication yet that they are not Rank-2 Club Cards (10): (p. 165); the White Rabbits
Wonderland inhabitants. defenders.
How you came to awaken in the Hall of Doors I do The White Rabbit: (p. 160).
not know. Perhaps you were involved in a fight with the
Queens guards or some creature, and were knocked
out? Maybe whatever knocked you out carried you to Interlude 2Dead on Arrival
the Hall of Doors and then got scared off?
Equipment: none of noteno weapons or armor.
Victorias plan to systematically wipe out Alices
Whats with these guns? descendants is progressing well and the heroes are her
The strange-looking pistols do not have a six-shot latest victims. They are taken to a ruined warehouse to
cylinder but some sort of box of bullets that clips into the be disposed of. Read or paraphrase the following.
handle. The metal from which they are made is smooth
The back of the truck opens up, letting wan
and unmarred, unlike a normal Wonderland pistol. The
daylight in to light the gloom. You squint against
grip of each gun bears a symbol of a pair of crossed
the comparatively bright light and make out
forearms over a stylized cloud.
three figures. One gestures with a handgun and
Some of my comrades found them on the, erm, growls, Out. Now! Beyond them is what may
bodies of some of the Queens guards. They are similar have once been a large structure but is now little
to the pistols we are familiar with but they have more than piles of rubble.
several innovative curiosities about them, such as the
cartridges mechanism for popping in the next bullet, The heroes are not bound in any way but do not have
and the automatic clearing of the shell casing. We had any weapons. Once out of the truck, chunks of rubble
three but one of them changed into a normal pistol may be gathered to use as weapons (Str+d4 damage).
while one of the Cards was firing it. I believe they may There are four men outside the truck. Unless something
have been dreamt here by someone in the Real World. is done to interrupt their plans, they take the heroes, at
gunpoint, a few hundred yards into the rubble. There
they shoot the heroes in the back and leave their bodies
Other Questions with a white feather on each (a sign of cowardice for
those who did not sign up to aid the war effort).
The GM should answer other questions as he sees
fit. The only essential information is there are dreamers It is hoped that the heroes stop this fate!
and real people from the Real World in Wonderland; and The GM should ensure that his heroes do not get a
most important of all that the Hatter may be able to help chance to speak with the thugs or the truck driverif the
fathom what is occurring. heroes manage to subdue them, the GM should fade to
black and pick up the action in Wonderland.
Once the heroes escape, proceed with Chapter 3.
An Interruption
Thugs: Human, Guard (Real World) (p. 171), but give
When the GM decides his heroes have had all the help each a heavy pistol.
they need, there is a cry from above (Beware below! The
Queens forces have found us!) followed by the sound The Truck Driver: Human, Common Folk (p. 171),
of metal on metal. A Card turns to the Rabbit and urges armed with a heavy pistol and a spare clip each.
him to flee. Indecision is obvious on the Rabbits face as
a second Card digs a loose covering of soil away from a
hidden tunnel. Chapter 3Reunite the Eternal
The Rabbit hesitates for just a moment, then bolts
down the uncovered tunnel. As he runs, he calls back to Tea Party
the heroes, You must find the Hatter; he may be the key In which the heroes, having avoided being
to find Alice! executed in the Real World, return to
Let the heroes decide what they wish to do: follow Wonderland in their dreams. Having only the
the reluctant White Rabbit as he flees down the escape White Rabbits advice to guide them (You must
tunnel, or follow the tunnel back to the surface to aid find the Hatter; he may be the key to find
in the defense. Whichever they choose, they abruptly Alice!) they seek the Hatter.
find the tunnel collapsing on them. Soft earth cascades
The search involves rescuing the March Hare and
over them, wrapping them in a warm embrace. Nearby
Dormouse before the Hatter can be found.
someone starts shriekinga shrill cry cutting the air.

Wonderland No MoreGame Masters Section
The GM should insert other adventures during the Strength d6, Vigor d6
heroes travels to free the Hatter, Hare and Dormouse. Skills: Fighting d6, Notice d6, Stealth d12
For example, while traveling from the Queen of Hearts Pace: 6 (but may not leave cottage); Parry: 5; Toughness:
dungeon to the Looking-glass Lands, they could 5
encounter the Gryphon in the Savage Tale Allies? (p. Special Abilities
131) or while seeking Haigha in the Chessboard Fields Aging Touch: A mere touch of the time things body
they could stumble across the White Knight in A Stormy ages the point of contact; damage is Spirit+d4 and
Knight (p. 133). ignores armor.
Move in Time: The time thing is not stable in
Wonderland and phases forward and backward in
Where are the Hatter, March Hare and time. Every attack aimed at the time thing has a 50%
chance of missing even if it would normally have hit;
Dormouse? the time thing has momentarily shifted in time.
There are several ways to find out where the missing
trio is:
All three are reasonably well-known throughout
The Dormouse and March Hare
the Monarchy of Hearts. Any non-player personage The Dormouse and March Hare are imprisoned in the
asked may make a Common Knowledge roll. On dungeons beneath the Queen of Hearts Castle. How the
a success he recalls the Queen of Hearts soldiers heroes actually reach the dungeons is up to whatever
arrested them; on a raise he recalls the Hatter was plans they can concoct. A few ideas are given here.
not found with the other two. By the Front Doorthis is not quite as stupid as it
A Card of Rank-2 or higher has a 50% chance of sounds. The Queen of Hearts is supremely confident in
knowing the March Hare and Dormouse were her total control of the realm; hence, entry to her castle
found in the Hatters house having tea with him. is relatively simple. Any who seek entrance are checked
Somehow the Hatter got away. The prisoners were by four Rank-3 Club Cards led by a Rank-3 Heart Card,
taken to the Queen of Hearts dungeons. and a reasonable story or Persuasion roll gets the heroes
into the Great Hall. Here they are met by the majordomo,
a Walrus named William who is secretly a sympathizer
The Hatter with those who resist the Queen. William blusters for a
To escape the Queens soldiers, the Hatter used his few minutes, trying to discover the heroes loyalties, and
connections with Time to shift himself out of the normal eventually seizes on even the smallest excuse to make
time stream. He is now continually moving backwards himself scarce. If necessary, the GM can give the heroes
in time whilst always being a few seconds ahead of a few directions!
everyone else! Such a situation is obviously both mad If the heroes take this route, the GM should throw in a
and impossible but those terms just sum up the Hatter. few encounters with other palace functionaries, such as a
Anyone spending any length of time in the Hatters guard patrol (six to ten Rank-2 Club Cards) and anything
home is liable to be attacked by a creature that has else he thinks suitable. Eventually they find a set of steps
escaped from the time stream. This time thing may leading down to the dungeons. Make this interesting;
only be seen as a vague shimmer in the air, as it does not dont just hand the information to the players.
have a physical form. It is absolutely terrified at being in Via the Secret Passage from the Court Housethis
a world with physical dimensions. The time thing has is the most direct route to the dungeons but of course
tried to flee but cannot get back to its own domain, so the heroes have to know about it. If this route is taken,
instead it lashes out at living creatures. the heroes have to pick the locks on the doors at both
Any hero succeeding in a Notice roll hears a very faint ends of the tunnel and find the dungeon end guarded by
voice seemingly mumbling. In fact the Hatter is trying four Rank-3 Club Cards.
to make contact across the time stream. The words he Card Guards (4): Rank-3 Club Cards (p. 165).
mutters are: Esuomrod, dna, erah, dnif, kcab,
teg, tnac, em, plehthe whole phrase taking
several minutes. Astute players may work out that the The Dungeons
words are backwards, and if the players are not astute, When the heroes enter the central area, the Torturer
allow Smarts rolls. The Hatters message is: Help me is busily working on a captive 2 of Spades suspected of
cant get back. Find Hare and Dormouse. sympathizing with those who oppose the Queen. Two
Eager Students are helping him and a hand of ten Rank-
2 Club Cards idly lounges around watching (spending
the first round of any combat grabbing their weapons).
Time Thing Four Rank-3 Club Cards guarding the door to the secret
Attributes: Agility d8, Smarts d6 (Alien), Spirit d8, passage are more alert (weapons already in hand).

The Victoria Campaign
Eager Students (2): Human, Guard (Wonderland) (p. The March Hares Cell
171), armed with torture implements (Str+d4).
Like all the cells, it is bare stone. A casual look around
On-duty Card Guards (4): Rank-3 Club Cards (p. 165). with a successful Notice or Tracking roll (players choice)
or a thorough search reveals a few words scratched into
Card Guard Spectators (10): Rank-2 Club Cards.
one wall: Find the White Kings messenger.

The Torturer, a Tweedle At an inconvenient time, reinforcements arrive to
Attributes: Agility d6, Smarts d6, Spirit d8, Strength d10, investigate the fracas. The force enters via the steps to
Vigor d10 the castle and consists of twelve Rank-1 Club Cards and
Skills: Fighting d8, Intimidate d8, Notice d6 four Rank-2 Club Cards led by a Knave of Clubs.
Charisma: 2; Pace: 6; Parry: 6; Toughness: 11 Guard Leader: Rank-4 Club Card (Knave) (p.
Hindrances: Phobia (minor) sunlight, Mean 165).
Edges: Brawny, Iced Water for Blood, Improved Nerves Rank-1 Club Cards (12).
of Steel, Improved Tough as Nails, Large Rank-2 Club Cards (4).
Gear: Torture implements (Str+d4)
Wealth: Loose Change
The White Kings Messenger
The Cells The White Kings messengers are a pair named Haigha
Only nine of the twenty-four cells are currently and Hatta. With the White King missing (believed dead),
occupied. Four hold low-ranking Spade Cards (a 2, 3, the heroes need to speak to his wife the White Queen to
3, and 4) imprisoned for sweeping counter-clockwise locate them. Before they can meet with the White Queen
rather than clockwise. Two more hold a pair of Tweedle they will need to gain entrance to her palace in the City
brothers arrested for being drunk and disorderly of Charity.
within earshot of the castle, and one holds a terrified
Hamster who was arrested for a disrespectful sneeze in
the Queens hearing. One cell holds Miss Mannequin, a
Human woman imprisoned for being prettier than the
Queen, and the final cell is bare save for a huddled form
in one corner. A closer look reveals a Dormouse curled Hatta & Haigha
up in a tight ball, but alive and well. Nothing short of the
Hatter or March Hares voice awakens the Dormouse; the
Queen of Hearts best have tried shouting and torture
with no luck!
The Tweedle brothers aid any escape attempt if given
a chance. The Cards and Mouse are non-combatants
and run around in panic if fighting breaks out. Miss
Mannequin is the daughter of a noble man in Hope who
will reward the heroes with 5 if they rescue his daughter
and offer them a further 20 if they are willing to escort
her to her aunts home in Charity.
Any prisoner can point out the March Hares cell and
relate that he disappeared from his locked cell three days
ago. The Queen had her own dungeon guards tortured
and eventually executed, her investigators investigated, Haigha
and her inquirers inquired, but no one knew how the Haigha is the March Hare; his name is
Hare escaped or where he had gone. pronounced to rhyme with mayor.
The Dormouse: (p. 156); unconscious.
Hamster: Animal, Common Folk (p. 161); Pacifist
(Major), Tiny (Toughness 3), unarmed.
Miss Mannequin: Human, Common Folk (p. 171); Very Hatta is the Hatter; his name is
Attractive (+4 Charisma), unarmed. pronounced hattar.
Spade Prisoners (4): Rank-1 Spade Cards (p. 166);
Pacifist (Major), unarmed.
Tweedle Brothers (Souse & Slosh) (2): Tweedle,
Common Folk (p. 179); unarmed.

Wonderland No MoreGame Masters Section
Gaining an Audience Meeting the Messenger
The palace gates are guarded by a pair of Rooks and a As the heroes travel on towards the Eighth Square, call
Bishop who refuse entry to all. It is possible the heroes for Tracking rolls (or Notice rolls at a 4 penalty, players
have some form of recommendation, in which case they choice). On a success, a hero notices many confused
are escorted to the Queen. They might have earned such footprints in the dusty track, and trampled undergrowth
a recommendation if they have encountered the Lion at either side. A search soon reveals the bodies of six
and the Unicorn ( Who is Best?, p. 154), Princess Pawns hidden beneath some undergrowth; all have been
Lily ( Royal Kidnap, p. 145) or the White Knight ( slain by massive crushing weapons. An obvious trail of
A Stormy Knight, p. 133). large footprints leads off into the woods.
If the heroes have had no interaction with the House After following the trail for several hours (make an
of Whitefield, one of the Rooks suggests that they speak encounter check, p. 94) call for a Notice roll to hear
with the Lion or the Unicorn. He points them towards the sounds of arguing voices ahead. A band of twelve
the inn named after them; the GM should run the Savage Tweedle bandits is camped in a large clearing ahead.
Tale Who Is Best? (p. 154). They captured Haigha and the Rook four days ago and
have been arguing over what to do with them since. Both
captives are unconscious from fatigue due to lack of food
The Audience and water and are bound upright against a pair of trees.
The heroes must divest themselves of all weapons The Tweedle are unaware of the heroes approach unless
before their audience and are escorted by a squad (twelve they had an encounter and dealt with it noisily; in the
Pawns, led by two Rooks, two Knights and a Bishop) to latter case they are still arguing but are watchful as well.
the audience chamber.
Tweedle Bandits (6): Tweedle, Guard (p. 179).
The White Queen sits upon the slightly smaller of
two thrones on a raised dais at the end of the hall; the Tweedle Bandit Leaders (2): Tweedle, Guard
Lion and the Unicorn flank the thrones. The heroes are Captain (p. 179); they are twins with relevant bonuses.
escorted before the dais. At a gesture from the Lion, the
guards withdraw to the doors.
The White Queen speaks in a timid and quiet voice, Haigha
asking the heroes what their purpose for seeking an Once rescued, revived and apprised of the situation,
audience with the House of Whitefield is, adding, You Haigha reveals he is, in fact, the March Hare and if his
must understand we rule in my lieges place as a counterpart was in prison and disappeared, then he
temporary measure until he is returned to us. As such, must have reached the point in time when he was taken
any boon we grant you may be rescinded by his Majesty back in time. The heroes are no doubt confused by this
the White King. so Haigha goes on to explain the Hatters scheme (see
When asked about the Kings messengers, the White Haigha, p. 76).
Queen glances towards the Unicorn, who gives a barely If questioned, the March Hare can reveal he and
discernable nod. Of Hatta, we have no knowledge, for the Dormouse were caught by the Queen of Hearts
he disappeared as mysteriously as did my much-missed guards but the Hatter just vanished as he had time to
husband. If it is Haigha you seek, then I direct your get away, as the Hare puts it with a wink. Questioned
question to my advisor. She gestures to the Unicorn. further about the Hatter, the March Hare looks furtively
The Unicorn steps forward and bows to the Queen. around before whispering, Hes still in his house, just
Your majesty, Haigha was due to return from the not at the same time. Again further questions may drag
Eighth Square some time ago. If you recall, he was sent the following out of the Harethe Hatter put himself
to investigate rumors about the Eighth Square. ahead of the normal time stream by a few seconds and
will probably stay there until he knows it is safe to come
The Queen frowns, turning back to the heroes. So
back, for instance when he sees his old friends the Hare
it would seem our other most-trusted messenger is
and Dormouse.
missing. Perhaps you would seek him for us?
It wont take too much to convince the March Hare
The heroes should already have reason to seek
he is needed elsewhere. Ever since he was dragged back
Haigha, but if they hold out, the Queen offers up to 5 as
through time to provide an income for himself and the
a reward. If the heroes accept, they are told that Haigha
Hatter, he has been chafing to get on with a real life. The
set out for the Eighth Square with a squad of six Pawns
March Hare informs the Rook he should tell the White
and a Rook to investigate rumors it had been destroyed.
Queen he is taking a permanent leave of absence and
He is now four days late.
may not be back some day, however during his absence
The Lion, Noble Champion (p. 157) Nobody will be taking his place! Turning to the heroes,
he then inquires, Well, what are we waiting for?
The Unicorn, Noble Champion (p. 159)
Haigha (see March Hare, p. 157)

The Victoria Campaign
Rescuing the Hatter offer tea and biscuits or cake to his saviors. Eventually
the trio asks what they can do to aid the heroes. When
Once the Hatters companions are with the heroes and the heroes relate the White Rabbits words to them about
in his cottage, they both sit down at the table and begin must find the Hatter, he may be the keyto find
to drink the tea and eat the cake which is appearing on Alice, the Hatter asks the heroes many questions, some
the plates. All the while they mutter about time, streams, of them relevant (e.g., Why Alice?) others not so (e.g.,
up river and other esoteric phrases. During this time the Do you take butter with your tea?) until eventually
time thing attacks the heroes (unless previously slain) falling silent, aside from noisy slurps of a mug of tea.
and the Hare punctuates his ramblings with guidance Some minutes later he hurls his empty mug into the air
such as Hairy guy, down and left, Fatty, straight ahead. and yells Eureka! and begins moving cups and plates
Such aid negates the Time Things Move in Time ability. around the table. When a hero queries what he means he
After a few minutes the Dormouse dozes off and begins simply replies We shall have a tea party, and gestures
to snore, and the March Hare begins to juggle empty for his companions and the heroes to sit.
teacups; he asks to the world in general, Ready? and a The tea party which follows is chaotic; the three swig
few seconds later as the Dormouse snorts a particularly tea, munch biscuits and swap places shouting, Move
loud snore, NOW! around, clean places, clean places! in between singing
For a fraction of a second the Hatter appears sitting nonsense rhymes which have a strange familiarity to
on a chair. A hero must achieve two raises on an Agility them. The GM should try to really irritate the heroes,
roll to grab him and pull him off the chair and back as the trio does not sensibly answer any questions, just
into the normal time stream. On a failure, he misses the replying in verse or gibberish.
Hatter but grabs something else! With a snarl, a dinosaur, Finally, after what seems like hours, the Hatter stops
looking like a small (6-foot-tall) Tyrannosaurus Rex, is and leaps atop the table.
wrenched into the cottage.
We shall need something of Alices, he states.
If the Hatter is missed, the March Hare remarks,
Better luck next time, and juggles a little faster. I have something, replies the March Hare, or at
Successful Notice and Smarts rolls allow a hero to recall least I used to have in my bedroom but I havent been to
that just before the Hatter appeared the teacups juggled my cottage for the longest time.
by the Hare appeared to abruptly circle in the opposite Now the trio answers questions. Essentially, between
direction. Such an observation gives any hero attempting the three of them they can show things that happened
to snag the Hatter (and up to three may try) a +2 bonus in the past; if asked how, they refuse to explain, as it is
on their Agility roll to do so. complicated and tea-related. Since things seemed to go
Each time the Agility roll is failed there is a 50% chance awry once Alice left they should begin at that point. To
of pulling through another dinosaur or a similar creature. find Alice in the time stream they need something of hers
However, after any hero has failed three attempts or and it just so happens the March Hare has her hair band
more he begins to get more in tune with the Hare and (or Alice band).
only needs to succeed with a single raise.
Waking Up
Shortly after the trio announces what they can do and
Dinosaur require, the heroes awaken in the Real World.
Attributes: Agility d8, Smarts d4
(A), Spirit d6, Strength d10, Interlude 3Rude Awakenings
Vigor d10
In which the heroes meet a shadowy informant
Skills: Fighting d8, Notice d8
in the Real World and narrowly avoid capture by
Pace: 8; Parry: 6; Toughness: 9
escaping via water.
Special Abilities
Armor +2: Thick, scaly hide. Equipment: Small weapons that may be garnered for
Bite: Str+d8. self defense; knives, a handgun.
Hardy: A second Shaken result Victoria has discovered the heroes part in Wonderland
does not cause a wound. events, and has ordered her agents in the Real World
to deal with them. These agents have arranged for the
The Hatter is Rescued heroes to be identified as spies for the opposition, thus
allowing the police and armed forces to seek them out.
Once pulled free the Hatter
is almost pathetically grateful, The heroes are awakened by a loud hammering
tripping over his own feet to against the door of wherever they happen to have slept.

Wonderland No MoreGame Masters Section
Each hero has two combat rounds before the door gives A Smarts roll identifies the laugh as belonging to the
way and their visitors burst in. The intruders consist of March Hare.
two armed police and a special military aide per hero.
The police call for the heroes to surrender. If they do,
they are escorted at gunpoint out of their building to The Meeting
waiting police vans and taken to the local police station. The March Hare explains that as the heroes left
Armed Police (2 per hero): Human, Guard (Real Wonderland rather abruptly, he and the Hatter thought
World) (p. 171); describe them as policemen. one of them should try and find them in this Real
World and convince them to help Wonderland further.
Special Military Aide (1 per hero): Human, The Hare got the short straw and had to dream his way
Guard Captain (Real World); describe them as dressed into the Real World. He is taking them to someone who
in dark suits. may be able to shed some light on what is happening.
The Hare drives through the suburbs of a gray
featureless city and soon pulls up in a dockyard area.
Arrested Pier 7, he tells the heroes, Ill meet you there after I
If the heroes end up arrested, they are taken to a local hide the truck.
Police Station. They are stripped of all property, and
Pier 7 is shrouded by a low-lying mist coming off the
locked in secure cells in the station basement for several
water, but the heroes can make out a lone figure about
hours. There is no way to access the locks, and the cell
half way along the pier. The figure greets the heroes when
doors have a Toughness of 12. Eventually the heroes
approached, and identifies himself as The Shadow Man.
are taken upstairs to interview rooms and interrogated
Before the Shadow Man can say much, there is a squeal
about what they know of someone named Victoria, who
of tires and a second truck appears on the docks, with
she is, what she is doing and where she is now. A similar
armed men firing from its open back. Several shots hit
trio to that which broke into the heroes resting places
the Hares trucks rear wheels and it spins out of control
conducts the interview.
into a warehouse. The Shadow Man calls out, End of the
If the heroes overcome their interrogators, they may pier, a boat as bullets whine around the heroes and
be able to escape the police station. There are quite a he is riddled by gunfire. Any hero failing an Agility roll is
few members of the police in the station, and should be hit for 2d6 damage.
encountered in groups of two to five.
The Shadow Man falls over the side of the pier; as he
Armed Police (18): Human, Guard (Real World) (p. falls, he cries something, but all the heroes hear above
171); describe them as policemen.

Special Military Aide (4): Human, Guard

Captain (Real World); describe them as dressed in dark The Shadow Man
suits. The Shadow Man is the Real-world
incarnation of the dreaming Red King from
Wonderland. Although he much prefers the
Rescue Real World to his own chaotic realm, he has
If the heroes cannot arrange to get themselves out no desire to see Wonderland destroyed, and
of the police station, then it is up to an unexpected ally. aids the heroes as he mayprimarily with
The fire alarms suddenly ring out and the police begin information.
evacuating the building. A uniformed policeman unlocks The Shadow Man always appears from
the heroes doors and ushers them out. When the heroes out of sight, strolling into view and standing
question who their rescuer is, he laughs and says only a in shadowed places not immediately
friend. A Smarts roll identifies the laugh as belonging to accessible to the heroes. He is clad in a dark
the March Hare, albeit in human form. The Hare leads gray/black, all-enveloping overcoat with a
the heroes out of the station and signals them into a matching fedora hat pulled down low over
plain gray truck, then climbs into the drivers seat and his face. A hero who gets a raise on a Notice
drives off. roll notices his clothing is actually very deep
red in color.
Whenever the heroes try to approach
Escape closer to the Shadow Man, he moves away
If the heroes manage to escape from their homes or out of sight and then vanishes.
the police station, a gray truck suddenly squeals to a
stop next to them. The driver pulls down his sunglasses.
Need a lift? he asks. When the heroes ask who their
rescuer is, he laughs and identifies himself as a friend.

The Victoria Campaign
the gunfire is liss! Any hero succeeding in a Notice roll kit gives a +1 bonus to any Healing rolls (not magical);
sees that it is only the Shadow Mans coat and hat that there are sufficient supplies for six such uses. The flare
splash into the cold, dark water. The sounds of booted pistol may be used in combat: range of 3/6/12, ROF ,
feet announce the approach of people from the landward Shots 1, Damage 2d8, plus possibility of setting victim on
end. fire as per the Savage Worlds rules.
Further along the pier are steps leading down to a
moored boat with an outboard motor. It appears the
Shadow Man had an escape route planned. A few rounds Reaching the Shore
after the heroes set off in the boat, a second boat begins to Judging by the massive mountains to the East and
pursue them, bearing more armed men. The GM can use the fact that when the heroes reach the shore they are
the Chase rules to resolve the situation or dramatically ambushed by a small force of Cards, the heroes are far
describe the chase and fight. Whichever method is out to sea in the Queen of Hearts realm. By the time
chosen, the heroes boat passes through the sea portal to the heroes have rowed or swam their way to shore
Wonderland before the fight is concluded, and the mist Victoria has heard of their escape from the Real World
vanishes to be replaced by brilliant sunshine. to Wonderland via water and has posted guards near the
Armed Police (18): Human, Guard (Real World) (p. beaches.
171); describe them as policemen. Rank-2 Club Cards (2 per hero): (p. 165), with
Morpheus swords and S&W .44 pistols.
Special Military Aide (4): Human, Guard
Captain (Real World); describe them as dressed in dark
Modern Weapons
Victorias plans are moving on. Dreamers in the Real
World under the influence of the company Morpheus
Chapter 4Hunting the Daffodil Research are creating modern weapons in Wonderland
Man for the forces of the Queen of Hearts and Red Queen. In
any encounter with such forces (mainly Chessmen and
In which the heroes physically enter Wonderland Cards) approximately half of the opponents are armed
for the first time via the Sea Portal and meet with such weapons.
up with the Hatter, March Hare and Dormouse. Morpheus Weapons are treated as magical items (p.
They obtain a personal item once belonging to 84).
Alice and then travel to the Looking-glass House,
where they discover what occurred as Alice left
Wonderland and learn about the mysterious Alices Hair Band
Daffodil Man. Tracking this enigmatic figure, the
heroes enter a railway station in the Chessboard The heroes should recall that they need to retrieve
Fields and catch the train back to the Real World. Alices hair band from the March Hares home.
Tax Rebate (p. 149): March Manor is now an
inn, and the Queen of Hearts tax collector is currently
Rude Arrival staying there.
The heroes have changed to their Wonderland form
and are in a small boat with an outboard motor. It has
just emerged into Wonderland at top speed, heading for Looking Back Through Time
a rocky outcrop! A Boating roll is required to try and The heroes return to the Hatters house with a
avoid a crash. If the roll is made, the boat swerves sharply, personal item once possessed by Alice (likely to be her
but the outboard motor hits the rocks and the propeller hair band), and find the eager trio waiting for them.
breaks off with a bone-shaking jar and a metallic snap. Almost bouncing with barely-contained excitement, the
If the roll is failed the boat runs full onto the rocks. Its Hatter greets them enthusiastically. You have it? Yes
hull is ripped open and the outboard motor wrecked. All of course you do. If you didnt then you wouldnt be
aboard take 2d6+2 damage. here and you are so you must. After all you are heroes
are you not? Of course you are as you are here with
The Boat it and so are we so The March Hare interrupts his
ramblings with a well-aimed sponge cake and a hand full
The boat has very little of use upon itan emergency
of jelly and custard from the other side of the table. The
rubber dinghy (including oars), a first aid kit, a flare
Hatter shoots him a look of pure malice, and then turns
pistol (with four flares) and 25 feet of rope. If the heroes
to the heroes. Yes. Well, as my learned colleague just
are in a hurry (e.g., the boat is sinking!) a Notice roll is
indicated, perhaps I was being a trifle overenthusiastic.
required to find any item except the dinghy. The first aid
So shall we sit, take tea and begin?

Wonderland No MoreGame Masters Section
The Ritual Notice rolls hear odd words and phrases: cup aligned,
contrariwise, tempora-spacial, buckets, man,
Once again all must sit at the table, and the Hare looks
buckets, and of course the ubiquitous more tea, more
ridiculous, with Alices hair band across his forehead
keeping his ears back. Nonsense rhymes are sung and
interminable cups of scalding hot tea drunk or spilled. Finally the Hatter spins to face the heroes. We have
Finally the Dormouse, who long ago fell asleep, begins to be where Alice was to see what she did there, he
to speak in a singsong voice. proclaims, absently wiping cake crumbs from his hat
brim. So if we want to see what happened when Alice
Alice approaches the cottage with trepidation; left our little world we need to be where, exactly?
will the three still remember her? Will they even
recognize her now she is older? Nervously she The Hatter and his companions have no idea where
adjusts her graying hair beneath its white band, they need to be, though the heroes may have picked up
the only item she has kept safe all these years. the clue in the Dormouses speech about the Looking-
glass House. If not, they need to find some other way to
Alice approaches the door and pauses. Dare she? gain this information, or else try all the portals.
Should she?

Alice knocks at the door, smiling at the raucous To the Looking-glass House
voices that are raised in rhyme beyond it.
The trio has not traveled much in the Queen of
Alice jumps as the door is wrenched open. Eyes Hearts realm and is like a group of gawking tourists
peer around a whiskered nose; the furry head during the journey. This, coupled with the fact they are
flips a long ear aside. Alice? queries the still wanted, should make for an interesting journey. Any
time Cards (or other agents of the Queen of Hearts) are
Thats me! Thats me! yells the March Hare. encountered there is a 50% chance that the Hatter, Hare
Yes, yes my dear fellow. Now do be quiet and and Dormouse are recognized unless the heroes take
let Dormy get on with it, says the Hatter, steps to disguise them in some way.
almost absentmindedly smashing a teacup over The GM should select suitable Savage Tales or
the Hares head. Further ahead if you please, encounters for the journey based on where they travel
Dormouse. and who they meet, with the following two specific
Mmmmm. The Dormouse snores for a while
then snorts and rolls over. A Matter of Honor (p. 141): An old argument
rears its head again and as tempers flare a duel is called
Let the heroes wait expectantly for a few moments, for.
then as soon as one of them speaks the Dormouse
interrupts. Nest with a View (p. 141): A great bird plunges
from the sky and snatches the March Hare away, leaving
Alice wipes the cream and cake from her
a solitary feather behind. If the heroes still need or want
skirt and stands. Well, she says, I can see you
his aid they have to rescue him.
three have learnt no more manners in the time I
have been absent. Alice is not happy, not at all
happy. After all her trials and efforts to return
here, they dare to treat her like this? She thinks of The Ritual Repeated
the Looking-glass House. Should she return to her Victoria has turned the Looking-glass House into a
own world now? No, not yet. Perhaps others will fortress. Fortunately the trio decides they only need to be
be friendlier. Good day to you, one and all, she in the area to perform the ritual and soon the tea party
calls, and strides from the cottage. al fresco begins. All goes much as before, aside from a
posse of guards sent from the Looking-glass House to
The Dormouse snorts again and wakes up, investigate the noise. A hero making a successful Notice
yawning and rubbing his eyes. He looks blearily roll hears the guards approaching, which gives the
about, then begins to slurp tea noisily from a heroes time to lead them away from the tea party. If not,
small cup. a second group of guards (double the numbers below
Is that it? asks the Hatter. but remember the trio is free to aid the heroes) arrives
immediately after the party is completed.
Is that all? asks the Hare.
Victoria peers from the attic window of the
What? replies the Dormouse. Looking-glass House, watching Alice approach.
The trio goes into a huddle, every now and then Alice approaches the Looking-glass House. How
looking over at the heroes. Heroes who make successful I hate mazes, Alice thinks as she leaves the

The Victoria Campaign
flower gardens. Alice pauses on the steps to the person, moving and mixing with the lower social strata
door. Alice looks back over Wonderland. I will and never seeking audience with those who rule. His
be back, Alice silently vows. Alice pushes open travels always took him regularly to the main settlements
the door and enters. of Plants, particularly their ancestral bed around the
Looking-glass House and their village of Settled.
Victoria opens the door, leaves the Looking-
glass House and stands, gazing at Wonderland.
Victoria spies the Daffodil Man and smiles. The His Travels Now
Daffodil Man smiles back. Victoria begins her More recently the Daffodil Man moves in new ways.
journey with the Daffodil Man. He no longer dawdles, but he strides with purpose or
even upon horseback. He never stops to talk anymore,
let alone tell a tale. Some say they have seen him use
Gourmancy. The cities of Hope and Faith are his regular
The Dormouses last words are shouted in a deep stop-off points now, and some say he enters the royal
male voice and startle him awake with wide staring eyes. premises in both those cities. He has been seen making
The Dormouse suffers a minor heart attack and becomes regular forays to a specific field in the Chessboard Fields
incapacitated. (White King Six, which is the sixth row up from the
The ritual ends immediately. If questioned, the Hatter south of the fields and the fifth column from the western
hazards a guess that the Daffodil Man somehow saw the edge).
Dormouse seeing him through time and spoke through
him! There is no way the Hatter or Hare will allow the His Niece
Dormouse to risk himself again in such a way, and if the
Of late a young girl, aged perhaps nine or ten, has
heroes try to intimidate them they use their time powers
accompanied the Daffodil Man in his travels. This dark-
to escape and disappear into the wilds.
haired girl is introduced to those who are favored as
If the heroes respect the decision of the Hatter and Victoria, my niece. No one knows where Victoria lives
Hare, the three talk quietly and then announce their or why she is traveling with the Daffodil Man.
decision to hide in the Flower Garden until the Dormouse
is fit to travel, and then return to the woods near their
homes where they can hide from the Queens forces. Who Knows What and How to Find Out
Red Pawns (2 per hero): (p. 167), with normal There are two main characters in Wonderland who can
crossbows and Morpheus swords. give the heroes the information abovethe White Rabbit
and the Caterpillar. If the heroes seek the White Rabbit
Red Knights (1 per hero): (p. 167), with Morpheus the GM should create a suitable scenario to find his new
swords. hideout in the woods around the Village of Animals.
Red Rook (1): (p. 168), with Morpheus halberd. False Caterpillar (p. 138) and
Assassination Attempt (p. 133) detail the Caterpillar.

Tracking the Daffodil Man

This section is a collection of information that may be
White King Six
gleaned about the person known as the Daffodil Man. This field is where Wonderland interacts with a train
The most important piece of information the heroes line in the Real World and in which Alice found herself
must discover is the importance of the square White King traveling on a train. Victoria uses the railway to send
Six in the Chessboard Fields. agents into the Real World. Not wanting any inadvertent
travelers, Victoria persuaded the Red Queen to fortify the
area where the train picks up passengers. A valley near
The Daffodil Man the center of the square runs straight for several miles and
Physical details may be found in the section The this is where the train enters and leaves Wonderland.
Hidden RealmPeople (p. 82). A number of squads of Chessmen patrol the hills and
the GM should make sure to spring at least one of them
His Travels Then on the heroes.
The Daffodil Man has long wandered leisurely
through both realms, paying his way by spinning tales
of Wonderland and its peoples. Some of these are true,
The Fortifications
others obviously made-up. Gourmancers sought his A narrow but long stockade contains several wooden
knowledge of plants wherever he traveled, although huts and one central large hut. A gate gives access to the
he displayed no magical talent himself. He is a people inside of the stockade flanked by two towers. Another

Wonderland No MoreGame Masters Section
pair of towers surmounts the wall opposite the gate. On knows nothing of Victorias plans. After defeating him
a successful Notice roll, a hero spots three Red Pawns in the heroes find a rather mangled and bloodstained piece
each tower. of notepaper on the Goats body; much of the letter is
Anyone watching the stockade for an extended period unreadable but the following can be made out:
of time sees patrols arriving back about every two hours. My Dearest Victoria,
The Knight leading each patrol enters a small hut (the regret to inform you
commanding Red Rooks quarters) for a while before he efforts to locate The Looking Gla
and his troops enter a slightly larger hut (the barracks); come to naught
another patrol leaves this hut shortly afterwards. The Yours faithfully, Doctor Muller.
barracks has three patrols in residence (four when a
patrol returns).
The central hut is where the train arrives. Its wide
doors are guarded by four Red Pawns at all times. A pair Moon-touched Goat
of Red Bishops and a further eight Red Pawns are inside Attributes: Agility d6, Smarts d8, Spirit d6, Strength d8,
awaiting the train, which is to take them to the Real Vigor d6
World. The hut is empty except for a pair of white lines Charisma: 0; Skills: Fighting d8, Notice d8
chalked down the middle, about 3 feet apart. Pace: 6; Parry: 6; Toughness: 5
Watch Tower Red Pawns (3): (p. 167), each with a Special Abilities
loaded rifle, plus an alarm whistle in case of intruders. Head-butt: Str+d6.
Fleet-Footed: Roll a d8 when running.
Red Pawn Guards (4): armed normally. Moonbeam Potion: Berserk, Immune to Fear,
Red Bishops (2): (p. 167). Improved Frenzy, and attack becomes AP 1.

Red Rook (1): (p. 168).

Patrols (3): A patrol consists of two Red Pawns per
Interlude 4Going Underground
hero led by a Wild Card Red Knight. In which the heroes escape from the underground
railway in the Real World and meet their
shadowy informant once more. He tells them the
The Train Arrives Daffodil Man has a hidden realm beyond the
Soon after the heroes enter the central hut, any hero Jabberwocks cave.
who succeeds in a Notice roll senses a faint breeze coming
Equipment: Whatever they took into Wonderland
from nowhere. A round later a deafening whistle blows
from Interlude 3.
and all heroes must make a Spirit roll or be Shaken. On
the sixth round everyone in the hut abruptly finds himself This Interlude begins with the heroes, in their
inside a carriage of a steam train. If the heroes are on Real-world forms, stepping off of a train at a dimly lit
board with the Red Chessmen, the GM should continue underground station in the Real World. The train pulls
the battle in the cramped carriage (2 to Fighting rolls away before the heroes come completely to their senses.
with two-handed or Reach weapons). The station is guarded at all times; however the guards
do not expect trouble and are somewhat lax. The heroes
The train has three carriages; the heroes (and any foes)
get one round of actions before they are noticed.
arrive in the front carriage. The middle carriage is empty.
The last carriage has only one occupant, a Goat who is
one of Victorias agents. He is supposed to be returning to
her with information, but on seeing the heroes decided
The Station
to stay put. The Goat swigs his Moonbeam Potion and The station has only a single track, bounded on one
seeks out the heroes. The Goat is a mere courier and side by a wall and the other by the platform which is


(scale: 1 square = 1 yard)
Womens Wash Room Mens WC

Womens WC Heater/Ventilation

The Victoria Campaign
about a hundred yards long. The platform has a small out the Hidden Realm and the Daffodil Man. The train
brick structure at each end. One of these is enclosed, has long departed so the quickest route back is via their
aside from a single door with a boarded-up window; dreams. Dont worry about playing this out just pick
this was once a waiting room but is now an office for up the action in Wonderland at a place of the heroes
the station master and his aides. The second structure is choosingbut obviously not in the Hidden Realm!
open and houses the stairs leading up out of the station.
Two Tweedle guard the bottom of the stairs one of whom
has a key to the iron grill at the top of the stairs. Chapter 5Into the Hidden Realm
The other station guards are seated on a pair of
In which the heroes return to Wonderland armed
benches on the platform between the structures as the
with the knowledge of the Daffodil Mans secret
train arrives.
palace and venture through the lair of the
Station Master (9 of Hearts): Rank-3 Heart Card (p. fearsome Jabberwock to a hidden realm where
166). they may discover many of Victorias secrets and
Aides (6 of Clubs) (2): Rank-2 Club Cards (p. 165). rescue the long-missing King of Hearts.

Tweedle (2): Tweedle, Guard (p. 179).

Station Guards (6): Human, Guard (Real World) (p. The Jabberwock
171), with light revolvers. The heroes may recall the following concerning the
Patrol (maximum of 3): Each consists of an Aide and Jabberwock. Each tidbit requires a successful General
four Station Guards. Knowledge roll:
The beast is described in a famous poem (see
sidebar, p. 172).
Leaving the Station The Jabberwock hunts and lairs somewhere in
At the top of the stairs is a locked iron grill, which Tulgey Wood to the North of the Guarded Way.
requires a raise on a Strength roll to open (or the key
Stories tell how the legendary Vorpal Sword was
from the guard Tweedle). The route out of the station is
used in the past to slay the Jabberwock. The
long and involved, with many gray, featureless passages
and steps, some of which lead to dead ends. Draw three Savage Tale Vorpal Sword (p. 152) deals
cards, and the heroes run into a patrol for each face with the quest to find this weapon.
Eventually a second locked iron grill is encountered
with a tunnel beyond, lit by wan daylight. The Interlude
Caves of the Jabberwock
ends as the heroes enter this tunnel. Before the heroes The Jabberwocks lair may be found by walking the
have time to attempt to open the grill, a shadowy figure woods north of the Guarded Way. When the normal
moves into viewthe Shadow Man (see sidebar, p. 106). background sound of birds and insects cease, then they
The Shadow Man opens a conversation with a question: are in the correct area. A dark cave mouth leads to a
I hear you seek the man of flowers? During the ensuing maze-like system of winding tunnels beneath the Hills
conversation the only information the Shadow Man of Gloom.
reveals is: This cave system is a maze (p. 89) with difficulty d8.
The Daffodil Man is not what he seems. Each round of exploration represents a half hour of
journeying. In addition to the normal maze rules, the
The Daffodil Man has a palace of his own where
following special rules apply for this maze:
he resides when not visiting the palaces of the Red
Queen or the Queen of Hearts. This palace is in a Oh the Stench! A reptilian reek pervading the
place named the Hidden Realm. air in the tunnels catches at the heroes throats.
After a half hour (one exploration round) in the
There are several ways into the Hidden Realm, but
caves, each hero must succeed in a Vigor roll or
the least-guarded lies within the Jabberwocks lair.
be overcome with a fit of coughing, causing a level
The Daffodil Man has agents in the Real World of Fatigue. Unless the heroes have some way of
seeking Alicethe Alice. silencing the coughing, it also draws attention
Note: The Shadow Man does not know the Daffodil from the inhabitants (leading to an encounter).
Man is controlled by Alice, so this isnt revealed. The hero also needs to make this roll at the start
of every other round while in combat. Failure
leaves him Shaken from the coughing fit.
Fade to Black All Roads Lead to Home: Upon drawing any
Armed with the knowledge imparted by the Shadow Clubs or Spades face card, the heroes stumble
Man the heroes need to return to Wonderland to seek into the Jabberwocks lair, regardless of the

Wonderland No MoreGame Masters Section
current state of the Goal Stack or their intended at the base of the ramp are passed peacefully, those at the
destination. Its far easier to get in than to get out. top do not trouble the heroes.
Too Many Jabberkin: On any Clubs non-face Once within the palace the heroes are relatively at
card (Ace through 10), the heroes encounter 2d4 liberty to wander and search as they desire, as most of
jabberkin in the tunnels. those encountered assume the heroes should be there.
Ramp Guards (2 per hero): Rank-2 Sword Cards (p.
The Jabberwocks Lair
This large cavern is littered by many piles of rocky Leader: Tweedle, Guard Captain (p. 179).
debris from minor cave-ins; a hero making a successful Jabberkin Handlers (2): Tweedle, Guard Captain.
Notice roll sees a faint glimmer of daylight from a narrow
crack in one wall. The crack leads out of the cave system Trained Jabberkin (2): (p. 172).
to the Hidden Realm. However, anyone attempting
to escape via this exit must first pass the fearsome
Jabberwock and his brood. Flunky with Delusions of Grandeur
An official-looking 10 of Wands flanked by a pair of
The Jabberwock: (p. 172); the creature knows 7 of Wands accosts the heroes and demands to know
its lair well and uses the rock falls to its advantage. what their business is. It requires a successful Intimidate
or Persuade roll to stop his questions. No matter how
Elder Jabberkin (2): (p. 172); Wild Cards.
successful the roll is, the official is still suspicious and
Jabberkin (4). raises the alarm at a suitable time.
10 of Wands (1): Rank-3 Wand Card (p. 167).
Wealth Aides (2): Rank-2 Wand Cards.
The Jabberwocks wealth is scattered about the cave
and consists of A Small Fortune. As well as any generated
Item of Wonder, there is a broken part of a golden crown, Guard Patrols
perhaps one-third the portion of the whole. This is part Unless the heroes act suspiciously they are not
of the Crown of Alice (p. 83). approached by these patrols.
Patrol (10): Rank-2 Sword Cards (p. 167).

The Hidden Realm Patrol Leaders (2): Rank-3 Sword Cards.

With the Jabberwock slain, the heroes can leave its
lair via the crack in the wall. A short slope of rubble leads Counting Chamber
down into the Hidden Realm (p. 82). Far off, beyond the
The ornate wooden door to this chamber bears a
cracked and ruined land, can be seen the blocky shape
bronze plaque reading, Counting Chamber. The door
of a stronghold.
is guarded by a pair of Sword Knights who are under
strict instructions from Victoria to allow no one save her
to enter.
Victorias Secrets
The Counting Chamber may not be what the heroes
When the heroes first enter Victorias palace it is likely
expect, as it does not contain mounds of wealth. Instead
they believe she is in thrall to the Daffodil Man rather
it holds rack upon rack of small pigeonholes with rolled
than vice versa. However, all inhabitants of the palace
documents in each; these documents track various facets
know the true state of affairs and always refer to Victoria
of Victorias plans in meticulous detail:
as their mistress. Victorias palace is scantly guarded as
she relies more on her realm being unknown; there are Weights of precious metals shipped from the
some guards as outlined below. Queen of Hearts Mines to the Rabbit Hole.
Payments to agents in the Real World (none of
these agents are named).
The Palace and its Guards
Entrance to the palace is via a wide ramp up to gates Estimated numbers of weapons created by the
on the second level; the ramp is guarded at the bottom dreamers in the Real World.
by a pack of Sword Cards led by a Tweedle captain. A Tallies of the size of the armies of the Queen of
pair of Tweedle, each with a leashed and partially-trained Hearts (4,000) the White Queen (2,000), the Red
jabberkin, guards the upper end. The guards at the base Queen (3,000) and Victoria (4,000).
of the ramp inquire of the heroes business, waving them Many of the documents detail family trees; a
past if the heroes have any suitable excuse. If the guards hero who makes a successful Notice roll finds a

The Victoria Campaign
document with both his Wonderland and Real Dungeons
World names on it. All such documents indicate
The dungeons are part of the barracks on the first
that the hero is a grandchild of somebody
level of the palace and are only accessible via a single
identified merely as Alice.
hallway that leads to a guardroom and then the prison
A successful Notice roll with a raise while looking cells.
through the documents reveals a hidden compartment.
Four Tweedle, an Ace of Cups Gourmancer, and two
Within this compartment are several small sacks holding
Rank-3 Sword Cards always man the guardroom. The
a Fortune of Wealth (there is no Item of Wonder).
Ace of Cups has a large ring of keys on his belt, to unlock
Knights of Swords (2): Rank-4 Sword Cards (p. the dungeon cells. Any combat in the dungeons raises
167) with plate armor (+3). the alarm.
Twenty-five of the dungeon cells are currently
occupied. One holds the King of Hearts. The others
War Room hold a total of twenty White Pawns, two White Knights,
The door to this room is kept locked and Victoria one White Rook and one White Bishop. The Whitefield
has the only key. Within are many charts and maps of prisoners are more than willing to aid the heroes if they
what appear to be fields of battle (on a successful Smarts are freed.
roll the reader realizes the maps all depict the same
battlefield) with colored pins and arrows showing troops Tweedle Guards (4): Tweedle, Guard (p. 179).
and troop movements. The following information may Ace of Cups Gourmancer: Gourmancer,
be gleaned from the room; each requires a successful Experienced (p. 170), with Card special abilities.
Smarts roll:
Rank-3 Sword Cards (2): (p. 167).
The battlefield is not identified but the plans
seem to call for two distinct battles. Both involve
Victorias forces, allied to those of the Red Queen
and the Queen of Hearts attacking another
Throne Room
unidentified force. The throne room holds very little of interest, though
there is a large ornate throne sitting atop a raised dais.
Victoria has a Wanted Listsee the side bar. A hero making a successful Notice roll near the throne
discovers the following:
There is a flowery scent lingering on the thrones
There are a few pieces of leaf scattered around the
Victorias Wanted List throne. A successful Common Knowledge roll (+2
for Plants) identifies them as daffodil leaves.
White RabbitAt large
King of HeartsAt largePalace
Dungeons The Alarm is Raised
At some point the heroes luck should run out and
Red KingAt large
the alarm is raised. From this point on all patrols are
White KingAt largeLooking-Glass doubled in number and request identification from all
Fortress within the palace. Any of Victorias forces are hesitant to
HatterAt large talk to anyone (and hence not susceptible to bribery and
tricks) and inclined to attack first if provoked.
HareAt largeQueen of Hearts
DungeonsAt large
DormouseAt largeQueen of Hearts Questioning the Inhabitants
DungeonsAt large There are a few things the heroes may wish to find
out; some of these are listed below with the chance of
AliceAt largeCaptured hsptl squiggle rw
any inhabitant knowing the answer:
(Heroes names)At large
Victoria is in power; the Daffodil Man is totally
Note: The GM should amend this list under her control (100%).
if circumstances in his campaign have
Victoria and the Daffodil Man are not in the palace
altered it.
and no one knows when they will return (50%).
Only high-ranking members of Victorias force
ever enter the War Room and Counting Chamber

Wonderland No MoreGame Masters Section
Waking Up
Shortly after the heroes exit Victorias palace with the
rescued King of Hearts they awake in the Real World;
continue your campaign with Interlude 5Hole Lot of If desired, the GM can provide a hint
Trouble. at this stage to the fact that the Real World
is involved in World War II by describing a
few posters with slogans upon them in the
Interlude 5Hole Lot of Trouble factory. Such descriptions should be brief
and in passing. Some example slogans are:
In which the heroes investigate a factory in the CARELESS TALK COSTS LIVES
Real World which sits atop the Rabbit Hole and
descend via the portal into Wonderland. COUGHS AND SNEEZES SPREAD
Equipment: Military weapons and armor suitable for
the World War II period.
The heroes are gathered outside a factory constructed
over the top of the Real-world end of the Rabbit Hole LEND A HAND ON THE LAND
into Wonderland. Their aim is to discover why Victoria is LOOK OUT IN THE BLACKOUT
sending precious metals and other materials such as coal
and iron to the Real World.
A company called Whole World Limited owns the
factory, which produced canned goods prior to the war.
Since the outbreak of war the factory has been altered shipped to the war effort; the majority are stockpiled
to produce armaments. Actually only a small proportion in underground storage areas in Wonderland, ready for
of the armaments manufactured in the factory are distribution to Victorias forces. No one in the Real World

(scale: 1 square = 1 yard)


Upper Factory Floor


Mens Womens Foremans
Guard Wash Room Wash Room Office
Store Ready
Room Room

The Victoria Campaign
has noticed the discrepancy, as much of the required bay area (by the main doors). A pair of guards may be
raw materials come from Wonderland. The factorys encountered on the factory floor on a routine patrol.
secondary function is to take the precious metals mined Posted around the walls and on supporting pillars are
in Wonderland and melt them down into metal ingots various posters encouraging the workers to support the
which are used to fund Victorias agents in the Real war effort, to be careful what they say to whom and so
World. By the time the heroes discover the factory its on. Amidst these there are a few old posters bearing a
work is complete and it is no longer in operation. faded picture of a gray-haired, elderly woman, captioned,
Have you seen this woman? She is believed to be a spy.
Known to be using the name Alice.
Factory Description
The trapdoor in the loading bay is about 5 feet square
The factory is a large gray building, in the middle of and locked. Suspended above it is a crane arm with a
a large open area surrounded by a high wall. Part of the manual winch. The trapdoor opens onto a 20-foot drop
wall has broken away and lies in a pile of rubble inside to the Lower Factory Floor. This setup was used to
the open area, and it is here the heroes shelter.
There are two main entrances: a small side doorway
and a pair of large sliding doors wide enough to drive a Whole World Papers
truck through. The side doorway leads to the adjoining
office building while the large doors lead to the main The papers of note in the office consist
structure (the upper factory floor). Unless otherwise of the following:
noted, all doors in the factory are locked. Shipment DetailsThese charts detail
shipments into and out of the factory. There
are two sets: one for the Real World and one
Offices for Wonderland. It takes no great effort to
The offices were originally used for paperwork. With see the factory receives about three times as
the war, such things are unimportant and three of the many raw materials from Wonderland and
rooms have new uses: ships three times as many finished articles
Foremans Office: Papers and charts are pinned right back into Wonderland.
on the walls in haphazard fashion or stuffed in Gold and Silver DetailsVictoria insists
the drawers of the wooden desk. A thorough that all gold and silver shipped to the
search locates a few papers that do not seem to factory is carefully accounted for. These
be concerned with the running of the factory (see papers detail the weight of precious metal
sidebar). A hero making a successful Notice roll received, the weight lost during fabrication
while searching finds a ring of keys that unlocks of the bars and to whom the bars have
all doors in the factory. been delivered. Much of the gold has
Guard Ready Room (not locked): In theory, the been exchanged with various parties for
guards stationed here are ready at a moments ammunition. One delivery address stands
notice to spring into action. In reality, they spend out, as it is a hospital.
most of their time dozing or playing cardsand A Personal DiaryEvidently of the
anyone bursting in on them may well get surprise.
factory manager, this small journal is
At any time there are eight guards here.
very boring, dealing with the day-to-day
Guard Dormitory (not locked): This is running of the factory. Scattered through
where the off-duty guards sleep. Eight bunks the pages are small personal notes directed
are crammed into this small room and all are at Victoria (e.g. VictoriaNote the
occupied. Allow a group Notice roll for the guards increased production this week due to the
if fighting breaks out in any of the offices. streamlining I outlined last week). One
Factory Guards (total of 24): Human, Guard (Real of the last few entries is of particular note:
World) (p. 171), with light revolvers and clubs. At last Victoria has rewarded my patience
and dedication to her; she has revealed to
me her PLAN. Very soon now Victoria will
Upper Factory Floor open a portal between her realm and mine
This large area is the main workplace, full of machinery and lead an army to victory. Once more
and conveyor belts. Furnaces, crucibles, machining tools, we shall be ruled by a Queen Victoria. Long
and other detritus of arms-production fill this space. The may she reign.
furnaces are now cold and the machinery silent.
A few bare bulbs dimly light the work floor and Notice
rolls are required to find the trap door in the loading

Wonderland No MoreGame Masters Section
winch up the raw materials for the factory after they had game inches!). A circular fence encloses the central 6-
emerged from the Rabbit Hole. foot-diameter circle with signs reading DANGER! hung
Factory Guards (2): Human, Guard (Real World) (p. upon it. A simple chain with hooks at both ends provides
171), with tommy guns, light revolvers, and clubs. a gate through the fence.
The Rabbit Hole is not actually dangerous. However
if a sizeable portion of an object projects past the fence,
Lower Factory Floor an irresistible force takes hold of it and pulls it towards
The gold and silver were processed here. The and into the actual Rabbit Hole. There is no way to resist
trapdoor leads to a short passage ending at double swing this pull. To any observers, the object recedes rapidly
doors, beyond which is a large chamber with an open and grows smaller, or perhaps the rabbit hole grows
vault door set in one wall. The equipment here consists larger and gets closer. Whichever it is, the end effect is
of small furnaces (now cold), benches supporting ingot the same as the now suitably-sized object falls into the
molds, and appropriate tools and detritus of the halted Rabbit Hole.
work. Factory Guards (6): Human, Guard (Real World) (p.
As the heroes enter, they see six men (guards) 171), with tommy guns, light revolvers and clubs.
manhandling a large trolley loaded with crates towards
the vault door while being overseen by a pair of dark- Overseers (2): Human, Guard Captain (Real
suited men (overseers). World) (p. 171).

There are four crates in total: two loaded with five

tommy guns each, and two crates holding 40 magazines
for the same (50 shots in each). These weapons are Chapter 6Free the Queen of
destined for the storage area in Wonderland.
Shortly after any combat is finished, call for Notice
rolls (and repeat periodically until a hero succeeds). In which the heroes enter Wonderland via the
On a success the hero hears a lot of movement in the Rabbit Hole, meet up with the King of Hearts and
factory above. A quick check reveals 20 or 30 armed men escort him back to his queen where they may
searching the factory. Engaging them directly would be break Victorias hold over her. A council of war
unwise, and bypassing them unlikely. decides the heroes must free the White King from
imprisonment in the Looking-glass Housean
The Rabbit Hole lies beyond the vault door. It is a
act best perpetrated from the Real World via the
circular room some 10 feet in diameter. A series of
Looking Glass.
concentric circles are painted in yellow around the central
point, which is a 4-inch-diameter hole (real inches, not

(scale: 1 square = 1 yard)


Lower Factory Floor Trap



The Victoria Campaign
This Chapter picks up where Interlude 5Hole chambers have bins holding crates of weapons. None of
Lot of Trouble left off. The heroes are falling down the the storage chambers are particularly full, but the heroes
Rabbit Hole towards Wonderland. can gather sufficient pure metals to garner a Small
Fortune (no chance of an Item of Wonder).
Additionally there are: 30 light pistols, 20 heavy pistols
The Rabbit Hole and 10 tommy guns, with 100 rounds of ammunition for
Soon after the heroes enter the hole, they realize each class of weapon.
they have changed into their Wonderland forms and the
Rabbit Hole is about 12 feet (2) wide. The heroes are
falling, but their rate of descent is quite leisurely, giving The Exit and Rabbit Hole Defenders
them plenty of time to look around. Furnishings are Between the Rabbit Hole and the Hall of Doors is a
scattered along its length, ranging from small side tables network of passages and rooms housing the forces that
to large leather couches and beds. All of the items are defend the Rabbit Hole. A large force is garrisoned here
of the Victorian era and all are fixed in their position in because of the wealth and weaponry often stored here.
the hole. The GM should use these forces as he sees fit to harass
Victoria uses the Rabbit Hole to transport weaponry the heroes.
from her Real-world factory to Wonderland where it is Rank-1 Club Cards (30): (p. 164), with light pistols.
stored or distributed to her forces. Occasionally accidents
happen and weapons get left in the hole. If a hero Rank-1 Spade Cards (20): (p. 166), not really
searches around, a raise on a Notice roll reveals a tommy combatants, but may try to bluff that they are.
gun or heavy revolver hanging from a chair back. Rank-2 Club Cards (10): with heavy pistols.
Rank-3 Club Cards (2): with heavy pistols and tommy
Pursuit guns.
A few minutes after the heroes enter the Rabbit Hole,
some of their pursuers from the Real World enter behind Gourmancer, Experienced (1): (p. 170).
them. These guards are 180 feet (30) away. It is not Priest of Victoria (1): Priest, Follower of Alice,
possible to fall quicker or slower, but the range could be Experienced (p. 174).
lessened by the heroes falling onto the furnishings along
the hole. The guards open fire with their tommy guns for Knave of Clubs (1): Rank-4 Club Card (p. 165),
two rounds before deciding to wait until the bottom of with heavy pistol and tommy gun.
the hole is reached.
Real-world Guards (8): Human, Guard (Real World)
(p. 171) equipped with tommy guns, light revolvers and The Hall of Doors
clubs. As the heroes emerge from a door into the Hall of
Doors, the King of Hearts and the White Rabbit emerge
from another!
At the Bottom The King of Hearts quickly fills the heroes in on events
The hole ends in a large chamber devoid of any in Wonderland since they left:
furnishings, save four overstuffed armchairs. Four After the heroes abruptly disappeared (they woke
equally overstuffed Tweedle lounge in these chairs, but up), the King made his way slowly out of Victorias
soon spring to their feet to intercept anyone who enters realm. A few Spade Cards who were still loyal to
via the hole. In any ensuing fight. remember the Real- him and his wife aided him.
world pursuers who are 30 away when the heroes reach
the bottom, falling 6 per round. Seven large doors lead The King left Victorias realm by the Western
out of the chamber: six lead to storage chambers and the Passage, but soon found he was being hunted by
last one is the exit. Victorias Tarot Cards. Narrowly avoiding an Ace
of Swords, the King fled to the Wood of Giant
Overstuffed Tweedle (4): Tweedle, Guard (p. 179), but Animals, where the White Rabbit found him.
decrease Smarts to d4, and increase Strength to d12+2
and Vigor to d12 (Toughness 10), as they are kept for Hoping to get to the Queen of Hearts and resolve
their strength rather than their intelligence. matters, the two made their way towards the city
of Hope. They were almost caught very near the
city, and fled through a Tree with A Door In It.
Storage Chambers That brought them here.
All of these chambers contain large wheeled bins. In Shortly after the King completes his story, a trio of
three of the chambers, these bins contain coal, iron ore Victorias hunters bursts into the Hall of Doors via yet
and one or two bins of gold and silver. The other three another door.

Wonderland No MoreGame Masters Section
Royal Conversion
Ace of Swords The King of Hearts and the White Rabbit insist the two
of them together with the knowledge the heroes have of
A mysterious figure in armor and robes embroidered
Victorias plans may well be able to bring the Queen of
with stylized cloud patterns, his face shadowed by a
Hearts back from madness. All they need to do is get to
cowl, bearing a sword with a cross guard that suggests
the Queen.
the mystic design of a crown and laurel.
Sneaking into the palace is relatively easy. Depending
Attributes: Agility d8, Smarts d6, Spirit d8, Strength d10,
upon how the heroes entered and left the royal palace
Vigor d8
when they were seeking the March Hare, they may even
Skills: Fighting d10, Notice d8, Intimidate d8
have an ally in the palacethe Walrus majordomo who
Charisma: 0; Pace: 6; Parry: 9; Toughness: 11 (3)
arranges for a side gate to be left open.
Hindrances: Flammable, Soggy When Wet
Edges: Combat Reflexes, Edge-facing, First Strike, Flat ... Alternatively marching through the city of Hope with
Sort Of, Improved Block, Improved Frenzy, Improved the King of Hearts in plain sight soon gathers a crowd of
Nerves of Steel, Improved Tough As Nails, Level followers all eager to see what is occurring.
Headed, Luck of the Draw, Trained for the Job
Gear: Cuirass (+3), sword (Str+d8+1, +1 Fighting)
The Queen
When the heroes reach the Queen of Hearts she
reacts calmly, totally unlike her normal ballistic temper
Ace of Wands tantrums. She greets her husband on the verge of tears,
A cowled figure in a long coat embroidered with gasping, He threatened to kill you if I didnt didnt
cloud-like designs, bearing a large wooden wand (staff) obey him. As the King moves to comfort her and waves
that sprouts living leaves. any followers (e.g., the townsfolk) away, the Daffodil Man
Attributes: Agility d8, Smarts d6, Spirit d10, Strength d8, steps out and sneers at the heroes, Pathetic worms, you
Vigor d6 have merely hastened your deaths by returning him.
Skills: Belief d10, Fighting d6, Notice d8, Taunt d8 The Queen immediately begins to strangle her
Charisma: 0; Pace: 6; Parry: 8; Toughness: 7 (2) husband with one hand while hurling bolts at the heroes
Hindrances: Flammable, Soggy When Wet (2 to spellcasting rolls due to multi-action penalty). The
Edges: AB Miracles (Victoria), Edge-facing, Flat ... Sort Royal Guards also move to attack the heroes.
Of, Improved Block, Luck of the Draw, Trained for the
Each round, the King must succeed in a Vigor roll
or take a level of Fatigue. Once he is incapacitated the
Powers: (20 PP)boost/lower trait, deflection, growth,
Queen drops him and turns her attention fully to the
heroes. A successful attack on the Queen while she is
Gear: Heavy coat (+2), large wand (Str+d4, Parry +1)
strangling her husband, even if it causes no damage,
causes her to drop him and turn on whoever attacked
her instead.
The Daffodil Man stays as far out of the combat as he
Ace of Cups can while using his Magic Foodstuffs to aid the Queen
A cowled figure in a long coat embroidered with or hinder the heroes. The Queen is currently under
cloud-like patterns, bearing a great weaponized cup (a the effects of the puppet power, having eaten several
heavy chalice) embossed with the image of a bird and a cakes provided by the Daffodil Man. This power lasts
fountain. for a further 10 rounds in total (she has no chance to
Attributes: Agility d8, Smarts d10, Spirit d8, Strength d6, resist thisnot even for being commanded to attack her
Vigor d6 husband or other allies). If the Queen is incapacitated,
Skills: Cooking d10, Fighting d6, Notice d8, Persuasion the Daffodil Man attempts to flee from the palace.
d8, Throwing d6 Royal Guards (12): Rank-3 Club Card (p. 165).
Charisma: 0; Pace: 6; Parry: 7; Toughness: 7 (2)
Hindrances: Flammable, Soggy When Wet The Queen of Hearts: (p. 158).
Edges: AB (Gourmancy), Edge-facing, Flat ... Sort Of,
The Daffodil Man: (p. 156).
Improved Block, Luck of the Draw, Trained for the
Magic Foodstuffs: (20/20 PP)4x Red Hot Chili (burst, Using the Crown of Alice
2 PP, 5), 1x Spicy Burrito (deflection, 2 PP, 8), 2x
The Crown may be used on either the Queen or the
Puppeteers Pie (puppet, 3 PP, 8), 4x Floral Fritters
Daffodil Man. In either case a successful Fighting roll
(speed, 1 PP, 5)
with a penalty of 2 is required to place the Crown.
Gear: Heavy coat (+2), large cup (Str+d4)

The Victoria Campaign
If the Card army were to march into the Red
Queens realm to aid the House of Whitefield
The Daffodil Man Released against the House of Rosewood, ancient treaties
would come into force, obliging all Chessmen to
As long as he wears the Crown of Alice, fight together to defend their sovereign lands.
the Daffodil Man is immune to Victorias
control. Unfortunately for the heroes he can The King of Hearts heard during his imprisonment
recall very little of his mistresss schemes the White King was kept prisoner in the Looking-
and plans. The GM can use disjointed glass House. If the White King could be freed, he
fragments of memories to fill in any could lead his people to almost-certain victory
details the heroes have not discovered or against the Red Queen. Once the House of
understood. The one thing of note he can Rosewood would be neutralized, the combined
recall is Victoria suffers regular nightmares forces of the Card army and the House of
that seem to involve Alice returning. Whitefield would outnumber those of Victoria,
practically assuring victory.
The White King must be freed! However, a frontal
attack on the Looking-glass House would give
those inside time to kill the King. If the Looking
Glass could be found in the Real World and used
The Queen is freed: The Daffodil Man to slip a small team into the house, though.
immediately attempts to flee the palace; the
Queen calls off her guards.
The Daffodil Man is freed: He slumps to Interlude 6Mirror, Mirror on the
the floor as realization of what he has been
forced to do floods through him. The Queen Wall
is consequently freed as well, and calls for her
guards to cease their attack. In which the heroes seek and retrieve the Looking
Glass in the Real World and use it to enter the
Looking-glass House.
Aftermath Equipment: Military weapons and armor, but only
One way or another the Queen of Hearts is free of the such as can be carried without undue suspicion.
Daffodil Mans direct control and after discussions (often
heated) with the King, the White Rabbit and the heroes, The heroes have heard of the location of a mirror
it becomes clear she is totally devoid of any influence resembling the Looking Glass in a second-hand shop in
from either the Daffodil Man or Victoria. the suburbs. Unfortunately for them, Nazi agents have
also discovered the location and arrived just before the
If the Daffodil Man escaped, the GM should feel free heroes.
to use him in later Savage Tales where his presence
would be logical. Alternatively, the heroes may hunt him
down once they have the Crown of Alice. The Shop
Joness Secondhand Goods, reads a barely
Council of War discernable sign above the shop, a closed sign hangs in
the window but the door is ajar. Any hero who succeeds
The Royal Couple calls a council meeting, which in a Notice roll upon entering the shop hears a soft
includes many of the Royal Cards, the White Rabbit ,and thump followed by a muffled groan from the back room.
the heroes. Before any business is discussed, the Queen of If the heroes make little noise, they surprise those in the
Hearts declares the heroes to now be honorary members back room. The Victorian Pub/Hotel/Store map (p.
of the Royal Heart Family and bestows the title of Knave 53), can be used to represent the layout of the shop.
upon them. This gives the heroes the equivalent of the
Noble Edge (+2 Charisma when dealing with Cards).
The discussions revolve around what is to be done about The Back Room
Victoria. The eventual conclusions should be something Two Nazis are holding the shop owner, Mr. Jones,
like: while a third punches him. Two more soldiers lounge
Victorias forces allied with those of the Red idly against a table, upon which sits a mirror. A final man
Queen outnumber those of the Cards and are far in a long black leather coat watches the beating with an
better equipped. almost manic gleam in his eye. Jones gave the Nazis what
they were searching for, but they also want to hear what
It is very unlikely the White Queen would commit
he knows of Alice, and are intent on beating it out of
the House of Whitefield to any conflict after her
inexperience lost the battle with the Red Queen.

Wonderland No MoreGame Masters Section
him. Jones, unfortunately, honestly knows nothing of surface to momentarily become liquid and the user is
Alice. sucked through to Wonderland. Only one person may
Nazi Soldiers (5): Human, Guard (Real World) (p. pass through the Looking Glass at a time.
171), with tommy guns and heavy revolvers.

Nazi Leader (1): Human, Guard Captain (Real

World) (p. 171), with a heavy revolver, a tommy gun,
Chapter 7Reunite the White
and +1 armor due to his coat. King and Queen
In which the heroes rescue the White King
and escort him back to his palace, then aid
The Looking Glass in a battle against the House of Rosewood.
The Looking Glass is an unassuming mirror, some 4 Afterward, with Victorias hold over the House
feet wide and 3 feet tall. The frame is plain and made of of Rosewood broken, more of her plans are
varnished wood. The mirror is not at all unusual, being revealed.
normal glass over a thin layer of silver plated onto a
copper plate. A jagged crack runs down the center of the
mirror, which may be repaired with a suitable piece of Looking-glass House
replacement glass and a Repair roll.
The Looking-glass House is one of Victorias
strongholds in Wonderland and is thus fairly heavily
Using the Damaged Looking Glass defended. In this Chapter the heroes enter the House
If the Looking Glass is used before the crack is via the Looking Glass and are thus essentially escaping
repaired, the mirror momentarily turns liquid, but the rather than breaking in.
user is forced away as something emerges. This thing The Looking-glass House is guarded by Chessmen of
is a creature from between the realms and it fights the House of Rosewood who have been gifted to Victoria
ferociously until slain, at which point it fades, leaving by the Red Queen and are fiercely loyal to Victoria
nothing behind. alone.

The Outer Wall

Mirror Thing A 12-foot-high wall has been built around the house
The creature has no fixed form. It continually extrudes and some of its grounds, cutting it off from the Living
and retracts spikes, claws, arms and legs in random Flower Maze gardens. This wall is crenellated and has a
directions, but all are covered in a silvery sheen. walkway (providing medium cover). Six towers are part
of the wall; one at each corner and on either side of the
Attributes: Agility d8, Smarts d6 (A), Spirit d10, Strength
only gate, which is to one side of the house.
d8, Vigor d10
Skills: Fighting d8, Notice d8 Each tower is always manned by eight Red Pawns. A
Pace: 8; Parry: 8; Toughness: 7 patrol of a further sixteen Pawns led by a Rook continually
Edges: Improved Dodge, Improved First Strike, moves between them in a clockwise direction.
Improved Block, Improved Frenzy, Quick Red Pawns (total of 64): (p. 167), with crossbows.
Special Abilities
Various Appendages: Str+d6. Red Rook (1): (p. 168), with a crossbow.
Hardy: A second Shaken result does not cause a
The Tower
Using the Looking Glass to Enter One corner of the house has been built up into a five-
story tower. The tower is used by the commanders of the
Wonderland garrison as quarters, as well as a lookout and as a prison
The Looking Glass is a portal to Wonderland. It is for the White King.
unique among portals, as it may be used to both enter
1st FloorStorage.
and exit Wonderland during a single trip. Both sides of
the portal are mirrors, and the Real-world mirror may be 2nd FloorCommanders quarters. Four Chessman
moved, unlike all other known portals. Rooks command the garrison; one is always with the
wall patrol while a second guards the prisoner (see
If a potential user has entered Wonderland before, a
Third Floor). The remaining two Rooks are on this floor
successful Spirit roll is required. If the user has never
in their office or quarters.
been to Wonderland, a raise is required. One attempt
may be made per round. Success causes the mirrors 3rd FloorPrison cell. This floor consists of a guard
post, manned by eight Pawns, a Bishop and a Rook. A

The Victoria Campaign
windows are
(scale: 1 square = 1 yard) depicted in
the map, but
have been
on the ground
Barracks floor.
Room The second
floor has a
similar room
layout, with
weapon ports
Storage for firing out of
Wash the windows.
The tower
Looking upward, each
Glass Guard of five floors
Room Room connected
by the spiral
Tower Base
The house
is modern
(c. 1860)
compared to
Porch the medieval
look of most
of the Looking-
glass Lands.

stout door leading to the cell is locked, and only Victoria

has the key (attempts to pick the lock are at a 2 penalty).
The Accords of the Eighth Square
A small hatch allows food and water to be pushed into A Chessman hero making a successful
the cell. Within the cell is the White King. Smarts check (or any player possessing the
original Accords) will recall that the act of a
4th FloorLookout post. Eight Pawns, each watching
Chessman disguising himself as a member
one of the eight main compass points, man the top
of the other House is totally against the
Accords. If this matter is raised the White
Red Pawns (total of 16): (p. 167). King (or Queen) will point out that the Red
Queen would not, normally, consider such
Red Bishop (1): (p. 167).
an action and must have been under some
Red Rook (3): (p. 168), with crossbows. sort of duress to issue such an order.
In truth, such treachery is unthinkable
even to the Red Queen. The Chessman
The House assassins are outcasts who have been
The house is a two-story manor house with attic recruited by Victorias agents. Proof of this
rooms. The original purpose of each room is hard to treachery could help to sway the Red Queen
fathom since all have been stripped and are now used to realize Victorias true nature, if presented
to either billet troops or provide sustenance for them. to her.
The House is home to a large force of Red Chessmen
whose main purpose is to guard the Prisoner. This is
an unnamed and seen-by-few being (actually the White
King). Although there are a large number of troops in the

Wonderland No MoreGame Masters Section
house, the GM should take care to not send too many Reunite the White King and Queen
of them against his heroes at once. Remember that the
house is large, and the sorts of loud noises that might be The heroes have rescued the White King and now
associated with combat are quite common. The House must escort him to the city of Charity where he can rally
is also being used to store arms and supplies for the his forces to aid those who resist Victoria. News of the
eventual invasion of the Real World. Kings return spreads throughout Charity and it is no
surprise the Lion and the Unicorn are awaiting their
Red Pawns (total of 112): (p. 167), with crossbows. liege at the castle gates.
Red Bishops (8): (p. 167). As the heroes cross the main entrance hall they
Red Knights (8): (p. 167). hear cries and sounds of combat from one wing of the
palacea group of Rosewood Chessmen has attacked
Red Rook (8): (p. 168), with crossbows. the Royal Guards barracks. The White King orders the
Lion and the Unicorn to investigate the fracas while he
and the heroes go to the Queen.
The Looking-glass Room
Reaching the throne room doors, the heroes attention
This room is of particular note, as it is not used by the
is drawn to a number of Chessmen running towards
troops. Situated at the back of the house on the ground
them from a side passage. Successful Notice rolls reveal
floor, this room has a large fireplace (the chimney has
flashes of deep red from tears in the Chessmens clothing,
been blocked shut) over which is set a large mirror.
granting alert heroes a chance to be prepared. These are
This is the Wonderland end of the Looking-glass portal.
a group of assassins sent by Victoria; they immediately
Victoria, being concerned someone from the Real World
attack the heroes and King.
could stumble through the Looking Glass, has taken
some precautions with this room. Trios of Whitefield Pawns fight a desperate battle
inside the throne room against a second set of assassins
First, a cloth covers the mirror. This is not firm
who have penetrated the castle disguised as White
enough to prevent anyone from passing through, but it
wraps around the first person to enter the room via the
Looking Glass. This renders the victim Shaken, with a Ten rounds after the melee begins, the Lion and the
2 penalty on all actions until a successful Agility roll is Unicorn arrive. With them are two White Knights, a White
made to cast the cloth aside. Bishop and 24 White Pawns. After the Red assassins have
been stopped and there is time to take stock, it appears
Second, Victoria has had a trio of particularly vicious
five groups of assassins were sent to kill the White
wolgles chained in the room. Each chain is long enough
Queen; two were stopped by the Palace Guards, one
for the attached wolgle to reach the whole room.
group made it to the barracks (and were subsequently
Vicious Wolgles (3): (p. 180); Wild Card, with dealt with by the Lion and the Unicorn), the fourth made
Frenzy and Hardy. it to the throne room, and the heroes met the fifth. If the
captives are not interrogated, the heroes will not realize
that there were actually six groups of assassins.
Assassins (6 groups): Each group of assassins consists
During the discussions with the
House of Rosewood one of the heroes is
approached by a Red Pawn who claims Chessman, Bishop (1): (p. 167).
to have knowledge which may be useful.
The GM may have a group of Rosewood Chessman, Rook (1): (p. 168).
assassins strike during the meeting if
desired. Chessman, Knight (1): (p. 167).

The Pawn was a servant in the Palace Chessman, Pawn (6): (p. 167).
before being conscripted into the Red
Queens army. During one of the Daffodil
Mans stays at the palace he cried out in his The Sixth Group
sleep as though suffering a nightmare. The If the sixth group of assassins is known about, a search
Pawn clearly heard him say: is soon organized.
VictoriaAliceVictoriaAliceOne Each hour, make a Notice roll for the searching party,
and the same yet twoGentle Alice, help using a d8 (no Wild Die). On a raise, the assassins are
me! found. If the heroes get involved, allow them to make
Notice rolls as well; on a raise, they spot the assassins
and combat may ensue.
If the assassins are not found or are not even known
about, they will strike later at an unexpected time.

The Victoria Campaign
War! The Red Queen: (p. 158).
Less than an hour after the original assassins are Red Queens Personal Bodyguard: Comprised of
foiled, a disheveled and exhausted Pawn is escorted
into the throne room. If the heroes are out searching for Rook (1): (p. 168).
assassins, they are summoned. The Pawn relates how the
House of Rosewood is marching on Charity. Its obvious Bishop (1): (p. 167).
intent is to destroy the House of Whitefield once and Knights (4): (p. 167).
for all.
Use the Mass Battles rules from Savage Worlds, should
The White King rapidly calls a council. Present are the pitched battle ensue.
White Queen, the Lion, the Unicorn and the heroes. All
are rapidly bought up to date with what has happened in
the past, Victorias plans, and the current situation. The Forces
The King proclaims his intent to lead his House to House of Rosewood
victory, for though outnumbered he is a superior tactician
The Red Queen, Knowledge (Battle) d10.
to the Red Queen and is sure victory can be theirs. The
Queen laments at the deaths which will come from an The Red Knight, Fighting d10, Knowledge
all-out war and points out that Victoria is behind all the (Battle) d10.
recent conflict; could not something be done with that Red Forces numbering 3,000.
House of Whitefield
Let the heroes come up with plans if they can, but
the Lion and Unicorn should contribute alternative The White King, Knowledge (Battle) d12.
suggestions (with attendant pros and cons) as well. The
best possible outcome with as little loss of life as possible The White Knight, Fighting d10,
Knowledge (Battle) d10.
would be to free the Red Queen of Victorias influence,
and potentially gain an ally. Some ideas follow: The Lion, Fighting d8.
Challenge the House of Rosewoods Championthe White Forces numbering 2,000.
Red Knight is an honorable foe and agrees to meet a
single champion of Whitefield in combat. He is not
stupid and does not allow the outcome of the whole If Rosewood is Victorious:
battle to hinge on one fight; however, it could be a way All surviving heroes (including the Lion, the Unicorn,
to gain an audience with the Red Queen (perhaps even Whitefield royalty, and any player-characters who do not
by deliberately losing and being taken prisoner). flee) are taken in chains back to Hope and thrown in
the dungeons on charges of aiding and colluding with
Confront the Red Queenif someone could get to the
invaders from outside Wonderland. The players now
Red Queen, she could be confronted with evidence of
Victorias duplicity. This might convince her the course have several options. These include, but are not limited
she is following is not really of her own choosing. The to:
Queen is at the hub of her army and protected by her Guerilla warfare against the house of Rosewood,
personal bodyguards, which would have to be defeated aiming to slay the Red Queen. They will be harried
before she could be confronted. Such a confrontation both by forces of Rosewood and Victoria.
cannot be scripted here but forceful arguments with Jailbreak, either to free their imprisoned
proof to back them up and good role-playing should companions or to break out of prison themselves.
convince the Red Queen of the error of her ways. If
the heroes possess the Accords of the Eighth Square, Present evidence of Victorias duplicity, should
or have any proof of the Red Chessman assassins who they ever come to trial. Victoria would know the
painted themselves white (clearly against the Accords), threat they pose to her, and will attempt by any
allow them a bonus on any rolls to persuade the means necessary to make sure the trial never
Queen. happens.
The Red Queen will not outright kill the White King
Assassinate the Red Queenthe House of Whitefield
or Queen, though they will never be freed unless she
is opposed to this scheme, but may be convinced of its
validity. Again, a small force would have the best chance is convinced otherwise. If the heroes are unsuccessful
to gain access to the Queen, and would have to contend in securing their release, the White King will eventually
with her personal bodyguards. This would not prevent sue for an audience with the Red Queen. The request
the war, but would remove the House of Rosewoods is granted, and somehow the White King also secures
Knowledge (Battle) skill for two turns of the battle, after the heroes presence at the audience. This is the heroes
which the Red Knight takes command, with Knowledge chance to plead their case. If successful, the GM may pick
(Battle) d10. up the necessary pieces of If Whitefield is Victorious

Wonderland No MoreGame Masters Section
and continue the campaign with whatever modifications
seem suitable.
Interlude 7Mad Schemes
In which the heroes rescue Alice from a hospital
in the Real World.
If Whitefield is Victorious:
With the House of Rosewood essentially neutralized, Equipment: Military weapons and armor; the heroes
(either by the Red Queen being convinced the war know they must rescue Alice above all else, and caution
is wrong, or by her death) hostilities are soon halted, can be thrown to the wind.
although tension between the two houses is high. The heroes stand outside a derelict building in the
A tense meeting is convened to discuss events and slums. A cracked and faded sign, once lit but now dark,
what is to be done. Although they have been allies of proclaims the place to have once been a hospital. If the
Victoria (or her proxy the Daffodil Man), the House of heroes information is correct then somewhere inside is
Rosewood knows very little of her plans. The Daffodil the original Alice.
Man discussed at length with the Red Queen a possible
alliance with the Queen of Hearts against a mutual
enemy, whom he would not name. When the Red Queen The Hospital
tentatively agreed, the Daffodil Man revealed the enemy The hospital is derelict, however Victoria has quite a
was from the Real World, who had found ways to enter few of her forces scattered throughout it to make sure
Wonderland and was keen to subjugate its peoples and Alice remains hidden. The hospital is five stories tall but
mine its resources. He also dropped hints the House of only the first and third are actually used. Access between
Whitefield was allied with these invaders. As evidence floors is via stairs (with locked doors at each floor) or
to his claims, the Daffodil Man led a Rosewood force to climbing the lift shaft (the power is off, so the lifts do not
the remote regions of the Chessboard Fields. There they work) and forcing the lift doors open.
witnessed a strangely garbed group of humans attack a Victorias agents have released a number of
border patrol. The humans were marked as not native Wonderland creatures on the unoccupied floors and
to Wonderland by their weaponry and strange black only feed them sporadically. Therefore, all are hungry
clothing, marked only by twin lightning bolts. and desperate for fresh meat.
A short while ago, the Daffodil Man sent a message 1st Floorthere are four packs of Cards guarding this
to the Red Queen, informing her the White King was floor, two on duty and two off. If a fight breaks out, the
returning with plans to attack her house by surprise. He other on-duty pack arrives after four rounds and the
suggested the Red Queen lead her army in a preemptive off-duty packs after ten rounds.
counter-strike since the time of the invasion from the
Real World was nearing and they could not afford to fight 2nd FloorVictorias agents have released a number of
a war on two fronts. jabberkin onto this floor.
If the heroes have put all the clues together, they 3rd FloorAlice is kept here guarded by a squad of
should realize that Alice is the key to what is happening. Tweedle led by a pair of Tweedle Commanders. Alice
Once this is deduced, the council calls upon the heroes is still in her comatose state and securely bound to a
to return to the Real World, find Alice and bring her bed; she appears to be in her 70s (she is actually 91) as
physically to Wonderland to meet with the White King at she did not age significantly during her time spent in
a mutually-agreed meeting place. Meanwhile, the council Wonderland. The heroes can do nothing to awaken her
contacts the Queen of Hearts and the White Rabbit to until she enters Wonderland, so they have to carry her
inform them of events. out of the hospital to whichever portal they decide to
All heroes in the group gain a +2 Charisma bonus
when dealing with Chessmen from this day forward. Non- 4th FloorVictorias agents have released a number of
Chessman heroes are given Honorary Chessman status, wolgles onto this floor.
though this differs from the Edge of the same name in
5th FloorVictorias agents have released a number of
that it does not grant a free d6 in Knowledge (Battle).
toves onto this floor.
Instead, he is considered a Pawn, and may attempt to
pursue Edges normally restricted to Chessmen, so long Card Packs (4): Each consists of two Rank-2 Club
as he meets the other prerequisites. Cards per hero led by a Rank-3 Club Card (p. 165).
Chessmen and those who were already granted Jabberkin (8): (p. 172); each is berserk due to hunger.
Honorary Chessman status receive an honorific title
(likely made up on the spot) that will be used on formal Wolgle (12): (p. 180); each is berserk due to hunger.
occasions when introducing the hero in the Looking- Toves (12): (p. 178); each is berserk due to hunger.
glass Lands. For example, a Knight might become Knight
Exemplar of the Realm. Tweedle Squad (10): Tweedle, Guard (p. 179), with a
heavy revolver.

The Victoria Campaign
(scale: 1 square = 2 yards)

Back Porch

Dining Room Serving


Bathing Area Bathing
Lift Lift
WC Staff WC

Porch Porch
Waiting Waiting
Sitting Room Sitting Room
Main Entrance

Mens Womens
Wing Wing

Tweedle Commander (1): Tweedle, Guard paraphrase the information in the section What Has
Captain (p. 179), with tommy gun, with Shooting d10. Gone Before (p. 55) up to and including the section
The Great War.
Tweedle Commander (1): Gourmancer, Events have moved on while the heroes have been
Experienced (p. 170). gone: a titanic explosion blew the Jabberwocks lair
apart, opening a wide entrance to the Hidden Realm.
Through this entrance poured Victorias forces, quickly
Chapter 8End Game overpowering the garrisons on the Guarded Way. This
move effectively cut the allies of the Queen of Hearts and
In which the heroes return Alice to Wonderland White King off from one another. With the majority of the
and meet with the forces prepared to stop allied armies watching the ends of the Guarded Way, the
Victorias invasion of the Real World. The heroes other two exits from the Hidden Realm were less well-
are sent to scout the Chessboard Fields and warded. These lesser garrisons were overwhelmed when
locate the site of Victorias invasion. They do, but Victorias forces poured forth from the Eastern Passage
must hold off pursuers until their main army into the Chessboard Fields (Victoria only left a token
arrives. As the two opposing forces clash and the force in each way station on the Guarded Way whilst
heroes try to get Alice to Victoria a new portal pulling her main force back to her valley).
to the Real World opens and the army of the
Now the Queen of Hearts army is on the march, and
Third Reich bursts into Wonderland. The forces of
the White Kings is already gathered just north of Charity
Alice and Victoria must unite to force back these
on the edge of the Chessboard Fields. None yet know the
exact whereabouts of Victoria and her army.
The heroes arrive back in Wonderland with the
Alice only has a vague sense of Victoria, but with
awakened (but still elderly) Alice in tow, and rendezvous
time and a degree of wandering, she can locate her.
with the White King (and also the Queen of Hearts,
Although the main army cannot be moved at her whim,
White Rabbit and Red Queen if converted). During
a small skirmish force can be. Once more the heroes
this journey Alice is confused and bewildered, but is
are volunteered along with the Unicorn and a small
able to explain what she can of eventsthe GM should

Wonderland No MoreGame Masters Section
force of eight Pawns. This group is to try and track down give up fleeing and look for a defensible position, see the
Victoria. A slightly larger force led by the Lion follows Holing Up section below.
behind, while the White King and the main army remain Victorias forces must make Vigor rolls too; however,
outside Charity. When the heroes find Victoria, the they have a +2 bonus for the first day of pursuit and a
Unicorn quickly travels back to the Lions force and then +1 bonus on the second and third days due to being
to Charity to pass on word of the location. rested. Use a group roll for the pursuers, and give them
Vigor d6. The pursuers give up the chase if they take two
levels of Fatigue. After camping for a day, they return to
The Search Victorias main army.
Victoria has scattered her own skirmish groups
across the Chessboard Fields in an effort to slow down
any pursuers. The search can be as long or short as the Holing Up
GM desires, but the searchers encounter only Victorias As luck would have it, a defendable valley can soon be
skirmishers (who do not know her location). found. It has high and inaccessible walls with a narrow
approach. A small force should be able to hold off a
Victorias Skirmish GroupsEach group is identical,
much larger one here for quite some time. The heroes
composed of:
and their allies find themselves attacked at random
Rank-1 Club Cards (2 per Wild Card and 1 per extra intervals throughout the day and night and need to
in the heroes group): (p. 164). make successful Vigor rolls once per day or take a level
of Fatigue.
Rank-3 Club Card.
The Tarot Sword Card leading the assault sends
10 of Cups: Gourmancer, Experienced (p. 170), small numbers of his army at a time to test the heroes
with Card abilities. defenses; the GM should choose one of the squads listed
below for each attack.
Overrun SquadThe attackers try to overrun the
Victorias Army defenders with sheer numbers: a number of Pawns
Victorias army is gathered in a circular formation attacks, equal to the number of defending Extras plus
upon a plain which is flat for many miles around. The twice the number of Wild Card defenders.
army is arranged so as to face all directions, and is ready Aerial SquadThe pursuers have a number of
for an attack. The army is composed of mainly Cards but trained wolgles that are used to drop rocks on the
also includes many Chessmen (of both colors), Tweedle, defenders before swooping down to attack. There are
Animals, and Humans. Amongst these can also be seen a six wolgles in the attack. Randomly select six targets
few Plants, jabberkin and other creatures. There is a hive and have each attempt an Agility roll. Failure indicates
of activity in the center of this formation, and anyone a direct hit for 2d6 damage, Success means a partial hit
making a successful Notice roll sees the digging of a for 1d6 damage and a raise means a complete miss.
series of interlinked trenches.
Heavy SquadThe attackers attempt to force their
The Unicorn urges the heroes to find a good hiding way through the defenders. The squad consists of two
place and then sets off to notify the White Kings forces. Tweedle and two Knave (Rank-4) Club Cards amidst six
jabberkin. All charge into melee and attack recklessly.

Waiting Game
Victorias forces locate the heroes a day or so after The Pursuing Force:
the Unicorn leaves. The group receives plenty of warning Pawns (50 total): (p. 167).
as a small section of Victorias army detaches from the
Wolgle (12 total): (p. 180).
gathered mass and heads directly towards them. The
heroes have two choices: find somewhere to hole up and Jabberkin (15 total): (p. 172).
defend, or run.
Tweedle (8 total): Tweedle, Guard Captain (p.
Knaves (8 total): Rank-4 Club Card (p. 165).
If the heroes run, the pursuers give chase and have a
better time of it, being more rested than the heroes who
have spent days trekking here. The pursuit continues day
and night with all involved slowly flagging. The heroes The Cavalry
must make Vigor rolls each day of fleeing, and take a As things look bad for the heroes, they are exhausted
level of Fatigue for each failure. Heroes who become and about to be overrun; the Lion arrives with his force,
incapacitated can obviously no longer run. If the heroes and hits the enemy from the flank. The Lions force is

The Victoria Campaign
sufficiently large enough to rout the attackers. The The Cheshire Cat: (p. 155).
heroes are safefor now.

The Final Battle The Portal Opens

A low roaring begins as the battle progresses around
The combined army of the Queen of Hearts and the
them and the heroes fight against Victorias bodyguards.
White King arrives near Victorias army. The White King
The sound seems to emanate from the air and grows
stands high and gives an emotional speech to those
louder until all must attempt a Vigor roll or be Shaken by
gathered, relating that this is a battle no one wants and
the sheer volume.
that the cost will be high. He reiterates that the primary
purpose of the battle is to stop Victoria from opening a Victoria emerges from the central bunker, eager to
portal to the Real World and the horrors of the war being see the results of her schemes. As she does, the roaring
fought there. changes to ripping as the very fabric of Wonderland and
the Real World are torn asunder and a new portal opens.
Alice stands looking over Victorias army and points
It is as though a doorway has opened between the two
a shaking finger towards the central area. I am there,
worlds, fully 90 feet (15) wide and 45 feet (8) tall.
she says.
Beyond the portal is a blasted and ruined wasteland of
mud and blood where a battle rages on that dwarfs the
Battle Is Joined one being fought in Wonderland.
The armies gather into formations and begin to As armored fighting vehicles and uniformed men
march towards their opponents. The heroes, with Alice, pour through the portal, it is obvious that someone on
are surrounded by elite Rank-4 Cards and White Rooks the other side of the portal was expecting it to open, and
supported by the Lion and the Unicorn. Their purpose is has his own plans for Wonderland!
to drive a wedge into Victorias army and get the heroes
as close to her as possible.
The Invaders
Both Alice and Victoria stand stunned by the sight of
Getting to Victoria the immense forces beyond the portal. Expecting the
The heroes may well have another way to get to the numbers involved in the Great War (World War I), the
central area, and if so the wedge mentioned above still escalation that is World War II is almost unbelievable.
forms up, aiming to distract Victoria. Never underestimate The shock and horror on Victorias face fully tells of her
the ingenuity of players. It is up to them to reach the realization of what she has unleashed on Wonderland.
central area, and they should have plenty of allies to call
upon for assistance by this stage, some of whom might
even be able to fly (such as the Gryphon). Technology and the Portal
The rift between Wonderland and the
Persuading Victoria Real World is severe enough that theres
Victorias army is gathered around a network of no clear border while its open. Thus,
trenches, each four feet wide and six feet deep. A hero Morpheus Weapons and real technological
making a successful Notice roll sees all the trenches items from the Real World are no longer
eventually join at a central area. If asked, Alice indicates in danger of warping into Wonderland
that Victoria is within the central bunker. Victorias counterparts for the duration of the battle.
personal bodyguards are hiding within the trenches and Should the portal be closed, however,
attack from cover where possible. the backlash immediately and automatically
As the heroes begin to approach Victorias hiding causes any out-of-place items to transform
place, those making further Notice rolls sense the ground into their Wonderland equivalents.
shuddering, as though in a minor earthquake. The edges In the case of the tanks and other
of the trench area begin to blur, slipping out of focus to things with no obvious 1890s counterpart,
be replaced by muddy, churned-up fields. Wonderland gives up in frustration:
Victorias Bodyguards (10): Rank-3 Sword Cards (p. Individual parts and pieces shoot off,
167). turning into random objects (leaving a very
confused and disoriented crew behind).
Elite Bodyguards (2): Rank-4 Sword Cards (p.

Gourmancer Bodyguards (2): Gourmancer,

Experienced (p. 170).

Wonderland No MoreGame Masters Section
The first thrust of the German invaders forces a wedge
between Alice and Victoria, and the heroes are assailed
by a group of German infantry. The Vorpal Sword
German Infantry (20): Human, Guard (Real World) (p.
German Commander (1): Human, Guard Captain
(Real World).

The Battle for Wonderland

After a few shocked seconds, both Wonderland armies
realize the newcomers are indiscriminately attacking both
sides. An uneasy alliance is quickly formedthe enemy
of my enemy is my ally for a little while. The forces of
both Victoria and Alice turn against the invaders. Victoria
ducks back into her bunker.
Alice turns to the heroes during a lull in the chaos
about them. I we must close the portal, or all
Wonderland is doomed. You must help me reach her
me. She gestures at Victoria. Let us hope the heroes have the Vorpal
Sword. If so, it is a potent weapon against
The GM should run the battle as a cinematic scene the German tanks, as it ignores armor, and
rather than use the mass combat rules. Describe incidents is treated as a Heavy Weapon!
involving characters the heroes have encountered both
major (the White King, the Lion) and minor (the Rook As such, the wielder may make Fighting
who aided you in the Eighth Square narrowly dodges the attacks against the tanks and apply the
rush of a tank as his Pawns are crushed). swords damage against the reduced
To reach Victoria, the heroes should have to use all
their skills and prowess to avoid the German forces,
perhaps encountering another squad of Germans en
route (see above).
When the heroes near the central bunker, they spot falls in a lifeless heap, blood runs from it in rivulets
a Tiger tank bringing its turret gun to bear, supported towards Alice and Victoria.
by a dozen infantry. If the heroes do nothing, the tank
The reality of what is occurring to their beloved
fires and the bunker collapses. In this case Victoria has
Wonderland is enough to galvanize Alice and Victoria,
two wounds and the GM should modify the following
who both turn and speak as if one. Gentle beings, I
sections appropriately.
sought to stop war in the Real World; instead I now have
German Infantry (12): Human, Guard (Real World) (p. to stop it in Wonderland. I need to reach the portal. Will
171). you help me?
Tiger I Tank (1): (p. 129).

Alice and Victoria Closing the Portal

The heroes and Alice can easily gain access to the While the heroes escort the older woman and little
bunker, finding a distraught Victoria alone within. Her girl to the portal, they explain as best they can. Victoria
once queenly demeanor is utterly gone, leaving her a opened the portal, but someone from the Real World
scared young girl in the depths of horrified despair. was also attempting to open a portal at the same time.
Alice rushes to her side and the two of them talk in To close the portal requires either Alice or Victoria to be
low whispers. Heroes making successful Notice rolls on each side of the portal. Alice will go through to the
hear sufficient to fill in the back-story from the What Has Real World and Victoria will stay in Wonderland; both
Gone Before section of Wonderland No More. Describe will need bodyguards.
how the bunker shakes and debris falls from the walls The battle has largely moved on, but the portal is still
and ceiling as the battle rages outside. guarded by two German squads, each consisting of six
Abruptly a body tumbles into the bunker. It is a German infantry led by a Wild Card commander. All of
Card, a lowly two of Spades recruited into one of the these are in makeshift bunkers that provide +2 cover.
two Wonderland armies now fighting for their realm. After dealing with the defenders, the heroes should
The Cards body has been shredded by gunfire and as it choose who will accompany Alice and who will stay with

The Victoria Campaign
Victoria. The two embrace, and then Alice steps through Real WorldIf left unattended, she soon dies, having
to the Real World. undergone immense stress closing the portal. A successful
The Real-world side of the portal is also in an area Healing roll stabilizes her, but she is frail and old. Alice is
from which the battle has moved on. However, unknown convinced her time is past and that Wonderland is better
to the heroes, the German sorcerers who were opening off without her, though a successful Persuasion attempt
the portal are still there. could convince her otherwise. In the latter case, Alice
makes the journey to the nearest portal and reappears in
Alice and Victoria face each other across the portal Wonderland (see the following notes).
and close their eyes, concentrating intensely.
WonderlandOnce back in Wonderland, the years
Closing the portal takes 8 rounds. In the third round, drop off of Alice as she reverts to the apparent age
a squad of ten German infantry led by a commander of ten. However Alice is now essentially a prisoner of
attacks the Wonderland side of the portal. In the fourth Wonderland, for if she ever returns to the Real World,
round, a squad of ten German infantry and two German her real age will once more assert itself, killing her.
sorcerers attacks the Real-world side. The heroes must
keep Alice and Victoria safe from harm. Otherwise, after a somewhat awkward time spent
catching up with the heroes (her descendantseven
German Infantry: Human, Guard (Real World) (p. though she seems like a child now), she eventually sets
171). out to explore Wonderland and perhaps even beyond,
German Commanders: Human, Guard Captain only to return if Wonderland itself is threatened again.
(Real World).

German Sorcerers: Gourmancer, Experienced

Tiger I Tank
(p. 170). Acc/Top Speed: 6/12; Toughness: 20/15/15 (8/3/3);
Crew: 5 (commander, gunner, loader, driver, radio
The Portal Closes Notes:
As Alice and Victoria concentrate, the low rumble Heavy Armor
begins again, slowly rising in pitch. Both Alice and Cannon in turret: range 0.5/1/2 miles, minimum range
Victoria begin to show the strain of forcing the portal 20, 4d10 damage, AP 8, RoF 1, Heavy Weapon.
closed: their faces are twisted in pain, and they suffer 7.92 Coax MG bow (500 rounds): range 24/48/96,
nosebleeds. The portal begins to shimmer as though 2d8 damage, A 2, RoF 3. (If removed, weighs 25 lbs,
there is a heat haze. There is a tearing noise as the portal and has the Snapfire limitation.)
slowly shrinks. 7.92 Coax MG coaxial: see stats above.
With simultaneous cries, Alice and Victoria collapse.
Victoria tumbles forwards through the closing portal
and her body falls into Alices, leaving just the elderly Tiger I Tank, Abstracted
woman, who collapses with exhaustion. So far, vehicles havent played much of a role in the
Give the heroes a round or two to decide what to setting of Wonderland No More, so if youd prefer to avoid
do before the portal finally closes. When it does, there introducing vehicle rules to the battle, here are statistics
is an ear-splitting ripping noise as the two realms are for a Tiger I Tank, treated in abstract as if it were a single
physically disconnected. The ground shakes violently as creature to do battle against. If it is slain, assume that
fissures tear open and a massive earthquake rips through its crew is out of the action as well. For actions to be
the Chessboard Fields. resolved against the crew rather than the tank itself (e.g.,
someone pried the hatch open and hopped inside), then
treat each crew member as an Extra.
Aftermath Attributes: Agility d4, Smarts d6, Spirit d6, Strength
The German tanks are neutralized as they slip or d12+8, Vigor d12+4
fall into the fissures that cross the battlefield, or begin Skills: Notice d6, Shooting d6
to be violently translated. With the portal closed, the Pace: 6; Parry: 2; Toughness: 15(3)
Germans soon realize their cause is lost and most offer to Special Abilities
surrender. Their eventual fate is left to the GMs choice. Aim for the Port: A called shot may be made at a
8 penalty to hit at range, or 4 if adjacent, to aim
for one of the viewports with a projectile, thrown, or
Alices Fate reach weapon. The resulting attack bypasses armor,
and ignores the Heavy Armor ability.
What happens to Alice is up to the heroes actions.
All-Terrain: Ignores most rough terrain movement
The immediate choice is either to leave her in the Real
penalties. Can pass through water up to 2 deep
World or take her through to Wonderland.
without a penalty to movement.

Wonderland No MoreGame Masters Section
Armored Hull: +3 armor. Morpheus Research Center
Confident: The crew gets a +4 bonus to Spirit checks
to resist Fear since theyre (relatively) safe in a tank. The Research Center is primarily below ground, only
Crush: Anyone of Size +2 or smaller in the path of accessed via a small concrete bunker. The bunker is
movement must succeed at an Agility test to get out featureless save for a logo of a pair of crossed arms over
of the way, or be run over for Str+2d8 damage. This a cloud. The door is locked and guarded on the inside
is treated as a Heavy Weapon attack. by a pair of guards in the small reception room. From the
Hardy: A second Shaken result does not cause a reception room a spiral staircase descends to the center.
wound. The center consists of twelve dormitory-like sleep
Heavy Armor: Regular attacks do not even scratch chambers (each accommodating twelve people), several
the armor. Heavy Weapon attacks are required. lounges in which are set up projectors and screens, a
Large: Opponents have a +2 bonus to hit. large dining room, a kitchen, a recreation room for off-
Machine: No extra damage is caused due to called duty guards, and a few offices. Another room houses a
shots (except as outlined under Aim for the Port). petrol generator that supplies the center with electricity.
The tank gains a +2 bonus to recover from Shaken
Size +4. People in the Center
Vehicle: This is a noisy, heavily-armored, tracked The center has 80 dream-research subjects. There are
vehicle, not a creature with limbs, so there are various always ten guards on duty and ten off (these arrive at
things it cant do that normal creatures might. any major disturbance after 5 rounds) and twenty staff (a
Weapons: See statistics for vehicle listing above. mixture of scientists and manual workers).
If the heroes have encountered Gail Saunders in
Wonderland ( Lost Traveler, p. 140), she aids the
Interlude X (Optional)In the heroes to the best of her ability.
Arms of Morpheus
In which the heroes attempt in the Real World How It All Works
to shut down an arms production center that is Searching offices and interrogating the scientists can
dreaming weapons into Wonderland. reveal the following information. The guards and manual
workers know only the alleged reason for the center.
Equipment: Military weapons and armor suitable for
the World War II period. The center was originally set up to research dreams,
but was closed down when war broke out. Victorias
The GM should run this Interlude at a suitable point agents used bribes and coercion to see the center
after the heroes make the connection between the Real reopened allegedly for research into ESP as a means
World and the Morpheus weapons. It begins with the for secure communication. In truth the center keeps
heroes driving in a small truck towards the Morpheus its subjects drugged and forces them to watch violent
Research Center. Read or paraphrase the following: war footage. Before and during their sleep the subjects
The truck jostles you as it bounces across the wear earphones that play sounds of war to them
rough, featureless, terrainfeatureless save for incessantly while a low suggestive voice urges them to
a dark, irregular shape on the horizon. Hidden seek Wonderland. The result is that many of the sleepers
within the wood is the secret research center dream-create weapons for Victorias forces.
which goes by the code name of Morpheus,
which is somehow supplying Wonderland with
armaments. Despite your best efforts, you know
Shutting Down the Center
very little of the place, save for its location. The best way to shut down the center is to destroy
it, for instance using the petrol stored for the generator,
though the presence of innocent subjects complicates
The Wood matters. If the heroes evacuate the subjects, they are safe
once out of the center.
The wood is little more than a ring about a half-mile
Guards: Human, Guard (Real World) (p. 171).
in diameter with the research center in the middle. There
are occasional guard patrols and the heroes are unlucky Scientists: Human, Common Folk (p. 171), unarmed.
enough to run into one as they make their way through
the trees. Subjects: Human, Common Folk; Spirit is d4.

If the heroes are on foot, successful Stealth rolls evade Manual Workers (10): Human, Common Folk;
the patrol. improvised weapons (Str+d4). They are loyal to the
center and its (purported) cause, and fight to defend it
Patrol (6): Human, Guard (Real World) (p. 171). if required.

Savage Tales
Savage Tales are fleshed-out mini-adventures ready Butterfly Ball (p. 134)
for you to run. When you see this symbol in
In which a Butterfly asks for aid in delivering messages
the text elsewhere in this book, it means there
to her offspring, who are spread over the realms. This
is a Savage Tale that could be run (usually
tale is not linked to the Victoria campaign but can be
when the heroes encounter a certain person
used to direct the heroes to places of interest.
or enter a specific area). The page number is listed in
parentheses after the name of the adventure. Check
whenever you see the symbol and see if it is time to run Lost Traveler (p. 140)
the scenario in your campaign. In which a confused stranger, surrounded by a cache
The name of each Savage Tale is followed by several of weapons, asks for help. This tale gives a hint to the
entries in brackets. The first of these is the suggested workings of the Real-world company of Morpheus
minimum Rank heroes should reach before encountering Research.
the tale. The second is the person
or location where the tale begins,
or possibly another Savage Tale Weapons, Weapons Everywhere (p. 154)
that leads to it. In which the heroes find a waiting pack of Cards,
as weapons fall from the skies! This tale gives a hint
The final entry can have
about the workings of Morpheus Research.
several values:
Crown Of Alicethe tale
concerns finding the Crown of Allies? (Seasoned, Gryphon,
Not Specificthe tale is just a
This Savage Tale can be run whenever the heroes
tale of Wonderland.
are atop a large hill or similar landmark that makes
Real-world Linkthe tale them more noticeable from the air.
concerns links to what is A hero who succeeds in a Notice roll sees
happening in the Real World. a large, birdlike creature swooping down.
Vorpal Swordthe tale concerns The creature has a leonine body with all four
finding the Vorpal Sword. paws/talons extended and razor-sharp claws
visible! The Gryphon has heard of the heroes
Victoriathe tale is particularly exploits and means to test their resolve. Any
appropriate for the Victoria hero who made the Notice roll has one action
campaign. to react; any attempt to strike the Gryphon is at
Make sure to take a good look at a 2 penalty due to the speed of its dive.
the adventure. Some of them depend The Gryphon flaps its wings furiously, then
upon events that may have taken place lands nearby and gazes at the heroes. After a
in earlier tales. This is clarified at the few moments, the Gryphon makes a comment or
beginning of the tale. two on the heroes actions (for instance commenting that
At the end of some Savage Tales, there is a section they are unobservant if none saw him, or aggressive
titled Leads To; this indicates further Savage Tales that if they attacked him). Hopefully conversation rather than
are linked to the current one. combat occurs. If the heroes do attack the Gryphon, he
takes to the wing and flies away, shaking his head sadly.
While the heroes are in conversation with the Gryphon,
Special Tales a group of jabberkin catches scent of him and charges to
the attack. The jabberkin first target the Gryphon with
Three of the following tales are of particular note as
their eye fire ability, setting the Gryphons wing feathers
they can be run when and where the GM desires:

Wonderland No MoreGame Masters Section
alight and he gives a scream of pain (2 wounds and he The Wounded Bandersnatch
takes fire damage of 2d6 per round). To extinguish the
A flash of blue amidst the undergrowth marks the
fire requires a large volume of water or a blanket to be
remains of a silk shirt. A hero making a successful Notice
wrapped tightly around the Gryphon; however, anyone
roll also finds scraps of brown leather and a sword lying
getting too close to the Gryphon has a 50% chance of
amidst the undergrowth. A thrashing in the surrounding
being accidentally attacked as the creature flails in pain
undergrowth gives the heroes enough time to prepare
(roll normal Fighting skill against the characters Parry).
to meet a bandersnatch that charges towards them. The
Once the jabberkin are dealt with, the Gryphon (if bandersnatch is suffering from one wound inflicted by
still alive) thanks the heroes for their aid and promises Igpay before he fled.
to aid them should they need it. He gives a small wooden
whistle to the hero who aided him most, along with Bandersnatch: (p. 161); this particular specimen
instructions to blow it when his aid is required. If the has one wound.
whistle is blown, the Gryphon arrives in the area 1d6+2
rounds later (doubled if indoors).
The Wild Bunch
The Gryphon: (p. 156). The wounded bandersnatchs cries lead the now-wild
Jabberkin (3 plus 1 per hero): (p. 172). Igpay and his pack of wild pigs to the heroes. The
pigs use Stealth to get close to and surround the heroes
before attacking. Two rounds after the pigs attack, a trio
A Missing Little Pig (Novice, of mome raths attacks from the surrounding vegetation.

Duchess, Not Specific)

Igpay the Duchesss son has gone missing, and the
Duchess wants him back. The teenage boy, struggling
Igpays Sword
with his more feral nature and the natural state of
confusion for many of his age, has run away from
home after another argument with his mother about
wanting to find his father. Attacked in the woods by a
bandersnatch, Igpays feral side took over, and with the
help of some natural wild pigs he drove the creature
off. For once amongst creatures that accept him, albeit
dumb beasts, Igpay is running with the pack of swine,
his consciousness buried deep within his bestial mind.
The Duchess and her employees know very little of
all this. The Duchess reveals only that her son has run
away and she is worried and wants him returned. With a
successful Streetwise check, the heroes may clean from
the servants that an argument preceded Igpays sudden
departure, but only the Cook knows what the argument
was about.

Tracking Igpay
If anyone asks, Igpays clothing at the time he ran
away can be relateda dark blue silk shirt, brown leather The sword Igpay took originally
trousers, and black leather boots. Also, an antique sword belonged to his father, Lord Bacham.
that had been hanging in the parlor has gone missing. Bachams symbola boars headmay be
Several Frog servants know Igpay has a favorite place spotted amongst the ornate carvings on the
down by a nearby stream, and can lead the heroes there. hilt by anyone who inspects it. A Common
Igpays boot prints are easily visible in the damp mud. Knowledge roll identifies the symbol as that
of Bacham.
It requires no skill to see just where Igpay entered the
woods, thanks to the mud, but the trail soon becomes Damage is Str+d8, and it weighs 8 lbs. It
harder to follow as it goes deeper into the forest. is worth 10.
It requires a Tracking roll (or Notice at 2) and an hour
of searching to follow the trail. Check for an encounter
(p. 92, Other Forests regional sub-table) each time the
roll is failed.

Savage Tales
Have the heroes attempt an opposed Notice roll against Red Chessman, Knight (1): (p. 167); Wild Card.
the mome raths Stealth. If the mome raths are not
noticed, they get the drop on their victims (+4 to hit, +4 Red Chessman, Bishop (1): (p. 167).
damage) for their first round of attacks only.
Red Chessman, Rook (1): (p. 168).
Igpay comes to his senses if rendered unconscious or
Incapacitated. When revived he is confused for a short Red Chessman, Pawns (2 per hero): (p. 167).
time, as while feral he was not conscious of himself.
When he realizes what happened and that he attacked
the heroes, Igpay is wracked with guilta fact the heroes Assassination Attempt (Veteran,
may use to convince him to return to his mother. Caterpillar, Not Specific)
Igpay: (p. 157). The Caterpillar has moved from his regular
Wild Pigs (2 per hero): Boars (p. 164). mushroom to a more secure underground lair.
This fact is unknown to most of the inhabitants
Mome Raths (3): (p. 175). of Wonderland, so it is likely the heroes have
been sent here after an encounter with
the False Caterpillar ( False
A Stormy Knight Caterpillar, p. 138).
(Seasoned, White Two Cockroaches stand guard
outside the tunnel entrance. The two
Knight, Not Specific) bugs, Ron and Ron, are surly but talk
This tale can be run almost with the heroes (think bouncers outside
anywhere the GM desires, although pubs and nightclubs!). They are here to
the White Knight is more likely keep low-life away from the Caterpillar.
encountered in the Chessboard The heroes qualify as low-life unless they
Fields. are carrying the correct payment for the
Caterpillars knowledge. The Caterpillar,
Seeking shelter from the elements,
they learn, would simply love a dozen of the
maybe overnight or from a sudden storm,
cream-colored mushrooms with scarlet spots. You
the heroes notice a light as though a lamp had
knowthe ones that grow on the islands of the Dismal
just been lit. Anyone venturing closer to the light hears
muffled complaining coming from an armor-clad form
the White Knightstanding amidst a pile of gear.
The White Knight is obviously in a foul mood but The Heroes Dont Have Payment
will be polite enough to the heroes. He explains that The GM should use some of the ideas in Side Quests
he recently had a small mishap that left him stuck, head and Other Diversions (p. 89), or create his own tale
first, in a narrow ravine for an hour or so. While he leading the heroes into the Dismal Mire to seek the
was trapped, someone made off with his noble steed, mushrooms.
leaving him stranded here with all his inventions.
If the heroes wish to aid the White Knight, they can The Heroes Have Payment
start by following the horses tracks. Use the Maze rules
The heroes are waved in. The tunnel winds down
(p. 89) to simulate tracking down the thieves. If the
at a shallow angle and passes three other guard posts,
heroes set out straight away (remember the inclement
each with two Cockroaches on duty. Each pair waves the
elements) the mazes difficulty is d6; if they wait until
heroes on if they have the mushrooms. Finally the tunnel
later, the number of steps increases by one die type per
opens into a large chamber.
The air in the chamber is thick with pale blue smoke
The thieves are a small band of deserters from the
emanating from the hookah and the Caterpillar who is
Red Queens army led by a Red Knight (not the Red
smoking it. The Caterpillar gestures the heroes forward
Knight) who had lost his horse and so impatiently took
and begins to talk (think The Godfather), but then
that of the White Knight rather than obtaining a new
abruptly coughs and begins to gag. The Cockroach
one through legitimate means. These bandits will be
minders run into the room and attack the heroes with
executed if caught by the Red Queen and are therefore
cries of Assassins!
quite prepared to fight to the death.
Ron and Ron are secretly working for another
Returning the White Knights horse to him will earn
Caterpillar who wants the Caterpillars role. They have
the heroes his thanks and support if they ever need it.
been waiting for suitable dupes to seek an audience and
Such support includes a letter of recommendation to the
sent the heroes to gather mushrooms that emit spores
White Queen.
poisonous to caterpillars.

Wonderland No MoreGame Masters Section
The Caterpillar waves frantically and gasps while the and the world is too dangerous a place for one
fight ensues; anyone getting a raise on a Listen roll hears such as one to travel. Would you, perhaps, be
the words mushroom and poison. If the mushrooms interested in delivering invitations to ones
are removed from the chamber or burnt, the Caterpillar daughters for one?
recovers in 1d4+4 rounds. Ron and Ron try to stop any
The Mother Butterfly has a number of daughters and
attempt to destroy the mushrooms.
knows roughly where each has settledthe GM should
Once the attempt on his life has been thwarted, the list the places he wants his heroes to visit and pick
Caterpillar is all too willing to answer any questions he names from those below. The Mother Butterfly promises
can, and will be favorably disposed to the heroes in the the heroes 0.10 per daughter to whom they deliver an
future. invitation; each invitation instructs the other Butterflies
Cockroaches (6): Use Beetle, Giant (p. 163). to pay the heroes and invites the daughter to a reunion
ball to be held in the Insect Forest. All the heroes need
Ron (2): Use Beetle, Giant, as above, but armed to do is travel to the area of Wonderland and uncork a
with a pistol. jar of pungent jelly the Butterfly gives them. The jelly
has the Mother Butterflys smell on it and attracts her
daughter. While this is correct, it can take up to a day for
Wealth the daughter to arrive.
The attackers have a Tidy Sum
between them.
Of course nothing should be as simple
Butterfly Ball as stated. Well, maybe one or two could
be. The GM should complicate matters by
(Novice, Anywhere, Not using some of the following suggestions or
Specific) throwing her own enhancements in:
This Savage Tale should be run near A wild beast is driven berserk by the smell,
to the beginning of the campaign, as it and leaps to attack.
provides the heroes with a reason to A wounded Butterfly begs the heroes to rescue
wander across Wonderland and become her kidnapped Caterpillars.
acquainted with some of the people and
A Butterfly with non-symmetrical markings blames
her mother for her rejection by potential mates,
The GM should spend some time trails the heroes and tries to kill her siblings.
reviewing the Savage Tales and deciding
A Butterfly has been kidnapped by giant
where he might like his heroes to travel
Cockroaches, who are using her for their own
before running this tale and then tailoring
nefarious purposes.
the Mother Butterflys request. Run the tale
whilst the heroes are traveling from one A Gourmancer hears of the heroes journey and
place to another. The actual number of decides to accompany them to gather a few
places to be visited is up to the GM but we Butterfly wings for his meals.
would advise limiting it to about ten. (If
the heroes catch on that something is amiss, this
tale may well come to resolution long before all ten
Suggested Locations
Monarchy of Hearts: Bacham, The Beach, Dismal
locations are visited.)
Mire, The Fungal Forest, The Guarded Way, The Hills of
Gloom, Hope, Mountains of Division, Royal Forest, The
The Mother Butterfly Wood of Giant Animals.
A giant Butterfly (4-foot wing span) approaches the Looking-glass Lands: The Beach, Charity, The
heroes, and anyone making a successful Notice roll spots Chessboard Fields, Faith, The Field of the Flying
tears on her face. She hovers near them and several times Elephants, The Guarded Way, Hill of Surveying, The
tries to speak, but can only gulp back more tears. Finally Hills of Gloom, The Insect Forest, The Living Flower
she manages it. Read the following quickly, in one breath Maze, Mount Jubjub, Nowhere, Riverside, Settled,
if possible: Tulgey Down, The Wood of No Names.
One cannot help noticing you are travelers.
Perhaps you are regular travelers? One only asks
as one misses ones daughters so very much and
Suggested Butterfly Names
Billy, Dilly, Filly, Gilly, Hilly, Lilly, Milly, Nilly, Tilly and
would like to invite them to a ball, a reunion
if you will, but ones daughters are widespread

Savage Tales
Why the Different Dates? Alternatively, word reaches the Queen of Hearts
that her patrols near the Village of Animals are being
Once the four or more invitations are delivered,
attacked regularly. She sends a large occupying force
allow a Smarts roll when they deliver the
of Cards to the Village with orders to stay there
next. On a success, a hero overhears
until the cause of the attacks is stopped. Village life
the date of the ball and realizes that it
becomes very hard with the Cards demanding and
is different from that given for the last
taking most of the food and drink, commandeering
invitation. (See Variable Time, p. 62, for
homes and generally causing strife for the villagers.
more about tracking time in Wonderland.)
Investigation of the remaining invitations Eventually a concerned villager (probably Pat,
shows that each has a different instruction the White Rabbits gardener and a friend of Bill)
about when to attend. will relate to the heroes who is behind the attacks
and ask them to stop him peacefully in the hopes of
getting the Queens forces to withdraw.
The Insect Forest
The Mother Butterfly can be found if
she is sought. She has been attacking and
feeding on the bodies of her daughters to Bill, Handyman Lizard
give herself strength and power. As may be Attributes: Agility d10, Smarts d6, Spirit d6,
suspected, she is quite mad! Strength d8, Vigor d8
Skills: Climbing d8, Fighting d6, Notice d8,
Shooting d10, Stealth d10(+2), Survival d8(+2).
Tracking d8(+2)
Mother Butterfly Charisma: 0; Pace: 6; Parry: 6; Toughness: 7 (1)
Attributes: Agility d10, Smarts d8, Spirit Edges: Acrobat, Alertness, Marksman, Quick,
d8, Strength d8, Vigor d8 Woodsman
Skills: Fighting d8, Shooting d8 Special Abilities: Claws (Str+d6).
Charisma: 0; Pace: 6; Parry: 6; Toughness: 8 Gear: Knife (Str+d4), leather apron (+1 Armor, torso
(2) only), rifle (20/40/80, Damage 2d8, Shots 1, AP 2).
Special Abilities
Armor +2: The Butterflys diet has altered her body
to a hard carapace. Clandestine Meeting (Novice, Mary
Flight: The Butterfly may fly at a rate of 6 with a Ann, Victoria)
climb rate of 4.
The heroes notice a Cat woman in traditional maids
Hardy: A second Shaken result does not cause a
attire constantly looking around and generally acting
furtive. She is clutching a covered basket. Any
Spit Sap (Paralysis): The Butterfly has sufficient
villager can identify the Cat as Mary Ann, the
sap in her mouth to spit three times using her
White Rabbits maidservant.
Shooting skill; Range is 3/6/9.
Wing Slash: Str+d6. Mary Ann is a spy for the Queen of Hearts, and
is watching the Village for signs of the White
Rabbits return or any suspicious activity.
Gone Native (Novice, Bill, Once a week she meets with agents of the
Victoria) Queen in the surrounding woods.
Although normally a mild-mannered
handyman (or handylizard), Bill has been pushed Confronting Mary Ann
over the edge by the wild accusations against his If the heroes confront Mary Ann, she
master, the White Rabbit. claims to be going to the store to buy
Bill has taken to the woods around the Village of provisions. If questioned about her manner
Animals, where he fights a one-Lizard guerilla war she reluctantly tells how one of the
against the Queen of Hearts and her minions. villagers, a Badger by the name of Brock, has
been giving her unwanted attention lately and
He may attack the heroes while they are in the
she is keeping an eye out so she can avoid him.
woods, if they make any comments indicating that
their loyalties lie with the Queen of Hearts. Brock is an elderly Animal who has no designs
at all on Mary Ann. His neighbors know him as a
Devious GMs may have the heroes stopped by a
respectable and well-to-do gentleman. If necessary,
pack of Cards and questioned, which will lead Bill to
use the statistics for Animal, Common Folk (p.
assume they are in league with the Queen.
161) to represent Brock.

Wonderland No MoreGame Masters Section
Following Mary Ann Crowning Glory (Seasoned, March
If the heroes follow Mary Ann without confronting
her, they must succeed in an opposed roll of their Stealth
Hare / White Queen, Victoria)
against her Notice or she spots them. If the heroes are Victoria destroyed the Eighth Square after completing
spotted, Mary Ann enters the woods, collects a large her Queen Trials and left it a blasted heap of rubble.
bunch of wild flowers and returns to the White Rabbits Some of those who served there survived however, and
house. remain to test any who explore the ruins.
If the heroes do not alert Mary Ann, she makes her While searching the ruins, the heroes are attacked
way into the deeper woods. She pauses and shakes her by three swarms of rocking-horseflies. They then find a
head at one particular spot (a hero who makes a Notice large wooden dining table covering a set of stone steps.
roll sees a low mound in the forest floora shallow The steps lead down to a large chamber whose ruined
grave; see Jon Browns Body, p. 139) and then and twisted furniture and fittings indicate it was once a
continues to a clearing where three Wolves (one kitchen. Incongruously, a throne sits in the center of the
noticeably larger than the others) await her. room with a rod of some sort and a leather-bound book
resting upon its red velvet cushion.
The four talk quietly for some time
before the larger Wolf hands Mary Ann a Before the heroes can ascertain any
leather purse (it contains 1) and then more of the chamber, the opening
they head their separate ways. Mary slams closed (any caught outside may
Ann returns to the village, pausing make an Agility roll to leap inside
to collect a large bunch of wild before it slams shut). For a moment
flowers on the way. there is darkness, then a half dozen
cooking fires burst into flames.
Unknown to Mary Ann, the
three Wolves work directly for Thirteen creatures appear in the
the Daffodil Man, not the Queen flickering firelight, twelve of whom
of Hearts. They have been mind- are curious things standing about
conditioned to die rather than give two feet tall, with bodies made of
any information away. If captured oversized bottles, wings of plates
and questioned, all three spasm and legs of dinner forks. The last
and drop dead of heart attacks figure is an aged Frog clad in
as soon as any of them relate bright yellow robes and large
anything pertaining to the Daffodil boots.
Man. Death occurs even before The frog intones in a guttural
they can completely say the word but solemn voice, Behold, those
Daffodil. Initially they claim to be who seek the mantle of Queenship,
working for the Queen of Hearts, the final test faces them. Begin the
but one of the Wolves in particular test! One by one the plate things
is incapable of a convincing lie. ask questions of the heroes (see
If captured, Mary Ann does not following); if the heroes answer
attempt to fight. She eventually confesses that she is in correctly, the asking thing fades away. When all questions
the pay of the Queen of Hearts to spy on the village and have been asked, any remaining plate things leap to the
relay any suspicious activity to her agents in the wood attack, assisted by the Frog.
once a week, especially anything concerning the White If the heroes correctly answer all the questions, the
Rabbit. The Queen of Hearts does pay her, but originally Frog welcomes them to the Eighth Square and bids them
threatened her life if she did not help. to take their place for the banquet. No matter what the
Wolf Leader: Human, Guard Captain heroes do, nothing further occurs, as the Eighth Square
(Wonderland) (p. 171), with Alertness and Natural has no magical powers since its destruction. Conversation
Weaponry (Str+d6). with the frog reveals he is completely mad.
Swarm, Rocking-horsefly (3): (p. 176).
Wolves (2): Human, Guard (Wonderland) (p. 171),
with Alertness and Natural Weaponry (Str+d6). Frog: Gourmancer, Experienced (p. 170) with
Flipper Slap (Str+d4); may Leap 3.
Leads To Plate Things (1 to 12): (p. 177), with Armor +2
(magical protection). Despite their ability to ask their
Jon Browns Body (p. 139): A chance spotting of
assigned questions and understand the answers, they
a shallow grave leads the heroes into a heap of trouble
are otherwise unintelligent animate objects, incapable
with the spirit of the resident.
of engaging in conversation.

Savage Tales
Wealth Dee and Dum (Veteran, Chessboard
The rod upon the throne is the Scepter of Alice
(Str+d6, has 6 Power Points with which the wielder can
Fields, Not Specific)
cast bolt, using his Spirit as his spellcasting skill; Power The monstrous creature who was once the twin
Points regenerate at the rate of 2 per day). Tweedle brothers, Tweedledee and Tweedledum,
possesses an equally monstrous appetite. It strives to
The book is the original Accords of the Eighth Square
satisfy its hunger by hunting the wildlife around its old
(p. 12 for details), which gives a +2 bonus to social rolls
home, including anybody who happens to pass by. When
involving Chessmen (though the Red Queen will most
it is not hunting or eating, the Tweedle Creature sleeps,
certainly demand to take possession of it if she learns of
often for many days at a time. The local wildlife has
its discovery).
learnt this pattern of behavior and avoids the area when
The large silver forks of the plate things are also the creature is awake.
worth 2 each (there are two forks per plate thing that
A Sudden Rush
The first warning the heroes get of anything untoward
The Questions is a lot of rustling from the surrounding undergrowth.
Q1. Name Alices cat. The Tweedle Creature has awoken early with a ravenous
hunger, and the local wild creatures are fleeing for their
A1. Dinah.
Q2. Why couldnt Alice read the Jabberwocky
Hordes of beasts burst from the undergrowth and
flee across the trail: foxes, badgers, rabbits, squirrels,
A2. It was written backwards. carnivore and herbivore, hunter and hunted. The sea
Q3. Name one creature that was in the train of wildlife flees between the party, sometimes around,
carriage with Alice. often even between the legs of a hero.
A3. The Guard, the Man Dressed in White Paper, A few seconds after the wildlife rush there is a
the Goat, the Beetle, the Horse, or the Gnat. loud bellowing, followed by more rustling from the
undergrowth as though something large were thrashing
Q4. What did Alice meet in the Wood of No
about. Before the heroes can investigate, the Tweedle
Creature bursts out of the undergrowth bellowing,
A4. A fawn. Dinner! as it rushes them.
Q5. Who told Alice the poem of the Walrus and the If the Tweedle Creature sees Tweedledums rattle (see
Carpenter? Victims of the Twins, p. 151) its heads begin
A5. Tweedledum and Tweedledee. bickering about who stole whose rattle; in any round
when it is dealt a black card for initiative, it uses an attack
Q6. What item of apparel did Alice help the White
to hit itself.
Queen with?
Blowing the Crow Whistle (see Victims of the
A6. A shawl.
Twins, p. 151) within earshot of the Tweedle Creature
Q7. What was the Sheep doing in its shop when causes it to look wildly around, fearing an attack of the
Alice met it? giant crow that scared the twins long ago. This distraction
A7. Knitting. gives the creature a 1 penalty to all its attacks in any
round during which the whistle is blown.
Q8. Name the Egg encountered by Alice.
A8. Humpty Dumpty.
Q9. Name one of the White Kings messengers.
Tweedle Creature
A9. Haigha or Hatta.
Attributes: Agility d4, Smarts d4, Spirit d10, Strength
Q10. What were the Lion and the Unicorn fighting d12+2, Vigor d12
for? Skills: Fighting d10, Notice d8
A10. The crown. Charisma: 4; Pace: 6; Parry: 7; Toughness: 12 (2)
Hindrances: Mean, Obese, Ugly.
Q11. Who rescued Alice from the Red Knight?
Edges: Improved Frenzy, Improved Nerves of Steel,
A11. The White Knight. Improved Tough as Nails, Hard To Kill.
Q12. What was Alice introduced to first at her Special Abilities
crowning banquet? Armor +2: Thick blubber.
Hardy: Second Shaken result does not cause a
A12. The leg of mutton. wound.

Wonderland No MoreGame Masters Section
No Vitals: Immune to called shots. Leads to:
Punch: Str, non-lethal damage.
Regenerate: Slow. Assassination Attempt (p. 133): The first time
Size +2. the heroes visit the Caterpillar they inadvertently
Wealth: A Small Fortune in coins collected from its past become involved in a coup.
meals. Ol Gnarly (p. 143): The heroes seek out an old
tree for help.
False Caterpillar (Veteran,
Caterpillar, Not Specific) Father Dear Father (Seasoned,
The Caterpillar moved to a more secure spot some
time ago. However, another enterprising Caterpillar has
Igpay, Not Specific)
taken his place and the heroes find him when they go The heroes are recognized by Igpay and approached
seeking the original. by him. Igpay explains he has been asking his mother
about his father for many years. Recently he has noticed
After searching the Fungal Forest for a few hours, the
his home holds many objects with the crest of a stylized
heroes come across a four-foot tall mushroom with an
pigs head upon them. Questioning his mother about
equally large Caterpillar sitting atop it. The Caterpillar
these yielded only vague comments such as, payment
is lounging against a cushion, smoking a large cigar and
for debts, and, an old acquaintance gave them to
idly blowing smoke rings.
The Caterpillar answers any question the heroes ask
The penny finally dropped when he was in the
it but insists on payment of 5 (in coins or goods) per
kitchen talking to the Cook as she prepared a side of
question. The answers given are completely made up but
ham; removing it from its sacking, Igpay chanced to
should be fairly convincing. If the questions asked seem
see a stylized pigs head upon the sack and the words
to be of an important nature, or when the Caterpillar has
Produce of Bacham. Inquiries of the servants revealed
garnered 25, he points the heroes to Ol Gnarly (a Tree
that Lord Bacham is a Boar, and now Igpay is convinced
in the Living Flower Maze) and hints that time is of the
the Lord is his father.
essence (aiming to get rid of them permanently).
He asks the heroes to find some proof Lord Bacham
If the heroes return and confront the false
is his father and to try and convince him to meet Igpay
Caterpillar, he backs down if threatened.
without alerting his mother. As payment, Igpay
He returns half of the money and
offers a collection of old ornaments he found
goods they gave him, but has spent
lost in the eaves of the manor, which he is sure
the other half. The party can get two
are worth something. A General Knowledge roll
dozen cigars from the Caterpillar if
estimates the treasure trove is worth about
they push, as well as the location of
10 to the right buyers (such buyers may only
the real Caterpillar.
be found in one of the three main cities).

False Asking Questions

The Duchesss servants were hired after
Caterpillar she gained her title and know nothing of her
Attributes: Agility d10, history with Lord Bacham.
Smarts d8, Spirit d8, The locals in Bacham (particularly if bought
Strength d6, Vigor a drink or two) relate their lord is a bit of a
d6 one for the ladies, if yer know what I mean,
Skills: Fighting d4, Notice along with much nudging and winking. No one
d6, Taunt d10 can recall anyone like the Duchess but as they also
Charisma: 0; Pace: 4; Parry: 4; say, Yer dont dally on yer own doorstep, do yer?
Toughness: 5
Special Abilities One of Lord Bachams servants, an elderly Badger, is
Slow: Pace is 4 and running die is d4. responsible for the Lords record books. Although old,
Wealth: A Tidy Sum (no Item of Wonder) hidden inside his memory is good and he recalls his master gifting a
the mushroom. The mushroom radiates magic, as parcel of land to a woman many years ago. Of course, to
its left side acts as an enlarge Magic Foodstuff, while speak with the Badger requires the heroes to get into the
its right side acts as a shrink Magic Foodstuff. Up to Lords castle.
4 portions may be taken from each side before the Lord Bachams guards get one night a week off and
mushroom loses its enchantment. usually one or two can be found in the village tavern.

Savage Tales
Asking questions of the guards is a difficult business and The door of the cottage opens and a woman beckons
best undertaken when they are mildly drunk. All the him in. About two hours before dawn the Lord emerges
guards know of and are jealous of their Lords success and takes a more leisurely ride back to his castle.
with women although none have ever seen any of them. The heroes could try and confront Lord Bacham
The Lord rides out about once a week at dusk and returns during his journeys; if they do so on the return trip, he
just as dawn breaks. has one point of Fatigue. Bacham refuses to answer any
questions and accuses the heroes of being the Queens
Casing Lord Bachams Castle troublemakers and common bandits.
The castle is in fact a three-story tower with a wall If Lord Bacham is confronted during his tryst, he is
around it and half a dozen outbuildings nestled against more amenable to talking (its hard to be aggressive while
the wall. The wall is guarded at all times by four Human naked!). If the heroes mention the Duchess, he requests
guards; a further twelve guards and their Bear commander they retire outside to talk further once he is dressed. He
are in one of the outbuildings. Other outbuildings house is true to his word and agrees to any reasonable request
a half-dozen servants and store food (a large number of (such as meeting Igpay) if the heroes keep quiet.
ham and pork products), wine and so forth.
Only Lord Bacham and two Tweedle guards inhabit Evidence
the tower. The Tweedle live permanently on the ground The heroes may gather several pieces of evidence
floor. The second floor of the tower has the kitchen and including hearsay, Lord Bachams ledger and even a
a meeting hall. The top floor consists of Lord Bachams confrontation with him womanizing. The GM should
bedchamber, a library/study, and living area. decide if the heroes have sufficient evidence to convince
Searching the library takes at least two hours; Lord Lord Bacham to meet with his son. Such a meeting
Bacham has quite a collection of books on all sorts of is arranged to be in a clearing midway between the
subjects although he can barely readhe sees them as a Duchesss Manor and Bacham; the Lord brings a number
status symbol. A hero making a successful Investigation of guards equal to the heroes. Only Lord Bacham and
roll finds a ledger detailing the land parcels Lord Bacham Igpay are in the clearing; all others stay on the perimeter.
has rented or given awayone such parcel included a The arguments are at first loud and confrontational but
manor house that was given to someone referred to as settle down to quieter, calmer discussions. Eventually
that woman for services rendered. Theft-minded the two go their separate ways.
heroes can find the Lords treasury (a Small Fortune) Igpay says little of what transpired. If pushed, he only
hidden beneath a concealed panel in the floor of the says he and Lord Bacham are going hunting in a few
library; stealing his wealth does not affect the heroes weeks time.
current tale, as it is not noticed for several days.
Human Guards (4): Human, Guard (Wonderland) (p.
171); if not avoided or silenced quickly, a further twelve Jon Browns Body (Novice, Wood
guards and their commander come running after 4
of Giant Animals, Victoria)
This tale can be run whenever the heroes are in the
Tweedle, Guards (2): (p. 179).
woods around the Village of Animals.
Just within the eaves of the wood, anyone making a
successful Notice roll will discover a patch of recently
Bear Commander disturbed soil which, upon further investigation, forms a
low hump reminiscent of a grave. The body of an
Attributes: Agility d6, Smarts d6, Spirit d6,
Owl is buried just a foot or so under the surface.
Strength d10, Vigor d10
Skills: Fighting d8, Notice d6 Opening the grave releases Jon the Brown
Charisma: 0; Pace: 6; Parry: 6; Toughness: Owls spirit. The Queens agents in the Animal
10 (2) village, as detailed in A Spy in our Midst (p.
Edges: Brawny, Combat Reflexes, Frenzy, 148), murdered Jon. Jon wants two things from
Sweep. the heroes: revenge on his murderers, and
Gear: Chain hauberk (+2), sword (Str+d6). his body buried with that of his mate, Clara.
Jon promises a rich reward should the heroes
fulfill his requeststhe location of a treasure
Following Lord Bacham of great wealth. If they refuse to aid him, his
Almost blinded by his lust, Lord Bacham is easy spirit haunts them, appearing each night
to follow if the heroes have horses. The Lord rides they are in Wonderland, using either his Fear
his mount hard, racing through the night for an power to scare the heroes or just wailing and
hour or so before approaching a small cottage. crying to keep them awake (the latter requires

Wonderland No MoreGame Masters Section
a successful Spirit roll to sleep through; failure indicates looking for a meal. The crocogator is a particularly
a level of Fatigue the next day). old and wily brute, named Stumpy by those who have
survived an encounter with him, due to the loss of the
Jon the Brown Owl (Ghost): (p. 170), Fear 1.
last 2 feet of his tail in his youth.
The ground upon the island is quite soft and the
Burying Jons Body heroes easily dig down the three feet required to expose
Jon Browns spirit leads the heroes through the the body of a second owl. As Jon Browns body is laid to
woods towards the Dismal Mire. Only when they near rest and the grave filled in, his spirit gives a great sigh of
the marshland does he reveal that he buried his mate contentment. Thanking the heroes, Jon relates where a
on a small island of solid ground within the swamp. The great treasure may be found (see Treasure
heroes have to wade through thick clinging mud, often Hunting, p. 151). As Jons spirit fades from view, his last
knee- to hip-deep, to get there. words are, Of course, there is a guardian.

Young Problem
The first problem is a pack of six slithy toves guarding Stumpy, Old and Wily Crocogator
their recent clutch of hatchlings. The toves chose this Attributes: Agility d4, Smarts d8 (A), Spirit d8, Strength
spot due to the plentiful supply of insects to feed the d12+2, Vigor d12
young. A Tracking roll (or a Notice roll at 4) allows a Skills: Fighting d10, Notice d6, Swim d10
hero to find the tracks upon the damp ground of several Pace: 3; Parry: 7; Toughness: 11 (3)
four-footed animals of two distinct sizes. A hero making Special Abilities
a successful Survival or Tracking roll deduces there are Armor +3: Ol Stumpy has thick skin covered in
young animals around. healed scars.
The toves take an aggressive stance but do not initiate Aquatic: Pace 6.
combat unless the heroes approach within a few feet. Bite: Str+d6.
Once combat is joined the toves fight desperately to Lurk: May use Swimming skill instead of Stealth when
protect their young. Each should therefore be treated as in water.
having the Hardy ability. Rollover: If a crocogator hits with a raise it rolls over,
causing an additional 2d4 damage to its prey.
If the heroes travel a few hundred yards away, the Wealth: A Tidy Sum scattered in the mud around the
toves follow them for a while, then lose interest and island.
return to their lair.
If the toves are slain, a hero making another Notice Leads To:
roll hears a high-pitched warbling cry, and traces it to a
small burrow. Inside are eight tove young, which may be Spy in our Midst (p. 148): The vengeful spirit
slain with no effort at all. tells the heroes of the Dogs who murdered him so they
could use his house for some nefarious purpose.
Slithy Toves (6): (p. 178).
Treasure Hunting (p. 151): The heroes seek a
great treasure in the Hills of Gloom.
A Searching Journey
The journey through the Dismal Mire is arduous and
tedious as Jon Brown leads them from island to island, Lost Traveler (Any rank, Anywhere,
each time sure this is the one. The journey takes 4+1d4
days, and there is a 50% chance of a random encounter Real-world Link)
each day. If a surreal event is rolled, the spirit of Jon This Savage Tale can be set wherever and whenever
Browns mate appears, winging across the mire towards the GM desires! As the heroes round a turn in the road
her resting place. A subsequent Tracking roll reduces the or reach the brow of a hill or enter a large building
journey to just one more day. basically when they can see an area that was previously
blocked from their view, they see a strange sight.

Finally the Island

At long last the island is discovered; it is quite small Gail Saunders
with a low mound in the center of it. Jon Brown is excited A woman is clad in what looks like a hospital gown, and
and urges the heroes to exhume his mates body so they stands stock-still with several weapons around her. Gail
may lie in rest together. is in shock; she is a volunteer for Morpheus Research and
Before the heroes get a chance to begin excavating, has inadvertently found her way to Wonderland whilst in
a large reptile launches itself out of the murky water, a drug-induced sleep. Gail can remember nothing of her
Real-world life aside from the vague impressions listed

Savage Tales
below. She has no memory of the weapons around her The Duel
although the symbol on them seems familiar. Likewise,
Once the rules are settled, the Hatter and Hare choose
she has no idea where she is or how she got here.
seconds; again arguments may begin, as they both want
Due to the drugs in her system Gail does not regain the same hero. With seconds decided on, the duelists
her memories while in Wonderland. After two days, she remove their jackets and hand them to their respective
awakens in the Real World and simply vanishes from seconds. Standing back to back, each fidgets for a while
view. If required, Gail has standard Human statistics (see before nodding to their second. Suddenly the Hare asks,
Human, Common Folk, p. 171). Gail may be met again in What is the signal? and another debate breaks out that
the Interlude In the Arms of Morpheus (p. 130). the heroes need to settle before the duel commences.
Finally all is ready, again. The duelists stand back to
Gails Memories back, nod to their seconds, await the signal, and then
A big, gray building with a crossno, an Xon its walk ten paces. Turning to face one another, the Hatter
front. asks Tea? to which the Hare replies, Certainly, old
chap, but what of our duel? The Hatter ponders for a
A gleaming, metal room, cold and lifeless. moment then tosses his gun to his second; Our seconds
A room full of sleeping people. can fight it for us.
Sounds of gunfire and violence. The Hatter and Hare wander off to one side and begin
the preparations for making tea, all the while urging their
seconds on. If the heroes do not participate in the duel,
The Weapons the pair becomes sulky and uncooperative for several
The weapons are all Morpheus Weapons (p. 84) and days, even going so far as to deliberately make noise to
consist of two swords, three daggers and two heavy attract unwanted attention and trouble for the heroes.
pistols (use S&W .44 pistols from Savage Worlds).
If the duel goes ahead, they are overjoyed to be
traveling with such honorable companions, and aid as
best they can in future encounters.
Matter of Honor (Veteran, Hatter /
For the sake of show, give the heroes the statistics of
March Hare, Not Specific) the revolvers the pair was using (heavy revolver, Range
While the heroes are traveling with the Hatter and 12/24/48, Damage 2d6+1, RoF 1, Shots 6), and then
March Hare, a discussion breaks out between the pair. call for Shooting rolls from each duelist. The winner is
The topic of the discussion is up to the GM based on the one who rolls highest (even if neither one hits). No
what may have occurred in his campaign. If no suitable damage is actually dealt; a flag shoots out of the winners
argument presents itself, the Hatter accuses the Hare of gun, saying BANG!while the victims gun falls apart,
putting too little sugar in his tea the day before, the day revealing a square of material with OUCH! written on
after, a week past from today. it. Honor is restored.
The discussions volume rises rapidly and soon turns The heroes are free to keep the two gag guns (which
into a fully-fledged argument with fingers being waved can be reassembled and reused). Neither gun does any
and pointed. Any intercession by the heroes is met by actual damage.
a firm Mind your own business! from both the Hatter
and Hare. The heroes can force the pair to stop the
argument but they are then sulky and uncooperative for Nest with a View (Veteran, Hatter /
several days.
March Hare, Not Specific)
Eventually the argument progresses to pushing each
This Savage Tale should be run whilst the heroes are
other until finally the Hatter pulls a glove from inside
traveling through a wooded region of Wonderland with
his jacket and slaps the Hare about the face, demanding
the Hatter and March Hare. As is often the case, the pair
that honor must be settled. The Hare agrees and the pair
is lagging a little behind, talking in what seems complete
pulls out large revolvers. A few more arguments spring
gibberish. Abruptly a vast shadow sweeps over the party
up as they decide on the rules:
and a monstrous jubjub bird swoops down, snatching
Each party shall have a second, or stand in, who up the March Hare in its claws.
holds his jacket or waistcoat and acts as witness.
The jubjub bird is hidden from view until it actually
Both parties stand back to back. swoops into the clear area around the trail. This
On a given signal both parties walk ten paces, combined with the speed of its attack means it requires a
then turn and fire. Notice roll to react during the round in which the jubjub
grabs the March Hare.
The one least injuredor, if both miss, whoever
was closest to hittingis declared the winner. Assuming the jubjub bird survives the initial attack on
the March Hare, it wings back up over the trees and flies

Wonderland No MoreGame Masters Section
off towards the Mountains of Division. If a hero thinks After each half hour of searching, draw a card. If it is
to climb one of the taller trees (cruel GMs may require a a Club, a jubjub bird (not a Wild Card) attacks from the
Climbing roll to avoid a fall of 20 feet) she sees the huge nest.
bird flying directly for Mount Jubjub. Once the tally of successes reaches 7 or more, the
heroes can tell that theyre getting closer as they hear
Finding Mount Jubjub the Hares voice echoing from a nearby nest, singing a
lullaby. The Hare had been intended as a snack for the
Mount Jubjub rises from the peaks of the Mountains
jubjubs young when they hatched, but so far he has kept
of Division about midway up the chain of mountains and
them sleeping in their eggs by singing during the days
is almost impossible not to find if actively sought. Once
when the warm sun would hatch them. Notice rolls to
into the mountains, the route to Mount Jubjub can be
find the March Hare from this point on are at +2.
deduced by the sizeable splats of bird droppings that
foul much of the landscape.
Scaling Mount Jubjub The March Hare is in one of the nests with four 15-
foot-tall eggs and the jubjub bird that snatched him
Climbing the mountain is more a task of exertion than
away. The nest is about 40 feet (almost 7) across at its
skill. The peak is tall, though ascent is relatively easy due
base, curving upwards for 30 feet to a top diameter of 50
to the terrain, which is rough and broken from the fights
feet (about 8). Climbing rolls are required to scale the
of the massive jubjub birds. There are only two places
curving nest wall. With the March Hares off-key singing
that require Climbing rolls to be made; the first about
the heroes can climb into the nest without the jubjub
a third of the way up the mountain and the second to
bird noticing them.
reach the upper slopes. Failing either climb results in a
fall of 50 feet (for 5d6 damage). Such a fall creates a lot If combat breaks out, the jubjub bird does not take
of echoing noise and the GM should draw a card. If it is a flight, as it is protecting its eggs. On the third round of
Club, several jubjub fledglings fly down to investigate. the combat, two of the eggs hatch, releasing the chicks,
which join the fight after a further two rounds. If either
Jubjub Chicks (1d6): (p. 173).
the chicks or eggs are attacked, the jubjub bird parent
goes berserk (per the Berserk Edge).
Nests of the Jubjub Afterward, the March Hare wearily thanks his rescuers,
Scattered across the upper slopes of the mountain are explaining how he survived on a diet of worms and grubs
many huge nests constructed of what look like whole he found in the tree trunks of the nest, sucking dew from
trees. Here and there are piles of rubble and furrows leaves and chewing water-sodden bark.
deep enough to hide in (where the jubjub birds have Jubjub Bird: Use the standard statistics but make
sharpened their claws and beaks). this particular bird a Wild Card.
Finding the March Hare requires a total of 10
Jubjub Birds (1 per encounter): (p. 173).
successful Notice rolls (each raise counts as another
success toward this total) as the heroes search the nests. Jubjub Chicks (2): (p. 173).
A single cooperative Notice roll may be made per group
of heroes per half hour of searching; if the heroes split
up, each group requires 10 successful Notice rolls to find Wealth
him. The two eggs that have not hatched are worth in
excess of 2.50 each if the heroes can find some way to
carry a 15-foot-tall, 12-foot-diameter egg weighing 1000
lb down the mountain!
Of more practical value are the broken egg shells; the
Twinkle, twinkle, little bat! heroes can gather 2d6 pieces of unblemished shell with
How I wonder what youre at! an appearance similar to mother-of-pearl, worth 0.10
per piece to a craftsman (one may be found in a large city
Up above the world you fly, with a Streetwise roll).
Like a tea-tray in the sky. Enough pieces of hard shell remain to have a suit of
Twinkle, twinkle armor made (cuirass, +3 Armor, Weight 12 lb, covers
Lewis Carroll torso, cost 2.00 to make) and either two medium
shields (Weight 6 lb, +1 Parry, +2 Armor to ranged shots
that hit, cost to make 0.75) or one large shield (Weight
10 lb, +2 Parry, +2 Armor to ranged shots that hit, cost
to make 1.00).

Savage Tales
Anyone in the party who is a woodsman, hunter, When the heroes finally speak with (at) Ol Gnarly
merchant, weaponsmith or armorsmith will likely know they find him totally incomprehensible, bellowing
the true value of these egg shell pieces. Failing that, the one deep-throated roar after another. A success on a
March Hare will inform the heroes. General Knowledge roll (bonus if the hero has any plant
knowledge) suggests the Tree is totally insane. There is
no way to reason with Ol Gnarly or get any information
Ol Gnarly (Veteran, Living Flower out of him; he now lives only to maim and kill.
Maze, Chapter 3) Chessman Pawn Zombies (5): Chessman, Pawn (p.
167), undead.
A short distance away from the main Living Flower
Maze lives the mad and dangerous Tree known as Ol Chessman Rook Zombie (1): Chessman, Rook (p.
Gnarly. The heroes may hear of this Tree from the Flowers 168), undead.
in the maze or be sent specifically to find him.
Asking any of the Flowers in the garden about Ol
Gnarly is met with only mumbled answers along the
lines of Dont know. Eventually a rather bedraggled
Ol Gnarly, Big Old Tree
Snapdragon timidly raises a leaf and offers the Attributes: Agility d4, Smarts d4, Spirit d8, Strength
information. Ol Gnarly is an ancient Tree deep in the d12+2, Vigor d10
garden. He went a little strange a few years ago when Skills: Fighting d6, Intimidate d8, Notice d8
a group of Chessmen tried to cut him down for use as Charisma: 4; Pace: 0; Parry: 3; Toughness: 15 (2)
a battering ram. The Snapdragon points out the path Hindrances: Bloodthirsty
the heroes need to follow and tells them to look for the Special Abilities
Roses of Love. They should leave the path under the Armor +2: Tough bark.
Roses and just keep walking. Branch: Str+d6, with a Reach of up to 3.
Hardy: A second Shaken result does not cause a
After some walking, a hero making a successful Notice
roll spots two Rose bushes climbing up a trellis and
Improved Frenzy: Ol Gnarly can make two attacks
entwined together. The air is full of murmuring as the
per round without penalty.
Roses whisper sweet nothings to each other.
Large: Opponents have a +2 bonus to hit.
Once past the Roses of Love, the heroes are in the Plant: By nature of their vegetative origins, Plants are
wilds of the garden and require successful Tracking rolls immune to diseases and poisons affecting animals,
to stay on a straight path. Each time a roll is failed, there but they are susceptible to diseases and poisons that
is a 50% chance of an encounter with a number of Giant affect plants. Likewise, they have no need for food
Ants equal to the party. These Ants try to keep people but require sunlight in its place (one hour of sunlight
away from Ol Gnarly, as his violent outbursts upset the per two days).
whole garden. If the heroes do not back down, or they Root Creep: Ol Gnarlys roots can burrow beneath
are caught a subsequent time, the Ants regretfully attack foes up to 6 away, then rip free from the earth to
them, using non-lethal damage. If the Ants are dealt with entangle them and pull them closer for his bludgeoning
peacefully, successful Stealth rolls enable the party to branches. Entangling involves an opposed Agility roll
avoid them in the future. Once five successful Tracking (the roots have Agility d8); if Ol Gnarly succeeds,
rolls have been made (each raise counts as another the hero is dragged towards his trunk and held firm,
success toward the total), the heroes see in the distance giving the Tree +2 to hit. An opposed Strength roll
a Tree that can only be Ol Gnarly. or a wound on the root (Toughness 8) is required to
Ant, Giant (1 per hero): (p. 161). break free.
Sessile: Ol Gnarly cannot move, aside from swaying.
2 Parry.
Ol Gnarly Found Size +6.
Ol Gnarly is a huge Oak Tree whose bark and branches Weakness (Fire): Takes double damage from fire.
show signs of his age and state. Gnarly is both his name
and an apt description. A series of deep scars across his
lower trunk reveal white wood beneath: evidence of the
Pleasant Lunch (Seasoned, Looking-
attack of the Chessmen upon him. The ground around glass Lands Beach, Victoria)
his roots is disturbed as though he has uprooted and Whilst on the beach, the heroes spot a mismatched
moved. From this churned-up soil rise five Chessman pair approaching them. One is squat and rotund while
Pawn zombies and a single Chessman Rook zombie. Ol the other is taller and skinny. The shorter of the two
Gnarly refuses to call his zombies off and strikes out raises a flipper-like hand and hails the group. They are
himself at anyone who gets too close; the zombies may the Walrus and the Carpenter: an infamous pair of con
use tricks to lure heroes closer to the Tree. men, murderers (if one considers eating sapient Oysters

Wonderland No MoreGame Masters Section
as murder!) and thieves. The Walrus gestures towards Duchess were marched away, leaving only the Cook and
a large basket carried by his partner before asking if a few servants deemed too old to be of use.
they can join the heroes for lunch, however at no point
does he indicate they have any intention of providing
food. If the Walrus cannot avoid the question of what Ambush
they have to share the Carpenter opens the basket with As the heroes approach the Duchesss Manor they
a flourish and extracts various sweet foodstuffsa bowl are suddenly assailed by a flurry of pepper bombs and
of succulent-looking fruit, cakes, wine, that sort of thing. a rough female voice crying, Ye may have taken me
The Walrus slaps away any hand reaching for this food Mistress, but youll nae be taking me! The Duchesss
while pronouncing, No, no. Dessert later, my boy. Cook and four of her faithful Animal servants ambush
Dessert later. the party, gaining surprise. The Cook is in an upstairs
room (gaining medium cover) while the four elderly
The pair asks the heroes of their journeys and plays
Frogs leap out from behind some bushes. Two rounds
the part of eager and attentive listeners, often asking for
into the fight, two Fish fire pistols at the heroes from the
parts to be repeated and making appropriate statements
windows on the ground floor.
of awe. During this time the pair attempts to steal various
items from the heroes, starting with anything valuable or During the fight any hero who succeeds in a Notice
magical-looking. Make hidden Notice rolls opposing the roll sees that the opponents are all quite elderly and not
thieves Stealth to see if a hero notices an item has gone very proficient with their weapons.
missing. The attackers can be
When dessert is finally called convinced to cease their attacks
for, the Walrus waves his flipper by appropriate skill rolls or
over the displayed food (which convincing (and role-played)
turns out to be all fake, after all) arguments. The Cook calls for all
and announces in a mournful the servants to surrender when
tone, Alas, my boy, this food is three of them have been defeated
for demonstration purposes only; or she has taken 2 wounds.
it is what we would eat if we but The Cook: (p. 156).
had it. If the heroes seem angry
at being cheated, the Walrus tries Frogs, Loyal but Old Servants
to placate them by offering a share (4): Animal, Common Folk
of a vast hoard if they retrieve it; (p. 161), with Throwing d6; 2
the deal is a 60/40 split60% to pepper bombs each.
the Walrus and Carpenter and 40% Fish, Loyal but Old Servants
to the heroes. (2): Animal, Common Folk;
If the situation begins to devolve remove Fighting and add
into threats of physical violence, Shooting d4; pistol and 5 shots
the Walrus and the Carpenter will each.
up the heroes percentage share of
the treasure, going so far as to give
up all claim to the treasure to save Explanations
their own skins. If all else fails, the Once all hostilities have ceased,
pair will flee as best they can, with the Cook explains as best she can
the Walrus abandoning his partner and seeking safety what happened. The servants and Cook know nothing
in the sea. If the GM so desires, the pair may stalk the about a visit by the White Rabbit but have noticed many
heroes and attack them at an opportune moment. clandestine meetings about the manor and its grounds.
If the heroes indicate in any way they are opposed to
Seaside Treasure (p. 147): A hoard is for the
the Queen of Hearts, the Cook begs them to rescue her
taking on the beach, if you can get past its guardians.
mistress, offering them her life savings (actually money
stolen from her employer)a Tidy Sumplus up to six
pepper bombs.
Rescue the Duchess (Novice,
Duchesss Cook, Victoria) Rescuing the Duchess
A pack of Cards arrived recently at the Duchesss The Cook can relate that the Duchess was to be taken
Manor to recruit her Animal servants into the Queen directly to the city of Hope but would have to take the
of Hearts service. The Duchess was somewhat vocal in somewhat circuitous forest trail due to the number of
disagreement, which resulted in her arrest by the Ace people in the group. A smaller group, such as the heroes,
of Diamonds who led the pack. The servants and the could cut across country and easily catch up.

Savage Tales
As the heroes make their way through the woods in
the direction of Hope, the GM should select or randomly
Royal Kidnap (Heroic, Lily, Not
generate an encounter. Even with this encounter the Specific)
group can easily catch up with and overtake the Duchess The White King and Queens daughter, Lily, has been
and her captors. The Queens force consists of fifteen kidnapped! Posters around Charity are offering a 50
Rank-1 Club Cards, three Rank-2 Club Cards and an Ace reward for her safe return and describe the man believed
of Diamonds Card. The ten recruited servants and the to have kidnapped her. The man is described as having
Duchess have their wrists bound together and a rope an extremely pointy chin and nose (like a Punch doll).
tying each together in a long line. The servants are not
effective fighters but if freed can be counted on to at least As luck or fate would have it, the heroes saw a man
give the heroes a gang-up bonus. The Duchess is livid fitting that description a day or ago as he sped past on
about her treatment and should be treated as Berserk if a heavily laden horse. Note: The GM might prefer to
freed while her captors are still alive. foreshadow this tale by actually having his players
encounter the man earlier as he speeds away from the
The Duchess: (p. 156). city.
Rank-1 Club Cards (15): (p. 164). Returning to the area where they saw the speeding
horseman, the heroes may follow the horse with a
Rank-2 Club Cards (3).
successful Tracking roll. The trail leads to an old,
partially ruined watchtower atop a lonely hill. The
kidnapper (Mr. Chin) and his accomplices are hiding in
the watchtower while they compose a ransom letter to
Ace of Diamonds the White Queen.
Attributes: Agility d10, Smarts d8, Spirit d10, Strength
They have one man on watch with a Notice of d8,
d8, Vigor d8
which the heroes must avoid if they wish to sneak up to
Skills: Fighting d8, Notice d10
the tower. If the heroes take no precautions, the lookout
Pace: 6; Parry: 6; Toughness: 7 (1)
spots them and the thugs open fire with crossbows.
Hindrances: Flammable, Soggy When Wet
Edges: AB (MiraclesAlice/Victoria), Combat Edges, Princess Lily: Use Pawn Chessman (p. 167), but
Edge-facing, Flat ... Sort Of, Florentine, Luck of the add Smarts d8, Knowledge (Battle) d8, and Noble.
Draw, Trained for the Job
Powers: (20 PP)boost/lower trait, burrow, deflection, Mr. Chin: Use Human, Guard Captain
invisibility, speed. (Wonderland) (p. 171) and add Riding d10.
Gear: Leather armor (+1), sword (Str+d6), dagger Thugs (2 per hero): Use Human, Guard (Wonderland)
(Str+d4). (p. 171), and give them crossbows in addition to their
normal gear.
Between them the Cards have a Tidy Sum.
Babysitting Lily
Lily is spoilt, obnoxious and prone to extremely loud
Aftermath tantrums, and should be played that way by the GM.
On a successful Notice roll or automatically if anyone Lily makes extravagant demands of her rescuers and
searches the Ace Card, it is discovered beneath his threatens dire consequences from her mother if they are
clothing that his markings are just a thin cover stuck not met. One of Lilys tantrums awakens a bandersnatch,
upon his paper fleshhidden beneath is a design of which slinks towards the heroes to investigate the noise.
five wands. It has a +4 bonus to Stealth to attack with surprise.
The Duchess is grateful for her rescue but is not Bandersnatch: (p. 161).
above using the heroes herself. Depending upon the
GMs plans the Duchess either denies seeing the White
Rabbit recently (which is true) or relates that the White The Red Knight
Rabbit came to her and went off with her son, Igpay, on a While still some distance from Charity, the heroes spy
secret mission and there has been no sign of them since. a column of figures heading towards them. The column
The latter would be a ruse to get the heroes to find her is led by The Red Knight and consists of two Red Bishops
runaway son, Igpay. and 24 Red Pawns. Regardless of what the heroes do, Lily
chooses this moment to throw one of her tantrums. She
accuses the heroes in a loud voice of mistreating her and
Leads To: even of kidnapping her. Lilys hope is that the Rosewood
Missing Little Pig (p. 132): The Duchesss son forces take her from the heroes, since other Chessmen
has gone missing. Can the heroes find him? are more used to following orders from royalty.

Wonderland No MoreGame Masters Section
The Red Knight responds to the shouted accusations
by approaching the heroes and demanding to know what
School of Thought (Novice, Mock
they are doing with the Royal Princess. Lily interrupts Turtle, Not Specific)
any explanation by shouting more accusations against While rambling on
the heroes. Eventually the Red Knight sits back on his about the old days and
horse and states clearly that the situation has bought the how things were so much
heroes honor in this matter into question, and as such it better back then, the Mock
must be tested upon the field of battle. Turtle makes mention
The heroes must choose a champion to face the Red of, And of course there
Knight in mortal combat. The rules are simple: The was the Great Secret of
combatants may use any equipment they possess but Wonderland; you dont
may not be aided by their companions in any way at all get taught that these
(including spellcasting). The battle is fought until one of days. If questioned
the combatants cannot continue. on the subject the
Mock Turtle definitely
remembers being taught
The Outcome it, but he just cannot
Regardless of who wins the combat, the Red Bishops recall what it was. He
heal both of the combatants. If the hero winsthe Red does remember one of
Knight salutes the hero and apologizes for doubting his his old school masters
honor. If the Red Knight winsthe Red Knight salutes taught him, but alas he cannot recall which one.
the hero for his willingness to face him over a matter of
The Mock Turtle can give directions to his old school,
which involves a boat trip or three Swimming rolls to
In either case, the Red Knight kneels before Lily, reach.
acknowledging her royal peerage before whispering to
her; Lilys face (or what passes for it as a Pawn) goes from
jubilant to concerned and finally to consternation as The Old School
the Red Knight explains in detail her position as a royal The school convenes around a small rocky island a
princess and how she has been abusing her position. few miles off shore. Although formal, all are welcome
From this point on, Lily is well-behaved with the heroes. who can pay the fees0.10 per hour. Lessons are ten
The Red Knight should now be viewed as friendly hours the first day, then nine hours the second, and so
towards the heroes, something that may be of use if the on for a total of ten days (working out to a grand total of
heroes have any dealings with the House of Rosewood. 5.50 for anyone who stays for an entire course).
For instance, if the heroes are caught sneaking around Thats the reason theyre called lessons, the
the Red Queens palace, the Red Knight may intervene Gryphon remarked: because they lessen from
when sentence is passed on them to have their execution day to day.
reduced to banishment under threat of death if they ever
return. Anyone wishing to learn must choose between the
teachers and courses that are available. If questioned
Red Knight: See Personalities (p. 158). about the Great Secret the teachers only say to be patient
and learn.

Returning Lily to the White Queen

The reception the heroes get in Charity depends upon The Courses
their prior actions. If they have met the White Queen, Each course lasts ten days and a pupil must attempt
the Lion and the Unicorn immediately escort them to a Smarts roll each day. The final gain in knowledge
the palace. If the heroes have not met the Queen they is dependent on the number of successes the pupil
are given lodgings and board in a well-to-do inn while attains.
the Lion and the Unicorn take Lily to the Queen. The
Unicorn returns the next day, stating that the Queen
desires an audience with the heroes. The BasicsReeling and Writhing
Taught by a Lobster
The Queen is gushingly thankful for the safe return
of her daughter. She offers the heroes both the 50 05 successes: Nothing.
reward offered for her safe return and also to name them
Friends of the House of Whitefield. This title has no 69 successes: Increase Stealth by 1 die type or gain
intrinsic monetary value but any member of the House Stealth d4.
of Whitefield encountered has a 50% chance of having 10 successes: +1 bonus to all Stealth rolls.
heard of them, thus being more inclined to aid them.

Savage Tales
ArithmeticAmbition, Distraction, ghosts of some of their former victims witnessed the
burial of their treasure cache and took up guard above
Uglification, and Derision it.
Taught by a Whiting
The heroes can easily find the site of the buried
05 successes: Nothing. treasure, for it has a sand castle built atop it. The structure
is amazing considering what it is built of, with walls and
69 successes: Increase Taunt by 1 die type or gain buttresses, towers and battlements. A successful Notice
Taunt d4. roll reveals several indistinct (ghostly?) figures atop the
10 successes: +1 bonus to all Taunt rolls. battlements, each clutching a small splinter of driftwood
as a spear. The Oyster ghosts do not allow anyone to
venture near enough to the sand castle to harm it. At
The ClassicsMystery, ancient and first they fire warning shotsdeliberately missing the
modern, with Seaography: heroes with their powers. If the heroes persist, their
attacks become more lethal.
Taught by a Crab
The only way to peacefully get close to the Oyster
05 successes: Nothing. ghosts is to approach unarmed. If this is done, one of
the ghosts floats down from the battlements and speaks
69 successes: Increase Investigation by 1 die type
or gain Investigation d4. with the heroes. The Oysters are bitter about the deadly
trick played on them by the Walrus and the Carpenter
10 successes: +1 to all Investigation rolls. and agree to give the heroes the wealth accumulated by
them under two conditions:
Drawling, Stretching, and Fainting in The Walrus and Carpenter must get none of the
treasure back.
The heroes have to retrieve the Oysters shells,
Taught by a Conger Eel
return them to their mother in the Oyster beds,
and tell her she was right and her children are
05 successes: Nothing.
sorry for disobeying her.
69 successes: Increase Healing by 1 die type or
gain Healing d4.
Oyster Ghosts (40): Use Ghosts (p. 170), but add
10 successes: +1 to all Healing rolls.
Throwing d6 (tiny driftwood spears, d4 damage),
Spellcasting d8 and Fear at +1.
The Great Secret of Wonderland The Oyster ghosts have 20 Power Points between them
Heroes who achieve ten successes on their course rolls that may be collectively used to cast bolt and blast,
are escorted by the teacher to view the Great Sea Crate. which manifest as a strong wind whipping sharp sand,
This large crate is packed full of books and parchments and a tornado spinning sand around, respectively.
(somehow impervious to water) and the lucky student
is encouraged to take a selection to keep for his own
library. These documents give the hero a +2 bonus on Where Are Those Shells?
any Knowledge rolls involving Wonderland. The Oysters do not know where their shells are, as
they were more than a bit disoriented after they had been
eaten! The Walrus and Carpenter know roughly where
Seaside Treasure (Seasoned, the shells are, but the heroes need to somehow convince
them to disclose it. Once persuaded, the pair leads the
Looking-glass Lands heroes to a flat rock a few feet
Beach, Crown of Alice) above the waters of the Endless
Sea. Each Oyster was devoured
The Walrus and the Carpenter
and its shell was dropped off the
play upon being poor laborers
ledge into the water.
just seeking a life in the cruel
and hard world in which they The shells still lie in the
live. In reality, they are a pair of water beneath the rocky shelf.
thieves, con-men, and murderers Unfortunately this is the lair of
who couldnt be seen with their a shoal of spiny rockfish. The
ill-gotten gains, so they buried fish use their camouflage ability
their wealth on the beach in the to hide until any interlopers are
Realm of the Queen of Hearts. busy, and then attack with a +4
Unfortunately for the pair the bonus to Stealth to surprise their

Wonderland No MoreGame Masters Section
victims (gaining the drop, but only if all their victims with many of the Queens agents and have a small pack
are surprised). There are 40 Oyster shells total in the of Cards hidden away in the cellar of the house.
fishes lair. The heroes may be on to the spies straight away if
Spiny Rockfish, Giant (1 per hero): (p. 169). they have already found Jon the Brown Owls body.
Alternatively they may have spoken to the villager Pat,
who has suspicions about the dogs.
And The Oyster Bed?
Again the Walrus and Carpenter can point the heroes
in the rough direction of the beds where they found the Asking Around the Village
Oysters. The beds are about a mile off shore but there The villagers are very close-mouthed about their own
is nothing hazardous in the area (unless the GM wants kind even if they are not really welcome.
something!). Someone diving and succeeding in a Notice A successful Streetwise roll is required to gain any
roll can find the bed. A single large Oyster lies in the information from the villagers and any such rolls have
middle of the bed surrounded by a lonely patch of empty a 4 penalty unless the questioner is an Animal or has
sandthe mother Oyster. previously endeared himself to the village in some other
Success The Dogs: The Dogs are very standoffish; they do
The heroes return to the site of the castle to find the not mix with the other villagers or frequent the tavern,
ghosts have disappeared and the castle has collapsed and are rarely seen outside their home. When one of the
into a heap of sand. A few minutes of digging reveals pair leaves their home, it is only to go straight to the
the treasure hoard. If the heroes do give any of this general store to purchase food. Specifically questioning
wealth back to the Walrus or Carpenter, the Oysters the grocer (a Fox) reveals the Dogs purchase far more
inflict a curse upon them: For the duration of their visit food than they could possibly need.
to Wonderland they must succeed in a Vigor roll each Jon the Brown Owl: He was a real member of the
time they attempt anything strenuous (and this includes village, always willing to help out and regularly in the
spell casting); failure results in severe stomach cramps tavern drinking with his friends. Jon did not tell any
for the duration of the encounter, causing a 1 penalty of his friends he was leaving. He was a keen and gifted
on all trait rolls. gardener, which makes it even more of a shame he moved
on, as the Dogs have let his garden run to ruin.

There is a fortune in bits and piecesjewels (especially Watching the House
pearls), old and tarnished coins, twisted scraps of rare If the heroes watch the house for a few days, they
metals and such like. As well as any generated Item of garner a few clues. The garden is a mess; no attempt has
Wonder there is a broken part of a white crown, perhaps been made to keep it tidy, so even the grass is knee-high.
about one third of the whole. This is part of the Crown The curtains in upper windows are always drawn shut,
of Alice (p. 83). and a hero making a Notice roll while observing this
spots one of the curtains twitching slightly.
One of the Dogs leaves the house once a week and
Spy in our Midst (Novice, Pat, walks swiftly to the grocers store. The Dog carries a large
Victoria) basket full of groceries when she returns, and the whole
trip takes perhaps an hour. Apart from the shopping trip,
A mated pair of Dog mercenaries was recruited by the
the dogs never leave the house during the day.
Queen of Hearts to settle in the Village of Animals and
keep watch for the White Rabbit or any other signs of While watching the house a hero must make an
treachery. The two Dogs, going by the names of Mr. John opposed Stealth roll (at +2, assuming hes taking full
Dog and Mrs. Jane Dog, first applied pressure to a Brown advantage of cover) against one of the Dogs Notice rolls
Owl (Jon), who lived opposite the White Rabbits home, (remember, they have Alertness); if the Dog beats the
to try and get him to move. When this failed, they made heros roll then the hero has been spotted.
their way stealthily into Jons house and slew him. The Each night the Dogs both leave the house and
pair buried the Owls body in a shallow grave in the stealthily pad around the village, sniffing at doors and
nearby Wood of Giant Animals. More of this is detailed in windows. Their circuit is different each night but does
Jon Browns Body, p. 139. repeat after five nights. If a hero follows one of the Dogs
Since the burial the Dogs have returned to the Village he must make an opposed Stealth roll (at +2 due to
of Animals with the key to Jons house and a (forged) cover of darkness) against the Dogs Notice (the Dogs
letter indicating Jon had moved to Hope and sold them are at a 2 penalty because theyre concentrating on
his home. Under cover of darkness, the Dogs have met other trails, which effectively cancels out their usual

Savage Tales
bonus from Alertness); if the Dog beats the heros roll, Leads To:
he has spotted the hero.
Clandestine Meeting (p. 135): The White
Rabbits housemaid is acting suspiciously.
The House
The Victorian House/Inn map (p. 54) can represent
the house, though the study and larder dividers Tax Rebate (Veteran, March Hare,
should be eliminated (leaving the cellar area open), and
the attic level is not divided into rooms.
In a town of the Monarchy of Hearts, the heroes are
The house is a small affair with a parlor and kitchen
approached by three shopkeepers: the Butcher, the
downstairs, a narrow staircase leading up to the two
Baker, and the Candlestick Maker. They tell a tale of woe,
upstairs bedrooms, and an even narrower set of stairs
that the Queens Taxman drained them of every last coin
leading from the kitchen to the cellar. There is no sign of
by taxing them for everything imaginable (including a tax
use in any of the rooms save the bedroom, which faces
on being taxed). Worse yet, the total taxes were more
the White Rabbits house. A chair sits by the window
than they could actually pay, so they are now in debt,
in this room and several bowls with dried-on food lay
forced to liquidate their stocks to pay the Taxman when
scattered about. A hero making a successful Notice roll
he comes back. Even then, it will likely be the Axeman
in the parlor notes a cleaner circular area of flooring as
for them, once the Queen hears that theyre behind on
though something had been moved. The something is a
rug, now in the kitchen and covering some bloodstained
floorboards. This is where Jon was slain. Their hope is that the Taxmans ledger is misplaced
before he reaches the Queen. They know that he
The cellar is an open area the size of the house with
frequents Renards Place (formerly March Manor), and
four stone columns supporting the main floor above. It
so he can be found there if haste is made. If the heroes
is quite smoky (dim visibility). The Dogs and Club Cards
can bring back the ledger or proof of its destruction, the
spend most of their time (when not watching from the
shopkeepers promise a discount on their services and
upstairs windows) in the cellar. They have a cooking fire
their best wares as thanks. (They would also appreciate
(which accounts for the smoke) and also sleep here.
getting their money back, but will not demand this; their
Successful Notice rolls spot several burnt pieces of paper
primary concern is for their own necks at this point.)
in the fire, of which only one fragment is still legible. The
surviving fragment is a corner of a sheet of paper and the The Butcher offers his Best Meat Cleaver (Str+d6+1
only legible section bears the letters MA (the initials of damage, thrown Range 3/6/12). The Baker offers 8 of
the White Rabbits maid, Mary Ann). his Best Cakes (Mystery Cakes; p. 88). The Candlestick
Maker offers his Best Candle (illuminates 4 radius; can
How alert the occupants of the house are when the
be snuffed and relit, but never
heroes enter it depends upon their actions.
burns out).
If one of the Dogs spotted the heroes either
watching the house or tailing them, or the Note: Alternatively, the heroes
heroes spoke to Mary Ann, a single Card is might end up visiting this
stationed on guard in both the parlor and location on their own, either
kitchen. Those in the cellar are ready as well. In while searching for the March
this situation the heroes are not able to surprise Hare, or on a quest for Alices
the villains unless they use an area-effect attack Hair Band. In such a case, the
into the cellar from the kitchen. GM might let them encounter the
shopkeepers if theyre overheard
Rank-1 Club Cards (8): (p. 164).
asking directions to March Manor,
or they can just focus on their
primary task rather than worrying
about the Taxman and his ledger.
Dog Mercenaries (2)
Attributes: Agility d6, Smarts d6, Spirit d4,
Strength d8, Vigor d8 Renards Place
Skills: Fighting d8, Intimidate d8, Notice d8, Soon after the March Hares
Taunt d6, Stealth d8, Throwing d6 arrest, an enterprising Fox
Pace: 6; Parry: 6; Toughness: 6 named Renard came across his
Edges: Alertness, First Strike. deserted house and decided it
Special Abilities was a suitable location for a way-
Bite: Str+d6. stop for travelers on the Queens
Gear: Sword (Str+d6). roads. Renard roughly installed
Wealth: Each has Loose Change. a taproom (bar), dug a latrine

Wonderland No MoreGame Masters Section
out the back (in the Hares vegetable patch), posted a the chest to the Sergeants wrist for safekeeping. When
few signs, and opened for business. Unfortunately for in transit, the chest is carried on a small cart drawn by
Renard, a sergeant in the army of the Queen of Hearts a single old and weary horse. The ledger is among the
liked the place so much he declared it army property but paperwork that the Taxman keeps in his own possession
graciously allowed Renard to stay on as the barkeep. at all times.
Naturally Renard is not happy about the situation, but he The Sergeant is upstairs asleep in the March Hares
is too much of a coward to do anything about it. bedroom, while the Rank-2 Club Cards and the Tweedle
In a fight Renard, if in no danger himself, aids are in the taproom drinking and playing a game of dice.
whichever side seems to be winning. He may well change The Rank-1 Club Cards are in or around the stables
sides several times during a protracted fight! seeing to the horse and cleaning their equipment.
The Taxman is in another of the bedrooms upstairs,
but will only lend support at a distance (from atop the
Renard, Scheming Barkeep stairs). In no case will he surrender the ledger, but he
will attempt to flee if the guards cannot protect him.
Attributes: Agility d8, Smarts d6, Spirit d6, Strength d6,
Vigor d6 If a fight breaks out, the Sergeant awakens on a raise
Skills: Fighting d6, Notice d8, Stealth d6 on a Notice roll. The Cards outside the inn automatically
Charisma: +2; Pace: 8; Parry: 7; Toughness: 5 hear the noise and arrive at the end of the third round.
Hindrances: Greedy, Yellow The Sergeant: Tweedle, Guard Captain (p. 179);
Edges: Charismatic, Fleet-Footed, Improved Dodge, he is handcuffed to the chest (2 Parry).
Level Headed, Trademark Weapon (whiskey bottle)
Gear: Whiskey bottle (Str+d4), dagger (Str+d4). Rank-2 Club Cards (4): (p. 165).
Rank-1 Club Cards (8).
Approaching March Manor Tweedle Do & Die (2): Tweedle, Guard; (p. 179).
The heroes begin to see wooden signs pointing in
the direction they are traveling, all reading: Renards The Queens Taxman: Haberdasher, Experienced
PlaceGood FoodGood BeerStay the Night. These (p. 170), with Intimidate d12. He has Knowledge (Tax
signs start about a mile from the March Manor. Law) d12 as his spellcasting skill, and a single power of
taxation (as boost/lower trait, but can only lower traits,
The house itself is two stories tall with a thatched
with encounter-length duration).
roof and two chimneys shaped like rabbit ears, in a small
woodland clearing. A patch of land behind the house was
once obviously a vegetable garden but has been ruined The March Hares Bedroom
by several trench-style open latrines, and all that they
The Sergeant is normally asleep here, sprawled
imply. A barn-like building next to the garden has been
fully clothed and armored across the bed, his left wrist
converted into a half dozen stalls for horses.
handcuffed to a large chest. The chest is both locked
The table at which was held the infamous mad tea and wrapped about with a padlocked chain, requiring a
party lies bare and forgotten under a tree in the front Lockpicking roll to open, and a Stealth check to unwrap
court, overgrown by creeping vines. The chairs and place the chain without waking up the Sergeant. The Sergeant
settings have long ago been taken inside. has the key on a chain around his neck (hidden under
Use the Victorian House/Inn map (p. 54) to represent his armor). The chest contains a Small Fortune, but no
March Manor, with some modifications. The doors and Item of Wonder.
walls are knocked down between the parlor, hall and Beneath the March Hares bed is a loose floorboard;
dining hall, making one large common room, with the a raise on a Notice roll is required to spot it when
bar set up in the former hall, right next to the stairs and searching the room in general; it can be found with a
the kitchen access. Upstairs, the Taxman is staying in the regular success if someone specifies that he wishes to
Master Bedroom, and the Sergeant is in the Guest Room, search underneath the bed. Beneath the floorboard is
while the attic rooms all have bunks for the use of the the March Hares treasure cachea Tidy Sum in loose
guards staying there. change (no Item of Wonder), half a broken blue egg
shell, a silver thimble, a small bottle labeled Drink Me
that holds three doses of Tears of the Tove (p. 88, counts
The Current Guests as three Magic Foodstuffs total) and Alices Hair Band (p.
A Tweedle sergeant (known simply as The Sergeant) 83, a white Alice band).
and his squad of guards use the inn as their base of
operations, supporting the Taxman as he collects ever The Sergeant: Tweedle, Guard Captain (p. 179);
more taxes from the outlying villages to fund his Queens he is handcuffed to the chest (2 Parry); not found here
campaign. The tax money is carried in a locked chest if the heroes already dealt with him in the encounter
bound with a padlocked chain; a second chain secures above.

Savage Tales
Treasure Hunting (Seasoned, Large and Nasty Jabberkin (1): Jabberkin (p.
172); Wild Card, with Hardy, Improved Nerves of Steel.
Jon Browns Body, Crown of Alice)
Start from the fourth Guard House from the
Queen of Hearts realm on the Guarded Way; Wealth
head towards the mountains. Keep going until There is a fortune in gems and jewels. As well as any
you find an old well; stand by it and look for an generated Item of Wonder, there is a broken part of a
old tree split by lightning. Imagine a line from white crown, perhaps one-third of it. This is part of the
the well to the tree and follow it until you come Crown of Alice (p. 83).
to a hill with a rocky crown atop it. Within the
crown seek a crack into the hill. There you will
find the treasure. Victims of the Twins (Veteran,
Chessboard Fields, Not Specific)
The Well The cottage that was once home to Tweedledee
It is a full days travel to reach the well, and dusk is and Tweedledum has stood empty for some time; the
fast upon them when the old cistern is finally found. surrounding undergrowth has grown around it, making
The well is long dry; however the streambed beneath it entry difficult. However it is not deserted; within are the
has made an ideal lair for a pair of particularly old and restless spirits of those who were captured and eaten by
cunning snarks. These creatures originally hailed from the twins.
the mountains before being driven away by the jubjub
birds, so climbing up and down the well is no problem
for them. The snarks wait until darkness falls before
Entering the Cottage
emerging to leap amongst the heroes. The undergrowth around the cottage is partially
possessed by several ghosts of Plants that fell foul of the
Cunning Old Snarks (2): (p. 175); Wild Cards. twins. Hidden amongst the ivy and long grass are many
vine-like plants with vicious barbs along their length.
These animate and attack the heroes if they attempt to
The Tree enter the cottage. The heroes may gain entry by forcing
In daylight the lightning-split tree is easy to spot, the swollen door (Strength roll with a raise) or breaking
though at night it requires a Notice roll with a raise. On a one of the two windows.
failure at night, the heroes can either choose to camp out
Possessed Vines (8): Weed (p. 179), but Undead, and
until daylight so they can see better, or wander around;
cannot leave cottage.
for each hour of wandering, they can make another
Notice attempt, but a card should also be drawn to check
for an encounter (p. 93, Hills of Gloom encounters; Within the Cottage
encounter happens if a face card is drawn). The cottage consists of a small hallway with doors
leading to a bedroom, a living room and a kitchen.
Once the tree is spotted, following a straight path
The Victorian House/Inn map (p. 54) can be used to
through the chaotic undergrowth of the hills is difficult,
roughly represent the cottage, though only the ground
requiring a success with either Tracking to follow signs
floor should be used; there is no upper floor, attic, or
of the trail, or Notice to keep an eye out for landmarks.
basement. On the map, the Parlor is the living room,
At night, these rolls are made with appropriate darkness
and the Dining Room is actually the bedroom.
Each room is a mess, furniture having been hurled
If the rolls are failed, and the path cannot be followed
about. In the kitchen is a rotting body of a wolf in a large
exactly, it requires an extensive search by the heroes,
cooking pot surrounded by the bones of other creatures
depending to a great deal upon dumb luck to find the
and people. Searching amidst the bones reveals skeletons
way. For each hour of wandering, allow another Notice
of all the ghosts listed below. On a Notice roll with a
or Tracking roll to find the way. On a failure, draw a card;
raise, a hero finds one particular bone that is hollow and
a face card indicates an encounter.
makes a birdlike cawing sound as it is disturbed (the
Crow Whistle). One or more ghosts haunt each of these
The Hill areas. The ghosts are all insane to a greater or lesser
There is a ring of seventeen standing stones upon the degree. They see any who enter the cottage as friends of
hilltop. Angling beneath one of them is a jagged fissure the twins and do what they can to scare them away. All of
leading down to a small cave. the ghosts stop their attacks if the General is negotiated
with or the Guardian is defeated.
The cave is now home to a particularly large and nasty
jabberkin that does not take kindly to being disturbed. The Ghosts: Ghost (p. 170), but with the following

Wonderland No MoreGame Masters Section
own rotten body once per day for d6+5 rounds, which
it does to try and drive any intruders away. Use wolf
The Ghost Sword statistics from the Savage Worlds rule book and give it
the undead ability. Fear check at 2.
The Bird Man was a Crow. He flies cawing around the
ceilings of the cottage, and dives at the heroes, hoping
to cause them to dodge and hurt themselves. With the
chaotic nature of the rooms this is quite possible; a victim
of a dive attack must make a Spirit roll or involuntarily
dodge away. Dodging requires an Agility roll to avoid
taking 1d6 damage from hitting some furnishings.
The Killer was a Human warrior from the Queen of
Hearts army. He was sent to recruit the twins or kill them
if they would not join up. In death he is still a master of
The Generals Sword is almost invisible, weapons and attacks with fragments of furniture hurled
requiring a Notice roll to locate if put down. with deadly accuracy (Throwing skill d10). His makeshift
The sword has no weight, does not count missiles cause 1d8 damage. Fear check at 2.
towards encumbrance and has no Strength
requirement to wield.
The wielder of the sword gains a +1 Vorpal Sword (Heroic, Various,
bonus on Spirit rolls. In addition, the Vorpal Sword)
swords bonus to Fighting increases from
+1 to +3 when fighting the Tweedle Everyone knows the Jabberwock was slain once by
Creature. use of the Vorpal Sword; theres even a famous poem
that declares it. The problem is: Where is the Vorpal
Ghost SwordFighting +1, Damage Sword? To discover the answer, the heroes are going to
Str+d10. have to do some investigation work.

Suitable Places for Research

Large libraries may be found in the cities of Faith,
Hope and Charity. Major book collections such as those
The Child (Fear Check, no penalty) is a small childlike owned by the Duchess and many of the noble Cards and
ghost that lurks in one of the dimly lit corners. This ghost Chessmen are also all good places to start. The Caterpillar
has a rattle that once belonged to Tweedledum, and is another good choice.
rattles it when no one is looking towards its corner. If
detected, the Child does its best to keep the rattle away
from the heroes. The rattle has the words Property of Researching the Poem
Tweedledum scratched into its handle. The poem (p. 172) is well-known particularly to those
The Woman appears as an elderly woman almost in the Looking-glass Lands. A successful Streetwise roll
covered by a shawl. She abruptly lunges forward in any settlement finds someone who knows and can
and throws back her shawl to reveal a horrific visage recite it; if such a person gets a raise on a Common
underneath. Heroes must make a Fear check at 2. Knowledge roll he also recalls the author was someone
called Anon. A successful Investigation roll in a library
The General (Fear check at 1) was a Chessman
or book collection also locates the poem in a book; the
Knight in the service of the White Queen and is one of
signature at the end of the poem is A. Non.
the most insane of the ghosts. He makes himself visible
and awaits the heroes actions. If they talk rather than
attack, he realizes they are not the twins and speaks with Finding A. Non
them of what occurred here long ago. The General tries Once the heroes have the authors name, they may
to persuade the heroes to hunt down the Tweedle twins find out more information about him. A successful
and execute them for their crimes. If the heroes agree, Investigation roll within a library identifies A. Non as a
he gives them his sword in thanks and tells them of the Mouse taleteller (A. Non, a Mouseyes, its a pun)
twins fear of black birds. who wanders the Looking-glass Lands. Suitable skill rolls
The Guardian is the ghost of a wolf (a beast, not (Persuade, Streetwise) while asking about the taleteller
an Animal) that the brothers lured into their home and locate himthe GM should select a suitable town or
killed but did not have time to eat before the other village for A. Non to be in and use the opportunity to
ghosts drove them away. The Guardian can possess its run one or more Savage Tales on the journey.

Savage Tales
A. Non Descending the gorge is a tricky task as the lightning
strike and falling rocks have cracked and broken the sides
The Mouse regards Jabberwocky as one of his finest
of the gorge. It requires three successful Climb rolls to
tales and boasts how he was a good friend with the boy
descend safely. Those failing a roll fall a small distance,
who killed the creature. Questioning him soon reveals
taking 1d6+5 damage.
he actually heard the tale from another storyteller but
was the first to record it and so took the credit. Once the
heroes have this admission, the Mouse becomes upset Giant Ant War Band
and sits mumbling to himself. Anyone who pays any
If an Ant patrol is encountered (as noted above), it
attention to the Mouses muttering hears him mention
is hostile, declaring this region to be holy ground, with
the Vorpal Sword.
trespassing punishable by death.
Persuasion rolls, flattery or a few drinks get A. Non to
With a successful Persuasion roll, the heroes can
reveal what he knows of the sword. He refuses to answer
parlay, learning more about the Giant Ants shrine (giving
questions as to how he knows such detailed information
a +4 to further Notice checks to find it), but unless the
until the heroes promise to take him on their travels
heroes leave, the Ants will lose patience and attack.
to slay the Jabberwock so he can immortalize them in
poem. Once the heroes agree, A. Non relates how the With a carefully crafted lie and a raise on a Persuasion
real author of the poem actually spoke to the Jabberwock check (and someone keeping A. Non from blabbing), the
slayer. Terrified of the weapon (it has a penchant for Ants demeanor can be improved to neutral, avoiding a
accidentally slicing things), the boy threw the sword fight. However, they will be hostile again and suspicious
into a deep gorge, near a vast rock outcrop that looked (2 to Persuasion checks) upon a second encounter.
like the Gryphon rearing up, overshadowing the gorge. Ant, Giant (3 per hero): (p. 161).
The gorge, it is said, is west of Faith in the Mountains of
Division. A. Non puffs out his chest and announces that Giant Ant Leader (1): Ant, Giant; Wild Card.
he found the gorge and the sword!
More questioning reveals that the sword was stuck in Finding the Sword
a large boulder with only the hilt and an inch or so of the
Scouts from a Giant Ant mound
blade protruding and A. Non could not pull it out. A.
found the Vorpal Sword stuck in the
Non left the area amidst a massive storm and returned
boulder and saw it as a sign from the
some time later with some hired muscle, but could not
Great Louse who created the world (A
find the gorge again. However he is sure that this time,
LiceAlice) and raised a shrine around it.
with a little help he can.
The shrine is a squat, square structure
built of large stone slabs leaning against each
other, measuring perhaps 30 feet
A. Non (a Mouse) (5) to a side. Thinner slabs rest atop
Attributes: Agility d10, Smarts d8, Spirit d6, the walls to provide a roof. Entrance
Strength d6, Vigor d6 is via a hole left in one wall, guarded
Skills: Fighting d6, Notice d6, by two Giant Ant Warriors. The inside of the
Shooting d6 shrine is empty save for a large boulder near one
Charisma: 0; Pace: 8; Parry: 5; wall with the hilt of a sword protruding from
Toughness: 4 it. A further eight Giant Ant Warriors along
Hindrances: Bad Luck, Quirk (Furtive), with a Giant Ant Priest guard the inside of the
Small, Yellow shrine.
Edges: Danger Sense, Fleet-Footed, Quick Giant Ant Warriors (10): Ant, Giant (p. 161), with
Special Abilities: Bite (Str+d6) spears (Str+d6, Parry+1, Reach 1) and light revolvers
Gear: Dagger (Str+d4, Range 3/6/12 thrown), sling (Range 12/24/48, Damage 2d6+1, RoF 1, Shots 6). One
(Range 4/8/16, Damage Str+d4, RoF 1). of the inner guards has a blunderbuss (Range 10/20/40,
Damage 2d10, RoF 1, Shots 1, 1 action to reload).
Finding the Gorge
Once in the lower reaches of the Mountains of Division
west of Faith, they must search for the rocky outcrop.
Shortly after A. Nons first visit, the outcrop was struck
Giant Ant Priest
by lightning and part of it cracked and fell away. To find Attributes: Agility d8, Smarts d6, Spirit d10, Strength
the outcrop requires a raise on a cooperative Notice roll, d10, Vigor d8
with one attempt allowed per day for the party. Each day Skills: Fighting d8, Belief d10, Notice d8, Shooting d6
the heroes fail to find the outcrop, draw a card. If it is a Charisma: 0; Pace: 8; Parry: 6; Toughness: 6
face card, they encounter a war band of Giant Ants. Special Abilities

Wonderland No MoreGame Masters Section
Acid Spit: Ants can spit a caustic acid; treat as an Club Cards (10): Rank-2 Club Cards (p. 165).
Area Effect Attack with a range of 3/6/12, small burst
Pack Commander (1): Rank-3 Club Card.
template and 2d6 damage; armor does not protect
against this attack. Spade Cards (10): Rank-2 Spade Cards (p. 166).
Bite: Ants have fierce mandibles that cause Str+d6
damage. If the heroes seek out or encounter a second of these
Fearless: Ants blindly obey their queen; fear does not areas, the number of Club Cards should be doubled, as
come into their lives. the Queen sends more guards.
Hardy: Ants are hard to put down.
Powers: (25 PP)boost/lower trait, deflection,
growth, healing
Who is Best? (Seasoned, Lion /
Wall Walker: Ants can walk on vertical surfaces as Unicorn, Not Specific)
easily as the ground.
This tale can be run whenever the heroes are passing
a tavern in the city of Charity.
Removing the Sword As the heroes are passing or approaching a tavern,
Pulling the Vorpal Sword (p. 83 for statistics) from the the door is abruptly hurled open and two very different
boulder requires a raise on a Strength roll (or some sort combatants tumble into the street, brawling fiercely. It is
of clever endeavor by the heroes to employ leverage). soon apparent that the pair is the Lion and the Unicorn.
A hero who makes a successful Common Knowledge roll
will know that the Lion and Unicorn ceased their fighting
Weapons, Weapons Everywhere when the White King vanished.
(Veteran, Monarchy of Hearts, Victoria) Asking any of those in the tavern what happened will
This Savage Tale may be run whenever the GM reveal little. As far as any can tell the Lion and the Unicorn
requires, as long as the heroes are in the Monarchy of were enjoying a glass of ale together when suddenly the
Hearts. The heroes find an odd geometrically-shaped Lion roared, What do you mean you could have the
clearing with a pack of Cards lounging about, and then best of me anytime? To this, the Unicorn responded,
weapons begin to appear from nowhere. The clearings You? Beat me around the town? and then they started
have been cut to match shapes the dreamers in the Real fighting.
World see over and over in the Morpheus Research Center Stopping the fight without harming the combatants
(see Interlude XIn the Arms of Morpheus, p. 130). is possible if the heroes state they are trying to not
During their dreams these symbols are in the dreamers harm them; the Lion and Unicorn may well turn on the
minds and cause any weapons created to appear in one heroes though, and they will be using deadly force! If
of the clearings. either creature causes one or more wounds to a hero,
There are several of these special clearings scattered however, they will abruptly stop and look aghast at what
throughout the woods, normally in out-of-the-way places has occurred.
(i.e., not near the tracks and trails). Allow the heroes a
Notice roll to spot the Cards before they emerge into
the clearing. The pack of Cards has orders to wait in the
What Has Happened
clearing until the weapons arrive and to then transport Neither the Lion nor the Unicorn has any clear
them to Hope where they are distributed to the Queens explanation. Both are adamant that they heard the other
troops. quietly say the words they responded to. The whole
situation was caused by a Red Pawn Gourmancer sent
Three rounds after any combat starts (or in about by the Red Queen to stir up trouble. Making himself
5 minutes if the heroes just watch), weapons begin to invisible, the Pawn whispered the words to the Lion and
appear in the clearing. Most appear on the ground, but Unicorn that started the fight.
every now and then one appears in the air.
The heroes may discover the Pawn by perhaps using
Have any combatants in the clearing make Agility rolls detect arcana in the area of the fight or making a Notice
each round. A result of 1 or less indicates the character roll (at 6 due to invisibility)as he appears on the edge of
is hit by a falling weapon for d8+d6 damage. The Cards the fight and then runs off.
attempt to grab the weapons for use during any fight.
The Lion: (p. 157).
All weapons are Morpheus Weapons (p. 84).
Roll 1d10+5 for the number of each type of melee The Unicorn: (p. 159).
weapon that appearsaxe, dagger, halberd, and sword.
Red Chessman, Pawn Gourmancer (1):
Roll 1d6+4 for the number of each type of projectile
Gourmancer, Experienced (p. 170), with Chessman
weapon that appearsheavy pistol, tommy gun, and
abilities. Has 3 more Cloud Cakes (Magic Foodstuffs,
double-barrel (12g) shotgun. All guns are loaded.
invisibility, 5 PP each, Cooking roll 8).

The following entries detail statistics for many
of the characters encountered in Wonderland
No More. The GM should use them as guidelines
rather than definitive statements.

Gourmantic Recipes
Characters with Gourmantic recipes at hand
have their powers listed as follows:
Recipe (power, number of Power
Points spent, die roll and modifier)
This differs from the advice given in the
Players Guide. Normally the Cooking roll is
recorded along with the Power Points used. The
die roll and modifier is given to allow variation
if a character is met more than once. Remember
to also roll a Wild Die if applicable. In the event
of a failed roll, assume the minimum for success (4 for
most powers, or 5 for healing). A competent Gourmancer
would not be carrying around a spoilt dish!
Example: The Cook has 2x Peppery Sauce (burst, 2 The Cheshire Cat
PP, d10+2)it was prepared in the Duchesss kitchen, These statistics reflect the Cheshire Cat when in his
giving a +2 bonus, and her Cooking skill is d10. fully-manifested form. On occasions where he visits the
heroes as merely a disembodied head or enigmatic smile-
without-a-cat, hes effectively incorporeal and unable to
Crowns & Scepters physically interact with the physical world.
Magic items with inherent spellcasting abilities listed
Attributes: Agility d12, Smarts d6, Spirit d8, Strength d8,
here use the wielders Spirit as the spellcasting skill, and
Vigor d8
regain Power Points at a rate of 1 per hour.
Skills: Climbing d8, Fighting d10, Intimidate d6,
Knowledge (Magic Foodstuffs) d6, Notice d12, Stealth
d10, Streetwise d6, Taunt d6, Tracking d6
Pace: 8; Parry: 10; Toughness: 6
The Carpenter Edges: Acrobat, Combat Reflexes, Fleet-Footed, Improved
Attributes: Agility d8, Smarts d6, Frenzy, Improved Arcane Resistance, Improved Block,
Spirit d8, Strength d8, Vigor Improved Dodge, Improved Nerves of Steel, Improved
d8 Sweep, Quick
Skills: Fighting d8, Knowledge Special Abilities
(Carpentry) d10, Lockpicking Bite/Claws: Str+d6.
d6(+2), Notice d6, Repair d10, Ethereal: The Cheshire Cat phases in and out of
Stealth d10(+2), Taunt d8 existence. To attack the Cat while it is solid requires a
Charisma: +2; Pace: 6; Parry: 6; hero to be on Hold and to interrupt the Cats action.
Toughness: 7 (1) Fearless: This cat has no fear.
Hindrances: Greedy Hardy: A second Shaken result does not cause a
Edges: Charismatic, Frenzy, wound.
Quick, Thief, Woodworker Low Light Vision: The Cat can see equally well in the
Gear: Leather apron (+1, torso only), tools (Str+d4) daylight and the dark, ignoring penalties for dim and
Wealth: A Tidy Sum. dark lighting.

Wonderland No MoreGame Masters Section

The Cook The Duchess

Attributes: Agility d6, Smarts d6, Attributes: Agility d6,
Spirit d8, Strength d4, Vigor d10 Smarts d6, Spirit d10,
Skills: Cooking d10, Fighting d4, Strength d8, Vigor d8
Notice d6, Throwing d8 Skills: Fighting d6, Notice
Charisma: 0; Pace: 6; Parry: 4; d6, Persuasion d8,
Toughness: 7 Throwing d8
Edges: AB (Gourmancy), Frenzy, Charisma: 2; Pace: 6;
Mighty Blow, Strong Willed Parry: 5; Toughness: 9
Gear: Cooking pot (Str+d4), Hindrances: Quirk (quotes
pepper bombs (4), standard proverbs wrongly), Ugly
cooking gear. Edges: Brawny, Combat
Magic Foodstuffs: (20/20 PP) Reflexes, Improved
2x Peppery Sauce (burst, 2 PP, Nerves of Steel, Improved
d10+2), 2x Peppered Steaks Tough as Nails
(deflection, 4 PP, d10+2), 2x Gear: Household items
Thick Pepper Sauce (smite, 4 PP, (Str+d6).

The Gryphon
The Daffodil Man Attributes: Agility d8, Smarts d6, Spirit d8, Strength d12,
Attributes: Agility d12, Smarts d10, Vigor d10
Spirit d10, Strength d6, Vigor d6 Skills: Fighting d8, Intimidation d8, Notice d12, Stealth
Skills: Fighting d6, Gambling d8, d6
Knowledge (Magic Foodstuffs) Charisma: 0; Pace: 6; Parry: 6; Toughness: 9
d12, Knowledge (Tales) d12, Special Abilities
Notice d10, Persuasion d12, Taunt Bite/Claws: Str+d6.
d8, Survival d10 Flight: The Gryphon has a Flying Pace of 12 and a
Charisma: +2; Pace: 8; Parry: 7; Climb of 6.
Toughness: 5 Grapple: If the Gryphon gets a raise while performing
Edges: Acrobat, Charismatic, Fleet- a grapple, he has knocked his foe to the ground and
Footed, Improved Dodge, Jack-of- pinned it with his paws. Bite attacks against a pinned
all-Trades, Luck, Improved Level foe are made at +2.
Headed, Recitation Improved Frenzy: The Gryphon may make two
Gear: Walking stick (Str+d4, Parry +1) Fighting attacks each action at no penalty.
Magic Foodstuffs: 5 Bean Chili (deflection, 6 PP, d10+2), Size +2: The Gryphon weighs over 500 pounds.
Garlic Cake (dispel, 3 PP, d10+2), 2x Dandelion Salad Swoop: The Gryphon often swoops on his prey to
(fear, 2 PP, d10+2), Celebratory Cake (invisibility, 10 pin it to the ground. He gains +4 to his attack and
PP, d10+2), Murkweed Salad (obscure, 5 PP, d10+2), damage for this action. His Parry is reduced by 2
2x Tempting Dessert (puppet, 8 PP, d10+2) until his next action when performing the maneuver.
Note: The Daffodil Man is well-equipped with Magic
Foodstuffs cooked by Victorias pet Gourmancers.

The Dormouse
Attributes: Agility d12, Smarts d6,
Spirit d4, Strength d4, Vigor d4
Skills: Notice d6
Charisma: 0; Pace: 8; Parry: 2;
Toughness: 3
Hindrances: Small, Quirk
(narcolepsyprone to falling
Edges: Dodge, Fleet-Footed

Edges: Improved Frenzy, Improved Nerves of Steel
Special Abilities
Igpay, the Sometimes-Boar Bite or Claw: Str+d6.
Statistics for Igpay in his Human form are listed before Pounce: May leap up to 1d6 to gain +4 to attack and
the slash (/), those for his feral boar form after. damage, but is at 2 to Parry until its next action after
performing this maneuver.
Attributes: Agility d8/d6, Smarts d6, Spirit d8, Strength
Gear: Spectacles.
d6/d10, Vigor d8/d10
Skills: Fighting d6/d8, Notice d6, Stealth d6
Charisma: 2; Pace: 6; Parry: 6/7; Toughness: 6/9 (2)
Hindrances: Outsider The Mock
Edges: Acrobat, Danger Sense, Frenzy, and Hard to Kill
Special Abilities (as boar) Turtle
Armor +2: Tough, thick skin. Attributes: Agility d4,
Charge: Igpay can attack at the end of a run with no Smarts d10, Spirit d4,
multi-action penalty, and gets a +2 to damage when Strength d6, Vigor d6
doing so. Skills: Fighting d4,
Feral: +1 bonus on Fighting rolls with natural Knowledge (various
weaponry. undersea lessons) d10,
Tusks: Str+d4. Notice d8, Persuasion d6,
Gear: Sword (Str+d6, usable only as a Human). Swimming d12
Charisma: 0; Pace: 4;
Parry: 4; Toughness: 10
The Hatter Hindrances: Quirk (weeps
The Hatters unique and reminisces)
relationship with Time has Edges: Recitation
given him powers not normally Gear: None of note
available to Haberdashers. Special Abilities
Attributes: Agility d8, Smarts Aquatic: Pace is 12 in
d8, Spirit d8, Strength d6, water.
Vigor d6 Armor +3: Hard shell.
Skills: Fighting d4, Haberdashery d12, Investigation d6, Bite: Str+d4.
Knowledge (Tea) d12, Knowledge (Time) d8, Notice Size +2: Weighs over 500 pounds.
d6, Persuasion d6, Repair d4, Taunt d6, Throwing d6.
Charisma: 0; Pace: 6; Parry: 4; Toughness: 5
Hindrances: Big Mouth, Delusional (tea and butter are
good for everything), Quirk (nonsense)
The March
Edges: AB (Haberdashery), Improved Level Headed, Hare
Recitation, Strong Willed, Twisted Mind Attributes: Agility d10, Smarts
Powers: (20 PP)conjuring, dress up, hat for every d6, Spirit d8, Strength d6, Vigor
occasion, quickness, speed, teleport. d8
Gear: Seemingly endless supply of hats. Skills: Fighting d6, Investigation
d8, Knowledge (Tea) d8,
Knowledge (Time) d6, Notice
d6, Taunt d8, Throwing d8
The Lion Charisma: 1; Pace: 8; Parry:
Attributes: Agility d8, Smarts d6, 5; Toughness: 6
Spirit d10, Strength d12, Vigor Hindrances: Curious, Habit
d12 (minor, tea), Quirk (nonsense)
Skills: Fighting d10, Notice d8 Edges: Ambidextrous, Fleet-
Charisma: 0; Pace: 8; Parry: 7; Footed, Improved Dodge, Jack-
Toughness: 8 of-all-Trades, Quick, Strong Willed
Hindrances: Bad Eyes, Code Gear: None of note.
of Honor, Enemy (House of Special Abilities
Rosewood), Loyal, Phobia Time Pocket: May speed time up once per day,
(Minor, loud drums), Quirk affecting all within a Large Burst Template with
(rival with Unicorn) quickness for 6 rounds (no roll required).

Wonderland No MoreGame Masters Section
when used on Chessmen.
Gear: Cuirass (+3), Scarlet Scepter (Str+d6, smite, 12
The Queen of PP), Crown of Royal Command (any Chessman ally
Hearts within line of sight is within command radius for
purpose of Leadership Edges).
Attributes: Agility d6, Smarts d6,
Spirit d12, Strength d10, Vigor
Skills: Fighting d10, Intimidate The Red Knight
d12, Notice d6, Persuasion
The Red Knight is an Honorary Chessman (Human) who
d10, Sorcery d10
has advanced to the rank of Knight.
Charisma: +4; Pace: 6; Parry: 9; Toughness: 9(2)
Hindrances: Arrogant, Bloodthirsty, Flammable, Attributes: Agility d8, Smarts d8, Spirit d8, Strength d10,
Overconfident, Soggy When Wet Vigor d10
Edges: Arcane Background (Witch Queen), Command, Skills: Fighting d12, Intimidate d8, Knowledge (Battle)
Edge-facing, Fervor, Filthy Rich, First Strike, Flat d10, Notice d8, Riding d8
... Sort Of, Harder to Kill, Improved Block, Luck of Charisma: 0; Pace: 6; Parry: 9; Toughness: 10 (3)
the Draw, Mighty Blow, Noble, Quick, Strong Willed, Hindrances: Code of Honor, Enemy (House of
Trained for the Job Whitefield), Heroic
Gear: Armored dress (+2), Crown of Hearts (+2 Edges: Block, Combat Reflexes, Honorary Chessman,
Charisma; 15 PP and barrier, deflection and healing Improved Arcane Resistance, Improved Nerves of
powers), Scepter of Hearts (Str+d6, Fighting +2). Steel, Knight, Knights Leap, Knights Steed, Sweep
Powers: (30 PP)blast, bolt, burst, smite, stun Special Abilities
Champion of Rosewood: +2 to damage and
Toughness vs. the forces of Whitefield.
Gear: Plate armor (+3), full helm (+3), knights club
The (Str+d8, 2 hands, AP 2 vs. rigid armor, enchanted
+1 Fighting, +1 damage, Parry +0 [negating the
Red King usual penalty for a knights club], Mighty Blow Edge),
Items in italics wooden sword (Str+d8), warhorse (summoned with
(special abilities Knights Steed Edge, with tack and saddle).
and magical gear)
dont apply if
the Red King is
encountered as the Shadow Man in the Real World. The Red Queen
Attributes: Agility d6, Smarts d12, Spirit d12, Strength Attributes: Agility d10, Smarts
d6, Vigor d6 d10, Spirit d12, Strength d10,
Skills: Fighting d6, Knowledge (Battle) d8+2, Knowledge Vigor d10
(Real World) d10+2, Notice d12, Persuasion d12, Skills: Fighting d12, Intimidate d8,
Stealth d6, Streetwise d6, Swimming d6 Knowledge (Battle) d12, Notice
Charisma: +4; Pace: 5; Parry: 5; Toughness: 8 (3) d8, Persuasion d8, Shooting d8,
Hindrances: Code of Honor, Enemy (House of Swimming d6
Whitefield), Slowcoach Charisma: +4; Pace: 6; Parry:
Edges: Arcane Resistance, Charismatic, Command, 11; Toughness: 10 (3)
Common Bond, Fervor, Inspire, Noble, Scholar Hindrances: Arrogant, Enemy
(Battle, Real World) (House of Whitefield), Overconfident
Special Abilities Edges: Arcane Resistance, Block, Chessmans Move,
Kings Aura: Any enemy attempting to attack the Command, Fervor, Improved Sweep, Inspire, Mighty
King must beat him in an opposed Spirit check, or be Blow, Noble, Queen, Quick, Tough As Nails
compelled to shout out Check! upon moving into Special Abilities
position, and then Mate! before continuing the Wooden: Called shots cause no extra damage. +2
attack; this negates any surprise the attacker might when attempting to recover from being Shaken.
have otherwise had. Chessmen are at 2 to resist this Normal healing does not work on them. The Repair
effect. skill is used in place of Healing for all appropriate
Wooden: Called shots cause no extra damage. +2 rolls. Arcane forms of healing suffer a 2 modifier
when attempting to recover from being Shaken. when used on Chessmen.
Normal healing does not work on them. The Repair Gear: Cuirass (+3), Rosewood Scepter (Str+d6, blast,
skill is used in place of Healing for all appropriate 12 PP), Crown of Rosewood (+2 Charisma, +2 Parry,
rolls. Arcane forms of healing suffer a 2 modifier +2 Fighting, Frenzy Edge).


The Unicorn The Walrus

Attributes: Agility d10, Attributes: Agility d4, Smarts
Smarts d6, Spirit d10, d6, Spirit d8, Strength d8,
Strength d10, Vigor d10 Vigor d8
Skills: Fighting d10, Notice Skills: Fighting d6, Notice d6,
d8, Persuasion d6, Stealth Persuasion d8, Stealth d10,
d6 Swimming d8, Taunt d8
Charisma: 0; Pace: 12; Charisma: +2; Pace: 4; Parry:
Parry: 7; Toughness: 7 5; Toughness: 9 (2)
Hindrances: Code of Hindrances: All Thumbs,
Honor, Enemy (House of Greedy, Quirk (loves food, even if sapient)
Rosewood), Loyal, Phobia Edges: Blubber (Armor +2), Brawny, Charismatic,
(Minor, loud drums), Combat Reflexes, Natural Weaponry (bite Str+d6)
Quirk (rivalry with Lion Special Abilities
over the crown) Aquatic: Can move Pace 8 when swimming.
Edges: Quick Tusks: Str+d6.
Special Abilities Gear: Three-piece suit, pocket watch.
Gallop: The Unicorn Loot: A Tidy Sum.
moves at Pace 12 and
rolls a d12 for running.
Horn or Kick: Str+d8.
The White
Victoria Attributes: Agility d6, Smarts
d12, Spirit d12, Strength
Attributes: Agility d10, Smarts d8, Spirit d12+2, Strength
d6, Vigor d8
d6, Vigor d6
Skills: Fighting d10,
Skills: Fighting d8, Intimidate d10, Investigation d6,
Knowledge (Battle) d12,
Knowledge (Battle) d8, Notice d12, Persuasion
Notice d12, Persuasion
d12+2, Sorcery d12
d12, Stealth d6, Streetwise
Charisma: +6; Pace: 6; Parry: 8; Toughness: 9 (4)
d6, Swimming d6
Hindrances: Delusional (she can stop war in the Real
Charisma: +4; Pace: 5;
World), Overconfident
Parry: 7; Toughness: 9
Edges: Attractive (deceptively cute when she wants to
be), Arcane Background (Witch Queen), Charismatic,
Hindrances: Code of Honor, Enemy (House of
Command, Danger Sense, Improved Block, Improved
Rosewood), Slowcoach
Dodge, First Strike,
Edges: Arcane Resistance, Charismatic, Command,
Harder to Kill, Inspire,
Common Bond, Fervor, Inspire, Noble
Improved Level Headed,
Special Abilities
Great Luck, Strong
Kings Aura: Any enemy attempting to attack the
King must beat him in an opposed Spirit check, or
Gear: Enchanted Black
be compelled to shout out Check! upon moving
Dress (+4 armor),
into position, and then Mate! before continuing the
Black Rose Scepter
attack; this negates any surprise the attacker might
(Str+d6, blast, 12 PP),
have otherwise had. Chessmen are at 2 to resist this
Black Crown of Victoria
(+2 Charisma; may
Wooden: Called shots cause no extra damage. +2
apply Charisma bonus
when attempting to recover from being Shaken.
to spellcasting roll for
Normal healing does not work on them. The Repair
mind-affecting powers)
skill is used in place of Healing for all appropriate
Powers: As many Power
rolls. Arcane forms of healing suffer a 2 modifier
Points as necessary;
when used on Chessmen.
all powers, with rose-
Gear: Cuirass (+3), White Scepter (Str+d6, smite,
related power trappings
12 PP), Crown of Royal Command (any Chessman
featuring black roses
ally within line of sight is considered to be within
and thorns.
command radius for purpose of Leadership Edges).

Wonderland No MoreGame Masters Section

The White Queen

Attributes: Agility d6,
Smarts d6, Spirit d6,
Strength d6, Vigor d6
Skills: Fighting d4,
Knowledge (Battle) d6,
Notice d4, Repair d4,
Swimming d6
Charisma: +4; Pace: 6;
Parry: 6; Toughness:
8 (3)
Hindrances: Cautious,
Clueless, Enemy
(House of Rosewood),
Quirk (easily befuddled
and typically soft-
spoken even in
Edges: Arcane
Resistance, Chessmans
Move, Command, Noble, Queen
Special Abilities
Wooden: Called shots cause no extra damage. +2
when attempting to recover from being Shaken.
Normal healing does not work on them. The Repair
skill is used in place of Healing for all appropriate
The White Knight rolls. Arcane forms of healing suffer a 2 modifier
The White Knight is an Honorary Chessman (Human) when used on Chessmen.
who has advanced to the rank of Knight. Gear: Cuirass (+3), Whitefield Scepter (Str+d6, blast,
Attributes: Agility d6, Smarts d8, Spirit d8, Strength d8, 12 PP), Crown of Whitefield (+2 Charisma, +2 Parry,
Vigor d8 +2 Fighting, Frenzy Edge).
Skills: Fighting d12, Knowledge (Battle) d10, Notice d8, Wealth: A Tidy Sum.
Repair d8
(Note: no Riding skill)
Charisma: 0; Pace: 5; Parry: 9; Toughness: 9 (3)
Hindrances: Curious, Elderly, Enemy (House of
The White Rabbit
Rosewood), Quirk (always falling off his horse Attributes: Agility d8, Smarts d10, Spirit
except when in combat) d10, Strength d6, Vigor d8
Edges: Block, Combat Reflexes, Skills: Climbing d6, Fighting d6, Investigation
Honorary Chessman, Improved d6, Knowledge (Monarchy of Hearts) d8(+2),
Arcane Resistance, Improved Nerves Knowledge (Wonderland History) d8(+2),
of Steel, Knight, Knights Leap, Notice d10(+2), Persuasion d8,
Sweep Shooting d4, Stealth d6, Streetwise
Special Abilities d6
Champion of Whitefield: +2 to Charisma: 0; Pace: 8; Parry: 5;
damage and Toughness vs. the forces Toughness: 5
of Rosewood. Hindrances: Cautious, Loyal, Quirk
Gear: Plate armor (+3), full helm (+3), (obsessed with being on time),
knights club (Str+d8, 2 hands, AP Small
2 vs. rigid armor, enchanted +1 Edges: Alertness, Danger Sense,
Fighting, +1 damage, Parry +0 Fleet-Footed, Improved Dodge,
[negating the usual penalty for a Scholar (Monarchy of Hearts,
knights club], Mighty Blow Edge), Wonderland History)
wooden sword (Str+d8), assorted Special Abilities
inventions of dubious practicality, Kick: Str+d6.
warhorse (with tack and saddle). Gear: Pocket watch.

Encounters and Magic Gear: Knife (Str+d4).
Wealth: Loose Change for every 5 Animals; Loose Change
Foodstuffs for individual merchants and the like.

As outlined in Magic Foodstuffs (p. 31), any sapient

being may carry Wonderland foods with magical Ant, Giant
properties. For encountered creatures with them, heres These oversized
a rough guideline on how many might be carried: invertebrates stand
about 3 feet tall on
all six legs. Many
Random Chance are intelligent,
though due to their
Wild Card Magic Foodstuffs equal to Spirit. drone mindset it
Animal Roll Smarts die 2 for the number of can be hard to tell;
intelligence items (no more than Spirit). intelligent Ants
Extra Roll Smarts die for the number of items have Smarts d6,
(no more than Spirit). and typically use tools and weapons more befitting their
superior strength.
Attributes: Agility d8, Smarts d4 (A), Spirit d6, Strength
Magic Foodstuff Powers d10, Vigor d8
Skills: Fighting d8, Notice d6, Shooting d6
Though the creature can have any powers desired (or
Pace: 8; Parry: 6; Toughness: 6
such interesting things as treacle or mystery cakes), here
Special Abilities
is a suggested list:
Acid Spit: Ants can spit a caustic acid; treat as an
Offensive: burst, entangle, fear, growth, puppet, Area Effect Attack with a range of 3/6/12, Small Burst
quickness, smite, speed. Template and 2d6 damage; armor does not protect
Defensive: boost trait, burrow, deflection, dispel, against this attack.
healing, obscure, shrink. Bite: Ants have fierce mandibles that cause Str+d6
Utility: beast friend, boost trait, fly, Fearless: Ants almost blindly obey their queen; fear
invisibility, shrink, teleport. does not come into their lives.
Hardy: Giant ants do not suffer wounds from being
Shaken twice.
Animal, Common Folk Wall Walker: Ants can move on walls and ceilings at
The Animal people of Wonderland their normal Pace.
are many and varied, but the following
statistics are common for most. Increase
traits and apply suitable Edges if required Bandersnatch
for different types. Most are Human-sized, Bandersnatches are fearsome, vaguely insectoid
but some encountered may be Small or even creatures named for their combat abilities. They possess
Tiny. six legs and any even number of these may be used for
Attributes: Agility d6, Smarts d6, Spirit d6, movement (giving them phenomenal speed) or up to 4
Strength d6, Vigor d6 of these legs may be used for fighting.
Skills: Climbing d6, Fighting d4, Notice d6 Attributes: Agility d8, Smarts d6 (A), Spirit d6, Strength
Charisma: 0; Pace: 6; Parry: 4; Toughness: 5 d10, Vigor d10
Hindrances: Quirk. Skills: Fighting d8, Notice d8
Special Abilities: Animal Edge, Natural Weaponry Pace: 6 per set of legs (d6 per set for running); Parry:
(Str+d6). 6; Toughness: 7

Wonderland No MoreGame Masters Section
Special Abilities Attributes: Agility d8, Smarts d6 (A), Spirit d6, Strength
Band and Snatch: A victim hit by 2 legs (regardless of d6, Vigor d6
damage) is snatched towards the bandersnatchs body Skills: Fighting d6, Notice d10
(opposed Strength roll to stop) and banded with a Pace: 8; Parry: 5; Toughness: 4
thick, elastic web-like material. This sticky web cannot Special Abilities
be broken, as it is too elastic; however, a victim can Bite/Claw/Gore: Str+d4.
try to cut free if he has a small sharp weapon (dagger, Size 1.
claw, fangs, etc., vs. Toughness 10).
Bite: Str+d10. Beast, Normal, Vicious
Claw: Str+d6.
These statistics provide a baseline for larger predators
Extendable Neck: A bandersnatch has a Reach of 1
not already covered in the Savage Worlds core rules.
with its bite.
Improved Frenzy: May attack with up to 4 times a Attributes: Agility d8, Smarts d6 (A), Spirit d6, Strength
round with its clawed legs with no penalty. d6, Vigor d8
Wealth: A Tidy Sum can be found in the bandersnatchs Skills: Fighting d8, Notice d10
lair. Pace: 8; Parry: 6; Toughness: 6
Special Abilities
Bite/Claw/Gore: Str+d6.
The statistics in this section are baselines for generic Beast, Normal, Viscous
beasts that the heroes may encounternot to be See Muchness, p. 174.
confused with intelligent Animals! Statistics for many
beasts are already covered in the Savage Worlds rules,
and others can be derived by using an existing creature
and adding Edges and special abilities as needed; these
Beast, Giant
are presented as rough starting points for even more Statistics for generic oversized beasts are presented
generic creatures that might not already be covered. below, to represent denizens of the Wood of Giant Beasts,
and the occasional straggler wandering into other parts
If you want to make a beast more specific, feel free of Wonderland. Additional giant varieties of creatures
to add such abilities as burrowing, fearless, hardy, low can be found elsewhere in the bestiary.
light vision, poison, or even more specific abilities such
as Fleet-Footed and go for the throat from creatures As a quick rule of thumb, any standard beast in the
in the Savage Worlds rules (these last two are from the Savage Worlds core rules can be converted into a giant
Dog/Wolf). version by applying the following changes:
Increase Size by +4.
If the final Size is +4 or greater, it is Large, and
Beast, Normal, Harmless enemies get +2 to attacks to hit it.
Use the statistics given here for harmless beasts the If the final Size is +8 or greater, it is Huge, and
heroes may meet during their travels. Examples include enemies get +4 to attacks to hit it.
fluffy bunnies, house cats, puppies, and rodents of all Increase damage from its natural weapons by two
forms (or at least those encountered singularly rather steps (e.g., Str+d6 becomes Str+d10; Str+d12
than in swarms). These statistics can also be used as a becomes Str+d12+2).
baseline for creatures that arent technically harmless Reduce Agility by one step, to a minimum of d4.
so much as very small, such as snakes, by adding Increase Vigor and Strength by two steps.
appropriate Edges and special abilities. Adjust Toughness based on the new Vigor and Size
Attributes: Agility d8, Smarts d6 (A), Spirit d6, Strength modifiers (a total of +6).
d4, Vigor d4
Skills: Fighting d4, Notice d10 Beast, Giant, Harmless
Pace: 8; Parry: 4; Toughness: 2 Use these statistics for harmless beasts, such as
Special Abilities various rodents, which would normally be fairly small,
Bite/Claw/Gore: Str. but can occasionally be found at remarkable sizes in
Size 2: Enemies are at 2 to attack rolls to hit this Wonderland. Although such creatures may be normally
little creature. docile, even herbivores can be a threat to Plant heroes,
and many types of rodents have no qualms about eating
Beast, Normal, Mostly Harmless anything smaller than themselves.
Use these statistics for small beasts that are harmless On occasion, such a creature could even be pressed
most of the time but can be nasty when provoked. into service as an alternative to a horse as a mount or a
Examples include small deer and domesticated dogs. beast of burden, since its about the right size.

Attributes: Agility d6, Smarts d6 (A), Spirit d6, Strength Attributes: Agility d8, Smarts d4 (A), Spirit d10, Strength
d8, Vigor d8 d4, Vigor d6
Skills: Fighting d4, Notice d10 Skills: Fighting d6, Notice d6
Pace: 8; Parry: 4; Toughness: 8 Pace: 4; Parry: 5; Toughness: 3
Special Abilities Special Abilities
Bite/Claw/Gore: Str+d6. Fearless: Giant bees are
Size +2. immune to Fear, and they
cannot be Taunted or
Beast, Giant, Mostly Intimidated.
Flying: Giant bees have a
Harmless Flying Pace of 12, with a
Use these statistics for giant Climb of 4.
versions of normally mostly Poison: The giant bees
harmless (small) beasts, such poison does 2d6 damage; a
as domesticated dogs or deer. successful Vigor roll halves
Despite the classification, the damage, and a raise
they can pose a real threat negates it altogether.
to the heroes, since many of Size 2: Enemies are at 2
these creatures are naturally to attack rolls to hit this little
territorial. creature.
Slow: On the ground, giant
Attributes: Agility d6, Smarts bees have Pace 4 and cannot
d6 (A), Spirit d6, Strength run.
d10, Vigor d10 Sting: Str+d4, AP 2, if the
Skills: Fighting d6, Notice d10 bee strikes and does at least
Pace: 8; Parry: 5; Toughness: 1 Wound, it buries its stinger
10 into the target, pumping
Special Abilities poison into the wound.
Bite/Claw/Gore: Str+d8. The stinger remains in the
Size +3. wound, and the bee dies
the next round. During the
Beast, Giant, Vicious second round the stinger, if not removed, injects
Use these statistics for giant versions of various more poison; the victim must make a Vigor roll:
predators that would normally be about the size of a failure takes 2d6 damage, success 1d6 damage and a
person in the Real World. raise no damage. Removing the stinger does a further
2d4 damage against the victims base Toughness.
Attributes: Agility d6, Smarts d6 (A), Spirit d6, Strength
d10, Vigor d12
Skills: Fighting d8, Notice d10 Beetle, Giant
Pace: 8; Parry: 6; Toughness: 12
Giant beetles in Wonderland come in many varieties,
Special Abilities
growing to be about 4 feet long. These statistics may also
Bite/Claw/Gore: Str+d10.
be used for giant roaches.
Large: Opponents get a +2 to all attack rolls against
this creature. Many Wonderland beetles are intelligent and capable
Size +4. of speech; these have Smarts d6 and the capability to
use weapons and toolsessentially Insect Animals. Of
these, Ladybugs are invariably proper and ladylike in
Beast, Giant, Viscous demeanor even while attacking.
See Muchness, Much of a, p. 174.
Attributes: Agility d6, Smarts d4 (A), Spirit d6, Strength
d8, Vigor d8
Bee, Giant Skills: Fighting d6, Notice d6, Stealth d6
Pace: 8; Parry: 5; Toughness: 8 (2)
These are foot-long bees, vicious and fearless, but Special Abilities
with barbs on their stingers, so they can strike only once. Armor +2: Tough carapace.
Since they usually attack in groups of anywhere from Bite: Str+d8.
twenty to a hundred, this is no great comfort to those Burrow: A beetle can dig through loose earth and soil
attacked. Anyone who approaches too close to a beehive at Pace 6.
is attacked mercilessly until dead or well away from the Fleet-Footed: Beetles can scurry quickly; they have a
hive. Pace 8, and roll a d10 for running.

Wonderland No MoreGame Masters Section
No one has ever seen a boojum in its natural form, if
indeed it has one. Boojums are shape-changers capable
of mimicking any creature of a similar size.
Attributes: Agility d8, Smarts d8 (A), Spirit d10, Strength
d10, Vigor d10
Skills: Fighting d8, Notice d12
Pace: 6; Parry: 6; Toughness: 9 (2)
Special Abilities
Armor +2: Its pliable, rubbery hide resists blows.
Fearless: The concept of fear is unknown to
Boar Mimic: Boojums can change shape into any creature
Massive, feral pigs, with razor-sharp tusks; they are of Size 2 to +2. When changed, a boojum gains all
notoriously short-tempered. the special abilities of the mimicked creature but uses
its own Strength (which is unaffected by changes in
Attributes: Agility d6, Smarts d4 (A), Spirit d6, Strength
Size) for damage.
d8, Vigor d10
Skills: Fighting d6, Notice d6, Stealth d6
Pace: 6; Parry: 5; Toughness: 7 Card, Generic
Special Abilities
There are a variety of Cards matching the normal card
Berserk: When a Wild Card boar is wounded, it goes
ranks: 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, Knave (Jack), Queen, King
berserk. It gains +2 to all Fighting and Strength rolls
and Ace. For purposes of game statistics only, the Cards
and its Toughness, but Parry is reduced by 2. It also
are arranged here into four ranks of power.
ignores wound penalties.
Gore: If a boar can charge at least 6 before attacking, Rank Cards
it adds +4 to damage.
Hardy: Boars do not suffer wounds from being 1 Cards 2, 3 and 4
Shaken twice. 2 Cards 5, 6 and 7
Tusks: Str+d6. 3 Cards 8, 9 and 10
4 (Face/Court) Cards Knave, Queen, and King
Borogove Astute readers may notice the Aces are not included
Described to Alice as a thin shabby-looking bird with in the above table. Aces should be individually generated
its feathers sticking out all roundsomething like a live and given what traits and skills they need. Within their
mop. They are also described as mimsy, which means suit, Aces are the rare elite: from them are drawn the
flimsy and miserable. spies, assassins and secret agent types.
Borogoves are fast For brevity, Card racial abilities are not expanded upon
runners with long legs, and here (p. 10 for more details.)
their flimsy slenderness
belies their strength.
Attributes: Agility d8, Card, Clubs
Smarts d6 (A), Spirit d6, The Club Cards are the
Strength d6, Vigor d8 mainstay of the Queen of Hearts
Skills: Fighting d6, Notice forces. As such, they are the suit
d8 most often encountered.
Pace: 10; Parry: 5;
Toughness: 6
Edges: Danger Sense, Rank-1 (2/3/4 of Clubs)
First Strike, Level Headed, Attributes: Agility d6, Smarts d4,
Quick. Spirit d6, Strength d6, Vigor
Special Abilities d6
Fleet-Footed: Borogoves Skills: Fighting d6, Notice d4,
can run quickly; they have Shooting d6
Pace 10, and roll d10 for Charisma: 0; Pace: 6; Parry: 5;
running. Toughness: 5
Peck: Str+d6. Hindrances: Flammable, Soggy

When Wet Edges: Edge-facing, Flat ... Sort Of, Trained for the Job
Edges: Edge-facing, Flat ... Sort Of, Luck of the Draw, Gear: Ornate jacket (+1), sword (Str+d8), scholarly
Trained for the Job equipment such as books and ledgers.
Gear: Halberd (Str+d6, Reach +1, 2 Hands). Wealth: Loose Change per 3 Cards.
Wealth: Loose Change per 5 Cards.
Rank-2 (5/6/7 of Diamonds)
Rank-2 (5/6/7 of Clubs) Attributes: Agility d6, Smarts d8, Spirit d6, Strength d6,
Attributes: Agility d6, Smarts d4, Spirit d6, Strength d8, Vigor d6
Vigor d8 Skills: Fighting d4, Investigation d8, Knowledge
Skills: Fighting d8, Notice d6, Shooting d8 (Leadership) d8, Knowledge (as required by
Charisma: 0; Pace: 6; Parry: 6; Toughness: 6 circumstances) d8, Taunt d6
Hindrances: Flammable, Soggy When Wet Charisma: 0; Pace: 6; Parry: 4; Toughness: 6 (1)
Edges: Edge-facing, Flat ... Sort Of, Luck of the Draw, Hindrances: Flammable, Soggy When Wet
Trained for the Job Edges: Edge-facing, Flat ... Sort Of, Luck of the Draw,
Gear: Halberd (Str+d8, Reach +1, 2 Hands). Trained for the Job
Wealth: Loose Change per 3 Cards. Gear: Ornate jacket (+1), sword (Str+d8), scholarly
equipment such as books and ledgers.
Rank-3 (8/9/10 of Clubs) Wealth: Loose Change.
Attributes: Agility d8, Smarts d6, Spirit d6, Strength d10,
Vigor d10 Rank-3 (8/9/10 of Diamonds)
Skills: Fighting d10, Notice d8, Shooting d10 Attributes: Agility d8, Smarts d10, Spirit d6, Strength d6,
Charisma: 0; Pace: 6; Parry: 7; Toughness: 7 Vigor d6
Hindrances: Flammable, Soggy When Wet Skills: Fighting d6, Investigation d10, Knowledge
Edges: Edge-facing, Flat ... Sort Of, Luck of the Draw, (Leadership) d10, Knowledge (as required by
Trained for the Job circumstances) d10, Taunt d6
Gear: Halberd (Str+d8, Reach +1, 2 Hands). Charisma: 0; Pace: 6; Parry: 5; Toughness: 7 (2)
Wealth: Loose Change. Hindrances: Flammable, Soggy When Wet
Edges: Edge-facing, Flat ... Sort Of, Luck of the Draw,
Trained for the Job
Rank-4 (Knave/Queen/King of Clubs) Gear: Heavy coat (+2), sword (Str+d8), scholarly
Attributes: Agility d8, Smarts d6, Spirit d6, Strength d10, equipment such as books and ledgers.
Vigor d10 Wealth: A Tidy Sum.
Skills: Fighting d10, Notice d10, Shooting d10
Charisma: +2; Pace: 6; Parry: 7; Toughness: 8
(1) Rank-4 (Knave/Queen/
Hindrances: Flammable, Soggy When Wet King of Diamonds)
Edges: Edge-facing, Flat ... Sort Of, Luck of the Draw,
Attributes: Agility d8, Smarts d10,
Noble, Trained for the Job
Spirit d6, Strength d6, Vigor d6
Gear: Ornate jacket (+1), halberd (Str+d8,
Skills: Fighting d6, Investigation
Reach +1, 2 Hands).
d10, Knowledge (Leadership)
Wealth: A Tidy Sum.
d10, Knowledge (as required
by circumstances) d10, Taunt
Card, Diamonds d6
Charisma: +2; Pace: 6;
The Diamond Cards are the scholars of the
Parry: 5; Toughness: 7 (2)
Monarchy of Hearts.
Hindrances: Flammable,
Soggy When Wet
Rank-1 (2/3/4 of Diamonds) Edges: Edge-facing, Flat ...
Sort Of, Luck of the Draw,
Attributes: Agility d6, Smarts d6, Spirit d6,
Noble, Trained for the
Strength d6, Vigor d6
Skills: Fighting d4, Investigation d6,
Gear: Heavy coat
Knowledge (Leadership) d6, Knowledge (as
(+2), sword (Str+d8),
required by circumstances) d6, Taunt
scholarly equipment
such as books and
Charisma: 0; Pace: 6; Parry: 4; Toughness:
6 (1)
Wealth: A Tidy Sum.
Hindrances: Flammable, Soggy When Wet

Wonderland No MoreGame Masters Section
Card, Hearts Card, Spades
The Heart Cards are the courtiers and officials. They The Spade Cards are the workers of the Queen of
tend to be in organizational roles. Hearts realm, from artisans to raw labor. They are rarely
front-line combatants, though those tending the Royal
Gardens have sharp spades to keep unruly animated
Rank-1 (2/3/4 of Hearts) rosebushes at bay.
Attributes: Agility d6, Smarts d6, Spirit d8, Strength d6,
Vigor d6
Skills: Fighting d4, Intimidation d6, Taunt d6, Knowledge Rank-1 (2/3/4 of Spades)
(Leadership) d6 Attributes: Agility d6, Smarts d4, Spirit d6, Strength d6,
Charisma: 0; Pace: 6; Parry: 5; Toughness: 6 (1) Vigor d6
Hindrances: Flammable, Soggy When Wet Skills: Boating d4, Fighting d4, Healing d6, Notice d6,
Edges: Edge-facing, Flat ... Sort Of, Luck of the Draw, Repair d6, Shooting d4, Survival d6
Trained for the Job Charisma: 0; Pace: 6; Parry: 4; Toughness: 5
Gear: Ornate jacket (+1), small shield, sword (Str+d8), Hindrances: Flammable, Soggy When Wet
administrative gear such as clipboards and lists. Edges: Edge-facing, Flat ... Sort Of, Luck of the Draw,
Wealth: Loose Change per 3 Cards. Trained for the Job
Gear: Tools (Str+d4).
Rank-2 (5/6/7 of Hearts) Wealth: Loose Change per 5 Cards.
Attributes: Agility d6, Smarts d8, Spirit d8, Strength d6,
Vigor d6 Rank-2 (5/6/7 of Spades)
Skills: Fighting d6, Intimidation d8, Taunt d8, Knowledge Attributes: Agility d6, Smarts d4, Spirit d6, Strength d8,
(Leadership) d8 Vigor d8
Charisma: 0; Pace: 6; Parry: 6; Toughness: 6 (1) Skills: Boating d4, Fighting d4, Healing d8, Notice d6,
Hindrances: Flammable, Soggy When Wet Repair d8, Shooting d4, Survival d8
Edges: Edge-facing, Flat ... Sort Of, Luck of the Draw, Charisma: 0; Pace: 6; Parry: 4; Toughness: 6
Trained for the Job Hindrances: Flammable, Soggy When Wet
Gear: Ornate jacket (+1), small shield, sword (Str+d8), Edges: Edge-facing, Flat ... Sort Of, Luck of the Draw,
administrative gear such as clipboards and lists. Trained for the Job
Wealth: Loose Change. Gear: Tools (Str+d4).
Wealth: Loose Change per 3 Cards.
Rank-3 (8/9/10 of Hearts)
Attributes: Agility d8, Smarts d8, Spirit d8, Strength d6, Rank-3 (8/9/10 of Spades)
Vigor d8 Attributes: Agility d8, Smarts d6, Spirit d6, Strength d8,
Skills: Fighting d8, Intimidation d8, Taunt d8, Knowledge Vigor d8
(Leadership) d8 Skills: Boating d4, Fighting d6, Healing d8, Notice d6,
Charisma: 0; Pace: 6; Parry: 7; Toughness: 8 (2) Repair d10, Shooting d6, Survival d10
Hindrances: Flammable, Soggy When Wet Charisma: 0; Pace: 6; Parry: 5; Toughness: 6
Edges: Edge-facing, Flat ... Sort Of, Luck of the Draw, Hindrances: Flammable, Soggy When Wet
Trained for the Job Edges: Edge-facing, Flat ... Sort Of, Luck of the Draw,
Gear: Heavy coat (+2), small shield, sword (Str+d8), Trained for the Job
administrative gear such as clipboards and lists. Gear: Tools (Str+d4).
Wealth: A Tidy Sum. Wealth: A Tidy Sum.

Rank-4 (Knave/Queen/King of Hearts) Rank-4 (Knave/Queen/King of

Attributes: Agility d8, Smarts d8, Spirit d8, Strength d6, Spades)
Vigor d8
Attributes: Agility d8, Smarts d6, Spirit d6, Strength d8,
Skills: Fighting d8, Intimidation d8, Taunt d8, Knowledge
Vigor d8
(Leadership) d8
Skills: Boating d4, Fighting d6, Healing d8, Notice d6,
Charisma: 0; Pace: 6; Parry: 7; Toughness: 8 (2)
Repair d10, Shooting d6, Survival d10
Hindrances: Flammable, Soggy When Wet
Charisma: 0; Pace: 6; Parry: 5; Toughness: 6
Edges: Edge-facing, Flat ... Sort Of, Luck of the Draw,
Hindrances: Flammable, Soggy When Wet
Noble, Trained for the Job
Edges: Edge-facing, Flat ... Sort Of, Luck of the Draw,
Gear: Heavy coat (+2), small shield, sword (Str+d8),
Noble, Trained for the Job
administrative gear such as clipboards and lists.
Gear: Tools (Str+d4).
Wealth: A Tidy Sum.
Wealth: A Tidy Sum.

Card, Tarot Chessman, Bishop
Victoria created the race Attributes: Agility d8,
of Tarot Cards drawing on Smarts d6, Spirit d10,
her (Alices) knowledge of Strength d6, Vigor d6
the occult gained through Skills: Belief d10, Fighting
her later life, and thus they d6, Knowledge (Battle)
are slightly anachronistic d8, Notice d6, Shooting
(influenced by the designs d6, Swimming d6
of a tarot deck popular in Charisma: 0; Pace: 6;
1916, when Victoria was Parry: 5; Toughness: 7
born). The Tarot Cards are (2)
loyal to Victoria only and are used by Hindrances: Spiritual
her for special tasks (and to form the Code
backbone of her personal army). Edges: Arcane Background
The tarot minor arcana (Miracles), Bishop,
consists of 4 suits (Wands, Chessmans Move,
Cups, Pentacles and Swords) Command, Hold the
of 14 cards (Ace to Ten, Page, Line, Rapid Recharge
Knight, Queen and King). In addition, the major arcana Special Abilities
include a number of unique cards such as The Fool, The Wooden: (p. 11).
Moon, Death and The Wheel of Fortune. With one or two Powers: (20 PP)armor, bolt, healing, and quickness.
exceptions Victoria has not dared create Major Arcana Gear: Chain hauberk (+2), staff (Str+d6, Parry +1,
Tarot Cards as she fears they may be too strong-willed Reach 1), sling (4/8/16, Str+d4).
and rebel. Wealth: Loose Change.

Unless otherwise, stated Tarot Cards are treated as

normal Cards within the Victoria campaign but care Chessman, Knight
should be taken to describe their alien look. They Attributes: Agility d8, Smarts d6, Spirit d6, Strength d10,
wear robes and other exotic garb as befits the characters Vigor d8
depicted on tarot cards, and are often armed with Skills: Fighting d10, Knowledge (Battle) d10, Notice d8,
weapons that resemble their suit symbol (bladed discs Shooting d8, Swimming d6
for Pentacles, heavy chalices for Cups, rods or staves for Charisma: 0; Pace: 8; Parry: 7; Toughness: 9 (3)
Wands, and, of course, swords for Swords). Hindrance: Code of Honor
Edges: Command, First Strike, Fleet-Footed, Hold the
Card Suit Equivalent Tarot Suit
Line, Improved Trademark Weapon (Sword), Knight,
(Clubs) Swords Knights Leap, Level Headed, Sweep
Special Abilities
(Spades) Cups Wooden: (p. 11).
Gear: Plate armor and pot helm (+3), sword (Str+d8;
(Hearts) Wands Str+d10 vs. enemy Chessmen), possibly crossbow
(15/30/60, 2d6, ROF 1, 12 ammo).
(Diamonds) Pentacles
Wealth: Loose Change.

Rank Cards Equivalent Tarot Cards Chessman, Pawn

1 2, 3 and 4 2, 3 and 4 Attributes: Agility d6, Smarts d6, Spirit d6, Strength d6,
Vigor d6
2 5, 6 and 7 5, 6 and 7 Skills: Fighting d6, Knowledge (Battle) d6, Notice d6,
3 8, 9 and 10 8, 9 and 10 Shooting d6, Swimming d6
4 Knave, Queen, Page, Knight, King, Charisma: 0; Pace: 6; Parry: 5; Toughness: 5 (1)
and King Queen Special Abilities
Small: Pawns are only about 4 feet tall. Their small
As with normal Cards, any Aces should be unique size subtracts 1 from their Toughness.
characters; they are mysterious, almost invariably keeping Wooden: (p. 11).
their faces hidden under concealing cowls. Gear: Leather armor and cap (+1), small shield, sword
For examples, see the Aces of Cups, Swords, and (Str+d8), possibly crossbow (15/30/60, 2d6, 12
Wands, in Chapter 6 of the Victoria Campaign (p. 118). ammo).
Wealth: Loose Change for every 5 Pawns.

Wonderland No MoreGame Masters Section
Attributes: Agility
d10, Smarts d10,
Spirit d10, Strength
d10, Vigor d12
Skills: Fighting
d12, Knowledge Crab, Giant
(Battle) d12, Notice These crabs are voracious eaters of anything they can
d8, Shooting d8, catch and kill. It is their reputation that has kept the
Swimming d6 beaches of Wonderland so sparsely visited.
Charisma: +2; Attributes: Agility d8, Smarts d4(A), Spirit d8, Strength
Pace: 6; Parry: 9; d10, Vigor d8
Toughness: 12 (3) Skills: Fighting d8, Notice d8, Stealth d10, Swim d8
Hindrances: Enemy Pace: 8; Parry: 6; Toughness: 10 (3)
(All other Queens) Special Abilities
Edges: Arcane Armor +3: Giant crabs have thick shells.
Resistance, Block, Claws: Str+d6.
Chessmans Move, Size +1: These creatures weigh over 400 pounds.
Command, Fervor,
Improved Sweep,
Inspire, Mighty Crocodile, Golden
Blow, Noble, Queen, This creature looks like a crocodile of the Real World,
Quick, Tough As except for its conspicuously golden and much-sought-
Nails after scales. A slain golden crocodiles hide can fetch
Special Abilities up to 5, provided it is not damaged too greatly in the
Wooden: (p. 11). process of killing it, and the hide is removed skillfully
Gear: Cuirass (+3), sword (Str+d8), small shield. (Survival check at 2, knife required).
Wealth: A Tidy Sum.
Attributes: Agility d4, Smarts d6 (A), Spirit d6, Strength
d12+4, Vigor d12
Chessman, Rook Skills: Fighting d8, Notice d6, Swimming d8
Attributes: Agility d6, Smarts d6, Spirit d8, Strength d8, Pace: 3; Parry: 6; Toughness: 12 (2).
Vigor d12 Special Abilities
Skills: Fighting d10, Knowledge (Battle) d10, Notice d8, Armor +2: Golden crocodiles have thick skins.
Shooting d8, Swimming d6 Aquatic: Swimming Pace of 6.
Charisma: 0; Pace: 6; Parry: 7; Toughness: 12 (3) Bite: Str+d6.
Edges: Nerves of Steel, Chessmans Move, Command, Improved Shining Tail: As the Improved Sweep
Hold the Line, Brawny, Edge, but only usable against targets in its rear arc
Combat Reflexes, Frenzy, (Str+d4).
Rook, Rooks Defense, Lurk: May use Swimming skill instead of Stealth when
Strong Willed in water.
Special Abilities Size +2.
Slow to Act: During the
first round of a combat, a Crocogator
Rook must hold his action
and act last in the round. The crocogator looks vaguely like a crocodile or
He may spend a benny to alligator from the Real Worldaquatic, four legged,
act sooner. If dealt a Joker, rough hide and a mouth full of teeth. However, a
the Rook may act normally. crocogators mouth takes up half its entire body length,
Wooden: (p. 11). making it a strange but fearsome sight.
Gear: Plate armor and pot helm Attributes: Agility d4, Smarts d6 (A), Spirit d6, Strength
(+3), halberd (Str+d8, Reach d12, Vigor d10
+1), possibly crossbow Skills: Fighting d8, Notice d6, Swim d8
(15/30/60, 2d6, RoF 1, 12 Pace: 3; Parry: 6; Toughness: 9 (2)
ammo). Special Abilities
Wealth: Loose Change. Armor +2: Crocogators have thick skins.

Poison: Those hit with a spine for at least a Shaken
result must immediately make a Vigor roll. Failure
means they take 1 Wound each round until dead, or
until a healing spell is used on them or a successful
Healing roll made.
Spines: Str+d4 damage.

Sturgeon, Giant
These creatures are 30 long, and can swallow their
prey whole!
Attributes: Agility d8, Smarts d4 (A), Spirit d8, Strength
d12+4, Vigor d12
Skills: Fighting d10, Notice d12, Swim d10
Pace: ; Parry: 7; Toughness: 12
Aquatic: Swimming Pace of 6. Special Abilities
Bite: Str+d6. Aquatic: Pace 10.
Lurk: May use Swimming skill instead of Stealth when Bite: Str+d8.
in water. Hardy: The creature does not suffer a wound from
Rollover: Crocogators like nothing more than to grab being Shaken twice.
their prey in their awesome jaws and roll over and Large: Attackers add +2 to their attack rolls when
over with their victims in their mouth. If one of these attacking a giant sturgeon due to its large size.
creatures hits with a raise, it causes an additional 2d4 Size +4: Giant sturgeons grow up to 30 in length.
damage to its prey in addition to its regular Strength Swallow Whole: With a raise on its Fighting roll,
damage. the sturgeon has swallowed its target whole. Those
swallowed take 1d8 crushing damage each round
against their base Toughness. While inside, a
Fish, Giant swallowed character can try to cut his way free with a
Several species of fish are given here. Choose dagger or knife by making an Agility roll at 2 (instead
whichever seems appropriate. of using Fighting); roll damage against Toughness
8. If the character can inflict at least one wound, he
has sliced a hole big enough to slip free although
Catfish, Giant he is automatically Shaken once out. If the
These are massive 15-foot-long fish found in fresh and sturgeon is killed, a swallowed character can
sea water. They exhibit some cat-like behavior, such as be freed from the outside in a single round.
meowing, purring, and playing with their prey.
Attributes: Agility d8, Smarts d4 (A), Spirit d6, Strength Flamingo
d8, Vigor d6
Skills: Fighting d8, Notice d12, Swim d10 Although seeming ungainly, these large pink birds are
Pace: ; Parry: 6; Toughness: 5 surprisingly agile and fast. Trained (royal) flamingos
Special Abilities are kept by the nobility of the Monarchy of Hearts to use
Aquatic: Pace 10. in the hazardous Queens Croquet.
Bite: Str+d6 Attributes: Agility d8, Smarts d4 (A), Spirit d6, Strength
d8, Vigor d8
Spiny Rockfish, Giant Skills: Fighting d8, Notice d6, Swimming d8
Pace: 6; Parry: 6; Toughness: 6
These fish hide in shallow salt water, and when
Special Abilities
motionless they are all but invisible. Their spines are
Flying: Flamingoes have a Flying Pace of 10, with
filled with deadly poison.
a Climb of 3; it takes them a full round of running
Attributes: Agility d6, Smarts d4 (A), Spirit d6, Strength movement to actually get airborne.
d4, Vigor d6 Peck: Str+d6.
Skills: Fighting d6, Notice d4, Stealth d6 Weapon: May be picked up and used by another
Pace: ; Parry: 5; Toughness: 5 as a weapon, without suffering personal harm (see
Special Abilities flamingo under Gear & Goods, p. 30). Wild,
Aquatic: Pace 6. untrained flamingos dont typically agree to such
Camouflage: A rockfish is hard to spot in its natural treatment, so in that case a successful grapple is
environment. When not moving, Notice checks are required first.
at 2 to spot them.

Wonderland No MoreGame Masters Section
Ghost Gourmancer, Experienced
Each ghost is unique with its own powers and abilities,
A more experienced Gourmancer.
though they have a few things in common. Ghosts may
not be slain in the conventional sense; instead, each has Attributes: Agility d6, Smarts d12, Spirit d8, Strength d6,
criteria that must be satisfied to lay it to rest. Vigor d6
Skills: Cooking d10, Fighting d6, Intimidation d8, Notice
Skills: Intimidate d10, Notice d8, Taunt d10, Stealth
d8, Shooting d8, Throwing d8
Charisma: 0; Pace: 6; Parry: 5; Toughness: 5
Pace: 6; Parry: 4
Edges: Arcane Background (Gourmancy)
Special Abilities
Magic Foodstuffs: (19/20 PP)2x Red Hot Chili
Ethereal: Ghosts are immaterial.
(burst, 2 PP, 8), Spinach Pie (boost strength, 5 PP, 8),
Fear: Ghosts cause Spirit checks when they let
Mushroom Stroganoff (growth, 3 PP, 8), Souffl (fly, 5
themselves be seen; these checks may have a bonus
PP, 8), Dandelion Slice (fear, 2 PP, 8)
or penalty applied.
Gear: At least one Item of Wonder (roll on the table, p.
Magic Resistant: Ghosts are immune to magic unless
84), and a weaponized cooking utensil (Str+d4).
specifically designed to affect ghosts or spirits.
Wealth: Loose Change.

Haberdasher, Trainee
Non-Humans A young Alice wondered at
The listed statistics for Gourmancers, craftsmen, imagining their work
Haberdashers, and Priests are for a Human as something akin to magic. In
following that path. If a non-Human is Wonderland, this is a reality.
required, the GM has two choices: use the Haberdashery falls into this
statistics as-is (after all, the players will category (and provides the
never know) or adjust them with racial Arcane Background used here), but is by
Edges and Hindrances. no means the only remarkable craft in Wonderland. This
provides a starting point for magical craftsmen, but the
GM should introduce varietye.g., a Painter who paints
things that become real, a Knitter who knits the strangest
things, a Poet who composes rhymes that become reality,
or a Toymaker who crafts very dangerous playthings.
Gourmancer, Trainee Attributes: Agility d6, Smarts d10, Spirit d6, Strength d6,
Vigor d6
A typical Gourmancer. The Gourmancers powers
Skills: Fighting d6, Haberdashery d6, Notice d6, Repair
are in prepared dishes, listed in the form of dish name
d6, Shooting d6, Throwing d6
(power, number of Power Points, Cooking roll made to
Charisma: 0; Pace: 6; Parry: 6; Toughness: 5
prepare the dish)e.g., Red Hot Chili (burst, 2 PP, 8)
Edges: Arcane Background (Haberdashery)
denotes the burst power with 2 Power Points spent on it
Powers: (10 PP)conjuring, hat for every occasion
and a Cooking roll of 8.
Gear: Toolbox (+1 Parry, +2 Armor vs. ranged),
Attributes: Agility d6, Smarts d10, Spirit d8, Strength d6, professional tool (Str+d4).
Vigor d6 Wealth: Loose Change.
Skills: Cooking d8, Fighting
d6, Notice d8, Shooting
d6, Throwing d6 Haberdasher,
Charisma: 0; Pace: 6; Parry:
5; Toughness: 5
Edges: Arcane Background A more experienced crafter. In
(Gourmancy) the case of non-hatters using this
Magic Foodstuffs: (10/10 template, the rabbit in the hat
PP)Red Hot Chili should have form and trappings
(burst, 2 PP, 5), Spinach appropriate to the indicated
Pie (boost strength, 5 PP, profession.
5), Mushroom Stroganoff Attributes: Agility d6, Smarts d12,
(growth, 3 PP, 5) Spirit d8, Strength d6, Vigor d6
Gear: Weaponized cooking Skills: Fighting d8, Haberdashery
utensil (Str+d4). d10, Taunt d8, Notice d8, Repair
Wealth: Loose Change. d8, Shooting d8, Throwing d8

Charisma: 0; Pace: 6; Parry: 7; Toughness: 5 Human, Guard (Real World)
Edges: Arcane Background (Haberdashery)
Powers: (20 PP)conjuring, hat for every occasion, These are soldiers, either Allied or Axis. The Real World
rabbit in the hat is treated as a dreamlike place, so specific equipment
Gear: Toolbox (+1 Parry, +2 Armor vs. ranged), differences are not necessary.
professional tool (Str+d4); at least one Item of Attributes: Agility d6, Smarts d6, Spirit d6, Strength d6,
Wonder (roll on the table, p. 84). Vigor d6
Wealth: Loose Change. Skills: Climbing d6, Fighting d6, Intimidation d8, Notice
d6, Shooting d8, Stealth d6
Charisma: 0; Pace: 6; Parry: 5; Toughness: 5
Hedgehog Gear: Revolver (12/24/48, damage 2d6+1, shots 6, AP 1)
It looks much or rifle (20/40/80, damage 2d8, shots 1, AP 2).
like its Real-world Wealth: Not applicable.
counterpart, tending
to roll itself up when
threatened, except that Human, Guard (Wonderland)
it is perfectly unharmed when These are average guards who know what they are
whacked with a flamingo or other doing (and to a degree will do it) but are not suicidal.
weapon, and gets pretty good
Attributes: Agility d6, Smarts d6, Spirit d6, Strength d6,
distance. Hedgehogs serve a crucial
Vigor d6
role as the ball in the dangerous sport of the Queens
Skills: Climbing d6, Fighting d6, Intimidation d8, Notice
d6, Shooting d6, Stealth d6
Attributes: Agility d4, Smarts d4 (A), Spirit d4, Strength Charisma: 0; Pace: 6; Parry: 5; Toughness: 6 (1)
d4, Vigor d4 Gear: Leather armor or ornate jacket (+1), sword
Skills: Climbing d4, Notice d4, Stealth d4, Swimming (Str+d8), dagger (Str+d4), bow (12/24/48, 2d6
d4 damage) or crossbow (15/30/60, 2d6 damage) if
Pace: 6; Parry: 2; Toughness: 10(8) when rolled up; 2 applicable.
otherwise Wealth: Loose Change for every 3 guards.
Special Abilities
Roll Up: As a free action, it can roll up into a little
ball, or uncurl itself. While rolled up, it gains +8 Human, Guard Captain (Real
Armor, but is unable to move on its own. World)
Size 2: Enemies are at 2 to attack rolls to harm this
little creature. This penalty does not apply to attempts A soldier, either Allied or Axis.
to whack it as a croquet ball. Attributes: Agility d6, Smarts d6, Spirit d6, Strength d8,
Weapon: Anyone can drive a hedgehog with Vigor d8
a flamingo or other blunt instrument with Skills: Climbing d6, Fighting d8, Intimidation d8, Notice
similar qualities without doing any harm to d6, Shooting d8, Stealth d6
the hedgehog. See Gear & Goods, p. 30, for Charisma: 0; Pace: 6; Parry: 6; Toughness: 6
details. Edges: Command, Quick.
Gear: Revolver (12/24/48, damage 2d6+1, shots 6, AP
Human, Common Folk Wealth: Not applicable.
The Humans of Wonderland are many
and varied, but the following statistics
are common for most. Human, Guard Captain
Attributes: Agility d6, Smarts d6, Spirit (Wonderland)
d6, Strength d6, Vigor d6 Like his men, he is a professional but not suicidal.
Skills: Climbing d6, Fighting d4,
Knowledge (Wonderland) d6, Notice Attributes: Agility d6, Smarts d6, Spirit d6, Strength
d6, d8, Vigor d8
Charisma: 0; Pace: 6; Parry: 4; Skills: Climbing d6, Fighting d8, Intimidation d8,
Toughness: 5 Notice d6, Shooting d8, Stealth d6
Gear: Knife (Str+d4), improvised Charisma: 0; Pace: 6; Parry: 7; Toughness: 8 (2)
weapons (Str+d6). Edges: Block, Command, Quick.
Wealth: Loose Change for individual Gear: Chain hauberk or heavy coat (+2), sword
merchants and the like; otherwise, (Str+d8), dagger (Str+d4).
Loose Change for every 5 Humans. Wealth: Loose Change.

Wonderland No MoreGame Masters Section
Jabberkin are the offspring of the Jabberwock
(spawned from what else, no one knows). They are
much smaller than their parent and lack the wings, but
have all of its terrible temper and violence.
Attributes: Agility d8, Smarts d4, Spirit d8, Strength d10,
Vigor d10
Skills: Fighting d8, Intimidation d6, Notice d10, Stealth
Pace: 6; Parry: 6; Toughness: 12 (2)
Special Abilities
Armor +2: Scaly skin.
Claws That Catch: +2 to grappling.
Eyes of Flame: The jabberkin may, as an action, stare
with its flaming eyes at one or two opponents within Jabberwocky
sight but no further apart than 30 degrees (extrapolate
from the Cone Template). Make an opposed roll of Twas brillig, and the slithy toves
the jabberkins Notice against the victims Agility. If Did gyre and gimble in the wabe;
the jabberkin wins, the victims suffer 2d6 damage and All mimsy were the borogoves,
must check to see if they catch fire. And the mome raths outgrabe.
Hardy: Jabberkin do not suffer wounds from being
Shaken twice. Beware the Jabberwock, my son!
Jaws That Bite: Str+d6. The jaws that bite, the claws that catch!
Size +3. Beware the Jubjub bird, and shun
The frumious Bandersnatch!

The Jabberwock He took his vorpal sword in hand:

Long time the manxome foe he sought
The Jabberwock is a ferocious reptilian creature feared
So rested he by the Tumtum tree,
by all denizens of Wonderland. It has a long neck and
And stood awhile in thought.
tail, strong legs for running down prey, and long flexible
fingers for catching that prey. Its head has bulging eyes And as in uffish thought he stood,
that function independently of each other, and a mouth The Jabberwock, with eyes of flame,
lined with spade-like teeth. Came whiffling through the tulgey wood,
If the Jabberwock is slain, the most ferocious of its And burbled as it came!
offspring will eventually grow larger, sprout wings, and
One, two! One, two!
become the new Jabberwock. (No one is quite clear who
And through and through
provides the vest.)
The vorpal blade went snicker-snack!
Attributes: Agility d8, Smarts d6, Spirit d10, Strength He left it dead, and with its head
d12+5, Vigor d12+2 He went galumphing back.
Skills: Fighting d10, Intimidation d10, Notice d12
Pace: 8; Parry: 7; Toughness: 17 (4) And hast thou slain the Jabberwock?
Edges: Improved Nerves of Steel Come to my arms, my beamish boy!
Special Abilities O frabjous day! Callooh! Callay!
Armor +4: Scaly skin. He chortled in his joy.
Claws That Catch: +2 to grappling.
Twas brillig, and the slithy toves
Eyes of Flame: As an action, the Jabberwock may stare
Did gyre and gimble in the wabe;
with its flaming eyes at one or two opponents within
All mimsy were the borogoves,
sight but no further apart than 30 degrees (extrapolate
And the mome raths outgrabe.
from the Cone Template). Make an opposed roll of
the Jabberwocks Notice against the victims Agility. If Lewis Carroll
the Jabberkin wins, the victims suffer 2d8 damage and
must check to see if they catch fire. (Editors note: Sing it to the tune of
Fear 2: The Jabberwock is fearsome to behold. Amazing Grace or Greensleeves.)
Flight: The Jabberwock has a flying pace of 24, with
a Climb of 6.
Hardy: The Jabberwock does not suffer wounds from
being Shaken twice.

Huge: Opponents get +4 to attack rolls against the
Jabberwock. Kitten,
Jaws that Bite: Str+d8. Black
Size +6.
This magically-
spawned creature
Jubjub Bird appears to be a
A massive bird, the jubjub bird is a lonely creature, perfectly ordinary
quite desperate for the company of its kin. It lives in black kitten, often
perpetual passion, and when two mate the parent who with a little bow
protects the offspring (it could be either but is always tied around its neck. As
only one) is a most fearsome creature. It measures devoted Dinahists know, such creatures are invariably
nearly 50 feet long (8), with a wingspan close to 100 Naughty, and exist only to cause mischief. They exploit
feet (17). anyone with a weakness for small, cute creatures, and
plot against anyone immune to their charms. Even
Attributes: Agility d6, Smarts d8 (A), Spirit d12, Strength though they technically have only animal intellect, this
d12+8, Vigor d12 is Wonderland, after all: they still have a knack for creating
Skills: Fighting d8, Notice d6 mayhem, and an uncanny ability to pick out who will be
Pace: 6; Parry: 6; Toughness: 15 most vulnerable to cuteness (or to cat allergies).
Special Abilities
Beak/Claws: Str+d6. Attributes: Agility d8, Smarts d12 (A), Spirit d12,
Fearless: Jubjub birds are immune to Fear and Strength d4, Vigor d4
Intimidation, and need never make morale checks. Skills: Fighting d4, Notice d6, Persuasion (being cute)
Flying: Jubjub birds have a Flying Pace of 24, with a d12, Stealth d10
Climb of 6. Charisma: +2; Pace: 6; Parry: 4; Toughness: 2
Large: Opponents get a +2 to all attack rolls against Special Abilities
this creature. Cuteness: Charisma +2.
Size +7. Easily Distracted: 2 to Tests of Will vs. Tricks or
Slow: Jubjub birds cannot run. Taunts involving balls of yarn, dangling bits of string,
Snatch: If a jubjub bird gets a raise on its Fighting roll toy mice, etc.
when Swooping against a target Size +3 or smaller, it Low Light Vision.
snatches up the victim and flies off with it. Mischief: Can perform various stealthy tasks that
Swoop: If the jubjub bird can fly at least 10 in a would normally require hands (e.g., picking locks,
straight line before attacking, it does Str+d10 damage pickpocketing) as long as nobody is watching.
with its claws. Somehow it manages to hide stolen items in its fluffy
black fur.
Shakeable: Its stolen loot (if any) can be extracted by
Jubjub Bird, Chick grabbing it and giving it a good shake.
The young of the jubjub bird, appear much as their Size 2: Enemies are at 2 to attack rolls to hit this
parents but with a smaller body (20 feet long, or 3) and little creature.
wingspan (35 feet across, or 6). Wealth: Only what it has pilfered from the heroes.

Attributes: Agility d6, Smarts d6 (A), Spirit d8, Strength

d10, Vigor d8 Lizard, Giant
Skills: Fighting d6, Notice d6 Use the following for any lizards the heroes encounter.
Pace: 6; Parry: 6; Toughness: 11 Specific species may have extra abilities. These statistics
Special Abilities are for a lizard about 5 feet long.
Beak/Claws: Str+d6.
Fearless: Jubjub chicks are immune to Fear and Attributes: Agility d8, Smarts d6 (A), Spirit d6, Strength
Intimidation, and need never make morale checks. d8, Vigor d6
Flying: Jubjub chicks have a Flying Pace of 18, with Skills: Climbing d8, Fighting d8, Notice d6, Stealth d8
a Climb of 6. Pace: 6; Parry: 6; Toughness: 6 (1)
Large: Opponents get a +2 to all attack rolls against Special Abilities
this creature. Armor +1: Scaly hide.
Size +5. Bite: Str+d6.
Slow: Jubjub chicks move at Pace 6 on the ground, Sprint: Lizards move at a Pace of 6 normally, but roll
but cannot run. a d8 for running.
Swoop: If a jubjub chick can fly at least 10 in a Wall Walking: Lizards can move on all but the
straight line before attacking, it does Str+d10 damage smoothest vertical surfaces with ease, and can move
with its talons. upside down with a Climbing roll.

Wonderland No MoreGame Masters Section
Muchness Charisma: 0; Pace: 4; Parry: 4; Toughness: 4
Hindrances: Mobile Mostly, Small. know you say things are much of a Special Abilities: Genus Edge (GMs choice), Hardy,
muchnessdid you ever see such a thing as Plant Physiology, Photosynthesis,
a drawing of a muchness? World Wise.
the Dormouse Gear: Club (Str+d4).
Wealth: Loose Change for individual
A muchness is a large creature with an
merchants and the like; otherwise,
indistinct form that lurks beneath other
Loose Change for every 10 Plants.
things: lakes, mounds of leaves, moss, etc.
Its true shape is never seen, as it is always
covered in something else and completely Plant, Wild
dissolves within seconds of dying. Survivors
Wild animated plants the beast
of attacks are left with the impression that the
equivalent of Plants. Many have yet
environment itself sprang to life, as opposed
to figure out how to move about on
to the work of a distinctly living creature.
their roots. Mobile wild plants typically have shapes
A Wild Card version of this creature is known as a suggesting those of wild beasts, with demeanors (and
much of a muchness. intellect) to match. Either way, theyre known collectively
Attributes: Agility d6, Smarts d6 (A), Spirit d8, Strength (and derisively) as weeds. See Weeds, p. 176.
d10, Vigor d10
Skills: Fighting d8, Notice d10, Stealth d12
Pace: 8; Parry: 6; Toughness: 9 (2) Priest, Follower of Alice, Trainee
Special Abilities A not-too-experienced believer in the divine power of
Aquatic: Swimming Pace of 8. Alice. Priests in the service of Victoria may have slightly
Armor +2: It is covered by a thick layer of mud, more sinister trappings to their powersmore harsh
leaves, water, or whatever else its hiding under. schoolmarm and less little girl.
Engulp: With a raise on its Fighting roll, the muchness
Attributes: Agility d6, Smarts d6, Spirit d10, Strength d6,
has swallowed its target whole. Those swallowed
Vigor d6
take 1d6 crushing damage each round against base
Skills: Belief d10, Fighting
Toughness (Armor does not apply). While inside, a
d4, Notice d8, Shooting d6,
hero can try to cut her way free with claws, a dagger or
Throwing d6
other short implement by making an Agility roll at 2
Charisma: 0; Pace: 6; Parry:
(instead of using Fighting); damage bypasses Armor,
4; Toughness: 5
so the effective Toughness is only 7. If a wound is
Edges: Arcane Background
inflicted (even if soaked), the victim has sliced a hole
big enough to slip free. If the muchness is killed, any
Powers: (15 PP)boost/lower
swallowed victim can be freed in a single round.
trait, deflection, growth
Formless: Immune to extra damage from called
Gear: Various, typically armed
shots, since it has no vital organs (at least, not any
with a weaponized tool
that have been found).
Large: Opponents get a +2 to all attack rolls against
Wealth: Loose Change.
this creature.
Size +4.
Slam: Str+d6. The muchness extends tentacles or Priest, Follower
pseudopods, thickly coated in whatever substance it
is hiding under, to bludgeon its prey. of Alice, Experienced
Unstable: 4 to Toughness; chunks of the muchness A more experienced
are sliced or broken away surprisingly easily, and believer in the divine power of Alice. Priests in the
quickly vaporize (but theres still so much of it to deal service of Victoria may still invoke the name of Alice, but
with). This cancels out the bonus to Toughness the have access to more martial powers not available a true
muchness would otherwise get for its Size. Follower of Alice, with more authoritarian trappings. For
instance, a bolt, where the caster pantomimes giving a
spanking, and the target (if hit) is spanked violently by
Plant, Common Folk a giant spectral gloved hand.
These are generic Plants to be used as required.
Attributes: Agility d6, Smarts d12, Spirit d8, Strength d6,
Attributes: Agility d6, Smarts d8, Spirit d6, Strength d6, Vigor d6
Vigor d6 Skills: Belief d12, Fighting d6, Notice d8, Shooting d8,
Skills: Fighting d4, Notice d8, Throwing d4 Throwing d8

Charisma: 0; Pace: 6; Parry: 5; Toughness: 5 Snark
Edges: Arcane Background (Miracles)
Powers: (25 PP)boost/lower trait, deflection, growth, The name snark is a portmanteau of snake and
invisibility, shrink, stun shark, and almost describes these creatures. The
Gear: Various, but at least one Item of Wonder (roll on the snarks long body has the sleek, tapered shape of a shark
table, p. 84), and typically armed with a weaponized (albeit a stretched one) and fearsome jaws, but with
tool (Str+d4). the flexibility of a snake. Its fins are thicker and shaped
Wealth: Loose Change. for land movement. Wild variation exists beyond these
shared details, as some are known to have feathers, and
bite, while others have whiskers, and scratch.
Snark flesh is considered a delicacy to many, with a
taste described as meager and hollow, but crisp, like a
coat that is rather too tight in the waist, with a flavor
of will-o-the-wisp.
The average snark is about the size of a tiger although
larger specimens do exist. There is also an aquatic
species, whose flippers are more akin to those of a shark
but is otherwise identical; additional statistics for this
Rath, Mome species are in italics.

Raths appear to be some long-lost relative of the wild Attributes: Agility d8, Smarts d4 (A), Spirit d8, Strength
pig family, albeit pale green in color. According to at d10, Vigor d10
least one expert on languages, mome means from Skills: Fighting d8, Notice d12, Swim d10
home, or lost their way; such implies the raths are Pace: 10; Parry: 6; Toughness: 10
from somewhere else and not denizens of Wonderland. Special Abilities
This would explain their surly dispositions. Aquatic: Swimming Pace of 10.
Bite: Str+d6.
Raths make a distinctive outgribing noise (something Edible: Choice morsels of snark flesh are considered
between bellowing and whistling, with a sneeze in the a delicacy. Each slain snark can yield one unit of Magic
middle) and have a keen sense of smell with which they Ingredients for Gourmancy.
forage Wonderland truffles. Hardy: Snarks do not suffer a wound from being
Attributes: Agility d6, Smarts d4, Spirit d6, Strength d6, Shaken twice.
Vigor d10 Lurk: May use Swimming skill for Stealth checks.
Skills: Fighting d8, Notice d6, Stealth d12, Tracking d6 Size +3.
Pace: 6; Parry: 6; Toughness: 9 (2)
Special Abilities
Armor +2: Tough, thick hide.
Spider, Giant
Bite: Str+d4. Spider encounters often involve a web a hero blunders
Camouflage: A raths coloration gives it a +2 bonus into (Notice check, modified by lighting penalties if
to Stealth in vegetation. appropriate, to avoid). Sapient, crafty Spiders lose the
Fearless: Raths never suffer the effects of fear. animal (A) modifier to Smarts, and add Persuasion d8
(Come into my parlor...), luring prey into traps.

Serpent, Giant Attributes: Agility d10, Smarts d6 (A), Spirit d8, Strength
d12, Vigor d8
These are giant snake-like creatures, about 20-30 feet Skills: Fighting d10, Notice d10, Stealth d8
long, fond of stealing birds eggs. Pace: 6; Parry: 7; Toughness: 6
Attributes: Agility d8, Smarts d4 (A), Spirit d8, Strength Edges: Quick.
d10, Vigor d8 Special Abilities
Skills: Fighting d8, Notice d10 Bite: Str+d6; if the spider gets a raise on its Fighting
Pace: 6; Parry: 6; Toughness: 10 roll, it injects the target with poison. Make a Vigor
Special Abilities roll each round for 3 rounds; if you fail, you take 2d6
Bite: Str+d6; if the serpent gets a raise on its Fighting damage and a level of Fatigue. If you succeed, you
roll, it injects the target with poison. Make Vigor rolls only take the Fatigue levels. Lost Fatigue returns at 1
each round for three rounds. If you fail, you take 2d8 level per day.
damage. If you succeed, you still take a Fatigue level. Web: Spiders are web spinners; this web is tough
Large: Opponents get a +2 to all attack rolls against (requiring 12 points of damage to cut through a thick
this creature. strand, or 6 for a thinner one) and sticky (make an
Size +4. opposed roll against d10 Strength to break loose).

Wonderland No MoreGame Masters Section
Swarm Swarm, Rocking-horsefly
As might be expected, Wonderland has its own unique Miniature, living,
insects and creatures that together are treated as swarms. wooden rocking
Use the statistics given in Savage Worlds, with additional horses. They live off of
special abilities as noted below. sap and sawdust, and
thus while normally
docile, occasionally
Swarm, Bread-and-butterfly set upon parties that
Its wings are thin include Plants or
slices of bread and Chessmen.
butter, its body is a Special Abilities
crust, and its head Flammable: 50% chance to catch fire (roll of 4-6 on
is a lump of sugar. 1d6) any time it is hit by fire.
It normally lives on Flight: Pace of 6.
weak tea with cream Rockers: Their tiny wooden rockers hit for 2d6
in it. (This being damage instead of the usual 2d4 damage for swarms.
Wonderland, yes, that
can be found even in the wild, but theyve also taken to
supplementing their diet with other things.)
Swarm, Snap-dragonfly
Its body is
Special Abilities made of plum
Buttery: The swarm continually drips butter, making pudding, its
footing treacherous. Anyone within the swarm wings of holly
template must take an Agility test at the start of his leaves, and
action, before moving or attacking; failure means that its head is a
the victim slips, falls prone, and is Shaken. raisin burning
Edible: Slain bread-and-butterflies are edible as-is in brandy. It
(best when fresh), but the butter is useful for cooking. normally lives
Enough butter can be gathered from a swarm to serve on frumenty
as one unit of Magic Ingredients for Gourmancy. and mince pie, and is partial to making its nest in a
Flight: Pace of 6. Christmas box. (Snap-dragon was a winter parlor-game
that involved snatching raisins out of a bowl of burning
Swarm, Crow brandy and eating them without getting burnt.)
See Swarm, Raven, following; for game purposes the Special Abilities
statistics are the same. However, a flock of crows is known Burning Touch: Attacks have a 1 in 6 chance of
poetically as a murder of crows, and in Wonderland this setting a foe on fire.
takes on a literal twist; a murder of crows bloodthirstily Edible: Despite the inherent risks, a snap-dragonflys
attacks the weak and wounded, hurrying things along so plum-pudding body and brandy-soaked-raisin head
that they can then feast on the dead. are edible. Enough materials can be gathered from a
swarm to serve as one unit of Magic Ingredients for
Swarm, Raven Flight: Pace of 6.
In the Real World, these would poetically
be known as an unkindness of ravens, and
in Wonderland this takes on a sinister twist. Thing, Animated
They have an uncanny ability to repeat Now and again, inanimate objects spring to life
heard words at just the right time, seemingly in Wonderland. This may be a single animate piece
possessed of a malevolent intelligence. They of furniture, suit of armor, or even a conglomerate
are opportunistic and cowardly scavengers, of smaller items.
preferring to stalk and hassle prey rather
than directly engage it. Given opportunity, Special abilities and Toughness vary depending
they may swoop in to steal a shiny object as a prize and upon the constituent objects. Here is a typical animated
fly away with it. thing (e.g., a piece of furniture). Additional sub-types are
listed below, with variations from the basic profile.
Special Abilities
Fear: The uncanny and seemingly prescient cries Attributes: Agility d8, Smarts d4(A), Spirit d6, Strength
of an unkindness of ravens is unsettling, requiring d8, Vigor d8
listeners to make a Spirit check against Fear. Skills: Fighting d8, Notice d8, Stealth d8, Throwing d8
Flight: Pace of 6. Pace: 6; Parry: 6; Toughness: 6

Thing, Armor
A suit of armor, such as might decorate a manor.
On the Unkindness of Ravens Special Abilities
Armor +3: It is armor, after all.
Not Flammable: Doesnt catch fire.
Rust: Magical water-based attacks do +4 damage.
Wealth: One suit of plate armor and a full helm.

Thing, Bookworm
A stack of books that strikes like a snake.
Special Abilities
Long Reach: Can spring out, accordion-like, for
Reach of up to 3.
Very Flammable: 100% chance to catch fire if hit by
an open flame or fire-based attack.
There is a longstanding literary tradition
of ascribing poetic collective nouns to Thing, Kitchen Sink
groups of birds, dating at least as far back as A mass of dirty dishes, pans, utensils and cutlery,
the 15th century (with a lengthy collection in found in kitchens where Gourmancy has gone awry.
The Book of St. Albans). Relatively common Special Abilities
examples include a brood of hens, a flight Cutlery: Str+d6 damage melee, or thrown (3/6/12).
of doves, or a gaggle of geese. More obscure Gourmancy: Arcane Background (Gourmancy), but
examples include a murder of crows, or an can only use On-the-Fly Cooking (p. 33).
unkindness of ravens. The important thing Powers: (10 PP)burst, obscure.
is that its far more interesting than just Wealth: One set of cooking gear (standard).
calling them swarms or flocks.
In Wonderland, this practice is still Thing, Plate
in vogue, expanded beyond just birds.
Curious flying things with huge bottles
The exact word could be evocative of the
for bodies, wings of plates, and legs of
creature, its mode of travel, its habitat, or its
dinner forks.
depiction in poetry. Some examples follow
for your consideration: Special Abilities
Claws (forks): Str+d6.
A wabe of toves.
Flying: Fly at Pace 12; acceleration 3.
A whiffle (or a burble) of jabberkin.
A loaf (or a churn) of bread-and- Thing, Snowman
butterflies. Mostly found in winter or in the Mountains of Division,
A parlor of snap-dragonflies. often sporting scarves and battered stovepipe hats.
A court of snarks. Special Abilities
Snow: Suffers +4 damage from fire or fire-based
A hand of Cards.
attacks. Its touch extinguishes normal fires. Is not
A stampede of rocking-horseflies. immune to water- or ice-based attacks.
Snowballs: Range of 3/6/12, damage Str+d4, using
Throwing skill.

Tiger, Paper
Special Abilities Paper tigers prowl the deep woods of the Monarchy
Bludgeon: Str+d4. of Hearts. Their reputation is worse than reality, as they
Construct: +2 to recover from Shaken; no additional are little match for a lit torch or a bucket of water. In
damage from called shots; immune to disease and the dark, however, viewed from the right angle, they are
poison. easily mistaken for the real thing. They are carnivorous
Hardy: Second Shaken result doesnt cause wound. and can devour real meat without getting any thicker,
Tenacious: Wild Card animated things ignore wound but some have a preference for the flesh of Cards.
penalties, as extraneous pieces are hacked off. Unburned paper tiger pelts fetch about 1 in the

Wonderland No MoreGame Masters Section
Monarchy of Hearts; to Cards their painted fur feels
more luxurious than the real thing.
Attributes: Portmanteau
Agility d8,
Smarts d6 (A), Well, slithy means lithe and slimy. You
Spirit d10, see its like a portmanteauthere are two
Strength d12, meanings packed up into one word.
Vigor d8 Humpty Dumpty, to Alice
Skills: Climbing
d8, Fighting
d8, Notice d8,
Stealth d8
Pace: 8; Parry:
6; Toughness: Tove, Slithy
Special Abilities Toves are odd
Flat ... Sort Of: When it suits the situation, a paper four-legged creatures,
tiger is treated as if flat, so it can slip between a couple superficially resembling
of narrowly-spaced trees or through a crack. Also, a badgers. Toves are black
slain or subdued paper tiger can be easily rolled up and white in color.
and tucked into a large map case for transport. Their long snouts are
Paper Cut: Str+d6. twisted and reminiscent
Size +2. of a corkscrew. They are
Very Flammable: Any contact with fire automatically often described as being
sets a dry paper tiger on fire. For this reason, paper slithy, a word meaning
tigers tend to bolt at sight of fire, hungry or not. lithe and slimy, which
Very Soggy When Wet: Unlike Real-world tigers, is fitting as their bodies
paper ones cant swim and dont do well in general are compact and lean,
with water. When submerged or doused with a bucket and their smooth fur is
of water or more, the paper tiger suffers a 4 penalty coated in an oily resin
to Toughness, and it takes 2 hours to dry out properly. secreted from their
They dont go out when its raining. bodies.
Toves dwell in
burrows typically
Toad, Swamp found near sundials (in woodland clearings known
These are massive toads, roughly as wabes). Their preferred food is cheese (this
the size of a large dog, with being Wonderland, it can sometimes be found
incredibly long tongues. growing in the wild), but they are also fiercely
Attributes: Agility d8, Smarts territorial.
d6 (A), Spirit d6, Strength Woe to the unwary traveler who violates a
d8, Vigor d8 toves territory and smells of cheese!
Skills: Fighting d6, Notice Attributes: Agility d8, Smarts d6 (A), Spirit d6,
d6, Throwing d10 Strength d8, Vigor d8
Pace: 6; Parry: 5; Skills: Fighting d6, Notice d6, Tracking d6
Toughness: 5 Pace: 8; Parry: 5; Toughness: 5
Special Abilities Special Abilities
Bite: Str+d4. Burrow: Toves can burrow into the ground and
Jumping: They can leap 6, +2 if they pass a Strength reappear on the following action anywhere within
roll. 6.
Size 1. Claw: Str+d8.
Tongue Strike: Toads can fire their tongues up to Hardy: Toves do not suffer wounds from being
2 with exceptional accuracy (use Throwing for this Shaken twice.
attack). Those hit are stuck; make an opposed Strength Size 1.
roll to keep from being dragged in and bitten as a free Snout Attack: Str+d6. If a tove hits with a raise, it
attack by the toad. The toad gains a +2 bonus to hit has impaled its foe; on the following round the tove
the victim, once it is dragged in. After the initial free automatically inflicts a further Str+d8 damage as it
attack, a victim may attempt an opposed Strength roll pulls its corkscrew-shaped snout from the wound.
to break free.

Tweedle, Common Folk are listed as sub-types, with variations from the basic
Attributes: Agility d6, Smarts d4, Spirit d6,
Strength d8, Vigor d8 Attributes: Agility d6, Smarts d4(A), Spirit d6, Strength
Skills: Fighting d6, Intimidation d6, Notice d6, Vigor d8
d6 Skills: Fighting d6, Notice d8, Stealth d6
Charisma: 2; Pace: 5; Parry: 5; Toughness: Pace: 4; Parry: 5; Toughness: 5
7 Hindrances: Mobile Mostly (or Stationary),
Hindrances: Phobia (minor, usually of Small.
crows), Lumbering, Mean. Edges: Hardy, Plant Physiology, Photosynthesis,
Special Abilities: Large. Genus Edge (GMs choice).
Gear: Knife (Str+d4), improvised weapons Special Abilities
(Str+d6). Attack: Str+d4; this may be a whip-like frond, a bite,
Wealth: Loose Change for every 5 Tweedle. a slap or anything else!

Weed, Stinging Nettle

Tweedle, Guard These shrubs sprout stinging hairs that inject poison
Attributes: Agility d6, Smarts d6, Spirit d6, Strength d10, and acid into the victim on contact. The animated variety
Vigor d10 is territorial and hostile to all mobile life forms that get
Skills: Fighting d8, Intimidation d6, Notice d6, Shooting within reach.
Long Reach: Natural weapons can Reach up to 3.
Charisma: 2; Pace: 5; Parry: 6; Toughness: 9 (1)
Stationary: Normally unable to walk or run.
Hindrances: Phobia (minor, usually of crows),
Sting: Upon successfully touching a victim (making an
Lumbering, Mean.
attack roll that equals or exceeds the targets Parry),
Special Abilities: Large.
in addition to any normal damage, it injects poison.
Gear: Leather or bed quilts (+1), sword (Str+d8).
The nettle and victim make opposing Vigor rolls; if
Wealth: Loose Change for every 3 Tweedle guards.
the victim rolls lower, he is Shaken. Multiple Shaken
results can result in wounds as normal.
Tweedle, Guard Captain
Attributes: Agility d6, Smarts d6, Spirit d6, Strength d12, Weed, Swamp Lurker (Murkweed)
Vigor d12 Their watery, murky home lacks many of the nutrients
Skills: Fighting d10, Intimidation d8, Notice d6, they require, but they supplement this by launching
Shooting d8 surprise attacks on living victims who pass by, with their
Charisma: 2; Pace: 5; Parry: 7; Toughness: 10 (1) vine-line tendrils and sprays of projectile thorns.
Hindrances: Phobia (minor, usually of crows), Long Reach: Natural weapons can Reach up to 3.
Lumbering, Mean. Projectile Thorns: These propelled spurs have a
Edges: Large. range of 3/6/12, damage Str+d4, and use Throwing
Gear: Leather or bed quilts (+1), sword (Str+d8). skill. Typical swamp lurkers have a Throwing skill of
Wealth: Loose Change. d10.
Stationary: Normally unable to walk or run.

Weed, Wild Dandelion

A prime example of the mobile variety of weed, these
mobile plants take on a shape that is characteristic of
a lion. Mature dandelions have brilliant yellow manes,
while older dandelions have manes of puffy white. A wild
dandelion seems as large as a real lion, but its body is
mostly hollow. It is, after all, just a plant, and not nearly
as dangerous as a
Weed real lion.
Weeds are the wild beast equivalent of Plants. Many Roar: The wild
are rooted and stationary, simply attacking anyone who dandelion can
strays nearby (and only revealing themselves as animate roar as an action.
once prey is in range). Mobile weeds tend to have Everyone who
the shapes of beasts (a tiger lily looking like a tiger, a hears must pass
dandelion like a lion, and so forth). Below are generic a Spirit check or
weeds to be used as required. More specific varieties be Shaken.

Wonderland No MoreGame Masters Section
Weed, Wild Fungus Hazards
Clusters of carnivorous mushrooms can occasionally
be found anywhere the more typical varieties of oversized
mushrooms grow. Quicksand
Long Reach: Natural weapons can Reach up to 3. A victim of quicksand begins to sink almost immediately
Spore Burst: Once per encounter, can emit a choking and the only ways to escape are to pull themselves free
cloud of spores as per the stun power, using its Vigor by brute Strength (a successful Strength roll) or to grab
as a spellcasting roll. The template is centered on a suitable object proffered by a companion (a successful
itself; fungi are immune to its effects. Agility roll). A trapped hero has 2+d4 rounds to escape
Stationary: Normally unable to walk or run. before he sinks beneath the sand and can no longer
attempt to free himself. Each round a hero is attempting
Weed, Wild Rose to escape, he must make a successful Vigor roll or take a
These may occur in various forms, at times seeming level of Fatigue. Once beneath the surface, the Vigor roll
to belie their so-called weed status. Wild dog roses of is made at a cumulative 1 penalty each round (i.e., 1
course come in a canine form, and roam in packs. In the the first round, 2 the second).
Royal Garden, the Queen of Hearts has mixed in a few
animate wild roses (much to the chagrin of gardeners
who have to avoid being attacked by them) with more Rock Fall
conventional and inanimate rose bushes. A number of large boulders and rocks, disturbed by
Even in the middle of the wilderness, a traveler may the heroes passing (or perhaps something else?) fall
stumble upon a lone trellis taken over by a climbing variety from above. Have all heroes attempt Notice rolls; those
of wild rose, or even an entire garden. This sometimes who succeed gain a +2 bonus on the Agility roll to avoid
occurs naturally in Wonderland, not necessarily due to the falling rocks. On a raise, all damage is avoided; on
the efforts of a gardener. a success, a hero is scratched by rock fragments (1d6
damage); on a failure, a hero is hit by a large rock (2d6
Thorns: Opponents who hit this creature with damage).
unarmed attacks suffer d4 damage (this damage
can Ace) from contact with the thorns.
Wolgle `It was such a thunderstorm, you cant think!
Wolgles are a bizarre ... And part of the roof came off, and ever so
cross between a wolf and much thunder got inand it went rolling round
an eagleessentially a the room in great lumpsand knocking over
large wolf with equally the tables and thingstill I was so frightened, I
large wings. Their large couldnt remember my own name!
wings tend to drag when The weather is fierce enough to make all but the most
they walk, making them determined travelers take shelter. Dark clouds blot out
slow and cumbersome on the sun while torrential rain falls. Thunder and lightning
the ground. assail any foolish enough to be caught outside. All travel
Attributes: Agility d8, and activities are more difficult; any trait or skill rolls are
Smarts d6 (A), Spirit d6, Strength d6, Vigor d8 at a 1 penalty. Additionally the Dim darkness modifier
Skills: Fighting d6, Notice d10 applies (1 penalty to attack rolls).
Pace: 4; Parry: 5; Toughness: 6 If it is wintertime, the storm is a blizzard instead. The
Special Abilities same penalties apply, except that the rules for cold (see
Bite: Str+d4. Savage Worlds under the situational rules for Fatigue)
Flight: Wolgles have a flying Pace of 12 with a climb also apply if the heroes try to press on rather than seeking
of 3. shelter and starting a warm fire.
Go for the Throat: Like their mundane kin, wolgles
instinctively go for an opponents soft spots. With a
raise on its attack roll, it hits the targets most weakly Tree Fall
armored location.
Swoop Attack: A flying wolgle may swoop down and An old tree (or giant mushroom) abruptly keels over.
rake at an opponent with its claws. Such an attack has A random hero must make an Agility roll. She avoids all
a +2 bonus to hit and damage and opponents must damage on a raise, she is scratched by branches (or cap)
succeed in an Agility roll to react quickly enough to for 1d6 damage with a success, or she is hit by the trunk
strike back when it withdraws. or stalk for 2d6 damage with a failure.

Incorporating The Egg of guards as described in Egg of Seven Parts,
except that here they are caricatured, ogreish
Seven Parts creatures. Since they are spawned by the Moon
Childs fantasy, they are terrified at the sight of
The Egg of Seven Parts was written as a stand-alone him and flee (thus allowing him to freely reach
series of adventures that might be considered to take place his own hoard), but will attempt to apprehend
in an alternate universe version of the Wonderland No any other intruders and then subject them to
More setting. However, if you wish to incorporate tortuous and ultimately fatal experiments to
elements of this adventure, some changes cure them of their delusions.
will be necessary, primarily concerning
In this version, the heroes need only
removal of ties to the Real World (set in
navigate the asylum, find the store
modern day in Egg of Seven Parts, but room, find the shell piece, then return
during World War II in the Victoria to the cottage to face the Moon Child.
campaign): There is no museum, and, indeed,
You can skip the Lady in nothing truly exists outside of the
Blue. She can be used as an asylums walls in this nightmare
NPC at your discretion, or reality.
left out entirely.
Piece the Third: Leave out
the skeleton in the pool What if Youve
and his watch. Otherwise,
this would just create a red Already Run The Egg
Piece the Fifth: Leave out the
of Seven Parts?
details of The Urge, Out and If you have already run The Egg of
About in the City, and the foray Seven Parts and want to follow up with
to Winegelds Jewelers to find the Victoria campaign using the same
Mrs. Longhurst. This excursion no characters and continuity, here are a few
longer involves an actual trip to the possibilities:
Real World. Ignore that paradox rule about dreaming
While the Moon Child (Danny Lunaire) is Wonderlanders being unable to visit the Real
still from the Real World, the portal under the World. If the heros Real-world self wakes up, the
bed in his cottage doesnt lead there anymore, Wonderland version (whether in Wonderland or
but rather to a nightmarish pocket world born the Real World) will pop out of existence, only
from his twisted mind. Its a twisted caricature to emerge again (in Wonderland or the Real
of the aged Kirkbride-plan asylum he escaped WorldGMs choice) when the character goes
from, and is even less real than Wonderland. back to sleep.
Therein, a store room (marked with a crudely If youve made it clear enough to your players that
scrawled warning of KEEP OUT) serves as the current time in the Real World is modern day,
a home for the Moon Childs hoard of toys, you could just change the scope of the Victoria
sharp pointy things, grisly trophies, and other campaign accordingly. The heroes are a few more
treasures. generations removed from Alice, the Nazis are
Among those trophies would be the knife replaced with some other military threat (possibly
sought by Humpty and the Baker. Unfortunately an entirely made-up one, if your campaign is set
for them, the nightmare asylum is haunted in the unspecified near future), and the tech
by monsters spawned from the Moon Childs level of weapons imagined by Morpheus Research
twisted dreams: the doctors, orderlies and may be higher. This means that Alice herself is

Wonderland No MoreGame Masters Section
especially long-lived, but it could be hand-waved Powers), with the single power of healing. Knowledge
as a side-effect of her tie to Victoria. (Computers) could be used as a spellcasting skill for
If youve already run the Real-world excursion, Arcane Background (Weird Science), where all trappings
but didnt make it clear what time period the revolve around doing outrageous things with the
present is in, you just might be able to pull a clockwork Babbage difference engine that a handheld
hidden revision. Instead of visiting the present-day computer transformed into.
world, the heroes were really visiting London In such a setting, the heroes revert to their normal
circa the 1930s, well before the outbreak of war, selves upon visiting the Real World, so certain
and their Real-world selves were likely in their Wonderland-specific Edges may only be useful during
teens. When the events of the Victoria campaign their forays into the realm of fantasy.
transpire, time has passed, moving forward to the
1940s. The heroes shouldnt get much of a clear
idea about what the current timeline is anyway for
the bulk of the campaign. Using the Character Sheet
The sample blank character sheet included on the
next page is intended for Wonderland characters, with
Real-world Centered Campaigns an optional back side for Arcane Background users. A
few details may warrant explanation:
Wonderland No More could potentially be worked
Carried is where you can record the total weight
into a campaign where the heroes start play with Real-
(in pounds) normally carried; the undefined
world personas, and discover Wonderland over the
space below it could be handy for keeping track
course of an introductory adventure. This might be set
of the contents of a backpack, tool bag, or other
during or just before World War II, for instance, as per
container that can be quickly dropped in a fight.
the Victoria campaign.
This is a useful tactic if youre carrying a lot of
However, you could just as easily fast-forward to a heavy, extra gear that pushes your character into
cyberpunk setting (such as Daring Tales of the Sprawl), heavier encumbrance penalties: He can simply
replacing the Nazis with a more modern adversary or drop the pack and free himself up to fight, then go
perhaps even changing Victoria into a mad AI whose back to pick it up once the battle is over with.
Alice-in-Wonderland-inspired VR environment has Guts is a place to record what you get to roll if
fractured reality by opening portals to the Real World. required to test against fear or terror. Since the
For such a campaign, let the players write up their Guts skill has been eliminated in this setting, this
Real-world characters first. If you want to surprise is normally equal to your Spirit die type.
your players with the journey into Wonderland, youll Load Limit is used to assist in keeping track of
probably have to use another Savage Settings creation encumbrance. Please note that Brawny characters
rules. calculate their limits in multiples of 8x Str (rather
On the first journey into Wonderland, use the free than 5x Str as listed).
Advance they receive to reflect how they are altered by Max. Foodstuffs is by default equal to your
the setting, either gaining a new Edge or skill exclusive Spirit die type. This indicates how many Magic
to Wonderland, or spending the Advance on a new Foodstuffs you can carry, whether foraged,
Wonderland form (pick a Wonderland race, with its stumbled upon, or bought. Each use of a Magic
accompanying racial features). Foodstuff counts as an item (so a bottle with three
If this is a surprise for your players in the middle of a draughts worth counts as three Foodstuffs for
session, youll have to choose the change yourself, and limitation purposes). Magic Foodstuffs created by
have a spare (slightly altered) character sheet at hand. a Gourmancer dont count against the maximum,
Otherwise, you could have arrival in Wonderland be due to the link provided by the Power Points
the cliff-hanger conclusion of a session, so the players invested in making them.
can read up on options and decide before the action Power Points and Wounds/Fatigue are indicated
continues in the next game. along the edges of the sheet, so you can use a
Arcane Backgrounds may pose a problem because paper clip to mark your current status as opposed
while the Edge could grant you the Background, you still to repeatedly writing in and erasing as it changes.
need the spellcasting skill for it to be of any use. Profession is a purely descriptive detail, as a place
One solution is to repurpose a skill of limited to quickly summarize the role of your character:
or trivial use in Wonderland, and use other Savage rogue, knight errant, cook, etc.
Worlds Arcane Backgrounds with a Wonderland twist. Skills are meant to be written in the format of (for
E.g., Knowledge (Medicine) could be turned into the example) Fighting (Agi) d6: skill name, (linked
spellcasting skill for an Arcane Background (Super attribute), die type.

Accords of the Eighth Square 12,
121, 137
Ace of Cups 118
Ace of Diamonds 145
Ace of Swords 118
Ace of Wands 118
Adventures 89
Alice 39, 124, 128, 129
Church of 37
Diaries, The 1
Alices Adventures in Wonderland
1, 55
Alices Hair Band 83, 107
Animal 8, 64
Common Folk 161
Animals, Village of 47, 75, 148
Ant, Giant 161 Mostly Harmless 163
Priest 153 Vicious 163
Arcane Background Normal
Alice (Church of Alice) 39 Harmless 162
Gourmancy 32 Mostly Harmless 162
Haberdashery 35 Vicious 162
Miracles 38 Bee, Giant 163
Plant Witch (Gourmancy) 14 Beetle, Giant 163
Spirit of Conflict (Bishop) 20, Bestiary 161
38 Bill, Lizard Handyman 45, 67,
Witch Queen 18, 36 135
Artifact Boar 164
Accords of the Eighth Square Boojum 164
137 Borogove 164
Alices Hair Band 83, 107 Brown Paper 29
Crown of Alice, The 83, 112, Bunny, Dire 44
148, 151
Looking Glass 80, 120 C
Morpheus Weapon 84, 101,
107, 140 Card 10, 63, 164
Scepter of Alice 137 Ace of Cups 118
Vorpal Sword, The 83, 152 Ace of Diamonds 145
Beach 48, 70, 77, 143, 147
Ace of Swords 118
Bear Commander 139
B Ace of Wands 118
Clubs 164
Bacham, Town of 70, 138 Giant 162
Diamonds 165
Bandersnatch 161 Harmless 162
Spades 166

Wonderland No MoreGame Masters Section
Tarot 167 Dormouse, The 45, 68, 102, 108, Entering Wonderland 50, 59
Carpenter, The 75, 143, 155 156
Carroll, Lewis 55 Doubt, City of. SeeFaith, City of F
Caterpillar 45, 67 Duchesss Duchy 46, 71 Faith, City of 49, 79
False 138 Duchesss Manor 46, 71, 144 False Caterpillar 138
Caucus Race Ground 46, 70 Duchess, The 45, 68, 144, 156 Field of the Flying Elephants 49,
Caves of the Jabberwock 111 79
Chapter E
Fish, Giant 169
1 - Beginnings 97 Edge Catfish 169
2 - Find the White Rabbit 99 Bark Skin 21 Spiny Rockfish 169
3 - Reunite the Eternal Tea Party Bishop 20 Sturgeon 169
101 Careful with Money 22 Flamingo 30, 169
4 - Hunting the Daffodil Man Casserole 21 Royal 40
107 Castling 19 Fungal Forest 46, 71
5 - Into the Hidden Realm 111 Chessmans Move 19 Encounters 93
6 - Free the Queen of Hearts Cordon Bleu 21
116 Costermonger 22 G
7 - Reunite the Red King and En Passant 19
Queen 120 Gear & Goods 23
Feral 17 Geography 3
8 - End Game 125 Gallows Humor 22
Charity, City of 48, 77, 122 Hidden Realm 82
Green Thumb 22 Looking-glass Lands 4, 48, 77
Cheshire Cat, The 45, 67, 155 Honorary Chessman 18
Chessboard Fields 48, 78 Monarchy of Hearts 4, 46
Iced Water for Blood 18 Ghost 170
Encounters 94 Inscrutable 18
Chessman 11 Ghost Sword 152
Knight 20 Giant Ant Priest 153
Bishop 20, 167 Knights Leap 19
Edges 19 Giant Fields 46
Knights Steed 20 Giant Puppy 99
Honorary 18 Lethal Weapon 21
Knight 20, 167 Goat, Moon-touched 110
Long Reach 21 Gourmancer
Pawn 167 Magical Body Parts 18
Queen 20 Experienced 170
Old Growth 21 Trainee 170
Rook 21, 168 Queen 20
Controversy of Scale 2, 59 Gourmancy
Recitation 22 Arcane Background 32
Cook, The 45, 68, 144, 156 Resilient 18
Corsican Tweedle 15 On-the-fly Cooking 33
Rook 21 Greed, City of. SeeCharity, City of
Crab, Giant 168 Rooks Defense 20
Crocodile, Golden 40, 168 Gryphon, The 45, 68, 131, 156
Shuffle 19 Guarded Way 46, 72, 151
Crocogator 168 Trained for the Job 19
Stumpy 140 Trickster 22
Crown of Alice 83, 112, 148, 151 H
Trouble Magnet 17
Currency 23 Twisted Mind 19 Haberdasher
Unusual Size or Shape 17 Experienced 170
D Trainee 170
Woodworker 22
Daffodil Man, The 82, 100, 109, Egg of Seven Parts, The 66, 181 Haberdashery
156 Incorporating 181 Arcane Background 35
Death 50, 61 Eighth Square 49, 57, 78 Powers 42
Despair, City of. SeeHope, City of Accords of 12, 121 Haigha 48, 68, 76, 103, 104. See
Diamond Keep 46, 70 Edges 20 alsoMarch Hare, The
Dinah, Saint 38 Encounter 35 Hall of Doors 46, 72, 98
Dinosaur, Haberdashasaurus 105 Tables 92 Hatta 48, 68, 76, 103. See
Dismal Mire 46, 71 Endless Sea 46, 71 alsoHatter, The
Encounters 93 Encounters 93 Hatter, The 46, 68, 102, 105,
Dog Mercenary 149 Enormous Field Mouse 98 107, 141, 157

Hatter House 46, 72 J Monarchy of Hearts 4, 45
Hazard Moon-touched Goat 110
Quicksand 180 Jabberkin 172 Moon Phases 63
Rock Fall 180 Jabberwock 111, 172 Morpheus Weapon 84, 101, 140
Storm 180 Mock 40 Mother Butterfly 135
Tree Fall 180 Jabberwocks Lair 112 Mountains of Division 47, 49, 73
Hedgehog 30, 171 Jabberwocky 172 Encounters 93
Hill of Surveying 49, 79 Jubjub Bird 173 Mount Jub-jub 49, 80, 142
Hills of Gloom 46, 72 Chick 173 Muchness 174
Encounters 93 Egg 142 Murkweed 179
Bad Liar 16
Cannot Grip 16 King of Hearts, The 46, 69, 113, Nazis 119, 128
Expressive 16 118 Nowhere, Village of 80
Extravagant 16 Kitten, Black 40, 173
Fragile 16 O
Low Pain Tolerance 16 L
Poor Reflexes 16 Ol Gnarly, Big Old Tree 143
Lava Fields 82 On-the-fly Cooking 33
Slowcoach 16
Law Court 47, 73
Tasty 16
Leisure Cooking 33 P
Tiny 17
Lewis Carroll 55
Trouble Magnet 17 Pat, Gardener 46, 69
Lily, Princess of Whitefield 48,
Unusual Size or Shape 17 People and Places 45, 67
76, 145
Hope, City of 47, 73, 118 Pig, Handsome 40
Lion, The 48, 76, 154, 157
Human Plant
Living Flower Maze 49, 80, 143
Common Folk 171 Common Folk 174
Lizard, Giant 173
Guard Wild 174. See alsoWeed
Looking-glass House 80, 120
Real World 171 Pool of Tears 47, 74
Looking-glass Lands 4, 48
Wonderland 171 Portal
Looking Glass 80, 120
Guard Captain Hall of Doors 60, 98, 117
Real World 171 M Looking Glass 60, 119
Wonderland 171 Rabbit Hole 60, 114
Magic & Miracles 31 Sea Portal 60, 107
I Magic Foodstuffs 29, 31, 161 Train Portal 60, 110
Mystery Bottle 87 Power
Igpays Sword 132
Mystery Cake 88 Conjuring 42
Igpay, Sometimes-boar 69, 132,
Side Effects 65 Dress Up 42
138, 157
Magic Ingredient 29 Greater Mending 41
Insect Forest 49, 80
March Hare, The 46, 69, 102, Growth/Shrink 41
Encounters 94
108, 141, 157 Hat for Every Occasion 43
Interlude 97
March Manor 47, 73, 149 Mending 41
1 - Legally Binding 99
Mary Ann, Housekeeper 46, 69, Nothing Inside the Hat 44
2 - Dead on Arrival 101
135 Rabbit in the Hat 44
3 - Rude Awakenings 105
Maze 89 Shape Change 40
4 - Going Underground 110
Caves of the Jabberwock 111 Priest
5 - Hole Lot of Trouble 114
Living Flower 49, 80, 143 Follower of Alice 39
6 - Mirror, Mirror on the Wall
Encounters 94 Experienced 174
Wood of No Names 81 Trainee 174
7 - Mad Schemes 124
Miracles Puppy, Giant 99
X - In the Arms of Morpheus
Arcane Background 38
Mirror Thing 120 Q
Item of Wonder 84
Mock Turtle, The 46, 69, 146,
157 Queens Retreat 78
Mome Rath 175

Wonderland No MoreGame Masters Section
Queen of Hearts Castle 47, 74, Victims of the Twins 151 Tree with a Door 47, 75
102 Vorpal Sword 152 Trinity of Forces 37, 59
Queen of Hearts, The 46, 70, Who is Best? 154 Tulgey Down, Village of 49, 81
118, 158 Scene 35 Tulgey Wood 47, 81
Scepter of Alice 137 Tweedle 15
R Seaside, Village of 70 Common Folk 179
Rabbit Hole 47, 74 Serpent, Giant 175 Corsican 15
Rath, Mome 175 Settled, Village of 49, 81 Creature 137
Reality and Wonderland 61 Shadow Man 106, 111 Guard 179
Real World 64 Shakes, The 71 Guard Captain 179
Red King, The 48, 76, 158 Slave Village 82 Tweedledee & Tweedledum 48,
Red Knight, The 48, 76, 145, Slithy Tove 178 76
158, 159 Smelling Salts 29 Cottage 49, 81, 151
Red Queen, The 48, 76, 158 Snark 175
Snark Island 70, 71 U
Church of Alice 37, 39 Spider, Giant 175 Unicorn, The 48, 77, 104, 154,
Saint Dinah 38 Spirit of Conflict 38 159
Spirit of Conflict 37, 38 Stumpy, Old and Wily Crocogator
Trinity of Forces 37, 59 140 V
Renard, Scheming Barkeep 150 Surreal Event 94
Swarm Victoria 82, 159
Riverside, Town of 49, 80 Campaign 97
Riverside, Village of 80 Bread-and-butterfly 176
Crow 176 Victorias Palace 82, 112
Rosewood, House of 48 Village of Animals 47, 75, 148
Royal Croquet Ground 47, 74 Raven 176
Rocking-horsefly 176 Vorpal Sword 83, 152
Royal Forest 47, 74
Snap-dragonfly 176
Sword W
Ghost 152 Walrus, The 77, 143, 159
Saunders, Gail 140 Igpays 132 Wealth 84
Savage Tale Vorpal 84, 152 Currency 23
Allies? 131 Day-to-day Costs 23
Assassination Attempt 133 T Weapon of Wonder 86
Butterfly Ball 134 Weed
Clandestine Meeting 135 Tank, Tiger I 129
Technology 50, 61 Dandelion, Wild 179
Crowning Glory 136 Fungus, Wild 180
Dee and Dum 137 Thing
Animated 176 Rose, Wild 180
False Caterpillar 138 Stinging Nettle 179
Father Dear Father 138 Armor 177
Bookworm 177 Swamp Lurker 179
Gone Native 135 Whitefield, House of 48
Jon Browns Body 139 Mirror 120
Plate 177 White King, The 48, 77, 120, 159
Lost Traveler 140 White King Six 109
Matter of Honor 141 Snowman 177
Time 102 White Knight, The 48, 77, 133,
Missing Little Pig, A 132 160
Nest with a View 141 Through the Looking Glass and
What Alice Found There 1, White Manor 78
Ol Gnarly 143 White Queen, The 48, 77, 104,
Pleasant Lunch 143 2, 55
Tiger, Paper 177 146, 160
Rescue the Duchess 144 White Rabbit, The 46, 70, 99,
Royal Kidnap 145 Time and Distance 50, 61
Timeline of Events 58 117, 160
School of Thought 146 Witch Queen
Seaside Treasure 147 Toad, Swamp 176
Torturer, Tweedle 103 Arcane Background 18, 36
Spy in Our Midst 148 Wolgle 180
Stormy Knight, A 133 Tove, Slithy 178
Treacle 29 Wood of Giant Beasts 47, 75
Tax Rebate 149 Wood of No Names 49, 81
Treasure Hunting 151 Treasure 83

$ 29 .9 9 30 0 17


In 1865, Lewis Carroll introduced the
world to the delightful nonsense of Al-
ices Adventures in Wonderland, and
followed up with Through the Looking
Glass, and What Alice Found There
in 1871. These tales present us with a
world of whimsy and absurdity, and
maybe just the tiniest hint of danger and

But what if there really was an Alice who

visited Wonderland and what if it didnt
vanish as soon as she left? What if Won-
derlands childlike charm tarnished just
a bit with the years, and it warped under
the weight of its own nonsense? Maybe its all just a dreamor a nightmarebut
its all very real for anyone trapped within.

Wonderland No More provides a setting for adventures within a realm of fantasy

and the unexpected, a madcap ride that bounces between humor and horror. Here,
when the Queen of Hearts cries, Off with their heads! it usually happens!

Take on the roles of wooden Chessmen, two-dimensional Cards, talking Animals,

mobile Plants, Tweedle, or even the occasional Human. Knights quest for blessed
artifacts of Alice, Little Girls master the deadly Queens Croquet, Haberdashers have
a few tricks under their caps, and Gourmancers create magical foods and drinks
(helpfully labeled Eat Me or Drink Me for those who cant gure it out on their

Lighthearted or sinister, its all what you make of it in Wonderlandbecause were

all mad here.

2011 Triple Ace Games. All Rights Reserved. Wonderland No More and all related marks and logos are trademarks of Triple Ace Games. Savage Worlds,
Worlds, Smiling Jack
and all related marks and logos are trademarks of Pinnacle Entertainment Group. All rights reserved. Used with permission. Produced under license by Cubicle 7 Ltd.
The Cubicle 7 logo is a trademark of Cubicle 7 Ltd. 2011. All Rights Reserved.

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