Lecture Notes For CO3 (Part 1) : Forced and Free Convection Heat Transfer

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Lecture Notes for CO3 (Part 1)



Week 6

Wan Azmi bin Wan Hamzah

Universiti Malaysia Pahang
Course Outcome 3 (CO3)
Students should be able to understand and
evaluate problems in single phase forced
and free convection heat transfer.
Lesson Outcomes from CO3 (Part 1)
Explain the concept of boundary layers and the
fundamental equations involve
Evaluate the boundary layer thickness and heat
transfer coefficient over a flat plate
Explain the concept of developing and
developed flow inside a tubes
(Five more LO in the next slide)
Conduction and convection both
require the presence of a material
medium but convection also
requires fluid motion.

The rate of heat transfer through a

fluid is much higher by convection
than by conduction.
The higher the fluid velocity, the
higher the rate of heat transfer

Convection strongly depends on fluid properties
dynamic viscosity,
thermal conductivity,
specific heat, and
fluid velocity.

It also depends on the geometry and the roughness of the

solid surface.

In addition, the type of fluid flow (such as being streamlined

or turbulent).
Newtons law of cooling

No-slip condition: A fluid in direct contact with a solid, sticks to the
surface due to viscous effects, and there is no slip.
Boundary layer: The flow region adjacent to the wall in which the
viscous effects (and thus the velocity gradients) are significant.
The fluid property responsible for the no-slip condition and the
development of the boundary layer is viscosity.

The development of a velocity A fluid flowing over a stationary

profile surface comes to a complete stop at
the surface because of the no-slip 5
The heat transfer from the solid surface to the fluid layer adjacent to the
surface is by pure conduction, since the fluid layer is motionless, can be
expressed as

Then convection heat transfer coefficient become:

However, the h value is varies along the flow (x-) direction. The average h
value is h value over the entire surface area As or length L as

Nusselt Number
In heat transfer at a boundary (surface) within a fluid, Nusselt number
is the ratio of convective to conductive heat transfer across (normal to)
the boundary. Dimensionless convection heat transfer coefficient.

Lc is the characteristic length.

The larger the Nusselt number, the more effective the convection.
A Nusselt number of Nu = 1 for a fluid layer represents heat transfer
across the layer by pure conduction.

Convection in daily life
We turn on the fan on hot
summer days to help our
body cool more effectively.
The higher the fan speed,
the better we feel.
We stir our soup and blow
on a hot slice of pizza to
make them cool faster.
The air on windy winter
days feels much colder
than it actually is.
The simplest solution to
heating problems in
electronics packaging is to
use a large enough fan.

Viscous versus Inviscid Regions of Flow
Viscous flows: Flows in which the frictional effects are significant.
Inviscid flow regions: In many flows of practical interest, there are
regions (usually far from solid surfaces) where viscous forces are
negligibly small.

The flow over a flat plate, and

the regions of viscous flow (next
to the plate on both sides) and
inviscid flow (away from the

Internal versus External Flow
External flow: The flow of an unbounded fluid over a surface such
as a plate, a wire, or a pipe.
Internal flow: The flow in a pipe or duct if the fluid is completely
bounded by solid surfaces.

The flow of liquids in a duct

is called open-channel flow
if the duct is only partially
filled with the liquid and
there is a free surface.

External flow over a tennis ball, and the

turbulent wake region behind.
Compressible versus Incompressible Flow
Incompressible flow: The density of flowing fluid remains constant
(e.g., liquid flow).
Compressible flow: The density of fluid changes during flow (e.g., high-
speed gas flow).

When analyzing rockets,

spacecraft, and other systems that
involve high-speed gas flows, the
flow speed is expressed by the c is the speed of sound whose value
Mach number is 346 m/s in air at room temperature
at sea level.
Gas flows can often be approximated
as incompressible if the density
changes are under about 5 percent,
which is usually the case when Ma <
Ma = 1 Sonic flow 0.3.
Ma < 1 Subsonic flow
Ma > 1 Supersonic flow Therefore, the compressibility effects
Ma >> 1 Hypersonic flow of air can be neglected at speeds
under about 103.8 m/s.
Laminar versus Turbulent Flow
Laminar flow: The highly
ordered fluid motion
characterized by smooth
layers of fluid. The flow of
high-viscosity fluids such as
oils at low velocities is
typically laminar.
Turbulent flow: The highly
disordered fluid motion that
typically occurs at high
velocities and is
characterized by velocity
fluctuations. The flow of low-
viscosity fluids such as air at
high velocities is typically
Transitional flow: A flow
that alternates between
being laminar and turbulent.
Laminar, transitional, and turbulent flows. 12
Natural (or Unforced)
versus Forced Flow
Forced flow: A fluid is forced
to flow over a surface or in a
pipe by external medium such
as a pump or a fan.
Natural flow: Fluid motion is
due to natural which the rise of
warmer (lighter) fluid and the
fall of cooler (denser) fluid.

In this schlieren image of a woman, the

rise of lighter, warmer air adjacent to her
body indicates that humans and warm-
blooded animals are surrounded by
thermal plumes of rising warm air.

Steady versus Unsteady Flow

The term steady implies no change at a point with time.

The term uniform implies no change with location over a
specified region.
Many devices such as turbines, compressors, boilers,
condensers, and heat exchangers operate for long periods
of time under the same conditions, and they are classified
as steady-flow devices.

One-, Two-, and Three-Dimensional Flows
A flow field is characterized by the velocity distribution.
A flow is said to be one-, two-, or three-dimensional if the flow velocity
varies in those directions, respectively.
However, the variation of velocity in certain directions can be small
relative to the variation in other directions and can be ignored.

The development of the velocity profile in a circular pipe.

Velocity boundary layer: The region of the flow above the plate bounded
by where the effects of the viscous shearing forces caused by fluid
viscosity are exist.
The boundary layer thickness, , is typically defined as the distance y from
the surface at which u = 0.99V.

The hypothetical line of u = 0.99V divides the flow over a plate into two
Boundary layer region: The viscous effects and the velocity changes
are significant.
Irrotational flow region: The frictional effects are negligible and the
velocity remains essentially constant.

Wall Shear Stress
Shear stress: Friction force per unit
The shear stress is proportional to the
velocity gradient, and is expressed as

dynamic viscosity

The fluids that obey the linear relationship above

are called Newtonian fluids.
Most common fluids such as water, air, gasoline,
and oils are Newtonian fluids.
Blood, ketchup, gravy, mud and cornstarch are
examples of non-Newtonian fluids.
In this text we consider Newtonian fluids
Kinematic viscosity,

The viscosity of a fluid is a measure of its resistance to deformation,

and it is a strong function of temperature.

Wall shear stress:

Cf is the friction coefficient .

Friction force over the entire surface:

The friction coefficient is an important parameter in heat

transfer studies since it is directly related to the heat transfer
coefficient and the power requirements of the pump or fan.

A thermal boundary layer develops when a fluid at a specified temperature
flows over a surface at a different temperature.
Thermal boundary layer: The flow region over the surface in which the
temperature variation in the direction normal to the surface is significant.
The thickness of the thermal boundary layer t at any location along the
surface is defined as the distance from the surface at which the
temperature difference T Ts equals 0.99(T Ts).

The thickness of the thermal

boundary layer increases in the flow
direction, since the effects of heat
transfer is become larger at greater
distances from the surface further
down stream as shown in figure.

Prandtl Number
The relative thickness of the velocity and the thermal boundary layers
is described by the dimensionless parameter Prandtl number

cp - specific heat
- thermal diffusivity
- kinematic viscosity,
k - thermal conductivity

The Prandtl numbers of gases are about 1,

which indicates that momentum and heat
dissipate through gas at the same rate.
Heat diffuses very quick in liquid metals (Pr
<< 1) and very slow in oils (Pr >> 1).
Consequently the thermal boundary layer is
much thicker for liquid metals and much
thinner for oils relative to the velocity
boundary layer. 21
Laminar: Smooth streamlines and highly ordered

Turbulent: Velocity fluctuations and highly

disordered motion.

Transition: The flow fluctuates between laminar and

turbulent flows.

Most flows encountered in practice are turbulent.

Laminar and
turbulent flow
regimes of
candle smoke. 22
Reynolds Number
The transition from laminar to turbulent flow depends on the
geometry, surface roughness, flow velocity, surface temperature, and
type of fluid.
The flow regime depends mainly on the ratio of inertial forces to
viscous forces (Reynolds number).

Now have two dimensionless parameters Reynolds and Prandtl

numbers characterizing the fluid flow and fluid thermal properties.

Solution of Convection Equations for a Flat
Consider laminar flow of a fluid over a flat plate, as shown in the
The continuity, momentum, and energy equations for steady,
incompressible, laminar flow of a fluid with constant properties over
a flat plate are:

Continuity u v
x y
u u 2u
u v 2
x y y
Energy T T 2T
u v 2
24 x y y
- cont
with boundary conditions
At x = 0 (Leading edge)
u(0,y) = V,
T(0, y) = T

At y = 0
u(x, 0) = 0,
v(x, 0) = 0,
T(x, 0) = Ts

As y
u(x, ) = V,
25 T(x, ) = T
Related equations

Velocity Boundary Layer Thickness

4.91 4.91x

V x Re x

Shear stress on the wall, V 0.332 V 2

w 0.332V
x Re x

Local Friction Coefficient w

C f ,x 0.664 Rex1/ 2
V 2 / 2
Equations energy related
Temperature gradient at the surface
0.332 Pr T Ts
y y 0
Local heat transfer coefficient
y y 0 1 V
hx 0.332 Pr 3 k
Ts T x

Nusselt number hx x 1
Nux 0.332 Pr 3 Re x Pr 0.6

Thermal Boundary Layer Thickness 4.91x

t 1 1

Pr 3
Pr 3
Re x
Analogies between Momentum and
Heat transfer Reynolds analogy
ReL C f,x
C f ,x
Nux or
Stx (for Pr=1)

h Nu
where Stanton number x c pV Re L Pr is dimensionless
heat transfer coefficient.
St, is a dimensionless number that measures the ratio of heat
transferred into a fluid to the thermal capacity of fluid.
It is used to characterize heat transfer in forced convection flows.

Analogies between Momentum and
Heat transfer
transfer Reynolds
in forced convection flows. analogy
The friction coefficient and Nusselt number for flat plate
1 1
Cf,x 0.664 Re x and Nu x 0.332 Pr Re 3 2

Modified Reynolds analogy

1 2
ReL Cf,x
Cf,x Nux Pr 3
or St Pr 3
2 2
The above are valid for Re < 5 x 105, flat plate and constant
Experimentally it been shown that this relationship is also valid for
turbulent flow over a flat plat at constant temperature and turbulent
flow inside a pipe, but not for laminar flow in pipe.
Consider average values for friction coefficient (Cf), Nusselt
number (Nu) and Reynolds number (ReL), a general equation for the
Nusselt number can be written as:

Nu C Re Pr m

m and n are in the range 0 1

The convection heat transfer coefficient for a clothed person standing in
moving air is expressed as h=14.8V0.69 for 0.15<V<1.5 m/s, where V is
the air velocity. For a person with a body surface area of 1.7 m2 and an
average surface temperature of 29C, determine the rate of heat loss
from the person in windy air at 10C by convection for air velocities of
(a) 0.5 m/s, (b) 1.0 m/s, and (c) 1.5 m/s. T = 29C
T = 10C

Analysis The convection heat transfer coefficients and the rate of heat
losses at different wind velocities are
(a) h 14.8V 0.53 14.8(0.5 m/s) 0.69 9.174 W/m 2 .C
Q hAs (Ts T ) (9.174 W/m 2 .C)(1.7 m 2 )(29 10)C 296.3 W

h 14.8V 0.53 14.8(1.0 m/s) 0.69 14.8 W/m 2 .C

Q hAs (Ts T ) (14.8 W/m 2 .C)(1.7 m 2 )(29 10)C 478.0 W

(c) h 14.8V 0.53 14.8(1.5 m/s) 0.69 19.58 W/m 2 .C

Q hAs (Ts T ) (19.58 W/m 2 .C)(1.7 m 2 )(29 10)C 632.4 W

During air cooling of oranges, grapefruit, and tangelos, the heat transfer
coefficient for combined convection, radiation, and evaporation for air
velocities of 0.11<V<0.33 m/s is determined experimentally and is
expressed as h=5.05kairRe1/3/D, where the diameter D is the
characteristic length.
Oranges are cooled by refrigerated air at 5C and 1 atm at a velocity of
0.5 m/s. Determine
(a) the initial rate of heat transfer from a 7 cm diameter orange initially
at 15C with a thermal conductivity of 0.50 W/mC,
(b) the value of the initial temperature gradient inside the orange at the
surface, and
(c) the value of the Nusselt number.

1. Steady operating conditions exist.
2. Orange is spherical in shape.
3. Convection heat transfer coefficient is constant
4. Properties of water is used for orange.
The thermal conductivity of the orange is k = 0.50
The thermal conductivity and the kinematic viscosity of
air at the film temperature of (Ts + T)/2 = (15+5)/2 =
10C are (Table A-15)
1.426 10 m /s
k 0.02439 W/m.C, -5 2
(a) The Reynolds number, the heat transfer coefficient, and the
initial rate of heat transfer from an orange are

V D (0.5 m/s)(0.07 m)
Re 2454
1.426 10 5 m 2 /s
5.05k air Re 1 / 3 5.05(0.02439 W/m.C)(2454)1 / 3
h 23.73 W/m 2 .C
D 0.07 m

and As D 2 (0.07 m) 2 0.01539 m 2

Q hAs (Ts T ) (23.73 W/m2 .C)(0.01539 m2 )(15 5)C 3.65 W

(b) The temperature gradient at the orange surface is
q conv q cond k h(Ts T )
r r R
T h(Ts T ) (23.73 W/m 2 .C)(15 5)C
475 C/m
r r R k (0.50 W/m. C)

(c) The Nusselt number is

hD (23.73 W/m2 .C)(0.07 m)

Nu 68.11
k 0.02439 W/m.C

A 4-m by 4-m flat plate maintained at a constant temperature of 80C is
subjected to parallel flow of air at 1 atm, 20C, and 10 m/s. The total
drag force acting on the upper surface of the plate is measured to be
2.4 N. Using momentum-heat transfer analogy, determine the average
convection heat transfer coefficient, and the rate of heat transfer
between the upper surface of the plate and the air.

Assumptions 1 Steady operating conditions exist. 2 The edge
effects are negligible.
Properties The properties of air at 20C and 1 atm are (Table A-15)
= 1.204 kg/m3, Cp =1.007 kJ/kg-K, Pr = 0.7309 Air

Analysis As 2WL 2(4 m)(4 m) 32 m 2 20C

10 m/s
V 2

F f C f As L=4 m
Ff 2.4

C f 0.006229
As V 2 / 2 (1.204 )(32)(10) 2 / 2

C f V C p 0.006229 (1.204)(10)(1007)
h 46.54 W/m 2
2 Pr 2/3 2 (0.7309 ) 2/3

38 Q hAs (Ts T ) (46.54)(32)(80 20) 89,356 W

The electrically heated 0.6-m-high and 1.8-m-long windshield of a car is
subjected to parallel winds at 1 atm, 0C, and 80 km/h. The electric
power consumption is observed to be 50 W when the exposed surface
temperature of the windshield is 4C. Disregarding radiation and heat
transfer from the inner surface and using the momentum-heat transfer
analogy, determine drag force the wind exerts on the windshield.

Assumptions 1 Steady operating conditions exist. 2 The edge effects are

Properties The properties of air at 0C and 1 atm are (Table A-15)

= 1.292 kg/m3, Cp =1.006 kJ/kg-K, Pr = 0.7362
Q hAs (Ts T ) Air

Q 0C
h The average heat transfer coefficient is
As (Ts T ) 80 km/h
50 W
11.57 W/m2 C Ts=4C 0.6 m
(0.6 1.8 m )( 4 0)C

2hPr 2/3 2(11.57) (0.7362 ) 2 / 3

Cf 0.0006534
V C p (1.292)(80 / 3.6 )(1006 ) 1.8 m

V 2 (1.292 )(80 / 3.6 ) 2

F f C f As 0.0006534 (0.6 1.8) 0.225 N
40 2 2
Some important results from convection equations

The velocity boundary layer thickness

The local skin friction coefficient

Local Nusselt number

The thermal boundary layer thickness


Modified Reynolds analogy

or Chilton Colburn analogy
Questions cover for CO1 and
3 questions (1.5 hours)
1. CO1
2. CO2 (b4 fins)
3. CO2 (fins)
Quiz 1 (CO1) and 2 (CO2) (30
Will be given b4 test 1 42
Assignment 2
For CO2
I will upload the assignment 2
by tomorrow (Saturday 26
Please submit it before the due
date given in the edmodo.
I found 3 students was not
submit assignment 1??

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