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Oxygen therapy

A patient wearing a simple face mask

ICD-9-CM 93.96
MeSH D010102

Oxygen piping and regulator with flow meter, for oxygen therapy, mounted in an
Oxygen Regulator for portable D-Cylinder, usually carried in an ambulance's
resuscitation kit.

Oxygen therapy is the administration of oxygen as a medical intervention, which

can be for a variety of purposes in both chronic and acute patient care. Oxygen is
essential for cell metabolism, and in turn, tissue oxygenation is essential for all
normal physiological functions.[1]

High blood and tissue levels of oxygen can be helpful or damaging, depending on
circumstances and oxygen therapy should be used to benefit the patient by
increasing the supply of oxygen to the lungs and thereby increasing the
availability of oxygen to the body tissues, especially when the patient is suffering
from hypoxia and/or hypoxaemia.

Indications for use

Oxygen is used as a medical treatment in both chronic and acute cases, and can be
used in hospital, pre-hospital or entirely out of hospital, dependent on the needs of
the patient and their medical professionals' opinions.

Use in chronic conditions

A common use of supplementary oxygen is in patients with chronic obstructive

pulmonary disease (COPD), the occurrence of chronic bronchitis or emphysema, a
common long-term effect of smoking, who may require additional oxygen to
breathe either during a temporary worsening of their condition, or throughout the
day and night. It is indicated in COPD patients with PaO
2 55mmHg (7.3kPa) or SaO
2 88% and has been shown to increase lifespan.[2][3][4]

Oxygen is often prescribed for people with breathlessness, in the setting of end-
stage cardiac or respiratory failure, advanced cancer or neurodegenerative disease,
despite having relatively normal blood oxygen levels. A 2010 trial of 239 subjects
found no significant difference in reducing breathlessness between oxygen and air
delivered in the same way.[5]
Use in acute conditions

Oxygen is widely used in emergency medicine, both in hospital and by emergency

medical services or those giving advanced first aid.

In the pre-hospital environment, high flow oxygen is definitively indicated for use
in resuscitation, major trauma, anaphylaxis, major haemorrhage, shock, active
convulsions and hypothermia.[1][6]

It may also be indicated for any other patient where their injury or illness has
caused hypoxaemia, although in this case oxygen flow should be moderated to
achieve target oxygen saturation levels, based on pulse oximetry (with a target
level of 9498% in most patients, or 8892% in COPD patients).[1]

For personal use, high concentration oxygen is used as home therapy to abort
cluster headache attacks, due to its vaso-constrictive effects.[7]

Patients who are receiving oxygen therapy for hypoxemia following an acute
illness or hospitalization should not routinely have a prescription renewal for
continued oxygen therapy without a physician's re-assessment of the patient's
condition.[8] If the patient has recovered from the illness, then the hypoxemia is
expected to resolve and additional care would be unnecessary and a waste of

Storage and sources

Gas cylinders containing oxygen to be used at home. When in use a pipe is

attached to the cylinder's regulator and then to a mask that fits over the patient's
nose and mouth.
A home oxygen concentrator in situ in an emphysema patient's house.

Oxygen can be separated by a number of methods, including chemical reaction

and fractional distillation, and then either used immediately or stored for future
use. The main types sources for oxygen therapy are:

1. Liquid storage Liquid oxygen is stored in chilled tanks until required,

and then allowed to boil (at a temperature of 90.188 K (182.96 C)) to
release oxygen as a gas. This is widely used at hospitals due to their high
usage requirements, but can also be used in other settings. See Vacuum
Insulated Evaporator for more information on this method of storage.

2. Compressed gas storage The oxygen gas is compressed in a gas

cylinder, which provides a convenient storage, without the requirement for
refrigeration found with liquid storage. Large oxygen cylinders hold 6,500
litres (230 cu ft) and can last about two days at a flow rate of 2 litres per
minute. A small portable M6 (B) cylinder holds 164 or 170 litres (5.8 or
6.0 cu ft) and weighs about 1.3 to 1.6 kilograms (2.9 to 3.5 lb).[9] These
tanks can last 46 hours when used with a conserving regulator, which
senses the patient's breathing rate and sends pulses of oxygen. Conserving
regulators may not be usable by patients who breathe through their

3. Instant usage The use of an electrically powered oxygen concentrator[10]

or a chemical reaction based unit[11] can create sufficient oxygen for a
patient to use immediately, and these units (especially the electrically
powered versions) are in widespread usage for home oxygen therapy and
portable personal oxygen, with the advantage of being continuous supply
without the need for additional deliveries of bulky cylinders.
Various devices are used for administration of oxygen. In most cases, the oxygen
will first pass through a pressure regulator, used to control the high pressure of
oxygen delivered from a cylinder (or other source) to a lower pressure. This lower
pressure is then controlled by a flowmeter, which may be preset or selectable, and
this controls the flow in a measure such as litres per minute (lpm). The typical
flowmeter range for medical oxygen is between 0 and 15 lpm with some units
able to obtain up to 25 liters per minute. Many wall flowmeters using a Thorpe
tube design are able to be dialed to "flush" which is beneficial in emergency

Supplemental oxygen

Many patients require only a supplementary level of oxygen in the room air they
are breathing, rather than pure or near pure oxygen,[12] and this can be delivered
through a number of devices dependent on the situation, flow required and in
some instances patient preference.

A nasal cannula (NC) is a thin tube with two small nozzles that protrude into the
patient's nostrils. It can only comfortably provide oxygen at low flow rates, 26
litres per minute (LPM), delivering a concentration of 2440%.

There are also a number of face mask options, such as the simple face mask, often
used at between 5 and 8 LPM, with a concentration of oxygen to the patient of
between 28% and 50%. This is closely related to the more controlled air-
entrainment masks, also known as Venturi masks, which can accurately deliver a
predetermined oxygen concentration to the trachea up to 40%.

In some instances, a partial rebreathing mask can be used, which is based on a

simple mask, but featuring a reservoir bag, which increases the provided oxygen
concentration to 4070% oxygen at 5 to 15 LPM.

Non-rebreather masks draw oxygen from attached reservoir bags, with one-way
valves that direct exhaled air out of the mask. When properly fitted and used at
flow rates of 8-10 LPM or higher, they deliver close to 100% oxygen. This type of
mask is indicated for acute medical emergencies.

Demand valves or oxygen resuscitators deliver oxygen only when the patient
inhales, or, in the case of an apnic (non-breathing) victim, the caregiver presses a
button on the mask. These systems greatly conserve oxygen compared to steady-
flow masks, which is useful in emergency situations when a limited supply of
oxygen is available and there is a delay in transporting the patient to higher care.
They are very useful in performing CPR, as the caregiver can deliver rescue
breaths composed of 100% oxygen with the press of a button. Care must be taken
not to over-inflate the patient's lungs, and some systems employ safety valves to
help prevent this. These systems may not be appropriate for unconscious patients
or those in respiratory distress, because of the effort required to breathe from

High flow oxygen delivery

In cases where the patient requires a high concentration of up to 100% oxygen, a

number of devices are available, with the most common being the non-rebreather
mask (or reservoir mask), which is similar to the partial rebreathing mask except it
has a series of one-way valves preventing exhaled air from returning to the bag.
There should be a minimum flow of 10 L/min. The delivered FIO2 of this system
is 60-80%, depending on the oxygen flow and breathing pattern.[13][14] Another
type of device is a humidified high flow nasal cannula which enables flows
exceeding a patient's peak inspiratory flow demand to be delivered via nasal
cannula, thus providing FiO2 of up to 100% because there is no entrainment of
room air, even with the mouth open.[15] This also allows the patient to continue to
talk, eat and drink while still receiving the therapy.[16] This type of delivery
method is associated with greater overall comfort, and improved oxygenation and
respiratory rates than with face mask oxygen.[17]

In specialist applications such as aviation, tight fitting masks can be used, and
these also have applications in anaesthesia, carbon monoxide poisoning treatment
and in hyperbaric oxygen therapy

Positive pressure delivery

Patients who are unable to breathe on their own will require positive pressure to
move oxygen into their lungs for gaseous exchange to take place. Systems for
delivering this vary in complexity (and cost), starting with a basic pocket mask
adjunct which can be used by a basically trained first aider to manually deliver
artificial respiration with supplemental oxygen delivered through a port in the

Many emergency medical service and first aid personnel, as well as hospitals, will
use a bag-valve-mask (BVM), which is a malleable bag attached to a face mask
(or invasive airway such as an endotracheal tube or laryngeal mask airway),
usually with a reservoir bag attached, which is manually manipulated by the
healthcare professional to push oxygen (or air) into the lungs. This is the only
procedure allowed for initial treatment of cyanide poisoning in the UK workplace.

Automated versions of the BVM system, known as a resuscitator or pneupac can

also deliver measured and timed doses of oxygen direct to patient through a
facemask or airway. These systems are related to the anaesthetic machines used in
operations under general anaesthesia that allows a variable amount of oxygen to
be delivered, along with other gases including air, nitrous oxide and inhalational

As a drug delivery route

Oxygen and other compressed gasses are used in conjunction with a nebulizer for
topical delivery of medications to the upper and lower airways. Nebulizers use
compressed gas to propel liquid medication into an aerosol, with specific
therapeutically sized droplets, for deposition in the appropriate, desired airway.
Compressed gas, usually at flows of 8-10 L/min, is used to "nebulize"
medications, saline and sterile water into a theraputeic aerosol for inhalation. In
the clinical setting room air (ambient mix of several gasses), Oxygen and Heli-Ox
gas are commonly used to nebulize small, large and continuous volumes of liquid.

Filtered oxygen masks

Filtered oxygen masks have the ability to prevent exhaled, potentially infectious
particles from being released into the surrounding environment. These masks are
normally of a closed design such that leaks are minimized and breathing of room
air is controlled through a series of one-way valves. Filtration of exhaled breaths
is accomplished either by placing a filter on the exhalation port, or through an
integral filter that is part of the mask itself. These masks first became popular in
the Toronto (Canada) healthcare community during the 2003 SARS Crisis. SARS
was identified as being respiratory based and it was determined that conventional
oxygen therapy devices were not designed for the containment of exhaled
particles.[19][20][21] Common practices of having suspected patients wear a surgical
mask was confounded by the use of standard oxygen therapy equipment. In 2003,
the HiOx80 oxygen mask was released for sale. The HiOx80 mask is a closed
design mask that allows a filter to be placed on the exhalation port. Several new
designs have emerged in the global healthcare community for the containment and
filtration of potentially infectious particles. Other designs include the ISO-O
2 oxygen mask, the Flo2Max oxygen mask, and the O-Mask. The use of oxygen
masks that are capable of filtering exhaled particles is gradually becoming a
recommended practice for pandemic preparation in many jurisdictions.

Because filtered oxygen masks use a closed design that minimizes or eliminates
inadvertent exposure to room air, delivered oxygen concentrations to the patient
have been found to be higher than conventional non-rebreather masks,
approaching 99% using adequate oxygen flows. Because all exhaled particles are
contained within the mask, nebulized medications are also prevented from being
released into the surrounding atmosphere, decreasing the occupational exposure to
healthcare staff and other patients.

Intravenous oxygen

Intravenous oxygen has been developed and used in humans.[22]

Negative effects
Many EMS protocols indicate that oxygen should not be withheld from any
patient, while other protocols are more specific or circumspect. However, there
are certain situations in which oxygen therapy is known to have a negative impact
on a patients condition.[23]

Oxygen should never be given to a patient who is suffering from paraquat

poisoning unless they are suffering from severe respiratory distress or respiratory
arrest, as this can increase the toxicity. (Paraquat poisoning is rare for example
200 deaths globally from 1958 to 1978).[24] Oxygen therapy is not recommended
for patients who have suffered pulmonary fibrosis or other lung damage resulting
from bleomycin treatment.[25]

High levels of oxygen given to infants causes blindness by promoting overgrowth

of new blood vessels in the eye obstructing sight. This is retinopathy of
prematurity (ROP).

Oxygen has vasoconstrictive effects on the circulatory system, reducing peripheral

circulation and was once thought to potentially increase the effects of stroke.
However, when additional oxygen is given to the patient, additional oxygen is
dissolved in the plasma according to Henry's Law. This allows a compensating
change to occur and the dissolved oxygen in plasma supports embarrassed
(oxygen-starved) neurons, reduces inflammation and post-stroke cerebral edema.
Since 1990, hyperbaric oxygen therapy has been used in the treatments of stroke
on a worldwide basis. In rare instances, hyperbaric oxygen therapy patients have
had seizures. However, because of the aforementioned Henry's Law effect of extra
available dissolved oxygen to neurons, there is usually no negative sequel to the
event. Such seizures are generally a result of oxygen toxicity,[26][27] although
hypoglycemia may be a contributing factor, but the latter risk can be eradicated or
reduced by carefully monitoring the patient's nutritional intake prior to oxygen

Oxygen first aid has been used as an emergency treatment for diving injuries for
years.[28] Recompression in a hyperbaric chamber with the patient breathing 100%
oxygen is the standard hospital and military medical response to decompression
illness.[28][29][30] The success of recompression therapy as well as a decrease in the
number of recompression treatments required has been shown if first aid oxygen
is given within four hours after surfacing.[31] There are suggestions that oxygen
administration may not be the most effective measure for the treatment of
decompression illness and that heliox may be a better alternative.[32]

Chronic obstructive pulmonary disease

Care needs to be exercised in patients with chronic obstructive pulmonary disease,
such as emphysema, especially in those known to retain carbon dioxide (type II
respiratory failure). Such patients may further accumulate carbon dioxide and
decreased pH (hypercapnation) if administered supplemental oxygen, possibly
endangering their lives.[33] This is primarily as a result of ventilationperfusion
imbalance (see Effect of oxygen on chronic obstructive pulmonary disease).[34] In
the worst case, administration of high levels of oxygen in patients with severe
emphysema and high blood carbon dioxide may reduce respiratory drive to the
point of precipitating respiratory failure, with an observed increase in mortality
compared with those receiving titrated oxygen treatment.[33] However, the risk of
the loss of respiratory drive are far outweighed by the risks of withholding
emergency oxygen, and therefore emergency administration of oxygen is never
contraindicated. Transfer from field care to definitive care, where oxygen use can
be carefully calibrated, typically occurs long before significant reductions to the
respiratory drive.

A 2010 study has shown that titrated oxygen therapy (controlled administration of
oxygen) is less of a danger to COPD patients and that other, non-COPD patients,
may also, in some cases, benefit more from titrated therapy.[33]

Fire risk

Highly concentrated sources of oxygen promote rapid combustion. Oxygen itself

is not flammable, but the addition of concentrated oxygen to a fire greatly
increases its intensity, and can aid the combustion of materials (such as metals)
which are relatively inert under normal conditions. Fire and explosion hazards
exist when concentrated oxidants and fuels are brought into close proximity;
however, an ignition event, such as heat or a spark, is needed to trigger
combustion.[35] A well-known example of an accidental fire accelerated by pure
oxygen under pressure occurred in the Apollo 1 spacecraft in January 1967 during
a ground test; it killed all three astronauts. A similar accident killed Soviet
cosmonaut Valentin Bondarenko in 1961.

Combustion hazards also apply to compounds of oxygen with a high oxidative

potential, such as peroxides, chlorates, nitrates, perchlorates, and dichromates
because they can donate oxygen to a fire.

Concentrated O
2 will allow combustion to proceed rapidly and energetically.[35] Steel pipes and
storage vessels used to store and transmit both gaseous and liquid oxygen will act
as a fuel; and therefore the design and manufacture of O
2 systems requires special training to ensure that ignition sources are minimized.
Highly concentrated oxygen in a high-pressure environment can spontaneously
ignite hydrocarbons such as oil and grease, resulting in fire or explosion. The heat
caused by rapid pressurization serves as the ignition source. For this reason,
storage vessels, regulators, piping and any other equipment used with highly
concentrated oxygen must be "oxygen-clean" prior to use, to ensure the absence of
potential fuels. This does not apply only to pure oxygen; any concentration
significantly higher than atmospheric (approximately 21%) carries a potential risk.

Hospitals in some jurisdictions, such as the UK, now operate no-smoking

policies, which although introduced for other reasons, supports the aim of keeping
ignition sources away from medical piped oxygen. Other recorded sources of
ignition of medically prescribed oxygen include candles, aromatherapy, medical
equipment, cooking, and unfortunately, deliberate vandalism. Smoking pipes,
cigars and cigarettes are of special concern. This does not entirely eliminate the
risk of injury with portable oxygen systems, especially if compliance is poor.[36]

In alternative medicine

Some practitioners of alternative medicine have promoted "oxygen therapy" as a

cure for many human ailments including AIDS, Alzheimer's disease and cancer.
The procedure may include injecting hydrogen peroxide, oxygenating blood, or
administering oxygen under pressure to the rectum, vagina, or other bodily
opening. According to the American Cancer Society, "available scientific
evidence does not support claims that putting oxygen-releasing chemicals into a
person's body is effective in treating cancer", and some of these treatments can be

Oxygen therapy while on aircraft

In the United States, most airlines restrict the devices allowed on board aircraft.
As a result, passengers are restricted in what devices they can use. Some airlines
will provide cylinders for passengers with an associated fee. Other airlines allow
passengers to carry on approved portable concentrators. However the lists of
approved devices varies by airline so passengers need to check with any airline
they are planning to fly on. Passengers are generally not allowed to carry on their
own cylinders. In all cases, passengers need to notify the airline in advance of
their equipment.

Effective May 13, 2009, the Department of Transportation and FAA ruled that a
select number of portable oxygen concentrators are approved for use on all
commercial flights.[38]

FAA regulations require larger airplanes to carry D-cylinders of oxygen for use in
an emergency.

See also
Underwater diving portal

Mechanical ventilation

Hyperbaric oxygen therapy

Oxygen bar

Emergency Medical Services

Respiratory Therapist

Oxygen tent

1. "Clinical Guidelines Update Oxygen" (PDF). Joint Royal
Colleges Ambulance Liaison Committee/Warwick University. April 2009.
Retrieved 2009-06-29.

2. McDonald, Christine F; Crockett, Alan J; Young, Iven H (2005).

"Adult domicilariary oxygen. Position statement of the Thoracic Society of
Australia and New Zealand". The Medical Journal of Australia 182 (12):

3. Stoller, JK.; Panos, RJ.; Krachman, S.; Doherty, DE.; Make, B.

(Jul 2010). "Oxygen therapy for patients with COPD: current evidence
and the long-term oxygen treatment trial.". Chest 138 (1): 17987.
doi:10.1378/chest.09-2555. PMC 2897694. PMID 20605816.

4. "Continuous or nocturnal oxygen therapy in hypoxemic chronic

obstructive lung disease: a clinical trial. Nocturnal Oxygen Therapy Trial
Group.". Ann Intern Med 93 (3): 3918. Sep 1980. doi:10.7326/0003-
4819-93-3-391. PMID 6776858.

5. Abernethy, Amy; McDonald, CF; Frith, PA; Clark, K; Herndon, JE

2nd; Marcello, J; Young, IH; Bull, J; Wilcock, A; Booth, S; Wheeler, JL;
Tulsky, JA; Crockett, AJ; Currow, DC (4 September 2010). "Effect of
palliative oxygen versus room air in relief of breathlessness in patients
with refractory dyspnoea: a double-blind, randomised controlled trial".
Lancet 376 (9743): 784793. doi:10.1016/S0140-6736(10)61115-4.
PMC 2962424. PMID 20816546.

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